t> ■ ■■*■- I V . *- fc-W.fr.??.- :-v*S*;tr. •♦'•*• .--A • •• * ■ Chilly Topic Tin- c.illicr l.xprrU Sri Synim.it \i# *»gn of fcp*»«y On Cuiifliliflii Arctic High P» Srr I'ligc Ser%'infg %l*l hir 50 Vrara VoM'MK 51, No. I5M KA.ST I,ANHJNf», MICHKIAS I HIllA\, MAItf'H II, I'JMi Students )lay Lose Senate Refuses to Limit Has Station l.u-l l.iin-iiit' 1.1-iiM' Civil Rights Discussion lo l'i\|»irr Wiircli .'(1 •IS I •linl»nf« uiii\ Ion* Hackers Fall 22 Voles • if Imi ■ slaflon ill I hi- immI • iIf conic* month. ii|» villi a Hum'- **««!*«- Sliorl of Needed Majorilv to proMcm* iilttpninp m i Iiiin l ofiijianh . I ha I - Mutr In l.ivi' Xtlnr iM v Iti'fiera! i a will ami I la* .. Iii;iin« li\i I'ouir* mi S»ri";iihoii it Kant Idiiixmp \< - : h»r a %UU i;| V. \-ill' I. JO S I' 'I in tin J t . I ».< to' r.t.'it: i I . ir tun*- rtn' !,>-■ V«l,» -ill tU fti, .W.i f ,j.« « r1**1- - J ! h»- i.: .. .• I l,i •■'. v r. k to n.akr ■' .v bli'lding hour Stah» Still I new ' e branch of 'I'- .;o» liepll 1*1 infill -Ion \ propmnf building it III* nrnii .iillill tparr for our lux tile Mill unlv pontile at 4 II orbing iitr The (•rrthouml lius roni- »*n< anil the local agrnl. l\e«- fchrlton. mi Uil* h not \ I'AfcSl Nf.l It Mltlll II Imi- pull« ium fn»»»i iriki •ii rr 11|»- |im.|Hlkl ll »I|I- fur S fir w IMM 14 f > •" U4 t or let ion r mingle III'- 1'urrent l ast l.4Hklna Imm -Ullun |»»# prrvenl Vr if I'IimIm It< 4 uiU «f S3-It. the *»en > rffoh. hi.o I* a fratirh e l kUlbMi I* 4M liiitiarfl Imi* Im i 411*1- nf II.. niiilrn U lifkl rrjrrlrif mnw I* In .' of fpeytmurirt. So oil V. .1 • a ^Iwiiiwl Xtiloii* ■ nlir thr fcrnate's Or Hair-limit ' arwt finl.ao Tf.Vh, war.: uif 1 Inlurr rulr piS the* rr«»h I r\ Ni's lelea , • .on front from tiir cl»y to l«»;rl thr ion. of Alh«-;' I'Vi'lirll tn <; !MII|I|- Ollll-I' IM: 111 1 fililMiktrr l.t •uiulhrrn f»»rii nf U' II richt* |rri'lali'in . irtng * " iK-ri 'K, «■ 5 Western NATO Powers "ft of h.*!. TifT r ant for lltclta. .11 the thent* would . real r.o' » Propose e . ' hw,, 1 "lh Pre-Mccling Disarmaiiieiil Package[' ' • • 4 »-«l il'. i.i 'i .>.• contract u/i'K'r fircun.* T ' 7 ' • r% alfrwirij; at * «•«-*, J<»4«l;n.,' '» sawl if the .»i # • - K'.u loading now, ami 'itr !»•;• •• CltOf . Hll.flf t!t "NOW fcnw f nrUMf ft""' --f' ? . f.M *•"/;-,*> ge ai in tfe* Ki*» - ■-»> * with ti.lh provi'ion, 'ne ■ S ■ 4 • < . im-ii m*'.' later *-n;» •.«•«• ' l.on •*• '*• I'oi'l Ilrlii'ii** a- ' v 11 . r fwj arirl revoke t»»«• jmv,- Affa ft v'u.f rf !- . .'i , J. f ' /»•'. ;• erring the bun* 4 4 • r^ f- ' Xflrr irfrrrinr Ihr plan lo 1 '.. r.:. •, - > *'•» uri II.ni cot rriinirnl* O'r S \1I» a A'a-f| v<"» red /j* .ng •.♦.*■ »**■•- • [hit houM |Ue bus rotnpan t 4itriiU with fchellon, lea vine meant of hrrihim their pcf mm nrfit fnrrt 4(4in frpf r*rn|4t|%r* Siltirilji lor fto.il Mill •-ru -» • 2'- ^ pr.-r.h'' ,1 f'-' - M w* A . v Mail's Soul Related •lj*rilMlon and i*»|i»«,li-il iniffil M11 In pax the |ea«e on (lie 0«trs rv.afr.ed it. Mikloif with nn mean* «f In- H Students appro! a| bffip 'Iu«-*d4> in e»*nri4 1 lir 1.4*1 ttmt talk* •MFOmo*iv ■ 1 it, mg wo.- » Ui* « • ! -a -■ fi j .!•>/' dC-M-gf' - krf'rft Ht/w g *'>.♦ t*|," ar. 1 *'>*- . To Homeloun Soil 'VbU.' l h' lVe thr I. r o. ».• r i'm -tr Tha smandmant. offarag hf • r• *'.'o' a'/U-r.-e v? &*•*?./ . * .1 •- .,g mat 1 with a i'ou.'i no* -fie .iirp.. • j/4" A \t are lee I I roiti liir t^cintiific tha flia 4fra»d in pnn- San nam paiMltiaa from 1 IIISM fina or 1/flR Jr Ml-year- .'i ***."*- ■; - B) ABMF ROB#*!- two »»afi In W> a ll.eev hna a>:^j»re-t af>r . A>.'.*1- riplr tin 4 final coal of nualaar to'nnaii.** ref.-.re 'u Fellow ships T-V-.; ♦U ,; rii-arm or oi.a taar in jeN. •• '.. I < ' >• withoT. «n.r ot hul that, hod •. a prov.'i ,11 'w •* «« and j- or hann 4 di-tiiMt dlffatanra ta f*rsa j la-h'f 'O' * norma! v^keial r-ioie twaan | rmif «nd tha olhar four House i 4 *>•" MSI! '• aleiils • Kitrht M>l • luileut- ««-i powara on Ilia «m tnviord Uni ■ a ' .v ; r 1, i ofr* ■ • vice aruoriK thf I -•*»!♦ wiltit»t- foal * H'/>4P started o*» At Wku# mm l»fKlaltun Hat- lied fiibtN the *1 leruiv I oral atattoii ely h» la ilm UkCit merrhanU for -••huiur2ruin r«»w U ti.-oc National t • U-... ' ' (•oiinsi'lloi.' Mfaan kaadlme up p«»**4. to 1 rMfiiMtU* r»pa»rt.fi* U #\- I or t iirfeir Mhiife driller 1 tervire* . i-i detailed toe u;»» -hi|i I*'itiinl.e iuo i nmt Mala\a •t. hir r,ii. .oa- , - 4 '»r- tend *erUla inU fwrimlnibafi t) p*k «f UimarlMM tn- Itm V* 1 -9 make >*#• ys+m* (hi Juveniles p..»n* of «h# .aw -k j-.S lb»ll 1»iU nto* >*'4f tba'^r' "" iiiif) a vahlf " 'je-.r-g - lulviaf rautornUal pfMpert? • hu>ev ran load • > a *' .< it* VI ! To v .. , ' u-. 'i •• -• - t ■ • •• hen the firat ftm»hed ar. i 7. '•,* mrt "*-e and Trioms* McliroI.J j'i k »' H .. 3J t.'n.'Hi . •' a Si ,"3a. ••»-' •" » Tii .*p».«ch in pa;' :«f 'v . a -y Rfj Tr - i-ouneU motion appro' - ».nc WI-.W; Urojwt lo preaont Sulamtantir Iliniv \kwpii«n af l auwlu « amend- H-ilrsr,", JUpitii ' %lko prtar Kukh Inkalrr jun¬ . 1... '"et J.«»«hnK failerl for Jail. n.^n! mu«M le »'»n b.m» pleat¬ at Monday * mee'- ^ in;'.4fiv awl c.«jn.»ei|o'^ ■'« Slutril far .Saturday ior: tndraw Soma. I.amine *rli¬ MSI .iff nil* ing to tlte fcwvlhern fcetutor* ♦ jeg.ssi-. -r • . no l.yla HiMt, Klirr llouca A J >» than toe redwtton to panalU* -oonaored - y ' no-ned, graduate of • . " .e uaM.e* flo not rean Ronald Hilkinaon, provided b) j/lla* amend me 1 aaitior and ' and tn».- T'f.i "»'«•* 7s*.w i'-'. rje flarr»'., •*- fcrt-ar-Ja . *>-.> fheement. b} Marrh 3C MS'' lanalitf armor r tir A f'"'{ fia ley o* The* have prvtott. Rli/lUfid, ba. ervr'! • ♦ u*>*.y ''"will have to board 'hr.r " 4'--..»,.arv: , . -.ntr . .«• f■»'MUM: .,1 .\rt.jr4. H ' of* I- at the terminal on v.u'n liaattie end Hu.-:. wWi • - an' sta'.i -.-.■•rrtary and a#*tang-.' ■ ,»> ; -r *-.«• World Trave' *»•' «- "Wt*- , • - g- ' , -,v« r • a «m in La:» -ng graduate clud.as ,, K 1 a:"-'l depot i.i. 4*. 8 o » m the Aud p "r*T,»/ ' w.>.' Junto!) and Wuk.bsuti ■' 1 ** and mine*, par lis. Malay.*. Th<* a i-cwcf .ptb|fiw feature* **•'>"• *-*.♦ r-ft*. to f*.. \<,r •- (',<»■ f, p«> 1 h -I'jrf Mcl : - " Miaul* I'ushi's rrith. pnvf-v: Vm*. m^ • J -- «.v- In -9.V? he .*4* assigned ♦..» n.*- .ji: of 41; eapedif ■>?, ■> * 4" 1 ■' '.r* - ■ - a*.- - "J» ■■■4 ife ■ « • > - "f| «»• 'f the high wail"1' ■- ■ ut»ar.tj,-(leritibtll l»iahd a-jvar '.age-, avi Wjiyott, i«-.mpf•• > oner f-r the FedaroUon of Mi- •* a'.ert 4'j*) fu.-e* fe/utb of &*«, • .* »cej if..a- y r 'i/iilal ihi I It 1y *4 K .ur of v.a w.'tna-* '.a f4C.il'.> ndviVK. s- {•» :. i . i.«>4 Aa* -aiis and N«-a /.a; t *>i4 tiiC p* . - • ■ 'jt."■'0'gr a-r -^-r^.e-- ■ —. a.rd •>.« - •mall Mw week* 4*p*t tie We •* IM) i« i >c*"»att Win a '..•no H-.im a fM-pfemtiar. 1959 a* *- Vur.ck of the Eng'iih o»-:-4v- 'rofjmm Urivv »t rav tiMNitttn rant T>a% 1 H*'■*• . 4 !.• 4'.' Mohsm*.-'! U-. ' ' Waih-ng: * h*-ld •' h».s piv>«- . Aga • tie in Jtauri Hew I «f land '**• o to* tJie u«i t«e asid f'u-. .• y William* made a n»* \l < -.anicil exoikiu., ha '->,0 tor *ea.». O*' .»ie pe«»p4e »f tai i»*U to«a. *64 sti ■. the 'Isrgost humber ef w. . ir.e Hiuraday to get a aixaab'e bring irergr =es bud* sa d evrvrdaj »•«••«»« *f nar* fr'»n» ir.y d«i»srtmrh'.. • • •■ a* a gena?)], pe**p'e in Aarateere ISA • outlay program atarted any un.vcraity or i liScgc m tha Ttaii a IpOCifir. 4CC»i-U%". -v-gh the legislature *e.« W4i no inime-iiate con. country •»r "he Infrrnstoina' Federation of Malaya " club For Molor Violatioii- fa SC-* eS4iS; r- *"* y«e ■"Jr.. ...4. ?,>-« -*•- v sveretary • *■* ^ult from ha hour-long. Ullinara rho*aii from of hi* v« t.. mrra FhyiWr Ctru.enarn, said Nan'-v dw huddle with appiuanu in Ml ia*U(u- Ttirasba-r a-i-i Arm# Sfueky w Scr.w -..44 * '• pe« f !U, Traffic Court Hears Appeals the •JM , ^ * Wayj and Meam Com* xive 4 «iua.r and fwifid daivn.»•.* fte, (kTnoostratMiO In the UN lawnge The Wopdrov. W;!v>i: Irllw '• Republican majority ship swards *rte m'jkjiuir.*d . - 4f',er the speech tor*r* agreed to hash over T - .t.;-uaiv»fi-'.v .• «r f/*r - 1 no' appe* - •."a* toe efcadant » * 1S145 to mrui*. orrfm.iir.g - lem soma more, consult T.-iff.k /ajf. *s des.gftod "■ a. > to* phHcut* r*•.»«>•-. r* rrf.r- dcnU fuc coiloge U-acher- ar; to "tff c court wff r jp *rs\ oa.jb*. 'jf .*.r•**✓?*• a- • give fc'.- . year ■'■? f •' lua'.c '•■ilk neat week. The ytuitonts arc nwnmsted To Meet ill MSI 41 toef*t*nd,ng of i!m* u*H ■■ ret- IA S'uclenr Serv. «. and ftii -n- ;.yto to 4 i4 4** "-he '* . rh' DemeeraHe Owirsse mki by faculty rr.emuer* Ab-u* U. . tSiO.i uitlpd* # o *ers apoea! '*«• ^ tor •• - .rto eci.r s.4 a V.X-- i A*4 ! For hmpli il alo- About 2'to "«» »x>x a'o;* The ; '.a" f.4,k r rte - a • Alter .ubreiT.ag h.i» apv**' -a M- autocode* •• 'toe future. >u-i jiercent of those aocruastc-a f » , M • jeid of bus-fte admin/'ira- fuurt-of., n-ase an app»-*»fitme-.