Mr*>V» w»Wr.v *-*•**?*■*>**>.< ' >TXM>* '<■■ wtort-^W-tf. *"e*4- F»I»JUT llockey Team The Weather \V»* It Rrallv More of Ihr Same Thai Bad? IIikH 2« S«* Para I Low I*> VOLUME SI. No. 157 EAST LANS|.\Ti, MICHIGAN—THURSDAY. MARCH Hi. I!W0 PRICE 6 CENTS Sec. Herter Displeased Senate Committee Proposes With Cuba Blame* Premier lor Bad Relation* Reduction in University Budget WASHINGTON (/JV-Sec¬ retary of St.itc Christian IJerter complained that as (o tigress Six Million Dollars less six»n as U.S.-Cuhan relations take a turn for the better. Premier Fidel Castro and Establishes Than Asked bv William* his aides "seem to po out of their way to make them more difficult." Reeord Tuition InereUM'M Uorroeen for SelnuiU If Net* Repiihlieaii I^Miiliun SnreeeiU Herter spoke about Cuba — America's'No. 1 Caribbean bead- \t .*<1 llcllillf. Senate lit'pu.hlican* Tuesday suhmilled ;i Sjuf, nillli.-q ache—in hit first news confer¬ ence since returning from a two- l or Kile Hour- budget, settinjr aside s'lnT million f*#»r hiyher education. T'v- •veek trip to l«atin America (!()(• program shaved St» million from the troternor'* hud tret with President Eisenhower. n. -ii ikon comiy The U. S. foreign affairs chieJL slate New* Night Editor proposal. SuiiltHit t onpre-oi iU.-a»n vva- the ',iv.i: "uro-.N-h -cans solved even through diplomatic though U.S. Am- SPARTAN WIVES contented themselves Medne*day by admiring •Phsrel to he shown at their forthcoming fashion show. Hut the a: to lea.'t pxtvutive four vcars, vice-president according Ha a ihi It ."oteqUiite" Coin .'.'i Mr a:i'| S'-ii.iti .i*ke-i Appropria'.icmg sjysador Philip Bonsai is pre¬ kid*, as usual, were more interested in the man with the Inc. black Holme.- pro sently here on recall from Ha¬ box and the flashing light. That, children, is A resolution to abolish com¬ illllTUR* NOTE: (lie fill- a photographer, and he just took your picture. State News lowing I* a issued trv A;»i»r« u,;,4. vana. photo. pulsory class attendance w.v. statement Wi'diu d • the except Din. of first term Wednesday b» Pre*. John V. reaffirmed Eieenhuw - freshmen D-issed. but a mo'un Ilannah in rrpiv to the Senate that the United Demonstrators Protest reuonsitler w:' "piece Appropriation ( onimittee hill ••' -Mb nr.: . t. .-. a:iv.»:i,{ - . mill net make economic fur stale eduration tiind* > IIUNMC I ousines.- u? v'ongre acaimat Cnha. He de- in \ tmi, The I of oe« 1|. granted X3IA.YV- to divulge the adminb- HiM-usMiMi centered the The a|i|H'idiri:tli«'ii- far •MM! in Ihr Civil on roiumillee package. a pgapaaal for mhtrh some to new angar member* u»e a* a Rights Legislation ainrndmrnt to rxrlndr frc*hnirn Irom voluntary attrndAnce. "Those Ntudrn'.- in a higher ttliirafion in .Miuhi- Ifan it* J»l'u|pi*fi| In tin* S«*n- ntf iip|H*a|)fjij!ion* nimmii- wa* meet placed boosting student tuition its operating in the position of needs, fees to against f astro. Cnha Some 4«ni derm»nstratrallied by the \atioiuil A**n. •;V»h-..n perent and iennt pin- t •' M \ • : ' \\ far selling ana* for the Advancement of Colored People (N.\A lab. Ihr piece ha* hern "thrown" tmadei and then partially dried. StaU* rnivt*r.*itv i* riffht* ietrislation the Associated 1'resr. reported. > run- Deapita h.s genera! tone of Opera: loii-t-'ross roads Africa. « After trimming, the pot will he dried romplrtrl}, then baked, renuil that f have n*i|ui**l- The demonstration ft;I ihor I, Herter was clearly un- "Negroes have to learn In he- nationa project *endin^ !»'» glared and baked again. Male New* Photo. imi I sappe over the latest attacks by of its o'eectrve. It -a a- t:me.i To I'.S ktudents to Africa fh.< an opiKirtiinity to enter *: .:»!♦ J.iiiki hate themselves, and then they'll a formal prtitiyjt. I Ca-'ro against Uncle Sam Tre oiuncuie wit»: a he.irir.: in the he accepted," Sargent xaiil. summer t • pnimofc interrw'n>n- MS'T I*. Huuse State Affair^ uiHiers.tanding N.n*» RR Labor Problems )t.ffu-ua t«> e- ,U>" •he . I secretary rejected a Cuban pro- cu:ni»i!;tt>c IfaroM IM\ « ».f luinont'. a ce Ktudents -v ' participate .u.ion that ♦:•«* eornm; had used insulting ■ that he pn-i lc:,t of the Michigan lUsd v ' i ". 1 I jrguage ^tbiiiR Which would expand An attempt :<♦ «i»propr.a'e .1 i no: give adequate eom-ider- . , in dresaing down a the autbor»y of the State Fair Assn.. tcrmctl the demon¬ n..»n .- ■ i.,. .I |80u was -deteafud. Qppone.-;'* alion lo ad. \>T a,e fact : n 41 .'i,421.623 [Cuban envoy here Monday. -co.v.- | carefully Herter mid chosen h.s words "were ... no* insult. Employment Practice* f.on to tare* in commi?- education, public stration "a show of force." r The ghts negro have t" has be to earn»n.i Jertrtt ths.' claimed Oongres-.'s responsibili¬ ty was to endorse the project Discussed at Seminar volved, nnd would .milI t that furlhe i a more eq study i.tubii* "■" I f" .SIUJ'..-. 'iv rec?>mntoftdatlori. a fill": according •» received H.rommodatjntis and private They ,-.r,d «tijij.iiement fund*, not *« apnrooriat'.oi- all" when he compia.ned \«r.r ' ■ c. ■ l c. ... "I. " . •V en ' gam thorn through force Thb work rulf* is.iue in thi* ruilrnjul labor dispute w i- I' * mU* '-j Cuban charge d'affaires En- housing supply nearly one third of the »«• n« nio ' '' "••• U. ' i- afrinoon 1 The hearuv; wa* • r li-g)»!nt|o»>." Davs • s-dru*>tvl Gv representatives of labor ami mnnairement appropi iatiou Jiroposed :. ox,..-. !(•:I ' -que Patterson about what Her- "u'. -i- :h ... , . •-... j, j • termed Castro's baseless coe.'nittee chairman M-.-y ■ (1 ;r»t> faeuTy corpMiit'if t • finance i's Wwlne-oiiiv at Keliop-jr ( enter in a seminar Uesivrnwl to in¬ n»>« ; rendu ! ?•» suppar? <»u- '• I i I cart'iei ptac. ht« rcadin urge that the United States i R-Portland), ducke. 1 out of the sliii.e o! tiiu program ••r.i'ioas "f M'. higiin State l.'i - *en. I'aui \ miliger crease the tin»ler*tantlinjf of ( ?«>! itefore 'he yen rnittee rights ''Jan ("ro1 The election* ordinance, pro¬ newspapermen in. the fieM of versify t»u* • ' Mo b- •»«* re*poa$'b!e for last Friday's xingi declined to state hi* *ym- C'»::l i vote on re «- Hit- b .•a legiala viding a »>«lem for Al'Sfi elec¬ Iai*»r relation*. ;o.,r: Stab* U:-.versiJ>-t>akhind, Havana munitions v.n.p cxm - for the value of railway traffic pathie*. either with the univer¬ *. house debate AH tion*. pa-scil with a minimum Ja- and -||. i ,';y Kx'cn I that cost more tnan 50 . ve r ! ay i- ha* increased. ..»!>.•• -ft sity or the eommittee report. cad "Gli'i drhatr. Ihi* hill *parked the IV? Srt A ul'ur.i! under r con- • ■ leader Har- • cu«.urc.- to clear'ce * ereruw walkout staged bv aeveral I on- -j :i <•? ' . a' a the lligiiw.iv' oM.lJ-.a ' fi-llefroi! i .:,.d I Snowstorm Toe placard-carrying ncjfrori-. cheered ui M'trafion would v that" hurl .1 grr** meeting. member* in la*t week'* a . * * I *he s^rne train en w T ? In lusti «fr S.a< :id ' «">-cr {fSiHii and Relation' the fid •U,'t '. ? i v v *, • nunu*v predrrmiiieritty a v." .- i ! ., floor figrit. •■gh:-'Ep»akerx and sang hyn : help the civil right' The regular quarter »a\ f " quention <»f <:»fetv For safety in I • i.:v add:4: Hti' Grips Parts Hon «f Repr ' . • If 'to* y.-oooM-d inure.)-»* w< »• — an! i«a*r;otic H«-ng,. f«u- *pr;ng term, assessed an s"u- tram*, he cuhunued, require; a '"'Vi . lb*. George Salla 1o Ik-uc in niiter "Mr. fdhlis says ma«s demon¬ dcnt.s. was a|iprovcd. av. 'ao . "o Mn State t'n - an 23»ciefr. < .»n«,.#»-c. v'.g ' o'.i t ;e par', of fR-Atiii Amor) produ-Unl I Of ,m ("ungrcf-. appr«>priated 82»w» *.» u'.ont. -,vf could iiir*uidh Midwest cold. The g.iod-naTurtsi .ts biggest applause for thrmg strations do Kei. James no good." Madsworth shouted of the t'anrpu t'n-Ted Nations ' • li> "i thy eftii '. the pilb- •iuD'U effort i'.;:' itiHk' 'Tianiff "'y .rnpo-- ends no1 r.pei..j,' ui'.