! OK 1IIOSK 01- VOl WHO HOT TO HKI) at a *>en.*iihtt hour on Saturday nighl Sunrl.it morning, or ««»;irr puMi-hint; Ihr total rrlipkr of lh«* moon; which nrrurrfd when the moon pawiH through the shadow of Hip earth, photo* hy Kill Vate* KoIihiiii-ii Traill ^ mr m "■ q ▼ Tim Wcatllcr Sw I age •"« vol.! Ml'. 51. Nn. rr.il Michigan otate JNews .Smlng tlSU For ."JO Yr;ir« - KA.-T I.ANSINi;, Mir HHiA.V—MONDAY. MAIt« II II. IWl ■' IV! !•. .< ' K.'.'J.S Khrushchev Sick With Flu Military Meeting VKW VOKK 1' W. • HojH'ful f.hS'KV.V f |'r;i.!: • A t ti rr* .*f: < h *•-*• *'• t !*■ ? r 1-1 '»-r ■/ a.'I - r- A«:-r..itie» .at * mi!. th.'t M- he »• 'i <- I" -: ,i« An-ru'.i roohl lie "t!«!#•:>? if arffiamen' V. k-» < fh:»* liermanv i- .. |Mti«rr.«- •f/ rr Toe •« mmi on Germany. »f oil, rhev * a* to visit-—and pre*um- }*«'. f iXratiiO?. in hi* for mil ort rimm. ' a- * ■» M.Wl.V-%PWINTU» Mate Se-w* »dHc.r-irt * »f rl*d hpene# Itolirh. (ir«ci|'tUfbh The Corospuaitt guv «?«&*:. t, -, Prwe abiy will hate to do »t all over 'j »' he :as {. He rT'ist mrr. phnmorr get* Ihr Jump on Prm-rnd runi, tfhWh vUrt Tl.nr*- reenter' and Managing f.-t/tnr Rat Md't/i* U ad-fed. hoped the io-cai-. J again later. Trench security of¬ *> •!! Uae the helm of A*y Mate New* photo h) fp,|, Maro>ipot. wedge muM make thfofft ' -h-iffc ficial* hid sent ahont I.inn antl- to favor of I he Soviet Union will enter hi* fifth quarter a* Pkuacu ( omnium*! refugee* awav to Adenauer wrfwW these were four^ Mate New* pnoto ♦'enforced vacation*" to Corsica l or Inturiintioiuil Gluli * -tar* time*'* in the h •<-r. of and other island*. h._r.aV .h. Dut he •• optimitm »n 1 • . , k' l t These of lie nov,* f a ?,e- jl H % tin North C.';iiii|iiis Malayan Counsellor ''■»ry h*e thU import* r-* 'jr.tl knowledge »■? under*?v,img a? t l-rorrtfAi'm ot pen-'* " fi'ir*n,za ts.fn.* * ;.r-a*i the Bare Ground Means Discusses Country speaking through an Inter* THE UNION BLIrp I uiinels . 4* Wl Its Bill t TI C K «r rrefer I«»r thanked t^e Mueir*i»!d ernment and it* people a* indi¬ the \n»»rl'*n t h sited- go* - ior hleam vidual* for "the generiu* we* ti' !i%VIf» %TN|P ■'k"7he Federation <»f M^lavi 1 si ?ma!! country, And, *"■ the tietor h»* helped the >»n- •#tsfe of her stability, *.'-n by Nfah M*»HanieJ. IVnnli-li (aiiiiimI* . . - I'.. SuJtanri iHseUor of the Enlwis «y of 'More l.«*^ip.lalioii - Federation of A!.«Iava Noh F« ;ilur«-(l :.j en HE HAR ington, at the International ■••f meeting Friday, tin Film Seric* ifs Fv.vfJ*,» r-j UNUSU/ (in School (.a-e» M 'i fir. 1". sqd-Rfl named staled that the j>e • . • of Malaya have met the An Er.g!,«h comedy, "Y- - Larn ng " ' ( Nou linpemtiM ' >; •' •' engd of and independence w .'h The V ■ { U Show.ng." will be featv • ,'•udenta, and Lafwiaj If 1 . ..»'nl. J '2* convihuon. thr • ti irs7' of c"■ ;d Theatre. Sorority Kunher* ^rad'iate ca v.-*.. A I. la I-a'i • vnencc wall not fail u pr »- Peter Sellers, currently in * h.-r r?. I- r -■ «M' <^»irv afi«J t/t - * * iv.: :f •' 4,0 s . ,■ ■ '--ad':-.* ' * •-•••i we continue to bold our i* 1 role in "The M >us« Th . ru;.n has oeen exva-mj'-d - ^-h Sc.-'- V--5 '» ( -.■ / f * A \ %•- '.-ariar, , * r.- II it> bcki » nt way of life" • }t-«.ired'* plays a Scot'.iih tc. - Ts.i fl»> f»wr»Me'.er J j -r.rr.er td.fsr . > > i, ' } i>,r»#.d The Federalism of Ma lata «* v on qu;z master and qu; < fS* first nmsseds were h«:rt Lev -ar.&ouTi-ted. Of**.", ::a.- Neftwee 4 *mall Dalian, about the »tr* of rhanre artist In this *at.re on « si.'- S" N k" R-■■■!■*."■ !»;f yr^'-T a-*-. Up 1 &s sud the Islet were fira- u;> frrim 2-5 p.m. ia .S'Tt.'N M jrphs. E**\ l-aniing jutvi# Spar*^. -N*w Vorh slate, loraied -.da? magaziner, pubiisheri, , A crenputer feihed d«rmf the >!'«. Be 1; 4 awe on a Service*. W'.:t lei.fi c;.s fifth \«rnu a. to' * L; 4.-a*- rnliugb Off southeast A*ia. wnd their victittoF. --•* ■» '.-h caartirayiino * >-»?. f *1 LmH, ighty year* a/o," vaid "Maiata mm covered M»- Nigel Dennis played by peu* Directed by Dr. StieluT "taiKUvkfa.ee f Mrf atiUu s had ot"l 16* py* •>,- «"*p* ' u-i -•. -•-« •? ->•-s nauftk »•- S-ir-ei# nl* price is an ambition* pnh- jiei Wrsri U» five he* *-* s* •'«b. virgin Jungle and had a ,», T%*y* ia * aid* li%her who deride* to get rkh >»r lh» »* uP * irtwii in la's: f-ful jlion •t 2——0 Tod A) the and 4 Sf.f >* t'i.naet* »n tsfili take hnUlioM Is AH million and "•fir compare*-with aay other quic kly by ou» producing • magadn# railed "The Naked Truth" in which he intends We wand*I- UA W Conventions Subject of ilw awi2;riir»4 hill * » I •# That veetwm the tltaiRftir*! federal »ffen«u* wUi/ul'» t* 'n*s ei»»'K gs-pe* a«d ' wu V: •' ef»»«r*' «*«!>«*. jailf"* vT •V*ta« eoootry. dive lose the lurid detail* in the c »*iipitef * Ho* th# rank »ni file res . hi force »e threat* sf far*# ♦N- The Fettcratior.," he expisu* private live* of many promlnriit i opirunoa on what were mv Toe dejega-t*}./ a erg> r— r. .i.^1 - '"".I »ri« " "is rich in troplrai produce people. _ i,r«!«aied at a Ur.. tod Auv— portant issue* fating the t'AVV vriaif* M their h*a:v w;'.a . , t» mIwiI 4*sc(r*tih"6 ***** *' ?n:neraj rexoufcc*." n.-e. .> Work They kjted" tacTe*«e lr« da*>, iiua 30 ;>e?c«r.t - odiag »■** era Con*MStAr.? t ^ . _ Mobamed H§ tingles oat '^r we.t unempioymeiit, auVomi'Kin. po¬ ruled *dtat. .a.'- Where do the de'ejate* com* Anion'pov«tiwn . f.4- "• -.fr ^ntaqrUat feKWaes'* Foik»wing... 'i«io«*!;y • i,n import- .. >1 < w ware t-ommilta*. sense of -being Each of the victim* beg; ■ Arwr»-tr» f-a ""e»« pad a&Br anff were, fa-: **r»pu>jwver.;. in t: ■. v •i w •* ■ -'committa Vour la»«u*i A different runs 77-uxi»out.** plotting to A» away wivn Dec;n ■ re A«ed q\i&rU>*aM Haw been (A»- c '.ner *'.-•* *e*« uxi jV r r*r.• ".• r. r * No jjpsaibi wj everyone .'"work* and'each fail* .m^serxi'v sh». 1 'a-..ne1 for *..*>« fin* -^tjc .n a * -Jicr in peace and harmony irk : at.;'*,,. J»o oti*' . in* **<• tar :ftt .if loca.i ssei 'ne •«*«' tney decide to wm^iw 'orr> study conducted by HCWJi Labur Ojent-oe-egt by prbrc thai; ,4 :- •v'.Mcr uftioe R>»* si lettWifv t-1 differing-cultural, back- •K-.th itvire than 300 EagUnd and Iftdustruil Relation* Center cent "f the deiega --* a* beidg Of thena bs»td:".g uciiai p-«at tbouid Isaac c tim ti. =oada.' top figures listed f r f j'-a The ftttdy dtmt«4 by f«f usyprjrtan;:. 25 pe The major groppa are of « hi- blackmail Eh-. Jack S'tefcer. 4-ructor of Use TV- OetegAlU-s, were sf -a.i A'tsfe aad 12 iwrtaat held two ar offtC- •viciirly A£M1J 4.1 li-dtan or Malay vtorh. » Mirtramed; "It xraa Inevi- |.afcbor «&i <. ntef; Or WtJlwm Relations' Form. tJwry felt ir.e'.f p- v.on* ,n .1 '*• A-% 'fit two yean ..f > that the energies at the*e On lion Petition i n s i a.i- t.r,e *air.e at nv«t. .