Many Champions Return 37th Running of Relays ^ * Sri-vinj» MSI l-'nr ."»(• Year1 Saturday Attracts 450 VOI.t'MK 51, No 138 KA8T i7AN8IX(i. MlC llICAN—KltlHAA. KKimVAlO 12. "llWn 1'liH K :> ( KNI'S n< john s( iim mi k ll-idi-ofl. crack mile Oklahoma ROTC Question Set Aside • :i Fieldhouse will bo the scene- • : • h« i.i *hc seexmd best time amc-rg I* S •• >n*s lop indoor track progiav S,v,,r t in 1939 a' he recorded a 4:03 4 tunc. •> 37th running of Michigan Sm?c R-. la • In the two-mile event. Bills Mills of • «. v. ace at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. '.he l.dc-- in a l-.-ng line of top distance humum < Relay* arc the oldest and the Ian- - .»t the ; » Hill Kaston has developed H« •1 i k •! ♦, o.-ft indoor collegiate track pros rem- 0\ » f'd " -o '.i• - year in the BR. Eight f-ruls T >- «•. tackmen from 2fi universito--- rt*-. n, rci ' ?« Reims in the ivt ,i« Final W ord - tpating field. ft ' ' * > -standing athletes ate . r.!n««i m -v .-. i • Other top contender* In the two-mile event are HH V'II Low Mono '>• ce races, field events an-? fhc icRu s - v Tom O Rinrdjn. tdiho State: Ron Hopkins. Wrst- KXJMTIIMI . • •• of the nation'* top collegiate track vr . v,- ern Michtcnn: Have C otton. Notre Hamc: Gerald pet The relay raeev no. 1 item at the Ms! Relate lonng and Bill Remold* more. 33'extern Michigan. MSI", and .lerra 3*h Red Draperies• Ink Mfh year. figure to produce the hir«e«t traffic In April *• run. a'o-iir • ith !|odk>->n v ". be ■ Utn the JrnUon rieldhoiise track has. seen In * *cy:defvding chac •; \T.ou • .?.»!--• -kk>«. Ft", t«n* lime. Highlight '60.1-1 lop jrsh »-.t> star iifwubp, 1 .- •• - :> V-< H •» No lew than 63 feuv-man teams tire entered n won the race with h • : 4.13 1 A •• - .v relay rat e- The most popular <« the -yrhH i-ontenti m is IT n Crewr? 1 N • • D ■ « ; Hoard Mi'inhcr* l#rt >y, with 13 teams involved. The next highest -..-.Ids the NDU . * m • •< h of i jo. .•••■* IP-,. f , « 5f • 50 All i W '' l iillr In Sliidk l**llr« he two-mile with 13 teams Mmr.esota'i Pick F.rvk • who 'a*t • ..!> iun Not only do we have number*, i i' 3 mile. .v-.. •• a', ft S.«,unis5 even, v; ' nut'of 1 ,"0(i put Up t"i but • hn-1 !80o v. 1-v- •,#*<» boug.-t Robert# ?a:d that loss ...illy as ueD" meet director Fran DiUrich - Dave Mill* o? Thjrdue apicprs • be v.-> :» w.»h the ' >U *atd. "The defending champion returns' o •• • truing• v.roner .n *V- 300 an-i thr fido-> *■ ; • " <• J-llop. ; > i ■v. .*-11 s^ S 12 t'n Hike t « ' but one instance and they'll have a tough M;u placed -•w-.r-- Fdd:o s.• . •eating." 1 • n yeoi'v N.»'- • a. A A'' t w tci - lb v i« • r > - . . 0,. • > :i\ d.b're a t « " —Michigan, defend* the 240-yard sbtiU'r v • '•.v i: %-rt! Pa- ;;, Ohio State's world mud hold¬ ' two of last year's winning member* rerun- b» -."hp a reality Ihai He n.v -'tflents, who have best among the opponents- rv.'.-wf Kentucky, who wen- last year's ta «- It «eem>- like 'he trend f t .1 j*n saved t-> go to t»v-» Oklahoma will make a rtrnn* hid to retain its ' a •-u - 2 !4 ft Ht* chief eumpetifcrs iiguve • -.i-ycni >rmal. will bo big dance ■ a ihlng of *H- p.1G. - OlhetA won't ' V' • ' - ' e ! h 'in -t V , - ' "■ • •■■■i "T i "•:/ - e •,«. •» -n' t 'o'| out, II G. •' Atvri- -v ' be an <-w- i-H" ! g.;e ■ u.,. - ' A-iic R - c;n,p!-» Ml the ''P3\ ^ , -VI < e .l-lb p, ton i ng '•« the ? i\.- i.-ar«l of the • [.I h e dance. • Tl„ «c *, ..v<| The liliun* 'H-- jc-n- fe.iturdt 'mi; : • ,v I l.min. U ho ."'",ve»i f • n-.»• o"* H:r tl.iuie« AIS1 E •' The ' R.ykefelle: many decora'mm , \ • : -. rd curtains around the And -vd Briefs 'arge glowing fountom. m • p-rted from out-of-state, u hi. n lUMil It II3I H3VIN. civil liheHarlan. sfwahln* to members of ihe !* reported to be the large si f suilienre who came hirk«tege afle» his sprrch 1hur*d.n niehl in f ru./i->«»/»/. /'niifiiiiM "• k'nd hi existence. f'iiirrhllil ' His sprrrh covered various .istirrl- ol human Via hi-, ind .1 r t»). . ' - • -| ,;t ;• Rumors that F.'.'a Fitggeraid, llihotigli civil iihrrllrv Nlalc New* |*hnto lij Rill i ilt.ili.m iHi'ilnus reports T'-t -r -ir«- fAe po -bi'-.Tr< v ■vho appeared a' the tO.V) .1- have Indicated ;i ;|.:j detdloik .. . . ■ ■ Fr- -VS-nh ('"Hlfl"I Ifop. will apnea again are of Ihe ROTl hill irusler I rank A t or «hi>inoro in* totally unfounded,' Robert* t>-\ -I. Merrlm-IP. who cast Ihe Inne fi-'r-f'r work ng fn the ch. up las' year's advertis ng ban¬ menihrrv S11033s definite r*rrte« Spartan hope* defending champion nrre not in Siege Borkford . . Kan«a« enartrr-miler . ner. which Jiad her name h-v Wood at F.I7 2-3031. <-n :• " their stand* vet title in the divtance medle*. with three of its mem- T"ere have also been k • AVrhig.i- * Fro»' Mon- ♦ * * rum »■. \ V«it« hack from last year's winning «qnad that l^nin would no* Thi •in K *• •" V. ■».. b. v V C.t-.. C.Ti ■ G, 3M-: Miami'* apnea V "-'III. Which 4 -IU e crwigest eompetitton cornea from Kan«a«;. with V-.-k K . l.iinl g olrrrinr I toy with Irs tiand. as had prevmiisty IUk KFdrd. pi v Tm .-nt In'-. a t-2 major •• • tf«t qoarter-mller Cliff m«kmin In action. M*» fn the tic' been advertised. There also ar>- Storm a c'vim,. - athlete.- ts-•?■: *hc Bg Eight •-,ng snow Huff, wh • ■ I e i Wg II milt champ Bob take running T xtay i* the last dav to buv not so. Roberts »-aid. "He is the i-onferi :1 •: figqrv- y. u ske tbc be%t com¬ d by prt« favored th«> - ini-.-w. u. rilr: and Western Michigan with standout sopho IMg I'ichi eomp^litors «nn thrw nf the fnur tptg.RO M'oh-ertne*. Wolverinw ing ;n Friday night op the IWU aaid in 9-k c .-v*«"• more fary IfM mnning an •nehor Mfsh la«t ye»r. The* retnrn u defending champ¬ w'ill be on sale at the. Union plane at Can Ho! t'iti .drpor' .-■■I the the Jhottd ■ The < : .» . de*k. in the Wolverine office, Ticket# to the J-If dp will sprint medley. Drake will be defer..-b-g ions In two events and rjte a fatnrite In another. e oirrlagu ions mi'if.