rin sii ichieran StateNews Si'niny M*•! fur .»0 triir- VoIA'.MK 51, No. IHft KAST LANSl.Mj. .Mil lllliAX—W"KI>X1-:.vi|| In Solution It,. I>r-itti-hi I■"totv StiuU'iit .'omriv.it toniirht. Im! lio action is cx|wv'"tl to In- taken. Mmlil'if-* lb 'ilia ml \ TENSE H( »:xr of decision from I he t'nlver- i" hatrhed by the imp*h Ear •Km Andrew*i ,it« \r« Youtheatre ( IoIIin." production I'rom Irft to of "The Emperor's right. Ihr emperor Above, the emprew i Am* *>ili«lmr* I and two citizen* i Penny I ortino and Pec firedr I look on I/L Speech For Lot*it Support* • Bob Nrolll) contemplate* the startling inform. In wonder. Thf* delifhtfal children's, fair* tale W A > II 1 N'-TiiN V Unit IIm rained from /.an «suna Tirfenthah white the ttirkfil Prime Minister l Ed Elnurnot >. will he presented to creater |.an*inc elementary »fh«ol* I eh. 13 and II To Feature Ph-n idcjit Ki>enho*vcr pre- s**nte«l hi- rlfctinn year farm sl.j.300 in Two Years Civil Kighls proirmm Tuesday and chfll- Iviii'td \)-.t hernoc-rutur-c'trf- trnll«xl » »»nyi*ftn come up llsiltl*. ill l'ntv»-l« with a Letter solution t«» t}»v DJ Says He Accepted Honey ?'. ■ •. The committee'* recommends- it * i -• • j.-h \« I \ < ilM.llltlllll critical wheat ,-urpliH pr«»*» leni than he proposed. o.UNGTON R~-A form - lion* hate no official meaning. v n w il! be fe*- jockey who • figure* he Ihc resolution *tand*. a* it »*a* »kcr a* Fai-rhi! ■. .%* > '• fl« was dire- tor of the Amc - t » I 'rt i -''tdcr' !•« hrenV irra'ion collected SLY- payments, B.2 Top p. t h ■ > an Civit liberties Union fr • t ••tarn c "i-rai*" a *he en 1 n* example. in one tw>- >4"i0 for nr'wnotir.g tore,. .... 1T20 to 1950. %>»• Phi.tn. It- f..m *rm«tr«n( period. jpor.K he *a ■> Sine- hi* resignation t"'-. CTM Ml Till* HI VOI **llb tbe aurprbrd r*prr«>i 3 during 5a*' yea 's to cive spent I consideration tu \ quest of government official*, • -»f payola scandal* - certain records. «»ni|»iiUor% 1(11 If! come out of the organirattena he ha* traveled extensively . i of their contribution* tn the enlvervit* and tn *tudent understanding \\Uliout pfiminl arlion by l»»lli committee todav. John Cow den. in the peal year. Ilere. Mr*. Mtanwell Ikenherry. in*lruetor in home pping of undereov: An he t XI'. . e. <1 rh - ... - foreign countries establishing management and child development, arerpt* an invitation from Ann (nnjrfON and the cn\rrnm-nt an inducement f t »*< ifj chairman of the committee, said li- ».»id. "thi- nilirr pmsram will a- ■ »• —. iC'WT.r p» • w Mh* t.- Tue*dat night rounler-parti of the Civil luber- Dunn ell. Kalamarno *eninr and Mortar Hoard *eeretary. and flnrla certain records ovc; 1 He would k«-p ' >• AFl.-i IO icnded rie«? Union. i nil.ip*- iiMil-r th- pres-ure of It i« still in remmittee. heing •*teven*. Mt. |>lea*ant *enior. .watch for perta rt label- vvr . ' * v-duntary noiY' His major activities concern piihlle IndiinatMin and Ihmi all :he great number "f *®< or '- revised. Una af the prariataaa la «and« of Hntn lold a Motive Mibeow- •a r in p'acc ' ; .c preset" the human right* work of the our farmins penpl- will hens dropped entirely, ha aaM. Training Slmridiiil ' mlto invnllfltiat pa*«la that catnr each w»*ek to **» ■' a.tk United Nation*. He is bntr I he hurt" kyw and other* are hetaf raworhod •hr *1 j.Yff flgurr »f »ut*lde In- •n direc' •- Chairman for the International Eisenhower» . gr . . ? Then, when he -an a b'-*»•- again. There are "a eonpla af .*me »a« for Ifil-M. t.eagu*» for the Right* of Ma ;. generally w ci . U<: . . thtnga In ha investigated yet.** " ibeommitteo i* looking ■•■>!« on the grounds tha* fur w hich h< had oroH.;<.c.j cord a tn a •\ - hii'd g.ve d if r.e iike-1 the : , •' , t ow The den aoM. honsing reoolation will • UN consultant agency Baldwin is several bo&k< and many pam¬ the author of Nation-Witle Kevani|>iiig tans, '>r»pr.«ed inctuumg h:- Many #if the (.♦if iegiriator* ..■•■.--a -. it ■ pn.-j,..,, nburement system deceive* would play 'he a.r If come oat at aanaaneed. ih# presiden- Of AFROTC Proposed ovc: p„h:ic as to a record's worth phlets. Included among the out *he proh- didn't like i a i. tha* ■* oook* are a study of civ:! righ's . . .-.ntv, and maybe a la v n» >m where :• .« . a term, vat sent back lo com- ..ngs. up t • cor, *h.- cvid ftf ir.du'trial conflict •■ded. m (the Go1- gres*. mittca Jan. 21 for f-ir'her study. 7 ~t\. a crew-cut. fair-con * k n liccture* at Harvard i-l Howeve- L.mde- «aid, ' Con grata ia a*pectrd to take A nation-wide modification of the o..i • \ c K«»rce IpiTi* , •; young man of a;-». rugher action ' r congressmen hi* S2.'>h to AUSO's high frhf d t th« Soviet Union and a book program has been proposed bv the I nit. -J > , Air Korce, tion betwee.-! - •■mri-t< ar. f v>. r.n;.D -th- juvenile courts. ic from rad.o and T. UN jt.ji operation c<*nmit'ee for pur¬ on According to university official.-. •!» i.-vi-.-.l pr'urram, administration i- c i.-ri-g gave him money were General admission is ft, or • which will (ro into effect next SepteniW. will retiuc the legislation chasing 1W0 Woiveiinar to l>e • netc«.jr.- -hrf- • t"cc f!-words and CV»?r • season ticket. Students will bp obtain [ kiini-lit-hi-A l«» l«"' r.bufjng Co., Mercury r; «x»nt to achool.o throughout the admitted by presenting ID's. demand on cadets' time by one-third. we Wretarv - he f ,•» • *.». Agriculture support" f Er-a ftatc Itecnrds, I,'n; "Right nnrv offering | lor Vh Anluit T.Mir -. R e T'>o Shad Records, II A bill ?.;"*r>r vdating S.iO to we arc 1 T.if* Bcr 'Mighty Wave* physical or natural i. AFROTC credit for a geology guage*. < Benson Ha* heen under parti- I.u.gi products of N • beck tbe «;:/ !» Mty of atubefits tOS*'' >YV *#P> N i k •' e!a*« which is taught by the un¬ ences, and mathen.at.c* will rularv heavy fire since Eisen¬ v departs todaj «m a par*-c pat.ng in ex'ra-curricular hower la*l »ear vetoed a hill Stramps Tanker . saiil he gave vx' * •.« e- <■» expected out of com- iversity Geology Department,'* meet pre^ommlssion officer re¬ -tomi.ng t »ur .n A;;». . n,tn ... « that would have reqaired wheat .-i'lee said Major John Barron. He add¬ quirements. behind him a diplomat r to Ine Hag" and Iv , SAN FRANCISCO (**> — A grower* to cut X i rodedura! resolution t<> re- ed tha'. under tbe new proposal their planting in *.• purried by hU blunt pre-, mighty wave washed down the Barron said the! this proz-oVaT" return lor higher price support*. r irge the committee system in university courses ;n humanities^ • : iemands on the key ;n- funnel of the big wine tanker •Iso Involvee eondensing tne e«i K.^onhewer'? message outline .r.iinal issue* of German I orrrction \Vs(i may be introduced. social sciences, foreign lea* . Angelo Petri just off San Fran¬ •entlala of current miiitarv f >ur rocornrr.endatlons outs. .• 'AY , Be -tm. cisco's Golden Gate Tuesday and •traction from si* terms t» three his solution to the wheat ttrrsese of Stale \ew* rrr»r prob¬ - f-.'cign 'diplomatic c f• >- . v. which witnessed h. on the tr*net date a id I'-Melte. More (lop Corruption sent her reeling hftlplersly with¬ Diploma!. Say. Revolt terms. lem: Again*! Trujiilo Likely out power. After 1. A three.ye.ir extension • * • aed exchange of view the In loo Hoard r horns, tryoeu Krvralrd in Chirago Three Coast Guard helicopters an 11 *rjnn'h -'uvi-. f will Itr held .nutn .il * tnnbtht the program'* ouerat.o: . *T". '.he soil bank land re'iremy.' \ .ting Italian Proalden' CHICAGO gw —New fhirje. lifted 14 of the 39-man crew CARACAS, VMWZWU M* — 'coDtgm and universjtie- "< -i •rugram and an in the I ninn Tower Rmmi. expansion fro;i r r Clronchi, has been in- from the roling vessel. They f.f tie-up? between police and Diplomats in close touch wl'.ll comment was given ir- Br.i;-»- :he pre-en*. 20 million acre* t^ )»e present when the then suspended operation* at tne criminals echoed through the I>»minican exiles here said to¬ dier General W i.am B- ' ■' ' million This prograr. w..c: takes or? from Vnuk— Tiro Juniors II in Chicago Police Department request of the Petri's captain, day their reports indicate a re¬ USAF: acres. designed -o help curtail over¬ t • for India. Edward Lehm Jr. of San Mateo, Tuesday. volt may topple Generalissimo "Although we cnnsi.Jir our production, \nlional I n orth Chief of Detectives Jamer. M. - Calif. fx'hm told the Coast Guard Rafael Trujillo's regime at any present frogman ar-.d * greatest nee... several inmate* about fresh ac¬ tw o commercial tugi, he and the transition to demr»cratic goyern* I*.* refined and condensed with¬ Richard Dec. Lansing juni-v. He prop- sed too that the g.»v- and Francis Trojanek, East Jor¬ cusations that four detectives remaining crewmen could save ment when and if the Domini¬ out materially sacrificing our Briefs e!T,:nc-rit lx* permitted to make the 7 million dollar ship and her can strongman falls. dan junior, have w m two of trie cooperated with a gang of fur primary objectives for pre-com- icn\:ii Piymrnts or. retired six awards m a recent national burglars and several furriers cargo of 2'i million gallons of The Dominican Liberation •T.isKion officer education." ■:i 'he fi rrtt of !aivi> eric lomnox. mdint «f bulk wine. Movement (MLD), w.'