The Wriithcr (|(MH|> IInil ( ollll'l' lliuli »• 'Swing MSI! lur 50 Vrur« I.OH i:.\M I VNSI.S'i;. MICIUllAN—MONDAY, KKIIKl AltY I. l'.Miii IMtlrR :»("KNTS Rebel Ranks Thin in Algiers H Student Ijeuders * Hack ROTC As Is Slnnio|uiM Kut'iillv' (ittminilli't' Slrt'tM't \\ uakuiis liti|MMiaiM't' of \rinv Kofi'vc I itih'Ii \rm\ S|t»|»* 9hilwiih* >n|i|M»rl •tv |i CI | | K H %l 11 K* *l4ir \ruv I ililwr-iit-l liirf Kighl leii.ler* -«l . thulr itiminilkorv !{(»!« tit Msi uhilf lln» . faculty I'omtnittff lt> pi«• i-rw r«'iniirt-ui«nt its stvuiul tinii »f v n 1111' territorial "fuel sheet," 11*1 hi)i,i, Hupp prinily to their ■ barricade, -m the stre«V of Coluiiinisls , .ll! Tt. - >r* viudeif IU)|\ iM'kt'rs IM.'lUii,. .»:• ..i n- ,»f, Alpiers A rot md them was a rinp -if S 11 n it n t nipht. • .1' «»f A:' I'll \itvi!v S'lilef xlaic \c«) i'li.iiii jiv xi liuvi'i> Address 4 t ;«t\ itun .•! . f in.. ; I 11 : (t.iani 1 ■' Ki t'. K\. t tu al,!>tu, v senior, 11 niav II It It h night. ItiV Oelrnit .iiiuiur, ami \llan Hirfielil si < lulr slinrei. compose the f'rrnrh ilelegaiton al Ihe ( auipiis I V im-eltiiit toiii'h l-'reiicli arm\ soldier-. Fi, in arue «'h ;h Maw ftl Ki*v «u.1 VraMiiv Ab 'i s n«lr Nf«- ||» it. M.I...In. T Journalists are They i.titl in .1 pu-s., tMpcertiect *.>U*tv release t!p*> with Attuv Hitler ill We»l "f tunc inept Mie ,»r rightwihv. dPMdent-.. been defying President 1» fhi* gove-n- u'li.i • linnllc t %KI, Wll.NOV xiudicalnt columnist lor the banquet Saturday night I lie Mirhicni l»r|Mil reserve offwet tratfiitis;. since week. 5ork hoi, mid I ( Svlvia 1'iirlrr Hungarian Sludrnl . Ilohuu, pirsldrnt of men! of Agriculture |.nr "loot ll4«V of inmlnrl. the Ai" F.»n*e tim** iw« cnnidtler . !•*<»; Mu- ?.:•■• Uiiic Mie .om* ihr Mirhilli frn* A**l| r\in. ronferemv HlifiriiiiiK of II,r \loscow Stale Symphony Impressive ■n:* weekeml at Kelloutr thai MSl tution. is . as a oliltgated land grant insti¬ to i-oiikidrr Tin* tv.HtNinsiliiiit.v of thr I hiiftnl Nations is irivs|MiiiMihj|jty is KTt»uit»r, a llunjrariaii student loht mem great, hut ii iitim'x attitude sudden replaeemeiit of Itn-. |,rn follow ril ihe « enter ■'•••ill ftracieux liy whatever tipr of military train¬ liars of .MSl 's ukhIpI t'N h rida.v llric f.rn nijrht m thi- Kiliicalion In hlclirr Program of Native Composition* i* fin- I oiilo'isr .is oil-tile spot ing the Army drrmv best. IviVii. .I'tjirs ami fman. 1 e.ii- comniiinder (iracieux was sent Km hi 51 clod lo Hie UN's rail- b.icl. |o (be Complete text I flxhf ' he New York l*(Mt. ex - .•( 'or »' Iieii-.e'it S. foreign aid approach, lie ruiililrtsidr lo lire in aid v s l'i'Vi'tu!i»n- Hie \ N ilioiialixt « m%RV Ml I N UOWlMi. the orrhe«tra'» wrake^i pntm . to her * «tenera Frnl.iv aiipeam cm page 2. m tin- l.c'w, , cited ltiixxi.ui «nrrm in ilic reliels v He -1,4.1 etiiharked ,11 v liners in |Ufa;, .luiopli Moli- Middle and lar « .i» the u ihhIw iud %rcli mi »n • to the Editor colunin, l.axt ax enn i*w State Symptom.*:, the -'i na w lilth the nliar rnrmhlril »»» . • • ■ u •• te *t iking ect— in ciiKiniviuin Ncnior, cluxive |ihm( that Western pnli h S'.atu's eoninilttee for fh |U. - 1 -.mi t. tuiHini'.s trust in the ? , *,s firs". Mur of the elertrie uraan lour with a hijh . .oTstatwtdb'e ' clex xhmild lie reevaluated ROTC, heade«t hv A t Mian ,, Trh.iiWnwskt'» "\ariatioiis on \ - \\Y-, . now destroyed. s .i!w, wis enthusiast; Vibrato \t times the «ertH*.i ie revolu'.«n has a Kinimii" exhibited a ata'.ter. director .»f police admin- Motiuii'ik/'s improiuptu re¬ "I MlKf Mia: Mic li -a w a\ I.M-kiiu in simhI intMnalmn. ■ 'ace in the United States I e . >ed by i r,#av-Vi»pac.U ronirid mood and tempo- mark. op the niiMtel couie when to Which prilled |.e a dl«turh- ik.* »t the greatest income titration and public aafe'v. a . UN's dis¬ we liouhl I In .,v - ... *0. V.i i timid slufr.itt. rrllUI. pta»ed Ing rlrment. ThU factor %*.»* •n narW," Mk iVrt atreascd tfie p<»lnt that tlie Amu cussion i| nest ion, "How the new. iniugili.P'vi .aid effr. : . Ki»»>U!-\i l\ Ihr demaitdin* ami Inlrieale moal evident in the "Vartaltonv said. "Americans are now ■Foreign Aid Ui vgrauis to tlnder- WDIN to implement v!;■■!,.., ■iiiivi •• nun t M and program is toe one which would and volunlaiv 1*. •■veU-di--'pdmv mu.-. variation* w III. a ecu rat* The braas ilevvlopeil Nations Can Me Made working • <« w»< fyw earning enough to want to read A smalt chamber orchestra tv moat nernnuly affected M>»re Kfiix-'ivc," wiiii prolonged rhlp between »i-- >agh » program •• -. - ease Tu! and »ome MA, I assisted the Milaltl dtoppmg the compulsory setup »i*» 'ir 11 oio oiner student Will"Id, tf»roiij;*i .1 realedi'. . tng It was employed * Only Ma vary ••withy eared f. *. ..Hi.Vi In its "fact sheet." delegate practicable fun iKn .,..i j,*«»k« ,«!i The l> Major. a tvantage thf 'Ughou*. j id • ah*«t Ihe to rata a tox strueture the con- Ru.i».*;i sty e *• ■ he xuni two tncore« g ive * >• .»s Uunuc the KWa. ahe aatd. Naur tn.ttee said the Army wants a "Vow ranmit Inn friends. Vnu the prulii K J-, ' » v.v . featured the "Wo shmjid i , . - further opportun;'-- a..- ic tab-ins un.i-'Ui *. VaterU KU- .. eversnne la bit*rwt»d In toxea. largo force of reserve' officers liaie |n itn ninrr." he tolil listen¬ tine coid'iu-. belli .i-.ilnsl Hie t •- — we have dt'vcl«n» 'i ' ■ '" iigthail Tb v-r'tww gave A it* strength and c:,ua!.-.-. d en demanded t*-v know ers se.ll.mK '.ml) of .■ • t.-im Opened , ■ •ri'ircn iolihrr»"—while Nkv. those who an • :• mr.img fur luiope.iiis •: .t, • dexterity in In their !,rc •>.- \, « .'nvanics. xha sajd after tried f«» eel lliioimli side slicel* •}i .'lit iq\lbsn: "i>\ ct.- ■' the M-enyw SU'i and Air Force fh "unpltMsunt freedom again ' coimiuuiiam a- ■ nance The *'<» s. • . * e working girjj; Dnr- programs m-u to tile 11,.i in . aivt Lw.i > i a bv jj mt.ipf the Sovii't round the world pUm before lite . audii'iue sfeoweit _• if. War t women worked nniv a imiail number of HOT'.' hariic.ides. fioli scuflcred croups Uv ..Vt >. • oaehtne-Ukf iiiiti. • said: A Yugoslav .Uineiii. Karl Mag* for it# return m • r ';t,> je< and after the men who are qualified for tech¬ got thtoiicb out ol Ihe estinnileil •*j t xaethe- "u* quality »" ■ \v,. vat. warned Mr. mmlel UN del*- hh/»mim Set U» O/M'ii the r inifri:' i- warmly *e* W--/0 tMck hwne. In nical pobitiona and who gener- We hi»\e iliucll IHW | Vtrirf I \hilnl in t illm t,y i-.'H >«v»l.»n 1 wonien went to V " \ \ A hF*—Soviet K:"-"- P-. r* • ' •' half of ' •' tne Sv e - Farmers i'> *sfi r *hev rtid not officer*. It e noted Annr hi a alary Mil- tha' Mu* throu^n CHmir we ••■• tin"re :»'• ,ti#£**it arc \ >u C it. can li a IIII a achieve 1 S hardships ui'mn tinti. When viewing necessary to aounriu a dutacbud ■« acapugoat na- war it la Not tvliich ki'lcii • « the even 1. ! .1 >ui | n , ■ want to be- ; •■ • K Minor. Oi» i , Premier Anas'.as MlXuy- phony •;-i ice; , - - tear Rrurher; hie utoilaat. Hiuh , ,,, . „ pnxtie pluloHopliy if peacu la to Ito To 1 nice M« don, Tin I •ig to Cuba th.n week ttA. a- Iva' ov urn 'it orches'. a • •• ou":ti aim oore theif I.I. flap. It ilium evcniiMlly won, he said. , who t<» riiie of these was the Hungar¬ "• sir* • m ., m, * ,1 Soviet exhibition. through its moat exettmf pe:- want talk t« af Ihe fifth '. he said ian refugee aid program. I.ten I'ob.e s.ii.l ii at. hc!d h- ■ , t not he 'carped im-. ifrmaneo of the evening. - - Army ea favurlag rumpulaury Mo linn Not:opliii who wnsk'tt i * here jus.' who .use government offices invited Tha Russian interpreUUnn of TehatlMwxkr seems extreme.y On (an minis • • financial heorr of Amert* f-nally beconj the *foc|( huela IOTC ua a aurparalone of Me service'a afflaea recruiting here. Ihougli. tloliioris* detected a "bad lasle" in the arreeniiig Siuirtuii Sales • d Tw. oihef, a,.,, ao'dmi |**r -.••• Sunday »;rai|htforward and deliai't i'o' Main ^he Mid "Wall Street fmrua. procedure which prevented Hun¬ garians over 4."» from coming In Start luesday ''be jh" *apa less romantic than the hav*- ,| h*., ■ *. ,v announced Saturday Wii Street be.