* W*wr» Vr-yt D vou / •►••v .ate- liitmcis* caarg# ■*! rV- Wte - ttrwier-1-..j? •"<•/ r«-,v/e*en.- A.rt.-'rtt *0 prtveOt >p* were directed together Oitrns Spring Term warn w-d planning, and pr «d Xearly ooe.-fi.ft.ri cUI not aa- gates «-*u.m4kted thai f omk/i'iii' I mrrunn %«*n»«Sia4: t« 1- H. < *aie«eH, *ard natlsMMttam and it hi W .sam .Fauace, .re-^arcn aaao- .. . y*er r;«- quart- Of thn«a or -nora of the memi Row v -< had Selninar Nd 7onizht «# >»»*!• yf.k.i :v the Is sting Petit,.** for aopiw;rv;-re. credit ml Brtlala rut* ■i : answer, alnv-st percert unit* or ideal* voted va th* .-certain, ag ¥1 yaa v«e* c«ai *#*# w-wt . •: - 1 'Qdepepd—ri for Malaya ior and senior class officer;. Al - W.m ;ne romjieyatsor, if mc bs?;»«v«*i that? pfw.tmn was psu e.e*-«'»r. •? daiegdle*. ftlghtl . 25 I'-lser to **»9iy 1 47» 711 lid ycstAd* '■ 'en u bring Inailiable and Cahwiit? Student Goverttrrvf.? t'AW. --nnaire* re a-1- ifa- J that of. trie;.; Bsernbervkip. - avorw truka fifth* taid that ti *ie*a* f*f v>iy he*;iag gad * handed ever without a ixttfidvrX and Qafms -a.nl if Oct- Tw lT4k/ "• The study aV>*''afi that u# more ih«ia half ->f the re«in&«r- •fiectriesl f*»ef*W*M» nf-t:tu.t..3EaJ C**av*nii<*!i cor.vfrfltj.yn year aftar year- What a-ijeiut mo*"- impor" - f«-mi-vk IT Vrtfrc* ail * *; 51.152. ill kiiuwst^. itioc.. Mobamed stated; 2*tfc. petition* mua: t* returned Ropj&iin wtrre oWaiitedi free.* • la fact, f>jw ii percent c«f juti fuactasa* of the convert.- J *»v? >«»H UI1H1 . 4 r,'„ a. vi a •<-: «u - *e gov«nunect has been by April 14. mm* iMff nf tae dek-#ati-\. "he de'.egala* had b«eh eiectaal A. «dv*«3i'U-*'ia' hu-. * 127 ralUew. the threw t tar the pa?? The firaj number oi -.-ratgre#- r..- a 75 return *0 attfrhd t?»t e&cvwauon (or rhc About T6 pe.cv" m- --:+ <'*>■ viS piort -rockers •*• rc 74 ■"*n and txtxxu \o bring .tionat ^e*?s open -wfil be pub- attwmoi isaa &hwj madf,' av f».' n vm«. 28 pafitartt rad f •. a«?e» iadieawT '' v< fcr.csv.-a * - -. 4'"; »; v•-■ 'V •- » . a. . * &^r.i 3 lay. ^55 djjs 4 >ea." '■•<> '*';<2er "complete control by h.*fted at the hagiftfUhg of ^•"••"■4 tbi* ouinh. w> tatcrpret '.hue UMidcfd ooct or tw-ice prerkml. •WJM make >•—<- hd "'vwcw* of pert* .1 -.••'• ;"t 2 - -'-g*- fcnkOia^. a'Sppijr MSU wvia hptS «•id L'A'v.r. ikscJurxical f.su-.wcs ,iuv« R.i cornple'-ed. point ar^tse well tar the dem¬ taatc u Ui^g the detemitaatieas ;ae t*AW Wr an. *vcr.id« of 1 as . * SVSal WTEfce -CJO^-c "itase be April 2H according U> Haroid Kp-n mil oe ssade later. ocrats proceas*»" Dr. Form So- of D&Sicws so pe earned out by 15 % ran On;? 4 aercexss of hae f: Ve The ociefitca kad a vanety ttilWOi'. -:<*P9 ttUt Hodge. elccUttu comjTi«n'.<-ner, cLcmleO- . UAW ofLcers. for a-v-iner 20 4 students Novel I dicks vfall atibsiTlpflont navahle In advance lor one term 41 iff Ti.t Michigan SI ill dure! faculty supervision I .i*• t«" rl I" In • buttle l.e'hrr Pre** 'lie li e it turtle*. »rm Associated 1*1 vr . wltl.Ul t .1 ... II • rr-ltv (If Hum Iiilni 'l 1 Mil v l'l,« *» »1"!• HUi7N<>7 I VI Mnnilim March II. I!"'," Paire Tw What Nr HON U an KAI'l. ndventure-my - CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS ter.v-thriller novel without ad- ni;AIII.I\K4: I pm. Ilav Before Puhllrgtlon for Tues.. Wed venture, mystery or thrill*'* Mon. fdition- I pnt In Pollution May Ihur*. and Frt. Edition*. Deadline For River "llellsgrlrt" by Steven Frar-o or at least something vei / much like it. Bills Payable IMS and 1-5 Monday KII2d.1l I through Frtdav KXT. 2fU5__ Mr Frame seems to have read Stink Up Water Carny Mimewhere 'hat >L Ii po*.-;j>)!«- to C»M»UX CtASSlfltOi ile'crrnine the exact rnotnerp an HOUSING ooject which enters a glacier at FOE «NT V Hlflll Dl'lliltKIl or fmllufion in the l!nl ('pilar Uivrr fty sieve Frarer 400MS ;»»n»\..I The water sport-* IIF.IXNCIRIN may hfim|H-r thin vi .,r Wjitj-r I ftJSi division of H ater Carnival has nliv.-ulv la-en warned bv of f Rinehari, 1454. Appiosed iuptr«n*d Houtinf fg> »/ tidal* of the *anilHtioii and -atetv ileparlnient to nit a larite i given point will ♦•merge n'.'h- moving rhunk •' pari "f it-5 planned show. other end of AUTOMOTIVE •~ Mi- He was vo jmpre- .d w'^ /"» 1" ilfr-e.d* warned that even partial immersioti of-hand* 'to* intelligence, apparently, th.v. FOR RAf-E H»7 FORD TTTKtH "iF- !pi |. could prove extremely danperoiis. If one division he divided to write a book about f)*-. ii T-1172 after 7 pm e\re|lent inrdilion fall KD- VI it* netivities, what is to stop ff'ir.wj / J-n, it of Water Carnival ha* to limit In this rilse the ohjeet Is a l'py» TR3 RADIO HEATER Wire or limit the other group* from not partieipatinp? man. enmplelr with burro and wi-eetr. white*#!)*, I'iW mile* FD- t-Tfta 4B LA4GI BOOMS V, i EBII TV I PHf. (}n-.-i.le«, h',~> \> 50/— three hundred pound* of gold After a year of atiidy, however, the .safety department II is believed he was absconding VOLVO. 4 A AH F1 AT. TRH'MRII discovered that the river ha* passed a point where the hue- with loot from a mine fifty-years A-> r. r Allan H,«!rer, at ed tires Chamnlnti Br'«k« Relin- D-ilv ruom service ED 2-1374 af and hi* b«eitv dl p> * « »-■ Til" F Kalamarne, IV 4-<* IV t: 4 'in p m entire vear of testing, did the miner In fact, not once during the jioint in exactly 50 yean certain FOR SALE ARPROVFD -TMREF. ROOMS, ■ river rise atsive the "safe mark." Such disease bacteria a* and l«»4 daw. v ile entraroe, parking 4*. | dysentarv and tvpboid have all been 7-7031. hepatitiis. amoebic The story open- with 'he found to be in excess of a normal count. Not only could I hi* grandson of the frosted miner SPUDNUT SHOP IS OPEN! MEN pit GWADt'ATF Rtweii and hoard in Kan* i„- silting on the glacier, waiting pollution in the river hinder Wider Carnival activities, but • ".ti#e Hume privileges |14 - , g # -x tn » ps, Ask fur for hi* arirostnr to appear. ♦ D 7-?3'i2 evenings. . canoeing would be dangerous during spring term. ••Ilrllstrln** Is the glacier, so AHHROVF.D ROOMS FOR If n person should fall into the river and not have a high named because It Is "a two-mile of ehoppy teeth set be¬ m MAC available Immediatelv lr*m», hath and phone Ti re# private resistance, fie could very likely contact a disease. streak ii'ee from fletkey F.D 3-«!17 tween ragged gums of black rock." «uiFA HFI» AND rhalr rombmr- APPROVED ROOMS AT At! TIIE ItKASON I'tllt the high bacteria count claim the of The hero I* presently Joined I ..n V, n» t-1704 hntt Road Two minutes fmrn ' final* is that direct sewage has been traced flowing into octogenarian' *oiii\loug:» xEVEvrrr.N . im ii motoroi a r.n J-B24I. by an TV r*di«-».tH>rtogf*ph *1" t'»ed th ted Cedar from residents living in Okemy* and along ho claim* to have t>een in t-»wr» « t%)\ aulf-rnatic washing machine llie I'ldilor - the river. hellers to •»o the fateful nigh' T»0 vein t?s <)K S-I771 FOB SALI •g". the granddaughter of rue DpeoPATfiD cAKrt nr.t.fvmrn "-.vners of the abandoned hirthdavs Many Expounds on/ NAACP official from the safety and sanitation de¬ of the I-. v»w tor r>a»t'e? rtfRTOM RDlf.T VENT?' As another Kwast HaV- 1413 partment put it, "I traced the course of a sewage system one house jttul before I hail reached the hank of the river. ill Hannah n ine, *mg!e. 27. lieneiten'; Bhe grandson of the non.ng engineer, pretty and in- hrdlian' bo' ..