II ^ y*' "*•' *?** :^';'v^'*> *?h>' tfi-; - >'V** 1J ( (,Miin:islf« Prepare 111, Weather For Hio H» floudv and Colder Title Meet |.nn ToH,1> 0 See I'ate ."> llifh Tnda> 12 VOLUME St. No. 151 EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN—WEDNESDAY. MAItCII 2, l!HW PRICE 5 CENTS « |;i-llatl,l (iilllit Decision "("cii•I' Southerners Denounce Court Morocco Quakes Kill 1,000 I phohling of Civil Rights Bill \sm\i;ro\ upholdihB the IT'S, civil rtahtx iMhit l)ir hw, eame from Mi«*l"lnpi» Itemoeratir Sen. .lame* Ti*ll;ind Si n I'vor. W It! The part* verbal leader* vfilles rrntr a*ain*t from the 111 \ssanll "• OOP , k 1 IVirl ttoncla* ilt-llh. a rlvtl By Wiivts rithts adver.ite. af'ei he .it- tempted to olTei in amendment itmed at promoting intrsration of w hites and Vegroe* in school* I »»•»*■• Ri'Hisiair * ilx \flt*r Slnilai* « % - \ f:i \\i \ M.O'.H vo, l" \ . • .ImmIhh t rifdn :;h!« «vmp':,P"' ' ' • < n t ll,|tl ,kc ; the denunciation ot the u-i \" : i»I! 11' till:.} ■ rmf Court'* derision Mood** • • \ , ! If I'll',. Im cl« I iiion Grill < :ir the plaa is an account of the Trojan tVnr, acclaimed liv paved the a, m for a s peer It man* per- as "fin The Uracil " Mfnle New* I'holn ha Meiwcii, nffirials slid llicie I astlmd running far Into the night I niacrsilt Theater I V«i outnumbered a.aulhot iv # I ini 1 toiitt on t rinn m set used their foe* of jvuiu-K fskoiy and protested against the "phvs ,-ri! torture * of dnv-and- wght sessions ' Ho .. Wa I Me tiuiuiHr said "Dm- «r In the deadlock, sua one count • II" the most tltoiightlul and easMa •*av when the senate might *"■ > , d h-. l» the a' e session which has bee" di I rls issocinlitm a» ar most plaa * ' amusing of all anti- E : e •1 *:n,-e no.-n M.and.aa (an t.h r;< the Tsrn. I Isler llill ill-Ala' said llolils Discussion tons a 1 JI.I i Km. t: I'. I * # ♦ rnntinnnn* arrange¬ ■ >-k< v soub'.-oot e S C - ment impose at as clearly so altenapt to such phasieal torture that it aaill break down the op¬ On HOU. Issue I Wi The 11 Kuwpellfl Knglish th adaptafinn pro-Woi1 ' ' ' K.nan, i'v Mid I, " 1- |V. k, Ha a Mm' I I'tMP;. t" \ TV 'I'll!' ■» He ,. ■ 1 In It Mi tlohls h lri'tinn o|T • •V-/ - moo • flared Tuesdav ntc u Christopite-i- received s ide !• flrtr 4dm frank 4krrs, f position to this legislation .** eshouin I lor) !• '■ -• idunk,. 1 MM•;I I ' It I ' oin- »• < pane! dr-eu- don was held 1.. aim ,iui ut'( n fir-' nn> :. Kiiuflei of the I >. Agreement came f'-.am-Sep. < S I'.ill M MM fll .tilde ♦ # * f leet %fr *hc . , John MeClellin iD-A'ki who on <•'mpulsjity ROTO »««.* ■ rti ' ot t•»>.»-'Hi i Kind,, Stub1 • tie Vim in ihr f*astern' \fl.iiitie and b» 'He Nc'crans /■'/»/« I'irlurr« Om . \--,v;yt'in V-,- | the southerners \. ore be ng It VI'diterrAne.ii, (oured the strick¬ •\> .t i. 'u ■ " c m.-ctjut:, the Is a aaat slur* that takes f arced to undergo ".tea" • I >,i en r«ti and reported a mini her X - > . xtatemcnt • place in ancient |ioa and draaa* M 1 M , ••t \meitcans wrir the ' list I" a its charai-ters • from Homer s «i' i * • * * * \c HMUfril •n the near tutuv Iliad Tv • ~ H\l« - I ..mm vhih S;'r;,K . '(.rail, II ,• l ilihmtrr' . . ; \ o'u'*' r lb T He. M . " e itiWH .iter of IK. u.M d S'l Ml , ('cd. • v:!'c e»t . ' disi us* ion vt ,1 . Ill H.Vlt M" It. .>f the I.in.1, KoliUtuf. It.'Miuiuha-M \t ro'iii,1am.os dcjvir'- in i and J.din Hei 1. K d nnii- uacnt His stand, wa ^ that WOTl" * » » not '-ho kind ol com so ?(>.-,* Snoaa Sciilplui',' 0.1 .itaduaie student historic, should be given in a umvrrV*. \' • lieluded ate ,1 >'l IbokCij- trrnrli (///.„•■' •mm' K.a-' Miv-jfig junior. Sian- as it h » (ioillesl Schedule,I . : oV- • little pv n>» education..! Hurst..in, lukitf i junior; Dm ■ H k ('heektmva.M. N.V „ H . John Mo..', of the dep < - W <» in e r," . | n t , ■ - n .- nieiv (> . melt junior. Carol Don.il.isou. n.i'oa.ti r-ftii'i •'}•< .ke < '.'.iurtei! will srmn.ior > snow • AMU I'.iMti.ic •iMu'.nmsotf I wan- A for comiabUo'-s ROTC He ;< i '.•ulpture ron'ed n>v Saturday ' ' ' ' ' ' . .' ".II Office mat the V' v -rou!d not between i iim' -i m"! ' r<- cii'! • ■ s poscn- 10 .It) and 1? n in. V' b. -nf. • " ■-Miar'cr- ut \,«- ,v ge* enough officer* without Ton women dorm- t«k- Co-op Council , arc .m 1 * * * : rnicrpre'cit h»\ing the HOT;" program as a 1.. par in the cent, -'. rtttiDod \ ' ■ ' • , . "i'-tr ',1 t,'.artooM ('.iji.'t * *' Award't iil t oli'inhir Lri'itl* I hit' ■;> o club Vet- teei. A. * be prosenvd .) ud v>. the ir'U-.e c 'tin- 1'! b, Hen1 iil Elect* Ofliccr* • vt I'.-i I; f ' .• i • c ■., • r." I <1 p|M1' ' "m Ifedii!-! Aker* was the f.S. Naav controversy, as file i.'UU-elilig 'arv and have all served arc m »re famiN in John Trui' iro ' M> rfc Divistmi and AI ifbiffith f+oin Fx'ru. lib ', I'oc Next Year Mm, Ml M .u, the fit If. •'»*. . ... - ;rr- Itase »o insperUan jit fori f.aautea, Morocco at the time of the Ui! \v -rh" finer p Mr t»eiv. («uake. lie spent most of the dav Kiee'.on - . o; Infer Cn-op C iii .