])vk<*» Not (lon« The Weather f »1 c? Tlger»* UtWIlt Says. ('lowly and Shn»fr« Job s»r« With Today See paifr ti Low luniahi -II StTtiiip MSli For ."»l \ VOl.L'ME 52, No. 5 EAST I.AXKIMi. MK'lIKiAN—THl'KSliAV. AI'HII, 7. limn I'llICK 5 CENTS Kennedy Hails Primary Victory )oii(.tui 'lifftml I ('.ti rriafir Adenauer Hurls Sharp Protest As Big Step Toward Nomination /Yd I'rohlem JVoir Corn Belt Pitfall* *rr I' 'Uiind term ami rturteui takinit to ttie bicycle prith 1 To Soviet Hate-Germany Drive The fir-t meeting of the Mik Moscow (jets Micm le> built f«.r two would iinnrficial tally Wedne.<- Wisconsin'* Kci mt n ?u l«- In jnrder equal Hitler Note 9uits Red from nunilx*r* of boy- and girli Joim«*l (Me club l,rrvidanl ial primary turn ml Th. next meeting will ronxi"* BONN. Gi rni. n <.f, (jolnnlial corn lielt pit.. Bill of Fare • ' ,i efnic bicvrle tour South "f ' fulfil »-l!'. All bicycle and cued or'4 yuivftrnniMit pr»»t«- •» * , !npha.«if.«l that Sen. John fare .irv fnviiM lo meet at .ittoin-t the Sovtot H.« ' Krniti'dy can make inroaiU Sparty a? 6.15 p in. M"nda LONDON I The he.. I Ajj.i! II «»» rm;»tiv < ;ifnj»;s ijm VS'mlru- , Kipuldiran territory. C'Mik of Heil 1 hum I orulou »lii\ in nolo !• e Ma .sachunetti senator If thi weather should thw•.»!' a -I, harp' avid b vrlc Ian-' there will be I. viiI ion i'ot »iia fill ,,f t oni. '•'■ ' I I'll ft I It falls I : ♦ ahort ' e riteasure of Sen. Hubr-i' . of Minnesota h> u .. 'n«■ vie on bicycling shown but. not crushinc the I'nion i' 1" aii'l wnikeif .»tit vx hi'e lie ,, lat jut! i "he Democratic end >»{ Any question' .mrieeiuin^ the , : v..»• tuiilcr'of'er- to return n w club should be diiee'.-u !»« It.il Minn at 138 West S » ' 1" ( hina. S>> he is a free "-.v." y-'.t Of! r M f . i demonstrated some po- ountb in rural areas man with tie hie--mirs of than Kenne- the Ilritivh • Apeciallx the . ^;, ,,,'t v 'irularly more j,o in the state*< Needs oriented gourmet t>p»-. ii " • T-; ••.,-* hard pressed agricultural T-» cheer" '.'Hf 40-yea:-nd Fund , , I gelded up to evidence Kou Teh-I»u i " i.e - f.,.r Bri'- discontent and woiry . ' farm . 1 ay I Ufa 'hf eic •- i'" rr. ■ GOP. Fur Tourism a irt I'fT'-cti ri* ,-d ga##rt • \> Por his part, Kennedy demon. their > f k-. >',iv a* a. g ,j.» you a isti ,,-,cd ar: ability to pull Rcpnb- ar.d ijnd a nice •, •in v"te» to hla standard, ► ,* ;.i v In Republican enun- !,i( k publicity about M r The Kutii!) i-aaid IVtpmg's lilt NCII fill. **11)1 N'T Charlea de f.lulle rides beside CJiiren I li- said BT « ncre the Roman Catholic •i,v n huntin ; and year-aroui.'l • . Britain'* • ;.ar> ga.o rabeth I! en route from Victoria station to Bur kmc ham f'alace. I.« i- • ;t." J« i'hing urn** as keei.uu' \ > .! t.unv Brih :. ke dnti. \ -,ri» .*• at start of hi* three-day stale Visit < \|* Wirepbntn x ia iff.,' {siouiation is heaviest. of Michigan .ilionet's nui .«<•- i.e-»{>:•* over the- M. 1 , rad «» fr*-m Lurtdon > i • th* greatest flood of I It t\rtK .rding t.. Mor* Neff. M- ,|l.\nm.T and II»II.«o.hI', f horlton lie.- ■ t .'cj evr. east In a Wisconsin ton. rjrh won trotrmi Award (hrin in lloll«wood rnmpjrr thr«r Oil' ir t* 1«" ■ . ind- . ;»r--.ie eggs, bird 5* a rexult of Rhru»h«hev . rarv, the«e results came «nd IP • v Michigan ind Old W artime Allies statuettes a* tKe% meet Kark«tatr Uiw wicnotrl wax fho»'-n for her I- • ...HI " . ■ .T. , • 11 tierxijres in trance, the note work in "Room at Use Top" and llr^lon lor "Tten-llur " It wax the •aid. Bonn "cannot but gain the Kenned ♦ racked up l*l.!Nil firxt nomination and fmt xirtor* lor rarh. Related story on page "J. Is <• adverti-ih-j bud pi' '1 impression that the -o*irl t nuni ttifv m\ of It ronirewdunal i.%r Hire photo is ur.ifully «m«'i /• • - ba* not a# ted in the same spirit ' district*. and ?• uff 3§ vetex at (he Democratic national run t tared . articii » u.t ithcr state*. the f Neff b#Ui 4'rh annua! 'the lust thing h>- lieli was hold a new* ronfereiue Reminisce in London " • h '< ' • • T anil Rewj;'. Innt.tute Ucdnesdas. It was managed In rot .*»« percent of Radio (ionlacis W eakon * mtion. lie • ,i: -' - I | au»e l td private r#r W War !l the total Democratic vote; 4» 3 dinner Tuesday night nNimon 4 LONDON f 1,1!. -1 ..'to ./r .i organization strung l\ opposing -.l per rent of the total two-partx "The people «f Mirhifjn - S -• V. !•!»!'?'! f huiTbii! t.Vn. ' . ;-rlc. ti#■ K t iirnmuniim. talc the lorrixlature In iitul h<-i Y\ in the -inWIM'/ f.vilit'h'. As Pioneer Flies Awav not prexxure -. -i »• lucre a xr the hudcel," he xaid. Kan's denartur;.* Humphrey gathered in 372.034 -ini 'I* ii Kin:/i )•• \« r- m, tour congreaaional o; - 0 "and the rum petit ion from other ">ifitb.n was f »r jwt.''. rcison and Id votes at the Lais xlatex h srttinu worse all the »nd f»r 1 w« sab 1 }«* ft d U'A.SHINflTn.V ?*»—-T^** l*H»owr V -jiace prdM*, itlreit.lv tinie." convention next July "My trouble *urte*: he r. - nmre than 'V - miUhin mil*-- from the earth. i< drawintr -u Nt*ff c"»Tin:<-fit#-t tin the fibn, thro *» rprr't ;t;:rphrt v drew 44 pciTClK of , on hi !./» /-. I • Democratic and 31 ntrcrnt far away that ixir < ►f two eitrth stations is having trouhle Fishing Fun In Michigan, pre- >n arte ,Uo T/e- trig 1U 1 "he total ballot. Kennedy and tiuccd bv him and api.n»ori-d bv ( una's Chief of S! ie| mad • tjootactinr it. the. Michigan Tuur**! C'«uti»ci! *h-. ab/Jtit 't •>! cri'iccaa cruUv sirring MI *< iwn on tolevi.-ion a> a f(>«w«-rx bl.K#m. .'ct c, i % • <• An-.i « xerm like!* Bonn meant to go Space Aibr, ,ni**ra ■ * "*• ;••• l*residen» Richard Nixon public -civi»-«', w.'l tell p«-- -.iv nia Commurexrti : no - ■ >u campaign be/ore the start of the yjbur.m convention in Ch»- m »)jJe 11 Michigan Hm1 thci At •my rate ;. < .!!»• i^te b* Mil Bis I our summit I onference c rmmand ven K - ..-> N'.xon had to settle for 3t Ittist hull in tir ■ nf-»i fishing ui the;? f#wrt Mix |r, the prot>e re pxand* Fur He f.jiille and his wife .-•■try. f,f :ht Mali-wide vote, in H- •" kyard. h»- «.iid. 'hat thi ' s evt r. e . - - A -ti n WK AR tin Frb. 1*1. le* continued, he it wax another triumphant dai. •:«> wruch is historically Re- big 'a'.'-n Mane exver Kn3- 1 msxiuu MSG n en. no* led they need t.» g.. «ut- re*rixrd order to return to an lull of acclaim, sentiment, emo- - lar.d. :* xttls furjctn.n.ne. for t ■>, t■,* • v.v ;.'i • - • ,u • j i v a' ? -ixi ( liiria on M-irilt 10. Three other t.oii ami the colorful paseintrx f ■»' ■-•'.* first time in history, 94.«h»*uwcI 5n*erpU».-a.ry a'c- I Ishint is big hnxinexx. Neff ; ..y A5i nn C"'■ prison* of the mi**ion had been that make* «tate xisitx come "p !)e?ii.»n.»s ir '-a- tly to ■o;.- said. %hout 36 million fisherman : t u ♦ * * sent home, and word tillered alive in Britain ■ an on the ba-ux of a all oxer the I tilled Mates spend ruamia >»f *tw 25/b-' *r' check by the st.i* eie*- I hm in ( hiniuo almost *«» billion annuailr. he back lb.it Ibex ended tip in a " All experiment* if form camp. •5 lupen are wnrkin: said »' cental f well.- NAS.% wmI in reportin: TT~-.f tr.e Ar: > r;c,in The Michigan tour,*' Hum: • ,.--• * # # • : , y the prohe «M«xed the 3*j-mil- A- will attend a has oniv two iifjiitii'i«»n>. Nef VMiINGTON* bPl — S» « lion-miie mark xhoetlx hrlore on vent ion in Chu*ag « Nrt.i, the we.itf-'-r an/l ». b I - ? a K r.nedy «f Massachusetts Tue weahier. h#- said,, is unvoti- «•' •Vcdn< -day his Wisconsin •mary victory has moved him In th. P. nd n YVkP 4vj:;irc. I»»n «» 'A'-iddel! w .<; t:o«'lable. but -the highw.ixs arc • ,1 d J OH '. . I llius llascil "ng .1- a.?,'* March I! U vim bine, itt:p!«»-.ed iii' 'in- *••?*- i . t a ht ' - H | h-.vr- . the Democratic presi- On llalri'il. • has radioeii back m are janidraHng fu ther into th ' . rt . .">! - j^h I A , n ■ - . i< nom.nation. hours tla'a tic Hji ' "PP"i tun: diflCUN* XJHH'. - -u.'e • vara'.lorung .'»r* ... ••<( !,» foive any, aod I h ! : i,-ty will choose Lis nom- Rujneer wax M»nt a wide them bll41.'i< •s prrjbicm* . h They talked • 1hi ■' * Xt. ' .id k a of July 11, and news ronfer- aw-inging o.i»ii krwarns tne w- invcatigat* condit.djr.? m »/.«-■ between Vcftua—€7 tn..I-»r. r. • Srlirihilr* Iiitrrririr* * * * knijilil St'iilcM.-ol \fl.-r (.llilli I'lra. •TV . * f..- otfit-r. aid A | ...4* 1 V. n fir !•»-., JO*.':.-!.: (j roil j> Toltl "But hi* campaign of slander cJul not achiexe it* aim*." the glad To ' ' *♦*> I - note added "The federal <»ux- "I think we have made pro¬ from the sah — #»d TT.'ham Kcnm-llv. a * Hi >WE1J. y A v.n a .,rt\ 'h;.: my w-fc and • • in/nent know* that it ran count ne** nit w hich o abckut 'iZ mtlltan m-o t>er«»i.nc' 1 Ab¬ on the faithfuln#-** and friend¬ P'-ofV ,Jo- • Uir road to Us Angeles from the run But the high *pot of a long tfter tb« Maj prima rteo In He»t cux Corp.. "Toledo. Ohio, food «•> bot • . • sulfc-r.'hs ar.i • • ' !