Cl-OMil* Bon Tin* W collier I iMi'h. .Vlhlflir IImiH Pari It i loud? Ktprm Cnnrrrn Ilifc'h *U S.r I'age .1 l/jvt 10 ijcrtilill MM I or .*>11. War- \( .LMTNO. 133 HAST I.ANSINi,, MH IIICiAN—Till li.SIi.\V, KKBKI'AKY CI'— PRICK > CKNT-i Irainl* Filch 2 Billion Annually X2 Chief Tells of Con Tactics Student Congress Asks Heads Hv TOM CARMK IIAM. out of money, he haul, in a spec¬ confidence man and two or It has estimated *UrJ ial Farmers' Week program of three will be flruwrtally h» j j * , , , . i ara out rackets take two billion of business • Par. Moore, former (.'hie t X2 Counter Intelligence, naid »r-dnesday at Fairchild every the I^cture-Coneett series «mart. >loore the* aaid. confidence men are *«» hanker* are no! foolproof" ran fool anybody," "I.vrn the amarieat ar=v he The i:i "This v s eon charm, man'.* bent weap' ri which deficienrics in hi# character, arnod reliance upon ovcrcorne- charm To Clarify Position on ROTC r ■ confidence man or woman Moore prc'licted '.hat in fb'e makes the woman even mo. e extremely clever a* cheating years everyone in the audience deadly than the man in toe con* ,• .'.rant or trusting individual* v.!J come in contact, with the ilden. e game," he explained Bhw Fails to (Censure Moore, who I* regional *d- "W*." * |{et.iii(liti^ is Committee Probes ' Always f.»r any proji.i- ,- • . I "I'o.jr R» *11 ARflN 1 ouir rm-h do hoi like to .. c '' «•.■ nu'.l'"' htate Nfwii .Sight f.dilc»r WASHINGTON i/Pi—A Ncpro communi*! leader .*c»wl. He • urgeri pcome, no' »<* be Mud'-fji i' tivrv-- m*>\ *«l Wi-driexday niyh* *n m-'r-c- * u'ly refused to answer question after question ami Amur hurried ,n' » irak.rig a d'1*' .• ion Rill I.,v:i./'/..«♦, Al'H, and I>ic-k H'arr,**-, a hiring of defiant rh;uye« in veparate appearance* be- and '» ("heck a pernon'* reputa* • pre-juM.t, to publicly "late that their on Senate and Hott*e committee* Wednesday, on f»jrough a I'K.-aJ banker or r«^p r, / timbers of neither committee exjk»r iompiji-c»ry R'/ff do not rc-f!»•<:■ tho«»? of AI'SG .r l to rebuke the 'tiTev i'i pi' trrtjJd t>e evjM+'tcd frr»«ii 'Finally, neve.- Jet anyone Kivititfocxi and H'*a with -iv other -GnJc-n* leader-', imln I>avi. Jr., Wi'lon-. rev partv e.| Me you " 'do »nv'-. ng a ri<-'A«. .Ian 2M ig*.injr th»-ir . *.!»•■.*- .-•ipp»-,r*: ■ tlavi* *atd the *uheommittee iegal," he -.cayncf "IVackm iij . rtary of the US f'm rii'i a req'iirvcl. by* <■ ha?./<«{. curricylqfn. I./ a "«eek* t« eonrlrt people ullhoul n < v* i aie.f. of the on Party since December' this proreedlng*" Itien he man opjf.jon ot>r U II.X I V Moteiat n.v • i' firr.t went before the proper C a- o-l v-.i'e Internal Security Sum- lore into the «ohrnmmittre'* ehalrmau. Hen .fame* O. F.a*t- en .nee, which mine whether any change c. trying ♦< land present. Cll-Mlml. who *»• not IFC Plans ll'ilrric*. l>-r«n prrp^rlng Ihe (,azn Strij) *tsU-rrir»| Im mediate I v after Calling the er.a'or "«>ne r,f '.he ( nngre** Junior Award •• >r*' N'egro hater" .*> '.• iih f^opie a and '.f ".'ell " Da ": Mt'cliiifj adjourned lease Is *a,d Ea*?!and "lught (o b" l iling licgin* iv honing for Outriancl.r.g •..rvATI out of Cor.gre"- Davis raid tl.e sroator' 1j . Willi PHC LX n aits e authority to pry rnto hs- !• • U' »r - Awards hegar, yesterdi Sit-ca! virwt and "will ge' tm Plan* r -r fne annual Inter* i i v dl continue for one wee* Fraternity Councii-PanHcllenie M ATIR CARNIVAL BRASS get* together here l-rii.-l. "trii *|iih (»«>o;)rratjavl« went before the June fe.t-. ■ ' --ards are giver, to junior! Tl-.e j .'!i': v.«rK>n«orcd affa.r . rating eommuni*! actlvltle* and l outstanding >n cam pi i t-,z •4 • v:nf un;t activities, re!:g- propaganda among youth group*. ?'• ** irr held Ffb 22 Will hate a* t.-r.Tie "Practical Ideas and Kdiicatik '.' A' •.ri-ship and general contri- pa'1 >n," said .4 * • -"3-wa n s.-.ecuon to un.ver^i'v life, from the •. ca'lo-i out from the w 'r i »{an:l. Parker wa.s a \l.-npp: e r. Prominent e Mike Oldham, ex- vice-president .,? IFC* univrnity offic al* Senate Kills Federal Aid Plans from phra*e llolme* the tating had original motion Livingood Mnii*repre*enied and a • F : eg r. next week by a toni- Ncgr. who war *r.a'.'-fie i frmr, v•;«rve at featured speakers . WASHINGTON 4b—T e »en- ' R-K*') a d Jar;op Ja1- teo,» the tlrvn* of |hi» Mj and oief- *A«- a-'« •t of tv# junior cia-. oflfic- jo.I an i tri led txo day* before •»ue wehMfer. PaoHel prcstdmt a'e ro-ik jt# first vote* f ' » of /9»m . : J-J r u.,sagfcwi.. ktepped Ihe hound* of their of- n:.e representative en .> he v to go on trial for rare. and M Ruultog, lit; prreldrul P' S ■ " ' r Exealibur. Mortar Board, Hi* killer* have never been ar- Wednesday on aid to edueabdit Vdree fire " A ♦ ',-/■■ ..*•;» *111 art as ml*tre*« and master and < " . t"V;, Blue Key. and faculty. i.fhen le 1 'A'- fee) -i the* ' *■. t ■ - p Ft- .4- • of reremonle* and will rondmt pcss.ili ' ' ' " • •* "e ;••>«' -*» •"' • a que*|lon and answer period f -ffct *.| g . under wer»-- •" • •*.* *♦ to conclude the A' ' C v - meeting. I A propo**; tn,i' 200 m • !l« < .'■* ■" •»* T^estJa-. Farmers' Week Events Gary Sherman, Greek Week year, d.scuved chairman o' . fr »•'. aside . This plan »* wu'H I'it a pend¬ it l"1-- '*' '.<•« •-.{ fM • '1 ' plan* f- - streamlining Greek ... iMirpoMo. A vo. We* k .tier vote tbi> mure co-tljr. V-".iTjiiut.-.-irM; .2 A ;.rojy>iui that the f»"i- Ii- latslMMl period were o;trn* 1 t'r new w h>.' i/udo tig. A TJ- Room lit*. Anthony Hall meet.r.g on Feo j; a' 7 30 pm W the Thcta Chi r,ou.*c- :* r.'.-J rail vole kn-wked 'hut Man i,fts >lninil Miehigan Murk Parmer* A»*ort*tion NVaninat:' nt out Mu«ir Building Auditorium .-.and are pre dint. Chuck Mar. *• v,e> now Hen Norri* ( nllon iK-N'lli II illl Still s/io/.r; Mr Samara I *e and Maintenance of ( ham M*» ha* a hill of his *'.! and B1 MiP offered the tax plan, I ore*try ( ahin h-ll, cigarette A "hsac ... *. > . «•« n U< provide one billion d'H A Iter || telegram from Her- Ve e pre- j«icn:, .W' Morrison; hut *atd he knew all alnng it The Rural Miurrh and Our l.avmaa R*»pon*lbilit»rs ■ '-£ T <-••?* J " • lar* in federal granta to the retar* of the Army VAHher Admimc-a' ve wuuldn't lie adopted. It went f baprl Parlor* - President, Kw a-*S *rO;' •'» :■'! ji «tate* for *a ho».| »onvtrurtion Hruefcer to f.en William Arnold i an too Afford to Merhanire feeding Operation** J.m Efh- Serretarv, I),c* Aui ton far la suit wmc and not far the next two year* The UK-vftr-.ty fs'o; : >,*■. •. ► •• i) over commander of Ihe fifth Army, and John Shaver, Treasurer, enough t» *uit other*, he said I alrrhtld Theater - •• - -e Pj- . v».'i « ♦tale* viould'have to match the partially convinced !.i*in*o«d of Bruno M-vhrr. Member\-a- NVvertf.eles,, Cotton said federal fur»d*. Home Mtgineering •« nr * #» drJ, a t.-a. t .