^7™7T7i> Required ROTC Pros and Cons Preview Senate Vote liackers of Voluntary Say — .•t«v th*> ''.'ill • ■ ■'he fall of Ifl.i m order 0 turn oil' 7f* io- Tit March or !Nol lo March? Op/Mmenls of Proposal Say — t |.u»r;- ;.!id d.«-bs'» io V pr/fq ".fS* 2. Km * important-#*: th» i"m- <•{ v.h» M.I- ionerl offjn;- uj t|j» piifu; of !{#'»!♦ ' n.» i>«vleii '.fi< Kfi ;»i t or,tf llHittOf/ to the 1"' iMM'lc r»'*■'' > *>*■:' If program »• MHI.' ' ;li b»- i f. '/Oriai defi-nM' hro,i»fH r#>nte"e/J v.-hhh •• • • fr'»rr re#.--j .-'-o '• » ii .- m th<- fii'un* uf.ly •»-*•- i »fi n.ahe »fi, idij'idh/i. e»? r;*jo<» - « 'I I Ni. '?f fT' • corrtputeor *• :<»p«T' <»f il" f*i !..ii»h»'0..i!,r iiifi- O ai her *o« i«J • • «>r »t»■ r- nod '•'g> '.' .1 , •• j-.: < ' •ii the ftubj»v' <•; i"ii'r,.ft*' ms«: {*.* • a «*ar, On UOT< proyi.M;, i» J) l» Mil Mofn. <11 K. r HO T: er. riffUtiiiy a »'.»dehl a» MSI. '■ «je ■ in today'* ni'' r,h i. o ' It: ,r, hu h ftrrri" di-'TtfMo.ib ;»aa.f .■irt of : >ujf- i !#> i»l< " |/'» 'ah a iornpttfi or, 'I II), a1. Wavo. ' '5. %' fi't'ft ''niM-f i",, fhr ' f v. i-r if of Mirhtipto ^nd • • -ifijf Oil-. • «•»»■ ' -i' ?r i- Oakland hrmn. h >•! MSC- .■n|i'll"ir: If# f' «• I. ■ ,< 1. r. thi-, affo-v oa'ionai d'-'-o-, m hi--! to. lit, „!!• «;»• that fir. 0 »' ' d* afield and into »m h '-:*f « i • • , j»n i f»,«• • 4/ lit fit ror-ii) it« MValrv Tb»- Mar Ant,' < •k ^ Thi- A ' J-'-.i" fm•'. i.. r-iii '1« /i.,'. / .Id", in.-an > IrOTr ;• > I., »-r. Ii/ I.n lii-wN '! ii, >h< ti. frti1"-' On- ' i'ii/i of th<- mmi i'-M i.. ,jp »>.' fftcyltj r apfifiinUil bv I'n .. 1. An, 'iiiiifn, by #»;, ah hoc i. urn in I »!»•«' of aca^cmr •• •!/»'«' ! appointed by On* r*ommitt»*.- on commit* From hiyh- ' i. • . ».b« I#/ .. 1 • ,»f os* 4 . of the senate > art'l bv the academic council I)- y,«. an •/,!-) ibht cm h i». <• ■ */» re', i;ref Af ':. n> f' . -• .;ov.-rv-#* •. ' Oh* pn-hlflrnt, provo.t, dean* of th» inlieRf and Mi»k«- 1' >>v n f hoif* f ?h# rM-.i'f•. »• affair- jy.h- of •*!»''n 1 by thr fa.'oily ■in 'rncnt of Iji'f' i 1 b»" '.ii') W ' an !'.« for«» making n i/.mnirniljitiori- > . of the on-' t our fMlibtrv r#f|!,if» rri. f/». with #•!*. , >.;• wrji'i' -f.ii' roftf«-nt that •• « »lccrr. r f- . itio/ar.:'—vat !/..* *• /. . ice bodfea, ami rnutty of them did I ar< i-'lui a'.'i v., fa-rv.r, a - for if.j.lc bo ",rw*. ri. thi' committee on the future held o;,». in fo?.ii«J '•/ }»-ri«r■- oa'ura: «/'ir-fi.->o- nr.'- O'j- y ■: r«. * • 'a. - •o-romer*• Jr. ROTC iijji, ami heard the view* of irderexir-d to i: iifutiM ih'-rr- in ftimpty no r. 0•#-r. for ioakio* •» • *, eA. ■* rr.rrv-r.Vd. and a.-- - " '.ofoji'iiv.ry ufiivcr-nb.U "' »• « .'her evidence of widespread faculty and If MSI.' aapirc- to c'lfitinutng an.-o ,• ruiatAd Studer.* ' oLaerdimi-ot for voluntary KOTC are about )« o and •'/ higher teveb ».f «■}|« r»/ «- th» afw - Ulllf 1111 %( %fa».Mf« HlA.MI Mil TIM, 1. «-d Vher k- "tfedi-nt and VAi faculty denature- on pe'r- btion of compi'l'ory Jlfl'TC i* a 'if. m. thi - d:r«■•#■* u»c future of tofttrwrna*' VXi'V of-' #■•' ■ Vtlic POT' ••/..• • ■ .. ■ -•• ' dftniati-'i last ifiring, the editorial *nd<»rM-- ' "ii Herein lie* the real mgtilfn an.•#• «.f t/ai..- • .1 pre." i* ire ».o'| • • - „ of voluntar- ROTC by tin- Stan N'i*v.-> and the S'a'» Nm'« prev? t« u» f*:e a-' i,if -*\dvnhiendat»oii in favor of voluntary ROTf Refer Row I in rcj/rceft's.- • . - foe;?h.r.* *or »"» - GaVernmer/ im'I prof . economic* '.idvoeate* of ion,pulsion are concerned Ifirhard Rurtner THIAI. MfAl.li UrriRk John Mw» fiationai dofcriM " narrowly conceived prof., philosophy aeon# prof nxtcral v#i,»#e isdort* 'In rxfiaMrd.nar/ Inefflrlency «.f a t harle« Urrnwr r. r»:*e.r g tic:r d*w =# .*.• • • -» irntrmWr, *4*»n#«#r.« vol. '.I. No 131 KAST I.AN.-INO, MK IIIOAN—MONDAY. IKBHUAUV IV, CHICK S CENTS Senate to Vote on ROTC Fate Lawmaker Proposal's Rejporls Future Life Defense Potential WASHINGTON' #JN.... j-,,ra »>f jrrc*? j>rnl At Stake for the nation btfinnm? 1f**! * *#••• 1 Uwrr-.-kcr indicate Sunday that ' ui!;re.# wi"' ntuSij-,?*.- f-jnri* t/» pn»- To Hfhalf IjMUinz %ide for an airborne aJcn t»- f* - rem'er force* Of .spring Term na.T—i- v 'he Jf ni# .» Apf#ropria*.#r,s» %#:>• Br D PIT 1.1 W ILTf t» lllf RfMr.RT HIIIW M*'* Sear# rM# Ii iv,# Maro*?** Ericksoii Tey*', ce. P-- ti d O-.-se Mar--" ZHsAiu C'/ - ve »w» I4im u-fb*f rilOR%l.»: performed ab«i*e the Hea4^ of the maioritv of the people e , ■-.'/*.Tt -pe Ati/'ffr.k »#r4'q r.»*u a* ■"indn (,'iles Aims afternoon V» an nnrnpomiv# rr*»wd the present the ehorrh Iltur*le« were pre»ented in I ' t.-en - *.'> - d afteryxn •#> vA.v: borate ung Uie "Man" in a manner apparent!* Milemn faahion. '"•» i' : •» EiyeafevA*: dir JffKI IJTU" I dfwm iMuffct iM Tm e;*re* a v/.e df tppfd-ra! r>r ptepkTt : a'. a.'-r* day. .ur. Jack IRIrtal aad Rnar Nwa Ike feae tWrj if t Vv - a death r,>#w V# a t pr^ro Of Society ke-'-p * v»..' • i* «.* " i w cfiaa't flifht eel tf hn aalh* Ua4 u M dxrtat Herid k»r U * - - ■ / " s r.ei - a *. *ix-*>m trxr.i ;.Vir r„uer* Fr«mi Bent Seller K(ff< at Mikhira.n -u*> be ('borate Presents Mass Solemnly: Tt l« not aaouft N> a .**- ■; .\e ./ t,*« » - 4 > •err? ,'#yj ui favcr if reyr7,:re*j krfer.U' a - -♦ - I'roductum Above Heads of Most fc.gh k'e-ory rate: -we an Mucatad fctanry, Trxitrtu. s uatry. #r Kdurauoc, toid a*ar.* 200 * op*^na.. Depicted hv Movie NI C rtK c Tl-e Ifframi n a R* ?!.nuna:vSy the nroductun was program picked up c->n» iirtendesu at Ka^vgg Cesi'f Mate New* tfttor f* #b-'ive the heads «f she m»- •iderably our.'.2 the sec-nd half Saturday alWcMoe. radm prwrsiR f B*-I*cc the ' 5?/m' .-rVVr ' ■ the refWesrfsest ex* #tS ii'vt .- •- -• t Robert 5haw Chorale pr - juri*v '.»* the »udienrr a.-i'f •. - ffi«—!-■ -« . Tba rvllege of B4or«*.^. »,■ • ftach's Mao* m R Minor" Ti»- choral n'-.d tn^'runit-nt#! the asjd'ierwt- tfurtng the Trsf T'» a-44/Mted :-r»wtge .* ROTM pc" tpOfWdrtng * irapejasSeadeo^ -fi» •-'•/ . S'.rr»r 'ron '.hi ■ at- the Aud. but un- •.. t#f th-»* Chora> were .n part duwjipeared. The piece* »M * Lw-*- w a.-d tfw* 'Ma.*"" •were more ;ntr;ca*e ar.d rsR-uiia- alamss day. Orr.jr.. " ;r.r.^ u» W'« i- ' trt aafr«r». -,• v The x - e a : e ; * -: todafv . .. # Police Pinch ii*i»rgieai feu. '-«• fw-Mufmarjce was ftih* *. h The c #e<*orv.s "S;. mtewjen par- X coniisted i c e a a m* o' £-' .r a ra'er.e . -■>.n,.cc vJCiety -«r, —diitAi ——- a " *£ rra»!e«» fx CQftsu&t?- .f ;t rare ■I'd wti'-n sc.. " -i i>y • n«tu-« sr. fh#- Au.t iCredo: "Sanctus** and "fKar,- !>c by D»-rld H vw»rVt. l etay. a '-V'- * rt *e w/.'d u rhalleage wT 'srea uc ami the t # Cruml>lei> .i id T-arr-- U&ttfi wa> .-r**. ha. Agc.ys Dei e*. Dona N-*»- ueb fttt cTa - • '•fT N > L-vee" •* tfte r.ory nf wv » H *e.ijeat « **yxg to .***t tre Swedri-t -c Oman *:te svpie xmrcf a**.y, «* >»!- * ^ sudiemte wtthou iu ' . hefitt- P-; ?-■. A duet bv Sara End -h. -nze ve*.*! fe'#*' J»s Baalmud e.rxJed the fror.her »*4 safety. v.e • r* fce-Ag. t-j-acired down on toe work The ft*#* h*.!f 1. and Florence K h>oC'. N-o horiaty «nr«- ,i N'U4 itrxi A:-*/. Norway for '"** D-* A trie" lai Been Icccm ««dt laf» Weo mri" ■H eitabl.Cwtwnv Wednet- ti she "Mass" wa>. rxtremely jhow'«ei nsitc. expre-.- abundant re*-?#u?c« la fa--e Two ~r.% when it tu 4.4- vaha ,i>: Sosg ,g -» #-. • •d V? a kherai tonrim *4 ?ht nabb/n* acverj men. flRftvint and over one-tlurd i.-/r and warmth. a» dKf a «>;> ti>e 3ta vsu-r^al ahJ #.veered that he xa a c-ur.er a:-:wwt a stw.Q c^ei h»*« Mabf>n: mid "any tvwa .a tht sutrr-^ far *od nnau • ' Hnm MSU s'udenis :f. iter tieavcapav-'y .audieacii • by Ara Berber .an. bass. extrtosaiy cfitcral for the Brlhars'. teett r!d •:cr.r.