-i- i i.- i- m. in • and 'in all the usual rlwee." on sa'e the night of the dance g ■> again*t an outstanding field M- • . spsisle The no ns vo l»r, W . • of from Wa-'r-; • -i t •• • »!H ' Don Stover, buslne** the Aud box-office —ertaking Drake o ill be Kama-. UV>* .- Ks" «4,k t* the ht'-a-i • .nip. and Mi.k- t.iinb-ay of manager, to invest;L' -' ei-c« . e •' 'lygsn, Notre Dame. Oklahoma. Kan<.n- b'»'> Ok'al^o-na ir» j?«; said. halting mail d>- \"> r- md , ..till, , >1 scheduled I am asked • • • «\r w a . M higan Sta'c. * * d Nine Navv I-'Ihts the other.' ■ f»i f br • ' :,i-- '*-• n. stranding «• •■tc. -' motor: ^ «. I. [XTstpi.tied .cs-!* will not he defending •?> m ?•*.- _ . ... .. - - v ca- l .-c thr Big in m, r. i". ...-ten .i"i»rn«-v and Merrima i sod ir fn|« Jr , Elliott Nam er .Taek Ell oft. gs«i«»ant Not' untd !a*e cvi-tting • i 4 , . • ■ u"I-. ■ closed polling the vote "the pro.s ii :>i .contender* for thi« td'c Marin-, ha* already C.. ! • O,. e;i! 'v cons are wvll known b; now" fe< or of botanv an ! plant path «»AK I!ARBOR. Wash. V ytunv plow ctew- open im. .--versity mile rela- with r- road- outride * ir' • ■ .» '-iiigij trip home. but added since ' •»■ heard de,- .j ■- ology on lea^-o |n>m MSU. ha"« Navv flier* died Thursday H-'«-kf »rd "> on--- reported up to .70 per- c I t<» wait he would 'w'n-.g. find® Western Michigan MSI ' Ihe high jump appears to he a w ide open event wav traffic • ■ join m t".e Iwen appointed nrojiM, sivisoj, when their twin-engine pa'rd . State. Purdue, Oklahoma ard Notre Da »»ith Hick rnteeism. Manv -ehoui Y at temp? to learn more about tiie I epha* of Michigan: l.arry Nrclc* of <; af> cf facultv n? agri ulture and engin seaplane crashed i n Puget The storm began throne bout Rf »TU nr. ■i capturing the title Oklahoma. Mcve French «f Kansas state and vet-ing. with the ttniverspy of Sound, cartwheeling anT shat¬ 'the midwest late Tuesday IVhi'n TV ?t-vard dash appears to he the outstanding Malt Rillian How do Rockfor-1 resident* In other action, the hoard: •Vri Wyoming protect i»> Kabul. Af- tering into bits as it hit the it emleri, this norlli-central Illi¬ fee! about 1. Aopi -nw-il .i - uggpsRon »>y r»e* with all five place winners from last MSI"' mr' \s reUt *f**>-■< '■ :! be h g nan j* tan water. being virtually re¬ *nr returning for another crack at the distance. nois communilt was virtually lated? "They're Just thnvi-lmg Ilea • Mi '.-! Mueldcr of th" 'he twe-rr i*.h J.m. Car; Btjnn i'A-tle. Wdhe Four bodies AAA were reimvcred Tot kchtnson. defending champion from Mich- Atferbcn- - ' fVij l^ske < -*i r r .dng 'he - paralysed hj m«re lhan II inch¬ and wearing,M ouc nevsuMii .id\ an.-e.| -tudles that and search continued for the es of «now reported. v. a; r and research «»n gets a slight nod. as he appear* to he eom- State A.--1? " . - •—g ;M--.ed - ' Ca-, .rg '!-♦ ii ' rr- rcr.';Ve a raise in p-u The {*511 Marlin was on an Ab»>u* 2<> rhllci southwest, th# '""'ti Mm most of last year. favcri;.c> .•iM-oiuiiinting 'o approximn'r:- A?:tean handicrafts ,d re- antisubmarine warfare training tiny v H.igo of Fnrreston wag Jar.r. SorirlT Mr.-I. x.ion pet year each- - "--yard high and low hurdle event* wi'l A. -• •• : •' 'he hire ?v!.«y I-- .;v orditigs go on »a?e Monday at a •fligh* when it plunged Into the completely snowed in. Tilt * Muelder said the council -.f t~r grabs since Eastern Mich-.ea;.'-- Hayes ivn<:-v . Vie* We wnc'v-lw /»'d Ford A' .•■■v»th i:i the Union concourse, sound about 11 miles south of community'.- two s'oiea had "nt The West Circle J)rive .1 < r i'ft not return to defend, Charley T vei; :! ■: ar-d y; •> dh- w.i» from 'he *ale of the the Whidbey Island Naval AH 'M - met Wedn#*dav nigl t n . - • gallon of milk and a dozen Society will hoi-.l .I r. c. /Ht minute- attempt to outstanding sprinter, is a prime contemn ; • >- - Sj-rGns the" afv a-swne the trading Mrira-i jewelry, '«<:»tuet tee, Station, its home base. loaves of bread u their count¬ ye' the tlon and *»lecH->n-. i .ig Sir-, '''k4.' ,>.- s \g;.i k- and . . »r. -r ',i • ma record# «-ji? help pay The cause remained a my?* ers. Titt er truck load* of live¬ ' longer races feature of the nst: ■ G-v- V-*4. and Bi ' Ri>vn.>td» the the ef MSU students day at 3 om (.• t'-imn - -istan* tiro'.oeets have to coo; some < . ■ , expense- lery. The seaplane bad given no stock were stranded on th« nit Members and themselves to a »pecif-c •"»>ng distance runner-, inctud-na Gam •akiug pan j» uhipration Cr«w«- indication of trouble and first main atrcct Of the village of •aib •'hool for this • fall, Nf: .d m W#Kt Africa 1 ' word of the crash came In a J,too. in pr«wnojmg j«-v • < . « lie said the added monetae* •ho distress call from • uster ship, summer . Rockfnrd? street department (in-- arc inv < > .yen,) Incentive, which will the Baldwin Accentuates 'One \\ oriel* cost university nearly *7« iHte a war. Value I'lnred at 824.000 will help draw a hither qiialilv ^ of graduate assistant, although Conception During L-C Address MSU fewer mav be admitted heeause Acquires Painting by Zurlmruu of thr extra roat. *• 2. Voted to name Hie new ITN mitPARVl pattens decreases the possthlHtv •;jrV' unde: f«Hir myr ca'e- state News triidiiaif. dnrmitorii'f after tlu- Mvkt Editor of par.** +■ i'■ liite Eiovd Owen, an MSU alum- Nat'ona' freedom ■ A p.asi en*ie of l"th century vision -f Baldwin enumetav.i •r ■ fn •>»» mU'tii i' thuii exter¬ niis who willed his ---orId a* beginning 'o estate to th» pa - I'lPg ha« been acquired bv nal. si Antimnv doe- not look ■* ' to 'cn ■• ■ i 'rc i s* Anthony," by the the .. r.»- I';. 1-X|jln:u , the ma¬ ;e< are being built with par? .f Lecture-Concert gerte* 3> g'-.vll Vberties of »♦» the proceed, of a $7 million Walks Out Zurbaran. was puncha«ed fit" Roger Baldwin told a from baby, 'he ero?^ m In?