Opponent Demi Tin- Weather* Michigan StateNews . Kh« Certain Cloudy with Snow To Win Row S See Pane 6 If it:h ' 52 Sminji MSI) For 50 Year* VOLUME 51. No. lfio KANT LANSING, MICHIGAN—TUESDAY, MARCH 15, I960 PRICE 5 CENTS Commerce Dept. Asks Lighter Controls Williams to Submit New Plea On Transportation - For High er Education WASHINGTON IVY—The Commerce Department pro¬ posed Monday that the povernment loosen control over air¬ lines, railroads and other forms of transportation. With new freedom, some carriers would lose subsidies and pav more Budget for federal services. Among other things, the de¬ Nixon Slow 8.5 iMillion Congo Men partment federal ger called excise tuxes travel when federal budget for repeal of on passen¬ (Pii tlw Job Legislative Use Clubs requiretnen'- permit. This wide--weeping program, KARI. robivxov —Kennedy (lilt Made which would be put into effei' In xhnw Finland film To Kill 1.3 gradually, was contained m « ... . . . 78-poin*. report ?ent by Secre¬ u AnIIINGTGN v.—Sen. If«tttiteiIt, Otlipr* — tary of Commerce Mueller 'o the White House. Frederick -Travel Series John Kennedy Mnfiilay fh«llent9'(i Vice Ure- (D-Mins) \llend M«*elin^ I'oliltral Buttle Presidnnt Elsenhower rel* y - llni-e- Temper- ed studs the report to C ongress for hut did not endor«e it. at To Present xnient Rich«r«i Nixon to tnkf* ; ntore pet it e r?Je in the KLISllKTItVII.l.K. flrl- least secretary for now. The rommerse indicated he doesn't Fin land Film jn»'-i(lentipi epmpniyn. K^ n ied a lierr-.Mcratli pre .- BULLETIN .-jitn Congo lA'i—Three ilnvr expert Congress to art this year. luoi'ial candidal?*. >a.d in an oto- I \5s|\t. — f he -Senate ■if navape hattlinp by two In announcing Jhr program — Finland, tin- ».. ; of '.5.(1(10 '. "i '«in - N.xon that Mnnda\ \oted some *lnt.931.00fl for a year iti the dfalung—Muc;> • lake*, of pirn- iriM'-i itid wtc'- W*i • Hoi-e hopeful-, feel thev higher education- operations in rival political factions have a d :• contemplate? "the b" nirchpx, reifideer and j-hutild online appearances to 19(»0-iil after rejecting pleas t'» killed 1*' Congolese and in¬ lemmings possible service a* ttiA lowe:; •he Olvmptcs. the- Ros?. Bowl, provide more tiun four millions wii! I»r s-ecn m .-'.lor 'he jured more than 100 others, reasonable rost to 'he on the Sp orv. Writers' Association, in addition, public.' -creen 'he At,d SMurda- ntficials said Monday. The Mueller voiced 'he ^opinion • ft and other > miiar events." 1 he hill ??,as scut to the when Karl Roi^ncon •mbatants fought with ma- • m'. ?.m- .transportation industry But 1 think tha* if anv »an- llwise where renewed attempts •larrat' hu •rav«'i-'-,u«- th s -h'-ull t*- liberated from what rt.-d ire i» iint i win. and is g »- are expcftcd to enlarge the ap¬ •,etes, clubs and fist*. •ittk—km»wn «■ . he ciiired unneces-,ary -haekli-s "•< ; i present t'-.c people, he propriation T*»* riotous brawl- and Jjou-r R*.f».n-o !i.t- ' - ' ,-fi h.t ou* of *.ie !'•< k-r Before passing the hill 32-2, . o . . can operate irui'T the for ":>• Fin; fT'. '■ In- ; rapi'a! ci', rungs centered :? n. 1 around of a frec.t imprt.tive system. the Senate acrepted changes to "f Hel.snk thrmgb th»- lake- s Capital of Katanga Pro- • . He said th.- - preferable fa »n i correct error* m «de h? techni •c. in the southeast part nf •'udded i i'rru.r t?. L.p'and 'i arcu'et federal involvement Kennedy Hllin Ol 1111 XI \\ WIMIY ctans in raldilatiiig the figures Belgian Congo The Congo N'f.rth and other i.i'ic Hludenl recreation area a kitchen and a i«?ins« with tire- s-dvirig problem* «»f-the indusfrv. I enter x„„|h loi eat h institution •f *hf Art"..'* (*.:•' b- Kennedy received a rousing I»n ||«rri»on <>liiwlt lakes form a- plare. The rhurrh is heins built hv funds -uppliefi preparing for Independence \ total of «r,5?,i;4ft was added ' 30 and stakes and tempers Home portions of the program I: the nie-t 25 years, he <• reception fr?»m more than 3.000 ,lhe beams and rafters go up. The renter is pari t»» the Mrthndi-,1 ehurrhe* ot \lirhinn and likrh will he nelromed bv thr dcleratro .ittrndinc the sixth of, a million dollar plan to complete in this fashion—*!73."54 for the I-.? high. !ar«<' port .nr. of h- time a new Mcih- friends of the rhurrh slid the Reverend Wilson airlines, the railroads and the annual legislative conference of odist Church renter. t ni\ersit> of Michigan *307 - abr'.,«| Sct'inR out for Ai-v.ka II will include a 12-kided Trnnant of the >|e(h?»d?»t f hurrh Police and Congolese noldier* The student r,"t trnrkers. Rut other «rrtioie kuv the All.-CIO building and ron- apostles' chapel, an auditorium with for \|s| and *74.1*7 for r .iggtcd to contam t.-jc comba'- year. ag'», he ventured even far- sta«e a renter part plans to he finished h* September not sit too well. \Ve*t itructinn trades department! ferrb, Institute In Big Rapids. r.M and arrested more than 500 t ier and isivelcd for ten I his produced these «»\eratt ;cans under a rta'.e of cmer- fine mayor point of contro¬ yars ;ri 'he Orient. Recently Hr Nixon lumed down to address the an invitation audience. Suvs tin- R?>v. Ihuiiilil March amounts: | of M. x-5.224.04U. i'r/v decree. Put as fast as or- versy may be Mueller'; propond ha divided hi> profe«.»iona! same X|s| *29,471.000 and I crri* 'hat carriers pav bigger •rave-! time be* ween E-i-m". was restored in one quarter, e .arge. Kennedy, entieixing wha' he for XI.917,000. using favihtie, bull* Sauts Amerira and Al--u. Eskimo r' c»»s exploded In another, w. i '•ailed the higlt interest rates y/ lated bodies still lav on the r ■ und, some with hands, arms • ■ids or leg* lopped off. The antagonists are member* public funds. This would heavier for time would airport levies on the use. and for the first apply to those u»mg mean airline more In recent years be has pearances courses than 2,000 i: persona! leading made bvtura ap¬ and *.Eh' Eisenn<*wcr '»• dent should (>e I money prdieies of administration, ra.,1 goal of-the next prc-.- a mammoth •• • ex¬ By TDM CAR MIC II ML of his "ut'ore Not Life «' I III M«rifi, v with Riv-i'ler.t John XSMM I \ || II F'uI'.a iritr ;i mi-e'iny Sat*- PK».-s inland waterway* where naviga¬ I'.iu- ir,r a ; A H.»r.i.,.h anil <»fhyr D»p ' 'he dominant Conakat Parts pansion if private' and public Morally, spiritually and ma# oi lier i?ino.n<: o <■' « »• '• • ?ne rival Balubakat-Fedeka, tion has been improved by the co istrue'ion to meet the need* v *?" • !);• i) for hifrhor te.- .ally the Eskimo White man and L kii Cups. Cturns must cori- » taldion of small parties unit* government. >»f 4n exploding population his ulipatii.ii, (;ov. t. M«-nni?n "ll er? who benefit jf.Hi environment and eon- directly I* ^ iiu.ifc- • M to oppose the Conakat*. i' the ordy major Indus*."y ,-e jijpn?! v, r Vxa -..jil he will ', m Katanga. Local official* pav- the An'tii said that, th?- whr.- ..«'•■■■ -a*;-v,n ?.;■) the trouble began Friday may make • one earners unhap¬ *■'» assemble *:» tb?- bn^e?n«-r/* Tb. -. .s kO.flOO m-'.rc * '.art h" «: LOP foe #ud. .ran cannot under timd the K - • -: the MNC announced the py envisions reduction ami with caps and gowns would have paid in 1952 -50 000 "< 'it-jtiux* eventual elimination bv T 40 Formal procession v..ii 'i and d<**v. no*. kicJw. how to i' makat Party had been ri.r- various 'ha*, could have been used fu subsidies the offer him the a.-pcc'> of modern The Bishop said that the Es¬ •vd and invited members to government fui- begin at 8 furniib tus home or make ,t nishes In thu Caps and gown biEE' r. or to nut in the bank " ciViii/^tion. kimo fares a tremendous adjust¬ 'ne MNC. t.xM>kkcei>ing tor JiA and year, the government is paying MA degrees are still available S«xr»*tary at Labor James W«-nr.i white |H*?»i)ie, -»•?' ment because of this influx of Tempera ro airlines and according to Union personnel. M fchell pledged administration we want • modern rivilitation. hut he does t • around that authorities lfan- 209 million to xmp firm* They may t>e ordered and pick¬ '»u;»!»ort for Jegi'latcfl, favorer! ! > March said. have the ahilits to reason locir- an MNC rally Saturday. allv and ed up today or Wedn^'tay from "White people look on the ig¬ must he shown how . ting between the two fac¬ by 'be building trade* unions, to *he 8 30-5 30 no., r.