-he' er^MITt. OellHous pa»fflea KG IONUS SAt|» y 4.7 a > new. with radiant nnlv 43 I'w Ell 1471 DETROfTER — hea»ing. 7-qi'M 10* | I could see the red d\e I had imeeted into the system flow MA4CH OMLV !■ ili hen. tvvo bedrooms colut Meiol.ri . nt < uifrihttiy • i. C* otv W- - a /*'.'- t '..fin, w.'ti ho'ei-,. that the st i- complete!v cold-blooded a t r-liames On tut In llult l.ll'H ing into the river. Apparently, these residents didn't have rot:>le«», diet an adventurer wh » xs.li have" tu ihsuand l>e-- ooexn't seetn to in* reia'e*! ' » a septic tank or a drain field Moth are essential to a sewage ijif'i .»'<■ In tb«' ti-h.c They Will have '■» anyone, which is pi«.»l»ahiy a LOST and FOUND ill mi .rut- he kiinxVH hy system." LARGEST DISCO i I»<*|v; ivetr' good thing iviuee be a too - i i u 4, to etqoil in 'ho■-»• oughly de-".'pv.ih!e cad U)ST - WHITE WALLET « When asked what eould In* done to remedy the situation, . -a-here the "plop.-si't-and TIlC BVlth' i take-x these e'e Rive' Paper* valuable between MAf to and nwtter, F - Ike* the answer was that ahsolutelv nothing could he done hv Ides 'e;u tier prei Ml I I I I HS i \a. i-ii-i- ments and incest them with ai» Ell 1-9741. . continually surprising to the department exrept !>• let the luehani County officials the ten*ion <»f a Uffy-pu!! IOST CORVETTE TYRE h kiiow what is happening. It'- up to them to do something eoi ism Mn-:s- « wi:s J„l: ^S,", m «ei- .the on the attack <»n thi« university levc . For gvwhl measure 'he -*r *• * im lude* » rather tedious raj.# Member Gu-M e» D»a-ea*d iipsdr in 4"» Fart Lau1 ing Reward, tiary Sherman, Sunday «i. • ED t about It. < oMi-i i.u: I.I M. eari mnn- re*e • WiLL'AM H THOMPSON PERSONAL And, it something i-ii'i done alsuit d soon, AlSt- student* We. en the forutn eommltte--. Mi».i Ii.i' let there he n» doutit biance t.» rtng ar m l thy r«** Header J*»«ler r-ontemporarv unbridlrxl passion may lose part uf tin- traditional spring event. Water Car¬ OMI-I III -Z* tirlirve tt»a? forum s« f the autvewful, t aliuut the fact that these •super- thrfn /FMTtt TRANVKTANp tMDIO nival ami the age old pa t Iline of canoeing up the river may ( i sx ir-1. fieiali in siiccee«| In fooling --xauOafd hruiadra** and «i* shun* SI'KINt. si'i art a* * ea'aVv-.t In the for, :U lard. rXTnAS- 4VI II Jl« considering Life Can Be... t.E A ». .-.rdtv anvone Ari.t rr» t zv*i. to la- halted r *it on and pxpre**ton «»f tine THE MERIVN GATE* on sim ice ttxe it! easing Cfrtt* of higher IRA—danreahte muitr with th»» For l«i< expertly I student opihirm io'n, there should t»e little HOUSING band sound and laeiing. Fh«-« Willi. More wit! t»e Haul about the it %s a mom i vi 4-I4W nxv«n -' Th.\T» 7.,f \ / IMTi'l Truck*. tr»rt»i that a jswir product )u«t sin fxtum sonnu term, t'ntd than, KWABT ItAKERV pTf^lVrRH r,ft,TTi«6 N \ he sold the second time FOR tf NT Ml urt iVE V^uvee. .ip.et-' nnvone interested , invited ' • Nnberl Hey strum DES MOINES (4b—A woman rttvidualle xelve lor 4.' 5ai. dec«na'ed »-a*e •» Rhone IV 4-6' - who moved to l)e;- Moines frori i IT rontaet me. and ad rurnmfiv.x AMflfMfNTS * tore I pin flWrKNA i small town »n Miaaoun jome-1 KRAME and qurs- ofu. »r.« wele..rned Marly Baih a TO SHARK with a «-:uh for stout person* — nr.; APARTMENT slurtent Five mltiute walk frxvn REAL ESTATE We*t Wash'ena "* Haven. Miehlgan fof more ..V. (?,XS.O I '-.'v.; middle, with the onjis'tive of infurmation or appolfltraent. \it'll t Stuff »s? 12 pound*; '! don't war.t ♦» ' itnagp- It * four rloaela. axsiuirtntt * new liar any more, and I don't »«.u t ARGF 3" * •" room, ("LORE TO CAMPt'S a-- well known that MSU woui« >iltahle for three men ('aniline in fine Reconditioned houae and Nifht laiinr to quit the club, either*" KeMrtnent tfti per month utilities to? mam 4» .Multiple or fra'e-; tike to move from the "factory'* sieif I Paul Aim one single room — 61 week. Hasehoard. heat and n»» ra«* of "greatm-v ' and Aiwerel unsrunervi«ed hmnini ("all for recreation ®» d-'"1 HAMBURGER Image to one aophisticatum. One mean* of do¬ Kenix H.'drhcanU FD 3-J731 fur ap¬ p- pil.nned LlD 3-SMR3 4 •l-» Cv» Tasty Delicious ing this, a H true, has been t-» Film Fare pointment TWO APARTMFNTS EVERY¬ THREE-BEDROOM RANfTl Dishwaane- ♦ baste cause of th« . . 1*131 near campus N on»ph»M7e the THING ftirnuned Will ♦-•commndale r>osal. full haeement. gsragr !j Made from l.rade \ Iter IKH.r quality «f teaching facing 231* Fast Michigan Slieba* Movie tw pwpl* 42■, * 103 lot »l«4«0 Tern* Served Piping Hot students. A good researcher can tie a tremendous inspiration to 'Solomon. Avenue APPROVTD Insiaie at office TWO-BOOM aoaet- M F iui-ter. Waller IV 4-7204 or T? Keller Co. Realtor* M to You hi* e!«*i> ment Pn*«'» batti »n«l cotraneo. SERVICE Spectacular IMiliUes paid I'iiiim the Filiiit'fl r or me-t Tlie bnaic causa has been Kaiainasix* 49 fast expansion or' me univeraUy - as tJi» rovn »tr\ OVER J! large apart- OmtFT-MULTTLrnf TTT'f- 41 tocut'.y, tied together with *» ei-n" furniabrO ♦'•rktng istiridrv ING Dec* use of recef «'• inadequate system for, weeding h* r.u ri-ornNov ttir Egypt la a* a"ack hut nrtytmges. IV 5-4144 after SO «f menta in tune-proven tiff*' are even'uwUv defeated b\ S«.'- UxJ* economieal ue"»w ACIOX4 22. Digressed out the rest. Ii wasn't so Jon; nvr room* njlwiotrD—" I. TmphMiM Mi Himalayan and tie#;* I'D 1-4306 «»r t"- vjueen of NiielM bn>ught with e me* a* though she we e •lerr.rafetf rir 3-35*3 is ination on duolicatmc aoi* twular courses i t ' < Kmg Siilomon camel* roadiud them off » qlacarxJ. gays call AI or Jane Wonch. f. II. TW 40 Hard II Father % Under the present system, de¬ loaded with gtfb* of rare spjee*. • f .her roie a- S-irba. " . . the IUEAN PtTWWHTD A PART- Anr trouble gravel base, lighted 244 De '* patriot 44 Moreover faculty to offer * better-caliber 'hat wa* in her heart " Solomon 'There .