II ' *» ' 'Hr/'Y/' *< n»*m * '■■*• •» 1 (.-Miin Ends Life TIm- Weather iff Sit Shot Dilliniri'i ( lonely, More Snow In I!»:t I High . •'»" See Paue '» Low 5 i.iME *L No. ir>c» HAST LANSING. MICHIGAN-—TL'ESlLAY, MARCH 1. H»r.o PRICE 5 LENTS h Itrushchev U (mis U. S. Welcomes Cuba's Cf Summit Failure .Threatens East Ccrmnn I'art. Offer to Deliberate Ma? Vfferl West Berlin Status \K'I V the >!;i' !:i-!-! "»»,•: n i r> T -Nikftn ret i?tif must Khruin>r If I .S. I nl I In- I'ri.fi.rri.d Sii^nr Onolii (•'it ,W U' aMtuinl s in. ■ .i i' f(\\ \ V \ !' ■' I'riftie \i r l-'i'«■ «';-.-(n*': Sum!.." 5-7 •' piivernnieiif t'ur i»; .. «-tit <<»nr slate of relation-, tie A'" Saints {'htra:, Hfltt Abuo" Chi led Stale- Moiid;,? wi'leorned < t >l»a*s offer to talk over A to ork Mr • It ' their di-apreetnetit-. Dm? I tilm'- major condition for Die f'MIV fit It It. KM ittoiii't 'f.i 'ititr *!nifpjtt •! parts in the forthrnmin? play, "Tifirr at the Gate*" Tin «* nth "i' -■ will talks was rejected . Ili inc I rr Vifr ffi ' mi f'hir!-* t»r shown tia. o'i i?i;il nif.al f i' the day be- v -.'i t.m-irp- to Wednesday tlirmuih Saturday nlrhts t. Jri-''rvr in <1! I sidfllt th- I is,il|n»A I" t U»l I'i I «>•!« Isl.tHtf \ \ jlMl' T pr»ft'< - (<"•* thrif in f airrhild Theatre at K. A-!' f -'>i«I• r.'s ,c the rate of 75 cent Wcdnc.-dav. |/-nf. tu adult?, and ri-m- t><»a.r«- II it tin iiis* I I u S • IX. ... V | ( i nan. Minister M.irmiMm «tni' To Break Eilihiistering .;i -'udents and children a' the President * h .1 r I , s I >«* I «»f ,?tl v-nts # * A!! .ire irtvi'ed # Democrats K Tr,-- icn Mm sou- not., Ran! .ddre-<.d Ron. w,k *, a."nv» and dclive-'-d by Dvvci Senate lienins Marathon Meet t.OI'S. Drum .*1 \ imblic deba'e ' Hm'olved that the Rcptlh- In on Meet the que - Disagree t H .. There :do"k. US was no i ?c nmicdaa'e d.tfTct re- in p. 11 'v in a party of peace. fa-#*;. *h- C u'cui govci- I. ANSIS'I. P. i .o\ Ui' :»• . '.reve and pro>p,,t'l,.v'' .will If r»n v. I Ro» . : oil >.u-apnnsored by liatie< Mot|da> drifted a little -In , the camou- ' i-t\;ng 'he n-'.'. 5' nini; nepirbliean and Young further out of step with the Ti;»* .ndstion . r• mc'ed ru • ■In iVmoerats elub< at R:30 tonight Democratic party's state Mr., t> lock's no'p—di if fed Previously Sen Present! Hindi in 34 Union # # poliry-niakjntr atfetie\ on ■•ruc'ioeis fr-.m Wehmgf'.n (I?-(nun I. a not her who sprit- # W c- that the c- S* I'ts rd NKon to the presidim* offtrrrs iroal of re-apportiohim: the ! :■ I • II inn r He I lull M eel* legislature, .: i.if mice '.tec i>kc an\ .■■• ij rhair. had held tli.it if thr Srn- T ie FretTiman lb»*iie F,.- elu'o rh'-X - t t' >tr should vnlp l.itrr to limit ■■ i'! h-■!:i : if.' .. . '.rig W>(ines drbatr. unit tliosp amrtidmrnls ..A t r' mi >It-Ark > .1 o .• !t; |f>, Memiier- iir Inn ,1 presented to it tirforr tli.it title this timr, k'-d to r-.f' in 'tie re lot f ctuld J>r considered in passing a ;. fot»i>y " Mrf I didn't need the Home E, building. measure. * * * It k III I'nniliiili* Resident R, Sard N» S'.U'ii'tj'k m'eie ;,•lnri Mgili'ft hv !H t P» hi t'l I ■ •» | M ( It r m ni> tiiiii department of WKAft < it'll cud • . 1 li" -tiould font tc' |)tek F.ste !. ■ ..!-" • «*»" I b>- all of !>l- i * # * rotnmitlrr at its meelina Sun ( *;i f had S» i'ti'. tmcnd'Tii nts i Ifh'tu*" brforn tlic ! I el* Siunn 11 (loy t«N,k no position on calling •1 R>". it, >. E.-C,; . I S. '..»?• a i omentum despite Williams i . • • ,::• . t , , i-tinx'Ciiod "ti thr . . Signups for W- Kelirua-v II f ",e 0: '! ' Hiilit Schools 'u ' • Sfii. \t»rt ( .■necks ate as fallow- ringing ago endorsement six weeks of the league of women vot¬ (■'. •-•' V' :•. : r•» 7 L i • • - T "day K-J - ers' plan. ' Fold to Teach Wednesday I ir- lav ' U-s K-'i i* * I'.h-d .. d.''!I ,K. ■ r. !•>••' Viorc English U Ye 1 da rnay T-/ sign up iu 113 A : • \..v * n .. r "vci . • • . ii lb |!U ..n.- 'iiiruNtrfition bldg * ♦ * it I I'.iirrrrllim '• »•' l.ew N'orri-. yue.,* spra';- a . t ie phi K'a Sigina banquet . | -s »t ! ( Uiissia llrlirml ■< I a > U '«•? • To.ir"(lav, '• s currently president a*e. v.eie re,, . ■ at i W . /■rr»t> ',»• tin t of \1 u-murray College, not head 22 ' • !'J. ti an • - sfi.ires the .vpn ...j w.'d.ngM* . 'lia is ttj.tj thr I l • H«t«ld tako rvrr » v >s ri< lit t ied In llnrr \e»r Sub of the philosophy department at l)emna) c.«». c of 'ii>- government of Cuba *•» soiufion Mnemurrav as previously re¬ reform .«nfl rcappu; - v.'K a .,f out stand, n Slippl» It'tfS t'» 1 • 1 hi'fthu .»•. i» t WASHINGTON <-V» -Ru«!a ported by Phi Eta Sigmif tioiirmn'.. problem; through nogotiatiot.s mifps p.-hind tt r 1 •■»»» n ' fi iijt-tf \ i •I' ti I red |fif k>, hi eh ' » !»<•! ' \cst ' • I) ivt- atomic -libm''- Williams' remarks Monday Brad,lock .--aid; :ho U.S. - Thr three Wester »' n • til .t I i one nt t to-sot,i i s .i the rontr/sted erntTient So would welconm r' fuse t« "ret-ngnire the att<»rnr\ s si «• f•'»• ''-rr of i*. hi-i undei- , 1.4'. Ticket Hxcliiiiiur sharply with views voiced at Sunday's state com¬ any Cuban ,ug;;r 'mis about the "man reetiue. Trie K • • 1 rcjCit I t.» To Heein H rilnc*ilny mitter meeting by Paul Silver, *• '»!*•. uiace and agenda fur any taik- ';.«•* Ao-en v ,»prcsen. t a • i v<* > •e i ' i ttlh'ilduijj • •: trim lit1' Ticket diN'ribution for the a Detroit member and stale ,.! ':■< AM.-MO leader. from W . - hmgt., •• ..ud Havanna long-r.-inRc sub New York City Opera Com¬ m'.ntr Tin Cuba-, : • big spia pany's presentation of "The Siivt >uid j'tvemmcn* his ' 1 •• ;• -.Viis "naive" *.o when i' i. .iiscluvcd Ballad of Babv Doe"-and "Street never orTirially outlined what it s dfitu na expec' a constitutional t onvc. - ■ IVr-oiH► nort«nl ? h. wanted •-» • ».k about, although ;* .* .-)•> 1' Scene" will begin Wednesday, at linn to make ready headway < somcth;n« u'lu-.i.t n has s.nd an v.talks should be held V .Via, Aivl tiir Soviets h;iv (5:3rt a.m. a! the Union second revi ing representation in the feu i-h.in?.' their no- hV>rc -nforma? »n - 1 "Ticti !*t uf cotiv •' between groups of experts fr -or 'lour checkroom. Scgislabi.'c along linos sought ;>y t'U" leX' "' ■ , . ti)u> irififs in order • The Democra's. iKlth Sides a I hv Brown. program is part of the • If h no .ecrt • Mat the Castro • • nucfcar-po'-vei :.i I.. tore-Concert series and will He a;d hi? business interest rii!5t government would like to dis- !