-i tni* federal labor law *o loo as being romantic." he said. to adapt himself to modern ,v broke out Saturday and Sixth Annual et Rental fees for |'»A ratsx an i picketing of mult«-em* "Living in -igloo Isn't roman- civiliratinn before he can be¬ i- .<•"»! persons were troops moved in and re- injured gown* are S4 Ohr dollar .t jjcrrni*. pi v.«r construction jf»b^ without an tie. It is a hardship and the Es¬ come part of it. (liirtis Slmu The governor, u lio planned Irate late Xfnndas night :"turned ;f the tam^e! js no* kept, running afoul of the secondary kimo is happv only because he Agricultural ! order. other » UK,' the • Washington to appear before Heavy fighting erupted Sun- •i virtually every section of 50 cent* if if naps and gowns, arc S3.50 with Fees *nr MA boy cot' h.m K»nncd> and Sen. Thomas knows no different" The white man is showing hi.m were Clare IP deer, adn .m-'.ra- t'»r of the Arc he in the -Depart¬ In .Miniature 1 N. (louse \gri?-iilture ( ice. said he might not he a nmn \l: abethville and Its suburbs. Clinic Meet* no refund or $4 if the tasAei i* retained. Kugbel (R-C'alif), co-auf0'»rs of fhi- '.••gi.4ati.on. cm h fold the fhffvrent t oefoiexi'les by int r> fluring of ro-xlem '.ocietv the ment ■»? Northern Affair an I Na'ior-al re-'.urcc.r. Ottawa. Clif¬ \ isJls Cum pit* to get his fore he left, message in shape Cap* and gowns ar» to be re¬ union group he w.il fi.gh'i "fur a to him. he explainetl. ford Wii.--.';. ex-e?iitor of ••..• business College » Will home milk d.vpensers be part of • -morr ew> kitchen? turned immediately dfter the showdown vote in Congress this T?i»we complexities come Sri. Iluft.oy It,,-. (d/Hipany Jfeurr.af. . Br ?•' . .. ,• wbuM graduation exercises. year on 'he proposal. »"Oflict with hi* native elements ' Tb.- Leaver" i'rolc-for Marc. And home n»-' ver »•> of . Heads to Evaluate frore'i. are .-*er:,e ar.J con-.-entrated - ,cl' A milk just ground the « »m the first decade of In- annual Agricultural Marketing ••a University's doctor of bus- t linicr which will bring more administration program. " than 456 represent*lis e* •( the • are two of the 65 men grain. Hre«Urk «nd meat, dairy, > 23 states who will meet on "It would he trnit and vegetable, packaging rt.oiing in the HI x»mingtoc» campus Friday wrong dire. to.n | feel strongly " and poultry Induatriex. Saturday. l>r Charles KildhgvAort.-i. fac¬ •we're got to move in the direc¬ T evaluation .e panel, gradu- tion of providing srhnlarxhipf the I V doctoral program, ulty associate and former direc¬ tor of the Labor ani Induftr.al from the state and federal gov¬ describe the DBA study in to Relations Center, will ?>pc the ernments help those students : of their professional exper- who otherwise could not afford e since graduation day-long program with a report;', to go on to college ' the gover¬ uded in the delegation are on "Space-Age Automatic:- nor said A panel discosaK-r. dn tire ' ••'jfement leaders from a !«<■ : ->■• vr-en JOOJWiO I rtv of business and mdus- practical side of automation, an UiJS/it -who a-1 in'■■ with emphasis on er.g.r.eering, • ,- -concerns in addition to " rt": in personnel and manager.en*, will - Mj{:- f-.-nvjU re»enUtive« from the aca- follow. Speakers include Nev.n - field and the learned pro- Bear., staff technical er.g.neer • • rw. ') ifa for the Ford Motor Co ; H W. D,-: Seinwerth, director industrial Hrirer License relations, Swift and Company; and A J- Dreux, vice president mm: a- ; ? ' W. - med I'rires to Rise for the Seal test F.>xn Div.s.ot, Natiooa! Dairy Products Corp '■•'i-.-e H Pte-'.i' '■er license fee* will be ■•ward Wtaddard. preatdentef '■tc SUU Eu*dKf* K P • L' S50 starting March !9jk- 51 ,< CoVcd* to the East Lane in g li- , Refvitt Ed- - I»'S- a.-.B Vice preside.-'. •. p"-* bureau. whm m Ik* BaUare Sheet mi fi N fiwi.' from 'he Um- hike includes both orifi- , ■-"*set and renewals as well New advances in marketing .ty A M.: r-giii. S*-a*.e er J. »-ne* \f er S'J' -uffeur'g licenses, the bur- techniques m six areas of agr-- •V. Chi ef !.•> r. fiaroi*. a". ? ••ports. culture will he offered .n tpec '•* N f ,, bureau also reports that iai afternoon d:scuss.>n seastoa*- • 3*r ,vnt of all licenses rcteiv- Among the topics for cor .r.d- iOu "r ,r renewal have already ex- eration are grain transp^rtatrm ■ ■ Wmua'-t -V.. >1 developments and their eflec'^on a:, walks of Me- I ft Hftiiimlrr •>ivcf| wishing to renew their the gram industry, automa'-oa cc ho > i jrQWdjf* legs Veteran., 4re renun-dtd *.- sign ' may do so at the East in the meat packing plant, inno¬ prAessors. F - for tneir March check* during - g license bureau located vations in merchandising dairy *' 'he -s;i: term Ttgtiiraum in the the Rrsi floor of the East products, and modem trends ia rxnihift oy Prcfr*" Char"-. ■e\ Those vets no* re', arc his city halt The hours are OVER 2M XALURD* MILE RETI RN U the river to mate ax fed corn and bread by thr grounds department—plus a little extra Boas of *h« Go/Graphic depart¬ produce packaging. *p-'i ;.g term or graiuauo^ win* iter uriai "tort Mr da" take •ver Ike banks nf the Red I edar. The that I* thrown to them by wandering children. One Canadian gooxe *J*to U and 12 to S Monday , .The conference is a continuing ment. Rev Bert Baker Gcar-j irr :erm are asked to sign dur- *u«fc Friday. The bureau ia education activit/ eg the Coiiege namm I* n me rrfagr and Racks tut protected by ike law, re- mingles in amongst Ike dorks. Others will he introduced on eampos JLpkLs and a tosm.er circus per* ing the week of finals, Jsida u*» UtmiW eg Ajhcyllnm. M fcrt Fan— al IS, imi.l StpHlatai. Iter n ■■.■III/ during amine Inn, mid Ferris. Mute News pkntn by trie Lnndberg. former, Ed Nwwas oI Muancgoo. U tn 113 Ad bu.kl.ng "Tomorrow Morning, Sunny-Praise Fidcl-Wilh INFORMATION Michigan Stair iNVws Itnin In Aflrrnoon-Damn Those Americans-"' CATHOLIC STUDENT GYMNASTICS CLUB Read Daily by MM"« Z.VOOt) student* and limit* PAN-ORTHODOX 8TITWNT ASSOCIATION ORGANIZATION 7-9 p.m., Jenison Gym, AM Tl e Michigan S'n'r N»v. *..« Miiuuord by • i . ';>os"r /*/..■• t. h:,»*le any it».*p mill •■: would -i''*' »• ■ v hether It rnmw from wi»nin the -v.>••*- f- •*" - • -.- ' ■ mmmi Rev. •'Othodox- Theology." PROMANADKRS KXECITIVK Francis M. Donahue, «.f I'rco !:.«• Associated Pre«-t. Inland Dai.y Pre** v -j -> * - • "< i « • Patfr I ' m BOARD 7 n.m.. Women's IM Bldg. Michigan StateFriday•News Published on class day* Monday through tncludva durii.e Vol. 51, No, 1 fid Tno^clay, March 15. I!Ku YWC'A STUDENTS' WIVES fall, winter and spring terms; weekly during summer term* and a between summer and fall term*. Entered a? WEATHER report H p.m., 217 Townsend St., Lan¬ sing. Hat show. •uiedal treshrnan issue vi t.jst cord cln*« matter Lansing, Mich. under th« act of March 3. Mall subsc-rionon* rsvable in advanca for ona term 43; for two . . 1S7J at the po*t office ... tprni*. 44; for three terms, 13. NSA Endorsements t'llRISTlAN SCIENCE Member* of tin inland Daily Preaa. Associated Praaa and the ORfi ANIMATION Associated i »Uegiate rres* 7 p.m., Peoples Church Chapel. Win Our Confidence CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS IN SPITB or the If-nt'thy n»MPction- "f l»r John >l-»re IIKADI.INES: I p.m. l)av llrfore Pnhliralion for Tor*- Wed.. Thar-.. of thr Natural Science department, a rrequen? c»»n!ritnit-.r and Fri. Edition*. Deadline for Mon. Gditioa: I p.m. Fri. to our "la'tters to the Ktlitnr" column, we remain favor Ililb, Payable 8-12 and 1-5 Monday Ihrnagh Friday of MSU affiliation with the National Student. A — '. We feel the tfoal.« of the NSA. it* record in work in i* to. F.D 2-1.>11 EXT. 261.7 ward these proa Is and its un'iualifie7. SLEEPING ROOM. COOKING pn- '• APARTMENT TO SHARP with vlieges parking. ED 2-03M t» vn-t and lively const it tioncy," he wrote -I*.