Spartans Win The leather Michigan State News Down Visiting— C loudv day for ROTC lllini, 78-77 \Mieh See Ptge 8 Low 21* Serving AISL' For 511 Years VOL. 51, No. 135 LAST MN'StXU, MICHIGAN—Tl"*Bli>AV."VEBRt'ARY'^ H'Wt price 5 cents SENATE APPROVES VOLUNTARY ROTC, 400-248 President Hannah to Spend Trustees Mav Art e !i Weeks in South America On Issue Thursday * -.tier* '.Tw- ■ Han: a "'ioo! .,f busint** ai'!i.n>'rc -.{ \1Sl' a «-iiting in de •o 54an s u'h He w 11 ' in I.r n A^nerica MSI' will help develop bu-i a j.-aduate nrogmnt n b-t t-.,i uublic .cimriiAtia'io n a' u Spring Term l.ommeiieemenl • ■urn '> March 5 *peak in ft;o rt' tiluinged in f^uiek Vniee \nle ' . a*, a . convocat. r. on Brn- include the I nlvemity of Rio ■!• n* :f K- ■ ■IJ T firande de sul in Porto %leere. ;t.nd Dean film r B. r> ri Tf * u \i tr R. -Crt teri Stito tetanic a '. co- •ra'ior. and will ilWM'd MM*'® the I'nlrerslty of ftihia in *»aL fntcrnat; onal Pr'»g»a.,. *U»e \-*r« Mitor-in-f hkf -••ma'ional program* in Bra- 8«dor and the I nherdty of Brs. "< B -K 'ta. f '/ j.nh! . T ,..c- f;«* T* cour-ea M."*1' • and C'u'umbia. *11 in Rio. rli-r-ti-*' plat'- for an tary in-'*uuj uf cf.mpu . .♦ a '.ne.term '.r;ev* Hannah will also ir.v - d-.'im jscelvf Ail! i-, t Vene¬ t • v '? higher edtra'.un ; r,Ob&ib:l;ties for a new pro* zuela and oc-i *»;e (•■>-' .bi'/v f uh.ure in Columbia tion course teas appr • •- aerate, KHI.24^. „•••. in Caracas. Venezuela. i*- M .rd.iv mee*intr. - a .e^-et ba.'". v« ,pe M.nnah ,Wer on the ranveratIan f eh. II and will be the feature* the opening da? ef Enemies Threaten Reds Mav « ~ rr*' Bc.«M iw. r. go** of 7 * «nd . r*"5 ' mil HlwTWM rlvll rtfhlv Act \iistv adop". - ->r r^ee'.iri " « 7h r .» following k day. he will pare! discussion on Destruetion by Y>.4> dav^ The »tr-sv! • >■ In*'.' i'..ohs and the Chal- To Berlin p'"g •"? M.«"1 ' * . 1 * -»f International Ovpera- Dean Alfred Seelye of ge of Business and I'ub- Camion ClainiM I*. S. ForfcilM H' »N V w. Aires who will accwn- r»,-e«.dcn: Hannah on r»art Control Over lonnl. Sea. Air ♦ We-tert, * 'ourr.ef, will be a panel » s'rtki- k Navy ambition- < i ■ .'•n avoid# i " » to Message May Meet Yet o.ji • people to death " admirals he wa? a**.»'k-tu; H ." Cannon rr.ade the stati-ment in he muit have inelu'WI A •• A-- TtrcSON. Ariz. -P- — Death- a speech declaring that *he lefgh Burke, r'.i f f '• < ■! i i He i k ">*' »om»et;i r.g 'tf. , a r Caryl Chessman United States ha < forfeitct con¬ ations and tnus • • ad-.-ual ! In >i "i dim«- • e,.*r V.i W * Venday lor*, another legal battle trol over land, sea and air by of them all 'v- z r. ,4-. f>• *4 -v# • - - gram thai • ;» ng pre 1 . *b far this fampaifn ht the »' mi ape a date in the San spending too little for defence, in But about tfi* tln.e f.'aan.iti rw'J* uri.uiai.fMi *.lth his blast. «hit f, -«« pr-'»f ou.'l '! M. '.V • ; -,.! Fk F>T*'. rr.- F. * -e- I. •hfcb slreadv has ton- • e money bv Eisenhow* 1,500 miles fri ■■'''■ "f vheyt 'O'iid reali v fn'trpAralinr -l-m-nt- «f * ' 7 • e», -r.ferer « .the ease tJ timet- e - prepi »• f -r a constant alr« the ocean deep .marketplace or. - -imi-nt f »nrr«, •uzx—li'-n fo» appeal for (ioctl " fails, Testifying b- f If- - i-e ih# r er.rv an probably could ■» •oirne v.g.' by US bombers. Rep John Rhodes (R-Ana) Space Committ* • • »- naval (<» (five r»v*mpio* in campii- Rf»T* th^ r-'omm-nrtitKin pretram V# California Gov. Mritmn -aid statements like Cannon'* > • aid 43 <'«f; subs leave* d*t4,\eti org •»( - -v • C st San Queotin sa d But Chessman. «-»mn-e r* - 1 ' Russia a ;i*i«-al weapon and deepen the potential psycho- •v »• < old give ti.e Vim, nuclear s'riklRg power to United S'ate* Iiitci*|)i'('lution (inr Collision Ihe in pfipo*H the hand* nf «enate nri-nt4tion * ruin-.- Hun 1 •••:;* not ask the covern. -r the Communis t.s tie tr<»v Russui If tbe Soviets Uenal pnliri!, rnmmitw .trcer that (rivcti* BriiiHe!* ■ Lois Chenc-v, I «* r. >. ^ . clemency.** He added ■ r ' *c'ad :•» pretA- Victory." tonight at 7 ♦."» if • " ..=1 fr * • t»« chamber) at tbe end af the fr.-.jl t'h.i.rn,an Richard Ru.cell years to build wR • force of * --4,upr ;V-j bill *o * 49 of the Aud. under the j r - the Sic 4U' • .»• toll. This la tbe first time I • D-fia- '* the Senate Armed jvlaris sub* With a year to geir fio-rt Tr**>-* a! .t* vinn • • turn of Dr Moiree Cornfe r« !:r. After a ;«?r;es tors ever eald that." s- . C'or- mittee In S J{ rt. up, he «a;d. the Navy eould pro¬ • Thursday. "Wingless Victory" < *,< * ,d Riv '■■.e- 4f.f-.ur.ced >, Cbescnan was sentenced r.i ue .^ending for defer.«e. duce one Polaris sub a month, virUr--i i* * u'ee* rr.igh' Maxwell Anderwr. « ;r,*>n t Ho d udK' agree- -r >»*h in ! 948 for kidnaping, r • - » fir.-.rg.a speech. Ru« ell compared with the current plan servation* of th*- • "r. r> »• • *■' « x:T**rrer.t imrned-a for ore e- er;- tour months Her,.- nsry and perverted rexua! a ♦ the ad-ninirtrttlor," n.ib- when th-ir r>reu'b'f a*v; f'.a h«'.-.-r D r » • : • n sua* agamst two women He tarv pol ty "involves an Although he told the House bia*es ^ if •-.e x *.-ui*ee* c-- are ,r,ch.r.^r.g #» i. ,'iM-ir was ho<-p.*;i..z*d h®%m In death row nearly 12 g. !• with world r-ea e committee he support 'he Ei - The piae«. a: Saieo ur '•*. 'he back ar.d T- ---'.vkpepert -.a-* tarr «r..'f execution dates through taserouc legal moves and ha.> escaped seven and our s «fonal aecurity." In hi. Hou-e rpcecb. ' anion aimed t^r-'. word; at the- N"-\ '. enhowrr budget, Iturke la'er tcs-tified a*'a Senate horui he belies ed rr« re money rc-ded M»'- i-'u vr . r the ' * • v . da'- r- . Ihir • ' • * Professor to llisen** Role of I o/HOirafdiy -u-.'.-ipr'' t,K i., Dorrts wau Riddle, sent MSU - "•' ' e A ! tf.mer.t nner*. 11 f f » • • 3 •, am.nag tbe zo*—. ;*j* each has indiee-m div: «on« i-ommur!" r., *• u o "h< : *■ > r-^ >' »r from a frar- P- 'arj* vu'b?, and ' Ki' 'iter, bid for a staj if "the ad?:.-sr*H' of tor that he -.»■ a: >a*t •was Judge Richard Chamber■ denied Mondav acruelng biindb. f'Odir.atch reius-ng »ill a.-k ?• pi*iae in » death roar, Chambers wrote: :j './ur n the Un-ta oaal- Action Toward Berlin "«*«• •tmhelie ef "It may show a basic Wea'k- from a cultura foreign to 'trm r Junior and ii 1 '.tr *r,e car driven by Donaid Tia *v-irr. a; 4 r.-1 7 pm. » a shift jombmci ing ifiaiaa in favnr ef required b* in our understanding, deep hatreds c.l : •r the meeting : .?».! Fnnklin Sw Berkley, and • ♦ # govern meat system conflicts are fomented. Dr iVa* ■-vii! trace the i ealvertoty militarv traiiMnc ;•» y'-tin*1 r, ,*.!. s Bachelor. Petitions ivnilohle: • »' a ca*e like this take* so A f-*4 Miss Cheney, student of !h»i, • f aerial photogi V.'h treated a* W ASHINGTON I V,—S«r»t*rv of Stat, ChrWian Her. '.;r,.ei.* ir.i-n /.< r»* ago, v-;ur.*»-- • ikaf it I do not how we ■LIE KEY dept. of speech hat taught sp«*.-. u 'r< cn its :t f . puon ui the >o4fr for m •■ ••• injuries and .y a 5-1 -i" re. (.f'er Ufe a* a prize for one tf r M.imlay I"i'K a slanA ajralnst anv one-«i ■ ...alioei vary will be ava,Ir->, tary inteibj have been r'i#-l yet. Union Con/rcine 'AV-laeeday. P-iftc Time for Briilp-N* that a ?■' X 'Nine Lives" All tettuoc-s must be fttunei J'«" to lijr.e !2 and v> com¬ v onf-ervc (ioiinlv Htude to Meet by February 17. » IpuJ"'X Runt* Topic of Speech 11.' Jr-'- t Beg, Tonight GREEK WEEK Fraternity men .r.ur-.-ded la pete f-na. «'-» on Ju- ♦ J* gUiiJy planned. -•.•mi of the uth, is. - l» Kric Education Problem Questioned i.Hit Uf on Greek Week enen- Johiimioh .lin e:g5 "Mv N ne Live* ' f !ru series offering tonight i« the for- rruttee* can fill n oeLUoag at The derisio*. reader** ie a I'zJeh" .e Hrrt#: voire vete and Av * rw A • cftap'cr bouses ' -fay wtthaet dlscu* - l >'.n»tr»n will be fe-tured a- 7 a ;! 9 um a:. Fairvh.'d f«,te*a~ she f eed f"f - f-llowup Many n»-v event* are bei-.j •Ma. ilw crew ee« af a tl**iul * " - Wednesday at 1:15 Theatre . A five-count \ f a rum on rru- Should the fctate *et a mixu* 4 general outline of the prob¬ * foreign ministers meeting *'»*i quniions facing' edtaratlon lems. planned ? r th*s year** GreeA ia-irmrnt Med—I graep* had ? -*r..ld T.-.ea?re as oar: of l*ck Fje'.stad and Henny mum salary for ail teacheraT pr—«r*d '* perhaps an"tbrf summit parley today will be held Feb. 24 Week, including a Greek Olym- •sl—aivelv fer a 'art-Concert seriei. M-an *tar ;n this true itory of .Should every high •etvvo! Following hui presen»a*Jon. a urheM year wheduie whwb '• on tbe- Berlin omic. Tne regional meeting, w.II in¬ pjes. for Bridges'* will be 4 N'arvffin't flight it'ftn the •ympnsium of five leading edu¬ weeid place the eieae af final* Herter made cle^r ne ' »* con¬ clude people from fngham, g.