Goodbye for Now! The Weather We'll See You Cloudy. Windy Spring Term High . 3 '» — Happy Vara! inn — Low 2. far otT w.ien .f humanity w.T the 8307,000 no time to barricade and wait c'»me true and Mn id will out. live without artii'.- war," £ S'.a'c \>*,v «daff appomtmr-nt* Zorin's quick criticism --if •!.*• *.:■ The fir# that rat them off for 'oring term were annonnc^d An accounting error in ttsree-stage we«tern plan, nearly three miles frem the eet- Tuesday by Sue Price, rdPor- its provision* for stringent :n- the «tate legislature has re¬ in-chief elec' and Pat McCar'y. «ltfe was started by a small r#ek .apeptlbn an4 controls, drew a sulted in an additional $307,- managing editor e>ct. •harp reaction from the Anie - fall that snapped an eleetrie ooo for MSI"- 1000.01 hiutjr- icans and British. cable a bant I a.m. last Tuesday. Sharon Coudy, * '•••lar Springs et. Western delegate* refrained The cable Ignlterl some timbers, at the |>ala«e of Nation* from aj*pr »i,r> *'"! the e#al seam. w-.i rea)ipoi"*!ed -uort* edito* rriticiirng the Ru**iau*' total the jnivertoto l^irry Miller. Marqueffr sr. and uarlrf dbarrnament propo*al. Thr err"" resulted from *ho" Two miners In the work party "RI IIIMI fl.ARS," the new nffirerx of the IVomen'a lnter-rr*i- PAT BISIHIP and sjndv Huff lake one la«l food look at Ihe l.imia l.otrirlgp. O*,vo«.«:<> ,rlrd mortarhoard*. State safety. The remaining 18 Sen Fra^-k FVadlc, member ture rilitor*. :i "ur r>"i.jetton. weapons n , regret comrnvn a senate. The Senate also added Bernstoiri, Chicago jt ; Howard vear-old mine, first rame ''re made on the we *crn plan upon S172.T54 the I'nirmitir to of Holmes, Leroy pcmh : Ben Burns, I'c! >ro the conference had time one body, then two groups of Michigan'* hndret and ttlli: to :hem. Memphis soph consider .t carefully. to lerrH Institute. Assistant n.ght editors arot Thus the b.»-,ic difference cf "Frankly," bt sali. "tbej (thr The bill was passed by » 32 ai.prpacb be-wei- Eat: 2 vote, with Senators L. !!»'- M-i.i .v State C'J 1 Ingham C. A ' Charlotte Dalton. NV.v Haven fr.; au;l rmse et#w) were s# exhausted to - propft-al UV» f"r vote at th.'i! The b.wnsh;p w.i i**ncd a Wer. . .. cn'iii.-.g control- wa* I >vcr* J :*i Mo opening hours vo'ing against the measure ft leer n n? aes'vcrerl Tuc«HuV bv wiioiM his office keeps chve the construction of sewers into both trunklin" sewprs and a Howard, F'rnhurst. 111., soph.; of the conference at the old 1 j>~.gc wa "not exactly" hap¬ ciiTi.puv i.nfi cminty xsriitatio?' mare well aware of pnl- the East Earning system, elimi¬ cw.iac treatment plant to -crvc i ,i!'b>-l ne-j - Jacquellng Kampcrf, Dearborn home of '.he The bodies had to be carried mat the Senate had refuse i <-*?ic>'a!i. wbo AckiD>\Y-ledged •i «. >n pi «»blc v*- in the Red C'ed- the discharge of much hrvond py nating Okcmo", hip financing soph. l/'.igue to Nations. •bout a mile through a passage¬ •v a,M ar-Mhe- MBYuOO r„ prcseJji-e of cXCf' di-,a «• m1 do Mot have to he in- raw sewage into the Red Cedar and legal complications blocked Znnn : oad Khrush-toov's mrs- way which Wire editors arr: Jeanne Jar- bypassed - the fire MSI". ?•" MSl'f V 'he -•:* ' ..•>.» . ird .-f devt loj>me:it< bv MSU from uptivcr teas' of campu«» romt ruction". -igc j.f gr-c-:ng m'o "ho record. area before they could be placed I,', ig-- .. •• .e *er?,ti>rv „ - e ! orccaiirjon.o \ moas.i i i -rifi.* •. lonl U-cii pre- Shirley aid MSU President V!' Grand Rap: I - k>.\ ; Paul T'to S v . ' , I. - 1 Ruj>.'»':t on mine ears and hauled to the Tie f»«ft";a<* Norman Stoere. head of *-'v reported. Meridian township offinals John A Hannah had Fm*»*i» Ilutl, Mt Clemens 1 arc-; • nm- r, fr ; Diane ten: f- i'I'a'.vc 1 . r«..;*,*.cT .'•}- elevator for hoisting to the sur¬ ain-.e; »ha' MSU nap-l.- liiip Shirley, director of the have been qyaie of *hcir ohH- tonic!tore; "'o contnnu'c face. the mif impmv**ment of Mnvafje Ka'.in, Dot •:• fr., Nancy Rob- 'n ev¬ harmful of -.inifalion in In«h;eu g.iiions (to solve their sewage It..-:tof. ex:-' handling it* up-river coinmuni- ting. Cirar.d Ran ds fr; Barbara er-. v.-.- 'ho fruitful There were three area wh .u thi re !'•>'* Iiealth department, ri nu.v.V.upreM»io-'i disposal inadequacies) for at :.**< 'incc a early av t!»in. Shir- W • k C'f the'-e." mine officials said ouid pf<»v*.i • he Mm rml it: of Mi ridian town- lend 12 vears," Shirley told the lev Hannah in a letter Young, r »«•*•• * flay Pra", T*;' •- .T'wr no « em v. ' (iu"ted h •-ij.-.gc of ex- -rfuge for the trapped 18. Aft •• ' i the r'*. naun e mrml . b< : '. itru "ii K.i-' Lanying. Slate New "and have tried ev¬ to the ■ :»*«« health ciiTumo -i »n« r l.,aM>:ng (>:«, /. ::•< iil.i.-'ed the days of frustration, a rescue ' Ph;» T.. tte-r ha? to-toirh, •> :ne hie; a human brim.* ■h.,vc .»n op|K»rtu;iity er v conceivable legal method of that a- ;..iy;n::. A.', 'aff .rn< n !>« r ale rrqun - •A- ' ■' . ;.•>»;,• and crew reached the first area Mon¬ ?h« «..* n u. h that 1 h*\ »- hae-'b- We have .i*. ■ •*••■!* -„ ?'»»■ hv • cn i leaning tH>' of the id'.vidmg the public sewerage "Evidence.*! indicate that there cd •«» attend a meeting Wednes¬ unpr.o-tica? In .c».r h w hi-d day night. Nothing Early Tues¬ Mid 1>- "It ha* a" *«ack —-onde.*!rablc ha. ih m ll.u Cefiar in a sewer bond elec- necessary to correct the !-■ a good possibility or a proba¬ any 'iijiiuinaf coubl understand ir - prob¬ day. March 30, at 7 p.m.. in the day the reached the second. Hixni-nortnal amounts—and are * ion Marc't 28 lem lie questioned the go-d faith >f tne people in my area deeply bility that some of these house¬ State News office. Nothing, except a fe-.v unopened arftuse'':." now searching fur the needle— holder.! fin areas ear* of cam¬ "'.r American. British, French, lunch palls. •• ('radian u.-al Ua):a:i delcg.i- exact. !).»■ 'cria o«m! 81 Tux Leried have the -e pus) omitted septic All Juniors i' •. After the tMrfi area— ami Ikereeghlv cheeking 71 CtHirst** the < xtcnf it* danqerou-ne. • on tanks srwage and into are emptying this di.un rawr fWil- All Diplomas W. ■ f finding m» sign af them, hopes fell te the lienor!? cnm.n'u Hc'i Cedar wattr c-aM Ui cn- To Recover ./■ Hop Losses. i iaith dr.iti) in Meridian 'mvn- .ship, which t uns into the river)." Hand Signed To lie Offered H«»tlam. Rescue workers frank¬ . Mcf with ••on' ..m -ie itisoruvauient ly admitted they didn't expect to r.*.*u!t m a per-contractiug Recent . tests have shown a tt% d t pkh i: Ihebcr et.iphasi/ed the fax i p"-•;>'.< :sr*' Tin to ! ex: -t foTve* tuid the It alive. for the onlr »,• • which offer stub- ♦ ••>.'1 rra-.toar... abandoned, gas-filled digging*— ■ •I -■"f the bscteria- A *1 per»s«»s, but also for activities and typhoid bacfetia in the Red genuine d:s- • wii! be charged ev- Ev< \y and death. "•el" ' • 'A-Htc.- in hi" >y«tdTi if .-neb a- Frosh-Soph Da/e, cof¬ CVdai fltoloma is-.tied 3r.nar.ient. <>v junior during spriiig term fee hours and I'ampu- UN F«»cti Mi.-higan State .-hue .la:; I. "Without eeuid 'h' sou:. How mui h Shirle* and Steere agreed \cuturbi8 to openly Sh.ikrs'M'arvan t;age Ur.« ;'.l g;-'.. ..'i-.n. Dave Bi'vbej. enter- 1931. icam the personal * gn i- Among the small cluster of v. ».r <• ••• u'- '.on it would !.:=!<(• • i .ri- ci.s the university in that Red Cedar bacteria po-e no come out now again*! general Sor-rss: Fnglisb •' Cass i'uesideni, announced ture of John A- Hannah. uf'opie around the m;ne en- jiir-. a- , <. »• -,-Ui ;5 ivoui i debt and this debt bili'ds Ui> ■ ere in** , i ..i.le*n to canoeing on and complete disarmament, they the of the finding 203 o-.-f Ur.-v.-r^-V •' '"c A r To* he said. First as secretary and later ■ ance, news the iwrson'; r. ' - - t en *.*• ii. the river, Jong a> boaters ;»> are trying to *ide*tep the prne- • the bodies met with little v;s- elucat.ona! TV i,.r I'he fax. hi"h W-JT it-vied t'lass cxoenscs are usuallv p.r."i'icnt. Dr. Hannah has con¬ th-al *olution of till* problem. . u v aware of pollution and avoid ib'e reaction. Those waiting had Dr Herbert \8V;-;r.«cr. »rr- all fudtii? who registered -pa-.u J-.- bv profit earned on tinued to sign every diploma In toad of a.'ii-cmy on concrc'e practices which might result in >*en. more or less prepared aft- fe*w>r uf Er.r .-h. •v'* .-Uwuss ■ liiruors winter term, i - nr. ••*- .1 f! • ;• fur 'he n I ••.•!,- g.ven to graduates. • ti.eir beuu upset into the w-atei. mr.toi;. >a ;m- liciver.tation r- disclosure that nothing war "Han.i-" • ' = = cover expenses incurrd -cru'ivt *.e.« 'hi.- annual event since he hrrame pre*idrnt in of -.- a'. .