--r cttJd ka x the nej •e^le pen tel. «a#«H -jm v ww* Frank.' V^T-car-'" left during iniermisaioi*. The eondussoo •■'? the "Maw* there « n . TV -'-nr. N'trwegua fea'u*« Perfocmaaeef Vglr a: T avf -/utesT by a •wia •< the naoiihi fw "'Vvaadotte senior. Ceor*? The first part af Ike perfana- done' ay the entire chorus, f-'* •rh/Ch wiXl rare J*- t. . Bin i' ICBU film v> be released ® # ta Gcser*! adst-u^a -* l-i r* a-..- #e nave no affarr.va way 'Wd lOTC. led by prtee od- "■ RftlievUle ju.nwr, Go - ame, Ike Me»a. **»• a seriew af ed 'he Aud with r>lam« A"- the he sa.d wcatty, *%fy Nine Lrr«T ran end ,*/ toe program the audieooe o? >*f arurt biowa. Jark Fje'.r-a-l »nd Henry Mao. •i»ev«b4« Wad A. I Be*to ■nr. Grand Rapid.# sen- •kert. seemimrl* a a r e I a t r d -VTe o*«d » es-histary fv"*-:;.* He ex tressed douce tilt any kakrr. 't'wti Bennett. Oak Park ««eks. wfcifh eoaUiaed '""'h eaT'eet Sha* uack nn #:age three i-jfetber >f ii otf rew-t?:^ '* Tae hen reretved Academy James, Carlton. Man* repetilmn af word# and aselad# r.m-es »'l*ft. eppiau»e Mud. The Qroe k*e wtsea t attack f>mi*- would come aoccj Rjaran Award nonxatKes and wai .1II > Sc/* ttlltlt. *, ieen-d cut >a» - v.-. a murs^k mown the Caaeo. Bert % - - -• *e;,iprf Max Gombee,. we 'nave to Tit *> -" at poakt n$ tar tontfter*- f^na iten.m, and Jack re*earch aid do asesetlianf aupenortty of about J-5 ta tb# Bdarber^t. Yiawswf, Ban S** For i oiuliilatf.« - do# raid, .; •c. Mikoyan Boaele t»f Misiiile* - errtira: period anead and •aa - 602 Ricnard St.. LansiAg about it If rtllect-TcN. *c !vr- buhl* and Cork F.in fexthrj x.t. ##:rre dayi ff ipr tg em "a to tfie Pentagon, ia Central * . , jonas sr« rvulate protecems wT„ct. *v all Beilirora lery waa ooeund A*S *"H V'd rush ta.- • *"-i r**r i.r-1 deia? •r-na-tear-- • InseELfieac# or fa ar out of Coo* Ik In Rem terrtae Mea e€ Ike fca*e to fa*, we ertl! fjrf >-1 a- d-datw far br--*;o artrrt 5 * ta a.l*.-e ftc But Says Reds ^ ant Peace i-.* "** < — to all o»ar seeci " greaa aton" ebat Swat » by ■■-■g noiiee detectives.. Ea.i* I'adusary board.* T*-ewtiy at 7 1 referuMuea af*.*? the d >e tertvxfca will *-' To move ase«kd tse artxsol' 5-ja. is m S' -aicct Ser-rkea. CiUJ «x.j—-hJtJICJ. * " i police and state trovers aboat .she arrest* with* HAVANA ilh—Soviet Deputy *« CJ« —-d pr "if>—His stuat get pmnus.ng Members xr-J ce grttent t, " of an undercover of- rockcl »rth " prcc.EOO peopie. u-i Mc-re - j pr«n;er Anasta* M'lkoyan boev- , yousg he t&rwe? ^ sestieca. ■'■iliis in on the game at 'ed td Soviet. miiht Sun¬ u> an* pom*. •:» "e*#Kfc* ttu.n 5.000 jtudeot# are ettr>.>d kot aaad **we aaay late ta I Peh.-..t • a.r» era Uh'e ftr il;* WhM Ike the Iducauoe CsCefe aad last it #rt ■ iatk» or a poor ( Baakrada »a* a lergeertt Ik Ftr.a> oftkera, workers hu country uanL ««My ke ud -War b June 1M *V3 cv-atry'» army aatil' Nrr* 'her I to 11 t 1 s g "i.d they found more wtr was J'fr*d v> xurrervi Atrs rr>reae*5itfrei. Ttry •rpeace forevwr." 4 kiW m tae table mehad* The vuitiag Soviet bigwtg gv« Hi -AW went to ayjtral Smedea a."-, .tue at Women'a Dtra-tk » MlVjs'i mratvt were made and aerred u a cowner for the |y i. pot rontaiainf #t5.7J. They thunderou* ovitioo fr*»m the n-d cards and marked a mw-.uij ^ !.1, N»-"TJl W". Wtth'hijn on oUtfoim *l» Wari*f MM« Tirkm ahardly before Secretary of t.te Brttea. I~ Marrh 5 Hi, ?e »a-.- Cteda nay petScd f:e y -o '-»v Irraeeta CHE) Guevara, Co MSiltlMn Ax Force DkrfWy Sharp reiter¬ #d x. i foh.hg boat w *-r. r-te hartrg asSeadcd inon of TMtiie Worker, .-/a * 4' aa various players were r.e ccrasittfe hA# *taopKjie»t pre* .dent uf t.e Xa'-uaal Bask ated the Rikii oiati i pdeK/ua yjmpaajxu » aor% N-rwoy v> koffee tog. tw ni alXl UP"" a ng-racge :*w«;ctg * beaded of Cuba •Jut too) t'A kihU7 ponrer— work ac a uVokc Ei'.ictttsea xrCj :e he'i Ifi.-t.b waaci . guilty in Lansing •nO he »-« e- '-.-t year >::*.#-•_- •./ioicjpal court Thursday mom- rjpttd by appUu^-. MJtoyan turned up unexpaet- teoiartv A3 Mkii Rj xxaii put 'he 3- ii 2-. aacao attare. SCBmt-' * wi- er '5#rf.ik« tiie ta»» ak Md • rariwt w Mm mat* wtib a Book Tells New Photoscan Can Itrjrf fMily »•> MM" .'i.AllO Student* .mil I icultr "Halted by -Indent* i.f' Mlrlil*«n fit ni# Of (Hollies r .Irllv i„.i r 1,1 lur in Si .if* Ni v * ' ■ ir,f . ! i' i.i' *• I •• with..ni il.rnt *,n Mlty Mipervi »i.»n * ntmlrrit »hi ' Take Shots of Moon Question j,!l« MFklllfc "" ' ' •• ' STA MFOKf), Conn. t/P)—A hiyh fidelity televiewer t|. can pide a rocket and flash pictures of the planet* hack \ullior li»llow<* earth was described Sunday hy CHS laboratories I |» kl.:i«lv €*«mIi%:«" The first (if Me stipei -aicrura'r picture wstenin has tier a de¬ But they irfo«e<1 •. livered to the US Government, whether their work vu- Thf Intpitt l.-int t* hut xriokeimeo refused to de- n cd :n 'ho manner »u. ,. of Wearing I'lolhr^ which federal agency ii.!'- ground* 'ha? fuither jrsf• ■ • •• However. one u e of the sys¬ is eta* died ll> Lawrence Liihirner tems >vi!l he in unmanned r»- t uns entlonut television ijs. Hastings House New Vortr., »*iiiinai«sar»ee iorcrnft tiikit'g p.i - .tint ill 100 line* «i| resolution j»-. ' 11 n| enem\ territory m a picture, j spukesmiti said It..• I tt.ltl. *7 .10 limited v .ir. eXphiined I) !*« *•• the new s\stem uses more thie nil: I'OSlTlflNS '(I stale New-. SIikIoiiI ) mu'rcxx, the At one time or mint her tl- (.* (Joi'liriark, pie' 'It of t.h»- 10 iiihi lines. ( Its has duhhed n (•filunitiiii flroadeavMng Sy-tem l:»..ml-l,it!cr I'oiuniiltcc, Anicrlrati A n. «»f rnivi'f-iily l'n>- ni'Mi everyone ha* askwl I I•■■■en . tl arn "Photmran " .r- and (dhcr.orpatHTaliuii«» conccrtfilH' I In- proiMcal I" !,. l! provide?, much hy. hum-elf Hit' t|iit'.Mlinn, "Why The kli;trf»e*t nf the television k, ' cniirnimrx IC<>I« a- it n<'\* cm t at MSl at ' vx.l! tin wc near clothes?" Law- picture* |ii iruinp I" he in nut hop one# wrote a play So iV.i'-mcn ee.l the pe ' i e the .lei' ion whether or not lo jin-rui I In- iccoiiinienda titled "J.aily (intlica, op the 111.(1 t.( the Hoard of Tru.-d CCA ? Imjwiptatjee of M e .i v i n ;• u, arc happy to have mtm the on'ani.'oil iitul orderlx op I lot lies " . portion and counter opposition to the Mipredod chlint'C !n ttf i el lone nice it was approved hy academic council. It sjpnifie. the lb(!li«njr(* • (levir'c on the part of liinilly mcmhet and Indent alike to Ad hrconie aware of the tnapnilnile of the pro|M.sal and 'o (eigh carefully itr* implications, pro and con, helorc de .\e** Stump I tie be*in scan* the face "f . tiling the lube miich ■»% xon read th WASIflVGTOV i' I'" M We hope the «Mithii«d;iHfii I.n reflected in preater than nor * * • «■< -n p. ix* oft" •• '■ i print, xl.iriine at one xiile an.i mat attendance at today'a senate meeting and that scholarl •!'" .• I ' -ding im ' c d. mntiuy lo ihjf oilier, line and ilnini it ilroppinc »r. tin th . and unetnofioiuil flehate will produce a decision truly repre M1M, uf ..." P..IMI*. left. ! xonniti; prncess u*ei the e. h"'- -eiifative i»f a mnjoritv of our faculty. A vote either way. f.»ce of the tul.e prodiue* fu Theor* nf ttie I.eisure t lass decided hy a relative handful «»f senate niemherH, would t"* a lure* «o (4*1 (hat the ru n urut II i t. i A :. yd A'liei. the pi >• MM'ntniH'loHH yarrlfitick bv which to measure thu university'a p.ilietc of 'ill mil I'li.r kt> i'11:1i • eepts it I'lithiient on ii crucial ifsue. |||. X I lie ,iiittun deduces that mail * I t»i p I % invented clothes. 1 he lev llrings * Troublr primitive hinder may have worn what at I'irst was .in ornament lint what in lime turned out to In- 'liliw Ulliiglv' a cloak I rum Mil AI.TKI1NATK fhawinjr arid free/ing weather over the irn first this ornament t he fund weekend brink's up a seeminply ape old problem at cave sume protection to the MSl ' in winter time—that of ice on the sidewalks. hellers lo ihc hilitor hodv. Then Any student that ventured out of his sheltered study a . ' |. up-- finally de.