Opening l>ny Tin* Wrnlher ~ Vitumal l.fH(Ur _ Warmer Start- Saawn I ,jtn .. !•' Kr-ult- on I'agr I ilinh OS STvitiji MSI }'„r r, | Yi'uro ,• \OI A MK.VJ. Xo. !> BAST I.AXSlNti. MICI1MAAN—WEDNESDAY. AI'KII, 18, tmto MICE 5 CENTS State Sales Tax Vote Approved Giiiada-L. S. Labor Fall Ballot Oil Con Coil Ties 'Pnilv (>ood" The t unmlian-American ! itmr lituahon whs tlo*er»hrMl n* Is Defeated frastinablv *ntisi'netor> by I'u-onr l 'or*o\, director of ro- seatvh for the Cnimdian I nL»r Congr?**, ut the third r«nn- lloii*e \|t|»roM*« tlinn-Amerieau seminar .Momiat night. Senate l*ro|»o«ol r>,-u#'v wi one of Hi. • i • lua? n'mrseutatives. »n«l tr- Sot»aker-s w V» di«ms«ed the » ■ LANSING (Ah—The lit •if »!.: m. tc ;ii'ti.'ti ;lgain*t the orgmi-nM 'aixtr in Canaduo 'V lit>« It |».yrt\ Mature TiipsHiiv elm r «•»' American ir'ations.. .. . The other l«r«pv Mid lh*t i»»rrr 1* a iwhv Hie finnl l»i«i*ric»r • two speaker* ot », P» «• Sauoiet Berne*, dep.* \er\ (Ireng iullnn.ili*lti' artill- llnrkiftR h wtiilrwirle vcilr mi iM-nl i\\ Itilrrn.ilinn.d r»i» vd of r».«!d:ca■ «c cn, .\ !'• hiiiiitjr Hut .hjiIps Ihn rnlinr union*. Vm«it> ■' Michigan, and Thon from Hirer !•» four cruU. W.' ,U< vi'iv grateftil fi»r th« |V>*n>. assistant direcUu *•{ the Wiihoii'- ,i word of flrbatr, H»« Michigan APl.-CtO. iu- itrigin In ion*. F»«rrweer*l'< proh'.b ■ ,i great deal of eon>pir- were soundly be;v • fesklonnl union is limited onlv v-.m \$ closing its grate* again*: ment in Cape Town. *:reigth at a Pretoria hoxtUtal i«m between the two laboi n*. en. leaving it up to petitioner:. * » to Catholics and has a* part of a, ; Nccn labor to mvell the influx of and Speaking In thl* fourth week of u crtsi* capped SiturO.iv i>v for an eventual operation to re¬ move two bullets fired tnt-* ht« !rm- • We hive » different gyste » ' purpose the social- aims of Prospect* Pcssimislic ge* Hie Is.MIC Op Itir «alr* Fix the Imll.e voir wa* a sin¬ Cat holts ism. • r ■■Mnugranls. the govern- « white man's attempt to assas¬ head by llavid Pratt, S:\ a «• f tegi«lat:oit,# Forsev t>esng held but no fanner. speaking o( hi» Catiadlajl home¬ land Hhrn new leadership Introduced broader eonrept of trade un¬ a Confusion Sweeps Italy l.tlorx, who hue triul for more than a year to uiIvp il»r Male's , K-.-Attcft of three million government now considers Im- charge* agatnst him have been "A *trieter discipline within a fio.inrul trouble* with a lalri ion torn. The federation also he- ■x\ 'c* against 10 million blacks As Governnient Falls liirrease. migration of the utmost im¬ announced. tax . the political parties make?; the •,a outlined by Interior Mm- portance ami specially want* I'nsigneti leafets addrvm*ed to rame an essentially non-rnnfes- member* of parliament vote Gov W.!!:am« -tv! Dcm > m'. White skilled workers. "White South African*" flutter¬ *«onal union. one «hlrh ud rtatew ;de t along party lines'* For jo v said. the vote won He mentioned the Nether- ed down from tall mdlding* in "Thi* eliminate the ehan.-e*'of rreognltes the Importance of "V#- Michigan i iti/m. an opp-e. HOME f/1h—Itiilv was mirrtl Tnnsday in a grave jmlitical President land*. Belgium and Germany a* likely murre* to improve the Johann«>burg. UecUrlng gu\Trnment was lending the na¬ the aav interest group lobbying in- religion, unionism. hut keeps It unt of crinU jtupardiginK itn whulc |MKt\var nystrm of |»arliament- tunity to r!iO'»«.e between a high¬ er sale- tax and. fl per on;ii l i¬ flew, which has heen running tion to ruin, they demanded an "They (the Canadian and nr.v (lentoerucy. enor tox Plans Visit Mir ahoot If.MO annually. He end to the state of emergency Trash Fire Catholic Federation of Ijfllvmr) Then* wa govt' rimen*. Wsiliam. anil eio ' Demorr teld Parliament he has already ashed Chamhers of Commerce, regulations. alx>htion of the laws requiring nonwhites to carry liave in become Quebec." Ramos said. Downs talked of some of the a dynamic force Big 3 Hope And there wax- over the prospeets bind: of sun ism tie l .c legist at year f■ u ir.s fought stubtvirn.y an in -omr tax hut To Korea the other Agrtrnttoral 1'nion ortnotealtoma to help bring and passes, the release of political prisoners and consultation be¬ tween government and African Threatens lalwr conditions which, in his opinion, are hottrr in Canada, For Atomic one The easily or noon. once-mighty Democrat partv winch led Christian were Republican repeatedly rebuffed in the controlled Seriate. in White aetilers. « v«: v "Everyone know* liy position leader.*, than in Ihe United State*, Italian government since the fall that mi income tax k fairer than — rrcsl. * A •: VSHINGTON (41 Ki«i nhower Tuwday *ddei .xtf-dir visit to South Korea Coupled with this was a warn¬ ing to the nation's farmers that they will soon have to do with¬ "Act Iwfore the leaflets it urgwl. it to«f late,'* Large Area Workmen's compensation, un¬ employment compensation, sock* al *vcurlty, and family allow¬ Testing Ban of Fascism has lenin., .»piit opart at liiu Italy Is caught in the multi¬ a "If sale* tax," the governor xaiil. »ale» tax the people inrrease vote iu flow ii the November. > h.t projected trip to Russia out the cheap help of Negroes A rubbish fire got out of con¬ ances were some that he party chaos that led to the fall Japan m June. WASHINGTON iffh The I would rotirludr it meant they v, T"<- announcement, from Ei*- who have been imported for farm work by Un% thousands Petition* For trol Tuesday afternoon in the Lake Laming area, burned over mentioned. "We have to try to do some¬ Western Rig Three foreign min¬ - of the French Republic Almost v v e r y independent wanted an income tax." AugUtU, Gm VOC*- isters launched n review of pie- ' >nv»: « from other African territories ISO acre*, threatened homes and Thirty - three if - i < lieecaerrtt.