«r.d oDolc'e disarm* ' and in the three possible re¬ r.llo." and "K:ng la-ar" tr< the Police Si-urcli u ihc class of 1361 since U en- f hi* < to profit July, 1941. Hannah ha* Kigneil a merit w'.t-uri an csitablDhed fuge areas. Monday - Vrtdr^cay - TburwJa.i it«! m U).r'~, Hieber and Arnie J-Hop r* a 1 -o expected to pay MPP to Orfcr almost (fi.OM diploma*. tdnc dm:', "ice, f -.nstanc State Police and National WMSB telecast. |-.:r«Vv:e*. ♦-» For J Killer* ' »luvy?.", J-Council »vu*nib«'i and for en;or year activities mclou-v "I feel fhat after a t-.ident are otiutuw f .rw u t the task of Oasrdtmen moved with di>- Sr.ckespeare. -Hop chad man, ■■.aid. The p.. . receptioi! ■ ]"->r Photo Course btis (■••mp.'etcJ four' vcars a' a *U !'. of They quickly closed off Any.-m CHICAGO rP- P. .» , d tax is a result of Uxa- gia-oj.o i.g -'-mors. hotrufuiTKi.g uR'.ver..ity ,rid ha« earned i»: f — single r-»ad that winds down area may en---' .'«- j "";i»r:*'• * r.''< -- 1 *• ' *'»■» ws'h Tewrer-entafiori. »• tiiiec;;. ■< mi.I swingout, emo; The Me bigiin Pn-. Photo¬ diploma he dc crve*. rnon- *r. the mining community of r red it «-ursc f r -c' ««::- *"ire search .' * • voted 1 tv office• * idcclt d "he Meek, -ehioi tour in x priub-d signature T.k- • e ; Tuesday the /•; grapher* Photo Short Course a on x>-n.*n do-; for olden. They moved down two arwymenr and mjuvrr-en* *.!?vc! >-f two Ihe* *>ffice jr>* • "> •nendrt-r.* of the junior elai • erd how and senior of the year Uipiuma," Hannah said man.v '■ cnn. -.r ':ui;es to v.-c . will offer phntog'? s<»me umi-nai ,. cos and a truck carrying Tno-e .nteresf t in receiving vc.'.?.p,iters. ' hf v -aid. award. Hannah iH-gins .signing picture opportunities next week u- • •( hers. These were lowered credit •*.*? apt.-.;* at ''f - The investigator" Juhn Mi - d' cvera! day*, in advanyc age*, f.e in of an inte-s. At a no«i'in«j .*-»'ssioi; March •■a m to the waiting rescue crev, ' Dr of gi'adUAt.'in. >1 ?.-ar'* !.-• Ai 36, and Benedetto Ste.r/- ■ 25, photoc will -ee and i>.* able . Th"y. ;».»• ,■ nili' ou d'«»s -e.i.uen'. •he mine elevator. L. M 'K "V i • yr.-d in one ;-:anl ma rat- v -• •••. - - 42. hot to i. atb to;>:. ,i gv. iOrt *'i- ex- ■ = The mine is lloldc-n 22. 12 V .'/hi K '*•.•. "u: r.u» c •- * ;i:.. night by thr<-» N- Jmhition i^« i jr. f i' - stjni? .-nark-, i» from the Kentucky border V :...-aO»n II. May O.I I a to.Kc If had seized with *wo i«'u -e- Ru»*ell ar.d fou* ourop, a trie •• ere are other Holden mine A e::'*4 > •' c» « ftoicn The hiy-u* . i. - a da. • ito y ' K.i .1 Gic. iJ Bit • i. I the area, each with an iden'i- - oar MSU gymnastics team. the t"ompletk>ri of c»»hv».u* ; c.wasoxJ. Seottv 'K.'Patrick. D Janicy ori, Jfaun.i i'- "eiyetjr. , ok vac' t r •■» i { '>mg number. •-.I'd Tit 4>;. them in hi: *-»)•■ ,c ■■■> a 0-- f«v wa.-d ir ■•{ The rich vein of coal is a Iji- sat ions' Spaais'. spear¬ - if cj' v ,c.d -.tate po- News .*;>?: pbotographr'r. will • any ing c-r -'j-.m 'v.'l?.! • i e ' force- -o ne 25 • uuring /ffice nou"." i r., dot lx u f-.r .a th more than five feet thick ' supervise " session at ' - Ov.- :t«o >!w. i P -• Office iV|HV... Presidential a*»i*tant .lame* to; ■•.)' ■>' .»•» to-Pt'in 't wide- • • m a I was above thU vein, at a ■ . Kellogg ( t n:», A.i:T-n tn*>- coan* a >>•" r- '• id »-r> Thi* gymna*! Itonisoii *aid it wan not unimual ■ eon:ci-ci,ec " <•- tir Ji •. I)i :kw - •• ■ about three miles undc - . to have a conference with Han¬ An A.-rc: it-r ; s ,.r. r • | 100 ir. * a -d.' -w.*ua -eti- Four iff, were i >: qne*- Kala«ria/'»i»'Dftt•>■**•' Larr.y und from the present shaft. nah while he signing lira! . wa* n« ' U S. course or WMSi!. the riounh* killing.". Kalarj».iw>o a■ nn -•> u* de.Ygt- •Jt a small slate fall knocked -.phomorc; diploma*. • to.«i as CKuated :!>ei/ wtoh'Ortn*- \ »n Mo*#* n The pattern lii(lrnl« \uurtigattofi- Bui all except Port Big Ifl coreje'fjtion. Mis* Russell l JfHJ Loaning Hifb The credit ar. i non-credit Office iJ.spectori: were taken off has represented Canada twice in Miss Jameyson jaii. "The rest of the administration worries Srirnrr IVIIoH.||ip< dock T..e teleiourses from aM umverssty the case aPer U.S Attv Rciocrl University of Michigan Olymp;. com petit ion and last every year about it, but he ha* V -ur MSU student* have been :ommuoic* ticparfmen's are planned tin ough Tie ken. ruled they had hu .turis- three places in the ^ -,a- -ers will be in town March diclion in the HivexUgfttion. summer won never been late " a-yarded graduate fellowship* t and cat Vie day before registration, Contmuiag Sducatioc. lot Uni¬ Pan-Ai iei lean Until thin year Hannah u.-ci bv rno gfatjonal Science Founda¬ three J*v *ive a concert at the East versity of the A:i .*d-S'' «d« ordinary fountain pens to nig'i tion. Ueceivirg tcTowships \t -hg High School Auditor- among the first to offer eiuca- Draft Veil Really Air Stale s M.c^lta at 8:13 tional services i»> t.ievisi"ri Tourneyi "be diplomas. Black India mk used exclusively and when begtn their -caduate work ar»j ing, erPJ'v> p.m. < Dorothy F"raver, Detroit en- The mixed choir will through its own facilities The Selective Service Qua'i- Mich.gan high school basket¬ sing a left in the pen "has a tendency lor; Jim Mac-Mahon, Dayton jun¬ varied program of serious musie, University of the A.r began flcatioa Test will be given an ball tournaments, held in Jetti¬ to corrode the rubber reservoirs. ior; Thomas Mcllrath, East Lan- ^-'Uding works by Handel. in 1354 and has uncc then of¬ April 28 Applications for auth¬ son. will be broadcast by WKAFt Now Hannah uses a special sin< senior, and David Baliarini, Bach and Bra hams and lighter fered over l00*i telecasts to 318 ority to take the test faust be again this war, according to pen made in < AMrrtt Germany. Iron Mountain senior. music, including spirituals. credit and 1060 non-credit stu¬ mailed by midnight, April FRESH liitotypr operator (keck Imti and Stole N«wi Dariy Frymlre, station manager. "We had to find a pen. that Richard Ball, Owosso gradu¬ The Michigan Singers, direct* Forms for the application may Editor in-Cktof |». Peter Halter* wefk together en tkeir la*t edition WKAFt' KM will carry the dents. wouldn't scratch, bio! or ' clog ate student, will receive a fel¬ 1 be obtained from i/x-al. Board of the rampns new *paper. Jones Is leaving Campos Press Ik** by Maynard Klein, will end These students have included cias* A semi-finals Friday and when not used for a few mo¬ lowship to continue work . month to take a Job with the I anting HUte Journal. He kas worked on hii *-th five pieces sung jointly No. 34 at 1120 May St Lansing, the finals Saturday, and WKAlt people beyond the MSU campus . ments," Miss Jameyson said doctorate. v,'n ibe But or a! Room 339 B Student Serv¬ since IMS on Ike night shift whtoh prod nee ■ Ike HUte News. HaMors, AM will cafry class B, C gncris have work¬ The fellowship* are good for school Chamber Choir, ices Building, who also began work wMh Ike paper In 1Mb, grifi—las today. U finals Saturday, ing in higher education course?. ed out very well-' a year and are renewable. MSU Men's Honoraries Include Blue Key. Feature Pae;e Green Helmet as Service Organisations IJXIIA LOTRIIKiK ST\TI NT.H'S IT:ATI'HI! IDITOR MSU present* its outstanding and leadership in campus activi- which .was begun in 1921. Th Pate Two men through four honoraries. ties. are seniors who have contrib- March l«. |9«0 Thirteen men compose the se- utod outstanding leadership and Ph. Eta Sigma. Green Hebnet, lecf group known as Excaliber, scholarship to the university. Bli.e Key and Excaliber. Scene of Itook Phi4 E'd Sigma, a national h.)-v"-rary with 9? chapters, chos- riK-t'.vf-n 70 and 80 freshman Ft. Lauderdale Attracts n en with 3 5 averages or better eath vear during winter term. Phi Eta Sigma's primary ser- Vacationing Students v.:t tr buti ,n :•> to the •udv of university is the di>- a pamphlet on how By I.AM WIC K fJrecn He'met, the sophomore Kxtm police, driving* marathons, beer, bermuda shorts, men's honorary, is a local or¬ and the beach. Put them together and you get the annual ganization founded in 1938 by •he past dean of men, Fred spring college student exodus to Fort (gtiulerdale, Florida. .Mitchell. While most Mlchiganders shiv- dale spring student invasion. It's Its 35 members are chosen er an.f shake and iigh'. harm a must for past, present and fu¬ from the top 100 freshman men March winds many MSU stu« with a 3 2 who have been active dents will flock to Florida's sun riH, 0 ture student travelers to that in college activities. Tapping is drenched beaches. city. When asked why she was va¬ held at the Fraternity Sing dur¬ Already* a tradition, 20,000 col¬ cationing at Fort I#auderda!e, ing spring term. lege students are expected to in¬ Blue Key. the junior-senior vade Fort Lauderdale this year. one coed several years ago re¬ men's honorary, has 35 mem¬ nit. J. itnnnir iiki wilt »r »iir «i «»rv tie- research riiuipment, whlrh l»r. Brunner has been Kx'.ra police will he. waiting for plied simply, 'because this ;* seeking lor eight years, was acquired through where the boys are." Swarthout bers presently. Entrance re¬ uatrhrx rloxH.v us Marvin Thompson. them. !