•• the need for required ROTt A'*R». Jt: T'»dd Jo h Home federal aid for Room I Hi. Agricultural Ingineering Ruildmg . ;* fwiftii '--'j Raad « a'"' The A:-" ■■ . Hipsch. Jitn K-rktrKlali and J n j urr.lU-i of bciys -.1' i'..e t»a.' * \hrkifM Lamb feeder*' A«*oriatioo • f*,; * v .r - •- ; ty ROTt' a •J • AH - < *» ; rej p-. a ' £* der ■ Room ||0. Anthony Hall "Jt is far m0t- importan*,"' he ?h.3 *»;* *tokk«7 a" r. m T>-e : ' ' • e' arrr;:- 'y yij'.M*e br«'-- p*see-', a- Bruno M '.she r. schrdarship "than other hiictal - Bee Irtnsl Program many ftfeeRer; he -> ■■ <• a. i qui' ' '«' /*• r-eai-e* - e »• -• '...* ■, V'g S- ' *r. ;*o>-. committee chairman, ann mnr«"t activ.'w wc now have Room Itl. Reltoxg Center -sj< •• » through 'h" &!*«*./• -. -i". • ... a--.u •• • mrr.m' * if .of •.***•*. " the fraternity tchoiardiif aver¬ for In*'ante, once suppemta * - "i tnv 'rjrt.r r'rwi *■ Important € on*»drral»on* in ProdMring lorn, Soybeans ■ age for fa,; 'rrm was 2 32 a* ije^nu'i % »h*f1 «mle later Other f» and Small Cirain c-cmpared to thr all-men t avei - The vecfifjd propuaal d»f<<*'.**■ I Van «e-fan *a» w faeh troop* opened machine g»a AudHartnm. Rrltogg ( enier . 4gt d 2 29 a m oflgiod by Sxtn* John C r»,. • hre *n ( %R mu at the Mi* po*t. "pooMhly to rover the op Poultry hflrnre Torfcee Ha* Current 'llot Topii-ft' 011 Cuiiipu- erstaow killed or of .dragging wounded a* ay thejr I III. Anthony Hall patrolmen I CoaaeriiUM saneii of America T ,# ;.-,>0tC>f» art -j t «y.y tooth Prugr— fur C.lHo Ilk Show Presents Controversial Issue:s •n set VA" Ihoplay of (arrwanr* from farmer* Meek nwiae and Hirer f ording frajnta er Two MSI' .tudent gave the M;ke Wallace trert- interview¬ S|M-riul la-tlcr Meat* Laboratory rncnt tn J-Hop co-cna'rman Ar- r* the Miter family Life «km (eatewatal I arm* Mere \eo iiie Robert* Wcdr.c-da. o'glt, Room Itt. Rrltogg I enter »iick:ng u» contr y II Ji l.toroln Room B. ReUogg t enter New Idea* to Home BuMding program Ruperts f,a» asked in refute a l-4iuinukci> Room lit. AgrtmHoral fnglaerrtug Ruilding f»'*'e New/ editorial,,charge thai ! u tr t ough Program tor Girl* J«Hop and other lavish au-unv- Hla»t Optional Home looaomlro Building vcr«.tr formal dance* are l v - ypularity budget to organ.aatiim an influx «/f - spon- H0T1! Staml SI. I s >red affairs Miehigan flytog f armer* Toe new radio series. M cn- e*.. -a'aif Red (afar R. Beilogc (enter gafi State Speaks. 1# preaen'^d . • a- 1 9 30-10 p.m. during the j IS It ( from Har-k Steven* shone every Wed¬ H. 'Tl. *? e ».k- r. - ^r j -a.; fig * - C. Bettogg If ti Al r.-f-r nesday over radio station WIL5. Uti !: u m Al'SG pubbc service ^ I' ' .ROTU *4 11 III Hairy Pirmlng Adjadneou far the at * program conducted by 'Carole *•!>!' ' * *-» ! .y>-.n'he, C D. O' -:4 "The idea for the *now* juri¬ Defro.: an I ba. iu. ^ntwl r««hw»ni S • • :*/;' • t -f- ; *:. * ' >i»liil Wm* MM klMlna ed in the public relations' diri- rd Mwn.-e. a.,« Rill Livingsod iioc of Student Government," Rcijufc'.-cari Rep Robcri Wide 1 President %| Hf» af Graosd Ptsis.:* say* Mi*i Spumer. "Th« purpose Ihrk Holme* is to. promote better reiatwmt Ihe yairwt toed the reooto Adm A Ire-f re*ideat At>G between Student G0vernme.1t, Uon a*4tag Wth kemey to roo- the carrvpiM and re».dentx of the Lan&.ng area " V11, llarl Viatel I nlk t'hy. a iww wa*te of owaice* "What we hope i* do," says To farmer t Ham/url «f a wtMaq hwlwark to eswer- llippler, "is to bring out Iota the f»rr asd a totrayai of pwhlae ' open controversial ;sauc* oi loc¬ Sara. Btufwp Hart / I>-klidh '■ 1% al-interest and promote cultural *0 fh# fx? rr.aiti speaae- »*. thd ROTC, tm ftwhiJjsc activities tuch »« the lec'ure- anrjual Farm M*nag«r-*r.t Ban¬ r»*» v«ri be . * • " Cooccrt Series, foreign films quet a; «.Jv toc.-igr.: a; wly ta x*jt and department-jporuorcd cul¬' p±r\^,*?\y k> -jap tural programs. Hart u a raeawbar >f .the- I'-i y -jkicn; .s uaxyue cawjriia;.., * Suggested topics of rt t. - Srnate Agrtculruxal Cunwaittea, to n!j persoata: orrtBTiEBtRs r« iey«;.v!r.K' ~ sy may be submitted to "Mich¬ a-*wl be h-u takes a dev© ii'^re*: Trie arg^iarure i wIM ' *u also wrgeg igan State Apegto," radio «UUua Bawdy Blgglir aud (asuto tjia r. in the afia^'a af agnru&ttra vi »w USU a-yiariuea to rt- VUUaitoft. ItoMTt, : >;-.uai> yygj Michigan Slalc News INFORMATION Rrid Diih br MM"« iVbM Ntudent* and Family tt t'l FK f'AHMVAI. I'ATHfH.lC HTI HFM The Michigan State Nrw* Is published t»y students of Michltfuu State University, Ma-.t l.nn- 1 ;tO p.m., ,'tI!) Student Serv- OROANI/ATION aing, Mich without direct faculty supervision. It i* not lite official voire of or , ■I-!V p.tri, i'atholla of Mo- bturient l»o.|y, hut while seeking to servo •!»« la st Interests of both, stands ready to hut- irisi, public relations commit- Center, Cojf.'e hour. II.- any move which would drive a wedge between the two wheth< r it corner from within the MHU HAII.INf) 4 l.l'H university or from outside. Member of tho Associated Prcsa, luluu.l Daily i'i.-m and Aahociatod jiitir V :iil p.m., flak It'w.nt, • Union. 7 p tn , 3« Union Shor» f'ollegiate Press. li pni, .'Pi Union, FKcr.ltlve comlillPi-e Vnl. r»l, No. I .'I'd ThiirMifuy-, I'Thrmuy I, Mh'.u Pugg Tvyo UNION ROARM meeting HNim I AP«* I p.m., Mural room, Union Uli Week executive committee ii pin, Choral r'KM'.i, A; , Itldg Choir Lrttors to llm Kditor IIIFI.FI. I pin. HHliT House. Dance Pill AI.PIIA TIIFTA fi 30 pin, Parl«u A t rj km.up. MN«|| AMATFUH RADIO INTFRNATIONAI < l i lt .11 Union. Mr, ■ Readers Protest II pro, FI Fit 7 :tn rirri , Foundry Bldg Kair.nti, Cotisnl of l«j, »KFI*TH'S I ORNFR Chicago, will Hd«lt^»v »h» HAPPA Pill I 10 pni., Wr-lev 11' »i i-.•• ItFIORMFII I'HRIHTIAN 7 p.m., We*lev Hou-«. NAACP Swastika Editorial FFFFOWRIIIP i :tO I> m , UtH Hal ley St red Ii 30 p.m . 35 Union MiehifrfiR State News ntlin* did in II. r Hark iii ttir Idiier: Your Key to Hetter Values . . . l(r,uiitu{ tin* iHlitortal opinions A tea e*pi . oiie.M e-if.ed llllig in tile Vuin sel/llic newhpaji.-i nt a llnln'tl Devicv On tin note, I'll rinse an I i II.*' unprecedented MII CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS linniem.Hle swastika left me Willi T« the Fdltnr: bf nigiung inv nan..- inised emotions From thestatc V.,or ii*<- of ttie word ♦».o- rneufs piesented I deetded ti.e le ' for ii svmhot such a " Itogrr I'louse editor fell nn Infringement had * * * swastika i* aotnethmg tiiat muk. HFADI.INFN: I p.m. Hav Before Puhlleallon for Tue*, Wed. I .ecu made ii rem an American if the rvlltor* have Headline For Mon Fdilloii: I pm. !• eil l/en's hade freedom. olie wofidel forgotten World Win It I'oor Review Ihttr* and Fri. f dlllon* Hill* Payable *-12 and 1-5 Monday through Friday ,Spe. in.allv an American rit- S.irelv an* anclal p*v. h.ilo*i « lo-u is proleeted from domlna- trall/r* that a Minhid I* tar |.t ttie I ditto Kl) 2.1.111 KXT. 2SI.1 t."