The Weather - ! aglTR 1,1 NC I'nflli l liiuili. Harnipr I ill In lltli In lliu III; 111*11 I NntkPl* srci»i»M 2*1 Hcc I S'lilii" MM for .Ml VciiC" I'l: H I I KN I- tmm ni, \m. m I A SI I XNSIS'i;. Mil Mil';,\\ MtlNKX.X. I llllil .MIX I'l. I mill 1• lM ranee Siier&v CV Officials ( /ml t'lT'lMM' Private Plain* Crash rV-\ S"r!\ Kills Pour Pearsons Imiom-DO.V I.iii»- Trouble iiiii1 miller ! i i ff S * I • • 1-1 1,'l.e Itku'if in \ir I 'raged v Itt itto- f t pi. i*ni » M'' .} | .ill j ii r • i'' i - _ III','iili-il fill I ''ii i t ■ * x' i tlnp, iHwfi * in th" UrmiitM' » no b i«» i\ •' rflfrlH" jiijinr » «I'| vilbito' of t'lurk Sou in mmi'Ii- m Mi •ItifMii Arjzeniiiui Slill HiiiiIn I HO hulls ' !!» V.I- \ 'IMS ft \ • \it-i • l! )",■ ,.(lii| -lie 1 ;• : fi \'it. Sm i'ti,.i,» rt.ilnilni tmlc ux • f DJ'CI - • "|«f M f 1 m» it • (i( t-n-t - ! -•! Ml1lrtl.*c»\. pm fnnlm- nnn Onreu Mill velrrl *o «l tin** »* hi attend onnfhrr In SoiV X M.I 1 XX. i Mix 1..| v -s||». until rtifeHaJllfd 110 rattdldstrx for this next lmnh» On 5nH! 10 five fltnthh nltl I «• I'fffilitn In R f bl'M'tori In fi" • Mi x i d bi»!(iiHr in -••en at ,i tea at the Lambda Mil Atptn rhoM'M one n| «lmm nlll trim iivrr Ihe Jt»nl«M I ffftrh |nt < D m .1 11 w |b fl • i'iila* aUrmoon. Th* 7% Lambda I'M'* 50il rare on Mat 21 ♦;. .ff,. Vlll'X fiulicntjiifi th,- I!'- idinnril lo loin Iheoi ^Ittt rxp|„i,-< f,..t i„fill, i rljoiri' •I-;. ;. lilt If :»f 1 1 l|'l' 1111. .dax of Id at tlearxaaler, Ida . »' it!'• ft h> iffll n,ri|ilir,.|,||, |„ xaltefe tJr« 'I'fttilf iKitnriU lln) |ri firr'v t onnei s paietits. Willi Sound Tlml Sun-numb' ..'h«\(V ,,t npen Mr. anil dies Kenneth thil*. of l-rrslflffD i b-irlf. I»f ( full* I .. hi" •"'••'cMl l*apeer are sprpdlttg the w ittier iif #■ fi't11 'I it. trpifp llitl runr b ffii i (■ •» iuff.f f«, 11If'n. iv »fr * nf > .f"' 1 ' ift-tb series railed "Who * IHsh fuller 'herlif's sotil nfflerrs the eoils» and of Ihe ^lale loleroiiliooal t lolt Mcht of Ihe show K thi l'-wn stlvmlans Intfiffrlillw »( Ihe crash lias not hern determined klillksissa moiiim-/ Talks i •'Rattle lit inn 01 Ihe Republic • "sjinod l|. hnl the* repressed that Coulter •OS! rotnii.! in I lie m "• • - • "i- H- Up! had etirht" fronhtr eonplrd ssllh .1 buS (»*•*• The If!-.'! «!<> ' It ri-i-ters i» Ihe sprue w err had weather |» n as winds with •'X ITS nti- ♦ of the '• ' '• l-x. : *i' i'l'"'' pe»» 1 if rellliti «'f 01 Pakislaii lvro!»lnii-> l»«tred imm sMllne rinse enough a frrl ami Ihrrr i-i'Ctsm wilt hophi .. I. 1. if, ■ ! •■ " • e t - fnvi'e f i„ hr I red Waring h«x hc?tt Inter- lor o»* nrrt-lse hnprrsshm hilt wfir s„,di siiimIU. in trod Mi'*'*! v mui>« y , , esle«! In nm*ie -loie h' tonlh Ihe, s * hi the Inlrnsll*- anil fir ■M 1»" follow »'.| i'»i. ,vi ' '••■•• the pent « ■»"•••.,<. i;> • m h.."., ■»nd Ms flr«l aftempt^ ' nrsatt- pile lie, of the afJnefc* |»« si* |y*« ' '«• ' f| (•)" nvli lid l'nki"l«U » |M'Ct!ii;!! i" Uri'i ■ I punmplrt of Tlu*'- - > ■x " i ■ t l?lnr a gronp etiti" earfa In his ami nlanes In Ihe last few hones r'ff 1 ■*' » ' ' lite The llitilifih'i ' as the -trough bnlleated oneralbni ' iattt I. ii (i, I IHH*»111 ft I i'» t'u 111 - I I" ;* r-;»» rfran fdraln* p*>, I h .i(.„ h Ib» If I h i* rxrifol murb ol fiiiiip »t as railed x< »« a banlo slnklne a, lln- nav* oiln d«J»s ' .-kground of 'hi N'<- Mp'-t fx "i • l . f Mm t"ifi II \h> I ' MX ' r lifivni ibrief,! but tniiM J reurb hand «l Jntu I he ■ .'ix w as Ihe hie assault itudrr tsar. V -I 7 .'if A''"M if "i.l. In,it .• •(„ I'd.",.. |" I" v . i io xx vii.' •*r■. l'Uhllvbf.,1 WiiuIm eradnalla enlarged od latet 11 < ' • i i'ip- horaM |..'»Vieti •• rr"a-mhfp, xvfi" "• » V . hip.. .... F<• i- ;»• »h, •M IflVffJ w. tilled Witrlnr • -Heplans," I Ml' irsl Smoker Scheduled " Mi ' Mi Hi- > I- * f ..'iUom.,! I I'lit »»««•' the plat *d fralernif- dries and poti' \ I'M ... ill,. MM, ih . ! • ' ' It' . ult l| fl'f -M ; «lfih alfalrs, s|nrh>: thet MM >h-"( • t hi'f llepifi tors M Sit>mi/is fin Ithit>il t., -• V , • plated and |'h' III.;• ■!>»"•» « • r !,e 1 I • or Ml\ MSI "Nominees x in "inns <•.. he« Waring tvh •'( •• i Mi l* x ipvv aii", hoi'lMC t!"' > *»'■"» x lhiii' St Toilnv I . * I,Mo-oaf.,«. Txvn hir t'C '• ' ?«. l-t IVM'I S'stn fh * 1 prin'f.'l ' :,ij KIRokpt i'tw Ml ♦ »a« t. . 