,|itn llolthill OK The TTi'iiIIk'I' . C.Mrirr IVmr, Shtn,|v, ('.mlrf . p.n,«,h | Ml«h . TO.. ■ Snr r*«» I | IM, ft I pil.l'MK M. No- 1" . I'lIICR !» CENTS New Satellite in Orbit Ilappy h'anlrr! Allies in To Guide Sailors, Fliers Vo I alii Montlav i'lixvx Ihiv WAMttWTON l.-n^Tbo |m. 'Complete LJuity"1 Oil East-West Summit i"«i| Kvyomlo PervU*# \V»vV> e>x*1|vMM^ viMt.it in!rini#lo AyiM l« tho itM-ilh'. Transit I»B fnA iiun* rmioriii inconio l^x ? ttv. I*'!!* ivVln1 th# To A^isl tit.,. M«rnn>io »i«r t"?i,lK. Ajl*1' nt.nie.tt itav ' m « V frttt* 00 l?'> « 8l09Million Will Pros t'V'iitV l't!« vr.1t Yivigttlioit \'\ IJ «tiv« tn-i Httee • .•«<. tTisv.l \ ■ •,H\ I i leu v T« Colleges \rr- tWWt R AI.. Ft« '•":V" i}?c: nn'r.1 I'M' >vou if '' h 'Mr ilen.Olne » I Slop Gap. Appruvetl *•<■*« tt:» y Tve f.Mvrioiner of a io'inMr, tv'nt"< rtlttl h* On Brrlin • Vol pdvUfaMT Until M'Hln ■ ? '-niert a !*»».♦* • tl'r llmme ^tilen Washington < p. th. ,'-'»tn|Hi«lnWrri," V ^ om* lit any vxv.xtbvr \V extent A"inx npcnnd Wot I "I •• vv-i. ft-n 'hi' ilntlfa Keemtl Hiiilnel «,,; «\Hve«» l»ft*«X L'f H xlltji xivittuI tbe <\xvth \V«M- pop lUuHn «»*t♦ Icmeul nml t»» I WslNi; il'i \ moid Tit# n«ii ttr.-i".Mi *v!i« tint! »ia rnpahli-r ««*! iopalv !»»i\ prut rrttint* *'vniUI i»o roeeirotl i»< bio It IKIiTO.trrN.iHHT it|ipHHuln. •-. * ,*| «varf Wavi- lint I •lixjirmnptept T>-*n«d T-D WW in fim OIT'I-IM b» mM'Oab' lion toy higher niiiinthm Himbi tintv next M-'H iu t" ihe in°« . m «'<«■» free.* 4ht« ***Tx?!.v «poliiliinr in ItTflO til rlofiiTtl U;i; t ,'>V'<7»V-i il l l tnm* ..... « * **«♦ with oJ'v.- tin* Moino Wodnonlny bulg¬ Mvufc.-.t ,„uin-t!M' :v. meo'nttf l»< • bc*rtW|f «x* l«w ing nith $4'24.ih»ii in now Oino timeinhnoni^ . 'e»- ot.'e i •>» ludo y- * rvkctr*- Miv •oKmO 'in - ihIIHi-m iH'lhn s for »'"• •».. l„O.I, MldeWWvd . NEWS IN • • 't* O* Mi, lo^on Into I'niv■»-rspi. utoro *• *,* *he TVTxrl? iliv ...HHon for ih.. T'oi* - r "l ir.i* . „t *t,• V . • ■\r%sg •nbrnxtbie it'.ivf |»iu •m MHH !« UHt lilTS'N tbrontb fivo-fool •oooMnli •»« ftlweit. IVI« %bo trite* home em«tt« itosr ialtoe. rotor* ob«r»vitott BRIEF I '" ' oOIMoh Im iii •lOtli.m !"'»«' \i-.nip stain WtiOii' hiiilai-' - It- ft r f. ,< . ». I-. I„ • i >pp. .n-,.t , f . I.. . ' O •>-- -i ih'llfl, s <•*•« ♦ III, . ... ,, tooro Otftn ton wllm iboto *ri letel. the triHtn tabor ti«»it lory t*« tin t«omiii» I'tivi 4 llilttmn miTRF riHr *H**Hpteif ptweeedlm* wf At mi - WM.M rijjuic |iln«-il "ill irtfrgl f:» • i !»'■ >« ... frdne«ds« shortly after II pw*. The fire «« In 1 flm*reseeo» tl*l»t ,1 The o«,';i<.|!|t» aimosl .'.'iliOol* . •5 f ■ « ■-* *,,'*-*-*▼•! , I'U \ '''or *o\»m halts*. o» transformer. )tl«i OMtxMe Ihe sisle Mens offlre*. Wlwdeol «<:' 1. Ctl, h aMp3 ,r ,t„ »l„ move 11» <\ Ho«eoi« lloii-o • '■* h* s'T nnhe*« tho Air F «•»•»- Pm«.i»v Sr* * lees ii ( r... ii-outn* out int. t . No del-ills on Ihe omoont of ri*m*«r« were av-tlMhle h«m elerlrl ! „M,,t fW. pP.jr, , „ ) | f^nr hc*»r* xfVr tbc mtA'voj'mc «ni.«||,. «»« MSI Sn« I'di l in 4.w* |«v iHOfOl»rt doOK I'nijtriini !S*X £,«. »M »|V|" •!»« !'• ifmwohov.t siHVo**fi.tll,j rlsns esllrtl In to repxlt lh«' defeeilve tight, hot rtslhle dsrosges >*>i > "cw* *if Vx** xnd <•- t,- ijo* W»iIr.o *ign I :.l ntr*nhvM-vt with:!, ,»u,- *«td b* 4Vx«h~ - **ele slight, llwltrd to the light ttself.. SIiIa New? phntn h? fill ft,., », ... U „f U,(. I'Mi't ! AAA t'xllxhxn Oil 0 *«x? x pxth i N ,* i •. ' V wrist. hom •*> ■«> *« V*« «K*»i /-ran iiwf «»f srcuwd *1 *1 *»* ImllmHwi M 40# wlV« **p M ImikI (fnntl (viilonnial aIV IW AM l«t it I M«m*n, ronttnood M« l» *rn NiW to osoapo execution t* ntoi. - eart I Itp to tho rolo. with oollo*o ofll rial*, foroltti hut* dohato led sipdonl alhlolra Teaehei'N lo Allen,I Sc—inn* MtllslOK 'fl« ftt I lot if ««ul Ihe term Inrrlin Ultiidrr and lawmahors of holh parllos mmplrlr mrrfmrtil ' »(lfr ?' • • --r«< *»♦,* oniai fa »hc <*«Vrit lilt Itenrto tlnb to knur *M«lnn m» ilhitinvnirtil (tbsvrvmuv I'hi mini <•,»,,» V>r* h*d h*** »h*«»t- wttMraw |i«w tho r**e to "slip romint In for « share of hllln* -t "* *1 »» « hr»tM «i* o* -ht' vwriH nf 4 tv*n novor Jamoi'An'tomm. n*'«eHa»iH"»? »■" signed t • fallen iho hill he nvuo h*d e»«»e "vet* **ell ' " - ■ *» a'nyrrtnt: l*r .1 tmo«- Fdda'M- l,\N*!\il ?'"• tho 'hlt»l thrpo million d. Hi four yrilM.'tho I • gi«*-v- F .nu.H.v mindod HefruHfliAn* rtbro inync* u^n hts^ot r^titvo- (bin or Ilu» Mil lu-iittrlmx of thn Nntionnl |»rfen*e Fnepitrn ki' ,i final >iM"dihg f a t,-ln-. • • - .a ' c*?vT# Hritti **wh * U«*-".v*d Mi'ob. iM*icaM»*n. lb i'«o-npewvrd 1 I',,M rut down ini'-l «lth hu?r>sn" , > JlliUlu , Jilit'l ("■ |•' •> • -,,»•• ♦vwig-o-.-" - tMvt m th t '•** rvxtd*. *'• irr Anoviv^n. !tr « *« ,|u«»tn rnvnie*. TV • Nvo. Ian- t-X*MH«.i-od in iM - guive s»n.l l;»o«-iiurr. Tic V i;»t|* lit\vu«aker-», hmvevot Hem- Tim Im«i|Ih1o f'tuMded hy I v« i4 >Hdr|«>M«ipM ni'Min, )M Affi l TT KervN*^" U«m'a»td, imH-m**'* net )0 ;. jUl' He.l IhtiHlgh lm't etl«r* MSI l ,vr iV l"S tho n.Hi'-ttd to tpv tNmjrroa* wnn *« a reiw- A A A l*(" ■ • if* ittitrrtm •>! <'M •,« |*M- •%-* Txbir>r-*»,v. * edit**'. an-1 TV t.inreme SS'vx of sup :*Hii five op. ration* m .1 ««•••" V-- »n>1 M na'tv ,?u»v a elemeilt.-ll \ * Oil tliuit *« h«"d >■' ft".4 Pu- .K .. , li.«|t| , v ** .* !• k i r « t "V I VT* ' v of inioinaii'MVal TH^#ti«u« MU I OH H — The oil I tdon N'Mtlu tn Michigan o»tlra<-. f!2W lni.h«i •Han *<\ \yHkrt - • ihl'oe Imi'.om 11, it*M ',.1 .-it : »!,„ hUdi' v--rt»vst tVo d/l iif. *»M Itntrh tanhor tilild N»pm »o- mm f.H Mirhtgau iv.h ami f i.toihvr \ W'-m.-vn fjirwor-«t«• "ob o*nv tvilh f-- Ielgn Mm h.pi Uriel's U.M. lii.uii I.f 'HtfiU, I »nd ft-ant |n«tltaUoo« omoll • I ! -.•" "-***•'' *<• ftself i ndiili (dtiraifotr pri»- «M eon rf a bia. Hw'H. M<*»i " abowt 1*01-0001 of tho lUlinn's portrd a Itro In hot entitle rnnni guogrs. t «"t- : -> * a-tth a poiiUon fHy fiihrf O-r nx'fvm'* ti# In nhh h «pwh new won n oi o gtam* The I b» «• relief o |iefwl*ltea awd mnl id n»ogtii»>, offprUt't I'oili WMKlcfU big !h»'P" f'lir I » w»» t'".1*-*. a hott- hwrned na« •'nndoi' eowtrol and \pet>'fri;Oi.Mv. hu |||. «»tl*. | Ffntieh ond SpfinKh, h.n a> land ftnut tntllfctos #n4 afon? forooot ef the derteeato dofror* I In lion Holly y chief--, with W, ;t fjerfi.a-t ' •- - - lAVt. «>o futty Vin'\w«itto» 1>-' *v«tv*n *•<; In oil •nbtori* IliWwn ef tbo finished " The tanhor was almnt srrcu -hito lolloges ami uirivet- i eple.l ltd of 1b" Anil applicant* feiarxeiitsMvr* biking full pat*, »*• rt -*-»«!. ?oe wit's rust of t aw lionet. stile? u o» <• ten hanged fiuttl iho The com. ,.f the tmdltiih* will u*m* f»w*r HiglHrr Muoatmn «nintr In In bo. • H liilnt %e* or Iron Htebol prtvo I 'audido'e* »I • p,,. pledged ' » a v.4'1 ,xtiy rmn e^ini s ■ --frn f-v," a wpv Men «'mer«,nl Item the ertttslxl of Ihmo ?ety of ,ietivltlf«: any int mr msnaturv bv winner* nM newt te roltefe In dent ' and AIM* I nflUi ' d nr*| uphph'* Sununit conff ■ * * * Ihm-e navs and means mm nyfrlrt * fix Wlthm -" • . J>v)':n • »*rt July 2. I He I'd, earned detree* «t UnH liumtiage Iraininu. ohm study, sin>nk ni an eliH'tiim tillv ,. .I,,*, 'vould ey, danger th<» • \r~.*< <<4 « rnOe The Serialup. mlttm '402. <-# tb* V.vrai \ot Pa ftir. «tent InMltnttee* aiirl pv.«fe-'.«l(»nol pt'eparalhin. Killed hv Ft o«ii -Soph CM'ipi d «'• -» mitiJKt in Fine Berlin . - invtA, tavt Momll. wa# to yr"- pinvod a ?talon'do vole Nov W \VrdttP?drtv a* H in !t *ilrtr;,rk tliriii their gi.dt |« rata^anW» Hop tnwll • ncsitow. ih- AM speech pill he in the pro ♦ »W M fW'»t»al rrlatWtl * Mo o»VHc<^ fw '1He«e at ih» 'in ;f» own I Ho M«vtiU .>«» plwtng th»' full fsiUi and Travorso t lit I. rhaltwati of tho Unioit, iluc otimb ue " A«n pom "Hnt f • the ondmv- M ays and Ihggii' Monti, athii ti.