>' held March 7 and R. Stu- would exer' • vong Influence on i-enaity reneaier cote 1 of atom;*' ibni. euss 'rade re!;«rio»s with the V> - .'ents exchange coupon F for the choice >f delegates for the iimst-if. „ ,. are railing fv- .3 S"vU'!., may have ' United State, ;nr'.uding,jbe sug¬ n *> •• vv;> ■••kets ;,n ar quota, ohi- reuea't*! mombiP.o performances • i . •* 'sif English '.in- raids on Cuiwn -.ugar me field IkUS.S" by plan, , assertediv based ;n the Th • p .ry datemrflf w is Of Uhicugo Police united sta'e-. drswrs -iij', a. a 15-rnv Tt ■ Id.*' s: .'e would like -.d high sec.-•'-;>? and p«»itrm to discuss trade, too, particular¬ fil-ica-'ors. t by Stv/dc-nSf >arn '.erei ta?ter; s : " rs£ I* .-an th \\ r '," ^r.'te ■' ,<•- > i1 te- w- ■■ • onl>- a> -.r Chapman Discusses Neiv Head I'.v ItOlt I II NHI K(* on a higher level limn _ W !• 'M S t or i. • - a' rr • >\ ly the question of V S. er'y has been taken Cuban businessmen government. whose payment over prop, by the to mto tiftaj "jus* be Wilson. given r. • v • O. W WiUon.s appointuierit as man, m» said, for *.vh< n s-ptrud: grvde fn-m T thrwugh 12, (These f'h'cagos new police ctmwnif Mayor DalJv nas told the U;. time on research, ' result* n , Cro f Hoiiipslii'iin are the oaf* grade* with whs n . '•ago pres- thai he has stopped positive eontribuM'»;i th,- sic hi ■fi a prmprrty high s»b**V. r>n~frn himsolf.; principal rati 5. t :c : »s .rd '. .ng range a major breakthrough police profos- the police department from be- nig a noiitie.ij football, said' Wilson's-;d» a* arc good, he aid, Client h'clitri'r Ev'.rv n? roost learn the alism. according to .Saniu-I Chapman." But if criminals and and the unl.v people who feel hi t .s-.-.T-,ah^;' Eag!:.MS«u-a«e, but tooting add structure of the . Chi*promt, uj-sl. prof, of the po¬ lice ; adminU•; utue, arid. pub'. • •keteers put pressure on their • ■■•I.N,.-al flunk;,-in the state. .ideas arc not will h, those woo Of Student Club j N.ifi 'y eapiloi htluede are geit-ng their fee; tepned on. Riot. Paul Honigsheim of Hie irefetifeius nr.;'., ..m ,;ramtnatiri.f Wilson, ;! Yi-SV ' -11 va-tology and anthrojHilogy dept. LhPpOi.in. toward V- i • '.ern-'.sv.i •> ;<»• (liscu'V- a' nti-e Si -, wo i!d t,. ...-yond Wilson's reach , v !o.'»k ■ ' i teinber.'received BA and MA 'a oe able ?o tight it. will peak tonight on 'he "Sla¬ ... as v>ti as ' '. ''v- h Cha-ag.i a alt • Va -,.. . Of lotik- f-.-i -i-ji liaw pti Ji mas ertfi- in grimittoiogy i* the Univers.' • Cintago poiiccmtiri wno ' are ing to Me outside for cnligh*- vophile Movement" at 7 in 34. of California and erved on thy •. .< «-r«* (a their callirfg simuld be PTTed police administrators, be • Union, as guest of the an- IV-k: Calif., police depar'- thanktui -ua' the, nave a mkfl said. Orthodox Studep'ts Association. I'riitliMlo Shulrnl m» nt for nix years while can. 1 . of W ,;-'s siature and respec*- "St-'ung along by tradition,'* Dr. Homgsheim was born in His . , I;; 1956 11J» .V'llk' -i ' he --ai.i Thev »l|ou -l •;bjl Cm p-hatj. ••nan? "rr:ty gov¬ Germany and received his PhD WZtl:' MX* ' To Tin v I'iuno vUSta ' b« thattktui *ha' '-fey ire n>, ern, n.-- agciH'.v. do m »: eek dho from Heidelberg. He left Ger¬ the •,»uaanpfubira'., rt .vmkilig utidc; America's ie.'i'f- 'v.i' . j,i,.iilied apple ants. High many as a political refugee in Usiving graduate rv.ee. a private hrm special;/. ing autti inty, Mr fkrlico Admin- office;, are used to award hang¬ the 1930'.- and went to France. . , s s'ttie-t. aT; :r.v goveiiuiunt From there, he went to Panama J, p;a.v r,:ano ?i ,• n eOhvul'.uK is'.'r.iuon hunse.f. ers on venom everyone believe* I . T m • rv.v, Friday ar S-' > <• vommtltee which pick, *J To, o"heeri"-ii -.nouwl shake . should receive a raise in prestige a Kl taught sociology until he re¬ lately ib 'fk? Stww Aud W f 'i .(cnmifisioner, t t'ru- bunds of traditional police* and salary fo. lis' faithful serv¬ tired. •Y V- ' M,»t JJi*' . . w • ("ha n. * ma ie ,»n exceUent •• rvita -jnd open 'he r e?< - ,. ice. \ -nan ma.. -i h;gh Since his retirement Honig- •d . J-. ■> Wit ii- < r. ' V.e; H .wev-r, although tie. .< V U 1*1, of w ah«*n el-n has taught at the Lewis V. , •• I!..I TV: - no.- ■. a even mig~*. f • . N»i «l»g to anu was guest professor at F-'j v -,g • r.~ not the entire T' The key the 'he Washington State College. . i* !;.i ::r!iia;:. mi; degrade fir, 1 Ut.MI»?flSil\ of- me i she wii! ah--- play Ivco Btahrn: >n £:'• and ,?.ab.* furtnyr." Chicago supper? au\ should n »t frighten i Ho has written various scien¬ - .. 1— I cflmpft^tSaaus. the -Inlcniic-zro h B n^n,ir. f>p *)he 119, No p anj i» D minor. Op. Mm', "b-r "W; with this he v,m failuie w • , 11 not fail,!* s« ws?» succeed foreign he sajd, to civil A- an example. Chapman said that Wilson wants to modify ih. system not for the man Y S •••,, ' such „i., he will not as W.. -m. he reason to neb eve tific articles, many in German He has also contributed material fus a s b« . uece vlui > to various encyclopedias. 1 You may see a snow plow romintc thr »now«'r'ru. Men at the grounds dept. are «a it* n Vovcci ,„rv l? for some reas'.n «' rea.su ... t away men's . K ; ' MO 1 •. Honigsheim is a broad his- . s.ds* vaik mward .you some morning. special duty, night and day, to be ready to clear The 3nal -russipasltibn - < Kavi the Ch:tJy> ijoiiee reform does jo, r. t»i ' get rid of those who cr-i. col. .orian and an authority on the otrwAlks ary off sidewalks, through snow, hail or sleet. Male eta -Slmaitag,*' from fail, he continued, it will not oo UJievrd to »»e the only the Iro- ^K'iieve in uppUnnenting their "if anyone can do the ; growth of social and political News Photo, presjioruit period because of Wilson. It will be a f ' in tast Lansinc where students ran take home pay with money coI» Wilson can," Chapman con¬ 'b night as well as sociology of at all times without slushing lhrou«ii A are urged to attend. Discus¬ I 13 pin., Frosh-Soph oHur, H(TTU and its pliu-v in cm,- sion of Horse Show! .Student Services BIHg ciety by the adminib: -• and Academic Council. I'ltt VlT (MR rKl)3t F.NADERS VOI'NG REPUBLICANS. 140 Giltner Hall. Bidi* Ex Duard Kvahialion 7:30 p.m., #» 4fv. WIM Inslrtiutoi* Dean Annistead and tfte Ac¬ ceptance Comm. will lie the fl pin.. tion tram. WIM Bldti Demonstra¬ A OUNG DLMOURAts 8:30 p.m., 34 Union, lb oh* guest speaker#. " \(hmIs Another Look W %TFR CARNIVAL Rl l t> AND RECIL'LATKINS WHI N MSI INSl1ll t Tims .il . ' i mi. Tit '-•••>'!" 'tU-liwrini.' rriM- -'ith < 7 OMMITTH p.m., 41 Union CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDSAVeil In '' M If) ' 1 1 !!K I 11 • - • i HRISTIAN MlKNHr^ DEADLINES: t p.m. Day Before Publication for Tnes.. m,, ! » Mlhu-i.'i-I pupils H il l ORGANIZATION Thurs.. and Erl. Editions. Deadline For 3lon. Edilion; I p.m. Ii > in-pin -l Nvniri - t| 7 p.m.. Peoples Church Chapel. Payable *-15 and !