Nt-liiien Unbeaten The NX eatlier Skrrp All Southern l*ortl> Ctnui)> Tour Mutrhr* llich U Srr posr_ I l.«* ::.t MNK 52. I'KIt ti 5 t'KXTS \..1.1 No.H-g^ Job Outlook Is Best Humphrey, Kennedy Red Stand Sinee '57 for Grads In Seirii-Final Rare On Bom lis j.. . placement for Michigan State ifrailuate* thin year MiMVAl'KKK «/Pi—lliwtlln: v the Uest since I0"»7. Jack Kinney. director of |>!n •••- *aM toda.\. Sumlay urnuml .Milwmiket* — W luconsin'.H henviest votinir itivn—in tbe aemifiimla of n cr•licinl lVinocrjiiie jnesidenlial Debated Kn P ayers ate hopiiiff to hire 1 *» to 2i» percent mi»rt* vol* primurv mniiviipn. .\|i is« (»U i-pi fVeiiimr v:iinett personnel than they tlitl tt year »iyu. and repre- , • • m's of more than l.tioo onrnniaation* are conductinj? Idivish Ice .St*n«; MtrhusC's John und Kennedy of liutn-rt VI. Hum- Nik Jin h**me from Pari- Suiuhix Kiirii-hciiev f 1 »• u .■rr\scw> here this year for that purpose. phc'V Of Minnesota dul agree to t-> ... en; arc up over three la-a year whrlf* «( Odd to MM a hhhiIIi. f lMIA RI'liNO Show Wins v'-'ile down and stay put long enough f«> an \ ariou* TV ijuevt.on and ansvvef hour apiece « o * rh«e»uig UnMsDmI# of- Ku-sian-. II*1 m-ctit iitii from . >u • > Kinney. demand Kinnry <«.a job* arc supply in a number shows with newsmen Snndav •InrLm*! he wa* "great! Ui k ot iMUtiiii ites ri Applause . be*g »U >, particularly ph\MCs, the journalism field, a icre *t;* rt- lliinio in UN: Tixlav w the lad day f«»r «4iti*f»«r' with resulth ill" in-* mathematics. vng'n- tng sa la rips haw improved. I'.unpjogninR Tues.i.iv is the Krein-h p*urne\ juvountitig and cduca- T( average shout $4W» ' day for voting. So thf> last ndn- x. -i sUKtv is hpoo ntrtii month for advertising an I 8;I8<1 far new*-i I , ^ adui' r"«> ..... . Youth Key A IV* J ACKIE .♦ I*' c t\ K A 31 CI IRT rrowd i f nrar'v pte effort who haven't • -"i the reach voters m.ike up their t-..i higher (actor One lions. " inimts or hold those wtio have too wi*ne«seii "Silver combination" is under- v . < in a technical science or cngtn- aie Packaging NvhuoVg* ' ugh s s.ttHdv a." *r To Future I numi 'it *hMw Skatmg nren-nteil ('tub in De- l« the- *uurt There a- Vice President Hit-hard M even been a "f activity on behalf of helatinf Na¬ , duytfy with beginning . m-' ir on Hall Friday ni;»ht masters degree tn who ha 'he Republican Md<* Of Brazil a. ■ >i ab»nt a m.»rrt \" *.iv> Jean Jo ton. du, ehoreographer K'nne* 11 ;«:• « rem'- t.'d !h» ef the prima • ImIIoI ail to h.'v . - .if 1 **«> skater n U *ueh j-, people pan practical'* lumbe. •»Mtrehttn:ii»llts an I te.i- M.. Fieur de Bullet, Re- self i»wn ticket." Kane* •«« i' ;>l build:lu: graduate- • < .• T o- Hip »udr Cu- niin-r • A new y >v» -rj. i ne. The prim no dangle* before JtMlg W-.-i " • •• F •'>',»>>•* and S«»uthi**'!i ti- I it * In* kv\ t«» top fti I he candidate* 3il vulr* in the \U eminrro and * e t e •« e e K'nney sa i M chigai State •• it, »• Kepubliran national ronvrntioii tniluitps ate in (treat demand w!.uement bureau w.tr.r ;erui t»f iMHimim; ItrnxiJ, ntentWei * MSI* vtud.-n*s Janet Harfev. and 36 in (he lleinoeratie run- Ihr *«i ir| relet) hi* p.rorular rmpha*K mn elet - hit seho > « and compannv of MSI"h t'nitWI Niilittn-* Hun'fui'on \V"0«U iunior ami pie** £i \ ration. return mllh headline* and *U»rie* irnal jb£ up 733 nreivvew ' s were t«»Ut Sitluitlitv l»v Cun- J ••• Browning. Indianapolis *Jir mrf t'h !> rheuiiat*. The fkemt*t schedules wnieh re* ml**nm uf pearr nil th«- fintil nuuil>e: A HoHd.i* votes tied up and reudv for or - l»or*e show Friday and Saturday nighU shr i* the •nd frirnd*hip . lt « «»o.i to $16,666 a F'6f .«i*iitutivi* in the liraziiiaii » oyer the club'* Paris verv Humphirv and Kenne,l\ five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Donald Barnr* Thr **-lrrt»»a *..<■ starting salaries f »r ( haiitln-r Of Ih'MUtie* r-'uld Tu n neohimi'ires, Nanev Sent I *weep oj plit the Menii-- made from children ot *tudent*. *lalf and faculty listed b\ Kinopv wa* MSP j, y w : »g greeti-'Otd-while era tic • .1 f m H,»:oe* Wixnb and Pud votes. *V»o j month for e'»-e- p K;t-d.»: lti»w • <■ »»re-voted ,i* p. r«, »» MfBvaukee. skat d to While analv-* j> : • ,tr, ,enl Best Horse Show in Ycar- .. . ; cers; $43tf» niechan- a jiHuve» r >\ h. Michigan h .. n-'I'i generally «• picking ,,; I'S Men' Jufii Chum- .die IIumi»firov tf- Block and Bridle Plavs i of -r i r.iee. i ' , Those with ma#lets > . • Hue!!a Vtlph.t- p.on. Ramsey »«t is- t »»« and even pi edict tug an up- ,ii command $75 to l ed f/ffmfff«.e fo Let'lurv < ♦ now III Rr4/iJ *frl»* liMlg-rattgr. Tui >h w had been well plsrt- And the Bouncy, ebullienf bustneiM To Fapaeitv Audiences and M«t- r . i„ ,»P jw, • c I<*\\ inlerr«t Ihjik from North nr I and reh«\»r*ed It was ln\ ish Mm ie*ot.»n ha* picked up a bit , > • ng iun:or», ami aome will be \meriran InvrAlor* !•» wrril i"» take.-. K1': guest speaker at th- F\ ir j-iriv • t ' . . we'd as sentee*. a t P.« • baeHmg here and 'here in tie i . - .•bfUv iUf-in»|iirin( Ur\rlui»- v. ' P, * • n w In graceful '■i-i fevy days - from sf»tP!> • -. •».», l . • P.*? • next inner ' s • "»l duitriat TV-sign Institute Wc - mrnl of rulurjl rr%ourrr«. The.I2th nitnunl Hluck ami Hriille hnr-e *hm» wa* - , < »n increasing tre;i l oiivu an i liirtied into a people who say he t- fiex* be ' It rould rMiUin the fir*t hieh- iH«d»> at 7 • • • |J6 K:v-=sic it> Brasilia!! planner* are t" s« n. Stuart Symington »-f in the livestock pavilion Friday and Saturdax nii'Hts )« • -v lev.", t.cat field* to eiiipJoy leve| *«!#( reaction to Ihr *••»- it it H "•old" on the meril* of eapital- R:-hc:»'SH' ai The Hiupodrome Missouri and from Wi-.eon«io ,■ ... • . in- summer wt»rk. lore capaeitN crowds. This year's sh«»w was the n»«> * o" ••nd I frorh nuelear iHimh ir*t i*i*i oh-re their private initia¬ v.in ah " Per ro»r»edv mmilHT Joint I'ounei! 39 of the Interna- Trarhinr randidale* are in Soria on Art tive U best seen in an infant eessl'ul in the history of the event, anil attracted spectatoe.; to Ihr Sahara and In Ihr Presi¬ Cuban Fan u-v was particu- tmpal Teamsters Union. dent I tsrnhoMrr-Piimr Minister irrai drmaiul in praelieally ail au motile imtii*tr>. Irom Canada, Connecticut, MasKachusetts. and several Dr Martin Sorla ftf t>e ar* de¬ 1?r!v gixnl a- Were the maioritv llii»kl Momillm pinnounre i^ids with elemenun. »alhe- (3» Koeialtam. as rvemplilird of the solo number s One of three xmall ronimilleea western state*. and special edn- partment attended the **>r iug l» *up|N»rttng Symington who isn't men! on a nu« Irar weapon* ban matir* science the t uhut land reform idea* S to' ll p-.oda- i which n voting of the Michigan Chap- e , Five-vear-old l>» f' 3,000 Prep .*•?•;« * «4tkM leading the *«" Kinne* of Hurl t a*tio. pla*« no p<<-( I! in the primary, tossed Its sup¬ < tcr of tne American A»ocui;urt ."*« n»ai A ' h» t vane excet- 0 0 * repart* ir the Braailian governments port to Humphrey yesterday — e-, daughter of an MSI' et c t Teacher* uf Snanish and Po»- le."' «kat ng. Joey Heckert and development blueprint. without consulting either Sym- stuilgnt. was queer? of the fr GEN FA A P> W«■ •'»!". 