i'■ AsftftMMMMiMwRtiift ■■ NVnlkcr MVI1 'Hie WenlluT OUon, Vtiling 4 liiiiih mill I 'iiIiI AImi tliMuonl Ifltflt -Si Srif 1'ngr | . 1,111V *2 Nrrvhtg MSI I For Till Yrnr« noi I'MK M. N»» lvi HAST LANSINH. MICHIGAN - Tl'KHDA Y. MAIH'H H. \*m' I'ltiri: f, CRNTH Brazil as S. A. Leader: Hannah Lilcs liidnslrial (nowlli Property In Slale of Sao I'anlo Seizare N|m inlt ,'t W i cks in Soiiili Anicrii'ii \ iiilinj* MSI I ilm'iilioiuil I m ililit * Predicted III I'AI l VANMOI HI S I'ifniilciil 11tlin A llniiiial.i hark from a Horn week South lillliiin IMniinIci' Aotnlirall Into, |tl eiih'lml Hla/il Will In* our of the U-aillilp Its*I loll" in tin* world ami Ilm hub of Soiilli Amcih a in tin* llllnlcllN Al'lillll in II W AN l -men . prcillclcil "i IN liiiftl* Momliic Hollywood ulm uilt lui.Icii It. nit Slurs Co I *t»ue Anicncnii |iiu)ictii mm a i'c rttiK id llir iimimi ttver tin* iniinitnnu It'll Mini h ii xlilp ilimdcr tim in Hit Strike ill * oltl. toll In It<114.1 ill Rah* |»,,r allrrllitu* l»i MiIm I»im- llalii Mor |* rant 1(1 In ji* tii'lora .Moiiihiv hepan a t'h ..Ml', (.(.Itigiil I A - kl«rfH Inn wontm H«l» Ibo- ill plated In a iiiutclt (mill* Iiik tin Inir Km an iililn man •"there I* n«» ferlliti llial so ntrikc apaimil major xtutho- I it .11 I clrtili'iii- . .. t Iirrt Km elel» tmtiliSlei tli. rill Mill* and %uau*t« I *Ihm , plated t»» t aboi ami Ihr hair til i I iilMnl ttllr nlm kmm* i*«4es etfit 4M !•" i x ...tic- . .iuaiii-d in- Dial Miioin ohaervci'M flunk |.«iat** Hi Mr first wife i*f llrutr I aInm hIhii *tlr Hili«t ll* r In-1 ll|ll lllr alone II I a Inn Iran* IimiIIv lm eitiMaltoii." lint »'.« II. ' i."I • •(( •'• W rtiJllUJi'Ml | » Mali said w ill In* loop mid riunoiic ("tmU tlMwiru lh«| hn htitbtml In* inirl hn Mali \chi IMtoto l»« till Inmllnit tic 111. . . l lil.ti.tiik p r «. i • t ihr l»ig Itsiie •* .e'her s«*f- * AjrtlM ^ 4Si.lt* l-.trt'gc UMI Ih' "In I* fit.niM gff eslrs-pu/ f,„ \*\* 'llalliid of llali* Hoe' I''"'C.I tllin l\ t'' iespi.lls.Mt1. l*N»*im-M JlMIN A MANN Ml **«*» • Siohmr.,1 »rr«ll nam vnit.i, si.ow .i.if• of trist-lUlfl t.H f I hI.I « I \ il.tti,Ml . rtlHI.I' li 1-t.i Iti* -ui.I "There l~ tlie.lt I ,, si nims li.Mt.lt .1.1,1 |.,1 I 'iHlbi bis hint an honorary professor of Ihr Institute of. Nosine** Admin •M .. Inn., that the |o-..|.l.* «.r T t. n I f.OOII* fnr:ii>.er H'"" i Mtalton In sio I'anlo, ttiarll. l» a nrrss eonIrtrtier Vlondat the the Opera Recreates Tragic Story S'ilt.f. 'I. It (StMMlc.i 114 I'M • It it till- l.nh "»f mlti •11111 >1 • • A'loin fiulld hegao tiie W4.K illsllnt lion Is the highest an aid liven hv llu inslllnlr lit Mattnah . ili-l,i cte.l \\,.mi ll , tipi Mi,. • ai.Ki a' I 'J 1)1 « m [..ill- <1 Wash lug tun put ttcliv spent Ihtee weeks touting 3IM operalhnt- In Snulli Antrrlea lie It in-. 1I1 ■ ml i''i- gdvemment 4 I i I III i,.k ,«i I he CiU Met! t elm tied |o I asl (.anting xalmdar til*hi Stale Sens I'ltolo Msllltit Monroe, liehhle Rev- t. . I 11.r IM-nl f'.t (in.ji'ii- H« l l» ROM N Ihr *lltrt 11 t net* roinitta In s llir i>\H«iIhiii killed flam tmlds, HIiii I rosht. I.Inns ladlu 111 It»»Mii»»—« 111,111 ignnctif Mcvcrat TH# iwilMMy Wnttyd sjH'.r•1« l'ln*r In In srMHiii %l| urtr I ub.ni hilgida. Ilisshelh lobr, (red »i-ii: atf.i MS'' wa* ilivil*-(| to Aslaire JNomiiiatioii Deadline Miukri* 4ml Mildlei* uiiluadliiK sod Alan l.add tt#r» «, rmernttn Hnckiet ev»»,tueU;i* .■ ..f Ml' '•H.illl/c a *rhiH»l «»f bUhillc** anions Iho^ Idled hv lire pro- .• Vow Yin k i'lt* Oi*-i * » a hf 1 Itir ir««rl avrapl lm ih mam- «tiliiilnit>iratioii dm lion eivheMia (ivr t^riii wsft Ufa i. l»rli itf Ihr ahlp * r»rh An wf stoppage Sludlo* aahl M * * '.i« \«*ai' ai"» P " a*, f'tiinttcd n.UI 4Mn«unramrnl dsiiS«i ««M they are taring olf '..MO worker* • g*y, lilting melody Monday !i Sa• 1 Paul" flf.l It v a• an For Faeullv Award |i. tNidte* h«va Item MrnUHnl. now, mote later. » , M in th* ami »iii.ip 1 h t aUiiaic adaml ofteriug : Tn» atnuwphere one .>f fit l.tvr 1 tic ahiH-Ji of ('astro** a*»r « It via* lu.d IUUJ'Po, w»i u strung# a'riks. Ti»*r m Untie 14KV*, a penod I hr llr*l «ii n|«rMr«l « lilt llir t «tii if it»r ftiirtl ami Iiims iienabntad drepV* hn»» wern no ph'ke*. lines, noderho:.-' ,«;*cl#rta*d bv a iwllau nmn sitilutr whlrli nnlrrs ** l*i«->i nilli (lUlt li..; >\ hU*h H.ilo Iu*n alike W'htlh rttarty 'Cuban* *Nomtn»tIunl for Ihr itlnHftWIlislinl fnriiily awnrd* an* ItiarllUw leaelier*. frnmliini in- t Mined. I'vwtem w»f\ it, ll* iium yavlaItalis, s.niinlril llir i*,** in | ni*ni iii hny Joined in deuoUMi'iug the UuiiaU iltit* .March L'L' niTunlihj? to llu* of Hrr of thcj'ruvoit. NottU- atruelor* were *#nt I# MHIi fur C'oiofrfbift had to thut dmvft Its Siatc*. soma said openly they their maater* degree am.' tliri\ Hawaii location of "Ihr Wack¬ riniilliniAt Irrliittf mnilm Ihr linl it tiles sliouiti hn innilcil to I he I'rovost. slut i Mini 'h'It .ii I« i * * a»I 'In* pint «"I '• diNlurnad about the l«» Harvard business *rb«#»l be¬ iest .Ship fit tho Army" (Jack Frotuh-Soplt r»M viUvtnl the N-v--.'••!« wiui.i mi' , ! • f l.hr . i Mat -v- ... ti'oirf II 1.. l.tt lg»n r.U.t |.lu. IVI Au«u-!.i. lt\ In-. speech'* Gleet lalatf.ms Amat't.iii on bu*me»«man. 11 S -Cuban who Hi* award* of H.lMHi rat it will Itc gl > the HUitldMdmg fay V. ). (f/H-m fore wil v returning «f H*o I'auiM. In the ( niver* lamtmori, Ricky NG«on). the company was able bt con- But hi titM.f Itilita. ami isltv nieinliri* leniie shooting "Ivj,..'* ff antln- I'izza Vi rol* *;(i Ii.:,tt m i.» 111 I. ill Xi--- hair million* iiivrtled in Cuba, tlawfiuh Mid th# program ha* fia*. Dan Da I l»*v) la^auta |t» in- ft »:«-'* ««f IVtiVG* t('> !!!*>' ('■ The award* are sponsored tiv t». C ; *, v«M f!,l aftd i ' Pl« wei•* i«ev*Uui*Uc. MiiOdful that the MM I development fund for To I'rosea I ' teacher awaiils "The no- mure clttse down four fealiiro pictures, Stages Picket n.) w > " * ** Ik I'M and e Uq».'IISt;X Svmptimiatic of the feeling In NominalinhN ate made by f.« I'ht' N>w V»»r k Cits < bar* active In partisnii imlltje* »h.ui bid continue* shooting the "Ad- - I* the feminine voue of C N business cirelas iva* Hie an- in North Amenifi," Hannah *11 id.. -• \ ventuie* in farttdise'' ami re* 1 lr wily momtierf, aUmtni. ami aca« <'.t>U«MllV wt!! give the t r final .'f I ha fr\Mh-S.n»h Voumtl luuuH'rmtlit of Mod Hav Muimtj "The student* iii l-*lln America bie GUII*'' TV series At (iliain Store Televlrton nv , \ ,'ti.w 1 fllttT1 rteeVwr* who an*wt*s* *hr »•"'««- Co thai it i* atMtndnniug nper- ilomically m ten lei I siudeut tton- Itriforinanee n> ft 11 bmight in 1114. given no nut let for tlielr film* aia not affected Titw an t Batn IXn- •t.'H'U he. by (da ! F-Yvs during tWx_yt*r'» Pi"-» a!ion* In Cuba innwuna of gov- or .tries lite and put of Cwluie-f ..u* mingle* There are no spoita, strike, heat Wtjeak.fK enwiu n., <• hi M . The Wry* II* tHIN I IMHIlt n nment irstrit'ttun* Itig Faculty inemhei* are non»,> CCl't Set U -- (V jio dramatic*, no student news- i HI. w otaruag, I atHO *(!'«» l.ssl minute eonelltatton ef¬ r project, linwittii bv !he Ahum ican nickel and cot id It Mini "Sfieet Scene'* whleh Was pajwi* " with a «t(OHii .tear v • . id hi* V. «•<«ful" the iiated• for their teaching, re¬ forts failed the producer* ask¬ fS**'. ,V.pS CiHlWi'i W l:1 i* *n. . »»•. already had inveMrd 7S million Haninih *ai<1 It I* standard new Hnin iv-c 1 onihinatum of bodi Oligl'i.dlv M hi' • »(| oi'i the play |»v F.hnef lirmi-liite t«» shift op|»o.*itioil to In progress. 7 ho or tors refused «matt v» J..' ite* .w«c a I '.'Jfe 14.vk Ark *.>?>homofr hu.1 tlielr i*">nera in t'aat l«*n*-.ng uni:i Cuba on general over all cuit- ft lee, /.St up lite sf»i»|enl*. He said he !'i thcic i'han.'-e fir'i-'tsi! i-h-nt of- ih«- I.h'hI rhaplei i»f •< tonight'., presentation with the anawer "a *trlk« I* * r . K\a«i.;.ves of other American Uibutlnn to tin* school Lima f'enj - "cht at r**lue«s! price* llir *crnr rh»*r* In fcnlllfl university and Kurt Weill eomuosert die rmt*ie vooted a in •trtke." !* • N NAi'l* t«» lJrjsyrlbt* Ihr ta- rompan'e* here - Including oil, V*e percent discount* plus . the JUudents. ft.i "Street Sce.fi*-" and (antgifoti where he saw bulletin board* whrn %u«u*l4 iliMoier* ilul hrr and The RAG voted to ark th# **■*• ,V!|vfrv is given npft- ■' \ ilc»«t.tn-li-atiou put mi tire machinery firms -a*id ri-"-iiiding student* of the de- on all dr« hu*lMmi I* In Invr *nlh *n»»ihri »>• »hr-N" \ AGI1 m a large I *<> t >ev llkrlv unutd be forced to F.nahsU ai e rli.ii.eu by S Mughe who vi ill i»r ap|«- »rii>V fedetal mediation servie# ■finuitilfaliott protesting the ae» ' »er> purx-haw*. satd M>kr Ha» - %* ..in *n rmltits Ihr Mrl ** llh i ""•< '-h •!*«"« veiMrt Salimtm make similar drcuton* The* panel of right facuHy met of *•» * .«• Msl' ,c a leefiirvr *|rti»ig he'it Pnelut-eri' aide f'harie* lion In Iran where university | h-sif. t Anting freshman. ch» ' - ton Murine 11 *«ns thai *hr c.ted t>*lros refusal b» release four of whom are pa',1 wuiner* lyri. Boren raid all issue* but on* Twenty can is I* »h« si-i* sii/deritt were harrased, wnulil nnl Irl 1»lw« lr.i»r The t1rrnf*u*iratu>»v te settled bv negotiation. th.slitiguKited h«4« h«i* I ths purchases »t the .Pin/a S. »-n'» lw • S**'1 -hr,*. t-l and spare pari* they tired frmn ward » * York II snnalt aaid Ibere «•. «.