•Sprvlnji tlSlJ F»r .11 Vfnrs VOIXME r,2, No. 0 EAST I.ANSIN'i, MlfTIIEAN—KEIDAV. AI'IIII. K. llKi'l I'llll.K 3 ( ENI .-i French Riot Barrier to Civil T»»V Vtrf, „ Over Farm Rights r-np mp - • :j Price Plans Bill Cleared by Senate riiriiicrs mill I'olirr Itiillli' Afli-r ^Inrrli College Bill MSU Registration SK.VS. l-'mnrp i/l'i — Ti n Anieiidineiit 1hini«nfl'l tlrsl nli-ht rinl nfti-r Hiiirrv |Kili«- farniprs Imt.- Xhtirwlnv ilamon- Approved Briefs Is Adopted strnM'in airain*t ifovrrnment ii mas. By Semite Sluilent C.nneert WASHINGTON oVi—T^" A student en amber Itriri'-fisinir farm pulirif*. My 1111 ASMKIATI Ii PUS** crt will to* pre»#f»tc-d by *K'r iSr-nato* Tuo-day adnptw! a Several person* were report¬ T Grand V-j >y srtrr.eri» lunigh' at 3 i3 civil riyhlit bill amitndmpnt ed injured, none seriouslv -• M//ed through 'b' S«*r)a'«. in the rnu»ie »>id The pro-gram T* de-iyncfl to meet ;*v»othorn- ' ■ fi • *e#*k.'-nd,ng * <■ - wiil iriel-idO •eIfA f.ry objpction.4 thai one pro- dev.'Ci-d to p."k.'.g up -i 'or.. S'ra. ui-ky. a*,'l liartor. 1HO l MF «l*-ve*r-ulds sis- riir lights nrns late in the library #* tl»»* other l.thle*. iVIIh IhU "beautiful spring t'j i-rm :re»»ting» !hroiigh.,.t? srI,- a* Ihey nonlr first pus*«- fl-./- n '• er.d* of tor *,' j Vau/hfi-Williami* T'*n It'ak" \i*ion would yi'.e Nejrro«< vj»i •tudrni* i»wr ifiln pore over Ihrlr bmiki, weather* 'irllnt Ihr nay II ha* hern. thrre iml F.-m-e Thurvlay Ale.ut 2»l0 m)'» w illou buds of spring «t pearia. to. y» f »r tod'ra* » an 1 Oboe ' an advantaire over whiter in bi«ijii ovrp Ihrlr iwltnmrnte, and rye »h#> cirl- *t mnrh else for them In do. Mate Sen* Rhnto ' flit: H f ur rr..r if ■ farmer* ma'H In ft nationwide Ill fhr 'kiltrnish " plants are «•<} / <-'■ wi." l.a-.e ;U first cbrr.plete p«-r- reFistprinF RA VOIT*. ho«. of protctt The farmct blooming all user the stat** now formHW «*. The tona'e then r it off lot* —mathe th»-'ll dMirtr to »«me to \ssurning approval ther^ and # ★ # < l,un the price celling*, aimed •vr anr.endrr.e'/M. yv < -• ** a Top MSIJ Scholarship fraternity kyeping down th« rHirtg ■' Mbhigan some d«t Ihr governor's promised signa¬ A fir rr.'Ae toward final »<*.on on 'he ture. Ihr legislation will pledge measure, al'hc.yh *ii-. " I. mg for city worker*. ar» er - state-rhsrtering of a four-yesr Ti-\hrtit-n men m'er j •"ibject in g*M-raJ d«hH'e to- ins' awiiv tng many fiirm profit* and d» farmer, toward b-.w Fralernitv « Io*titution fnndition barkers raise one mil¬ at f.rand Rapids on forming a cicti chapter of TV* lielta Urn. r.atmr.xl fraternity, f .re a * '/to on pa Adopt,'.:i of toe r«-g » Award Winners Named rupti •• V'.'l" The flernon trfttmns 'ipiritecl bill pMK'l-ful. 'I <• To Honor lion dollars and approve a ■ Vm ♦32T»48 uw,r , i ■ i apprwe.1 * $70,- itjnn',',n bill for so* gra.n' M and op*"' '* site. ».'ill meet Saturday at 2 p rr.. in the Union art ro»>m "of the tj r/f M branch ** il bo prewnt to explain the fraterr.i'v M'-rr.tori xrr.eridrriint, offvr«"l by f'e.-..... if the nation's brightest and hunt T)u* leaflet-. had urged tfi« • and *'"p* to foJb/w in forrnt;.g pr»mn'sin^ hij/h C. S. Moll award winner* nr, :..ru.ei a! the ' 19fi0.8J, a ne V !lnu*#*pawed rr.'a-.uo- the' pitchfork-- an MSU chapter. ..! -eniorn have won the top seholnrehipH offerwl b> fiaothn i h j'j l' « fCii o, . f to "leave » •;ia-ng « ar, I' "*«»utherners had vehementlr Fv« r.vfinc M-gul.V.on of rt'l- # * ♦ K:o*him/, Joarihn Cuthenn.- V > horn'- ' remember*'J I-., .*r» protected that the hill, before Afi ilari' ft ,Ih r' Fv< r t fire • • i i m frurrislralion Mr flint V* Stew iifi M f \ Meet* Toniuht adoption of the amendment, was \ . a.. oil a re *- that raward-, of M um Of/.'i Kruy*-i|h. Term. Ro»o rt - A-oils- earhyr tin j< ar F i ll philMtiihnij.i t. will i-« so drawn Negroe* rould he i .jir.pii* United Na'. .n- ...I permitted to vote pro\i«ionallr ann«ujnml !«>d».y t A "i V ft •iue to 'li'.cjH deglstration had not le»n ruled r.-cifucnls scored a* :h- ',t th »f . la Irfiriv S'.-.iart ladtch, Gia-d Iraieriiil Satunliiv. ..* » irrvi-r C.« i/i to.nth Africa A bill has to** n It nt at hens, th- brrnoi v on prior to el-rtion dar. i'.'i'M nrnfully wlirtwl --u- fur 'i MTiifiiiir ' iU't-rtfuced by Soviet Union and the I'ije.* fiari- *;• i • ... •-,< If . . e thr*>ughotit the eouRir- Nat to ■at Mun Hapiu:. h 9; v l. o . lev l.vo. niiri.n-ii into V, " vh'i i* imifig f t ...d . b'-?.'»f( ;M»verr».*..? b ftl.*-:. of -lie Af/o-Acian d« icga'ions to de¬ t* «• .s v.- - 1 ; x .mlnatu)m Ndev, N.-»»hat, Wi fvuk- hal ii In front «f the prefeetnre •« . in t.h<- tynah '■■mil ii.rn .. * .'',11 'Nit'img Ct.M'r.b ,• bate *h« .-.sue imrr'dia'ely and per"/.' .. :,-g. at the end t.f Ihrlr rail* Manv -/ft:(«titi-ui held In F l»- Fur win bar »h. I'.'-rrurn S(m »r.s- Hoberi n„. i,;. iUt v „|. '.If. : • » ,iim- *.#ato p<#y*ib!itti**s of re- i 'T ,NV(jr'» . .4fit up to the hay rarnetl lMiiner« and plararn* . .. \mong the proieits was s r »•«»;» t ed ». ft.'u i h..i« i I/. • i. r, J W - ' moving the apartheid pomy. to"? re a--'. *.. .-itlend trif arot-— v'ltb bOft addition to the student - ■ ... • ....* anil shouted anti-government Ch.« Aiming group ar. MSI' ie*vxl«>pm« i * # # r • ;/ i.t u ' V slogans. ;»»id e\»».u.g P-ti'ita * ...' I •utilities building at the Ini* Aiyba Kappa P>i house versitf of Miihigan. y.erby I$ lliml \rniH I'alks (d-tiiii" Nimlii'ir I of VI Asks f-*»'..«• • r «»! i u .ided *h- m- <■• r. i » • " .-I "be ii phwosopby. will r» plan? Maj*.r Ir.rk .er. % ft. r.Orr.. v.,.1 Reds Ask New Skirl 81.800,000 ■ t iii-mu- ' pr« :-i tort fl (-'.liege f IlilMm J'»hn Barron a ? ' on View¬ • i i • An- .« * . .u v. a< scht-i .!'- l uio-rt Tim • 1. M-»f 'lo/i n» id Uaig.f point over WKAR Sunday ;•* 2 ;» pr,*.. •> ti/xt an ap,.- - ir. *tSl tw fulhcwetl b a for *' Tu.'Sdav*- snd chsncev t r« '* r< -1 fc fed - vhc-ii* wil l grtna- »% it.to 'h« f. f'i u.'j'w an I an it 3d tinUa pro*. He *•- .ii div.#i<«v phi! a . a r- <>*# for xppfrvai app*-*red g «'<. •idgr " hail be ouaiifii-d t * 's shNKVA (tV)—The Soviet l.'nion fvmfMNml Tu^dnv fn xfuai - The arigrv farttn r •. r«*- on the Contemporary A nern an » the slate clean and take the Kbnatioii diaai'mitmrn! Imck to its start in# point. Cvdotron plfed Uv riptitt.g f»»»v ing ,ston< t from ?n»' itrci-i. ,nd hurling thttr fair "The will Rev note of the a if.'ul <>I vrr.i'ti.- af¬ looeph who "I think it'll »*••." said Rep. forecast Kowalskl (|l |»etr«ut . Wednesday that .to-enc" witfi Cabaghan and Richard HwJntr IT»fev*or W./baii umli r stale law rt liirkun < move was pirl nf * el thr- pr« «Mum of the pfeiiosoph.v deparui.T.' drive bt >eri*le leaders to *e| ' f',irr»*P'— and friendllnc. I two rolball totes would he Deputy Foreign ItlBie WASHINGTON F I'nvrr. W, .1 .rig g:« n i-k > T'id •••« r. (•• C, final action on the hill last ni*ht. If ,1 #.:•» i • of needed for the Senate-appro* ed • • > Zorln claimed turn from one i(pH* to another' with h< ore.... • i«» poi.ii rr.wtbjtt the drlie *r;*. Michigan «ciCfltist« a to i >-■ Has iaunrhed alter • dure offered the <»n!y r«- the same two hosers mahtied hm: o.-i.i I not -id • <^lpha Kapt>a I' ' Mr M * proposal to rleaf the House. lite i "ofi|'i« Thufkii* . -h H ul'tU.tf I Senate swamped 73-14 • u. to provide . , , «- : , • . the dear! en*J street against earli other." ifpirgt.l "it '•»'•.!»* * ■ k! '» Timlion* Sin.-e on't If • .»m pa .ire amuM au'hor- southern attempt lo remote the ' ll.gfKi.'MIO to bu id u eye to" »n *c , hof" ' • conference find* r- ir* the «o t ir< d« stinmi four wc*k« of In Ortititi 'be if new ri jreating ring Zonn could hiv < barge on the »ri.ver»}*.\north cani- .i'iiA 'i « v.n,«- "f i ' > |n * .u up - 'i • a' I f'.rmaliiy. are tr.- ' : •• *^» . eiwng fr-ftt, v - In .Fallout, key the hill. soling right* sertion from ' i' the '• .ir tp.s nit •' *hr five 'Af-tferrs pov. I. t I * An ;r,Of a/j.-mt of " 1 'j i ed " - on (Mtfpitn cru» purpo.M-. to t-*,r reive* refused to gem ra! coo.ru ' and compk-le ' u ir - I-' rum* ■■■M ff f> Says Chenii.-t echrr aking renuuned, h »^ - South Africa ' ' • i ■' ... the acti/.i.es ,.f MS» er, to.ih the r«vaS ftuvu-t and oy *.r.e outnurr.PereO di*annamen: " ile.tioru, i .tu.i- " um ,m, "ff in¬ l :- hu-, • Hh Pr uh"i ■■ a Houhc «ppi latmn* sut*c*im- % ia, I- v. CLEVELAND — New in. '-MU'.nern oppi.ner.'t '.I •>>.' -t-armament and Ik* 7."f.n apoke for more than an to side street* I... w.raj tura s. rmttw, akf. orgryl approval of .an m and fr# - io n by tU supp-vrtor# frotn tne formation dlxcloses Work Boycott soma unex- • • 'end on the bash of hou* so the conference tl*im the ret|'«*5». \round I 000 diehard* reas¬ «< m.U.v attends f.w.ttniJl gjt" < north and t. l.'N \. *«nbly resolution of ThurwiHA lb put a Qnai «*•' on pwcted "comforting" facts about sembled at one side of the square h> s 'o of '.'»