1 of I - He *«.d that more than 200 tugumc. held Friday. Saturday Dfiutlas Hainsev were featuwl. - Musicians ih*-.r * If) Fears of BeatiHan infla- ingtou or Humphrey; it sakl.- , hau tax- • j; ,'ybbe »dt»el systems and Sunday, at Haven Hill fkeru Also out-andirut were Janet I ie tien aumnrd to tbe point of • tin : ;• Hl-nutain ') - ••vprvteW here this year ke on "The Painting of Span¬ Ha lev god Jim Browning In a It's all right with him. Sym¬ th. Ronald Neisor. h«j ' crash and depression 'are un¬ ?' confeience ha* ber-i \—ige start tug salary fo ish America.'* precision duet Their perfect ington said, if the club want* to the a n una I hu.bai»c: v d*T- •fa founded. - j v ?h« continttir In Festival , Michigan Will be . m * * it liming graee and style brought Uiek either Humphrey or Ken¬ u;- Th,. SOV t A attitude nu-ri', won the h«tne-.4:ny' > . . 5I.5CH). new mental h.»> enthusiastic applause. ItiLr t'.hib I'liuiiH'il nedy . test Va' ••j-'of-itate schools «■!! swrnt the nation, refilacmg pa-- by beating th'te »»thef ■ liirrr Toilers A Kennedy lieutenant called » to con»cr\a',iiitu he »a'd .. \i.ch.gan State's riaceme ' ,i the committee'* action "in Nearly M.tMMl younv nuisi- meniberM Dr. Richard Swen.-. . Bicycle rides interested n "The government <> speaking «-x- t..... out about 80 per ce -- assistant dean of agriculture'. Lwr i > Mi' a club w. : »nec', Wed- for tne (ecxlitigly poor taste " Humph¬ ciatis received proficiency tcachjng wt:i , people's needs." . .as Michigan. to r.c -uav at 6:30 'p.m. .n 3d t'niun. ac"ording ' • Itarvi > Stui.? *. But t. v liv'nl < s iuu I battle TIimmIs irv pact .-aid of the psychological im¬ the imuduncemctit ratinj-'s on the hirsts of their Howard I h ml try Zmri« I, di*r*artm**ir; t eal u-.i f ' t >r e u }**»•'> fol d WT».' ;'S hlye much ' ■ •» graduates sh«>uld fare more .interest m N.oel P. Ralston, director . wc . particularly th.'ie .n Bluumfiel 1 H IU n-mor. Ttmi- maintaining s t r *» n g nc.gbl u- IIV mi ARMKiAtru mist should be gout! and (tongue in perforrtu'inets in the 2<»th l».-rary ofticer* will Ix* clecte f. check) that annual Ifijrh School Music opera rive extesio. •r'?.«« «• rvutaitted polite la-: .-.s marketing, produt- euunirie* instead of underdevel¬ Hutidreils of toiler* pitted a constitution drawn • up a «.i "M.i* ia- the Kennedy people Winner in the heavy,, • - Wand Western delegates ir.- . i : • .n .•.•ration, fenxt dlltri- oped iMiinilrii'v liueno said, their strength against the migh¬ will 1m- the Solo and Knsenilile State vision of the horse pulling * <>. " '* »' "no one hat burne-t ride* planned n At to come out for - ? and h..;ci-ri«taurant*io- earning that hiNtory reveals only ts Mivpv-ippi river Sunday, Festival here Saturday. t.'A-fi " But there has Ihh i ♦ it # Sen Humphirv " test «a, R. F DaKie.it'* tra--: f.al management. headaches >t«*ntmmg frooi un- sandbaggma to contain exprxfted Kenned* said Suiidav he has The pcrfi»nwi»te!*s wen* held from Tiffen, Ohio The !«,,•:r- » :v,ce.is'e • movement toward Murine* to IwfrrriVir tierdeloped areas Whopping food cr«'* "troug recruiting (•r arennnt- assured Piesident Eisenhower i-i the Union. Homes F.n»uumics. wcight winner v,... rn -r, i tv 8"•" ktfwf *! c^impraitiif to g»;* lie likened Brasil's resilient The last of about f.OOii resi- *BU hss 'rported far bath pnblic h writing tha' he would con- Aud. Nnturnl Science. Women'* Archie Ifen.-a hy of Muncw P. * • *,• c • -■..••n under way. The Cau'am R>g.Akld S>uh. \U - (ierit* whisked out of the . firms and indinatrial eionomy to the vigor of a man were -1- tfmuntoig Gym and Music buildings. firmly - ' nue any moratorium on small O'.h'-r winners were B-c, » remained rr;- ,nv» Corps dlicer selection officer in his twenties who. after darn¬ low lying communities of Meyer •fiuihiuon* «ith starting sal* nuclear tests .All mtudent* had earned firs' Jean Mosher, C'a .-.•looL* fre*h* -i iM^,na 'mit respect.*« fr«m #•"»• la $.»•• a month for Mich:,so. will be m the ing all night. feeL* no ill effect and Warsaw. III. reaches the white house. division ratings, in district festi¬ man, in the women j pleasure p-af". - * »>ridaate% uilh barhetnr degree* Union concourse from y-4 We.l- in the neat day's work. Shde Police and members of vals. As u i«-sult "f Saturday s class: Carol Payne o? Gal.. no*aay, Thursday and Friday to Uucno had tiu* comment on the Illinois National Guard Join¬ . When the ronlerrnrr started, MR enter sale* and management interview jmrlw.* interesb-u iri ed volunteer workers as water Galifiirniu Kr«--liiiiiiii p« rfortnances here the.v were to English pieasure; Boh Fra- * :*i expert* saw a marked different rtuung pragram* it starting Cuba's Castro; r lie ranked n five divisions based of Fast Lansing, men's *nu?ni a Marine Corps cumimssion. "lit U t any of you a bottle of gushed over and through a hf, |i« Slraiif-,- |V| on standards of proficiency. The from earlier talks; this lime ♦ it it three-mile see'ion of eracking pleasure, and I-irry Rogers of there argument* w.iiikey v. a can of coffee that mi indicator* were teachers and were no over Portland, working stock tv.-n«a. Souih Africa Athletic t ottncil \lcels Castro won't last more than si* more month*. In Bra/J we aratl !♦ vee uito 15.(WHl acres of Wext¬ ern Illinois bottomland. No i.n- HERKELKY. Calif. ,,|n — Kiuhm sorority's Karen T«xjth- specialists frorh MSU. Univer¬ the on mid agenda, w ar no disputes and Miter polemics no per- sity of Michigan, (Rxhrltu, the *onal friction between the delr- h.m a dictator" reported J9-year*okJ University of Weather-Eye nir.es were m,in, The Athletic Council meets to¬ l aces (Irisis day m K'.!iod ••■» Club Seeks Members Michigan, lino d condition* daily calls at the Kappa Alpha XlA.VSrsBCTC !*> — Th- the Uig 10 proposal to end all Toe MSI* Judo Club wiU be- cuscd. The Grand Rapids held fas'- at 16.2 Grand River m fraternity. But not to sec the boys. college* and uuiverntie*. I.ronard Falrunr. director »f Moan Makes AT th-# three w<-ek.s and nearly 100 : ■ - r.a* remwined-tpue, out s e.h Africa* «old»ers atnie'.u* seasons ve»th lug Id jival speeches by , the two .-i i * tret one foot above flood Kappa delta has no pisil Kap- hand*. Mid there «m no Rperifir a three week membership Milt Orbit — er.f. reed an unea«r cfuunpioothips- Plans for the B>g S n limit on tpe number of ratings have produced no resul*. «no_ "* «-jv In the lull came !0 meeting* to be held here May drive with a meeting open to all singe. tk'i Alpha d»MH, a fi*h jsxil and in any «f the divinhmft. The first We stern <»ffic:a;* are increasing- 7.00 tonight on toe fourth that'* most important to Karen. 