* only IS. Ranting 4.V Savory of teaching in turn "gave unto the Queen of with having piavni the rm»: EXPERT TITERRA AND agreement* 47 Cama tMiaequenlty, we ha*e wll- hheba ail her desire" . lamouv courtesan o* ai' t;it»ew A PfHOVED ' DrHJBLE ROOM* for «x rung Kleetrw typewntg? '* IT Friend Er. together minutes to Heme* t<»ok* *ear* e*ps^ien,-e On fcevA r I netted a grtsrlh ml knb«idnie« d'his relaUveh wmiif passage arul mat .» after ShoiMt, a'l other w, ton bradv ED 3-6>45 It. Prorraiti- 41. Of lha Prtvtleges. Study nx>m. EI>- MM whb-h are fvH It he means It ha* been gmerouaiy biown up ri>i»■* w «.;t certamlv acrtr. ta;;»«r t-aiar. Jo TYI'LN'G— HETWEEW » • "' Si. B. Indian *0 SmmM Uie end tf arhlevlm irsslnr** into two hou- v -Tw-hriicoUn. and an'i-eliniactic " I# pm ED 3-27i>3 I Carry out «IXGI> WOOMS FOR graduate limber lr«# 411 I'tffee hours, hanauel*. award T*vnnirama. and G.ma laviion- - P.wK.r t »'*d ft. Johnny caka 41 I order * MILK SHAKE dinners and ad Infinitum are g,da hv the makers of "S -iomon I shall Irate that statement u delectation of those who men o«.*Od»Jg ind xe-»i*rx* pctrtleges hi* Hum-et Lane a TV week RADIO all SERVICE s*" pxake* er»t * SI r*t t Arab.sn the LV 7-6177 »sr ED J-iiar- . Mi supposed to lake (he place of machine ami Shel>3 ' - wh ch op»:tomp - AAA Radio and TelesiMoo 5 14 rood fish 44 Whirlpool garmant ha*e seen or will see the film, IV S-4561 XV Vartiral Rich and Creamy Thick a facuity able lo leach, to con¬ row at the (Kadun • LARGE ROOM FOR male 145 t'ni- IV 5-7714 or N> Money io rutd# tribute. It Inspire and to aid The story i< quite piain, thu*: 'the performances, in general, ver*--i. Snare Ju.1 with l»«» SPARTAN MULTILITHI V< 21 Sugar ran* »«al tsprnviitara Complete* the Meal unimpresaisc. t.eorge .-San¬ Lfir* r* Sru.wrr *t»rt pb.'.tw FXl "-I4P7 Ntuir DOWN I.1 Salty dropa , the student* in the profess of The Qut-eli x»t Shdu decide* td are der* the irate Adonijah Is TYPING service iginal Mrs Goodwtn. ED Ever-; n cuojt That's .Mighty Slick... learning. v i * l»r.n-i xihxt • destroy" x'.» a* oi 14 Wild plum .wretched' isr all its e\pen*e 21. liyUrawlit 1. Pl«slli »- Some pr »fo-.si>r«; openly a t"- -l ruler S« Ion son l-i'r ti-e benet,*- •• HAY RIDE* - AT red--' rnent if Northern Hamburger t.V i sk.400.Mil i, -cast of Ifcotusaud* \~r thrxsuch w mter tertn fnr isrn.nsuis tho? the r con'.nlMit>--h ad.- - iw't Egyptian cx-fittrt-*" who well staged battle scene* and JUXWI* f oR «T\ ir »rprmnl grouos Heated Pert* rvarrr c r- trench I Vies lib quale, if thev appear r vias.i- want t^ju ou! w *> .. He; 5>tT»et axTixs* irutii Pi..n*e e,,.*- e^r .e4erxal. •• r- T- r~ r- r- '<* ~ abhr orgies, "snlttinan ami she ha " is i#« XX* Rugue en • IV 5-A5r t T\ T~ T 22 Splendor .Milk Shake «Uc :oorm to answer question• idumtlens at*• tdnvf-iicnti* side- IraikeRT 77WWT "a^ca'SW- TVS Ifttle more than a miidl* tu- s. vxle- Hail ED 7-its- — Mi Riding Ranch RADIO semire 24 lSp»e-1 itrutcssor* are equa.- _ TV AND y-i These.same ter taming am! rather sudsy pol- APPROVED klNGUT AND double studen?* ■* ■ low rales f>* animal lv content tx> offer little or noth¬ if we ddn't know • »e going Obis P- fan-.(*« paramg. and ante-r.-' ir ?rt Trinket boiler. fi) S-dlSl >» used 1 V *e» d ing except an ill-conceived to happen'> falle in !pve with private »«»<■« txihe cl;erk itxg 'ree n*fk">* ' fl m— itr 58. Vapov Student I dice reading hat hint. If ou a'f rw riVTient lo & HEAL CO-OPERAT|VF ROOM 9 om dad*. TV Tert— •■*' IV 7-4476 z\ w 30 Leg*' f. Mich tea a 1 >prtng term When questioned atsiut such i *(». t«-erd 4145 Set i*. b- pun stimant advice of his con¬ t i»-.*d i". ikiug.-.-* n^veM you Higihle One . \ 1*. :> Uwtbsd wlh n-.s-ers and thews *'»«> P * as— 1*:s WVtr ;.* pagan ritual which turn* FOR A? EN 0«uMe aad mmrn — hold HOdVS such terms a* • spoon-feislmu" T ir TT «r sound* a tn* Schw-it c.'fchc lha'. has eve: oc- ITtsate H*ih en.Tanee. and □W nr TT" 44. Dimmish II. Submerge reii.a-vt iti m made by Carl h.s letter which «j>peare»t and w»U discuss the px»x>r quality •ut l« be a dancing, jumping, slithering org* V* t.ina ladlo- every c*< r,e c -nunon in B-bixa! spec- *i««> watwai# ED 7-»4;« aiter 5 «» p.m. 4» TV and RADIO REPA" Cal".* made a fie' i r.TO I M 37. Seaport on -.he rrniay State News of students brigida. playinc sheha. is wig¬ uc'ularK The casting' is ludtCTuus MAKF RF.SERVATVOVS FOH* next s'wdeht ?.«• «ale IV 4-»7M • there are always . it" T"" . vr tr w- Admitted I*. One Hh*-1 maw iwstituae I; IJ Sxhwimler's suggest n-n h» rvsultant per^wm&rvt5 semi. ii the Adriatic \*- sum# student* who will not ac¬ gling and aliuhutt hark lata Ihe aud 1 •«*«-fiair PIIM'A (fv-n Grand ii H □r» ST" r™" «r 0 9r 15 Escd;ih 34 R \C(« lakes, eu • ii ■j A m *•: ow«.. "The SUldents have another voice - f cept their responsibility these few do not approach a but busbea witk molives moralU questionable in mind hwldiiig on to cVij'i w»r>e. But tf there .■> *uc.h a thifQ Uf the mythlval utudebt Riser u-r XlR-kupwt Ave FOR MI'S OR 235 IWU m f urhisped ^transportation WANTED TO w ar ?T own. as have the gtuder.'* w. .» ha,v ftolhuii to d«»." nv nt £r inW;e«tvd in a th hour ei.tj U4*c*. halts- parkcxg ED 2-sa.W lint.< aivl M*uvr. K- pelnU in <;e*»rge her*. ' w viSi: h^.; more than o*it. In my puHv qi light mt'Uidiatna such hi 0 F % Jr h— 43 f'articiea tti t ook i; . and wait" style of teaching i* when o the pagan boil of lightning destroys god and Solomons *-s Ih v "INUUt mx>M FOR male ctudem W ANTED-RODND-THU merely a prostitution of the , WandBWW. *har ng sexsuul iKnv- V-** □ fs" *6 Dreadtut *8 Cole- Tti * on atnpujt. ;o fxinnation. a new ie teaching profession, and not temple lo boot. Hating*- SiylMTVon a Mi S-'wbt* s;5 of- I soma with two senior* Start Parking. 1s> Oa* Foct Lauderdale Le*'--' evening tD 2-3J6I -■* i v of Bcolizing an excellent oppqe- -tuiwer Swdsy kreaataat Gala Noted- KU mm mm tr _ 51 Piunuer • < on lx»r '..'-.e purpose «if subscribed to by lite bettvr teacher*. * tunity to gam control *>t Jttu* The it:-. Fisncimau - •* M KD S-l«« 4a o* uiating snu advancing »tt«- . ^pbbbmiw«w»*. Rescue Operations Continue Marei. if Farkajsfrs Hold HaiifiucI "• ft EYE KI-IITES For Snowbound Carolinian* < preset n .• ■ yc;t; in o,i. «' f vi'; by 'VKST .IKKfTHDOV.- S C.Ofn— Kf.'ink F'.levin' .10. father of • -J human needs f)(>»'l it.lire 1.IJ up|.!v *o •ox, :r\i»>r'n\ ttin' his family wan as srwin as wrre 1 V. [ ifuf at t» Dr. Joseph B. Gulslein a'm . que! ti.ind'f) e ? out Of food ex-h ' - "falern-. V o I t h ('iro!;r:.i'« i/mvi". n i'i Stifirlfi v with.' improved I've jj'd plenty of them " I.u'her Ifodnei. | ., v c.,»fie» condl* loir n the moun- p.-i-k nj r. t Jli« nephew. Afvln. * <-to- and took ••!! <-r, a h» ' '•< ""i 'hv «• ti-rfi North 21. n.'-n- . he; of f.of 10, «;,.d V, y (o;,!» f toil; a', t ie area. ai-o were nearly out of food. II I. ; ' f t. se ..! .. - V ifi -h,, rJav 'ivc armv . < :v . r d.