Slate Beats Minn. The Weather Olson. Watkrr NX C loudv and Colder 24 Points Earh llitfh . +- So* Pact S l.ow I1? - VOL. 51. No. ISO EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN—Tt'ESI»AY. KKRItl'AKV 2. lttiin pr.!cK . C,.:N |;s Also Thefts in Dorm French Parliament Seeks Power Professor Ix)ses9 Recovers $1,200 To Settle Algerian Aftermath , \'s in '.he Men"? tr.i E»?t Ylkeley dor-vi'v. > IM -\i •- !.-?'.V spotted 'he The on ! >.-** chock ol.c .v.wfounl Wotdd Give p reported to the TVpsr-- a tor M'.mdRi afternoon n he *• of Public Safety Monday ! orer the weekend *1.200 endorsed mone;. Nav:-' ot on Ko>erw Am ory park.? Saginaw street, act*■'•rdirg Government A ,> -i- • eampui police. stolen Monday ftor Short Rule ■'S5 . *i .ted lockcr Ten ether thefts in la*t Yake- . in 'he Mo i lei ilermtteri. which eciarred J.r.j. cut -ra< recover i it urine January were tfpsrtrd a "»a.-k:r;s lot on Saginaw v? later oijlurda? a bile aeth-e w ere in¬ lie (Liull<- Itai-kril • .n the day vestigating • theft ef a fur (Meter RrunnarhweMer. i«m- cellar. Itv blmr I'uiuii. Mite prsteesr M feufTuthy. ■Id the campus pa lice that tie Tie ww.-tigann* *.-(1 PA UlS t PiThe French leit the matter order in one sf ' fsrketi la Mi vest la aa un- jMVernn»4Mt! .Monday divided cr rtrfdu to .o j* $1" T "• to axk « wed lacker. fur hroad special •net" • nave itfrel * ?u-t Ja.t powers to clean up the after¬ . * nu.-ney order and it • ca*. »n papers were tak". math of the Algerian rebel¬ ••r.e between ! 2*13 and lion. Parliament was railed Into mi emergency nne-dnv session tmla.v to approve the Farmers' Week Events reituest. The Call (.»: : ix^tuallv un- linii'fvi authority—which wit; be 'TOD A V vested m the cab'net. not in the si*lo SPAAS ftwto »r CHr LSBdhrri urr.s >nnl hdruU President T :«MI Wrifh (Mlf>l Slrrr MARY Mt HOIM.I tijliundl dairy primes*. stops to apMk wild of LivMlwi Pa.ilinn Dc Gaulle—came ijuickly on the Mr Itovd Rice. assistant «rmUn m«Mirr •! Ihr kmrricM Itoiry heels of ?he collai»«e of the re¬ Dr, niiooal Period \tMu iiliwt mt Mirhicatt. Inc.. anil his aa iff. Miss lltulir spotkr at volt Aluwni Memorial CHapd Ihr \ii RrrrJ* Raiuiurl in KpIIurc (rnlrr. Mnndii Ihr special powers would Coolest Steer Sho« live the go\rrtimeiit Ihr ri*hl EheMorfc I'milion NiAii-1 Ktirm I.ifc Shown to legislate bi decree for a limit¬ ed period. prohahU about three Flo«er and VeteUble I'laat-Grnwcro' Clinic months, fine observer said it Kmai 2twi, Horticulture RuiMinc Sugar Waal Day Kalloff (rotrr .Auditorium Dairy Princess, Awards would he "like without lion."* the formal a stale of siege, prorbma- s» YI R AI. I VKMI Ks slop In at the com aiiii-.\oo I'hnln h» I lie i iinithrr.- 11" :'W Farm Power and Machiaer- Lead Off Farmers* Week a A .'ornmihii'i ir j>ubU"=beit after oaiiinrt meeting gave not the on around dUpla? Mondai. Ylondai's ilairjr farming. This is part of the lis. program 1 entered I aimers oart ami lliclr wiacs hare trareled from all Michisan to learn oi the research on campus Room US. .Afrirultaral Fiagineering liuiMins slightest icp' . f whv the gov- da> educational event taking place mi campus anil to si*e the ilisp|j\% More Dollar, for Early lamb. RA KOniKT.MIMANN ruiiMcr? thuikr it newls the sj'C- Room 224. Anlhony Hall \ i*-w - M* a luifional prince.iM, milk prrnlui'tiiFit. "prv. rial it.F-.ver* or what it Intends Soma CoHt. in Iba Dairy Indu-irt M t awnrtin arni farm life the Siviet I'nion hiirh-liffht- ? • .(.» with thero. DefeiiM' Si'i'ri'liirv It w.». generally Iwiieven. Room 109. Anthony llall •k] the Ail iireeiis Pain Uuiquet Monday nijrht in K(-U h ■ vever, that President t)e Control of Animal Pe»t» on lha Farm iokw* • enter. Gates " — Disputes Soviet Poiver Gaulle and the govemme t i?i- Room 21*. Anthony Hall Maty Sue H'»ajr. m re tit *;»r form of a certificate, ;i tend to • move quioKl.v and firm¬ tc'vA NVI'/.J Ddir> ..airy d'.il ■« t4 fool bout ly Tba Rural C'burrh and our lay man Re»nuo-i'ulil> t agaiUkt civil and militars r% i) Vhr en? -«r» s,.v. foTiiu'fir with trailer, winch, chiefk in Alferu who let ?•»»• Chapel Hartom £M> «*■? r.'ectod to nrr |v.*i?Kin anehur and life pteservrn WASHINGTON H - Sec . - rixhtwing extremist element? Tba Christmae Trra Ku.tne*. mkS her tiutje- ..•! ' ;»* • • ■.«. rn: to retiring (ulwani Smilev, net c ut of hand. tirv »' tVfi-ii.c Thomii-. Gib y Jr Monday dispubsf aiire.i I.iacoln Room. A and It. krlloKC Center MM' .lurA !.«rr>-. »uprnnt4tidi-h ,s - • lit' „ .. Aiatasta tfuality Fruit for Profit the na*, Ttt •••i.-'.- rution oi ti.. special measures had been de¬ ahil-'v -i 3«» in,nut.-f »-i?h too Room 202, Hortirullurr Huildinc Hi* traveled rided against the leaders nf the v • / he r. ?■ " klgerian insurgent*, lie said The ♦*-*., i-.i'e u: nle G • Poultry Scirnrr Intecratinn Hay i t.-* mar ;!.*« "unr a. huweier. "all Ihe crimes or of¬ T», "lias P'.y.r 'i a ' riven Roum DO; Aathony Halt whr psplaifipat thai »hr lias fenses against the security of Ihe speech, -a*- "i:"vui t'„f" Rural Youth in Ihr Lily it a a elrd jMI IM.toi mllrv j|t- Sets Stuar- >y»«n Hi- state w ill lie handed over to • Room |u>. Helloes Center |hearing »n nfm aruf I Y »h»« *. llr |kaaii«|rtl nut thai hr nriit judicial authorities N \J.») while Vv leleli e ch.ef w . , ai fairs. an( bflorr ronienlious. oiiit as a tourist |g» or nhal Parliament will to- presented ;>e;ng fiULW'''.:.e,i by it S.-M t ,, H>:«3 ttpportunitir. in Agriculture for Young Folk. Cu*.i4 Aids hkr and to Itmik ill " ith a -hurt • I'd! .• »;i, -i , Aper- 1'' * • •• Fairchilri Theater a«m -• en *•■■ ? dairy ••it Mimr of hrr dairy produrlian ab-ni* 1 lie new Vii» .'111.'i.ouo.ouo article 3fl "f the Trench cunsji- ' '.c -.4 > fl.AS, mrlhods ||r -OHhtarv budge' 1 l.'-IK) l.uarh illdjiot Ihinlt lhat tu?i-»n. This artii'e ray* '?-.e ' .»: . 3s*.af' 4', M. Ihr Russian lifr was as had as Anthony Hall rue • .* .e.-t Ihr akrfaar Ainrrtran thinks. governmert can. for e*4^'u?i..u Cadets la f isil Condartrd Tour. IJer ,er« pr ; r ♦«> veme 0 r ThWtojd Monday t-i*h' ■if 1«. priufraui. a.1'-, Par.ta-'I' for authoriaatiiMt to take by t the IK Gaulle's which uurnially ari" 'ef.-daturr " >' MSI In kentuekx Oil Kosc Howl (.ri-?igc a •:.f F S 4".e .e and k . . til a.'iothcr Mig Moiiiby \v'• RrieL I -ml Hereford Rrrrdrc i n The a w ar ; a» 0 • ' prtolu.