« thing to gel more newspaper In Italy Tin-, lay put n headquarters, raised pusst- \« that he might travel also Formosa and the Philippines, "With all the trouble the country has experienced.'* Open Offices caused of two firemen to fatigue and exhaustion. collapse contact between the Canadian labor movement and the Amer¬ summit pro'-pifis Tuesday ami I mounting West leaders optimism will that agree East- next tiie blartie up of the on an internal break¬ Christian Democrat i v dum. >V for with the *air% R' puiiin ,m: 'o f.i.t week, the .mimic prop¬ tax refeien- Maude said, "it (the govern¬ wr, officials said there ars ment) will no longer be able to Due Thursday m Mrs. Ruby Downey was burn¬ ing rubbish on her property at icans", Downs said. "It is euay to think that nur month to an enforceable ban on nuclear tests. party. The first warn me. (hat tins osition attracted only IT Denio- such plans al present. allow migratory Dantu (Negro) Kai.*er Road in Clinton county NATO nation eratie voles and ." ft !! f - ,ir problems are found only within This somewhat cheery Allied might. l>e in ser¬ short of At matters now stand Eiscn- labor from outside to be brought vo'e- pa -age. Petitioning for spring term when the fire got out of control ums trouble came Feb. 24 will arrive in Moscow into the Union (of South Africa) elections will close Thursday. View appeared to be offset by a The fpit'.ubri will appear on and spread into the Meridian Downs cited "automation" aad Sardinian Premier Antonio ■xr. Washington on June 10, feeling that the Summit parley the ballot a;; nn amendment to indiscriminately." To U* eligible to run, candi¬ Township, according to the Mer¬ the unknown political develop¬ Sogni resigned his already-shaky ■a? Rossis in a return of dates must return their petitions Would fad to rase the deadlock the .state constitution and will Nsnde denied tone standing idian Township fire dept. ment of America (Where are Christian Democratic govern¬ Sterner Ndelta ' Khrushchev's over Berlin and Germany's fu¬ require a :unple majority v«»t * allegations that the dominant with the necessary signatures no wv going? How will the worker ment! without even calling for a xt v» Amenoa teat September, A farm kuUdiag owned by ture for approval. largely men' nf later than 5 p.m. Thursday at vote?) two of. the major Vote of confidence in parliament. m ftjr front Siberia to Tokyo Mrs. Mtoude Tnwnrr. IfttM l>- n* Another proposed constrtution- have impeded 329 Student Services. I.railing «ff a three-day con¬ He blamed the tipy Center Lib¬ v.>- June 19. Im Band, was defrayed ia Ihe problem* facing American labor. a! amendment for a convention immigration by English-speak¬ Petitions are still available in ference. Secretary of State eral party, which had walked lie Hill jatsiiapl a Jaw lf- Maae. Mrs. Tnwaer. * sktow Forsey said that these are also call, and a change in the dele¬ ing people U this member ef the Room 329 for these positions: major problem* in Canada. He Chriftlian llrrter di»rit»i>rd the uui, on an alliance with him. ts tuy in Japaa tsly to Korea living a tome. «airbed as flames gate system drew a 39-64 vudc, Commonwealth in fear that they sophomore, junior, and senior outlook In a clo*etf door meeting Iri the month and a half that wt hack mi Jsw R. A Tekjro- threatened her entire property, also *aul anti-labor legislation . far short of the two-thirds need¬ voali vote agaioat the NaUnu- class officers: student congress firemen said. in Home provinces i.« another with British Foreign Secretary followed, one Christian. Demo¬ ed for approval and transfer to vmI jrt (Rett lakes tow Ikaa representatives 1mm each men's Selwyn Floyd and French for¬ crat leader after another tried to i*i alist gcvemmeet. Six houses near Like Drive worry of the Canadian labor tiir Senate hoars. Criticism of the Government and women's residence hall, fra¬ ihoveinent. eign Minister Maurice Coiive de pitch together a government. The delegate change was j»ro- Stseshower Is expected to con* wen* threatened, firemen re¬ ternities, sororities, married Murvillr. The party, although the strong¬ ' * with" South Korean President developed in spots while phyii-» ported* and a concentrated effort posed by the Michigan Junior housing. Lansing, and East Lan¬ est in Italy, falls short of a ma¬ "« Rhee and visit U. S. was made to save a farm on Ilerler met the Allied Foreign Chamber of Commerce and the sing: and All-University Student .Coleman Road.. Princes# Peg Policy chiefs a few hours after jority in Parliament. League of Women Voters as t stationed on this front of the cold war. Jet# Reveal Government President. The two firemen of the Meri¬ talking privately wdh Lloyd and Tiie Christian Democrats ap¬ peared split into three major initial step toward a convent! - charging the Castro by means of carrier currant ra¬ with WSWM-FM to re- in Shaw Hall and have an inter¬ American made system, Chrudirnak The speaker is an authorized naders, will discuss their furth- : y-' braayto tha m*lu- dio Pans mission. broadcast their shows to provide est in radio." said. Austria is divided into teacher of Christian Science. commg dance, •'Kaieidescope." Men with standard "plug in" more balanced programming. Them arc positions open for "lands" comparable to our it it it a Orchesw, the modern dance Cap*. Man art VUlafana radios Mod only dial UO kc. At present WAHS offers no announcers, engineers, anff other states. However, there are no tt--"-. H, Mt Mexico thla Ttoa* —id portables must place news coverage, but plans are workers. Those interested should local officials, all officials being t-HK Hunt Set group, and Promenaders, the iiiuare dance organization on ■J > ,!