#• iea.lihg J'f.-i - • Ijite ye"« rday xfternrjon there i'i.oaetive faltout trrjm bnrod V-v 20. Soviet rclcrbun »>f the western I»r Kilph kawycr, the univer¬ * .»is <,f fri». •( ro**r'»a*)- Afre »" •ftrr the tear ;«« fumes had /.>• Crushed earn" a '.me when ru one had _ }<- u'don, vh*ch refer* .f ihv difft-rentiaf for 'iv..ia.*i rejwtrvv force* mobilized .'.vrripof.um .poxiaored by tne' He said the western plan did fhent# could to? offered. s-r'i i* -* f negotiating plat- building to hpuae the cyrlotron. Amcr.can Chemical Soc.c'/ at gan to fall, they drilled suticnfy GybvraJ Motor.* ov .to.u'fi Afrtran govern- One amendment got T.v \ .r«ti At'hi.tic pow- not provide a disarmament sys¬ ii: i37'h national meeting. through away while a polkt <>t !u.tr apjH-a.'"d |*st n.ght to Tuesday, after the Senate re- *fl the Communttt hl«»c tem at all and added; **7n take Sawyer said thF Michigan Dr J. r«aurer>ce Kulp. of Co- -flouted repeated gumma rul for .';•«* *' n't-xork carri- jerted 73-13 a proposal to kj., would 'Till an important They (lliealeil <); -agree on this plan a> a hasis for the ne* an;', lumbra. tay.r.g that some of *.ht toe ectioa of the collations on'general and rom* gap n '-Hiding cyclotron- * '' i n aming. vd ab»>ut 4i rnifiuu** Afnr.n . . w information cr»r.« from fie said '..it* pritposed cyclotron bill. 'K* •,^usro. source put it ptete disarmament would mean a'ratospoerir studies of the he- I'rrtinej.t Gauile \* l*n* U doom the vanre to negotiations in failure * ad* • it. i a ba*-c ro-carch tool whtcli. (-«pai>:e hand*, will increase govemrnent have urged Ir- farmer, to rle modernise. ami tug »n On Joh Tests t'os riKup Oris- ,n toe «ea:e;j off Nyxnga. fu-ar Caps Afr can f♦: *« department — kept on ':># 1 ,-»r,-v. for more than 12. The was amendment, adopted 7*»- designed to settle fears a* that disagreement S ?nc Town, wxs the i,: ijtK.r: ai',.er- that in our rxiMt knowledge of the NEW 'YORK ;a yars—told reporters m am- helping son then* Negroes ' -U /nrin* proposal amid T->e westem j»7Uer* avntded ifarrnerw. for example, are ' It »^P-Che»tuig on tain and p4icc wid tbev had a- - . to vnte, the hill might discrimi¬ structure of nuclei and of theii exam.nat, :m hat p :f> ng r.j technical report * •M»ar (o have Utile pnrpnse. It working tfic same narrow »«•.(,-. XfipaM . .y rvted mo*'- of " if 'agitators, slamming 'he aie-r on Zur.n'.* levt.s " the society; nate agaipst white voters. ' llk* shifting prtae light • »f land thai were rr.arked • i' spr.ad the U S. Po.v'.al S**r\*- terrorists and gaf.gMerv'* thcrs a prufa/vai V±> Amtoaa^dor Fred¬ Sen. Lyndon Johnson even before the French rt* - ice A.tbout resUtaftcv TliUrsday. n f erick Fra*twn said sn a stavmcn: "The most exnting develep- Herman Table Meelm 180 years ago. A shsrp-'-ye:! examiner i .v«- Tex.!#, the Senate Democratic to the United S*r«us Hon Fx urn Cape T /wn. Durban »*^I meet ef the *ut year 5* the fid (nrri'iit I tsars newsmen "remkiru fte*iWe and ready t>» The German table will meet Persistent protest- from ing over jott test papers, not,ced Itort E ./abeth came reports that that all ef us '*elenti.M> have Iftft'lcr, would be gave a-uurar.ce there France** farmer*, generally re- the handwrding didn't ma'ch no roll fall# last night. discuss concrete of •he situs'.on was practically, ronsivtentlr over-estimated the forum Plnnnett d sarrnaoK-m with n.uaaures the Soviet*" this p term on m j: K« wpee'«. All wnvtrw. Friday* from S--7 Mstatit to change and alw*v one spphfant's txams. normal or more nearly *o tnaa •moont of ritdss prrderto thai He called for * long scmioh p>- Right, however, and one on Sa-.- vocifi-rour hi rivfui " .,f th. t. H-* vigilsw e ied ft* , ^ f, i at an* hrre in the past 10 day*. K but will mini! that ' n" group dominates Service t eim *4ion lifted 44JWO ended. Spfeere." *' • m. fb, opinions. Thorp are 2,116 men jroimr through ftprinF rti*h. ABBURY PARK, NJ. bP) - lest paper* subrnP'r-1 in 15137 Meet* Opposition ■wit' The emphgyb is on pledging men with superior scholar* Thi* resort plan* to use plastic and 1958 They accused one for¬ i be formed at a hunday at 7:10 pm. in ship, Tom Wi!ken _ 1#» W»- spring term grade* are above a MU donate the egg* for rvs.n- Sunday and Monday. arpsr- ' !ir.m»rsr pruvM 1ml* of according to WUkeason, are the 2J. said Mosher. URBANA '■** — An essUtant ground# for the Elkhart. Ir»4., en-'iy isn't goaig to »et * ; •-# ing if they won't buy them, just Gathered *t the Kellogg C - ■ Dm aptnlso of Cw. rush posters that are placed j» i Petition^ for IFC committee to see real eggs used." pnfesaor of too logy who adv«,- public srhoot# will dkscusa- ,answers from toe K*i erhcr. " " " A Roc*, tor workshop wili be school cor - "Promising Ideas. New Techni¬ It all started when Mr*. J*n t the dormitory precincts rush in¬ chairmanships are still available City offuials prefer plastic cntod prs-*nar:tai sexual re.a- jstrortion officials from Michigan, " wiuod very docifi\-e dropped Thursday ques and Opening Frontiers " Vukov^h called ,n the K. •. .* *t formation and map* pouted in in the Union concourse, and the egg* because real eggu break tion* was Oh*<>, Indian*. Illinois, Vfistxm* IFC office in Student Services frprn the University of Illinois Problem* of school building ihesr home in s'oburbaa SterLng ,.!* "**•' Rooublicn the dorms, and the Rush Banner A sponsor of the April If egg ' » sort. Canada ? nancing be covered by Dr. PsM:.*rt.p . _ " 1 WmimrdaT a, he put up at the Abbot P.uad en¬ Building, announced Tod Ruel- hunt pointed out another prob- faculty Pr'/gram Chairman Dr F> • • Mrs. ' f70® IFC Administrative V»ce- T»e teacher. Leo Koch. **4. Wdfred Ciapp. of the Michigan K:d«.-. an us<5np;oye4 . vacation In trance by the Budduig* and mg. iam. * Parker, of the sto/uw-nrg M.S'.' Dfpart.ment of Public Instruc- wa;tr«w. »#.d^ Utilities office. f*re.ud«ent. "We have to think of the* sum¬ routed a *ur on the big state ' College of Education. aa;d parti¬ t, >n. Group j'eiaiocs will con- "J naA an appoint*ie.1t to a,- tlfa* any conrhi- Rushers must have at least a These petitions are to be re¬ mer viatton." he aaid. "Not all umvenity campus with a letter cipants will pool their know¬ ,ao 15 ' think any 2.00 winter term and a 2.00 all- turned to the Union concourse the egg* are found. Some stay primed March 13 by the student ledge and experience in attempt¬ t.J+r such subject# as the local ply for uSemploymtnt orape::- school, colleges and university, aaticn. I told her I had to leava can be drawn - college in order to pledge, Bruno or the IFC office by Friday buried in the sand until summer. newspaper, the. Daily Dim.. h ing to solve critical proftlerr.1 State departments of education. and began to get tZZmr' aaid Ibe heavy Mosher. IFC scholarship chair- afternoon. Finding an egg in July that's The letter asserted that stu¬ ready,1* facing school constructioo today. *nd leadership and service rolet Thei Mrs. "v vhte affirmed that mar. announced. Phi Kappa Tau's traveling been buried.itnee Easter is not dent* who limit themselves to Yukyvwi\ jskff The keynote taft, "Ow Clwl- The Great Lakes district meet¬ Gcvjie K -1.. kxxiI bathtub* and ,,T®^«>lican» «r# a minority In order to sn active, pledges secretary. Bill Jenkins, attended this week's IFC meeting and the world's meet pleasant exper¬ petting may Indicate "art ex¬ of brainwashing lenge far the Fotara." till he ing is the first called by the indoor valets. He twrome aagr.r k. ,.'f of rcftstratloa." sriR have to have at least a 2.2 ience, although It might assure treme degree delivered by Dr. Parker. rr.trfi.ber states of the National and t,r iered her out of tae nx^ e -We mifht as weU spring term and a 2.2 all-college. urged the Michigan State IFC you a private section at beach " by our'religious and civil auth¬ Council of hchool-ilouM Con¬ and 2* ^Qt* ta of.th* party snd uke oe«- «» If their all-col icge is between to aaaiat smaller colleges' OCs The state Fmltry Assn. aug- orities in the BtM of virtue end Dr William WoUcnwcker, sup- erinteode&t of buildings and struction. Ur. virw toe form out afut a 2.00 and a 2-2, pledfa* will ha f April I. IMS MH'llir.AN RTATI NEW* her Ton "On Gtmpti* Religious Organizations Plan 'Perfume Sense9 Numerous Easter Activities Campus religious organizations arc centering their week¬ •By CON NIK ZKKIT- end activities around the coming Easter week. Plans include l>.» you havr an «•><- for ppi-fnmr? Vou nhnnlil, you know, the showing of religious slides and the assembling of Easter !». :.u-k tn«. .