Srrvinu MSI! Fnr.'il Vi#r« KAST j.ANSIN.;, MlflllliAN- TI'KSItAV. AI'ltIL 1(1, Idrtil Castro Cites U. S. Base in De Gaulle in Canada Claims Naval I1 For Pre-Summit Talk Trying to Hel|i \X Ii-liinyliiii Ih-nicH ( I'Vt'iM'li I'ri-iiiiiT l» Mi-rl \\ illi Klwiihimrr Siilunlm Siivh I'lirr* <111 INorinul llnlv I' ri'iu'h I'rrnlilrnt < ii«rlVi ilr Iimillt* nrriu'il MhimIjh niHit for a 17-«lny visit to I ho \v»wlt»rn hfimxphm*, iucliuliiiu; pir-,Summit talks in Ottawa ami Washin^Um, lie will sjn-ntl fuiii -n»-h »ubran ferritin ich. Questioned * f w w Diplomatic *lini«lrr Jnhn lllrlrnlulirr l%llce ute iu'h far Ihf "%aleldi*sen|ie SKOei, (At—A WIIVP of ImUt for prlvitf roNVftMllaiii. „f IMOCC * held lunixln and Wed- ant (government ilemonMra- Canada, as an ardent support¬ nesdas. Ibnrrs will ranae from tlnns eprrail to thin South er of NATO, has taken an active «4«iie dances lu ennlemimrary »h.I lap dance*. Korean capital ami two pari in drafting \V••stern strat¬ t)i Albert Hehweltier, tebnlu. olhrr major citira Momlay. egy A* it member of the Western theol.tgian, philosopher. unte', Ii r i n K i u n lilomlshoil ami org up' ? ami p ivsieiari. will per¬ Dancers Sel rprcatlim.' alarm umonii disarmament team hi Geneva talks, Canada has played a key form m a movie of his life id it tonight m * r if up in Ballroom aiithnrititv. rule in amis negotiation*—a ma Annual Show At least 30 persons. yitdice, wore 15 of them injured in elating joe sion*. subject fur summit discus¬ Perhaps Ih'M known tor b.» ntL»tonarv work in Africa an»l In* abildv to play the organ, between thousands uf students The most important diplomatic \ • vxi-cope of Dance." Iho Kehweitzer will reveal his life » .'d v:u a1. .sjHvtacular upon- ami 11til* wielding twdiee at talks, however, are expected to ,• as he reminisce* of the day* -.\i tn o-cfieab and the MsU Seoul, Pusaii. South Korea's »ec- take place after lie CJaulle ar¬ v\h<*n he lived in Alsace, France ■ end largest eil.v, and Chongju, 70 rives ui Wustiington Friday. lie ri..--vri.sdrfs with a cast of 7U and Africa. miles southeast of Seoul ami President Eisenhower will . uccd tonight and Wed- a a: 8J5 in Fairchikl Members of I*re*ident SyiV4- begin their conversations Satur¬ lie tell* how he hegau «ltuly \ von-. of cui rent dance man Hhee's cabinet met to dis¬ day at the President's Oettvs. of the piano «t the a«r of live, t • show wilt incluoe cuss the demonstrations that be¬ burg farm, tn addition to di*- the harmonium at aeven. ami the gan In the southern port of Ma- eti'.sing Summit plans, tie Gaulle at elchl. At nine, he M :-i, folk, tHunedv and orian wa« ma last week Demonstrators is expected in urge the ft S ad- able to snhvtitiite for the pirith fi'-r ve numtH'is vwrbiruuM '-v \ •'*:;sbxl aii the pwgram Mlw la ' 5 . s HaUtiav.' a coiliX*tu»n op'yv. another in medicine. Hut n<) degree was ever so aniiiei danced by tho Several thousand university Miss > Lansing , hard to obtain as the degree in • -. Have Huh. Will ItlldenU started a demonstration - V .i ..tiusient comedy num. that eiwled in u akull-crucking, humanity dictated by hi.* con- ncience. .orcJsesis member*. *eve- present at;, xiu window .iriiasnmg riot after dark. In Pusati, 1.31)0 high school (laiididalcs "I settled with myself." he ex¬ soo>* Some lap num. boya stonrd policemen, smjuiunl plained In his autobiography • v i>-*o scheduler! wind*htrliD of tire engines ami To Compel!' "that I would ronsMer myself . n o one dollar Tick- injured two officers in u three- justilled In living 'III I was 3« ? .>\ .i.jab'tc ai the door; hour demonstration. Police fin¬ . A trip tn Miiski'tron as for seleiire and art. ally dispersed them with teargaa f.iiulidale for Miss .Michip;iti "From that time on." he wrote, and warning shot*. tMTivers and 1,000 high school nnd to Atlantic City as can¬ "I will devote myself to the di¬ didate for aMiss America, rect service of humanity " demonstraUirs atoned each other Thus combininglils humanity, for an hour at Ohongju may Im in store for the MStf Police were reporte -members Tfcckets who has been a resident nf the ** # c-aupW. The MSI* Men'* i'.Iee Cluh. un-ier the direction of Kdward The re lea m" students demanded of arrested comrade* ami the Lansing area for six months may Meeting .Sef Monday he "wouldn't be surpris¬ ed" if the sit-down demonstra¬ tions against lunch-counter .seg¬ chanted Pgainst "corrupt, dicta¬ Ways of identifying and pre¬ Richmond, w ill sintr it< Annual Sf»rinjf Concert Saturday in regation in the South were in¬ torial, incompetent, barbarous, The selection of Mis* Lansing venting emotional • disturbance the Bifr 10 Room of Ke;J«nrir Center at 8:15 p.m. will he May 21 in Sexton high spired by Communist*. murderous, police state govern¬ and juvenile delinquency In the Truman Student Director R wan questioned about anky Towmend, head of i -»• fa»r sorted »•«**; "Christ the ment." *cH»>!, from H» finalists selected elementary school child will be tiie sit-down.* Stemin, SUst Liaa:r.^ during a new* -.n*ua£es, will apeak, m Iwtd I* Ki*en Tadov." medirtol OuUlder* Joined the students Apn! 2*»-2f» probed Friday and Saturday at conference at Cornell University ■'"■i. K-ctrv Club to the iliskn?,. ami Civa.- c - VooJig. a*, dusk and began stoning Winner of the Mis* Lanting MSI/. rkiSt: *() V»s Umne*." by %*it- He said lie had told Cornell of the Women'* Ciub Chsr'.oKe speeui ,.s mounted police Taccan* will Sino Utri*. ""All Glory Load and Hon¬ receive a More than 300 citizens, edu¬ student* at seminar* at a. Hit subject CWttfMKikt The evening riot developed a* Wardrobe and will be eligible Monday or.' br tfsrhner-Hoeh, and "The cator.*, and youth agency work¬ that he was "against the South¬ Translaticg German The fegyt wilt pptH wUb the students marching back to for the Miss Michigan contei? er* will tackle thi: enigma at a UU Herds of David." by Ran- ern students shutting up a man'i (Ult Itewpwui. the campus, were attacked by in Jupe Min Michigan receives conference on problem behavim place of business." but on the About 50 toughs swinging clubs. $1,000 scholarship and quali¬ New (hit's Smfib I wmgfi u be performed Srqn bars and bicycle chain.* The a fier for the Miss America Page¬ of elementary children at Kcl- logg Renter. other hand he did not believe a "MS'.kxs. businottS man should "bar any¬ ItCTorch mv t-y lively Maiden." ' Ama, Amas. I students «»fT the counterattacked, drove thug*, t^en smashed store ant. ' One uf the major, conference objective* will be to generate Kashmir Film one from his place of business "• Tiie former Democratic Pres¬ Quitk, a haiKt-th>ok for I..-- '•)«• k l~i. i."* ananvmouf, and windows and attacked bu.'cv Entrants must possess and di*- ^ inspiration for carrying on fear¬ ident then recalled that in tl)iJ7 Tiro Men I learei! Ends Scries 11 **' published by Or- ■Tvm Vai&zoGmi," by Vaughn- plav Ulent in a three-minute lessly the eltort to deal \visely . , routine, whirh might include it was revealed that the first sit- bureau, i* betng •with problem behavior »n tiie down strike in the nation ha I r l ',i campus pr«kidenu of organ- Mudent LAX&ING «\i for new <*.-* aaareh- clues MMJsQy ia t^e- •f"vute»c*s . *l«vocsuw>n" "La Belie Si .Nous ami Curfew Law singing, dancing, playing a mus¬ ical instrument, dramatir read¬ dementiary child." explains Karl 'Baradi^e of the East," the been Communist-inspired. r"5' ' • £bb,n Barkhant. direc- Eiiiaeu" .wilt be followed by two ing. art display, dress designing {Cramer, conference chairman story of Kastnir, will conclude Asked by a reporter whether ' -■ * ionuatkoas, stated. '.