*. ' * C--«f J--- * T'.4i Frotsmea r"Hisi mm. Uu» sward* fvcotusWy en*,» - *. i 1 tioa will meet today gad 34at- i To U*en /* >-■»• •-,? VJ* r .: '"•>">* -.443 Wvonri- The Tiif.4 Cvur. * ^ few called weeks ago W.iliams graduate day at MSf to exarruar tar treff-c wtniiM: 4pi>c.. eveamgt. and Thursday aT- '-uaded • :934 **ui --a* tat d'-j / on the legiaia- ^ '-'J get rolling with a 1U trtatu-* of i.ghef education to 2- T;. ftlerpre' jiictoar '<-»■. ernoocs TSe mwIaliBibli arc -uve? J-JOb -caien tV pat* 1-* dollar, three-year build- Furrifii iilni (Mfrriii); btii.i-.c*.i-. Ciurses. UAtibft'. set to reduce wa-tmg trme .• ear* Nose ' ue 4er:»4.c.< More than so .-..Weges and un.- J Ti .*r*ake .*< ••oiaun- u'-ong' pa- tvudenta neaded dwar. ■»- -ne c-.••-.'• *av# "f r -cram, mostly at college*, To Star T»« iliildrrii •^ruiles aad atate mental in- v*: - .ts#ti ;n Mrchrgan, minor* for r.fsa-ag£ng -.raff'.r rtg- a'.'.v, •V -er, » vuuiest comet bef •-« been overru.ee Lau fail tor-a' ...* - a) j eto .A • ■^.oru "Alone in the Street.*" ;* * • Indiana. Ohio. Kansas, Oklt- Appveis can be jjiadc ■; »ym- * court rc is swum m. The toe court e-tr-tor witodfew ..r A 4 the .. trail ? *> , . * ■ ** posed financing through Foreign Film scr.es offering no*. 4 and Texas wiil be repre¬ frionr given oaiy by ihe , ampu's et afge agauat bun and ha sp- irteHg*:-': -.o a waratog 32 per tea; "*Tre. H -r.gr? jkc^rx of a state building night at 7 and 9 in Fa-rchiWi sented. Poiiem tor an in/racoon otf the peui ar* read The toon the: .of 4pt««ra.i br jgftt befue* A* . pmscrtis tsv "'7 empowered to issue Two children; idvntrfni Arm tog the liibjaru to be sjuden; motor vehuie regu'a- asks quest-oci to ascertain Tu thW JCX-IOfru sat rr. -A ' *'** cumoieted build- as Pcppmo and Stclima, itir >n cusacd are necessary o'auve r.-- tii*ns which roasts', of parking, guilt or uaocex! The s*aier'. Tber . J .to* .* ,*r *Jfs« ■ ^ .A-:.-.; , v., ® the film m whrcft thr -»ary pro- qu aliments, ?'hr rthe of ttber*' tt.'iv.hg, registering- gfdrttton it asked to return to toe w ait- bh»r>rh -at student •g,-v«r.wT-e-t *;"■ receive rents from cur- . ep.., rt* ihs-'V * (gisiaUve appropriauons f«Aional actors are adults arts courses in a busmen* pfo- a.to jr>-.u"it.c,n ail student rata mj radoi wtoie the 'court auku. and A (w.>e'e.i i-""yar*'e gram and the,«r.p»rtaricr «>< var¬ m arww -defined by Ifas rcguia- it, uecaiofi., fr ea rMcvtoi sad' -rgto- the bond.. The Italian film, directed by ious course* in economics to the Uon The court has sevct. ttefnber*. la'uv* uanchen. .".nance experts have Selvto Sisno, is the stun of toe. '^ sing, abandoned children of Naples b Mines* vtudvRt. AU moving viola too * a-e E^cb j'urtice carta jce rote ex- At toe pruw; tame.tfee court ,N4r Irwi I'utilu.iit vaguely, about a who must survive by whatever Participant* will also review Viand'.ed oy a local justice of toe cr f. toe chief Justice wtis rotos u ff.j4.r-i a ftcorj isi, Agytsm* *"S* »*^-;*ou-go program amount- toe rcq-ursi at the Us—. pt.ettfouru ar* iue M nsu/ -z tn« « ^ from five to 15 million means possible sad *-ne resulting reports on higher educatiius: r. peace. ooity .a the case of a Ur. toon* on upipfakr f5sr- la new projects, plus bus me** submitted by the Ford When t:ciurt u rtcvi vcl. toe "The r»- ^ !h« court is to wrtt? if ISaok wh-ch -s toter- S-J-* News GC..;* U2 5..u>tow:' «•' juvenile delinquency in the suo- a . ** and end* teen divisioc. Founds torn and the Camega Student has five days to r.-**♦ an arrive a jait ar.t oqu.tabto «r:«>c H triT.H'l*Tf H> own. tradthe' Serrticva, accrwx.tg ..» SM* pgr- :■?, at fst, * running a law mora. General Mlauouu is 3d CMttfr Food* toot. appeal and 13 days is woidk la ■oiut-^x. The cidr. urtod to too court Split-level IJvinv INFORMATION Michigan Slulc News I tlllhl.ll NI1IH VI niMl.T. NTI'liV ii 45 n in l«R(H'P wat-lav home Vfll Nf. f (II.I.TUT IIT.MIM RATN UIVINION Itrarl fi.illi h* M si i "VOIR! Mu.lrtiU ami I'arulU OKfiAM/.VriON . t p m 4:'. Union VIM Nh liHUM R VlH , 43 phi. f'i.thi.Ilf Mlurjant , tfriiMii (Oat'tr--.ix). vol NU IITMIH RAIH • entn ( off..- I....1. til TNTATT IIIVIMIOV fi.i jt.itu nod rllvlttlno roovco ftlRIXHAN HII IH.M p m , 41 Union tinriK IOIMI4IION ; j-it. ('i.lleip llmisr ('iiinpu*- \ i-- pan "IIhw 4 'tin Irt'i.' lha yVCADSV^WE'SSOlSSTO W.-VA PAlfOf Cimiw.- M nil II I'H.U iv i •. (mm- I Jf. f-.t KhmU-i Sltnlr nt / (WE iva d \I CUTMYWAie m.'/sciT \ . ! M. V' |i.Uiel HP.%WTA\ WOtll.N'N ITAfil l. iNft.W limitRHI \6CVPk3A", / IV.Iicv I put. !l.'ltl Ktiploiit Sat'vhra Lrnl. llafjitiiiK n IIONONH f hl.l.Mif 4 pin. Hoimim College l/niii({o In f.thinly ('offer. ■V; '/)■ !.-.Vv ni I ANimttt HV f'M'VI -0 Sswp — Passes Firs I IVsl ii p hi IVfthl.PV MiRI'M , AH Hnlht# ("l.tur h HlkillAI' 1 I rffp cemvun 1"' 'I- .11 Union. Thar® 111 / I WOPE WEE CUTS CUTS -Mill I I Mill II VHits ■ » pin, the rtn i I TOUR FAS' , THAI CWASUt HSOiDN'? I,,,, i, u|„11. H'i- Mii.litii mini M n,.un In i' he n ilrnirirt put on l»v 'I»-f11*» 1 HI tin' plllK'HM. i; IS A BASSES! I,., I,,..,I l„H.Hi...II )>..•< Ill) ft ,,,l, ■ I I ititil 'I' •"l'1'' : 1 nil nil' I., 1 i.itit'1,1, IHIMTV f (iMXllAII \ V , Mil. ,1m .1 I., I .illl|„l i ,.111'ir . I nil". N III I. »IIM I.'i.i li'.l I. HIMI I »|„ Tl.l Kill I I'll- lii«l I|"|»'"I III r.i'..ttnl/iiic I* I f ftoffet l,l,OtVklMI* Hii pro, K l» Trinity supper nod ffvnltiolioi. Chnnh fd r;^ ll|'|,l',»|,l H+*I,-II f«.||lu- • I" M I lllllllril of terma-ncllvltlea II.,• III,-I'll ,,l III,' I U.I t(HN(. l»fM(HKATH NT ATI! I limit peud'oii (KNTRAI. Ill Ihe riiiir f <•( Ilir iimtItin . h.,w«\ei Ii« |» « Imi'li't H»t I! pro. Union l«»war room l»i»M (Niti-mul •.uyp. >1 llml < i'Mi'H Ml the Inline h.Mit.l i|i\ I'll u» pill« Inn.Is not It. "pil mi v l.nl CLASSIFIEDS , think in IcMiis ..I iiivi'tlini' in Hi.' Niilii.tml Muilcnl Amui. iiinl I In' iicjitl.'iiiii" IM'iit*I iI s .In i ion "I \1 Si i IIniiilfil, unit h j-'t.t.tl fun »*• *.1111 If,on \S.\ itffiliiitn.il •1'1»I CAMPUS IMiAIM.INI'IS: I p.m. Out Haf«»rr I'liMlrnfion for 'lurk., Wril.. Thtir"., fr.itti mi flt'flii.ii \ fur* in ...It'Miif t»«• 11«• 111 •« piivli. I tut lli«' lift anil l*'ri. Idlilinns. Ilradlinr fur Mill). •*.*«• • • i#»n: I p.m. I ri. luM't iippn.ii.'Ii. u. I.. I. t.villi...I., .hi impi.t'tmil Sliuhnl liills I'a vii Mr N-H! anil I Monday Ihromjlt I ridov «».\I'Mimt'iil 1.11H*I ii'ii In "'ii Mi.ii.Ihv I'.lil.iriitl l VI • KXT. 2(.i:» • Play* Simla SimIvallv W ih.IImU' i we rniniiiftilnl nf»..i. T.l) 2-1 all • »ii« slfniij't' sihmh.'ii "I h « "i.t'i. • with hinte iim'IH'V limit M knew what I., ii.. will. ( AMPM5 CIASSIUIO*. PERSONAL HOUSING 'I Ills* WAS M'l f.tin. " miui'l 11111 |.f t.f mi it ii mum I v't "» HIE Atrill V*l flATTM Oh- Ri "MK W(» Alt hi, »oi» aim Hi A flenrenOla rr»i.*i« *• Mil ■*• »• "We hava in.I hint* nt'i.in I Hi.' ►'•..!» hmr iippt'i.iit'h, I'"* ATAftlMimV l-nf,.| h 14/9 ■■•■iiul m.r| fAallhg ; •♦till..fliil i'l.lif innt'il, "it- I. •»»».: »i worthwhile >»' r*»itp^ me K VV AM I liAKMlV DPtlVrbA rnetititikr front the ».hitte the wcallIt Muilein." When this ill-, ill..all I -nl.p f-.r -I*. "i a'ad »/jii I'll.,ne IV 4 * .v . ■ ,1-p »- !•« the eitHf. we fee I MSli is itoilip it flent Meivii'e, ill mi 11) / Kit I 11 ?#»•*• ipfiurarfti-e e-.i ,»rne»iri|r Intm I r> in htriier .... ■* mitiieilmte seiine, to the v'o.ips m tpieslii.n, iiii.I. in » AUTOMOTIVt til., Ill"" Oil'. VII 7 144.1 lit,-holing l.aul 4"'l 4: rwn rxi'rHir*.i »n nio- MMf»e. to the «*tt»l'*e of Wmi-'-I un.lei fjimlllip <>at 'In the extent t tut t \ \ ;,l«> ileilinitr It self to t he e K'.H " k| f «-,.il P»w. r-p- Mil t MA". •".* , 11 * t . Xll'Sl t ra* f..l n il* »• urn «•" Nil. 11 ft. A!! aoxm i .,'.1.Mp- . n» . -dai, ,_i •- I nl I iiinl mil .1 .i,,-'..,, trim Is. we iloul.t tlmf st woiil.l urn ,-i«ml-Iv -mii* i IT v mm a• anion* *1 i„ Ivata autrariia »iul l»ftOi IV . Ik'.'- 4>Kt 1 REAL ESTATE if siippol f to Kit own Ii.ime-ti.it. home »•»• > • I f i« ( p.o|iTl< l.ellei- In llie Idlilor MO'lXli. f I'M'.'' lit IT pi.i|i'. l M title.| Wed PlVf WOlll.l he p"l I" |e"H,i! kioila"' ■ 1. I-II1W nestliiV lupltl. Al >l , ■ ret l.'i'fed the \S.\ Jul < t Ml it. own TOM 'tI M ft., 11» ii on , ■ r.'p.t ••> \ .H <1 .Vli,. 0,. • >>0a*a f —I.PI < I ileal I". U.iav f"-.. I Two-Sj<|f<| (loin I.--., '...I'll' tit x e-'-t «»e.'l •• * x nu> Manlier* ffMNP-'lirfl A I' A M f gv»> <4n*v Tunis Out Social Idiots* riKfVrp< . vii •• I - i.M, hHihr." I-- ••••1. 1 mm, lia»lr-M.ii., nh»»;--i •1 iwat* aii.im.--r An.* A- I -ne lis* l.aat garxirr I vi i ni.iiK ' ,i ... i' "...i, ., .i.iii IWII..I, .. lei X IT 4* r 1 ."Ml t l I HMIMM. i*p. 1 I "p.«- ,1,. w" -nir 1111 11 "a* ' ,e"t t.l- * it in-In.r.it 1,'fi . IK- 4H. a ..II price >••' «-.»k l.i •» * •l-"t I. I- IS ■ |.l. , a,1 Mr. ■ 1 .. .....,1. lOnki Hall.. ROOM', l-i g'ftirl M>iirt|«lun Ruaai ♦ - ,\| allele is. e!l« pill • w ■" I hu ! he i .! irt tv |l , v..I. ' • ae' l.e t'u.te.d * I' K»l-i"".a"MI IV 4 «i4U » V .2 11 <■» IV *- »«» V.. " la Ilia ftlM.tr 1 Naal'-ff- • I immixi* ■ linn ei l!v ,.(id i' !ni(i'Hl lonhnue a,,..,- .... vvlei! We hope III! | oknl n.*»all wl.athrr I ».t RDHINEA* ' • eiK \li«nv Iri rill let j el !•> the t ■« i I f • • • l:.