-am#' *tvrit on one women may achieve an en- display sr Wcdty Foundation's forum *n??fr«-nf effWt on imollur! Ami have you ever noticed Oamina Delta has planned a has been scheduled for 7 p.n. of fhi> cuinpiiK work evening for H p.m. tonight Sunday in 31 Union. Refresh- h»«w fhe ni«*n irlenlify particular acenta of to assemble their Faster display. menta and recreation will folio |H-rfun»e with particular if iris? Metnbers will also gather Sun¬ p at Wesley house- > ?«-. .• - ;wurn ' »:«• fume And In wmr rases, a day at f» p.m. for their cost-plus Canterbury Club has planned . >■ * :«»••>*»•. #«/; OifTrr- particular fragrance fits an well supper. Following the supper, their supper meeting.for 6 pm fracrair *-•- phftvi/c differ* there will be a meeting and it might have hern created with Sunday. Guest speaker Gorrv its wearer in mind. ve per service* Jones, professor of music, wn W>« Wed* havr achrdMlrd a discuss the approaching Go. i T<» develop nn rvc f«•• per¬ , family night for « p.m. Saturday Friday concert entitled "Drea , fume. try «in a multitude of at Wealey hwm. FsllawUti a of Girontius" which wlU be pre¬ fragrances but remember to 'est politick aapprr. Ihr Rrv. and sented by the Michigan S'av !«•'• ut a time, one on each Mr*, f.earge Jardan will thaw choir. .vri't Vuu can compare the rellglpna Faster slides. rtr>: with the second, but three Members of Wesley Founda¬ Michigan Ml State News Htudtnt 'Sen-lees vi',1 blur youi "vision " tion plan to attend a cornerstone Published ofi ««••• Mond«» lif inufo. it hfl|>» In know Finally, your perfume-viiuon laying ceremony at 3 Sunday af¬ p.rougii Friday inclusive, during t*u ■•ill be ?0 2b. providing you ternoon T ic service will in* held v inter end tprlne lermt e* of i prrfomr to • in look for fragrance* that ere South Harrison A reception Ix-twren summer end felt trirr- will follow at Wesley house f.tilrrrd es srronrt clans matter u- tour prrwnalih' kit hour I. far h ••■our si/e, and match your per* •Irr act Of March a. ta?9 at the 0 t pcrfiintr i* j nn\lurr o| *r\«j| vu.fiallfv Everyone is Invited. oince Caat lanxlng. Midi. trier.ml rlrmrnl*. the* are «lr- lllentrli m> to* el her to form. CLASSIFIEDS ofej this CAMPUS Jirst one snmeiimrs idfi is tincihle—« «|te«ial flow¬ er. a fore-1 a fruit, and M»no- times, il't put*- emotion—lauch- HE ADLINKS: I p.m. Hay lie tore INiMicalinn for Tufs., Weil.. Thurx., IKIWN HI V(MI It % u*> roUreUlrs arm** ihr roimlrv Inv.ttlrd flit* foAnn Li»t« ami IU:oir INiyw. Uncnlnwowl, III., senior*: 'Julie K.»v. Mittnt Mind liurlnt spring aeration mm ,oimIs Liking .ulvinti KrnilunrUi. III . Joiil«»r; Mr* Joseph PlhHIn, rhupernn* for Ihr ter mylerj. or eacitemenl. anil Fri. Kdilionx, lAeadline for Mon. Edition: 1 p.m. Fri. of Ihe tropical weather arc tl-ri Marco Miller f»ro**r I'ninlr Junioi, croup. „ Theie arr » \ i*as.<- p»*rfumr Hills I'avaltle M*I2 and 1-5 Mondat through Friday •.«>r.ri ■ the sir.f.e flower, the Semi-Formal to 11i 11 l»i 11 \ I lor,low u- fl«»ra: t«Ki*jue; '. ir.se frntu the aproft, which t*-^- vuMJe rrents to I D 2-1 .T11 EXT. 2615 • ^ rr re fto'Are the frill'« twrt". Horr e tangV; the Rush Parlies Set W eekend Social Plans -■oT'.e greet, wikiJm. irufy AUTOMOTIVE EMPLOYMENT HOUSING loefi's perdorru?>4*.,nlg, and Mir MKNAin.1 Hi-vt RKf'AtlfFI) I lit I'OS and COSMFTH'S — F.X- fO* SAll t>riefi.:al*. et*he.- ,a< exo'.-r n« m- It) Il\n% it\i MI I! •i i.-. I'i Kappa Phi. will start at ft Sipin.i Alpha Mil wll present r-lSFWT merhanlrsl cnrtdltlun t l» PF.ltIF.NCBt) nnlv. day and nighl mn ;,* • - 3« fi *.« orange No antS'Cr. leave shift. «>r night ahlit only f3<»o«l aalary. I*# il V «•»!..■ 1 •• 1 J s <• iint.,i nvuniiis at Uu» <>f J,ta. new Ueatnik t*»et, «t their It-em, 1:1-1 TFAILIRS i. imher at desk v Marek Pre*crlptlon tenter by Fran- ampuf, wiih tmfh mm *• I It* I.» The la I'i li.t* planned m M- (>l>nipu- (;n the I'i Kap h party Saturday evening. MftFRTV I9M « * 42. T'V ni: W 'ti n ea.-n raletfory, *nrre VnUC«WA(glN Hl-ACK. St'N- i!ton In the Gmok Ryslmt at the rush p.ii1» at tlic chapter house i riKim). Togas nrr "p- m.DH(X)MS carpet SO. Four-pie - .lati will several of hit lat¬ are d'»'er.» of perfume a. ail g-x*i. •t<»|* 1 N>* t Heel leather Interior Path room Bxcellsnt condition, t • »v.k «»? ihf Mint - ru h ma this i-vrnlin.. Darning ami a skit '•■•"t 11. with ilanclnjj to the tiiumc H A II. n«M.r r.ir* I'l'h or »«.'.« and «rptional deal. SIIMd FB B-2.7M Tho Ifi parlicipjrMnj; in hv actives u«ll liiiililtttl'«t the af¬ ..f M.mIit'irnn s est iMiniti*, including "The Final hu' rangusg 1t\mn ' id tie *<» ii.fi t »ile FIT 7-7l'»« S Th.-re'* a time ar. t place for nr. VACATION If CLP. MAN r.r w" I'jnHrtlWir .11 L*> fair 1-M' Alpha Tail Otnrg.is will llour '' Mood music for Pie read. two tmna f.»rit«- to handle and lecture on r.; •- v* f i.. I■ i"' 'l w I'll mil "tip- p-ir'an*. forapl «tr«*«« an is:,1* rmrr> (;,«• FrWrrn.:* \\ !, . .p.v . Ik Vol-KSWAOM" No Rl'JtT. |wr'.» '•.<•. t,-. , . . F(il*l» WF.r.KS t'Ol'NSKf.lNtl HI pearl atone* Contact Lvnne I luanntsl 1 ••n'r-r".- ■; ? j • I • , r.-»r"n for «la!ti iiikj, An artist will he on hand to llf ratirvr there's at** at* the Girl Senui ('.iinti f«»r teenager*, I • .■ 2 KB I* •.c.r tir>-> i->t - * •' k' 1 ! • ,i piatli ! will pt'oviilf It'll draw rarlrature* of thr Mmmo. rU**y ulea of a **•*! watwre" i-ated near MunUlhg Staff opening* riisliecH anil dates. Ihith ft- f..i e*perien.ed »' vear* and nlilri thr-nt - targe <»-«n ■ . n hvmg room r.« .iig- fragrant r the *anmen «*!>•• Pre-camp training June ram-i PERSONAL presso and regular roller, petite IVjm Vol KsKUioN I.IKF N'KW June ?« tn Julv 23 Wfde f • • L; «>. y t <1 *t*rre*»fuMr wear »nl* nnr per- rwH»> ■ iMtndiiltil) I^mw. mileage »ea«<,n Nanrette Fnlne. Girl Swiuti. f Ihe men »f lirlla Tin Hell* lleiira ami roll* will t»e aerved Hi U aftL-r . * Kr.iiBlev Flint 7 Mlrbifan a lathe ftrnwn and Watne H* have flown in '.'no orchids for lake thi* »d to the Slate Newt n»- liite*l» |i)tr Itfin milled l«» FAIRI.ANF. ('ill will hold a roao V » t.eiwecn 2*7 p.m. for two free pa*-< Delia Mfill I Staff IS,a OFNTAf ASSISTANT PART • onto "hrirhntmhrr *ljIr" at lite their l*o|»ncslini part* Saturday rorit-door »edan rnrdamatir, radi.- TIMF n. Fn*l Laming Write itating to the Crest Drive*!)) Bring I I) patch Party" complete With, e >•- liea'er ev-ellen- innfllliili la»v l*hl Kapp.i Sign** hauir fur a cveiiiiitt. \ lar«c Polyneainn Idol age rvtierienre end hour* available (nines and kick-a-pod Juice S..'- M*ht |#l|af Pill kOlnui. *i , -I- me Hi 3-wiii « h. aria tVhttehllla Drive Fall tan- part* this evening will grate Ihe Helta doorway to Mid.iv evening *t«lf Pol Mrttraiti greet guests Palm tree*, and is..* rnrvimirr station wa r.u_ A ( ■ «. (ifi\ fHiwrrs'nie iadi", heater punch served ill coconut shells FAUN' *.70 to iin-1 WFBKI.V Willi.F It no wiU furry '.. the nun of I'lti (imnma ttelii I «i-ultv n emhei muni veil SliJ'.« IV «* lending whikd Inlet view , *m REAL ESTATE •heme timuyb «! «ill hold th.ir "spriiir llundlr will also carry out the theme, »• i'«V» J - F* -t Michigan ever* Saturday Id I'rfrt* t«i actives, rushers ■ and |». I Snpn-.t I'I11 w .11 en'.-Ham t;rT VOt'Ksr.ir A r"~l deal nn a in *h#rp P> FAST LANSING - MAPt.FWf* !f*J a-M pi! ' k lii.'r- their dates :s.i(urdtv »l tl.r till .1, Me. tint , Ki.dav ami .Siilu! - a' the eli.tp'er limi e TO EUROPE WITH DREWS • Vixi ISAU l«i Rturtrnl nn »t See l «»nl »r,.m a t.ene Seidell a' r STI'DF-VTS TF.ACIlKRs STMMFH *■»•« i-onthlv guaran¬ fpivr I'.tomal Two-*tnrv, Ihree-hedr.i- latge living room, din.,* A .«,■ •.\r-s -a •; »-• Mr* •-! ., house |Pi h Dre and his hand i ... v.? Me* t urtU ln< IV 4-H9I «•' emplov men atea with has window, paneled d» tee Write Fugene bond I2la We ' •fM*.r f.»v»r.v <) • • will pro* Ide the music »• i'i. ' ie ITUI'II r thr t' tdv tilli i large naneli'd kitchen, dlahwav- HRAKP-S CT1MP1JCTF. HKI.IMNfi K-lainariD). l.an»mg Anplv now II dirnoaal Two fircplacea. full h»' ■'•r Rn^rtairnn».-f- • w . : : ■ ■ all i Tih Shift Over (I'liftarUl - Air Return Out %it "j and nn ArilUKtnvenf, hi, separate shower, two holt ha* i,c»-d tire- 1 hamiiiuii llrake WelltiSf*. ATTK.VTION STl'DFS'T WIVKS' paneled recreation room .bar, !<•». m quartet tpecWkMxii ■' ,V • We need an alert dependable wall ?'.'•> I Kalama-'H-. IV 4-HUH JJ r>' storage spare (edarhned clns' •x' «'* inn- < Jul} T • llocli August SkotUnif - EingUml- *e.