IM Corner 'Hie Weather i:,,.kdlmll l>ruw* Cloud* H |„•>!Wt I'lujers IliBh Sit l'«W •'( . t .mv 10 Serving MSI! For .»! Yrar* ViU.l'MK 52, No. 1 EAST LAXSINli, MICHK1AN—Tl'ESUA V, APRIL. .1. !•.»;<> PlticE 5 CENTS |'ii I'.iul ities will hire a $25,000 a year mediator and fact- jMwier lv.uh! M»-aker will Alpha Phi Sigma, national honorary, will meet to- at 7 in ^2 Union. Guest Ih* Lee 'Lawdoi, In Crucial Primary Test editor of laiw and Cirdcr. •iintfr today in an effort to end open quarreling over money * # * spent for hijrher education. \ornery Talli Slaletl The decision by the Council of Kennedy. Hope Fades State College Presidents also designed to head off a move h> is • f Me K 'her MntdU winxl. chief e-due.itson for the Michigan For Dealing seme o state Legislators to set i p chancellor of suppcr-guvern- ing bodv for the nine schools. / % IXANDVA / * .- . 0 e;Ko't:i-eti*. il! sneak on child Thtir-dav night at It in Spartan ••{ mental health. development Humphrey Dr. Edgar Harden, president . . . ibn In ballet m«*vic . Nuesi-ry. *outh of campus police JL - 'x—•""" -J To Ballot With Castro of Northern and council chairman, said ti ny Michigan the .group decided more colleuv Mon¬ Ilolslioi llalh'l statu u The talk is soonsomi hv * * ♦ than six months ago to hire a I'holimriiiilwrn h> Mrrl X i«ron«iii Ytilcr- . \\ ANA The U S S<>V- research expert who could im¬ To Orciilr al I'olU , appears to have aban- partially dig up facts and figures Starts Sftrini': Th ii rrkroorn staff will n« et hope of sett I in* it* :t"t Sbident So-* • ;i:i, t.,'h? 5i* 7 m upon which higher education in¬ MII.WAI Ki:K „V> . ... ■ ,• problem* through direct ci with Prime Minister stitutions base their budget puests to the legislature. re- Film Series vice-. ,< e "ruin", * * to * Norm Hine*. ftturs umpiring to the I're-i- - Sen- "He will not be a lobbyist.** Ihiiirr limit ■i'.tuwH tU'iicy sparred furitnii'y TV I*/ B.'t'c* ' ' the only man ht Harden said, "lie is going to down to the fin is h line Moo- » . • !»»«• M>: !;•-•. U«|- F.-CiC> K ii. i w -tish. Hirmif>tfham juff* help n« obtain closer rooprrr < tiny in a blazing- election eve who speaks with ful' auth- linn imoni our institutions «»f i ' • •• :!! »h«.A*. T - • hero antiointed jtetie al ,.nd Fri.i.v* rugV-i. ur * .ir.d 'A finale to Wisconsin's Dent v. llul an embassy spokes- higher learning — rhieflv hv . h.' nnan of the lflfll Ia*s G«»pr* E.drchild ThcYtrc. huu-'t dinner dancv* bv j.i Monday that in two obtaining meaning fnl and ac¬ (Tutit* Primary campaign. A Rui>:»n*H -*:-h ' • .-'ub's executive board. ncv hn return from curate data on enrollments, 'he film feature* the U»»v •■* ■ •. Ti.lav tiir •iimpli* pass judg¬ costs. nLi nt utilisation, curri¬ P. :>ti«»n< for chji!nnan.«hn»* «»f U.S. Ambassador ;»iy»up in the lec-u ment at tin* bitlh't boxes nil th» :r cula and other related matters."* • (i.i'vc, xehc.tilled for Jan 14, .. has made no re- G'sc !!•■» " (.«: ."• • v nc pr > j b » - ■ }♦«', u• av b- .vbtatne'i at a «en- i IT irts. M-»iv than a million W •- meeting with'Castro Hv the nature of his »«.t». the .It-ids \ plans to do so. i.f-cr *N»- :u.-Mh f m « t.v.-. ti 7 a.m. (C'STt when t «• mediating .xpuabbli s among u*'- • •1- .*. K the Ke|i(»gg l'enter •n-.r.'s channel here « ,i'-o pcrf .?'••» Tcb.i v . i' ' V first. j>«»!!s opt-q and 8 p.m., when the Foreign Ministry." ivt rsi'ies before thev break into famous "The D> pej S« .»:? " the :.e ! close. None at ons fin next * ear « ,r?;cud said. fht* open. All numVrn «v.e officers Ih* made then Thirty convention vote? arc >♦ Foreign Ministry serves l«tst week officials of the color just ,»s performed < ONTINTEII STRING lempt-iaturrs have HUg- may he just a hit premature for the water lilies, .•'akt* n both IVmorratic an i * * * a messenger between tne University of Michigan and Ib'imblican Qucon Eliz;»t)c:'M II a', t'ovvo Rested to grounds maiitienanee personnel it's The pools were drained and fountains proteeied primaries, with a .vernment and Castro, Wayne State university clashed Garden Loudon A -mitr.- t'ilianrv t'.lllb lo Mrrl time lo fill up IhrM* p«o»ls at the for the winter. State News I'hoto hv Holi <.unili.uu 31-1 Democratic vote already a'- , in library—hut it •.he past this method was over proposed apprupri- «*»I to cr»-*iv the full theatric a! effect .% 7-R 30 p no •The club offers students the *\je kriiH doiiijr mourn iioh niiiu?* leiigmn and records have Im-- <. t,» "ee Castro for a per- the House Ways and Mean* live ballet performance eonip key ivsus. And, at thv» ,i.>eus*ion of problem v Committee that his school had opportunity to hear speakers very ,.nd. so did a salient facet Hello Acimrdtng C'/uine*. 'Tne Earth, Are You There? !.» • was recalled again be- been short-changed in compar¬ fiun- the f.e'cb of accounting, of foreign policy—a moratorium . Polshfu Ballet* grew out of hi* • u' e'astro'a attacks on the ing its per-vMident all-'cat!- — - finance, and banking, learn of on nuclear tests and supimrt "of «»e>ire to rcvx-rO perm inonf i> .I states and returned to with those of the U of M and nirrtn'. job opportunities, and tne Eisenhower administration some of the great GREEN HANK. W Va -!»• up -ignals which they may be 'The team licrn will listen for n»en fell hv studetit- and facul- ,.i only two weeks aim MSU form ttu-y\ that would !hcr\, on that scoje. i Astrommii-. Motui.,. jiggt-.i beaming id U- out of their own .gnaU m» difTeivnt—perhaps ;•» •■>iar.t> said the State l>— rv • .h'.Hhts tn the departinen' - .• llr. Marvin Niehuu, I' of M Im- "irreviK-ably !««».: after t ;e wondering whether anyone lives pulsed code?--- that thev would Sen. John Kennedy of Mum* .ippcar* to be f dUr.v- iv accountmg and finance gr.-at radio ear to h- '-n jo any -• yke B-.msa 1' $ recot nmendation » president and Hean of imal curtain ua i ojoiHHSt " Hello. Earth" ■■ signal* on eaith. have to represent messages from ehuMetU hit something of » laeumrs. rebuked llilberry tor After g":n^ Ihnutgh !V n ! I)r. Frank Drake and associ¬ Mimeono else out there. headline jack pot on the test is¬ :v> of patience toward f >m life on distant planc'.s Post-Season i two arhnoln in tape of gettmg permission from . comparing the ates Monday began installing the We mlgut hear faintly thf sir- sue with a written pledge to :ternary regime Hat view of Michigan'* higger grad¬ the Soviet embassy, Czinner sai Thcv arc sure intelligent lift special listening equipment on rio'.q sent by some planet to President Eisenhower to con¬ ,i- T-Athle council empnati- ran Library Week can And they're poping some p!;in- likely would have U-cn squelch¬ SvPTDivonv on-tiestra nude? • c from points thousands of billions Supporter of Sen. Htibe:: v-v of nationalization or 1 ■ \ St wa> atf.iins' a» > e* are close cnoqgli for u* lo ed ill the bud had the proposc-i direct!e-ii of Yuri F«ie» ar.u tl •if miles away. Humphrey tried hard to recoup. .. i of all phases of the uve by the Big 111 to ban po-d- ovei ieai their signal*, or pick Tn<»\ snorted that Kennedy s ,v v.. of ■my. including the American mediator Ix^en consulted The newpoat will be fJSeil Korhdrs'.v y. M-r - on Thv cmripcfi iion council in its meeting •hv Ha: ring unexpected problem . teles col** ran begin its act¬ Talks Planned showing a sudden, belated intei - est in disarmament, as ; . perty American* Cuba favor Bkm- from from among thrrn* men. Michigan, who were top one "6It (.luh Ihgins MoU'S.iA tty !ti°*tuct«*d representnf;ve John Fut/nk Si»artnn fa¬ Bus Line S<*t ual listening in a few day.*, the oh »M vatorv reported. For WKAR tend tin has m a they con¬ sound farm selection* from 22 applicant program. the hope the Cas- . to v-'.c auainst ttie move ban- The first targets are two rein- . .. lie . n will fall or modify Harden said The proposed opcr" a bona I $60,1)00 budge', for the * Prlilion'mg IihIoy 5* NCAA post—season com* On New Site i V"!v tu-arb.v .stars —• Tau C't"t A series or program's ov< r rey It i.s Kennedy against Humph¬ ih the first full-scale politi¬ Petitioning for the '*« f i • pef tion for eonfenjpec school*. ■in ! Alpha Kridani—barely vis- WKAR to di.'iuss functions of cal bailie of a political year. flaral vear starting in jul.v will The vVf was unaninvii: New he* aeeomodati'-!!- *'•: *b-e to the naked eve in our will IwRiii tixiav ami contmin; libraries in observance of Na¬ l! c- a vital contest that could t»- shared hv the nine presidents Ano'h - unanimous vote wk southurn sk c*. tinou^h April 15. Petition* a.