- dir. . democratic, nut mo. yO MtiniMi — aa4 «1U dletiict Moans I omwltlov, ntll he re«iutred lo attend . »' «UMf itnollra of mewt. ind maintenance tvii'Mwrlng f'*« building ptartostrd that tnorrasea for tunekeon and dlnker with his AAA To rwtnhf hewniimt are otHlrr war at pilfiMVn" Ru««ia> rxperled ■m-sjV* of. al Ioa«t on»- n*Hego fin ear it Maine, Northorn Mlohi«an and aott otbor Ian4 araot rot- group and to attend lectures de¬ drmand for *rp.ir«lr German ' VU et,do' wHovo tho leadiuc .ibie»; AAA Mlrhlaan Terh throw hud t el* livered hv natives, vy Mrilt peare Ireallex. Ihe* «l«n streed ->• *it\ a tHm anH Irto* imI ooltrrMlto* to oKaotio ?Hs'.'• be ttr'houl excHtdina oihrr lilAI V t—Tho Weslnn won • for the other arhools nut of Hue In ekallenge Ihe Kremlin to «| • "»*'•' -vfy foon, ' Kerf^iw- tW rootrool*! of lit Morrttl %n Children of faculty members Newly elected officer* "f «cienti|te arJ cla*«H*a1 fiudiox, or* nurtoslod a rowprombo ar* low a vote h* Ike D million P~>v* RmOTt'u* Hmrib 8t*f- attd incTtidtng military tactira Far her. Iho Mouse aduptud an ItaVc been selected to study Key, • Men'* aeivlm hoimiar ranvewent for taspeotlon ttishta German?. In holh Hexfern and mnto-« «s«.e.t So «»-:H ha* bvvn named tn head ?ho in pt\vnoio tbo lilmraT and amondment hacking an* mm e French or Hpanlsh under those' ate- President, llrvre P!»o>i». "*» In • mertear tost ban rontrol I nmrnanM rone*, on an alt - vyatitlott by So MM' Ijir.1 fimnt Centomvifti practical' •Mnoatmn of tho io- hv roUogo president* and the teacher*. These classes will be Drkath. III., jt ; recording wh- ■■'•■"A • a* stow, (•enaan Ire*!*-. du.«»tial oia««0N in »he arreral If* islaturr |o hire slnff* In u*r.l for the purpose of demon- tary, Terrv Davis, C'hnrlrvois rrm.-w whk*b '<* plant*m* a?v .- n> a mwotion. wvon- check Win mlloge need* and sltaiHlg tho profo-r teaching in corresponding secrr-farv. West Germany s foreign min- r y*nato acetitto* for tHo !®#l- purauilt and profo*«nm* in lifo" . l*t?r. INnritt Van Itrentar. ^ %*«• Ymina ll,'|Mil.lirMii 1 offlrtii'* «•■• ■ Tv> finance 'He c*>l?oeroved ihe xwceptng de. i«)r#*i THo II «hsi*r* • vMr ttt add researi h activities ther study In matliematlei, »ci- any cone«*svkms th- tHo year, suc'ft a# Farmct« Woob, jw-rew fv>r eavlt member of C*wi- among Michigan'? «'♦ delrgalft Imiim I'or ii m a.l.'-v migh: offer would *n «mtc« <>f «B» IMtfWih in tho Mid*ve?t Young Hrpuhli- The projmsal likely will fun cttce, and foreign languages, will net. •v^'-a Pr*yo«a>r «aplained< grew. lien re the term ''land . snrrlfVe Wcxt Iter Jin S»>r b» bo it- lllhr troublff In th# Senate give money which will not only iv •"•v' Plana alw call ft* harin* t%\» gran'" OdUegex ahd tinsvetfilliea.-'-' ran ewivenUon in lie? Moines A forum for student sand ttetrnndv the we«tcrn sector •*>.-< ^'Sr at * and ITS. terrtton- Iowa, last w«»dv facility to djspusa current issues en verted into what the Sovie" * «•>• miihnn dcUarc. Pfealdetila has announced it will but will allow them 175,IK) per cawWWi durum Ute year and the fulMoquenUy aeeeptcd tb« teum The Michigan delegation won will bo held at 3 p.m. Thursdays hire n S25.tiOU-a-.vear factfinder yviwk a* well. a free ci'y. awardtnf of at >aa«t »w»e gradu¬ of tho act Tiklay there h at the chairmanship of He*Hut Five, in Old College Hal), Union, Im and mediator within a week or The Institute, beginning on ate iMlwnhifv leant one land grant institution which includes four of the 1!) ginning t rainy. Union Board Allied «soke*men. elakarsling in each «f Ihe M state* and atate* lApreaented. and aecretary Ml. June 21, wltt last for six works •n x formal announcement, xahl W«aiB| mth Pwl«w* 8l«f- Home lawmakers a«mded the foiurn committe** is sponsoring eevh on ttta MarriU Act CflMait- Puerto Alro. gMilkHU. the event. II wiped oul xlratcgy difference-* move, contending the man would r 1 - end up being a lobgyist for high¬ er educathm rather than n fact* Dr. Hmihcii AAA In Ihe Wexlern ramp an Ihe hotly debated flerlin problem. '*o;».,r.nt Juts Tonight P. soiuT tbe ahanlagN of 1 finder. (Jets Award assures front, they salt!, at the opening a western w"'' r 'vatem. nary af- i. Jar* Society will bold it» *•■- -i - v.iupi and Reg. MMfred HbmoM (k-Jark- of Ihe east-west Summit confer- ' Aaan am first workship of spring term to¬ » * *-v* m reach of radio " vuam *e Vmu MNil railed Ike Nmise Are talon .« For Research night at 8 in Kewpcc's. The A1 Bcutler Quintet will t>c featured- rate Khrushchev with Soviet Premier Nikita ' in Paris May 1C. *»takes of rollrtr offtrials. jmovr, by Mas at Arec- CHICAGO (Special) — Dr. It. AAA *Jwl cloud? can I — Aceejilariee of large numtters Gauith Hansen, head of agricul¬ Holt T.omhs Mml: a** far e**> t« biorh ■ of oul-uf-stale students enrolled tural chemistry gt MSU, receiv¬ Sinmith Meetinn at the University of Michigan ed national recognition Wednes¬ Spanish club, which provide? I t.hirhrn Oinrlrt and Michigan Slate drew fire day night for hi* outstanding re- 'ok-rnatHNtal Frtc from lawmakers Tuesday Wednesday, foreign student twarch activities Dr. Hansen wo* presented the an opportunity to mix with Latin American students,- will CHEROKEE, torn (OV-WhrM Mr. and Mrs Floyd tfiwley re¬ lihil»iU bknl athletes issued fenders for scho¬ larship? to attend Michigan IMfi'i Borden award in nutrition hold its next meeting Tuesday at 7 pin. in the UN Lounge, turned home during an electric*! * to rut they sailj ih#y found tfva; during the annual meeting of.the Union. "■ * *•■ J*e far ap^kl ca-.tona school* rurpe m lor the same American Institute of Nutrition everything in their rcfrigeratur AAA had been cooked, apparently •" "H* •-created tri buiVt. treatment The award consisted of $1,000 Humorists tt'tmhul from a bolt <4 lightning that had ;; '»» w,:: ■•">» .Ui u4 1> man nutrition problems led to asked to contact John Santeiu a' >jv«. Soccer, hockey, • track and foreign assignments with U.S. ED 2-0841. - . -!l :•< kv u» iBlrnu- ; pwimmiug teams, especially at government study commissions AAA Nfttl Engravers in Ecuador and Turkey. ^rpoBc v. -' - "~%i Michigan and Michigan State, -J a» pro. •re peppered with foreign/ath- The MSU scientist is a native Exhibit at l:S Anyone, interested in working 5wm» raau-M «riU> 1 - letes. he complained. of Utah and obtainetd HS. MS three to four hours a night a a t.. «*»!■», cut!um R*p James Warner (R-Ypsi- and PhD degract from the Uni¬ A Latin American exhibit is State News engravers one or two lanti) told Cobb his ban wiHild- versity of Wisconsin. on display in the UN lounge to¬ nightx a w«x:-k, contact Bob - -a i n't work. This award makes a total of day and Friday as part of Pan- Fienberg. asst. city ediu»r. in the ^~-ink « n, c , nW- Foreign scholarships are paid from athletic funds not under six been Borden awards that have American Day, bting celebrated pi—ut4d to Michigan _Jn most of the western hemis¬ State News office, 341 Student Services, from 3 to 5 pan., Sun¬ legtalathre control, ho said. State staff members. phere. day through r~ Ylieliisnit Slate »\V |lo Would Have Thou "III Thai Tlir Kevolulum "T' Rook Rox irxv ( ontiiiiHMl So Vlanv Traitoi>?" Jt. r ***« iutlior Delves Into llxrtr rv.votve* » Polities Mtfr fvlafwtW* enoiii'- ns j\\r wihhmih 4Ut hxmiixr to «n«t,en oa\ ,• w> Mr IVIOIY {»v:ov/ive 4fvr f r ' o- OA.VM vurviYit x-vnt Ate to "Sf" W>r IV e v y r;x--K. * • »N««vvi"Mtv$ « w.Hvt'x" t'»r fWtv 'KA v; \ Vir ivitiw »ir« u*r«« x'xer % «h*.s • •*>*'. offvt* ;m: ««yi *'\ :v\r'. v< a vtM-.'Y :•> r\:ftei.t «ttn«ottnt#tx';# ISMXX|'!I-\ • t • •J • • Vpr\Hv p«*i ' Wy t*4t «»f *!l ^xvvltxl# o.- «".vrs'.' VC Tf "Vvo o! awtt xx ifw.vn. a*ft ''.'; -f.ta* .vuil-l'Tii '.V "*»v ifM«u a: v* not ilxxnv* 7nmr.U* jMnh.ve* w'R t'nvt A '•«*•" MSI Acqiiiosoense o'rtN t o n»x :V txft'ler AUWJJ R-.h'tfft! ,K>:« l-Sftl Sft" V< : '\ Atr'.x rrScvawt u> t'vr narrative f t!>nvevrr,.. ♦?»«**.v xittx in th# novet *« »"n.nu'i ?»vik»* tlx# *• x toXII *-.;'rx,-> x>ut of the ?