Tiger# Win Tlii' Wi'allii'i' KnlintN SinKle Wins I nir ami Warmer. Windy Gum* in 15th IliKh TO S** l"n*n 5 I.OU .12 vol.OIK 52. No. II KAST I.ANSING, MICHIGAN—WEDNESDAY, At'Kll. 2ii. l'.uUi I'll ICE 5 CENTS AUSG Candidates MSli Rhee in Trouble as Mobs m ii %\ rkidix ;.:veedent-*<>tUi»g cam* Speak H> HRVC i: PI.APP himiiiln Briefs to Siinil, Battle Troops in Seoul Rrrauo | do not feel that it • . t K»vfinen!. t have requcst- Keipivth Kiiundn. preMili i f . b nerr««*r* for a candidate to the UnitiNl Natioua! Ituti-pev. , -view of my platform. I revise or extend hi* platform dtnee Party of Northern K'.-. iMittess that when 1 re* once it has been made, pohllc. I l S. Calls % . 'vV Mrtv word hour* of the deadline prior to pre** w ould like to offer the follow tug statement as a substitute: desiu. will speak tm tho. drvolo.i- mi'iii in e» Central ami Sort p. V? ?»- Frulav ,»? 8 p m m 'he Kix i . Proclaims . 1 *ud -angularly prepared , • other exchanges with s,».ncnt This present* c\* Rnee We the undersigned Plapp for AUSG support Presi¬ The foreign studies depar- nient k siHiiiMinna K e.mda's Mi 'ti si i res Martial weekend visit. : (M-portunity to second de:!: ,.s. and call down each phnk h < platform. This opportun* Belo IKcalioQt v i- a list of Uryce's qua'- which makes us feel it * H Txi 'ess i re Law in Citv ; not t>c exploited by .me thai he is the best-qualllled can¬ Rim. ... I'hytiraU . :i >v> or any other occasion. didate WASHINGTON i.-I't—S«v- SKOL'L, Komi hT)—Army I am •ppoaint the rwntrwlltng I. Viis'-President of AUSG Arn»> ROTC cadets who »u - retar> of State Christian tanks and trucklonds of tut in** thai h*\r •»**" •*" M* and Speaker of Congress. 1959- goin^ in'.o Advanetxl i'.'ii:>e< ■ llerter charjriHl the South r1,lf of every well-knew ■ wean- t>n should report to Den Ha", .t troops moved on the north 6 30 tonight for a physical Korean government Tuewiav eastern suhuriis of iritton an raaipn*. I have been '2. PreMitent of Blue Key Seoul am illation. with adopt int? "repressive ,a*ro»«hed hr eertain #f Ihm Junior and Senior Men's Hanor- Wednesday where huudmK •rcnitatieiM which aaanred me ary. 1960-61 measure* unauited to a free of armed students and civil¬ it it it tho pmWkecy •# the tentor rla«« democracy." :t Member of Faculty Com- ians still defied the govern- ,r | would m* enter the At'Mi He ca.!f,i Prcodrntial race. mitce on Studeni Affairs. .1959- hn-ngi- O/m'/i. -Honrs. on Pic^.ic:;.'. Shift¬ tnenf of President Syngrmgu 60 man H:wc s Kovcribm,:i-. to take TV latter is what irrevocably Kregse Art Gallery now sche¬ !uv.'>sa:y ant effective actum • •> Rhee. 4 Member of Spartan Round .i.T'otcil my final decision to dules open hours on Saturday protect derv.ix-ratio • r.ght*. m- Rhee ft^venmen" prucia'.mcd Tabic, li)5a-5s» and 1959-60 a to represent you with a stu- In a.m. to 4 p.m., as well as Sun¬ e.udmft freedom of sjjeecn. as¬ wartime nuirti.il law <»n the , 5 President of Green Helmet .^••v-represcnted aiEt oriented days, 2-.~> p.m. and Tuesday, 6-9 sembly and the pri-v capital and four other niiiiu: —Sophomore Men's 1 loner.i v., j-»vernment. Steps taken by or- 1958-59 p.m. The. gallery w ill continue *"". llcrter, summoning Aniba^- Abtui Lrrner cities Tue*da>- rtiftht after ♦.ct.u"•>"* such as Bryan Hall to o »en Monday through Friday a lor You Chan Yan« to his of- day of near revolution :o tl Member of Cabinet, AUSt i year in exhibiting 8 a m to .i p.in liee. also called for an end : » which about - 160.000 studen'* vhew! spirit arc sure Are indiea- ••lit apathy exist* only in 7. Board Member of Executive lb dr it what he described a, ••unfa,, Di*. Lcruer :• d townspeople cia.shivl with • tl—crimination against political governing bodies The h.