Fag* HI* NCAA Rcponals ^ Tlic Weill her ^ NVI\ Wp>| VllL'lHl.t .(Imifly i»n lif|tiibhrniis, i»M»vtmn « cuin- Il.-f.'iil I'r.-.li.-l.-.l luumiHf. Tni.n»l«> forml ttl ciinxciuioii plan thiMiich llm SiMuitt* a lonsfltul 1011- T t/jL , til ( loliiri- Villi* oppontvl by niii.it Ucnincratd. the OOP probab' «i§ % If w,m.mV* W.SSHIN'C.IIIM ;■ n.» U» f' i ming Kimiiedv* .1 Sr n tclkine .Ii- tlll.lllr iIkhiI ippt civil it- notOtop rights Tur- - M lif' iiio iov) .* ...id rt (to Thin '.ho i if. 'I p.in.. ,1 \ otr on whetlici- to Nixon Get v> ' * ti.il t AC'.i-I the filibuster bv South MT If . I.T.1,,1 I. •„! ,ng Ointi. -t & F Victories ^ re -i •» j ■ i " ■ ttiui M.ntf.l Ke "t i# . foi.ills iMoun.l to a f'.iii ,i? ft 10 pin if?, r lit southern Ih ii; MWfHKNITH N II « »'' CI I' h.ld kept !'.«• words flow ,|M» \ John let' to »»\ en\ IheanU i.t Keimnlv Ni | lu-lniini; Vl.'tol HMaaO om nit.I tea *« Men. Ihiri rpt - PL fll hour* ill.I flic ist us e- 41 - xrih.il minute- nx or Sunday marathon The to Senate l»« IV lite I mi \X illi.tui* auailrd lit# e.o ill Nru lla Mpthlrr'i ffirst - >*#*:.' Aw civil rights oiqionenls far mil Mian as "unfair and .* Iiairsli la^iit %nki i *M'W l*i im ill« vh«a>rr and J«ek mi intrttr. iiarlhrularlt fftln^ lit tit'ihc-iu'.ion pivnU-ixlui' |»ri» lasted I lie prri ions champion MtWbrli «rf Ihc «p|N »«>h >• *p«"u lit llir annual la|i|Mna nf Un¬ Ihr faer ••( tniftulai smliinrnl ' lalkfest, fhc 1951 filibuster Irifir MM pi# tree*. Nr rrflrrtril In |H>!llltiii rrt.nl* «if sgainsf an atomic energy bill. And thev did If on a rKlng utianitrd Montr u tulrrt and Ilial liotk NX hour* ?.l minute*. tiile of vofio which oliarrveit % Nt'W t(»KK CITY street la the setting in tnrldriit from "Mtreel Scene." Male News pliot.i tonne hu«lnr»Mitirii The recess until |'3h AM Indiana Silc of Mi-i l llt»l predicted, on the ba*U of rarlv which Jav t rank CurrrllA. tl-ri l lisahetli t'arroo. t'trineiiU, anil Audi est trteisou pioii.n an , b> loin ArntslroiiK fl'SI'l tixl.iv was agreed to pv >ip passing !fii» bin h* return*, xvould fv.-eed th«»ve the Democratic ami N. I Haiti i t-'.l e Itepuhlicaii cu»l lu the I9>H prctlilenlul pn leaders after o dav of parha- Utile I N to Assemhle «. f.uilt, |hr puitmaal .fKisialiV# b'i t it hi» mahirltv m hh'h v#r»!.«i» tfir i.'' axr.l ? he la-agtt# narv in tht# m a to N'Xon. unoi»p.oed oil the Pr- Allilclics. Hbcriiiiiiialion. IKUt men tar v civil right* mancux-enng a. I via-ate* in which succeed¬ puhlu-Rti preference po!l liatlot, ed in forcing .i vole on rhrture •' W ne. \ o'eis an.! ihr f •••• A tfrxuip wiU rvpiv-en! MS| lit !h(# l.Jttlf t'nltfvl Nation* . f o outdtftnneed New York t|ui ending toe debate—<»% Thurs¬ .. Assembly ti> K' hc.M *t Imt'.iu .* V'.# \',!i annua;! cue .»n the h ••» I nuor-il v Mnrrh lo, U, U. Juniu it t **sh#rii\£ pri -'nu* tiamtK If he inlu'.n v prDti.ttt ilnvr of Cinittttrre# Nelson If.H-UefeUer, nho reenvtd son11* Kenned* w i d#-,ii vote* t imp i i.e. I hi* on'* Leaders Cover Local Topics day morning leudm* of Imth parfic* pr#- dlcled defeat of the petition. *iM \»e-i- if. I coin- £ »Uli CWiltpu*. »w cocwplete* v i* dc» >#«*•*• h'"*j Chances Slim (i ■ mu*i* m ! f » on t"tar ballot rtx il. ( htcn*o m.tnnf i. - tiuer Paul Flahrt, In llie lH-np>- tha p. ••Hut * ho AlicillCiiu Si.i I. • | doubt t will drop out ■ I ■ ,i|M»ro\cd hnnslm* h. Ncgru, fur cx.cn- • Vice Iheeident Richard Nixon reportedly took hhu.Hclf out of Nn !i ttailos Ortpiv KepubU* >n athlc . 1 struvtu.e d th# t'n.u*ii \ crati. tK»pular1tv rontekt. should the squabble. For Fi"liteen the con(ereiue ICgllldU'SK report It to the » oV«! , s Sena I r .tivij'pi ■stern i ilcun. v, Hi# Ki t to III# l.easu#-J»y« Heave X'otlng jv.i* reported inattun hot m n XMi,.' h .pp. n " office and the quarter*- The eloliire more will fail •i g, . N.X!V«flVC #»»»?# t«* MX' u - • v.r»Hioal i* a drlfgat# a»- thr.mahmit the state and all the N A Ai l* * lor.,I Ail-Hniveraitv Sin.lent Gov# removed fioni ti.e ap- unless If |#|4 ih# harklug nf trr pn k. *«Sf uf f i %.'.tc* MOvfot tJxcsMi*'»<*ut Uv .vh. * "• mww In Mine Fire je.M Or ecaie t ■ plan calling f-«c »*!»• each rutting S#o- * an* pointnl t»» an aatonUhlng o»i!|K»urlng "f Votein for an sto.es arid < < hltghtci lum con'io- Tuesdi.v's ernnu-.it ,; presiib nt .od and State, News clitor-iii- Hill l.ivm- "If Hound Tabla Iwo-fhlrda nf the s#natort pr#s- eut. Huf unlll Ih# Thsralsv vute, r th*: * >■ % a . ami linut# diatricl —144 i t rieitmn without a niajor eon- p..I Tabic meeting chief l» IVtoi Wattcrs fin- e NAACI* < at Irasl. senators will h# ahl# I# I iV W VX \ a l*» H,» .f . tnter«at,.">»i ' a te»t i i u« I. p.ended Mo tor id* at and gri some sl##p at nlghi. W iN lit i'r#n#*-*; A• M-.tfV i urny OHifv *M !»»•► -■ If f»iiltln*al dlt talon In Ih# »#• the total might reach-—or rvrii M ,.M aebvitv m ..llm -p.>rU. !• Hepubllcan leader F,v#r#M •• i■ CMwrt of iu»' '■' N\ Mtllr i out r nlnni fnlloMrd Ih# 'lie di* »urpa .« pirvtmn primal c t*. evident John 5 llanuah Dokeu i.f Illinois and Aeo. •• »* cut #* *W #% »•••»»» ' |irra#n| iiallrin in Ihr Irffalt • # ...1 of !.!«in»o estahlbhed in the S"Ut|l .1 .by. .ts iff-NY| after ibe» said |be conference has an tm - ■ <<*rn etoK*» •"» -u - ' fv toir Rrpuhllrtnt ttnutd hat# I I MX"* "Negroes have • right l<» h# hmklled piMtaut academic fnncibMi as with the vie# pr#.t(denl , Etude-v* «- * tturglH of 11 in hi The optcmoe of tf»# fullMiHg HiilitMpi and mii*l krrp Hie f.»r I'll minutes in Ih# rear nf tji# again- v. ell as Us toiler- know n s|n»ris i »- and v# t - ' - m*« not aurp'Hmg. |>ut tf># turn¬ of sp. prrssui# mi snelelv if tliry wish .Senate chandler I • pre th# dr legal# reputation Nathans, jv- ia,-» A- »'«-"> out of the voter* w*« I he latter conic. In .ii liter e (nil IntegrsllnN." lie Diik»#n «!*.» fold pewntmep h# • • rarh arnalo?- It ,* Hi wIhm/% have a prmn other »ay , 5 m m» appnentlv re*ulte>l fro th¬ tie ut icaderthi|t rule anion? rt»# delegatus Me- ' «•*'• tu.ii «'\e charge* ba Gov WV»« made the irp>nimnuHlnin ,.i front of stores which have no rectlv on a northern coalition'* Cohrx, Vu Tu Nr-** i ' - - an.I Jar ree. RdfHibliea'V American universities," he saol, >« an!it ft mi the poaitio i le' INnvelt. Nixmi's state #a»o- la*t weekend's loop nu-e'dm d ' connection with racial discrimi¬ luopoMl to allmv the attorney Keticy, Mil* IW'.yvm * . > although our athletic^ ties pro¬ <*r ahrtt hv Paul Hagwrli. party f>a«gn nianago, tfiat Kennedy I'olUiPbu*. (»' •. a'n faculty nation show* lack of thought." general to initiate court action if the vide u* with some fine neartiv lU'UUnKUfci TtNMM. Th# *• * * * wa* ' soft toward t omnmnlun ** athletic ad vpci xotel down After the meeting, itailey H.HI to halt anv alleged violation of <« ed bull h«Ail, bv the OOP Su-e rival*—one "( the reason* MStf ;■ ta to# group '-* IV IV a. ma! t onimitirr, and by Oov. Kmii>edv refrlted that th!« WM Hose I tow I part . patton l»> any representative John Home su^- an Individual's civil rights. vn.'h of th# Sc.##* \ta# hum« ifirr Ihr hUir nude a i c.i I effort t»» Join tho w«« VX 'Nrn* a smear ah-l Niton * office u- Western t'ont.-i.ow e f n o t b a I I gcNted to Hannah that a mas# Javtta la «n# nf Ih# prupaaal's T.variment, group " dit.xtrfril rrnof rirwt Mrt# 1* rrtoluticnx tba*. m;g ■*. >u«'l a statement repudiating laam. meeting on discrimination be mual fervent aupp#rt*r». KHrk- Hepurls or distention between . # l < Might Of VI# thive-*i r fiMrrtl I# thtMlun an iMrmfl Ihr taragoe-J*.- » charge arranged on campus, with the wiU h* *'» *viar«r-., ' ho e rmtavtird Xlmi.i said he thought the m .identic at .i athletic personnel *en appaara II. K# iwi lien. e renew rraii l)i# Itapftrd mm fct an ,.»r proiH.. .1 flrtt teat fUttr-1 by With 3* of the Mat# « 300 p e- III universiiics • has been blown (iresldcn! n% a speaker. Hannah I.yndon Jeluwnn sf TtIM, Ih# General Ammt" n* Oi.ive was made !« |uole«l ruu- #y tW#r en Ihr np##%Ue «Mlr wf we.foil and then f|*0#ne.l on a <.ni'» unofficially tabulated. out of proporUbii, liV llannah agreed to try to schedule tha Demweralle leader. - t.ilf*. writer >f Uv W#%r*.ni. ihr m»«Mita'n thuut fit# mtlr« tfnotly of polies in all eunfer- •Ten! Niton J .Oft 7 . iirrnivf vote of a'K fdvogtni »nd had votes m the Np«t OurrAa at Newyeex* l'»m ihr Kmlrnkt hatfrf tarr sport* "It Isn't right to re- said Hannah again declined fosta'e J.ivlts, with ogreement fron 2# agairwt GOP preference poll, and K-reke- "Tfiere s* only a small Dirk sen, saol he Is fiiin#, strut « football ptavrr from convinced • \ < !