\e pi.oiled out an« htti.lri.l let.I tl.a atillMv la TXi ".irx 1.1 . - ; f» ,' .u» I h.»1 .. . ••nil! r- e' ■ i' ■ tii . ii. i.l ■■■• v. i i le• •• < iit.nl- rata hi* tii|i.il<>i I ha avail.* I,oil. . tY;|*i..e»l.tf ei.e* x(MMinvrr» AiNoir and I", r I'll -,Mli«l a«J flevipr J • BAt* *r»d g,n I *p. •. It.e FOR SALE 1 fiih- ifa it p. i|i.i I e I hull . hi,,ni i . • •m with.mm .l.i :i, In it ir mtd Unit misiilaiail of InalmrtoM to 4ii.Ha.ilv I* rlaiiHH-rath- «e «f ■ u—)i»u i'wr ix-li'.-w •. 1,-1 \• MI We Hfti-a «|>a. ml.'«•" In ,|P*igi, I'refpf -' .lu .i * ,u- ii'e. 1 a With ft' He • I 11 .i en ii. We h .. v i i arltuaUiMMl |iti»ra.*s ill lha I' s hu vje nil.i,hat i•! tii . ■ E AI « II OP|rRAT»\'» li'Hi I l.ilii'il dak.a.tai WiUp f"f.« ll>! ... it ft. I d. II .If. STIJDNUf SMUf 1,,.l M.ip'il li'«l N e S|iiillg If" ■ Sn..|. 71ft l*r».,arii» hl|Pr- I ran t or w tiv a* II U hat on.I Mi, l-lgan f. r ir-.,. - a H A;! "-an al'gd -r M*v propel i.nhrvv i.. 1.1,1 r Whin 11 in-.'! dtftirnlt to ol.t.-ni • . u ,:ti. tn.»i nin .' »1 *• Infefn.alu.n ,.r app-,miii.p-i- n HI* know latinr • ,ll b« rleif-l >l>>, H {r,,ii, p.,• H» «-W>: */ in ..i t, u,., K lllld the liull iiiiiili'lnii l,u4rl el lelliie . n . ■ W n ,,'tlo..! w tf • r.. .'1 tl .l.,l!l -I , — - .1 i. . d mull w . I vv el I h t h.- el lei ! e. m Mac.. Itn.ivn TOR U4N d.mbia .. l.i, I.f.pij (or fp. Ipftlino nr I hi I e, I I ! 10 I eO lilli'l I- tie! !|ie W h- tie p.. I.. • ...I-;, P-'valr e*,r 1 ■•-..» »■ ID l-aai.-" ^ move. if,, t l| j'O! I'. * m-'ll e-' -e..|e I I el'; We! parkOrg TII > 'CUn ai.e. ) or* : • in IIEE< 11 Hv own. fip-itw.rn* !i ),.« r>->( ■ "■ tO'l'd .ii .eh-n ,ii!-i e. i , i n\ ii , .innriM to . leulei i d it-10 t >p, ii | fp.'ionio A XtAKT Rf I .IIP I,i.M ft- TRVATION -en llnwlil--'* • TOR ne nli.a Oarage l.arge l-t D»e aM,l . t» \'KM rr.N • IN ♦aril' « lielar-hip tin:. • e,.(e '.ludvioy [v ,ailli.-|.f*otii,g 1 .ii« *i.i, ' 'r-l I infti-r -re h»lr t.lix-k ♦*'•' (ire. aol-i'nAll.- MftO.uig 11.N. Oirra HiVar 01 Michigan Ave 2S. Delta • 'or Midi. :M ten .' I . ' •, i i ' . . n in.- -• 11* It'll * xoiiv -IIOOKlv M'.U y.- i »/,. no »-im * ite-f .11 h let ii . t.ev nn.i 1 te ,u a t in..: i. de einptia? I ed I >i m ' '1 In*K)i !i.< »Y)|» MTN OR wnniar, >"urtu«. 1 i.-r-a) f.li! f,*M-".Pnl g»'«e* UAH < I MUM. THAIMNU < <>M- ra--a»Oni. i-mtii f.e nU>" »i« Pk' Ip> on t h»" .'.,mpii . w he e pttpnlafiop teiirht .,vid!v t.«i .,din lha klklr Saw* Itniilii-i that • fifth! v 11 f 1. 'I .I. ' ,ilr!» 1 i.,f,■«"•••>. - ...ii,.-- ,IW 111 • a.-tti-ir, I,-lit PAThl'-K ED ' -a"1 •V - » U2 |..t ».,,taf IV ft-.'Wi »' *l*otU ma ln»»»oihtnl avail |o lha «,**. n-i'tM* i -l ft- Ms' .m,„ Ii,--, I.rr ft, 4»l-*• ' >*» V. ftl.pl Npller •- Haa1'. " l.ltn I te th. W . !. » n • elil, ten, | , de» .id, II.,-. H! UritiKf --I >■ «li IV a-ttlw.' .Irl.iinanl r.f mmlamlr* Ih.a* ... • in.,', -T f 1» , 4 OR Sf'BIMI TERM «j.(,f"i*r1 Mfh. t ••me4 .i, i \ ident n .. mdnh. i e| student oii ..'u . Iftiin'la' .hnen* Dr-ui-le tt.K inrtn |li.il lha ra.tl *o,»,l r . »•; iO'i .el" O I ' •*' « • . t -.ihmi" tinljihle en.ep- Wni SERVICE 4Kf « liri IVTHKII 4Ur lureiul-i. . I D i 1 •' an x* fieri thei»U . ■ ,d .e .id i.n k ,4 mten-sted pel lillol is i tl.raa iMiinlrr th.il « i,- -i,i».i. pimlw t * *' • • d Mil l, lift* I ntse, I1ae.1i 1 HI , I'll 411*11 (,-■ -m-.r-*- ' oooi'mvi v(«Ivp pftrving h-M».i 41 - ennel ';|||-M'f Ileal «... ,.p e ef 11 I i V 11 \ Aid lit I,, le . •lorvn.t |.U« fiMithall" .tullill "i o. " f-M •' «tr t dan, i.e. mmtlirw K««-' Oft* PAIIKIN'; At "o«- (It'--" v iv t-urn- " ONE fWM'Uf.r R'»f»M I-, ftpornvad pm It* IP#»« mnnll, r tp- 1' ' h, n 11,111 'at leti won \, .lama* Van IIma r 1 Inene. oiemlai that t». ' •" *• ' . I .. iklna fnf M.a-- X.-'P p.el ha»e lighlPft )A5- l>a — ••Hid- I leld pi ev nil' 1. ,, i. ,, . . K i. e. . '!'.•• f" |IG IONUV 4AIC >. MftMr Hed*. ri»_7,lt»-va XI 41 wttl- h'tved liejuM ui e dill inii an alia .etv rieiix apal i;> epi- it, v-'iii e >•»■» Inslriiclioit . e" ' lone vv,il.e ,j, md vv e i i v alien! whefe tile ' ■ok the Ktand M'tn! Ihei-e is tu>- UNOir Room row n,4!a ttudeal TT'PING EXPERfEN t; . kl.V VXe«U»*n Miftung »a<--»*.l floor home M? I Cherry Lane Ei- •' Vk irii.iJ vv till the Ut ah hi.,; te- wilnri ai;.il Mi'n,i w ni ,-m i \ u- . l>|x..., ! 1 te Ml-' ..id., ell to IhC Mt-diaar S.intlcv bre,t«(a*t PafhH'e ll.a iiioiio|»«.U that the SJala . (In MeTtft*' G»»lrf r»» O'#mo«4 t»p«ot TH ED f-lftJl "M#— , 4. typivo urrwr.KN • ♦ \r«* lias oil tha i>|itiiii*ii« »«»i 1 Hi. MO pi i pndjirii. ef evv-.a mhhh'v II) P m ED a-Jinl li'tlei Undi d APPROVED ROoxis AT EU Ah- Crossword Puzzle ril I.* lha ktinlrfitk can rr|*ir*rel MMor !!"'■ S.'ie et.at!" .1 > ■ 14111 fii'i.ltt 1«" 'v-» hi NiM'.ilii mih no t < fti.-nu (iprifttioM . C'roas" WIUI4M M THOMPSON V...e H -ft-l («,•> rislMiite* DnRv » -ll-o 'f TV RADIO KERVICE a mownM* iniivrrall* lha tlu- ED T H34! a eaak ,1) make-- * <> « ' •lant* khvw.hl ha* a another «nhe ef Ml.- h!,in e tnt u< • 1 •>oi.,< A!rtr « air \ er - worth,' aaa ItftOiu and Televuk-n !**: O'I'HOVr.D TURPI RtK.XfS Wtiw* 3i Plant ijitm of lhair own, as hat a the *t» * 1 !.»s re"". im-tt Ui It'ou ttii! 1 {ft,! te -• -e «"hv At:S». TIM. ARTS mafwHian* beok,a*a SS- IV EE 77 iA r.f IV l S;ri| 3,1 n*!tf(an iv "h the MudarM- 11*' i x •!,--> .-* ( w hich s tft-ea • -oO- . i-,a.a rabinel %«s laai TYPINO A N P D'"PI " * J: «taiiU of I of 41. to rontrt tha h it lUdli asi'ailat.l cunrlitOHi Kli- Jam- Wonet> FD * Slippnt i eivi.iuvl* thhuaht tfiH' va Mi; Mi. ..'1,1 I lev - ,1 A1 or thought that tl*| has n.oiethau » SSm -44 MEN OR <.RAI)!'ATr »i,,dar.H, jfc.-d.»-ao#'PU Page ■>• » Net th,i l-T'a're Hew:. - . preuitelH'. «'}■• t* t* rtwi.rti! tax in to t,|.(M'it 4 H.H-fti. eufl hoard c F-e*' l^»n*»ng r.i.nai charge (nr prnwilliif "r- * one opinion. ZVV'ini fmxvHTANle RAIUO Home privilege* 114 eeap I? lYrr V osU'eai.it Wile cholk'd W •' He t' ,..i.', iv uift -o k-omiatiei. h.Hiip t»t lav.nit Acruxa Iiun. ttr-f V-.-. s MM » < I*. ' *!. 1.^ . ■ 1 ttasa two ofliant/ahen,* atr w«vr I.A.MU KXTH As' Mil tv -1. Field tf 4iV pjiittfr ,• m'» f (emU rnuiava Ui H..u-a_r_T.U 1-1441 T'-'.n. MULTTLITIh naehMUJ a! avot n'ai'• li'iii'ivi' 1 coin put th!i- te a!i hut SPARTAN •1.1 iVn.-ir,f4 4- AbYIMifd ,• . \ , :i«i.ni ef |ha K-» i" How 1 that I w APPROVED ROOMS FOR men TYPING aervice Eeer -- h,.t I ..*'<• now; 1' M'SU. can dofuite in.nii'i to »tnmail,,,-aK P-.iala pu¬ .m * hi'i.ave n n»o over hoar in t| • | e aushietied «»vM pricetienc'i- • le* (t orn Her key F D J-*l*7 49 IIAV RIDE.* - AT red *" ! ' I .11 JUTCAUM n atdlath * i»vff atfutU :. , • - 1 inn Mu* .»•- .. fOi HINT ♦h r.iurh wrinter term ' 4A Piavwvint •aiuUan of V*atarWa> a Puaal* p roff even Healed fart* rv»©r-. • -II Xi«>,|ii-,n«l v.« ft opt o;»l liitiMO e! : i>,HW •. for olh- APPROVED niV.MS - rrmms «: A»ti indent it. MlRTU fraa t,«rfcii'4 I ..r#r Iwtotgr TV fra# throne rm*. for reaerv »»OWV 7 Ptcialat- ,it."t ri hot Ml Wet'Mo >1 JiHiili.Jrli>e, ! vu ;r 4 AM VUIOI'ST »n Riding Ranch. IV 4-441? I th* in-; liun-l'i i.». mp- i.> rar-p-- ratrr II V'un.t of 40 l iowar . make «nU Ao.m.l H-mmI. ova m.le* •• »! >ta nana i \ .far «s n.*i msi a •• revrupK lUork trenv ED *-141? 4.r WriiA tttr SO S*,l I P«vr actor; I Jourwa* tw n il {ho » 1 1 -win'I '>-•*. .'■Me «p,l Vlnftiaiti »uO"- •>•.'• four l»aiii>Muti* bartf TV. AND RADIO *ervKP N*i !S> t>rmk.n| *1 PattuY colloq « i" It ii e Mum. a . <-.e IAfffa r.*w« Ml t-4HM ». RhritPINO room I ( Jen the- * aftr vhaee* p.irki«e W> J-rtlia It 1,»e« T V 5 . H.x ah a 1 Worth to Market '! parair* » »■ ■ tuba (decking fraa mi'UU'k t ill .Vhwiml I' we e . u"»!|ipll'*l «•« e. • hut law* also.l M.e riiMirt ; Aft ABf MINTS d»il> T V lechninau* ■" tl li |h»o I In la !lactu* 1'lara APPROVED CT-f.AN HiKtXtH for 0 i 1-. 21 Mwj.'i* ** SmaiUhlM •tl' 11 V ovithful * * • ;inv , .eii n-iuiarovv Hhd #!ve ten vivirs' men *n(h i^wklng P*rktr.c fAV 4'r>3* r I '4 r,-„ inn 4 h.rh Irxrl of rnllaiia in kitrlen. live l»ailfi*i" * i V 4 It- :t oi'it * atar S'i'.' other I.,s*k ' ■ f V - C.'.e 1 Mi ink %-'•■ .•«• strnrlion Ai«/r/ SlaI'J' •ultabi* l-AH(*r Jrt * M» niece, lour , Iu4e1«> (or rhraa n-ei. iimkinr n* iiidmrr 4-.WI' On k.i lio.t E.itine OX- P "IFansfortation U 2* Charavia-- "l he iH cavHihot iippe?uv. * • ' sharoa « oartv in**nt*i-1 Uk' »rr montM- utihuaA " J 1 w mtiC 2#. Appr* w \ fe-» ' a :< - a v . -» *■ ilPttructoT e\;n i.M;»n- I'holoc ranker k«.'. 1 H.kk-iXAtMl, ED J-3T37 (or #»>- (MOiituen! 14 I OST BhACK-HORN-rimmed March « George \ o. ft - *«*■•'• ' ' »>!)•. :!i •_»; . - uonio of (oral Gables Re¬ 31 i - sl Ml BASEMENT APARTMEN T gluvae* WAMTWV—ROUND* TRIP Jl c .'1:11 -r \ prMavi*.' 1: e ward OR Nrtlen ED J-.1A41 4T Miciiioan Stale ^ews eiMTiforiahlr. i-onvemen* IB to Enrt Lauderdaie •» 1. .IT RulUYr -cam I 39 Small <■' ;»>■'.v.s., \ t*'Mfas>o; 1 • •,o *,.<• • ,-ilre* I'mvaI* antrneve LOST WHITE WALLET Oram! oa> evarM.ig LU •* ■ )/ V.' (J »e U • r »:* avalufttion sm- ; No ..ftikrn* For iu«a ni-*.a grailtiftta River between MAC and Rrrkr* or Gale Nolan v* bv. «; e 1 Til S.e- e, M'.mM fe,4*.> |^*ltW * vl'.