^nost campus. on ance 8. Member of Student Insur¬ Investigating Committee. lilzi-riln in l'iim-1 (>i*)on«nis'' of the regime The stale Department made Slates Series i indcvl ( /ehi'- 65-vi •ill-old the ti Rhee n ft f.i vest lor Students h* Student* 9. Honors College Advisory l>r. Stanley Id/erda. director knwwn Herter'x slroocly- worded TM p-. ec-.on problems of better under- on the port »»f Board, I960 » f will the Honors College at MSU, participate in a public af¬ remittent* * few moment* after the amba»*adnr ended hi* 3«- Of Lectures en -test-; if over were sparked allegeii fraud- by and ^ l>\\ KUDU, (left! and Dryer I'lapp. runtewtani* for .%I'S4* pcc- 10 3.5 All-Universtty Aver¬ >t >nc-nrm taetu-s th Ma:v • -,» administrative department-. Chemistry Major fairs panel program in Detroit minute vt*it. Di m • %idrnt. Ukr time out to %uun>t what thrv want all iludrnti lo do age, Abba Lerner. profe>M'i- >■' 1» presidential eliv!w»n- vov.'U.s'v needed and noce*- Friday at the 196(1 Engineering In whvh Thur«da»—votr. ! and Reports that III person* which increased ' 'jacidt.or. upon he called were "the profoumi and Lerner will . i.ier/ control can bo built and Three INillinp Plaee* Open Scholar Manufacturing Engineers. growing c»Anrern of this govern¬ Economic Aspects speak tm of "The Civil killed and up to 300 wounded in Tuesday's street battfoic * * * it it H ment over the serious, continu¬ Rights" tonight at 7:39 pin. The \l>rv authority for student brought rebukes from the ing public unrest and acts of lecture is sponsored by the • 2v5 on >Tp the initial level indicated. :* AUSG. Class Offices IVril Hampton, bur President, Exeali- Sii-ln-rl I'lniis Tri/i violence Ambassador in Korea** Yang had told tn.on Board Fcrum Committee ■"The Hvitn >Kcn Bomb ami Tutted state*. The government listed 21 dead A i awareness of the facilities Jitu Hlasen, prwident, Sen.or Dr Fred Siebert, direitor of in lighting before Hhoe\ palace, newsmen <*n leaving the State Peace" will lie the topic « %co a committee formed President. • excessive!v repressive." day 8 p.m. In the lecture* up to 250 w ounded. • '.wuld work as ah agency MSI* i)uvk Holmes. Exec. Vie© 'presi¬ paper Editors in Washington, L'iner *-v.»i •Her a proposal for t'ensorship blan ;ed out spaces students Will elect an lanTie Oftecke. Detroit simh*!- A it A M'SO which would make dent. AUSG. 59-60 U.C. this AVSC5 president and all cla*- nl student and Norma AI «i *TA. t*a. preventing nuclear war arid la morning's newspaper- all Smith. John ForsNth. Green Helmet He will gt- on to New York i Hi rre*i- ■ j ' » undergraduate officers in spring electioiu — ending all war*, discussing and where casualty ligure* would dent tioenhnwer briefed ■ u•"« the benefits of the Detroit. »fc the caiuUdate> tot PresUJent, 1960 City Saturday to participate m «n elaborating ulea-. originally tiavc appeared Thursday. the Tuesday n rioting and inpni- on • • Bureau, thus making Senior treasurer. Britt Engstront, President, WIC, annual mee tuigs o( the developed by Dr las» Sin lard m Heavily armed soldiers, ia'!