-Vo e A-' •VV- fh-w !■» th.- Wti 1 • trmv f'apt. U H Howell, fen.- . ■ I V. h i'i \ (in! north of tf»»r who piloted one of the helicop¬ > -. u ''I food-dr«>ppir:y •.< • . • ria-Virginia fin#* ;i ii ter*, said condition* in the White He .I hv 1.' r it p.!.,P anded V •«f»if 'h in a 'Of; of food 'lop The Iiim' of lhi« vcar's rerin area appeared "In fairlv !■,.-!(' a-..I ;-i-pO!-'e-i -. t I' : .'id f.lM|;JiCS ient will not he announced until good shape now." |fe said high' p, • v. 11• i were w.'tiou' P> d llii* he is introduced at the h.tn'«u* t. The helicopters flrvv tilt other «»> trews were rapidly clear¬ and very- hungry ing roads into Ihr area. A i.''h V. ii planned for Till Mz± t \MI'I s I- n't generally known for Its skiing facilities, fluff said • vers Mof.it. food-dropping nilwliiiik In fam¬ • • hi ilies fth-vesi--old Wilke Coun'-. m. hut Stile N" aphrr. t'rle l.umlhurg managed l«» catch -.ivii' jitC '! |j. | || r.utvteln m ho have been Isolated In He -lid »*irne o! ' I i lomilr mountain cove* fnr day* , ■villi t. isn't lea n seen fot three tlii* enthusiast in action behind iPcmonsiraliou Itall. hanqu't OfiWmeiilst food ■■ se d' Ifiped Ou' of h> record *nous. til I s ||ON a r .. ■ r I. s '< -a •! A ■ v Wrjf.eU, j c p p i and ie.pi.- > had brten reecivod from trn'i k« i*>'if "nn-'l "nor whs planned to Se'id U fr roseuo the ejijh' Aim h'o away nn Klirabnihton, dwrii'ion" mrrvinif food and fuel • ip'. r■- 'I'. in northt-asicrn Trnincasea r, . AN'kUf I! to fiearbv Ni-Aliind. N < t'i bf l'a^urfd f;i"i!!!»«. Meni f .i No - ".ii f.'arnllna line, for ( ontact len*es are not ren- Hoone, Nc operate Wibd* that halted helieopfi" heheop'er n*eii" nperaflun-. Na- »rallv advisable for conditions operation* S.i'u rd;» v vobshV'' . . <• • i !n ' '' ■ - Involving small degrees of Sunday and bright *uh - • - '.I'd! v heI correction, part time wearing 'I he helicopter* urn- tu he i The mission In the Virginia dropping hat for starving cattle . < :n eest.fully to I' .ich i of glassc*. active corneal dis- : It I'd p. : • '.ix' persons with unusual tullrv u» undertaken after a So.,,, . . • *i i \V A evelid formation or tense, grirrled mountaineer and hU nephew •tumbled deep snowdrifts yesterday Keek¬ nut through S/MirliUl II irex •: i rooried. . ai-.-i v ere reported »«s:i- high-strung ft mav p»rM»nalities. he interesting to ing food. I'lishiim Show note dot tor that has practically every successfully fitted \ DP. ffeoaf,:..,; most of the above "Impos - t^ISlI I'riiil I oll.i'tinii S... v.- W ■ . sthles in one or more in¬ f. III krc«i'i' Di-|.hn stances. •'. if '.hrou»"i i t: i. t is m e Origins! print*. f-om a i>; rfiaoife of • • I i..' : . • «#l I "sllflV MSI? 'lorj of .'.•'uk--. by a Tf Kmt « t>* •»««•»-' ■ - . ♦ j• • - including fv-ir'-o, (Jro/ and \Vhi*Hor j- ,n display at. Krc'tp- All renter. f'.o-:i, Daumn TV»«- rf i sj»Irt v, fir ran jfed with » . model. cnstiii;, am 'eep we* The P o.'.oih, ... . 1 ... Wedoe d.r .i p.. ti a!, Me- . o.-'-e.i.. , ' > FOR . •" OCX. ' — !-'■ * I ' ..... '>v • :l »■ t Uk tut .'•■ theme of portrai'-' and eariea ' I"ta, *f.' k' t> ... ' -! I . |{ Iur•v a prepared bv Dr Mar- ' :• •• "It spa! v.' : •t.n history of print* rln iidio'"••• I v '.... Uihe; .t;.p Ve. ■> . d • QUALITY DIAMOND lie who hesitates get* contart lenM-s' . There . never ore seven million or more, eon- NEEDLES tact lens wearers todav. These ill; patients wear their lenses all | TO EUROPE WITH DREWS ! 0i r. DIAMOND MIDI.IIS da» The constantly contact long for the most part. improvements lens bcTrig fitting that effected are in m Ship Ospr (t unard) - Air Ifrturn (IWI.\.( .J Clut Pts.!»;, in Jt|ll.!l5 are in¬ tended to enable those pa - :): t»»nts not able to wear con¬ Diamond I'titfrrptdnl Julv 7 • Ifctrk Augusil Stofjnnd • Dn^lnnd- *12X» tact lenses un until now to be fitted now. comfortably f < HI t' llelirium • Holland . (,prmant • \tHlria \ Munnla- woiihl^siifgev' if you really are interested in contact Icns- !i! ! that consult CAMPUS ' .rs sou rour eye via - San Marino • Italy - I'rnnrp. 5.1 l)ay*». All In- d'K tor and have him diag¬ nose whether vou are a fit rlu-iir. XIIi.j l.imilrd l» ."til If. Now ( omplrlr Inf.. - • ( OI.I.I Ci: THAI Kl. Ill I ml.r .'In . |u...k MUSIC SHOP At The *ub|er| not. for contact lenses -of .1. lin*t (.rand Kivrr Acrtn** nri: i:it I rum In inn Itldp. A Campus-to-Career Case History CAMPUS BOOK STORE In llr. J. It. (.iit-triii npf'tMf Titer ACROSS FROM Till: UNION BLDG. I*-" *-.* W JO'irtiJen Vti'h^»n la fs.i tit nidi v»*. '(Kh trl IVaotioe i-i!-?) ror-.ur ' I tin eI vin# > \ lined ' I fer set I .- - I HE HAS ONE OF THE MOST UNUSUAL JOBS IN BUSINESS TODAY lb •- 4 nwtp>»f»-| proi'Taiiiirw-' 1' S 4 (oil iliaf tl • < f; Wf» »v ii i .!,.- 1r JlirtigMiV. 1 be fidd •mgnmewty.plui ir«ot«tic»l UD Ue UrmwJf's gf!gi«t«ni»f ur«s«f .iv*ignfu'-|.»s arc ;'jf 11»V f pf.rgf .|r-'r>»«'TV h.»'.c pfogramnwd If your future is engineering, put 11; i rtnjUitr iv t-i t» 1« »rigiftccf.. uw/sf i?«'s!gn pf'dit.ibb- !••-, i n;.•-)! Ut.fr no, Jfj -hd' t.v.o !.-u! i ' : r n» >""■ -f atjoii. }• .f fji-w fai,trH">»"S, D-lp an! rri.i"';! ,»t.-ifcr. jr» finding tint w pr work «r-;t |>tvr 1 or »f iahfeditruj pr-.-matrw .d f\o- p»i-.vb t r»-w buft'-nv and vvru yourself in Larry Carmody's shoes ana!;«/c 1m»w oti.cf m.iu].- .-Wf-^Vf-rg.'*ri4» '*■ dev. i '-si Lawrcm* M. Cifimdf (armrd aotnr firm my more advanced training, he: Your bug a:. I \hi)itics (aj To YVork jLuusklion* alMint his fulurp rnprmrrrinjj Nopf#-v»ouv • o»mb?.c«1 mobile radio m*trrns vij»iiiiH».'a c*»« sjesig.. ifi ;»*• w iv t-rrfjoifcrs w-uk, « arcer tshih- a ertiioi al Hltniuw Institute • did path studies of radio tirr uit roiitrn li fw# ♦-Jls.itv to ia-c'Ti a Kal'+r a. a "in'mU-t »r Hut vtag of Technology. • worked «>u a «•}*•* ial air-to-ground com- altotikl liavc t!a- tab-of aid +*>&* to ;»k muriH ation* project for an airline batand ii ( to vc.ro a- 1! T;ii v votU witij Mjra, "and hk%«* a vaiwt) of •**ijcnmmU j gv that would broaden irn* and hrep my job • did fieid work f«»r I n»-w. transistorized two yean uf w*Wgv jfiaJtia-lnaiirv. *ftf irr^odtant w a'k le-ialkie «.),*Uun develi>jnirnendat»on« th«- IBM r«fm-s*"ntaliv« who i#,. or tunta. r»si tim>u »h 19S5, and went with lilinoia Bell Trie- often represent hundred* of thousand* ydrnTl> .h l»hor• • llii fin- ('hicflgu HI i'*k loiter in tho game, Sawrhuk which resulted In Miki'a's draw¬ Tfitwk* in a bristling NHL grime made sprawling stop* on Stun ing a game misconduct penalty. Vtikita and Chicago scoring star Tim Chicago rookie slammed in* LUCON Sufnlii' iign' I'll,. drHdl.M k k-nl the H'arK Hawks' in third nlan, a single Hobby Hull, both from directly in front of his cage. 