Farm Women Hear The Weather I'artly (loudy. ( old Speeches on Food IliBh how •jr, H Salesmen. Serving \hl for 50 Years Stumps. Discounts: VO!„ 51, No. |:a KAST l,ANSIN'(,. MICHIGAN—W'KUXtMUAY. fBBRCARY 3. 1900 PRICE 6 CENTS Problems Fare Consumer* r New l)eveio|>ineiils llnm iliscui"*ion atxwit buying, t rwiirnr stomps, and Missile Passes Critical A consumer for the future were amoiur the many program* that ,.vk place for farm women yesterday. Required ROTC • * Wirkert, profer'-nr of the whether < not it would fake too • > ent of p'yc-hologv, IP.*a- •on* to '■ave enough stamp- Battle Rages On to l.sfquist. and Phillip D*vo*- purchase a corrmodify from * Flight Test Over Atlantic )o?h from the t'.S Depart - ledemptlon eafalogue. ightr into »'• :-e nf ■ they are Iiu4 }>la>'itiv "follou the leader" ill the disputed f!i< 5r*ume: o:d V.'-YM <-f -hor>- rieti' ;-rue" ';ni(; . ihc a week a* a grocery dure, it Mirhijrun State IRlTi i--u no'sfrro--soe.etie of 'hi ;g. Meanwh'.i' the • Fop Stage wu! 1 t ike over PO year*; t > get coru i.u survive l*T« lo the ■ vert, in sj»ea ntf t-noiigii ytarnp she toi-1 rcq ;:c| HOTC If . , o-m b« 1,' hit iiidividiia • 14 tbr s*;.-.. Aiiver*. er- T • reailv '< .! ' the t-ivv ui»;e^ ai)'-w •■■\*"U*X-r*-u:p o'i thfif 'bey refused Vj S.4>>;oen T.iKe Fro.;, Core credited and brand, media Y pro - images evaluate *N gc'Mn;; -Oine'hmg for hot", said, one w>i»!d have ' pru-es >,* 'he ■* og m#f '.a I .• •! H'lTC -fM. r.ofi!" J.ri ;e«-e four elements combined with other* A: •t*nivci>;,\ vu 1 ■. "i 'ar. "the !"\ ;. t v "F'w'wi You Wi'i 11 S«o' ug err;meat Hint for the tvpe of bit visit I 1 «<>urces,. rcspo- • '■'.■■■* 03 t ma» lea l the corVM'-.' ? tiniigs a* • po'a- s'.m j ' AIM: . AX A VKUAl. ' flak* • are faiilv • 'o*e to be- »hoiild not if tak» n 4 making a wi*e rhmrr for fhem. • er payment for a bra i . rcpre- \ iniwrT packetl T i - Helve* the HOT 1 t »• .1 when he could have iig .1 »•, * Ipvorkm nhvo the "udi on question. ., ieeiv's t.ollis bve op.-. wh> not rive ihrm the sanio i.i s most rrit icu! the same thing f «'■ a A' < o . »•- price and a' 'he same .. j.nd uushrcrf^r'" Fake- «ri i l.iving kx!. Hoimrs -cvi \ rhuiee with regard to Lnglish. flight Tut'MiHV ;,ni| t.e.k -.'•her >*.u-n■» s'en oi1- week, vclopmnnt u, America'* f«i remedy such purrha-;ng r(t de-hydro" freezing may re¬ riip'mr: ng vu rec« 0.-gan./M drive i , k'ii '.he p fhi-yj. raiiy inw' niiiitai •> >=ave dollars. Wicker place pre .en*, rnedcn- r>' f-H = r <-»n 1 o ROTC. pmtxl 4 narige to all bo on. w; t, piki-t. -ed we rationalise in our pre re: vat • on, Dwim kit • Th. h«ns long if of HOT*' on a;, : e : purchatdnit. learn of the or»'a' •- takes half <>'. the water . . flu ijjo.f g.uu* ... .d «n. . Incltxieu n ;h» group . • <-f advertising, and lntrt- h orn toe pr-eito • gnu fi* r ." )riK a!! fre-sh- 1.' fx- r adrnm.'-ireVoh 0 . • > A •••' TiO '-"..gC ,• shopping. r. freezing, be - aw F Mrar.'i \i'-< -4. « • ? r A ,' - . on hei , ahov;' I of ui—tivdro pe„p„*. .r-f reepi re-1 HOTt w- - ?- »- a arhc-.jd *y and ('oris of Tr,i ;:ng • f w p 1 • -all • indi*t»nguch*d'ie Foinniillcc ICii-.Ii . "t Iman 11." I A <4 s- K. • • :• bbo v ..., .,.. -aid that >t would be the •vh pro to U ret " of A'ifill: th * to ray whether or not .NVir- K- Kb.O'Hi rtamps savor: the .•■•n- Dn onkit i bf.i'i M'.' Muf o: 1> . : , • . >4-1 f44|' Toili"lll Mioney. bv.-iro p«a« •A'-.'' >*» '-n 'he «i •' I- •- • •-£.y, A H <• runted out tha* the frau- ke' v. dhm a ve«r •. Mur/ \|r- i ., . . t.» ri-4 p.: It ,--.p Industry ha* gr"v?: To;a. * empha-c v ■■»*•.i;g J* ' \» be id v.«s F'egris.'. f»-'Vo,.. tOj. • acroM the country an , p!i on the fop awaru w IhiiT;. IfciUk-mrfy ai.ii S.-b'-.a 31 I'fooi: 1 • ere 1 lamps are offered ners n Miehig*: Fa ♦ vear an The stneess was the first Director I'au: ltagA» 111 a' .s made to re- nine months « opip v. i'l and d<» «ave for the Titan r.'i»gn,z«' yome of the many Indi¬ A ktmtement from Muiut ae- which will have an eventual of the vtjn::i -n t! • viduals have t. o'.tributed onipanied the committee'* third range of 9,000 mile*, are ■ w r.o perhaps "fact «heet" for di«trihuiioii to I llth? R|'**|| of 'krabhard and Itlade. %rnn farther |( !>e<>r»Je unde 40 *e.,r* d'ohlv of thf-ir time and Htal* S#o, Mh»l« Tom Vrnkiutii rame as three eon • three or f »ui' children, * nerrv to 'he hc'.'erner.' <>f faculty and administration mem. ItOTf honorary, for f orp* S|mn*or* wa* held versing Here are Tom Wile* Uituietka III. mnior gressional committee* are , poised her* and the pre** luc*dav night. Hcprr*cntativc* from all Miroriile* lias ^pigarclli. I'l*mouth senior, lilanc Cndrrlon to investigate failure* ve in suburban area,-. Lif- Michigan agncultute. which Those and women's rr*idencr hall* present In the Lansing freshman. Ha* Miller Okrrno* senior and have plagued the '4ld. being to.!av Wr were program since Tl.Ust fi.' last are J«ee Fer-ion. CheMning. M*r- faculty lounge on the Library's touith floor, i on *ur ll*mh Minnelka. Ill sophomore Ma*. The last two lUarts • K.';>fi«d •. .th :t II.; . IJirmmthsm. and Art.nor exploded on the pad. t* there i> the que*' on -if f r sfr.'. < fi'i'fieM Wavunsfton Hrh'.i apd art S|M'cch I'l-iiist-s l'lu***ric|it 1 i« the ntrvbh, 'he nVKrtV • ;val. whifb P. held »U»vrahg praise from L W - - ••ke.'. • .* «*'. 3n- H'TMrti fsf**rsever a »A ed tc, 'T'Vity pro)e« f *p"ti~ «m '.•»:• happ-. Farmers' Week Events «CK>ff .' ■ life* o r.,or p' < !.v r:. 11c.nv arc Waiie Says IVilliams 'Creates!* >• eve- " - ' • head of 'be a'id .f-'diLffsprigWrs A !>",•' iopme.»:' M "f ' K .*-■ TODAS .V-nate Spayr ( a Tc-.. , • ee W ": 1 ■ • t«« l»e •' • ' 4 fect on the f "k -Kusaian Knic Ha tiding Anditanam^ Iroiri IJmvern'.v «•, < 0. "mis¬ sile gap" now being debated in Maple hyrnp Praduccr* Meeting IV-vr-i- • V.rvUinj i ongress lemlry Cabin V r.t ;Op rhn n»x V acp c •. fieot'i • II aa f b# Raral C hureh and Our lumm Re%punvitMlit»e« Literature !>*»- * i S»s.'reta.-v 1 1 ?,\er. ftrr'h;.' • oorarv ■ -■ • - - <•••■■ -« T^oorae ( kapel farlarf ed Vv i't.m-A M- f,fv.t r- mi r'ary off,:- xtate MUk I antral fr. ■ . - u ■! 01. 15 4„- • ave 'e-Ailjeu tna* the Sov.e; I airekiM TWater F-. u have •. K, "A Sfic* 3 "modera.- *ail and Malar fragram J..< k I . .. J I) V,\r.4 .., V • JH r, .: . • ' *uper: - ' p ;n'.e• Rami ||g. Agriealiural Ingtneering Huibiing l>,v C.,' '■ ''i- S* mUii>» H ■ J'. .J'' ■Ofp>W>r- ill *n the fraliaaiaaal Baakeaptng frag ram he p' •' A ' V ' three year* . - ■ . ■ rv-4 /Vl-M.-.;. U -V.U Ram III. Reltogg < enter O'Nril! ai>,.f '-'her reertit d01-... The T-v.r,. which B - . ;. • !i. -f.-v io xail Tmting and rertilifer Ree»mn»e»d*tb»iw opera'.--nal next 'I..- s fi - 1 of You' ye. Kellagg Center Auditorium r^iA taatk Laadrra h.ejp j,;; th;* gap by *ta• . . tt.-e burden off l R. Reiiagg t enter af-va .» A-u.o .. ... - .t.V Training are Loyally (hilli -r.rever, ited ave 14 Aba. St* e, T'J■" ICBM p'ans *"i fran /.. Kriiuircmrnl >: in i Management liar IVlitiou llf-ailliiir s> l '* the program j#, irp*- '...1 p!|»Ub!rvpc A • net. In Oiirslion Jadgtag 9t flnle line* tekiVonx w-iih the Career C»r- irgp'-s A V.H.VN I »\ »' tdveatoek Partlton r;v»: ■ V The %ir force annourM-ed thai Hit I Hating ntahed Perxtre to Rgrieiiliure Anarda P>.ii:sor* or-cq inc. u ie the S'ii'iert-i v:<~~ v," 'c. t> luesdat Titan Raaan Iff. Antlaaar Hall * iwrformed per genera- eha£nr.*n*h