'i.titnf - f rf»r>s-txoi I i da or* flow f'i » > • 'Tt«f- *v of modem depth charge M • llix • «t the Knppn K:ipi MM I ■■■•• ectotlnlnlne people in t x tmple he poinled nut !•' * . D»e I;j*i ' • he "I I, I ■ij -OitoU. hi- life's work ' ' 1 lie i-hivm af this ! i1 ( - fh •! Mask a and f|;txx,.H have tin M.f.q i hmcn Ifmk ii M "f fh' I Id M I I ' "• thai aJ- Fred Warlni' hnuntlarlrs with lite tnotbienlil f i*o'Jf f|. I* Mv Kappa Ih'M.t h, n . T". • "(■'•!•' " V. a : off|r|g!|v f nr>t ix m Ix befwr- M •»., , ,,, hi . no rnwiM xx In , I'M t)!| III It, id) h iv, I 'tiled Stalls xtl polilietllx .tr>- Iran", vtonb| not have her own •X, le x .,1 .1 • I,: -Ml "Ml • ;/ !i •. r»5 ihe. pV»H'« and spf'tsiiitps' hd' nmii.ti i i« ft iImiiii' ntwi. , 'i are pari of Mir 1 s ' f inoiis. I'ncnncealrd f'f tv dnuilMer TH*h» mo » liMvt 'did Hllt'M >'• i tih( II' i I'l II" I'll/ fi rob in i! I rinr* mail* th* trsl Kruno Closer, fxlert FII* n. Ill nnr' permisf.ion ; IppORf nj wjpi fh" i>a"MI» J di'vi illoul assistance pfn si,I exumm.-tfioo Ihlk! IV: i'.'l ' ' I. -I :■ M ■ 1 ^•oh.i flatnma Rhn, John Will hf i Jo. M.,"' V" \f' I " ' - t» hot l)|. ,I/Ofh" nd'-bd wjth r*s*nfm*nl lhat I ..amine sonh IJella d'X"U (! *b* i il d' !."■'• fi'i!11 Fi • II*»x 111u Roter II,i*s. IJrnes. r h, •• fij <•>, ,d «... i., if,, ff,.,I | , .. lor illi's. I'ianelr; lllrk \«h I t" • '• p. i ;,! I »„ f(, ,l i ro.s • • '• guarded »b" Free.. nr ir., I'hl KaftR.r SUm.a. >. ,a,jntj{!(>f Wt-i- (•" D„ ,.f pill.M, / no I'iolessors 1 i't Stockh'-lm a!'- ^I'Oon. Moslem J»|tr1n»s 1'» t nth proees-1• ihe 1.1 »• •) - ''•■'' "ii threats fh#t' on Sm. fr Raller; Joseph I hi — tthht. fr„ delta Mttna I'M i :. et'fxci -tIi;: f v- TJr. nichaid UiM»f profc ■ the l.lnlnl I if firvrs " • • vill iij iw tip th< J t It. • !• i lO'Sf • The Krnba^y pas i - Islto t oneh. Ualllo errwh Jr., rhdUpHtfit ncllvffy hi" > • mhp .n* of phihisophy, will add" a r»- msi .nr.!" „ - <■' bHftdrcrls of fc|(#'i hi; Jeffer.t Rnrk Mollne. by Warivh « "• in»;f f firk< ' In the I'm • |>o( philosophy colloquium hi!ii«|it "" ■ a 1.1 hi. m ' let led irationa? o|dti-e '< •'• * (»••', •t« for 'he Sot ' >•* "Son," P»nb1«m of Method in i i.l. . Iph 1 amhdr I hl llph.a: c Sinftle rniint--I'M-. l-'-ih i h. iifiuiii the of (he Sigma lambda '.'!>t t»'.t> hiio! liandemehr. I'nlon I'llv i,.«i -tartitpt tmlay »' 'ho Ooss-CuIUiral Stittlies of Value l"h i if !„ kefr fifth-. The orb'* Is mhnT wm; 57:S« and $$ ->ha- lilllt is lepiio f " :u\!mi DihU-I >. at tor Mtf.hfU : llmdviek: Tete Mt Rot. sior- 1" fr., Thl Kappa I'd: : r . :'H|»h , ('en's must prrsrnl <\ 11.1. ItJ ratdr at System." ni it pm. in th" c»u fcrenee room of '•id loot are Die »fit refilm -»«d mm, ( mitieral w if Inn i:i d»v- |>f if - " Ptofc t ■ Mot lianif :tj • W ••'tit, Morris l.'-giueering do- ' I'lHi>ii?II I'ilm ,r'e« MtMfll, Thrre Oaks Jr. of I . '•In '• y rate. 1 i slum. |(i-Vlrel\ Series Iff S|H';lk I... lit S I t 'P f», ifflmt month* »«.. 1 change il liiinhihl Ilamlramek Jr. r. m ■ Id: Anderson )l w i .ihiw, 1951 MRU Sif,tllrl I > -)d M ( III I ■ f) H;''• i' .n Pakistani amt James < hi I .S. I.duration i I > - - f,'1» Matr ami present manager of (tonal hottoiat v frafcrrh'v for tary du (jib»r«hip with J f.;. -111 be the soph I itmthntise; Terr* Mttden** rt'sidential Mar-thai Aytib Khan a Si <•' r : r- % offer in,. ' • t hsrlrvoU. rhl IJelta T\ . I , I,? aystcms at l!itrrhntiunal Hut'• itt huiiding lie i-' ht> Tom Ma all. deerbnrn ft riess Machine*, will «prak tu and Inn too merchandising. Thu w»i established for a tf-mporto , '.".rgiit. and 10- k> duration,' Khan, stated A lam. ■; >1t Kiorciiild The Mrma Kapm; Terra fllhon. rnci nor ring students at R p.m. fo~ piirpttsr of Ihe honorary i« lo re- n't ■ ^•'hld Jr. Mesl Hhata Rill nigh! in 33 Union »>gni/e .uistamling students in known iv ti)f. "unhfcr'y revol'i- Bi ed e-i -Mfnii Bernstein ****%>. port llnnan Jr.. Rei* f'f.rt.ifcw will dlsetiss tlir "Work ttw above major; antl hi render tn.nary" because of hi.- profound I IN or an Engineer in Computer service to the majors in these belief* in 'iemwrary ,,r(»j #duca* fanv/u- : jV • Mild," "Dreaming Fields" fields through vai ous activities. tioii for »tic masses. Lip- •'-.