-#*»x(tr frxAin the m-»rr of the StUta'Y ttxM" j •■Mf f tM"r Var.i Tift* -jV'M 'l»»- Creates Had Imago r>-. -hvi ',xt tf ft a • x 'hftt •'-•■ f^rrflav•'. '•»» Nv.vtt# a' :f "A". ' e u nun t h urn »«< "»'«» r.WW"«" <•' tm. Wr.1 ' *rtr,%v"»v,r;»v;o.M i*' ft." iwr l»l III! IM. I A1 V i>'<- \ i •> \v • .- V . S* -nr:t'« ■• .■*' Ikan. .1,4 Iri Mill... IV.4II.. »•» MHIw I I* I i i *»«!*.• o.wuk r»M.j ( > o f •••ft »\ft« ft mn. r...M» «•!» VVw r •. •;*» l>vs.;. • A*i to *ty '. »' Ihf-r. ni"ri*:^cV«> Kit MSI I K\T. 3«I.X TSrtf s ft hr:t.r M h,« ift-rimvs ftna thf ft.tr Sft* frxHsl frsvn AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING ft '• s' - # " ■t ,v". tvHi*. Cwiile wn,ifrvxe • •<\\« V Mf>' v> ' »x**A HINT fft;'< fft«> ;n *tr-< . *if •i—'• TVi-rert »-o»*«tnx.«v M>«e «j'f t t ftviOvor* tMif.tr: --n* r* * t.Au ft* * IOOM1 TV-r v,v—» • ;v * cy r -' *n#r A i» «a «.■ • ' V "Y* ?h*T~V.SV •« A* s.- -Vft ' • .:TN\- M M f fi X • hit or nir urn- tVf vxvtvo wtirrr «»'•* ii4!r •MM.'I.MH . ' Vr.KV • • !vY*Y .» - -A.". ;vr a^itvatv* K.* *uf'y Hi l t«hlr JMAwwrll •#ri..- Wtxee Atfti! t'»e* •'u' \-lll ,'f ViilV *fv» N'ff ihft' ?'*"/ i*sv> l>Ml*r IVHM 14", !•» ,i j, c A £* • "t t,f-—\- C" Kimlom llwiif, 1W». ItW , «i f 1.1 v\>.| too ft Yhofiit***«» . « O Til VI. -. viftt r Rteivrvr iv .- V"'? key ■'■-<• } ■ n tVr «M.«nr" MixX < .»»<■, lilllflil ^ ;i,»r v* » ;' r •• «•• .. ercsr'r/Y-"! Ra*a..W ' * • t^x-.xir *»» vte *X«r» I\xv;. All* , i vim •''«• pfTv'rxr^t hrr%v»r \»S- VtMIVNU A! ■• — ■* 7-.*,"Y».i -••* *: !*»" *. vf * .. !v •' -t *' * */k rC *- *V Sft« 4rt«x'.«'.ii foul p',*y ;-.» i\.t i'.ei «**' rexet* I ftKi:F S!\«ar li'VM U- •" .-■ > f N>— «""'. h *■' ■-*- •r rr^ifrr ftfirncy s ' work* ,u.l or.. IX*:- xmh l » t>fV «»i #»••.: m*i V e« lr.v-1 m t ftnxj \',ft vv'f Wf«: t!-e iift'kfi- t'xfi* Oxxet.*; JM X^ift Hi hpTV*. V*;k f.yiA« ;« T.*-.TATTY •» S.12Y NY'.-f **tA*ft IV* If-!'* rvvmv «t *rx>M I i**r. fnvnoHVi »rv.*r sv»r.',« »..«v, oi iex nv ** n»* ~. — • - !S# v r.- *'"wi* n »C« Sill o .-. »'«» itfftmtxf .t\ t^f fro scwi fit-. so •># k;<:. ^ • :■> v*« • ' *V at • ft-r—r :: th;nf» ' k# * • • » - NftRXtXW OMtA «ft> • ttiiltts • ;.*»> ft"-.* •Y-T.* •» >->-# r-va A »* *"\t sen* » r SaM :a n w. Vf «%•> • Mftrt IVHIY W "t# w*n« »*ft*>t.' ft'nort IK# t-.v\n.A r\tf* Nrftf-rr X'*'.t W ♦ ' umioirin x-t jrr- v* ,v» T>:.«V *h.r.c w /rk< « ' " r ■•.:'■+•'.•■ i". » ■«x# ft •,»!♦>' i«t x «wv!UA,v#> w^'fihrr rxxw.x VI MftWPTxv ttv# ur --••if e.r ~v r-rA:.vf */•? the i (•••A* *m Yfa'AT'T. Y #•*- f *7» rvVtttVAMATtv* — # r « * ik*l c.r r. A- V.; ft - tow m tem ru !•#**# • * ..*<•» *;• ,:-k ?hr |MVV> «w Mv* t prrKxMTrn *» \ * w,;. T'Vsr i* r.•**■. ~.c sr.iii Dxta.ilt&xf r--e- i\f nftvrrr.ft; >v.i d.f."*. Sftvr \V X *»'H t»x,i h*,1f\s.n rx>sn two ivo* » >-.wr.t?. Vet fV.r.V \f s-*r.{? IS# t «•>,*»»*? x~r ?rA.r.:*\j j>u . s.> v a ( ay x«a# nrSo> thin^ IS# »;.NX,1 ,-\-» rt» tv», :#■« %•' :m> tr..vrn -t s>f ft - :># >.?*• ,*.? a fur * :--*.•*• « thr #•.;*''• a -v* * ;vft t.rr vovkafi f i •,•**» ftVi.-xvn .'T r.*txl frx«*,x * ! »' ' <•' ft *.>*•' .t*«' •*' 4leo* seHXe" »' LOST and™FOUNr 'r.-v-T. :rr.'4 .ix- »i.:,fte:-x *>«-» -.A ... i **•«»?' fnu' . tro - i »x CUrf:» lot IV *.»Wi ,-x x|.-» « HVHKX ^frrn* -frtr rf* '•»"/.fc I'm .v--*4- . - .c Tvxv1 Tviex.Ux Ke'i.»#< •r • • ft s ft- i wa> IH *'i X XVVJM FT* RSIJMXX. - » Nao'e .11 l*le«x* r*ll IV : ftf ».A:w,\ *.*■• * •. v »*♦# •' rxftttVTft* S# XX •*, »X iiftf |.* x»Y«- a 'f« V :•. rj. ••■ ' .~:cr-. - *•** < r-ft"• •• r* ' r #X.Y«»c< o' , i ' "'t« •' Set*' *>!! |x*s»T I1»»' v ft *.-< v * l.ollor* to tlit- Kililor AY AW « r- AY VI* aI - i xvxr xiiAvsrs Hi .rr.7«i* f stskfic?-.^ -r>e » • •• \v • ; •- * AVI 'ft.-'. • fx • EMPLOYMENT l>,ot VakiS °" Alleiida.ur ftvrnx nftr.v x i rrr«^ PERSONAL TnnArr fir, "ao {.#133 :»- 4 r ••- •• * X\x Vxr UftKrKV DF.l4vft.Rx fi'HTxrv xrnfx »m>\- ; P >• i .'vftT'x iVixmlRj . »k» «• u '"t tV ."I .»•••-" » M >>« T » i»v? | *tft- ft l«*'i# fvxr SI ?e I'Xuftf IV ft •.; « « . a! ' e M Vi' ' -.N f. , t t- •l»*,x.*W I T *1. »U . » .«* 5 t> m VT7 ^ . » if./.jo# •>' ' V.» c?/. ■"•»; •: •■ •***»» :nv.« ' •.- i;*-. h«T»#V»A.'ft V«f. II R Riv.lt. *ri4 tftoo \X iftxp -.'u* «,t !.< in* StAte New. . *vro/».."o# *jf»- /, r» r* ' f N'nYei >■} Pv'« (n Ixx'iX Itee : • j,' i !■-« i*. Ww-**•-. t,. fx* t'Text lti-tY«.|i% Hrintf ! f >.« :ci*v'.t ■*>.*. '/«<• ,T* Sf- CYi"'." ' Tx> XV V«o *-«»»♦* •-# , ■ mc»' f'Ver.itre"! » • - - .-•o -.'- - vft- ■- xv. • ,- ">y f -* ■» • .* ffft'-i.T# -•.*'. ri f "a; *. - H-* ffi. .« -v'ax REAL ESTATE Vwrii* u-xtY W r- . -r* -* v. v » JXTx..'- A htft:'.v XI? tfcr • »x) rwftTTTOV ft XX XTKH »TXV. roRrsT mua i* * nxxv I. Vk "N? • .• « IMi M<< *0* S««M> it..v,_#:»-a*»V4:vtM'**.« T'v-« ,X.V- «■»'< i'.Hir«#>ixr fvptotweil ' T-re Pmdrxxpip mneh T*<> • . W' ttra "-M t . •-, : • M*e exe -v-Af-.e **.* e--x « v >*«'■ ■ #f-* ift"*e l.>t •n*i\x extft* V" .• ,iu«# » Wrt'i *.v-.< »x,*i-- We5 **•»*:.** ten". »s*.1 r*r • «h ft jtv int. # • - • «• .••. - * v-|i x <• r -.c 4 -• 1 i re«xxvi»it-!e AlSt; Tax *.1 k* A«*'-i■■■* T» '-T-.rs r*i «• • « tear? «.»r jv "•1 . - ..'* r.t xx * 4"x »... n XX liw: JVIX * I IMI( V- . !Vft« . TV J-.C4T • S 1UCJ «rte- 4 o h 4rxv.-.-*•(• <•*•' *em*nv« INM SftVi x-OVi»'ft>v vF»n* t# lift I A'**- T-.r .»w -:-■• 4ft*r.. i -. nr •#- *a! »* «.«*♦' C^'ie'i' ,>rn - fxh »» afixhs OT*»f ♦".ers-An-'-Yf e".#***?:! n.xrA- Tw *.»*#• v« S'f - ■ -Tpet V S, :vn<- . ' Michisan State Nevis ■• , • -. ; ixfidttM«» Heeiitf* (Xft^xieni f..-'-ftfe fwllx Umu. . .l #»*rV vv k>trt*V -. r .ev..i-c-.'x-r-vi vi ft>.»-.-'- R.xi.i xtf Vift.-ie F ti»w WV v 1 \f.» ft u; rj,.i u«4t«xs to ••/>;. IP ?*Tt«T Aile- # IftftUIW**' fs. Rr. r? After • , * em.S-ki.'o ■ K.-t-ft?.*.* hr ".ft * <■- (IftfllOV |tft OWNER f • • AI i :*. x #- the TF.XT- WIVT.V \X ft'TRF** f.-ftrjr.* a ".if Three heYsix-'- • ♦ « i..'ee 'ivmi rxHis.- *rtl d«»i "e F.KRA w- • s v'r -f-.A ,i %. . • A't.fie;: Wit' rfi»tixw#.1 A" .i*a;*! > *.t i/Hllll} *4# vf ..-if T Mr f ■ -■ T'e Aft. -X V.S 1S-# !u•xf*."-* W" C JSUITM toftf. * r* ' f 4RN SA# 1 rf«l »t'4 X?', «:-.»■ ,**n ex-erx Intfxi*- - ft*nvra«x WJlllS" *1- !■» '■•Tf »j.«1 c~*ixer»e* h**e"'ent t be"'. .wt «.»r*4e lt.ue.t Tim isreplft-.e- wwt; i x*al» IU !-•» f* 5.W • ,» x --.fit ' e-«!rpi>r-.i it.achf.rx scwmfh. TWFN'VN KOOV5 NK.AR V . A A«5!-.«.^4I #*ft>;*n.4 liars %vx ^n-orvrx. AWUW rv x-wxea, i.I •Ji.i-wxh §«**»■• • ft('-,T IVt'wiijriHI . w-iif r i' 4 «>• ihmt iv .v-ai» •" * 't" X' 'ft. • *♦ '1 • *%m .. #• ft-w Un-wir f A»P4V :• o f x>KFMOS tTYNTEMlNYR i t*#* « --f M.^- li'.x* sTYlf •» .-he.lryviri Ji,xnie -ft : . » >• .x4x4 ■ ' ' FOR SALE dm we imc trmuftkftiL xteii# f"* nut* ftin • uUns' f.vt.tra wtixJ.!.*k peruxxeter he. 11 III ». -».»•• • -.'•.r#xr*. .v.a/.-ur#:# ?.•*»*« r#>i>.' 1 'lift! I'.mi'fxUiKe* rr.A*e '•' estie »»• x.oi.Mkr i*MOO«f ' f-wttis lii'Y . mil. r«r<» »n--. the -fv.'A/' y :*< nklhfft XV.A-1 to eri ftrm * ' lAtln- i nntiw 5 ■ .» • •- -' V .•Y. l.VA> >l• WTVTJH C 1.0TMINC* Sl/r U »k> I'D FE »-aaK ' V I ftlfftr* I. alrt • ■ •• -•<*• ij' - •-' - "I«r ' xXTRTft. «»*•"« RHMIRI BAioe. »• • f x* ??..* an t-j**5 R»VV M iwlMI. ftU'-tJA ftMl' §»♦-»•»»« »•'» fS I«IUI»M»-. \ & »*#••«#: a i -f -t... •*!-• • r?4'-.r^, SERVICE. t ■* • .. s- 'V-/ Aftr-.-t* •M-.-ri * aU IU- r\s AM jTsfcH rtsiirR H!C« S lAUNOtOMA* , - 4 y •'•■ • -■ • .v. a -V.—f-.rvi:. ■- Ml »k« - * Hi ••x*r.t c * « B: •» A a as**-- * t AtaVskj# T» 'ai -m ,W| SPEC *l:2I *N Die* znn, W '.- .--Vf ASia 4 rm •• f :-*•-* •>»•• lft -B 4Sft*le !*•»- 8 I»ra: _ P»n KM d CO ! -r *' n IUN311S POt STuDiN"? • •P**' • ftoni 9 T. ii*t -n# ■ !T> ! i - ---a' S~~'r* -- nJT -O :f . ~i~.w «c5: I 4' ar»"' ti ' 4*-" • Trots to NYC CONVlS EST to CiMSUS •v M«» WbMC«- [* TVPLVG TMCSCS. TFR M*T1KI iv "• "'Wr" ^r?\ . • kiRB S r,r» »' ft* » 41 4&U- .- -r-ei #»** ft «f :• On Two Feet W'if.*x» M.. fter*. m*nuer; i#t» »r*d fene*»: * MI MoCfte Ra* rat Ja.ue- mi»- i vr J V! "T 1 C'TV. vruio FU-lftlUmMir l-ita. » t «umiv A JffftO SAN ..a* ak.Ci.f **hh ".he ea'-rft cf » JTJANCISCO ^—Su i. HE! 0 iMOsO DOSUS SfiMfS' r.IBLA BA&Ysrrrau Ate lee If* B**t l*r.