-iost ally mil Prarfie Room 126. Anlhony Hull Ttesplax. arid exh.bit* tf.ff.4si • 'ik Hi an hour octwrs n !1 P te Vh>- (•••unci! .">«iu • - i for cur.'.riTKita: * Mi-.* da- the fu'.V.i-i st#d.u;U . Anftia Kraadac FAT a oi and if'-on. !n an almo- ' un- thai ,? vA;ih still m favor of ' TC ,unity, to \ or,. - L.aKXa • •<>• >1, union.-, backed the »tnkr fiiou-iv M-.fiUnv Room 103. .Anlhony Hall ogenan* vi> Of. A" \ pie.jdent «t,.( d'.fian.c id tin • . - Bi Mad Poll llrradar. ' - pr g'-< Msf .p.;-.., M;>M- - - Wi-stcrn 1 tiiVcr.sit.iK 1 m ■ . Tr»-?'it' '.e,:1 A r all 1 <•!« »n'« Room 101. Aalhony llall lifty*Hiur farmrr* were ato a -tUpAv i IM llr John. K'.uuk wiH u iwardrf errtifW«lrs (»e aver- ,1'uturin* 4 new -"hemn a| i-> s>e .hart barn Kraadar. M.fhigan State's fav. iable '. ♦ * * fii.sing better and Room 223. Anthony Hall Michigan 4'allla Faadar.' A.**cation Mtoc toe pfMUtos •( toutirr per ■sbUi foe Ihr year ml I*• »* by Ihr i— ( luh f«e«I»teiti Dtarovtm : bv f *j» ?r>e m tne future ilepurtmen? a Ojjitvr to Talk .a ■» ?ht- lb* .10 mel ting it) Mai t'oluftibu*. flhiO . i II aler < itrnind Hush Room 224. Aalhony Hnll A i.iMr.fa:? WM ■■ tK v...T lit tie t-smc! uvr - « < (. a year he ago and ntck- chemu.*! 4 On HackvIs 'JY.e ('■mncil also vfited •- Watei v a - a . b.t ... Poultry Sritwa frier, roiifgi •. w lei ,iav« Room 110. Anthony Hall I'rttf lit Talk hoped y-eji i4-r :• g?'«it-y snweake crop ?)«.: l.gem VJ.fumset rank -g e .ff.cer. will *pe«k »;Jip.. fwn srais at «.«r,p4 ?.-■! l. t'fUto-d.ftte (sUgibillty in Home Economic nith Agricultural Eiooomic . (? d • K. t?arUto& tf»c Room IIS. PhywK--Math Building On Vluxwright a*-.A • . "•« ^ P* ptei ' Av n •("..nfldrnte Racket*. How 1 Tbir 'vVv if.t-.-tay nn.' • • . 'hi P*. i-rrfifen •. » !'jiM »i college ti.ui • Vp? at -rA ..'ki- .K >.*: i f Kcaarrh Aid* Trra Farming at R n Ti.f ; I j* ,» s*, a!- ?i 1 ■ 11u * *ii 'H»? a vear (.oiiei-lion If illiams' Lift ui! piaJi*, 5' ' UHwdi th-- r. -M" Week it-arurc .? Vu \ v«#te Lincoln Room. A and K. hrllngg I rnlrr ' '•*, ill KM M « 1 f jpt hkl* whrut. ., vi on ek-_ la-» turc-Gtfi ■ * 'Dialmy A'g : i.-.T t.j I*,' Sugar Keet Uty .,»« „:nto f • • at'as . begr , e?i A* 11 «t"h.A adhUfttotxadd I *. K-lii- director^ on the couferch" I< »f Tennraw.« KaSagg Canter Auditorium :ie Semrstti »rto Kxihahfy joint comrniftth?. fcaeti v. r. W:.!uarr.- o.»e U the yujlr* K1' »*u» kv Bigger, batter, or Both ' 1 . Dairy Hard* , ,,- 1 now M Spartan Sales 4 .#n«» v..-.- • o*-x. ami utrofkc la'Lgua^r he. f.>- a.nd Miff;.;.,, M-e.rc --.waded Ht Roam 100, Anthony llaH p.fift a* drafr.a' c Hvxktt" :,L : /'• J ; eaf»-U|J of '-*» t.rooing Quality Fruit for Profit Start Today ant frau't- u that * 01 Plans Itrulln'r-Sisti'l* . - . J9t.f1 W» te. aasoc.aie- |wro#»>- Room 207. HorUcoHorr Ruildiag «..* of "*wi ' * »"«-» fr Ti i»IT to IK34 Prugi-ain Material HaadNug ili- has TF»rtu*ij,j'<*Ti in 'many »r,t the £>!a>'»r.jJ t Utatg',' ipvo .gab *h* and trial* and (* Room IIC. AgrkuRural fcagioaartog Hutldiar l..uaa Foe lag You a. a < on-amrr Room lis. Ph.iaio.Vath Building at troirorstoi ; to 3 the t'atfiQ A pwpulo? »c4 e>r«!imrs cdv author. Baiiron WiUinnj .-i to ' usi) .n Uf Tr.4 "Lit 1*<«>;* '..fy. * le»ue »•' Si/Art" « "i » . ••.''.arj': -;v appumtment as Our Nmghhor. Around lha Merld tbr (Kd" iUtXAitrtf A \ By Jnr,<- j : o» i idgkligeg ■nam Its. MBagg Coaler Streetcar S*i.ri Daware/' "€* rvtofSi 4* J > u vpfttently UWflfi the fl*- yhe - "a*. thi, .4 of ouptr Vl.ddit Ra*' du ing World W r • .ritelogcnce in *af The .American BrviJtor-Sii •' Oi a Hat T-c Rxjf." "The Row 5->.r»'. ,igf oxflc human!io»i.' pfigran, i'n '<<<< studenis .-Hi fureijjj *" Ito 12 i 5:00 Weigh Market Hag* Tattoo,"* and "Sweet Br J at Ovirr s ! "T«c kltadf-A' if il»e a i l get, ufidej a 4v W(>Jne*d*> -4«t ' V •*}», «a«t T««ii . y writer *s we.i as a vpeafct X n.wri" ; i Michigan Beef Caula Breeder. A**ariatiee— youttw" • 4' ■ . fba Vio»f-e » aytieiea and *tor c% •g ? ir Inter haiiottaf C m-ui - \la> Bparton fit is *a ,;- Mealing of Under* oave a^pL-ared u *uch pubhea- -.-uUun tommBUv tie*in* »>. • ,-a/r.*' i.terar* career Ii> <£"& tenriew » ith i>r WSifdSlflio* ' ■ a Saturday Cve/iinf Po»' Roam lit. Anthony Halt teptiag upp:-.o* attempt so explain Wlii.a?n a fioted inviAto" lid he'wn*-*'. K'.adcf D |<» Blue thw.k and Partic;toil :s* AUtdenu * ; n A~ociaiioa carretottoo with 1 «.00 I hi HI mo Traa l.rn»er» iject»i :n 00 hi, aifidemrRUr t*per imea; Adventure Maga/ifto .r.uum of vtokace. aax. atrot.4 flora tie depth* of Uake held ' »•(( - •. fad . apply 1 "a urogram bv idv Ad«!»*si>h wiii be. free. the autonr a la dev »- ijy takih* tii'-m through ivgi - UiWlpr. d'-ttb wurk n the future hrttagg Caalar Ir.z stroaR. iatertotinf piota. »jy 'ia in a iifhter' neuiTr iratton, rgpia n.n* local cu*t'«ri • Apfdkato>h« av idabte ihroiig Day Bang art The >eture J the- fourth .*j a Vith scene sit*re •,» the ea t ela Sifimi/t and iftfroduc T»g th-cuj !p pcopli >'»!# 24. mov ■« ki <1 up » c-vsporuored h* Utx i rviumeif tu Men's Women'* Big Tan Bona. KaBigg Caalar fc.rie» •yv->- *h >ep»: '«e»ix r* poetry Ve>ra?s> kdil sign up for" !h/ f After icntk aa ji .!> v ikdl. -l u'.-'U sc-v.i-s: t:v l.rsi Judge Cairam Chw* Market Hag* trtoCi roacertiiisj "N'p'v V-icr. ■ . - i Tit * " * •*>'') ' .-hediv aero d*.*••/' 't. *h# !o i., • - rgreivg a tpit,fiv-at;on yf i»u; tire re ; ■r t'o 'uh n,y>T5f»»-nt: or th • Lhaatack Patihaa Cor.frtnporary U'reature ~ Tnurvdirt ID (V.-k* . iUg , nrdu '- tfa by.n* AfuiooA uhvduifd ?.»f nude to .j'.ijaa- - ya-i'ii Cvnc • 5:14 PrUeuor A. Jl. M S.-nJ'-; *».' L'n..f«x. Si: or? CourMS. Nat 5r»- K-O Feb 2 tp'r.ri* term A gcto-ral me*tin* other cbumne*" n At Fac? 4*ecU atejut ih# utu* m., «*'*. 2224. — . t "Al Tbc Next Sound The Time Will Be Michigan Slate News 1 e Read Halt? hv v.•. i-.-c >er*ilv. L#»« I. It m - •' • • ••• * * **.' ' ' battle aro n -e w: . would drsve . edce between ■; ■-bether it r n.r- tr—r ui" " e utn'.«" •» ■■ <•••:'• '•••.: .i«. ■ of the AsMCM'ed l»re»e. |r land D». v ITe « J'-'l «-w lek felSrihe stories a' « - WHAT MANVFR OF MEN: books. and now a reporter for series of prop'. •; \"o!. 5|, No I'M Tiip*iia>. Fehrnar> -. 1!