-*dwuf be provided aa opp#,r- Petition* may be turned in a* r « topic aea'.:ng with the German* acrvi artic Norway S-h.- cator* will discuss the various before cradeall— rerrmonie*. * cerned over wbat'lv agreed * avaac* Canton. Ea' and 'uoi'y for ome kind of poet* facts and viewpoints surround¬ the Union dertc unt.l Wednesday. i'i idea. Serving rearing the second World War. a toughening in Soviet Prem.T Living* :■< Coun'te high vbf.x»! educatioo? * * # Tbe Of tfc.y p. ri • *ri the firit ing the questions. NikfU Khrufhchm s talk .. out i.l reu'iir* cti'.'.ng • •on Pkkure Export A*- of America, Johns*.on hi* plans for Berlin N ,rwegun t*leased in t.v* country. feature fikn to b« Attending Parents and Teacher* Regional th.s Congre* -f are I! A-itr.'KUt} educatioa frznia needed, *hould *ey come In the afternoon, tbt meeting will split yp into 10 diacuMioa Jou Lliutet Held Jazz e'.a* .s being held every agenda d.t-N fru— •» the regular jO- .. # • If '".*fe of a.: film exchanges But. lie -.aid, he 'rid ' x- Tt-e film has received many Conference a- Kellogg Center from local sources, the state of groups, each of which, will con* • da:* •■;he*:u>, Thurvia from 1-3 p.m. r. the 'h.a country and for- pcct Khrushchev to pie#c»t award* uacludrng an Academy will oe some 200 representatives the federal government? centra* on sorr.e phase at the "rr u«r • of the jena:e .nitnr- * President Eisenhower with a Union Ea:Dr. M^r-.s Hal*, 15 in Paru. zer.s. k.ndergar*.en through I2*h grade tney <** a lor.g-ra.iz* . 9 He has served in such during Jar.uarv and February. * ■ - >is:tions as: D rec'.or of Any Soviet action against Ber¬ "The oroblem* to be cLscuwid program? The*Acr »> To llolil Concert ar.o higher education,'* *a:d Dr. course and hold a teacher's cer¬ gre^a of Barents and Teecbem msit* ton.ght from 7:00 to 4 30. still hold until after final graduatlea reresnor. • > a-.oid threats prior to talks.' ' t-senhower's Stanley Hecker, of tbe College tificate? to a,r and thrash out the edu¬' personal WWW —a*.:ve with the rank of Khrusr.rhev made this agree- Bti. Mil .Alpha •AilI of Educauon. Conference official* stated cational jrr/piU4 at local, re- * mer.t with Eisenhower at their, "But behind them lie they would like to have the 10 In Stow —,'isor in the Near East. 'k program of musw by fM* g.onal and state levels. MSL* i onferpocr -iir i„ also tbe author cf September Camp David confer¬ c-imposers tonigbt in tbt t.on* which will profoundly af¬ opinion of every possible voter Th.s conference, encompass* Entry bleaki are aow gvkS* "America Uaiim.ted" ence. ■r Auditorium at 8. fect the nature of cducatioa la on these and 12 related ques¬ ing the Fifth Region, ;* present¬ aoe n the Uaioa Coneotr«a At the reeer.i mid-w«st ' - We're All in It" He ha*. Herter .n ulking to pewsmen Tne program win Include Michigan, and should be aa*. tion*. The anewers. they said, ed in cooperation with the aad Kresge Art Center far the g coc.'erencv >f Interaatjcna. * varded honorary degree* about Berlin made it plain Prcv- ambers by a wind eniwnhls, • sweed by every citaen. will gu-de edtocatorx and lejg^- Michigan School Boards Assoc.- Vnton Board Week art show. KefaUoea dubc >i?ld a: DeBa. "* •.'? than a score of colleges* irter.t Eisenhower is willing to percuss.cnce.-nbte and vocal Sxoe of the questions include: lators in mapping future pro- atioo, tae M-cn.gan Association Tne art will be displayed dur¬ un.vtn.ty in Cnlcago, MSU ** . -"•versities. discuss the city's future with selection*, by the. en'.re group. Should tbe state determine a grama. of Scbeel Admuuetrator*. the ing Union B»erd Week Fee 21- selected as tbe u> for :.i« :Ml **frr^rai adnuas.on is |1, or a Khrushchev—despite West Ger¬ Dr. Edgar K r< of the musid uniform b$sic educational pru- Dr. Ijaa Butk'.t, St.!* Su¬ of Ptsbi.u 27. All type* eg an may be en¬ conference, announced Paul Wu- *tv'~ department will be guest aofe* Ba flalleured all school it ot Public iMOue. tcket Students will ba- many's view that such gram te sn CoU tered besides W* division* hs. Dresden:. MSU Ir.LertU'*yi*l tioas can lead to aa faad. mi e» the nil 80M1 UW by praa—tia# IDa. Wit* Ke-at: c- duo. 3 II '"Oil. Tlierr Might Be A Slight Gap In Some Michigan State News J Head Daily l».v MSI-'* 2.V00O Stiidflib,unit Faculty - published hy nliulrnts «l Michigan *'«?* Interpreting the News ... . ,- r'< it > f' i | .itsiiu* Mtcli without direct faculty supervision i • ■ , th«."..Iiir».«l voice t't «f«e univrisi'v or of the student body, t 'u'liii# Verkinc wtv«' tt.«* best uiicrcsfi. of both, stands rcailv fill ttl in in* c wt»-> \< ..tilifurlvc a wrdfic between the two 1b# i .M era", nines iMHii wit'ui. f-.-t uni-ei'?- ..| from outside. Metribef wi . , \.m» !!,tec f !'•< lul.tti'i I v it.- ..od Associated College ch -J. M. ItOBKRTS- *T \ <.i. ii. N.i, ir Tiii--iI.iv, I'l lu iury !i. lO.'.o t'iijre Two Al* N>wm Anahwt nIsm. It is not out nf rlurjf tactics, much Interested aggressive attitude during the Into You paign areas which thr Are even U *hos£ rlays in relations between post two years'' Moscow and I'ciping. may g-.-t Or is he trying to offset It for Chinese reds eonslder their u» some clues on that point from the benefit of communism in primary eonrern. Niklta Khrushchev's visit to In¬ general? The Soviet regime nnd Indonesia be¬ Or is it merely collaboration Occasion? dia. fliiiTna For the ginning Fur a lung time Red t'hina seemed to ignore — at times this week. in the old communist tactic of applying thrca'.- and physical pr« s. inc. 'hi ti coding things ofr fluently depicted as wary ■-.? growing strength of Red • Is fear, then, going to prr*: II IV II, I IK I TASK i-wm-d an air raid alert tomorrow, competition between the I seemed to aetivrly counteract— by protestation of iwaceful in¬ communiBt partners, a-, u vlat w.nilil von ilu—where wniil.l ynu im? Khrtishehev's 1159 peace offen¬ tent* b«'tween them ixdti and |'er|ile\inr at il -eeins, thlnirs ,-m-h a< p.ihllc safety are sive. Helping's aggression against There are many other factors United States',' I,.in though! III until all emerpi ney ni-rlir*. Anil when Tibet and India, and her quar¬ „ rel with Indonesia over the w hirh *# ill go into ultimate an,I if one shoitlil ueeur. how many penple vniulil know im- rights of dual-ritixrnship Chi¬ etaluation of the Khrushchev visit. nieilialelv what In do? nese there, ignored the general I or example, how many people keep .1 porti.lili- railio "peace loving" communist line. S.o'e he I.e.* went to India ,i! ,,n». if two extra liatteries ariuital tlie house" NTinnal Mote recently, (he Chitwe here has i.o*n t gradual Am- He.-1- iiavr is«ueuei v. ?. toward arccp'- r:,i(io ran provide laluable Civil Defense information. •uien' ■ even wi*'i regar'i ?•■ a.'.ce <>' neu:ral: meet drixiiip how many would know where to po? Where ■Ilii'TM, I'oey m.iiie Ii;!" .i ■? border deal u-'h wa wh:- i the Soviet .nornic aid pro¬ noiilii I lie nearest 1 nil Ih-lense renter or the neare-t prn- thi gram :• '• o gave au'-o Khrusheifc v It would lie very interestinp'h. ohserve an iinaiinuuneed •,* tbev didn't want ic'hing about ?T fia trial defeii-e alarm to see the restills ol |ieuple rillltlinp wild Itut the how meaning I til Is tlie apparent- question remains, I- up.tlie streets, haling behind telephone poles and rtlllliinp l\ Jealous competition to see i recen'.ly acn-j>!«f| Am¬ id f..» the first tune. W«N»D WIH ear- 111I11 trees. whether Russian communism or ludi n» sia has beep •»•- Or would they even reeuptiize the meaning of a siren or < hiuese communism shall he oi l the omosphefc --u - VIRGINIA BEACH. V. din, Cook, higit sidetol whistle alarm the xipnal rode 11-ed hy t'ivil llefeitse to paramount in \sia? A- leJalioriR ual in Kru diev i-V b. 'al.e ? -auiing teacher. ;s indirale a daligef nleri or an idl elear'.' I u- ' < g f!