II fat# sit sliilr I'linlur Tlic Vcallirr Michigan StateNews DiH-hlniirr-WHllirr I loud), folder If Ills Mrrl lliith union "NT rauf "i Iji» Vf» r»ui*>' -! ■—v.—v- .. t, J x * Vr»iiijj MSI S«T*iii|t t'nr fur 50 Vi-ara ¥rar> hp K*l!<>?g uiusirNoTm * HAST I.ANSI.V;, MK'IIKiAN—i lilI»A\ , KMWAKI ■>. I'.mVi I'l'.l'.K '.KM niiMir Trip Castro Greets Mikoyaii in (iiha Hi'fls Mjcrllt I olmilar\r Si'ck Nf'\v a cr ■ Training %!-, •' - ' . ' ..*TT ' Relations Si 11 sported IVu|i.i'idii«l.i t ffori I'rof. I >(!•• Ilritt t ^ti»|»eci»*fI l»^ I Tiirniiul ul Sriialc . MA V A . - f M r- , The Anp-riran -A - ■ fi. of l'riivi'r»ii v I'rofV *or*' MSt? rhajiler 'I h«»i *ilay circulated . I'i member* of ;»f ;olernic sen¬ .I,T .: » ' ate a letter a-kilif careful M . ,.-f r exattonation of all fact- iri- vol\i*t in the romprtUorv v*. ple«*tjve li'lTf wrv n a , to-ooui »ry or en*.,- t..-^.fl i-i ,■ «'.*< f Bat f offw .ki. toai a.l m.o.vo * . W »< > j o»- . • . • -'is p*»- - i*> e * pert stf«-» etjt *•' the nr.* ■ -. ift ore - - » r V'B*i.tar■'«* that the v'r h- « '-i*«r evore • effort b> Ihe No-.dK ■ deUg»uo*. • irdj of tr»e wikjor.'y of the fa- M*ii N • V 1 f- ■ *•?!"• ".• • f h».,' • . * i \4 »d, • yt )i>* * • n »- » • - tiltv "*» A H|f» AfTRAf TION among ihe Arm* demon- a rruisinc speed «.f to rrjiln i*er lw*ur i ft her f hate hrvorhl »»t» »,/•■ •.!•.« Sena'e 'je».;dn M'rwur straUons daring farmers' Week wa* this Bell lures of the d< rnomfratmn sfKI pt'>p..»«,S fur V. iJ vesao f Whrther ox fjNS o» :#por. of M-23 helkopter from holfridge Air l»»r«e ).<»# base* and l»lm» • how ieg how the miMilr w «r k * tr»d# f .»lf» hu .'.d-'aied >* I his whirley.hird holds three p«-*er.«er* and h«* 'he past he will deal' cofffr. '>•* i-o;>p'.oAr-ry ROT'! * ,ts vj«. «i/ .' .»'! and »#«• • •; • * fkiard * f Tru>tnn for cc;.- •ider a'.: or.. HrviM'rf (SoiirM* AAf P * >'>.* ta" e on ♦-.# to-< •#» -hrn- f»'4 ihtdt" «S.«- HIKE ARE Ihr wvrn finalist* for Mm Msl . llavay. Alma Slate freshman; *r«* Etlli fcy fieken*. Norm klbmo trii/ut'-1 ■ • e 'yjmm.tte# for Students Okav Comm Skills !*»■» are fl-rl Wrndt Moum Birmingham Junior. junior: Hrenda f oe. Ionia freahman: and I.lien WOl'f. StMi/t Itux <«« firth fjrtroit freshman loan shu*ter ( li*g- Mrpeak. f hifrin Rail* frtuo. sophomore B* NMAROS COAKfV •s-r.'.'.g P*#v.o.'* e-.. In #•.« writing vera *-v, :***♦ ' It V-- ,«f»* • > •>■*-»• group* fat or in* and eppaung We feel that the haste re- A quaatlooMiro #aorn.ttm: Vo '; • retktou of MHMfna Maui •ponaihilitr of eommunlealion - « • • • * - z " r*,"•** j*.j'-at.f>n *-* v. resd and write" Bla^kman said a bao^ally -e|e» tive one, **■ " *X ^ • *; . the With V.e So--, er;'' '' ' '♦ 4' u- »ute New* Mondar will a." »•- • »•* »• « ' IV- I mtors, Faculty Consider ; - THirl Rfaricrran ■ ■rr. i ' a•.«*! Ificv' 51 » #* publish letter* MSL of e*ual length opvetroc «• s *»■ rrrr.'. head ja.-d ' -e readir.f a*#"i* f»* *8 r..r « Ii>- A »~t*v preoenting «tew point* on the H. the at i-de-.r* »a.d 'f^y r.ee-iH ar^i '/« *g* o and ra'tnt . t ' **' ' bh "» > —•*..** *>— : • ue pro and ron. Hrtung on he* a.! the chats a#ejv.«;e» Or. " T-.e ':'o"e ito't.et A" e* Farmers9 Week a Success half of the proposal to present compulsory ha sir pro¬ drop (ho reeccr.' s*;d the cojrto *u !;!•> vaJ-'ae to U.er*. The ' Vire »*t re-.. >e*i of f*.. . '.« •*• ;re. r.f Briefs " # « r ; rs.»f bovf • ' 1 y.tn*. bofwe tJ* gram Mill he a represenutite of plsne tfe naruiai Famio "I like to attend the meetings t* any new marhiner* and to ♦err*: *•> *ro.v eti*r»> '/*. readj»F cOv*v.-g»ver, .* V'.e t%<. Irf Shote fi.ritri<*$ ic-f< •««.*, Wsf»< mainly to try and the livrstork." *aid Mr and the Amerban Amn. of ( nlver. roosli* » -a: am hi- •w- * * get some see « MAi * «l rri pv ' ^ fifty-all perrent »»id the ■:>fd;T>g *<> ihe farm V V* , - feeding idea* and look at the *|r*. Jujp of Brown f ity *it» professor* r ..... 4,„ . , »»g Bp st t.M t:rpvrt .% writer for the *«#••• ■?* i"-4 fhcuUj mP'.'Hf; • progress that ha* been made in l ', • '• re 'x-f 'i J • fommittee for re»ju»r»d RffTC Tour of TYxa». rourse would saluahle if there had been rr vr* hate hee« tr.utr B 0: . W»e* A" -V,4 .. a ksndrnd people f*c< -r-. - a 2d-2.V |X?r - new mai hmery." said < arlton aw * K o- *• to Use terr*ir;ai terrm*. l'\» r, ,n iHs- W'MMlhem* of Kalama*«*». :>.;v '• .g'" • ■■!■ the fTit i.'T.e ijown. "hai aa.»d Mill e* pre** view a whkh the For Travel Film tnstroetion in reading for main . • - , committee feel* warrant ideas. * agrBsiRtsrid mdeti^gs '.'-v.. killing J I've beeti .he it? m-r.t' the propoaal. R-rb*Jt Dav.e -jr.-;! appe, . 7' ' :s- • . of IV* >t og at '.he Aid Saturday a' 8 R *-*•• c Mid "I4. t -? :•».•'' £ '• -«**■*: - ( fiwtoifidry, **."< , . , ; have .■■ from ' high ' *a;4 pjn. to rsarra'e h-s ail-cokrr Sim. ■•!.e of o.i.' frea'eat j---e .e-- • . •■••*.• : i. •. I f»d that Ihr prut ram drf- ■••• -a ••- • nee T prute f..v- rwjuirari ROTS', oy A F ' '.!s! h riimpiii »• Br*.*. a s • " A V»r.m v'ufcr, bead ■>* ftol.ee nd.T,..*,.- t t • v Ti.-n of • j/**' of ■*.* W -."i4 T'sve: ser.ee eir -g " •* a» n afri-, :: »'**-.:on % >/•:• 'aken «way v a.-, t pvk,;... »«**-•. • • , ,i tnan.e sc.rtr.sor }"ut~r.' MM a1 S e be- Ia Uuf '■ "0 .. .* •', J :* t>cr -*» ■:'' Lirefi«f Heneual ' ro*r.iifA«-fuf>? » rr-:-- tra'... of T:e :.l ahd F" readiAJf sew.,".* * » «' • mvs ■ i. •'** -. .-4 thai? ftr apprrc.,.'.-l , i . - . ' W-«-# cjh rake a deep R»v Lie-.' . pre*.•Jen* if • ' -vu! *;y,.ta for 'r ,»:• tk ft V • orrtvsa '.fit tamers • «t ' anr.i .a-1 V* - ' - .T. the J>.-o h ct- «4c5 sr. J .g*. v' o; *- **? a. •.;*r'. v/ • :-i* oC by St* « a's pr'i*«'-»»'>r»' |r jj» and a r.rsw -r.-.-n s'art over H • .*>'«* stale firr/.'U V/-;.e farrkwt F.s-: .-g D? -'* 1 .I. >•..? ■•' xsr-so-j Ci'.-i- • * sr-wk'nu, facu/v *r.«f jje" -(■T, Sli d (Mtr Kai-: •' e> »jf ^ are #aa*- ^gs.r: •-Tpianmag v 19«l Farm- >f t:.e o*y« ««r.ea are a "/ar f t^a Or.'* tt r.«; •c-d "0- B 'O j V •* '■*•*• ••»•'/ ■£. # ' iioc. *- ?"«€■•- ptriuantl. Hp M; Week p or«"!- «,» ' • AAtrp ck-rpa.g". **i ;ft- w.rifj'a iarge-st ranch. K,r.g •etie "eO v' •» n- •'••a? the twmw fpn at f a'-i »'\»*. b*-.e»re-J * Iff > ia*«". f »b»r-i."e ■ f -e - : t . V.I -•.» -or •er.d«-J p.-iniar.Sv to .rxn'.e «en- A T5 ; '■ lac o.x mid-wtntcr slKrw 'oci rsr-fh. a vi.l a*: Arai*i*. fore : *r »r..4. ■>.( -**••' - • !*lkt • «*-»■• f—- ran: pup. a> r,«r.b«r» to vote and • ! r '• 4 - •* 1 .ear ?*; ■->a a' 53 Senator Hart 4 .v *ve ,*a?w:—oeve ■ n * er# d » > ' «* "ij.a*t to keep the pr J cHrr.f a to '*-,/»• Ahout one third iwdbated • a vat.;: t » r-nrces -»f inforrrjat.on p«-*..r.er.. new tr 'he *iv *»' h'v^aeh*>4 .yt.it-*-- •*.! 4 *g -a'.-'-v* *• - *•> r. n^.ipg with educational to *h# ROTC 'juest. •>* Is/k of interest in »nbje«t mat¬ . ; c u tf. (jf :rr, ga -o>a a ' '.* aJr.j .- *» ei -x c4e ► 1; •*-" eh P. .a i-.*t would suit 'hp ftppJiSHVCeS." »ald , M '.*■ Jtfjoki He a'M«-j that AAITi • ** • ter. whieh ranged fr«ar> frank- :,* tt#e .»•:-*?> cr. v-or- i'r."*;r .Vf-eda,** Cowdr-r: wld. the pr-jgrara *> yu't famed * «« tin and Faine EnertM to Ttmn* and •k- Bare»j .**-»r< i: *r:v Lz• w■ O *. ■ a r ti ' - «« rh"- -• « f- * or.# bv a fa"jf*y kaaocUi.'.n al- "I enjoy rsmini to see the •»* the \rtj-i*. c.'^s Texas *- ■ w « s .'h'eref* ' i" '"5 For Farmers • v.* tor*. •" We fee' - .re •sntii.'-^s • new idea* in kiUhen* and thing* vorating pa"a*- /f v.* p- Oer.ers. a-:—.? "3 cwr.u • * * I fH| Itl ad mr Mru «b»n before »e*.ai*. T'-r a* '«** appr-mr*. ityoddfi for the home and the *t>l* rr*-' S'^ie'-'a w.'l be attoi-tted oy I I J oh Kirkoff farm | |H to kt tbr Mifiparnl and WH show.' of Raton *aid Rapid*. Mrs. Keo Itaumer V-- Ph. .p HaI' fD*Mleh). required ROT1 cruiUng support for t*> ■».'