* Review Criticized riie Weather llnlicrl Shun Chorale Snow Warning* Itrpnrt Irk* Rradrr* High , 22 Srr I'aur l,ow 5 " MIL. 51, No. 137 KAST LANSING. .MICHIGAN—TUL'IiSPAY. FKIiRlAKV 11, 1960 1'RlCE 3 CENTS Southwest Wages Weather Warfare On Storm-Plagued Central Michigan Trustees to. Consider Pilots Vietv ROTC Proposal Today Dust ( Joutls Hannah Keeomtiiendii ^nirk Mori-ion: Over Slale IVear-Kvrn Sfilil of Sentiment Kvperteil Sliiilrnls SnoMetl Academic senate'* rovomiBend.it ion to drop compulsory Ity Slip|MT5 Slu-lt ROTC as il now exists at MStT is expected to conio before the university's Boartl of Trustees for consideration this f he freezing rains mixed morning-, spurred by President John A. Hannah's hope with Oklahoma and Texn ■ that the Imarii will take quick action on the issue. dust, plairuinjr centra! Michi- Approved hv a 40Oi248 >en- pan are due to move out ate \.>v M mdav. the prnp": goon, accord in tr to the Sogre^alion to make nil but one ad States Weather Rureau arc TPhTV voluntary at S\v» Pilots fly inn - vrr .^oifher" must be approved by a majority Michigan r-t.M hi : At Counters vote of the .-ix-man Iv^ard if -t Rlilt N#W« FIMa Rv Dale NafMen is to g,» info eftcc* Senate's b«ll ii.oon f«- I C SEMES rCATTRFl) SPEAKER WfMiy nUM was Eric asks that 'he new military inhRslon. president of the Motion Ptctwro Export A««orlatlon of training system be operative by \nirrica, shown here mulling over last mtnnt* Irthn-mn addressed a gathering In Fairehltd Theater. His topic wa« rhangrs In his test. September 1981. Earlier speculation was tha Continues t Time for Bridges" which draft with the cultural exchange idea. the trustees might put off a final decision until a future meet in-r, Vfrroe* IVuifM v l ilm Head on L-C Podium but Dr Hannah said Wednesday he hoped the university's gov¬ tlarolinii rractlee erning body would settle the is¬ sue immediately if possible Eric Johnston Urges Hannah aald prevent aenate'i recommendation he planned lo r«I RAEKIO'tt. Nf. ejrir-throwinjr inviilent creat- a moment of —An" tension MSI MONTREAL MODEL I N delrgales pre- Ranald Urnnldl tfronti. and (rear, left to r in hit The slee| appears to tie more to the trustee* without offering pare their AI'HCl report. Participants Included Dsn Hkeen. Harry Hirwh. Vanre Ityervrn. I'd Til - Wetlnesrlay in the otherwise amtosinc than dangerous. The U. S. to Lead World personal opinion. Trustee f delegation chairman Hon Emertrh and advisor litaon, Jorge l.tmantnur. and liirk Srh.irf a last |.an«lng and Xfirhigan state Allen Harlan said he had hoped peaceful demonstration here poltrr report traffic mm fog nor¬ Hannah wanld send his own by Neyro students atrainst mally. with out# two minor traf¬ By t lirrK MIEMEI.Y recommendations with the pro¬ seyrPirated lunch counter On llccciit Montreal Mission fic accidents posal to help guide the board In T5 • I'nited States in the most powerful nation in the Its derision. sen ice. V'-i eigh r lrnpvi •''rwts »'id world and should assume world leadership as Fro Johnston, President of the Motion picture Association, laid Wednesday night at Fairchild theater. the jriant it is, Harlan said the noncommittal attitude of »hc pre .ictvt appear¬ ed to indicate agreement with Raleigh, *he Vorth Carolina capita'. Ivecame the six'h Tar Her! c ty in which the demon- Model UN Group Drafts Report u.-h, .-tibra. 'he ,IM r.-'ii .. Grounds d»*parimeri' tlcep w's'h that Iht'ir crew ?ia# i>eer» senate's approval stration*. mostly by college stu¬ r 'iisistently clearing 'he ar-Pa> •Ours i* the magnificent op¬ of the change in policy but added he would dents. have been staged MSI's dolega'es to last week's peaceful use> of miter space, eat!- 5fNf >.#a# attending !hr \t->n- T')e ;'iiow-romoval crew been portunity to mold and ohape tho "Die eggthrowing inctden n,-- treal ,"'fu*lav for the 'fond i'curing at 11 Tuesday nigtif an.l University Model United Nation# Di¬seases TV--rid to benefit all mankind,'* Johmton said continue to ma! recommendation by Han¬ support RQyc In the absenc# of • for¬ cmvpulaory curred in the F. W. Wool worth Co.'# downtown store, where m Montreal are preparing a ed for investigation of establish¬ ing • permanent ITS pea force, nme a in d''Vg-«'. !9"»9 Al'SG aNo baekrd '•» the li-*' l.'Ml'N w-orked through 'he nigh' 'o «r•• to .-!c.,} walks and strep*# p> Because of the weather. John¬ "mission-accomplished report for and backed the World Foot nah. young Negroes stood lined up at the next Al'SG meeting Select¬ Prove Fatal ston !ha' theater. Ice* tired to an filled Se«« than audienco half tho If the board elects to decide tha issuo teda^ :« rlo-e vote Is a lunch counter which had been closed m the face of their de¬ ed by the International Relations c ub, the potitical, science .study Bank. The sponsoring universities believe this to be the targes* and Wolverine the f/eezing central ram Mici en mands for service nper; "Me haven't gone out boldly expected. w.'-; members group, 'he delegates were spon¬ To Prelate most ambitious project of 41 Dv'ro 18 and done things we should havo apparently .leanui* n each di¬ The eggs hit the counter and sored by At'SG's VJ.*»0 appre- ♦vpe n<»w i»eing conducted# More Bill Passes Mackinac. " m.i.' rection. A deadlock w »uld re¬ aplashed on the Negruea. They prM'.lon for the projec*. because we have followed the than twice a# many school* were sult in nonpasssgt- of the met- gave no reaction either to tfila The MStT delegates included 4*4 Russian's initiative," Johnston represented this year as in 1959. nv itir xxxnrtATm l*Rt #a sure. #r to Jeers and ratralls thrown Don Emerich as chairman, Dick ( anlinal St«*|i»iiar said. in Yugoslavia We must lifi the barricades of al them hy groups of Scharf, Fri TWitson. Vance Hy- erson. Dan Ske. n. Ilarrv Hirsch, lit addition to 18 Canadian college# and universities, the Ivy AUSG Boll Tfw 'ippled wide >rsf snowstorm tn of :hr Mid- ve?,;, fear and the dugouts of bigo- !!•>.