**a' V I-..!, m oih#r Repubtvana fetier drew onlv l!« wrtto-m*. itv favoring cither complete!* a-|M)Nition on rompulanry ItOTC, Ni*<»n Is >,» tin pfeCfXMhngx #**» *-r • . •• •■<• post *ea*on meets and extend in answer to a question by Vet¬ "absolutely for** th# ■be-! of In r« i«rec.m*t^, Krnnnl* piUrl academic fomidelely athlo'ic the privilege to all other ath¬ or / bninistra'inn package now be- * »ue *« $*«-■*•;>. de*-* eran* Ass". IbiMilent Bob Roi- liOl put up I.#54 votes t«» 110 for Fisher letes." cacelleiH"-#,'' h>' cooonctited. f'ire tfie Senate This provide* <•>##1 and talk * t the bagn lb« ihr > 'ot# W, Kennedy's etrong af»»w»ng In Hannah replied |n recent re- for num.appointed referee* to ;n iwdrnt awnsOWpf.i ■* '•«#* "The defense department now "no ' Ihennvrali the #«riv returns raised the lie added that he hop' ■ a »" ■ *ffluntx.e* Aft*-* v* ■ poils »f racial discrlminallon In think.* H .* neressary," ho re¬ •■sure voting right*, hut alto sibditv Utaf he would narrow form pnhev is maintauo-.l in -id university-approved wrt-campus would strengthen court desegre- .-•a*. wmiliM rsate»«i;o ■•' Tb# Menaie. !*#»*# rrcea.trU tradituvnal rorifrrenre spoils liy defeat : _ plied. "It will inobalilv incKlify the margin of at housing by riling passages from gallon rulings, cr-ck down oq be rtviimd »•'; wuit *-.* r»r chinge its yew* in months \ . r-:« ' * *- .-'i fn h • t etn'Milu# «tork. killed a t». I least 2-1 enjoyed by Mexnihliean toe all-atbleiu * ban ami even - Hie buusing irgulallon which hale tombing* and give author- * toe ma ami genera* aaaeitdfcy iw' ngiiMUtemefit of U»wl priv¬ or yea. to c«aru', hilt 1 won't I" Vn S'-anlr;- RngyrBf (D* randtdates over their IVin.H-ra- forbid approval of ouartera not itv of law to a commission Nix* call them wrong ntrw " Honir#mcfc) deaigtiet t. . #•<• He «»in«»nc»ita in past primaries. ilege*. open to students of all races, na¬ on now head* to eliminata dia- red lap# in the d.tn o*. i II411114I1 said Ibr lisenhowe# ;rt t|»# m-v«s**r.» * If II a»a» tionalities and religions. rrimination among workarB an MSU admiiiisiralion will probably tia^i «a4it!i#*t#t a! of circuit court b*»l.fla m VXijot sn^.r* U, S. Rescues Russians pn.-ju- He *md that Housing Director avoid the qiiesiloii of lb# Peres- government contract*. fctf* County Turn Dutch had nut received ie- Javit* said he wai unaht# ta stly of .current I '.S. defense pol- ■ rpr a u-sr-e, th# impfcct m#n TSe Sena!# pd*s»d *nd pouted r.Mt ctNMplaintg on discrimina¬ b jr. bul glial Uie following on# enlist Nixon'* support for lit# w«U ttoti* Uovernur'a dead • bid a - Brief; awrr ufr ia an area U* ihr tion. u>ove to shut off debate. Adrift on Pacific Ocean Will prohibit iauM. pr vf'Alihg the balance of to# "Such practice* have been "Civil defense In the United Nlxaa Moadar #wwwee#d-*e. taiarv vt the Ut# Key* Ifnd IV.'t forbidden both in homing and TWf UlAr4 mm# •#♦#- States today is nonsense," h» puMleana la aampla Ike toap#r (R-li.iv(. l - >> lo Vftptwn SrkeUuled jfcm rarrxer Dcparlmcnl r Ogrwi «*.:* lam *^,• Atgam, «ml K's# W* '. S#. wcr# # j m ne rwwtrini a* the ear- Th# m#o w#»# l#ani.tt against the resfmm.-b.It'y, but the #rtd result •- beH#r if th# military Actually the civil right a tussle could go on tor weeks to eoma I M Us# ' -* •• * m. lb# suparsfrwetwr# of Ibeif boat **-• t ?to4 N#n cwatacvM #r ifrimH toward San Fr»n- The Department t'm- doc* take charge " *#♦. What ended tonight were C*rtor |m* • to^'hrr when a twin-#og»n# navy palrol rlMAf## an* abo «rgrA tntorettol in fftrtpf ru«x «1H b# f»rs Each Imt to id pound*. r#-t Series will present th# New *f «nvM. >« f !tl»* Ciypt Hound Table also discu**ed the round-the-clock session • ^ »''#nd. Marred art The *k.pp#r «f th# K#»rsarge, plan# from lb# Rearsarg# spn(- Woito a,.»wr«!r#d to# Art. h#k| i-vtay thrbujfx rtfday from York Woodwtivi Quintet, win 'he pryp«)*rv} Michigan .Stale which have gone on sine# a •*^" >11» kravf tb#-:r ap;.#itr*_ . Cant Robert Twwmsrnd nf liar- i#4 them I *•• miles west north¬ ;-y n m m to# STtrS room *f pianist .t'lann Freeman. Thtirv- medical wb«*ol and heard a r#- week ago Monday, with anly ♦ t • west of MMsi*. Island hngen, T#*a*. nieteaged the(r day The eoiicert i* scheduled |v- • Hannah i South Amer* Student Jtonrtee*. A «>« dollar on Sunday off. ftnuUm* Chmtgrd IahuUt* ' Counc pa^d *i tin# story to Pacifc Fleet Head- The Kearsargc. 15 miles »*»,. for the Music Audttoriuni at 8 1» u a ti ip ru»h lee mull hi Quarters at Trarl Hsrt*»r change i emir*# and jaunchwl pm Ticket* may be purchased ~■- trtwtrBw W The osen said they were on re*eue helic«i>ter* Lhikl RerrivM Burn* S't Sftrine Tern,i can* at the duo- for $) Student ad- Ticket 'V'Widar daMt tm Wea caaag* i ■ TNuraOay. Ail a*u« f r Stoiaota Utofward Id includ- Eighteen iocorttie# will lho'4 Irsiahi eseertaes In a 3a-foo| erwfl off ttoeofo-To aboard The liuibsni and given were hoi taken soup, mission t* by ID card The New York Woodwind Cxcluinpe From Sealdiag Water rukfe Alpha Ch» Oneg#> Alpha •* t#r-a irart to turn#.; tH affto#. ataaMd *■"» •■* ,n toi c •«#*# »t>r Lr»d#r*h.y Trauolad a ta*. r «priRg term. IV.ta Px» Alpha Eimiton Phi. Al- the Japojtese 1 the Kortles. Hokkato- Island north of bread, coffee and cigarette* The ranking soldier, M Sgt Qu.ntet i* known a* the out- Hand/fig ensemble of its kind on llefiin* Tlmrmlay D,v!d Jacob., ■(«! (our. MtB Cherry I^ane. was taken to tcfetoSuf1# dfw.u=i !**-'• l»r a Gamma I>r»!a. Alpha Vert►- A severe storm swept them to Victor Z>g-nisehi. 21. a*ke*i firs' Hie concert *!ag'- today Mem- Tkke's for the fgimoreu* Or- Sparrow Hospital Monday after* r^-^r ^ ' iPi, Afpha l*u. Ai|•* David Qlag» programs, oar*, of the Iartur - and second degree burns Vrtv Untuf Srf in Oceu fty to« to*i day e^f I-MMI Delta, Delta Gamma. Delta Zr'.a. "They tost cetiroi t>t the boat cepted gratefully. er. clarinet. Arthur Wci*bcrc, Concert serien. will be distribut¬ Spartan Village laundry No. 2, Gamn.a pb.i Beta, Kapj a Kapp« and were swept out to sea." The other three Russians were bassoon, and John Barrows, ed Thursday morning at 8 30 at the department of public safety ha:^ Mfef#rte,1 "They had identified as And o n y French horn the Union second floor check¬ reported. dtotoeta who trill aaaumt cam- S.r'» Kappa. Zeta Tau Alpha «)l,r vodwa. three cans of jerky Kruchkowski. 22, Pvt. Philip The program openx with to# room Student* exchange cuu* Police said that David, son of atnrtewi at • jjutv Ttutr?- To be e.-stole for ruth, a coed be* f and cw.e loai of bread ' The Punlavkki. ?d. srvl Pvt. FYedor Daiiz* •Quint. ', in K minor. Op. p.-u G for tickets Marie and Ray Jacobs, U!J* Ctuon Art rwr. piu off'm cocMUitto# rhjurw-i. uul Iheir 1 vu' 20 N'tl^yfe ak F.ngll.'h fc7. \ . 2 M Mio Freeman The Larnort'ux program will panied his mother to accom¬ bio. iauu- aurpwc o? toe a#rt/| *6.4 crg*-;^.a!.or sr»«at«tr» *Ha must have a t» o-poiol all-e-j'- navy ,oniy water was '• * irse w.nu-r gathered from The KcarvJfgc m i; •;i the qumtet :n the flex'. be April | at 8 15 p m The Ch=- dry and turned valve to - -* » fkvtbp Ortaflcd' pUr-. 3vat# db;':?#! 7%r ?- an . a t* rnmlfpl i* fn~r«,ide, on a a ■mm u-T. A ounvocatioo will be held T^e Russians asked Tuesday frum the Far* East" afU" »>x .. on. th# I'ouii ne "Se*Ul cak'» Symoh'inv w.i! play Ap-'d hot water hoc. The water rush¬ * rtaru* loiataf cturve u rrvd-t o»ur»t ta oJBtxt\I is* V'tt 4i* t-M CAiicg* << CdiaraDOB mr- Ttor** Mtnfi II to acquaint fxntod where toejr were hem* sent and months with, the Seven ih Fleet for Piario and Winds " After In- 3 at 1 However, tickets will he ed out hitting hint and causing iwvac lam, •tror-.i- wtth aoror.tr hie and all*** tooa •rpressed Sh# is proceeding duectiy 1« brmmion, Irving Fine's "Part¬ exchanged on wuiter term ac¬ burns to the chest, shoulder and "i ^ N to Sum. toad *t if dUyt *»d TtsuraeU?* at 10 *J*v a strong des.re to re¬ •Oct «C 32ST and Z FdA. to meet tbma man oou&Mlor. turn to their homeland. They toa Fr#nci>co. ita" will ba ptoyt'd. tivity book*. nee*. Saints Rest, Michigan State News Monday Uirvugh FrMav Inehlttve during Feature Page PubluiieU en clar* ua. .