'nat the -T»ti«tn is at 18-21 and a proposal mak.ng a, divixon rating is the largest, he ir voov-ocr-d that only the Pa rru*srosdi io *iie tne rowing ,-rew a varsity a,i^ '. f"n. »r of .Icn.v'O Sc eduleti for I'hot on* to Meet The Elk". Nev . girl recently was WASHINGTON -.D Amer¬ mwusc". cmfi t-nre next month said. ica'*. new weather-»ye satei'.'e '' •' vv-—i white ttrvre* will be d.mussed vie soring quarter i*> a retur»-. e vert a pe» and she goes over to- able to wreak the dead* - r ay leas¬ benefit from ■ * * * meet with Bottle Creek YMCA Durkrixwri *»uff wi.i h<»M a daily to '.ake Svvna for a Students this continued to circle the earth t - •:tc .N j' cialism of the ond an invitational n»cct ope i meeting Tuesday at 7:00 in 301 ed stroll. experience by observing and day-—gt Uu» rate of about wvt . Negro majority IH. Petition* Ketnl\ Trie off. - atj . n-:«fl with in¬ — to 12 scnools and club* Student Services, i Svena if a sea lion t earing others perform, and ob¬ every 99 minutes— and wn: a.-e present fur ter c". '.nat Premier N'.kila KhrJ- tain criticism to aid them in back more pictures of how tae ■•en; not oniv ..f a IIX' ihi-'n v arid in a Pari* ne -•« petit.cms for commvue improvement." Falcone said world look* from 440 m. a nationa! rlti*' rha.rmanship* are now ava libie *-•c.ft-.rcnet- v..' Jfday he con . - "A festival such as this great¬ above < i the Afrdiaans .n the t*lon concourse and tie d-'ifT '.m.'-fit the major ly stimulate'.-, nr, n>t-m rnunc The National Aeronaut« i I ... •» Sunria* new - IFC of/icv .n the Student Ser- fi •ii'-f's- ok'H>:v tiie' summit,. among young p"»ple. The cali¬ Space Amntni*t;a'..in ,,a?ti r ia.-to.n*: ii'# HtnB'ng. T'.i H it-VI, Ad* ber of performance was higher I. launched on Fridav. hv: • » - ;• P cu* -A -Mir ! n stra: ve Vice President, aa- . thi- yrro" t'han >n the iinmediJtc ly coni.ik-led its 33rd - *• V -my I nil I itil* Olio s- -1-*» Utis awaken'tig n mnetd thai these peti5.«»as *rf suahave oe rciurned h> the L'n'eCi tZist. and we hoik1 to con¬ 2:30 p.m. EST. wm- n . I ml Morrietl llou»init ' tinued ' school administration over the Indian Ocean. *'b- tor the political concourse or the IFC office by * RUpiKtrt for uut ic programs." A labile x-rar unit will be „ - i the black man.' 3:(Ki p m- Friday, April 8 The festival i.-. held In alter¬ The Army li*len*n* po*t at 11 >1 - .cromen has not *<•' * * * Monmouth. N' J.. u*rd it* rrmuo tit;* week to test rtoflfpi rac'.on to the UN nate years at the University i»f 1 MSU (•intrul ***tem to "interrogatr an employes for *■ unctl molution of t.rnriuute to S/ieuk Michigan. • the *atellite—that tx. rrreix# it* - var-cer and heart •c for abandonment stored up photograph*—the BrilSwm. ISS9 MSP • Lok,II ' vr resTcgatwm. beginning of the Brd hit. T~< _.r,.* a ;M "yc us fr»m! >f i mate, will speak on "What or Industry Expect1 of the Engineer Spring Term The*e covered the mid-Me*t and «» x. ' H' - 'M Thunma.v C'entei from Mumia* 9-H Engineer Test and What rie Engineer Can Ex¬ southranlern ( nitrd >ute*. •: >wg;. pect in Return" to members of Enrollment The Ft Monmouth station re¬ cr-. .Kid 12 30-3 30 p.m. Tt«' -.rut W:ii Sigma Phi Delta, professional b^«t the married houn- Li'vturcs Set engineering fraternity tonight at 8 in 33 Cnion. Announced set that TV the magneiic 'apt are camera connected to with rcco-rste.'* lake picture* >A T.rvn .:•€ uusdr* otf.ee ert Monday, al the old Spa nan Village MSU enrollment figures which Tuesday aad We.lnesday and a' *" begin t&s week cioud conditions over C'i. ! »-n.a. In versity Village l^iundty reV »-e«1 Friday set orenaring to take . Two Grail Sluilt-iiU were a new Mexico and Central A f.«:r..-i T; ar-iij*. frxu a.30-9 pq^. *'.t'MK record m 20.08h studcr1 rebfeaaiooa} during tog,34th orb; T-? data engineer To Give Joinl Hwilal begun elates, inclipluig 4»<> was t»» !«• read out at the Ha- • ^ to be held is 113 •11 full-time Rtudctit# at MSUO •A'- i listcnuig itation lav huii/mi Kisimu to Huilil begin at 7 30 each Tk# fradual* r.udcnu k.I! i ? term schedule ia: give a joint recital in the music 2alh orbit. \eir $150,000 llon*e Introduction. Tito* ik an experimental aat- Audi Tuesday at 8:13 p-m. — ;2 & — StaUca. Drnamica. Constance Tanner, Eaton Rap¬ BULLETIN ellite which scientist.* hope * :l provide them with w *r. iw -fe J31 Kappa s gma w ill begin build- « m/ $150,000 house May id* soprano, and Bruce Loga.n- — biU. Newton, Kan. baritone, wUl nicteorJogical information I at 224 West Michigan, site of. Strength and ~~ ma- The Toroolo On the 35th orbit of t'u- >a*i fr.c fraternity's urescnt hojne. sing a duet, "O My God, For- - Maple rut- . lite, .-mienlists decided ttut T*w- 40-maa bouse wiU be of Ky4rat»Uesi; "~ *" >ake thy People KfWTMWi" ford and de- weather conditions were no; t: - us-., k and c*iccreu* bi^'d* with Eng'ueering • — econ- by Bach feated the Wings Mrs. Tanner will sing tour best for mtcrrcgat.ng ;t. So Uwy a as.n:*Dum of wood. It is sched¬ "4 waited until Tiros was vn ju uled i compietiba by fall term. .** Electrical engineer- modem French compositions, €«» r while Loganbill will present four 36th orbit before getung lie Daring the building, rush wiU 3. — Scandinavian selections. wanted pictures from it. be held ia P-rior A, Umon, Thermodynamic*. e If] V '* Michigan Slate noms Mlnrinlrat TTa-e I Fvrr Sa»»" Hannah Stresses Intolerance Kf4d Hnly b* Msl HtwIruU and tuYnll* Of Intolerance' in .Civil Rights » Iti |-Y\ Mllflttll I-- iN«*. 'hr 4*inn Hocunni'iiVHt l.oviin llu* ooinmSivion ia. W'h lo Itonar *W|»»h«F »a>> In' i f ; >1 1 .» : f ; .1 1» • \ •usi'i thn yiMie aro wn- MSI' vnv» arn*. V , i. v-NM \ 11.1-:.', n, JMOV AO " rrim. •• '• « In *i»ll* nf iliwni SwnihriH Ihr ranimMiiu lakr. n« |mv V ' M,•-•.4.1 * Apt»I i I'M** Pnyy Unit MM Ihr ailMilnOlrallmt ai tn> t'i.V. A !»i I v4!l 4Vil(. Ul* i • n|»|Mivilimi in ( omrra, IH llan nah U rvafMrHl that rhll rl»hl* Or llattiuh wa»», hrrawv nl„ fi'l'i in liv.l lifitlt* f> Ih* i rmmfcatiui rrirarl na» »i, wU proUviiNi IriuHllnn Mill hr |M«r*| IhU utlllr4 In Ihr Whllr IImum- %ml Ih* nink nt l*»r Wasted: One Dav TSo k 'ii«.r " in nr t?«# fii.UT.i vriilOH kanir Mihrr plait U ntirw. ihn irilt rat *KH rlihU i h* ^ai%. ii lit hr larirl* rr»iraiiA «iid In rlfrrl. "if >•« P'f' V r il,*> t'i«» i'«n"uv i»f N»i i fur thr lr|Ulaltnn « pa«M|r all rtfhl" •JT 111 *i- *••,. »v.H'.'• IVfivr. \V* havr oomti'vl mil \h Manu.i:i Ti'iiri ato.l iv-ifWi.iihaA ' ."4 IV roU* Of OAIVI % t a ! r in t n t o»» Iho "i ijfh'. •M i-" • * > ' - -u examination* w*« •ami m;UOon*i»»l* najn in Soilth- ih* MH'M h.nuoni'Mvis i.» Iv >oiov".iv< o4* >t« n v'vou\"nin4 ru haw tV;i ' h» much valuable tunc wmii-l ,-i n vi.rivs r1' *-' •*•*••» m,vv w • *.« liivlis-Unn o' H\o ohoii-r of tmanW o.'iUiics ovju* vkv-.'-nnnUvl an "otu'.at'l* v»m\" v <.;vTt'v»sl Nr! Kr'tU> w bell cf»swe* began, m»n\ HH in- '. N«» '. «i\ ■ t*» Hl 'M.'N A.II I'ho tin ivr rally iwitu-y .- *'- ■ k'!i♦ r e?'.her ' vVs' ' ' .".•y.x? or meivly wm* hi* natiu\ lu Ih* iVinrr *4(1**%%. «« In FN* ».n » thai tl * r-arnhnra-m- no ivir*t«o«t a Kval hoi).-*1 1 • j\ t oV *Mlt vhsntl-iSuM i" .•», • hi* OUliiii t*o»*r* 4*H%*r*4 in at, " a"on. ihtouji'i Flo a? »«• « rl^hr lo ditorimina".*,' Hi* litii Minulisn l**m* in M'.U'I- w.k'.i1'! ?•»: At intent* hotxM !