* em' He added r. ■ < group "f 10-M» Modems p«.-k- a W)t;,"n Paul ami f lpr» a, fh M ".The i**tie Id q'jo*?ion !« fho ^sir? < elin.it in f»unt of the local *f«*ie.s U»c Ifrpiatl ,Mates, Further researHr |nb» the anil-Anterieao aentfrnenl. but It AN*u! 4»b student* of th# T'lN" tf.'i fUto' (V*t #tv >| of (•» tcturr-Cofln 'ft. demand that 9fU>rn bn pas'! .1 !«.' Urge VdiM'h itorr . 'uipv*. baekgruiind of the nominee* i* was formenled bv the rommu- 1 f *wN-N.xh Council *;vt AtX "S id I'uni sf»r» *nWm< |v» *• The T!H* picketing *u-inioeil from done by the panel Jjefure choos¬ nisls ahd Invntved a small sham twice for doing th# Job—thu de- I insw ar '*'▼r iha ptuii. iha telephone *«d de- l»na*t, «Ua«idmg rovrm ihtough Ihr li*M . di«-- !>•>, •> the raft!*.iI «»l Southcio #t«»rcs in th»M» Uigc chains to serve Nc- Alplni IJella 'I'liela ing the six winners Winners will h« prewn'ed etc "This Mltor'^i'.g bi$b»ic even' w# For the first of the general university hod*. mand for additional payment If theatrical pictures are told for P«a Weak sale# lira qus'» rVihrr, that ihatr hac« * glor* «t Uir lunch eotiRtei*. Stales Diseiissioii their a ward*, at an all univtiaity tune Aniere ah audience* are Hannah *j>ent three weeks exhibition on television " •arr this year than the quota «-eing American oj»e»a- If more touring MSU nitrations in South Tlie actor* argue that they n,\-t>riX. hvuno sh ami C« I *-*MI M» i.t I lie picketing In convocation In May. "u nal last year for Aha first ftu!lir,!.a.1 and lf«vr- ih. party Alpha Delta Thru, profes¬ p.-opje realtreil the significance America. He was sponsored by pearlng in two separate med- tensing was not directed against [ * *-1tl? Mud I lUrbour Apprvxi- 1M Was than last year iLsPv Doa s mpthcr ast .simaii thy I.kmI stores but against the sional medical technology soror¬ ity. will hold a panel discussiun of thin fact, they would want b» .♦•e tlie?ee performances as nmeh the U S. department of foreign want to be nim.r—movie theaters and TV. paid twica for »n- in natxetv that shi* aid which arranged for a con¬ national offices of »h«e chain*. I fit | «t-a en»4 Uia first niRht ha Fvarhour balia*a*i that mk1. the «^iv »;v'kc truth doesn't hurt thailmth. ami the ' Its purpose was to acquaint antitlnl ral "Your Future in Marti- Technology" tonight at 7 in Signii/t *s wsv they wan! to musical," see any broad- ference for all people active In foreign aid in South America. Tiat i* the' iuue that brought on the impasse. The two sidet ap¬ the publo with the policies of I i*v k in u!at vm a mult of \* Iha a pars ranlinursl. *«««ih- the l.'nion art lounge Vet* can sign-up for March, Iteserved sea* tickets are While in Brazil, Hannah de¬ pear irreconcilable and many the nationally owned stores with | c«v pubUcitjr. ar MMk haw—hi Iha rralilf lhal lunch counters, here and bi the The meeting is open to ail check* (hiring spring term re¬ priced at S1 10. %3, and 12. Hold¬ er.* or Series 11 bekets will livered a speech on Civil Right*. predict the strike will go on and — ryr paraant of iha ifroo mad tech majors. Kepresentn- gistration. All vets not return¬ lie He said he was asked to make on. south.M Gm*n contmuarl. "We I w>» will fio toward iha *oi*ht>* tives from the drug industry, ing spring term or graduating admitted free. Students may ob¬ it ,i% a counter action to tha fes-l that this might make the | - *a class irrwaury, ha said. rr.-wh-S.xvh council mada Kecruitinent rational store offices think mora hbout what they are 'doing if interning program, hospital and graduate school will be. on the winter term will sign week of final* Signup during the is in tain office. a ticket at the Union ticket ID'* must be presented communist propaganda. littleI Cttnmltunl 11J Ad building. at tho Aud. Ilsonah met President Elsen¬ jtW. $1T5 last yaar. ha aaid, Visit Planned this sort of thing U carried out #»artfl. * t t i'iaMT~"riHfeo and Grarn both agreed that the MrFarland Paulo the I' I* thr highest honor university ran give »r>e*k at an tontgM at 3 in the Kell^g Cen •w ith sanior man and mwt*" An African language and area ifically in N:gpru», Ferguson *a;d " who speak fho nr Yoriba a* »he»- ter aud All interested students Saturday Tryout* Tonight OTS oflars w-' v * ' only way to do thia was through •renter wtU begin on campus next Th* program tie* in with natiVf Dnguagp. will assist in II mnah returned «:;gj(t fr'.m hi* ihree week tour and faculty are invited Ing to f,v#u -training > nr Igea! and govarnmentgl means, M*U's ct"iteration with Englar-f- language1 '»\t • u**1 ion - hu< Green adda*1, "aomatimas fall. Dean Uoyd Ferguson. Col¬ of Soutii America Philippe Is executive eQftFut- Th#itr* H navigator b mala coi'aga grsiiu- in developing the University of Stu'l**!' tx from a'l over the lege of Science and Arts, an¬ tant for New York's rerv ultra• ~ ste« *;ith any ma;or ft_alfo M r Segal mean* head a boost.** Nigeria, he said country,are expected to parik*:—- with Thw dtoh*- rrne.'ern ZeoJsendorf Hotel, aid Hr conaldarad Saturday's de- nounced Saturday Course instructors will pri¬ pate in the program. They must gtvas BdMi-fljrin* cwntni1#.--ats to SfHtllielf to Sfteak *** *' huiit will hw hoidinc was formerly vice-president of I'-"-'-ft *!w thwr ^>r.tf r«"- rvmctraticm as an example of a The will teach the marily be qtratrtirrl professors have some college experience, ^raiiuatas hokhrvg carta;'- da- "tjfir.wt." Yoriba and Ibo language* and program now on campus. Several faculty but not necessarily a degree. the famous Waldorf-Astona. I' " ft t*» folk Ul« opor. graas in angxnanrins. u rnca« At ('.ommmvement As t,he Zeckendorf consultant, I Vs.*; tao GrtteP *▼ Huinc- and tha arts who romjp'etr ut- Speaking about the &AACP a» the culture of Wert Africa, in¬ member* have been in Africa At present the program doe* whole. McFirUnd said-' and are familiar with the cul¬ not offer a degree, but merely Philippe Ls In charge of the lay¬ I taufiit tnm « J0-« »n.i ftrJCtional wu;nrrr>ar;v. a cluding history, and literature. "The national office ha* not training for persons interested An estimated- 573 students will out, design and decoration of The center, sponsored by ture, Ferguson said. I '*ltr fran T-» tun. la tho Officer* with f!.nc« ro-nmts* what it i« capable of in work in West Africa. receive degrees at the winter this* 2,000-room, million dona fundi granted by the National The program will use person¬ I ' "1 aiuns incur a five-year active through the legal procrs*. The Defense Education Act, is the nel from at least two colleges. Courses will be open to reg¬ term commencement March 18- luxury inn. He will also serve Haa» lampl of tho i!o- dutv obligations; nor.-Hytng of¬ The speaker at the exercise in as food and beverage consultant vHinger generation wants to use Language and social science in¬ ular MSU student* who wish a ■ *■"" "*■ f rouste will be tr ficer* face thraa-yesri >i activa only one on West Africa in the - - structors will be from Science background ui this area. Fergu¬ the aud. will, be Dr. Victor and vice-president when the • the same pn<-csse«, but it wanta United States - ■*«« and Dr. Sit E*k duty Spathelf, president of Ferris In¬ new building, the first hotel of to take action on the problem University officials signed the and Arts while Business and son said. 7 ' tavarknaxit of gmctl will Sanson may apply ' ' *--eot- stitute. Hi* topic i* "Discernible great prestige and luxury stand¬ of removing the obstacles which contract Thursday which grant¬ Public Service will furnish fac¬ The first NDEA area center I -• pndwtkiL anca into OSC any tfma witWp ards to be erected in New York ed 125,739 for the center for one ulty for economics and political... opened last fall. Tne purpose of Attribute* " 1)3 day* bef. ra graduat.nc prohibit the Negro to vote in I *r' pom for bo* at— the South.'* telenet courses. tlie grants U to develop pe'»pie President John A. Hannah in the past three decades, opens ■ *** Interview* will br conducted year. The contract must be ne¬ ihno raxHo^nx. Director of the center is Dr trained in the culture and lan¬ will award the degree* tn the Jan. I. I*>2 r the Air force b-^th in the Groan *a»d that there will be gotiated each year for renewal. - . — .nr. o cfaorua of »t>- Russet Nye, head of language guage of area* .u which ihty graduating class, which includes In his 2ft years at the Waldorf^ 9 rally ivi the steps of the Capi¬ MSU applied a year ago for a I " »M a'toa and fourti-rn I'nioo all '.hire day. Private and literature. wih work, he said. 17,1 candidates for advanced de¬ Philippe roM* from banquet and tol this'Wadr^viday, at 2 p.m. center on Wast Africa, Pakistan I M tnttU. Tboor tn- inlcrviaww.cn Thursday may bt West African graduate stu¬ "It is based on an otwiou* gree* entertainment manager to co¬ . "This being American, nothing or Vietnam. .w-hMuled by Uiepboniag IV- . |.j «t f* Wad nn«ni( porta •but good ran come of it The MSU was chosen for the Afri¬ dents will work in the program need in the United States of C>r. Spatnelf, a native of Mich¬ ordinator of all food fceveras# P^btommltouiK »>i»*U. accordto Sgt. I>avw igan, has been pfesideh1: of Fer¬ and later to vke-pren* problems will be solved," Green can center because of its interest as graduate assistant* and native persons qualified for foreign «*rvicea, Anderson. bMd of Air Torcw |i*l^ "4",B,"«ln rtcrvuuncat in U»in|. (believed. in iofwmanU. informants, students acrvic* work,** t«xgu»oa sawl. ris Xfkftitutu suw« 1952. dent* You Novor Soy You Love Me Anymore ..." INFORMAHON Npyg< . Mit'liiiian Slate rATMOI.lt' RTI DIINT » ORRSTRY CLUB 7:30 p.m., Forestry Cabm. Dr. ORtlANI/ATION Kr-»d Pail* b> U*l 'i Mudrnt* and ficuit* Ihmshtn, Head of the Forest • \ ■ «», n .