-. "pejiresentinj.' a male s'udent Five minute walk from FO ? I5II Parking F.D 2-MR5 49 Berkev. HINGIS AND HALF a double for the NSA, "your organization has done much to direct the men fR and M Close to rampu* traditional enerj/ie* and free spirit of -torient- toward <•«)•-- furnished apartment, AUTOMOTIVE TWO-ROOM ground floor, nnvate entrance Suit- On let. clean. inc to improve Ideal for student »ee^. his grades 43R Gr-v» striictive interest in community, national and interaatioii.d able for two btudentu F.D 2-5742. 5d Street Phone ED 3-221R for appoir- SMING VACATION SPECIAL ment to see the-.* line rooms S" affairs." i -.p i i <-v' "d-" t' APPROVED LARGE APARTMENT for rnnlr students private entrance, TRAILERS » -■•.' (»' ii-- 5 ' c • pi'"' close to campus Utllttie* paid. 1177 •TIU; INTKIUST and e. ifHusl'as-m of student-." Albert »h» 2-3151 M adds liiehard Nixon, "can contribute to workable solution* «05 BEECH STREET-unfurnished l'A.t CUSTOM BUILT VENTURA Private ha'h to the difficulties lariiijr our colleires and universities. |n a Jok«»of» Purr Od ♦hree-rooin apnrtment and entrance Inquire at lk»l Beech 43 new. a 8. with radiant heating. onlv 12.I'M ED 7-0144. Like v world that increase, its demands for knowledge and 1010 C .G'«»d R.ee< IV 2-1*104 LfcS DETROITF.R — Kht «A fr • • we all need to have a .vvmpathetio understanding and a Neil to McDosald'i De-e l* ROOMS kitiihen, two hedroom* colored ar- willimrness to help meet the ehitllemre that ha-- been pre¬ ttliances. On lot in Holt J310U. OX 4 • Mt 11 •" sented. Approved Swperviied Houtioj lof Mee rial Stn lent A-sn. h.i< a plan 105", fHFVHOLFT WAOON SIX LOST and FOUND "I am pleased that the Nat a •-shnder tw»> doer radir- heater, f»f action to partictt*ate ill t|o great efb»rt which I know Huv from e.»wner and LOST CORVETTE T>'PE huh • SRARTAN HALL ii. v« rre'ide - i. - e J. 45 IV a-iuao 50 In East Lanung Sunday m- • ; the nets? in j*ortal.' ED J-5. Americans will make to 16 Reward Garv Sherman. FOB XALF 145? FORD Tt'DOfI HE- problems facing nation " MAN in e*«-eileni condition call EM- \\< \ !I • -IH7Z alte' 7 pn 50 PERSONAL Sen. .loseph < lark (D Pa » VOLVO SAAB FIAT TBHTMI'tl LARGE ROOMS FREE TV 1 RHONE MEETING "In the intermdiona! 1'iuM vm have uu*r» the under- to tin- lulilor SvU yfotors for A Allan Rodger, at S»r.ilton present MSI* student tf * . . *' • |r ' . ' —• , NO TON'GHT sfamliny between .Indents - man- nation . .ui-.V»i i.FT YOURSELF A *'«•n. K25 Went Grand River and M'tninais for tP, education of -rn.ieMS- mtere-ied in \i».: Curtis. In. IV 4-44!'! ff 2-4H11 SO international at tan makes roMn.rrr wFi.iNiNn 86and up Adiuafrnent **1» (imrt APPROVED ROOMS FOR men .miver-"« r >> : -• no; reg-H TV ar«l kitchen privilege* linens to tt» • I ilitor ia.- i i.f.< I, .mmon Brake. Rebn .private l;vr> bu* f»» in-, -t er glio F Kalanmroc tV 4-4049 tf furnished. 5* 5c per week ED 2-«27'i SUM. SO » "IIN meet our TUP DO MPs lit education;.' corno-ei Till I lUifi' " oril -t j.ati-factory acafietrue rec- EMPLOYMENT TWO ROOMS FOR spring term m approved house for colicge gir!« on to con-ider carefullv tin- impdcal ae Tup objection mux' people ED 2-IHKR Ml To the I'dilor: th-- hours of cord.-, ax I r;lira TO* BABYSIT for tnfAi" rt<. .twm ia, •• • » ■end of our fociety toward conforrtiif . J: Ii |.t< r.'i '."I N wmlci-tan.l i- n«»i hours a* r.mie wurk spring cpufter MAI K OF A double room Male a'inv Hreakia>t privilege* LP implaeenc.N. Von can be iiistrurneni : u ..•id -m in- < >i» 11.1•( v.-.- -- student - -.it -i. ho: iir-t > the l:u: that J Ik:*: 541 •lit* and | iron lot i tip itnliv hIm.-}'tb«»ivM i. .-I-. * Afii-ii must r«-Mir? ?» unflergr .irluath wonu-ti b««lwrt-n FOR SALE . !.<.«.• ii': .1 i* a reflection 21 and 25 a;>- no* permitb'd he challenges you Ijhc are « ucrni«• -< »j iKiuf >iiiif..i Hii.l i.irk of m- a- t«» vrH-re.spo.'v-- • '.nr.- legal ng-,t. ,et through the full play oi tn-pu*af c. . •ere-'. M.-i ii,\ paid ami yours, Mr- S4UDNUT 5H04 IS OFCN' ibilitv; secondly, that parent* i the ..If. . ire .. .'i u id. r- W.« . lespoiiMule for minors but STUOr HARD MlN—. These comments irivp some indication », '.'i; f.e.rd .•raaiiizatiui)-- FAST LANSING 2-R0INT DINNER in lUitivaU* M'lf-res-punsibihty • fW t he i 'inns leftists." as one critical t"»dy i- cho their minor daughter! if tli. > sc1' a'i\ ihniif Ralph Ibinelu Ueinhold Niehul-r. P' • < tk . i'lnuiev •!. , leanor I;.... . \ cii. W .- o r ■ i' . I'.- tin- I .,1.4 V APPROVED HOUSING FOR men THE MERt.YN GATES OROD r 1 \l'K HF> I'lRDF M East Ionising FD- 7 RA —cluiu-eahie music with that i- athec I M lie ..a, .i at- . ■ , 41 P.- r* l„iiir- •ounit and feeling. Phone I'. W'liil'l K»' to *«•»■ L'*>u*rc-d r" id fade . '•17s after 3 31) 5« band Ivisorv coiuici! oid\ ie.ni' i.. ..a ... -V ..iii ' . tu b- MSI' I'i- -M.tialiv, I Im'IIi'vt Imam- •rt 2-;7< ft-1479 t- THHFE OR FOI If bov» over 21 nnizati<»u. An ■ - » Vi- 'oiiuti regulations do much 3 large rootio private entrance. «»v n KWAST BAKERY DEUVERS In STUDKN I'S IN MARNIF.n housi d \ : iu.dH- d, totaled cake 'f " >• S r . iiumcM-- • l M>'-ir.t*T tin- mm: matuu . fof -iiir <.nde A laiiv (u> - at!. ciMiking labilities F.D 2-RM? |2 aO PhfllR IV 4-6785 pe ■ 5o twelve tor v,. o- v. 'he nurpOM- "t these in • u.ii young pfiypic* fiom •**» I v». 'f .. :a > NS\ IS NOP\UI of h. ... w t . . - I Hi! Ik, !«'*« A'lftlf O F ROOMS FOR men torej, um v' ■ - •• . - c.'iiiriM r,pre for Viiim c*iucAt>>»ii HI211 HuttirieUl Hall APPROVFD has suggest eel not only uoinin c . V- % .hi s« .«t*t I \ eta led. all. .»»'*«. uii'l. r*';m>1ing of ,-0.2! in r«»- -lit an'tag tern clo*e ;■» iuoipu* 43" WINGED SRARTANS IrtHs tend |.» euiariir anil ex¬ .. . smiou . a si's pr-.-vokc *hciri M >i V-Tb MA' ED 7-71117 .V) the La MSP canipll*. the -tale ali'i e.di"' ic leaver after truir ficfhnian 4-24WI between i» an pand the students' education Joyce Stroaclictn Market IV NEAR CAMPUS- Three-riw.ni fur¬ It. therefore, please- u- to -ee St in. year. an, s no; la-.,ve name and pnone Miin a student l.nd- that be i.umivf is no answer 3d nished i|>arUnei)t will, bath Park- more uf the tact* of tile such people have not hern lag facilities 173 per month, utilitie- plans t»» renew .its affiliation with. Ns trains used to prudish restriction* on BARTENDING TRAINING (OM- included FD Jt-4»r,H So atliletir trip than Iroin all lii« Motlivr" f -vt mec* -« -- ' on an 6 to me.» tkc their pritate lives. PI.ETL Uluieyaional Of lawtu- u*e - • » l»v most standards N'SA i- litw-i.-' the hook* III the librar> instruction t mlorrnation write SINGLE ROOM FOR girl Conking Aprti t>. Bt'm Rot>« Most un.vc!' :.i"- tha* have lan*ln* ««ll IV 2**192 privilege* Near' campus S8 weeklv tc »- a! in- Bos iW in views, idealistic. Nonetheless. \ \ St. r epl • -el ' thi* intellectual gtmaiphere" do FD 7-U3U2-. 50 ; "P -w NSA national convention in pr»s layn rte.1 ft. IIUll To the f.ditor imp.>st* 8i a c h Afgulatiyns ;ii DOUBLE ROOM FOR men -pulet. Sprain freei Tke E.C-C. t'. (MTuu ? to tiiidersun-1 uriva'e hath parktrig ifi 54) ii Sckaduicd gates were of conservative |H»litical mpaJfa n oern doi iiuiurie* and vorority hous-.--. ■ the hlter »>f tm> •ORATED- CAKE'S DELIVERED ONE OR TWO male student* or REAL ESTATE '."ih a;e .« handicap only to cer- fi" iMrt.e- blrthdaw M«nv nated" nor "communist-trout " Here we to- filM'Ullit I b.i. k« low parent, retain rospo;. - t III', ,lelici,,u- basUie* Kwart Bak¬ twrt-t-me staUeut*. t»> «h.»re unap- .« hi.-.'.presumably those ulprr i ...ied house Parking IV »-»M4 5o FX. KLI.F.NT BUSINESS OPT* ! • ♦ videiue We suggest that the hsal oj |-.*|!s hv if!.J. l». '• a- '.■> a• -ether or n»»: the'" ers IV tf TUNITY In a small community ) - v\h> ,i:e here for •i.lucaVo-i flower and gift La*. minor daughter* may live inde¬ ?BMTlt TRANSCK EANIU RADIO APPROVED DOltBLE ROOMS for t.oi FTD ; tie contrary , shows aiM>ut mut t- Tt.