•» !,e Nrn tsrk I III Ore. 4. Im Of of ihr uiiivymtv t.» ..I* it I'M M |M-ol«s4 loF'U >. ■ f to make ue ?«»•* vhv* ' •-1 in J urn* the instrMc'-or cx1 ' • • llinHihsr«llr ovoil himainf ta tMllllini "*\r*»i» ImrrlnHi "Ih* u .Is i ahhlr hy our 1HM* |>>* .hi* Uv. u ml * * * * i' • ■ * ij if. * 11,1 vilHI4 tv vonioi'1- jt'M lr>i »»l Imrili'in limine vvhii •rhnlj. i anal tlomi" . m-» lot*, il i*4-Mr*i flan <• It <4 •":!!•> >•'• •►•'•'s WiTf not I" aiU'ViU". «• 4«\ .» -e i .in4'r>-+ ia no jtround. f»n ti- M. ♦jvm |mn! e\:v■■•-■ '"ex know t-bir pattern «,i> hx -n V':V ' U i '•< CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS «•%« thin* tvfwrti'Vv !vn«;i!H'»'! v!u** JV'H, auiilonvr. i'»* '.h i, tstncaUon ' ?>•** rv'.%'■■ - '• •< u thmik'^iuit rtv.»n*%U% tuc ' ,<> -s** %+v.A v w«'»'«? *U*l!\msl U» uuUiU'trt* >'.n a «v»N» nf HI \HI IV. » l v «< Ho. I»W<*» r»MI»«lwx h«r T»». . *M KMixx. ivatlar »'w M»H I4MM I »a »i. ' .» 'M t% \\ }•••!» 't'y.'. I >lv'U»l'H la'! tl» H|»tH',U ' 'I i'lfi'NA llg, n«,x.'; <*,v i* A |kII,, ,,J 1,1 : ^ -s Wv«»'k »•» Vi.l-tiH' f fll t' S* • ■ XI M i ' IHIH r.xhlr » l! «»4 I I f>M«» 41 fx! p:'!'tfn,i M! I II 2.|JU K\T. 2615 !• ..i Rtuvlt't ' *'u;'« ► • »•!.««* i? r* re*|vn*»b»!it» *•» n :•?• vnun'.'x • n • »'•« ta"--' 'v tv >••»» tn cU« »*r U» nivak U'.'t "tr v ' r?4hu iv X IHSUU t.< X. •?r ifv%tr«c»i»r H ■' i-r fMtructor iW* iu»t altfmi. housing automotive^ ' J. «* n -:x x'Uvl.V V erHrf Cia.** 't•■»*** W hot* ihf trstti \*i»rk in. st 1*4' h.HRU'Mi'il • *••«*■ ' i* xiv an. pt YMOUTll »AH M lNhnt ICH BINT •r ' -or *»>♦* .,• r av /.Porvl to misw » a »■ * A i«a.x i' I*.' X.t'.tVv •x MSI ,.^HI mt>M I»M*I •*" uomrdlMtr^ ».v »i» If »«fW* att*r l *'•' « •ooms n.llvF a.lnx'i WVI »V»HV» Vlt'H'Kl I * Mix arritovrn ttixiv* »v« - Senator I riivs Political . Hnl Ih* hrciiiinn«% nt a »*• •M-rlVtO nonditMui »»*•> sin.iMit* no* NSH* ITMOI ram on* thtl In Ih* national «hwI imm ti» V iWM alllM ««l*Mi-r t»mil4*« a hr#* Uval |h* i«\» * HlYMOiJ i Nit** HtXiMW two b'.vfci Hmrrtran faith In prtaarr** r\ ' • «*iir. t>H.» *<'ll« 0»hi> Ntoa-* anil iiv'llbk*. 1*4, a Statements on Atoms VM'OMII* , „.»*»».« kit J'I Ml. »*l f.t J lWLV IriiiU In thl« %'llat arra nf ho *. » .»*>» iv « Vil aitvi ) * _ man rrlaltnn* l I Mil f I HONT HvXIVI l, . V.I , vm hH»l » i «wd rtna* " i citM'V'hvvM Ham »h«trvl ntth 4\r IV* '*M- i • *• tk • "• »•:•.'» ' .H ' ' - '«<» r»Wi>« •'» ford n*«n * (.'if *, \\\MttV.tv\ r .v« i u- V ■*!-. »l* «•. I * 1\ * Naw n.vr'f.i «.• >..• . • vs«tmt*>it •*»■«• %i»o«. a* mo* p*ixr it nr«»«lv Kit f-Jo^ •'.'rxtsi '■ |»fV4uU*M?rfattilliUt v v -votw. Ill*' IV i'wi li >•••-• x\ i i *•* ha «f y «*- .* ArinAtnivK Arrhovrzi t.lf »»r iknilxl* tnr n»*o t*ro*'» - ■.sWH'V ' "YM'-I' V' »«. 0 K 4" i»'•!•!VNt\l IHO'o'.onaii' ■• thai ' > ' •■"r 'V • ■ itH tKr* i\*Minnr titr»i ham ruxw vrntilU tlir lulilin . f«,»v* In 'h* ,»v*ovi •• : * • a *•.«! nn All u«t«>*n» **v tl.HKl S: i huiiavt !*'♦♦ ill i-lTW frr^'rvv.'ul ' »iMv!rar wraivi!> ivi-iv o ■ %*>■* .... ». i»"> i nimti'v llui* Hrlinn * # ii. . ••' • •-•« \n'o ..m IM'.II.I. f»;r r KaUHia.-MM. IV •' tiKAN sirrriMi HVX»MW »•■•; t N r 5 {'v-hr'n *v ' tvaiWni rxxo*'"« WiUiwi. h*r~t- ••* IIAV TWtl Men Question lion mill 's Statement s -u «• ■ v- ■. i • . • • s ■•..■■ , ViUVW HA A It . y. t .1 *;u-. far . ** «xtr»ttvo ivi, i',«| ANN'i iix4vt n» t • v'. n..i *'■■ *■■ *«••* vH "• ♦ev «• • 4>1*r 1 »iu % and fan and drvfr'H £!*»*«' ' . . 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A" ' :* \\ .•> ;•> >• .* % .»•• i . •* ■ ... . • ; •» ■ vv I ■.!■•.•» ■ i-a - vrroiur of * ii* !'■#> i»i>' »>, i«m Mini t>* «.» (*•*« th.o» It APPNOVBO HtXtM VOII man * v.!..-'- •* .v a'.-wt VtkV ... .(.»■* liwr> AX .**'• i*l ••«* M*"l ..*nl ^uirl ti*tghhn*hn*Ht h«T 0* • Hi'-i'S v ■ H'- •. • • i ..-t Y kvr .' ...vi v.iKWr * a «*.•' X»»rr • * Mu*t .!.« MX Alh*rt »a» !>IMA "t j-hri'ff en1 r <'• • ».«*'• Ma* I a«aH" ».V l*xr W»" f.-" t, , *1.. « V • »• * »" ' h'» .»!! »'<• a.l.kM, *1»uUl :*- ik.-v-.f*,!* > a*i#n! and »ti*M onurt tv» *1. »X v*t'.*i VWOM'I «' t* TBAHfitS «" yv • ...» IV. VT i v4 ' >-k ton*! t** iO-fW OMir W »" ««' , • i v.r***t*,« JOutl »*• IX 4*HNI 1iw«irtta t*»r »*w«mW>«i i«*a prmoiTtit — it w nv .. »r WKl.iaart t'»!•>♦ *** W*" k-tihnx t«v> M*a»roixm. «*fcv» . .■•««»« ' • « S i^ V i • «•-.! »*». T*4* .«* <"! •'* I' * iNxsoear*. nat k>t in Mrli. BAUV- t ,.w* i I '*» w \-x . i \ , ... % -•» (►■■*. «• ..... Vi • • . INew Novel . il'MUfH «.»■•>' Mv»trl rr»vi» to. r»a!K*o MAIM tx *»t ♦ •■-a, '< lost «nd found -rh* ArpiiMwtl •»« >. » > '•• "•a* ...ft ft o •**• it orra-ivil.t* I* •v »*•"•*- a ».• sv'.n sa* v"."HV. • » . r«*}..,o'troxmt v'aU Hiv Hathy Questions Vtwrrit i .# a*4 > *» pw i t.„ i icvxr ox OH »ir*r tamnr m - • * Vm »U>*A ' Film Faro . t t - rr hand. Rmard. • IVfrnv* ha* cwwafirmrd ill pnt > .11* p»«ltHH'« «l aiwvnjm •jll2t- IVniiosNt'o W illiams* tWr Rao*ft :.••• •» Uirynian Sr»* Michigan Stair Now> »*» nt ir**4*'»i rf rho«rr" *m Ih* 4«*«i«*n •Justice* ,« f*UvaMi**M» "(*■• »AVtfO ii M«a» (fturrau t**»t« aixpnintmrnH »* PAHT-tlhHC k>l- I personal AROl.YN rtTMWS ltd Jf Film Proves Sordid t Ri*Tl* n« mm: nihhmin '•I ovr* I T vHt-v-a.1 Ht-mH *#i —. •>* :* -v* - «' t rtORNQX ntf this ad hs tt-r > « X . '.'(v'l 1M*!* tta^innr yn*a HM N*w» rttwr hriwrrn f-a in. * -.V ;V:- '.1 -i !*r htii . " i-v,-. *.•«•■ a ?K»lr *•' •*•* •invO.h HtT-imOl t a.l K. l4m*M'€ »H .• »>< * i f II>— Si in IM CTSSi IX; a ■ *a am), » i * ii * i'.i i *t»ro' ' * »' \ 1> ♦*••»« v; fa ' n4 • tv>>/ir r • n« it> »tot t\o* ••• *>i,.. •**•• - « v* " n * V .. v v ■ ,rt.- fw hr-- • • »«*;»'•* ' . • -■•* U v* '"*••* wl t»l»t \|l I IM wl M Ml It Ni* .»»*• .W "• . " • k" • »*• *: ■ * M i *• t> Han* fronvro. .» for sale REAL ESTATE 1H-..1 \vv A-1 .n UMI bra-.n »uw,0 ut » ttnanv-.a-'v <-• • sN« : V' ■**« * '.»v »>«j ■•'**.« »..a \ vout'-k* A»':>VS, '.»t*xi '*4' » * N I\v BaUDTT Bin a t mVv"* rrc#irr yhyPHi'f ihor »s ORIS I 4)hw is l Hi*# *««*«n fTlcr hvMpiu! ;s ,fv the {v»«n * »w t'•.*«*%! i.to pv W:*i * .«•:* an t 'a *4 n mvr ' • ' \ v tTY in s small i Retain**** Mt«44V ftHK'tt Vmi'u' *fio pii**> i;v ll.rt'H; Iho.r * rfc m» -nrr;* • VntfAi Urv«ii(«Ni l»irr\W riMi l*%h*r tHHi if h<# w"; jwrri'omt .shh'W'' i .* ?rvyr?iA» . » v*"*-. M Ka-* ».d a^ i in* h*M». *a "-<• » k*r ' ri;«kv, Cmxhtri'.bt > ♦* * h'^i tSat *»■ j i.n * » : v* olea*U3M *"«♦ . , » *4'xM« \»r « «*»«.»« «?»n* t i I*.*-*. Rv* •*»» »*til«l 4*-»* JSfis44S:da «-i>■ trav :-rv w.'.h u;:v': r o>* »-.r?*:ti<*** %: **+■■*•: ' J*»vx C*J r»*n \ iv** •> ,»? Kail.o.f i* a («M P«4*-SSlWr kS'lV* i I*'** *1 » ixlt"*** i»m -CsrsMsi. rvv* jk'U suvivitrn'.s dmi *h«"x- :r ■.{; tdroi pf »».*. ttvhof > CONVlNlXT TQ CAMMS i» «i« !*«'" |«MW» i*»'x '••Ml i i W«s H*«M* Nv»* 4N* * \">. Ca f ••■* • R->-\ :-*v* 'San w* ■** a~.| #.*v ■ ..Mia! a.v*M SERVICE i-k1* \« v*c.»w*..!v KvrvN*.. a ■ N. I **.*:■ aiai-vt >*V5ikl havr w • 4 *m *»«,»-{ M 1.144M t'a- :.av'n Hc« .'nr of IV tivvr '.raw i H* M'« %kunt ««*« t harl*w I* I «rfM*r i •. •' %«.t Hi«M • *»■<,»#* » ' t J*cvt'»0* W * v • ^ !