■* Johnston said. "We must Fraternities' TTie next, door McClellarj's va¬ a-ui Jorge Liman'oiir. president of to MSI* Model UN. Dr. League schools, MIT and Car¬ negie Tech. and a variety of • Wedncsdav Whole cities nearlv i" >M wave bore In behind fir.se, one of three prelates other establishments •h«m erican delegation came from the classrooms To solve this prob¬ also were have symlxdized Roman lem, wc mis! turn off the ora-' For Food Talk affected. They, too, closed their The Montreal mer'.iug. the sec- aid annual afnit of type, was I'nlveraity of California, to rep¬ resent Cuba. R* IIOH AItn IIOI.Ml N • bl'T/ard-like storm to • n'er'« one-two punch enm- 'in Catholic opposition to com. t>", •. And turn on the money. eating sections. sponsored by four local schools: Stale New# Night I'ditor Tr-e-.m in East Europe, • He li#W seven golden oppor- Quantity foM buying and l*s Deapi*e the explosive atmos¬ McCtili University, the Univer¬ The UMtfN features nne in¬ S!< i. weather was blamed lun stir, for 'he people c»f the advantages will be introduced to phere. 'here were reports of teresting rcsimblancc to the ac¬ V l»ill for apjiropriiit inu i Wednesday in Krasic, sity of Montreal. S:r George Wil- cast 18 deaths across the US to i.. i'ic tho cultural dif¬ fraternity cook*, stewards and actual violence and there were tual UN «essions in New York — for flistriluitinn of \Vo|. 'na'u native villajre fhat was bams University, and Loyola ference- through the world and housemothers a*. 8 pm in 57 no arrests No police officers simultaneous translation in En¬ College sixty American and verihe-i to hiprh schools for The storm dumped more than prison. He was 61. abolish illiteracy, disease, and Kellogg were stationed in the store# Canadian college# and univer- glish to French was u«ed at all a foot Of snow on .■'v.rrtattve sources said Dr I/mda! Kotschevar, pro- The demonstrations began !a*t session*, as nearly a fourth of p ,i student delegation consin and up to 15 Inrhea on the wiry, strong- .ns'.'utional management and they spread to W.nston-Saierr, from the University of Mexico. speaking schools of eastern Can¬ pas-«»p;rit. * through volume purchasing, ac¬ to "sen or not to aell to cus¬ the delegates heard addresses by add realism to the aes»u>n*. .V Expan ' democracy and cording to Dick Stafford, chair¬ pa#*fil to Rockford, a bustling induatr'il tomers as they «ee fit.** There Lester Pearson, iMtot peace implications followed freedom throughout, the world of the committee. rommiilce#. city of 110,000 population in Biftly. by encouraging democratic idea's man is no law. however, requiring segregation in eating places. prise Winner and laadar of the Canadian wpmltlnn Uberal Dmry Engineer* Mem J, T«l»l. RW, mud Kafrly northwestern Illinois all but iso¬ lated t)niy one mad, a toll way Cironal Sioninac had been jrnrl evolutionary processes in ElerUoiM Correction He said college officials "have party, UN aCfktals, and panel CAST LANStNO — A *n]M- #"Ver.l miles east of the BRhne-i by president Tito's re. d v'ritt coantric- CommHtoo, be inelnded to city, c*r* the right, and probebly the experts on world oveipopulation tlon of dairy plant traadg la tho remained open. Krasic, a wine-growing «. Fvtend law ' urder ' > two « Roger Baldwin will be appear- duty." to prohibit any action on IMOs will be ono of Bra gubjneta <" southwest of Zagreb all nations by the wa<. of the The industrial city of Kenosha ' h Fairchild Theater at 8:15 the par' of students which The Ml student delefitaa vot¬ highlighted at the ei^itb annual The main reasons for ; In . *ir, Kupa river, as -a pa- United Nations. southwtiU'rn Wisconsin was "W p.m. Thursday only, not Friday threatens the peace and welfare ed to oppose seating of Nad Dairy Engineering "~ lng the committees reports Lar¬ rrisoner dubbed "a for- 7. Further understandmj a- ry Campbell, chairman of paralyzed. American Motors as previously reported of a community. supported a plan fog Fob. 23-34 at MSU. srehbifhoo" since Decern- mor.g the peoole of the world grevs Business and Stato C'V.v- wi-iCd down its assembly line# in Kenosha and Milwaukee by nrogTess in communication. Committee, is to redistribute the Seniority Fouler* Idea Acceptance ' "' T'.ran City Pope John "These tools arc at our finger¬ after several of Its big auto- work of AUSG. ce • **H' '.ed a mourning pray- tips,** Johnston said, "We must carrying trucks Jack-knifed or The traffic study and safety became stalled on icy, snow* r v Cardinal, who was g» forward as the leader of the. problems In the oast 20 week , oJ WWJ Lady Editor if the free w-y !<-' clogged road*. 'Stayon 'b Hints . ;»e to get to Vatican world committee ha# had only two '•-e.ve she red hat that survive the expansion the one on the biryriv paths arid on : i-Tnbo! of hi* rank. Eu- communist world." ' '•-••na1. Tisserant. French *:.e The tr ek is staying in the Job people's ideas. This Is where Mrs. Harris explained that hef "Then they take yon to sen the Berkey traffic problem. The elections commute. >nly Atllai Listens College of Cardinal*. : r s' S'epmae must be Junior College* if you want to use your good idea.#. Mrs. Fran Harris, Wo¬ persona! integrity really counts. "Patience enough to wait until field is essentially public rela¬ tions. She said she feels that their new car and get your views on it, honing you'll find perform* election . its function during and >« ;'] ei»me und-T As Tello Tells the responsibility »f the congress the heroes of the Ttt Hear Siebert men's Editor of WWJ radio and TV. said recently. you get high enough Is very im¬ women work are better because they suited to thie It good enough to say something Business and state Affairs Com¬ 'he has suffered so portant, because it may take are more MEXICO CITY (/Th—Mexico's about on your show. mittee. Christ and the Romax Eleven junior colleges will at¬ Mrs. Harr;.*. who i# preaident years to get there." aware of the personal feelings foreign minister Manuel Tel'o Women'# Ad Club la Mrs. Harris conducts an in¬ of people. "It's the hard sell with tbt One new rtwwlution in- - Church.