# pre»«-ur.g ID'* a' '.%* a*.-; pt'At.rrrJt ».vS i*oie-.'t a4» fk*r;il.s? Wit.-," B-Sk—kC U;J Summer Israeli 0»n«ul oftabcC to a'.'e.-jd the far Owf-eral;?, 51! w»r» * Tre snausl •' kirtt- [ h»s# that nahr farming .us n t-»o vrrki ago and numbered • •lll/rll I iarher ud |ni| OMtii (fm •* for '.--a wane *h;*;g Farnrrs" Wcck is baarjawt Thxr*day 80 rr.tK.i* r» "'A'e g-e if. a eoorerned re<-er.t - run* by "r.e brrt kililit Kr«ei»r« A.-.* -< ar. ff-JWufii ■ T-> .ft * j Wr,«trr.aa.. Se-kir-s wrr?. a ■•, j fines • • y *. -*• fh >*- v -c B* ;»>*■ • r— • F.n r " T~ ■- Talk? \ImsiiI > bear ?;•/— -he C.Y.; Wi? «•-» Vj W ■>-*. - rinakj see Middle Fast • eve*- .bo## p.*e«-ent at :i«r b»f> having a g->"4 ' t pnd stock. ail but *t- arc by certain off-ca^ipua grouji Larry K.-IKj*. t*«t Ll».r| w.-r, s whr .a«*trasua?. Tt -'-i Ur~r. "t a-err ihoan a f.lnt of thd K«rrt- • -T th:ftfV." pi! Charles said Mr and Mrs. Chnriot F;r«-' on vital j# batwaSly * eurr-ru- s.-,tr':0'rra-'';** %*> ' »'*'arle't Oi< Mi*% rtOBRporwy v ra j. Kcnaurr pyihjf hit remark.a JuriT cms fr, *e*-2 t..- a* ¥•* f* s'-v of Linking, lu-y of H-yon matter ar*| The faenBy regard* the re- ■" tnua pcaper'-y Rtfts*ertaf * nartj f-.r The fikn w>« made Thursday i> * - ranit-r ».*ay* gets bif«er and "I camt to m» the new thirds afScrtvktjR in the c««rrrn of ih« fhcoaty. the ; gfceat ieto&Mrvbip darisg * soils at rarsarsgiaf. Vvt tne V • • V • Wkituofttm, twa V.> a-^d tw Both niy " Mud Bis wife, In she" daily s.h<»w AAT.*P Setter ra^l fri\ fjea surrey only revered tkard was*?. r>. *s » to Detroit and then up id |-ear* a*, one rnsill couple have been attend* wife and I are inldpeftdft In i\>" je* Four member* of M-m.-gan'# S'A'f «f the rwrrknJum Btarkman T-e a -£ .9 KT> * v •**••; MSC ./i B'rdi for the diaatf Week lor Ifce la*i Vmney fluu.se of Reo.re.'-entat.\e-. Wed- tit rrside sad "'•o f*.»- /-• ' B- '**0 at-V, a- - U ' v* ' S.*- I. M F-ar it;., > • -We rame down to top t# there Hart, who k a mnkr of the ,r.e*d*y iartrodueed a reaohitioa •We cagtgMM Ia *4 *' , n. Kirkay, as fe-wi f^dee.i. ny odgt 00 r^'' • ut 1*+- senate «ommJtteo M Ajrirwt- • # • rn»itl condemn.:;^ the acadcreuc >enai« tx\ C, Fred OsamhAJR, bead of » t 'dhrnnd ttnm this. *« p.».. fcs '.Ck as.rrs* Pr-.', ®a* to- 4 2>a ? x > >» . - c ulroni mind when any hrtart prog ram fur !ru#t" and aopboouirti ywir* kaeaaii The rtwalt* «>? tftht w-11 br r.-.-re Cms *r»i • «*.11*111 so Kf »•' llknrr TODAY The most important oo.nt t» (In 11 til Concert Tour IH* V-g. Or?** CYrr:pM» Ae- ' frnwi Ume lip* fcc to tie pr i.M'p in tysiad. Hart #a.d. a t« *e.rtx*:; G«er..£ and s«akgkiH Slater ' Drtwa MM* liram Iwum •»< Mk»u» "•* 'j# rj, eras.. t*o Kprni*.' ritMltl' .iMtrlilM .naure thai the program u the ra-.:c. r®s.r..: v - rrwoiw^ «f Uw IWsa Shaw Chorale to the ar»S sec-arstir^* pmZds* wo* the laad «d (sassl. Ue Sing Bach ♦v.; jtioo problem aaddoea sv«h tauifWi. *H> KaiMuu l«H»M Mr? rakMk. Idka (nor •( MKku.n range *o»4tior. rr«»*c rr ore A pwpcwnt farm a ' o-.g to a-e t>r »r*.. <**.!? '■■■»»" the seimti •< the i' mtm ■. Monm •« the Cr*- •odeo and the muui 11 * dwt cm* ni*n t* mwviw i«w prof ram $h&wd put farmer* .r. • ■ j/y..rr..wgmiilBilt," v Tv^ *t Ihrr* SMiii* *p «f vm a level ar.th other peop> on the • - The Rv-er4 ■ ■— A Chrr*;*, is, the «... firs: . ;-.*e ... cm.Wiise .. Jew mi mte m mi economy aafe #ca'«e. he a*4 e e-,-r«:•;-/ ca .*-* 11'3s racctil Mauh? trere'. va a aiwts, t'ainlrd In Bfrlrj Thj* firree for » - "It ^*r«* aaii ?.*-.* -., A farm profraau he w'h he appe«rjs| p: the And Frr tae \e*"v '?*. atacji,; tws» fee ^w*.. scrr c. a- cr»3 •-* .ir:? *■«*,; greet rot. is £_ - T a* J pa, a* par. af laactaro- of fama production, proddr ate- na&i*y«npjeiiU r-.e h^r.ar r,-v*rea psraled ,;.uhe &ri'y a.a Bart, be axr. M'ai • - Quate load *upp#y \od ;n Caactrt err.es B ait>4 ar«S hear a rf-aa'ffl eo;^-, Hi* Wedsnwdsy tg"-'- -t. »e.r- tiiWii.TiniL vac * dpnesa. the future sod rupp-iy family ;Hnhdtsd * c,rcbe-- !»e pa art-*'- • * c25*r *-5 tae itsmD brtwees the i.rrt r4 tbeJent were era.»i~v - afreet. *.i -r. ; Mars :: B ilnc:. ift "est* 2Eas th* :»er. *Ya:-at;-e. M*k^»4 Bcwrs T^e thrri was he* 1-^ wmrti I W Mk**M liKX* The c»t ol iha program Tfcji is the irst *-j£.e axoaaca.: Renerred sea*. t«rae*a are'pr^. fch the try*. ft>.e wa'l Bnauta aryihoatvl * * N tn Iml Mku tf»Uf ei si ki n Vi t: Siturt i Tb-r ***--• i be :«awuK< and di«.« • kwrurry that a yften.s-cc.a5 gr>-p. _•:< . jn'UMOU day spartan in Tiw - '■•n* Mm haa Wuxmd the gscwr-try perjarrr..- ~ar ottaca 1 tacwet at '-be Us .ess gas ha-** rr^'trci v.ta Ihr. » throe sr.butai fa^rfy. he Mid. ,sStogar*a» hees: =«a.z ykwu. If _ Mm i "**• *1. l a Mn and catch »'ordi are not she i> .=4 ttua nmnc5>«5.. Cuacmeai^4 ticket aiff<* wna actxrity » kitioo to a |Wd farm program,*' OS why he cmm the Mom '4 H> cards acjst a* yrfkl at I See rrycnsag? is xr. PhoMhei t aowdt tkd nMt asm ^a Xswr- I A MOW umm wg Mr. be "-"t* d« Michigan Slale News Michigan State Ncx%* Shortened Spring Term The Michigan Stafa N»w« ix Read flallv l»r MX|"< Sfndenla and tsriMp poMlahert uy atu'Jenta of .Michigan Stale ITnlvertilty. Karl Iain- 4 full T*uMMie«t win'n 341 nn k'.iTaM keivtro* t lax* #t*v* M'lfltcr tnronfh C.'rtav lasl Laoxirf unil utitlfig terffta. vrehiv t-jfifif *.irtioi», irrUiican ioaue »>«•!•• »#n »..fr.u--r •o«l fall larifi* Ml«n-r>n ^... . , Likely Possibility t «»( klari-i, a. ia.tr •• ti-.a p»'< .. - without direct faculty tuperveion. It la not the official volca of the iirilveralty or f.-. »»ri«l da** Oiatfer ureter !»>• a< Seems •injl, Mich />t the atU'leht , hut while u-eklnf t" arrve the h«-*t Inten-tn or ta»fh, nhintlt ready t/» hu»- lle any move which would dri e a wed^e ktwwn tfi* two whether It come* from within the » ,.i lunxlnff. Mi* H Mnil ».il)-. rlt'iiona tairr.ii tl Marnber* ».f f'.r tfi'r* lum*. %'i naxable In advanca ri • Intand Dalle P'ex*. lor «»»•• ter-. Ii !*•<». I'te** •- .■ t,,f , llll. I'NOlflSW. In «'!•.• !»!'•• I In* il.ilc-»l Ihi'-o In I hintrw by at inly iii]/ on t hf ir own. oiilveraify or fiom outaide. Member of the Aaaoclated I'reaa, Inland lioily and Aaaoclated Awr lalerl fa|te(iata i*re-» ( ollegiiito I'rer* Il Peter W alter* 'Ho- Ileal ffW da.va of fiirli f#• tin an- often fditor In f hlef '.(Ving trim rnrnnnMii fiiH iil ;»mI wa Ifil and in.tlMirlorH could fa~llv lllili/.f I'riday, Fehrtiary r», I!MW) — I'age Two Managing Editor Xaissri I'rWr • to.etching r.f print' term will be \*»l•••! Vol. f»i, No m Vlnatnea* Manager Ids Mnrph* llu-f ilav« for additional lecture*. raiil |.e*her hi»MI MOHIIJIV «*•! Ihf nniiliMiiir •«-M.It?»*•*#•» f Irrnlatlon Manater Kvenfuullv, if I he proposal j* adopted, leg 'I In* pr«»|»«I. Mil':'"-1••«I l> M"it.»i and we strongly'urge acadeuiir senate to do lin.inl. I.Mnlihiii it f it I Srn.'ir I i.mini, h,. Michigan Statn Ncxva f,t» uriiMv recommemled bv immiN uim nrmi -ti Monday. a lia*de caleudar change will lie \ikilii — Xl;ikc tour I'roli.'ihle Mixsilc IVoilurlion Several suggestion* have lieeti ( Arnpuh (.'iRhaififiln . , . I.oxv Cost Anil Performance Kiiohii To I !*..! !*' iici ft hirv. «•! .<* il .l.-iitIIIIr mil ling Ceromiiiended. including olie to begin fall Campu* C'lakhifictli , , , High Kpi«irr>tiip t nili-r the tenm-uf I In.* pr««pi»**;»l «"in lei ni earlier in .September and end the n-riii ement won M I if hflil it If t-r 11 rut I i'x.iiii-, Your Kry to B«tt*r Value* . . . term before Thanksgiving, and begin win fi»»• litx. June I'.f. iiitluiul of .1 iifit* it•« imi'v ler term in lleceniher. . Iifi|i|lf«l "I'lli xmiil'l tiiTf 'Mlalf ii »-f \ i 1'iovo i Caul Miller, chairman of the far ion ni' f.