.h head¬ The Air Force indicates tha* crop surpluses a- landscape who disposed of the loot. I'liliiwi Ike Today competition architect jtudent-s. among the MMhm flHare Ktpsrl Aaaa McMahon said he was inform¬ quarters In Caracas, claim#! tne n>»\v prop***! should rwult w:l as cash. 2 A vigorous advancement of ?*iay is the last day for fra- Eigh- accredited urnvert. i.e. rutton mt Awriet. will appear ed the fang's loot from fur .Meeting Postponed representation of the majority in increase#! credits for studenvi, •he government'! F.*>d for Peace entered 43 students of junior tMicht at lurrMd Iktaks at thefts In Chicago and elsewhere Tne social work club meeting of Dominican exiles after meet¬ decreased requirement for mii.- ■bki'.y men to fill in petitions Program to combat hunger bv ft' Greek Week committees. Pc- standing in the competition* >:IS. -A Ttawe far Bridge*" w«N over the nation mounted into scheduled for tonight ha* been ing with delegates from group* tary i as tractors, improved ins¬ v .v.ng U.S. surpluses to neeo\ l^oss may be turned in at the be Jafcadaw'i tapir, deallag wMb the millions during the last sev¬ postponed until Wednesday, Feb. in New York. IMt-rto Itico and truction it the basic levei. p!us sponsored by the American So* areas abroad. the lattaral evhaage Idea. ers! years. 17, at 6 p.m Cuba. a satisfaction of officer educa- |is xi ae&k. ciety of Landscape Architects. 3 An a(sre«aiva reaearvh pro- •.on rcqmremai.tr t * * Dee. together with Ken Have- mm »o develop new market* Although benefits I 'ppliratioot Out man, also a Lansing junior, is MSU Performen# Give Opinion* wt>c derived maximum by adoption of and new: u*c« for farm product- completing plan* for the land¬ 4 An expansion of the ru scape treatment of MSlTs r*- tnr proposal bv those institu¬ Yppilcitloni for position? <«» dcvrlortmen; program to he' search houso on Dobie Road. tion* having a compulsory basic •tccutivt branch of AUSG j "->.v available in room J31 |***ot Services from 4 to 5 Dve and Havenjan were com¬ missioned for me project las* Children Called Most Receptive Audience program, it s^o ha* application at institution* having an elec- tive program," General Bell said. 1 b""e«- >w the '.iQCi inc. oun-rvinrj 'lira! families find on aj>«j or» • Anyone who is interested fall by th#- National Ataociatkwi He added that in either case, the I. of Horr.e Builders after the Ctuldrwn. -.at adults, mtko tho and become totally absorbed in »aid. "They come bubbling with young empress and Ed Flournoy, - »'%) at the office before result would i>e a reduction of (frvary 18. den's were successful over 24 •thers in a NAHB contest. t ftudier^e arcording to two veteran MSU Youth*aire per¬ what's happening on the stats. This make* working with them enthusiasm to ree you after the performance. Kids know you're Detroit senior, as the scheming prime minister. the student's time investment m BULLETIN lu I Imiuement Merl* * * * House Beautiful magazine will formers. stimulating." Price said. really not the per«on %ou por¬ Included in the cast are Carol AFROTC. 'ITTI.r. HOT*. Ark. UA publish completed plans of tM - M-ice Price. Clurago senior, He warnad, however, that tray, but they talk.to you like . Rothrock, Detroit sophom-are: A e and its a.te. and Mar.lvr. *Steeg?-ja. Grand children cant be fooled by poor you are." Bernard Tafch- Niagara Fall-. IT I'lter lit /(«•.. an, of ■ .r.eet tonight at tJt In 21 t*. ie II Taere will be • discu,- „ Sp«UUf lO Imm* , . ion as they were prtyanaf tor "IW/ie **tr«me!v keen and nlmfsawt. They catch 'mall act- big ences." difference «aid in child audi¬ Mis* Steegstra. Trenton sophomore; Allan Cook, Fruitport freshman; Gail Allen. UiUUtms' titlr Hv. N,fr«»« anrollrd in the y ^arrent Lebor-Manage- the forthcoming produettao, "Tbo anr.-Hhiu (antral Hl(h hchnol A question end an- Pakbun at Mrriinjf Jknperor * New CMm." lag mistakes an adult might "Groere Pointe children, for ex¬ Grand Rapids sophomore, and LANSING *•> - Ta il \Wh.r htrr. ■ period will follow informal The 4h-rr.enrJ>er eoropanv xnll ample, tend to be less demonstra¬ Marilyn Minford, Lapeer junior announced today he will step rnltr, tt. (»rl Jarkmn id "Recent Developments In Pak- Plice said the key to acting tive than Lansing children. But Others are Robert Grss. Hol¬ perform for about 5.000 young out March 15 after It th. bln»t M "ramin.r.hl. l>■ * *' c,v "udents and '♦probers. All in- jstan" will be ti» topic «f dia- siudeots in the Greater Lansing far children is sincerity. they all have one thing in com¬ lar*! freshman; Mary Miner, press secretary to years as Democratic kp^ranll, nn «— «•> in. faculty are cuurao rndir aight at thai Isi- e>r..eniary arhools. Tab. 13-14. . "Many plays are written espec¬ mon: enthusiasm." Grand Rapids sophomore; Uovrt Gov. G. Mennen Willikm*. jured. lemationa! Club l—ft* »• The play's ttMme le oriental Whiting, Comstock Park sopho¬ The cast has been raHiirs ng ially for children but you can't Weber, 54. is rvsigmng a Police would not permit news¬ weleomas Mr. H. Alam. mambt- . If * * * the play, an adaptattou «f the play down to them. If the kids and centers around a vein em¬ more; Judy Mason. Lapeer soph- 513,000 a year post subject to men Inside the bouse to talk to In Hntertmin at th» Pahiatan Bmbaaajr m peror. played bp Robert Brolli, Waahmfton. famed Han> Christian Anderson think you're trying to put some¬ omore, ggd Martin Siege], N.Y. t.des of political change in favor fairy ule. for a month. thing over on them, they let Monclair, SJ. puluete student, frefhman. of > a new $13,000 a year pro¬ Alpha sorority and Ala^, a Calcutta UnivM*i:y who is shown the futility of hie The plav Is sj>onso"red by the "Chiidrec are much more en- you know their disapproval," he tected position with the stare J*w5 vr.Phi Epailon fraternity honor, gradual, haa been a Junior Leaque of Lansing and Civil Service Comnusi-un. thusinstic than adults." said said. vanity by two young scoundrels member of the Pakistan foreign "• a Valentine nerty for directed Dr. Jed Davis, Weber seid h.s move sh«l no Pr.ce, the ploy's stage director Mb s Steegstra. tn charge of played by Kenneth Andrews. is by l&L.iIdren ^ Walnut service .ince 1949. He Joined the and a performer in nine previous sound effects, said the more Allegan freshman, end Buna assistant professor of speech. light on the No. 1 political ques¬ IOrthopedic School. The Washington embassy over three tion in You theatre plays. tricks and magic In the play, the TWfenthal. Kalsmsioo freshman. Tlie costuming is done by the. Lansing—whether Wil¬ I'Sr. I, 2held at Ae ZT V years ago. invited to attend "A child bos very uthibi* more the children will like it. Ibo ftoees of good and evil are costume makeup class and set¬ liams will run again. Political j ^-urday. entertainment The public is tioos. They actually laugh and Amp Salisbury, tings are designed by faculty observers are divided on) the is¬ Is '• °* providei by a clown the meeting Friday at I pm- ia g&A have been for mon'hs. wjim.ivT the Union. cry with you. They Uve the play • sue r«» \ Sick Cats. Do..^ Classes Bring Dean KingMatelies Expansion. Feature Pae;e "Nan Majors Live Together J t LINDA I.OTKIDKK For Recover\ To Fine Arls Reniinisees About Old Days KTATi: NEWS FTATI IE EDITOR Fage Two If a veterinarian ever »r rehruary 10. 1900 alizes your cat in the You don't have to t>e a Rock¬ ,H Organi/afmns. take up a large don't fwl sorry for the k. q, ir.tmnirmfR forerunner of the well or a Beethoven to desire n, n m \xivt 11 p..-, ..M of King's Voir He < is better off there. You Learn Plan < hii j«n II'mi v some knowledge of art and mu- '..1 -f V. T- ' K. v*'; - \v presidetit of •••- Lan i;g City Chrh. ria*'. president ".'I time') of the I-an-ini; Country Chib. Pay as sic. The ordinary un talented atudent can satisfy hw hunger Veterinarians recover better when find „ Popular for MSU Students c are in the same room « ■niit «»> p.i-t president of the I«finsinj£ for "culture" in the introduc¬ toi-th in fkint Rotary Club, a member of Al- tory courses of the Division «»f of dogs. K : •v- I I d-enrwd* p .a l'Hi Onega, R'.ue Key. Sii- Fine Arts FREDERICK. Okla Oh—Ed¬ Dr. Wade Brinker, e.| 0. Delta Kapna (,i law frater¬ KOI KES insured again*t the death of the .* hi--. 'I !!«'.'••! .rel "I •! a B* FAIT, VAN A complaint among itor of the daily Frederick Read¬ surgery and medicine at .! ..business dur.r.g nity ). tfniversi'y Club, and ho parent or sponsor thereby guar¬ common er.' Boh K Cull, is only 21. His ■ .i-i alder and member of '.he Aimost 25 percent of the on- anteeing the student money for industrial leaders and educator* gan S'ate University. oXy..:it. board of trustee* of the I^ansing campus students are using 'he hi* education. i* that today's college graduav city editor. Miss Jurhee George, that dog* and cats bro;.