ii.C3!n«r." *>-♦• av»i:itible li¬ -.-*1 T « the nose t one to » predfiermir* Miehigaa •'••d and C.rain lieiler* %aanriatM»n I an* bean uJ'vc erx: retary cmr-m'.'.'.ees the Men * tmi Women» divi- ed impact area Red Cedar R. Reltogg (enter IV-tl'iof.v are »v<;u v.e a* f>»e •.ony. CM Leung•• »n ffe" Cr- xtate 4-H Cmmeil Revnmn l.une»»*«« T trerr-enf Burea'r or 3 *be l>i<*TrA*n', and tne Union Co ; - Red Cadnr A. Reitocr Center I 'riiOQ dev*r tr/uma •' *• Agrtmilargl t ran am to Mane llamemaliera* Oet-Argaainied Lonth*«* Rig Tea Raam Reltogg Center >H iaatk Under* l.tnenin Raam R. Reltogg t enter f'radaee mad frmper with High QaaMf »«rag* I aireraHy Anditoriuna .-u go' 4 -f .eol Ti tos 'it ' Mka Will Land the *a»-l> ar I •»•«' ,4 ■ \ • to fir f'aaitry Hapiiag and Maipmen Raam lit. Agrtealtaral Cngineenag Mare Mian fvnm Hag* '. *;e pbwrr . 4 'Jirp*-: w' ay Hall, < " «f;d U-.;.rv»' r' » y s.>u » 1 . rr- -v .f -ng V,. •»«!.-. y Iaregtry Cabin - Iteld Rraa h^ptor and I Uluattea i art .•. f n Reiiagg. Cantor Andttortam Fntoto Pi ggaillia Pa> 'M'-iUli ,"1 ' I tneato Raam A. Reltogg Center a >'- u'atxt K • * • . KMM More I hrft Hvfi n-,1 Rew»aren Rmlapneat C»m II. Phyatoa-Matb Batiding tbrfiea. • tir-'lrf* " r*» In Urn* Inlmmir'tl ■•to u,4.?wrier.' - 11*14 dean Pradacltoa and I'UliaaUan Vne A '• a." A " ' Sever a; N«dilactam. Reltogg C eater - » *uta Pradnaltoa '••••* anu over tfto 1 Linrata Raam A. Reltogg tenter r .-■£»• -/ v- to rr>e lltef;* ~u Pur!'-H- Saf' Ur>4««ape Pevelapmiai CH*He»ge ■ Taday t Raam 11 I'ika RtoUdlan A *-rwtwai<-n v».u* . *. o» >b«, l/i.rif ><•( / iniiglil wa.-, PwrjR s'.vaton ■ -.1 ! •' *»H», tu4 f |HM i.;nt *iv, M Feature Pant' f Mh-iisi'of.iuiosTlireiii i.i .»? iui«o»f't»ih "Million* ol incii, with some I.IMM lOTKMM.i; of I he lines! hriiins ol this cm- I .v'hvij • unit ill .VI si vii m:ivK u vrnii i iirroit m t Imi. hair devoted tllrlr whole Un: «»riii! n-'iui 'i I'rhrUJfi it. I'mo lives to the creation of motor 11.1i.11M) 'll-.« ;lvr transportation pi Prv-Dr n • Mil niT.itinn Wi ifi ran Snrinl Or»iiui/iilinnv. Alwi ' \ hiliii! i|i.i. n v an a fra - .•e Wi :• .V i.u' he -iii-tni-; !" (lomlilions Kemiomiea! - l-.i 9«a* 4 •t'liUi'.' ' IwMi'li's, with Mi duty 'I V! , .'.d .1 f lilt KIN 1 Kill H| | • 11-11 j *lu berr.-fwet.nrs of ! i s ■ . u; !t b i V 1M • 1 .* 1'.I- .V- !,«» •,-I.VK! < ASSTt »WN. Oli .. )• i11 Seven msi (io-ops ». . in V'iki-i •• ' TK •iki''. • .1: . k ■ k « ironbii' '.i-.t .... • ' t.'flM III' " '•> II lil-.glll)'il - k i-, ,;,) In M'.'b him hi iivs I'!..- cluck, us , it. ; \ . (blitt \>f' --1 ii !'• . ' lm ii , 'r»f«*»iuJ» a numbru hj.- !') M.C'!- •i'Imii 'a*. ill -nitir- bu) In )■•• ..i.illcl- 'hi fe>» i lift i Siting tn school. 'Ptim rat stiv Hum* added that i ■ co-ops air d.a'h i 'inn.I that I; tin- ic; ], p. thr ilorm go f!reck, live if not meant to compete with oili¬ it lira' ••»•-! >u r T. Hurwi . h. M.t' iua' and ib )n- garage trim • otr euinmis housin*. •! .*'«■!! n • er forms of nit campus housing, *t ' I iwirs ill. too) -i natu. rriii»iiniv hvinj* unit oi hut to pro* ide housing for tlio-r r co-op sliihcnls who could not afford to "Mop ami consider aiitoioo- Ttjr roaojr at MSI' < m!., he in school otherwise hilrs jml highiiais w illi this • ui;)) UiH)!» over 200 men ami .»•»■• i' <>\< i irw point saiil llot wit/ \iiihl Shi j j percrh! of the vtu lent tv i • i). V " I'Xpllll. Thi're life seven ! m. ioi •1:. r. -s P Nil 111 I iltlnf tfiev vary in sirr fnin. ,pfi. i). '• bu . ?M \< v ikbuni uitli |l> to lien' mi'ii lh Ill .1 ! it • i , at d IUII Many vtu'len(« don'! iralo I'V lev IKIU"- !>I K i •' kiio'v ,vhat thi- co-ops' ai« ■ .1* .'.III IX- vtapbd to CAMPUS CLASSIFIED! what 'he r purjxMw i< The -.AC It. /VceordiiiR to Jim Burn., pres¬ it. f:sv He.lrh > II ident nf thr Inter < n-op I'ounril ., I Hi of fil*«»orlh IIoum . laud, Mull- . . |il.\|i|.IM> 1 |ini l»ay Itefore I'uhlicatiun lor lues t\rri 1:1 I It "V MtOM rill I'aikhlirvl riillrrlinn .llr MUr Nr»»i I'hnU. hv Tom Arm.iron* and mrmhei "a co-op la an aennomlr and so¬ I hues .mil lid I illilon*. Headline lor Moii. I.diiion I p m | ri ilisplaii'il in Ihr niiisriini thl v muvrtmi u pn thr vilrv nf varhuiv lm|Hirtant lutllrv nf luith cial nraanlsatlon whlrh 1% form¬ (tills I'aiahle K-12 and 1-5 5toiiil.ii Ihtouch Iridai t nufrllrratr fntrra anil I nhin tiiiups pit ma t«» rrvtaisr thr I iul W.11 114 niii>-. nlmu mt ed lo provide low roal living condition, for college men." Gillmr StiidtTils- Trusted Kll j ir.ll kxt. 2*1.1 I'arkliiir»t f inlli'i'limi I m-i! •The men of fhe co-op* save on V;c average alKHit AllM) a term As Ethical Gode Set i p AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING Refight Civil W ar, thr donns. Ttiey do tni« Museum lo over hv dcuni: ai! of their own work '>t\H lb ! fXC fOP RENT The budding » Vie rheatin* Xnuth explained, "are Thev cook, clean, paint, iva.m. m, • landscapr and many other ta>k on the oulaide. rrported to thi* hoard I tic apartments hoard examines the ca*c hears Michigan's 50 Units Restaged According to I)r. (ieorgeMott- Hut, on the inside, u.ft« - : i , .ill VHnt rt TWO ix ion K Ast I.AN I. thr slur* of thr drfrndaiit ami INM \Hi' ' i- -■ ■ ) . Iff advisor, the merntmrv work ci 11 I I M 4',.. i b.c TbP atudenta Irt thk bu.«» dri ides w hat strps *hould t»c '. ,'IHII.I III about five hours a week an i .. save on the average about $2 2 » r.iltner Hall, have establiaticu a taken to right the error " whrii tliri iiiiiir arrow Inler- lb V\\ I \ \S KOI hi N for each hour wortod. clou, student-frtclulty relaV • v- rvtliiu rollri tmn. ami arllfarlv." I • - . irni.ukril | Mint I 1 he co-op. hold memberahlp ahip by means of a C'oU of Eth¬ 111'- Slll.lH mil" ical Conduct. III ' i • )< IN Nl'f < I A ' Ihr1 iMrkltm-' <<»!!nvtniM up drive, each winter and spring will he uinl J* guide* when 'l:r mil M-iifii liv tra'iil- term.. The winter term drive t« Thn C ode of VThlr-al Condurt. linn me •>•«■ unit marker* mi llir i- . i • i u-J .1 w (if ficnrral Ju.t getting under way in .ev¬ or **tho honor rode," h an nnder- mronbei 1 • ■ • large map. I* fit er*! of Ibe hn«»f». stood freedom of movement 4. >eb l i'!i<" rxhihit. plannnil f »r Hcdru'k U the most nv»t«,v" rsuhltahed between the family ■ t u«ua'. • ' ' !:•• All 11.11- illlltltlr lllspl.iV 1 h*miKc the present dwelling and vet med .tudenta. d.einics the • • • ' f i luthihij v'h ; mi thr ba'Ur- was bull! m 1055; but llowla: o mrftaation# to ' d"'« t»-! • ft enable, the atutlenta to Ihu< ■>'. • ii. .ir.'l lioiiirfrunt. (Irvel-'ti- House ii m tile final stage* «>' refer him to tbo nil) lit I.IN'I N< i (!