|irinf f«•» MI fnutl... fhi". would l»«*rm Mi»tml;t\-. June ii. Mini ninHiulf Snliird.i' . I»11if 11 Spriiif Ifrut. ut ni lift wniil , would nit\ committee Which ilnlfled the proposal, ha - urged pas'Uige of I he hill and foresee* CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS DflAMJMr.N: I p.m. IM? liefan NWIullai far Tm, Wed, In- i Ik.i (f tlfil ullf W ri'k mo op|Ho-ltion U^-il. The Stale News feel* 11ntra., and I rl. Edltton* HeadUaa far Maa. fdHAaai: I paw. fri the proposal h an excellent solution to the III lit far a Me lit and t-ft MaMae ttragh Irtdar Tin- ii vmn|iiri|' «>f hpring term provide- .i • .lull.in |n | he well known ii tit I often-voiced spring term dilemma. The few nlwtaclen il LD2 I5II EXT. 21 IT present* call he elrdlv overcome by facility i • *ritfthiif11 Mint commencement, coming he and student cooperation Imf final f\mif. InHfi in ut-h of il . meaning. I lifff it litf!.• time lnr Ir,-iililjniial gnidu.i AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING 1 inn rrvelrv whfii a Mudent know.i hi* mini i ram runmiffiffmrnl ceremonies lulu a ilav Swastika Rash rn IUA1 •iitmn iv i-arta kTfDr.flAKRP Mai.'Ufl *tilft, COMMAND- eci-eilent «"»' •« FOR PINT apaptmints"" ' immediately proceeding final exam*. For mo a. pro wmilWAUA SIlOWIMi A SWASTIKA, whether view, i-.vi wlm want* to !nl I In* I look - I hf minnlf wire wheel*, ra'tin haaier axnr.t PAST KAI.AMAEOO th.ee <~ a--r1 halh furriiahed • «•♦ and after !ii» i* -granted Hn» feeling of being milox nll.er ettraa IV 4 •*'/• . ed a.s a harmless prank or a scrlnu* offence many laurutrr. garage private •• • after 4 urn » frunt and he-% M>> IV « upe. . fri'i'And if a htndent should In- iinlorlun President Hannah deem* it. in hi* official al« enough t<> fail a Mibjert hi- would havo im AV4ILARI.E NOW itba-r statement, is a foolish practice. Those who MENTS »inaa In r«mn>i* . H'»rif through the ii*ri'iupiiitjt for naught •»" hedrnnm• Cnr-im • , are responsible for the moat recent, rash of rerngerat'if and *"»vo l.t» } 4*- mi e urvnoi.rr two-door. IIV II \\INI. commencement niter finals hIANDAPD IrenxM.lMinn f.«ca|lent the "IwI-ted cross," likely have no leaning* • on/lit ton Hi »-uUAl >4 ♦ hi* rrrrmoniiM would assume an addittonal toward Narism, tint are simply tryinir to TRANWOPT AT fON Mf » IAI * Abvpovrn DO«m meaning for gmdiuites t hi*\- would have » * , rivnioit'h f*la felne fa- iH'io» ..—art,, Incite people fo extreme emotionalism ixftl laVi P!*- •he rumpus lo thfltiM'lvf i for "their" das. reliant i*mditla*i Al.n . iran 47 Call after 3 re, a •». I However, wrong iih il is to read subversive mouth I-*rr| I'.f. Inelrt 3 *373 «WI Ahte.tl H-w-1 «* Miry rightly «In hi It I I ouimiuiretrieht with eatra* »() IP km 23 fPAIlfn" " intent into the unwise art of one individual, would again I if for llir graduate*,'I heir c.rr votrRin.r a e^et n#ai •••% it i. eipiallv wrong to excuse malicious de inao falr.m m fnnl Irmo a tnrr,. friend* and families, wilh low undergrad¬ a FOR SAlt MHt' »*iaer* Hee f.erie %^li|e-. struct ion of property and the premeditated rr uate* "hanging around " •I Ma • Curl I* |nr IV «-4«4>l 23 IM4 El/ AN 34 hi * ■, attempt to cast aspersion* oil the ideal-* ,r If it Irln*. that l.v shortening upring term HUAKix coMftJrrr nniNisr. r-a'ti -afpeied •»;. ... held Iiv the students and stuff of Michigan 4 '*>v Ci.rt Uf> Artiu**rt.er.t C.'r.-t 1»_ 7_ ee xnluahle class hours would I if sacrificed • lire. I hampmn (trake Relln State University. MI4 V ICalamaao# iv 4-4n,ir »r LOST and FOUND However, we Iff I rludi'iil.t could make up "^E^L0rMENT~~ in torsi rentor MASOSI' kpllrel SIM, on p.. - D| a ,. » -n;n wanted rtAfiv nirrria a • -> Reward Wf 33:4 « II r» HfMir rtl l-vm ati.r 4 l/»*T I.ADir* WATdr • n m Muat hava own tranaterrtatmo n» Iretwaer. Jer.«r.>- C,»f., . Asks Open Mind ROTC tardon Cor.ta. t kahd'a 3 3 »• on lit HII I I AIXAllAN r or tin new ha. WANTED tMeri man rtiran«.r •infn-e ORG A NUT fi-e^t »al«r« Men • l.ir.irfu al r«m»r toee'her at* rear. AND in Call nr write Mrs Joaeuh n Rrcea IKS- ( nlumtoua (MflloA llaftrol Wa' W'NGIO S»AP'a-. whataogver I know they are sincere in nut 4 3133 /« ON MONIMV aotue months' contrnvei their beliefs, and I affirm their rights to VAt.rs MEI.f v1-1 or t.an tune over compuUorv Id l i t w ill undergo an im tot l.lruta le. ur< » 4i-.ima 4a»l I •' such beliefs. I disagree with them and will nevtaal la*4imn *i"Sr XA .• portant etep toward final resolution when .-,4* ..r-eilent w.rklne »-nor1i*» • • attack their arguments in support of their • the academit aeintte vote* *»n the i • in a rHrt v 417 r.ra-.rt Hiver Cncl*. Now that the cooling effect ot tunc ha I toit mil. but not their right to differ or to l.ellei'N lo liie I.Uilor l.h • ween .1 ai»1 haiurne. 13 and * "" tm • l« 33 attack my arguments In the same manner Oa it Ne. intervened in the hot discussion' that filled I* \H 1 TIME Irl'.r.HAI WORK il wherever thev find the npportunitx. CoihIiicI al Itallgainrii IliU I.. .1 uvain.e •»'■•» I'"'" I-- al r-o the campus air last epriilg, I think it i - lit SWT m» » . rv. 'len' a n arrr-te-.- a t.'* ar v n \\ II ATDVIilt the fate of rompul*orv f at VOW' brow t»-'' ting to take another look at the basic issues HttTC, the ini|Mirtant Issue has been decid . • il* th.-erfl mninr* Write V4' Jnhna»es f air.erine lar-.mf 1? eah.e- "a»e »» f.a' f. ' involved ed bv the very tad that ItOTC has been K W As rakerv nt: Coed Protesls Dorm lt(k^ulations While I remain overwhelminglv In favor FOR SALE elk. .•ed siibjis'ted to careful scrutiny by the highest of the voluntary system I am not fanatical echelons of the university faculty ami ad |.f, IPlAKfAST IONJ> 'Mp XrfRI.VN about it adoption The important thing at minirUration I trust in their ilecislon'as ' R A dar,- e.I..» •• GOOD e-ji.il at.-I this tune is that the senate, and later the ' t» tHr I itlOir an»! honed, re pon-ible men. and know what I.. ... H* stud:- w. 2 147» FPISH prji|l/ *ij. Ih** 'n-rm • • * r> in: Hoard of Trusters, examine tin- ultcru.t thev do will be the bod cotice for the cot.. .'1 'tie dorm .* tive* calmly, with an open mind Possibly ever iiniver-itx as thev see it l..t" « »• lie** u-oilld tike ll»„ III l»A'k« tske tl • Substitute Mil .. . .ni I,n i-r* pregnant hi»' a .1' at Mghr OutCP ' • there is i\ third or more alternative th.it .• '.PUONUT iHOP II I am somewhat short of words this rtOimrtuni'v l>. e*iu.»ir utene * REAL ESTATE would be better in the inteie't ol the urn morning, that i< probably ail to the good the role* #n«l rrf ilt* -n* t»e» (ilianls (inIs ♦ ,• .> ware * i. a-.d 'hit' we r j-rt A'fMfl t he dfirin 212 MAC Op«* tl * 4 am tauuiig to fsn- V ■ ■ xeraity. I goiierallv till tm comments with a surfeit In- found to sr.- fua-l***, *• ■ g.-t d'vwrt '•» atiHlymi ttrs'NiGrjtATriR w n.r> isi- «rv Alt. TW' f » the I dilnt ,i, te o' tegula'. >'.* RANGER IHea.h 11:4 ( lark Ni»»' supererogatory hootuauux, nun se«pii- -i, Till. Hi t ISION that Is filiallv I einlei cd of »"U w;!' n-»te ♦>..»