-Hik'-r kWnlnof or ir*strui'(or M5 t*a,iithlv vjliw'e * Papers valuable to owner Reward RIDER tl OR OLDER u 43 PlfTiiMp •» , * -u u . , -• '.i»«iii.iia.t on ,-Uv* iiu> MiN.vIa* uvro.m;. kviiier usciu-uv* uaruf rtluw r>* heat. Mui Sanllt-, ED 3-JB51 EO ;-»741 4(1 N 41 Idjiia k nast K «o»i tprnvK te.m*." »«•*'* .1ur.i - >nre.f le^.t etvl « IV 3-*;«5 tl lo California Ju«t sf-ft> r' ;'t out and ir'.u. 1 w. nrstvivan ,Mt.a hetw'aao tummrr and fall tarn>? £r.!era a 43 lVf v to " **>eei#i LO*7 CORVETTE TYPE hubcap It sr M ' • the .-Ml , Uisv (r.al'er unvlar Ih4 «cl *>t March X ItTft at itia v«o»t offiea TWO APARTMENTS EX'TRS'- Hall ED 2-3MI. .. In E-c*i l-at,*iMg Sund.i} rjM^nme P w» ♦r !S?T rfiijw ♦ft Oru^h H- iai.i1 fa!*, w.»* n»>' f., t i.4n»i.<4. Mich rt elolwme pa*able In advance tor ore term • * lot i»« THIN'fi fwimsnail \y»ll c.i,imnh»utr tin- eeepta 231A IN-'. Mu l>lf*B A3 Raw ant Gar, Sherman. EJ) 1-UJ.T RIDERS WANTED TO t- * *• o w ;is rweaivng a *«*■•>■» sv .» ilitae Urn - p Avertue loqiure at office rU F.D J-IA4# 4W pm With ta«*U» i 44 K .-uts! ''h vi,h he xvns an *\- .t»»nr>ar>. o, : » |ii»ar-,i Pre*v» Av--iiaUU- *ua »!*• Daxe of Jack 4 K b»*au • -• .m' ♦ ,,e.*H-r. I. a< a fnra 4 5 Colleetate rtm APPROVED TWO-ROOM »w»rl- PERSONAL H W % "4 r 51. Evasjfthini never Jia.t tha optx- - I ailor-.n t hirf ivur Halln* rMent Per men Prtvaia' t't.Utias bath aed paid an'r,i,».a Parkmr WANTED 44 GIRL WTTH GUITAR ■f a Rock* '. . v • ■ rata ''die instructor * Manacinc Irlitor hnaaim Price 1214 Fast Kftlart-uuiei e.i#tsi Gailerv Expre»ftt< TWO OR THREE, bedw* ' ft pmnacia eomuk-Unji a class and John Mvrftln avduv ni Huklnev.% Manaaar rODR X!EN OVER 2t Urea -E'ert- apartn.ent for spring *^3 ft r 53. C.i latter ! 0- 'wteil txv,4u«a this ofh'i- (irrnUttoa Manatrr ..... .... rani U'krr mevt utiviiaga* fiirri.'UM Perking. Uutuirv iv 5-31*4 attar 4 «J, U «>r mer auartars IV 4-2I4L Mi MM If MSI a. a Vko-.i'd* tHVOiwa official I I CC Henri final Examination Schedule lor Winter, 1M0 l*cnlaf£on Dincunnv* I'ossiblr Incrcnsr of Atlas ll llW's WW04V M.rrh II, mft OiTATr N'rwte l'A*e Threa •»/ . t .t-:» m, Wlntfi Turn ** W#"Iii*mU;. WASMfWTOV W) — Th# rcA'-tifl Art l/irrfJiPf In the num- r'intrn *|so v/rm iivk#ff »t»out ft froipam ii heiog fry r-.-e-f, fra'e* t/ij'l the fir-//» COO- »« Alt «»»! Presents " III. III. . .' ' ill I." II,,. r*-.i-:|,irtH.,„„ "III III' Ill Ill-"l"1»ii'> I,, Il„, illilKiUli'fit t l.» « IH, ll.« f'.|»..*|,,y II— I'WIIII, Mi iWl».|S|*ffif „ jrlven" 11- f .. . |M< I'TlUttOfl 'Jl fJiWMIMlhK fft* pOA«U Hlljfy of irc'icHnirif thr nutriM-r Iff of Atlat Aioiilf) la- foa'te, If fnlnnlle* pffibnbly upon, the KtNtuo of th<* fjorruw is!|r proyrnrn laiit v/rrk, ft Horn- li roix- xi'ifilf v/.'h prniffarri* ho*, in on-.' »f »lrv» 'm0rt;,~ft* fx-rrriM. that toe purr-i » riurr.i,>er Nftvjr hftt of pl«ns for other quefi'ion, 'j 'tty*r»e r»f Allno Intcrcohtlftantnl Mnl- . hy the total for earh tirr- Ti fr*l rola.lr hurnrij up 0*1 *r*r«-3.nj up It* f'olft/js rrhvsiin- Resignation Mil Ml* if*'!»V ml*-/ Mifi'l, tJ Mnfii 10 M' M.if• i. II »'« IV.JJ n |i» |»» !V|J |i |«i |5 II IJ I*. i»«e«}*- ft-r.i»» 'Demi* Sf*T«*i.»ry */t IJ*" (*«'«•* Jr. nni'l e/joarfrori hryon'l the pmsently plorifir'l in rolx'ilfi the pS'l IrtUO'h)0>f '. ffir pror ft *//;• * t'hr'|u>'l t»,» c*/. th'ioyh' ">f juolr,.nx' ;* n-ri 'fhr *•0'. ./if / l-.' • r» t,jf*m»noe f!«- »ai-i pr'»«r»fr.. 'v/', e yo.ri/aot te*t», WAHIfJNCrON i/l; John The »i • r « ii r r. I', (| |«. is lit «e«-i i.tlirf Mian ll.f. r »,'utp> Ttii'ifilftay Ttiia l* one of n i-rrlrt of pin rat xn'h 'if itilon to i/l. ' -, trouh!<* *0*Y P" ■ !-',* M'. •»»«• A f.-rirl *,Of tv—. arroefi firing 1 deli ".(•>e.| In for l,v l|,' .1. - ," «l IF* • I— I» •'l.mlulril 'I — freji'ifie*- to ricwo eonf«?r- ynrioun wejiponx u/hMi nrr )|»'J hr*Tl era OUfitffr'l in tfir I'*tt Wti.'-h .I •*. pfxj.v '.irf, ■*', i r...f of • ,, .t-,:— from uo'Jor- hni»rfor Tlmr-ilny. In. -.'• Ii ,'»•.».« v. Ill M. given i umr ilaiif.*,..,, >n«l f'w ,|a** —el in 6 'l-'Hi.g ll.e If" M.rr- qii«t»ofi», fix'rx ml'l, ho-*."- t—)o< fli»(-oe«r<] hy t»oth tt»*. ASf program WI h Isof»' f.,'-.g .1 'r-1 | x 4'»r - h'i' f *.: fr-eo ii *ol#rfift- ■>< rhnfrniitn of I In- IVilt-r.il II 1 Ir . ' «v ., >.f file jj.. >•» «'vt, (tint no dxt'lll'ifi htifc Mt.i Korrc nn'l Nnvy, (*xl*'» «;»lft. (i»ld 'tift*. the li'irnare r - r re- he.'I thi* month. and In, ,||r,» II- !.»<»•».. ,|| i •'Hintiiriinit i o n •« ('otnrul • ! l• »>i,l«,. ion. H« n/ii■<, h, IP.-, I.. l,r«f. m 1— 'tilled ItV-Tpe (1 nrl. I,,.,— Ir. i.tr. i», ii„ii a, wo— -! »'iideiil* niMv K". "tinier . «i»ifliil» In Mi.»' . ,.-.i »»— in a pare I'IT-MMI-MI | J a-nhower n .it t, •1 1. |I,O . I n V iinr.«ir,t» r ••• Imiif* rail. k Or It) Ijik* j/fr-r , Attend Church This 'Ir f,. r r, U- e»H. l>e» III",| In *1— Sunday i..r» —"jhhmIIiIc cmlinrra /rii'iil " . • -Ill h. .llgerl *. t.ei 1 Ml III, r'i|«1r<. jf It- lit«,f a»\r| II— |rv4-,ir 11— Ki .'uh't 'T I-|H tlx- -I—' (ill —diiiing ,»#•#.-{.». r ihf t>, ■ «, # f Ma »*.»i.a,i#f|..n All II."' ».,|" i'Irill* fr * I'l ■M-i'ipn vi'h i !»••'!«., iviic p ile .n, * r •••■ 1 V' .$ Wi 1. 11 Uieir iimpl •t;inkfl f.,( I ,,.], .. "ii"lrn'i"i fverh •I* . ' • > r dlnw • v111 ariil »IT- > • .*<•• vU «• MflHflfMr* » I.AHMKfi ACT CM Mul fhn I'r. . !' *it _p.Ah-r- . luVb i.l-lllVH'1 f i;ast LAiNSIiNC; J", f, • churches .,i, • , ii f j'i Mt*» Ml' ■ . - - !i •/., . • If r|*n lh,»* • — *, Tim | lit «g, I frilprlrk *l'»nl «»r ( l.uhnhiirg, iTh I '«•> »■ .".id*. \V. Vj , to hrriiiiir i lmirin iii mi > n |t* i m i *» * |'l 10, Ihn follow |l|g (|.1 » I f«-i fi-r ' i P- i Mti'li-t lu- ri MWI mi nf •r.-eiav wwt MTII r ft '»! » *i ■tOnr-U. ti EAST I AWING UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN PEOPLES CHURCH CHRISTIAN FIRST CHURCH OF < /m, f'ii MtW'l hr Vl'IVV "fhft v» i I-., P-tfj... I m i •III. 1., jJi-1' TV uhv*. T'ffti t '*> •f'—wt» V CHRIST, SCIENTIST » *•*<•' »"•*» I- ■ I i )orrfi-r P.- •■«/.-» f. M i- If '}. ,.j In .• Ir,-. )». • r» MMff • n*i. in I*I ftft TWWTY CHURCH CHURCH EAST LANSING STUDENT M'VK i '«< Tfti—a*ter a gn*| FOUNDATION ■ <1 ./Ml I I'l . '' ''ill' 1 '•! <• •*, I'M • »d Ina.irg . * ' ll'K-1 t> I the J' I : I - M$* » , i »d,«- *«» *'#♦» r.raftd Khn il Michigan ».i 'li » * Vi M»»r». 12 »te« fc llorM WW.MAMA iMMelnri and Ann Mod, 1' I ill-flf «»>({ fh. III flu),»!»■• 'if I'nfl- »»rv1»a fl A.M. M " V.Th! .' ". «■. Tulftf Nnrlh fir C Marinn llmmt l.'i M'*tiihi-r;i *»f Ha- M ' *"> hl'i'V* Meffcev WaH» MA W CManA *!»•# It •< MMtl »ehn*d 1! A M, r'-'i'llra-j thpti, In t». t n't I v "<-a/ u ■' . » Pi Ma,-'. Id I impiii filial li»in»ld W M»fh >»•» Rhv t tirhtamin won*Hie m«vnM f •' I H'li'i ftnH !<» t in nut ii J'-nph A W»M*f • iiM'til I'ad'ir « l.lH'1 MHr.list'b Ml*il*t»r* wi'fp-r ih» of t i'li i 'lit.., h< • -I • ma II m am • ♦ fcj.'t .* *! Mi > on or en i-iiii » / -I'l <1 I "TH»: ifUlPtsr 1*9 noill • I lMTA«r K ■vi' • m, ifty iii'fn 'ry j--,•*»'- KtrnMAi. uivr •i ur»A» • i vpAv urtvift "I Imi* tint, tntr will I « i" • 1 M em *Ht T"* WnrdMp 9 ad, IftIV II Jft A M fxonlag W.»»u»g | • M • • 11 «irtl »»»» view, lli.it lltr lint "«NI V TH» la e«* j'—cph A Porte* I «•« lit Inoilrrii it.i« govern it INX M II NVII'VI hitrterx All arrvice, i» lit .iil.itMitt nf rumple « In inndax ftcliml a hi Ift t; a M ' llli W MA«t •1 A •* lift nrr our •»|C»| ft'H—a a 4* a m a..«a*» «,nr>*>i with CAMId • VIMIII y (tiMilnm (It iti .i M«I - ,i Hindi-Hi I lat* 11 -JO A '4 i.Oh • tlotn for I xlMMiit f.»:f w r.i.M A rest >ilftli I- now If'lfr nf ttl.lt tn ' mi I niiii'in t » m. aniA»ni Aimw I I | Hill HI-tlMl I "iit.trt Willi • » CM M«ri*t ftupt—r UK >>*■. I A i: $ M r* >i a , . mriiitirri tti*-rrnf .< (. f— * »w i Topic I "Wow rw» I Hi AO f-alroillt IIhA'Hi fttl'siM r nnrcli lihwi *">•'« AS it* amAamm tn *i*»i rkm'k * Mi I' *1 II— I • *o» Meaning ft th* p< i Mi . I t an pin. W»4n*k4ap f tanluf I ran • MAM 11 -aft A M • i.i4*nt »«•« »utt 8*4 nan Um r—«l l"rt *f* and I * tuna" • fin finin ihrough high *»n«i'»l aga M«r*l« IOp«i*, I» «j|«l7ai*a »*M:i| lw«. .. I. . v,f It-,. (I ii II 11...i ID- Fly To Florida FREE ST. JOHN CHURCH 4 CATHOLIC STUDENT METHODIST CHURCH Of EAST LANSING EDGEWOOD PEOPLES CHURCH EASTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN LUTHER CHAPEL AND Purine S|»rin!»«•* Avanun Mnui •*ll*un it**,ri* M. I. i'.rdan 1$ Mark* n'—lh »»f Orand I»mM M$ PWiVis lirmd, 11. Add A ft bum tr»M| Asid K' «r Uiilrtlimilil* |*« C»il tin r.-i|.il:il \ir- 7 » • • «$ - 1ft fta • 111* Mlftlatotg H»* Truman A HHinaa, Minuter •1.**OAT rt'K.Md Ci» foifttniun O- I >r» Minuter iH'Pv alMlnr a< • 4$ * »A A ftilmm. KftdtdA a.«nde**"**hlp line*. I'i. k !• aa Mbmmi t h Ir M.gft AeiknffiL 11$ **»-• Ad. "PA I I MretA T Ml M A ATI.ft** Honda* Itivlo* At CAcpdl am rifawur* Dalit Mats'* «-«> A t ftA A M. I |> Your Nra ft»» Mll*r»n M 1 enfant • Mam fbtrrk a.e«umt and *«•• tmlriilnnt DallV • SA A M A • M k'ufi In wliUft **i4«m« a»a •»*- T'I'K we tb IMMtf A M A It ftd A M Europe ill am N*d I »d*» fehnnt rume I rib(»»r* and Minrf a>* i 1000 swil or- • M r w rAfter e».