-i hv h police bodv, and prop- from harmless hut ran he u*r.l New - eriv «unnot he taken from him a* either a unifvlna asent in a rd fs.epl hv due* of law hatred device to further some ■ ii a go-at even' AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING M..S* certainly thin freedom cause. . leleiiliu: tn the Mosco-v ah.nil.t he protected, and any Ale we to he • . foo!t«.i, a ' • Ssniph'iiiv Htid then ape I '•>! | h itK • 1 OOOt) ifa.isput.a AO* *fNI violation denounced lPrt.r-1 effai Hi 3-atfin "I Jit identify a swastika will, a go . i >! pel pM'Main e *01 Flldav l„ „ APARfMfNTS However, an American rillren luck charm of Amer.-au In¬ I he Mondav mot review k Hi ll Wltrt'KWAI oilnylni the freedom* iranted dian* which some enterpiirtin i mil,) heater 23'H». Ai'iMttivr.u rwfi K.rteo • him hv hi* country It at the fepurter dug «»u! of an arilhio. did not rrtaie Jnsl "Itow" (m- otl.ei »*lr»* IV * Wi2't . en 1)11 Iirivate Dieol i- , mwle n.i.denta <»r r» the United State*, arid to uphold Nasi Mi'ilioils the line muair did appltiisr ring nut during Ihr plaved. Not only S t , i«v. ..nnilittii fiirviuim ANtlAtff) imn»Mil»»lori Kit 2-.M.3I TWfi-rtoot. Faeellei.t ') to .III ii.t nolo*, hot it brought her d<»« trine* It n also the duly • TO « AMPI'H To the Fdttm • on (wo enrole* tmanfipomta'TION «pk»'t a i Co -t II.K.I 'v., Urge • •f every eitiren to trv to tmder Headlines ahoutlng "hnm. l'i\ I'p Uli l'la/.i f"U« '1«HO I 1 • lie hal.i g/3 ).n'lnrte* » ■tand people* of other nations Appi.1 ■••thin w»i shown hv «r|lrlit • ••.i'P'Io.i Al—i Hi J-yea. made swajtlkrt" were most in. ii.....ti two d«>r>t tia'd )'•!' lomlr't ' ■ tunUllH' OVIlhnll p v.-n efToit to attain an.l pre , tn an •.<>•> nt a-wwifi press I ve, hut unfortunate 'i e K.mphony Sorely thlx we nn. 1'AS'I I.anxin', ai-cve world -harmony and peu. e ftist rim.i, uiumh aomethmg nn»re impressive u.o »,t . VOt'Hsiri.r A I'oed «•»»! '• 1 believe the confiscation of vh' great.-*! pctf"H!t»n<-e, '« >«.r«t from a »••"* .»■*. and wah-i ' 2nd Hole L-C Productions completely ignored • paw. Pain.i. ..r ill*ta.n-e to intleg,- me homemade swastika la juati- ii.i'e if '!i * >.«*axiin'* Ia-ctiP'• pai *t.urtent See <,rnr Srl»J.23 the people sworn to uphold a' Nta* |nr IV *•«»'»I 1.1» M!«I fUble, and it i* my h »pe lhat the |;.N. constitution. Ignore tin- lames Petitihi AVAd-AHtr A'Ott • ti.« ■ u« ' and- "further troul.le- Invasion nt prtvary, and march hnakk^ coMfi rrr hhinin.. XtPINTS , |„M> I . i '•. ai>rt UP A.l.o*fment 'ra t}«a. tgeraOn •*««•■'. ami , IV *■" ' Subsidize I tin; I-Nidi tors ;u.|iv tilu,.! involved, and othci* '."tin t Is gone, and ronflseate private • •In.. ii . t:kr*A...c unaware of i eH|M.|i ohliitles to tin- i property. The symbol of Not I in KOTC? EMPLOYMENT (•estapo ronllscated l.v their APPtmvPt) nn. iiiuSiv ,nl f.-'.lov men, in real , very methmt* living In a fish To ttie Jditor wanted llboanihl and phi*.lie f.e uifte- • •.< i/ i i*!*e «,.•! loiisrt.*- * of th.* howl Is ha.l enough, hul there CJ-k>«I »»Uri ' ■ I I) ,M. 17 ( Mil , TilFUi: II III:FN .on hit-ruble iiinl. more than lit percent of the tinK ViMt; M'.ndav new s . ... \ fail- I'M.Mil r.gM man dlret'to. Men ■ l.ltufgu al etm.r 3 tia* t-een ingetfiet six inphoti> Frank t'ookiniharn ov.t j»r>»i?ri.m* mcht-.l . .»• lowlv student* l.c t t.t wft'e VI r» J«t*ep>. H fly rue* fiAtif as ItiK tinioiu! even call » . f,»Ui "i 'lie ".-'id;4 icadei * «>f « v \r.oiiliiU' to hi fienres, the series has nix . ..tin il>.,a (teuton Ha.Inn Wa! lilr.t fur lite I ivtutc « otir. rt mtu * * * pushed ■ »d. c group w to. U *upi"i 3 312 iH foa saij iioMi t.oen hot tor ut tenths! l»a-t \ei»r, there 1I adro edit .ria!* I r " i ,fUkpui*c'l fit !.tvi»l nemhets of the lU»|i SAIIH Hfl.P (I II. it «>*r. '.me was •.11111.1110' room only at the Huston Ssni- f'**! I .- i. of wisingtbe -vstrtti wlnri Jo t»>«• pro plu.nv ttrohostia This year, in one night, lutliuii Cliiinii! eh-.uetit* ii;. . amine ?» i ■ M > .< hi pi"g am f..i «ing 4 tiaiii I nula le- mo « amine, igwrti working 'ax.'loe shop voint.lm.p Win r»» h I' 1 it Krutnn Mi' sfl.M't t*«I, g o if* to the recent cofit- ov. i Wi -.r.-v. i one's v'Ow* oft tho 411 1,.>» Grand fine, trlrte ihoio were I..".'.'a st intents at loin liny the Mie gov.- nmciii tooi- ai.til, Thrro »* m»i« of tin- . (i. .. Tn the Idilor "*•-1 ".eight vh (*s vii.riild l»o attached F,» < ami tuturdav • t»r LOST and FOUND t ana.hail Pinters litul, eYen with the high anothrr «tat» at academic frc. > \' a'.cnient v of individuals «<*oen t? and H P n, of protfNtnn II I** ahi.l th.'it tiu-rc nt. n-»t t'o rnpiitc flir swa-'tka w-'fi Iw- mflueu. cd U»ST p! If. thel-e were 7!»:t at the Moscow Kynt- '*u. h thing* a-- "a harmles* win- ■ - >< nil ( ADirs W AT 'I enough ahem a of 'popular mtcrc c' niul too Motive*. #ii hfiwHii Jrhi-t ■nt i. I'nslgned letter . j- .*'♦ e.itiH.derrttion*, I think. . h phom rlv* ornament,", and » "irtg" « other hv-prmtiict of roucrnlra xi.' ami, imiif"" f-e -oa- v itu I M'fiton Cotitad many of Ic-a-tlum nm-nl :»pprt»\ al to • and be invmpletely oh ".i ■, i i,-i tliat re*|x,ri*- n'.l.i" Wri.e Mr Jnn.i»o" l-xndnn \ kini* "Moos this sngyest nomothing : tton ramp atmosphere, 1* not <•> .»)>•>> • 'ng in* .'v r f.rov.d- '-.„l -innnr. Uff."!! Thorn i* tliTonton! with the t..«'t th.-.' •. . t| | i«iXT 11s of the meaning which •* rn,As'*rv r«. Maul iinpli.'l that the ilomatnl for fewer based on the fear of ronlempot 'he .eadc v*itu the inform*- tho l»itr attraction*. Mi.h tin .•i>t N|.» ipgr .t-.iicd i-"> t'tic "ft hi! i* t. flag" arles. hut the fear of possible f. «,) in'elllgt nftv FOR SALE Il-'ine • . i; « lii -tfal proei .ni . steins from . nn on? m • , i for tw > ,le ad.-* has t»ccn -1 ■ v .'Ii 314 Pnljiip cow Symphony, run lot <■. • 111•' persecution by university oftl# row t It of "p.iMil.i i>v. .mi\'i.on Il.tter Nit/.am ! . tal* loday students fear the no iajo]t»axr I0NJS v\ lull* tho It's."* popular show jM-rform t< i And f * on it uiicer'ot » * (to h,ir.l Kenned * PERSONAL In at)v event, there is iliseontent price of martyrdom. In a da* of GOOD two night* w l.cthcr the prankster hung the progressive thought, more than (Fdltnr* Note; The depart TV) I viM4 fia-.e An.I. while he «lnt not emtio right out sn.l • U Iti ■•♦uttered ..p cloth" a* * farsH . • • IMrin'tor of tho ictirs Mi people *un't vmi pr«>ve that it w-.< not for the form. i reason hefo e Stuff ad. in. e.l R41TC program Neilh 2t? MAC Opt" *».o».'4pm. Tnesdn fot If39 ar,.| Dave inrw rin oilier -vstem than that which exists now. er miltlarv nor air *rlenee il*(» aivusmg le- as misinterpreting M«ht taunt- t»n stK-aa.a kwast (tAKrnv of vrn* Phoro ato progrmiii4. ho *ai»l, when- n.oio *».ili.n ( h.'l*iu IiiIIih (he other *U »tgner* on (he rut- t.ahuador nrTRtvrns two dividnallv rteioialed •Mich « "hannles*" prank tillr taunt |.a«r /..rtti, ».l.t fensxle houee-firoken part- than lit ppfvrnt of tho otilito t»o.h 4w Phone I .rat Is else »nr 13 I tta Weitrer I —•. P fntoi rent roster* i Slafl II ank 1 a * train*,) Ala., a lew sliampV.i, (••re 1 n in .ittctuL. I to10 aro, nNo proyram u.h it- >e.i El> 7»72l i 2* Lofs (»o Home! , . rtrr MgRf vv r; at t the Sc.