■ *«!*•• Hits Stale News l.-(! Kiliiorial; n.i >.• • . area Sunday knows 1 h«t it was only with extreme caution Tailer-Made < .'<>. • ... . 'hat the\ were ahlo to negotiate on our miles of "ready rlothna to hide pis n iked-i' made ice rinks" No doubt, there are some students hum and imperfection*, p.- •< bed- at Olin ripht now because they didn't crawl to dwelt unmistakably n .wire' Swastika Gives Painful Memory in want for body decoration. m •x here they were ffoinp, Instead of walklny. inherent feeUtuf -of inferior ' • Me realize that MSU Is under an austerity Imdtfet, but A feetin>: that lie ultimate1 x he area of pedestrian safety doean't seem to lis like a k'ood was mixerabl* poor * * * ♦tad to compensate for through To fhe Fdllor channels that would lead to a oi.ice lo flinch iRUinieH. Your miitorigl c-onieming "Jr-t Whv «Ha*it, linger analyzes and all the wearinf ap¬ •linn general appruva!'* b xeeon » |IK.%DLI.M> I p m IS.«v Before I'lihbr »fi««n foi tue* U.«» at her than fooling the doctor bill or a possible Injury suit ha* an unsavory "Might To the Mttor To the Mltar: parel from the aotaa of our feci rain , 'he L-rowm of our heads, from Thars.. and tri I '»ou* l> idlim lor M'ui I iluion I p m In er. makes right" a rum a about At this time, only fifteen ve».* ! feel 'ha' a -'■<(' n-.'e llllta Payable k-lt and t-.l Mnsiln throHch I *i*l.«» ''•* popular after !!"' enii of the Second 'ft.- -k;n-eai resting, sheerest \t le d, i»ne rnv of hope remains In the slippery problem .Since when ap¬ War.* fhe sigh' oi even thanks t* nc-es-..- V i v. m •<» ih« outermost hairiest — Kit 2-1511 r:\1.2hl* M iiir begins in 4*! days proval htcomo the mark of World g«-:mAn. f1'>'i! the beginning nf the thougt-.' «wa*'..k i kti'l S'i unknown jw- -. • a* qualify* < latcin! e•-> the present, ••rikex fear ant hatred int.* the least has ftin'-r h n • I urthermnre. your logic and f i- • to the might- Ito.tiS of many .fmv.xh j*#ople » n'x ! (l ouid like •-> # M. ■ x thai of Iho "grousing student*'' • AUTOMOTIVE IOST.„i FOUND During Me •* apprr. i.*t 'on • the c ' " Micliignn Stale News oorernlng popularity iff m* • .s ere murderct. Ttiis is a psmful xx as thoughtful ettoUv" ■ nv.i MHal man is culturally, an- unite warped. clath, religlnualy. economically iwi i pt.YMorni ' i i'B ■»'>(«■ ill siut)»i>i Naivlca* F4*( I anting. Michigan If the less popular ahowt ran 'nernorv that will not •««>- t»e ba 2-a»a<« 2.1 for two nights and at the ici • forgotten hxlir.t .»(> . • .mi "prln* term* xx»-rhi»- during «iiinriier terme and a full trim* Entered »• tune underwrite the cost' of the wi't in hazard a gIIess in whal this Ml IMS Ntandarrt shift, tscellant con- PERSONAL i..i I-,-.' .. , i'■-*•(i l.iH'ii" summer and euougt* to make a swastika and xxi oh whs rcm-nco < > ... .1 rf-. ,*<•-! .undci lie ft. t Marril 3. 1879 Bl Ilia |Ht»t Uf flee "big one-nlghters," they tnu*!1 s.i tut. red a* a small' rewip'd world mieht he toda*. had a rtitinr* IV 4-OTU 7S r ' !aii|>i'.r ' — themselves have a relative'*- orspiay it bocaie ■ imagine the pilfeiih. stiteh ••( clothing never been mga. nrn wnrrrwAibs. Mail rii.'i.m- n< *t.!c i ■ ndx tme for 011a Icini »3. for two high degree of quality and pop¬ that it will *«•• a "tr.g iaugti. - 1 • vi re wheals, radio, heater !*'«» ». xs ill* entrd 41 »»••«.- i* in • a.. Ma. . . ■ •• - • - m.i imhi »• *»* Awwiited Pre** and tha ular aptwal to attract the aud¬ a complete f«v»l person ,x billfold > miles, many tliirr aatraa IV 4-Mn ia»rd 1 ollcciei* Pre-» One of the prinioip'.e* on h lofmiton iHvurence. nut cm .. t e concept nf wicked- after ( on*. — .U A*- iences they do. Where and !v> KWA«T BAKFRV wbuid have tic with nake.l- M ire titttoM 4 harlntt- tiattan, dhi th«» "Uws pOpuUr^ iatwi " «• rs A wa finindeil *.i sincere person ii.v, i iievnourr two-noon, !>• I 'u-lly rte<" ^'e cause • adroitness and S'* '*.* and un AdnwHmaot. m Unod HA rtanx^ahl*- mu*.. - ' OUIce Manaeer .. Helen their criticisms? •nnii>. whether i' i»e broujf ■ ioxv stU'ten!.* at MSI' ha* »u p. • 1 . , a u«ed l.re« rhammnn Crake Hetln- l »i wxind ami ite.i e f MarCiragnr .iiw»ijf ifinoren'iv or malicious xou develop a higher ♦••n- ' -h sense <»f hum'**' er« 2'!» F Kalarnar.m IV 4-«MV If Anyone who bothers to n» inihtiiiiiii Manager Nntm Mine* ■ T'le raw-boned, gktn- vestigate will find that Mst' » .d.--erve« to be proafcuted td " morality, which promp'.e-i .(u • lirnil *.» l Manatrr Neuu Manager ... link . . t'ertn Hanlel laN'ture-Concert Sertes rank> a fu extent of the law return of mv billfold V -H I hen fitted out with "EMPLOYMENT Martin Again mav l empha->:/< •<* lers, neat lines and \ < ed ha.r WANTm BABY SfTTFR * REAL ESTATE an a •> and hm'.ahty If .pin- wishes" am f I tiinm tti.c ' >v . " is even Wall aqulte Stud, nt attendance at the M<>- p'r«*!«>n 4pm Sih- hour I'D 7-7iwa after 4 A*»'t NaUonal AdvarU«(ng Manaeer anil not—typ taken a* monev wa• well apeut . >"-u n. ■ ' ,»n\ physical ruttur- Muit have Pal hrakoxx ew state Symphony. i« a vaae < a ii eld of om own trHtiaport«y> .. The 'Mid* -lie evened, tils phy¬ s XX III Robert filer hoe r value brings comfort ' • youv WANTED O ft G A N I * T AND *MSlr student boxtv i4 petie-U' kmd deed sical shurtrominga are hidden, CHOIR director (intxl *alar\ t.. rieht man Men's l.itureu-al choir Robert II"** e lie may pursue hi* game now Film Fare «n term* of intellect lie may h*« i>ean xtngina togather six vear« Call or write Mm Jnaet.h R Rjrrne* SERVICE Indeed *«■' Cohimbus Banum Harbor. Wa«- the winner Ha Crossword Puzzle emerge Lucoii Movir Prows la superior Clothes moat ' -* certain¬ — HISS II II I DRKJURMAKIN TOM srspo srd sue 4CROSS «T Window ly make the man! There an FOR SALE aoyukhle rates and •* e • two side* af the m i-iass OBmpait- (wihhI English 'SfHtoJ' ConifarVti* rain, hawever. Kveai tha reverse •16 MlAKOAST IONUS aiftili TYPING. TERM PATU'fr- (raa —Use shedding nf nil nrttelaa af miwailanous f'a«t #••»(! a JS Molbaf 600D Cafes FD J-*'-*' 4 he hosigbf clothing t# prartlm tha sH W Hee Aflarr.l •bouttha T9 M"r(K>vV; nt n» IIOI RNOV nutliai rests purely nn Mm ••KM SdMH'l TYPING AND TH »*'• Troi#rx « ?i '*» R*M» '« c ail Ai or Jan- Woncn I :• feeling af anpertavtty. QUICK Semn 4 Si»* O' t Fallin "The Mouse That Koared" at the l.ucon is an Knglish Such people have conquered a r*r>uMe-«i«raNl t>**e 3". l.onaj charge lor contv.' fi|M»of on the American polio of bestowing a largesse uikui x» 1111 n I Not *1 all Wie »ejwe of shame. *n»ay balieva SfUDNUT SHOT <*r torwit. Aw Ironi Bh-1 p4c » Rrxralt 4 Dumloyiui defeated enemy countries. Mere it not for an overworked that in a measure they have re¬ in MAC Opea IiaAia. .1 Fp " stored the healthful atmosphere • ipa.i • fcrxakrt Nwluliun lo Trlda* » I'iimIix sub-plot, this film could have lieen a very funny satire on of a 'Garden of Eden.' g greet M ltulgU,. j? Grown what appears to Is? a rather curious habit. 14 We»l-N«ikvn girli peace of nilnd. The author, hoar* M Numoroui DOWN 9 Muik* A' tbc prospect o( bankrupt ever, has his grave doubt* k.ni obKlirt the eniersainmen! m- ». Avi l Remote ixriiume t», tjian.i Duchy of Fcnwu k. 15 Pol ' One Lrituic in auch a pi-c T'-r fiini As a matter of fact, the skin* 40 IJiKl.'h i IViBCll Ain-iHrst country »n the worH. like stocking is of concern to S Hep ' Cage is aunsxd «• the tn.le'.!igen?n* 1? Rud county - ticvUic* w«r UfMXi the Umied if Honthi'k 4* Cnndimont 4 Biu'kft .6 Set* out sieve it* punv""- x* sofclx pso I; * - him, "when the skirts came down states, exoevtlng to lose nmt »- 4k CRiouux* i S.nging plant* if a! satire arnt geared v. the again, the akmlike stockings re¬ gair* I'lAgniticentlv ichabilita'.isi s . . :0 InUrix* ,ixa 44 Sir ail rock vuicc 1* Youth lafte x*f tbpei who like the Brr-- mained, and they are with ua 4r r-pxH h • Mttiogeny heloxed bv v( , i* out the army * a1--- to this day in ellks, rayons and ;i LiMl'f isii brati.i -if cvunedx with ' - 4k Scan xxf streak Oalates !