(> *;*ofy of ii woman ihuman. Ireepoil. III.. Jr . •*' (O. her Ixj.-- sitma. Robert Chirker re:S J inrpj nrjfi another marl p ' r ktdfrtsiHtd, III.. Jr.. Mtma h'xr Stpu. detrnit sr. Al- I' MX 'Wfleoiiie Winter Inlerliitle" whom »,e as an riff i. • an >. l is*, ' l^ti Omega; |J«ry Spleiirra. played by 3farla ftrhrtl. .>l"Uf*VM'lMX'» Mi ,\ X' Ml- . s**m* conlrnt with h*r nrrtinary Les Gourmets'1 Dinner Dance 1 11,-mens soph., |;»M«. hut s*fur* marrias* to Peter. lAperlrd^lo rearh « I»ta»*d Iiv O. IV. Fischer, until ( nrtiv lo llohl wrrkli audience of l»« «nd Frit* von Hong* a* Mirharl. * one-half million. "The Seb,od It* noVI VII NRV KO included such fmxls as Pan LI eipjjpC, The -p,s i lirilliaut violinist and friend of '"(nili Toriulny smri" was pn»dMerd and dislrth* Chi Kan, flbel Pan Xhln. Chai, t,ff xvilh cui.ft m i Pet»r'* from conservatory day*, tiled h> Ihr Ml-A an orcaniu- "A Night in the Exotic Or- mimlck.'i;/. •fNdjrw.iti:.; , i* iin-kt soloist with Peter* or¬ ".-*( rii'- al i'l 5c 'x Euei-Ko Tung, Sheng, Kao No w .a lion of more than 52.000 irarher* ient," Ihe fifth annual Le* C»nur» da net - • . chestra. - nvocation for It# nexv and administrator*, and Ihe Na¬ jou and Cha Th* .• ,'J i. ir.e(s dinner dame presented at . is enormousiy »fq-acted- m the- An* tional education Association. Kellogg Center Saturday night, The dessert, ping Ju Tan Kau, ring to '.(»•- J5" . K'.t ! f:M| t or' tiCf:- !'» him .»:u despite her dfvotion auditorium at 7 30 Ttu: prioiorv obmchvo of wu* a welcome interlude during presented by oriertfal etKtlics and tia to Pete. -he is unabie »<• fig? • neru'- ;• lo VM- .VnOMf these cold wintery months. on a lighted and flaming rick¬ This ... - M iii, d ar»- cxcibjmcnt Mkhaci bnn;.- ekecii'ive hoai'd can knowoHtge u - Tht- capacity crowd of stu- shaw wa (in 'lur.rni! «.f Mount nuaUy h. yh< Aim; ReOtarsnl . into her l;fe. They ben - ' mtriMuoc thri.t dt»rsta«e jfe:toral rtaeotmjt. j d-x-uraentarx on Ur. Conant» to the atmosphere of oriental en¬ executive^' board is corr.pos«?ft of harmonic Orchestra. MKT*. JOHN IIANNAII receive* IB* flnl MaB*t to iptoMlm* H»4n mange pieces, ice carved Budd¬ rru'Ttbers will met*. hifrh school report (narrated by chantment The next act consist¬ 28 students with throe faculty Performances begin at 7 from Jovee Mr\MBara. Marilyn HniBy iM Canto Pears*. TlcktU ha* and birds created th? setting and ' 1 'mtivtdual chatrmen Ralph Bellamy» and a report oa for a colorful and delightful ar¬ ed o( i Yogi demonstrating the advisors of the Hotel Kestauranf 0 pin. CJcMCial udmiAsioii ,'»u for th* dance, in b* held »>h. U, are mm mm nb la IB* tlitoa Itokil , "UtiiTio Uu? work for tht growth •>? hichcr education bask motions of his mental di*« achbol, Cents. Jhi« country. •flier for *3.75. ray «X oriental foods. The menu .. Wrm. ta X mi I liiiik TlirrrV \iivlhm« lit Thitl Oltl llnnk llcnew ^lirliijisin Sin 1«% Now* Cimlrrcllii Sl»r> T tind t>»o« *•« xi*i • •**** Newt'Never Land Revisited •Mr* alrwiMv brii'!- nlvlf F-'r h!n< On- . <• ... tu i v\ Murxmi M,«1r Nffl« tdtl I'Hf 1 it Hut Vivm fni ;♦*• ttfijv.p- 111* nvp t It I if-It* '•* ''1 * apable nf a -pr. FN > «■»' W MM•>' I » m X»ip n» llTaVlW til'"''"'' r «.I /•••IP"-'' IVII?I i*tA a« mnmbrr }tn rtarlfflvri jn . ... , • » V-M \f1 irv.1 hi Hiil Mi'a, nn'V >•. "• v-M,a* k-e MntAttlVf. ♦tip n#c nf four." h»'.U H ■* Thr fact thv lhr*»r •\ 1'hp l.V:-"' s\V- a rloR a«T kllUnl wwd • «• lii IViiisr of IJjiIiIm ill. \ Unv on. .x I . Hatoh . . . • V -v ••. aid • Hthaidv-i K ••\ V- .. ri * ♦ n»*inH\ luEntlv inn i* and hot be' '-v..,- ». * i*in-di n. \« r •' •>(•• • . v IV;; Mr-rt • IIHiY\hi a 'I ' vi' iv.r • ihmiM It • • i. . '•> iitppmc ' t pi- 11\•,i MU i> x Mi"1; Unr Mm In H*ima hi t'.raharo I'.tprnp tfXintam; I. S..X.X) r •t ■*• i F«**!;«hiv..m .**"•• ' nn'1. I'llfll*! t.fvr-rOta' t n |N*%'k!p.v< r vmnrm •nrrr- »,i'«-d«A thp cir «? i ... ,c\Kwe afpni 1trrv* H««- • ip \\4v> * «arir'it * C»s . ir. ntpllif* n. •' i r • \v n > \ Hmthornp i XX optic VI . id**' *M>* to hf *nl A i Havana 1 ft" rit \V -rwnM !« ♦"•n"v i - t f i k •ir'-went mop. a. i. m axmii 0r iiw s. . I lit *« . _ 1. " PnglKh dp|»arinipni will tin ,u «han nr< i>r I lMl «v • "' ' pn»wiy (hp IllPtui *rrnm|ill*hntPi11* «1 Vu 't hirh !n\r< • 1,.