American League Tin* Weather Chlrniro. Yankt'es t liuul* nnil Warmer Favorite* I lilfh ."iff Src I'w K»ur Ltm US. \Ol.l'MK ">2, No. 4 EAST LANSING. MIC HJjG A N—\N KI >N ES DA V. A PHIL H lOtlo PRICE 5 CENTS Kennedy «/ Leads Primary J Voting o Educators . I miliariam Kiles De Gaulle Kennedv a Feature Soloists Plan State (hi C-oihI Friday Welcomed Admits lie annual Good Friday ro- Mediator Die In London Uv.ous observance n the audiloriuni will »h* given at 8:15 pm Must W in April 15. Trt'ioriiiluit- C.ruMil- l'ro|»i»:iU Participating w.U! l»c lire I'm- Si'c French l'n>iN I' T' • hie,,. I Faculty so'.list? are Ethel Ai'ti- « r»■ I »" Huckiiighiii'i l'al.i. the position of mediator and nnir. contralto. Edward Mil W M Kill: i.l'i — Up- Mm. VF.-lhp in l:»4.i Tu« • I iy factfinder for the Council of mond. tenor, and (lean Green- ulgh' roared opt o final* airnl i- I urns from 2.1IMI i»f State Cotlejre Presidents ha? well. l».lfi> ad« t-> the firvt day of Freu •,» precincts at EST been narrtmed to three, it I dw aril f ixer'? "Dream of Pre- i*ien: Charlts De Gaull* '^ in Wisconsin's presidential was announced Tuendax. Visit to lllst.iil) Gerontius." composed in 1JMH). i* Th«- nu-di.itor \v«»ulu b» vm- the work In he perfurmed. The Oriiil.lls -..iid rr.oie thso. I'M.- primary give: Kennedy (M> IMJU UM—ed ou!Hide tin pal ice 21 H.HI I II ii nt p h r c > (1)1 ployt-1 t i ;m|»anlalh uMl poem I? partleularly »ultahle for and . hi en d De Gaulle and I*» 1 .s.'l.V, Nixon (IO 17*.7'lH. fin-:* .md figur«-> «»n \vhui> •«» flood Friday, since It deals Willi bavc stall- h'lhcr vducafion on i- the Christian drama of death.;. Fh/abeth II and her (Kennedv leadinu in (» s*Hu- Good Ft 'day oorformance, a - free French m World Wat II siVIKll. STI'DE.VTS discuss a display of modern art Mns A statement relen^isi by the !hm; Humphrey of Main* . ':i ■ Council Tuesday wild- well a? thr Christmas Concert, y The big piers* of the display— i' it Krf»{i- Art renter in conjunction .w it I* a merlin; of mi*l- jumpcii ..ff U> an «Mr:v om 1 by chorus and orchestra. Jon. s the pubrr'x first firrworhs since > • artist*. Mate NfW* I'hoto "liven if the t'ounril li.ul not well known for his "musican* TIIF EVFR-KFADV FOI.ITM \l h.uuMukr come? into pl.iv .is Humphrey tcrritorv—and dun.* is IH15—-was a fiery cross of Env- D«*m«M*r.itir :«* i" Tucsdav nigh*, in Wi>c*>n- set about this task ions ago. thr ly" writings for voices and in¬ raior. the svmhol ol De (iaullr's prr?Ulclitiul ront»*nd»-r? cross paths in Mil¬ waukee. Wisconsin Hubert lliimphrev 11» and ?en Inlui sitx'i c;ucial Democratic pre-.- lecUlation now protiosed by the struments. a? well a* for many forces. ken hresise (ruler llouor of Krpresenlativrs won id notable oerformances wltli o;- Kenned* treet each other with a enn after appeariiu on a TV den!.;*! pranar* MSI make it nrri'w«r» that this of¬ chestras and choruses. Returning to L*ndon f is' time in 16 years. De tor the pros ram lletween lliem is an unidentified lliimphrev supporter. chu>eu Si n J.MU Kennedy o' M nu-'hed out in Urn* i - pis/ilnvs II nr/is ; fice be rreated. The t'ounril ran All ot the t.uulty soloist}, u.r Gaulle was given an emotional see no other feasible uav to sim¬ iwavt'v Uatii'ilio area.- and ; teachers of voice in the mua.e welcome that mingled tears unit PI 12 Ait i.vtitor ('.raftsmen will be du- | Briefs ply the information which this proposed art would require. "The Council regards'this js dci»artment. the taste of triumph *viio Fhe lender of the free French. st.ibiKhed ins fieemuuly Aexl Move I p l*» Mosem* . • • pecking aw.iv a- llumphr. new-:*,. Kc!in.-«iy ; •• < a Ihixivt'll Imitrtninx. . (jvil Kiitlil- . . •v-i'k of 3 J sulci'A n ,n a*h April cr , 18 itMvelry-mi';- i i Dr. Paul Bagwell, d,rector : of State disigni-d Bv President • republu Frenchman of and the most tu»werful his time, but he file general picture fruni the l r?t |»iu political contest of this rk in connection it * d t«» avert public wrangling ov-r WASHINGTON V< P wore the uniform ot a brigade i TtU'sikiv .rejected Khrti- ••<11 su lands .- - (il'.NKVA , IV The \\c«t tin* poliliial vrar remained un- for higher education, ac- general, hi uartiine tank "prin-j met-img of - ' i " Socivty to llohl Itnsli eordmg to the Afsociateri |*rs- dent Eisenhower was described \liout IIHMMM greeted him on .sheiu v total ilis.irnuimenl pi.iin as t*»** > iitul iliiti- rlianeeil through the c«*uuling »f Tuesday as satisfied with ?hM return? from more thin a fourth 'i-«i¥nfr*CrafUtwi!n at Arnold Air Society, AFKOiV It was also aimed at heading oif Ids arrival al Victoria station treroti- !*» j»r*»vid*- a lor Civil Right* legislation now on •if the states j it*; prreincts ••- mrday and Sunday profeejionai service honorary. a plan by some lawmakers to set with chant? of "Vive De (iaulle *• u»»!q»tiation. ^ the "Oversea-* wAil hold an open tunitfbt at 8 30 in Parlor A. Un¬ ru«h smoker up a mi per-governing body for the nine nchools. its way throuyn Congress. The top two Republicans at tjueen Elltahelh and her people Work Boveott The action *1- a lt— k d • a pi. t' >k • • ■' Uumul- ' *' a-heciuhwl lor the MDC fl*/ capltol. Sen. Everett Dlfkacn honprrd him with full pomp Pa sic AKROTC cadets with na';oii ,• inic vricc •>?* d Stirs Fresh ion. Innoenrement •( the appoint¬ of Illinois and Hep. Charles Bai¬ Preceding the firrwnrks dig- il tneiude Elizabeth *ri' n* stint* tti«* St»v;*■' Uoi.ui .m A'-University 2.25 and an ment hog been d«M for Tues¬ play Hi* French president and lee k of Indiana, passed the word • •.filtrated columni*- < • AKROTV 3«mi and advanced day hut was held up in the fare his wife were honor guest;, at a after ^ White House conference. " Woman," rpcakuu AMtOTU cadets with an A - Umvers -V 2 2.1 and an AFKOTU of some legislative opposition to the plan. Specifically, they were asked Mute banquet u> the white an I gold ballro**;:. the most nutgm- Afriean Hiots . W in'4- "IV ...*•» m x' ' • mov. . ' *.-p. ii• • arn • • : t. jecU in Norway, vhether Eisenhower is satisfied h. M'- ■ VV, *. * 2.3 aic inv.led to attend ficent on Italy, Michael The delay apparently w.v« in¬ with the Il»u>e bill ami a. » *»t Buckingham Palu.» ? fiRIAVNFSBURG S-■ * it * 6(MI . :• >"))!• vug-* •'♦•*! ■ *•• Ru - ' . England and Harvey fluenced also by a pendiug with the Senate rue.i»ure «» «t rooms A' - - V I''In* iifiCii - uiw havi* t; • aiwr. • v. Spain, haul* for A.MM' Huns'- vote on a 109 million dol¬ now stands Em's were motstemri in ?v. .»»! i . a* I ape T >v ii a - . n n*.*v can .Mian: • '.* k q>ur v • lar bill to finance highei eduea- "Ye>.' s|mi'ches al the banquet, tin o Student*, faculty and • atf they clu»rused. a w Id ba" an i o< : n ,jiscii>»m.: < ■•** tiror in 1960*9! tiv tin' VJu«» ri an,a. U|«_ -jrond bv members wh wish to contribute *(iq Houses Hold » :h mitKid. IJiirtKi- ;n ■ This »Ump »f appruval made her guert , money for legal aid t > i-olle*:. Lot mouth the Senate wrmp it rven more likrh that thr Ihe •w-. !.» I». > ak tip • ;<*■ -'■'■A -1 Uu W« *>111 pioviMon mto thi- bill saying Q u.H-ii recalieM He students arrested during anti- a Senate hill will nut br ehangrd pan Ftflier Kennedv hunse|f told it was the Gaulli s<»ii, * ,*il of Juiu b; Legislature# intention Open Ktisliiii tight on in the hour of defeat In, !;»*•- ,<;* no'luded iH-.tu-n and two m- bv*- ... T-u i ,-t •• i an •• wait «-*»»«-*M-»m * • ojh-uui'4 in n* tin w dirt mi*.. Far • - a the a newsman primaries, that "al the end of strong position, or I'll lie out." I'll either lie in '• r' night of open tush ?en and Sen. I.yndon Johnaun For generation-, to eom* m 201 Morrill. bo established " Ma. I»i Th--ii. ti-'-vii : Mi-v ia tomorrow from •f Texas, thr Deniorralir leader, you both wud then wilt ,-« r\« . • >» v« Tire funds will be turned over That prohibition was to'ied S. \, flu Or o.i*' '-v.