* Y«.tk i itv M.tH.t l oHipaii !< ' tun ((»,ki Mi imrssr.s »»/«• T1< A dancaable ii««« il mir glee. one p*4«-h »l.h haml eiuml and |e*ln ■ \ear. ytbuh are I moke. I for , m»\Ii i mvht e.ahhlng nei »tnle and !■••* bolero 5-117# • 1% ami ato line Muskr*' fur mat »o aopofiunmlatp MtubutH when ctii.uvb in W I'MM.S'FAYN Stnilcnt ('onk'ft**? tniM-t *,'a> .in* Vh.i ■ laefcrr *13* to rent ha* been shown *n 410 ED I-4.V.7 after 9 5k» pm ?3 N.d imprcH*ivf. but fun for Interpreting the News the whs tun IWUmt-F MIGGKO HlHINfi *ati More than ».»\<.«:*- Itussia that the* ehscfiy on avoiding it. «» HP >>X 4-7312 21 fwitl>.i rc'\ tipi'ti (pupunitV These Hums. produced parai- I'W hour and hull", t ploddrnl »cvcra! .1 »l|v r tttip'-.K. anv e\ien»ion > ! the show. a an ml t mpienf l.v.'st untitled a oiurress through lite ap- tnc ag-i t'u.tcd in » hc.*v> State* reUaiK* at nuc¬ y#»r* from attack started new w-ais, such a* ' hmi.c :f Korea, ic. etr.pha* *• in Britain and the t'nhe i Slate* .-n nuclear di-srcl- TP- (..xaliear '. sfH ranges REE RIDER AT()Hs servn-e end TV. #29 sod SHU*. 1110 \* ami op Fad SERVICE ' pai'i-ut■ * not-t.ui-clear world of parlutmen- lear deterrent jswvcr, t» bow srmjn.l then lurimetera He opmcu'.. instead of an apportion¬ Mi, ti.gan IV J-112* t« HICK'S UUNOtr-v* TIIK ( I RRIA I s\Ml M I oil J tnr* pioiedurc. points <«i information mid eicpatV.g t>* h-'.f the hue i.i speciflea!!y reserved the right u» ment of duties under the a ■ DECORATED CAKES ORLtVEREl* . ?3o: i *• ts>n*idcr ancr There undoubtedly «am for mil ties, btrtftdavs X'anv programs for the serifs etnpio a eoni iv i' out .Tiler ruluiRs. that fleUi for a while as »hc re- an* given *nuatH>n on wa* !" n.her dflinun paatrw*. Kent Rak¬ Dtoa Off foa sti» ' tee of faculty meinbet nt ' : siudeiV- furbUUic* her aUhty to fight Its own merits *>*n»e pollitc* involved on Brit¬ ers iv 4-ennw it i* .'j F " j • r.-.i > Then »t ha ate i led through the few re- . Tbere had been great di*ru*- ain's part, too, jutt as there is i -, ihe iii MptMiinted hv At Si,, which .. -oh nutinuiR tniuutes hefore its preset deadline bruati fire* atan of tbe eReet of tbe Hereto Fr.m-v'a desire to develop ABOUND HOG SBTCIAIS wi SFfCiAitZf «n car* nvtor of it-, choice of pi>-..,i p» ograit- Mar FMneae tanmnnli* aumw'c weapons of •UNOUS fOI STUOft.' ..nd jia-se.l a waterevhilow n, but Certainly Mail «f the new itmne* tn a aver her own. frmn aMerk hllM ibeir Her- iv a fur the com ihi: ■ rec«*rA-breaking peaceltme tie* M any rale II appears aaw, ftJgae* | n 'ie mpiitahle, version of the niothm, dcspHe all Ike inpgnb abaat I his committee -is i >' fenae hwdgct hi In be tlrtabil %m - a#.j v. **»- rvriNO AND ntpt ti-inu* I-?)*•'■~teeti»oi|Tt" clause There h*vt alio been a pro- degree* af prepareRnews. lhat t:»jl At or Jo«w w.n - C rearmament ami Increasing the !tiding is,aid C< ' itpi itotrlel TOB tbadc! utde-oneced page ' • M noiioii. «* atm iiiUsI and passed," re mwhitil* of ber eonvenlkmal Uarled ituuv .»( U S detenHf . *" »rge tor row*-)." / • appruxoi .e pot ! :• a,, • need* in Ulf gr*l year of tne Aeroaa (rom Re**' ■ tdirtt'.ed stand whirl), technically, t'on terse*, at bmne ami ahmarf .6 til > s . *01 #'fo«#*i# K,*cuhower adm.r»utvat;on, ha»- balance of .i o; •• ♦or yc* f t«oa« •* trad never taken--favoriny the aMM ■ • , lv«$?oe ad the la'k ainutt nu»- ed in part ,>a the d iff untitle* i f make war nn s-s a*y rtw ieraee, *EWTNO AND At.TCP Mao' i.U-o P»*» i • cv.mpidaory Uti'U . peruul. ; lear arm,* an.i the t'n:t* the w»-caLed tactual war .n Old and new cu*u*eer> . Sev #r l*resident o:v« exist, iear war, and that aha must re v pm;Uon, teen year* axperianee. JV 3 ? ' iV 5 et47 f©f tp*edw se'-»ke • , V.4 ca! nuhtarv situation*. J.»)« k lh'.no that, the nuitiotl really meant * Brita n dtaotayed her eonfl* TY P9NC ~ ED 1UE •n.c. f uor l.ike "alKilittmi of compuU rietwe m uia ability during the HOUSING ExwasNcre wt . Sue« vru:* in tb.S6, ami the y'tniint toeaonn »1 *- »• i hit It ,.,i a MX-term lutsis." aiv*r Ait nm am t*ne* of — - rnite.1 State* whn aht landed las. H ' lA-presentatives were too busy pig. force* m Lebanon FOl'R TO SIX men a«ud^st» **a ?)ectne fenrif at' Mr*mecninr •II maebme * Pienar.a. at c EO re>a2-«*i* is U pix») g -'ig through a coiint.lowti of the last valu- But it ha* bect\ atx year* fx»« eacfi Tsrve-bedrtjewn hwiw r^rnbdv- SPARTAN multilttmiv- John K.wtcr l>ulle* made e«1 Lawndry and parking IV WI44 TYPING eanrwe ^ getting mans i>i aur.o iiotis as «h'c minutes to worry *\>out a motion to unce alter « .»> u h * famous "masatve reUliition"* possible and. sehedu'n y -ti thev w ' •M.- .i closmir tune U> minutes and re- EAST LANSING. 903 Virgtn Ave¬ HAT AT redumi -i speech which dUMd »o much ~ • nue New|v redecorated tw.» bed- seer terra ♦'* If -'' riot vonMiet with either piv-artaUgMi ph-t-ase their reaffirmation correctly. controversy What he wag doing, rcomk bongatnw. rsl heat automa¬ emurn group* Heated Parts room *' ♦ • >rheklUg> * u»s. >*arv when nothing important was T V. AND RADIO eecyvre, m- XIEN OR GRADUATE student* - i'aul nuutioiieit one .i.-pivt of the i.n.o Michigan Slalc Mf*t , East Lanwng houae- happening, why wasn't a clear definition i.Kms home and board t>r:s i.eer* lia r*r ssrea. tD- l*w role* to • tuaFent' si«ed T V oeta and arde-.o-* ■ vial prvddem involvisi w hen l » said that the ::c tmal product worth \he poatfione- - Ml SiuOer.t ! 3-321*2 Avk tor John km id St tube rhocking. free par*:-* —iesser attractions on the program were WtibltkPeu on na— gay ■- pm. dmtlr TV Teenr.*s4»» m. ut for a few minutes of departinR for nVE ROOMS VNTLTLNISHED or .IV 7-»M thrvuga rnOay tnctuole*. t I fait furnished available tn etoclen»s or ' sometimesusixi to j,i..v f.-r lasses incurnvi wicrever student conirreaamen ro after winter and spring Pis t>ntfrm 2-3943 If hoPdave. weekly during aum TYPtOFT ANN bROWrx l on the big-name shows ivicet mys ? term and one special treahman » KMB Ctocnic tw tetweei. summer and tat) tej m* ABA tT MINTS oawDfr# and tne*.» a U, emphasis is too much on the I iumw) as aecvmd rUta matter un- 35- - llll MOSCOW STMT SYMPHOW. ;;ups .^r art grains had mutters at hand. tn a'.itHo ot ♦ •Won • Lh-.s 01 a'lall the newxpeper f~" *news ghnted tbe local aa sag — aa all £ II \ Smnmrr Trip Ihil.-t |{rl,;ix,il >ff* lll*« is st 411. MAM Milk Drinking f ehruary 4 lib) Fag» fhrd Programs Offer l ours Abroad (]oiliest I'its f Hft'f/'JA MichiFhn ( •ifieil- it ate , N'ev.a J .' • ' oar •f 'hen aurmw" a 4'/fn '.v***- ' J •, f-ra'v .nrlliile* a »'»v l.iale |>l|n«Aship unit*; I, » ) ministers «» 403 Ijbrai 'v •tie* •lea-li:he: Feb ('.«• 9l,2Wi 15 Application pean countries and ;r» the f.'SSH, 8s well in Massacbuee"*, 8-' a' Yh dn ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE vmotarfMp aid 1* offered 1 •-.* Colorado and San Francisco. >•' • vhed I'ed f» » k 'i , ciing »»f many of 'he tn firm? i K'«- !