»w IM Fields The .Weather •' Ikirmilory Softball . Windy, Warmer Tram* Baffin Saa Page Knur Serving MSU For SI Year- BAST I.ANSING, MICHIGAN—MONDAY. APRIL 11 1960 PRICE Model UN Hits Apartheid; Demands End of Practice Rr l,TS RHEPARD „ srnce the position taken by Rer- but f have never heard of him i protest againrt Union nardus Fourie, South African speaking through tanks and • s ..n Africa'* apartheid delegate to the United Nations machine g ins." — -f -racial «egre*atiori in New York. The resolutive. he mM, med¬ Hodgson also leveled criticism -ar-i Saturday night's Model •#** Nations meeting in the dled In the Internal affairs of at racial discrimination in the a member nation In violation of Unfed State*. He singled out one-sidef! "debate" the I'N charter. certan East Lansing household¬ unanimous adoption of "You're petting a precedent examples of local bigotry* . er as that you're not going to hear the , resolution calling for the end of," Holland warned the Germany's Ryerson asked for -•mot an'l immediate rc- General Assembly. citing the a World Court settlement of the apartheid. r»r of TV ramp* ***** took #»** o,T a few hmn after ft white unwillingness of other nations to submit to domestic intervention. South African problem, labelling "the police oppression and brut¬ British Film ••aM-to ><••*•>* w—4ed Pakistan's Sanaullah Kirmar.i ality charge on the con¬ On Bokhoi ... a ^«lh Ifrtran Prime Minister sounded the keynote for a *erie<- science of mankind." of attacks on the South African H'ltdrik Verweerd at Jokannes- By accepting the amendment wrt- government. • of Iraq's Khadduri, the model «...-vvre "*r criticism of the Afri- government'* policy foi- "The problem." he aald. "has UN will send its petition to the New York UN for forwarding 'Excellent' exchange of diplomatic •demeatle' Mouth Afrtea'a r i" . . . to South Africa. callous disregard far human between the Model UN'S Soviet Union delegate righta violate* the cede af the Chapman and South Af- —. de>gaie Carl Holland. International Cenrt af the Right* ef Man." Methodists Fvc.gr. students in the Afro- Sharp rebuke* aimed at the i * an bloc led the condemna- proceeding** Africanner* followed in state¬ ments by Italy's Don Emerich, Vance Ryerson, Start New Giapman had draa—rrd what Germany's Ghana's Abraham Adenere. Ni¬ *» termed "a gavanmaat ef- dedicated to a pvhlle geria's Emmanuel Lekan A-Are, Iraq's Walid Khadduri, Brazil* Building Freshman Crowned Hhry af 'racial) prejadtoa." Apartheid, he *aid. violates Ken Bennett, Spain's Arnold •►spirit of >ier..ti haaic ;'"s r>o-e of brotherhood while human righta. your business." Hoffman, Hodgson. Molitorwitz Bermuda's Hungary''* and the Arthur Joseph United The cornerstone Sunday for the $360,000 Wesley Foundation buildin/r was laid Queen of Junior 500 retorted, echoing in es¬ States' David Babaut. which will become center of se rireit want to see more because this is the beginning of \r% lying In the street*," Mol- the end." activity for the 3,800 Meth¬ -T'.tr, a refugee from the The Bermudan Hodgson, the odist students attending '-.isgariin revolution, told the UN's treasurer, asked fellow MSU. delegate* to go further than re¬ Rev. George Jordan. Minister- solution^. Director of Wesley Foundation, "Hanth Africa tech* to pro- presided over the ceremony. mnlgate racial anpremary he- Bishop Marshall Reed of De¬ Mileage to all AM—■ " troit, head of Michigan Method¬ J.'t will not take this lying ism gave the benediction, he Jaid. "Change have heard much of Christ, Hymns were sung by the Wes¬ ley Choir under the direction of Harold Edwards. International Dinner John Hester, president of mar¬ ried students, and Frank Hof- comb. past president of single Serves Exotic Dishes jrtudents, also participated in ihe service. A *mail copper bo* fill¬ ed with statements of students Students Give mr al mm concerning snd attitudes their on religious campus life was Fine Concert !#i«hes from seven countrieg plus a steel band from the sealed in the marble corner¬ rgin Hand* were featured at the annual International stone. By ELEANOR HATFIELD rj*r Saturday night at the South Campu* Grill. The Some excellent performance; m-e for the dinner wag "International Smoriraabord." were given in Friday's Student mt y<0 people attended the Chamber Music Concert prr«er.4- •v*? including guests, presi- cd by the Department of Mus.-; Fraternity ' *.*>d Mr*. John A. Hannah, Among the mo?! enjoyable Abrmethy from the gover- selections performed Was "Three • off.ee and Emery Forter, Song* for Mozzi>-s«jprano and " ► of F»od and Dormitories Initiates Woodwin Quintet." by Jam» Stepleton, a music student. Th» * nam di«he* consisted of comtM»«utinns showed extreme !v '•■■jra" (rice, meat and to- i wrapped in grape leave* v. fr.«3> of Iraq and "Esca- C. S, Mott good craftsmanship. Sopratto D - ane James conveyed the relig - ous mood directlv and with A resident of Phillips Hal!, she Is also affiliated with KKC. d* Veau" (brfaded veal beautiful simplicity. The INI qsres and her eonrt --ri*. cooked la butter) of Five of Vaughn-William'* pill reign over the 12th annual •sRMriand. This was aecom- "Ten Blake Song* for Soprano Lambda ( hi Jr. M pvshrart ■***& by Persian salad, (chick- and Oboe" were performed. The ra*e M-hedaled for Mar Si. • pout er, pickle*, eggs) of majority possessed an au*ter«. As well a; being selected for *-> and Satoua do Pixie" bleak quality, and Corrine Borw- tv" Junior 500 court. they were -** Hh, potatoes, bectr, ra, soprano, and Charles Green- also named as l-ambda ' Oil "nr. -av nnoise) of Brazil, well, oboe, gave an-excellent in¬ Alpha's Crescent Queen and ft* wiriiMw weep "leftoat terpretation. court. The program ended with three song* by Bartok from hi* "Vill¬ age Scenes," sung in rustic mood ftopr) off Mto. and with vivacity br soprano desserts were dishes of Ora Katz. __ Philippine* called "Flan de * (milk and egg custard) Off-campus roomer* must gve M "Spumone" (ice cream) census questionnaire* to their ^ Italy. Three landlords or leave them where place* are open foe iter! band, which eoneUt- census taken may pick them bp. •* »usua! the Wayne State University LnstnimewU, pro- accord.ng to Mrs. Paul Eickmey- * European Study tour this sum¬ er. Eix>t Lunung crew k-adc r backgroipad music mer, according to Dieter Brun- ' <&out the dinner. The to- Census taking has be*n rela¬ nachweiler. MSU associate pr»- tively easy in organized living > of 55-gallon drum* that feaaor of geography um'.i. but riximer* and boarders ' fcratM aad the surface la Seventeen MSU *:udra'< ere have nejri*cted to return their and hammered into dlf- report*. Mr*. E.ckmeyer said. enrolled in the tour Credit# are shapes Hug paeduce ear* Individuals are obligated by k*» tur.es when atrucfc by a transferable from WSU. law to give census information. For more Informs •- <.. contact It will be obtained by law en¬ Rrunnscbwatlor, 415 Natural forcement officers if a person Science. srt'i«e« to give It, flw said. ■ -* tTM«! «'-«a siiyiiMl tim, thm »r* lor Services Listed for Holy Week !»tnl Cub but the LUqu', ttcik- > MA. " ' M. s-Udent., ami Faculty <«t \TaflMPBMPH Muh,v.