Mim-I III. V& ratlin* Motidv ft ml l oWrr MSI vs. Wlaroflxln Much In Mrn'« IAI I'miiI tfru Puili- ti I.OH I* Vn inn MSlI Knr ."ill Y«-*r» I'lilrl. i KM s Mil r.M. Nil. fi» I'.ASI ANSI .Ml. Mlt'llHiAN KIMI'AV,1AM Alt V at, V.MIM ffi"' i Paris Police CorraI Hi ^Eilisls V J I wm r - * * Maneuvers # hit l>\ Haiti • IV"** I #»»» !• flltt* trim • ♦•Mtiiiiiiid llhii'TiTtiimM* fJ.lv f . |i. Al i.in:- r k- • ii I *. \ I 1 I *• (' III m ii J !• r , HtMII t'l'lll 111 I'b-r V' V »»-rs I hot ,U •"! > ■ i• f*l reel imtnoile- •li'tijiii'K I'i • i' I Ii I'll I'i ! I I'D:!, ' ■ ., sIihhI t.\ Ih'ir .trni* |l' l I .!!{' . !t , I »t ' ll'.'lllx *<» »>(*'•-! ;»■•« ««♦»»•• in I-, t IM i. ,'lt'iiHi I IM W< IV *i iritf Ih- KomIU \: . ih i. - .* - (H AM l"« *' I I >V f'« \I-WAI»-n u.»« •Male \«-«» I'liniii li« lain tinitiriuii contusion students .«n*| prnfcssots allk. .irr nflrM JJi.ll1. Ill I c .r-l.-i- l k« frrn-| Mil HH'AI- THIN I nl i vrruinr i dax h with ..r i u -"'lis i bri r ' «>) (Ml - lihr iiirrllitc «l friends III the lli-ikri roiiroillsr lair I" rlass % ichmIoUmii picsciiIIa mii IIk tlnnr . lilt rtilifsr Mica n»M*t stn|» In discuss the Uli-sl of Slmli'iil (mitre** |im(m** Im rrllrir *Miur nf IVIHg . . . 11.uri' n ■ » u r .,-»■• hpart %»% %I»H WIVMUs at the Ag Honors Hamtimt si.Hi. Vrit* I'n.tin H> tlill < iMili.ii •»f Hum '% a * 'ur- ;> 1 ate ptrtoird heir along Hilli progtam |daiinr|s guest speaker and member ol V|s| Itoanl i»l Hi.- 'i»-'»artuiif lir'i Via and speaker* I lell to tight arc r-o-chairman trusters; Vfartitl Yandrr nlout srhol.ir*hip aw aid \Slale Editors ( on for in Kollo**** .I ' font Cha!I-?". *'»p :n f"ar v »*•.,!«■ ' V% illtani Ibiiiviiii ami Itolirrt Nixon. .IriuiliMs xxinper; and llean Ihimia* < owdon dra.i nl Hie 'i a»nl I>*-Ir^a'e • N«i«l winner of the aclhlH award. Uattrti llnlt I ttllege of Agriculture With a prertstnu that betraxnl .-.a! |»a.i't 10- I. >uv; t» • lour |'l • lining the police moxed Mu U.MA ' l|i.* • ■ iiptp i' Ail H i" i llll'I'titl^H I ..er i 'in-? i i .i r.-..:r«e-n*a-' in mi lilg ami little (m|i alike r. ... i-ckH and ;»!♦ .< ; i M •!. s i Ifl !, I»|J(' I •! Ill 'I !' i' ■ ..I-. i'p 11 • Hr Inn a rier unI (halt# Hith- .ttl.f S.I* llt«i.l> !• d»e« Ihutsdax ntght In m cwmi- ,\|;i'hii;.iM I' Annual Farm W eek Siaiis l1 VW It'll' r ii i •" • Ml ma onil ■;>' ••• ,v gram I,MUX rier at the same lime he y s-i ul tn oiKi is i A .a lioitl O.ll— '•'! »' • M2 If III • . F.lau : VV'i VIP V i ihiiiiii - I't.iIi v.!! ,-iM- hiojdrast .m appeal foe an out .'laD-i of Ih« »'rng?'»- lot - a.niiuiM llnlierl Sliau I i«*K<< ; '.a in liiti' ^atnorimi vi'li:. ii pouring of %lgeru s B-shso to ISj . 4.tW--n:i MSI' •».- 'I M'l tioltth ii p'iaaVr . ,, f. : IV ' i. I'M ' \x f«»Ifl and Ml Hi *4III IPMIIMM Hill WHO A il; 0 v i ulr air AlSU Hoard «f harlt |le (ianlle. ' Ihts is designed to i.-ixe Hie Tkki-n arc mm >lf for t .r..gr;nM {-. mi.l t,» _ I'l iril Jlll.ISC* of Itt'M u -toe- l acludoii "'i Ho .So* He RaV'e tuj r« ..:?*. : w lip Oi.fi f!.(•( < t.rtlti IbldlM larmer* an np-to'date survey • tni Mr. ii.I.. W; |s. o I irp'i' it. ixvat B!,.ta. Jail In another action prompted In Jrlimit r.itiffins from hark-shnp \ ■',!<" 1 ul the lalrst In (arming and au Mot lot I \ U Fi ' 11. ..»»!o,!. a.ipiM-Mai|{ i.-ni Arm- A ■ Vlteiian exenls, the pnli.e set/ |iMkrup in adyrrtlsing promo- i-'i ' . < -.ie c. a 4 » g ■■ id - ■», inter • in nil nr.- education ..I Thurstfar's issue of fixe ! it .rili^ai lrm.ilHI'S-X ihri ili (*'•#'' A C • ' ■Ul ,1-1! Hi "I ■ ixerklx ranging froin .iiiill iviil '' , iit -a pi. •I'lra' ,• • M ■ •..mi!.; .--rile-. * pape.v •*»«■ .• .|' b aid I,t! 1 i». rial; ' (he t ommilliist left to the far .•« • • i K ( 1» To Ih'bolr aa Arur.'i^.. . , > ,11 I I, :-M; ;U»- A I.O -A it] r*|ltill tight. H haw II i* , s, tl'ifl JV.rU':, wi;i> " . piil.i-in Wall Slice: dm,..- lit ,i' D.i 1. NIAX |v.ifi"»v«:ehmer;'. n a'>' « <**'• 1 Miijj readv PJ ate "tie *x I :.*A . af-r i'wH'.il»• •• 'Uf K'Jf"5>ean »!' • d--;t s In EtI K iro Scu'iitific Writer !)isri|sses . •Hi. P.. • • . n ,'.••••• 'he \ t - r ■ • c-" ' •- -'-r .-ii 4-H tail-' i'i X .ikil •.•ere '• pa'hv Meclirine (lonlrol a-.- fail*; uf Ui. .1,-. • Mtvmimail • ... „vl h. i « ^ t ' • uw \t a career carnival show vmiltl n-f.t" to Ifearl.ng the speaker's list are sexer.il V|*l Ylffllt radetiwill prsM.iinrnt men including Sen he on hand to .mswer ,ui» uues- id iivi Tl i:\l it *r.iri'h 4ml Ihr anluillara Health Thill* % flart a 4ECIMM-* nirh a* flic Tiibercfi memto-r .if the senate agricul- m Md Of lion* farm aoiiitis mat carding militarv careers and Ob¬ have ie Ai: Standout* Shift Needs ■ i- p.tlcHV v v '• VfisinloriiiiilhMi nuilo.11 re- mmmltlee, and l.atireM lti*i* AiAurUliim, raiiic info lie- mm tt«r» Ha iiti*: k -\ « tV t'M II.Mi . *r.urli ml "woiiilrr ilriil*" the Ites Yloinrs ligations. Tons?.;, editor of Win Honors im!" 4 s.illi. -,i- • •'* O '.Aril' * vV«» :>f liMkr* |»TMplr think thev can |«#wa Kecister and Tribune. MM !» . ' '.t > ■» * . . I* i* i'ii Vmrut that Holf-iliflt-noti |a!u""' |ti'«»pl..* f"'. o hi I (lilv Police If .!.-o.r • . - , , a.L-xli--' J-s.lOif.i- If'. ' v. ,.r.- ' If- !'.)n I'nhm ThuiHi.i- !' ' i'.. h.m f uf ihr pnivnf n-rhr*h df , rip" it; ul ■> Tonight's "How dilfrr ■v »\;t f.»r"i»t JAVaa, Y»mU hrre for the a.-m - • . a, - ,i - i i- ttiir. It. a':Hi h;; I*-..'- VM*- If i laiotui the r mi" ivf (llearaiiee 1 1 • . |! .ir,- -.1 I'I i». }\.u ent derdeveloped im en: n topic. aid urograms nations max to un¬ Im- ■ Y.i'r^ Mifv .j. ih' t.a-r- • •- '» 'a - .• that ihr often 'iiM-riffai I Iff.« ' »f.e • '• !.. Ki l.iaile more effertHe." xx ill lie I in thr I• ?h" vvith iui-i r . 11 - i a -' I a ■ - kVhi'rcor I' <*« maii• <-i . , , tk* \} , - Ki-'i ,.i .fn discussed hx students represent Mtnacr" • a : iCrMAiifr' ■. T\* arc 11»o>i tampan!.' la be Tunc ■< 'iU' 'V ■ - ; . -(■(?!»!. I " « >!: in i! 70 nations. %s with the n .«-gard ng r • ,h ,-l " !ti . Ii-n It.I- - Initrd Nations in New Vork. rft uHj. phi kk'uui .. aud »»»•»»*;» vuv Piilfrr rr!nI nvrrzrahojf mkmI;- ■ ' l"*- • Fiiif; hJf ThPiiter. hui encouraged. Attending to •,vr «n*U i'i i." * i i'c-,; .«'t • / MUlitik Up I he , :ii t ol an uniraiikfir pni>- day st «; m ; vv ,■ night's meeting at M P will lie 'It »ji* Ihrn." ho Mid. "Ihai ; pohtir ,-i v..n f :i pir- iic .litfiutir thit Irrofimiii ami Tin' tei'-'i-etldbSWM. ma s«- .'0 students from t hailotle High 1 i*' of public I ii mi* for rt iatI i • '■ oith var.fi "iruu> .;-•«• .'»'a.;a V IH'I'fct't" and. the F '• '■ *>' - school Their purpose xyill he ' ..PA '..t'ti■ 'fi' iHo' tit iit,n"o." tit-ni AfTauy sh»:»A a - li-Un d-stprti-ii'i,-is, .% .jr '.a . ■ pus I nited Nations in action H f. • ^ . lie *aid. v ;v; slottiUI True hr nratiaeiHC. punished. "Rut w hen «».*• 'fu- Ti'- dx-a:« d .tudenv . r ;t •«. IVIiaikovvskv To i D II I- Kl • 4 physician br surgeon is penal- 'he h-.u' .tu - d • eh „...a•-■{■i-,-X! 1 •/rd for rendering the most hunts. v-.*.-ur;s EfV;, modern and aceepted treatment h«'U«;nsj '.If ve iff '■ f - •M.ir its* uffU'e • Tl ra» then when one !><•« approaches the day experimental treat¬ Arrests uoold ooIa he o.ade I'al's IhwifiiiiT IMiiii* Fn-in-li Ih-eorr ment or operation ax ill vanish." T r— ; >! vilj prrltops b*- if a xiolatiun of .1 rivil law *«-" J-Hop I Aires Snllirnn Sol Man ■■ ■ ' .'.b«»n! .. pot'-hlm! a« disturhing the oeaee o» rogr*— tributinr to the delioouencx «* Kia o • . . rv t.f "hie minor* incurred. piiUeM Or hi- iv'ill u.-i- to ■ •• ?Sti%. m-ajf/J of CortiMtm- for K-ns >*. i '••• ••.*>" -*>-'b• • ■{-■ ■ - ■■ ■- 11 Mai »r, - 'M. f> N-. * Y * u - .ch i biT-.r" a * h ' K f-s'art.M Iajmo' a it) e - «a :hra • " 'it «itid .co.U'd n.iV- •:> A',r.x < duct ihe 120 musicians with a.;* job uf t hi*, mr » - ftaokcf stiifrtn. telloW and \al ivi; ' -•. a-, r'r, ,• lYdter point*.'*! !he •.hu;:'n: i'i-! v . 7 ' -v ■n V -;»M i ... fit- »n t !h«' public what i w- |od:v> *ui> «• - • mi Miswt Aiolinist a* featured S '>!*. A J ! 'Ji ' ■ HuA •'.« • it . t.«*ts t i r • in tit ,-tx i.il and econo¬ Fru'cn ' - if .• •* mic .-air* of mofiieine * i y* v'» S'.. •'» •; Si k ;,.i ;-ei ui i?> mcdiciti In nc- :>U'- huu -!■*. ' t •> ' 7 - fit---. f.« - Ho«i ••:'*{ hts Ai'itl troth H it v unio.'i jiviMiw ' nrtHftOir • arc all i-jiio .-ubjeeti. ttif public need.* '■< Ki-iiii4-.lv litlriiilm • • ^ A r. T-< ' -x i'-i be a v•' - ' Win ,!-ii Y- know at«u*. he sum 'Vrr/JCh Hii'*• llill lii llrii|i * ffiiltvil 2 T• Totter mentioned the f'orand a a . -. hill introdueed in Congress to W.ASHINIJTijN f V - 11*1 ll.ar|ivi«-liorili>l J-H -p ~ U' S'v i-Ia5?"!-' '0- -• In'. put mmpulsory health insurance 1 ir.iJ. et,. A>fefyc*^f-3 Junn K-tuned.v »D-YU - to IVt-M-iil llaihfi-l . Into the social security program. duce.i % blU Tiurcs'i * «... i nz : fjuuta.n. *1 *' - • v -b He asked. "Is Ibis not a form *.«; F. - st Vtcu>r Wolf. r.a. kii'.i a ax d 'oaevci- nat« tne oon-oxm -tun >; ah - - of goi element medicine?" "Is davit ; Vacn', r^-;b»: i | c.v 20 'it ,n d: u SU.1 iCs rdtjaircT r»f •" ;• .. • this ax hat the public really r.- .• ;viU • .*m : ■ - -il A I ! vs.fi i'ii' ;5i".iL-;-ful (Jri.-Vk i*0Iww .r and si•?*.,«:" CM 4 •• fifty -Si". .1 j.r cXf'Iiiihc.l th«t' ttucwtiims fence EducatiiKi A ' ,y ■ Hi v l v, , .. . like this can oniy be an-VHcred • Sens, Clartt -'D-P;* r> Wolf! 'viU be as.y;U> .:t i--?x» iuc'j .a 750 > art!-. ->f ■A o... h 't-?nd:Uvvcl Ti-. ■ -tr-. *. -i and Jac-b Javtt* (R-N'Y' i \lSlr Faculty Slrinst Quarte* red velvet Never bef | ■, ftiur- K'-- kti" J1 l.v-c.cT l.;k:"i;.U T.» i.fe® - aot.r «" - t;v a. ti ll informed public. It ir. , . r HoniW! Tata ah.I wilt aAb<„-i>ucc ' fiex~»r' so. fiat ■ •i rtolir.i-i'- iuch ylubofate dccurat.mis pit i*hc of :<«« the 1 *b of inedk*a! reporting; to ed hh-n a.I co-epoa^-p- have give 'hem the righi lnfonnatum, Kennedy"# biJl. a mo'Sxf.:'. >■• Ji i\ri N.b! cc'!t*i.n ta.nii* >ivts provided tor a anivert.:iy Mc.% t-.