** tend an organizational meeting o* the Wednusduy told Adlai Stevenson Dctro:*, spoke be'the mem¬ terview show on WWJ in De¬ Public relations woik consists gentle touch. Itndnred ronrernia* the estab- of the Michigan Community Ju¬ what he considered ;he major ber- t.' Gamma AlphI Chi. pro- troit. She interviews visiting of creating an imago, she said. "It's hard to know how muell ■toment of a student rood net nior College Journalism Assn. problem between the United "'itnlrsring i.wV* • .day at Kellogg Center. fessionai women'# adwrtising celebrities and stars. Business For most consumers this image to take, and if you do take It •anMntoalon. II Is for the par- St i' h an | Latin America: ■oiiilition \ow 'GomT The keyno'r address will be fraternity here. and manufacturing haw also is connected with a personal you have to deliver. Again," she poae of fUteriac nil eases whlek A seat to too Dean to Kin- growing resentment over civen by Dr Fred Siebert. d> •Even' though employers say been interviewed. experience. said, "this is where personal in¬ are increasing costs to U.S. export¬ She aald she considers bMM "No amount of written denU off lee an slndeat eondurt. '•-n of Dorris Riddle. rector of the school of journal¬ they van' to hire person* with or tegrity is all important." ed products and the decreasing 1 Cm* 'ne .beginner is ahrgya at to be In nne of the bast matto. spoken advertising is going to Mrs. Harris attended the din¬ It Ma# vent to a eanuulMae for frwbman. was re- ism. wno will speak on "Th» miM-. value of imported raw material •* the of the ladder, the "I can always make an Inter¬ counteract tha effects of a snooty ner earlier in honor of Gamma further tovaaUgnttan. good by Sparrow Ho.#- Importance of Journalism to the p.tt rn Bern Latin countries. iaokeamen Wednesday Community Junior College " *u.d s*>meone aoove him may view tape and send the perm* salesgirl ntoa leaks 'down her Alpha Chi> 14 new active mem¬ Bryce Plapp vkn president Stevenson, Demoertok presi¬ Finance?, public relations and hi# ideas or the ideas may happily on his way," she said. nose at • enatonwr," Mrs. Harris bers after their initiation. an VWIWl of corner IS Abbott college representatives and MSU can use y our own idea*. Then automobile boj Ma Cnatoi advisor of the might know ■— about what Afterwards Tello was host to I . ** Gtmt 1m „ faculty it is important not to ma atov * «al*| m a MM i luncheon in Stevenson a honor. MP * Ali<'lii«ran Stale Nous "Tote Ual Bilge, Lift Dal Bale' Read I" Msl '« OOll student* and I* ^0 <0 ^ 4 %rnoi.it* srrwNT Till BHIIAV NOON l.l'MilEON REFORMED the t»e ORGANIZATION 12:10 p.m.. Wesley House. For ih« -mm miivid. M.i 4-5 ».m, Catholic Student 30 cents you get a fine meal 7:30 p.m., 130 Bailev I wi t'i'nter. Coffee hout. and hear a stimulating «peak- Cavanaugh will speak <-n r rh ward a Better Under.'..r HM AII IMi IT.I B t'MON BOARD WEEK of Catholicism'*. Pr Ol.v I:;; I'liiir-ilm. Miriiar* 11. IM. l\n-. T-«>« 7 p.m., 22 I'nioti. Mr. .losep-ii F.XEC t'TIVE COMMITTEE AMERIC AN MKIETT «| Maloney, Assistant Personnel 7 p.m., Mural room, Union. I I VIE ENGINEERS t director at ton. Rlke-Kunlcr, D'V- Ohio, will talk Informally J-IIOf EXECUTIVE C OMMIT¬ 8:30 p.m., 33 Union Los I in tlio Lihrarv? it TEE with the retailing students WINGED SPARTANS 7 p.m.. Auditorium. WISH AMATEl'R RADIO C'EI B 7'jjjtt., 33 Union Sr. ♦ SKEPTIC'S C ORNI K ground school les«on t 4 10 p.m.. Wesley llou.-c Your 7 30 u m . Foundry Hldg BETA BETA BETA W ATER C ARNIVAL PI Bl It opportunity to raise question*. ll Ln'l Thai Piix/lina RELATIONS COXIMITTII 7:30 p.m* 409 Natural Science BIdg. 3 30 p.m., 315 Student Sen. U TI It ORSKItN INl. .nill h .,> • '«♦ •'•nit it New Book I •lent* racing into the 1iW;ii'\ ami j»». mpfl Michigan State News III! • . vm »la\, we fr«%l it is time to offer -■ >r »> ha- i ;hr u-e of the l.tiihiinj'iir.j i1s t;,< ilitir- -ti«« Analyzes 341 Student Service# Fart Lonstng. Michigan N"r fall, winter and *pring terma; weeklv dunn# *ummer tern* . Rle' ...taloir i« located in the main lol-hv. Prejudiees hirst "fall, the rani aneetal (reahman taaue between aummer and fall terms. F.nteied «« I ir l -erond cla*s mailer under th# #ct of March 3. IH79 at tlie post on • Hat uumcivn- f'n -hna n and upiMnvlassmen a* well ent.i skist Lansing. Mich. dith Mail subft. rtp'ions pavable tn edvanc# tor one term »3. for two ::hn.rv diiilx. i<*M i o mv-tifie.1 a* ti> where to Mail terms. 44. tor three terms. *S -earth of a particular What cause* racial prejudice? Member# of the Inland Uallv Pie**. Associated Pre«* and the A * Southerners mora narrow* Associated Collegiate Fre«s Vtter watrhinp !ihrar-.«n- point out canl catalop«, tie Iditor ln-C hlef . D. Peter Wallet. I'll minded than N'ortherners" NVhy Managing Editor SutannPri.- cation chart idir»vtory of call numbers of boohs and do hate soma peoplt and Business Manager .. John Murptu r there different .number- an loeatdh. the mom directnrv C irrtilation Manager P»»il Le*hei 11 Idealir# others? twhich tell.- w lucre each r««»m is located) find finally. the The answers mav be f.uind in 'arwuy or elevator fhoth in clear aijzht of the questioner), • now book, •'Tii# Open and :lie student i- able '<• fin»t 1 i« mom. Mind.* being published CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS C*lo«ed Meanw'' t thbranan- continue the process npain to b. March. Principal author i* Dr. ".P ncM ttiulcnt in line. Hut this Is not the end. Milton Rokeaeh, MSU professor A"or the student reaches the designated mom the '20 DEADLINES: I pjk Day Defer* Puklleatten for Tuea.. Wed of psychology. Thur*.. and Frl. FdHIona. Deadline F*r M*n. FdilliHt: I pm It. »>tions K*m« starts ayain for Mm and for the divisional "pie bo«)k dea'« with manv Bill# Parable 8-1? and 1*5 Monday Ihrottgh Friday . in-arian pha«e* of btttnan op nion and «-<•> a'-vn 1* believe* racial El) 2-1 St 1 EXT. 2615 ('ommunication -Kil'b course* have made an effort to pTCiudioe to he can«'''1 by our n prove student, hnowledjye of the library b\ ass ignin.tr obj«xt;on f.. anothei ne-son*' h»- -iuder/- to draw maps of the buiMing, showing where var, lef*. rather than to his physical 1 characteri*' i« AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING ;Ol|s f V pe«% of Ivoohs are located. The basic conrsework al«»» Ttii* mean* we accept or re- |o\| FORD- OOOO condition. V I ides tours in connection with eomm f-kills term paper Je." other* deuending on wheth¬ ui'li overdrive Must sell this meek, n.. e s pro e. tall ant tuna atte*- FOl'R MEN OVER J1 a-vi^nments. er they agree or di-agree with nr."'