•••■, t Encampment for ( itlrenahlp: International and inter-racial Part,<-lf»nts study fn'er-group b 30 ''f. * r- the 'he J, •. V P., SAVE ur TO 20% MO MME!! nr.d international relations and '/h f"a*r,.fr'u '-V' f • profftMW JO *A .frl ill a •• »«.«!*tinn*. e-onienlr and poll Un,i other ve lal - 'he f i>, problems; ac'iv • '• nut rig oduravon W 'ho,d pf/blerm Will be on the? agenda include divti*-tons, le*'ture«. and 'f-e-l ... f.v, »/«! a' the New V'»r|c C.'v r-,:«r»hir» kid n/r, fr-co and 8u,i f5c!■; *.,e ert- available. •• e-1 »y-»- a- • i • ,»-r and l'i> »! '>n of «he *err, • amfiment K.- h unit Includes •ac.g'-rr ej.'a «»*.# A fin ua I Slbre-Uide f 'lea ranee Swla h«> the about J'W y'rjfij people agf-i IX- I.aperlment In InternatlnneJ r''" f groups of V'/Uhg peop.r, u'.- der ' reni/ete-.' Prlre* will he given to con¬ \mrrkin Friends Scr v irt Ito'/-*n»:' rot' $350 autna leaderat.ip >< noiarsb.f) »,ij is available •pend the surnmei Hv::.g with testant*. Ml.(HI it, 125.Ml I mniltte* *»rk'imfn I, famiile* m o' e of 4 number • * A^ §'■, add*- a"ra-''W. Met urn, Europe en»1 M j. Institute nf World Affair*. Ka*', ttlfM \/k a ted a' Twin tounlrle- ;n Europe, l,a,:u Arr- h.i« v he-}tiled 8 ••t.'k Mm'* Vtiiu R Tufi Coal- project* ao-efc l^teert, Kalu- er.f *, Africa jsr^J A- •» f ftsh m ssjA's I.S'TRV In l.'.N. small ear field, the Soviet four-cylin¬ e-' fur • e f. #,»i»er- whe r 1 mu"ia! »rut' • V ;•« • & "urv, f'.f.n , the Inatifij*# brings vary from $3VI der %fo*livirh. which Taaa, tha official Soviet ng peop!* of var:o-« n*',o:.- ogether 40-.50 a'udenta fr'rrn fMe*:eo) to new* agenry naid *he:r "t.»!dren the ne'k N.,». I«>/>.".. ."'I.'!.", It, I $1 400 /Japan. India, Vlgerla), Monday will be entered In the highly rompelltive I S small far 'ir f»ir ? g C'rftVC A " varfrrus roun'rie* for study and '/V/».■ ' e* together v.- r «■«. a ..Srrme scholarship market ft was announced in Moscow that the government ha* »'• e'.aii'e >« ron'a^-' v. he ger.Ve, ra.» • iriUkl labor t'r;*' »«- •. * - diiw*uMion of international af* available given an eaeiu*lve franchise to Robert f a»lle, an American dealer, lf-*uUr — — — l/.tiy « -u e..-,ber* • t'ov'x vary from f 30*j fairs Srbolarttup available. for the distribution I. urupean study umr* nf I1K44 of the small ear* In two year* In the I'o d eg «•> .11 to '.I I r.« Alteration' emsoml bv ?.-,*• t'nrvef-a' • • %r* <»od year, the Foreign n.t'x in Europe apotiftorerf by Mlglla rare at Kresris, Italy. ' •. c.*e«J bv the »r,.. .a flV Verv re YVimm:Uee, ■, Europe, v. , an, ,#f s, OUf r,, . Western Michigan l.tniverattv. ar;-l *h'/vo .p r-c/r,•ery'. opeu and 'he YAK* A, in Turk'* kmrrlnn Vwth lla»iH la«r« v • o •frirtip in Tanganyika, *f*-.n»or a volun'eer t Central Michigan College, Hope <' • »-ge, (.'diversity of Minnm.ofa, Still 0[N'iiiii|!k l^-ft • '.y '.ISr; r'. j'Jer' I IIAMKtlt SlIOITINf; nf Mnka, ( tn«4a. 4U*ka and Atr-'a.. «i,r«*r *e,og, I/pel >A,t: in- (lala Agvtuht I'litmipil project .n-b'ti'ion-. ». • rle and Vofkveagor teut> ' » - . ve elplng 1/> liij.ld faetlP.,,* He*4■:* of '!:s-r and other 1 4 student darkroom H0LDKN - ataff m REID , i'ienta off «h# be*'*; **-» * • • * eKprnani' y •« devei'jjimeit national atimrner oppoCun meeting Will ha held at 7 14 to- i vary from |1' . • a Veir of Fas' Air«a tie* are available from Katiey'a night In 9t| Student f arvWs. 1 >MCA* ' at to 91WS-8WI t'fb%*l'PihR student F .••if*. > k' t'lfl > In. the hiiinmef, pfojer* •» not !#, e off., e. 403 librarv For Jamil to llrnntifhi according to darkroom manager Norm Iflnas. Wolverine pMtores STORK HOI ICS $ to f ever# day r*eept H,l Nat. t-f | m hang r: T-vfi'v -V-VN! « 1 .'o ' fI p e r a A f I o r» of the ateff will he token. '.V A mantbrri {*•»<■. ihrrjug-- • «he VS. wi'i n*r«: a 'tsot I r.< a. f . ' A!; i.e. a n \tsf atud. We' A' b'f Ih'IIUcllOYVski 'i'llf cofii|)*ditMi. h fenril" lourtv*rnpti\, swiMfbinp' arid \n7.inv uti a smihI'- beach all fiaft "f the prtivitje* ■ .r Soviet t'nioJi - MJ«>• I 'i 1111 l)<>|)iJo*n||i. »o °l *_** tpr'n fcMCTpiM'el Poland Ttydav r„ Mem.,jda March 23-28 for S. fiec/rgc cd in IVfiD, I'lan now lit join one of these |»o|iii|jr lohsfi*! Liiro* $ : »ee a*»' ier>'. F'- ' piiin adtefitiire*. AraoM ill Teed* e*it*t L' '■ * week jp J/>vter* '».e atirt uf the a-.d S Pe'er* f'oland' MS'/ I On §rr»Hi-,| nf (or n-re 15 Prof tkV# a^',"lrtvp!< . * • t T » XI t. r» m in will »,e 'he A.rd a» • Faro e' presented ft* 1'* Ka'lift.' • h" I,.' ■ -.a A-ig 1' a»i Herni-ip ere cbs.-'. u 4 Hang do-Ac W«-ek feature x»" and Ha 'l ' ' a'k M .• rati or ocrAtrrti rtOORAM 54 Noth nf trie Wo 'd . a' '•> Hi - ? r,ard#(i loot Tr«-. e! fir U » i M ',1.0 V ■ PORT AND PRJCC 17 Art,*t» ae' ex . ■ lie*■%■> U Cupid tg iud "here >t«rvd I'rod i'ed and riarr»teo AFKAD'A f#3 v 7TtfiU.*Tt t« full if M ,.,g f -S flvlt.l* Fntar.g'e t hut Itefia-nowsk), 'Hoand • .r . .• • •: . - J sea II. Mudtroal II 4(4 ,>V/r:jk'L», NOP. WAY SATJjtX .'A'-. 4? fan If! 'he •5 Farted •he flixt filn. -d ttx kind of tba' ' - g P'c*. MARK, HOIJ-A O BKLSX'-V- oxaoA>.» Y. 44 5»t cyun'rv .n mora than 20 year* Some of the a«thltie« planned h WJTZEKLANTg, LJB.',KrtNSrt.*: A"Y 1a Fatty trwl 4 • Tapertr.f ; Gera.nt « ' for the week are bea>h parties .*■ F.'A. YTTaOM-AVJA, TTAJ-Y. VCNA' O ««»; .4 Renarhnw *ltl'« pr«p«na| to beloved 4f H>e*;!«-r the "111** < ollcge |kay at Hie #'.1 IF.AVCL Farurr »• ..-%g • '->4 pnsdme a IravelMgue »n Poland la if Vtp«r(ir'| Puaaia Reach" contest, mi session# and eorlt *a* enthti*ta*U> ally V#a7 AuZ'Jf' It.,, •rourei reeelved by «l Wurh.Oon I he ralvpsq ebtertalnment b Trw-cle- Pollafi go* ernment and the Juno II, k#a Verk AOVIMUU no.! Of. 7SV ? rw YO"K 4f.g *ft Etc- Vi tap •*•• A »fl • vraev. *« » Pifiafa I filled state*' ♦ ■■ -r • - v.m* kroit • ii U.'i ar«J department of 1121 » *,Vr> HuUANJ l;lfc>.r, ."'i, Of-S «'-A-'.Y, : Fra* 1 jrvryi.g net# ■ Stale la atHi feet of color film /xf :... 8- UECvtt e«p*r,er.tet| el-rMe. mrtrumeel U'e ' S'-. ' ':-v« fl Lair 4J F.r«t-e»| Ma* taken without re*trlr||on * or T::V Ai-Y W. • >'.AK:"0. • •A. O ! Tint 10 Dafirtirt }*• La, -a r *ude «t»r • en*or«hlp and a premier show- JKA.M.E v.-* maey 'cau'e* »»wa " 5t Far tad af 11 To !'»clt on i.ativr Ing In Imlrott reeently over *la- ; e-* j - - m ..'g <4, Ai.f.KiJ.A V: -'*g - * - 1 me 5 t.a t O llriva lUrn Contact l^n* ?« I'KliH' reeelved a favorable "eal AJg,•' '■ Headp.e- THRIITRir ft».OTl*A.'x.*c 'te«! ft rd« e^ a 2 mo o e« f">ap Jl kpteryt.4 'f up a the rab.'e ra' Carpathian -de T J(00 Mmm- OPTICIANS II 2€i mafk. HOU-ATXJ htus.'jy* -jVUA'i nw'T2XP:.AND '.•x.H"LNi"x;' A"« 2> Outdo 1 taina a vwit "> — 'he re: N O FRA.N"t ' • Miert noie •hr.r.a a* the II." of Rraneh Office — \ine at flippert T 1 2a Re'.oeg ng Jjght -a {jfrtj Pa e>'»r ».'/•! Fe-vr. a* ' 2 ■* 'ne on'- known r,r». mpp'olte «#ar» in Irandori - t« ►. m o? '-e fa-r*. s .