- • Ea«t tuuv*ing wen- m Hv defi¬ tional Library Week was an¬ crumble or solidify the chances I. S. Defense according to the eniollments at il.eir schools. available in t «- Ah students gradua'.u..: Union c u- ra-d .!1 favor of su*h-.H»l.s to eomr'C'e iti the R* *e allowing Big 10 nite planning s'.ige fodu< An bmldmg lnr«e *pi< e's only the rarest chance t il's prut attempt will hear any¬ nounced today by Dr. Richard of either to pick »(T the Demo¬ coume agenev Chapin, director of the MSU cratic presidential nomination at Sen. Elmer Porter (R- Hliss* i*»v' v• an individual basis thing. Mr "some day success ( laiiued Best f'.eUi). chairman of the Sen¬ in 1960 may slvip m apply for mraitwr- the club which U IV The council favored retention «v uUgh to accomodate four bn - i.e- has in-en planncxt for 364 W will be achieved, now or in 100 Uhrarv. Today's session will be de- the party Angeles next July. convention in Los ate Appropriations' Commit! e. nucleus «f furthe* alumni ac.v- oi a clause in Hi#_10 rules allow- Grand River. A house on tin* years." said Dr. Drake. 20->ear- votod to the funetions of fi un¬ By President dbTmsstxi the idea a> "uselevx" in* individual acceptance to the I cation is being razed and cor»- olrl associate astronomer direct¬ Vie# President Richard Mxon ity. Members w al -» nominate iversity library. Mrs. Marianna He'U end up being a lobby¬ is in the • candidates for permanent clava Rose Howl The clause ».•• *truction of the unit if ex¬ ing the project primary on the Repub¬ new Kahler. Administrative assistant ist. I'm sure of that," he snap¬ \ 4i*d put at eonferc-ncc meeting', Holh Tau i eli and Alpha lican side, with at more oppo. officers. - pected to in* completed in 69 to the director, will have as her WASHINGTON '.-V> — Pvc-- ped. "It would be about as use¬ l.ridani are II light years away sition than he lias far the presi¬ Selection of member* w; ! he in Marety. guest. Dr. Stanley Idzerda, di¬ Euo-r.howcr Monday night less as having two governors'" based on av'uv ..vs. *cho'ar> • •,» A bid by Michigan State row¬ The agency is operating in the — 66 thousand billion miles — rector of Honors college. dential nomination Itaelf. But i! a new broadside at Derr.o- Porter said he had pushed for radio signal would take he rould come out of the pri¬ ■ an»i contribution* • to MSU An- ing crew «o become a varsity meantime from a converted bus and a William Stoddard, social sci¬ JO years for legislation to esta- of '60 Club mem¬ sport was rejected by the Coun¬ II to reach us. and II mary with tarnished prestige • os 0f his defense poll* nouncr-nieot ,»• the rear of I he property, o'.» years ence librarian, and Charles llig- aod lish a college chancellor having bers will be made at the Senior cil' which said it favored eontin* years for our answer lo frt hack. a reflection on bio popular¬ "only, the ignorant Valley Court gins. assistant librarian, will de¬ supervisory authority over alt BaH, scheduled (,r Apr.'- «n the uiixg suiHwrt of the sport as ,tn ly if he fails In show well in a r>UndP Insist the United fine the purposes of a state li¬ slate colleges and universities. state where Republican roots Hotel d>lds biMroom < intramural activity. "V * *•-.«• < n not the most the world. powerful New Dormitory to House brary in the thlrtl program. Twn tesrher-llbrsrUas. Mrs. are strong. V same time. Elsenhower Reporters Margl# Manik ami Gene Innw, For Kennedy, Humphrey and making a re¬ overpowering c« his endorsement of President Richard Nixon to To Hear Talk 420 Graduate Students will jnln MIm (alberine Mnhl- b#ch, Ubrnry. spectable showing against Nixon 1« vital to his whole political vu-.- '-4 him. AM he jabbed at certain Henry Koch, humanities li¬ strategy of walking into the Hi NOMA RI'TKOMtCV In whatever manner they wish Democratic convention with a Democratic c yvie into "oratorical orbit'* '.»p*s of scrambling into the Senators he said By W illiams A total of 420 students will be housed In the new graduate re¬ thev Linen* will be furnished as are in other residence hall* and maid service will be provid¬ brarian.. will conclude the ser¬ ies on Friday with a discussion of special libraries. commanding ami perhapg un¬ beatable lead. Gov (!. Mermen Williams will I Tactically oil the political Residency ed week. This marks the third annual speak on -Michigan's future sident center on the southeast once a authorities In Wisconsin and 1 « peech prepared for the A lounge area will be central* nationwide observance of the cauKHi* next fall K vhtb Annual Republican Wo- Tourism," in the Big 10 room at reading development program, those who have wandered in Dm »id Wrfts. manager of the Jv located on each, floor. "These Kellogg Center today as part of from the uotzide to watch reach¬ • • Conference, Eisenhower eee'er. ?:i d that th# seven glory will Ih* expeelally nice in sunny designed to increa.-e apprecia¬ »*-c«* across-the-board rUuns of the eighth annual Tourist and tion of the vital role of the ed the conclusion that Kennedy Resort Institute. residence hall will have faci'lUcv weather tx-couse they will have the 'M«rvcment for his adraitiistra- printed word in our national was likely winner. Motel and resort operators for 210 i" n and 2t0 women j; as* doors that ooen on to a life, and encourage support and from ail areas of. the "Water Thev will Lve in scnarate wing* balcony," said Well*. The lounge prases hj* seme * ere of his most pointed aimed at Dcmo- Wonderland" and other states connccp*;! by a single *tor> din¬ lo the downstairs of the dorm use of libraries of all kinds by Farm Sciential will he emiipcd with cooking everyone. arrived st MSU Tuesday to ing and rtveoUoo area. have been contending With the thcrne, "Open Won¬ Dr. Charles Olieu » mobilise forces and consolidate "A particular rwhtcce ha!! facilities where the students can • crfettse policies threaten to derful New Worlds — Wake Up promotional plans. for exclusive u«> of graduate cook for their own gatherings -p» United States to missile and Read", the week unites ln^*~ and destruction — by Michigan UnriM aptralnea are ttudeut* wa« needed and asked lor," *a'd Well*. "The new cen¬ The central one-story area will lie the lobby, lounge, ami dividual* and groups in over Awarded Citation a. . yelling their sigh la an raplaring 5,000 communities In all fifty their share *f an estimated ID ter will provide, accomodations dining area where the students Dr. Charles Olien, 6 farm na* ion is the tpnst pow- where all graduate people can can dine together. Well* said state# In a common effort geared thr world." he declared. billion In be spent by American* to the needs of the local com* crops scientist, has been awatiU thU year m vacation travel. fludv toaether.*' that a coffee, shop will be run cd a special citation for his out¬ > the ignorant and the m unity. Tlie MSU Institute thui year Arsrt.*tron« and Mary M •* •» on a cafeteria basis, and the • •«■.■ it to be otherwise" . standing research nativities. hall*, which are now used bv main timing area will have table Olien i» cooperatively wiR—offsr a top-flight program, NIA)"* elfeetiveurwi In the employ¬ built around the theme "The graduate student*, will be ava'f- if-cvice. The price of food will ed by the Agriculture! Rosear -, past sears can he measured in loin inkli killeil Challenge of the Sixties," <»b alKe t« the .ncrea-unt nuinlwr be comparable to other estab¬ impressive gains in reading mt service of the U.S. depuHmirit vari<>us aspects of the vast tCAj:- of undergraduates. Th'^c ha'.:* lishment* on cam mis. all kinds, newspaper and maga¬ of agriculture and the MSU dc-. hi IhHid Crash Ul industry lack the advantage of ccntrali- • The new center will be an zine as well aa Inmks. There partment of farm crops. Among • the institute high* 741: on tnat the graduate vtudenV enlightening experience and have heen great increases in Olien was presented with a t t ■ ^ I IJmt TVnn. ~ lights will be talks by Dougiat need to work and dine together. menially refreshing because <»f library ctveulattaa aad registra¬ "Outstanding Performance" ra'- Ted Oscarv»n Jr., Oak Cochran of the American Auto- "TtHs new center will be oper¬ the association with people of »ng and a $300 check by !; ,• tion figures, as well as In citizen . sophomrrrc. remained ir.obile Association/ on "Future ated on the order of a hot?!." inch intelligence from many ai tien la expand library support. ARS. II:.*. citation called speci»! "-•al condition here Mon- Trends in American TraveT?'an4 said Well*. "Every student will part- of the world," said Weil.* attention to his regoarcb on win¬ by Mort NefT. television per^n- have his own key m the dorm. "Culture as well as social know¬ Sponsored hy the National ter-hardiness ;n cereal crops, ,* -*v. n. 20, injured Sat- aUty and Michigan outdoorsman, There will be no hour# f >r men ledge can be gained by U.S. stu¬ Book Committee, Inc. a non¬ particularly barley. Special de¬ on ''Fish Again profit citizens In cooper¬ vice* and t •Men an auto plunged in- ;n^M.chigan." or women." dents In living with those of group. techniques for re¬ > .