•{ Monday Ihrongh Friday t'f in ' h» " r it k v.vnir! Inn:, nu M t.i> In* »1 • •"•«* Hill* PAX-ORTHODOX STUDENT Kl> 2.|r»11 EXT. 2«r» ASSOCIATION K.p. I?-, t '' t t- ' • 7 p m. 34 Union. Dr. Paul ,i. .1 It fot m.-.i CAMPUS CIASSIHCDS i.imitn -trati- n •'* IfoniRsheim of the Philosophy housing • • . 11 i i rrmpiii t .1 I'rof Kin .■ M. i 11-1 a! of i h»» Dept. vt'U speak on the "Slav- i. ,11 f i" -ifu,i!i..n MM n-tal's committor • »pf;.I Movement" Anyone is TRAILERS t. I evaliiation -h«- t i Hint' -tniioti's - welcome ive inith t<5 tin- ... . fOR SAll ,,,t. ! ri'in tin low f;u uh\ mt in ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Nil r«rriM- t'n •••• (LIB THIRTY SIX FFFT I, i-r- rnnsi iontions rn.'UL'li to lioi lu v W if I: ' lu'in I 7 b.m. 313 Education Bid? tmnenat mansion Two n»--a i> pr.t\iiio.l -fu.lt nt- with the opp..r exreptinnal cnniltflon *11'.« Tl*r evaluation Mi Trezise will speak on "The Easl Grand Rivet !.->» in Tr mi'i to r,t?f* t' . ir to.o ht r- ami ntak.- any i » iti.-i -in than Sl-nv Learner in the S«igre- Haven Fl) ahrr r, ;i.«. automotive mIii',! nf | ht ' t; trm 'ov - - t#-.it ' inp ntothilMp. Xlu1 ratu ; - jated C'la-s ' I C.H DETROfTF.R Iftx kin hen. tv.<» bedrimm*. Will t • I: 'i.h iai a't.an in.Ill- int'ot Hla' ion assoc iation or on - I'til . MKVY POOR BODY •J"-"' nlian.-es On Int m H->lt ( AMrus STUDENTS t .,,isii.'tt.it''>'i < iH Hi : .'i»v be in-i i ih'Mi IKit wh.at.n. i .-Sill I. vha h m\.r w * I<» \ •»»..! t! . 1 >1 cen S ami 7 or ii"cr fl pm 42 7 3d p.m.. .13 Union. Fte-' •••» •oil the 'ptniont .un - ni.iv have 2-««W« Alter 12 «HJ ON ..'o ilmvan.ha; t..o tnm-h ■ Ihcii 1irm>. 1hi v ronomnmrnh-.l » Dean p.m . Hubbard and Asst. Do in • ore. ulhtime staff ho ap|>oin»f.f m thoir plan Bird from U of M Medical OF.T VOt'RSElJ.- A Ri««l deal un a I've Full .in •«» Font from a former. S. h<>"t will apeak. Refresh- See Gene Xeldrn a' timi: wokkkk*. m < nstjvf «nprmto.l m t MSI! Minimi Tin; n i i. units. Xt.xx Curtin. Ine . IV If ttrr to Thoninv-Har.iH.nl, Ihi-n \ ire president for on- ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS BRAKES COMPl.rTK BEt.lNtNO I''ai«1 »n. Adiu»»ment. ft* Good am pus e«l neat ion, shoulii he ei|uipp» • riA yio f. KatanU'-no IV 4-441*. *■ ■ • vie d »* m o n » ♦ r a t i on by on the on a In at ion s|n • t ■ SpragiU-1 employment l -o -oira re.,-on the r... n r . ' 1 • - ; ne\er follow.".! _ • fn-nt-h,' -md the opirnonnaire sNm has lapsed pern-a WFT KFND SCAI'K areluterture. and hnrtii-ul- FMPl.OWFNT HANI). etitiv without fni'iiiti or adr'-niistration -tipervi-ion Fellers to the Kditor H ie stmlei't* f. -> tng fiindltknii Oond pat perledle onneif o.ni- • ?» matter - Maivh 7 meet in p if lni.renaer. l.an*lna tJenetal Itetpdll !V 4-4.411 «! ; *idi M ' u al'l-.,li' • *;! * > ' .-r i-ijloic where the fo- !• stay* r" lev' r,,t hour, Se«i«| Peep To the I'ditor ti\r manner, instead of going to 1 ngci' longer. in it SI'TTEH WANTTD T»4 ra- - t,, ft'*-■ uhr the role .r >i mfinv P ARI "1 o.»o.: Ignomoniou* death * >iiit*" is nvMc u-.v ding The pomt M:'i f. nix IT'"«llI » Ijabv t i*e This is fuAng n r.'ten •- ; rey.i: 4 an tench-" nmre. .- . . ■; -iy the grill f>>r •■ > e r IivAn GFN'M\R"* v. : the eVahuHi"-! iVo.-.-t l'a.il Mi Her told u- Mor¬ • n '.r- • ■ >' appe.'iog m F« T1- « m a n 1 .« anparr'V v I'vi- - receive pla* mg ca'dx than (l.i « ' ucrk 8 i t<> i u Ft' i' king students <•. •• •. 'he .'<• - v • ' ' • w'rHing than th«y do ,1 - - I-H142 I II tie happy t . }u ; 1 - d on a I P-.h.-u-. I'otnmttfee eh in' inI r i.b :i ■. > - net- Me* al nipht, ado 7 •• tha* 20 - SM • V, V , f • o h.ng t'.-m an* one hi a ne the crime •• for sale dema- Sem.tr w. Hd prohahh take aetion on the D.-i . ' u .• -me to MSI * ' leye.t r.i • t-:- r-in <»S 11 t -icultv ' at Horv - ndin,r I'- a '1 d ce:\ e *i edth'afo - Ro.t ' t ' rati« He r ibie to shed gore < J. I ' KW AST BAKFRV DF1 IVgRS • It seems urgent that (he ad- , ile. •ii.i"eit . this pi fl«'-<"1uallv c.ike (.*•- I .gs r."vt m!r.jj *r.ir«.ert ? yht on 'he si.vus >if his tvnd .Finite Harthnnne \nrrr i'\n r.nrv-riRF v\ 11" else for I3 .VI I'i - 4 IV t ** ' *. T. ■ f . o? airirp ri ;e\ .dices arain-t ' .i pe *.>nal:i\ ro-u- minKtratinn reallie* (hat the Ifl !>«.!« lu-al!-. n«i* *»•'." fur* I o m 1,i. l« d"W»s ho*, alnr.f mate an AAA rnuHtllon. I'll :'-i?«7 72S W»nV- are il> opinionnaires and (Ht d#»- "-X. v -it itiiMsl these h"" * reputation pf Michigan Stale lies c«1>t-,*a?M person. I have erne * ! within the student*. AA'e are the THE XflfRTVN C4TF- np.'O rtme nvjde t:. I he if-t 'mi'; 1h«- second, if supported by conclusive evi¬ clloi. e keep* the prohlem on a .- r •- "e.i ■ i a1 so 'earn m«vre about U- ' 'A ma"-. d.fTrren? vah:'« r-fying ac'ions •f ). lie •» m • in a iTlr*. c-f « n sr. f'H i gu.lty). poviiuin to make 4 Hen e ones university. t% ho are AA'e supporting this want good In¬ Hail Policy rsFD » r»»4 4..».td vrn RFfUTGFH 3TOR* Se" ;i"d fV i p S'nre. W WII- -* ■ • 4 ill" F»«» up IR \ -dame»hle fi'ini'- •• band sound and letting S 1471 " It: • ■' : , to roceiv" i - p--t 1 ..Uiytw. and motivated nce mit'ht wed effect an instructor's chances for paining t-.intribotion t.» mminolmiv a- -t' structor* *4 ho are To the Editor¬ Mnhtgim IV HW U Krotder cultural background positively and who ran prepste 'v boiler *ervmg lite s'". e ihe umv»F e. «m r«XNWd as bi -.'ig "ipp MARKETING ClUA frs-lng lo achieve for the *ttMeot people 44 ho •"r-h-iirfv, i-etfar rbp»t... f l' vneh. «c fee! it After all. 44 e are the • \SIDT FROM OPIMOW \IRKS Vwxty ,.f MSI' He ,s sei"0'i u|Vin in!: "i -, mer.• on i v.. hi- o *h < un ver-.-v graduate It thai 'he rejnp.i' cn nrrORATFTT GAKES DIH tVFRFT> American laws*-:, y'larcm-e D« Bimoirs **"-4t(*l hkc h» bring 1o the-r tah'i-hed to deteniii.-n !i « \a'idif\ of student complaints. - v* " tided men ♦« mil fin n,4vtie». birthdav* Stan- w« for saving 'he lives ..f • :••• 'of \F. hi»?vi S* it. -s suffering nft Tgemrm uh .'h rteli. "nils putMc* K«»«l Ask m •-•> an i.'her trim on the TV or f "as, eM of mi-. »':!aue.-itv -indent misconduct <• harres \V. can ai! pix»i relations bc?\\e«»n th4 'f ' the e\ •..•I v«:txe!f pcrpe'li- IV 4-«T«.t Druinj; *o John-v co;.t W,w»d« i k «»f Bobbv t'V• i.'i w niversitv ha- . 1 h!i orpani^sl sy-tem of reM'ewinp tr n : a a b-nmiStra'ion and 'he faculty . • W'l The King'*...-- Tr..-- and F*snWs The fnaj'V.ty of |>ex>p .* ■ r»?sng on :!s -mn employes L ■ |- lime 'hat we tuden's SPUfiNUT SHOP i •-mmi?tee on Stu.Tei't Affairs, the s -oards th> I-'... i.- • .' infs^ eeiebnuet. Where v otufh*. to I* a tiavextv n-e \V«* need be'lev imtruci-irs, one's »iB h# e'cird wine -'»n • t 'le meed- and women* counsel- ... o,r g.vat peifomiani'e* ei men. Nathan le»n»oM, ha* who have ro:»•• f'i an Kurance p.'