* ».iil. winter utid »urin# ternu: weekly durtns luiiim* karma and « ttpevl-l frekii un n.nur twlween »ummrr and tall terms. Kntereu aa I»7# at th# pott office LINDA LOTRIIKiE First Dorm ■«i*.»nd >Um matter under the act of March J. MTATL MXVf* ICATl'RC I.DITOR (AHPUS CLASSIFIEDS fag* T«s Marrh S. 1»M On Campus A hundred year? ag», MSU's ItCAUll^tK I p.m. Dat MM Palllnllaa lac Taaa.. Wa*.. lauiaiu^ Picked a« Site only dorm wa- a square, three storied, mud brick building Thurv.. an* Kri. NWaav Dn4IMf far Man. UMnat Mil. Parable «■!• an? I-I W-lai limit PrMar I Ml. IX. which housed 132 students. Ell 2-1511 EXT. MIS State Capitol Results MSU In I860, the first boarding house. Saints and only TfWCrttSfffflW?" HOUSING Rest, wa> just four yea" ol-l. It «•!«. In Big Legislative Joke ts was a far cry from the modem, i 0a, MS FOR RENT well-equipped, multi- million . ? ds. dollar dorms of today ) da*. .. MS ROOMS MSU's pre¬ *. ?.?S By HOWARD HOLMES It .ood very near * day. :.so VERY LARGE. WELL-furnlshed Tliere is a plaque S dav. Lansing, a little place in the woods, became the capitoi sent museum. . double room. Screened porch. Four luO feet east of the museum that ED 2-1511 EXT. sati blocks north of campus. #27 Eltr. of Michigan us a result of a "legislative joke." read-. "N E. Corner. Sa n.i beth Street. vi 1847 was the final year for a place where a few log hou*e* RcM. Built ip:»6. Burned Dec. 0. ■ AUTOMOTIVE permanent capito! site to be se¬ nestled agaia*t a tittle river. 1876* lected bv the Michigan hou:-e oi The very amused MILLS'A V fta- APPROVED ROOM* AT lit Ah- tion wafiHi. oniv seven months old holt Road. Two minutes from Union representatives. denly found the Jo'kc lying in iquirr. muirauniled bv ttlump*. II.tOO Call ED MIM -veninf* 47 ED 3-OS41. »f So it was in that year of deci¬ their lap-. tall in**, and med. II beu»ed sion that the representatives met But the joke suddenly became both atwdenta and faewlty, fwer tkil" TK3 RADIO. HEATER Wire approved—three B06mR. pri¬ vk |*wel>. whltewalU. 13400 miles ED- vate entrance, perking- I#JO. ED at the 12th legislative session a: very serious. It gradually in a room. 7-1010 I-J7T4 si the temporary eapitol in Detroit. dawned, joke or no joke, Lan¬ There was no off-campus 1031 FORtk—RADIO, heater Eord- ROOM FOR TWO men. W etch It was a cold day, but the sing townshiu was the only sug¬ housing in 1836. as Lansing wa* nmatic e»*od tires Run» well. IV- phone ta bring M*f »be high pmittan of preallge II "tempers and noise were to rise *4 Kitchen, extension pm-aie «'\KI MrlMtMI. S|(K»T%RV *h' Board gestion which would command too far away to travel ever*- 3-1310 after » p m. entrance. Parking- IVt-Jl##. now hold* in Ihe t nlled state*. MeDonel plana regardless of the chills. of truilrr* »it* at hi* drvk and thoughtfully rem- retire this June. Stale New a photo. a majority in either house. Aft¬ dav, the only road being often VOLVO. SAAB FIAT TRIl'MPH MEN OR GRADUATE student tnivrrv shout the pi»t years Hp has *prnt helping to Bill No. 18 was to come ub er many arguments, the >eoa*c, muddy and •'unnavigablc." Ask for Allan Rodger* at ktratton Room and board tn East Lansir^ again. It was a bill that had too, passed the Joke and it w:»s In 1868. a campus publication, Motors A preaent MRU student, tf house Home prtvUeges 111 wee. ED 3-38P8 evenings Aak for John come close to wrecking friend¬ later signed by Greeley. the "Bubble." wa? still to refer GET YOl'RREl V A eood deal on a \ftrr 11 \ car* al MSI ships, political alliances and The re-t is history'. A log to Lansing a* being surrounded I0»;n Ealcon or Ford MRU vtudeni *e Gene Relden at frrni a former Field APPROVED ROOMS FOR men v campaign promises. It was to eab.n (the temporary capito!) by "illimitable mud. the Big Max Curtis. Int .. IV 4-U»t tf available imnwdtately. Private er.- In I rlaaor*. "Holwta Real" f«l- u ed tire« Champion Brake Retln- ""APPROVED rooms FOR men winter morning end renneeted h«u>e legislator*. And from then deoU helped flear bewah. drive rr« ;?") E Kalamazoo. TV «-4#4». tf Free narking Large lounge. TV. fre- laundry facilities, low term rate* that the hill he renaldared. on. the town kept on growing horoe and n*»n leama. and pnll As Hoard of Trustees Secretary Block from campus. ED 7-1917 « But when he rose, he was to and growing and growing. atnmps. EMPLOYMENT TRAILIIS One of the highly competitive toss a verbal bombshell into the STUDENTS NEEDED FOR pari- intramural sports of that day Sell a »73 value for oniv MSI* great university angry indignant house. time work FOR SALE \ a* 1 WWII I * ..• destined t » grow." saw contain #73 worth o* entertainment .* divided into teams of¬ 193# DETROITFR — l#x 49. frort amended to insert the words "in Students ar \ merchandise and services. Applv 43» kitchen. t\»o bod rooms, colored ap¬ i"fi1 * .p tamf hutti MeDonel "Its ».zp will be lim¬ ten spent hours trying to "out- Building IV #-1544 I am the township of Lansing." Hollister pliance#- On lot in Holt #jluo ON children ited oniv bv it* capacity to take clear" other teams a pi T'pv Mavf two huh school graduate*" Fellow- representatives broke " «-3#»l jraidch ldren It was Inst That was 100 years ago, and V ■ '. jr >»nr a member of ' ie , Recen'.iv. Mc Done I announced down the and langhod. hind of Joke to Weak the today the MSU dormitories are FOR SALT "LOST and FOUND ?f Govern¬ h.« intention »o retire in June, landscaped by maintenance men =s=smmeaanmmBBnmnmKaB=r- N'/'-iiu .r n afvr 44 year* with the univer¬ tension that had gathered that I.OST - PAIR or BLACK horr or li 'i- i> • S'.rp Universities morning. and grmndskeepers. and stu¬ SRUDNUT SH08 timed gleases in viclnito of Co'sl a-'.J a former -I - sity dent are left to their studies and Noi a-I <♦ I have been very well treat¬ People who wanted the capi¬ sieved mm r ••,- laming Chamber leisure ••II fee ;n Ann Arbor. Jackson and p.•• *r nr toi ed here and have enjoyed my is no record of ear.v f Ci'i'M1' Hp i* a U .'tarttn other towns joined in the merr.- There LOST —8IL\*ER WOMAN* wa'cn . ' —:m't • f t lp Piymou'il job immensely," he recalls "If nient and slapped the man on "Saints Rest" residents com¬ #v •• ci te-lecatief v i*h evpo ision hand Somewhere I had mv life to live over aiji.n, en Grand River Iris 33J Snvder ED i it'p,'. ..ir.d'i Church m Lan- tne back for being such a jok';r.' plaining of the food, maybe aft¬ at til MAC. J-airil «: I won I not make many er pulling stumrs all day they But it was only two mont.is REWARD FOR INFORMATION re Mrllonel h an ardent hunter, cha:ix« » later when Governor Wllllarr. .L T.VJ TXWfclfti worked up too much of an appo- TRAINING UOM- gsrding disappearame of black besr fisherman. photographer, and After retirement, McDonel t»te BARTENDING skin rug loaned t«> WMSR for cu** Orcenley affixed his name to the plcie profevaion or Ivome u«e In¬ d«» it aouraelfer lie h i* a plan-. *i» *t»en.l time on his farm struction fr**- information write Scout program Thursda>. Tebruar act nt the legislature which fix¬ - " ED 7-NM went «»f Lanamj and to do some fi. \ 703 Lansing or call IV 1-siw complete u «mhI • m ot king shop in traveling. ed the state capitoi "in the \r Driver** Sciim's evenings 47 In le*» than * vear. Mrltonel hi* ha*ement. township of lwtnsmg tn the coun¬ i Ntr> REnUOERATOM WASH- PERSONAL prnni»trd to a«M«tanl t.» the i»f Ingham." and TV 1J.'> and up Belong to Horse* hj, ty EH*, ranges IllU E-i*t WIN5I0 SJAITANS rlurrlnr of r>lrn«i*e hi •• a»« "PIANO AND BENCH #33 E.D- But an automobt'e v 4 • economic* The -Mid. finds be r«n be II? the highway. Tkwt.. M#*«k 10 ietttide i a.rii a T';ere u as at that time ni doesn't have the horst sen.-e t p.«». leAty, tee*n 110 ■ ••• '. himself w th smalt «• a.i v . »4 SMITH AND WESSON revolve- », .i >:• group vucfi as is living Lansing. There was less tnan 20 even to be cautious Contact Bob r.i> j-av m "KM AST RAKFRY* DELA'ERs" clubs, and person* in ht» people in the whole township. Thit'a w hy the driver has to decorated cake serving I' v1 rsrc'oi of "n1 u . his own brains. It TWO wheel POX trailer 4*#vJ dividuallv s-iil. • A ip.r-t Tru.lt sa.J W.dves were still howling m the substitute #43 TV. H* Motorola stand and twelve for #2 30 Pnoue IV 4-#t#» fee •; always a gwd subv-tute— bike furs I cm tf This trend »n the student's vacant lots, soon to become the isn't ar.tenra #3d Hercules bovh 11 rv.na.r* • I a • O'll judging from tn# accident rec¬ three speed #13 IV O-lltS 4# ORClfT« part i« putting pressure on hig •tup* and ha'.ls of the new cap- THE MERLYN OATES ord* all MET.a1 car rack. Iita small 7R.A —dancesbie music with that > r entertainment on the ranipu*. hsnd suunl and feeling Phone IV »• * .