<■ movemci .ike use of th» lal*»ra!ie t ii! ill a»!i u-uDiUf. lr.irivjm :.»« piann.hg How laud House II inary Medicine. >a - v» . ■ • > Mk ». » . the Irftk > •• ■'usi• l'i• f .ii,-., nu1u .!ri.»ii/.i - m n ' lie Vic tlrv' real c*- •••luipment during weekend* and Heal |lotl-e -am A' night. .1 r hmltheors of the Pill! Vft Med major* take deportment supplied lui I lit- irut* r »f illnrliun will •.. .. .i I i bp.1 *e '.* W'Hhou'. the b -u may i' v< er;p of •m» fher Information employment lir i |it lout si|ii lie inj|i of 1 !•*• • '.ur !■ -k.' • • pip-i -'i a ■ ui- 1» \| " -.lid •h.1» Hi.i'i;. ' profesvi! ywerutg aer th# WORK • me NT It Ai rihlnii lull «>f tin* I s It i« ill - MI .,•: !i • . ivi;Vi • t * jiirnii: meuiborv ■' '' "T'.-c llofltw* svi'ew Iwi; ..-i v'udvnt * shoulhor hr hlou it ii|t flmil i i nullum' il i ■ : iMl! i?i ' !fir vv-it .Tint 4 • f,.,\e -id that the, fee! at* iu' five vent'* ago." he aaul inai showing rnlnwil. Strain .• i vi ■ !. »>|11 ' ur •nutiifK ttie• get ih ieaOc: It i* a rode that I* stimuli He rxp.a n«-i how he arm an- \\ • ilirs .mil mail* ... . •. ,111it. .1 ••,) ■ .i" 1,un.igemc.'i' enforvced not hi the fjiulti. nor iitber i*' Ja'"k S'ofkton, * -a •• outwi .«bs ' • •• " "t the dean, hat hi the students ■ head i»f The »■ .croondogy Ht.'Mu»! '• i t (instruction nl thr large map *aved tiiu»ortanoo t ;*• sw nmncv n r-.nif n*. awmg u .th nt>-»ut .'Ml Uuue 11 hrgiu »•' thr tall with mm Leap Year: will Kerinef.'. s-< ••. in • • '»V Si hoU.ticallv »pe.kiiu, the . ieuts were abie to wor* |ilrllnll scheduled Ihi 1 tl.iuk* •fiuur, (h»inu.i!i > : '.ha: wouid worg WANTKII til 111 \l |r.|vl lilt' |W«»|»I** will co-op. are gener.ll* well ahu*e * vie board, w • i i*rt- Tmr 4' muii n* Kl'lmCi-i SI-1. " V • •£' average. Ihe . umk tin thr construction alone the all-univcrsll* tad Kelemaroo Gals Jump leader .« far •* Ihe It I si holai- slup tropin I* concerned, i* II*- vtiidcnta with the wdv t ie-, cvi",i *'■ xboiit ?d me** i»n wndt to do,'* POR SALE got'd ur|»s ■ - '.PI v II-a • 1* MI-1' .1 TM1R. Y M\i t worth llou*c which ha* won It si IY I'iY TWft du, * here.** *a d I't "U-. *c*cii term* In a h!« A s'u«1en! :*•.(."• . • • few ,.i ! ' '-'IT i —' - i • A in,is|iivhvr mern'iv: niilst old :»-d each 1 ■ ' made Mini .* M-ri. I Plan s rrv V *» -• g •••! -.iriii v ♦. . I • •» rmnubes*.!« (••■ 4'- "f *h# KM j-iirs FOR SALE C.(tSl Culling , ,.i- A'-, and tw O flip'. i m ^ I'sw i 1 i AH • ft OiImtKvhiIS .'il t-m (.(mst ruction i.e-i f a! * |G IREAKfAST BONUS GOOO * lint) Hr..w,n4i' LOST and FOUND i I | "Student* call* M *tr iltiiK »r fRESH I' ll kltui vl krpl j il I i i » II.MiiiriuMil thr ii at On niir »'• In Vfir llimir QUICK S« - « Kl Km»p mtwiri Bt.t'F WAU ) rr- , KM ' liir pages In- unite ' Iml.ti I criK 447 Mas..) hunt hi i ,'li*< r ■■( htMl aiut hi *,»n i« «arir n»i*rlt 4 pipe ' •>•< th» l* ■ ■ .tine IM P* II, M'il Mirlii<:aii slalc ncm M.: mac SRUONUT S«0R 0p»» 4 *.m.4 p.m. PERSONAL m&tiiuikm, cviwiuivc I imus* tn CPs'- cut; ?«<• nw KT4ii, imrssrs * • (• i'alt!i»i)»U oik wrer roisr . "hstruetinn and- bu idmg oil i r' r- ;d • nartie* dan. r. vr.i:, a* eyei-vone k' mi'!. ' is '.r' ilntr < -.1 l*.r Ihi)*' , 1 • ai* l»c..'ig '.i"'e i Msf' •rt't - f irtr,; •« . 4-,.in« Call CO 2-R.!* »' let*1 is-*' Oftii* 4'S «■',.! »iU Onr M.i-sul iur »•»•*" Man pi's concept* -' '"■> • •ri mi.! i i«»« u.aiic *.*• Our Man* iweu javket. *>n \ \S |nM t.ansioe Mi-; $4 ' A ill' m J-458? *:lrr »• pm ii BAKERV Dii 1 . .. >n\v i*T'i incurixira'p;! : >» Mm' HdHMaii'ViiM , i,>r f»B KWA«T i i .... :,|f. i" i \\*i • nan.i He, itTc and H •' * <' l iai't ■ jchw R.iver . a: THE MEM YN* '.i ■!"/|«*it dim-tor for the Nav-. i t.\, I'HATOR *»;VKN TRAYH ; MA • itan.-eahir i ; "Wr realb jpftlft Wlr II w liru \--.iciation of Home Duddc: I.anil xjutHil and ire eoodiliyri Vlas ..*ed Crossword Puzzle es.eiieut i-14T» student* 1 r»ur|iit»rt thr liiuvriliu Tlie Research House is owned #r» si' egg» 2Ah". At-il, IJ>'W h\ the universdv ,*nd bu.!' thr ohmec tn t». I'm- WT.STINGUOVSF. 17-1 n c h ivet*.V pt■ 'pert»• tn.- ro ¬ (fill Mm'/.' I'irliiir r > ;,sk. bw1 ,ii- ! h - c of Jk'OiP ant Hatch Roal* %r turn C .pel is rt»b> T\ Nr» with warranty. *1 IV created lm !*»' L Couiu'* Ji v'ard 1 l »YX 4-TSIJ Jt REAL ESTATE iu« • ikonius 1 featuriv. a new eeqaem-e PUI pnvr nf trllini |e\tlx*«h* |.» i>1 iiiiiiilv linlcs lWKi irinvat.iui in basic tu"a- Italian sifli n jot ;# Cxpe-nrdtp7 f Rs i *rr» range* nrrmGrRATOR* and 1 V wash- V2-' 4i'iJ "0 HY OWNER TWO.' vliiilrntv at irtmiiuhlf rate* in I is i I : ■ ■ ■ (.-■.di e*' srivu r sii.ur 11 H> »- t iniow near rtmpia te • r*rt of g KM It4u Beet-h. • lluit UK srllri* In gel thr Hin»i •' * ' k' • il'" ' s :n t rayt M>. higan IV 3-liM U> up »t» nup' i v' The walls of Ihe house are P*' S'» Coterie fur thru lunik * DECOPATTD CAKES DEUVEREO vonslrurted of "sandwiih pan »; Pi. ^ ii ♦■I Theoretical EAST LANSING . % ■ > 41 Beat* lamlaraped :•>*- lions consisting of to*med poll- f-gfdtt «: Mr Van* try IV %>*•.*> _ Jf f-wr Ktncn.rn', dr'l K itsrcne plastic sandwiched be w.nkle GROUND HOG SPECIALS lueen two sheet# of plywood or ♦i noli of Se.le* #f > ••tarday a Fuse*# j »cm ittt *•' '» »H SERVICE gypsum hoards •He sca.e Jr»e! Beer-- 4 krcvuiiteg ALWnrO AND At.r< \r OiK* • Tee bud h» Co.nciaJad »»g. b n. e. • ©« . S« 44 T" II Dr'v# TOP TRADE! Tenctng Ru#c4*UeIng in v. " :;c: ,4i4'.e ., en and mao'i elotnh g ' mMl-.iV e.ant.ngtp !',4>sliv' » .s e Tt»C Hewitt. IV 4-»15 II Action CP '9 V, g'l* *1 • «**u# " \ frw nf thr. htMl it * ulhr ■ Jffll ft. Vie tu-.i * Hie ^'satulsvich panels" .itc a, I? On# of iv .-nv veJvi* »ef -«i rxcERT mui fAprp 4« livttie* include ijmmm in; ifltti ,t ivtfvan'# three »ra .PM-d fitr interior partiticp*. rr Hi*i.aa .* f, n«e Gw K wni no fkrtnt tfV» k and are, toruk I P.eer A> trpei af <■ - 22 Bttlfrnc*! P»csd** Skepgief CfHf* •ieetn* mmfcin# M ' \ \ H ? - - .Mavtivaily inpirk sab brick, however - g ou:k1 up ;« Worthy of Call Mr*. Ptnnm*. CD *•■ glued to the pane a a .tn , C»R IV S-RT4# fx* »rc*4»v tedrl '■■■■■■ ■» ■■ APARTAM HOLTTt: nil • ;*A.a- r '• a.. ,»r housing v-ssjtsz^brb r.-Hf f^ur-ixsirixtrn house na* many innovgtinn# that n ,i, t.vcst future houaowww V .tne- . 41 *■ . i'u* jH'nMViuiel. pu'>- :a; p.iH-e molded ft'ter glass shiiwer WONCR TTPING—» '' •-V arid pubbr relation* ecu >- «UlU *bd a ventilaUon jv»ic*n pCAKON On# IBM ' ' fur ^ttehtn, ubhtv room, oav- Ir* wi» nod tr-t gin# Mw »r#duce 1 The representative* group pi f ibents, and mam floor .pnwdet- pair* thr Mxral ralrndar nf nil r-.