• :«!ir->ad underpass. The Each floor will hove -6 dngie other countries." ation with the American Library search developed by Olien re¬ room! connected bv adjoining A permanent name has not Association, NLW has had full ceived utteutiqti in the award , • » nUled 20. Benton Harmor Tom MacLcan Or. kuhn to S/H-ak decided lor the new hall citation. soph- baths. The rooms will be equtp- been cooperation of newspapers, mag¬ *<>«her MSU atudent. cd with a *tudy desk and chair, ye!, but Wells said that Floyd azines and the broadcasting In making the award. ARS Dr. Madison Kahn. profes-'or Aw a jean K. Graduate Center had media. Over 36 magazines with officials pointed out that re¬ McKay. 20. Dear- of history, will speak to tft- u lounge chair, a studio-type bed • ».»phtxnore, and Penny and a phone operated by a mas¬ been suggested. The late Owens a total circulation of about 193 quirements for the rating arc ex¬ . Vou&g Republicans tonight at Holland senior, ilso 6:30 in • Union. He will discuss ter switch board in the central was a graduate of MSU and had million used National Library tremely high and that only a c students, were TV hniMtnc plum willed to the Week themes. Including 28 ma¬ small percentage of ARS em- reported in the political history of Michigan, area. A peg board will cover a generous sum •factory .condition. the Spartan Nursery School. I fop M Km IMp hy Tim Arwrtfi—. onr wall for Uto atudent* to use University. jor editorial features. ploycs receive this recognition. Increasing Enrollment V INFORMATION ^ lTlieliigan State News Graduates, Employers Meet _ ' KraJ Italia by **."• tS.HINI siudrnU and I afttliy Creates Now Problems %h* n.ri Tio\* ho%i;i» VJuliigaii State Ne**> i« v»ul>»l*.'ie.l l>v - uilehf> <»( iiu-iuii.m .-stjfe In MSV Placement Bureau r v.-.sif* I-..»I Lanamc M)vu wit'-.-ul Oirvct tavuit.* «*u»etv> ti 4 • p m . Jd8 "S'ijiU* S. -v- :• .1..' :>t«- .•U' V.u. e i'l the -uuvy « •' ' *' •♦ndent hoo*. -,f* M-rkiHK '*» Mi'Vf Ire tws' iv.'ere.Ov .»• rm'h le.uly \WN At TIVITII s HOARD •M % lit- diij e- w'e ivtiii'i *»<>ulu drive a »vf»t«e er'-.-en the • *o It* JOHN H AItlil AH ary. Interv.ew* i-.i connection Fitzpatrick also emphasized r'.iiti >t t'.«n'W "i 'i":n ouisuo' Moojbrr the imivortatiee of the interview Solution Mu«t l»e Count! for MM ; ;m min 238 S*u s. :x - X.^oe■i.iled ni-bs. Iniuntl Hoi.- i"r>x and A-s« . .^led College The ulaccTiertt bureau he'd with lllicral art.* p<«;t:ons are .i -c r The employment inter¬ i.v12.000 Interviews fors. nhn - usually held lat.-r «n the scfte -1 To Continue to Weommoilute Student** HI Of K ,%M» UK 101 I t I t It the »*.ist sear, according 1» year t April-and May view t« one of the most Import- Vol. 52. Nh Tuestluy, April 5. ISMdi I'lttre Two ;,f.. evrnt.- in the average i>c - 1M» A"M..ny H« ■Job in!i rvu-.v- for technical lit p.m. Klwiji KiUputrick ot Uit* pLwc- - m's experience Tlie 20 or 3U it* not caw rntitt rot 1i it s m-iim » 111 it iicnt bureau in a recent inter¬ positions are held eafrlier due • * \x enivHimuit continues to climb. the nniwrsitx i< ;n • \ • • ii.i the fact thai there are more tributes * person *i>end* wi 'i . - , view ••iterviewer may Stvlrs of Fails 1 and West the ft!' t-vrr increasing number of |»rol»le*ns which must he -..ilwnl I OKI MKT I I I It This opiior'.uiv.i.v f >r career openings m thus field." Kit/.pai- the entire future course of h.i ; tit j. " F .-oh I)'. dploymen; provideit by the : :cK said "The liberal arts in¬ if MSt is KoinK' to continue h« .uvmimunlatc all qualified life. For this reason the bureau . » K U.M- -M V. " -4H- .N i* taken advantage of by terviews are held later because ha* made available to all stu¬ bureau student* who Apply. •here are fewer openings in th.s flout rusted in (loncerts majority of graduating stu¬ • dents a pamphlet entitled "You* . , *e dent.*. he said. field " Jub Interview," vvhlrtt serves a* wrtni %\ rtsioi 111 it Over you different employer* The number of employers visiting the placement bureau a guide In preparation for an It* I OH %K0 KONt N i-ircrtievved al the placement Interview. I'KOXII N Xl>l Its %M» ioireau during the same school last year was MM and tbe total «U»>!lVlS OKI III His An impifs.iive ainiienee Appeai'tnl ut the Ami F'rhlat eve- v<*iir. he said Arrangements for number of interviewing sched¬ "Next to the placement c* It \V IM ninjr wiu-n Ik«t .Markevitch ami the Laniouretix tirchestra ules was 1.344. Htapatrirh point - senior* and alumni tbe place¬ sk < H * representatives lu interview stu¬ ed out that these figures Include ment bureau provides a service .i h. s ».\ ;>o. pel tiirnieti "ii their first ecmcert tour «*f the I'nited States. dents are made by the bureau- fi>r students wishing part-time .• •u Interviews in the areas of sen¬ MM s Il was imiee.| a uniijue performance as the stmients and The bureau also maintains an ior placement, alumni education, employment w h l f c- attending ;,i s ,i !•. ' •*.- \ alumni division designed to as¬ tretmral ftuh'ic of the latnsintr ai*e«i had their first , . K\i-.".i \« !*»■■ s ' the op- sist alumni In Improving their and alumni business and indus¬ scriH»i." said FitRpatrick. **Thi*.- service fc* designed to cover all AMI Kit \\ MH It I > fit p.»ifuiiity t.» eontpare a free Western Kun»j»ean cuneert per- rmplovment situation, said t'ltg- try placement along with stu¬ areas of student part-time em¬ \t.Klt I I It KU formatwe with that of the Moscow State aymphnnv. patrirk. dent employment. I M.IMI Its I* '.{pa'rvk a Irieu that inter- Moreover, said FitRpatrick. ployment on and "ff campus.*® e *vbo bad '.be nppoi- AT ,»f the services at the bur¬ . ;to p m. 1 :it A; K ; - - c.ews are ii'innevl a", different 'hi -e figure- reveal ': e increa-- i"tnparhuit «a ah-* opportunitiea eau arc free of charge, Fitxpa'- t tt« ITon Hie America 'able ueb-vefi the latiroivir- • ••<•-» 'hrough.'ut the schl cxt interview ng llnrve*'. .*4 Ove Hi • <,(*• it OIlip1 • • Interviews pertaining ' ' e 1939 graduates a< ivm- r ck a ided. "It la the ultima • Mtt.1 :ho f'hlcayjo nyrepbotiv. *-•> a- » .•UN •*f sombrr be.ju'.v. !•» the 19^8 graduate* a m of the bureau to #erve the VIT* Vssot I % t Ion qua ... • oru in the techn cat tiet-l pured iirtloii i* the n»"» • tinamtat Unique pel forrntt!:«-« a lovelv a*ul vtrnhg when T14 employer* he'd 7.241 of Michigan State with 31 1" - earlier in the school . 7.13 p hi • i ',(* i obvious, as there must he tuod* . . •: i* this writer *v-»u! i their be-t Interests in mtnd,H fr.- IM , • . l strns "fV; n The uverturr v, i- -i November and Febru¬ nepara'e interviews available to roustiucl new |*h**- W Ci-r (Vn x •' . ' t! jIkhU makmif ttnap ii'.-cluil-.sf v :5't *5trnti4 priv:- I,at facllltlfs ami t» birr addi¬ bv '.he perrusMim# \\ rii % rut mom \ sjv *i tional faculty he si"' 3 failure : i< 32 \'u W th 'be tv«te>)»ia!itie.« Ufa* 'be ! » ♦• time iMH-tn. "Don .fnan " thc*e Improvement* . make I am.-ueux had. ,»ruf with" the-* CLASSIFIEDS |o K'vbgt I S': ,»u CAMPUS XloKt \K HOlKD • - was a .* i* would result ill the lowering "l V. („ M | ' . \ ••• • i;< »■ .•orniu. • M.ii kevit. h, 'be \ 'p is-e .*f minica! caroU*" the student to larult* ratio 1 He KINI. \NI» III U N I I OXI m . * ropunllc in »ta reprnsWa- ,u esriit ratio i* !»• » *"tl I ONI Ml I 111 Hater I arnhal The e'e- -}. w»tb a dash tig qualtty ibai UKAHMNKS: I p.m. May llefore l'uhl»c»tioi» for Tue*.. Wed.. IhiirH., fax or* the i ontinualioii of ' in am _*i5 lr " ■•:i v:ari.ati«»ii« -'i 43 fit and Fri. Fdition**. Headline for Won. Edition: ! p.m. I ru si h . a • w - i cbara-.teriv j-i i• • • • .* this le\el vie. vcpi-e pli*e t 'v i?h a form * u si:I .i a lK»n Juan Itilh l*axutile S-12 and 1-5 Monday through Friday . W . (• i s'-'aved a groat deal <>l Kavel's "Haiti" was a pleas¬ Youth (lonfrrrurr but 'eft ifh « fee!- • Ma of ;i •-»*• v. ing lude surprise and to intermission. t|uite dis¬ a fitting pre¬ F.I) 2-1511 EXT. 2615 llntailrasls Sri The npemtf ronipositiwn was similar from a Mrauw wale it l.'Arleal- held a character all ila own. III*. Meile^ to \ddre«»«* A K MS • .•■•..* Hitet's "siuite from building rllmas In some¬ personal fitne." The string sea*inn took up up In a AUTOMOTIVE housing a I Meeting in f «»|ieiibu^«*n , / week .M The W- e l! ur- the Invrlv. strutting melodv and what el's the Hnlero same manner Vet. ft had as a Ka- gav. werw follrtwed h* the other sei- * tea vnrvHOf.rr staticin wa FOi Pfst . I Mi- T. pli'V'i" » mfc-ic i-e «»n V ' iv.urrellUt rad' heatr* • . of the orchestra Itrpre lilting waltc melodv that aeenc III <\ v V u1 T i.r**r.»»