-»kw?t he:, aa-j or Ui.u) -if iXtity. "Son Ti-tter. Jr.. abet vlolmt t.xrrun da ;k'v for '.hp. .ir»* ...rf-* I' x b' f* d '«»«* l-.J T«rr.v - he *oo*j*>reh — The V. trs lecture are spun- of one >•" . [ . A.4IC K'lM rwo »♦ 1MB Caltoh.B BpAlso or., the program The a'.rr-.o- phcrr' of a Trcrscn rn incnt tgopli? ♦x-: for *.! V vha !lv.-;0- 1KI0D Mt.ttir.AL RF.raiTI>T. U U> k,r U pnrrr nmmmnki- - .-.-(h? ••• the Michb^n Tuber- year, would leave uam*ng<-;s . oatfc of Y'irjlnia Gk*dman. string a*.;no will continue even <».:;• But !he other .-t i- n cnterU^nmesst T *«- As.v>ci*tion in memory toe allegiance re-^-.r-"- ; < . IaJJ"*"» Uw i-ul wis , MHIkr.l pn(r»iGll .1,4 the Ullllll'. Bolwrt l^ilir. . »n4 »:s . h ""•»t io a N>w Tort Hmtris*. M4 > ...up , loan recipients. ♦lytv. i ve, they will be ^reeUiti uu- teiTding tfic 'dbacc wiii a.-a w« d«H. t'aiaa i44ii» ThirWi, iVgatdcni front 1047 to 1049. ' A|it'lliiz:i 11 Stale INYws Big Mama Hatred T Head Hail? t>» MM * JVflOrt StudmU (llil t'aiHitlv Theme l-rUsevn iS*r »■■ Of Novel •v.;-. Mrswt- ■ • , \ :«Vil » I »i.i\ <.."'..r\1 *.»«;«» Pave M \ : Itnteil Simii Seienee Pietion • hlilitriiil • Thf (Miuin Ones Symbol !No (ground My Jerry Sethi Mimthail and I nr. »!,15 For Arl ol Seizure4 when a man. just Start I in»r th intra happen by his Cumjiui Cl»»ilflnl« . . I#)w Co«t very prest'nee, causes peo¬ . 11ll x(\ \x||K S \ . , .if.ti at"' >« — ple to uncontrollably bate or Imlnn- >1 , \i^ru-»n fear him. lVople are not >k * hut ctvatisl tine a CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS , i • .t. alone In feeling this reac¬ •••V'INJ iiii'"' ■ • lb:* t.-Mitef'-itt tion; birds, tlops ami cats >:-s v»..!»• '' iv". ''i''v* the <\ !t»t»t that u»b?. ■' attack him viciously. III kill IM S I pm. Ilav tlrfart Tuhllfalinn for Tups, Upd., vr . • v. •» i'iVi'^.iim ii'tlu'atixe of » Pm a man to l»e thu% can- Thurs. and Art lililions liradlinr Pni Mnn. Idition: I pm in imnttst,' for no Apparent reumio, Hill* favahle 1 11 and t-!t Mondav through Irldar u .n i- h ot jnihiu* for •s :n!ertve.-*'''.t sut»vet u* would give him s«»mc reason KIP 2*1511 EXT. 2815 thought. c>|NVlall,y about how to :.«rt »t*— r I«m-t further tnn»t»l«'*4»nti» qiic4tt«»tiin»r. l.ve with himself, as it ts tmpoa- x.t»!e for him to be near any W f »>•,. i h:»rni!t*«-» wiiulevt ot ter living thing AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING ■ \t ,'tHHt t.i-ti* »•'" »!*»! - hu- catiatsl Manv writers have Riven the tssr-.rsaj;*. .-wv-u. '.■.'.■:::KMCTs,.asi — - • "=t — .I"' ■»!< I 'WrtAaatT: vrjaaag > rs- >OR HINT - ... {'» • ' ' • bt'i'.itM' \\»'. . :iiOM£ With H'lt i> ohtetn of living with mtaeU I <16 ("TI HVS I. KM VIHSTlirvM eonsutertttton—Mr. Sold ciiinir \n\ M> •• >il IlK ougln'»il Mace . ,v> t_: M • S'. S *M\f k'i'ii dnHett venous iii.Hlrl MkVp «»•! t all l*"» Ni"iu. ROOMk has not. He has created a situ* ri> >-a»»a» arier a :*• la "••-I-.- c-'urM-- ! • t\ - '"'H'i. h\ itnv'. i> meanmirleat. 41 ion "which could serve as foun- •1 I,AHOF IWU III i HH.IM 4 B |. " IMS fOHH TWO-tK'MVP F.«Min" |. Ai.|»ru\nl lot irru liirt )•. »»,.«• -j. •• f a -v" uhwu ennnotei .1 mimlvr iiatlon for g»*»d thinking tn- C.O »i4iid.«r.| slufl V K engine J m»< I• uui llrrhpv (..hmI * 1 mlv » • xtead ho has written so-so aiionl miles IV.4d**" " |.- I'.r Private ri.linur kivl It t*tan*! e a- the iH'sM'4*or t»f alien tn'liets? action. ■''13 Jl.ohU i j) 2 gins science |«5S PLYMOUTH ItKI VTOI Mi alRfp' eRReerRa llaelf with f....I-.I.M.i powprUvte esiellenl . » *:av-. t«» train atte- the ill 1 ion IV w-WVH first rimmI uirei LOST and FOUND ihr gRincs •« sf a «r««|i «rf eal- . Htv'ar-.'.t ? -W • 't •«•< no* othorw n*» niamle^t Hie tege iraduales when Mtmeone or kVHI finanrr VIH HAWAII FN iiOOtl nip* a »■-x:rah.e heh» :» : - twaCtika may ct»nnoW ? sonirlhlni makes several of IHVi ('lldllli 41 CiilllllllOIV N.I ru*l .Ml hull I i m odious In Hie world. Two shisi i.li Mil aiiei ft :*» H Nk!> which i* certainly cntitUnl t-» Ihrnt PFRKON Willi I.M'NIi \ ' ahiuiM » \* «' i.iiila.mne II imri < it*-, *, menihrrs of Ihe group deeMe lo YOt'RbM.I A p.mhI ileal "»» ' \ioU vt iiKitnrrtU'c or fttteirist t;FT Il.tll Tues.ldi ,01*71. . . .:neivir'P> slriith out Ihe rau«e. The* have a 1 'Min Ial.-.m "i Irum a »..nn- n.r li MM* a rtuv ■ , . . f the government he prt\ i «-t M.mi xiifilpnl si-^ iiriif NeUleo <•! \u.':»•?•* opportunilv lo invevtigale Ihr 41 M i* Cotix |... IV 4-SOU a lir M Mlllll (Sl Hi |'| . ecr • to enter a v '-.vr - «twe!Ur>r and iim'p what ia nothmi: psvchologiral prolilrins of such 4 situation hut prefer to plav 4 HftAKFH KVWI'liTi IIFLINIM. ... fx. .. ereatex) n a moment of frivolitv " llrrftliH k M «!«« «/«*• fa l/illfM I'.", ami (iu A.lliistMiP'it D'» O.mmI PERSONAL lather conventional game of i.-piI lor- ( ii.yMUiun |lr»he Itvlin r. 3«»|i» K K.1*11.11. >»'' IV cups and rohhers. I'Ri I AW H! i |u -. 1 -. liu -r a*-P W-UII; „r, • •• w (,■ • j«,<• | I, . i ! > .■* Ihva I-T l>er 1 slipping ''•»' * juice ihtO h:* MAt ht'luppn 1. 1.-. rcprvv".\'t•>'. ;> a UVHV *11' I'lTI FIlM uoee >1 Niiiitiai NO rn Off-Campus Proposal Holier? ;4 • -• Hit' . till'- . ■ euk-oe'x shaving lotion «'« I vifpt. KrU'ionr. reumred « Fd 1 -tww a hen found out thrtiw* himself i. .. ONI OF VOI a I ! r\:"C a-.:. C.ni'. v-'-V.k • lil.ndiv Into a sewage sediment HHi'ii rt rriK KXi't'tiim rii (mh Ii «u a.M'e'l «•<>«'.> • f tind-,,'-*! in "t c w rMud Fvervoue seem*, happv at »i,-„ .Mill i •«11 hI Salai V M.ork I'm-* •l.i» x ar-i at I ..i ..j (. ,i.|*. - H« MM. I tl UlltN xi riii'l,". 1 ri.li" lit iia.Hlol' MPs' •»lmk l.kc nmir I- •tie en.t (cvceio lb«* •teadl h»o- 1, N III.IHI; r ihhI'. I• W ii! Mir ur I ' ■ •fTvlVli". • froo, that sc.ehcr iiu.cn was no> 1 i.lir. t 11. |l,4i si, ,. ' ■» ' .i' • '"V W ■' . "• 1 ■■«■ • w » WOl l l» I IKF *" * (|««a"- * l air 2-iryftI in M m 1 .el n 'hi tin 1 .oni tinir i ve lic.l t m:\i-.-IIi •■. ,'!• |i.M-trx|e.l xO V 1 ' u' I «'•• ;.t v ;■» ' : i»t nvM' ' • , ,41104 tut iu(i ihilOIri' hiiiI •>." uif vvrsi i 11ass 1 (ndivates 'The I,,..,, m. 4H..114IIV 4- atiernuoM <• trilii OaOM-x (» • -i. • tVr-.v, * r\V fie airmrtl* Rillrrv " -III thf i.lf « «•' I"- ." va»lun» ( al! l it r-RVM h ii'iii i* hofimv V.he uiiiioaginuhv e NVV VS I H.Ai.FHY I" virra.n.l i:iveoM>nal ; iu.s< '' I - ; I'aul Kent! t\4*P « *'-»N ''it .«'■ t «'!H llll I'AHT T1MF WORK l» "l vmir hiri'. t»t* 1. 1 pitiiie married matf ?? ur * r- i .* 1 ,t • r-M tie ■''VU.1 u v < . rr Hiih i-ar lann.ir area Aimh- * » • ' ,i ,• .-r.-tvi* a vw.i>*:k<* «»r Sj i | Mi. Hiaan .Ai'MUiP l..'"*'1"' v - •• • • - \ ttliiuiK It tl>r |»rrM-nt ***tfiii am 1 kiip du'iiie »' * <»*' " !»»•?««! f\t'T hat njf >«•»"'. • ••■»• t- a-.-f shouM "fie .»ppr*».i« n-- t INFORMATION ' tv. •*.' ui; •. -ex. lu* tt% ltmil«tt*n* *nit tnr«tuitir* r" :> » "en * e to" t." «• . ' u'* -f ; V .» *..<' i ert * k »! it a>»«•* tftir Ui trrp Mudriit* .* •!•, . int *t Shiitr'-. s may is «•!' FOR SALE >\t».o • o-f .1- >M, a.- g . - 1-1 itv * ••••» • ' ' ' f lUtiin w(T thf (Milirr hlwltrr (nr N4i iMA' I'OAI Mpy l* rplmrd 'V o • ..■ »■ M'.irs ,i' \ niivlrnirimiu 4111I nthrr nnnot I,,.. r.rls Nam* Xti W Irfuul. < REAL ESTATE rtintr* thh» woiiht tin tonsri i|«litor's Note the \lpvvv rv II.1i! i:n 2-2.MW i* •' ' -Cat .. "V ' • hp true under Ihr (mm »f the «ltil' presspd this rolumii do not iOR SJkLC . . On (hi> wthfi hiiid in I ill K vINtdKv |I0 HttAKMSf TONUS ni.»H> oludrnU diwu»*rd If"' prwpntjl ••eeessaitlf 1 tiler I thusp »»f ihe ■ J11 Ever green V ' I VHT I ANs|\(, editoiial ho.itd of thf Malr GOOD pmiHMll with an 4ir »»l rntliu* \ A , V-l it ' .ise ii»m 4»ki iriotftm. t think thror \ • i'«« ua.tv c • .1. ;> nUiulitil* MieliiH»: a*irie« K»a»t Baft :-!«g .•ii iv " 4 ■ ■ Wprt n J \*Pi lllll.il (HUAIHTIOVi I" A hi I AN • »»» t|«\arU. Rt"» l|f»»t Iti.h v.. I til r*»» Idh.t Inn lurk RMUH. Schuiiartfl t wins in ' • Inuti'i. Milt t lUihin. »S'i'i Jim Willitin-n « hurt kurvMrl John ViRillll a pm, Kiva IhscussUm of !<«#< i|i» Urn ll'ill' F teign Ecotiomic Aids" « i <••>! fua'S"tr«d Hurn« lltttii Man it* t Mrlrn t null t *i?i4cr HKtitfinr • MiM'f I <*■»..# NiTIRIIiY >wwi Miiw 1 fiimr /rkrt l«arkrtn*tn Mhuj.i v-rm llmu Rilall V'tutrt l>i. k |*r»jin. W U.AM H THOMPSON \ulti 14itt»r* ss«i«n ||i.|i*i»» Kill Kiflnun. lot Rriail Minurr litnul MM v HOUUNti riKIV Mi run l«B*n» Kuttt Jin. tti.t'i Vuionat tdvetliiRi 7.1(1 no . Sj»flrtin A■>ss Sltth I'O \14ht l.raitt- W »t» iiiiiHNi riLumtiiup ton lUnrr Hank IW-nxtptn l.nt» %v»'t Viiiniwi tJifitnmc tl*n*»pr r4»«d#p C»«lr. IV Y0!4« • Rl IIRI Hv»»nl ttprwip u..U. Pm) I'll Ktik'-n l,» . t ItuMl'Ml UiMt't tirginia .to |» m., SiVHien' I'd.on VnM tp«m t4H#n t»»i *«lfl ftkut mg; l*»t M. t \M» RHI RY ( t i n —G Ouiryh. • pm. Ait Santa Iftpc.rate for dance FOR RiNT —*.. ..... .AMlRlCAN RID »* *1 ii»Xiiii'rii'aii NN;i\ «»f l.ift'* M-! 1 Anghcan pm, All Saintg Church Anucy" An a.t- F AST t-AVAIN'O—kW Virem T-.s- 1-pdr*»m bumalow AutrPMatu* hfa" iv } »♦ f .til ha»PTneni alllc and tar age IV oari*h stance vponvored by 2-M"< after S SO Is. and York Club Solons i anterbury Kip One-House Plan EXPERT TFRM f A'T" MX BOOM ri HXISItrn house for lining c»e ele.iru 8lX0.it 1* men *tw»'•'" :t %* t ?• i* y#»u*«(» • »«.«# # serves de*lint with the aRirjw I'hvirch APART MINTS pi»«trir machine at re»* * - e»4l (ft»sj4lor* ef Nftirnki and is OH: . , a cmoke- t all Mrs. Pierstr.a. FD t"u ttlSJ SIPfIR Ihe |»rep..s4f that Vliehntn Fast lanmno *.* room* « ;> m , Mar:. ! l.u::^r Chajwi. fire* finer, unfurnished aparrmpnt, SPARTAN !iT*" aJopt this svstpni Todav s o H'sKi-w- w.e?r.bi'f s »-at 4Mil water furnished Walking TYPINO seme ^«r( Illl.l 11 (lOl NDATIOM original Mm Good*"' rn i». \r »s based en ir inters lew »( linp *u« h dissfntrr h Rep t; the Tea' w u *.no »ta> S> - rt'.danoe 16 college and M-hool* SISS n nn. H'.Uel House Supper- ro »i viohtgsn Wi*Ui#r* imUon u n o Itrirn . li-llrtnarral). a sup- »'■> •T?m* WT.i.mri»l p!ar. rep. r- TYPING—TERM PAPER; ' ciub. Prof M Rokeach will porter of both reapportionmrn't scuu'.ves MOT. w be 0 .1- WKBRR FRANOOIt KEARr Mod- mfar fast and ge*«t»t» ihr propo** I 1 • nak on Prejudice aftd He* > A dam I FD t-kM* e*n h.Uding. newlr furnwhed. and » ronstitutienat ronvrntioti f-v S.X|,- 1-1 r •. sen.ltor* / ♦. •, - or' Disturbances " t fee rwm ceramic r«ath »ard- _ B- I t\ Mil I* \K|l t - a-rrsera' Vc».'a "v. res *r* n» 4ther nroKvTT '.