- other student, group* tha' ->1 the The j'l't,. will 'to on a b e¬ s .-siting 4iHir aaith f.S. Am- ROTT qUf-'i-m on'> ire-, the et ».u point - Twenty- pom; , a r ficer- we, the \lovii' Iti'srtii'ilulvit ~ has sad or. t harles \ «sl, vicwpoini a student' v i! Be alio!1, I lor liictnc and conducted th fn K'< HfCilU-v. <4 'I.e.. ' ' . T?-« . i'S Navy s,iid it had cm. N • -■fa'eipcn?- rr!,k,-od It If iCI.ll' i» \ s.a v. as •■1 tginalify, genet ill' elTce' .end m sVtHM: of Wl'de eriii bt l'i ■ 'Mm • (ha! 700 eo'uvrnn.g t ne stand of !i\c \"e' s art IMOViC WJK no* Ta'W- per- work, and construe!, n it' M its fuiu-c STf.i'A.'' t.- die j Assn. j.t :!. tune n.g'.i Tne mtjvn ha been re- • : • - . fit Agadir arid ph.vsie.t* set-up Khvietl " *ri" 2.000 ,dhcr rasualti#- a* next year' officer*t si .'ictfirit'ij for the tsrv? cart cf I'.it Smith, Molt jar cm- Amencafi. French. Spanish Fiae (!,hhIn (ioiupele da'fit: .ferry Spanglor, EUworth, April. d Italian A ttmu Forces and vice prexidcut; (buy Schneider, He * tb exje ' • ; rushed to the Howtanrt. memherviiip chairman: Flais Flics Home; -I Mm . , ;,u rescue learns to Lambda Clii to Choose Jack Hin>. chairman K'sWiiithi Hfuiandn Iluuiv .'itliic'ic Fa - I'orl* \l illi Girl hy p survivors Navy aircraft, including helicop¬ Ten to 12 U.S. worth, ouhJIcity titairman; and ters. were assigned to rescue John pht'lp*. Ho-.v land.,-ccic'. n HURDBERG. G#ntipn Jr. 500 Queen Tonight work and ferrying medicine, Other bu-inc-..- conduct, t • With u goodbv *o .» Ik--. ar- > d .- , tents, clothing and other eluded the n'"C"<, alat/on of the American air friei t R-.a su;»pl«*« from U.S., European "StatefmAit Re^ardin 'In- Cou- Presley fli" h,--'. • t.» v t. and African bases. A I^tmUla Chi Alpha fraleniitv will choosu the queen of down his navy medi¬ thu'? of MSU stud'-n:.. (tll'-Cam- u" ;tnd p <:k jp cal the 14th annual Junior 5*h» pu.•1 a f. said for aietlwis In AgaJlr while In- wet., sclccbfd (rivti amun^ li" The Lambd a f*hi Junior ftdfl tUi.s Hekhuio K't advix;.-. . 24-year—»ld r.jck *?i* rcL! candidates The coed chosen ' who presented the UHUmenT, vihget Monday received s mred were being flown uut to ■>-i in mifuata,.' - ud the only major alteration of cita!:.fi for achieve",en; a, fa*a Maura, Rabat and uther reign over the race wilt b, a<.- nf Uic ludiapM) .i(H» mile race an the nhll.wophy was outsKindiriu >n!d..- r ' cities. nounccrl at a banqtmt early Tii. r;uc wiii < hcid un W( ; the rcln- 'ttagi sprfWK 4j "i! .■ampus cr.nd i;! <• *'1 .news coiifcrencf nc :n»- -4 hiwrr r following the violent Bret ricn. Sou* h(it";d CraghmaA !•: adddbc, ..'('■lorUic- d.t'fi:.' nrc?!y Prisci' TU- »-,h» K-emorv that brought the first • •.UH'U'y and w >- , and Kupt>'« Dei?a picUge. Jack \h mbcrship' »d A'tv'Ki student ■ !!'■• pcci divisions tfi.MV ...•" co".i'm. s '••r 'r devaj.tation around midnight Burg'-;.-,. S-ig'tna » ' %>-'■■■ v.So humorous enirtcy <».m v K/hnc:der jii-M <•') .» m f.ii '.,,-snth <»' I f One survivor said the ?rv- . Tlu'-f ,sa , »: 'iif > 'and Kappa A-poa- Thcta plcd^!% J, iMii'e i.i.in t'ji tin ICC oc. - v, n rmii-b ," mc-rv lasted about 20 seconds. of carts or mti-iT ipwts wit a ' > Ruth Ann Hchnncii o.-r-'h;p program, including ,1- ' ' Hirniin^- I m- • -ml I, pr *la There humqrouA thepn • v» wis a • rumble like ham Irvsfifimar, and Kappa Kap¬ vcrti'-ement.'i, h >u-( -Dili ir: '■ ••'.-.-m - Jit. . - ;h thunder then the wall fell out," XI(air Ihan 5« entries .ire ex¬ asi.' hiiancial arrang, min's, ».•«• -t' .it •T-.—.Ui.m-, A pa ; Gamma* picdge.. ("»a> 1 < H »♦- li,t-• n* aid I saw our piano slide pected for thl* jear'si racal. fcaeh .i uiidci taken sprint' term lb. ' I'bct /pes. Detroit (rc.chir.an arid Kap* t ! .t i..., J oepH. * "hi street with' a crash. 1 1*1 >■ • tram i* to contain five lunaters The ha-ehail trophy for the H-.i, ,c J \i- fex. y.t- pa Kappa Gamma pledge, and . cra« !e>i out of the wreckage of and 4 driver. Lath runner guides < nainpi.on c '-op *ca«,. vs »: ;>■ Honed ai \V M Rag Ann Kuh::, Detroit frvsr.-; . , the cart and driver for a portion •ien'rd to K'-w" ' . H'»U- • But b«d>- pre■ . • P. . IWTcf. Everything was pilch man and Kapim Kappa f'.a of the mile and one-eighth pjedge Jean Gambier, a French com- .A colorful beginning for the course and Ihrn nwitrhrx aaitli a'. pilot who flew over Junior SfMryVr* dai is the par- another runner who will lake it II SI. to h-tiliirv Suiilcnl hut* _ to the next relay point. Agadir, said: of hctuhrs in conacrlihlcs. S;u,.iet)i < obitra'SA will ti'SCU.-.