*v • entered the pic- . In I flit.'I. King lure at Michigan ^talr as end Rrevhyterian Church pay as you learn plan of financ¬ 'doesn't have a vcll-rounded u 18 the College of Vetermar;. ♦♦?,• K h an honorary doctor'* ing their college education, ac¬ Rumpsa said the pav »s you education Many math and en¬ tioneer .,IUw football roach and freshman • j. .- cine animal hospital i.>eci degree "f ..cienee in business ad- cording to Paul Rumpsa, chief learn plan has been accepted gineering majors are wiazrds in ktretchtng the foint basketball coach "Mv coaching segregated. *-atir.n and is an honorary accountant in the university favorably by the students and 'heir own niches, but are lox; da<*s were some of the finest n-..r. "But we found thai . upra-V >.\Z. ' v-' OVfr-'.| t I'/ on T. *, business office. the parents sou!* In a social setting LANCASTER. Wis. (4A—Sign growth , \ lug factor In thl* I've had." be %avs were rather listless an : parents appreciate ' >e • recent innovation The To few g»f these technical stu¬ . King - "i.tro'-l and reside* :i Tii" n!an. a on a large barn near here: "The wit Kins—the founder of 'he IV .,n.. '■ ' • K plan and are more recepYve '•> dents realize that they are wel¬ heal very well when *h. Kr-' Lansing H.r •'•n is viee- in college financing, enables the Written v.! ley -Fann. Uncle Sam, A|<.| Development • "unci, the !!'• :.o I.r .. .n t hr-.-i it than depositing the money and the division of Fine by themselves," he said |.r»'.: !on' -f the Merehandi e .student to pay his room and come in Operator ** placement bureau, the alumni for the letting the student draw on it." "When they tre in • 1941. counselor Mart in Chicago and is married board expenses and fees Arts. Introductory course.* in relation* office. anil the person¬ ■i. :fi'- '.Jin room with dogs, they km,, •o Barbara Ann Scott, formet .term in three monthly mstall- he said- music and art are aimed a'. Riv¬ nel office. .♦ mum *' > • t M -f -he office alert. world's champion ice skater. ing the student a general back¬ « men's. the dear. •>' *?'i- vvfera'' i 1945. a I The marled students, too. are "That** w h y T'.e rt>i* . "Michigan State should take ".Ye -a-k for the initial puv- ground. in giving him the know ¬ NOG ALES, Ariz «T».—Sher T vc>. < ft. n?- office are concern*-! ui'h !.!■'li.iMi/.e.-i 'Me jM-r-innrl depot at registration," Rump*a in favor of the plan, according ledge necessary to recognize and Robert Connor "reported a bur¬ usually keep dogs .vn of n.i- :t 1Mb- its place with the great tini- rrnM to Rumpsa. lie Mid the* ran the same room un'<«. glary to citv oolice — thieves a i,. versittes of the world if it has 'This eliminate* confusion. • rourw'.'-iir t e;:*<-r. he • M K.'.rf ins-.i d ris'tor of altifn- sa: 1 plan their budget* better and appreciate works Bf art. No great them ha* a contagious .• broke into his >-/*mc and carried • i*e m.• v not already rlo'ne «w»." says Kmc Either the student has his pay¬ talent Is rlecessarv, just Interest frrv.re, housing. and the men 'ii relations in 1918, "Which ea*ier. electric toaster and clon¬ "However, tomr'imr- proudly "And much of Its rapid ment or he doesn't register." and the desire to learn off an f.-,i women's divisions Introduction to Music 272 ha* coming out of surgery v . growth can be credited to the In previnu* year* the initial Early payment plans were ing ,rvon,i *nr *.r-rv:ecs under 'M> Mowing prerequisite: one" quire a private ward leadership of President Han¬ pavment wax mailed In the uni* tailored to the veterans. Pav. the i :r sdiption "f K-'- ' majors' U- a ;n early convalescence p« vrrsit.v before registration and to Kihi'. gt.«duaf«f fro-v W.e I >« • a nat.M" "f I mi. •; i, nah.' Michigan State cannot fad ' > necessitated » great deal of men's month were about due the end of the. the same time the ooeU t> t>» music acquaint the layman w -• Y/«/if Staff cats Barking does no: because the doa- t> d continue if- great progress And bookkeeping. government cheeks were receiv¬ musical expression and technique Hill a»#lm.in '»•ulw)' li»sketl»a!i !'<■ ».g:i for MSU'* plan each term paid in advance. the middle age—t - thi present •tfter graduating. King enter¬ Many^major Michigan Iwnk?. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS Of the 20.300 attident* at MSU. Introduction to Art*2*3 is the ed the service, fought In World have plans similar to MSB's War lommanrirr I and became a battalion In. the 320th field Patients The students make loans for four • , s.x year»< and the loank a nd:- more than 60 percent pay the full term cost at registration, same sunt type of course wnth t prere» Rumpsa. It is con¬ sculpture, and architecture fr«>m DEADLINE*: 1 p.m. IU< Before Fubliratton for Turn . Mm the tunc or the Greeks to tie < barge a. a King plated a first lieutenant. far of profes¬ Observed a. The required,. student bank loan* are sidered the a high average universities in the country. among present are 'analyzed, both for their intrinsic qualities, and fo*- Than., and Iri. Editinn*. Deadline For Mon. Edition; ! pm. J'ri Bill* Fa*able 8-12 and 1-5 Monday through I'rida* sional football with the Chicago tneir relation to the culture of Kit Z-llll EXT. 261*. By Prof the day. Scientists Why does a person believe he Michigan 341 Student Services State News Last tauBtng. MtcMgan For those anntner three w*ho just can'* f * credits into the r automotive HOUSING picked achedu'e, there i» a ac»- is w ho he To an*wer th « iMiOfi on clan* davs Monday 10rough Frld.iv inclusive during demic device rareiv taken ad¬ roan-dioon rond!tIon V-* Use Atoms and other uuestions ahou* basu*. spring »rrtn«. «\rekiv during summer term* *mi n entrive M i»i -ell l»i» •rmtrr and vantage of; the audit. WANTED GIK! i mi irr*hm«n issue be!wren >«umpier and f ill term* Filtered as belief'., a. M i c h i g a n State Auditing a course give* t ie UO I. Stn»rlan V»'.- n.tnl on SouOi Ha mil h,-tatrd Collegiate Pte«s Chris' and outside reports Path one hl'vc. t. , < King For the past *:* mor)'h>. D vomtts STATU tN and store* Plei*ai,' ' P It OF \* IX. ' A e-iod d«*l on a i oolcine For nni o ward, work at the same job. •'»' : M F . - • ' trnra a K»«mer laree two-room ' • . r i'ot!- in pa' ei N«- Orr»p Seidell a'- same tune and hold da I <1' .■ xv-r; The life bom ir have and >•" : a! rhv Uiscn.s mis »' Yusilanti S'a> £ Suv < h IV 4-448! » around « l""k BHAKI'S COMTTFTE RF.UN1V. rk. The i. • 195" hospital A1 .I'lmrnl s* , IV 4-4M!! 1( PHfVATT. VP- carrier, which m is' deliver them t'ersouncl t'ouference. a group bcfnrr the MSU. I,'vihol..r.v **« nian xradua'- « *h great precision employment Ohe blork to c • of imlustrv and college repre- club. to see what happens Prospects for developing this weapon against malignant v are sentalives who meet twice an- when a ners..n's belief in hi* APPHOVF.D pO''l". i eneouraging but it will take long nauallv to discuss the possibili¬ identity is challenged by some¬ ir.rn Innutrr Z.">i ' ' to get readv for actual use. Ilr. ties of jobs for university grad¬ one claiming the same identic a'lnrniMiiut • fW-r 7 1 .Hi to 6 Victor Richard*. Stanford I i»i- uates. pay, and opportunities. "To date, one subject h»« W ANTim ORGANIST AND Good »a'.arv to MEN OH GRADT-* changed hi* belief about being direr-r-r ♦ OIK ver*itv aurgeon. reported. ■ • n.a Men'* Uitarftcfcl rhotr room and board 4.. • Vddress ig a symposium spm* t hrUt and taken on another . tape- • .mi* r toftlS" tin near* home privtiee. , *!H Mi* Jiwepn B Bvnif 7-221"2 Ask foi Jr.< ...red bv the American ( anr* .* false identlt*. But we *4111 are i r-r ifiu sr.e Dr Richard, si d i»n- 'In lliiiiiiiiiitr Mirliiymi nut aure what the long range C'ol.unfcwa Benton Fla'hot Va'- personal . have been ma <•» fpsult* will he. Be hope to con¬ iat*^^m-:> animals The Ir tinue the experiment until Sep¬ for sale CO-EDS ONLY F« .ii.,vs thai the btmtlt-cari '• ing tember 1961. Meanwhile, we are r iriftr Foister vaf*c.' •• ' ♦ e.ement will plant four time* a. gathering a lot of potential!*- HEavfaST 10*.US an.. 30.7 Nortb A'U ' . imusand miles I O r f dale. Florida O-i : -•« •iurv hutpt* in cancer c« h* «•' useful data." iMrkine. TV and f i.w i» . ex pn-v'.c, C-OOD will in healthy cells. »ivnr,niinp prwil >i rr.t i » The MSU psychologist then- nrncv apartment ■* »• n»- But it s'iil won't deliver f«ESH .r - * me* thai everyone has three per rta\ For iwhir <" enough to ume out the malig¬ Ou*C« -• • ml or rail H.. S'»- major Michigas kinds of belief* U* af 467Jl>. Novi, MichU-i h nancies. A Wiiv tnilFl be teu ' The first are "primitive" be¬ r*< utrcd . ■ make it deliver at least live SFU054UT SHOf » two-ttjlr i*. of M'.i liefs about the world, the se'f WF-ST TOANT AI xH- times as many bombs to a given 31? MAC Op#" Ua.rn.