-s mvphe- that a coed 5<-ek- two minute* to Berkev Cook¬ e*tablu>i.ed 25 years aetving 3 :■ • Don ipnxote charging hi* wmdinill. learning "will have iu> - pendently M»«anw-h:le. at Mum- Standard btoailcast and sis short¬ men privilege* Study neon FD- rati..j« We have •pecialued in i — igai; Stat", "fie cannot esvau* wave band- EXTRAS' 45" H 21» ing uow-ual in drutgn Prefer selurr i.» these regulations, but K..i"«r ED 2-25*11 1««" 50 2-ilO.'! 5t> ..pet boil ' Hi Mother " trained designer Write The H ■-* b r a i s S that one wh • has come here f »r BONUS SALE! SING! F ROOMS FOR graduate Simp. 72u i'huenu Street 4 ie .i.»v t-ie t'-.i 1 suppose, however, that Rous¬ UG and Haven Michigan for more del* <* Crossword Puzzle c}rVvVt ■ a 0 b o tb • Su'r Ne.v !if«- will In- handicapped seau was right when he said, OOUILE DIAMONO SAVINGS -.en and ciKikmii privilege* 5» veteran* Parking suuvet Lane. ^"cmb>rn.a11 aajxnntment q '• t •Mijpwui! tt.e land. Apparently, this Irttrr n jug- "Slaves lose everything in the r STAMRS ED 7-"!77 or FD 2-2I»» a yts a gesnng that a human being's ; SERVICE AiROKX "O'NIBD l tj . v may !ea-t us o:-,- tellcvtual life ;* unrelated to hu chain.-, even the desire of escap¬ MARCH ONLY' LARGE ROOM FOR male Snare 2nd fl,mr 142 with inn v~Y I. Vritual lr 32 Svh-ml -.'i.gtiH of v o..ir!y ing lawn them." -,e'x'tv FJ) 5-1447 OFFSET-MULTHJTH DUPI : *' 0 a g, a % s i i her need t" be among j»e • ibwrbcd 31 C]*rtym«n n»M that a rich and meaningful MEN approved D|M CT ROOMS TOR in pnotngrapba and char*, F-»r [a i 12 Ilkanun* W- Country 40. lUcing •harp t«ste a N PBS,a ■v 1 Q }J±JL 'Oh.OjHTalttr' aortal life Is e»*enUal If we are not to turn nut warped college RUMS IN THE TAMILV ,.w*e 2-)" Bogue Street afro** from Snyder lrt!l FD 7-TOH 8o maUoii call AI on «>r duplicating ar.d U: Jane W'onch. ED T-k** * road 14. R»-tp« 15. Absolved 41. Knofalrd4« 42 Ltfal ■LGL-.I ||hs lo t e 3» n tl« *|» the I dltor; In regard to the graduates "boukMwrm*" The mnat brilliant usually are the J ST UHTS wU' - Mrs John Daivback, walking down a K.O.C APPROVED Walk SINGLE AND douhle to <.a.-r ;«u* private en- Acroaa PARKING from Berkev \CROR$ FROM ^ •' rtcortU t«ly|f 'he frtits we t- v't'ive old daughter'* broken leg. «i,p- •rid t«»ard 61.V6 terro soring term tvpirig Electric typewriter SiV<- II Suf f.i»t rtep^Fably 3 Sabtntiit • Street kt---bf' Ggild o' Oomund Eiptrti All men eligible One On block fr ! 4v-c»uat for the yvticri. an- D • seems to me that the way ped and broke her own leg 'Hirtmic* year* experience !•»»" •3 .\>ga «i»K tl kft** urfh.n ay block ft-utti eampu* FD 2-5555 Mi Brady. ED 3-5544 » coed organize* her lime is tier *t •net given Kor rxaillpi' M F.nu- 40 Number» 30 Withered. 4. Apart It Mm 16 I'm. an S . * ! u i«i(d tike thr t»i. i»t»er private aflair. Th;» becomes the HOUSING ROOMS FOR MFN double and MULTILITH1NG l.Of 14 Wkdinfi bitd 51 t'Mleavor other t S tit on tea >8 fa.ry It Soft »»f » * -.i.ient Hi* dirit na Hoi. end hi-* !a.-i r.a:ce begins e y legitimate concern of an educa¬ tional institution only when a V'A'/'f Stuff 10* *ENT mtngie Private t'atJ; entrance, and narking ED 7-9SIO alter 5 1a) pm 49 SPARTAN TYPING service original. Mra. Goodwin. Every core ED 7-9449 a. i the run m at Mxht Nil«r Nnsi.d N»lmr< MAKE. RESERVATIONS FOR r.«*t •3 aludent's grades fall below un;- now x' 4 Cube root ts iVr.-oda H:'h .i'i S . . iut Xiiki rail.-r Caul Van Uelkrn AFARf MINTS term One hiix'k {mm downtowm K HAY RIDES - AT roduced r*v in lomi vcrr.ty standards, and even the I'liutaaragnsr » rir Lunas«n o*;e-half bhxk from Grand through winter term for Unrver t Venumoua of one V .j;-di»ianre <>pc ator '.anting. i* Ma'ldl.nk » W.lhMft .FURNISHED APARTMENT TO River or Michigan Ave US Delta V) group * Heated parte room avail* JO fta.nH h#rd •naVa 7. Interpewet feet ra''.ed aswt asked f • a *:u- Ptioiie now for reaer.attona " xfi4rr close tit rajvuMit . Fr<»nl ami Hiding Ranch IV 4-4527 2t tyrrjadiff «len! Too* .uwrator, suppoje.i!y, hacfc proaic •ntranc* L'tuitirs paid SINGLE ROOM FOR male Hudent r- ri »:t> a-ao73 an 915 weatlawn. Wiaring aecond r»x>r ' ■ J 72 C«npetent »a i no ntsinnatum a« to where . of home with two aeniora Stall Spec*' 23. Sea l>« i» 'he student was living. After CIVIC CENTER CLOSE Fiv* large Rwwr, Sunday bre'akiact Parking JHH I _ .At'ew a- 3 Fr-e '1 '1 'J | )f 23 Ma e II chukrrt r«teir;i.| *-fc;ng up a.Idre?s and answering a dozen the atudent'a iocai room* completely unfurniUied IV 2-1*43 Two hrdr»»or«i vrr* clean, «* West -Washtenaw- Large yard .V) P ED 2-1024 APPROVFD ROOMS * FOB men «9 - uaed • 3028 E p.m. T V tube checking, datlv. aew and anienrae* free parking. T.V Michigan. IV 7-4444 Techniciark v I 6 ' "inrr Signa!- twsides, the oj era- - Free narking Large lounge, TV. free ST 27 Farad « •or tuceiv itdormed m that the LARGE X x 41 room, four closed laundry facilities, low term ratea FD 7-1017 43 TYPIST ANN BROWN Phone TV- Sfi 21 Trat of MiU student was an the hospita suitable (or three men Cooking in basement *A> per month— uliltttes Block from campua 2-8M0 Electric typewriter and thcaU. alee general t Tf H h WT « If ' fa 4 M Cruiet d:«Se-- S A rail rame In for a stu¬ paid Also Approved Kenn IL.debrand. ED one single room— 4* week unsupervlied housing Call 3-3527 lor ap¬ men Da.lv APPROVED CLEAN BOOMS for with cooking Parking facilttie* rvwrni service ED 3-4J73 after rapera mg TV and RADIO REPAIR t>" ; V. 31 SCurr.bera dent who had registered alter pointment 4* 4 UP p It : *9 atudent Call* made after fluaH • • * IT 31 AdSe*.ve the directory «%ae published The |V 4-FI34. H > 34. VC at V aa*. operator «a« supposed to know TWO APART* EVT.H~ EVERY¬ APPROVFD—THREE ROOMS, vste entrance, parking W5v> £S: i„r aala | . .. THING furnished Will aceotnmoda-e B iu ,'Ti u p*rle*J Pare*; .4 the girl and her addraaa because 7-1034 62 TRANSPORTATION she was "homecemiuf nueea of MEN OR GRADUATE atudent*. -• >1 H fie.- ■ hrr high artioot laat fear." APPROVED two-room apart¬ KcH>m and beard in E.va» l^inving RIDERS WANTED TO South P>- St. Repeiition kota and potnta tn between Le*- '' ment Private hath add entrance house Home privilege* 111 week M H eg 34 Me:a e For Utilities paid. Parking. FD 2-22.12 eveuuiga. Ask for John March 88. George Sercl. ED T: e.-e are examples of tha men. 1214 East Kalanvaroo 49 Field tf o ef JT eT ♦3 Fa_*e tzam ra':< we receive a!1 the time 4i RIDE WANTED TO New Jer>" • . r-. > h; blame ua for some «*? FOUR MEN OVER tl. UrgeTout- APPROVED available irnmedittely ROOMS FOR Private en¬ rre.i Leaving March 22 after 4 pJ» i :\ mi-nt. furnished. Parking, launttrx u er eg 43 Pr ■ such a* answering trance. bath and phone Three nun- Johnston ED 2-5041 * privileges. IV 3-3144 after C.OU tf UC:ui* M- Mouse i'ijtcad of Mich- utee from Berkry ED 2-«l«7 49 ir ri\T. ROOMS FURNI HI I EI>—Grad • FLYING TO DENVER. Color*"- M »■* I 41- P4»<* •o*-' -s tiate students pr profee«or*. Newly APPROVED RO —Influen¬ voiced douof off situation fob *he ? >"ked n--."Ti>:a,iori favor .* •» e de mad W !i,a,0 ,d the ..f ..h«" Agricultural StaVk Inn will a i* Monday that Adlai Stevenson "Governor Steve::-on ha* \j i.:.r o-.ff! it: • nr, -N-Y., section It each 80 Feet intend* to make any ided A Society for public b.d he o. not seeking "■••• nom;n.»' • • • ro -,n From llurieil Men for the Democratic presidential .! M or1: •• .v..; -p'n'c how to ap* Tension and hopes mounted Monday as a work crew i-icked clown "a cinder- ■gjfl a er series his of major ad'hews return . two-month South American tour in April from •- a * ' •- ■»*-: leader, -a.d 'ant Senate d ,-ub'. . h>;J- j- " :»'e l.rrzc i if • ? f • . r ... r( s„OiSf v-ar inspection * offered . sparked new speculation th.it '.*} - ■ .I ' , , • , . o i .r.'ro! by ,-ta- x k wall that the two-time nominee wa- — A'.Il i>es 'illlf 'i-.- T may finally • > ■ • ening his repeated detiara-ioiis >t■ i • i. iftfii :«'«.• ' ./j n--n -o.gh: , , s \ .r personnel in .ad to IS trapped coal that he i- no* a candi'luo rco .nat. -a." pe, , . fo. miners. Sen. Ji/ n Sparkman »D-Al.ii Moreover. Man 5 lie ii *,i. i • ... , !'