-, nuiid, and loan and revenue bond issue a: '■•child gathering Thursday a private collectot b:^ re I «»f sacrifice" '♦.» i MperatMit in the strut- proved at January's meeting and The university's Board o? Tie- reiinting i- tie against pmertt and hunger. hanging in will operate on * Mthrin, * Aneriean former d;r«ftnr of Civil Liberties On NEW YORK Tonifilll' V— "taid"-,n trf'tsb: bt-x'/eo .it the US Senate the hfola- Trustees chase at. If" monthly meeting announced the pur¬ the Kresgi 2<»ih" - Art <»f Center MSU's Though now ing basis. 3. Accepted gift* ond gran's a self-liquidat¬ n and Mp chairman of the Thursday. President John A. many nersons who have contri- Jack Paar, feud .«£ a"-c-*. rh refuaedi to accept Hannah said totaling 380.274.34. i n c I n ur time. Qmftm profsaaor af «rt at MSU and an future acquisitions rg the art de¬ to a $0 theft on February ^ ce authority an Spanish Art, taya partment permanent collection, police said. tradlction, he aaid. tp- Lenabda CM Alpha « he belieires the work was paint* . •" the can be used to teach the human¬ Williams was arraigned Wed¬ arms race which is "■« lain 110 eoedf itilnit tbetf ad ia Seville about 1630 ities course, which all MSU stu¬ to global suicide whi'e nesday In Lansing Township V poraon of over later as master of cere¬ house Sunday at TM> Tin coeds, TIM MSU acquisition measure* dents are required to take, says justice court where he waived humanity it of the donst'lh'coast ?!" by 43." Tne dominant fig- ' *c« for freedom and equal- monies repn nnlfg living units and Dr. Thomas Greer, professor of examination. He waft boim.t shcra and the uiung a as con¬ vs.rr.pu? orgMdraunn'. are cen- ure of St. Anthony appears in humanities. The course Includes over to circuit court where ho tinued o.dates for ouecrs of the Junior the canter. At the left is his a discussion of will be arraigned February 19. platen of the Christ Child, with the^real periods and feanai The show, exactly as taped in¬ 300. Carol Nichohoc, the IMS of Western art, presently taught Williams is now in Ingha n cluding Paar'* sudden departure, queen, and her court will act as S aarprlunglj mature lace. by mean* of book illustrations County jail having failed to post was broadcast at its usual baur. ftelilM XM. Serial Htxk • . sad slida picture* bond sat at f life Can Be. AliVJii«ran Stair \ow^ in NFlW.'ASTLK. »i %i» w \V i \( i M J fc«*.td IHil* h* M*l * ■'.'lfftfl student* snd f'acultt ' e '• • • • • • • • "•• • r*-' r ■ T" "T **.»• ••»? 1 liihhftlietl mtrr ■n!i(|»w, trim at'd flirt** and t week). one ««> me r.» nii'lic «mecia! • n, nimnirr .Moots Future between a W \ifihl Shi 11 • ditet H.M K , nt H »nv . •titer * Half Harris Ihmissrri by l.viin Prrmmaht* frttira witl then pull un a rhair at the r.ene. a - " .•♦inference table rarra in* a Mf ' - nf nr« interevta nn the part nf nun In which i% i«-t her In • FOR SALE a r The Weatern plan would pro- .♦de for an Internatronall. nint pott. tn %v«tem de.'elnf a mwtern »"■ Students Smack Liluan ■ - \ •—e" *-op - * ' «AT » t Tvw— r-h r-> .* t-.., »iv-»k »r* v*i ,-r t'l'rn' k.i«- V , . I- Cupid Aims iter* Ai*i*oh >- •n*i •tie rra-c. 'I • ■••»- «'». -.1 > tired haf) on al! atrmoe te-t* To the Fdltnr • «v• rr> ? 4«-« » r.f.S will Pe >♦ • > peg - •>.h-h rarer*' arnal! nnderrround e% P • .n»pV--1 ]y 'be : V cw-rn*. nv > i»vi IBfattasr tOSUS plo«ton- wh*ch cannot he rtete>« ka'te* • ■ St \ • .r r ' .M. \ . •»,; > .. ed and en rent-oiled • ... , ....,• ..Pr tF- • M., , ;.c a--,>-X|E , ?.VJ \ v » fpw:-V w '•«• h»» |ehn Mntta ri »le I'l.HiflH 1 R.-J.K Fttit, wittsv of 'br wwl« «<*»•" ' !>-« •♦.•ryot' «v * . *! e net.- ' «-KV*pv«'.i: 'in-: v. the w • p. fee . A < ♦'•>* c-ivhp- vnrwKa AAA ■ ■ • • .•> r>e —mine T\ e.-vvi ' rvi- *rtrne- >/MY>r/v /Voir t'(•' Nlh?;* women art i;«' r*- <»r.* -tr !hi« orv-e »• *.» ,• w. : h' *He ppoMrw yt««. ahrnihi ! ke '•> m tvn-* <1u> ac rail R- ,»r, • |»;v„l • thk»' ' Hp in •»;;? V.jrope than ever not ' n t\ lihrnf* -. w'-et'ie . coukj be cv |.»! 4-'>. V. Mar *■*vt? Komp *emline v<*pr' ' *K» ,' >•?» » *r s ! "led to >ho ? a •• «vr»' Te the Miter «' v*f . : a* £ Ce»« It <* 4 a 01 WHT » ' t bp V W-e v\raptha;,"!s | ort« oa-*-- -■ ha-. wiiii CD 5-a.k ^ "tp nnnrnximatf mrr'n- 1.0* Hut. hp» tie tMtj« «- ''fa*• t V.po* ot . v The t>b' » ' nan.1« n* re.- I ee,-p*war* f. - •- fr- . TOM'A BAMPM - hs.-hem »1 Mi i' * -ocupe-n* •- a"e Stindfcv. w h\ Hrtaar'' nm «e»- ' hi <* »p 'v ftopk ivi- ' *b* 0 • Crossword Puzzle an. (!uri,",{ the fti".'e or - • - a ef"*i - r-.-'-e—, ! si-eel avrow* rr*> itnd hnvinc »•-.>» • tor :Hf. " frrted h nm 'he w*h:> w-neawe-- 'v « P'ec-«--.' KM 4«T RAKf*" »r-tw«nhe-e Wv , £ f- w-t .v- j— * l* *•. one# i'v. :*v ? ' ,.x . rh- tintver- • « tPtMhUlh dr -r » Whi'e *cn* ard cm~ « r- ' ve «•» A : *rr> wrrwrnrhATokA u-.a.«m- twehw tnr 8S80 ' l*> *bo* ?>»»• • !>>t • t hfcvt »♦»•*.-••• • ''i »* H rarol* *0 p"" the t -t * I rent- PiKidhift eater' ? it that na*ne- CASTA WUVFPm TP A—danreah » " o ha i*d wound af <1 ir- T*-e plow w-»« jppprwl n?ut«ri lh»t i'»mar proi*>«» »• met «l'irtru* Ifuu • n r.x*a tre-t e h»-th/1ava Manv open a.-W« tnvpact to an othe-- t- 1-j.y «. • rw.-"e- 8-147* pillar rwimo Kvurt Bak¬ r»rcA* . ».• 12 Tova-d mmhe: •y • er* TV a-tithS t» .Pel te- >1 Depart¬ jv» • • .wit that mar.v ef .ug s-uherv let arj rrf* fmtr yi»nr*. i: tbev »i# n •• M-n. •••< "it "u\t " thin lS New ment abb- kc ; ! -narvap^i * 0 • *v>e VAllNTtNC HI AIT JFWEJtr t« N»*-t or 22 100 «oua -« have a-wimp''>he.f **av a* the dr" SERVICE Thf of «♦»•>! nr v,i?enj jntM. t cms!' m.s> p:v> «• • the Nifer della 22 Fieur«de» the,4' be-" pffo-ts 'ur.n* ttie u »e r*.e N-" I pv. •- w-.-^aC *.'# TVPIVO TTP* r.'v rent nn thai h» mi^ht h»» a futnr*- ftptwjvN:-r,o • . •ha* IS Ta-d- lit h.-wr* Mora: Bitwmeard, Ein- c wh-" s4e* «•• ' . fc,.pr*e''t -* "ve mr-r*ilane,Hi« I, * Spmstppn Spin. Mnanwhiie, he it.;.*. Ik i»n(»thi*r II Of the firr mar If Aetioe at 1. Milh tree t r-, P'lr'he'', there -A-r're * e'. a «iv wo, V the Sa—•- *r p -m • • M r« Bee Ad«ri I TVmtO—CO ' invitation. 