*M . f tmns **M b>74 IV XLTM ^ 4 »« u tv Hiernher mi»»t •OOMS -«l In float through the auil sentlng a voung farmers* love <*- l.ij'i I l»r a voung ladv. the mnsie was making one feel as though it IKMI -^nti-Ntf* rnri tXi-ru.rNr strong and full of life. w is mdrrd a ballroom » -i.t v >n«pi»l»U maintained Appf*4 HtfaV'-f I M INT MISS > ti'iil stln*' -f> h »« tr. »> IV ?-»*» 1 ** ivv" k" •* Kistalv ,» rci pi VMOl'TH rot'R-rxvtifl «**, Me- i •' • i Hung i: i*i ' t I,. M .»e'» Television is untruth brinj ; t - * »<*;»•> i>rvxeii:.e i t »!> c-ftioa at*»r f *H * uw>ti in some aample miiisr* ami 4 ■ O if I. a* shown sonir distimt ad* am *. *>.. h tb:qsiave>i :•*- age* Harrington said I b i t le i. bin* marhines aie umtei *wv rnvvhni.rr htanuarh IAI&I tOOMS FPU TV I PMONI •e--—. bur u».it# Vl.o..- 1 • \ serious riwvidelauuij for ll'.l ,IHD!Cv*:v s- l >.»•• ■ TO S-IMS «•' *»«■* ii \-C ■ routse* su. h #* Natural m ini, e '*u.'-V ,u * tX *-V»*>3. aitet v > S«f;M A De»b -i I ' '..■ !-,litn.n V h i fea'hr. • i» muv.-.r carr.i sVCMvl a Kt < ■ .• .'ew-' »'* a < sl" X.'!( »t - RiHi I . a-aa HRAKK>» lovipirrr K*T.IM\ cur . » • '»• V i A.|'UV!*««e»»t. •*- • >-'• ..j |;:an If* J-IIJ* 1 4Jt r'Nivvrr *(HIVV r»'« - #.• >• Intei'inclini» the ISeivs V U V.» SV1H IIAT, Tim M«' Oh 1 ■ ■' A''«n Rt, »•» a' »r. ex .el lent !*-• i m mutt it t x Fealiire IMiiiincil We AVTTMTtiN «f. StVOFNt alee* 0-r—wiaMe « »1 * W l\ I - f.-n er «-,*• f Uu k b.-* ..•.•! Hi«i» Mar- - T«*' t tc-t-e-. • Maatiag Taaighl ati" * T* A birre* M> ?-«»• i*m ''t »he a • m »«■ s p *r. vf. - \ 1 -e .tii x ;\ At* New*>st . I'r v; |v j' «* - -f . 4 e-. •• '* . • A WHk IK. Scn«i«v» Apt terri ««■•■* »*, f^e njui-fn-.O I nrn|*e in pirpam-Mt an advis- .N''e V* » A f P K. c> \ E l» l*NSLT'WlXTsH r» >»i% hod* estald slird alter the K4H.IV1 » .■„ » •••*> %K ..!»• ' f* -.qua:!!' V.udc--* . I. .s C4I1IP.O MMW4M rvifU.OVVFM UAI\» war lo JkUpeivisc evutiumie au I ——. *" u.itet nee.:* te.-reaoon ;n«»< • r# ntraru - A. r--- fr»."n V. t>- »es ti t rixtruct. ' * 4-j • *. Ri.e* t La- politb-al cooperation between • ^r 3! |*1 ^ J#** ien.irt.vfi" v ail Hl»i Ka'ne' )l Mil » *> 4*1 S J' P '** ' H A. eiu . N J - I ** A V«t Ivai, Taa. anil the Henelus three-met last c ie'V's .• a" i rs-- w ivrrn part tivh it week It continued its talk of eventual!* becoin'ug a political a c». avk.lig Uii'-vtauvting ' -t " p ;'* ";.-u e *:« - - t » t U\ r:». Mji v*,'H c>f a- »Ml • '• .r' WeaUver H -a.l iv»rv.- K u • fa»-*?- '*• v >e !J--'-ig rev.iantal »ie^ qgeaaaaa as reatestatf 1 — 1 11 ■ aaaaaea parliament, which is sufficient- « *cims •-»:* c'a-a'-.. e% - Ml J »-*•'! •»>'. NEAR ■ EXCELLENT It-. trigbteiiing for Hrttain ami . I* • t? " a!«.» iwiv*«(»Bl b« S'a'.a Pe: » voted appioval of the rottttHOn *-iutrtvula *v'-iv : o and -• » H- i « e-lar - — Low HAH- *"H Dnrw » I* n' SIN*.;* M f.»t MEN ra>—v?ea. irtl ai'uinlnum a*d;- don, where |«r werks •fOefaU s«mphotiv orchestra pwtformed forvia?.o« »n 'it rnstrw* i * ev- -• ba.u—..en*, tar*re M * I A3 U XiU«li«n iKvei. I E.e'arem fl» t * «•« V.M. - .■-•*.''4 have been "teakuu the thought before a near eaparits house at r . c . a•;. y I ,4 • vl% aitoetwed Cr..* »- llaU v'ti »ha«»e tree* Q-u ■ R.-aU IV -■> Ovvnar .r-cTne 1.- •.* i hat Hnlon will have to *v »th . I*»e and The audience appeared It 1 c**.- tiRADC'ATE NTT-DENT b.^-e r .-U rr::-e fl3»*v Can C!e-1- draw hef ll«-o|»« |iwin luiope lli|f.lill«* X«-»»» lam: g fV 3-Av.- T rxci ujLvr utsi.Ncss omvr >41 a« Tt N'lTX •• a tMi-Tiur!:'' unit* freeies bet voice lu von »■ ;lv -I liuwer and gift Client.I point. *1 * It alls « *. « ' »'l *5 .ear- nerving JB 1 •v.-eol - *i> »-*•»; » ' w as uwtpph a i -.r v- n.g • mi»' »» -ad-,:*. f»e have »i.w*Ltte-t : 1 • - t «wMt Uvinne auitvifwe v«ft» He . a> .» approved r«rxvin"v» # 't ae*.gn Prefer aellme ' j "t woe t»a,"«ed rtwcrrr The H «.»» IWCH. a fffm i»»i-.]Ka. IX' 3gainst that background, the * * . . ..-r » .rhuctilU t *l*WW 4it(t l«D l#niv*. - V I'M ♦ TIC Xreet A. • ICvlvr—.! H **KV># VI r% H;«**ar *»'*- '■ bo! - * '• • ••• * • ' enn' -■» «•", n.ean fur nw-re oet* - o»» «Kt »f "a* : IV. * at live v->»l * 'h a .» ->c»nal awgrwoptt a- -•* l a-l I ai-r-irg vt . i» \b * ROOM* TWO b.u. «- t* ».-.'<;«*»« Siiogle arnl each-e lYHuag Crossword Puzzle l '*kjr» H K r K l Ct f II A T O R s rt» • «* . service %t*OM ITS SHUT FIR A MTE! RAKUCA up »••*»#•% xfU fv « U) an t Liowdyear ke~> ;ce Swre III* I" a m m» v Ttv 1 >t Owubie ■ .» xpwk>v rn m PTJW« *t\ Al .<*!•!) - RSC-I5TERRD N uiiuua VvhilM. IV hKN If ''4W». s led bau-,. if-aw 315 SuJioei D" ID !-!?*♦ \enla.U':-m -eve -naie ,-a* Medicine La4- OPEN BOWLING I •fight'* ED T-*4?i to 'e red b*;4 •ABY cm* WITH Manse*! Ml »iw4 CNXbtlvuv. ID J-WI.4 s Ct EAN 8ltO>tNii RLX1MS art" MAM'V RIPT * r R V I C f. T< * lA. N.- i One ef e\ce»M«t cu»j*i--Mr ilRiea tile ba*h tern* end Edit; * COMVtNlftNT TO CAMP-1 narkinf * i<-«t TU I-43U tfa TNrM as:-! nnau uuaa . . 4 •*' » p.» 4 fwexi'*r biM-'grapfi*. bv pro- r a;'4'" e :.i*w iAaw*» Par* - Lk» uuaonn aaaaari -a-'fP -• j*-. • •.»« available O) MIU . u :« Ohta n« □acii j-iuii Dad A 4 9*"i •* ,»*""* ! ootnaucs am? stjcu* »?.-* WILL CARE rOH .vne child da " I I Tf llun am tf* A«i»yX tMrkter P^^»'e M'Mn t bnr-e 4ge J to I ED »--3»r.l lnj»eeib L.XNL-S TTS'O bavjrowce.*: Ot: =-4 •upftjilvtei Open 10 X.M. . a 2# Kitfft A> 1 N-e» aPAITM lNf3 -*»ie .*il» eAa* IVJ nrrwifTT* - I*'v anil ATTN1; Be--»Ck*e a/ recent daieL J At *»?*•« CWitV* •Hb-*at-m AB"AH T ViANT F^Txat# bath »-U 9S.Tb.rd fdwwf k u; e- bac-.i»-eq a-*. r.-ae** »n eme-neevreiv eftaar* pr - 24 Dul: «n.*» ettraf.e. uUTlhe* »a,r. wq U, W.n'5 WW OX j"-g thi# acanaavHml. prvkieeu • ?« Pfa-ei f*4-'h»iey Tsuiwre e»t Beech scree* i* n^* a\a liable fnr ir 1 It re:.-, e v '« >A\XS» *' -K"' lurnat-na TV f-IW« 1 • ne-e* leO*--. A CAREER M OttUTIVf ULES tor-n I r ■•fr.r.fv ■-{;. nui e "Ft Per tnlo- • 3d O .s a n : < v\\- WA.VTYD •swTtsMwt tJv* CTBl. TO *\«r» k>*e!-v frwn IdM r Pi' ga e ss iia;.7»a*v-*b* PCs.- >-».£• •— RROWV W AUXT ElfiCi 4-v.i .-M or 9#fSWW»4 Aenm t+r*rr\ Berkey t nlnr-tli). April l>-Mo.>rr Hum- ATTBArrnt r k.ue NEARLY XI* (In i-.iii|mi* R" t •uaeweiewi Air Xftu ra.inay « us '■* 2 V VIVT ANN BROWN PT^e * T™ R 1 i w 3* a • gti'i t oeraet 33 *; r'vl r ■_ ur-» form-. Inc., kurkl'i lorgr-l itianfur- tf" o<»e4 to A A ,rr.-.ip«»»a«f P *t»»c» -tine. »tv«i sUa bath, O*e Adwtt U> !-*•» rem- LOT reg.itr.Mv.* ED E4.WA DARK PROWS Linda cv.-- JJ .IV i't'j: a nf liii-ine-it forniv-any A.H. or B.S. t XPERT TTiESES AND jfW'- fc~ lurrr W^T ON OR rea" - a.-ntvA SixN' s t- f4 19 n 51 S.N- a) MALI own « w b45ig. tyj*errtvar W [** ■rS'^i l#ii ! '> ii ■""■••uti 3* MP. ro.« sit b e cunili.ljlr yrrkiiijf j career iu rrralivr -riling •nh an Jug CVie-hal* v-fMib a rent. . t-e* to ctmpnv bu- ED *•!«? a* ___ US *»• ev*rt». biacX iDb"- * ai ga'vr f-Vd l>- rfj *»-rh harwl Re- a-d e CMI rU* »-»** Br«f4 TV «n«ervefwa. TO AND ) ijoi RADIO One aarrba bke k Sc- ft- ' M -J. -■US.TcCT* H »eSa*e V -sP -.\i.-v:4TiUrf or -air- niaiiagcmriit. II. II. N liilr. Hint tr-S Aoattmew*. i PERSONAL "R fata* «#t* If -tode-14, N«* and W and ar.tenaaa. Ttf* r-.■*■ La f •» N1 MWLY DWXXRATEU APART- w T 4a :> * .* It o ce w •li-lricl -air- manager, sill lir ihr 'l.wrr rr|h MTNT • Claaiv TV 3-ima TO AR aoeumia fae fnn» uUYWwa CAROLYN PETTA-iON TMOagNEU. take and JTMEN v i^e SVa'- pjr. *: daily UWAtgaa. IV J-LO* TV e.4 5T ■ k ' % N'*". % «Rth-e »er*ew 2-3 p r.-..- t-»,„ 43 ela - rr-rntatbr. I.nntacl your IHarruiml Kurrau f Tee ©aa-te* «• *be Crew Dr?ce-»n ' -PA—TAN iilXTUJTwhu AV • 41 THREE ROOM# A*tl bafb Snst t D »; «ervNre Every copy an «*••• rssHima >» pri*a?e. wj tlwn 'lY 44B7P. guval Stra 0*d*m. EOI-NM !igu up , HELLO' MY NAME i» g*m Tm t? the Wwteecme b*mg taxea '• e a 32 J»*«v ti nvuuth uos! I >ftree DAIRY LAN* — BusUm *rtO» man AmUCTUT tide ow tbe Mx-haC"*J Vxw Came *w* and rvie grtth w tse AMPVS CLASSiraSs . I - raank BCY SKU MBfT ii CkUKt »»o-e relrjMM«W*r rurBiRiaC $!•» April C-rt a* Ann AiW at ? a . eon'8 Ctiioaii ea*4 ED f-AfW. , imp Ma'brgta*. ^ . . .HIGH KE : ' - urganlr.itlotx-of- the Basic MltllKiAV stui; MR* frustration, uRhiipptne« and Tie No Fight Over Tate Three Modern Art Has Elements .chaos. This trfRd will increase College in 1944 was a move- April 5. 1W0 as our leisure time increases due hitherto unheard of in an insti¬ automation, he said. This is ♦heir high school senior c'as«. to the primary value of modern art Liberal Arts tution of MSU's size and com¬ MSI.' trustee scholarships vcrc writ* 300 appliran* Las*, He saul he believed that MSU Of All Ages, Chureh Says for • the layman. Is modern art accepted by the general public? At iVISUO plexity Miller, stated \ears that over MSU has attracted an ex¬ "the and this year there are 800 These students are in the upper five percent t>f their high srhu-o s the a the only land grant college .a nation capable of spawning >fT\ like MSL'O cellent and distinguished faculty graduating cLi^e. and the !