*.«m# ■ i, ? ■ o m«*f* aiu v' M Te dieet alio cited enoditiom the | iiiled Mate*. h» cm, ! had accepted a l'ub**t Te' i.kowakv to which we are ac- if»n: *n; v-«it n,-ev. for over 1.5 million A young boxer. Ids atha. v .- - ,m .imhui.oi, »- i-t-yr ;in>» cus'.o'ned. The entire program ernpl'-veesi in voluntary ROTC athoolg, landlady, aiid her drunken hu*.- mr ! ih»o.iro. .,„fi to open the Soviet f r I hi* • v;: 4 1 are ;t\es"ng in * I know your purpose Is to MnpUcit* «■' ' v'.-rii it '■ irmart bundle h'-m l eel. l„..rte and t uitu a". Expons- was rendered ■> »;uiu i K.l' . h . • A>e- *u«k- and there *.«- rw» q ie«f «n madequele U«- build a free world, but yon can¬ hand figure in a MtuaUop that, into that f»a itAtixtlce pmvidad hy aahmili be bo, ■ , ftock ownership ■ iUvana Thursday. Iluring ' e .. itr .<■ gnng not achieve ;h, if you open moves violently toward tin* flash to and." w clectiwf pgugrama, Ihe mm- Hut then 'be arrnv tescaleii '.)• »l fvfnf. tb«- rr. 4 i { exi only your tnxketliooka and not point of basic human emotion rr.,"iv ,aid II ipeuld be their hue .if, emforcemen!' W.YI't. !<.j • .* r — "Althuugh luterewt in craaam* "wildly four heart*." he said. , . . and casting its *hadow over , Irs unrealistic" to emne toet MSfj and truck.: *4*u.rch carr ii!T. vtffSSiy. n#W w#n: . xi/(.*.%» *d •uhiert to appalling.** aha aadd. ; fUggevtioii of an earlier speak¬ Ui the grata"? on",per. preventing I." than fiva prevent af tha (werm efrtcem wlthoui Thi* storv, a acrtoua atudy of the mac,... ftmn b>- eoAsumer* and ata* * er, Mike He Ivan, Laming aoph- iitis.'rring Mo people lake a euaraa In •..nng beeto training. three people nr*i g cat, is in rein- ' 1,1:1 |r, fom. ,, buinait ■jj' prudiKUon naaua- emore, who had urged that tlia TODAY lev. and thuae ska have haven't A'Mdrmic senate, MRU thou* the latest issue of Spartan before "■« liiir iTcade*. Specw! exhibits will open t\ Uhited States imitate fho Soviet on uj - . he- faculty leglalatlve the stand,. Offkwl T*»t*m K*«i»tr»li«i :.y»n todav m Sparta a Rudium. gain-d much haeause teachers U Unlen's foieign aid program. Tuesday, Wednesday, I be week-old uprising against ill lufarmed • icr at ltg Vhh> 9 and Thursday. Agr'.cuiUira! E.-.g.neennf. Drm are Cullegrs are "Tetlay gomimmtom is fairly He lAhbt, kfllocc Ctalfr ju*t as hud a* high bchimls " lucf.r.j; ..M.-ia! fp feplacn Also in the new Spartan t« im tiaiille's self-deter initiation Hail. Muawum, Home Ecoafxnic*, Ihr frem the Uaitcd States. pallet for Algeria lux been hard I'rolmNul Dairy Farawr'a A»ori«l»» Aud basement, livestock barr*. f-url WUaon. Bnaadway c» im- Hie ; i of required ROTC Interview with **Dr. Wordgfel- here Tmmtj yean age it xeumod pressed since the French chief* S3 I anon OtUacr. Umtock p*v n .-.* from the NVw- York Fo :ri a one-term maodgo almost ag far frew Hungary. ti»w", a noted Inventor and aci- -n. meats I rid a* • Tientatiun course and the uighl broadraxi from enlist, on hi* underwater ex- . laboratory. Dairy. Mwsfu*an A - Ijirr, Joint Dairvatr*'* Mtaim* Vnditorium. krlloaK Caalrr tificial Breeders . »t>era' ve an i w t- th he ..11 tale pre UHton Saturday n.gfif :' at tht re balance elective baxu of the program on an Please prepare yourselves fir the povsibility that crenmuntsin perinient from tha deptha of I'arl* !»■> l.r^hir* llr»kn'» Aaaedatiao the oratory. new? Oe«g>y .a - t c-ieu Vntdi* i.-r n#v'*paper* u» corivc-fj • Academic c •» u n c 11. senate'* may knock on four door, ton." Molitorba said. " Lake Michigan. The poetry is lighter In nature V' smaller giatrr &>■■>;, of ' »p MSU Hi« Tin Room, kflkwr t«l« Iinam UN to raw mmd •<5,» ->• than fne laat two this issue, with aoma gatira on llnmn 8«ri» Catlk Brrad.r n Aaaorialiaa S.-Cs official*, has alrcadv a(.iprovr>1 MfM, »| 1 ahtoj •• the Hevlet the earthy typa af Imagery •toy fee tht vbto week, aaainlv ' Ihe suggestion. W IV>ard of Trustees l atea delegate, eutliued the He¬ found in contemporary poetry. K«d ( rkar A. ktllacc Crater to save lraveline tint# and rsai. 1*1. raid ther« should ha ratification would t»c necessary vlet strategy mt warId cupqurxl i'.-irr conning a- * u ' in thy Cartoons, fiction, and tha reg¬ i.urra«*y Itrmlrm' Awarialiaa f»r i day mr two *r return crvsTM-.rer Uu.fiw .has *v*y if the bill were approved by through the thuury af gaupulUtra. ular features can alto ha found III Alge ( ralMMial Km. ktUocc Crater ite. Nutiug weakaaaa to toe prewet in Spartan III. each nit hi | w ihi« reawii. !*'.» ■ I « ar * h-1 a-t i l he waf • *■ ' 1 '< >!>■• ' vi , and ^i.:,» i ,il ll"Meia~t'rif«iaa Amriation 1 eveninc meeunc« ■revet, nt the Ike-oner#' " .'Ut«Mia| ' d •! , , «< insurgent around dairy t*rm>ng A »■ —- '■ ' out t 'he bai - Milkiac Skarthara Awtorialioa feature tius year will be m- W itoq'i unique stile of using n...on tlia Tea Kaaai. krliotK Crater ft#.,*. iOna i da .rr fa rmt rr' *+,. ikhoiuiiaaii in writing about lied Daanh Cattlr .(nairiatioa for farmers hto family affair* me times be milking Sd vutof or nun cuufusing due to uues Kncli Scheduled Mirhifaoi Roata. krilott Crater tnote. peeled changes so that BW ran ti Tuesdav. the accent w,'A be -jh H.l_(„ official Terleni mean cither beautiful wife I'or \i ulci" (iarni youth *i'h ♦•H club member^ ar a« Tea Kaon, krilogt featrr a program m the bourbon and water froftMuoaal Dairy Karairr'. Vmuciatiaa In Wau c'aimva. rvgsh *"i evenmg. describing how he make* con- t'artor It. I'aiaa Wedaei4a.v'i events will ..n- 'he rourvls of all the Broadway fiip ■ id iit- he'd VVedrie rehire ItrrrdrrV .(»»ociatlo» clude a luncheon for the zughtciuba. he *SJd .that iua wilr . 'men. the annual short course made clear to vktn he if. J! t-nern (jo-,5:11 d-cc chiio - 101 krHou Crater men wdt i»e -,.n nmd to' ansm r graduates' banquet and She pie- fibl itarted th.» column tbat ahe HoMeta-t'riroiaa Aneorulwin senutioa iff three diatiagiuabed w as to on kacmrn at ton gitl b* question* r-onccniiiig their com - oiitlcc w »rk Vodrtoriuai. KtOocc Crater acrvare-to-agrirulsuse avrardi. to* wi'-b. Ml kmm to. Tt'Jr* "nVcitodr wifi be auction¬ I'Qfttjuna are available on Uc Milkia* Shortkara Aaaociatioa r follow if.-g cofliilli'.ivcr fVudie. ed Thursday All department* MSl Siudtal AdadU - Uncoin Room A. krilocr Crater •;or.>, Tiieme ;,nd i:.,ir.nM have scheduled programs and Official Tralrr* the Centennial Farmers group— Krrral Wallrt Thefu Programs. Publicity, Judge.- a,, i'. 1 I'M krllon Center those living on farms *£uch Larry WalMr, Cadillac tmk» Trophies, Public ReJuUoiu. T , - te kctf. Water Sports and Sui I'rufexUoaal Dairr Kanarr'n Aaaocialioa have been owned by the aame man. pleaded guilty to cbupi - farruly for mor* than 100 years light*. U I rion looung Mttct in the 5fen*t Water Carnival, which 1-4* —will boId a luncheon. ZM btog. hi circuit court frt» is he . "•nirl Hoar graduation weekend, is on «u- Sen. Philip Hart (D-Mschk day and wa* jailed for yentencto • tntraaial Rao at. ktilocc Crater tiual Alt-university f u n c 11 •• ■ Nil.- .. taii.ll Msf\ 74.IMI0 Student* and Faculty i-,itillfeltr,l l»\ (u.hnU Willi.-Ml VtUtilKrfii HtAte I 1.1 "II v Ml|>cl Vi-i I Reporter Offers Her Rebullnl \ ,. ,| \,. i "» M • >ti< i i \. I'tl»ruar\ 1,'MUiO I'Hire I'tvo Of Proposed One-House Plan Hv joan D»rr% UvMn* want it. like a "powcrgiab IhMnivrats soemetl embarrascd Examination of mi.-; Stale New* I'apllol Reporter when their State Central com¬ is always beneficial in Wiitih out' not help but wonder if mittee announced the proposal j\tSUO Flunk Rate Here's my kirk at the currant political football that Michigan replace its two the proposal had beeen recommended by i*s study committee Republicans said it imeiicd In this than the disease—-wh;i' may be case, miiftit house legislature with a uni¬ Mot Really * High *• cameral body. er bast week State News report¬ I.vii Stiepard wrote a five- part analysis of this plan This Brazil Changes Mind XWtll M I'MIAT I \ST \\ KKK of tin- lure. week I offer mv one-part re¬ About II. S. HoiisewiYfy llll • .