^' Pag»' T-' FORGOTTEN HI ROF.s OF THE the New York World Telegram and Sun. has written a readable mark able othv Murphy, n "double-b.--, AMERICAN REVOLUTION. By ed rifleman" from New je- Fred J. CMk. William Mnrrnw and enjoyable account of 15 for* g<>*teri heroes of the American w io probably could have c'* Student Discount and Company. $5. Reviewer ed to be the one man in At- Revolution Johh Abbott. ican history to have ti-.-v. The book obviousty^fequired a the outcome -of a war p. Of the wars our country has great deal of jit^gen'. research shot; Allan MoLane, the c. been involved in. the American but aufhor^-Cook has not bur¬ Project Fizzles dened ,trf reader with numer- captain whose secret m Revolution probably saw the brought the necessary F- • notes and rhc usual par- greatest degree of oenonll hero. aid to the Americans at the- • ism . This was a war where the in¬ Rathbun. a captain in the < dividual soldier, not thejHrilisHc ing narrative the lives and ac« h..n> o' nine men and six wo. tmental Navy who capture missile, was the basiy-'fTement n fortifications of Nassau v • men who played an $ essential, every battle an^-wfnere an indi¬ men. There were mar.y but now forgotten, role In win¬ vidual's bravery and courage of course, and Cook relate * ning the American Revolution. could make a difference. stones and shows how . What manner of men were The American Revolution, like made a significant contr.p wars, produced a great these.' Cook answers "They were, if I read their story right, to the conflict iv.nv heroes whose names have men who were guided by a Cook's initial statement< r never been lisped by school cerning the nature and . , cmidren or held in reverence by spec.a! inspiration, fired by a . of the American Revolut: the DAR personal dedication to a cause seem oversimplified to the tn which they passionately be¬ These forgotten heroe* were lieved They were tignting for dent of history Nonetheies- • bookseller*. ahnp- basic aim of the book— the farmer*, something new in the world. keeper*. and artisan*. Hie little They had gi n pscd a new di¬ reviving the lives and elf men who fought and died hero¬ some forgotten Amer: •*.#;. mension tj reedom, and thev ically In a war which few hon¬ were de'ermsued to possess •• —has been admirablv estly believed could he won. Yet and make it eternally the.. they have not been complete!* three-dimensional forgotten, at lea*t to the readers of Fred J. Cook a "What Manner of Men." Cook, a newspaperman for the pa»: 25 years, author of fou. 341 Student bet vie* East Lansing. Mu'Mfjn Mi«rcd on. etas- days Monday through Friday incluv* winter ana spring terms, weekly during summer te- 4. pTsOuien i«sue between summer and faii terms F ul , ;a«. r.atte- under the act of March 3. 1879 at t.i# p LaiiMJig. .vini' subscriptions oevabte In advance for one term 13. • *i |.>r U>*ee terms lit »-e i-ujiPd -Daily Press. Associated Pre - -lated Collegiate t XTIIO! It HTI'DENT ORGANIZATION 4-i p.m. Catholic S'udoi; t'enter. C' iffre h«>u;. I'ROMENADERM DEMON¬ stration TEAM 8 n. n , Jeniso?) Field ILniec CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS PROM EVADER* EXECUTIVE HOARD 7 WIM Huiklng 'Radicalism pm. Chansing Ideas x n on EDUCATION : pm. RI IN K AND HRIDI E CLUB COUNCIL 134 Educatidn Ring HOUSING May Briu«: Perjury Charges ~;:io pm.JM Anthony fUi tloltT %R BOARD AUTOMOTIVE : pm 328 S'udent Serv;.-e» ! *v> rxiDC.F aoon t ran snort \\ %11 K t XKNIV XI Highe*' "her. El> ?-81tVJ or tn these proud people w ho accept IXMITIXI ROXRII Ufeneti. Drive I* APARTMENTS with dignity the duties and rr- "T ft A V SPr >RT ATJON "FT ' ! \t « FA sr LANSlNi; vponvibililics of the national*. I pl>»-.uuiM Hia.'-i '.»ur-iti« •' tJoor and • u— 'a " t afTidavA foe stud#" -itn twiwloor hanj ion load<-c to voficg* were asked, to Uke a loypltv extras FH 3-inW 22 distance under *he lv- FD 2-21I&2 oath to hi* nation he would re¬ V-.-" I. • scation A« ' one of t; » statements and aamxtlatiPii !«VS PI.V\lOfTH BrtAT.DF.RE available now raref j! avp;d;ng discuss.^ fuse . ■.<} m.- p..ueri>'- ex'-efient con- ■•ijH-.r fan: prublen»s ha< . •or TV Fust gotHl olte- Mr.NT.v Close bedroOms «U I'm <*' beer, -lar^c'v ignored an i atteienf group- *ha* rti'.g? Wny then mu»t we a I way* oe I fnance ivi.i reirigerator and stove 1h? considered dar gerou* or rati an t.v|ier-vr:t cal of Uwww* virtues To one who has been an ac¬ ..FT YOt-Rsn F A good deal on tive teacher through the Mr- ;ra a* si re unknown time i en a t*!,* ;.•« » proudly a. - • *" Faicoo ,.r Ford from a lorm- ROOMS the Future He •.» hardly free t 4 .a.;r, tha* we are' MSl' -tudei" -re Gene Sadden I arthv era. a very real dancer i Mi* Ciirtw Inc IV 4-4491 - S3 i« that students who sign the par - pat-' n \r,r ex'-hange an Name XXithheld hv Request affidavit may later be falsely ac¬ ii- vii> . t.f lea-; that m«Ac BRAKFb COMPt.rrr RELLVIVT. - *; aort ur Adviytment » r„^»d cused of having per lured thrm- P XN-tFRIIIOlHtV »TW»» NT -ed ».•#•« -"Vjo- nn Brake Relin- acitet when they signed il X*MN I X I It *N rs ZSlfi i KaUtnaz ■« _IV 4-4fe4» t! A' a hvTW.hrexamp e llits Petty 30 pm. 34 Uruun tk*>rg* EMPLOYMENT t'-e tf«>e ' J.-e Sf.i• lh'ii'etruki>t><>ui Fsv.r.i Ms!' u'.'Ai a a'r% gpef. '.."#• n •i • , Treatment PKI.-MEDKAL MKT FT V ilMIV OVFW see Mr EKiHTFKN P»er*>n flonn* 12 t ha - PERSONAL»e FT and-- Daniel Etisfeld To the Iditur ■IX DEBONAIR f,f Pane! from Wayne Stat SVT.V B' "H'HFB PART ■eemirg i Xssm Prof he evtve* ehced lnuu.:»- We at MSI* don'* spe'i or -'•a •vrki<>« i -.s .!! »{ - rH'u- accenting of Ironuitiu* alar.».'.« StreeV M*ue AW* Soinster t bos.. < punctuate an* be't^r than SJin Ati-MH IATION' (II OFF- kalainai'M- Lan.-ng alter « «' ire#* vueratork on £0 ' • Rdbglcaba or • ,e res' uf the » XXIPI S NTUDF-NTH a'.U'te' 's a' MSl'O : 30 p m . 33 I'n.o:. 1 vcur sriwduie DON-I HrVTFD Obvious!her letter -hi* home t- an d.rect-'-r »# hou* '-lc »:tl state v dn and «ar»e-.r« •';,•» n lan- H# * . IIKH A\n: ?he>e bleak I « • > i'' a ; d.sgrmw.l y eomp!e>: a.'iv-vrr qucstawu on " y.wnH Hall. a; »y Vik» left Feb T at * K'A*1 intf IU .uf,*. of Nfw Year* a no -•< A vinuit* at t T^e only channel wa& to t>«- winter term he the time* whet! ;• reemed ju.-t !