*• •** -*'*• m the state of On# item of horse sens# is to cars onl* ED MM* 43 tf I hr*e large function* need solid kivcry town 5-147# '»• a-*-- i >uppo«t from the student* tf thev M.chigat was determined to leav# a parking plac# at th#curo WEDDING DRFh* SIZE 1J »Uk KENNY DAVIS ORCHESTRA cautiously Yet "improper .start matciung mitts, ■ . capitoi tn its own orgaiwa U>e bodice ate to continue. Iruitt believe*. have the r?*apel tram E*cellent condition W i-u-nt I.h i i t town, everyone from Detroit to from a parked position * is one ED 3-433# Cadillac They all banded to¬ of the more common traffic vio¬ REAL ESTATE •IS IONUS SALE! gether against Detroit, but split lation*. , . This is another violation MAtCH ONLY FJCCELLENT BUSINESS OPPOR¬ nuiielessly against each other small cominumtr Re¬ The personnel office. itarrs the "Two-Lane TUNITY in a i! » instead f Perhaps Lansing Rill Ne. II charged *o tail FTP flower and gift buslne*- department, inventor* depart¬ Tramp." the Unwanted Driver \S» »ntahlisbed 25 years serving 0> m s iff ,i re f'"id ve no v was passed by Ihe heuee because ment. i»dii e id rampu* planmoe rsdiuv We have specialised in t! * it did not appear to create Jeal¬ wnuae misbehavlur is the target few i'*-d - J T\ wui; one-." Trui't unusual In design Prefer selllnr * • ud the' maintrnanre and alter The rra»on* he gave for thr*— uf current oo» t« r campaign ous*. After all. H waa uuly a C*.fe fe:-.t e a-o'd **• * i trained designer Write The R-e • itun of buildings are re*pon*i- are higher attendance hi sum¬ T>> Phoenl* street sou' hie to the secretary « office mer *« hmil and "romping out* lie 'erred 1' < trend ■« a sponsored by the Michigan t- »da. * n-..' d»---1 Shop Haven, kfichigan for more delate-* deven- AsvKiation of Chiefs of Police Home students tv.'i* f frag'nentor <3 arriyd iifurmation or q^^tntment V. -\iglil Staff ■ * of ha»te courses \r M i> ' 4\ 1 \ universTr How snould a driver leave a fnn*h school in three : j . • i . on our ./•*U // -* ran now year*, and in Mime rase*, even • amnvi**'* Oi'e la.'ge univers;'; . PJ the Nun I Von or Jjdv procedure is a matter of com-. M«*be» Sn Id e* O't^aef (ireti vi fly .g p:tca*a~ « " J««nr.o Jarvi* mon »ense and vtgnanc*. ALTERATIONS AND DRESSMAK¬ heav schedule nan. v> ire. junior and W T* IV.itor ING of all kinds Reasonable • • La:v* "i . e'en * s Torn Arnuiirona WILLIAM H. THOMPSON Bnairte ot ttuo, students tend ten. >r ciaudicattun Phoixgrapaer Blanche Chew. M Beele. ED l*#^: • JvcX'o; H« Jaarele* TI-PtNG - EXPERIENCFD »* Letters to the Lditor HOUSING home #11 I Cherry Lane ED 7-0UI FOR RENT TYPING^ BETWEEN t »JW Editorials Stir Up Criticism 19 p m I D 3-37U2 NAACP, 'Little' 10 TWO-BEDROOM FURNISHED TV RADtO OEBVICE Seven c.j • LOUSE- Three cf four co lege men . r-rking sutomatlr gas *#«' #75 io s week all makes end all mod*. #13 monthly until Jure 35. IV #-2a#e AAA Radie and Televn.en Jen • ex*r#me'.v unlikely to ocrur in t on in front of Kretge* D.me 43 IV 3-7745 or IV 5-4M1 *' »o reflect s prevalent attitude of Store las? Saturuay. who*, does fa thr tdllnr Throughout the cHi.umal an he i. '.e B v« " g *. e« me great Fund Lan*.ng or its imm#dl#t# t.ARGF FARMHOUSE -NORTH on TYPINO ED 3-4130 " »e"-conf.d-"ve and enhance* e>.i: *.he d >n't rock th# bo#t' or "be the NAACP hope to accomplish R-wd five n.tles ait p.gnw Whatever four bedrourr* TION and pe.apc't P«ctu*e« " .» « "Vi? *it con.* i f . Ing at tl*e pagt-a ttfv v»n a T\' gent f r such undemocratic di«- ThM?e who do not !oo* up»n t^'je living room, »T being Uken at Hick* Studi" 0"# 1 asj-ev; of fr P«-. - nc »f • •■■■.+ vi ;e of cXCf - ides- y *u are not given to the IV 7-3471 -»t MI 1-44*3 Phone ED !-#!• " •.vne ier»v*o and v - a ■* e- vn*« ". * a** *vp>rtant pari of piav. Th.« * sn educational srd the Negro s* an equal must be da eervire r T I. :i - * •' < -f. - . understanding of the fundamen- taught o understand, respect and arartmcnts ■i-ended fr>r hi* luteal of gardie-a .»{ • ei.« ••war-t-' cur ! ,-.?fal educat.^n. th.*ugh not cultural center made up e»f ub« EXPfJET THEBES AND (• ' • •al democratic values and be- lire in harmony with them I typing Electric DP***1*' to b* S a i'.. a .* *-s- qu :. -a important a* our aca- erel, rrvponsible, freedom-lov¬ I ABGE #0 \ W room, four cl#i#li iu». «' w * rh app«-'Afs countrv which ' »* 'h.s t. >n of M ,-t.ga i ■> .» < » name demur exceltem e, rf.v' ing. Christian people an sure that such demonstra¬ suitable for • three men I uoktfbtn • ulBtes •£8*;: contingent miw-o . prow- eniiinevt, f would «ugge*t W> .-.nr nend the State News champion human rights, and th# If %'iolanc# had occurred th#r# tions a« last Saturday's, and basemen i ##D pee month AvA-'ev' „■ ex -r * a w to th# individual. paid Al." - i • ■ M djgk TYPING. •* - f >r "e va je- and logic behind dignity of would not hav# been any retal- those which occurred in the Approved weiyen.wd housing-CM Ea East -.at concentrate your ef- mucetloneeue- •ellaneaw- ' eoveHetw# y.'u ,1 ■* a -uppott *»f R-.w# Bowl comp#- Thete are a basic fundamental tatlon by the njembert of our South, will only ktndle the ftre« Kern Hiidehrsnd. ED MffT tuC gR> Mrs " Bee ** Adeesi. ED I lar\s «*n tl»e publication of "big' #i Vt: .i.r •chtor;aL, rvot ""little ones t t»*«n rights found#4 within th# NAACP chapter. «f hate and ignorance instead of pmntr-ent AND DVPUCATTN'i Of .:i"se. ocademje exe*>- Bob Pelero framework of our Constitution. helping the situation SEMI BASEMENT APARTMRVT Call Al or Jane Wooctv. ED 7-*m greatest C'->n'.ribu- • Robert Relk One of tne Vr,c .* a.um tl *d t, be the r; Ben Weaver Rights which every THINKING I hope in the future that Clean, coiufurtable. -.nventaat ta Double-snaced page >v N.i aV- * * * tlons the NAACP ha* ma !# to bus end cu!.eg- Pri-. et# entrance Honal charse fee > i—lilting en »* • bUt not. thai only snvpivrrant a m AMERICAN CITIZEN shoul 1 NAACP provide a much more from Berfce ♦ * * tbe ever constant j of making He co*»hin« For no# male graduate or laveut Arrsa ' A "Ar. -muialwl'1 ISO-VOTtt-tV ns:der .' a pnrtleg# to work constructive way of furthering student or instructor #3# monthly Evaluation c- purp*v»* • democracy a matter of pollUcal plus fas : eat Mae Smith. ED 8-JMI uftiveraity "Hm Is the v »e an »r-. dtvmrcwd frum a aewrch tr»n (-11 Reaction for and purpose support ' th# NAACP, to action. MSL Clsilir the standing of the Negro er IV_»-r« _ #7 "fPABTAN UHLfftrnnNr. • 7 krwaw rage" To tbe liiUr chan-p:on the*e rights knd tne ef NAACP in CROW ET-NEWLY #eco^ * * * eted flee las— ##g be'h for oddRa Beware-: lR-L,tutioa* which Regarduig editors' of To tbe Editor: well-being of th# Negro and Aires ovadencv ticalkatf wid Marrh I. entitled "In»tnict».e I t^nk . j have a g v*d point other minority groups in Awes MOT*' only stave, VMsnMdl gscept fee npw rstrldpsator moatklv and carpeting hast and &*3Sr-j?#rv? M. MM WV -.W t.» TNc*e inrtiv ivtua'v u« rn>lu« r 'httle' acfw arv ** the "»•>.« Eva I eugger you .iiM* Needs AnM.her Look." d> wme'^mg rat ¬ on Wovconsm's regent vot# of 8-1 f-T t'-vi- yean of voluntary ROTV ICS Two group* p.ck#!iT\g at cross Bad'XAACP .. I l«lll»l< ■■*>■■ I luf- \ niag**. I wa* .ty .* a- #scellent example of a Naughty, ^sug'".." NAACP i >wt-ik- ortvatP entrance sad beth IV 5-NT tew rate# m •'? f of W« faculty over- used TV eete en# enot,- • ••*«. nevepaper, run» an 'he right inherent in democratic S ame on you fir m\-.t.ng troy, •vTwrt." eva'.uahon • he'-v g rev 'p ■. ' - •- r "'"a r • . * o \ ROTC and was the placards borne by the pick¬ Are \x>u trying to move forward students or pregeeear* Newly id clean ED T-OW ee —tea..arc. .uttm ?- ' ,(* »*•>>••?' v r.'MN; - real later that th# ets are in ttsa'J, reflect.v# og th# the urge*, date of 2180* tf ■■'ise "yrs-t s-::y- -rrf i i "parvjc~-".T v?'' - a*H wp-tanc* r**ne- •.