-n k<*'p the 'o ist ail had all thr vote? thry needed t« ati inspiration tp tree pe*'if^j^.e v. n .-j'l, fraternity to NAACP to be used specific¬ down by the House Monday .dice a " i«-i- W itt* a I j I * ll 'Vc ' • Hum la hie. and thereby kill, any far- an hour of need." j ■ . ' - • arrqnis. I .nst Monday ally for this purposo. night in a directive saying ihc o.i. ..» a»- c 1 ofhi rn-xt I'm:.-,) N .*a*n general - Huru-'o- - oa !i bark v m.-. kefit at all huUM-N f u «t rrarhing amendment that might De Gaulle, sp« akmg in French, it if it prtst should not be created u i»h- ville. i" mii." ouh-nfi* Durban .scnib .v itir,: n„ New York ■ I am u- au u. 1 m out " a: all house > west hr altered. replied with an Urlbu'* • mit legislative approval. Oext au'imin till't pM. u**!i' -i into .1 I lir> /iifrrriVirs Sol The Infurmatian-Reaearcb Hi- to "the great and nohie British Thr'fithl orrurrrd when Ne¬ •. . ■ Johnson raid Tuesday he *a.e groes rrliirnim from work rn- The Western delccatinns are ' tin- * i ki nd, the Irate r- Interviews for AWS Ac'av:;.^ no chance of a vo'.y «n passage people, our ally, our friend." .-.■untie* ami districts /il.uig " *'• "Under tin forever couiiterrd a rrnwd w ailing to prepart-d to keep uu talking as . J el *»d -muk r* ehj:rmanships will be held Wed¬ rerneile their bricel-mkiw until later this week, the day glorious W -i *n .m-M>nr)c*i0ti Ime, *• • heal Ihrnt. Some Negrae? were lung a? Ihe Russians wish. earties. Rupees will nesday evrrung from 6.30 to 9130 prsK-edures and try to harpaaiir hot specified He had earlier leadership ol Sir Winston i-o:*-.• Next Wednesday contacted will have at Civil Right# Sen Elmer Porter (R-BlLs- Senate. so Tins would avoid send¬ "Without which the British nation the courage wttn drove th«' Nvanjf! t* C L *.f - • E- f-nn.h «ai• i tilt* Soy:*' it ' .;*'un*flvd plan wa til" I he sional sixth ami eighth districts am* in congres¬ counties fkhJi. Approprratlorw CommL- ing two versions to a joint com¬ world with anarchy. With n«» in them which went for M ' back the rnemy'a attacks V • opportunity to formal* Many of them will al- Lecture Set tee fnist chairman, termed a iu>'.e, He predicted the new the mittee, ents uf where southern uppou- any civil rights legisla¬ * what would have happened to i; vc»r The law nship is » stroncliolil of provision for an international ptdice force, Eaton UcclariHl ' ic smith, the only nominated for flic While llouse, t atholie ever n*« at their prospective iniormildn-rewuth director tion might lie in a position to our nation?, ami In particular to vivict pian would result m the in l!» 'It. Africanist ( on*res?. W For Tonight mine, but that they would have Ihe Fan ■ tnesday would "end up b*'«ng a k»5ir - hold off action. ritsiavcment of ytnall nationx by Militant Nnrii orzanliation that Tliirty vot*'.- at 'tic Demo¬ ^'dl not be compiet&l ist This was denied by Dr. The bills. Ha Heck noted, are been condemned to shame and their large neighbors."' cratic notional convention nex* A ', however. Rush- •la very."' ordered Hie Imvcolt m a prole?! Edgar Harden. much alike. ■ Informant- said Uu* delega¬ Dr. Milton Flokcach of Ihe a«*in*! Ihe while supremao July were t!»e j.|m** UU prize i't hue to be contacted tion* from the United S'iIcn, whii'o Humphrey and Kennedy * su.i number of psychology department will lec¬ law? of south Africa'? naliana- 1 during that time weeks, ture on "The Psychological 'Horizon* Unlimited' li?f government, particularly the Britain. France. Italy ami Can¬ ada -i*»wly nave reached .* aur-' were scrapping Aspects of Civil Rights" Wed¬ rarryfnc of passbooks. it it + nesday night at 7:30 in the Un¬ prising conclusion since the dis¬ BOISE. Idaho V Sea s'u* ' The government came under '"«) (liurrlies ' "'<• ion ballroom R-akeach will rest-arch being done here and talk atx»ut the Williams Says Tourists new preMUre from ? who .will « »>' (Afi —Overwhelming chological basis on why people . Idaho's 13 vote.•* a' thv Dcnur* gov*, hand-in-hand with progr.*»s panded tb»- way it should have But the government indicated /aria rame to Geneva wliteoul a plan to consolidate discriminate irUrer people is a piecemeal program wh.i h craiic cunvcniion *' in the tourist industry Gov G and park# have not been u.aln- i; would ign«»rc the pleas to talk anv precise plan at all. He ar¬ • -red Tuesday by the Their basis Is psychological, . will newr get around to com¬ An A*StM"l.lted !»• f»; 11 Mermen Will lama told the eighth tained adequate!;. H? naid thai with responsible Negro leader-. rived merely with Ihe general¬ "--■in and Universalis! not social,** he said. pleting the reortant segment of MkhiganT tourist industry ;* one that ho' L beneficial Ormaby-Ceore laid the W**»;er:i Ah aril* krlli'V l.rani "The Effect of Civil Discrimina¬ economy." ixuisidcrabb; promi e for txpau-. industry in Michigm • Willi * > - Unitarian Awn. I/>/'/* and Vanish .can ... nations have revealed the u> swcU. ,meeting of the tion on the Economy - ?uon in Michigan. Our- b.arisl in¬ pointed out that ih< populatl u* The Fund for Adult Edu-... • Milium? painted apt that if- reality in that tone limb - " ' - T.oly o( the t'n> Other kcturen vrill iiwluoe dustry wiU he the source of of Michigan has ben gruwiM* h« tiii anvcMttu rn»?? Vision to mi. an MiUipi-ud' ; Gambit* Benedict an<- tabli.iiicd by the Ford F>»..i aia Michigan will reprice awe mil¬ A. 'he vuinmtt %hi W* »«n sent rfi-eade." in the state, fining lu *; Rumanian-born lover. Andre ha*, i-d S»> «i be held simultan- John Useem of the sociology and progress her rwswer, arc t xp^-**ud V> for aunoui .» «u lion more Job? by |P9§ Hun Williams said that this i* re¬ the industry, Si sn Boston- If anthropology dtTP' . Or. Arch.- t»» is i#npr*»viiig. piirumbvatiu, applied for a mar- giant to DougUx K* lu .» - there are at pumpt. He mid that *op !* vel agreement on a viep- ** adopt the plan, bald Singham of the political markable in view of the fact that State highways arc being im¬ aac license at Di'lun, S D. ant pruft*s.«»r tn ttjnfinuuig *-•!■<- by ->u*p approach to disarma* effective in May. science dept.: and Dr. Hoyt Reed present employment in the tour¬ proved constantly to provide saf¬ Tuesdays incut. cation, for advanced graduate that tile MriMr mt Jaha Is now- of the social science dept. ist industry is only slightly more er and faster transportation, !»