• • W That'? onlv abou' SO foet from the party ? vice pp. -.ident: ii 'iovor.'t th.r.k Siev.n-o:, too. • W. target, where the imprisoned nominee in 1952. said he has • get up Com enough i. w • . • n may or mav not be found seen no sogn* • ii *t hi«" former ( -in. ,, formidable < • '< ' YOU G fc I vp a Per >ix days. ticket mate is edging into a po¬ •.V oUZ "We're at the critical stage," sition from which he .ul I take POWER MORE; t . d Crawford Wilson, ?ta?e ,.55-ry; HIRi •- :ner. director who is calling the rots on the rescue efforts. Wilson ftaid fresh air wm n>hing down the tunnel No. R nicely, cleaning up smoke and I umr*. , Th< rr's been en opr. •er ipsdav. e went dead they line no to a word since the trapped few minutes were entombed last a RILL SEA STROM. Muskegon smbir, rondnrt* HOT *ymphnnv tonight In the annual Vlnnnr Concert Rescuer* had one of the mo>t the MS|' Symphont Orchestra during rehearsal. In Ihe the Musie Music aud. State New* Fhntu I'ho to by Rill Cal¬ t al- opeful signs since they began llc will conduct the firvt movement of the Riiet lahan. MORE T*r: oieir rimes and slate falls. nd they rould grim battle against lire, tunnel No. 8 was clearing up gen masks. Air deep remove their The makesh.fi Civil Rights Action May End CASH filiation system was do.ng r.§ . WASHINGTON • IS lb - — The Tac of court orders not not just put school M-ho'. S. : r. f i tl to . off de* The la teat crew to take up the attack Included two federal and i«o stole mine Inspectors. broke through the rinderhiork They v H h tnerst. wthat ' ' i-,, p., r.g approin bed approai Monday «. Cuhg'- hed the v:l r::ghU v:! g.h's poir.* j*,>' aid one estimate as nend cooid take «< m-n-i* f matter^ ma'ter- A'.'v Gen. W A"v Gen. t: no W,.l i:n Rogers h;i taken the "and that the provs- s.on i« vdal'v m-cdert to cany out *■ h-s ' order has bate * v: ' R b«-»t«on '■i t "Ry reason Southern Senators t:i.:,g of Ihr . . . fight the i»V hill FOR YOUR TEXTBOOKS all with picks and were aided •. by the middle of "w.'hout npuj v. ill he more moderate and less with m a rescue team which crossed next *0'i. \ -.ave_j>een pro* Senate. Ii;. rd mentioned the in -early -kirmishes." only other possibl? made area. However, they .ht meet mora agonizing oo- p«jsc>t. Campua Claaaiiieds High He&dership TO THE The hottest i%*ue at the mo¬ . , , 'ices. - ment is whether the House should retain a provision auth¬ 1 MCA Wive* lo llol.l orizing fines and prison term* for person* who use force or Iliad Slart for Spring* •lead Start for Spring," a hat threats to eomlMt federal rourt orders against school tion. segrega¬ (-. // .Of SPARTAN BOOK STORE . sponsored b> :ent wives, wiil be held to- : at 8 in the Laming YWCA. the YWCA the • La.-t Friday '-he Sena'e fhr-w s.r-'V:-..ou', *i'.vr first -.'1 r , ^ / lorutril on Ann Slrret al lli»* roriirr uf M. \. < . \w. Drake Refinery Sta. Inc V «. W. K Sorber will titan* b?11 iM Tinttjl.it Fur Filnriifiiiii II l.'t K. (.rami Ki%er making hats. alty's to caMfi involving all »o:',s ( \sk Fur Tcrrv) • • •••••••••••••••••( .'ACCENT EST I Her Uniform- 0«r UytV n* her *nd Army. H»r uniform Ilwatiw it's her passport to prmtigc vou know *he'« vn ofTin-r In giv«> r uway —and »).• lioeen't iiure) i t it' tic* tlvtinrtive ^igri of ■% Thr Exclusive Executive Model, . FRANCAIS... young executive in the Women's Annv f ->rj — Wher-wr she $>»-*, an«l it might U- anywhere tHeidelberg to Honolulu*hv know* Tailored To Fit Tin Finest W&ii* you jCy %£c, \ that ntiifortii wiil bring . t and r< iog- ru,n. AIR FRANCE V/Ayf j file to think of yoor5«lt 35 > th !i of th, 5_C ; t IhMBffQ ares.immng aod ,at,r s.-'y ,',j* - j You en do it in ! jruo. tor : Byjo.nmg (hotKnno.if.ilC113VID p». : TOMVi : Take an Esterbrook on howtwniritwnmy! • S ••••••••••••••••••••os U*r*ltv ••••••••••••* J your next flight of fancy! 4MU/I • M r*" «w ty« t: > I Mo two m iwit*f 0« »n»ca * Sure, writing* fun. But—induora—it'a hard on : tF»e furniture. Thia is where : l turn uamnKAmi : Eatrrbroo^cornea ia 3M» - tip! It'» perfect for indr fiiphta of fancy. Eaterbrook has 32 cuatom-htted pen pofoti. Ona 4* aure to suit your personality. If you don't have any personality, the right Eaterbrook point will fake TUT it for you just fine. Another thing, bderbrook f ountain Pens tend to cost a lot Irs* than airplane*. Katrrbrook foun-... CORNED BEEF . lain pen* start at S2.V5. And there is one more thing .. Esterbrook uv* that amazing new miracle discovery—ink. Pirk up Latrrhrook fountain Pen today. It might help FRENCH FRIES vour you pel off the ground. TONIGHT!! m suuure Muffin Sste/iSzook ffkns •2.95 • though ED 7-9841 • ,;i«- ?<- g»t -o ut •-> it it. - vr 'ifujorm ,i>■ju.nni* n.nil ;rofn A. -if f.om >tf She'* not. ;«> - - .« Lrp on i.-t U»-* >h» - go: o» zhoft iiiiltrtiive ji;«I Ulteiiigi »i» , tor» *uUd a&l . ' ■ tibihiv H'^diuv-n wit, j >>f * ... ..gi gr.muate. i^uhta-v U» executive '• ;t W «.rki- * ; k* OrgtiiitJBi? Mil;. ED 7-1468 I'll * f»*;« .j ffi ,t Affwy uin.'of n ? We'll be glad to fed on round out the classy points a game and has scored The Californians divvy nris'ed "f the already sold-out Cow Palace. > Rich.'i! Holmes, " .four man team. The game, a repeat of la>t more field goals in his career their shooting among Imhv. A'i-An • p. Team coach is Sr*. 1st. Class than any other college basket¬ mcmbf: year's semi-final, follows the C.illis, Bill McClintock, f . f i- I lanes and the team capt. is ball player. He has added help Schultz, Dick Doughty and B opener between surprising New .... •f.ol !c; r Now Thru Tllt'KS! ( apt Chamber!in. both of the this year from Paul Hogue, fi-fl place York University and Ohio S'a'e, by Wendell. Features Shown at Military Science Department sophomore, with a 121 point a ★ it * linn. Tn both with 23-3 records. 1:03-3:10-5:111-7:20 anil 0:30 Cincinnati and California game average. Oscar Robertson, the B.g ! • I If ranked N ! and 2 in the na¬ The Bearcats rank fourth in basketball, still plans to turn Khuvi v Nt.irl tion* have 27-1 records. T"e de¬ the nation in scoring, averaging professional on his grartuv -i I III - 7: IV ' 1:1J - fending champion Bears arc 87 1 points a game. Ohio State from Cincinnati in June. There's 6:« - is the leader. working on an 18-gamc»winning no question about that. NOW SHOWING California, specialists in de¬ Robertson, in New York S; - streak, the Ohioans on a 14- TIMl: FOR AIX-rONFRRENCE PLAYER—homo, fense, led that department giv¬ day night to receive the Metro¬ Only once in 2000 sr.,iike I.IHK.AICV IVolkrr. Mil", and Ih, IV„t»rn ('Milrrrnrr'a lop rrbrandrr Mid game streak. Last year Bob Da I ton had the ing up an average 47 9 points a game to their 28 opponents. The politan Basketball Writeri. all-,tar nlayrr. I, (nrrrd "to hit thr hooka" aft.r a ho., haakrthall job of guarding the 6-fooi-5 Assn's Gold Star Award for -n Yul „ason. No* that thr wawin la ovrr Walhrr Join, all olhrr MSL' Robertson, leading scorer in the Bears scored an average 62.9 unprecedented third stra : • year as the Outstanding Visitr alhlrtr, and aludrnl. In prrparlna for final nana . brynner cina Player in New York, said Lollobrig Former State Capers Several former MSIT basket- Hcddcn Still Compete and Art Gowens as Favored Bradley Opens would until not sign completion other objectives. a pro contn of hii th: RfcuriftrtM hall players have been Iny in the laansing area indu.»'- compel* members of their squad. Sha- heen's fell out of the running for Tournament Play Tonight "It is my intention pro," said the three-time A to tu a rRCHNlCOtOW* Solomon rial leagues this season. Sha- the state championship when America. "! know of no faster start* HllllW hern's Food Center, unbeaten in they bowed to Grand Rapids NEW YORK (A")—Top-«wl«l Bradley, the only team to way to make some monev. But It bounces »dsheba NO ADVANCE PRICES regular season play, had larry Sullivan's by an 81-79 score. knock over Oscar (Bijr O) Robert,on and hi* Cincinnati right now the NCAA, my mar. riage and the Olympics are mo:# IN teammate* durinp the reason, make* it* debut tonight in important." convention right LATEST WORLD NEWS EVENTS the National Invitation Basketball Tournament. But Oscar declined to ut whether it would be with »h# Bradley play* Dayton in the out the bedroom to europe with drews first of two quarterfinal games we played out-rebounded us," Cincinnati Royals of the N Square Garden, laid Bradley coach Charles tional Basketball Assn., or A n window! at Madison (Chuck) Orsborn. "But our boys Saperstein's Harlem Globe'm :i it immy in inn \mins,iTio\st Ship Ovrr (Ciiniiril) • Air llrturn (li.O.A.f.) flu! j j starting at 7 30 p.m. (EST). The have a lot of speed and can ters. The Royals get first call en second game sends defending ^^gi* 1 • iComplete Shown • i champion St. John's o? New run and jump.