-.T Mid he .'•■'* in-: 4 he , V"4e* though fit* whie Gov. Williams long-time advo¬ st. Mark Preshsterian Church trip Indiana Umversit an i t ,i ::< j» »i 4 i cmsideriiig . ?i sr tar. asMNitirn mis* f. r ,!> xpring tern: budge' i • u! cate of more extensive c:vi! in Detroit, one of the organizers •MTtieddni.* hi: rv»*. inffu- uppor! .id "f them1 om-ratsou-. floor A blinding snowstorm figh4 ... • ao- togbta legislation. of the march. frovA-nai barter. • <• . l the iiuhlii and ineuiiwri edequI'c'y witlt the aniou.'s' «f Itu.lrwuds Iosihs ground in propria'">. »uM no' I wept across .section* of the "Tin* fa'-hellied granvd to firck-. Judo c ub an.» 4fr >»bgr« »> a- much as ' he i ntone-, pi • -gb' oj RepresenlatM of real estate childt a,i.v> t.» thr heM of trampurtatiun. hr [ndweat and south Wednes- and property e- owners groups flic empiy-tMlueu eiiUd. Im» •.? t a upu- I'N s4»d. and thi* ha* to be checked, 'i:' •ured the railway employet Mulligan State Iniversity- 1 fell • . \tSU and r I '■ We " Hi never lie managettient. (iakland, it mu*t lie rrmeinlier- M M'.oa , urged Gibbs* committee to rr- went on to *av that when reque-ds hdVi \c* llicl.lll.l I'lll't \miJ Rrunmei. MHU ce - wen* -ieii-.onar»le V >as» *.vvo s..v»b> cities reyv ved any rjihf-, •• profit margin* begin to narrow, ed. will lie going Into 4 second from fm* 011;- Joet proposals eosering private n, v pr0fe»- >r. *;»okf t-i "'in W illirrl SiiiiK In l ull. Snltiid.- • dt»i . of operation, planning on • >T;d "Therefore, I*'"* virtually paratyxed. heuoing. Will tn-inagement mu«t stud* it* up- r • iM'irrncf* on "i" irnpaiA. of for- year «hI;i. q Many small towns were iso- cangra?uJ,i' tv) ♦ho eration. fur firm and direet ar- aneptmg between MH and SO" .," nai.i Sargent, %;«•' president the a order p.- ttun i« 14lied fur when rata*- new freshmen, yyho. with those W nam* or th' Sen- !**'.. will give a talk or* jewtr-, ea.n ci -nornv American t'irm- a'.e Roads were blocked and #>f the National I v;l As*n truphs loom* un the horBon —— now in the first rla**. ** III make \ppi .1'. >jv. Committee, reading * one of his own. tvug.' :nu>' .ireep' the challenge 'f •O". f ' 1*were closed. which claims a mwruijerxhip i f up a large college in tliein- , . j--,f.ed.'> .1- 3 .0 th- Kluca'-ion bu-;d:r.g K« « hert>iidi6ff rule* w» ri¬ i,"ig;. coriU'oti'iun, be said, and Detroit || o u * e •e|ve«. legislator*, . The huge storm struck just It i.tme 40.000 Detroit are» h'er.c- K. v . .« . ;*;tc-3»defJ te prevuui. devote mure attention to re- sprakiiiK for M'avtte lays before th# advent of spring Mate I Di¬ owners, sakt the proposals would Htluciilitr* I irir/Htinl Smrv'v Ta.'k Sponsored -v. OW.f v 0i. tb* par'- of manag--- -i\,r< -a and .icveiopment to a'- Michigan S'ate t*riiver,«.fv ; versity, supported the |* i raiiged from Iowa and M.-« create "a gestapo iswrimissmn" the .Honors Coilagv and oy the :tr.A ■ be eoiil, "Ihu! t» to redtKc the cost nf pro- rorrfronteti with the probability ment released l.r I»r. state¬ taatwurd to North Caro- as !ar as property rights *:e Tw o adult educators Ilannab on cam¬ departments of Rngl.*rt an i . - :.z the rule- * iu. u«n Ut rough unproved tucti- that it will have a substantia! "I'm Mm W.'ivtx* feci*. .Vhi* cobcerneil pus will Join Ma/or John ' Bar- vumraunieation akili.' Nome ;b. :^ f .J 1 done, ue ni'tty increase. in enrollment How same a "I* would do nothing but give, ion - fc-.' '.Vi.iiam Eaton of the Unite?! large that increase mj . be U In- Rip Frederick Yatex (D-De- i twa. a. special group of citigena «pe- Sunday at 2 p.m. t-.i diacuss "Tnc utnv f lyrw. narrative ar», of which ant tu the railroad union*, in bureau, predicted that the next ftandard- are going hiffier ail Sawbng Greer. Ky- m Ah * "I doll • *Ti ■ • . Iv*ve»M p: "In protsosixig to eliminate They are Howard Neville dt- 'SamuU' Review" has «air. labor* view* said that Nation of 32,000. was amnrb- glting •nr."* 'big lais.'r gtorii-H would • a- titi.e, .1 of Feb 21* we bjd pet mmj.v o; v i,ne 1 in v..* urimiaatif'R. they're tne White jlouse, un¬ more students than «• trie s.imi: f c.j*—and it atill was filling. i' •' oh. etiuuif'ior.a, needv, f,j. • tion." MSU'.« C'.«>perative Extension a tough Nr* Eng andw and been, fcatlwats are nut on the ion*" uncertainty on How to keep turie l*fi' year T'»4.i! new >1- i ie*pi!a! . . ' »" was isolated. Service. the naij of the *c* ii in "mm " hrtnk of eaUatrophe. he said, f-dmg our from shrinking with the advent rniiivont av -»f tngt date ! lie [ *-'■" •- EvanasnHe. Ind., with a pop~ nt ;abor saving machinery, and eiononia 0'. » »-.te of 140.000. was traitjacket when cwught in MSI Statical Jimmy Hoffa'?. durability " ar.» : year *♦:!• s.x were mofsths 4.17k, a.>i »»e- fr-o w«- R • lilt't 'es of frean ktvow piled atop ie opening of • pec' legiCab 's.i 1 .* md. inchee - already on '-.he To Receive li. S. (leases T-.e*e !• -.ort 11 - must •■yd Tt.ev re Win* and oithidiTed T ".•* rir'.qeased [ Irhoolf no s closed is south Fellou'shift were appr anow Indiana after clogged las** that wiod- lieriitt Flijrltl* er iga*t s... rea.o State av L-;v- « iaple - .. to ;vdi M>< g firia! The MIll-million building pro¬ tr. bt'le rruiprv with whhuu *#n cut through 10-foot Thocnas Mcllrath. East L- - gram urged hi Governor Mil¬ WASHlNa*P A The ibirii iOpe ium* to supplement rapiUl out 9i% iuft by previous gtorms. *;ng senior, has been norruoa> i by the k»c*l Chapter "f P"-i Inittd State* ha.» .la.-sdowd k»eping our faculty u;4 • 4 lay appropriation* apparently i* UOt wm Mm! to ili Kappa Pht, national gthalasbc 'he luea of defying Jtuvs.» ?>h- ,i".ie 4 stand* little riuure of accept¬ mmr tm tw W to. jeelioni and flying ?qs!i'.ar* sup- C'ir.iorate into "f.c teaching »i ance honorary fraternity, to receive it* national fellowship award plv pUm-f U* Berlin a* progra-jTn' the new d 1 ..i: '•Inwftta 1 h> demanded by * L': ' «a —r,** St. L.xi-1 of 42.300 high aiv.uac- Jbi i-." f.-:.. .ac killed ye, »j»M.euu utE*»r,e-i iouv expansion -n kirrw ■ •' he vise r of M police reported. Mrtlrath, a ptljrsks and'math¬ •»«»d a;i>tk« Ate Twin* fn»!itu-.e **"ve had traffic Ueupr ail ■ the K/ea Tu» a eing cur- edge no-a occur? .Kg g- rat* U «7!.0 $3.:37,000 \ - * rt.>s west of RoTa, Mo. tr.e fetloership award* titU'i,.'.' lupa'♦merit which only hem Michigan Coi.**gea $1.300,. L snowfall measured . 10 tee and prnfexaor of agriculture a few acck ago agiee-d on a Slolr Nn«« I'titilion* ',,()60 5 ► *%thera tip of Illinois, had —Other member* of t.He t ('«■!•••' J0.000 feet, AppRratkmr fist tprinf term ir-chev, and it raited the are Charles Boas, as^^- •Sc. '• >•»/ StaU' Chfiftisti •State New-, ed:p>r>»l y'.aff It'orlifm 1 the month to 1 J.1 incb- Hrri-i 'iisch>»ed hi t.rl l'i;;n tan: professor of geography. '-he iurj>i»*e tion* will re* accepted f- ■" ar.-v •■opptag the 11.7 march rec- Kalph Cortiiow. associate pr - back* way a' a i»ni conference interntel student, rega.-diexs * k. about," commented head of the department of vet¬ T-.' secretary *trp*«e« Membership ia Phi Kappa serve their rights to fly into 3 p.m.. Monday. Information 01 S«>ph cotuudl wont. rut off from the outside ph. is limited lo the upper I West Berlin at altitude* higher "4 jobs available and •ppllcution A check will ex* presented ta .n Kentucky. Schools did- percent of the junior cLaaa and hN fruai bom* art (ill r.h Larry ffalbtr. Iha lev- than 'he Soviet -proclaimed ceil-, procerlur* it available in the tire council at th«i time, re- in almost--tan entire the upper • percent of the sen¬ > (My CuMaae tmm- arly, Chrh Milium. Larry Imm. Mickey JcweU. Wig of 10,060 feet whunavar State News office, they 341 Student prcxantang th« profit madu from ior Lehava It | Services. r • ^ uWlilfl! Add A $10 Gadget LikTTWr lltf0»M4II0H Michigan State* News fiVMNASTICS (tt'B FRENCH CLl KNO CAPS 7-6:30 p.m 8 p.m. Music Bidg, Choral TFtifv by MSI's 25.00ft Students and faculty 7-9, Jenison' Cynv Room. WATER CARNIVAL f .Michigan V.Me Nr-.i« i« r-jhl- -«1 l»v -riudenu <•( Michigan Slut# CAI.IH'8 CM It KAPPA PHI CLUB ! ' v-% i .1 l- • • v " • ■>' '« 1 '-"iV -ai-ri CHAIRMEN . ,, • ;C . .. '• ' • .