•' •" » print, plana for than ckaa to tha radiator or being made to provide such a see Almli in C-33. F-ist Shaw employed and paid by the feder¬ East Liming Klwanis club caW.pus. t-c :M are sponsoring t h • Stataa. Accord In* to electrical outlet In ordtr to re- service. Hall. al government will hold its annual Easter dance _ . Egg on April 20. • *srh« y a* ■ it is antlctpo—d that Due to university ruling, Almli felt, when asked of fu¬ These local federal officers' hunt Saturday at the East Lan¬ Tiie radio program is sched¬ srtll salt out otockly thla WAHS must remain non-com¬ ture possibilities, WAHS j *> A—act to -to tot Ctoaa year, baaad on last year's at¬ tendance ague*. Plans to attend ^SrnBpsfitwass Alalia mercial. therefore it is student could lead to ciosed circuit station in the dls- an that atl-university powers are said. The under limited by law, he police commanders President of sing City park at 3 p.m. All area children from kinder¬ uled every 9 30 jtid is Wednesday night at sponsored by the a supported. are the garten through third grade may pubuc_relations committee of »*aaacta Cut. Jataa Var- should to mad* early aoouxh to Almli said that the biggest .tant future. However, "it will Police, who is directly respon¬ student car4>ia. He M to fktt raw- participate. In case of rain the government. Randy Ja Mptatoi Is radio gad Ma- pridilsni facing the group i* the be a long hard process" before sible to the minister of the in¬ hunt will be iigld Sunday at Hippter and pat Fife emcee ani Marc* «. viaion aad haa toad ■ilgutmi lack of good amnpmcr.t. Until this becomes a reality. terior. the same tinier" program the show each week. * . ——"—— il oltwhifi Michigan State Noh> Curtis iniphnsizes \l (lonft'iTlU'Q WhWd #» r»«t \ #»iid *l" i''t -t - -• ««' ■ v.^rVt' .. st v.i '•>«* •WW* KMtfJ »•*«« W Mi# I''"-,-, - *»'••• . •|Nu*tr v.-H m »'♦':V rs- fv.-un't Ivor my; ?o|Sx «Hf thp S1*H0 WivC oxCtot Superior Youngsters \ ot .V-\ No. Wnlm^lnv, %i>v*t U. r.ic»» I - ( ,,,'vi-n p.mrr u Serlo* U ti* 'inn ••••> A -"vtuorr ' Cii'M * -is; ■ ■ 0- IVxmvv S>„' pMaaiau IPDIT! \1 rsfKE \ -As" ikXi vc *: ... vo •x'nntnf sn n«Un(v'm H '*.'.VS j: i'XAtOTYi ■ XXV^«<\E1SXx'tVV:V: a arsi'V; «,v ,isVo v.-n A« V'A»-h*^*5 cv^mcnt Ihht "th Vv b*rti n i-.h « ii'ife) "■ :r."' ot Teen -xttVStt \\ orM Ohm- V, A *» " IV,«• tv'Ach^r a V iAt«" 'hat "by knew ■ '".t box w\x?oovi to bo an ropi- 'I Vv' t\V'A>\ OVT? ATM thai if 'M '• ■X xx ho *ilrh * tt' lifted ow n xtr\ in, ire Tee tn T>v Ditxxt rr- [j Nrvir C,»'W| i;•#} *,r t r «r«^' hix Wxxlhrt foiTrdl -■« X* 1 bo xtt* fxol . I,.* orxxnxttni.-Yii«e xxo'' »>lxo oAxxlfoarxt F«V'»H1, they HWIieiO* bifh a*>n«. tike x"»n n'ttivu't t**b* anA •I 1/} . x *n tntoor*X INaw*1- xhf I t x> » «vt>, . t I wn Mfill I Sin If . *c r.. . ♦.I r» ivtfro* at b«»tr»o** rrt-x-tt. • <■' tbo alMrtV MYfop In Tun* on \ ■' »i. frMAt xH ♦*< ttrtOf rxoH'otnx I'-x XX'A* llxnx * xrmtiV'tYTttAn »bit» , xinix sU ar»«f rftneo* axv Mfbt I Ann* Campus ClawtrT«n1«... t ow C^t n fm" «|orS t«rl tt 'IT I Alto* \» llx' Koliiv* 'MUX blttorlx xh%{ |AP foxt nl *»* : Vv titft m<«rf»fT«part f rtr I ixn«b*rt rrt" mebora Campus Classiffrtis « * . Hifh Rent!er«kti|i to *r>**tri IftMlwr law Frimmius Looks Bark «'!'• alts. I* (IttB Lullie Al >ISl (kor Dasl Years l'l XI'UXVS: CAMPUS I p«. I*«I n.foi* ISiNfmltop Tnr Tiw«.. *fil. TSnr.. CLASSIFIEDS IVcli .nil fVI Mlltiw. IXmittlpr for Mim. rdlllm: I f m rii. p«VTkf U' »» M AWIV1 I UilK r»vtM* >12 .nil !-•- Mnnil.1 ItrnntS OrSI*' x. " V Ka.'V % f. XV 'v.. M-X T- ■-, -■•.•vv S'.'.■■<.<•, • V ' K\T.2hi:» .. iv-x-; m»vt in 1 '; ■■ «"j»r T-h-i-»-.v' •'. •_ ),v\ •-• ;t v's <•••' -,•» '» • • « x-'O s»yx in 2i.xii * - t-o .-O" '■•" '» lo X Vxv-*\\ . -, ' •'•oV- it tvsnnt IV tt'f*x»tan t'xtf iTtMn'tiM* . -r-xA (Txtrv *"V .o-vxn nrtril 1S»I tl t litnr ttbrn Hntt- • •'■•'x and ' tnttlnn *n^ nr*x tnxt AUTOMOTIVE ..FOR SALE HOUSING \ .MW i Old \etvs Wcitt ' %rt nn! anr rvi *- tVNOMST ro CAMPva rot uvt . • rt •.* im'w, a'-rt I'M' VW", XV. V, v.. *t»o nrfrtttxa *n O»o IVtt tnt . . * .Ttf Tpxx «rM IV.XXP' X • iVMt Sawv Story liTna xx x't*x n? *p*i«o fittinj *t-ott «. S«Ttn?oxt mfnntr arttxilx » n* I'l.- V ansa xV-> " M. Uffifx *,vxa«n tSewftf a-r* tttfin MAtf*s n« .x.v. VyrtT' • - Til'# »x • " r* ■ *w»1b a*»rt«t a»»a afXor «tmS » * V rf ar-p On Campus *tlf r auxSNO ftANL'S ttAMPv » T» ? *«*5 tOt van xvx . t X'« »T O »- yH# • -• ff > .X:pa hj r. « I* ft j o. i2.sni*i *>*x .♦ **-x*n tltA I V-vt frvfn M« X, v# ,. *' ft •■ ;xn,>f,«* - • _*** tO ' X"r.P|»*f IV f |4-*t !