'o referee Vem Huffey, kno<-k- irig him to the lee while pro* testing a slashing penalty the Hull opened tho scoring early 2:1 20-V.O point ahead of Detroit. Botn official has called on him. so the third Period when he have throe g.imes I off in the back ha ruled a 20 footer behind National Hockey League regular koainn Chicago was Siwchuk. The goal, Hull's 38th MUndinc* plaving it*, final home game. r- M. !■■!.,L • quad, r<»mf »'•■ - of the vear. left him a pom' HOW MM. Tt \M which no*ied 4 7-1 murk INK Sawrhuk, win credited with . ^ if Magnificent Lit I cr Lain men t , s .« ( .. ! f' r '1 A'tri Iji'I ■ • 1111. whiter. ui IMOV Mopped l»> ll»«* I iiKi rillv of Michigan Saturday for Ms 24 save- t'i 28 for Glenn H ill behind Huston's Hronco Horvatp W 39 1, 16 t nt 12 98 . i M W. i-U"'Uli.T fillif'l ' ' in the league scoring race. Ho.— Montreal ix only defeat of fH<* term Mi-mtii-r* of tin- lenni *rr il-ri Urhlf ('011- 'h« Chicago cage. but Saw¬ . in . vaith has 79 points. Toronto 32 26 9 73 ,Ut !' Chi'1m.MM III'"' '. »»• C. kr>. Itoberl KMIiun. Milt I'iniiM-rl, l»r| Kowiilk (coach). Sluart rhuk made Neveral brilliant 77 28 12 66 hind llluiii. ■ Detroit'* tying marker came fhirago and nn four ncwishm* • We In n aril on ami f.il Mover. 'no., 23 27 13 63 ,mt tialtod olo Chicago efforts a: a' I 18 of the second period DKTROIT when Alex Delveerhio drilled Ho*lon 27 3.1 7 61 Lose llv I.'! Pills hi> goal-mouth. Ho stopped Chicago'* Tod iri a 13 footer while Chicago'1 New York 16 36 13 47 M»\V SHOWING Michigan Mdjses Keglci'S OSU Advance* in NCAA An oil' ni'/hf cuvf the Idtjnti llowlinp uptml its unilefent- I 1110 %ttmON PICTtJWK MICailTItCMT »'h| winL'i •b'pyoti as veivitv .0! .Michiiran keplets *2f»f»7-2l'r»J th«' Spartan; were fclffwl tiv the I'ni- hi the Kniunlay liasketball Tourneys Near Finals ICVRN CRWATnUI nii'ht act ion at th^f'nion Itowlinp Alh v*. Tfm.r credentials'* Top-ranked a 21-^ rprord, 2 In a rnw inr| opi -College basketball's two Cincinnati hn* Player of the 10 victories in Us last 17 games. to The '.'p; 11 t< ho. unlH-atert fvl Mover \V\. St,1 in;: school tournaments, which Year Oscar ltohert«on, a 27-1 And NYC? A fine big man in BmffiR 'A# m 3211 Hot, K1II1.,11 513, began with 37 teams a week ago, record, 14-game winning 6-6 Tom Sanders, good balance, have been whittled down to 'IJ a i.e Conkev 477 a 22-3 record, an ll-gmie win¬ today—and a classy streak, unrl 28 victories in i's ftldiirS IwtM latin Rash survivor Second-ranked ning streak and--like Oh'io State V last 2ft game*. group of 10 they ar« ...... Aafia Dritkna* 11, HI.: It I W 11 i 1 > (dHilh Cincinnati, (' a 11 f o r n i a and California, the defending NCAA —16 victories in Its last 17 starts. Ohio State, the nation's No. I, champ, has All-America Darrall That add* up to a combined -l.irU I ItlM! KASI Af'PKS (CLP 1 -f.i» h- Imhnff, thr- nation's best defense, winning streak of 46, a combin¬ M. P ■1 r '! I 2 and 3 teams, plus I2th-ranked v. '•!(••• undefeated t».eke»b»ll hc- New York U form the field f ir a 27-1 reeord, an 18-game win¬ ed 1939-60 won-lost record of streak, aiu! 43 victories in 99-8. and a quartet of Huh* thai ( DAVID NIVIN*?', i'l, le , 1 11 |.i< k. I on h . It,., fi'l two • 01- won 'h«. the., lo-A 1 ismual rontevi Stupid rjoober- the and NCAA finals at San National setnt-finaH Francisco Fri¬ ning it.: last 41 starts. have lost only four of their M*t Minns ST\I:I M after a slight mis* Ohio State, No. 3 In the final 187 game*. ■ eu,r Of the third n 11'. team, day and Saturday after winning AP poll, has All-America Jerry 1 in 3 v> »i 10 »ft» in itiii, won bv M.Sl' e 1'• ula1; .'i in the scoring w •% tin four regional championships That showdown omc Friday I b i'.-i of the iM'.mg found Dm- to a horrendoiif er- last weekend Lucas, the nation's top offense, night, at the San Francisco CoV - J I mi - « VI to — 'i l?» K ..I tm a,-, derinau of M«. t •r. t,% 1;. ■ Su/etti> |«loop.. > Kamse.v, . 1.. actiiallv In night th;.l Palace with California meeting Cincinnati, and Ohio State plav- Lakers Eliminate Pinions: an, w . ' ^ . r aTMikw , • 1 it-. a < nd1ng 'hev ha i won the game The ing NYU—the winners advanc¬ ; Hi fPHf *ND final - cute V -e 51 ' ;• to lh. ill ing to the title game of the I.UT MWA I VIMS : t'l ;m...... ^ Af 11 * ' the l.u>h« Top player NCAA on Saturday night. Ix'ad Attack •• (Savior. Sclvy r • 1- • «»„ toJ'< n .0 \ V Happy -I I S Tin: MAMINES" h , !t,e the ,S.! Willi the othei a MSP ■ tm. the (in»b witu was 2/ foul-. Hairy flough* * w While the NCAA breather, the NIT in New York takes a Annivers-ri I. MINNEAPOLIS f/Pt—Minneapolis, jrettinp a tlouble-har- fucks up with Providence and Utah State already in the semi¬ raled charge from EIj?in Baylor and Frank Selvy, wallofmil final . and top-seeded Bradley Detroit 114-99 Sunday to sweep the NBA Western Division facing Dayton and defending Whi'n your post cntchoi up with your semi-finals in two straight jrumc*. champion St John's playing Si. present, your lulur.j is lull ol surprisusl The I-ikers' largest hoint Itonavcnture in a Tuesday nignt middle to hold Baylor to threa crowd <»f the season, 6.2US, over that stretch". doubleheaderj to fill the other watched them wrap up th* game two semifinal berths. IMrutt htd M it tlu rM of with a hot 35-point third jx-r- the first period 23-22 and Mel- tiel while the Pistons were twing limited U-ikers to a 21 This gave the S»|-7t lead into the vy's hemic* enahied the Laker* to »ut«core the Pktan* 34-28 and Senator* Topple mn«ter a 38-33 halfUme lead. foul The period. bullseyo-shoofing Sclvy, In the third period the Inkers ']%«• Tiger*. 4-1 hit 13 of 26 field goals and nine ORLANDO, F!a Oh— Cami'o who had bceti traded off by of 13 free throws with Baylor Pascual, Bill Fischer and Dice three other NHA teams, saved coming back with 11 points. IIU Hyde collaborated to pitch thrc.