«n -'ate rGhost tflt- UnH • r of »»»♦* student Ihkiv it Is indeed a sad eommer.',. -.iamb read- dangerous criminals" hut turns :t,e • brsl -Ul.l drl : . or cd»-c t,.-to bet I'ffi fist* iwi gKATlFlEP S/vTlSFieP By ROBF.ItT SHEKIIAX out to be an tmmodeat, uncon- on twentieth century poiicc v ii.- •! oiitMii*- Men,l>« John Gosling, ex-Detective in England and twentieth < decidedly un-Brltlsh ii fterrative, M 11ti.md lliiir. r'rci frl A-Kori..'«'1 t 'files? Superintendent of Scotland Yard, tury crime publishing in A- . //otic- presently a gentleman farmer modern day fairy tale. erica. Books such as thi«: ? ••■ho should stick to farming, has None of the characters seem Vol. VJ. No MunVliiy, April 11, 1 W>" Pavo Two real in the least. One detective a terribly poor light on virtu- compiled here in true Runyon- 'S&pjrt-- c:que fashion a questionable associate of the author, for ex¬ ample, is referred to as the Grey dedicated men of the police p f ess ion ail over the world. group of sordid characters who Should Hollywood ever s should stir the late Damon in his Fox. The reader has the feeling Where Do We Live? hold of this one, and It mat. s grave. throughout that he is viewing a your ticket* eorly. Mv advi. Among them, for example, are very old movie at a very \ate would he lo wall for the mot,, STl HKNTS living in ilfirniHnrip.« «»r ifturriptl htni^inj? «'♦' fJrt»es away to school. I inn hi r day A Co., (2.S3 most laughable if It were not to Wayne'as Could Yer. and Fra Sinatra as Short Time Bert (inlv students who have established a permanent resi¬ Farmer Gosling's pitiful. book is too dence in Kast Kansinjr are allowed jo vote I his inelmh s superficially interesting to be It would be far from sensa¬ married student-- who have their taniilies, with (hunt ami interesting. It might be a rather tional even if It were meant to t«* funny. .No matter how you Right Staff single students liiiny with their families. exciting story if you happen to .Nictit editor - - Ben n.-. be in the sixth grade. look at it, it droop*. A**l| TIIKItti SKKMS to 1m- -.M-i'Mi diehotom-- here lu«f where <|o we, as .students, live.' It make little sense to he a member of a town's popu¬ lation without votiny riyhfs hecaiise we have official resi¬ (AHPUS CLASSIFIEDS ItKAIH.INKS: I p.m. Day llcfnr, I'uhliralion for Tuf-.. Wed. Thur*., dency elsewhere. And if we are not counted in our horn- and f-'ri. KditiMm. Drndllnc for Mon. Edition: 1 p.m. Fri. town census, miyht not our voting riyhts he infringed One of the primary reasons sinyle students cannot vote Rill* Pavahlr K-I'J and !•:. Monday thrnuph Friday in Kast Kansiny elect ions is because of their short tenure ED 2-1511 EXT. 261J here. If students were allowed to vote they miyht eoncei\ - ably control elections in a town in which they do not even pay taxes. FOR SALE HOUSING Students will he counted in the v..tiny statistics of home AUTOMOTIVE towns, .so why not he counted there in the census'.' IMS" RKNAfl.T imM RRPAIRF-O FOR SALE I'KHFKCT mcohsnlral condition Ft) SOIONUT I HO- IS O-IHI It would he preferable to retain our local re-iden« v —if MM! Room t.tl No answer. !#»• •• TRAILERS number at desk. 9 only for votiny clarification. Hut whatever is done, let's at ft • ex. lo 8 p *n. ONE MALE STUDENT A least remove the dichotomy. Let'- find out exactly when* >4 » rr,' i-'. 1935 FORI) TWO DOOR forda- PRO\TD room private e-trs- rratii* fJ'Ki'l condition, radio, heatri from FlrDonald'a. 102.1 L* we live. rum across 1571. ED 2-W0B 7 Grand River. Ki57 VOI.KSWAOON - NO Rt'ST TWO ATTRACTIVE DOUR I •i.t.rt wave radio. .15 fnlle« 0-r gal¬ rooms for four college men T. ■ No Exams This Era lav lon New rubber and brake* Ell rsro K F F R I n THAT O H N hath with tub and glass shower rj, 7-4574 after fl 9 RANGE*, washers and tv'*. 423 ami to fine East Lansing re*jder!tal #-» uji fJo.Klvear Service Store, 1110 E ED • Lcltcrs to lilt* Kditoi* i'.ON 1033 rHFVWOf.FT STATION WA- tMtwerglide. radio, heafe* Michigan. IV 2-142* 12 thirty rtctrr roor ro MMM> I'KID.W, the mo t solemn day of the f'hri-ti. n Faculty member mu«t »ell 4*78 IV CRAFT two-bedroom trailer on 9-I020 7 calendar, i< April loth. From noon until pm. in churc h' s iUV Letter In Trailer Haven. Birch interior. ! the world over the death of Christ will he com me mora ted And many students and instructors at MSI* will want to Points Out Error of a OFT YOtfRNFI.F Fulmn or Ford from a former A rood deal ».n EMPLOYMENT I.atfc ED 2-404* LOST and FOUND of ihe •tudeht body as n whole MM' -ctudent See CJene Seidell at attend services here. To thr llditor: v p' fur permitting !he«e prestige Max < urtlx, tne IV 4-4491 tf DRIT.S PFRIfNCFD and COSMETICS — F.X only, day and nig- » FOUND — LARGE MAUI Kindnesses often close between noon and :» p m to allow M-kevs to gr' in! » office •.■.•1," I»--'( !.»'• the dc responsibilities of the DWARFS COMPLFTE R Ft.IN INC •tuft, or niKbt shift only Good salsrx M irek Prcwriptlon Center bv Fran- vtllow, ha* collar ED 7-I42* personnel to worship. Hut due to our tiyht academic ■'i»wi. Of A; : -» iiullmr* The *12 -el and up Adfuatment, W'c Roiid tire*. Champion llrake Itciinm. d'-r 4 off .cert cfwild b«r man** PERSONAL > ilule classes cannot possibly he cancelled Friday afternoon, ,1!H stu'l-rtl'-iu rt o <■» a ! ylios 3<*Ui I Kalam t'tei IV 4-4fl4» i' II ..vi'Vrr. fheir sueees..- dejvu U VACATION tiF.U» MAN or wo¬ This is indeed unfortunate, hut we understand the situation if11ivtr«n their "Wi hbllity . man. •• »h I e, ">.i ' f KWAST BAKERY DEIJ4TB* lr and do not ask for cancellation of da - , ,i toM'i • tb-'- a • .u- i; v. , te . t)a< v . i,.,' « s.» uixm student »upiK»rt- EMPLOYMENT reptile* Some |:eri»rtol"gic»l know - 1--.1 re required Write Snaker Alive Vlduatlv decrated cake set . twelve for 12 30 PhOU* IV 4-*7*' rUik«ton Michigan i However, we see no reason for instructor^ to schedo',' i .a -.- msc v .u---i W'.jirt au.i iii.s means you' AGRKI'LTt'RAt, MARKFTIVO fore-1 om ih'-r »ruk! a '^n :hn»ug l.lertlon* are coming up neat REfORTFR 'II and Ua S5.IM, ♦.» exams or special proyratns for which a student would silt. • . • FOVR WFF.KS COCNSFLINO in Carol Murpliy and Mike Gi -2 5!"