-4p.rn mm pot ilaiidn and 99 m . > and the nature of other* The-'* parties, dan.*- rr • , air* a it deliver* no a beliefs are taken for granted lions FD 3-63-M r.»> Dark' Green ' The carimr. is iclra* mine. in • lin: M . hi| 'i. n'ciinrw if. c n either because evervone accepts TO M S -BAHBEHsi " ' antibiotic much used by .hn'o s yet r« ad> f-r tin- e tie - loans them or becauso thh"r> is n» A DARING SKI jumper i Ihe air all a«e« and aiae* and HM»*t »f them have altchtlv aire X* barbers SI 50 »r-n • fight infections T <• Ih.m. Street «r ross f;i»r, .\«u»na ' disprove them > MichiKHii"- df ive's have a - authority who ran to dem»n«trate the iMknk > of ortlatle akiing less courage than the dare devil pictured aheve. Store near FiXndnr « an atom of boron, the lm\ v nemical u«ed to make soup. ijmrtsl the driving -k' 1 demand¬ to the believer Michigan'a m**t popular w r apori ha* fan* of crs FOR SAUK gaiuffl KWAST BAKERY DFI-IYT" ed, bv these new r..a« hiui accept* a* authorities |v 1fain«*.V*-A. — * !•* *> also are gerved b\ Back In 1887 a hardy band of year* and facilities a' older many resorts The second kind lead* tiie railroads and airlines. SERVICE daredevil* io<»k part in the first areas have been expanded and BFF KM.EKATORN . WASH- third kind. '«inch c ms.si* of l NED organized national ski jumping improved Beginning skiers in Michigan FR> mnti T V S2i> »nd uo l.ieologiral beliefs, aceotd.ng h» rent skis, poles and toooG ♦ SUil* 1110 Eo»-t TYPING. TERM F,AF»K- tournament at Ishpeming and can IV J-143* ?» mucxllaneoiir fn«" » tt.e theofv And ptany Michigan re*ort* M.k- ;«.» recreational skiing goi its start for tneir first attempts Ant Mr* Bee Adami. F.D - • If a iH-rjion'* priniifive belie? provide plenty of activities for DFA OHATFO CAKES DF1.IVXRED in Michigan, most areas offer both group ant i. i.'.s idrtit 'y can i-e chaiigtsi." the non-*kier. including tobog¬ *o ire* b>rthda*« Man* ONE TICKET FOP • Some 73 years later, "ski individual instruction by quali¬ •.user del I'- <■",* oastnes K«lsi Bak¬ fall Jack C'Uev. ED Kokeach eotttinued, "hi* whole ganing. skating, sleigh ride*. F./n-ntm* eagles ' atili are soaring off the fied professional skiers ery iv *-4>:*i tf belief system might be changed *nowshoeing, ice fishing and towering jump* at Ishpeming Spectator* also come $n for TYPIST FA4" AM' * Th.s know-ledge could be "f hunting. Evening activities in¬ their share of fun during winter Tbew-e. lerrii im: ■■ i- and Iron Mountain, but skiing VALlNT.NE MEA4T JEWEIRF great value to mental heal'.d. clude dancing, group singing, months in Michigan The state's tvpm* Will puk ua - However, my in teres*« are in no longer is considered a wild 7-1178 movie* and other entertainment. calendar for Januar* form of Standanaviaii auicido vacation - 'basic research. A* a social psy- A ITERATIONS AND'tW For today the sport is a popular For winter comfort, warming February and March list* sun? IXC fur women »ik1 r - eli.dogi-t, 1 'luiply wa'.t to lea-n 53 winter spurts events, inciu; a:».»ut how beliefs aie family recreation in Michigan shelters and snack bar* an* with mo p than 150,000 devotee? standard equipment, but many di 4 aki jumping tournaments, TYPINO—EtJCCTR! ♦ fornuvt and how they might b# i f a'd ages, sizes j,nd shapes. reports also have comolete cha¬ dounhi : ap;i slalom races, ska - l«-*e drgree. ten veal's 9 Clrti rtui k ihanged " ittien. and ve, reui ing meets, ice fishing festival* . Abilities vary greatly among lets with overnight accommoda¬ m mud The Michigan State professor 2-3844 these enthusiasts, of'course, and tions, dining rooms, lounges and and winter carnivals 10. Member* s particularly interested in the This w inter calendar, along - TYPING—ED 3-432* of Angli¬ Michigan'* 71 winter sports cen¬ Uic traditional roaring fireplace • « » r c, an (cog re» of the subject wno DRFSSMAn" church ters are tailored to provide a Transportation, an old buga¬ u;:b Michigan's atatewide sk. SEWING, c ranged hi* mind about his can luting facilities and loca¬ "it» to |« teed" TOM drape* and n 11 female variety of slope* and facilities boo for skiers is no problem in map. •unable rate* and e * r identity. tion* of the 71 winter spoi'* rulT for beginners, in-bctweencrs and Michigan, according to Uie state 7-1826. 12 Put with At first. Rakearh said, be centers, can be obtained b> writ¬ export*. tourist council All areas are W»U'4M H. THOM»SO?4 TYPING AND O P1 19 Bark rhangrd h»« belief about hi* ing to. Ski Map, Michigan Tour - fr«*d»r Jeweler Jar.e W or-.' H inter npurtx renter* dot the accessible o\* ear and bus over t'all Al or 22 Female muthrr. Then he rhanged hi* Dotihle-soared ran' well-maintained highway*, and is; Council. Lansing 26 sheep belief about his father. Recently, Michigan map frem the far tiunal charge for «ory= ' 34 tmeasiient be rhanged hi* mind about him- northern rearhea af the upper HOUSING or lavout Acroa* from ' •elf peninsula to the fringe* of met¬ 2fi foem ropolitan Detroit, offering a wide EXPERIENCED TV*"*" r r 7- T" TOT- T" T" n> '' "He apparently ha* a strong VENIENT location *' '■ »• Open rhoire of accommodation* rang¬ AU type* of '• hflWii.tr (itt-itf to he s.mplv a man." CIjOSF TO CAMPUS Furnished R.ver ~ ing from auank resort* to eco¬ ftr*l fkxtf two targe room* arid tfle eiectrie machine at rea» %} * :? Work unit R ok each «aid. "Hi* new delu- nomical budget arrangement* FatJi 173 include* all unliiiev ED- Call Mr*. Ptartma. ED i- T" al J'en point indicate lie u getting a bit 3-At» 24 r ! ■" M r* 73" I 33 Sphere 34 Creek jminv clomT to this realisation than Many area* offer akl week and «erkend "package" vacation* tioui* FTVE-ROOAI FtULY FURNISHED f» per —onth TF.ree or four ~SPAKTAN TYPING ot Igtnal. Mr* »nr.c MULTIU" •> Goodw in. ED F>'._ , he w as before." -J 35 t)e\ ale which include lodging, mealv rrjer. Dexe The other two Subjects, Rek- •part meet, atngle or double. IV- HAY HIDE. - AT,"*, equipment and lnatmrtion. f"r • n each cont-nued, "»tiU believe through winter term i Queen of 3T TT group*. Heated oaOF r-Hi'-n . ir W- nr rr u.i.ev :hev are t"hri*t. One says he -i« Th'.s variety is responsible fur mT. ROOMS UNFURNISHED or Phone now for td'''" FJ xr ¥" TT 4H T.'tlfc id * 4 Moiiwpiy also tlotl and the Holy Gho«»' much nf the tremendous boom Pajr-kmed. profeaaor*. ayadable U» etude nt* or CD 7-aawS or FD 3-33H3 tf Hiding Ranch IV 5-*3- ■ W Both arc older and have been in Michigan skiing during recent TV. AND RADIO zL jr 45 Ancient hospitalized lotiger than the one years, according to state travel low rate* to studen'.- ^ w ! « Tt\ LZl •lave? u«ed T V wt* and ant* w zr 49 4T To mount who has chaflged." When the experiment started, authorities. Rather than catering only to a small group at Mghlv- THREE ROOMS. NEWLY furnish¬ tube checking, free tell, T.V T- r* - ' n ir w ▼Tj 48 t'vii ed Autocratic washer, dryer, freezer, • om. & ,es A0 I HirhlMn IV W-J 50. Othe; •••. .re Rokcach and his research assist¬ skilled skiers, ski area operator* tardett- Rural setting, spannus TT rr m JT I 52 Car e! ants tri(n1 to get the men to .have brought winter sports op¬ grounds. National 7-411# immediately Twnr MM MOWN f r rm TT 54- Dei-on' poat talk to each other about their portunities within reach both JSJ. ^SU.'XV-.*. IT n 55 Prior in identities. geographically and financially FURNISHED '' APARTMENT NEAR fliaw.: ~ ' 1 t me " =" Under these conitions, the men of everyone in the midwest. I tUe I 56 Coal became very aggressive toward In 1953 the state had 99 win¬ ~ distillate JT each other. After six weeks, the ter snorts centers hosting about 3 a-*© 5S. Cheup ,*cct •ubject of thetr identify was •5,000 skiers. The number of WANTKB i. - EP 1 RK MINK »U» avoided by the researcher*. areas has almost doubled iu six II •\ MICHIGAN *»TATL NEW* Pace Thr»-e Bible Story Given Space Slant I i hruar* Id. lfir.0 PI NO'S ■ >SCOW <&)—A S-nde? *e;- back Those who' looked at the iso'ope* of aluminum and beryl¬ fire a-id brimstone lost their lium. have been found. The sci¬ f, has turned the Bible story kviini and Gomorrah into a eyesight and perished, he added. entist said these particles are at Ag rest's theory, presented in a least* a million years old and v rhriHer by suggesting the Literary (hurtle artirie, was . . tv. .duets of extremely high tem¬ •yirkcd cities were blown •s bv a nuclear blast set transmitted seriously and In de¬ tail by the Soviet News Agency peratures, and may be 'he traces of 'he spacemen's atomic mis- 426 E. Grand Rivar, East Laasing ;>y invaders from outer Tass. This Is how it goes: sties. (I.I (ON THEATER BLOCK) Before the dawn of history, The author then pointed I* {•"vibly. suggested physico- the earth may have been visi'ed the liead Sea Scroll* found re¬ • omatielan