• \? ship of its allies. ' Tie probe rf * must haxe iicn l»e (>aulle's u :ran»m. 11104; • t irnnu. service rmruegmic'jt firm, will slaving ef a Kou - so. t. lamdon » - Mary land, Iwlipu. Ne- piivste visit to Churchill's home, *»d Oregon, I he on lU five-watt tran»n«Her aa 1 !»• ».« i *.i.uu* today and ffidav K *h'. -•■t - >!«' -n ■ • k in 11154. pirtnre briek house on a %tin»la he will be ccrmitlrd Vi c. nv .u.- in tencc "TV vert* indortrin .-: a r|ear." w :>• rviriv -r« ihc !K,»o o 1 • .1 r: . -.s fmui; a A* l; Tre that level f»r revet a I w »•*'*>. a. quiet, dead-end street. In Sch'-i! of R ftaiH at.: i»nri In- prison f 1 - ' «• a dav 11 vc «i;.> * Turning the apo*- Virginia Kenr»iyly will ions as perfortiftance arsd •-*h- Thi¬ .orK. d We Wifo-r ' * l- xiatu^-mai Management f"? i ( mifi-h;'! td out -ri rAthei* '"be' char. against Sen. Hui>ert quality rcMUun high r .brUi*l hit*, wht'tt he toid a bo. lift v. o id in genera ". m.:; ta^jjg.nnent tra iii*e p«n. *; < icw grand things were Mgs Do C>3u ' 'fie d . in Wiscmiain's presi- pear rfo| polit ic*, the note add¬ made to torn •«* the p. « m*«n to 5 pm today arwi to 5 t-e murder He w»i irj ('on.. f5.it J kn.-A better ()•*- La iv C'hui *rt.a! ed. "and faxristir. revenge.seek¬ primary Tuesday. In kith Fjlda* in fh«- Student f--rv.ee killing #t«to tfK>p«r cause I Mil a ievent, look .1" duct of 'xrej-dii 1 arid Indiana, Kennedy p—«r>d I to-watt tram- ing and militaristic elements grtace-iu-ivJ b.a tao. Albert Snudeu last Ssp'eno Ch.ttit H *kt » cited •r.uj.jr oppo»it..>n matter pnteMi m Urn ant •*% id? at wn ' Have neither fulluxving nor in- state that %>.*■ hbera: lef'. • tod|M«wk» Tte radto k de* p i'l < many wad.n. • -po's. < r». Hue nee in the federal Republic.'' dus.^hr^y, . who alio returneJ * ^ gton Wednesday, UI4 algaed to a«to dpuk team toe Our I'ictures Better, Scientist Says oatutx D- Gau; ••• fl #*h*-d •.dci* to -.ai. u.a» M-xin-n.' : .. ' WGcrmnnjf * 1 ill 111 sad toy—d — by a big Chutthtii x.".- •" bad taate,'' tout h'vebor* r# ow -i * **>*'■■ he *s convinced that ">»v '■ e.x'ivmciv strsage V;»t r»- far tot beamed. belief prtrju'4 c»*—an tpibihiy to an CaUiollca voting in * 1 ■ .v.-- .by 4 ideotogical dWfcrencr Tiros Bests Lunik in Tn- Um* ->ir% uoved 10 to 'ate Space TV * Or- -ocratic gavrrnment ahwrh is a » primary gav-j vH-' down -i carpeUd hall j"! The It-ikcacb ,'udiea ht»M that, oMiURly pis victory. The probe Wednesday ~.v*c - bv.-axfling rut its own xtre ig'h ginning to rpecd ap „' - it at right . f.hufchs'u .• a. i.% en frvx-d -1, fruni «ar.e- and which »n ien^r it s- When it oct'-i iw Utung p-c . . ." < ■ »hf re-'- .rcb - t- " - In add tfon to «r-.,c rare - wM ;»?«<*? t-orripuny with o t'"'i. in the exitit of war to u tive to the earth tyres1 in <«itec apace the Vni?ed to .oirth Then. ' - * 4hc X# a'u whu agrees with him »n mhiiato -.thi-r c>-uti,i.c-> in a for Ki'Milution Voted NASA said it# Ha Bon vtl ftirced to suspend oper* - - State on ap'.x-ar* the Soviet lb be "'uoe uu' Union PPTTTa tape if ;ne sr.fui-mas >r, t*n : tcanfmilted to the gn«.f p«tell f.h, .* project. Ritchie in a satellite a -o.- of • • "» j/f*. Chure" afid D« GnuSif : r whu hfoan and v»l-'••<*•» uvsr a white j;«a^.•■*•(• On'y ♦..•»«- tew-s of so ■cor* )h TV nri" fa which Is so scnsitiv- S- i*herm*r Include Froah alioni TYteaday dunxu rtptiu >4 Pwturw of the earth obtained where it can Ik vicwe-l on « writings about pi >» it the gruutvi traasButter, nut rxpeded t » be ut fu : track.. * f? -•r*i the sjtcibie are prohenL of h.ghc Tiroft weathc eye TV .- hi screen and A the taped a?ain T1: T.i -. woijt ,. *1 . .M orovsde guud pictures i» the \nd war. in Ihrxe the two warrior* xaid Tony's I If si Mtm t,*' ' 'Vmgrews ■ ' even decided flrst-tcrm operation today c-odtUioo than thoae the llui-i- noted. %nother )* a telescope t^at *omr uir another. fairl* rude thing* ktMMlt (htl II ilh .latuftlicf V -.ft '«hj*.d' be included m The agency said bartr-y tcrr- b\k («>*. « f the- muftfi. a --orp: - The Russian r-«kH * hten would permit continuous IV oh* -- c . i'.rtxf 4 reported • aboard Lhe jwobe yo*- a: .-v. r-10 archer at a of fht i>a«-k trie serxation of a satellite in or bit !-" NDON Th toss: oera; jr»> •■«/* pictures Uhat n r u'.«a |4" calling for • ^"hurehTi wri-e fr#,j .. -1 a a*sktnd in ^eu'-rsl w«;:rh »* in ^ cumptOsMfy cU narkedly when the l|M > a- "Hi 4 «»UpU4 mnon used a dilfetcid • •■ hundred* of miles awajr. he Ma * tu-n 0 by-,-. *t-,T-hatred Lon dropped out oiatoueb added. -.1' fh- Vto "pj* rrawn. »a»d Dmwki J he .<- bos«cS out Musciiiii I'lTM-nt* _ Because of battery uverrtu."s-'*- K.Lch.'V, t» US. mprrkirity to ir U' pxyiKiMe, he *«»d. ?w»* 1V fek*A* Of >Cfjyd:-C<. R.:uvcac ( W'-rtf.t-a • - '- a. h• e of :: - I is orifinjliy UMTvpera'.ufes hit as H*I iis» _d*- The l unik he explained, aria- -uch tels'Pi'upe could be uu-*l ... therefucg. .n p»y- * xundwe. I - »».- m«at la tajty t,> Vievialon taping. There ir the » - n cfwx'dtual level rather th *;■ ihe ; r 1 Lar« i; waiamcnd- greea, a level wot e>>?wid**C"i I3RC dtofereru-c tod w een the all> mwon took photograph* The film was devrlaoed of the in r. v rii' That »». ' miM I* Arclit'oloov Show * • JiT' ii )'. • • , • «.*'.* indue- ' *.x critical twit atoKri to degeccj Rv.Asian and US methods, he li'ei I'.-Bi 3 tu give /.1. r -f- »-• - ' -lurikr ». apply lat Srrt ' and printed aatomatirailx When f* '■» papuiar ,/p*n.i-jr». above onrmaJL taelieve*. »* there is between ?--»t :im>> of nfajec*4 on earth f \LSIT« museum i» * »r*-e A a t t 0 b "• Arms: ron g- „ - '"r.T^D the r« hrt was returning to¬ -1 a34ed, atuuid-. ' . "■•*! U'MnBoav bat wtos k*roe*«" ;je ' the ftid way of re- !. »:*e *«f a". ,-jVi- ,!>..'(>.:<■ - For*. Mtohimacktoi-- at i hrirwiudewil ttat n:»h: ward earth a TV farmer* view- ■' »nd to aatiofactory ilillfi toil to toterrwgete tor peextoctog TV shows) and mo- itondix Rittjvie -akl. t)J- a *" 7 "n cuanmi to toi igh! Ttv ve -iuafrl to* urubie to stani ed the photograph and trans¬ ■■■": ,V jtilWl DC'- • 1 / udsi. M- bi • J--«r W< " - - ' tiny r». rkct / i n wii« discus* the ,v- •.* en at ...tea, a, a pre.r«qui~ into ate *«• to m4 in» the clem taota'ae method*. i. v.-. - ,>rv»gra.-i * mitted Its inner dirertl) back to j how of archecih'. - Abi.-.v a m-.'-nth Ncncw tr»a-5, f..r an ituocnta e rbarer twite* »P »•> permit satellites U» ot rrjt . ' ' Utrbir. wkw drxcrthrri De- earth. H01H wfl Jie Vi >re».i Max- •* e of r»i jjbv4cja:v •' clijxjir itatua. cmselve* fb thtry take p.M . -. • i (•waterrstoma wf Televteton wcil curator of arithgupc-.togv * lie l'iiM»eil the Test.' r i'- re; -..--v .1 * .*r«t can tctrtooatratc They could r»e aa high as 'Thii system, he potot«*. n. . i.% of the earth ratrur than v riya- These fengim-s'" are tank* ,'SU aad E T Retenen, ** 1J v m S* .!■/»*- the raquJrod degrees btf&re the bagtrrv much simp!er than the Atner- .( u' r.iV.oricai project* f r ' CHIC UX> V Ail 1 « - H- Hiltt'td the V. ay k #.S If." M«J John Felktier. cherge oxreriowd was re^eved iciit <»nc but does not give the com pressed ga> When tne gas • ... a ; 5 I <* '-he ocodemte affair, Mack.nac filarul State F ,;k VM.t with an !Q of i?0 piu» • automsticaUy. fugh reaclutioR thai s-10 to: ob¬ is released, it given a piish s k» Cormr .x»ioo. , -a?'! mtu the (x-r.;us rauge—was Tne Ins* of te.« norai*xu «d v -t , » eaxMeroUon at "The temperature ri* Ax * tained xxith tape. a rocket gives. The tank* a-e .. fixed chatuv • i.a • • ♦uwner the rpuMUm b, . -iv:wed to one ftrThree year* r .1-. at an aw*•..•. d ti-.dc. r," ' '■****■ !u« aa » conoid* ricmon&tza'. >. ■ a'- - v "" The Tirv>s TV fjrstem Wa< so that the- can {ituuQ for I hj the UN poor 'cells to she cBmigned by Radio C. i will n jtiUittik Uua proyect at. lrv«n a firm that draw, up r. ' «ac 2.047 wvcki.,54 doould not be a probe's tour oeddies are d-Acig He tend the American idea i* of Amenca. Bendix u working pr.utoclectrto ceils rep.agt that a future *summers. tolHgeace teats. .UV/UVtoU. their job wefl," NASA Ut jtore cm tape what a TV <*).system* foe mure advanced change is nectsgggy* / MMilrnn S1 :HN"vo *"Ycii Think Tluil l'!<|imlily Shiff !* Mkcly To fnnipiiK (*l»«—Ifl'T'." I*"ii • "it IM icli i ul M.tth l»v '«■ »MHl *tmli-nl* .mil l.it-iillt • "i iM f* * f m* CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS >•! • ;k • . f. cj« • .,f I.(.M» ! M,, • • I,., | I ,f !