2 Winfed '*•-' "*e -- .c*v* II S.ameac 81 in t\hich tSe bet ; )r"< -est* o! ktiKCf , Hut if h^ won- t. kno\i *hj ».*- - •»»-.r t- Thbwpht u* mrr.. Irritated moral ;f. can b. t-r p-fi-e « .Tf TYPfXO A V P II Mar 1 rm* SS Gaelic 4 Wep.footed . **-•■— r. # *»'e or: 1**. Call AI or Jar-. « " !hat '*ni stKH iui <»n* h» ntai ••(•-♦♦rve hi- nickname «r. Salad plant *4 Sun disk bird* tbn-e :nte-e«iefj ;r> «u*m» one of Uwv I>uihie-*r.*oeo oar* p l -e rould tv rs*rre f< • c- t»nh one amal; 'carii u:; h»»Jr» % %•;. tha* i".v thore - ik»t»: 4 > AmenesK SS Tiber* 8 The pise- The ranvpu* S I 5 tTVTCVT |or»rrrv fc «. •• •■•ntimios for mm- month- i n » **»v Hanp*. vatentin» '« «i:,i am Hi , spin i- , tv... week- w ith aueeew fta American humor tt; 41 Hebrew meamir# 44 Sub«tan«e 87 A* Chancer aprliea T taeapetby auMerfut* A Batter INFORMATION WlUIAM H. THOMPSON P'e»e«^ iewe^. Wi»*e- eiertrir Call M*t All trpe« ~ irarhi^e a' fPeNron t ■" • 8 Lawful \ IOUH XPaCTAN Vt*l.TT - - WlSc -.V • "• 10 Deffraae* \\ CM inOhiO rtntAT R p rr. V H^jre ?:4 Fi*e- HOUSING •PiPTNr. wricinal •err.-- Mr*. Cioodw f «*• t s-:;r '.TIT a-.^a sttucvt . . IT. And? g-w«-n "Jhapuif. c. Cor.'.r.>, J / ,r\ j v\ *• a rvv.v a FOWL'S 3c-Wft -> r - Bl Street ORGANIZATION 4-5 p.r Catholic Stoder.r rvv •:« rvrmvinovAL run and rob.* ooes-em rn-? aoove DNPIhtNTSHCD m ae« Tm.«T-rAr: te*in WUi pick uc and «*r. nape— e»- a f »r '[ (acaio:!i;, N 1 OA Hit' Center Coffee ho*. MTHFtAV AT1HCNT » pm. 3. I r.voa we«* . .. •»- „ M" A:a**^ -rw-\-e r*—e- fommaed paaaaaaara. CD aUahie to CD *: 7-8SW> or •tuaert* s-aaa? or *t HAY RTDCS - AT - ASSOCIATION •HITMfS'S tnrouch winter tern SOneaf in Pakistan " Heated n«r« "• 12 10 pin. I'meerstrv Luther¬ r-muwi fL »'«*nr now for an arder an Oiun-h Graduate *tu \.. M. Cuttir.* wit *>e" N'unr. w .1 aoea* on "The v nm. daiW 2 V T*1.T,",K 1 ST. Hanire:-on Relations aM CT.r»uani^" ' Ml* O.C UACh HS AA.'Jf? t? 1" VOEOA* 7-v: •j , Christian Athletr" VPiiiA PAeiog v k; 38 tqu« SPARTAN WOMIN* IX AG IT. TRINITY COUJGUn ■nTtST AW BROW ' f* ri».. ■soHn-.'-e hi ji'sr for a vehicle . WETTmr BOARD J-JW' CMC-if trf*"' # C4AT etSST. 40 Placid naoert and the*is *>■» *' 42 Put new 4 pm.. 338 Studei Salwn. . ... . hn*wm* &.a*vi- ! Buffe: *„pfw* aac nnvtlepe* rlnae to 8aAM ao)e> on *haes CATINHJC STCDCNl C'nok.-r «**•! r.D *-rrr anrtime SI* week, 44 Pertaining I ORGANIZATIONA I I THULAN ATI DOT v-rrC er»c of term fi- WANTED to houae* I ALBNTmCS DANCt ASSOCIATION '"Losr. rv mWlSHCD aiw-tmen- 4T Facility 8-12 ,i>^n. Catholic Student WANTED TO REN" SO. Cc-or Cente-. "Hear. &p*a*a la 3.30 nj*i, L*n.-earv7r L-r:ecai »«* «w ter. Parkin* One ED black 14Jt ta helincr or ED 2-1*.". Cen¬ r-'vate^rarapa for 27 ttaart * Church. Suppar aoa *n«raas . . FCC Plans to Get Paul Butler Won't (lonx n*l. Chair- Du'ler declared 1 c Td Of G.werror and Mi« am* tie aid tie W 1- wotildn'' he '• M a new? conference The Dcnuvra--- governor bis kept not en tr* I vocce*>.ira. as w el Tough With Payola BfKVOS AintA >,r- An tr Tie navy >-aid that 't '11 to the identi'v of the ubmarint. Tb.irsd.iy !?c wo.:1.presume" en dS-. '.!•* lie governor'■ -p influence Gov W.l'uxms' He- **cal fu'urc rile*. Williams a< Ihynwratic and Ropubl'.oan finned press report said a •urMiing the submarine t>e!teved Doth Br.tam and 'he thv'ted oivvtory submarine, hunted b* tapped in Goifo Xuevo. a Ixxly s'af» • have denied the* ha*e .;oq on whether V* run f -' .» bn-tr- it up *f>< party leaders, -m pin* rH 'he Argentine navy for 10 day--, of water separated from the At- anyt'. ng to do with it. Ti e Ru - *even*h tc; r f c 'Ars.kinted Hut I :l krop'HJ nv Mr.f« »•«.!<• "•»« h- ^ x V VSHINV.TON .4^ St ft horse" Mvs* t'-'d a ?pp surfaced in Argentine water* by a txarr.vw entrance. An vian* b.nve v.ud nothing Pre-* reported .- (h» ground »nl m- . ••'I. ••''■Vt h»1l bid f '"-n-.. Irrrv ' and priyon tprm* urrp tw- V ev rex or want to acknow- at'." Vr I » Duller '■m- lodce thrx have anv authority " warships and naval aircratt a! INierio Madfyn. at the end < dib.-overed. the internali.mal sneaking • • . t • Mn' /• r.v.^s Cbmmiaxion Th**i>- The subcommittee has reces¬ Th-o was the latest story in a •o'uxtt.."- w-m.h \* truly r-.n^day and s'a*ed m '.tr up b •» n -i ,1 I I. MIClllrlAN UTAH' vr«« - a deterrenl to payola and sed ■'< inquiry until, no! M-vx- ■ 'a! c'-lv ovfrnig'-' a- a *? : n ? ij-o i*e 'uonce b!m." |>hrti«r« t-!. Iflfift t'age th»e# blr.arre naval operation that ha* The navy *ion pn>vh»r«1 tn.-f d.l\ well as serious political ques¬ •Ait'Sfi provide for fire* of The Trderat Trade Commlx- tions on what the submarine FY000 and imprisonment This to »ion has been cracking down on Sunday submarine—is doing in Attend Church it i.« a up to ore j ear for dv-top- the pa* ola practtre by filing Argentine waters. ."w in broadcast ng complaints against some record It said in a statement that companies under the fair trade ibis xxntiM enable U to punish laws. %n\ shou emits netssorUs, advertisers, producers and disc .fee- vat:on? lr is statement c-.r.m.ssion the commun sa d it - felt LAST DAY krxx. All beyond of these, it said, are its reach. t at the criminal proposed would "help to assure penalties it E AST LA A SI Mi ( III BCIIES BUY nox* Vie; contended •'« t'-a* everv contest of intellectual -C r-c-'tn! authori"1 ex'end.* on'v AiM or knowledge that is broad¬ :nciivu1usl radio and TV s*a- cast will be. n fact bona fide" •iv' •ns. rs-it;r V 'bus s !k T'fpon to the e . ■ r - to Tb.a4 was its wav of referring ad to- TV qui? sbows It ca"- A Gen W '.ba-n o»1 navola an "undesirable p a - • P'ioo by A"-*. »a'.d *hr (.wmit- ' r" and sa d the proposed fines EAST I ANTING UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN PEOPLES CHURCH CHRISTIAN FIRST CHURCH OF Rocrr* «h.-. WOLVERINE - v .-, •• .-.« ah^tirye author?•* un- .-.•id pri«on terms would serve - e\'»' n2 dr. opt »e pja.