*arr) One fin—b MeM of ft Harilw.n Ad "TMt iMDArtfAf e or jom- pruald ad *0 a* Aaiurday « J M A 1;M-» bf P.M. ifMiAt itxr&mi t... $671 on K.yii fir A** Mll.VO 'I'hrri- I It F M au*4«» *nrurr. "t.alh'.llr* II >iA am A'ai* 'fhaaOa Truman A Morriano 14 M a m xhlo aed funtanufng >*iM *«»*;» IM dm, JJu in A nllf Ira" *«.!*».•»• h* ImiUi* Oil"* ft,f,( u.'rd g'ede and I H Nhimii for kMk s»r*u»« . f tinrrh *'k*sl Ortlfrtit At un«»r Ami W. *11 ka.anaih of Ik* huprama I uwrt of • MA II M A M «s> MUhlgan rh'lfrh ft'h'-.l «:-td»a.*r IftttMM r-tta) itivntr ATMoi.fr Ati iirsT werjANl- »•— *091 I'uy Tin- (»ii» r 115 a m. I nllrga 1 la*a »nl«? rrfft room thmiigh isninr High "Tire rotftiMM i«roistMUrr ««-*>••» •«» KM. /AIIOS M**lft It-MOAT Motiaa v« rti, i-» KM Ornrtft fmiir ftrageo* iTtnrwTt tit/odi MM am Alt Ag*« ft'd ladar Tiiftu* • tJ » m. tonne Hi M11I runner low tsil Call Kb MAI t*f 1 Ity» Samrtee AeaUdfttA ftl4»«p Wt*. Aw.. If .01 In W«|.|« I.xlrii ! n*! **000.1 *• ,4, Iw 11 ' i ..I A**omJ W«.| I (l|Y( v„ /a* *•* *•««• !*■••! Ayarl STRATTON AU SAINTS ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH FIRST WESUYAN METHODIST CHURCH f •0»t0 TltVf t tdiKp « at m«./ 101K. MH IIH;A> IV 4-1111 EPISCOPAL CHURCH itfiuend • mod Tlftd Miil'M Aoad i Storrl* Am Maguoi'n Cenefd A A Are .av« c — f MAMMWd IV# Mil* f«e* of Matadorn Aoad) •m A»n-t A'.ad — Mr S-Dtl laU I—naing i**4«T fteAMWI — 1 «S AJM lei Jutin •. Kurter - I ******* Am Outdo* M. June*. Aeeftur ftundSf ftriNMf • IS A.M. d'-eil*| WdPUkAp — IX m A.M. Ad*, ftaliut- r.ardne* MMilater t* Married fttudenU V mm *e-rart*« — ( Ad K « ll'ftbAf IMVK Aft MDAf tOilNir If jd A-M »teosa g lens* ■ Ad AM Mul* tnmmunien o> f M f X I N A M AanilM Kraaer of Mf I maiHM. and f haek ftcAou* u*v I—orge W. f, JtlakeUbnrg II At A M MiiMU Krn**r *r HulT l ■■■■•Mi. Atmm end Hi i*tm ft 'ti t-IMl EAST LANSING fkartk ftefcum BETHANY BAPTIST SP ftsTMMM •Aft KM. fttMkda* •I MftAV Mil ftOIIftlU CLli CHURCH UNITY CENTER *"■' 9 f,'»M AFaur I, ntTrr;»-;| Wonrn tM ■ ftrfarMMi from t ampu* SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH nm ». fiafti|i'«»ia A**»m MAC A-M. UlAdd Ball ftrkAf fOl'fN WAftBINOTOSi Atnda* MwMdg d»n»; d II dd a »«» *k AT MOOAftft A/VfA hAfVC. Uau*| Auwdar ten— :: ad ida. r,Hi»iMttnf I l.ASftfM#. ' reJp —• tulod I llufll B» " • rndar leftnof ft dC AM j B->e» ' ara — O'li'A T tuning t *w* dit r n : • Udr ' om-i Moods* and d«4a M'dft A M i Matf Karbiu* let U» r>**«(i a' * *0 am. AM A-M. ■ MAM NftlM let Id A M. BfNf.K ftCNfMil. Worth** Jftil A Aft. A TAA tJL a »'»* uKn Ma* A MM Aft** Claiwt let toung K»op— and Voting Marr>d* t«»» Sena— *d « o-wrtaaMf 9 M ifam lower* f • V . f.; . ft 'a Affiliated on* *»e kwa*-* H*ri« f oe«ru.Qna 1 K M. rvrwito ftgAVo r mw «Ai, m iiftbiNid for yn»BdjddMii» «*B id ft-cn I j codii- CENTRAL METHOOtST a. OUVET BAPTIST FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ap-J-n ;#?§B «l ft. AMMMI. ismmi Bee WBBMB Bartnu •IMDAT INTER-CITY BIHE CHURCH CHURCH ®5Ur» ad Cipatnl K*re** at ft «S and U1S »:« A.M. Wtd Ottawa ft Aerrsft ft ft* A-M * 3*77 r WfCBIO ft A iim a.m. K»*i Moe.-wun, proueftAap Minister f Ois« M*- >ef Voart* Otempe - i * K A. A M Speaker A**. C. TuAdtluflup r*Mu 1 A.M. »». AOS* K.M ftpeab*' Aear. Mart* ftealnier IfCIJfll Vlftft AAA VIC ft ftuwde* tf iii aft ft <3 Id nd A 31 Aft WorMMp .Ver-rVwt * 1 Aft K M ftupertnteudeM of IB* Kae*fM" Out** A*v,e Ml*oi«s I* CUtftg* Tllft AfAlMil M id «* A II A* Cfteraft »«ft*ot 1** hiumHim ♦ » 9 dC in laadti Blftl* C*A*a| l C■mrrai m » SmmMsr Cftanc a ftuedag "*v«f (a.rm Cintd «AB IV 1-MB fer A II Ad dm MueuMkd WdftAip Reoie Ol^er, Loya! Dean, Noll J«nw, Bob CaMrw, Chark ft AC put. TAtee VdMB Oruupa tor MSClft J*M| *BU«a Honker, anil Bubiti — U»e fttalf at Namiiy Barber Shop. 1 Ad pna Iwdbid lu*p«r*oeual ftdpuftap Expert ami Efficient, tliey are an\i«u> to pica— You. Drop I Amfi ftMIII CBtt HOLY TRHNTY UIMt URmAL Hat FKST CHRISTIAN in for your next haircut ami find thai extra oomethinp in ORTHOOOX t OUDEH |ierfeet groomiiif;. REFORMED Just " «ckun. Attend The Church CHURCH Varsity Barber Shop) Of Your Choice I Lmnrtf- Id A A-M. 208 M.A.I:. (I'nder Style Shop) Shoe Shine*, by Rubin , This Sunday B, I. U l> I4JB MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Evening March II. 1H.0 h|c font Mrs. W illiams la (lira Talli ^ (bourses Vf.iir K.y ti» I'.'ttiT VaIuvh . . . Mrs Ci. Monnen W 1 llama wilt trip mourof tt»e world. Ii.eflityer of the Mlrl)* Ilijfli Itnnib'rxhip Announced She I\ » rnmrniM ('liirtHiflr.U . . rt'htfi-.A « ijervonal hril'fi fgao U-Jg »■' f''i Nuivlrig nod nil »t 2 i>n). Moit'ley !» M»'«'» IM rr hipht rig on "'Hie JN'V'. -- j' ' > r.Mrary. oojidnr of I'liturs Nurse* ("lull w Tnro tioio. of the W'fl'-l Health rotlege h nffei lng IJ id A %!u I run? in In March projei ti. »jH»riv>ie«l »>, 'he \\ • t llooltll Org.mi/a' . .. oUrilcv for «i Ipph-'l • hihtrrn .« I roletri niv';oii 'a-M. .i fin . a.~.!l|(niiienl from |»i lloodolph Webster, III'll 'pi«ifetsM»r, or jiMOi/alioiit to atudy heal'Jl to iiotnlM'iu of aurrouridirig » llPUllt"! Kvehlng eoiTrtev wl'h ho j.-. - ti Mnrrh 177(1 puTioPute t».ih)r;, -.n lor re»|U! He are open to »n>• *» F»«*1 for the PiurM'i run fr I So-J i»I M/lsMjirrpf IS.^'ImiiiHr «»f »r. *o i?i flt ole. the nofi-ered.t u : has tot d tn eiirollmenl of J,SM This llicjudex full time Wi-st point Mnrrh Hi, |kii2 I'NtJihlishisI hy AIR rifANCC WAy! | • •Indent* and f.fltltl arfiiltv from the area enrolled In credit emir- aes and Itni per noon In nnn-cred¬ it course*. Conuri'ss A g'.r.t of white wine at a *.ti|ew,i!k Ci16? • flair T-'vlor, head of Sntmoer Mnrrh 17. I Will •.troll hy thjt kmc, Mifiky tnwef ? j We hoot and Evening College, A Ki%kA you thete tn U".% than a d.ty • fiollfieerl the following Pon-Cfr -', t Spurtnn llooli Store opens its U iio HvallHhie vpr :• tiiiiloni, ta'.tef jet power. I eoiir«i#'!» v linv MSI' 'IVIhooU ami Mil urn tionnl UMtn. art (drawing and de-o,"'). iCooni. (I hi'iI Tetithoohs lire heiftjc |E HOW7WHINI7WNINT: M WI.V INMTAI.I.ril fimiIRt nf AWS are rfenl; .fulle Shook, fall l.ativln? Junior. Judlelar* eorumirv. ,i -j eh-« Irofliei",, refre»h«r-H, material* h«* ' engineer. bought from MSI I Student*, Jmh Indue, Holt Junior, aril villi* prevalent; prevldent, and I loll le HI loir, Trenton Junior, vire ppali'v orn'rol (by Rta'.i- Jvt t>* Ctttt • *rw V V ?7, A** V''l lirevidenl. Slate Newt I'holo method*!, real e*dnV fund- florae*, I'rhana, fflilo, Junior, flee previ- . i Mmm y.»m N*w y,n * ruh A J» • i* i«M htiri lJ*«n ; , If 4*1 Coiiipliiiiiing f IiinIoiimth ri"ele:n fjreik and e«:mver*«ti'»nal Spanish III An-" • wishing to ei.ro ! i \ "Vittir SiiiN'rmnrhcl for Corner Ann A M.A.C. hlnnilhm" I rtmtt'H * led* I i»w f '♦»-1 Food Bad? "How Don'l Loavo Tips ran anrh a virile nation Is lielnp deslrnrd «perUirillv lo orie i i".l of the-e rourie* ran rey jvrtfitig .It Evening >. 'o Himimer S >. College. 401) I.d)''- attending tlie I,! , '< r . I ! |r '*"ii doh'f like the food, fcerp the i uxturners not or»l» sjn mg U'Jtn !»e rowed by a head waller or a I ll-l I Oll-ilio. Mirlli^ilil 'onipUiii If yni uie ilivativfled |mslr*N?" I'hllippe popitrrd (oinfortihle hut happv. aerord- dori't leave « eonvullanl nTvv^v- «Mii u,e a«>rvwe, ln< lo I'hllippe lie is lie explained that women mt Foreign Film hobby l.p of lis out. desicn and. tleeoraliou I Philippe. New frir'ly to blame for tin* eireinn for the hotel. nd* fc'aUee Tli'i h true heeau.e "■ v !e.« I • . , omultiint, gave thl Hotel in t lle-Miiurant UVildli* tell their exeorl pot ' i T" t Series Slales ENTHUSIASTS M <-iigertieii' »tti»|r»nln Tlievduy bother wtien tie lv ahopt •-» j;., • a manly fuva aleeit poor f'"»d • i •I t> ! • I'll t I "Wh.»' Kellogp Cen'er tn-e.1 p ruote rom- »ervtee. ye ll by.-. h-Wr la»**n ». Ming -ut in - llritisli Movie with f^fOnCampw to e l "Until recently/* he Mid "t-~ if 'he tub 'h- t>h'>.•■'<»■ riedoinei \V«- '•• ' ■ (Iran(I • Opon'ini* pl.oIIOi,' Imd »il A wbulf!-'l«e •eandal MaQhalman thr.il to !"• ill." to krioA what Indpstrle* have b'lUi «* " A special »■•»'i ■»•«' ♦* and '*' ■ * to .to t'» improve tt^ hot l'l Mil'I » • we are CM: /.'•). ..»r !'-• !• .>*#»•, (»pi/'!th«o y'. ly,'!"1' !• ■ 'I7i«» fault lie* with miiriage- lo-m .»">-'i i '>;{ '•» rtdrnvgue dv P i,) oo'endiilv " r«->f..-*' • - ie»'aumrtt induvtrv," h" "«id V y (,tii/W (i/ "! H ill it 7 rrn Hijr Ihiittf ' "7 h$ tii-r* .»/ /W-ir tlillit", rif.) V""V Philippe S.) ill tm ho ment, hi* rijplathed No* euopeh •:» and r - wflh-mt le-ing puhi'r figuie, and *'Y "u f*> \N\UI M im; \N Al l. taken to flml out why a t un'oin- research on equipment, n '• '' »•' ))!»' I b n'»e» It Sti'.w.Pg. ' a ftri'Kh • ■ iv. di iti-tied with hi* room rnopgh emphnvii on »jps!»'-. o .1 :♦ me*'h.in..'e | *v*'m f'T that • ..! i.uvfhown a' if ' MA IIOIIIIV IIITlimilM' • i,i I pi order to do- over Jmw foo,| i.nd pie»r planriihi! o«- >o,» • •vin.g ,n .-m t "«• •* 'pie i'.-i .fl-'. 7 and U pm M ' of the things whh ti mo t. be i m . »n I T M-fdiiv, & off on- Us •nlc to l>f \i tlw people hapl'v. If in.' l»eif.,; i* 1 ••.»n-r..