<• ■'» ' [ ' k'"j'- 4:3(» p.m., WIM Hidi 8:30 p.m., 31 Union. 7 p.m.. * Wesley House. AHg.r's * pledging .n - Pill ITT.% MtJM t AMERICAN SOCIETY OE !.I «KIM IT'" "" «*1?«n"out]»t2 ttentar IT'.* .-.J AH-t-mM in,I'M 7:15 ion. p.m.. Tower ruom. Un¬ CIVIL ENGINEERS spring to attend. pIMgf class are urgii .1 ■ 8:30 p m . 33 Union. UNION HOARD WEEK VolTsi. N». t*>"' ThiirniMv. March I"- 1980 Pare Twii DiKH ToRs 7 p in., Mctmsr. Union-Mural Room. |, , >v, • - =fi5=5i?s3 TBI BETA 7 p m., 116 Natural Science. AUSG llominir Hint SKEPTICS 4:10 p.m. CORNER Wesley House. CV wi i£il Soi THURSDAY NOON l.t NCHKON Wesley House. Fails Official*" Test 12:10 p.m., WATER C ARNIVAL DECORATIONS COMMITTEE 1 7:15 p.m., Kappa Delta House. v|t IH'VT t tfM.'ltllSS I'SSSI II :i hoiikitii? re>.ilttti«i*i Ms| SAILIMi CLUB 7 p m.. Shore school. I IT whioh vtatc.l that -optmni.hvt, junior* and senior* 7*30 p.m.. General meeting.* it I low •*! i to break »I«»rni contract .4 at the etnl of DELTA PHI EPSILON 7:30 p.m., 32 Union. Requir¬ term |»ro\n!etl Hie dorm wa> opersttinjr at it* planned ed meeting - Election*. inna! capacity of two .hvuiuiiN l"'r average room WASH AMATEUR RADIO f:• CUB 0} | This ^ I anil we trust admit we thought it tri,i 7 30 p.m., Foundry Rhlg t tTQ f tf .n»itopmers till better hoiiviii' is found will have '<» FOB BENT EXCEU.ENT Tt.'MTY in a RT'«VER* #maii eenmuiu-- OPf 8^ i -e ra'e*" if thes cannot he certain of their residents a tail ETD fowee and #if» K.«r» ABABTMENTS e*?ahlt#hi»d 23 eear# oervirg >" c*. a Wilis We h»v# »r>e,iai,rr 1 •- ' • iinuaual m design. Pre'rr •ekimg ■»! APARTMENT, . - J..• •- I.f the re-Mluteal had a Va.'el r w. f.. l.'lean lus g.,« neat. Mips SintUi, EO J-325t oiiduet -litifdv -eauin I , , h.|t!; . | i>im.ui • Dr. I'Vnrig Fnvors Detroit boeation I i«(," SAI.F I0'" UlUAtXN rxilv «even montha or TWO IV 6-370.i APARTMFNTH FVTR 47 Y- Ith# n.o«r to cavp*'* Hc^ond.iion—J hmiu t"i I«it. rune 4It i.Multipl# or r**'ef • • . t .01 rt> 2-aj'.»4 even leg* llaaeboard, heat and ne* sa«n—e THlNf; ftirn»*he«l Will j»ccmut!i«Klat# passed Unwise? mi.ial vv hen it planned for recreath-n er dir. MSI tledical Center t ii' :n tv 23l« fast Michigan 1 ll 2-2S.12 .i • ere It are not lost flow \l \ he Avenue lnuah'v '4-»« no' :n )um", -n THR7TE-BEDROOM RANri! L t Me m 'tii tniddie of ! \ ,-.u Tt- J.» V ,'v *.r Ct.fAN ft'RNISflED APART- 14M. near eamp»i# DnhwiVT. r , • • 1 • • ( 'he r trade " the b.t«,*.c WishcH «»f 'he ME NTs *• ith kit.-'i#u« Uh men. lewat, lull ba#en-#rt. garage. |a>«, ! fir l . T.iln! :..u is t he d.'lU-l" » \n-... .-an M« A*i<*"at.<»n Xf<»*«sr« A present MSti ituOent *.t OhiKing. Prlvat# entrant At- «' » x 1i2 hit »16 44") Terr a <. *- \ .v,| M P. •• .1 r.e-v ..; . • .. <• bert 4# .. 4 < « 4'->un,--i u Mi-i t «t Education." 11 . .. > r appucat euis and fe»f - r < a "d*'S mvrstlg.l' - <;t'T VOI'nsrt F A ymd rte«! on a 'ofnir- falcon or ford from ST NFWt.Y dec— • ,! " • a»h fur adult# Or. ( t,y tnO«1 MSI tirvvcn* tvvo-year pic-, • I ,v Curl,, lnr IV 4-4491 't «r,:% l"n».tr»ti*hei| e«.ei>t for new service i». Keu;,J • i Tt- V t mia i n * n<»v#. refrtgerat"'' #nnthh including heal and HICK-S LAUNOBOMAf 1 Mil It 1 HI ITU HM s>HIM • f ••• • ' a e 0A4-r.»ie;l a-.i «*u 1- O a d nil AdUiU-oec' «ei r,o»d PD 3-3441 *7 ■ r.» vr - i,-h a ra*.i:g MS" ' ,-ed Urea «Ti#no»ion Hr«ke ftel.n- uater ,-,i ,i m.e!,!"-r «? >' i ten'* 2#0? I M»t«l->AN . .(limit*.-' ah'., ,,.••• litre • at ' • 11" •' -.1 v \! li • State l„. ' e ■v : * 4\* ■ > conform with tne m 5«!0 r KaUmaroo. IV 4-44U8 tf n.r.AN rt-HNtsurn apart l». v; FOB SELF SflPCI require* 11 . ;v- ad'iitv Alt utIUtie* DB0» OFF ■ . w belt t > • t' .. ... .d re.j \,» hoie-h this .- 1 ifi • . ... f. u,"i p.4'.en « , v "hrN M ch'gan ,N' .i'e t*o,j Bt'lCK At 'PER TWO d.w.r tUFNr i-r tw,. prtva'# entrance and bath IV S-1*2'4? 1 *'*»i 4-i r-v ov . .v *t Ml to i Sit «e* lip the M •:»» Kavt • a mumiis t., ru» Alt vv i-aai abundance t-u tap. it provnli ti--.,- i ,-.f r ' ,'V. ■ '.e ' •. n-., .'u ! ■ ■* w s .-v f an-. Volun-e* f hardtoi* Saginaw, 47 WE SBECIAUZE IN 0BC»O«« ■ weak i on!a art toe staUeiu - w ho tiave t rue need lor iloiny -o rr-c 1*: '. e 'o have in the Pt.YMOt'Ttl OVF-HDRtVf rtVr. BOOM* EPRNTSttFD -Grad- BUNDLES FOB STUDENTS a -t u-ha* ' i ua'e atudeni* or pr«»fe*w»r# Nenrl* W »•., O CIH! , . I V! IW • - M.ler over 4 a!! IV »-«4'I ("i" »le«'orated and clean. ED 7-»3u6 «,r . ic « #4? •*a, h • ' he vehoot. he *a i I D 2-»*3 '« I" -» », AI.TERATTOV* AND DRE*«V4 - , .1. iv it Hating All-Important NEW IV DW ORATED rt'RVtSlt- IXf • "t all k;nrt« Rea#.-.r »n> M-# »',) aparfmeii*. 4 Bra# ED t »■ .«,r. ' bet,. '■-! " . ■e ra'i !. I>r Ftur g cxplaincu. 3-am a 48 urn uhhe f a use graduate?; ' rion-ra'ed Ft'DENTS NEEDED FOR pa . avmv i jMWf:..| •• W , '* u M .h,, . ■ t »„r« Sell • |7.t value tor o, fell'R MEN OVER 71 large anaM- TYPING - rXPTRtRNrTD < a pracfieal'v im- r save hoc-,# «.f7 f Cherry ha • ED I-f •' uder.t - w )),, '•}•...( K"e • r • \t , f.».« Tun# nas* h,Hik* Fan Fu ir,f„i furti ,#pe,( Parking, launder Itudietafy Henrftl ► m-'SVifsg licenve# tain* f:.» wuit), nt #tit#rtaii'.rne pi7\ liege* IV S-31M alier 6 <»' tf S* t'n Vef • T . . »e tHio>d, «e ,»"d pervice* Apt !* « oyer Building IV 9-3344 • • TYPING—BETWEEN 8 # m !» E. i d.H- • • -e- "»'iv ♦a BOOMS t» p m ED 2-37dj VI>1 stuu.w.r- t«a\e■)«••...■ i... i .demanding ' ( turitv Ca»« Needed , ! t »- I. ■».. 4',.C.'ie. a,-!V ii't •• ruroat.:.« a ne.v ONE Dot HI r. RfXIVt m approved a,. '•< ;riv ilexes, cotne re , • i.I'. TV RAD'O RERVGCE Reyen « . s .-..,1 j- t,. I) F"u« •• • FOR SALE houamg t >r men Nn# home, rem- a week all make# and al ck> .pofWihih*'e- i no oihf'M! n.M, U a-mdliood; When Noil slew , ?f- ,H,. s * . the 'Vr .1. • « Wavne ?:>v much tinde- 53 «orfgjue bed# ED 7-7o7« • 47 AAA Bad.u and T»le»a«oi >#ei Xf •: „.,1 w. A " V ■ '* < IV *-774* «,e IV 5-48*1 ,o',•' I'indinw >11i,'i• n.s .mm d make up their - v, aid po'r; • »» V». ' RtKIM FOR SPRING term in an- ; SBU0NUT SMOf proved ho.|*e » ,r .mlleg# gtrl» Near ., >• > , - -f. - , B .i' d• r 'e.t" th". u ind* hehw, ->. •. • „• fall term aud '«e prepaml to live n> \ • • -4.1 a;, a -IT- s ri s ' w '-. ■ a eui 1 a »h. ^11 the coiiJ ract .•;> ,»• m. i, 1. h a* Un. -I, ex mav..»'.»: *cu •••'.* ov • - enit# *4J urovt SI 47 oa* a«rvi<'# Phor # ED t-#l»»* •» mac ,ouid have i" st * .'a Ucui'* :-'sc.r pc'.en: ai. though." he *a i hTNGI E ROOM FOR ma'# «tud#nt TYPING. TERM PAPYRA t*' The decision to accept i • nv-re- - re--.hut ion must come a e \ <4-«j-can guv* on y '■» » *'» UecHa-' i. e u »7w»r'ng • «e. omj ttoor senior* Stall mu.-e' Lariauuc | and acw- item the Hoard of I'm-ie. W'tuh' we tiiink it would he 1'v.m r .u . :i I. •».- < HAM TENDING TRAINING « «)V! ahnwer Ui«afcia*i Parair.r M- Ilea Adami. ED 2-00 •ne'e .ies*f:i - a«e m- M ED 2-H124 #•* rice to break contract.?, at tV» end o{ the term, we th« ' - •» !.'.,a- •' '* * ■ ' -* •• 'he O ' st-»e: it •'** Mr EVar-lt fccH tha: *omeone «•» |l,u TR3 '4,-ti.-- free W!'«rm#t»«'" l«tn«i * or tail IV sr e 3-U193 loti#g# TYPING AND Call A1 ,,r Jan# Won. fi. ED ?-• DtVlJC ** ' Hoard, it It listens to adtnilus ■. ,'fiicttca! side. t»Hi And the , :4CCtv-.t -c ' e i« I of roc t- Ik.ub.e- -pa, e-.s rage >■ a • ♦ tional charge for ,nnr.,!:rg on »• tratiw comments, will, too ,.f -t' n,' »< iu't e*i"« e -•: ■ i! I adv:-»r t'*e favuhy t sfD Rfrnuir.RATORs W XMI. Acrom Jrom Reraeg H 'V 1# ' •• el. I'"'-. ■ .»