<*•' corre pe'tv an.4 critic^e hef punctuation and spelling dark to ire! «».it of tail. With a meur.u hk. i*v that If every t'.udent fe!' as .you iise*l in iia-4, a .student i* iiitle '•> find a reason a KWANT BAKERX* P' Wen to _ ;tha» gpeilmg a?,-; rt virtual!v db-i»'id • ! iea.-t to hint.m iJ, why he c • «gp,use. .\' r punctuation error* require nuch |i& breakfast BONUS F-*eive lor »3 3 of the duertions fl;a! '-lurep' aareaatic comment* you would GOOO receive c the average or 19 hf)h eAplaiiuni in cioea ohv Fel>iu.ih rnornifiK. '#••'#■-* daily pointing out Tour MESH QuiCk error« Such ungrounded cntiCism a* SFUDNUT SHO' KF.NNY DAVIS OF v>jn. r.» reference to the « • ED 2-14:t ?)J MAC Op»» »»J*.4»e .*»ue at liana, w:'.! only prove %i do** b» MSl'O the *c,,» pastrwe. K*»»1 Bak- e i siwne.' « en iv 4-*:*i *f FAST LANSING fUncb-tTPe h .«*» 6ROUND HOe SRfcC a.S larce U-i«-aped SERVICE I II IIOHI.KTS- rxi-miLV -lD TV) - VrMTXT .- « VI' Nf*« Vn«J,»l Rrver All trpe* M *»•••*# eieetrw machine at ear- Call Mr* Bier*ma. I D 8-A*: lime after the ituurgent* (nek le lr-stead. De Gaulle < g:n e-;r- WiitiAM M TH0M>SCN Ihe barricade* the l«*»lt> «f n-icrt « v;ow'.Rg , no» SPARTAN "SgVLTILr* - the arm* was in dwubt. |»e seen :n Fa nee c-.r W Ul W 4 • TYPING *em*e t Gaulle Hon thai halllr T T;e t*>. a«ped> y *h « E;*r a time, ;'tVsl war vj# s'.reagth «:!1 n • he c'.rar ur.-.l feamf- t>e e*'ca: of hit" dcmaiida far pce*er.y HOUSING have bi-eft presented us the rr- forcing •».. gave The iocurgenta t;n:e : vea'w ag'i IV Berka* MaU vo«l fir wt.« «'V >' lan- cU'der, — >fidt»*er SmpeTtd• That bailie will he to «-««■ ' * a u he d,d a««! fofen TV AND RADIO *r- -•* -nHOard He adapMwt a xiwee the Mwatems thai the> ran tew n'»» M »tuae*'« ■of *e'f--.!c- - • #-rc w.inki have heen grave *nd a«ierr »• • he Fresell and *Utl he Arab*. b«K TV rto -a riwrcviM-saiv.. tu&e cfieekmg fr*» -•»-* -f ,vwt wh-ch the Eu - De Gantle ha* alUwed fnnr »* daile T.V T4 ' r ■ * H * efTor'ji to regain ?o,r _Frar .e WEBER FRAXDOR NEAR Mod¬ 3MJ r. WMin IV T-X1M Algeria feared wouki year* fee it. after • reaan Are. em eu*k?.-e n#»r# (urniBM three • ktadibg ppgitkm in ' *orhi h«th. »*-cc»Pe :v pern;t '.he Arab* ' * lr. that battle, De Gaul will ra*r* »#?»**«■<• TVBTST AW BROWN nc- would have been crtp- cknet*. dr*»r. $11* plus Eieeijsu esectncjty »»et'iirr,ished. •:» ID- ■Bk» trpe- pIbj Th** spriRi'g summit ««• fnd the "KkU rr. -» greauv *ner« «od tr.#«w a-*c i f-'ten. r- have been dgilay- Against Mm Hut tne A!.ge.r:»n NIX ROOM TVHSlsntO iVKi»# foe *■' - ' off New ly-bpgufi" have f the'.r .pHy r- »x me- erudero over Zl c* r lui" g V .» f ir NATO » cnl battle ani; Uvt Th-e Arso and Saunnger front without wuuld for a different "approa£fc ruig htv« bnxa futile. havt ♦iTIVed. « >11(1111.AN STATE ATMS Dies Without Paving Official la I - "tec r Haiwinp Qimlion* 1 eh)y»nr* f age Three Art Shown 1.1 » ~ the Association of Off-Cam* Union. The rbf* <«>c of students will hold their reg- housing will answer que-*: -■.> Man Owes $6 Million Tax Bill pus llUfh Uoaderehip In Krchgc uiar meeting at 7.30 pm in 33 concerning ofT-cnmpus ' .qv < i;i<>11 i»nj- !■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■■■■■ Two widely divergent sho\*« WASHINGTON ^ — Unci# the '-house ot prayer for all pe->- California. "Piese had the ef¬ S been collected by the Art • TAILPIPE * VII 11I I li \\ ANlllNCi \mir nr\( in Ihr ,tnre. tn limk at the .pecial :■ . agency was preparing to prose¬ claims against the Negro preach* 1926 when he baptised his cute Grace when he died at the for.World JYiendship league nf Inntk. thill are apprnpriale a« gift* for rr. followers in a mudhole a«e of 71 The government had Photographs and models of \ aienline*. Day. The estate of the late head of At the time of his death in » go at h.m ji 1934. charging he the work of American architec Los Angeles Jan. 12. Grace pa.d 14! in ta* on a 3190.000 Mmoru Yamasaki comprise the claimed membersh.p of three r.come but he was as other show, which was previou?'- FOK FAST 1(0AD SKRYICK 1AI.L lill T^Ufi 9 t »f \nn X U. l.C. \vp. a persuasive iiriM'r MPA Cites million, nearly more than 30 cities all Negroes, in esse r.vjrt as in the was thrown out. pulpit and the 'v displayed at the Detroit In- vt.tute of Arts and .tiic Deiro *. m I'.ii.l l .in.iiin. Mirli. GULF SL'll ILK* The bill for $o.966.000 in tax¬ The followers who were tie Engineering society. The phot •>- Six State es for the rears 1945 through chief source of Grace's wealth graphs range in arc up to 8'j LARRY'S SPARTAN BOOK STORE 1956 is one of the largest ever generally called him "Sweet by 10 ft. entered by the internal revenue Daddy" Grace but Monday's Yamasaki, of Yamasaki. t.em- ■ wober and associates, has offices * service against Individual. ens give several names, includ¬ Newsmen The sums claimed range from 3103.914 for 1946 to 11.531.093 an ing Charles Grace. Marcelino Maaoel Graca. Bishop C. M. in the Detroit gained national prominence for area but first ON FAST MICHIGAN AT FOI IS ■ for 1953. Grace ahd Daddy Grace his work for the St." Louis au- (diagonally across from Heal SI. entrance) " Super Marhet Tor T.diieution Six Michigan newspaper¬ The IRS 'filed the Lens a-i Tr.e federal action was only- poft. • men were admitted to the levies against rev! property and ore pi the post-mortem compii- Birn in Seattle and a gradu¬ o'her assets of the estate n ca'tor.s surrounding the vast ate <>f the University of Wasn- Michigan Press Association "Hall of Newspaper Fame." Washington, DC, and 15 ether w-kj;r.g« Were amassed ington, he was greatly influ¬ federal jurisdictions ir. Mary¬ by the picturesque preacher who enced by a trip to Japan tn 1954 it was announced Saturday land. Pennsylvania. Virginia, r* r'ei h.s 3>u churches — and On his return he began turning br E. C. Itayhow, MPA Georgia, North Carol na. Sourh h-» -.r.gerna «—red. white and ojt plans for buildings which president. Carolina. Connecticut, Ne i blue He favored cutaway coats use precast concrete in graceful The names were announced at York, Massachusetts. Ohio, New- .r. green and purple, with plenty curves and lacelike delicacy and •he 92nd annual meeting of the Jersey, Florida. Michigan and «f gold trimmings, including which are distinguished by sky¬ MPA held in Kellogg Center c-ff« and epaulets. lights and surrounding pools. Jan. 29-M. year, far the Ural time Ed. Professor BOOK Tt»b In the alae-year htatary af the marii. living newayagennen Talks in Ohio SAVE CN LAUNDRY! were named ta the Hall. Hay- hew said: Associate P*ofe<«or Herbert Newly-admitted members are: Rudman of education will five Lt. 12 Wash Pants 79c I Vernon Brown, former the keynote address a*, the an¬ : ,dv, of Michigan, former pub- nua! meeting of the Departm^r.