!. • mad.- inorrwm centrilmtions ' < u we do 7 -it need or wan., r*.l«e«Ps'g ed here bv P- Pa-.i I •' u* whA ".v:U -uake «-:.asses *t »t »•» V4 *dser 1 • and Pi Frances Pel .isle. p,and criminology, among and f - h'l.i *i:t many ease*, can t affor i c vp Our thank* to thu man f r mterexting. ?e-er p ---n 1,'sina MAC - -:iiiri; W the pander The mo".* After brini; employed 1 »x the Z7S W hat'.- n.m.'i t. • ff-e other xreAv of human knowledge *« try-ng hi* to give us the Mnda Collier 7 *\ e m. Th « is a Ft more uwsful to so¬ for *>* month*, y.-n ame argument which • amort the .\htanve ef student fducation we de*erve. y.-niv«-:-s.'.v abown * ciety and aerves tr.e cause ».f i-e required to subscribe t-- a •••n.iuot Kmrds can 'm- ; -a . i s,» the need for faculty lionnl Dr. Pawl Vim also human justice, ;n a f ir great, r * * * viO.OPO life insurance policy- m housing PHASE ATTfNO "niisconduct*' in the classroom. treat and deep love for art I than the meaningless de¬ r v.-' S rivo there are many s'u believe, like htai. (hat a rreat was "Tins sma. k- of I hp Hrot her." Provost Miller comment- artis need not resort to Joktnt struction of another human life J h.»p* that Caryl Chessman* drill llriilisc ? w ,-es omployeii here \v'i • jvissibly benefl' by FOR RENT BFDROGM FIR real estate •I when approa. he.i ..n the idea We concede the point, and ham artint to entertain his < nild next r NI SHED r*0 b«*li-» TWO • i -e . 'v.ld V.* sTvarod an^i I fervently ?h.s exotb Mnt policy. ?i * n- ideu' conduct ts>ar*lj*. A trnly oqfstandint To the Editor .« ip> i-if I he -r-« o-n o • * ' ?ht audience Ve'erap or graduxi* ttudc-' tv- hope that California abolishes Recent!* there ha* »• -en * i onet"\-able vj hv thi* should t..wri requtrei' 44 , i give eigiit*e« ■ tVf cour-e. the he-? ... r r.. revive the opiniynnjiire performer like AA'arini is sup¬ month lr^*e IV S-J.W- n t'- ie«. dishwasher carpe'inc posed to he. shonld be able to cap'tal pumahment. And may c*>ntrovers* con»-ern:ng whe'hei niant alorx '« a> te landscaiieil lot Nr. « ■ -tern, adopt t'a M.i - committee recommendation-, transfix bis andienct by Jns| these fac.tvirs, if they oivur. lead «■! i.e. card plavmg should be Is 'his not i greater infrins"- APARTMENTS *77 JWft PJO Knoll Road ED »•''* n-tmct the depart me' o twads to require e.vai nation sheet smtint AAbereas the State New* to a greater understanding of admscl -it *'-f Fn;on f r1; r*i«-r i having to devFr e Wit J, SET J. TO an- v ridiculed Dr. Paul ever his re- ' human action* so that a step rule, which l-o .i h» the Unite-i OKEVtOS I.OVFI 4 E1RST.f!n«ir c-imc atinps r classe- and encvurape l< w rated instructors *o seems that- 'neir i« a ai-.XPtment Private bn'-i e:-- down pat-ment end t'*"' large East La«*lng hou** low mi notation of lesdty durtnc i»er- ward the elimination for *uch hs* tveu s'rk-f'y enforce-«. S'lte.- oouplr r»r*'»-rred •ek the avd of the coun-o'iip^ committee in order to im- deetls can 1*- laken not 3farge B«rle4 t-p'i«p Married child welcome ED 2-24*7 4. 93 'am down In i ansh . ' formanees. this treatis inereased One f!4rt" d • • n •"«•' against «uf : a practice p ent buddihg rove their teaching techniques. m* esteem for him. let us take Carl (irtlDer Being an .nvasional patron,ge I oraine Uearneke APPROVED t.ARGF APARTMENT r-ents *W1 down eight .n " • • ♦ 4 + June Plsarane *: V4> cl.iwii None >- male stitrieot* i ln«e tn rammi*. advantace of stwh an inspirtnt of the grill. 1 have scon studen's for ertw Will trade ID S.-A44: * .force Shnsler private entram-e tUildies pat : Pennj Morkman 2-.HS1 gf.S tnelude« *ll utihttex ED J-.WW sew OS* SI Srm-lnc at *V3 lea*ia Wi!lK«"r-h*n ' * > I Viper 4 Witehful par 53 Rnrr#n. f:»* fruits arvtf shotdd be g.ven on Saturday nights in- bv Extreme • c effort -,s administration t<» bu. t being ma-'e * gn a petition for allowing eard playing n the grill Snow Rivalry s WEST Wtt.FOW THREE 7-«S43 a*K for FR ATERNITY Mr OR Barber R O O 4f I N eonret CWIB Mead nf during the wee* In th«; the rejnttation of Michigan State 1 figtuM. as over one thousand t'nper apartment Pay only, utUttie* house Tbirtlen m»?m bona* • Salt othei MSU students did Per- To the Editor and small rent Be Caretaker ED- Stone* th U Select* xvay 1, and many other students, equn'i to outstanding universities J-I703 41 purging for ten cars and ahoppirat .' II TurfmrK- i K- able take greater |«f them ber* in bkn and articles. The if studentx want to sit m the mom* and hath Furni«hed. utllitiei il£2. • I4 Charlra Michael l ground tyrtf is*tnr lark 1c h* Ihe members of the Union publicity for winners. Their floor apartment In l^anaing Pars¬ TYPING — PAPER AND •aiwtian af VaatafWay'a Pwtxi* to classes. prnvtded. Call Phyllia Wallace. I- pre«ent rivalry Is expended on Call ED 2-03M tf Death Penalty ing 15 riirht of Si l-rpal f'aijn The reputation ,*f Michigan Board acainsl anrh a praeliee is st*ps J». Commltaion f»C4»N t Handled s Sta'c would be improved grts»tU that gambling wnntd be enenur- Homecoming Day. rOLR MEN OVER tf. large apart- Parking, iaundrv TYPING CD F4I8 Si lUtaa- aged. AAonld not gambling he It might be amplified to in- ment. furnished *1 Pre««Csr»rt P>+r chant 1 ftranches o( • Attract.v# f faculty members wpte given pnvtleees IV 5-S1C4 after If To the Editor: e neon raged in a c'ude the care of the lawns in APPOINTMENTS FOR APEt 12 Imltatiom 42 S.troftyp* iearninc decent no mo.c money f-- teaching Tlie mnrh more "FIVE and passport picture ? Position JO A pobl.-c W ;'h »'■' '"e p- nt c •* -f\-e w nvuoione wict's, tiu unanswer¬ smalt, private eard ixrri than in the spring Some of the lawhs ROOMS FURNISHED -Grad¬ TION of astin cteth 44 Crrral uate trtudenu or gnftaMirt Newly being taken at HtcF* St no ». t ?». So may it b# •r«si a* ■ member decree by the Chessman ea*-e and t c ed qiM'sti.'ma. artd-thv iadk of m- a place as pahlie as Ihe grill? Hr-e a disgrace It might even denoeatrd and clean ED 1-*** or dav aervice Phone ED 2-*i«" 45 Srlf 3 Railinf bi Cce«!eiia« «; cussi *n a :•• d controversy shame some of' the householders r.D I-JM3 »f n.AirteSwi • - teres; on tee part oi the mstruc- Another argument raised is THESES AND f"' 1T*» Vrnrration 4SiinvlttfSC tendant. one reas»->r> that the-e that the 'card players would lin¬ into cleaning their adjacent *o; i* due io Uck ul motivation THREE ROOMS. PARTLY fur- typing Electric typewriter •quarr ♦S Kadiraf" trees rod st shou'a Tlot be execution aeems walks whore the unenforced city washer, dryer, experience One bkvs i' ger and occupy &eats for hours. vear* 4S roniUffH 5 Camera's 14 Fan * n these directions by the ad- nishe-1 Automatic U IHnldtnc to- nave been genera .v cn-er- ordinance fails to actuate them freerer garden Rural «etting. spac- Brodv. ED I-&H' SO Diwi lh* eye American minot ration ! believe that the average itu- lout ground*. National 7-«U4. Imme- murar a Newt T-rri *• - hv-iked if an instructor wants more vient who snends time in the David H'errester tfUtelv 44 • T3rprNc!