• Ote\ ate en IV 3-tecw n Man* te'ters ' W' a' doe* the l*n.ver» 'v tur-. ami other such inanities for* «it h' ever. *»n.e TWO almtit the future of IdH't is not leitllv tin t When a foul h rsllett «•» gMrding Cegirati n want g '•* who have t>e leu. I ARM A DOR RETRTVrRS RV OWNER TWO At iiu\ rale, I feel I hat everything worth tlnmii rave "bM-e*ii »ho ...ik ornurtd ru!e«. wtiO e--'* near ^ ,» |H»rtant. The factor of prituarv importimce a Mate pUirr tl is •Htinusl* a I* rr a ,,e**. • '»» itiamat"' ED I'MW II4H Rr. 1 - about compulsory IttlTC has already XXi'f Ne. I'M"! *»• le'-to cnntruHi* > a-i'J » - art hum ID • IJll has already Imeii demonstrated That such ••axing . had rail h* ttia referee because been "aid. Kciterntmn will serve oiilv to u.'K*n»*i Km- % htm po,.» the TWO K'All. DRElM.r> X -e an issue can be raised and fret-lv discussed stale filtuer* 4n not rnninul mm i»eat Irmtlesslv u|n»u eardrums which ore fnal* When Ihli ailuattnn art* Sum-'- ' *. .re . »*"• - f >r (1m thev wont wo¬ h. -. • SERVICE is liasie t<« the spirit of freedom and d»-nu« t- .«• | ■ f .> ,'i ... hind ' fit.' men of rharfei-tn ' rr the rnttar tent Ion* fan Mill 41.1 a'"1 310 'me M .-xra* «*>f «■••*' tacv on which a modern tituxet*ii\ i< iuidt alreadx sorelx pressed Name Ulthheld h« Ke«iue*t VM» U«%* Mai • xp-di* :ak-ke« a p n K3 long as aurh discussion and action h I stand in favor of the voluntary system, N> 2 When »ig ylaver* a e * * * and urge its judges only to be thorough not 111.r -RJfK.ED HIDING M twissible. we need have no sermn- concern shooting tineMtrirsI f »u O.-.-., rex driH •- »I1« Ver- r-«x| mvirti'.-k ne • and painstaking in their examination of its there sn«u'd t»«- »wch re-.-xe Willi I.II !1W At* 1." Tnick-Dotl«ier *•. .'i.-hoa the continued growth and improve . aiauit wfiu'ti «l j..I n R.-vor 53 merits and disadvantages in light of pres. ,t\ tHft.hir a**ure* the mrnt of the university. To those in oppn . S'tttr train • the fj'i" are Is- verxliy :i I\i 1RATOR sfVEV TRAVS - tion of chungu I hold no malice or ill-feriing cut lieeds. .'.ki.ni * •I .:> .1 t them A " fist jwti-en' '* ktuxk-' I - •' Tires i»f Race **«» East XI-74. ED * o aHv. o * iVl tMuirvt* If. i* oliviiHIAiV Stile haurvev the ieje.ee tv« Ilaunull Says To the fid I tor 1KKD RrrRtr.F.RATOR" PR* r-tr.fn a'd TV WASH U' »rn1 irt Crossword Puzzle A » one ««? j|i* infrequenl error-., ► 1 here I* no evidence that M%ir iiruversi'e ob)ecie. and Indvear Mtdttgan. Sa'vue IV 3-1 %2* *u»ie lila P-e»' ta ;» uurclv "btkt>leiU«t, fu a'-'t 'ha' dudeiit* do I II Si ROSS JJ ApKfMO* * Nf' mH" r>*« \MToV'o b' rid arid •fiou'xl be inf ue«t Ihi* lale»i iHlrnxive epi*««le t.gu ■ Ml OECORATEt) CAKES DELIVERED I l«*« • n |n a *r of this snmediateiv ran he hliated on anvwne at nd« tr.e - unvrlM pn bie aide- 1. t.iher i on lnr naliit. t« iv»rtie* hi- lh'la*, M,t • w-i'er K«a»t Ear AMiP CAN t|6 «* )V —■ . e4N Au* fin « V- f i,!tiw* •' f ■ Wirhiaan State Intversitr. k fie po'.cy. However, e % IV 4-«743 1# .nt»r#4 hat tin* la a im4 tune to r» k 2i* Ooee ba*h* rule- w.1.' un-i<*ut<*- «h «s no: ex'ciio '.u un.iver* V GPOUNO HOW SPIC1AIS tl Phfif 1. IniluR N ■ • Ii •-Me A > t >,MM A T r-i \ a\hni">d t:.« friemt* w:' ' • make the tt t mveratl* perteellv rlear that will not con¬ !ru -k» !' underslandatate the-. AND r* profound k' -a «sige ,,f .U-H, the videwaik for load- TT»*DW# IZ rueiixn l« Ineeanti* P**ua»# Br*»' Nlie*U*rn|c"o\*f 1 twtil. Ha »i «*d hIkma 'hit lie done or lor fixe anv such ar- *.f.< a • i .,n i.- -ad.'-.j ^Mii-poaea Mf • Al I> .'--e «u-»d of Jane uage stmt. e> IK!« ' > 1 € iA i« a "*<••»! igt*'' ui !he 11% 111 hi «lwdr nl« or em ' * A |6.«v I** tmual i i a; ae tor rw-wai •I A T *0*N'| V *R|AiN **-! >n* on is that they e Uiowi Anna fh- Ix C(Ht«tilw»nl 41 I « aen*f irf the word Slave* r.ot careful atMiur this TOP TRADI p'f nA*aj|f 'a'aMejqV ver* ate IT o mp f I hi II « AfoiruUe l»rI a« ilia RmNic prapertl K 44 U iiigCteR The M",er oa* ;n front «rf loo A N r.) AL «l»l.. trank Health •floor, hat the spwrvrj II RoUts i>l)un S«'wl AS *f >Ot*ptfo 4 Pull ( : T« , a *er»on« dauhrnc of «%%a*tika* ha* far Grand River pnirancr to Berkey i«t«I r'Kl -e» rwl'are" •i'S'1 •» •* IXee't I PiX'e«rT-s« a* J pm i*' n* student* weie A ;»e.l Oireof • i ' more aerteu* implication* >» .S<* Il 44 t #»»l. "I .-.V. .X-O f- nc ' • »n.1 fr>an % ,a»%. a mu)tl« II I »|:i ItHMVl* 41 S *'*r, , • ' . IVrsliing Kit'll' I hi* l« not li«ht-hraitr«t heme piankater*. dour h% ami tiw i*%»'v i ... x pulliHl up and it wax >• xfont for hmiseif I lie-ill IV c-33.4 »XPERT TERM PAPER * ' Xl) .*• te#ri•'» • M.< •■«>. » it txn t luon% tiwna on dnlrir t»vr»- • •411 fl* 7> # V ' , . , Blush Stale the prtncipie* *%* **tika and *% mho I ire* philoaophtr* came close atwl wondered juat w-hat in b»aa- to gr'tmg dipped W1UIAPI M. THOMPSON D.xUr teep year* oapocietw-e IX 3 • ev thi* fellow liad any cause to fraefar W»s<*9 Cao4a» TYPING - ID 1-a.x* MiH «.• M T- i • ohno*iou* to American* We 1<« the Iditot ?- e«i»* 4.- ■ ♦- # went t« war not too man* toil, up at tne same tune aiu- • • «£.- kpeodt wr EKPtRJENCTO TYT : - V th.-.r di. iha' I've per- V1MP.XT location at » • Hiprsn v • it ■> k • . a. denta wer^. getting out of clkef. hrcauae what the xn !>*•. " * * '-I1-4I •» g A ' l.h 'I lean, ed A i Uir Perahmg H.:.,-- vr hive regrene o.tt year* «wa*ltka i|« repre«ented men !*r%_prjy weeks M\er by Jen^aon and up ago I was HOUSING Rr*a» AD trvm «*< •tertnc RMMMoo at -aoer- • Call Mr* Pwe* a 1T> 3-HJS » a'Sfftl >C<" ■' '# i .. • a«ed all wr hold xarrrH and X|Si; .n »»• ...xupeji*.-»n a' .«• — c ih-jmn- ne o* b»e truck* T e spartan' VVLTIUTKIN t: Huts u » v.-- the rati in hlood *nd *wftr(- Ml$$ O'MWS UAf CONCH! H g r: 5 «»-.« r** ;«.. gin iiu*!.: have never heard f TYPING aenrhe |v*;v Nrxe: j., save inc %»a* too «reat for intone EOl'R TO SIX men atudant* aaa original Vr* C,neWe -1 PC ; • -k «ir* tt '»r ike device for win- !• * j • a furm*.-, • 4 e.»-h T^ree-bedruorr I' • ">«ae. . look upon il* reappearance 1"I 1 [— niMwmt to 'he rudf* t*e to 1 u. COM4 ID \s*e *<■ * re^ i:*. I came ci-**e ed Laundry and oar r.f IV 4-3iai HAY AIDE-* AT M^AAMHCO an .'it a. - j ■- I-* '■ ! : et., tha' a:»i..e wc md tncon*.dr; a* "»vc.ve*t #• Monday with no lii4iflfrimr place within the I hert Wichl«an i« u.i h'.Ttcvf a f «jiw1 thi« piece of «d«ar driftwood of farewell « -hvgel.l.on >a in the future of Raunttn* the 4o etudenr* 14 IW.li,,!*.! 4 v - IV T-4AM n i! i mean noth'-ng to us bu w'-..e I * .%n the cyxTi people h- me I 3? <3 ur,»u.r.* A*a tor Joe.a Field R Ml R Mxbwoe wisW «n.l extra |. -..:u of wpukt the street f can rvri.ET AWN BROWN • " it »i>e E1VR ROOMS r.VFURXUNtZ) or 3-RWO Elo.-r.-r t* pewrt'. \ .iriu' .e W- ,H .oi:•,«•>< e 4.- r . x j'u wvi': t--u: WV j|k.'i ' e < omgat£ i.' w .to them bu! I w.d furnteoad a>atiatue to student* krf aaoor* taj trnwaa. ado g*--' ' jt m rn AP •s« a KNCg £;.* -rr..^ vr n.v k>.tHlone breaking univer¬ r^tw.Mur* m 7-4WS or KD I-3W] -f 41 n. . v#t.J;g » nne evanvp'.e* >' fa*. •.i.N-m r.'u»J sdtMt^aic^'monu •» .w 4> I iiti 0V» A W\»«9TA7C\ . sity .cy At least a they a-e APARTMCnTS #4 •/ 4B er rn.l . V>" A WOB.JU a. wa:ohi?-.g ever you** How arc *o r.g break it, they might WANTED t' y ThiVe you who enjwevl w e going to grow up Into mature to the »«te of toe walk. ip A Ii 4T V«4 <•-■. rrp»' . V •rjr show let me A.oure jv« i e %% kvr.cn with ton kind of k,hn rule (T Eric Thuma EAST •osrtnori LANSING R*':., TJIRrE-f o « m kit-.-i.on and oed- r ->n% (unitar.ed tdoa.' for two girn If •g H a>s. ; d" a much better ;i>b wtu-n •.*.# »tr;nfs? Par fr«*n ti ning out or marriod c»%u>ie An u'e Mdn- i «• 1 if l 5Z C:»> * i tiWTunand? trend drownert out ladies. MSI? i* iratvu I »»• Turing riN-ato entrance Near campus EO- WANTED - »w Oiwla ID ticke«. H Aifllil Staff t-3VR a 4mrt ~ i' W py . to .;..-i»ns;dcra*e people in The ■r-p)|Wibtf, hivcr.de j.-lv 31 «■ V* .s « . 1 ...... J lE1" k ■ id l.'-xne 'VaU'h us a-we- Take the hour* wr keep for Af PROVED TWO-ROOM fwrntak- WA3tTH> RIDS IN VKIN7 #4 ufAlrcr the oiv.'e s>*'.em hitkt tauar ea all ornate. Mtaol ror aod ar hew VT Hcoe and Ntuwhaau 4 fl a r. i > 11 i?0 - *.n.e but giease ieave .vour . 