*Ul« IUW*"»- •» !J AVAD-AH •' » >*«*- Sot cmIi « -v».r o: toJ if W . 4 ? CAIVOIK «VTJP>1' ; Sftw: lfc*S bcfvY* ft!. 4.r*-a*d«-r, Dr Btttxt'i Pftnac is aauat '>i Cr-wrvftn a* inn-! Vs- nf rr.fliSKt, S*fl fw- Iftawv xrrkiCFR ATOR e ivccouinm *;.-4::S4E' VfiRf itVSk*/. .xrvorvT vrirK nr*i*F> «tijf o«|iiiin. '"tU4T«A°W K ftVCt?. *vwf tv"* Sff 1 U4r. «ft. 40 * C«Sfc»>/v Ss ■ f ■?''!' >..-.- Wr/3U."ha eR 4 Wtftik-ttf ft hAbe«0 »n ivef 4Wfttnrn! W« t-f" J» *(ir PMNU#» «st. ■ ff; pY<-IW.S ,.K C«RM0W *et\u» sa«e. JJi# £ ro i-i»t WT'.' C««.3«S-. C«4hsr 'iisnur "S# V~ij» ta Xesr V.utk- MKRmiux. IV MIS U J' #. "Vi«*3; -3i --*rr" IMVU BOU!> Th* xtyrtirua yeiriir-fti >ft rrMM* AtrroatAnc vamick VAXmCRIPT UIVICI ftmmattmG Cst? »t »?0 *Jn. la hef term Mftr« and towta IU-- mm- Iwi . r« sC .* 5fe Nj •Jfj,.-. V.. a, MS rt> 3-«a4 *ftee * i* ■mAnotAL Hblwcrftpl x. »• h til ft*#* 1 Snux, Tt Bam» 41 Sa#t »*?' --r:«c 'ksjcnzx l Ackfuck-vai act# ba&afisa »r.i a '«! £0 OnLV JU T V n®LT0«AT» "cam* I*UY»:R. » rd.ty Mri Mtjtrf •- 3f ff-' >■■>■ amr s? ' ?. -«£ TWPM2 Vrru:-. ». bit* Ftoi M t MI T /«>. MKh ft* «5%»- tm ? ~ i*l v a Ijitntltm Official* jar »f ceSry :--ce rrs V*:rx- f» ifte *m t«r udm MOgHxu M4»*« K««n Krfxd*i» 3. *wx 1 Owwmt r r, rf wff-xrrs * Af fth# r.«aS#xd t»ra-»rsl ' in* tiiin-rr: n#* Miter IV M» 26 f ta not hit ru-t *i>c 4 hft» - tc Nifii Inspiration 0:-VA«n iiitf BrJte «h# *»;d, * 2 a «tOTtan to IntkititH r»WU!lf a Jkiifw t*- mis »*t««H w'iii v*lk da* and ftiibt*" Bu* lJLAKTf TO FLY at Shown ^ sp-onwt shop »s ens- (Mr Jl i^x* * . * r Do-t toil " : he*lr- F.tft.-o- ctaatt- jr**4Cf V"A_> ' I cm v " >*iv LOXTXW ?,*f'/jiauc-ac 2nr««i « prqpw** r.wi tbftt 4M mi- lake Mn# oo*. far toqm, and avay »iay k rao:#*j. Pan. en bow r*te* north ro TAS net Dax-W airpoe* Abbott Roatf I Sfte#»r-*r .* i. - .. 7. .» f .v 4 •>*. H 4 f~, :-«3l or tautani "■ Tn*#tnw. r.innr St# *aua |fte «*0si".a faliw * 10 lAbrwnw ft Tn^rriie" pa rvw- > " ' » - liiotvmt (Hli>nO .? ft'-A*.-* y Gcoc?* Wm!s££i*t TYPING ro ?»*S» «C CJKRWI r. ^npaaa i mu>+ -mr :e &#■ -..-tfs ::'ifiNB#r tt f«* 7^c5J*-ay at as»d ho>j*d la sr^kt w*if» mtt4 oirsmr — nilxtiuth oi "X :» 7 •-- .-tsaswaft «' b# as-- S*"r-a*n#«vv 9S m.** i*i), be- • ftTINC. Borajw of wwt «e-' --h" .-^Bjprd ""by .ftjsftjc «-a» ©em- f-:.r# re*-cf, 2>r. • Maor# laid olft#*' P" , rh - . V~Tc - v--^.-. •• • - i . nmu i4 t.-,*-pfovm eotwu.tal. arot«»- >4 * l* " r#*-«sr*5 ah# pace* aJaa* at A 4 -t tlai ornrcaa it >f UTO «m> BUftlV- Er-.-v* Hagbwt sw>4 nr. haur R#achuif Sacri- HOUSMG th«e». job in «x r-fidt wotiM -*s«raota tod chart*. Per i* 1,1 w H^p*. stx-**«er of 4»iorkj a ft ^ ■ ir • 1 n. VWC BtlKI A ;-r , Sfi*rt*S- V.. i-U ..:.* Hot# Cterassxx- ncov) nei: IT boon oc tbt mA rr-Ation <*T A! or. or b^^lHotzqd J*fW WOK*. IO Slid tjr •— 1 f.uix »rtiftn *A-aer^.*- risfarr d-;, not ara- Hr-r tfaeat, *6# cafid. nrooTd d#« A.rcta frtrt Bottav CAST SOC LAN'S! VC L nfenUA .. J S •; .f, Tr--. ■..tnxtmi w%f Oc*## W«4e>4r* pr-td a f7#»t d«al os the areaih- Iwirt TYPIST ANX SHOW N Ptoar* 4 *.$ 7 .*7, SfWRT-y-lil ick ii* ®a*% jarrrr tk>li a er and' ts# traffic caod-iioci- AATR S3#x-rr»r pnewPto# T»* Iben setHHjm Jfetk *r.d tTtRei Alt* aen#r»l t>,; Yt # «. *,s kepit so Ur 1-ara Vc$>: Sh# ud ber trudu earrr-»JC n-we XV KM n viot nvMLL - .Tsorr- W«cft4 xn- tot rnc- lA-aahaf afcrwn. and a Jak# #*- S:" * ' /arr the iV*tae r*irsr trartnr. ar5! ai^eeep: her «s th# CAKAGf AND DOLBLC rwot lot TV AND RADIO »ervK* 38 . 4'. erer. CD V5!*« .1# f « rttoa to .fwtanta New . 4 • ioov am ih J-.C r the c.^r.*r*r aooajr. TV •*"•» Afid nnttnna* Fw* UAL1 GAADVATT S5TCDCWT tf r'eek-nf. fnre ntrkitxf • *" * « ?• - . V- x*»- . A ■ ««..»>- / aa4 •-!* ftarttia Dr M.t»ce*. #mai: *r»d itock* t*cvi\x *Hwr,h*r to ttist* nm. Gaily TV Tnchau-tan* f - -feas|jr Suit - the i-fttftaati tr*S IBS pound#, *-or# htxm or- Lata lanstnf ft MM £ Mktuaan IV T'UjW t iter A WKMI Dumi HMO -.r. *: .swrraeati v.-c*x i'.Kto, a leather jacket, •— ftPASTAN MlXTTUTim./. * ati / lilrtr ri»d bandar-ra *r,i &*5x>rd* wild i' > scs,. F-.-f ' U«wi ^rrp^.efi vat -&•_ t.iick rtfbber wio ttwmBfct fit be*t k#r? «b# t?> !■',•## the rurr- XigOM '•rtxur be .s- -t Trfttftlf*- ber of Brit-ais subjects &iki&A lis# * (MtK.. w'uua p*a WANTS) Xiglil Staff 5»;a»r#. *»xr- • hi 7 tu# W'l*.' lb# of K.h* r ftinyj freer' San Francisco to Sea- York. Tw<- -.nsppj-ftridiaa ATr*AcrrvT thjux boom, fw | trft ' c mt" nStmona'1 a#ar •tU BfiiiuftW nmbed perttiat prtvie. clean- ewn- GcMTfe m. the rasiCitrh.-, -staffed Tuesday «ts lb# M Ktair 44 D*S .. OUM ftftf. » ta—!■ «r b ■'.mi ii* cs.>'w*ap S fttZ-WiL* M*. (M L'U'itv* tW* ltd DM MirnifiAN «T%tr. WRIT* Forty Cadets April II. |a#f fit* Three (lastro Troops Claim Attend Field PtaemMl brew Capture of Top Rebel Training Day IN, I.IU-ln, npbim -Ml totorr— — Ik, l«(lr,l,( OI« II y.M art InlorratoM r*«orl to Iko flora—l !•«"•» ,1 lra«l HAVANA —Troops iituler Hit* |H>rHomil cmmmuul «»| Atsnit 40 •ehiMtl g*y« in advsnee wf Interview dale Ahny BOTC cade'*, Fhlrt t'wlrw WctltifdlikF cUinuM rnpture of u top relml lieu* <*• Bar brier's degree. I Ml Masters, lib Dorters Where ee piembpr* of the Berthing Hlfles. UMiittU dttrt two other InxurpcnN fiutititi^ in Cnt»trt»'« old elrgter is indieated. all degree levels are eligible la Interview. Army ItOTC honorary,-t<«»k part ^tterrUln rtwnirholtl of rust cm t'wln;. in a Held training exervue a! F' trill. I*. iNf ment training program \U). Rene Vallejo Ortit, chief flruin lake ftrsMil (imr SUM Midland I eunly fllrl heeuls. of the Institute of Agrarian llo tip and the other u near C.uan Custer, Baltic Cfeek. last week¬ Ml 1? r.MfMsOVMKVr All ms Inr SUMMER EMPU»Y t.-innno Citv One hand end f,»t>n in Oriente Provimv, told .. te MF.NT All maj«»r* f..r camp jors to work as dining room tH-wMiten the seeottdtoili-ce"- t»*>' •«■*»! tnwici the coinmand "i The exercise Involved •train¬ -trx ard, nature counselor, position* mand to Manuel Healoit, • for¬ Nino tiirtf, ca-.l'ii nuv.v. and ing In reconnaissance, romi>»i skill# instructor, nest a»,| Pure till IAll men iBt from me: captain in Castro's foivo. ftie College of llgtlne** A . estimated at armeil men patrol, cpass and map read¬ officer, handicraft liurtructor A w.o vc'jixt in the mountains Public Service intereatezl In AUh<»ugh ar.-hefv Instructor must have Iteuton U repovtetl leading a ap|»nrently iimvuvj . ing. interior guard, »ch"• activttv is h |*»tni of major Casevtlle Public He heel Second¬ rhAndiaing work »-oerating in the Sierra MaeWia. tactics ary fvH'ia! Sludics-Spanish Bemten Agenev, f aun. Mutual »radle «»f Casffu'a revolution political emtnrrrrtssinent 'or t'a«. the rftdet* were Hmi ed \>\ do Kor the first tune, iBi nvajor* f u teaching posi¬ life Ins f'u.t AH men (Bi aga-nst thesUlent IhilgeiH'iu Da- peoplr in"" I'-strai'k*. but spent up t-» 10 tion. f >m the college* of Science II,iv.ma are giving unions n'.ien- hup. each dav and h ui hoiiri 'y'-s dictatoraltip. I Vion h» the exploit* t.f I'rltnore Cnmniiitiilt' s«-heels A Art*, romm Art*, and Bus Ii, «;un h night in the Oel.l Valleju said the three prison- e >. Lletn. Vocal Mush'. Second- ine** A public Service for #•!- and other insurgents. Vdvatwed Atmv ItOTC cadets, e:-s, who were unnamed, will Ih» aried aales pswltlon*. Tho «r* \'i»c Agriculture, SpanUo- taken today to Jtgyemo Millta y newspapers and rad o. led by Cadet Brig Orti IknigUs English, A Np«v F.d (Mental¬ Her heater fnanmunlty Hehaela pt .•-v'.ivtro for the tnosi part, Sou lit, to igade romniatale' and llead^uar-ters, fid mile* weal »»f ly Rehirded) fit) tM) majors All E!*m (It) A Spe,- Ed have ignored the »H*rv. I'laUiwell cniot, acted a. the Santiago. ' • for teaching position* (Vu'tmg Teacher A Speerh iiggTsimr forces during tlie ex- There wa* tm eenllrmalinn in I iberty Mutual Insurauce « « corr) (R) (M) major* for la Dr. Ralpii IUm» •f thr Havana that Prime MluUtrr Anderson I rjjes i.ide* t'apt Donald Bulgn. All incn (B) ftpm the i . 