*~riniM papers tf» John Scot 1 ire' strong's that Chessman miswltaneim »**t »".t ' SJ Gtvt Mwet 7 #inrn t syllable 20 Tas h-ts tVeen pun.shed quite ruS income, he must either wide - X FURNISHED APARTMENT TWO Mrs Bee Adami. ED a-AMt tivle* for magaauie.s or chang. aduli* All utilities Private entrance TYPTNG AND DUPLTr VT- n-».-«er.*ers ficentty and that to execute -Power and clean. All .private. Call Call Al or Jane Wonch. FD a' 2: Her w ould i^e * cross out < f IV 5-1HJ7 979.00 40 t. . TV uhle-spaced na«e *« N• »• 2.1 24 ftcfjw tile V.r.\n : duck barbsr.,'^- 1 hope, also, thai Mirhi^an Sl»l<" Xri»* tional charge or layout. Across from for consultmr ■ " Berxev H' ' th - ease w >?:r the wheels io 21. Tch> bad 341 Student Sersoce* iig to abolish eaw.-tal punish- APPROVED SINGLE AND double 2»i C,re»!e*t . yToae to campus parking TYPIST; the state of California Puhlishea en ci*«a «•*« Metidas room* EXPERIENCED amour ■ ,r. thnuieh KruJas uuiualva. durtnt i»lt. F.D 2-3151 . 42 VENIKNT location at W-3 F Or* -27 Keepuke ■-is been intimated mini e* and «pnnjj trmis except River All type* Pf *'or* „ 30 Prolessmns ■ 'here * another positive hoJidirt u-reWU rturine «umn»r ALl RACES 'WELCOME at Spar¬ electric machine at reasons* * rrriTi »no MM special I resit man issue ta.- Hall 21> Lotn* one block insn Call Mrs Piervma. ED Jt Pitchrr and n.i to society by refusing fro- • ^l*een summer and tal! lermv campu* One double and two single* catcher "-.'ig the vindictive act - place niO.e. l eiepnon* mower 47 h»< tMmir.d5- 34 Kmiiwhu Phone IV 5-lfKT. «e HAY RIDE* - AT red>-e distorted mind. vance Icr nne term *.< foj twu ^ kob»;an,e - k w.-.h a terms St for three terms, as through winier terr,( for lr ( 'h4N*lOT>-\'.- A* SINGLE SLEEPING ROOM, to,- group* Heated party room r 36. Animated I'Vii .v-r:'*' 7he gross manifesta- A P New* Dispatcher , TuUe Parking Near frandiu on Phnoe now for reservatic 37. Pand<-: •»? mental distortion which The Associated Prevs 1« entitled I .ac: HAvEAXV-X-dE Riding Ranch IV 5-4527 exclusrvelv to the use for reouMi-* »t tnii'.Kms .»f :n our soctetv .i"ed T V gets and antennae 41. Scepters K>R SALE tube .checking, free parkinr * * destroy ing 42 FTv'ed point of t.me Instead specimen—m«tead of rlwiat «ir ef our A iff/i/ Sta ff • CHAMPION 15*57 42\ 1" TWO RFD- '• n m »!22 K tiw.ilv MKTiigan T V IV Techntea-" >- 7-5558 ROOMSL automatic um.t-.ei isrpeieil 43. An ohstacle eye* to the heart of our prob¬ Night. Miter . Messarg Helmet storm*, fully equiped. and net up wr< TYPIST AW BROWN P 44. Ident'cal lem*. we ran make t heaaman Asslsiani Paul VatiKtUken lot cloee to campus Excellent mr- 47. And Ul ditmn Lot 4.w trader lUvco 979* serve society, and henee maka I'htUftf raphe r I'rir I iindaer* Ea*t Grand River, ED 144(4. 41 amend* for kk deeda ii a poai- A* RUM .. Barkara Veusj 4V MM ' % *:¥f" *«: • V V 7%v ■■ "••:• * «•"•'. ■ Mtrtnr. iv or^tr vrus 'My Fair Lntlv* Mirrli I. Itf.ti PageThred • M:tenienf Curoay I n Tour lliissia I'tms Hoist tPfuni Shir to Shoulifarn. Ibofi Her I ' r- f-'tm«.. _ i. jl lVr|» uill lll|rl\IM» "II I '. IlltliMlCll f! »t«-- If " ■.!• it-t i If.i t*|»f»i| lii the Placement thueau nl lej«| tv^n M" MtFK V - • i V. ■ f If(i v» HFt id!' i F MM.! N !' • as dur.npc/l ' • ' § -. ••.-■• a . !• nf tut nlr« dab- Wiiintn alsn nut In I .' | i-.v, f •> ■ a p '. leu leu m.ijnrx Willi asterisk 1*1 .vpiivl.iv ' a NT/ F.- Arrangi nenij ' T.pl.V •t front •'[ lhc opera hou-e. 1R1 lljrhflnr'k degree, i M iv Mailers, fill linelnr*. IVhfff no sivsjtrlcr \V,vt -t; ! '-ri'-d. for t'.c 'i ■ ■' no €<«•*»»*#• K Indicated. a!! degree level* »f«* eligible In Interview • • ti) she |.: ibohlv w f its Pmi'h u.-. -m It ■ >, ■ , M.'ts-.- f I Ia-11'I -1 MAIM II .1. IMO - Mi |Vi".-:h.»eii ^ '! jn.ikc *'v 'r . i d. • fhula Vl*la I'll* School District: lir- 'i U'J.N ,». 7 Li Travldta" .«t .In<*Vf! i|ll« -* .e s '!"• S'i'I *• ■-.• •' vrr.* Ccb't VI F •-n rn.'ijnr« I 'I 'c i. hi i • .!• ! • I 'iVl! S' • !»•»-«t m.il.' Forest Srrilrr: Civ.! (It' (Mi The ti " i -iv f.»« I uv '■ i! F i.; Mi ■ p.i.iti.in- pj-'xlurt: m. •' .» r» t I on* Uracil t'nilicd Helwctl Di*- Naval Avlonlc* Facllltv: Etoct. • 't >\\ V.a-h lit' ■>■!' ')•{ (' '• .( S- leu. . ,k'. M e A I'll\ •• V lie d t \ ' I \ • i • ' r ■ ■ ■ ma.!'" . attil Fncei-il F iut • ' ("AMPi's C'l.ASSl! IFDS • M• i• * i1 ■ |{. • i'il- • • -<•# >• l irasnri |»i pt Internal Hrve- IIKill ItFAMKKSUlF rii^ "*rrvirr- A >;!!!':'m> |? OriCK IIKSI'I.TS . AND I lit of Milwaukee: » \ ' i ID . M Ml e -Ml a"i men i!'. ■ lM< Eu., fui Mum. .pal I... I :»i •. i u 11.11e ■ iii major, !• B-npciin a Ifcve'iue Agent*. I'nli. i> Ad Mount ( Irmrn* fntmnuniiv (H» t M ' i Willi !!! rrr«l FRENCH FRIES • en Schools All F'ctit (in-*" a- •! "t A' niiiniiiiai for Spoei.i* S« eoM'I.V \ (ID .M> V.ie.l \ 'on' M •i • 111 I S|" ' •' I • - M \ltd ll :t I t'e ju.vcfat point*. «f Ihritst |xttr»« rl«i*-trr nl d\ . 'MM KIT MODI I *hnvv« sir ol •*» a i ■ ■ Sp. ■ - • I'." ' Itrrkrlfi I nlllril School lllvtrlcl \n- mi hull a lH putind «|» f! I ; . . .1 engine ». •' « • i'• ••! nit Lie I n« rr i ,ita ir; belnr. designed in produrr 1.500.I i . • A 5 ": V " A ' (ft' ■ F!; .Ml S •. Ms , It i 1 ' ,V '• S1 c"IIet.«i; | *! ■ v ;ej | ».J , TONIGHT!! H|. I Hirr I « i, m l Sup. -V •- 'f V • alticalional Program, Budget I I'M i- *»l>rir.% I in imm our In t>". . <\\> ■ ■■ - . Ill 1 of • A I • i M • . It i FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY i • • : of li*e Fa *prm llaiul I nip.: llrvv Irit revision Needed for Michigan \t Math ' •••• F • • n '■ - ( r ■ F" • t " . M.Ike '/ v-* *"'*»•• quality lioph and and award*: award*: i« vi ■i V ED 2*6655 t.1 If A I). I>< i:n IV- . \] ■ available for v Fv ihi.-ititiu -m l Iv-'d !••.;■ f,„ 1V. : • ..ti X Man- H-fti! n*c«l for a thoi ni-' '' IN . V S . " u.-v, «»>e • ■ every vpo»* hi'c; dig ||l 1, 1||» " ' «• ■ • II. ..» ,u th« Michlftan '''I"' '• !UV Ol ev*Pl /u 1 x | nil vit i,-r « 1' ' I- V • > If A It rvi hnrlfct''. b< H - , .. ■ •xevrnth llcgbui 1 S V.iv il ltrsc uch | iihm ilnrv • \ !»