-- •sululiO'i "Houses are collapsed like ac- Leading the paraic in the pace Trophic* «are ;aw»idi;i,| tor mm- st.mier.t ca-fiiorT:. at its .'Odanci T:> es.rdcxj. The casbah (moslem nieelnu ear will he the I960 Junior ■*•»» ilrs? three ola,. ,n th-- men'i • Hhy V have one hut tt uti« on tin floor and the hoy pit-frit h.v !* i '. ] mend hU own undeiwr,tt' Mono, (lohls. Hay Fes or Two amine uitkrd Into i end dorm and mm .i«Wed t«n Mind ditr* Vhr opet nnknowintl* Head Olin Sick List aim informed them that mm* of the ladle* werr married hut that didn't ph.i*e them until *hr added that wmr were .Ml All Dnriiii* School Year rear* and old walked out The* turned around 1 \KK\ Mil I I I! ]' • . . .. \r ;'i]'pV ;l d;i> .l.lrtc.l* ;,w ' - • • Ihnt fbpvt* aiv unite ;i tew MSI' t»on* *nd «-»mp*i* » "rated *« Oltn Of thi* total. tlonary*) and "do von have a « depftiitner.t of ptiblu- *«. s, t an . than in a romparahle civilian in ell * i»t * lout dManre rail the machine yfltlrhHM did a. t • * itn » m proire** t*-0 rvrVr tieated for di*r**r* sew Int *!*}.•.■! pirp-.'-e* tc •< "! i-1rt i * P rn. *;* ' »• m du*tra • added 1 euHt pit tie* di*.oa errd they were m the wplrtton **«trm lhe*r .ft.fi « h-;. V f <». • • • - I . r-'i^ '-v, r.'.. I'.'werU were way otit In front T- • •> hiS-m«o «t !"r a the wront *et . a-. • • -a v'-ide- •« a-,. other t*pe of di*e**e CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS m *n» •t.'d tor te-*-;aE -* «>• Palrol • Ilnrinj: Ni^lit I * • ." s - wn* % Van mor.th DT\lHlVfv | pm IVay Itefore rnhHeatlon for Tne* Wed Poliorinan s Point of \ Thttr* and lit Bill* Taaahle P-1? I dition* Pniillne lor Mon f dition I pm I and t-.ft Monday thronth 1'tida* e ,than «Vv« W 2 nil K\r. ?hn (liiplnrod h\ Krportor *> Th>R 1TIV7»I»*. *t *• -• a * 1* -m ft * ' derrPved *.a "» •ivr' •V'v •ev •V V.y to fty'vr he added Vrop or tan fig re. ,a»>d "ht ?a,: CftMftijS CLft^vrifp* HOUSING ItrA *FNT became of *11 the ftowerint ItiOM!, t»'*ri* Mw had a hay fewer ii*f lo*d <>< "* knd berime ypfttuyy t> r»iwt\*-. a> . '!>»'•> Tniii-.ertivie ■ nrl plv •• v < n the war-met wealh P>m We* V rnmhet of abryafOm pr- f vn'T'Ot 1*1 fmer accident* totaled AUTOMOTlVt yw-povrn n,».- r-<- »v*rh*-* 1 vt **h * ye percent ton-eft ae e*tt •«, «h» l*eo*!« htbre «rvct.t winw. ve siViTT.r rtttr" I'.'Vp * v, PC« Afttf pt»*vv'. ivvnm urnvwv •' #"Od lie yd't|"~e ♦ 'M c;.-- r-«ed '.'Vfi i*'* «!*<«! pratre Pe1* t-r* 2';f r hatanvar.-e IV i-W •_ teaw that never OtK-tnfttc* h in* EMPLOYMENT t,-, o orerncl«-o*t* The rytft l-vv Mfth* ««. a! iw-.mren.-e 'm fht« Pftctifti »** d>«e«*e ifavt fair!a wnittnt *w Npetftil lk*»ni*A»il the a-ehool' aea; PERSONAL Fnglish r*» *n c» v 'kiH| i •: i.fvn*nvr- i'itdf. he ham-v i' Popular " T*romenader*' a* H t\P HIKl roe* HI pveetine. thronth it* pare* of ••do*/* fiO " bellow* forth i caller dttiint the weekl* Thot e a eeuple take* the caller arrlMwh doint' and vwinyrns a fen FOR SALE s\» **T imi*p* »meh* foe ft? S' fore \ p.m. WANIKY oo-or!iwd t'nore IV l*n \-a*« r.*V» " In isia time* nrotrod the ITomeh'* l»*ir> TW* MPhl iA* k —«i»ree«l*fe rru« e Ta-d arurd tod foelint CTATa* w»t'* O* - ot rr»* Td't«•"« t»»# coder* taeriinc t»r Vote Van* problem* I *«t. *re rooted .n the inahtln* 'String \our Partner' peop'e* *peaKiri| » WitlH|w! It Proinenaders' (luh REAL ESTATf or Mirhienn Malv Nfw*. v-ta **- of eommtjnteate Iwiiimw nod dtaleti-t* VtirprKInt l* . - * t.ANSiXc; idviT*"1'^ iswee-bedror"" eo»re F '■ -tarfisk «om» to h» bemtnini » iA--'* a t»e* »nd white shirt* The mem o*e-i fini«ee«t Oe*> t*>— - -a • mtetfoh lintuwe dtanw-#«he; .wreewnt ' bery do thrir own e» Ittne »wd »• «r* i.1 f in/ Rights hm e\*PrvN> * '* a 'a- x >■» — • * mn*ie t* proaided h* record* SMC* *» ovra lanrtacared h>i *:-*** aw Knoll Road HU ■' Vet- • ^ ^- ' % F h» e'o«»« wtl-i SF1.T, "Pf a-T a Wp^ . ... K a- o- • V' " VK' * * f',r » p •» ;?« Mftc »«eot huihtmi ft**" i*.i« n i - V-,. v, „ .ia«,.e£ *!'•*, . » T-;. :* .ar.e v -em,. mem. ft* v*. a*rv dfftn it»**•, e,c * »"*• *■ , .,.0w. - v* "« f»PA'*v»v »-f* \a CI trade FP J-*' ( .. ■ '•*' r ' " • rrv»«ip w» »-■ HOUSING *vwi iviw v—WTr w »"«» - e v'-»,v- "i ■ ?rv « *"■ • Pfcvmewta bwv te»< — ■•dot— ACRDSft Ft. Ok. mwire! V.v-. . to. . --sie -t- :•-• '*'f -know-! IV—- bedroom home »uto-*»' - r*« *h> ow, .' ... n., "*-■ ■ acreened porch. at &'«!! I enva •»-c U*tlii»n »*o-. v ». * ft 1st" r lr * ha: ■, ' '"' ' *■ V V. sp.'i trflflVi, T-ft.*4S ash for Vtr Parbe- f»ft.-ke. ' nor ; . . . v * doAifc- ,-.f vprvnT FPATTPVITA- OR R O O >" • S Rehirtan: J* Lunun-»u» 3k Athlet, houw Thnrtten room '• • ve •* ti'Hko ft*':- enuelnoe Arid*. 'V i.% a ahsdprst s* MSI,-, t*. h rf'A",ie Ft 4. He*-.' o: !"SV ?V - tO *>• .f furnished apartment »-i nou*e foe itueed to tSlMW lnclua ,-fr.n -if muni ft'-ienn --hrtv of t r • waarnon'» club*, cor- wx'ft*f*s* whK*h «* XTSAPPWiSTT* AP.ARTMF-Vrr TO • Jan family 4k Youth freprice ji ••<»*»->s, »nd the Y-An- •hum w:th rru»*e sftklem One a-wt It ftmai. n»#s Rehitlae of Veata-dav'» ftart'i ,rt •-»■>.