-: A \M: Suci a week let* get some qualified *737" annually depending upon ouai- flirl Scout Camp for teenager*. I n- take this ad to the State New* o* fer by missiny class. Nor should tlow u yradiny occur for a Ms I' M«- Miration* To fill future vaeancie* nominees and let'* elect them, Possession of * hlditlnTi desree catrd near Munidng Stafi openings between 2-5 pm. for two free student who misses class-because of att» ndain-e of reiiyioii- ViiMi'v VH'vt uaU.ec iibou' K.r experienced tf» years and older to tne C'rest Drtve-fn Bring t D ..r TV then we'll %ee *ome change* wi'h aorcial) ration in huebandr v Pre-camp training June 19-28. raino tn>Tl' hiM' mil:' n .t i ■ horliculture, agricultural somiwnifi sorvices. Such I,n • » Vi>pis>ri our made. There certainly is enough •eaaon June 24 tc» Julr 22 Write « rruct J». i \ nor • - 1-1 !. mv y. If. would like ' ' 'PC a'! bachelor* degree desired Obtain an- crimination from EARN >80 to 1199 WFFKI V WHII.F REAL ESTATE he feasible to reschedule a class lecture or for.an in-tru••"ng 7 -- ploutud lecture ma¬ Ata.v la in- h • i f And o„. ,lv ,• M: ll-.t l'V Of h-P.OI • n.«\e appmn'cd h»-.i B thec!a-« ~ a in sharp 2« STYl^! two-bedroom home < • If *h;s were t » be true, rwnei.ng throughout, idone !.*-*- terial. In either case, we ask that students and instructors mat v pun*-®* i!f\ «-;ih W-:p«m T:u--e. t»\ iitt/cPi ' .t • , -vji- D -ar l ,jp!» et *ht* II"- j we uru , >u! t no re nrixpftm .e. Mst* seekers and would gf the mure ir. Write: Eugene Bond. 121S W»u Unusual nrcun«tances make i* tend consideration for each other's rjdiyiou -habit- tui- Cji'ttin R«*. $.'7s *• K .ia"... "uv tanning Apply now- tt HMe t" «aind»r reasonsbie o*-« |tr. John \. Xlnoir capHble chairman * I ( • t »« » •— rather man to set firm price I- Friday. - Sr«'onillv. I'rnfi-ssor I.arrow p I -tire we a.l reahre tha* .1 0945. i;d 2-«:a> rr Insirad is rrt.ih-tl |»ro .1.ve . »-f methods. Students I 47 Utl FTD flower and gift bu«-- iwfahianed 25 years serving S> ! Michigan Stale News inarilv sUn«liitil> lo the ami school's Ihr kicailrniu rapahllltirs .No Officers v > }.»r names" or fur the eirest gtri or fur the guy repre- Wr.gM-W.tio* Gm'i lailf ear let's vole Teeai* Racqyeti (importi) • $4 04 ATTRACTTXTC THREE BOOM fur- FRATERNITY OR ROOM: . . i 1 oftuciv. I w^h nisned parking private, clean, con¬ h"-«e .-. »fi-v--»r wi-ulj Pave u-.G - • cvplt - :i . V f,k intelligently—nekt year let'a Aglsrtwpet Olympic AtMrbc So* for venient Married couple or two lart- b<-x.-*e A thirfeen-roorn riptm b'xk fnm campus and » tel. l'i !a-V«- I* Iia.t I.-Ut few •Pi¬ • •.-.u.ruiie cloak officers Gay* t Dollt J'.CO stai I'tihtes paid ED 2-291* it I-. 11-..»* p ■ •- ■ - • - c ie* parking 111 cars Suitable srrstl \l»ml'»it r - mteres', fuv.ii-vcr ting the laa ' - gerator and stove, t.le bath. Close HICK'S LAUNOftOMAT 10 the Idi(or: I £. c- p.>u.p J . .r- 5 • -4 i» A A I' store Adults ED 3-45M r*C7 i. MICMI&AL- Dur.'.ig Uie weeks *.nce Ute J- Foo-w Rubber • c tf Crossword Puzzle mm > - hv . W-S 11 p to«'k place. I have leefi Aqua L«*f«. M#i«» Fiat, Acces$orit*« THREE - ROOM UNFURNISHED D»0* Of* FOR SELF SE*v ? watching, with special interest. APARTMENT em2 C'v C *<■ / :-.-t iA- "1 . 1<: M\f various comments an i I est p'tcit y entrance. uUlhiee Private paid. bath and laundrv *(IOtl 32 Open •vVt.*,;- .V 0; s.. facilities Inquire «*| Beach SUeev. Wi SRfClAUZi IN D«08 o-- I Ancient i .\V t- * ' am-" a med at both the J-ltop Gym Skoat . . Rb I«-using IV 2-IM*. 7 BUNDLES FOR STUDENTS c>uM- Sp Christians \ HE«f .f v; I its directt>r< U is quite Dc».« Cataf Raatu* - ^ef ( -I row IV f-Mft? 33 Fa.]»to DAISY LANE ATTRACTIVE «f K«ypt follow sU-t \ V-.VV ..3CU- yA.V ■puuible thai there is iu» longer $*S| three • mom - duplex with garage I Chrntmai .11 th.thei a urge enough group of students Stove, refrigerator furnished. *HW XTUDEVT WIFE DEElRE* Fio«t.< Roia Coot* . $i *7 wp babysit in htf I to cw* long tnunth Utilities paid. ED S-4*?9. 26 Stow eti this campus who desire ti l.*ne ED 7-iaSl 11. Take ii rhai ttv '-mt this traditionally f.ne af- F*ld.af Alum.aum Cot* • *<,• a. . :: .ii ROOMS one a own 37 obkri \ e« IIW ». ♦TOF* TRY CWABUTS BARB f ta.r to make it a worthwhile .SHOP far • goad tMUTcsit Over U Sphere pf » Dug- - Leci*f Tniakt - f -c lege Drug. action 42.Gr letter Criticism un thus matter is per- Approved Supervised Houcaj 1.1 Roofing tilt 44 Globule FUkaj Tackle - r,.,. a >. MANUSCTUFT III Vl(, f f aj» justified and can be both Fd - 1 l« Early ' w'» i term papers and tkesH ?T»c\* iS ^LWfcAv TO • 4t> Pr.tald.gt , l Br ilaina 41 Smell (lHAT Vtv SEE.* >r A luupful and useful in the con- .Woden (Fabric) footnote*, bib 1>««raphe. Pr pr"> C'scC •^cSTAp. A5T0?8AsJ£v? t 'V $s,V4 Mrs Mayers ED "-'J • . »>*<» siuisal editor I# Emmet 4rf Publication I 'V.c .SAACA-C, s ieration of future J-Hops when SRARTAN HAIL l-aocuien Ii2.4& la Gtaw Or. 31 Mat ki t Solution to Irhllj'i Punlr N?v'TkE such ^ of a constructive nature • '}$ iw;.f 19 Conateila* place A.\t tsevAXcc Hut. Ihe de*trueftli« trttu* ml S«(t |olH 3 lefeboRs TYPING - ED 7-4I7S *571 t 0 • w* (HOCK *n>m .comcu* lion 7. Vocal sola Lane 32 An pig an* "OY.V ^vACtWwV^Awt an Individ«al. mmB aa wm level¬ *•» Fo»c« Two-Mo* Rubber laoH It. Bound ired body • Counter¬ . tDqtwoBd 7 2$n 7i-* I EARN TO FLY Ot Share' v 21 Set of organ ed al Aiwte Eahert* sad Dsrs $(♦97 into. U>w rates. Daria airpttrt i politic charge LARGE ROOMS; HIE TV ft RHONE pipei 33 Mort.se Htrhcr hv Mr. Hchmltter Hi Ma rude* north em Abbott BvOd ■ 33 Anger • One of the 2-0234 of BD 7-d»l» maert letter pf April 7. shauld mm* P.X. SHIRE Sfflas ft DouMes, hmm UIQ/wi- n spoil 27 (aland in v M 34 German city 10 Great Lakei ♦ • • Vegai w.'-. '-wA ■«. . C? even hp HBfHif This is the sort of thanks that Slu.lent APPROVED ROOMS FOR male" TVPTNG - ED 2-4*fc* ~ Itargain I Irnlrr DC- . Gulf of 11 Deatrurtior studrn's one block from tanuia- OFFSET - MITLTTUTH not* v wa> rrctirM. To say that a per¬ C A TING Because of recen- d*»< Aegma * 13 Chum iv 4-t;*4. - went* ta tune-proven offer*' r- son is unnecessary, in ary Marjoram t Pollution )7 Cleansing sense. U to tred on dasigervu* KK.ViNiKIK PRIVATE ROOMS — ONE hbatik ing. tius ocononikraT prtvfeo-..- agent > -flLCVkd 'A.. ■. E-Ae frpen I'men. -Prfvate entrance -- prircew i$ nu* iniLNr j. - :o Bo> at. VS-.' «AV- AHA-.\) A«EAWTW ground and somewhat out- ex» Phone 2-1441 after 4 pm Men only. Call F.p- * theses:, job resume* pi,titographs and chart*. foT • form tendant •wxA* ,sra r^=. O,V« ua -f*. ) rn. A'T c- ra«»-viu.s, lm hwnrD ootJTH< ai. (nation on du pi testing and t*".- 22 Diversion WT Cf PLACE 1R ATfOvkt.: It seem* to me that If the time tentj.ui pfsrtod Brand now tot ot DM) tm- w.wda vorr rea*ooah.