• S'ijlt* SW|M»Hn*tf!V I- Deal ••( ||i ililt 1 dttcslinn V 1' M m» v OR •'(' . • t> I' , ' ' Mr If .lie VimI,il xici in It« \il ' ...t" 'I'll Ml t M - (11,, • ; >. M, pin ami mlnlslr Atlnn V i •-** M, (ID •aiiixlmul ■ ■ Ms i - i".', M.I.MV the F .fin l»* • h t v Ml'. . • . iti- <■ M • - • i • ■V I •• 1 ' " t ' It A D i rr\ ..... msv 7U tgoni s|i|a« Itrprcsnilatlvrs front nici'iiite al isspc. livlnrslott cottnllr* altrmlnl |fir ( Union. KcIIork l'rn|ri | aton Inch.tm anil mnrr nntcit Mine sfinb nis that eiltir if inn the i* nrcrlcit fm tt.ntlctl sulci tic Michigan xrhiml ' ... ... lb p.irlmriit ,, ... ,i r ! . i | - • - • nf , , j• (in s , 1 .ihnr . •. • ■ \ !• \ el in p.iiiv ( .ixii.i II v nf MAHlll lliitfutll. -It-. Ilu .V - Surclv 1 nun (bum : ( am »• 115 •. LARRY CU5HICN ED 7-9841 r.v f.irrs eninlbnrnt in kills si«(i-ni Self ,ii» X- M ' t' I.I • • s .US. MD X SIMIIM 1\(,S OfMlllS 1! a •■■■ lost Iniinittti'* Ohh'"t Hizzi'tio . ., ■ •iltif.1t tniec crrivp «t "ll it(in tiexf vrjr ( s s.. ., .... ., ,V * ! f'V »• Id It. t" \ Im.-l Mi"i iii»H %ini 11 Tltr. !*. « ■ ,1 p 15 i• • ; ! x ... ■- (ID I \> I I WSIM. . i, •• .(., d *M, " v, i M i ...ii' f vi \c Ut. «l v« - U • block vv esl nf -w«vir« 211 M V.l . "T'Nt K Si'. . V» , • • P . ... •• . . 1 mid ,K III iic ItlmlaUlriitloti t\ 1 .1 F 1 t •• .... • nil ( llppert .. Mrlvin !'•" I-.' I'M ( • i | f'l V"itn ■ shut •« 'r •x"'■' •' Joltn Ihllinirr, ;,n<| i.t ■ f ' y IV ■ j« .. \ 1 A ll 1 IMIUV A ( a : p.-! ,i .. !(•>. I* iv y t* - ' • ■ S. • 11 • > i M 1 Mil ; It.n V*!o\ 11 in I'lo.vfii . . -p., . ,,, ,i. ., , •i- ir-.s ! i k.r-nf A- Dm. If till iMi, IV'1 . Villi i (ID (ML Thr speaker qnntfd the report 'e-.fltjU. nf tin- ' I- . > .. ... ,, I, • M . i L- ill m l lb.'. •. o| the I'reshlrtil's f'ontmlllee on • -. r . .. ... . : -1 in hi iv n hmift ( tv tl hen ice ( ummivsinn ' M.-iu-'c l.ovrrnnirnt litr lion the prohlems facing ednn Ihe report predicts an In¬ Contracts In millln- ... - (.', v »! . " |" OD ,p I'd Men V «' A 1 K\'(Mi \ ii iiil crease In Ihr labor foire of mole lie advised (Hal enabling leg¬ than million persons a irar is willi (lir \\ inslon heal a islation |»r qllickl* panned t«» lor 1hr next 10 }rars permit slate «clmo| dislrlrin In nfnre In federal funds under the National Defense Idurallon Act ISolany IVdf ('onfei'ir' To Research H.i"- vrcs n •he •• •*'. ' n MMT1 ;if!Ve fh'S 1. ulurd in the n«'*: Fidds old In (reiieva f|. n'sn emphaotrod that 9.IHH1 Ve* you. II you're o liberal " lei shot 1'coiirfi Ihr dd T. 'Ui) cf»».sc.-ofpn a.c fc-eued ort\ senior widvoul vpeciohreW • ''1 ihitli shortlv hr- tv v.--. . Cm' r \ p11 '• • - inmrfliatciv, ;tn;f» recommrnde I fll (hr tiosltirs |«»»l- p! 'i' pn'ho'oK'. fuM-walo reorfianir.t* ion "f Iroinioo, you'll won! to check (he . home ifisviifr Mis • • tfiu'ch this S'lm- /ftno Covuol*y'» . districts In addi" "u h<» opportunities in Furvls ran ftom (hr P • t•nivi'rs.fv of (»«" v , • k •! ' . *.' •.•chot*» -hip-' )h- pto- • hrn a shot rinii out s.» •• ' •• ,♦»! hnirv.a! on M*N»GIMEN1 TRAINING PROGRAM l,: .t thr hoilv S'i A' o K" M FWI RUmmtrtm . and tv i Founda*. ■ in • ' ■< t' S \i' e:re S.-rfr>- 1- • ••• These (ir* inlrtned career \\, . -p. 'L- " u he ■ Formrr llomr Er Itfim P'N«itioov wdh tremendous • • ■ "a .t-fTorer:... I His in (iilifimiiii • .* f l»«4 odvoocement potential I, ' :.Tt |N*pnvt.l, former he id A»k vo<" Plot emenf O'V# i •••• A • -i'' s fe ' lis- i«u ! • Ih» dome . at?* depi.'"v'n! ly n copy ol the brochure. and ai 'i'-g de'Ui the d v- > i 5"' of »i,-mi foinnrnk's m IfllS-tl. V.*! o, k*e " Wtv'e >ou t* »u: • ifi lnj|V'f "«'• Cilli's ' \v. buried Mundav u» !/• \v tf-e e k,j.. up to meet the id \\u . • « vlva'ieed tva"rt "*... • - t aiif. 4l»«ci Casualty won who II : itl par'!.! flif s;: nvth in higher plant* and an - Mi * IVppird wa* thr *• ' i«. N • b" e>« r nernu' on \. .1 V. time of her death. • . h. hi'vdcv Sankn, C-intfnn rm auni«m. "•isr Mir nil hi of .Fttlv <" int n n ! vrork wi'h P .nil Inlo a fusillade of C.i'iiri t T u ' in, \vt\o copdwctcl •>m (i-imn nhrn hr re-sear.- here ri the summer <-f rvin. IPV» whs'ie on leave from the Culver-.'v of Geneva ifMiaht aor.vs- " • J ram. .n robivr et ncttin . Drews Y'tniot l.railer ' S.1.1 li; fa.-s" at (If Jiipiiu Tour (.roup > •('• • . • nrgor>. KiSM ;ob the* SUf- D n .bin Drews. Asmvi.'.*" •-n h;- face." Purvis fh'pfe>aim . ' Social Sciences .tv t knew h.m the mire Foreign Studies has t^n ap p'-unted Iwofer "1 the !«('•<> .1apart 22 Purvis' men F u-Mor t.nir operated by t - "V Bov Uord T o lege Travel Office. i desperado met deat't The tour provide* a 21 d;»v rem a'*1 ■■ * 't piety*- ■; '-I north of K.jst visit to all important cities and <■*• SU.< • ro ts>ints of interest 'in Japan. It ' \ e vmirs, divided his the slisht; tunc ■it;v,. ; n i includes visits to Alaska Haw aii Departure l« *<*'- I Sing Of Arms And siness and the law. duled from Detroit July 15. •« * IB ■■•■■■!iinaiiiiin1 Lik® [filter-blend!, Man, • 1 UAL GRINDING • MOTOR TI NT; IT Fur if you tli^- a in<»li'rn lill.-r ri^an ll.- mjrurATTv ' HHCU, BALANCING • ACTESSORirs rones. rn ?■» II lij,'iir.-. tfi.it if-, uli.il - 111. trout thai i- tin- im.-i • WAKr. SLRV1CK • RFRtNClft • lak.* |.nr<- I'lavor.villr. orl.it -toll, ao.l all that ja/y; V.UUTft * MITTLER • WASHING TYPt^ ; at m-3 t CV Ami only Win»bm -.uinj!-. uith |1filter-blend| up front, work (H** after every shave A r.'ul poiif (oiiiIhi of pol.Jcn, rii li IoIu. coh ,f re*»«oA>- « " ' rn t-**1 i n FAST KOAD SERVICE CALL ED 7 9016 , Solrrloil unil prori'--nl liko for lilt.-r -inokin^:' I Spla*h on Old Spire After Shave lotion. Feel your Tlial'-i uliy, dear eal.i or even Mpiar. -, it'- uo.lerstoo.1 T+Af+ ••* GULF SERVICE: AT pr« for tr rtw'i I* '•'■ " i •■, URRVS face wake up and live! So good for your akin.. a* good for your ego. Brisk a* an ocean breeze, rtwvati.v • I-4M" I Old Spice make* you feel like a new man. Confident. Winston tastas good like a cigarette should! Assured. Relaxed. You knon you're at your be«t AFTIR SHAVi LOTION OX EAST MICHIGAN AT LOUIS l when you top off your ahave with Old Spice! JOO by SHULTON tdiagonally across from Heal SI. entrance) ' • t "warre fft. ••.rrcM oirw. • e wws r v •iao gen***1 1 i Big 10 Tourney Mtmir.w *T\Tr vrws I Min'h I . i v ' i^tl sn i \>tri s riaAssiviKDh . rfadfrsmip Puce Four rent . Spartan W restlers Ride Vast Wolves on Way to th W5 «* m- l>» U In the middle photo M>l 's Bob Mo*er (in white T-^hirtl pull* * IVHisvln-rc. Te«* Big \A :tl t vtninl* undefeated Mike llovte. Ilobb* i* nraritii the head tear. Kankril 11 iiih aOD DRAKE'S ETHYL f eature f-60 - 3:16 'Stilt' Named NBA's ertson NKW VORK (/Ih-O.rar P. of Cincinnati ;Jnd J West of West VirfPhna Top Rookie and MVP S 26 • 1:3ft « 9:40 beat prv>fes»ion,Tl pro Ape ^among thA-1 eollrgo b.