-he ftrM time Sparta- torch deatti of * gap" teodant after iest* all toot elirti?-. .&&(**** Uixn .^anithauser" lay Wagaer Starts Aug. 12 from t e Public Instruction. Slate Departntent of "Another goal." he adds, "will the for MSU 1 (*59-60 World on Travel Series Saturday at 3 he thought the present counter sit-down* also lunch- were nated refptmsib.• «xi ..par* Communist-inspired, Truman re¬ " ?f"* w-ili ^•"P^rtely re- of fwu men i".elt «n Oiuw loth *W|4 and spirttaal* will be to give participants somd p.m. when Len Stuttman pre¬ plied: "l wouldn't be surprised. * help student or- uwlnde "flake Thee Now. Dear- to».)i* they can use when behavior sent* his film in the aud. * cw> a better job for Carl Nickel'.. 43- w«i *nc" tavt problems occur." Stuttman is an experienced n; body." * " Thursday nigh* a! the Brliana&e film producer, _ Highlight.': of the two-day world traveler goi station, where be worked end lecturer. meeting include talks by Mich¬ In all hi* travels br»i Hi- I'arailr Nickel! then was dowsed w;;- igan Suarcrne Court Justice he Jives close to the people, gasoline and set art re. Poiore so-wt George Edward*: Dr. William xhartng their daily experiences N'ring Today he WW al:Ve when be * w bain- Wallenberg. Wayne State Uni¬ a* he translates their country Slide* of Mexico will be versity { and H.bert Scott, di¬ and life in Aim shown at the Spanish C'ub at 7 ' -1^0 t.iel, will par. Harold Wv- >rd, 2 of Dear- ** ^ ™ High rector of the Children's Division. light* of the Aim will tonight in the UN Lounge, Un¬ • "•"* MM* ' "Kr f.nt im>jt Ron" b.»rn ,n1 tirl cover: Jarnmu. the sub-tropical ion. Barbara Contino, Mexico . !•■»* tare, Uia Thocker. W. Va . are h .i a', h URos 8i»»" Michigan Department of Correc¬ «• - . i tions. ML plain* and low lying foothills of City junior, will narrate thern. EyrU, Qtxia, far qaeftiooing h L-zhter mus.c will be offered . . A panel of specialistsTn child, the* Himalayas; the legendary Plans for the club's participa¬ Vui uMnb^ m the case bj- '"Tha Cabarets." a male qaar- guidance will discuss means of Vale of Kashmir, which include* tion in International Festival . .. J*™ 'toaai nrldboUM. Bsm A*n. U>e Air rorce State pc'ice v»:d Murray t Jset .LanLng special student; problems. Verinag Spring; Ladakh, Kash¬ Spanish Club is sponsoring a t.-T t!U *»««* by Uv. Nicktli dkl nat come from :be- _ Berger. BuH. East Lansing soph- Joining to sponsor the confer¬ mir'* "Little Tiber*' and abode display of colored pictures of I. !'w ROTC Drum ami same -22 caliber pistol f nind -is Kftlemuoo the pair's car to dcterrciae if it ilSt*." and "Shadows'' will con- world. ian '-v btfor# the* ne-oJa. L^:.. come from Xickeil's kiua. ciude the program. the MSU College of Education. paintings in Jte display. t Michigan Slate Ncms lUiiiivell Sri Crosswohl Puzzle M -tut tbfrti.,-*- T i »v For Relruse Interpreting the News ' Ohhshed at r %>- I j • 'k Ml, mean ■'! 1 ■« A("RO«S Frot.t .• latl. uu-e JP.:t xoit-'tg '« - rrk.y I-. • ■ ut !.i» m-.yteg, pawl *\ 31 Uriel • irtu* h"»wn «ui Mil . t Remotely \Ur 4 Att-itudes Corsrodei Hospital lanMPf V»'< U'i.1 From *'..<•. v..1 t Definite article Vt»l. 52. No. 1'. Tuesday, April IP. l!M»n Pa ire Tu. itv nil \ssoi l tit t» I'M* **s 12 Man's namt Ihnil Buffwei ckpw'Wl to »v - It -J. M. ROIIKRTS . >.H>ri .i> a Republican 14 Congei . f> ViaV f g..vcrnor._ *t *V l.urs&lng .Kd- *umptuiw«l) u *vi !e.ivo affairs, which would probably also boeanss the prr»i. Review . and Gov. American Books If Danger Adlai Sfevens.m on , ' !5.:gW«*r. '■•<• bi W S.'.r • »•-.« h.»<-vfal-UM.ti n •'. ^pi*.i!:vd • » «?iai 19 t'w.v room Nelson utIAg signs of Rockefeller change are contrtb- to Hie h.p-e been In character, he said he neither hoped for nor ex¬ dentlal bog Is bard to kill Normal political proeeju . » a r.rt ho V -ne 21' Be'art he really had hopes for a v.'' I'll* NV'tl; M«*\- M n . in Tm an |H rp • . whole preeon vent ion picture pected • Democratic draft, fM-.j Ml* id r«t ; ued •■! -n v h» his fght prefix would have been to take • new* ennferenee I* net • IUv<* v • fvr_ ' • «!>. 2! Sno.ited Stevenson, returning from a HnI a road this spring, helping to :» , # V i* «••■» '•■; I'.vb tort .i '.'<•• j'va.l *»f Tor two-months tour of lAtin Amer¬ a place nhere • man tlrlke* a fx,, r.rirm.v ."4 tv onoui ica tn the middle of the political light with the .Intenttnn nf hid¬ money for the party and p\ • "• -ft cat .N •• .n nr « ,'lnV on my rvoovtuv an 1 snake thunderstcym. ha* marched right ing It under g hnnhel. Steven- governors and senators oh ■ ■.• -.j around pretty k n»d :» Mrta! head. Jjrvex N r-n.m'v boo* !'•» into the ope A where the fee need It nn the main anh- . out mii M.'.-.oo -o t 1 '.nly need .< nta.reri Instead, he dropped aim.' V -\ " v be :•« .t frum •??>' d.vtor* Ix 29 Father Democratic lightning can strike Jert. all Hght. fticiv*1 ;: » he< k - of sight, hU Latin America- • , ■i* « .«•■ ... MO I'm*rough! Rockefeller, emerging frpm a Then he went off for two da.vs grttmg <-ut ' obscured by that of • \h \ p a c being v .v r. i I metal long pretveupatton with the New of communion with the shade of rr V >- . " X % ' H.ig-At*;t also su.d he ?von' ! Jl Fragment York legislature, is going to take idcnt Elsenhower. , . a-k the MSI' Hoard of Trade < Thomas Jefferson at Charlottes¬ His speaking »? n-.N <.i:v,v I-*.:/-s i'i fo x! to the road again, putting him¬ program Vive f absence without ville. topping it off with a highly . -rw ' '» * .• • a 32 Fndured self back in the national lime¬ calls for apjwarances or ,v .Mrtosi May T partisan politic-fl si»eech not en- academic halls. He found »*,,• iSnigYa »-e ffii a?i light t.rely expected in the academic Th • '• s ?jo terminal date • * » ' ' the University of Virginia ? * «r*\ f »r ' a' * Vi'-\ v »•* ■-t Helh hate heett standinc on -e.ive." ll.icm'ell sa il "On', atmosphere of the University of ever, that he can turn the - Wrv.-jn « Kvx • h.v;i «•" T Ihr "no hope" line. Stevenson '-.r e w '.' dev. ie 'hat '* Virginia. v^ent Hid va! t«* f r •I nee |*3A and Rockefeller since political f«>rums If he wish"*. .1; i el',. MM' *eholatVi.o>« i . While Humphrey. Kennedy Whether he has been :n" . ' ; * a *.b.>-oug • -*■>" " • \l . » his loo-early campaign las! year. and Symington have been ram- exjHvteil to fonna'. > by the IndecUlvene-. • • - 'or re'pror.'e -a"* > weav.rj ! r :t ito.i - enced Rockefeller fer¬ ■ Rut spots of b candidacy at * pu.gning. atid l.yndon Johnson be pact** a niv !;»'.«*« art a a .nnovmce j.o ti,: tctimonuil in• » % .4 vor have persisted the*country despite the walk-in throughout laving back with « fistful of the Wisconsin primary, wh. 1 he tenses a division of stru,. in >ir.\uo • , Ati' vi :?» Hackers hope ' • delegates, Stevenson ha* been a among i»ther candidate* -a* ktn.ooir to help tw .... j* generally expected for Vice very lively gh«>*t in the Demo¬ Itv JimM Nnrmm :. .. • '•••,• ' could lead to a convention c.-, . p:cedent N'.xi»:i His supporters cratic background all the time Milfilm Morrow A I«».. SI A" ' «. ' c:-a; and travel c\;wmim'. l«x*k. his actions no longer tv New Vork. I«J» C J! will be watching closely to see Despite hi* two defeats he still during t » ampa-gn whether reaction to h;* f.irth- out his expression of no" ! ,*• RrvirwH by Cilhrrinr Weber hold* the respect of a very large 14 Tf spreohe- seems to war- section of both voters and poll* fven if tne.v Life Can Be... *tnn tinffersUrvli:'* v . •4 urn' a stretch r\»n tieians. IF 'e NO STOPPING — a*# *T ex,•«•}*: a«..i"v e.v 4i ^ean't get the nomination for him, Af'er 1*34. however, he got •4-1?