*' him in the National Basketball nn - VIM - «:0j July 7 - llark August 2M. Srullauil • England- York againsV-.dark horse St. The team's tallest starter is the sophomore center, Chet Wal¬ Assn. as a territorial draft. • Feature Shown • Bona venture. The winners dash in Thurs¬ ker. at 6-6. The forwards, Dan 2:13 • 5:?0 - H:30 llrluium - Holland ■ Germany - Auxtria • Vugnsla- day ntghfs semifinals, with Smith and F*l Wodka, are 6-4 U lit San Marina Italy France. .*>.1 Hays. All In¬ Providence and Utah State, who and 6-5 respectively. Davton, 72-51 winner over Decker's [iTtacii! Smtepmc smbgiss! UKfiSfSO - via • ■ • Advance*! Saturday, p'aymg the The Motion Pictu? ? :h * pther game The final is sched¬ Temple Ja?;t Saturday, has three The Bedroom ■UMMU aaBMBMjUMgpl ! Untiled In .HI Under :10 llnnk jjtl uled neat Saturday afternoon. men who tower to 6-6 and a re¬ David Niven clusive. S11nr. Nmv I'limplrl, Info - - ('OIXKGK TltAVKI. OF- - mi Bradley 124-2) Has a **mp*r- attvelv mmii km m «mh a M af a Baa* aatf a dmi pm- serve center. Joe Kennedy, who j> 6-8v Garry R»»ggenburk is the key man of the team which won Cage 21 and lost 6 during the regu¬ Pickings tec 4*f«— MnziG/roa Y lar season. THE BIG " \ FIFE EII2.HR07 "j think almost every teem ^ J HERMAN/ By TOM DECKEB KINGLY LIVING AT NCAA «V • * «*w m siour of simom nun of ■ ouun r coral gables' frieav Meat « Ifirtnitati nv»r Ohio auu over Mew California York iniv. eV>^ f>^M^TKCHNICOtOW» ■ E»ANAViai0^^pP^ tat. niiht i ft SMALL PRICES gor Jr# ylar# ILF0RN0 rallfornla wrr Nirw York "Wonderful fiihraltcr" for Tttlo Cartoon Eun —- News A 1,111.1,' I'OI.OK CARTOON A LATEST VfcWS Cinrinnati am Ohio auto Room and Board NIT Tomcat • • RESTAURANT • • Rra#l.v ovrr Da* ton St Bonavontur* ovrr et. iohn « arml-ftnaU 'r/ic nanir I lint miulr I'IZZA famau* in limning' centrallv located near campus Final lull auu ovrr gro*t#»arr Braeiry ovrr at. Honavrntur» i Ufe auu nvrr Rraeiry — NOW AI-NO SPECIALIZING IN — Ijvr in pomfnrl with the rnnvienrr of .3 spare rms Winger In Reliirn CASH rar m meal, flail*, TV, daily riM.ni rlf-aninp. AND TORONTO OF) — To ror. • * OPEN DAILY PIIONE ED 7.1111 Calertee Winger Gerry Ehman, who w : ft P.M. • 2 AM. Take Dal Order* Par tie*' WITH THE ACCENT ON SUPERIOR IT HID injured in Saturday night's Na¬ tional Hockey league game wi'b New York, probably will rctu. . AND MEALS. Enjoy Sunday Dinner in the Riithskellrr to action Thuraday. Pfceae ed 7-1311 Ftr Pranpt Bniwn* and Ram* Contact Ed at: ED 2*6787 Swap Grid Crnlrr* Delivery SarviM tt l LaaaJag U>S ANGELES —T-.t ! Angeles Rams Monday mad' i center-for-center trad*-whh ,u< Cleveland Browns, giving Je-.- progeam infobmatvon call ed S-MIT valy1 g binding • MOTOR TTNE CP • Art Hunter. Jt FOR • wheel balancing • ACCEftftORlE* Morrow for a straight player deal. • spring* Morrow, from Michigan, bat • biake auvtrr been with the Rama three .* Hunter, from Notre Dam b • tailpipe 6 mt'fflxr • mashing | sons. has been with the Rams thr LANSING PHONI fO ■ * seasons. NIGHTS * 81'N.— ADULTS 70e SAT. MAT. SOr I ■■■■■ ■ Coach Paul Brown praise Hunter but aaid Morrow m "■ BOOKS * STARTS 7 P..M. FEATURE AT 7:10 . 9:55 FOR FAST ROAD SERVICE CALL ED 7.9046 offer speed and also te p ■ younger center prospect, ADULT ENTERTAINMENT • pound Dave Lloyd, from G«wr gia. j LARRY'S GULF SERVldf*■ "Tin* Lover*" «a. tin- < bilntaiiding l'o|iular Surrrm of I'arin in I V.iM! Tail Lava FUT When a " ON EAST MICHIGAN AT LOl'IS m nom mm roe MALCOLM MILKS al! ■ (diacoaally acrm frnai Oral SI. rntranc,) * ims e. mmscu conventions WE BUY ALL BOOKS AT ANY TIME ...it most the TEN STAR SPECIAL! UK? it Fur ixMil* and Fabric* Cleaned and Glaaed Icvs story it Men'* Hat* and Gip, E.a ★ Raincoat* Made Water Repellent fMIKd! - it Suede and Leather Jackets GIBSON'S it Laundry Serv ice ThelOVERS jtmf Inn WUii ■ W v.- K*. AND n ijb itlt •»hm «•>*« tea it it ★ Glove* Stuffed Toy-* Tbrow Ru|t* it Alteration* and Mending BACK ...by ycpuoi ktwud it Friendly Service ICNMUE UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE CUtfUN I C^I«* .. . ^ Mick hw College Cleaners shown at Cask and Carry 5:011 and »:!• CORNER OK EVERGREEN %\ W. I.KAMI KIN Kit STARTS I INGMAR BERGMAN 020 W. Michigan East Lansing ED 2-4713 FRIDAY I "WILD STRAWBERRIES" M *■ r * .'**(«• v.4- ./I Tigers Whip Yankees, Swim Title Bucks Have Achilles Halas Finally Succeeds: Won by E. Heel Says Rossini Grid Rival Leaves Town S' ' ■ ' ,v But Trail Orioles, Sox G» Rapids NEW YORK •/ <7Pi—The Ohio Stnte Basketball team i« bitf t.ns ANGELES '/TV-National Football league owner* headed was Jlala* reportedly picked up by iifpl tntisrh ami will wear an r.pponent to a fruz/.le [ihy*ic- for home Monday and if there Rut be expert* to make it Baltimore By sr/rTTE RAAISEY Bast Grand Ratrdy, icorir.g jilly, say« New York T?niver*it.v's roach Lou Rossini, but it has an Achilles heel —- inipettionsne**. was a noticeable smile on the dour face nf George Halas. there bark—in spade*. The reason: For the first time, "They're .1 voung hun.-h and i* a logical reason. he'll get -a crack at the nation's And Chicago jn.iij school* points, swept to a one¬ sided victory over the other 17 ♦hey d'ja'j have much patience," Rossini said Monday, "fhir on!v leaps mit of er-- a hcrde nf defend¬ tir grah the ball and then stuff* it twn-handed m'o the Af'er .39 year* of ♦rying. the Chicago Rears rid of hi* owner finally got rro**town rivals, »he most lucrative television market, t'n'd blacked now, out the city because has oee.n either the participating in the chance of beating 4hefn i- tha' Lead League Michigan high school class B championship swimming meet a: th"v will gyt fidgety and reck- and make some damaging basket. ' It's n-nt a me-rran ♦cam. ,vou ronccnrra'e v--»ur defc -c on If Cardinal*. It developed Sunday when the NFL unnninvm-lv approved 'tie Rear* a' home. or Cardinal* were There were smiles, too, in '.ho playing the IM pool l.v* weekend. mistake*." Rfssin.V ' jm; Vi'det*. mr- Luca.i, one of the r-'her guys-— transfer of the Cards tram Chi¬ camp of the new Dallas Ranger*. Hrngal* ItnMlor . Aided by six firsts in 11 Jr>e Roberts, Mel Nowell or Bar¬ cago to St Tjoui* They became more than a pa¬ prise winners of the Eastern Re¬ event* and depth. East Grand The transfer was costly, espe¬ team during the league's ry Sicgfr:ed—will murder per Spring .Mark to 2*1 Rapids walked away, with the gional Siate'* Playoffs, meet Ohio Western Conference you. cially to Ha!.i« The Cardir.a:* throe-day weekend meeting closest contender being Ypsi- when they were given 18 play¬ uv mr Ainort«rrii miM •lan'i Roosevelt with 44'j points. champions in the j-emifinn!* of TT'hilr Sox Pretitlrnl were given SadO.OOO to make the .switch and pay off their Icasg ers from the other teams. Mor# The Chicago White Sox the National Collegiate f NCAA I Wyandotte Riverview was third Tournament at San Francisco I 'wlergoe* Opernliori on Soldier Field. Half tho tab will be announced later. and Baltimore Oriole* con¬ with 36, Ecorse fourth with 27, Friday night. California and tinue to net the pace in the Ann Arbor University High Cincinnati play the other semi¬ CHICAGO 'J*I—rr»,irt,n! n :i Campus Clapsifieds . . . Low Co«t fifth with 22 and Detroit Visita¬ Veeck of 'he Chicago White Sox t.raptfruit I/eapue. The Sox tion sixtn with 19 final game. Monday underwent surgery in heat the St. I»ui* Card* The only double winner in the "After we beat Weal Virginia Mercy Hospital for an elbow in¬ meet was Wyandotte's Dennis at Charlotte last weekend. I sent Monday for their major lea¬ fection gue exhibition victory and the Oriole* pot their third Collin.