- Voting hours will be 8 to 5 Juniio American Council of 'Education ttaa af martial law in Korea. Mac : aware of where he thdlotini* wi!! be in the lTtii'i i. prtsidcpt candidates 59-60. a se{ie> of articles u the Bulle¬ ed into the capita! Uto Tuc- Juhn Sue Si'hiller. President, PanHel, in Journalt.'m. Aasodateil Piis.s Whft# tfotise official* were • ,' wheth¬ «hu\ ntiiw ri Seoul Candidates vying in ;i spirited S/ilard was one ol the de\el¬ Where mobs while the Vice-Ih evident lishers Assn. er continued trouble there would r. standpoint of the era- inii. Ed Reuling, President, IFC, 59-60 opers of the atom boriih. ami vraiall.v ruled for a tunc. campaign far the AUSG presi¬ alter Eisenhower'* arrangements candidates ore Kill Mvrrs. Has¬ Bob Renbarger. President, Vets whs in-trumentaJ in ue.'iuaintlnft Peace of a sort prevailed in dency are Bryee Plapp and Dan to Visit Seoul June 22 alter tour¬ v. ' it on good authority ting*. ami Nancy Schubring, Association, 59-60. _ •w.t».v.ng regulation* change* Reidel Plaeida. Flu. Dave Gronauer, ITemdent, East Miller to Present ing Russia and seeing w»me of Fresideni Roosevelt possibilities of developing with the ilie eentral revolution hail seeiions rocked where the neai city Running for senior class presi¬ and - ' tv the 60-61 academic Competing f--r Junior secre¬ Shaw. Japan and nation. such a homo my intention to form dency are Hob OttStavson. f*on- tuc; Tom Wilson, Dayton. Ohio, tin.v are Anne Berg. Grand Ra- Larry C a m p b e 11. President, Awards l» Four it' it it omng Lerner i.i .i di,.!.Hi*uished pro-' I hr troops quirklv elraird the reduce the red pt«i>. and Jane Collin*. G recti *- Freshman W.VSHINGTON t»lh-The In¬ : :tv to and Jim VunNieker. Rochester Class.,58-39 fes-or a:vt author. Before coming slrrrts. The Mildlcrx Piovnl " '.ha*, h«i« impeded the tem- Vice-President candidate* are burg. K' Jim Anderson, Senior Advisor. At Two-P«iint Fete terna! trouble* of South K"re.» t . MSI ne served a - i pi >t - or firmly against crowd* and fre¬ '■ah progress in the past. Sue Dhouge. Uh««c P-»into; Phi Eta Sigma. are causing no danger'to tic «»f oeoin'mvicA at New York Angie Napoli Chicait», III ; IX>n quently fired into the air hut Pat Graff. Flint, and Karen Larry Osterhik, Sophomore Class The Veterans Association is forces-guanl&tg the b»»rder wit.) S< h »»l for Social xcWctiee af Mamberu Creyts. Lading; and Te«cvelt Univcnitv. Chica¬ ing. Akron. Ohio. at between troops and demon- treasurer of the Junior via**. m their plain, for the AH Un¬ tary men here* believe i t» the crrtcrian upon Running for secretary of Sen¬ John Home,. President, Bailey go. His books include "Essays utrator*. tn the sophomore class elec- Hall iversity student-faculty 2 point Twn ai\ i*ion* of |'.S. Army in Economic Analysis," and "The icveral organization* on ior etas* are Sharon June*. "Emergency Martial Law" - * am*. Fred Sutton, Western dinner. trimp* are deprived an the bnr- tk'ononurs of r-su.c M'iect their member*. In Toledo, Ohio, and Nancy Hod- Employment " mean*** military rujc under • Spring. II!., and Hob Antlnnga, Provost Paul Miller is sched¬ der. atone with the grannd jpt.v . selection of mem- gibs, Farmmgton. * wartime conditions wax in¬ "t for an* Way laud, are running for presi- uled to present awards to two forces af the Republic af (Sonth) organisation should voked to meet a swelling tidal *" wwu primarily upon ability Rally Tonight students and two fucuity mem¬ Knrea IR1IK). Prof to Give wave* of public protests growing t • ! v OAdership potential, a«t on '.uu ktiww*' or connection* I. S. Gels Thoma* lavcrh. Plains, and FVedrie Tasker, Lake Oare eign-< "George Washington" and Furl siphmnt-re vice presidential with 'Higgle Munn sues! groups a chance to rub elbow* Neiv Blast as full control of vital. - trooj)* <»,*• boffi President. iUsa (Mlravmt dec'. Urn - R e Ann Kuhn. Detroit; Pat speaker. while- trying to eat ail of the spag irtti they can for $} countries t!i" m '-de b«»iiJer UN Conimander. lien. area Uai- t'. On Gaiiipai^us Seoul, Pusan, Taegu. Tacjon • * je.