*v»n the r. he »-ln*er« waahei doer fitv KAY RIDER aT re<1 ; "« ' >' :• ■ YtH'Nti SOtTAIJSTS vioa eieotrtptty. mvfwrwtghed fifth through winter term \ uppc • X - • ■ 'C X • • , ■ ; 30 C . :u t'nmr Di Stan, rr> T ivftw 11 groun* Heated part* roe" »■i ■ A» ' 'e, • OTV en Ibmoe now foe IU -6lenH of Sduca'or in gsect;!" ^ ■ e ■ cvfr •* V'v vn ' cvec.s g" 'he tmutiea furnished EO 1-1 Hi IJ MCATION Our IBM -i.. -1. • j - 4 Cani'.aUsi Society " I*ut>5ic nr carnage and w■■wr**£jJ\ 11 ■ " 1 • : ' rt' P » -. -4:.'.od . *rr ac.cc.e* • x.y.% the j>ao* kfin'.a* ve *'e fy>! s-.» apjwa .hg Vj tn# tcg- Center. Record dance M F.VTh rinae *0 ramou*.. one and tow rates to *tudettt» ^ ; •* J' .sg islathrs t»n bed men.* Lhgfurniahed ecoetx used TV sets and , A tt*a* t *"p present refrtgerator and iter* EO IHftftf *f tube checking fms PA'*^ V. Nebraska, the bathed »f forw- c> ••«r. ts a hvsax or. -The only war sou ran have » p nv dalle T V V*I«*a ; . JI 30J» E Michigan. IV T*R« f j; f r" - o r. Srit fRRMfvitlaa. t« irwnkatts och legislative rfticirno is hy de- rrre." is thp up ane reprrsen- TYPIST"ANN «nl» »UU the nnH»w ta (ifjc4ik; rive peac<»fxtji3r life Cm Be... BROW N f' rfce in ei •' • ;w. u ry,; 4.? '!•- ; e lative put It. N'sturallj tins MEN ROOM AXD hc^rd Lrt J.jaSO FleCtriC tepee r>»" . hi if e\ pee imented in this revw. < «• • .?f." be »Jy> l-ar*me heme, -home ©nvilege* aia tor John naoer* and t'.e*i*. also W "4 J - 4 Utroprarp sebauve B-c* i ietiL |t " *4 J*-.' y r» * a #ed M ,-civ, s c -rpssps. ".c.-aineTt!j»m U 011!' f Pfi:iw»'.*ptikal'.y gpealUAg. for¬ - ( ^ ! ■*'" ** ■ * -* *" - r*ri:*y r* *?s h- RIDF: COMMUTE ESJV.ri > »: vt* NVara'-y* «''scv-.. Spartan VUlaee -l*^' • -«d "• "The real success or failure c;f ntnore education major frcm BOOM NEAR CAM PL'S one or "** 4' f "•* tfi* >n \nn Arhan. a Vowug Turk re* fiv* das* a week Have WW * . ■ . 1*0 working twit o» student* Home :n Lar,T-.r;g *-,» fnrjnrr think* the state's prah- anv g.nfinmert s nil to be Fvhteveport. I«s. Miss EngUah iri- privilege* ED 3-C77J if ai i1» IV t-lfcw after >& tend* to teach English. And, lems wilt hes| ha SRlved nithin found -m the f'ory, g>vem- ROOMS FOR nVE students. Clean RIDt COMMUTE ftrTWd.v or H " '• J added the Negro coii^a pvkrii- • 4 V , anx the e titling tua-hoase frame* r.ier.t." Young ssy>. '•but .a ia$ snd neatly furnished it pot wees M'A -It a Uvm* toR." M »o *•» t mm. h%.< :»!an j^matXk' • f-arm-siko * - work- indivyduais wtva run I iiicmran htstz wrurn Wins (i ftloillIlM I'jinn to I.ill-oil January 3d, |fl«IO Pair Tt»m Police ("heck Two Cases of Theft Urou/i lo Stag* One-Art I'layt \nlouio Piiu-liiiuil, MSLLGoliatli Two fheftt were reported to the Department of Public Safotjr dresser and that everyone wast aware of this discovered the theft tie had lost Ills key*. When he wput to the I.or til Urania The Community Circle Play¬ "This l.y Property is Condemned** Tennessee Willlsrn-., "Aria Wedlie-sdav. Annther student reported !• Music building tie felt that ers of I.ioi-nig will present three Miohlfjiin State's Onliuth wan ila Capo" l.y Edna St Vincent A student in West Vakeley puller thai his clarinet valued something was amiss when lie one-act plays tonight a*—#"30 cho>rn ut the I .neon Theater told Millay and an original Krench hall pollee that $.10 wax at $'flt0 was taken from his saw his previously ha ked locker 112t» Sheridan St In {.anting. Ttniiiilfiv night Antonio I'ineh- takt^i from Iter unliH-ked room lueker In Ihe Music hutldlng open and found Ids lost key* al pantonine by Jt »ca Grow, i^vii- inm, grnfiogle student in sometime somelluie lursdav ur Wednes¬ Inside hut the clarinet missing The piogruin will Include aing senior. Wednesday. She said ngnrtilturr. wag Judged first in day. Other valuable musical Instru¬ that she kept the money in a .1 field of nine contestant*, lie metal candy container on tier Me told police that before he ment* were not taken, he said. Cam pun ClRflflifietln . . , I.ow Coat won s trophy and a sin-month pans to the l.tii'tm ' Pim-hiiwtt, who in 5' 4" till! and ueii>h* 142 pounds, This Sunday wav Attend Church . third in tin- I'>:,<» Mr {hull eon- test Olirer winners are Caul Hlav- Itaek, lieu III sophoniorr. aerond; ami .terra lliavei. Jarkaon freshman. third Nla shark. Ihe second place winner in llir Jun¬ KAST LANSINt; CHURCHES ior Sir Michigan conies! Satur¬ day, won a Ihree-mnnlh pass In (he lucon. and Thayer won a Iwu ntnnlh pass. The jinltjc. were Carol Wan- treriiian, len It «ip. I..m-.njj freshman, Kt- Idinsing xopho- EAST LANSING UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN PEONIES CHURCH CHRISTIAN FIRST CHURCH OF in.u i Su»an Netman, Traverse CHRIST, SCIENTIST , City Junior, and Mrs. Gordon TRINITY CHURCH CHURCH STUDENT Smith- After the contest, .lay Siegi I. EAST LANSING lRl»R«mlHlM«Nll Philadelphia sophomore; and AND STUDENT CENTER SH 9!, *#ra*4 BHee Clary H'Neit, Drayton Plain* Da Spartan Avenue iiiteritetuunlfiatlonal FOUNDATION freshman. Save an Olympie Rn R- MliRM «IUU«« Pact laaalor weight-lifting exhibition. Siegel imniiin aitd Ann street. I I . Pa el or (3 klnihi North of Herltey Nslll ?oo Hrit nriroe Niter It silrhtisn is the Pennsylvania state Irtl- I notch linlta II A M lir. p Marlon atninia l|S W I.rand Niter pi»und champion, and O'Neil rampn* hanr; donate W Merh woasnir iiavitii IcSaal HAM MS| '* CaOl.lA'l'H is ll.iiiun Mutlt'iit Antonio riinhiii.il (fftilrri. won the IftiV-pound AALJ Junior ■•■idenl Psklor' I harlr* Kllolol.h llev. Nov J. sihraoon Sundae III 5-SMI or III Mill ' Joseph A. Porter. Minuter KuHiiritiP 1'iul .sl4vt».u k (right) ami Ihtnl |>I in- uinner Jerry »'lampioiuhip in Detroit Satur- a la a II aa a m. Sftndtera Uttvrr alio won It-malr Judges' approval (or I114W11 development "THR RORRKXOWUIK.i: StJNbAV PNtrr.NAM •«SM si Mi SS %R NS It I. or god" W»S* I hinii IU»rii*fiiiti Sri ttJMpAf T:M p m i A SI PI * VRSPRHS Service*! a im. ja il. I|;J» A.M. • WHAT Is IMP I III Nt M*" iili-ntK of Kin in Wednesday! I tea lag Meeting S P M. •rn» Wilis rill, • Nuraerv: All StrvlfM ltp» Joloi r SV Howell J so P.M. or miti Mr.a" OUND •i h»JN ii.ivo •uaAay Nrhonl; • M, IS IS A.M. t.n. lilt I attains h| Are* I lion lien toomll ll ill.- II,*|. .11 I OlHRa IRRVIfRR Rtu«enl tiro II in AM. "NSMHOI H AMI (At'ltSMRkU Needing Nocoa OP I HIIISII SMI V ' will he Ihe 'i-U « v.r> oil . K. a IS a m. aumlav Irkol allfe lo|(ir of a goMed lour of the Sanc¬ 111 W. r.fand Nlvcr ''lOU'T'til Hi Ku . rluwi fof I sloiillv lltlntl tuary and Met ore I'hapel I nlhrran simtrni* A*«or. 1! r |h. I s ia rw. auppcr niMH hopper iMrt Al People a I loin h. Ur P Marlon . l ia r M All ore neireme la attend rnurtg All t aivarsllv atudcnls W»Icmu Xlinm* Mill he goral leader fur Oil* • aa |» SI S|irsher |rr Jack Per- I bsii N School Servirea. nnd »!»« and Nw oil}! f;:u prugraio. 1.aa W*en#«4sv . p.m. • IS A M. li W A M nl< by, Itept ot sioor trlh room ihrnoih high athool ago Needing ■•ew*. •arvlap JAL C-J21 4- cf ST. JOHN CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH Of EDGEWOOD EASTMINSTER LUTHER CHAPEL !:ihs Snyder, 4 CATHOLIC STUDENT EAST LANSING PEOPLES CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN AND fasor, and and STUOENT CENTER CENTER Interdenominational CHURCH Abbot Halls WESLEY FOUNDATION M* N. Hagadorn Bead Nev. Mohert I.. Moretand. Minister iMIiiavrl Si nod | Hpip or« (©oily wonderful savings 11 kin'rki north of firand Blvtvl MS Mlvlslnn Street, R l„ PR. R. Bsvaaangh I'R. T Klppld ill Abbott Moed •SlUnd M. Tennanl. Nev. Truman A. Morrlaan. Minister on our long wearing nylon tricot HI M A I. Aseau* r.aorga L. Jordan thf shortest ittty .Mlnlaldrs Bey. Bohlnaon (J. I.app. Mlnl.ler • t.xnu PNOr.NAM briefs! Full-cut for comfort with R l. Jr. HUN school, aid Akheti Bd. Mm. J. SHttaa, Pddkeff to clean clothes aaadav Slaaeaa riisdar Worahlp — Sunday Service* Al Chapel And Par sewage elastici/ed waist and leg bands Md • a u • I# dd • li id • id a.m. Church School and Adult lUabv anting al I IS * • Jd AM. A II.as A.M. study In which students ara wel¬ »« near yon Telepheaei kb T-477S White, pink, maiie. Sizes 5 to 7. Id dd Maaaeal • m. Hed Cedar Scheol come. f'rlShety and Nuradty ara Ode moth Waal of S. Narrlaun Nd. Sf.B.MON provided. Dailv Maaeed III A i dd A.M. on Savar Mr. BV J&L CenReagNMia Uallv S dS A.M. A II «d am. Slate 1 heal re lo Id a m. Wnrvhlp and rnnttnalng Nev. I rumen A. Morrison liivin* w^chip. yea, ism, 11 IS Nursery for hoih Service* I hurt h h«hoo| lor Ihlrd grada and A IS r M. IdHer Notary > A M. under. Saturday «-* sa * ua-s aa p.m. Sessions Al TATE HttfrMHWal Church School • ;)• A I! '* A M. adentv ffuiana Bena) "tMV MNMiUM ON P4NTM * • • d-> v-'n.j f4THni.tr STIDSNT ONI.ANI¬ Crlh room through Junior High kippers am p.3t liinolhv t IJurhln, Speaker • id am. Collegd fle»« Wesley Hi i iti\ i « TA flON MRRIR BI NDAT i %sf living HI P.M. Junior High rellenvhip. t PM Sit MINIS WItCMMB V#«perd lit fa. Id J# a.m. Ail Aim Call Kit J ill* for lran*porUUew Bus Service Avallakla Phsrid ll» 1-tllS Bad Cedar School High School Pallowahip-I Id t p.m. ALL SAINTS ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH FIRST WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH North .Magnolia Avs. ai E. Michigan EPISCOPAL CHURCH (Missnarl Synodr JIM Haatelt Boad Nev. Geerga D. Nil.on — Mial»»*» (•« Mils Rati of Hagadorn Road* Leal (.anting •Sd Abbett Bead — KB S-tllS Sunday School — y is A.M. CE Hev. John P. Porter • Chaplain Morning Werahlp — Has AM, Bey. Ceerdnn M. Jenea, Barter Sunday School su AM. Bav. Babert Gardner Vouih Service — f.Sd P M, BI NDAT SKBVICSS SUNDAY WORSHIP IS;M A M I letting get vice —• 7:bd P.M. SdS A.M. Holy Cnmainnlnn • M A.M. Merntns Prayst a* 1 hev. George W. I;. Mrkel.Surg lljdt A.M. Manias Prayer or Common lew, daman nnd Holy ST. ANDREW'S EASTERN EAST IANSMG PM Mtll ar RD t-mi Chnrth School CANTKABCBT CLl'B 0RTH000X CHURCH UNITY CENTER i n P.M. Snnday ITl W. Grand Biter - ?