• Under South Carolina's 24- . tufiy in political Ktcucc at Har¬ ma—fafrlpf iadmdrtoc mat The four lectures are being, than Ioo.Whi This means, he said, .making it easier to rpuc h hour waiting period, they ma. vard University expand oaMaaiMf footer than U or tin Herlnt presented by t.'ic Union Board. pointed out. doubling the work resort areas. pick up the license any time aft¬ Kt'liey will begin his work at " factory Job*. force .n a ten-year period, which "No business ha* a greater er 3 p m. today. BULLETIN Harvard in September, fulfils- ? •/ INreriar* '-co Martin, head of IK: lu llrrl Tunisia "People are intf "Operation Crooroacit torn, College of Con*- • Council will meet tonight at brilliant Boh C«u«y, Tuesday- wtl! attract and the greater will •fll have to I program* supporting public in* Earlier T u e • ti a y, Porum- Africa** this summer Ur; Art«. has been elect- 73d at the Phi Kappa Tau fra¬ night outran the St l.oui? ternity housCt Ed Ruehng. past be our irtct'imv ffom our tourut vestment, without which a steady l>canu's lawyer said when asked 'For the p.*>t year at>-t n |-qlf ,'^ ard of directors of Ilawk? 127 to lit and took a 3-2 induitry" ii MfMr rnmpetiUre and adequate growth of our pri¬ if his client was still married. T he has been developing a new Kvw*" "°nai Association for president, will present a report a doh't lead in Ihrir Mai National Bas¬ on the progress of the deferred Williama said that bccsoae of vate enterprise economy wiU not know. Maybe he got a world affairs in thf Broadcasting Edu- ketball Ana. playoffa. prograir: on Limtcd appropriations, Murhi- -So lat," Williams said, "all materialize.'* Mexican divorce." Cuntiuumg Education Bcrvku. pledging question, s Feature Pu«e Russian Movies lour America R.^onr Recent visitors I' M-nr. •„ !«. «ho the Soviet Soviet «f the West, the of Kremlin will be e* culture ,, culture and that might injure the polities .1 and shuns shuns any tip; • nnvth:i> i.inda i.oiiuim.i; Union report that R;t*.*.uns from less I'ke'.v to start a war. A .dually, the' 1(1 American the cold war. sTATi: mws irtrrttt h»itor -t&nlngrud to Tashkent art* HR* movies tend to give Russian The in American movies m» \|it 11 fi. tf«no fattr two ini tdeav-r.s to --■( Mir'y" an to Russia ore Marly." "Rh.i viewer* glimpse of motion pic¬ Minus the swish of the Ann :i!. movie set .n ':K» ture art rather than the United >ody," "Man of <1 Tnousuu Hr.»nx About half Faces." "The Seventh Voyage lirtish luit with the ;i«!rlitinn llt'Hinlilt's Wivstliiij: "T't I'raue* An F v ihR.' .» State* as a whole. the films arc set in foreign lands Smbad." "All About Eve." "Li'.,- of an rnthusinstir smile, S V ( ! ■;*»!, .'.f ,i M>ve *'. " t . h The Amrriran pictures select¬ "The Great Caruso." "Ok a Rusaian during World Wa; IX, is ed by the Kovleta out nf 165 of¬ homa." "The Old Man and t Professor James MrConnell works fhough he doe-n't use a on a screen print. M- Japanese Spoil, Sumo n>» v Sl-.-e« -;S appearln- The two Pr»v:vs ■»« are American he «!ar*- fered them fexture drama and musicals as do the aeven Rus¬ sian shows that the I'. S. picked Sea," and "Roman Holiday " Cranes T?ie six Soviet film* are "T' Are Flying." "Sw.. Papular Darin a Year Lake," "Circus Stars." "Other »»r* .:i a *•(• - of movie- ex- from lit offered them. palette and brush, this artist •oanged tubwee:! n.i*. * believes in listening to music I'M ted S'untiet a c • ■urn! toyevskys "The Idiot."' *ian-U S acreement that itress- than while he paints. (If course if Ninety tints of each yeitl', for about three hours in hit-* atf-eemen? s.xfir.i mo-re a afternoon, work virtually conies to a halMhrbuvhout Japan. ye tr a i > I nmpu» ClaMiflcd, . . . liillh ltmiiler»hlp you lack the talent, tra/e at The occasion i« one of the sis yearly sunm tournaments. The Soviets bought 1 «• I'. S your original* or prints and movies, their Hr*t purchase nf lMicliigun Stale News T*-«- souau-.r. phase i- reoe i*. I . s, pictures since 1434 The put on n piece of appropriate r<* a- t ; colli- Americans who have hern view¬ music as suggested h> ha.- :• ml in a fit ing Russian tilm* right along 341 JPuOcn' Sctv.c# ta»( tensing Michigan took in seven more under the of¬ Puhluhr.j on class o«v# Monday through frldi* inclusive during t'onnell (see story helou). (all. vinteii ..mi *pr1ii« tcuii*. weekly during xnnimer lerrns and a be* In and ficial deal. The exchange has srwnal •an nan (reali lwnir hetwcfn summer «tid fait trrin«. Enfereo as State News Photo h> 11(d) been so successful that more secotld _*> maPer under the act of March 3. )B"C *' t'l* oust office Via!{*cub**rin11onn ' <• urn ham. litms are being sold. oavahlr in advance for o"« '«Cm $3; for two Ph. f S o.ifp «e '» ,%,1«e5r*f<,of,hthe? imaril ^tiadv fics* AtfwUted Prc«a and th# A* oriated Collegiate «'r«'v» the Iron C' suiann Frier kniK'k h ;n I ditor-in-( hlef yithoiich Hie sport resemble* John Murphv I c. An.' ri.-an dipin Hu«ine*s Manager wrestling. their I* 101 Hiking •» R?i*sian* u< itre.r.-. Paul Lether 'ho i i I'oi.i - in- 0! by forcing t ireulation IMreetor ftuitio, no MOiuiitng with false 1! o opjtor.. Id .jid of tiie eu-ruUi: and u?ul: stand irs.' I* 11it and in* foul Sumo r.t*•» •<: h\ downuiii :i;m ,n* he date* hark I" llir ITIli rentuiv T •■!'■• .r '!.:»• Itay Ikfor, I'ul.licilh«i for Tuo*.. Wot.. Thor-.. ritual*. Suit of :iKe1 > •<*.«-. < DKADI.INKS: I p.m. \ a-.1.)' U!)!:«• ' !0 M *0 jiopular spo--t- nnrf I ri. Milion,. hrodlinr for Mon. Kditinn: I p.m. Iri. traditional m l Pairing Painter, Composer i , I, r»i"• i* four rii'tui'v's afi-.i - »i'co4ni>etl betaiise of • ,,f •• . •• Mk" |.i.i'-e ]>; . ►iri;ipi«-»!e ,»nd difference fiotu Kill. I'a.ahk 8-12 and 1-5 M.mdaj Ihrnugh Friday • *i I* , *he-e Ml *' other sport m the world EXT. 2615 . any ID 2-1 :»i i Puts Piijoymrnt in Picture Education AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE HOUSING til Intelrstlng esperiment in T!!I M I iV.nnff painter and eompo - . • a p.-i'd time of Pi of. .lann Mrt'onnell who teaches art - tisrrhnlua* alon* tilts same idea iluiie h# I »r. I ton .it.l Pish itiln tor of tine arts, prosed lint r»ni stin11 tmerictn is. artist, a roiilemporan pjinl* to Jar/ Problems *'■ • »:t> 2-»>. i*- MiMCvKMJON* » .■"'•il licit after t.lKF VFW law "lyfdir * CONVLNIfNT W!» H TO CAMRUS Thompson FOR SAIL TRAILERS MSXJ ntudenlv More insight in- and when hi* painting* are tin Indermuny painting can t"- acquire-1 • though lliei .lie »r| in thru i-xa DETROITKH - lo * 40 u I- Ji rORO V-8 t AIRI-ANt * ii.ii* people lio chiller then i-tted. thri rontaui hot. dissonant ITU R-«l«edd« Krfd.e-.«' <• radi- k-nhen. two bedroom*, colored stenmii to the appropria'e •r.o- . liiinils fojui s r.ei.'ef f*.el>e- ' 'U»». I n niiiituv*. on lot in $3100 n •. ,-iceording '. > Mil'otew .: |»a h.. v.. , ... vi of purttir.i •h-age l-i) * 4-1811 Mi<*onnrlt often |ia;n' ... .- fli( DIAMOND 90NUS STAMPS! i ■; * - li* ill the tmckgreund a ! > i' r\* >■ • LIBERTY 1055 * * 43 " *• Vest the mats squat down BTDROOMS * arpctcd Four-. . onuijh he augge*ts .f vm • bath room F.xtellcnt eonditmn factliK earh other lit the rentei Hiiig before a print or an <>i \V. .epitonal deal tl«80 EE ?»-J3t8 ol the arena with their nose* al¬ accn IHkVWOlll sTCthV v\ X juat turn on the ph-m 'gr.i:. . ia*e rtudent uhivuig'i •'! -r; K,'r fvi: 'O.ilr tooehiltc the ground and i most *e:i fsT'« IV HtGGtN'N r.NfJl.HDI bike THIRTY-FIVE FOOT ORE # .n I begin appreciating the veu;, oi.dejn »t mote or !c- in m*mrar .u*» old 1,15 FT) ?-lt« « LAKES TWO bednmrn* C). thrir fist* pounded into the floor, . O vrar I.O 3-03 !: "m an easy cha r one mile cast of rampu*. the < oiilesla ills proceed to en¬ v. ;!iiiver*iiy cities ».f the world as in a piece of nut f». K iiiik id etv- ' TRIl'MPN TBI e v. e.'