•'-»,-o t'v •>*»■ iv./•».':.an'* half MncW tmrr\ rame.ift LYilrtio «ft r»«w y lw»*t ypftr. a a y-o - FD J-imTS *4 TVPTNG - PAPFA A* A rv Ft WHhmn tempoearib a ..v tnwiiai'wi Wtvtwhi'iiy wv.ricft.hvx wan held with furnwhert pervnoed Call Phrl » W * >a w frtend* Y Tlbetft- 5 Tnet; li Leaminv Mwt,.*»« iakM'i t-w»l J\ Repue-* r">"l »K5»» L'.v Color* t" r.: JCoUpge Whk?"h it * tr m «m»li «w the ymoriean -.-a U -T,. »-id ■'.*r 25 b»-V o « ate V Kr vf** few other*clwwi» TTPINQ FD l-4»* > !>/-#• the % Piu.-ft 3* Weas.Saicoft t»l h** heeij a well-meaning to htvr nrti-'f !>-• . i. K-»«* eo«, tt kit ihftt has k of this kind In PPOfVTWFJiTTS POR A^T ' ending «mhi»-•>*- tw*» letter 3 . v -. •* - : rtspa-CPvi. w prtvftte entrance Vliiffte* paid tlh It Chtl fortrteys-tv.' A i'tt; •* -T - " »L» " ft" * * - ftti ftp air* The women swine arvctn of the jjrrouip Have in the 42 Ft. Plaeuj ft villa** FXPEWT THESES AV- f—' * VepeuM* Vv low: about ' fftita in bright ftftWftw and w in the fyturc St Sbek , t A'temabe* tvm,| Electrw typ* writer Rt Roffte' \r li/ftff* trorte dreaae*. and the men romple jvrove ' , he good publtciiy f.«r veani ewnertenre Ore hio"* i' Ifc TPem'.nsu R-. The preanti "■nTRt^o akd nin tifpe Call A] oC Jane W'otvh I '•h»he *Hr tifiBireh repHptt. FIT* POOVl FiUJnbKFD * round Douhie-tanatwd rwee .»» ' 55 Devour tmral c.wve for cona-.t rt "doi huli " floor amrtmoot to lain*iv.ft Partr- 3* 1*11 able tn> utt Cail ED 8-odia rj oi l«**o*it Acmm from Re.-*' 3t Smooth rent VtVi OVT* 51 larre MWtl- ••• -iig' SPARTAN WLTTUTHr !& K mJ o. ft»n fumsahed. Parkins Li and;- !t V«'c- i *nc - . TV #hee «A. t.f TYTTNG aeeviee F*-er- itawy ■ ; •< i V-rw' •rtfUnfti. Urv Gwodnm IX *■" 4v bib'.H'ft. <• • . ■ ".'Vr t>' n&'ion- HAT RIDES — AT redu- teort' thmueJi »Biter teem for i i'- Ciir»»f 'TvuV* rrmipa. Heated party boor-; * . *i Wi> mounuirw fflf A Ml. -vhv." -vr t*srifjjr.niii"- jv U*N - . ft. '' -it and rh;r»e*t-. 4t Acythinf t v_ and Radio wmw niade U- «el u - vtBssfiftnoi, be- '-n.--* j V or* eXht jKag; i«h ft S#S- Ia* rates tA student- >.*. 45 Wat V pfttrw S"jr, One EyndMi Ac' «: 4 $t *.i • ir. fiovernmor-; tube checkmt, «^e« narkire ♦ cfthbaffr ft* • f. c roWw -.he-< S t>«n daily TV Te.-hr-.csa« v' %>: ~ A'13 K TM iehw«R IV 1-W* .A -i< LI : at. ■•: 'Mi' -v-4* atmt>€t < »■>-'' n^p.rvr E5*«: :*h w chkttiHit- vra-r -1 ■ RRPCT-t y-- it-, lortner TWIST ANN BROW N .**•"■ *»L l>ec iv»te- :-^at Eire' c p " • *' TV;'.!b B • a : r.itiii-tom*O. tprr-t>ri!« «Mtoee» aad theeis. alsh C" ftftt ' *■': *:"'v. 'JTWrPfe ftO- »:• v-aoUvok"*: A*ift s..nce am be 55 Hebm* lette- ?n««. -'Si «'*■— t> - pla?i »v"v;r r* »nr -astrm.ation«. WVCiJ, AND o-Hjh*, CAMPUS CLASSir.'-- 94-teth* •vcb**- - a ;>«H of < ' "".e <-~f i»oc-"»r?i:n.E rry*."t Or- ta canipuft p«Hc;r.c Bc Y . . . SSLL . . . -rene. •'»» '>** ©SgU»h >: :-r«' *■ w «;•**.> ■ •, <*>- -• v •• ' •*" MSI L 11 of M \Utvh 1 Piro vn iikmv «rktr vnv? ri«ptkr^# House Bill Proposes INFORMATION ]\ew llosoital Poliev \sk for E^nini !..\VS!\t; . 1vt ttoopitii) t»»r« ti !••• ' *♦ f»M \ V i It li •.. , pmi mil•; * |. •- nil m i % I %Mni»t u. , tit ■ siNf i** i mi roinvt Ml Tu»"d. in ho'H»' drhnlr f %fMill If M|f Ml \! \ on a hil' i<< pr *. h j■ i I ni\or*ili<"» I'Vsu* l,o«v hnliliiu1 r • p itirnf-. uh<« I'nnnnl pnv thoir ,ii'U. t \|M ftlitt A»%t \ tf Mil l Illtf. Wl/ VilliV _ -•.-•! ■ r>': • • ... • »' o •• UtlttK f I I If Of l inlcrpaiW IVjh'Ihm' rv »'f. *r>*.t' • a In m.id.nt \ \ •! \« P. 1 ■ }••' hilt ."NPrgptlov oi 1 •- -nl M. I'roj' Moa t 4 nil*. ' ■ hi^.tr1 \"ii\ Mirh- mT *, :-1 Ul ■ -. - •,»v.hi!v<{ itu v>\\ ■v i 1) -S ... i .ollvfZV g'.i b.uk'.nu f.n it *(■,•..Mil I'A'r kl. I Ml f k HON I I I II <>P« ' :'T MC t'miiU > • \\ .'••.• 1 i- ]\\iV , • *"''f n«|» . ■ •>■!-. IP i.r hi'- nhlfriinn |'tp lirtrd Pi'lc mmPM rnoM! v %I»I from flip hmiMfnl*. 'nit fiv. ci I U I M pi t u V I . kmmi *afi1, "\n h.»*rMt! nr.ifs |.i Irti fhf« hffl ff ll f* ii.il I !(•. ■. .1 , IV II Itl It t II ItM I \ I MINI II Mf flip I.-ci.XN appvopHitban bi».v*t •5 i.a •, •" W I V • .1 I'KI MMI Vis thsl Mni \ ^hnldlna |t-ifipnf« niaIiui ffipii rh • *wn*ht h« >I*>1 ««ii*s ooii u .Mild •II t .1 i p . "• '■ ;i' I-" > »• I-.,*, p.p, Will . . "I'M ( -p. • • . r<> trt thr aR•*«■»«<♦ •«' it fsprti \\ • •« V i *»• |\ \l II IM.I M MtfMt *ts»tl(>W. ?' VV 0 to the CO li., I.. U, HdA.i.U .H it , i llp h t v t': , h-oi'i. ,i fvtr*nrf h spi'ft! a nmtiThv ui iiiNr f OMMtrtf » A««n. »*P p'ofpc«.->r opi'Tjtivr extrn*lMM *rtvlpf and >• nn'*« a • ,1 Pic IIMMIUION T V '' nj<-a iv • •.li.lCiPp another to 1!ip Oakland ! > M tRKI IIVI, - • • • "'.:• •• - ,ve M yy,. pn*'. :•'< ' !• . » . y m.. V pip' I '• »;■ * til It brrnifh. rv 1.- t t •r. n. ni> .»«• i a Mel ' •> t i.jp. i, i PP'PM v -i 1 . i • ■ «*ha»t«v1liv it n \ -.