* ED J '-1W> 15*4 L Spartan Vll ment. furnished lh»rki. idea'-, rather fhan becau-e 3* The trial and error met hail mav work effectively for our laee privileges IV S-.MRl of the color of the,; skin c .min skill* instructors, but it also provides extra detail Southerners and Northerners near post ot r u fW()*rnom t ii r n work completed correctly and 'he book states that South¬ i».v» MOfTRIS ST 4 TTO N w»gnn rent <'o*»king *rr "■ So without added annoyance-. hellers to llie Editor er nc-s < seem .n to reject ai! peopie alrsolut# terms. They rvm'v-f.ve *-!,ite '•*.:* «i!e* M«.*t net S'-olon »«H FU R.idm. J-nil". •nan Re«ln Abboit Rr.ftd ED S Tour-* have been isi\tin in the pa«t "luring summer orien¬ <4.' ko people of the r own ra h o. t.cc.i ">ove.i of oxte'isive rc-c.uv:, ,h«r.e -t BRAKES COMPLETE REMNTNO. MEN OR GRADE*ATI V. e o up of the n >h firo fti*d on Ad*u«tment. W» flood «' -o often that they seeming!' never vol fin.l a permanent the M-d* west, NV-.«. York, and rd t..e« (hnmn'on Brake Rehn- r«Ptn And board fa-' !..• n' a e,i tf'\ Sunday. .Tor.e t ', Mil" I K.iUn a/oo, IV 4-i* tP t* hive nnvller-er fifi vr. resting sjtot. but the -ame m.ohods fur findinr them are r* the )<•». H Miner Mass ,* the F-! g':»n.< S'V.i .- oxp.-rimcn'.ft to« ■ part «-:pat - ,n '' e LOST and FOUND "r.i'Vtnct oa hjv f.vr above the e. J cam * ex per -nenS wo-e tes'cd to d» True, the librarians are hired 'o aid the student, but th«* • \ ,mv( !*,i« iif> U-'e. 1' c '»-) a week ea*! - s:■•! VCRSFs in •*• red LICENSED practical all shuts flood COST CINDY u.Mi-e •• make si is and white Bessie v. < they must alsn handle other t..vk-. «uch a - establishing call tku cenci Ta.er. «'hy w a- S- , rp » •vc.icd lx> fine .»!*(-:( 'Tuildeit Thr ijAfrrc f their -•a New • • ■ u.ikfs i-ontinue nomutai plea-ant working «•<»••• increases brow n no«e. Row *rd I ;> tumber.-. gathering W dttion- I aos-ng tier.eral Hospital rtut -ng w dh one ' 1 - ttackiny the shelve,-. ". r>. app'tuse" ! hope yo" *r» w:th 'b - ctmci-ptcn o' . tictatn sveck term vvt in the fchool year' m:r-\ of r - 1 k- ••• ,• .! d.-' k»v- t\ .1-4111 3» PERSONAL •>' '■> '• peop';c . ' F-et or>' docs the S'.vc \>wr Apeording to the e!>*vd B4H TKVDFR WANTED A pa in. we suggest that !e«s nnnece^-ary bother fr.uv I w I n 1 y instructor" cou'rt - <' p r MftTINft TQN'c I a. rcae MM* »:v ir.-'-c -e t IViini* l.vnrh mind* f dogma tie snq h:gti'\ per-neressato Part time bra TV* n-ers might help staffers do 1 h'cir work .w ; t h a hicher *>-hed»rtp one week of extra lee- sfter o.m Mitch* II 5-017! op in1. ■ I u*e.t • have n'e' ' •• ' Thank-s wine >• id w .rde: WANTED O R <; AN1ST AN It and -vhr} crouo* vv:t.h high'-* CHOIR .« --ect r Clot hi salan '• Won sipns overlook inp rest room-, cm;c - a oil card lv>g:n n tV-ceirihei • e->i do.f-oat , be' ef- therefore have tisf.t r an Ve>i> I I'-irticnl choir Instead, why can't «v have ha« Veen singirc rogethei -ix *ea'« rrtu'dopy miphf help people find their v». a-c il'Vvt -1 \(>(vssarv diffvulty ac-mp' ,r.g o: adjust;!'g ■ .«il v rite N'rs .to*ep"-. R Bi i ne* H ' for a better iru-th.*!, how about more emphn-i« on only fad term Ivg n a w.vk ead !o re A' idea* i Co!u e 1 in.rtk- nrr. In I S I f-la'rs to chahjf'hg the other tern. *chec a mtf-orit*. w h e tm-n enj..y > w.tb open minds «eem >o different type* of mu-.c FOR SALE ♦* xe«ii> tor ST -»5 and ae.-ex<.. Ceorge -*e* at Ra i e> reia'es to many thousands CO-r.DS ONI V ET X In H e . rnak* Use •*>'■ lu- loca' librarv, -o o-trtict am much more 'ban .j. people wiMi f'G »«E4X*4ST IONUS dlirlPS Easter vaca'!"" *' "-e '• T« the I ditwr *t student* he r. can. ?iX5 NnrW* A''antir Fort 1. have merit, ron*! »e-up '' a: ' Wh% closed mind* Sandra llnlmstmm GOOO . - erdale Florida O" the -. k ',■> •■a-on-i•-,!.• fn-. ' r». ' ' • BoTi' <• has been QUICK cinirv . • e up j» Bach ;o .-f i »rms u e well they liked classical a« com- pe da- lor resen at;.v. » • *■' 'he cwn- tv-cn could i'C li-e-! to separate the bookv* tviUU:- from the • pa-» l to -au mtisi- The nibjev* rect or rail. Ra Stevnp e - *' • • tg '•'Vth when 54U0NUT 5WC> leaf 4AT.Ti» Nov: IV who con side re. 1 t •- be prdlhonnds Student" who faac.i the te-t \» • i'.i then !•»• a;» •"ed a h' -fudrnt loan, were tecuired "i>en-rr.'ndeci found ;t much e*-- ?J? MAC Cr»" 4s — 4 p p aced • a libran impmvemend -erviccs eo--r-e. "»*•• ■ ! run if ve a 0»-'»-nt «* 'e-up lie of these indicate a trend WEST .'OAST .AlI-STAR*- Peter <'«hn ies ' • etboth type* of rr.u-.v parties dam** nu nen- Eta?*<1'-' To the I dttor "The *e.i- . . C' • ke f ; n.'.v that bbn.n exits ore locate.' tie-: t'. «o: ■ e th i- the KWAST BAKERY DFr "VFR" UTS •• M.*' • (ihan u dewhtping a-e (ttvHtuallv rte.-.-ra'e.l are the first floor stack-. n" • B and t A'Nnf v Schve tre- are UI HRV TO arr I-k^-ne-V tuxedo. Twelve for U40 V -■ * ■ ' *' ' foreign to our t»a*.« ideaf'/ej .« »*»*• they have the .-!e*n ""ire 4# a?* fore 1 p.m • -.ot cv>al e values. Mr* 4 A t.ee ED J-ltXM ("all after cut a«..K-c-*1 « capac.'- : > love those who d.s- # :*t n rr. 7H THE XTERLVN O ATE- O" I (Miii.fr ' unde-s'ati . h n w TRA-dam-e.ihle *v» ksrvee «o •. !Sem no less than Crossword Puzzle vr '• ■' direct ■ re'anvs anvone cmM V- so uruuvifliteil BIT M a BIX roe :-ttV rR> TAFP range- RETBIOE-RATOftS snd TV t2 . WAAlt- and itn band sound and feehrr 5-147* P' '« }.v •reap the lx»nef ts of » den-- T'i - men si- he more ope/ - (;«MM)wear Service Rtoee lit# Ea * .vra.-v such a? .Kirs. inchid.'.R l»A\DBR Wvn (Th—-An auto- mind p. 1 .and ten -p: ('M,i:,'e-I M,rhi«an (V J-UJ* TH a -(-•• we 1 attending a s'a'e supported r- oM'e teatrr heiq * birthday »-e. 're be;-,.. i f are liked DEi-r»RAVm.CAKE« DEI.TVFHFD schoo'. a:; i then oivw refu r *«« r.ar naities brthdavs Manv V r»- #ri» *« I t'erfo-miaice8*' d V^f-l M to *upj"or; tuch a gov em men'.. aftn-.veesar.v »nd a- door pritet other- ober deluinit" nastrte* K»a-i Bak SERVICE f. ■ irk;. •• was ft etc g led to * gave free wheel alignments. In the book TV *-47a* i? i r»tt wi If a student ;i* willing t • a • The Two emplovef 14 f«ra f •: de those concemisl N ci "rcr- and hehef* of PEAR! RFJITRTNOtNi; ' it rop« copt a 1.W! fr<:en the gover-.- . Single strand ?V KnnT'ed ii r*c*p« rci-rc«i i-it have niw ♦ .dovpd thai up wdh a- iwe.- A grt" VALCNTINI HCaIT Jfwtllv mion Free pickup and de'r nters'v-, n*hv shou'.i he refuse ' Vifufunao 17 Minr-c ft m I'fif inrfse'Hi.v.;C - von* and cakhi t-?"*! volcano is Hurler s:g*i a '-••• a?*o »».*;•• '' ii Aim* .