« I'X.H* «xt-r i'rxn-S*n*. fwjfcun-< 'tvsTH. "•,»« #»T »,x* -,'T Wolf X" * n x« a* a V- fxxnv rfV'MV arnstM atn xi aatrn *»x ro t ivaf. * ,it M 1 ixnttaartn * a\F«>-»« Tiinarv mint rwr «• » xx,"«;:x * M*""," Fo »,• ' v. (•■>» PAX-»«i f-nsn*-• *tx- tarn-lMNittixiftw v- p* t#*r*«tAn n •Sss.sf x- • x « Pfx^r e*>.«i-«x.,» - 'U'tx M'rx-'x r-V-x- ixt ~ -fX»T If *•*■'«* tl •»' *x.xV-x |V «.#-*x X • Vtba# tVrf 1 ! I'lT Mivntlt iiniyttT a. Fo«0»n m LOST *nd FOUNT1 x . X"'"' IN'rf n* fH N VOWI.-S Xrs s «. f»v ft* »' 'M - >»*•., •-»•*•.•, x» »,:>* r*ot CX . a. aorvTx- ATa4«-xjir«ix- l,ixt Vn: *»PH f-fxlinst. FptxfSsli Nas . -. \. .. '"M** »"npV,. F O craim rm #-.a • XPi- t» *s XX f l' . ' ' *. »m*'Tt st*w- fsxivsras rs. -se«x if 'i i» t v . For hISI If -t»* '<»•*' x;%t vsv awi .a rp-vt . Tt f-x t«-»h > «t fho I ><*fcx - T. Vxn* Pis"***;. * fpfm watt XXArft' PPv.-F - (V, ft-rtH* ibiTSf k X-»S s I.SJ^S* •»«■•-.• v,v» T~o O' «■*«*: I >• -r WBpX EMPLOYMENT vxx avr niK*av M; «F*» •• '*'• -vxoi •> t X* *'xn*#'.x «tr.-.T*f«s* r*X» -• x "XTiXT Ax* ft *41 r~-v *• TV f-IJ T p Vft.xA'S'S ***> a? T*" x.SAl *xt W a*M f—pt «-H« r%M-> * hTM T *fc «• l»f» lH*f*.f ♦»> »»* ♦ »•" FOR SAlt V >*» NJivrt < ■ <«* M-Tii |Viv*4n fftre*« 1 r- v-- r-M. T » «-I v».. I *■**•-!*• r*— • •■' I* *r»*nx Vv-' •.Trfifit pfxv»- *rwf *sny^ <«A'.-MrxA- »» 4-,-x*,TkX- H*nn t.« a * * ■•••• '•* x-a-'^.f »-;x i t x «•*»« ~r «• ftm. *»«- f *»« *■»#"* * •**n ••i.-V, X* n-a* IV dsn?* rtfr -•** * «. •»iv\f '» '(X.»a ***** ll'K v-avarnvx nW« MAX t- n- REAL ESTATE * N* IV-na * — van** torn xxr f»»| * •■*» s.n—f jiprn-«*,x|isr*,Ti t* « t;* ' w OA© ~ FVHH Fier»e.>- Mirr tobit.'. xx-iit S-stV.s Alixf v.--.- t* h. «' V "f>"' • '«"»* »••* r«% Mats*. *•-.» - r*-*fxjv x aarawtftr. vrvSif*T * txiwrarm ' V-«x* XA''Sr* fno- Ik1'- 3' ■-. %'■ ' r> -Xf» fw"- .*-vn t*4, »T f~,T t*5» {k.-. > •• s •• ni'A rvv«i-nxv\x w arrn rr-- ' - 4*-at hx" Vli»- hi'tm (hr I- r>■% tr (V s'txt'i i* *,tA-xt rr-x-X ,vim*v IP T-"W !«,. « St., M Ik'S ( h ;>•-• « x wT. ir |h» *|l'nfir turiWIfif nr-TX- ?b- . vr fH>* \ r»—r first ***ix n»r* okfvo* fy navta, *-»*- n s* Jx.-v * Wtt** ».XSI« »vf*~ , r.A't A.Uiii t>Ts»w«^*-J*—^ »»> ntsx ft Vol'*x f«(k * * l« fiY - . \ ■' »—** »•**! h»,Arxx»mxx*r wx- -- i>f« Vntims vkiwxf. fbfs H Hxwj .*»»»* *vma*f nf tx-ri. svxr.* »-xf a-X.1 thf mnM i St* s s< t* trxtetim \Vf» F WT 1 \wivn l.tOb s •T^., *»*«srr at tfM V*>»*T* lV-'.v*x |»fxtP««t 1} r*v^x. • Curcvrt* . t'*t V *,Vx r -sr.—»'.f ,v "* Vv vY-*(! *%«*. '"■ S '!«. a * VI •■ v n>» i »i f.* *H».'.mi tv H'tMtn<. rwnixnx iiMn»jixS*x tbr prt»«Tr«fs nn ha Fast | tatim *~r v Faniiy rs»x <*#? «t a-s-* tipf-xinr os-»e* a»i»Mse v« %» IVMm a VVT t\AMT» a \ Y NTT TVS ASP-f A . .#r.--VT V ** r-*{ bt»i»4lln«rs *F*r,l C»t"-X« r>. :• kllPT-l iyx,x» G^s I CVS t V t * *a»j; n-m • Tft iticvj*; *u -:V '•"fx i>f smmIMH SNi* Ibf N« tiaiw, i ha- *V ««r tfxrr dut-a. ix Tfrts *"T«xrs»Vr", t**t—»si »- |A> #■"*.»# »• P"' P"*4* A *^" Ae»**x a ivt IsstHlaumit F"*»»r% • V.- stxAfi at*r; * nr* tnaiint xxfx fix; • A rxp> SIX* ASMl Ho.»a of tlTXt* r »V»: £• J»*r V/XT*"* a. .<« Poiccr Plant * «- X - XX -TXT A . ttej #.r**ft. ah rnssrr IV 1- • fmwrxT w-rvYx n-arrets-v hvf> *»*«• ?V m* •'■■ .Aft CwMaixn-a. Vt> ;->*» taiWie > tt» JS#«nM» . II V .-• ..- v F- *fy. ^f*mw*rtans w *«» iwv tiiEFf . <*,. »S ire xVa v «mi»ia. le- \ >••=• V-.- '-r-x * TV*»; {*?*- -■-**94 nrar Vxm» rr> * » MM lv*n M»*4v F*n*.. Aiwayftat ■ < ■,<)•-- ♦»•. ,w x *i»h, ft phem#? •".> sUA"SF'.xv > ii'Mmi#. *"*- ... 4rvxa Sputa • v'-r '• »>• , J* ff . ... _ cm RMMa HI p. V Ifttfr t# IV #rftM*r Hi nn*> '•- »v. »#v': V jj. f «%.*.; fV »•*»' fe tx**rr Katln, rent 1 TWfcVrtox a rxryuvKT mrm ,. Ci- • V,1^' V- v«f. ttv f > " : h xwnJt*nt.v' r airs »e w f« FY tnmr '*« FTP ■ Jtv OxfAPMP art #fl h Him ana •»«•<*! ;vx .V- .!»' atT*NNRMK '.rrrxAs. ?*»?*(,• Afnvt* UT * e«.*. c««h t» IV Hmrwm - !■' -•" i- . H- »«*"*■ 'v. .-: "CiS"*!. »•»•'• >'»■»{ fVrvF iv VtWNaflr %m a Hm4. •! 1*nV*-in# **'r* v»f-f ,v«4x v |:i-f •• .fwa If Wv»ft£ W> «Xt**L #nt«?i.wtt. ««A fc arVx V' . TV x*f*sr* JS.VsJt,' vtsSf s " ' "...v *V !••;. FidMie T#cij» s wxe, x.->u T*,' aii'f- tar. TV: we* tv •■<*•*-v •>s-Tt V*ve* w*x A'.V fit* %.v.vr1. »n .|» >.•*,. -K .X-.4 - '.' • ••«: aT. • «*■.-<***• ih- * lt*ehrwt • l-iti #->• |%.H 4tf fltkVt. sic rU.-.. rrai'v;-T-.»:•' • '•• -*T ♦'Ww'tA * •Ot tfNT ".-ix »i*v: rnrn*rv- ■•-*: - v. • > ;??• |Tt«t •.J.S. M*' eV; «iio't»i"'-t i»' t**K- O'S.''*""- •- '-V 'Sv r Plant Foanln »>* 3tV •• lr* *" ■■■it <•. No WikNxt i.x.a.fc* . $J «»' t arr «nt iahrmo A* «xw« T»«, 4-V*fl Vl-v t I n«kr >tnxit niate-vxr- . H v»pnnk*- Srerafcs'fcY . . . nn'/xiHf SiAifsNsr.'r *. 1 i • ■> psw* \v t^ees, x if, ■ • :,, TSiwt ItxvwvrT?. vnr Khr:' x^^*; t»*. V ^ mx «•>•." IV S. --.A? -AOVS. X 1 V. . !; i ** '* ,'f", .' ptllt'? F. PA. J*Tl»RK. iirt-iW ;v„ n.-xbxV V-. x ..s v ' cd i*mr\ xn <>*- ■SfA-r Vw*t- V*S'"sh.™«.: >•8 * MuiVn, Rayni 1>«I< r fsreltx vmi r.tAPrA-T rrrorvt m iCaRV rft n.v I*!' ■ • i**rr>Hi»r af»»**na t*. Ch» — at * • <**.V T*x TV hiltrx- tnc t4fn»ds thai wm«f Aciw Lcr«t*« FT a-«R«•• in^e-"•> f% : f;*i - fin/rris w» 1 TV tier KA-T A IS UK TTPrtl I Tin iTianut VIM vooa* v* . 6 •; 41M* das. ntn: *.u-t - :x» ->; ,.-. -.- TV rm»li n-as *»*»» r«%V> ' •nv ATT." ASi\ fr** Ottjwwt*. Ufion orrsrr ■— aaxituTK »*"" irA uplltm. Si' J it I 5* far-.' «| » iratch.