-:ee\ on the r.i Ian- to deal urn a* a deterrent " "substantial and efftvtivc TRINITY CHURCH CHURCH CHRIST. SCIENTIST M >, of the House EAST LANSING STUDENT TAMP CO! \SELLOK OPENINGS • ..» ve ovn* ght subcomm't- nhieft .« pvesl'ga'ng pay idr rArftrv. sTi mvTs i\n orawatxa — l"nd#Bemitittt«»«*l AND STUDENT CENTER •fl* * Giind Ri'»f — VP Srsme A*r«»» . e: 'he p-aot .-e of mak'm* THE ASSOCIATION OE PRIVATE CAMPS R»* I nc.Fsr txiinxM? »j.i I in-"'« «, a freqnent nwnt a* Counsellors. Instructors .t Administrab*r> l»* tX I.I *11 it tin* I of the It t . took issue 1HI |iu« 1H1NF HI i title IMSITMN'S in children's camps, in all areas »Sf activities, #* vnxr lOVIIPFSl 1 «l SlUt H» mil » «ith the commission's renewed are available W er-Uiie • <*>. !••**. tt tft % M ontention that it tack* attffl- U t ile I'bone. er Call in rerson f ?*• rm Snr«ftv All Afrilff* It--, lint J tihnmm I•• ie|'h X P. Mini • tent anthoritv I XI I M < 1lt XI M X II! • i» l • ruing Meeting • I'M A*M>eiat!on> of Prhalf Camp* — Dfpl, C HI* 5oil I oi 5 SMPIIl •iinaiT Afhenl • PP. |« 11 AM Those poop'e down • i Rlmlfnt ft?** *1:3# AM I IIIVIMI rom»nd tr.e of a rt - > 5.5 Weal 4?n4 Street OX 3-ttJt. New Tnrk .«. N T. otiirti sinvicrs R.ert.nt Room t xnri * xt *t't i!> • IS • »w •>i«asA- »ihe«0 ' oik * «ihff»e Student A»*e« t nmmuMnntnt el Clmrrh #•»»'• « f.rAnd llt..r Chain Store t i tiff* for imiirilt* pi»iMe*i*» SI# CM Siifper fX#r* Memher* • *p r *i Puifft snr|A#r MT? Pregtim ON ARCHITECTURE • Closes Doors At) t CP liitifruty e m. AteArnts M#tf#m* WflsMitu l *»nin| • p»ifc»r Sfheel Prele»*ef Htiter J«kn«on, fit Id « 1# A M t. hur.h S. heel II H X M R *• I MM AIH»\« XM» »n# 11 it titmd gnd fhtjrch n«» lh» Do Sundavs — Frank I.Iim.I Wriglil Irntre teptf "(Mitlni With A»ur tnn»n in* reom thrcnth hi»h srhool •!• i imutixMii ATtBOn fT -Of \\N ■he Naiior.a'i Food «*'•; cs .n l'*|trr ttoinnl at Xl.tM Artsnr -.mrseed plans to close and,' h xv? their ST. JOHN CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH Of IDGEWOOD EASTMINSTER LUTHER CHAPEL SPARTAN BOOK STORE was <■ •« on Sunday*, >' - -ed Thursday i CATHOLIC STUDENT EAST LANSING PEOPLES CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN AND In 0ni>rr Mttrhrt For hlnrotinn e« fr. R B«*?»it»|h »r f* rtpr's W lien* Sis Hit I.tun Ntreet 4 I *4- T#*teanl, He* irnaii? A ?ln#r»«nn. MliXiater 111 Xhhntt Itntd T*e move aprvare-'** w *« "> 12? M AC. Atiigi (.eerga I.. JnrAae .. ,-vv-«e to • campvc". t* end t t>R>KK OK ANN A M.A.C. MtBlaMra He? H«hin»nn O Up#. Minuter XI NU XX PBOfgHAXf i '--iav fv-v»r n- «'*'•' * t^san X* n» I fl'iilnn Ptrlnr IDRllf Mi*»U t t. lr High Srh«ftl »l* %hbrt» Hd S,epf#rnben b-vn Ann Ar- Ann##* Serrlre# Al 1 h*n«l An# r«r«nnet# t 3# ■ MS • 1" * • '» *• Ca'ho'.r ••wev r-.r '' TBI PAMI1S or CiOP * iB«hv «Mtie« tt I t* A e # m « hurt h n. hnnl enrt XduM - -v were ufted n" •" ?h-p »' R»i Tet»n#nt • IBS M d It en AM 1# H Mttwi) Slitdv In *Hli h tlndent* #•' net |r!*rttii>M» n» •#,:! V-sger'*. **.*. Wr C cv * , -r< because of Sunday ho*;-?. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' SPECIAL pgit* Matt#* • O A IB AM. • '• On# Blorh *m. Beg redae Wa*» ef 9 Narrivnn Hi Hrhnnl il HMOV mm* prnride# 1 tthher* #nd Sur-ert ere 91 Ml X X At Mini IP vevc.-al week? late- t*»e t - voi * cwoicr. o» O* ••*•* P# re*r*t*iMi nm* 9 e a.m. a Her Trtimis A XfarrlMi nty Counc.' of Chunrbe,. a R» Hume XX«r*tup s "ft. to #« If is . rrtme beef open faee sanCwieh e« Jus—eafrs laege fit te¬ • It P M. uft*f Be»r» * II ## am. ■*!!• Thatlra 19-t# a m W nr-hin and t nnilniilng T^festant orgamsation, yoine-i rn kipped potato—coffee or pxllk Xtmrt tor hath Nerrirea thiinh Sehenl Se«*lnn? At I htirrh srhonl fnt HiImI gnete and X M -—■ore W^e". nrge-i m n t- #*l«Tda* 4-1 'St A ffli-tttt r.M 9 10 A II #• A M under IN AUDITION. SAMTU IIDIRAUT r«OA| ANT OR AIL V. v to call on their t*pti»h1<*tert o» * srmiL Arrni/rRv student, (f. iiiinia Delia* • ■ shop on Sundays. CAtWOIte IIVhlKf ftROANI* (rib t.iom thrmi|h luntnr Buh >1 RMIIX «, «u p M >ead? of tbe Ibnet foM 9 4X am Coh*«« fliit We.|»» 1«« III XH XVII III IMI Htinwr 98c -,v -s-d at the they p A Title MII T4 91 NOAT , Mo«f« lunlur Blfh # ellnn «Mp, f I'M . . ^ consider Hosing the r 145 I'M, II )# am. Ail Xitt Be# X edit srt'preTM wmoMi Xe.l.ff* 111 Will Sunday but none ATI DINT* I oektpg for • reall? fin# tneal this . DORM return to the < v-day *v > k aunda* evening? Tor tbe fiae«t entsine at hard te heal prteee "•*ek. be Hire to vHU . . . 'HOUSE OF SEEP' All SAINTS ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH FIRST WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH Katharine Gibbs N'OTIt l All meat* served h* the "Heese ef Beef are . I'Sll.A Vftnh Megnnlii X• * at I xiirhigen Memorial Trtme. Nething hut the finest far yea ft em . . . EPISCOPAL CHURCH (Huroiirt 9*n«#i *149 Ma«lert H«a# He» lieorge H HiUnn — Minute# , X|i|# law of Bagatforo Hna9) "HOUSE OF BEEF" 4a*t I anting Scholarships Bar. •to Abhnrt Boa# fWa r. toftw — Id 9-ISIS • Ckopiato Kunda* ?. hnni - • «y x XI Bir Be#4*a M. #•»•* Berlar Morning Worth!# — II '•« AM. kn*#if School I l| .A M. Be*. Boh#*9 OM49« 111 W. MICHIGAN AVI. Youth xertir# — • AO P XI (Netl «e Heael OM« AI NPAf IBBTiril ice per worship 19 so a.m. » raning garowo — P M liners Men.-Aat. ? •*» - t p«. — Ren. II em. - • • At AN M9 Ci HI— Rpectnliting is: meal heel, rennd heef ehtehen. deck, ateeka. elf. • 19 AM. Mmlet Nr»l or »olr iM Choree Meal ' rCK"»D YOU ALWAYS RFMRMBER" nwnfit " Rt* f»#«»#t ft. I' MrkeUhnrg HAS AM.Moretoi Mm •# «ol? CtBMtiea. ■•rmoe Ml ' EAST LANSING •mn •re mm tf, n. %. n. mm. , • b t . t* »o. fh«r>h tehtml 10 Mm or I P t-«99| BETHANY BAPTIST ne«M, k k . • n Mr—in tk CANniSlll a m •• XI. sfiidt Helen i t larb - lasses an# XX>9nee OtaanUt da* evening* al « no p.m 19:49 A M. 4kao Boll Mrhtot U» SPECIAL t# A XI. 1*1 Ml > *1 IKMil XX "f .Bin le.XX AM A 111 l'M XirilMled in. 14 49 A.M. Maaoo Hull Parbtoi l ot a • mf* school «#f B#«oroa To !»»