M. Agrest, loot's by space travelers from other cently in the area adjoining the was petrified—the Bible planets. The landing may have Lebanese mountain*, and wrote: •iiinctKJnto a pillar of salt been In the area of the Baalbel; 'The description they give of •'■hen she disobeyed a warning Terrace, a platform of huv the destruction of Sodom and linger in the area or look stone slabs in the Anti-Lebanon Gomorrah cannot help attract¬ mountains of Syria, or the slabs ing the attention of modern men may have been constructed as who are familiar with nuclear (Queen's Name a launching platform by *he space invaders. Nobody, said th« physics. In modern language, this legend says that people Change Stirs author, has satisfactorily plained the existence of the Baalbek Terrace. ex¬ were advised to leave the area of the future explosion, not to linger In the open, no? to watch Controversy ItOSDON <*) — With Queen This area, relatively speaking, is not far from the Libyan Des¬ the blast. Those of the fugitives who looked back lost their eye¬ ARMY ROTt CADETS attend a fire-power demenatratien at Fort ert. whare grassy bodies called sight and perished " K.:rabeth'a third baby-expected The Tass account said: Knox. Ky.. last week. The demonstration, eostlng the envernment tektites, containing radioactive less than a week, a contro- "The Soviet scientist believe* approximately 11M.PHI. wa* part of the annual program, during which M radrt* and three offieers toured the ramp. The MSI' ra- ersy swirled about her head . that the snaee travelers could today because she changed the »yal family name to one with Players Present have exploded, the earth, their excess before leaving stock of deta, along with cadet* from four other school*, were also honored at a banquet. a German background. Two big newspapers com- 'Guys and Dolls' nuclear fuel, after having warn¬ ed the local population in ad¬ Michigan State News -lained of the new name, that they would not Campus Classifieds . . . Low Cost "Guy* and Dolls." the long run vance, so Moun tbatten-Wind sor. perish from the atomic blast.'' Broadway comedy about the The pro-Labor Daily Mirror, amazing Damon Runyon char¬ "The Soviet scientist believes ■ nth more than four million cir- acter*. will be presented tonight that during their stay on earth ulation, demanded the issue be * ibmitted to Parliament. thru Saturday in Lansing's West Jr. Auditorium. the space traveler* tried to con- vev their knowledge to the PARKINSON To these complaints the Lib- Professionals from mummer people, but in view of the ex¬ '-al Star replied with a six-co!- tremely low cultural and tech¬ will m: iikiu: stock. George Salesbury and Car¬ :t.n headline: "Leave the Queen men Decker, will be found in nical level of human society of \ *e." the leading roles, those of Na¬ that period it was most difficult FEBRUARY 22 In her proclamation yesterday. than Detroit, the harras«ed oper¬ to transmit this knowledge." Queen annoueed that she and ator of a floating crap game, Agrest expressed the belief NOW WEDRESOAY. FEB. 10 - 9:30 a.m..9 p.m. r* children will continue to be and Adelaide, his "doll" who has that through joint research, -f f wn as the house and family scholars of ancient culture, tiik evoi.ition of politic AL tiioi c.iit • Windsor. The name will also been engaged years. to him for 14 archeologists, geologists, physi¬ paper edition sl.fi.1 THURSDAY THRU SATURDAY - 9:30-5:30 apply to any future descen- All the nor«e players and be'- cists and rad'.o-chemists mav in the direct line of suc¬ find traces of the probable visit parkinson's law :r.'s tors, neer-do-wells, and phony of envov* from other, world* to in hard cover I.1.IMI Stop in tomorrow for the Grand Opening of the new PINO'S Ml SIC CKV- tion to the throne, since roy- salesmen that Damon 'Runyon knew «n well, come to life in the earth. This, he said, would TKK in Ka*t Lansing. Look «»\ert«ur wonderfyl selection of rlassical and ; prices and princesses do not be graphic confirmation thit popular records in monaural and stereo. Take advantage of our Grand SPARTAN BOOK STORE ..• e surnames. tne song* of Frank Loesser, and IV Queen's decision clearly the lively dialog of Abe Bur¬ man some day can reach the Opening Specials! is intended as a tribute to her row.* A cast of 4.1 will round remote planets, "now that the -and, 33-year-okl Prince out this 155th production by great achievements of Soviet the Lansing Civic Players science have made outer apace Oanwr Air A MJLC. accessible to man." (.rr/urf Dfirnhir 1 Sitrciat | fSk YWCA Student I'ivet Placement Bureau CrOKUK EYDIE G0RME Schedule Card Parly 1 he fellewing employers will Interview en the tndieeted dates YWCA Student'* Wive* Coun¬ If van are Interested report to the Placement Butmu at leaet two whool days la advance of Interview dele. Neman aim may in* trrvlew majars with asterisk (•>. cil will hold ty a dessert card par¬ tonight at R in the YWCA building, 217 Townsend Street, RENT... IAWHKNO'- JkA STEVE LAWRENCE in "Siin^s from Ih. Cnldra t irrla" iBt Baebeler'a degree. (Ml Matter*. (D) Darters. Where na degree la indicated, all degree If vela art eligible te interview. Lansing. All .Students' wives are skis - roots TBt invited lo bring a "table" of M . FEBBr AMY 12. I HO * Ohio Railroad f«»r Operational, uvi* A industrial Sales. Admini.stra- friends and playing card* for any game desired. Dessert and cof* poles C3frr~ d- 81 98 the | I'lainfield Publie hehaal*: F.I em re* will be served. Civil {B >. Elect B». Mech. (B» Engrs for ma tor* for Teaching positions. Secondary English A Social There is no charge, but reser¬ vations may be made by calling: all equipment rechnical Graduate Training ' ourse. Any graduating Senior Studies. Science A Main. Mrs. Edward Schoenfeid. ED 7- brand new • *n at least 2 years of Basic Math, Science. Vocal Musk. Spanish. German A French 18R7: Mrs. William Phillip. ED 7-0191, or Mrs. Gary Marpie, GRAND 0PEHIH6 SPECIAL f gmeermg can also interview ' ior - the Training Course. Jun¬ Civil Engineering students major* for Teaching positions. EI> 2-4062 Only 55.00 SRAHD AWARD STEREO RECORDS ] tor Summer Employment. PER WEEK-END! Central Research Laboratories • I lirl v .W« General Milla. Inc.: Cham (B) Engrs. search. for Food Engineering Chem. Engineering FREE! K GALLON COKE (WE ALSO HAVE CAR-TOP CARRIERS) • Knurklm ()Tmi|p • Riwrinr Reg. $1.93 • C'hxrlf-loB City All Slari llixlehnd $298 root beer or orange A Pilot Chemistry majors for Food Deveiopment & Chemical Be- Plant Operations. w i 1 11 2 regular 1 item pizzas O'LEARY • Hawaii Call- • Enoch l.ixhl: Waltzes (»r llanrini; «arch. Biochemistry (D) rnu- (PL/UN (HEtCC CXCLt UCDl • Paul Whilrman: Hawaiian Mils "i - for Fundamental Food PAINT STORK • Hits liv Tommy and Jimmy Horsey Ibseacph in Starch, Lipids A FRANDOR CENTER IV Mljiil • And Many Others I'rotein. All - i men the College of B k PS (B) (Mi VARSITY DRIVE-IN All Engineers who have a delivery service ed 2-6517 Master's Degree in Business ' Marketing Research WESTMINSTER the (iroMr Fointe Publie School Mfttem: -F-irir fiuealiont Music (Vocal A In- (B» Physical MONAURAL RECORD rumen tal> A other Elem. A wonderful rollert ion of r-1 ior§ for teaching positions Special Education (B) (Men¬ classical record*, including Rep. * I.9B 's 'y Handicapped. Sociallv Trhaikovwky, lleetho\rn. Maladjusted, Speech Correc¬ tion A Remedial Reading i mi- or* for Teaching position* at. (.rieg, Srhuiwrt and rnany SO 9« Elem. School. Secondary (B i olhers. Business Education. English. Foreign Language, Industrial Arts, Math., Physical Educa- •ion, Social Science it Science • ajors for Teaching positions since classiccl eceins Men it women. • Tchaikovsv: Sj mphony • Mendelsshon: Midsummer The J. L. Hodaoo (ampaar: All No. I NiKhf* Dream Reg. SI.9H men (B) (Mi from the Col- • Schubert: Symphony No. H • Havel: Daphnis and Chloe •*gea of B it PS. S A A. and •itrahm>: Symphony No. • Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker 8098 Comm. Arts, for Merchandis- • lleethoven: S> mphon> Sniff. g A Assistant Buyer Train- t Program. Sweets for the Sweet No. 7 • l.rieg: Peer Gent Link-Belt Campaag: Mech. (B» • Dvorak: Symphony No. 5 • Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake v Civil (Bl Engr*. for Train. • Stravinsky Kite of Spring • Mozart: Concert for flute -■Z Programs L<>« • Stravinsky Firebird • And Many Other- Angela* Slate (allege; All vj«r field* of Rtuuy (D > ■liege Teaching positions Exceptions to the Doctoral r»-- iUirement are Physical Edu- ROGER WILLIAMS .tion (Ml, Recreation (M) A Now .. it's a snap The . c'Hinting (Mi major*. Obia FarI (iaa (ampaa* SHOWCASE I Mv. a# (at am Ma Gaa Mr stem: to chango CANDY The Dttherb 4rli«try iMrpuGr puiiiu with of America's moxt -•■teen. (B) A Civil (11) Engrs Holiday for String. frame colors The Walk tilth Alone and the Mighty, You'll Never April In fnrlugal. The Glow Km'. Um r—fwt MM* f— (MhtM-wtM irn Norm and other of his hit*. "Mir . . . u uiMh, atw MMvptM, lam, complete assortment mMw-HWa CiImmik hi Hrtl —I—, (■tin ■an ■«■«»• Wr. A* im, *» — aiM IMT irrmr t* ,Mr «vMt m INT ■■It. $1 98 WE MAIL SANDERS CANDY ANYWHERE TUX-RENTAL » h TWm Cmvh(m1 tiiiCwi • CtuUMfbuad . Ti* ■I'DGCT TXMMi AVA1LAHJE rV£ f.XAMISATIOS S I, • Tax • SMpaxtfer* DR. C. IE.VSE.V, regiiferrd opfomrtn^ COMPLETE WALLACE OPTICIANS VINIAT The Card Shop PINO'S *9 •T <« hi nr v-stti :kw e: grand rvek 126 e. gr vnd river. e. lvnsinf. imi. ed 2-11211 Also Ot.'ices at 107 N. Washington. Downtown 1'rlcrs Also Anplt at Our DOWNTOWN .sTOIIE: JJI S. WASIIINCTON Ph. IV 1-1175 ed 2-6753 And Our FIMNIMIR STORE in MALI. t'Ol'KT ■ ,tor ■' 1 \|kiim.