.er i gage in the great art of psycho¬ ti.e n'IPii.n » ■tniwiete.. mamla.i ' SRUDNUT SNOR IS OMN! ■ u-re is einotiohiil quality m '<« 4' cimm* is prcaa)tig :>. t. IV logical warfare, *!'.» ?-P»v LOST and FOUND • .aintuig Subjective i-ompai - Weet (Tefruany where almut 33».- flS involv.'ui the CO' .. '■•! i-5f. IX)RI) VU TORi \ (Mmt places afo l.ick ng. euuippe.1 exretlem - !*••■ BROWN WALLET. OF >i mi •!)-.!. ubimMve ->n- llook l!c\ irit Ai>»jt 300.000 fJennan mark# f l» T-otcri * v.iltie Wallet and oar papers Import.-c |> |! I'-OUS i.c'.p C'lUrtft t . no. Keen money if in need IV $-(*•»> " ; i lie riMjinred *•» rrm.-jv U'V. ClltVROI.FT STANDARD \ .'h the iMi.'it. i„ Perhaps a Iterlma suite * *•» si'uat.oti. Kxperience* 31'» Ore blue white Mir b-- • • LOST DARK BROWN pur*e * Adventure* in Paradise - he ilstPiied to while tilliu at W»'. ; ■>kmI. «lean iRMrier Fit a-15U.,e*' regi-tratton. Ke**afd Linda OLe German un.vcniitic* u\ >w •. Ua* IV *- -'43 «:r. r \ \ .*« * FD 2-5"Wt all f.oghs siinttoMris Mr t '!)at about one-thifd of the HOUSING New Season tiiotto is hanging in the Inn . cfv i !,vc with their parent.*, in a fiffr i'"0h fji.nn VOt RSIH.t nt A good 1 .nil fT<*n» a ;■ -r.■. on PERSONAL Brought lo Lite in Hawaii room a t.rrgorian rhant could ?.Si leu; ;uimi"i or iy sub'.cnal- V*ut student Xee Oere Se.Ue'i FOR RINT tie appropriate Ma* I urtt». Irw IV 4-4*41 •' News from t*vt Germany is WINGED SPARTANS LiUiiiiehes H i fnre j«rpi charm «»f tittr lb i \MI:S ron t:K .VMh stntc i* Imuiirht vivjillv that Ihr has Introduced a new roursr of Karl Marx TnUfMin HKAKKs »!.' *j and up Au il»!i! *nl. «» ) Kulama/.o IV ' »■*• *n# pbia nr vate ahmret re«-.ea- study for future teachers *n»h prenlace privilege* inlvrii!ti»( i- in p;it nti^f itiul chamiHon (if the t».,i mnm Boat Boom • t,-• .y- .nDbte I'nva'e en»r*, clot* »•> 'Hie atudenfs who come diiee*- IWifu 1-1..ri»i-. .lames .Michfiicr, ill his latest novel. EMPLOYMENT W« lit e rn 3-t$T3 after 4 or on h from hitfh * '"*>1 withmr. . eekends * FIRST MEETING OF SRRING TERM Ha TONIGHT un and utttnit, practical experience m prt»du« - DENTAL, assistant fart WANTED dim TO «»-are lovel* M ctuganV Warm w « attic y. tiou will work two-thirds of the Ttwr n East Ungtng Write star i.g Room NO imm waiting fur anart > e- • »,*•# IAhLs *T« ' > st.. . ! „ • . Ta\e* Ih-fincii Rttn-Sw e tnc..i tra.nitqt .'i»;i,ii!ii t»i • : ft *e*ve.• * fe- : • M i ■»'. ' -»neri .inrnrniabeij •!>«! , to* e esteo' l a' lelti- I |,a» • 1 mot* de t' Mi< higras and growing yearly by w»rtie Id STCDF.NT4. TEACHER* EHklVtFR Lke instruction day >n proUUctiotl. t NFCRNtRHED ; tvent throughout the omnu . tmplovnient •*•»» !*u>n(nl- gu-tr ■ D1«rr RtXiM Ruth Weber and Jerry McKay * Mid Michigan. wCh four Ion- - To Mouei •sc.ipc at f! .,M Mdlgtou* trtt.v ierance and VViihui are two other fir*.; study year there work period- »r. Write Kalamamn t-anau g Aot»I* c»v r-.,gece D- nd tll» We ' ti AfAftTMEVT » trance, u!« r- -. a'e paid baf* and laundrv beiv ee'i 2-5 nm ad t* Stale t.»r two'iree Nriv« of- pa* ■ • * much wa'er-covej-« u an a •• Iru*.i tr Beech S'ree' me t re«t Drive-in Bring 1 live . (P.-si. lets * ttavifi.M i s which the student V . wo: K* a v other sta'e. r»te- tlav* p. r week We jk-.-.i an atr^' ctepgodable *, a • dh a large jrguieiit of the na re-a for t'.e f a m •« 1 pm *Mtt «i* NEWLY OFi OR ATFD APART- 1Q.M i DIDN'T Peanut u s boa to • hhJ copy i During the r* ; next visitM '.(;•« I - Cm *0 lecture* and cW»*4Tk two per*«n mac a 4 ■»!»- rv sn ap ui.ntu* REAL ESTATE ?.;.i «t* Mictngan natural v. ——"H- - i! inkling of whalers. (by* and have untny f- ; fry- MSi' NEAR EXCELLENT » fop u'e wrap# 3.IHHI m.u > from the I'ntte i*i it -s...»na:-it"s an t New time an t study FOR SALE • DAIFY tee LAST f.K ,rn dnuifx ATTRACTIVE with tpi-n. *Js.\ (oiivaniant t.» State P ■ (. eat luikra »lu.rciiii« around j ji ('tuna. - garapr- • nd Red Cedar action! I-OW C -n »nd ( i .stsan* took turn* Lir ;'i Ka ' ati i We*: |,e:- v-. ..» fef-iferau-r furnished lldu i 1.01K) itlforul uke# art IlH.OOd C>fai*tt«* ttf. S. . - - !*i,mtn I tU tieg paid FD 3-4A79 tMtment and ea»v terms on ' .ifoea of riven «nd si .a n, - *.f>#* g« tie dreamer' maftv may d;?T • bo'. Uie .stu¬ tHuwwng i*» «-r> hungal • i ( ... i.' ,4 a • Dmette g»« heat, aluminum md- V ti-e' Vs •••.Oi'S it (t leave dents r**entiaUy iia t the sa;? • ROOMS (utl haawnent, garage. M s IB I - Ihia wealth «>f water present* an* a kmnv'ctigc k v» of livr# as MSD itudetr* RpaatyUaS'a Crab Tea*-» la * .• . : I'm.*) □ar '.inuan aaa Itasil Rwgkth redi-.i* I># have apcxaiiMsl in » » -ueht rnote than HUo mdl.vm yiKU** (i«»*di) • J« '• unusual in Resign Prefer selllnr W harf TnSmg aaur una auoa trained designer Write The « »» putting thi« facet of lectra; n . Aaersugrt Oiyea-e *t*!,4^ Ve> 1( under the heading of bg hu A Who. i »meunt □□□□jn laaasn Shop ?R> Phoenix Street, S*;1 • This seem* v*i< simple ».•• "4 Com.t Ga,« A Doha 1 LAtGi ROOMS FREE TV I RHONE Haven. Michigan for more 6tta.>- lie*#, a Pet-., e □an ana mi.ifmalkm t - stated ftut Mine you *t,it so 35 Principal Ha»#» !».*♦» A T SA.rt, t v: w r t nanaau jarauua SAfU* 6 De..b!*t fi»m |$,|C/wL According to P>.- Na1 .-n, y . allium this seemtngti simple 13 Vam inctmeri > •c.atitin "f Ktigoie ahd !*»,.♦ * 3« Hang aaaa taa .iaau Wad* t«na.» 0i'*f4) - "• $•( 1 SERVICE dettnittou. it* *ui prising Im»w IS* lame* VHrhrnrr - e C-. AE-AR FRAN DOR, ON eoUegv hu* I • • -t. ' e<- Manufacturer.s. Ji m.i *n j»i 4u BOD □i^Dao aaa > ■ 14 \l t M Stgrifl I lomtortabie clear Ceullenirn many quctiom rente up it \\t %II • AT B1VO □a u3iaanan aa t\* bnM «! (ti tetter ea • Pl'kif.g. t .#.«;>* t»t t' e I S ia"rt yea. • anch rft., i - .. •Mtolom llousr, ||M. J2 Smail r-p meae male eat Madlcine V" b.'lh'Ji tic',.. .» tm V i! 13 Parmeati-d hwrttlw J IE Dactps Sinai**!* 4»' At way- aaana Dociaaa AFFHOS-Vn «r*>MA for MF.N atuwatri ED T-T4W. .»;a and nlatmi equ;H"en" f .* **«>k is a hbtorkal n >v» s t: Festiia Put with I - -t a * Ub pi* Private entrance, phooe. b«u> para- M4.WKWT IlKViCE rc The Mtc'ogan Waterways v.e> - >n«. three n.mutee from Rerke bf ■Me •' ve dittownt phases. ii»:e ' 43 Mgtidu of Teaei • «kh«r • <4;* % FD J-4U4T » term pa nee* end tfieaea Ed m.sston b»ta n» i'e than'M the «ea f'«-fno1e*, btRtiography. he pro *• iM.i.u.- r-.c • :v id:? a. the ill - i» l J.Vf .'5 A%i(# Lw*$» Waiit, F*s*. Aft«*»%pnr# attain) editor Mr* Merer* to I-)33l boal* in the itate, 1 percent v( 'Okal '•» Ti is! BOOM SI.VGUC APPROVED I .asvilied .i1 ' * • • a ■ iuau, the nation total. o* n 4 B.ngsfo 11 Hess y -e in oute*. rn»«» vanUigttoei. JlD s ' spefift* ' Aiki S i Fouthsli < hark-a Atreet. fan ' Of* SWn - - |4»* j Htffeat HwaUni appeal l.idai buo d 'go.-. 11 fftw ?: " tee^-i St t t :--i aga.n t\»u-« bfvied - i* thai enthusiast* don I hair t<> gfgtn l!.v, i c I* I un poet 3 P s a . cart D-fc«'* Cata< Pastas *4 dci .r"s APPROVT.D ROOM rOR atu- • • 1M ,2 .s l - c I EARN TO ELY at Sharer A v * t»e awash with maiiry. Ihnr a. t t DOWN H« Fru.t Br ir.As e*m' Qe* .*rignbfa4j«H>d Free * e-sMinf Mi Albert. RID bUM 1 'MM Law gates Davit atfRort tbr»* are hwU te till npeamr taste*, 24 June Dreg* )# A *V .,t \ ■% 't. A-ftKh grew to 11>; a rtiiw er t i 'fort iooH : H * CasHtift# Piatt* ••■* Caatt • 1 >3 .c ,ie« ,.n AMkoft Road )'"• of raanr, hut the day when vetgel PRIVATE ROOMS rOR men m.i- »-d®4 or ED i-eota e !.;♦, 'Va<-.