^. Crthaw Itirrnp at V* |» w. r.rfttltW •'> V- «v. r Vnriilp in S? t'nlnn. Pmf. li vno mr- • • M«tp* nf h« Smith «HI hp ifrahint nn Ihp a flrtl tPitlln M Vv, I'jitvnVa ' \>n X nlrra In I nnlpmrnt*ii fv "mrnt !». it ti i. . xv . n... u'otr' iJltnllllt" ipHp*. *hln »frn-' P K'> ..trTf IVlMlS -ffv •; 1 ... »|. *-pl4 v. n Mil'llinjili ISllllO . ii v', ,«,r . «<•-1 tt-p« Fi«t I Mlohtp n Mti< * " • I 'd - > «-la«* «♦•>-• Airtndai Vmwgli fnrhn>v< .«« v •. " ' li'.r* "t *1*1 ftp. *»fp«|t* '* - - • •.♦l 1 fVp t#im 11: t »•* . i" *. Ivtnl nf X tr« |,'"d D4.<« 1 IUI <*' I'linitu t "1,n*«ilVtl« I rlli'r* In llir I'llilor CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS Dr. DaulV !.-(] Offprina Stirs Sliulonl Irr HI X111 1M * Ihnr*. mil Dill* 1*ii I lim l>i« iXpfin-f rnhllriHfm fm in 1 dnion* DrailHnp 1 nt Mnn ihh S 1" and 1-.X Mmdii thmngh Ivp* XX. n tiHflnn'l r w I- DWn • r*u i \r m- lteiiwiiilwr k>1>H> XN IV; nft Xfifln Jn» ihft. lmt .1 fr «! ^h».« automotive di "A "4 1S»* ti i nit)*.'.*! iri.ilo* tnim tOOVn Sniril 1X|.mtrnt It'll HriDh ti* t#> i M- Xnd«-«4t»" |imi inn ind f'THX *rt I *h.nV h w rnM hf nft t fr«w Itiw »pw. tiifr Xhr* ntll fh»1 tf Dr t*in| mnM ♦**« X> thp fiftfnr ro* vaif *ai i fr« I'm f-flw iht* ?t»t i■» X*- * • v~i find thai nin *tndrp»* Mi hrtr m nnipt il StltP 1»r » »r -- .s 1 • . rnnM hai« Imwnxy 1. Itwil* • *• V »H4 rpmpi'httn t«i rrt* f 1 • T- vf »h';f 'i>vn t- v. '•« h^iY **• ■ ni mum* >i,rr|il ppf ln*r pai>h -• • \ vr-v - IP»I h;»« ' . tf« t«r h*-'»ttTr*«1 N» "«ini • ifi nv.>tr f ' !■'. t, f ■■ ;{, ' iIXVP-K'- r .1 •* *"1' Rr-Wii XX nr.' x>M 1MM oI T »>1 1 HI fn'inPrM W*H •N'Mt irv fir. b i if, I X. «, '!•-" ,- X aralinu „ »* >;• «r»p*.vinf' «ri».V*••"* I* n '>' **"•.'* *»nulh Xniorira X « thp 1'di'oi iiivi *, tXN. »•* pip* Kpt p' ! i ?r-r* •> * .1 vv' *r»n* V *r," for nm- t :r>- r 'Xt, *' m*!** vr t — ••- •*•.**st'i'-''in*• h,.H- 'Paar Mellows on \etwork Rift r .1(1-' MVA •" nAMfv t*n-tv* r an r« •■*» ; i> jl. • j*jn< nnm**1 .v I-..!', r»»r l't»| VA l-ATV^ •** Th|i blo-v,- (ton* 11 " prw rt> * ... im-riM' ." - " •'* ' -»n*K fneV bj hx "his • Jw-«1 ». Mist p«d -rr> '*r T*r • thrrp di*« and turn nltM* nf *1 tmt Own; hi f.' iwelMir A If * •f't; rv*w*t to *"»♦• 1 ■■•! dxir hp i»M **||\ 'weltimi I'm *! . *pd *»*-* telHm |«mplr M W1 %hp*» hi* nf tnn-w. Xnd thK ♦hh *haft nint tn wirrre h thr thin* I'm *Nr*v* tptflpt SERVICE nmn'p and 1 t»Pimt pvrn Crosswort! Pd7?Ic thtv • homht m »t te> X vhnnld «t*r| tiV iKV" on ivr*« !•* MMUlIt * r nm*V ♦nt m* pnti tihtee I'm fnint XCPOiX »n . ,.t K « .i" W V I thirti nt •m F"*r t i «: **- - irtktl h«v*p | hav* t® • I****! n-A»x- «; «Xri". ■''.•nA v -v< TVntg*' **•<**., fhap pf* A»'» • • VfclEh'ISl W*XIT • X-nplfl.** Wei¬ v n,. n *-•. hp fiiM 1 t? Irr'iyi ll C'T>*r»9 -v »>r ihf* %-tli 1*«t HlCfc X |Xt,fcfP«OW»" i■• Mwh-f,' ?»o: f t»- II r-M, 4\ X v" •»(*• a" hi* v- *«v • ■ ipf v ■ V* fh,v Jf' t*m«h\ ttvdp" ' H tint* •A ^ ' fiey*t''' rvrtvi. rrsi' n^rrw- hn-p iV".-!fc c! ♦*>*■ epmwtrt 1 -p n,»*-,»! l»rn>.M<* fa.*' R-'l •»' ' it WHtem* *♦• * «* ..srv'V ^ 'hp p- V .- vp " nifX hf . *iv 'j. -••- 'hp 'a*Ph- h c*'"' s •I'Cflnitnrtw* WX iV - k-'-i -1 \p»fivi' i . **p ►■**. ci. , X*h»~v* WMW "tXTDCO- FD >• AM* i% X»pm*a» A? Flu-sip. * --P» • rp. -'Vns *mu*v ' A*'tW .X"X3'fC Vh»* I'.l hjtnfj'p ih'* n'hfiV th ng." FHa* • TXTtVO AND Dt*n .T X • that turrma^ TN»r\ nela iwX 1m—p >~BnhP«X .for.' ax 'h *ig *-• hv* all 11 or .Inor Wnr.A t"T" ' '"I Inoa S»vn-*fr m.- K - ;. aran/ • t* ftr'- nt C"-f i«pnn». Rnd PPKP-I Btnfnpi •- Mr -i ,»nd* R.»meha»tlX rVMihlr-anii-rd Wf S * *" Wnt bWmd A* S-ir npr. *P*ev *-r ***•- rvv guv\. rh*r*p file .H«Ti*nlt''-t i"- ' », . h*B<" Kn* -it fktlrmi* and n»*p*i- OK hnrtiuae hpT fn taifnit Arm* "T*m hr-fcr- * Tain N't thp*". c Wp t". a -*w* fc"d •p-de-M ♦« h 1mm w drnt ppufw^-tti-rh* -- arnne In 1*V«r- r-»r»nea. Nf: 'hp MSOA n M Itr* thr- *" p- *- Hp;*.-, and 1*1] X* •n^-OotSr. ts *prv*r >X VifPtv *f*rhp*; tdi attpndlfii a wnpttUt *( affillatp TX itattnn*. Xlh' hdfrt*' •• er.r *a* '!*vt *»v Thav a*p *in jtj«t At**': atran: th.» in haf»r^- T do-h knma%*» P»»- Atllai Asks K. V»",|U»' M TvfOMhXON FxrFBTxrirrrr»*~TX"n»*' X"»\1>:\7 h*r*t»r^ II *fl I < v' TT T*V»p«» TV* -.'vis. « V. :•'!