*.* 11' tlv'-l'* * e ls.i . lt Pj a show of power might get them Ihr Idea thai a third attempt •> tbree tv»r'.« .t 1 fr.wn n«- • t|t lt K KIM l.T* urher thing* k' vie convention . •'.n world hardly he worthwhile. He \|*'Ni";F. In.; - V> - The . v ; '*• f and thereaftc- S>>me of them • •• vou. the reader a e >*-. . VIr\ kept Mmself to the forefront as . -.: .»! »ate?v campu g » also fee! sincerely that Repub¬ SENIOR TREAStTO li ih''k a student of world affairs be , "• i i otT a fad atari -- « '•' One# ta*e 'he 'ft.a' •»'■• lican muscles are losing their ranse he Is really Interested, and ' I' t"J *u ;'i": vo ; " of 'w ,< poheemei: •'i 74 from inactivity and need ' '.one ...\\k.iig n :tern up. yojil flna ?v .. ■• Chief .tames Carey onte; - m — *our*r.f referr -g b.u k a ft* - a<»rne form of fillip .• *v. o of :-i * patrolmen >u ■ Stevetuvm struck the flint at ; age« an.t evrrttui v read r< .red f >r three day s w:!h.»u* conference in New York CAHPUS CLASSIFIEDS —e entire work The primary a news ■ •«. after the* were tnvo'ved purpcu* of the book * •»> v ■ th«* v ■ v traffic iMll'.Siona Cittnpua Clnh'sifietlc. . . l ow Cost Instead of dwelling on Ij*:ui aerwori w < ' ft*av \ • ' M#x * Where t» lawk" an»i H->v ' » DEADLINE*: t p.m. Da? DeUre ruhllrattoii for Tpes.. Wm }\.iy Mexican IVp't a' \ -?.« .<• t 'i/sv The go . »t".W! llirlii^iui Sliilr V.' ,UJ yi'.idfi't ju*rx«ce# Tburs. and Frl. Editions. Deadline lar Man. Idilton I p«. In t'rafts " T" « jnftrvna' m h-- T' dents •: V riu«j- S'-a mils Payable l-l! and t-3 Mnnday ihrengb Friday wth the ve**v ?v#n etreful'.e tui'ed a-d p'1 •iM'rr*''v puhluh t''!* Mifhi|< M. \ > . s « duo . sWf N#*» without rt.roi-t taculi KO 2-1311 KXT. 2615 oer.*.e\i . I'CTXI.HV. •>.<( v\r 1*4per i* Oiioe i ,n <>vvr •• ■ H.«w ra-t v e average Ante .M' •>! thr -mtves '•••" w ,'.'v ■•' To af" ■ n . .•♦ t f «»urte:'i b.»e. Member ■an sr. Ktv one -»f vie beau bh I'rr-* li.Uod Ibii c-oak.« rate . f VHV.iS.ifV i t Xvs.via*e«i epilog* rr*». AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING „e t-nv feather** he • Ct-AAMC JSPOKT* CAM •< glvr fO« RfNT know that t.nev r\ <'., f>*r »tt*nv iniv pn.*' lsSJ MCS-TD In remark- ••jr.sts rv*e h«ve from a v,t •hia nsKttUon Call 4-7 pm iv A*A*TM(NI3 ration ?n Mexico a*..;' thtnkfg M.-x •» --e ors'o va Vat ifrijyi and jh*nibrer<« lSi7 KAMMAVN - OHIA. SIT* I. Timer ROOMS PARTLY L t.»- ' « the' f a r «.»?'. whit# uall«. h#«t#r rudm frt Automatic washer, drver g. • '.e:r on'v btrvrvolif grrx Rural •eft'.ng, spacious grourtCo i •»*e.« wh.we },:.i'.t.vv rscellent condition Must sell m. i>nce the de» :e f •: a cer..» medlatsiv »;t> 7-1713 tumal 7-Slid immcdtatr'.y : '■ - ot.-med *'■' be in" ■ _ »« prsxiuct h*« boon krtiV, •■><* ATTRACTIVE TIlRrr. room ias» cur.vnoi.rr station* wa¬ *:-f»Pper must find a ;: >ce to t».j gons — S»passenger snd s-pa»<#"- uutifBl parking, prtvalr. t lea \ irntent. married munle «•* •e .fem rut. if he know* • i s#r V-S. pov»rr sutie post? stee>- U1C radios, hrsters Ss\e Ml##ni4i> ►ingle ladies Utilities paid El- » a« taken a sear to ma^e '.vir ■ commission Sr# at t**i Ta«t Grand ffarmont and van barc».:t cf Hivtr Lansing nick LARGE FURNISHED '" »• jiigbi'F p; .V I t il •-)?' AO . ■ vr.v, he v\av tw a> e to j • K A R.MANN (till A. 1*38 RFtl and bedrvmm ajvartment fc«r gra, t r, a..i ■ atudents. Private Park g cave « beautiful item n>*n Slack coupe Whit# wrsli*. tadio and V :v. ims h.sV x *' t f-- H o: e h»st#r tab tt) 5-M' U Man* faulty art:v>«. a*e wM #*trs of ahou 1 g" l "• -»v ' h for sale m f not ant t ru - i- * c.rr voviwrxr a iwd d#si «»« ea n yea' Vi-op :'n tour V,ex;v-- As s •* t a ttoo falcon co- Ford from a t««rm#« . v • mm %'•»• " n* - •" USD stxident ge# Gene Selden .*i trailers * - example, -a-v Nhjrv- ■A <•*• .rot • bwv? e»#:nv ' Max Curtis. Ine IV «-*4«t ft N -.ertcano* * do not know th a liNM DETROITER 10 v 4" • an ? bunkers .-a:ul «•» u- KltAKE* - COMPLETE REUNINti • *n n dyed «r.h auihenf v *12 S3 and up. Adjustment. PK- C'.ikhI k'lchen. two bedrooms, colorr ; ► 0«>t*o ' t 'os' V' >«\.4 c»#.l tires ChamiMon Brake Reitnei - pliAm-ea on lot in Holt S310" > * va I; see, the ma • .d i an ' «B*===^=3E==^3T=S«===3=5SMS^ bud cop e.*l ;'i e'a'j'.- form «"t vut EMPLOYMENT LOST and FOUND INfORMATMHi {■ *n stone .»ee the.,- ,f '* , ear*. ;••<&$ you w • • *■ t«* TUK MANISTEE RECREATION m" ~ ■: SILVER CtXCUt PIN " " inn* l»*s* = « • ,'\mh Th. s .* a p* ' '•'»•-* Association desires to have a ton floor uaahnvom Herkey. t'« ' M-' t %TMOl4r mutvt SALE! g # FU 7-1S1.1 alter 4 let'r Mkteto hve-piece band to hack nan r ORGANIZATION perlormen on the evening of M«- The btg|e MARY MEN'S GLEE AW* milTIU - r e oh.j..; d ra'.hv? spend a srtu be available tor audition in I concert Xaturdav night at K'l > itlpv j** student *w.i , Lansing r enter tjke to gof John. limWNTtTlWv _ If INIARO . • p • • Ff? • ' TWO POSITION A - WATER front CYNTHIA DOXTATOR director, craft counselor Exper.- JAMES DcjYEN take this at *,» .1 inn No-eau #pen.ti< J" »■".. ' ATTENTION STUDENTS! " Jh pjn". Jif S'J.iert Sfix...« State News otftce between 3-J • je • -n .*0 The Art of iUlt t'-j • nced for bors* camp Eight vraeks lo two free i>a«es to th* " HIUIT1 beginning June St Write giving rertence and background to Flying Drive-In Bring I D : p.n. Datvco Get? up It el lt .*e » '■ I'rofs illeiul ..A 1 lag!#. I SIS Weber Drive. Lansing IS kWAST RAKERY DE1AKR> s BACK DOOR SALE! decorated . STt?DENTS - DO VOL' have M vidually rake kll.MA AITM A I I % jo hours per week you eouid twelve fur »2V» Phone IV 4-U • * lik# tn Bh' *SA tore I pm -I 30 p - .W ' ear-i — iw (.RU N ypi AMI . i ltihl Confer» »IHT week m your spare tim# If yx»»r ORC11ES1H \ TUESDAY ONLY 3 '.S put. Tr.o T\« o -dui-atsms V- *»# untt train vou for this, tnterestmg A !A p m . Seve"'x - * 9 pjm , Ca .'v?n.a > e a"«"" the 3$*h ah.- ut-rk ngm awav prompt, peraonal snt#r\i#H uni# s Car necesaarv fm REAL ESTATE Women# p."- trft'.tsn "*f • • f. <; ' R Hannah Ml rie# Ihxe* Hide "C ~. - -\Vt xU«\-> A.VO.- Detroit ytattng wnere >«»u van *«• » ROOMS. NEAR MICH1G C » Nti.MA PHI OU T A F v-ryti.ei4l CFu'.deen, a .'.eyikH - reached f.»r interview 13 Peunselvania Avenue*. Call "«w •' 7 to f-ent of the Na'.ov*' F >u. a* x.5 AX."' -A,f ,'s 9p.m. : IV 3-4111 pa. SJ V STV"DENTS M»N AND Weroen A<«»v-f. ort. m lays Ahgc'-e* ' S--4ST OV *rco*e* «• anted for evening employ men' FOREST HILLS. be TOtN'G DCMtH RAT* , uv ♦hrvuvfft Sa'ur-a* "V; Vou can n-jtae one phone ca'.t and Three bedroom ranch. Two i. I- \ •em-.r.a «: i be .' •• »*nr uo to *> r-er evening If lo¬ ■«# Large lot. manv e*ta« P M pr.. 33 V- . t-rested cell r.D 2-UfO Pet»-e«o s Will arrange terms and carr IORCATRA am pnv'r-' - >' e*.ior.' n. a. a -»d i p m I'nda* and 4 a-id s p m tract tor reaponelMe pant- Ilaro-'d Atsi.WPV'n. ptvfe *.>•->? Mondav Ttttadtr. Wadnesda'- Mr Croabv. tu a-nai?. » - * : 3J pm ra.s Ha ' * - > orr OR MBS: Thursday 11 3-M2X after S p.m. ♦dry gradua'e o' 9.'.'-vh v' k»iTh.i:«g> A hoot ;eve edmaUrs frem r- I' SUMMER EMPLOYMENT. ftacn lamb"a Vr-vers-t* ah. •* SERVICE a.;d« of RM4M »luo..e* .n C-» . a !a Kewtvoo of o5-vv.». For' (hrntuhevt the eeuntry are ex peeled to attend the ranferenee v, M .ohigjo Lansing TYPING - ED S-a» evrrv Cab-.n (hewted Reweaisrh and HOCK AM» MIDI I CtIK Vxperieaee la Vduraieaal Flan- ALWAYS FOR SALE TYPING - GENERAL. SOVH ' (ng IS ream experience. MA d*8"' ni«t" io7 I Cherry Lane ED 7-*l7i ? JO ptn., Cecum, f ofTvxr* J«» 100 Dfisn . . . r*9. o to 1098 $2 WINTER CLOTHING SIZE 13 1 '.0 Anthrrvny Hah (START AN nrrot CI I R The rmtg' an *;i; fea.u e ' SOMETHING XN1RT* *». a g».