■* ><•.■■• •< ;•. v*.1 ?•. »'..vf •!. • V. «»•• * »'• id p.nv, Catholic Student Products department' will W» . Ontcr. Coffee hour. I •• - J" - v » • « V-vv ^ .• r. ■ u ^ . show slides of his recent trip MORTtR BOA Mil Russia. «*** , '-.* w »» '■'< • • V*.-* to • •* » , , . - .V -• -■ u '*C » "V-'i-r >*•. <»**'• 7 p.m.T328 Student Services. !• ROMAN ADRRS ■ v, i ;• " ,•• *v ■•• HTMONSTRATION TRAM 1 ' *f y>t-S -i otmkattics CUM ... • , V-J-.v ... ; •'• V vv V*W> pr*** «•••'■ *'■> - » S 30 p.m., WlM Hldg. No evee, 7-tf pan.. Jettison Gym v5 ;%!. No tY.% ' !;i>. M.xrvh S. !iW vU>■ *.v :««• ' v- .\e •••% ♦ ,.r ".rattNi !V •>•■■*«•••. v tbx! ?M* '•« * HK vro tba*'"••'.err'.*, 1r»Ur~ "' c « Kut ?Mn* "H «:u CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS ».,Vs ho Ktmnn: ■ M, D» MM N, TM. WO. t'**« CV»; < nut. mm4 m. K4IUMH. Dull,, hr Mm. HMmi I M. hi tv vrv ■Ilk hnM. >- M KMMtaf *ma iwu Kl) 21511 EXT. MIS :• N ,v ;.i- \ Vvlyr*«;A'vC a- r ''S"' *• *?'r.**»T*v ••••*•' w'h .i-'O *4cu"v *N'iv camms clash,(cds ,..., ., f.fVr !,< tu'TM« .H-.J*"T*«*ra!,ve Rs*f» bat«^ f"i IN »o-d» HOUSING . , 4 • »»., HN'O* l V" . . tf. h. rverv y .\n w.'t" FOR RINT m.vrv*hf n"b tv • -c •• ... • as v.e* *K\* i*Y* .'"vc ' «S , t divt .. .. ROOMS 4 a»\, .. \Y*vtvf.v :s,;* r*> v " * s C*-.» :vf> ixf. latl MCE nro\eO APT ROVED room* AND unap. Parking 'D-o Mmii • •*. k" ,«1' v. ' ' b.-i< ♦..» iVf"f • rv*" v.'. ' ,■>•.%«* . v v * c ..wiii —raawasBB— a tt—• floor apartmant ti» ' — — " 4 .K •*. •v V.l-»■«.:••"*• RADIO HhitaMaila. IIE.ATT.R Wire v»h»el«, I)M> mUa* I'D "I-!*>!•* m< Call ED S-0303 .» v.HtraWe w * th*: .trv * or »- t.«;v c • •• MEN rihmu OR GRADUATE and Hoard m East I#n«u<| atudema -;.«■•• .•« sanr-'^TH' "- VOLVO vvAlt MAT THU MPII house Home privileges $lt u„k ED MM evening* Ask for John 11 IS \ II %l I M \KK •' -v.. -H - ^ ••<•• Ask Motors. t«>r Allan M.Hieer, at Sfratton A present MRU stucteitt tf rieid tf •- v.*:\ twyv unc -.' excellettt' condition Altar 7 pin a, hath and phone Three nv G trance, r»u: ♦ :-e " .« 4 •'. *• *' wk, ;' '* call ED »-»«« utee from derkey. ED S-ait? 41 •jtHV' '$ t '"<■ v." vers " i*"e str^tor * ivrerr't"-! t«*0 GET YOURRftr A *LK»d deal on a I'aloott or Ei-rd from a former APPROVED ROOMS free parking l arge lounge TV. free FOR men • • 4* a' to 'S' wj%t ;s*»v t-n.,;c • MJ»U student Ma* Curtiv Inc >tee Gene. Ssldsn at IV 4-«4«i tf Uundrv facilities low term ratr • "*e •.:♦*• ver-»>• * •< *\»'•■ r tvji*?er» rrv.- Letters to the Kditor BRAKES COMm.rnt REUNIVG, Flock from campus ED 7-IOH 4» «"*'v eorrver*' *'"e ivjn.1 ?•:;*•! r.o S^ ami up Adiustment. "* Gcvvl trailirs •»-.** "!: *c of •;r«»truc'o*^ t'Hampton Brake Relln- Editorial Prompt Protest We Are t'" -v "* of tV :vv o-eU tire* Duo E Kaiamatoo IV S-tai* tf FOR SAlf NSA Letter, e-s ..»< c."e v***e "*> ••* \ ufvefs •% A t--»•• -■•■ n-v*: -e *.errt;"e».t v» oe-- or-y *r '< •* '! s fvwi teju-hvr 7 30 pm Wednesday. ?» 7 On "jMPLOYMENT I WAR DETROITER ~ l(N ».> fro. • kitchen, tuo hetlrvHinis. colored ap ! evoervw of e-f" vtuovt be en "• * n »t nrcduie a« high a quality of plisncea. On lot in Holt £U"*' OK 'e the bus and before we even left, vnnivrv \rrnrD eok part- A;... v;*:rA"vr. * 4. the xvtnl ?fmr to the fiiitor •••eorVTvh y of '.he vtudeht gov. «'udent a* would the purely we were told explicitly that no time «v»rk. sell a S74 value for onlv academic cvllege cutneutuni C>n Time iu»>« 1*,M rime LOST and FOUNO that there were «j'o'.*ro.n; teaohe-v ft l*4*» o'vf O'.;! ca""o ■- .*• '. * 4 IKVI'", '• erwent no', ge/ ng* th:« pv.ii:, J fully disagree, and drinking would, be allowed in ihs* contains S'5 worth of entertainment, Naturally, there mervt-andtar and service, Applv Am . fhe^e teao'^erv have t"e "eve-**.*-* 'e^rveH a" • * t •-■ • *» i » v- > < ;• T>e e.' %!" r.Aiv mavie «ome ser.oua *v.;'i g.Hvl reason Officer*' flub ttollwter tluiUlin* IV y-4?)t tarn I C—the a-oco.-tv to know eh j Tf\y* egan*; pr Matthew« are those that can no', follow 44 H»,me*h#' •■-% a'* .i' teach:-ti; a'- t wining frem a highly tndnat- to' ( P ,11 with evpanslim hand a ••.. :n,' »hseno# of fav rialtaed ril« iR#cliealer. M » direction* I personally know of tut Grand Kltet . Ins SSi Hmder El:4* •• * * i s a* a i*ro«ie evamp.e aaaeriatben* with only .me man who tried to buy FOR SALE 3-RPll 1 -r • -k- 'heo.' . having -*-•»»•* « ■ b and 'V f.:e hv^Vfc.M.n/ •' * e \J y.ec > . ' ;n*« •rrr*>p*»n*itn--'.> i lnc> many ef the eveetrtlvaa af laii* a drink at the- ba- He was im¬ REWARD rOR INFORMATION re H-*oe I' l.V w ** °n* •*' reminded of the re- of hlack hear :eeKe t*> » t. it w-yuUi a reve.v *e t" -* mi-\ *le"" v WS*'. oAvte-s :nen'..oiuxt n man Wedah temp##*. I hnew mediately SRUPNUT SMOR larding iti*ai»i»earance skin rug. loaned to WMSH <>• v .• s'.rKt.on placed upon this prac¬ Thursday, Eehruat > vrrKn'vTrji that the ».:"te eoo'.or a etartly what an empleyer l#eha tice Scout " program ED >-aa?7 "ercev" oe ce-M-or-c fur in a petential "head man " As an added fact, let me say »« tieitd to popular belief, it W> vtarvi fo-'r-aijiUirv '•*•:" "• tro>ree« >tevf « a" \«• N J ■? \ 1 >Upk*." ipe«ihe*H« tempted te ameer Mr. flee# at¬ the name ef Contrary net only h:s aeadfmic back* that no more than *12 was ape it •« - r ef* r*-lec*t'«l PERSONAL of • .* ■ srvnvY* in their fr»tern*.5at.on. *tnl ur»'e i i * NS V 1 |tr Matthew« h* remerttnf that ground, but also hi* l#adtrah;p per cade*. In addition to th.«. KWAST 1AKERY DELWERS In every cade*, was required to buv V* MAC. . e* p'Mdusliv dec.-taled cake servu t .Jv-'i e-- «ii *M a t iMnmnatat." B>t abit.'.y N>.v tell me th.s. what * ■>■ * t y e\e-v >e • he b#ucr place can you get leader- eac i meal he had there. Now, t-ejve for UM Tuone IV «-«TM hr II isr Investment • •■ thia true* I happen te hne« tf -■ U tore I om tell me where all the extrava¬ VSKD RErRIGER ATORS WASH¬ it la net true, hut the vera P#«nt «h.p t.-iinmg titan in an ROTC and up that pe#pte jtaat f«hi t te progra-n »uch as the one here at gant spending enters into the ERS. range- and T V G-hkL >e«r ser> i.-e Store. %Ci 1110 Ea,t THE MERLYN GATES ORCfir?- ta t MA -danceshle music with that h-f relUng pther peep'e MM" picture XDchtgan IV MiR tf hand sound and feeling Rhone IV mn;i\r. pivkftroi^k «•-? 1 v • around the ite^v It was also stated that we w - 4-UTO tf (<#)m«iuu w Ithedl prtrdiai Ami now '? gt'. ha if-mtllion-dollar flrzf DECORATED CAKES DELIVERED • o-*a 'yu *■ After StUvient i. S'eetr C W .... the neoe%.*ar* pre#f t.nat d sturtsed me the most, and nessed a t» ,f»u for parties hlrlMtts Many KENNY DAMS ORCHESTRA rerru;."* Avt.on . '.•»: V-.ervr,: in r-v--..: • -•• and probably ue majority of power demonstration Th.s .* filter oelicicus var'.net K*'art Ha* tt ca ED Mio h « t'.tempt f> also true that erv IV 4-rfcl . M. ■eo%'-'\ true But. ,t is •eo'5. It* i«er."{ *-tr» o ??••— ,»e Nf V. .» - the Army ROTC staff as we T 1 ■*•'.: .v,—«,*e Ka v W r«i'» '' *e re cev.-.-^ r.*-v M* P » v »u'e\i 'ha: p- Ma*- am of "wasted mode*." the hol.- on for our benetlt • ',rj; Htvtce to .in aiTra;*a? or' ore of the gr. rev; .«•%•.. • e v« -m% »o e*:re->e that >.» to lor•. Kn;\ The troth I* that vie mere in¬ EXtEUEVT BthlNESS OPPOB o*v" ew.:r*.cn TVNITV in a small eommumtv Kr .t.-Hwt a> resej.-;ch vited h* the Itopartment ef the " • "•.s.o.v « Atrva flower and gift huainr,, •> ; *'.;"• !*■—vvrerat .. E T.D It m««si lakffitlm ih«t S»th earhef tn.s term tail lert R##x t# eltaMi a w s»o.**.-r Mvvtf'.X* I com- Amy at WHEEL BOX trailer txa«J esuMUhed fS veers serving 3> in e careful check.ng. I .> TWO crv;evov h».*p;rtj{ TWO .e $.*>«*• >• • •. .■•—■ th* rJitartit *nd Mr I1t>p i .e ;»«v*u>e of " - ch.arg * Through training atarrha. If me raaM »*f TV M Motorola, -tand and radm* We have speiialired in if, writod in Sh beel an found tha; : c.uier Mr. Wyeth Hercules bail hike unusual "In design Prefer se!ltnc t nr.-.ert to Aoh a far-renc • .*:• an\o vt-.g -.•> • tevser ' proeo.a v. \! n;.*ter» we-* pmbimt make It •*• that date antenna E*> designer Wrlie The R-^r »no»fis| the 04R<« tfi( IV J H Mr Sm.t.n signed up for the three »peed 114 IV »-U«3 *« trained e»."o«i M>V «:...terta ano a *f 1 V *:.■ — eg™ :v.i » In'.erne'aona! i\*n- nor If we had net been.there, the htutp. 