- *t«st fmwKle Innal •**»* nishm. arnoe RMM. rna CATTVCi Parauxa « Vtm 4r* •:iV. 4tii-fcV>v. .KVtx,. c M* All kttMWv *». m*dr *» Harttr** xxwxwjxt MaTiM nxwma mr taw u*e- ' ■L 9< TtK* fT(p«xi C«m »p.«5 FTO' WW* « fcn. at «t*. «ixc It ■tmtm. |*xb« - ^—1 •CS>aS " —t^1-" 1 ati fhr a**n» KXfTtJ- 'fJkTjr'l^; IvTiT. . < , 1 : Pen r\ - A« TTNTR A. MsweoiVr ♦ditwrei;. •',"?• .yr-fcs,. a? :.?tf «: mi, FTl.mAT TO dx*!» tgirtik mttaxr, vxn 4A.aHrnf.-4 »ss* ".'■ sVuic V rniurft. TMiUSar -ROT PWK sW-T: -vA-'- Vbf is • SMVt »T- • K i.rj i v**akfn« «»f- t*#7 rn x ir* Kj) axwfNm mMim arrHMt rf~*ox-~r- tj ssi*R «w Mot irorr, {-amnua 7X U • «8 AJ Mvamm AT Janr W-Wadh. CD F-4'1' irmk 'BmUm*. tti n» noKf 'ye*™ wimwi 'i- ST: Otttfs'H ■ W3003V© aMSS S67X St It»- UAlice ST»CUr W»V f*r m-v "TTT AW Axw; & rrxrAMiOf cm: 'x. £**»!&• HM- »v4aav - • .-*?», ! 4a an*, s Parkin* forv flnriftcwtkAT. x.■ Thr-mv*. Poxwr F*{V. tr thn*nh.K-- U«M if . -A earmaa. W.', lI J-vxn* CvxoHr JSC Oaf FiS, W tn.' --.'if tv cteen, .niMij J «*«•» ■ «D d-'dT p U. nsin* ~V rfxenm f~nrr r-f-x-,* trprt. i •- .i, • • ... ^ * •f ^ Usttwn \JS-T' '1» pwax'-wa* _ MS* vii- * 'V 15»Ty mfi*. aaren- friwu ;jwtr- »R.vclA #" four «? t&i* n^nt JFntn. W ] 5 HHbr» h'.-ts' n rowvrsrrs. »f*s. *.'|RT.. H«i- t r * n:tutix-i** wrlJj,' «ril« V 5>iw*rt' '*.«• p .*«?». a^N* ' *• -* <;t*x tixfk* amt. Cl«sr:.**>- TV';. Tttrttxr te* <*?:« rail E0- TV *a antf antHMaas. fm ' * M-7 1 •AC Tjwr -uiian^ ■ -.-*• Tf tr*vx*; "PwctUW. .Vrmxr Ha«* iV '• Fe. * «Vx.tJ3*k. n* Sfc»tjr«. fe a n. "V J [ Xinzp- a'H#*- '« w " mQiion -dgallftr ' r i "'S j I 43 S.-. «: F ■ : - T-TTXTX -Ttwfx*.-. FJX S.1MST aTW 5 » •»•*-, t, «*.:> Kf'-wj Ttr TarTMK«»aa rr MW t"« ■»- • W»vn. .i; 'v merg? tn«- • immi 'i-aiui'tf r-lan* ?»«£' fc> "V tharsft-: -';e* -4, .'. ov* mc%£ *i*4 mrr • l*«ai -Kh», ?r- ■ x?s< « '•-.• v . :r*«s» i"™1 i ! ' ^ - wvursvrvits. *N* ■'uiiiru •i'a.W. *v«ofife..r vVw. «f*^t IfVlat l-r-iWA'- Arj.fxf^tr-. ir i 3S'i> hturnis. fki-xwy'r -^r.- i. .?txuv- . ■ •«• ^ n-rmv'f1*; e*s*-r. -s«K*rr nxaxr max- l».nxjs . 4MOt Vmw, CSV S-M»* » 3V-kJn« 1Y M4* « vn it fni Minimis *r*ti \rw* r««»Tiirf» Curtis Nttgol to PiV8onl Placement Bureau 16 A§f iron Sltulrnls Mil IwtrHVtY tnv I'*" Itidir.Mnd.dtl < I'ii joy Trip to Mexico VARSITY DRIVE-IN 1h* frMnttln* foiiruit$i «f Gorniaiiy' r»* If ttm tun HtDrr*Utl l« Uio PI a mm fit IVmrMt at lr*"»C l«n rta Dnrlntv Ntvrr tta MVviro, Im'KieMf*-n rt-,- Fv;\o*4t*v»l fT^hvvnnv rvf i';i«Uos ivttil eotUitv, fnnvAfatiw drttTf U lqdft\tl»-d. all dtrClvf IrAnU are »I*#IM< fn InlntilrtA i«! \aiin* nffil ullvpr ii m .»r;ilM\ l,< V«' lYi«?» (IllHlVT r ^Ytr wisrKftA Is jtv flu* film "IVninifa ot IM MM in \rati IH. t*«* 'i.v ••: sut'Me* (B> iv-af' •■■ To lv nwmlett F> rurth \«p>1 ■ tmoi »»r tfw 11 mt -I inn i Drtdlttt .\l>» SfhtMtlt: S-vmcf - - iw ttv«> Aiht Sjstvmlnv h! !* p.m. tin* A lllrU' Mm* *r\ Kant! ah «• J»mro a" •' «>n». *••• - t m M r ii si in k r; -"■fn.vr of Ac*a«n>-" !;«VVcV\Y- ».i -tq V ,li!«.' | ,4 *V! ,•»• ■) % ,\y . M unthtMiavrd V iD* f>'" EP2;65I7 V' A M i •M Mi|' **** *s ShpaVvlc*T , m u • i si a.".r ifMehdV# tfrdmnrd Irt Inc • f m • > •••« v,! n.Vi ■ ■• • " M.-a r. , , .. tvtmtot ^ tho il- ••» rattirtpflf* in vrdllttiu »• 1 ,■!,« -i, - . ii .'VR (( ( ( i I ■«I i .,-r 4 S A I f (S r m. I srwrM \rra *rlv»«»l* \ T- 041 trt Mi- v K' rmvove, WUUA-14 M.vnr, %n>. tM>< X VVx mdntA M , ., .. ,y\< f • 4 V . a H.Vdvvtv.M omfitA . ■ • -^ti* A •* <• : i IV .■ At *4 • ■i*n,t o * t"' v t Ih4 li.<.<|t »t 11 turn ,MI 4|r,,,„ | ii, , i-n«4 aV t ', j,i * |«1 !*■•'- • -V ,\v*« vMdtd f - •'?■ ■: . s ••• """ hit I .-I rt CriYAny" Ovn !„ |>mrr«> , ,V »'VM S. • I ; :• *4l I • ' t, ',r \|V >V >' • - *>■-! ' •.<-. ' Mitrh M It" tlw I" tin I,,,.,,,,, ..*« t r",r ,v*vr' " 'n«; &•<■'■'■•>'I \ X ■ i I V»I"V A> • :n '■>* ttttCD I 'rtifi : I M » ' 1 1 'i«f •»• ,1 Mi V-ir t fV ' trkrttt«lv4 fVM4M44444ll* r,., •• -tf thnYYifh thtrtlm* IVMV . . nM iM .H , *' •> and ttfrnyrn *nd !«w . z ... t-Mn'Mnn. Ihn rrqvrin -v M««aid JlrtltltMMIM I til" ttf I I'M (.. isn IVMMSVI fv:*ntWM'. Ida MU1 I" •«•»*.- torn" rq*t* • , -vhatr I wfM I aK«»« | «»M44lf* I'lHfv ,,,• cHi.-f. northMivnvMt v"«^* . TV r»»rt i,i . f,*\ HVII'li' ' ' - v.nrr v ■ • •- trims Mid i \vno »«» n«»» 1 mmh tinted »»f l'd». Allrtnn l*Mlil4. SrhimU; r . S ' • M ' S|»< •'» ' in « A^» rnanv fO« p' in V • >\ i t.h, Un t-i • -■• ■ » S4'> • I i l.ullieran Ministors IMaii I . . M»' THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL ■r.\ ('< ;>• I, * 'm ' f \ * \ IV- - ' ll" VU •'. i i A««i f.viMaU otvaohl tV'v «(! piVV.l ';*r« * \ sr v f-« iStui''!i 4 1 • 4 IVcliotogy Disnissiou t ei t Mnntr I'rtt'M ' \ \ I X . aa» "•»{!* UiMAVfiaif »'V FREE M. . V-4 ,11 , \|i •■- .4, - i.'v, for v*i-l«'Mg ««••» * t:'\ ;••' 4 ■■'.»"* c V,vivv.* '■ k Atw* A A4r I'^rrr lAPhatitf Mtlt (IV p*jrfTHYIIHTV IMY«< mnriAlitY nf tV \'»ic vc « • f '• ••■■ \r« TS> liilbmn \iti r it MI f Vrtvfrp- 1 «rliiwl«: *md:t a • fnilnr*1 tf«* • M . ' V «onitvni?rv^ \ lOhvrrm pjotm s ,v«, itotiWrn M vh n,v-■M.".*, f.MK"H-llmitm**. • A v^« o'.w in \ ,s«Y- Wnirt««*A A'.v V\ . V* »Vt* pY-or.4 >: ' ■ ' «'*'»£'• . (% , i^n'rr. arvv«.•■•■*>< b,y 'S- nn v^llllVh W«"- »-it«a T'v VtM • •» tiisoixrm v I III I;. MI masculine eyewear . , * • - .