><• appropriated to research by the MSI! had hfs title. quirements include scholarship (Yatcrforri. N.V., « student, inserts u In.ulcil money Every spring that city's police rnlor assrmhly into tin- nrw hlgli-xpimil renin- Iievelopment Tund. State Newa photo by Tom department puts on extra men Armstrong and requires regular officers to (utr in thr food frrhmdogy department. Tlir new For Cultural linns. Itnildiii"* work overtime, alt because of the students. $5,000 for the increased force. In 195R it cost CAMPUS DFADLIXES: I p.m. Day llrfore I'uhHcalinn CLASSIFIEDS for Tur*.. Wed., Thurv, Actually, the student* do not usually run afoul of the law for and Fri. Kdifion**. Deadline for Mon. Edition; 1 p.m. Fri. Growth Needs Improvements. _ anything more aerloua than ft* RilK Payable 8-12 and 1*r> Monday through Friday (raffle violation. In 19M. how* ever. 7S of them were arretted, many for drunkenneta. F.D 2-1511 EXT. 2613 Development Fund Fills Gaps lit NILI. I Al l.%ll %\ . mvisp in* imnosisihlp <>i inadr- Clad in bermuda short*, T- shirts, and tennis shoes, or m bathing suits, students pack Fort CAMPUS CLASSIPlfOS P«'#i. b«-»d o« IS — HOUSING HOUSING PERSONAL iflOtfr—• Lauderdale's five-mile beach. 'da/ *< THE MERLYN GATES ORCTfF0 POP RENT TRA—daneeable music with that bie r 4r w.h ..f MM* ■«*;*r. In physical appear i"! college* and universities the beach and save hotel fee* tdtyl ? 75 KENNY DAVHI ORCHESTRA » a lorn*, thr mi vcrsi'v is lit • tried alumni contribution pr •- One Ohio State University s dsv* ?' FOUR MEN OVER 51. large apart- APPROVED—THREE ROOMS nit¬ ra'l F.D 2-1177 " merit, furnished Parking, laundr- rate entrance, parking. 16.90. ET>- ..nt»s lollg before MSU. In far*. gnn r-xnn motel for a week. The REAL ESTATE alumni ,n IRIM. ran rooms rtmmsnEt»-or»d* MEN OR GRADUATE students rmca't its proprietor riHjuires that all vi-'* AUTOMOTIVE ua*e *,'idar,t* or profe*s.»r« Nawlv R--«-m and board In East lansmg NFAR MSU CAMPUS -crev Man- universities .If • «rs leave a' 17:30, and from Oa- rated and clean Ell 7-9305 or h-u*a Home privilege* >18 week bedroom bungalow near Red fed.. then »>'i quiet is to prevail. SPUING VACATION SPfClAt FD I-3.VA3 U FD ?-2?92 evenings. Ask lor John *thmil. garage large lot: $12,800, Field tf low 91800 down Also, attract ■ To get to Fort Lauderdale, <•«/-->» f' r"!Vlt* ( ENTER CI.OSF Five large t a* ye-roon ranch home near Math ► slnrfrnk usually take turns driv¬ . ,.d„. J' r C-. • APPROVED ROOMS FOR men «cbool Flreplaee. dining room, pt- mailable Immediately private en¬ beat, full basement, attached garap- ing the ear*, and ride nlvht and trance, bath and phone Three min •Park-like 75 x 172 lot 918 800 FH5 d.iv until they arrive. Those that etc* from Berkev. FD 2-8167 44 rrorfgage as high aa 91*'"to. Face • W n APARTMFNTS FVFRV- don't sleep on the trip ratrh np l-nt pos^rselon on either Glerc !I|N*(» tumuhed Will ircr-in-i•••dale " Pa" 0-1 f-<»« MKhlgi-- APPROVED ROOMS AT 511 Ah- Rlucter. TU 2-2587 or IV 5-72.14 W .i while sun-tanninx on the hearh. Jek«io« • neoiiie bi-M Road Two minutes from Union let Noller Co Realtors Ni 1010 t G>»»4 P." inquire al "flue 50 . After students arrive, perma- ED 2*8241. If n»" • F"': Lauderdaie -resideip . Neil *o M(Do*i'd't P»t»# I- lOI'M, TFACIfFR WISIIF.w vmng EXCELLENT BUSINESS OPPOR¬ (O-OPFRATJVF ROOM TUNITY In a small community Re¬ oiw» »*r-l>iifo: s w .«.r. t,. ,h,re furnlxhed ap.irtrr.e- t PEAL WJit.-h with a sot' of 'Mil h be- r -.i. tilo-from can:pus ED- and board 1155 term Spring lertn tail FTD flower and gift bu*tne«« The coal of thr tniid is a c it J tell. * ■!» ' attitude established ?$ vear* serving 9n m'ie hav.or, f,-M. 5- *41 after 4 :»<• 50 •nienings All men eligible. One radius W'e have specialised in the rxetx xear from every alumnus S-udeiit-waMung tie replace.l block from eampu* ED 2-5535 So » \S' I ANSIVG Nlf"ELY fur- in design pr, for «etlln£ * • til a li alumnus nerds to do Is to 111- f •HEVnOt.rT WAf.O* "*t\ Write The Ro-e II all hrcan III a Mir! of citrh TV in popularifv i* Under. tv*«» .)«v-r rati • .* .•-? • - e. apart •*,,( male slitdent-. MAKE RESERVATION* FOR next trained designer write a check. pavahle to Midi Shop. 720 Phoenix Street Smibi M-ratili-ran mannrr during Uir A * 'W!i -f fiS.OOO p-»pu!ation. povrrgll'le, Hiiv *rr,tn n."i» -* ! Parkins 1 all FD 2-58TJ 5- ten' One b|ock 1mm downtown F. Haven Michigan for more dcta >» - alumni were ni ir.iu stair t'nlverslt*. for anv #745 IV 1'•» tensing, one-half bloek from Grand '* fO Jn's «hen For' IAinderdale has a great HVf apartment for j1fnt Two River or Michigan Ave. 23.i Delia 5»> information or anpointment. roitraged to nhr slip \ hoard of • trusters for the amount hr ran civr and send it mans I persons. The in- mil xai.P 1*157 FORD rt'rirn b..- w- ■ I - ■•»•* KitcPenet'e »'•-»* Men atocient* oiilv • l |Mirl to the free linn of llir I n li t-d roiisists ot '7 alumni, thr to thr Development Tumi. vn on Of :u.l|-n*s in* > the eitv O V\ m rx- rilni' r»n»li*ii-M < a I T-tnr* Mttrr 7 p m I'"- ' " (.« aj - f « 3-80847 So APPROVED SINGLE AND double Walk to rumpus, private en- SERVICE V Ion. thousands of alumni tent prrsolrnt of thr null cr-dl* virr- . f < the n u r peaceful i*- r»H>m tiaoie. free parking ED 2-3151 or (•nlrihtiliAiiii and »lodent« and lirs-tteol tin It u si lies* and ■io-ohect- into excitement vnf.vo «A AH FIAT. TRIVMPH KM 7-0177 50 , •re* alumni artwalti helped fll-i iin|vrr*P« x-iirLitx and A»U f--r Allan Rndrrro a- *.rrat«. •■nanrr Some older resident* shake Motor* A pr*«#n' MSI.' f ROOMS FOR MFN in approved the basement under the oldest lh" dirri tor ol aliimiil tri llions their heads and wonder how it TYPIST -F.LFCTRIC F.I.ITE. f-al¬ hou«e 2:i«i Rogue street arroM from section of the present I nion a ft r a *--d a*** n - , lege degree. 10 vear* theses, bonk* began and where it will end. !"♦"» Falcon or from a < K A I.AM AZOO FULLY furnlah- Snyder Hail ED 7-7«W 50 term papers, etc. experience. ED I kp mi!!* things n:i; i" I* began. «-»-!ie think, with a MSI* stndant S— Cm» Vldcn >' tt-'ea r-n-rr» and bath. 2-5548 N Mas Oirti* In. IV 4-44«t !• Cr laundri uttlttiMi $85 IV swmmrng forum in 193R ('->!- STUN - ROOM 13. STUDENT '■ •, *!udeu'from all over the ntAKFS rOMPtFTT RFUVTVi SERVICES. Stun will he open • #"«>:, §i-a hp Adlti-r-nrr'. v» flc.»1 GROUND F14V3R PRIVATE, ha'h SINGLE ROOM FOR men. near take in book* Saturday. March J«t \ . ' ».1.- . u\ , 1 . aften i " M '!'«••• m-mnmn Brake R-lm- a hi a Iran *■ Parking Si <, B, key. Parking. 124 Bailey. ED- from 8-J2 am. and Marrh 21 gnu b,*' a e»'M t.orn* hr a* ei-s 7*»ui F Kalamaroo. IV 4-»*iv I' - - Utihtte* pa>d EV» a month 2-n:^? 50 22 from 1-5 pm Stun will be open' tended. . M'tu: neJ tne followin g r.r> 2-?-i*2 50 to both *el! and receive book* Mar FOR RENT. APPROVED double ». 51. April I. 2. from 1-5 pm. Sue wi'!« friend*, and the EMPLOYMENT 7 WO-ROOM f-orLhed an.irtnae to Light F.D 2-1342 50 V>C\VAW1- *'• :t-"0> for tw -> student* F.D 2-57*2 -V" 0 ; iv p. K,„.s up and grow • on Clflft. TO HAPVSIT • r i-' • • TYPING - EXPERIENCED. AT i-«hf houii* work. «princ * "PROVED I.ARGF APARTMENT t l.fWF TO MSU for male Grad- home. 8.77 I Cherry Une. F.D 7-0175 Ft> '.'-Hlf'S qftrr 5 .To so furnished. or ,i-i student, nr-vate aed.anoe ii.ur i't' 'AsMStant Linens W-iere d w .h end n-» one ran » !•• rimcu- I'tilltie- paid 1137 217 Charlea. Fas*- Lansing 50 OFTSFT-MULTILITH DUPLICAT¬ •"rvh.'Tnrhed od.i n«»rtfieUl coliege FOR SALE S lr-1 -fd 2-.1IM 50 TO GRADUATE STUDENT^ nr ING Because of recent dtvelop- I-V. BPIXTi STREET--unfurnished Professional man Spaclou* room »n rnetlU in time-proven off«et print¬ (ral"' Swarthou th»* ecuiimnical. prolessional Friuli Ion in«z ing. a- i t -.e - apartment Prlv«ta batii area of beautiful homes. 0. Phune SPU0NUT SHOP IS OPCN* aid entrance Inquire at #<'! Beech ED 2-117* !Wi process I* now available for "your wi-iie a bonk a inn it if thesis, job resumes, form letter* i\ a-iwH vi Swarlhoul's book. "IVhere Ihe FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, garage close pnntographs and charts. For infor¬ a a - mation on duplicating and typing Mo»* Are." is * humorous sorio- POOMS to rantpu* Available ftp'rediatrlv call Al or Jane Wonch. ED 7«tf54l loelral study of the Fort laiudef- Across from Berkev tf Approetd Supf'eitfd Heuiiitf hr Men NEAR CAMPUS - UNAPPROVED PARKING ACROSS' FROM cam single roin for men. f«50 Approved pu*. by week, month, or term Sou? LuiiiImIu (Jii 135.1 STl'DFBAKER . FV>!'R-tXxiR double Twin bed,, tile aboycer. pri¬ vate entrance F.D 2-17 If 50 gravel bane, lighted 233 EXPERT THESES AND Delta general 5- « sH: , SPAITAN HAIL tiso Sevrntern-inch TV. tl# Twen¬ tvpiivg Electric typewriter Six'ev SINGLE ROOM FOR men — 544 ty-two rlllc. k-oiw. Outboard motor. a ear* experience On block fro> Olebrates #15 cr» j-oaas it University Drive 9H Garage avail- able Col fee privilege* E1J 2-4582 llrodv FD 2-5545 t M l (luring i Il» OUR COUPON this paper for on« Fxam Week- Tha spxhIthi* advertrscmci- free Smul'-.