«d JbcbeAs »t«ve S» ej'm I'D 2-3"*l Sllnunre Rtswi D> TVPSsT Iter experience would WITH MX year# tike '.}*>"■ Juit 100 Dr#»v*5 . . . rtf. «# to 14.98 54 I* H me TV S-ttSO' *-9 pal, tW.itCt V*f C*!? <:*rs Kefrval ame a U. IVr.. n»; r* •.. ■Mi »n-v •a v"' '■• ■ • . NEW AT... Js»t 25 LsdsC Kaincoeti «*r« up to 14.98 $6 COKVIN'INT TO CAMFU5 EXPERT THESEs AND f ' Is a • -h. . . . . typing Elertric ty-pewriter S-y" HaIL p- -graro.* * ' «»-- WrS^^ N» TSem.p*«fi • ears egperience One block GUSX flA«T lAti ITIVI arto. aid *ne e ihvv'-ftawiy hanr- (•Nit Knit Sera tors to 14 98 $5 fcrudy "ID 2-W4* i to prrv. Mursl R wn. t'duvn. U- a oped vh The Miv'.-. gan ? reivj: the af! record* guaranteed DICS SHOP Fssnm Tplbot Sorotci . . . . rtg . . roe. to 12 98 ...$S f * f v»-ye vr.fL'rCA,. C LEARN TO*FLY ifp-mlxrw rates Daws airpc-' ' at Sha*#f? _ * miTes mwfih on Abbott Roa? AifHA rni sigma. rourt fake aect. n n--eeV:ii« on J «S24 or ED 7-dOtd 3*3 K, Citand Kitrr Famoot Tplbot Skirn $s t|£E DIAMOND IONJS STAUFSI NONOKART our rent trer . > • k- • . try. to 10.98 OFFSET — MVLTtUTll L' r T pss. G'uett xpraker. r'l! ta'k p-Ayvenve'"- a <-w o" o* :•» KU ;-(WK»9 TWO*WHEEL trriUTY TRAILER CATLNO. Because ef 8»2 Utioa. t .'fed vfe-vidren and odtv* - 7-1473 aOrr 3 t> re 18 tng. this economical, rrocesa no* axailakle fo' Manufacturer , Sample Soim Soin . . . were 14.98 $4 and 16 DECORATED CAKES DELIVER¬ Theses w fob #estmtes (?•—i ■' ED *m i-v psrUae Mfthdw nr-tograohs wnd charts For So»r! Mr. T Topi rrp. 8.98-10.98 $4 $5 Manx ether deiMnnua pastries R« a«* THIS IS UM R IMITATION!' .. . • Raktrv IV 4-«7t3 tf Arrorns from Barker- Just 100 AttorttJ Wnkitt. . . .aluei to 5.98 ... SI PH1LCO REERKJATDR FOR sale Excellent ctmdiBnn ED 7-TH I Ca!l TYTZST ASH BROWN after J 3ft tf 3-2X3ti E^ctne tyoewrttef Te Kftoe-Lsagtb Ss* ... Sprcisl Volar , 86c 2 pain St pern and theees Also gtosrSl ' SFU0NVT SHOt IS OWN! LodeC Fall Slips Sprcwl S3 ... Hall 32 TV AND RADIO ssnrsce <" i%. invited i» attend the AU-um*ersatx, dinner dance L-s ratea to students New V-< ft « t* » f ,n. TV vets and anssnnaa- Frm Famous Mobs Iras and Gedbs Entire Stack 10* OR • hecksng. free earkkng. I aj- "A BIT OF THE BAY01 1st Quality Nylons . . . rtf. IJ5 St. 3 pa 2.50 o m F daiiy. TV Tjiidlfn' C« JHcMgan IV I-4IM SPARTAN ~*| VttlLfTWINO trplipur Eou da Toilrtto Aatamnhc Atomiser and '«rrw Free Git oi Pedum# .,. its- 9.00 Sale $6 HOUSING Tossy Deodorant Stick, or loi-aa or Cream ... rey. 1.00 .. ... 50c *04 11NT WANTED EAVT RIDE LANXING IWfurasito- WANTED TO Imparted Head Cat Crystal Nock laces end Earnnp Sets eg Ctsmt Three I -nem heme. Ri* •^S5a-ST£ " 1-Sttand Set Private dwtrance JBRDP : of the Week Kennedy on Swiii Dairy Fieldmen Convene f* ruvrq wi''i «« ,loVnn Ifotittan. of the I" m. In West Virginia . ml h • '1 nni.-hit»n* bo n th- „f tv: the iv. , . rv • « y 1 lord w II |iMitte« 4 till till |»rnf ,VI'«l'll*tt4ll«n divrihi |'if rimlrnl of nit'l- iifitlfltlri, I'MfMtiO* I'WV PAW def v Mtmt ilO " Pr ff-itn m |M ».l»> trlh l>f .-nt i nniin *i . M s'! i. ' h i .-tilttun! *«»•'! t * "'eroi' v i» * ,i.v r» I We 'tie •» if-trr'iin of intl-lihilir i»r»nei M Jer«"»n > —. >» in r. ofH'i i!ive Kxten; out lie* tn Ifi'dtn *it * I '.{•< tir of .Inn i. « h»» i* S. i \ . r .he I belt' Son hit He of "tie eonfe . :iie i r siilfei«*bvleil.ifi 41 lend. Initiates 2:1 '>,..1 \ ftOlo • . o . • I .11 I'.tw M on.ituo 11.-ii.l j'rfi ive I mt o-i* Piu In name Ec on ..•! lot his |tets.n?!d! .. . i > i -; 11. * * t .i n ■ i i viei" to farmer* a i limit ? - ft the high!*- f v.?h» ehaptfr of Omicron h . » \ r -r.iit «:nl vcgrtghlt He,-ip Economic* bonorarv. i.iUhwe*t Michigan, rv h r: cultural i-jent ra- ds-f tr 3S pledge# into .. vo l In' II S ileitree from brrrhtp during Initiation MM" M t| ,,iid his M S «,>r r« in the Union tonight v e "i 1 U'.4 t new member# will be .Hi-.' !; fin' any campus honor• group Of ten • iV- • ■ • - II: »! I.' t x.»n. Al.m n an M'»*l of Ihr s|»eak«*rs on Ihr an Honor* Ranoutt :» i .in I ch.ii! « tin'. Dun Stover Ms! student , • who pet form i !:?»••' ■ . , roiilrrrere will V tuuicrriifil «.'M the ceremony In par- one' of it* iiiciiiIh':* Tie bell*, made 'tie deb * en r>. i% r with snil hlotle euntml. mjstiti* i AMPUS UI.ASSIKIKDS . . It and C of the Union at bl.»nde Ac icultuhil major li«< I'hlpa",..! ind TV audit- , e > ; rtinlrol. and |n.i|»rr imlkhig UUY SKU. • RENT fie Fran Alii nurhinr »i*rrjtlon been .u; vr in F.walibur, Phi UK.'I ItK.ADEIISlllP WOV-TV last Thu * >.. awards still be pre- I .i Sigma. Blue Key, and Alpha QUlt K RESULTS . . . Directed by WetviF' f,i &v Dean Thelma Porte. ott. university <\*rll!.».-,r, tf>e !*» banquet. Mildred Jones, Hcvuns participating in thc-e t« pular music group •' .« • . >e v a*e professor of lastitu- i tele\;*'v.m , ..n IV.•• » AdminUtration, and Di h > i a > m' \ tie*, and mam- McNeil!'* thvakfa-r C'u\» U<* -k-r Bergman. associate ; ,i 3 - I .»H college average. Friday. »f,.or of Heme Management IV*u aim manage* to spend a lot The unusual tnu*ii- of • ie Iteil Child Development, will »•!' '.t*e Unhrrlae otf a'. i" R.nger* springs from .i h,r-» w:i -re he holds the position of >ome *ct of 4!)|v«tumd handbell* covering f ".i» octave* V »*.enn.«rv Winme will \i bundle.** manager in addition to Their mellow tones range from questrmis at a luncheon w Slate Nea*, the bile of ' Man ' the baritone tolling of * four par enerllewee. Aivording to re- pound liell to the finK'e of fie member. t'n on p. a-d F »* • bible souicc#. he earned the titb* t.nv four-ounce mode! S 'h i'o n. Me s nit;.c:ide An . • •• only f u h.s junior rxm-utive illustrious Revolution**' * f.-ket eoni»v.!'e\ the / he It little Tinvtrs War hero. Paul Revere, was ■Pt« are tapped for mem* patron* comnuVtes. s »• .'i'* S . .inner, but al-o Vcause he he forerunner »»f bell ringer* during their junior or commit:.**. »:i f the IFy'dbnllfl iMtnes (oinpUTe with unique im thl* country But ■« was n ? ears er as graduate stu- puhli te'ations eomm.t ee /##//,##iif Ihoni The NUiiiton Avenue type until after World War II that Tn* M»ar, in .i.tdd, ei •,» iwiu- b.ifbcl.'i * uuarirrs handlirtl ringing became popu- c »ib» Mi'l.v f e- Sor a'*;i k#♦•»•»- i lai on » national scale. A i t to demonstrate bis versa- «l.ivp eye on the finances of the Director and organUer of the 'i./.y, the blue-eytsl I3et rien Spartan Betlringers, Wendei; treaaure! W . i her dare for o S* senior ha« made huu- Westcott. has concert!red on ca-- g.m-».ition# poinded with hard M-if khow it m. variuu* cnnipu* ilion in England. Scotland. Brl- wok. *he w.;. s'lecU'd to* ofT'ee* oiv'tm diiin<, li\'!u Ai i'outic I g iun and Holland a* well a< in xli.irmi Fur St'iiior in !*er »oronty. Alp vi Ph. where to I Ft', where he w ax a chap¬ the U.S. He attended Heiaar.1- so xiwvi 1 a* »'ti«e manage man lor the H'g Ten Conference . school te Meehelen in Belgium, 'rei-orer. and :e.s.dent He no- .i 1 *o m ii'kisl on Water , the world's inly carillon school, A 'hou.n she h*< h» ld a sum¬ la.'i Vii1 and ix xecil'tary »'f ho at.d organized the first hand¬ mer job -,m a hnmetown rn-wx- fi .i;.Tiuiy. A ph i Ciamma Ifuo bell group in the Netherlands naner for f*»pr years, laxt *um* T" round out a perpetually in 11137. bu*y xchedule. hi* Jobs have ;n- and the io, y jumcll tor trie elp.led a stint a* research a.».