* fur the H a m riava a week, no Sundavs I • J p m ahlft «i* Applv lb Screened nort h, double garage lay J"u K .?M •» ' * shadv lot completely landw-aix-. * •» FOR SALE ne r«»n at the Spudnut Shop 22V Carnefing, drape* included For a. at the Macedonian in," 1 Man. like J. H. r|»WllC llelutitiu • Holland • Oermanv . Austria - Yurosia. C . < Pes » i*- t I? 1* • *e HOUSING pointment call owner. CD 2-sas.i FXf.TLI.BNT RL'RINRRR OPPOf * via • San Marino - llal>4- Trance. M lb)f. All In* TI'MTY in a *mall communlt' Ballot Box is iHickiii'i them in ... elusive, S11('»."» I imitril to 150 - t'nder ?•♦» • Kim.K Ptaeiyl.an-a C'a't Tr««,| feall* t •ad FTD radius flower and gift bvnir-* e*tahltibed 35 vear* aerving 2>i n » I)e have aperwltaed in * a r -» I « MAIJT, GRADCATF ATl'DfNT ... unuaual in rie.ign Prafer aelling ' farultv nifmher uante d «har- trained Keren". * d -tW:- dSgffner. Write The p. •* - ♦ WnfLt Wition Ball* f1" \* > hi ie.e on Lake lanalng FF. B-WOA Shop. 720 Phoenl* Street A ' %tpha FW a:" % v H-st,. ■•> \v li.tl s Ml In ir the fn"i f Now Complete Info * CO 1.1. TICK TRAV El. OK* . . | d f» »,#»♦■! a'ter 6 Haven. Michigan for more detah* mtormaUon pi appointment * f'armrngt.m juris Pv" v. ■■ Pie .Mi'-wcl C . *»i»v lull APARTMENTS Skag GoU BalH . . , [iffMdeit, A rule - -M»'.- -- Sn j.kid Plavb.rnaga/'irlt' KICK Kll 2-IMMi7 . - .-it we Volley la'li . > ••• S< v-- - i. MRU NEAR EXCELLENT" «.er. NY . )un. • '» v lh< - vveie mure thmi will* jlj j •?/ Tenait Bacgurtt {import*) - D "* APARTMK.VT f<" RFVT inom* plti* private tbower. mic¬ TIIHFK cation Police sUo convenient Red Cedar school. |* to B»a-» president. Jan I ' s ■» ■ ' tion rnoni with tireplace privilege* and tin lapi (Miuie Plav d> wn pavment and easy term* »aphomore, mi"*l ^ MVa'i.'is Julie K*>. Kerniworih. 11. jun ,i All' they .n.ii , ked in letui U - iiu Adlertwpet Oly«np>< Atki«|i< So* fe» av*ilah)e tni* line l*fivn»e,. entry, CD 2-IS73 after 4 or rl»>«e «n on till* charming two-bedroom bung- . . . a G«yt I Dolk I 0 t weekend* * Ic-w Dinette, fa* heat, aiumui aiding lull baaemsnt. garage, ka t.*r; corre«porHiinf *• >• ■■ r e • a . * Hanr* •"«♦* ft "T" Skirt* . J , i IU5 Umhtcaned lot with afiade tree* WAVTF.D C.im. TO «hare lovely tJnd* I'a'jtccs. n. Detroit jvimos W«n* poaseaamn Owner moving • White Te*n>* O«»0fd* - ilea,, J4 ''4 apHrtment five block* frum campn* home Full price, ftlLftk) u riM>;ircr. Mart s WeitTMS, K.c » F-D 3-3SMI tf new «I1 f. OKASD KIVIK ■ *-» J! 4 • ia • ■ ■ "riw ' ,■ i 't- A f.lenn Slucter. Til 2-lR«T or TV >■ nt«M> P'*ph»*ii.» e N -v fsi-.-hii'T "M.«ud is and ( ai v t KarMeii* ate hen "i2.it Walter Neller Co. Bssltora 4 b-a m NEARLY NEW ATTRACTIVE 11 V .11 vvuuid hk, I. the f iuvdv Lidu s. v p OS Till: « VMM S one-bedroom apartment Air con¬ F-ovpecto' I Lb. Oac'on Sieep laaf* « ditioned. unfurtmhed evept relri- FRATERNITY' OR ROOM!!', 11 T.'wne ■» ir ! J p m„ from 2 i.s ;» pin., ni" gerator and atm-e tile bath (1 ;i p OpportuMiiv ' . ted... o»- *>r tomorrow ph*ii«>gra|»hiHl with i'vnth. Don't nu>* thi foa-v Rabper - Y'' ip. to A A P attire. Adult* CD 2-4SM If block iMtaing from rampua and ihoppu • 10 rara. Suitable amal) ternily or co-op. 1) to » people Re¬ f-*» Ag«a Lu"|«. Mat**. Fi"i. Ac«nt«u will rtl> b. • | 'le. - r *- APARTMENT Private bain an»l irg* 2D Charles St. CD 7-SI*» Mr at ! Mr* Th.*i -* » entranie, utilitie* paid. laundry vm.iov Plow sing thru on: >Un k "f the finest in iiicm Gym Skoe* l« -4 facihttes lnnii.re SIM Beech lluyte announce * fia-'i «t - « '• tea,, Street t'je.r P !K Sean Talrr. c Id:*., . (-I ami n<'re!-•. • . . . pi iced. !•> make yeu iv 0*c#e Catal Bantu* . Re^ I ®>- •"* i^naing IV 2-1 MR 7 SERVICE four of., *«v Dec. I'i. IW i• Htsnember, the-..- are n-t sale prices . , |*t# DAISY LANE ~ ATTRACTIVE three • room duple* will* garage. ATl'DCNT WIFE Plert'C •#'» bahv».t in her apartment In Cheh" Coafj - $■ #« *tove. refrigerator jurniahed IKkt Lane BO 1-IRBI ihunth Utilities paid. FO 3-#Si9 L.W lis, FoId'«j Akia«m C©t* - \ t'. ' ROOMS .■V CHARLIE* BARRI ' (TSSUVKV \ SHOP for food haircut Over t J. I{. lowili1 a I ir*.' ic ts S^AS\T foot locter fwh • JI lege Drug tor uKAfct- > pi«re ll't'O 'Fnk.ej Tackle • t» *« - j Agpia*ed Sap«tvited Hounej MANUscmrr ftt«vicr n* ceueded fat Men term papers pud Uveasa. Cdttu.g 2U E. t.ran.i River Ave , Ea*t I jtnazing i—tfiotes. biMiegraphy, ftr prot« Weden (FsbrkJ IGFS. W* Severs. fa> 1*15 * - * • nal eflNsr. Mrs SPARTAN HALL l-nocuio't • i *.Ji j,pet«ab 4 < ti»B'v Si"."! Sot# Ion, ft logoWft* * |M4 TYPING • F.D I^IW RTI Chef e*« biecl f»&*e '»->e,„* Una. A* Feme Rwhbe- loot# • f r.qewoed 7 $$?i 7it4 I BARN TO FLY M BRaren A Sj* »< tum. Lew LARGE ROOMS FREE TV ft RHONE rules iwrth Pom* ED WTWEVWAlWlsaJ^.i p.\. stuki: S.»fif# ft Deubiet. >•« UftO/ei. or is.- »k-tS ..Vl'ii. s ■ w TYPING - CD MM# lOC'C't-S. f.-V --t ' . Mmlriii Hargain Outer from PRIVATE I'nlon ROOMS Private — ONE block entrance OFFSET 1 MULTIUTH DfPl CATING- Becauae of resent devec illt« V c »"fi* TCV>? ex# Phone Men only C*U ED- tent* in time-proven wflaett firm 2-144I after C p m | FRAXIMIK """ lug. this economtcal, praRWHi'i prwets in now avi there* job "let**- ■ pnotngrapha ml - I >i ifUTBM ro OT CM FJROK FK (nation on and trailer Reaaooable Call ROOMS MALES CLEAN, call At or Jane Wanch. CD 3 p.m. to 9 p.m: Joes ORF&S ro T-TOTP COATS. SXIITS blouoe*. f Double and tingle Spaciou* closets 473 Gunaon FD 3-45M North of YLDonalds |o Across from TYPIRT ANN BROWN Barker phone »».ifU. uxea '.3 and !3 Moving awav 3-3*58 Electric t* pewriter Term v- and mud Uauidote my wardrobe NEAR FRANDOR. ON college bus SPECIAL! * ail evening I'D 2-M.C I .vF.D REFRIGERATORS, « line Comfortable clean. Gentlemen Parking. TV j.rm | pers MR these* Also general tjrp JRANGFS washer* and tv'a 125 ar.1 GRADUATE STVDFNT CXPOKT THCBBR AND R»r* '» , KKIOVY OM.Y: ur> C-mlVe'! -Service Store 1110 l DOt'Bl.E room. Shower, parking of kitchen la Rrtr use i*-p»nf. lean Oectrte typewriter. lllRlill ill. On# block tr Muhisan. IV 3~t4S* IF * Perutx.rkauu. I-anting IV M0P7 7 CONVENIENT TO CAMFUS TV AND RADIO ROOM FOR OV* ir -e, ■" — low re tee u» ' ' • l. AS VIS'S W;r,ew» H private entrance, tiled shower. Park¬ IltWIUR I OUM.SI Tk#i*p*«a ing available CD *• TV » Snv-c-p.*.? C»*te. checking. GSLL'c * "MV SIS- n rr daUy. TV |2 - A1IKI.I i 5 -SC if tf -nv • v *. ■' POR SALE B MwhidML IT MR# ■ TRAILERS SPARTAN Ml*LTtLm«ING A-NL j • KM I OS'S MOOS IHM.rv Mol-Il II BALM AMI Fill O'AMONO BONUS STAMPS! tvpind sendee. Svery copy a*, 1AJR DBTROITtR — IS * 40 Hurt amal Mrs. QaaMto. SOI-M" I U. SCUITH TYPFWRriTR Good k'trheu. two hednwur* tnlored an- MOIS11 RI/LII LLL.VSSCK. Bill. Mil i tU lee H- Brown. KO ■ pliancc*. on lot in HntL RJlut OX WANTED ' *•;«: s tf • ADORN- IIVIR Srk.VV. Mr.. <1 J* 3 C HIGGINS FN'OUGTI bike ONE MALE BTTDKNT -T*Vp. PROVED private entrance One veer old tV CD MM S from room, VtcDunaid'a MIR Beat . WILL PAY Um Per thrsa - SIRS MON il.: acruas tedewum house in Grand River j La Ming. Two school-age rhiW^r" _ • sub M arl ui-bisk ij-:« sirvsd miuaus SFUONUT SHOF IS OPEN! Will give ewnership care. ED J-*41-* | TWO A TTR ACTIVE WL„;KM rcKims far four roilMr Jva Ky tivtie. ne JO pasaeaiden on er be: v" *% a,.*, ta.s p.*i. , . IIJH hath with tub and | ,s r F.D 1 AMI MANY* MANY OTHER MITIAU: CAMPUS CLAlairiKM su* . . I . J5S1SU: : | . Minimis stw vine MSU Staff Slllillirom NtllllClt To Shf'il'l* Posl Dr J Frederick Smltheor*. Service flintier Held The annual dinner and moef- April P. |«»r,0 Page Three of anv.omy, lltwlivrn of \ ixon To Oruoiiizf (Jolt At Meeting pt'iffMNor h-is become fhe f)rot veterinarian «n » a! v« *-•/.* arv ,K -r • .« tie Counr'l of the Orcater Community Serve I^abi 'ig I' tc Mcpherson, 'i Rap- af"' uv«.-jc inn« will be he'd • i he r|» -I'f) to fne tounc.i of a »:r« '« ' K'V't ;» '! K- ifi » .'1\ a- a will be Thursday. Apr.; Jl. vopriofM'.re v--'. the Of Cheiuibls .?• n.anv u*''-» over onation for the ' ie Am <-'i"an A If,. , or.-r F. . . .. • - .«• fl in the I^jns.r.g YWC'A fronted <>#ilege Nrxon f'r.a.nr r'.atc He plan* on each college lljs'.'-rv of M hicirie. U.-i.-'v < • and ,i fo- M 'O.g:.'. |f. - a!-/, %*. »;- ■' Featured v/il! be the area r ■n- io;*, working to c.inva-s, rcg:»'.er Several MSI' chemi.xt* «E'* Dr S ilthcor* i. pr»*» den' of the te> a. ••Rvo'iUtion of the igar ' < CoJP.