•».< Sui.vning up the aims of the The average perwin dees not iw mvin wit i Y B< r.K HARO C1ANDIXL accept modern art readily, he and is appealing to an increas¬ ten percent i»f the national ave - . ».s. Milter said: Michigan State Universe- ingly higher caliber of student. a Etc In last fall's entering fre •• - Ar.y*h«ng less than excellent# K ,* tnc formal elements that replied, hul the desire for art is Oakland is being spared, m its He said that two man c!a*>s 50 percent of the Vi- s a un.versity program is years ago the considerations of an Inherent drive present In . ,u. >y-. n excusable all ages are found in every culture. While the aver¬ formative years, the controversy- there were 80 applicants for denu were in the half bt over liberal arts that plagued ! . ait. according to Prof. age layman may not understand 4J v'hurch, head of the art or proclaim contemporary paint¬ Michigan State at its founding. ing. he will generally appreciate Provost Paul Miller sa d Mon¬ ... , • • sense a thing is art if good design. day /cy: art—art is anything When MAC was founded 105 This is present. In all "good" !'-f well." he said. "This may modem painting, Church said. years ago, dent its first head, Presi¬ William.*; argued that it .a establish a basis for a . , The same man who will decry a • understanding cvf modern modern painting will often he was more important to train men than to train farmers But one who will wear an abstract he met so much opposition on of the element* of art tie th.s point that he resigned after Does an art education at MSU *huh orr employed In modem five years. anting are line, foem ond prepare an art major to com¬ Rut at MSt'O* now in IU tirrt £pe. These. ""l pete successfully in the art world? year, the accent "i\ upon the ,mp!p*fd to produce the Iradi- forward-looking liberal approach It«,n>l literary or plcloriil effect. "We hope we are pretty well rounded in the department," he with a tine economy of curricu¬ r, modern artist respect# the said. "The painting course is m lum." Miller pointed out. v «art ace on which he work* accord with .the painting cours¬ This, he added, .s pa:', of 4 . -terested primarily in a es offered in the most progres¬ general trend toward greater re¬ „ rf (tonal effect, Churrn sive schools." cognition of liberal studn - . r- s method of using basic In addition to the painting "We were the first institution is what is new and course there are courses offered of sire to institute, i :i a perma¬ ' si-.ierstoood in modern art m interior, graphic and indus¬ nent basis, the Basic College, i- .'arty painting, trial design. There is also a said Miller, v Ccm art is only a rcffec- course offered in fashion illus¬ . , - ,i additional period in tration. he said. ... k-story cf art. Many people Church is well qualified to It's ranting . ; •v.a "painting tie everyday pass judgment. In addition to today, but this can be ;*cn\" Church said when ILSE SI SANNK uwinger krr Irrhnlqur >f „lnl- having been a mural and por¬ trait painter he has a bachelor Play Mate Day Man like ,, vm ' modern art expressed in, at llu,.rldrrf. Grrman,. Shr a—, diffrrrnl llailirk ,h.dr, ta ki.. of fine arts degree from the . ; -...osophy of our times as paltrrn, an r,nv.«. School of Art Institute, Chicago, INIVT MISS IT! II r rlaim llic lirst. .f art at other Iff* h.,s a bachelor of arts degree fro: i the University of Chicago and Iml Merely reproducing the type ing to colleges to gain a better a master of arts degree from nrrrr loiiitly. iff a:*, already done magnificent¬ ■ II, explained thai the value of understanding of the liberal arts. Ohio State university. He was •n-dern «rl to *wtety i» ap- ly bv great artist# of the pa t Chureh said. time for would not contribute to the also formerly head of the art ■ . . . 9r*arhfd from different an«le* In addition he noted that many growfh of art and, therefore, it department and director of th.» ,..f itii-1 and the laxman ■ till).WINTER , .< n ♦. regarded as progress, he -average" people are turning to gallery at Washburn university, artist see# the modern *p- art as a means fta.d of avoiding Topeka, Kansas sru.h i* 4 -looking into the LUBE ' A: * much-needed ant- ,jjurr' juAt as the scientist who - a • . ransUnUy searchin* for more {<;>■*» pre-rnvupation wit i . .wie.U. m his pariicuUr Held science' tor the layman. Man* rnppled or blinded by poepU» who have gained an edu¬ SPRING Ilr is not cation m the sciences are return¬ :v »rt of the past. NUN6RY ? ? STOP IX. SKIIVIOH If*\r kitchen To bus (or lunch * Qualifications; llat W like will feed. Nerd dinner. reliable bu* bov» immediately. delicious meals and pleasant work- LP SALE IS OH! I'LKASt'RE ins conditions. BUDS DELTA SIOMA PHI A C.HOIT OK 121* E. (iKANI) RIVEIt SERVICE l*IIONE ED M'bM NOW! MONAURAL LPS - *2.49 (39 I. (.rand Rivrr . i:\>r i.rami invi r os tiii; r.wrn i.i» mhi (Hop. $8.98. 4.98) STEREO LP S - *3.49 (Rep. 8I.9Q.5.98) Campus Music Shop TEST YOURSELF! T..«U »>■» rawtd '1 prfO :<•: lot a Kt oI Eofcw'a Caw ■■■>!■ Im4 *V*« Two lrv»# •««#• vfll b# « WCT»| totwaw rra «4 W* tk*t mm cImbIy md cva^iatmr. Oifeml h»»t — M Mt at !M U.k W CM •Hita.n'T »«al '• ChiihU* spartan book store "Your Supermarket for Munition" Cwatr Am I spring's here I WE DELIVER It this ink blot reminds you it's time to send a not" to the old tolks at home, a note lull of laundry, it's clear your id is out ot whack and you'to the kind who would stand in the Grand ANYTHING! I Canyon and teel a touch of claustrophobia. All ol which is your problem. Ours is these cigarettes: I'M. With our patented (IF YOU BUY ENOUGH) Miracle Tip, we have lound the secret that un¬ locks tlavor in a filter curette, but not everyone knows this - so we have more t*M's than we FOR need You probably have less than you need. When you write your folks why not ask them to SPEEDY SERVICE send you a carton ot l*M's and not so much Starch in the collars, he, ? CALL ED 7-9841 in Glamour Reach for Kary ED 7-1668 KA>T I.ANHlNf; flavor... Reach for L'M PikTini 2! 1 M.A.C. tAST LA.\i»L\U u«e«TT ft ww tooftcco co 9 IWIUMI Wl—.,.' MICHIGAN* STATE NEWS April 5, 1969 Gliisox Finally PaieEnur Milwaukee Could Shove ers Out ☆ ☆ ☆ Grab Sludger ☆ -V ☆ ☆ Rov Sievers s.\!t.\SOT\. ria. Anr ALSTON Bui Pennant Fever Hits 3 ■: learning to hit better with a v in thougn it lacks National League Camps a good bull- homers for Mobile. nine games out last year." CHICAGO for — UONKV Charlie Grinsii hi, third trip a, Cu i mn-' p • Editor'* Note: This b the the ;trter.t!on ■»'. making San The Pirates appear to lack rr-.urn! We don't want him and trong bench. * ★ * and a player in recent baseball first of a two-part xerle*. The Erar.ifo.* the National LeagH- heavier bat pen a PITTSBl'RGH "We should pitching and hitting depth. Too pilot and figure, the pitchm to hit home runs. And Ret * * A — will be better. HI, one brig' • story ended Monday when the Ameriran league round-up p. *. ou; after listening to "do better," sav? Pirate Manager much depends on inexperienced Schoendienst looks like h'-"? spot i, Ernie Bank,, the league . Chica^o Whit.- S-.-x pried Ioom* for pu'; I.ON ANGELES "We're the Danny Murtaugh. "A lot depends pitchers. However. Jim Um- will follow later thi* week.l Dres*»:>•• ready t » play second, too. If he - mo,*, valuable ahortstop who Itov S:ev< -s from the Washing- does he will bat second. If he •cm to beat.'' says Alston. "Our on Bob Friend making a come¬ bricht. 29, seems like a rookie ' *•; on tf^c •p.--' it'* exceed- standout. drove In 143 run, on 43 homer n Senator*. Bv tilt associated pr» ss d »o-n':, short.«top Johnnv I>»Ra; young pitchers are more exporu back. Remember, we were only The S'»x had been after him m,? •• «: p ck against c New ftme, include Richie Ash- AViU bat second »ru-ed and our staff will be that burn. Dick Gernert and Fran. for four vears, finally getting the When three managers ;n ra • :.**> man who won pen- Ala:i f-.r man this is a strong¬ mucu stronger if Larry Sherry Gernert probeblvl w. 33-vear-eid .digger "for SI SO.000 major '^agti*1 their ba-- f-.iT< .: Br. -»k'y: and- miv;e'l than the Dodgers." become-, a winner as a starter. Thomas rash and two player?.—Ear! Bat- teams to'win jwnnants somchod.- er team share first base with Dale Lor, A:vr trie relief job he did he de- a fine defensive catcher, an I must ' be . wrong. But th.s : tee sen or c;- * * * -ervi-s the chance." # * * !V>n Mmohi;. promising 21- springtime when manage!-• have : or *:r<-; bitting !c:u i san erancisco "All we Tie D Klger bullpen, unsteady a«•':(r-old first baseman who tri.:- a tendency to booonv ?