*l III. AIII.IM!N; I (t in. M.iv Itrfnre hihllrjlloli for Twes., AAnl I I'M I,, .. .I Mfaillin.' I»r Men. Mlll«w: I Mi I • ..II.f f'l I >• ir A|»i I i I IW> I • vysiy I hurs. 4ml I rl. I ililimis. Hills I'av.ihlf H-IT Kl. 2.1511 ami l-r. A!«.mf.i» Ihrmigh FrMiy KXT. 2(111 HOUSING I'lihliniliims' Shuns Main $ S l»l:sl*i11: MM .if(••nipt i>. h i. .. . t. I lit lief |ti| I,if It.ti lull" fWmm It K • (OH -lo II I AUTOMOTIVE N'fM. Hi Kl-.' . - 7»"» "( I 4-flUlf' t (t>ii r.l AttVl " » " »OOMi ;i|(M»l in I lie kite I I >»•! \| M .1 . li> . \\ e |H '.li I I ktl l ilili ;ilitl ' lie I i <»• I'fW pf.lft) TWO l»'a.l( H.r'Ji t IIIV IT-I f - kiMHI It mil' Ici'i lit. f i I I'm h.M. ee.i III I.. J.lilill li ii|.lh|i,ie tie .• i". (,<»■»'. fiit.ihHu.i riiill" .'rs'" ». ri» 3.pirn 11> .11 llli'H t of lllliil flu- IIIIIV.-I If. • ilf • 111leeii1.11 It. Al>l ii|niiit.ii • tliii! ;i|.|.e,ii '■! to.47 VOI K'-VVAfJO'. NO ftl'm «le» MM ■ l,ii I u..I t..i i APART AN HAL;, I w 11 (Mil.In jil tii.i il.. - • t'l-.l inf.. flu' lijiUlt, I- ,. .4 1 IV.IV.- c.'l." :.H rn.lt' (»'• I'l.e Tllih' pt It.ii Hint MM ii,i» %>■/ rnl.l.ti rtiiil U"»kt« PI' 1'in.i* nmt.M/iii»' ;iinl flu- I »f!i.hi 1-tee l*i < zZM : 11 ill 7-I.VM »"f. 0 I'.iil'lv I.I I w eel !• '.'I I.I I • II III I !;>• i i . it .iilehiirnlh ufp.i -etl MM et.ultl nt.t I'Otl VOI.KWKAOON I.IKP NPV (il»|eetive I'Valn. v. (p 1%!/ If |i.' I.e liii-eil "il it 11 t >..»!.liilf. l."i Klllfugt .'.11>if i.1 f'iMlftii ,tii .il l irle c|111|n ■ i limiti .! |ni ' . . l'|> rx*\ a fit. A \|n il I I lie ..I l iiii. t ill it le. "f Ihelliuih M'lt-.Wu -'•«!.ir P(.f«l4»n«Hi. r*.t!. t > A 0i.«l)l»t he.m $A 10/*. vt 111 i I \ 11 n i V ef-It ie (.ill lie fitmimreil, the , r ,>„> psifllft-. r»l)>llt!>.n I " ' In tin VV III) I lie ||||.|.| II e >.f \\ .is he III \i.i» i • e • • '!•• »|?f P.l» ? ""17 " j. .ill etlllt ;il lull, il ilM'le Mild ill.'lllilei I II' 'tetneiiI him I he taken iilH.tlief Viiliie MAI t. HTIIOrN l I ti ■Huff im . i iipvuoi i t hi Al ios vw iif.i|»f tft-.tt, tv'. fir^'l I'ullnVX 11 !>• • 1.11 el lit hi 11M '" (■ I. le| (I , |..| \\ lliell I'l I l»f i'l Jllft'ihl , I, , HI,» >..(>l|itf m»ll'. I t.i.r ilrr i- Hfv-fii . fr.lm.tf. imir t'umt- I >, nltv tntt.iHn inust *fH hifN ,v i tii ufi nMuii'. ' ft" TlJ 7'WPl't • > i .nl 1..III..if I»V Jill III.Ill .|I It'll if ( W ' 'It I »>" . i inn •» *« . t e .<« li*l 11 lt',111V ,i i mi' e .Mteltifill I , Mill I \\ Hie l'Vi'f I're h.iftlk i.e etnn t >:.n TWil'MI"' Tltl ft" film' AUPItoVr.fi ItoOM POtt mtn »( » -It v hu ll.hil tin it i ft,'iml N" mentmii win -u . i|ftltl))». (Vin'l.lr.fIv inmritf.,'•*«' ilfiil Q'llf. riflgfihiiltiiirwl f . • in., iv ?**"<•' f.-fting ;ri Aiuft rr# j-iju .It WiiM nil IV .i lel\ 11. t' ..Her tin n l irle III ll eilif ufial "I tile I £ II' "I'll I *•*!»« »t t, pre I AMJAHU NT AM HIANItOM. 0*j rnllfff . i tlFVHOl Pi . (| »| »«■». I I'I'll "Il t I" | H ll 11 |l 1.11 i ' lie h ||t;,I i|l j.ufed (iif I fie Mieliijsin I .efftlnl i\e t "hi M .tilt t.lllt vl'l.t VI •!••> """ |.f ( ..mrmUlilf. . If 4fi fift-ntlsn.r ,.ik"1 i 'nan i|i.rr."i M» 7-INtl. t U."Vi'.g IV rviVi lilt I i*. - e III rill I I" .• I II II IMllI Vl.tiil Hill tee on Hi;'he» I'd lilt ;iH"H • si, >l.it ■ IV 4 ' • »,MAMMA rr HTflirNT \\ .1V lie III I In II".. e ..I iie'|ire '• llhit l \ e In this iept.fl Were ri.lieiete hptlfc tlitil ' II YOl'ftsPU v o.'.'l 'If HO''HI r •♦**"■ *h«ivi.M r»4fl»inp :-il"ll|\ .ilti.i tin I lie Vice I're ilt'Vt.li I MM' ha a t'feii I ei need I'm i>h\-hciil e\ « I'ftf. f ilii.il ill f»"l !l'*'»n •" h.'-lifn t<; fWft. H IVriiiK-lvft .ivc ttudf..' 'ienf Hfl'lt.t I *' in* IV V'OJK.7 |,.i('e III il e-lit'ill l i "lifille t" .ill iiltn li |. 'M -i"h I him tir til lief tale rhiH.I There • ...» t mm In. IV 4*44tt| ' aUUHOVTM M'lOMH row »- • A 1.1 f ll.lell t ,i!hil l.le.i i <'! ,*i 1111 j I If • Hi tl wefe al " hflife ill Ihix report thai refuted Hit A K f'i (OMI'ITM HH IMS'- s'-ulfn's • »nr hlnrk frmn r*rr.ptir i ah flit Mil thu! AIM' is lea t in iteetl t.f > i) '.,1 ami n|» AiUt.'l" f"' '*'• l I IM In II111 v tl lit '' " 111 i • | .11.1 ».i 11| It.iVr Hie i »ii| tirr*. ('•<«.niili.ii Hrnkt lt»li"f toll (Wf. In I4»W I *i. Kile I 1 illie "f llie tine Hi e\ 111.11 fl i 11 f t1 ni"he> "I "tir three hirpe Ijite tiiuvi'i-ohi- yipi f haIfyiamf* • IV, 4,• ^ ^ ^ ^\' MOO" fi, iv*»f rr-itii.ift • alert ihostr. M»i. ll fef feilj.hle I hit I tile e 1\Vn jpihllti. 4V4,l4t,|r ru J* 11 Al I "I ivj.einlll ' i m le li1 l- EMPLOYMENT . I ,i hit >il h ill i ' jiit t til! III.feet lull I .■ fI I ..II! I.|\ ei . ! ,i t e-ii have ;it the tinie perpetrated Un¬ .rzr.— ilU-.L. • -- ■ ~ FOR SAll til'e Hutu.n "h "Uf leflshiti.l The ellee- vv> srf ii *»"■-« « ' m> ht.f hitH' I'll!" W 11 h U .IV ne t •. 11 .1 ill."t III! 'I r.ii J-'**' i .144.1 TRAIlfRS It I - .I mi'i.lK t'tiiwiiu- i ll... i it• KI 11,i h i i "1 this <"I|"|| II Mi It I well he I IhitlH'iiillv' ill - wi Arir)s una* MAN MFiMoirpM hi.fr, hi In ii.nti'llil hill. |ifiiliieni "I .i ' ' iiiiih . , ,. 1 e| t'll I" \|SI r ,,, ... hrtli'.lr 4flit If'1 "f (ten I Mi. i33n". «fli a) .ri.Ulff Vi'tP. ltfnf'"ln«l«-> *•" -4 I 1" U ftl . ■. t»'l|»IM '• 'A ' I't v.. ll" * A ! 44 • . , ..' ftart dmftit Tlifrr ■ i nf Ittii'iilt on HH JJ tn ' i It' l*-t 1% i«Att|..|i io4 jwli i : i'««(<>, Ml- hifsr !(..*> •Hen 11 in** SifjiU I In- Miou M.t'lt W'f.PK* OOUNVM l"-»; > i. .4. ftMff 1 o «r rail IV i Iv. I i .. i< ( ,n II im ii rf«)(i • !■> i>r^' Mn.'i""* v,»" •' -.1 MT'TTtrin p.r* in *n Mi vfftf- s' T ''I'l* Oscnrs Follow ItrccMil Trend b'"''r" r . I4-. if.ti fit 1 fi !■*•. fiwlr'iiinii. r«ili.rf.i f'ir■< .'..imi.fi Juflf f' 1 " t.it p> Mult tH'O , | ,,, tf, Jul- 77 WO'. Ms... in" Hi,.'." Wn » Sla/fs J-Hop Registration Tax I Ittrit ( V |(»V. 8 s ti • If I im I nl ttwit i t rim Kims • arrif f i r»M. 'll ■, T AI A-si* I AN I I® A ll I I. I "«.••. fsirllfft. iWul'tlii', I | f .l> . . f . ' I.Vft • »« " • ' ilf.il *(«-. FP ft-J.M." » IW> ||'| i -• 11)11 Mii'll' sv.ll liiii • .ti.a II ti if I v rivr r ci of t.tu I II I Ilf l lltlui * * * l Vt.pH tv. i. lifdriMiri-* ' i 7 4M', ft si I., *IW. WffKl V vv HU ) • ..ilf f.t ' • ftntpt.ft Hi 1 ■ •v.l tier liuliffereuee? K " ."f.iiljy t" 'ii.nl »-'«•• "ft »" . tie! l>!» LOST and FOUNt' Tn llif Mllnr . i lif N 1 I . AfMT.lt* M MMh MSI* ... r.lllllll. „rM|! *».' •'.»!■■" I" git"'" t(i*| KAPPA UltiMA TMATT' ■»i WT'»t I . f > Hm.it 131' W> 11 V U », H.ivf. n ttr. • bt-.f I" . ' 'l ?he |fi!einr.h"n.'l < ' Lviire \ intr Milhht hi I |»mt Kf<|iif«l Kii>" •I .jitslila. A in.>">•'. I' i^Mil .lime i i.ntfti • 1 T « it!'HHiih- nhiret.Vi* J-of limit IN till I It. M i "• va«.e/.i' ■.if. n. h.s.e* ... r vnfNTION SM HKNT WTVf* 44. (»*«•>! 4' «Ir ■ t ' thf.nijp! thr ; a" 7 p «• *h.H « '•*. NVi.llfl 4,4i| |»ft|.fr» nit 1 j..i ill N III || 4l.il l!l| IIIMH ell thr j» are ... r.l- fi an i( tn need IV . < im Hii'I'I " « Anulv ' (.."'.ft I nat'a.tl uhtle-" •i»r,.|it»i! t\\l I It INK no,, awa.ilft t INFORMATION « IM », ... M. f Smiifliti. H.n.ii -'3' • •1.1 Vlilil I*4V IItit |.leM'l.lftl €(»•• l«n Pi Mil fell...I a ml *el Me. I,.-, '.fill I'tWIiH 4 ili"t|s j..* * "' PERSONAL , hi *1 iithiiiK til tin- rvrnliiii In i ' I t- ■ M.i4r Ilirhfr ttn.l Ainlf Iti.h *>f I ii.'icn1 n..tI'thnlPit £•33..air.rrx rTczssiszzxzxxrz « • - ... .ii.... nn.i im ( lMPi..iili.«rii|»lt4 a < M Itl Mil II s|l VI I Mil IHI I »» .»* I... liet il In l.t llrtt' llt.if I .ei.e Hell* |nr-.rMlfi| llmltiil flU ft44 it.,.I liiii iii.f .InlMr Itv are.... e/ilte frl!g.,'»>' ,evl err. FOR SALE , 1111,1/)' "V N'AMF- I« *!>.(*' lit mil I m.l |» d* itt* I* iififftft.ir. !*• e«vei llirsr rv t A I IIMI M *11 Ml N| -ll.ll (,| IS* 4ft lllf |l>"I lltMH it S.'t.|i||( \441llllft lit l*(l|((iV %M» I nf"HHHMU'lv, 'H'tm,* ' ..»»• WfilVfCfrr »•».»)« takfi. I'.i Iii.j IM' I.I It. litiir t» |ir..ft.'ft | .|.ifftlto.i lit.! ....It (lltfi AM/ A IION i in nt thf \ll«Tili»raft t»i»tf> ■ tnrilhirv till.i* 4t.it It.ei. .lti.it t i in s* ami itl s im i; t'lr t i nn. ' "'i f ftiiif Mrir l-IMM'ft "lllf I tl I' IVlt.llfft II. S.ll.t.tl. t »<« \i iM'ftft i rtl.-Utilt 44 l.rlliri |hf t.i\ i* nei'fftftjia . Mte( Pl't ft.ll.fi • , VN a • -. - •'■f Am 37 71 tit Ann ArtMir « lltf l'i«l u| ll.r ttitl.i I it ,t I i°tl ftiiiH- lint tin v ihil vn,I i 14 r ll It. *l.rl In.I alftit it t.f the. Ifiir lllfl.fr Hut.. MMtl*r.i» la . \ r nu ».••• .. -."li s I I- V\ .a. Im I I III PSt t.l .. •iimI Arihf llt.l.rrlft air nirrwiin A Nil ItM AN Sill || TA Ml HHP *• i (. 41 *» .