* fher of the Ingham Coun'v of Elementary School's vew*. Mason, and former MPA of the Ohio Education A an you ninli—two J R.-publican • News, st Johns. £ H • —er MPA president Governor M.chael D«?a'> ■* ■ pair *r more. Hring dry cleaning with your laundry! •■ take pa-t n panel d.«eussions of ■ \drian VanKaevrrtng. former each other"* aidresse- puhlUher af the Zetland Record A member of the admJitstra- former MPA president. long ae- tur In newagager affairs. tive and partment educational service* de¬ since 1953, Kudman LANSINC LAUNDRY \ SALE ** ' Webb McCaU. deceased, form- publisher of Mt. Pleasant .,vk'y and daily newspaper., — cr MPA president, active in studied the educational system .n Russia on a tr.p there in 19:* Dr Rudman'a h >nor was h.s select.on fv the most recent I DRY OLEANERS j ■ affairs. second consecutive year t> serve f ast lousing Branch ■ Fred Keister. Sr.. deceased, on the editorial board ^ the •irr.ef publisher of t he I on.a En-x-h Pratt Free l.bfafy. B*. • . u'.'v News, former MPA ft! •■re 211 EVERGREEN S cedent and association leader jv-g the difficult years of or- • i ring the newspapers into an ve association Name Heads Your Key to Better Value, . . . former On. James Kidd. gahllsher af the Inula defeased, For LIB Week Michigan State Ne«« -eriinel-htandard. a (I'll War tor the Un.-r. Beard l»n:pu« ('Unified. . . . l.ou Co.! sentrst. remmanll) and sem- juoer leader af his day. 'A'*-* *ere announced U " • Stv.e News M mda FV'ures and br.ef tLvgraph-et •-.ese men w.'l be hung it They Include, t'r -n Boa i THOUSANDS OF REFERENCE TEXTS Week Chairman, John Jxt* Journalism building 50% OFF r.e Atlanta. Ga, »*n:or, eccretar . Candidate* are named to the Sa'. v Wilson. Rochester. M.m, H*'.'. of Fame, which now brings • e • iai to 29 men. bv .in an»n- junior; variety show, Alan Ker¬ ne; v. Buffalo. N Y* Junior. to«- ■r < us committee of MPA *•-. Dean Abix 't, P#»«»ahr >. V V J* Dr>ef. Lar- Weiume of the tlemmul for the iiitiililv hlctitify Plntlotiion'i ' • g , j- r. - dan e. john Fo lidhm ON SAIi: AT V FRACTION OF TIIK1R loi/i/iylo announce . i irr carry ire are In */tartan (.otite*! -.g -'•»t)horr."-e. -r*' * Vlar-dy Skam. Sips* m*-*r that ire are expanding our farililiea. Be* n Garrr.g- student who can >»:?or herself in * .deti'..?•• Xo'ver • puo'«- *v. Cleveland He.gv-. Oft.o. juf* '*. The tale haring ilioulil he OHICINAI. I'UICi: and Gre'enen Wothe. Dearbom we are now orer .-e p-trtM m the current • j •* favn.or. snow. Terr* L1*- v.-'*- magazine '.»•!' receive * Inil due lo the alteration» ev=».x j- ..-v. ar.i - at! our pre.nil BOOKS V l> I) i: I) DAILY - tow#rtt the , « ;A-i,i y. , a •• if kk-ns P c***" B I&e Mir - ;360 Wolverine. >r t .,"i I s*. Bj-'dj A. a- tlocl. ./Mae in extremely limited mid ire ;>t Stover, business Run- ;er. »Vyaniotte a--. »■- mint rlear all merrhandine from the floor. ' • e yearbook normally ltd show. Marilyn Mayer, To'.eio. Chio. agec Al etuden*. Saringt will he patted on to you. (salMt Laas and ail your optical needs , SLACKS IS.M VALl'E . . . (AO OPEN WALLACE OPTICIAIS 601* 70 SKIRTS mat Ma — »* a> «*<• lt.M VALl'E AM, WOOL BERMUDAS . . . 7.50 E. LANSING'S NEWEST Dr. « C. 10.05 VALl'e ... 5.50 ph. iv wni PAPER BACK ROOM WINTER STYLE MEN'S AND WOMEN'S rvtLVt-' SHIRTS KANT BI.OI'SES 10.05 VAI.l'F. 5.110 .».» IMPORTED BLUESES IS FINER PLAID PRINTS 10.00 VALl'E . I.on GEN. READING ASSIGNFD HEADING SEIVIOE FASTER MEN'S TARTAN SHIRTS 15.05 VALL'E AM EVEIYME . ... 7.05 HEFFHKNGK 100 BL IXY SWEATERS 12.05 VALl'e . . . 4.50 . MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SWEATERS WHEN MUM 17.05 VALl'E . . . 5.0* GIBSONS SCARFS TARTAN. SHETLAND. MOHAIR. CASHMERE (.05 VALl'E . . . 5.50 AT DRIVING GLOVE wool AND LEATHER RED LEATHER 5.00 VALl'E . . . 5.00 AALFI'S "EEWFEE" CAFETERIA EXCU'MVE AT THE BOOKSTORE 515 E. (IRAN'D RIVER' $rotrt} House uioii rtoM CAicri s 124 & 128 W. GRAND RIVER AVE. OPEN FRONT« (■aiot CORNER EVERGREEN & (IRANI) RIVER « A.M., 12 P.M. KHAR ENTRANCE Mat, Tank Teams Host Purdue Mimic• \\ mi ? I'•••(» Mountaineers' ('oneh linos lliuh Pressuring Athletes m.*HK!K!,!>. W V.i a name who dors the most State Adds Swimmers We-' Virc!!:irf basketball eon •creaming." Sehjus stated. Fre.i prere-: ScHaus >a:d Monday «»f fans eventual v u f • •v1 ■ s. nau. had nothing hut praise two big eentecs have beaten of teams his flfth- New Faces See Action Jeff C - n'bic' At 8 in IM <\r-- <\ i:»!eieo!!e|{ia?e ■ inked MaaV.aavr- . .nir.e'!i:rt;t ;s done •* •f \\ D.'-eli ! nlu'ff -•! m. and Mary and California To Lineup !!.• -id the pu.-ft ?'« w.n at S ii.u.s ;ni We.-! Virginia's •• : "i-re» •• x|'» II \l tl'I't Il/l K* vious wrestling experience. give two of his regular starters The team also participated m a res* James, the other newromer to II •he Big 10 relays with Mtchiga 98c Collin# explained he thought the Mate lineup, hails from (t 2 v» Mhwrrs and Indiana, but gy-ores were n > ;! was a good opportunity W Tulsa. (Ikta.. and will be re¬ l t d Mow or vs. 1 Irrv Htm III kept. (• give 123-pounder George Mobbs placing Johnson in the l#7-lh. J mmsi o Molt* Coach C9tarlet lie on State's ( t McCafTree'. and Gordon Johnson, 147 lbs division, wax X /rrmixl *«. VllUcr Idtol- IIOII>1 SII III Ms looking for .» really fine meal this . .« It t:3X squad has geen little eompetiti*' well deserved rest. freshman squad last year. Sunday evening" lor the finest eiilxlne at hard to heat prices MIX II with the Boilermakers in roc# will be the . he sure to Viait Although Purdue ha* lout four Tonight's match it. i Jot* vs. Tipper* . . . 