-d EAT, DKINK AM) UK. MAKItOII MOIORI/iD AIT III ' .MHO. Uh r «*«Hm»l8inth, re-'«*d, tie xald Jo'!' rour-e It's Fun! Hot Rofdiny with $7.98 »i)fifin»«*"iie'i* 4 Will he utile Tho new modern million nllr^- /erkendoif llotrl in Allil. Kurki'l IaiiIimI)'* fhrnn.« b-t'o'j. I'r .o- r>l»v« t*1* publishc r w'r' r|ec> '■ ' - keep things fr>iu geituig a'eud- fb» a w»eent l»mr ti arvetilv •truck l»? (» ftirlH AM, tin' »r«'nt nuitilfr of I •*** Monogram Models VtGUtM III $1.98 llv worse. New Vnrk, la be o|iened In Itl! IiiIm Ili>ilinr«», niul arcuiul, 11»«* nnul nmiiUr Muny Modoli f# CKooao from CAP): CANAyeiAI. MA-Nit «-d* a j it* r of the realm »ln; • i COMING TO CHICAOO AM.. Iritepydnlirinritrtl Ttafigv nut for exposure; jvter Self . ci •io.h olu who afr nmrrixt M: lie *>rf-'.»fe»» ThucdMv a it ii a television personality » The firwl ptmnomrnioi (tin >*«» multitude of Mnrllmm rOR TMI WilKfND? • lie al*o earr* double life — w I ^pn. bed «U4 a 5,000-pale lead* It kiu>w«, lb* . amok em ronirw a* ihi surprise f.ir, n* «win"f>e ti i. Ttrm peggv Mount plays an auth - - • wits iir ttvdeah fmom t vmnr), Couylrt, t light enllrgc •loth ol »« mi oMoMiioiifJy inteilipmil orguntatn, unit whnl • ART NI PPI l» S Rwmdiws, Gravpi on Tour. Tlie thunder-"*!* e*plf''""0 end¬ e-.v wtio's been nwartled •• ««Nili| l«r more liiirllurr.U ihnii lo smoke MarH«nr»>* Afltr nil, »IMSIII s ed a ytreak straight Jhirlfy J'rpte f >r Literature «t • cornewh.it-lecN-than-i'ure pleasure in what von mnokr l<»r ami plmMim i« whnl MtiflU ro • riCTI K»; I * AMI * • TAV AT THI YMCA HOTEL (■r«ia fur »H*. A'' i . Am*-ri- » V n and Bdl*E«lwarrls art* an Am. iWivfiN pleamre in everv |»n(T ol Ihnl (n«*l gulden hitmen duf.'t yarwerful military fucket, nan oil magnate whose re!av If v*i think tUvor went out when Idler* mine in - trv h When the e*Mintd>*wn rra.-hed • hip with a model, played R5-f-»)rt rocket MarlLtm Until up nml we fur yniirwlf i»r. if *<>n like, don't lirhl up Just Inki* n Mn»tt«io». iinliyMed, nml pnfl n couple o( MURRAY'S WAUPAPER I PAINT i»er", fee 'he Almvlv fium htii'e jtj f»a«t It had Shirley Raton, is «u*pe< • The vw-tlmx of the idarkmr* ) Irrvtted nnlr S few fe.«t w'p'i It temra fifl ttml wonderful flamr* A«m lad von i|n! Tatu wilh v tv rti mi n sr.g fHibllaher first attemp' suddenly t*ip|iN over »n l eg- rwl lighting **• o*n taele Marllmm's csrcllehl tiller Urtut. Ml I MICHIGAN All IV 1M|| f.lrxle l into a leultng inferno vldually and then *a a gr«nrp > Aim* riii «M»n mnkn ynnf package l**l practically forever V'lenl* of firklni A*»a»« the Alreel In the f II* firllnt t» murder him In this Import. < « ed "one of the funnie*' Ji No, I mv. ti »u not Hi# fTmt nunitmr of Marltmm monitor* farces to vhnw up iri some thai aaUmndot n»e, i| w%» the rnwl numlwr of roame«k#liidrnta bv a critic for the New Y' hr1ion of married under "Your Pa*', is Showtr^'* wsi fTmlunU-N rniiN n* tmrh mi linrty |«er»w«n|t Ami, •Imt in rvoi productd by Mario Zampi. morn nUrtJniR, fully iwmiuwIm vi Urn* nuimMrtw hnww l«rn iJrwnl w>i|h nwoirt Club lo Prcwni ll. rV now m n htum In fin* "f* fsmwnt Not llml we ikwi'l *11 hoe I*him < H ftwirw w* «tnt lUhww »rr |wnk nml frlrlnnn Show on Camping rnm-nl,*. fuen lo wmnonw* iwwnew nml .In 41 etprrwAioiin. nml we nil I ke nolhinf Iwllwr Ihnn In nun knave on lh« ir w>ft liltiw The park Management «1r» will produc® a television «h"i. »kniU 1 tut pie! Itie wnme, lo 1t»e younc nnm|w»* n»uple »ho nre •How to G« Complng." . jwtrrnl* lor the firwt lime lt»e hnt»? m likely l«> tv % wwirre of 11:15 pm over WMSB-TY. f«)n«uiernMe worrv Therefore, let me iteeol# PnIav » enfunwi Club members will giva t*# lo • U'W helpful Inule «M Uw> mi* of Imlmw. viewing audienca aummer cam-- Ing tip* on how to cook in *"• outdoor■ and how to sot up *'•< • •nd sleeping bag*. According to committee- n Jon Hoethele, Caaaopolis J'*' Una will be the fourth TV P^- gram sponsored by the club Directed by Vcrn Freeh, co¬ ordinator for student pro*; ' tn the college of agriculture ' • JS-minut* show has been in *•* hearsal for a month. Hmth Signup lo hul Registration for soror-ffl rush'ends tola* 11 7fa&s(l$!k:': put. SALE! «7)r:ng m*v sign up from 2-5 n «• | Urwt of nil. we tutt'irw wrre will uke up the metier of liirl In the jwwl, r-t.Mwl UiroIv on tnUe mThi^ n*iu. hoWrvrf, wtui OUTSTANDING SHIRT STUN baaeniem. rooui, i»*udcnl be'« ««uti*win| hr the SllKWl-IUeWr Ael, nml hnU? Imhiee ere fe«l * M'irnuAo fontml* rnnwHing of ilr%ir«ee, nuilUwe, liteliiletl • »tor. evnpnmtoil nolk nml n twwl «»/ lenust |we| After eetinR. the twhv ternU lo *rv»w *le»« hi tit ml km'-w mii> lulU- I no*, tnnkr «»m» up. Tin* w «h»| nt nil ihflmiU In n lutinhy Uwi Ia-»v* it to Limia Ia* to brin^ wooIn nre unimjiortAnt mice the Iwhjr tlmwn l umlfrwlnml thorn you nuch a wid* variety of anyhow. Th# in»t«ortnut thitif »n ll»e ww.*uf All ytm have t4» tlo in xtntiR Pvrther n Uimh of notiwn'w mIInMcw, t*kmt ow'e lo $ltrp, oi v htU'e infant, fmm utripes chock.-, plaid, mw-miw |\wepA« Sn.^ti«S. ITnvint fmi nml Mrrfuuimi tlie Iwbr. nrrnrre H in the pmitini -olid- ir a delightful array fmum.-s f ">r ulrnnhw A hnhy uleepa lient on U« aloiiutch *o place it liutt of jw-pular colors. The selec¬ CAHOi TRIPS | way u. it* rnb. ITen Uv make mr* tl will m.l lum ititAi over tion i« »o civ ♦ you'll want Wa Ismail • :nn* U.e niftht lay a w>ft hul fntrly henvy ulyrct isi it* Imrk - several! Sizes 30 kv 3d. §or a th- itaoc in f « "»■ I K»Uirt l«l \, foC lluUflit. »mi Hwnww QwtSK».dup«nc'.- imun fine, com M\NY OTHKIt camping outfit, horn food—»'• Sail? rata. Writ# UxbiT lor | U Ami trim h«Sf fa /war littl* rAp » ■.• - .. Mr? S.r i" i • • I .. Af . "• : ■ j'liari Anglimm Hi* hop of thf of thf geography department ! • ',f, wlli purtirlpatf Hp hat chairman of thf •emlnar. and Prof. Moreaii Miiarll. rnrator * »it ovrr 20 yrun In tin* arr'ir. of anthropology at thf Mmrum l». addition to Thf ftt. |trv will represent Mil', r'h, two Canadian)) and f-o • proff**.** will SELL YOUR BOOKS npfak. Ht flrv Marah'a first con •.adlan* arr Clifford Wilson, fregati'm at P>klmo Point w*i ••( tor of thf filmh'nv Fourid.i- nil K*kimo». and ha rovfrfd an . In Calgary, and Clarf Hoi- . adinlnl*trator of thf ArHir, arfii of ovfr 30 IKK) vitjare rrtlle* tha ItfpurOnrM <.f Northfru ll«- oficra'fd flrrtlfin ilud«on> Hay «''ffniinv u.-i-poro Wlunipfg an/1 |;itpr Orchestra In tt« dirfctor tiffarnf A forrr.fr pi!'.' :>h »t« l'»,yal Boyle's Book I Vom 1666 | To PerformTha ffnlveraPy Svrnphonv c)< - f and nnadliin Air Tor.p, rc.i»on<|tilf for thf »drnint'.»r.i tiori of »fif dlfttri'H of Kr.ifiHi' a> t for Krfwa':'. tt.f »on - (riven to Frientls of l.iltrarv will prwent it* »nuu..l A raff \y>*. . •' ' > [, . fuf* n-p durtiif P.-klrno affuirs in North ■I'.i* ronifft T'lnada/ at 8 15 Hov'. -Ao ■ Quetif • iPiylf. di * r»r of H- • • . FOR HIGHEST PRICES ern O f Mtnir And ! .■> • *»• * n'» d Kind of r*h«- program allow* ithidffit Maawfll an the only Amrrt- t r iff!', of ' - I. S- « ir.i- -rforniprt and eompoM-r* Pi ran amooc IN Mlpntut* to take T'.offdit . r.v • . Honor S - » "•frit thf r work in pnhlir >>f If.J Kapp-f f'f I'l • part In an archpoloptcal f«pp«1l i , - • . I Htll Va-'ron. North Mtokfgon thin to thf far north •pnnonml Thf Vf.-.i- • fff *v« - nlor, will opfn thf program hi thf l»pfpn*f ftfafarrh Board a rot f#ir»*-*'i'»r>» Atffit thf Kaf- l. '.'ary VfiPty, -drifting r.fitnif H.fi'n Hyrn- of ( anada In 1851. ccoftrr, * w-*» rf« ■ A ?, ,'inv In (' major t^on Brook . HWA, in !/.r.d' < f .. . f- . K .• - tfoik*, V». aojihnmorf, will Brorin«phwfi!f! ^ "rff-fp.o--• •> «• h'.fd hoard ' * nod a » : > 'Voi; of to** / ttif Conrfrto for «Ho ia*o- rlia'or... f*.,. f'» payp ■n» by r;i»/'fi"ov. • • .nv< ;i * EARN YOUR MASTER'S DEGREE .r mat h» f onalanrf K^rr A f - Sf o.„ - for ANorxrAii ro» am I it'oi lta|»ld% graduate atudenl. Apr:! ! ! anu > >>l >U t rh or the ( nneertn for rlartnet h* tXECUTIVl CAREER IN RETAILING »'»•!)/'•! l.iOor ,-irid I' rotf in vfoart will t»p performed hy l• J b*' toorfi mt oil* Ifu .id" *n. of *», i »-«. r« n « ><-'for S'ririg f »rehe.dra I. On Hi (ill S-lllMll 't»h Bato r. Hiftwnond, \'t w GMADUAIC SCHOOL Ol MFYAlttMG , ^ , and S.nfon.ii for f 'harr • I'lTTSril.'MliH If -%.«,• ih» UNtVftSlIf OFTtHSRUAOH nnwh «» r. Hand hr Sh-vtnan Krar.-, T'f I urtd aprdl thf » M!*t^ Landing Not Hohdpn f,a•hk'rv*^r•.. • c adua'r sPrdm . '.«Ofr will play JlmdemiH tfach# r a* l^nytf . High S« oo*. 'iff monk f*ir vhi'a iri'l Hp paddled 90 boy a • y.t, in memory of AlM-r In W i - tarnpf- ' l.y- ifi» d . . I.ow f'o.f RESEARCH IN rro. forrnfr MSIJ vlolinc* S., .i Pi'fk'.Anky io t,.« '0 , wo klMfd ; thf n»v.. f.'-r . TV o»-dav r apriden'- ;n Buenos A.r» S'.r.» of • hffi didn't knn v month. t'«llatHiMfh »i tfjf a'ffl captUl »if • at tea Oroonwill. Ka*". I*'.- If i«l " • t aanlor, wlli «-lo*e thr pro Caihkrrwaky Mid hf RjRfn' f-.c.r Tk* NEW *rf, conducting tr.a aecor.d »•' five daya on ma'rrial ahout mphony by Cilanninl thf Middi# Atlantic atrftra. Vo'tiff T0«r« STvtl MAiOt {"/rfiu* \ 9kWk*t* fG* 5MAF7 AVf»/CA JERSEY QAM special \ TALL a*ut HAMBURGER I SNAKE 35e EXTRA TALL MODELS FRIDAY A SAT. ONLY are T.0.VC MARCH II I 12 On Smartness. nr.SI.Alif 11 assumes STHANCT', SI T APF.S 211 ABIOTT RD. *1 it prrjxi !.'