|.r -Ve.1 entirely ribt»ed foi an incident *'- If ' tiff ,»• pt-tping's I.. >,f IA ere effort mu«l he made hv this mimtry's and this » plnce in one <»f his cla-*1 Red <• • iiiumiiiiiy's rili/en« to heroine immediateli re'i*ly A student made take and mined a piece of • • if Ii the line puhlie saletx faeilities offered and In plan in Khiit-shchey is conducting a •What's the mat'i-r :*♦ advance lor the national enierpenvv we hope will never iH'f'ur. INFORMATION great campaign lor loyalty and discipline within the ranks of *aid Cook, "'to v'hm Nosiet and Furopean enmmu- wood giows on trees'" Win now " y»ti niirh! h;i\•• In know fivi> minute-* fl-yiv-S' t NTFDFVT from. ii.m It fh»n- wpiv an air raid alert withiti the li«»ur. .leejfto'r- 1% wAwMifted rorr- DRfi kM/.AJTflN' a ha? wotihl vim iln 4 - , p m.," Ca'ho':. Voden t 'efl'. F 1.1 Tilt II IN Nil DIM ANStM IA1ION V ' »f b'f II CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS I ni'xiiiscil Absences lllr |,r»» not aroma I to 7 p m.. Lounge, Stuih ?.' s.-.-v. •fij. I'.irmulaft' this very im|M)rtant statement of t'arultv Magazine Renders Complain ices. DI1.TA TIIF.TA AUTOMOTIVE PERSONAL opinion AI .I'll A I ii.l.aiht»' whru 7 |> rr>., 23f»l Shawne# Trail, viii'ii nmro than one third • »T a IwhI.v of por-oms who strops . - 1 . 11 -l i s v. ■ • ■ I ramr In thr last line Peaimt IIomever, the ■racer-beavers" i tke'OiW lino r tho -value nf froodotn to v«do duriuy class hours fails to Of th«- Sp.iftf-,. 1 only a huttrr hart ' This is rulturr? No' that crabbed the tickets, should CHRISTIAN M lkMH WISH %umt !vdn;y It's )iist plain rrnHr have knoun what thrv «rrr le|- ORGANIZATION Mas Chictis .wrciso its own privilege1 to clt'culo as mutual a .atand as tho •!, whi « To-"p-inn I'm Tiri-d," wa tiuc themselves in foi when u m peojilc# church Chapel. CC»V1MAM»- »no on Holt, thr run-of-tho-miiu'* horomo woak lag! STrmBAKFH . ■ the* the H.o h f«b It U-«M. 11 Hill uhil Ho wr DnH toH«a" % Trbfn-n,1f*us S«»ftioftno tm.'iUy pv sail name M 1*11% 1111 OWFGA Ft< Standard , • ex.■ x aiid w atort rtit.on IV 4-971a * HW P* MMrUn of a Wo pwvovi tup nas'.irs of MSI' To iindi'T'staiut a>.d >.»p • * > c : 3t» p ni , 324 Student Serv- II Hh one * hole pair thrd In D * MacKrii/ir . • a work a- I'M • r.RAKFS■ COMP1MI tOI IMNC. GFOFOGt WIVES CU'll wi'. and on Adjustnu -• , it is. mvi--.-,ii - v. i.-iu-v »eed tires Champion r,r«k< Mioliioaii Stato lovr1 .ov<1 dojo :i ?.. oi» Nat Scienc* ■ \|s« |un pairs vf Sparh |'i\ 0 ! h J9I0 F. KaUmaron. IV C-#,*!* ' IOWS , i? 5) i' oipy will rpeak. ers Il. h;s II • uhtrh h » Iradilion. I lnww hm llainporod Ity im. . ini Mi.nif.wn Hhtl jImhU Ihr hritht-rird anil FIIOMI N kill It* EMPLOYMENT I»s d»V" Mond.i itfb f rfdiiv incbo1 hMshv.Uilril *lrls on ramnio" •f , w..- . . |\| Btdf Fx l-lllll i 1 sj.e TOiik undPt ili» ari >» xff.kl .x -11111.. .• .1 ' d lion litr man.* about a |tn Iiifr nf a ml Hull (lontrnot Gin» n #n \*n 4 um U u in ANTFIi m- hour niHV SITTF'f Ban, Mu.W have own transportalei Ft> 7-7'«l2 aflcr 4 depth, t.1 ., - iv, ' .1 l* v 2B that . 1 ro.»!:7f -r? .- s i r. W F> t . (IV- I A I I To the fcditnr: pariie* il .ti, t ■ -.••t ,» p., Ol'. ' • 1 •• During fh«- sijrnn»or of "»>«i : VANTFI) ORGANIST AND sioti* RIl 2-fl'l! ! lida.i On" '• ■ *. do«tf«.tl h\ th«* •«-i' f rtioiR director Kwd #*larv to .in.'t •.,•,! !,» M fogan svv. xte»»* t.iturgical choir • tieht man pro' srrvr i t?fnrF.D I «flll««r - In - ( ho-f I) IMPI Waller* a pictu'r -f t ;usand w ,0 f-.roivl tt. s T-. --- !h»- - I ORI'N I R4 4 I I R h:ix f>een «inglne together six ve«r« ■ .11 o'r write Mv» J.^eph R Rvtne* tuxedo and a<. «•»*• • ie* . for 17 ?#.S I).»'• su/.»nn I'rlcc . M-.t toiu: ri'-hUncf- half <-■.•)■ Forestry Cabin Mr C "l irtihus Henton Harbor. Wat- Maiiilnc tillloi r<. m "tunc seems a is.t . !' - , .:«• um. ? f .itp.iti • my wisbr*:-• ■•! n• it. S »»23 2« .tohii Murithv hitfh-sehoo! perl- ."..v, w.Ll speak on • Hiislorss MittMtrr w.o no - t. --M sx">a.ip I'liill I rnlirr \vithdraw fowu the t?n v<-r- • I irrtihlhoi Muniitrt I rttton c harb.Or Halt. s*,- I j»-T5 writi-ii? this 'ettor fr<>;_ It was also mentioned that the t 4 4iri * in m i n FOR SALE # If«r lifilo. I'airiri.i Mrl »rl» t-tn Hmr Aleapr. Ilob ■ 'id the vail- of ..tie vf th.-x'.' H-Minor Mass was prrsrnted in I'dU I'air I S4h I have tried to <• solemn liturgical M#le. This too B & l»LAMAST BONUS .wesj BAKF.RV DCUVFMg MlllPf Inciorl. Hill ( all.thau f .1 ' ' I rp T .vi O --vpfi a . to) Nl. lit l'l HIJt ANN •d'.ntlv lie. "l «'ed c;.xe hurl. Hop. Mrl, John Vanifen - hut tiie administration on . is a misunderstanding. All that ■ he tor MM. Pnont IV Id11.11 Jim w•lliiiRt.Mt « • GOOD ' o*G* I r41 in r I rtiior I Indt I nliiilie Mpi .loop .toigh:. H«w did tt ev» wa# llturgieal about it was Ihr Mauturf llrlPU ughs. m> pl'ijh? • hope less WI *1 t li:< I F DRIVI.t FtfSH si.rl.-l x MUlnt I i.niilr /ehll OIOip At.M-(irPRiir gofTRTo the macar:ne'* J- residence Had contract v. J texi, Uie ordinar# nf the mass, ,r . # THF Xtr.RI.YN OATFN f r NlelM trtiiur. Men li.irlis. And whatever was "m*-". "t .14// socirrv Sharon (* Hum ir.l ll.dmr*. Haiti room Wanaerr Norm Hmra tj» broken thu B-Minnr Man# is not a btm QUICK . # 1 MA —danreable rru#i< « it' Hill mrlmaii I Shudirrd hri ul M 111 we 1 On I. Op»iu abmr ttit'v t'r.iham. u •. • . .t . 36 Union. Board •»4'?d sound ar.d leelmg l*v mi lo t lb-Oil MiMirr Oanirl gleal work. It Is theatrical and .1-4 C7S %*»'! Nulil l.lilor* hmf|»- .. M o l..* I sh-'Ui.s; r.iru : • •( I am 21. a third term Junior S4UDNUT SM04 Inn ttai.rr. Haul. Ibnulrtn, l«dv' Martin highly separable frnm the Gre¬ Niiwilil Me tine l.lrldl, Oaul National VHrrlUliu Mthtfr s-.iir..- Im no*. f;.nf.s to huv :'-f in rimhI atandiiu. work part time gorian style of singing the mass 33? MAC Opes 4 a.m.-4 pm. II 4 \ .«•■ holh rit MaOoiidl litteillunt Milniirl but w th ohd H,«h hvt»«% I t» nay evpenaes, and necess¬ Priests, • I \lehl Idlloi op»i*p la"."x not bSame our ,*npi.j* llt'RRY TO GIT hIce-new tuxedo 0*1 Krakow arily miss may many meals at Inn Itfphfiu llaurr lulin K»hiipftlri I'n 1 lasstftp«| Afanatrr Viitinu the rrtMenrr halls. een*-y on tlach His nno-,. . clean, read" for J-Hod *i/e 44, *3# SERVICE .-mi- w :: sf..» back tteinj: en- 4 thing Mrs F A Cier. FD 7-tftM. Call alter 'he past, iv m- 4 30 o m r« O-rtiiin Ho' »here ei*v I i am compelled to live in an TYPIST - FAST AMI » vtMTipr-ebensibU* It's av . uoue do tHIv a uuar ter ' I'd ."nivrt'i.vemtv.v f-v Sum Fulton •\, rennvited <-»mp«lst»le with my work and environment m- a.i who Mtqiroavb it. ' Molly Andrew* .iigcntly. Students sear I* t ARRADOR RFTRIVFRH old fetnale. house-broken, part- trained Also a lew champion- - TWO These*, term tvptng. Will ptrk up and dr 7-1179 papers * .■! Crossword Puzzle *?udy and contrary to my gen- * * * siretl ouoe ID 7-7213 25 It Uaarta' u rT» p.t IV 15. Barf? WW* • whits a! desue ever, 1 do no: .now, nor have a choice to my celestial 1 eh# guardian Manners Hit Sentenced IRS LID RFFRtGCRATORS fi.HKlvear r <•##«■ and T V Service Store, . WASH- 431 and up 1110 Ka*t TYPING -ri-FfTRr F t Summar hack* f.CJO;. \a' in- Id4 dnv.s ni> r,mtra» i Mwnigan IV Mc» 2» lege degiee, ten vear» in ? drlnlit Id Guido'i Ti»> To the I'alitor; ki ll expire—1 Will be frer- To the Fditor; BELGRADE. Yulwlavi* 4^'«— DrrORATID CARPS nnJVPRfD rmoen. and eecreurisl Six Ibitnan Catholic pried* and te vou for parties, birth da ri Mane 2-1444. S La« >«« 31 Having rut of 'atf-. ! have he,-., Huane VoaeUbuig Th - »•■>- is intended for the ether delwtous peatruw. Kwast Hak- cr avid A- two theology student* Monday TYPING - FD 2-4120 lumber ing . 1 ;ev acros- :h;* prsnjit ca ■ * * * siii. wximan an,? her e.scort were sen'.eheed to prison t*rm* I Phot«>- 31. Cart«a SFWINO. DRFSSM XKP of ours, heraldih,; the ins. w >at sn *he third nm- c»f tho pus. ranging from 2h to 7 year* on HOUSING ■1 iriord aptor' 34. Broad 3g law# nifioan tm?V" and oitrHecttoii con's Sp.O'.ar. N'.agaj.tie ?n« Mass Review IM loony •f'erti-vm a: and oie talked' *u Sunday often chArge» of working Igainst ttorn ToM lu.nable KD MM drapes ratee and end »hv gxie t: Iron M PaitoltM ' Yugoslav state. 90k MNT ?-i a; 1 !••-' 'h»? •• « -! loud v the mus.c (Yiticizeil ■ far* A eummunixl TYPING. TFIUf PAft pwapillaiiiiM ' '«hj* head# " turned "m end a. • ft kpoii ' v *'*V .J"U! ' J' 1 at •h.-v ^r.w- P1V1-ROOM PUU.Y Fl'tfNtSHKD Fast and * 5 J lnlonrili*| «• the grtm, (rem 41 Csonbal ••Mian af Vaa4arday a Ruaala I' fa; ,t.\ Sam. r-nv# ahead. house M* per n'.onth Ttiree or four Bee Adaml PD 1-4M4. l-l -i. a* •etnlnary g| DJakata N ' men Deposit required. Ale., studio M UiMga In the Fditor: T ?