4 Irons vs. Plj»yfc«»v« years. This season the Sparta-, straight dual meeU and Hnlxhfur taking a gamble in making the xuhxtilutioax. The Spartans lineup for th» i>im III McC alTreo will he uafag Id* will have at 123 lt>„ i Vlllurrt %« fi l' l i "HOUSE OF BEEF" Purdue meet « t snphomere lineup, Inetadteg tl" "We like to give as many fel¬ It < rtti Mt» Alpha v» I «•» lioof Mirchal; 130 lb. Bill Gucciani"; met and m-yard. freeetyter. pki lows a chance to wrestle as we 137 lb., Norm Youn g 147 lb . •:W Krarkett. who hfwfce Me ftr» van." the coach said, "ami alnce ♦»vm II James. 157 lb„ R"»b Mcser; 167 Ibllhrsli, vs Comet- its w. mminc. w \\i Purdue isn't rated too highly we it l lb. Roger Tave.nner. 177 lb. It. I Manor Mi.» vs. Irotan* •in win. Bracket! eu aBaBenr (Next to Hotel Oldsi figured thia was as good a I.Vrn III Mike Senzig. and heavywe:g I uthrr Nnn.r ed by Wrt BlaeeJenAI fmd. chum c hs any to work them in " 1(5 Sharks vs. Hours Hon-sat. 7 a.m. • ft p.m. — sun. II a in - t p.m. John Baurn < t. « Ptnbsters vs. I arU Tom» though, aa BUaejmki heal him The Spartan* will carry an Hoy. speeiali/dug in- roast href, round href, rliiekrn. dm k steaks, etc. undefeated. 3-0 dual meet re¬ MOCRrV In the Id far Bia Aral Baa! rum KH'D YOt* Al.WAVS KF.MKMHFfc" cord into the fon test, which in- I'Htlli*-- Work Hut I'uil * (M U est fthaw vs. fmuinus mark. PHItAOELPHl.A I- 1>» » la Hrvan vs. f.a»t bhan elude* last Saturday's 18-6 rout vonrvBAii. The Individual medley *•?!' .,f M nnesota Philadelphia Phillies Morktay in have Dave Diget, Tosh Imai by Marrhal. at 123 lb*., has been unnourKx»v.t a limited working i t I n»ta lheta PI U Phi Sift Carl Shear. MoCaffree said thv, agreement with Chattan«x«ga < f E3Q5EE33 Kappa on the team since he was a ( i : Kappa Sigma -»i Phi Delia Imai is beginning to long geo* guphonmrv, but has gamed only the Southern A»sn. Thru ' ■BDBWnliaWWP If in this race. Xtnha Taw Omega »v. A r.. PI Butterfly ewimmrf Shear w"I now showing Nmv Thru Tutfs! line tit 5 i I II. I ! Delia I vs. Phi Kappa Ian . be swimming in hi* event wi'v feature at I 20. it: »0. 5:30. • ia The I unnlest t omedy 7 20. 9:2k p.m II t I imMi | hi Alpha vs. D T D- We* Knbert* or Art Mm we" s.l.M Parmbeuse ALPHA PHI OMEGA It ) v» since "Mr Roberts" IN Manwell has had • cold, and T)e»OA It. 1 Delta thl tv xtgma I ht did not gwun last weekend. It : Phi Kappa Sigma v% Alpha «s> big. Phi Frank Mediae. Dean* Hup ***** CAW TONY XVI'IUNAI. SEHVICK f KATEKM Id iirtmlef Unit Srorvr part. Jim Tyeun and Bill Mng*- ton will hreaxtatroke he in awtamnlng the th- Indlrldasl GMNT'CllimS Jitmes Gamer INVITES VOL' TO AX due'g LATAYTTTE. Ind. U' hqsketbaif te»ni ha* lost - Pui- event and Sparta na. medley relay fee th* 6-5 Darre'.l MdJtltUv. it* *iv- Natalie Wfaod OPEN RUSH SMOKER ond e# leading scmrr for the re^t *he *ca*«on because of poor MvCaffree will choese •—"r.» Denny Baker, I«arry Jones, D* Convur, Bob Erler and grade*. Mail for h:* sprinter*. Chaurw- REFRESHMENTS SERVED J.»hn,*on and Jib Aen_* w. . » ■> the distance race*. WASN-N-WEAR Bon Gage, Jack WiekeH-g STAIITIM; I'KIILW! 730- FEB. 2 taKv Boreisig w ill he se* for f • t»acks?roke, while the Asver* « FLANNELS OPERgnON IF YOU STUDENT SERVICES LOUNGE 7* Jerry Chldwick, Ron fare or John Walker. We pcmcotr NEVER SEE ANOTHER ONLY $4.75 In EMtnwn COLOR MOTION PICTURE IN M£Lx :« TO it Yeall Love FIAT TOUR LIFE YOU HSU VETERANS ASSOC. RI V NOW AMI RAVE • ROM KM ror MUST SEE MALCOLM MILKS Cttcoar *, a VARSin SHOP !!1 ABBOTT BO F LAN*4. IM« t. RMUin L.n.ini PECK GARDNER MIOIV STARTS AT — mi o a * i NO * • 7:30 P.M. I'NION KOOM 31 100-3:00-3 03-1:13.».30 ASTAIRE PERKINS II %Tl HIs s|ART AT — t ao j to I %l I >r NIMS I \ l N I s — Next Attraction I RANK "NEVKK SO FEW" SINATRA tn — i f • ILFORNO • RESTAURANT • • |* | 'the name that marie PIZZA famou* in Laming9 j NIIH.R »M IMOtH *nOS CALL ID i-HIl — ALSO STCCIALSZING ln — j ■ ■ j . * Sink* 9 CJiirkrn # lulian & Sea Foods • ' K3 ES a ! # ELECTION - 7 MAN BOARD OPEN OA1LT PHONE ED7-IJ1I • Prtvale |{ A PJI. • t AM. Take Out Order* FAST LANSING PHONfc 1 1814 SOCIAL POOP CHILDREN 21* AIH1.TS :«c MIR WINTER TERM Enjoy Suntlay Dinner in the Rathskeller STARTS 7 P.M. jour de fete NOW SHOW IM, _ mi imf—lkm Owm.Tiu LAST 2 BAYS 0«ce a year the Jaiior Class spoasars 3:30 1:30 . . 7:30 3:30 • »:3S WMIBIBM an All-Uaivarsily iaici. As yoa all kaow Hit Aaaca is called... 6UMMIB AND THE UAHUAR1ANS ORDER YOUR J-HOP COMMENCEMENT Fab. 13th mas Km ai|M chasaa for Mris ANNOUNCEMENTS year's daaca. Aad it's goiag to ho AND YOUR MfiEX I KTTIR. BETTER MBSIG TO DANCE TO CAPS & GOWNS . '"OMWARMH Haas, TtcriMcoioN* BETTER FAVORS TO TAKE NOME RICHARD EGAN-DOROTHY McGUIRE-SANDRA DEE ANO THE ONLY WORO TO DESCRIBE ARTHUR KENNEDY • TROY DONAHUE ■ TNE REOORATIRNS IS SFEOTAOULAR •.CCTSTOCE FORO • BEUUH BONO • S^StOWVlSCR™ SHOWN AT T N AND ».U r M (Mo lo A Root A Yoar E»oat Too Boo t Wool To Mios . ST VIMS Tlll'KS. -3ki) man on the moi ntaiv \ "wonderful country" Union Book Store -rfTr* Knltci-lsoi) Sets Gage Mark Spartans Play \ State News , £ ; ;. , . ...:. , , . iSu-u-. .(• I». .. • «•- IV I : ' • >' ■ .t con- Minnesota, 84-63 Drake V \ H :• ■- ' " • 1 "> Beat --VC- a no ......r.-' . O- ,ir H 'br i-sou S -•• -: I VMI'ltl EE'S slltl UB%\' SIIOC ( WII'IIEI.ES SITU It BAN Slior Mcht *p»»r!h litiinr i coil THE OENILKXVOM AS : Vehruary 3.1 thitt •i 3»i-i- :v ' ; Still smarting from their biggest loss in conference play, : One (.roup Of Skirl* - Itl.i/er* Shirt- 2 Michigan State's Spartans upset second place Minnesota. •! ■ > "• " '2 IMIICE Swami Names - I Top ID: - S-l-(».!. Monday night before 6.475 fans, the smallest .leni- II-..I _.iV <)• • Von Fieldhottse crowd this season. FOIL TIIK GENTI.FM W ' Just la«' Saturday On:-. Sfa'e dr.»j Ch.cnp 'M- «h,. defend,«« Rig 10 unnu-.-.fu;!y. Ill-7*» f-ee ahead for the Side '.hen as ran Minnesota last time went Announces Caire Pieks ,| .v>i 'xa:- Z ^ Hrilrhen Suits 3s.5U 10.00 |s..*ih I2.:»n 1 ."is.'ili r : I'o-.-.r.U h .race Wu!k.~: up seven con¬ • , ID I f IV| DECKER Ul liNlsliW H M s •allerf Rtib* anil L»i?uv ois*>n, who wax hub- secutive points to take a 35-44 Paxi«mi «x rt x|i inn n». Natural!> Nti Charge For \ ll era I ions Z lead It has been quite awhile sin e link. ..xri U ikr )o!.*i bled in ,« vuiirriva'pd te^j in¬ N I .»r«,Itii, »(\»'r xitnliml Z / The Soartan-? coasted the re*: our las: appearance in the pun i jury supi'.e-i the -cm,: and riiii(*ii\\ mi i 5 Sweaters One (.roup , the rebound euieh Wake of the wnv with the final tally But we're coming back with, YilUltnu ovi»r X|,n|i,iii.,ii their biggest tnarsin. of the picks for the rest of the week Rl Pihn* iixi i sv rai ii*,- 7 \ alues to 1 (>.!