\x i--.iv men led by hes \ > ' pevp'.C mag utiexi siUation* avd h ghi* particularly nylons—an inven¬ ,*i SVx 7 Ar- .. JO H x-hx. .X •oars !**'?. *:Ht, reason.r*g an -'-iated chara. :er* tion of the devil himself aided S.* Va-itc.1 » Mi x 24 I Kriiwick'i prv>bleexs v*;. «■-•-.* x by the Dupont Company in M ¥ -iranxfnf «h«xx:, a.vivext, settle* hi- 'ft! nxx whoa# laboratories tha |uadmit »0« KM txexx „ of i,;f;r capture the v'.ex ax a x'.iw»le. l»ic "5lv was invented. The t'enwick ni.Ht.s ai r.*«- uir Luna. ■> v«a a— to*: wax .i .. d.'nc m uu- Din. •• **•** Langer write* In teres ting!y. tl provide* •. \e\x York City during e . —■ I—»IT —M two M. U an mtru*K>n on an ot fx*;se One may pick up the work and ti>r r-od aiert ana linds th» »tr*cs eniovAble reflection of modern read in it aooradicaliy. It is not srsJESr-j2jr*"txr, 34. A*ton «h empty Knowing nothing of ' necessary to rush through it in •V Loadro Dux hv * resi plans or j*. tea' nxwiy*. a mi p. ..v« ST S.v.„ I he Grand Dwch*. her prime twentieth-century faahion. Take lAKis, the Marshall and his oxe- your Ume. meeti! s minKler. a ad her field mar«h«U t»ke a* hostages a •ciguUaU h. 30 Geai .:(a are all RU»ed rleverb b« I'eter nexv ly-invented and "ino>t poxx - di atl arx.iT..'* 3! ln!uie« erfo' ,n the world" wraoxvx, : »>c seller*. Ilr i« particalarlx ple**- ing at U*e liarh* in hi* stilted 31 Toiei at« v,» fh.mo. ami hi* young tenure 34 Bu d v auawr and itiribnl collar >x.;xUl;t. pekxc The majtir nlllta* af U»e As for Jean £*urrg. » h - piar* 1*. SUUe Ji . 4 *x oild are tfuriRW* fwrrerf I" the acientist'f assistant, bx>m she JT Sub* .texi make Draw ariUi IW Uwa alt- and her rule are ununoo: lent to 3> Cattle 40. B.llow iMiwerfal VmwM m4 lla aemh - the film v. WANTED 41. W.Kh lurmed Uagac af URb Nattsa* 1? any.v.e u Actually foolish 42. Deviate u» preveal a*e af the Nab awl enoug-. u beluBr* that »he rep- Mid Pee emphatically IN eaaaeqaaal NNrarWa af resenu.the ftnwt Ulen: Available ■ H*u at » a r 43. Axikward the war Id after * fairly competitive arid j. vd host •-U1I. ST *WM 44 Beam The term*! peace forever, .Vastly Duolieized n-arch, he w.'.l A*far a* The premise of this *'.x>ry it- prubaoiy believe that the *ity • . CAMPUS CLAShlf so gxnjd that not even faul'.y wdl {all kmiorrj* at noon town cuu f*t TIMI M WIN, ha odium i$ Rhla to vxuutneieiy fUUltg; • an. n«»un—l 1Mw, • c WW COh* ... <3 Joined MSI? in if)"t(t Cost of Repeal Mffiffr.sv rMTf m;«1 l'"h f 'l!,"r v lir |-Orn»r?R r-*'.o I'age three I {an on Plans Kplimiipiit Courses I liuli 'K ft I £~. • 7 .' avii's ' i^ssintos • John Barron, of air »rien««'. »*f Van' ho1- a:i- /•iji' lirogram ff»- his . r-,nd',i»*«'d and television • 1« j \ . i «"i plan* to retire ff»m '!■" i fi!re riext fall. ' ill' •" ])•■> M iy.r 'lirtii'iii I'lj'J by joined MSI.' in V'er rr'irert erit, tth.ih :•« -ti'i- A in, !'»">'l Jj.- jjvf.. !n •Ri'it ••i approval by'.the i> Air Forrr S'fii-'aiv* .the .S"n *Vi C'r Barron da u«h:o; with hi* w;f»- and two <.fi.' T' • 1 M'i" Dr. Joseph B. Gufslein "T? to find emh■nployn ont -.'i ' > , t ie «»aff 'it It' i."v h'-ie :■ Major Barron Ix a bmrnallxm ;-i4'liiatt of Ihe L'niverxliy of Entertainment bv •-.» ... f MUxourl. lie Joined the Air I «rre in 1SI0 and reerlved hlx fomrnixaio" in HM3. May Replace It* \ .« fr /- •. a xt'Plnr.' 7* '-a Operation RTjUtrap" » ' ' '»peration Midnight O.I," under Sparlaeatle h ! '» - »■'!',i , a'.'.'i ' 1 T' ' *-• r,« 1 H • e-. nfftrera of a:.' *erv,'.- •Spartamd* ought be replaced -re ten' b-'»ge ' » •U spring hv a with pro- f-npteto their *diK<"iV>n. »*u'»-rtainrrient •giria'ed by Major Barron K > A' • '«i-i;ng to Oar, ft i d» '. It- 1 fi r,t*,t0m <, he reeeivH th«* Amy Com- I." rr'atior.s d.r>'' r of Al'S'i, -rendfi'ion MH»J in Ift49 •l.e fr shox- have jt | •IRiS What do rou i \S htle xtationed In Nova Srotia p.v<-»-d m!J ;nis*rat;v« point* • n It.M. Major Barron deviaed and will he prv-ent'd to Student ,V-o r».c*jder a e\«m,nation ' fair price for an | "Viewpoint", a ilaruaaion pro- Congm* for f;nal approval •d.og rr.m whkh he bruurM to M*l Spirlmde wax a carnival put TIIBIl: MS|; foihu loch approvingly at (he More than IM member* of the are '|*| row j John I vert*. I'rtn*kev *ophomore on hv the men's and women's candidate* for Mr. MSI from Bailey llall All Richard Mojlrfc, Atundeldn. Ill xophomore. »lan farolty have appeared en the living units and held in Jenlxnn. MSI' will he rrowned al '•ylndir t-pin. Teh IS l-» Hurston. Inkxter Junior 'tnd cow. Irrd Sut¬ program. The show ran three night*— and will feign with Mix* MSI', f oed* looking on ton. H extern spring, III. frc*hmin. ltd hard s|Mr 'Ihurxdav. Iridav and Saturday A" "Viewpoint 1* not an inter, are <|-y| f«ail Sapuchl, Ifallr fierhltig, f hir-aco Ita lic* III,- fre*hman '3rd row • flonald Itrnrigard f c ye*.- program, and Major Barr< o Irophie* were given to the hext xophomore, and %'alerie shafey ftldgew*K,d \ I s| l.ool*. Mo Junior, and lion l.ivenxparger. licit Hoes not modera'e. Various t'd«- booth* In the rategories nf audi¬ frexbman. Mr. MSI' candidate* from Itaile* Itall fre*hman « art rflpeuaied without utio* ence and non-audience partici¬ pation. "We've dee d.'} 1m drop Sf..,-- I It f Mil Tinif Mmie IVuliiri x Itcn l iirpiii ( iui- ' in -ifi«- ta'-ade tfn* year," Riedel said A • old t 'i\f rr. '7 •r • r» e SLACK SALE - '• 'kx.itj** *he iivmg unit* t.isa* . • - O'l -TION Quite a fe« *f | p"it the how toge'her f'-y j <0 ft'OV are i UNIVERSITY STUOENTS' SPECIAL ■ were'. |h'..*,'-eand • I9'if» suw •« »-t 1. " t It •-1 n,t friend* wear contact ' ung ' ripati . a.,1 be chwn at 7 p n Wedr-c ■ ?. I'll It ( ll'il' I • and tbe» tell me an? Vne orofe»«ir,rial erder'air.-i, - . .* • r:: . HI It**. HJ5-12.95 Only 9 mm rnolacmg Sparta, ade wiil day in the l"ri;Od llnfltoom. I'.1 fi. ' . I. .. .. . • V- ... I '* Prime beef open f»»e nandwich an |u* e*'r# large plcl- one un wear them |i* thla 1 prt tr ' lie*. 9.95 • 9.95 Only •».!)!» riffttgnl ,r» • 1e Aud. A adni.iv m i whipped potato roffer or milk ie C jitnplis l.liissiliecN ili'-'i K"S*«i« i idwj» BI T NOW AMI HAVI. fee will be chart'd And the . . IN \ III il I ION >\MPI.» IIBfltkITt I ROM KM OR U I ! 'if •• profit* wdl go to Campu* fhc Ol s wp|' | \| %pp| fl/l R«* I,EN KOSITC'IIEK'S B.edel na.d I are 'arnou* r .ic,' a un-'-er- -y PARKINSON VARSITY SHOP !JA ABBOTT BO r.. TAN'S. organi/atjnn for different that pa *, * ic prof;'* frnrn Spartacade 'cere fiven :o raixei charities. Campu* C'he*t money In the \Mi.l. in: ilElit; IHIRM "flll'INI" 98c looking for 4 reall, fine m»«l tbi* ' ■ - ' 4 ' ; Xtindat evening' for the fme*t ruixlne at hard to heal price* FEBRUARY 22 l»e *ure to v ixit MOUSE OF BEEF*' FREE! '/> GALLON COKE NOW Tilt: E VOLITION 01 POLITIC A I. TIKU 1.111 NO fit I \ If meat* xerved h* the "|Ioum> of Beef" are I -II \ PAPER EDITION II.ft} Prime.- Nothing hut the finest for 1011 from ROOT REER Oil ORANGE PARKINSON'S LAW WITII 2 REGULAR 1 ITEM I'lZZAS iruiv must >.\(t.u»i>> iN HARD COVER SPARTAN BOOK STORE l.l.mi "HOUSE OF BEEF" 111 M. Mlt IIIO%N AVI;. to Dr. J. IS. Yrtit*tpiii VARSITY DRIVE-IN 'Next to Hotel Oldxi » r,rrc>*ryTio«T • r» ,41.