'lege •rolling jtotsltinn* Secondarv t I'mIi* actually was In the held of Engineering, and Indus English-Social Stifdlex, Math i»! vet junior, was in chaigc of acalast the reheh. Havana r*Hi.» «u still layina he waa Intpeel- Spnnliii" Curbs the ivi.hing Rifle cadet*. Art*. Ctud. Mg*. Phvsic*. Main, and i 'hem (It) majors for A Cienl. Sslenee (B) (M) frss. lots for Junior high position* Acting as advisor* to the group Ing agrleuttural rauperatlve* In NF.W YORK V' Trtary ..f sin the trip were Capt .1 1». F«l- ■afctv mgmeei'ing |o>s;:;nijr Secondary English (B) (M) Ortenle Pmvlnee, iftt for Insurance ma lors for zenior high po*; (jnphafM Shifted to Mobile Ruse* :ne treasury H »liert Ainierwrn All major* s.itd Wrdnesdav the ferteral g'»v- gcrton, Capt. T. F» Fitapatrtok, tion* sale*. Castro left Jtayamo hvw tl iys M/Sgt .1 If. Held, and M/Bgt. e-nment must discipline it* J. f. Tenney f a . Inr : AT men •standard Oil nf Ohla: SUMMER ago at the h.vid of an unstated 1* I. Fa.vioU, all »tf the Army mlending or It will t»e "courUng (B) from ttic college* of KM Hz »YMENT C'hem. A Britain Scraps Rocket Defense; numt»rr o? ivgular troops. Valle- HCW staff disastrous inflation," Comm Arts, Ssirnce A A: '• v Mech Engr and ChemUtry K» *asd. The beaixles! lea«ler ton "Certain things, attrh as our and Bilslneis A Putdic Serv¬ major* prefer aophoynores accompanied by MaJ Juan Al¬ meida, Chief of the Army, and military security and essential Illinois) I'riniury ice to P«1* 0'1'r in mwriagc but will also interview Juniora viluii service*, Aid From U. S. t we agree Depend can To on other to-,» txtrnmanilers. Beaton'* band and others op¬ erating in the region appear to on tary at indispensable." the secre¬ Mid. "But after thai wo Turnout In Light It take* Inuger to prepare lunrh than It doe* to do a week's Be disillusioned must exercise the discipline to CHICAGO fifn—Ah apathetic laundry at last tensing'« newrst laundromat, with convenient HM*m Wilkimrai mid-19k0« remains "an effec¬ sup|x»r?ers in urabl# thing; ire van afford to -„.,r wrapfuxi • b i P«rt <*• «« than a third ,»f the state'* elig¬ to the deterrent p*m-er of the In mMIIIm t* Bealan. the gvtee rvfar.tr rtvgrum. The Oarwitiin I a her and I literal «!•» at one tune ** ible-: •• nominate)I for the No- free *orki" principal Uriel. reparU la ban pnerwweM - v ru" »Ub*1 the future s'-riktag |*v*rvr of the««* Ian makers teres! attack unleashed their hll- In years an Prime In evpreesinif Br»t:«h interest in the SkytxMt, he said: tiag* sakl Iraapa ahw are trying to flash «*t at leaat twa alhrt Vroiluction I /# vetnlser general election camii- .late-i for state nfflre* endorsed SWISHRER LAUNDROMAT mj-Vj en a V S. pledge to ae'.l Minister llareld Maemlllan's i>V the two regular party organ¬ Vr<--\*an txxrfcete. Etaphasi* tenser satire garemment. They trull hands. "The gevermenl dee* net 1 WASHlVtlTON t/FV—The « a- izations .119 W. GRAND RIVER ^ u shifted frvrn fixed to mobile demanded a swift and see ret One ts in the mountains out¬ t'oti's pmduetlon Both the Democratic and Re. to give ag this todependeMl ee«- alreatly has bur*. pruhe tnte what Ihey termed a side Bar.100a on cutM's eastern t-l'pcd 500 bit lion dollars a year publican regular organizations EAST LANSING IVfyrue Minister Harold Wat* waste af the IIS million Cellars II. In dee esmrve. and can tie expected to rise counted heavily on a compara¬ V Announced abandonment thas far Invested In developing place *f Hla* ' 1 rough 1900. the United State* tively light turnout to win sup¬ OPEN 24 1101'R.S. 7 DAYS A WEEK ■ i i'.5 iv'.'vn dollar project to the Blue Streak. Watklnsen re¬ ktreah te carry British maaafae- Mueller Op/urn's Chamber of Commerce said. port for their candidates. r/M the Blue Streak—a 2,500* plied that the racket might he lured uuelear warhead*." - e-rirge r\x«ket with a JRoU# •sed as the laancter far a spara II Uf£i> Increase The M* em Ulan gywerniment ,n Rot-# ; vjutd fuel engine which aatellite. 195T launched a five-year de¬ WASH INC, TON (P) ELSWMTN CO-OP VARSITY DRIVE-IN t rmdy ras «w#t IU million dol- There were call* f»*r the re*i^- • — Secre¬ fense pr«.»gr*m centering «>n th-* .*.•». A w »b*Ovkv%ed were plan* tary of commerce Freilerick natu*n <*! Watkmson and his pre- development of an ali-Bnttsh ! - i necwvrk of launching tltes MorKor. saying he »iK»ke for tnr d«ve>>or ai lVfcn«e Minister, nuclear atrtkin4 force. TVuncan Sandys, who initialed In the prutram the Blue nesktay opi***rd legislation to r# c.- ef machinery of an *11- th fuU tffrvuvtneai in now .Aviation Mimster. Kven a fellow conservative. uah—•» prat lalerwwdiate-range Us an hour and apply it Ui THURSDAY APRL 14 CLUB SERVICE hellMIe uMle. 7'j miUusn additional workers. C* Ira V W. Farey-Jones, declared the IVtxlmg its deveis^pment. a Mueller n»ut a House COUNTER SERVICE ' -VutmraMUty at a leal lev decision way calamitous. He as- sertrsl Dntlsh scientirte progress British - Amertean agreement subcommittee the administration 7^0 -10 PJO. in apace rcse.irv«h has been established several Thor rrussile favor* a separate bill that would Egg Salad Sandwirhra Now Dclivrrrd tU irartlcaMUtv af b«ses under Joint control tn this pa a ned to the t'niied Stales •imply extend the present dol- 711 W. ORAHD RIVER AVE. •C Watkmson sireaaed that Brit¬ «x>untry. The will remain flxed-»;te Thor* mdcdmtely- iar-an-hour minimum Jb million worker*. to an tuter ED 2-6517 ain'* Bomber Command — ex¬ I Da Ham af fawaai MP pected to be outdated a round the •kxk Pa rallad prahtbHiv*. •a tha eoat, Old Friends Tha Mtaiatar named the Am- arvaa Mtyboh—a VS. Air Force Feel Snubbed rjcfca? racket that official* hope a£ ha available for fUll-arale •w-rg In II months — aa one In Ike's Trip *«a?ca that might prolong the •^aeura Ufa cf Br.um'i Siratc- TOKYO tAt — The PhUippuie* f |« Bomber Command. and Nationalist China. ol«l (ram lap dsck t* kaal, la Waahiaftoo* the V. S State friends atui allies of the United >?arttneat aaid tha United States, are grumbUn* at beuvg Su-.« * ;U acil Skybult* to Bnt- left out of President Eisenhow¬ as ii mon as they come into er's goodwill trip to the Far yaw'ra *lw*y* ahipthsps fatocboo. The Brit-ah will turn East. '*-• vra:r wti nuclear warheads, Reports from Manila and For- A-* uproar of protest and cr;t- say they feel snubbed by the President's decision to visit in Whifs Stag Japan trorA June 19-22, with an Plane Trip Called eight-hour side trip to Seoul June 22 for uiks with South playmata* Perfectly Proper Korean President Syn^nan Rhee. E.s«nhower will be en TAS<£.YGTON t») — Th» route borne from 1he Soviet Un¬ ~,-traa of o houpr Infftienc* ion. mnstttai mXtmmomm owd Japanese lefmtt oppoae the tnMioiloj it «m "pmltrCf visit, and the trip evon drew >-*»" that thrM Mml pow- —loolnoiin lor to • ool- Criticism from South Korea'a pro-American political oppoci- r sf land Iwbbsr,' i ftewral la a plon* onm- lion. to bj a by natural (aa company "We mlren hit thH hat he yw'II hava mora iwn fwn in * **"« rite uxTtato*.' Oron Homo CD-Ark), tho Karroo aur VAiita Sts* coNon tsiklsHi ■ Aoinaon at tha tow Walton rinUim Khar." mU Chw To- S v "—'-i t » il itoi1ltoa.«fton- Moo. (oUrr rkoirmoo of color iwot#a wiOi iho now ooiy- to 'iot FPC chatotoan Jcronw Kara*', o| Ktyifn-aii ko4 dtodnd wMh »W»T- ■c Mora nrraoMn< a piano coro (araonbl Amoricon boouty. * riUpiM,. I'.ill hart»rin( bit. r» to Louatoaa and bock loot trr rr.omor:,, of Japan's oar- toreut. H* r'ar.o wao owond by l*aM. tane ocvupat.on. are flndiiyC.t too floor groon, ropo, tar, kolp \ rapoctai:* difficult to »ccop) the * On PseUne Co. of Sttrran- Pttoidoal'l visit to their farmer ton or fosis wbito. Sitt* 110 II. < tor.u. thorny while brpoaihg thorn Horo, from our collodion: '■ . M hU tnr iptkni aradi) A. Plaid coNon trader ihirt 4.IS Fly.front bormudai. ItS 1 WALLACE OPTIOIAIS P 1 Brarah «flM _ Via, ,1 r Manor) I. Dock hand jocko) MS ■ ~ ira(nut Swn In fronton <— Southampton panfi 4.S3 FTkuJe. W. C. ira ■on. nctotoni •otonoclrtol C. Cotton toufflo knit ttripod n IV 34774 •VoTtUur FRLW- boiun't cordigen. 