• • •• «•'« . »'• Thric i% *!•««» •cnflmcMt ' , f.np i prir ,»i»lfng.- "> • p :(n.| . ."aaa»'ttni"!l. I'.Pl' M |'| s|f,»| \ II I'll I < ni.'p'ai h l. -i i'T i INI 11 IIIOV It WO! I I i'0'i; Kr* wii*MC« p »J-r* W"H in U'and Uapift arra __ .lacrii'a MfHIW UllMIA S I f A€il I »i It! - n • la- 1 .'4 1 hp trtt*|»liin n< pnintnd mp 'hnt Ihn ■Ind.Mpc I XFI I 111 I nilkHlf •« r«f«. an parma'at a^pirit'nn. fm '■ •'d-t'i ii icJpnct* »; .in p p.. In •■-. I'll' MIUM ftoif »;i \tt kttt.f ft Pi ih. VH> % *..plt"flnn dl«pM«p« . nrvv «♦* ' yrv>'V, \^\s t - ! I I till It tv itl llKM fiiti i \ «ri \*n M ort'iput h»\>v> P-mp^.V - tho .ontn'ti'Miil r tf« ! '»* .• .»dli |)«* fp'-n Vmn • and It'ierr Innfracirtf dmnand f-r p ..(hi. t-• .p. \mmim IkflffV •> t'V •• v.- -r.i V-?s >>f 1 1!.'« * llowtln h*f<*tr ib' % p.f.frird thnr t i»«* mi Ihr niir*finn t.» th.' f.-'cults !t*«.ir»affm» *• tp-«di. -ki mciiw* 1 Ur t'i- k*.n I* np.f ttnivpaillv ."!• rt N-;s '■■) ivni'o" n; - * rvp-rt'd i,. o».»i«- —t jW'ii «um I., en <«*p^ » <-r> n irf»tfHi»g inlnnt.tti llUtl in ^ >c( *.\v-v r1,r*vihu'^ Ih.' ttPtt fnl«»f ^tat.- Phnto B' r >• n 'hn nr*f «nvr' a «;m w • «•-. ,n h.« r '•,' \ na? '••• o.i P.af •*' r \» . l|«»IFf ta»"lM I \ flfiv lOltHlllxi. Kll I I S > i«. 'ii '.i rapid C'-mvPi ot • M IV II •• *vm •;<*!. c* '•' 1' * ' \* K.illi ;it Slide ( ' .ijiitol • ■ .1 fo; •• . «* »>f M. - ' "« "» ■ • > ,iti "I JV knnu y f it*p ><»'( u' i Imprl'iinmpiit ,v,., . • i p •pprar'nnl p.apill.a' ini th.' «Vv' |l M • tit i w mnn v «* 11 \u i i ■ j." .v.i .- • ♦*M5»ViXi(i , \monii hi* r\ imjih* w« i - I* n rilnn- and tln!'« linn I «nl in r. if, . hp H ifMllflt s f | f n .. .... v an three that hr Siitu.ed pt'opinliian . I Acv, ro N/mien is I\' Somvn'il'tw in ilalxmni i ">• fn.. • ■ ' ■ •• 'l.'H, frppi tl per.T'i' ' » til' ppr. p'a' •' '•».» nn'. p.'pu'a'-n) M'.h I .if Al said the Wffli" \ i\Xi ;i t v i ca" • .•(. "• ' 'nann's p.»m. «.» tp... The Coming; Political ** a a r pi-.>t. . kitm hum 4'i pm-ppnt r»r ft,.- b'"- iy *,yi (>o.i In th. i ■ Vinr. p i a .up ' i' ip.' «tiidv vvp . vpm ti<»• t (Tr'-Pprn hrtn p. .. Breakthrough $1.45 .1 -1 III su it HON I I !**>''" i.'O.t' I\ ni\i:n i i*i mi h si it\ \\ i mtiM.s .1 V" - pA'u \ i lii sii \i■ \\ ei itsei i iiM in nn: It %i.hnr»a t ptvrrilft, mnnt ri 11 Hons or t•••in It »» a* the tmmh |»Mhh- - • hair |a.i|i.|at< 1. I, aa. ir l.apta.t nn | M.IMMP mans i«f the pr.'i»»a'n- «i.».a.»nk h. naipnc a*ktia( ' If Nptnap* Placement Bureau . t'» (h.lH \ ""«• Ihr. alaM».t . ntdew > ni.'r I laahntn aa hat aa <>tlld V Pit VI Hrmenth m»n | k(a> «da< *« th | hti«tiaia •tnilfnt*' t1>» fwpewoit ere plover* Mill Intrrt »rw en thp ind»r»t*-d d*»»-* '•hit.- I«"i hrneo. »hr »> * f t.»a A|m«j • 1 • ,»as. air i >«Miie tot , rhilhnur ..-p ti-V »* t ■'. -I rtp«*vl to thp riapinnprt Wnrptn #i 1ph*« t«n V I.' a....f *ii.tii. taeltoll ll t.'.'W .1. VAn-ri S.i i :•!. .'.1 ;• • ia* fhr •taitlta thai ran narM SPARTAN BOOK STORE . ■ dt>« tn tihanpp ol 1ptp«vtr« da»r tt«>mi»n tlw »m» m Ihr rliitlrnir of toin«»»f>,i - <<.»* m-> *n>.» x» irh »«1prt«li i * ■ \ . i. liM»|i MSflr b i.raif.mlr* lia I aas'iarrrliae air H Utrhplp? « dpfi'rr • M» ^lt«pt*p PP H.t.it«t lllir lo l.i int. ntuint - - . :•>,■ dptrrp h wdiratrd all dpcrr# IP* PU h»ih «ntr fitliitr* " stn» rhtihlr !•> InlNVifM * 1 i! L •• < , -V t.- 1 \ our Sniwrnmrlivt lor I'.ilimithM** «r# invar Pts. rrnrnt Ofll. ft m Mtm n « V %fi**n* 1 Umi, of ltrlraa'1 i • Millat" Pi'vi maM Corner Ann A M.A.C. ( »«»nappT* In. . . p;e« u'i : •»♦■ ic s'1-t rpivarrh |*i -11ii ' tt*t|ah ataarttrr - IV'fsu'iv tf :»■ \■ . u mi' i h taritoii (tin »mtr# ,v,, l ll. t rush HiiiMtni I .'• ,ikrt\ aii.PUM : K i»rv ■ V'."'mii»?i»* ps- |si ;> 1 'Hi. t'r I rot. Hlr t.lt Rrm.htV \a latima t ,atp i A .- i } - .i \ > >•-- . - A M-vhanu. Vt." I,ticky Strikes l)r. FrontI is asked ' - Aa -. i .V V University - !< .V A h> •. -'•* £. , M • p ;> - - v \ I'd • Pa-h. Lnlheran Chnrch «<" •\' |Vr«*.np»*| V ... fiinnl A. . "i . v..:. • -Ah.' ''a m.vp * Ih. Ihrtt cri>ti|t «;»* rirnaimatiitien P( at hitr dnrrdrt *nm l»tm* ittrirird ti Iwtf ho » MlA|*|OV %\\ *1RI I Is (ttd W hy Arc • Today's Students More • * Rp^oatvh La.- .. ' (hot'trd <«tl»ll* *1 th# Vr| fw .? hlrif k* Vnrfh nf - - A v A m«"lrA J.-i Serious, Dedicated, Industrious? ' W , 1*. mpn *- V Hptkrt flail a i-nrvHppp rnhltr SoltooH. V \ K A n Hfl. h *•' thp 1- - "•? i * "*< p-v - ..pen f. •• mpp & «... VMI VM l>\l SIMV •p-a-fp- - I'Hfi thf- ' "Vre n - - - rOMMIAlON SK.HX U V.* I'nttrd M*tr* t.na«nm t o A T n H Ml II lit hiant i|>ok<-ii yrtirrt) Dnnr Or Prood In vraitr .'a* college Dear Dr. frood. \V!u fwhli. arhsflh M \Kt ii r *■ "t> » I'M .lull It tnrst i iWmii cvcin Daar Dr. Frood: Mete i"' two portrait® fttudenfs were all rah-rah and raccihtn Hodv smoke Luckv Strike ' \nrhnr Raa yhranl Hi«tri.l A <•' Hcciiioscii One coal*, loit.ii *s.o done hv an old . V. •' iP' n-.A. fpi » *tudciu i* n«»re rc^tvtn- I '• I S'Hi'i i I ni.i-tci I he otiicr hv a student. Vkhiclt I". 