\ ovule?.tm 's uing to tho em ( Natts. *f *l*aigrti apartment, auigie or double. IV- TYPING AND DUPt-K It iarfe U with ga# ItOWN 2 Sold Call Al or Jane Wo«rh FT» ' lli \i»»» 1 loir read thr latest • rv'HK.So 'or ivvse.1 o! „ -f p. , .« Ano thmk their Vagahy gevet iKiubla spared page **• 42. Havaalrd t Waapom B Pollen* the Hotwr! Shau Chorale, 1 r»a\ e ulcus kable that no ono IS Ati4>t Ml di Roman road' 3 Comiws^ beanog floral Spat tan and I am ssnudrrittg I'i-w '* to It utviei- '.hi-- m* tiinat ?a-»:;?u. should be «te# . P1VP ROOMS furtuahed, I'NTlTBNtRHCD er available to atudenu or tPmai marge far eg ievout. Acrsaa pom B- it ScihcM4 M Headline.- tton f.-rtwa organ what kind of an Interpretation a «a> vs a professors F.D 7-43*6 or PD 1-4344 M of intellect and vulture thr edi¬ '.-..i- H.i,- Mu*s pr \oil of t'H'to If this wer« an il Her.ties v II Higlnntlie 3 Valued » Center of They were charge with -nrteatbif acata one aartec. tors af Spartan have Jjtnrewhen -a lw- .-»?>'ve t;V he^i H . ! .yo.attTi in* .dem it would not 4KW1NO AND AI-TPR •1 CagM highly tng BropagarKia for many pcarg ■i ■ —— f—'-**». M - Id Wdd aniMtl tiona ito such poems as thr "t Ity" and many pro,.!. I ,w writiug about, Nut I fr»r Ubtachi. a fsacist group 413 W 4 Stow cargo 10 Mebrew P1TR.NISHPO APARTMENT NF.AR uatMri . U PMNHIVI Its "peanut butter hart tarry I'm Aonder.'iij why ?hrrr hope .vht-Ts of t'.e •tat* *C Croatia during World HewtU. IV **415. wamin 14 Not bright nf the 1! Turniha* In thr magatine ! " Id elyn I II rathe ft. B Hat,an Kuchat i#t 17 Com * - ve » War H. to find only orn CART LANMNO LUCK new. an- Jt Half *#ar town 4 Gtampu* 14 M:nu« r . .. .. Yugwlav OaUaaG* llihtfl furmawd except — gefHgawler and r: rt.oeoe the bothr •»! ouiv . I' have pledged that rattgl*ug aaove. Three teem **ertment. Uie t J Ji Pr -iem T bath, one Modi to cenuwa. bug Use arhool in future will T RI 2\ SUkAOtin I' or -'- « for • rrti-government T^irsri? jst9"4* ^ J fc m it ft i' T 35. Orna¬ mented 12. Conducti ngh: way. Ju>t #!v*r* »?• let s g ■ atw, ■ nnd ha** naked PfMijgid Tlto'g PANTBD ■4 a* — GIRL TO leMN gacMM " It. Number p»wVi.v >i.e? ni-S make up •emitter?. ~ * 1PARTAH MULTfUTRINi MULTTL • If * . . - i . . •9. Siame?# moga/ine 1' fakes good The R*v. Ctrfl K«A hand *f sssg wrsu-'n' , com and good poeno W fh« seminary, %~u **nt*nc«d t* p ? 11 T* 32. Ten cant piece 3J lirfvT.o it it it Ro«er Wtl »ev*n years on chargM at tng theology atodent* to further td train* train* WW—*- IV MM after 1*4. tg aMM • _ 4 party p AT redu.-#«i u party to 'City', (.rutIt poiitscal *ung and Marnier th* c iRRig. Wm mm lor wen - tr IV 5-4W7 fti . 3* Naiit . Yugoal** army through large ww-ream V M 34. Tain-, .e.f' fhurch. —.reeking, rn M Cau T.V, AMD RADIO wn r . 41 Maul A* It-day trial xroa N*M Id lining To ihp ftdttMt Tho w-uola at tho on,tor o* mm Odjtk dMrtn at NMktra laWjjiffirj tube ■buiiiig, tna i,c « ■ 43 Feed the ROOMS ft 0 kitty . , Spartan ntagaan>e ore >uu re- CihMb A aeveRUi prleM Mdk- UT. 43. Ruutin soundmg in mv oa.-su Tom Gav- PRfVATC UPRTAIRS DOOM for woman rractuate Kitchen prteilagea. BROWN "i u * em peon- 44 Hm band of tett spoke of «iro|H>ing the ma¬ One block to campus 410 CD 7-lJ*3 * iSTTiiar typr« •-?'<' »Ih» *vn, jority of humor fiv»m the m»t#> 4441— aed Mae , ii — VI k' *4 3t Acrora in place of a mo: e oiteUep- Tare weeks ago anothaff 41 Trsa? LOST and FOUND . tu.» and cultural atmoephere •lie prier. waa sen Meed t* If Ii 1# 44. Gael-.e When I read the lateog laaue pear* imnri«onmeht on charge* WANTED k aa kt.rMn.w i 41 Yal4 of the Hpartaa I cam# mho a Af CaRCi»t *ctiviti«g againgg aha got Hag ga gig room MtfiUo* t*9" Nf Ma MTrmr.Xi «T.TE *ews Older Fidel, ^ Dr. HcHktI Rixlmnn: F-hriur. 9. 196H l*«« Th— (inba Close Soviet Education Has Flaw ( ru-a.le Offers fl'i urnfien e'f'.-ctivyly The pro?e>eof -i d ft.; v.m .ng their edueatp rruth (iontest To Commies attain- Am'-ricar, it- .v " w. '• but, ha- fr."»m a the -.cri'.u- ;ch'/il pf.liciev are f- r%::»-d Central CV.tnr.r *r< • ■ ,l.e -■- fi;...- muni t party The-- • *r n»ti- I •:>ir. f.-r : ':ativ. 'a. .n Tf.« mauy d*fai>"i ■!.: : i nberland, associate pro* • . • Bad:-. Kr- <• c. pr he noted, "mak-- ' .. . • of history, said Sun* This w.v a .... :mr»wsib!e to dev.a'e from a i.. over WKAft radio. by ♦!.. Ma»' • ^•iven plan withou' t'aku.^ arded '■■■>- '•f eduniV n kevm. rrr|-j«insibilit»es for •?.e Apj>i;arlni! on Viewpoint with drei* Thur-dav Russian eitie* have ihrir own ft Goldrich. assistant pro* quene.-s meet:? •; •• r*— "This, few are prune in do. school hoards. I»r Kudman -aid •. ,r of political science, and • EUu.i'M'.ar p--i What often started a* a purpose. hut unlike American hoards. ■r John Barron, program ' the historian said that fas- Ohio FdueaV- , iti'.i ful plan rnd- up a- a m.flnniral app..inlrrt ..I Dr Rudmin. .< member <»f the manipulation with little under- circled and are composed ,,n'> has deliberately alienated ngs in the United State* at admint^trAti*e jnd'unit standing on the parts of those "r profe**ional eduejior- . • up when the ail Important services department. studied called upon tu implement the ^ -.«r i «• '■ ichools in Russia on a trip there plan." '' '' ' . ,r relation is coining before in I9"»* ||e i* the first Ameri¬ However, Hr R-.i J"; igreM and has gone out of . can educator to describe the i..i titaiued '.fiat. In .vay to fabricate charges of ■ if.. training of Soviet school admin¬ -ertous fill ' the S"' vent ion against the US. , istrators •dopt.-d a ;■ f»-rn '-.r admir Ihl* enur*e of action, ( umber- land said, may be explained in «-m term* of a leaning toward com¬ munism. hut al«o In other term*. It ia ehvinu* that some of C'aa- Engineering .Meeting Theme tro'a economic pollriex have been Er.g.i-.eeni.g ■ Great L t'.al- Karl Wer • afh prvi •• • ,.w . ill i4rl.-d. h- UM. »nd Ih.t ■*** ««• tf pany ha* provided an initial video tape inventory sained at «l§.hne to earh educational television I*" of the - Tf." ;.o>" thtr-i r.-avno •he Milwaukee School of hn. the fMiltrt Id. .nd WIIH.m fr.M. Mlnn~«. a tit ^a. Coj;.fer"t • »• station receiving a recorder under the grant*. Effective Utilization of ecripg. will discus.' The r- u-utm off than It tret a year ago. "min* »*»d live, discuss the Manufacturing Company repreoenta on r.'.;.. in* • pi ,..- . - •» T---'. operation of the station'* new- Videotape will carry both sound and picture and e«M i!.g Per '.:.rai-rFeb. You'll Lovu FIAT " Furthermore, Castro Is suf¬ video tape recorder reeeived under a Ford Foun¬ r.-uii : permit* the station to pre-rcenrd programs which 2b iogu fering from at least a mild me- dation grant. The mining and manufacturing com¬ then he presented a* many time* More S iXI S ' su» a* desired. '.lUin .r.gine*-ni.« galomanla. And the U.S. Is a FROM I'P'U I'tH p« rconnel administrat-it* from developing ;o'> » a •i - f a »• ' •i ady-mado whipping. As the < -nomic and political situation DJi Under Probe firms .n at rr mv K'-Hogg ( i 'i'.'T to study twh- -•..•»-* a .11 m- -' ' a.":»-lig -•ig.r.eermg eugif,.-.-! - 4 .-ducat: -. ,*-i : •' I I'M M \!.< OEM MILKS I. Mir-higati I.anting ,-momes more unsatisfactory, the ni iu»- for rro-re effectively i<- r-i-US. campaign is stepped fug ehunseerv and engiruwruiic eeysity; and de . *;• ;»:u.z .? u,.." Cumberland declared i umberland said that the •» regime was eh gave advantage to a small not only one Ba- Payola Investigated in Boston WASHINGTON - Ho i * •Several Cleveland. Ohio ra¬ The for ■ vr Ro-n.n disc inch* te.-hn.yu.- add?, consultant. Off s by I»r • A' !.am < .,f CiVi; F--V . a- . ! •• ■ ior.a! M • ?: fe.'h Rr-u't'e.-r- S»-' ,i! ' -J «h I filial l-r deged class, but it was also dio figure* «tood h». meanwhile investigator* looking for i- ev. the > •r.uaie to*, -ay companies " Harris" '■*" oT 'ti- tr-t.-n'my WATCH LOW, LOW, LOW rnibarrassmg po- Finan -aid through :rje r atv rrr-ctlv cor.;' gating subcommittee a« "a co¬ - r\. ! pa-, - a Castro had on unparalM- A- the hearing.' >ne\.»d Harris . operative witness." a* a 2>.-h".r nev that while tc< - ier« <♦.-> portunity to obtain U S aid behind closed rioor- H session * jockes s in Clev-'and th«-v -,».-ere •s 1 the «ibe e m."— a been • r any legitimate program testimony, not made public, paid as con- j.tant* and not t< r fi i -aith on . -it from FOR PINO'S DISCOUNT PRICES! er. d the long-heralded inve • - songs ail part* of the ountry" about IVof. PolloraUkv gat ion into charges tha* r--c — Harn- • » i Br- -r • .