-• !> • < ' ■«.' • APPROVED RtviVS Ar St I Ah- ot Uvout 4' EH4. rang**, and \ V Eii and • r b.,»« R.o.t Tan* minute* iror-t Unum Fear I -..4 i. '-y pj\-n^ - • -* .ft,-,"i «... at veaf ServT*' Store, III# FaS »f ■J TTBT \ty ne.v; « ED 2*6241 v5!- .1* 1* v IV 3-1*3* - s • > Mi. ,..«an least !-n -N •, a n, * SPARTAN MVLTTLmn X G * CTRIN t>r Feving. * < the off ' *5 ( Bu Nt A \ t,. i »*#< .• vers vy ah rod* ha* Dfrt>R4TFD «-AKES Dft IVEREO APPROVED—THREE ROOMS, K: TYPING vr neve E#er? * Crossword Puzzle i tr A "RTO t.D seh >.C woy'.t * hove ' « <<•,>:• *- :r. r.i"< ,f t-.e bm c ph> *■•.-.a" ■ • :•*'? the Sparta-* a gra.htaV of ».» r->u foe partie*, Mrthdav* >»anf %-a'e entrani- p-ming. Mao original. Xlr*. (L»#V.n. fD 3--*F» hlftiC AT3 CIS »• a "v J-.«r pre»meM rut? TWO men. m ##c». thrwtefl winsee term for !'-»**- n. «u;.i to ttn.I an idrquav ,--Aj . Kltrdeu ptiune priva'e Kitlil tl'i"i Ratine* *-'..4..UtHt. >t Mavo » " ;n Mm-' TWO VVUEE1 BOX trade. 4«M*3 .•*•#« «*ih er 'Mp*. Pealed parte room 4n*,j Man .er iwr. #M,t v f 'v. ,>f , .» s'aiui and e-itrsne# Parking IV t-gV.-' 47 for F t. Sour .to Identical "'-e • a ' ?>r K* tw ^ t .»• t » PC • * ' I! n« I ire • t* a- 'e»ina TV A*» »»"' M Her, w e« Po*-* l»" Riduig Ranch now IV rese»c atwe *. S rmeh r f* ami I -gia- < Sirs t»R ADVA^E linden* 31 Spread No fiutnea IMs* {vjicy »"!>;.-ft rote# the fl'-ot'c.M ti • . - t'sree M'.e#* fale# »" >rui8nt« Near •- ga.- a .a.e tw«! e ii>4U'M"« fitta, r# id tf '#d TV WW arm antenna" IV lli'W at—; train. fcviwUent (wHlltiM caeckirg, fre# parking • • * I) M«ee Three Win I® l.vttrml 3 V Cloaodcat ut-» tiimi lU-rkes ED 3*«1»>~ *» TVPtrr ANN RJtOWN PT-sft# - ONI.V Ireiul H. Cold MAtCH Rose Bowl Fan Hits lvv 17 He the I-2H41 Kectft# tepevrrtre* T* irattrr with 3# IWoric Solution of VMtarday'# Fuaai# APPROVED ROOMS FOR men airer# a. u h.eaia. auw* gecer*: JI l'uh*ppy 40 Ba* i-l U<# 7'rr«* ruirk'ng 1 a'gr 4<>unf» TV. ,'fee ID M.»» dacimal HOW M I Pr rcvo* ' lundrv fs*4itt;e* low ten-, r*scs i»»l*m lU'M-k front e.u?,i>ifs ED 7-l«JT 48 T V aa# RADIO REPAIR he " ttpom! 1 ftum.ii 11 not or'* hurt the team «*- Call* tna'e aXinr finaa. ?0 I'oinicsl 42 Pro»i( ffl the Iditur: The B.g It) U respected on the w ATuuont m* nt t •elf, but She *',aden-« also. It SLEEPING ROOV (XXRCtRQ pfl- •? r.Mtv. 44 Ral s*4*W.t 1 am a uanyfT i'udeni 'm^ West C»a*t, Bulb acadcTntva .y * liege# parking FD tt S3. M«mUrr of 41 Unvarymf 2 Mrssur#' and ».;H>r?!»w:*e The We»f has will take K«nething away from DORM A * TYPING RERWT.* lrt 1,uk Angr-e* I came to M •' ; -n APPROVED CtJLAN ROOM* fr.e Auslr*' an lylch 3 CwwhvH II Fschthaon h./peu that tomethiy it couid put what shey deserve. will deliver us L*n»r« arl ' S . # h '.he fall of 1B.S4 lv.. - free etth .-coking Parking (sclttUes. 44.*rotm«rty I arming area. IV r Arm* Corp# 4. Small ch id tf Ja.*cb earns ;t>:© the Rose Bowl cUi- leet's hone that Mr. Mann ran D#,l* r«»»»n service. ED 3-4.VDI s(te- C WMneasrd ,• ,4 •:•■> *'Ay here 1 haven t iwr - * 14 C»#rro*n S ColdU Vt tt Contradict thai p'uij match up to the do ah Mat a n bia power tu Gm»# #< D #-##i « On p rn 48 r.t a hitrne foofhaH or beakettciu * 41 Ct[MM to 14 ill* *?.-p the B f 10 from Nec<*mRg 15 S#alin mn.itvn* • t Mast Vary cagar 21 Angry g-4; 1 ha\e «*#» »tJen«ic-1 powerTa: p.g 10 team*. T .«• a -* finally gviing to d© : * Tcs.D.v'.ive. high-nose Ivy W1UIAM M. THOMBSON rBAtun "transpobtapon church 41 Organ pipo 21 t.a.1 tn.if!* oUie? h *:{!# j»'w* rt other - 2.1 R;v#r ,aland an.i ■••tt o**ca*- :t Vraveied S.» -aha- »e» the B'l 10 d " League *vhnoJ. 1 believe it i* up F»#rrf#r gg«#i#» FCB SAIL cmCAGO AREA RIDER* *•' ■' r- r- 4 24 Statuta Tf.ey pu'.l ou' I always though*, ij she j-tudeata to show hew I ear-# March I* at p n and r, . r "" h S3 On# of •■;;'cOr .*? Kd*' LeAfUting t.> •»<*■# that »i wou'd ne the We*: '.earn* They fee. on the matter La?" * FINE ART* mahofsny bookcase L«# orrROTTER lev «e (rent Mairtt U Contact RreA. CD s1 lite Spa. ■-an# piav ki'v uen. *-»•.«» bedmcms. ap- ta-ned nak thfn# cabinet «i* feet •Jl a# von hilta of s.rtce 'he pacific < *• that would pull out because they see;gan State hi the. Rose inn (Mh cKseUetit cwdttki#. ED- tT'.un.e* Otj k.t ,n Holt IJUW OX- TWO ROOD TRIP Mhn Rimtt# Bowl next January 2 ;k3»M •* Fort UiihfMk Cwal Fe « were always being beaten •a ?e;»-=.e «.gne>l a K e }\ n ! TT 1 2S. Suitnor jv».:.un . pact with Vho Jt * 1(1 *!>« But « rare thing e*;>'* m Name BtUheld hy Re*|oe%i Zr-NlTtl TRANSOCEANIC RADIO personal B.::. 818 E. Shaw _ 1" r Mar * «i!f 11)40*4 ' a# vi*#*' !mm»' Mav# Southern CaUfornia. It i* aa e**- "'usiasm f»r sport* which t* un- Mit'tiipiaii Sidle Vi»s kiarxUrd breed.•*« and «* »h«>n- »av« hati.H EXTRAS' *.V R 3'4 BAKERY DVXJV1 tn California 81 OR OLMR Drm- J art aS#-e *?"< 2» W:tt* "t on'y tw--> gantita. Put -n the ROher ED »'R»t. T«m^ » KW AST iii n Ml Stuoonf Ktrvu-N Ini.'-iall* #*7 H Sf so tv * -a»t Pa'.' ?«KV vea'4 brert hr.prov ug West Cox%' ton-' equa".«*d anywhere. a.» fafi* saw the IVxIg- More Shan IN.Wwjt#rt lt.i'«u*h en wwi Ertdsy »nv}a#.\-o during i,*ll 0#»* Uaoua# housing - *3 3# Ptiuae IV tf Had. ED 2-25*1 tf h.v • li¬ 22 M . a* seventh place in wtntc #»{( »D'-ine »fm» »*r#ot MIOMU WANTED TO #4 to E" had *•?...e 1 pj dreamt t have co ne >? > i t orgosiv during » it # po*i R.wad. n»e milee snd mile 1^ w S* city 35. Fio*ea rato ift my home t>m-n The flr> agesi 65.000 in If59 when they ,"aTt in lass place- der in «r offii-o. E#«t Unimf. Mien Mul sub#ertpUc-n* iu Mil- Abb»it u*«» l^rre M.ytern automaue Irving mom, wl' hea' four bedroo«r.« F '• '*e': *| ret - N«'» 7r-re 't Ap-• V* inorm. nr Marv '.and to RtRt* Ma'— h» Call Tom. KS> I diPM-n van be rra jed oit.y fn# on# term. tr* t»a M 34 M-r.nj If the han on ft mmi Till# 4*m-» 8*. foe th*»o tr a. ». IV 1-RWt er Ml l-MW_ *• ?'♦ a? kity RIDER* W ANTED TO Ra R# st- 37. Baccha< turough my own Bui the veeeug ha* im»m effort*, been snort*, m the Big Id b nitHin A E New* DisootcOe# ABABTMENTS » v'i'r 2SaLkST7i> •f tl nahan cry on the hooh* It will ho the worst reach #1 reality h* n 31 Stark But nut of t.ARCE SB s *o warn, fou; cl.wet*. THE MERL.VN GATES 0RCIt.ES- of narrow minded old traged* In sport* history. Each Sip hi Staff for Wire# men Cooking ;n TRA -afanceablr n;u«nc «nn that fe:« WANTED tf P W J« Skm d.scai# 41 R#^ ■ • a men. group The*e men are trying to j ear it seems at leoot ono Bit 1# schools e seels tat some short Nig*t tdttef Hank Rcrsilein suitable lwreen»ent :-a>d sa< per mor.'iv--utiUDes A i«o one smgle rrorn—#§ eeek. band K>un'l afw! 8-1478 fe«Unc. Phaue IV- tf jy >r tf 41 Anu not tura one a! the heal athletic twuant t kstlntle t>«tt«n Approvwl unauperi taea ttoiism Call _ 44 Btalia Banning the team from par- KENNY DAVIS ORCHESTRA - _ league* In the notion into a re- ft Ire tatter RiR Mver, _JC ry. fli'il#brand. K2> 8-3717 for as>- rau ED 8-1477 tf a# airictod mm. tic. pa'Jo a in p.»t-#ea.voa evenrg surr —. — . Rill hlftmaa' potmmeet. . *» ■•-nro9»w*'% i«j>wrti« -/ «v ,--V> Whi£4n*ewt« ■ -1 f}. MKlllf.W sT^rr MAS s i.Jt iaUH Total Eclipse of Moon Hannah March (ft !»».» three Due on Sunday itn.ucd from I'in MSI I'mfessiir ( onunutos Morning n ,IMO•• i*cjuipoic'ii'. r,f\ new m i'/- r an'l . 7.7 Milrs In MSI O Class l! viiu I'firin- hornc lrom a lute partv neyt S;ifur■!>,f ■ »•',<{ e»«. returned from . Just ymi have nvrr-indulKeil. An eclipse i* lakrnv plan-. three weeks in >oiith America, *" ' Early »»»*• Sunday momma I am more than ever convinced : ■ . ■ a?-"> J • ••••"/ *"er?. 'o fHi'l 'Me United Slav w;ii "A* '38 * in ," h" i-dlMmied. that it is essenli..