> '•Va* tv VBf ahouW j w me up rlrvinr murhtnp ar rP«wn*t-> Tt> (dK»|H*rate ' .1- '■•• ■ i ' ■ ... '"m H "*VW. • if e--w Kmf nor. Vp **a le~ That doesn't unii Call Mr* |*t—nm* KD >-A*> v~n« m« kitwlv% ' 'to 'he m ■*;. . >J Salad t*ns • ap-iimcirnp f.*" iV nv. .icm *"h«> pvpf a*cntef?d«tx, dw HOUSING vn.anTXN MtTTII rt'^r X* Ahn»f»f|p» %■ r>"v - IA'I'at i' c *'Xf nu; a - guii.r>-< P»>" A>V fX> Vrt -- TXtnVO «m '.T Kern |r>n«: .'>p *n:nwtTI'1»VIvhvt> j». -TYDTST—FAST. • rv i • «, iS-s' T4 ttn nr»^*pa- ' •■ • ♦.* «»'Str-. I* V.' *«~* tr"W num. pinf <*M* **S --f T.lXs* *e .- -f V 1- TV , -A—liifti1 ■* ■* ^ n f • :• -.-' * -~r thai rt*v •>-. *- •- - •- **•»• Mr-nre' et'.ill IMldpf » *3Ft® - *'l* nvro — AT irp»p foe TPrfwne I'r i* * P.. t s.. •"'-nvhrd - »'rrww n«-* eoi nmrnraei- -' - ->» imt%>o-k pair. r»»r h>4 I h V Tvc-whiftt t. Jok* Tiu; »••* PP. .ii g • • S ^ K». TV ' ii' ven md « ■• *'<•• .. ■••• ■•••"Wan -*!SA CP t-JW ai K*knr Sais-h Tv" AV'D IAWO WW* IV IMST II Thur*t«v n.„ x»*silk *".i. Tl il'VitP* «eem* nf l« irawmeph me that thp rr "till rr - »V .>•1 --Ay •a : IK ..v.. »• ;-.»pri' .MX? Tw* n«r«»iria nrxv rM-. »>a<*r*v.v.'> pis', irtil'- rt' a-ani si If* »1»PH1 hh dwt'ltwd -a io« .7 V I** *Xude"'» wKs>nd «Vf m* v*" *• • main* »N am pmrnmn* frnld ^ .. . "ei.fwir.n-pd X r n;. rtartv T X TT>* -ill • tnr thp tdweipmepl nf penttp*> mm V. Mrhtein 1% ;-A.vS* *\ OSJVG WOXTX wifV r *}■» • b-x XA^ Sf- mmim A^. TH£ \ v\Ap* Sk'* ifwr thp tcm—eat dti thr har- »«n« nf aaeleir led* mMrh. 1 - "all Ni>» •, -iwivpo H. *r nnt'tiedv* mwnr *rt W.-nr mri itmuiMPet—i effdr v.* eimW* S-SaV' T1-FIM IW WWO'IN w EleeiM »r*d Mm;* a'm rrm r -:r "* >rv. tVV its! N: -'-C hnpr. a>iU a—hi hp nrhewrd in Cmh vat) K.**r; an*time »fu* aweri TOO XT " to-T ME I: ptv* at tprw, j«. tieaem omowm rwaiXQiTi-xi • 'tun . P'v * RifU:!*, 0 ."N. *t an: *urv XMMI xrf.l njrw ths- PlvA ' *."?• '■ ; W V.l •.* «" KVX-T . M** fnrmdipfi I.-IVSW ♦»,,'r.rA yn-pp-mnri I IKF. rr*. rpeorpr*v» „? Hid in» TRANSPORTATION '^kW Bsvm. s*. « a He: -vi>.N*rr* .v otvsf*--- N'l. on» M«mX — c*mo«i> 1hj» i»r«r * A XT T*" JOIN f *1*1, Oodnpr WiT. * "Sow* *u»r«* 1'ivaMtP' t>*ex vaed ).<-*■. h? L-»mk'(« fr.iT Sgarift" x U f. and * *» e m FD *-»•*■* fVnhldm* t »1 Jkldthvti a. wr.i' In-iv(Nhi - r.D a m ■ * W p: * s» " rff'v ts. SfWUd r»r Va rOt'R VTT*> OVFR 51 »»-*c an.^f- c.*.vrui ci.\ss:i if ■ >r |;;*virom :v k-15 . . V-rN !'GSCG. ;* . lr*iw» • TVII'TT »no fn tntf* s «•"' "tTiV.■*•>«*« Barking iaorwl * jS"M«h »«•»*' • nr< i*,-r> rv >**>•« ai'ipf am*. u BUY . . . SEU- . . . W"• p— ti*! ti «—. hi «uJ« rudeoh are kiv 'e-a. Miriitniv -.tin vrw« < 'iittttrtl ISi«t« < ^|»r?i Hcnson Ssns f . In nan 1 inoni i'»~r 11«* »•* Seniors of (he Week Seminars lo he ( iletl , v\uT-, *i i \ -onus , ,' l-'V • lYosmtm Not •>>!- •, • n nt \ i ' ".«{ cid -«• ' > Vimcd al S olo v ■ , days h-v.' !' •• • » EYE HI-LITE5 .» rri'.fctiVi TtoV' °'«V Smunt >*- * «• - \\ Kn- I !,, . | . , ■• * StV.n. 1 •• ' * \v vov ■ 1- , II . \V ;• ••( .V f.v ... ..v i ... • In In, | r idi n ( 4t^<« " • - \ n -tiv. F"i T»M (1 :• a ii;iru >< }<" r r . ■ • ■ ir \ ,r" * *«■»• "Mh Ihr Hrilinrt tn 11, ' .. y. • M • • ' I Mn.-' by i: • 1 Bnhvtfto-. IrMi X- 1 '• g, -» |1».« F-..■•ifv.n* I'-V ii'-i Witt! . '« I'r.nVlilWf tfrlTMM of Bin. h» « i'« VSr ,tkinl «f win hum - 'oaMnttoo V« vie'd arrr.v* h a*;**«-«i ' Dr. Joseph B. Gilslein NWirjHnm, flrtidrn) "I 'hr II t awl • n,' o'< -'' t-nv • emmftte*. on \g t'vwncit. on l»rin.v!i -HH Fi«i >v " W • ■ i • the r*f«nth r «l tl fnin '• C'>v m> ■ M phi 7o«a ■ i, viittHl funnotar* i, If dornmiMll % \\> *\v»t . ge,-. !;|v» U( I • a and rmMrii m hi* iratrmll*. -it ,*M «.nind * -1 * *"" '• 1'i-in Ilphj I'owmi Hf** You 'll ll> , y. 1,-1. ? • piTII'P'inj •'•!* ll f * 1 \ •. • r ^ jud|t:>n-!il '.'id |«". • -v-nrMilflli.-"* . 1< ,, ...» 1>, •, t'\ '•»-!» > 1' • tfwial MI' OII m» IO! «'ih & \ • ill c*»tli»»e 1'ii.ltr of .1 T'* \ inda h»< t"*rn bennrrd t*» -,inbrv*hlp In \tpbt l.awM.t W'Wf" l 11 I..HMMU I loo! in' fMtv tl t'iawtma Mn. and »■* *h» t! •hid the Oni«t indlnt Innlnr HI tM'.tll <• -I l 1 ».l\ milVil «ihr 1* a m*whet r»f Mm • I- v • 11..i. !..»»■• I|M« « .1 i.»k» iii efl •»r Rnsrrf «etih*r u onion * lion hi 'ta- pbr i.. .i i .