1 v- i\ (Vi > » sthle, more (IcdKatc.l. more industrious, t* i lie masterpiece ' iP.i P: ; P»ihh*h.ni; t«t AV-ntwi T-a'Vint IV-'-firam* Daar Dr. Fraad: (irandt.ithcr * w ill pr»»- »ittg (F ' iV". C«mtniM* Fntittr |» Inr V " "i.- • >' - iV' A \Atrtf " i (H» .V sided a rather haiMtsome allowance on , h> A f i.v t B iM' • •'-•••« f.tr S*k* Tra * - . Vr.itv. f -ar i-: A i> tv- a- i ific stipulation that I showed "the cour¬ • . . fading to Ad. >. «• • Ih-odikP«on tni t -. .v:s age ami strength of character** lo stav in srrwrtl. It. P llnnd A V«n* ; V;' college. I rankly. however. I am tired ol ^IJfp Tn*nr*n.v funpir' - Vfw % •rk: A. r:v- <1 • T: college. I have been here 40 sears. Is -.-1 A -f;- V - ■■■•:• A :•••€ C-y.legft oi II A Pv Vvtir: ,-Vi ■ : V* ■ v '•; - - there any way I can quit ami still colics I * Ar:v Sdjorn-* A ArK. • fckh Ar.f.'' • A'»v- .S« met Daar Art: I be one oil the left Is th# Vduca". /C*n £.: Salts r - iB» Er.ar* I r S.af F".- v • master's work. The stroke is deft, clean, ing ~1 Oe«r Slut Tnlit'i »ocM i* more com. authoritatise. | scry detail is authentic |4c\. more chflllmRmg. Ideohntie* rb*h. lleethoscn, even tin gesture of keeping ia . to talk about pennaats, fiNitlMlls, Iraiernity pins. iipital \ir- important things? linr*. 1'ick for outdoor living Sri iiihx *•-. >-i~ ,-r ..Tt, tt lv-jmer > Door Soriowt: Ihroo «. .... . a large party. >. ^ . Nf.f- »r"d bMV-.-l .1 Imite ph nty of mmcn. I hen, artwad Lp Voiir Now ts.sJ»jo-n-i>ght. '.tpth-ahi -«»..sue summer eye KtLt O Thrr.- fajfcsofiv ia pIaos leases tat groan4 to y*rur prefer; pt:/r, *o> *0* *c* MORE LUCKIES THAN And MVI1 eCeeirnieal ll*«r* 1har*da« tad IHAo rrtainft till 9: ?fer*4o. Branch otf.ee Nfwndac. Dear Dr. Prpod: Modern girls go to ANY OTHER REGULAR! Ufdaroda* end Saturda* till $ tltowntown colkge for four years. Then tfiey get When it comes to choosing their I'av Thr Ca» office open Monday Mil - r.M.r regular smoke, , married and don't c>cn know how to flit tAAW/MHtiVS Uv college students head right for line tobacco. DR. W, C, fEXSLS, rrfairmf oph>».ffn»t change diapers. W hat is this leading to? IUok:: \o * Result: Lucky Strike tops every other regular % ; Old-fashioned sold Lucky's taste beats all the rest because m l-xtrn Cant WALLACE OPTICIANS SIM %T t urn KT opposite I roatdor > Daar habies. OU.r:i ASsc. Offices at: J®: N. "W"a.v.4..ryftoo, Downtown TOBACCO AND TASTE TOO FINE TO FILTER! .ir. L. MKiik..> ■ i\ a-iii i PL I\T 2-1175 C* ' Car Product y uSt jSdmtm fly».y — r£dmumuurmiddle — vrnnr w «t\tf \nt« Sp.iH.in IWtins I InU Intramural Baseball's Williaitis M*rrt»*. ISEP l\*«rtpur « UoHtt* «tmrruir* Intramural Schedule Not Sure of Future Results SivTitno llallinp C.h.-ttupiun IBM » *» * Slay l^tiil Pur l«» OKI Injury . •- V ,'*** <■ | Ihv, fan* ; ' • rs P«r»i<'* Sr*». T'• V"' Si "OTTSIVM.K. Ari' ift Vxo tMwHatl A - *« *«• T p - •:. X ? '' ,\ * have «poii the 1n«t of Ted Wi^kim*. J - TUVA* * tip rs -rr'.vned about hi* V " -•«« then apvwr-t »,« hp ,,}p 1 «* «l-1, -• thp «at v n«vk uHvh red r red. h. ■" i~ ' Turrda*. \\>,,-'v.n«\i prid In R iHf * "• ■*n the grade ot an Artv>.a» y ***» ' '-.♦rly f*h*d c*nd>., » « •- r } **«» v P'AVi" 13«*. . • • *v ■ liVrtV*. >» N> *\ I V I' Hp *hnwed tif at Ihr rluf- A ■.'.&■ I* VlftPTxl SV'.'-' N«w*e Tup*da* nnr da* hpfnrP 'a** *-r •.••*.* .1*' brf*N'» ♦nfthldrr* and PtHflpfdrra a|P IM Highlights «e Up-VI Armed Hi"? «ttddm.i\ "P-p .V'e •rhrdntrd *n ffpflrt, ■h *re T»p «;,« a hit fired af*p? a h;>d i •eswtod -,n 'ire ~-i;fh !? fnt.tr r'arp v;.1p front apyerurd .*«- ' ~r • Miami '*> i-e*' «rA«.>n« !? hp nla* * th a wr?l iv 4»;« HI* Iaaa «onM Iraan IV ^naf ""hid a-nav. including timp nut aallfnnt t*«n nf ha«pha11** tmat- * -.r Wct'i M*ar 11 and Kcrpan p*l hallint thmal* »>ntnrfdnt tVr mA'inp. n-*,*f »hp tT.st ftpy. rhamplon*Mp «r*lm»nfnt iwppI. T1*Ia nill h+ Mo* l.trfir Jfn«P« rpprntl* mllr^d Hp began Hi* carerr «-.«h th# i \ri IR\>K Mnni.Xf «r> and dinr's la*t arpraraBrr for Stat*. IP dPVAtp w«r lltnp tn hia 5a* m 1RJH. Mo'Aifppr mar plan* for thr romln^ f*i* Ifl flWltt, 4 HP* Sinpp than fp faa 1H tfp Tea* i ' * *h*« H»s-ai!'p -y tvr •nfn*-« '*«* yr-af *iy aeaapna In fatRn*. ftmr Captain Compotin^ It mttr* * t or *» w Ph*M H ■"ham* atyanarvl ?n nn'y ^0? In dHalnt In ntna and fna»» In • * « VM# If'ia, -ran*- a* a rinrf fit*pr. hftttnt hnn»p yttna. and ha««M nnly ?