- pa* oia, < ..r* rncroal bribery and jockey* were paid for poundmg brought !o the hearing by ttib- p-iateO He -aid it has Warded Granl certain songs into popularity. Iw.r.a tot • »V> r '.nr gr not 'he- but AT GRAND OPENING AD . or' I* . . . The next witne** railed «j* granted his rerpiest fir .» . i k .-i'o r pi'.-serilativt |>r. Nikola! Poltoratsky, **- Paul O'FHel. general manager nf hearing, he o- pcrate-i •»rit professor foreign lan* station WHZ In Ho«ton n.;»ges, ha* been • awarded grant from the American f'hilo- ; hiral Society to study a ml- a ri* However, Chatrman f)ren Kar¬ fD-Ark) of the legislative Oversight subcommittee de¬ I 9 6 0 TOMORROW I IT REK PBESfHIPTIOH CENTER >-'ion of controversial Russian nounced what he termed "wholly Ay ^ "liiSUlrt PV. Ui • . of '«a ■ v .p unfounded report*" that the N f . *- 4 S N «S A N * S, . M O d i * Investigation* ronrern group was concentrating on pa*- GRADUATE ENGINEERS PAGE TNREE - IN THE STATE NEWS V»hkl."* essays on the Russian tieular stations, areas or Indi¬ foilph a ''Strtu JJlahek c - --en ; vlligentslp and the Russian viduals. F»"-'!ution published in 1909 The hearings opening Monday THp Inland Steel fnmpans. East Chicago, Indiana, r'-e grant will enable Poltor- arc just a beginning. Ilarr.s to examine newspaper* said. Later, he said, the gro .p invi(e*t you lo investigate our many rareer oppor¬ » M In A journal* of the Vehki per* New York and Washing- will "hold hearings concerning these practice* in Pennsylvania tunities. flur represent a! ives sill he on your campus LUCKY STRIKE presents • n libraries and report hi* and many other part* of the fndlngt. country" on Thursday, Kehruary I «th. Contact Mr. Jack Kinney for an appointment. • YALYC GRINDING • MOTOR TI'NE ! t WHEEL BALANCING • ACCESSORIES INLAND STEEL COMPANY • BRAKE SERVICE • SPRINGS T AILPIPE A t MASHING EAST ( HICA.IO. INDIANA • MLTFIsER ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ FR00D TELLS HOW TO . 1 10u fast road service cali, ei» t-sois ■ m CLEAN UP ON YOUR LAUNDRY J • ■ SORORITY AND I LARRY'S GULF SERVICE- FRATERNITY Dmr Dr. Pr—4: I told my girl I was m love, and she laughed. I told her I wanted to get can married, and she laughed. How i make her realize that I'm serious? Doer Dr. Prood: Do you believe m ;He old adage. *'(. hoo*e a girl b> ear rather tnanbyeje"' D*ar Shoppy Shepping I hi* mntim i* indu d a on east michigan at UiUMuIr acTCM fr«M Bssl St. MitrMcc) lolls HEADQUARTERS Striata Mae gride for any young men who is k«4- ing for a girl. But while ctMaising by "car tun by eye," he should also make r he* tnu uf rash. LAVALIERS '3.75 »0* *o* Or. Broodl, Bh.T.T. *0**0**0* Oeur Dr. Freed: l *erv night I FIN TM BEST PIZZAS home tired and I find the house in a c Deor Dr. Freod: How far ahead shrvdd RECOGNITION PINS *1.50 vie- There are dirt* dishes and pans m •!« I wail lot a -late ? Siwotht ,("<»* sink, and clotlics are thrown ail around. Deer Straight Arrow It deprnd*- Some ON SUNUUUNES M TOWN I'm fed up. What should I do * Xtarrh it S/-..7- < / girls fiiust tw calUd at hast a week in advance. With .ahtrs, you jir»t holler ea Dm? Or. Pruud: I hase been having OFFICER DANGLES '2.00 trouble sleeping at night. Do you think sou enter tht- dorm. it could be bucau*e I drink cotfee ? *o> *o* *o* CASANOVA No. 2 WkU-Cyrd D*ar Wid*-ly«d: Posxibis. It'* »erj Deer Or. Freed: Ms hu»h.u I is an ab- ef. I don't know -Mtal to do Palumt Deer Merried Student: You sinMtd Dear Dr. PrMd: A lot of tl* guy* com¬ notify the police. Sumt-onr has "hsnnisly Deer Patience- Ht tn r Imv another peck. lour lloutr. Orrr 100 f'nrort from plain because their mother* don't pack been there. Ile FN MBUTE NUVEIT their laundry hoxe* properly. I, there a a probably smoked them all by turn. certain way they should be packed ? W hich lo Choote. Spokesman Dnr Spokeamun: Indeed there i*. Clip ED 24633 out the iaMructmn hehm and mail them to your mother. COLLEGE STUDENTS SMOKE COMPLETE IMI'Rl.VTt.M; SERVICE MORE LUCKIES THAN / N MATCHES - NAPKINS - INVITATIONS ANY OTHER REGULAR! When it comes to choosing their regular smoke, ED 7-9841 college students head right »or tobacco. The Card Shop Result: Lucky Strike tops e/ery other regular sold. Lucky's taste beats all the rest because L.S./M.F.T.—Lucky Strike means tobacco. EtUt Lansing'* Oldht Pissrria 309JL. GRAND RVEK l »Mt ittor unn .« nam .-c t* iini mmi 'fci it mat m mm* m km TOBACCO AHD TASTE TOO FINE TO FILTER! 211 M.A.C HAST LANSING ED 2-6753 Proiiwd 0/ pb<»mnrcs >< , W"\ and Bill Barton—Indiana team Swimming Newsletter, a Por¬ swimming -Team mem¬ (' !i a r ! «' McGaffree - poise publication which prints 1.0s ANTfF.!.K.S • J' NVi-.h.-l ,ICM rvMiiwd •> :• hvm.; ber-. guiird •a,i.;hr there - %imniitiK I «»:• 1 lute: my ;«•!?," he me r.iK rs t>n the Athletic Club, nnrler the guid¬ Indwniapoiis common's and results of swim¬ Wolves Promixi- r ■ vi" "League Minmi"-. -m • ,j> -h«- Mill «Fir l»»o. ance of hi: former high school ming meets. Having volunteer¬ I'ff nvr; - d> •; •M-.J Morula •' i Bracket* d.-lance swimmer Durn# •• u fit .11 or Bracke'' coach. floDr !/»c. ed for the job, he says, "It'» gratifying. I like writing, and Strongcr Halllc h,. • 'i- vain at the near > M.rhig. ti Hrackc't's swimming last sufn- also included participation I get to Touch some people out¬ f.-renvr S.-.'ii.'tiay wib> Snore* flub |l(jj.sf rutnmet, how* mcr Michigan Slntc's hock«-" 'i the Pan-American trials, f!♦*• side of the team by correspond¬ .r - K - the r.v.ii ♦'!i '.'.iirkhiy ence." team will have lit He linn* i< placed ninth iiT* 'tie 1650-yard • \ . r..„, 1..14U.' five fir; freestyle, one place away from Mrf affree h pleased with the recover from it<« horrid >e .ri Jhn handling of the paper, idnee qualifying for the f'nals. ies with -Michigan Tech !n > IMck use* It as an inafrMinenf "I think I like the 15«0-meter weekend. The Spartans tnk. I. A.'',1 .I'll for prodding team member* who . r j- S' > • •! i'lirif. (1650 yards > he*t." Bracket! to the ice tonii'ht . say*, "maybe because there are appear laty. or patting Improv¬ •a ants fewer ahead of you." He will ing one* an the bark. ajralnst the fniver-it\ get a rhance to *uim this gruel¬ An animal husbandry major, Michigan at the Msf i,. t :| ing event in the Big III meet. Dick thinks he'll go into beef Arena. "This might he hi* best rare," production after graduating, S ■>' ix a' tile W-.'vr; ■.* • 9lr.i«'kt>tt. Ironi minirtte. III. though he "might conch" or even Mr< affree says. l-e' ' t)ie I' "f M A 31 '• • O! p .. U .1 Net* frier high school pro¬ Brack»-V. belongs to Porpoise, to into the ventilating contract¬ lasl sear's *uini '.hi-v.->rc o' 4-2 However.. \| •» duct. as wn* \ he swimming honorary. T'.U ing business with his father. igun I- now a mui-h c- • ll -III. raplain, lion I'atlerson. lie was Brackett has to fill the shogs All- American In IHe MHi-yaril group open to those interested of last year's distance man for nutfit W-t'i ?hc add;':-).'! in ' in -w ''mining and passing a mrhrmftiNW s<»pbonvire scnsatUMi fi r »o :.i i; : lrees|\li- in lii* sophomore, jun¬ State, Billv S'cuart. triple win¬ mm NORMAN MII. * v.: ■! i tc •. h.o )»ut on shows on Red" Berenson. 'be W«>:vrr n ior and senior sears, anil in the ner in 'ae Big 10 in the 220. 440 rugged body rheeker , . w|kt4> en defeme . home (io!hal! day. ;t 'ar a forward line 'hut I his junior •• V V If 'I II.-u medle% and 1500. "They're big man'.) Tin* Bower House resident is n- imtent a, nnv 'he Spar'a j. and senior veals shoes to fill," McCaffrce says, •ne nee. Tiiain'aining a 3 1 all-college, have faced, with the po-- b "but so far, he's been doing well • supplemented by a 3 4 fall term Th.e oldest in his family, he ha? filling 'hem " (rtitrpitt Twh drill (hiplain exception of timt t»f Tech Michia^: ' GkiMi^i's Da two si-fcr• and One of 'he brothers swims bu'» two brothers. V ing. ChII for Help senior Berenson will team up •? r wing Bob White ai d s HappiMt Maa In lilt K UK %1'KTTT teVt'ly of) the New Trier high Beside. swimming foi the hrnm Kilmiinlon I full SuxjH'iult'tl for /W»(l Season p ; lino- c ,1 oe Lungham'er has " r -e goal* and 20 Wh'h- a •. . fulfills predictions . [ir.TOOlT l/fi -Uoyit Hadilou ATLANTA ■•I'1 - Disciplinary f ■. yr !|:gh S-b •Mu i ■ . mi. na-dit for 23 pointy whi> -idrng remi Town. He's HaMa •21-vear-old defense man. w::- «all6d up from the Kdmonton ac'ion cost Georgia T-v'i Vi-- •v.