• roiet Af»#r I tiu't tor Young People and Aonni Xlarn*d« XX Xlilmn 1 l.risfianil# | o« en l ee » xumrnli. Missouri Chorth II A M MORMNO WORMNIP Affiliate# with the Southern "l.lght Boa mm*" Heptut 1 (invention J P.M. rVFMNO AIHX IIP IABOON rum wn» "fan nle B# Car#9 l'«r' ♦ »r transportation rail llr f-AJJl CEKTY A* M'THCDISI OLIVET BAPTIST >•"(»%* T>OM*i e»»je am s2.98 »t. CHURCH toUBMB' M—ft* r«Wor •IN9AI INTER-CITY BIBLE CHURCH FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH "(it it* H'lirship Xervire* CI'URCH al tt i * pit nl ? 45 and II H 9:99 A M *X*-t tutana *1 North lhe»tniil 9:9# A.M. A 21?? I. Xf It BIO AN Paul DAVID MorrDon. ur-*. mug lift* A.M. s It A/11.1.. Minuter fWW •—9* »* J JJ" BfcV (i. I. TLlNntHA pa91iir I Mt.ti II.XHPfcB. Minltler IrttHl »miM ' r.M. mi»idax 10:0# 9 11:19 XX»r«hip nert ires' School *1 9 44 en> e»:»K NiBATCt I# <•# A 11:1# ihurrh nrhooi Yborate* tW PA. 9 IS am. Soniay Hthl# Drhoal Tuamiiglla* looriot totoroo- 11:99 #.99. Morning ftorehip nermon Hi X|r >>a/r|| (entral 1* a f riend!* Ihurrh ootweol tew 9:M o m ••o#at or •Aft pm. Three Aooth uraupi roll IT t-eito tor a r**e AAA snnddt esenlng I a DIB Hub Kleod ftooiiK Chorrh to iomooai 1:91 Ttofhrr Training flat* for ainrl* xnnng adult* LESTER 7 99 am l.vrnlng ln«pireti»oal h#r«l«# Mr I eaeeli av ail iinutry lug Thiir*d*s etenin* 7 in 19 P.M. HOLY TRINITY GREEK LANSIK CENTRAL FREE ORTHODOX CHURCH NEMOOm CHURCH S. i Haxliington « pint i> Repbr SMC «|OiB|lM al HllHiW ATTEM) THE CIILKCII I anting Sunday School: Iwoo A M — II am. Divine l iturgy: 1# Id A M. OF VOIR CHOICE ' — 19 am. Mop.. TIM. r»h. II * U Teeth trnke - ^1* father RoiikUhia " I tlRCWLD THIUKI tail p» ANDRES Brwlas «or*eia Brayo# Mo*tto« «*4 "Te# Chorch of »• Ughl - Iremai-t:** a ad EVERY SUNIUY .. . Tor oniclallng 11 anapBrialioii (all l.eorge Taaaefil KB 1-191] Uf# ■Mf s:: NO. WASHINGTON LANSING i ;l II loua Here Tuiiiglit Sword Team MUHU.W M \Tl MMS MSI to Host lolleyball Tourney i |..huiar% Jrnf«on to I1? P>«0 S'uov "*- •' "o llr t |«»«m o •..*«vr Page I ow ,We" "h.V .j -tar, 1 >n k S'Hti, ..•ul ' •< roMPpdcT>\ Wlson, said \Vitt«»nb» rg White - Wraps Up Its lioad Aetion Gymnasts Face Th«- Iowa gymnastics loam, Daniel* iolna Tough Invader Johnson and Other Spartans to see include; J'm Durkee. Tom T« ■ 1 . - ■ !»' NCAA champion Rill Th-mvpson Daniels conturies in pi, r- u- • ' s« IVro i T Snnt'lan *unvd«ou»n will Huck. . -vades the IM Sports Brows. • wi n !il •«• Arena at fi p.m. today. S/ypula has no worries in the Dick Becker, nursing a » t 1. h. JVtl st.V.» y. !,•»:■• ■Jr« > *o M-ulison, Wis., this horizontal bar event where de¬ eh ■ t•«-.'i?r>K«v and a kpnd for thyir last am' Tiw Hawkeye*. a top contend¬ kn»ecte,l to teiu ?•, sing i R* Wrestlers Gun for 6th Straight mil l HI«rV 11 n Ms (1-frai-d 4<»hn and Fob 27 TV will rerord the esenl for to- Undefeated after five dual meets. Michigan State's jWteitkr- >» " *on Remark He on last week's wn trlrrast Saturday noon. be- gur.mng t<>r a sixth straight win tonight when they go again t or'* v t'h'oago and !«>ss to t'l* •• Buck. Nr AA ehamoion or.'the lo*A-a Teachers at Cedar Falls •v.. . t h I'har-o- Sobmiit» i p.. ailei bars and runner-up a* It will be the tirst »ncounter outside of the Rig 10 for the stav .. i. Wr' r • '<> winmng the side h=u>o. is joined bj La - grappcr* this season. l.a t year MRU boat the Panthers. t6-10. Next Monday, following the Iowa Teachers meet, coach Fendl LAST DAY b« The tram Is tnipw\rd ever v\ to Snyder and Marshall Clans constitute a trin'e thre.v Collins w ill bring his round back home to face Pittsburgh, in 'hf nd from la*1 home meet of the season. thr first Hfrks, as shown by The mo •,au,-es XtSC gsm MATUfM VTK S 438 4 S9 c.>aeh Gcvrge Szyrula to moan Oil'in*, doesn't export the Panther meet today t.i prove too nigged SO< !A1. BUY I.1«I Tii.s work's totals. >101 k. S'hnv"« ha« thai the nvadcr- are strong the of a test, but he said he doc* fear a possible letdown by his nw place* where h^s Spartan* suuad. Making Aficr-Uouis Count s-a •(•"'led c'hiuk. .Ii . trom opco same are strong "lhe h«5* hare been working pretty hard against league enmpe jo fot: to bolstei thai irio. Dick IVof Tangent A 1 ..Ia !<•>* and lb!; \!a» N'.vnara He is counting on team depth tition all year. They might have the tendency In ease up against an to makc-UD the difference . outside opponent." he #aid. ml; t»>mplo;f> thr fo>il lino-tip.. Making thr trip w;ii bo li t ♦»tatr 4'n-rapt. \ngte I e«l» If the Spartans are able to win today they will have bettered la ' of five wins, three losses, and a tic. They still hate Pi iu« ipl' •• of \i« o'unnnj; A> < Cot tutte- WOLVERINE Johnson. Stovo Arnost and No 1 Bvi'wn, sabro. Jewell, Jim t'laiy will sir honors with Buck for seAting season's remrd three meets left on their present schedule. »t«"»l K| vf! il Oil llith X !i\ tO.iUx UM11£ OlviuUlX an,j IVnsd, .ejirc Steve Johnson and C"hu*«k Collins mentioned earlier this week that he thinks a part ef tun \-1 time, lot tiitu wt-i} xjvm on Tu - npsi-n of State will contend Michigan State's current success was due to the timing of the sched¬ tomiv • w'.h Snvdor in the rebound- ule. By that he meant that the Spartans had faced the weaker tratn« iliio lo nmlo 'iMii;; V .oelmr I Liu Toon KTeeUate Show P.M. tutrbling event. But Saypula e\- first and following Iow a Teachers their three hardest meets remain. c.\«l here, especially The Spartan*, along with Iowa and Michigan, are the only rr Pi rnjthlwt£*x 1 Inorem (warm J han = Hum- l>.iUirr 1:2.1 • pc.ts from points Juhrtsmt who is undefeat¬ maining B;g 10 squads which are undefeated in present league uvo !.r. i V TYool ih.ti- \ in line* Hair Tonic ed. action S:15 7:5* 10:0S Spartans are espec.a'lv vS'ate faces Iowa, away, on Sat., Feb. 20, and close* the bom A make* men** The • . icy'. •M wrttt i nmmc, |ASt i.NMNC • hong in tumbling where John season e.gairud Michigan's Wolverine* the following weekend. , .