•'♦-*' #3 m -hite •"> -urn •; pn: i.n-lp i... re- in.v • leva «•<».< » 1i<. • riot the Welfare of the school* Yon, th? anft tbfif .till! universities, the Issue l* the kind of training thai is to he Will like the traj yun Ms;' A' il available for our south, who F» • will In- required to live in to¬ look in a ffsr morrow's world. the "I'nr an hour eclipse and will 3.» nimiiD continue • I M.ehiga: /ampus Suit and the moon will have the cup¬ per* red color kt 4 !»} a in . it*, i' i if-r-s left-hand edge will start emerg¬ ing from the shadow Wain it* Mich.gan un-'Vcrn \ n curved edge will creep across M.n.'d n tj'/s.t.' • to *."• !; the lunar disc. At j:|H a in. the " »' " ' " ' ' 1 •- moon will he complete!v out of pel to I-' - the world of THE NEW PAMIELLEMC officers are (l-r): * ice-president: Judr llauer. last l.ansinc junior, the umbra. Ihe main show will Pin Mirlrod, fiS ljn»in< junior, treasurer; corresponding secretary; Mar* l.eeman Manches¬ he over, evrri though the moon v: ir: A.m. - • Judy Kaufman. Chicago Junior. first vice-presi¬ ter Junior, recording secretar*; and Cat Anderson, will not he out of the penutnhia dent; Jtjlie luigrr, Canton. Ohio junior, second (irand Kapida junior. President. Stale New* I'ho to. until ♦»:'!'» a in. Sunrise, in Mich¬ thv blw- l.fiht - igan. will come about am' *•*••• J'.vr 5 our C»lli A* Utnic lo DcH It,' !>•■ Stokb*v pointed out th ? Rescuers Near skv i! blue Co! i:. Trapped Men th. j ' the h: •* (if four cvlip ■ T " .,*•■! ar.nijjc! A- c.i • : ■ ' 0».i> M.irrh 27 v. i brin. a . M'wke' - .• t'l.r, r,-.- ■ Pah* -that jwa •»:» through -i re-.i'1-T t i The- what shines part, i! octane of the su; . v .- by the Coiivrgc of Ajtrleuitun T/V. AN* W Vr l**> Tirpd. snread alvfm T*e the '.r'a.'v evunsed mmn ible from Australia and Anfar- •a"." 'an ,■ o M iTt-'t | . at K« — othe-a on ' I • the- moon partly h:0» !. Ka'her ynt cfnmed rescue crews, ba'.tliM; ilt'Ci.u i i a. ««:Verrer.t said, ••ar t we ate s'i'i lie said that nn haturdav eve¬ ,.'i, *% * W. ♦' ning. if the «kv is clear, the full the sun. Another total cciijee Famiers and agr rep • " • fc.,*vper;ruf r«» - very hopetu' that the w ' roach th» rr-cn s h n an I ft'; t moon will he shinine hrtahtlv in th. moon a* ..; come Sept llcih Kt-avv Ili aiU III the auuthetftt \t 12 11 am. it Uf ' brt'inmna will t* v - t nr/rs v.- :' ii"c-n! arH uur them vafe " will start to enter the outer part Umo trot!i Mich «;an Indi* Iduat crew member* ~T>!1 Sep* 20 there *;,! he i i- of the etrth * shadow—-the "pen¬ emergini from the ill-fated umbra"— where the earth nnlv «» < par'iiil ('".ilcc of the ■ a ;. -Au'tm Rr.jf ot ly )l>dderi J"! mine would not he erri P' A in the p: Hon K- <• • Pern';. jur ■. -J partlv hide* the »un. At first . quoted. I»ut ind Ira ted thrj were " United Sti i ! t- o? A,n •• !•••*• -- r. on the moon, which will be high . . - ■ Th.» vA.Vn to jr.i.vidua in the south Itut about an hour . Median. • '..f ..n l pouitj . w. . t>f a - laiv.n IXinfortii, t'vHM.t.q Onlv i handrui of friends and ■ t A ■ I ' gci mtairwr for the ere v later so much sunlight will Ire eel.use ! u » . . ■ ■ < relative* braved the ilrivin; 1 snow that u hipped up the hol¬ mem hers working r ••ure*' rot oft that it will appear a lit¬ They haven't been heard from low to keep aig-.t at the mint- «rr •• ft re irwlifated an -s.i- tle dimmer than usual when full «e no*»n fucsiias. when the \t lr.»s| three inches of fresh . . a-g.v . concentrat. ;s app«rrnttv hu rn 3 Scandinavia Educator Tour *r»es r •\tsh a telephone line that snow added til the lour or so i f rsr lxin m * '1 f. ii L'iit vrr * M nuuz in r runner than with that ahead* la* on the sharplv s ir»p..« * go.n* .. . a the mine . their n;ii> ;.!■>j;v *. a.. :».>'•*■ ■ ; »c.>: ■* M-it l iii;lai>.I (.Shakf*|MMri' roilntry I, Scothind, Norwii* ■ ;• (". • . v- , - . - ' A -■ V, :'Tr, W • -n W'H-K. 1 Jllgb-noteted lapxl., 3 bet¬ W ."1 h;« ;• . * 3 V. * *-s 'is ira!f» •: b- f •f" fiT»:. vim- JHi' four r.vrg.r : f- o. proriTbU *v ♦.►;*? (Fjord Country and Oxlo), Swrdcu, Finland, Denmark, <>i-r- tor.-, f!afp«d pockttM . ni • * from snaft am bi-e.a- cc!;;ng t-r:.'c*;K»«!*."fi. many, Holland und Franrr. center rent nsk* Ike «-) ?- .'--t the mam beam* w. be in J»*••.«!<•*-Mat;i, jacjcrt ll authentic u It'j o: H Vi. • ' mr c Me-.-na corrT orUUe. Trim, tapere-i . Thx Mix-t t iimiilxl* Krtndinavla I'rotirant of thx Axar rn*-A ttar* ari i K'-- '• ■ a" K,"rimer:r- pkatiwa Fo*t-Cnd .Jack, INCLI'DES romplxt* th* Dictum. Thi- Dooms With Hath In l.urnpe, \lrno*t All Meals. Tips and Taxes. All f.ntrv f.r. ( '.■'y-II 2-I4C7 \\ dlil<» TraAcI .\»i I! '. WI ST Al l.I.l> AN U.NS|.\'(,. MICH. IV S-Htl in \ his SPOH T S W f AN ■ Al tt.-v Smarv M I. TIOOI.FNS MAKkEh W AY IHIWS ouf'i •>' III. LIST IIU.UUMI HIM. TIILK., FKI.. SAT. SMALLS 7*. I.adir- Imported MKVS Sit IK ! ( O ATS I1SL (X I.ACll SIZE lighterweight wool and orlon j:. uu •«. «« OUJTSKS. (.ANT imluded S.S7 Value — 3.9.'. 515.00 V»ln» — H9JJ Ladien and Men'. SPORT COAT 17 .Men's |(.M Value — SHIKTS OJi Hand Knit NORWEGIAN SKI SWEATERS 3 Men'« l/>nd»n K»e by l-OHLIS JACKETS 139.93 — Only I3.1MI Young- in- 17.9". Value 3 Men'* flume — ICWI linen aumihweglan Hand Knit SKI ( ACS. HATS. MITTENS FOR INSl UATEII WOODS SO, OFF Build* LIMITED JACKETS 29 Men'. Claid Cfeeaa ^»V 37_>0 Vnlue — 19.93 VII.IJA SHIR In 21 MEN'S SWEATERS 13.93 — Only 6.93 S35 ind $40 17.93 Value — 3.93 One f.ruup »f WtHlI. II I.ADIES HLAZERS SHIRTS and SI.At Ks 19.93 Value — IB.IMI 11.93 Value — 7.1X1 Ai isicwiiani'i like .1 S«VA. GUI.EN'. WHITE 13 LADIES WESKITs sscrt C3»t e«,n. WOOL KNEE SOCKS 7.95 VALl E — 3.00 ifJaz-vt'l Icf fciiy i i5» Value — 1.29 Odd. and End. HDIKV mOWysliaaun! ajk ir/Hi IN Ifflntty ALL (OLOK SHIRTS and SWE ITERS x« d Siij ntiar4-»t 92 Ijdre, NOVELTY an l 12.95 V alue — l.iro hwOamt At The n in CLVSSIC LI R rsi.E\D> i«cki ip-1 sail t cr-'i.i WOOL T All I AN 11.93 Value — 7J3 MATERIAL ;ir.»rrv Kitt p-' KKcbsn 1 -a ctutA-tST.-i-J al»i ALL LADIES SI..M KS <* INC HE* Willi «4 ann. A t/vy 30'. OI F 3.00 CfcK V Vltli tiff. CAMPUS BOOK STORE LXCLISIVE AT THE pcymert p'4'J arc ®rntrb Hnuer ACKON^ rtoM cAMrci . ACROSS FROM THE UNION BLDG. L %*.**% \f (HtKOl 211 SOUTH WASHINGTON AVENUE (ROSS CHECKING Sfnirlniis' IVo (*riIHIIIi'lll player* Sliilc'* nifillv litis- IVrtlllf*il»» «»«*• leers Far From College Loop Flunks Irclnl all-opponent Irani As But Bessone Exjwcted It hi which llin me plruscd lo honor •tit |i.tpel lull which IIm*I'M mil «Atil In meet mi On- court, M.MIAS'I'I I til n:u- l!i: i I, a ni"N|. i inr-f l..t\«ii-ri ItlMllilli: III.!" III! official I ••••0 "the fh'.ii-lii," Antt-ri'':,!! I'n'.tl.iH I..-:.>•».• nml Hi,- ..I.I <• fit. til \ ini-ili'.hi irlrrllon i* Oik KJih.iU was faring the finest eullegiutP woring !l I..-.I f h'.i,11 |-'....ll.iill I I I.I "k. IMlli U...I all-opponent array III I.OO MIlNHIKh puteniial in the eountry • Mlehlgaii Terh'i< ram- !*»■« l.n-l' *•»»//• i 'In tiliiuiill Var-it* -Fi< h "piurlurtluii llin-." Denver's Hill Mils.tor- .... .III. I•.( lentil — Jem l.iii i*. Ohio paging „ i, ei.-.h t lltf MSli l<* Arena Tin-.-Max offer and the enutitless (.till I effiolelit for- si.ile John Tl'lwpII. Michigan ton si ' Ml I If . • i t \ ' I ' ..i.i . t 11 k'.'l 11;. liI'Mnl v »••-« i.tiiall- tieeiuiu* equal to the task, as the Kpar- inu. Mow lll»K Green. I hi , 'In -lill «-1»l««!«-. didn't turn <»u! hu.s' »te,i«l\ improveuient reveals. .. luight a ■ ttwtio had hoped The S|»»*r !.*.»- State, laihMered tj.y the addition of •till lentil On it ell liiilmll. ill th.