« t+m THREE SINGLE ROOMS fur rent, calf AI or Jane W.uuh ED 7- r;V-"" Ti:< Aero** from Berkey % '} f ; 23. S-shapeu curve T|—=^XeeajN.- and energy used by some Indivi¬ dual* to "cast stones" were put, itim BriJLant at Jacoboon's 9 ED 7-7UM ROOMS MALE iTcUAX • TYPIST ANN BROWN Pb«n* 21 Tatter* -r m work for a useful cause, what¬ . I'SED GOUT CM'BS — JV-o - fr ubl* and single Spacious cb«eta 2-2s^i» Electric typewriter 21 Kind of wood*, toti' iron*, bag, per:ett for •72 CuiMn Nurtn t-f. MtOonaM * p*r» and those* Xiao general ever It may be. the university, a* beginner IX FD 7-J17S after * pm. FD 1-4.VC j* bomb 29. Potential metal ft we I as be much the better those individual*, would for il ON5 DOPHI.C and ONE pmg.e hne NEAR FRANDOR. ON coHege bus Comfortable, clean. Oer.tltrw" k TV w AND rates to student* RADIO service New- * ^ . 30 Vindict., e ■-TTL-'. t - Bub GtMirwn qttiTS tirawe*. be%Kt>rr», antenna* Ft* •pint i, jo you tot portMO. birthdays tvptcu mrrtem. Every e»»ps aa 40 Shortly v K*i" p- M-mv other dplx-tous piutnea BOOM FOR ONE in new horn* gusat Era Coodoui. lgO 41. Know ~ Hakerr TV 4-01*8 tf private entrance. Vied shower Bark¬ TODAY ing available ED t-UEi tf 43 Afr.can f r 1.1THtm%* RTt DBVT ABBOT- CONVINUNT TO CAMRWS comb form lATtOK FOt SALE WANTE0 45 Fruit * toilet WaBeo Hi Tkempee* 41 field a + . UnivenUty tpUtheran Church, TRAILERS WA.VTED - RIDCRB TO Sncocwj Cosocr Grir^ F-pepi- session 4 pjft- * l -rni* lenxi June *- Cad. 5 La-f« w'e.tso*. rr-odeyt Buiterfietd 41. Winnow tiVKBOUXN B1VCS ISM DCTBOrm -I4i(3 trout . 30. Draw P'tei .♦*«--* to tid»t. ; k-tcheo. two kedrooms colesod ap- 4537 Hawtbcvrag Luoe, Okemo*, plianoo. on lot IB BoH. CUM OX . . CAMPIS ClASSint"-, MB f MM M Ml 8 y n*. FRM DIAMOND BONUS STAMPS' 4-Mlt. 11 BUT . . SILL . . . W-Nt . April II. 1*66 Page Three Cancer Anti-Serum Humphrey Sees Bright Toys Cure Insecurity in Puppies "AMERICA IN THE Puppies also like soft, cuddly trainer, said the study may have plained, "the toy could go with Works With Animals Side in Primary Result toy animals and got a sense of security from them,. reports an practical significance for kennel operators. "If they raised each pup with the pup when he was bought. Then the owners would not have so much trouble getting h;m ad¬ SIXTIES" WASHINGTON Of)—Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn) MSU psychologist. laboratory Mice Protected Sunday looked on hii showing in last week's -Wisconsin pri¬ John Marr, a graduate stu¬ a durable toy animal," he ex¬ justed to his new home." (THE ECONOMY AND THE SOCIETY) mary election as one victory in his battle for the Democra¬ dent, set up an experiment in Michigan State News From Hainan Blood Leukemia tic presidential nomination. which his collie reared her litter BY THE EDITORS of eight pups in the presence of Campus Classifieds . . . Low Cost t He made the statement on e would not allow anyone to use FORTUNE a toy cloth dog. CHICAGO A' iwietrcher necking an anti-aerum to nationwide television program in Mm as a rallying point for anti- A NEW HARPER protect humana agminnt cancer reported Sunday he had de¬ veloped one that works on experimental animals. the face of election tabulations that showed bis Democratic op¬ Catholicism in the race for the Democratic nomination against "When the paps were through mining their mether," Marr said, Complete Optical PAPERHOUND Roman Catholic Kennedy. "they wealg often crawl np en DT. S. De Canralho said the aid and atwlr ptadnted ISA ponent in the Wisconsin polling Service protects labontorr mice — Sen. John Npfmedy (Mass) Rolled up a 106,000 vote major¬ He emphasized that any man seeking the presidency today on the ley animal.'' SI.85 Jwn human blood leukemia that ertk and Injected lata labaratsry either the Democratic or Re¬ When the pups were four Lyes nosss caneen In other anlmalt. wiee. time nsies ^letielapa^l na4 ity. weeks old, Marr put each of Examined H- raid hit itudlea with trani- 'There waa a»- substantial publican ticket would "serve them in a strange room. anly leakemla bnt ether eaneeva. Glavtet that office with independence .i.nta alao bare ahoam that anmrs ten be cnaaad and Irani- Next, additional RNA from crossover publicans of conservative in this primary,* Re¬ within his constitutional respon-' - He found they were signifi¬ cantly less disturbed when they Fitted Spartas Book Stars the culture was injected into sibilties." N'o Ap¬ Your Saparmarkat For irttad by damtfca nunin iwa, Humphery reasoned on the w4re alone with their "old «» protein factortee that oper- rabbits, and it apparently stim¬ American Broadcasting Com¬ pointment ulated the formulation of anti¬ any per- friend," the cloth animal, than Education i > imlde cella- pany's "College News Confer¬ when they were alone in a Necessary bodies to protect them. t sam, vete fer Da cnuka a* lit Can- ence." Corner Ann SI. & MAC . Blood from these rabbits then er against a beeaase of strange place. riffice* of: Dr., J. Christie and If. lierkwith. Optometrists was injected into other labora¬ think 1 received few ef Marr, an expe rierxwi dog tory mice, Dr. De Cavalho re¬ bet I ported, and they remained im¬ "A man'a rallgton la his own, mune to cancers or leukemia most Ultimata ehoiea and we L IT rat aMftk —7 vela la after receiving injections of the > piftwary wftk MM af Wta- must respect that religious RNA that caused tumors in un¬ ala Oar. Oariaad Nilait. ran choice." he said. protected mice. "I don't think a man ought Ha took blond and I aaa Ifcat I had • to be voted for because of hi, and tamon tram human reliaion and 1 dont think he mkwnia or eeaaar pedant. end ETtte edbetnnoe In a W Mass Poison On other pottloal matter., ought to be voted again*, be¬ cause of his religion," he said. Ml centrVnee In separata cell Sen. Humphrey promised he PXA. rthaouclle old. Irons its Trials Start protein cover. The UNA ha . leooeered prneed Jmt !