-.ige ivf criticism receni- C andidate* fur Al Mi and and Kwangju were under mar¬ G.rvin. K-rkw«H>it. Mont « and Ticket? are on sale in Hie ter Magrutfcr tial Law, and the capital for a »» • Jtnca . »fT -rrs at tt>.tf*oip it has received. the institution does not deserve of By Castro W ' Diane Lucbtman, candidates for sophomore Northville. are secre¬ clam presMrnrir* will be tkere In dkciM issues and rhal wtth Union in th» at the main ticket office concourse. Tuesday. Apul The ai>»ut 90 . ROK percent forces rei'ieH-n' df the total Ralph Goldman, associate pro- fessor <»f political science and .specialist in U.S. party politics time seemed almost in a state of anarchy The army imposed tary whiie Michael Bailour, slsdMto alter Ike furinal 26. 5-7:30 pjn. is the date "Jcism should be d> puriiun strength. and opinion researeh, will spehk censorship on Korean new¬ WASHINGTON MV-Tbv U S laonsing; Ha r tie Vaughan. aver a ffaaa anp al aaffee. It i> advisable for alt students None of them could be pulled k a. •. * lack of cooperation Tiiurwia.v on the influence of spaper*. government Tuesday came its Salem, Ohio, x and Jcnet Van or group- and faculty !•> inyv out of the Sine to assist in the ,*';t exi: jmation between the Conaufi Imiay City, are running . Tto ratty la ^anmid by tickets ,n advance because r... foreign affairs on the i960 con¬ Almost like ?..capital at war. Korean govcrnniciU's attempt to closest yet to branding Fidel vention.-. and campaigns. Seoul was in a state ol riotous • [ of - hlch i* not a result of f.! treasurer. rruak-daph lannrtl. ticaets w ill be sold at the door. end mob action in several of turmoil .ccr-shortoommgs, but Castro a dictator Goldman's talk, in 32 Union ■"srr the South Korea's big cities without I. s. AmbaMMMtor Walter system itself. Revi- ft- 7 30. sponsored 'by Delta Convenuilion Clanae* Show Skill i, — The sharp words came from permission from Magruder of w an government, no' . Phi Kpsiior:. the foreign service MKowaughv pert—Ity urged the ytate department after offi¬ '^T*nl of it, i» the obvious professional fraternity. Rhee to -take lata aecwuat the cials here were stung by the g *>, • The subjects Goldman plans baste reuses a ad gflmawi" of Students l)iince Makes Perform in French Cuban, premier's latest blast in A.x-Jvr the officer aystem re- an aHemaUvu class his series ol attack* on. Uncle Sam. to to cover include his analysis of the real' forces which will oper¬ The statement did not elabor¬ 1 **1 -*'** * 1 «ueb class la !«*;- fcrunwulnJ. b not This time c hi red Castro pubUelv.de-:.. he saw some similarWy A one-act'comedy, **L» Rente Fine OfteaiiifS ^ ate at the conventions this sum- over, who the nominees will be, ate on the "causes and griev¬ ances," but obviously referred "v clasa government and what influence international to election* complaints which ^between V. SL..policy*and thfose \Tagerc.w will b«» present#*! Opening night jitter* bothered - ca;y a ^ ^ question* and events will haw have eauxed a series of bitter AU-Umeersity of Killer, Mussolini and Spain'# Thursday at t p.m tn the Music few memoer* of t «• ca*t of Ka - »«er-:rnt. | advocate rhe Cc»er»H«irm* Francisco frttdi, And i. t sen and during the campaign* protest demonstrations ever, • tkloscdpe of