- ii.itinn I.I t vi„i. only ;.. nlllmtil.i Mel Nimell, Oltltt HI tici Nn two uph. wingiru-n Claude Kournel ami Ileal Tur- rule height t.. tin Wt'llA h.'iM- I Walt fteltamy. Indiana ( (i.i,i, 'I..,! i ..Hi, w a knoekUig head- mi a near-par basin Male. el Die e.isnti with it filial record «M four re-1 of the li-ugur Hut lifter a 4-2 wilt (• V'liixhn. Illinois. iiiiiI •villi Dm lit Mi-li ii. it,'I t ' •• tie mil Michigan at Ka.t Laiming, the Spartans I innli Itoihubh. Indiana, i'.m.Ii Amu. Hi mou* hint A if hough lleaiI Irak eh d to Hough ton to unit Michigan Tech, .ought ..ui !h> j... Mid it <>f rough vlrdduu: 'wav ai", off I., a i low vhirt . < «v eiuli# i, lull e*(»etl« .| .viuulug MSI' tied th. Ifii-kM ;i ii, in tfie series opener, (»<»o. Viinllrt hut took a '♦-! whipping in the m-coiwJ game. Winn the rarm- llu-kir« carrn- to tin- MS!' Ice Itissniie's lureen»l was rrtlnliilv w ell founded • Ali-na two weeks latei, ttn-.v were In fhi- thick Kdiriii*! AI'Ot (.rndunllnii li.ul robbed him of 10 pilir lellrrttteu. of H.i- Wt'llA fight The added lluentivi sparked including nil-American nrlmlndrr Jtw Nrlingrr. Michigan Tech to a m-Mi-. sw eep one fiiit ralMnln ami lentllinc scorer Jnr I'olano. and *11- them in fust place and caused serious damage 1900 Season \iiierienu selrillnn* Kill. MtrKtntlr Aiul Id I'nl- to State's upsurge lesel In his ninth tear *1 Michigan Male, Amu I he Spartans made llenver work here shortly ss ii M nsi. \ v «»■ -.- had In weld n ulitnltu romhlnallon frntn tun thereafter, although dropping hoth rontests to the Y .i l . • fh. S-. . I . \ . ... hash- faelms—slv iirtnuo returnees jiin., si.,new tint tr.iin their j.m-vm.iis year*' pet - Spai tan tiiiiii.s aren't fiupponed to do. furiiuinet's F'«.i waiM. Terry Muruney, Atulre U- A record of 4 IK-2 is not difficult to analyze NO. IS (UltN INTO WO«»nt-l.w«" Walkrr. wh, nU.rtf hi, .11w i t'u.'.li-, tin-1 Ciipt. Jaek KiibrtU all tied for the statistically Hut wtien the points of Inexperience, flu., ,„.hr.hall liw • 1,4. S4.0r1.4r tilth, h.n.l. hi, "i M Si AO teinn M'uriim lejuhi vhl|i with II prriltU •pieee. bad breaks, and perwmnel losses enter In, thd jrr,ry nvrr U, mulpmrn. mn.ugrr lllrk . nun fnr .hr U,l llnir. I \M I %\MN«t Mil II in, Mifen i-. Mel t"hin.tnfferwm. Hob Norman, put urn get h somewhat cloudier. The puck that . I-.! Ii-. \ .. nit. . in.I K.I ()/yhki> were hoth hot and eo|«Jt turning hit th« post, a veteran in a rookn-'N position, a I*t.- then finest elfofts againnt Mi. tiigan and in I he ii-eniirt setu* ■ with le«^'ue rhainplons Itenvrr. check at the right moment—each can change the complexion of.» or all of theao particular game, Walker in l)ii»l-C,onn>«-titioii I lie until • nine |us| limns lie o rfnr that mutter, a winning or losing season in prepared In |M.iv In the m-U ftir the sparUn* was * younf man Honors fnte the N ils He Gathers a split second. faced uith n tremendous lash., althouih It dldn'l Vilt^ (lie |'liil.ttlel|ihln Warrior* In Hut a glance Into the future of Spartan hockey Mini appear* In he V a III lev's set-in su cieal at llrst. Senior Tldon Vansp*- finds a superior roach, a fine group of r«turnlng I.I Hi regular spahoii name in the In link, playing in unit his Ihird season of organ¬ leltermen, and an eager hunch of fighting fresh¬ ize.I liueket, was railed upon lo fill the abates Rebounds Nnllminl Haskell..til .h»n men anxious to bring about a change In Michigan ISTAKTS FRIDAY "'.■'"'■■'.■'iT V • i.. , IV..IT iig.iiii' 1 the V\ .1 of lO.Vts top rolleglate goaltender This Is where inesperirm-r rose lis ugly head. State's Ice fortunes as soon at potsihia. Jusl Like Hr JIM W A ISLINGTON . .T. Ml I'h-l.».l. iphui I-nd... Stale News Nporla Editor THf ROUGHEST TOUGHTST Ilikh! llt»rnr« Walker, Michigan Slate's penint' center, him benn VINGEANCC-TRAU I'll. »i.. S' o.foi i '.•■ i. A MAN (VIA offer triurn tha Maxwell Is remaining at hit ptillijip in awards and honors the last two weeks just like lie tfarneretl rehounds off the buck boards in .the 1D.j!)-C0 I .A K I.I .AN'I> Ma oT.-4iene- balked at a new ••(■orei s in In -.even vear-. W illi front, home In Haw J'aw. lie said h# ... m a ii a g e i Kerrr't the NHA II. I 4.>o ii.MnD l - Kerr ell hiked fur offer anoth¬ would not runif to Florida un¬ basketball season. liioiight tie would have slugging The Bnortau co-rapUin v»s SMiim r thl.A year - co! lo; \lt.\ ooiiielder t'haihe Mux well un- er ffton (>ot Maxwell, who in signed "because I would La A' tin- climax of the season • .! ovi-i '»,oou mark lb- $2ti.niH) didn't agreu nnmed the'x m'Kt vnhic. d eon'i.e. : WedrteHdav. but tiie asking alKzut weakening rny position '* Walker, fr»mi Cfrester, l'.i , wax player at the annual ba-s-'.^.U • i. . a.lie lo -Ssi.o u .- limn Defrm' to term* He and Kcrrell con¬ named to three trams— one at - Krhruaiy. I!».'•!( l»ei-oji T.gci hoid.uit again banquet Mnnday ntgM. T * - ferred Tuesday night via tele¬ and two honorary. , live phone and KerrrU said ha Jolmnon iSot I'ayinu The active squad i» the West lection of MVP was arco- .;, ied hv the award for having thought the compromise they tean. which will play the* East OAKLAND. Calif, (/in — A best free-'.hot {irrvcQtage til • , ai>0k«* of would i»e acceptable. in thn 13th annual Frr*h A,r warrant was issued Wednesday Spartans lhi« war. Maxwell w«* supftoxed to get m Fund game in Madison S ttr*t In relNHindinf in his conference and 14th In Ihe na« was 6' 5", in his rebounding." MATURE-DE CARLO FRIDAY t SAT. OHLY * • VALVE GRINDING • • MOTOR TI'NE IT ACCESSORIES § 0 lion. A apot on the all-Amerkan AH seavon long Walker e;'- rob/Minded nj.«f of hi* •■pi'o* i ; JJ • HMEEL MUMIM. third team coincided with Walk¬ pivot men take t» help" the onfereiue Timbuktu STRINGS B •State er's place nn the Weatern Cone • m • BR.UI MEftVK»: bounding leadership MARCH II A 12 m • T.tiLrirt: * MHIUR • WASHING ■ fere nee first learn. Awards from the local aeene And much to the d;«m*y t>! ■A, > ^.amnw-naiHi flrw at Walker as he ended his Coach Forddv Anderson an V illustrious career at Michigan cr spectacular rebounuer depar s from hi* squad. State. 2IR ABBOTT HO. " 10K LAST ROAD SERVICK CALL KD 7-9046 m NOW..65clo5p.m. LULIiUlgdii EAST LAHSMG GRAB BPEMIRG WEEK SPECIAL jLARRY'S GULF SERVICES■ t future slum it at Idj ■ 3.10 • T:2ii and 9:30 PRESENT THIS All AT THE il .it makes Al ltOSS KltOM STATU TIIKA I Kll FREEZE ; >\ >iort 4 trad like a bock ■ EAST LARSMG TASTEE D.,; thyme a ON EAST MICHIGAN AT LOUIS a FOR I Of OFF ON A BANANA SPUT .'I .IriN/cmv . I iron/ Xominalioni! ■ .dinfoiully irrnoo from BonJ St. alMd) ■ GOOD ONLY THI'lt, PRL, SAT ■ ■ ■llllllllllllllllllllllil EAST LANSING TASTEE FREEZE ISIS E. GRAND RIVER — LAST 2 DAYS • GLADMER ■HOW* AT • I-6-6.1. HMMRAM MIWWAIMN CAU. CD 1-U.T OLD YKLLER 1I0C. IN mitmtoi iflmitrtm -I STAKTINti SATI R0AY (- fttmtry. • MwrnituM. drama that yaa'U talk matourt? about lor yoan ami ENDS aaan tonmm. -GOTO Th* Critic* Mr nc tbc* nrunnwriv BROS, oxciuxe TECHNICOLOR* RTOBT OP A MANIACAL In a WARNER KUXCB OmiMB BT THI Richard Burton Barbara Rush MITU.K OOVIBKMBSi: ADDED: -Slratfor* AOtcalurr- Jack Carson Angie Dickinsoi TIMBRMMf T*t »twn Of tmoa hth at wu STAKTINC TOMOMKOW - FRIDAY •Ha Kii-m ma-p YULBRYNNER ClMA LOLLORRIGIRA |ySOLOMONr§HMr] •IKMOORom KOSSWHSTMBiiNMN "ihelpVERS STAKTIXC, SATURDAY AT MOON! -■ant.^ar • anal IN.pular I'ricr, and «U» *OJ> • EM MZ." » 9M M NO ADVANCE WCMCOwOT il] i Continuous IN PRICES -WkcBl.teK^bBslWlE-i Mtaam'vJ. IVrformanctK \ Pistons Win IM Results 1 MSII *v & Atop in All-Sports StoH^S ftk'r.rr 1, it ntanrvn ti i n-»i#rf.#>4 »-. t» tl I al-ONI* ftttVfiWfSt Final (ramp; 4„««* r* » Urv 17 RtilM 1 w«» *ry it. gent r; ti t* » «.*«) I. a fMrar it » II tt Mirhitfan SWitr n1 'I at» tNIi Wis It H !»'.* »AI I '.4k tt. f.oeo* II with ffrpt-iliviHion Rally Fate Ira.k I a«kIfII Wr»#M M"' It ih<« t, ti M*14#y I. M ..