'serves *•> txh>»!uato uamtturity, A«<4«awt •olio Hon as I am gad * bcx>ji.*h fi.enoa at h»w.e fiha I4MT 'ZT.. IMck Allea ihrawuably tt had two ptapOR^ •Utt mmm M tad, Rap 4 Ex.-ZS*-' - / Kcvision Planned ScuuttirM I'arliingi Prdiiifiiirr I! igidlyEiiJmivd Mff micas mil I.b.o,., •, IVM In ROTC Program Make PIjiiih ' .»?• i»8?ke-i «- • ♦>{»'! J6 'e-" « • ... \.e pa'ke » '{'i hi' «',f »y>"( «»»/ llr. Jkff. \|i|>r*r"i+ > '/fdinamy, W ;<«*', ta;d 'teje-. r'u 'Will Reduce Chun Time eha.'gH fur # v.g »- d ... * Hntthrr-Sitler Itiih ■ v , . / ru'ee "Av.fs f"eu V.e f/u *ed f,"»VV!''I '--,e *e.,,e I'.' e k,-u. • •• r ..s*. WASIir.VWA' IV, He*. f»»*k.'.g «iTftye a 1/ e. '.vHr^e- d.*reg»fd *g • . •< h'a'e; e- • ;» • / | . *.'4 i- r u yfti.a'.f '/ . John Kennedy of Mauv h'iiett* g i a ?n V/'hrf4. i- *' • •">0 Percent/ Savn (ioudrcaii and Hubert W.UCf Kuf f>e. '.* '.-e, • «• u e. ■ a.d. '%+*'<•■ *■.•! *. ef? .4 e .'I'lev a' *',e Jlumphny of Minr.e- r,u.j' e.| T».-,r»'ia #• a " ' V"- .'.4,' u I' a d S'.4 .■* ',1 v.'a Tfi irsda" >/e-d ' -,e 'g Vu.e e,j on AV . ' i',y «»•♦!> 4*.' e r^i ) '■ • » rr g, •. The current HOTf prnirrim l« V:rg;fi!» fur a r.ew Havj in thetf K-»r..e • Ct-,' ' e a • l.cin* re\i><-l l,.v th» . . now A i my. t a»f»f,a:gns for the t prmdetitial nonunaHofi I he JMul. of the new |iroirrum w ill he relrunl in a few Kennedy announced he % *1 week., eeeonttne to f »pt. I'eul himon go til'#, he May |0 Wet4 VA- Attend Church Amone other thine", This the program will rut g.r.ia presidential primary, and weafe.ne du- -J The i 'me fry A.'^rl new in *0 urogram rri!!it»ry #f,t famillarlution the will amount *• more they —• itudenl* •A-erer, ' training »«.are»j - apply a-vay by the !i, .... f also '.he on# in h^liany on May 1 ana He rhal>rsg"d H unphfry au 1 a" other Iirnvxfatlr prendent ij to n.aet hun ;n Indi¬ and »1 e/here / Sunday Goudreau »a:d. He requirement*, anrh as taking an Humphrey, through klled A-n t.at iiMr the nt v prn- nut-half r,f'the |tOT<; re- Army aptitude teat, gfoieirjg of. ftrer rK.tentja! and »a'.i»f»« *orv sent to an aide be Charleston, out up tft# 11,000 fee for filing in W»*t Vir¬ FAST LANSIM, CIIIKCIIKS nee and pcveholog y f'.ij-jen'e teeing the long-run ob- b"ehng on the atate'i delegate®, u/.»o 'AilI have 21 Thic rro;>o»M program je« •lve» would prefer t/» iram vote» ;r| 'he fw'.jonal * I) d/afc'irally n-eiiina'.rg thang* the rur- le*iderah'p and managerr.ent. in » .nvention at !//« A/.ge!es in ?.t " program and eliminate college an irjr])o«ed to "wath.ng Wr EAST IANSIN6 UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN PEOPLES CHURCH « a ret rrif:rltn.i by faculty and udent*/4 Gottdrrau aaid. d.itie* ar»d dlgg.ng jllVdi#* in the Army " Indiana *ill have ,'ji vote a ,n CHRISTIAN FIRST CHURCH OF tiie nati'inaJ convention "VI hu Wen proven UmI TRINITY (HINKH CHURCH eelMHrtatlMl fcave reeently rbang CHRIST. SCIENTIST *d In Ike rolwnUrr program hate t*4#avei(in*(tl EAST LANSING ***fV*rod • M percent Imp In I'C ##•»»«# AND STUDENT (ENTER STUDENT •dYleee putnUw," Ke mM lie named three arhaali I Ink ktnle and Pro* Id enre Id- leae — nkara fraakman en raff, men! In BOtt; era My wkep It «M put nn • — dropped eanald- Mil. ONLY 5 «J DAYS He* • I llf»**r on»»ie aiantti r*d«i hlLUtMl 't '*•*•• o e*,.4»K> • tiwli »• « a- r»i-*» tfi* * •»•»»♦*. o* it r<«*ai4 'M'IM ao*»* p«rha> • r » NaDi tHiabO'E P*»a "'.ft *»»» Oftna n» r Ma»«»# Ri *' «I i-aei FOUNOATICN • • ' v »,♦ »*• I a'« • * » *4 irlwntnry kaaia ■rTidreau r.uleofy ROTC. JJfUrkcr al- I'-.aea % e. * «4J«>**#» >■, >ria '.ha' J several large U» Ia»«I I um* • *>*r*n«n*M ♦ M la if II a a «f In e f'l •'«'/* I.MKI . af! a*e*l»*a IH> felSGBBN ON rhar.ge to a voluntary Pat* RABfW ta . » ♦*.*! ,{»»M| t f 4 it will affect u.e program •««4ay 4'*"»nl » »e t« II H »s4 *»•/«» »'>».«•• 1 of pan aiivicM *».'» »•<•»»»• O vBtl SROOHM « ' er adhnoig. *H4*al Clan IJ s* a H • fi |l>u I' .ickuil A'a'dver • tt am lane** t«t«ri »>ifuf fv.a •*» do, MSU *..1 •>'» a*t a pre*i \S»*» » 4e» • BrhonU tsrh aa Oregon • * i * ■'pie • PANTOMIME a fa n«»f4t i * r e *»»»•-» »ie*» 4 • A'ieroruio," rod Sanaa. kit t a» ""M I rardiai In lent year a cur- • a f 4 A; #'• »»» ef advenrod Junlnr and aeo- J Wry entertaining evening In theatre . , a eery fnnnr and t.ae |E P»4*»t4e* a**«.Df fj*(»a l«w»» ■!»« t.»m- « eaf^i t.RNN. »»■•••* » • ill I »s»* * venaitlve «h«« . . . don't mln It' The dlrerler mf Ikie m* • dt a yi it ** * <4 • •'-><*« •• a • f.i *r redetn. apprealmnlely I! then •ertiee tea yen ant af tkene alndenle would ; h*. studied under W%Rf |J. StRf RAT. f HI Ire aa? « »MI>«N »T. T»l» RliM K. ».».1 «» MS. AVI PEOPLES CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN AND aa4 II KAll Ih-ffiti* CENTER STUDENT CENTER WESLEY FOUNDATION we fa(**4t«ofe!t*n»a«i * CHURCH tifitvo 44*4 slrri'o Cimvvrl (»• ' *•■• ' WINTER TERM 9t t '< a « ■aeaa«MD »' a f ry* 'I »n«w »i**a *f 0'*»4 tn» 4 »-4-*4 fltf • B»ee M. froajat, »« tr?*',rt»a » i I hi Smnla v Slant «tt MAC. t» r-v. • ' Nf, %y y mi!)'' LB >, »a;d, |» b*1g bfe'lrait mre %N'.a» ■t :t I* *"!» • •"< ' ORDER YOUR irfu» a*i*Mi » «aav »» 11 ** • m »*a«e e s ■; afkd r%! fed o m> 'ha* it '*-)♦ * » ».»i <* >a i'f*a *• 4 o • • ttfut « »-ta » w. aaa«»4a* 4-t 14 * f 14-4 44 14 s«raary fv» a*rv. •« « < .■•-educe the full b«*.« IOn« ra* *e at a« » .4 a i! ** a "4 ■ en; ..grij'rt, i • 'f.'e Prym.'r a«Jv..«e4 '» COMMENCEMENT tkfpofir niftfif r»ec.a*i • • a a t < • a '»v«D u>»»n iii vi n i* G|«»l BfO eatio*. e»fi» it»ati *. ;#»• < uu P*< I a** *» At IN IH» a,av am » -a ANNOUNCEMENTS t» 'une a ieg,..ar AM *»l Mf *N! »« . ^'0 'A'KAR Pier. p!a< # in re » si .aan. an ■alio *«♦• at« OC.Nfl Nfli oee eppfjalmateiy a.y. r*M* ap ...... i »*» AND YOUR n«4 c*4ar Ii*«m > • 'h* left ar**«■! Aeratae * »d4 p* coMei-rrE Baa «***aa W. f tM|(t»an| Cttna tp l-rtll aa gp V-*MI ST. ANDREWS EASTERN EAST IANSMG J9 CAMPUS SPECIAL le fi rtumarav •CPPkf MB MWD'tt ImBa* ata ORTHODOX CHURCH TV7 UNITY CBTTER TNI MP REGULAR IB M Pm'P"i tfm fanrt* IN Gtear a Bail rarest ilU'iul Tilt' (Jiurcli N*rrn t » r» .taw faanai CtraM $298 **» *at nvm a-f Wmmrt !1 4P a a. LM * aa A m It 44 *T«4ar lw«< Kim ta III STOCK A e PaearfWP V i«*J4 («*Tfc» — IWeMWafW/ It A* A M ta at A e Pacer*• Ikae Pan em *»•.. la o»# fot>*f I*' ra«aai fvai la4 (If ) our Choice *«« ••** «*♦» Uimi 4«4■•'» *■ »»*i> tkM — VOMM w (at »a aft*# FOR A I.AKGE SELECTION (i'h fits Hue* *»* tag Char;* .«•**» OF Hli I.P ALBUMS IN This Siimhiy P *»■*-*i* MM i»11alii imfm »» OUYET BAPTIST BETHANY BAPTIST CENTRAL M 'hCWST JAZZ CHURCH INTER-CITY mi CHURCH ft tit ei(Vir.f* CHURCH CHVKH it f. Mtraiaae a HlaD #»«a 'an Partaaaa #• .-m •iii AI.SO: MANY OTHER I.P HUPtl 4 i rttvifft r**i(.i i **.••* '•"« a • at * » n« • aa 4 *> *-■. »«*» » *s a * * waa Or. «>f *: > a; •»< a :$ tm % ft a a aa 1«>«at P«»:a 4-"-.an*** ♦ ; f e •* FA VORITES FROM ii aa % m aa a a* earrnt •*»»*.» •a# l N r H r raa. fa* i hi a aa. Taraa laatk !«a«*M Twai*| Clan • **•«*• «eMay» a •*<*" •**•»--iinimmi 1 bap atpricB **c — !.»«, AND Tea r.« Man trniai U-r^aB***. h*'>ro afr.^4*t4 4 *aca c«* !•*«*• tick urn aa P.«a - P* ac,T* ( aav cnehan 1 ♦*•«*• a* aaP ft 4 l*G*.lf«(*!»t A t^a A LIMITED SELEC¬ "" I-eiet far a rtt* P;.arv.»,i fa# Irawrarjsa* 19 :4TU Ceaeeu t* * FCava (htm a* ' ••»*»» TION Of tf.'« '^SSrajSz lAMSMG CENTRAL FREE SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH FUST PRESBYTERIAN HOLY TMBTY G(EH FOR ONLY 7*r 44W««WYOW 4f eOMtlt Ultt bfni ICIMOOT CHURCH ll*»WG CHUKN •am «n*«a *« *mm cm mem. ORTHODOX CHUKH -#TO| 54 A.M. » % a at a rt aura ut m ■*. *at a • W5 am ANDRE'S PtSf IT H I'X.) t ««*« f Nii.1 cihric *•» 1*t*( r#ma mtrnft COUMf HAVE a*4 T*ai| *<• dM A u A ««ram " km — a..