>,sT!- are. features) . oFcSnrr^' - n%*r Han- women's rirhl* for the t*l**« The ftouw. v»f sMb'-c-i ■ •»- illwuwr* prwblrm* prrUmliu In atyle, will u* "efi'csf a TV. AND RADIO jw rate* to atudr women student* ami take* lgan State L'arv.rnty faculty # iharcr »»f aitHttir* *mh av thr mcfnber Whilo occupied. «T V eeta f»*e Check in A ar.,s • • will be run to chivk perform¬ • p.m. dalle. T.V i hi* ftintrr program ami ,\rlivlttrt »M» K. Michigan I\ ance of manv of 'the hew pro¬ ( at mi al. duct* and idea» rtVK ROOMA TNmtXISiaBR or TTPBTA1W Th# mrmftiHro . fumNhadL avabahlr In- «*udep-t» #r P-SMd Bartnc »m« ' .i it ?h# r»f n: • • •; The dpa^tners* foul w as :o ivroieetori. ED 7-«Md of ED 3-3SU tl pa—rn and the*!* af- - «' ' - .'inu'.n a! tve *wi ' pr-xiuce a hx».*e that can )>e bu !t during cold weather The onlA* part of the hew Rosearvh APPROVED. TWO-ROOM furnl wanted C / c i House that cannot be built du.- •d *a private, ideal fpr on#_fP I ^-Sv*.Mlr ftv J-.*:'--.1* Rradi thr ft- aiid li ng the A-iator la th. concr.t. foudviatiiM. , i£* i frsiai v^i ;s 2 Mirillf.tV *HTE M«« Powers Gills Airborne Alert ^r< Travel Film I ehruafr 3 Hid Page Three Essential to Nation's Survival To Feature INFORMATION WASHINGTON (/Pi—The ehkd Gen Th'» Power told sen* plain he v;a* ronierr.ed »(»)!•• Poland Trip C.ltl l.N •»»'!. %^ll -p%R|%\ WOMiA* %2 C' y"T* *r> the Strategic Air Command at m president Bihanhowe-* ♦ e future, an t he i d Y >.i i Tuesday a 24-houe-a-dey '•» v tri-l 'ja budget fa!'- s'sor* v\u \ *11 III m «» Wivi.k .. ran* rhvige n. '!* try (»r.i»r»v * ,>>»vne alert bv (••jfnbat-re.viv >f v >v: din# erunig; money* A P <-er de*/v:»«ed kit u. * I I k h< n :« reM?fi*ii»I to the mi- g«-' read; f.,f rt |ii* ,tr a C,«: 1 corri l- survival lb the danifi-rnvM "Hie SAC commander raw the to ptigiare pit it vii. n a fat p.* er wa- for "the war«f «a ahead. next four or flse years as hald- fltuati'ih " . • , ' . V, / - f M VI: h I f l-M» f I I M •n* the greatest danger of sur¬ K \'A t" a llohday Secretary of Defense prise attack h* Russia. NaMc Thorn a* (»ate« Jr told "t roo- llfsfOKV I 1.1 K Poltornlzkv • an Premier tell, he said, N i k 11 a when ftovlef Khrushchev i<:ne.| Senate :uef* of start do group* no' the joint ;t .* PHI BI T X |.WIKI»\ • 1*1 ( I % I. » III < %IION ( M B might decide the lime uas ripe. II ins (Irani It' 'he rn. idle i960*, Powtr nevei*ary to s'art an a.r'uortif alert no*. f»atr-. a>'<» 'ertre 1 -.«.d. 'ne L'tii'H S'a'e* will have unreaiirtle power* recent ' •« «'- i 1*111 ?" 11 *> t\|l WII.ihih pg< hu.iv. MB II tv Dr. Nikolai Poltoratrkv. of 'he «... many long range missile* that nient that with a a''a- n (mp, , t . .lar'rrftnt df !angu;«g. ":.o one will dare to at'ack th:t bv 300 m.»-.le* H i- a ivi: I ,.s ueen awarded a re^egr-h court'.r,\ knork out thin country'* *tr.ko. f,l KM\N I I.I P. j".1 from the American f*hil>« Tr-'.f/ing before the .Senate back abllii* in 30 minutes' time. .ph:ra! Sneer* Spare Committee and Prepared- "I still stand by mv stale- The grant will enah'.e P-Vf- ne.-s S il)C'Knmi"er1 Power dr. ntenls," pawer Mid w.hen a«ked \l II P. \\» U|\» «. •/.*y to examine newspapers i a red that ' at 'hi* very nvcment ahaut this Tuesday. \*»'M I % HON' \t, II liMiMM - ( I I It . .: journal* >f the V'*hk. pre »d the Strategic Ait Command is The itrateji-.* bomber torn- N>w York and Wafhingt i tt e rri'ot powerful de'errent in minder alno dlfTerwi with h.*- PI RMIfM# KM l.l.w hranea and report h s finding* the history of the world " Pentagon euuerinr* on their a<- Tie grant was awarded for h * But 'he b<»mbrr chief made it tl(.n halting, at lea-.t for *. •••, II lid I f.l P, i1:e* of "Vohki arid lh»;r *.g- a program for building a 2.'"W- tcance in rue fcistorr of flu-- I laworth SjH-akn rn e-arj-huur B70 b'imbrr. an thought and society" "Veb- 1*he pre-cnt 600-milv-an-hour ,»" v a* a collee'ion of e***\* on To Vets' Wives R12 t-an.firr, ma.r.y*ay of SAC. Bur-Man tntidligentua and LOUIS (ARE oe •v 11 become oirs/ete ii the he Russian revolution, ar i Dr Mary Haworth, a r^'ard middle 1950*. power forecav, ^roused •tremendous reeporpe" proiesv ir of psychology, w.M s.'id "It :« imp.o« evolutionary days C ub a' II tonight, on tii« "Sex I.T Puhhshed in ISK»», 'They# e«- Eiu< atlon of Children" Be. a J>e n.-eded to buiid <•' long !e*i t.v e e-iuijjmen' |»o-a- t IIAItl.OTTl. w%||«iK|| addre*%e* AH* Tue go aheud e ua la, who continue to f.g t Spartan Village Hal! All inter¬ am B70 pr jduc*ion no* Vehki authors and toe ideas ested may attend, accord.:.* i In arguing f«r an airborne IihIiimIiu >lav Be-i-l LONGER WEAR .»> presented there." Poltoratrke fkirothy Renuarger. public*, v alert. Power said the need is in <„ d. t-hairman make certain a percentage of (U)X (It11nis k.U'i heavy bomber force is in the air around the clock, "fully loaded with bombs and able to go ProspcriIx LET US CARE Placement Bureau right to the target without be¬ The Mining W|li»ti srtlf tolervlew on the Indicated dates. If ran art interfiled report la the Placement Rarest al leant ma ing designed on the ground " He ft.mated f .urerv'i ev;^»«et •' u' w.'h * e Ji-.-ninu'e Depends on idn pin lion K Mines (o Speak FOR ALL YOUR trbaal darn In advance al Intnrvtew data. Wmu alna may In¬ warning of attm-k. a b.g per. (In KniploMiienl terview majarn with aatartsk (•). (er.'agi of P.s oft 'he ground si.'.rrs tan g«' CLEANING NEEDS (Bi Baehelar'a degree. fM> Wanton. Darter*. Where nn E.sctihowe: ha* a *e 1 • legrna In Indicated. nil degrnn laveIn am ellgtkla in Interview. g.-e. fur on rr.... r, do: t , t « FERRl'ARY 4-.S feiii'jon n As'Wia'e Editor of • ear to re;»..»re*n»": Plant Pub!i,t mgt Cn.: All men (Bi 'Mi anra (a: A l :n'ere t«-J men **'■' f-g «' 'fh* a and 'r*»*n the Colleges of B A l*S. (U>. le.rne*. .f a' 1 w,eri ofl. reg/irdie-" <»f major, for s it A, and Comm. Art' for Aijer.. • Management A ba »•« .a detrn r.*..mur. SHIR? LAUNDRY salen or Supervision work. positions A kfil bv lJ.»-n York A if Brake Oenpsnv whether the a«ir. n t'.ra • n r*- engineer Bi Engrs. luT It A I J. Su.e*. Me: 'B1 F^.gr« for querd i% enough, power guvt h.n ' apjh.e -„>* Service. T«"t.hg A P'sr,* giral Practical P.e»rar*h. ilk*- op.' a>n wl'.h • b'-um ' N" " RENT.. ♦n.i » e a • .Moris Aevmmtir.g 'Bi rr,a- ylpGYf • • -.o-r ental i 'Ex»ej>'tor.a. y Wr '..Ml the '»*•• for pemitionn in Cw.'.t .!'• WV'! E'l'iippeil I^f>orat'»rv ) Shaw Orclnwlra i*> DO you Me ' ^ • / '* Dept. New ^>»rk Central Ky«*rm Ba1'- iord. pubUshed b t.ii ion Carbide Metals ( ampin*- roadi Civil fB> A Elect 'Bi >kl> - lion I s •••:' (P.i (Mi. Cher i -Bi E«ngr*. for Er.g;reenrg A*-"- To Present Baeli ,:'vu ia-onorn.r B.rvau of Rehear '. I>r Cux ,.M«, Mech 'B» 'M-. F.> v ta-.t M*rh. (Bi* * - nore» thg' M '.h gan"» present l'oi.i:> T-e R'/her* Shaw Cho-ale a-d ■ Ri (M> A Me*. 