.»• fi.Iurr. pr-U/.J (nr, t.".» .r tn rrs/nrth artMly wtth I llwn VP r- • i. ami w tp» heart el thr Mi* AC ROSS FROM HTATC THEATF.R i .rv-rTvrfi l.v I' Sm ,er ) ..".trie and Cu CoatMny, am V.t*vi tyf.irjl 'i rrvarth faoiitRa opmttd by Of CtazxiiD^ u.Tx.pauea and or-aottkbcca. M.Y 4 DAYS LEFT SPECIAL ON ALL RCA STEREO RECORDS Vtrt ff-Town rnatH ttr.'a aitfl««tte wrth •»or»a* .a fca arc.cj c' dau.1 «-t* tha (O"0#r ».n«t of Ta'l •eg Eiki Tftii aiadavt. H • wonderful cho co ol ONLY <1.00 nowott ftOnca. For tri'.rr ui£.,rnu!.' m KaUIe Srnr*. nrritr for rccr t'.nv of 6" :>'e> '-y.CiAi n! "Trtjaittfe Coor«e« fnr Cc!i~» .1 < .rviiuitr,.'* Pnh'.i-- Srn«.r, BO Ptti PUee. Roeca Vwi'k 5. \rw 3H \0. H ASHINOTON i.vnsim; ilcheUros. PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND GAS C0.f NEWARK 1, N. J. IV 9-SI2.1 1 it X. WASHIM.TOV IV 3*1171 M in It II |'Mill Hits tin. Iloinrr. MM III*; W Vhll \|\\n hiiiilsrn. Top Mfii I'., . "«, Mnxut'll MSU Rifle Team to Travel In liilmiiimtil l i'iirini: 'hiiiriiiiiii-nl Siirns For rLittle910. NRA Meets t>l ih (loiilrarl The Spartan rifle team leave* today fur t wii flays of Western w Conference Kim I." -in'I National rh Ml fie A; •.Oci.it lull Section..: to P' he li'M .it Madison WixtrnmiM this weekend in MSU and f )«»u, Stale haoe !»•» been firing very el oar find the 11 conifietitjuii between these two FRIDAY teams ifc. 'Uie to be strong Coach M'Syt. T St r.i . tt raid tli-it till'- lo the find time ATURDAY State h.i had .» team which w ill lie a threat in the Western t*o»»- frrenre Champion* hip match*' DN U.S.I6-CA5T I AN SI no UliSillilA SUNDAY Tti«* tun 12 Individual shunters In the Werdert. Conference. •<« JI I.IAN IMIN %lll I: pr»rtlre% hi* marksmanship In prepantlMi this wee It em I, for this weekend. The *p»rtan rifleman will participate In o.n | I| be deternuned Hestern Conference rhampimiahlpa and the NRA aeelinnaU. II• illiiI (.'$) I'Vi.h.rc Slum l'ln« \ iliiiMr Htl.l' l.ifl lo I im Ii IVim.ii nl.» Kemdl i.ii'.lh. i .-.ml i < «ov« i: ,.Moli lul» l»i»- Hl. u' with II,II TWO OF Till! f ONTUVTAN'TS in Ihr s fight it nut. foil division nf the Intra- HUtr Nr«i photo will be placed on two teams of six each At- thin time Spartan Julian All-Ameriean. 'I.ittle' Itl A THOUSAND f9 BOLO KNIVES AT HIS BACK! Ili-witt trm.. They »|uut.lv uiiiu- in mural friirli.it T>rfWihne io ill third place wdtw Hif>2 point*, only six jHtinD be- M,.\w« ll, ii .»• I trull » tun •» rl"ii fiuMnfjl ..f Ih |...I ft,.' IIlull High School Scores Nrtmid It i«hi*Mi ill ItiM Ii.iiiom M, l'nn|irfs\ llle |1 hind of first place Hon Anderson OSIT. I'at PiMlvay 1* fifth ' Decker's All-Slar Picks team in home fiiir v. 11 ti" :< J Tuiirtiaitirnt Nro.m ltfi|irru 51. .Morlrv-NUIIHIIIUI 10 with IHH.t points aeeiimulatefl runs Ii.ittril in with last ye.o 4 ImrteviU* o|. Hnlhasko M> \>in II i ii t 5rtmr 51. He|lrvll|e 50 HiMiitiwotorn fit, Ni«Imiw Other Spartans anil their score- Tho followintf are the" Stat© Newt* All-American tr fl 111' ill hono- luir iirr .1 club |n|i«lrr llwurvMI 51 I'miiMf Ink-Ur 10 4>»»tr«| ?t. l'armin|i«M 1* Arthur Hill «l |»cfrmi si Thomas At, tlreni t*«lnt» Dick Wofidn, 1074; Dill Johnson, U'«'jt»*rr» C'onfereiif© tojr li,lN|fetha!l filaver.t ftelectlons. A - i 1 la-cord fui li ft handed hittri ll.irvrv Knrtiii v...5 tin* club's t>l.l lilt M.«ry II -a 111 it % ll Iff Oil. I.Jilting HI Nor nut sf I'aiil it li.nnli .52, Alt. (Irmroi CtlHtOH- 10411 .... i' • .-J incltiilml are th«4 top ten teams in the country. The pre MUX. II. H—a renters Hwcer Raiser. MRKKNHUt IIM.I, HIIOW N TWIl K A I tiff "'"1 If Hi 1 Hill Mefilll. flan Westarn Ceefsrsn. • ' SflITATtiK£ — ru.t Teen Wtv»n yotic pnc.t cntch«y*i up UTTeRLV CAPTIVATING... Hon44 r. ITAf RRR. 9441; COMEDY-ROMANCE WITH THE ACCENT ONJVOUTH! Jerry I area. Ohio HUie prosent your future is full, of syrpcteesf \ THE If if + fatntiy H ackini hi *• Walt Re lien y, ledlena Terry |»laehtn(er, r«r4«t John TMwell. Mlrhl(ei, ^ Seeon 4 Teen | l»AVr 9ANN, 4»Htl Hon Johnson (Minnesota toot 11 SKIS" ir W»l NieHI. Ohio Mate WM«H t fi«: Willie Jenes, Nsrlheolirg (ioeenor Vanthn. Illmoia ••■H ectnen Top I# Teano SIMMEI Mil SfUIES .•wrj Teen ClARK GABLE CARROLL RAKER M.S.I'. KOREIflN I'll.M SKRIF.S KilrrhlM Thntrr UUt PALMER HE J. COBB TOMiarr — rn, Mir. ti.; * n p.m. AIbMN: 5fc iieie Wlent trie » (UN HUle ^ 0 ShamNg!;; ~ Shirk. Tup Man In IM Gym Meet . In the IM fymnaxUev • which took place Thurwlay n I'RI. • SAT. • SUN (51 Bit; HITS in the IM Sje.rts Arer.4, f Al.l. NKW FIRST LANSINO 8BOWIN(,S KUrk was the outHtan'Mnjf p*- I'tmwr coppinjf two firs?* • a second Mark placed first on hurt/- t«l bar followe'l by Hay !>'; rat. Stark a!»o was top mc the parallel bars, with t llartman taking the N". 2 The side hnriie coi'!j'« ! was won by TJon M. Kc Ha rt in an finished serrari Holey Tollefson roppt^l f r ^ flvtnjj rings ami Star* ; second In tumbling, John WVn* first Mtowed by N'rrnria'i I Did Williams was tup n the trarhfK»lme, with »i Sma«r Nn. 2. All first place wiiij.e * ceuxd^-gnld nu-ul. fee-* £•-»*,cuw Cincinnati Hopes State Johnson. 'AY (hvtwr. l)ios: TiiiiicliMi- In (lomjMilc in \<*WM|ia|i«r RtilayH An || or*I ('.InIt's l er.-Prif. • on ulun> For NCAA Crown S- » • a „ only ftr>»r- •VPSI PAI.M HKA' II F - peti/M ' Ve tera f>n-' »' \t i 'd J oh i * no l iro- ' /rr.d Ca-1- 1 H.-o hi -' pk'k h» di Jo. >r.t-i veofxd avi HmIhtImoii to, ' am.- .. Make Final Hi«l ; , home t ■ .v*,. i 'i * ne 8Vi- pi* *i»pti»fii I" : .'f. ■ .a A'h - ' •/, r* ' ■ » !...*• ^ serOfid .. III , Tourney Art ion Touiglil Mareh II Itrta I'dge "seven -, i C ' . d e l T tfla. J - »n, fti'dr IS. / oyi'o 'he •: .- K • • • ' i.'.s 'n r.fi.ih* 1 4 he fro!•— rtv INI tMiii HIIII hut*% •e»r.' e*oer;erif'• a- -i V f. r> e/i fourth i/i. the OSI '* IrllCMN ' . io»ri»mt|rai high ' . fi-.d Woienffrube-f ft-rnr Itobfrtson, a remarkably talented lia^k^tIml) plavar. I'a fcidhit'', took or, af'|> I rd ir. f J y *'.» rniie-re- vgiiiM bin third an«l final effort to win fin- national eolle- Uillbi AINli'lllle ..rne Wed* endd frtfrri a managing the A - • d As i'iate basketball championnhip for the t.'nivmlty of f in- ii-dd game * Scoring llncc amp . rinnati tonight. California (2!>*l) v- fian't ■ dtriMii f-. ii-' n.'r.d sliimo- The Hlg O It the run*' w idely Clara '21-8'. ih30 pm; f»re- AiJ-Amertrirn Jt*r; I. •h- rrlng W»oel. the •lorvn »fi'l pf'ibnO! v the must . K'.f. MR.0) 1" '25-21. »s - *od ».'Mind riff • NOW at POPULAR PRICES and tiled 'if fttweit l'l'l plii'rn 'A' 'It ". V'd'* t '.* " •• We-'tn 12 3'l j» m C" r or, • horn M« h»d ill engage in the -.fi'itxl n'ugw Nfer.ne Tarng hlas winner* will el»«h t, ■",ie te»ff,g average grid Indiana folio*e-j v.-'fi 337 fe-Mf.ti Hellari.-- of "Rk * I -a t> tone paint. ru fies ihl* way ttlwea eatlem White walls automaUr lUntarii: Kaa', at Chafi'ittp, NC Wert 1-2 ir* the A"' :.«'ed Pfrt'. Poll of apr.rt*. Ar'ta-f and hroadea-.t- In 24 ganie final leaders l.atas. dial am: a 22 3 av-rage f /«» i s ui Aid /s s 7 4»e Iranamiaatdrn .ROWUNOVLEE' »-r" 'it.io S'.afe wfea ranke-f third Virginia '2,»-4t va. New Yurk IIIaedllnger, f|| -ai Ml-Itl sal M I a'.'l t v. other teams. West V.r- Walker. 177 lit III 471 111 ■f'riivef.*Jiy f 20-Si »t 7 3" P tr> '■ tneBIG *e||amr fad 117 llt-IM ViT tt 1 liukr (IH-IO, 20-5 i, 0 30 pm 'S. St- Joseph'* gjr i a-nong • i'»d t 'tah. the top ten were ranked 7 Ida e|| 4'thn**>n I r.f \| >dinn -a| I II I'I * Its lll-IM saa 'I • MALCOLM MILKS d*«i«n, «isi iva «a-lii is* it*. Mideast, a? I/mi." ville. K A* a fophomofe ftohert*oft 1413 I Mil If LWMMi VoOgka. Ill 141 tl-41 til lit Ohio t'litverslty '17-7' v» rjeor- led f"mejr»r,atra Reurf-att into ganas. V'ae.r Im in ill «t.i ill the NCAA tournament, on!-, '2t*58 20 p r., , to [Fisherman V « Terh Western Kentur-ky '20-8« v* l"*e to k»mh S'a'e In their ••he. State '21-31 -0 30 p rr f.t \ game l,a■ t ve.,r 'hev werp IMJK TO - Mi'Jwent, at Manhattan. : bea'» u by ' al fornia in the Eilm Commitments. "A IMKi Ol M.SNIlKItS" '11-8 VI Kansas /IW-8 . •er .*:n»; hut V.,-. third plar# Knrf«i A Wonderful engagement \t ihe 30 normal! ft !n . D»f»au) '21-3), 10 30 pm fllfC) v* ; • the t/rurnaman* thar.te \ti go TC it ail the wgf the-.r (.l ADMHE TIIKATKK 10.Mf.IIT! — THE STORY OF SIMON PETER OF GALILEE! Far West, at Seattle. Wa'h ; •a:'.u ftvar AM) becaust: - - So Many More Ifandred- Of I'eople Still technicolor' • panavision* Haul To See Thin Tine family Show — u' £Pjunur. frnm MOVE OVER Starting Sat. To The- HI-FI & STEREO $ 38m KITS vS$&" hoiiibKEEL :urjw KOHNER iohn SAXON MMTHA HYER HEREERT LOM FRANK 0Wr*ew»fMaA«TifeaMtoe »38zii&[ gtmrciiouiiiMTtK Starts TOMORROW _____ • 'tienr. 