* ■* -m * tl M (M/ I t Kiaab — • am i'*n4a> ' a.' enaa a <4 v<« v« . am a•» Pw am ' ;♦ J». %.*< •m — - ce ca ,«7 NO. WASHINGTON LANSING fn A Wad t*e*aia-13A em **«c*' »'« *i cairo iace t 4 ou Ma '« *• Grarf n# CP af Dm* Ujav *44 f*e Mia «*i ».*.L -. Mirm 4^4 re lavn latra fliLMitur Pk«» ED MMT IV MUS (*Jt I* Mil! fat h«t MM.f L. Host Tech MM IIM• AN N|.% 11. MMM 1*41' I Mill Spartan hvrsjo I v two. Ih'\;uii|M'(l (»ra|)|»l<'rs lo Tan' Indiana i'- vi HKiilnif. flriiifi' H .III' I -• I I liver* (liven Iti-wl (iluinee For Weekend Pair of Games It. MIKf hIvInnii: f , Pol nii'tl ' (H.llfl't . M. I f til fjoi'l >»l |.IH|U«K ,» writ, -I.", iv.-'l I • . 1111 - « . • (Injlrnlof.( Tankmen Hi H\n\ RONIIfKt* :.a'd t'ia' Tech h always tmigti, fore die hometown crm* -t - that cannot tw* disregard,-: . I. IHT'I 111'' I,,111m uhl lit* ill m.iklu,. lltr ili.ilitr, Itnt Hit move didn't on* hml llif N|wrUln, ea»»»l»ll»»k To Sivim al Indiana AffCi neiil'iy two week.:. >.f Wt'llA Idlefie-. :, Michigan St■ ed them two week* ago they lit r.ul Kiev mill 11114 ln'%1 |»r«». • M.Nt "• fin* :t 0 v k r t.. a personally fteeounlad and picked up six asil*»* *, • i: i, i) an.1 *i»l«!iitiit« •iniii"ti»«»i» It'"' Wrtlkrr hAV' iiin-iulv kIiOsvm they v lth t'eic ,Niii'/, another i.opho- aerie-.' flrM elnsh ThU line goals D*' yea 1 and, Moronity's total come, or, ft.. fvlilu'rr ir'p I ft'* Spailule. ill Kits imom ami veteran John l'ark» Michigan Tech. 10-1*1 In for fid . to a *!ow start this goal* and five assists .Vhhitei »tarird the senaou n .. ijrj tinent leasue actlnn. take* la» the Ice thougii on banged in .Tf thus Jack Rolerta Is next In '! » II II I II II I 1.1. I v I. w K I I. ' s 117 pounder «in,l Moid wh». »*. 1 1.11 Sfi-uif tin » top Hmom Ornish! fresh from a surreaafiil season, has goals and four «•* »*• the next weight pound* Following the first mri't Hiivi, Ml f• r» .1 •-.* n»-' in Kir •.!*•, tiipterflv, MH'nf- ri*ft*i rfrijf to Stiniii'® I'VllflTN Look home aland asaln*t laat weekend a* the Mlnneanta llualilea far In Tech'. Inst four games they with five for nine pf»iri!s have picked up live goals apiece In the nets again fur ?.<» . set, R*0 V' 20.000 uf tin* fit* 11 *•m, itiw uundmngulto b,ornament in KviiiiHt'in, III. tin¬ jm-1irijf of .1 J Oti 1 ngulint Wi* <• 111 ■* 1 m foi .1 vimtly irroni M'l'l I'ot' Find Win aucpt Kir two-game and 0*1. for the outstanding to'al of 11, will he Kldori Van Npyronk Sjiar'an goalie has turned n* , r » laughs men switched Wright rlllAM", urn of it.i* l.i .1 time* nutionally feel, if. fi'>v hot Jf| f.ereent- with Koslanelr arid Fahhro 4.1ft shots Iri 14 games, and ,- 'i'lm kiltri. m hit esplallied Ku- >,rir on 'Plie Sfiai'tnn fencing teani will age poiiit'i behind aepond-place no'otdng hat tricks In games of rien u 5 1 goal per game »vr ,|, hig Jnli ahmrf Miitilgan and ir«llh league lead¬ Minnesota series , under I11 t'otlln*. nm lo strengthen •(•hi limr lis* n Mtflurifny uhrnhr («rli|r« he hunting for Itn llrat win of ing Denver h only 21! poinlft the In addlllan «a their fine sear¬ into the Mlnbigkn Te,*h - pound division wllli Kir i>t htm the^eeaaon this weekend as the/ |.« Kir 117 iv*I 'hi l! ' luorr Iim rsprrlrnrrd Mwri Who two 141 ill 1 Irllrr*. lliMisirr I rank lurk slink r. fiagr has hern tn MrKlnnrr In Ihr take' fo the |-'»ad agHln The H<|iiad will fare tfmvei- Hpartnn c«eeh Anio lliwsone ing shltltr. the Huskies paaaeaa what Reasons terms as "the tin- tcr ^ CCA In the ranfer- 4'ultHi* explained Ills ri-u. mm 11.« shunhl writ. Alcf'aflree frela. and |inl In a giiml |M*rf«fm- ally of f'hh ago and llllnolt in a triangular meet at Chicago Skiing r«»ii«lilionw eat enre gaaltender " (Jenrge t umllrk. In Ma . -Tennis Match f>,| t f*111f»J* ill* t l»M»lli»J « U ll»*li Tcch'a netmlnder. For All of Vlielii|tM(i third gear as rvi-r l-n'l lit* run t<> l"» sure lit* »<|i»inl run dnwu iiv the Kmc the Rilir. 11 Tnuik l(ii|i|inM w ill Mrwllnr nmt Den* In* meeting In- MSI! ferwlng cnaelt c'h«rlc« SehmlKer team han in heen working fundamental* thin Skiing crmdltlona remained haa kicked out 47* a hats so far and enters tonight's game with Held Salnrdnv .e II I u III championship* 1 11 I I (tie good to escellent through¬ a S.A per game gaul average. iloiiui'i. f Jerry Miki In the •Aeek lie la sMrking with hi* from The first anmiat Vsr#!*-*- tit "l111'I lilchkutrokr out Michigan with snow dept'iv Add Mils fine aggregation of Till* Hir 1 lu»ui|»lon*lu|i» original roster with the eacep- Alu'mnl tennis msVAs anlj j-riu 1,'iirv .I 'tien' r«rr .iltli aopho- l ion «,f f»ne I'hange tri epee, tip ranging frmn 0 lo 50 jnrhe* manpower with 'he Inceptive held Halordav at 12 In the !•» Mir ficing held it! Ann A'boi, frrd Itoundn ami Tlovne Mountain reported the that always sparks k lesgue It iluilng llifi iii.ite ttoor.lri n will u*e f'huck S^'hmltter, Jr., Arena, according to Toaob A'ss March 4 1 Hie tOO-yar.l frer- greatctl afif»w deptll roritender and the result* I* one mutches that lli»* linn I league Torn VeiUi In I Pong Jewell and Jltn (Tarv Drobnc of tha varsity 4ean • a'ylr nhouht l.n a good one, Mr* ftrtVNK MOUNTAIN: 12 '» that will demand one of the determined Ktther Nell itrown or Jim team. standings Mir IIarkn* v/III l»e fourth man on SO" packed, powder l»a*e. Skiing .Spartans' finest efforts to date. Spectators ara we Www • U (lie aaltfe team, t»arking D»m excellent State, presently resting In the come to tha match. Na Johnaon, S'eve Ameat and I*at t'ABWtKAK: k to 10" packed WCItA basement with a record aion wilt be charged. much fMMTIM THROWN KU- Miihloon hane Skiing gofwl. WTIO VAIJ«rV: fNear Kal- of 2-10-2, should lie stronger than they were at The varatty launs. < the iiimal trio of Dick Law* Houghton, according to Ressone. AHIWCf - !e»*, full MeNflmar.1 and Jolin amasoo) ing feet TotK»gg»mng and skat¬ •The advantage of playing !»•- NIU (toll will tie on the full, atrip. UIK M1IIIN / WNUlit (Ml Ml TAUT. lllkNti THRtlUHO. CNttUNOI' Last Week To Oct Your ptoyert uf Mm puet al I tIMI I It % Htiular A CmiIImhUI foach Drubuc annumaaud *Ne» in the following a hums! tots I'r- cart : tomv M \ i:H so PERSONALIZED wash a weak w1 that they will tamnu*e JiA Rhlngteton, *4a. now ga'.ihn placement director, Davu R-a. grant cuitns mv* Mini WOLVERINE gan. 'M; BUI Blmrd, *41. Jfoffmati, '59; FVd» MaaaarV, lilNl MKfD COWAflf AND \ .1 VARSITY SHOP Keith Khtkble, *52; Ken K tV, *51; Re* Norrls, *34; and frs- operation MM I OttHM.lKt UNttllEV/tBlE ADVENTURE! "A MASHRPIECt" fSOUltl .SALES ENI) FEB. 12 t«R ARHOTT It ft K. UNI. Itecnian, *43. present IM ft I re, tor and tennis cua«h »* It*." - fnan IIMII-51 and fmm DVT- t tit HUM I »» petticoat i Air MtlMV MM 'is I »»' tmnn COlOff UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' SPECIAL NINE IMS IMMI von cnoic'k or ☆ i oim itinii! - cim \m frtme beef npen face aandwteh an Jnu-pstra large |bh- uhtpped palate raff— ur milk mitfi.krs — taii. mpes — exhal'ST riPES IS ADDITION hamfir I.IRrRAI.I.V I'IIOM AST OR ALL • la«»l #4fl>»m»nl A>••! *••• or t hrrt iai, Arri.Ti7i.RN. polishes — waxes — paints — ihu'SIIKS Mirhifun Stale complete line of accessories • oretan riitveralU Mmi.. I net., f eh. film Sertea 7 and 9 9 m RA DOR51 utl IHNTa 98c LunhtPC fur a read* One meal thta tOWUTi spring aitto glass New A Rebuilt •grsstui r vim iiii.ii 1111 %ihi Admlaalnn Me Nnndav evening? f ur the finest pulitne at hard to heat prices service ■rntTwuiD •W4TIA