'B> 'Vi En- Erg.neering Asutant A Re- Of -f-'ra perfo-m Bam s poi.titK) of indust g-s »va. "ry *£. A Physics (B) and Chem- (B» majors for Erg nee-- CottatTuct op. Sales, Technology A Min'r- 'ejrch r-> ' Bi B mtan* •. — Er.g.r.eer. A-v'oun'ir.g ajors for Junor A<-- position. Market.r.g Tra r.sportation < B) A B M.nor Moan urn Sundav at formance will r*e a feature of Le«" j-ciConeer* Ser e* B a* 3 pm MSU aud.'.o T e pe.- - " ** n 'Or ent «y> desijrif ' vt"* o "( i prviur e a , VI I. I.IJUI'MIM liitAM) AtW tooVc yQUp &ttm(nook "•oductlon. Economicn (B> major* for stVed tr A form.dab.e *«.r*. the M*■< rUltAKV 5, Sa «• Representative. Al! mea Sun never neMre i»eer. j^rfofrr-- an I ma - eluctan Onlv !5.00 E:.- ? I (B» fr^»m 'he Colleges ••? ed on a concert tour In Ill- s» PEN I. W r f*ora •» Chem- lo t.rur th« maxj, Sbu »' liumond (lardner t «rn»»f4iioii •ri.arge-i hi* gr-r.;i to :n*r-u • ".^rdnen Ulvtslon: i'i majors f «r r» le'»*t w The Mead (arpuration: A Pa keg.rig k ..jr*- I he ( f .r limken j-.-unv R aller Rearing Meih. 'Bi R*r» Tracing Profra-i a o' i'i v «• J nrus '»? 40 and a-. In;* m-'h*..! and net' perfo-m m M c '.e - , '»-v. a t PT O'LEARV o*d I\I hoi.ine it a BJ (Ml A MBA ma * . .«vi ev A App •••#'. »n E.g - a^t-redul# int .ude* * r,+ a* 2.» I'MM ^TOI.'i: • • Training Program* Jour- ~-ree:ng »nd Manufae'ur-.g «<>• lege* and un;ver*.'.e- *tu> ni.VNDllll I KM Fill (B• major* '■ Tra.nee* --!lfr!lll|lliU«m|llM.URfMII"i»1l.iUHPt;( "nit"'- • !i it £ Millioas of Americans now wear rontact lcn*e* for normal RansoM I £ sisina with natural good looks. £ 2 lb# contact lens wearer rau now enjoy keener vision wider field of vision for | ay# pcatoataoa all day wearing comfort K. . ■ r natural apRaaranra broader sports artivities tltha sigma phi DELTA MGMA PHI Mould ha interested t ya« in disrupting the possibilities of a Baumcr. Jun- Judy Merry. I^ke Orton *- ph« £ contact leasaa and % cat R ryes . . . - d Pnu* Miillaaau. l^naing Junior. rie Alpha Omieron Pi. Vermeerarh, DvWltt. to to un^.re. auphi'more. to Ed Rraid. I^ke Orion Dr. NaraM A. Skaidnr IF ,yw WlNT, to^ DELTA TAC DELTA opToiirrtihT It met McGwvaay, DcWtti jun- t IVnakoa t-IMI Karen Dougherty. Sienr.a Adeie Luean, Birmingham *enior and Kapfui K^ppo Gam* \ Mall (aari Irsadsr C enter Lansing. Mkhigan .v.* College junior, to Rrwra i radeen Aa»«e4. ' ♦ 'V. Adrian senior; Vennontville * - Vaaey Tamer. Detroit *e. to Dick f-r»j r.o- Rom. Fluihing. and Delta L'puluit. rm Harbor. re. Est-'.er Ostrom. . Juloa Gmu. S- 'J - Her'",t THAT ha, 32 intmh.mgeable senior eph aen.'/r. WINTER (EDM SENIOR F0I NTS you may do it pQ)1 GRADUATES MEN— best in sight —Ju»t ORDER YOUR to |et in on th, gro ji-l (!<*«• an-1 itaT theft' lor outdoor !ivir• COMMENCEMENT S-.rry, *, can't help yoii. But w« do have lot- of room for ftrit-rate-wntor* who want to get r'- Sxtifdnook 9bu fi-t in U» communlutKMu ind ..try, .%mor, - v—o-ts i^e li-ost •* t.'noti »'•«.& ANNOUNCEMENTS •••-: / / / / AND YOUR You can Nod out bow |»u fit into thi. h„. , e« «, dsr sad Hours Knacfe sfFtrr Mouds* Tburs- 'tfid-v-.Tv, ^U\u(_ " y in joat on iatorrirw. Bar your Ffl^rment „n- Indat e*eain<% till *. Ta*«iti Wednes- CAPS & GOWNS trior now and amir a vwit with thr Brll SyttehT- d«* sad Moadar UIMfNi ssturda* till S (Duwatown »H*re •**■ Kr-ruitmc Team. They'll b* on umpul to ut with you IVI IX\UI\\ff( f\S fry KKt /'»« TV C If'NVCV te*$ M,*„ NOW su muiiwu MOMMY TMMM * TUMHM MOMMY NHTMU WALLA(E OPTICIANS VIAE AT ( Lirrt RT eppwwte |r«»4w> (AMPUS BOOK STORE WCmSM (LICTMIC MOMMY A;.**»* Kb IV VWJI 131 EAST 80. RIVEN ••• \ ;v Union Book Store at • > iTMM 1 B». IV 2- J ITS — (ACROSS FROM ONION) ' t <«* B-B SHOTS liiii 10 Makes Pilch Mirttir.w «T\xr m\v«j rHtrtiart Ifliio I'dcr I «»i»r Intramural Schoendicnst On IM Highlights J fc d ( lor Free F (Comeback Trail Wasson, Stouffer IM Irs IM •' III ti I f'sr \'t < MU \t.»» „v> tree The i:iv I" rm»* mwle its usual pitch ♦*nt♦'t'pi'ivf in t«'!e\ ut. insists "I'm not old—I feet real gron. !fi l;n Stat. Nm N*m mhw . f (v,> - »•"« I '"'I :«s 1.1»! vent's lineup of !•» could get Trrgether with Milwau¬ i r i.i' .in.) ttuee regional kee (Jeneral Manager John Me- ■•If nt first you don't lueeMd, try anothnr," nlcht b. llale on a 1 fifth contract. But lie... the motto of T«*l Wum, who wu eomldarad m of tho tu.; in r...s»isiill received enrm irr.ihle PV exposure locally made it plain his him accept any pride won't let restrictions—or top fmhmiin basketboll standout* two jroan tco along i.-i it- i;.r 1050 program. C'hi- a full pay cut. with I lav. Faha, Jim Bcchinakl and Art Gowona. , v ewers eould *ee a Big Id His drama tie recovery from Wasson is presently playing on tha up and coming MSI- p'av 7 of the 0 Saturday* Volleyball team. Although tho teom hasn't adilerod ear. '••am \ \ tuberculosis doesn't change the , Milwaukee officials I ntcss flic Blc Iff gel* It* Mi¬ fact that still have fears nnd doubts about sity sutus It haa vanity playen in tha form* of Cocn ca lletl free enterprise proprmel 1 hp ssiil\ new feature »sf tlif Heron and Jim Stouffer. M \ \ pr«ss».»i»» is (hit it «itl mirpted. II will he faced sviih Bed's ability to take over his old he ill mil iiis on i liwi-sfar t».is- reie«-tini: a three million dollar, second base spot. Stouffer Is well known to Spartan can fans as helag one l* I tsr Nf % \ ttirn could offer :i-vear eonlrael offer lo televise "I ran understand their posi¬ of the top reserves on last year's Rig 10 championship team. football as well tion," Red said. "I they He is now doing some graduate work and evidently keeping Us eoiilerenee cuess ,i vpnnvor ticttcr routimiitv of as other sports. w ant some Insurance that I ran sHu rtoinc ami »l*o tiring in as ' his hand In by playing volleyball tindar Coach Dick Nslson nullum dollars play. ntlifii 4N Mr A. •••. the Big If) nearly "But, heek, nothing is certain on tho aide. » (Mil HI > limine the fus" *eg*on*. ■ , om» million dollars a year I9HIM.J in (his game. A rookie might get This probably Is ona reason why the volleyball elnb han't 1 \« n ■ i» 11» .■ 'hi pom 'fie NCAA TV program II HDrr Mlsrtr v« ' hurt and he out all season." reached vanity status. They accept anyone to play on their , . under )he present Polished Cottons !• peak yeai 1'. .'»•!up v\av about $000,(l0U Sihoendlenst is confident he 1'liree Hielil-lltmilers The only way the Big 10 could can come hack because he work¬ team including students, graduate students and faculty. (tegular «V I outmental Sign II illi ) ankers ' epi »h> three million dollar ed hard throughout September Heron. Wheaties All-American soccer selection along bed season and felt no ill ef- \> \sii \ \\ i.mi . ■••tract, unless the NCAA with Eric Streder, Is better known for ability to boat • boll frets. He appeared in thren ik policy, would be to than hat It with his hands. . 