7M Phoenix Street Souih to Kentucky. Therefore, can « Mtithawv i veter*n inifiunWr trip Haven, Michigan for more detatlp' the r.a". v Tve Atutierta * »ie • • * *" ' •*«•*» .;• exercise would have been car¬ appointment " ef 4 ammvnom. tnJ e*ve »Ha h»» > u explain how you know of strict¬ information or :h < 'rue* !' s a planned. It was Vt'r o.k. ■;-xlu«iot* 1 ITvMth.h « ntan jju 'a '«•- r f_ 4>MI» .vn«Hiaf*NU rr«e«ich ««* Nx-» . -. * .*' ftc:. v-en there the "wonderful time" we had at ried on as ly for the benefit of those sold¬ WEDDING DRESS Sl?r If Silk HAVE BUYER FOR three or f.n • *e-"e*-?e*i home In Glencairn sc: ■ , > "■ * ■'■* -oner «v a ve-r oe prcect the »«UvtUe» ef the >«»\ Mort Khox I suggest that vcu crgaiua. Uce Mi«. matching niitts. bedroom a v. ave acho* . ■>': ■.*» revor>1 that Df Ma - ier* m training at Fort Knox. ci-aprl Excellent c\>nditKm section Call Phil Culver. NF T-.U* for vour .state¬ train . bavs "e A?«»i il»n.*.»ter of tu-ca:. ;t, ianre'v Edward G Hacker Co Rea'-U-r- no • a: :>o ,-w -.- ".v .. • . we.T. -x " c « ' - .e«'v *** '■Xon.ue:'' «"4 for oive No ouc, was ordered to go ta ED 44 i-r «' ment on the tr.p 5-ESdl • a 'egevS muyn Agtm. I Fart Knox, and only those that IONUS Skin \;vr -e. far the henetit af the «*any • w DOWN—WITH »M*» montu: ' t '-rt rorr..^ mniafanaad readers af la#t I'ri- MARCH ONIT rtrmenia buv* this modern, thrrr # p*'^a* -» '.hat people don't ga "holiday" by a long aho:' You bednwrni home, automatic gas he.' :>eoo . a--', yrvfesacr .r. Wur:^ affairs c- c j • ,-o nuk ng •**.' t ohare»« day i Mate New*, let me. aa #na could call it practical experience »v ;ee:-.e»l pore-. large ahad> - •f Use pariinpute af tha Uip. AU lea^ia WUliahiston. Call E" > '...• prrreote Afnc^r-Asrertcaa• r.-o'A"-:• nc ... - *< : -e>e .v.'.hou: pr.n-Hioig if you wish. »' t-i04a «M for Mr Barber tell what weot aa. Bagner Wif .airyit ivcer.--aa At'Ski #upj?n>rt to Crc^.<- v e ev.oerv# iva.'k rh.e*n uy *a« We left here at approaanately Rehert '*■•• - ah *t 41$ :.*e v 4T.;'jh 1 -o-tevt Na*.;. -$ The :.•••.* : \UVJWS. •• e In o.or'. '.aw ng '.ea'..monv SERVICE -.j t.itrp?r«»en.en pf • »c o< ovnie.v. i:y> \ a eiui rw»> :n far.nertng the g-a of -*vr*i fav.j, »ay or tsi.cn cf c.w.ra-v Film Fare TYPING - EXPERIENCED »' ■Mer^tat; :iht^—« *i4* isve»iat«n; r.ot a# a.r r.e. hat :.-r o e-v »' Vf re * » J4r-.;r • . cn. r.;h- fa'**".»!< ' 4-.i ho«T>o «T I Cherry Lane ED 7-acs Lady . - It's Bruno, The ;:■** .% tj 0*. ."x smear *.»cfcr..^ue* d*» net coca:-- -> M*:'->♦* s ' ifu.'t 1.4-w \y* valid a.-*-:ven'. for yrMitso'.- jm? ng ' '•* eve'". .r.g lite ieft-w-Jtg KS.A 2e^t "OAo-e "u.»~ Nam# MtUhetd ti le#aea« TV RADIO SERMCE Seieit iu l^a *'•.» By ID FVOIRNOT all n.akea and all mod# • Crosseord Puzzle ' o. eve.- ,wcrr i week " s * - ;er f dii#r • Nat* Writer AAA Radio and Television Sen » • ve S'4'4 X«i tiut '-he c.v' ■ aahmlWed —Hint based ci W ■ held' baa IV i-THi or IV J-4MI »erv4". .'v*-,— .n i*si vt uOer:» a r.4 meant fee farther fcf#**tWa "TBI DCVII tTRUUt AT NIGHT." at the State. « HOUSING p-rj^rwor* •»*•.? r"* ro- r^e !*t- wtkb. with data «« ba<* eel- :>e "Superior Race" theory of- the Germans during the Naii regime. TYPING DONE IN roy hema 3^ a.v duai-J*. '"-Ad rev e^e-.i the We ted. «t witl pet# eti t# later- The iter* with which the film deal* is an ftctual case that occurred fO« RiNT per douhie-*paced page Phone Tl 'va for •:he--*c'ves ?a ;>.« VS.\ » daring Wor d War 11 sni is as follows; as! .notTpenh-er-.iy arreed *'• *'# A half-wit "^iarn«*i Brum* Luedke ha* murdered about 80 women rw o-aronoov home new can♦4 FYPTNO ED I-Afljd of German*. When the body of one of them is pu» sat IV M7II ♦ar-* eoocaa.-Arv4 u Dr. \Ia:» in different parts APPOINTMENTS TOR APPU *• tSwi* found, her Nfcii officer boyfriend is arrested and chargsrl with tot roe T ajimhovre—nortjl m TltlN and paistH^rt picture* being take", at Hicks Studio r.- • On* notices sunilanUes—at several of A^bon Road. c 'o« ha#t tort* Irvtng room, tour b#eroonws. *7 dav service Phone ED J-ai#5 EXPERT THESES AND P * • An SS- officer becomes interested in the case and aid* the inves- IV t-Sri or Ml 1-44M . atirl ifceir fwrti if««t The D'ptng. Electric typewriter Su'ee* Te the Iditor tlgatcr in finding the killer whom they soon discover is Lueifkc. evperietwre One block P •rt*n U. Socvrwr-. iig «ere UfWf afatr mints i4 excellent example of the reason fv# Brody ED S-34*#, merrjer «| lEmag Certain rarta of ine Fr.dar planning to u#e mm as an Than, hy su*r*pm#eu- CLOSE TO CAMrVS — funuaied if. Ca*. »*-t h-« 'jc"J iea'xr^ *:"A'.:*e .e ter zm the ROTC -uue bear hquidating misfit* m order to build *"superior race " a apartirwrit TV- larre TYPING TERM PAPERS IM"1 aeruraM rhev.nj r l 'ha* Ms Men -tone w a', maos vhscft I fully However aothing in Loedke's backgrv>und lend* itself to the •as :I'5C'.--<1M ail otilsue* a all a EX>- r-.h'celLneous Mrs bee A PairJ. ED fast and 3-«»«4 __*» *r^ru. H-*wrt H K.an j< kSI • •* 5*AV. *h4 "-he ifer-r s agree ur.th. rjeft u voiuatary v« theory smce he is neither foreigner. Jew. ncr iruane. He tvr.-e- M BCFUCATtvS regime's claim " » h-t t< rent TYTING AND 23 W«*jr;rt se L.«a>ee hue Double--©***# t%#e lie No a'* ^ vw r 44> ce-.; V sMrt the T-.eerpOlAt c? I deal f-f three or four. IV- * The cae comes to the attention of Hitler himself who imme¬ or.# reaacr. and c"« only' If line tionaf charge far ceagsilting en S feiijwrt •w-e -t>eniUt refarding " j «- j-uc «a or laveyi Across trasi Barker Ha- r Sttttaeor fwjr»\.,vs. d a ewe rarrrjarg ROTC becoere* voluntary, puob diately order* all news of the matter suppressed The innocent LANSING— NEAR campua. studer.u as n-yself w.C he able officer is sacrificed and the imestigatcr »er.t ef? to the front tinea EAS.T a C-: mry-m M T.v# aaf u* 'he Stat# S'e*i 'ecC-d he- f«rauh#d apart.neif ht house tor MllTTUTlCNC ard • SPARTAN lN C. Lema * ; IUHIW oxffrm«'..«a -o »iv».-vt far.rer n lenii tri ■m-struc*.ed to relate nothing ef tus experience. Luedke ig transferred, ladie, only L't)ht»ee paid Parking TYPtNO e# 3>rs •*;-« M *r.x*v •#.? x*i» a mere coev-e't van * Uirs at cresen'. to Vienna and put to death y0sU»m?i» $m4 Mrs. rf SI L.a-f«F In e-ei p»*-_iht a' .-at *Ka*. tie NhA Tie i jo.f.ahJ-a"y TMa la mm #4 mm few peas-war Germany Mm aKfe a# a#u UX ATPROVTO AP AM TVER T TO 'number of cadrta »-.U make fnr aear# »jtfc maia »n*e#nt Or# an* #'4h4e h** a half Mocks from caatpua UtiBtiaa r*~A * M <•«♦« tfi-'i jr.-re yertORuitrei training at Cirmaay retards itaalf iitraafidiety f irnar»< LO t-Wi *4 a Vter i srrr.e _n r*rper>e r.» e a.- >. -.naTjctsv h#ve le-a The ac'u-Nazzjm is net IM pereeet pure, hut it tf at leajt there. •■* I agree with Mr. TMREjT ROOMS ThXTLT fur- "-re P*.aoc"* to 'he S*-a'» r«4rU to 'fKl and Mr. S~..th na ta.-s Though the film deals w ith aa individual ease, it is etr so c!'*r ntuvon Auiomafir »*an-r dryer, TT. ARB RAM RDM Ere •' »%■* y ,**a Z* T verv'.d W;e*Jt tn p»*.nt:r| cmt hoar the German were willing to sacrifice human traajer aa*Oan Rural setting. a#ar- *»aa gnaano*. KaUiaal ,-aviS Wiw w ussg T V rete* to eeto f*itPasto New sa4 ssto##s»» > " ■- s - •>»* srh-e .zte S'a'e Nm pc.fi* •e the per—of an wie. g* Director R bert S.>imak e-awfv M tube r.'seeking free Parking • »;•- • i-cssprwsiefj tnie letter* TAJ *. Vc-v th# pc.nt about weaves hafethee th* pieces of this tale with cunnuig cen^dctsoa. * .Pi©. Sail* TTIV Tortm*«4ara fr-*♦ a#; it tsxjpji g*.T« WT* »• -c'-cf academ-r rum.ng Each segment flta irr'o the next like the pieces of a jigsaw puzxkr. ■OOMS ' Joat E ELctuaaa. 1-SMR t.'.vu. jsf.-rraenoes 3ft 'he ov better anuiype-i guder.ta but like mar* German films, this cce is slightly crerlong. Very TTPIET ANN 1 WT:X-furm*had .. *•: VTRT LARGE. type outer «t-* that ROTC dee* RB Badrtt little wou.0 be Tur.r.j if about half an hour ef the running time He-e a a it.*ah; .-aha tjuestyaa Kv*t*!&&g coA»t*l» K ocka room., acreeeed porch. Ttrit north of campua STI EUcj- sag Tnti. sbs gnscra! were deverty edited out. betfi Street «s The performances are all commendable, especially Mario Adorfi BOARD AND ROOM near CaUafa TRANSFOETATION Lijedke and Rose Schafer** as a hiding Jewish girt he encounter*. Michigan State News as Night" is a reasonably 'rV "Vrftl 5 ( i -lv:' a". «• Ot .-< the -v- 44 t -. the . -- rfiewign FMda* Jr.itu.ate a^r-rg aurm# r-™_me *»~nm •«# • A* a liHag: blended effort, "The Devil Strike* at clear image of Germany past and prwrnt -_ -i- ^ ' ♦ ♦ ♦ APPROVED s«oTt ED MN>. vi'i ROOMS AT 111 AM !L>a ■ MT *s~ i | ! w.-wr «.vo a»o am* S."i^w3 « Just to refute aovusatxets that I srn totally invacoe to enjoy iar «.<,»♦ entra.-A- parking RR "' I ! faf — t. jr > ! ■ m K- it *# 5, II"* «t ; ■_« c«»t #e#c# furr.x I recently completed an art.ck •« -r *•■ V V" :•' . .• ; iWv.'f-r.r.r Mil lilt.AN si Vfl M W i Page 1 lire# 31 arch K, I'hill \i\on Tries Placement Bureau 'Ilie following employers will Interview tin the Indicated dates. American, Japanese Art To Limit If ton are Intel riled report In the Placement Hureau at least two school days In advance of Inters lew dale. Unman alio mat in - Shown in Krestte Galleries terview ma Ion ttilh ailerlik (•>. Filibusters lit) bachelor's degree, (Ml VIasters. ilegrrr is linltcaleil, alt degree (Ill Hoclora. Where no levels are eligible to interview I'abitifiga t-.v e:,! ie! J, . by i-fi?U('v a di liMfui*.! Amci'lCiio with f.he Aim- 31 till II 10 Hiindiciippefl) m a J u i s f .p !