|ij;iiln, ai*i »n» 4,«m raiTry It Be»*,»it* IT •*nfliiijpi in r-iyht of niiiA Ml*l*l(«n l»v • I n'le Ivw Iif Uili 4 R*>i t< ti, Aeaio flHOAl «. tf it .purls so fur ronlf^toii in Mill *1 llllliiMk - ItKTfi'iJT /V T^e |V> Marrh IA IV.A A'lloglo* Paft »!»• !<»:,?♦ .(10, Iftflfl tho WfHti-rn InrtUiM tonfpTMie* in overall per. nt. ftimMtt I'le-tyme, lifter frairijf the entire pan.e, IM Schedule i rr nance. ' nt>4ti*n aportt *et»i*a •rullihd in the f>r..a! mir.'jH-g kri't r.lpid-rl the Minh*apr»!ift High School Scores « . t« ta HkUrHuM I ♦» a to *• Oauaer T t Mta faor itf 10 point! for every Iwy ie In.omplata i»iiht t — t t* Ruitf a ti r*o*i«*,f ItftiORAI o i y«■ place, nine point-, for (f. I-tki-rk 117-11G V.''clfie-4ny I !*•• 0 » A l.|M« Ik I »« A tfer* 10 place, eight po;nt* f<»r th;r l f.iyht. t «**)*( *#»•*» T4 N'.fiaod tl Offensive, Defensive 01, nalamaroo « II *• e, etc, the Spartans have ?* r.»» a fee •/ e #' o* ' • • ''»• If «>.«*/■* Ft V4 Hrfklli M a p. VI «"'» pninta I erodaia V4 M*«*l I'k 44 ' Hi '/* I A We '• »-.»•> IIJ» 44 MW *v'n !»,"• 41 T')la pr#i7ip»rei to M for »*■ - e- r. It . f.'* "<'♦ o;a--ef lAaooia heel (I r,4U'.n CI, m -piece Michigan, 34'k f'»r Clashes in Tournev # la** N , • . i.*,» Ve u-re ♦-/.* "1-place |wa, 52'v for f«urt.»- -e>- a -a- ' "Me #e- » M»4«* M. M*r,*• t ;» i urk*•>,*■ t- r#»«», | » tt Rae-r. ti • a «* Mir.nevita, and 50 for V *,.«4»*i !.?•» n hitMf rtt ti • aF'.ftg bere ba'ur .ay fft-place Illinois. ti riair # I t w. A .***«• *) I .Ikntlni »> ln4U»« ta .1,1k Ahellie M'Aflllon rame through ' 1*44 t •tlh 41'j pklkU. OM, MUI. OSU, tfcVul Virginia. 1'tali. with the fine*! gam# of hit two* I »»M* M r»e«»«t •-» Aoa Al4t( I. M IF r ).*•*« tt «IUi lit. Year profeaaiooal eareet a* ho r»•*.ar*.#t it. »**« eat#* ti ..,111k »ttk *4*4. N«rtk-'»»«r» Ciiiriniiali Might Meet Calif. led the flkUwil with H point*. Atdlaoo IT. Vikttnaki I.a AI r ut* r* , •Itk *»*». •■* P«r4u. rr••**. ! tt acoot rt*r i« tltlltlV In NOT ri-AtlNO—Milwaukee Rrave* pitcher lew flur 7'* e*.|ifwl'ry »♦.*? loa-od ft .,ntk wMk 1#W. n- iMt aaaot itit t» em at Irto tl h**i ' lif I' dette ha* rearhed a *t*l»m«te In ror.trart talk* and hold* nut at hi* feoier tt, Jalotag Are*#* I C. \ -hlf.n k*.»W h«« «'.*! ''■■* What happen* w hen a h.i; kethail team w hich give« up an croM ciuntrv. home in haraaota. I la awaiting word on a ronferenee with Hub F.e-e S- ,r A" ./• »« averaye r»f only -1H rinfnt.K a yarne rufta airhlrtat a team no official*. Urate* training camp I* at nearb* ftradmton I la The s-.»r-»n, *'*'• ,n i-ared •'.» 7' *V/* i -e• » < Yoa ll Lovo FIAT ' lhlr<1 In gywn«ttiM. In. CUKtnmeri to acoriny fsi or more? little right hander I* daughter Mary leu I rear* old ■ -. M M ., /r. ,i„,r • - W>*» •!"1 wr'"; Th.l . O-ie of t'.e .*.'.e'«»:ng forr..a't roHc-r ^jc 1 de'er.-e* > : :ft - • -.'4 V, • »kom MM roe , r..f \y- "■ 'f-.'," n ■, l.n. ;r.g, ,r.4 ,.gn*n '1 rjue»ti'*na whtcfi ed during tn» ne*f jo daya ,?i be aw *-er. tr,e Fir We', reg ofta! f.r.a'a a* Training Camp Koiiml-iip , a . ; . r • f-.r f .k'< * • i.T : 2 -.•«, MAUOl.M Mlf.K.H the '.'a'.• g.a'.c (.' *»r>- Ara'Ve. Ma" ft :2 If "he He. a n t,a«ke*.i>a:. I4AI t M»'hig*o Laming c-.-.*-'.u* w.a- ''. y •; l a 1 • • ga-'.e r i> V.* .' •/ ' • t .. %jirMgan lead*, in team ... .hrer-'I* « and vmUinf. liUn-.u Mi inflo '■*'» p.'iiii-ri.■nl-.f.f'.-t*. Off.'rial Wednct-a", i-a'ddra f.r.'i-A- •'/yrr.arr.e:,' r»,«a-t-J t^.a* t».e <*#!.« year ago. '.ley v.-* i.J f*cf ( nnaV »n t.fte »err.>flna:a and I)rosson Don 'tos Initio: '►K > R'.( f.r. i-eti*'.'. •.« •; »• f ' a ' e ft* i>e»r tf.a ruf-rvor of the ran tern urv MO*g . _.;r, fencing and gvrnnas'- * torr.:» h' >n rr-.f defend -,j na- '.nun won :n footba. . Oh.o ■,*4'e in baeketpail. and Minne- •u,r;»' *|efe- »f.fc-np O'.a, h*%'» *iit» bet" ve yn .'ft '. e ••• bra/ke*. (We**. Virginia ar-.d Oh > S'-i'e arc favored) .r, the f.hai* a'. S*r. Franriig'., Maoh lt» Tho 'Th it m i tor' Com wots 7, ■ Tf e r • V. IM '.'.I -e »» '/r tear-.'.. " e r a / r ?". >,'b f-.f :ed SKI RENTALS mw iidinnsr i k eh wmi *tnc *.y> , 'a ir. hockev '!?.»• have given up aft average of tf; po.nlt fe garr.e The S'4 .%% tournament II It.AI th N'TfN. f H'*mer*ii)R by Hffftry Aurofi, SKIIS OI ITARS 2144 provide* ritalrte* among tho HOOTS "Or I- or Among their Hot of rival* art leading indfvidnal performer* i/.pa'.i ^r«! IP-'. T : e feA»tjr#^f the Mvatfa'* P-,' vlfd/.r ■ Tmvtils HOSWW' »/>0 Senators four of the five leading nflrnilv# te*m« — f»hlo title. Hut Vir¬ <'.ft •- a*. g r»v*f H'C/er'm OV the ?.'•.»*•» ' A M. Ahukf-C f#r»VP« ipfra-»qiiA'l hh'-e-,a J POLES "4 hi so ginia. Cincinnati and I tah—all it headed f ir-if./.g c-'cati #r ft.- '..ft.rd rtra.g'it -w.'.h a 32 4 aver¬ yam- ..a ^ _ ,„KT ,ta. I'or 2 Moels LARRY CUSHION recorders,. tm Interested averaging from III to *14 point* a eonteat wt»rrr. Miami of Vlortda with * The fifth top age Jerry Wtf'. g -. a .5 'no nation'* f.f'.h l*e*t rrf Wet*. V.*- -.rep ■»*:*», 2^ " and Jerry I.u- '»•«" ... «». r.~ - •/ ■■■• ■ - t i . ./ •/*>,**., '*,» ... r* ■ . .. .... .... ... ... i* . . . •a*, i " '' 'it ' e* e * » •. Scd'* f • • SPORTING GOODS MUSIC CENTER * Mil VIM IV 1.714- 'i.t r on riyk »c. r i the original In 'Little' 10 !' ..fv. A* I mark. «»• In 1 held hut wit eliminated lue*- #a« of r>hio V-«'e -11 ' aever. n ' * «•» -- •• - ! — ■ . •* I.-., fe-e*. •»'* >a-r. -#. lllvl W Ml 4f *>•„ ',ff IN ATltr Ml ATA .♦ V'e rna/rf V. ••. 2« ' Mfff.T Iff Air dai night bv tte»tern KeetO'li). (D*»,r1 Hu'te^if/m Reed- w.'y b» ave»« ay ever ». "..g '■ I \M 1*4 II, -r*. ' • ijv ih»; Aiiocurin Hi *" Tue .*•.*' 3». ■ •£ a'e A." »i;e 11 pu'r.U a g-in-.* n ' » M -vifeau. -i «e*p4 «..«• * • urharre-.' v> bfea». the N< f»rT«l« Al I Ana si e»". reg .. *e* > *r. frar.a f'.-rfn/.- Vi'r • ' Z 4". e'r* 't .Iirhijran'- M*nutp a"4-" --•ivi* g ,n four r.r„» %stft a •be '• !/» .'<>«•'I Pe.'ayi career a verage-per-gaT.e re' 10 move to • ». r t r*# a«i M- via»a J how to fresh crisp '.ear/ > V."ed*,evt*y a', tho a?.-J a.#-. Vj keep e »:•«} poKt-M?aM>n at hit-tic *r; ;er " i » raimcmhi *uni »» »^i no. i:t 2t: ut i« t r?i iti ?vt na fr.a-R ?: If* ... *• j 7*♦- - • "a ' .'.g '»* ta !'»».,» a »*a pvV. | 4 i iiirt** • *»r ■■•* in toi t , . - g »V }'» MIAMI 'le-e W /, - T :*'* f /*-• F-ift ompetithin. M«rf••• I.«f04(* *1* hi **i * w »■-»* ■ ' it. *lr- • 1'cVl r-rf.-*r»/ * ed v.r-rr * »-i tT'e*'. a ij-jf* look when the weather s hot '$ 1 l4- .• Ilatkr" S.i ' > n- i Hiit I *!» I ■* » -.n't and F. ~ er porter 'P.- * * n.uie» Mage* jrr i.t Tit -a* f -'C,a-r.» •»- agreed V) »a.*- ' >■» vj ?-•. y/A ff.Mda a vj « Ufii. «l*l '44 I Ft t11 ?* T •c.-.t, la-o Tf.a.l, preacie*» w #-!• a '■ jtij» '* ..vd.rVl l*1 urged creation of a * i»t.'R!f.«»» Pt.r i*a ins in •« a » pa, ' . , a* ill t:i *,• ' * '• a f>r,'-e*. iMMiiflrid V/e-i- je-'/-- art v.;l e-r»,#^*# i, <■• -? •: "i* o' Voree *»-n»- 'litltH-ll (.ii/thiiii v !• n»*«...h»r» M«tl N tea i n »• 21? mi tat lit .ft '•*.» if iwoofceoruMft. HASPEL SIR PERI0R* •«f fee:» , -— • .r*«4;. re into e eff'tr- ' • > Ti ia orh.nar t,f M.' ft gan an I ♦» i '■'re t -tf ' »• • '-jh'.'t A-'/i r ''fiivi-rti'.v A TV A RBOft T* Jo-ft 1 t Ohio »'«•• ?tn / vt laou rria i Tltt ea l fee- T.e- ".e ' g" * ' e ;■ . if ; gan State tJn vfrkitj we', • jrror t We*t Ytfi.tu *ht IV I -•■nil* ha* a aon who »tarred ward fr crs Herr; r. t A » In'InaaU ( tah Till in a* * m * Nf mil^AAKb Ita ~ e FIEE j , a year ago or* ti e M.YJ Welr.eaday *• ap a • * Atliwi At in* am V-vr* Va-.koe* p.a — - ng leer, M 1 ?n* tl » f • v. e-T »-»■ • v I* hoi* and pufter %*id »be 1AA0 petke'--.. He a l»rtr*<» iRtutu l»«T ut - 4 - •*.' - - • - -or| H.*.'. . * : • t g*-r e -da "re*' ' g — W LT WANII with I.FBK anil Oil, CHANGE V hi Rk'atrt.'fll# ill* a* r •ndirif nf Western f uaiference '•ee-;t ter-1 ^1 I.e.