-' ,v: SINGLE ROOM FOR male student. 50 SPARTAN TYPING oiiginal service MULTILITHING Every Mrs. Goodwin. ED 7-8881 copv an « < Pecentla. thr tund tor s|.. Birtlulav si:ob in new location. 90 MAi STUDFVTS IN MARKIF.D housine 3d IkPGC POOMS C. \ EPfE TV ft PHONE - • $• cl"*e in. senior or graduate prefer¬ red 9750 43V Grove: ED 2-3421 LARGE FRONT ROOM In 50 quiet HAY RIDES through winter - AT raduced rate- trim for Universe- tor aala tirade A lar*a i arm groupa. Heated p«rtv room avails bo into toward thr puichasr «l •» aKie- I will daltvar them lor a w ANTED NICE RELIABLE n-.ala neighborhood Bath xhaied with Phone now for re*ervatk>r\s. For sMunil rrutrifugr. installed in (»'i March 22. Foundet's Day. ED- share Urge comfortable only nne perron Parking |7 ED- doren. ("all potialas Austin at **,.itan1 to Hiding Ranch. |V 9-9527. ■ Michigan State chapter »f West Grand River ED- 2-3»48 50 f '•till in room H!2« Ruttrrrield Ma *25 the food trdinulogt drpirtnirni LandHi.i g:u Alpha will join in on Monriay-Thurxlav 7-1-1 pm t> • 3-4A1J 50 liionths I hr halunee of ROOM FOR ONE in new home l\)i» ago. t uiiifuin Jivi'-taib the national observance of their Saturdays, call the btttt between f* ii>. APPROVED ROOMS FOR man private entrance, tiled shower, park¬ llir money was supplied lit the Market. IV privileges linens ing available ED 2-1183 SO 50'h anniversary as a fraternal and 5 p n» to-ave name and plume tv a"fl k-Lban \u I \ per intent 1 Station. This number If no answer 50 tunoshed SiJ»t oar weak FD 2-4274. type of equipment. whiili has hern sought alter for eight yeais. (onfusing la III i.»rgaru?a!i->n Founded at Bciston University BARTENDING TRAINING COM. room* EXTRA NIC* DOUBLE and single ED 7-0630 Parking, cokolug 548 Grove. so 1*1 FIT nroiesatonal homr u«a TWO ROOMS FOR snrinc term m U a new type of research tool in IW09. Igimbda Uht Alpha has instruct km. Free information write at nrosed bou*e for college girl* 50 SLEEPING ROOM. COOKING pri¬ that enable* the department to grown to international statu* Box 7s.i Lansing or call IV 2-kltrJt ru 2-108 vileges parking F.D 2-U303. tf and presently enjoys a m ember- eveninga. • A' do research that was formerly HAir OF A double room. Male .s up of 131 active chapters and ".♦dent ttjeakiast tuavllagas ED- SINGLE AND HALF a double, for TV and RADIO RrPArtThv N«' Impossible. II will l»e useful to • ?-".«* V) men 98 and 58 (. lose h> campus atudent Calls mada altar (Inala TV« rd do: two colonies. The national head¬ II different deportments Wumt. clean Ideal for student aeek- t»r sale IV 4*tT0 and quarter* is located in Indian- hit to improve hi* grades 40 Grove i 1 - i xa Street Phone ED 2-2219 for appoint¬ DECXIRATED CAKES DFUVERFn 5' l nu ;! Ill . c ,.o Apolls, In-1 |o vou lor naitiaa. tnrthd**'« M- - ment to aee these fine rooms 50 TRANSPORTATION , - . iti'ur.'h s in it can }>?-v -..IIPii.oi'y yi f 'iMtriJJirt io. • ; ' The MSU group, once known olhef delicious pas trie* Kwa>t lUk ckc«: .1; i:i rgc m.dw extern a* '-he Forensnc Literary Society *r*. IV 4-e7» it TRAItfRS RIDr WANTCD TO Rait Lak- prok'iiK ,»! I.;:n Mr p ;j. . .1 d Ci " ■< u.«r « » in the days of MAC, received City Can leava Monday. Will ahare , {iv . ,i< U-nu."." ■he ii.i'r. ■,*ttig' lot br.un their national charter and be- ZENITH TRANSOCEANIC RADIO SLuulard broadcast and six -h.-rt- I AST LANSING — APPROVED fO« SAlf" driving and axpanaaa. Call Jo* On !,.•! m.-'iivuli* ii'a- h a , Two Mm k* from Git Weal Shaw. d ii.i hi, i»v caine the Clamma Omicron chap¬ w ave bund* EXTRAS! Ik R £14 ror-R.s for men IMS CUSTOM BUILT VENTURA : •- . 1 >H>iti.->jiP»«SU».> .1. i a per*. K..tner ED 1-101. Tom 3" r»nwi«. narking FD 2-oJ05 s'ta- « WANTED - TWO ROUND-tr .1 1923 43 x 9. wtth radiant beating Like 11,01c livlli.o W* !>.; ' nr:i:n»H»vv. ' r. a-'ui "" .v- ter in anv tur,e warkends 4*3 Grove new. ontv 92.IOO. ED 7-A104 50 rider* to Fort Lauderdala. Conta • •16 IONUS SALE! S'-aet .50 Bill or Pete. 319 E Shaw * S,.o0 is nu; ::i 'Hwv i : .0 ■'. .1 ... who x n»i»ki1.j2 Boast-nc a natieamide mem- ' berahip of nearly li.NI men. DOUIll DIAMOND SAVINGS 5>*?*ROVtn HOUSING FOR men I **58 DfTTROITFR 10* »o"7roni WANTED RIDE TO and fror- \ ' . lahl'K a i i!?(3u* Lambda Chi enjoy* the dlalinr- STAMPS Pur« l^r>r -o:79 aftr* 9.*' tan unnnt I'd- 50 kin hen tm- bedroon *. colored an- plian.-es On lot in Holt !.Wt» OX- - West Junior High and Spartan V>" Uge Monday and Wednesday eve t".r urge tion of having farmer Fre-sklent MARCH ONI" 1 1 .(• •'•!." J-:' a ■ ' .' ■. ning*. ED 2-0443 k lUikiif k»v ! A ' Utliicufl ' < . » Truman. Army Majnr Dnnllttle. * i .ew# . .» TtfREF OR FOUR bov* over 51 Mr 1 !. " c :» n ) r,.i, •, . .1 »; ' •' ■ •>-. . m.iiv0 * .1 * ^ ^ « •1; . ... a i:a», a rartoonisl Cheater Ueuld. all- ta»,s 3 bat !*-*»* . »ok:i* x nrtvate entrance (a.ihtie* o» :i ID 3-45.1? LOST and FOUND THREE RIDERS TO Fort Uuder- . riaJe leaving Monday. 91. rvturnnt •c *1 ;.!T W hclbcr .•>' a - a . ;i "h 11/: fly" ..* a pc - American At llnrow and hear- C?rt..*ne .<•*#-•»y, ta*"r a* lata as poaiable. Eds and Co-e-i GOLD CHARM BRACELET on > 00, , -A #»,csrn'. ; , i-.iic ■ *••:, ' who - uo..-, * • >n r ii4 (•!'.'' lull's Mickey Cnrhrane. I1 r. vi '»«'* campus Friday Sentimental value ED 2-075. u. W v.o 1 d«v do '.<» uc: out yini The local chapter has become S»"*rw •" f •«»(> Reward. Sandv Cavo. ED 2-XU8 j« WANTED-JTIDEBS TO ft Uua ED 7-761: ' 'AU-XGI a ltd .: MAC leaving Tuesday, returnu e S. ; ■ ;« XX j. . , - • i.X !(* •• nationally known for its •origi¬ ID |l ll!i-t'! * qc » tjr -■« t -i LOST CORVETTE TYPE hubcap erdale Schulter . •i.i>«T " p.t'.e-*- pro!e*"r,v "183 n April 9. CaU ED 7-1914. Bob (S U-cpi ViHl SINGLE ROOM FOR girl Conking East Lanaing Sunday morning . p : >x:;HVJMI 8 iuiJi'.j'1 ecu- > oi >av nation of the annual Jr. 500 tnti m viler At once replied WUA T.I tap it »ll 01T a cu e G<-wcs Scca-d Peirk Wi'.tt-n- 4 <*'J t>nviW«e' Near campus M weekly. 95 Reward. Gary Sherman. ED 2-3547 Had you been there a".;lae- 1 f.-r \ v • - ; a- Inc't ' push-cart race and Greek Fr«>; F.D 7-oAC 50 RIDE WANTED TO New York ciU- fiiri * nub " bv»th all-university events. ph% ta»r» e whole performance, -t would •-.m i- .-:vi\i M M*Scouch,-. • vMij .* of vwtnity March 19 after 9. Joe DOCBl.r ROOM FOR man—euiet. »l ha\e worried >ou m Strong in campus activities 200 ast'a stamps if •« fe'ftt ta !.*w-aerr unvilr bath, parking P- PERSONAL Duett*.her. ED 9-4N91. VIi. lii»;ni Slate Ni'*« and scholarship, intramural fi«a tkem. s»" Suartar- ED 2-IS1J after t AIDERS WANTED TO downto a, a>t. The two cUs*ea go*, out on weekrlkds 50 " -i.'orts and assorted community W-ll-a*" H. Tkempto*. }«•« «. • nj ' WINGED SPARTANS Chi,ago northwest euburbs. ieevm- e green and jf.'tvVcd t-ii.v: - Ml Student Services of OiamesJ At-rcn 0 around 9 p.m. R»i-'i activities, the Lambda Chi's have Memkef ONE OR TWO male students of Marco 28 15 one way. 9» round "it oufld tr> .j.a ?■> throw .-a ... Piitviiuiro on c.»«» dav* Mon' -.ef into a po<»! of wah-r. The new centrifuge. in its »• vieo ► i i:ia\ lti,tu«tva during iall ,»vad he*u»« Parking IV lh50541 » 'y yucvoode i . . makm* y - present configuration using •tier olutav*. ami spun* terms during except summer ; national fraternity. Enthusias- HOUSING t RIDE B ANTED TO New Jam aluminum alius rotors, will ctr- t c alumni sujnwrt has made it APPROVED DOUBLE ROOMS for Leaving March 22 after 4 pen- JL- ierab'e and dt s' .:.n run and special freshman l«*u* men tw<- minutes to Berkev C«w>k- ate a force of iSO.OMO graiitics flveen *uinmer and (all term*, possible to build an addition to poa HINT It Johiuum ED 9-5041. 5" •me clothing." tng nrlvtleges Study room. ED- 1. tntrrrd as second clan* matter un« the local chapters house. 2-8I03 Al or "<•'*" at it* top speed of 59.- ♦«~r If the present freshman «\d er »,t of March .1 tBifl at tha o«>st TWO BCDROOM HOI Unfur- taiosinc. Wtoh As the Lambda Chi's begin Pished, fenced-in vard <*-:xine dis¬ 1 p ~ •phomore cSgJWey at temp 000 r.p.m. It ran he run at even :f"T, SINGLE ROOMS FOR graduate higher speeds, with more e\- flicir 51 si year, the local chapter, tance to camuua—IPT. CD X-3M* V men and veteran* Parking and Sprain From The F.C-C. ich a mas* Lavas, ' . a -•«ine .