3.93 Fly-front lurfarpant, 3.93 Sioovolon GOOD FRIDAY SERVICES D cotton ihirt. MS Jamaica-longth iherti. 4.93. r :$r. mm Min t* mi M tv« Operation 4SuccessfuI' i'spf* I "iff Bobbin's %#** it H l\psl-SoasIM .I'll IA upnlii hiMh'hl i ,1'i 1,,'tlv # nil "'.iMiiiKMia 'lii, In nil Noxt Full e,M|M„ f,in|/ii" (ft sVfifW hi# hltti IIIMII* tin- III <1 lull. #M»t ■( ti-II* wit id lint.#. IIumI #iih|pfd ifMin ,,f IM . I ro-,, .,1, ittlM 111 fllil Wfftl ft! WJI llnMlr Kflgt a I >i' |«-f 1 ulllll't', J|Hm,.|.'.iI i'.'lithlfftf f'tllt tf'iffif'#, p."h*hl# t'l I'M II I'lill Mil ill lit tilth! md iilitittl It-nil I I Ml MMAIONn • • 11in'i" I I I, f,.i ttlt'pit n.r. IM.I HItriitttbloh>m Fur Hptrlnllil ft .im. .. i ii., j|i 111 iii i i t" "'mi mil Itilittlt# fit#! hit>« MfilM •tatllftA ititl i ..I, i,.i,i,t IM, i il if Oltfilltll Hit' Thm • In ii.til 1111 > 11 < 'In I »•>>». Ill# 11" i lln ft|f#|tbf « (toftl ittt It »tl» t# ii\tmt*l\*tn tm «#.- Sill I Mlllll I It. •«.i • , I'',. I In fli «f iii, . i . .il l 1.1 t!|j'till i'm hi" llll 111 tt ## f'lltiM Ittltt litb #(W» fft'lf# f##M# JilMflb/ ♦ i' It.. f>- I Iilin I,',tilt# IM Schedule ,„nl . I,til' Hi# l»» Itf (111 tnl'ltlii Ml III# littl IMtblt N't'ih #M fb|#tr1br1 M ' ■ f r I Im I II,. Mil,I, III .lit li,| " . ...Itlll |fi1f», tt libit ffi" rhllMeb tt mm Hi* t (.»•«« tin tiiiii iiii.»nic \n»ii« it,,..* mil mill ir n„ ,in, . fp>"«| HI" I Ii >• 1.1 I'll il | *t • it«• I III I Phi- .Ml. |.K-I. I. ..«! fi," full Intltt M Ii# it flu ttbit lilew (lit fir, J mm ft: p'murig Mrmd , .4 Hit I'tlt llMl' •■"I '»♦ I't lid"# tlt.it It • ..ImihImi. . til. In. Ill' If II mM 'til,' 'Iti'l Itltfli tut Itittl It! Mtfll Tbf Mtl fit pnurjg M* A \ttfiy liii't.ln ■♦••il MlHtimfiiil itiul I tit l|| "il* 'I M 11 ill 11'' I I'll.lMllll I <• "I •Mil |m'| l«t It "III"! • « "•» I'll I «|g < * tt.fl> • .. lift -I Iff# I. ,.l| , 11, f I M l.'ll'I't If|•>,tt #»«liitfiliiB limn Dim not mm rMM^r.v At,r,% VAtrhsurr #*» fp#b fv#AK('* l*fl - l\ hi iiiikIii it lili It • lit i hill! li't till !.|lllt,|Hl|." I AftlK had i"'CM tl.. i ml..11: •, IimlM nlf lnt>tt||i|i I .«| mil,hi to . » Mi V|» " in I "I f. lit* Ji'iiitol tt I IMflll ■ . • • flvMlNir Ii# reiflnrii Itarilrh . *, •• .let. -ir## Wi'iud IM f.'f* .«HMI lli# i tat <•! MI Mil llllt il.. |..,11 i it, 1.1 Im, I, (hit tliti > * ft,| «i* : it'lll'.V'l II'" nl.lt. II fl i".Ml n.Mti. Itt mil f ;«*< '(WAMth-a (Mil two »• iii-lli • I'l r. •»,' . 11 itta f«i I I III,Ml All' I If I Ml 111 lit M n|«|.iiii iilli l,i ft* "l.( tiii-. tt it • nfii'ttntii•"ti Il.o b'fty I'l ••»*#»( tVehMfl tV^lld llttur i*i . I *i il >|n<' ... • Ml' •. • I. i i 11. ■ 11 >11' i t i.., ii.nilii>n fin. ine in ■« tlit ii t in itioi < * ftmiiii. t M* |,nt|inl llt» im|hMIj1|wI I'l |l'i i't Ii!# II t'tlMf' ftllfli. Ill* Mil 'if M II # 'HmI I'liirly fWiHill fiaVI «»» (Im* f'it l | ii ' I • 1,1 Hit' I |i|«1 A I . iI• 11- <•• |,|i,in i .iiifrtt'tti , hi i• _«ie mm * f |*| t# Inn nil'! |i#H 'if nii'tlliMi fttII MdWti. V~trIt •#;/!. 'I'itM f'lr- MoiiIn'aI ISol llollwml .Mil I til lM',tt/|llff fltb Ift't'tt ITihi H#b I*mf # Auiinl 72 I tellers. 68 INinuerals t!»»»|lll|MMV •••iMtltlllil# V'l'll ft (ft il'AWtl #»•« # ■ r»fWtk tnmti, I I loir >./ h*«d f/npfOinll *f.d»t, tr<' fill llMrll Mi.t'ltl-fji tjMI • Wll'lf |(i»' fi>|l»twl»itf vftiii falturftnfit* (hflKit'i a# bf IM |kik . It'lli'i HiVfiiil'i tii ill tili'ti'M nil »l# IMmI' u I• im• n|»Mrl.» ily lln* h>ufs Offvmim \ Httit i |,.|mc!i.io> t ,<|i|>l>| I jilt. III,I '| Ijmmi f MHl'ilf " » utillfitlMtl I mi Im/ n I I .1.'*-# (>>• |*»i#b#hef | Ml hit HmmII Oil Mttlf IM.I M|tiinll4##n lf« It M*iif ('<» I Mlihii M-illii Ifoilk Mi,t|i.1ll tJOM : -At I la I, Oil" I II Itl'tlt n full Vto-I# ifitii 'M( • »n b»'f» rip wl'h 1 |tin# iii.tM till,..I, Nil t '!»« t^ll.loe It' tlim 11,,,M,*., iWIMMINIi Jo.I■••f'fii -Mil »c iii (jfl I'l'.or Tli# TOMON'TO {/l'i the uJroiiklftii Mftrifrowl it-a*'h M'fcd M n 1 i., ,, tin I A n Ki#»ril#»v I lift for ,, I. frtl II, I'll ill," f-IM't* AtOli" t *M»IMM flllltllM It* if,,III,I, Jii>t«|el»#| llirtilttflt lii" iiiK iilily fid** (rif»ri» vlrOirv to whi horkey'* "K* U« #11## #w(a#«4 Atti - |.|, till" 11,1 H * 11 t fit I' |||lt*l|1"-»l»l ilfb! Mil»" iMftetili# «,i (in 'A'#oi ,11 llm fifth Rinth'M vonr, cuIImI (iff n morhititf workout Wwl* Inn# |«lMt# Im# IM l#»k a# h I,Until I'M', c.iM,*" Ml," ft HI I. I'M »VlltfiiMi. lifot I#«cI Ifl i'litot t «tii>' Iltd* ittiflM Me#iA# 4#pwm EMM IM #••#•.», Ii,,. In , «■« IIIIMIH til AiN AMI! 1 Ill I I'l t » lil*if«M" 'I ("Ills lltnl. uneulitv Iii |iri»iftil of Ihf r#irly hour #»ll#»l fi«#l by th*» Toronto Al l! Itlllllltfll • rt.-.,n ii | iMI'tiV I Bllill, tt*lll#» I l»l|l (111III »(tl|.« M —14 III,, lo, in jiiiit ll*nii t ti'ih- iiiii, il-iii' ttltttittott# lot# Itotl a fltti aftflM# itHiiiiilfffilBfil. if"*! f'l Hum rnrtAaH!'? ft r if. .1 ! I M t i.it.,,t.t|,t, . 11*>. i>*li,n» I llMlllii'lT .filliMWtH, HhiI flifftd Mi'lli'lul oh llynii 'M Itt* |( ||u> i nunf|l#>it» plfii#, ttiti ihii . ti.i ih-II.I, l*n Inula, ,l*Motl»l», N V IrnlMltn I #ai RtlbMtt fit II... 1 J.I.I nil I ii t * i f i Mllilc!'' In •••* ei.oii.ii.i in I,** Mill/ hour liu.M !>«* i#a (e* Milam if lh* f <1,-1,1.1, I. fi | I." „M t •# *"•« 111' -toiteiti t|«il- IiIINImmm*, I'Rtttt ttllrtti'l l fiMtr •#•• ■ftttlMttl llftftl llMll «lf iWVMl #p>ltl»*# Willi •••k* iff #p»:#>f work ..I II I'M Ammi-Ii. ft.nl* III.".Ml II N ( I •> • I ft 11 # I MollMll IV VMItli'lltl W In (inrdiftn* nffiriwl# i.n'1 |lv»n f»MI II, It,.I,I'll" I iMlttaltiM M fin,ma ntalttai ItttlUMOftMll# dtl llti Him Mbplt lu f'oii tflr#l*M HoMoil wTH l>— ftrmtnA : • T «l «1 -'.If, I lit' U'llo I.IHPM', t»«!• * ft" H <-||,|,l,l<>, |mI||i«..m |Ir-Mi i«l I ,,l" r tan if i Ho f'i|lr»wBr1 (Ma up hy • . i,..,M i ri.ii*,inl,.|,|.| I'm III,IMC I MiIIImM. IHi It! I Ml) HlUt'. Altllth'tM A Mill 1*11 wit II# #|t Ity tvltUiliiR (utilRlll'b Obtt.ft, Ihr-y „| I.IMt-, |.« H i ,M,,i*lil j'o 1VMII*", niMffli toM t»|lluu off Him wukoui. i.vi l'i# fituf'bi i #p^ In I«,,I. i 14,1,1,1* I.,I,,I>H* i -iMi will (iMt uuio Iii«» bt't'tiU'l fpftni Lf» |li#HI i MM I . ... I, ,i.i*' n.»«iit-,.- I IM»iII*« I'lOilNf i ill,It WnllO'l l .ttllflMB lt"M e#tit t iitti v |"t*rrh It'll WtiklllMe '"lilt' Mini fori* fliir. Iirt# lit»M» 1'Uftiplt'lt. m Hinfiloy ( tip bwr'-ff Wbtkbbl b# bbi, Atbii bk* kiliMIMlnl lt"l«IM.I I "I 111*,III (|M|,i,|a H"tiOtl It Mill | tilt,Ml pi"ifi| l-rtf H.rortfh A t'r"V WllllM I. lint' M',ti nil i|ti liiK. ' *#*«» Hit# 'I hoy i llttilfibltol llio i'liU'NRft i#t>*M alfddlr ktr# »itbiMM • t , • AiIIMI'I.'M Mrie'il" II' l'i' •* nit* r#fi»'#w# (bbfrbtti »/» r WlttMlla Alibi t i.ti I 111 >,lil tmliwfi i.f I ifv|#1. I'n llllll'k Ita'vkb, 4-0. In Hi" #«mti. Mbblridl in Ikh #»>l»d I. IIMM.I I'll!. •>III pi. f" • I'll t MmII IV* nil 111,|,I'l I f I'M I,I'l vt",t iwi*a •f|!#S Ma tnUrtO n*r| fall h* hi i.».,i.t.M, in |M,» •...!• ii.t. ,..i AillMHi,*'" ilripiii. Ill Unit 1",, "1*1 III' I mil n |,M«"ltiil#i #t! Iirnfl. lull I (itutl# Only Him Hi ".a llnHull (tail ImIImwImc tb*«4d> bl|M«. 9-1, mil \\ Mini I inn u' iliv» t—l of fh# a*|t#Ad OrAt ; t>|i,|l|" 1» Ml I" Mini (itMiftll t'lllnioitolt fn , .fifflir Mw» (,'twit'h Tub illoki uf Him ( An em iblitrli imldf li, Pfd'li of th# A rhata rata WadnawtA r. #*<• t. I 1.1*1.11,, N!«I|M'4 t«ll» •••«• ' . I ,|«MI»* AIM, l« I*,,o I 'Itm.iiIh \Vnali AM'liiv Mil I'ltrv linvbli'l on mum! (tiMUV )V„,.i|dMl 111,.hi i- *|n».li».t II. lllllll'ln ll.Ml' I.el Ml,,11mm I • Mil Al »>j# off ttars of aprint prw' t I'"' j"'"l Hi'l", (ft l ,IM, 'Mill f* II,","1-1 II-,I,- Ma. >iiii* #>fi tut* H'hSi it I* ft W'"'f «lr.