- fort i. t It VltglRia fera tin ait ,e*- r. egbt -r. gt J4K SPECIALIZE IN Mrlirlaitlon hall. baakethwll and In national other |ee.l- Wayne, 'ftd T.ct.val i'.J- '.sphr.'icatvl Tl NE-I PS heel or t Hampton.Mp dm* "R» df' ap'/'t ( MUM I -a, jp> F/-T,/) d r/egjr teaton -a-a• DRAKE WORK r«nte*U might have aertou* and ;n Mi-r. gaft « re^er.t «iae'.r>a'.l and ali yvur op*.-'a. harmful efleeta on the tmlteral* GENERATORS 4 RF.GIT.ATOR* ' ir.l'.ri ..-. 14 u», through !•»< of attraction j, 0, wr.,.« I or, J fm.f LIFETIME GL ARANTEEO clothing * '•r miutanding hiah a« h*n»l ath¬ ALLACE OPTICIANS MITFI.ERS lete* I. A S T 2 It A V S 21-HR, WRECKER SERVICE »' n-tf-i . *• f "rJt*, * 1 firamb Office — Air# at f ligyrt c •«" *ed to c .n'er fa-- 1 opposite eearv n lr*ndor> ,, - represent«t.: t* and at of, ■ r r «>». ' > , • r LUCON frr. W f Jen*eo. eta ruitiinttMht fcgi*fered k* optonr.eirjkt RED'S SHELL SERVICE I'll, iv 710 MICHIGAN -■ .. rci'KutlCrfi **a« I N - 1:11 . If « ? X • » ** "ee for C iC- SEAR KEIJVX.G CENTER _ Love M.Lou/''% or«* MurxJ^rov* late Scores y*n\. Fw«! Sm laa b«aa ftkero Lkeej "oeo to *eA*e 'mIiw NIC TV - TV 9 a* I a nteey %■ »*0*H. AffeT? n-eoeal t. forooto « *»« \»ra t. I feirii* I NBA hilR'itr lit, *tleo#a*«»ii4 u« a»eta« ita Neo V«rh I it »' l ouM.m. \ ouonneti ll« i''.*ua ll>, etilUdeJoau lit Ii»mi at, Kaoaa* ai •? T»*»ruo*#j r*Evntu» NCAA t«*4l * HUM l • k- in# iai. tarn*" l M.tnu ta. at. at.* (aalir> n. BAeau.* »T tt . _ -Mziir t^. ' »f r.»l| *1. N» MtAMrOM »1 A Al t Hj! ivhtrmkn' IcoitM It. trkMMi A* «t H e»t. -Th« AAI M. Vlegtata »»e irraa T» IT ir VOI* WANT VOI R SttrvkWP .'«• »a • wwirta !d«f (Ut. ( I.OTHF-S ORY4 I.EA.NtO ' • ed %amoe'«tV tod -Ml iuj Hirt r.U Ullg terms- JVI«- vmAmi U", 'mv—• For the -het*een six-mssencer I trrj'-sl nX WiluKk . -» ... i M., k. -Vwik- i. ,S>h*wb I* O— a vacation. •Ml bo-oud tta'M. Heoro. n «/^ tdr. t;c .t ill <7, roMi to *»4 r. Aa out*otl im || j -«M4kH-ao FOR TIME WRING EXAMS |f MJHf Dm "I™# OOT Ve roeV- . to o p| | pi ■ II ■■ vigoea«.c- .•*■ co'i-cf flrowog ^ife* of wtoC "* m-J . f«n m-s w-rt r*«r *OtaOh Mod e po> mn auoo at Ctf itf'a atalo^- » IT ♦39* BRING VOIR CLOTHES IN GOING TO FLORIDA? TO - STOP IN AND 'EE OCR SELECnOS Of I * BO AT VETT SWTATTRS # «*TM WT4R 0 NEW StWMER WEAR fran dor suoptog center A)nr» it—it's fun tt'tie! v» v-of ivc. «. \*ri2td Oiftrnitt '— - y«r /«M An'am . H0LDE.N •TOM BOr*» « » • ^1 REID ~wv «m n-fl M.MV4 e - • • •?> I ' c . MHillfiSN NTATI NtWM Pajte hi* March Ik ••••»•» Placement Bureau The fellow Iiir If pnu arr »mplo«»n Mill Inlfn Im an lh» Indiutfil Hair*. inlrreeted report la IP* Placement Hurrau al lra*t Iwn irfcaal Hara In idranr# of Interview Hair. Woman alto ma? in¬ REGISTER TODAY al your friendly Frandor KROGER Store terview tnaiora Willi avterUk (•), pi «r xv (R> Bachelor* Hrfrrr. Hrfrrr la InHtraloH. all (Ml Maalrra. #f»> Dor lor* Whrro no Hrirra Itvrla aro rllilblo lo lnlrr?irn. Comni Ac*, an.I M A. IS f"' lo win one of 4 GRAND PRIZES lotaling r» MIDI II II. Sali i position-. P Alhlnn Matllahle Iron I o Lt<-' <'JD Kngr.i. f.»r a Manure-mot.', Krlliifi lo: A.-."tin' .n# 'ID foe U'Otf'-.l W rt 100,000 TV Stamps Training IhvRram I amopoll* Puhllr KrhnoU. A!! I,'Altar ('reuse Puhllr School*. i" A I Flint (ID rit.i ).»t *1 an.I Sr. - 11 FJ#m (ED major* ami .Seel Mili¬ ».n.I.i! fit), Vl.i* . < 1*> CM) F.nilflsh, . ary an.I S|Kf...l Film fit i Stud if*. Rcirnrr-Matii. H.m- i Hot I-. Fli-ni (lt» niAI"t* f •' 1st. PRIZE: 80,000 TOP VALUE STAMPS REBISTER AT ANY for VJJem. trufhintf pmiflnn linn hitu* po'ltion- N0TNIN6 TO BUY! . M^rMniut .loltn A Ailaiu*. Im : Kevon-larv (ID Krinnre-Mflth A'lvrrf.-.Mi,! I It) (Ml ami Ma' - 2ad. PRIZE: 26,000 TOP VALUE STAMPS FRANOON STORE! —major* f>>r teaching fmatiiniH The f'eeper-Renaeiiirr f-orp t krtu)4: tin (Mi'.i• for NO OSUBATMHf! M(**h. H\> (MPKnxr*. for h. Trahtln# HroKiaiu it';; t >r}i,ii fiiirnt in Ma kn¬ 3rd. PRIZE: I6J00 TOP VALUE STAMPS I fttl'MIVM M Ml I III IN I IIAVIMHI I I MH IMMIilllATfr FA Ml I.IIS u'gn, Thrvelrtpmcnt, Aj»i>1um- MrKe**ou ,1 llohhlu* Markr - W'INM It III III NDIII II II ♦ .on Service. Computer Appl - INM.IMIHI.I. r ation. Sale* and Manufactur- ii.r (III .m.J It.i major •. for VVhi.lrs.iIr t)ruj{ A'l.n (ID 4Hi. PRIZE: 10,000 TOP VALUE STAMPS r-x" rin-t. (ID. Civil III) *»> • Salr* Chem. (ED F.ngr# for .Sal-* po'i'aiMs Nruh*ll Plllillr School*. AM poaitiona. Math (ID f M) nui- lora (men A women) for Com¬ Klein. (ID mojom for trarliiu# •EATMORE PURE VEGETABLE COUNTRY CLUB BRAND puter Application. flH noltoll Vuhllr School*: A-H North Huron Schools: Srco;: ( Firm. (ED majors, imrti A. urv (ID (\1) V.hmFA Inrtru- Ham Muni., m in I Iinlu.'oi i»l Smoked wmwni. Mutir (ID. An III* Ai t'. nujiu f .r ten Inn# l"ra- At Physical Education (ID major* (for Menu teaching altionn. North Slur ( amp for Hop: A 1 fiu ii for tnitruner rmpluvmenf fliwarllbnti ( nn*nlldatril •a Counselors for instru.-fu All Klom. I m tnajou. . Hrboolat ..riot-n., • « anti Il-fiin,'. ar.J Secondary (n * ( M » N> .enre and phvalval FducatG.n water sHun,;. term!'., archery, Full Shank Half .Coaching) ntojor* lor Niu-h- tiflerv. .-tuu|». i uf'. Jih..t«»« i ai»h» wrtjjlit '■ f* ing poalttoii* Pta* Corp: I'.nkaKin# (Hi ma Iromonl Pebllr HrhooH A I J>m (B> major* and Second- jors f-• Sales ami Technical Sri V'U r arv ill) CM * EngHih. Ait. HiiUi'i I*hv*u*al K.I. N Radiation. I in - Mr.^ti (ID ami j» a, (9< Agriculture. Khv ill) Knms . JMii-i * (M> KING SIZE FRANKS 1lt*t.»rv» majora f.-r teaching (ID .T.I .Math. (Ml DM ma¬ position*. (•corral Moloro Corp.; A l men jor* t o Kn#turrnn# in from the Collect* of H A VVavtir Coiuniunllv Hehool l»i*- IS. Co'nin. Ar"-, an.J S A A Irlfl: AM l»atrt F.letn (ID f-r pultlif relation jHtailiorss ♦our countrv for Fisher t raftsman OuiUI t tuuiof* , .Math. mi.I Sreoinlary (ID In- \" . AC. Kntflf irn. e ah I SpnMat K-F SAVE '1.00 wifM fias coupon I *Z Vi» oratortr*: Chcmtstrv (ID. H c . Mentnlh, So.-.a o.ofv (fit and Znoloj'v (H• ! Mnlaijustcl. S.tioo'. |*sv- Canned Ham n a,l»»r« and all men (in. win »-fi.tloifi -' A SpviH-h I • itGMAt PflCI 14 3f (S3 59 WITM COUPON i« tmil i major* for trdi hin# |»o. (mm ea.« r#u. , ***»#•-. > •>••• \.-t have I* hour? «»f Koiemr, . M#'«* 17. 1**0 ll**ll #a« •o-r-- >+• »wIM» D fr«er» tho Collegea of R A \ FREE! •/. GALLON COKE ROOT OK UHVM.I SAVE lOf •« IS* («.'.*«•• #« f « WITH THIN """^3 i * »»* COUPON WITH 2 Kl.dt I.Alt I HTM iri.M\ (lltl.SE UCMDMII Carrots •(GUIAt PIICI J5< 'S< WUH CU-»( v | <•*»«•> "> (»•« - *• ,« »• a IwH VARSITY DRIVE-IN wmmm'r: mmm 1 IIF.I.IVF.KY SKIIMI I I II 2-1.".IT SAVE 8< IS# eM*k#M «l I 4»»«- *'#*•■ WIIH THIS COUPCPI <«'*4« * la-j# j Cacklin - Fresh Eggs •IGUIAR P«ICI 4»t «k WIIM C0UP0 ^7 COFFEE BREAK BUY! ■ /*"** < •###•. *•«< « »»v >• *#•»#'• *» .» r • ,>•>« C- > *^1 J#>. **••* '■}, *♦*v ,'Mit. .#• « ^OQOOOOQOOQQOOOlKXKJOOOQOQQOQQOtoOOQOOQQ^ . ' V, Mftt SAVE 1(X •A IM e#t*#i# ad 4 4 l«tt WITH ThIV C#fM »'»##. CCUfON Canned Milk MOA-A* P«KI »sk 'Kk WIIH COUPOM f<*»« *-*. .» »».' •»'■*'* *M*M M f V nPREHSO SIZE I.AKIO: SIZE TV STAMPS with every $.V mr mure purrhawr at low rraador Kmer Store Colorful Imoorted China \ *"-•%. COFFEE CUPS fin# (htn per«iii;r . . . r-» drMshlful to u»r Ar 4 ? thev mme in womlerful color* ■ rml yeUew. hrcntw blue or white. Chouse the gentmua 'arf* air* or the if:er-*imner ai#-e that'* ju^t ^ rifhl Cor »»prttnv FRENCH FRIES S w IP YES! ?> batr r»|irr«.. FRESH FLORIDA VALENCIA Wow! What A Sale! KROGER FROZEN ORANGE rnffw makrro an.l Ihr (anion, (Tiriu. x Oranges FRENCHGRHNKANS S SWETTRAS ^ «*»ao<1 >1 Juice > J2tf^**o»owoa. CHOWTDMOCCOU • Sr**1 MM-CIIMU CUT POTATOES >» « 33k , LANSING EAST LANSING 107 S. Waahiacton I0» E. Grand Hirer FRMCHFRKS >*r»33P Ml