**'*»«>, *iU X»*«"i. Alt «** f>.»4 **v»a|** VM*utr Pr*'f»w i.'v w>* wt* a-.r*t IV thr.*- .'PC.' T M'ONJAN Imiw" * «* * '«ra 4'»V' *..v „ 1,» iv4"i AVfi , « t '' < | .-orrrawM. I ahrr DBO* 0« BOB SUP UBa TV .V*' 1 *>* ( »ur». «■ H* Mar* 4Y Rank to U- » <4 Isduiirul IfUliaBt ftll oxahoxr bonus stamps v* ».•;>'•*;> s-4 D** C-#* -% I»RI %M w ruiiM; - • • o ^ i »*« Hif wi spfciALtn in oto»?* IV hiitaNi't* Braihs MMlUxa. 1W». UOl v.i • 4 i •' 1 : 'V \Vv > housing IWNOLIS FOB StWOINTS Crossword Puzzle *i loin \A* vN* *#*rsU*«t, ***** i* i l>* »*f**v» iMiUrwiw r -•■■ V* S*.a! t * "j :*r a* vV l»v ur .1 IVise IAt iv? nf ** ' 5,»v*l has prr. cv ar .airre*f l»*r: in Sat 1X7 Ivretrrm Ma?- * 1 wZ r*r**4. >*' W* >*fc**tM* r»U«••' * ' i ..4,> * 'Wi v.." 4 -><" '-4'" * in- prrvlrihi fcvv '.Nr tcrtno i'*xf IN**c* •<..,<* «4n4e*vta TVjun** nS i'M»ra-N In*.]* tXt t4iU V*. ajgclbr i-TiNr—ft— vr* a I v'*'*«sT4-',v. * • • 040«:..;v>.n n| jttjtttcr It Su* pr.-S- tO Mtwf. 1 cahh rom esso hook* Sh*.'*!*.* • 'S^4 I lurlw* M*»w« nsmm *uw? ■• ' Aiwfw * 4 4 !.-a'A * > * ah,.t iwvti.Trf f» •*> tie, #kjXN.* Ai«.. Vv-t 3v*t;A ^ - .- * »»'• *k tvtwu liUrf. 4Ml 14 Wit* n ;i.j Phcr'-r ia.'h..* '■,**«*" ' » t«.w* -. v>* .•*•* 1 nwa ca--*. that tsw- v'hfi '.y «l . • *MMI4I n «V»M»U.'X ko >- iriwip: 4 : . «"V v ^ *4a -V . * ^v* » XN4J., 4 »V.XM^U ip X*'"- asyxnaitiTJS W »»3t or4> f.Nr S»«l. a— i 4.X3lbJ V». f4m.5p»v .'t-Yi S 1M "Js*:? V".r.w «n- —?• 4S..v* - tO t-S4T». ssu v- "t MT-f fa#v can hrevrrr rrt* a»ABTM|s*S f.Ai '* rvif<%** of ffiidrsia h*v* Ur#vi Mimd Pktwrtz p*»4twi t3iar&me **>e Exfhi To frfuiitr thn*r whvXTt TKtfS - RtXt*1! rVRYMHld UiRN TO IXY st Sharrn H*w Mwr. &c.T*#ai^Av> Pill#* fbov uairaw-nfe!# *r«*3t» APAjirxtvr iT ftwwl rlsht Shtt« r*ttk i Rm*Nv: M » '. c * Thr Irauaje* ahwt fe*.vp *h# *>2* Ki.- Ot.*i..-n»!t w tmdfMrai » . it-VS«v'» Wll.' ««*.'- i ..*r* iv* --MpRr* vv m. Pvrif t«4 Bra *"?4 ■#•- -;A 4Vtf arAh W?f'.'v t-diw - - uAHvurrn-vr. ntpow JI Nwr v".tNury •* a:"v >v*«?:a^ h# iVn* «» fa.15 ISM |>**4 AS-i A •:•.»* .♦ a #ocat law m'».a ^ ih* ?v*4 ' t*» SS. HP rr Mirt — thr* » iVHtU >* 7MI Vv"VS STORY t fawx-r-i hx *h* ttAS'Vi.Ty ■»? nrtxo »d i-45* S-^.4. TIBiffc Pn**"*. tiwa# *fh? lit* -.x .'hey ft >i#r ptytfk®500e*l ipstrc*. X " IXOsY UNT ATTHACnv* «tf W Sswr? W»'V m* WA. Jrfca i nlMtt ns » t^.—- #v.v^« *-«i omjrr MVLTiLrni :>• far Wx-ar.whfli tii* #f :x# #;-■•. ■ - »' -A* -atts* f aintiarrd I N « A TING Rnn s* nf Mhrrrt or - Mia Ma AMI — V!»i^f«l raa. FO Mill f*vN>raiR4 #( oh h^Fx-r* 'Jv' ftKWtm -rrstt M «N*T' • t! • * -1 TVr*r*.A«** W ••-a tft*i rcMvxerSral. V#«»* currtaifli* >•** •* fWVswv is ?•--• tJ» : MM.* C\£\ . frct&is* Sfee hirers aer "J rr* i b#Tw#e- N** *U€»cr44;^4 KJIPI.VO HLXXV* *ITK «XA-< awrt cfc4rt« f x? *•» C* CtV> " N V n M diplaratLrk '* i c-r* vr p#rtscis«ir.;rCori. lAsD > .NJuiS"^ rail Ai .;>r Zsra W—fk KD * Htr #twytKwai»l Annass Tr»~v hrrhtph'. -SH «OXT APACKHTt hOOW en •-** pral a laK> i'URIfwa Thar* a ere la m s4 hra-sisftet Ix»4t fur f?*Atttr st»s- ttiw ANV ibosx r-v . Vve ^ Vf iamiifUraFv-n =•:• *rel'r*!MiN.ta4 tnan to MIX i-lvr Bmnr lips re war T*' •■* wY», tf"4p»a »-r f.vr^. '•« S rra i -,g csa Thai prectfHKX» >w . AfFieavto *oo«< Ty -a.:-- ch*f*r#r* ar*". Jr«-T x» rrt*s*«r* rxrtjiT ruEdtji A.VD ** ew-fcnss tkna |s:«n^w <1x^r,? Vrdhr trp*wrtt*' V h#' hvitoi'AJ^ thr isu-p#e'v-r tC }Aif J xtaft tt«*r>tfir« on* hvi IV* mall «IKW -V- *hr>r 15ft# shr ypjM hr- h-K . ED S AMS •wan wxwy ro* -*c **♦*, «>*.* x'*n w-.ch e-..Ah.j.'r« Uwr-i a IT i". *** tMwA ?>na*a tetkw TV AND ftAMO scrv** * *»«Z4 Vrdtj **rwt ■ .. 4 " . • < P-* ratrs/v* -- Katmrfixti law rshrs to *tu«l*ct* Nr« at-: fi> Sail »"* < »«t « TV ati s-d avjwi* Frr* 9*A.V . .it Thr author rxp«kvrr» "« . -rahtng fra* rrrAtr-f. S t "■ F.iv ;v J.fc.vf' i.' \J# i; :• ''a.5rrai& of thr- sat* »;.-X :<*■ .t Csaal i«rt4?t»r«»t wiU br , fcvsN as.' ro :-mst t-nsl Mr*, GoMSxfcb. CD < r A* ■» VMM '. .'i". :>,4»rc, esi-r^. - Fast#d as uiwuuiSNaral pawi. a >7#cia. ""r-jiHAsio *4 % ..tacts #m2*r '5» that #C the - i»* V Ik- V* **, i~*9a49t "r* r.3.t> toncijr - '_W stary, Shr RUr*-- APP fOTlD t N*VT*tJIVt¥-YO transportation 1 t * * t,«a» ftas's Artifary jr . v*«r t'-rv-t A«r»«* «tm*c le.-rx*^- c-v,.'4 V «i . ih.'- if jt*ae» >3. a a-.*aftrr titu:. •M« lettJ K &•*<** M* E L#«- * f*';■> *-iv *£ tb* ••» Mr -ra- »?« a 1" v ' < . _' • :. r : * '"V. v - ,/■ ,. -- */.. : V ' ' t 1 , 1 ■ """"SI Board of Trustees Mil Vila• Is si III NlWs Micliiuan Im'iiiploymeiiL W 4e>M 4, I'M* Pair Three Plictmenf Bureau m» Nlswilu Mill lHtc»*irw km Kir Imttrvlrt il*tra Itict'cast'tl During January ' .'II , l-tl I I I,' i- H t" tl liMitlllTHhlf Accepts Grants,Gifts If «rlw«l % mm t rvif'i walnn with Klri>«l (Mi 41 r lol.tr Writ rvptMt t« Ihr fltrruirol Itmriu li tr»*t I tin tftatheiat* drgtre ia niuar* •< Mi lai>t«iru n«lf. *v .«&»«•• *lw *fct«|rr« till IGmTim* llhrir mm v. »« pit MSl'O Scliolarslup I'miil dfiirr li mairaini. il! K|t,r IntU *ir rhgthle-t« Ialrtvliw pfiO i. i.l • ..I! M . »I irtti.U p. tfNII O.T.'PNMI I 'tin- I ir k hihlii sihiwU; A SUM Hcceivcs Over SliO.tMHI Rlrmtnghain Puhlie Si iml, \ i ) • SppVP. s .11 I'm 4 ' Ihlitt. I 'l ,*> , - ami grant* of $£j)7,*tv?.ti|). includiinr S'N,!»ss t for UU-I M .i ' i 11»». n n ,» r.-rm f l;!' >-S.s N. i > p: r< h'l s ,e « v I'.'.i s- ,.!■«• ■ pe N 4' ' Mleti u-u-M.i'l-.oinr-v STUDENTS Sits,lie* itti . \| ■ s . snan .li. r U « Ma'. « ills M iirt, i".'- , i h"% .14i» (ItHl i 41', 'Mi.» i*" Mi. hia^ii . • • ai <•! ( .OAhip*. were accept 4 i.i imint h i tiii: kisim; « in ns ni . 4 sitv'* Uortl'vt uf Trustee*. |i*h. Vtsth. lien S i; . S,- . , -,».4 M.-.ru'A tt. ..tivl. .ii a Iifrrriil n| ihr lulal IjImm \ > l -1 i' -n.il ,i,lt« Al'M-lM: .lilt 14 . Wup f\n»a-i ineUut s . i , N. t. i • • -(li'ini p \: , II , •• • ... ..I u • Inl4r. 1.41141.41 4 slnws r«| a tig iii i' '•e Nt'iiih i«*>4ii* ,,| the Mi.'i , : : ;o !.'! Michigan sun- grant from Ihr NaiioimI tn*li- ' , >-Kle . H.4.. , » S . ' M • T'l 4! ," < ' •: U .1." I llf. Sot ti ii (triertil a* mmiMrrtt ollh l.!-»i Ke.Mt.'Uiie i. ihi -Ii 'i- tiii: in ii <:i:i»\i: 1 \n n tin off Intra m llrallh l. S s Oakland iv'i I »' M t»' M , , •)»»*!.»» , |»rr rrnt for llrrrmhri « , >i (I., M.St ISui fa,, ,.! tin-, t*'ic »' i uv'v \„'.(Mia' SrctK'c Kvuirut* yUhtv i!lt-.,u(u'\ ♦!•■ fe.vch '>4 .>*t> pin t oughs Itesearch IMv Ulon Uuring this umr g»rrihr tu ''.e,. Hi ' V >fi«'inle Ili'ii'Aliii ta vim Il.» it, Velvet ,1 !»ii! n> dr lal k ; >y\300 fur HH'UVU OlrrpilUr I'raclnr I nmeaiis \ enufif 14 * II' "lt;|. f,»: Vlii'hu in labor lorer ilr iiuiieaU's th.i'. tnistitt'i* aeltvitv Ummi no the oteseiuv i' . t»v Pi Ot.vreniv .4 >»»«v I. a< n.i • n , lt> n*4{.»rs s « ,4.1 .iu.i t • tui in lit.) i rivorii hi aboiit .»I .oi»4» <•>•1 l.lli .? « . y 4 .1 Pv Psciitis K'.t\\4i\U vri:u:l|g .411,1 Hi e, nine.,, .11-1 K '.II '1 * Ml m -ltd 4*4*11 ill, r ,tui.n-< thveni''*- iii.nl ;• : ltl*|«»4>F > III 4\ 4M» W \ t l > . , ol piwn** mid putttm'.U In ptcv in<% ete.o'eh iJencra? Pvt. an.I |. •«iU4t n itiiXSth Cie L'tniei I'eii I.i. f» till . n .