*• a Dnk to be altered Mm Me normal In Morocco OUR TARTAN RIAID KIITS rataa Thla UNA than wna add- watar raRa all fair baak! rt to btenan ceUa frowtn* In a RABAT, Morocco 0T>—-Twen¬ of woshond-weor cotton tor. t Jture RNA ef tbetr own. Treat year rainwear ty-seven Moroccan merchant* g, aaa ef Ike nekMsi. the charged with making and mar¬ poon cloth launch lattiet into with "Cri vanetie" keting adulterated cooking oil water repelling the tun season. Mots green, Exposition Show which paralyzed nearly 10.000 people go on trial today. Tour exclusive with us block, brown, or red ApplicationsReady accused of directing the opera¬ tion, face the death penalty; the other 23 are accused a* ac¬ TV watch plaids. ApplIc^Vm blanks for vXMblts i» tts Enflnecrlnf Exposition complices. - 8-14 sizes. May 13 and 14 may bo picked op «t 109 Olds Hall, H woo an¬ The product contained Ameri¬ can Jet engine flushing oil, 6,000 A 7.98 nounced Sunday. They ore due gallons of which were disposed of by the US. Air Force at sur¬ May I- Individuals of the tipper col- plus sales in Morocco last year. V|». the basic college and roups of three or more will eg the flushlag oil with pnist fnmpfte against these of their or olive ell to loereeao their own groups for cesh prtass. Ex- profits. htMs wlQ be Judged on ortfin- By government count, 9,544 .it* •ilty, engineering eppUeattoo and people were stricken with paral¬ rudreVi presentation. ysis last November after eating food cooked in the oil. It created dkavtt in me a nation-wide polio scare until NASHVHXB, Xnd. 0P>—Brown analysts found the malady was Ctaaaaraid Shirt Lmfry County Sheriff William Perci- caused by ortho-tricresyl-phos- Eaat Graad River Arrtn* Fro— Stadeat Sort ie* Bldg. Asld taomad twa ef Ida prleon- phote (OTP). OTP, a common n had escaped one eight, when ingredient of engine oils, de¬ stroys the motor nerves and leas rUM that an mm Sear let than one gram of it can peralyza «sM air inside. The escapee i en adult for lite. bad m iff with the JailhouM Most of the victims are still padlock. hospitalized. The most beautiful new look In diamonds Ghost Charge Haunts ; Lucky Strike's Dr. Frood Dear Or. freed: I «m v» citing my term Dear Or. freed: I am a sophomore who Dear Dr. Freed: f has finally mastered every syllable of the am going nutv- nuts, paper and would like to know how the I icllyout—tr>ing to average profevvor differentiate bc:»cc:i \v Inffcnpoof Song. To my chagrin. I have just discovered that I am nut at¬ solve this puzzle. research and plagiarism? Pled*! Wluit is the Ut. Majur tending Yale. Any suggtetionv ? hcxret? /ivy Ungate ft— b edM fan ■ PuzzleJ. IHr Dear Jteyr fake k, aaa. We HI ft wVa — Or Or Deo» Pwzzlorti ' Oaae Dr. Freed: I have just completed my doctorate thevis on "The Socio- t'oktico-IUligio-Economico A men— popular appeal and would like to have it published ui pocket-book form. term papers for eaetain oolftgc ftudentv oi How dun one go about doing this? But I aaa dawbty horrified, upact end Cthetbart tbtrbonk Stunned ahM 1 heard a rumor that you. Deer Dr. EreeD: i didn't make the ctcw Dr. Proad, alto use a ghost. Tall me it because I get seasick. 1 couldn't make isn't to. Doctor. the basekill team because the rcxiri Jacob Motley bag pises me a rash. 1 was kicked ofT the track team because Cinder* kept getting in my e)C. And I had to drop tennn because I get vertigo watching the ball ,Wlawfe Ma M la kalii'H Ml loot. Me a domond iter «> lor Iftgsr. And Maota any 4waand look bigger.' go back and forth. What can a great rare bieatilid. Ooe't oeeo 0—k of any other en- bEANSGATE athlete like myself do now ? Sc> Ue jv-e-—0*i V* »ee *e doz*g trening Sur-cob AUTHENTIC NATURAL SHOULDER »-.hon o. your Artcansd Jet-tot's. Dear Si,: Wky don't yon rtpov mtr. ^ P.M. • Child. :ioc IM I. Ill tar as Cleveland bounced B<> - versity housing, contains nine Robert Go wans of the IM of. NOW HEAVING! I—W H|i.,w | S h ;i w ? Softball fields which will have fiee hai. charge of the softball to »h;iw l M Sli4 ton. 9-8, in a siugfest at New 1-W shaw r, W Nhau Orlean-. Francona had 5 (<■! a minimum radius of 200 feet program with Tom Petroff work¬ I-tt sh.tw >l v». to *Ii.tw *» .» and four rbi's. from homeplate" to each outfield ing with him as student flupfr. 5—| Mi aw I xx. I: Shaw • 6—1: Miaw J v«. I. Shaw 4 edge. The diamonds are regula¬ visor. Hfrret l*r»rtlre Hu I Erickson. assistant general tion and supplemented with The IM department he* adoi in—I' Shaw 6 a a. I Mnw 7 manager of the Detroit Lionv rubber bases and pitching rub¬ cd' some special rules for • • II—I. Shaw * vv Shaw bers 'on the mound. professional football team, play¬ softball program. Some of the ed first base and captained th important opes are: 12 men m - IM SOFTBALL PLAY begin* today on nine will be played on. The IM office suggests thai 'A key to tlie field can Re found 1948 Michigan Stale baseball be entered for a team; no spike* lll.l.U (IVKit! new field* shown on the diagram. The fields irr player* and team manager* clip the diagram It above on the lllu*trattou. IM . team. tlrrw- up so they can locate their playing field* softball player* will probably of any kind are allowed; gam* SMI BIG WEEK numbered. On published sehedules the same num¬ are five Innings and an official bers will be used to designate the field* each game easily. have to consult the key to ftad the lorattou of their route*ta. game is three innings In case * ? rain; and no stealing home on a LUCON 4S* Bowling Team Hosts to U. of Penn The JM department plans to superimpose nine touch football fields over the diamonds next pitched pass ball. Otherwise reg¬ ulation rules usually prevail. The Michigan State bowling Is 7 30 p.m. at the Union Bowl- single defeat, (to the University fall. Beemaa urges Ral all team* 1:00 - 3:10 • 5:20 • 7:30 • 0:45 team returns t«» action Tuesday inc alley* of Michigan by 13 pins), "It is hoped," said Frank Bee- try nut to ferfcM y*i—, He fUZMfTI UTMME HBHM evening against University of During winter term, the Spar¬ Pennswania's squad is pre- man, |M chairman, "that present would like forfaiting team* to Pennsylvania for it firs'- compet¬ tans compiled an impressive plans will be approved to pro¬ notify the IM office If a forfeit TAYLOR NOVUM CUFT ition of spring tertn. Mitch time total of seven win* against a . sently touring the midwest and competing against various un¬ vide a lighting system that will I* not voidable. . iversities. Last week thev enter¬ adequately illuminate both types Defending champion of a", ed the ABC bowling tournament of fields from the same poles and university softball is Coral Contact l.ens lights." Gables Vets, which was inde¬ 4and all your optical need-. , in Dayton, Ohio. .Bowling for the Spartans will A building containing first aid pendent champs, also. Bailey l be Bob Killian (190 average); equipment, supplies and emer¬ was all-u runner-up and dom gency telephone is located ad¬ winner. L.C.A. won the fratero.'y WALLACE OPTICIANS Stu Weingarden (189), Joe Znm- hrano (185), F<1 Mover (183) jacent to the new IM field. title. and Archie Conkey (181). Diamonds used in pass years Printed softball schedules w;. Branch Oilier — Vine at C lipper! State will conclude tts season will not be game sites this sea¬ be available at tha end of this iopposite Sears in Erandor) on April 23 as the hosts for the son, the IM office said. Diamond* week.. Each day the line-up of eye examinations hy on Old College Field and the games will be published in ths Big 10 