*»an a t» I of the adrr regents *p;.: Urtt.jTiftg ROTC s.5 *a* volun¬ values of th# individual bearing it Whether it denotes an #'e- Your tactios are ceftoia'y not becoming an orgsttra'.on dedi¬ NEWLY DECORATED FURNISH- ro apart-neat no College Eirfser bee &&&&&> a--vi- . al aiH-i-rrta•*■<-** It ap- tas* at W.scon*ji. m keeping m e n t of democrats stlu#*. cated to the deflmriHo of "Vncle tine I deel fee three er feer IV- ;-a-3:'«« lat i me i.'|\asaat .s •* *h tit at school's h.stonc liber¬ Christian ethics, svhite suprem¬ T»k" What tx .*uld "Uncle Tbm" td TRANSFORTAT1QN 13 MsalHt. Be m»IL #pi era r,e a -fefervse t-yf '•sadeqwoe'. al sm m aca lem.c matters C>*m. acy or Jim Crow ts is of no con¬ think of >oux tactics and more rot'B MEN OVER »t ler#e apa-t- tank wMAHMM ##■##. h#w- BltiBI --C -S^or W.Liioni »th '#e ha • « :<■■•?! •• oaceile-M < - w '! Rose ISon t uulwry .n# 'io We must »tamp out rem pus ED 8-1ME 4? BXDCB 11 OR OLDCB Drvv oeer. Mad.a* n or anywhere ored people and helping to ad- » meday shake the status quo h«pe f-vr 'hwae fi;?- the*# ""social- id:A».« " W< rr,'4*t Roger Rlaekbewra livery at the poet office here was to Caluorma Just Ware d- ' There \ ance democracy and brother¬ I AsT LANBOfQ - APPROVED Call Denny BecBlln. Beo# BattoJ preM-rve Big 10 R.r* .aww- held up by a drflant skunk who after • war*5-i -»it:ng meir.oerr af * * # hood among all peoples of th# * « * rucaw for men ED 3-nS#3 Hell ED S-MBI We don't a an M "i c- took a stand before th# door. pit wee*r~d». or anytime week- Western CanJerence 1- . 'h r w virJd- PJ flrw* 51 47 llnmanRiiilits The driver of the nail true* tV» academic fact ■* -i iJW .-ai.ve {.• a T. let wXy* av what a:. r f--.% - - dK t.j? the *e.. run- '' ' *- r Fjr someone *o betj..»e an invite violcm# Jtdividua' Is exer¬ Dentonslrolion from. Lyochdurg to Fort Uui-oo -«g? The. a . i a- WV >»n : wan', to To Uw Tiller: yielded to the oerfume Uirtut, wgr..i Igitor: cising a democrat* right u. in¬ > v vvna tftsorancw of tne fact* .if ale." T» the la regard to use dexnoastra- posted up hie stop oad g»Uv#r#d pear rr' -re :.lce deed, • pathetic situation. Fur¬ We want the Raw Bcw". £f at# writing in regards to Trouble." Taut th# moil «b tip hmi trAp. quit wxuen they can t have ta«*r thermore, esach #R Ipcktonl ig K-.ou.r.g tbat our acnuol pUj't Monday's editorial, "Inviting way. i».". •* . '. . .. II teSvWufiUvsrx :vssvfs-e*v • ' *t-, -"*• wre-' Wrtve*' * ••* r.sv-">«tw •1 f • WWHNM-'VSiO'# ,*M • ... INFORMATION Hetl China to Explode March '■>. I'M.u MK IIIGAN STATE NLUS Page Tbred iurtnf ■n' (llasses f(»r Parents Given the Hon.- - Cm lege Ac.idem.es MIRKETINO clw eommtftee She hostev^ for Classes for expectiint parents pregnancy, labor and delivery, • .ii» p.m., Big 10 Room, K«>!- NKW DKI.HI, InHia dP>—Communist China \\u< plana to join IS }\ • Panel discussion.- ial Opportunities cutive Level ' a', I-.- the the nuclear club this month by bomb with Soviet help.- a member of Parliament said Tues¬ exploding: a small atomic the St the I den: ijove: Chfi-tma- Dav nor'.s* . Interna::<»:iul 19.'»7. and S t Adventure n are CTslar and present I v living held at R ed Scnool in East I^ansin^ .Suarrow Hospital in Lan- and of Infant rare. The purposes these classes are to help al¬ leviate fear through increased w§«. understanding and awareness, day. w rid under^.i:t.5.!isf in !'».>« m. Fri alter his statement in Parlia¬ l ast she help parents plan for their rV- Kill I CH'I» Dr Raifhuvr a. who rlannx !>» slimmer spent feu ment. "Russia is giving them a Weeks abroad member of K.iiMi ser:e. consisf:-- of wcyi'-i pro ted new arrival, and assist >; '-.I p.m.. Rifle Range. Don h.ivi* wide contacts in China.' as a small atomic bomb of Hiroshima the Lutheran European sindv week I v classes covering mater¬ mother and father beroming H i ! Girls irtviteu said the date fur the test •< si/e '' ... ... project nal I'tnii1.:)., .did infant develop¬ more aware of. and understand¬ March 28. , ft K"IIIMi RIFLES He told parliament the ex¬ RaghuVira added that th«» •After gradual..-m !>■ *!.,• p:a-i«i ment, pregnanev as a family t»f- ing. what to expert during a 33 Union Cup* F*:/~ Chinese bomb would actually be d«! 'i'hfi •■♦■.r. lamiiy food habits. Jabo" normal pregnancy and postpar¬ plosion would be se#l off tiea --rich will speak on lite abo^it 7i> to 80 iK-rcent Russian. ' fo and. denvery, and baby'* fir:.t tum period. capital' pi'vp.< .. frumehi, .the of Com¬ !• .tigers. . lie Mid hto information came year — Closses arc presently bein* munist China' far western pro¬ vince of to him "through » whole chain * * * Also ntrhaicji .•, each scri.-s held ii" R©(1 Cedar School every I,mix SPLASlI Sinkiang. Western t scientists have of people" and not from official H - l.o ... )•. a h'fspd d i ur to a,xjuai:i'. Tuesday irom 7:30-!» p.m. Feb. -men's Poo'. refiorted that There confirm¬ •furntahr^ atomic research is undo sources. was no r ireins ivihi hospital en¬ 22 through. April and at Spar¬ t " m.. California Tea r v . wa> m reh. Four - ation elsewhere. ;,mti: I:. S' vironment. and a doctors pane.; row Hospital ex cry Monday W7 Cltz-i ' that area, and an atomic expi-»- Ue> He is head of the Internation¬ sion would come as no D. s ha- consisting of .< pett;aincian. oo- Irom 7:30-3 pan, Feb. 22 p.rn., K;n.i - gie.«. al Academy of Indian Culture. Metr.cian. g- ner.i' prae' - throw ;m April 4 - ...m, Opening surprise to them An atomic bomb for Com¬ tioner '<> an we: 4|uestioris ,.i Registration foe per person or lUi huvtra said he hrlipvrd U ITER CARNIVAL III Hits munist China would bring new the! ' particular a ,\r- couple lor the series i3 $4. B«vi\ Itrd China to makinu more rap¬ i OMM1TTEL complications to East-West dis¬ Expectant parents have manv 'husband and wives u-xuully at¬ id pragre** in nnclrar work than armament negotiations. U.S. of-' tend. p.m., 43 Umon France. He added that he ua« questions and feelings regarding . lie;.il* concede that any agree¬ noitoTiiY mwrR ln DICK HOLMES At'SC. I) 6MS. pn- sure China "already has some - ment with the Russians to bun ISJO. in hVPPA AI.FIIA Ml Dorothy Frayer. Detroit sen¬ I x,-. ... it,.. Greeii Helmet. Asher Student kinds of atomic weapon*." p.m, Reading Room. Jour- nuclear tests under internatmn- Org.*: a'..oil. Two Optometrist* to Better Serve Voitr Needs . ior. i# supplementing her fctudies I oiindation. Christian Scienre •'.alism Bldg. Plans'for eon- "The Chinese are just learn¬ .r control would have to in* !<»-.7-3p.. in math and physical sciences Drgaiiization. College VM( A, ers." Raghuvira told .•rcnce, gueat speaker. a newsman viuve Peiping in some way. this vcar b.v working on a re¬ 3 mill* Krpuhlican's Club. Stu¬ Harold A. Shnider, 0. D. search project in biuphenusti v and pivscu: ••olds the • »nte dent f.ltitarv committee, a *tn- AC. WON CU B position he held ia's". year, ex, < • 7:30 p.m., 31 A? Hall as an undergraduate assistant for the National Scivncn research u' v.- v e fMes-.d©!.: •lent guide, and counsellor at tin; freshmen V Cantp. Robert E. Barges, 0.0. Paul Thompson will speak on ' Foundation lie has also been a member of Everyday Spanish" in prep¬ With a four-year all-univer¬ D • i -.. a member of lb.: • Lye* Lxaminetl • Optical Repair* aration for Mexican trip. >s.,: tm.i' S'.mi'T.? Ae.xn, sity average of 3 7... Dottir where • Gin**** Lifted • ( nntarf l,en*e* n U BOARD obviously an excellent choice foe s ) mini: I'nlilirimis ■■ iwtsM student jpi'vernmeir, \o APPOINTMFN' I' NECESSARY \MC..-ch.i ro.tti j:id a mcmbm of 8:30 pan. Women'- Gym. such a project. MALI, tlii r.r FKANUOn (ENTER IV • M R, V"U.,! Fx. • M- Sjiimsor Ih'lmlr • •1 m )W m#n - Voting on new member# AT Dottie has received the Alum¬ \ <■ committee. Dpen Alon.. Thur.. Eri. Evenings 'til t «. TV. must be present. ni Distinguished Scholarship \ ..■• major w • an cm rate* Tu.'H, g. ' 'i, 3-... .. . - WW. «' AO CAPS award, the Tail Sigma freshman Rose,.'. . ' ■ ' • Yflir «•". • ge average ;? 47. U « k-t»- : p.m. Union Art Room award for science and Arts, the l>eni,K-r.i' ' -,■• •.! |o;r. • - • >v|HT • IIU-: hit-:' m :n \ »•*»• .. d ' u- • tiatem. i D• ■ ■ i. N.i , :ial Science Fouu* I as a page b»n- 00 BAY 6AS0LME! 5 •mvollegiate debate. For ens us were Eisefthowacurr.-u: far:-, a ' i t' l*n.led Statc> House of Rej»- I'm: »ii; Studcn' Coligres?. P • - and civil defence progiauis c \ • 17 Infreqaer.t mpress M vl Cub. Y -.»