«{7 North Katt Street, Bo ale g. Miller, PaadeP U S. 27. (.anting Meparlnraa from Campus IS M A M. uikhrlrt Hall ParhWa Attend The Church • 00 a.M. I orife*»ioii« Sunday Morning Wervhrp llddg Sunday ftlwti II ad Uk i»i.naid I ircie — • ale*at Lei • Ui A.M. Helen I la*a — OrgaaUaS ld:«S A.M. Battarftetd study CUnet Monday and Weda IS iS A.M. Shaw Hall Parhlag l ot Id Sd A.M. Mason Hall Parhlag Lei Of Your Choice Student* tion call: who nerd Marianne transporta¬ Tbach, MS day atening* at • m pat. Unity AffUiaied school of eitt « an«iaagq Brtnrna fa Bams Point A Her t a.t l.andon Hall. > »*» Mmeewrl Chnrth This Sunday Welcome To ? VIMS' BETHANY BAPTIST CENTRAL METNOMSI rn rmv OLIVET BAPTIST .rnnii!* INTER-CITY HIIE CHURCH CHURCH OUCH CHURCH jgll k. michigan ibou s pennaylvanl* Avenue Uml«| Ottawa »T Cipul nib R Michigan PAPC*; H«T. WUUam HartmaN. Pa.lor BfiV. C- J. TLTNSTKA. PAblOK * ib A.M. Worship service* *t III and MAS <«♦**» b Sunday Srhool SUNDAY Training luion I 11 P.M. Snnday Schaei % rt A.M. I IJ a m. Sunday Bible %rhe«.| NMStot Worship • aa A.M. * Paul Merrteoak, >reaching ll aa a m I lie# am. Morning Worship Worship labb AM. *•(M P.M. t'anth ftranp* . Md P M. I *J p m. Three Vouth Groups W. Miilon Low try KtaaBg Bar* tea 1 P M. I: lb Teacher Training ( lata Sunday schawl at SHE Affiliated with Ihe Southern MIB-WKKK SKRVICK 7.0# pm. livening Inspirational Service HaplUC convention Thursday IAS PM 5-orrtrr r Tranapartatten laavlng Interna- Central te a friendly Ch IM Kveentj*" " aa Usual Hen so IAS a.m. Snnday or "A ChrM-Centered Htbie Tescbiog Minutry" For Iramporution call RD Hlh i hrtdrefcwMr* can IV t-PISZ far a rtde. km ICIeeeai HapUat Chnrth Is Campu«> ■. ■ !»5*1 f SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH FIRST PRESBYTERIAN HOLY TMMTY GR» IO »rrvK» ndcatt *■** * IANSMG CENTRAL FREE SOUTH WASHINGTON AT MOORS B BIT KB MBIT I. CHURCH d m * LANSING ORTMOOOX CHURCH fecfcnirw•» 1 V t«RS» MHK0HST CHURCH HOWARD P. BUGDKN. D.D., Pastor DESMOND J. DELL. Assoc. Pastor West Ottawa at North Cheataat & Waahingtoa rt EMa DAVID S. TRAXRLL. Mihlaiav It A M. DIBLK SC NIHIL r. NILE HARPER. Minlater € lataea for Yonng People and Tseng Married* IS M A 11 ;M Worship Servleea 1S.SS A. HAS Church Rcheel Sunday Schnel: ISM AM. II A.M. MORNING WORSHIP divnm LRsrgy: was A.M. "Plain Paths Par Difficult Day*" Youth Sunday f ether BenhUbn 1 P.M. EVENING SKRVICK • as Swndny aveaiag Cartin cms "SHALL WE DISARM- for tingle yeuag adult*. -rr et;-;: tWM' ».1<5 '? Mr. Posset! available for counsel •AS P.M. ADULT YOUTH FELLOWSHIP H*t* 10 is* * " Call IT S-SMS Par Baa Schedule IBS 11—dip evening 7 to IS PAL »ftrt i 3E 113 I. GRAND river T nr.r* t.i' > EAST LANSING n. *?• :■* 41 C* »-«*>"- January *«V 19M Mttiiir. %\ sTxrr \nvs htf Four Great Need For Nurses Chicago Family .MiV* ?" \ ' *, «rp- their Reunited After 16 Years Journey from d iv since the world was created •an to Th«> the.,- mi pawn!*. they don't know Stressed Ji Lithuania .and mat their parents, Ms feeling* can't he sa. I us vents ago, *he rtr*t P" held them " ttiv- -e sud 'hes- were rx- M o'tig.i • hrsiird r.f nursing was- On.-agu \ crowd of more than •'j-o'-v ; • the '.rip anil the i;m •. ted and nursing achieved I'rem i The mother. too, was all otter" .•■■ > vrn them at e.icn cd up- That kst Uhuu» all the person* jammed about the K' legal status in the state i rimer 'ha: brought the eV- • a'ong the route T i .1 i, ob.-.ervfi Hmfii.f and frt" speak'".g c'-oref The i-rc anc'tided many os • I've get nv> kids." Front* dren on the las' leg of their long hoi !{ N.. director ot the : *. p V M»l»h "4 Kr' « e» extra.'t.on who toi.i of Nursing at MSU.moi- p from their home.and, o:uv . b Scboi•! *|»C IK, Miil, smiling Hi* t Khrushchev) • ow m. The* had kinfolk be- ' 'huan .i, now ahvorin d by the m4U .t.YOOO persons are registc". - Kept h.» prom so and I'm g ».ng ■ ■fid "he Iron Curtain and booed l say so. Soviet Union. ed as professional nurses in > that > *r e da* a .*, rei'ar reunion "T*■.:< is the nwi! exeiLn* d i* Many a-kvd-u h.*' Reg t: . a ! \* ■ ot .m l m -re than H 0«»0 life Hume's been see #«, i Toons were mm;;., in Utts.. i - i e In miked u> pnb'ticul nuries Hut ftir ti|iltlh growing pop- lllallnti. nt * AH** Kempr. sltmilil V- ' tnnkr thr need for tnerr using number* of mulltted nursing personnel the rotleertl of .ill citirens. , . ,vvf,Jf'' r" " " An "R \ " in the state -f New Itelhi. Huge hurdens such as he carrtr* «< IMIMS fORTKR. almml rmnplrlrl. In. cic fete t\ Menigan i\ nne who has he-n rommonplace on the Indian suh-cnnlincnt Iiwnril with a burden of container* which hide au'hori/ed by the state "to pe°- him. earrtea hi* load aero** a street hasaaV ill t • vt any professional service reijitinng tfie application . of p ti oviples o!i*g;cal, of nursinjj bantht physical and SiH'Otl >:i 'laick of (loopcriilioii* It* DocIocm m.oence.s Congressman Blasts A.M.A. T h e rcRistered profess-.on.i! nurse may nt»serve and ree."d si-nptonu of the patient. She may execute treatments ami :u1vertisiug Ml.t'V ■»! !tu>m '»'»• ii'vni:). medications prrscrikNSl bv a WASHINGTON' V It J-HOP 1960 i'tdn w Mi a mm.mutt, mi.. 4. 1 apply such , physician She may John llliituik (D-Minni Tiuk- the tf MHJU.il/Cl AM A i«d i'lick ' UiK niu>.:•,£ procedures as involve day accuseil the American Med- T'u iDtnplc! The A MA. ' • ;jiu1c;standmf ot cause and cf- icu' A**n. of once frying f • Biii'.tnkN ciiarg vs.i* f ot in order to safeguard life the AM A ,-tioil in Oucag... sal.1 thwart .» eongressumal tnve*;.- Mir coiiprraled with'the ltG> and health " gab-m IF i"*ik '•*!;» •' N. n f. a ,t \Ar have In uur file* a steal rim of information thai **4* supplo H IF 1V.« dl U'g pries .1 •-'.!* . • SUPER with von are the man attuned and health airnrir*. ensed On the other hand, the "lic¬ practical nurse" may per¬ At) f.' real Chimpr ,'vt'innicn'. .i|M'|-'.'itlons t.'b'e i' ltl'tv which ill m.|Irh io-.il lo Hie rommillee AA. ha*. •*-. to. In Dairy Drives agu form such duties us are re- li •'I n ' DRAKE'S qualilv in all von enjov ;»dvf!.- rju.ied in the physical care of a In ran1 pabent and m carrying out of dairv I.it tic change pr.stih t* at the m price* f inn is in ■ I Hit 111 AM A medical order# prescribed t>v 4 ETHYL p'tv pn»!f.*.*hMl. YOU'RE ilu- man who will of 4 physician or a registered nur>b mav But if there is an* change. , ' farm economist* be upwani. report MSU Three AA«shin«ion representa¬ tive* of the AA| \ 4|ipe4red at tlie lltui*e heal in* hut were of •urnt in>i*ra' Ne* ncomc 'vr me d a " BT.ibi k little help. Itlatuik salil. adding Foresters Rend* point to go to the farmer should hold about *(ea • • diiUb! ThltT make it a For *60 and vsofStbl* increase a l:ttl--. th.it the "\A|Va and Hr. disappointing." attitude was a ivorti-mg Sliuidi^ say (Jlynn McBride It >glund Total pnxluctiort pe 'r I'll- link Of a • »r »*•!• ■ drug- ,c h v*.i mq.i; , will increase as will gi«»>* b in from thr* one .*ourc wiuch nothing ha¬ have he^n J-HOP. This is a once a year AM the preparation* cow made for the annual Forester*' recc.pt* Th>- highet gio.s* r- ■ imuld liuir lu-on f t'ljdti!." Ill * •i k *.li(i, ' wo t1i l loarti 1 ft>•.<' sb. utig to be held Saturday ceipt* will help Keep net income as high or h:g'u,r fh.m IM.'iii «lca' a ho!-' M'.o f, njt Awix llo tolil senate Judinar* tugh'. in IVrn Hall Tlie dance. 4 »n adv*: bdonu'ii!* an.', ttirii rcgu- event vou don't want to miss. -midnight. w.M The ecotuunmta l»4*e thv»i re¬ i iiNiniittee that rertain modo 11 I .'I 1'. (iratul River b.*m 8 3d p n» feature Clarenca SchnudV and port win four at*umpUt>n* group* have tried to winiowt. Wo io.trnovi. tot .tine, thai his orchestra 1. Trice supfmrt levels v .U cover up and inintmipr the «. ( V-k For Terry ) Extreme Informality, long remain a*. 7,> tu'reent of pari'* iousiie** of the prtthleiii * I'er capita dairy promut It..*: k *o-b". heard* and .» Paul Hunyan a'.- moafihero are *UU Ihc i»rxter of consumption will be »bou'. Prison Probe Kim?v;'.ti—'x In : v •he jay, but some shades of yes- pounds, m M* e*iu'valen* » ihat ■ : > M..I - , •• of teed ter-year have bech banned from 3 Amp'e supp ;e* Keveais Uatlio for lv, U often Imitated A*, one time Forest¬ will be available. and ■b e event more more ers blanks, brought bu* the jfum noise and shot cause*) t Employment and consum¬ er in*N»me will tend i<> be atrong- Transmitters d snoh a rucu* that tircarms were et Tho ofmgu •> • The pconomi*t« no'e that !be f'o a? Trade C *"'"• hut NEVER eventually barred from th# AVETHEhSFIFl-P. (.mm <4' r. scene decline m ww numbers which that time h t-1 — Inmate* *• :ne >♦.»:. pr,.*vu One other year, a rail fence began in 1941 protmb'v will con- 'eie tiper.i'o I an inRcnibu* in ' 0 north I i's .'ii\i' >:v i constructed a', the end of tine into I960 Average annual bo* alfnougT >' w a- broadcasting network, 'bo wa;.i- the hall to keep a fl»xk of jn- production per cow will also disclosed Thursday ■dica. DUPLICATED! en v.'.ed sheep frvnn invading the dntmue lo mow up although The network >be.;H 1 fum " on- he. .! ft dance flew- THi« veaf the fenc¬ in Julv and August of 1959 * ,hg af'.e: • .1 .Tart ti t; »' a' ed-in area will bold couple* tak¬ wis onl* 1 per*en* aoove the pi isrm The system 1* .»< discov¬ ing time ctT to enjoy the re- year ea'her Th.*_ wa« 'hr smh'.l- ered when r.iard* made a sys." freshments which will be pro¬ es*. niid*u:vmc:' or fa'l tncrea«c vide free of charge in live years tenia':c *eanh afterwards liil«r|il.tiM-l.ir* lx.itI Warden Mark H.c.hm >rni sn i *o*etal tmv b(»4 ica.tum tiuns- llilw *\ ir vs |M»inl nvber* ->\ ore found cohcoaleti 1 i>et»H • -r •'. Your complete Optical Headquarters r»viuw owticii b* .