championships. Minne¬ W. €*■ Jensen, registered optometrist sota is the defending champion. Secret Practice Field will be State News. jotv mtdPttK I'll. IV 9-2771 » \HL Hut MM IN Mom*: Moo. »«f; T»«, Wad, tat, Wisconsin Boxer Critical LATENT NEWS *-»; Thin. * Frl, W "Nil All's AKK" nmrsstc issira l muiMs • MMiuiwci • sntcn • .Next Altriuiion • um Cnlor Cartoon "Apr* of Wrath" NEXT ATTRACTION Horne Takes 3rd NCAA Title STARTING FRIDAY! Vincent I'rlre In I DAVID MVEN & Michigss Stats Usivarsity John Home, one of two MSU tvixm competing tn the NCAA ner was reached Bob the Epperson, semi-finals in who the nusl "TIIB TINGLKir IMIRIH DAY IN "WAKR MI: WIIKN boxing championships, went 165-pound division before losing Among Mohr*a many fan* In IT'S OVKir — PLUK — "Pl.RASR DON'T KAT FOREIGN FLU SERIES down in collegiate boxing on- to champion Stu Bartell of San the crowd of more then 10.000 "YtatrrdayVi Rnemy" TIIR DAISIES'* nal* as one of eight triple-erown Jose. were two sisters, Carole s-.d with I KM I. KOVAtS winners in NCAA boxing his¬ San Jo«e won the team title Joan. They hurried to the hospi¬ prrftt'lll. tory. and was followed closely by the tal with their brother. One c* - Horne accomplished thr feat University of Wisconsin. lapsed from the ordeal and v - t by defeating Norm Tavalero of By winning this year's champ¬ placed under sedation. Ttu-r "TAIGA" Sacremento State for the second ionship, Horne became eligible parents. Mr. and Mrs. Char t for an NCAA team which will M*ihr, flew to Madlaon from N<- ••• year in a row in the finals of compete in the U.S. Olympic York. SLIDE this year's NCAA championships, held at Madison, Wis., Saturday. boxing trials May 18-20 at £an Bartell, who had lost to Movr (Gcriiiiiii) Since MSU discontinued box¬ Francisco. In a dual meet only a week Sir,, could not be reached for com¬ ing as an intrr-collegiate *p«>rt * * # two years ago, Home wai unabte ment. — I'owt-rfnl. Touching Urania of to compete in any matches be¬ MADISON. vear-old Wis. (J*)—-A 22- Mohr was kaeehid down hy a University of Wiscon¬ W orld W ar II I'i-ihoii Camp fore the NCAA competition. He sin boxer battled for his life to th* was limited in hi* training be¬ Sunday after undergoing exten¬ cause of a lack of sparring part¬ FAIRCHILD THEATRE ner*. sive surgery for a brain Injury suffered in a vain bid to defend Home's only consistent part- his National Collegiate champ¬ Mm., Wte., April 11 aai 13 ionship. Charles Mohr of Merrick, WASH N WEAR N Y., one of the nation's top col¬ 7 and 9 p.m. lege boxer*, was in critical con¬ The Wisconsin battler w?i given the last ritee of the Bom..: RULES dition. but "holding his own" At Ailmiwtion: 50r AXO University Hospital. Doctors Catholic church and was on t: e would not even hazard a operating table less than an hour guess After being hurt He collap*" 1 Ball Onto At his chances of survival. some 10 minutes after leav;. * Mohr aatlapaai from a hralu the ring under his own powc MySSJS himmsiihais After latent to Mo ■ortott of tan Jam (CaME) Mate The surgery, which require! LEN KOSITCHEK'S slightly more than three hour-, tote night hi Me III pail IHto was extremely difficult Doctor* bum of Ma National Cteliglati said Mohr suffered diffuse type Athletee of injury which would not o* 228 AMatt RA. teM's tied to etop Ma Maadto* Tha Pocket — Circulur — Conventional Mate to Adgn Injury had to ha pasted inytoa NIGHTS * SI N—-AIH I.TS 70. SAT. MAT. Mr I .AST 2-NIGHTS — STARTS 7 P.M. P. & E. - DIETZGEN W IVXtt or TWO AC.XDKMV AWARD. NSOXE KWMWtT MST AC TUM UT TDK TEAR hum rur mwp on mati rial from arothfr MRDUM K. & E. - POST iJl*'!'m 75c to $27.50 Paris Indicators Men who' iace wind and weather V — — llcjt Carriers choose the protection ol.^ i AT GIBSON'S AFTER 8HAVE LOTION J?* tEHRI $Ua protection, that i*. 01«l vp rr refrrshe* and *tiam)ate*. guards AfSUMt the laae of vital UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE •unwewxyarmr $m-+t X STARTS WEDNESDAY »Mij» imn»tuie. Feci* great, too. Brisk, bracing, aith that tangy Old Spies accat b 4ma eaaaa^ 4.. to attract (rraale admirer*, but what re^b! .,. CORNER OF EVERGREEN ft W. GRAND RIVER "AnalMV Of A Mnrtl.r" man,need.« protection against girL? i, •hulton 4 JVasllin^loil liefifx JU'MJtfl Is C.rrir Mrr/inis Minnow \pri| !l. I960 %i\ir. vnw f'i« Ktv« I Thr m\k»; fnr. I AW *VT). rhL - •' • . ' Vri* •' core I ' -r n? *he> A Wl -Y ?t"t: f.:- IUU.U4 MiMtffiW «rvn vi«* l.w* • . .• » •, nu in ■•: y i I IM -I vol i: moi:nino iivitif J, r. I.- ' •«!.i f.f*- Hriirr. Dan D o v K and Hi' h *mwd f •' 'V i-v'vru!- •»... -.«•;« j»inin« io b«*ax ' :- :.' Burm.ng Tlx- *1 <•*!(• < j V" ♦;*«• Wa 1'in ?,■(«! S- •.1 i<-4 off - • VI i-n/idiYi-on : '-iteft five r - Dirk Hyde. Ka >* HAVE YOU CONSIDERED sVr' .• A CAREER tf- ' 'SCIENTIFIC ADVWC I S SIII-MU Prngltw <»f Women (towaul Hunt IN FINANCE'- Dr. Allure Associates Insert men! Com pans, one of the country's M .i^i »tl ism "} no n v. I ii i iim ft!,'inn \ bin ionics vfnHkd. f imi fusion: largest financinu institutions, is inters ifwinj? June hauls ill, M.i-m ii-ti» ol imnwlion-c A a-t lmc " H.ni lonii slial- graduates in Commerce. Itu-iness Adminstration, DON STEWART CARL C IIARON irtl. < Iumoij oof \«t i jsi,i1»||nIm d miio lest i;im> bein^ held caj»liNr Keonomies. Finance. Marketing, and Liberal Arts ...OR or halfback?... Rctuanlng Starter , . l»v iieigbbonit'^, >«>i;otnv, I • .iiiiin.iitnii of aitobol fnnii * and srkkv b.iu for its training program in management and sales. There definite No Time for Spring Fever < itams (iiibixt gloves ii i oin/i.«iiclid lot tins ifass). lit suit: repelled are opportunities and promising women. FtetjUent use o|W.ilu on ban filed: ibis careers wailing for you. piatlue dwnirfl ImiiuUss be«aits Vjviltm' 11 hi I'onu iiiolblien in (Irving efted. Grid Drills to Open It-null* Appiaisal of (,oniimpoi.nx Male. < oikIinioii: Student body An nationwide organization. Associates specializes in automobile time sales financing, commercial financ¬ 4 L K. d student bead ht j»t dan-\\o»di\ with AaseltiK* l lau Tonic, ing and consumer credit. Wide cKoice of location and With 150 Expected Mnttfuiln ine -t < : tj Yvvhiie' linn Irmc [ numerous benefits are offered to further information, contact your placement office. our personnel. For Spartan football players won't Have a chance to pet sprint? Our repre-entatise. Wilbur II. Hinds, will l»e there to fever. For five weeks starting this afternoon, they will Vaseline talk to you on Thursdas. April It. hard at wock with spring football drills. About 150 gririders pected to answer heaion will be freshmen making their lludas and others. Canada Vflrr Frciw-Oul first serious bids. Freshmen will find it ca- e played. but snow driver's seat. He was No. two Practices will be Monday. T^-.