-. * I W /'Of F. * 'g *0* tva 1 "i' anr r,e n»ule and eve etamlnation* k» M Me. ^ 4 v , • "o fade Warva-w during the Ifa-ve*' r^e f»* W r Jensen, registered optomelelet J ana 1 ' " II. Sua l*r» $trr 4M.tR . S*. '• L T» Forbid Fee;v»: «•;♦») I(M),000 apectacs II 1(1 hPA.'V •* i • f VWITZKP i'ii n ou;;i ' I., 20. St.r up and 10,000 dancer, ,n natlvacna- : t. >> -T.-xh'h « V*'F• *. • « •1 11 Vonmalallii turr»e J KA-VuX K' -:-A, 0 A' . d ■ aietne».t ;i funeral adm.ason la *$ cdn'« j.'AFK 14 T rtrrf SV.'f.O? • '• '/F " # • iW * u i' 21. Ihirme a* r,g ce LIVX- '*J.AS •' --Sg :*;>-.?♦• >1 Urbane Aug40. 24 ■ 24 W«*e>*4 1 1 1 4.1k luoa fl. Nesr York aft TROrftAZKiK v - * I/- ;'r>: 0 o:— a o. p.t;or.*" M or 4b Lloee Mautftaal llll GfcKMA.N V, SW.7/.IJ,:ic :*J 5 u' urtiN". A ' h TP, • N 1, A '• .'.Ah.'., u „ 41 4a at 44 *a " r 4/ 41 41 Noon Net any •uflla 0 T.,i fl| 41 Something New I AT Jouo IT. Rom Ta'k AtFM tlJTt . BPXMl'A na.. Oft O.'x A^O eua Fl' A' FIT.Air.*21 OEN arr.-i.g GF.0C/7-. bl.'.F J.-cFWA V '•* • L -f '*'' A V a- • Mar," ►-* ?*'/*« Aug2. T/CVV! AFK r . •,:.» ••• S'A-.i'' | ' * i " i, ft - «« 4" S'tujc:, It r»i. it i,' tener n | CORAL GABLES' hat II. Meota RIO I I.N ITALY Y r.- a •;.'!> "O t A • TT' :> » - V TLA' .0 FFAKCt - 7 F : • EtXO. 91.112 HOLLAS* t .FF'A'.V SW:77.r".^:>L I-'BCHTTViTT "> AVkTtlA. 1" VVSl-ft VIA. ITALY. WOh A' O i'-c FRANCt Pu- ILFORNO tura aa.l^g •rr.' Mqdvm. A^c-*. II AMBANIADOR Vai LNGLAJTL ^OTjUlft WiYYiVK II All HOLLAXD. OCQlATi. SWnZZRLAXL. I.'KKW^Y AIT7CA TJGOKA- VIA, ITALY, MOWAOa FRAFTT, DV- MAPJ; A*E£ff( and ?(ORWAY. oa -ng w-u CANAaiAf PACXJTC Mem'.jea.: Sfyjmriim I. - RESTAURANT - • mi S*<- cfOLJ-ANTi. zullasu. vn ATKAXA and hFL.0r.1d. ODUiAJfY. RTTIT- ijnrg'Sim. atstfja. 1o» CftOlAXD. 4T A fTALY. MONACO (V ftARCl Ramro ' the name that made PIZZA m>| '■t T 2A. TJLW TOR* arr.viAf M fnnum* in JAintinn" York Aaf** l«t 99. Row York rotos srto Sa : tc, WATERMAN M'r.tR CTjLVC It 741 i">:xAM». Bny.ri M, otRicamy. «*rr- VD A' STRIA ITALY .MONACO. •41 4 • ;'5" r .• ... 4 e.. BAR-B-Q SPARE RIBS sr*'t he-or 3 arg y g_ Jolf J, Now York mno m t. v >:.u ,»1 tr*,' -.-..A r- OR 1 R ' X. KWDOPI .-Jt'i «AJ.X HCi* ll-JYl ' * U VV.Y X-— ' ai»TIBMT-«HUMnai»M4m r. YOU CANT BEAT -x..» rnxs.t. r.:^ra , .w .— HJ rt-rx'Tt,a-xt*ia. KCX. V.xx.o »-4 ,.*4 .x»* y.^-, FLASH CLEASERS Jolft I. Now York RXrUHtAR ,4.- tt v. >.» - X s VI eyr** nt nt • f v Yon ran ah>ay« muni on • PLUS • -X-O. x: v i:..'.x HtX4AND *5 luxty y-._-r OCRMAVy A.IT7. X xw.~w_j.x~ M drprndablr. ami tj i:«« - x^jr :« ., .. X_\>:.XJCA r- ipal.i nuki - fraturr DELIVERY SERVICE Jsiy t Mopifaul »1 tope xt •- ~aj_. uji icrr-- ATTMVf »aror gay nilitl at No Extra t liargr UHC.4TOR x"0 lx-_a.-.. HOUJX.;..- iOJOAjn. i A^'XTHIA. T:, P'. XAA-^r| | — . 1 91 142 .. '• c-r.x y-.'-iLrx "a. :-x_r. xxx ' x*rtt-. '.'-jxxra IPJL III I2PJL » x-v r x-~." ». nrrrtnux-xa , - ,—* -i Zf —x •» '■** '"X Anr--- 3 >u« »„ t- , -V—T V 'i. Hi'- tK. -. • 'M.--oe odzuaSaesSa for 3MS afvu- i -» »• Pitt N PIZZA I MBS •ATA - Tnps fw advil*4 age f" . ka f*-r. ^.are f* e*c- Opfwsr.a' a~* jaaaaege r.' - Ji# 4SJ *4?'.ner &facaMi94K 1 .*1 4- P-t, v-i. ,r. . Ihe-t# , M+fkiHan 1* ' ~~w • ED 7-1311 • • * u x-M. - * ra r Jf. COLLEGE TRAVEL OFFICE 130 V. Grand Rixrr lla-l :»«« T.ara Mirhiaau Eilgi mad 24661 m--. At liiclinna Satiinlav IMc( luff roe, Waincil Defend Mil 111< \N *«l \ll M *** Tmmons Sel to • •* •«••• I I ehrii.irv I »'»i,» $W4 .1 ri< fhi Late Scores 'I I»i*••*(«» I. Vf u Vullt Mil IMsHI III VI I ' III Dorm Handball Title Tlx- all-fitirrn tiritiillmll luurniiftipnt hi»inl* «IoiiIiIpm Swimmers in I M.- foii-'C'l .faputi Toughest Meet Yel .Holding down the b e , - „ vvl Ml I mfifiii fftniylil ;iI 7 on tin* miMiV- I.M eoiirlv KrM7HII RAM*FV f" ,< "* u| event I* (Jerry Mlki, wh-i p ;. j -I CiMll. 1*4 Nr« \«Mk II. hnndh i!I rn f* «. ,.m ami («• .' Hit* Jajiane-.e rh ||«M»tt I ■'*. Mllinr.,M»»ll- l"« third mid fourth in■<, h il"tffiitoi.v ' fl Hull |„i vrl I.. I'h'." i' .t p.•I'¬ They'll loaded '»> 'he h.: • ii-!,. i in hi« .'venf pr <•>111 <.l . .it \j>« M I in i'ii : • l fl'ii!It HlCil llvi' . ll. , f.u c Hi .til-- !';••• •I... '. - ■ villi *.*!«»•*. -wi'um;t»K tttjceh It. '.if..| MeK'Miif-v D.'H last vrnr, and in Mir I nut 1 ■ VIiim M I- .Ii 'Mr double*. li • I .iii.l (Ian Ki'ai'i'i IP, im.-. Mrl'afTu-r aul, !•**'fl-' It. i\t', a inil; fmilium *l»* tweet flow tied lyilh I'm. A;, . |,.lrtl.i *. Hnl 4ll«hl«»" •* (iiiHf'l rui'ri of ,sf \it limr V>. H uhiiIiik II ml) r»ti\r* SUihl ..Ii'I H i: I, tiaffl l;l;i! J - .1 niiirv ,i( iinv t»*«'ni in Hie n i- ran chnmp Hill Mulltken r N i>riii I miillliit Man Id ml m» ii* i •»» Kfii'ii"' ■ . pi nihil;! If.; Shaw move Jrtdi.iti|h—1hoikrr h;- ti-arn wul '. Km Ht'i.vr-r oliii i'il siTofiil and Miami and NCAA rhaiop i, I lir« »l Nil llllke I'l VI .1Ur ,n*fi .tin I tW'i ajjalM'.f Hiittci- lM {,*■.<{ m fl*-•oinington, S.i, ihirrl "he fir <• "hiu h - don Collett from Oklah-en m I'lit I arnrgir Ir. Ii >* ivi i.f i y riir'* tunne . . . |i.«vion 1 •. illimi Mil *• fb-ld ■* Hill Mt*rk< i Kt'i Tom urrtn.v k i vi m' ami -re-inrl anrl Ir en peeled to have his m . r*n !><• "tir Mnl b ■■ Mrt.-l- _ f .ur' f. 'In' .ui'.o.aC thiii .season Iff "Mil' Here !• I■! . i'.. ■ AM' lit .IV. I ,,n.l h i lu l l Pa.'illv (Vilifornni hmk. sw tinnier in the rountrv at r,: mi • San I aI'it'i"in ami •' John Parks *lret«-he« his aliiliiv Taily . » . IMifioii* . ■ "Hi to A". .'ink. n-t'.'ii- in i fVi'UH It" froni Nitrint* to rtlataiier. *rtt»nf (in 'fit*i from Hallit l .Willi, ft*. • tvlr .mil ndl- ...hit-1 var*>l|v rerorrts In the Mmlr fn»m (irntlc \ llref IFMKV sUMIII K. above. I- Uioiii'h.' • .'In «", .Ml.vant Il lr ,i I t "It:* "? ' ''it ."tH and I..MHI meter events last vrar Served Piping Hot iMft-cmnr rril a% ttir to Yoii IM Schedule tliir 'for Mrtrolt a Keil IVine h.ivr ealleil McC ,?T I'miImIiIc * "t I the iftf rrrjlr*.! t>.ii-U • A >1 t..:. -ii Ift.Oni'l ,;t. . •n.'ii di l-'i't h.lVf pa.'U if He m* seeonct In event in last cear's Rig thr In mi-il | Mm ii i IKK hi V eoiilie Itrmiis It If Kin of tlrtmoii- »tnt 'I • al 'o httvi* 1" .id f *• IV 1, r I n lies 1* SICIII4 Nil Ktroker III Ihr lullmi U .< Iloos- loll to *|irll S i«chilli for to- , i». ;I| Mi-■ I'l'Mj. nl -'Itphn- [lonliling in buffet flv antl 10 IV II* 1*1 I* 1 41 Hiliiilim Irr, I fjnk MfHione*. mhi of Ihr 11 V*M I M VII iilKhfS KMitie with New V«rb. -1• •.■ r*-, ih«* !iior«'iiKt'' Iviuj' \tiK<* dtvidiuil medley U Hill H. . H III ftirmrr llrnmrMllr l*.irl\ N'4- '»(•- rill rent hoMf'l "I three vhrnrid in bnttertlv and hnrM FRENCH FRIES If till i I'hi tin V b * l hi IihujI f'htlrman. «w * Hoiihir I A. • M . f .t ! 111I raids, 200 misilev in the Hig in ir. pi., Htg III anrt N'f' % % ih4t»i|»ion irt IM Highlights IM Pill 11 1 s \ II lb tiu-'fr. .ikI '2II- vard hiil'i-rllv arid third and /ourih , • » •• A I til),' I nil" h« events In*! »e*r 11 V H VI V« ll'lll Ii"' .mi11 ;iImi vt(i m frt-in.lvle NCAA Though his leamm. 