!•• ii •a -e ca'-ve.- arid has been cho*. 19 Snapping Rctmbbcans right ■ .* ■< ' • I'm '• ' S- iM - I- - 'ill', .1 'he Chun !; Council Of • •. iii:'. ioa'e mi Opel at .on 94 \ OCt'tle .v sitiod m fe?-« :g-> Hnia' 23 Mountain C .v-f '.v Lutheran Church. E, - v>. lira' •'-. * Cr»»->r.Md., a •::>» Africa, uexi : OCTANE INS Wdr-i )r. Taggerl nymph* 21 Herct a- ju Dottle ice h.v« a!s»i been of •».>■ A'l-univcrsj'v S- ser. r .. mi, >■., at Msr a't 'trp* to • ••- M*. .Mes" «ueaitPV • fr >Mi "••*' tummcr. A m i iu.ition he plan* : » ■ % —— ^^ Somewhere Snyder. ll>- Cruttea d S.h dr: *. Judic:a- y. pfoidcn'. of ' .» III-* btlxi student personiicI wo S I "WIIEKE SEKVICi: I ,*»n Glen Taggart, head ' i in ' j ('nnatian Wot ., I rue res ted i»er>on-. ar« S . 20 Tow aid the IS SO '-national program*, retur-.- T- 1 3— 7—" pi'-i.lenf the Lutheran S IMIHJKTANT, HATION" f Mac it ©car re ea'urday from a vuut to JMSU 'J • • p 4 " t v. the sun me here n- ■ I ITS IN TI1E NAME" j SB for Cu* >miopment work at the Ka» !" 27. Perched Campu, C!a.,nfi«l, l.nw f'»-i BIG TOP SPECIAL . y. Februar a] Univerait/ of Coiotnb,«* 'i 23 Sesame . . . : 1 . \ Tag cart met Preview; it j'1 Watch i A. Hannah and Erm.»ry secretiv IL • . president of the KeFo*.* 1 'f '* 32 Heiat.yn IJLVt I'tlNTIAC Catalina WEBBERS . 2 dinir h.inllop. radio A J* rrvi through t.ie ANS! jiiadation-ipomored education, motor: healer, automalie trans¬ |SPARTAN 'grant. : Term anT)ervoortx ii« 44 i r, Wagon mission. two tone paint, j Ji M Tbe |fMy met with the farnt- r 17 lacked klurp car. sharp price* n ef Palmira and Medelliu. J " Iter> Real Uh' J- Minhua mlntotr*. n agriealture under the •V is J- 40 Part ©fa I'l l II. (irand River : SERVICE 41 riexhef b-tfart said, "We were mu s as a group in tne ra-..« calves Ka«t Liinoinj,* MALCOLM MILKS ■ ■ •V r.lK E. h AI.AMA/.oo W • #3. Feed the 1133 L Ml( II. LANSING IIEKM. WEST of KLOCKa iesHopment of higher N-.. k J. -< f J. kittv VS U»- wrvtnf i-v* to Colombia." 44. MoJWw •■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Be hTN M Ps eountry n.y.e hai 23 in* •f - rock of higher eiuca'.o.. 43. Always NEW I ASIIIOX I INK: W A3 43 5HCHT? t of the major devec tnat b e the last 10 year? I, 11 tahie hone IV J eJ 4S Mountain Whistle Tijuart helpevi pl«r» a <**■<- [r-cuituru tor advance in r»- of higher ofucati »n ru no• 94 mm • s*»'N<»—. n VI wAltilui Tops!" h and extension progress .a Lu lling new fashion discovery to accessori/.e your wanlroln* In vvasti* -•.hi a. able, color fast cotton fleece , , , si/.e.s S.M.L # , 9J a ci«nmi«s'.on will berw of the MSG Include facui'.y, Mill IkMlnrrk stvlfl Willi twq i st.ngj.ihed • aomeono '"er foundation. Colombians f r o ta #ad the RENT... INicketw in white, gold, los. beige And black. Il.fK (INTER? Bla/er xt.vle In white with One «f the preblems the «om- skis - Hours red ur black trim and Iwigu witii i»wi Will face to the co»rdi- brown trim. 4.3K nor. of authority between the idi.KS 1(14*111: llvHNied style, rilihed at the •f Agrtraltare. new itoiac Palmira end Medellin. waist and ruffs. In white trim¬ «! the National 1'niversity ef ALL EgLII'MLM med with red. navy* gold or blue _ D*i»MAK- eata, of wbleh the arheeU are 4?»K itonaMc to. ED I-»*»; via ft IlKAM) ALU i necessity for «tm« on >l* . . jgriculture, with rough* i'1 >«ent percent of the people oe- n It for Uvellh od« Onlv s5.00 » P- .'t'd out by Taggart. r " a-aJem>c Colombian fields umvemi- are I'ER WKEK EMll "RENOWN" K »•%•« id all mode.' S»r* ' V &o.«b;y law and medicuie. (WE AI.SO HAVE ( AK TOC ('\KKIEIC>) 'Lit* ■ SU Studies O'LEARY TENNIS OXFORDS Made by I „S. Rulil*er in. ulonesian PAIXT STOKE •VV.ish.ible white nivcrsitics UtAMKlK CENTER IV T-fUSl ranviix uppers -uiet of American Uni* nirat* n in ladeneeia and Latin •I'reetv cushioned "" are reported and anal- \ dir» M.S.I IIupIht I - hra now pobticattooa by . S||o|» i% Im|i|»v |«» an* •rch and insole i »Uhrte of Reeoarch on y»c No aid uittnc w «' • Proframa at MSG. iioiinrr tin- jililitiiHi of llrliart "BroHiiie** Berfcev H« •Lined Heel A reports are part of a ■-•-•ar ictemetirmal atudy llrauit. furmt rlv of Ib au's Ktarlwr Shop, counter IJTVSNO h -.i br um MSU liwtu-., ' • cm trim u* Cu»r * lo it* fine »l«tff of luirlM*r*. -> oo 1 Jhm York. Mil ' ra'to •Wide, narrow1 and to' t?»ueer<" w of Ai v«u: • #>l Film. I, mkir W medium widths, I ■■■■Ii* t ni/es MU wmi * High* t tore ^><1 SUtet UniTrrSi'T Co- Btt W" '*! to Uua America,- * en «ei«ftad program* la Oi >, Ptm tad Mexico! * !>• Richard Adams. pro- f I'ciokify and anthra* ■Snl Bin Wrrk t i ll Dr. Charier Cum- a -aoctstp pr crfear * af Ihf air. i a g • SKI CLEARANCE! rtk Mladic Mil by i In rriMO, I • Skl« 20..-,0', ..if Turkey, India. Japan. s KRAt'N • ski Inm»I« Africa. 2.3-30' • »ff ; reparation || a jwm* me nuUiatof th# main • Arrr—ori.- 20' ..If CttVi . VAN'S M.S.U. BARBERSHOP >. r * fJw» meervh project Mieo Marcb - In this iinnmary, • S«r«t*r* 50 * We.ttoer, direc.or ©? • I'aoU >. Uaesses the gignlA- . ^ol^Tr implication* ot "APPOINTMENTS Al.so" • I'arko 0(1 * the various public*- »? be purchased from thn 209 .VI.A.I LD2.IKI9 SIIOI' TOXII.in 5f RnaearcA on Ove;- Til. 'J I' M. p*rams. Bearcats No. 1 Miss Hviss to Quit by 64, Not Going Pro Polling she expected In AP Miss Heis* said reived-.a reusing welcome the to be a spectator at thy 1964 SAW VO*:K airport from more than 100 F decidual ) (ends, relatives and fans-, in¬ Olympics. She explained she • .! She fViV' to qu-t iM!l)|H'- would hang up her skates before cluding her father and brother , . ik.it n i" r.-t . \ f nofo:v T9»-»4 that time, because a skater "be¬ lt d sister pi He of! *i iot at the age of six and Kolicrtiioii Leads Team W<-- - gins She will receive a ticker tape r. l,fs A:' :«*!»■•*• - and ' reaches her peak between the parade up 13 road way today. ! would like it definitely u: - ages of IB to 21 years." »! \tl MM* To Top Basketball Slot MM llll. %\ Page Four erstooil." she said, ' I am ti-.t Happiest among the welcoro- her father, Edward, . P" March 9. t*>»»0 rrs was turning professional and I am v.hu was 'flanked by his son, not engaged. Those two ques¬ Hv THE ASSOCIATED WM , ha IT'S 6REAT FOR A DATE! t-on pas» have been asked for the seven weeks and these are Bruce, 10. and another daughter, Wincv. also a skater. Cincinnati's slick Bearcats were the nation's So. t cut. Hciss, a slim baker, said he lejre basketball team for 1959-60. OPEN BOWLING n v The t diversity definite answers." 20-year-old Nc.v York student added she hadn't seen Carol since she left Jan, 20 to take * parr in the I'm 'I The Associated Press' I of the season Tuesday had final lead them all and it's only the Olympic flames. third time the Bearcats have v. ,i> not considering a profes- (he Oscar Robertson-led Bear¬ the elite top ten. It a!' 1 watches! it all on televi¬ made o • ojuil career because: cats perched in the top seat— started with the incomparable sion," he added. "To tell the STRAND LANES SPARTAN LANES I am tired after having lived -lit of a suitcase for. the last truth. I am as happy as a father just where they've been since Oscar Robertson, of coun-c. • the first poll was taken 4n De¬ precocious sophomore I don't think I en i fee!. We are an ordinary, As a M even weeks. cember. • modest family. To achieve such "the Rig O" led his mates to a •ou'.d stand living out of a suit- Now it's up to the Ohio five a tremendous welcome is a No. 2 rating. Last year Cino \|irhi<>;iii c-e 42 weeks to prove its merit in the NCAA .Hill I.. MirhigMii like to live a normal life great honor. dropped to fifth. I I never had any doubt that Championships against a talent¬ This time Cincinnati, wh- • Tliratrr a-:.i I don't think that's a nor¬ • - would win in the Olympics. ed field that includes Califor¬ wound up its regular season mal life * nia's defending ehamps. the No. Monday night Avith a 25-1 record Hl.lu. I 11 2.2HI I Brunt-!, her coach, But in that competition you Pierre 2 team in the poll. all never know what is going to set a front-running pace s ud he had received offers from Smee the AP Basketball Pol! happen. way. |\ 2-H2HH ! of the major ice shows and began 194D, six of the 11 .. "There is *o much pressure on in In the final poll. Ike Bearcat, Mi a so from Hollywood' motion quintets chosen for the No I place votes fro. studios for Carol's serv¬ .,!! the athlete-, anything ran roller ted 92 first {est picture rating crowned their campaigns Ircr IVirkiii" OfM'ti 10 A.M. ices but all were rejected. happen" with NCAA titles. the 194 east by sports writers an.) ast sportseaaters. They piled up 1.93' A yeaf hgo. however. Kansas i points on the oaual basis of is Yet State Avas names! the top team for first. 