-. the talkers in the second quarts yrovn.w 1 by scoring 18 of his 30 point* the Pistons jammed up the running mate at forward, Rudy Larusso. bagged nine. hit ball today as the Washing'' Senator* defeated the; Dot rot past mk as The Lakers kept on rolling In Tigers, 4-1 the fourth quarter, mounting Pascual, retiring all nine ha*, their biggest lead at 106-88. De¬ Mon who loco wind and woathoi ShOWNgf! ...» . A MA'Vl /AMI" troit's tough rebounding center, Walter Dukes, fouled out with 9 45 to play and Detroit trailing ters he faced, was credited wi ■ tho victory. Fischer retired ' u first *lx Tigers he faced befor* Frank Boiling singled. chooco tho protection ol... ♦ f»--'.VXA H N*ir«iLn.4*M. ff '»» M .I*\ 93-77. That was the crusher for Faye Thronebcrry arul R ? Detroit. Sievers hit run-scoring douh * I'1101 SKHIKS Supporting Baylor and Sclvy off loser Frank Lary in the f • were Rod Hundley and lairusso inning to give Washington > with 19 each. Gene Shue pump¬ the runs it needed Jim I*em n ruitdlll.n ill 1:villi: (Oft/*cS/iic? ed In 27 for Detroit and Dukes and Steve Korcheck s i n g • had 22 home Washington's other Iim MON.. Tim. MA It. II \ 1:.. T A. !l I'.M. runs. :nmnwmiinmwiiHtiiiwpi»mi>o, SvraruM |»S. CHIIaUrlphU 11* MnH ,h kn Inlrmlr* In Hum iln, Um ^n*HIIII„ nf § K3 Z3Ja"EH • s (N*il-*f-Uiio orlM lied. I'll NMI. • rnntett lean, nan YOIII oh . , . Toronto 1, Stow VnrM X (ti*> Rmimi I, MMitrcal 2 OKTROIT I. I kKti" 1 in protection, that i* Did Spice i« lrr*tir« an»t «fimutate«, guards aramd the lo«a ol vital LAST LANSING PHONE ED 2 2814 »km nioiMuif. Frcl» great, »««i Hn-k. blaring, wuh that Ungv UM >pwc went. It docs Accm to sttiact trnialr idi»uiTi». but what ird-bltHHle.l m.111 need* protection agsmd »;»r t- ■ LOO . . SMUkTON NIGHTS A St N. — ADl'l.TS 70r SAT. MAT. Mm- HUD TO FIT! NOW SHOWING — KKATI HK 7:lo . 9:IS iada la Maasan ^ND or Till: WORLD'S REST FILMS ADl'LT KNTKRTAINMKNT March I0n Waal Slacks WAR M THE OMLY DIFFERENT IU~l,.n Ma*-arr,( Marrh .,. 17711 llrKinning of ONLY $19.95 Bl'V AND SAVE AT Htiolutiwiary War) MOTION PICTUNE EVER MADE! March 9. 1MU l*n Ko»ilrhrt<'» CASH ~ itatllr of Monitor (lint Natal Baltic of iron ami Mrrriaiar i-Uit itwrh). VARSITY SHOP 229 Abholl Rd. THIS WASMtR V Marrh II. 1791 Eant Laanlng. Mich. (J/id not!i:ii\; FOR YOUR TEXTBOOKS I nundina of l .S. Nary l&C l:,l!U'r>M Marrh IA. 1MI2 Hoi point rolabli-hod bv I I'MMirann Marrh 17. ISM SlilJ. YOIIK BOOKS m« Spartan Honk Star* aprnii MSG Talbank and ton iln Room. (I'aad Tralhaah, art hriac bought fraw MSU StadaaU. Im saw • kaNn RR) • And* II !■ WH • IM laM* Mm SPARTAN BOOK STORE "Bp G—rpr. ICa me erdimn 'lour Supermarket for Education' Ira they arrrr at CM-- LKKY ESPRESSO ... »"'• Omar Ibb « iXG. the meet aromatic blend• /rami Urn exotic (oiph) Em* Loaning, Mirkigiw I ; x , _ ' i'• 'ii •>* ■:-•■ 4 ■ ■ 4 V ■7^'^ - u M iJij **—-■•"•" >1 »v« ,r- *■>■ ] [J> ..... ''J v'« 5» fe. >, , ■TAKES A FI'IJi NHISCJ—A Mlrhinn Slate amlhtiit in the urnu. 1»« hutting raffi, miilr Mseball player working out In the Mrn* IM of imIiiii, contain* the hatted ImII uilhin * snull srnond halls or low line-driven as he hurles during an indoor work* lilding dirt arena is ahle hi take a healths eut area | the baseball without worrying about break in.- ■10 I'ltiwrs Tight la Make Spring Southern Trip Team K'.'l 'he }»"I ri j; *•• ' cfiK:US ha#. T-: .I? v« .. II •- • :»h .y.-u • .-v I • • n • Mm*-, «• *> •y- ■ u. • s »n 4n B ' K . ... n h1 •; ! > K . / kcii h v t j M . rh 23 Slate News Photos T e « V i • " • .* ., ■ M r , I'lTOlM flit | ROM W N'T I R \V» %IIIIR \ The nnl< By Al Royce esrepiion l* ralrhlnr fl» balls Rut tha - r- (*., •.. it/to: I,- ,• \C. I spat ions dirt art na inside (lie Men's IM arena al L • . pli>rrs ran hi\» infield prarlirr. hitting sessions runs thr«-u.f. Apf-i 2 low* liie spartan baseball team. 40 strong lo and |iit« hinc workouts. I he s.p.tn.jfts benefit froM Mi |» - K'-'! ,.n !*?>.«* re*'? •. v.;- Kb;. ; »oi-: pra#tire prarttrally evintbing it out-of-door« ran throwing and lurimng alwi '■ -i'V ' >:r 1>«'' -".'.r'.i hfl- - I i>■ r,u* .m ( •>.- io'V 1 v *■ ■ .■ Bui y In- w .:r U' f: an i ('a;)'. : t v t ; ' i. -r second. K • f "I fi'."t t'i H» »•- ?• M ' r# Murw The 1 out of 20 a .. Stat* . !*.• V. , .? I j .•» I. •' f, i• I f. I- !^r • - i ' • 1 - a-t .1 . 'I «■ ; . ... . I F . .( .••, ( w.i |; and J:m; (jr. .y ha::. .■, M.!.-- last SVMBOI.IZIMG I new season. with spring not far behind. (photographer Al Hoyre finds in- that didn't get smoked M«h« ftpnrt* I tlitor "A LOT or THEM LOOK ALIKE"—tt«t' hate ha II roarh John 4»it.i» tfknritfo > < t slrumenU of romr»etition on the »Im, beginning his 34th year at the helm, remarked that a rr- March It, l'«t;a Cage l ive !✓ <•' •<_; ■•.»•* ..re Vrrmcn dirt floor of the arena a« Spar- J « i -nt •. a:irl iy,h M..tans praetire iri« lion of indoor workouts Is that many of the players look about Ittie saaao wader Indoor renditions. f-orri/r/r'/r- O/tlii'iil Service ■ in GRAND OPENING I \amined I *lasses No lilted for SORORITIES and FRATERNITIES Ap¬ pointment Neeessary jffitpw of: llm. J. Chriwtir and H. ISrtkwilh. Optometrists SAVE $1.05 Gallon ARMSTRONG AMEBICAN- Mori* lliaiir* I.ATEX WAIX I'AIYT : 3• TILL 5 30 EM Monday AmicaM%auIif MON 1IIRI *ATt ftDAI OPEN' TILL » KEG. 55.95 $ J90 SPECIAL RoNtr A Pan NOW ONLY lire I..M) NOW ONLY 88c Natty r J ■*!.... . J> i..- : G if s' •• fneiJ: {n-tl fie f". A.„rt| }„ h jer.4 Th.it*A why 1 it kupiwiie dis Uuf that • 'lie i "ff r ;. • •>■(• »>! Ii "« «..«• •?« |».»r.k of lKi.il |>.o.kof iKiai 1f iifrr iif# r l.u» l-u» >torc« v pet smirked SgffNts IVtfjdr |/«ejk 'J 0[*-n .i.-ri;.,-:-'t -j(le llu i| 1 ijff'f ♦«.,(«! tiiur*" Aifiwlfil I ban rial IK#"- rr.tv o».f item w* t >.».rk.* *•> well, h«l llw v do know ti - U tlfliArrA 3 fyir mitre than htf:U hitr-*'. or. #1 r.»«t the |*«t taste of the-lsrst fofcar Ivy League no * ingle filler unit* U\ a par k of I.im vtoi - U«- , . fl.e ftlri'^-iwre liey Lrif^ will Hugh bra OiatiacHva \ou paMUlg flit' ^'»«rrj word f n,( ii}#*•,.i- «' rt mm l«jt Wkr. CW» k W* M HERES HOW THE DUAL FILTER DOES IT: Wallpaper ' \ 1. )KG-nb.nti d G'..'4-je .np*f filter cl ACTIVATED CHARCOAL •"** *S mmtm. iw* Ink *rsuwl JTM. ', — r "V flat Dlte'r aeaa 1 la mate ffla '-fiio»e ot a c.;.re::t r,.;d MURRAY'S WALLPAPER and PAINT ' '* - far? Cm« C*l«! Sb Uk» » kt! 2. «ftn an efficient ;,,rf wti.te outer filter. »« *1 oar by Im«w hMk Together they bring Mtf a* Ih» VINCENT U. I'Al.VIEK yuu the real ttj.ig in mtlonevs at.d line tobacco Uvte! .■M#tMU«r co*i it mui «■■>.- ' FREE l»EI.II Eld IV , w tw c—-ce« *f 5.11 E. VIICIIU. IN U-UUI COCA-COLA AOrTUNG COMrA.VY PI.ENTV OF HANKING ACROSS THE SJKEf.T IN THE ilTA I.OT NEW DUAL FILTER (3 v r:vei..k.:-'A- - :> : ' , J M Automobile Week's A<*r//ClflSSIHfD AD ') oa OPPORTUNITY tr BUY/>?SIIL! . 4 •" --v.' r-rxmmcrar Operators Senior 1 THE ELEVEN TH COMMANDMENT On Display Harru'V Old- " 1 j Art* you a , ■ field at the whcol? Or a psy¬ chotic? Or indecisive? Per¬ haps you're the a vender You'll Be . type? Or s'tii etiphoriac? A picture «f yuu is on display tics week at the tibrury if the Ml Ml) fOR CHURCH STAFF: ar.swer to an.v of the above uue.vtions is yes. It i-i part of Iho ■' KING- ONLY material on traffic safety and urban planning beinu shown on St "»* • j : "®r $&■$■; ■ j xmm " fa-Mi 'jffla j the sis-onrl and third floors. <• * ' trie group "Problems Hide " The drawings are of cartoons is calU McKe and have a f.-w intro- that Go for a by ftoy— Hoppin' ' «.v* ductory word'; a- follows: "Without actually being psv- .. -a—, * ehotic. man.i drivers who show nil: FIRST MIIIIOIHsT « III 1!