- .met forced the imstponement man last fall behind all-Big 10 quarterback Dean Look. day, Thursday and Saturda-- S *c will play Albion in a .s:ng'.«- fftROii Campus i.. e on Monday, April 18. .h There j? a possibility that Don In the bottle and on your hair Mth 3 30 p.m. at Old College Field. Stewart might be converted Saturday, April 18. tie from halfback to quarterback to VAHoSITY IJRIVK-IN difference is McSinba cm Spartans will cntcrta.n Alma join Lcruy I^>udrrmilk in bat¬ • DILI VERY the clearly there! ( W t,f"f il T'lfi-iy Thru C»iirgc in a double-header start- l0 1 f.lMl P if "ThUm, tling Wilson for the starting QB • t t RR M RU I h J\f 'ixllu". tie.) i-i'i at 1 pm. at Old College job. Stewart w «- an all-stater at • HU NTER MRVK I. } r\1 quarterback for Muskegon High i:i) 2-15517 BUY SELL RENT S"h>'1 11- was a tlcfon.-ive II- . . . . . . specialist la.-' year. "SO PARKINU" . CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . Rattles for the other backfield . . . HIGH READERSHIP . . jobs will he spririted and proh- A# evepv'ioe ,i wmor, «»iv« the (Mirklng prrihw natural apprarance broader sports activities !<«m but ii w— ,1*1 ni.-dte rkedje Ltinr mipu^dJe I - unlaw, that i Mould you he Interested in discussing the possibilities of is. tfie make the girN me *!..f.c M md i he car, contact leases and I'Ot'R eyes Bui UuU = . . ! w no '.otutinn iihef i->f2ui«e f ' v : >e f.r»» they f* t to th* prrim Dr. NareM L SkaMer thegiriiMiii fie panting•*» h.nr i that they will w»Jt tiieircon«Mfv*. orrt IMETRD* r Another «u«r^l^- f-r i.nr rvirk-jic I hat aJj j I if wnr* at IVanhoe f-lofcl atiidenU *mt,k<- M »rf Mall ( ourt frandor Center l.ansins. Michigan r an excellent - o» drift u-. (er \| f,rs( giance thjg neerrut n njo, all krv w Ma/tbofd in tha ?'.iu»iHntMiiiitiiiniM»HiiihiiiHiiiiU4iimtiitHH!i»iiiiiHmniiitiiiii«iiiiu" cigari'tto aitiih ;■rt/vti Uiat fiavor del twit iru out when filtem came in -and when *■- -it around and sni-ke g»io«i MaHL>ma w are rn by. «witt (y.nf, ntment that The v—e.i of ut... To^f Shop none us wtaheii ever to leave, which meana no gadding about which me.-truf n»» drivina, which mean* rm fKirih.r.g pr<»l.l»m, fhit the argument in ftvrir >,( Marffortaq fivcriooke iwie im- I».e-l for Separate •cbonls of dm- L-trjr. Dentc-try "Mild «s'»ly t«e n»ov»ai to the tchoolof mining imrineehnr. Purely anyone »!«> cqn'dhll a UjouKand f«et fat e laundry, wkw mad as ail bjr McCiccof in • KMnliic Vou'l fat • ifw weacamo at any of The more research, and product development. * get- ol 50% than 200 IBM Branch. Rec*o«a and District not and thing* looked m-ghtv I i irk far Fred. But it ail emkd kodtl polyaeat, SO"* codoo. ORkaa Jeatcatt. ask tor the manager, and make See your Placement Officer for more information, well. Vthen Mr. l-udr c^il—| f red mto hw office to chew him Mtfnibccnt jroni 4)od colon an appointment and picas- feel free to-ca-'i me for the location of out. it mhappened thai Mr - > . ;nml ditnghter, Patient l(ut al.y pal. tvtn ia the IBM office nearest your home. you »f»at sort tfl comparry *e are Alraekta, w-iw present For y»-ir? Patient i irt«ekla had been wuhinp muhioM. Prodkoliy 9 hem rajMPy data prt>cevvng . , patiently waiting for U>e right man. "ITrU A him'" she crwd re*ft need* ixoaiag. Cool,, . . . is Mr. R F. Macduff. Branch Manager • can teh you *tat *e c'fer quaU- «(*« spying I'm.I -and oday Fred 4 fuil po/tntr -n tlie Eagle lightweight, eu< haiog International Business Machines Corporation • po it com ia trtdWoaal "1*7* o» aarw^ngs, career training* job sat- Ltumlry in clorgn of pleats ami ruift.-, *» opportuA.it>es for'rapid promotkRI. MM So Washington *»•.. Lansing 7, Mich. •. model. Petto hi oil Tolophon, IVsnho* 4 $314 Itui.loving i Sprmkin§ of lattndti** irmimU ut <,( nranhnem mhith in The IBM turn remind* u» of Kit* red Marlboro* ami unAltered l-woa Thooter BUg. Tog Shop • Cut Laaoiag DATA PROCESSING DIVISION Mitrri*—both deen ami frc%h in mrft pack and tip-top box. to rue ta»iv botit irsi'libi Phiitp MICHIGAN STATU NUV* l*a«e SI* April tl. M Principals Discuss Their Hole The following employer* Placement Bureau will Inter* lew on the Indicated dates. Interested report to the PUcrmnii Bureau at least two Comm Arts on Summer Slate As New Community Leaders If ai'ii arc h on l da as In advance of Interview date last year numbered 3?d. Institute should be addressed to Michigan high school student* st It i Itachelor's degree, Masters. til) Dorters. Where no the Continuing Education Ser¬ I will again have an -opportunity Insdrucllon i* largely by uni¬ vice of Michigan Statm Unlve:. decree Is Indicated, all degree levels arc eligible to •Interview. etudv jdlitrnaHsm, speech, ad¬ to versity staff members with the slty at Kellogg Center, Es t a run. is. isa position vertising and radio-TV during assistance of other professional Lansing. Aspirants Armour and Co.: Marketing iionl. Business (lit majors for sale* trainee and Mont* omen Bus. (IWM» A.« Hard ... IViv. and : - Co.: Ocn! Mkt partlclpo:*4 summer vacation Second Annual Michigan Pniversity Communication Art* time at the State persons in the various fields of study. Students attend classes in the morning*, take part in labor¬ ' All. SWEET MEMORIES NEWARK, N.J. W— A biM Need lliirli Dourrongh* Corporation: All men from the Co !■<•£•' of Business in gram. A m.VM. Mdinee pro- Institute to be held June 20 July 20 The !n«tt1uie :* divide*! into' atory work or practice session* m the afternoon, and participate was found here recently wrhlch listed the cost of making home X Pub! • S.-vvii-f for rale* Northern I .lie Insurance of Can¬ in recreation, field trips ir repairs. three sessions of two weeks The carpenter got SB cent* an Standards t oltale-ralmollve Company: A u (ID 111 life In.miao.v .o.r.< leading to agrnrx ' • •m-nt for all each. Students may attend one, two study-discussion sessions in the late afternoon and evening. Housing ts in university dormi¬ hour. Four pounds feet of pine board of naila, eight and 2t hour* or all three of the sessions, tak¬ of work totaled 148.80. «.'o:v:iu Art«-. So'ence A Art-. nun fr. • olVg.^ of tories. School System . i II i«..-.e<* &• Public Si v «■«* Comm. A s,-;en.-e A A •. ing a variety of courses or dig- Inquiries concerning the I MO The bill w as sent In I88A ,i field marketing position* Edtiea'.-iv-. A Hn-snes* ,V pub¬ eing deeper into one particular Topic of Mrrting • -. 1. T\v- Articles Divivv.n. lic Service subjeet- I raser Public Schools; A',' FU'cn. Trrfect Circle corp.: AeeounUnij The Instltule is Inlendrd for The role of the rTwcntnr .-. Mb !