>i»i 1.1 i« .1 i . * . nn n-Mi. i \ 1 •c» •■• !' -M " .. \. ^ o'anc * •• h»- \ • M- i •nr.'s ■. •'•••* I- {IJ'p'iSI » T About ^ p a ',1 v I»\MM» BIBB , *« to • ' the XVvii .v-.' . -r.i-Vryi nvsj ' • • •• Milltnm or Imrili'tni non «v»r wtttirl Irtiar* for normal <;•.(.lee* *ni". • i Him' with nilnnl »ooH look* Ml 1 •» » l»l\ tu r-in '• IH. ixnlirt li n« urilri ran iron rnlor I .. liti... • »»1*i* Irttifi and y HI It trr* Vttend I'waraiii Dr. Nar«ld I. Shnidcr ,\e ^ ilMi'M11BI > I \\ anhor ?-IR<|1 flo«tdc I tindoi < mioi I m«tnr MlrBlaan LOAD LOAD ... .i*s.>Mu>;!t«:*■• J•;n 11 i . •!• , , ,. n. ,!a. V TJ.v '• ■ »* ' & 2 of 30c :;i#r ' . ■ >4-- * < a - •• ' 1 « ;u »i "s ■■<. ■ ' "Service" or "Self' Service" Y ■ . rpc*\+ p'"'C*8'*' ivcfri pnrfiam '-rUt*. pia-ir- - #0^' - 24 HOUR — \ l - '4 f>» fl rr,. fh^m*— «'i M ■ T*«■••■■ hv: <' •• V* til III Ml J. It. lolllnlf'lll University Launderette . rrv - VHl' '>■ 1'r.NtttCPi'io, ««*on.-v 11 iii'i.nit iiria r •opar"» v " t ■-.»•• .»ia |'riiiii|i>n lllilt, I'll - mi n ailrhltan \Y*i l *n*ltt|. Mlrh w , T^t-pWo- a n« 213 ANN STREET Ml IVrnlm* .'I'll -:.'-rpn, \»M n chunw > •' Stays moist and firm throughout your shave! rtfvUr or new mentholated (0f(/c\/J/rr Vilr *nn* rlnvo# o# war. r»o| n»<■««!».-1**^.1 .«» . •*wownl» '"Kaa-v hn» *»cP il I OM vr<•" noatrtv *!»•* nw"1! -'fe* Of Ki»ro" •» l 4nit>y |CvV *«*'» lv-,1 in+tntl*—«i.f »*»wr «lrO| row SMOOTH SH AVI fl^t* |(* tH# »-|rt««-.i rV>m»H H'nri»il 'lift* tn by SNUIION SawoH S^n*' * w'6>V/*-V> ' T» ••par* |0t) We ^ V/ ftj « r r i f CM'AVA'm A* n col logo 'fM.phoinnre, you're Hearing Uk» inul j ioint ii< < I ti.ii * why fUipiovT* ofti'ii pr»'h»r men a ho M»»rv«nl lh i ..iiiiiiip-K>n«il fith. iTi Thi»**<-...lui'tl iiircady h:iW» proveii Halfway through college— halfway through Army llOTt" Now you face a major dtK iwon: Are the gold Imr-r of a I,heir < i i «*? •• ' ricotoh- hart flip. a.*** %»«* M I «*e»4Me*-* THI« HI VWIl CROnv hftH MM « !«•» |n:if loll «m ihr Mill lint* ficnl Ihtrin* t» (toe hp*rtap* fin*»- fnnm Ivhm.l to ' him ii'in* is u»»thc»uf I tUtOR* Fin I INFORM NTION O \II.\RU %t (VM I IIO »"NPRr.*M> OR »I* ?-14e* «hark i'yt le.*v| ihat ln«!f : Shi- «hr race. NOW... 2nd WEEK TN.-k T»*e l<:,| nraoVi*'.! MSr f *t w m th» I'M-** *C.M,v v>r !fa,I w\ .vhtM tv- 'Mine nl the mml impertant me(ion pwlnrr* rtt «im('' V,S; --'ts; rr'.-M h* •'< - H-ackr- and Andv \f.- —I e« kneelea Herald * ifn«« t*. ' vt;.srf. K.;;HV ■ I • r.»« {*-,;• IWaflei: had aure (• • S.-a, ■ a v-i 1.., • * • »!:*•? t -c t50«var*1 ma* IF YOU ;-e' V. S" - 3*-* me*-. '-•,>*• ntMNM-.i (Vace n rt* t.itn'if! ** ' ' 3 .v 1 -.'kfr J.v-- he f;r>: TVacktrn w.»* IV NVift, n ,n r».« T!-# , iniiUMH-topd by W the 440 after • r ** n'v other rtvnrd it> f*'l NEVER SEE fin .*.hirg •>-"!' * ah*»u: a a *t\f !*■ hiivt, b*.; KupjMil immed.atc'o irt tn .he meet « *< the O-.Uandrr# cut du»n h » T.-v T»*hmek*. J 03 i litre '« the JVH>1 m*'* 300-yard butterfly. 0a\i m 4f«- S 02 9 State s i'arl J»haar w.»t f UCi'ili •miFfifFii f* GLADMER teouxl m the race. *nmmat*: «U fl»i* IM-id m*41«r WhT' | !*"•» i ti' Mean* Bnppa ' rati **•' I »rt» Jnne«V klfllll" iJol". amtth. ken Hare, leer* . lartT Brill* >. Time — ri*k. !»»«' mm ffrnfil ??*-*4 free«»*le- 1 t»t.k Mrarken |V*1 I. ? kaO* Metren (MS J- tft<» Brrkiri »Mi Timej tea « *e-ve. trer*i*lr ». I»ennr (Ml. !. |H* «on*i* (MM S 1 |*»« Mr*.aire , * l>ainre at 1 .*5» 4 IF *T" rrann* (M»). 1. Men Mellfare (M«l l tl.'J point*. f <0 • ?F p rn v .Me-*4 nmirrn* I. I»a*e Glilana- »r» (Ml. : rill Muiar (MM », X. M IHianad (Ml Tiar—J(tl, r«*nl »»• Rrehand (tarhara Jaek %R|»e r*N. iee<«4. frmnk! Fran* leiv1' HI KTllN Rt >11 I \K>(1N Off km*, TT (M*. ; rati M«V||»* (Ml, J. I at •mi: KKvMiut: IUSH lean (MM V Tunet H*.» ra»-*e na»k«ir..fcr I rtf4 M«" (M». J. 4»e* i.aatola (Ml, X. He« a.aie (Mai 1- Time—lr**S Men »reernle- I. wia renair- Ma (MS t n»r* Mrarketl (Mal l, i ( haaarrs Jahiiea (MklS Fune — «.«*. .Ma-ii toeaMalvafcet I. Fran* Me. 4mr (Mai i. 2 ISennr Bonn* < INTfSNATJONAl PKIZE WINNEtl «Marl. X j.sae. FraB Wall |M). T»e- European triumph l..K.\*l Vt TO . . S". ./* ain0 v»n Another award- Sl ITS — SPOKT COATS — PAXTS winning DRESS SHIRTS — SPORT SHIRTS performance SWEATERS — JACKET — HATS , O. W. FISHER Michigan Matr I ni>rr»it\ niKLK.N FILM sKRIKS Mim„ Tiitv. Frb. 15 A 10 7 ari'l 9 p.m. 