*. Collins had a :24 3 in the 50-yard freestyle, and. in Frank Rohan to Eouiaville to scoot Ohio State against Georgia The elbow of hi* right arm began swelling an infection set SPRING TERM beating out defending champion Tech." Rossini said. "He tbnngbt in Veeck. who flew to Chicago in a row, handinp Cincinnati J)enni.s Goyette from Ecorse, a It the beat team he had seen all early Monday from the Sox it* third con*ecutive !o**, :54 8 in the 100-yard freestyle. year training ba.et plays is to send a high, lob¬ Ihe New York era to five bit*. bases empty homer bv rookie March 13. 1948 Faga Tiro liminaries Four of th« six broke bing past down to Lucas, who Four of theae fame In the firat AMt.RlCAM LPAntT* Tom Davis. The Dodgers tump- the existing record of 1:13 7. w I. Pet. r.n t«'» Innings, when the Yanka ei to a 4-0 lead on Pete Ramos flatfimnf* I a laaa Both relay events were taken pored both their runs, Jn the first three innings, but fhlni* 1 a in* Hnllon — by East Grand Rapid*, which Your complete Optical Headquarter^. . . 2 a | aaa «i "'he Tigers belted starter Zaek were held to four hits over the Rinui rttv * t Ml I cut the 200-yard medley relay conveniently located, offering complete optical Ter.icrt »nroe for throe runs In the last six by Buss Kemmerrer and W »»hir»ft«)n zi .act i lietrott 2 I *47 I record down to 1:49.1 from •ond Inning. Steve Boros trip- Hat Woodeshirk S'rw Vnrfc 1 2 .331 * 1.52 8 then a walk, a scoring r mder by Frank Boiling, a Rookie Tony Curry smashed a liases loaded triple in the ninth (Ivvvun* • irsuir 2 .aaa 24 Ecorse'* Alan Bokar's time of 2:27 B established a state record WALLACE OPTICIANS wing error by Monroe an.t for the Phil*' victory after Pi¬ w t, pet r.n in the 20-yard individual med¬ Vine el f lipper* B*i:<*r's double completed 'he eb. Boiling drove in the other rate rookie pitcher Ed Bauta San fraarUr* Philadelphia 2 2 a I | aaa — .4*7 4 ley, since the event 1* new this Branch Office — (appo-iie sear* in Frandorl Lvy (.4 t«A*r 04 -/ !»-«• a 7«rw-4pr Dvnrr.T* Fop /jvj of gave up a scratch single and at lout. i 2 .3 is i', year. lAtt** (»Ul%a ", jtr.} >• roit run with a third inntr.g Milwaukee i 2 .113 14 e*e examinations bv three straight walk* I •« *nc*lr« I J -HI 14 Dr. VS. C. Jensen, gle after Gail Harris, who Norm Siebero hi» a three-run i hlra«<» Ted Rurba of Ea*» Grand Rap- registered optonrtrid -•e to the Yank* in a Decern - homer and Jerry I.urrpe a so'o « inrlnnall Ida ruled the diving. Harry Key- - deal with Kansas City, ao- rillakurck a 1 w»a 14 mour of Ecorse followed in sec¬ Pll. IV 9-2771 "AN EMBARRASSMENT OP RICHES" ah"' to pa. e the A *, who rapped .-*ed for the Yankee runs. ond place. movrt' No. 1-8; Tae«* Wed, m. Hoi) Rub! for six run* and seven Mi Tbora A pvt., M Vans* double In the first f-.llow t .ne by Ken Hunt and Had'.ey hi'' in five inning* Braves' Johnson folate J.m Riber of East Grind TwtuAly, Ui*i»ble <4Ui a few amnios, < a pasting from *he M.Ti. owner of the Kansas City was switched in the 400-yarJ Morilaim, and u» throw aUrka bar hm (oiUJai Wi«rington Senators, rh.ladc!- Hom»\ IViic KiNikir Athletics who died Thursday in freestyle, as Hook placed eeconi dog Trey to fetch. r>.i» defeated Pittsburgh 4-1 and Ks-'.as City won over the Mil- 5COTTSDAI.F. Arir bTVRe.i West Palm Beach, Fla., left r. ffitJnm die- w»>-*rei| Re verso, a shaving cream which aukee Braves 7-5. Sox manager Bill Jurgea Mon¬ Roosevelt myee* whisker* t*s Johnson's will was filed in had another first In grow inward instcwl »»f outward, thus riuliiirig a iruui io bito The White Sox grabbed a 6-0 >ad in tho first three Innings day tabbed 20-year-old inflelder Carl Yastrremski as the top probate court Monday. He left the bulk of his estate to his the meet, on placing John Dawson top in the 100-yard back¬ THIS WEEK aff hia beard iruu-ad of dtoving it, it uever even criw^ed hip mwid Ihoi ba had eome upon a key to lame and nchee; he ff veteran Bob Keegan. at- rookie in this year's Sox train¬ stroke. MinplF widow. Carmen, and two chil¬ fsipting a comeback aft«r a ing ramp. dren. Jefferv 9. and Wendy 11. awugned *A he myaitie* fnrwn Keverwi to the cnitege ami went -r^sful 1959 vrnatmnal league. 1 C reason i\ tr.e Mar- YOU an with hie quiet life of working in tin* U)«oraUlichi(,R I'roil ran. C'ompMe an* Confortahla. at U«oi Coal in oi one million dollar* jwr week. The in time for final* esoeM* adlepe is doing al IbcMM: it ron to «fiend the money the utmicnt-farulty ratio which ued Rooms with bath la Eorope. ahaort oil meola. Ilpa and Utea. all entry fees. Ox- to ha tlnrty *t>xicnUi to one teacher is noar thirty two Inn tw lord and Cambridge i'ntversitlca. fthoheapeoeo eonntry. the Rhine voyage. Ober- me Mtndent. the Gulf Stream ha* been purrhaacd for Um ammergaa Faaaian Ploy, the Italian lakes, opera at Caracal!* la Rome, Swimming Visit Our New Location At on tho Riviera, caaino at Monle Carlo, PoUea Bergere in Parle. Ornrtment of Marine Bwdogy, tha Dean of Women has bmn paid-plated. But money 'hew not buy happmoao, iwfnnally in the I'lAtr Loadernhip of: edlmo - 225 MAC AVE. • Prof. Robert L. 818 H'leh Conrt Hopper and Mr. WilliiRi KnuUard* Prefeaalenal Tearing Guide world. Poverty and ivy ~ thai is tha academic lifc-nul and Hf. The I'pfwr Rhode Island College of Scienee and Painuetrv m frankly embarra-aed fww* Last by ali this weuith, but I am Lansing, Mteh. LUsoao-Lindeman (Holland j Inc. pieated to reptrt tiiat tlw tru*t«x« *rv not taking their NEW SHOP - NEW LAYOUT • SAME PRODUCT TRAIN R SHIP (Canard Lho Tourist* ■V JET Ihi Aonlcu. limwi lying down. I.a*t week Uiey •■aniuuked all royalties for a rewiirih prrjgram headed by Dr. WagetjJT calamity Departs iMmt, Jnly 7, Returns Aug. 18 D.IWU MM). Wf It, ■>)«■ Amg. I, Sigafiuw to dcve«op If You Like Donuta—You'll Love SPUDNUTS IMIMJV, CM, Mitt" Inclusive CM »HT|M 11 a wliiskc/ whaii s reewUnt to 'Og Uw «id gvbUciualJ a Hcverau. fot m ail i«*ua m wwi*- FOR INFORMATION 4 RCSERVATTON S THE SPUDNUT SHOP (iollrgr Travel Office 118 RUT GRAND RIVER •* Waldo Travel Agrnct The mawanr* ot Umc (dan* (M l n#or rem oWet gou Hue amoAia# flmwe—irith me without paw nsoawt 8wf fhrp Hller. tf jyL m WEST ALLEGAN von furor Hllert trg n Marlboro, If non-fillers arc piewe- S pour ED7-M7I BART LANSING. SUCH. ED 2-8887 LANSING. mCN. IV S-4MI ore peek o Philip Morn*. MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Page Six 9.3 mil Plione Book March 13. I960 Opposition Dvuil Organized Slum's What's Restaurants Urged to Keep . Man TiviuI 0*917 O# Paec With Public's Tastes Rliee Certain lo \\ in Reversing' iAttJH In A IXmne Restaurants of today should comes from fods that were not What's in a name? It all de¬ even on the market a dozen 111 Korean Election r.-'t overlook foods of tomorrow pends on what yv-Hi're looking d > keep pace with the rapldly- years ago. . changing ; tastes of the public, The general public, Miss Dun* M The 1060 Lansing-East Lan- advised a national food authori¬ SEOUL t.Th—South K»ri'ar- U;r." • ' i ham pointed out, has shown a pre■ id*n! s';- n. - telephone* directory was ty greater willingness to purchas* prrsi'lont, with the outcome cr rt» i A* in« xrv '• -*; .-i : a-. .:m i distributed Thursday. It con¬ The restaurant industry is not new and different foods than mnn Uhre will be elect»iI t.< a * . • tains almdst 65.000 names, ad¬ taking advantage of the new have people in the volume feed¬ a dead man. fond products and ideas which ing industry. After a campaign Tr'nrrr-! ' . International ileal dresses and phone numbers. You don't have to look in the could help them overcome the And the general public. *ht rising costs of labor and raw reminder! the restaurant execu¬ kiHings and beating;, the : • •! find animals. materials, said Ellen-Ann Dun¬ tives. are your customers, too. interest center-- on the vi'C - Planned for April yellow The directory lists pages to 84 Foxes, 15 ham. vice-president of General The speaker was impressed jdmry. Rhce> Li.