«;*t- y'h.!"'•*< Fli**ce and the Rue d« ant in the horticulture depa'rt- . P'i.\ hlg • light* *,f a EiuOp ment (p.ease don't eat the dais- > news¬ graduation this »ju;tig ts to go paper or .n 'die Held of pu in poat*graduate work in ag¬ relations ricultural economics at MSU. Hrm/ers Group To Hire AirurtU "-e Michigan State Rabbit r **:rr* A**iVUlt!onx flfxt the mime that imiile 1*1//. I fmmmn in I.mining' | "*-S banquet will be Ra'ur- NOW AI M) M'H IAMZINO IN 8 30 p.m in the Union — e * — " We nhardt. pe^sident. ♦ prrsart award* to the sxln- '• "re association'* annual i -•>» he:i a* the Livestock Pa- ( atertitc • I'rix ale ' "" - March. Par ties -1. ii nrhrsai • rrcs.oua year* the award* lr.* &«e-. given »t tie cloae of • * ftie*. Poultry Science head H -aard .'.ridel said. Kiijoy Suiitluy Piiint-r in llie Kalli-Lclli'r > Manuel Gordon, of the *4"? crpartment's animal re- PbNf EB 7-1311 Fir PfMpt tadur.nn lab will apeak to the G'rdr-n iM.r er re?ea.~ch is with currently do¬ rabb.ts and OeNvery Service Tc E. Lanicg t-^ag ti correlate it with the Ar* industry. Kmphlrl AvaiUblr tin Xuinmrr Mtudir* " of th# 1N0 itru* of ~'' o'.uay Abro^,- puo- - »! b U1» IiutituM of ln- K~.* it.i' Eduction, Iff noo* 1 '-■* t World> t'WSibd tducuoo. 4U U- Xuj. :•—?*■>•. hots dolor oad '•'..trj lummrr aopclooa ot ;'Trri... Uiroo^MW the -tut 1-i cvoo oddnoM to "Jrt -■;mriM mar ho mm. It'i all right to drram of vocations, but it's wise for all "ait netting junien to start planning ahead to what >on are going to Errs aenltn of tho mobftr- Men who face wind and weather do aftar graduation if"' Jtp.rtmoat will ho in choose the protection of We suggest you consider working for Public Service Fndor ood doturdor I ''.s tho rogular .pruto Electric and Caa Company in New. Jersey. With mote I*3* "t tho lonrtlid Motho- .than one billion dollars invested in plant, it is one of the Koc.oty. mon viQ feo given leading uttbtia in the country. Public Service ranks fourth ; Rooort OohnkA » U .T5" rcoh Heeler in among the investor-owned operating utility companies Rohon Woeoonun rrilrt mihi providing both electric and gas service in the United x D Chattel « tho Stale*. -.WJDOBt trill (Mi AFTER SHAVE So start thinking now about nest year . . . you would LOTION be wise to give Public Serv ice serious consideration. UN* FOR THIS TOM Y. WnW ler the informative brochure "Training Ceursee lor Cohea. Oradu P4PC4 alas-, mm Public Serves, M Park Piece. Roam *1*2*. Newark I, New TOBAQQ08 Jaraey *w your tree copy. tWi Spartans Win Despite Cold Bah EH Softball Wrap-tip \i*r»l |* 1H0 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS ground to third on two walks by ha>l two and llgntleq pickyJ Ur H> JOHN SCHNEIDER name against Ihirduo Friday and ;» twinbill Saturday against Albion's freshman hinder, Jim one. Hendee was al«o h i t\* ( \*xorUte Sport* Editor Papenfu*. Papchfus then hit Illinois Friday's game will start during the game, railing t , MSU maintained its unbeaten at 3:80 p.m. and Saturdays tilts John Hendce. forcing in a run, •ota! ti» (our for the last thn.. home record by topping Albion are scheduled to begin at 1 p.m. ami Hendm- later scored on a games. College. 6-0, Monday at Old Coach John Kobs continued pass ball after the Spartans had Conch Kobs subsisted h-vr'. Saturday's pattern of using his two men forced at the plate. during the game using fw» *» ilk* and i Unilr b* College Field, before gradu¬ a .< ally diminishing crowd of chill¬ pitchers In three inning stretch- The second inning was a wild t7 athletes. He also raised pv buf tdrr enabled I'' Shtw ed fans. »>. W'es Klewleki, Don Kurct affair, as the Spartans scored number of pitchers used <». to edte I Shaw I. 1-3, laser The Spartans took advantage mid-Jack MrCnrk combined to four times on three, hits, fair J.v ! three games to nine slrork out \r\en opponents for of the fielding lapses of the shutout the Briton sand held errors, a hit batsmen and a State's record nqw s:&t*d. ,, the \ ic tors Albion nine, which included them to four singles The Bri¬ pi ss lull llolmr-- nui eiiht wins and four de'.r seven errors, five walks, four tons picked up one hit in each of and Hendev all singled during spartan tUlMitt for hit-batsmen, two pass balls and the first four innings, but were the Inning. (tmr: r-nnnr. Ml—Nrnfrr. Mel:t.;, a wild pitch, to score six runs held hit less the rest of the way Stale hit safely only five times SHI —NrhttSMrh, N*R*rr •«.. Nrhullrlt. **>— Klrwlrht $, K«,r. t m the first two innings. State scored twice in the first during the game, wtth-bui one Mrtonh I. Mt-Klonlrkt ?. K-„ West >h.»w I held *»rf a 1st This weekend, State will be¬ inning when Hon Holmes led Jut coming after the second inn¬ I. %|rrook 1. HO—lllooIrkl 3. Km-. Inning rail* by West shin ' Mrt'ook •• ing. Holmes and Sehudlieh each t, gin its Big 10 action with single off with a single and was moved t» emerge a *1. tor*. 3 ! Mjrty (irrt m pitched i two- Cardner bitter for the *irt<«r* and druse In two runs v. ith a triple 2-Mile Relay Unit Cuts bather t ove: c.»•• = . a. ; - ill Remain i • i load in • vd c» V ■ it* fUUtcrfietd contest t *»*iu so oulbtl to Mutterf»r«d W VSMINtlT*>N i.-!*1 - - Th e MSU Qiiantieo Record W.i.'ttng'rn Senator* Monday V| but mana&ed to dent the v . :»• .wi*ut-,\t of keeping Billy pine four m.o * llmr* thin 11- Cardner, their new second base, to s io H 5 II VIIK man, regardless of what happens *lj»um d a double and a triple, catcher Clint Courtney. __ fur t.»r winner. Cardner came to the Senator* • a - weeks ago from the Balti- i'ie Oriole* in exchange for C'i.'.tncy s i:nfi.'»'\i. und I'nder infirlder the Courtney'* infected fmg- Hon original WfFD ! kf Higgii h;s right hand had to heal SPORTSWEAR . \ •cries i»:;e-.ently for him to play by u'-.v «»r t!*e deal would collapse, PP»?W'' i rettrcm ,;-ement werg phy-n .in.* rrpoftbi la*', that Courtney would bo inie to play until next month, Mm, RmmnkS -ivans i by tu root •n: from C'u • president Calvin Griffith \v..-h.ngton and Lee Mac- 5'- .iover the weekend » . \ \ the deadline « ri ; ; condition until May « »»* ago. ( beeaus ( IrveUnd in lh« KMT SlllltI — ACTION I KIT N0W..6Sc to5p.m MICHIGAN tro»« Milium am iONTKASTINi; TKIM i* r \ perted *rf Rocky < Kurnn in tl ins .* mat color.* w \u The Indt MM v * TOO JSC* noou Pf* KO\ ACS MOGRf V\ ARF4: N • McCART HY SHAWN' ■**!*_ THE M A I XT tXIMEDV Marl* KKIU\> ! »hr h» make.the m*reen ni t mi with uivi! JU KKTS — ACTION I HI E KMT INSERT IN COLLAR 'J Wrestlers Romp to Titles, toother .'I Second at Toledo •j and M& 'Jlow and Pxvbel fino r' Kuenn > iw MSU v rtstiers hive a e OUtill chance to make the Uniteil one-two at 191. S'a.vr Olympic wresthnj team Johnson lost to Dick \VL.< piay of Toletio U and a Pan Amer •. ie< C after advancing to the finals TC NY CURTIS DCAN MARTIN JANET LEIGH The five, and one other, champion, In his lWH-pour-: tUv ;'h.tade!ph,4 placed first or second at the »t\. UjK<> U"tXC rX Tffcda Hea*«wei|lil JMm lawn. »vr B.iko . regional last weekend. Ihf (hi MILK K OK KAST LANSINR . I S. Iti Norm Young. Andy Fink and wrestbnc narh FrNlry Calliw Ken Maidlow all Cv»pt>e\l eham- rtlM Ike wraml knt he** > it brwtluir wit the meet, hart hi* elhew and .•txn defem pionshifv* a*. Toledo while Ok Is Johnson, Gary King and Merl dliRw't Rwalify at Ma weiahi Prebel were Baum suffered his injury t - •lairut hi runner-ups. •N»ut it m (ling Bi'.l Kershluke of O' Dual, ffil Filter does it! Kia«. • 147-paaairr. tajwred laivt who weifha 300-p*>u:' • and is eight time NAAU ch* Inge mar with Larry Hayes mt lew a HUte sad will aet he ahle to |« to pton. He was also on the .