< 1 V nvMinl "ill quarter at MSI'O hm rmulteil buttal. Proponent* of the plan, hi I , i,. ,,[ uuiiei e-.-ou i iiiiialrnialttm In t-ilm-ittliMiiil eluding Air. Shepant. offer II as Their opinion on cofi,• . -\ 'r . '•! in-. tMIUpllS a preventive to a rerurrenee of ln>u bam' nf KI2 jHiunris eacii hi'.ii'il that, Mnn»nr~«»fher thitiv-, to the United Slates hasti t changed Orn- 1 j. . ,, f • ilu't* i! the It.M legislative hassle. if fee grower sax-,. "After that we priced our¬ o N'<." freshman eeouemu*" t.»ni-.n» at the > ' flunked a As to exactly how it will pre¬ ■ .. it • drink pota\ wale selves right -out of the market. means 4 t » ik' ,?s.t brunch. there has been t'oiiMdetiible talk that the vent another cash crisis, the*r We raised our prices and house¬ call it coffe.e " 1i! often "must really he a touyh irh«»*d " people arc Inexact Hut Hraiit's feeling * «»t, | - wives revolted, The* bought In¬ Intel-chamber bickering did • \\ .• .k.n't \\ ish te dispute that statement MSl O imdutlbt stall action several times dor- stant coffee and tea." housewives has doit* an ah„„i face. Ilratiliaus have a tmu'h si tnml and we have hopes of even higher tug Phe war-long *n*iofi. but The American coffee .industry took the hint booking for cheap¬ the hard way Put t«» uuderesu- leirnr.j this was not ttie only cause of!|t'i t ments !cr «'•»r "sister school." er coffee to pacify the house¬ mate that'feminine power ttie legislative stalemate wife, importer* turned b» Africa Ra.vs Azurem Costa 1 le4,t VI Till' S\Mi: TIMi: we'll like to point out that { lit I Member* of the eventv divid¬ lira? 11 tail coffee export*-! Now. l»oth Brazilian exjn»rt* and t ,ie .» MM' student* aren't exactly living n» Mt.v Uthl *»f ed, tlou*e of Kepreventative* iW prices are down I cart s.iv one thing i.^ eith»-t Ikemoerat* and ,\A Repuhlleaiisi ''-m\ •••-- tudk and honev. Itrt/iliaie have*been hit liant t'n 1 tiii State* When " e equalh riulttv of holding strmvled through the I'Vonotnic* .h*a were wife *i>eaks. cwrybtx!- \ , m h,i ba- bv the African coffee trade and up a volution. Tfie trouble was we didn't bu.'ws fully well that e\en upperelasamen have a can't understand it That's • they , .» la-gc lative hand* were nu re m Brazil, where the oid because Hiev like coffee strong, vy . t t. , dit t'leult time cm'aping without at least one low frrmlt*. *em»usly tie*tf because of consti¬ t» often ignored ' t»la, k and heavily sugared The xvoman W t>en the new hemes etonputtntf the nutnher *»!" fall term tutional' limits on thru taxing It all hack to the coffee Americans drink it blen t- goes c — 11 • ■ >11k* at MM come out tin- we. k it'll prol.ah!\ make power Mam possible solutions »•. 1 with an African graile Urard- I" V rnffee crisis of 194* uto.i were ,l:wanle.t foi th:* rea*'"i coffee on the grocer s shelf s«.. tt-is commotion look premature ians consider latlfloe Kfficiencv i* a major point eti to nmtr than a ihtlltr I»;*p!lr th;v optmon Afi •• a * foi vi'iicaniei al supporter* Thcv UtUlllllVl. Ill Tin: rilOMWI'S III I l( I , "U'not" coniend that aivurately process¬ ha* become brazil * highest com¬ pound Shortage'* Fa t■ " III llasie l oilere emir-es I- about I'» p. i petitor in the coffee market - ,.f "I hills through onb one house M ... .«■! ing There'was a time when Bra¬ who's been In the h i,!-- 4^ ve-. ^ ,• * foi first term freshmen I'tus heme is. inisrleadme , ijolckci and cheaper mm, r zilians didn't think highly explain* thioe n no dUtilication of effort howpvrt, sttu'e tuanv frvshrnen are eneo'.ivaeed to relratu either American housew tvea or "We had a , of?.-- ,.4. r. • •»- taking eel! ba-ue come- until t'mv have* Ink. " i i hence. exoen«c Vet efflcleiiev U not a nutor V S coffee tastes and exported none .» • ! • aparatori course prior to goal of democrat-*. Totalitarian¬ Kreause of t'-is methml. the number * I 'V is redueed ism is much none efficient ! i . ,• ' \ ! . iie-hman '' a* mieht have i • . \|st '» h «d neeause t'e ui ,m ; 1,' • | " v'ades were etven from a ; <"x more v flunked v«' »it!lv prepared a , \ . • • \. '• n.'t i-omnie'elv dm.' " c amount - . l CAMPUS CLASSIFIED! ♦ 1 UTkHIINI'S 1 pm iMv Hrfoir I'uhhratloii foi lues .1*1' I i ' .i' i toll..' I ,ss*i y | ' | I ■ , t mill I- o'lt to roue !' ■ •Differ* • •- Thurs smt III litillous. Ilradltnr I or *|ou Edition I p m j l.i llers le llu- Fililer . . is • •, *.»11 f which t* ch?!\ fuei'er ftia'i the MSl figure. ♦ wo differct • On 1 a fe.v Hills Tavahle k-11 and 1-4 Monday throiizh lrulj» mt t.,!!- ■ f the most or i:o 2-111 I K\T1 . I \hl\l. IMD 4 ONsllH K \ • lt»N this was the *iinu' .imhou .- SiimIoiiI leaders ;otixslucest "• ,;t. • ■>...I* i t •-« ■ i m • • .I'ut! a'arm • e 't e«j new s, th»o| wi- m operation, ftii- fiyme ■■ It's .tit tirnlt for a new faen'ta d t\ m ytaiiurc prwinluies wtieti tt.. . Support l«i'h house*. believe Proponents Impliedly of the in its proposal work AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING Air. shepant. In partn 11 Compulsory IMK Projjram ability fi'! !?' ' ittlt loo's Op.'l .it I.m t-, , m i«ii t h in vnwin •»0R RtNT ■ - drew a parallel with the ■ » Ur. I-... ri Mx 1- •*. ellr ' • IV" s • I'.ofinl of Trustee would do better to eon Nebraska system. \ j i'SO hi 1 g,»Hi «Ote« • OOMS . < i ,-e "eh.i»''\ t»ev'!'.s at home' before the\ tn thong * 1, lie admitted t->«! lu the I iltlet Intrr-TratrmiU I ounrll •c.-i'.-.i e was givi-n to Hr> an Hit) there was * uuestton whether KOUM M AH • He . 1 eotii f .• »'.is iUit brain*h o handle. t*.« Horkme «>>;« w • >u- \m.n-. Hill I'lrslilriil this sn'.isn serving "an agrarian 1 > y ilr««* Ul I ■ m e«a tain dep u tm.mts ■ ' >n i •, ! >n • • A. .! is now. th * display ta I men Me.i%l A | srfttitwii p!am» atata could •I*'# . > * ,;v • .»' ■ on' llll ♦ treat to ii" wot t" thin i.tti be a urea! film I'iniilriii s -i-.*gracO at every gme I tho-k TIUIllAi *.>' *• • w .... e. n i ■ Mi»\\ *< \l i" ■ Six e I'm-* servo tha imax c.*i»pla« as-a* ' HKAKVs CX»M»'|.FTV. HUIMM. fellow* won' t :»e dorr- • ' • e.i to •!? ot the teaelitu*.' statnlards *n that HlliC Kr» ,-ofme neext* of a highiy-uxlua- •*»y #>1.1 in- il.vvi if* tin? 1 «. Tmiilrul e-na-'i > P-r -oil' MM- •' Ih.iK, Hrli-1 »• "I ident ben.u ts from the yiru', cxi <••• iliulinii> speak *Wr . t 4tot . diJUHmweu H«ti Kfuturifr s Midwrsterty state" »iw»il !»!»» I ♦> .••Ito.,11 Vflrnm AnurUlli*n the Siaslmrn whvre more pc.e. • ers *»I0 K K-i- >;• - IV ♦ T' e 4.1-memher legUlatuta, t»a« • v i.-sit-aif o' t : • ue op ♦ \! fvnu S frtistia'e.! ♦ « * « «u d »ee fhem pcf >ro- If " ta amall a^ra, it pr*»- mm ■■ -a • y'ard Sect-on' -h ' • » sivive. to- • ' employment LOST and FOUND \ i>oi a r.x a mora ia»pana.t»a B* Usios WtiMK Jw poaftton #v«tiapir « » fit >t- ^ v. >„ i«.\ ' -A AN- , tcc 4 success | say ie' It:van 1U SHK aimwny. Mam , > r - , •• " V f -\x; ,,,*« « ' % haste question of lipfM»R' am* Inters iew« •< M«»rn" < '-A.--N- • v v- nixolyrd hara. 4'auld S/wlls It tation »s Ivh.ih I. Wedn#e>liv »*h. at • iw 1 * V -0* t.v V t '*V •:*> I so tempierl to write this legislators represent Michi¬ , 4t letter after walching the "1 aid .r gan s nearly T1 1 million elHaaua "forsalT PERSONAL r (hit for Us Nectlan'* put on the game* !•«! fall. Il was dis gusllng la see such a haitls or- their act during a* 11 1.. well million* give as the* can Mich'.ev.iien'l Nebraska's •10 HiAftfAST BONUt ■ •If W tM • . • *- 1 ■ anlaed group Irving to follow .'t»»wi •» call »!>.'-• P.^5: NtqiVvi- | 0OOO Ca"»e N-f.>] rh » Mi " la the lihtei it tftii-.K l.n' Instructions »-c sa n-n.- «-s iiC • »•? iegislativp coh- wou-d raqutra man- filiH y^,.i . I I 1 Afn . >e*-ing the t ;.- j g'« n< KW A XT ItAKfRV t»% ' • »" «m xvie. i. i ii.,.- , ) rn'.!