9 for second, t for third •en and then was upset in the early FREE! Vi GALLON COKE !eai • etc. NCAA eliminations California. California (24-13 received 4* The -ffukiNt 11th. -eat Cincinnati in •nd?i first place votes and 1,71ft poir.t the semifinals and then edged Behind the two powers caw HOOT REEK UK ORANGE West Virginia for the title. Another meeting between Cin¬ 3. Ohio. State; 4, Bradley; 5. West -er I Virginia: 6, Utah; 7, Indiana: c-.t WITH 2 REGULAR I ITEM PIZZ AS ! cinnati and California would set up the game of the year for. Utah State: 9. St. Bonaventu*-. ' . A >11 (PLAIN ( Hiix; i..\ci.rn»:i)> and 10, Miami of Florida. the hardwood sport. • f The second tetj. in order. ; \ This is the first , time Cincin¬ eludes: Auburn, New York t\. -a>1 VARSITY DRIVE-IN nati ever has been chosen to Georgia Tech, Providence, 5* Louis, Holy Cross, Vlllancva. ■ire tl'- f) HEI.IVERV SERVICE ED 2aC,l7 I Varsity leers Duke, Wake Forest, and S.. John's (NYL row! mr.llT IN TIIK Spartan Imrt iPkn Tnpne Cincinnati's lose defeat wx« t.,: (32> finds I rank Kadovtch's fist in his face as he goes up for a Omen Frasli a one-point thriller. 91-94, at n> :L rebound in Saturday night's season wrap-up against Indiana. Per¬ haps RadoAirh (331 is angry at the rebound a* this taller Monsirrs I A f ffi, I Bradley. Jon. 14. The Beorrau, were outre bounded hr State, 34-50. Itut Indiana won. Wi-BO, for its ' InAnnual lilt lag -*"**■ tmu,« LATEST HI-FI IP RELEASES 12th straight win. State News photo hr Holt Maronpot. heave, then «wep4 12 stralffbi Overall team balance ami ex* Six H»tn<- Mrfl« Slal.'il pertence, sparked by the tup- MlMoprl Valley title. REC&ROINGS For I960 A schedule of 10 event* f- r Golf Schedule April IV—AArxlprn mari- April vu. si in—NHUdaU at Da»t Laiuiiu- ? b'on to western Mm lanxltiii Wisconsin Moroney scored four times and Atack three to supply the bulk Invitation Tournamentj. Nine of the top ten made the post-sea¬ KJf •*: f O b r*x tor Biggie Mumw 1— Illinois at Miifhu4ii ence title by one game to Or x • COXTKMPHKAK) VanA!. dyne's .squad are f.ive I -using forwards in the varsity nets to is through for the k.« »» 1 W OKI.It MUSIC dual ami three triangular match¬ A|.»T IS—Notre lisme at l.asl I in.mt State and You utt] atu.»»* look your loveliest . , . and JAZZ ,M.tv 20-21 — D extern Confereiu« settle the issue. "Hi. Wake Forest was beater, » 4) es, of which nix Afct'i2 be played The only man to beat Wherley Sr ir vimi will bo thrilled with the convenience of t hsmpieRihip. at MM I an»ir»c the Atlantic Coast Conference ronurt lensr*. line plastic lenses are ground • Ml.ME IN I AD I.OOK AROl'SIl" at home. The complete sebeduhrt June IN.J.V—NCAA ( lismpioiisliipT at i olorado apniu-., t olu. was Art Thomas on a short shot Tourney by Duke and Aubur. I from out front early in the on NCAA probation, is inellgl. .* and polished to sour prescription, determined through an fir examination In our doctor*, the ■V PINU'S RECOMMENDED LP second period. Although the final score was for post-sea.«on competitior.. The first 10 teams with potr"« lenses fit dirertlv over Itie cornea and offer coin- pirtr natural sNIott. I onie in for the complete Satrhmo Kinr Oliver I'U)* SHEPARD S ... quite decisive. State fans can look forward to next season with some well-founded antici¬ on a "10-9-8, etc. basis place votes and won-lost re¬ (fire¬ FAST LANSING STORE OPEN cords through March 6 in pare. pation. Freshman defenseman theses): WEDNESDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 IVM. Marty Quirk gave a fine display 1. (TBrlMMll IK) of stick-handling and body- 2. ( aU(*r«M (Ml (t«-M checking, certain to bolster tho 3. Dhln Stale (141 (tl-3) 4. MrHSf H4I (24-l» Spartan^ next year, and wing- .V N»M %IrglnU (IS) (14-4) man Bobby Doyle proved him- « lUh C> (24-1) 1. Indiana (2S-4) »»•:? a smart and accurate man 5. I tah kUlf (22-5) with a stick around the oppon¬ s St. Banarenter# (Si IIH) 1«. Miami (VU) It) ID-H ent's nets. U I No AFL Rookies Will Play l*a • Mssl M4in In Septemlicr All-Star previous years). Game Each team wr" D Uts 11 have 60 players at camp and a* i have to see how «ach ptrfORUf" ut i «aid Woodard. Jf < He said the decision was that Vf) of Foss and approved by Isj^js "i« seniors. Tht «0 pl,)«n on !V Ar' Will be cut.to"*3 later ia season. II frMiWraftif ** wfrse • •«."'•:*•♦•-V- * •■+>**>* -■*• ".' \ <• ,»*3w»««'*»•«.-t •■■ v W- *.fJ• L 177, IF. Virginia Win Openers; Stated* Denver leers Favorite in Tournament MINNEAPOLIS powc- Denver won not only the seu- scorer with 44 points on 17 goals fui Denver, a team which -wept --on.il WlHA Championship with and i'" assists. h 17-4-1 record but the indivi-. The league's best goalie Was fill Meet in every honor in sight during the RegioFriday dual scoring and goal tending Denver's George Kirk wood, a regular season, is an overw helm¬ titles as well 22-year-old sophomore from ing tavoritc this weea :•> grab Bill Masterton. a six-foot jun¬ Edmonton, Ala., who allowed Night *pnrt, t rlitor one of the We-'.'s two ;p»c.- n- ior from Winnipeg, was the top 2.3 goals a game. I'al *l«'|ih*-ns the NCAA Moekcv Tournamvn' tar aaMHi.tnn rat'ss prv'-ts f M h. 'f after the which March 9. lien faaelive . .urr.;i ?ver< Uconns., cham¬ Jerry scored eight points Denver mcetl Col.-ia.oi Col¬ r opening game of th- • e The victor* sent the Moun¬ pions of the Yankee Conference and set two other basket*, lege arid North Dakota "III itiiLY CArflVMilNC uo .• |;.v\ Eastern Regional fina'* taineers. runner up in last year's for 'he 10th straight year, had tired the Mountaineers from a Michigan Tech in .twovaau Madison Square Garden • M AA championships, into the zipped intrf a 19-H load. He 27-24 lead with seven minutes piuyoffs Friday and Saturday at D;e?.tjy night New York yn.- " whipped the University Eastern semi.finals at Charlotte, X.C. Friday night against streak¬ added two free throws for a 16 win: burst a* the 12th ranked to play to vantage a 44-32 halftimc ad¬ Intramural Denver and Michigan. Tech. ★★★ Entrerrely touch¬ ing story in the neo-realistic t Cot- or.necticut 78-59. on the ing \r« York 1*. Y'olets outscorrd Connecticut With the score 58-53 for West style." *■* Doily'News -?>.looting of Russ Cunning- NYU. playing n the NCAA .11-12 in the 11 minutes and Virginia. West went to work Schedule ■ tournament for the first time in trotted off with a 40-31 halftone again. In the next eight minute- "A fine drama spun out against only the I second game saw ftfth- 14 years, Umkod as »l the shock lead. he scored 16 of West Virginia .• ats have L-.ted West Y.rginiJ defeat a was too much for i? until lit ye Cunningham was hark in hi* 30 points, set up Lee Patron-.* h.ysKi run i 8: Hi realistic backgrounds well ;.^v Navy. 94-86. AH-Amer- Cunningham, a 160 - p-undcr.* u*ual pi.iv maker roll in the sec- and Jim Richie on three point CS v ill 7 written and directed by Silvio n. tt 3H - r m,ik point lead and wa* never threat¬ wa* 88-69 and the Mountaineers CC 3 Ritbn t v*. Until-rriPtit I 7 .JO n'y%/jmoIT Siano has discovered genuinely .n this win. West scored 34 hit seven of 10 shots in .the |ir--i ened. • were home. iaie^ to A 4, VIII 7 CAM U touching performers." N, Y.Times A! Ber-.ten, getting 16 n the \\ est had a good deal ef help. I I. t t: sliaw S v*. ttallrv 1 , i.ir Cwc> MVOMd half, led NYl* with 23 r*perially in the tir*l half, from 4, Mil » ml Ham Factors Blame tmmon* 3 v». B-uIrt 3 ti. wh- • V to points. Cunningham Torn Sanders. leading NYU sen had IS - Jim Warren. The 6-2 senior who triggered WeM Virginia to it* KOWIINL. a I* tii r«'nsgim wm.-a r • seasor I-* t sliaw .'• \» Cmnion, 3 1 wi'ii a 22 pomt average, had sixth *traight *ouihern C'onfer- 1 i-1 record 3-4 Hullrrfirlit ? *». Hailrv i GLENN FORD ce p •!! tHe Beareib |For Mat men's Showing !