-ernl r • r* • "The concept nf the organiza¬ Foods Corp. with the electro-mechanical res¬ limning mate i •- I .re K P -""i At Smilli Campus tion man is losing favor." lie o«L,n """w"m,Ui I-amb*. 21 Wolfs. 2 Hawks. 10 Swans, 2 Deer. 2 Dovvs and 1 Speaking to restaurant admin- ' taurant of the future, and cal!e.> stated, because the organization Jl "a fascinating and forward- 63. rptake; of 'he i-.--.' ' - - Whale. intra torn at an MSI lonferenre armbl.v. takes forever to make change* IIIIS (TIAItT OI'TI.INIIS the planned trajeclory of the Thor- the unveiling of an looking concept." But, she re¬ Looking for fish? You'll find Although !,>>• ; and to adjust to new conditions." Able rorket which hlaated from It* pud at Cape Canaveral early 3 Trout. 10 Bass. 3 Herring, "» which saw "elertro-nierhaniral restaurant peated, certainly there are ad¬ rheumatism, a big jumu in. t. - The intense compeli!i >n of 'he Friday. The interplanetary probe plared spherical *!« Inch pay- a future," Miss Dunham em¬ vantages to bo gained now hv Pike. It Whiting, 7 Salmon. rral party •r.it;-*:-. "• American market, with i'.:s r:-i- load Into orbit around the Sim and between F.arth and A'enu*. The of the considering the labor savings rhart is based on information from the National Aeronautic* and Something to eat? The direc¬ phasized that people today are which are to be found in Rew .pectcrl to carry hi '<• v in marketing and spending more for food product* t > run tory lists 1 Apple, 3 Beets. 2 food products. over the Democrat':- ?e< hnolie ;.. rcniire- leaders with Space Administration. Lemon*. 4 Peppers. 43 Rices. 0 and services than ever before. Chang beat Lee by ?< b quo v the \ b ion a ;•! authority to make Cherr.vs and 5 Bean.-. Final Exiiin* lo lb-pin four year? ago. In K" < . : r dent an--! vice pre.--*. • : puick dvci-i"*. plained. McD.e.ccIl ex¬ Coiiiiii Skills Professor lo Address You'll Perhaps something to drink? find 2 Beers, 3 Martinis, Quoting a U.S. Department of Agriculture survey, she stated elected separately. that the buying of food products Winter final exams beg»; would mirccrt The idea of organization men Home Ke Convention in Puerto Kico 3 Ryes. 44 Alexanders, 2 Sher-. rys, a Champagne and a Wine. and services may exceed $100 Thursday morning at 8 The The winner — whole corps of men who dress billion by 1970, nearly $30 bil¬ Khee, the only president Voul * alike, think alike and act alike Dr. H i-.-ell Jenkins, nssoeiate ltc will also act as consultant There are 003 Smiths, 325 term officially closes a' 9 To* the extension service at the Johnsons, 275 Browns and 187 lion more than in 1959 Korea ha* had iti I! year* "( in committee meeting*—is oo¬ profevsnr <»f communication skills to day nigh!, March 29. Grade* ••• Miss Dunham also pointed nut Independence. should hp die be - lite way out, the speaker told and ^ontinuiny education will university io Puerto Rico in J"ii*es Only one Pappavlahodi- be mailed March 24 accoruir^ thai there is a growing consum¬ fore hi* new ter??i expire* hi executive* aT a national Sales address the annual convention helping to plan a summer semi¬ mitrakopoulous is listed. to the registrar's office. er demand for more convenience 1061. To some. Rhre .mpeir* t » nar which mav be used in a No. Weasels, Sharks. Jackals Management Seminar at Kellogg of the Thierto Rico Home Kco- Registration lor spring tern communications training pro¬ foods and for new and different he showing *iRiis of ill health. Center. nonui-s association in San Juan, or Vultures are included. May¬ begins March 29 and ends Mar,.. gram throughout South Amer¬ be there ii something in a name products. To meet this demand, Nut the Liberal party insists he Apnt-TT 31, Classes will begin at 8 Fri¬ McDow. ica. .*he said, the food industry is sound. A- the main speaker on the after all. i* build the.r company spending nearly $100 million a day morning, April 1. Jenkins is chairman of the ire on pc pie. rather than opening day of the convention, Despite ii tlr'l'ie ■ Group Dynamics and Comnnmi- BUY SELL - - • RENT .• ear in product research. theoretic • > "paper" p'm. he u'H discus* "Communication . . gar Her I the mos-n-; : *" and Human Relations.'' ca'ion Committee of the Nation¬ CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS About third or food store rth.-i rec roi'ionded that . . . . a |}i- Liberal. If- * '• • Jenkin:-' visit to South A*ner- al Society for the Study nf volume today, she contended. ;■ • trurturv !"-• Imilt "fron ■ Communication and has serve*! . . . HIGH READERSHIP . . . strong army, «-.-.n.v«\ir ica * ,t the invitation or the meet and ' oidinwa* ' N' m up," in order to kt* on the training staff for the Na¬ < contact with the markc Agricultural Extension Service ,pohfif *!'!*»• of the University of Ihicrto Rico, tional Project in Agricultural mm . h« (r than from tin* lop do.-. Communication. Wr pr«v nh it i ' site of the conference. h i- u itally the case. mannered KO-vc.,r-t • ■*-• .school teache favor B9 . tic* with Japan against Communism. Rh- 1 quarreled repeated' pan, th? former met lor » ■ f K - o •• ' - 9H SELL YOUR BOOKS rra. Chang charge • C :cd h been us'd by the Libc ■/< ] help friends and sunt>'»rter ■ 1- ' he wants U.S. to rem in Korea. rT National police guarded the Molt* cmN >tvi yow Nft. ' poll*. Democrat* charged the —ON urtWiMa presence of the polirp v i* a •fparspicadty.MgM? Wwth knminfT Wit! l.iheral form «f Intimidation, lint the fovernment insisted the Too often, driving a car is like reading a teithook. It can make you prevent vio¬ drnwi>y no matter how much sleep you get. Rut sale NoDoz fight* this NOW police were there to lence and Irregularities. kind of "hvpnosi«." Safe Nolle/ alerts you with caffeine—-the same refreshing stimulant in ■*> * ^ M.S.I'. FOREIGN Tft« presidential ha!' >? b-> coffee and tea. Yet non-habit forming , .. ! FILM SERIES Jmth the names of Uh» NnDoz i« faster, handier, mor** reliable. izlrrhild Theatre Chough T*yong-Ok, fv . . iS» lo keep perspicacious while vmi drive, party nominee who died Feb !» 'I'liniuht-Tiir-.. Mar. t"., after a stom.n*h opera' 'study, and work keep NoDo/ handv. 7 A 9 p.m. Admtmtan: *«r Khee needs the bod •«' orlv IN iU| !•■»« UbM — tvfrttWs Aw»Nr tins prr-awt of C*n»« tztwriln'tx fibe.tirtrl of the 11.19* tW - - FOR HIGHEST PRICES jstered voters » i • The main Inten-.-d hi lb. ' r> • 4 the sire of TTh. < ' The alow eout.tmg <" ' polling place,- I- rxiuv'--1 to him over • the one-thin early today. Votes for Chouidi wi'i - ma'ica'.ly become invalidate''. It Is Khee'* second race against CAMPUS BOOK STORE • dead man lit If-1'*. Ih-miwrd Patrick llenry Shlnieky died «»r a heart attack shortlv before the election. Bawd on the invalid'*, ed ballot total. Shinickv oot- :y % polled Rhee in Seoul. Democrat and Both the rials are cnnserva'ivr. Communist and pr"-Amerv - ACROSS FROM THE UNION BLDG. The Democrats have charged JUbcruls with corrupb* u. «- - tatorMnp and intimidation. Nortnwav Lanes, Mushticn. V.c- Right down the alley (tf . \/n"nrus sfvfHff/ /qjr/rsf fctrjUirtnc sijsfrn Never before has America known such susta'-^ growth and expansion. New industries, new plants, ctt^ add t»ons to old plants-each day reveais dranuf^ • • anges on the industrial horizon. And to help provide the new and greater comrr j ions systems for this building boom is our dan* at General Telephone. You'll find a good example of what we mean in W-s«e- . Michigan. Here Brunswick-Balke-Coilende' just comptated huge new facilities to keep up * ^ tt>e demand for its world-famous in the same area, automatic pinsef'-C foundries, oil refineries and 1 new chemical plants are going round the clock. Muskegon grows and prospers, its commu"1 * And as t to meet a today's communication needs, but to an>» • modern fitter, too ngfc* o.i *i»h the needs of tomorrow, too. • *ck f**0 * )>'( jew e • menthol fresh • rich tobacco taste *»*• «♦*!> tmolr* Salem refreshes yourtastB J TELEPHONEt ELECTRONICS NOW MORE THAN EVER