-.e find ng- a or due »' dp Sundvy pp-- TVftVO TF.RM PAETRS 14 Plnnuri 19 X»lr „l The same app':.-< to the ROTs D> R.Wi-.ac'-. "deeellaneoii* Ea-* .r>! k (•-- , •> (■ . I he Robert Rhav rr\ s\. ok la Att - )«UfU Issue 1 am certain *t!3' 1 > Htr« Bee Adam.. ED 3-*54" i hora.e neivi Trav;« Mil«te:.. making cunvt:- • - 15 V'sviip not ♦ expia n *h«" imp '-- tuder T1*P1ST Baiutien »r VaataeWar-'a Pnaain 1 at.-r.g w -?h ma- y »cherf ■ * EAST AND a'- • i? n it tance of r1.• iry forces in the •at;on wth tw ' mail bo- s in an Theses, term t-aoer* • 'd ge' 14 K.-m-t* fvs eve - • e -v«u ge' a iro~e ■ T. • • II Kttrrll . o-ese-.-' ag Our higher mst - auforua' .- eieiator, asked them tspins, Will pirk un and deltw 4-V Reman thr-en M • Mm II Conciv* 3 Tw.Mhl jm It fhtef evj»ertenv«*; ivmin t-» hanc, e # ?uti-wi*, learning are supposed where they nere going l*;« to ir."ldin| h.Mi*Pbel4 4 Be con- A t*rev>shn»m a.I the re\"iw>, for such per¬ A •: Poland, Hoke.". ~. < rtevei >p the vast number of ftve." one replied, punchitih the 20 goo tmfeni m 14 Urn .of formance* to he ev;( latr-i iv. ,o;n.vt • . MSC Staff ".in _2t»iT 44 Burden 4 Smalt |ve ieodc—- that are required in a No 2 ai>4 S buttons 33 Dim.nitX«d tl»Oi a critic" W'tth » vs e -rounded ■i- »" a—ista:.'. professor He - frwduklly 41 Thrnetutfi 4 Atvtbrnivsnl complex s-vtetv «th*h a« ours. "-.ate mrmer ..f '.he It * «»*dei4(,l *« It leffitmbe'td" 41 Three 17 Th.ri 1 tipokirrmin.- r. rrm« o i iru-l y.»u The requiremer* t>r WILLIAM H THOMPSON TONt dratsm and *df reven -■•rVn»le r#te* and e\. Frateie' Je»elt' :i vhorrKjghiy enough v.;:h* ED 7-5RM- M l'rf» Bomr • Large >0 Vehicle* ma 4 4 4 hieht *'4itnr l.yn shrptra associaljon a no the Michigan >• Appnnf» 1 Va itream runne-s the program enable him *u 4—t Xiebt ratter Cbarloitr luiion P-v, hr\U% a TVPtN'O AND OTP! : •a -n*s* • .« :*e. deeigton. It *eenebt« - K C>p« inoul Asa 31 Vehicle oat wheel* Review Absurd M me f.-.-v hours a «eek Staff . Huil T»rlw I.AM. «|i k lKmhie-«o*(-eci t>#g* charge fn- ^,n»..s • ' n- ' • • t-n.-e :« hard's m lavout A.-rofts gn»ni Be. ~ n Subdued To the- IdUor r T V r- V T" « HP' rr^ rsjrz tt Cnrrr.» 34 Convev* F-s-tv ;: ■(• genera' «> e». p of we have bee- witnessing y- t -0. kV.-~ /*" -"I t t.ONF "rt* E'.-**r TO CANrPir* » » • '.erge rn».m* ana Ml# Fumivied EXPERIENCED TNPI«T r the Nm - . 4*T m-hide* all utilities F.D r LX property 34 » State ding, 1 asevtmc ohte. insp •» fsr e. ' . .. rep,c - tn on-.oared with the bene-' US-* •« / = : hAth ?-*»* 38 VI VIEN') River A!! u-'-aMob at *■' tvne* ft ork .:'' I 7 v;ov at • gamed from, the progran eleefrtc mac-htne a; re»««>•.«*".» * T r J T" captured 34 Renew red I»,it I cannot p«ss the aj»*ur.-i;- t o* m Monday 's review o? the The oec-Uutna that we reach lorwemo.s these issues will be houee men nvF-FtooM *•« ISetxvrt per month mi.v reouirert etbxtahed Threr Ai« *.,\r -ludic Cell Mrs SPARTAN Pierwita. ED MtT-TIUTHlMM. IPc "1 71 I n ( TT 1 Jfl F wh of in* hen ng famih Bach Maw. I wou'v hke tc make tne fodmvinf jwk/ t- <•* >• • . paramount h c r universities tnip->rtance when they to apartment, single *>r double JV- TT'PINf, nngir.il «#rvVe Mrs Omdwtn. FD ' ** Ewrv n- Lea u f?*" 13 Presbyter .1 Tlve prn:u< of Ra-h a»ui fa.-# the same decision etve booms rvrfRvi-urri *• HAY RIDES — AT reduced ■■ ■■■ 1 TT p ■- [ 33 Came rt«h Ji Forebod¬ the work g!.cv is in of the '.y-t of '_h> the 'renc:.:c-' c Nerm Marrt* ^>rr.»fched, availaHie b> atudei •• v»rote«Mjr* ED 7-S*>5 or ED MW! ' *. *h»x>-.:»*. winter erouD, iTone He**ed p«r;i tor term lor r.xwn »■ rewer* a»:->r.s C. s now 4 4 ?-l 4 ing* word* and •'melody" '.D 3-I3R3 ae¬ C->f h). hu robe cheek ma tree narkin« * ft" .1# Pronoun "Solemnity** !s de.«-. - T'if nbjrcf i« orbitisfg «>vcr •• e Coeds Save ^Victims* in Q-Huts 'it.t denaru unidentified u !i'. «.Td today an oldest is orbiting jM!c«--'he nrhi? would i i' For Everyday Values Read Your Campus Classifieds desirable for any type of 'he earth anil "may l>r of Soviet origin. " dig rye" sdlc!!!!c r.» Rim HINRI IUJ and two xhter*: Margaret Mf- a'ion* b-th in their resident An announcetnerd sa d 'he o- The iVri'.dgtw i bid "..s fjciis of Ph:.' p- hr.! Donald, senior, and Martha Mc¬ and (or themselves •V.- ;> oeTij k'-pt und.T cmstact nt "tiigh'lv smaller" llvt \ the only trained Donald. frr*hm»n. both of Vtsrel. "If the residence* will de»el«»n (LEANING SPECIAL! :k* up • tirvi ""..lmr !>< t*S tracking \ i-aitd-r r fk»'s used to j»|:» .hail rc-c\ii» tram a* The u.i-r-.eo nf Phillips hat their own leadership, the Hr- \.r F'oice D.^i-ovcrcr aa'clli'cs .'ricd out their firs' pr.u- an '.nti in form¬ partmenl of Safety Service* ttill • ' i .srb i- around the polts. lart Saturday, ing a re-our 'ran when the 1 AA tf they 'd just pressed a key ?o 'earn responded by locaf- by members the Department prmtev'ive services. activating 'he opm the carh regis'or thcycoulj EITHER e "victims", apply ins * . ' Safety Services tii a-». SaVt Off.err. and He"- S'cc-f. Hans emergency control plan, and in¬ ,ave craned with another 2 SWEATERS -nd moving them too a forming the telephone alert.ng S2.500 which the bartender to: - Dollman. safety equipment p'an and it will I* open for VOLVO " in t he member* of the team are: «ervioeman.. a!5 worked to he'p public cvb>ervatinn got to put in the safe jh i rirt Birch, tVallkill. New prepare the coed* to save lives V«rk freshman, Lynn Fairrhild, in an emergency situation. (.rand Rapids junior. Sharon r,ir». Ridgewiy aophomore, I red a Unify, Cilo sophomore. Mere¬ dith llarmon, Flint junior. Hh»r- other ties. "This i* a pilot group," Steere explained, "and it iv hoped thit residence hall*, and fororitie* will prepare fraterni¬ YOUR CAR DOWN ONE HOUR MARTINIZING Multaly, llttdoon freshman. themselves for emergency ».