* *4,- DELIVERY SERVICE ED 24,.", 17 Cgnwr An A NJ.C. Hour* v|on -at j sperialiaing in. roa*t beef, ? am. • t pm. - sun. round heef chirken. duck, xteakx etc II am -9 pm .*■» w c -».»*• la»< *1 'tea *•• f -rrxtn yor always bkmembkb ' Tet Duaw i. Purity Plat-ffirAfi Pradar/i Dinut aufiuaur rtelr Tad exam ranac - «f •jAh****? •* f oor a/a-go# -e* ' cxg wojg t>f Ar /fflgOM AalC'e-I Checking Einstein with an atomic clock in orbit T« lev! F inxfeia'* gtoefalthcmyof rc!a*ivjiy u. en- P'oe.M at t *. i.r'.'r--- . tivli at the Hughes research lahoratones are iJe-.ei- data handlmg ;aad divpia optng a thirty pouftsl atntnic mater ckxk free prttm '■■*1 CCSfCTt'.UfSC.i' v. .- ' - • at irtti under contract to the SafH-na! Aeronauts*.v *dvarced rail*' - 0, ■ - . and Space Administration. Orhsfing in a sateihte, mei*.l« »y*tc.Ti.. --a.e*-. a maser ckxk would be compared with another on the The rapid gr-'y*th of ii-efe-.-. f,. ground to check F.imtcin'g proposition that •:«: . . 1 time flo^t faster .as gravjutional advance ill Hughe* e r" pull decruKt- • eaviromnent for the *featc Working form the new research center in SfahKi. hi*, tie id of JBtercsi Cahforma, Hughes engineers wiUdcscU p a Vf ASl K f\ffcro*ave Amplificatton through Stimulated i 1 . --'.'v »'o a--<*rv mission of Radiation) clock so accurate that it will neither gain nor Urve risers •' ;•. a single second in JiPri • Years. This clock, one of trnce types contracted for by NAS will measure time dsrecth from the CAMPUS NTEPVIE.VS i vibrations of the atoms ia ammonia molecules. Before launching, aa atomic clock will be ssn- vhrcnizcd with another on the ground. Ha^h clock would generate a highly stable current *?:h o a frequency of bilUoos of cycles per xecen*1 Elec¬ »# -»»-*.• ♦.»-*< tronic circuitry would reduce the rapid oscillations TV W #*i 1 +***? m m ;**■** y / r >* >x. J to a slower rate in order to make precise laboratory measurements. T he time "ucks"* from the orbtnag clock wouki then be transmitted by radio to com¬ pare with the time of the clock on earth. By meas¬ HUGHES uring the difference, scientists will be able la check I tn-ietn'% theories. Citwrdn. ScfWWW * >. j In other engineering activities at Hughes, research VcN miLtt 4 t T and development work ts being performed on *^*.h fw:saa, Ptawu i \ uq)t)il)(iu Hduiwil XUik slliJ )fAuiunsis UIJimtYN | | ^lmikinus [s| j'oss S™aI( Hy^'uP 1W'S M)|>qas »«4 MM13UP LiT'XV ltVi S"l!l d>l' ®I .I.M•• V1S1 . iVI.HUUiI.JK KII JJltJIKJ )JH.JJ JJJ>| pi»jd"l* iu ) q*iul«K|Xu v|UJa m|u s.v.nua swjhJpHA «jjai fow ju w ponjpj- sdwJtBU 3auiuws;» Xi'a )dHlU | jlH) ),olu.ji UU JllpjUUH Hf/HjU*) s)a».a juquMiu ,«jru |*4h'M |J|OOlU||l(4)OU SH)lll.pUl. I s< uiqaJU j.j uoi :p- o 1 oiM.J jqjounq jqjfj jonHqwj 11.aanai' uj3q) ),)111JJliK VJt.j ,fI JJ M<)< ».?IJ|V „lju< KJ4UU1ii,K) |M»W jU )|l»< imiJOU•^ 11.ijq jqa aaaiijj.j |U !' JUaJJ XJJpwA araq 4004< a j|4v» lpcaa m |iq -|oqu oj jqa sausou 0 )X'H.ap J lip J)tdH. jj|,k| 11 III tij j jla -t.'.lh'ill ||VU|a|k icaq|U> liM |»U JfJVJV jOIH.f.l.h iii" IH .J.M*',ViS|, "I oj ausa eup saj jqautaup • :»uia <!• "- Vl'M' ,J • ).I'WJ ptnp iua« xi.qpo vijuuosojit jajI 1.qa sdRJJBUk poqu.ou' 1* ' ;00 1U!U''I» uup . - vu.uM.. .i |(||UI ! !<• SM'l> qu.'I fU ma .v.bs .i.;ai<'js. J|4K| ii.ou u8«iu si.. <-,w 1 Muik jy,»*lM' qjjoja jqa doA.JJjnj fsd'.ijjwu foI| . , .IU) < . ■ UM.ia XI VY pil'p J.)«WP*P» X BUP 1IIJUOIK pal • A xqa soujqami V|S| jauaa4% lM' |u siqa« piAlUJJ" :l( I »••."< I 11.11(1 '• \1 a I,a | I1"0- jqa 14 BS .'I|,-iI r«Aa iqa sd'.'JjBU» mm f|<. so s|4)i|lH ...4 wal a li)i| < :llip 14*11< .: 'ti'' J.' » !'• '1*0 jir> « . ip jqa waaqaUp' 90*.' |hi< qap ^ ;ufjH IJIMIJ1 S|j».W|i* sian v i )<4-| |.mi|* qii||a4]|i ii iv iqa ,on i fM| jqa I < i • i !" |c<»iq;a VAIUUOJ jqj* ||4ua <» B • ,.lf4V ii*ni mia joj iqa Slt-ij- auj ai "))iqit-Dii fiip qas| aoU|a*|a)| lli- > |ova*| I llipiCIIC l| M">||4V 44|*V xqa xqoiulwou ytuiajs ivJ." Vk iqa4 q«l 11-i xqa jq )40!J ltJaAioiM J?'J|^ | iiiv 1)114 ICHXUOII - BM.M4i||ii>2 |o l|j- 1|'m||iu4a )»4)4v llll'" .nj iqa uiaaj" jii.sj qnj H DS qiuijap 4" * ; iisi i II "ii I oua *iuf/i i.41 <■ KrdujjwjfA«• iat jjap aojjiuS q:ip jqa ).i.owp ktiUqulUMXa lfiaf• jaauifi |ji)|fttii:i s4icij » :ijjiaa ltlll i *4| S|urt|4|wu . |<*a4 jp;q JpBia iu qis ojqaJ av.a ll*|v j.r4| *qi»i i * " v i»m4' i iiiu4—l-lt' 1 «<4 4| ' JJUIU 40OJ>(a.|{JUUJ'» 8iCW|-JJUp|U)* jaa, jqj).a jJIUas iU jqa ajos-i iniaqail |ia'H JII8lSlUlii8KO\ 19< ..r-HOd.. . jriii• SI.I I 1*4»||t pmi ui44i 4 4- wqq a sdjBiu»Hj | pajau«aiuuu* llfll ||!l4|uli .v|1|4 I X«M1 V.4MU »|<• illH| |\||jqa|| *qV'H a|jjoja jjuu|ua ynupo'A I |fM 1 1|4V<14|| ef|jqfJ*« xaaq oJkioJjnui;u.a III bm nufpaM|tj|ap snutiivIU»«. )II 1.4 pv jqa 011 ai.aw|>/ii<.!iV .jqa JdH )ii.jj |4iia||is -qnjon. «!U4 « S-u na44 »|| )oaaiqaj |M) -is < . w.* k ||M1| uiaal ia- 1(1 kO II I M.OIK uqiqi.v aa||uu lM' dqtaJ l» 4.J|P*i \041U J.pjU'.'U ."4»| ).jiq.n8o Jt;n .1> cn.q•.'• IUII I \4N| |H4 |4«U»-I» 4 4" jm .jfiis oip ij'ij)iiu ii lli' km'hj Xaaq 11*11 K|jq|IJRM tt.ijq w dwu oj <.i r» ||A*" u.oli ut)«i.q *l l'I |444«|V|4 | )U|IU |,W41» )|4' x».j4. M . M'«««M » M4MOI sil muuiU I" mr inx-u3dfivi )jiXtlqi' jiu-ulS oj b *aaoiip I | 44 MI .JMOI • 1|V| < I iIMI qi ■;< . |l*U I «lM 1> «aj|uk jjomi jqi'i «*:i,i xaiul<4a vn*d| iqa MaaqaMp a»'«|j ;» oua-dai.iop >» 1ISI. I ( I 100. | |MI|«|p % ),niuim.i.jHiup |1|V llik | |4«uiM* | .J«)U h"w* vmi 1mi, KIWikOJt , |«|l" M 'L|1*< ) 1| VI 1* • | • ,|v .• l« i ltariai 1' • •• >****|tr«r |o |utup[d j 1 »UI l'a'I (U pisuJJiaaiuauj vipjq jqa >.;i||• S»H»«iiljr •! t|«|4 1:111> » ).ool \i u tom jqa im.uw||a J|(lKK|J|a>|K aqKjdp dcf<-j | .HUlllUK I'OII foji im«u* «mi jb||M| m«|mk| si»i»a v jasnjj oj jqa jw.i< ilftUi'• XISa awupja iauuik qup aoiita daiJ W.dhv S •« « T "j IM*« M' X m»> bu9j'a qn| maJ a MK uo KUMUI-JM V 1(01 '• u»4* "u q«i4 }qa • 1 n ut u j !u x»^m uAaadoiAXiap )fliAS 1•• iUOJU «Mf|a 0 jaittra J»'JOJP "J 12- iV.OJpS■ dija v*.»jq • mm omni VAl• |w iMwqa qi.i junu » nauqaq ui«nft* • xil MMIS vou lM SVI'M iu jqa jqjuj |*a»tala nup ou»-a 1m.4:<«)v l» »t X*«.u iu|MH|a• iuonjq *1 ||( 4;t JO iucna II 2*0 J fldj V lli OJ mM lit" •! l'BUU.U^O• 4!»>'*l l,>i*lJ< »"S 1 rm*lli 11* J.4I- 11 "i" 1 iasi( *1 01 )o y.)10 d iu it| yi.|t*mi8|i.s ni-tfil 10 jaqa iqa VAJ1P BUP w.)a<|"A n«qa4|* q|| mm XfLU " ou ma («••»• Mdjap ^.jjq \.BUsd4Aqux«() u *ou jqaiJ i)|u3[^» uib.•-. l\ l'iiltV jjuavi.ap xqa suujibu^. i.vs1i1a 19 21 oj jqa jijvj livv.isii fP ]*| 1" 1"'J X»»aq wqawp j»« kjwA• nr* iqjjp ijnj • 1 .vi 1 »up isi|( nt **ip ),5.( *•<' MiiBJv id ,qup xi).q,» *fjiiA J-u !• 'iud;aq.|'A ttlllU vssoihkhvxs VUPJ' l'B)-,Ocfja iqa ofp Uiuuu v i mu lM oi ij C-l w»»'J Sl*t4'v> I IU1 q«Aa fj 24 fup )ausmiuoim J"J llkA MIMM.UAI ii V qjj ■) l.llOIH ) lliM q«pu,1 I VIII 8 SO jj.'.bu osi'v *J 1''14"P *"1P jqa XwutJ m» qup )ta-j avjsijx ui.uij pt.rq.'m• l^i*« kaitVB- o.h| xvqqju dtaqap trd jqa(4 saa- IIAII M PHH ,|aaq iqja«iauap »u inim |qa M"'U Sd'AqjooH.s jioiu v;niuui fU iqj iueiaqas JU( IWhNI' jqa Moja ai.auiuS oap J»<;i[s nj |4'*. |m iqa jio»tv| djBi. tu jqa u*<,s" mmm a«jjA jum m *ou|a*» djSA fiojaqqor »up '\jm v» • Ja- (v«i fo *aaoup* :>j bup i'iiuw■• A MK.II M-d !° off'" P V'.dl H.qau yulMiii mm ■ «aaoup »qiui tup J[Bj2auqo»«J ma aAautuS• *sttini viijqticj•' m»mi kmi* ®i *•»« hh«• jmmu iqa aJHlS OMM • nni/ jqJI« «A4UJS* qouuaiulJ sjcd sqol' 1'> VJ4UB \DOVOMMt *VrfVI ®I 8* |t » f v| fi inm |«aa«li uiBpa OSI'A J« jou^qipa ma saoJ!u8 »V IC;SC' nwap • «|*k M«4<■ aqaa H* »:».j I q WllU I lM 1IUUI lltlt I I:UI I lM 11 tliM 1H WI lilUMU^lldll 1111UIIU HIIM ^ HI lli J11111 lM § jm mumtp muqp |am*m *wj ih«»* i kiiim««* »i viuai|a«u* 3v10hi l*M«q« oax ub|iij«| I*mm| a|«|um **mm aomvi i: t3i * e Ainwi *mi*J aru n« anfnx • • • MU|«a» |au* q ,jqa U*IP p %.!