'Ska.-H i. od'^jrjc HLZXO FAHMMILn TOr *TIIE H t'll the best smoke! ■ best tobacco makes Ailmi—ion: 5tlr m Wrestlers' II /// Streak Ended •S* Relays Filled With Surprises; State Newt f tv.ri* M# wre^hmr limit inrrf ullh t<-w •.»» '"ft T■ • '• - atelr Him match of thr n.rrl fil M«tl» Ihr tralli'ii In fl«el •» Ihr MM"* MOril mi»« h win I'miihm rinir In thr lit ac.iin*' 'T !.*• Ml sc«»rr \ i h tm r f «»r i i lr liiumil illihlini i> Itiih 4|i»*rr ilr r- - rM.»:n ..v., • C, • «-Mtinrrl tU.'U M ihrr. 7 '• lor.v win amir .ml iliin rlemrr Itfartin Breaks Pole Vault Mark i 'o|)jn«« ♦,ii.I- In- f.-'»rp.l » • \ M.wn l>\' 1 as .1-1*1 fur e Mr ««' Irfl 4 |iln u a* llir I ..lilt N.h'iiWrt M.V1 IVtM*. • wwlf MM tiff Ihit rmilit *lir llir i.ti.niii ■ i *.«i* • I xtrMi* Spartan * » tlr • i .■!•>■.' f,- , i 'Vf r '• •' -P'l M t* IV I'hiH t*e#e l"l*P • ..«*•»■*. fiiino I I':." "-,. • Tt «... V • ...i „p , • , ■ ■•v Michigan, with fsvn first*, a and a fourth, • ..ffi - M > ' l tlPIW •• I' . .' . * i in.I with setue of the ««trpri*e ivrH\umi»uv« in Sfitur. • ,,-vP.r.i ?. H »"• P'> I hi- I !>' r'n ■'ih running of the MSF IJeays m Jrnisnn Field- F Martin, of Oklahoma, v,.n one nf the most out- Break Itreord ich.ll individual |>orforntanees in. the tm et'-i huton in f.u't iii L \. (dimes \i m s' •'*»• Nv h^ive '• • .**riv»f 111 ' . « , . '• •• n en- t. -.«♦ e - r *f , ..... ¥\ «1. • W f. . i? \\ hrn to*, a I rai'hri* t trl. I'llhluinli I* hnnu h «r.nin.t sinllh ninnril srntit it «»* Mir »ir«lhiie rltrlr* .» Imnlilii . lir»l llinr Oil* «ra«HH Miat a s|.,|r pimi'iflll Iran, nrn .r»r fhla eranpln l»a« ln*l a ntilrh hi 4 tr.i i* in.! r*|.cclr«| In hr an r* till t\> rr|.lii«n Rrrinilini In *i|»arl»n *nlll i r* \llhnnch t'llMhllfth hi* i. f M.ihiv t nUmih'» mile rrliv hrrn hr.lrn (hi* %r»r h» Mlrh- • u •. Mi* qtnilrl r*« »hti«hrsl nrtt mrrt laan Mir si ilr rnarlt a.lmltlr.1, iftiinl in Mir n'ltrcp wvlU» tele* jxhim.M \ I '.tii'r ii r r\|.r.l In lir in fnt a l.niah won his ihn i «t»h i S "*4 1 Mmr. n.rrl " a rmv bv ilu • - ny Imoi' V . w '.*hm a if 1 < . ■. a felt n'« Jerry ' ' . . *V .« ■ 1' " Hu> gh rrn* |mi> mttr Ifim ,-h' J.*'.-. Nil 0|M-"I. It. < v,*.•*.. V •••• -» O . l\! .. ii'.I t hrtt « i*.*i» llnli.* nmrk single pmii■ , . i. i ! iu.g i, M««c .it ! 11 ' ;»*»»* M(nnr*.»i »'* 1 III. Sll ill i*0» «t lu I'n' *44 *»i nl Hit hit *n * t* KM U MO.HI IMMT* U • \ . l I Kt Ml t Itvrox. KUUi hwratlri U atiewn traillne thr Mrl.l Ihr SH hilHtr «l Ihr ?.4-MHt Mill httMtlra final hHH salnul m GOING! GOING! GOING! trniM at tmi*nn tlrMhewar. t hr ra rntnal ninnrr ef thr rvrnt u *% tin innl t'a«r* ef Onn Hn| tifrrii . * 1.1 M n-.A»nd P'i' Trrri Sam-link ill the Va.-t 1 j*r,fei*" lln«|iilali/<-i! All PRESENT MERCHANDISE AT FANTASTIC SAVINGS! ..-•o V im*he.t ■ .■ . .1 IV -11 • t'arr Wri'ri " 1 -*• ■ , 'ufat'ry,. Ms; V 1 ' STATIONERY SALE Spit Skirts v ;ilu.'« lo S l.'F.V Slacks IM*, Wsal 100*. Wool Sxiltirs Viiliii'. In Si l.'I'l I iirali^lili or liiuilni'i'lt -ire". Ini*. t -> I akr a" ■vt ii ,"i a 4 1' ^ vVv f'-r the So*ri»n- '11' i'V r-'AK, ONLY SI.99 ONLY $9.99 ONLY $8.99 • i ;r lake ' *'* ■'«vi . r. ",* ,1'W.v- i' IVhe in: tr 77i/; * ihr »!*.* e«tte.t .Malanrr me^tei Ihe Hpar- a* ,i,v: 4 Ih» .-•v.-'V \Vr*;n-i M Sweater Vests * vsii vw lvr Ties reeciira irllr h* an enlatamMnt Mirk tVn.l 'V.' is\ v iiiur-Ti. sT.'i.t Sleeks \ iililfw to S2.uO ONLY $3.95 ONLY $4.95 ONLY 99c u %tlrihrii v. t A t*re*Oen \ «Wr mi ihr spartan ' * untW rm SPARTAN BOOK STORE llltlll ikiv ((lltlll ltllV . 'i'Hi-1 that kej*' h • I Hals ">.iar*t Oas'i hi "-or- ,'\i •- *.v tr Mfih si-e*. and dutn s* . t*een s.iMOng, fm S;.iv, k -••• ihr i or,m:k ni v\n a vi. v.i . Sport Coats: Slacks Ki ». I l.«l.» Nuw K.00 ONLY $11.99 ONLY S5.95 ' 5 e^cvnvl*, v Os.h M '*,* K'e" * m« Hw- tV roii fir- K.u. N.sw h.'f) Vi"AA too-vv n ho pta.vit v*. ; -'i \ . 1 *»» thr h r,. ;• in fn t ret um«* m * Lale Scores Mvh.g.i-i w • * M k* 1 M«\ 100% Wool Suits - Hopsack-Worileds ONLY $39.95 > u \ • a \ :»a.1 event 'r-e y t >* * < ■' H ii" *.!*, n»r *1 | 0tn. i Pfiil*rtrl|»hla IH i. iimn.ip«tii lit |4T 1 141 EVEN GEORGE v*t 7aih »hr f>r*l -ee-aaml itaah. nen plarrH * or !