>il "M>1 O on TV' J« - 2.1 I w >. -ond Pun die pieaent 144 mcm- QUICK kfvwa d vt.hielly «iPr o, ,y»J .,< IH 1 • 1 *el, e t«»r C SL h , e , • s 'A i J J!e ?I, liW.t. ..te bc i * . i of p-e wonderful m»-- •:»own tore j o m v' X \\ . t St C : cdr » v.*-' \, » peuiber c*f the rspitol •8U0NUT 8H0» • eilCH T int to the Hrvan lb'! ft- w vV:.HAva.d - \ ^ »t • pe-Hhi.-s thi-tf ire j A •' warn any tl.««e pi*"-- -I should probable 212 Mac Oa«* i< w4mx "(i ! 'lf MFttf VV t; A T » v - , -. ■ "vr-t' *-V-r' .it r»xV,s *f> - ainaller legtalauva *t Vi - ' 1 —«-ia 'n; a *• sound #!>vt iee.. 1 ' *.? I.\ iJiji # *,l \ i A S x: .N.AX > ,ci Bi> an Had do ■ hacxvc'V coat aawte raiir.-, • Jr«p b xxvu-4 ba much aasn-r f i . ece' ■» M • •. lifvoid of •!! te«on .»' . . . ■ k e Irg foster p..,» - a 1 >'* \#,icy, M W, Ia »i-' •-.? :,J"o It !« our btbt'f " Hall tD J-4.X0O I* e * a^Tfi've a ! not own n- M*t Aluionl t a.vrt.iM -of Ihtf *ort \i->v.vd I ohhvists would pohahly pr» R * « srw RO« M\' HOftstA »• It . tha reason m L; ' • Sufn-onrry pmvo ter it for same x,,"#ule |i«r > hildren li*.» ,«r>» real ESTATF I'iiin rule ' a. ' s» ajxny tn*' 'u- Value System is wanted common hills knowledge that un¬ are mare easily rur i-isca tXU A I'msenutv Village Ki» -xIAlt TW: stopped the small slate eenate nrcogAtrn cart* nrt.ivmrty \ou terra M Ml* lh* atiiluiie in of * iii»i|i|ii»Mn| filflll M'tlUi Takes Ileal illo than House of in the man* -memberrd Representatives. to vi-«u I," partie* «>ih»r er. OeI».-i.->i-.s p#*utra IV t-STXH b)tth.1*vs XI* « K«ot lUs •"» hei uisaleni cHUd fur »*nl- A VI t • • .»!• « |« ilift* #al •»« in' tilr lie To the I'ditor. i'lveifs! gr^niim were much . "' •g em tUr BK'ir active and ab!« m influenc¬ aw n. 'the fv!k>w. g ,te*i M c.-!-p?» Silvci tMAT NaTiVP!8A •r-,1 sfflKijsn action in Ih# 4 « S u %•;.!> - K» 'iau. IU.t j m »f* '<»e *h- r* • iwat-«- 4 i? 411 »n*.e s-s. .g c*m>- ing tax Upper * .4i» tisner, KD l-*ar- . V i'»"i iV;«A U'>e »f . A - . ■: w* *»»»'• '• rtiaruber Hur ng IJI59 mci . , ,»■ s *t"» p urtiji I'AAT LAX vj Shi •'I '»'t 'o i /'•".SB3 w '-■ 1 , •. .e-u ' -h « A> * * i-.'-.i ot wH '•* -H tft*.ft Aran . \ wi The tc * -'f runnmg for of. -a • * « • .1 R#.-ii !»«tvt>e I hour* Uiuls epe«l '•' « I* um»!v»vesi i »ivxr*c t'e a wow at hot*# »e ae v ertA.a- 1. Tk# federal budge* request uh.ier so, h a *v«te»n cook! . * «!>-« ■dr rot des i • ... f > ■ ■ nutst MSI'O .» today to )t?t 5 million «ts**r\!s ;x-rs,»n t« person cam* 41 v\*i'i* l*ft ot mm BpO't'H| WH-MWf » Hl hsV»*-» *'Vn.. ' > t' > I In tti.v* the cigarette in- pa,gh wouU1 be limited TM0M»40Tx M»Ck 4 UUN.-t * t « l |*i«i »*a i im c* w vp* ■ • F»Vt>Mv , ;nVj|c j?™ ! \«ufS i V .'W i'lUIKI va • v ie*U-,4 . •si! m<. wrtxH* *'• * .Uuio Tit * a «•-.• i M * v * dustr* atone spent on ntiriUsini fll">s million have larger office to He Muffs will! maintained bf tha WIUIAU H. :-k: i m c*04 Off fOi Mv- i.s '« Iv S »« ♦ Nv *!.■»' » !*.;* •' S* ol&»t wniven • . . . *?>e fwt v-o;wiv>e.e wt*ft elected officer* in a*dee la mala* oe Nee,I w* say mo- ' F>« Bra #-1 : tV Vl.lM • . *• Mil fJ4r'..utfMvs» 10 i.-w »..--4 • > Ui»*k *'• '.■*% w.ih ta uu»-• l'*y ot (ireene tain raniact with eMdNiMW frasdar Cmt«» tV 1-9244 ■» V I'll! III.HI «iV\ SMCIAUZC i VM ,.hfc p!*nl ij % e e.g.v q fu ! 'w'f • e-H* >1 .* U • W -wa. I;n ysiur *xw« John ftigelow T*w - ano'txar aven mm# diffc-,r?u:e. between Nab a - %vl IUNOLIS P0« in ' » N U *• -hi: -» . • ve: . i*U-r;.Hi>V qu. 0 Hi* . •.» svlbuoa %m Vuttl* M a,F»y rjr »».i»i St b Vj.t. • n*N 4 ?♦» »» »'.■*. » |t U"»' .'i sli Hi>tV t» wi k W w,e »l end I,jo ? pe-'1 How Alioiit It? p.»r*i'-atiof5 M ch.gxn is becxwnir.g in* K>« MNT trrnma KXIXPT TftRvf PAVE an etevtrw 1 r>< of n- «' »». I'rtV hi > ' if Daow 1*4 a yuar • creasirvgiy uvduttrialwad atvi ur- teen raare «xperne.'* r»>, .. ,-f To the Itliioi . miK-t » >u***-on i t . M'lif banizeyi. Conflict bet\y*en rural AFTHOVID MOL MNO- OX* me* *!» t •? 4 \ mm* c.. ,i the w.'erm tuiUk' ♦ - *h*re bus'.fs'ow cioee t.» -* v* mtemtg •* upperen-« .. •'W-.a on dsn?'.!' and urtw'i c.'wfras Pnvtli antrsnsw. stop)# 9kr*. • »• --He' ;.f aLJ rBssrsssLrz- - .'e»- « V. . I q . " * a v*f * hrt^e n- .i«* " »rvct The praaent 19dm Mfhttl t * r x i_» # Tu t* fce<*» k*» per msoUx. »KU» V •"-•u'»d be f v*n i* i •' • wvrv t>rov devi w;U» iC* ' . « « » :> t-W. or IP- « u and re prase ate Ikk nafit The Al of • . • i; v,iau. . RMar types - . a I**** ■ .. » It electrve siscMas at rm*- o :,*H . »#>U j* V |f*«- 'M»r% Jt Rwhil. «bi cagfHrt will aat he aatved be Cell Mrs. IheeSHta. IV 2 »•♦»•« .too r : v. y it wrwnt -raAMvow K*JLII«. MM. • ; •> Stsu. 4 »!*>.« * -T-.M MMO sCkident a new system affeaaiva een Puyktin* nm»!y furaimed, three : 5 ? V -US ot ,•-* 1- 4-4 t S^AltTAX kftn-TT; ' s ' IV'. » 1 CVv .. ■- ^ rwx r.( i-v hath, strprba TYPOIO masse I • «H VH-ku ''ikiUm * * » , Mr. Shcyard d»->ci recv»gr>ute rhwets. woahe-, tli rmr, fji» artgtnsu Wis Cad* $4 ' ' '' 'oif e evtrKftyj umymuahad. si r» ?* ■ v V *' ii- e; v *•*•* •*. - w VVfiu l.ettrr Policy on* rare b*sie fast ia ara'o r- •us.- . . • i;-ia*r» 'ir '% 4 . ■* A'-*n lag Ihu factor* tarehmd feg jUv^ six room rexstsam* iwm tm T-r- 'e«e, *h* >f ROTv' • The state News *aUri«i ill* p-!' * *7- rr- , prxwul: at* men stwdants rear Jt htriung dents' Views wt tepte* «f nb Ne.Sher IVfrAXcra'* pe Repub. •"■d laundry feeUins* IV MIH tf RAT RIOCX AT - ; iJ v , — w versitv-level interest. A f'.msm*1 itvrr weie made by is* rwt rooms i*NmLVTSNrrt ««. els v *. e • 4.u» fo, fi - ! «hauld be limited la ) fumtsnad. eesttahta to «n»dents ne i * Nn». run \t ** Rnbika *D T-«JRg or XO t-MAS j., e- van«iU*«:v ROTy" t* w-. \ t « l and must be vianeg. TW WTilrea l-rvli—nrs- IV MJC -i\T-*si-t be the A*** » name will be withheld apaa re* AfAlTMlNTS 1 WORCR TTWO- Bryan Hall _ >ve!. t C9"-A ;'v quest, hew ever letter* 4llttn i? the -es;p«>c*,bi'.;ty of M fur the v«te eurpese af pwMMi- TAST lAJtXTXO - »,« myrn*. P first ftanr. imfumtep.ed apartme^v. typ»*aee ereducei - 1 n»CA flllMLMI WITUr . . , M l t*n!Ter*.d* n 4 ',af>1 gr» - In* a nen chaHMhW ereal wta 1* ?!f ii ij, t ^7* „ * yr n«t be published. Tbe stale nil ' k- Draws (.Ihht -■ +$+ i. 1 t: r *. « »■ . n 'o ike neest 4 .-.y*./...' leserie* the disrreUwa ta t psv, flTTl Cberrr Land. V-rv pftfgv«m the lau-llet tual yulUy af Eftgttgh r1»w far faretgrn Wire*. •e j. e — u U «- : , Hill liMnteed. fre%ide«l llvit letter miOKir\ mnrcii ■ 's * ■ H Mi... ffliywi'* • ill meal l tim*ii| r— ii ml (km* From Alum 8 pjn, Trrria Stevens bead Fyrrstrv Clbia I>r f the •» " 41 M Trw IWefc IMma Xtom thuidtai Michijian 1 Mew* FOflttfy rVtMt'xre.v, wul IrioHtr Vll t nlTerMU 9ti*Ml Ceitfi . Ta like MlUr Hi Stu, >peak on "The Keg.iUgliM rV*Vf*H*D WOOMX tor «m*«e rrmn. with r\M * V X fl * meat' Yi-m r*4Uy have la hA»»! d 'o •f )Vrw'.er**. , . Ou.- traf-evi a« |v a-aavji -au w>»; A Seean, ! *?».'• Id Rfillni. rrmiaat Brym Halt c*ng " f-MJ': •HclunPm. ls T* poov* rv-s rtv* sti IxlermarMly ClMril iXir ng the ftxHbwfi ,ie*#ct>h turw»*hed 9 WANTED Might Staff r2 tin MS:4 « ideal every lime, I thin* rhe 'Clrsi •betw-eetv • . _ lixvt ti-tereu m mwg clam 1 mgM MRU IKbarw fulv 4. g i Inter- Sevtioa at t'te** gutres wou'-4 oer ax-» ot Man-.- 1 1*7* ■ AnMlM be « ,u#*» w wtKb if tbt* Wlen Muoe . •rftco. l«t. lazuli, MMN — Aiiriiir.Av sT\Tr vtiyr Ko.ii/ Pitrlinlly l lnnril Irhriur.l 1.68 fat* Tlir.. Graduate Fellowships Ihir lo l iiimlrin tiiiii d S..I.V and I .nil- b.twn-n II the traffn- i ,u linrii'il I iiu-lriirlinii IX'orkrr l-'iimiil Alivr National K". Miu-er nfi (Jiii.hi; • v.,i ll -'M-n ||«i; xv.:l \1 IN'DF.MKHK, TIC 1 »•-■"A - .» ,t»*rti»r a* the slide scene v. I llrlrmr Filllcatlon . I'liv Art I rlloo ships Fifteen-!.un- . ■ , I*ti> .»•;•' I 'in Mi' . i A . .ue.l !.» tr.iff.« Starv.^ tod.. -o;i inghtt ay department re- apin'/»r»"1 fn good i-ond-.ttoi", I sufft r.nfi ..-.In from cxj>o*itre dted firadua'r fi'llowyhiji* .1 • l'-.ed M.rthi-miitlrs. well .. ,!i , .11! iHUibfi !<■: -. A « .vk, Ml I'm!) "«■ iiuinxl »n • >-i.«rs He fo.U rescuer:, he coi,' ' av.ulat.:. un |' ■■ •i" I A« . oM.iutu'ii! Knfiin.