-go Y-.urig Rep ih.' American Veter nary II - Vvu-rmary A" - i*• -»r•'„ report.r.g or. the W.hl* • 'rm;»fi ;i'.d ( ». a meoi- «nd gc ' »o'. voter* taking part in the aprinu f'or.f -renor- or. OuMrcf. f.,.r Af'Sf. A Nino?. iu.o will be organ* meeting of th#* America) High MacPher report. /"! at MSU . f/o; Chemical society fhi- week anil next In Clevelanrl. Author* of papers to be pr« T This sen ted include Dr Robert SchuHz with Dr ob*. James Hirulrl Mart and Wagner Dr Robert Corbln Dr. fl J Richard Jac¬ Dr with Char Dr Karabatso.- Douthit with D Attend Church Sunday James Dve; and !)r Gilbert Gordon vt it ; Dr t'arl Brubaker. .Li CHURCHES llr M.ix Roger*. profratnr of chemistry. k ft.rT.tary-tr.dour.r Of the executive committee of the AC.'N physical chemlntry di¬ vision. • f)i D.urcri' i y.i,;;. head >f EAST IANSING CHRISTIAN FIRST CHURCH OF chemwtr" >: I; )i'» > fie at Michigan State. h' a iutn neon ?•, UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN PEOPLES CHURCH MSI* aiurniit ami parliciiMlc in meeting', of the subcommittee on TRINITY CHURCH STUDENT CHRIST, SCIENTIST PROITSSSO* MILTOV ROKIACII converses with llr. tftantev Idrefd^. dlrrrtar af ll»Rar» Collen . and Al Kenned v. of (he I 'nion examinations. In Kirov Miiler. prole**or «»' . CHURCH EAST LANSING I nV.nnmiRilitHM) :»» t. Grand Ri*«r flaarrd, after hit talk Wrdnpftday night for the first I nlon Hoard < Irll Rights I ornm Address. . agricultural chemistry, will '.»*«• part a- counsel »i to '.>«? divtSi'ri l?i spjfUn Vtral* AND STUDENT CENTER FOUNDATION last |.an«ing of colloid rhein. 'rv. a member Rfv 8. iHif.SI WILLIAMS lni»r4.nnr»iriaiiQnal Vvf Named MAKI mi. «»f !h< standing tommi'tee of th council on'national meeting* an.i fntof ?♦» Brt Or.and Hivtr at Mirhlcan III W llu.r i h,«r»h ft.rtlro II AM. Mil IIKtAN HTATI. NKIVH H'li'lm and An»» so»»l I r r»f4ftfl unit ship si w vice * d.vi-.ona: activ and a*Chair¬ ftondav ftrhwl 11 A M. Ity Journal '* Kl'-rbt North of fl.rb.v Italli r»r p Marion limmi nn ii moknt.no iiaiiIt man >f two nut*committees. ■ in A nee "the W».M, *t j'M.ph \ piifl.r Mintsf.f i ,t Patfof fiorald W W»rh If.v Rnr I. s'hramn. ft nt,). rt To Lecture ineiith ana aurreruis e.ud.nt how Chants Ktinktirk Mlnltt.ra Ar» bin llimu and It.ftth R»al* J.J* "Th. Word, «r Vlriof» 11» Mill •> LU 2-2,11, Dr. RuA.-vci Nye, director of the ;V3.on of language and litera- By Popilar Dsmasd and l nni.ntm.n' StVbAf oi viiAT kr.Rvtre I VMM ft VLkPf.Rft OIHI.R SLRWsTS ;-ff of the College of Science w or,me # mt ItIS, 111® AM ' II it I a W.tk — lirama .vj A'' , has been selected .n I U a wi vundav Brhnol ■oh 7pm R.ading Room nt Reality* n i':r• * Centennial Tteview vrnrr? vsi v»r*if.« Th. Pow.r r,f th. Resuff.tUnn lit U Grand Rit*r STRATTON'S ,*ard winner 8nd lecturer K.s IP»* 4 ftrhramm Stinda* Sot. 16 15 AM a tn-nunni. tutor film whlrh por¬ A qisarterly journal published * !» P.M. Bnrr.t Vapp.f Kind*at rutc II M A M trays lh. ir.al prinrlpl.* of oar the College of Science and Chnrtb Seiiool Alt I nwrrsitv hlud.nl, Wrlrawr I iia«on ftiad.nl Attor faith In th» ri»»n Christ Arts, the Centennial/ Review J 'i-i W.dn.«da. ( v.nlnc )» I'M SorUI Hall or P.opl.i ( hiirrh ft.rslr.9, and visit and n«t tko ~s to -how the inter-relation- tim. M»pf».r lJdr» I II Ul II AO AM .p of fhe award the arts and science . * and lectureship SPORTS CAR CENTER Imlrt Hi Proi r»w laf«»rn»i r ob rsnm tbrouih high tetiool at* I'uhIP W.lrom# Itradina Room. *rf granted to Dr. Nye as the mbr: of the faculty who. in opinion of the board of d»- .» and the board of editors. His new dealer of ST. JOHN CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH OF EDGEWOOD EASTMINSTER LUTHER CHAPEL :.»• *, exemplified the Ideals of ». warship and style of the pub- Ui'ion and of the disciplines 4 CATHOLIC STUDENT EAST LANSING PEOPLES CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN AND ■presented by the board of k/jots TV award will In? presente-1 FIAT (BITER aad fnt.rd.nnmtnatinail CHURCH STUDENT CENTER •r.at time, and announcement WESLEY FOUNDATION 946 S. Bagadom Road Ret Robert I. Moreland Mmliiu iMusmirt Rmodl *... alv, be made by President A price for every pocket, IT R- Kavanaam Pr » /,p»u Wilsan M. Tranaat, >\ bltfks north of Grand R1v.fl 516 Uisiikn fttr.et f L Vbhoft Road ,v. A. Hannah of the winner4 327 M AC. Av.no* til G««rt« L Jordan ' the Distinguished Faculty R^v Truman A. Morrison, Mlalit.r Mtataterv Anr&. The Nye lecture will Mimm P VI. VI SfNBAV style for nied. ■ unday a every iiiia R«s Robinson G. Lapp. Mialst.r Mm J lirittoo, Paitor >*» printed in the Centennial J it - a n - it.aa • C L lr Huh School. 116 Abbott Rd Review. (Baky sit Una at SAX A ^onda^Wnrshie Palm ftunday i hapei vnd Pariona(« Wjmtr of the Pulit/er Prize I# M Mats.») * OiOgraphy in 1945, Dr. Nye Priced ae lew at Dellv Si a as. 9 IB A IN A.M. R.r- Wti9#a M. T.nnanl * SO am 14 JO a m Chueh W or .htp ftrh«>«l telephone tD 7*9"*a • ant. RH endar Sefc^l a l# A M A 1199 A M o hfid Knopf, Rockefeller and SIRMOS witerry Library fellowship?. Oaa Slack Waal #f i. BarrtNa Rd. R.hold the Man ' In the Name of the I aM StffCDLLE ■ ftlMiW Cenfc99l4ti9 Dili. • M A.M. A t the author of several book* *34.00 On Mvar Dr. U.U 'month I N P.M. fftft.r Rftim Worship 3 ofl 18 «, MAI NDV ma Rev. truman A Morrison THf'RVD%\ bordo os the relationship be¬ a tl«a nan • f •atarday MM A 7 NAR PJC. Memorial Chapel. M*l aten American literature and >»rury far i (burrh ftrkool f.Mlona At I 66 p m. sacrament of u»e Lord, Aatncan history. ■ .1J P.M. Sunday ffm 111 A HAS A.M. supper vtudenM' rfiiniKi Delta) MEDITATION CATHOLIC STtDlNT ORG AM* Crib room throngh Junior Ni(h Tarenell and Piedjs hopper « 96 P M, f'•» a w. Call.g. Class flilrj ZATION MEET* SISSAI » j, m. Junior Hifh Pallossalile ttl OCNTI WELCOME V»,p.ra at', p m. 7.SI P-M. 1# sa a as. All Art* Red Ctdar Pk.n* to t-srs Idwai 9 31 pjn. Senior Nl«h l« How skip Call IM 2-5(13 tot irttAfdfBUA B»- btrvle* Availftkld AU SAINTS ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH FIRST WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH North Ma|B«Ha Ave a> I Miehigan EPISCOPAL CHURCH IMitaoarf ft j nod) 27SO Moal.tt Rn«a lies Georje B )JUw>n — MlMU.f tH Mil* last »f Raiadorn Road) MS Allan taad - CD S-IIU Laat Uaamt ftaridav School — 9 45 A M ^TENNIS BALLS Rev. MB P. fatter • ChaRaR Morning Wort/tip — IIJW \ VI. I'nuuylrmiiia or WilMa ■•V. Garlaa M. Jaaat, SatWt Sunday »eh.o) ill AM, "3 oath ft.rvie* (.99 p M. lav. Salirt fcardaer MMlaiir •# MarrtaS HMmil >.vetting Servte# —- 7;M P,M. * at.NDAT WORSHIP H IS A.M. J ?: lav. saaria W. R. RVtaHavi « •4S AJC. Ban EAST LANSING HtST PRESBYTERIAN CD 2-2721 df CD 7-TSSI EXPERT TENNIS RE8TRIN0INU ft REPAIR Ckorcb le UNITY CENTER CHURCH West Ottawa at North Ch.atuul 91.90 ISM UM Nylon Noori Now Gripn? lias prns.r mr Salt SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH Minister. » mi. Harper 1H HASHINOION AT MfKlRtS RIVCR DRIVE. Sunday Moralnr Worthip II.oo am. LANSING Sunday School, il vo am «CNDAI SERVICES Donald t Ifelo — ftolm,t * Helen Clark — Organist 19 64 ft Il ia CbUCla fteknol CAkfltStll LLLS Study l laaaet Monday and Wednet- IS.aa A I) JO Pains Hondas S.rrieei is a h. riri t; srHo«iL SB PJI. SwBtr Classes tut |a«( P.«pi. and Vaaai Married* dav avenings at l:a« p m. Sunday evening (alvia Chah BANCROFT TENNIS Aftthat.d asith for uncle vuung adulta. 11 A M MORNING BGRSMIP RACKETS •WHEN THE CROWD GOES HOME m i'mty Sckonl of Christianity tae'l Summit. Missouri -The Holy Week" hf 7 r M- SVENING NIRVICC 14.95 to 125.90 -TBI MAN THT.% COVLOBT RILL " H«!l» t m»»ra 4 pm. S» Oor MOW Striae SowUI OUVET BAPTIST R5# P.M AIM I T SOI'TH rr.l.l.OWSBlR "If-Ngs Week Srrwrr'* tat) IV 2-tJC2 fur Mo« NeSedul. CENTRAL METHODIST vi«uday. Taitdtr Wednesday, wis r. » p.m Ret. RUttHn bann r*ttt P. GOODRICH B. ' SaaBr Srkaal llftBAf » « A_M INTER-CITY BIBLE CHURCH CHURCH Matingi Thursday JACK PURCEI.L in r. Michigan T«to Osforft, SJd r w. •GsJiia py Ckant-e) f hotr i r Jt. i p nt Ottawa M1 Capitol Late 97.95 .Mon o Speaker ■**. Pan Phllilpo, Grand* Kapidf. ASorthtp Services at f;|i and «i:15 Good frtday urtitcs S.SJ IJB. SuSir Babia ftrnMl Paul Mafrlson. pttuehtsx • it » - • a JIMS »m. Nanoi Woralup •HI TB Tfeiw VMth Gross pa 7SS r«. IsaoWi tnaptroOonai Drrkl Sunday Sekool »i a.tl Central it a friendly Church HOLY TRINITY GREEK "A Ckfiat-C.ot»red Rikic frarhinf MMuatry ' 0RTH000X CHURCH 9C SPORT ft Washtngtow at Elm d SHOP lapsing Attend Your Cluircli Sunday Dista. ftrkaftl. It <«0 A M. Liturgy; U Jd AJC *23 S. omcaatang This Sunday Oowrgt Itnaru KB IftSlI \v \a Vlhh'lics" Larson • WYSV PALM t j.11 v.- rit' ii'tl BRACH. fi t. ; v . . 