-f - I . i \ -it i: s • P. IVrli4|it> I lilt Uek of ffllhlift r«> - -f .7 I 1 ""4 >"K a > • l-ittilM Olftfit ftrnl r.llifthfth ft I I UP IV \|..ft \\ Intel i . I ;.it. I M.IM I It* 11tin Is iliif Iti llif niinriniefiHi.mi ill)'ItllftV "14 Wft"l» < ;n isutt i ft fnntf Kl) J.WU3 * "«-• V T»»-'| ? • :. ... Tin l»i trff !- » i I'll t .. 1 I hill Ihf < hil. d for lorpt'-ii «tn r.. n. i tr" tirivflii llrtng I 1> ilei.i* mill I think Ihe Irrm I III I 1**11 I IN tin "XP HAIlV « AMMIAfit - • lr"l • an "Iiilrrnallt*n4l" !« irll-riiilinu AIM A| AN Al.l All.NT I I I It (>'...i ui-.u»f r,i» j-aw* i REAL ESTATE It.rv M ll.ellldrs 4II ti* linn.11 ittfi ..ml |s, ihrttfiirr, nnfti It. .til a ;«-» u i" 31 r« r»r» t ■ ■ f !I It t I hk; hi atom* ka*t t a vMpit; m api rv ■ H NMip- n II• hm " +fh s Tv .i-»tr»ri Ihw-lw \ ■ sludf i.ls t. ."hunt *♦(■• II f Stuff III' t AA 1*11 AM All III It AMIM • .«! trfiftf Unit* Hftif.. O i A 'l'ta e.f !•«!... ; . •..<■.» , IV 7 14?A I.' 11K N ■ „ f., i»-»f t,a« n«ii|.t* pane f * in, ..nu- ' ..is - I I I It ■ <«i Mntlfil kitihfd (lti> .l-tl , if hi i'l • per ' p, CONVINIINT TO CAMPUS .; »(«••»' Tnn ttrfpUcff fa|! v intri*-> . •v.' Mm T ' kl.ifl»l:n»'., ! I T>ft. -t'r x'"'" f •*'■» "ail . Id r A Itl I A III I A W I-#"*. M •. I r. ' .et.aug :r- ink •"•••* I1. K-twi rfi "fftti'>i4 riHtm >»i The In'el ft:.!(«»!».«i • I. a ". .. 7 ,l«> a •' 101 N ♦*-..• '• s «U*r.»tf «(>»«•' t'fdnr1ln*H H'tlil ki.e ' ' i»t aSi I'll i-. r-»f»if••••:• 72.' IfMcnii SUfc» To Ihr I ilili.r at li.rwm V|ti-*"tffftn for fTtorr rtf- Th. r f4t SPUDNUt SHOP IS CPIN' j'.i.m.ftli"', or aninnotftvem Al I llanili. I're*hlriil MSI 4:1 .. •t liile 4tH?» "IT ."Jl"- -•"('■in' ,st.. V.r A|*| Inlrm «I tonal I luh SERVICE Crosswo (Tn *!NU ( II !e A»r iMa a N vr Vt'tt.paii»n! J » iI'U r af . eiT 1IC4V in III. fa: " »■ * * * p r «'v * d i!a\ H!C( N .» |f3P» o W v\* V "v I • %«no** .N-a.-i.tM4x ' n< The s wn.|. lira! tts. s, . pt.nre Ofji'l'S llrl/f DROR OFF FOR SCR>! r ! Mamer |hf 4i°ik 4 J_Rr,4;' r : hints 1 'a* ttf «t > ar- t>( iiih the . AM" Wash! 1'o |»»e I.Uilnr: UuiinK i'l*?. on*' tef'Ti the >IO'"S'Nf; WI SHCIAHZI IN DROP O1' ."k^.fKflf rvrt rnvrnWift -f thr K.». ,. Ha! IJNDLiS FOR STUWNT. f H lea- i i \' r s .Hit! 4vhf!i!is' 'V IV SI.ft I m i- « • s-!"' — tirnrfftl ' »Mir vt p p \4 : it .• ! I-.' Ir»*»fi"?n. a' MALE Oft (.RAMI* A TP" ftuniH. R A ti'-klv of the h,i":. .!:« Kra 0 r L-I v'.tnvm:a - in will i»e drtv '0 n, ihe n«wu».hllr,v of helping with »" d#nt Utkr u atitf.f rr t.t *J-,*-* WW. ii» M»r iff * in. -TOP! TRY l llARLTr* » *"» MP If* fof 4 fiK»| hft.rnit Ot » 1'V do>»4 '.'it I'teo tvm WI C 'V t *1 la the i'tiiittenyt - «rv veal ; spartan Spit;• pro-. Jeer Drue ftf 6 ti f . « A-av.-v ' \N e *jt'i 4. a.» -ii k'Nirn. I? wAi diiK'avspit an-i went!# - Till AAAI.ftlttfi MAN* MAhY MTVur* t T\> » . plf meae AT STTO r tie rti Rw;idTrpn> VIHmiw I P>,,5 $e!uh«n »t Vfiifra*. ■ Pun?# j »r0 ..N\1 ""t MS! ,'. wilt la A in a ... mi..: '.in . 'HI,':.,r >f r>i|>;'"V -> tv senled tha* »< 4% • v*n. r .in * |.»»TS "t • trtrticitl "fi.' wft'npuft fJi ft ft ED" 7-MTO '! B clri wfi • S \N iV '• TN 1 • f MAK\ ■«( ttlPT *rav ic F ' I'ie C4 tipUv. war.he iUle.t » . !• - "he it.uN'nitva tivr rv.»*- if*>v impf • and* lbeia>« F'' ' in kH'M4 " hejpins hami -a..a APABTMi N* ivr Rr.VT TOUT U«« « u;est man ,»n.i u't.V m*!. '► td«lr» hiM»i>irf4ntiy to* ' a 1.4- t ... - :'v ••''* »h» ur.4 »!, t fth.wfr ' frn*.. • '■ !> <) t K' app. (t«! edttur Wfv*rft"Tl> > .s c.r Mr* i any ■ • " > Shart Allss I. A| M'lll 4 41)1. . • ». ' "K tdfi, «f £>» t. fwf* \ • • f Ittlftt : M I . Iilrwtt.r nt Krsf4rrh p ..- wotilvi r?i; tv as s o. Dmjt i S'y ,. J ''I „ V*4! f- . ■ ; 1U NfK.il -.»• Aid'U ' • » ' children c«H nu- ro T-fttTA 9m • Trnns4 4,it. smith AI tie 4 •"v ^ T1 AA> are »in e r .* t*»an. Jn 11 shin ♦ * * Itir 4thletir prvirmn. ami inHi- fir i <\i t : rr ' 4*V> .vpife* Irui'ft W ANT HI LHAR.V TO rtv «.» An are- ' HUMS .1? Mrs t . '• NN.mht 4i.iT.4II\ ha%f lfini.ntlulr>l il..s •». co-it-ge eaeh ,uj»r!tn t l»fr lifhrfsv l ot in our prrtoNtl htrhiiu or '.. ■Hi'' . ,1'l'tW) • NT4-M.V VI V4 J."33» «r Cf) 7-«.l# 18 Hi/ft"! ATThAtmvr In thr'are.! of h«nsf croups »rt "«•'( t'h Jt r N ' No: • .»• • m Ml ' «tftv.-.i '-'--i-ftt Ate eon- TVPIXC; I'.O f*4MR » H ■ M ,AN" i. ling up a l»l«* il w.-s" ihifl th'.i -ihtHdirt Jivrrsr .'W-A ;:-.|.irt4t*rf4i csiiV.it **tt T« il.e I tliit'i. f~JV"" ' , . j' a'-rfi «t.»4.- * • tiff PftiM IT"*# !- h'.m necu differ en' it ■( r ' In .a --iAort TrtkVt -W»:• ! h;iVV !»!• • I I* I ii tendoi a mttM.rig Sp."- • Si- V A V «N|r» A4ail« f.ll a-ft8». OPflirr ATlNti NULTILITH ui-f oi re*r«! IP j I llc« S ' !ft ' Spirit and ( thv tea ' ♦ Off 1 li '■ !' .v o! i«ri»i.iem* ti'.ev ;»:*■ er.- NO Kl. A*ON 111 III RRA nent* »n« TP" to time-prt>4 .-it ottafti nwumiirat. >•'" iHRrr H«H.H grsrrimMSiiru T ! ■v 3| Htbic SSkK. V ei) • a nd . \Vr van in at ;i.e preK'tr iMto' are. m Uun MtUVAt'KKK r -tu. Sov- AUAimnsatjY itt||itli« Prwsv P Hl »»ui» UiV,fl4T »' thr if: ..'■.ibmrftpfct* (» -ilt rwrw reavmie*. avftfiaibie P»' chart* *«Tt Ei. • * Thakitif-jn M N.n^'- .,.v. put • h>.« p.;.- advM i'tSYvH-en: n. n fftrtbt)#* Inasurf mi Bcfi SviWf M- a • •• HVftt(»»» ifi lluUlMftt.'iV awl ' IN viv«:>e tvilhng to M-e 'hi4 program • e-« gr of speeding li (Mpnit. iV a-iWMi ; (ftp A', nr Jar*- Kwni h. EM j? jr jjovS't m tin* licsl pthJof.ii- »ea> >. . M Airof* IMC, lierkt* utulffslan 1.1 "Why arvn't vou guilt,*? — 'ft .-t V, ; (Si.. NvietW* I 4.N.V. . v'rar. \ -.t- INiiilav.: Kobrrl Brodlf e-.S ' ;,.r "Thrs ar*- oft <'vv nvisv * n.t»n LAM ,,u Bl«\ ATTHACT1VE ivtt-i sutagf TVW*T ANN BROWN plsxa ' •e ' ' Rather llitl Pffvidrnl <).•• rff« ./trr at at hmnifthCKl ftitKl t-1KUt Eiei-tn*- tj-pfwrnf* T*" ,, • nl'i't IhHtihTa-n \ lie*'i.lva1?'. wi" n.««H»h immm taut. t.D j-us;» * " Kfi.i a + * * ' part »nd theurs. AI*o genera: * ■7" ' 1'. • 'ay. ' IH> ,-ifTs - . • i" the de~ Y« ca Sucn I AO » >J iS.tuHf ROOMS j' |.«i t".» e' , iva »>U). .a 41 Citv an th# Vt eO* ' WV o.V? M Chinese Poll!- kiihif \i'iiIs S .*' " V.e you • iUKX&tV UlEed 'he EXPEilT THE AXD f}V- . a-an v' • ONE MALE Sf-r.r VTV'DCNT AP- t«pm« • TJec'tK- V>pe««-ritf- * , r* 1 *1 4 N- 4J 44 43 It.rthpiaif ; UMARY v iv-iil Hehiivio; 4v;!' !\*j>lave H I To Ihe Mltor: judge I'HON ED *»■ m«» fnt'.i Mvir.r.ftla* u-.4 jt« rn'ranif |«X3 f Hind* fXiXTtence CD. 3-U45 One bk;*-« : 4* ■4 1)4 u! H.e« \MV6R .»m ama/t J that Cha ... a majnw • "\ ». I'm ah rmiwdat.eT " (•rand llirsr } .T- "a ts • ii« term:tV4n: .n V\ >M " • aftairs. '* Crr.iftinlv n.«n\ who nw • ' .N :i.ti Tr* y mi u» tuirry, ' TV AND RADIO aervice *•-* tXlt'HLr Room row vud* Mil- rate* t.i .(udrnl* N«ir V '... he !fr."vfit he siudied in. »r mertk »a*srd >a*d. die judge, «t*d fiaed hun T\ -j.. fl J) dfntft , *t«Mi k tntvUcf«v. park- TV seta and antenna* lie* thmugh, K«n(2.o Chemiea: Ut- If 48 dut.l f..t ScioiK*' Kow ran depar-men the piUvtrvify UuiH uraiory have bevwnie aou'.e'v <•:: ,tsir^ »»1*£&. it rr. cam "w TV i 14 Nl Sep a South A*:«» *r%% .prwjwp'wtlh- aware of the urgent need for iap Sifill I Staff TWO AlTRACTive DOUBLr R MMhagait IVMM tV irtal rwian*-ror toui rfUlege mm TUe.i wit .v?n«nv; iiflNiaai in 'he Chin* •nd office fuciUties SPARTAN MfLTII-ITEIIN't". M .Ur\ \>tht »4it„r n»R* BMRtUii bath «rnh tun and glafta Hu«tT o he'd m i?s vurric-tilvuni* We resident* da humbly too k Jutt* AAlrr J.«u« CtnaL 3dr» (lomlwtn. ED 7-«^* »*« HMl U MIS Mor|4u i«IUn« the generous AMtu'ud jK.wers lH4i.f k.lift i . - s1 «f Mirfrrr:\N KTATE M TVH Dirksen, Carey in Row hind for Polaris South Africa Revives i'n vSv^cm J , . April 7. Ifi'iO fa • Three > f htl'TowH I riiforrti SjH'cditp Urged Over Medical Proposal JOHA NNBSFIURCJ f/lt ~ 1> - help Negro*-* withv?jt i ■ • "> •' >>. Ik tJt'i -A '.t'lv :*oiv;f iplt" rising a p in- 0 h for obtain te»;j(,:,ry d"' . Ity \Uliilr House i . . ... ...... . .j mod'*rati;• I tho'*' t*rmx, Swmt« FvurHt I>lrk4orj . ll jp r firpduetlop /»f folorln tvuhrnor- The pari syrtem touched of? vn over by • v.-lluo-.- •V < -o nf WaJMMl We»!r>«- «!;,% ft amoft gflfgffttjtty chnrt'P Jrr s Inrrori^e the hI/o of Hx the current outbreak of raejal "No ft one ■ u n«- l f- *. —s 'Ol w.-,t th*' Kh«'nh«v;pr Admini "Jr.:! ui» xhnrri-fully Hurremlei*. A tin** Ihterrontln'fntal mitixll'* tiirruo I Negroes demon"-rated ed to lyripg ' ">< • c . - . nt to M• I. srf-rf-l irv-lr« n'nirrr ir-irtnf, for poiarl'« rnlimorinea kept people of? the »:lreet*. hut that v ill be n*ked for laler. police and troop* staged- a xtrorig of the AM. - I IO Industrial r ivv wj« vd hotter V- The pre«ddent'B netjon wa« ari- *h«w of force around native - I nfwn Department. township*. noufie<»d by S<*enHary of Pefenre f ■, rlr.5; tP-r»A) tune !.'