-i'i .u-: thr t pi ouM-.i tf'i- : •• tiei . nad-fi.x ■ a ' n.r-. jtviut 't - * ./«• of a washtub ne .: 'Si I'ri *«-■ I S'.t'f .en* »• .i Ki. !i f» nv.M' l to applt Ke!lu\Mhu'. •. Mi» e".n-tiuifion ..I f ne, lo. dead ■ H. -a.*s unable m nv. »\vshipi.h.t«. i tenure >( .in- .' A Ja Ib/ke : ..vevr: tie. ause Of the .1(1 lee" !!, ■ »eir: .iti.1 paw WOOD ? . . , «.v u .t«*il (oi - at i Mild- ..eluati d.»!• . NM|«en,| i- per acadenu. f.i'. i-iitnuvl,. senm'. lit- and euh- I xanuned Itlona' yi.>I»I.•Ml-' £.V. ,:i uut tear plu.*- exemption from eourse (.rVMHlKUIIi . lees (•lasses int.. ::i«' pro-rot need* and tutire I'»f sears I itted devel..pnmn: SouMira. ' A>m Michigan State I nlversit? Nwiiw. las? No Ap¬ Wild fit* S'' U' 11 'A f' ' |*.|i 1 • \ it' a - I union st hidarxhip* — fur grad¬ Payment «-d agiu'i-' a lu.'kfround Of SK. uate rtudenta in all fields The S I ATI; TIIKATKII pointment .•liolur h.p* consist of exemp- Plan Neeessar? Alii >Ph-. Mves A • .•'f undertake f ■■■• Takf Hut KDT-niTI should ri'M' :n tnu4 *■» o: ; n SKA TO tion* .i from iidenue year. cuirse 'fee* foi the ^fflffx of: Mr*. J. ( hristie ami II. Itet kNMth. t)ptnme(ri*t* » »un'in « ip M.i ;«*n.ia! atfa nf S.Miihnin'. As..i Thf i'ran! «i j>r<>\ itln a nmntitly »'.>•« tin f >■ &40t» and It. !-i i.»s* trlurn a.i trawl t ■ I'm- fountrv «»r frir.s t»f (JranN iriav tip autfuMi/Pd t-»r a jwttotf of f.».u tnn nr .nt ts Ihr liantrl ami tlnrrnrr (iut- gptthrin l oundalinn > f I. t fp.i.ntA'up.H tor ur.itlu.tip stud, m !U»fk«" and .K*t l*roj»ulsiun Kii*!lisli I'rof Slalos Talk ' >hn Wa if a-«.4»na'p pin'-'s - Kuijt ■ i. *vt i prnspn' a Uv.u'-p on TiMtnokspp 'William- T ir-lj. n:fihi ai . 3d in t"n. in Ita'drmuti \ •>.»j»ular and s«*rnpiimr» con- ttlNNPRH «»f Ihf I nrrstrrs* liranl contest arr Kiddle—best tr% Ihf Minnrn »iere announced at M >»v piM.ti author, Wdlianv* is Mall I'r tr i son—sha g glest Irrrt Yrltri thr annual Forester- shindig xalurdaN night Ihr ivr'l kn n for hi« Brttedwiy trairsi Prfoidrni Ironird (iundrlt-lanirit; I'hd ED! contest u«« fwllnu»-.i in a shaving renlfil which and ||o!!rwiw»il I'd* including "A I iiiiiu inn>l unuitir. and \ Irr president < lott-e b» l.ond.k %ta« unit Ntr«» Named |Vcr»\ ' Thr Hose 1'aM.v.." -Cat on a II • T nr. \\. .» H».>' and "Swept Bird of I p Hi I Ml. V Present* Special l'm»i-am YouMl ' • Nda* Wop w 11 *ummari»f \V *- \ J<.| ..I'll Idcrary » irrrr fir ni l •(!ilizpn"s UoIp* Is . Subject of Meelill^ a tempt •Mi.-ces* i,i m corn 11 . IN oi timillOV vWlfll IIHIKAItY I ROM t srii i ki %pri ii/irs %NY OR AM. Dr. Josaph B. Gvtslein V' THOUSANDS OF REFERENCE TEXTS »*« MaX l ■'■•ft: *• . »ulia'i' tor fhi ■ Ih NAL !* ph o: mvp i'uoi.c In.fiu".o! Young. from "d present sonic avpr. Hr.-U", I it S H I- I a ' I to It >1 MtlllNlv 98c I tmking •Hiking for a irallr fine meal Ikla "•iiiuIj* earning * I Ihr Hnr«t rui«tnr e lnir>.l rutoin al hard to heal pore* on salt: at a i-iiacnon oi or be *urr Pi t i*it S* lir i n tiieik \unti;. HOUSE OF OEEF" t.u.lrtn in ii- ■ .»* thl« rolno«n a '< « *>i LARRY CUSHION NO I It I %»l meals'•it aerved b* l»* thr llou*e of Herf lloute I are I ADA tittt Mm»u u>u from SPORTING GOODS optomeiriM f.MHtoln "HOUSE OF BEEF" Has »»ucht out thr roioplrlr .. nwur. nf lor itophlri *11 orradan* and Wl I.VNON BOOKS ADDliD DAILY thr l*tg and Wjustlf What It the hum in buvin«; mil Mil lllla %V %% I . *twk mh «n di*plav • Next In llolel OMtl "chrsp" 'lUUlleue* TATE • »- \nv *Ioki : • UM iv 1-Btt Hour* M«n.-*>ai "am - ft pm. — *un II a in. - • pa ANSWRRi . His^k Hru •( Sear* Off HprcialUittf In roa*t hrrf. iwund beef, rhirken. duck, iteoki. ele. lof tar kind' OPEN " I Upper I FOOD YOO A!.WAYS HKMKMBEK" eely k* preorrthed hv >1 Dwtor, after a pye •iiei««iMti The danee nf •keytea" »■» SPACE, MISSILE A JET PROJECTS kind ef tlaaaas lies In Ikat. In tko akaenae el a Wars ugh #*• AT DOUGLAS anilnaltan. nek Iklifi aa dlaeaaes of# Ike ape. el Ike Mr, ptUg- ano eneld »i*« E. LANSING'S NEWEST mattam. or aaesrle Inibalam*-. !CE have created outstanding ssr-3/ A»l Is name a few *r* - PAPER BACK ROOM career opportunities for 4|t r*TIOV thave ha-i » rr- moved fr»wn and bow SCIENTISTS and ENGINEERS nn» eve see double. .The KUtgeott wtut IN J* did the ftperaitnn n/i.ol rue* r,: - ■ with or working on advanced degrees ■ tfta! I ruuld unly »re .otnfor- Ut»lv and pr'du rly * :'u ron- < tac*. leri*vS J • ailed { **i I ^ »i AsrijrnmmH include the folkmui* «n«« Meat Tramftr - reUltnjc to mwaik* Sfrwctwrvi — relating to cytlic '.Iwrlft» *ho fu umlal U-u and tab! Thai 1 in'i , <;e.\. rkaulv; assk;.m-:d readim: ami ipace atrur furr> loaiK tem{**fatur»* cf!«x ta» and the be fitted ana 'he - am- J lana MaaDii—M-rel «ttn»: to ail invrktigaiion of new material*, couH What slK'uU I r'^ type*! oi control nn'thotls. product*, etc ANMUR klti-ikkm:!-; ; HcKfrnic tytfaau - relating to all Atradyaawlii - nUUng to wind tunnel, rcaeafch, atability and You shouia~hate touroelf type* of guitlanci'. detiction. cuo- filled far rasUd l»nw» After trol and coaununurattomi control at lit Is artuallf tun acsmst Pr»D«lki«n - relating to fluid- Solid Ifaft NHyaigt - H ituie to one opiniun-ui*e" further¬ metal surface*, ami fatigue more I and manv other dor • UNIVERSITY mechanic*. thermodynamic*., tors ka«e fitted man? rase? dynamic*, internal aerodynamic* Space vehicle and eeapta »p»- suck as you describe, ulth tke Invirnnmontnlrelating to air fem thdiei - of all t> pv m\oh - most gratlf?la< sacres* It is conditioning, prrsmuri/auon and ing a vast range of Kientific and artnaUy tke aalr nay surh a o*>gen »y%Uans < nginednnf skill* potreat ran be properly taken —orr^r" rare of. 4 r*- Got full information at BOOKSTORE jr'.r »■ If yn*r iroro !«!»<**••*••» r *•■*■■* t • • PKRSONAL ON CARIPUS INTERVIEWS •hut* •1vtdiM(r.r.t iertse* r!ln t»s and mad "*7aT MOMMY, FEB. IS I TUNNY. FN. II TiiiTir* Tky lo Dr. Plrsas"-" 124 & 128 w. grand k1ver ave. o**» »■-?*•* rtf' r - CCUtw J. R. Giii-irin Stafl Anu'an/ to VP Enfintrnnt OrfOtflflHT sis ersas's nwt ITED DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT COMPANY. INC. l«s n sneOiran Irstui. Dirk Sir corner evergreen & grand river t i' nmrrr ts»* <* - ' Pork Blvd., SooM Mooko, CoHfamio TH. ataakoo 3-«iii c% ' ■i" ,. -. in , M ' 'i Ill Ju IVI.nnr* 1 I **«»»» MKI1W.W XT %TF NTW«i W illiam tV* )lar\ (Waau IM Schedule I*Atllil I It al l. Swiniiners Splash lo Victory, Wisconsin Falls Before Cameras 7 U« It III t»U J \\ >11. I-M Top \\V Mvvli Mas hatha II Stronaliold l Mai mill a ' Ni , I'.iirhk hr|i|>.illit ttiiintr SI 4 Hun y Vk y« 2ml* thi Wi i'h MSI Track moil (»aiii i- I. In.I i ti.-inn *•» •« yiin a A I rlli !Ui . Hetun Sliaar Breaks »►» Uiltiiia lrmi.ii »■ UP* , £■. Own Itcron I B|l & In Biittcrfl> U • c. I M \|. ,.tK.v V i H .x. , ill The MSlf awlmniers ft! a couple more their 1 - v.. . I I. d of fallen opponents as \\, V S l II!'J- I'rosli (live conain tlropped to them, 7i 'S2. at home Friday. Kvliiliilioii Northwestern fell 71-,'il, Evanston Saturday. > I' ■ At lank Mt'rl Mavts' it *vR* the eff,..- the TV cameras that cause.) ' # H t dual, one varsity and two p. v\ ' •» \ recoida to be broken ju the v • •:» n<• ■ < tor* over Wisconsin. A' »>» rate, the Spartans seem ad to ha I %KI. **||%%K. wnhnmnrr tMimmrr. U shatttt here in Hit «»» ftred up, anil especially in ths : • w p p ■' i In Neiiini a nr»» virtitv r.-enril In Ihe 'Joa >tnl hMllerfly event Frl- 400-yard ntedley relav whes 4.'i lite -'if. tin ul the IM i*n**l Male **«»n lh«* meet handilt from Mlseottalit. mma disqualified both team* were t., *1- It illegal starts. r t:'» i iiiktsi f* - Carl Mtaar again bmka hi* \(>\\ SHOXVIM. il - ill M.l me-Hit MimicNiila ('.liinlii'il nwn varsity rrrsnl In Uie fie The | tiniiieai I timed* lale Scores I r. . M ' • ■ nMII . N' :l »'• t .tit i • V. M ke Jeff \1.