-cftain'mo-a'c, .»>• • 1, • conveniently located, offering compiet* optica' mtviccs Tho *: bo- - -or " ou' 4 weak- -ig'iai m»5 ritd «•>' pe trate the pr.-son \* .»!'*, bu! did WALLACE OPTICIANS reach the pn-uns TaO Inmales WKAR p.m * \ .ew-js . S Huchmrtnii saai ho suspect, . I)r Fred Hal.!,* * Br a ark Of flee — Vine at t hppeit the network **•»- used chiefly t< of astronomy and e t opposite bears in grander > inform pristjaiei** about : •' C thee ring a' "be f <' still onlv ■ eye examinations h* m o v f m f n : ...ft c.ais a i r Michigan, gnd Dr R ■ • pr. R, C. Jensen, regiatored aptometrist guaixU. urski. professor of • • TH. IV 9-2774 plant patho " gy a' *«!>'. ('om m illrr Srliriliilr* pur-: vp/akors !)■ HOIRX: Haw t-P; Twe«. Re* , tat. St'.'Kcl*, MSt* a-s*K - 15c t-J; faars p rn. f in'/ Hivhl* Itcuriiiu •or of jviu: naliat'e.. modararo: WASHINGTON O—Tbe nr.; break »n '..he civil right* dea-s- loek Thursday *- 'be Siu-iiil II inl.t r I liih NAVE YOU 00NSI0E0E0 came House. Rules committee sched¬ uled a bearing next Monday on A pane' prenonta* f the controversial measure COVl'l V. .I*-" H IV T " - A 0A0EE0 . Indications are the rommitte-s of the Graduate Sc-o' »v will clear the biil for House cur.- club Thu**»i.4y t •ide-.-aiktn early in February Student Center Tho b;M. approved last >V.jr Recover v Jrw by the H'>ure Judleiarv ccinrnj*- urganiraf . • ho«!fd ujp in of rc'ap"; America's Favorite Hamburger ron'..on uo, ha- :*»en the home of t.Mwiitf, In.r-lmrnt lnm|Mn>. on. nf (hr Ruie*' forre c 'ii.miltff acti m A has obtained mo;. uot.'.vn " J mental pa'oents Th** Graduate S ^ «• 'v muntrt'H larRr-t fin.nriRE in-titutian«. i« in- LHan 190 of the 219 rev paired club meets every ovm-: IX lis nrser iUi|iln-j|nl? IW.iii-.- MrlkiiuM'i famou- lumlxirp-r- an- nuilr from liiuli trr, ir.inc Junr Eradu.tr- in Commrrrr. Itioi- signatures. day. qualit* I". >. Govrrunirnt imprrtnl Iwrf. Ilieu -lov-Iv rooknl to maintain lli. Iiighr-t -taml- nr.. Adminii.tr.linn. Kmnomir-, Kinanrr. Mar. aril- of la-le anil moi-lure. I*rr|iarril ju»t ln-fort* sou arrive, you jjii limn fa-l. •till hot krtins. and l.ihrral Art- for it- Irainine pro. ami delirious, ( ome pet Mime XOX ! cram in nMnagrmrnt and -air-. Thrrr arr drf- Hfflffffl WlilAMS OF mOHW initr oppnrlunilir- and pmmi-int rarrrr- wait- ins for jou. new uoonafny * nation-idr nr(anirntiim. A—orialr- -prnal- irr- in automobile tim. -air- fin.nnnc. ronairr- • EDtCATlOh ri.1 finanrmp and ronaumrr credit. Wide rhoirr of kiration and nunMmua benefit- nr. offered • SOCIAL FORCF> to our per-onnel. For further information, ron- • Sl IEV E OF COVER.XAIEM tact jour pfarement office. Our reprrUntatl.r. Wilbur H. Ilind*. -ill be there to talk to jou on • HISTORY OF MICHIGAN Thur-day, February 4. t * NOW AT Aastaiu laxeumeat Cam- SPARTAN BOOK STORE 1924 L firaad Ihar Here thta )M effieeu tariMixt- 4700 Satrih Mar •sl the 1Mb and Canada AIm wonli almanac 2120 N. Lard. E«-i ijni-jti- V«lnn»e af flnaiKe a«*4n-»« T*o BltM-k- Ea-t of it-rkrv I un-mg Ow U.IHM4 Md t »ijaa.«M«a I Jii-inj >ll( IIIO AV Nr.AH. M IA* Oil 4 1«IIII|HIN Page live I| Faith Units I Miliar? 59. |lilO i it in jiti" < fnssif ieil* 11 lull i«!*'»;•* h 11> .ir Slat*1 (iiii'sl jonr de fete" lly CONNIl; ZliKII Speakers ■— — Slate New# Nortel? I alitor !' »» n • me. luii ' ho i ■ I fiom thr new ankle length * • ' •' • h ! - I II..p I'T drr*«r* to the lloor length skirl i m" 'id >•< ■ 'ii.»iii«m!> M'i li-c. but t.ibulf".* ollli llir ilav length danrr ...-ik. I- A! .. I « '!«-:» I t<-\ fi.l- ... > If. <11 m ;it- iltesse* still a favorite • • ».«• k.'ii.i* jii muim ,.n t , foruui t.oll lt d ' pra • Whim cords are involved m ' .1.1 d.( lit • iltSiU « rill!v Ufi.m that f""l i.: .< »V HI.i'I ;..• >• . • a'.o P •oak -iij fhrir Una! i|.'c,«;..:is on |»i< ' is'ifu up .•• t'ti* rea A 1 'i go v fi :> pill«•!V J-flop lit. k 'Mii.l.i! .nil w til * - I ■ua'ei In! a >1 I .' . 'tie feW Siiiiili.ru vi .i' !• I > p -u he.-nnu Up' Wt; i i ji I- #.h x ,i h f. i- ■oeti A!" .Migh .1 II »p atfiie .* Fi d,n .' 'In- Sm-ih A Mi , ' r -n duo of ip.u k rig • I r • ' ' i 'I'fll.i!. !*' ♦( elf.on th!i,» »»•■ t.l •;«, I,. .« ' . l 1.1 r,..i K-.-e \v I..,":, • .e cor* lg«'« ,.i..l If «.X 411V -If., a "u SJU .|l. ill 'VlWt I'l.M'l \|«>U!ls '!• .in ititr.g.iuig n.i'i i !•• ••«. fidt li.nrc • IVeeiir I .1 I,.01 a v e i o i j - *i a - I •• #• Me ' even ill jj sti a.g'il tr on heave"' - kc ' 'hey are • *:'.| .*?» -u'e a' Hrtnhrr* of lllllrl founda¬ •tie rniof. t.i k' oft., e l*«' hap- nothing .! e ..I|' a f. • tion fia* r also planned 4 *upp«r ■ hop. ..f Arpege sl.a' inai ... II. • * '•• 'he nm-f gli'feriTg forum al m p in siimUi al llillel may-he I. citnafit t • Pii.U e evenmg ail evening#—"|oii, hcui.r llir |Me*t speaker will la fr'.c"' ( «»f i»on' t un-sull N our IMty-it iaii Without IJeht> — lie >liltou Kokeaeh. profr**or of And even with "lour de feb" p*«eliolog*. who villi speak nit helnff slrlefly formal, the fairer "Prrludier and llnrul IfUturh* \ NfgletlHt Cold Is A Seriouu \itmenl aner*." *e« dancing still ha* d>e**e* a wide selection of to rhmise her »j.HOP" latorlte. There'* evervthlng St .1 .tin's i V ...he stu.ieni fruluie i'enter A I* a S...u'v « ill ii.»> I i.1:i i > i m i. yui i< mil i. its annual .a',I p.ct'. a! .'an TUX-RENTAL p"ii. let Kful.it m tin Student Gim¬ Pinnings \M» I'llCStitllTION NKKIIS WV-iev !• nun.l.itu.n h.i- ici • Shirt • Jrwrlrv ■. IHI.I A hit.MA I'l tiled .KFliug piir'v |,.j Sa' an . I'lilor UiviMs laiiiMiig senior • ( tininterhtintl • lit* \r noma-swim;, iiiw nuiiys d..v. ■>*--» \ c nun '\ Ih" T:.Hi" to Ronald Vanderluln. l.aiiMiig pciftattciii w.t! he pruvi led I rout senior. NVeslev lluUM IH 1.1 A /I I A • Tu \ • Stih|tendfrs C arol l.arsen. Toledo. Oh»*». AVrslrv lorttm will hr roit- senior, to ICoit Witt. MSB grad¬ MIMI'LKTK duetrd hv Alrgll Kraft People* uate and Delta Sigma Tin. f hurrh of 1 hieago. In ill I ninn Mr. Kiaflwlll 1*111 NK.M.A K Arr.A ifli/ $9 al ; on. Nundav Susan La Hue. Ann Artvir report ghoul "Adventure in l .. s • 1 ■ ticNhman, to Jim Hunter, Kussia '' I he rrp«irt wtll In* elude rnlored *ltde* and mo%le*. BioouifteM lligtiland* lunu. . ItartKira Sacra. Bloomfleld II.lit i an'.erburv i hil» has planned fieehrnan, to Jon Hultmon, TOO SHOP Hn itili.rmal lecm\| datn e frmn Waukegan, 111., junior. H-ll Saturday evening The title <>f tne dance i* Anglican An Mini J-IIOI' * *lli»rt tun wrrk* |M«), MSt pruval l« (l-ri Sandy Klinfrr. Mr mini ham jun¬ til* ' ior. and Jan Nik. Orartmrn Junior, aa thr* OOOOOOOOOOOOO• , .».«t» in all living unit* .iir In line l« drrlilr on try Member# of Canterbury Club thr iii*I ruht" ilrr** lor Ihr Ms mctit Air*. Ilrlcn to hiakt thrlr final drt-Uion on whit to urar. will also gather at Slid p'.ti. liou*riuiMlirr, i* it l* Inc hrr *r.vl of dp Sunday fur evening prayer and MONDAY I TUESDAY I iimon. *upper fittest #}>eaker will be I'urwlry Shindig. Too Tainunoeme dent from Nigeria, who will di*- West, foretgft gtu« FEDRUARY I A 2 cu*» the "Impact of Christianity I pon Nigeria" Snow Provides Social Setting Gamma 'heir weekly for it p.m. Delta ha# ro*t-plu» supper Sun-lay planned Following k.ttrr* «ill find on nvntlng i.f «oup)r with dancing in the l'.»- 1 ie supper, thev will participate a! tiny (-I tho l.'t-al ii'.ks j.m bull KHitn from 9-i'J CORPORATION v. *!»..• :..ulvi ' ii'.i lit* Mill K.'lt f»t«i I'll* ..UilM'5 sli.JM" ill!.| 1>I !s Alpha (ian .mnwai niH I'ink Ifh.» will hold Hose Formal ht service* informal game* and vesper THE GARRETT '. i> :ar.»M > Saturday mining at the I'-p- 11ir "I orrvtr* Shimlis." spun. ars ban. to PI. Jam.', Sp. »up|tl\inj aales ami • s Army I *i « '. in Snyder and Km- ■li\rrM* rr^arili, fri(!iiirrrin^ ami niarut njuipmrnt, ax wrll aa • ■ H.ii have planned *ri i.f lll.LtA /I I A )>..* nig pai't y .it the Ku*t lam* ia. luting organization, in thr airi tali, MTVirc t<» dirtramr*«i»ni|i:tnit*«, airline**- .mil I' «i I • nlhanr. H • Jt-ii v l . 1 • •:»!'!.. '. , \ \ v. • i'lisk* thu evening Kojl-i'v- x 'bit sKai.ng. ti»r gfoups wiU LOOK WHAT I FOUND! mi'.ilc ami t« luiulogii .il l.el.l* From AiI5.--.-jr. Ii lalmnitorir- luo' iht* miiitan. Project work t* c ouijut tei! bv *rit.t11 >:r*idriil* of Phillip* and Arm- inina pion->'r il-vrlo|miPiil« ill am rail anil gntUpN in which iti«li\iclital effort ia mure Ir.nr Itrauliru. K.W !,.nn, •troni llall* will bold a *quarr £ii- l'.o*k 1 '»f M danrr tin* rtriiina In thr Phil¬ mi««ile component* aiill «\»lrni». I o.l.n fjtiitklv rtfo^tii/ttl and ti|i|iortui!il«e<* lor tom's market •• - 1). 'a rati 11. . .. lip* recreation room fiur*t call- 'COT' o! lln In*.- vn.rlil*. airi tall u->' l«*artnii«* ami nl\jiufmcitl arc t itr.am »*« 1. wlt.MA KAPPA rr* and a demonstration by the AiltMMrrh 'quijnn-ni. W ilh toiii|*aiiy ImaiiLicil a-sMaimc, >tui Prmi* Whrrlrr. Fitu-i.. .. - Promrnadrr* will highlight the Bob Wai.vti. Dot: >.! mm- evening. C Hhrr C.ureit divi.ion* ami «ul>*idiarie* « an t (Mitinue your **«Ju« atiajti il liiif iingh* Jo* Timrh. Groaae Po ; ■.<• Alpha Tan Omega Will par- ing a variety of product-, nu lulling boring univcrMlic*. " Trd WhiMleaey, mmJan June*. Ka.-t • cvenujg. nptite m a Bundle Party this Bund lev of clothing wull IN A art i rra' nmortv IP* .i b. e.\> hanged bv dale.* just bf« • TYPICAL PUOJ ■CT ACTIVITIBS • h.ir the party and undents must ^ • De* PUinc-. .i Nu. liottlr Ii!., Arnold, bt M-orn for the entire rverung NEW LOCATION! Fleitreitic act tiata computer*. |ua*«ute ratio tun* lontrol #v*|em# for varioualypaa of istaaieo. Air and vt|M>r ryrlo refrigerafios tnrbinoa, pane ■an. OWo. aophtxm.r.-. 