PTwr- he aure In visit . . . Tt run. •i Litca rum T—«... Imhi. WM,. In Hut /<+*4 \ III. \ O - T II 1: S W 1; It I S II H II N II 1; l< NOTft't: All meats served t»y the "Hunse uf Reef * are t'NHA AUTO APT AMffU A "HOUSE OF BEEF" KRAMER I'ARTh ns H. MK NVOAN AVI:. (Seat to Hatol IHdai Men -Nat. 7 s.si. • • p.m. — Nun. II a.m. • • pjn. mm. e. k.il.ama/.INI st. phonf. iv MMi \ L's I la ml-Smile hint Npeelalliing In: must beef, re end heef. chicken dnrh. steaks, eta. HK»I> VOL' ALWAYS HF.MEMIir.n" j'- ,1. CAMEL (Tv»»e> SPORT JACKET hi •x LUCON < is the Clastic H Lwa CawyMa Skow of Classics O Toniglrt aad Satanl«< at 10,00 P.N. VOLVO *1 > beats r aU other imports! o n Volvo—Sweden'* remarkable family sports ear »wwa again! The oeraaion: last weekend's eompaet ear WW at Da> lona. lotted against a tough IWId of tho world'a host com (tart cars. Volvo onee again showed tU famed iHTformani-e and readability. Me are proud of the Volvo tro|>hv ndlertion but •• rare for more senoua reaaona. The raeetrwrk ia the acid test — pushing Volvo far beyond the performance it must live up to t« daily use. Volvo's durability and r.iadworthtne*a owe much to Idme Rook. J*et»nng, Dny* tona .... Kaoh new Volvo victory is (reah prmd that > you get winaiaff pevforaniacr.' Come m and lest drive the champion importe«t car toda>. x •|«M of 0 s n > R*aHd-tom S-i. »t H N. KmHiM IIS N. WASHINGTON Int. STRATTON'S X "8 T. P5 iv Mirt \*\\ K. MICIIIti.AN AVK. a s :• II IV UuII• u0 I AO IV .1 IV I N I IV V (I N V I VUlUf.S* *r\T» M«« [spai'luiis Play llo.sl J'".0 lo Purdue j Travk Season O/muis al (.olmnlms .Li Hit Itrrk'.f Dirk* a-e It V. J' ' foUl The ',1:. Ie#f|r, lump, broad lump Irs - , ,,, 70 ■ »j high ■■ •!.<*•> 1li( *! i>- rh'.' ; 'icV 'r am a .,Wed • i»• he »•(/' !, MifiMesoru lit fil d»»h Mifcc Hlctnham* Mr fir.st r/tth'iM fneft of the pole •t4.it leu- -.Mi •. • M in Tom VnuiiK u« hi* flr*t role vault and 7'i-vard high hurdle* S'Y'ur'ta. ir> a d ial uo-e' J. |/ m in Jrtii nn K -hi »» a vtarter and althotifh he Hrian I atlle, •«*i«rta*r mile and H-.M-r • lifting didn't score a treat deal he did •* J'-fi Oil.''i H'ui* 6'- f>>Jtimhu» mile re|.v> Y|. * tVei*eri£Mihrr, hu "'I svhn j M» I •! a creditable jot. according to So roe of Ihf rnjUtatcjuig 440, mile relay and 70 id I" !•» r,. Wn t F' If Anderson evr-nh* in Vurdav's men' in¬ hurdle* I- Toni Wih-'rn »!". ■hov-'ci A: . fo MICH Hi AN r, /.:» clude .the twi-mlle race fca'ur- when If* AO'I • 'MO.;. f,« h«- fji-ue into 'he dig ('»!»*. Il'ih idtke, Jai' yoai t . IMlllft ' / t hit ft game 10 rrisle i tr-nitfiiuii •*!!♦* V" B" I lit- rither nlnftfr, Af'lr-iwm 'IlKiijuKriflted h'i fu I'M < \\ er-Erfjyt * » pill also participate In MM -pirtau* r»» In to Hi*' l*i a Junior M-o.'Imv v.-hen r.fiiy a h'Mo '/•.»■.■ I ale hi* *peci*|ly, the mile, agairitl I . ature »hoe-n - I . I Mr U i«, , ••Ith 4 h»H*f Infill- tr ft r»«r'l f.|r.« ven! fi» 'hi- V '» 'ft p m • bin lh» hollrrnulifn ullh it'./'I ».f Abound 10 000 s> A.',t the Huclieyea. f I : mark, f'urdiir In. an !l' Snturrlav l,\V| 2 11.4VkJ , with 13 W he A"**hcrf. one uf * he TOMf.Hf I *||#|U fiSI.V but pic run or tht mm" « » > Sf/aiTa7TS^fh'»»t* vefs;.- ic »uhnef>, M 4M11M. AT 7 IA I* M — New Tort Time i lti.ii|;.-ra I ri«-1. I .us. ; • , , . V , J»e fitfn*'ltig in 'he qua' • 11,.«.«• .».. i ✓«' RAT I KliAt < list I nil I'M 'c -fnii* add the hkJf-niU* r*''-* lit liri.li..|( H inj. .'{• I The fiueieu* 'cam it »'rrfi|.'"»'1 of a group of of this yea * « Alt V f.lMSf IF YOU NEVER SEE ANOTHER MOTION [f,\mii;Mi, V.rv ffj'ern cracke'j 4 JO g one v/it M* vet. Utunrw+h * rjih'rfonr «-*. PICTURE IN YOUR LIEE YOU MUST SEE Arc,nog 'he o I'fur.'hrig pro st.niiirtr.fi « * !ornp ThurtdAy rdght whon Mor Dual Mi'i'l Weeknul Ati'l) if.ti, lia'hga'e rlflM ).»»». e liie sj.e, •», A'cording to ( ntn-, I/ " ' ch, are /.a< k t'.rd, Rf) yd dAnr., llttM AI.MI - "briiliant movii! and L*-.v the frcrn.' KM. It.M Hrrfif.y Akps'a, hemd jure. . — Stockholm'* f.dnmgen Witip* ,1-1 hofnre |0, W Till I IN I. l-r.SSIO in l!>» • ii'i - f>ra!d oau. pule vftii'.. Ed O v'i,|ni ' ' flturri *;.C'rot'/fe '«ra•/(J'rft, mil'' Arid f»/o '(• ■' . f nntinuoua I he Ifariger •riuff.f.-i f.r H»mthern « •Irinif ill iniuiiii VfIke Gerhard, h gh jump and si sum f.her de'eii'cd 'he I'-d I i 'mi I pm mall Inhii l»t|iif W ill l>e a Jc- c E.Vfl., V. !iti< 2*' r^xl' Ag-. n tliteat In all event*. n>|iN|allt tidi'ie.j /ii'troit'a wiMif.i a' oak fMheea competing at OhC are In Man Tar*hl*. amither nmle !'*. I .'ii to f * i(»mri- Jason Ifarneaa, *hot put, high trateit Spartan ami ilrhnitliif MM ami Hie 10 champion nti h CJerif^e «*/ • r v1:4 »aDt the high bit , e'« f-ne*t thut.ld g ■ Vff»ei*»t ('■" .ru-e ■-< »•'»» !•' J l;U •> ■ *•' \A • /'»,k >'■ ' " Ifd A data to ramambar... •' • ■ ■ ■ X* the count. v •hern IMlnr.lv v hit h ha* All¬ I • 'a and SUIifCT _ ■ 'i| llllni.it. ami lii«! to tr ho hii nutilinitliif |"r rop IVIirtiary Caterpillar , iii 'og- V.'ar • In liimhlinv, nit the I f' >'• Or (.■•line ami *llll . ring* GREGORY ele. Mv. ' U> • or.d fc*e oft Interviews • • III and l«>. i I u. e*'i rlath «re frryrri far PECK G 0 I'Kdl Entieeers • FREO MA iv« i'r- II \<>uf» »l«mt lo .«»iv» your B.V or MS »n*e ASTA RE to: Ja* ii—ruin dr|[i-». l.tl—pilltr Trtrlor Uo A int*.-tl«l •M'.raet III V'NI v* !*"»♦ I; fMtet ark. DMA O DAYS Ujiri|iillwi i. ih-Wi»l(T.I»*iliinm*fiiifwti|r-rof K mV. llirwl KiiKiiin — Tr*1ori — Karlhaiotiri* Kqnipnimt .1 fra it Hire- I.I IT TO III Y YOUR r.ur prmliHti *tr ev-rywti-f« , , . doing It* tori mv til ili- wotII . g> itmg Ug tola doo* ■■ big wa.t. mi-M At ( atrrpillir yonH U doing tmportanl «nd aatia- hW-dj WOLVERINE fylng will in RKSKARCI! AND DEVELOPMF.N'T DONNA ANDERSON Slililli - DKSH.N - SALKS - SKRVICF.- »nd many 'ah-r lil (.s III AM in "II \Kf-a* \l€ \ltl \N KNIfa R-lilt. Ul.il. muff, .mill bf *iiU lo glow — K.liJiy I All »*i)\ MM* IUM* IIUAdl n \iin i.ticmw is i i iron: this si mmi:k anil tlrmlily *lm.g with i» siv\nish Start thinking iboul C»lfipill»r aow. Ymil Iin f- Herllfi Heunrnti m-iii OA— ha. mora Inlorviaiioa about aa. during a *1*-eight ta-e-eh Mat In €»ren«hle ^inUnilrr Vienna CATERPILLAR TRACTOR CO. Mmul Ii.Y Ihour* of Intenme instruction In small i.*e* nn lintuifr. literature history eulltire Innhnre with native families and full participation in ise lire «f the rummuiiM* Viiemtanre at riiltural event* theatre opera tvtnviev fimeiii. mimuniv fjctortr*. religion* institution* TOMORROW BEGINS TODAY AT CONVAiR/SAN KGO E0R YOUNt ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS Vu'liluif prhilrfes at futmn Weekend' in *tudent artivltie* local univef*il»r% and full partiri- trip* in private car* to point* of interest LOOK WHAT I FOUND! < ' . 'e l.eiv een two week* of independent travel Of I o.riril tour after the «tudy pee not I or beginner* and advanced »tudrnt* TOM'S MARKET Write to t I. IvMKNlMo VHRflVH 4171 I nivemit*. htatinn Minneapolis II Minnesota - - - ■ .I.'-' .1 " , A« ti enzioetrhfc mttbemitict 1 «t ff»out* f I a *!»i f It'll i t.rm Cost m pbjikt w-r* >* •*■■; mijof, yoci kiil booo t* tallej opon to mtkt I'KtM.RV* IMf»RM%riO\ I %M III Mill IN A ■ ' it vrV* of t>« nv/tt laipocuw licciuoci u< KM Li* j «/ AlK/iUt'uiit, NEW LOCATION? CONVAIR/SAN OlFGO rn»}r,nz thtt dmiiotl, *5 bfrre *>'1 cfeow# ©_ f SOIMI k.'VC# / OWAift ihv mm OF GfcNKRAL DYNAMICS ' ' affw; ec« ■i'r.ft %rtaf ItAtMrj itA Oxr> * chr/icg, r \*tt ■ ■ he rruAt nttft fMficoihRrt rait anai keen *% trr* Uyaii| "» "f *h«t "hit dtcituM NfMI r* K >1 'N. — ADIITS Tile CHILDREN 2HOW IV. rONH.Hi AND SATI W)\V *t>l rrat m/ryrrruu/yfi •/> r-o*. TW ji ' 2 HH. TKATI IU> ' 1 Oj«v a;/ >m I>*rs n k2j ve,a cart- /;i» reaJ ifliFfiiiii «;is a new brefi'tJ frut rfea etfwtHi fcard Man on the Mountain" .Tieive *.