-nvitece"- 520 Sunset Lane w, host a regional conclave at . Is S«hJ . Ka*t laming in May which wi.'l marc off a '. a ci e V BAKERY DELIVERS Jn- TO LARGE ROOM FOR male M3 I'm-, KV\ AST cuing. Campus, and M \i i iiii>«r Hill Ktriman, lr- precede the national convention Fl'RN'tSHCD APARTMFNT var-utv Share 2nd Hoot wuh two divniually decorated cake serving *har* rloee to campu* Fr->nt and of the u'-v \> rsr.\ m nunv areas Jarvt* si-hrduled for August in Cincin¬ back private awiranc*. t'tumea p- d • oUiers. sShewcr and phone. ED 1-1487 twelve for 92.50 Phone IV 4^7M be¬ •.ate police force* t'utioncd h, Wile tdltor .leanne nati. ED 2-W)7S. >- fore i p in. 91 seen them waving uigbt stvi. aistl dirtvtioha which vvuuhi oih- Photofcraidier . . Jon> Arouiioua MICHIGAN 8TATE NEWS lecturing Pata Thraa Solitude t March If. 19— IT ISNT anty atadenta wba lake a break after the lane day or |« TGIF-Ing to the Gables} MSU students often think they Instructors partake of thetr right have a long, hard day, especially to enjoy themaelvea, ton. if they have to face an 8 a.m. class. But what of the poor in¬ structor who has to face a some¬ times amorphic mass of droop¬ THE DAT begins, •• wr look ing eyelids at such an unfortu¬ Into IN Rerfcey Hall, aa Fnhrl* nate hour? And what if he lectures on the rronomln of knows the students in that 5 basic aerial science. p.m. Friday class are thinking of everything but the lecture topic? Wolf Fuhrig, lecturer in bas e social science, is not unlike any State News other MSU instructor, so our photographer decided to follow him around, with a camera, Photos throughout his day. Fuhrig, who has MSU several years since taught at leaving By his native Germany, began his day in 303 Berkey hall and end¬ Tom ed it in the solitude of deserted Spartan Stadium. Armstrong NOW THAT II Is ever. th«~e QWesttom yN didn't understand •re perfectly elear. Whs routdn t the Instructor be so belpfnl dur¬ ing the test? GOVT VOIT wish yen eonld receive and lake In an exam aa nonchalantly aa Fabric bands II NOTHING *OOTHF* a man • •at la yew? 4 troabled brow aa does solitade at the end of the day. The stad- lam rinys with rbeer durins football fames, bat now M Is Mm amal deserted plara oa ca«#sv ervoort's CATHOLIC STUDENTS 213 R. GRAND RIVER DO IT AGAIN!! -4T-N EAST LANSING Ph. ED 2-2111 ... ■ , ft, ■ * , SALE! For Hw third straight fair tha Catholic Stadoato of SL Joha's Parish, MSU, have showa thoir gsaarssity. *^ RENTAL U - law pladgoi tothosmwof $30,361.00 was lahaa la Saaday Mar. 13 lo pay SKIS far the new Catholie Stadoat Coaftr. Each yaar, since tha eharch aid slodmt eaalar was bailf, tha HeiVa the sale that many nhl cnthnaiaatn wait far year¬ ly. It'a your opportunity la pladga goal has hoaa sal at $I8JOOJO aid aach Has tha rot Up quality *hk at real stadants hava far oxeasdsd this. ■avlac prima. AS okio hart ] Saw and la aar natal pr» 6 rata of appreciation is ia ardor for this dyaanie assist- ★SKIS* Complete with aki-free binding GROUP I I GROUP II I GROUP ID I am* Jam I Mooaoj mm* Jam I am Father Rohart L Kavaaaagh ★BOOTS* St. John Catholic Church Complete with Boot Tree* A drlrrUbic duct dclincd to succeed ' and catholic student center Oh on any bunch. SKI POLES • S3.50 327 MAC. Avaaas a 7-1771 "Butterfly" print am EAST LANSING all cotton frassctte SHOP TONIGHT TIL 9 PM AT VAN'S ''Serving Catholic Student* at M&U.'* Dr. Tukcy Represents U. S. at Hort Meeting Ballot Box •he Netherlands, March 24. 25 the growing interest in the T>r H B TiiVrv. head ef 'he of horticulture through- and 27 s\ ;encc Recently elected officers of president, Dan Pearson, Mears department of hort,culture '« will also .serve as a ou; Iif world the United S'a'es Dr. Tnkey Alpha Mn are: president, junior; vice president, T.m Otto, •, -.v resent .nr "'vp from the Amer¬ Each participating nation has Mama Lansing junior; secretary, Joyce at : if coun.-f. meeting of the *e- dcc.'oped Us own scientific John Hirsch. Toledo, Ohio, jun¬ --r:'\ formed International S •- ican Horticultural Exhibition, Ross. Ft. Meyers. Fla, junior; , rioria. e IPM." which opens at group working in horticulture, ior; vice president, Ron Gold¬ treasurer, Jim Sammer, Berkley ( ft*- for H" .. 'iOi S i ~ce he.; t'.-.g regular meetings for the The meeting :< at the Hague. rm'terdnm March 2« stein, Flint junior; secretary, junior. International Son. tv ■exchange of information, and The nr-» Jim Wise, Boston. Mass.. sopho¬ Recently elected officers of f >r Hot- cultural Science has publishing van <> s scientific Kappa Alpha Thru arc: presi¬ Michigan state news . journals and periodicals. more; treasurer, Bob Schwar'/„ M.irrh 16 1"H0 Pate Four i een formed in recognition . f dent. Marg Robs, Kalamazoo Detroit junior Recently elected officers of junior; first vice president, Mar¬ Sigma Nil are* president, Wil¬ garet Fleischer, Detroit junior; second vice president, Mary liam Wallace. Van Nuys, Calif- Hannah. East tensing junior; junior; vice president. Bernard Basham, Wayne junior: secre¬ recording secretary. Pat Day, Saginaw junior; corresponding tary. Marshall Roe, Franklin secretary, Kitty Paul, Winston junior; treasurer, James Arbury, Salem, NC. junior, treasurer, Detroit sophomore. 'Ajtparrl Newly elected officers Student Marketing Club of the arc: Betsy Woodward, Jnd.. junior. Richmond, 05ft JJrnrlaims thr iflan..7 SPRING TERM wj*e wonts might wrH EVENING CLASSES ON CAMPUS V I -pt in mind hv young men tirnl I PSII.OX MM .rmhfn tolnr «T.r Rim f.r Ml forth - t»vlsu To look v.Mir best loiffrr omint laprl l.l.vUinn .how to ht llrH ovrr HMtR-TV Tflirtd.., mm we suggest our flattering priiish 1 ah collar Under fastening BOTH CREDIT AND HM4REMT ,rr til Jim Tjnlor. dirtrtar; Rill c*rtti.r.m.n: Rnin. di.. prntiur.r, .nd t hnrk Wlnnlfki. ram.r.m.n. M.t. Nr., phot. holds collar neatly and comfortably in place. In fine oaford an»t broadcloth $5.00 S.ti lie. S2 5& COURSES DIVISION and I)iirkiif»« ill Nm»n , ann mrns (I Mark* North of Iterkr? Hall) Theater Sets Drama Trvouts MIDWEEK LENTEN FOR INFORM ATION CALL EXT. 3431 The University Theater will nev Kingslcy's stark dram. -ARROW* SERVICES be turning to one of the grimest "Darkness at Noon," the firs: f spring term. March 30-51, frem 7 AM: COMMUNION chapters of history, the Russian 7-10 urn. in the Studio The.v 6:30* S PM: VESPERS 'revolution and its after-effects, This charged play deals w •: when it holds tryouts for Sid- the decline, fall, and ultirr. disillusionment of a party 1«m LARGEST DISCOUNT HI THTR & er in named Rubashov, and *h tragic terms how he !<«• « everything, including his fa • n Communism, to tha new ?**< MUFFLERS TAII, PIPES EXHAUST PIPES SELECTION — A COMPLETE — of men created by the revolu: and personified by Gletki POLISHES — WAXES — PAINTS — BRUSHES Look your best COMPLETE LINE OF ACCESSORIES OF bloodless sadistic officer Jr. secret police. Frank C Rutle . will direct this Broadway ,:. - in Arrow's Tabber cess of several seasons ago PETE FOUNTAIN nwnin AITO New A There are parts for 18 men STASTVtf and four women. All Stud< -. i si'RiNc; • A popular choice with the college man *» this g^C.LASS •otxyufoti •run ruHm interested in helping recrea a vnari ne« collar atvle the we Watering SERVICE •««TKR rtlHP* one of the most significant per- r»f f»r». •cluki rum tods of our times arc urged u under collar that guarantee* laating food TriKki Trueter* look* See at won tor *our choice of collar try out. Kyle*. ha« fabric*. Arrow ahirts, $5.00 PETE FOUNTAIN DAY IN All aiiA rcpg lira. K 50 auto world $f mi KRAMER NEW ORLEANS «>fff KMPP'S UNIVERSITY SHOP parts fITA I . v *TEITT FLOOR BLUES AT VETEAU LOUNGE Son E. KALAMAZOO ST. PHONE IV 4-1333 PETE FOUNTAIN'S NEW ORLEANS Europe l «*».£.<-• Mrs LAWRENCE WF.LK \dft' cash PRESENTS I4*4"*".— ANDRES •*•«•« law $9*1 of mr4 * *<• um M 2? IM W—S Aa—" 027 NO. WASHINGTON LANSING IV >-9420 FOR III at the SPUDNUT boois SHOP OPEN AGAIN WE BUY ALL BOOKS AT ANT TIME in time for finals F-xtra are tapered and trim, these tight-fitting, tailored by famous tow-riding slacks H-I-S for the adventurous male. Plata Visit Om New Location At pleatles* front and eufflew legs accentuate the long, lean lines-. Dashing Capri-atyle front pocket*. Newest Diamond- tab belt loop* Pick your pair from a scmtiUatiag selection - 225 MAC AVE. - of ncweit fabrics and color*. "■ NEW shop new layout SAME PRODUCT - - WaM to 36 > $1.93 to $333 if You Like Donuts —You'll Love SPUDNUTS C UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE ORNER OF EVERGREEN A W. GRAM) RIVER dlOsifcheWros. 