> '■ trrenir i, MFTMWT po.iru I, \*w NHL \nth t t ^ BERNARD SHAW Len Kosilchek's VARSITY SHOP VI;.* hi sun twt f Mi era ef rentrat Mieh- eap" re ! (■■■■■■■imaiiiii 7 n ;| • %rre«id* •i was confounded by the most , -o*. Oklahv * ■ ■ ums , j for • # ♦ :■ togwiMS murderer in all the Fencers Top W iseonsin ■ Mm-WIKTKII ■ aenab at crime. a man-or rather a beast-he earned i . v.1.. «al* tVvw a » h<- « : lube • haaameenly too well...' ■*i ** v.'*ran fpneins *.i ?itr after * " l"" *•'• iv e-ihlni of a tii»ufi\»tar ■ ■ '* *.i-e'' ♦ « aiekrr t ** V'.-; ^ fa* i* or .er"* yrvnnl ar t "ahrewv. ' .» ■i IIIMofollRI J JACK THE RIPPER. Seen his MUM I. HI AltlMi* :B 'he* Ae'cA'c.A W ♦oc - Nit kwt to 1.1M * Vhnok aw-it.'hpil front ei*e-* ' S."h:n»t1rr J ... ' for I Mil. tllWT.I la electric stery wifl be or the III II K t III IK jB *./t t« Co t «■ v; V weekend when IV.n r and Ohi the*. State a' .1 h->*' 2 ,2, 1. lir.,, Rlfff a j re ,»vt-r Uxt Iowa *a- p.m. Saturday m the IM but id- j in j.»u« •aaaaaaaaaaaaaaae s » A pmree !«ir ln*: Ml IKE: larry cushion FREE! xh GALLON COKE sporting goods KOOT BEEK (Ml ORANGE R" Ml the ceiaplew- w*k ef trap hiti and WITH 2 REGULAR 1 H EM PIZZAS litiBiw for all nceaamn* (rum CHUM H1U W.BI 'mi the rtc and Mbfotle « ■k*a SUH-k Vi VKE U»r MH new »TOU m IV diftplai VARSITY DRIVE-IN % l«k Wool •* beer* iHf DELIVERY SERVICE ED 2-6..17 EATON'S COHKASALtLE BOND Next move... "upstairs" T) |H?ivriler Paper io te,<- enct of modern hommunications, ttat ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! sky is no longer the limit Tr* it * Juit the Am k, ol a No one is more a*are of that than «i major con* pt*it<-il*nra*er and your DRY CLEANING typing »rrors are gutie! It'* muructftioes ' yatem. That s why we are constantly J e*pionng and developing new areas of research like magic! The special ttirface of Correctable Bond far beyond our celestial canopy, -H Take "MASEP.'" Tea instance. This Is t wondrous 2 Ml. PANTS rwn u iifiout a trace. \ our, new device that can noiselessly amplify extremely WEIL CLEAN hr^t typinggffnrt i- the $ filiL-hed copy nhcfi weak signals from outer space, EITHER 2 PLAN 2 SWEATERS SKIRTS 1.00 CorrayabJe puts thing- right. Xhi- hut* quality bond gives a handsome appearance to all your work. Save* time - in work.r.g are con.>rvacations via to improve and brcloser the day simplify MASER. of Intercontinental man-made satellites. MASER devices have many possibilities. Including we and money, loo! the tra: kmg of missiles, and increasing the range I Emvaoi* Co'fSiMbhi »* aw.-M.OMo'« Wflhl, m.*.|;wdo. koavy of radar arid radio telescopes. 'irtDndnoapPwont 100 iiawou ONE HOUR MARKING •it vrtA»iaor>ion #1^ 600-oha#t 0««»•* A S^rNsn-re Tjra # Ttus is a typical example of how we use research 0»ck*'» by ,n* 'anouN Eaton r>*mm $ .-not only to meet today's communications needs, but to answer tomorrow's. eaton's colikasaijle bond Maae oniy by Eaton GENERAL ^ I | >HIRTS LACNDEBED AMI PACKAGED - J tu 2<" 1.1 ( ON 'THEATER ISI.'K'K UKHSS KROM 01 IN BAY UN PAPER ClffMPUJiAHOk (E) PIT l>t M Ll>. M VS.iA(,M1 : TELEPHONE i ELECTRONICS \^j YVTnWV 1*. W litres Tell the Weekend Story rtltttAI M 1« Y « \fcvtvr.* nM mrrrfy V•>,*••• np>*»- «'*<">; <>» '•»*• hr»* f»i->r *■ Mm*-"" ?w»t*te -rof't+r «j ntfYV t\ *r»r»mov v\Mn» T YRE ft MIY ! f«>v *\> ok \i * .»! ' ^(Hl \I» 1TI7IKV HOUSE OF BEEF iSTY CRUV DOW SKOPPE VOY'h 1 %• «*fS -ivl ht (l» 'Uniw «»♦ Pten« Prw" VntFim httt ttw fnr vm> frwn H MTC*m<;A\ %V* V<-vi In Tintf. 0'«*v ^ tv»tforr I «. \ i tcHtipr - f i»? ^ i ?«M< — . ■ f-^-m0TTi t \,rr, t„U*- «ft MIW ti va M»r J- «j.--.rlA <.,•»*»*!< v» insj»ni?V "-i ...j \-, . h,-- j'-ir . h'< i< >» Yitrht' m Ihf haivs ./.fcnn i»k>. ! t >»>>♦»"»■ ^•s.v-v.' •\M-r»'>!»■ ihf < N.*.»<- *1*6 v* «' V»*fc iWi ff'k. . •'K'' V.'ij. ft-. ti rmk*> c&». t'fmii.u mark* <« thr pane? WMi/emo i m/h\ 6itu6teck Statistic! *TV other '$» mi&isau twiwr t 4ay Yoc am tool *: th» » v*y*; 1« &p&&r-rm» •>*• /r . t'A\ b*r »> Vf j*»t &r mprwahi} Uumr rfsto'cr &mtt 4?v*s£ &*£■*$'vim miiivwiua. at. ou* nanrtv Or CarttrCnia t- the tieoUo^ec sparkim? rfrmL hi *hr vena. 00t SUtf?,: £&•■ ,t■?■ U t leaa to Uk* tour interpretation, iVrittirt !..% BflTTUii, A