• n " •• f m >'■ l " «M«e- I "t»rj i.gs'M- to A v • •'<'urn's, ha* . tint 1;.- ,*«- ' Thomos flnUn Jr. and D"piity fl- '-fi'Uiry JmiieH Tioiiyliu after t' »-•/ with K;hower, met at the White House mi .Tuatfco MJnhter V C Kra'fou* Id In a #t«ternMit pollen ir'iilf) V/ill be ord'-r»v| 1 i dc'.nnd that all Negroes V ow that tho L. Ev k.J ■y 1» •->.'< I • • Admin! 'r;i- Fr* ?i the day's difVPloptnfttits f«If '.n •" ;i« tie i- p...:f* any time id the o i • , . ij \a0B^a \ M M f all th, .fuJrr •" M. eLj LJa liia • .. „? A ' ■ , HI ulapned wiuadrona — t/> be mi/.-.i look into the poi' ibih'y i— : i . i..: t ; • l. in nlaee by the end of I0M2 applying the pa-i lav,-; '*!»» r ub ■ w ho f . I !,'■ . • • h wou'd have total of HI way a-t io put more s'rev, o « v n i, ri two - ♦'» be- n, *»|«»r, three more than pre- on the ii'ivunUige they hold for i spc ■'I"'' ""§• plin- It had thought earlier Megrru " , ; ■ ,Jti 'R of ft V.n.- H. ,t the .vpiadrorm might pe» ai .run exp|»ln«-d that w/'h- ■ i.i -il I- ire for ih» ;i ' J ft mi»(filer and folds. Negro eouid noi • rr-.-'f.v a-. out .1 pav II 4 f-''f '1.1 '•he Air Foree nnnouneed '«n work in the et'y OT bi any o'ie i fn vnirral, this u*»uM be « :! *■/.' M r'b .'fi that it planned to nhift. nre ro'-ervv.l for whlt«'6. .lontar» plan Im'il on pr's-jt*- '00 million doHara tram the not HtiUf-n mritlnl |p»n".efi* After the passe* Were sus¬ v rv !iuer»-.sful Homurr ft nnti- #ifh Ntrtl - Mate «»nhslJ!«<» '< IjllTUliofi Mil HI thoil* l! i ' .''.if mi* We to the Atlas, to pended. many Netror* Jubilant¬ „rm*rbrd In help retired *per tf-e t>;«ll!x'ie missile early warn- ly horned theif passes—a hated „ meet the rmt «l to'lf P«1»- A-• - ' ■ • • h Arm . svrrihol (,f their *eeond-elas* ut' *iv*te*n and fipr^'dfng up sliitus In Jobs, housing, education work on the Midan rat el lite. and civil rigid*. r».i of t-r « I.iiu \iltlrc*M-« Mccl Krasmui, said the police will s ... ) koo/ f*.•Hi"", fJaa. ftcefMirding pro- fr if, vv. 11 nddre.'H a joint ses- ? •1 ;• of the fjouthweftero Soeid F • t A rr and the Antw < ,i: .r. ;H lb I.- A- --tuntin;..' A-an. in Pallas, !■ ■ ••••■, T AP»-! t!t-l« . f--i fvu .mm ,t . / fliia. I' > of the Amen- n f - !• . r, hw.tixru.r;a; f -n n r.ifi A'-'-our,; rH; A plc. k: TRAIN for t>% ^ w*wk* — at company \ P at the- fab- /l > ^ / - ulou* Stewardess* College in Fort Worth. Texas; |u*u- % T / * i\ /. v/' rioua surroundings ^ [■•y, witli kwanmirig p*s4 — and tennis court*. .1 i LEARN tncki of personal ■ new So jji Rreamnng-profewaorial luur styl¬ ing, proi**r use of make up, frguro improvement. JMEB27 \ i I £3 LEARN to he a gnruw* ho»ie« on an American Airbocs Flag- ' r and you will he a re- Cvntliia .Maddox and Carvl Girstens . . . 727/ EARN an mceUant aalary and receive liberal expenses, plus Friday and Saturday 5 f UdiM io-.r»,duf- fH to our rnmplrte Km *f nn. . J rfrww-Ki-!- 1« »hir:. -IjrW. ami Itcuwria, for lime aha eianl iSr Tin- r»l in r. rn- «rar. rzzzr lac J W*"r» *«» U to,.;, mrriirs th»<« faturv pUvoulrs-of-the-month, of | Aawtian Aidtna•. , I DaNet Ue *Uk O+m JS. Unm PhOioy mareriM . . . And *• Know you'll 1* i.urpri<»d fcjr th« wondrrfulfy jI 1 SMW •* «eiMhwiost iwr*il*d in M iafewsiew. os em low 1. !;. Tent pr <«x. Thit,fai r.ot a wit — (>rrytbin{ t. marked with onr HIRE'S HOW THE D'JAl FILTER DOES IT: j □ mn. ;;: , rexulaf »»- p «. 1. It cortbints a un»qu« inner fitter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL... defl; as.»» 1a * mm Gf a«eO*S I Or'l rotaly proved to make the smoke of a uca^etta mild and smooth. • • 1 O Wsivtu 105-115 ' i ■ 1 □ HsrgM S'y-fi* 2. with a ptre irhte cjif filter. Together they bring you the best of th# 1 □ 3G 30 W.UH w-ihmvf 9'oiKet U$t tobi^ccj--th< m^ftess and # taste that pey off in pleasure! | 1 -- mafbstoixiemi] .:i! JMi^myrngg NEW Id dual filter ji Ojm«. sA amhf'cetwH like adtfuieawi Jl Since 1960 SL ^omnc-. 211 E. Grand rp- L - 4 .w ■-» jiiier, Ea>l Uo-.«( M:- 'MW SKt-* " v L' :v.-v april 1. imp MirolllAN KTATr *tW» fuf T—r rCurc9 Test Methodista Politicians ty of reason*, some of them df v- Sou* counts In will cone home when It November 141,441 By Fundus Plan Apr. 10 Dedication . . , Don't Like votes ronmng history ihowi are splendid for a man without opposition . . , a man ean do Attempted A rommon type of fungus Tor the 5.10® Methadlat-pee- »rly when running unopposed known hi many people at "wat¬ Real Fights j. i in a primary and yet win ron- er mold" could replace mire a* ferene# atudanta attending MMJ, the targaa* eeneonttatlnn ef vlftrlngty m 'he ctecGon. a mean* of textlng potential can¬ iir Arthur fdron Hut sn* atarh faet remains: cer cures „ Mpfhodlit enllogn rtildanta In s#u. jsha ftennedr (D-Mamf. The tWo MStJ scientists who the state, l*a!m Annday, Anrll WASHINGTON on — mime, J inns always claim they like noth¬ st hu rau Aral, sat Men Hubert developed the technique report HI, will hive more than uxuat • -.v ing so much as a g-»«H| flght, tint Humphrey (II-Ml**), wha rau it has worked 111 tight out of significance. limy don't mean It. IJke the second. rutleetlvely ssaund *P eight tests A enrnerstAf* will be laid at rest «»f tiA, what they yearn ba¬ with ever a half mlftl*n mare fu each te-d a different tumor 3 pm. for the tliO.OOO Wftfttt? ts the sure thing, the fSti't-mi.s* soles than Mann got Inhibitor supplied |,y the Na¬ foundation building which In If a fight 'Its nothing else, tional Institutes of Health was Sentemhsr will Iteeome the cen¬ > Kyihj' |i| irjHir.lt kill. Yet If the Wisconsin primaries tt at least puts to flight A poll- detected In tlx hours, say l)f. ter of Methndlat aettvltv hare. MNa ■ proved anything, which nuy he tinari's relentless foe: voter Everett lleneke, professor of Til ah op Marshall Reed of He. . ' : ^ v dmiMful, they do point to tht» apathy tsotany and plant pathology, and trolt, head of Michigan Metho¬ even a sure thing has l!« haz¬ Y«»* the feehng persist* if we !)i Yamuna Ltngafp'h research dism. will address students, un¬ ards. rui -.-tCe a'i thi- among our- associate. MAlkir, THE MimKRAT has iversity officials, tnwmmeon'e, I1"or Vlee President diehard «. :ve\. we will •ive ourselves all lalns mire II lakes arvrn had Jnat ah**t enough of this nutstate Methodist*, and **e Niton. who h»i the Repahllran kinds »f me**y emtMirraixment. days tu lell whether or n»t * general public at South IliffDnn high water kirk. Here ahe presidential nomination terure- D».k at this qpote, railing fur substance has tumor-Inhibiting and Sever Drive whnre actual emerges frnm her river hmoe In long after siirronndlng farm* were flooded. h loele4 «a> *■« third and last hsrmony and gentleness and properties Davenport. Iowa's, downtown ennsfruction Is already under¬ Iff A I.ANT DITCH RATTIH nfalnal MleelA«lppl Democratic Ike river villi In rising. In Wlseanaln Tneadar. •. a rrf ne«,s among The fungus method Is now l.ef'lalre firk when the Mlasla- way. River flnnd, ene farm family near Canton, Mo. ThU ran he easily explained, con'en lers being tested further. Nlll send* alppt covered her emergency knttt a prlvnto dike. Tketr efferls were eneeeeeful "If we split the party before A email capper hot will ho anil avplalner* rushed In with unnamed autwtanees to Michigan call. (AT Wlrephntoi their explanation, so quickly they obviously had had them the I invention, then Nixon wtll watk In " State. with Dr. I.ingappa must tell the fungus assay which fined ky Waaler Fnnftdatloa •In¬ dent officers wifk what Met provide a eknpel. an neeemklv and ntoffe, Hkrary. elaaemnm*. There are II «'i,er We-.lev Foundation* In Hie stale, pin- Aid Needed And who isstied this warning'* log and Infecting large nnmhera consider will ke "InlerMdlng In I mam. tonnge, nf- Methodist student group-. ready long before the voMng ones are tumor Inhibitors. was done, " A man who often has been *o If It prove* effective the tech¬ «f a partlenlar strain of mice. The reason the fungus makes find Ikeve • knndred rent* «r frnm nnw." The ket will ke flee* Adrian, Albion, arid Alnpi col¬ leges wdilrh are nwoclated wi'b In Student ItcpUbllcatlg who crossed over politics what gasoline Is to « fire. nique could be used to screen an ereattonal fnettttton. a nnmeri. to vota PemocrartU for a varie¬ Harry Truman the thnuoands of compound* sent n go..,| test, Df. I.mgappa ex¬ aealed In • marble enmeratone." churches near those rampu-e-, to Nlll and pharmaceutical com¬ plained, rnny be because Its growth Is similar lu some re¬ Dr. Harold Rllev, aasoclato and ealtaff faeMHIee. Since IDST, Wesley FAtindatlon but not organised a* 'WcJcy Foundations. Program panies every year for teftlng pfufeisor of agricultural econ¬ The *a*al method U to test spects to the wild rapid growth has had only thn physteal fnrlll- More graduate student" ,t Anytime'.