« ■' i»!;t M« i aiui Ha. M Ai¬ * sard butterfly and e*u blithe a a dual meet rwtrd agtlmt th. Spa rlaas 11lulc faa lad \ H» "ie ll.n Ns MSI* re i h mi i v, Murr "Mt Ruhr 11* . rt ■ Hadgfrt. He also shattered th» II...I..11 lit. IIHt.Ml I •- ii l.Uii* "i 1! h \ll-l|>tlI* HI Mil M >\tn' : ^iv.. rii.'mifek he- Nurthweatern. ..fl.litKHV Milium, (Ml 1(411. ttllinl 4li.I GARY TONY !,s (irapplars \\ in IIMI.HI ». New 7"'k » ' It? h« hu'k Hrackett •* as beaten h* tto.l.m • Miihlinl i ttini krhHtrli l*4il 4 time ul :< .'K,7 In the t00-*4nl lrrr«l*lr Mi teammate. I3»c.-i. Hlacejewvk I ll!>l sllllW 7 I'M u the 220-yard free%*.vt« Frlda* GRANT-CURTIS • I'll.U.K 1IION I Ml II" Mill relit ■ (iniii fur another flush line »»f the toss-up . Hnor to Ihe meet CoHms tuH- winning time in the 44<) was • : ini |N|) »;:u wit a the ti t'stiftiaii ih- i- 1 reviling match inin 4 rout Sat shed the ni the 137 it) V.mng-1. offee * h»*h dual meet record. Hracke't r . itiiav afterniH.n nn l ■r . 1 1R--0 the oyt* ivhu'h nu^ht mean tk»ih races at Northwester it MUX SHOWING . (1-veis I',4 111 .1 ■ . -s' MitiriesnU Mju.4 . ihe fourth 0 the dUhTem-e l*etn«*eii a State Have ID get broke the I'PO-va • it j 1 i.l K ei N*i t pifse'tle l The vut.'iv was Vrv or itefeat individual medley dual meet te \IM I IS 7«. • V'ithtli.iM at .lotihie divtliji W •! sight f"t tf.e Spart.tHs The* * i. ord agam*t The pair had previous!* met the Uadgers mi ni;i:\ L'ii. he \\ -.'oiis i me." ah.t h*i" ne *e'. to taste tMeat U»i« se 1 •J0gfh llenny! art a p.M.! 1 •> H I W h{..iu.f. oi.l the \ fti-si pi the quadrangular tournament Kvamdon. Ill on Jin f>. and ord against the !V»'.!t r-uak.- « nils is * mi si livers a.Meit i-.Miifsiy itivin.i; Ihe ahilily of i*4»4i-h I'emlle* ur had ha'.tied to a draw. the 200-yaid t*reast>:,ok.-. he evening * efiterta nmem t nllliik' gripplers i« uln Ihe *ummiti»i Every place si:i i i:\ti hi -DPERAnON- you flo you'll rinse point nulrhry wi* the lurnliiK lii Ihe meet. 'Ihev rap 1 rut in n I he (mphers remained In nm when lh*n Wright a II? M*l 71. W**run»ln ?» »#•-*( eullri Iti'lh te«NI« 41 «i« II4 It tint trln Pay More! What For! lured win* In fnur of »lt ilhi imumler. deelsinnett Ntale's Ii4»r- !;•-**» I Iraki* Ir I I'll* PETTICOAT COLO* be about hearing BOAT-NECK viniis r«iu.4l »* hh h ttere rated 'about ilint Jiihitsuii hi gin. a slim f-i mai - I'm*! 1*1*1 I. I l»u«l in—I rrrwiU IW«i| > • OrUIIV *|lrt ir| |tt l*ti k * *•-*4 frr«kl*lr ) * Npiit.Pt sophom.ue ifii.ah Holt Mo.*er twi»he*t Michigan 1 W I. •. Han 4 on* 1* (*IM ' lieuikN* Mo»bhi "pene-i lf.«* me«-'. n re iirti'K on ihe winning tr ick tldrnhrrc (Ml ii\ fool ie SWEATERS yv.t'i a stunning IS - -mateh cktng ou* a 2-t» match «o»lv •iN* »a ina**l* dumping Mtnne •m *4 buiirrfl* 1 * »" *h» • j »•-» »>% t ist»» Nprtitan i» *'.i!l guimtiig tor hi I mi THI (MM. ONLY S8J5 f.rvt pit* • t»<7 i - iti Hon Kosfhnen cJa*». and 7 t n heavvweigtit the t*l*l I. Vn4« » link tW> M-< Il.ihrrt* .*1 J to * l*u*> nir |» \t\ HI H **l %Rr %l — * 4f»M* »r*o»a» I «>• i S3 > IS 1 IS • t*» Kohowing H-'tg's' !.»i«i.1e*l * .'.ihn Haunt completeil the rout IM-lg tr**klkl«- I s»n *lrf»rt> THi Gwists.THi SmwnMS lot*. H.i'i tiiuvianto ih*sUn1 the bv d«N*i«ummg l>i«i Mrtvitdiski (Mi, i HU>*»rn*kl |M»1 * lar»» J«n»k Olst > i in.a l« ». I*u*t »" otimrtai-.t win f.>r S'.a'e I VI» sf M«s IS! VIS OiTHIGmatI I I'll kofih lltl.'i 1tv.n1 ,-t !>•«• t 130 !:> i las-. He division 1 'he ' TliiinesnU isetv, 3-1. s mil* match *1e* p.»l trrwgi fOS-*g S««k*ir..k# I Has «.«»• i Vint *. t. Ink Mlikrun, (*1V| t, — Nr*l \ttt action - VARSITY SHOP e,t MsniiHitita * Huhett lloatd, tnr* ather than the 147'lb win l»m liming |Mi. J »» 5 «M-*t trrrHklr I »**rk Mtnir-I I K %N K MS % I H \ 1KI. U14 OS Till Mill ST MS- TtCMIS.COLOH* I 2-! Ymiiii Ihe biggest avef Juhnaun. was In the 177 lb. i*lvl *. 7. 4 haun.r* JohiiM... OIM > TNURS. Wll -nil mutual I I HH >»!»■ - II M. I UTINIV 2'.S Ahholt K 4 *« 7 Uu* K\ I:H MI i i:w I a>t l artNini;. Muh. it three In a »*»w fur Ihe w inners JUS- *4. hrra«W**»kr1 I PmiTT 1'he Nuartan* went into the Ruruaii (Wvt », I HOI vinriru • bv turning huh I harles ('uffre. Mttff rateit at*out even with 4 v* * I i. i Run nmtrtnk tW> i '• tMid lirnhlr trUk I M *1 Minnesota In view of there ea*v (Oaii 4 »n«ik. Iiavr IHok letu llahrrt. 7 WrOr«"»'- Summer job* otteii lead to rewarding careers at Du Pont SOU SHOW IM. v ict.ii * ' - i' l' I'nUtna swwnshl eatrpme- IMsl *4«tt. iHoh V ouitgkiragt. Ornn* Mrlttt. Huh VfnoM Hanoi.* 1 P««r. » » LUCON feature I 3d '1 wa- quite proud of the fe - * * * vivf 74, NniihnrMrrn ft 3 30 - 7 3.V - '.»***" he *alit, ' .u»ce again ♦••a *4 mr4lr* t*U' * MM there aggressiveness paid off («.««r, V|o4t«*r. hhaar, loll**' 7 *• litt tawiiwa The Siv,si tai-.4 w.:j have • Ufht 4, Ha'muii Miami*. Ikon.aj 1 *J I t-ractire t.*ia* ant wo' square JS-tg pHitll* t. M'UOR .MMc* Hla'r frnkkl Oisiv. I off against Huniue here Tue«. fin. hot tvst I IS a. day. Tf.e meet wilt he staged in *n *4. fmilXlt » Hiikn*-" the IM building and • tarts at 7 IVW * * on* I* (Vtstx. ». «» t«o« * *1 7 .-M-*4 tn4ti iSual ni*air 11 t. I» t- (VOI ». i * talk INWU k On t VIVI I I II I. Hitlnf-1 Chadntrk (MM ' i.lnum iVNI, J. Wrllfai*. »*«*'■ 116 TOP SPECIAL 277 * point* Jus-*4 Sutterflvi I. knaar i*l«t I Rohrit% *Vgvt i. 7 #'•«.•* .>» |Sa a Oual mrrl laioia F 1937 »Oftl» di loo-* a trar %l» I# I Hick--.. (SMI, 7. HUa«jr»kk| t*SVt i. • * riL standard |Vghl I UI JSS-V4 SatkOiokri 1. Hags (Wvt x, inaiay bpecut *' k.nae* *vw3. wnfc.'.kg tvisi * aas^yg. fr#Mi*tai 7. Pflwl is Mall. tvtsr*. j. mmk'h tsmk (Mr. Herrules) »m«r |M«l. S 41 I RupO JSS-vC |B _ (XIHX. 7 H« ! I'artoMi • Novelty A Nra* "<*W M*« sss-y 4 irmnh ~N HXT ATTkAlTION # 1US C. MICH U.YU3G tveavta. Ms**. vgsM, (Pimrhat. tbsmgias. f—••* » * turk. ■"* NSk IJIk INVITATION THIS SUMMER... Thr >^.Un IM Stqn rordolly laT.t— jou, » ..Mr aril init to Ik* klor*. I* M *t Ih* «p*c «l ON-THt-JOO TECHNICAL TRAINING AT DU PONT gi-*U. of houhi (hat >r» arproprtatr a- fill* '« Valmluw'i Ita* . *Sct*$k r,u'-?T t.» «Krt*a«a Hn Knical iVtMtvd *'*■ * few "I ths man* IV"! »s- an earn bow ta put cvi)«*^4» t ... 45c t» J r.M. MICHIGAN (iorurr of Ami 4 XI.A.i". Air. plant* ami JnfiwuHBrip* •*»: • ** lbs cv-unV* nHtSf ariai tifi !.»■* Iciti *Un«•*»!» n«3 iqy f.4tNn»< :■ IN? r- imlu'ir*. It t.Hi S.ttw LH. I Ha i'ant kano* .>»*■<• tvr itten hH*> will tool Lanaing, .7|irh. lb*-it «■•*«»>•• ■» > * a. alum »!•-.! a t !-• Ml. ris +m. n.s,-«» jv c? id fc-w.e an.l eo^i- put iWtl U AM«nt£ M p* *vt* M Us- T **C shea# SPARTAN BOOK STORE ihn»» u.«f. »taiu»rr mwocttt* \|*«*t of ike tn»itgp7ittcstt» »** «iw4** H> v.. i .A tin" fiv.\ f«»*cc* ate '.k-.-.x tn .• • «?'«? • r Vvt si. iMWO With *lr| soU'i'OO*. vkum^ Ciiirucr .«3t tNe r.»N vv"i v ' 9— 1 *»Hi StA^U«h* NtUsleTtt* Super Mmrket for ftiucolion ."N. •*•*;..-,r* >■ \ . 'i S 4 .UN. on pc AN. I V > - n W *iir« tR-HnH'ti n»^.»nimK u, l s^N) W«oS b«N h.uvK *1 et»j£t:i ucg i' .* H ".u SsN }Nsft»mH»rN a-e n* <-.hctnk*k owskanwal, 4k t«w* ga i'M*">*«4nJ .« A - U irrj . n.iu ^ rwNtr* *i *}■'« tttHlikrfkM ♦ \ ..I'.' V'q£ Xoti V - V >U»«4 uyt .a pk*NX N ami natkMiUca Catm.ii- U-A.I i pytiKc'ti in iHTjfjy krH.--.stJ * sKh. «• itr at unvw k> fl. I «iu pwst TASTT t»« nVm I. •--«< it map » * yw*vkii' N i-r-s •* Jt K r ■ |-.v t, 2 Nrt?)nur* plant --4tlx»4 &1>M * »s»:i!iiiwtt*. U iViawam -U UmnicNl H4I1 E. MICHIGAN AVE. |\ 5-112.7 »vn ,«k- h tih ki» AHJL a* *5T*N *» ith tn»»ik* Ikrt* ace »l»a* f' *!>.] UUvHTn! t,» t) wkv» ba*«? dmt fre»hm*n ami Hi* kiwVi.- hi; ix( n-ipfVN**. t». louiiif'i timet Patrx Skoppe . . N,.ph. nn.wr *ra v as UK'faWt* *nimi*Uji{n kn'atnsrv'!