\n srui \rn« 1)1 Offenders Tankers to Meet Michigan, I i-hriMrv 10. 1980 Now Ineli«;il»le Big 10 Not Tempted By Rose Bowl Jxiot Big 10 and National Champs /nlwrtwt in Fiiii 'f Intramural Join lliiiliiiiiilou I lull The SAECA intramural hi>- * :e«;n .« rio longer eligible pion. and A AD titliat and Am- compete. Tashnick was a triple Highlights \Mil hold it* weekly meetm* ' •- : ■" IM c .mpetrtmn t! .> year, .v- e---»r.i.ftg IS I rank Hecnms:. cbaii- intramural spor's CHICAGO CP)—Some $300,00 yearly of Host1 Howl foot- The Suartan tankers have an¬ other giant task Saturday when they meet the University of winner in the Big in :!io 100 10 last year .iiiH 'JiKI-yard butlti1- eriran reeordholder In the lan¬ yard butterfly, will face the A v-iaiki>t>arcl cnntafning the n.gbl in the M^in •kpor - A ♦ .* n>sr, of bail money wan dipping through the finger* of the Rig 10 Michigan, Big 10 and national flv and individual medley. Spartan*. Legaekl waa a member of 'he IM IV.tr«.w 7-M T'\n rj> infractions brought returning include Dave of the r.8. team that eomprtcd IM schedules >n every ►conference Tuesilay. defending champion. Those thou! ruling T:n SAEC X Northwestern's Faculty Ath¬ Giilanders, who can ably sub for against Japan last summer «r! ha* bpcti placed in t/.e facui'.v. «tu»i • Use-i a r :gh sch-iol player In a second, last-ditch vote "Probably last year they were .• S';i«ievits. •■.•■am letic Committee is to meet with¬ the best team ever put together." Tashnick iu the butterfly. Gil- Another top Wolverine is R n of the Metis .nvtted. %!•«••> i x * a:ii a player under an assumed •hi whether to renew n contract pus* mam lobby member* are Coach Charles McCaffree landers set a new mark of 2:02.3 Clark. Big 10 200-yard brca competition. in the next two weeks for a MSU IM building. been wheduled with club* fr »'~ the formal vote, but a spokesman says. He expects the Wolverines T-r iition by the offenders Year's Day game in Pasadena, to have .some trouble from Indi¬ NCAA event, and also won the national AAU competition in t:. and women. --?ed both ' -e nigh school for the university said "There 100-yard butterfly. 200-meter event. Clark, who I unity ( luh hi ftterl men If \<>u are mtere.-ted ;n •••n»" , »-■ r and the IM hockey j»i the Big 10 appeared evenly di¬ is no indication the school will ana. the team m beat weekend, 73-33 MSU last Frank I etaeki. Rig 19 and so hulds the American recur:; instruction anvl Beeman 1.. vided. 5-5. NCAA IH yard freestyle cham- at 200 yards and 200 meter a The varsity club meets to- tion, «a< change its view." basketball team. , have A majority is needed to con¬ brat Michigan, well, recently cracked all rc ght in the stadium club room peition plan to attend thu :-■< T"* rb. 30 when AIM" is bust to McCaffree has great pra: e I.AST 2 DAYS "«*?•> and Catholic Student Or- UC'LA. Washington, Stanford gan State. .Michigan, Purdue and Ohio Slate, the No. 3 team in for Michigan's backstrokers r •> and California. flNMEStWtt'. ;ir.forfe :'<•<■! games w hen Indiana. the conference. Wolverines have John Sm:' tiwy ust-i TIegal players. The old pact with the drfunrt Oii.v four of the Michigau and A1 Gaxiola, who finished LUCON Two K»u»«1s um\1 v;»r.-;:v base- IMrifie Coast (onferenee ewpir- Hose Bowl receipts have* been team have graduated. It was re¬ second and third, respectively, U.-^aI w.c-t i about- $25,000 per share. r,i.l player.. ,i:;c now prae- rd with the 19«0 same, four¬ cently disclosed, however, that in NCAA competition after fin¬ The competing school has been t. :.r-c. ar.d the »"bor used a teen fame* were played, with given two shares, with one each Capt. T"ti> Tashniek has m«»n>• ishing in reverse order in the f eature Today player T.-.oer an assumed name the Rig 10'* only two lo**e* hy nucleus is and is not expected to Big 10. Added to the list l» Wisconsin In 1053 and I960. going to other Big in members sophomore Fred Wolf, a high I 33 • 3 33 - 3:33 and the conference office. Nt oh, gar. State placed *; school teammate of Spartan pick 7 til Minnesota, Illinois, , - — Plui — ? pi«vers on the 1957 All Wisct>nsin. Northwestern and Ohio Sla'e The will official !>e taken conference vote ot the Big HI New York Tilaii* Brackett. }' * f!.g Ton f.rst team, marking .igamst renewal of the rival- Carl IVoaley, a aenlor who >U< m Cartoon meetings irf CoIu:nbu>. Ohio, Hack field Coach: .r e nyne-year rvpresc*:;taiii» wa* ineligible last semester, will Novelty A New* n the Aii-A'oitfcrcnce squad i: iv ,\ii but Northwestern have March 3-5. There is little chance he hark Saturday aiding |.r- announced "their stand publicly. that any of those against con¬ . jr." TOMORROW S;artan history. tinuation will change. Parker or Todd? garkl In the aprlnta, along with Jahu MrGuirr. who was third In TO" " ' IS SI 'PER BARGAIN DAY A loophole remains, however. the eonferenco last year. The Big 10 has a rule permitting NKW YORK Kithvr Ace Sit 2 lilt* "The Moiijp Thai ItnaHrri'* plu. n— hit ... UNITED STATES STEEL RESEARCH CEMTER an in individual the Ho-C team to compete Bow! if invited. In Parker or Dick Todd will be the back field coach of the New York Tashnick swimmer as waa well as t dlstanc* butterfly, in his spot in distance, Wolf an¬ order to eliminate it, a Titans, Harry Wtsrucr, president majority vote is needed. Thus, the 3-5 of the American Football Lea¬ nul Darnton, gophomoro from Monrorvillr. IVilli-* I* iinia standoff, while wiping out a gue Club, said Tuesday. Flint Central and »Ute tttlii*, Parker now is back field coach DAVE GILLANPF.ltS will dominate the department In contract continuation, keeps in-, II,. ..ul.landinE .ip|«.rt unit if. for lira dilate, in: dividual participation alive. at Duke University. Todd, form¬ ...(JifM butterfly standout... the 220 and 440-jard freestyle. er head coach of the Washington Wolf swam these evente la high Betlskina, is running a ranee in school with Brackett KI.KCTRIlM. - MECHANICtl. - CIIEMICAI. Texas. Fir>l Jmlo Mrrl The diving department It Polished Cottons Wismer Tuesday also signed a heavily packed with Joe Ger- KNC.INEERINC lach, Hungarian Olympie diver llriiular X ('untinrnl.il two-year Ground*. lease for He said the the Polo Titans' CI ill» to Host and winner of the natfena! AAU METAEEt'RCY - CHEMISTS seven home games would not title in the three-metgr event MATHEMATICS WASH & WEAR conflict with the Home dates of the New York Giants of the Na¬ Battle Creek last placed year; Bob Webster, vtio in the Pan-American Games. Ernie Melssner, a mem¬ tional Football Ijcague, who play The first dual judo meet on To nndcrlake re.earch and deielopntenl work Spoeiol $3.96 at Yankee Stadium. He added the Titans will play campus will be held tonight at ber of the Canadian team In the Tan-Am Games and sophomor* 7:30 between the MSU judo club Ron Jaco and Tee Francis. four Friday night game* (two in and a team from Battle Creek -Jl parlirularly in the area- of: VARSITY SHOP September and two in October), YMCA. Some top sophs for the Wo?, a morning game on Thanksgiving verines are Terry Slonakr-, The public i* Invited to the state champ in butterfly; Jim SalMineo arrott iin r. lank. TOMATIDN ORE REIU CTIUN Day and two Saturday afternoon will be held in the ;T J meet which \l Kerr, state champ in sprint games in December. Jenison wrestling room. Denny Flodin; who can swim the M.I.OV IIEVEITU'MENT - RAW MATERIAL Battle Creek will be repre¬ sented by 12 men and women 50-yard freestyle or the back stroke. NOW.. MICHIGAN Susan Kohner • James Darren I'IKM'ESNINC \M> I'RIH'.ESS MECHANICAL METALI.L'RCY . -6.>c lo ■> p.m. the mital important motion picture* ever maia! who will go up against partici¬ pants from Michigan State yet to l>e selected. ' officiate Erdelntz Martini Coach TMS &MB K.SM* A Hitchcock will Stort —Lot Ancelea Herald fix pre** Hale the meet. The meet will lie part of the OAKLAND, Calif., Wl-W • Erde!at7, who gained fame •' Canims Mtnriaws AMCM»T>r» KMJ coach at Navy from 19.3*' ©mi '"rwiyi'K» h5s ivTirci'-W,.'W.«-!