■<•- c.- ch n'ays ST. LOUIS — "We figure ! tnuvlastT A'! 10 team? are until Sherfv was recalled las' 22 homers and 02 RBI * •-V j ukee S- ,e. j t a veteran to come oiT bo battling for the first division, Ju y. nu.v be stronger with the !"»-• year with Charlcdon, starting out even and the mar >. Angc >- t *■*-neb and ge! some pincn re.-.i'i o Ed Roebuck, who won sjv, Cardinal pilot Solly Hemu- "Slum will be a great Insur¬ gcr-a! enthusiasm, « a psv.-> ■- o\er-packed "and if we do that we have a s:i>« Rigney "We ditin'' 11 strmgh' in winter ball. The ance policy for us," said Sox logical thing to spur the a'r v\ - it t f wfh chance for the pennant." sale fe.-t them last year. team c >ulii gain added- punch if manager AI Lope#. "lie ran vt vr h;?,-h,'ig We nOAA have a strong-- outfield'" Tommy Davis becomes The Red Bird pitching could spell Ted Klttvjeuski at hr«t I.i the N'av >na! f, be better behind Larry Jack,or. churned Ch: Dr» b-hing s'afT with BH'/ O'Dcli a regu'ar. A ^need demon, hi? base or Minnie Mino*« in left manager Much depend, on Stan Musi, MTvauK Id'ii'MU' it tded to Sam Jones, John?: h.t 34A at Spokane. Id. And when he'* not doing sen figires ti - making a return to the Brave* ought to waltz iv'wa.- B.i AnMneTi. Mike McCormack and A ♦ * that be ran pinch hit." Jack Sanf-ird as starters and e!a„ and the hitting of ex- Mil w VI Kir. n-pnm Sm Krinc -i'i tr«'« h- - .S evc was injured much of Rigtiey Giant, Bill White. Laen Wagne- s enough of •be Brave B ! y ly>es helping our bullpei « IMTNNATI - "We could has " mcn-'h i !u miu d a , aw Spencer, who sell' 1.1 t year, but managed to hit 21 • while «"oai ng iO'DeM an-i l/e-« came from •urpriM- people." say* Hutchin- and Darvl bna.ers-and drive in 40 runs. strengthened .• pivhmg N.r "Wr the hitting and plav ,hort. Ale* Gramma, 1, Brav Baltimore in an interleague deii ■-.r:. ' aac urai'v he funk-, t « Giant- a ticketed for second bate. Th« in." Tie same feeling ex Novemberi And Don Bla.s- I * i nk we have strengthened - team', bright spot 1, third haw- • car. • •' ' e I,i Ange'r m- Ed M i'heA inanme should fit »rt well at m*c- our pitching -yiafT w ith 19-gamu o •A Ha A n ? ..irf on ! ba-c " .« Him-r McLish from Cleve¬ man Ken Boyer and his atron; Ilodgm--. defending world rrua • hitting. ■BQEnzprmm 62-- The Blazer handled 104 dau- land and Bid Henry, a southpaw p ip. who have beeti ha-id • - • ~ b'e r»'.»vs as a Cardinal and b.« - the l'ui>y for our bullpen. SOW SHOW ING bv m.M-o.e r», re I W.» # * * :■ i fie replaces Da; • ' If (; • bnc Coleman makes it at A -' Spencer. » shortstop who w. :i ■ b.i c vac will be that much PHILADELPHIA — -Wa'ea ITII AMI HS AI. WEEK The. xr• vent i-#u'h > ;• be lb • off " lot of changas thi o it ■>:. pos-'mn. Rigney has i; made a l:tu*up •»•'. with 'he Blazer load¬ Huviiius-m had a 39-33 record should be for the better," aayi ing then Jim Davenpor'. afVr --ver from Mayo Manager Eddie sawyer. ' Will.- Mays. Willie . s July fi. Billy Martin If we ran find a plica to pis. Orlando c -o. da. W lie Kirkland u -j'av •cruiid base, replacing Frank Herrara It could help a .nvaluable Johnny Temple tiilovi story ,»na n> no ii IMIfc—■ jnd Eddie B - ssouii, with ea'ch- t;i»- wi-r ' to Cleveland. Ro<>kie weak attack. Pincho bit IT hom¬ er, and drove In IK tallies with pitcher follow ,ng - i er a« i -353 and hit 3d \ffnM6ESI/ Th.s is a solid team. It c>-ul i Col. man utted Buffalo. Tm.WsL Hrar.l Back Nile! I rilH.KIM IMOKMATION CAM. lit MICHIGA Peppy Leafs Sl.ou I'l R C\Kl o\nf SI CHARLEY DREKREN. vlw koi keen picked U lead Ike MUwao- n:.,. In .A I-.M. • NOW l-I.AVINfi! Child. Mc kre Heaves to a pnuat to his first year at Ike helm, tooks m at Look to Halts k O«kOTMV g V his are mlkptw karier, Warren Spakn. works ool at Rradeatoa. Fla. TORONTO (an—'Tlw ToW A tl/MMUDSE JU : I Maple Leaf* wert peppy kr.l MIIIITS A. SI V— Atll I.TS TtU- SAT. MAT. W< KOK VOI R HOl.F CLASSES full of confidence Monday •« they started training tot tv* AIU'I.T KM'KIM AINMKNT < PRACTICE BALLS S1.00 prr .lor. Stanley Cup finala afoinol the SIIU sliOAVlVli FE ATI III: AT 7:HI . - #;S5 heavily-favored Mootree] Car- GOLF RANGE OPEN adiens, defending champiooa. Coaeh Paul ImUch kad th* I nOer New Owaership club on the toe at Maple Let' Garden* at 11 im, just !2 ALEX SINCLAIR IMI.A. hours after the Leafs tUmlnat-- i the Red Winga at Detroit Sun¬ FAIRWAY GOLF RANGE day night n-ith a 4-2 victory. ••We can't waste any time" Jl, mil., tul at l: Unmi m I'A IC lOrmnd BWnt lmlach aaid. •Tl»e Canadiensara Kl> 2*8715 going to be tough.w The first two games of *h.* best-of-seven final will be piay ed at Motnreal Thursday an TUII k AT 1 I) VM» II M Saturday, The aeries awing.* ' ir?M» It V'ff Kl — NOW SHOWINII Toronto next Tuesday a c Thursday. - I ra tar. : I K . 1:11 rr$ mv Our; S:t* - Ml . US Lthfd Tcnnia Today Co-eds interested In playing shows *r%kt at — the women's tennis tea7 190 en 1:11 . 1:4* » I II • MS should report to the old gym rr.ATmES START ATI- Women's IM building at 3 p." ]Johnr*f 1:25 • 4 IM» - 6 |A - 9:13 today. They should bring the latest news events own racquets and be dressed !*>. — NEXT ATTRACTION — « GO!" Otf'D W «H • play. WASH N WEAR JERRY I.EWls |\ i'itw ■ i*A» i.M* nitsi i.ansim; ark a shiiavim; ISIT TO A go johnnv go VI » 3? POLISHED COTTONS SMAl.L PLANET" 0NI.V i MILEk EAST IIC C.AMI-I S I S IH mViAA -NONR *T TNE TOP" WITH LAI'RENTE HARV4 V The One AND Thry'r* All BABY CORDS Talking About! NLY fSJR LEN KOSITCHEk S -V- THE DISC SHOP ADDED! MAIIUO CARTOON LATEST NEWS 228 AtMt M. a - V- OPENS SOON Watch For Our Exciting Ads Men who face wind and weather choose the protection 'of. The DISC SHOP AFTER SHAVE all records guaranteed LOTION 3 \ 323 E. Graad River EO1-0909 protertkir, |Kij i*, OW S;-;--* fv(rohe« anJ »|imuhte«, guard*, agatosf the teas ef vital Next To ketqtees ^ nwH-ture. Fee!* gresi. too, Hr^ik, bracing, with thai Uogv Old Spice mat It decs atrn teattract fanale earairrr*. hut what red bM«l wan eeeda pratertietrapain*! $xt>f 1.00 ■ H U LTO N EEs IM Corner Old Colleee Field Jwtcunine Pod Basketball Draws 1,590 Players virht e#n#r In Intramural's Winter Program Mm Walltftffon April S. IPU . h|ltill IKtint Satisfied The dorm winner Pa! her which tie felted Dtitterfielrl. [• i-Js^tball by fur attracted the most participant* in the «;i* Sim Calderone and I-ill Little retire-ented Kather ayain^l IAKU.ANT). F-.r .' rr—J:.r- I nnniral winter program whieh wrapped up a henner Dyke s.iid Mondty be w ' ,it',.r riintpaiirn with total male participants DtitterfielfT* Hill Decker and Tom Meverv !'.a well A^.th pT*gr**s Ten teams ssjjh two player's each v. ♦■•re fiehleil in fr.Mtx»r- i;:l«ket!>»H alone hail 1.890 men playinp in four IM Iractir. o' ht;- pitching staff. Detroit's J'-r, (ennis. Dormitory bowllntr was next with 24n partiei- ni*v Iiundlwil' and seven teams in the dm-ni hamlliall. Ilorni t.Mir regular starters. Frur.*,. eliniin; * ion Mtw not her imiivifinais 4ai.e part. bar . l»..ul Fat •»(- .. Den Mo« -' Inclf Tom's Hoys was rruanrd nll-univrralt) basket ball In»Iivi{ln;«I ci:ampio»!-hips attract <1 M:i •»!' the IM par'i- an ! .f ni Tiunrtr.g bar# twn riuant to*a! \vi:h pn-Mleoaii doubles brinyinif Ml an»l the stretching their distance* eacr. impion b> defeat init runner-up fabulous 5. The two teams time cuit, i ret* I hi iw eon I est lu^. dni.hrd one-two in independent competition also. Th« r«inout of MoftSay's es- In patKDeiial! the tenm of Prank Krau-'hi and Ilili Sehud- f-„it shaw 10 paroereil the dormitory entre title »-ih ibtfk.n with Cincinnati was wel¬ S No. 2. iiek wer» winners with Cecil Heron end Luther Saundws come i bv the team. WrtKhington edged Kinti* Vpha Tau Ometra liest Siptno Chi for the fratertii'y runner-ups. C v. 3-2. m 'he only exhibitioa wit. Rtlwahl Hifirkman and Don Molrler placed <»ni-4vvo in the .. .. . . free throw contest i»tayc 4. M'-ndav Ihr short Course championship went to the Commuters , h„ were followed by the I'atch Eye Pirates. dim Kervo-<'fi ami Hen Drown paced a handball f it-It 1 of :;j. dormitory bowline Rather won the title over Ka-t Leucine, with !