( II in IIhervl tie pruhlrtm are prevalent everywhere and the 11;i rr*peHtedly in traffic rotirt JIYf ( RFAflKK clnr^it'l mind ming ;«nv About itnlhrrimlnute m»itorl*t «hall ne sac, jHTuliar'.' Da K;in. rnnte up with .lit ll auprn.irli t«i recognize any of them?" available ♦.pare. .on .Pro Cnue'er, Oak Park, III., the problem of reserving spare in ('»<• pa; kie: t .1 Indecisive: "Shall I. should I, behind the church. It Just novs to show-th d tr."> renior. fulfills his own criteria mi.i v be. ?' ol activities and seholar hip for . Avenger: "I've got two tons of 'M»nior of the week Senator Claims Soviet Union steel to Miuare mv heefs." Jim has worked m AUSO as tuphiiriac "Nothing had ever a fraternity repri*sentative and happens." on the Student High's and Wei* Itelhgerent: "A nobody, am I? fare committee, has been a Has 100 Major Missile Bases Wateli this." member of the IFC Scholarship THF, NEW COIN STORE Yrrogant: "tint of my way— committee, and was active in I make mv own laws" Water Carnival I Kith «n the Included in the deploy is a ifetv la»lt froni the Swedish Publicity committee and fhr Po¬ WASHTNYITONJ ' I' • lice and Securities committee. T»«»\v has inn major ■> Saab, a compart ear. This is the He ".It ordv car using a safety belt de¬ He I vice-president a n d along ils «r •.< < i < < > st LOAD ••ile \ signed to fit diagonally across pledge trainer of his fraternity. bl»« of ;triH*tlon the Middle K i Jnurv-hi! " d« from J*\mi »p*i s. • K> on.- fhoulde: ktufiru;. tn prevent jaek- Alpha flamma Rho. where tie .• , previously athletic ehalr- «*• . ! , • • I , i. • la r. Th- display wa prepared us* m an and rush chairman Jim Keating (It-MY) Keating I ?l • i toe highw'jiy traffic section "f ha aKo participated in five IM LOAD tup library. This part of the li¬ .• port I he principal Soviet n A bu-ino" majm to produc¬ ihtrhon ccn'r1* h-«v< brary is sponsored by the MStJ defense offiei.ils Jim ha 20c 30c Ifut he added Highway Traffic Safety ("enter tion management. an er- into •' ep rate !•< i feel that it no time in the fiitine^ ■which is one of the few rueh all-college average of 3.21, "and S"V n»t arnu t force: eould Itilssia attack this foiiu- centers m tin- United States, a, - after graduation and marriai" trv uith impttnit*. "Tliev mav coriting to Mr*. James Soltm*, a* the end of winter term plans This lira net* of about "(•» OOU hate more missiles." York sand, to return to school for a master's assif-.tajit librarian. men is under the rnninuiiul of "hut tte have more of evert* degree in accounting an in charge enirlneer general who is »l-<» of all mls*i|»« tr».t»i> * b • i f liri'ltril the prtnripal thinr. else sites is not a permanent situa¬ GTeaths. Through \nd rten mure mis- to Tf;e ptirjM^e of the renter is aid in cutting down traffic this program VI Jim has F.ta been a Sigma, freshman mem tier of hon¬ "Serriee" or "Self-Service" ulte* and faetorit •> produeini* Sot let mivtije prod net ions n '» tion " teacher- are trained for driVi r orary, and (Jrccn Helmet, voph- ilear bomb*. reek el* mil guided honorary. He was a mem¬ In in Ho Upper t r.il Mono • •' A • education, research is carried out omore lulKHiles. healing added Keating no I lie-, |:l»-a or it ire a Vorkuta tl and in the the I epa Kivrr .lirplan and educational material is pro¬ vider! to the |ntbli«. ber of the executive council of both honoraries 24 HOUR iHi'.'fill? 1 Hun • a ' ife't I iurimlhmil tmlunry t.riiilmilioii Exvrrinv* Shopping (lenlt'i's ,. , v. , . An.- Hie . . .'i Cradualiori ti i,.! indu-di be bei I m the l;i according to •• for three short agricul- course Music And March will Dr. Harold llen- vator ♦•'luipmeni iiursi t juctit. v and and far'" -*■ supp'v, farm \ if* a lid salt ami lanciycaiK* tnanugc- (JtHipge Mclntyrc. director of University Launderette . vv • n.",:',, inter view« t>, nem.tn. director tif Fiftv-two student sliort course. have com¬ the state Dejiartment of Agn- eiilturc, will Im* the commence¬ 213 AMR STREET Prosper ■ il! • i 'alloli.- taped tor we-.ti«ni New pleted two year sloriie* in ele¬ ment speaker. SliojH»ii ««i) li t lien as tuliralU jV.-.i ileiVi s;v ' Kealum said Mo I '• ' •' '• ! : ''- Days! Oily 15 Days Laft! Harry, Harry! p. • ■ •. lime '■ ••• » "I • " u.•• in - • -■ « ' v. tx turn' Ii*r ... . m >|»riii{; ' I » ' e „ . - o M « Viirulion SV Will • » MID-W IN 11.1% £ Hv Twu a aire iii-m An Vi. •" Ie:«• 1:1 I i li-an • • '«"• ■ • . arh H .. S LUBE ; vours: Ma Capital \ir- \M\ hew. i • « .'Til - I !• II \Ss|S I I Itl I t?i«" ['..it we t. ll 'V 1 IIihk. t'lrk 1: \\ III I 111 MilSt.s OH <11 \Nt.l I p .1 f>'l\Cllll'tV-l'V 1" I II I I 11 ( III < K 1 ii - i» the H Advanced a .t Vilir \r« ,< jo'DU- vV r •-;.<»»»'». ' 1.1 ' V'Vi'il al.oillM ■ ll* a be. I!11> .lirjdane hvl\ ,..M eO-'lit i >' to I' is oi i: ri l asi in: w - t b .n't and spate vchici/ - < t Viol W. 'll C>V stores 111 I v! I tilt'-,i • ll: • tb ' "i ■ ><•!!>< one mtot vii o t us o'j.ts : cour i". Someone must n.n noiii' it, I'ay Tin* lias I oi cat .on voting nicp tins prr- llark!! M. a Hioj»,.Uig . ii - sro'-. «'Pi'*U : nU.!\ a I.ilfri He ot . fC 1 11 • " h rvccutlVl 1 MM h.Xlrtt BOOR ' \ . .! • n. seryice : pte.tc>sioi! lull Ot na.if.ii c\site- « IV ® >• .•' f i 11 «.r,uut Kiit-r J.Hi;* a, it.' lot ,o a u'd tewaio- the I*. S. A'i I oic. a \a» STRATTON It • I n ijuahtv lor N.wcatot ti.un- I'll.", K. MICHIGAN IV Mill h k i' » i ;i K i; i J «ii 1111 v' i Aviation Cadet u»u must *i Kan ctircn hrtween plica! It- 1 •;>Jo Mnk'lv. healthy and iih IV a", d. idfciiti?: , .. I i *. . ... t -ilii -t A high svhvud diplom 11% . . < J rc«jubut soiur college i» highly CALLAGE OPTICIANS oi . Sucvcvstul vomplrtioii ot Ralph's "KEWPEE" Cafeteria -ihr fiaming ptogtam leads to » Uianch lltnrr — Vine at i bppril c»'ui.ms.ion: a* a Scvoinl l.teuttn- >>, \1 ? Jill1"' s, e i xantmatkiiv* In i. :».ti ird iipiuiiiTirit Vli-atliall- • if i, ;'»i»«»»n. / hioc > ii fi'jif jot tomorrptr's llakisl Mralloaf tasty cream oonut shoppe i t'ilth't S tkf w GIBSON'S Icro.vTibC Itiim, I j M I'ork Chop liidi i-„ MII.mi. v\ \\i. i\ vi n:; a • * • L/« / i/irjf l'nslr\ Air rorce Ikrl Sir* u«n this cooffw To»ar ifUTlON UOft HUOMUliy* at * 11IIKAKI ASr HUMS * I liKM II l"\>lin eirt Minn 1(11 'Ml. •*vtu««iM A • C I *» (MrtVWM H *Ad t C'tuw it KHIKD CAMS * I) WISH IMNl in . • • V 5 vi » %,gn ttrtunt (elk gt Pifjs# OM.V A VKW HI (U li Willi. VssaltI Wl:\ I> S.Wf s" ituM +* (Htvow Catf«t ifi-»iv»ut;»* t* !»€ KEWPEE'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE j ( ii/iifi/i /r >cri ice lii Olln i1 KlfONT AMI T.V. TOO! I . CORNER OF EVERGREEN VI. GRANO KIYKK mill Dunns I ItKAIt KNTHAM'K