'chum df fv the NCAA and risk expul- games. I* \lsl»l HI II I Mi ..• suspension. There i«» lit - "I've never worked as hard In Basketball fans got a chance to view Heron combining Special S3.95 t/M.irtci »i»i»U f«*f rt«»nhl» • ■ . likf ! of the conference Inst-hall as I worked last Sep¬ tember." Red said. In HI. laiuis the two sports between the halves of last Saturday's cags l III «t k ItriM.k «• N-.rii .I.. action against Iowa. I m *|iritifm>h Bv.-v, NCAA exeeti- he has been working nut datlv H" The soccer team put on an exhibition of votleyaoo and VARSITY SHOP s irmli h ii-l *!»»■■ \» . . •.■ rsaid that he rx- with Stan Muslal and other hall i• ioii')-R! program to be. players from this area aud play¬ RCHOKNIHrVHT turned out an interesting exhibition of (kill. Members of the 2*k AftluiTT «:>» i l<\n*». a hitch and ing handball. in a iihoiit . . hope* for romohorh . . soccer squad have been noted adapting other aporti to their "i ii !>. the memtvership His weight now Is 1RJ and he ; lel. renduuT even sivon- hii|w»s to get down to 177 by the own specialty in the past. ;! has bee-1 io the pas! si.ut of the reason He weighed Nul Smirtioiir•! company were playing handball-soccer In the hindball hen it discovered he Had was I rosli Can Not e tutu irulosih. courts of the IM building. Mill SHOWING Ib-d admitted that the tough- Volleyball on the Mirhlgsn State campus hss come nn Tin: comedy lilt in Tin: m: \oos: \N KVKM.M. Ol est thing in making a comeback Set Swimming strong in the past two years under tha direction of Coach m ill t>e t<» regain his timing at Nelson. P A N T 0 MIM E hat. The Braves are probabh Records more worried about Bed's hit- year when the squad Journeyed to the NCAA final, Sen i ni« • (.lining evening In theatre . i very funnv .mil 'in-: "tar. any other factor, T'u- time pos'ed by the fresh¬ in lies Moines, Iowa, it placed third in the collegiate div. sensitive shm* don't miss it * The ilireetnr of this vlimi N*, man 4fM)-yard medley relay But Bed's knowledge ..f sion. However, this is not really saying too much for them Imn studied under M %ltt I.I. MAIM I Al Critics mi . t -.hal League hitters and lead¬ team in the exhibition race be- "this show is bibulous " f .re flie MSU-Wisconsin swtm- there were only four teams entered. ership t»t the infield are so va'- nabb' the Braves proluthl.v wilt nung mef was 3:52 9, ra'her Nelson was the only memlier of the squad to place in tin stautim. than tti« 3:59 9 stated in Mon- tie h.-ippv if he can average Ail-American ratings for the first team. day State News. I Till II. I III s\ l. spill i'm. at tiik around 250 ?. Tlie only really big drawback to the squad becoming s | I III. I till.:. TKIt-.i. I .il/nilnT»ril Thl* frofch time better* the NCAA record of .7:53.1 *et b* varsity team is probably the fact that volleyball is not. and (IIMMI'MTY Hill 1.1: I'l.AVIUM Si: never will lie, a tremendous drawing card as a spectator HICAfiO i/7'»— Ed Lit/enber- Stanford In I95*. "We ran't «et I ll?«-III RIIIAN ST T«»p the title the Spartan tournament. 4 'HrlllUnl' tt nmlrrfot' rRIHiRIN h»f)RMATN» CALL KD MII7 "GUYS & DOLLS" in MEAT FN A BATE! IIIUhotu**'* MIsltAL lOMFDV HIT AIM XT ALL JiVlUs,-.h ">ts .uk line Met*. with ITII WONDI RP t L AND ( OLORPI I. DAMDN RI NYA.N 4 IIARAC TRRs OPEN BOWLING tilirr and • TICKirrs on SALE • Juirr hmimr," IAST L A N 51N C PHONE ED 1 1814 Arhouch • main floor box office. Frh. Bih. through Feb. v u«" HIM fun .\Ug*xutr II AIH'LTS 70c CIIILDKKN 2l>c ISth. Or ihe Tar amount New* Shop. *ame date*, daily. STRAM LANES I SPARTAN LANES phone Irb 3rd thru »#b. 13th al IT 4-1112 daUy TlMy Har* ... Or by bd% « clear aud evening. liiiimii NN nun if F:\hS tonight — fkati iik 7 a 9:.1a The Whale Ceontry Michigan ' Hualilt' 91.9(1 91.2 ! 3111 E. Michigan Roaring TM£ ©gtSTt, I53TII I'ROIX'4 TION JlhT iONlKCITIYF TEAR Theater /A StMSATlONa THE THE LANSING riVlf fLAVKRH Bid*. i ED 2-231 i or tHt: owe at IV 2-3238 BCST.SLLLCW s ■*>*? ? OV T»~l AUTHOW or om.v mis om. • 1'rrr Parkin* > ' i' Oprn 10 A.M. THt MAN 1*4 THt. OlAv NCft MHOS. tLCriNMCOhOR* ilon'I IruO your memory, EGAN- MCGUTRE-DET; Kennedy • DONT^ ' BUY A WOLVERINE sr \K1INU TIIMOKIMW — TIM us. To give ad^ed life and sparkle te Ihe pagea ef your Moiteriae, fear color art work haa haea tat ro¬ il used. EASTMAN COLON This quality feature i* used ea Ihe dirtata* pages ef the hook to make sect lews ef epectal taterest te yee oas- PH!J?S[LIERSJtANStBER6 irr le locate. Volar also adda life te the special tatredac- t km of jeer Wahertae. . .«ikS • « ttda. » . - e Hut the use ef celer ta ealy eae ef the ftae feature* that auke tki* year's WOLVERINE, a beak Jtes'U be proud aad happy ta awa always. I \Vt IAHWH Kuy. teday is the l aiea sr freai year bvtag Sl«x* tlferculti»l Kwe* in' i tat h e. (.(M l \ III Wl> I III II \KII\KI WV* Shown 1:2* - - :»:05 - Tj 10 • 9:50 1 Ituiii'i'iiuikri' L;i|il;iiu Wiin» Uitim: Wrestlers Crush Purdue State t y Sift to Beats Purdue, (fives New»^2i2p Up Only 1 l irsl To Remain Undefeated S<%\ ./ / / / K..«i . i*»-4 r \| * • ft'.* tan VI.I WhlU !» H .• H H .I'iti'. ' » W» *» ft-.a N' t»! P l» H> VIIK1 SRINM.R ittc * llkniiiun in thr final iin I rbruff 3. !?»•• X«* tt-..". .1." »•»** of pl4> in link Mil lynuf •a» -4 a.1 1 -•* i.-itlfii Mm rhrll. 7-5 ofinhoinorr totni Inert w b>« f«.4»h f harlr. Xf.f 4fTir» .... .f ']'• lf« >' nw' 1111-.ill h» l]t I'm ifor l'>-iiig bun 14i lit Ihr rurrt ihr ,,-.y 'ippuntil'* . /-• 1 ••iit-r new r» ■'.* S:'. "f tlH* IV .{ . lil'Mirii- Mnllipu s Sifiii.s 4 lilt Ir- ihmlifwl-r 4 ikI f apt «i \lh uilan fm — la ir Our *1 |.| , 4 /f, . ■ H !■ • w-i lit* I S %»'•.* if' »»" ■«»' thr nil IHini h- (tarda * -rnior 4 ml thrrn > 4» »»iphurnurr p..,i, trie 4. ft 'III... 1 »• 1 V 1- > * Hi. a Erlrr 4 !<)(>{) I.miliarl ah id» 111H rontriidrr mid ihr *ri4(x«d Roilrr mal In-t wHm IHH vard vi on in Milh frrr*l\|r* Ihr and S<\ ■ ■ p.-h . w r - 'W.I ' if ihr * turf-in* eeinrit thrrr wi fur •T 4 ■ '11.1 fiir 1 1 ■■ ... i., rarr to their fomth urn- ilurl mi*'t vli lno of i'"* W illi Milmmhrr rr» 41 #1 apaftam ftiiit Uilllfir Irrt* fhadui-k llbtrd Ihii'l I •l-l - . h-.f, wfi. J ()•.. i*. "im'-r. • 4 "m 4 .,..mi thrt havrn'l l«*t jf' 4iid fourth H'f. MII.WAI.'KI.K V Ell.' ll"-4 < Ju.t «r«t »- J 30 poult"• Mathuw*. h"u* r in *.'<* of * " . '.I— -'•'»? i"' ' » ■/h* John IM'irti (Mi- *-- I ma'/>r loa."]«•« .*•' a jjf - mt U /, I' 4*. I ortM't of \ni» & V|.\.| . . lb* <>tralr{t ihrhrd for »•" I-ii• f Vliili. 4 it it our !•»»* *upliomorr* drrlalinird i'urdur « 3-1. hot ihr V.i |w»nnrf SPARTAN BOOK STORE -rn ill. tftwlul uo al«|iprd h» hob , n? of thr roller nukrra. 3- !. . ... th> i4' - *■" I .« ■ . ,OV VfH" 'A .'