« O/n air, tk* ■ * • "«f I>.rarh*Y OirpiAtt^jfr, us4 -he work ed at-WEWW-MB * '■ dbe'C*<«v*f/S*a D-zju HOf AfRTUNlKH! . i MTC'ir^rrjtnC ' ??!•«* rvyc *«M 4tfi*k tti 4iv1 jff 'a-eef ?*• " rrv.'fr dctiii, *r m »vA! KITS ' r.r f.-v.'pptii lo sr.**; _ Uv; ijuvc i:*t; > .-g " is he- a,?;:#?*, ' ittf 4fkt ;"N3C ! i -flp *• Traak i ou;! V'Trl r*ye„ ■'. *n.?« {: M t c&tu iiscWuc *. E-' v *• E-er, Van.,, af PMTY FAVNS 4 KVERA6ES ,I>PKIt ■ INTBRVIKHS \T MM HH.AN V Uk A Car""*' TLEHDAV 4 WKDNT>D V> KEHKI AK4 9iln tawity Dcurarr sckvice rw* Kit' fbut U 24114 — EXTEA-ORDINARY — CONVAIR/SAN DIEGO . ... . * Erf*—■■■ OR ITS "M PhSdPl® »!">«"*** f*«y b iiiO TWO DOORS EAST Of 00BAL GABLES" TOM'S MARKET I ehr'tary 5. IW* mknioax nt ati: news PiC* "(* hi i Koriiut* Srlirtliilnl !.iiii|mis (»iiy Parlies Fill TIh' MaU* Opinio ft lie Unions Units Sot Activities Social Itv < *h* mm let) 1.( I *If(••• |.|IM M" ill; '1 • »[|; •tr^atf •/ >' from 111 lllnn SJ-H p in. Miiulat. 1'axtut will |iiexctil the tn|tii-. '. '.I'lldli,- Sl'lilf"! I It FROM VIKING II 1 \ rl \ "IK* lil"' ' Wl»M""1 I'I'l I... (■ •• ••xeirn f liutilies of Revelation." . pi;.ime I 'J;, ici eii!H!'-.l it* i imm it \• \n i: "I t t'rir In «• l!nl I. - ...ll (•««»■ \\«»ln I .ilmllf ll" I-. tl" l- t |< ■I I 'J N.'lu ii,. i. I ( ..He; F'. '■ , \ • ft :. i .i:i i .■ iton, '•nillu liiit" it I Mitt t lituinmc .*! ;i' Ilill"-|..lf tVl k fI 'I'M 1.1 V urn- |M-| |M »*\ c I h;11 r\ rn in.iii l> ■ ; I" ' VI "III,f I It"ill k "ill's I (Hit. .»• . ! W ' h I..:' Memlirrs of Mrslc t | .intid i Tlti' Dtuliifiutt uf I'olHimi Thouithf- I.M., ■ II. I. ' ! • Mli.l I..' ll,..' •■-. > '(",( '<■' tloli will il ! hold their wrefch for siindat.iii .11 I'll Sat rm of —('. Norths'iilr" IWklnsoM fm»- v -MmmiI ill! !ii-<, inn pi" Villi i»hi .1 tun* In- f**M it'inil run. . '■ :a.i.l ion. I dt**! Nexinan, »iips| «pe.ik Anylo Sftvttti UIIIIU'll's ll i till III"'. thill Vlt.IRl' .mi. I. |''Hi'..; mi tl- "f »h« er. will diseoss "Cut»,i Thai Virhmw •.rulor, xLtted, "I «••»»*'* Ifl.lt I" MM Ul I.M.h 'it-,* II ' (-•ttiiiil.i —AIIRtlx W ilkin lit,I- ihrm ihi v hImhiIiIu'I tun < ■ i ' II . . i'l'S'li them' ' i, ■ . ... i • : \V M-."t - MM' ■ . ' Villi'.-. \|>|l I ' ' •! » fl.'IV.- It, .Ml • ' Mm- f"l! • i.'M- M ' • N'l ' ' . rimu. lariifx M Wt DitT "Fuzzy Look" l^rhitiiniilyxix ami the rmon-t-iuiis I iinlaxin of tit# rnrttnHt'ioiixi "f I.- • Ymii r.;.... . ill';.-! t Give Year —I). II. I dtw rem-# 1 SIM*-"!.* i • »" !» I tw.l .-If fill-!., " I Of SsM-ielies and Men . ... hli" ■'••• " 1 ' 1 .ill 1.1" »>'ll ., MlMl-l.ilh .- >>f Uillkl- M,« lt.il ■ S.I.. Swaatars a • .• | .. InH: ' . '•ll ,l|»1II"pl I?" ! id. ) -! M —l atl> lr l\ Kaxhin- \n*i •• ' ' i.!. f II.' .• i I t '".(Tl , II lliiil v fi .Vr %l|th* slum* ri.l w ill ln»H .ill-Mi.,: "New Finish" h. i •• m .ii. I he I'ttrlaitle ICtt^ian Meadei from I'tishkiti Im.iRiu.itit rl> li» "it f"«i i Hi" i A.. mm. I . ,i|n,i o|ir r- ■ («•« this evening f»« "H',r !>,. "1*11' I.-V • i-;mi|.U;. •• il. . ' and (i«Kol fo l.urki and khrrnlmr^ "*outh Sr.i "Hi' • • l! 1 »• »l »l. V ..Mlk . '"ML, I iii til ma I'ell.i is plaiinin* *» rli ipli'i ltalhxkell.tr Itnoni "HI If. >f- i |, I 1 »i I; I. • fit' ('• 'I'iiim It ii"l.ill- I Jinsiiii: siii'li" ire sk.itim: pail* lor K |» ni I'ri cohmti ttt ann a m.a.i ilrrnrilril •" tub" lire-, \lltl .'Ml! I"'- l»r tit# lulls uiul trnpleal Irulls II"- ttiiUr. ilriTilrtl lll.il. "I.Ill's -irr • i h i .Mill !.i»-u aivi-ii' iln. tleiiihrts "III art as hosts dry cleaner a . JautiL •• Iter inning I" look like rive* hrnthetx «"'! 'heir date* will' tll.lt |l"'. Ill- W C.ll i"K Illllsl' shirt laundry SPARTAN BOOK STORE • Hired I" ".ill* e die** slim I sliiul skirls (kills l .ili'l I ('III U.|. tile leotards'* Wilt -till" I llU't flHRI'l Las/ II vt'li To (ifI )our W ■ ' ' Vf ' 623 e. 00. river e. lans. llflf/ii'l fur l.ihiiutiiiii PERSONALIZED jmi .Uf'l ... I'm. , i »»<■> we11 w K.i ' WOLVERINE sikh' iomi.iii -iii. «> |».a|, 11)'" i K il'l" \l|»l" will hold II* hi .I *miii*l sweetheart * i. netting .'I l',r %•»*•*'•« * i« It'll s " sai.i.s km) i'kll. 12 'MffiJ |rr «>ii Hull tlrcMlli'i's will fiillint H"1 traditional Anlentlne .!■ N%%l WS «S%VI Wt s\\ I XV* S%VI tw S %% I Ml *.%%!. MX Mt theme M'-il! sll|»|ied siikiiii* i REGULAR STOCK!! I ■ I "• iiiii's mi .:i r.i will" Iisknl if hoi* llillil'l well illrli "liile sinks ton "Ve*. lint it Ir.lsl we cover nil's tl|i wltll 11*- n our |iJiit tecs.'' he xli.»|i|»ri| -HeaP-il b. -il" n • ' .V > > if. sit' C\ • . . i l . " fit '('. NAME SHOES! |t,. ! FAMOUS . . *rm«rf ... "nt 1' n.-frrhi". •Ml'. Pinnings •* ^ f...i-'unr • . \i rn% «ill o%nii% •# « V e l*rlrn*•'"•' T. h.ithlrrn Itintt. K" ' l»»" ' K» a'riir'> v « • . 1N t. i I luliln-li, U i ' one 6r0iip men s shoes . , I "it • MMI..I ."-.1 Sli Ml.I ** > Mi"--' y - I low tt s.'t ).♦>-. IrtVl'i I n. ■ I.nuise Muiir Mil „.tiinc , , |V tn.ITi Tl '' .11 •>' • S .1 *ii I • M.'"""1 |U JM-1, .\.,| 'll HIM"" Ml" I..'! , MM 1 lill.i til I 133 Pairs Valaas la $14.15 2 , *"r I !fj. !»;»- k. \t».«!. T.i't h , • %lit#t %IO"t e -.tgclhpv hii.i return i" (''< «''-• ' • while they last \ l.i t t..111 11-1 111' -hrtii-r f" daneitw; 'V !'• VMM"III "• ^ gg ■* QlitVlJi I I. -I- 1. ' • :ttl«tt? "? **»«• Wt 1 stiiiic.nt U'mi Iw.miMl'i i ln Al|>f' - .sv»r» In.in llatllAlltl. (ill" I' I'him'. ...|»hin»iiM»v, tu I'im 11 Mouiiil.nif, W.uim stiiic t'nivvrKitv siipf!.. Engagements itiui,' mil liiu K.tppi K.P'-il" III I I % CHI 4 other broups .luniniil.' Holtbiiii. KmmiuK'i>uv THItM.I I I'nu.tlil ticImtn. LTcli-int Hi' Valaas si4j5 to $21.15 ».. - VUiv * Martd!, *t1. • «-«*• «»•> lor, t.iii.la K.tl'i, Itoi"'-" fn--' u niur, m I'laif Spat tins, \l-» ni.iti, lu John Hud. >'.< now sms* smi* si0j8* si2j8 ' iunii'1. .N'.um Ituntiivr!, Mitllii' %i ni% nil mi Joe l uinlu'itsl, MutliUHl *r |l o.t il tiiallrd « .niUrl Max Willi nr. linn I Michigan l.itlist"* Halliri Going la 4 Sapor Saviegs Greaps s3j8 • sms • $10.18 - si2j8 women's campus sport slip-ons and dress puts s ' Valaas s7j6 la sims 3 Saper Saviags Snaps s2ji • s5j8 • sms i s ■? * oniloren's m m s K ► ssj6 i# ssjs Valaas s DORMITORY DARLINGS p Cupid's Jli'lpiiif! Hand... Please tlon'l feed tliem Wallace's- CorIkI Leases NOW Vl POKE \ m low will *lw*t* Sou If'k your lovellfxl will br thrilled with the ronvrnientr of . . and s They're already stuffed rontarl lrn»e». Tint plaatte leiur* are around and |nliiM to your preset iptinn. determined UST (ALL 60! GO! GO!; Ihrouch in eye examination In our doetor*. The len*e« fit dirertl> over the cornea and offer com¬ plete natural tUion. Come in for the complrle *3 *5 *6 story. r *ss? must UWMI JS Add iparkUng cdor Jo your dorm* room with thwse lovabJe ncvchy bed decorations. In variety of eve twu'uiuitu'Hi hy />r. tt c J/ N >I,\, tyftttrrrij i'iT.'»»MTriJ.f fluffy Jambs and bunnies, for Easter giving; floppy .laughing clowns and laxy lions of colorful p lan nino tutu 5 calico and faced pa jama case pillows, g iftable any time. Decoraiivo os well as useful in an adorabla WALLACE OPTICIANS MORI 5 *t Ml. HI,.,- " c selection, you'll want to come and see them all. And, fellas, take a hint they're pSar *rouai glfl- ablcs every to<«d enjoys, panicularly delightful from a "special** beau. * VINE AT current topposite I randon fh. IV 9-ViO »r.\r»: * ONLY. also o.f/tcea dovntoun at 107 S. IVWifhtffcm, Ph. IV C-U'S DR. R. C. JONES and DR. J. R. NIXON. Reg. Optometmt* M't;\ H EDS. EM. TIU. mm I M. mimtmunmimpuniunmunmu mm • i