'June in January" vsdl three d'tcero, inutriiaaatu, electrical uvMrmu and nudur# *,h.r rnion Board danrr this and generator*. ma»u ally and morhanically drives cootpreooor*. Crerr.ty, (.rfvng Island \ V. semwr ami Sigma Nu, •weekend. Adinisaion t» 75r P«r t'relimiriarv dooign. irnrn analytical ami thotrfit- <#aa turbine engine and other high apeod routing * aI mnsideraiiorit, for high-level technical wc»rk m maihinery design and analyaia involving ga* aerodvnamira, Mro*« analv*iv. lherfiu»dyi>atnit*, heat dynamic*. ihernKHiynamini and aerodynamic*. transfer, cryogenic*, pneumatic*, nuclear power and Atr and *pa<(# raft environmental control «y*tem* CAMPUS SPECIAL mathemalic*. Auxiliary power end* and hydraulic and hot ga« involving air and cryogenic valve# and control* and heat transfer equipment K ECU'LA It • OMBNTATION PROGRAM • $298 !.«R STIH'K lii afjflition tcnlirci I a»*i^imicni*. an ••iylil month oru iiulioii |iio^tam i* availalih* to aid >ou in jolt -rjrtlion V»u j>arti« i|»al** ami work with engineer* nig in nu who are oiit*tan<) their hehla. \oiir orientation lu«lr laniiliari/atiou with rurera*ro siafifsxcM M«#urscruaiNS AJAietAACH irvpuararas. • ssao «r*o#*ifR"»« • cos i.vari.rs • 3/»isr4»cn m*i/r3Cfi;»i*a x'A cavutai * *"»*atxrrcr# Ar»ATto* atnvrcg « s>#iuMay Mil Ml- lliiui.trv !" • \ I \HI| »..«»' I'jwi "« )«»•.•/ Ilntit fxnoits Unison I fit s "ii {htit \\ rollers 3-0 Rrrord im Toil.iy at 5 p.tn. Highlights .! \ ..... iu 1 h.. th»- fUntil . . l..i I . Swimmers to Splash Tonight * „ l.tnHi* litiu V W 5 ' N the intrutnUfal Danger Saturday Against Wisconsin Before 7'l * ! fur rHti rinjt In . . an' ttihU- tennifi t«»urnnuu»ijt whtoh TUl'MtllA it* miki «*kinm it M.imLiiy in the deadline *«» will l*e buck Saturd.iv > C ifCti up for the intramurHl swlm- The SuiCan swhiimers. the freestyle agalmt M-Devi'tt. a?i I Michicnn Mate'- wmnilu- xlrt'.ik t- in ifantrt-r thi-* Nattir Maaipmu.hips itidindunl i»n!v var-ltv team home this Jones and Aenm <>r Denny Itak*', The 17-m«n lenve'ing » »i.i\ us'thc Spartan- will Dike to tht* r«>a.l arnt yo Hp aynin-t In the 100 on the trip will consist of M,, , eekeiul, ifa bpfotv the TV jew ski. Bracket t, Chad • VhnjicM'ta in what will )»*• their loutrht-st uivstlintr mutch rite itr.i imuiiil s|H»it skills e.onersm tonight at 7'23 In the Hill But'V. Mho Inst joined the fiii throw I'onteHt beums Mon- stiuad. or Jtierge' Matt will be Cc-nvls, Dlget. Clage. Imm .1 •• ? •httr. 1 AT 000! against U'tscmbin. ' ,' the Ttai'Ugh. He son. Jones. Kobert*, M »♦ 1. v •• • .. >A.'V «U» •The taped show wtll be swimming with Dan Con els in ,,1W,1!|. (ivi, the 13? tl>. dine. Muppart, Shaat. S:uc'. Vtte ehuinpiim of eueh of the sliotvn on WMSH-TV Saturttay • the 50-yard freestyle. The In¬ ,,v"8'' ... . 4 ♦ •» ■ In.. "fight Hi - Mil tournauyents will ehaose dividual rued lev raeers w'll llcm Well fare and Wickc •'■ * a' I'! tiiH'ti .''..la;.- > • v • **<«* partner for eoinpetHiim »n consist of Dave Dlget and Carl »• "(Vltrotwln haw civ en un i««4 - Pu b,. M,'. "H • .\ll-l h»rrnijnr* Champion- eomfielitlon through the jran." Shaar or Tosh Ttua; ' • •' « " ■■■•••■ .'*-•• • '• va W ■« . M . v. 1.. s- t, »3T in pt.m.s • \ vrm Young whieh will hrKin Ttiesday I oaeh Charlrv MK'affree uW IMvera tnnight w III be Jerry c h'tminl . . , P ii: m the IntrHmt rnl Mhlu lie pointed out their lop filch! Chadw tek and J«hn Walker performer a* helnc Ron Mr- shaar and W'ea Robert* will Ia'ssoii-W ail'li PALMS THEATRE The* wresth'il each other In *(,tueeii of lee" Ikevlll. a •,lve our ho* l.arr* vprlnter, who Bill .lune* all he «wlm the butterfly: R«n 4iace. Jark Wlekerlng or l-ea lloreHK the bark«truke: frank Modlnr. imr-Hom, thr Muadrangular tourn4mrnt wantm" M i h **• • i.-•' •• • v and it ramr out 4 draw." hr l ake- Command MeDevit: won the TOO and Ilennv Ruppart ur Hill Hlugletun p.- 1 I'ouliuitrii ' I'd Bit* (hat if we '.'O-va'.-d freestyle race* tn the the hrea*t«truke and llraekett. NKW YORK I'P' - Yog | In Cliani|>iouslii|is v. r4ii wm thi* one thru we tu*r Mulge;-' ti'.anguhit meet, with Aenl* or Chaunrev Johnson the only member of the c;u tlthmuh MtitiieioU was Ur-it . 4 goto! rlt titer of winilillK thr I 'wa an i»tiio State In that IM. playe«l on all nine of » rn l.i low 4 l4*t weekend. held I'. AI riea , will be admlt'^l Mule roirh Kr tulle* Collin* r\ mert " sKM'TI K iiieoh U'tseonsin tdaeed third Students Stengel's championship peris tomorrows toulc to hr t,h:.»-n of lee. C !lei*s with 3* points Ivtiind Ohio free when presenting Miter IDs said Thursday the New Yv.l; a luwup. Ilr ratr* the Mnmr.ip New York ileftl* del lonstri' state'. •!?'• and Iowa'* HI'- The team will fly to l.ufay- Yankees dropped to a I - oil* tcAiit 4lone with hi* own IIUilMtrt* «he 1* readv Wisconsin ha- tieaten CovoIm, ette. Ind. Immediately follrrvlhg third place In 1959 btvau r »v.II foilins S> !•» mmiuduu and Chmago. 66-39. the Wtaeonsln meet for a iiunl "Were nil terrible last Reason " N|Mrt.»n*. 4* pUciiu .ihout thiui vith t: ie iiitltnal points in The Had go - rebuild itifi meet Saturday with Northwr ' - "Kvery thing went wrong | In Ihe Itie til behind low 4 4M«I **Jll4vl > »•* «» are her fp-st tv » in the !9«n \.» this year, having lost '.heir grea' ' em could l»e we were ov« : Michigan. Sk.i!in»! Charoi'ioM- "We haven't met N.arthwe ' icnt I think we teamed sprinter, Kret We, K. *mN.ts "C »• > tied for teeond with a more butterfly, ('apt. Karl Nmrrliu duet. Rruee Runweater. la *wHn- favored rhallenaer. Harhara Ann mlng for the Botlenwaker* In "I missed hitting at tea** M IT ^tart«d w»tm a loss ri- tn hrea*latr«he and Turn Ik*- home runs for the first tirre lt will hr Ihr fir*t nutrh thi* Hole*. IB. of Paramount, Calif., ing In huehalruke. dhilanee rare*. since 1946 (he hit 19.." e •rauin in which Nriirig h.i* .«1* at I!1 * |M»int*. McCaffree plans to use Dick Northwestern has l>e.»t«^n Bur- The fourth eontevfant tn the dtie. 59-46. The meet will be at pointed out. "Ami I drove in ' .* Ih-ilnl llr in*t rrrriitl* *tr4ighl Hra.-kett and Dick Blarejcwski least number of run* (69» g;i. TOVlTf *huwu at S 3d rnril out some academic proh 137 ll> or ktdie* diViilon. Stephanie s Jtrn Aetii* in the 220-yard 2:30 p.m. Saturday The team « 1 became a regular (194RV Irni* whlrh li.id kept him from •1 John - West erf jo l.i. 16. of Colorado " tl.NO ——— The Yankee front office evi¬ competing fur thr tiirlllU line¬ i«7 :i- Monti**, Co*.». had 20 ordinal dently thought he did pre-, i i.amim; i rontifh Spartan SwHrdsnifii Fart- up 1 VTlti S. well, for thev signed him • » * with llr««* Bennetts John Ha Mm perfection Thursday a-sunit Mi** Heiss contrart calling for the : Hi A 1« I* Air Fort-o for First Timr n fuure* he receivext in 1939. .« , t itmmt* f'!,•»"'»!fi'-iP !h consecutive nalio estimated $50,000. ip:;>nship an*t a berth on -I \R1 > Herra *ald he thnucbf the V iMvmpic team >1 \M \> 1 ri 1 * An opportunity to mert thr Air Force Academy takes the Yankees had a rood chance to !(»!• V» Ill I ^ \N ITCH" NOW SIIOWIM,: MSI fencing team to Notre Fame this weekend for a tri¬ win the pennant in 196U pro*id . ; . t.llil WITH ————— < ... It >■< *m iiiiniiii<: Off ed Ihe pitching perk* up. angular meet. N«* %d*4t*i»* HrrAthte*x In l'H"« lulirmriil' I $*•! NO *HOH 4I»\ \Nt f B JO r M IN I'RII I -* TOOAY is SUPER BARgSITdAY! IV to hel •: the Wisconsin here tmught. me t there The Spartan* <>r«itnarll> meet the tr.ih once a Reason and the* aemorn- -a Ihe lot. I hope' There may be wane rhance in regular learn llnr-upa. ^oph "A lot depends on (I»<>b)T he said "He won o-. h i. nil i'kki 11: • ski: : n:\ri hks v,. ' tu« no co-recrrational * a oo scheduled to host N'otrr amare Juhn Hull. wh« wax Ihird r gh! game* la.*? vear and •• c»i7 GUM **\l 1 i960', KO**lArTfec diC^ikt' !• :ng ri the Men • IM t.u.lding are thiMu' atid i)h:«' State on Keb. 20 man an |he full learn laat week, know he's tM'ttcr than ths 1 » n \l [II MM S.; xT l.i I NN I Oltll IN •hr Intramural xdi'ice annouuc Thuntda* According to Coach Charles haa been alek. srhmiller prnb- had a lot of c >n* • and there were ?:me< •• troub.c *; i uwsws;* e f.«.«h!:e* Sctmotter. "We took on thw" ev- ahly will nut he aurr uf Hull un¬ sear • • i™:rr-.M 'Ta<«t»*M (.tin Aloe" the* ;ri irn meet so we could face the til afler a mediral check-up :ie didn't to have h.s' ?..»• ur.g wt'! tv avaiUbie b A lot also depends on • * If the (irand Ilapid* eopho. NORTH 8! NORTMWfS II W Willi t It %IN James Garner the e.» i> 6-10 p *5 Women* l.M btnl.ung \ir Force x. ar the f.»r the first time Academ* * juad La<» vv« more »* not able to make :h. trip. Captain Chuck Sihno!t.-». n 1-her>. Jim t u.tV* « as r av.n ; cr-a.'t' , i!ab!e from 6-10 p*m •ough, but I hear they lost some Sr.or-. '* l.i.l \ Him Ihan XII ri 1 v Jr. wtll switch to foil fir the*, meet Herra, who •,*. ' Lie .1.5 A taNaralie Wooci, lilt TIIKI I J! Dick I aw lew ano H.li \UX... May. "*r ..;<|e-- 5 ... .. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' SFEOUL Ml III 10. ■ he excep'ion of f. »er \ a inara complete the f<-J* stjuad THZIIVE mm ! ^ [ 1 i f aivx»a.rl »»So nvps YOt'R ( NOU I III The rp«'e team tncSiuies cs-nt'.* * gned 4-. a tier age: • * pmch hitting dut e- T*. tAr t.INI HIIM Jewell and Art IK>wd Jim l iar* I'rime beef upen fare *andwirh au juv—extra large plate- • n,' h x 14th full era-.. a« . is also almost certain to *«•«• IN III IINII Ol t»K whipped pulat«e—-eoffee or milk Yankee lame action. 1*1 I * - I IIKI I ( VKlOONs IN ADDITION. ttAMril I.IMRAl.l.Y I ROM %\Y OR ALL Steve Arne*:. Don Johnson In view uf his outside \ddcd-t arlwoti I O, T I* ToO.% »« 01 * *rtmi, kTrni/.KRv ties and hk evergruwinc tin**, II l« »* and Pat Muidoon are the ,abre H>»* III In, trio ial status. Tugi was asked h«<> 1* r *1 lunger he expected to r, 98c mueh The Spartan.