- club's regular meeting monthly head v . w h'fhW *•"» " if 1 »■ " •» which will begin at 7 p.m. through 1958, Tuesday was nam Martin B »nde, advisor to the ed head coach of the new Oak¬ RtrnH'd b\ lnnn Darren on l olpm TNUR., FEB. II, I "t ri Thpre IIp 1«v*'' I »'prol.ee • I \*rtl\ llfcr You • I Irfitr M* lleh* • In flie Mmrt • |r4Um Hub, said that the membership land team in the America:: Football League. No contract MMBE RSEE MrDinrlr* of V»o ♦ on iiir hunni Aide of th» hiros • n«» «l Htw#* now totals 85 and 120 people are accomodated at each meeting. has been signed yet. DON'T C.ET I At OIIT MITHOTT YOI R mm hirun) mvm BE SURE TO NOP BY AND BROUSE WOLVERINE IH TOUR UK AT OUR EXHIBIT AT THE BOOK FAIR TM1MBIB £VC! OVER 2,110 leaks. Wednesday, Faknary 10, MM IMnSMff ■ MnWj Feature at 1:35.1:19. H. to. OPEN « A.M. to 12 Noon 9:39 p.m. 1 P.>l. to 5 P.M. 7 P.M. lo 10 P.M. MtOGRAM INFORMATION CALL KD MRf SPARTAN BOOK STORE IAjT LANSING PHONlfn your ADt'I.TH 7l»f CHILDREN Super Market For EHuralion CORNER OF ANN ft M.A.C. COME E ARLY — FIRST SHOW «:«0 2 — GREAT ALL STAR Hits <*i Ayi* iw 1:IS • - ie* #:3# BEEB NOW SHOWING ee • i*j 11% sue - i « lili HILARIOUS WEEK ! 20.000 LAUGHS OHM IK SEA! LATEST WORLD NEWS EVENTS . STARTING SATURDAY ONLY TWO MORE PAYS IN W1114 II TO ORDER YOUR PICTORIAL (ATALOGIE of nnil- — llu- I'Ntll WOLYERINE SEE A OUR DORM RITRESENT \TIV E OR IN THE UNION FROM «> .P.M. aw. »i IM.HIHI Mklli ilim'l trurt yiwr mrmori . . . BUY A WOLVERINE STARTING SUNDAY — MIRACLE" > Jr a .1 \ISI tufirrs Iowa Holds Firm -£& Spartan Ivors Edg State News A tun fit ill llip flora ami Dave Walker, trance Kahy of Michigan S'-a*r 1(1 O's >n In Rose Bow I Pact IOWA CITY .-!»•—Ir*a held Tuesday and said ;t favors On Turcot te^s Overtime Goal firm have l>cen named to the mi '• renewal of the Big 10 Rose Bov I . ••er«- on a l-B.g !0 basketball pact, leaving the confer en<« learn named by Tom Decker. deadlocked I ehruar) 10. |«»r,0 Br GARY RONBERG »>--r ITKv'KfN'O TTIF. .V Wl ?iie p.rkt'i Up fo.ll . s* t'c New* basketball expert. There •. nl been word that MSU's Van Srybi "*ok. points on two yoali? and a pa r Walker landed on the first Iowa would swing i's vote t s -i.,mure wingman Re , ! • .• ever but tough In tire of ass's's . . . A'ack, Mus'onen. •cam with forwards Terry Di<- io-.n I'!:no:«, Mmnesota, Wis¬ lO-fuoi •o whistled shot past Michigan goil- a h % wound up with 35 and Fournc! made up the srvond I'iMoiis ileal Warriors chinger' of Purdue and Jerry consin, Ohio St,we and North- . C >> hrnf 23 . lin . . s.jr.h imorcs Frank Silk*. western, wh » nave opposed the :• Jim Coyle with 2:58 gone Lucas of Oh;o State. The tr; > i-rtime to climax a brilliant post-sea>on football tte-up. Chamberlain Tops • 1-2-3 ;n conference scoring A formal v«V on 'he quest lot. j. Spartan cotiiobnck effort •OSl"s Mot Novel! and Will . * - s luMuIed next month. State had trailed by t\w A major.?y v »'e is needed I- halfway through the J.nes of Northwestern were . renew that pae* But the 5-' \ Tiirrottr's , period at the MSL* Tuesday nigh: score halted Mich¬ I.»-. All-Time Record picked foi the top guard slots Joining O'.son and Fans on the second tram are Walt IV!- d<. ad lock between Iowa, Mich :gar„ a- Michigan State. Purdu* I Indiana- and the other B.; igan Mate'* losing .string at MKTIlOIT t Vi—Wift "The Stilt" Chamberlain broke the , - . s/ fnd.ana .V center, R-m in fV.o's 'eaves a loophol* thrre games and gi7rs the Spar- National Basketball Association's all-time single «na>on sn.r- ■> vhi.-h wr.ui'i allow anF J'-u.-on of M;nno 'a. for war I. . taiio a clean sweep over the nfcrence meirVr to accept a injr mmrti with a f 1 -point burst Tuesday nijrht nirainst the and' jeirv Ba s from India... Wolverines at Fast l.ansing. !! .*i* IV wl -nvitat. n. state lost to Michigan, 6-1. at Detroit Pistons, but the Philadelphia Warriors lost the guard \mi Arbor Jan. 15. but returned qrame 122-111. <11 Iti* 1R TiWv". »•. ft* • K t to home ice the following night The fabuf'iijx rookie n«»'V ha* tavrx him 1.6! 3 f'»r thf year, i ••»* t.» dump M'a icers. 4-'!. I SIT coach A mo Bessonc h i score'! 2.134 point■-•. 2U told ro-.-.rd i breaking *>\ f 2>t05 estab¬ bo*ter si a.-nn thau b> the Bill R mark i ell .<• of : *hr • UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' SPECIAL gled his three—forward lines lished last season by Bob Pittit Bost-n Celtic.': YOt'R IIIOICF. Of; the Michigan game in an of the St U»u;< Hawks. Prime beef open face sandwich au jus-—extra targe plaU— ompt to add mote scoring Pettit set his record over a 72- Chamberlain scored 15 points whipped potato—coffee or milk tveh, but the changes appear- garne span. This was Wilt's 56th in the first half tonight a* the IN ADDITION. RAMPLr IJRFR \l.t-V I ROM ANY OR ALL to be anything but effective game He missed one of th«- Warriors held a 57-35 halttime Ot i NpFCTAL \PPf Tl/FP.> •he first period and a half, Warriors' 57 games w:th the flu. margin. Rut the Tistnns out*rnr- "he Wolverines' leading gorl s<» the 7-foot-2 phcnomeneti. on¬ ed Philadelphia 31-22 in the , i.tecr Steve Bochen noteht d '.2th score of the year to put aati in front a? 12:37 of tut? (ertod. M's fabulous sophu- ly 22 years old. has 18 games in which to add to the record. The S.7raru*r National* defeat¬ ed the Cincinnati Royal* 117-111 third for good. The period and took the lead ho? oii' ite shooting of DOR51 STt DIMS, 98c looking for a realty fine meat tht* Gene Shue and r -.-k'.c Baikj Sunday evening? f or the finest cuisine at hard to heat price* - center Red Berenson ma« e in the opening gVme of the three minutes later when H.wrll kept Detroit in f r. .r it i Olympia stadium double header be sure to visit . Pod in alone on Spartan down the home <*rr*xh. The witnessed hy * crowd of 8.201. . Ur Kid cm \\»n Spy brook Chamberlain broke the'record Warri"r« drew wi'hin one poir;: hut H'lvvel! and Shue crammed "HOUSE OF BEEF' v.hipped a beautiful back- All meats served hy the "House of Reef* ara WD.A in the early moments of the sec¬ in quick points to f;ni»h NO I If I vhot from 'he right S'.de >e\cn . • ond period with a jump shot off Prime. Nothing hut the finest for you from . . . upper lefthaud corner • "«• state Newt Phola lie T«m Anaxtraog from the key. The game wa« - • • net. . Shue finished with 30 point*.. SP\RT\N* TIRKV MOROVTY ami lack Rob¬ the puck past State goal lender Fldnn 4'anftpy- stopped and Pistons' General "HOUSE OF BEEF' Howell, 29. Walter Duke*, who sp.irt.rn captain .lick Roberts erts put the Miurrtc »a Alwhigan"* 51 llinnegan hrook in Tuesday night's flash at the MRU lee Manager W. Nick Kerbawy pre¬ "had the job of guarding Cham¬ put -tate on the scoreboard at tI3i as the Wolverine- wtrxmaa attempts to get Arena. sented Wilt with the basketball. berlain most of the night, scored l».-.0 of the second period after Wilt accomplished his feat un¬ 20 taking a fine pass from Andre 113 W. MIC HIGAN AST. l!(i Train- Si\ Kvonl- llflil der trying circumstances. Sev¬ Detroit Coach Dick McGuire Utnste who had centered the eral of his teeth were jammed (Nftt to Hotel Olds I was thrown out of the game ju.-t pu. k from behind the netr* into his tower jaw when he was before the half, for protesting Hours; Afon.-Sat. 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. — Sun. II a m t p.m. IM SMimmers Win Game: • nsoti put Michigan ahead rt 58 of t n tl rr I '. •• Kansa* T«|p> hit in the face in Sunday's game vigorously referee Jim Duffv's Sprrialirftig in: roast beef, round beef, chicken, durk. steak*, ele. a' St l/uiis He said he had failure to call a foul as McGuire .-recti shot from 'he r.ii :' FOOD YOU ALWAYS ItF.MKMBKR" , Winner of the 3(T-yard free- practically no food since, and . ,,;,d !• looked like State sdv fa!: Kiitiv Li«i| ■ • T ; were croa b' nod in the rr.ch'g In- ma clyle event was Wayne Parsons had been able to tike three drove in for a lavup. •*\.r nr.-: :•• dividual i wim meet glusy!e made a J o A' . > th.> house Saturn; Pre! R' on i •" Fe-i- r a Schedule Bill Jamison clocked *26.3 and was followed by Jim Post Jam¬ ison also took bregststroke in •33 6 the 50-yard Jim Thom¬ minute*, crack the i* the third player »• J.iMlO-poInt harrier. George Yard ley wo- the first, scoring 2.001 points in the 1057- ervoort's.'1.1 E. ORAM) RIVER •rial save of A' h V- «' 2 p-'i arid c*.- *; 7 58 •'-' have the making •»< »ne M tke rt tatc Coach Fran IM!* CLOSING OUT t i « lfrr» Atornney knotted the 7 7# tri. h • ■Him at 12:50 on a point-blank t;i m »hm from the Hrht side after Fight mtemW-ieg-rate a* - ■*' c . VI 3 llssiortti tl Aloft* CO'iff 'CIci i *"4-. ■' I" '-k % from LaCnste. taking This set the stage tune heroies. a pass for the over- ent-ies i.v ^irri'-v ; Ct r, ft m • S A: C • v* Jr Knti U« 3 Bnttrrfirtit A-t our enfire stock Ct « Brsan f-t -:gan began with l uu ■ .. * X# , .ng twice m the ope'i- r.v» "•-■m.rnts :'l when of the sudde-i- o;\. State g.' a break the Wolvcrire-' v and 12 opsrc addtxi f'Mi.