1*1 . AssignedAth!Mi>to Hiillpcn Duty imil 1,, t'.i. tors, i'.imp to the. lowly AthlMica n't seen i-'U (Turing nrftotl this spring, «r-i—After Tigers I nllowinK one . hit V> *?' UtKn. the t»nly pitcher leated Brooklyn in the 1956 ser¬ r. i f.rr hutted a perfect. no- ies by retiring 27 straight bat- muscle This tat* *t mishap is xix inninirx. riirht-hander Boli Turley blew in the aevenX up ■ « >rM M game, has bet "• in a winter deal that sent out¬ urn* of ,i scries that has kept the tall from reaching the I960 1939 |"M> 1939 Thurmlav anil Rvne Ouren hail tn aalvaye the New V, J • •-'.sigrwd ' - K;»• i■.i:• CY> fielder Roger Maris i<» the New boy height.-- his, jihiljH si-rim-d al- I < hiraro t Yiinkeen' U-l exhibition victory over the Detroit Tiirer York Yankee. • .Milwaukee 2 T-w b.g b'U ■vvtra ,i< - The former' Yankee hero has- mo-t certain to insure. 1 3 Turley wa« the firrt pitcher to „nd Tmy Kubrk., SSrTw l.aiM'o never won more than 2 San Franeisco 3 New V«rk be relieve*! during an inning brought the other score in MK IIK.AN Si AIL NMVS Faga Four 11 games in any season for the 1 i let-eland 1 by manager Casey Stengel this fourth. \|Klt *. INI 3 f.oh Angeles Yankee" but on the other hand 4 spring. The move came after a * * ★ 5 Detroit he never had a losing year under 4 Cineliinali walk to Chico Fernandez whirh manager Carey Stengel until 3 I'lttshiirch 4 Riliimorr 6 followed Nell Chrlsley's double Curtis Victorious \ 1959 when he won six and lost 7 "and Steve Bllko's scoring single 3 kinus City TUCSON. Ariz. t/P) — • "'V:,,11"" -a maiod event or the fi f liirago 5 in the seventh. "White and Ken Boyrr got t* ■ dance season a nuste- Itnotnn 7 ' SI. 1 mi is 7 Duron retired - catcher Lew hits apiece Thursday as the ".Vi.lt. KM* NAHM mo »om TIKIS K Philadelphia 6 \V»shinct«»n I Berberet and pinch-hittcr Gail I/>uis Cardinals' defeated I'lMur. \r*r11 » J * ' p.m. Tilg? Harris to. end the innirtg and Cleveland Indians, 10-7. then pitched two hitless frames, Wilmcr (Vinegar Bendi M lie walked one and fanned three. pitched eight innings for IIKLD OVF.H! 2>r> lilt; W I'.Kk Left-hander Pete Burnside Cardinals and gave up ■P^Tl Show Tunile gave up both New York runs. runs on 13 hits. He issued PvA" ni ioioii ni. Bobby Richardson hit an inside- the-park homer to left field in one walk. The Indians held a 6-5 K ROR TI'RI.CY Feature 1:15 • 5:50 the first inning. Singles by Hec¬ until the Cardinals scored v . tamed Titers . tor U»pez arid Eliton Howard in the sixth innings off KAST IANSINO • fMONI ID._14f«4 5:45 - H:00 - 10:15 Perry. White doubled and I - rit4N.lt %M INFORMATION CAI-I, III 2-31117 ff SAM SPIEGEL Palmer Leads in Masters Wagner tripled during the i ★ it it »* M» Al.l. SKATS 71k AGUSTA, (in. W)—Arnold Pwlmpp, who usually mivci hl< (Hants Top IU»$ni lH-st fop Inst, jrat off to n trrmendous start In the IMth Mas PHOENIX. Ariz. ai_n I'KATI'HK AT tors lliilf Tonrtinmpnt Thursday. Matty A Ion homered twice Palmer, the 195B Masters win the San Francisco Giants 31 on the front nine, but faded 7:15 - «:T0 ner from Ligonier, Pa., ahot an a 4-2 victory over the ft to an over par 73 finish rem¬ opening round of 33-34—67, five iniscent of htx last-round col¬ Red Sox in the final Cactus I under ]»ar for the big crowded gue game of the spring ext. STARTING TONIGHT A T 7 ISM. COMK BAKI.V Augu.sl.i National Course, to take lapse of four years ago. . tion seayjn. a two-stroke lead in the first Tied for second position a* 69 WlNNKII or TWO AC ADKMV AWARDS * * * round of play. were Claude Harmon, ' Fred SIMOXK SIGNORKT ItKST ACTRESS OF TIIK VKAIt Ken Venturl threatened half the way with a record-equalling Hawkins, I>»w Finstcrwald and Jay Herbert. Dodgers Outslug ( i:t -1 4 Snider's homer, a driv (Ocnnuii) the right field screen, f*.. * Wally Moon's leadoff siiv: I'oHi-rful. Ilr,-|>ly Touching llramu of the fourth. Ben Johnson, f of five Chicago pitchers, wa U'orhl War II Priwon (jinip victim of Howard's smash. "EXTRAORDINARILY ADULT! A WHOLE NEW CHAPTER IS ABOUT TO BE Orioles Win, *)•'< WRITTEN IN MOTION PICTURE HISTORY I" Mm., WmL, April 11 awl 13 FORT MYFRS. Fla Baltimore IV Orioles exploded : "ONE OF THE BEST - -*»* MpH SMMrfMatw- 7 and 9 |i.ni. four runs in the eighth edging the Pittsburgh P ■ 1 9-8. PICTURES YOU WILL Admin-ion: .>0,- Highlighting the bu; r., frame was a two-run hnrr,' SEE THIS YEAR!" by Gene Woodling into Uh ' in right field. STARTS Wi ll. iow.jw, hJ4 TODAY A SATURDAY fXCITFVt ST SIJR " TWO Mir. H T Y -ANATOMt Ol GLADMER 4Til AND FINAL WEEK Slate Boxer Advaim \ Ml KOI II" IN ONI O R(.M DOURlf A( TION SH B«»b Eppers*in, one of th" MSU boxer# competing in NCAA boxing tourney. ad\ar to the semi-finai round Tv day by defeating Dave B« rj- Chie*» State in a 165-; "YOU CANT LEAVE TOWN SHERIFF, I'M - match. MSU's other boxer, J llome, defending NCAA ch ion drew a quarter-final bye a tU ' \ t HOLDING you for A 2nd WEEK!" TOMORROW IS SUPER will compete today In th« finals.' v-j HARCAIN DAY S i you'll get a BANG Out AU, DAT TEE VIEW - HE ! FEATIEES -SOLOMON AND SHEHA- "t !\ J of Mister STUBBfi... THE WILDEST, WACKIEST. W00UEST TIIIS TEATIRE KNOWN EAT. AT • 2:21 * LIE • ».M PLUS OL'K NEW FBATURE i ..HK GUNGSLINGER EVER TO SHOOT UP A TOWNI JOHNNY DARK ONCI AT AT 7^7 AND H:R JERRY LEWIS • a. mmkm down to tarth friM outer met Xyr -V ^ HAL HE HMOT FIVE OATEN Ttl HILL SHOWN ONCE AT II t.H M Hi HMD! — MAT! IDAY NIGHT LATE KNOW - Chandler iSoSSS?5u^ •Toby qT fen Weeks with a CIRCUS Tyler n «• Paunce^w«ii ^ CAROL A KM0WN giAami,i AQENE A BOB ,, fRPtlCkMtRD .. m*4 "V 8HE1D0S ■ SftlENEY- EASfflAM *MiswSWB8S SIN DAY « MONDAY S TOT WCTTRES BtUi DAVID LAUD K\TKA ADDKD! A 000 OF FLANKR DONALD ( USt Joan Buckman EarlHoluman Fred Clark MICHIGAN — 2ND rCATl NI — 4me WuiMB-6uf t TEN M l ONUS tO ItU WITH JEFF ( HANDLER Features at 1.23, 3:35 mmemSSMI .tn.MMRM.Af GOL I \ 1 H II 3:33. 7:33. MS pm. THE. WED. THl'R. MICK. NIGHTS!! rt ( HILDItLN .Wc ONLY 4 MILKS E. OF CAMPUS US 1« X it'J Michiiran .State NVux Kobsmen Open Season; f 1—tia avow SPARTAN SPORTS THIS WEEKEND Ma-elmll f(lniiblc*header) vs. -Albion I p.m. Old College Your Key to Better Values . I ielil Meet Albion in Twinbill Joint %«hnrltlPt IM Highlights . CAMPUS Cl-ASSIFIKDS . QUICK BESUI/TW IHQII ItEADEitSHIf jim tV.%I.MN*OT«N strong point of The ciub ineligibility. Don Muntz and April *. l?Mi« PageFBr Hosier ' ihri'i .••• . ... %p*rt« |.ditor K'.b> im*. i cfenvi .. »dc- i Pirdoit Hjorta. vpr<\rounted on a' Ma 1V . 'n d". John K.bt ha* arip hi".i, •< sjv.tlq f : Hr*'. nne duty vfiirn even com#* ?*.•- The Suartuo CtilCI) sHIti th»» I rrmont HwlWI Slur nof.o '•> M i.U't shf.uld h'>v-* Oridders Carl Charon and Jim the- Spartan fr.w ,g,.n soft',all i. *; iragucr.. olle\»,.tl| net' iRatimiav'k To Enroll nl MSI - •. - 'ha* • Coigi«it had shown some pioni- douhi»hc«d(, Si •far: win S**urd;i> i rid Aitfi tse before thev failed course*. • ind'jm I'fie.it .. 't itotsiing «n.- the irraUs A ST. ALBANS, VI OP- OUT thai mu ncx'. >■ ' ^k > will be # *r» r- T '• two sophomores will be d»*jt**nd«'ni. i*. •. in. imeni «i fon'.' N'c Dunlap, a Vermont vh'sdrxiy itay* clear *<» lf<• w;',| n',..Mi¬ eligible for opting football prac- pidVx,- football •«n*ation nl llcli.w! u*e» ran piay AMuon •. nr:.\ . ni! of 'in- :.m- though. Fiee Aendefuy f'.r three years, s- , itr Sj . inlay Collejc Fie! I at u;» H# M *«:,• •, a el! l:nc-up "ii-y pi .• 'he Hecen? additions. Cartwrlgbt and We«Jcy Klewlci. a jack-nf- said WdIih sduy that h* will at- Exhibition Baseball tehtl MSU next fall. ... . . « dry «nougn '■> p'»y ■ ' "I.H I M, - a": traur*. have bolstered tiie fill %l'l f HI IT IIAf.ll T.-Hs '»p.»w leteia la. s h#»i W Ealaa'#l i SANDRA 60L0 fr • <-.W K'tcv- *a d aivl the in- duf. Apr.' 22 Dunlap, fi* 3" and 20*. poune* «i.ib Npu York » BI THDIT I T*s* i*'-ji ' *fo-M J#»»•»• wJl aa a #•#*•! kitaaaa psw «•# WW covered "Wi-'ii h.'TVf to hit scored 210 points In seven gufncs i* more The probable Marling line-up Ua-hiii-fton 10. Kansas City 3 *»i tkas tiawalr a*^ eeepteWtr. wUkaW awaM last season and averaged n.- .c pfpsr S'-isa* v.- ••»?«. hnpc to have a against Hi; lo eompi-'itiu:! ,•» for the Spartans for Saturday'*- Hi «• mn aiMWtaw nft »«b«U rufewa* than 2 have Rpetit Marlal', an outiieMer, in. 'rage-. Tx.v scoring and yard-gamed re¬ *>an Francisco 4 (Union '! Eataa's Ctmukl* l*a# 'he 1M etirt arena nuv t*. t;-m a- .*yond, and link i. ( |ft» r It'll aihnaiith. Ih I iit| cord* Cos %ii(pIps 14 Chicago • '>•• *1 r,.**. * Tt<•••» ri|i.i A iaia« WW ommmom am . ; ive an wight-game Wiii- .i j;v Mm. W»rl.m. tl Dili the Briton*. The la-' SPARTAN BOOK STORE .. /.vi. iprinx. is an flu- iejd I'-hn llrnd— ,1 *.1J|» 1'ihn flrirr. if t.?t*i ,fr.t a v:«ek in '.he hi I it v . fs ">e ball games. The uaii 'earn lost tv.