1.4 •! Kft| f|M» • - I*•*»♦».» T«ff»4\ • Stereo Record Bonus Certificate AT NOON I B I I ® i Till. 0\Z7IIO -ro,a., I t. V. \ 'A M H I* li SI N|IAN -llirttSllAI at J p.en Mit iamsing^p. 10 »»♦«« , Ibnt ( hali*n(otl I hi- UnrM" tositk: "MAMSflN and KKI.ll. VII" lour Key to li'tter V;i! »'-s , Michigan hUte Nev . lefr-rud fJaF-il'iedd High fU;Mlrr-hi TAPE RECORDING INDUSTRIES 3333 I MU M Itpen Wan. » to t sat. Till Sean ED 2-0197 LOOK WHAT I FOUND 1 In |/»MaMi(. yaa nn oee and trr hr»f at |,URIMK'N MSIBT NUOr. at 333 h. Waahiagton SLENDERIZING TIP I tom's market «£L p' I 1 pBB \ new coeetinental slimming method takes just 3 minutes offun a day! look ma-nrkl Vou •Arm. roller* ad other ipnrt.- |Mt ban tht WIT bark to tbot mm in tbio cmntrr. but In*, r. •oalhM Afwot imm •»* bodr I *o oar--- and fun to m that anr Qtublf MEATS »«pfct MnekM nd tighten. rf u. /a . ran anjor tbe bodr ••BP** Macin... reHurt lh» tonditir-ninr beneh'r. «i» of MMl own jirdi- is ")0'J ehottLJ bo able • loae ona l-wluBoodoy tkoiiuuk- Tronb our to tore* in- Kea .round th* .i e S.e .--V-'Vee- tr* Jet e*ocM*v»M Lgh/Wyi he* gnnr-- Tint "aitie m1«" or. vneha. fkn I krrt Barted. I , the tree evd <» frvl tar* cat gu-3ed m • tevee ft.** */.t i/tM; tMMN* mted# -n , -rtllod "PICAS:' pronounrcd land • minute or ao at a lima f'-kmt, ad tbr? MnlhU. nMOffmrh to leaf it but in ro*t Vnrtotp tf PARTY FAVNS AIEVERA6ES V" Wten. d* f'V ir" Mde« '» *S f/V lwr-»e geone and v*e*- to Oe'.-e •rs he Warned -o» dh.-i- * CwwglN TiMwe rri* 'et» 5 re ion and Looutr woHd kanur a weak. I could a*» and f»el In tr»e feAure vender the m'cJ "ur • -( become *'*e- c a , - I'll ndHnl Tbm or* no aomc of tkoa# buUea diaappear. N»OOdVH Ae-fyn,dVtf.V a*-5 Spene Ar- -c » Ldcoee fn«r» pree-.v* ♦*••; , v'»- - . kntlilia, no riWMiot. and m*! Bwt of ab. tktrt a n-> diet nirad.ee tecnee' --^; ar iae.r frw iMjeerea •"! became gre#*e- .-vt*ecv>* . in-r'rtaoa^ to plia ad *m inf. hot if roo do, the amrht d* **•«• •• -ji «T «k» . ..**;*»»• e. a# P»d e * of the doaet m a broom. fVo i. contra of in tb» ti«ht pit"* "" fee t*++*-x» * tmmWmwS. -j OEUVERV SERVICE lu*t loo al pok# .itS rubb-r lenoje* Beim to • boil «H i« indodrd aboa i«| raeb ares »I A complete umlruetioo bee-t MCI4 '*•• ****•'■) ••••# .we; •» *4# emeei • tr "a Jo'o'l •» #•—»»-> •orbai kao Sa nu ouint a v tbe \arioua metal on all Trr tf - EXT*A/)RDINARV - 'et w«' wi , ».»« "«• !♦* N.7 eW «rl.r »-«.« ~k« »-*•*•« > »»a and art if J oq, loo, do aot look w« e-Kaei * * »»• » rrs Oriniootod br tko Sftibk rouaper and fori aoaajar Jft f*0-»l«cr»Ot>.*t !■ -nro doors east lilSfhten a aUy is ikai, beforo ib« neil MM you kmm b—It foe rftforrm-, KfTSCSTV '"imMK C-WST5I* A 1 • lU'.iainCVWV "• -• lillTWeC Pica art aw being and V I* do* a port? *u* . MWIhHD lUolF/Ri. OF coral CARLF.S- ON m MAP *1 t, ft KHUfta KOlunCJ, Md I'M'At USMIK Toms IB • I.# ■ ' i« 4»S». »5i *-5» In yarn can Ira and turn* ut jdssl . try ..» tj .1 (Odfm) MARKET i JET PHOPULSiO' l b'jHATORV i fWprsfal/argiJ.Oatntf r a j, ,i . t r OB 4 i. jr t i pkant ardart am trrapad. \ AIM nil. AN ST ATI! MWS I'O* I.IKIU Mirrh II. I»«0 Exams Cause Lull in Ballot Bos Weekend Social Life Engagements It's tno/ti nhviotiHly the weekentl I»efore finals, with thr»* SlfiMA AI.PH A »PS|l/»\ AI.PH A UAIIMtON |'| THE i»lac lihrnry IminK Reeky llfilfmann, Fowler, to Richard Sager, Adrian sen.o-' flenls, this is only n brief lull in their Hocial schedule. to Rill l.lvlngood. Detroit junior. SOUTH CAMIHKI.I, Florida calls, in between terms, for some, and for those wh • SNVIYKK HAM. Pat I,nets, Chicago, 111., fr* ■«,. t:dna t'onant, Littleton, Mass mIoihjm of Northern , prefer h rosy windburn to a. tan, the ski junior,. to Daniel Feather, MSU man, to William Panzer, Chi¬ Michigan are in the peak of condition. cago, 111., freshman. ;;i adunte !$uf. back on the MSP cam- served, "roast vour own xtylp." pu around the cabin llreplace. , Contact Lens 'Ihe mm of Pi Kappa Phi will (and all your optical ueedt>) • tear |hr cohwrhs from their The apnual North and Mouth hralni.a i tell.i pi Kirls. pirates, ami an old fash¬ Hawaiian setlng or palm tree* ioned bartender are only a few and orrhids will rarry out the Branch Office — Vine at Clipper I of the guests w ho plan to attend. theme of "So This Is Paradise.*' < opposite Sears In Frandar) Ileenrations will he earrled nut eye esamlnallMM hy Fresh coconuts are to be given Avith the fraternity eolors of hlue Or. H'. C. ;e. favors to dates. Refreshments and white. will include n fresh fruit punch i»h. iv w-2774 Alf>h.'< SiK 'i.i P!u h;t. pinniicd served bv "natives" dressed in HOI MS: MOO. l-ts Tin, wm„ nfi cvefiiin; of relaxation -i' their t-S; Than. A frt, M rnu-miiv fttsiiiii, casu.ii parly tiii;. eve- 111 lie I Foundation recently pifi;:. f'.m ' ni.i;. ditnee to th«- elected Joni Del«*vltt, Alpha Kp- leiibf or plav eards. '.ion Phi, Iiiltel queen - for the Atfdi.i It i| <»irii f'tii Mil 111 fi'.fd ti Wf^tei'i < ' ' ! ' V . I' coming venr The once a year •'('iunc' the forealr.v eon'est recently held, raw the JK-~ t. ' ■ .... cabin thi. eveniri}.;. CI,id in ap- women of Alpha Kpsllon. Phi tlie |M>rfert unit propri.i'f cf-btumci. rounlf. will . I .1 V' • win a trophy for their own xffiiJii'' > lo bv tw.hofa»y I-. (inivh 4tl the jwirnol fe.idlnifs are (l-r» A|.ti| afi« w' H III \ V I III?? VI! t liU! • Ihr "big week Mlu>l*r P' lmil iuiiiot: I'excj Nothoff. I lint rod «i f •• if» ii iinivt ii.t Ili.it winter I run .it <*>|khrtmi>re Ainrt lloll I .tO l.;«|" i (<• ••oil- I Villi; inlot iiiAltoti "id Iriitu iiiuijiiv Vfkiin Okemo- sophomore. GET QUICK SERVICE i J^Harii lv oi Programs liny AT Minor i . Hi. Fail It I nils Flan Discussions **UI hold their last foritMl meet- Campus Music Shop M\!tl\N\! I\ll\ iuu 41 H p.m. Httttdac. finest 1.1 H.i Member* of lh«- I uihrran Mh speikrr will he iReruenl fstillt- 15 A!> , A-tvtM i itinn Inir ilui plan er«. Ren-rend at M Catherines tlriit ortl i suppt-r lor r. in p. tie miii to AAiiliamston. whose tople will hy lie "Hebrews." (l;l>. Ml I .1 |o||« Will vjirjk on "'I h«- Memoir of a I r«»*« fj. jHrtpK-liiit- REPAIR DEPT. ' f ■ ' !,) m , HI. Sun- Ik a- 1 N'.«ii'." cully elected oiiici is of nnUoiiul profr- A Vou ai , r fraternity, li tonight. I la v • i fSfi *tl|df'fltr Thi* Honey Tan Calf Pump i« the answer for that nt, Mftrria Mitchell, their weekly i • phi I . tailored occasion. The vamp l.« (rentty perfed and Cranit Rapid* junior1; first Vk'u t; fUindnv niy.ii' metnlXT? v ,!i Foi . h i?;. stippi , accented l.y the thin striny Ikiw. Stacked alim heel. j .i i !.l l. . .In ' llulirr, midland > V "•>• |•! I'Milrfjt, mppn, ,i sermon i*.riis?.> OlH'ralrtl flv Irt'i T.I'. Srrrirr \ r. i.atllii ( iii k f '!>!•" i jwmuii.. > n-i-ordim; mh-n'tniy, j'al Oi.nil Rapid. su|ili"- 1h U«< • « Ui-ils (veiling Mill at On. W*">ie> llfuia t 1 TELEVISIONS HI-FI I STEREO 12''" f , .i, . '■ • icj.i.ioim" •(v'|'t,)al v, for an "Adult ftinlit." Ik. pro Afrtnlwi, ot t itit*ihur> \ ' K ' lull s: Jllfl!"! 4 I , \VI .1 - Osw O H!. ■. .. 'Uaiyanny Did, Iruiii »•! mi %\ i 11 In lin infil on llo "Hi ami AAaOdni* of Korean l'« i - AMPUFNERS - RADIOS V • K"i jlllllt'l , oiMii o! Hn: i iape rrrortlints JtJinvly riM'ir t oifiri-i»»f (i»m< hasril on i -lii'lv l»v Mat IV I I'.N Army pvitlii.i- LARGEST DISCOUNT IN TOWN East M. River Acrass fra* Maa BM|. KAST I,ANSI XII Hi4 rid lift-* mi' |in liirii-, limn J• la. i/.KIf hi, 1.1..v.- JVonfo trrst J" nr ■ vih. i.ff .tU-w .'«• mih i.rats — i \n i-ii-i> - i:\u.\i si I'li'i-s J'run p. n la SI'lllM. • COMMUNICATIONS SKILLS 112? i.«surer, 1. i n d a Cha prima, inform.! I.I.ASS • f.l MM AI f IMS ",i! !» r.nnttfltajn anphuttuoru. l • ' ■ ' siatvnr: t«tM-rti* In i.»ii«''i • • • It II. rt'MI's W ATI II IM ill's C IA If II I'l. A IIS ARE YOU TAKING SUMMARIES OF THIS TERM'S NOVELS BY uiulr A on Han ' DONT LET WASHING GET FREE TO, BUYING NEXT TERM'S NOW! AI AND IRONING THOSE KRAMER r AIM s Yes! With the purchase of next term's novels from us now! SHIRTS TAKE THE MACHINE SHOP SERVICE I'lmsi: n 11.1.1:. We will give you ABSOLUTELY FREE summaries of the STARCH OUT OF YOU SUM. U VI Wl V/IHI SI novels used this term! SEE HAMBURGER With the purchase of Babbitt or The Grapes of Wrath we DRY CLEANER libit . Ilt'litiutb Mttdr from t.iiule A llerf w ill give You a summary of either Giants in the Earth or Octopus- You will have to buy these novels anyway later. .Srrtrd t'ipine Hot & t»» \ on Why not buy them now? The summaries will help you SHIRT LAUNDRY FRENCH FRIES study and review for the 112 final. o2:t i:. i;n. liivi it "A On lull" Hitrlt* I p JuAt Thr Hat \t»»i l.ikr t ns|H Them (ioMrn ItroMu . . . And you can read next term's novels ahead of time, maybe wmmm v w '&c< during Spring vacation. Come in now, before we run out of Summaries, and get MILK SHAKE ... yours. Itich and C reamv Thick (umplclfw the >Ieal WHILE THEY LAST ONLY! That"* Minhl> Slick-vr-r- ^lamhuiuef l.'w FREE SUMMARIES OF THE OCTOPUS AND GIANTS IN t'refkch Tries 1th Alllk Shilkc itH- THE EARTH ftlTH PURCHASE OF BABBITT OR THE nertca's tow •n b aje v..iie pro;fd 1* and ea:,> to '< *■) TOTAL ...45c CRAPES OF WRATH! -•JcUifll. Av.ru'ata,ntve' ix vu- ,ndi»g. a'atm aowncls for 4"i» unl£S> vbut v!t SPARTAN BOOKSTORE • wli-.'i ISktckn Hwl i»f Tramh»r -*'XM E. SAGINAW