* •ok now o ■•hotanees on mire of a tumor. omics and chairman of tha Wes¬ ties of Weeley llofMe In F.a*t Jh|IMIK'«)' \ oll'UIIO needed tu participate. In ' , ley Foundation hoard of direc¬ . with fmora. In addition to tak¬ 'Idm project I* supported by a Tensing and what other rooms Ameriean Tirol her-Slster tor*. and the Rev George Jor¬ tu MSU from the Amer¬ Fnipl« I'liPrr Time* j,r Ketrpee iteefburger Time ing aeven days for terhnt**o Involves cooU reanlta, thla of rala- grant ican Cancer society. dan, mintfter-dlreetor of the Foundation, will participate In rould be reserved from time to time in campus and near-cam- TOKYO (/It Mt Minimi, gram, according to fbive Tlahe. pus buildings. Prior to the estab¬ chairman of AUSO'i Intern the ceremonies most active of three votranos oil lishment of Wesley Foundation, iiofia! (>K»per»tlon committer An "opon houre" at Wesley Sakurajlma Inland. Kagonhlmd, Ma*hodi«t atudents were served, Although 17.1 itudents n.t house, 143 Park l.«ne, mill fol¬ Southern Japan, erupted three si were most other fYotmtant signed up, only r h«»l! of Interdenominational Pooplet smoke and rock-, tu a height "f Financed largely ky Mleklgan d.nno feet Japan'* Central Met¬ the foreign fctudentn are gr,> WalkedIsle. Ike ntfnetnfe will Church of Fast lomslng B''- AppliratlofiK W«1 Ite m.i'' eorological ObseryAtory kai l * >e first two explosion , were minor e.l aicording to department- but the third rock" '1 tiearby Twining «u-*si«»n< to awju.< FUR YOUR UOI.F OLASSRS village*. There were no rcieutt student-- with duties Invop. damage with the program wtll h»* he l>RA «.,*:• • i-r s/'hvrl ofT *' a Italian audiences In mrrdern . Oil tilrrrlisinp Scheduled dance through the medium of 'I* O - • -, -,. •„ ,f ' - oh wo;k ,'h during aoo-/. the 4Vf On Michigan Oil Exploration ■? /. musical eomedy. Vi.'l I ' ve;« ' V ' ' v : .Veir/v I'rin Inl Motion met ore critic ao-' ,yii- ( Ui.a.oo he; i a-.'l 'Jl V. rig p-'/T'-V- author Rj'.bard r; .fT.'n hat beer, •; 'f<.d",ee frBctically a funv nHtioif: »pe»-iiiliy .adapted i;». I-. hd* o'h-rs no' a-a '.-1 '' ' A new jwford, bend of the dcji'ar . l«nrtb»vHe by .Je»hr» In Summer curator Of Art the K'irrf Mu*eii'r. of Mod¬ • S . ' i - ■ If , h • .v.- .o- .-<• V id and truftr.iiff* will h'! -A Summer Alappin" to the Michigan basin "Sew method-. of exiilnr.ii'.fi Mrough d'*portmentifl b»i'' mep! <>f advertising. aj»p»oache .The un Iff AO * a-r.rr;#'* ern York (*it> -..h". :OtI library ir. Author of for V n* and H cw ' . i. • c dur.'iy "■'• * imrc-'t wnd'-ry-rthu- 'o fund .vifl b>- needed before toe •roe Film r;: Now," "The 'I n Provide (lines ftGr, e/.rrie from 'h" •iMfil)' iV'i'l ■ of entirely now method re pioteet IK can go Hiti/r far >:»}d tba* tp,- . dvert;»ing frvrn the manug— !«;•< ♦ ip-inf vie* I''- '■ 1 led '»• festival of 'ftrkshopa and 8f;elud# a fir.e n'-rn - V/orld 'A fi/it fr' Y\ur>>-r'-j" .«o'* . , - a ' ai to a • • * , . ■• o'ber fir tT ' hai bee. f'*r n lontf-raiw n-. vie Ion in pf'.-'-nt method; and of the tmen' ;•. to deve.'op Advert!" 1 iig Cornmiitw-i i'.ir r .'irs in th' 'eld* *,f /r.'jyi'. York frr• rorr'-dioodrrn' f'o •' ;h< .'er and landwap- , ,r,-h prtyrrum • Hul prom- »"w correlation between jo < ' - • -eetiofi to .1 f:»■ o' ' - a Mo > and 'ififf, r ' Partlcspa !n At (9 i:< ( OU ■ vsri'ejs , fui nre exploration of or petroleum hack of some csi—OfUif e«jufp ITOofid e"o. for pro^jjeeMve o-'-o: geoJogi!'' and geophydret f•■■'u 'cop-, department m:»nsg»- for 1 ft lira '/ ■" Co. f.'i' and ""T ng srh'eil reminar* and work- r in,' A dii!infill*bed landscape ar'-h;us I i'i I/.-, Angeles and Kao IL UEHC iTO MicHiptm's untapped oil *!»•- rrtefit I. the htg obstacle .-on- and a! 'he tame time make -up i, if, dent 'f K« n/'iM A* . «»ps a*, w'; h- fent.val a t.v- F. j.',' -,sco, Garrett KckVr ban a - announced v/ilj ■*} rriuiic condur''.; were fronting the geology depaf'nufit !au'ial eonlfihdtlom o the de K'-kbtird'. ill'' >A*Of# * *T.;'.g Itobcrt Rhav.. ar.«f MorrU Kan- \Viilu''*»lay. at present Several oil conipan • • i nf Michigan ."' m ' idep*- , jr. advi* ' • llif *>,«,/« Ire f.ninii hnvn donated dancer Mary Anthony, rr.'.r "4 MAJO* rvrNT oa me some expemive Oil Stale. \ rcophv'ffil program f/;as en'er manag'- ' on picture Tjtk Rkhard fir f- .. aim in mind hat been rri« '."II ri'.fi-advert ■ rsg ' **i landsr;i')» DAMCe 9fMO*. AHUSrr lliilimi . Sf blO-i.e fjarr#" • »,v Or Wilha tnJ ffin/e, cap.1 r ■ in •/.hi'-'; th'-v b f.ee't T.• k and ' ' '* b e-kg otifi'l •'« Ut.'ike IW KM AViMOriON • . • proftssoi nf Ke'i!o'i . •'.*. on line ArU festival will continue .ifafluate student* in hid - fig If' '' '*•'• ' ••«•• " Ihrough Julv 21. thus being ...«f»> Ar'ivr* field v.ork ford •' -r :■< " • >■ in';- bed >,y A - available to student* who attend Mi» l/.s.f . , ; -f.iri •}»!- summer, ivn A |li»»on, in . H-Cnh either the five-week or ten- ncuntapped oil de* fwo doe ; ft" 1 •pic reproducid week summer sessions The ten* I'nl I i I'ii I. nil are "stubhtiiniol," Dr. men' k ■ •• '«•»". . week session sod the first five- !i;.' /.• <• ! iy-nii! j< ai'l week session will begin lone 21 .1 fl '• '* J • 1/ 'This seems hi he (he grneral - Robert Sr...; - >.• own by Ma b"Vt"'C -,.»;d nplnloii •»( many iralnchh nho luvr made extensive studies «»f f ft'me- II- «hat Is refferred In geologically • , r«f the Michigan basin." he add- SIlJlkccpcaiT an-'l ft' . Illiiiin. IInil. «r .• . ii« • ,n it- p«even*cd froui Mil potential a a VitltMi (Idiiivc lb (,f oil by "•> i." !»•<. 0»,it r Sltti'ls Apr. 13 . , d,|. petroleum explorer . . • , are .. I fields *1 ljcPi;'e*. the Otlr flv fyfw of the re- uh- great v.. ' cr P-. in . in- If* . ' on - ' *• : i . M ,i * S •.« \fu , -—/An C-»e«s" ^ 4 / / ' \ V /v ,//,/>'< 7 Iii-III ll/ilm .! ' * • •> d h , ceiiN* / . producing fioi'i/'f -, »'•" - - of >■•<; b r UtAMOVA • ' !•'. I Jl Ml,It (aI drip rnv- • it ; the -v. ' ;• S' n»o •« »-••••■•# »#*• lefdht of 110 1 • n. . . • 1 i ' I, f.S.S * II- I •- . If., 'a , < . ' K •« r»* !»■• ',«••• M*.M '*>'•"• (Wot \" the sevral Impnitani • Ic • »• '.! i / A MRhlifMn Sl.'iie I nitprailv » • ..f the prop' ed prom nn t • ■ • • . < \r ' . ( •«ody le.idln:' to a ■ ■ MlREK.N ITEM SI-JtlKS u* < . m.irn"*ie m/iP of Mich- f a ' ''MVM T ■ EAIIU Hll.l) I MEAT HE ! adjotfMpg -ire . fO-h- M-. W. die..-! . f.v * Thur*., Eri„ April Ik* VI1. U(|\(, Mary Anthony, a leading ex¬ • •is 'jtss thd en*# thai _thl* ponent of the modern school of 1 nnd fl p.m. . t. 111 he valuable both », e. -o ,, Ap I interpretative darning, has been Admission: .'»0r I'rilih-il lliilimi I n/iri I'mili . . , .Pom »n« mineral <**- a'Use as d-nrer and choreog¬ .1, pen tied 10 pi he; eer>- rapher In concert, television and arid geologies I data. A I'erviii* wishing to register for I ml I Itl in I. lliilimi t\nil the course may phone ex. lot" musical romedy Mi# has ap- tiudy will be irrted ' " C « for the registration materials or Miuirr.er when ,1 c adu- ^liiml I iillnr 'iiri-nh r call In person at the conference jv;f«i, M and torn IArt r • and • i p-..', jje S-. ' r KaH I •)'. rig, desk plete their registration Kellogg * enter to com¬ Optical make omgn*d»e ar»ij gr avity rements nt three niuntiea S- a < .♦ •' *...• (.Mr. j ' Sorrier f.X' LC SIVf; AT Till; end nf the njrfn-c , h, fiogeinc, Ontonagon | »e* I vamined Among rstensbe research prof ram 1 |ilv.-I'jl property studs other aspects of the of the In f,las*e* I Itted Sn Ap- ^rntrh Houar melt* of the Mlehlcan hasin. Of prMjilrner.t M kill! I ton CAM*I % ipeeUI slfiilflranre will he den¬ Necessary ude* of outcropping layers of loisit Dffirew of: Drs. J. Christie and HJfetkw iih. ()pi(>metri*-t« CHS* (it rnek» densities of well rutting*/ •od the effects .of genlogiral itlurtiires on rock densities. K iwltslge of preglaolfll. i;v- patterns atudied hv U, Vlrv r},| feehM'iumi olw» will ^ 1 1 a a posr.lhle old iff !"• A ■ V' ':W '•/ • gj.ificant atnirturo'. in :k " ti • »;*• p.."errp. also will be helpful 1 • :i may Toce preglacifi! drain- ear't: fur ground wnUi' Indicate Oil (•RADI ATE STI'hl VT.fi»0ft» Heror. l ast l.anslng. and Ms wife b' !!H4 Institute JVtnreVn ?i. ||e for ffMH-t'i »»i; A- • ar.eed Semor Rc- V-ud.v. GRAND OPENING will map magnetir and gravity features of three rminties In the I ri¬ search k Warburg Institu'e, - !* vya* egplulhed. per Peninsula this summer as part of a geology department pro¬ iJondun, "* .o-f. i ac ;0r.gli* useful information for development of the oil Industry,# hi- SWISHER • •••'■' • -.'if, ■ and /».ic'. im mw% ' ,r« known to act us potr«-: .. ki(hb . 