- 'MI \e - « .» - ; 4J »lds on Lunghamcr has connc< *r(| f rune seo'e* and six a- '- f: services Monday of two Li • he £ Flyers of the Western llorkcv CO - V - - » -v. ii ''>•«) of J5 : SAVE ON LAUNDRY! la-ague Monday by the Detroit ball players, co-c..ptain-elcH t including a 19W p • ' »ic «>-• a i. 146 : ;i 1h- spartan* defensive mm KEWPEE'S Red Wing- lie will join the Tech announced the su-pei- ..n t»' K •- * Jit4 'if'er. lunation of hrbok. defensemen Bob Norman goalie I.Irion VanSpi Wingii in Boston for Thursday'^ • • .-•n frcan school for a year - •' ami Mel < hristofferson. will al¬ game. 12 Wash Pants 7»c j K-ed Murphy, a brilliant ci. i ha*e lo ronlend Mith a This is Iladdon's firft full so *e» and co-tari'am elect, and S' t • LUNCHEON year in pro hockey. He turned Good roe, senior guard, for rui»« f AM ITS M ASSIUFDS ond Wnlterine bed 19 goal* and totaled line that hj« pro with Edmonton for 'he lu.-t noli A 203-pounder from Atlanta > IH*Y SL't I RENT nine games of En' «.'.•••.uv and a pair or inure. Bring dry cleaning with your laundry! J •-it ion ix-r .fi'n C •> e i <■ * rugged team captaio Bobb- Wr Oca I Sutler (.•»',) Bertia-ri B.i'ch" N'e' - C'nle Slaw lint Veurlaldp Hull and Hail Irr 49c - LANSING LAUNDRY I DRY CLEANERS • £ ('< • • ■vw,c a «-.un: ' i" . only a iunior. po«-s. citlieknes* and a gre:, «*f eonfidence. a"i b-c 'o-ark bim a W, IIA'« f he* goalies. He one of '• • * a 2 a goaJ-Vjer-game avei-age ' • : : Ralph's "KEWPEE" Cafataria 5 (.«>* dividual *wim meet mud a"* An orrulitr of llir WirwT 4 Ssmn-j Co., - scratch meeting tonight. 7:30 room 2f»«. in IM building I.'titliit^ inaiiiifarlurrrw of marhim- IimiI*. for Complete Service Irxiili- iiiuiTiin.r.. fiirlliiooiiiij! •n|iii|c See Terry hut* »• 1 1 nii'iil. mill ollirr |irrri»ion iniit'liiiirrx. will DRAKE HAS STATION 1141 r. r.rand Ml 1H1I lUr.r 4 \ N.I MICHIGAN 12 to irrhniral interview STATE high caliber bark*rounil. or on FEBRUARY mrn mrrhaniral in- with y yij"! li-mtn wrho arr looking for a rarrrr in / - AIM I.TS 7dr CHII.DRKN 20c - rrnrarch. drvrlopmrnl. rnpinrrrin*. I.AST TIME TOXIKHT — STARTS 7 l\M. A i-REAT INII HI.K EKATI'RK SHOW , nianufarluriii)t or finMiirr. Thi. iiu-iliuni lUrd roiii|iany offrr. |»ro- How to shrink a giant computer *ram. plannnl to pirr|iarr tou rtpiiili for I Irtu.mK umtputrr. do bip jolo- iik-uUtion* i d.\, tor iiiMjnir. in lurking firth sitrilin- |Hi.ilion. of rv>|H>n-il>ilily in linr with I lie I'ompuirrh llicj.i* jjirganiuin u|u.m i, Umj; incrtawd it ll!\l a. our MiriitiHtN and enrimccr. your luirLicrtiuuil. Iraininy;. anil olijrr- prolic diI p mio the llty.trnr. of »uch field, a. cuoycnio, magnrtH-. and murouaitv I tiltring nunv of ihcir livr.. trndingsWfc arc viiuuhancoiidr working r.. drrmk the giant conipuicr. ..V ... I -•■■■■ ol todax don 11 to lout Ihunilivi/f. W» MOWN AT IM ONLY I he itnpeo.cmcnt of our product, and uicibiH). i. an area in uliuh STARTING TOMORROW — WEI). lltll ha. denoted a yieat deal of tunc and >«■«• your lilurriiiriil ilirrrlor l<« arranyr «ork I hi. rriort ha. resulted in a Mead., planned growth, which in turn lu.nWated c.crllcm career an inlrri i«-w, or wrTlV7lirrrl lo :C. F. Lf- /p V'i opportunities for prison, of v idelv dn erse .kill, aiui talent, in rrw jr. h. engineering, programming and nunufactuentg. ford. Pirri'lor of IntluMrial Rrlalion*. \ peinon like ) outsell, fur ru.iancn. IBM toft ne muttd mmuu-trt vs.i next twi tear so eomj. t CoiUgt Fuermtw tir%imn ejmjw*; Or aritf to to tin) the Director of KccrwvHot out ubtv our TIE WANNER I SWASEY CD. SAUENmmEEED - Dept. V" ' IBM Lorpvrjuon. Mjjisou .heme, ,■>lJ»i- \ L, ■hi^j • ay. % jESsS-I' IBM Saluie* Knginccr*' Week-February 21-2/ ■Kirs TWO GREAT SHOWS! Slate RcImt* Illinois Faculty I otcs to Spartans Fight Off Late Here Saturday T he i'.lth annual Michigan Intramural Schedule Fml Rose RowI Contract HA.MP ATTN I A1 - Tae Illini Rally to Win, 78-77 Mlhl sporls Alike xklnner State I!clay< to be held tin- Sat unlay. K» b 18. will have field of over t"»0 ath!ete-< i.vrn If Mo* II a Phi - r \*>k» tk ii i- Wo l'iOk»ier» v. )*«•••:« •i 1l|iti.o l« v* I n. i- I or '.'n.veri.: A I ' :rr H s *.r)N* e faKl!'-' B-g Bow. I" Late Scores c'inipetiiiv for relays titles It. I ■ ■/'"o, ; 'um State ("tight off a half .John Young kept the l( ; I 'Oiisin in its dust, 106-69 Mich* February I9M) t'.»«e live f.Ain III it %»kp inn i in 11* even'.-, jneitiH'mi? i4<> r e nklTh.noTi fil Vehr»»ka • hv Illinois to win 78- at 15. points when he put in a igan lost a nine-point lead and II « Kcjlcr. ripio-r. . i imintialo I'M N'.rih |ex,». stale ti relay races, in afternoon and |leir..ll |e. h 'I Maplr Lro fs : in II. 11—#4. le «' 'he game to Purdue, 79-63. vt. 6.325 fans in Jcnis-un jump shot to make the sen- II Ales! \ir*ini4 >*. Nen 1 .ilk t •»" Northwestern knocked off Min¬ evcriinp -cs^ioiiy Vollji-- lite.iN i< Itjoiohl*-.. A ii hum ••<. pianola it ; ( Monday nigh* 67-52. I t I II. I v* Houlxol I *1 1|..»I>.I|IIM II 'mi cut the Spartans' From here the lllmi applied nesota, 66-64, downed Iowa, 87-74. and Indiana Jlarh'i■ for Kelly MSP ►m direct. id »i nd i .,;M-h ar.d 'We look i.vm (I. ill 1 Tropin* v« PUxh..'- neurit, IefIi i« Ketiluek' «e I si \li--lwippl st «(e ,4 15 point lead at the I I 4 ;n«t Kirinxer* v% 1 itL>«-r. \..r»li i .f'lliri It. i Km von V) pressure led by Manme Jackson. TORONTO :• r.vtn II M:.". ... A iiorlerhii. n- Tnlane 41 .oxerlinie. • mutes later. 75-73 Hut II i pi > /.-hrj. Ii J I'erh <4 to put on the squeeze the.dy¬ willing to join the Toronto Ma¬ ar .und. 'V i. S\.*e •« .'X I- (Oklahoma TIIA ■"* Fahs stored a lavup on a I I. I Iron* x * Rnnnrr. -I I mil, II Ohin State t« * \ w ililarn * Mara •>* - ay and Art Schwann ing moments of the game ple Ix-aN should a hockey trade ill it vim a feth «• ii « ..IxritfA l« slaie 1« Purdue •'P free shot to give State a Defending Big 1(1 champions, deal i» worked out with the Al.iit.rn Je-aeii ".» U>*minta'er »a Veir in ano icir out. the lie- the Spartans paved the way to Illinois Detroit Red Wing-. (r.verlioie , margin with 27 seconds lay* have ranked ]* one of the i.« m li sW IMMIM. the title for Ohio State by knock- Indiana The All-Star .National Hockey II II I... •-»•* A N link. . I.'.rlnna "• I'lirrt-.e n 31 til w e-1* tin ..or I.. mm am in:.' off Illinois which was- the MSI Lffaguc defcnscman. who "re¬ ( I | In.Us » • Konners Illinois .1 A|inneM»»« il • then put in two harm* meet*. II i« dexicned to give 1am III '<1 goals as tin.e ran out. only team considered a chance Minnesota tired' Friday after Detroit an¬ I I ". shirks V» i, 10 I - participating athletes some good II Oi Y-lirr AVher/ir. to overhaul the Buckeyes. Iowa nounced he was being traded m a- ;.t Horace Walker aga>n competitive experience in pre- 11ll I I VII 11 I In other Big 10 action Mon¬ Northwestern New York, has promised King •he Spartans' scoring »t- paration for indoor champion¬ 4 III • 29 points, even though day night; Michigan 'tlam-v. Toronto Assistant Gen¬ • I I lifrllj I i. ship meets mining op later and I ' ' mil >. I'll I llella I I.e. A Ohio State left last place Wis- tVineonsin • eral Manager, that he will think • Olson, the "'her cu-rapt. «erves a* an c\re||ent testing • f»a I > ground for loaclie* lo see AAhal CUmev rilled Kelly at Detroit their performers can do • Spartan- took a 12-1 lead Monday after first clearing thi situation with Jack Adam-. Red, • fir-t four minutes before s could ?ink a field goal. Wing General Manager lis I'M AN »'l91 SOCIO.. Kappa ' ip i'i \ . sisim n.i i im. in ft r it* l\l|)|M* VoH* Thht 7 #-1 I 11 DKTROIT 'A* - Bai'tmnre < Ale.I shan I •> i "-» ? * 8 11-1J I pitcivpr Milt Pappas gignrd a AV. Nl N|| i I i- > - Air-! AAes! *ha»a shan 4 *» « »-? I U i960 < -.Tart fur a rcpor'.e I : * A1 eNt sh.iu . AV«»I span * j-i • n S 7-4 t 1 $13,iton yesterday and 'hen cigr- •-I" II Uher f A . Hallirr 4 ft n-a i n ed a marriage license He and Stud." l ' H.ilher | i . Ilaiher » I -.fait l» l*-j« 1.1 7« Carole Tragge plan ■>, marry ex. v . 1 Rather I a . Mather . •-4 K.i her I Hal her I I INOlS m. rr » ti» on Thui.-day. ticket * I nnii..ton • ». p nininns « •-Hi PmmnitN t an PmriM.tiN 4 i t n I ! PAY MORE? 4 I WHAT FOR? HAT SALE avert IH'U S11 .B"i Now SvMB Muhitan "tale t niAersiu • ip > -n.n where ttu led, IIPU. Nuvi .«».!»•» H)i:i i«.\ HI M <*nm n ni 1 M»U 3MP %\\t — TflMf.ItT W .ik. VARSITY SHOP Tiles \ ell 17 1 <* p m II 40 i AfoKi't r hii i i.