* •" 4. pw|*eype tbn I"SA ais;s-s\a«-t 1*1 «» d Vhn hww«n T^.tVi ranrliafa VarftfH Hi«Krr and vie » avtr I ratio Mh rMnlr Olldrtn and, M44|(am Vlian, all Birhml FINAL LP mil n;\no\, iili i ii imis SAIMIIMY I Nntlilni wli Htp Ippp of (• • Ir of bI »s«os or Irrr'l Iho man m ill«rtiplH«lln( In hl< irriintmrhilfil onillnllr It trlrifnln a «« IKf ip|o«r*nr«, OI.OVIPWMTPR |»«|o» W«l rt IV V|M HUhwtn Ttafllr nltr of |Iii-4i |M«|Mil it writ « rtr lr*mr« wllh Ihr . . ,v Ply SifPtr »>ntri coollttt'ltliil look IViaiIIIiii »• «*« th# irnvii YY-Vn Iv A In I omlon l.rrv or ■ ■-v.»*•■'", Hy TV dtv>n Jqnlitv •fStnvn v'..-- !- •'••'.i* VIA■' I.I'T I'S ni l, YOl'tt MA'!' I'lll'Sl llll'l KIN Z III n k , »n Ihn Mn''- r?i,v «•■ - f 4 f f \ LlffN \tff»V ». |! SALE • . • ♦••n.«iy#tt*vY «n»4 ft A * ' * » 1 •. ' * u- •.'• •' '' V on "WTipi (V MM IV l II \SI \ tr... . * f r' I V*. h;*> 'Ho n*»M:;P MAREK PREStHIPTIDK [ENTEH t. _.v -.| fa I.din Irtrdan n4ff fydfnn %»ftK an wallace opticians fv h'VPTvnt a* mLifdr'. n''h a fttv »V4*»in«t4*« of iWo qnnatfon of • mk« tKora 4a an. K a IK4nt *« A« •' .flu M t4.. ~ iav rt , \>n*t4»n wind " w - \ SIM M I lll'l'l III IV »-t77| Ir o« TW*n*n TV^o** v- yAMO-tA V ,V»I, t t1 «/« • , « r, f fit > » „ fl, IS : 117% n-...y Adr>-n>«'r«VYyn and v • vfM* «•" s'ro«* t-o Hill Hvquiivs MONAUKAL S-- .%<,:•.-»» •jYpttqK'h vn Iv.* (",t*4 Annoiinonl I'mof of Shot STHKO IMS l.ANATXrt 'A"* X b * vrsji.* Tor VISU Drama ?nj fyr«>V - a" ^lirfrrn ontn n* come to our special showing of .• nv*4 'N * A*-no>i c«»t rt t*« ftar- »vd :'paY 4t*aa ati «!rAi •t->~ in ( prvsl VK' (u>% r TYar* - t.a 1 J, l\tO*tV1V 'v (.; •* W. - , » \.v-" « t<*n«n dran^a Tiao.r casual ensembles writvn ftv Campus Music Shop • «un<«n TV* wn«ww a'«.* .xn-ftra *Vr« k *-t* \ -^nVy td tv fnnaonvsi fcr t1i|V-'.A, VYY*)t'NvN . W h«>AJt - *Y«vv d T>«iVr M R \*tu %?:•' T>ar»V R\il'fd<* if irtg tvHJf'r and inckyat*, Cv.Msvn mayi ba o\r> njAtitf f bi( SUSAN THOMAS in nn-s object Iwstisc rt ~"s.v -.f t># rn> K •'** *D«rta fftlielmia »>r' « T:«tnr** IJJKn ta .51 fet? ' — *• v r*-v.v Ct.aff'i Tv*mvf. a ' .svnrsd* in arrt>ss ari'l Ts> Sen her tYvm«ivatat,vc *•>1! bloiifto-nkirt and tiluiinr-.tkirt-awDNU *nn at** k. Carlson Ala^V. cotton ami other auntime fabric*. vVw-tctwiik, IV^i Or*nd n, $■'* W«sat, tJorry CyMAk Stan- Slim It to IK. I22.9K t» $ l» !IH i? aM Bswnift Rw, llrri1, two.from the collectioit. r"~-"vxnimnruiiK I*fl: thm-pirrr Ml. JL'.Vtts Hight: tMii.pircr Ml. X-2.!»S X* Nror Dlfrr. Loyal Dram Nral Joan, Bolt Caatro, C'Jiurk Do«krr, and Rubin - the Maff al Vanity Barber Shop. Expert and Efficient, (bey are anxiou* In pleaiw You. Drop IM in for your next haircut and Bad that extra •oniethiiig in perfect pvoauaf. til Iffflet BP0RT8WEAR Varsity Barber Shop 208 M.A.C, (Uader Style Shop) Sfcar Sfckri1— P-A*'« ;"Ynnniuuuir' National teagtwOpens Regular Season: Mtvinrm* rtait vnvt Ai»rtl |* \Hfi >«r Intramural Wisconsin Homt On Krink of Dottlli >. Schedule MMV«.n * ■ N-« W "VV-.•«••« . V V* V* • l>?«vr- »* •••■w A Mftv ">« brSV TS-TTT- kry* «*•< *?■.»• iv •**- ?? yv ' >•'•■ Milirankee. Cincinnati Mtt.lVAVKfcfc V ♦ \i«v - T'T- '•-• t-\ ■■ \ "■* «> • :v • \*' aj4n t>' •A » Nv^-5! t V.1* Mr .4 , i\\ t>\ Wt tp# m-p-ntn Hwya b* \ ft-hsfiMVon., I •»• <•*».' ■•{ yftir*'*-'' v.-v. v *?-•.. V,Ai w«ftW rrvH tn tV PVH'MS \nniHk V -. 1 *»>«.* VM * All III • Wit byT r,-. ' " -■' ■ M 1>*."V.ft>t ft',*ft h* ! *>< tbf Mt\nHtiRtv • «V-%« ft*. •■-• - I'.-' ; i "• »' * ' * .-« vAvhl"! V>ft -'-.i I J tMrtlV «MTt- |bn»bpp«b >. T TV .... 5 fri ■«. \ eve r. - AT.- ' •* "-«• V'-Vims'i HM* thp H'Mpc* v rttt •>v, h.t V-. :# i I>M fff*« <* r*--"-.!.- • * til Whav FVP ft.M MtiNVs \ s\ V~Am m> rv«At >-f W.SW tvvR'.tHl fttx'"-" MH»>M (M nu ^ V^IM \m* HUT VtVhl** i»m M*n \ nn IM Rctulli t* I' M T«. V' * 1 TV tVftHx. br'-f .*rPrv*V>i ■ p t-pn vv>>s* bv VPkpmt Jip • - • - - r II All *♦ IIR VI MttMV rattltM pp tbp VI ? f T. vv-v «<■* m tv tPp of IV *<$*•• • v\r» ? n > J<*■ * 'v *av • rM tVf "bp ?•? Tbfti *•*" •• ft""'-i1* V.A-v-r ):-,<■ «*btv for A(*ovk> cb'ft'-- b%*n. IV' i MvM.ibPp. wV n'1 MkMfM Stat* UatT*r*it| b-'/'M in tbp ffsMb, tv!»« p •■ Ivvr wftpftgvit to r-oftt'Y FWHRU FHi SCRHS W ^"r-Vr-iAr^ I * IV HI HIHIir ♦tiF AIHAM K Thy rift-wry m tV itvntn*-. t•pfofft ftv>« i-rrri*'. t ttWftv rrt^rf VftV Vwrt n-*n. . . . McVftVn ftftt*«lp F ft tip, ftvb * •• |MV*« lit* •••ft IF I lft*» ft-pv.\ « Snl mil Jotws Pitches * fy-rri 'V iVYM in pr' - I1KLU OVER! Mftrtrr 7>i'rpri, rt.T TTonri. tvhir* Wjinlv "TAIGA" final I .A • t'MiniT 1Vx(n • lt tennis v w rn vw't to . II in r* - -«> \ «I.Mft^Y«ftltinf b<-ftft ■*r*ftM!ft pi Mb* Ftnin't •■ ni-tftipft, fftf# bit* MnMt out rpftvn • ftft-t^VH rftftty ivVft W*£ ts (limNMl l iVI . . »M •Svf .kv-r* t^\y> tv bftiM f.M- ft pinikt hittrv |i v^V.irM'rK TVrV A b^prv tvn'«H> £*mH !n*ft>n« pp?" f:W> . c IV«vi t'nt, IVv|»h . Viwi+i«£ >.{ i *w nrni. fT>an*wnl. *r-tpw.f St Vvws SpftbP fttftpYftmt In tY*" • o* 5 Ap A« »V SAn fwfpiivl tintil lb# TEW Wr X* im-M A *r U I imp I'i'vAwi tftfiiT font *■•• ' IW* *V r At^tYfM-. ^-1, fo>ft» b«s rionnfft''. T*«* CVfV^* Yf-A'Arst FIHtCmiB TW*m * VYrtA and a rmcV tr»* ffr*t I'sa* - TMNMT - CUR HEPBURN •Vvv *« bn* ViwVIM in ttw* Ivf-Ti* v't Biseball Scores * «***!<••» t m'-n-H M VS.fW1 FvH 1\\w t>e IV, b"t .V* *V ilvt t iVt V H MftiupMi « HW I III V V) VI"* WwheaSay. MH119,7 aad • M»- Ur>* Alt k n Hi I *f! v r■.fk«,V»»AtVr «%'M * ft'* t'Uft ft ft ftim*rr» ft * ftftft1«>M t rfttv n\WS TI8 W W\J\ ,Y> X XTnONTW \ilmiwfw • .iiV AKhji ' M 'A IS* WK i">i»Hwi»ftftft • tftii'dHftni 1 «iff .l.A*.