«♦ I OVf 1 *t« H* titnr«vii\ nncMi Defend Ac aa WH\vr« aprpa-p.4 TTi* jfreatppt •eWevtynpnt tea# Modi no to «,vf ■> rd Mtirdemn* I'tin" AO* hattina aa-mak-p in SMI, a' *hp clwb hnu*p T»P*day a .a > *in-» *• r»» h.a«*d*wH wrt.fPT a*=kpd him di- Hi* aamrst, of enurae, araa 1#*1 rVBT* .P,\ ,,, w \Npn m i vi\. i nvi'< •'What ahAu* ?t Too"" year. William* fa« fit fnn*« II S Mr*«NN tun* and driven In IIP". Big 10Championship . Gitnn inn TZT In Tn«t rr*|wuadpd aa dlmrtly th# atint *taf •ear 11 « 1a*v ha**1ng aa*nrar* !»H j*'—^ hda lifrtfn*# iraHR r .»» \ * Mi'm • •■Thm-p fa pnntfiVraWp dnrM conn .nxrr *r*nvd .and l'fn- •■«panPlltnna ff# nprf fpt* frUTVKiHtl \ ' \< \» trr- -^'nc ** MSl'> miM'V»r tfind and t fa*p tn dmp w T(,f wnssnmEusnBERm , ViNiiriA IhH A'Tt fAv thp Osn* head, 1"*n tallnt a np« rp|hlBR fn dn a«1th pranr* TOr.HMta • • •-iiw « '• xr V -x The •"TV t'T^ n:«*h aba p!app away fnvn •ppd*. mi -> • . h c!- V rirx-vrTsi <^na1ifNdnf fnr *y.f pa-*A«. I1IOT 11MF FranV haa pdrrutipri'* had a V* hf'r n*p hi' n*«Vp m« 4^ ;w PfA.'R * rhariphsrjAh'.pf.,« .■ iMi.xa hnf hA ha* Hn»"*» Fiad'ia'.li impmanriif. takinc n-H« •■ xr.ii ... hefor# ft Ttn! (IsrV and TfnpAtna aWnir- .. ' nd tfir }r*% fn 1frr Id mi-rt . i thr VjoHxK.an and jfame*1" *«Vef a wrfrr. f>na| MMinr fn thr n*rr'.« "\ t«a havr ma- fA>d «f»rn Ihr* William* lanfhpd. It dnn't mm: the bw fisherman wdd-%*n1 nftnr Mndinr hma*t*tmlir fisd final* A**.m Tff M1HI4M4 Tbrmth y* tdmft* Vr t'Lo* tftr N«1 tlnrn W »r« n*a» rmnn»mApd r- W*- twin In tfp ftepf f'rsnlk frrl* hr'* * t'Aarf t'Mrlna MrCaffmp l« , , 'oo hfitpi V-.-s-xf r^'i v *5 pfAa«nd aaftf Mndlnr'a pn»rrf« trr r*Hv*H"al cAndfOAn fhpn hp Kttrr IP* -l>r an * -e :tp— gin? nmottonat f»r '• v H-. ■ -da t • -xf H-AA Hockey Title -..•<• •:■, Frppl - , fnr afnaatn* In If a Af*f«|»lAn- That ve-d «-• r*r*p 'rnrA O- *»*n * tr?-n and >-+n'r* thrnnrV '•"? s P.isr O-a-'p* A r*cc- nmim-«t?rseAn mm-loiiniMMu '-HA afntiM marf fH i*naL ereoortt •f ||H Kijt s^n ran * "f" hrad in nux- ft*r'"Al Wil1i»-r« a' *vp rham|»lnftaff^ nanpta.** tf* Does to DTD In tfn i»»f *nn >»a« vnm np V.- rva-l fVarV'« 1 .«vr\ ilh-'P vndnr *he n-ftfeh- ...'. E i.rand Tf-ver mm so few frnrnt* inftw^nre n ha1 ihnN 'f* ... -y. 'a n ,th '■:•••■ ' * h'« fT»-..via C ' V'« marf **td. A* ?hp tpam paydain. MM-n* ful p«-p of JacV FarMeet. TAesi Sn coiot rfCi'l «-. i train pp. TVl'a 4pA»M *, , , V. . . 1.,, \ - a • - -.«« Tf • p.-.fxltl-'., n-f-A j»"*ad»5atAr a "pAxM Vadrr a' *vp TV*'a T*'l 1 sm I jm*im v., -»,v ' x .••■- :n ? TrC 4 H-wpVtrs*. •"' *"vn? ?V*n a] h»-orV • nr' Inadrr Ntp." M«V^af- far at aaid Mlltlama anu la fh-an* S.-hnlara P S fnr th« ftH* 1 9ft \rrt-x | ,- - v s, r I .. r- fypr ««td. pyrpttnnt ahanp »VfPfi fnr • in w-« ?r IM vn|T h* V■•>. /•np — h.»« tn*x-,r«' "w- and. f»v n xntr p-aduatp tPhAA' o iVnt fnnr InehPa Mew Ihp l.eading tvp TWs n-A-Png ft; • i mV'-V TfPld. pha-R'P*. AftPt npeh. fnt-ch * n fhn GrfMvn. T**p«» xTIHTV *\tl RO^^ BIG TOP SPECIAL thn Mtlffil MuHiVon- in V-* «*•»'<*:- yra-. ivfh'. *T ?!•- h;« ♦ Vt. wimna-nR a*-.!' hp facer r*e*.-n>w| pv«nv?*p* r.a'.in. a jnrhmxrtrp fr»n On* Tfp ?4-a-nar-n| GALLON COKE i ' marcn da* fefnrp fp arent ♦* tfp eHn*p, The third ttan?a test 4I11M MIIMama *••*« «np4 h* npa»ww>pn. a-iA renalite* a* K"«« tdtfeao. Hp fnM tfPm tVntdAorn te-cn, eAtWHsd fnr ROOT RM R OR OR VM.E "If my neplt hr.1 an* hetVr MALCOLM NUS a** d.ae«n*t tmrmar. 1 tpori't piay fnimtte* and ft mNronduct f<">» th.P tV'LV tMMt.Aflt 'VMA.rC^ MFIWMPR 1ASJ V MTi'tl I NVSivc, W mi 2 RH.l I 4R 1 ITEM H77\* b*U thia peaaon."* TIvp y'ay then oyened or a« .n.Ms i hi. xi tmivcni «vr lV. s flrrd f\+ far1» hArr.f. T>rk PuaetL TVtroil fpp*Hmft% r*o«.*\M ivmuMsttov «mi rn t-wi: VARSITY DRIVE-IN lale Scores •xVred twr (*a»!« for ' th« S-hn!- ftr*. a. • aav T*-p nthpr tftlly m*at ty fsl 1IKI IM RY SKRMO. T.D 2^,'xl T ftaparwo t*A ar**r f*» ntotT id, raMMin Tw| l?t in Wood, Dfttmit fvn'wt. l AST MflHTs A M N LANSING PHONE EO 1 )8l4 RWITS Tftf KIDITIKS 2N ITS NEAT m A Mil! MICHIGAN ;HHT NOW! W RENOWN" WW SHOWING — >T \RTs h r CUNT l>M Bl.K I V STl KV V. OPEN BOWLING Vou cant t out the human fire* burn in^. TENNIS OXFORDS Made by 1 > WnbHer Cft SISTfl AVCFL* MA*IVtC0RP04AL AS'D AUTSON . Miohijan 3411 E. Michigan •W^hftWpi vhitr ■law. w . Pacilv Ttirslrr ewt-vR^ upper* EDS^IU •Free!* cushioned IV 2>12AK! arch and indole Fptp Parking 0|wn 10 .V.M. •Fined life fonnif tUiHt TONIGHT!! 'ACCENT EST ! imaium w*«fthv Tl - i MVERsrnr tteevtrk FRANCAIS... m STABLE I OMIT! V wmi YmVf. iu4f% MAfi /fit r/f! n:u 3H AIR FRANCE ¥*y!1 till m»tuannawn:« ^: ski clearance;: bMiatkhMvM.' • SLiv 2030 ..ff DYNAMITE! K T Tlimrs T»aiPpaiA>p.wtarPi- » »i*. »• Htm «wapMM t)«MM Uttr«lf«Ma«iMP! • Ski lM.f.t' 2.V30 «.f< The N.V. Cr»t»c*« Circle A atari fk> mowtwmbubtwnwm?; O \rcr»»<>r>f» 20 off • S*-«.!crv Uarrh 2 • .1 8:00 p.m. % • Pnit. • PurV.v 50 OR The Brw< fiamu* PWorr FaMiiM TWatrr TK*m. *I.W> I >n, Tutr. Office & Rn\ ftffic* SHOT TOMCiHT Til * P.M. fiinne WafW Mfir Tan* ****«,*.%•.•£ v#*t; •*.-**;'•»" v-t .-.• ■ » • ..<■■■■ * ■•• '• :- ■'—* ■ " '• r-* •■ f ■- ' i' »Wv« •,*'.