«* ago T!u« 25 Corpulent Z Adfectivg 1'e AU-,»-s* C«*» - e«nt* .see Mn.4 tuvn untew hutid- restricted te the -Ufti* # lifU JO GaeLc Pr. alr TVFING I Sicnt. Sa *# 4 i%n* »)•' m : .u' ve iiegtnn.n * Marble hg J, )*; >"-« entrance .. Rxtan«)on - i rlaw went down ,the ?9 Topers veaoin i forth :: Ch.ta* * nfa-ine CaJi CD RM) aDer • pm. 4 'i sm .» : {» • faa* i«io r »«h S- MTTTILJTW DTP1. 'the do-a Cto-s ' drain with hnlhtuh gtn and M Spa' ' 10 It the ;i AT INC I't-aut.fu'i -1*11.1 . 12 Judge* t WO ATTH ACTIVE DOUBLE t>** of recent dev* "Ruerlng '?•»." 31 Afrtee : A * e .-oatttt with » Le* F'ihag tirta • i, » . ryw> * "*• four iwaietr* «*#«i Tde t menu in Ume-nmran offaett pr ¬ > Hatt- «itn tub and gt**« **r.u-er eta" int. thi* rmnomic*! profe-« * Today if a vacationer can a' - s. fo t;n+ Fsat Li^aBig resrden'.at are* proreas i* no ava, ianle tor •»»•* ford a second-hand cat he > . » * V« A * Wa4«e» iFab»-<| • i i - I- - FD 3-"b.J ; these* fob rtwaun. term |gl« puotogreph* and chart* for »n- tn> a yathUman and he'U have -\ Xi-.'4 8 a \ i *\ DOC BM ROOM TOR mate «tu- mat Mr, on dupu. dttng and for ■ plenty of company. ... SaH lad* A l*i«t a£* - A,* '*% vail Al v»r Jane Wmho, ED " *- The tjevefbptnent <»f powert A rrras from Iterher i ) ii A* F«»sa T*«.Mas k»k%«* Aaati e and quiet outboard tuMWi to -■ C } . TA'PlfT ANN BROWN ph« e j I i * *5 DOUBLE « «r SINCE M tor MEN M*R De-*r*e type writer Term ■ piece the eld nnijy, amellv ami v p*r« an# thaw* A '* inofcsof art Fverg»eeR FD ?- Also gene rat nr tenqienjienUl engine ha* herald¬ jt Is. < , *, ed the r;sp of a new cla*« of ' VW 34 O-Ce-t I'.X. SHIRK N. , GRADUATE STUDENT EXPERT THESES AND tt" boater*, popularly priced boa? n ■ •mt,- e *:> tT DOUBLE vSmaer Itptbg F.ei-tn.- wmfo* nasun narking, uve typewriter A>'" ?« Seps-4-., equipment and club* h a v . Itargaiii Outer ■ o-- tier «*, »u H IVnusyfoanu. v*«r* eNRcOaqed One bk»rk r 31 Clse. i a.~.*ina IV IMQeY. * P'"dv El) 3-55*3 brought the fun of boating and the freedom of waterway v tfnp*r*r H TV APPROVED BOOM# AND RADIO S*-' VV c U C« ur*e KKOIM1K «** bWA ft'tm r*mam TOR tnate iv foie rate* to students New and smlce - Mich.gan water* that on e ^:N.- - CKAMBD ef eat ng 1* Wanae «M?»4 3 TV EMMkMML set* and artern^y Etee free pars.og. a ♦- :*■*> v- i-oat* *r:t* ndaifr. TV Technicians Ce. X- echoed to the song* of tie 43 ManuUc- ■-* u«e* 13 *iH) ?3 ^ ATTRACTIVE APPROVED SIN- r \ »a Xt*>v*o« a*a> Ol.E ft double for mm Petva'e «n. t MKNigan. IV T-AUt vo/ageur, ttwr lusty mart of the tared *1 moat "HT j,4ate m* i-aare Lied bat'i. rriaw sentiUation ' i liuafcarjack. and wmtcn Ut. i * > 42. Remurar*?# C»n e*an:ng Et> 3-34KJ. a 3J3 S inset Une FD S-iTM - SPARTAN l|Ct.TTTiTHJNC A' ' V - - 4A ReUtw e, t' usng aery ire Every «npv an were boat to the luxury lauiu M ^ * ♦4 Art.he at DELUXE »\»> aHUACI a J ATE AN SLEEPING ROOMS aitt, gteal Mrs Good* in, ED )-•**» of the •pOs, now are highway* of ...S r davenwe.-r*,. in es cliarM c«o4.-- #.x:i*Uert c-»kh-g raeiim*-*. t,i« n*<> lartfuage «•*■ PVKWM* Cl> t-T«A) | pe"Aw»« »U AN?*d «*.uKt ED J-a-C* recreation for an ever-increav¬ ing number of boating fumil o # ^ it/ . ^ W. Recently I SFD H »: f R It. t « ATO M A •iter .$»*» t lam pus CL.\ftsiriKns acquired who like thdir. vacations on ne JtANC.ES ««»#*•■. w » $59 »o ! »OOA? FOR OVT m neT Son-e Bf Y . SET I. . RUNT UP Gond#Mf xerv re Star* tl» I ecirase m-rktut titae «h*war. Par*- •rater. ^ le*a it «M4a. — Xiwm!>» wot-',). H, j* I. < ii ar.* Ir.t r-•.(• d rcpnri t<» ll»* I'.irm nl iiureaii at Ivast two |V Mi'lun liokeiich is trill* a . St' f »' .1 - :n a .Viirrr inierv'f". «'a. member of the psychology tiepi.rtmeiM t . binjr -«»'i ll«. Ii ffnri. When* ti.i The ihini und fin I • unit.linn-Amcrit-an Semli'ir fur Travel with IITA :',„l personality psychology nt both the t'rrut'»:» »• an.I rt'crep l< !n c.*f?d. all decree levels elielhl- ti interview. I3""ftihhe olrlc o»t tnn ioh". unrlerjrrHiiuate level-. ar- ' v i ! he held .\Jo!hIh> • 1 in the loiiniri'ot Phvsk'-.Math. T u""",S 8,rlS 8et l0P *w#kl# taw Cut ArRii. II. i«oo .h.Sih'.ll SlU*iii'< (ft) public i< invited. A nans of pi»!;a»5.i. vcrsily and Oxford. Dr. Forsey nui i - t r •fbhiu turn.- To-. e Oi scri pa - <).- c.»n»e t■> ne Vn S' tit- a' Aetna t a-ii »!;> - ^urfi) t'n. of was lpcturc- in cconoiiiics a 'I m-> II I in r ri: t; It ii v (i I <»ik t'iljr Srhonl* Illslrlct: ganizcM Ln,,,r n Urn . •• |».,i - a r »•' ' . llil. ilea! ve'e'ii-e nt McGiB t'n - age .if -even He rereiv■■•.-» h - rcrtl Pu- if A : Ettn (B) rim! Spec. El •iv-.p. nty .ruhidi- two Canadian* ». Insui ■. I' -!; •. vcrsiiy fo- 10 years bach.-,..; degree U Hr -i:; :i V ki Iti. >y > ' ch Correction. .Menial.v •Alto long cxuer.entv .n the . u . P M> : i Ted, Orth »Of:lie > (I * > Can be. >r pi ivemeiit. .1 The second Canadian partici- College :a 194! .?> • ;■ . lie. Mat:-, R M) .f A - i m ijcrs :'•»!' t m h lljf MiuiTgan «1. r oJT .• ii and 1 pant is Gerard Picard. past pres¬ at the University ; w ; v unt il*. < 11 • t M • IM ' i .•oM.Cr.-v EmpIism- S"- on.varsity p. •*(•-. >r ident of the Canadian and Cath¬ : ')!'• the SdTli' v olic Confederation of |.ahnr. lie A ) I. SUiri:t»*. ChiTii , Mat':. 'I he ' a . pri vanis ?c n.nai • : hg (»• is'' ;oii F allow wig four pn"< m jvia- ' .Sf.i -i.-t d-it t I nui jo'' dealing wi'n *he i.m .rr- ha« had long experience in labor tuiri n-vciid'y Chevrolet-Central Odlce. CitjC h'-l.'j y."hot»l 't.v.i •/! iiH u.»-'- Le .'id Canadian nam'nig ,d- organization in Quebec as well \V > " I War Ft. llhUinn: C.. m 11. - A Arc W .m.-tV I'hy Ei t.-neied and t-rtiuv:a-t;t: as with the steel workers union Hikrach re'ur*e< ' California •'.hero he b.; ni '.!'•••- t.e pa: t c.'na •• in a. - ehtonswltl Miillid. mo-i- Mi vv f'tie • < a. nark- 11'SIV) In the I'.S. PhD in 1947 t'.*> fiifr. ; .n -i t c.Hunting tra nee pr • :vatn. • . :•<•. t It i (M t majors, : tur'n eon-cu'iVf presentaBo i s'aff of MSI" fn 1933-'t e v. Diamond Alkali Co.: SUMMER it.- » iit'C'cd • •: ' ie -ivmnar- -»•. t .t genera! for '••;..e "! C'soi.i.i. m-Anu 1 an rc- .i year's sUui>- abroad at far KMPT.tiYMEM C em E . APRIL II University ... m . .->•?.< v. A U!v • rui'-n - -lv.i: t :»av»» turned t : add ', no" > .-•< r • t* -j:e*e*l u r; or \ Rhodes scholar and author Cork Co.: A . . .(imvirong im •. London and Par:> el manv hooks on the Canadian Keoeral-Mosul-llourr Hearings. i b i 'mi in mi '. v u tile v ! Rf»kf3i'h. h - sv i . . :;* *b i, .« lit A Pub he: v lah(»r movement. |ir. I.usrne Inr ; A .•» < B . i M : :m f M il > - - - .. .. children, aged 6 '» r !X ... I'orsey is research director o! the enp.iTi' stud ' P.. if - ng'e nte-i mi i» s'de at 940 Lmtmri it D n% ( anadiati Labour t ongress. an ;ic.- >jnt liif Mf: h Kh'g. < I > iii.on—.ed n i» career in - iK-s a:ti hantihan, *•.% aire nj. organization equivalent In the for w<<:k n rran:ir.uuirinjj Afvountiiiic aio's to participate in tra:u- Fire Concert Civil t.'ucrties Union • S • «• on the National Council for two written n inirrou- book- Ctrneral l.'lertrie ( rrdit Corp.: ing pr..sram. H - .. - terms. est is -Thi Language d f»-.- A' MV.-I . V, :■' • II ■ c h gfs Oscar .Flayer A Co.: Ail Co! B Will Feature enology," \vrl'.tv« addition to an already heavy tn.- yea. In .. S* .encf A B.ts.ness A Pui» c Sr Ar'.