• ;m exhitid - 4 lillei-flaiuiuer, Ine •caching punttions .la|Mfie>.e i u'.ilgl a|ihv and «-e no ■ Voungnluwii Sheet A Tube Co.! Ie. ! on of Ann-, h-,m draw.! Ml./' 11", all a ■ ' >o l'»*ftil»ilih Vlauiil'aelliliiiK I lightening Fleet. (Hi. Mech (II) and ',m' a * dentil iii Ji an the -Html *o tip' pi■ . Mi'ch ilt) iM i Fng! - I •)• Me! (Ill Kngls hn I'mhI i.- i ina*t-. linked Wdh *4 i «hat <• the r ' :«* ■ of Ki • M.niut.ietio nig Kngineerliig Ti.un'tig f'logirtM,. in pu,intern »uch m VS*UNT.T0N(/IV Vue .■•i \\ :/i- Alt t'efihr. Weiltef.d Msleiu* liigliieerlng Hb*« 31 %lt( || IU II M .1 dm Mar,i. y, m-» un'.: Mai ll .'it ; , ul«*nt tticliartl Nixon . It i i M i Fogi • bo llesigu 4 ollini Radio I'll: I :. Km . The i ,r!e. ' on ij e.u!\-p,ic e i their pain • rtnl Kt'puldicitn* Mnmlav Ioilo ■ •.»! i'ontr.tl Sv*te< l»\ Maiden Hartley , ill," ' nvHitt an early effort to lievrlopuient I nclurrrlug !/:. Mecil. Fllgl f.») .\1e- of ! tie AmcrU-iid b.-.n loaned (.on. (in* cilcc-. I (ill (M) \ Mech l It I aioc.d Ile- .gn .V I'lati'. M« '•>- (Mfei'. ove; look ♦he ) tnaj'U . I.»r H'e- - ■■|n:ted a.' til', work, li.it striate demneratU- leader t uulriiller's X Tretisiirer's He '.•hoc Ke-ei:ch. ,' , -he or t L-i m Johnson of Texas >.»«»! parinieul i . . < i; t t si t I S. 4 ,o\ ri iiinent ( elitral Intel- Itcln llcln llcl11 there ts "no possibility of ligenee A g r II t ) : I * ..' . . i l ngi •' iiiii' llo un* - \il ii ■' •r," or debate limitation, at • ill' (Mi Mm jot for \inli' m . .v Mi cue- (in i:\i), ti ■■'!> 11*.• A.'e.i St thin--. (O.Mci 'ii. llolils Initiation i .. net id .Old l .el \, , I . • painung ■cad, Johnson called for an % I'RIM II I %RliO SHIP the |e I ouhra Hinistrr l itlrl Castro said hr blamed the I tilled Jt.id.M-'.dig illTiee " Man. Weiieiii IIcMu-iiheic ■>: \V. II .(il.iveM )•: raring vote This prcsum* loaded willi munitions, hlrtt up at the I'an Mates for wlial hr called an act n! sabotage that mo,,'., and D.i ., processing • *t l-.ui one \ laincii.i. • i i .VI) . could Iv reached by a sor- (I)), Language, (oliier .'bad American docki in Havana. I nha. Iitil.iv pnmc caused the explosion of (lie munition* ship Sale* | iitiiiieering; Elect, il'.i lnolugi4-al *••• A Hi i- , (ie.il di i f complicated parliament I;, mi a:i« • i t Hi (Mi, ' ■ - Satuid-i- VI i .Old Me. j, tit) (Ml a'io*i • ■ ( ' 4. . ! v of V! •euvars which would Indlcav . . • I , tin S.• n*- Trfiining I'im, ■ apt)* (Ml ( fl> ntajo)- t ■ lb » Three i*; ov . e memo' ) ■ ■ : ■ M,iM...» * Senate's sentiment on some ■ caret) A Training M i ai ied • I mi. ve lev am*. , . , ' A •bet-:e,-(.j tif'.-ifi drastic <»f hundred , . ■h# more more civil rights a proponah Comparative Medicine I rdcrul A via (ion Agencv: ' < 'v lit I ami K'oet. (Hi e'i, • . f ■ S'-« toi s. related wotk i. (.! \ 4 vc.ii ) ii..ii • m i.le : -ill w«■! e lieu ii j• i ... nvr.-oiial Diem A b«m i.m, ,• and HHi; different directions. \tSl" *K.dttt u?i<»tt for lii.s ■ relict* trill t .. leg. ..I H A IN, for HA lev, It. II. 3|a< % A 4 o.. In* . I.a 4 .lie ,i"i -iH i J, •<><• batupii ' ' • •: e D- i i of *h« Mson stirred Hp the Republic 'inv.il et.iifercit*e i od. Accounting and lb- Sallr'i. All men and vvome • hle.l Ml. lea Tnbv. I)'-, «:r;.-. i Mini or I'-afioO Acs b» turning his presiding • < H.un the « oRce* -f o.d M- .l.e ■ ■ Itr eio.H i. In. mi in*- . ud iioui tha Union ft icer\ rhalr »ver U» a substi- rc'iis, ihe lu- of I Irasm Public Scliuuli A ' F <• Home i., s A A. and It A. I'S H, \v- ii,'! Ttie extrnsion lien .b> .Vi.l M lb -hie: on lull* and gathering four tntlurn Ml i Hit I! \ e C MIlC: - ■ iu,;:i. . I.I N; : . Hi ( \l >. Vo- '«•' I I'.MVUti VC 1t.lll.iU'.. !ji r ••:' .! f l*i« vairm, Ext. The l.UI'pore III e hiliii'.r ' lit! (.or members around Him . ' Mm .. i It) (Ml in.l/ois t" H> i am '-a ii'ig ' 1 Md-. ,»D4i. 'lo 'ta CummuD'd* . , to f"■'< " h.g'i e'hical st.c" - ihe rear of the ntherwise at- .on or, t• 1-.II 'idlg (KIMllOII Se - Sa!'- and Mattagc:\ po-i'.i*. ■ \ oil -i o li a (Hi (Mi S. cnee Mat'). . • I-., promote hi, h Kehola ' ) ,„ixi deserted rhamhrr. oi.i. Norwicli Pliarmaral to: I'.«• .- .ii !|W*V«-ineilt, I e!n'-|UJ age a t , ■I < >■a n.olllc i'ions _ Jfe* - galleries bu/red wvth mr. Km.;!.- ii-Soc.ai Studim inah- ■ ,i.i<; i It * majors t.c I'acko.-* ■ a11 ii rem a n a tha Un'on. Jn'riesl -n je .Ai.-'j, Nixon, Senate Hepu Mitiwtsl News |iii|M'riiit'ii po>iljons as !"i 'rachitic •u.' |.»r j.'i i'-naecutieal tiubi « .. leader Kverctt Dirksrtt of The I: h I eltbnnl Vlai binr Tool Iliot ho., try. Biol igv, .« and Sens Kenneth He..'- ••I kd due; !! hn 4 •• M. itHi (Mi .V F.av* 4 h,-m.'i-v a. I I'larmaio.o . TRY • • ■err H-NY > and John Sherman (K-Ky) fdt their lira is To Talk on 1 .aiior Issue- e.iiitinuing tight." exp'.mp. I» .». It. i M» ■ • i, Engi Sale*, for l( A- !». Matiul.icturdy; major* I'aeilir 3li»illr Range, I'.H. for relaUil Mmk Naval m .her. \\ Arinii'ettd. diMh of ' e .v Production, Alivkile renter! Flee? A. Me. Midwest -f. . \ Philadelphia, will open Ihe pro¬ u a te«ult of the conference, ItC'.ViJlMl-e: ' t'li'tege .d \ i !•■! HMO S' Meili- ill- . Radio ( nip »f Aiuelieat I .e. F-igi- I'tivmi'% A Ma h (turn teport on Ihe man CORNED BEEF f.« gram with a Iti. A Mech. (Hi Engih. -*v»n toll reporters he w .»* bri» f»si on current o I*fie opening d.iC*. sevsioti^ will . A- women i major* fot He* agement vtewpnint in "Ihe lor I>< ;-;gn t*1 ,.c Republicans to determine m»; l.tbor and .»>;••• v". .«• fe.iHlie -.even pupeis, itieilldln'. I'tiv ;ii's init)ofK gearcb Training Ihogram*. U hi k Rules Issue in the It ail « substantial nunit»er would a- MSt* *c".ut.f.' Wt-ir.e in tb.M-e oh 'be v i' • I etiology , .f I >• v eliiproeot SpCCIilll/. eU limit debate on the an- road labor I impute '* Tr.ni,dig I'rograiu. » 'o iniiu*e JeukeMi.4 and pit-.-ubi\» Halt a'M week t:»" t •; ...per i'ration's program which be . Countering with * view, reia'ion>hip t'« the prol.lem of II 4 . A. I.aboralorirst Elect. «^4 reomef 'a' te« f ore. \!..-»..k.oi Mech KiiKt •. and Physics in «• offered, FRENCH FRIES 0 cancer in general and on th« mm* twe-thirds ef theae pre. and pptghltonng N'aie- v.ton point on the *.one iviie wd! be t«o ; -.!• FiiU'lamental .M A|>* pathogetieii* of cancer .i.mo«,;,i'« n>t and voting must approve a a' Ke! tVr.'.e' ?. ,f; a I: Diner, of 'be labwr Hureau pl.ed Rcsearcl). cl with toxic substances *iu!e limitation. INrhsen rould thrtfough ii.i,ift»un-.io. •f.e-c of the Middle West, Washington. Republic Steel Sorp I Atvounting The second day will offer sen. ilff only ft share of the needed d urs mi tha' than tt I to* i»el - IH' Oliver al*o serves a*- chief s.i'iik on cancer and tt»e .com- i Hi (M) majors for Account* Ma I in ftay event. Of the sen- let aide : ■ a.-;.litre and rt'lr'st •» otuMfm* consultant to the rao - ninthly, cancer iiurMiig, t.utuor dig Try .rung Program*. TONIGHT!! •ir« t»« members. 3j are Re. t.icfn to their re.i.ier*. .ovoiditiij r- . 1 um m*. ooiuuttoogy, ' nil-- ipse photog¬ Roifville Public Sehnulst Flft'l. psMirans, IS Uemeerets. to l)r Jack SueNT. d.-n-" t o* !♦:. Abba turner. MSI' pio- raphy d miiJiguah* • alia and' (It) majors for Teaching po* xrksen mnis it clear he tV.»* the MsV I • r *rul f.-*.«r of e<\«noinic*. w;l! give 1m- *i'iier nosiical a«t»e«*ts of me 11-tons. S|mh*IsI Kducfttiaa >- ED 7-9841 :■ ;ght limit consideration Washington Hureau of lulled • » /'/oof Scientist. . Press International. «ivtm.n titration's program and IIIAMOM) MiLW.LS s out—as not gennane—su > Following the general *e*. $R.!I5 141 SI0.Ua •spcais as one which would MSI Alunuuis. • 'tvs, reporters will then meet In ifuiiiprat hill Hit It hn tne •'.torney general witn v. th program personnel for an lhainonil inivv cipoinl .tNsr 'r to bring civil suitf .n J tics in Oregon formal "t»rrss conference"• on PIZZA PIT ED 7-1668 "jhlft rases on his own 112.9:. o'he' vital labor'tnanagenienl i vr \ ren »t*"Tieor Rela« • siinil.n. — »«ui.'.ect at hand can be con- J ai > >t> Kxao*. who heUwd de- on* f(*i Newjtjwpcr Editors and I p.m. • 12 iiiiiiiiih- • •f!"■ J. 2, 4-li f«r weed * ntn Reporter* :* a continuing edn. ft Vlomluy, Vlarrli Tilt — (ASA NOVA No. 2 native o? Lansing and tsa* * ft l nr-il.i\, Vkirrli (till — I p.m. - 12 iliiilliilf MUSIC SHOP i .turn activity of the Michigan xraiua'ctt > l*»T. LK Kra..* AW S (loiiiniittee atartftd * bn l.ant career »n 1308 }* e** AsMsuatton and both t'h» »'■ Orfjun State College, nvovfii MSU laibor and Industrial 1te» REGULAR SIZE Center arid School of i'o.ilioiiM 0|M'ii •o toe University of Wisconsin Ltions Jountalism. VOW DURING PIZZA WEEK EiinI Grand Kiirr AcriM in J 319 and m 1334 txv/ono ",.m* for AWS activit.es chairman of the botany —DELIVERED from In ion Itldii. 211 M.A.I HAS I* LV3SI3G »■ committees are available nter,' »; the L'n-.vcr*.'