•>, • 411 . .i , |i»*i i.,,i MSP vit-n! ,h fuund Vint cvt • lI'MM-.e* i I'v ' ;1\,4 • «■* I.... k ivu iiv .M .4*4,1 Kn>j, VOl l< I14IM II4I ' - * •! 1 pUftb.dU Uthilu'. !u««jr> >-.t .nth 41 ; \.v »:».« itli-A .1 . Vt« • • . 41 I *; • ,th» grant fv»r 4 rrvarvh 111 V* Oanee * II > n.ii.ifi f •. 4,ss*sin: tittmal hualkiwlr* wkv »»*rpt ! :e l»'1vr of \ 41 t HcnMit' 1 nig an,i trea^ui > l" ,. %1'KII : l«na •> . ii t . • M NO FINER EATING Louis CUvANKItS SiJAUM tm • VM'UiY't ' ■>' «'. M.- % I 11 r »l | hrmtral I ore Sl'M ilia> Mr p? 'C ig .." i' 11- i , .».ms the I arm Hurratt sr« to P Hr"tn«f' Uuu ■ V ' At Kit FMPt.OYMKVT I P'n ». II l lflll ('Miptin \ s lKr, i.i I anting ami Ihr Mtchl- V VlVIlK' Si-' .»!' '• \"1 ■ iUil A \!«s n ,U>M . . };» i.e. - i'. I4i..i.:aig <4u (ivmluck I schangr i»( l»r SO" I. e> le.i t No»\ putt d!«,t s *'»' Ino.u.u- Vmk 1 -tv n ,t> 4, eep'r.l ' ■ P v.i V I'lii .'.e '•"> s»ru i.u ' '» m »:,»,•> '14 f>* li.v M l. -111. I trr«loiie 'lire ami Rubber W»".M4 < oin AND MEETING SPOT I.RAMI 1114 Ell •-• 'ctraich. u»* »**'" thf >• - >'IUKea iir-iUist with the Arthur \ouii; A (u V i ; U4M4 s 1 M t KMft,i 'V ACROSS I ROM STI OEM SEIIl II I: III II.IMNIi . 1> H.-iuM V *. \\* eli in.-»lv » .<< \ 4 hi, 1 •> vlt:\f . (IP l VP l>»,4 >r, f.'i aSM ' >.»•{ Mts-A \* i hem K i< ,4:1 '!>«' hU9ib-»o»lt o».vf:v;aj* *. v'm » >» -v • !e*» *'.C4 .' Pn ,-I,- HiMHI k. :»is»M»s t>i :i rhr.Ht,Me ,ia,.1. Alhrm '» ,»! /4 Agrleullural s» Hon I V ii i A n»r« «iii' ev»ini» .i ' .M than KEWPEE'S e -ivtu. e'- the p; ,oee' ► emi U i i \ ,» M.i v *-.,- tiisiiv ?j»te itivcl'it*- eailh ihmv i i|ll maun, t,»i tea,:hing ms*'- SHOP MONDAY 12 NOON TO 9 P.M. Ihu'lars to l.iTlttn* llAirU 'trust aii4i Mtlttg* It ink .. xmI\ :\4 e.'iu n tl i, \| • . IN THE EVENING . .. Your -m ... , P tii man S'iasuh* an,I P. . M * V. ."ii fie v-.e ege* t'4»m ' *• t\«Uege uf ltu-..n. s* . , >.*» \h Harry fvk lirti l" 4 leVett, 1-1114 fix f!iy -i i'.< ,\v»> Se enev a vh* a *, A ltd*!. H/'Atee sv "x vntv «*0 OTA g! y»n* from "tho t»it» ne- A fu s. ! v *.ve -'i i rten |Uivine>», b'.HVtalii.ng in oto'a.'i n .. : . . , • v K:*cig> »o«i i tie eorv and ttuosi a,cu ' ti'l!l4< l4l\4g"A!44* ifl iVili-"MC* y .;lance, aiiti K» utiuni , • -'it* IMNM'.lt sm l\l Sporting \ ,.»mrr re*egreh IWHJrvl *l» helVS lice a,'tH4ih!vM Uvtiirot's , -I .I'l, !ru- . n'r: ;i m-ini hi l»i I vrrrll Urnrkr, •!i dfV'.u 'nveu ' Pie» 44 - tntnk'.iig id.- t » fiuartc.a! 44 'tk. r v.i.-n»vm »i mant ami |m*nl a» SiHHVt'. (4J'-''-»''..'*i' AIM *: m r i»41»rt #«t i i ? 111 r j * 4 4»111 * 5»t m! •. * 13 -Hi}!liSii.*HlHlt siitsntin sum, *14 Itfl talhcli'g*- Vlillmiis of Vmrrsraiis uoii wear cantirt Irnsrs loi iioimii with uatuiai imhI k*oks 49c HOT 4 mamma: Equipment 49c inian THE VILLAGER I he contact keener vision ini* Hearer can uon nuirr rujov - He 1*1 . . «( vision M4S1IKI1 I'OT 4TO I hi. rr»*r«ll>l*. murfnt, pi ml linnl iackrl in n «htfl- itni i x in ri iiit Headquarter eve erolerlien all ilav wearing romloil fj,l »»iM. I'ulUivrr nimlrl with hull upprr. Innir. m natural aeoraranrr broaAer apoits artlvttirs ) ,n.,f .V i>>»ltr. SI/KS: S-1I*U S Won I it sou be Inter rstril in Aisrussiiig the (Misslhllttlrs of J 1 V)^ coniacl Irnses ami IOL K rvrs Or. NartM A. SMOtr Ralph's "ICEWPEE" Cafaltria IRamseij's i Mall C ourt f vamior orillUCTIhT IVanhiM- t rnlrr !-U«l tansing. Michigan MtitVtiltlllitiKtttl i«At IS t * J11 i lit |11 tit I • f»HI»e OI'l.\ fi.44l TU Ii I'll T4 TOO t'ltONT St III.All KNTIIAM'li Untversltu Shop WANTED LINDA LEE Linda t ee on the campus I te>hntfn, M»phomorr^. »nd juniors to act rrclonal tl? K. (irnnd Kiver rrprtsenUlPCs (or nr« firm. Kxrrllmt opporlumly for >s»u ti» earn your nay through wfho*»l! I>ttails at tntrnifw. It intrrrstral, ami if you li*« out of Mich* t£an anit plan to li*c home thi-» summer. APPLY (by Economy I Viced - IKKstcartl givinc home state, campus phone, ami hourn when mhi can he contacted.) 7 -Cluh Golf Si*I COLLEGIAN ENTERPRISES J f lliftlfiii*. lii*Tt«i|f« 99 34 i ! j hinhi. .mmi irons. ■OX 73 KPT. SN 440 Itleal I wo mi let's !»p|! M ihhIs have line p<*r*iiiinttMt IUNVORn IHIMfl If I ■IVWVa-Mm Im'.hIs. Irtnis. t'SfuA appruvetl <*t't»riii*»—ftir In'tler <'ottlrt»l t»f the halt. Sets hi mm's ainl vvoiiien'.* m/m. Aflrartivr olanf ha«*. .. 1 IVaeliee *5 t< (aoH llulU ikit ui i H«t<* » a /> v » t oiifli. light ,A> • oil ...a i rlli 4 Iriie. iioliHir* it V* >ililiiUlr| uf grtugl pi a*. Nipple (aoirifm llanitM.nir Gray anil Kill Gulf Hun* ll«il,|. 'I rluln I.'ill If«r«l utaplr tor I'M I h in. men or aumrn. Vnivl riMteat i'ul loll air tit. rubber king in trans- is.It ••hi lino plaint trim. parentbaj. «»rln| i . t;»if Gull i** ... 1.49 i^aCons FINEST WHITING PAPERS '.lUSTlATtO TMMI, Hmmim CATOtTS CITSTAL Gulf "ttR: eAigptr Mi§M mmm imlAAH fl it|gi«r •M l MA m mm Boofii •4M*TITT M um** t :url . . 9.98 ^ At MUM4 * i*vn i I ii|uiil t>nl«*r tinlf Hulls I'»wi*r IVki'il 3 for 1.69 TO A WONDERFI'L NEW WORLD Trmii- Iturkrt OF FASHION AT LINDA LEE I'rurlirr •« •» SwMpn^a STSS/llr^SnS ^i4 l*tv'Saw«M^hr M.iu«k 0.9B Arrows . 39c COTTON CHECK ONE-PIECE JfMP-SLTT i> D«i>fit4 lor top »•'«*■iaac* 7'P*f «o com- wood tfowa, aniltei««aa» ttriaft. forttbk, tux to Uundtr. 10 to 11. . . S-D" pack ieaf'-r* g':p. Vin UgW, Mag. FINE COTTON POPLIN RAINCOAT U an *11-weather coat. Water, arinkir and sprit resistant. ".SI SPARTAN BOOK STORE 44"OOL AND NYLON 2-P1ECK Sl IT Ls this season * Basest fashion. Popular «hade«, siaas g to 1C. . . 8.91 oali,faction or your money guaranteed OP ADC back" iJla/alVkJ' "W Smpermmrkci for ALUWEATHER POPLl.GlORTIE ha* 4 iip-pocke"U Cure« Uo hat (nduda »tate saica las and L* fully lined. In white an.) color*. 1 l.uo . Or. Miaiir. It MM Is * r * TkanUsi saU »Msr » je AJI Is * rjl.. tmtai. U'rtori.) a MiiOt. ».3e AJI. la 3:3a rJI Toiini* Sd|iin«l Post* I nlMMitm iMurlv ^ illi 106-% N\ in Delroil Edges Pittsburgh. 1-0. i. "Hl.» Hp •»» im f* i l: t at 11 • • \» i t» ;i •!» .ill . I • Mv .1 » I ., H ! m M «. 4 < It «» Hanks Square Play-off Hank Agtiirre Hurls One-Hitter ST UH'IS IV Paced ;u ^iH'sstve defense Which fcul* \ I."*' IVI.vl till m. i ' "H- VM-lf Mm 3t» jd.i'veiv UU'hM" .U'SM'vl • lh>t» PeituAs d'J the i .i in iuim!»vtouN intfWMAeit * ■ittiind h;is» off the tankv left 4 h»h with l*!rt$cnftt«el' vv»'.h t. v %• \V l.AKKl. \Nl>. fd i ' C' H «VV ... .4 I H I F ' V 1 .evils HduKi came up wdh e A oitu- Vlcti'i V W ttllM hoii lei live h"' un thu Detruil nwirv i«» .f .Vie .vis UM f • i ' tl 'V; Swve fhemeteiA «io!t» luuo* »'•■"> u\ .. >i ^4 . .1 i :«v! t t .. inspired eltuft foi a lOH-OH v •i.ive .< !.• National HaskeHmlt A-.n tuteh'ng tt<»va ttie iKstriUt Tiv»-.-is Si I »nii« eUmtsi their Pint VpiU i IW(j t'agr t our V 1-1 till 11' m.iVh • o. Ht»t, ill ' ptuvetfs tiui ganwa .ii !' 