•., v - i>-r f. <• .mini VppIi« afion ol proof \\N\SWA \ \ pj oi "\.inline* H oi Tom*. tor DING STORY OING «.toii» MINEOj-.--" NOHNER-I apinning and pmo bear' *ilh It / ■ V" aa Dinah hnnga up tba I.iaier on twelve a image ballada WE'RE REALLY BEAT!! TbrdlM K^bi \ Mr WbaJ X Difference V Dav Do \bu Think for Yourself? Ve Make* "t Remember Vmi T'n VOI "VE REIT l"S ON THE RI'N FOR A Me A Ris-er'% Mael.ajtan WEEK AM) A HAI.E ... RIT! WE ARE •aaamsM tff emus. pnpa» myp. mm ffWf • MUT ■ eight mo^e -«***>. k- ■'wisr cirs^'CNS AND srr ' vcu conmct ) n»e Wear ••»** mt i*~ HOLDING OCR GROUND TIL SATI R- DAV ...SOOOO... \DDED* t PA Cartoon • Xovpltv • »w* I*fr0r*f04 Tbnrs "J \CK THK HIPI»EK" TAKE ADVANTAGE vtartA .NOW SHOW1MJ. or US WHILE WE'RE WTAK .. . . i GLADMER STOP IN TODAY .,. VISIT THK.STRK PflOVE IV 2-SM1 mmm nm SHEPARDS I'll M O It I! O W IS >t i'ek ii \ku \In n \t 5:0.1 • 0:15 SEMI-ANNUAL SEE I'EATl'RES "Opersllon Pfllicrwt" Show* *1 1:00 — n.CS — OCR NEW FEATURE — SALE momenft left fee leva! V VAU * '.*f nflpfwt * hicb.pAyint *eb«« *» ardmat trainer would you t'A) insl«t en «m»»; animals* Rv «*k fnr pay in adapt*<■** (O find out * hy pmfesnionah won't take the job? -m». be*!* nil Wm»t»d- " rtwi'T rVi tbink for fhorrwJrf* have >"»* K f. «'atf'tppn' V de- studied the far'*- nhout Afters &nd have nnum*i«ri br aft cbrmrr. Vipwr , .thf one ctparelte /f *>t.o';?nrtur<»-*. ! R. *« all with a think-in;: mar. > filter ftnd 6 srook- »* "Time wound* inp man's ta<» !?«*•, *t"» that ro.'r m>nd ran build i{* fR' r fVe* eat p* lew ef w >»ti *-eur „> *ow lie**'* eancdv fhmk—but B C t* yem • O. row *o- ynwaelfl In wher a rHw behind you hhr« b'« horn do yn»: i\5 fn *n,-i jtArk him* fB rendar ahiv'V %■rAr^c, 'f*i bop« it i: wttlr B hh np^vA** mill interview When • pa! VM* *n*jr Par about why h* hit-- rifumtl* la b«-«tt yvu |»«*ph moat to (K> hi* .A rhatjpr about hrt« food IV.? It -fACardiA-i* oi' £33, MS. PUD) , ,r ~ bn* it (Bl his f»»- ma"k »H»: thp fjitar muv bp pood hAoaiw it's n>*+ 4^^ .(C ht* rnmntprrs that both really pond filtTatioo and real t'tbaoro ta^u are iniporriuv * *: bzc. Before ynu buy your next pack of ru*>»- ruttph. take a moment to think about what you realty want, Mo>i men and TheMen Who Thinks for Himself KnowB- ONLV VJCOtOY MS » THMUNC JUTS FV.TEK-A SMMM UMTS TASTE! pfiflUM mm Murl,rrs I rhrnatA I!. Itftn ratrTIre (V.;.vi I* i i III"S. - AI.I: i: ••-: »M). I,, w Tlwlii I hi »l s A Al ,t«s v< >\ f ! I .!> 11 All'Ml* I' I '• ■ » >• -I n« tit v ni n\s \A 'I A II. lliAnrrt* 'A •i: '• - 2h' 1 2 1 ho|.p.i Nltfiii, 8>w I'.,, K MM" *• < «'♦ » Vithl I d Iter Sir HA » \>i . II. I i | bet • »• i \. 1) • Al IT IMit H i|»p* ' i the Hie p) • ■ :• 2 I • < hiimpi'MHhip tr.tno, AIM II. Ilrlti * I •, HA I IMAl It I r i' . .;■>.»• i. , • • i '*'»• ■ ' • ' meet Mirnosrita Sutunlav iti ri • h. " .1 I t't *ifsf tH\i«inn * ' :i : ' V .kf I (•••!-,'• A ll'.' • »' V; enc :.,iv, mj'm 'he f-J ■« ' out- A !' I>r U k of 'its leg lev /'•> t'Ji»p":•'!s ;n eng. . • Decker Picks f ■„ «|., f.M v v im • u-.m «> • - TOM'S MARKET Th- - .Me hv !h>' 'M jAee'e. I i »n i h h"i A'Nl Allllll. -.ll ' : -• »»■<• '■ ... IAA -I I 1 Oil... SI »lr HA I f |..IA 1 ' • , Hi;: t.i .i n) ,« h> I ill* l*n I 111 ft AA i»i nilvlii - ■-m 1 "< - ; II. li -; \ • N.ll IhAI ...|| in HA I I \||- IM-. |l| >• ... .1 - ■ •.;> Illinois mri I'or it hi- • ...j m-,,. -v .muo -• . • ••. ;- n •■li, t OilninM pa I i | A B ' Tii hi MA M liri run ha ri A n it i III HIII-A mo Hi akr A: - • ..tin add.-d ,» i.: • H mi I M.K i mri \olrr llniir • • •• It. . W A.- «. e AA.lln I llll-.l HAM s < 4 III ..» K." Hill HAM UMlllOOH *1 M. -'..uvhml .1". !» »!» it M m.m - Ron Johtwwtn and Ititrair muhifim If ton havanT Nl«rnva?ad 1om * S'.,IT'« |l» I'lUHiIMM IMIUMMMIIN | \l | III m .mm IVtlkri Inn of Ihr li»n tritlfi* iorallotl two doora aa«l of Ihr In
rhJlt«. yon In Ihr !.»•! ?I !' ton'ra ftlnnnlff • for tit# and got 2.1 rrbonnd* In John¬ EAST LANSING PHONE E0 1 2814 AtooU-rnd—Tom'a marlifl nifh • son'* five lale Scores wide food and hrvrraia •rlatflon vny NlliIITS & SI N. — Alll THr ( IIII.IIIU.N 20r for rvrrr !a*4o, will |»itistiff• • A nri 'tg 1 s- new«. Minn... til. \p« tfl'k |fl« r« '•« j i*« ' <* (i-. •Mad and rtiiuariohu u*». si i out* i " Al.ATI NEE SAT. — AIM ITS .W« tnrrrtsfiil labia appoaranra, nlih pe-a.1 arr < aj;« r ' if en thorn- » ollrtr Tonight *Iioaa littltt rffoi t on j our parlt Vt.n-v-v-'o' i. '• J.thn- ' Vlllann. .1 :s I'm l« m m NOAA SIIOAMNi; Tlllir SAT. mi iivm "blpxV " the ».r.« n ^hUi»l«t. nil -* a rvU the h «k«- | ntr«l \ t ihiIUm h* ■ 'or* ' • Spa i tarn M Joha'o iM ' t* Hr«l liUinn -1 SO FOR .A. LARGEST DISCOUNT IN TOWN 'A AIAVT ivukna-MIp. . 7 Quolilv ,m« m«s «tmtfw nrv Hi R\H. who wtilins hw Ml II I I lls — TAll, PICKS — i:\ll \l ST I'll'ICS IALLEN TlEflN\iraC> uwal on X*' h|».*»lan twird y ftttSWC' im urn »«■ m>'» ihhuih • i to pt.»vitiE It. look* down . , I'OI.ISIIKS W IMS PAINTS IIHI'SIIKS ,, , i »h* dtirftt* * rwmt Inlor- — — — Frwh FRUITS anV VEGETABLES ••< Tliirtw. who rlaim* he b.a* l OMPI KTl: 1,1 NK OP AtVKSSOniKS "2 — tiRKAf HITS IN »NK lllli SHOW ■ i . «iii«*hU> tun into h> rott- who mhtiwk him for * ESQUI nolo. *t»nd* a Imcih* roMiiin \ sati-kima Ifrhiiilt Nfw PARTY FAVORS & BEVERAGES - DM PI lit. ,V « Al'TO Variety of rant* in the Aifinil* of Tnnlfhl I ir«l '•how K AO srmv. • si Anna* . |'irh1hoH«r this «M«»n • I.IM H%IDR4 •ulnr'Iu ( rtniii!u«i.» 1 w st:itt iti: •it iu ri Airs | Arr»'t* In.lallf^ •AA All R PI MP* Mnc* of l.«>*t li-nwrnrr' t'll. fc* T )!<-)«>)« A* hll. V«il *Al1 • rLl'TCH PLA1M "».tl himIJIV •blue denim- #» i r>i .'iHi'c. nctuti Phone ED 2-4614 ni l ia i ItV SFRA K r. Swimmers Al'TO STAMTINi; NKXT SI NDAA See iction •V: i'i- lw> H? IV KRAMER PARTS "L«t him who »• without oin coo* Hit flwt ITS - KVTRA-nRniNAIlA' - Tnntfht ihown tl fi M A 10.10 MACHINE SNOP SERVICE >tono...