1 'Ant only will this program \ahuhle crv-.r . as training and he ti ' •spenence for our geologt grail- •at# students, hut WO Ogpeet to make \alilahle contributions to . IT S A GREAT FEELING I 1 'h# m the already petroleum ell*tang knowledge exploration UUNDROilT f'dd fir. Ilinie explained. To (fear An Arrow Sport Shirt " to Increase the ef- ' r-' of • mess currently atmlmri . k %: ■ ' method* of expiora- —ft ^ in particular dovtdop Adding a bit (A dash to the campus SATURDAY, APRIL 9lh tcene are these traditional sport shirts that hoast easy good looks, lasting comfort Fine "Aanfori/ed' fabriwt enhanced with Arrow's authentic | # butmndown collar CarefulH tailored nt pullover style, 14.2? ,* and regular modsK A4 00 9 AM FREE WASH 9 PM 21WISTIIMIIOUSE WASHERS FREE PARKING <>f/£ '■« &i - r* SWISHER LAUHDROMAT 519 W. 8RARD RIVER EAST LAHSHK, MOIL Dyke's Job Safe—That's MMIIM.AN HT.\li: NMV* I'uge April 7. I ft fin Association Cunudiciis Eavoreil in Initials, (»ivcs .Miinn Rotli Tennis IVi'l Confident MON | IIKM ■ rs<' A a dm mv •The Ktory In rldjeuloh ii> t«> r» P.M. (liiltl. ,1,, iii lo'.iu . u f*l■*. Hill!, Ih, Ni' A A v ,h.- _• - There's no tenth In it. I've u' SUM PI VMM. r ft 111 .Is I fall ' I • V . M.il .*'( •, h Hv* had ;• very high rega i 'Jthi'1 »iii'i•' !!!• fi "i rfflifi- foi .limniie Dykew a a monaee l-flf tu ka ! i.j- " M'UMi a good job when Sailing Anyone? ') , He hns done "ii hjs 4 munlmnii. Hrrldmi ever he him iK'-n He'# a ? ' of ihr imoriillnn " md'jfhf Ill*;:, It.Mil' fllld hi Mlilltlg guv " ih|i|. " % nornhrr of Ihr m»K The Tone* mid, 'T)vke« m.t.' f ■ si... i t Ti viail" will he knrw llijjjclr »inl hi* l»r|p" l .f! only until Tigers experier,, i. . .vi, i » I ..mi in.• .him ii--.ifl.-nli ,'nn- Spartan . -.JH . Hielr first *eilou* elufnp, w in • I\ night i' H a! the Small I .III :\J .(»)■' . '.»•«. .' • tiich time He Witt may u^e aiiilithfiiim "f H"' I 'vn fi nhi. f,(tin, MSI - ' '►.« ' v H. >; as an excuse to bring in a Ih, iM'.iiiam i. pi.-I'lilci l>y m/itiHio i of his, own choice . . . th. MSl Sailliif! ( h i' or iKkc . . . may becom« fi-' K.mIiii i'.| ih Ih.' I ill., at.- 'he •Iff'iff III,: Ih I '.fuji -»?i ' oft with Hie pretourc DeWitt \• ' .... I I||!-I il.Mll If if.! I... I'"' limrili: MPNN fr» iilhletir dlrrrtor. receive* the r#llrjc Swiiii- ! .1.' • ' " lS.,H - A»v« ( l< exerting on him arid beat h. C l.ir.H'H Mai kllla.' I I Ml I hiiiik louche* A**nci.ilimi of Amrilc.i award from ftwlmiidin: ro.»rl» b■ !h the punch and walk <>u mill flu- kmoi'liillniiNi preiidriil f Marie* Mil 'aflree for liis support i and I he Shu World Flnim- Thr Time* *-td HrWIlt "Ap¬ lo s« iininfiiit I>1..riT-lt11>>: A.hnra Mill Will In' X I I RANK I. Alt A parently dor* not alwayx sr» k JIAIAIY HYKI'.H rase of i»«n-fll|»|Mirt out hi* manaurr'n opinion." hr uo *up|H»rfrd DeWi't dei.crilied hinoelf ■ "a roek-hetided guy who t*- WALT DISNtY S Students! Kyoiiwan-c (.rilHIn'r .1,1.1.' ' Arizona ( InIts Go Wild! Tlirv Scoiv 66 Times hi ves I letter I tw»» than one. consult with or three headx Dyke* ; | • i •-k' H. .v. 1 A !».»> ■ . ' t»\ 'I'l The I.. Anrih- l»"d«'-r hentinr Hie fV.'iltiinore Orioles, 4-.'i, mi ii ifutlh«N The Milwau¬ lD.it s niv job ' The owner* elected me pre aed Mill IT, fh«- iii i dent with foil authority '»ver kee Heave* edited c neMma!'.. 3- -• ihire nunnu and .jflflitl five m ii, i? innitiff and Pitt'oursfh frlgaiii/ution. And I'm g. - I niltttc til I i . ! IV ■.!" ninth i• in .,1 the San Fraii' -, e |ftul,»fprv' f f ' a gel l!,. th* s l/.tje f "ardv l»»mt !('»*- !.*<>, •even runs m 2 I '3 inrnrii;-. * * * «l,iv »h.e .' tan, 13- Hi. «nd f 'Ii*veland neored s.uid* Koufax and Ftoifr CraiK MSI > TIMi.' fieeem. .« V ! .or tunth I- run.- e,hf« n- !he i,»e fur tin fir»t tune thi* .lining. ovrrromr lirxl i ii ii l ii k » *rvrn-run I .on Johnoin unit ll.»*tou Loss lo Lory JOSHUfl IPgans PHODuciiON of that sopurwucy stage smash/ I rnir Vtauk* homrrrd for Ihr ( uh* hut **\rn run* in Ihr SARASOTA. Fla . (/7ri—Vet.-- By Popular Damaii final Iwo inniuc*. *pjrkrd hv Ihr an went right-hander seven innings, Early "Wyj.'i the long- antho„> Perkins>•-' >•• ■ Jane ^da I fourn-run ninth Unit. von for i'lrvr- any Whde Sox pitcher hag e >' "A i . wanncr bros. i Rofir Man--' fourth hit. <aser loaded, won their fourtti idiulout victory ' STRATTOH'S Inr the Yank' in the H'h. Ihek the Hiring • Schofieht's single in the 10th hi. thiol hit — drove in the The S.,x got four hit* ( 1'iruteV w inner. Frank Larv, v.f»># went robfe for the Tiger*. Tluce ' SPORTS CAR CENTER 2nd II : then came m succesKlon in " • Fourth when the Sox scorct , of their runs on a single by G» ■ Frei'%-» and doubles by Minn < nm run dealtr uf LUCON M inoso ami Al South. "JUST WANDER OFF" Wynn, who led the major with 22 Victoria! tast teasnn. scattered four singles, two which preceded double pla • FIAT Frank Baurnann rr-ptac«Ki Ji. iii the eighth and finished. A prict fur uvury puekut, (oflsfe Scores NA«rR.AIL TO 501 M.A.(..! 8 s«ji8 TV* tvvry nn«_ Friaui as Iun m pAt««*U after Ohio N»g*yi« 1 7, Mini Alkion I innlNgt, nmw) I'alrurilly 12, Nrg A'irflnU Minor tola t, Iowa IUt» 8 lilinoO fh Oklahoma « (dam* nlt.l M John# 19, Broohlva fot- !•** 4 S.J4.00 North c aroliaa I, iMknui 8 a month < hM-aao T, NhMln * TtNMN N»vy f, Oakr «• OPEN RUSH VarjotTD^WN • • wurui n u mm* • CMKTU l*B(MK cartna a Kl> 2AAI7 TONIGHT Mf.HTS A Sl S—AWLTH TO KM* TUMOHT — STANDI T PAL SAT. NAT. 7 — 9 p.m. vS®c moo at »m - hi sTAimsr. TOMoaaow i hi. latut 1th noblo AMI H\AI. NEW* wef.k ft. vents STARTING SATURDAY in it A bird . . A rocket - - a plane? no. it * wsdrtfUiiris^. Sigma -t ■V ■ "On The Corner" . * x-h.ji[H-ywFiaditt£ts Sinks. Siirkrll Pan' Slii.ff HurVw" SpnrUtn Strong/Muitl, Says hobs f~A c#m • * 1 A! ■ . ,.-T '» i <»»i i.t I ' < n !•»; - T '.v'i v «•«* k« ir •' I i r Suiillii-ril I rt|i Itu-rliiill sl;ili-lir- i i • i •!i..*»' ■ •■•J t Kf*l» v..' ' " ,MU\ 111! It It t f IIS«. kiiis iii:siii.i. (Kill MONtZK \ t" *f 1 ttf hi!', i • *V ' ft pared luiUmert in *uijthern lour . M-nii'k* • ttf .naihlfhr;, !• r • MICKKY SINKS HON s \< Ki l l S.iUrVn. iin I A .•• It *> nf-f i), ill.i Ii »l ,, , rmiTKr «-» top Sparliin Hurler* . . . A|.. :! Mi. >►«>]fl ii' jvnn*. OiiMii. rf i /• ir State News Clip • Sji\i* Spring Srlinlulr • rl Ml. )• n-mamM. •Irlm M \\ rot II I'- Il.'imn. M11.il llonoretl Dormitorv (iiiTuil lo Spark Season: M • ilifie n »*.• tfjfio. I •I'M. 1 nr. f> |i lb |> IM Softball Officials Meeting Toniifhl \ MI Minn, It l|r * 111 Pur H#t« KiiMflintl t IVIilVIIM %l IM H IIIM. • ii!Tii»'»'> *i»fUK»lf l«*aviw <«»• n niiJ. 'he teee' a IM \ t I II '.!» IM "filing whrdulr u! a' » p n, anw " »• mcp' . 'i * •> t. II wlnP -> Mufi'l i" April 11 "J- iff N.wr U»ej The f f»:M - .fe . A • e > l'ACCENT est Kr i.'t lh-« " " • 'A e't'il'Kltrl V I'ti o-inn ^ . . T .»* I\I h ' if ,.>i" fi' It*. . the lnti *.! »• ii; • »i rwlet.'s .' it' *:',n<' ■> fh - t- tinifi' :I»i n * i ,!*• hrn in FIMNCAIS... • ■. k h. jni ,i.i/. irj, the ;m r *i" » , the fnllnA'irju P.-. SiPuflftv. .1 ^ II WI | II l.tftHC* fiy tU. ' P'C deadline for III# IM HI* »e fHPrl'ini' tj'wil 1. I'll * » PI 1 MM *• -la st t« t»*# o t>J| ! •• I- iliti'llial I'nlf rhaniplunship h headline Inr enterlni the IM u,» 9 n *t n v. 11 4'j! I. M'fl IM the lliinl urrk with ireen free I eneini tnur nanient ii the MAK» III! .'I II r. VV( line at the IM office Weil., April !«». l- llnuiiie I he loitrnanienl starlt the kjiurdat and last* in¬ «4tn* eumpetitinn a* week. Mat S3 — Map 2*. the the ilthh deadline, hut is the follow in« liijiirril He»vrvv MICIIIG %S vt%lP IOI R MORMNG IIAMI I MM* Alii r liANCE WAyf to *Mtida» final In IM rwmnetilmn. May llurl llmrhs & Ely l>? iPLfM totikMta.thartr/jrriGr Dec I onUi t I/m iJJi.l • n' 11 v <• • a»r. <■■: Friday. April 20 . The haseboM tht'»" u»(e ' n« - SI I.Ot'IS '/C»-The St 1/ « \ OJ Of maybe Wan 10 rear Pa?.' ac*-. - > kiii triri.ii,. {.»r»p 'he f r» * I v eek »' ' I f., in'-t.tiu tm IM 'dtfiden' ' ' Mil' 1. .. M m M i*. -.'I * ft'». * !' , • I -a ere t 0M{adou?(M (hh tn D "i'3 tipiofi»him v.h.rh b»-- . indrpendrnt |rt|UO a in.- n;i.>• *»-um pult even '• . A Ml I he < ,u .-rl fiint April I- !•« -ifi M e !;•>. April at ^AO the .1 "t IM bwil'l.e.; Tw I 1 an i 7 ' .t'f »rr» . '» •' II.. ' C « : *.r in |P'» h"' WALLACE WALI OPTICIANS y'X \ (* ^ 3 {aunt to Pa'ar.n nukr II a hit div for the inde- *1 ne • itfrt ifolf t hamfiionsiitp In ».'»r! I eerie.:, hut '*;•■ • - ;,.