|wt'ita ta.ft, biiil r'»t.tayt/ta Allll,, |, VfMMK III'1 , ,, I I,,",. Mil l,Md' Mil," Mil jtl|,Ml» ItplMlH ItoMllil Ml luflttl', TM ffMiVo rnfurn U {#»'' I'M.• I (tn»|i«ir- l»s«' ' " IJ,,*II,IMM |IhI hi# f lull tltn fount Iw A ' fl'tihifiif ■ .Mil" Im I'ImI IV *i»t It I ileu " ii" intti«Th»»tl Woiiiitioiiii / 21 AIIIIhch I Jmu'Mo N t lemiiM Oiil" UIIIMII , itt'ii tii#«i..'! n r.."I. tviii»i«»,i ttut i I,noli ( n«l I nltali.p |YI|| i# lbi|nMii,l#," (i* If.hi IM Pliny Iff 4 JJo>: » III. h till! MimIImmm. Hi Mm1.11*1 It'll III. RI, |,Im'M I f t'I Imfntn .vol Wltttf toil kblllt if*#' ft I H iliiaii.i ti*i»iMni». Mi, Ii*'• W"»'i, wrllrit Itu t##«(f*f| thai "f'»ron« W rimtnmgm -, Hit- IVlrtlltlMrt I ill' » • .1,1.11 lli.ll Al*'-" I 111* llfll i", U'llMnii, tViiit'l f*-l I «m ■ ||»r initin «i Hi# nlmlliuu ,.,i» n ».i»i,.ei..,i n « MlMM II,•I'll I ♦'t hnd btafKl a ffiritnl'*'If (>•<«* tnM# iVIakc I hull's , I, t,.",, f . r l. ll. NiMH llillni Roillli. biiMllili'illr, ' I'm, tn,I a*.#it i v111f/ nlniul ilt»* II ,1,,11-t (Mil,,il, Ml,n, _ Am,In I * t- "MM lii,"M*# Alonoi ei b Ililt,,ll. ■ H O Unfit if Ut wriii IM ( tip Ma mmm * I * H ' . . Ir *j,,,H,,»l i I M|l I.'I,. Mill mm." lo» «nve "lu tat*. I'tit fiul lllil" , M,„II"" , • tn! I ,'Mi Mm«I,.m. i, UMroihn ffrtll IliltikllUf Hlmui Ii I'fit |tl«l /torn Iliirr.il In l#l). IM I f.l.i n,l It.'li. It.,I,nil , i. Ml»lil>*M if , l»l," Itiiwlfli. |li i>,,11 f i "i't, HIM" ,il HmI I, ImIiM |1«MMI till 111,"ft,* ( Hll">III* III' .litttil# I MM 1 it" I'l Mill #ii|itif on' tiiol llirmviiiil ii" lutfl «. I i«u " Roll of Honor If 'tmnoUt jthottlri prolot.f IM • m loo hy wirtnlo* l/'tii|W'l *M»,l/ir Jim fhrntrrprng iM At## VnVanoff Art ..It.* Al>,i f tMi'flotll" M«t«|o lill»lfl« I HO" (i. i Mr " foil flit KblftB. Htn er r Ir« will ron» *1,I \f. i H > M',1,.11, t H.l." WMIifi 1,'iiif* M"l,|.« |l*ttlii t mil it'ivfi AuuHimc pB(taf*T7# to Ien *!•# laaaor ta P f'l|rt|l|,4tl t^MIlM I*,Ml* | ,,l«* Mill* t|.,l,|,"l lulili Iuium n' Munlrniiil wiHt tt fSb'-uf# |! I .. 11.... .I tfllMlrtl. |M> "ildlll,.. ill,ill.* ,. III. Mm" All.., • "> l III, no,, III IIMIIIII M,.*1, I Mb Anr It Ihli'Ht t.iHirli num I" "»• tlrt««tfH#»u wti iurfi" i If/ *40d*. ttareUh, ft-# t<(,#rl#n'l NmimmhI IViimn- I'll ll*lil,«i,i I "MM |ll M'll'1'1 Hl"ll|l|l»l AmImiIii *nr#*f.#ira tt^lallRf In ll'« I,, I, At**.", N.|i«,iil Wlll-lrd N Y Mii'liml fsiiitin I •iti»l"i II" Mtl In hy M'aif rHiIm'w# iiurintf Mill,**., It it... | Ir 11. •' I II, -I'l 1 •><<,|il I*ii>»,* tl*«ltniii, AIaiiiiiiII* pit Tttvittttit iJttmltiH N,itiii*,i r.VANRIflN, III (41 |l*il» T>-# fi#h» f'rt (ha f»ffar.#ivi « |li.Hit.* »*... . d. |l. MH",I.. |ld>. ,I..t,ti t tiitfiillti I*,it I t ,,i|mm Mi tint ivlutor lorttt, wlHi 21 (k»Eftdiii Mi-tMMill* Ml. I'H. I tiMul.i,. •• I ItnMiil I»-• !• a Ai1tti»l"H M**t | 1tlMtlM||l«M I Mil t,i»i' It" S OMMV WlMMilba I "Maltn III llifl 11,>11# tila* |llin„l. I,In Iitti I. YtMilift utirt, (••»• n I'ltnuipiun |n.i|r,* Ni>i itptkliitf Hot Itaitri'i huti'ir f»H I *' "if fvf»-ta»mnk, lem Vl»*l Wwllmiitav tvm tuuiu>(| your Hp#fl«rui f«r»iM lip wiih Haul MrMrn Will I MIIIIW is In, fqil Miimhi (lillll M»> lUite Amiif* dub i>OM»b. N I vt*|«liy, I ho wlH'tul b In iii| 1# nt H 11 mii'Ii aimij/li' A BVot'TiJo# !«» (MUM Hi» Olil Timer 7/i r/lo' arvi ruv'hiog Of* (M il»f#Mlvd h«* — . V# -I Mb I# JnltMat'M Ndtfulb |l*i « si I'l 15 r hi"# tf.b Mnli I iMallil I'tilnl .littiM M#t«li Kii*# ll"i *l Hii#l>ii: •till (.lllllbl! lit |tl|( ill t i.llll f lliillip* I"VI mtrl biit'ttrita hfitiftr tffuitp Tlim* wl'li pirfpft lot#tr:#'-! I jiiialitf ItoMbill AV l#l»—BM4 f-haar." • M. Kir i m'i'.hs! i irr.iisn.Arr.iis! i n it is Ililvt*r»itv of Wiatiiiiflii. I'mIm» Mf'Mnr»«A a rid wroatlop I to Utlll VlIMM#*. tl, h## hurt (irblvwl It rnft.M »a AAA Ah ftorH* |»\1 ! Jut. Mnrihbl from ohm r.f Uu* Altatlrn# (ala rturiuiM Ml of Him |»r#h'# f.i#t itkiunr uwls k'lfirnh ui'HM rmnn I ..VST (i IIAYS y..lip w#u v«i«ily in»n, th# Ktrnl# Sum Williarn# i»Hint #1# frMRhtrtMtt Willlbm#, S f.-.'t, 2.1f»-taitirid bhd lh#l %—r, vVi WWS VaJ #i«ii II in HI « ten hire: llMl • .1:111 A tut it I «f 47 Vnf #M V RtltlMlrf from liNUbviita, w«« t»ptAin of trmh roach, t# i Hia wxUstrr -i Htr I AYR .Hpwrtan Intfri end macta lur^afdnani to t*"'" i saw. K*« a 1:311 • 7:111 • #:IJ Aid 17 frtrtlt ppifuntiir# n'.Uiu- All*AmarU aa d«'#x»iiM th# fart hW g-e-vl p|af#*viti*A #pa*i»JI«' pfl .10 or It nvifbEM# or Iwitar. tram w«« a hib»r that yrfcr. V*.1 "Ifa iftr# to of# 119 ar l ■ ,f: tvv.M- 'ortiU*1 ■™ HAIWWUS '> - n«u •—**>. • The One They're All TalklM Abnnl! Th« ItrtbolMiII »<|II»'I I Mil Vttriitv fbiMRurV' And frrwh bHiImIo# In th# fimtiiAll IimI With 12 (iliir, Ilr now It playlriR pro hall And Jiitit (MtritUy was (radril hy Wt# Vrr »awh Vaharw/f. hka Chasm#-, *> ■••• hit Anp-ibl i(arr.« to th# th* ail - *?#<* SygnaJrAitar * puoYor iiaiI riMiit, fro## rnunlry- #r» • SVAKIINM MHs . I'llltm I AMMNIS SATl'llllAV • KMor hepsurnTIIR (raok Rfid f»rh, Rwlinnilng hud fPlM'I.KE hod «Mvr»i tintf And f.r»imA«tlr# flvi. wro#U hud four, troll leiofil. In Hi# off AM##».n, William# Is Mtnployiwl at a n*- taurant at MarblMilt. lta#t««draot •flminiblrtHuo wo ham'# un« pMy#f| At I.af»«trg laPrtn S' RdwwL 1l#ri» Mmfi, a ftjllhb *. « |iA#IimMmII And Wnnit Htm#, And g*w» In tla Wpnc ;aliit tad. \ r-uN n"f' I golf And hwlwrjr Ut Ari/' — TioVv'^ • »i».v of D#troit will b# h'-° Y»l'. Colorado IMsia And Xiv " SNEAK PREVIEW IHI. SAT. 7«l»0 P.M. SUN. I2.MKIN Of hhin At its 4th Motor (. • □ lisddbsll ToAirrbAmmt na*' o* TOMORROW NIGHT AT t:M P.M. 27-It, NORTH OK HIGHWAY Id 1 Ma Mam la n IWnrMm liaillr M A Ilea* lln TiM P.M. *e »M FJt. Mm OKKMON • HAtil.CTT RD. ruin: m>t* . in oMtivAM* or IUM1II me ImUi lb* Hut Pretlew nn* 'Hlfli Met a. ■"—"il1 MICHIGAN'S PAVORITR PUN SPOT rwtist tmc n**T mow mux nut at im t.m. A PICNIC AREA rwMtAAM mnwMAtiON i'Au. a i-uii PLAN A. PICNIC NOW! ■ : AM STATE- LANSINl PHQS1 IH : FINAL LP CALL FE 94221 NIGHTS A SI N.—AIM'l.TS TOr SAT. MAT. H ALL UNIVERSITY DANCE PAST TLMK TO NIGHT OOMK KANI.Y flRST SHOW ; l»x KRATI'RK 7:W • »:3i "RoomAT TMEW WINNKR Of 3 ACAIIKMY AW ARDS SALE BIT OF THE BAYOU IMJKiWt MUntY • *U>H* SIMS • SMOM StCNOMT STARTING TOMORROW . KRI. "An Imw and I drilling a n hacker an ban | , cm* along in .earn!" LIFK MAGAZINK SIJI if 1 SAMES STEWART STEREO SSJO Ma¬ LEE RCMICK I BEN GAZZARA li (MITHURO Ticfcrta: $4.00 per roaplr iarimiiag a bnflrt Ii1 EVE ARDEN KATHRYN GRA (8:30*9 >30) i' • >; ■ -!»i ~r~~f t BfillTcamWorhsOul in I lie Sim ft fflff* «f ffvf fflf * \ n hit •ftnth ni'v* M ?' . • • • I ' iA In fht Afro i ir»a lIMnn f iM#< V ■ . , / -1 „r ■< •> A'ofi'i-*1 K . j-.r .■ I I# 'h# tflf* *• f» ft>f Ih* ' K' W* tf»# 'v >f •»'«• *> '• ' /r»#h ff) »» -•r»ifi.irt« h#f.»r# if (#cn« fb* t, .■ ... ... -.' , I If f,- ■- J.-.W/.M# if. ooMoar leectraiit* «»ff ri' » hi - Kr. flV mihihI'k * • r hv • I . « • • A t <♦!' f (uU four A . \ f . i':..- . • -n c !,# Id-.. ' • ' '.■ A1 ' >.#n Ihftt four if# ill h-iftie# . «r tne fh# ft#*» rvffh#*' Off THE RECOOO t »o»» fa 'I' I till rich's I'mblctn— ;•. . . - »• - NieMit (lairif Oil l ir-l Day His ? Track Team #.«•••: PC fii I r as*/*,* ... > • fi ru ss hi mm m im« % mm# mmomi.mm .r h # » - -■/.n i flnfri«lv a Itnlk Ifi'lflle/i hv 'lej.Mffurea *r»'l " .'ff-v r- 1 if..., . ffi«frtitf jif-rf'irffionf#«, a 'i#m'if)fi ie#lv h»i« f»'H hie f'>n Stat* of f vf »H ifii# •maefirm#! jwveliff fhCffopr# ' / Kofi, the nh(ire/|i'St n-.-.'.rtS ifA-i • * e«4i ' IfiftU ftOftc Ifp • ** ! »pt Mfk tifflSlfMi r.\ i n M I lOMtt •peeHflfer. «'ill he ,VT*r<*nrv hlmeelf '»f>e f#•#■»* * ■; it lift* ru# Pi-# d-,4 9n""< '• #«'*» Hi»nrf»r i,.Ik «»f (#•» fi't Ih# lr»( i*#J '* A ' Nov I* #•#»/'« Ofl«' ' I 74f ^-.O' («»(<" .til IM Imto# ii#4«oi» «llh it \lrni "T» 'AfO)» ..iitulu si I |K« fh#ief irr»f»#»rf«f»f, «fhall « «•••» ov»f |»«So«4« ' fo#f*o I it »J| i«t nnt hifirk If Af'erlmrr/ ahaf.e* dp «• iucoinOH llmcr Mil H«l»ll Ni-iir llejill)' Meport* Exhibition Baseball ftichman h I'misites huff I, nfifl -V,nri.