*.: ptvk'p*, a* «# fw.mrlilt.tlk. rrlh-.F ^vrat.wv IVi S3»>HIU uHr-*acati'-n r.XSTKX • * BREAKFAST ROLLS it FRENCH ftiw a: i fp.utNi ..'i' Krmeki U-th 4ife« t to lb Pa Feat plant v»r tiT Nt:M*-u(N 47',! - iki l\'«L. It j;*\n» <1**. Utv**tuf> ks atx«i ol Uir'tr tkoiva. * FRIED CAKES * DANISH r.XSTKX ONLY A FEW OF OCR WIDE ASSORTMENTS M MTTU TKiStJi M Nmt U*»a.v . CMMKSTtT Complete Service to Office B mod Dorm* H1 Y'our Key to Better Value* . . . Forddy Predicts Right, I Slalr's |«° School* Frurinu Team Overpower Michigan St.ate News Campus ClusMficds . Low Cost Basketball Team Loses Sports Mlhl f rfMot ,'i.t • tve> iw'tvk i he \o ered V ' \. MSP i ALPHA PHI OMEGA John *i hnrliirt Dome m ene. l'4««-1 Scot I Hurl. Ifbrurf I. If»ii« Inn f lary and •Hchiiutter e.n h MIIIIMI Slilivici; IliATIdtMiy look .111 eper Imiil from the \n force to Rhf Ihr Vpartani* a M Kt'ronl Sri Hangers Tir reeord 1: . 1.. • el to' 1 . • i IXVITUS MM TO \\ Red W ings D«tn I.. ! In \ l>v OSII 1 -i.*t O i. , u tie, than OPEN RUSH SMOKER ' % s i,., , . i-1 _ • , ;,e. .,1 ept. hi- NF.W T»»HK V tv*n Pre •...»i .* I.ew'iome P.' \V illki-r Si-ure- 11T. fjeo'ti pen it,} gnil, hi* ■iiov mioiiiIm' took in. o'm 1 Ol-im lli'lil In I I ond ,•? * ';>• game, gave the Ne>t . , : ' " , I.I " A'ork ttiTii;,'!. i :t-:i ue with tin- 1 lied Wing* m a ha I t'hiirk 1.1*1 ve.»r'* *t|iiul hphmlifer. Ir . are »»l !'.'»*• final ruu-d.ivvU ag.»:u-r 7:30 FEB. 2 • look Ivnt vklii* -t o.«. IV No'iv I J.i 'lie W.i i J 1.1 >lid ■ - i>-' v Nil! ,',w>*.e*t Sunday littut Voire Hume. Imt wj\ I ' • it's I'Mifii" \»!>s ■>**!»• ts-ie • I':, n>uty t . Idled i,..** place A«.iiii*t ihr \ii t oicr Sehmltter VI fnive took their and (i-3, satire The A f.»»l i STUDENT SERVICES LOUNGE i' .lay a- Oh, v J**'1 • H "iimiwi flu;, tm-jcmi in their l.i-' .lltiiliiite* ttie poor showing hi wm in MM' J. and '> -4, sabre ba*Hi*K.;l *i|u.ii III- and yvithmit 'he «e - lluhtenliir it|t lite voting epee|*l 1 eitee. v <• • forwards l.arrv P>»t»e !» w.i* leucine with hi* *honlder • ill the ' 'he left firearm lav I» t IVVlf ARE YOU LOST! , 1 ( K 4-Kl JOHN YOl'Nl. TOM Y\ II SON .. * 'lie ':!•! petii»d • >'.e I*-.!! Ah N on.ii a ivr. .■ vC- Ltbr'e.l the tvip «» . .to alternate for the injured |ta*r Scot I . . . Pi entire'•« (>ln< marker «t ?:tl7 the oulv one t > • .ilv.i.o \ > ' weekend " (ollowlng n p.*** h» Art Ktrkttnn •»unK Haoh won .1 Ktuud !it:u Mavr sroll. forward will be .••I uf acllini |«r luiiUhl't tame lake All llui I Pirn! — and a »l»ot hv Km Schliikrl. both dpi>o»mg tean^ »■. a mull of *n *rrh he »lr«ln holh Hriimi rokle*. went over prnvtratR toalie Terry Sawrhnek. llroHii. Si» 11 Sli-|ilii'ii. find yourself and it is ISavv Pier. \\ isronsin ,.l in thr lllinniv tie I* in the . ; flfil tkllv On pI' M ClXVELANIt (J*-T.i. 1 . v. r-,,N|iitjI for "4 ««o«t rent' ar S'laPoVi and Andv Pith* laud Itnjwn.s Sunday announced worth a 50c , iotilliU In Anderson ' ». i'- It 2H of the 'tvnlUl }" *• tlicv have sIrtuhI tackle l«o — l let' New York trading :i- Blcphell* of Tex an, their see. mo r-'.e I ted Wings tallied fi'^t draft choice. ent hud reined mme • i *•. deduction on your >? w .it- i deicnseman Marvml ptmn.'- indnt* against* Uu- MM voat firis! • n«*t thf I ' 'Mil eve IV f ir*f. ainprwies'tevt Kanfer notnitnder, W.M i,. V •• • •• • t : Kill m the Polished CoNons 1960 "wolverine" . - • he .f.t! .tig w • '. !',• Crump Wonrley. |Tv>n*»vRit'i goal, I V lto»i w ' be. » on pa**e* from Norm . «• It i iifet «n.»'i4|jed Kt'Ulllar \ ( out menial • • ■ Hie tin dm.n„ the ■ ind CUrv Aldoom, wu pcored ji.t- I t •• in- 0 '. M.tthei. a WATCH FOR THE WOLVERINE . while John H'ntM w*i serving X\ MXI'll I IV 1 I'll vi •• i Hu 10 v»ffifi4l f »r nun* \\ ASM \ NVKMl , .nit fai im.'u* ;ie 1 » *e>r* that .MM' uhme- • penklty. New York prened m# gum ■' \ . i ,• e of the fined fer- levxind* of the •ev-on.I period IN THIS WEEK'S SPARTAN Special S3.9S ' idlirr fivo sophomore* on • IH"( irei .»* Wi*- I tic on a gvta! by deferweman Hill Hmknr *mi4*l John llali fi>;i e {•.( • ten >e4'« but Detroit reultated AND YOU MAY BE ABLE -I , Ciadsbv ami Mel Vnwrll were »e» remamcvt i, quifklv to take 4 2-1 aJvantage • 1. P :ho tim ** iml Ohio Mate tlilitl hi«li tlavlii'tk hail '!« in Meruit I . '• 14V * ever.ta R-ith he on 11 owe'. 2t goal at I 1 VARSITY SHOP TD FIND YDURSELF AT LAST A d. n ttpi'tst *'e l»etrt»it le.i-l • 1i »»'i S.i'ir v'.ev John**n !*a \hhoir iii* i iav* .ml Nnwell 15. la. u-i • «• •i l | a' IrtrtT with hi* IH'li iciieti'itol o.n the I!" • K.i I-. wa- - i-.i • • i * - i :h.vifih he ha* " -.\i *>v tea'teivote i * •- > i-i'-ivr: Tsrajn* de- ■ ■ \ ■ • * -• • . > \ \ Y'-i4.■■£ \i \.\ choT'tv.1Ht. re* ■ linn- lor • .f plat i hi* spev ... •• ••• '• 'e-Vf in I«1 - halt Oi- It IViM-emitt * lre|»hv '.|"U: i'Mt Uiven te Ihr hluhrol ot-eiiiu ho in Irvtj :n no huh M-orer In holh • VIIII.VTIMT.I5 ■ ( rvrnl performer Ihr inert* In each, he picked ineel I h»i ttuphi tie in won In two Iti »t rlonr with woul «u» : lube : Maii | (i.hi* vvilh '»!' point* other pint- m the meet* llr W4» followed • Imrlv hv John "it- N 4v* Pier lljnlrU and 4 4pt4ln I Iixssis-I t ni ■ liUle lr» PanlrU. mint RKARiM.y a U both with %ro»T« of polnl* J»»i* » I OIL rNANOf 11 I ft«|MllH< t\ ilker In! Ihr *i|ii.ul lit ihr •OO ( l«Ha lrm|Mr III.tilt ( lift K 11 1 oil iiji fill I Shiliiiitrr *«a- H-1T n«h |l»»*« * Ml* ■'.Mind department vvlih |i> I i. and llavlurk lu«l II and S b Vinerit .lli Keeoril Mt«ti H.' 1 »tm llMltr* STOP IN. SEKVIfli t? •r.iierlivrlv etivi,'! n. 1. 1 11*1 vh»l' 11. t • • t »•#»«. *!*< • . .4* at : X llulktr < is 01 it n.K.vst'Ki: OH*I*» V, I »)u|H u 1 » * BUDS <•«. Rfikri t M*< V ■ ■ N it, ?■ *s «« * | hit me ..•» I J h.ii>«» 1 *,4. Il»t.. a. . • Inn 1 RIM Mi« i*l V, * lr«* l SERVICE R o *k«n ' B t>.!i I (irand Kiver a lltirkr* 1 • ■ 111 j-»n* ■ isklial l -I I l*»*t _ Ti'-ili.nM.M ,.< X|iliM*n* ol tnifiium now wear contact len*r* for normal 1*1*1 1 "J.HOP" vl*i**o with natrtral |ihnI kieki Ihr «-••*<(411 Irn* weaier ran now rnj»t l^iV EfflkH-'fl! 'fralure kernel vi*m*o wider field •( ki*ioii *tydie* a mn-f»inv. -ttr l.itnut 1 a'lio .< ii ttn m. in w< -ifft \\ i-liii.^iiifi .i,«n Hi. 1 4*1*1 V V eye emietlHMi all da* wearing tomlml Ii' "lien .. i-i dm' tL'.JRm «, .it), oi ri|iii|iiii**nt i«. f. In in 4*1*1 ► 1.1 If! TUX-RENTAL miaul ippt«f*ni> hrwader *i>ori* arlivltie* lafc»*i Httulil »»u k totr 1 r«ird in di*4U««ili| the p4»«*ihllltie* of # >hirl Irarlrv tfmtjrt irn*r« and till R Cje» lnfM 1 ltd. | X H« M*l - Big 10 Standings # Cumtttrriiuttfl - lie Dr. NaraM A. ShaiAtr ortoMi tfti*i He wears two kinds of work togs , » N» # lux Su*penf M"U 1 • * Til t tiMPI I IF .MtdUUtlHlUMHllJii!: -.iiUiiJiiHir i-i. ii-ii.'i* \ Mniiiiav tin dtl hud It mi tn 4 p...hi. m !.' 1 41 I-I— IF- «<*** eti^meri* " j- iii. Im 111,. 1 ? i»o* Aoritnawiofw 1 t .¥•0 • he. in ie.i «.> I -l»i! 1 ..I. a \\,i»lting|.,n .,1 Id.ill,, iiimiritiiui I i .mi ' - •; » h |*r*»vi4Ir a yt!dl coiiiiiitJrtiritii.'ii- link i -• s9 NAVE YDU CMSBERED U« ! .571 * 4 Ji.ji, W. .{|;* .*| t . . :;|if lie a i nljaf-Oliil lte (i*iy. tnrrn 1 . .n -iio* and Vjr intrat OpPrnt»• »n- Mb II M \|| 1 1 Nrd»t 3 3 X«d Mm L •- 1 1- ii . i.- ..ii euifitiei-i will) the I'.n tin I*i» \ . r .(.-li'fmortf i* a »n*wr 1 I 'M*" jadn t ie '"f-ni* I 3 .158 A CAREER |ii...,ie imi I. le < (tipai 1 n, atlli. NX a«itiltpbnt lie ft-.; - A\rf-i)ingi<*ii inbt Canada iihlutng ' "* Ittfhigan 0 « OkM* t06 shop ,.. .-,1 tlw .-i-i tn Inije. I'» d. diet grttinp hi* H..>1 I ..j : *!•>• a* d rej--airr* [aiii|tlitje|'1 pinje* L, ■ 'k 11, \\ id ., • . ' lie mvv "with an c*laMi*lteii. pr-.t* i d ktatw wlirrr* J,.* . rii»i|.ai,i h. if I 1 i.itld hml t v 41 iri \ of engineer iltft i*p -i-1 an ongincrr could find t?niro infrt • 1 .*i 4 - link WINTER TERM l..m wlr. In,r.lnirnl I i,nr at thr jr-•!?:. 1.1 -i- i . ..(iUI <1*4- - > unajiiitaliiiii in niv wort. lin k .1 if " keaf- til Ji-lali"lial utl-llte-pili lianimv Y <» mtfhi ii-. im.! tn mil .- .im«, lewanlirt;' tatwr wilH ranalriUrgm.! fin.nnnr innlllutmn^. i. m • d • d e*pii|ttne!>! *•>.;• if '< lTltg ami ie.itnU'g lite trr .ir-ing iunr grailualr. in , „mmrrir. Ila«t- pinvri .11 the iU'ii |e!e}d|iijn <...uij*4J*M li e Ib ll Ultervirwei |iii«,i.i ,4 " >»||( r \prtl I1'.' In- ha* Hulked with lUI'le w heifi it* v«»ur c Bi.. ldmm,.lrat»m. Ininnmn.. Vl.r. atii|>iik. GRADUATES wait tjtint rciai ««tn \\ i-liiiigtitn liialui at- » krtin. ami Ubaral Arta (vr it* Irnining pro gram inn. in Th.rt arr ilrf f "f % iion |li. k hreak- .at In- ihr tunuuUm* - h.