* i- STRATTONS «.n I'nlicr Officer. (Iraduulc from New lta«ir (!nnr«r IfllS E. MICHIGAN , LUCON THEATER BLOCK - ACROSS FROM OLIN j Thirty-three of "Michigan's Finest,"a!rrt young officers schooled t the latest police techniques, graduated from a four-week MSI* asic Police Training Course Jan. 11-Feb. IS Also graduating with the group were two officers from the Reyk-a- . Iceland, Police Department. The officers par'opa'ed under the y picet of the International Association ot Chiefs of Pol he During the course, the students received about I fin hours cf intense ruction In 19 nre»« of police work. WOLVERINE LHHVESSITY STUDENTS' SPECIAL TNEYHE STILL OOMM! lOt'R rnoicc or Prime beef wpen face aandwlrb an Jua—extra large plate— whipped pwlale—eefffee wr milk TNI CUSTOMERS THAT IS .. . i\ Annrnov ramplp liihrai lt irom ant or all of t hpuxal appltiprrs. M RESPONSE Tf THE 98c SPECIAL REQUEST DORM SfinrNTS I •ettwg far a reallv fine ftwpgsr evening? Ter Ike fineet eniaine at bard In meat this beat price* SALES END be rare In *t*i« . . . Far Ihe second mask weak "MUSE UF IIEF NOTICF: .All meal* nerved by the "Hwne nf Beef" are t'SD.A Prime. Nnthlng bnt tke finest fer yms frem . . . HOLDOVER Of SIIFPARIVS SrmiOiinunl rlraranrr "HOUSE OF BEEF" TOMORROW vile - HURRY! IllHID ! Ill HRY ! More IIS W. MICHIGAN AVF (Next In Betel omo •hop, added — Bear* Men-Nat. 7 a.m. • t pm. — Nun. II am • pm Npeeialiung in: rna*t beef, rnnng beef, ebirken. dneb. steak*, ete. FOOD YOU ALWAYS REMEMBER'" REDUCED UP TO 50% Your Key to Retter Value* . . . Campus Classifieil* , . . High Readership fast mn«r 1 nnning gmt fe0- irtvr* CAMPUS TO CAREER You Have ONLY One Hon1 l)av lo ■■■■■■■■■■■■ Your Kry to Bettor Michigan State Nona Values . . . Order YlSU's Pielurial Catalogue Of Campua Cla<«ifio.ta . .. Low Co«t An rtroutivf of llir tintor A >»•«•••, Co., trailing mannfartnrrr* of niarlsinr tool*, Memories For The Whole Year... Irxlilr marliinrrs. rartliouis iit)[ <<|sii|>- rr rr inrnl. anil othrr |irn*i«inn si.il MKIIII.VN STATU niarliiiirrs. still on FKRRI ARY THE 19(0 WOLVERINE 12 lo inlrrsirs, high i-alilsrr lorn ssilh trchniral harkgrniinil, or mrrhaniral io- See Your Living Unit He|»i*e.seiilalive At The IrrrnW who arr looking for a rarrrr in Union 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 ,».m. Or Come To The rr via nasts l" • Moot Iowa pi. WALLACE OPTICIANS M ciiiiian S'vr'i gvmnasttcs tram, in sis quest t<> end I'-in.ns' tn-\. »r undefeated i- «n a* urt'l bevt • Syspii!..». coii'd bf Michigan Stated s.avs Coaeh liebim* " it< The b.iske'bal! team continues 'scrap f«n a first division fin- I di in the Big 10 race at re- 450Trackmen Expected th< arc Mike .lohn- loafer in the geason. he grabbe Mi.itult Offirf — Vine at I lippcr! B : t'> «vmna-' c« champion, T!u» team's great denth was vongo-pqintcit Minnesota, n% John M HNr.inr.it Pole vaultcr* bntii the Big Eight indoor wi loppnsilf Hr.-tr* III Iratidori prom. i« ni l.i-i weekeitcf wh't The wrestlers visit Iowa A strong field of collegia'? gon of Purdue, J. p. Martin of outdoor ti'ler anij an ch I nva V in M.ght H t ■* r bra. • in .pponents without T. a. h< rs T!ie swimmers are »n Oklahoma, and Dick Bowers "f d t„ rn» examination* by track luminal les will perform V* IM Sr-irt* \rrna sei v if'0> ot two 'op performers. Michigan's pool. The fencers are Ohio State. put of ,'»d-4. He finished four, l)r. H t Jrn*rn. registered nplnmetrt*t Saturday at the oldest and the the national collegiate me* a: Wisconsin for a triangular n T'n 15 ttvim hi.- the greater Kvccpt fo» the track tram, aU ..Five, individual and five relay largest of the midwest's indoor The relay w toner* hark In lr hv PH. I\ H-2TTI ,,f »m fr.vi !tf' ever hud -■The: Sp.ittan sfpia-is- find them- meet The hockey squad will t r a c k program—the Michigan champions return to defend lu* sei\i"> •» the riad Saturday. be id'e. titles they won in the 1939 run¬ again are Michigan, a h u 111 MOI W* I1nt» 1">; Trt** . «f> *»l MHllKiW *T\Tf. NMVH State Relays. hurdles; Oklahom. diatanrr mrd t» o-i I hur* & I rl . H ning of the relays. The indivi¬ Over 430 athletes will be seek¬ I« hruary II. |<»H0 Page I o«r dual returnees are Hobison, in ley relay; Drake, aprlnl mrdln ing to win 12 individual ar.d F.. G- Plum- Central Michigan, college on ■'KIM.H IM IMORHAIIUS I til. 1.11 six relay championships in the the T5-vard dash; mer of Kentucky, in the 1.00(1 mile, and Kansas, university on « if!V- meet. mile. In action will be such out¬ yard run; Williams, in the board An added feature in the pro jump; Lindsay, in the pule vaul*. THr MAN WHO GAVE THE JMZ WORLD THE WHOLE WORLD...ITS BEAT! standing .stars as sorin'ers Tom Robinson of Michigan, Charlie and Mauri Jorniakka of Eastern gram with Is 'he high schol reiav seven Lansing area yeho-d Tidwell of Kansas and Dee CJiv- Michigan, in the mile run Oklahoma's Lindsay looks, like participating, including the d* EAST LANSING PHONE EO.12814 ' ins of Oklahoma: middle distant* he'll be all alone on top of the fending champion. Lansing Ea** runners Cliff Cushman of Kan¬ WILTS TOr ( HILDREN 20r shot put field. This muscular, ern. sas, Dave Mills of Ihirdue and Michigan State's Spartans-a - 230 pound giant from London, Willie Atterberry of MSt*- COME KAIll.V — ITKST SHOW 6:00 The dislanre alar* are Hills England, won the Relays event* again the hosts, with their eoacl with a tow of 57-11 last year. Fran Dittrlch, serving «< t • V GREAT DOLHI.K EE ATIHK SHOW Mllla at Kansas. T.ail Hodgson meet director. Ohio State's Larr* of Oklahoma and Hob Take of Snyder, the U S. Olympic tract Kv.-tri TIn story if A fl MSI'. Performing in field events w •'! IM Results and field coach for 19^0 will lu the meet referee. be broad jumpers Paul Williams RMRrrgui The On-' N ht Stands The One N eht loves-The Rules He Broke-The Habits He Couldn't A of Kansas and Les Bird of Mich¬ fit worth 13. Melt* kill I SI. Ior*»tr* JJ t« The program consist! of ftci sessions. The first is set for 1 IT'S Ml "ft i srr DOWN "N 1H[ FAST. franticViife OF KRUPA EKITHK igan; shot putter Mike Ltndsyy^ \ l ( YlkM SJ. 11. Jf Mlrli twegAY* i* ' *Y p.m. with, the broad jump fint'i of Oklahoma. •. . . , giftili S3, r«m»n 44 and the preliminaries for the mitirrfirt* «. 43; «Mttrrft#ia «. 3* n«itt»rft#ie 3. SS: Bwtterflrtd 4, Id dashes and the hurdles. Th« Today Is Super ■ Bargain Day! YhD Lava FIAT Brian S, 31; Brian 1. 11 BnttrrftrM I. S3; BnttarflH* 3, 41 evening portion consists of finals in all other events gn« Brian 1, 43; Brian I. 3* riioM lots ror Brian 4. 3.1; Brian 3. )l begins »t 7 pan. M i im I'KI miw - M I: 2 iik. HITS: Brian a. SS. Bryan «. IS Forfaits MALCOI.M MILKS asttrrflrll 1 mer Bnftorftald I I4AN r. Michigan Lansing lpi«4lri iwrr l^s fioiirmet I«44lrr» met AOC'8 Ballhawha oier «.Ulnar IM Schedule BMMTBAt.L / nim » • :M i t. i It rM h. Hit it- « DTP wNO ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE Giro I I t. S AOR ti tig PM Vp (L I Pill Ten iv Fsimhomo llnnni RKI.IV 134 flymI t Mtrnn HIT • ft. 1 PM l(| !