« Hie* to i two Olympic teams. the fiaals next week Other Spartan entrants *' • EN EVA Young, a former Big 10 cham¬ Toledo were Da\*e James. • 1 Iht cha» pion, cupped hU title at I3k'j placed fourth at 14" h. 1 i .a-cn flew INwind crown without being de¬ Jerry Jackar-I, a 136*i-poii"- '»• *.gn feated. He surpassed Spartan who hurt a rib k in the see. . hght a, pave Chester, who placed thini. round. Ceauet Leaa Lrn koutchrk'n (ahd all your optical tsccd: I it STARTS TOMORROW * DUAL iUTFR 1. It conbmes t un>*u« iw*f lilttf of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL .,. vjslsjsiahi pmcUa n* W t*< m&t c1) ctafttifv1JjMsUmcctl- ■ • 2. » fit a pur*-Kite CytK Mt" Tos"t*r tb«y fin* you tftc best cf tie best to6jccos-t*« m.kjness and taste that pay ott in pleasure l NEW DUAL FILTER ANOTHER LANE TRADE HITS AL AS SEASON OPENS Junior Circuit pTraderLane' , Score Exchanged for Latnian NATURAL SHOULDER In Full Swing CLEVKIiANI) (/T'l — Herb Score, the Lntman in a at might player sw ap. Washington AMERICAN I i. 0 rn. I emu WASH'N'WEAR SUITS former strikeout mtist for whom the Bos¬ The million-dollar of for was made by Jon New n 001) York 11 ton Red Sox once offered the Cleveland In¬ Cronin, then general manager of the IJe.l n 0 OIKI Chicago . Rejuvenated Line-lps dians one million dollars, was traded to the Chicak'o White Sox for ri^ht-hander Bnrr> Sox, following the 195fi *ea.*on in which Score m his aophomore year in the major* Cleveland Detroit n ti 0 0 oon nun All Through the .League won 2i) game* against nine d»?- Baltimore Kansas L'. 0 n 0 1) .1)110 oon. o, tn» %•-•»«! tvn« Senators Will Opener f c..'< a nil Jed the American Bo'■inn (i 1 noil I cague in strikeout* with 2H3 MHMHI •* III SI I.Ts The American League will plav it* first full schedule to. lUauinilun 10. |to«tun I 1* turned down Hani. Red Sox Butchered. 10-1. , with games at Chicago. Cleveland, Boston and Haiti- v.i by TOIUV'S I, X Nil'* KIIIVI, 111 \ I l»alr\ I* lit .u re The total gate for the two-da v. five-game opening Gieer.lieig. who wa* general i hivago iWvnn liri roil (l.arv 17-lo» st Cletelaiirt r,.eram Is expected to approximate 150,000. The National's — ^ r> anage. of the Indian* at the Mrll I* 10) • Hob r opener* April \'2 drew 170.78*.! fans. Klltott. who -succeeded Ike Tosses Out 1st {•ill ■ ****■• time a M-vrar-uM Wt Nf« Y«»rk irnilM illrutrr Hi«liin(l»n (Nation 1S-IJ) 6-11 I A-I'll of At lia*l»n litin U«t *ff« it homr Imlni ihr hander. won nine game* ami noire (Wolker ll-iot Craft at Kansas City. i« »»•)!> new manager in thr series to Ihr U« Angeles WASHINGTON (>T*j—Cnmilo Papcual struck out 15 tor lost 1! fur the Indians last vim, NATIONAL I I AGt'l Two others were not IMtm. Iho lnvr »4de«l ihr :i now club record and his hit-happy Washington teammates In making hi* second ma tor IV L Pel. power of Minnie Mines*, an eld trade in two days, Indians' gen t •» t ta*t opening day The** smashed four home runs Monday in a 10-1 rout of the Bos. l.-< Angeles 4 1 80U familiar fare: fleer Frees*. a •• • al manager Frank Urns said Jimmy Dykes \\h,» ? ■ k ton Red Sox. President Elsenhower ami a "parked opening San FianciAcn 4 1 nnu neweemer from Ihr National the tribe was in need of pitche s t a' Detroit after Bit! No*"- Milwaukee 3 1 .750 ousted in early M» Leatwe. and Rev sievem. The day crowd watched at Griffith Stadium. whi» c>*u!d aee regular duty im¬ w»* Pittsburgh 3 2 «no three add up In 61 merr home Paiouul. the brilliant Cuban mediately in the I960 campaign, , p v Jurges who replaced Cincinnati 2 :t .400 V ILggins at Boston tn Jut* runs if the* matrh their I9.V* r.ght-hunder, gave up only three which the Indians open today .400 v h '* in the most daz/ting Dr-t against the Detroit Tigers. He Chio.igu 2 3 \ • rises of off season deal* Bluladelphu 1 .3 .250 retirements and the norma *1.«> performance* in the Capital pointed out that southpaw Jack « i Manager A1 Loptv plans to St U»ui> U •"» .001) Df ANSCATC .cement of a number hi year* 11..t*hman i« bothered bv a back iWN' * mii/ Kafh Wynn. 2?-10 agaimu. MClN'D XY'X H».*»T.r* Kven one of the hit* in the *e.- adment and that Seore would Nn Hi heifnlea iy'»8 »t Ih- much help Immediately TOIIAY'N XI MEOI I.E of 'Dac'e***ael)ra«*«f j tcrgone a series of change* Mjhl open* lauor (1*00 t* net* !a>t M*a* >n. The mo.-t tm- tim Wallinilon t Itli-acn | t|nrehu4 «»-«> il M. I.nui* April 19. |9k(> the second inning and blasted that plagued him during m»»*t ; In some c»*es. how- rk-'Vi-.' aod.tom* arc such r\- Page l ive (Mirell 0-1 > the ball over the fence tn deep of the spring training .eason |«n Yngelr* (Pnilrrt »4) 41 *»» this i< misleading !te«.»- YankJ^v a Hank B.tuei. Norm IranrOrn (O'ltell •-!» center The home run went over Uine Sunday sent outfielder PhiUdeiiliU (ttwen* 0-0) al PH»«* !.k* Bill Skowron. who S-»H* rn, Mar* Thrnnel*errv" and # wall 420 feet fnvn IM Schedule 31-foot Rocky Colavito to the Tiger* m hiupi itlaitai* ii-6i $39.85 i ie - "j '■'> would have opened l>.»n turscn Bad Daley 116-131. M»nlv same* •«heanlea» * v. ago. were out of ac* »a a left-hander who was a second the plate It wai the longest hit exchange for outfielder llarvc* because of injuries out of the park alnce Mickev Kuenn Score and Colavito wne m- relief pitcher at th:< time /'iMtr Olivet! Mantle or the Yankees belteil roommates on road trips and < Irve'Und apens against IV U'* * car will pitch for the A- tun over the same spot on open¬ l.,.d been close friends *mce trod in the Indiana' Municipal Case^ Stensei \ still purrJed l -l rrrhri *» l.uihrf BATTI.K t'RF.EK t.4'- Tne ing day in 195fi both played for Indiatinpoh* in Mjritum and a ernwd at MfM ats-'Ut l?5if. wilt try to lead ht* S— X\ M \ *» arm.inini Alllaun. new¬ University of Detroit lo-lted a I, r\pre ted I* he an hand l» %rt Kerhv (aUvito and Harvey New York Yankee* back toward their former glory, opening j'. S— Muilarnna —llullarhrld 1 «i a—Hr*an I »% t — Hr»an J v» * t«. Rtun Hr»an 4 Huiiri iirj.i Hulir tfirhl ' 6 H Jim lemuR. iM comer l.arl Bailey < onsulo laced and humeri fur Ihv Billy the American Association the Score, at one tune considered brightest pitching prospect helpless Olivet baseball team all over the lot Mondav a- it Hag Srffler Kueon In Ihelr new nnifaratv P o-,v, "p^e Yank* have addev! took tioth end* of a douhlehc.i t- CUSTOAA inof K—llrvan * it. Nr*au b Srnalnra. iii the major leagues, hasn't ' »• Indiana traded shutter K.iger Mr;, a left-handed S—«r*an 1 u, Un an * BOB ALLISON er by the same lopsided acute, !Hiey and Paacual gave K • been able to tnake aeomplete L.AST GRAND RIVER t avi'.o <42 home run* Us* !*»arr h.tter from Kansas I* tv. VOI1 I X It XI I hil* opener homer 9-0 The double victory gave !)« ) enhower a relialunt going aw.i> comeback since an eve injurv . . . . . 7 fear) to the Tiger* for league and *.->nie young pitching tn I Itoerth *«. Cats 1957 nearly ended hi* base- troit a 4-0 record ttiua far tin* ON TIIF. CAMBUS p-eum* The Chief Executi\e in •• -g champion Kuenn < JM) Johnny James and Bill Short saa ilow up from his golfing vac. Pa 11 career. *eu*on. Olivet is 0-2. Sundae in a straight player S'.engcl vail* call Jmi i'oalea I nrlr Inm't Ho** 9 «• u HuttatrirM 1 t o:-, a: AugusM. (Li. to throw 2nd ill Sailing lie was hit In ?hr right e\e * an>act;on i^-l ♦. a TJ-vear-oid nght-hand- /•Prat *» Rr*l out the flrst ball for his 'a*t bv a line drive off the bat «t e of great promise, to pitch HOW I ISIS With ime first and one second The acquisition of a iv opemng day game. He now Git McDmigald of the New the'Tigers another ha. * me oenrr Jurges pr »hablv w.i; place, the MRU nailing crew g All"** *|Mrts a winning 4-3 record, a* York Yankee* in a game here creed long-ball hitter t > them canter with Tom Brewer (10- 1 a .