11 K II1 PI i * h V p»l M.Kinnrv »i"M ■ Troy edged him in the hii'ir "/ Mnde l'|i .Insl TIip Way J Ml ,' «*vt f"i" w<«n. ir»- evi-ii'-, Anit'.ht i one wfn» l'»nrtt| I * I III Tin* I.M fitf ?hr" in J a nun, Harbin iwtlei'"! • ... fitrmhoil»e V* I'M C-Iti'lni.' '!<♦• w.ul.l ».*<«»rt| f..i Hi. and won, I'roj «!*:•» plae- Voii l.ikf Them 11 I t« MINI TROT Iihtefj world's record in in*. (« • . . , 1 t. I 1 Mil v v V«. IC •on uirU'i, NCAA nit'1 Ameriean Aftoiul iii tn«- Pan-ArncrleHii i I p i to II p.m. in CJv'i llookler threat himself. t'rtapy Golden Grown I. VIII III it.-.i f f"« :»iMi-v.»r'l>. !h»- latt'-i Hani'** IIHl-mrlri event » . . V Pill Hell V* Sign uji a' tin 11 fc 1 vim % b 1 Ml a in i.un (i i \r ft vi« flu m« h For Weekend lloekev Only Two Home < i 1 1 1 V VI IM 1 i» re*.perieneMt, ami i.mthsi team, undefeated in five dual meet*, will face three of tumbling, have won a!! of *h.- «ontevU while and Cap! Angle F'esta abo h« all-arwnd c , • TII\ • Suspender** last Thev are a top-lfigh! lean., the nation'* top teams during toe coming weekend Frutav. picked up vaiuJble point*. twit | Hunk we'll lie ready for c oMi'mi: 326 E. Graad Rivar them," he #au| Sate 11 M hetlutcfl again*! Mlrhiiaa rttale'a track team will meet Ohio Stale at I dliim hua. (Nila, In Ha f|r«t dual meet \N IIIKAI. SPOT af the IhM Indaar aeaaim The 2,MMI I.. s vuimw $9 nut \ IIF.I.II lot S UK VI In ihr rrltixiiiK I'.nllrry E*iirr»iii you way noir iilmimiihrrr nf Ihr rnjin »nh aetiaa Fran rtada have aeen thta teaann * n at the Mlehlgan A At' meet that meet. MMf placed aecnnd Dtttrtch a thin In Illiwks Wptl i>f rrandoi TOG SHOP „ I:il\TI\ HKI AKI AST /rmr. in the dlata nee medley, aprint lilt \ I VST SN VI k medley and mile relava. and ««i Ill ii.ill. till noon. A hrulnl rroiinmil third In the tun-mile relav. Coach Charfei 5tc(affect itilh any drink on our menu . . . .'lilt •'>phomore-»tudded aw on >,» run* into powerful fnd'ar.a * Arrom from Hrrkry llall lilofinington on Saturda-. The Si>artan horkey team **,# as??;' a pair of conteata against Mle • tan Tech in the MStf lea Are-a Friday and Raturrtay. ^.OPENING / I narh Fend lev falltn*' uteat- ling apnad. nnheaten In Ha flr«« /MVttMff three dnal Rlaamtftan, lnd,. far day match agalnat meeta. travel* «e Indiana. a Ntbr fjiat aeaaon Stafa l«wt 1« du*l meet with Indiana, 20-?. In r • Big 10 however, MSU rtr.'*-e "Thrrr ii not Ihr ulighlnl third, whila Indiana no'e*;er- 4nht that thin It Ihr matt eighth apot. Tf>p men atrmng tha C«"'-a contingent ara untmaten inpho- Important motion pirturr is more fun lhan morea fjeorge llnbb.v • ITS rrrr pradurtd and Ihr jeeinder from Battla Creek, «- • a barrel of ' mart mating . , . 107-pound Bob Gkhlutar o! Au¬ burn. NY. MBIT* fencing aquad, Vaklrg Fenwickians! —PHILADELPHIA for its Ant wtn nftar th-«a py ENQI'IREK bartu, Jourtiaya to ChScag*. I for a triangular meet Sa turd a* It's the hilarious \\%i with Chicago and Illtnoia. "Fiinnle*! rietvirt* el Ihr Vrcr" story of how TODAY • LART DAY! Nnmr Lo*l lo 'I j*»* tterltl lelrciei* CmCIVNAT!

nan- the world's Man at l:M. IM. >:M. naU* toD-rankad Bnarr*'* • — "|le« nri«1t» I.M. Ml gm. rradr ,Mw«l br l")^/ " llllilieut!'' smallest army ,tar rrtminOri Bab MlMrtln Review James Gamer Wadncadajr lou *4 naarva Mi lauMfrM far th. W »' »< -II ha* * rlrar wages war on the U. S.- kutaf illtkMiai'^ ^*1*1 GMf MP|.fi * nf'A' stale Vriu SjwrU I IM Highlight! iiip if it privilege awry *porl« crowd i* euDllwl to, Detroit Fage !,!•'her it in ugninvt. an official's call, floppy play by the ..jfli or bad decision* hv the cone it. , \|:> higun State athletic official" ••x|>iv--eil alarm after Squad-. I oi l)- It, »ould not l»» rodi»'l lei booing se-sjons bv snpfiortcrs of the bucket ball team. \,'«r Monday's Minnesota game I on eh I'orddv Anderson Pi-Ion-. Win tnt di*t#1 •. hovteiei • he was sorry that I'ort John on, the (Cipher's top U e-1 r. r, was booed at tin- free-throw line. Anderson felt that r - ' • • on was the victim of a bad call by the officials. i * »*. *' 'ft Vndersoti, who believes thai Spartan crowd- are the mod. '• i-iastic but genial in tin? Pig 10, hopes the trend is n a hostile direction. \"er the Michigan rump Athletic Director Biggie Mono he was sttrpri-efl that the crowd booeil both the Wol- ■ . 4 £, ?•» e player* and cheerlemler*. '• is possible that, the Michigan booing Incident was the dents' reaction to the "Hate State" banner which was • ri at the Michigan State-Michitfan football itmiif in JOHN' IVORS, *|Sl bAwlull roach ha* » word Ini The barters 10 't-r» |e.n fk-Hunn. f raig ober, with four of til* ton plt'tirrg who 10 f»rrfntl» % ansclever, Imn tltrkrtl i-o Mute* sink* ♦ # * engaged In eartv workout* at the Men * IM build- •mpathy i- extended from Sportlite- to ,lmi Arbor hi,- family, whose father died Monda'. in Detroit, OImhi ."illi in Ri» III •n Is head manager of the varsity find hail team father, Roger Arbury, was operational mnnayei of Ha/el Park Harm-* Pacewav, Arbtitn, who held one of the l»igge*t harries* racing Walker 2nd to Purdue's Star , t Il' ..'!«• r h,$» rerorda In *c«wl»ig and armra* r nuke the odd*. the man who has lost five thiv aeaaan. I red Schau*. basket hall dollars on a pa me does the I. .V !« '. :,'h- a'..' s screaming." Schau* 2H I «l M-|f» 1 the In'' . «m« h at West Virginia, most •'■K « {.!»' ' '.-g said. >i v r>e rr ha* IM reioit* In *it game* '*• t re- ord it f.e ; - -. • -e. . i -routing pro-fieri* for future Spartan squad*. tor a conference leading .10 t \ -ophomore wo red 71 (mint* the other night a* Skid-, average Ohio Mate's Jerry l.u- Tte p..e-^' j.J High School in Texa* won it* 21th straight game. ru i% third with M.S 4 •'# f.» high scorer w« It DV Waliek, -tar of the girl*' 43 I " D •• Imtk— '.it wt a riof/'h . a. ' .- .e, >i'ball team. ]• «he %>~orit'g race a • If oh John- i,v the Mf'.t Dhi • of M - * * * f 2: one i ever, f lier .. *. ' It# Onv ft# lllamr ". r Hian last year rr ,r. rehodfiu* *' Of.!». ora '.'Or Itul T/ieiu*e/re* . a**r. lUv 4. rook of Mif«fie*rua. !* the aharpext increase m f»ve ear- in major college ha* !•• ;»« ttd 90 refa«->Uhd* ("rrmk • -rt BF.BN'. S"» CrerUrd J*' T* # ha» rf> rrv. }.;• i • cwiitent with life at. a -mail redlege Hu»t he recently a* siw»* Vi'i'-y, f a..' M»rf ff'Klter, Sv ,-•» ?,re-- •♦e-• ? flown three offenv to «o»ch in the tug time It.ill..liny t ail- V(.'.iin •--f '.be FIN. :>« '-'4' y rv/ST'iN" -J**— go- th* *** e»l tn 4 m«-r>^'er of an Jr.'»-Tie- StK'C-v gederif ir ♦'• # • • ,»;\C • -F.e, ffie Baaeha- kevs to 87 Million Dull Park ' V. ;.*er» A VK-UJ* .-tft •<» A**-ei eve-,n game* *».e aimougd Feu jg-^g ti'.e- « ^.av; r.» v Wertr.esrUy fa bed to «•<»•« t a Oiytnpk- Turned Over to San Francisco .,-v- thtor Wertnai balloting. • , Ma.': of Fame ',n memtKrrrhip. r-jif* require *.*ue-rfc- sAS FTUNTJgCO --is T ' fan* are eg parted to w a'Ch ..'AWAWi'/^MV^^^^WWAWAAWyV. 4'.,000-MN»t rar»'i>v: k t«»Wi r.-.j. hd f-:-r '.he N'j. J r.OINc; AWAY Tills WKKKE.M1? i *e tu.'tsed nver »'-■ ' - • i.eago.