-o rcgii" lt«.»i M'moki l'»l sjirtmiM*. ?•» < ?|?» i l lit ITS GREAT FOR A DATE! Ut and •iup l.nmiiinvhi. at. i ill) :«v piav«i bttt one game, nrighi |»ru>pe« ts through „i DHrml 1-.k> t»» Wfdne*- 'he It'in ftsrkell. |i | OPEN BOWLING GALLERY ")oor ' SufitrmarliM for Etlurotion" Coratr Am I M.A.C. NKW FHOM IIAIUOI Ifl ESPRESSO five the game* »m K *.<% • .-{ bv tour. expect* t<» the Spartan* pinning depth tie the i'Ai'KKi«i('Nris liar, ml 1'n.ms liv Carl Sandhurj; Sl..1."i STRAND LARES ( J SPARTAN LANES 10-lirapplcrs Michigan .'till 11. Alirl.igan Travel to SPARTAN BOOK STORE 'I'iieutcr fm\ |t our srni: mint km for eiu'catio* ttlilg. 1 11112-2511 ". tor Ihr wan trim ram Ihr rrry hratT' Meet lo irrtir . . Toronto CUKNKR ANN A M.A.C. IV 2-323K / erf Spaitan wtratlprx j v . , • •, . Toronto. fur Ont.. thi* week- the Ontario Ama- Your Free i'arki.ig lii A.M. complete Optical Headquarters ;ni Championship* . - conveniently located, offering complete optical fccrvicea th' 10 MStI wrestler* "M.I. THAT '.I.I ITKK-. IS NOT l.Ol.ir . *hf meet are two title* there last r . . -■.on are John Hatirn. a WALLACE OPTICIANS ■\ :rst!«r a - a heavy- with VSfflkCwpw K»m Maihlov. a Hr.nrh Offlr. Via. >1 ( ll.p.rl Thi« old adaifc w'3" wri'.Pii niMfi' • _ cur- apu l.ut i« iu«' a- 'rue n*)a. tcaro-nu'mbei, .„• * > «»r'.4'> 1!-pound itpp*i*itr r»p spar* In Rrandori examinations h* HsSiinmn »r. IV. C- i_tii Fergjsc>n. winner from ha* n ■' . ■« ' Irwrn. rpglvtpred nptnmptrivt ^?Author sg^j|r r Author nt "I M'fi* o 7lur t M'ft«o "!/'.»** nr.age fo i -ngr th>orf" ."Th* Mm*/ —if uu' murr —it. ii wii* v.nru u n» wrtt'en Whither if Br — >n*' of ftohir nf U'M> f.»'/»«M. fir - . • • from Sai. Frm - I'll. IV 9-2774 be win the Sl \ \ MOt Ms Mmt l-»; Tu*«. WO. tat. »•». Iltur* a #rl.. »-t "f.ril. fc-iiiil"—in anVth.ni/ r>-r "Mr I* f'M,ii-h -iiuu^ii in wrp* f.,r i-> i title and i* rve xoif* on the telephone That i» Wertr^r v -•■-...Ms, head# a list of Figafone. I »it next to y*»n in pryrh I'm kind of dumpy and Kuril, ihr HKAI. thin*'. s i-pi ; uig a'. 1S6-S pound I alwavs wear a sweat shirt.** !-* ' ,»rv are Dave Smith and Chester. I'm afraid I don't rwi»e!?»th. yew! - said Anna lavi.x "What «ki »ah. Kaller*^ imflnl bv priie alone .Modern m hnolojfy ha. pneu u« mar.'- i Ok la Johnson (U4A v#»u Ger|f Hobbs (1233) ' M rtihrr," *.tid Wert her ' Wh#' I w*»h i* to take von to t ha , f . Yv,ir-g< (191 ; Junior I'mrrt r.» xt \prti !' frr iuiitiK MSI' wrest I- drrful rhintr-—intludiny iinuitifiil "finiahr. and allnrmy "pu'-« . *u:d the u. van* tiored "But thte w Noyembrr 27. Went nor." said \nna I.in .a »* r be under Olympic "If rrO.tr M il Werther "3»*s, f know, but ?fM. are •#' rmind - * T «hou!d benefit the avirijr " Uu' hencath 'hose drr«-imr-" cxi-t- rruli'i —or ' ijuali*'. •n*l iwautdul tiiat I war a!r»id you might have % date aireariy." vara-, p reftlera They are due " ocpeie in the Olympic df*- S« a matter of fact I do. Wingat# ' »®id Anna Inn tryou'.s next week at Tole- "Wrrthfr,'' «aif( Wcflher. t'h drat' - nf a ih-ap iniltlita'ion the JrfSU athlete# were Invited Anna I..via did not reaiiv have a'uate but ".a- war exneeting • ir/ario Amateur Wr*#tl- to tie aeked bv .*»!#■ wart htalwart. aliiieto- ao*i I'.M'K . liurtd»#Hi.e I Federation, Collins said a- Af»*Uo, «rn.e.th as ivory, w»-ar*'r faultiese twe#-*!#, snn4er Geniuxe- air rare in evert walk of life—and equal!' rare in the ep. «■» Marilmrr. eigarettrw which #\»n without hut »ufier nc4iirve- nicnt# would stamp him as a mae with know-how. with a MJU SPORTS pieaeurc-orientcd folate. If you think fia*«*r wept *«jt wiien tuters came m, tr> .• Marite.ru. Th»- one hnrn* with «e«t ami parei i,u-ineK-. !rtljiroied metiuai. and pna-eduree which tne- ui- »i|» and the gmal, mild teete m dear In three who *ro«4ie fop tfie i IN BRIEF i»»r.ba.l c.fTiciala are atill fsire your joy of it (let voufaHf a |«#k of Maribor** ami lideti w* friend'* wv, "Th«rgt l»y (»oorg« gue- a -iiM.ker »lej know* tnaluee are «r «ty same advantage. hockey players dencript girl with {mvernenWiilored hair and a hr>efeaap. r** C«tach Amo Beswne ttwidir. April 10, at 4 Ofc. Ilrnee, you can in lather certain 'Mat an item priced at IC.V. is WW* A. Jr. .vara and transfer ktu- * • * ar.jooe interested in >-r..j meet in room 213, quite primal,!v worth Sh f."»—and tisa* anotlier priced a| S4.B6. but *i:-J ^ ' Buiiding, at 4 pjn. tu- u cannot jpak* this port la Steve Bc-.v. which "looks the same,' is m»s> frequeqtly -orth exactly 14.95! W» The New TRMAPER « -aagea, at the varsity t!-" * i.^r 3 pm daily. ♦v ' * * * *1 hffkikdje usually gel exactli «hat we pay for! bv American Tourister , , '.-a-squad track meet fjr Saturday has been ***•due to cold weather Anna mir«e«Jiaf#-ly f»h«*m*d Werther Kigaf*a* "Mr Here'* the kind of ludrare you've been w.itinir for. Pr«»ai date l>a* route down with a dread tirus." »he Mid ' and Si/4** -Tv"*. puoe of 'he Our collection of short-alwve Sfiortshirts in Streamlined . . ranted . . and eo light. One-piece ] l«*ve »|e« rtie«! f*l areefif voor iiu .fatKWi, Waldf.p ' new fu.e. coo! cottonx - - . * ♦ # moulded construction will) fil>ertrln.«« reinforcement "Wrtlhfr.' saw! \\erih#r. "Off. g.*ab giimierw'-* ,.v«. »*. tltrtnl «p. - « u.t ... Permanite Covering, that dl tr4*. Stewart are excellent values at ?'> !»"> jo #10.95.' arefiiliv tailored in '' -.art New Mirefriide lock, that stay secure. See thew authen¬ .%]* 1'r.m. dat. Iw*- .uu*down s.ri « uread *tn»," . . . held Wedne.ri.y Ktaiwart » Jimtor, w cu-e.« for men in oxford ifruy, tweed or cavalier lie saitl "'Wil! you g«« with ri.#-"' r --i Sehmitler. Jr. brown. tic Natural Shoulder tradition, for that ''just right" tit, M'ert.lier and aaid. o'f.r • *« IS—15 for the tt». t'ertxinb ' she -aid .s».i pr«ai'i»tiy ph.*.#-,; ». ttaa mpeM is in. Bl; 10 "I have mw «k»«« * •' * **r- *r,h»' go u. the ■..r.i'j • ONIUSIIITER #40.95 ruen with y.... U hipstit for >our plea-iire Terian I'iai.i- Neat Pnr.i. UU/er .Stripe#, and * - - S.riM Msnon-nred the • TWO-SUITER - . #42.95 **41 "ttihtr, "en?d Wertt'-r •..xr«i lnd al#o ppokc — *4>»- -c excellent freshman • THREE-SI ITER #44.95 imAnii* I w« sent to the l'r-»m wit -irmiri a ml who do vfari»e— fur .ast oux* urn o\ rm rAiart c Orti.i-iti^ la 1«T S. W aehmcton .'uu K. Gr**d RH.r from tut M»i( owsrri. MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Rrtrup Training fate *ix April K. I960 Scientist Scans Reactor Prospect EE3SE33 A second basic rescue tions training course Instruc¬ will be held CnmpUH C'liwificil" . . . tow Cost Fusion Outlook Dubious ACROSS 37 Hoi M. Saturday morning from 9-12 In 1 Drag ;:r Cri.c.n 11 :i Education.# tlldg. under tin* 6. C'.stci n 41 TVTt .1 sponsorship of the department of 1J Cunning 12 Parent'* 42 St if prope -•(1 It t4 unlikely that nuclear re- on atomic energy published : the process, Ab-o, he said, safety services. Each residence LARREST MSG0UNT M TSWR v> brother vehicle • :i- « .••• will ever produce *l'f- (h rmany. Dr. Arley has studied p'-sibfe tha' t^e engineer- hall is invited to send a safety I Italian day breeze 43 Woodwind* 45 O.ri.litn 11» triMfy on a worldwide scale, ac¬ and made a number of calcula¬ tions about the world's energy j»p»blr pf.tr'.ipiiitiif.. be eontin- SERVICE 2C Belonging 57. Assists fi Secure i oh-ntialy he continued, recent enough to last about 60 year- rxe#rtiv i««ibM*«i • w\Tra pi-we* .... la-ian currents, ocean F«»r Can. •CLUTCH PLATE* t<> us temporarily 19. Wear* away p-imrts Indicate that fission, Also, he said, more energy TnirM. Tracti*r«' While You Wait DOWN * t\. uni -in heat t.f the inter- 27 In no way 7 Exist 21. Form of which ice* uranium, does not might be required to extract 1 Except 8 Crms of 29 Removed greeting some uranium than the same 2 Plain in crows -..•Hi practical nt the moment. D- wh< is noted for his unwonted uranium could produce. 