Dance list nigh! a since mid-March. The statement ^^•obmaot of per iodic Ja;nt State department prgs* offee D rented by Mr*. MargurrIM they perfor? r. - » small ap- A G- .iuman is director PolitJcj Graduate of thv was an unusually strong uric, ^ government Lancoln White rfenmiTcrd this Miller, assistant professor of Tfiin preciJlive au.hcnce ui Fair child and marked the first time the a^ ■ sii-UniversUy officers to as another of the hascic^s re¬ French, ths play i* twins pre¬ Tbeav : Training Program on campus He reived as ronvuitant to the U. fi. government publicly ac¬ *"/'i • '« "" ^A'*»vnj| problem area*. marks which the Cuban prime sented under the gusplcvs of bus T"># '.ftyj:.» offer.- i large knowledged justification btthutd this line of fchinkimc. Democratic Nat.<»nal e«m«mittec otinistrr makes from time to department of foreign languages var,ct* o,' dan,-.- routine*, in¬ the demonstrators* complaints. ^ *'sw..tv xr... - ,* 4r> a^srmblr ' time from reasons best .known to hy student* from French Con* cluding folk, square, and ion;, dur.ng the 1952 campaign, and f >r Tour years as research a*so-' ,uit executive offic- .versa"io?r clasao* 209 and IM. * v himstlf.** taroporao dabce ♦ late with ■ '*:i vyuld be university organ* The VS. spokesman noted Dads Hoover. Clinton sophf The .shnmr opens with a' light me Brooking* tnstitu- uon <»t Washington, D.C. an or- Si u tit-nb (tn Had it t a worthwhile that the United . States had W.Uiam McMachan, M.I ford tiuinhvr and continues to mov" ^*nauent gone to war against Hitler and isirph; Aoson Lovelett#. St. Jos¬ gan /aUon devoted to n'W»n;<\ J^ ■- >vmiihiiity cf AUSG or MusiolUu in world war II He eph soph; and Robert Kobe!, t>j- freely thrpuglunjt. costume* and The colorful choreography education, ami pi*i>iicdtion in the social .sciences Program Tonight ting Vi-.cn- Gov- America now coaster* in* troit it, star in this play by Gab- make the show both eye pleasing students to that i)i. Goldman * current study Representatives fro m t h c • ternatkmal communism u real n#! D'HeryHliers. mrvi entertaining ed by them has been recommends better Men's Glee Ciub, Campus UN. threat to democracy and hope- The plot of the play centerf preparation ■ghored. AUSG* as it around the attempts of an old v Ail aspects of organising and for party conventions, and -row ,> and University Theater will be thai Castro and the Cuban presenting thi- program arc ca:- on WJLS tonight at 9.30. harrowly con- people will come to rea&X* this lady, Mme Lebidou, to sell her fied out bv the combined rmtu- representative ailotmrnt of po- I'-s on Bob Stem, of toe glee club, t-T>port»nce aa thu -If cofnparisons must be house id * ie might hare an an¬ bemhi?) of the Dance Hr xluv! '• > party committee- a, .. ' ' . well »s at the conventitwis. "w '! discuss the c>mcert to b» J yr of *,-e entire univer- made."* White said, "one of the nual income until her death. M, Orr^c*;. and promenad- presenteMihscVh»bons teiins. Member* *4. lur three of the navabte In advance t«*rm# »3 Inland Dailv Fir**, for one term M: foi t. Axfonatrd PieS« and - - ^ Vtv JMK M.WHII I. Syiielironiaed Sssinimiiig As-.«i luted Collegiate »»re*s hi Novel ,.. ,.f :3 0" <- A • r •• •• .'/a- UMabis1 '.0 k«'l 1 »Ut. svh.it* City Egltor Hharoo I'oadv ,%** t Ntfcht Editor* t hsrlniI. P-.if of A: r S.-T. r t ' >A ' »nduc' !•>»• ;m' • H.i Iton. mil Slyer*. Jarqneiin .• "is* thle w ,t-. xwif'iv up !'» AK .'ti ! the Idit-Pace-Editor l arr* Xlillrr Kampert Five (loeds lo Olympics Thoma* Barrett, a veteran ol bv !::< neck Hire Editor*: Nancy Rotilin, sport* fdltor Jim B'alllnzton lllane Raltn. Haul Roller. jM„ vfiM .r. the A.: f ■„< . . • .