* of Chi. Ma-xh 15. cagu. Yh'II Lsvt FUT Sl.ail 1.10-INSIDE Vj s result of the reorganira- The .scientist retired i rom lilt rot: amendment which «•*»• re. fruov his IKTrr in 1349 sn*t for ten 4IRDER NOW ... k - r - passed in a general AWS jui h this will murk the firs". portions nave been >ea:s returned a* vis-brig pro- fpssor .in horticulture a' t ergon S"-ate 1: wa. a' 0'*i -n S'a'r t MALCOLM MILKS lluR I,. Mirhiun I^mung ED 2-4HM>:t 20.t VI.A.C. KQDL KROS8WORD 2 4 i 6 No. 8 / ft • « ava.;*b> to the student 1308 that he i.scovered e Vairlc I 41 f.nghth mita *ARl VOvi 9vcdl carbohydrate - nitrogen giw.i ACROSS ::ee chairman.*hips are rat.o m plants that d?e-v . .ter« KNOUGH TO 9 ,0 HEELS AS YOU LIKE 'EM! OwMeggeft t g'-d »•* * lif| only to women students: oat.onal attention.. a*n.»* it W-U, u • 14BACK THIS?* '•ever, committee membersn.p Thc-e i« hardly a host:- . •..-a' 4 rra.iing. • 1 1 12 1 « '•> open to men students Activities carnival. Who's Whi o; ii'toOiCai sdmvety .n A" er*. a that has not hoo-^red the former * l,»rfci*ni» DOWN . yr" v ••• I va» A LITTLE SQUASHED.... 11 Jtl,M 3 W h»' III* Hi aish 14. »*D ».g*:r(t« " ■ < 1/ 10 Pe- tiooft may is Uruoft be picked up in rc'-e* of ornament a", plant*. 1& It U*i Or # W..r'W 4 E . rn r,Kd»» ■ 22 ■ 1!-«ri Kn«-I* 20 21 Unt Mm' 4. 4.1 nml torkrtmg Executive* l« 4'taM** uxr'ne* IT. r*'*y'* i .*-r«| • "t amo up to VI ago* lb* 24 Ma Jo Citv Pemet Talk* 19 Irgtrill'"! at Kw4»'" V* Jtulimwift 7 l,Ud „ 2/ 2ft 29 SO II r "*rs *! Mlaa and m*rk«ln/ m:- urili participate Ln a pa.'.et 2S M*«n rSadUk SI (i»l Dm*** a fr» •* 13 1 !,**• A- Ii od«lw<4,i* «n •at*-:-u-^f club Wednesday at *- tab* • K'd, Sft 17 T.»i»n'« g« *«•!»>' 24 IP £ s tnitt tbft 10 room of nbTinuaty 2« Dbmrnf IS Kng en ftrft part of • group t «• *'!» 19 ' ♦' rales executives on campus s# ilm • matiiigii? i» Di'iH 2i K*-MM«I.Im;< * a kalesmftoa#ement program, wek 41 " *2 lin.l ■ rqhJtnt&l S3 A ICiei ..( Wai n *' *'ill doacuM Job orportuu* •ait'b S3 Uei) I*ll' V ■** 3 'Jtftir respective Cekts. S3 >!44k-a *■>■* ■ TV»| X. U,.r,l,pa!l* •■laaaataaisiita p-i** 9* K*.: !*',•)» X7 29 Krwdt "t When your throat tells • MOIUR ir.VE If its time -for a change,^ ] • • • ACCESSORIES 9* II'.* JFfll »• j* rig * fl4 "" s< Jh.nle-H'- i • you at b wji 1 need - u' • VPIOGN ft< 2 vV - - '•* »• if IM )*ue.t you • tahjpvb a mmii • \SA%Hl\G 4" ■ J ' 44 9 (*«« . ie» '•* •«'«*« < a.' '»- •(» a real change I' -t m 4* I.UU4 1 OR FAST ROAD SERVICE C ALL LU 7 • * a 6.95 & 8.95 YOU NEED THE ■ Jiei liL.U'K OK ULU.L LARRY^S GULF SERUCE; ■ ON EAST '1il>l«lSl urM from MICHIGAN AT BmI Si. ratroiu,) LOUIS ■ * EAST LANSING -kodl/ ft;**', a ••'«** Hi.Uanr*..; .:'iaM»»e**, »*»«'. 1* i • ■ ■ ■ ■ • »v Kalril l»\ Soiiii* K\|htIm a* lta»ki'lliair.» 1'inrt.l I'Iiiht M U ViMvK i-l'i Kiuir vtiar* <»co tin# month .t lithe,, oaa! **ywl NYyro with rat quick ivth vc-. I*hI 4 Utucki >! ln«lintta|H*ii.H to its mvoiuI straight Itnliuita Inch school Ki- kcthall championship alul airtvtsl to enroll «t the I'm '" R'tMfx ot t nnnniati. some 100 I'll ilea to the soitthea-' f 4 ViA! wtvk R »r.»vit-on '•t f> I'll tvi mi intramural Hal»i'lUwU «( < Im'lllllitl li'llljill *0UC <• Hil l • ml tta'-U IliH II I W ilk, i Alt* ItOMl'ti Olllit It* .till .ill In..-, K tu' pit,- |ii Humihrir fraiu I BiirMih H( Schedule It. h i« « hiMtiti a hit* llli'tilHia Irimtilos Sri's Olhrr* liu lmiou i HM imtOi I>11 iiiiiii** to Start \nain*»t Nat 1.,iikI (hioh' )rm tin * It i» III Hmll lluUvrllrlU I I It \l. t« • i» i rtkii'h IIh- Oruili* Smllh. » ill hint irMlnl on iiilh i»» until t I. *>.»» • »» OUmi Himnt Ifi On* iMtgur't a» I»iii4 »< I'ttitlnrotf *11 tit" llfiuko l'» the IhwhuIi'I tict&Uw* ha-hftUtU i\*\ I %n>. ! l» tllllH > tt it UvtA I I itvfUtUR !!>i* «I |V i(* if ( Hsihi mi 2ml IVaiu t|t thtn II tt [ V*. H avt,»i i. hhi... » %• n > * ttuilrttnItl * t * in n tn t». t*t , tin 'I the f.«H t.r »•»> N «.\ i> tt- -'O i>iv o I -i.O\ Fuj. fih.i vaifit V<\ ..•!*( lk«'k« • 'f Mt GALLON COKE t tiilroi ( im-tiuuti %t t«ti«|* in.*«i ttf ihfiti ht-l.l |tif I kiHtll ht th«" fUtlrttl hit h lttH»l •« Hftttlttt Are of the (irttlfttiuii11 Hon i la 11; oi; oi; w.i i illflHIOll K»t*lv .lAtk I H tllll" •iwtll. t !"f \1:- \ Willi -• 111 l.l I Vli I III M l'l//\> . tt n«htt. * .ft t'N . It) I •>) t \. II '•» '• IM Results , II K t .•■•ii" > HvwOi ft. « I.' V t'Mf* >•' M M VARSITY DRIVE-IN .vtf. 0 »?• K I'aUJi t \ \ ■* I I O f . "I ) HI I l\I I.JV M liill I I l» rtir I'uidur littk fiHithrd with Jjll (HtlHi* lit II UIHft I '« 4 * I lit n tttt tit'tiid wHh No- %1 h*..i 1 i ,1b* pttOtl* 4 t>*4 • f > 4 • * f * 4 ft V i U f ut.- v *•*"• >". «■ Iff v.ft .»•-» Jt.ta.i,- »*.wth * K tmv 'I'fH* us-' -i-j iv |«ov\* * «,**>. tvvvtk, -t »hi. h «» * S I $ Uv -Nr o t intl'o *r«. s at hi1 .! YaiiUce Holdout iMantlo A HABIT May Miss Spring H. i»> omuinut mro Traiuiu cmangi OF BREAKFAST > itl '.hiuk iv'WevH thfm the \rw \ oi! hisi t'lti Ih>« !'»' noi'Vt't-v/.r,'.' Mn'ke> Mali?!*' c>m . N aiiktn s AT KEWPEE'S jit 71 IT* phvi-ne *,i I lis.i! nnwhf Jivi.f tlnon to sink «t i*orft|»b*uu*5*H over t r Nourv»n>: ontfleKit i>aiary iirnnohh >*v»n' v- • • < SiSlHHI SUPE R . ■M - \*>9 Ukf DRAKE'S i»* i i> n*p'* F T H Y L f'hisox Slate dome rtA '.4' -i'- . c-i Dwn rvrr.ni'>*.-, Kr»n\ V-, ■ *ivl ' C»4triA w C- - Hi--." iMieuanm ' Skt* *•»*»' Tonylon '■h* CntF.-;. ' W'SU c KEWPEE" Cafeteria •• '• •)> tflfVAvn the- *!»ki slakes. t;» l of the Drake kiiMfTSia. Ik. fatiH* IKt»\l - - *".ih Mi-i. » who . •.fits,...". Ail three «*• VM» id H * i3W b«t,usmt -VV'*.,. 11 (4 r. (Iraiiil Kit.-r tM'KN pm* *R«j 4- TS aoqoittM auna# U»e ofl-no" « A M Kl OKIVTKAMi: ( l«k For I'rrr*) ff una IHirtitj; >|trui£ W ill filter can Varalittit W as no single e Filters Fit i'tttt for mild, full flavor! tCONOWY CAR V i.t ( 4|ii1jI Air- liu<>. I'irk >'■ \V\r\W7 l|t lour .Net. LUWOttV UJte l'Xtil YV All tir h*<* I tnsm Dvhll F .'<•* &*% .t: IV Z\ Ik T ~ 1 1 kCt^6n»#. i ;':y '• tm Cf ACTrvATf? CS4>CVfA'....Cf'-r VOLVO There An vdk • Th* hif *#0 : Aliir Ita'l t*+m hnv-wp irf tn«—ttkmi t^at i* o W I*ay Tlie Gi. rtrt.r*MS yvuNe Sw too4.^ ivr % AJ ;>**- S**4i ih.*J t-*a n*» %«1* . , , ht«ir*dw*i» RtrkllAe tjk4k»ne .v* v>uf fchV far. Kvvr> «*«*£ K«*v! - r Extm fml NEW v»rfT*w tsiurvrt" pvKwM>i dtu. • A^ffcitwowL X-Ray SxtJbi cvmptAsv »S* .usWtl V* ;r»v •*%» BMtiwv cars. DUAL . Nv Sw WMtf RiKtSfef .WW. STRATTON FILTER 1915 E. AliaUG.VN IV 4-1411 I - ■ fc ***** *»«?*• - "V* Slalr (liKM-lirs Ajjree walker, Olson, Young \ League Meet Lucked Luster i • o et Banquet Awards i*l throw Mm loach inn Mmrr • Mht.i stdlr .nut I«m.i still won litis 1,1.It lie he,it thrill " Mr In Ihr w On iiftrr Ihr Hirrl vh - I dlftri- Idtluhs Imi Uidvrrlnrs Inssr.l In tin- ll.il V|i|tt<'lui|i"< Ma lilrd.i lliilti (txa.-r Walker, coM*d|»idiM of i ..; ihe be>t Sinnkm fi «•» • t!.• m i a lire Olsuu. I'iiniiI «iih ti'iMHiii In dn-oriliMirr wllh an ,uC« basket boil ti*viiit , uvciagr this umi llr nuHi- I til M'dtkrr. w.is iirrsriilril wllh Ilit* iilil |.ilr.l In * e ♦ r< Western CwnNireiwe n.i.U'l a 'itf peiovlU hx «M iivi«' Ihi- V|s| thiMiut |iiiit-|.i|iti)i uf ii t i f 11 - W •■-.II Walker wa* *.-Uvinl .i*. tin ihkiiioii (viiiiiv , i :>t' (••ttwr to hi* cm|' It»• tii»i»i'. • Ik. «H0 - iid.naU MSH . mn*t * aUi- MVP bi iiumiiIkm *-' tin- pre--, Is. Sjt.n UvMi.tiolUc An JO I tnf I » . 'Ill• I'*' at the tumid! ba.s- diul radio following ihe loi|i.-tn,« i'ii '.O.cuil lli'lll !>• St'limt ililtlll , Sdmpirt Monday night at •>, M.uue Saint day i»in^' It w .r in Orltt in t-anuiiij t*-noua tiouinod it tin' l'tiiii|in! thai \ t . on- I til I.•on In foiv "■t award was th«* mH'olnl of W.iikn tttso wa* no'iiod M\I* "o- in iM is .1» Ml. .1. I'.i re ruing for Walker wJtio was l».\ hi* teammates m , ,.n . • • l«-i■ t I..In. \ ll.ooi Oi the tvi moinvnu caiIhm for ptut- duo ted for the i'hii-.inn I'tUmm ' > l M It l.i I | till ,(I Its I tfu i i|ii-i ■ nioii-. oi in.on t . id MI < ii »n <*n ! U'ltU. Ihr t.-. i- ■ i I.- iiulvoisHi, , Mill ih Does Munn Furor ! ... i,. .'mi I*1- M. < • , 1 I In |.r»l S|>.Ml iil effort Irani ' \iiih'lii Ihioini (iiireori* W 1st- Ihlril itldi't- finish Ihr III* SI•* A| tllllt ItUil III klllll was In fin* 4III! i .ml mi illr t frl ti ikJ !•.!,> •A ilk,1 ihciif-:'. |, i-rm •< .ur kl .1 Mil VI *. ,!i • 111,:. 1 i Un tlk'iii), ' n .I,-.".,: Wi¬ r Nan (in) Hoi lit' |ii.ilirilit* tin I In- Ir-Aiii MHillfJAN VI'All'S Olllv lliilli liliml IArsl.rn f'ootrrrnrr I'lnm A|-| ti,t,f ihraili lost lis rlianrr "l .Ik ' 1 ami Post-Season Hun? ill. t « <-i,i |i Mi - 1,., -. ,« ll: . 11, ■ itii' dlltlrir* lot Ukln« Itir 1100* ftloii In flyr MMMls this scisun has mnuii-t bl.in I n,la, art.I his (l| ihlrtl i>l.in in flhlu Mtli tuil .',11 Iv, Hi* I f l ri .ii ! 1.(1!, '• I .Mill t'llin | to—|ui llti|iili- III COiilrrriirr hoi IaiiiiI.iI h it Iroiiht u ,i■> iiolhlitt. mut It, him rllliri in, saliskii llon of ki .tMin; llir A A * ..11,. ; III 11,; Hi* hii, ftllili'lli* a* ttrll da nrllliu dtl till sills It-is mrnul llirrr In Ills %tir<-|,illi rn-nl ami ullt dlso in Itinkryrs mil In Ihr fhidl r»rii| Iraiiif'i I ..u I .kin, i. 'i,nu i.,. i„; - 1,1 ■ IT. 1 • I I I- M:« Ii If an, HV JIM WAUWOTON ■tiiilrllili rttlO'dlloil •It I r ml lit g Ills M'AA lllir l.ilri litis iiMinlh W in.- If -,,l V I If. - i, i, . Mm nil Npirla tdllor h . . . ■ Ht«!• ' V.'ll !