—Rand.«o» R' manager Joe Gen ■ *< IV.-.'.on c-mt.ouslv counts on at l A a—soi a »-• iiir %rr. mice lie Ae«umed office Arbor Saturday of that season. ca*t iar- 7 I a—Mtr Hull »» *p«m»i '* picked Gary Bell if§-11) to Ann trouble bothered him » A IV— t iHlr l»w'i t« Hova Immediately after the game, The University of Michigan . s »e Detroit's Frank Lars Ihe ItalUmerr OPIule* will a he left for Augusta won the tvgatta with 73 pom" much of the 1938 season, when t A t—tvan* Krhwlar* **. Raihrr i! r Indians have two new m~ open at h«Nne acain«t Ui»him * A A— 11' Huh %» i.iuirr liukter* I'.isvual, curving 'cm fast and coming on -fne fi»'*t.s and five tic po.-jod n mediocre 2-3 mark, r lets w ith Johnny Temple a' with about JO.tfil due. * A *—Hit R*«t» o Alt I seconds. and he showed only flashes of ton glow, was superb in breaking a ■<* and Buoba Ph.iLps a* strikeout record set by the im¬ MSU had 57 point*. Wiscon¬ his old form last season. He Ba'.tnriore leans heavily ISt'tmcn Visit Kuenn probably will wot a en a mortal Walter Johnson. Johnson sin hail 54. Northwestern 33. tame to the Indians Irom In¬ > -re outfield although he a voting pi'rhing staff to letter dianapolis in 1933. > had fanned 14 in HUO and Ohio State 32, Purdue 32 and ix*' year'* rixth-plae* f;m*ti. For two K;»artan tennis player* u play shortstop. equaled •;»«- mark in 1924 J:m Indiana 22. He-. ir< Coigvito, Detroit !w* Ti-.e Or >< will show a rt>.»kif. fin.* aftertiihtn's ten-v* match at Shaw, \iftother Washington hurl- The skippers of Ihe Spartan Marv Breeding, on second ba*e. ■ .r • v h ro Fernando* fr,«7» Dotmit w il l*e «ir. unofficial c.. a!*o struck out II in 1914 erew are Mike Dow and Dave ' ...adelph^a at shortstop, and and an ex-National Leaguer, homeciwntng l^mon, AllBnn and B«ttey Davies. Their crew consist* of Jack e Brandt, in center. Baal > eve B.lko a*, first base * apt lii'.i Il.nchk»i« and Mcl t>oled their homers off Turn Hon Binder, Jerry Walker and Ihr Chicago Hkitr V*. P.-caaw* ;* going with »l:m Sai»er*te;r.. both from the Detroit Sturdtvant. Mum Nan tiorton. It nn* Hansen, a rtxkie short- tmsiltag with new nsnaele. will area, w.ii be antong tiie vars ty »prn defense wt their league slop who ot»ene«l last season nctm«t\ doing battle with the as a a with the Or ol*> twit plaveil on'v < hsaiptunahip at CanMahey Park University of Detroit a' .1 p.m. ■ nte High School, will are ac- Probable Starters t »n at tnc No 2 singles position • TAILTIFE A >11 11 ELK • WASHING Hie* to A'eir York Tt«#r« at ClniUit and at tnc No, 1 doubles sp«>t •.ExrvA r> »%.r;d hc«v>- OCTROI f with Roger Ptaggnhoef ■ >.ght champion — Ingemar Jo- IMW foi M Saperstcm. a aophomore. who a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I rt«» SoUliog JO is trying to break Into the Spar¬ I'an-n ftew to New York Mor.- *.gn contracts for ha re- lai< SI Raltoe CI S aarbe «*la«no Rt Wa%u»U II tan line-up. played his high ■ ■ roll CAST IIOAO StKVICK CALL ED 7-8040 J■ ftfht against Floyd patter- school tennis at Mumford in De¬ »(•«• RUfca IR This airplane it actually a flying . * i «Or* Vermao*n a* troit He will lie playing with ! LARRY'S GULF SERVICE; • lassruom. The courae taught in il loo Ret Sere I C Ron Mfsrail at the No. 3 doubles e b.g S**ede, who knockrJ tusk Ian P i* Air Navigation, under rrt! i«n-| -i Patterson ut the third round (UVEOMI spot aoUo Tewpte IR dttiona. The students are young summer, aaid he would stay Roeoo CF KSTERBROOK-picking Nar«e* nirn who have barn selected as po»- (United Sutn juit long Ratter Ml Rt 1U« froueooa It vihlr future leaders of the Arr«»- J * *o go over the arrange- r-.ts b-e world title bout a? RooRu «te Power IR una a* OS EAST MICHIGAN AT LOUIS ■ ipace Tram. Ciiaduatwn after IJ York's IV'.o Grounds. June Ruea Xtooo i ~ S« ■ (iliagunalli arru-w from Ileal SI, anlrantr) a .week* of training will win each c»l ihr student* the honored silver iij» new users every day M0f. Durable? This pen To qualify for Naviga'oi train¬ i* so durable that it'll Ia*t (IF YOU HUY ENOUGH) ing a* an Aviation Cadet,»pu inuct long erioiigb to band down to your children ,if be between and J6'i single, that'* your idea of fun. healthy and intelligent. And von build an r\»i'ing. FOR mutt want to intetecringcareer in ti e Aerospace Age It uiu think \on n,ej.ute up, We'd like 7<» talk »n Cou •' t!»e r.'a: • SPEEDY SERVICE Stfotltoofi %n& e»t A r Force !4*.'7Uit.r ;• Oflii't. U: clip arid II -li this CUU}.on. *2.96 lor Senior Men and Women CALL There's leader* a on fi'cce far tomorrow's the -y Anoifiuce t'eum. I j IWTwfMMO m • »• * "O'N' « or 9u out. i% ' u«*>oM-* it r».o torn voui Advertising Copywrliing ED 7-9841 Air Force SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. nan rats canNR tasar Ckicago ED 7-16(8 svutisa csstt Msaauatiaa St*r SC t*i 4'.1 l •tl' lStSN 4 • c A tpMNpilix -lit inlmit* M- ' 111 TM1SII4V AFRII. 21 A.XD ERIIUV AP. I. CAMPUS BOOK STORE f m ra*pu« all 4»\ • .— Or«.«*eicr,Ili.'B". UUN0V4N».2 111 EAST 80. RIVER i Cmtatt Mr. 4»t* Ki-ar>. IHr*rt»r of ffcnawl far Um. iiiSiteli. and local - 11.3 K. Cr-ml R;„r (Aafc For Trrry) 211 M.A.I EAST LANSING ^ esjxjr r j (ACROSS FROM WNN) MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Paiebi* April 19. IMA Deportation Placemen! Bureau will Interview on the Indicated date*. School Building Effect Studied from grades tO; ,"it and 12 are Four Red (Irons Workers f he following employer* physical structure of ing several different school* Of Painter If you are interested report to the Placement Bureau at ka*t two school day* In advance of .Interview dale. Does the a high school building affect the development «f atiiludes toward within one high sc')°°k th® prob¬ lems of traffic cvongestlon, peer housed in each of the e areas, Angers or clusters of the build- In Research Program iIti Bachelor'* degree. «M» Mj*tcr*. tin llm-lor*. Where no and student-teacher relation¬ ing for substantial ucnod.% of learning by its student body? . assistant director of disaster Is Upheld %. degree I* Indicated, all degree level* are eligible lo Interview. This is the question Dr. Karl ship* are limited to one small time. Four American Red Cross m>- vice in the Southeast area f r *• Hereford and staff members of area of one building, rather than "Durmg the next year." *v i resentatives arc attending MSU Atlanta, Ga. (Ml majors f.»i teachina po.M- to a larger area of the entire Hereford, "the research faculty A 1*1%II. 3'J. 1980 Me College of Education will at¬ this term in a research oragrnm The main goal of these s'' high school will be studying 3')«i outstanding li n k In l inl lll'l tempt to answer during the year conducted l|V the sociology and dents who attend school one American Insltitute for Eorelgu for the United States govern¬ "Methods for the decentraliza¬ high schools throughout the anthropology department more terms is to attempt to si*'-, F\4 JIIMMIIIIli-l Trade All majors interested m APKII. p. 19(id ment. tion of pupil population may b>* country. From that group, the research'faculty will analyze th- These stalt members attend major problems of the Amen I'ta.iuatc work at the Amov - Ualedoiiia Cominunilv School* The research .project, officially classified into three types." characteristics of 32 schixils ex¬ Red Cn*5. \VASIIIN'tiTtlN' I,V|—Til.' can Institute fur Fi»r«*ij;n AM Klem (ID arid Vocal titled 'The Relationships be¬ Hereford sa.d. "In one group, university classes relating Pi The idea for the present j., Tr ade Th:« school is .a -ne¬ tensively." their work and personal interest Mmie (ID (M) majors, for tween School Design and Utili¬ pupils are dispersed according to Supreme Court Monday ti|»- graduate level, subject area centers. For exam¬ The project cvtn1.n.jted and at the same time eftnduef re¬ gram developed in a con fere , ve. ir. teaching position*. Secondary zation and Personnel Interac¬ held at Kellogg Center In B»-*" hehl a deportation order program for young men tc.ii- ple. science teaching occur# only through the Bureau of "Educa¬ search projtvls to aul their i»i- English - Uiteraliiie. English tion," will be financed by the 3Sa Classes for training the n: against a ">0-.vear-old Cort¬ :mj to executive position'- with in one area, wing, «»r cluster of tional Research whlrH" is loea'c i gani/a'.ion. iID (M» majors for junior ITS. Department of Health, Ed¬ American r.-mpaviies engage*! Within the College of Edtwatmn T c Red Cross stafT membeis agement staff of the Red ("■ land. Ore., house painter a lio positions. Secondary ucation and Welfare. the building.'" are now held in Cbarlottesv was brought to this count rv m foreign trade. Knglish-Spjiniah. Inisr. Music Another typo of an arrange¬ attending classes this term are Va. Cllaato Valley School IMslrirt A . ill) 'Ml majors for sen tor "W> will attempt," said Here¬ ment would Ik* the grade-elevel Mrs. Audrey Bas*ett. « field rep- trom Finland when less than ford. "to determine whether a Dr Edward Moe, Itr. Ch. WasJ^nfttpn, a year old. The painter, K'cm. UD and Eieni condary V.H-al M i - •* Se¬ < high jjostitions. Clintondale Public Schtods All campus-plan high school, or area where students are dis¬ persed according to grade-level BULLETIN •csentative Hi Ma ha from Murphy, a disaster Loomis, and Dr. Sheldon I,-*., uf the sociology ami anthr<> . Willia Niukkanen. was order *ch<»o|-within-school pattern, in center ., lie said STt:PHKNVILI.C. Nfld. »4h — service representative from San majors for tea. hing j»o%-;. jns Kieni. 'ID, Elcm Vocal Mumc eil deported on grounds he I red llaryrv IIKI (ID majors which utwdent* are decentralised The third tvpe would be the A V. S. Air Furee cargo plane Francisco, Paul Jacobscn. n di*- ogy department are work, ilt», Spec K.I (Visiting In amaller school houses, affect* with the American Red Cross was an active Commn»j*t f.-r nianageimn? trainee p**-i- Teach; i) (ID majors, for rr»**-*ertinnal area where pupil* rrashed near here Mondav sliort- ader service representative from this program. M>n> Chicago. Acct. (It) n . 'i-a'haii; |M«si!ion- Hwondary Inter-personal attitude* more are dispersed Into little arhonl |r afler takeoff from Harmon s; U.'U»s. and Harrison Straub, party member from 19:17 to jor* for -'.iff finance A- ac.-' than the conventional hia h unit*, each containing a rro*%- Field, carrying it* nlnr crew 1939. iv*r k Ilium,s All men (ID (On Science and all Second- ..iv illi majors for junior high school structure." section of the total population. member* to death. Campus Classifleda . . . Low Cost The court ann-un.*-! • : a from the College* <-f Si :en -• For' example, m a secondary itionv. Secondary Social The claims for the campus- In# in nn uivsignctf opinion .la - A- Art* A Buvinr .-;s A PubM SMidu-%. Kaigltsii, Math. Art plan are varied, he van). By hav¬ school of 1.80(1 pTtx'ils. 80ft pupils lice DouglftS wrote a ttihSfftiiug Service for retail operations. senior high TEN STAR SPECIAL! * ID majors for opinion, joined by Chief Northvalle Hoard of I duration pouti-'ii.* Women counseling Warren. Ju»!ve.s Hack and llrriv- AH. KlenV (ID. Ser.-ndiuv A guidance (ID majors for inan. Thin miide'ihe vote ,»-4 Business (Typing, Business counseling position*. Niukkanen nmf to flits rotm- k ii .1, ' Malta'. Jndustr ^ KurCoal* uikI Kubrir* Clcniit'il anil (Il;i/*'< -. N'tukkatMMi's appeal to the Su¬ Three elementary Oak* guidancr work. Townvhjp School arv of Enilrver. inc.) SUM- if Sliiffe*! Toy* preme Court cited a Dtv 9. 19,>7 All Klein. (ID, Secondary KMPl/MYMENT. All if 1'hrow Kus- decision by the high tribunal PvAdvanced Math, Km:- .tumor men for sales trainee that overturned « de¬ Studies, A Math • position* — opportunities for if Alleralion* anil Mi'iiilin^ portation order agio as*. an uiu-u (ID. Secondary Counseling A regular assignments following. ^ Friendly Servire who was a I'omniwnui Par', tJuidnnce-Ocnl. Seiehce (ID graduation member- i:» 1933. tn t. a! ca- . the court sod the rty*»rd did n e bhmv the 1935 party mcml»e»>!i » was "the kind of meaningful a Co li. kg k Cleaners .socintion" to aupport t.he alien * Ca-I* anil Carry The director • »f MSU"* 11? •*«•!, prttgrams ,»n various pha*e* <ach to prodts ;m had found that Niukkanen jvi- the hotel and restaurant industry \. w V"k last wr*k juied himself bv denying mem¬ !». J \V TJiompsun was by Thonuxson and fellow in* bership m the Common!! v Party . for ii s (icvClu|imeut of a unique struet'T, Dr. L H K'-»tM*hev.■»<•. Niukkanen s therefore w .is a's.» prau»«ii at the award ARCHIM^O^S m«:--'l-induMi v conferen.*' on ddfered from that involve*! in heUl »t;.i rext.unant pioblems eerniHtn>. t'-e 1957 deeiso-n. the opinion and deveiopmetu.- The award was accepted f » aanf, adding that the person m- v >* I vis I in the ear! a ease ad- DisttnifUisliisI untvef.'v aTJi<»mpson -i by Dean Eugene K» :. m. vted membership m the i*«n iiK(u>tr> >i>e»ik%! > )ir It t «■ i Iv .of \YU. makes another great discovery... m u-nst Partv but showed inn..-. ■t-nee of "meaningful uswa-De;ne the Center for U- the American Oriental jKtciv'v C •. $. c-.f.wJv of fk* Coso-Colo Company hy A comparison of the two ques¬ lanwe {4tud'os at American Unt- Najjar is the author of severs! tionnaire* will show the intlu- veridy, Beirut. laS>an*»n Tl;*> professional articles on political ence of the university »«n the re¬ grant provide* a living allow¬ and social aspects of modern EA-HAI.I.r. COCA-COLA BOTTUMi COMPANY ance a* wvit a* research fioi.U. Ar^b life Lanainff. Michigan ligious beliefs of its student*. Gfc HniD BY OUR IXPtRitNCtO CORStMRES twin ClOVIR shop*, a lovelier you lor Ike veoMe'l completely feminine look, firm tupporl and comlorl Irom it. "Stey There" elot'ic knil con.lrwchon and panel* White whitlpool dacton/nylon/ coMon bofcile bra with eloilic knit back. 32-36 ABC 3.VS klaitic knil girdle S.M.l. 10.ts >v*un TorioieNe «ilh undeiwire uplift '' brrtij odion. 32 38 I.C cup*. 10.93 Ton can iqmdacr the rxt-rim-nl. flavor cannot come from the Alter. It'ecoajrao W. I Yes. vihj can ug it Therefore, it's what's up float that «'•* ia in the bgtktid. I Anuming thru you counts: WlnstonX EUter-Btand. The -*■ of s hnw Ant vklted your friendty tobac- tobaccos are selected for fiavor aad } uadfi «»nint. nimpty light jour Br»t Winntun mildness, then apwtofly pri rnseed for nod smoke it Reasoning backwards, fUrr tmokutg. This extra atep in the the discovery proceeds as follow.; real differyirr hrtwcea Wiaatoa and ft ret. you will notice a delightful 4Uvor. m the class of fresh coffee or it* why Wiaatoa ia Aamrica's had- of breed baking. .Obviously, such selling Oiler rigmeils 'Eurtka! Winston tastas good... liko • cigarotto should I" P^;: * ' ' :;*y i IJir-S ■■■■ 1 '.'J'