«• We : m«. v -ued him a lien By HON Y.4 WTI.HPRETT A**t. City Editor Bo* Flenkert nle Jarvl*. Hay Pratt );»b of watching <»vft 1 rning the IP »Tt* pr >4:. 11 lea i- a*Mr sport* Id John Schneider Retail Manager < nick Per to AF .u- j< sc. • !he svd'i 1 -A.i- up to h.< chin.' It bus remtrlticd a mystery .%**« Retail Manager Int. , , • l.tnda t utrldze I11 Big European Splash AFBUTC carted* Feature Editor •rut ! ritVrunS. t'-.J Bane" related. Martin as lo why thinys happen Smtetv Editor Connie Zekll National Advertising Manager ('.1 Bar-etj grsdu.red fr."M I*..! Barret! hi* served :ri X'lghl Editor*: Hank Bern«!rtn. Halt Squire thi* I's . m add.- when they do, and somehow l'n vc- ty.'H manV 1.11 • Ren Ruin*. Howard H«lme». Rill Engraver* " John 4'andrii ti Education ■ i . s' s'c ; .n * 1 Japan and A'a k « By ANNE MAVI I: % always happen when they Kielman. Jodv Howard »•" RIHnwn. It, 41 tiedreu - . . t • . i- nriTil K.d 1.-at '.ii i'ic mi'ita:;' While most people were sitting contentedly in their ea*»v shouldn't. "Trial Uy Sland¬ then par* cf 'I" 11 1never M'fins t-i stop !:.• chairs, watchintr the Winter Olympic** on TV. five MSI' er" is a limited view of this Vol. 52, No. 11 WeilnewlHy, April 20. 19iio t'af, l Research v.1 - , A r»r .grarn tiMll Co! Barret', received hi* coeds were excitedly anticipating their trip to the Olympic^ ' ke ma:.-. - v - ma-te: '1 degree •litisata.n ad- problem. A modern mech¬ IV,. •*" , • ?t,.rij• •:at'on a' O:::o State l.i'- this summer. anized life can overniyht he- ■' ••. f ■ :••. 1 their tr.:> will be their coach. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS , - Attempted girls participating are of choa*. and in •• • :!•- .K I ■ • e was ued ! * Mr Imlu-tnal T>u* come one Mary Jean Campbell, junior. Mr# Tr."i Jonc*. and Mrs. Nor¬ v ■=, rev.. College of the Armed Force.-, this novel, as in many before (Tie of h;» rir-t avgrunenl* and ansMtued n M*.,"v seho.-i. At.*;,* Harrison, junior; Susan ma O fn of California Mrs. Karen it, does. ItKSOLINCS: I r*. Oar Bfl—• hMlnllw »«• Tw,.. M..I ['), km ! he r»; - - •:«' •' was tactic.-i: living m pursuit The Colonel •• married a d. Montgomery, junior; Olson A the organizer of the trip a h.ph .vhe.,>! b:i M.".. att. e' • • p :ri'- u.l iig the old I'-'i"- ':V<■.*' .n Fast l^irisilig w :!.h h. Uunltki*. junior; and Betsy Fox, and irother of Zoe Ann Olson, In this else, it is a respectable Thurx.. »«* Fri. MHImm. im*ltn, F»r *« K*MIm: I » m I r, | .lev r >;» went of t ■.*. !(*. -oil and daughter. He be¬ freshman A Sexton high senior, young mother and widow, Janet Hill, r.y.w, »-lt «•) 0>r*«h rrMa. one-1 ne Olympic diving champ. Hamilton, who lives in the faming »•; •' ffttdent body4 F eld < near Detrup.l, now a nia- long* t , MSfx Men'* (Fee Chin Kavda Zavit/.. is also part of the During spring vacation, these Westchester suburbia; ths* per¬ Kl) 2-1511 ' EXT. 2615 I" . * is C;e files' ...ft }»r K:t !<.•• AF in*!iiH:i!n>:i. and ;* active in local arfivi.'.n* gr.-up. These gi-ls. who will l>e among iivefcd to West Fa!m fect setting for the incriminating Hereford a" 1 -'.iff menber* of I enjoyed Icmking at Mich¬ <"■'! Barrett enjoy* wmm/.c girl* circumstances which build up. •he College of Ft • ;• .1' wfB igan's countrywide 'wav back, wah-i* skimg. handball ir.l.i 1!:e ftfi participants from the Bear: Fl.». for a competitive FOR SALE •ivmr, • » answer • t ;r.4; e next thru in thoxe remarkable ( apt Swell), fishing for lake C.sA. are the official demon- ■ni/ed The reader wanders into Janet's AUTOMOTIVE #ynic swUnming meet life and Immediately finds her ear f.ir 'he t'n.'