| In* lull. lluHl fill i»;lt - il 1 1. .1 i Walk, i In ill fl-ll i t,i km 11,1 ','tlll 1 li. I'M. ill* 1 . I, 1 i I 'l tin* Michigan State Athletic Director Higgle Mutm will not HI. till I ill l |ll I, « In; t il k 1114 1 1.!. !, Ii. • III • -• • A \l ,1. .1 !» • '. that ? 1 !• kolt'.ii: Moon U.t ivtly any that he D one of the mure rwhoual » b» At • itldctic i Mm i- *,., . mill 1, t Y ill.- u III *1 • I,'' • • i" '• ' I'tr i 1 h.,' i.h in the •'Little" to. Mi nil 1 fill! pet l, 1 mil M .f- reported front Columbus. Ohio that Munn did hi* , . "" wast ,;....ii- .-I.-I.^I I- . ! ! . I • t to atop the move t*» twin all ih»M reason compel it nut lb- ,,»••*•! Sill." l.-l I- .111 :l t .11 n . u, if: it- uinlri k.oU the balloting is arc rot. i niu ti .nut - kiilisi a rii.ii'- liji . V. i 11-11 ! 101=4 tn i:t it is our opinion that- Mtmn is not a -support ei of the * * A , « ! , ■,1W ■ i .*1 • • iilil. IF movement. Hi# background tit Western t oiifeieixi' Mo M, illllit bllKhllt dllriliu Ihr Ii.iitllloii ; 1.1 •* to prove this belief. «*> well a* comments in nuuie A'uh-i >o 1 .«I-..• tniii it hi .i* of wing the conference meeting* !11 • to- msH hi' 1 dgec. f raliilr al V» Vl-.nitt has alwata been a "bowl" man. He Miexes bowl " %* 4 Ir on vmh RdOirit 1 vte- i imi :t in 't help purtidpatltu,' Nchiml* in ntaiix xxhxn bow'D help the prestige of Imth the .school and it tali till' frirmls SllUillt In d In losiiii; "Vwil rIt 1 itk ,rdsoii tdlllfil Oldltt dll tow l».«it ' In- lull! NOW! 5 In uml •• .to 7 ril r he asserts. And the school'* ptH'keUmok doesn't stii 1 islii ilow 11 In ihr wlrr You've tin Novia Tmat Wau IIaiiio Dimoiini iii anOT5 Muiioh at all. 1 nut hi on- ■« lot ,1 liiuii rojtrhliVK I PtOPlI HI All IT' Munn offers the opinion that school* will hate a tM'fn-u!i art ri kttrtt rslalrit ' Ann. o.t to- Mi-. \tie iitintr job if NCAA chattiptonshtp competition i-< swept -, -.-M • Mm-n.* of Mw 11 tii.li m ..- im itrts f the circuit e- seenu logical to say that athlete* that d» it* to «im«t» So oill-l e way to the top will avoid the Western * ••nteten.v doesn't sanction national competition ! !u ■ .' tUU 1.11 ffu* Jl'li > lutay after the conference meeting Munn s.od that he \ M . '«■ ' .1 Ult lie tii'.i I,' A net think the conference t.s breaking ttp »u going m *« —!«• light Mil. An.lfl *.»!» Ul«* e Ivy league direction. H-Ii'i- I le#IM !| liliei lifltli' Hnh- s.;t I'll be waiting and hoping not." he said TVn Higgle came out with: itiHMi lit -if* who t" It MM I •'v 1 lenllv :l lli! tvi- lit - It ii Hmi 1)1.1 X| sI liOVIIt 111I1111 \ =Mi>|ti hi OI'W |M*« 1 Iri.ialns tor llir timkm Irani l» lh< kn-rii unit Richard Burton 'Barbara Rush •When Msr went, to the Uo*c Howl our student-. gut the then, with 1 Chun"' w •-. it-.i t fill I. Ills Mr I WdlrlllMK I'l* llil.iHrlii.H hoc X|>-l Mini- naiiir this .illri iiiMMiat I, iiiIUiik Ihr HON lent in ! sit v ►: tickets. They tvhaxexl thetilsel\e> I he sttalenls and I hililiillrrMMi lidl In- tllflli iilli lii 1 11 iii 111: Ihr y.Mstti anil frrshinrn In lh- |i r Airna llit-fr Is l«H »*•»•* w 1 >mh\ i wiiimii iiiiiii i-iuiif mi iimi oiim t were proud when we won • (•III k tall.*|ll|illHlk Willi 1* MUl h it tin- S|» ll in* .iilinisslmi i lidisi Slalr Nun |i|mlo Wlthm There was a lot of pride H»h Siharklrton. Ilk %K •fMirl* MSI* and throuk'hout the conference It was a ko«Hl la! rdilri irnrd «« U»i»*tMirt»trr of ldM» In llirii win ioiutii ol Ihr srdMin All lint lilt M»« I * It •*.» »' point." lli«* bdiimirl *|kmhiii nl in I'diil I'ttiM.K AM hHIRM AIlUN I AM. I ll 2-3*17 % lilnltiHlll r iii I dtliltlii iii roll « i * Cnvii'lI hiti' llnclirv (.lash tic IHiffv Uaugherty had arthinj: lo nay from the ence. "It united the Midwestern jurlloii ! 1 Willi \ -i llir I:- t Idiiiooi lirlll Mo Ic Slate Sfey T Singed llcre This t/icrnoon I, -. , .. i Mi- • 1. .«•>.: Mfwll angle on the official tans for one cause." ,1. . . Mil's, Moil! «• News down of the l(o%r Hi '.U' rug Duff) said the Imwl W a 1,1 <• i-.iii.I'¬ e a 5 t lansing phone ed. 12814 it inn *er\* ; 111.<.*>1 . MV I' Tin annual 1 ireen and W ite t.-a ke ! - a. ! nlgact. ed as a fine hast*, of com ll, . 1 m h.1 ' Kd.ii vi. M l -Uiim-i tweeii t In* 11 «•• lo an and v ,t| • -f . '■ c -< n! o. hci.i Ml.H IS K SI V — aim I IS TO,• KIDDIES 20c disappointed " , he pariMMi t»et ween the hi ami riiiU.li let lh»- cd-! M 4si.li ij 'The howl ha* heen of hall plaxeil hi the Mid at tin leo Arena lnH'muinr a: 11. p c .1 liovi'tll*!' \ dl.gllil sU.il !■!«• Nik I-1 I itH»' NOW SIIOlVINi; — EEAirilE 7:IS * 10:00 l|ilv, Skilil," wi thing for the confer* west and on the West I oast. \i\ !' 4 a d. I |. 1 he- llilliow team U , die Cvkl Val-»'!\ V,oi>*.- M Ml h h. I 11,11 I'dCflitr I HIST OI Till: ODIII.D'S 11 EST' III, MS a a a vdi.tfm. !.«,< mm- ice fie«* \ i - I " i ' I t » sink, hi a • ' in .1. W'm ' IS V -'I.' Wi V- Kwv, it appears that after stubbim* it*, fm ,.n the I! ' » . M . lieathftd ilk Ml,; lli t-a-i h . ma laikd ri us r i'iii/e - iieiii.in item i estivai.: >t How!, the Western lonleience 1* in my «<» cut off Its W l*r • iil •' : >'■ Vx.i A 1%«*»*11' • ic'uig the !' m > ■ ■ I ,1,1, In 'Ion Amrrlran .tr.ilrin, .t„r,l lluixir. la get rid of the pain. • li a' !■'!«> -rpi"' - • —.! ol ' i a a a r!--,k wnl! br J-»ha t han iii,, i • - IM Highlights Spodif^ *''■< Southwest Conference U having its iaiw 1 problem*. hi liimi Port i' »!!>' * e >« 11 * ..a-:*;' > it Mir IM »tT«-* y' of fhr fio«vf tlH'Jil *V >rjmce» for play. qval.iy liophi«| ond awards it "THE -1] a a a nil-HITS The Ohio State U>ken.«h team ha* t*vn . . . Die Scores DEVIL!" kihin IV. >»fcrd»kd II unit' ^ of the moat |v»werful ph\ sua! force*, ever seen. ne unw«'i W. I«»»4 sidi* (|. i.r —iv< - «*>*da Ccwkch Johnny KundU made the assertion, Ilrl-aul »• Air • on » *5 si UkS M. I aniii III* M Fttnk V-, "u'v l^tne predicted a twiuumt for his Cleveland In* Sun.hdr.i |M4> *!«»« M. W»MOO«iW — Odfci* iliir tOiliVdibi »» . 4 for the I960 season. He put Chicago no higher than OVUh«m« HdOM.i », learaace f II I "They ware lucky to win Usf year," the rai ..T>eViL S'S m e* mU * ■■ **t*r .said. f the +■'<■ said New York and lK*truit wouUi finish second and three -a*-' of|d#r*«' ; respectively. ti.n oiiimm a'rr head field-man. Jimmy Dykes, aiso picks his Hen- f 1 • - a tin\ division finish. LARRY CUSHION -stiiathmit adw SlfJHTINCiS IjlKIDS 30>f» A Inr IV S tllf T? I vc|f.T»T?nHT » ralMlr* SUrt • I M >:» - in biork wrsl of. srar* i in "THE I.OV EIIS" DON I MISS I I ■VSSBDRl off < lip|H*rt H e Will Interview On TEN STAR SPECIAL! ... ★ Fur Coal* and Fabric* (.It-unril and Gla/rd thursday, march 10 if .y|rn*i> Hal* and Capa if Raincoat, yiadr Viler Ki-|»«-ll, iil EiginHra: • Electrical • Mtchanical • Industrial if Sunk and Leather Jarki-l« if laundrs Sen i< «- For 1'ie.ltion, In if filovr, if Sluffrsl Tot* systems ENfilNEERINr, DEVEI.OI'MENT ENT.INEEKIMi if Throw Rug* sales EM.INKfcHING I'lIODITTION ENGINEERING if Alteration- and .Mending cost contkol SYSTEMS K I'HOCEDt'UES if Friendly Sers ice College Cleaners CUTLER-HAUUER Inc. CLITL (P MAHMFP ^ UOI*BMMIOmpTne(IOOK Haa -*nAsc*r Cash anil I irr, Pioneer Ptectried! Manufacturers es COKjROL e^| k»L«i xnr* — r uToos -rooru.. nrsir ^rers" 620 Michigan Eaal Lan-ing Ell 2-471.'$ MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN Mil SAT. ► Tlx limu « OISA WUOMll'll1* W -aOUHWS * UUM.K" MlfinOAN UTATK NKW9 March I. !»«• Fill Rli Itroiul hilt'lli^t'iicc \ olrano iMav liitvo WKAIf Presents New (lifted (hi Id re n Found Kduealional • (iausnl l aiili<|uakr Willi Hooks* Hot Roils Programs UKAIt ..III premier »ever»l new presremi. Ineln.le.1 orenllve thinking, » iloeunienlnry on n.enti.1 lienlth I'ltMU'of Allaillic Ill'llW'n Gifted i'hilrtivii iii4v I*' fotutd 11. >4-hoot., oonfonn fo (tie U*i'n- one on H.nl s jet* romho. lint lift 11 behind a gt'».*d tiuuk id rulf* Add urt» not ivory- k&v The creative thinking of HIM I Vii Near tlnrraro an. . the librae* tint 4: >• am.mii the "hot i'.hI and lea the. )4. K»M let Uo.ei I t.f |)i-.>i»le futon* .orpoittfion exr- Add -ilnh women me Library ' • • twentieth a* George century philoaophr Santa vans. Alf t * >nc . >!i ,tit.» ««lf the emit, affair,' Jltl'li- indicate-* IVM'41. hiM lh KJw-»t*th U'l.t • * -.1 Mf w I he eitt'i» tmddtng seUmtUit, niid imoii iaio aie lihel* aitots. Ibi rebuses on WK Alt's new series. The A it of Analysis, Sunday at s 0 m m the ,111■ 11 i. jMil l».« !),»••!' »•! the \ Haiti iff ,prnfesv,«i in of edu- t > in....- fr'AHO a thud tteoup of The ftrat program in the se. , i r»—- * ?i • ■ • - | Sl»0 hit. , , ^ Vritmli n. n,«.% MSl' •■ -4\t • "(•(. . it r T..t ». i - id T-fudenfit w hu ti to as ' Ttie th Oievt* intt llee I'sy llooks featured Nonnan (ossi.r Malcolm, *. • of philosophy at Cor .»•• „ I- •. , » , .1 I ..'I--, .if t. .,!i . .. ..f;% !.1 i• tua!1 University. A r.i gifti'd . •Ul.tlVtl I I .4 ' . . "Ttu* n h Krout* of flight, nt- iVtth'rs loeatod in all western The program series Is pro. . \,( .01 \ -n >1 .• ..IS . . 1' . i« Jli«fol /id-.tes.»no whom Kmopean eountnea will pttr- e.h by ttie Cooper Union, tn 'it i'. v fwhun! A' iuijl/at.'tr \'.t«o Uit. fn ; • do not rttwav lake !