-* ftftft'WftmVrm 4 t~ ~ c* a v-rft nm »n tfcr nfth P«ft» pr*ftft~v At VV*.*rbMn£* -■ M. 1 B VftftV-htttpT « - • A V-»> l».v*.Yft KM km ft*,<+ <-* c\-,'f t>k tVtnvf Tirt-'-A. «-.' b.*ftV ft*o*r lii<1 T-r Yu-vrft* wly b;l ft* *« s • • • S E N D «.;ifV hv.Hiwy Kfttmn. 1.V flm n* rn to fftx-r vr.ftrtv- t.vt in «V tYft-rn'h. Stftmfiv bwrIM Vt?p*A tnll for tf*r f ■ ** «• p • n/a K# n ft' vrsi fbnpp E.\STER IDEALS 11.50 TVftn MiV»i. ftt.ftrtiYl fvr tVt.-b' fn ^ iwfftinn r*ft-r «p \ «n?t V EASTER GREETING .50 #r.i 0 hit*. r*ul TN-ftt^-k rri anri * »« mftifttft^l for »rri 4 fcst* »n 2 inntftui-ft. fit* • 2 n r<* E ASTER STORIES EOR CHILDREN LOO Tipr> IVpnrt IVftwrlt-r UWJ.IMl I" lis AUWIT1WUUN Turn* trttAfri STYftp Rpdklr thteftl bfttv tVAftfttttr t-' t- OwtUiiMl tiV,A-ift for v.t liT »f?r4dtn--Yn«>t Twb>$*j. No m«; wvvt KftftifthftirA, SPARTAN BOOK STORE LUWJIMJJ] Vaftt.l m Ann Sftrmrft M Ar www nf M. A. C. Air, FOR BARGAINS GALORE Watcli The STATE NEWS Classified Ads IVteftMM «k f«r ftd. ..Is twy . . . liMft; ft* mffrr *nirf» «r I. *w hi"-. «r trftl 'cm mtu* yw (4 tktfb fmc ih«i« «m «Milm. IM n4 fwlhrdASSmtl) ABA •• • fh«. UT nn! • fp» n: Uw nrnt..' irvxt.® »tUn vjtlne? ;oc *-JT fit* tl J R. JiTO Al n' "Jw *>vTOt shirts- onn* in & %•><* ntwidt? 6-' rnl.-irv «.n, sjws^ N--; PHONE: *.'• n-'-r- • ■ - nitr i—1<—rtiis hw nnrrs A. <0u*ti** iVumt 4nn wip-Ni ts-Tt »» nartM tof fmltm- H- rMw»f VhW UMI^- Slw t *Vw RiiMti VT. SS I w aiipe «r «o«e rnM* Ml 1st l i «r : tarim* fSh-5: D 2*1511 Ext. 2615 jhctn**, VtlRfts «a»NT » m S f«r SJV^fc Nn M p»iiv* 2 «•*>« . if. (tnuinr 9m -11 i. i.-km R.V««r- R*si ijuivinc • Haus.: J ts |. ."U - *"»A. 1 u « IM Iff" ' \t*. bhyv* <•-»•, '• f/ ' KIW- HoiHrJt orttiml.' Gi'idders Go Outdoor its ;!.,nt.-»*h «• J'l th»* O'vmjil.' Slot* News ^ nr:: \NN «*(*♦»» Anrcii ihtlvnfath'* ic W«»«m> I»(M h •»»«...)• M'r hnflu * H" I'•« I H qi»Ht rnlwitllj it e. nf<-I the TnMw •t ?»< l..,.n,| 0:»* * V M'iwi, «t!H :% «!•* *»»» Ht'il •«:! f»M* -*~i ■M hm* It* f»'r*t e'ttdoot n.'tH.ost *f frt i» to i '• • I'll- >U|>4 f>'vt.,p|rs n, MM M Vw.% XlHrtt* Tdttwtr - Kt ^ b^:' . , M aa •• -jM ' *. ft :!! ft* fM' rtm*rr*n *wb* Wtih Hf - n.," %r»t» tl tM* *»tt(t *IW|H MH.'i ♦•'h« «.' THIN STAR SPECIAL! , --.s !'U>rfb\* !•" c S W !•!•• ' • lrmsh tt l'..r I i.ihI I i.liri. a I l.'im. il • ...,,. :VvV(',M-.v ihv 1 4 . » 1 '• '"■ •■■ ilf n * a tl.'l.'a t.l.'l I l.|.» t-o t' \,i Vi'> . \ tfHniM of MhmM ! I f sI'OUMi trt»»»i*» |«!;l» t ) it It id...' Tlmlr XV iilcr lt.'|..'ll.'..l nif'i foMtii* nvAi'h SGu« I'1 I lda\ Mftft ttbi.M tM "i u Vt hM? f"' til! V*> ttM * I \! t it Snnli' mill I .'iill.rr Jii.'Ia.'I« 'N >;«•»<**- ' ImoUIMaj? m . . M . Wi. Pcbt.Mtt VV'P's »}♦♦ , , IV J I J'V t It I iH.itilrA Smlrc ••..At fP>' " ,. *< «••' it Itll.A .'a W.W it i'lir»»H- It.lga • answer* ♦* an m:n imitN \s 'S •» #n> • ■•' - ts.■>» MM IMMMlin r..A • ot - AAp Nnf pcohtrm. - 1 i,v .,, , . . intiitfil *H>lilft« >. * - !ti «*«ti', it \llrrHli<.t.« Xli'i.ilii.K ,V1« *»• needed beef that . ••►•i' tlv ••« •«!*« that 'Ho o<'v >t , ti«t tn ?t«« and til* pivtMW »»' Ihrm (« •• •, •; afev-fr T%. - ' • 'li"'« f.'i in tho Jro'SoAt " > it Krlri.tlly NtaIit *iVrf«tV* ttne hntev , rt««ttnt tmntktttv. ihrti ..Ao«vrv. an»A |mv*o 1 n '«h -t m-M iftV \ I* -o«" " ,. . ,xn* |Mvr,>v;: «i rl*hu t>, !X,v.».,v. *,*)<* >V\ -V* «>S'HnttM • • th*'« sn«t *- - , • •■».» - • **, »-v •■o .,«• *•», *.-ng ♦, t, ,A.A,« 'At-MAS- "v to*', ,vf Vfll if'! '• \« t»|' ' - Coi,i,i:<;i: Ci,i:\ni;iis TV.tvi* «*-.d thai jhv-f i V*'o*-.n ro th.inH-n Hstc -v,o. <•>»»•«>* Hon 1 . t'H t pi . A \ A t'V ff.t I#-! < '• !- V »■', ' • ' -V?I rv t:»V4 i .«■• ., »•*•«*-♦••••• •- -■» l » « ». ,• Aupf t ,»|| t> tSt'OA S* •» •»•- i n-ii q Hp I . !' a'fr». « I',|I2*(7I.I A .A* -A w visijro: ,. hnoV ttooh'e >*.-'•■ - H«* w • « % ■« i-* ! \ou ftak»« > nit V o.i « ,'i IVnlvn. . •>20 \\ . A)i.l.iyii... Ili.«l I.Hiiai.ig - Ho vv*\ m;iH! '* M * '^oKlo » Hi! So «» , A.1*h|,A \.A,,», ., . .v«* Vweadat V o .MVotj* OO Ol- •Mr. Oxr |«'ft M » g trt-.U r' «At*r< <-t»Mud ' t '»• • 'o I>MA-'I HA t'to «| A , • Hct-ft sour rMhrs dh Otis .,vv,». rhr « . v>t tn ttfrttlji th fA-'-i ,f A «v.w Send them lt» lis for •••* Mf-.M hi ?'» '1'rawr!lp" natrr teprl- •• !\*\« !*oHt-ttn'> ■ • m ■ •eitl fiettmont h'\« litsit f \ . v\ tn lt,>« Mv,'-. V* ftfi! 17'SMX' i with Ms. t%r %!««» H'! !n Whole Ham Shank Portion Bull Portion Oops! Tliriv (.or» Aiiollior Track Mark! 49c ib. 39c ib. 49c Ib. v\* v w «>\ » v r- a Claaaar aaA SMrt LaaaAry ,? I) tl vi'rt. V a P!asf tirawd Hiier frtiK, I n>m stmfrnf Set s itc Kldtf .1'^ 69c ->.•>»•,» •>' «. ■ . Sapar right tAAA-t-a ; '♦ ib. '•-••• a Semi Boneless Hams • • t. #••, a !Aip»ti,tv . - o i A. , *« •< -a' r fo»t AAV •♦» sAotOn aN-.»ii :t J I* M.S.I. Pally cooked ■ ■ v.." ^ «V jat tHo !' th'" * r a .-av tf >M H slUIKMS VISIT Faaay Baariia yan'a 3 Iba far 21c •msxt f»o,«t v !o*r«>! Ti.fiv «»,! tv » '"ooHnt »'•- «n*i-vfA V.i !\t KoMn-k Inapaatad Turkeys ■ i • '- i ' r*« k y,A*v owH Bill C*t1»5 f • bo w*n<* *hntbt . V, .. ! ! fitv ||A».A,A-**fl»-.t Baltivilla Tan's • '•vao.'n iho ot>vs* bar. oo«" wwMt-bt aft*! 4II. la 10 Ib II Ha. la 22 Iba. J lb s lo 6 Ib a •• ' .vf v aiv! bkv*«n- 'arv «>tt tho ivg* \*h"A h ^ rd nf IUiiiilor- I III**! k North nf Mh i*» Iiibhii • • O-A. '■ k- i;v - «t >s» "4i Ijw itmikH. M IMP- y i,t W*r n-"A*,.1 4V*0 \tf,¥rV-4 * ittit A * Nmmt« S|t)tt««rar, t'a«aal Onlhet Jenelra and trmwirits \imr It*and 49c ib. 49c ib. 59c ib. fv - • v*-;-s *n A . AAT^V. *%x$ and IKwa V*tt!t#At ??