*'#*«** Gymnasts Prepare for Big JO a Id Title aeLMeet C\rr Vtlttf IfSTA fcl*h man f«r thi» «Mii*n. mnfln<« tf"» tMf h'n< fx'-h-ff »i iii. | V(, |I„M« |!|«> • **rai ' ' fl.r- «rtir»>' «*"rr <«>ll' )£? ' f tl-« I.. ••.«. < | vfiin /in*tni%«frf < ■ • . . ,„\.t ♦#, (.». I l-rtn'M, A'pi'lir* M K- UM.. | |,|,BB| t > .f . „ |,kr|«it( sn •»»■! hrf fmtl, ' ! •' • H-'i'. r. ■•.»■ - ■- !»,•« I. M tn«n m*kl|»„! |»»*«»<,| Marlboro • -a >'■ ill • »< r si , w-r # Miiok# In atairt • f • •• v • • ♦ •* i« I fi.jfttrft.:! Mm lift"' 'fl.inc* mm* • s rt--;ff t> ft »•► I . I< *n -tiw.V# llmt fit* i>itr>r k< '• m» r.'". A>««/tK» pri-Mcnm • .••I «%■!•* *.s»r» fig tl, jwit. »M U»<' l^rirvnlpiif «in |w»ur» » ..i .. .« ».n n *•!>•* nr. l <1*«v llh, h»j'|iv wnrklt (At, ' >>'■ -•ft, fn^k' (At, CifKinji U.t' oh, gft •on.* it I I ' a I m '! wd sAvfmfe ' ^ 1 "rtM.t r u , |» . I.,r -it -.,. !,, tjtfcmftnferl Jtv ,t k ««I .. uf# Mt«l * ruvl. "i t|. t h«v* • p«tri*oi |t:i«*rr tiip «i«iAmIv'" "OIi. capital'' rrtwl tlj*» w>r.»r*. m)i tirnflp-nmkincr* \% til* in *%ikc«l * ycujftt plwlgp nmiiMl Alira IUikv t'nttit "Kxt ijtp me, »»i<| »I.p, tupt' ijr Iter f'trrlnrk, I It »vt: fifn»lic»| fitakir.-j J**U, tl«.ir g y»»ur Iinmcwfirk, arvf inmiiig ytnir ^ Will tltnir l«» anttlniin pli-f" . »nii|t|*f| I \ Uliiiiy. "When i mtuit Ut llifw, I v 'I la- IIV|WMi«HI " W, p«« t ikm, wimI AIh», l*#bbirm * J i n,». f *i, " ham| v • •• jiMrnptl v wt nt into a ir*»*#• i ..i l».,ii (K4orw, lack info rntit rhil'Iboml, C« m k «•' t <>ur H.tij r-irtMay, l*ck t« your birth, to Mora youf »»>«ir i,»-t inrArrutwTt,,. • .Vow, who mt ynu?" W\ nn - Hr,.|rv ' «a d Aiw*. "TLt jmi k 1BIA, I I * : •*» f »««ir,fy Cork.*® t t«.' •■%Mofp» I j.of l.f.' »k! Alt'*. 'Hip f.t * aril A y,# f«)r IM ('<*>[' +jt .j i|.* ' I ell u* M»''' »<,.••! t *• mn** Moo' *,t!«S Bridpy »'p. the rnttkrrt nf Va/tWo. kart mir 4muht$ mbnut thu • torIf. About cigfittliet, hov+rtr+K* hold thi$i lruth$ to 64 »rll mritUnt: Maribotn /or Mllor mmmkort, PhUtf Mmrrio too non-tUrr tmoifra. fry mm#. I m I "j Micmr.*\ *TATI M.«S Marrht.m« • l»»t* *v AFROTC (mulcts Rveoivv Wisher Ranks (II > to Hold Annual Elections Thursday Several jjkliUMV recently promoted cadet* were to cadet Hiths:\l Pm«Hin«ke. EttindVhe *pcc:al student, Ki ; Jarvoi lairds Anthony Ruswega, s* V * ranks They are: Technical serjjoant- Sudden coper Mass William Mv • Captain: Gene Qmvlinp. Ta<; Nelson, tdiKins sophom.eiv " Farmlngten. David r • \- M^t" payehetogy profeswn I.arising senior, Wesley Racket . S*.(T «erjream .tames ReMen Wel'm'cy. At as* Thorn n< }\ ■ and TV>i?er Mara, TVtwit 1Yo«h~ . is :■:•>■<■ 'A three American* ir»v'd- \h\\? \\1o«sa senior, and Juri Vol m. .iff. Yorker*. NY..'*er.Dr mm Rerkoiey. Riehatd S-. ■ * ed •■• -sKr- part :n a special eor- •I .an«int, V-etor Simp ,v, ^ *,•■;■■» o<>< .v, W( c AfDcan gover"- T';:•«•. \ ' : .Tame*, Clary. l.-.V; Freshmen ptwrnored airmen eemnvm and svmv:- v :ndn*'.rw, universities " ».x1. Ohio. jur.i.V, Donald Mi- si.-•■•.♦ «-as* mv; Gary Chapman Sa^inaav rr vs. rr. Grand Rapids Jxnfor. and G-rowc Domic. Robert ♦fohmon. and :•• n:«tiies .-.-f education tar tvif!', W ekcrt writ a*- trt-d Conference op Fd\i - «v.<*n.V> and iVeupational £ el er¬ ven at 'I "n'.versify College .••_ v, •'2" rs.r-*-H8> Apr ' Yii it I nmrnn ILill \iMrnn Milf* limit 1 lulnnimt* Mimli XfAPin IVIT V, I TITT1 N|T<>DK Dottle FlMoft T and ,TWI< Fnrtr' and Me** Pw-»t» VPtiftfl drtmai.nr* looking, for vote?-* Thrsr v. * ami \di\-f1le* offfoe* Yet in t w.S'l held Dnrsda> from * * rr lr t r,n On «>nrn« mrrf* n-** *-etr hr RED CARPET M.mrini »\ In* On lu-»li i in thdrit rn't* off cafnfm* r*e*W"nt* In the Vnfrm kr I P vr>rd"d DELUXE STUDENT TOURS *tit* \V«»' photo If (* OF EUROPE-SUMMER 1960 lr*f f fnlir Ortr/iV t lhn/1 OPFN TAVIi >! I \TTI • r V Ttowyton SPECIAL! MONOGRAMMED FREE 2 SHIRTMAKER CLASSICS K?«;trr iah^ari aivn %vp rorrnv mrrx o- *n-nn« aHtfc »m tr mtMl T«or rtmrrr «: rhnrk* it. >>Uri ^ a. h»le *nc « hltn «r Mar am, *h»k. Kh»- sOUf» COlOI> O* It Mi'6 am in-it I-FCT WP flUt SI1.K aklftrn*fcr> nmnt' Hrpim Im%hm» 4tH IfMti »• itif lint Jt-mr I ul: rti-1 r»j-i rr-- ' * If iU.ACk OR RR0fV> ALTMOV iifiAlv ni a slnnr* mmr- »e nava, n«m»l fHnr bint hrifT mim ami I la lilar Stws main Heft's how the Filler#e*h: l\ *2\ 1JVT»A 141 SPOf^ 41* §. Gr»Mi VKH^l I LMntnc 1 ft comNnti • «MQO» «*wwr WWr ot ACTIVATE0 CHAftCOA; ...Oef_- . snnti mr. thf ' 1%. M.xKK;r«' tw Dmw •• ■ w-picfe ] ?•■ v nifw orgyed tt m»*t tnt i rv»c.rN r?gQt!i- I k \ P-; .<** \ : v* for rie '••'! — 2. with an rfficwnt purt whit* outy Tof8tn#r tN?y Irmg you the OMUitlti Shr I-*''** .C*»»nr f lm \aiw JMuidlT lnUi»: Vmbw iBitu: IjwRImti&f \t»irw | ^nniimm Sivln ma' thing in m lOnots #nd fii^e to5»crc taste! ac l.RkVIt RUTOVI .'""IAK1 iAKMWr. rixc-y o? '••.r.iciw rm- pAr.krv RF.AR omtAfiCs: Alt fc. GtAVI) WL^T»