«» participants, had thiee division i-hamns. It'* coming Altogether 60 teams competed. t.eorye Homer was epee winner followed h\ Lrnic Delen- ,w The fraternity volleyball honors went to Siyma N'u, w hich seek. Dill Ikiyho was foil champ over Dick Schloemer. Doy Play Halt Day Kniitscn won the sabre defeatinu Joseph Antonette. Man Ilk* ,s block 2 champion, also. Itha'k " titlist Sb-ma Chi was ,,-r-up. Delta I'psilon was block one leader. Five titles were awarded in j»vmnastics, although only Nl KM HI'US HI" Ms| 4s hiorhiill team won't have Ui IHJVT MISS IT! wear hathins Fraternity volleyball had P.I2 participants on 16 teams »competed. suits for Suturdav's srheiliilrd double-header with Alhlnn. Grounds Helta Tau Delta tuok the open hockey title over IP other Don Mchariane. Dill Stark. Ilo'Iy T"!ieps«»n. John Walker crew-members. Norm Armutid and Sir Merrman (pouring w ater J. am! Dillimas were toon*. It »as lilm-k one champion, lu-sides. Klerk 2 winner champion* in different event c in. Scholars was runner-up. Illm-k :t anil I champs »|.rc Frank Hartnian. Denton N'evvland. Stark. Norman l.vous prime and low a pump to arras drain Krd Cedar flood water out of the dugouts in the playing field. Kasehali roach John Kohs says CORAL CABLES' and Horace Sniith jinan Hall and Alpha Tau Omnia. were event runner-ups. Hid College Field will he ready for Saturday, barring a rain storm, Newt Dlark and Jock llo*:d*>on bested 27 others to fini-h Participation numlieretl 240. ILFORNO state News photo by Tom Armstrong. one-two in the table tennis itnia Alpha Kpsilon tune) and Sipma No ttwol w competition. I*or five weichtliftinv titles there were only l'» entries. lacesetters in the fraternity swimmitnt championship v.". mh attracted 02 swimmers on to teams. U inners were Dennis Wrijrht. Jerry Thayer. Harvey Shul./. •,iii •ven teams competed in the'dormitory swim champion- Dill De.Mevli and Tom Jordan. {HI • • RESTALRANT • • w;*.h Kmmons nosimr out West Shaw. Knrtv-eiyht dnrm Wrestling attracted IS The titlists were Ralph Sprait, TO EUROPE WITH DREWS iiari in badminton - vow ai.*o xprciAunvo is — , p. the Alpha Epsllon.Pi house by tlowninp ATO's Alike ,m and Hill Cooper in the finals. which hail eivrht contestants. Jul' 7 • Hack Aiiku-I 2". Scutland • Env-land- !!ll BAR M SPARE RIBS Ib-luiiim - Midland (irrnmny Au.tria Vueu-ta- jf'l MSI - - . %0 Tennis 2nd in Tonrnev II on • ■ - OriN DAILY PHONE F.D7-HI1 fshrlu • PMnh >ia • San Marinu ■ Halt - I rani*. 33 Data. \ll In- id V P.M. - '! A.M. Take Out Order* tiftl. Elected By den II illiains L niversily clu-iir. IIII.:. I.inulrd In Ifi! '.II - I ndrr IIP • Hunk 5 !?• C.;w r V > v.,' eoiich D. -k \-' i i Eiijov Siiiiilav Dirinrr in ihr R»th«U*ll*r r .•» u- I CJMtaui t>( Nuw (nmplrt* Info . (OI.I.KI.E TRAVEL DE¬ IiJ»i't > . 'cnrii .MSI' UCE EU 2-6667 PkoM ED 7-1311 Far PtmrI his u-ammatt*. I ov • I'osilion* Often . ik ■he «• who wds (iouolcx ni'j'ip'. chain- W .. \ti\one interested in working for the' State News sp«»rts de¬ " ~U r- ,J£ Delivery 1 Sarviea Ta E. Laaaiag .5. . , ,- ' ' , '- ; hiu.'t school, ll'licr* ■ it' ;li It: 5.';.-, i tt' partment rontart Jim Mallingtou i ijsi!'; h;> sophomore ;evd In i>! tnr or John Srhnridrr at the State MSI'. lie i* the MSI' News. "«:> ■.•itilei rjni.n on the M B.i *r.r matches a*' tMinhmes with Roger ?■• (W > out* t»cW: d->v.ned the a- - George William.s. :;f> VAin Siatp mjumi bv tin* Mtp» inar- In eorlier met the .squad, ar- i-■■•rr.r.iys optimistic con- c-rt in t'.r mv- pairuui, th» eciAUng to Nre!gont was JucKy to *•': the Rnvspecis for the SUtc vollcyivai'r-s >\v»*j»S all a ? 4 get points against the Wil¬ ■'.i- season three matches from Ohio State. liam* squad. 'tv nave, a -loch better team . . yea-.' he said- "We can RON HOTCHKISS ■* -utfi under pressure' . . . net captain . . SAILING CLUB PRESENTS The most difficult puzzle in the Jahn Kiddle's "Storm Trysail." The Star Champion- 'Ill's \n adventurous 2'j hour sail rare from fhicaito- Mackinaw in Nassau Out-island. AT TIIE CIVIC CENTER Do you have a solution 7 SAT. AI'RII. 9. « I'.VI. In high u'hool. you nwy have'thought you had ADMISSION SI the Milutinii. only to haxe it vanish. Iri college it mav sctin well within jour gf**p. only to vanish again. But this is not mumsimI. Its a very 'IIIH I.KIMIING » Mill I IK TIM. II ctlfficult pt|//Ir. •Wlllll Ktl.AM l\C, • Alt I SSIIKII s The pu//!cr' How to iiiul your lilc'v work The solution^ It tiMimT •KRVkl slltltl • sl-ltlM.s only with searching. It mas be rigid Mucin sour nose or it may ttill 'Mil I'll') * VII 11 I.IK » UAslllXti be far awuy ioTllt" future Bnt the .solution will I ■ ■ ■ ■ chum- Wi w ill wr\ piobably In..I it in the work' l"lt t AST UOAI) SERVICE CAM. ED 7UUI6 & \ on 1 In* has undertake alter college. proved true maiiv limes at IBM I or instance, young engi* ' t lucrs and acientisti-after learning the scope of IBM activities in LARRY'S GULF SERVICE; icsearch. development and manufacturing—have found their mtei ists leading them into sticTa vital growth fields av mkrowavea, circuit design, solid state physics, magnetics and m.uitifa(ttiring rmearch. ON EAST MICIIKiAN AT I.OI IS v;: L.' *7f V . l>< |M iuhng on individual talents and in< filiations, a college gradual* oiiasunaUy acriM Irani Heal SI. entranrc) • may acrptire skills at IBM that lead lo a variety of careers. When a person is able to move into areas w here lib trues interest* lip* f T"" mid wIhii he has many areas tor boose from, it will certainly be easier for bim to find lib life's work. Alter all it's easier to find the solution lo 'Ibe Most Difficult Ftole* in the World when you baveauess to all the chics, ■■ IBM* >'/>« FT re united to trticAi^ittr opfyrtwnOe* m He earth. Per elfiftn+rtt, UftwtM- luring. fri-gwntHiin*. wu/ ethci field i ) r/d a; i IBM Corperatitm, VM MuJt on A* em*, Sg'H and aip that real (rent taste of Coke. Sure, yon ran have a party without Coca-Cola—but who wants to! SPARTAN BOM STORE BE REALLY REFRESHED ,"1" *u permarket for Munition" fcMbd v«d«# avrfhority of Iko Con-Colo Comply by ham Am I MAC. U-BAUC COC A-COLA BOTTLING (OMPA.N V Lauiai, MirMgao ' . Mirilir. \\ STATE NFAVs •Ml nvevcr. en.- may find m.anv April 5. HT'l'u fate Six Presidential (lain j>ai«n Sensitivity to Personal Problems rcijA-e'.cd c students on faculty Uivaittec- " Y"V publicity. :no'- Nearly nil of history's! gro. Placement Bureau I.cutis In l.eailersliifi. Success •v mittees vehicles, and judiciary com¬ were some of the ex¬ leaders influenced people, b: Threatens Revolution HAVII) KIMHAI L the lies! jnt» Is the our-who amples given. that isjHic of the dcflnitlons , 'I hp fnlUmiiiB rmploy/rx will IiiIitvIp** on Ihr inilir.itrd dab**. B» commands the most respect, and There is also a pre-school ;i U-ader One who influent- If sou an* lnh*n*sb'd rrpnrlto tin* I'larommit Bureau at !••.»•»! two A leader's main stepping stone ltd* Is ii*uall.v only pnsslhle wt.'kshop for resident l-.all lead¬ others However, that Is just school days in ailvanrr of Interview dale. Wonti'ii also may In- . o.iece.s ts (ii- sensitivity t,. when he is sensitive to md onTy er- at MSI'. Nooamaker pointed operational definition. There •her people'- problems and per? terxirss mah»r* with asterisk Ci. r.riiiiilor — Mo«l Miililr (atlllllr) rna'.ilies, -aid Dr. Fldon N'on.r- the needs of the people, hilt • ■a1 The Student leadership a cultural defln.ition also (B> Baehrlor'x degree. (Ml Masters. (D) Doctor*. Where no their desires as well. In so do¬ T oning course :s a compulsory leader has '-u base his policies dctw l« indlrali'd, all degree levels arp eligible to interview. In Sniilli Amcririi — May K\|,I» T 1*1». F.cUado' bP' \ ! - campaign I'ommeribng "ti cam pus U i:l- and Business & Public Ga IVa/u. w-ho was born or Facii M '. « r, tlf))ii'4 > h - ends "Mi> are fortunate to have 4 Ails, pre-, leu'.al campa;. . • Kl.-ni (111. Klrni Mu-u* (in,. sw . prig good, was sensitive to orship, Nona maker saat Sivi-ml.iry French- Service for executive - is ' -jpupng to bring .revohi- N-'a York City when his fnt.n. Ac.c hot student leaders here a: - ci rta n wonderful advisory system It'n ctintint! Kctuidorcan consul general be mvd- o! the people," he s.'ti : which produces rvrllent result- Kngllih, l*V.fn, English. C,ei ment training program. •;on * t*1 it.n\ Andean repub¬ u,.- > !y as effective as arc those in Si'ionce, Business, Industrial Imlay City Public Schools: A" E'etil. (B), Elnn Vocal Mu-i-.' lic -d; addling the * Ecuador i . «>m* of the n • "v Equator. i-h.i' ,:c-; has shrugged Me "ft the.e told friends '! A . 1" 1;ties," people have - od Monamaker. "and intrins c other Big It) -chool- in our student leaders." he said. Thi> :<• witnessed by the fait Play Hale Day Arts, Math. Ilnme Eo , Art. and effectA-e leader fakes 'hat "AM schools have the- figu'v- Man liki- men's l'hvs F.d. (in, and Slu¬ (U). Secondary Social Studio- pohlieall.v and econoro lea (ou'.iiu't care less what they say "•a' (he faculty .f .the I'll 'e l m'. • eon dutu- sh-'i of th • e student.- , F.lwn. Art and Vocal Mu- >;c (B) (Ml. Secondary Chem¬ istry. Physics, Business, M.1V1. aging (B) (Ml majors for <|t- sign, sale & installtion n! I here of campaign ylolritcr in which has lie I'm one outburst, ha\e ties. resorted to antl-t'.s. lai ¬ Lucky Strike's l)r. Frond reveals French, Latin, Industrial A:*- packaging equipment, M»e T: fit tej- 'i • '.ha* Y< ' seven persons were killed and .