• u FM fl*!4 SAVE UP TO 20f AND MORE!! it 4 LI'A it. * ) Phi P«t Shun n \ 1 V Hit game !• fancy womin... i wo toto l 1 T r»l 14. SAW • Beetert n IB AVWA I ;;«* 1 I". V V V Tnums powst, la lady I I lllllO PK PM luck I :h» \\\y~ h : . IM I s 7.■■<* 4 PIPRUWEJUUA ADAMS t rat.oo to 12.3.no l . 4 SAC V*. PM R «t| 9 S S Oil ew PM Slg K "GENE 4 wiltfrete n. Ptlrkfyt Plr*>» • 34 N v 's • a' > . * . Kiu r \ stony- Mrn'i Suit* A Top Coat* X.IH in.O.i, 59.93 to 105.95 S Phi Nt Alpha w Tom Bo 7' ' SALMINEO; H 4 I. » - JOCRET • 4S Batlev »»• K Phew 10:10 TT r. —> j '*"J - Rttular — Short —■ loon 14.IS fphee IBABBBALL BS PI Kilr* long Stout Bntuefletd *1 PiH»t Susan Kohner James Darren — f p m, a I Shown it A ID Only - ittk ~>ioM Memo MIS UNWM Sl7»« 31 to 31 Frr* Altrration* SI AD A V "Til E MIRACLE C?ENE K.KVPA grow NEW srRINt; CLOTHING ARRIVING DAILY 2 ik '••«» t il RBCYIfSTfl ' 'vun . M.CWW >.wa> . v.. Br*** Of I ' *—' r*.. - Shews \t - f>»tnrM I M - A» V»J • t'RANDOR SHOPPING CENTER DAYS LEFT Htart* •• «;v;\ - All fimwi . ** •*. T ;?S • 9 »• * TODAY » r« " now showim; TO BUY A holden nil iin.\Kior.s wkkk : ^ reid WOLVERINE luMMRANT TONY CURTIS in STORK IIOI'RS I 1a I every iiy nwgl Mat, Mat t-f "THE MOST REALISTIC DRAMA OF OUR TIME! A MASTERPIECE!" -»/«*> , . - ? OPERATION PETTICOAT in Eawtman COLOR , low rain • mm mm • rt« nms - m *n: Something New AT IP YOU • STtRTIM; SVTIKIYW • CORAL GABLES' SEVEN MZN THE WORLD NEVER SEE AHOTHBt MOTION PICTURE IN HAD FORGOTTEN AND A WOMAN NO ONE COULD EVER FORGET! ILFORNO YOUR UFEYOUMUSr SEE - restaurant - "ilir name thai made PIZZA famoua in Lansing" 6RE60RY AVA RAR-R-01PUF MK PECK GARDNER arthk epbH*iajk| FRED ANTHONY y T » » V »• • -v |MKRS 11 Tin eVT-KIVEl ^T/URE PERKINS UiW JkkL-T' > * •HBJ. DEUVBtY SERVICE tliWI cr villi VEfUCIilil y'»:«?! P FRANK I MM IFJL lli I2RJL X "MAGNIFICENT...MUST HOT BE MISSED ."J SmmimIiiiiw5'?A ■ EAST LARSM FINE ei PIZZA I MS ZZvJj? •it / "55M ANDERSON mm • • PHONE H) 7-131 f NOW! All MICHIGAN THEATRE PHONE IV 2 7 3II IPflEF lip IKIR IIM Qp ||U em ^ injr^ Fin.illy Mm Ir Olympic State ■-z=> Trtiilr Krllv fi» leaf* - f c P !■; r •«» .y« * Picture uKTBurr i' ' ffc K 1 Ml \V. Brighter -tun Hjlllntioti r Maptr I.C SQI.'AW VALLEY. C alif I ebruan II. Ifttift Tagr l ite N. H k. •- t ... . - Olympic athletes, an¬ \ < M. U ... xious fur training, turned T -i.»> rsjhe filial daj ' • -i.c.i u <' • \| • \e .' ' free '!ifnw xcvn'. •oy. l " 7 out In the hundred* on the . *!)• : I T> ;i • i: !•! ' 15 mountain slopes ami ice pilots who • '!' • t : utav rinks Wednesday a* Sierra pkie* cleared for the first time in four iliivs Evnyb.v.1v uas in .. nv>.M wi'h en!\ c.ah: davs lott be'o-n opening ceremonies of the VIII NORMAN VOt'Nfi JOHN R\I M ooitnnv Johnson Winter Jinnies I'M \lt I IT OK III IS) IIIIM. "t knew we will have Rood Hit 10 champion beam lineal success surprise ... ... . . . . . . , « weather." Trench Mar .Adrlen Dux iliard said with a grin, "he- I M l I. Til I I Willi 5-0 Mark in Hi" 10 rauxe we have been good host and that's our reward." Meanwhile, large delegations HRE.ikTISl II I nheatrn Stale W restlers Give F.umpean athletes arrived in < f Ni »■ York and headed Imme 1- lately for this California re-or!. The lateeit arrivals Included Ralph's "KEWPEE" Cafeteria to skiers and skaters from Tlte ^oftcli Collins Pleasant Surprise Netherlands and 71 figure ant speed skaters from West Ger¬ many.. Austria. France, Italy, o OPEN V.M. I2 P.M. i rom III \lt EVTIMNOF- X mike skinner beaten onre to dale, that was i vechoslnvaki.i, Switzerland and Voting, George llohhs.and John Cora' Britain • b*>ginn,ng of the «\i - sola's t hailed t offee in which Forecaster Hal Rnot called f*r SoaCan wrest Una the referee ast aided the deri¬ more reward today—part B I I{!*■-"*it D H:.»u fi» it'll rshlD tdley Collin* sa.d "I sion to the Gopher wrestler, in dnudy skies The storm tha' .vr R the quadrant.ttlar tournament •arted Sundae left 28 inches of -,;r squad to finish »hmit li V' • »»ew snow middle of the Big 10 V . -s1«l it' to t"(i'' ' year " f 1 i .lub'eit upon muviv v Ex ni a'e mefllov Vid g ..vf lie slatted Mite's following -■ • .? m Cun'.ev. junto It Late Scores » feel thi* way. (Jane <; id- M r :.v G«".don JoM •- to 11 mretv against Illinois and MB 105R team, which 1 n- Ohio stjtf, in the tfi? (HrnnO *■ v'-'Mlev and Cue* undo have h.i.l.HI |\l |i| IIIOI1 I'I si | mils I 'ii I Inrinnsti tin • I in the Big 10 me. •. rU»x, and gained victories in u v. v.ii "v tr'tvs, lup ntdy t'V ftolArfrtvhU ■ - *«•»« >..rk lit omind V America i both, rtrn rrgMcrint » l»'n over limited action pr.u to th.« Mil Alotitrcal I 1nr»nt" » ,1.in Feign md Bu his Rurkrxr opponent. I hir tin A \»*» V orV t weigh'. «• h Complete Optical Service I %es ■la* with the season !r I \amined the Npartan grappleis Bu? Glasses iratrd I hrj boast an Named the backbone of the l'*e Sear* a* lilted r ".-ft record in dm I team b> the Stale «iurh were »as> No Ap¬ itainst Vtie 1ft foe*. toting, George llohbs, and Pi vmenl hern able to score pointment Mir trio has on Is been . It an m rian NeresN.irr i si\ points against the n.hed crew. The M>a»- Offices of; |»rs. J,lhri«.1ie antlM. Heck with, OptometrM* on high U '?•» 4 21HHI i:. S\C;IN\\\ m iK KS WKSTOT Tkaniiok I 0 (i Thp Inland Stffl Cnmpiiny. Kn-t Chirnen. Indiana. rh that u > "er, Bob 8eh!ider, WOLVERINE Iniilrs ln\p>llirat* . vnu In our many rarrrr nppor- lunlllrn. Our rrprr-rntnlivra will l>» on your rampn< on Thurwlay, Ffhruary ISth. I'ontait Air. Jack At'TnMUMii.r; Kinnry for an appointment. LICENSE PLATES Ml i'w>km;eu im. men \m> titi.etkvnsikks miciiii; in dept. 01 state inland steel company itlt \n«:ii til mi i: FAST CHICAIiO. INDIAN V MoWHA T1IKOI'(ill FRIDAY 9:.Mi i m in •, p.m. SATURDAYS — »:»• n.m. In :l p.m. 427 E. grand RIVER TAKING A BEATIM. FROM EAST I. \NSIM. (i\ riNO's Mrsic shop. MlIKTERM TIME SHORTAGES THE SWEETEST waytosay RedFoil Heart (REE! % GALLON COKE B a . III..I »ith»pounH MSB Be My n0, root ki ll; on orwgl 86* to MO" mllll 2 regular 1 item fl/.z\s (PLAIN CHU-I. I M I I 111 !