>•, ♦ tirfse osveholnnv books, for the adult education-public set. ,e II. i ll* S ' are lo.ot .'itMllve of «U. Msll lltn 4tv under the Farm- • \. .vhu group, which had among tu c. KlUph »4"l|,^ . ^ f'i.".! -lit! H. ,hi,li i(4 1.1 (.-•'U'htiliitiM-. in if ton I'luu ueeordlng to Dt, )y uieinbers Abraham Lincoln • . .. tl. .lilt* 01 ;• Htl iil'i'i »>! I t.ev ale ti.H.k t»uyeis find 11. hard i'hapin, Ubraty diri»e- Uublic Issues, WKAH's iif %-, ,01.1 varied.-* I•« !»«. «•. • •. . I r;o Mu rm..* f .tolas V', sot.tie humio, tor diK-umentary series ekamitv .v It-:; \i KUvt thll f lb.'. .WIT' nl'.kf, I! ten. e futt. ii. }»tHV^. eon. e.ls Phi* is part of a nattonal plan such present day problent* at I l»r*«" I .pall* led M lrlill.li 44 {.n!> tnV ium- •? tin ■•( » . t i. .1 mm r into **•! Uni*, to asMiie librarians that at least Mental Health, the problem^<*/ • • Dtp >|uiu«i4U hru- 0* tun '■ ' - adit v\ .• nn. Sot s' u.r.1 e'.n 't liter.iliuv one eopv of rill new titjea pub¬ aging and the traffic in, a><1 s.t \» ■ MI4|i'il 411 llllili I II «li'l t I II K lit (.... I. .. Ttw "letiflh^ were the fourth lished will bp available in the diction to, dope, will nuke p U .: s K < •: ■ t ilir t-4iih * »tu»l lutal.t br fuiui- j»i ...ii .f gtfte.t student* dis. osa- United States. debut Sunday at S;30 p.m. {.HI \ ' . h OI4 %»»f \<»dli » 1'1 s It .. ill iui'lude books printed Shorty Sogers, the Miles t>si I-.' i t M. * Vie «j.d that Hifhough !tii'»l i.i the .Si;«hd«navt»n eountiie*, is and lh»ve Paul canbos. , , i'o.IiMi's test hli{h on slaodrtid treni.4 iv. Sw it/ei laud, Italy and a few of the big names in J. I, • . ;?•„.•% a.e 11 h« J * to t»e ivi.i- o11 i'ountrlr* west of this line that will be featured on WKAHi lilltU Hi >it ,. . ' .. a. toe. ei * t klii- 1 lowrvei, there will be none m thawert Hall of Jasa progrst I luttii t'lliur NtwuU. Itissaw 'Thursdays at t pin. ' ttie s'ri. *«* UuifUH«V* •I. a no | thr stlxllt. <11. I C.tffo. V. i.nd'i.i. |k»U Franklin. Plyvnouth Jon. M.< e .'fnii tf14•. t ttu* i'e- More Ihriu M Itbrarirs are »ifil iiul H'Mi'il. (loin \* ».lir HtOifii.* 4...I % ,«r. tf.te id--. lor, and professional jass mun. l>, f .» at o.t.l* .. 11* the s. ito.'l prii tlrl prill tig suit #*rh hris hero niul til* lUu .in (hr *r4 bull It.,, • '"HO ,tk«''.«nt nf ''*%* i»<»;-i clan, hosts and pr\Mlu«*va the rt««»tfte*tlon for ■> »» lO» . I If.f 1 H i.ll 4l.it II.OIaI Assigned « I IIU'IOIII i lUltHIUItii ttl\KI(Mlt hi MX I lint I ie 1 h ui.i it |» 4 nil 1 1.1 nl. it IVrtlen t .li . . l» !*(«•»• * r««imriwl >' show Featured March 10 Will is ruled In., whteh the» rirr to he rr*|H»n*ftdr lh<% *|HiK..i .lit ptrt t.tilt t luiti.ii IiIh utit l.»»l liutk tt th. it lu.ltnt, .ituit H4'ii||ttntr 01 ■■i the li'ii t. .., . t.% nil the fc.; ' ft.-* iwi.pii'C must i't t».c the Pava Paul csanbo. tlx i ihuIiiuoIIkii It..Ill »|| | 111 t4K.lt. S.I.Hit III, If. I IlllilM 1....K Hist |41 Iff III r •tt.-.Cl. ^ i A* the*# new U»oks aie ac- arc lit. tiitiH .iul|lll.iim ittid. «l St.Httnl Mint In I iih loot fin ' tt f I'll? ,:•••! .if >•,*U-.1 gi.ui,. MaxV of them euniulatetl. a ear.l i« filled out tw¬ !%.-.tu tl' Iaii* rtint inn Kiituls Given i • •!.-<* to the National UllUMl tin d theme l\.,.i tii.l \11««4t«»i Hi.nl |.iu. Ninth ttillfiiio fni t.u w?%i-.n c-.vt. 1 mectiam. » m g.ntl in an t sent Mt.H'Mt mi tup »( lh«.h.ooe ' Mite Nru * \f« at the Iribrriiv of i'.vn* « I iOHite \pi»i<4lAtliid iCss-an-n the enttloif t'hiito .tl.Mat • S il* 1 . t'.v eUvtuMi..-. and I'riibu ' siie-s tn Wrinlvtngtou, III' Fttr (dintesl . • •' 4 '.1 ' . d V 1 ;v Ttie book beeomea part of lb# t the- .1 llnliau KiliirAlone l.wal l.biarv ' Chapin said, but Hest'iirolioi' Arrt'sletl . t .1 .1 ... HS 1 the •to.tdHis iT.Oi.iJ h ' t .. available to rvaeaivh work- Glendon Swarffwut, fnmn Th# |uut \ I * in..It 1 Aims roahtprr TUIII thr otiiiitMHil id J Wooiii • ihlt' Oe - t »,h mod«M4teU 4■'t a. . In the Streets' m e.nnintttee a'I over for the eoimtrv. this Karmington professiT and author of *T?.s» t am# to Cordura,'* and *Wks t hwig t|il h tiiu.ii U Kht»< t»( M4iUii% ht. Iiuithfil tp»cl In 1mK» Slrav l)tii» Salt's 1: • iMimiattou - '•• t v id Mar Two Children f.liiii programs lu%(a's that tn the fiilifte %%.:l tns putabllshed tu ttie H«»»t Are." has funds for the once deAout a a pwidf. o»< Use K4»t»«h hill t|U4iU. • « :»( %- . . M* f. M .* -•* lf i>>uiitiir« around the world. nual literary contest. \\ mi king uiih III lutt hulhl.Mt-iv \l.\\ II W I \ » ■ r !' , M , in. . -•«» .'• %e u» w. iK iaKe e%4- fVojMiiv* ind hteilma. two two rolteetlMiis ha.a res^eutlv 'The c\»nte»t. sponsored !n KllUf 4.1.1 til. 1*1. I.ltlu'1* 4I»U kt 6; 4-.w e-'vihf.mt hum the utreeN of beru pureha»ed %) ht« h will add n M l net Ki' 1 4 past by tne Ihigltsh detsenno1 - IIIPH Ot>4% Hi tp.pll.ti the ill I star e« "AI.mi# tn th# • the» * r not t?.» Nan . • to if.V |M%eh*Uu«« bwti a*all* was discontinued last ye*r b» i.rti the Mglfittiml «•»»« of the. rihle here, t haglu aaid 'l .v. it's. ,'iv. . .<«.%• f jst$wt#T the lt4t.AU film to b« cause of lack of funds. It w Mudl hit WlliMI. of t4 t.td i4. fViiiAv and K.4tor\t.«% v*oe oauutt of over 300 title* be revived for this aprtng I'jlucntiim a T'iti . 4 id V tn Km refold Ttirtiir t4rsWw4tUe* the two If* the . field of I'Jth venture pay* 'u'li'iiv ('."ii the private hbrarv All undergre%1uetes regu'e enrolled during the aprtng tpj eligible to enter the «>*>>» l»r i'hauncev !ttv~ 41 e is.su. to Meet !*• . of jiwwu'r orinujoeiwv i.f; the late I outfit, fiwmer profea- First, second, and thUd pr i- Hauls i Imseii 4i»»oUi( Khi I'm Cw *.it«-teeo» of hi utile* dduUs *■* t»l\'fV*aliMM 1 ivtiite. a"i of i»v%hi'!.NfV s' tf.e I'niver- w til t%« offered in three a fas. It Kelltwu fiction, p.wtry and assay % -• I!• tnota, Indiana and .v and Hlptim* 4'r * 4* tor*. dents sistanit thnrt none I'ur l ureer »oi' ■ • uinuiiiw id tf»e va t \\ avne The other State %-ontaina more than ' or may essays of any length; Tr O* haf «.'tri 4 i ' » I I'vfi.e 44i.t Unwei *H|t|.tird i .A(h» title* .»••* iw.% fiolisgtval re* tuav also sutsmit either .«># 1 b v »in Sim i» rh# wiren- or a groin* of not lea» f urniail i.i.Mr tli4rt ;t»ii .lug. 4the. t»» the 041«4l.t kerit.'t and the euilas'tfon ,-t tns «tit.H.I of mrdl.ii%r he > ».«■ i • i t'f 1% t kI *t*.i > ami ilifh-'Uil th# four short p.wn»a Deadline f the late K-vhaid Ionian, pur- f<#i>4h| the ihiuiiU lt.»i»» tl>'; »» fMhe .fid. (>1.40.4! muiif b. Kvaneo the sutao4»4ion of manuecslp'a Vsv» vhas«\t fr*»n» the Argosy it»K.k- > • . . Ml n*idru. iu ««thr» tun«. 4tut »r 1 oiiitrl• t i* ptartNl t»v Wi# S*io* Ai.ril store it Ma.h it . •old the Id l%» A it# : .-f th# oS V<. e* ('ivhwtia of Hunns h egMup.!.' V . %•»«. u MSI (> Lucky Strike's l)r. Frood to the rescue: AtU'tuU l-ll sun iM.l.vf Mill (he MUlkri Foolproof Formula Simplifies Chemistry Ob v*M»*w(aic»l in ih* pttrsliae* g*iy*t»ut • ' ttUH w( the J«h sale* |hr» Ukl V VtU'l. A tie w ** uni.k iie ot liuwtci* S't atsxl M n V • attvseU "atAiVo.es ■ t* m the %•• o '• ' is .*0.1 liiAVVA .« <-• \i. WS»I\J >IV ♦ It Dear Thesp It b al a 1 . • Mi.nip:< .• Dee* D» Freed l \.u'.'> what t* the Dee* D» p»eed: 1 rif" ha.o'g i dtffkuH see throe )«mV tole yea* pvt. »«* i.g pko,»: w adult wcstrrn* and • dolntrwe beewsvn i.'swo* > Wfirt1-'Ngs. '*»« , « ». '* in We are stud*tog th# eriMt, ehte ptoytog "Ma fm" Mw 'svf d S'NI ouevtH' wt • hemival pivwNtit** d mh a«v! 1 ha%e whrit I tUppCstf JsM WvHild K'riU jU»C0tK Kl'.ICIOl' Uv>"* wbet!» ov.iuscd v an >ou help gesdv am to toe tot "MaMtoi** Ktof t ki*-i7 6* •» . foe UK UAWkoUuJ rikltb ' plays Mm veto. e««a ere mtmmmmy. b.« • * %%f intwrH.1 %»>» ». f "»* .WW. **«• I «•«*•» •%■*:•(< '.*e;»t Ivhs*.*, *ti,.d« ( WttUvl Deer Cheeeel lt'% tie lew* He kern im e«r«uW anhnw ink* a per eluie m»s* «e a pa he* hsu la adult srshfe, 1 am frtendfv. ffot* WALLACE OPTICIANS th# hrie's lurtMoektng hare 1 g.wng. totoram athtotw. well to do a-1 Pi tn. h nttw. tiiw at t lu*p»'iS agi nM—i iilabooahM tohydov»ti>- ••PI««"U»» *.*.* n» 1 1 K*dy hdtoma? . H'.. WV.'.O 4 V M k J' •*f 1 \4ialMtWH» i»» .•«» « ■> ' eno * A""« x\ ( ka%< «. n-% u(t>mi epteweifkiS MM'O *!»fliii*'vi' fl\wt • rv > 4^ ' v u.p u» 'w '-V •%• > "• i n i\ Deer Dt. Preed I am gKwng %«ot f**r »S« VNs cb pfcay and he%e bevonw uuetwied iv e Ft Cl-w. •>*" A".-* « iWstfc * !-Av VVi-vM IV • scftool %>< avtrng Coukl . . »*,'»NM"tw>iAy W* meet » »*t »p « u« Uta "Mashtxl"' v - h top goKerrvwenl Offtc a;. sou tail est hoe the differs ftvm «*lt- T*s%s«e wvU '.it* • Mf) avtsng' Unlit Senior lmT|t(ioii th-* * H V'^. , -v D—t lew see lake las parts ef Wgre TVya A t-T ii gi 4..U Jivvu^u' tv.««»V4\ '.he Vv v ANNOUNCING AN AU * • *'{ A*-. woUMI y »•*>.♦ V-i-. *' '■'» « ' Tale •%> *yeet '• r.*'n * d . Ms* « lvciy»Ci''t'nv* \*ifsine«ki . «• j... %• v The* w • . ' DEPARTMENT « TA»e usforn'riil *».»v a.*g w -. i, i-H tvp-it NEW NOBBY i-a bxk* si CowHRI »'e>*uiuU» D.tiurr in the Kjth'kvlUr MURRAY'S WALLPAPER I PAINT Oeee Tees Oa ue Pkeee ED 7*1311 Fer Praapt \. W. rUMIK ••naad flHt «f ML L»«**I TOBACCO AND TASTE TOO FWE TO HUB! Ul t. MKHK.VN A\r. IV ".eytl „ Tr,mrr , Oaktary Sanies Ta L Laasiag PWslf 'sf Psrkiig Actom the Street ui the v ia* Pirtiac 1st ©a. e e*