-" - ' ' -.e puck te no-, spotted Turrotte behind " • outdoor winner; and Kansas sUte. chief p»rs«en and IHhk*"i BOT4IIM. I *n Opportunities cieoj! of the las hawks in the fUj t -3 of the goal mouth, a 'd AS • ' '■? •-•k-'fuft •*ar* with a perfect pa-- ' ■ In Challenging Billtrtfirla N ,re Dstntv Purm;-- Ot ■' Viir. J-* Botterfiria 4-a C.ER3IAN IMIXlliTS Drake. M.--ear1. U>y • *-•' #3 »-!• Bnttrrfirld 1-4 AT IM Results improved M chtga- >'i*- . BtM K» V nasKFinxir • N-j uriwr-.L »ne of ,.-x rf'a.- ■ r :■» ' • ivt »« I* u I Rather'sa A (a It irkft|nr* v* BUzffi Fields TKE.7IENWUS *1. K«l"« .V"i year, and a'l r.A!»ni» bai.i „ Uessl. flrmlw. I"1"- champkir.s a •? reiu—i ng • >•- ex j miIh. CfUtrnin n IrfHfM. I rrti-n frrfeOfUrk SAVINGS <1 strintcrs Tt. Vlllil"* tvtnpsng ?•> repeal .it ttaesr 11 ? vurmtn. A •• kprykrook v*. Th« Buroau of Ships of th« U. S. Navy has 3^ I • T.ot. Rraxsnt t*. Kcvnojds. spccialve*. NrnMi, »i«»4rn shuts W. Jets ?S , . opportunities for enginoara in tht following » ." n„ S. roster, samrls . apecialties: Electrical, Elactrothc, Mechant- • ltni.fi (I, a.hrr 31 cat. Civil (for training as Naval Architects), SI'YDER 95 ti: 39 »; Marktns 2J I' af n • 4". Rtinnrr* 1? hi. ?#. %dtferlrv HowUnit 73 13 IS OUR Marina and Naval Architecture. All pla«tir. laminated hick- •ry. Metal edged. Reg. I5S V0 1J. Milrrn. Ptevet * You will participate in programs involving RED fi is Pinkst^rs M ll; !»aroM tl new concepts and advanced studies in ship, FACE 0"hB 31. playtNMr* S3 Hin;.ion tl; Johnson U machinery and olectronic design including • Ms 4*. Sharks 3S hydrofoil craft • ,. air cushion ships . . lu-.nlsnn U: Rsmhi^rs S?. VltUgr M0»*« simm* 17 t» . ^ it- motion stabilizers ... thermo-ottctnc power H»■ • IT; ronton 7 generation ... thermionic power conversion ( KitVIM 7 28" t y 1.1 ' »S. - »S. PJ's 37 IV. MrCnrmn W li A p mjiiiIp,! In »ltui nnr «ak la»l nwl, lull . . . fuel cells • • . magneto-hydrodynamtc ' ' »s. Ilnkrs 3V propulsion . . . missile environment . . . Plastic top and botUun*. He ;nn 13. john»«n S rnftctts llip rn-li -a- —» jitji U«l Honilai ami Tup— noise reduction ... radar, sonar communi¬ laminated hickory and ash. House user »U» cations. Metal edged. Reg. 43.5H ».sin -us Vive over .Manor Hlcr . ilav thai ... b't. lows Boys over .Pbl Ma aihh* Training programs ar# tailored to individual VOLLrTBALL r.s t" over Ps Karn' 1«-U. ltd* assignments, and job-related graduate study WE HAVE « "mi Su over AH PL !*-«. tS-*l is sponsored by the Bureau of Ships. 1- fh; over PK T*n; »-!*• 14-tJ. 0IA7IANT 11 »«i'i C MO ' I"'t » "WMTMU rxmiMTION i ' e» ( AM hi over n„f BT Pi. l*-s 14-1*. 1*-« t.C.A: t*-U. l*-l. |»TIL tJ-3. **-» forfett ADDED more SHOES Positions are available in the Headquarters Office in Washington, 0. C . and in the naval shipyards and laboratories throughout the United States. Fully edge*, laminated with metal Reg. 3dit (hftatanding —. value. 17" tew.it I.inns •ukettall t*WW *•' v*. i,rand I edge If*. 13. I MM at I M pa. In oar »alr — sPEom s'« Grand (.edge Nigti s< nnnl l.*m INTERVIEWS ON YOUR CAMPUS KOI.I.K '.-•Mionv to game included with Huntmk of pain in all iiw< SKI.FHKK IIKKL RELEASE ti nr || m it mailed AwSwgs wRh year Wecement Officer «e meet «-niari Ma^WhMner - • of tee Bureau ef Stepe. whe Ski BOOTS BINDING 50% Italian full with Ski-fr», or C A aw MP REDUCED UP TO FEB 17th w 10 Inner hoot, BIG E.%N? men'* A women'* Reg 24 *5 19 A.N.T. tor rrlroxr IIpr. I purchaae J of any al ^ g| 79 itov* »Alt J' • FORD Vt Ca—try | j ^da*. i ntfriag, i LANSING ROOT* 8 j biiMHwi. t •r ram SKI RENTALS ^ 5J I'Sa - u ,u Department g^jfte Navy Reaerve a set far future purchaae! Came In and tag one with yaur name. SHOP TONIGHT 'TIL 9 P.M. iwiri ! MlCHKi %\ MATH NKWA Trkmirv IB. 1W* J Seniors «f the Week To Discuss Health Hazards at Mooting CAMPUS BOOK STORE >U 1 h« vi :h Tie*.,IH. h.i t'.i- ui' Ae'ntiinjr nvachincf «»riV'riiiir ntrt'oc aivl lifh.'P '» > « T. wii! lit- top it* for "lUily ai a torthpomiiBr Maivh 1-2 •1 in» ... ..lari - William Seaman Named to Position Bv Arehettlnjiisls ANNUAL NE'INVENTOSY SALE Now Thru February 20th l)r \V ' S. ui. jir.'Ie• • ; • if iia- iiiil lanpti.'v«t*.v, hn» b«-■ .U-I;:tiated du Institute lavtui - ■ M- • »< Art-haeoliluteal b • < and o ill 1.•«-*. 111 c BARGAINS "f \ yrx a BARGAINS 4 onfrrrnre olfirlaK point out various :mn ► r>diei !hi> •-..•-i.'b MtRlllt r%BM nn k sHmwn thai harirri.t ran fintl rouilitinns * 11* At. M I.* •• itlral for propagation in a ma- Off a pibm. \:..- Rll IMRII M %ITORI). w, iliinr disprnsliiK warm fomls. ii -.ifIll • ■ r. it.■ .• . in «Mi; r ><• a re< «rd V - ■ ■ •< K I , V ; ! ;i \ v H.i' proper precaution* arc not tak- In Sdwol Supplies *mp *nd *4-\ .<• <• IN BOOKS *d P., • M# h.vvn .f - •.»: • .1 I-, 'I..I . • iii t!i< in t|i.u a.i. ■: !M i ,•!' the fa. :uMv ir.i »Fu ,-iii'i tiit rtf- M.V . * ?. .. . .. i n.atl i - ft: so, ..itv ijif > i.'i .■ -s.ir-.r .•! Di.h.v. »:»■■' * < ..s for » t ri! . a S. i*, .ie Bureau <»f ft ;t,» -b» r of ir.-.'k , IPC* ' ' i' 1 ' S t'!a -n al I.i ajiue . rhmroia* '■■■■'■' ?'.<• <,!»•« K \V« •!» *;c.« <• ■ I»i Bm-fc.'ti. ,.f STATIONERY - i . of .1 nurp.lx'i of fla -u H IK -Pa; Hvi bo:, jti* i i • Nu. ;«•!•» •' • • vise Colli k»* . ' Af,ri< ti'rtn•. IIis article* ha c co-cha.rman f r :?.«• Big • 1 !?•'< - A. T ■ n \ .ie wots classical i •:«•■-* A - )• < : • : A .•••".! .v.*: 11 n- 39 VOLUMES ' Pnyllr' •• ' •• : 1.1' .ip •< . "« r 1 1 *:'>!♦ Bu ' »' *V ' • rvfifjatr b'!»n»lvitnc cpiifcmu*' Quality Boxes r-rgt ' .i.IJ .p & I u.,. h*r >.,!• : •• Ofi>- > f / !♦ ..Ml ! IS h.*'tl I'll* . • sanitarian* and tlir fcdrral Destroy Fitelor) "Yale Shakespeare" ,14. \Vj*!> \?ar!; aJ!-r. l>gt B* rr n«n '■■■ v.-. I): government latelj hair -express¬ ed concern over the appearance MAVI1K UK SHACK. M.I. 4'1 LARGE SELECTION ■ w P'i1 <»u!..inr.d.»;g honor* including .Tumor award. ;u.d 'hr wo* Yaiv:* prnsudviv? <•: :• in milk of antibiotic* u*rd combat mastitis, officials note to A set < of explosions-bioa- up small building* like a Now *15.00 Reg. *60.00 i >. . - ;, - !• IV" >. . • . , , A i in:-.: i Ui .*.•-C»* co-curricujur nuftr-o. 'i^.i of Veti rmarv Mt da mo. Maryland town today. . p'.vis In bp ■ in A "< r i< ai. 1) • K >• V* Inn. the r.irt Health ' Trooper David Forrestef '..n» a-. : v.-k ...i t-. 1:1. « '• • «• vi ),•;> u t on atlion t.t •aid 2.» jMi s. n* v. ere believed :n . * . . • i.. •. ik tn V" i •he f;r*' f the 1ft small frame 1)4 'V W At nn: •»'.«.!. dealt of buildings 1 don"! !•> blow up. know if any of them HUNDREDS OF not." he said. INFORMATION •. MSC Colltwr to \ , •crinari dab u>d out or W. expecting another one KNITWEAR M b. in. *v.!t »p« ak on the re < atiiomc MI HINT nr.i.w- KAPPA Atril% Ml • a'.fie tuberculosis program m n» !>e go up i hell of anjlnae now. It should a blast " NEW - USED IMTiOS 7 (»0 ban , 301 lie >acl be helped one elderly The i f fcrctue is spnh.M ro«i aw ,y from the scene but *-1 p.n . Co"... .» w ■ i • 1 ' liv both the MM tleparIntent ' won an » 8. '0 . ,v-. 4' :•'P > .'''I' V. ■ * " K . I- ( ; i n i ; :.t >!< ;.v" and I depart meld of m ,."i o- pubhti health. 1 .4i.i ing ?v.i aiu't an d Jo be suffer¬ th trom sh'Uk Fiction - Nonfiction Closeouts on ant ie"'. " ■' fV' sMM AP*» p M. . CommiCcr B''h mpp-ngs ar« opf-n 'c! In , I.I < : ;.m„ i.iil R Ml Th It. C ....! PR! Meet. . f 11 H I96 0 Reduced MSU Sweatshirts, Jackets s tvt % sri r>r\TN' WIVI ?* 7 3d ;• •!: . K< 'o.;.; C.-n'Ci C- * ri:nftiii\(i Rirt.i ?* * n r VIVA ::: T.-v • GRADUATE ENGINEERS . m: c : r.n, .n 3 3Vi to 90% Reduced 50% -. i;, • i -.f. pfMii 1 and tn » 11. r « d • . . . hast cmr u.o, isoiasa Reg. *199.00 NOW s49.00 K m I V ;C, The pVibbe :■ orf l*T«ndnr, . I . i« Joritad. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I Sheaffer specials tu-e Optnm#tH»U in Brttrr Srrsr Your NptiU 50 VOLUMES Nnr U« PiiM S • Vym BwmrIrpiI Narwld 1 SlmMtr. 0.0. Mtrt E. Btmes. O.D. • Opllrnl Kepaio ilOOC- •r BAY GASOLINE! s ^ Reductions to 50% £ v., other brands mi • l com riiwr rittnl KO APPOlVTVrM M CPSSX'A I R %\m»K I I VTI K • I onliirl l.fn«c» l\ 7 1414.1 : 94 oaiK ' 30". PAPERBOUNDS '*r name ^I 0pm Mon . Tbur. I H I venini* "III « included j WEBBER'S New and Used ITS 6REAT FOR A DATE! OPEN BOWLING {spartan SEE the 50% off table STRAND LANES SPARTAN LANES i SERVICE Sr. ni.KS. WEST of KUK H SPECIAL PURCHASE Michigan 3411 K. Mieliican ■ 2.1111 K. K ILAVIAZOO ■ Theater ■ ' ■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•■■■•a# ■ Paint by number Bid?. I V , lilt 2.2.11 I PRINT SALE kits up to 4 IV 2*32311 ^ ,jl 1 J Free Parking » f tt|n-n 10 A.M. B-4-U final reduction on Stroke Paints paintings per box ATTEND THE J HOP 50% off Now *1.00 w MAKE SORE THAT YNDR ^ TUX OR FMNML HAS "*^r BEER fflfANFR AND ^ T PRESSED BY .. . (AMPUS BOOK STORE SPARTAN BOOK STORE "I'fwr Sm1*1 market for Education" J§aL «• ACROSS FROM THE UNION BLDG. I"" •• ■a'- ' M ■ ■ &V: VtifvV-V "ff" ■ • - •• * - •. •