113 X. W ASHINGTON IV M1T1 THE SPUDNUT SHOP ED 7-!!7t i l Jl. • i M- ij.m dne* n-d nartleul.iriv rare phi*ssophy maior and ihe oth"- JOHN' IIOrKIN't Ml( It If \N STATE NEWS liPllers to the Kditor * Hha' .j ytudenfs ma-or is. will *. ie'v a pre-med student, the March in. lo»,rt Page I iso Dr Thoma* Turner, dean of edmit science and huma i- pn.'osophy man get* th* nod " the medical faculty "1 cannot t v major* a readily a* pr. - In *he pa«t. students headed tn- candidly that liberal arts in Moore Threatens Libel Suit say metd mnjnr* if they meet science ward medicine oiled up huge any sense outweigh science W • requirements. backlog* of scientific courses, want both in our entering stu¬ "which «hcv could COMING TO CHICAGO PIINNSllVWh very well dent* a background that is To the MH»r: •of tt-.p lower right side of the of director* of idmiMion in live Medical Farulty Dean John have done without " FOR THE WEEKEND? broad culturally and a prepara- This letter Is in r«roon*fe ta a moon remained light ma for medical school*, all of Mitchell: the school pays no at t.on in baste science, specifically Richard Riege! which tenlion to NORTHWESTERN SluH-nH (m«n or womon), Couplo,, \belous editorial appearing In Indicate they want Ihe majors, is interested chemistry, biology and ma'.hr- potential student of medicine !•; in the man and how- he handled "Von're In medlrine for Ihe matic*. The old unconcern f " Fomitio*. Group, on Tour. •V State News on March 15, f EDITOR'S NOTE: Pholwg. , jofiO m which my name rapher have a broad background »f the courses rather than what rest of your life," says Medical liberal art* ha* vanished We was em¬ Valet thai Ihe series stav at the general education aa well a* the courses to took. vmca hotel. ployed. while being hanged by his Iocs required aelenee courses. Ililt At iO school Dean 1^. Richard Voting, want a man to »v intellectually mature, and we recognize that Among other things, the edi¬ for Infraction af a quiet bouts "The hroader seholaslie hack- # *1 M«# #a«o «l Iht |nop J think the S'News would Preference has swung toward he cannot attain that statu* tak¬ torial stated, that, "In spite of regulation, hence the apparent per- ground a man has before he en¬ e lengthy fonn a service for our pro-mc 1 .1 i nan.?ies major*, sav . Dr Jos- ing nothing but wiener courses" • kii«mo>o4«fia*) leo ; 000 objections of Dr. medical school, therefore, • inversion.) ters students by reprinting the com¬ t'e.tham!, dean of s'.udcn's Stanley- Idrerd* ;-hn Moore of the natural ♦ * ♦ en,. the better."' • •••»«* J» $0 enrf vo ments of these men 'he medical school: "If two • irnce department, a frequent "mtributor to our "letters to the MICHIGAN a -T V, ati.i both have the re¬ vVWWAMWWWWWWMWWWWWWWWWj 0.|»» *g«. §}« teen,, A** C»« .opo J Ml editor** -jvor of column, MSI* we remain affiliation with in Med School? Says Lovell, the Assistant Dean University of Hobo Mv - quired basit ti.r.i ihem. scientific and one courses \\a* a Will: run this aii kxam vvvi'k spi'ctai. >• vai.i i e National Student Assn." To the Editor: J Now. I www Id like to know Assuming that Dr. Feurig's lliiiiil for Our I'rrr precisely wklt "lengthy objec¬ remark* were reported accurate¬ I tions" yww are referring to? Do ly in Tour edition of March 10. KINGLY LIVING AT SIT'DNIT v%iili these *en ef "lengths objections" that apeak ef exist as a matter 1 think thev are subject to cor¬ rection. "Michigan State's basic courses probably are not in it'kiti vsr. m om: n r or iorn:i LOOK WHAT I FOUND! poMte record figment of soar or are imagination" thev a junction with the didactic wish¬ es of the AM A Council on Med¬ SMALL PRICES itrnixo »:nvvi with Mariti i« • mvrim r: Moreover, you s'a'e that 1 am ical Education." "a frequent contributor" to your If this be true, then the major letters to the editor column. medical schools are not a warp Room and Board in >i \« Would yoii l>c go k.nd as to cite AT Till: SPUDNUI SHOP tom's market of it; MSU grads are just as AVI. NKW specific dates where you have readily acceptable in medical printed a single letter by me and to which I have signed my schools as graduates from other universities and colleges. If Dr. centrally located near campii* i! THIS AD mi name. f'eurig has any evidence to the For this obvious attempt to contrary, he ought to provide it. smear my name, for attributing "Its investigating committee I-ivc in com furl villi ilir roiiiicm-i- of 3 the tern " creeping socialism** to would shoot holes in MSlTs pre¬ me as dewnbmg what domi¬ sent two-year pre-med curricu¬ iiiruU iliiilv. T\. iluily room rlruiiin^. AM) nates the MSU campus, 1 think lum." Which two-year curricu¬ If yon haven't discovered Tom's you should be informed that 1 lum' As tar as I know, we do location two doors oast of the sm looking into the possibility not otter a two-year curriculum; WITH TIIE ACCENT ON SUPERIOR FOOD Coral Gables, then you haven't of libel action against the Mich* j.rnif students enter medical discovered shopping valueo to k dram, ■gan State New * school after three years at MSU. ANI) MKAI.S. match your pockotbook. Perhaps. Dr. Jahn Moore but most complete four years ;he fir>: ! vou*ro planning o party for too here 0-31. ★ *# # The most unfortunate result w ask-end—1Tom's marks! with a 10 The a- Contact Ed ED 2-1967 . of Dr Eeurig's comment* ;* the deals w.'h at wldo food ai 1 Ult;n-. Hen vena! possibility that it will frighten »omr students into a curriculum for a very lasts, >arty !e.* - successful Ubls appesrsooa. with of straight science at the ex¬ and ah Te the Editor: littlo sffsrt on your portt Your ef pense of general education he l.>*,« aerie* picture* in I have enclosed the comment* Ms fa "• Monday's State News on the Erirkson'o "SPEEDWAY 71" Srrvirr Slalion a new » :pse of the moon was very in¬ is happv to anniHiiirr llio* atlililion of ROII i revolu: Glelk . :; teresting. Howrever, jrou did not give SOFON leer in *!■? rouf readers a true new ef ERICSSON, lo il fine staff of nrrvirc altni- Z!. Rut!*- what happened during the drnts. :;p«e idwav >.:.- Quality MEATS . s ago Actually the moon started to or 18 wr. "ark en on. the left side rather dl stud** « man the right side as your pic¬ ; recrea • ture* show. iflcant per- Also, at the eclipse became Frnh FRUITS mA VEBCTAILES *e urged w ronrplete. only a small portion ITS BRUT FOR A DATE! u new look for spring or PARTY FAVORS & BEVERARES ... OPEN BOWLING It's Mayan . . . our newresl eye fashion for the girl on the go. An exotle. all-aluminum frame tn flatter¬ ing rotors, with hand-engravrd highlights. Stop by PIiohs ED 24614 DEI.IVF.R7- SERVICE STRAND LANES SPARTAN LANES either location and look over our exciting eyewear IIOB ERICKSON - EXTRA-ORDINARY - collection for spring! « TI'N'E rr * BRAKE SERVICE IT'S Michigan .Till t. Michigan it Ml'FFLKR K EXHAl'ST SERVICE rye eTflowfwfomv h !> W- « ItSStS. registered rrtnmetmt "TWO DOORS EAST Theater it MAJOR ANI) MINOR REI'AIKS OF CORAL GABLES* WALLACE OPTICIANS Toms FREE PICK UP A DELIVERY SERVICE Bkig. ED 2-2311 IV 2-3238 BOB ERICKS0N.S vine at current n rv iv Mm Free Open 10 A.M. SiHfilwav Srrvirr 293* E. Grand Itivrr. l^nsinK IV !M13i u/«i? office* i/iHiflfiKin at 10? .V. Washington, Ph. IV S-JI75 MARKET Parking I lUock Wetl of Holiday Inn nn East Gr. River Dr. R. V. Jones and Dr. J. ft. NIma Registered Optometrtato TO EUROPE WITH DREWS if si " Ship Over (Canard) • Air Return (B.O.A.C.) Out July 7 • Bach Ausust IS. Scotland • England- Bctgiuai • Holland - German) • Austria • \ uKt—la- i via • Saa Maruto . Italy . Franee. .13 Day*. All In- I | elnaive, St ICS Liaiitad to 30 • I'nder 30 • Book I Nov CoMgtetr lafo . COLLEGE TRAVEL OF¬ FICE ED2-RM7 s w niti for prettier with scallops TV sure-fouled little bal oxford acquire* a new finr*»e Af The in Iuh iou» Satin J-iicd* soft «• r 'are--' gosfeady |^95 lion* lireen Tobaciu moati tons TAKE AOREAK FOR A MEAL OR SHARK AT AOMjlt.Z£ \ CAMPUS BOOK STORE Ralph's "KEWPEE" Cafeteria HARRYMAN'S111 %. WASHINGTON* AVE. ACROSS FROM THE UNION BLDG. OI'EX SAM FRONT A AND ,% „ Gr ffifh "in Washing- it* n.iRv RoxniKti 3.m> 'e<' oos* n the left Pick *ny yonr you want *eti:r.£ i\v Eddie Yo«t. the gay * ho fb-f- '. re Y'-v.] a fr>» y.-y.A a.i y the sp>rts serno ami v W*,' Player ir the NRA. Ihf fallow Inc Achcdulr will br l.ttle rffct March C.Y Ihretuh • ,,v 400 fee- a-- !*••££'• s will iinciouhtably find srvi: be f.i>t TV*rr.or tr *n{ V- V :f Weste-r. I"- - in .£••<« the wa'k*' \V»- Wvf." *..\* Kdd u 340. s h;j ••••...". o •• ' 'o s •? i .:p cv ,*•• *s in the ba'P*- ■•— HfwU P." v• March ?* \ow bat" . situations in thr Yurie - Y>-, a rwht-tvvt. >\i rnit m il rovr. iioi n* "\'CW pav.k fields of connvtition t'-. * ■ f4-*-v. *" pro e.v-- .' v CV»;i*y of B,vM h.v.-.'s;.'r... > A "«;s»ss »" ' S Rjivkrr v,.. • «.