-, and ("omrn A I'S engaged :i Arts to part cin.ite in manage¬ eng,peering, and sales. Crieni , Sonars of 1600 exten-'ivc res ..'art-' lanti State H ■ u.'a at . *b. Y: ment trainee program llerrule. I'owder Co.: SUMMER Bae'.c: at! >H.v r product A Food Teen. c uitro research, and labora- with ' >'legium Miih'um. . EMPU»YMENT Ch.-n Engr torv work Much Kngr (Ih Harbour, cununonta- -•'udvi's ieiuors or seniors y '(.'•f-'-n* ii fr.v pnb':i- ('Iiirauo Mi'vliiiii e. una on to graduate school ' tor tiaiiiiiig prugram and di- T'ce. a -igmneii:. A.*el. an 1 .... • n'u.;n „f 1600 Suntlnv Jeflernon Schools; A!! E'en (B». i in the4 Mu-v Aurt To ihviif Snrvcli E'f \ ' (B1 and Spef. Ed Advert, sing (B) (M) irta.|oi( t r related training program^. ;'i* ■ •' .in the program hiv ' ■ / Mc lla'uiu'.ipped; i . iiin •• . ,»r h •• nas bv Hans H i* • Mary .femes. roe/? • - Dopurlnwnt Mrti • • s 'ondai • A ' < P»1 and ■! Mo IVU-'ii' fll'tl!'. '.V'. . N, i if. • -v N. .'k.-M.i !( (ii' :Majors - .< bv a Mring oui - . d • t;- • ■ , >z*is anU Canzone the Centra; S'a.e Soee.n A- I .'ke 0,.le-sa Public SchiM»ls; *un^ <" .l.' vi (;>•- E'e n Bi H'i, • !.»r kindcr- S. '• • w. b* .« ' ^ . cm i». i v tca« < ■ . «c. vonipanioi ■ • Ha' t> ' ' Wak. : •; t ; :>. i.ig rv- . "i SciMtuiaiy Social \ • of tho mn.sio facu fi; n irmeT .-V.;.v • B (.1 : *Si I !. it'in \ i-'ou. add:* -' ?« r. vr- •? B i. Em«:.- ' -Frc:i (B >. .1 ul > !.c Jetirtc • i i.: !»'• U I. .. .vm-m.iv •!» (Hi majors A T.i in a .;h a yin; P < . P. s jr 1 Sac.'pi Correct.•»" > • o rnumc .vuvtens ?'• Mia. l"i I'Mirt.tii; P»»M- . . .-i.wH' be b. •!.<»'■ a«i \ n..-f 01 •b>- - c id • iKAH .f i WK.VR-FM I ehigh PortUnd Cement Co.: A •i 1 n (B> ! ' -'tn the nt;lege of MSI I'msli I hint Hw- 1.. -- A Publl» St rv 1 e to , »• ;>:»u* in vi!i • ti asntns In Drlmli' Mvolinp P. at, XUrwick. Mitchell A < « \ •, -if Mi major : • m :m.»:n : : ,u >unt:ng pa¬ lladia t orprrration of America: v 11til \'SU wr i fd.ji A men iH> 1M' : the 1 !>< ...- Ri, mi mc»c of Bus me- 9c Pub' < Meinfalt. !-•«• Hii^int1*** Sliitlrni* Sc. .-ice 1 Prefer cjiv.p'etton of • In S|»cp»al l'ri»graiii v. V.i v service loboifatiO'.» \ i /1. tbii r-.c'.liods & »" -'i'-os anal-v¬ i cr ! o* t U" i nt t."..' -- .M'.anagcmen,,> training program and administrative A olficc nil«. i\ c i: \s|| , • ,. •'■' projram. MlYU.l A. Mraragua -A' — Tu I s. General Accounting ORice; the to-pilot of ;i Niraraiuan th. i .StlKAti A p.. \l Mia 1.Ms witn a urlines pjs>tiiK«-r "lour uai mm *..i t are > r.-.M.M-'.rn grade ;»ciin* average Lllrd [iirsfl.ii in a crash l.uul- :.}• :i 11 for ic'a'ed w>»rk t»* «»i ,i mountainside, tunica P. - A. I • > V Ma reel (us Rural Agricultural Wluir niTicuU reported, l> I' O, Vy»h>ll« i •jOf f .J „.ly . sriiwil: Svcvmdary Enti'^*) i Of BOSTON'S TiniMjoe... tempting leather with the rich, h—inihil look, in J ,-■ Detroit Proxy Assumes (ienero I Ma miner's Job ■Will Chisox Take Crown Again? l.\KH.AND. Fl.i •A* Pr< ; r< it TV: l)ow:1t took -.v./the Mickey Mantle hits abwe be Ph.Uips at third base but two-part aerie*! Ap.irieio and Nellie Fox the outfield and strong pitchir 1 general manager ,.f the hey gave up a lot in stirrender- ■ • job ul ri.\V:tt s.iill the tub- and drives in !*¥> runs ItV TIIK ASMHTATFII PUKKA But their starters yield best double nlav combination in " * arms. r,g Cal McLish and Minnie Min- f r>« .rm? .in. I . CLEVEl. %ND -Tip > a of genera! manager v. j!i be a In the American League. Man¬ too many home runs and rel - f Ted Klu-zew- . rairUn* former general manager bflfeba!!. How far st-onqer team snT'P: >-t Tick Ferrei! hi,- special nssKtant. dropped ager A1 Lopez of thv defending Eki goes at fir-t base is a ques¬ DETROIT "Don't count us pitching has been lacking f.-. won it lest yea:." s.«y- Ind.m - Y»'!•••• .Ti: ■ • general nv«n- champion Chicago White Sox He nla.v.-d the bag in only out.." vays Jimmie Dykes. "If years. Slurp ItrUllt took over as tion. manager Joe Gordon. "Johnny the onening of The likes h:-; revamped team. So Cbico Fernandez can do the job -•' president list fall, he has made does Ca.-ev Stengel of the Yan¬ short and Steve Btlko make- Casey Stengel said Chicago's a stro :j»cr Infield and mir young at good chance to finish in the ft Mlf'IIIG \N MTATT nvs all major derisions and handled kees. who also likes his own. at first base we're right in acquisition • >' Roy Servers "Un¬ pitcher- should be better."* it division," says Manager P. April fi, l?»«0 ' ^RtFor all player trade discussions. Ter¬ And Manager Joe Gordon of doubtedly gave Chicago a little Richards. "Our attack should 'o-- Cleveland is picking his Indians. rell handled the contract alan¬ more batting punch, which they better with Jackie Brandt h. -W This may be the only point on look in a for. And they arc ting third." ines. 0F which Gordon will dgree all sea¬ were going to have added bench The Orioles lack power a little em- son with Frank Lane, his loqu¬ a strength b" being able to play may be forced to use Hoyt W acious general manager bana>.-'ing ? .• Hick to have the Klu or Siev«.-r» " helm in the bullpen. After w. Fourth spot in the junior cir¬ Idle "f }». !,« mana'jvr." D<- The usually I loquacious Sten¬ ning nine straight starts he r.-, At. l.OI'F.Z K expected to cuit should go fo Detro: gel didn't »ay what he thought out of gas last year. Wd' • aid The general managm guide his defending American .Lrr.mie Dykes who always docs ef Chicago's chance- to repeat is fellow who ha- l eague champion Chicago White a treirieri'lou-' managing job. KANSAS CITY — "I th .i;i a ?hc American League Peti¬ i, a- ehaiue "f the entire operation. So\ to a second straight pennant American League wt have the hitting," savs n- • ll an? winner He corroded, how- Rick doesn't particularly rare in IflfiO. CHICAGO "We still have Manager Bob Elliott, also n» i»ver, t.ha' the addition >•' SH'Vers — for office work and paper work." to the American I^eaguc. "If ♦ he- bc.i team." savs Manager "makes- the Sex tougher." can find the pitching we'll U \ MtSITV DRIVE-IN Lope/ "We added 44 homers by gifting Minnie Mfnono for left NEW YORK We re gonna rough." • l»l IIVCit Y f old and Gene Freeze for third surprbe a lot of people," snvs BOSTON Losing J a e k • 11 Kl .l > • t f III! FERYH'I Manager Stengel. "Those 14 — base. Our bench will be terrifie Jensen, 33. and his 112 runs b - • t Of'.VTC.R SI IIVICF. if rookies Jim1 Martin and Joe diutou'- wc -uffererI were too ON Kit: ted in to retirement is the tout, El) IMmIT llirlc.s make the togm." much. Our pitching and hitting est*-"blow any manager con! 2M» NVKKK The Sox also have a deeper will l>e both 1 and so will the face. Jensen says "never" w! « managing." a«kefi if ho will change his mip SAM SPIEGEL possibly the brightest spot will Billy Jurges, putting in >■. PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL EI) 2-5517 bo the hitting of left fielder' Ro¬ first spring -as manager, d- - ger Maris who hits right field better fate. ELIZABETH KATHARINE MONTGOMERY home run-. l.oolc for Johnny serves a Jame--. i miniature Whitev For»i. WASHINGTON — "We'll MOR HEPBURN CLIFT 'although right-handed, to carry the brunt of the relief work better short with Billy Consolo and Reno Bertoia < EAST LANSING - PHONE ED.2-2814 second." says Manager Cook Lavagetto. Ofe NIGHTS A, SI N.—ADCI.TS 70c I. LSI TWO NIGHTS — KKATIKE AT 7:t« AND !