*)•u = K|pai qaaMai A|KM«u p«i *dVMMf ? OM *II t A on .VIH S31 axa Miufaanuu idtiq ta||A||fM r qjMpaa iidiiwmi J A 01H 3 uv|niB| SVSIKII.HU.S VAILROll f H l«»i|q)||tfaK l.VMI' iqa |M pi«jn«K|M* qa |U|aja«|ap ton | \\>«"|p |aMna« ««P tol S a mm ynfrjju1047.44 foj jijnjufiou „( tmj y qmmj v m MWWVK lMMMmViNMJ JVIT U< I-nil roitu ih umwa w■ I'VSI 2 V.IUHLK — \OK V 11.3* VI i M K I.IHS1 SHOH K1VHLK iii 1111 *. iiiimiii 1 {ll «?l|)< ,?1 iii | r 11 |i\ hitr iiii||k* 17 |K | |H» |««) puV |)l I 4|M I 1 lpriV • OJ V 0114 UM.|O4M>| t(»|W|o3nj ujpxJ IM» I »MMI UOI'A^HMM UH.uiouMM• |l« fsllll \ MIJ H |HM«f |S pAMlPUlh| mjs y|| upijj||siu3 ||ia s|ii>| 11 j iiii).i.),s|' i.ooui joj fi. qu* 1'4.i.u pMitilmp |ii 111'.1 »«J \is| sinpi.u|s 11M.J I im m 1 liuiim." UI.J IMlJH M I onj 40JII4 uup U1.)tHJ»>V iqj jijisJ | iuij jiii. ;iu iu)i.iN|ni.M| jiij ;ippis( iiuii.q oj »lnwj»ji• '/"".I XOltJ IUJIIIOW • • * anA v VA01A3IDN3 lfYM WYU1M8 AOWMaVA » nvsi aooawvx siom.. .ma .IR3 KISKISSlliJI 9VNHITM. "P I ;» (irci'ii Sfiirc* 21. Intramural Late Scores 'urdue Edges t .agers; Stole News huirks Ill-ill Cell.* i ~ s»» y*»a i. *Rl Uwioii i T' Iwl v New Y V s~' ■ Schedule n» iron i i ti'ip • iM*»i* • s«* IjOCjirrt r.»pi'ali/o'l on • e *•» y *efe Itt Nmim in |Last Second Rally Fails hoc hit «> I«SII IM rsiuaeiebia i*« p»»'V»-r of Kenny S» r , l» «'-• • • rt'*M lit. (HflKRlO Hi • » n i >n «• i»in sum eiH.ruTTTi^^iJjrrr^hTraJT t»l«um - i ifioa l."lfi»1.» (Joi-rjn and Johnny fif-rt ' >• » H ysianyi.i • '*»'arHo IH IMIIOIT I I*2-MS NMA v o over Ft-, . • ekroorv I. |«M.e r,v# i a oi OltU- Sohdar ♦ » l I eiOion. «« NntterfieM S"»rt .in') (iuer.n i,<.,u alker Gets 'I. t Ka'iirr y a Kalie* 17 pMlfi'* e:#< ft arid foru, • MSI Trarkstvrs Ifrfral MSI,' g:> at, scored h.y •i.gb 'd 21 j/iin': Tb«-. wis "e M Points K' > k f.rvi' lory ove. '.he Ohio Statu in Dual \\vvi (>''<« '.hi* »»-,n »r> iti ||».'on asv off forrr,. egr-ept '-if ba/krouf -A:/ard Boh('oU'» 'en •r < | il—I lllMIIC I.OfcN The indoor trark team won all Put four evi rd- Sidurduv vho a* '»» k'p* JJ'^'or, hi« 46 po.n'. m foe garr.i- •a it defeated Ohio State in a dual niH't he|#l af f'olumPu-< In Ll*>l 17 Slurl* Saturday. r,JS, to .*1' ., *h I* was «-a*on Of, / for '.he -«"ond ifco i f'.'if • lo « on Sj»ar 'an* Javm ttarnes• lead the Hfmt 'he.r h'rrne "/urt The p/ev.ou/ A Iwl i»i" (I, (It s III lt\< tin* .n '^-.rtng **■ 'h '»o w-.m !>»-.* was- to Philadeiphw. rv »• crowd of I I.id J tr. »he hurdle* and a fie for • jd?»v MSt,* M i>e • irned nut .Saturday to •and in 'he high jump :}*• Michigan State lia*- '' team lo »• DM-<>."» to •r*'k a'bird# from 21 rolp-gr-. Spartan roach Fran IWttrich, uri vi 'M :ri» hid.rg Me* ' Sue. w »« *he two-mile race won fer, 1 n< Sf'AA Kar.e ■ spartan* |.:< k«-> ■, *»«tf MStJ ■ fVaj toke take's time "• : r-r. v ■ i,HtUr ipaie - Feature a! 133. I I* « «* in 17 sir' - • 9 HO •' « n» *' fp-ldh'Mi-e r # * * ♦ 2» pn. if the ' h. < MM: in ♦» •• « • •,re»k»r,g a mark student and employee tifket* Melbourne "Trernendoue moriiii- v\n!«ri .m l Tm; v R • a Ingelhn^k ot Penrj for the MM relay* on Saturday /rr fn«' for th«' fi'*t time S*., a» r, IV,1 7T.i» +*% tok* » fe.wer and impact. . leave* eveninr. fehruary It. are now -'•I'hrr hit hi« league »ver- at the two-fi>:!e you breath!en*'" Valker g-»* 22 and held •• *• tost year he woo the atailahle at Jenivon '»y mnasium —Melbourne a*« i 'I he off he will be open from k ger to I.Y J.i; ''I fr;'e championship. am. to noon and from I p,»n ' i •, rntVjrh me^.'ioned . .. to '• dalh. j inn H»rk«lilrf honor* hid the top for thr Bmler- r»- • . o'Ufe pie at M w :t.b the p m . f oupon* fr«»m the winter term •hov.rg of the vrpboenorei on u»ff« with 29. student aetiwts iuiok and em¬ IION %( I! MAI.KIK <|3> MM * renter, evade* Feeder* ferry k. i «»riAd Four *e*r.».'er'rre* won ployee seasain book will he e*> * the- fame looked a* |ti*rhlnaer till for a las up In Saturday'* lo** to the Boilermaker* *!.- ir ever.Tv T» 1 Gr»y*Jon, mile; ehanged for a teat reservation ' might be an ♦ .nv 7»r*\ f-r1. ftO vd da*h; Mike Awaiting a po**ihle rebound are state'* l.anre ol«*n iln*. Art In addition, student III rard* tin, bn! during the - fiemart. Mrb Jump; and Sotinv srhwarni if It and lom Wilson the I'urdue player* inrlude Paul wrlll lie required for adml**ion •it Purdue pulled to Ahau, br »^d Jump. (unwell (Hi and Jerry Berkshire M3i. at the gate frfurp in ti ,t B'tllle Atteherr* i ... All *eat* will be reserved for • ,itl tone. oaarter mile for HUU in H \ the finals In the eyening the ' '.he ,ng the Spar tana the shooting improved «eeUi« pushed hark to take t/in. lie had rcasun to In* happy* hi* Spartans had ju«t r 5e Vim'f \ I 'he fellow* per formed the Spartan* brought fJordun John*on over Jame* f>er?«ai^-..y 4 '»'ii*» »at;.fs»- R.ayp.r pourerj n 'J* Very well,*.the coach sa.d. halt hark down (be floor* I! j'*. 8-7, 117 fe-.und*. J:m tcry. Evtrj "'r riprovM • ared 'A r>bound * • ^ The spartana wop *i« oul af AAU x*r- 1(11**0 ' f t Purdue stole llw ball and week ovqr 1^»' week's r, .' "1 4:, i g» ('orlev oyer John Gn!!« 4-1; end (he eighl weight rla**e* again*! off the la.;, f-'frnav—. V.'# haw r-.or# bal¬ hi (nnweil who area all alone Indiana, including the 137 pound heavywetgM f< hn lia-una pira - 'the Michigan SUte ba*ket over Dave M»"lare*. ance thU year than in the pa -t The p-y*, • ■*:,■ >vj ,,, level where Boh S< hluter wa* b th« tamo wtth I lay-up. |« Baum * pin y*a* the * fee- pmi a." ■h'/otlng g. 1 I fi* i- Sh j* •■bhinr for regular Boh Mo*er He hotod T.e narrow defeat 23. |»»ln attempt I anre to atop f unwell'* Oloen fell and Schluter, a regular himself ha* regi*tered thia sea*—. II# until two weokj ago wr,'-ti he > -till htd off the end of the floor. v.i# beaten ou* of hi* starling Georg# Inha#. . !"7 prwmd • Tt »>rmakert Ignored the Joo bv Ifogef Tavcnrur, pinned Ito-XIIT, decN.or.el St**e*s Ta« venner, 2-1, m the only okher rmmvmmmL » -y the whipped a long Ituvell Smith a*. 8 17 of the .< to Walker, w ho vof. final period. Jrwharu match victory. InhaV along with his tf-ammete Hut* NN Bier- Mr. Just aftor the imz/ef Tha wore wa* tied h* 3-3 when are the t-»p liweuev 'Of —1 Twrae UNIT. r nerxm, flchluter rever*cl a eH v r hold • • •- rild t food Job ft prid pinned the lloouint. Jl . h'fffctleri en their wiual. . e-j D.vhmger the bottled up. "Big Dlv* t/» the third fall gained bv the State sophomore this winter. uuiuiiiaaaiaiiaii ■ • iMuuan. cMuaior f Cme* :• r v 4 the tea' 1 to dm* in • jr to the Indiana wia fired up for the meet and looked Be if they might 2 lima for ... ■ heat the IpartiM fee the see- «nd year In a raw. They won ■ MIH-WINTER ' ■ [ t-»hn >ning. «hn *r«rei| *even laat year 2B-7. la the apenlng had raU uend fur the Spartan rau*e atari in a* many two matehea Indiana gained two LUBE ; quick takedowns and salvaged a convlnrlnf 7-1 pin in the 111 I Tl'kej M 8t»v ! e- I HAH*I* I I Bl pound division. two WHIJL WAIIMi* rer 'J A-' *v - .-f- State's George Robb* managed OIL f HAM.r to pin hi.* fntx/nent, Fred tomb, PIL1FR t III < K fy (■! ' V; r; i • t or.e at 5 01 of the s«corxl period In rebound tf-i.: rhir*:vie'* the 123 pound ciifts, to open the . luM.fi-r VSf b«,t f.t reh-»ur,d» to lb»■ Boler- meet, but he had to comeback i 43. from a takedown to do it. Bill Gurdatdo, 130 pounds, [IriiMir'i cc 'e •. .rnwi the w*«n t a< fortunate a.