>. l« r».v - « Mend**. T«fvl»'. Wedne»da* . The 8A-soi. - 7 :'vrd bs*>-- ,vf stand out ftboY'e the r« Thnr*dav and Saturday — Id :v,w ♦ ra-ten T V. •; gn\ « ' but fvo of - As " «>•' W-A* if- fT."' >' n Michigan State bad r- . • >"e votes. V-;"*. two a m. in is' p.m. Friday — Id a.n* n bv Washing*-'", a *-P*r ag\ Thr- f.-vr f. Fd th. t a eon; nxr ••-'* p,:\ Riiwp: and .« had h4t move than a do?rn ><■ fa: an • • e of these unusual inridet and 'hrce to u. id p.m. bnnda* — 1 p.m. never nnrs a- 12 l.ttilK. W • IV , ' S' rt>n.y :n ar.y . ' h'« ;2 «e,-.- !-r •• b tn-. e s r \ \T sward 'ssl H p.m. h.vme this year, and one of ronfc-e h'-.-a.. rooi. not rs yons the Sens'or <• l>a>t h.* w -un» n •*-■»: *ame a* huildirt heurv t\- ssf.v.w he M»YV.. i'. ■ e • ,.• S. p.;--.- most spectacular took p';, - ' ~f\r. c the • IVtiv • V> *-• on the Spartan tee tram f. ft vw: of tr.A;o ccp t l'rida* (\eon until lit T cerv .1' •< .v •> ■ ho$;e' i the KMon VAP.SpyYuNVTk. 20 * > w.,*ei.i",r. Among V* pml. Becinntn* March 2*. reg¬ Stadf-um. the hor.-er ular httOdinr henr* will he rr- Anteriean l.eagne. he l-sebea 14 Tp, • -. and *':shtty biu't st ,Y'? ' an,.- r- .-•*' p.v n'« < -orr(1 •nmrd •'The answer, easy " *a .1 n.n - m- pounds. wa« a young msn r < ;V>' average ,5" f. r,i to ciisrd the Sta'e ne - r g scored (tftftM; This d v is :04*.v ft-d m-v- fe.-' .-loser at ]V*C£v '• than the season Washington the v sound unusual at all. until y ;vr game ■ ?«$> "1'eia N-on hitting thenv for took are told 'hat Fldon had r'.a< veara. f they'd move that fen.-e S. - v but three vears. of organ ;. . n at Washington." hockey and he was nctxviivi take the place of the nation's ■ v> net minder of 1^59—Aii-Amr- . can ,b-e Seltngn. Michigan Rta'e. with Se' nc - n 'he cage, p!aoed ws-ond in ih? i>Min;rv y<.t vear behind No- n Pakheta The Sisartan* refur.* t to action tht* year with iO r • termen in the fold, and eve • - FLMV TANlfVMOOR. BpiHan iKahender. fluKtoed Ma eel- thing ultimately ?eomc*t to d.-. H wtww. Vhirlnt the «ea««m. Vamipybrewk bad ever pend ui^on F.Mon IN mere «aee« then III* weareM eempetttor aimni the reallea In The remit man from Wallace- the Reriff* Hirtfr lM|te. State PtwHe Wi. Oalarla. Marled (he aea»en with a defemlre ere** that ran hath hot and raid In front of OutShij! Athletics. IT-HI htm. and a* the came* went h metre—I vet* mere and mere ef . TYIKT MYTHS. F'a. fl'V -The A Id-mn aphirge by Kansas the defen-lve lead *r»* placed i i \ Pittsburgh Pirate and Kat><«» City in the fourth inning ag« hi* lap. Iw a man with but Ot» Athletic BaselviU teams en. r>ea-Tv| to give them ar. unbeat¬ three year* ef hacker e^perleny# able 11-run leasY. but the P.ra'rs gaevsi n a shurfest here Piesdav eoun'ere.1 with four run* in the neder M« helt, he re*pende*1 In the Pirate* coming out a macniftrant faMiien. f.njrfh and seven in the fifth to •head IT-IS. It was the Prates' K'Oon toppnl the Western ' e the score and go on to vie- f r»t virrbry of the aonng train¬ Collegiate Hockc* Awoeiation n ing aeasor.. total game* with 24, and finished the year with a save total af which narv another WCHA rc> GLADMER X « t-aa minded can *iM^roach~Ti>3 closes*, pursuer. Karl Young rf 1; » IU • • II Colorado College* wouno NOW SNOWING asnth d74 *t«>ps. ~ My ones in 3000 years... anything Ike After these factor* arc breug t to bear concerning hsi 5 4 g . tier-game average, the man ry . JftjL tainly must lie given a g ., I Brvnner Gina amount of credit, tender, rcgarviless nf the leac. When a g*t. • . in which he plays, ha* an a\, . Lollobrigi age of Sfi-plus shot* rin^vi in came* over the period * f a complete *e.*Von. the *.i » going to be paid somew he*-e Solomon 4 im JMi'-v t su MM mentor Amo Itewoon.- * veteran of the pmfrwMonal b«v ^-L-Sheba \o i\ %nt %\cr FRirrs hey rank* a* well a* one of the ronntr* • bne»l eollege"" eoarhc*. i« VanSpjbrook's firmest sup u%tirt Rotin xoo ivrvts pnrter. **Eldo® wa* hampered only inexperience." says Amo. "tig had fine reflexe* and a qu * pa r of hands. He never c . i trying, and was always anxi * FREE to improve—his attitude wa* « - perim —ami that's pretty darned WET WASH with LUBF. ami Oil. ( HAV'.E important"., Eldon, who :• majoring WK SPECIALIZE IN Physical Education, turned some of h;s finest efforts of tr.n TINE-IPS season in losing causes. Ag.«iv BRAKE WORK inrtesota at Minneapolis, he was GENERATORS k RECIT.ATORS responsible forjif save* m '^-i LIFETIME GUARANTEED games—State dropped both « • counters. He sparkled in MSI' ' MUFFLERS second series with Denver be , 14-HR. WRECKER SERVICE but State couldn't beat t • lea rue champ* But in probably M* outstand¬ RED'S SHELL SERVICE ing effort of h»s career, a 4 • save. 4«3 win over Minnesota ,t his collegiate finale, he wis tre¬ 710 MICHIGAN mendous. Michigan State led b* three going into the third P* - NEAR KEIXOGG CENTER iod, and although the Gopher# dented him for a pair of sivr. *, there wa* litUe doubt that • « man in tc.e Spartan nets ha i r - information i all cd 2-m1t rtved It's just too baa he w , i be back next year. Twyiuan Tops Sportsniaualiip ALL SEATS "Of * FIRST SHOW' 7 PM NEW YORK (4h—Jack T» man, star of the Cincinnati tr.. 11 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT of the NB.A. was awarded National Sportsmanship Brotn-I erhcKxi Trophy Tuesday f-ir hav*| LOME EARI.Y - LAST Z DAYS ing been guardian and compa • ion of an ailing teammate :-f| Nr«fr lleforr Ha. tht laivera Darrd Tn Focim the past two years. So laliMtrly. So Ke.raliagl.: Twyman and Maurice*| were both on the Cincinnati c -it)I when Stokes was stricken v -l| a brain disease while fiytr.g TheI* r«» taa the Ohio city from a road : March of 19M. Wh«fl 9ft funds, were had himself named his friend's legal guardian over his affairs. u.-ed up. Twymaal paralytcdl and u.'-<| I ONE WEEK STARTING FRIDAY WE SUGGEST SEEING IT FROM THE START um ESPRESSO of Ifco fow (root awNoa pit. fwrulifd •wraf ti aw Haw... la ha aaaa, to kttp —u ••wdM aaO Ritln,0 Wy a* wWa ••fco IWoir ALERT!! aann aariaody.* dmrimt -*"*• w«««. N f. Ht i timlo "A waaltfc #< laiagaa #1 aaaaaal . M-or. A vGaal aO.aalwa* - ww ». k<>., wt wjmm 2mm—r. Cm U7 K. Grmti Kurr I ' r\ - ok Saminv Williams IVailcil lo Drlroil Lions Oil .ymnasts !o mpcte S. in \\ Michiir«rt '* filCAmcricnn jihitor in.ip.'s li;<> I>i»en tr; IrnI In thp I n* Anvele- flnniv • In NC A A iclilion top (leloii-ive hiilfluick Jim 1 »;ivid <•' the Di'trnit I ions, the EHO and warn jif»V v i iu r\r ftri:rn»As iV-.MVxh. I .a ■ - > l • , a:v p ■ K.»m< ;inivuince»l Tilr"««l;0 SPRING SKIING Ve.ri.-i *tie* weekend team will the Spartan travel to Sioi r NOW ion th, ■ «;ty Park. pa., for ihe Sl*j[r»ula fee'* fh.p s ?t -• Have; -nits.-dfi ch:i"Pv on . A . I ho re t v Championship* trampoline w" s-cv. .|.>hn> < a coiiv h George s?ypu!a #a 1 _C jnt'oronvo third in 'he W. s'e • Confe'cr., Dt .mp- '.i it* should be one of • v inridor MT. FREDERICK and Chuck Thompson, who fights for 'he NCAA ' plac¬ • ;.,m.i ,lnl>na ed fourth He i'-c c of 'o exception of PDS when * . o ilg N'.i'o on Tom Tep'f to add jHtinfa he.^_ W»k pi;, and Illinois bed f.v first for 'hp Sparlans tean "enn State was third, m f'ps.a is State's strong man < i K» «tn Hro\*s!i v. id HassoM 2fl veara , s%MM4 4VII11 % Ms " the st:',! rings, with Jin» llhitkec head S'ate's i T-ltur I .il l- parallel bars squad . 7" an,.- "- . Wadley. a*en the man r'i - i*'n Cenferenee alt-arennd \\ in. I r np s * tod teeV first fn tree e\er« -prrinl .-|iriil(i I.'iili'- hi* d.*r- » at* has a ftwvd chance for lA,! Confe-etHs-, eould also n Hivwri aw a ,i give" to th. s. • -prill}: laralioo . Ai'.-Amr- . high :n the scramble.- t'ncle T"»'« Hoy* In ,mic * i* ,.e *v h" is the dbtinaunbed ivr- *on the Ka-'ern utt«v«*U AH-lhiiveratty baakctbaU vh;im. j.ifnipr m ithtetie- an t *. h.»' c Ih Srhru * ? v u l;m ■■•«*»* t.> to men pioM« lasMv.ght by mitlns'ing the • hiii novsessin^ hh:h .(.-grec o? Stale _ _ l "il mil.'- from I aii-iiiR! in ih? V.'AA and probably il j'abulous k'vr team, Th rhai.'.'ri, leadership and i»«-r- n MnitttP f hirtd V-- h « a« strung as ihey were svinahtv. the IM an n.i I .*. 27 lo I rrilrrirU i* reMir * 1 * With four minutes remainmg All-Sports Trophy •ith 10 t he .* competing in the game, one titembc of the and eve • . ■ the gvtn- Katni'om tram fouled on- an i Vrroiiinioilation- urartiv. ric*i to d*-- ui the won't* severs of a-either was ejected b> the in- sieidlni* *!»*«»**«t» Wtnif, Irtm l*» Mtht ai"'"* l#'1"l v». ' pr.wiab'v make 'he IMIII *1 leaving the team* w "i lohn *.h«i*.4rr m Walla, r - 'ram. Cap- Angio err? *, enU-four men to fini*h the game. fl.ltlr v Utlhot ?IH* K'l doimnl -RI.HtN l»Mo» RENTALS SKI SHOP eould Isreak int. the ail* Hoi *h*« si* Mrrrh III. I'»rin Tage Seven th* The scire at the time was .11- 1 I mmnn* »SI w that tan scoring for S'.'e. ar- 4fi. in favor of the Unci# Tom < r 4,i aha** >*: In fmnt cf i to Coach Or- ; go S?.y- erew Another pUvrv »»rv«n Ml I it %H KMIl went fit. Toiled out w ith a niuiute and a *is»n.? v» .