■:">< I SAT. MAT. Mr COME KAKI.1 PriV/rtv"* l.ikr Playmatt Day man — ★ CASEY STENGEL. will he better the. vear. *ilt « h« prrdirts hS. New York Yankee* need the *trnnc Hat of Miekey pear Of course, al! this is on pa; < However, the pennant races a 1. teams in to be a battle between thr each league, some mar acers' "wide oi«cn race" pre 1 IHIVT VIISS IT: hi0lp T Mantle to make hi* prediction a reality. ( Vrt.-V* " /'A? tions .jto the contrary. .... witwr. voir purism C ontinuous I rom MM! P.M. QQQQQbl TENNESSEE WILLIAMS Ataman ^ BP Iff un ml CMC! - • -* SPRING -A r.o»f «itiAi tit II WHIP I aMwTTDiNmT I —-—- nOoi — LPJALE JOSEPH L MANKIEWICZ (' \ AIH I.T ENTERTAINMENT • j Toby / A liKOLI' • ' AT THE TOR i [giir.iSBSiuK I STEREO LP S - *3.49 5>r EXTB A M/tKOo Car loon ifcsnvj kmt mm* 4m ■?.** wmt (Krf;. 81.98 . 3.981 Idi 1 c» t New \ s Campus Music Shop Feature at 1:75. fliM > Have a reaj cigarette-have a CAMEL 3:33, 3:35. » IV p.m. 7:35. Hk. IRat Mat* 45c • !.*«. Fie GLADMER NOW MEOWING 4TH AKD FINAL WEEK ervoorts riS E. GRAND RIVER llrwl<|uuiirr* For AH Y our MACUREGOR Nr«l» Fur TENUIS I'hvairill Kaluraliou RACkET , iV'lm Si ring 8T95 I.V up RptciaRy Prirtd ABJI Tarjtrl Arrow. ruKwiun at— 8lu|| Golf TENNIS R4IIS unto Bail* . . 3for81.(10 JURY LCWIII IS >/«»!» H rthtrtiuv lil 9 p.m. "VISIT TO A J I KMSH t-POMKshc The best tobacco mokes the best SMALL PLANET" ' I t E I too*!* ft». WlWWHWiew N C ~~3- r.S-^'A Spartan Tankers Tigers Score 12 Kims in I Inning j/St/'s 2 Orphaned Boxers Fail lo (Jnalifv , LAKELAND. Detroit Tigers .-cored Fl.a . f" 12 rut. -The . and'-Sh four Ft,- Oriole fa-ir.el runs n'd five hi". eight aid walked Jn NCAA Fight at Wisconsin n ...kle shortstop Port Ran- At NW1J Meet el! unearned, in a wild fifsT :r - :r. *mp :■ iM.ii, homered In the sixth, for r. rig. and walloped the P.alb- St.wk. • n : Or Piles. 14-4. T '« M. vl Ha.'-.t U:y Baltimore. The time- miMm the NAAl* . m •- All of the f'.r ' 'Innir.-i run-- Both learn? nmv have 500 ex- He his Hir-m said. "ft make* it touah Jield at Nr.- Haver.. ('-am. 1 • -an State diwontinucl uiin previouy emwn-' , -.'•err scored against Slev*' Bar- Jim Burning weht the <">• : b.- - i -r.trk-, Detroit at 10-10 a varsity vport in 1958. sophomore, and going in old without uiv fight". wceken i w-ore i emru.-h t. and Hal'more 41 11-11. r. a rookie leff-hatider who • mings Detfoit, yiv' 19.19 Y«»u '!>«• experience. Hut I „; »,!• the school has a fight - mi«- break recm ■- ■.<■> ill of 'he ! not on tor- Baltimore ro.-.ter Tn«- ' If Home van make it, it will training '; • 111 It! 1441) t Tl I' 11 Ml H It ! it!! H't PIT! !1!111:11 l i'ttl tITM f 'M tlft TTT!' TtftT? IM! It t !Tl 11 '2 w,»! probably win the • rv tn srr-f ..iv own .-•■.'iMiuiinu i-i'- Orioles male 2 error" r;gh' «' weight crown in th« be a -tremendous fen*, said Ath¬ schedule." • .Th(-\ we he-. ' Millions of tmrrirjns now wear eontart lense* for normal - .. DICK BRACK IITT - . . . . •.•><• -art. Harimr r-ntrihuted 8 letic Director Higgle Muni) President Bailey dormltorv, vision with natural good looks. sing tQurnment Thurs- •f keeit'all- of the MSI".v. \.dk- and a hit ba'.-inari. The .rich Saturday in Madi- "Since we don't have a varsity llorne finds time fur road work . . take* *rri»n4 . • • I lie eontart lens wearer ran now enjo? ... ~ The f-mr Spar . • i »n «j11.riifv:;4 Ti.*er> madv the -r.o f -f the.r •"» team, he cant have any fig-its liefnro elns«e early in the m«»rn- keener vision wider field of vision — hues. Dirk Fr icki tt. Frank M- until he gne: into thr uaional*.' Home, picked on the ing. all day wearing comfort ,11-Aniertcnn team today I hftven't i'l.t ;i fight since New Ball la-ague d.-ne. Hi!! S.nglfi-n and J- r»e natural proteelion broader sport* activltie* i z Tisf.n. swa»»i u ..ittacheci. d NOTK K STI HUNTS appearaiiro i -a 178-pound cham- 1955." he *■ ;. i Hut then I all Big 10 aceordir. interested in disrussing the possibilities of ^ • . .vi-oi-if r-. Would vou lie . moved automatically haven't had a chance to fight Planned by IM !'t the eofift-, cure :ul;ng. A eontart lenses and VOI R eves ... r • , >(mi-finals of the 23rd much lately ! figure maybe I Bracket! pfi-d'e ;i good time- ,i ORGANIZATION I'RKS. , NCAA meet can da it again .it the nationals." The IM department is enter¬ •b" 220 a-, i 110- ... i fioo'S 1' The i nnlempor.irv |ssur« Dr. HaroM A. Shnider . Kp'.ev.-on. another Spnr- Both llorne and Epperson are taining the idea of forming an placing -- f«! d :•! tus hea* in t» flFTOMFTRIST Forum Announce* An orphan, drew Dave 83-year old senior* majoring III •men softball league for faculty 440 Hracke" - 440 tune w-. I \ an hue 2-|fil»l • o'hic State in the 185* political science. llorne'* home¬ 4 3:< J Organisation Meeting Mall ( oul't I randor f enter Lansing. Michigan members. Maff member*; and . .nM'-tcr-finals. town is Washington. II. and I' M-ntmr. fv ..-i iu11iiini»rtirninnjrnn; Vurs'itv athletes if there Sunday April M» ir-'lOp.m. ♦ n :11 rti11i* i;:» rrarhrd Ihr lipprrson's is llonora. I*a. ofnugh interest. all in east stroke. -. t».!«:! ♦.< -i ; m|.finals la«t I' I*1' lon' Ifm. .11 I n ion Home was all-.iir loree light- The IM office is accepting fjifhful -I"rrln« l""1nrr ht ivy weight champion in 1958 tetmi en»rees. according to Don Pre*. Be '■hire Vonr ,,„rn, Vnilhrr b®*er h»« had and Fwper-an won the all-maw (Jcrrie, IM assistant. liailiniiihiti Wfrtinu t»rgjni/ation I* Kepre^i-nfed inirrMillnilaln .nnspnllllnn title in 1955. this tsar Gertie rxplainrd that an oprif ' lia ) i-.ih'o! .-bit, The only other Michigan SVTe . • ..,vj» trv;nc to Ret fellows boxer ta win m NCAA three. •league would not he eonnreted ie-u H-* meet ■: «> tonight frotn •h me but. after one with all-university rnmprtitimi. ... 10 • , S K.I". AM v . Of time" was Chuck Davcy. wh<> .,f them don't come Men IM ai> > took a fourth crown to rank "We will furnish schedule a: <1 - building. Erasable ? :! i !'.c complained. a- the only boxer in collegiate olficiaJs.'' he said. ,| will be attempting to f a r..' <«->'.itus. will ai- The new open Irreplaceable? join dormitory, fraternity and . euhth tnplc-slam winner in l.ikt* man — ""company Home ami Epper-ou ■m.v.,, history of the meet. the nationals. Independent loops sponsored I v the department. The present lea¬ IMIVT 4II.SS IT! ::jl '■ tBL* . gues begin play next week. IM HIGHLIGHTS Corrasable! — Stole fjflip • _ — The following IM managers meetings will t»e held today all leagues soft ball at 7:30 p.m. In room 208 men's IM building, NEW LOW PRICE EATON'S independent volleyball at 8 p.m. in room 208; independant bow¬ CORRASABLE i Nighi *t»«rts Mii#r ling at 8.30 p.m., room 208. BOND [ c Jim !»«» %V»lllnstoi» IMifOvf Friday'* Playmala Day it 29.9 Corrasasle-frhyn es a !■ e'atable;-the typfa' tw paoer with the magic" surface that ' - ■ N ' * •Criil Practice JOHN IIOR\r. I .ike man— M+ QCTAHE makes it poh-bie ta fhek ^ V - . seeking third title jAiay typeor-tten e^ors jfc; with ordi v •; i »• fstudent attending IMVT MISS IT! an narypencd „State full-time is eii- „n the football team, Vif /*f". 101+ SUPER ; : (birdie .Sen. offen- KEEPSAKE . . coach • interested tthoukl have PREMIUM .