.f t \tnrl,rl I .. t.flurntum ■ rrio. J'.'4\i^"^ ^fi/ief i»r fH"n' ]> Intramural ■ Kbit. JOHN ftll M. Mohican -lib hritf«ri(M. pin* Mrve Mofialitt of I'urdur in Ihr IVHlrrtaakrr-MM u Trailing rli«h lurada? night Results *%-ki in%i 1 . ••■« >.pi or.11 p< -s Hark In Miijai- •n< t(liA|Mi *«rr 4l4i»—forlril M K '• /»» Mu.t 1* \ iliac* IdMrta 11 3nl Cangns Mofepian a«h • *• • •' h4tum4fi !'• »ih4rt i , • rr .A! Greigliton Now Playing f %rr 4 ai Phi Oafeuh I* *li» *1*04 04r..hl»r« J| Man if atn Ira linitwri-- ,f- rlnw to f*rf»it • I Pur Toronto Maple Leafs \ tr1n4n nuit* Iimr . «f»tf* tt. ■••! M mic rittrri»rdii'« rtimpli HiwlOi II: trlinirh* * liMiiiiitf In- opiMMirnl Hot »U«*rifi ti Haan 11 N Hum* II. bilar* a tin) j nrar-mlMi <*"11 I.imIIi :n-a ??>• Ren^rrr in flMbrri M. Iron* 14 ! 1 ir(j lor it •-« ntalrh vore •••'. 1 Toe^ay, 'i f £• hhaft I?. •Ulia !• ,t..ul 111 fttr I 37 pound H.»— Tipprra U. OafTn*r l«| §*■•\|. RM|klaa 14. C»P»ao« 11 ■ * >f play aM eft* • ftl'4 Al. VliUirra )4 Tath 14; fakotra II 4 good yrar it Klllni a*»r Pkuww »arf*,4 ifrrv fll%imtfk pp*run d, .r j-:. - -.u r .a ♦ .» .• k.-v "o find o*j| lanna 1». llaliPaaaha 14 purdur ditrr* mHm *o». fir*i 4»>d -r»«»nd , *!-» . ■ » , n . : >2 W hfft 17. 4rhn*l4rr 14 • . rr.r marti m. LnUi** m ihr hoiirrrrmhrr* ihr fu.t m dn > . .* . • : '•»>» f -ii illV t • NJflt B4MM 17; M*»»r 14 n*rr thr -ptrlaio - ., fikaMl t 7t. BuRMra 17 J40 g CafeM >4: 4*«*rl*)i If a.U: rvrry taam Trriiat Patr Maarf MlcP—forf*i4 ..1! r>T'i . VOIICThAIL ).• j FREE! V: GALLON COKE « yrar, n 1 pi •«» P01 ait ko, >K hil li-»! 410 p«tr 4 p phi. t*-a. if-11 a focni jraf UnMi | hi 4lpM P**r Dili. -a.d. "BJ*. I 14-17 »: • cha**» tiima * hi nri folU t hi. K-l. 14-4 KOO'f ni l I.' Ol! ill: \ m. 1 hrppa Ml «*rr PIU t»*lt« TMU. 14* * trntiC ..nil djH of thr vrar matins «*«»!» hi* fainrd Big 10 Standings \ • * a • - not to'j f. 14-4 fif otrr P K Ta-I tl-7. 11-11, 14-11 *IM «»»r f «mihMn»-brbH Willi 2 III I.I I VIM III VI l'l//V- CI. UN III I -I I V I I 111 II ill* ||4r|i for Ihr -partan- n 1 if T 1 a fa"-.* 4 a Phi a«i r h Pl|. 14-14. I4-I| I !77-pound ic« r| hi gain lihw ^«4tr *> * 1 «ll« ».!5 bar* VARSITY DRIVE IN MinorM»U ^ . • ' - %| HohI«t» Illinois hue *.7| . ■ « ' >.4 r- r J Late Scores Im|» \\ anir Male I..U4 if ii lllf. %\ - t \lt » « '> S71 «< ra« "»• 11 * ml* s»a vpvh iff 1 helix liit -1 .i:\ii 1 i n 1: I'urdur ■' :.«k« nl V bar ft:a » Ph.uenphM m < lUWiN B»f North* rrtrrn .iy «'ff nr*da}. 0 KW«d ' «* |ndun4 Mm hit an i.njf g>- f •' .'.'o rd^rd m mo "hub • s I . V . * »«»--• High R» ervoort's iftd B<" i"'h h-.» UNIVERSITY STUDENTS^ SPECIAL yol'r ( iiom i ot later plalr— 211 K. f.HVMl ItlVtll i'rintr l»rrf vprii facr uMlviirh ik iu*—r*lr, fhip|kd p«ubr—r«»ffrr or nulh I.VNT I VNNIM. in 4l»i»irion h %mi*u l.ffll r \i-lv i rom %n| ok %ll fit •* oftf 1 \i yrrtTi/.w" I'h. f.ll 2-2111 -J.HOP" frature dorm oftlilni* 98c Ivokmc fpr a rr«ll» fm# mral ihl« OUTSTANDING VALUES TUX-REKTAL *und4* rtoiinc* i or ihr tmral rui-inr *1 haid l« »►**» prirr* IN DUALITY Hi.' ! 4 f-M T** ." Rnu 1 T ' P»a v«v br »urr l« \iwl -f r r un tt , 1 " <» r vm • —hirt Jewelry - MOUSE OF BEEF Vr- ». ' '9 wr4*d ika and #' ummerhumi - .Tie mlf if | \ft mrih it* arrird arrtrd bt ht ihr "ifou-r "ll«u-r «fof rrrf err i *11% SKI EQUIPMENT • Sr# f; "TCMl anu^ km l» ar*y fit a ,..vt r*- + -**Ki 9-t. r.rr sm prort n»fhin« but >ut ihr ihr finraifinr»f fur 1*4 trmm fur 1*4 lf*« • I »\ Mi-pender* . fo*rr t * tla- >• mm**^ ff **d m« end, wLra HOUSE OF BEEF" » lUMPl.klK I "limn* t.frnuin Im/Hirt* ♦ r ('xwwbu Wky de I *4» ^noiurh... •" »run m end MN bm Vat hu*« W \l IJII ICCp ski^ ' *rd IRWI Ml Vftk 113 \\ mm 111*. %n \\ t * TV* $9 - . not u i loir i hid* llfiidmul* i.TPIII tklt with ul4*t»r 'up ■ • .. I rn.4h.-u-l if- ,J»» »- ..-kd iw.umn 1 ? * pinf umifiilwi llowr* Mm -.I * 1 n/ • I p m — II 4 in t pm «!»«. ■1 • b nprriaiicina i» r*»4*l brrf round hrrf chirlirft du«k atrah* r«* «uh tii'ui 'dir« lull 1 >r*r uritfru T0« SHOP > > u V«K.: ALWAYS Hi MEMBER" lUJl.nlci 4«4<»*t hfrtlffl !• «* Nia/#r#n *--.•* 15 ■ - *C^' • - 4. :*•. ^■••a^l I v ' ■' ^l.«4#V*ar »*rl kca liar—.at *32.95 1 • *-!»*< ifl i- Ihr . i ff fcbd d.*T«' • »Vfi V* » r rt «gy Mhr »r-k llld, he «. - ti r^i* fcr.j ^ M -xjcemg tunc— J.HOP SPECIAL Uch'i mill l.itiln t' i TV*» tint frait-fw *«dd m *r* 1-** .N • r*warnt *nr*uei»* - Ml I'IKKOLO Mr. ti ll I'VM S T\*f tN* 4l*-*» l;,v M'«1 4^d »f»ir» bUrk and COMPLETE TUX RENTAL *7.95 »ws» in • vf ? i i » ,> a 4»»; .< r ;*** - # blur itwrl trnctba »ni» V# •»—.! mr . *"c.acg* r«MI Ut-mlt ' « -• 1 iff ^ ilrlrnt4 tlrrUH (•rrman iuikmu wmn a. r*w» Urn s*w- Reg. tXSi. f T>.»l c** miJrf* »«rair Vun t %br^ "1|Ln and li s;, *24.88 A TVat W 4 .44* toarw • *3.95 f 14-41 ir /*■...# .if • a Ell 2-1213 OK Ell 2-2911 8 COO per weekend EOKV* KI.T \I-I -MILKMAN 0LEASERS OPEN I iiMi.ll I III '> P. XI. HP II MICTIIliAX ST Ait: NMIS In To Brruk Kiiriit Draillork Seerel A»ent Booh Calls I'olitiral Curly I phriurv 3. I'MKI hajtp t|, To 'I alk 'I'oniwhl ('oil rrn I ions 7 mlis/n'iisa hlv' I'rofosors lo Address \a:\ f>l< J Ike to Try Flexible Approach It About (ion Tien l>aii Mii'iri', the otilv spi-'aj-.i' •ns Hint rv; v a are I national party consyry- "InrhstK-niahle" to tfye and stahihtv t*i- • •mi- u-'itls made runtimilng t.v the eonfrdm- convention.- of Professor Hmnnti A-i's'i. Pi..lessor die eh'elrU'a! II Koenig iitnl K. Kesnv in engineering de¬ meet I)r Knemg Thursday with lives of the Prooklvii |. I.- sib.-.i;, ■ .*j, I hi and -tatiilitv of • i, WASHING l'"N I' 1* . I •• t-.- •a-v.v;.i partment Will ore-Sent three pap¬ me Instiluti- t<> .lis,t, v.*i •ii the A'nefir.iu pla'forin v. ti¬ Aim r eatt iK.litu'.il orib-r eat ion.11 enhnwer « >■. upp« i- U' l.i- l *?e- A'oerb'.bt poidieal oi.lei ar. er to,lav to th, eon vent ion "I procedures r ,, rh ll.t iiearhul i lai'ffi'-sealo t'liim m.ijv.r eonelu.-ion of ;»• n»'w he* | )!' K • .'!I U'.IIIOi iibnjue. .T'd, peli able and pfob- the Amor n an Institute of F.lee- at MSP Km I "I . ter-itiW-lhtiejice operation. t*r Hdlfdi Cr.-P.s- •• i' u-aiit.hiire.l by ►r ftex.b'e nppr -;i .<•' • fTm' tup II ' 111 Kl-i-tlh'»,A I'M'"' . jt,;. irrej.'aceflble biea'l Knp neer- il| New Vork |.<> ttie •pe.ilsi r ti.niHtit ;.! f'.t. ... ei of M«Sl' T'lClk tin* (Ii'.J'U m u A I V. ill Ill- |»rop"v;ih i i-aut'jor Goldman i- an a - The two papers concern wmk '..nil In:'-"• .-liil.l Ttieatet ji! B l.'i a a s;.r The book. rt>e Pr>' pw •-. 11,11»i(1 jt»:■ \vfp-.d and .• cor. oil Fanner.. Week feature of-tp, \ t' mal v i onvrn'..on- *'f pr - • >: of politieil the two lueri have done ih the |3X AiBso 1 ft* • <:,•:• .. MSI' itid «|.rti'!o« of last seven year undei i gi.n-■ Ismn171 I .ii-tute-t 'oneei 1 serie.%'shfMl t.% the ftr«»rk n. !•- VO n politun Gradual" haMie Kleetrie Com- ii'i 'i, • ' !■ i •»:, 1»! •• * r »: '• .VI' || .I.