* nd more *>{ it'* beat he! for a title in half remaining. leaving his team no st, I * » WV »« fdared \ \ petition will he still only three plavers as the Mlcnu i l»i *s8 i with hot Yar- «n finrironlsl har. t'ncle Tom's team poured in the I'hi lirlt* ait * seni.vr. is three limes l»p||.4 l td ««! * • »M»ertpnf« pons |»rli« I aie »urn I nnferenrr winner and , >«fM»ftd«Sl lit High pom? man for the Uncle iMiri'mvin \r I. drf ending V| \ \ * Hampton Tom's !tov« was Dean Yanrier- I van* Scholar* IM I nek Tom * Urn * US* a "Westers* ihe high bar. Wa with 19 i*oints. High mail ll-rtn.V .Mo ifooiition 'a •her Spartan threat is for the evening was the Kahu- Mwinrili til Vol* t»*n 1*1 and finished Daniels in free e\«--c -e. lous V v.'s Hill floykm, with 25 IM %l l.-l'MVI'R»»ITY fiaskethall ehampionshlp artion Tneaday Moil* I'm vo total oi a.eo jusS'.n.i in the Wm- markets Mow land IM evenln t».»« I nele Tom's Bon pull aw a* from an undermanned WCHA rp- -nfe-rme. only I'afiulotis |i*p erew in Ihr final perio«i lo win fi?-M for the XII- h—?M Hi • Ha.ii*'\ Other spar: ,n« 1 Young of even; are K«#n man re a g ■. . I V(M.I Meet < (lainmoir ! k *r» I'm it i tnrtnnali ' 11 »«.i i «*'h mnmjt *1 I im*>-*!ltu*iihrr pp HI 1 UlU I-I o* Iniilr, |i|t » Ynil riniT (nil • • _The .'hen a g»s tfce Jeati • . hijrnn Slate i« aemlini? * hi. «*.' I'lli«hitr**•. « .111 Xnn it. *r« Kan«a« *11* ltinn«r.i * %mh • it * hiratn a, nt I Hoi | Mil Ml t mil lit*- human firr«. Bramble BusK *)iMrn i imal* iav an av. . ,! squib! to the Xt A A (IrtrUna t. I hif.*(«> iM . lltarfir* t*. Da*Inn M . ripi^si « that Inirn in . . . he per so.', nihjf Championship- in : thp to:. .« Tex.. Mn'tvh 2I-1W hLT.. m — - m. .* » » H hopinjr to place our Fly To Florida FREE me* he-o i Heaaon. » <*jsys Coach t liarie* RMMH HMJMMIM Q «t «M«nal nnr ho. of th* 'fro*' JackCama tefkMOMa JMiM "" egf~ roiphr*. f- the "O If.i - O .ns • wdMtnf w ■won. •«-♦. »> ntwwceuw Itrmeat »»l> only a few days left Hiiivaro, Vs Ann - FRIDAY... WEU SHOW YOU irod on!* hv ■ Amo. •v Methesi.*; Oh « lliirin^ Spring: HOW TO BE HAPPY THOUGH MARRIED! ind a qu ■ ■* never an i •er* w ar-v" '«•«' •• • * taralion Wr W ill r«vs anx. - » •«ffi Michtg.ii" and In* tudo #•»« « - Kl* Tuo .retty riarnt: CP.;. .£ cha • 1'ion. h.c i v i terenec win ' > vt- * ia I \ir- majoring . turned spirtin* evpeci i« lake lilir-. I'irk 'fforu of ".-" Rrarketl. Han t on*is. I»a*e IMPS. Ag?" Hon tiag'. Urp Jones. I |i I our Nci« ?ohs. he ws* »n Mail, t'api. I rank Mo- saves in two l»enn« Rupparl. t arl nhaar I'MiO S Mil or SANDLER OF BOSTON SliflNMI IUIIIT Fashion Iwatd **1 both • - Kill tsingleinn to Dallas. \OI.VO Tln-rr the drum for boot* ,and Honjro iM'al.i all. The whole hip idea- led in MSI - re .a* teams Wli . be iwist Denver h«" . the wrapped up in thin one Immity of a b.*» at in . . . SII'KI'AIUKS ■•reav_»troke ahouki • be I'av Tile lia- hts outJtani- with MSt*» three "en SIIOICS, !!2<» South Washiusdoit Avenur. |gi5i-iri'r. and .*'11 Fast •areer. a 4 • M-xtir.e. Ruppwrt an S.n- Minnesota i • Hark:!^ Grand River Avenue, lia.-t l*,—' mm vel\. mould add poinu, rnr n»n «n-i0 •ee hopes. II Indian VIP 4 1.4* in (odd.**. U Awrt lik*- Sophia' 14 m,» Hpnnwb. 8. Kind cry SELL YOUR BOOKS l« 1 ■.«*>•■ .2 aofiUt r**>aur«ni in 8 I' in yotlf liOffl' |na« gal' 1. • 3 a nrdai Mwrlrky IT. rmal) (aland T. (trl-ra you |R 1 nil tor Intro allrjr «*•# «. AWt»|..aia? 83. l n»pp»wuiuve 14. Short »'gun rut da'c |6. VI hara lv lind 8* 1'n^ M lha Kdol'g filur shall » IS. What Kind* a*" 8V* a* r.'fr.ah.itg a* 26. W'lB<.*» i'i witrim *T. Mk<|,pir.(. 1* V nu ran dapi ud •" my on U J». 1..n 2" <>!«•''at ar..a NOW o*iaM4km<«!« 21 Rmnk-i. »r» R'I Ar«er . . F.» Kmd> Ai.atajf MWud Magic SI. trr*i 2* >i-mmuhlal "ad ( 'onrnun ai'a ot 2'» fn-nU.m 3!> l*oli«r mnary ... 32. Th-y W rlm t"W» I nri-? fd amrniih HtfSSO ♦0 r-.|ri» ah'. mjoj IW 2 »r,--rt., d«»|i dnan >• e»*r* , ^rr *v *w •"« . . "£** A* I- CAMPUS BOOK STORE you need the ACROSS FROM THE UNION BLDG. ad JKrrr i orKGDL & Wn nir.AN *TATI \T\VS ?*** I UH | WKAH to Clrrv Nni Wmn \4at> h IK^ ^ mif Key to BimIvI V Hi ilea Find Eiamindion S(Mvle 1or Winter. 19W Crossword Pi.zzle \< n Mipi%lwnent M its rex- 'i.-o Mf.v hy .-iwrtttniw, few. tw*.v* men in f'.T1T«f ai- Viflck • aintMiv I'lnaaitiCfia IHuH • : r.r Atire ni'i'. ', WKAR-AM anii i?'« ijr - ■ ' 'A--'"- ?* Ci'nMr fcivtuid s'v.nrp anr'Aiiot I'M is hm.Ndcrstinfi s neiies i>t nvmnent besm OiknlAtd 1 T.>ehnn* SI. Victual* ir«vt aV.iv* «n\*e twWdihS' Rutivhlingti fror.l iroubTyvi West '? rVi-'on* new < ynuitos m T-VRM.-T. 'c.em>an> Grem JTi itoin Mnrtdav nt 7 in the Wert (Tin. 3? TV*mi«ed iff ?m«S CnnrCna. nvanj TV«« Review, fnllowc.1 'r* 34 Turk«> Thi? f. :i:ci*. new a snnTy<»-i rhe BritbJt Pv in depth. TNrrtdav rs Arabian eh lefts 4.1 Tnurrt •e'utien of Vetterdiy'4 Putt'* .... r fV,. , , ,, ,.( Sofflimr Oppoi iu„.'.y _ . .. 4! CoMnfR- -;nste *. mi p.« - >e wond to reet. ■■■...*. «? JteiH*- 9 TVp Irinh i<» Kirk a ai few t-ipft'-er *. M-v 44 iVrM'u! spirits i.-ndprstnrrdini e* t r r< .*•. .•• i ' > -a N. -r i. t ■ MI "1,-irtolN nerj fV- - " • -v- ».'• - - - -•.- 4* Hivinf 13 H«rde-ed {'iP-r » Pi -f-v* P e r t * «< n< reaped f «s TVart T'ict VORNW; a TJR'V V'N w-n ♦1 Vlkr 52 SeriRvo V'<*v 54 l. MC AT THE . repetition V • .* v V- «fi I-rtimtlMi t*ndid*V$ H)R s\i>: 'Z.7 ". V * •» n !■', t Pf, - A Vi N, ■ . M n»**r* 5*Aium«v 2" Wmfl;W 1960 ENCAMPMENT FOR CITIZENSHIP IIKI.TA /KT\ SURORin HOI M " 'O'1 f ->' '•* ' piwe*« ot * WORKSHOP IN OfMOCRRCY MTTP.r f V - V™ "■ •; I ?»V Has. nil weer%«nr* rnellilie«. Twd Hnenni Aamm nod 3« u Wnivwiit* «*C»iifaw.> • .•k-- ." Ml r« ( r'«itenf*-WM Prrkrlr\. C.' *cr'.« t p V :«> >r'ria* ■ V ■ 1 i T^-i. V-PR1 S ' - ?P T> Cr*t ve fftird Nr.Vn^Citv ,~6 tr ».ip'«l f il'"* ?6l»*U«U« < shirf \r arilseN. I'm further IttfrtrwsHrtn fihane |R V'l • • • 3d OrteefoHy Cftl Per*. P..^1 lr< Ti: PP* — I3W t-.TSTA, Viwi '• > a'-/ ~ vr^r » y \ ■? refined 31. 5lrtlrim fr' ftrl.41 * i '- I. (of'.v Cit fro*s p. If sen rail wllhln one week a hftnils «f C.inn> Mitl- Vfh " OfCOll : \vtt HP> SI-T.I Nr.. Vf» ;v v,» Vc'i fieprtrt Inn Wnver. Turks M*f»t«an snd KArt* linns-rr ♦ w '1 •- ; ' ; 53 Wentd r with Ihe hnnir. eteutetiMit l'W r'-v" V.-rri-v * • n v • ♦3 StifeTy VrrrtiT •' v old die e* ' vrYi-.tif -v- s rtrtitSx" - • 57. Sfenecirtfer Vrti V >' 1 ' " V V' *-' v ' * f ■« *tn n yiTVuof S .v* a' *<*rtdeir« 'V a,.* P9 Atphlbet-c Jy~ 'z' v. V*T 1 yTT>T vTwrr-.r 1 >0 M« obftr»ote-« j>_ «-1 »-• BANANAS 41. Me»«r"«4 k'iv STsiiis *>-.»>. - 4hr**»t!e* l * Vnn -3 v -A 4? H*r*-d V <* ♦r v i>wA# i tn^H M-rv.T r v- vm •« 44 Tttv K oe-to-rwi >-rt* 47..PM1ippin« * - "S rt-00 TV* trn*r*9 Is » Vn-cb * f me-tKtv _ j, UTMNV; jftJA^vn? Y".- o**r* Ac ■*> *« •• TPJ'intt C'»P9 -eea-t* • ■ I V*1 - f '■'• ML V9. * T. TM t TeetofRv. v*--k •& '••*..• M»re*i *< T-* - v ».ta- t V? •">. 't, * •' i'V TS *ft»r A ... Sirr .W * .-■ r\\k\. 7:\amjvatto\- v %y nr d;m at km " 'v> .• s<\ "mmk prr~n .awlv jK'VTP*nTr» '~—r i v >-i r \ > * • \>« kpirt. -rov, HAWAII PASCAL CELERY - 19c 44 l\1r> f>«* Golden • Mirhijrsn fwre« • Turtle* f %mr*nn . T Om • 1 **•« m.ST> THT W kTTFVTWVfl I S (Jrarif • 34 iter Kfwt* «!k*s>> 1> HAWAII T**to Of4won>trl Or 4« r verre Vow VeNK wrkmm HAIKIM ArAwrwivrs T«nr MACTOSH APPLES C 49c tpv*?««Jve R*. \b Vmrn The M<»i OmfWete Twr AiifliN# RamM L SMPw.ftD. w«i Mvn IY»W C%T%IO<; nk.v KMIINIM.K0. (~~<1.11 %S2t TOlTJS Or H \W <11 AT A TA> AWIHIC AA JIT nifflt MSlT Ripe i ll>. Iins • > -w ft?4 MOIIATV4V»l> HI VY> . ROU V3Vrrd I'nonwMe Stim»»»er Kehnel WtftfH FLORIDA ORANGES 69c riH«t V<> AmVN^TVT VTiTXArttV V AMI WMi. rwiT mw>« nvrm n ! . I 1 1 i 2 tvaamn *Wi • I %T>r>*K*v niv PORK LOIN SALE WARM ( -ASH THEN HOT CASH LOW PORTION 39t 7 Rib C (ENTER CUT CHOWS 79c . . Portion 29 lb. SIZZLING CASH V«rftaiM SUPER RIGHT For Your TEXTBOOKS Lminl Salami OW Fatkinnnl loaf Sfiwil InnrSmii I on I parka** 49. 1 lb ROLL SAUSAGE 29c Pkilr A Pimrnlii I «af Whnlr STU AVIRJBLE A WW Simrtww TIKE iXnMtlr Rt»r IT STTl.l. »>»il»MeF;r.vr»« for i nnt-«kilk hnnks: l.iant. in T«P to* ft 11c FRYERS I nmplrtrl. I Imnrfl !!> 33 YNR ihr Knnh A Th» A Swrwl s»KH frwlwrfv siw- Rrari> for tfcsit little STI11 nvnilnhtr-i f>(»n» nf (hr tiiti NEW I lieT l«f VE hM.of Vaa Imps f. i fi»lW*r fw little fit*' *1 hnme. M.S* Mii-himn Slntr « •« *Y, SPARTAN ne * of wmiir kmeV mi" BOOK an nrtuh i'vnul lirinc hnnw » nrv honk. neilmt t'hildmnV |n| ggj |m| |n| Mnm, STn.I. — rnlhnr. linn'l hnW r 29c 12 " ™ 49c STORE -till until ymi hnvn mw A L4X»K fit the Rml, nur nr. MSI TrVTBOOK Stores op* MSI "lex?****, mt«nv. Bu< nnci xll Bnnkv Knom. Warn)! Mallow JOiE PARKER SELL YOUR TEXTBOOKS IN THE NEW HSU 25c 27c