« hi* team¬ ri het-vieen the tw.» squads. Bow holds 'he serle* mate Hobbe. Indiana'* Ron lfu» • wJth I' w ;na to '-be S(>ar- teraon gamed a quick takerlown • 7 Last vear the two team* on the Spartan and went an to the 9-1 match victory. It was the first lo*a of the s4mlm»o for Cue* ft' • ;*h earh wmmrvg a gam* tti bom* rourt Rvklri* A tale will be in ■*• i tamrht with the HporUn* ciardo. Accaedlag ka CeUlBa. ttw melrh that hraka the hacks ef the lll.noiv The llltni heal kadlliu Heealera waa 117 1 M>e« earlier thia aeaaoa er Nermen Ye—«*• 7-i licblsa ever Richerd Aheray. at defeat Sf»arfan The other division* won be J • 1v Andergpn said he 'Utd beat tx*h Iowa f ''•» on the home rourt, XITICCt rr art of that prediction LARRY CUSHION . when the Span,in* ► i ,wa SK1.R0 in a te'evif - SPORIMG 60001 «nd Governev lla* be—hi —t the risnplrli era 'he tr*. *<-,u *r in fctnek af t raph Ie• • n contest for tf;e llliru plaque* far all & a-1,23 respectively frsni the Pig and Bhi*tie *•" '« "■'•at. ganie *k « Spar- »hnp. Stork new en display •si hack, from a* Ju at the M.H MOM at half Lime U» a life YIMt: IV S-7MS •* ' in the tfiird uu*ner | 4 Blerk Wed af wear* €Pff • t » iHincos ixHiived 1 lippert ''«• lead. I1*'*, i i 50% OFF UN SPECIAL GROUPS OF SLITS - SPORT COATS S* ESTER* •'MIL EXTRA SMAIJ. SWEATERS VALl'ES TO I.VS.-, NOW .».«! Tkt 1>.II .ilk Ikr M Dn, Mu (Mn. I Mr. Tr.vrl m U. s tluuM sMor 1 .UiriULi al «l MAS \ MiailGAV BT%TT NEW* ij Frbrwrji I. IMt Fate N| 'Fantastically Bright, Blinding* \ J Education Building: Exhibit pu Flash Lights Utah. Western Sky Their reports seemed to across the sk.v. Lihrarv Bonks for (lliihlreu Will h* tin SALT LAKE CITY. Utah f/D- In Idaho Falls, Idaho, Mack Michigan school children, their oo*n lor public pcrte A bright f!n«h lit up the sky pinpoint it in southwestern Mon¬ A.'; annual even*. r..,.v tvi tana—possibly in the Bitter Roof C'orbett, who is Director of In¬ parents and 'heir teachers a;- eh over four western states at 12:0:1 formation for the Atomic Ener¬ eigh'h, the lair will he • a.m. MST Sunday Valley Some persons in Miss¬ invited to the Book Fair to be. ed fh;«. vear b*. 'he East L P' tin' officials said reports of oula and Butte, Mont., claimed gy Commission's National Re¬ held in the lobby of the Educa¬ school* and MSU actor Testing Station, said the second flash 2 hours latei they heard an explosion. tion bldg. Wednesday and Thurs¬ For E-ist tensing cchont a bedroom of his home lit oup ns . tn« in the vicinity of the National "It was fannsticnlly bright— ren. the exhibit will i>» it lit up everything in the cock¬ though a battery of flash bulbs day from 9 n.m to 10 p.m. Atomic Reactor Testing Station Nothing will be for sale, but chance to regi'-ter their • 1i pit and the cabin and the entire had gone off. book*- in eastern Idaho were erroneous C'nrbett confirmed thai there 4,000 'recently published book* to: •- on -apparently the result of a sky outside." said Capt. Richard "IVvk.* that adu. mm » momentary power failnre for youngsters will be available inwunderHtawUng. Below of salt !#ake City, pilot er-jHren are no' alv.av.; , at the Reactor Testing Ntation for browsing. The exhibit will Th«* first flash was believed or a Western Air Lines Convalr. ■vi*h chiUhm." .Mr- A ; • ? "It was a brighter night time at 2:27 a.m.—twn and a half feature typical library-type to have been a meteor. flaah. «:g. t biDrian rtt K • I. flash than either my copilot, hoar* after the meteoric books which youngsters should believed eao*ed find worthwhile both in and out junior high school, The Federal Aviation Agency George llolgreen, or I had ever He aald It was U '..-ii v. an* to said no airplane* were reported seen. hy a bird flying into a power of school. : e!; •<> read, you h.V • • . mining in the area at the time. line. Publishers' represent.! ' i v » "It started as a low blue light, ••t ng- that are •-!»•, ,i • Corbett said there were no while not oe'rmitted to s«ii.v Tin- light was seen by hun¬ then came a blinding flash." .:)(< to 'heir life ' reports of a second general f'.a:-h sales, will be i>n hand for c". - dreds of persons in Montana, Captain Belru said he did nt the A EC site at 2:27, and he sulfation. Idaho. Wyoming and northern not *ee the actual flaah—unlv said the first flash had nothing Ihtnrinu J'rvimli the tight from H. He wan about to do with the big atomic in- . In conjunction with the fair, to mile* south of firrat Falls. the in*tructinnal material* ren¬ Try out* for the Un.-v, ?•, statlitlon. Architect's Mont., flying at 11,WW feet. At Butte, Alotba Tallon, a In Hollywood, Calif., amateur astronomer Floyd Rickores said ter of the College. of Education ("oru-. held 7 de 'he Wednesday >n U-He-v the Un-"-- ) , - - secretary at radio station KBOW, he tracked a *'red ball"—with¬ Sprinkler Alarm Hell drw*ni :-n Show (riven p.-rm-ad • said » noise, like a lot of jet out a tail—for nearly five min¬ planes taking off, followed the utes with his 300-power tele¬ Dae to Soanil Today pj3'-!iCf clothes. brilliant flash. scope. buy SELL The sprinkler alarm bell «,•» In Kresge In Utah, the State Highwav Patrol said It had many reports "I was looking at through my telescope the moon when there the Business Administration building will sound a: 12 n- n CAMPUS C'LASSIF I F.I) which described the light like was an explosion and a bright today for five minutes, Norman •lb-light and serenity are e - lightning streaking flash lighted the room," Rick¬ .scrtfial to our buildings today." a flash of ores said. Steere, nounced. head, safety services an¬ BIS TOP SPECIAL NEWLY APPOINTED member* of Senior Hall rh.iirm.in. and Karen Kell.v, Altonar Junior. With tlii* philosophy in mind. He said he and his wife heard senior, The alarm will b» rung Mffutlvr Brmvn, rommlttee East lainslnc arr Iwnlcil l-r» l.anrir *eiil«r; \rt Krolt, Pnnthe statuling arr llalr Knrh. Brook field, Wl*., ami Mike Itrvant, Ontario srnior. Thr hail held spring trrm. will hr Minora Yarnasaki, Birmingham architect, has designed building.* Hijgli School a rumble. Immediately after¬ ward he located nearly overhead a red ball. "It seemed .to stay familiarize people :n campus area the nor'n with what the bt'l 57 PLYMOUTH s\\n> 4 door, power *terrin* .v 1 J I.andmt senior and general all over the world. IBs work ir. Junior; Ron Itanium. presently being displayed in the Counselors stationary between two stars for three or four minutes, then took sounds like Ordinarily, Steer* «a d. t.'w brake*, push h u 11 <• drive, radio A heater Art bid*. sounding of a ^firtnkler tone pink, like new Dispiilc Demilitarized / to the f.re deportment and 'h- IIH.1 was several thousand miles off photographs of the many build¬ ilnpartment of public safety ex¬ MSU will conduct the largest the surface of the earth and it ings he has designed or helped cept during the test today ani MALCOLM MILKSl Syrians, Israelis Clash to design and scale models of a Counseling and Guidance Infi¬ was brighter than any star at when the bell rings f»r >»nlv * few of the buildings. The major¬ nite to he held on any one that time." 143 J F. MICH. LAN MM q few seconds due to changes, ill ity of his work is centered in campus this summer. the water pres.surp. The institute will instruct 70 the A* Detroit area. Wayne State University or more high school counselors Prof C.utt* to Travel VASSKRIK.il. Sv :. i». r. . p • iif?r»;t hti own farms in the Iriangle through n National Defense Edu¬ Dr. Charles Cutts, head of the if id.OlU'N-.e. « ti'.tlhl 'he alio\VI*d fit till theil Y.mi.r nki' work ir represented cation set grant fr-mi the U.S. • •;»iy cu'iwv.'. 1.001) ift' ir. 'he M'-flregor Memorial Con¬ civil and sanitary engineering Old never at iajeh- ami eap 'heir harvest,' above thr Sea of p! ference Center and the Wayne Department of Health, Educa¬ department, will attend a meet¬ lot. : tfi. a'l' i without '*htea' of .t'Mck from vides b.r-t • ' v» vi• *' . tion and Welfare. ing of the advisory panel to the .« I'ruversity College of Education. 