•! examinations and DIAMOND equipment from the team'» Mom this week and Stvt time, -tart practice . c .. r i RINGS temoer. money! . SlTf Idld. WEBBER'S SPARTAN SERVICE Corr, irt and .at us rt.rr- *1 MMI H JOBS IN onstrate C:--.i,jb«'5 2516 KAST k.VI.AVIAXOO • 'as»-«'!boat a tract EUROPE WATCH lu'Uc.' butt ri.Mtions open in ail I m.orks wkst or ki.ock fields COllKM IN (HON KMSNKI \s|x fUKMil I OK MIMBHlv \U-IN( I.IAIVC REPAIRING OUTUNIS tthkiiti* WU AND OM.V *3*9 • vtjmmer Job • muml-trill air (VMYDATl Availalilr At ] Just Out f*re • orientation course • health and accident insurance THOMPSON'S HANDBOOKS .S|iiirliin llook Slort "Your Ji-fl social reception • fir*l nig lit Viuprrmarket For (c/j • I iow prif4 oooorkorkl I Education" ••rnirmodation^ • *ifhtM»elnf trip • postal nervier • Infor¬ mation on inside Europe. ert. JEWELRY | otnf t«t virtu m (HI fOUttraft HBJKTt; (ornrr Ann A M AT, ; ANTMtOROLOCT lor more information write to: \mi-riean Student 2U M V.( . AVK. APT KINGSTON TRIO S Iniormation Service •UtINfSS Jahnstr. Mia. Irankfurt./ HAST I.ANSIM; OtAMA Main, Germany ICONOMICS NEW ALBUM - • EDUCATION » INOINCftINO 'SOLD OUT" ENOUSM ON SALE NOW! ITIOUITTf GOVEINMENT HANDlCIAPTS THE HEW KM6ST0H TRIO NISTOfY LANGUAGES MATHEMATICS ONLY MUSIC fMUOSOPHf $2.98 fOHTiCAl SCIENCE | FSYCMOIOGV "SOLD OUT" •EC1EATI0NS SCUNCE SOCIOLOGY SPEECH STUDY AIDS IT LP, STEHEIA MONO Pino's Record Shop Available At Syadae Beak Store fei ANDRE'S SO. tt YSIIIMiTON AereeeFrM !■ Ucm Black Your SuMemurktl lor Kaunllnn IV I urnrr Ann SI. A MAC SPECIAL WED- AND THl'RS TEN STAR SPECIAL! ALL STUDENTS AND W Fur C.oilU .trial F'ulirir* Clciinril .mil UI.i/i-iI if Vlrn's llul- uniM!u|>- FACULTY ir IliiitiniiiU Vlailr * iilt-r l(r|» llcnt ir Xiit-ilr ami laiillirr J.o krl- HAMBURGERS 2 lor 25< it Idittmlrt Smirr ir (il«u, it Sluffnl loV F Throw Kuy. ir Vlh-rulion- ami Mrmliii-j it F'ricnillv *i-rYh-i- SATELLITE Coi.i.iccE CM- ynkrs " '""rr st'il ldrr> >««r hamburger it made «rilli irhut >•*« ir«„, 6211 W. I a»l«ii--* I !I2-ITI.'> „n MIC IIKiAN STATE NEWS Six Read. Emerson Join .Safctv Training Scheduled April l». I'•*»() Low Cost information Safi-t.v rli.i niii'ii and rept'"- others tu make up the re-hvu;- UampUH Clnssifiedrt . • I'i reaidencp teams. Faeulty Spring Term •. :>\. t • >' ( ATllOl lr VII 1)1 M Op'. ;! ni-di -rriok' . The flrnt biwie rescue training hills met la-:- week to plan fur ORdANI/ATION •VATl'lt CARNIVAL I.IVINI. ebivi for the fiiturr- ii/tnr^tors training residence hall rescue •»; :$o i.|. i : I NIC I IIAIKMI V Hccoi'diMi! 'o Norman Is schedtilpfl* for fl-lL' Satin 11- p in . o and efuoiilional- nt'osrant f*>t Fopi- •caor, Ext'l-Mlivc 15 -.11 'I 7 p mi , Tower room, - I'Mi-m ! Sti'P'i head oi Jh«- olTiee of morning, Anftl 2. in the library MT( III. I 1)1 CATION I M4U- I) M ir«an ! .10 i fiir-as tho University of . Hud." ii'Ccting- London v.ifity •prvi.e* 5 Mi :> ! .1 K'-'lJ." ,• • . p i Aliriil K"" "0 will Advanced training is planned 1»; i In view of the interest shown. , ::il [» III , fSM I. ' I I II It IN*.- wills \SS\ A A-oild renownpfl authon!\ I'li'iini'i I • -U'Mi'p a? MSI' .t if • nt«• r 1 S, fan \ il!..;. II on claysSftpation. dl$trlbuti«»n, S'lrrc f; team, iteeording to Stpere O'h* "f provid- . (IIKIMIAN sll DIM I'm pre i voiipion ami lifhavirtr of tc- pie on!', t• - .v intereHted in the training I Ot NDATION 1 ipi.r p| in,l)r Fororson l» prnfp-.-n (fl , w- , • »; .*50 p !•> . I Ml • ■ Hi- .A•. .,'.1 \ chiiinnad off'red by I lie ofTice Of at> v , i) -!i MiC.t'i. t •dure to- of yoo!(»i»> a! thr Univpr-ifv if , n \ III -ervicc! are invited to impure. U ' • \v. -hip .'in K ii»!i an dc A Ifctntp t)\ Dr Emerson on l ill >' . 'II a i'iitsniN<. riiiis ILiim-'-, •cpr.-ikM 1>.- H - « » the • 'i.t !«'/{• o May it defiling wilh insret sui t MM IIOII I \*MM lVriON . i1 \i' 1 >'. Kono'iOo iiiiiiifin MH-U-tiP* will be i»|M'ti '•» Michipjtn Slate News : 30 n . Kcn..^ t : I I • • ' (»,.«■■• MAKE THE . . :,<)•. WIM 11'. i*• • r- . MINI.CD M* % It I \Ns ,i ihu-toi.iti Iri.T Tinda ymn '--em oi «yr!»!»' TnMsn hi n bo* ol Entsr.j CorrOKifcta Bond. 110 IP ; Ki¬ Ml(TI|i;AN STATE NEWS will I- a to. .-I bHwrar. y»u n-. i li.« SA1I.IM, CI,I II ,.5.. MSI r' Yew lyvm-i aim* . . VIM % Ml DIM v wm v Than : , SeO-.-.i of I'TiMI. '"U •" ll DO ( I I It •■i'*:.'.•>! pop*! thai or.-JSi-* clanr.Iy end cowplol-'-r. H p in . C'iir.:smi'i < I'-VA ... \V. - ; ;o v-11. i r» • >! ' ■ VOrit MORNINO tlAHII' , v S! Tom ! Mi'.'it ' 5: '■ I'll KSK NTS •mudi** « !«<"». at lha Uick oicm wci nary |.«n
.lM!|(i v. INDIMKHI. DIM(iN a !• i; x i \ i i: \ I ll N !•: > n a v \ I I. II t f v T II. N i x !•: fohii UMtlle's "Slorn.i TrysaiJ." a I'» hour ralor Eaton's Corrasablo Bend INSTITUTE vtiline film. The 10511 ('hicauu-Maekinac. Slar Uharn- Una ol r .lore. Prohibit* Typ*><" P.pvn A oof.«« R.p«r If b""lr'"* u**" p in I".! i ( Ol NT II. at nicriMr. iconomic comm. •I pin,"ph oftw* s* SAT. AlftHII. 9, U r.AI. ") mir Su/H'rmiirhi'l for I.<1/trillion lent Service-; ADMISSION SI Corner Ann & M.A.C. IMI RNATION \l. Ill II InlrrnallniMl Festival. Ciciipral I oinin H .10 , I N' 1/iWW. i*at.ional meeting; DNO-CAI'S Super Right v pm., union. 4.RI.EN M'EAKII 7 p.m., Tr.i I"! T fornia, J»l«tg.-. H pin., Finair. «» pip , opening' AP Pool. Mi nrvr unm: mii kino SMOKED HAM COMMITTKi: 4 p m.t 41 Union. Spring term planning incetirir.. aknol.d AIK whim' 8:30 p.m., J'urlor A. Union. gov't 49 Whole C inipected 12-16 lb. Avg. Lb. Cntnp 35c Wholo 3le Sheraton Hotels STUDENT-FACULTY DISCOUNTS Semi Boneless Ham cZll"y 69c M Htrt'i m«mvh«ih« lor M mien Is, facility an.I nil other e«ll"T(e per-oiim I I »nr tng wwkpinl* an l varations Sherntnn otTir^ VOU low ftttei even 11 Head Lettuce 2 Heads 29 lower rules when t w«n.r more 24 sizes 9 occupy I lie mine rnmii yroup rate* ure pro vnlcti for athletic te.ino i lute., other rolli'Ke ori;aii l.'.ilt HUlH \ mi Ret these lli»cOlf»lt* it any of Sheraton's 7>4 hotet* in the U.S.A., Hawaii ami I'atimiit by Shernton ( ar«l. To jr> • prewntmy .i i Pascal Colory Croon Poppers Radishes and Green Onions Sheraton Stuiient 1 t> t 'ur.l .'III Sirr or Faculty tiueat t'«r»l witti cn.lit prtvih'm's, wrue u« I'Ii«mi »tate wlu-re you are i fall time faculty memler or ntuUelit 2 bundles 19c 10c each 2 for 15c Mr. Pat Ore*n (•!!*•• ■elwtlee* Dmp*. %hmtmfn C . 4)0 Otlwnflt Avenae •••tew 10, Mwtt Jano Parker Fresh Baked Pineapple er Lemon Pie Jane Parker Vienna Bread Ol'EN EVEIP WEDXt^l'AV Mi.Ill' 1X111. XINK 45c Phiiii or Sc«*(lcd 1 lit. Loaf 17c YOUR CHOICE Am Pag* Bake Mixes A4P Badletl Pears Vh un While Sultana Fruit Cocktail V/i can 20 ex. AimtnmcHANOwovtN mma mamas Hi. ci. • mill 4 pkgs. 89c 2'ihi) j A|j Yellow A4P Whole Peeled ' cotton ii the tpotlcocl choice ol the Pkgs. Spice •nan who wonlt breeieweighl comfort Apricots cJtarleVw «md a change of pace for day or Am Page evening. Hand-dyed wilh native A4P Pineapple datak or Slkec coloring!, madrat become! m« 1 lb. bag 25c 2 20Vj oz. caas 59c richer with every wearing oi A C P Sweet Pelalees the >ubile thading* end blend. bleed W hull A Make A & P Your Olive, blue or maroon coloring!. 3S.00 2 No. 3 Cans 45( hjustvr Candy Headquarters All I'ritr. in Thl- Ad Effective Throuch Sal. April 91 h ,11 H| iM l|| S Your K.ii>l I-iii-iii;; A A I' Su|»-r ttarkrl In W illunv-lmi Star* And AU Five A A P Super l .irriM-r of lla|iailiirii ami Ka-I Graml Kivrr Markets MIA-S fttior auw ta-i re.(«atr mo# mum... unci iii« Slorr Hour* Sit Abbott Koa.i Mnnda. thru S*turd«y I 4*1 l.4tl*iU5 a A.M. to S C..M. w ■>''