$\s. I Mil' lltl Ii till \ rut \ilmiN*ion .ne Vll-t. Iloriii Ha...II. .11 11$VP FkllH break* tow.ird the basket for an underhand tav-ap liMiriiaini'liI Tauiiiilil shot in nIulit's Spartan h.i*| win. Ilhnnit guard l.ou |.audi moves in to defend the shot while Horace Walker I IS 1 ru*he« , H'ifv affaire ' U '>■' ■ in |or a relmund and I «l Perry < !*> watrhea. ft at her ,ig.» n •1 ii > ' SlAKTlMi ■ THURSDAY •> . . r t'i.l I till!.' I iif ' . (!' itoru 'OiS • 10 I'd'! soft! What taste from Hirnament T • • . ut •■in which IM"four• had . free! Vi gallon coke UMnz.~ KwSTen Darren yonJer (TlLTER BLEND • meets !!»•:.? . . 1 >>ur'. Ha eh 2 The Kc. in m c.tuit 1 tiOOl lll (lit OltAMiK 1..' G. NL K-LI'A SroRr lauwntimt im.i? WITH 2 IIEUl I.Alt I ITEM I'lZ/.AS . .I'l.AIN (ll(.|.I: EXCLCDEOl VARSITY DRIVE-IN iii 1.11 EIIY M ill II I. El) 2-651? IriMtrn ,%i . I »* | Hi MI1U IMI I.I IMI— IW 111 : »i - i i# NOW SHOWINO THH COMEDY IIIT OK THE SH.ASOV REPAIR DEPT. PHONOGRiniS VV TELEVISIONS HfES.v I.undlwrK i> RADIOS •tuner-manager) LOW PRICES AND OUARARTEEO SERVICE! OPERATION PETTICOAT Don't , iom mm • dim NEtitiirtnc m .-.ARTHUR O'CONNELL „ m -jk« Campus Music Shop Forget!! LATEST WORLD NEWS EVENTS Opinld Oy Art's T.V. Service MAT ATTRACTION I RANK SINATRA IN -NEVER SO EEW . East 01 River Across froflfURion Bid*. MTUtllAY iiltltl ARY IHili ,1-Hoi' MARRIED STUDENT) IT& WIMTS UP FRONT THAT COUNTS make tot it m tout IMO WOiVEIH AT (009 K.l Thla flltar, b* It so pur* anA «*Mta Must nooda givo flavor too, fua close onA bright Elso would (no trusting smokor, fillod wN4 bops vituiywevt Again Do dsshsd. dslsctsd bo...ond nr.ops. NOW AT TONIGHT 7 ■ 8:30 p.m. And thus ws com to Winston's obvious «rutn It's whst's up front thst counts—and 't.s, (orsootn In that tha fin# Soboscos, In tha and Ars by saclusivo proooos— F.ltsr-Blsnd — University All outstanilinj? yearlnKik tiesiurcd to rapture and Bscoms tha tastlsot lasts tnat s'or ham o.ayed Across your dancing taato-buos, man or mam I Beauty preserve your student life at M.S.I. Bs ya not slow, tharoforo, to tost th# wit Of wnai ws say: that Winston, friand, is our Memory . . . For that with V. ars not sv'ry ornoks yfl A# Astoy gath'ring rsssbuis whds ys may I Fl) 21116 buy a wolykiiink " We are adoertiseJ Bff'our toting friends..." mm% MCCMIV Wl. MM IPI. ACT V. SC. Ill - Hour* E««t pjf l.ucon Theater LAST DAY - FRIDAY Ft H. 12 4.1. TMCAI ♦34t?»8 »9, *»»**«*• 1*'. f» J Li MICHIGAN STATE NESS MnatTUM Sorority System Receives 338 Members Your Kry to Better Vshies . . . Campus Classifieds . . . High Readership N Boiuta Atkuis. Mai.lHte fr. San- love. P.ii ininithani *oUb. Linda Bre- Battle Creek Ir; Susan Furry. Web- vi.mia oMtrnoN pi tr. ster Groves, Mo., fr; Jane Hansen. T: ree hundred n-.n th:rt* - i,nihil t'uncord ti: B.v- it-ii Bo/uns. Lowell soph: Jain then. South Held fr. Bai b.iTiT*Cnrter Dearborn fr. Karen Duff. Detn-fft Holland fr; Linda llblliday, Canand- I ..tin-'. Albion soph. Kathleen Brokuu. Detroit fr. .Marv 0>lein.,n. s.isvrity pledge-- were .»<- ii.;i., soDh. Karen Flgura. BerviVn. Ill N.Y. fr; Javne Hultman. |.hi. '■ DelrHit ir. Jeanne Clark. San Pittsburgh, Pa. c. -ftevrrlv F.d- Glenvlew. III.. Ir; Judith Judd, I)o- ie;.;e i into *he Greek !'.m!.., Brazil tr. M.inlvn Fanburv. 1'iunds. Midland ir. Janet lleniv. sonb; Carol Fo.ven. Lake wood. Ohio. . , voph; Cynthia Grinnell. MIridicpo. I. v.agiac fr: Rtitian Ludwlg, Grosre I960 WOLVERINE Hit".inchatn ■"Ph.; Susan Frederick, Jeriidale fr. Ilart...ra Kirk. Midland th. tern Judith leii/alame. Riveredffe. N Y soph. Favg Hubson. Wlnnetka, Pte Wmtds fr; Marilyn Marston, Arlene Gratfn ■ r. . pidltev >>,id. NJ. fr; III. ft. Joan Kane. F'airrnont. \V. Va . East Lansing fr. ».e. j.w- , " fopti: .1 a nice Ifarthorr.e, K dhrvi* Mabafiev Indi.inapolWi ir; Judith Ktiehling. Grand Island, Alexandra Mezey. Mnnhasset. N.Y., \i I'll \ e mi oMl.o \ if, i;.tnd fr: Sara Hitherlnjfton. Pon- f■ r. III. lr. Ji-v.- Kr.. '. Fve-creen Park. lit. ft. f .irolvn Palmer Fremont !r. Paula r. a Schumacher. Detroit voph. Jane wo'Kl. NVwavgn fr, Linda McDowell, Rowland. Charlotte fr; Judith Run- HP-si. -c;i Ah< 1. t •■■re-' I'k 111 Arlvn Grelfendorf, Chicago fr; plain- Rrenda t'oe. Ionia fr: fans Dahlm.ui tonh. Kra'-.rr. Gros*r Tie Farm*. fr. Aim < i .tr. Grand Haven fr. t.vnn Hanna. Union Citv. N J ft-. Marv I.ithrun Village fr; Pamela Fustis. SIGMA KAPPA I aNoblf. Lansing fr. Theodore l.e- i lenient . S;»eit...w 'r. Carol Co . Ann llohart. G.'-getown fr; Nan Mor¬ Hlrrr.inghain tr; Martha Fairbanks, Elizabeth Barclay. Grand Rapid* -. tv .Midland Christine Mad-."., r.irmiiikkam fr. Martha l ■•>. ton. Peoria. III. fr. Lvnda Mevcr. fr Janet Illachford. Detroit fr; Paul¬ sr,u"-.firld «-oph, Dune Mehtinp. ceil Winnetka. HI. fr; Carol Sande. Svia- r;,. viord soph. Nancy Gallagher, !,e;,I Kills fr. Nancy Donald- Glcnvtew. Ill fr; Andree Gallaudet. ine Briggs. Port Huron fr; Nanev firnri.e I'te Park fr; JeanrMi- Pn • tr , isc N.Y . tr. Susan Stroven. Fre- Lioo-i.tu-ld . Hills fr; Sharon George , Carr. Grand Haven tr; Carol Davis. NAM^D—Harold Russell Ty¬ Grot-p lie, ir. Claire Rutin, Grand Aurora fr; shai-o. I'¬ Charlevoix fr; Ruah Duffy. Grand ler. Jr.. nf Bedford. N. Y., has Grouse- Pte. Park fr; Ruth llelm- (.-> soul.. Nancy Sehubrlng. Plai-td.i. . .. Gordon. Ro/aJ Oak fr. Mat* «■ Ji , HI ITA /ETA Mch. nirmingham fr. Rapid', fr; Linda HaWCs. Lansing ir; Ha.. "fph Htiizenga. Flint fr; Ruth Kal- been nnmlnnled by President . , , pen. Sacmau ir. Hizabetti llopkii.- Ka'i.rvn Brown, Lansing fr. Gavla llokmev. Detroit fr: Km en Sharon Barbara Smith. Jackson aoptv. JU- Ann A it,or fr. Carol Ann Hutch" • G«-i .ildine Budue v. Dearborn f tenhaeh. Grosse I'te. Woods fr; Siillv Elsenhower to head the CHrll House. I-ifuvctte. Ind, fr. Carolvn mth Sorer son. Grand n.iplds fr. Gro«w Pte ir; Joan llu'ci.lnso-i. 1 >«*- Cole. L .-t LdllMUg* >r>ph. Lucas. Mio fr; Nanev Peek Lansing Al.-e t ir.da Swcanv. r.a*t t-anslm: «">pb Thunfor*. Mtukegon fr; Mar- troif .r, Mac. MarTc'l. H- ? ,«-«» •' Rosemary Com-r. Flint soph; Pati - Kecbv. tensing fr; Rae Ktihn, I»<- toot fr. Christine lamrastcr, St. ti; Patricia Reasoner. Lansing fr: Right Division nf the Deport- SALES REPRESENTATIVES Wil l Jane Phil'm . Ih-fm'. sr. Si:-.-: i .a Duuuu. Midland fr. Juddh Johns soph. Patricia McC'arthv. East Sondra ItobinMin, Lake Odessa fr; ment nf Justice. '.Veils, tiros?* Pte fr. lr. Joanne Sa Gfo-'e Pte. fr; Martha Marv Jane Russo, Ea*t I^nstng tr; Phinnev, Saginaw - laPMne ir. Jean MeKinnon. Grus.e ALPHA DELTA P> Judith Hitting. Three Rivers *np> : clmi. Saginaw Mir. |r. f: Car<-1 Smith Jack- f mlev. Kehrwjking Flu t tr; ir. Joan" Four.hi r. Irene Grnv. D'-> - P'r. tr. Bonnie Mutr. Grand Rapids jr. pet tine NicKon, Manchester, t ia.rle Salisbury, Nancy Sanford, Lansing fr. Hillsdale soph. VISIT IN THE COMFORT AND Kathleen Cumtrilrtg, Oetrott ruph. Connie Studer. SagmaW fr. Sum fr. Matc> Hetmonrn. Lansing i > "in soph; Susan Smith. East Lin¬ /ETA TAU ALPHA 4r.n Fulfon. Birmtngtqn ft, There--a , fr; Joan Stove, Sandra Avery. Jac-k&on sop": Don't sell' fitenlv. Marshall fr ing it. Diana Tower. F.v.invton. III. < .rrarika. Traiinett*. Detroit «oph; Linda Holm. Pr fr; Nancy Huvard, Detroit soph. S'icatvn Kent, Saginaw fr; Eliza- ir Marlorie Vaughan, Salem, Ohio. Sharon Beck*. Dearborn fr: Janice CONVENIENCE OF YOUR OWN . AI I'll A M l» 1.1 \ tilth M» Phei-'oii. Lowell lr. Mvr.i Bingham. Springfield, Ohio, fr; Je m Dearborn fr; Mary H iev. Fltnhurs*. Mogg. Owns.;,, tr. Margo Pearsall. PHI MU Bower. St. Joseph ft; Barbara But- III aoph, Barbara Kroupa. Cedar Judith Andcr un. Hetdon Hnrtv urfhtld, Gahanna, Ohio, tr; Maureen i ' Arulerson. pontian M.i.-.on fr; J iditi JV»r»er Saginaw Brine. Detroit fr Adafi HOME TONIGHT FRM 7:00 TO 8:30 I'.M . fr. Karen mi an • nrh; Sandra Maltby. BeHn're soph. Durotbv He.-k, ISaihorn fr. Judi'h Schroeder. Algonac fr. Bar- Fhtkmever. East l^nsing aoph; l>-n> Cullelv, pontiac fr. Janice Davie. 'j-nu«llne Nelson. Grand Rapid', Stabl, VVvandotte fr. Jan Jacob-,oti. Park Forest. Ill, soph; Carol Harm. stale ba?a Detroit fr; onh; Virginia Nelson. f ntailing' Bedford. FaM inj fr. Gav Bir- F lever. hard. Btrttitngliatn sonii. Diani c Anemaru- Stand. Grayling tr; Liuvtng tr. Nancy Kenned-,. Detroit Twrnsburg. Ohio, fr; Dlan L'-mminen. lph: Diane Parks. Ilomewnod, l!l i » Cor>itih». Detroit H. Marv Oaves, Pt.vli™ Staple to.., Royal Oik ir Su¬ fiopti. ^.illv Samson. Mt. Clements fr tlkcmos tr; Judith Lowe, Dearborn •r Sallv Satterthwalte. Birmingham Ron- lr. Anne McBurney, Jackson soph Atrna fr Fdvth Ditihle. Plvmouto san Van Rmer KalHrnn/.».