'ntert 'rouble *'»«• l"i. • The David Field Medical Clinic It will he one r,f R4 institutes National Science Foundation htstorv of Arat'-I •r.i.-ii <"nf|n', >i Detroit was also designed by serving about 3.000 counselors this week in Washington, DC Almo>: thr whole ,vm of thr Vani.i* iki. in ail 50 states, Puerto Rico and Dr. Cutts is a member of the demtlitarired r"to. •han Manhatan";- (Y: • l*a:... in- tht* (iupsl Consul Descrihcs . . In uinsing .meo Yamasaki hai de- the Office Building for the District of Commissioner of Education, Columbia, U.S. Jjawrence Derthfck announced. panel which recommends the donation of research grants by National Science Founda¬ Michigan State Medical Society, the thiblu- school counselors at- IsraePs Mid-Cast Stand bright sunlight. lb aiyo planned the University tion Members a'so review re¬ The Sr. of Gallic/ 'lay f'v Mi' 'ogan north campus tna:- tcrtding the institutes will rr- quest* for aid from universities I>ll)r stipend- of 575 a week ' I u''.Mfflr,l. HrijfhtI;. < >!. indent housing and the ceive throughout the country " . ,1(.p , vhore. !!■.<• 'own Iti HUH nth I.n CnWi-ge conservatory of plus A15 a week for each de¬ I In r iiie irnr.t ef t-arm- h ••.'• •mi.' II f liicrlin, < >hio. pendent The institute will run amir- • Vrt ... this vallr* his been the scene of a' nun veftnlnglv peaceful -.ml Shan! I r.u'l hits fin int»T»M national Chili rnoetinp Thnrstlay tiivrht of fishillK in Irotililml water.." Uaniati, Cnrisu! of Israel in Chirayo .»» the Inter h II Cenera'. • , i h.rciyi: work is typified United Stater Consulate m Kobe, Japan, and from Aug I to Sept 2 Partici¬ pants will receive nine graduate hours credit. KANM.THAI.I. f»e(r«il l.lon» v*. ririni IKHIMTION H>«belliall I Hc •at Feb. 13, ISM at «:M P m. Team SPARTAN BOOK STORE Private and parochial school srrtrs o| rlasitrs between ' Si i • ll.nat, w.,' alfudm,: !■» I 'he Dhanran Civil Airport fe:- counselors will receive no sti¬ Mew ((rand I e««# Hlch Nrhonl HrM "Your Suitermarkel for F.dunit ion" fans and Israeli* in the past m.oai budding in D b a h r a n. fae! iio-iViop. Wi'.ti leapert to the once liationa tllrertlona to r*m» inclnded with pends but are invited to take . fortnight in which at least seven persons were hilled and I'I iritt• Aial'ue Mui,lie F.a-t. fru-'ioii Raniafi. i in' a yu< the ' within the Arab .I'll! Saudi Arabia, hn which he was a consulting architect. part at no charge. 41 or ticket* IIM If matted CtfMf AM A M.A.C. lael kit VIkit « minded. of MSI' and the • International Kgvpt tv;i■ now using a.. AIM Rattier r N'i-i incidents were repot'* I Clirii. described the problem n-•' a an idea!" Sunday along the unearv fi • - ».it hi- Israel; and Arab people Rn.nin.ti staled th.p Ru m sup' Your complete Optical Headquarter* . .'•or.' today, mid tii, roots friMii whieit conveniently located, offering complete optical services ported the .lewi r t.,V u |fl4H Throughou' «i.» t \» r «J.» y fvu. tlif-i Issue prang m order "to get pi,- Btdivti mr. •hole sec-ne wits decent «*i s deoiet.d (hi Mnl-Ku*' A Campus-to-Career Case History <:-t . aeon* The gteen and farmland- hv (intended—4> ■ "< He na ori.it .« f the Mld-K.is' N m Rusr.a ■uipporting Kg> | ! m mder "to WALLACE OPTICIANS . t'« -•it Ru- II.!. ex:.Setup., eonniv- ! rr,rii-ne! I laliits .o» . A . Hraneh Office — Vine at Clipper* »"•' • b.t late," iu;, trenehcrwi Wiv-i' out of toe nod farm tnppnsite Sears in Irnuhr) The two grt'a' peopt •tic atvn." IV- s--- . as !■'i T.i. • eye examination* hr .•living f"i 'lationatiMii u» • Mod. if not a Egyp's have esfai.dislH.Hl permanent nid.- have beer, the Jew, and |»r. H C. Jtaaea, registered •ptnmetriat ■ •«•( a ruts, lire of Russian ouike, the a posit ion« on , in;! rfm.i - • , A: ihv I'he Ar.dis wm< ,i Consul contended, and Ui^sa %• Tig \l ,V> ' ifKiatld iti the area, hilt the J. \ tpthhieians I'll. IV H-2T7I The demilitarised nine i* ■» id. ha. oil! m Egypt In .i. a ututjui pi'usitioh. were sir- the meantime. Figypi ha- sen: Mm. I—, tn. «m . M. tnughh tnaiiciil.tr shaped trail d thrmighoui the world. <•1. inn. * m, »•• v i lore thnn :f .ihki students . at the base of the sea of Galilee 1 a- « I a J to - ■ 'M»ve;e.gr-' I5.iim.hi drimiinced what i«e Russia .¥«- ti.e : ruinate v.;;ir up Irnned "ininxii-Heil nationali*ni' • S- i a,-, front;.':-, an. ar. a in the Arab slates; it I* lurninx •> J roe't farjiier hivt lulu imperialism, he stated. This .ipie.-i ' .. large cxTpp' ;n !';> D|»e el natienalism is what Cier- :i. t I T.H m.«ih and Japan exprrienrrd." Akf! Ahf! 1 V ; s- .. . : lilt I Ilamali ronlpnded. "and Hie Sv; . in , -ln>: : fit origin.d same smt ef thine has happened e-TU.M'.o- it emiorsc.) In 'he m the Mid-last * I n.'e t Nfi'.ojvs held ■ »\ «A<•' T a Ripo.Pi Mubhumed (ha .n .alieyam «<' and pid 'in area . 'he. .Hies! important •'tuggle M iftd'c East tod as is the und»; l '\ .-tiperv ' • iH'nvic:. the eouoti'tes of The. vav t!-r |M.,f V ■ .V i fie amis!ice hv scn-hn:.; hi «rm- Jordan. Sudan iind l/elnmeii Sure tsi frontier jh>.U*c patrol ih again i K:>pi, not that of Arab- I ? .»«*: ' eontepii.m ' Tin* *ti ug- H« * biV.lII*'i t' .wiee men*, ea.-'t '.he ' •. i »>ufn»S.i-. . : ■. i villain. ' resulted fi^im i tMifih'ti' Optical Worth )upirin' Service F»r* samined I (Raise* 'lUnti Ken Murphy mati teitk Rer+nmu 'Ateammtmp peopt* to Jhu-utt « one statistical format* t"ae Sears I ilted ttill l»e HieJ to proportion the hitting time fprnt on interstate md tn/r«fl*ie Long fkai " * Ftp Nil Ap¬ 1 I'aynirnt pointment rian Necessary H#'» making math and talaphones ti fMliff* <•!: Mr*. J. ChrMlei II. lU'tkn it It, tl|iloim'lrisi* add up to a Una buainosa career During hi* senior vear in college, math forma, in June, I'Jjh. Two xear* «d CL0SE 0UT SALE THK NEW COIN STORE major Kendall T. Murphy had job inter- xiew* with *e\rral lirtn*. but none «»f taiional training familiarised him com}«an> rquifxnent. serxk-es and • III Al l. WINTER IT.OTIIIXf; litem apfraled to him. "1 wasn't inter¬ niereiai pr-xedures. Then h* ested in doing fturc tnathctnatir*." Ir* signed to tb* Chief Statistician* SAVE 20 to 50% i ».i\*. "| wanted toapplv math ami »tatr*- tic* to everydav bu*ine*$ probh-nw and in wan Francisco. Today, as a Staff Statistician ke?s - hate management responsibilities, too." applying hi* math Ka«kground t«- a i<»? All (DATS JACKETS LOAD LIAO of statistical studies dealing wiii; ( — At a profeteor'aauggettioo, Ken talked Hy with a Bell System repre»entative and rale* and revenue, inventory and 'd»- SWEATERS — SHIRTS — SI.ACKS "surprised to learn how many practi¬ leseence of equipment, customer opini«"< 30c wa* ( ITEM! .V STREAM IIII'I'EW A KAMOl'S IIKAM1S — WASIIINfiTON IIEE CEE — CATAI.IN A 20c cal applications »tati*tic» had in tele- phone roinpany oprratw>ns." The thor¬ ough and \aried training program and |wr*.mnd administration, quality and auditing. "This is a big. fast-growing Losine**. control Mr' • • « opportunities t«» udvance as a meinlirr of WHITE STAC «:.(nt l\ erkk «iirrs — TEX TAN Service" ttr "Self-Service"' management also impressed him. say* Ken. "and I feel I'm helping it «i«" ate more e&rienti) every day. That - a Ken joined the Pacific Telephone and mighty satisfying way to put my cnlb'te '.,mkI Nflrclinn of akirt. 24 llll Telegraph Company at Sacramento, Cab- education to work." ami hlouafa liir Hie »>|,en M,,n.. Thuix & Eri. Ni«hl- «»'- Kmi AAmpky §M hk B-A. to Mathematics I tkf lkhffNb mt fjt Wiir/rarel .KIOKAINK We-I of University Launderette Calil—la's Soala >m*w f>Bm to IfSi He's am at« t'ampapii h . TWft noU hwr far «m. In. Be wr with the Bell toierviewrr when he tkik j to uA L ovae 'I . HURD'S I'll \NDOIt 213 AMI STREET