2? Regret Fission's greatest drawback, Palestine 9 Alert a.s physicist AUTO KRAMER plants The fusion-pr.Mess. on the oth¬ a JO Form Into a 24 Roman he said. Is that it create* danger¬ 51 Decrease 3. Attain deist, i* a visit- galley radioactive waste materials er hand, could supply energy for 35 First game 4 Hurled knot again 27. Cluster -f ous which must l»e disposed of. If many millions of years witfionl • at the Norsk PARTS wool fibers I*; • *u'i for Cancer Re- I T •» A '' fission were used on a world¬ causing a hydrogen shortage. Dr. i USMBNfKDH 28 E Indian N.'T"A;«V eight wide scale to produee electricity, Arley noted. MACHINE SHOP SERVICE v. I I However, he added, the best 30 Quantities lie calculates, there would he so )l n of medicine much waste material that all the calculations at present Indicate T 32 Out of the oceans could not dilute It stil- there is only a 50-50 chance that 10 '9 ordinary 33 An n-.r flciently. fusion will be able to produce HAVE YOU CONSIDERED MMI E. KALAMAZOO ST. PHONE IV 4-1.1.1.) The author of a recent book more energy than it takes to u il .'4 tuck l»» 34. Self .6 .'tt 3t: Fur "f the coypu A CAREER . I* it JO II u 'J 38 Author of NEW FROM NARPER IS 4F «! IS HI H 4i •it si 1/ 40 "The lP.nl' .79 At a higher point Johnny. cake "The I'nprrbounils I'hibtsiiphy i.f Stlmre" IN FINANCE* PAT ■'■i In Toulmin SI.L'.'i 42. Easy gait 44 Pace Awicialfs Intralmrni ( ompan>, one of I he country's McCARTY •ii ii' •Mf "Socinl (,'lnss In Amorini." 46 Headstrong largest financing institutions, is interviewing June h 48 llefoie « a "I h«- rtalunlinn of St«lSI.tin graduates in Commerce, Business Adminstration. 50 Drink Is h slowly ".Imrrirn in (he Si*li.V the Fronomio. Finance, Marketing, and Fiheral Arts > 51. An entity Cc.iniimy and (h, Socirty Sl.a.1 for its training program in management and sales. CAB flMV IB Mill LOOKS There are definite opportunities and promising They're Indoors. Now SPARTAN BOOK STORE careers waiting for 3011. CORNER ANN * M.I.I. An nationwide organization. Associates specializes in Ski Clubs in Session, | vol It SUPERMARKET FOR EDUCATIONI aut4»nw*hile time sales financing, commercial financ¬ Discuss Lift Proposals ing and consumer credit. Wide choice of location and numerous benefits are offered to our personnel. For further information, contact your placement office, AT Th© Hist annual convention of the Central Cniled Slate A COMPLETE MEAL thir representative, Wilbur II. Hind-, will he there lo Ski association opened at the Hotel Olds in Idtnsinjf today. talk to vou «N« Thursda>, April 11. AT CARROLS LIFE It will continue throw-h Sunday, The convention drew dektMUx from ?.ki club* throughout the of I crsehrtla-d e At!; - central Matt . region vho hi>* i a: ri MelvilU «.f S.iil Anwiilr* Invritmrnl Cimipaiiv tatioual din i tur «»f members of CUSSA. Meeting:* Mar* than SW for delegates will Mart tlnr aft¬ Ski A n \« tin will the |!M>U Olym Ihroacheul the V.H. and ernoon, wtiil pane! e week acting ns h"*l with a banquet "l*ht4 confer ie iiii'vided nn !:■) ♦J5 for large formal dances. Perbar an era is coming to an end. t» r followed by a Ski Hall with <" i»i»l>or tutiity t< hare viewpoint., & for its deiigr.ed do not be too harsh on the sui Jerry Warren erehestra and ekperienr involving youth, Speakers at the Iwmquet will Kvi" v ten at-, tin- eonfer- 1$ use of fabrics porters of these functions. Con¬ sider the tale of the winsor. * include H. .1. Furlong uf to ■ etu-e is held 3 n cfl'ort to draw !?♦ Southern Ixdle who held ba* Michigan Tourist Council; lien v the natinri h :i . to)» authorities to l^r fuied for 0 purpose Union forces at a splendid b» i'hi.eger of National Sid Patrol, mte efTi etive pi»grama while General Jackson's troop ■ Milwaukee, Churl** Forsyth*-. ■■a hiss aiul to of identify anil minting the if While sitting around waiting prepared for battle. Ah. for the of youth. :wou i;. sAiawvi !** MSU las* who could do as mutt- problem? for xpnng to arrive with its ac¬ for the Spartane. during baskc Child Study Seven thousand persons at* & companying extracurricular acti¬ ball season. - 2 Blocks West of Frnnilur student ho has spare tcudeil, lakmg this the largest of 'Us kind ever held X* iJS vities. the tunc on his w hands ran find com¬ IT MAY HRPIlk few e* Plan Ih'uun nee a & fort in the knowledge that life vou to learn that all ocholar; ft "on the outside* is hurtling work is not done entirely with -t By Counties KGDL KROS8WORD No. 10 Life in the world of reality is speeding along at an astonishing ivy-covered walls. Robert Strou ' for nearly fifty years has be*" rate and it well worth observing carrying on research In ornitfc - Two MSU Otflff member* t • »k 9 It hff* Jh» nula P —even from a distance. ology in the most unlikely of a part in « pioneer study uf chdd • ACROSS 1 2 3 4 s / • =1 & welfare services m Shiawasaee I lr*lrrn>IMii | & trriR TUI GANG in the places — solitary conftnem*': cells of US. penitentaries. 1 r. 9 To" I SWOUG64 TO ■ county Wednesday grill has sung three rousing The "buxtmon of Alcatra?' Representatives of nine emit ~ j< i t« 7'hM i* |kiisi*I 4. I'M* It kaalr. In Iwihp I MRACK TMIS?*I » chnruse* of "They're Ri*'ting in f and McNeil Island and Leav- iy agencies, with members of II. .-iMrl l ir *. I.lkr a»urhing II 13 K* Africa," it would d« well to con¬ worth) has aeon low* living b" H Mill* lb* Ah* County Board of Supervisor*, sider lb# situation In South Afri¬ ings other Bun Ms birds, for h^ (.1 a oid*) ~ W and health and other* concerned welfare, met at a vv i t h 11 I til a mil*) l-of-th* T. t i«ifhi litwli) ■ 14 tr 1 ca as it U presented in Lift, The picture of the grim is allowed only on# vtottor an little correepoodanc*. Tbt qui*- ' 1 a.lii.oa ». Nw—aity Inf cme-day "Children's Service b - TT" mourners at the furneral eg 34 ^ sUtute" In Cttrunna t«> • identify and resolve problem* lit the area 14. U.,» I • ah liraml, hand i>mi* It. Tiav*4ing (2 aikfdai U r rm J Shorpeville massacre victims empha*izes the seriousness of nonconformist who ooct Mile two men is now casuddovod b- 1/ ii It W »» TT many to be the tcedlng author, of child welfare. Representing MSU at the In¬ <* It. Kmali iii. iJlllo haml—, aiXYainf* in. ('arvasaoM ffUIV IT. 11 a f>val In ^■1 tt u the natives who are fighting to put an end to the harsh restric¬ in his field. 36 if H Take heed, studecta there < stitute wire Morris Clluekm. «>rgsai*ai<.io lh# MS- tions of the Dutch-inflicted "I. JMnW« *Hi« IS Mndow art. inspiration in tMs story if you specialist of the MSU Sehtwil «*f I1*. With dnHM* ~ apartheid Ufa prove* that his¬ •'IHtii, 3# » are looking tor tt Social Work, a*id Dm on lira* * !»ey, Community DeveUgmient ea. Ha>an*h «>*n a mm# *#. What IH.v.rd <*iM«aUan*l yd,) IB I U«*>' rW. It. K.*hi am ~ ■!T | ST 11 » THE D/W CLASSIC tory can be useful by giving us the background of the Boers and Ever wonder how to do away with that certain tomtom in • Specialist of the MSU Institute for Community Development. Itoy daunt, assistant direct** l*i«>n • I. .4 link' In* iS»n many Pah (.-• l*\,»M«d hjf «lia,wiilng attudu-m ■ ST _ s» ty COLLSCE HALL their British struggle with the liberal since 1032. manner that will make 7© famous far your injWiiilty? AP- ■ li A ki'-a JS 33 M M The Dutch in Africa for three >S I f of us have undnuhfdly sp*r' nf U»« Michigan Welfare League, noted this is tlie first time a e»n* id Ak*tr 04 R#<»#wya« and Ih# S*. "Hi- m. M Mm 41 IT 5T r_ <» G**e« • -e«e whtiper of *# §H - • a wvei fa eight centuries have stuck gun* in more ways than one. The to their many blissful Haas hours con¬ fclence of this kind was held ou rnallinn 84- tl'a natiina J) ♦obr* pt Doctc* ond 7*r la* Inaian Si. It pfawMltdi' a When your throat telk £ 41 not certain, but meanwjhile ex¬ gruciome but, if done with the pectant Kingston Trio fans are. you i&time for a change,N HI A«-l<*w 4*- Att ag* 4) right attitude, murder can t* opportunity fur group discus.--• n, *». S. t"..«s4i*g» a*, t; awaiting new* of puss malnutri¬ fur„ and improving teamwork among ii . tion on the Iberian peninsula. tIk* agencies to provide the DOWN r*frwhtDg you need **Z 50 nganuta 4\ THUftl OF TOl" coeds' greatest service for each tax dollar. limit nga* 84. tv##v, m*«ei.nc 4d "witkln- Kind ul «liv# a r^j change.. 4) have felt spring in your souls w ha J. lirarldng and enough ruurage in your aehmu tl»» ting 44 k.n»tttcignaM« Oll.-a ft 4\ hearts to buy bikini pajamas can £jUU WIlDlRNiSS P take pride in the fact that New York has decreed they're in CAROl TRIPS YOU NEED THE -r .• h- - - — - . ■ .^ ^^. style. What will AWS do about Wi furnish the forecast that the BB look is uiar for sun vacation, in l«mrti bathing* 41osftchekbros. ' Quctiru-Supcrior w.U I ••rows' Aluminum rapt**, compluto camping outfit. fin« ?ood~*ll Mt low Tilt AD MEN of today have nothing on the Yankee peddler daily rata. Write toJnv for canoe •rip planning kit, map, Juts, rates <5. who convinced the Jodie* of Martha's Vineyard that they (M Cirie make Mir llfcii Outfitting P.O. BOX M9U canoe trip*, too! i ELF, MINN OfK0DL ***«, aav*a * C»a». ciaansT'ift 113 X. WASHINGTON IV 21171 should buy two hat* each be¬ cause the current style was to wear one in front and one in buck.