- iicnnari* f 1*1 T VOl It CAR IN TII'-TOI' SIIAPK .»• •"■'••"a.-tor. CbafJes ffa'- \f 'Si - Frao.'iw-" W<■'?*.»■*- . • . ,4. f*e-. :.f. ' -e i rmtractor. staff w. Tbc S-»'« ; .via." I.AIIRY'S GULF SERVILE ■: tudkji, ON EAST MICHIGAN AT UH1S • . me. fpled wtt« :»«•-- < III tf.liv .II I At «<>»» mo* HAL Kt. BNTRA.M » I ^ Horace S. - - vr. ar-d bronefj prerr-- i>. esiUW. C" it: •' F-"- broadly du- hg • d 'ie « .iul ? e «e' - It-par*- s' ffftti < -even rru lb on r»e fuH -peratoin »t ;"k where two m-- b« March »V \\ K\ EMM. Ol PANTOMIME 1 erv entertaining evening in theatre a very funu* and sensitive sho*. . don't mi*s it* The director of this show h«s studied under MARt ».L M %ltC I M t rtti** %a» this show is fabulous." START! Mi Till It ' EKl l»» ANNOUNCEMENTS l»'f,M niWJITt: ImIiri Imr , mIO Aaaday evening? Tar Ibr ftneat canine at bard »• brat pnem AND YOUR V »«re .In vkatt ... CAPS & GOWNS S,"H T. Alt Mia arrmi by ttr !'*** smuumg bnt «kr flmt far fN ffrnm .. . "HOUSE OF BEEF" 111 W. nnBGAI ATE. Mml-M 5 u* - • t-ruiute, la: MM M. ran, kMf. rJurkm tacL. unU ma . -rOOQ YQIJ ALWAYS BTUEMBtR" — *■■. II • m " • »■» Union Boon Store MN'lllli %\ STATU NF.WS I ehrnar) 4 .1 fMill Pro *n Ag VwiH'd (>ovmioi•sWilV s» Ed tlnnmi SuiH'riiilcndnils I liirlili«»!i I Invents lot la r m pes ^ 1 i Clan kellofjfc Ccnter Rcunj,,,, Alumni II/ llli' Cdlli'ifi' of Kilurntion who hivr ri:„ i I In- nchool KiiperlntemlMit li'Vi*! will (rnther-1nt

n <•! I In' I h-d ini'iiidied v.nrl'f t'iiit f» f.■ exchanged for a •.t ir I jm U kill f "i" . t \ CUPi y .• quate tlnaiM'i'H, dynamic admin- Kits et liol 's « lie ». Inineij ui 149 And P. ■ . in public f i''i pre i"!:"M Dcinnillc's Warren ( osin^loii laiiiilueth Hand ciration, research . II. • •rid in Ih* presented b.j'iirda1 I'll* < ..Mr.r u'. AI ' • ii '! fe Uie .i i •' vet'*' ih limi. I'i'im.iiH ('.tunp/t'lc Oplivnl iihuiajhiiHni TihI.ii the Tommy liiirte? ami TV fiow. m lh« past few mm ii (hut thr„* are nhwiliildi W< ad poim.iv,! of I dec tinei great or list .p. Too. hand is led h* M'arren Cnvlns- Srrvici' I lip heat. nor thai tliri arc the pi.iiri left to hind him • I ton. mimlclan and thiiiug tIn* evening of the . I mili nnri, hut the* t*pif* the leg.i' v for Hu w-iflif eiMiMstim; arraiieer *« :ipf»;u rn1 lhrc;i SpinMei Spin the Jerry lairenx I xamined iinlMinilini routrihutor* In J»: of memoraiile itiu-ic which he ftlnxrr Trio will furnish uuimc ■ Tom;!'. I lot • |'\ mllol:' . i*-i tr tc i'111 • d *• lift Horace tieing M»rvet| The lairert/ Trio luiMiisis is Hie power of rrll- r* a strolling trio and will play Tax* \P ir'" . ' in tic feature entertain ih id (o ne KriifAi, la " Ilioivn Klon." said tin. Milium* from tl :!»»-! 2 Tfi par. Payment pointnirrd fie •oi'ii! d'.li HpilpMe; " n i thai while ^he .* .< ■•■'id flay l.l'ti.h Covitifdor) pa? Ticket, f "i ttii' yeac Spin \ere%sj,rr PUn • »l t .< i .e. - tjif i <'iiiiiiui <<: 'fii' Spill Yi '. rn Hie Ai. l ■ lie: t"i .'ned I"I Steve Aileti ni' VI 1 1 JM'l couple tllHl *all*! Hr « Mitdn'! Ii» !;i lillt feel The T.auiiiv hi'i'M i i M i'' I SuJJivaii. Perry Conn ami > tart Keb la a' trie Union ticket llfflccHof: |jr**. J.i'hrtNiir attd H. Hrrttnilh. Opiomctn-s •< . Ml !U .1 \ iIclhu'i' o uf»; but.' Wiitumi 1 . VC1I arid oil': f oi million doU fit'!- Wic. Wf Willi lililtlil lie- 'HI' Mia Hi ndt v Tvc fit ;e.i 'Mine I>t.i a-v'■ Ma u" .did the "Song."! Irving I'.crhis tunc and " |)oi e* i! ill ■ I a lugger flit than if recording took oi. LICENSE PLATES isllli 4 ratal**! t«» Rrnrrntp rlri trlrll* It is .» 'ii hp traitor ■:i ' • ii'U'.i' I in 111": t Which • U|ipol ' . » h .d Ih. iMI'fl "II amarin ! . t ii st apiH'oraii' • mhtcs*. r>f "Ma- PASSEMER PLATES AND TITLE TRANSFERS Ml.' 1 • «l !? tllHX, I ft with 4 :t .000 pmi ml ill auli ii .< vva f 11. tyvci'l liy other* in MICHIGAN DEPT. OF STATE . •' ' Hl!<- : I I'M it til' , ' i'.c said. Pllll '.he fiktiti' leu. "Who""' iv.e :»!'• k ' I old .!»roue Kel t; sotig broug'M •i i; n : I'lfiluf (nil iiiiiiliim in- dale 'Song of India'" *.va r. ' . " t'i:ui In ■ !hv • .i . wecT !.»>feaHiring - iiVlh,;' itrrftngerorn? of > Dor«i-v's mr BRANCH OFFICE - - for Ihr ' ■' loiv !io rdtoiu-. The iieti'iioid f"f >•• • hi At: 11 • lleliri* s spcei h lo the Sriuh iKtre of Mo I'm i'' brought form S p.m. • ,.p.i(l fur j«prt V:!t,f 11 K>:d as hi* pi the hi- address |i» the Assrtn din lirliirc. ticwril the ami "IJlat carolle "liunt <• r e *d| u e ' MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 1:30 a.m. la . HC-t ' 1 ioin. ■ llonu " New ! Ixrlt. ,l» Trcn< Ii ttprisim; in Mrcim rr.r*cl». • Wot id Si Tiipiiotiv). SATURDAYS - 9:30 a.m. la 3 pan. v\, . ' - ,vV a • • •" • NorlluM'olrrii I ••ttnl.-i In Vililri '*<* FREE! Vi GALLON COKE 427 E. GRAND RIVER - Eui Lmsihc I'nrf. , ■ ' «h < I S ... V". h.*- m i l! nit PKAM.h ' • • M M,. ictit> i . . - •) t 'mvf 'a :ij I " on « i-n Ft idfty t ' t«ik u ". 'u t V <•' 'Me ■-»" • ai'i I' in 3,v' VARSITY DRIVE-IN * - l.» 5 v v - COMING TO CHICAGO IM I IM ItY SKIIMCI i:il 2-t.r»17 ■B fOK THE WEEKEND' r Where You Can Buy Student* (men or women' Couple* Families. Group* on Tou' n STAY AT THE VMCA HOTEL 'S# I.Vl'HKI, I U>» * *.<«wm«ftft..uii. f A I960 WOLVERINE « ••••% »} *0 ,, (.OIDMAN » lift w.. A , i.h DHTKOir l.oiv, MIIIIK.W DISCOUNT PRICES! t III ! I. TIIKSK MIK.MNS DORMITORIES - Ahhol 1 lall AI.I...i—kim.iii 2MI Joui I >«■ l.-\ in M . 22.) liinir Km. Price NOW llolliiii.l V lliNHrn 1 arul krinAi Krcfthiuaii If. bunion— a.'l I an — • S'J.Ms M . buitl.mi—Kim.iii A-17 *l.iriIv i. i'uiil Hail.'.—K.m.iii U2.i John l>m- Pnly-Vi-Sol \ ilainins .J7 Similar Ijquiil 4iik'hri«l—K.min (>4i I'll illi- l aiiil.. A-326 Gary Kramer ,9> (iillrllr lllue llladrx 7*i ' WUMHI—Kin.ii. 21 It AllllHtl' (i.'iimt Itiill.-rCi.-Ut—Room A-I2I Art Corniiil .;i ! >9 I.isirrinc Vutisipiu v. Skip ftlruh K.ii.ih.ii—K.m.iii HI 19 Uavr Boudr. .4*0 Mrnmn .skin llracrt ift CftiupllM-ll—k.M.iii »in> * Man Hin'imu HullrrfirM—Kim.hi A-121 Art Corasitl .Ml .ft. t uthi|.lM-lt—MUUIII b'W I.IHI tirtn Kotoi 1 .wilts \MHII. SNSPAIKKS TO l,U» K. A ukclrr—Rimiiii 211 kri-l.i Kaa-iL kin ......i—K.m.iii HI 19 Patr Boudr. 1.71 K«dc\ \«|*kuis HATCH \ \RIKD SKIIMS Si ; ' ; 1.00 Xiik's Cough .»rup AM X ilia, Aaffr I . ftlia«—K.m.iii (>2(i Koliia Bakirrrtrniii Plu> t»t> Morr linns on Nil* ' toMPi.Ki i: si:i.i;t Hon or uinc;- Y X illiain—K«mmii AIM. Vaun ll.'iidlrr X . >lia»— K.hiiii li.11 Tom Faulknrr I: IM I.I.OY I.KS AMK AKIMI. VNS ft. X illidiiiN-KiMiiii litv'l 1 n-lal Kallii'r— K.m.iii IliilNi " Pa.r ftlal. r I'rfHcrlptioAti I tiled NIIOIU KII.TS— UCKM. AND MAMMAS ftiixl.-r—K.mmii ;t2K (•ail lamer. |'rom|»tl> and Amiratid* OMdMM TAH 1 MONT SlIIMTS "TIIK Off CAMPUS ♦ ♦ # Ian* Hvrr^i) I'rui- \II.r.AtiKM * KNK.i: StK KS - KNCLl SIVK AT THE t MARRIED HOUSING - " »" *"• *■ H "■ MABEK PRESCRIPTION [ENTE u^y ^ 4 « • * *" i,:*a, tOOOs, i txxs #rntrh liouae Sales (lose Friday February 12 mi.h I M kOftft 1 ROM CAMFl't 1 UYAWAT CMARGR » m _ SftnimmmiimnnmTTimnii