-,a ''players. But Da»-Ee?i v.. California, another bk. '\ KOOKmr Murwt MOVTf [\ rt > \KW YORK f/D — Wilt Ohnmborlain scorn! nnnfher atLAmerira. might have * ,U (Will' i . "first" in the National Basketball Assn. Monday when he in the play-for-pav • .•>.» was named both the hwuo's No. 1 rookie and most valuable That's the opinion - \\ siinn/ DEBBir player by the Now York Basketball Writer* "Red" H.tbman, ,i FORD AS RIVnOLDS' AVON MOCHCT'OS Never before has a player w-.m scout for the Noaa V, rrl>OA-kers of the N*' s i K ranch' vea:. th-' f)A ■> awards in a IM Results kethalt Assn. Drake Refinery Sta. Inc. Richard Bvtoii-Batten Ruth "'GAZEBO Ch-amN'Hajn. -•emtIv- »>f the the seven —f •-*. ■: PhUadelphia broken the ntskrTnui ft." "ImhofT isn't mii.'h said Hotrma : 11 1.1 I'. (.rand River CARL REINER Warriors who baa H.'s btg enough, t' :>■ ( \-k For Trrrv ) J)Ck CarsOR Aiiie Uddnn ( ..„ (."•UN McCvVf* >,l.»« - AVI \HA scorin?: on.i ie!>ovin«bng tv torn- for h vea.->n. w*»tt rweve , W sh*A» ti. 4». W tihuw t. « IIa«|i.|i u Neimr* l» r good on detense. t»u: ' n !.bc NBA >ou h«v. Tl < ka sh».« *. ti. W sh«* a. ?» ■ W h:- t\*o tmnhie* at the M.uvh 13 «klnnrr 14. Ice 10 to store »t.l« diE.'ier of the Meteopolit.m Uas- fUwnrlh 44. Ks»l It "That* where Rnbrriso! ylrol >oo\: "Tin: iu<; kisiikumav kr'h.v Writers A**n. I «r«nn 1?, Il.,« I »n,l 40, Holman a Wowrr ?* %\es| really aland out K«i> The Sam Pa\ - Award cnes Ih.Al.nii IK. Ilorhm It s«m remind* me a lot «.t I u th«« m«wt va'nable player. The I'trey 4S. Hrdrlrk 4* Baylor, lie ran do "fniht Ha Turkin Award c«*e> t.> the *pn» :i. ii..i«ir4a n West also U esrellent or Campu.« Clanpifiedft . . . Uw Cost iea.iine rookie. ttr.Alnlk* It. W lldrau IS fense* Wslf !« While R ChamlM»rtan\. w h.- played two Hotrman said he ,!o. - ' PMrkhtwh* p. ptfehrte pirate* «• I KIM.I.\M IMOKM \1 ION t \l I. I'll t-MIt •e.sons a: the I'nsveiMty of l kin* l? fen>ive potential, e.-f' Kansas before turning pro, has Tipper* 40. UlAphMl 11 fens'ive ability «n»i g london 17. talk 17 tor. In that order. seorrsl more that', 2 600 point- I *fca« 10. M r shaw 1. tl He averaging SR points and Tmun 1.5 1 h..mp.(An f Among the pt.o • •,< 2ft TV-bound's, a game I Sfesw « T3: > Shaw *. ID have another year srtmltris* rt llaihawa* 4 lege ball rem a mm.? Ho. VHminilrn n*rr Trntan* irnrfnt) praised Tom. S I- At'. Hrartdatatter, Michigan EAST LANSING • PHONE ED.1J8I4 Stat. < sophomore end. was i fwt. dafr hih.linli (rifinn W shaw J over w Shaw I ifoHrH) %-cnture. ivrt> i i. i se lee ted tor, the high sctvvd All- W shaw 2 naff W shaw 5 (lotlrti •State and Dave lVl>u->ch<"., A 1)1 I TS "Or CHILDREN 2(le Detroit. AmtAi wa tAVTlbftii team whiU at 1 IIMI: K A Hi V — FIRST SHOW «;«) K. -t Lansing lbgh. \ (.1!) AT I KM 111 I EE AI I HE SHOW ( omjtlclc Optical si*ier knevia and Marine Corporal Allison . . . Service • lone on a Cardie tsLnd . . . trapped brhind rncmv lines? NOW SHOWING MITCHUM ff| tth.fthir ^ UeDcraft KERR • Robert ro» thi i1r4t timi? v"' \ * ^E92j®S®fi T~pjn 'V Wficr* of: Dm. J. ChriMk ud H. Heck with. Optomrt Frank ■Kb cinimascops SINATRA . and «»M OF THi: BIG I F ATI RES OF THE PAST wtntsomr — COLO* LOKFTTk t rUSTt III gil SPECIAL! STUDENTS ONLY VOING HOLM M%RU>M! I - AiUMiml I* I COME TO TNE STABLE V t*. frtO' J BACK-DOOR SALE! NT VRTIM. » KII>AY AT l\M. STARTS SATl'RDAY < t «*r 1 he hack door on!>!) "OLD TELLER" »'DYNAMITE! r is osc or hi* TODAY ONLY -A t urns jt «.»t A n«r new U»» WittrE LMtrMHUi Pro. Stnbes 7 to 9 p.m. A®*5K2- .1 Wt' ..on TEN STAR SPECIAL! it 1'iir Coat, ami E'alirirs Graiicil ami GIjumhI » aa e: -mk r tups. Reu. *.»* 4.49 ★ Mm'* llato ami lap* if Kainroal* Madf tl jli r Kt'|M'lk'iit 7.49-9.99 AMKA-SHAG" SWEATERS, Ret. U.SvIS.!'- Absent-minded ftofisssoi • I' it SiiPiir ami l^-athi r Jai-krl- TALBOT E ATERS SKIRTS, lice u, |g.v. *5 _ ★ lammlry Sfnirc it Not ao ab»nt-fflu>> 2 for 3.50 ★ Muffnt Toa« nght down to it. Hf remtalwod tho ★ Throw 1{ii«« ■nott imporuat itcm-th* Cako! Ym, EASHIOVABl.E tk.hts. Ree. 1.09 if Alteration, ami Mrmting people nill forgive you alnoet anything s7 Friendly s, ri ire if you just remember to briag along - AA E: ( AR CO ATs. Iirt lo Ih.S. their favorite .p-^'~g ' — PEARL ( HAl.N ROI'Es. Reg. to H S8c College Cleaners Coco-Cola. Do have aaothn. prafamrf K *»U.T atrtisnf Gu>h and Carry DOROTHY (.RAY LIPSTICKS 2 for n •emed mder oaamOy ef the Compete Caapoay hy 620 ft Michigan La.l Laming ED 2-4713 . LA-SALLt COCA-OOUh BOTTUXC COHr.AS A MANY. MAM OTHERS SALE I'lUt EI> ■ «»« *•**>•> ■>*•«• r-"*f t a- ,-'■••«"■> mm*-***, £ Slain Tankers Rale State Indiana Upsets Bucks; Your oompleto Optiral HrndquArter* . . conveniently locat.ti offering complete optical wrvtrev . High for Bi$10 Meet B» M 71 1"T» KAMSrV U of M, Badgen I^ose WALLACE Hunch Office OPTICIANS — Vine al ( Upjiert kijM «iwr*» rntitt iop|wt«ifc spar* In Fr«i»4l4ir} WITH THE IHCi 10 Summing Championship* a« noar as Wtk* Skinnrr pye fiimlmtlom by March I. ItW r»i» no ;h><. weekend, it's timp for speculation on the outcome of M« TMT WtnilUMi CltlAV I m IHp rntlrr tumr. flip* hit IT V.iiiihn (inbhrd with .!»» pofntv IJr. \\ Jensen. retl*»ere«| optomctrM . *• may bo tbo nibst exciting moot in tho event's history. ! •tnrj'* rH h tloi*'-i#r« of 70 from fhr tlfld for A'1' hiil had l» ilrld urorlng honor* Uhfn I'll. IV 9-2771 s The championships, hoM in Ann Arltor Thursdav-Sntiir- V --.'»* njiCv * "U* Oh!.> K'.Vr * Miff got HI «hn|i but lo Mlrlilnn', John Tldwrll who t-«; T«»«. ff*4« •••-. Intramural HIM R* *l«n. madp only 31 for .lift tnmhr* with SI. foaturo hot duel* between moro closely, rat is! team* tn*iv »f being \Se fir*t imdcfpa4- » « I, THnr*. * frt. H *:ilast yoar. In 1959 Michigan ran away with a roconl- et1 P;j id cbamn -Mi :•» 17 year*. W 'h nlovi-rs lut'-ng i f <*vr!l Fain* u i- thr on!v wbij*pmR the lluckrvr* rl«»ub!p •vakirig 148 points, followed by Indiana far bohiml with Schedule •• fill T- f- fljui'T'.. mg ,*if n • * *re*os!rrn i-bmhrd .into a •bo same two teams, but tho onfor may bo different. Indi¬ .*n • 10 ,'nniling., *; .v«*nr' Vaip v **! rr ' r with idlo Miltnp- free! Vi gallon coke • an,* has pained in strength since last yoar and has already w-:*h Oh?.' *i*v, abraiy thAm- 14 <»< 17 ih-1.1 g.-a! >••« »>?'• f • . an.l n-Aiiro.1 -I»lf of A ft".' r n v>t ImbAOA but i,v thr JMini who hid no HifThnl-v \ >n flnmh in the Big 10 ha*- t.Med victory over tho Wolverines. 58-47, this season. . 'hey <• ,v aftot «!•■*.ng on' • .» JIM i.i r'tnili i Ai w'.'h * 71-iff virtory The Hoosjor win brake a .'W-meet streak for Michigan, II • RUhri | H Ralhr, J oh h>* g ti-r '**4» nA'umal t.tlp root m:i.it nit uranue 1 W \ A-.'