1-U vU'twr.v ovet live PtlU* third and get the tiv>t tun men . . t'.etui tv.i ttie ene" ; iishto \<\ it in it taunng with • 8 '» vleU- With then hacks to the w v i the hilling IVtneUu «t«e » New Yolk Yank. tnugh fMvatv'v tit no exhihitiwn . the I'KUi.K Ml IWOtiM \ t tl»\ I \l | III f AM? the lUwkn ^vanned all v>w! ■ •ie is'-t four ef »eveh serie* Iw'fetl tuA first suriug hmne inn Kline went '' Haass •iaine "tvoLened to m\ mtuniis Snnd.iv • Hun- defendm* NltA kings with Si t.i.uis twiee stavetl t'ff fvn oii'i the lei! field fen.e .it die Ltv u;i| SvmuLiV ,u-t»n.'" fur the Cardinal). i= feu) luie- v lUI i.ill.e- and u w The Tigers now have vv»><» the Mveiui tune this jUMdivg SIIOWIM. 4*4 now siiowim; NOW I'ettds II .in-st fou. tfi <|M«i ' i »one games aganivt 10 lt»st v ii »l The Yankees had their «e w!ia ti oreKv the Twit k of the ii-t Pi', de- went dmvu U» then I AKf UWIV Kia. Is vprieg in manv veasw l.wmg nil \mi un \i. wi:i;k K.t'lvMH I'iVlsU.tV .'iil'lilKS • igth stiaigtii 1 ov.i an II vvi>o t'tte lvtiN.it Tigris cut feni men i.( ? * game St I and4 wun 13 t A S T LANSING PHONE 10 2 1814 < ."ii the suuad. M-nding en. hei - LUCON t HvilJ.tll JKHlll'v' '« M' ft'i ltv.-.', I'd gainm; A4u rie. oiv tlw- Heitvci u'v.e) Jvv (5r/en.l. and J. I O l».*vie 4 4 4 s l,.\ \T. Mh ,»n.t t.id.tm* h»r a J«d» with ''<«■ .••ii.-her Hi'h Hihi'n and i- ' :. .|ua'M when the H'VtK* llll AHfA'IN Ha «' >1 Mils 7 I'M II! \ II III! \T 7:111 Tudi »v«-i atMVu! U.tlie.t lew a iMMiHrth I niiv iKb.'lne I'n- '• V» . vd Avt .V U» vi 13 18 lead Vhe. -. M m M.ifv! tieid ttre Washing. I 19-5:29*7l*> Haw K • s'.ietv t.ftl this to .vO iltf ai .( *\n>t with siit'iVit U'if . i ttt in>r Irajue emuu \i>t i i tivmtt uwn vi • nnttw:*' khi'v "fta .'ufrft- te.iened t'hev Will in- rik ?■» hnur ve- Sv'sitiV f tu fnur hits it. hv u. will w.u'k v.!•>. the tho f.'ntr fur a S-2 vietpt. TllNT i WSIM; MM: \ SHOWIM. NCW v d! a SI iSo M iwaukee Itiavv* 1H' 1111 . iuh ttie eut led tfi» lOTtON NAH •N A CAREER III 0REAT1VE SALES For .»• I Mark MOTION NOTVM MAMINO I till .-.im|>11 •> iirt. \\ rilnrxl.it, \|ii-it l^-Vliinrr llilti* F'iirm». Inc.. snrlil'. largr*! immfiic- ltd II Ion hi ILins at Ohi< MM \ td V ,' •. aver OS. In Mu-kov Sink's wen hi. ..«vvu luriT nf lni»iiii.»« forin«,-ant V. 14. or ll.S. ;v.. i- v S.,«!ind.iv gave Mi v im .' '.n Itkree liw'vioiVi iu s1 i. tvis«H»;dt team i ' I ,t..}iii tUmd.v .wntinuisl «-* ' WIN CUFTMPMN ij. hi » c.niiliil.ilr x-ckin^ a career in ctrailtr »rlliii)j i t.i; f." as Noitthelii '■ <» • ni. - hltt.ng sutvsittun a- • V »■ til Oliver .onlingo'ii «e Siu-'eu uaave frwn a l-l' defi. lie .all'. maiiii)iriiiriil. II. II. XMiilr, I'linl t.une.1 la K..-1 I an,* n.: Sund.iv \t'n v»!i (ho:. -.hede-t starter Craig \ f• ; the ivKN* il.'h' > ili.h'irl »nlr» maii.i^ri, V*ill lie llie Vlimrr rr|i- maiemeni rni in m i;ts fust Jnoue game Se.uver nut el the box m ' Athlete l»iiiVt.ir H .:g.e Man. thud tuning rexeiilalite. I unl.u l your I'laccmrnl llurr.iii dues'u h.*f rve that *>ld i'-d!et•ge Che Sp-.iidans buivvhe.1 n riet.t idt h. .tl v >n ti'VX ! '7 of itveir runs ill the mnldU* thr in llic Mmlriil Scrticc# Itiiililina lo Bear IIAIIV Tl SSis l OUOl IIOV 'ACADEMY^ isu ism o (OKOS SIIOKIS M. VI NS lorios n.u \ iim »r.n*l I'KKSI'RIITIONS EII.I KO AITI IIVTEI.V AWARDS itMttsit ■MOM. ■ wtirt t ua '3.15 *3.15 *4.15 m»* RI8HT./» aXMXCl^ twtcit — 1'itu ro r vim v ^ \lso Selected Shu» | SubjeeU kHoJtmtnl'X isvim is win11: . ntsK.iu — HAIM'OVTS (OTTON ni \uriM. i ki »;ih»\i \t mi tor 'anS CHANNtA i nlJ !Hil t M 1<...4. *» >n ACAOEMT AWARDS M6KI Mm »/T\ SI \l II KKI IIIRM IIOS tlUts |S - 1 " AuifM! AIAIISI16B4-!' mHK Ht'WVNV [ftwbCHAyvi %».o jorw. Keg $19.Kk Value Ik iMATTEK PRESCRIPTION [EMTFB "\ISIT n» \ .^y ^ ! .. /hi .• ' ' 1 •"» lu !l> m MOUYWOOO! IV * •«>> nmmi I'lAMr -.1 - sS .. N. ■ VARSITY SNOP c.. LEN ROStTOWK A ma i.*s VIIHUTT Itn. i: i, vnsisi. STILL U S E I) All Authorized Art Supplie BOOKS LF.C. Shcaffer Student Special 83.93 Cartridge Pen _ _ And luk - - ONLY 9oC 3ISI Sweatshicls — Oioire of (iokirs — Navy • (.rtTH - \\ liilc. Black. Gray— $2.95 Lolort'ul Travel Posters — — 81.00 TUES.APR.5ft Hmims On and West a AkM Rd. CAMPUS BOOK STORE THURS. APR. 7ft 131 EAST GRAM) RIVER ACROSS FROM THE UNION BLDC. i.irollr hirmvil Out An HnmiiiM iftt« iiiiun S( <>TTSI>AI.K. AW?. * v . placed iiMjith ti epi-e iti the I'n- 4 '!r\elnn»l Indian- ti»«t.i\ I •Oiiptt'X I la - -111« «I - Nl'AA /fining finttU thh *vr.ck •Kl A1 I'Uulti* !•» T«.»iiju, in r»iv I".. Intel ImMiHUiI ld*(tlfU« <111 Ill.liltli rni.1'1 III 4 I fit "I *1 make- |Virt'i| a i.tni.rtitli t<» I'u.ilU. -10, !»«4;l a i-l rt-viM.l At' V "« I ii '!i hOUiM'" w i»1 \ I'lirvelitnd U*t v «'-♦»i A Ik.w.l vv iiitMil tip nitti a in-, l iiihlha.'iili'i he •* a v* dh t'u fl'i "i ' i In- jintl al'tiTit ci New V.'rk Yankee-, m 1 <. vi m .U.ftlJH'hl t'l *11 SU \r ntu-d 2(1! h i»hi. v,.|.l |.l VVAMlilltKtull .11 ll)3tl dill iltniblr*wi»4 ti m MV/RPS , ji* tlx# , a ijarU t I'M Ded » t.,»pk .'vere.t flt- v\ t-i 'in tiniv~Hum team 'i iittiHI in Detroit- die ftdrne ev.i u-v f i >»«it a- all,i the 22-»I».*H eue oi the »«»•'» illiurv tiM rmcii'wiM. sMiidn r<*«iii i'lnvi i>M\ i>l Ihtfl.tl.i HUll. i l' i »pnni ItviiuJ W:U,.i, Uieu- ,.|«i Vep.u talk m v%a, fduiiuif in - w rettlIII« riMlili til l**w *»"'« vjh'i Mi«nduy. April UU . ta'l <•» *».: K 1'i.f |"i < "i •»( I lie team % fhaiue* of lite \ dlliMtdl \W I74-|m»i»»»iI I'net h e fietd Hiuki' alt .1 IV: w.iuivh* t'..- 11: tl ill tit It* Ihi* (*n wr+%tlt*u Hile in I'mriImm V i'a 1 leilr |Ji*»*l|«|>«.t .•.cuhd.ite* .in- e\ Smith dlM Jeft \linvr 'U v It hat a >e»r inematuiv |«t| Meek, tm'i MieMhwi vmai It .pit IU t iU»> »'t 'tie Vhete * re olhc mm, p;.-v. ' i think pf gmiitf.Atl the wav." h<» Dale Mtklr* um leriMMin h i nvnsnNi; A V. VI:AI: f a e t v it e m mIuII pertt.i titer* m 'In- t.a.k! etd. V, "We've lu»t mallv M'4*«*He«l (H ike oi»n»|M« » 4rl%er »f*l H ; :»• hel.l Moiutav *, man via', nuking it vi.it.fui iarrAiLiN<; TKAIMTION |»e: I " nier* hi, Melakl tii-»>la\ •> *nd SdtUi- f>'l (r.-shmen h» tueak »h tin' it^ Huff* *!ve*>* |t*M|ii:. AT VIM: ST Halftwfk. Ilert. •nt', the Sii hdllle dll lite iuUtxun an I HP . s-.-aa It.ith AiiffU">l Siollanil • Injiluml hell »f tr*n4«f—I niMck N-rlh 0t Mirhigdn ♦lute dill flllltM.k* t'dll i'hdimi df» I'd' evKlftie. villi 1h* lii'lv lit l .imntio t|u 'trttdit lor MliN and WOMEN! • e««dehiriji K«ti U|» In In All ririd* The coaching Otif «• \pv, i «»r» V lin ns, IRI A MOV VII.Ill" *111 % that .t a »11 continue p.., . M rile l» trt . illlu.VdtiOn* |«u' in In Nun I uiii|ilrlr lulu ■ ( (II.I.lilli: Tll.VVia. 01 men! kMIKH tV SUOIM Huffy DdUgheitx i r,« l\IOItM\1IO\ sI KVIl l. e \ The Short Jdlnt*lrd**e .Vi« * 11ditkluiI Mdtn Herman.* Supreme \Vi!».»n we have .1 ! vdl'.ri,' hr *d; 1 'e,t d iphKl Sam* FOR BARGAINS wusrrv imiivk in . • mllllRV - 1 1 kh *» Kl. I jzm xt\\gjj * jj GALORE • till MIK M K.HI Mman l l> 2 H5I7 OHiif, oi; Ui- J fhi i.iif ami || Berk, ith. ItpliimrlrKl. Watch The STATE NEWS sitruiNc coNiiNiamt I the I'laoillnl ml. Mir lll.lli. |aair|aa>,a*m . . . to «r|l . . . hi Imv K.iutNllOUPtY.FlMe*! '..11 .nil tirdlfln blaur . . . In »hii|i; In i.tlVr wriim tir la. fiaaal llirm. T.i loll ilia- Iiihii M Matfhlnr nn trunk> with full au|< mIi.iI vim liiivi-, iir It'll 'rill mIi.ii viiii tit-i'il. 