>5 Now lu.HO 5 looped 24 jioms and gathered i» East time—!) riulil and « 24 rebounds Olson scored 21 ■tight. 2! points. Rut firsl here is The State / ( artli|?ans • Crews - floatNerks ^ wrong. 1.000 pet. 14 of then; coming fr-*m News top 10 teams: Minnesota's all-.American Ron Season—47 right anil 7 wrong. ii'g" >(.•! IT *— f>.- • s: ■*—'———J «•••. A • I. (lie) Ohio State !•»'» - a perfect tmjh: at the charry Johnson led Ihe Gophers with a .Kill pel. Hctnr.v'- 2.3H7 o»«.v. ■ I n ' Cincinnati 100 tine. 22-point tails. |>kk Eriekson 3 Bradley «•'» Despite the win the Spartan* and fronk followed up with 15 are si II in:red down in 'he re¬ 4. Georgia Tech ok and 14 points respectively. ference pack w 5. California 9t a 4-4 mats The Gophers fell from the.: h. I tali 'hi Minor»oU i5-3> remains sec- 7. I'tah sute 03 -*ual shooting accuracy, getting ■ nml In the Hie 10 despite the k. Villannva o| 36 percent of their sno's. loss. but it* chance*' nt over¬ 9. Te«a* A A VI 94 Their league average was 4") " hauling leacur Indinc Ohm ncrvent Stale was only one per¬ 10 West Virginia lla* Dindoxx. Dors Travel ~ State were rut. cent hotter for Uie game. dr it it w flic Store with the ltr«l Door The Spartan*. u«ing e-vi:-« . Olsons 14 for t4 at the free The pick-, fit' the week .Dills Willi HI is VTEIII.IIVV I dtllls WIIM III Is S.'l I IHdlVV I Ttr.SDW. III! • na'>n •: -Iow Iom n« an.i c- 'hr.nv line gave him a tie for 1f*»« T*rl» over \rk»f»*a* ha!! came fr-'vh •*rh nxt-r tiihiirn •ree throw mark NoiTf Itamr nxrr (°aiiI%Iu« t-v vc to L* a' >iURj* iloph- t onnrriK til over *xr*rii*r Coach Forddv Anderson was *. i arolim «v*r lirnrcli Slrclnu Irch ovrr i.rornr WpSlni- Slav \>, *h »r' end of i;s appointed with the small the score roush turnout of spartan rooters. hor>e the fans haven't giv¬ • first half, J nanag.u poms .-I ;•:*» !(> minute •. while en up on us after we got smash¬ M " I >';i i) Hi -JO ed bv Ohio State.'' he faid K: i • \ iK.iS' rfc'V, ♦ * * their large*; of the nigt.t. An¬ MO derson's midget* picked up the r OWER uoRBLIXG t.A\Ci: OLSOV scoring pace On five *fmight Olw * OHIIS. W *Urf |H 4-« « ?t MORE PH I HI * up for a hook shut a* the pec's h - O!o;i. Stito pMvel t ah* i-.jther* Dick tlrirkwxn <201 and ahead ? »i the •■r**' time.. 3!-30, Srhwarni WlUou l.ihnxon (3!> look oil futile- xx.'t three -ntnate* rcmamuik Hranrfoalter OlooH tied teammate lint .ice I amost The Miuari* traded baskets to I rrgn«»n c i'k..-r a* the game's high point .run the score to 35-33 belore T«ilh "» :«-jo is si xxtih 74 I omnia MiUon canned a coal MlnAmii* and Olson two free shot* to give < r«nk AP Top-10 Male it* 39-35 half-lime margin. » rick son .liihttMid l.ehniao the Assnttalrrf P»e»* i After State'* John Y-mii* VNIer oned *he second half w:th a I.MIIO he!-4 tfoai. the Gophers mashed Mutter II Her STOP TOURS v.- :»'int< « fake a short-I •*- Hahn CHANGE STUDENT TRAVEL OVERSEAS PROGRAM , i e.i i 42-4! Ois >n recaptured Total* »• IS-IO »f SI MORE HfRf EUROPE 1960 x_„ :• rod r—tme-nari'y with « MlnRftiiU , ,rr, c K»s- Crank sank »%*•• XIS) ami Hi ill-!. M«te l?» IIW . \ .v M * CHOOSE trim 12 OIFFEMNT Itnttraocs. Ijit>ng fron 60 to &4 dir. • from $1195 All-expense — >ork to New York —Ail i'JM departures AvJ labie to students exclusive!/ (IS 2b yrs) Late Stores It SsMTIMI t FREE! '2 GALLON COKE * EACH Tour is COMPREHENSIVE, with abundant planned sight-,o* ■ 1, yet plenty ot tree time too' t «llr«e ! "» I «Ub\ V» mij IUI X irtini 1 X|tiiU>« IttMII III I K OK OKAWil it ALL of our itineraries cove- Britain, tne Continent e»tens<*g!y p'us *1 Honda M riThet Scandinavia-or Spa n and gome times BOlH- . si M!*»•>»r 1 ,v» W ITH 2 ItbGL'Lait I ITOI I'lZ/AS - >|irhieao Here is an example ot a 700AY ITINERARY N,»rih»»e»teft» S« Mt» op|t| %ia> IT irtti> ihiim. lACLi mm SUPER scciixso . 4 flay x 'hag id nbmg?) anrt Sicf T )*•;* N'.t ' T-- *4. I nuuuiia Stair ft! I NtilAND dayx rw.eiing loud ' tee Shjkr■.{"•*'* Cauflt/y tni A DRAKE'S , Lucky girl! "11 |t>«« 1 Stair V. . si llklihiiifta t it\ ft< V anrtrihih :,| VARSITY DRIVE-IN HOllXVO . I j.* 1 4in tutr.ct iwitlx 4 tie I 0'iX in lonc.r Amxl#rdam »nd tot Catch HROII IW. ETHYL f8W»Cl . . X day. . " ' "g Pf«x 14 full 17 Monro Cai'o SRAIN . . . 6 iH,. I.I b^ce'enj and la*ely W*;<'-* •-■*'f NV*t cm*' of her datm bring up the Schl«**wig- trail . . . H iJj,-. ireiuo-ng Xome, flctncf. Vff * . ••• ■ Iu,*ax, »M iny^rdaif Capi, ilolstcto quwlion, she'll really Ik- n'miy (or him. 5*1171*1*10 4 >n /iifi-n ind high up m |h» movrta-'s P-.■>+ AUSTRIA . . . i» d,ijx cortfing Saltbu'g Danube R *e« (<- ,t ^ tor that ii»st tomorrow, mm? . .. if thai botlltrof 10 ta«l a-'d We.' «»of .» pa** b»?.rj MM LIMITED TIME ONLY CttMXS'f C1SM4SK ... , « , Curtj'f.. Vun ch rt>*ibed»n anj Xh"1'* x .#■ 4 lull days in Co^enkagr'' 1 ukc k«p* h»-r as ai»-r: -iruchr as it cl»*« Other people* SWIOf f* .... 2 days»" Sloe) BE REALLY REFRESHED NOKAAY .... 3 dayt covering Oslo and tke F'twdt PLAIN SKIRT OR TROUSERS I l l.'l E. Criiml Itixrr f#0yC ask to* ctranto roiDtx.' $11 roue tMvtl AStNt o« Hint S.T.O.P. TOURS Roitlcct The Lova Coio Compoty by (Mhorfly ©r (.\«l( l'iir Trrrx ) JIH UOIIO. SltllT > M.xilr CUl'OI.J I V HAI.I.I t IH V ion ItoTII IM. tOMPANV Lotitfting Vl'ilosa II 49c each W ith Dress Suit or Overcoat at regular price Salem's special Higfi Porosity paper V CoLLtct Cleaners "Air-Softens" every puff <>20 U . Mirliiiuii l a-l 14)2-1714 TIME IS GROWING SHORT!! * not Ion Ut, ... to (ol a Waatlfal lad had. TAX, II kail >our Inl la roar foraul at tha J-Hop Makr (oarj L'niversity Beauty ■Salon (1 nrwiniK &2 ruutplrlr 1 \.k ahout thr -IrnOtrri, radariac Ubk) ED 2-1116 ; DOORS EAST OK M OON THEATER menthol fresh • rich tobacco taste • modern filter, too MWS T* IK T* MR no tmmBT Tl MOW MOtif MAN tm Salem refreshes your tasteJ •' a Youlli Shoot* Leg for tin- Ecelinji t>hrM,,y • """. —*TAtBNr»* Kxiiedilion Find* H'l 9 ' " lonnrr Ixiiiplinu: lints, i ATLANTA nf' Police uii-c I 17-ve.i;-oid" youth Mundav a- raid f didn't hurt." the j'nufh Cii.ti MpviiV ll.-li.