.ii;. v • Wiwnnsin Muiiday night $< •a -o defending NCAA champion Indiana had si\ first and Htm * V 4r.it delrai »• O' ' S'.a'.e \. m-fon we second places, compared to Michigan's four firsts and It ] I nmnmtfT, t« 1,«n, T»'r»n ■t J.»'v.jary. a-i.-i th«4 fuipensii'n T- to* .t Famt'brll led thr* W'l.t- WITH 2 ItKOI I. VIt I ITEM PIZ.ZAS » I I IMtlr, J v* HaOoy 1 ■f p;av-m.ik;ng "eEii'Ar H» ; h e Kit! a in I h' i nil Is \rtx seconds. li»m I . At lark wdh Stl point*, grt I,.- par'pr M<«n<4«> 'or iPlai* riirrxi. Kxri.i nrii) i * J 1 ». * .in Smvrliiili Krliinis ;• *-s ?n of them in the first half THOUGH MICHIGAN MAY HAVE more depth. Indiana I I •> M I a« ■ *• h »«H*r \ < ! >*rvi rr i*y*n.-*u, t. only flre«l up Miuh ended in a .17-37 tie. VARSITY DRIVE-IN ' s found the right combinations. The medley relay team Ind.vr* * Hem ' nrruon *'> th»» n>--i< II 1 « k«HrHE»»* »« U» ** ' Tt il. Frank McKinney. Gerry Miki. Mike Troy and Pete Stntt I Tbp Hamirr* hit *M of 51 IT, -I W tit«; Mon-f.iv ir1urr»>.i * * »*»« »W I % » HOM » a pacesetter, now holding the American record of .'1:41 2. |,mmnB. »M* Half. from |I*p f»rM pffrrnt. In thr fk»l And Had I go;iljr lVm-1. nn:i:.n m iron?.*n Fl\*'*x in iho V\ Wovfrin Lale Scores UKI.IVEItV .SERVICE El> 2^517 Ton The Hosiers have the greatest "rookie" in swimming * '• H.»»krv IiramiP IMI ir >d At iHp InlfrmUUmi. I nllrir M*»V"H»II i sophomore Mike Troy, who broke the two-minute mark * • I t I I «Mrfc* Mr* ah I v» t« I. I» I llr»*«i * Tho 2.1 irai-o!.l fliggiu |*hvv- K in,*, llilr T4. llkl«»i«mA *Utf Hi \\ i'st :» the butterfly with a 1:50.1 for the world's record. l.» m 1 rd nine uann** with the Wing- I Unnr 111! IIIMAll III SI *lr •« I III,, *1 *11. H |«rh SI Intramural ♦ i * i *» Inn,*. » !nlr Torvv Michigan has divert-while Indiana is lacking in this MOW I l\l, \« rr«»i1 o Siw.fnik !.•„* Mil, **. WlMnori «■* m as fiii! of Action vufh an atth- Tr**> *S Ml. r «• e|»artmenb Hut with Ohio Mate's divers copipetinp in the A ll» m.hn* High %Mr, Mi.Hlr, i.tii fonifitio'1 * -L in. *V lis* lor 71 WINTER TERM I • Hallr, » «« Msilr* 1 IllCgm po,*,..! ., MM ... . U--« tins l-irrn ln*o|a ilhl«t(»l Highlights '•II -h«»» , , . • *-« Mr, »n " ,» Mr* »n , ** i '■ h thr \ i fit »r> a I ll-ukrv la*a- i—Q.,«*r tv T « Mrv*i* 4 *« Mr**n I l-ll Mntorflrlrf * », Unit*rtI guo ,-lub rfRtna ar. I*' Muo*r»trM I *» Hmlrrf'rU * r*:» ><• f •' 1M fon.-r*,; a-4 pr<>« «■ o *, 1-4 ImflWM ' *» I • r.,»M . • Are due >•« Imiflflh J *•» lmm»m I g>* hul. ' M 1-1 KHhM * *« Naihrr , r iroftun* hv Fn- EVJUV THE GRADUATES br f-l# MAIhfr ? *« • • bkf VOI I >1 IIAI I # * * « 1# CI It. 2 I *l»m« I hi «* h*r»f, *>(«• hum* \vi ,•» M»>* Ihrl* II !\t wre-'.Jin* rh^ntp'"*" 'opa IIIEEEREM.E A- " ' n a' • in 'he 1M J '• »rr,'! n* p» «m i'.wHWt!?.,!"* are CI II I M'lia T*u l*»IU *• »»•!•* Chi ? A TO '• fkl H|mi Wapr a W ilti a HI-FI m i •' ,-hiH'k w th the iuih-vvo"' by » !• ORDER YOUR n i ,%» 1*1 *« i»»iu «!«»**• rsi cirttnf time. II *W»H VI I : p m a A a (Mrlcrll, r.'|>ilirt'r\ At 7 tonight m 201 ..ml iiilju.lril liy M.-Va IM Molhrnhtirt *» W.kr|» 1111 TtlRII SIMOR* »wimmint in Ihrir 1**1 flic IS Swim |lumpifln»hl|h for RS|' thi* wprkrnri .irr *l-r» l»rnH% Itakrr, frrr- 1 Ml *, annrr •« l»r«ii»rtn hp."* *• «• *■• Hotter Hit, I T«'p»i»hi p •« * t i.J.- -i * * * rUiii re*", at Jrr- »n ' pm t.xia* aj>4 Thun* Arl*»t t'.V, Srrvif.- CAPS and GOWNS ,nt» Jrrr* l hidwtrk dnint. and iipl I rani, Modinr. hrra*l- I n,4 *» Mrmn flub meeting it A lot Of |o meet, this advantage might b» -otnew hat equalised, lUoortl *-• J *l,»r» NOW ' -r 7 p m \V«Hlnr«aiAT in U\m liiiktitn «• Jttna,, do r»f!> rellrnt on d' vyan has Hon Clark, who ha« done 2 lb 2 for the Miller *• t V4»pr Men's I-M arena. vV AMPLIFIERS ; l RADIOS A-«rican record in the breast stroke, better than Mikt's if :,v ' Tile &Mkock SCRIBE* Michigan also has the (tetter sprinter in Frank Uegacki, ending champion in the loo-yard freestyle. Hut the vermes are aufferiny from the loss of Capt. Tony Tush- *,s. defending* champion in the lbb «n*l 2«Ht-yar*> much strength the defentttny champions Mnmg down to thin! place, the field should also bo REPAIR DEPT. ical % m» The 1959 meet had Ohio State third with • year. 651* points MSI* fourth with .VP.j. This again should he a toss-up East 64. River Across from Union BMg. Union Book Store The Buckeyes beat Michigan Sta'e. 57-48. in a dual meet •• but that can't tell the whole storv. In the close fin- Ytes I *anunr • Ohio Mate got the "breaks"—touching out the free- t ■ • relay team. Carl Shaar in the butterfly and tarry I iltod « in the I iM». I .ess J han a second separated first and So \p- pmntmfnt ' •! places in these races C» Spartans still are fighting the youth harrier. Uoad SENSATIONAL RECORD BARGAIN! always a menace {<• sophomores have not produced • ■ cihhI performances. State's d'. assistant coach, insists it's, "one of the top five teams jEthf eouiWry,*' which aNo would include non-Big lb teams. t-Moi affree single*! out s*»phom*>res Shaar and U*»n Mage, pf give State power in butterfly and backstroke that Was present last year. Both hold the varsity record in their ktnts and could give State needed points. I bhio State, as always, has tiie great divers. Sam Hall — C-90f»"» p defending champion in t>oth diving events, and though »i»h a Thinking -the Hottest Jazz pcond-place diver Hon O'Hnen has gra Racord In Yoars I -corer, Don McPhee. i- also off the team. MM" is" more seasoner test: write it with Only Mar were turned in by the Spartans in these losses. on 10 cilf AT JAZZ MUMIlks an omthook and all Mortion* Lulloby March Of Tho Toy* CORAL 8AILIS' Royal Gordon Blue* Jutf A Mood -and 2 Viceroy Cigarette package* I other ball point pens, Irroll'* Bounco Shin* On Morwotf Moon St. Jamot Infirmary Hurry I Hurry! (let this truly great jazz record at a ILFORNO Cirilnnbin Tin Roof Blw«» and by golly you'll see WfHon The Saint* Go Marching In low. low price, while the limited supply ke»u! Record leittucga your top favorite Jazz Inatrumentaliat*—the winner.* in a national |>opularity nurvey of American what we mean. tfesso • • RESTAURANT • • PLAYIO IY YOUR FAVORITE ARTISTS Bonny Goodman irr oil Garner Louis Armstrong Shorty Roger* , A 1» * ( ollege .md Uiiiveraiiy Students. Send for Campus Jazz Fi'ntivui today. L'nc *ou|K>n below! name that made Plll.4 famou* in Lantins' Jonah Jone* Duko Ellington* ^ \ Al Ben Wcbifer Red N — SOW ALSO 8FCCIAL121NG IN — Bob SCRIBE *1.69 Scobey Vic Dickenton Buck C M04N A WIltlAMiQN YOOACCO COOCOOATiON Hi IS* BAR H SPARE IBS Re* Stowart I, Run*«