'I'lir i-l.i»ifiril ml - t' tK (I» Wi'la , an.tv *' «lor< 1, chocM (ram lli.il uiirk* for yon i, an riijirr, rt -nllliil "aalciliiin" . , . iloin» paired it Il ia, jnli al a vrrv miiiiII rii.1. Hr.nl ami IUr llir l!l..XSSIt'lI'.ll with U»rj?e *el»s:linn of .klack-. XPS. - ximwear ahortr. dam- plaid t'i"^4*i« hirkota. !*poft *hirf-. tee shJTt« - and PHONI jicccaMiric- ami j.'iix * f»»r In it It pa la 15 piinied iihrtl* for rollrwe u-»e are fiiinnhrtl with Slliitlv erwl iiwtr* earh file, in niidilion lo plain in*rtU for l*li.\EI4AI. (NHDHhir. tlllH -villa- Zip SlIUKtT u*r. ED 2-1511 Ext. 2615 J.tm.lli il ft Mitt fl Kivu-n entlufi ciif.l m 1 th lit in* it fit".* (die r- hm-t«rd |4Hi tan rnfl IU»Ui miiwMv i lailorr«l Gv While Slag IfMK Sl I'KKU tKkt T H>K EIH l .iTIOS Skart, R2N. $■'* tiOKNKIt X» A XI.X.l . 9am-1pm Sikiii. »li. S11# at The To» Shop THE DISC SHOP "\ filir Tailoml of rlioirr rollon liauir in fjinncar OPENS SOON I'oplii. • Tfcr 'SirniM-r" krr|» out wiiiil ami rain- May, - rinklr-frrr I lirough niftpil wear - Smaiilv • linnl in Tartan I'laiil • I .oik Ion Kojc - for you The DISC SHOP H.xrlnnirrly «# all record s guaranteed The To 32J t. Grand Rim ED 7-0909 Liiraa Thralar BMc. micnmUn st.iti sews Page Si^ Married Students Journalist Rather tlall Tries Precinct Rule Mlchitrnn Sl»t.' Your K(y l.» News ll.-tt.-r X'alm^ ■ ■ ■ re«enlative judicial body control* dent assistant at Itutterfield l»r KEWI.TII UKKOWSkl To Lecture the whole dormRory. Had. said "The guys like the ( ontart Lfii* Get Better Grades Rather Hall is try 104 a nc.v •vs-.vHn of' student .arivernmi- * " This takes confidence a I! idea " (and alt your optlrsl net«d,*> In Asia which allows the student- ' > down the line." ■iidrnt assistant Ted Cappeh in Rather Ha l, Thev have esorit de corps like t\o developed an other liv¬ UOXDIR* govern thesnselven on the r.*- Married >tu«len!«; It* MtM'.KV jtttetulinir Msr maintain hit-ber era I Jr. H.»r« e.nct levct Other dorrnit ■■ elect by represcnt.it, r- an 1 \. • dents < >ti the whole, the stu¬ feet friendly toward th: ing timt on campus " WALLACE OPTICIANS tMiint average* than Ample student*, aectmlinv to fieure* «V Unim-nHi hs> utlve brunch to jtovein ?•.. « system, and once in action f .o/M \ah Shalcnt llr.nrh din.. — Vln« >1 CNvprrt under St nine like a fraternity " from the Keoord> offices »*f the llejiistrar. t v.nvxhip whole domiitorv He sai l that a closer assiK'u.- K AST ORANGE. .\ J V inppo.ltr In FranSnrl .r,d v. ;'l be a^i-enee Rathi-i eac'i pree r: " < F-'t <:.«rn& term 1959. the -mar- M <• \ • In ■> of the students is needed in Police today arrested a college ^ r.r rvimtn.llon, hr \ under graduate po ! v too heavy (. the T'a.v.r-. "-y house elects a president *■< il- v- Itr H C lrn,rn. rrtl.lrmd nnlnmrlrl.t j • \ m.-n the present dopnitory system **4udent and said he had admit¬ t-rn the floor and all g"ver*rr •- 2.60 as compared t of Kabul ' A'dh 'an Joe |o\. resident a**i«tanl at ted .. an S8.00U fioldup o( the dsnjv-Z-^.TV 2 4.1 T-r marr.ed .lulllffr is » veteran .H»Mriu!i«»t functions thereaPc i—— Rheingoid brewery in Orange I'll. IV 9-2771 the house level. Itutterfield Hall. *aid that thi* lim its M»o». 14; Tun.. Wed., kai '.'tiit""- '-v; u here he Used to work- Clvju F and lejrher in ('.inula anil the *y*tem was being watched el«*e- i-i: ihur*. * frl.. ■ : • v l\'v -■ ;•• •-•*" •••.,' !.v the ail-women's . The re«(M»n«thilitv for main* lu'en. 25. had $4,000 eas.i •from I nited states and i« native of ly and that if it proved satis¬ n>\ 'chi- dr:'::iril ' . a taming dormitory dineiplinr lies the March 12 holdup factory other dormitories may , ,-i-.s f.-.m extraeurr IVitinlpeg. Canada. with the Undent* at the pre¬ cinct level. Thi* differs from bring it into prartire. grtviV- j»v ■ v * • tie ? i -1 .• • ; si v . : iv. t x ••ther dormitories in that a rep Kiel I^afgren, another resi¬ •id Pr H,: A G 2 average 2 > : • >r, s.i:d. The The ,1.(forme V.i V : :''A.' - f -r TN- .. • ' » i." .'-••nrr- iiviT.i.;-. in- • hi" • • • •: ;t : * r-'.. - . . civ.' Y - Vr- ■ • 1 )• • • Y e fr - 0 rr .v •••• r • - 49 !!•• w •- :i» -'a * - cm*- aver:.!!.n-, ■ • !• i-r Hav and fSTUffe be.au'C thev fm « • fid • . . l«);>:• tnere v.- • ■ i! tir- \lnriiie If nll>s t able l.»h.'t S*e'« l»nrV*TS;'i Reecho Award SAX FRANCISCO V \ l *. '< a' ■ i M.i- ,■ i - MM' .«-• I'l-fcv,'-. ->f JIMlfr 1)1 . The jv->« A WK AH V.ivai orii.mc l>'. c r.ofisni • 1949 H.is beer awa^H-d > • - iff. _■ • •- c-;). •. «; ■ J"l;:?fec mrivni fi t WKAR-FM Fducatiun Ass- The a want f • b . V.dk.n* up ' ■ !.<" , i!f .' ■■ • ».r hit:-.. .epr::-' •*) c.i' gr> e f.'i. s (/..mis I A Challenging Carter K.riMsi "i. OH .. ("an.M i n 1924 a I d t\V .< 'rrpreta' 1''! II degree ' - - with National Company . \ »-r d :i pad ' he ' e *'h a » . < *v*ra;e of cdueatmn V •. Vr mi • ..f . n !«(» • 'atiorts was accept. >i *. '**?i manager Lawrence Frvm. e it an M E \ hanq • c IMPlOTItt MUfUAtt Of WAUSAU, PLAY THI SHELL GAME Ui*y*.ng Civic t'rr.'r. Y »«» rf lis* U'gMt in ih* h»!U cT *orkmfn t Thij year trurk> • ' tixnpenuiien mturance with oft-#* in Hi in our bermudo set •ual presentation of the s-K ■ t prmoptl niiM »'fo*» »h« ioun::>, i »• Rc'l Award* to members -f to i s paweni aiaiUN# m. .. drip dry cotton shelf .'smmurucat ion* me-la f f r\- cplionre in repotting, interpret t laim Idjiutiitg print self-belted shorts -.nil «nd c instructiveiv cr:t i/u c I nderwriting ►e problem* and prugTVM if (•roup I'nderwriling end sleeveless white ; ih' c ed'.-'-.i'.on in Ma h ^ • V-loari.il Moik K' .if iU t rwvrpapet >. shirt with shelf ••-levuiop a'.i'lui and the • »r Advert iain* As.KCuf.un of print and appliques. Michigan and Its affiliated .u'en- ■*k wme honored at the M K A. Blue, pink, mane. 901 hKTMl NtfOMUTlOiri •vmqurt. Sues 8 »ol6 l«*t at taWiCMa i>b bat. Talk l« our inlvrvivuvr: ! \ AIM IV |)KI\IMN | Ti «M' Ws I ni ii Rush Ojien Rusli ..more'tlylo, iaaophy of day and night weartac aeema baaed «a run* vrarare only. Not many Aw* ertmn Doctor* have adopted Won. Apr. 4 Tliur. Apr. 7 fin* fabric*, lap fathian Qt EJSTDJN Is the f.ft.wd f wntact 7 - 9 ji.ni. 7 - 9 p.iu. lenat s paltxfti m ANSWER: Xn. At f»r*t there may be unr ducomfort. eiieuitr Shower or (hint, rito men of loiiuen knewi llio comfort of tearing, or Inability to look np. Generally, the patient will traveling hght in our wMihor ratictant roincooh -coott thot report, "They don I bother h«l I feel them in my eyea.'* drip dry in porftct thop* olttr hand or mochino wothing All of (he*r »en*ation* dl»« appear mmplrtely when the Iritiih boracuto cotton poplin lly.front raincooti M.M patienl Dfamn encnplrlety adapted la the runtart len«e* #S% docron 34". colon U.00 Corton poptn coaO. If.ft If ymi d**ir* moe* informa'vm Uttrowl imported co*on popl>n ceo*. It.N Sizot 36-40. moU.3 e;»» U ... edetrttwnnent and mait- Hdd*»wi to Dr. J. It. CuWein Sigma Phi Epsilou vis nriourTsiM nuddca aiat "Oh The Eonier" «M < MOT t«e n. Mtrhiraa At*. tie aoPuit mm* • m«* uima mmi