-' »' X Viiiarvtva. dM ?5-» » • ,1iAVA espresso or»> tmii. i nt wmnxf arnxii %tin n «tvr a m»\ xhiitts tii » • i» Golden Ripe Bananas llcik. i\ t RVTAIL m« minx niMvrs A GIADMER I'MKTK I'l AM) srr ovn great u\f of swim wr\rt sow SHOW1NC AHVl'KHT '"ATM INt RUiSATI'l WHITK ST \i, M.rxrrs i\)i>!rijrrr «»• mrs M il.I.I AM STOMA SI V. A MUX. AI'KII. 17 A I* Hstd Lattice Oarral'a Pascal Oslsry 21 airr Hi. r*ll<> hnr t'rmh Callfurnii. ■HI Hiir UMmn mm* 2 bawls 29c lie lie lb 18a aaab Wtlghl Vz gai. Marvel Ice (ream t'i Hw. or ovfr 49c Yaw Jaaa Parkar Piaa Jaaa Parkar Hlii.-licrr a mill Aagal Faai Oaks Hal Orats baa's f 39c m Snllll.rril I'.NH'mi sack JJ\ aa. He Saaaybraak Largs lOTr Hylaa Hedsry Grade "A" Egg's .*>1 (ia^.ir 15 Itcnicr 49c dot. lii.x of 2 I'air 99c All I'rkrs in Thin Ad Kf fort it? Thrnusch .Sal. April Ifilh YA.ur II,>«l l.iin-in^ \ A I' S.i|».'r Xlurkrl iittn In Willinm^lnn Sl»r? And All Pit? l .in-ini; A A I'Snper (loriirr of llii^ml.iri. ami tai»l (.rami ItiAcr Markets ' inut i "Mwwuir AMia cA i soaiMosr rooo aauaia... unci Sluri' lliiurs M« uiurnK »"» SWT* » .Mimclsy thru Saliirdiiy "W UT IS tKAMt DOVT EAT 9 A.SI. tn 9 PA I. "" the daisies- mi ranvim ^tAtr mom a r*f «i* April ||. IMO lliitnln IVnirs Joblws List Inrmisos Kiisftlmis Vlw» WivCft' (iroiip to llonr lloiil VNU A Studr-.M" IVivn tlrr topic will h«* ' What I W illi iUnrrli Slorms ! — A ttllftftiin Ml ntr ftft-ill hold thrift h!0»lth\y fti*|rftm April «T at I pnt at thr Aheed a« the Stndrnt rin"' ltHnlwgte«?w All iludPntft* *•*. ^rn«|t hti* )wi rthttffrrl Viifts- tit VWCA, til tSnvnirnd St., l^n* thri' huahAttdg and frlmdi • \\ vstuvi;1>*n .iv-11in ww*| mjiivii «lii*mp in nn\ mtrr llritntn f'v ft fttudrnt mtt- ftlUf thr sprahrt Will l*r 1A' dcvnilcft m»m pootM|*|nyittrtil aoMins Ivyotvl 4Ino four million int-nrrt for tur rVfltln* fc frtrnrr on nm°.rftr *tl«ftmtftntrnt. Myrtle Rrnl of thr MH' Sihml f>-0 -w ewNiund lhan M per ted \*PW*MV*|Aft INftA** *' ■* I .Vft VO rvn^arr* Ihintamitlnt "•*" »" •"■m- •«•»*», reft I CJt <*V . tVvvMV A A«-h«.r 1'hr hnntr otttrr irfowd ro"' ntrnt, laying mni'mls fctv rrf\tsa\ r*w **> ***' '"»< of ifftvfl'v ■• * a ftt-y-n » ftoirv't ItnrlittMfAt dfrW«p«l ft»i ?A*.- A ' •*'• •'" ''*«!* *"V.t H *m \-**a* wrvr nri-rv d»«rto«rd V r*nn. I* fi.N «r • t»" n(»l««*» «M 1~>* err in min-h tet.itin? rlter* !tV n "H< -- «■r*r t»* n.*.*-* »* *<• »«*nft|»!m*d' niih ai n?n.ane in ntftr. |>hrw»vft VwwiWt fwp'^wrnl M.*••.-•♦ itt ? tvlhvt- r,* v*« « • «f -hv. r • *■...« r • «« « i'ftt•" • «•"' «'•*•• <■■■ -tft'-l LMRT OOSNIW \\ KAll l.rlv vmvi .■*--* i < !*»•••■ • >. m* n»«t n» *♦ »*« *<" sin* *ft » rn*M» n j t<»* Hsrft In Mimft 1*\3 tftr r«"t - Safoli Vniml r rlttftf ry+*r4 **ft» «r 1 tftr wot A fMVf rw 11 «ft« •! * t«* \twii \\* n>» 11 it m-«v <* i rt*V *«t «Miin*e ihr t»ttrtttmrm frctitii with v v «-.*• "> 1 Murft •.! • In Mt»rl 1*M: rW|*!i»»1tlrnl H' v ■■ •. • th« |Nc« r-ftwwn! ft 1 ISO PRR TF.RM fi-rv *ch*rrr**«r* * \'Y te • •-'!*«•♦ •» ! r-ft Wosanc (iris sn vipv. i m'fth. «v"htr*< IOR ROOM & BOARD Hipoll\;il.iniu« t omo« I i-g»- tt^r! mi* tftr i* '"" I tiir l.atlv' ?V Wi-Wl 1^*1 MMCMFMMMWUM Hunisrv? lfs Onh A ft* f r*"* «*t tftr ur.r-ftf • **/»•»*, .«r,- wn* itnt-^ftt ruftlftM' t » * v-m- :.-h -m 'a- " '• t *m»i ii win HNtfttFOHCMr ■\y V' ' i ft • ** ' ftr flU <1 ft" ft ftmftwt ▼•«* Man MAR (liomicals in I load J-.V-; •.< !f« HMm IHB AAii IM9 RWWLIW iiwi wwwu Ojiit'i l.m l* ^itun i tr . t* IVw t v.vr- vt.v-'- • v - mm ivmft 1 tsvi-fti t.*ft r-* *-N.*—-*r rH>." ntwimtfttmo V ■' "*v '*•< ?*yv&fW fo" H ".v«vr — .— <•*?.»A - >* t «'w n*« >' •-r »rt aftflft .•»• .»•«•» r>-«-'*»' •' *• K tv*- vt >,* ft h;r.t.v:' '»'•' ■<' '•* tvet i mn;if "i' im,v•*» •♦ !■•»'-•»» *•■•*>»•« ■ - i rtv <■ ., . ** !*■-.,-»<• trnv- r>*» nmw"* n n \n -* tft *-ft ift- k< "hw'-v, * MfUM MOWLAM ,1-ftft •' 'ft*' h- ',•« , \* *sr ■"•ft'*-' *' * *.r\tftr*-'** ft sfl■'■'.• ".*rv, ft ('rH.'Vft'"" M ftrtt :■ *><•+ MM •-,v': ?Wt '' 'ft *«**. •■ v.- ** m 'V* •' *V -ft «'* 'V r-r« tftr t*fti -its- ftrvftv ftiit ft" «*v*« ctftftft urn <>*-» '^r- » ft >"»f rr^nM IOOO m of l-t*vft y *. totrft '»*vn MI! WV»: H DKftl. r' v fft«sst',Tft o» *s rwy % t orrN \ v v .'•• * i n r«" *•».!" —b a— mm HOCSK PETE SEEGER "" f-- •*"!? vfi f-rr w rtt* n \* nw**»wnw wWftFi >/. * -(•>% St ft nntm «r"' w-1-^ fMrsti*. iwl n-ftif*"1 %irn*r* TOX1RIIT ., ,v .*»*«■ i-r ^ »v<" «k" on »»1*wnn kninnkon y\p ft".elk * r*" '! 1*1 rnrnl ^l^mwrftivft -wftrft* fe**n ■>ftftni Iffi* i.-/5 it ^ .12.1 AW SV flnrft-rfWIr* *n«f "i ' ' ■'.■ ''•■ .„ «t KKKNT M M US . .. T*r*,. %%**» ftnft i* e!r.-f-vi' er»- HI I IMI -r - 1 • \ • ,vr1 l> ** ' • • ftMKKHW Hftl.l tn« irm - nm\n> . ft \!T>< n*r"» ■ •-. • 1 0\ V VON,;* »\M1 rfttVMl * »Vf N -»'hmh <-*r tV# ft«rsftr . - • " i>ntMit(.ftt. «m i itv« T N vv, \ . • in* ***** *4ft»* * mtt: OPEN BOWLING rrt tNtr fm t Pino's Record Shop SIMM UKS SMSTU UMS I " . m roh lysft M ivftttt t n 2H\ \ 1\ niai. 2-v2 vs . i* 1*^ \.m. ervoorts :ix k«.ftftsn w*tft Vrev P^riinc y *>T I.AVSIVR n*. m j-stu sreciAi TENNIS OXFORDS M+Ac I** l .S* BmMhi 0*. • f lj lllUft «Mft KVT*>. JM.T.V ftT.nS 2.99 STftlJNNit; SftOME s«h> is', \>'l« nns<*m *tm ION imirx 'Ms