* will be looking for their firs! win after bowing main in baseball. to the University of Detroit ino I hope -fa* . week in a close meet The week ba.' as long as the-. . .a*« \ll\\ SIIOWIM. IHIK5I *11 DIM* I «M»ktng fur a really fine meal thix ,l \V I ' ha* given Sc'inutter time to - .4 e:. • *un4,* evening!1 lor Ihe fine*! rumine at hard In Heal prire* smooth some of the rough spot* ntayer. I'd like ?o *Uv on HI ll» it\HI — Jml llli. UKI K he »ure l«* VUil . . . a * wannim tnoi • that appeared at Detroit a coach iO llli THITO ONLY '.A A*, ,i • >•; •shown it I. I Vi 9 P.M. "HOUSE IF IEEF I OMINli Ml fit I: %U meal* aerved hy Ihe "Huuae uf Reef" are I *I»A MICHIGAN STATU I MM KsIM ~""(l\ TIIK IIF.AAH" H«*«T BEI9VED INRDEL »4iPS Ctiaie. Not hint hut Ihe flneat fur yuu frum . . . LKt.TtiREgA i.Nt TIKT SERIES S. HUROK •SHl.OMHN A SllKit i.vn: snow iosm: "HOUSE OF BEEF" 113 \\ NIlHIIiAN AVI. (Next lu llaiel Oidat MOSCOW STATE first Jim in aauaicoi &n«l S \1. at 10:I V p.m. I raturr Tm&*% I! 41! 45 llwuf* Man -Ml speeialiiing In: rua»l beef, ruund ? am - 4 p.m. — bun. It a.m. beef, rhlrken. duck, ateaka. tie. - • p.m. SYMPHONY 4 41.k 411 45-ltt 44 Yof ALWAYS KLMf.MRER e •TtlOD RON 9T AN TIN |VA$OV 1 TNOUSANO.oONE WOMEN miM.KAS IMUKMATION r.SU. H» I-U1T I ALCRJI RIJMOt DANIEL AHA! RAN DRUM OF HIS IMBR/lv?! I MVERMTT At MTORII M TONIGHT! I will kill 10.000 FRIDAY. JAM'ART 39. US FJU ^ RI.ALRVED MEATR: DM. MM. IIM birbirans... Mr U»r TO KllDCNTfi IlkST SHOW 7 P.M SAT. - AT 1 P.M. AVAILABLE AT I NTON TK RLT OfTIt • ind they will AIH I.TS T of »h»( happrti. -hrn ■ carrfil TELL rarrrr girl »h» Mirtr* in "Mngktinw" Unfit* *llk * rarrfrrt harhtlnr »h« htlit.t* in -|»gilh«ni— V .Mr. Hrrrulr-I ^4, Rpac HUDSON STEVE REEVES. POMMY , t. •«. cotee-owwuewt —TOHYRRNMIL CART % TONY GRANT . CURTIS SOU! an d^the barbarians _ STARTING NEXT SUNDAY in identical in auRnppJ apgmaranre and diamond •eight. But dm praam dtfftr uvAfy-hrcaue oi rarvataoiM in (b quality at the Pones I Eeeryjboe bxj go you'll U Immpb ^aul . . . variations up uifl be happy to show you. ^ This is one of til* masons why so many k people trust our guidance when they aeleC. " (OlORSCOPE "OPERATION PETTICOAT EAttrrvAA COLO* v their diamond* been named . . . and why w* h ve RefMtred Jpwplpru bv .American (.em Societv moBU.1 ♦ tHNA mux - Gr»WS-soxm Sr Tm ttn Ig -ARTHUR'O'CONNELL RANNEY JEWELERS W NOT! Rt?» M It* ilTtltOW MlflDIU I \ INT" ^*^*wwu?uwou^c^!co^!^| pinowi {•MmMiSj <* NT ... is* ■ 1«n \ no ... Mi . »;|| ; it u ;dii" Maulk Kr Kennedy - DONAHI n tti »•> tj _ i M 1 «i i#j - : *A . « ti n :» .NEXT TO STATE THEATRE I \1%. «lt'Ok *\T »M1T* \T II U PM •Top Two' Meet State News Miiinoajmli.s-St. Paul Added toNFL Circuit MINNI-AI'Ot.fN V A ' i I'ttil a ff#i»elil*e. NTT., miner* fi • «i.iii of Minneapolis-St. Paul '■> plaxed otil the final art uf'hr I .a a brine Oil Saturday xxilrierlng meliMlrant* »>f intri¬ Twin ('die* promofevs. -began I liete xx a* hn|te here of ttie National Football I e.itpii . Tbutrday lewnudcd the Twin gue. *in prior* and persmialilx thinking sfrmttx!v almut itttro- * iii* in' the 1 htejRo < aiiliii.il* i»r MgntaJeMTTIinr^Mfff «t« e C 'if if-' collision*. itig a pro f.M.tb.ill team here another Irani hi-e Till* E»xrs xx av dogged and agonizing J January ?». tftftft %«*i«iant — Ifxi Wag*all fage Seven search foi m.ilur league -t.itu- At one time it turne,T*-he l ain everal vear* ago Operators <.f tn negntiatton* fur a nexx VI I franrhl*e M Iteii the VII an- Tbe n«"X via* greeted heie ('•ics into jiri Hix'iu of l.a'Me Met:opoldan S'adium m subur¬ between the established \Kt. ban Bloomiugion, xorelv need¬ pea ted t« t»r Insim; it* ardor with ns much relief as triumph 'Midget' Spartans Hope Rebuffed continuous!v t»v the major lia-ebnil leagues, the Twin hi.d the l eague, eagei Americafi Football win. e determination to i ing a source of revenue to sat- tc stih-kholder*, put them r!ve? local their eriihrare* on football barker* tinned Ihe nexx \l I Badgers, UIC A wait appeared it Tor Best With OSU market for a pro football or no Citie- v. pi pi, r..,.tl..ill •hang here virtually fviced in the ft \! • vet iff •» o ojM-r.ition in lift! «t the five of the top Bitr 10 teams, on paper, will he squiii'msr million dollar metropolitan st.,. Al Olvni|ii:i Stadium • !en- •• t.v N al diuni. limit five years ag>> In the Spartan Gymnasts lie AKI. release-1 e Saturday at l:.'Ut p.m. on regional TV. * n«»l»e of luting log league ha e it '.f .p" S" f'a-i! f' in.-*. Ganadieas Ileal IVi/ufs • - The Rpartftl! w i Mil! IqiM here t I'T- fi" • : " ni \ t11 I'uitimlMis !u face the !«-*• In granting Minneapolis-M and •.:*•«*.! up .if :ei .'-"iry Voder* Ohio S'.ne. which gee MSP Sends Winning Tonni inauranee tally late on a rln*e» ' ,f '> V ' p.tv racked no a 4-0 record 1'he Buckeye* lead the Con¬ Sl.iin»'s firi'iil— -. - . DF.TROIT < P'-Tlie Montreal in pa** from Hon Marahall Hv f!.' e the Twin' pla- ference m scoring with HOT Into Weekend Koinl Bill lie* i .imtdien*. led by Henri (I'txk -t Th * was the 14th stra:g:. !' e fir--' g:. • •• l.ere ' .u: I'm.'Us ihm game t» 87 4 foi the I nlrss It Itnins RiK-ket) Richard and lug Je*i time the Red Wings have hee*, • •piua'.'ir- ex:--' *.» haxe 'he . Beliveau. milled nut (»f stime unable to beat the Canadiens on t iliac!'v up > 'a-' Ai-erx .T5.fMM' Sp.l! J!'< I'mlffpnteil in their thn e moptn to il.ite. tho S|>nrtan 40A i: " .i; Akttng eoridition* remained jduggi diheri* Thuraday i ' The t>.:: iiiprtse i* that the. earl v De'rnlt ice. Detroit's last triumph Spartan ' Mtdgids" lead the lea¬ pymna.st.H travel to t.'hieapo today for a nund with Illinni.t' generallx' good throughout '-ie was- on March 23, lft*»8 state, barring heavy mgbt and beat the Detroit Ri i 1*6 (MRl gue in irbounding with 5ft I per Navy Pier Branch and to M,adison. Wis., Saturday to faro rams or Wing* 4-2 l>et,»re a jam-packed The Canadiens, hiking fheir continued melting weather g.ime as compared to OSl' with * * * the* Bndircrft. »hr.>ng of 14.0,'ift j< OIvmpM lead over second-place IV; • ' Condition* a- of late Wetlnes- to a whopping 2ft pom'*, p-.v - '"0,|S". "V !':I" A" li!S»"UN- .41 I)' 50 2 Aiming for a repeat of the Stadium. ' h.eh max da> night at -.elivted ski areas bed the lead on a scrambling . • r - v ll»»».iie Walker and .ferry lit* I9i8 jipaxim. when they came as reported hv the Michigan Beliveau grabbed the National .»• »• bt ■ tit "V« tun of the Ira dint Indivi¬ Hockey Dengue acoring lead goal hv Jean Guv Talhut, Alex Shis, from nowhere to tie llllnoia for Tourist Council with a 2<>al and an assist, ran* Delvecchio tied i'- by converting dual seorrrs In conference play. . the NCAA team championship, BOYNK MOUNTAIN- 10 his own rebound will meet for the fir*t lime. • ug bis i»oint total tr» 64. two 5ft" packed banc 10" new snou- player* were in Walker I* in second place with the Spartan* clrubtx-d 4'cntrjV iiettertban Bostons Bronco llo.- Two Montreal a !»• 4 average while luca*. a Michigan and Ohio State, then Sknng excellent. vath the penalty box when IV'..: ORDER top All- kmrriran randldate I* topped Minnesota, fi.t'-j-jfi'j, ta«; CABF.BFAF. ft to 8" packed l.arh team led nnre before went ahead early tn the avoir I base 3" new powder, Skiing Relivrau and Rb hard dl**nlxed period, hut Richard earned ' >* just sllchtli behind with !!.!. week excellent a deadlnrk with final-period deadloi'k with a *horl ft;<-k pa-' YOUR Wdlkei, ft-"., the 'editing State'* strong «pot< this vear i* re- MT IIOtJ.Y 12 •«* 18" ba t goal*. Helix eau arnred early in goalie Terrv Sawehuk )'e' - x i>.»im.!c t)ie eunfercncc with Include rebound tumbling (Steve seconds before the nerlorl toRnnv amhrsqv 2! 0 nr> game •• Johnson, Chuck Thompson, Tom with 4" new snoxv. DRY DUN SKI ARRAt ft '» the period fooler and Porkel with a blaring la- Rocket got the over. was M.S.U. near Impossible" task . We 1 We t.ieing a'i ahn«x«t Temple I, tumbling (John Dan¬ 24" base and 4" new snow. Ski¬ i '!}>■•«siW!e task.' iieihM'dmR iel*, Johnson. Thompson) and ( AM Pill I.I. S Si HI RH%\ MIOP (AMPHIIIS Si HI KH4N m|I4»P RING * * ♦ ing excellent with 4 tow* ope - Furd.tx Ander- free exercise (Ditk Becker, S:>.it!;«n nientoi eetdinilPxl, the If lick • DanielO. •ting. 5 FOR THE GENTLEWOMAN: - alkvr Kales J. Ml. he II exe« Hie uiut'iiblv the biggest 2 * I'ndefeafed en the herDenUt On# Group Of Skirls • Mazer* - Shirt* J team we've faetsl " bar, defending NCAA and Big IM Results £ I'KICK ; second in Hip I he the Buckexes will large starting lino-up sf prohaMx con¬ BTAM TAIWNtW Id rhamp ftlan Taredia hat Ween the meat eenalatenl Mdl) npper- pm hicnm R«pp« n: Hi t*« r« John llaxclhk. ti-ft. and . . , versatile performer , . . IX,0aiti- II; l inlAW I FOR THE GENTLEMAN: sist uf •tna man. 1(1 Scoring toe ferry Koherts, I ueas. ft-fi, at forwards, »i-ti. at the pivof On High Itur l.arry Rnssett 1* still sidelined Alpha Himma fth* I*: r»o Nallrrmn IX; Mia ftignx* ft or.tart I Suits SS..70 4N..X0 .W.JO l armhaiita XI: AlRha I pxllah PI »• with a xvrist injury and is not- Rritrhm 10.00 12.SO 11.50 I0.J0 and Welxxn Noxxell. 6-2. and In* *. Hipp*. H«mm I on the trip. hlimi Alpha lp«ll<>n *1; P»l t'pxiln* .-.gcY -rill l.arry Siegfried. 6-4. as guards. me lhg Hi. ork, OSt' N a starting e!t, ati.l I .ueas five wepo*it xx ith Order 'Versa lite" furxxMt.is xin y l '.v»h g e Feat* in atlll rings. >e\enth ftlrxaa. Xtaniaumrrv U: ftnvn*- playing cen'er Michigan State ha* had its hmm I cov.fcrrm i ;rn vx n ,ml sfx# l>.ixe guard The man tv *h grea'iKt vrr«.l- greatest trouble in the parallel bar* and side h®r>* event* this l.amhrtt slant* < hi Omaga • f: Phi ftappa 2J i.unlirr It; errxhvla lw i fTTTiiii nniTTR.n RANNEY Jewelers t:>4lo-ed i l*»l«a I patloii II. Vrlancln II t.lHv nn the horizontal bar" is ft season. Fe*U on parallel* is xiulnl* II, xmllli. xiiirnt • NEXT TO SMTP THEATRE LM-.t ..ge State * best l»et in the*e eventi, ■lima Nit O: ftappa sum* it perfect description for Stan Tar- br.vpula said. I'rlnrmin .'7; XXri»rt.«ll It Unlla Ian Unit a .17, Phi ftappa P«l I* *h;;. g ven by A'oach Georg# Ari hnr 71; t axnv * Pier'* etrengmen are S/yptiia. Save Run llursxath In free eaeretse Pht Itrlla I hnta I*. Ilnlia t hi 11 Whnnlnr II. Nnmnr« II (iHBnwniifln Ta'-shi*. 