*V^ffij- "two noons east li V of M 4 O-lllf or roit.At, ram.Ks* . . MSI' tank !>•<; tVflP this w ePl.S the I i'i \ < ' i .'k. * -i' v •• •• Kook* twRih ) On "Hi* !<«»'' •till I h M AM A/IS) ST. PHONE IA Pl.ll". I^CARROl t BHIR-ROGER MOORE -WUTE R SU 2 W TOM'S MARKET " in a > : p m iiw-,1 flfcwNGWAUtO III INI PMINOU » .kMRRI RI MIKE Q nth*? Ann ,ArV*>r ' 5?} • : WIWIST n g lfl nr. Tanitht *hown 9 .to onh' \1«1 V-,.. \1,H si \nvv WOLVERINE HI-FI & STEREO ' ■ . to PVVMX'£• ' v! •• » V • •' <*(»rrM«o»i€ HO* nuinm 'w»« s39w NET KITS Quart*-: r.v, ' Stereo Record Bonus Certificate . . 1 ■ R Riifkrtl and Jim VnD> m •»» Bukor will hr -isjinu th«- i m •• •»«» i'm* ale, w k-s*n *oph«mnrr* Rill Ihrn SALES END .*:•>■! Win lvndloton in thr U Ho I« or |»,it ,\d»-d •*»«• I • itmtflr, and \rm» Ik' I rwili t".iw or I'hatinrrt Johnson pipotstion' r "rt Oarntnn and Jark -.ft in thn 440 UV - M : vk-.. !>'' r TODAY J AO-;. :■"-■ f-'- •■'•'• TAPE RECORDING INDUSTRIES •-• . -v 10' mui n\ a a I MR^wio in i <• 100 Xbsve D - 0|»rn Men. t In f : Jones. ana sim r.. Mil ii Hal Till *«»• ED 2 0197 "1 fiv* him a goad '-•Ca'frpe *aui. Dermv Rttpn-nr*. flunk Bill Singleton v, i / "A-imMUTSUCCBS!" o: un»t the 2 19-2 rec-ortS* "KSTHCJUKOf TM YUt!" - 't Clark and Ken Waio -N.r.iMitN.r.imwu / .v«s'.*lroke even: GPEOOt* *r* *»'* MUD of fUN! PECK GARDNER bfltiJ IF YOU T/tn/mth IITA v.- - C A a * hca * SALES REPRESENTATIVE Will Be In The ASTAIRE PERKINS Union All Day (From 9:1)0 il.lll. — 3:00, The Wolverine Office. Room 341 Student Services. Or Lonturt The Salesman In Your M Y0WUFET08 Living Unit. .V.v:.^v; »J k •Hrkfw Doiit Trust Your Memory . . . •wis j— —Oknn *. »( wv r..«i C0UE6E TRAVEL !:i" AV. River OFFICE HELD 9 riwaa *4 I 14, 4:lt. 1:40. »M P.M. O MICHIGAN BUY A WOLVERINE I'honr ED :-M»6T \ r • i AIIMIHrIN Nf All mm, ( >11 ( llllipifs Krli^ittii!* (»rttti|)i« I'lait Nitritil Admltt4* Trbruar? f». tofto Pace slv ] (lords Trade Bool: VM-YWCA ha. plnnncil b fnt- ViilrrOtop dance, ha? been p!-, felialmw «.».»ni;:utii»i h C'l'.'-ehi- n»Ti«"'-' •'»" f VW|Wt S ( iinen- • •t « 1.1 imtMnr ft p.nt Kruitty. The auest ncd for {t-12 Sahirdnv fven1- • | Mills* of Hearts ti.iar" wtanned Valentin.- • vat ' u- I Iithrim Ntflilriil %%«nriathm 1' tUwiit I Weldner, pre- ■Can'rt lurry Cluh p'sn-tr t III! ai-i;\ itig Hitihlifi'itinp the wilt mrol lot ftUPPof .it 5:16 fe>«rm of poHiU'Sjl cltnt-O. wilt their u-oeMv «r e. keVvT; srhf'hite are Vale t meeting f «r pra .. For Class Slippers • i 'ln<- danr«"« .and a earnh al. t itdai otrning it thrtr router. teatl a dbrtifsinn on ' P-ipnlnth n Inlemnfhnial !-• and stippet a( (I p.m. Suv.n ' in (own: zi:Kii Ati t "f Gamma tVMa hav-- AAaltrr .lohn«on. pislmm of Cmfrol a" an llohert Whltokcr, director <■> administration and rdwrstintu! •ate." Itecrofttlon tmd refresh, State Now a Snrtotf l.dltor planned a • Cat rr.i a1 Itea*' Hiiweenn of Religion In he'-v " »rri|rf«, will «neaV on t»eatln* men! ■ will follow- the discussion. -y ... i\u | It I , i t 'i. ..ptiMii'i. St. Valentine, tin* -:••' Ceil t|:»v. ;»t 3 e m t'ri i i, with *onr Inner ItwlHln. Ion- Hrart Sprnk". to llcar\" wiM ';peak o tithe "Patitinp r>- njipt | m. niiit stmmn>n»ii! Hi.- fleot-u ittpeil M« ntreis w-m*a!:.i g.rh • a* »t Cathollr fttudrnt < It canbation's tlrs." 1 Hint . i 1-m .w.-ninp fiiflhcr Nlntii anil ( nnlllrh ' thin t nt".1 :tn«l Hit s i»tt him nut with hH!,. »v "» •. eje p\amlnatlnns h» had two latentlnes. Ihe one Are*' «*«». w>•' » '"■» p minilois I't |»i H t JrnNen. retbterfd •ptonir(f«.t 1 he Hi sij.,,!, whose name tie Ind drawn and ' MtM ih' 1A.". I ItAtlon HI rlf I'l ilr (In d.n 1 who had drawn hl« GIADUAtl SCHOOL Of f AfllNG thr Til. IV H 2771 '4 A in o i one Orient is thi Ihw 'i the lone sueethrtiU with i dim i it 0*. 1' name. And an e\penstre tltlna tlNtVIHAIIV Of PtttSIUHGM r-.v .n .» p§ Htit nsr sfon. I-S; Tum., W#(l^ lit, • united |.f* I'iouwvnt dhmrt Amnion ti'EIon ttill tin It' " " " ti K |«h a mm. var« Samuet s-»: ThOM. » frt . a s d.inee u.ijiiiji war issued an rdiet that no now wan-lace* weir »>• !>♦• pet tinmod. fnt ho foil that Pinning? nitttird mow "until not ho ratoi toi v at y\t '• „ , rKr *'v- I A ANN M HOI *»' • o n one in 1 t ' I < lo«e Inter Tom If" pop,C«hl f'11 let tin in i \ w-e'e .t"!».lng M*»lsn«>r Hi ft" ■ r.t'ua! attdttde cf tv • yuan rs s a V i l 3 s] COMING TO CHICAGO 31 s a J|a s (? o t e; TO* THE WEEKEND' asm iHon 1 I7",' ■■■■■ |ii|| wrtmenV Couple? . AluHent? mien p» k >rr. iivm mm liitttt-ind. \ I . tI ^ fomifiR? Gieup? on Tour TJlMssi IT " STAY AT THl VMCA MOTBL iV.J'A 3 i iVBd 3j 3.\o;Wi I Aila iVs I VST DAY IA'O I «Bv H'SB m A WOLVERINE UUil THAI It's Rambler M#r# er» thf !'K'- Rflffihl."' Atworioa-- ^avr ;i .i -.Im.\ o vroi ni I ■ • S is-i'isom' <-i» t Its • (Vi|H tlli vh S»-.!a'i !»•. ii. Miur|i..A. »•" v os t'.'l; v"i nt •••v.l fii'.i- '««* * "10 h i«»'-'t I'" <«s «*n v v- n ,svr i . « , ■ ■ • ■•I.' • a v— •> -.«* <*e«n •" Si l»* -t"•*» s» »-!<-»•••■> •*• *i»»: IN AMPHORA *»• . :-• • «»• Sea tSf Nrw St*ni1»rd #f Stile FtetMsnes »t Vwir Rtmblor KQDL KROSSWORD No. 5 (iiw vourwlf a I alrntinv ... LACE TRIMMED FEMININITY in tkirmn' ami iiiiuu roffoti for juniors * 12.95 ✓ fr«rtv a* a {dchtnr «r'r cottor? h-uffam* eatch the e*e»t*mrwi! of a new and ram-free srstftt, Err«*h mtraele-Wena delight N^arkle? with nam!\ ta<-. trim?, tucks and fashion details, acssTes a |y>mi? for «r$*r*ne«« ri*ht now through wmoter. t.M course, you'll want one or both irwmed«atets *o *y';:v»me the far-' bWath of spring (A.l Square neck siylr m Tlhre, CeterN or «»foen R Mwda;■— neck stvle in Blue. Green or Beige. Both in n;'o T-tS. AA AIT a ITMOI Wt|SA| tu.AKxt\n IIOOR •DnPont Tr*4t M$r\ try a rrrrrri, Bonnie IIloon'.« f!/-• ami Kni**Hi's at the uk ai.vr NEAREST YOl THE RED-LEG LOOK COiJ.Ei.E r»Rrn \«. l It Vl.t tint mi Klvft .Veir camfms fashion rxrilmirnl.' RMINES ORl'fi *2.00 pr. ;3S lot