- AkpiHa have he en «fe«/|ily imprnvint# MoSvt I f Mflf • «i 4 (jHiifietilion I fie(mi e/#rn pefe vif.h fhe )#e«if, lit «/M/r#e, fhe/e or# «i • a' « the nf/| -•♦uft'l . in firn ' ;e • HiMgovo nog 11 , r * -9 .1 Mr Ml MIHIMk Mfian f a«tle |u.t» l.ake, Itjlly f>yr»#»l#l4. f'»n, "mith I iniliitfi hi-ifl'-r* I f v ffif»»>• f if* trftfn member, * tc»' Jerry Yhtlhff m.in >»♦ MMl (/i win nn M A A tft h , *p'»rt fMM flNIMHMr.N A ffiM'fM t/» remain in. *. A f u,'*r-m \ ' . '. i #, Jm*i ixMtrar. : I it-frill IISI . I-1 wtmi h# #*rn# In *b»t* It# ttl« rli*t»hr e« |,»ike hirtif/l in ph*WifnPTwI fiffte# m ''.e , , . . . *■' • *"»'■'r,-, fn 4 * i linthi# lfil#r sati"#! in |fmn»«tlrt tml Ntil ^easi'rfi and pf(»mi#ea '/» <»« a harif>er perfr.rn.er fhi* -T'r >■*■■ ■ >■■ ■ * 4 .' !•'• »• . I . i ",(• X • g 'lir. iofoii a .),("■ W»«l '' on • t d»iilr» l« llif hiiflinnl'il All 'he erperienee <» Nf AA ♦Mi#* i"t Im#. tml that's lu«f »h»l h# Aid fnile >md up ft m »» rert,snn»hle e/if»eli»#inn, therefore, o f •- 4 .■•) i»ruwsufo •. H .go? 'he '."fticm Jft»,"4i!..',f of V*r*i'V ' fori "I'M* •• ' ?i!'I. f '• ■ .• •».• -.•lorf . f" ' : M .'.i.'l'i f. twit'. t|i> I ft"'1* ^'ifne that. Htafe'^ t»e*f, rhanee# lie »n 'he f «"» rruie »r»rl " - Or.-. 'I -1 • •" • . • • >»'•' I '¬ i in» \ I MCA A ' er'MVff*. 'f ' i • fofiAI four-mil* relay# ft i« in these t* o eoenf#. r .< ll pff*hj> < of fowfty ' •' « ••.'»•'• if • CC •>'•! Vf#'".' ' > 'J 'h*> Mfft**' j •'»**« ' ' r- f» • ' »»e|lv. that Kennedy's fh-part'ire r>il| r,e snreiy fejt .J "Si •»##•"• tr.* in i f< ).f ,4»- !:' « f t y 1 ; 1 It. i# also apparent, a# he* heeri proven in recent y» •-. •t,i; i "i»'.' ! -„;V. i.'1-.#!. |M» .■ • »t JUt*!#'* weakness will f»e In the sprint* Knfd anrl I'e'e- •• r#,;r " 7 ' > r'. » rt-4 "isl •' I- « « lift If U* ft: son are f tie nni. men who ttr* e*r hiov ,• sprinter? A 'A»r •. '.t • »i- if.inv • {ttn'fl The 'mek team will travel to (luafifi/o th»s «> ekenrl. • gc.r. • ,y* fi c '» rw • .-. i - a traveling team nf A kpa'a. *AHrrh*>rr. f ^rr. t a.*'!e, r w •i . g.. 4- V»r, »■<•. ...r.-'5 if V#.- ;• I t.erhard frraydon. Kiefnhan*. I^fke, Nei»rnar»n, I'e. f.o.h*, Vf ' f -4 r.4-- -i# or. 4' i •• 4 ,r ' ' : . I ftfh ftf'trf* Mttpnl* «<•»«• wi • vie >u,'.rtay .win l'i fr-4144'!'-1 ff.jl h» l« I" hit*# I h# liiulil' fit flit 'rnif h an#l Yoiifig. % ' rii'iiml whi'h tlfilili il«'4 fhe. folloeinsr week the/ move u, the fthin Aa^e Keia • , -ur» 1^1 firat Iil4avi*, hnrdlea ft# Men an. pole vanlt Fiteh. rniddie AM H >'.» -i 'o On f*r* 'C*' I'M IIPJI. ' *.•■» »V > ady , i ■ crff,* f Mi , di«t#nee*, Kord, «pflnt«. fierhard, hi/h furnp. f»ra/dor;, - '•# I .<♦> llft.'l ai ■ , • .*■■. #.ir vf.'-; fftrv a-« fnile, .laeoM, hurdle*; de/ferton, hurdle*; Kleinhan', ii<.> i»i« f1 ?f» vault; Kurnieya, javelin; |»ake, rnile. Neumann, #ho*. pu*. "Jgfl Hil'ICf ||C« rf-.i nt'»|n i • ' ,ijr,Tr y«| •' »»' - ■ ■'#• ♦ /4 • I . I'efersAn, sprint* Ueyrtnlda. two rr.iie, Amith middle >h- 413 MIlCniST 'ili'V Hil/1 * • i* !;•" • fame# rtnmlfifra#*», half rnile, 'frt'e, distance, Tatu. mirUI',** ' £ f-'iv I •'{ Itfw ID 21440 ■ • fhstancea Toilette, rfptr-ua. Ward, distance, Younif. 'I s'anc»* I.,.. W' I ' M AA \ KHAI.I.Y IIMM'MT HIW »n the optcinor track scene r •>* whh h h# ftw* r».*- id* Atti' r .Vl.-tl N fieshmen f omhlniny foreiynHairrf and home.or»d f <1 g."'111.4. talent Aaalatant (Viaeh dim ffifihurd ha* some excellent ma¬ "•«« unlike mmr »ih#r #»»t fKHHna.fi r< *ih>>i. ter »a I fn M)K YUI K Mll.f (I.ASSfS h(# »lh|#|#«, h«4 nn 4## ,r> ffhiratk'h develop Kapetmlly hrl/ht prospect* are ,\fcr,ia#hau in ' e hl/h I'Mll.TH.K HAI.Ci Si.(H) \*-r tin/. jump, Air.orn »n the pop- vault. Meek. Ventura, and VnorheM ('iiint Mcdormirk I'inik Out in th« sprints, nnd lair-o.n In t.h« mile and two mile hOI.F RAMIK HPKN 'I he remainder of ?he r'Wer w; Andria, jave.'-n, Movd, Thai The Mun4 I?* a Spoilfr «iuarter-mile; f arpenter, haif-mtle, Ikw.otean, hurdles, For*- I n*t*r y#w f»»ii#rihi# ner. (#>!#• vault. fireen, cpiArter mile f»retfaft, sprin's, Mum- )I,).X SINCLAIR ('.(.. I. >M\NCinro r A *-i "ii ' •> . f > •'*' » 'n haryer. rruie; dark-ton, ha'f-miie. Karrorh, ahot pi.*, f^td, . •■•iA#' I* 4 i..'. . ki •.■»'»»»•■. -Til# '»har»ly f»W« ati» A i'i f-cur,' UH 'nafif-.i ■ • half-mile; l«ntht*>i!: cpiarter and half mile; Mann, hurdles. FAIRWAY GOLF RANGK »•'> Ihf r»<> i'.wtit OfV .f •♦»#■ \li«h*ll, broad jump I'w kham, hurdlea and h;/n j imp. J» . Nli#« *4*1 of K. IwMWf «» t: ,i 14 < XlW) • »• sf M.ki' McCWmii'k <* ' ' Mel'dr-.. .' * «4i 1 if>} I • ,Mlt' * 1M(I *>"• #> William*, sprints and hurdles; Zielnv-ki, hrrmd jump. i <*htrf •» ' ih*' After thi~ vVn V V# ' IAJumS* w«.im?44»y kit#* he Ii«k) ft rt*r-h»Mrr n *'v# vrottiwl wrfes. trie Jeft eimtliii-r -«»•» • » I ihfftf.nitlfT feat hurt jMiff, he - i»|4 into \*U He lonls the Vw* ftf the nt,n right,give if. a lighter, hftwir ♦prighther look thin spring M*.. **S«er»ed»T . ■ . may if, i n medium tcaoea. ,V#* taaikai ih UK Orion*, 70*# wool - ftn#r, long#rr-w»€*rni(, Ml A I) <> W A H I • u % ton fftr; hofda ita shape. Your heat is LOUIPMLMT ft Young Men Willi The ntjit for dreiw or bwtnesu# — and your *D« Pmk'* Acrylic jiar* aide huy' '".If "I'U.UIXG mU for OKU anH «.> reiy ,o »7I.«0 I i-t |r4rf-.* 4 *f SOU 44 *# t*)##!-*)) 9f special at #»».».» 9WI0.4 uciwR.Mf !»»•• CirSR tay - ""iuHIM,TON tioubi* i«t> > tar K*lra lli-taore • Catra Tough IUII- t««r« *'•»««* lw*» r#*i'»R flioif ■•.»(•)« *'WI.7.4» MMR9U ■#*■■*» irwiy- SALES MANAGERS RSchman SAUI 'I i« Hog. Tar ca. ;,«« ttrrnHtamr.' Now Only Mc .1 for II.I*. 4M*N9 )»-»»« 14. I'ratllce Bala lie m. • nni. " 11 -SON" Sa.t ap to l«% ua Sporiala: "Una Kuggr" Court Star Racket* WIlJtOM golf ha«« IIS.00 I.M POr# »ur,m MMK«. •Mrrrrtri. »♦ «veoe«a.* rriswt* COETt tUV 0»«OI (TUHMMMI, *W«04» «■# •■/4»e, « ' » ... By 1970 2dH V V% i>MI>^TDS Our low price |«.H JR K4M *4«4#r Dc»#«, * «1IX»N deaalc 19:00 U»t otor i, rnMHu Sprrial at U.95 'laay other WH.SON SCAI.DINO A 0I NI.OI' " UNION (ARM0E CONSUMER PRODUOS CO. LAA>IM. tA ; racket* at iiahitaaHal aatiag*. INTERVIEWING DATE: Tue*. Apr. 19th •CARS (ON VINE ST.) Sign I /> dl Your Placement Offir* Voir. cwifftf rr »• a »cr iac*rtr stfjoweg tnTi:. txe- wwwb iv »m ■* * P'fr ' .V- •- —v mmm /{»■«•« »r/i w ...... Ij»«i HtftWNK. IM treml *•«!»♦*** |ir% vi^»«o . ,-1«/<> U» H->M m»»>h«A»|« H'Hl Ml- mm (Mi** th»,lo |iAtlV«<1 H-'Mt1 MM* ll.'"! , HHit rt »*nlv«l¥fvM»» MM .»;»!♦ (A".t «riMn\t IMMH'U; K.y wftjl *» t)»j> I Mi tst MMI Mm* » Hv-f r\M |>o» nM •»•>,» rtM«M rt*l IW |iM. l&. ♦. \h* %WV.«. «« f.-»•»*. * M tlw«»l«U»l 1*,^, r*»>U.«l «* Y*» t ol%*k Kill VNM 11* i* !• I ,..,( j» ."Ml! jnittM « ,l,.hi»nH»j*l'»H I utwl \«bin*M I I» *' Nrt %l« ON MM" Ml. no; AN »C 101 IS . k Un V'l I I'MIIIIH.. ..| N. .-.ami * iilimi.Mi.il> ittl.». Iiimt Ural Ml. rHliitHirl * UNUIINE'S NEW DISCOVERY! (1^1(11 ISMS ■ >? *r H>). « v+ v,v\w;. ts in. • , lr..... I {At. [*"< 't l»«4 «r»4 (It* SwArtWf O •iBMt »W «i» <> mum.' Ami. ^Ml< |*i» . . . IUmA. |» " I, r»M>. W Mi mkHm MiM.tR- \ KuA< INimV> r. L^* K KM «>»<*■«! staitw >.^tl !» •»• MB'WM IM «•!«. Ik» IM >-.rw. m fcj VKAIrr« >«ir .mi Ml.A MtcMMCM. .MM.TMi .AIM (>.MIAM> mm**. UMMr *** Jttii. M it. v > '.'• t.rtO.jr, (VMM. *AV. - « «*st A. m*4 mm *wmAAi i»ji .Ah natml M>"M U»<» Mt« »k > Imt .mmm.W M ai.Mf> w4 4c> ar> «. >«ar mm.mm.m- I*1.* a Uvitnl AA« «.VA>. p. «*!!!. CnM I. Oto MUAMMK «.(•• Milk (TMM1M ctw«r TOMWO UHlf PjfH csnflMT WAUCXA mmmmmim aatf 111*MM ..mi mmM l*i MA l#r fMi CMMM '•■» t>« \my ' w. >... mm* Am .AMM M* (MM. pmIMPI : *M>: Saul ItAMK f-*^u Jr.. tip OitiMW IMTCM I' Iwtlank itttm akkit F* *» V ;h» A, A X WANM; m m.i mm »mi MAi^t*. m •: W. l*'ir* wmttr Mmi. m ■ Amt.m. f««««ii n* I Pj*" *"» MM »*ik AM'.kMH *• M * Wm «MM Mt .... »A«« . MM l«r M" a u s. *Nm '« *.v. A, »» .Am >wr Z Iknt w>« *•* C* ' 'V^W IN».> *.*rM4» a. Hui. IN..) : la mAim. INaA RW «t PJ>T» '.rrm* » f* *-W n« RKA. • • RI>TUKVM • •