>;• fa \ n-e ': h u 15 but was strong on de- and the lop rebounder enee Tournament Champton*hip, had 22 poinl*. Navy, which pulled a tre¬ V-s Hrvan I v». tmmon, ! 7-B Rathrr R vi. Bnllrrlirlrt I DEBBIE REYNOLDS >«• 4N AVCX PROCUfT'ON lack Rose. 5-11 Uconn back- mendous first round upset in the vateetron, Michigan State's wrestling squad did not look good in the had 15 noin'.s while NCAA against North Carolina IM Highlights "GOOD an appealing GAZEBO man, ♦mi itHff* anj I'^estem Conference championships at -Ann Arhor this .1 dm Pipe/nvski. CunnectieuVs last year, was led by bullish J-jv film in the fomiliar realistic >4 ap 1.83' \**t weekend. va i ng syarer wa* held to 10. Me'./ler. who had 27 points and The fencing tournament con¬ partem ef a few seasons MAC. l oreicn Film S,rlc- •ate of 1:> Y'et the Spartans reason for Michigan'* superiori¬ I h Ylounlaineer'* Weal's 15 rebounds tinues todav with the sabre CARL REINER which "Shoe should have e ago. ga*e uv I far third yea a creditable performance, ty over the rr*l of the (earlie playing wa* hy far hi* best in event scheduled to begin at < *. .JOHN McGlVER Shine' and others of its KAIKCIUU) THEATRE in the championship*, the Spar¬ • C *f M*scc^r p.m. All contestants should re¬ east so say the statistics. New York he hit 12 of 21 held kind.'' «— N. Y foit T hur>.. Erl., Mar. ](l & 11 eceived ** 716 poir. • The question was put to coach -xi!ey Collins why State did tan mentor said: "I've never •eon a team so goal*. In of 15 free throw*, and grab bed 13 rebound*. He also IM Results port to Coach Scamitter in the fencing room Starts Sal. & !• p.m. — AdmiMinn: aOc ar«used nxsKirn %i 1. "The Hitc Fisherman" wers ci'v better than finish third when as J hey very Thev had live a**i*t*. seemingly could | m-lr Tom , Nov, 7*. WMV ll py: 5. lVwt -••• had entered as the tourna- . n> wrong. The 6-foot-3 senior from Cao- Wandrr%»atl 71. Hagrr I* I amily (.tub to Mi'rl Indiana: -c tit favorite. However. tbe> c • Creek. W \'a.. broke the | *|mw 5. J.V; H4llrv 77 than ?hr:v Km* I?. Haver Iff •naventu* >!tin* replyed this way more -hurt >>' the g-.wc open with two wonderful The Varsity club will hold 3 . I *haw «. 4J. HiiUcMielO *. t» A number of factors entered breaks Michigan '• t»a*. flurries. l*he flrst burst, m I arlrv IJ. V «>rni,b « meeting at 8 30 tonight m toe rtda. done as wp" I mmiint J. 77: W *ha* 4 :• orat*r, it Ohio State's Dave Ca- •*•»*. tnlir l»aa *. Iohn»lonr 11 Vars.ty Club room of Hie stad¬ York t.\. normally 137 pounder. Young's loss to W : i«. HiiUrr'irlO I. SI; liwnnni 7. 47 ium. The purpose »»1 '.ho meet¬ >n«. Lale Scores • ~i a an example.of the ivhu.»> trior 7«. Vokum. Hfath. 17 ing will be to formally initiate Idence, S* ■i-.f down to 173 pounds and the Wolverine*, fumed into <1 t K Vlt HMM YnUDHU L new members. Vlllanovit. it vut our George Hobtv- Had \MI iixai * raione stayed a? 130, he means of ga tun: bv.* \ UITRUIT S. Montreal • Slfcina cm nvrr (It 14-11. 14-17 , and S;. The spartan wrestler held a Nl'AA Neglonats Mitma Xu over sum* CM 11-1C 15-14 d have probably lost to iMihe *1. t'rlnrrlnn •» sum* Nu over HI* 15-11. 15*14 1-1 lead and was on top ol the msm Ohio I ntver«li« ?4. \oire llamr Ml Defeat _.r>te'» Norman Young." W<-»o>rn Krnliickv in*, viunu W I inal •We eouated Young "in- Michigan trappier with but ten l Sigma Xu •l-H. at on Ml % : *icma I hi second* remaining in the matrh. itf. in inoir , ig Ikr 1M pound champion, *t mi 3. in f " he cuutluued "instead he Thvtl Yl M, ., • .vv • NOW SHOWING mi to MirMgan't Ambrose M II- gain <« better p-o bo' va> caught (' 1 a 'iv. s«* and nca-iv 12 atralcht tub TW» »»» aa unexpected pinned hy '.he al \S SIMPLY NO 000R AT ALL! 0L0 We also hoped Bob Mojer and the rui*. : vs • et 63-37 «s d be better at 157 but we ' The VVitt-'v :r the t"u: . n. v TELLER California, r+r. t expecting Purdue t«» divisions arc .'o' 13 -n their big mar. Rub Mar- •oiled up •i.\ down u» tha* weignt class 123-Cam.dom 130-W ilbank>. Mi. DOS •ja his norma! 167." iua!!f:*d fc" Keilerman M 47-Ja tKTlKNS IN or NittwuP Miser, after winning his open- Bake M; if-Mai-f nti. Nine of 5; preliminary match, was stop- P..-JUC !6"-D f ■ 1: by the Boilermaker gray- ie -ranked h - post-sea- f en his aeccnd outing M ch.. heavy wg :--'o " . W t-ls 1 STORY ft em Confe'- S umming up Colim* said - or -We MaI dtdu't have it that COURAGE ime to Or 1 k' We perfoewied about like for the k«- » did IgaM Ptttaburgh ear- AND yiPVr-1, beater. ii'iHfm. DEVOTION; as r in the leaiw «the Spartan* Conferer .* ABOVE ind Aubur that Me. 13-11»- It iu*t IQJflBDIZrCVrnegQp ■ai'iw that way m athletic* NOW' «3e m 3 I* W ALL! , is inellgT -♦ I'eaturr at 1:03 - 3:10 • 5:10 upetition. After Michigan State pulled 7:i0 and 0:30 i with potato basis (fir- jurpnaing 14-11 « • ag« ' I Ihal VV ts M .ilrd ".-on-lost fe- Lr*..|ia one weekeiio before ■ tr.ney at Ann Art> r open- 1 6 in pare- MSU was cast »r.v the DRY CLEANING THAT'S HI far •np. nships as the favorite, •I* t didn't come about. The Iti-i-M- fc.r.t \i:.nes, arwl ' combining f.ne team rousing balance. REALLY 0D0R-FREE l)iit,krr. ami Itnltii, ill,- ulaff al **, the Spartans out of the — Vantlly' llarlnr Nlui|i. ght along with all I tts-W raced to a relatively easy K\|»'rl ami Kfrii-ii-iil, llit > are anximi- In |ili-a,<- Yhu. Prti|i fConference title la rapiurlwc Use erwwn. Mnh- in fur *i,nr iH'\l liairrul ami fiml llial i-\lru -mmTliiii^ ill Play gaa mrnn feat •# the eight indi 623 L 80. RIVER |M-rfftT frrmimiiif;. Game Waal vti|ll championship* in- ke !M g the aiwt ml pound bracket Yowig In VENDERS JL CMSMatconE ( ich team w eh eamp and perfottn*," Ute r asked to expla.n able to defeat their Amor rival in the season'* dual meet before the how »ea- rtOMA* IWFOIMATIO, ('AM. ED i-MI? COCOH by oe tual DAVIO LAOO • D0NA1D CRISP LATEST NEH'S » VI NTH Varsity Barber Shop .-.ampionships began. 0*i- COLOR CARTOON 2(MI M.A.C. (v^.a.ned it this way -HKHU8 PIC NIC ,va> must have caught Mscn- (I liilt-r N|,lr Nllii|>) wh4n" U was down." tie MIOW* AT I - 3 - 3 • 7 • 9 i, "Of on the other hand - ay - hTARTINCi NATI RIlAY ' (Shot Sliiiw* hy Rubin) were wrcaUmg over our Ml.HTS 1 SI X. — .VIII'I.TS Tfk SAT. MAT. .Vk- MtLOMON A SHKBA" i*u at the ume." I.YYRA' ( arUMin kaked aha In s now SHOWING — STARTS 7 P.M. THE WHOI.E TOWN HAS GONE .1 TO THE DEVIL. Acmdrmy Iuunl \ombuiliont! - EAST 2 . DAYS Thr mo-i diabuliial «. I»!W! ^ SELL YOUR BOOKS murdrr, in Ik, hl.torv of Ih, l.rrnun guienunml! .llfflttnAMta! wm... The Tco 1 o» a 9* * v*" of Gnhee ' to '' 3 1 I Pcvt Scwt w.th ■ — Nty Th, Hitl,r iiiirmmNil Maniac Kilkrt Pntldi • STARTING FRIDAY AT 1 PJL SHOWN AT T:44 .14:M NOW Never Before Has The Camera Dared To Focus So FOR HIGHEST PRICES > - - 7 I Intimately, yvl So Kevealingly! CAMPUS BOOK STORE "9 ACROSS FROM THE UNION BLDG. m. MklaHi. IkUlURH te Aii i-\lra mi*in;" of UN) SXII lirrcii Stamp* FOOD STORES • lull tv. HAMS *w • II.! f tprit •» l>i W Mon 1TfroiU;li I»« • lite K. Minii<;\n « • 32! EAST fill %\T> RIVI It - Open Mon . Till"*. *"4t S In fc — M«d Another year ha* rolled liv and oner again we here at National pause lo thank you For your patronage ... we know that without vou we would ne\er have had even a first anniversary. We renew our pledge to make your shopping at National pleasant and thrifty Ivy pro* iriing rourlrous nerv ire, low prices every■ day. freshness. e\riting variety and guaranteed "quality and valuable S&ll (ireen Stamps. USDA CHOICE , 11-sC - it'VOICE ej, NATIONAI. FOOD STORES r2 Ndlmn.ll I'lnntllt Neil* II ... lit ISO million ru«l«mrr« fttrf ffJf ^ 100 &)( GREEN STAMPS || miirtoitiiv *mi rim HuntniM i!*n/ r*<», /--• DETERGENT wlm agree that rorn-frd lirrf I* mitrr lender. more flat itrf til Hrtl of itII at . . . the drllriuut quality of rttrn l«-d beef ro«»« no NATIONAI, than inferior grade* elneuhere more y.' mk Ks,,,,„ conAOE CHEESE MNlll THROt'UU .*1 *«t II IJ — U*tT I fig >§2 Join the million* of NATION %l. customer* uho enjoy perfect ratine plranure. Hut corn-fed beef the pre-trimmed Nalioital S *lue Way. — — NATIONAL FOOD STORES PORTERHOUSE STEAKS Colorado Corn-fed RIB STEAKS 7" Gil (JiU7Trr.,t^ymgm■ m rrrti ifiiw i NATIONAL FOOD STORES "" ISO OltEN STAMPS l*ilUl»ur.v Knriched FLOUR jPToc(/ & -- NATIONAL FOOD STORtt> > %\n ei fan tm u-u. c%* MA RIIOI III ■ |M|N| ||M {UiaMi NVNNHHBP ■HNHi imoo tvuioi i.h wAJtca !• — umtt i