-i.Hi. (loirn. lelix id lor. I firs *..i\Inn be snot himself m the Hie pov wu% charge,! with I'snl iti 1012 F\ploratioii NIAV VtlltK I' I • ' x Ad1'.;. Poking arnund Kingling- leg just to see hf>W it would Vour Key to Heller feci, discharging ijrearm-: in the cily. Sn'tles i.-r in 1909 during its vi"*it Ann' ' ■ i !" ■ * kn.ri . f'a in lots t la-ii-ificitT. . . i.ow Coj*1 Ilium* t'nvll of Clipton, '-•i- . . . . ijn.l. I 'ill' \\ : . A'th'i' fPlt nsl«''*ji on om- III* .lit t*l 1 Ot tti«- XfOll bill of thi* ril'fU.s 11nii• I' .... ! ..-i M n ! i . ;:.r n:.,l. i • i. .a;- VOlVO T M f tWfDlSH WONPfO described bv \ii hols . .is i oili* a-i o|;« if tin- rircus' ni-M V • in i million possibiliti bi.tiuhl . f , ..jl, , lb- ' ! I i It l.-fllTlj. lb..- .• I >.ivi rii»*»11. I-uva 11," I u itli H iiwm surmise* »iirli»«r fathi'i rt-friovctl flu- !>"•.. \ 01A 0 , iliK a tnlrs \ rnir honk .tinl .» I..I-! \ i!.. a t.» join* in i book ot I'or's work*, both »n »-\ ' thai war hi*> .i Unit i oinlittoii, So hols s.iid \i , < v. i • I • r 'Mil . ' .• i , i ..! no i • -I on "if rn.nt Put a It : •• i ... . • marl'-- f-'l In n □ > \ • n • . I'; lltlg ltro'hl-1 !!l pro \t <• ll.-liv.-r To Y.nir Ilonn or Door i! .. !|0*i I- n III animal lU't W- I II' f III 11 lllll t III \ III 11 :a- -a- I hi clowning Sill.Sri. I nsl nirlm . ... . x . , Ktnm-'t K«'!lv. Adln III-* of Pi** host known r;r- |nwf''I'nni* in the wor'-l HEAT :> FN FAST MUVEIIY fit'.;,* I" I'lin.I K". ".II 1 -'I - a (tit; llrrvirrs t.rmil a, ,. ! i- - .• UlilllV itfCil'tV' llll'ht . I Ton /•'or Iti'srurrh ||r on rtttrrril st Writ '.1st Mrri't, .fail- I ». sulVrrine fiom iilrrr* anil ottn-r riifr * MM It III \\t Its ED 2-6655 ! »• ft: '• I -■ ■ '< ' • M AI.KSTHIf Ok la -/Pi Hit illsorilrrs llr hail an \ llU il St cnec t'n.y li-a.h—•• here proved ?'»»•• '>- f V 111 ,1 k .II!' ! • lt!l \ o|»i ration Jan. !'t anil w as o|i»*r- solve, t.i Ik- real ongor Ijcavo:- . >. 1 |> , ». ■„!...,! »M! on V-'- •«'. ' '■ atnl in hrinorrhaeps an on a «i*roint linn* Momlav i-llort to rlirrk hiti-rnal Ttio.i we11* • .o' . n-e« ' the Hlrpoil a dav a dclegatntn f iat ED 7-9841 • .. „f Mo • v •' • „ t.i took for an indlMr-al imtJ I''.' -■ .l»t • 'I- .i ' 1 . , •• , I*" ■ t !•, ■ r< f-1-> ! x.»- , , i, I I., i n. -nil "I i. i. • ' 1'I'i k t rrrm v % - CASA NOVA No. 2 Yourself ? Msr ;•"! - • ' ri *' i thrv li.iVr be. 'i H'I'.ihI I Kill' S': ..ttio t.- 1 1 Do You Think for 1 c* 1 r» F Mirhigfln Avenue l.iml l.oosiouOlth'nl Vizzrriu f... |l. H tin* N:i'u: . ooo ooi townniNiwvoNvojJdS Si*" m. Thi v i \|» ' 211 II.AFAST IWSIM, Augie? r I Si*!'"' • ■» K" ■ . , . r. X. w," ■ i SAVI %%i *\ > HWl. %%% s %VI *%% S %VI Kitiltf h'.l.lMl," . »>!U« ■( i ' ■ ' VI; «** sivi <» Kin »i «i\i ... >\ii *•. >.1M • I ii'.u'hf*., :tl ' <• I " 1 Svvsuit' livla f* On Suir II /•*/. EAST LANSING STORE ONLY I iu-ls }.'«l I SIIKI'ARD'S GREATEST SEMI ANNIAI. st-U-t !• li* ofTc'il ' • Ms I teduced |I! • 1' I'fo* |-!.!*• v\ i;I H SALE! U'i*;ln<**«i i\ liiii'i' .it *»■>• .11 II 'i Si ' no! ,J-; n I ,.in-.lii,- alii s. i m| t»v 'ho H > Irl-itglle yl i.t • " S'mir- i'm Of FAMOUS NAME SHOES ♦ k b-ui I' i.. WtlltliTU C'b 1 IV» Mtr/n 'o \\ •«> p- 'V'btf -n V w Y-- It von saw n lull-rigged sailing *Htp in tin*middle of loo d< wr<. would you Stay \ "lamg tune no ««•:»' ' Ilu.iii.-.. Xil I'i'i.l H •"Well they'd intent tstlking niimgej«." or >('■ F OR lOAIEV TDK MF.N « i C "' Ant thing can happen in l,,ut \cgai''' A I n S|H-.ilv in I hii-a^ii • TMEF.IHKS • DeANfiF.I.O • rvsHio.v nni.T • SPORTS • KICKEItlNOS 111 FIIEF.MAN 111 I'l.VMOITII KugPUr .? P I! f. I ti • rOS'FF.TTI • 111 I/./IIIO II.Mil .«s.»r of t»u* no M'.r> -niol.o \'b*pro\ Thov know orilv \ iccrr»\ • FASHIIINC'RAFI • I'FMIJil • MASTER FITTER odd"* a »i h. . li.i* thinking nmn Itlfm tin* m<»d • SIIKI1I.IM. I.INFO 111 FREEMAN 111 KITES m mi!I a •handler or .tdt.uicod Idler design of ihotii all. And (IVFit TIIF STOCK • ItoOTM.lkFIt M il l Tt » • I . It . W t IIOSTOV 111 FREEMAN . milt' in *la!•■•• • ' ) "Mmt up!" . . . the full rich litsie of choice tobacco. I »us irwli.inwiii iii t ! •. C I O|{ 1 IIII IIKI N • jrilPINf; JACK PARTIES • JI'MPlNG JACK SENIORS i.MdUi'tfii bv *iu* A . If you h,t\e clucked it'l m three out of • UTTLE MISS SANDLER OF IIOSTON • AMERICAN IKII Cr ..f II • j.t'M A-t. ' a pouruuf four c|iit slums;, you'reprettvsharp...but and you're oltrr- .l a a t»r<»fo**ii«ii«i sisi«*'v *v-'' ♦v-^r-pal w in- . driv in ti you jacked i Hi. you think for yourself! ijiiarlot* In t hi. ffntuml |*i*o(r*M»r fiiakpr Jmmmi ^ ■' •' itilpfoii-U efrn'i. l.| von IX' t-!l Koto: All SImm TiImr Fraa Oir R«f«i«r Sink ..ssonifilv t>h-grant ».»i * -ii♦•»> m)Ki0|£ in mi xxon't tiflirvr, HUM! llf Mil I OW t tlST grii K i r III I Insw-lig , would .» you t'i!' pick I ■ one ; MEN'S SHOES "J-HOP" ■t-'r.l P'.c \> y .. !i i ..l ilt!, only the t.« '.:■>! I he hf'or liOING IN SIT'Elt SAVINGS GHOIT'S v | II 1 1* ill vigil. 'I "'4 i . - • TUX-RENTAL fratuic !l l.'M do the in-i tUt. ring -oil far l},. v..;i. > I . i \ mormon* titrt* ta*'• taste, it I git filter hat s4.88 - '6.88 - "8.88 - >10.88 - '12.88 a n c • Shirt • Jrwrlr% • rumntt't • Tt»\ * litttul Suj»|»«mI»i s I ir \\ In fs«ui u • l! n;ii c ,r» ui ' k fiir . ot • VOUfse'f in-! chanc«. in your i* win men,,v » . . . toil lie. WOMEN'S HEELS w«»uy> <•. w i h." v i i .'iiim'ii t's usually P par. Ci.puUr 1 rcr I round Slilr. All Ill Si/r-». Ilul N«t Si/f.. Hut Not inin An* One Patten An- (Ane I'allrrn lh*r S|>orl W>l|«, lirrw Hal. and Madgif. d lli.i..- iii.iiinralil.- rv.-iil. liavr GOING IN 1 a T'.ir SI PER SAV INGS GKlll PS '2.88 •'5.88 • *9458 in.i.l. a«.i.r ...Ilia.' .lav. /m/.f.t .!;.»• — Dav« 1 t ^ ' 'J unu ar iutmfhe mmh. % V m.ii'II Haul In IihiL li.ii'i. Ii> uiih /iriilr anil a FUT m MESS SUES ... M PRICE (t-rliiio <■( ... ...ti.ff/ij./.rft.-f.F. m.ii'II il.-r«l LIMITED PAlkAGE ALSO AVAILABLE IN TIE PATTERNS FOR BOYS Urir saWrlinn Rig Bn>»' Srfcool and l>r»~. Skon^Rig I". Ikrn S'». Radnrad to Mn»» Fnol ll>l '. |iii-|..ri;il <-atal.>yiir iu. iin.ri. . • n » * iii.- PLVMRI MUIAKKIML 317 EAST I Skm* H ill Hr M ihni'l Irn.l ».»i.r iiirmory. ► GRAND RIVER Knrirrf For AT In.. .IrfrrilM BUY A WOLVERINE MICHIGAN STATE # t • ' •; * in aVN (It 1AW ttt lAVt m 1AW m IAVS inanNHAVtMlAltMUVIMIMVMU%I«1AVI tct O1