*»! f'. ''Ml V W'Hf! HOW? WHRNI?WHIN? af . April 10 , prndriiter* Hnflliall starts .. u,a' Iwirry F" i»t hit •» The »iu!'t'.»/l (i nil ' 1*' ■ *1 Hfiwli Of I ire Vine it f lippeft mi howling at H. :n ami soil#*- 7 rn- . mA romt^ti'i'in lor - I' i hiin i h i'.-*, theif ' h • ■ M..-V i.'i if the ,• • <0 * • nppieiir "sears lrrniim< n•- P*' M A . • .if M 2 , in tf4 r bill a I " 3». . . i * e I-,,' « fi.fwut-9 2»0- ".! ! • • "I he ro-r i-,i' ii . . .i'ii eye rtaminatmns li« fi.« a . " • tM 'i ir»evh<»e liiWlfl.arnf-.it , t » i *ei. -wfft'r-'l il ti.'e ir #'"»»» ft,'* Ci'.ijo a • I »I I 1 'thUe. ekf*:% K ll;;!r ii llf M f Jensen, retistrfed *»|rtr«metii»| • • irf* hell a! ft'-- ■ i *if the biif.r ii • »/«'• >• /r, / a .1 T!in?'i.ti.i\. An It « p.rn III ; .■ r -., i . *it«plial| A*ahfl« a* iian-!. X-li *js taken «f'»T a ft *•"!■/ '-r/r- ,j»r" 2 (pi ( Fieht I'll IV «♦ JT7I • • ni It. -'.n 127-102 vie* > Tw - - • fer i'sop'.K I .r IM v-.". <-<* r f Ma. » Mas Junior \|i|iiiinli'il a ' . rtv f:ijffit di . ' ..j.r*M the f,r» . 'i t|» i»ne for d*irm tr-ek .Ititm S' hn -ir. ., ( 1 p.2 :» Y. Ti i- t'.irne M-'Ui .'»«• i S- \hmuurr * In lifotinti 'J ... . . .»• P.lie MO»i!1 Tlje« . junior^ wwi* fuiMtcfl ' I.. '.nrufiht rl " f>f • : . «vi - k - wllh the s-.e a'" in S'.t'i f. f a' ' 2 ' -l i!> iiVf ..'.a aM a - - l.nd'.nn. '• e-t •- . • 1 Iw'U. . pfavrn with i* " Dohbu Think for yburself? ' e -ne .^ ,P *iA0 Tm - ■■ of .. eek «if M" '.vjr- he;«-i fnoLbali iiairi- !«» Mas 22 see* the fraternises i»» tiwek ■ eti',n. "fSie r* <*'*• (DIG THIS QUIZ AND SEE IF VOU STRIKE PAV DIRT > ! CORAL GABLES' : ILFORNO i Ji h • • ItKMT.U It \M; • • A I . .1 I IIImir I lint iiiim/i- /'/// I /iiiiiiiii. Ill I.mini II It J — MIU AI.MI KKMi.SU/ISK IS' — BAR B^ SPARE RIBS OCI\ I* All A riHIAi: Fll 7-1311 ( aterinc • Croat' iPM ■ t \ %l Take Out Order* Cart irs-I.Unr hi*un» l.njin Smiihi. Oiniier in llir Italll-L. tlir Phaat ED 71311 F«r Pr««fil 'A? b»'!'o teach riin oH oat", r. « hard men**! afibty w of a rhe-amtie rr.ind. fl j " Otlhrtry Strvi't To E. Laniig fa'e it - Cop I**-* « du the Wh*«! v&ir burro** y-»ir •itJwtti raortif&n't tio * e«. a*ki»f. udiiy <:rvtk » ' ini't yooif itze? C, k/ie inter .Yrvj \ kf*r"y rich, full tobacco youf Ufti dof.be»* l!u.or—<* >rnokiR/ man's Chan^r 10 Vkmiy Unia v' AOsact! yov cK«tk«d l» on o«/» of foot of lot fOc-rveif SENIOR #>9i« y&i f*:*k '\ a grfl yoo re » * pot* mi bpcick m pah e, do yow (A) ted ter •Vip! fB| Mu* to be ^ afta*7jre.t * rC> »0S»4er 4 Crwm * treat ft.r 'peine »wf tumrorr—Mturotfy' And Il>4 M :f.e kmprmtt i i WOMEN Ofcft hbek #r»«wtune# gray, 1* a rnam silin^ But liveiv' A voUtile tone that'# JMJiwtixraea bnv* mind^Oiret n, Um-kty and hk-nrJed alway# «pAtfui Oit-.e add# anot^r ahadf of w ith n aJBOCO tf yon *tr* on hi/* w pir* a 4 toranmg to the wnrldh netK-kwjk.ul flS&M: tail, trun arai hCer *r-twM you • jS ' '•> lit in on Iho fround floor antl there' «*>". IA > "Ciek the romplately natural risht down t« tlw folor See st. m<* ■S.rn, Wv r;,n'l help you. Hut »r lb* Ucis, Pal tirm-Rttc wmor< who want to pt place. ikwa jrj'ie# !«* yosiMk^1 '* M-t in Ihi.' ctuiiuiunieation. imiu-lry. .S«nior» with (C? **Ckt.. u* one tk»| lor for .itiicf, Murnumnft. buunev., anounl- irwm M»S« rkhitm '.fee csau.** '*• '"."laprment and peruinnrl work. AOCQ Vou run find out how /ou fit into thU bu.inoei " It'* a wi-e smoker *bo ciepexsds on si<* »4 one intrnriew. Sac your llommMt t 'oun- - o*n j'jrlgment, not opinkww oi others, ■'* now and arran/v a vi.it with our ivpre*ota- in hU choice of cigurtitta. That i% «hy ,ivw. They will be b-rr on tnmpu* to talk with 5-u on April 12 k tn Tha Man Who Thinks for Himself Knows- ' v 211 Sw WaahiatlMi MIV VICfROV HAS A TM1MIH6 MAN'S FILTH—A SMOKING MAITS TASTE! & f UraatoWB tapWat - • ../■ ... MK IIIIiiN 'TATI. *1** Lomlmi Italia April 7, lltO# ■ A"* WM 'Hninbmv I.amis' Is M nrhl I rnvi'l Senate Rejects Two Schnlalitl in ball Kiishls Hill Amendments INCREDIBLE Uintloo'ii Ifovnl # Ballet will Subject Sntnrilnv Michigan np- ill make Its only P'Mnrifi' al Michtpni St a: • I Th« "mintwav kmb ' • :f «'• \V.\>HI\'»,Tl IN d'» Thr Small' UVfltif-«hiv c|lli«*kl>* Pi»- M i -'ty fall n» the open-mi; trul Amrrif.i will !"• . kM.M.'t ' !. <•*«|n«ncii'd airu-ntlmmt • l»» nnmm lh»» foiu rv of the 1900.01 MSI' \* • too ("MOM r Serif i. I he \<»lin*,' ru liJ -i provi-hm* «»f I In* hi»tl.-!i,'|wa.nMl Cords/ tt'i.fC i»f Shoulder Classic '.v Thavcr S«.uht -i .; . - P will give performances here Cl iiyrl 'lie Alld 'iTif H pr»- • :" 1 l" ti S.11'.! I'l.. • i" I ivil UhOd i- ' la!; v?- ft • •piibMcan .'ftp flfvd on Oct Oct, 12. Scrip* Jt; and ( li t l|, Sci A. lit. Sale of Nalnral rot c when S.'ule v;il '11 S I- Sim, h'i S-'fiiiJc made douhlv • atrial. col op film «»f 'tic « * ll'ir- lilt! mean to I..U- Now nn-c* it dr.' hv p.c • M' •i Intcr-Anu-i it at; *• lit t' tin" autli • • rojn* nf 'lie 11<»lI•-« - four hind S »uio w. 1 c•\pt.»fe- • 1,1! .111 v »|i •:11 ;! 4• i - ■ s,»tv •. ;• I* 1 , litn.MCIl i* •Ynn'rr. Pit nut ri a, C'o* ».i ttic t K! Oil Cu¬ ; v n m^M" '•» limit 'If I • 'i and ('.uatrmiil.t a natural nwniln' rt, !(!<•) v • ■ rs•. .'i Id Con,:11 • hrcoom tourist hittmi -' • i ' li i ' i-. and not lot a Scillv find th*rn ' ' i and local cl i - in the ll-l-S cwlftnu .tod in i vvhj«!' i S -'li !Of to'-l ! ! p., . '•rflftirv • UC'h i'. !'M I ■it- .! «. . . Mil' M 'tl ,;| • . II Don !c t-! c'wi C i.i J i lent) >\ eminent '.|'c-p •iot/lil ' . ler'.ui.itc i'e rlcc- If. Ii«rt m rttr*r.>* .' ti fji U I lUilM1 Itlf «|l|lll» .\rrhr(tts«i*:.-.d c \ v - Mi»\»»n i' " . . ■ flc.lt •» to .l| ( orii'.i ' io«., fldhini:' VItliii - f i' -f "b. ur-. i ' 1 . •• ), tt:-t|ljf m c Do. i* Ih-1- •. « • , .'cruiMKo an* He." i c' ti'rall/ - ' -;ov citing < ■ titnil at- the 11'.1 Will !'♦* l"C . h :) 1 S. i k' t't' ! c:im' b -. i.: . ed tin i i' i. ,t nivi aitii: » bf t in t of ItlClfMOND. V P to a an t !•. • l it r.'l '.!«T -A - •: •" i \ ' • it VV Itt'f lit.'? i tlif 1 '• t|| , I I ■ lU O, fr II ! f.| I, I of III. ■,« J.. . ,t t . r foti.:rf--sniiiif. /«»,i,hi st't>i»io'« /iri'wmf )rntrrnit\ linimr I > "ill (if rill, \ ) \ nit» tiltl . . . >n llir i> i'M' liltiltlill a Tim fJioufifar* arn ftlrlcfly vimr own in fhia uniari I llnr one. .tJickvf. It'.i n tU ftly ruf Inittnn moilt'l with mifur* Sliirliiiu llii. h rin. ally nlltn linr.t.,. nrriMitml by the narrow IujipU, It % nrlii'ihilnt In hr tnn/% I it full. naatly flappnl pnrkrta and Milr wnti. At your favor- >n l Ymi lie V our llrtt. • 'v.v<-('/»Iionof Solr of 70"„ Cotton ami .'{<#"«• Itocroo* WASH 4N' WEAR SUITS In Finv II nlr t oril! Stays Xrnt. Xrnls Lilllv or JXo Ironing SPECIALLY PRICED: $2480 ■■ X'tVFV/ 1 SH Ol B Bl IMiKT'l'I.AN : l'a> 1J in 10 dn.tn, IS, 1J in Ml (i.tt V I'AV in 9(( tit. ffuMIM .Wit# lnemlikle is the only wonl to riewrilie lhe>e uniort. i eatl.v tailored tt»eh 'n weiir cortl suit*, tt'e're »ure you'll eyrec. tthrn .ton come down and »«■ these handsome suits for yourself ,. . the combed cotton nnd li.icron'-polycsler fabric, the tailoring of the neat lines, and the low budget price «U make .YOU CANT BUY ANY CAR FOR LESS... UNLESS ITS A LOT LESS CAR! this s|ierial purchase offer your ttisest clothinc inveslmeut. Vou'll look well dressed, yet have the feel Ychi hsvp to (iO in Chvvy more miles on every gallon and Chevy '* of casual comfort, because of the perfect fittintr natural shoulders and slim plain front trousers of THrrr's no stvrr! obottt it- ChetroUi more way* wnh -4 tmo-lraosmission comliina- Hi-Thrift 6 if famous for the way it these modem day miracle suits, (let a carload of fellows and come to Knapp's downtown, todaj". You cnn gut you more banc comf<.>rts t f and because it tnakc* lion* t.« from—mora than any akimp* on fas. Cretiit Full Coil »u« conveniences can park free, ami buy these fine cord suits on our easy, Uu.iyet Plan. , mart cart, and budds then more tur v*ar in the industry. Y»>u aUo gri pension for the unruflVs! ride—onh fc}urmui;.- vaiw lifters in all |mpular Chevy among the leading low-priced Trot. Mart efficiently. .A* n matter «>/ fact, if * Kr.i.wir.1 ttoother L'hovv vwlusiva three ha* the friction-free tHwIuoning vthiTlvw>priced tors gccexea uhat »"i*inti!i of coil spring* in the SHOP ANYTIME TOIIAY I'XTII, i:SM P.M. . . . IK I 0 A V 9:M A. M.TO • P. M. ( hay dt»*. they•v.iuidn't a.'fohi t:> tb.it hu*h»s nomo to a murmur and be loiv pruvd. hut see tor youneif valve life. Fuel roonotny? rear. Try it for yourw If won— aayt tomorrow. injJJij/ uhat we mean. T. i new l^Mtiomy V8 gets up to 10'. for cavwmu sf See your local authorized Clu i rolgt dealer for fast delivery, favorable deals V . . ;