22*year-«»id »ent '.ike* the nc-t team Srvpula rate* Wlseonsin's fnfa •Mill. WHO IM IN K.'liraOKV.) JOHN MUM IH I- N. I I IM.IKV I dung graduate work at • ■ acam.-r Mm- H g To hirl'ici/Milo on Ih 't.A then to lH*s»*ne • high Harry st»*l» the tram nx, high a«-vi»r Inr this year, as a strong AX H % fnrfnH l aMdt Saturday s ivhool instructor and c<»**:i) on 'ureal in tumbling, free exercise hi i ii Meet \-\ ;• A'."ec. r.l.«S ' the west rx>ast. and still ring*. VTIC has beaten Wi!*con*in and are you beinfi a. M .. ma : " Although he m an out.;'.anding Indiana and ha* lost to Michigan r The ." ii S* .a"', • 'OfiO ci ' :»• 4- ' .» tie •'< Ann Arbor on Sa'tit i.e. >n v.v-> of the Mieh- w. Michigan A A IT ; «'art a'hjete, Tar«hia \* aim an ex- cedent .student a !-ur. x'ers;tv lie ha* a 3 23 ,ir»d a'Vncd a 4- •hi* *ea.*on. Navy P>er x»xer Wisconxm ofTsct i»s defeat I mi Cros?e, with a wi,j haunted?... Final Days Make Pi Ms' • . ,i. h Kr.m D:"- h « pi'.nt '.a'.'i term XT KHSITCBEK s t : rig 30 performers In .>'• cvt A-keU h'w ie became- mtei- Pay More! What Fori By Dirty M. 10 .. A O 'he eve!"t* on the pr.-cia » er.tc-cil a- unatuehed e: - e- e t '.n gymnastics. Stan through a friend who repl.es your '' \\ J !H* N *1 it's .i!-e 20 fM.wh tt a.-kmcn tt-at t was high actmol boat-neck LamAry? I ■ 0; Rur John HI R; T- :• ' • State* l»e*l relay fOtrv figures TkimI Tar->. tumbling m beg in tun.hl.ng, but next - January Clkarance S- * lo be the distance medlex nuar sweaters . seven't 15 3 tet consisting of Brian Castle fitund that !ie enj -yexl high bar i,'!.,nk, j, , I WaH. He ., M nne- « g'. v. of I lira, Sllerherrtr. *110. Id lirax dun of Hamilton. in the quarter. Millie of Itetroit. in the work *pen'. much better and therefore hi* bme practicing and mastering stunt* on the bar. fOOt wool send them pipeful Ontario, in the three quarter to iis . H js- etagiti Si* " H"Oi - ng V. • mile, and Big 10 champion Hoh l ake of KalamaitMi. anchoring Since he ha? Tarsh.s lu- been at Sfa'e. t»e\ome one of • the only s0.m AMPHORA AVX • 1" t OX, 1 in the mile. most outstanding l»ar men in tire A eslt m «n«t Purdue the re!.»v Ih an«1 JS»3P he ... rrp-iu 3-2 Ihtnrtiug *i!! en in- Cas'.V and ir.i e Attcr- country. nipped the B g 10 crown on the l*n kiHitrhrk's SUITS at «48 J&L ?ca»n ;hr behind the Mttne tfcrt oataalla Tarm s also was ■•'rn-i', the • • i-h(»set\ from two M.i* \\ ei»-« ether* t.» ngr i.hcr, ln» } .• /.,!ital bar N\ AA thapion -n \9a9 arnl will varsity snqp all other imported tohaccww up* combined! Try it and your Spa be a b.-g till rat again this year. Hanulton. 0nt,«f:'u Ji-u tarr. puff will tell . vii!}- QhW S* 5«.4 re- .s I.tw Anffelcs; »"1 Tuny Smith, ef Olympic corn net ition' i» optn -I* Ahholt Kd. Eaut limine. Xliih. •OM* ftnnt n*a> COATS at *48 very why. There'* fir.xt rn»r« pleasure you. nly b> all-arourul performeva anuMjth-rnmkinir, even- ..., |^»r.ving ,d- w ith 5o2 hurtling, »on * la*Untf, add S.»'T"c "f the tup fM'ospcv** n and therefore a:ncc Tar*hl» U • it-'ll the B,-g A.MI'IIORA. •IH-rialiat he i* u? able to qualify, :«■ itui.vidual exnrnts are Z. h , SPORT COATS nS •he .:-»!«• team from. I'npuiar priced, and mug .... *".e- thati - •"» f.-rri. Clmvirw, 11!. u. the 00 'S'an would make a*o e* at for yuur money, too — full I ard J»w>n H.i ncv. St lent Olympic perforn er and rep¬ every pack I Blww A dot* to romombor... oumei in - g record. loud i'.MM uh. in the high .r d !-.»•* resentative of the United S'.a''t» in Holland, la handy > in foreign countries if he cou.d , -..-t i * Ju* *;•- (•oft. COMRMN| II hurvllps. Ur-xid jump at-d tht - 4-s ill 4? atutr,, '.- mark against high jump. compete,'* said Siypula. "A perfurmer like Tarthis -4 SUIJfCT: JACKETS a. »i4.88 tadayt Other ie.iding cfrtxtcndcr* w/.! a great asset to • team for he V .ti'i! II Tin. 1 *>ng Hcarh, ;« almost always • sure bet to ikiiiur t.iUi.iin Si^n* Cs'.if -.ml Ocr-!d Young. Berk* , Ak.-Ata , j the of fx » milt. S >r.ny Bern City. N frna, •v ,n and therefore help* to bu Id the morale of the tram." aa.d Ctterpillir IVIiriur, SWEATERS at s8.88 '•Kl.ES . i;n d* s.gned his HM1 - J • '.he P^.-ad uiiup. harv*. WiT«w wk, Ohio, arul Jerry M.kt Klein- JkypuU a!>»ut this gymnast Sun will be completing his loterviews - ■■■:,' ay Ux* Ar.geVs f »r $22,000. Deherrt;.- »t Warren, m 'he vault. *f d Mike CJehifd. final year of college competition Apnl lft. in the Michigan AA". for IB MIMI l'». SLACKS XT M2.88 M OOxi ra.xe over last and will perform in h-a Urt l I'.XIII al s.n.oo Su uiricr, Waih. »:) the high PXrtl Ji.'-.p, home meet Feb 20. Eifiieers mfi top special HOSE ai 78c < i oMlAC suuon | -v lamest msctunt m tiwn I( >ri,irr aiKiiii ,o rricuf your BS o, MX. -ngi- hifiti *•" A Automatic, heater. great con- ra- Ml I ELERS — T XII. PIPES —• EXHACST riPKS nrrting tlrgter. ( .l-ipilUt Tractor Co. is intrrestwl in sou TIES AT "*1.78 TRV A I'lPEFlL Hum POLISHES — XX" AXES — PAINTS — RKCSHES CatrrpilLr u ihf World i If,ding nunutactur,rof AT THE HEALER %\%i I OXlPI.ETE LINE OF ACCESSORIES Difsrl F.nginfs-Trscton - Esrthmos ing Equlpmfnl. UNDERWEAR 88c NEAREST VOI! MALCOLM MUS iirtnm Alio \>ar * Rebuilt Our product, are f, rr\„ here . . . doing th« work t Mil II LAMSISG SPRING (.LASS of ttie world . getting big )obs done in big ways. •1■■£?*' COLLEGE HRL'G No. i - SERVICE •or At Caterpillar youU be doing tmportaat and satis¬ ll-M, MMM II l.,a r.r,*J ftivrr r« cwv ItwH IKOM mm la M fying work in RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT what is |amt - DESICN - SALES - SERVICE - end many other RVR.NKH DRl'G 233 l.axl Grand River AUTO telds. What's more, y oull be able lo grow-aolidly N»«* lloinr »f The '.'VMBIRCER KRAMER PARTS and steadily along with us. Suit thinking about Caterpillar now. Tour Plate- lOtltchelUiros. AI.LE-N DRUG STORE 4«t lixl ALEXANDER Grand Rixrr meet Ofteo has mora Inioraattoo about ue. ItRI G STORE Across til N. WASHING!(IV l\ MI7I 114 I a*t Grand River ~-l UK THEATER CATIRPILIAR TRACTOR CO. *00 E. KALAMAZOO ST. PHONE IV 4 1UV '<»» i»ui Ell 7-9171 Ml( lllia\ STATi: M»s I'lltnl Sippnrlo I .iiiigiingc SluiU .I411 imrt Ml, l*ft« 4 It hi I Air Force School Open to Seniors Slulr ('olh'fiiims II in Irl Ainmls 4 MSI !{(>((>ires Insliluta (Irani alt- I »rft- eligible OITu'i i*. !wi no piHgrant a fomnrtlllv* basis ( n lr§r Aflrr 4 iiip prrlnil ihfv «lonril m Ihrer-ntonlh train- will b* rnmniU mu«mI WMbniiHi Thirteen students of Mich¬ Those, students who rece v 11 II ; s.C\»!:.n*t 11 iMnlnl iiipliritih will Ih1 igan colleges and universities in e r 11 awards arc: None pii Hi sll A!tO\ t »» A1»A % lh« M.ilr \i-«s \i«ht I St.. -v ..i»'*-«»!' hi , tfitl In Oftlirrs Training Nihiml following this program, malts won top honors in a package de¬ llrumm, Holland junior: J - P, i|!inf',l!l.¥tl ' sk-H tip to ago US Mi may apply for Kv.tns, Lansing -(cnior; Rvy. wi tullnuIng tratluallon front rol* .-ither pilot or navigator train- sign contest sponsored by the i■ "i■ ch 7'tg f.- •«:. a ■> i'ii; Those not qualifying or dc- ("tViwell carton plant of the St. tleorgc, Stony Creek. Conn.. ' Mm".! I!!.I \VWltf!t, M l V •irtng this olan wit' be given iur, Mark ETank. nirmingh T~ ' 4 - UJ> t>> «gf ■ • Itiiilmiiiloit ( lull Utfla ttegia Paper c'o •i.»n-flying .ivst^nmeitb fh/abeth Clarrtngton, Cleve¬ senior; Edward flotmioy. n px> \ t !: »( TV SMa!'uuiti)n Cub. Interestfd sentora should e« t- Ka . ..• - land, Ohio, Junior, was awarded trolt senior; Sally Guthrie. W Reorultlhg . .iie landing I And Ortlf a I vii i * fruHi 11 .tm »* nul Hoffman, junior .. n. im i tou place winner. -»i».iin «ill In,- with the OmhnU . • • (> lilt lh< HI III till (Mil I Mill |1||I HUIIi I tlllMI \ll l Ut'l hll'llllM-i iiitilli ii iII (nrlwilt fuiti I!-*! K V A n.r I II I H A A K O M 1 li Al. T O 11 : 0 II \\ \\. V II (INF I V !» - f. ^ 5 | tllsll III (ill * I hp itl 4n iiiiiiitu 5 I |iro |ip|«uiu \»ith I « In i' ii I Iri.rl • »rnind »t \ mil rlcmritt-M t \p|l| u\iii)jipii Mill |I p » »• 1 e for P4< h Uii«uti|i- ti ii p »|u»IipiI mr i hp prugrsm in il-itp >rlc» Umiis '« ill tip h.wil nit thi' i|»|»lii in! * IlilvrtM lit li n hni ; mil hi* klltiiv It'll,;p i»l tHp Iiiikuui W. .v . >t Alaskan t \ rip Featured %• II In World Travel Series V ! t: \ \ MIV > ! U t' d . \ •■■■ 11 C.urcbdl Les modes pour I »-f.lt« ! lejour de fete a lUM'tvi ' i U» putt-i i > pb.-togt.mh clearance Mttlt*tI l»ten I*1.4tit l.ntie U > vrru!ttle tlnnie.-- et tue--n'tirs for .tit evening of excite I hi* Wfltr I* IHIIlllll'Irll t»» \ e-tcd Suit ineiil a ml L'luni.iui. iliuuMiig tt» the nwtyir music of Letter l.aniu. mini In hp »»hp i»I Ihp (rrttrd I;..I .. «,»r I.. i i tvll) ,«» ,.lt» W Ih.tl tlUlt'ltv »'*»■•* lilt The .Hijisi.in is "utte granite Mai!." the spiendul of IthiO' t»UP tlfr tiltriiiuii' «pi|tlPlit* . •! ttUft | !'<•« Pt*«t»l«- firr (lllin-tl And you'll want to look your most tla«linkr he*t in a gown' from Mat »»,"».00 . . now I!*.ri|i Knapp'i new spring collection that comprint** the latent *ilhouette- m nhort dance ilrraar* with all the sparkle of youthful personality ramsey's the new eat trenda of provi»cative crt.*p silk check.*, conversation I iNirr«il\ */n>/> ::\ i i.li tM> i;i\ I it prints and flower patterned fmlished cotton* as well as fairy-princess I It 7 cossattier styles to float you across the floor in a spell of magic Come chtHKse now from a garden of fresh color*, in Junior and Mi.**e* ••ire* A22.!»5 to tSKJCi TODAY! TODAY! bN ATI' * I OK M Al.* *11 UMl lluiili (Keparefs \KI OHIKIM. Va t'Y -1 r. I\ SHOES i hum nit u; la1.11 \u sun h n\ v\ %• SALE / hurry : hurry: hurry: men women children vttin t rim i \>r Naif. All »!iw» Ijkkea frum imr rnu!« ihirk Nn j rial hmkMrt ' »r M«ul«»ium * t l.*»p Out* Vll *h*»» • •nil's Quttiil* Siwues uWn rt|bl «ff »er »AII1IF> owrMhc-Mockini: |U KM III MIKED* OF 1'UKS KEIHI'.K l» I V TO 50% /t mt-\*r Z i.KAYD * s ■ i lvwm J ONlv \ ne jHq)ES pQrdt » mit hir. \\ " ¥ art \ n Ens. n e. tul mm . its ao ni in ,uo m mas t»i jaas >»v mas ro