-c kt n-it ylnit, lie'* headed He make* iitld* tin lie* inviilving inn »<<- BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES ' ' ' jfi la-- ..i^niriumlM- and, rarrrr. nail IBS tor inu. COMMENCEMENT |i., k •op* bv the fa*t 1 rfttral lift,..- f...Mtn« ai *o«*e mnin»»a»e t>'itai >«tti??*?>< nd - j, i fo ihwni... loaniai *i, - ..... * <> ib. >,t j«mr in * calibrate* nuking a » pan.- I A nitnmd. irgaaiiiliM. .kawriatn ap^ial- o*ea«( }<|e radio frU» *>*«m *.4tlle A'l't P'tttland. ihrgim «■** ie*i 0! ax r->wavr.eirrqit* l^i" >< (ht>na and Vauir, ORDER YOUR Be. m aitaMkil* liaw nglan finanring. romm.r rial financing and cnaaaawr credil. Wide ckon. ANNOUNCEMENTS' of locatmn and naminna tonafit. ar. aff.rnt In oar pmannit Far fartbar iafnrnution. ran- AND YOUR Urt .anr plariimt mltkt. Oar rapraaantatii». Wilkw H. Hndn. will ba Ikara In talk )o voo on CAPS & GOWNS Tkaradnr. Iikravv 4. NOW Pd«* *f»f» l*MM* »rfite« tJtrnittl- Union Book Store •»l Ike I * *n« ( *n.4a TMl Vntwmo •f fin»n.» kimn.ti o««r »• rum »f IIJPR*»» ■■ )• MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Februn I. IMC P*lf *it IVo|Ki- -JnjUK '' v- V . Ku^sia arr Mith Japan'* allies looking on the central figure* where it will be available to. Shintn students, Schutz said. Tog Shop - ~ and contributing \that thejr have \l|.ha I .am* Srhfdulf aftej; • to offer. I'ncle Mm i* *h««n N siting hags of money. it I'urly for Fr.'«limrn Alpha Lambda Delta, fresh¬ v "!"pp.-i»r fia«> parmtiy !.• ,'onvmu' !{•■• I Cri'v- ten's with ap- Tht-sr wore ap« the readers man women's scholastic honor¬ ary will hold a "Smarty Party" INVENTORY-CLEARANCE ••• ,- v .U?l(lr«t IV'tii t'i! rx- Feb. 9 to acquaint 'coeds with '• f •'« Ir>'"*.i Japanese dor- the organization. Present members will pick up !-• ''-i;Ui S.-h:i!/ submitted sunn freshmen women and take them ■ t)", 'urr- and an article !>• t«» the party where a special SI'KC.I Al. GROUPS St in i«-u ( Injured F'-iuth • - n i maga/inc .••-mini: _ saymy Howe-, er that tin program guests' t> planned for the be issued to Itikf. ' at- Mil ■ .• r t.H. run j" handle and Im datum* \ il! freshmen who t ■ <• materia J was nut printed un- • • 1 second term Sjiorl Gout- •M alter Pearl Harbor tec en. ed a 3.2 a «>r better fall Wtirn tiie (li>pl.<> •- twvr. th« term. A 3 3 is necessary to • Sweater- • only onr of its kind. pledge ink. 9 -n-.n.r Mporl Sliirl- • t •: r: < turning in front of the p< «•!;!*■'! Mn hiiti'! *\•• mplrtc Optical Headquarters . . 9 Jarman Gonlovan SIiih- - nt! loiated, offering complete optical services F normr.. acvrftiriit to Fa -1 poi^'-' t.-M ...fin :h.P as h< 9 P»|ilin Jarkel- .a, }:■ .r pn»ceetli".4 Michi¬ WALLACE OPTICIANS gan, hr »3iv ear pull in front 9 Trmih SinrakiT- but a hi "i h< applit if t»: Kranch Office — Vine al C lipper! Tog Shop I h,.- V.,kv* hr -kidded i;»?•■» the vr. inppmite sear* in t'randor) 9 N inlrr Ga|t» rye rumlaitiM* hy fnf ?! • S*ii rdmr-i < tht c;«i. U'li- Dr. H- t Jensen, registered '•ptometrist TVrv.Mulct? Rd. . ,A ... • m.'i.r ?h:«t hr pi.H-. PH. IV 9.2771 I.H ON THEATER BI.IMJ. EAST I.ASSIMi .. • »v '■ . • nr.- 'f •' -P. ■ . *> \V h;> ! a (■ ?• i ■ • nu»;.*j,» arn-tcl t..; • ' :i .-it -I •< .1 mi '■ r N» « ; <'' • • - < -p. >ju'« Th» I'MtuT "f the m«'- . i I'm, W.•?«;«•?:'» in.-.- whi . '.hv>>: . > Kutl.l: i S\V"pr. Oak .t;..rai;■ ' • 'f:,? w.' •• ■' M r • i fivshman CO LI _ - h< r activity ! .■ * (i .' I' .i' , ••• i •! '• publications. ' ' ' '' , ... a n,rml.,r .•( Fi" U- A''-'"- "• LAHOOACCS iuunau a mmut causa* ovTLims ait. awsic & smew LET US m iwiqwi h+ C H».«, i tot it mm; •nd 1 vidua/ Hud* Europe !300-194g. I.mteueld _ US 1.30 j>ru'.'i ■ r! „ r \. I«»mp Europe *»r.ce U15. Littictield I to tht* P'tnvt MATH. 4 ENG'NfftiNG West Civilir. since 1306. Kirchncr 1.95 M History of U.S. to 1963. Krout U5 " •USfNCSS 4 ECONOMICS CLOTHES 1 SO Algebra. Mwir . 1,30 3 History of U.S. since 1995. Krout 1 30 LI Elementary Accounting Keucr 1 The Calculus. Oak'rv l 3C History of England. Kicksrd I 30 i :< rJ Accounting Problem* ^.oahickrr Analytic Geometry Oa'-'yv ! 30 1.71 ' 1 History of Russia Kirchnrr 1.73 " J Butineee Kngliah. Urn ' Analytic Geometry Problems. Oak 1*> 1.95 American Govemmcnt -»4er* 1 v> • Huatnc** Law. R»hb 1.95 ' Plsne Geomerrv Problem*. II.US Politics! S-ience . >S >• 1 25 ' Huuneaa Management '-n ihtn IPS I 30 j College Goomctty i 2 25 l Corporation Finance lUroM j College Mathematics Sir «rn 135 •»*rd . !,"j Pnnciplea of Economic* jatue* Marketing. Hrten 1.75 SCIENCE est f j Money and Banking. >pefw Descriptive Geometry. "-V- 2 2S Anatomy 9 Physiology I Meen 2 IB I 75 rJ Statiatical Method*. Atkiu Engineering Drawing I mnbardo 2.50 Anatomy 4 Physiology: II. >»een. , 2JO 1JJ □ Table* lor Statwticiaaa. Aotia Atlas ot Human Anatomy. Krobve.. 2 95 2.50 ' !>rv SKI.1. . I! Bacteriology. Brian . . FHilOSOFHT. PSVCH 4 SOCKXOGt " General Biology. Alexander 1 25 I LASSD ;K . ... i AMI ! •. ENGLISH 4 HTE9ATURC 125 . Genera! Botany Fuller iiktii ID ADf.liMIt Philosophy: An Introduction. Kan.!*:, 1*3 .. . . 1 30 Handbook Hist, of Phil. 5»fr. i "S ; First Year College Chemistry. LHtm 1 75 tow t'OST f ] English Grammar I urine Cherruatry Problem*. Frej I 30 195 . , L3 Amencan Literature. Crawiord 1.75 Reading* in Philosophy. Randal' ... QUICK RESULTS 2 23 General Psychology I rvrr 1 3C ' Organic Chemistry. Degcrmg . 22S H Handbook. English Literature Watt 1.95 Child Psychology Crow 1 SO ; Physical Chemistry. Kitulcy 1.30 CI English Literature to Dryden. Oti* . 195 Educational Psychology Ptatncr 1.25 GeoUagy. rie'.d . — 1.25 I ' English Literature since MUton. «>ti« Physics. Ker.nett 1.25 US Reodtng* in Psychology Crow 225 — ij Out It no* of Shakeopoare'* Play*. Wat! FREE! Vi GALLON COKE ' TtidA? and Stuart Play*. Hul/knccHt 225 Principles of Sociology. Lee 1.75 Physic* Problems Bennett 1.75 1 30 Reeding* ui Sociology Lee 2 25 General Zoology Alexander I 7§ n World Xit.: Classic* 1'ranwk 1.73 Religion* of the World. Kerry • 1 0C General Anthropology. Jacobs 125 J World Lit • Moder* I r*** k HOOT ltKKK OK OKVM.K SOLD Willi 1 ItF.GllAK 1 IIKM l'1/./V- IIY iriuv 1IIM-K I XI LI t» n. DRIVE-IN SPARTAN V ARSITY SK.ltMl I I II 1MmI7 9i^d ofimtd Educational Paperfjacks III I l\I.lit BOOK STORE Published b\ iftoble, A >M|*r l|ur/.cl t or t.ilm alion arms Sic. You'll '\w imn •22S.Z1?* Ami Si. F VST I.WSIM. od tmSMr-i S>m. lt7J .. . Pimmr, im Mdmm I'll..... no M mo © Bu//in 'Bout ■VII tVt*)OAV HAWOaOU** -• 11,1 » UMKSUACtS up-to-tho-munmta hmarc tacts an trmab mob «(t Thar are omtharMot'Oo * ■■■ «■ C Mods Mm- Mwtt B.Qmma. I».r- !.«) I* 44 the: nkw coin stork ( Rale* n than weex or visk to maaa tnatr par ; ■ 1 ■■1 1 ■ Evan* . ... .... _ ,'ini Kt«ol "1_" !M tonal hobbtoa yraid bigger dmdanda at anjoy 22 >« Thar riwn prxnrda in n*n» a Japandahia miaaca at holds at and*arm —- J □ ! 7—" 5r****"*"■1t!*"* MrC >»" Mm. IJ! It! Im UCMATIONI ■f KlMi, Skm>.3U Ml *'*«« Rmr'i 0*4 US Oe**WM* 4 lOTAXei Wum. ■ Omsc Km* m im PteT °< Oo»»w. TNI ARTS '*•»*«• fcX»W*k,rM-„. 1 JO *• lit** m Onlm. E* kr Fr, «1 LOAO LOAD 1 Cifin for AM. Stewart 4n 1.73 i Boafc *f Chess Opanmga. Reinirld us l so 139 X. RrsnfUd Mathemotic* Everyday liae. ,-xiiut ... i.TmxH«Mris*d! it! 1 CnlliitiBn. ReinteJd ISO SBdt Rule Viator US fl.9 |.,< ico. Partem I 90 Pswdomentala of Pkywelogy Tohay 17$ __ •. • • • M i i' • »i j foe AH Ma*an 109 • . • ' Pood and You. Na»*eL ... US , ... ><*rvicr or ><»rriri> Rocks 4 Minerals Pearl .. ..... t 99 MCKxocr.iNUX . men 1 Cmae a KM Kyi. 2— ; If? ro— r-kmc .sktp - -T 100 1 50 1 59 trmt U Hunting bbarp HIST04 T 4 BOUTCS : Mm Onu 24 HOUR 3 Hot at a Olaaia. SmeKer 1J0 1 Crmt euKc'axd US 1 tr 1 01 Kmm■ i ts '4 Sotioty. Koentg .. L73 C WorM History ot 0 01 ton RedVr 195 Soo 4 Maniaga Frnmibe - t 39 '*a* %«•* w* t? («<•*•« ft £3 CM University Launderette L T* 213 AHH STREET ^