-,- will ♦ trt-.. Moore Wl'l Sjte.tll on • ( .ei , •.itiitiott, .tea' m"i thr ■ 't T' A >uvr;. m Provjam. In Hla'.1 tie from tlie Ib |iy n o i ta i-?i !b; of Columbus. Ohio . v:M !av before f51^ Democrat: I I. • . IM denei- It.n k<\ I low to \vo n M b .'h major nolitieal • n» a soiisullant p. the research pan* Toaoi n,.oiiM.»te tmtr eandnt..'. fo. ('■>!.," I": "llr 1 . .... r- Thetii.' tli.i'AiHi? on In- pi-r-on.1 .tbd it vv-*ion tbi Ih-iniH raUe N o Jit/./ elnl. lo U.'.'l |*V3t,r jmeMilt-ri" . \pel lenei vvinle ielit»« a • me ■de!P S-'-n,- fdtV V;ee *• .»f. ? -f.-. t- Vonai I'onuiidV. A co-editor oi liWX V 1 yiolia! iiilnuni tr.itor fo; I>«»- S, • 11 on betui* or pret.dK .* . l*re*.ident a! Nominating Pol: The West Circle .!«// Socie Zji I vy 3 itie. aii.l li*. !i.iiij/,e Coinin ni will hold a meeting tonight ■' • ol '.»• : tie ha- also wrp- [MOM • \\ >• •• I l.»ii • . ♦!,. •• -..ud lll'MTI'IIX Named a on it Kentucky. Otiio .>»i ..! i,• {h! the f;.ultftg- ' h,.\ -• *« nd» • i '. oi the •- k'•! fmiui r-'U-. articles ,.n paltiT-s the Cath'-ln Student Centes Til unpro.i ii >'•' '' Mil tin an ,. for 'Kni-ycloped'a from ft on . ,.'d ciei-ljon-, . M 3 1 S 3 ri '!>•' GDI' . to regulai •IP •ade:» | • • after w" • '»*•' 1 IV Wihlanl Mean Mo.lie Ili'.lfhHl Mei/eil e!< an-ti|i of 'tie si e - -pub- al:d .,11,1 i VI f'.-b'i III fhl r>: -b'- It' .kilfiit a. 'Public (Iplliiull .1 Th>- meeting soctetc e meintwi open and Hii'in - N3 .1TT IHN 3 d G 'Wciteriiv Political • • 'W> II I • o'.lier frailU. in llm; tha • a/.? tiei\ of the l*S( • .vi* rAy.axB3no3 • Of > el Medicine ■ ' and o'.het journal- a|3^u n s|w o « ; . V. „ iiii'i-.t 1/oarterlv o v •.•in -houht Pl.t, I'M.t T- -a at hoi f- with lb lioldnun Spokesmen for the society I' i.l--ti.oliv I.: work .•f-.p; .M it uiiien!.,: : . urgent that all mendrei- b» pre¬ t I -S II I Deven-ux Ji.e sv .1 :»*c Paul David and ICietiard i! rig i 'i ' • he tiei.i I' ai|.l and •on fidei . Hrtjf, sent. \« f r d: • i •' .sei-it a ti." • brought about 1 rm: tft». aiisu. i . tn> Au'n '..11, \ . • 11 -1 ! 11 a 1' v Med. !! «•»•': •,g 1 •' < " " • ; ■iiipoiiitnien', a- clia t of eoiin! H.dbeittier«- need f-o - • • ie* •ifMy.kefi ••-•,-1' \IS1 UiteMisertee in the Mnhlle ..-if. j ., reeo^mtUM. '« v -t A ' 1 let I. UV ,v,.' ,••.:»!iiiue a- inform lies ,t, inpn-vesee •tie vubl-e? SCi . cliiitriK World War II S'- .1' ,»bi.»l,»gy an, PH'mup l'./u T-i D" •'!«.•.! -M, •!. pubi. -T— „i .,! ,. an t jiin|>ib I'lir.isil »i il> . . iirffl' Ui-.ole*-hip l». ... W l. V in-lead. |>rint.i' Israeli (!OIIM III • >iim amp; Vmit l\e> In Ih Iter Vnhies , To tililri'Hs dull II.. ■. ,, linn Downer .. ,,y . | : . D' D«M-u'ii* i' ii'.v- ., .1 k e 1 1 l-.-ae'. rven* nr.. . .1 ' . US degree hi I!».'.» from 11 renter of a"''"' Koov Col'.ege and the MS and Take It khe ep.'ttigf-' T nn p:-,D deipec-; ill ll»_. ami p.c. ..|| C'u Ms' -\ t i.4f CuveiAltv yf Illinois " ' e- Shaul the. . •P.- 4 ,.t, ' hii:u II, th. :. been leaelung and do- From The IM lo Tlrrl Officer*, -. at MSP VIrife HI'.f7 ' Hani4'.. I'-mwii i ! tin author of jiumeroiis bo:d . oft c. •. ' , ... - • (AT GIRL... informal."ii Cti.ili'.e - ..f S'sV.i'i e-, n:itii piltiiieathni aft.I the f*ree * fsnt l:tf."nu 1' . , iii"', of I gd.orati.iy Man- ' !hn M , 11\ . ' .!•«' ' b'!:- f n, i H.-iriiming HaeterioloUV -.hP't V4T ■■ "i- '.>-'••■ ih i>*eiM':-. served u- actilig » a-.e« .-.i ,- • he ,d •' the departuient of mir- lui • n-i *«->' He ■ • <■• i<.butlog' at. i health. r •1* Mr.--' IP.'" .. |\f. ' " P utid B.-fsni.nd.w ft" " ' ICY' p.'rrn*' Vb.hnmmni 't-1'1 • ' ' !l p|i«r,di f A date to remember... SPARTAN III •}',<• »• 1 - ••- e fact fha' ttan .1"- -i.Hixb b ..I. Kill- ,.f Mienujin S'.de SUBJECl a .a ihetp'.e • ■> ' •: p a "be.d ^ t'-. f. (-,-t.r.iarS Stays moid and firm throughout your shave! -.g 4.! 'd-e 1 - if * >l...rl e,M.r>, •4- . 8 »• 1 • ' p- oi Caterpillar t Ili).I. Interviews « * lit Hint P». regular or new mentholated lt.-rU.-i for PH.II Y.i s.-i lib ohm *»MMH>tli Mhh' fhiM.f id io*H,«uol rnriitlii.Inled i.l I»«.|Ii ha»e tteli. tlm k Did Spice ipi.dil*- tegill.i* ffj mr i.trK vrt Engineers * I ilbet that Both soften %»oii t *ou» ih% up |»ehue Iwjrd m*tan«tv—end i4»»r diag u«i »i tiniilied lllf imiii- smooth shavi ...ill g unit Immal- trad* ple|» |y Im the il,M*.t. i leanest, (pin kest «h.»*e- try by smuiton it... Did Spire Smooth >li4»e' too Cot I hp .1 -1 loji ll Villi IT it!MM.I tTtt'lVt \illlt H s ... M V "irI- s iii >. iiiir ilt'Rii. I .tl. ijiill.ii I tat UN t'o n t-.\|MTl in Mill lllrriitii.i." i >- ili." U in I.I t li ailinn nianiilatlmrrnt llnti. an.l Nram. Diivl | iiRiiicv I t.ii inn I .iitl.ii.o*iiik K.«|»ipmm>l. On. piih 1.ii I. an .■>i n«ln ir '.-_. doing tin" svoik 'I hlufiitiomil...lhvuniliie...ln Full Brilliant Cttlor rile Nct'ilh' i.l ili.- imiiI.I «• ilnm litu |iil" done in l»K «av». M ( aii-i|iill,ii mhi II I-- doing important ami «ntn* a ml ««■ ^ m*ww ■ ■ k m. Biin Thread Shop immr III vmmi.*iii lit m. mi' m vm> dkvelol'mknt SUA Mil's s| HMl'K-and many oilier LOOK awl LEARN Mil', Grand Huer ln \S v hum' m Iii is il.l. to giow-iolidly Mini slr.iililv ,i|. nisi \v it Ii us CHILDREN'S POSTERS irrmi the *ltrel from liei Wr» llrll stall tliiiikimi almnl ( all now. Vout l'lavf• mi nt Ollin- lias iiuiip tiilontiiiliim about tit. CATERPILLAR TRACTOR CO. Feor.o, lilmon • MimuUDiig and umpiring fnr rhildrrai of mil igrt! • Brautiful drrorali*r acreooriM for ciuldrrn** rtHinu, l»la> riMMim. nurvrrifR, rlaaaroonm KQDL KR08SW0RD No. 4 • (arh |mhiI« r iin amirfu 2."»V5 |37^ timrhrn — morr than I trier the aiw of this entire page rarh I Asii-T'"*! | |> t'.» ,-«» b«T -'.iwntii'.* $5.00 Valval lavaMy Prktd at Only. * V ■ t .( "» I Kip.i .J *.-ii CHoom From Thoto Wondorful Subjects ? K: mo*mt too* f rb.-w t«i tiltl.W I9t §41 sir fk*v» ItlMS' IMKHHAI V.i* • " % k W.'i --a.ty lOfbir, tm t*ae» I H.« fr«r <1 am id *1k* 1*1 n-f ftk.avl** tf«f*j» 4*ftii Sy ducm .4 leAii.«s* p'He* b»<: • 0, \«». -a. ., * ' fki *b< ItM. Himr** MdV MRtr* t *ri!iir» t m Mai! Hmm, bed Kid <>«rrn «>*» ol ViSri (KisasuB* it till mi I f Mi. . • Ml T VAilt r*»-'A • f* 19* bhlAAAt I Am A19HA»I» V sh»4 » h»{> no Vltoot 0» M«'l tiAlkwn. IK »Ak' ' Ik. K .J «k»i fc'-t » 1 MAie'.*. I*.* Rf.J lak«f H.»v| TS» there pfM *1* -from • gruvfytl »«m • >iw So Ubr •ml C Iiukh «•»* Mtt pAfi ■ 'f r *' h». «tuw* jjj • « ' rn» i» wi'iwd tc-bnt t»«i»r» inkwvd tskM.Lt tfiim MS. MM LAlW'S K. »V "N«i»Uhi. I \k s». s R (4» I*) Oatbrt. Vi! 10' AMI9IC4N HvOkblbON IrttU t»1 Hil'04T Of #S»Ca»T IM W 04.V V «. - f' Hdi. Vtu«r H» o« vsW I supn iwrrMMv fsMIA 0* C**«» ,AI*i MA*. < "re*m«sKtn«tiesluaibM of teJ«r«iMJrhte «*•*« KM*tit Msd Irt Mdsrf*-5* ikkifa •* * 9t AS»-t <•♦«! lot RNMWC mu WILT IV 1 «*M *od Itl Mi f TOOT of aur*A0» tAMfOONt » 4 :«.L f ,v-r. PaO^ o4 IV Aue> C*u«<'» RatwwaM Omdbr •• *»«"I «*■* ol tv »■' l»a Viihd >*1 kiwisrH t»i-Aiur» MVI • i. Hi* r~«H»r -it t» ti.s • ifetr** lit 4. il-v, Jk k .i.w • ♦ 9* ' "v.» ' nt n*k#» .*«». '