•' •«•■••• A-.t A Vocal (B) major-- : industrial ac¬ Diets school students between •-I'hcol principal i* cbnnc'ii iB , MI ma pus I i counting tra.it' •• positions Trier Waterhouse A Co.: Ac¬ their junior and senior or soph- MONDAY EVENM8 SPECIAL . -v,' i \ teaching p-*? it ions. omorc and junior year*. Courses ftvm Rdminu-1 r:itor-->np o.-.-.v, --a: jutr.or h.gh Co: A BM M ■ regard- ■'' ip'-.ed Newspapcm. Vearl.mok position.?.. Sw-.ndar'y . ( o'-'Vilinit; n1..•reslrd Ko.'mg and Management, Ad- MASIIK1) POTATOKS 49c icss of n a Ki. Math. Krem h. ma: 49c p.11 ■ ■w. leading to u:'h;n2. TV-radio Broadcast- •A ii.rv,:' (iCUM> majo' ?•'•- position • , • ing. Porensirs and Theatre. HOT VKOKTABI.fS s'hiYi! teaching positi.m? managi mc: (ID(Ml nia- The purpose the institute t.rneral Flrftrtr Co.: A Ipjohn Co: A ROM. * Hl'TTKR training is to enable students who are i Mi an«1 ail men (B> jofjt to par' el f m interested program <"hi men .V o-orr.- in ihesi? fields io • : ' ■",■■■ C'-Wgo of Duyinev. interested a. '-H-vr move during their re- \ ?••..;• «■ Serva-r (Mu: t r.-uX «n It M v. .li.t*>• rcamc chvot- mautinh high Si hool year* and .riper 'v.'r 0f • n• • ■v-<> !< ■ ■. i jn <•> e'«:cor i-i -tt-i un' r.;; s". M '*• ■ Ms - - ae' •arch pe povsihle careers Attendance a- the" institute ■: r»j.»r« f.>; tun or aeconntan' ' > ■ < v- • • Tat or Day in Marshall County , . Ar T-U *t MM "X.i's:-:* * » * 'THE EXPLAINERS'1 •• -v tS*r> «5f V '• r V\KW HOOK C'p- «. > m e* *t the K* -V.'t VMVI •:> '■ .'f s. fr «'• »•" • PADDOCK . > , I',.. PALS totctlur •' '• . • \ ..lint »-hddirn"s /«»•. in ^ n Civvs lia iv I irtr of \nwrica in b< hj - •• *'T r • j, , vt,., |> i s • • ol the atirai tion».. h"*idas' v • county •• • H fA'TOV V Co 11PM. Ki JULES FEMFER - -v* • .. '••rmed in 181.' Farmers *o-">k 1 v fct i« t »> •' '..As bad a ?«ran ire type of • ■ antagc of .: ' >me to tow n . . :•»!'. . !•.. .d*\ u'h eh. for i :t.s foi, . oi- "TVnlayS elementary principal l-'or llalhssrapli Disc :V: ed a rare view of Auicocsna. . •• ' swap. O'iginnitv, ■ c ..: the rva.o U'Thoii or SICK. SICK. SICK ft Involved morr than ever hf» • •» .it. I ,v. v !>.-,> :n M r -n., . swopping itc vv seed v.wv». frtrr In thr field of in*traettn»u»1 pmrram jii griidAnce. the relation*, xrbonl munarcmcTit. rnmmw* ]MSl (irad lt> Receive Severn! •'•,oui»r.d pel>.>«s fr.t u a •; <- H'tiw hoiida\ coov-v lv ■ . '• . 1 here, and Known a- IN I'APKRHOt M) OM.V S1..N0 Ralph's "KEWPEE" Cafeteria Tver Da: T«-" ,nd M1. OPKN « A.M. FRONT * Natural Science Award ^restoration and all sapor I* of K- ufucVs. In the crowd. • apping r. g OM V A WTI RAI. Inm.in relation*.".' pointed mil .on. fl.vkeil ' ■ V"> k «e«- • '■ a' :v Pvk * • c'd find. TO 12 P.M. KKAR I !U Haw, ol M»plf*iW"d Srheol. Plow hoodie-. •••»■ handles and SCIKNt'K IIOOK Wll.l. 1 *n««n*, Kentucky frttnmut'ih' of y.t'00 r.'!>in.'ite of Michienn St.'.le km* candles. «m a houhds. sc« - OI T SKI.I, THIS fo the 118th fifflve, , a ' .>rc»s of the rpcord-Ttt in-: iog machines. « aerette-nVbo? VOI.l'MK T • \ e to Ki.vrip nr.- • g machines find m !k u. machine*- 'TriesI p." will he honornj • . !••• i rnocs '•, jp >.ng w Stc'ies, gun* ' peces. ho* '•••••hh'.'rcr .*. a native of ca'-.f- I ft n't •.•: ,i Tatm. Il.r- .n co even ars and ho - heme x"•'■' There wp dad tv o Spartan Book Stora ^our Stiprrm.trkcl SALE! • . :.i»d reeeis-ed '.!v Ivschcmr rr.ve:. •i Abv l or *.-i •or..' -..e. chew-.ng tnhacc.'- • h enough !> .( •. of H • * Her ' •r-Ae you d;?.••? * 'he words Kd itch I ion :si i>e,v-■:*! tt'47 He V 1 !>( I \ ■ I'v. „ moron'n «•: •no hawki.. Corner Ann S|. X. MAC 1 v (>'. \V;•.•■■ TiV- ;•>.«' • h^c»ntun« foi bf ^tudte* rondnotrd hs the N ' . Ai-MrwSrp «, nm Iwint Council of TTeiwentai s HM'Hvrrt tinnsl School T*rlnripal* In the ares of tticsr roiifAP of f»refD«»lon»l Dr. joseph B. Gutslein •rt»iiti InsOme te l»if //Inter ,t«h preparation s"inft-oaff that e.i»s!s do net ^derKhsp - of the t>dcn B r - •his VARSITY DRIVE-IN Doctor of Oplomctrt WAIER COLORS V2 OFF • t'he'. are v RH|I IRIMrNTi I'OH 4\! j TI IIES pc-ned »'»tr tr . :* ' he PKIIVKin »\TKAS< I ■ T'Sfv ci-i-.h • • • through • th De nimsKKvm: ? utn fsn *«.m. bonr« »»r eipitv. 5..-V th*t pb-rts ■ ' '• • • ■' '• ; a tent s"- he«c»t ts Aptttlfd tit«' m'-iM out. r-ne fA r. ■■ ■ , s 1 ,;n cot VTI'.K SKID ICK rr»t ••»» and irtWIfft. ••,ke eh.VTe r%* '*"• s ' •' W r'tr for hnltritn (n f?| Salmi Saiul«ichc« Now Doliviroil ED 2-6517 i.DTttVP i»l>pomMiv V'O *». Chtrarn |ii. IHim-i* wtchiran Avenue. rvHstt el r.nWfln Opl«i«flr!»i OIL COLORS ! OFF tfl I STION I \ Vt TUBES USE When- arivisfthtc" WSWTR are eon'a.: Umisom net « ontaet orally tton* lon«c« are not tc»- mlvUahlc for Involving small «tc«ree* rondi- FOIL, GOLD OFF CAMPUS nf rarrrrtion. part time wrar¬ ing nf glasses, active corneal with nmmtal >4 OFF disease, persons eyelid huh-strung formation, or feme personalties It may be tntere«tinc to and SILVER not that practteally every doe- C tor has «aeee«Mrally fitted most of the above ' impossibles," in one or 4)1 I STfOX: more Instances. - brush siroke prints L Since contact k-mes arc constantly beinf impro*-ed. Jl ST RECEIVED A 1SEW — SHIPMENT OF 86.30 TO 88.00 VALUES why shnuJdht I wait arrd get the he*t and most improved A contact lcau«c» ANPMTIt " possible? $4 98 \\ W ■ J lie who hesitates . .. never ONLY I s SALE! SWEATERS. SKIRTS gets eon tart seven lenses! There are milIIaw. or mare, con¬ tact tens nearer* today. IV# TRAVEL POSTERS pattenta wear their lenses all (25"i"xS7V> s day long far the aaost part. The tonpmvemenu that are mnatantly being effeeted tot "o eon tart lew* fitting are intend¬ ed to enable Ihwae patient* LONDON, JAI'AN. NORWAY, AUSTRIA. MONT ST. MICHEL, PERU. VERONA. I in/{finally 1I2.9S and not lenses up ahie to wear contact until wow to be fit¬ HOLLAND, INDIA. PARIS. SPAIN, AND ted wow. comfortably. I GERMANY. Mwcest If yon reaply are F Styled by famous maker* teres ted thai in contort yeji ronsnlt yonr eye dor- $ 1 tor and have him diagnose SWEATERS: jn the wiimii when whether yon are a fit anhjret I #■ for contact lenses now . uumca I ItwewterF art sc u ven isijtubu Lirtrta Ix«t- offem you bc exciting coflecllfm st MPpcinl iin;*, ('li.vsr from If uNiut vdb entire mnre fwitsct infWiqdM lenses, else this dirs acfrcrtifcment and mall WRJ.' (OVER 3 FEET HIGH) MADRID, SEVIL E kJiits. Nevt'i-i < and iiiuy %<>veltf s»nir LA, BARCELONA. CORDOBA, GR.ANADA Address"" AND OTHERS. SKIRTS: An «u.-u.ii»uing eoilec- D tion Ol ncwci.i atyi^ and fashuin- City to Dr. J. R. Gutwlrin Campus Book Siore tikM colors., and you >»v« $5 to ■ orTowrmisT $8 on oiirh. Ctpsnw from twiwis.' - *u Piutdm mm wools, fiawtfcls hi s-rze* 8 to 18 S .., » W. WttH Aft. rush in. ACROSS FROM THE UNION BLOG.