- m- Metals) (B) (Ml, rind Spec A C.v.l F.ngr (B) iM) for a-.-o Ibaria. an "id hard 35 wounded. Foolproof Method for eonrttriietion, layout, method* A FJ (Speech ( 'nrrrcMori) l I' Fc;l ilior i-.i'l poll be. told ' and time standards', and all A four-w.iv race ha< devcipo- i'\f) majors far leaching 1 Mic¬ .can- he;,- „• would shout CI"' ed to succeed retiring IhesMv.-t tion*. men (B) (M) from the college I's "f the Pmtc.l Suites dui of Business A Public Service t'umdo Ponce Enrique/, who.sC linear'* ftest.iurants. Hilt (B tog Pre . unpaun f-.r politic 1. for sales training program victory n MSB brought the rea-oUs bpj not to worry 'about majors for -training pr 'gram country its first conservative ;» 1 year- (in (M) majors t <>' manage¬ military obligation Pre three-time former Presi¬ Mead Corp.: AM Packaging 1 d I' s . former presidents a: >• ment training program dent returned from self-in»iH«>. 1 Accounting inapors for related running again -- Dr Jos,- Mari.. (■rnwr Polutr Public School exile in .Argentina to run. lie work. WI.i-.vo Ib.itiii. Who heads lit-' System: AH EUin. (Bi. Sr.- a rblver-.tonj(U«?d orator who :.p own Nationalist party, and CJa'o •mdary Engl -ii. French-Km:- Security Bank: A'l men (B> n ils- !>» • i 1m-1sse> iff a ou • f. the .-..Hege .•» Ilo ".■• P-:-,/ 1 I,.,. ... I'S-. bic.ite I !ea 1 Daar Dr. Frood: Whenever I am ssith Dtor Dr. Frood. Whenever I put my f«i'.in-English, M a t 1 fMTcetit of the pob- ' n. wJicrc ■*»•) Dear Dr. Frood; Do xou Mkpc in tl'c l.iber d par" ^ Phy*. Ed (Swimming), Stw\ A Public Se-rv.-e ro it.1 •' it'dera',.- Indriri- lucky down, my roommate picks it up T.'ic (v.c.-\e nonunc.' 1- ,1'abort are theories that Shakespeare was actually girts, I stutter. Frankly. I think it is .■studies, S»wni! Studies-Eng- •i career :n hankm.1 l > G-.rv.e .1 riurt- a'e an estimated H50.01M) because my parents neser told me about and finishes it. Mow can I stop him? h, and i'hemixtry (B) (M». Simmons Co.: Me !. H- • !'■ ' .1 • \ ■ F. igible are men .im-i either Marlowe or Bacon ' ^ Put i i>on the birds and the bees. What can I do * . t .11 ,1 •" ;r»ui-i pre-. .■id Spec. F.I. (Menially J*, t >r management training pi .i-i women, '!! or over who can rec English Major mrdrd, Ilcmedinl Heading. So. and write, and students between A. II Shucks Dear Put: I ight N»M> cmls. tVpilidntti' f'ilv School District: fSMWdOTi-an poliliM , .Fly Maladjusted. Spec '1 Ml and 21 Deor Enflith: \ll rut. I hate Amh' con- *<*> AM E'en (11. (M' Y •- \ I'he fourth candidate. Dr. An¬ <'nrr»i*t • » (It) (M) m,i)'»is eal-Imdrumetit.ji Mu • n. tonio I'.nra Velasco (no relation Mdrruhlc research on the subjvcl and can toiu 'mj; positions. - Ili.trI Corporation of America: Art (H) I M>. S. onda: . I.. to \ d isco lharra). is backed hi prnie that Marhmr na« actually Hactm, Door Dr. Frood: I am just a little bit Hit! tin major* for training (Mi 1M1, and 8i»« Id (M. a loalition of t oinnuinlsts. Soc¬ and that Bacon (who was a hit of a ham) « orned about exams. I have not attended 'a" flctarde.j So-. • ialists and leftist students hut that shake- clas-cs this semester. I have nol a:, 1 V was. in realitv. Marlowe, and any Finance Corp.: A ('.n (B) ( M l sr.a he is not given an> chance to PO Wi R Household -peare, an Hineraiit xrape wpiee/cr wlui done any reading, either. I must be in •! iB) (Mi Hun c«'i- w III. i u I V MORE H I R I could neither read nor write, wax, in fact, Aiken for the polo matches until the day (.hiecii rii/aheiti.1 before exams and. i»t course, will be Trustees A/pfwore 17 unable to study Any suggestions ' flu:;y ■ri . no ex oc ■U Mke \eiv Faculty Members 'i the I'nited .S'.'ib id 1 . Dear Dr. Frood: I have a sets serious Dear A. W.: \on lud Iwttcr rc:ul some ;, » |»la/a,wa4. '« <■ i» , hiNiks on tlie subp'st. I es|wcialb rccom- ed by i oppoiMi: 1 iteaig personal problem. I am secret I v engaged >. vente, i ftpiHiMitnient-. I - im-nil Mildrcil Iwidtllc's "IIh' IWvs Vre I rriipl", eil (r:en : t'-died to three students here. Just between you f-or new designation* ir.,ld I -rs. ■< KeuariiiC's go,,-:| Th'". and me. however, they are all tools. I \our I rieiuls,*' ami Agnes M/rflcF* fi-i II resiKmitU'ivs and termb,- iim'",, dim r.*r r were apjoxuvM March » M « o even « 'i «:ged the t S State really lose a certain IVofcssor Bomlles. *'Sonus in the I rec tops." It-Hird of Trustee> v#«1 Ji.t.f I DUO who is married. What should I do* S?* - .b«- - N'i-w .ipfuMntpvcttis were a Needle** to say, this letter is not tor Dror Dr. Frood: Is there any jesvpted »-. (- publication. UmlUy methinl tor detennming the academ* Door Butty: lh> sou think professors' • Jl.l, I. t 41 I !(■•*'" «»U.rtl..-'l • rui-'n 1 I'«»1m(,-I| IXiH-f ratings ot Ameisaii universities and hearts arc made of stone? .lust tell thcnl • *». »ir-ch*iOi»i cneineeim* t; Huill HnntU. MiMOUP.r" i44itC|«:s ' . . . what sim told me. I am sure I hey will / I I 41 gt t -'»a -i-*' . it,iatt»rh>n maiiMKvr Sr„i r M"(*n c;uh.-it - undvrsiand. and if fhey don't excuse sou > u, i»ri<,ttl K.m-'mi. *m-"MiU •- by uohhv. lake at y ma U ixui c latir uu ui the wrninu r. ■■r p»II«t,a«lhg Htn-'O M« • ' I '.on Mm-, HHilWlm* iff .1 ax i .i.»«en • i"' • » .'i ph,»rUH t"i the hr oi - ■ r Xfnreh l« U»*f»o llrtr-i < a- o, rl" Door Millicont; \our secrrl is sale with any other regular! r.."v S ■-■•!*« 1,1,»„, nu*. I'se It ft xtrkt instructions ma to prim .1^ k OOundn it'll .*t \;' ink eurrespondcwcr. ( imttdrnlialli, how- S.tblMbC*! b'*1 rirr, you'll nrsrr net Bowdk-y. I wrote When it cc":,s to choo5mf -spir rfRutar smoke I Mrs. Howdlrs ahiHit Ihr situation, in colleR- students head right 'or tine tobacco ... .n -• i«(v order to adsise'sou hrtter. and she says ,.o.- , M f, ^»vv?{nx/- I'rulcxxt* Howdk'S is too old hir you. Result Lucky Strike top> every other regular Otfir-vnJi: . sold Lucky s taste h.-.its all the rest because v "x;:: L S /M F T Lucky Strike means tme tobacco ! V / •O - tobacco and taste too fine to filter! «"t,(v ikfiil "Skiikrxpfarr ll.ii \^strc*rr," Drain MiMrySla. Inc. Sfc hntpr • Pit, * I.. !»«-. 31 s'.u.1t fr» l>r. CrooJ. I tuttltsbog I cmfi'n, tsi. SUciCtOok ||h> pen that's II t.'l K. UrNinl Ui,i-r ( i-l, Ktir i'rrr, ) Qi rrs Dxhimrt cf MO»M y-.t» n--g' «»-'Oh jr v..I j.»*c a;H» iviui, f- 'O'-i t- •» "' 'V--M Vtnrr-i I t" 4en» '*>. «"4 ' * f s Oftico - SilHcaO'-r > W'" Imagine he tug -liipw re,kr«i nu a ilc-ci tc*{ island » i, rf.«» tat" «•< , «-.h*ntr*l : f Ai->U 1 wilhoui an I -l»-iioimk pen' I veil a suit tanned •„!, n stois all" (■ * »'» ii, - n l^-ntrd nM'ifs,,., «„d Holutnum l.ruwH' would tutu p.Ue at the tiuuigltt. vt irw r,\ drcaMUii'iii ( to (Vr 3t •tod* »<• Jc»s*s. just sampling F*letii»4M»k - 1» cu-tem htted pea U >r•«»- l(*rU»n «M.Ht*tn fwulttssttr an.r aiv,r»• dttr, <»•' > au«t,o- ».»>«! <-*nt#r. JmI* 1 t»,»(*•»*< > *rl». "t M'V ' tc (*«•. persiui.ihtx p. m«>rc tun than turning rivimub. -'(• r-*i smith Wumii *Mtgtun«>U lite F-tetluiiok { la«.»ie lotiuiaut |u'i, ilath writ* c, AKRtHitUit Nesv i»g (ustaiuh llie minute it loueiie* the pfljwr. l eelv audut N.-rte "em mkbwi e- htf i-ao to »«K>M'l*tir xfa-th': I't.,'! AUtrtvh to cn .vi MM'U. m» 'right'* in I He haml . . . ami hutks gmnl. I«ki! r of rtsMMi' h U't th«* 4 •' Choice i»( six cm|w*- if, ■■■*> f f-oii.wr ,, « with ivtatUion v»t)» pt Av'ii 1 P'U Steal li souiehow HHi tr missed owning at) I sieiiumA limn assiataot pM ew! t«« .XMr-s,- •t* unfrnM- of i»fiwidtur*) gel wiih it' Ihg lh« message hi the bottle, tie! - Mar,1' t *rr>l Apaw an hr.i-l el fwtegy Ii"" V,-. r. )»» (.* Apt<1 It l *tcrl««Oh.' «et hwt. Ke*i^j,«UPUs and temuba- Wfll-MANNfKD MATCHMATtS Krnn*«a a-.- .»*«»» I1"" Ootbv A««* m .fohn • !V«ris lo.'urar in (ha of a hand woshoble blend o( vis¬ of Petri amt tlwt>iuh"W*t Mj.-agoe'*"'' *l»»t •*'. in*tn«-V< haaith. rayon/cotton with the lool of. SdtAlUook Sim j«*ai Kanewd '0 cose tS-fMral #0ev4t»M.i s.i-a .*,* *1. ««»■*■' H-amos ««»WMitt| rfllOMUiMpi *2.96 • - Man-, j Vnr.vlr'»(«■( »•»'>,- t-eed Seige, blue, green, or block UM pnifMKO 1 "arv« « Jukw J», lun'i-n Olktn. a'wvO' pretMawtr of tlaY-*'-"" Anrrt v N.o?. checked with white. Sites 8 to 16. ■ i««t.'o,-iwf 0-. Mtoibvt* »"•( anthre* "«£> » i># XCK Mar.-h (S )b :-ot. aaa»M-i#ta prvipMi j'hl a»*>i >ato iti- The teg 10* erv iotl in fly-front bermuda 7.98 Slim XttiiAhutaJ < mnmvmiMlMiW M.xr •'» ti (X11* laehtrwftv** nlwaflan March •tructnr e( himpi longuag**. AV« 15 • J 51 »•>♦! Dawto, SV.*»M*\ David tkBldwft. »«* »»ml. fa* shirt.9.98 Cardigan jacket.I0.9S apt proDminr of wtmnknt »«d u- ooec* Juno )>. * Kctlrtmcnt* CMt|» M-u»> aamxtiuU pcwow*ir (ANPUS BOOK STORE •wmwtu in east it. ma limits mu Hum)