(» i.. Marguerite Todt, Hoilv soph; Terr- «r, Jean Smith. Takoma Pk . Md. Margaret Pattas. Owosso fr: Janet- tjuren.1 C.ruenhi-rc Neva: ph Prudence*. Albion ,i If VMM A Pill BETA White. F.e.t Lansing fr. Janet Wtlf- tc Reader. Scottvilte tr; Pairtcta your memory ... Aim* I—HON I'HI ■ Ludlngton fr. Judy Toeri-e-. universities Pontiac -,r Msko. Rachelle AdM«on. Richmond In". I .(on lake. North Muskegon fi Marfan * Avlesv orth. Alexandra gen. Lamb. Monroe tiopb. Ma V.i. ?r. Linda Collier. Glcnv.ev LI. PI III TA Pill Traverse Citv fr. Sarah Vaugtui fr. Judith Cone, filer.-,.e. I!! . BUY A WOLVERINE Y , alcdoiiia tr. Patricia Voss. Sprtnu tl a l awlor. l-tmim- ir. Jean M.P- fr. Patricia Duffv. Grand Rapids > . Charlotte Butler. Charlotte H < •r. Jenl Delcvitt. Glencoe. 111. miph. I.nkc soph: Joanne Vrv. Grand Rap¬ !■ i v Grand ItapuK Jr; Valerie Dototkv F.-.i •ivvei. Poptoo Plalo Su/attne C'nbh. Wvandotte tr. sum-u foan Granewltr. Port r lu ster. N V id', tr. Mouttun. Fa » Lansing h ; I..iura NJ. voph. Marv Herman, Gr«>* «• fohee. Whenton. III. fr; SttKan F"i ics •r Carold Lewi*. Birmingham. Ala 'r; Lnulie Singer,'Great Neck. N V Place, Pin i'n .opli; Coral ft- l"e. fr Judith Hoffman. Northficld. " Pat. Varv Jare AtPHA G AMM A Brown. WELT % Kennvfe. NY. ;• Campa'i. IP Hand P. }••• Dearborn Benton •a.«l. , _ P-nt Harbor tr. Hin-n ir I III HMKi Charlotte Schuster. on'i. Jo Ann AP'< Pk Wr-< Ill •oph: Nan. :r, • tiice'.ii.i 1-jrmoii K Kay Barbara Jordan, v Joine*. • Birndngliam Detroit sopn. smarek. Hav Citv soph, Ea»t Lansing u. Economics Prof Named short! Canity. River Kcre,t 1 : , ft : Nanev Manor.. Owatonna. Minn fr. Are state universities nothing Editor of ASA Publication . .an Bander. Midland i fh ifa MiiH. Grove pre lr. Gei.r- W.het Diamond, Oak Ridge. Tern. . •? •k Detroit ". Pofl nut playgrounds • and marriage UNITED STATES STEEL RESEARCH CENTER -andra Fnlger. Tla'tle fne* *-r ... iiCiinwr, Gfosse Jti Farm* ti Gwendolyn Greene. <)■■•, c ,.ri. 'r land., f.o Halt-a a S'-brid. Mt 1*1- a»atit !l \'i mills—more devoted to athletics, p soph, t.inda Mad' tuna Snick. Fa-.t Lansing lr. Stieda toannt t'ollak, Btrringhai o fr. Pa¬ Hadeti " - beauty queens and horseplay t o; ,„ GrosM- pte Farm* fr; Vale- tricia Poiln, Saginaw tr. land., hridi Dr. Clifford Hildreth, profes- posed of engineers, m a them at i- than steadiran. llarrtRVille fr Annette i- .liartuira ■ ' rir Smith. Chicago fr to the pursuit of know¬ Crso Groese Pic Farn.a lr i andvrt k>wib.-4lis. te n Stwnei r. f)rch*fd Pin.. N % ,.i- «-f economies, has l>eeii nam¬ eians, biologists, actuaries, so¬ William*. Detroit toph. ALPHA K API* \ *1 PM V SueuiH-k. Dearborn T. eddle, fjros n I'tr •ph. Jane Steven-., Munkeg.,n KaPa-rme Warr. n Dak Park Ir •• ed editor of the "Journal of the nologists. psychologists and rep¬ ledge? Or do they make a unique arid vital contribution to our MmiriM-ville, iVnn-ylvanla . Vfldbnure. Flos O-'-rc 1 KAI'PA ALPHA Till I A AmeMcaii Statistical Assoc-ia- resentative* of many other pro¬ Mantavel Have-. WiiL • Run -i■' i.onytnnce Bin. N«h.' ■ 11 v.. I . (;»•,*. e IMC -out. Natal a- Ati- .Aodtn Minn. fessions. The association's pub¬ country's survival? tin- nuNtandins nppnrtunillf* for uradiwlr- in: ■ I I \ III I I % HI I t A Antoinette He... be Sagim..-. u I ' l"!i " In this week's "Saturday Eve¬ Gladva Moran. Chicago ■ Ma»-et William#. Jack- m .r I# llr.tdlev Will, imavilt-. NY. t The A't.i rteati Statistical asso¬ lication appears quarterly. hi-. oueitne Burgnvne. l>»-et;o-d I- ning Post, a University of Iowa cloonan Ilinnir.Rh.m. u ciation i , a scientific and edu¬ A specialist in statistical anal¬ ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL - CIIEMICAI Fv ' v r- professor steps forward with a - ysis of economic functions and Quvon ( hunt's lioyttl Ay/hip IJatbartne C.« l. Bloon fold li t' t cational orRJiniZiition whose strong defense of our state uni¬ Gnu-hen Duen. Whitini:, Ind • metnhervhip is interested in the research, Dr. Hildreth has been u .r. Durbain. Flint ir, Sandra Firth soph. De - with MSU since 1955 lie is the versities. You'll see photograph;; ENGINEERING live. application of statistical methods of exciting "teas" and classes at To Moiinlballeii'W iiulsor %. Hartford ortbviljc ft. Ivor ". t<» practical problem.- and in the improvement of basic statistical author of a book, "Activity Anal¬ ysis of Production and Alloca¬ the University of Michigan. Read METALLURGY - CHEMISTRY .... Wt*. tr Mrlb. what happened when T. S. Eliot birfT'if Queen s third i-;i '<1 data tion" and co-author.of another, r/XVDON* ,,7', -(.t'ter , 7;! •r«!Uc. D;i' spoke at the University of Min¬ J: expected a11y day rot* The association, which was es¬ "A Statistical Study of Livestock nesota. Learn about the scien¬ MATHEMATICS hbfh I! Monday r'ian;r«xl the i Production." He has also written f*htlif» returned Bu<"kuigg^>- tablished in JH3t>, has a member- tific contributions of the Uni¬ z>a*T.c nt future pern-rot -n of number of scholarly article-! hr»r It-'val famitv *<» Mountha*- h.tnt I'M ere Pam davs ««t > fr-.m -hip of shout 7.t)0U ami H com¬ •i To undrrtRltr rr«*arch and dfvfiopmrnl work versity of Wisconsin, ten-Windf -r a hoot in j vara' i"t» in N'Tl-i'!; • Re sure to read "In Defense t>« ti near •.viiett Rer child i partirularl: in thr arra* of: The Qticyn's rfcc!- ton aH 1« of the State University"—in this hot :i Pzincff t'hilip's name. Mounthat. week's Post. Qtieen't? wn mtmr of s-muTI ttuuiRh the effect .f the ■en, to the ff't a uimtlerful week In the pmf Windsor. i h»n,:e t i" not assured a 100 . . . 8 articles, 4 storirx, 2 tcriuls, AUTOMATION ORE REDUCTION No. one will t»* eltj;.i».o to u-e percent wel. leiu- many cartoon* ami exciting phnta- e fiew name for aixui' 40 Wtn'i a swit- to'httt- grot'h* ALLOY DEVELOPMENT - RAW MATERIAL v-ears. Th., is heran-e ll-v-..' t».:i tix-er."v was rtnnoml la«rd fiet ynur rapt Inday lb averbMok* Sunday Kxpre. s — Prmcr* an I ITinc-;: t»s in dim-"' dec'.t-ei the idea un'tiinkable wherever magatine* PROCESSING AND MECHANICAL ■Une for the throne do But u.-c N.i art of Parliament how- arc^uld! a surname. •Hie ftrrt to u-e it wilt he the (H-t-r, will he neeessary. a-- th.<- A PROCESS METALLURGY iliiestioii conn - under ffoval pre¬ Queen'# great grandchildren, and only throe «it of the direct line. The Queen's tribute to her husbtr.d came as crowds nf rogative mind ''The Queen has fia t "its for a !<>n^ time and it e- *» I'OS I r!o«e to her heart," a II ova I**ecr# kept vigil at the pal- are gates for »nv stgn of the vet- Frw»kevmnn *aid a ftnnv Msoimr TNURH FEI. II, II Lnnlact I .en* and all your optical need- WALLACE OPTICIANS Branch Offire (opposite Sears in eve — Vine at I liRRrtt examinations hy registered optometrist Irandor) Something New!. AT CORAL GABLES' |»r. W t'. Jensen, Pit. IV !l*2??l HOl'ltS t M»n. 1-9; Tfl«, Wed.. Sat., s-:.; Ihur*. * rth »-» ILFORNO S I ) P E R DRAKE'S ethyl Dont just sit there! \ Vcm'll enjoy today-, ropy of thin puhliration inii.'l\ more if you'll yet up rmht now and let - RESTAURANT - \oursrlf an irmruld bottle of Coea-Cola. ' "the name llinl marie PIZZA farnou* in Lansing" (Naturally, we'd lie happier, loo!) BE REALLY REFRESHED Orah«hli«MTSIi.liK. BAB-B-Q SPARE MBS .« rv-r - h,y 1I I.'I K. Grand Kior -»«oy Wg f ( bit F«r Trrrv) l A HALLK t Ot .Vt OLJ LudN. MteMgaa BOTTLING COMPANY VOI R CNOII I: OP; LIMITED TIME ONLY WBBTiTMB Wr-MBBI«TMIpLmam| Prime beef open fare sandwich mi Ris—extra large plate — whipped peUlw reffee or milk IN ADDITION. kOiri l MBIIAI I V I BOM ANY OR Al l •PLUS* PUIN SKIRT OR TROUSERS Ol R *PM IAI. APPLTIZIIIS 98c Looking for a really fine meat this DELIVERY SERVICE 49c each IHIRM Ml IIINIb; Sunday evening? lor the finest cuisine at hard lo heat prices he aure to rbit . . . SML TBI I2ML HOUSE OF KEF NOTIC I.: All meats Prime. served hy the "House of Href Nothing hul the finest for yon from . are l Kl)\ With Dress Suit or Overcoat h h ill at regular price Ml PIZZA A MS f1 "HOUSE OF BfEF" IIS \\\ MIC IIIOAN (Next to Hotel Olds) AY T.. College Cleaners • • PHONE ED 7-1311 • « w< Honrs; Mon.-Nat. 7 a.m. • 9 p.m. — Run. II a.m - ft p.m. fijtl \\ Vli«-lii|CMii lal-t laiii>iii)( Fl» 2-47l.'t FHlAST FMVT KLNBT 1 IgMUIIaing in; roast beef, round beef, ehiekeu. duck, steaks, etc. . l ^mOD^YOU ALWAVS REMEMBER F' S "