>' VARSITY DRIVE-IN 'M l IN ERV SERVICE I l» 2IT Assorted Chocoletee ^ a ... ... —rT" '• "A •«40 i • ag|^^ *»»**--* 1 w THERE'S STILL 9 ... Smartest mat going., *27° . in any weather! PLAUM.INED COnON POPLIN "0111180" THE TO IMIYT I.ET IT ROTIIER Vtll ! ■AVE THAT THERE'S NO NEED TO I.ET YOUR APPEARANCES LOOK BEAT . X. i by LONDON FOG ■■ fmnal VOL CAN HAVE YOUR CLOTHES m, iw.it. ».!»"> "»<*b"f DRY-CLEANED TIIE SAME DU Br:ghl look for a gray riwy . . . rifht lank tKluv.tly Curt I . . . day! The 4oatt"Ui«» undcr-colior, the mmi cleared for YOU BRING THEM IN S ITU I lined in the same exclusive ti \<> F.\TK t COST "Criiiser" keep.* out wind as wt THE J-MDP AT ... iakie-free and rriap lookang f s2s Inn'J IN her \\a«h-\ Wear Mndek 2H.fJ H. it rsAxnos m>ww« cum * sorts * * CAMERA SHOPS SMALL'S E. 64. Mtrar Mov - r*f — - i».i* • >.»• P.M. ACHOXS FROM THK I NION I eleven a»r. 5ja «m - V.H VM. wo *. wasdiinglon wAm MICHIGAN AT ATE NEWS Fin All Frbnurr II. IH* I'urfnl In RntlneM, Politic* Debaters Leave for Northwestern Campus CUasifieda . . . Low Coat Wilbur, Lansing senior: Vira baler* will c—ipelt wWi teMN Before the Alcoa recruiters Friendships Key to Prosperity debate team was to The MSU Whipple, Lansing junior; Dave from St atber i ■Metre aad ■*!« morning for Evanston, veralllea ta an etfbl-rnmd eHn»- \ third rea< • the changed leave this III to represent MSU Northwestern UAtrcrstty at the *pon« Rheubottom, Lansing junior, and Charles Herbert. Lansing junior, coached by Calvin Downs, inatioa r«t«i The debate question will be: get here,this word. . . Vl ,o•• .1- ha* WW>Ti v* nature. Jpr. -• »f the *t r executive ts instructor of speech. "Resolved; that Congress should OF ALL the college and university graduate? hired by Alcoa in the p*' 10 k:*. and thenef-re ' gnrM Owen Coon Memorial De¬ yfart, 95 per cent still are working prosperously for Alcoa. hup* the nv«' important A* ' * rr-'-V--.A • ' eh requires it he be .» bs e Toumament. Poring the two-day tonrna • have the power to reverse de¬ ten- :? w-. ; ars an auth- The team, composed of Ralph ment. the f«nr experienced de- risions of the Supreme Court." CF THESE, virtually 100 per cent have earned tng ' htm increased authority, responsibility and D K.l/r e Jennings, asvvia'.e income since their employment. W-v pr*f.?v: ( pcr*«*>nr-S and p:-"1- erur.ee TO PUT it blunt!), only a small duct; r. ad?i Tr.e ■■ minority of applicant?— Rut for the irfftce politic.*;- '.V»V n; for a nrnlrr clip if* b> virtue of aptitude, initiative friend? are made because thm and personalitv—can qualify for are useful. ?;v> he beheve* thv Alcoa. But you may be one of them. friend* ran be ac dangerm-.? ' REESE USER'S You base nothing to lose h) find enemies. added Dr. Jennvng.- ing out. First *trp: see your ;v- ,Trung.-' remarks h> placement ofHivr today to arrant-e msdV'"'h' a keynote speech »■ an .1 /k« infrrtiVw on February IA -.he Third Annual (Yr.grc?? VARSITY when the A Iron recruiters Ndm'.m«tra*i«n in Ch.c.tg* *t!l be here. f>r e Nearly hospital admin¬ istrators and their assistant? at¬ \ Second mwn b»* 'o do tended the management program with the mehi|it« which make* BARBER SHOP conducted h* the American Col¬ it difflrtll for »n exceptive to lege of Hospital Administration show his administrative d !-nprr*« gage in office politics believe and manipulate •hat self-interest u the ba->.s or rr»wt»" awy Tuwdi? aic^v. in> n ( oi n iiAiRctTrix; xi.so:: ?m •>.- tng iii«i »,trh "airoi Ith? »•«•? Mtflmng "AlMt •Ittrnit* Mintf,,,. Mo rv Now Tents for Poliee 208 M.A.C. Recruits I p for Study 1 XDER STYI.i: 'SHOP for Communism, espionage, blocks de* nnd p«•« plaice recruit* will be studied Enforcement Administrators Sen: inar Motx h 2-4 at rtl the .?»v«.>nd- stnr.nal I«xw Shot SMms By RUHR COLLEGE WEEK IN BERMUDA Con tor. IVparl* Ylarrli 2.1. Riiurn* Ylarrli 28. IKill All The Speeial Kvent* Of flollejje Week About TO VlchikS i pi-, 'e .-hiefs and sheriff? are expected 1 Xight*. 6 Dili* ill llnrninny llall llnlrl Hotel Tip* anil ItermiMla Transfer* Inelinleil to attend. A re{V/rt on the battle ag*;r-t eommuniirm and espionag* he given by Inspector W.Ilmr. FOR THAT FINAL TOUCH Prlvalr Pool, Sim \t KIIkih IWarh Travel By t'nileil. Pan Aineriean. X'ortli»e«l Airline* Sullivan, of the Federal Buroni Hrrakfa-t-Hriiiirh. Dinner anil Tea Inelinleil of f'Utlme Investigation. DC. Inspector Sullivan a;«•••■ the role • Washing:. New Yerfc, 8201.00 system -wen fly put r-to effort hv all «ta?e Jaw agencies in A Fine Italian Dinner At •empting to halt Deem* crrr rials. • leoup From XISI' l.imileil lo 32. Book \ns. The conference I* a conilnr- 'ng education activity of K-h tlx). H)R KAST DKI-BERY dl ih# School of Police Admin, r-ation and' Publv Safe" and nxE i'iz/.\s \xn mbmyrinks •he Michigan Asrociation of Chief? of police. Call ED 7-H4I Or ED24H6 Employers' Kickoff IHamied Next Week SALE Thirteen feprerentativ#* from, ramp? and resorts will be at 'he annual glimmer job kickoff Wed¬ nesday. The representative? wT have Information about qualification?, benefit?, location? and wage range* NJo hiring 1? done at :be kick- off but camp and resort per- •onne' will be interviewing at SKI PARTS - JACKETS the Placement Bureau the res? of fhta te-m and spring tern. SWEATERS Ed Fitrnatrtek. a?s!«:«nt director of the Placement Bureau, sail Repeeaeetatt* es frem YMC \ LADIES S MEN'S •t»d YWf A famfa, r barrh Ot K COMPI ETE STOCK eamy? Michigan Camping • A%- WrtiWwi. Seen! ramp? and eth er* ai'lll be preeent Reaorta will be represented by three person* REDUCEO 9T« TO 80*« In Hotel and Restaurant Ad* mtnlstratHin «be are eennected sidtb resorts o a o «a «ta « ea i The kickoff will be held from T SO to P SO It Is sponsored by the plaremeri Bureau and Spur- '0 tan Womer.'a League 0 Q VORTHLAM). KAST1.E FISCHER. BI ITZ, Q A AT Q DAYS LEFT II SAVE 28*« TO OCi B SALE! TO BUY A Hart Mela! Skis* Not Or Sale 1 lAMaswooi^uaumo 990 WOLVERINE SWEATERS SKI BOOTS ■ Clonic puliovt'! and cordigont. drMimoi.r cardigan* with COLTOHIA-nOITHrRV sioubl.-buOon front, and ribbod collar*, novolty pwllevor* with roll chtmical nrrrtvirw mtt: corpor \tion 25% OFF J collori, v.nodii end oibor imort detailing . oil tfireo-guortar tloovo full- rmti ARY it i*M isdoaaaDaol fotblonod t-ootar* of a boavtiful blond of 75% lamb*wool and (Vti|M