.e'l State* 4 ' "it in norihern Michigan, a-d -frators of synchronized swim¬ •p'ane*," ('»»! Barrett recall- from ail over the m.*S FHKX'ROLrr IMPAIR CON with 1 • In a state of panic as she won¬ SEUDNUT SHO^ IS 0'F. Co: Barrett was coimnanduvg glider living, which .x like s.'iil- ming They will demonstrate be¬ VERTIBt.E r- Sham Sierra gob, fore all swimming and diving roun* ders. "How can this be happen¬ radio, heater, white walls.etc l\ a fighter group :u Panama a 5-JIOI. ' !i".'M ti fins is were na- ing to anyone like m«?7 . ¬ * • » d. "The Re V. -n • > •hf tune of Pearl Harbor. And, most «tuslen'.* and f.ic- events. Th' , A person who lives in a con¬ CHEVROLET *TANpAHI> • « per: S-' > ! I>e<\gn ,«n i t'\ For instance, he recalls a ul'y inembery will agice tha' The purpose of this trip is to tiona'-iv teVvised "ii April 3 over i«aii ventional house like this, wears 2to terle*. blue white. Motor. Iwi' :>r ion and Frr*.v,Mo: le.'.t •. "curry-up" rescue mission afte AFROTC .* 1 rnvr- ry arid promote sy nidi run i zed swimming C'BM a Sport* Spectacul.ir • oihI, clean Interior. ED 3-1511. •*' worthwhile funct.on ->f 7hi.« uni- >0 :♦ wdl' be a competitive sport clothes like these, with my ordi¬ ;s*ri davs. tV 4-HM3 aPer S. I* ns MAC. \ n. u .,! be finar «st r>; a P-40 pilot who had bailed out piesi-i.M: .«»n. :ti tie next Olympics com pet:- nary face, figure, and mind " It !* S rVpart-epT .? Ilea'* Y over a beach It seems the pilot vers.'.s n.V> MCl-TD - EXCEIJX.VT roi- :i a1 on. a" 1 We'f. -e •..-n. At present it is not ia a thought which ha* run d.Mun. completelv rebuilt u* anIS PHI I-CO REFIUGATOR FOK through the minds of more than ED 1-MSS after 3^ p in Excellent condition. E.D 1-19r (ri'avily Full out U> g'Vr.p' • i-'rr • Male I oval Ihe franxpnrtatlnn for lhi« Irip lx being provided by contri¬ merely ficticious characters However, the author has not OON'i IMf CKRVROUBT STATION WA- •-pa**enger and *-pas»en- slier j Jsi V'-S. power glide, power steer¬ HOUSING pattern, :.?i "..-a lej-cntra'.'.zed in -ma'.ei #*•}. - «!u.irnt« a e (irttap (briars bution* from varlou* industries and civ Ir minded groups. girls' mothers iIm have an or- The Experimented reduced his ingenuity ami the plot thickens as our victim stares into her closet and continues •et. ing radios, commission. See at Riser. Lansing heaters Save salesman 1100 East Grand '* EO* BfNT ' ••.jxe«, efPeo'* .•itrr-j»rrv>ra' a" ganication that finances trans- CAMBRIlKiF. Max* lAh—tf» •.••.ide.* more man the n.nven To (til Men fruit rakes and holds rum¬ jui»' j* A la*. ' Kmstein theorize,! wondering "How d«»es one dre*.* for this sort of occasion, for a i.ir l'40 YOURSELF A good Falcon s>r Ford from a df«l •"< former apartments t.ona! h.tn wh • -I strut"'.u* year* j»;.- gravity, the force that MM l student See Gene Selden *t CAPITAL AT SAGINAW • mage sales. town sir country"" Hereford sai.f Mas Curtis. !nc IV 4-44UI. ♦* room* unfurnished, except »• pulls ,\ou down toward the eartii. ' MSP \1.-n (Fee Ciub The countries in whieli the retngeretor. automatic washe- "By hating several different - can change t';e frequency (in That derision having been I1HAKF1 roMPl.nr REIJNIMi pi. • "• ' Ann.iu' Spring g,r!x to demonstrate are drver Second floor, private e- • schools «ilhln one huh school, ;>:.m colon of light made, ne are Introdurrd la aur SUM sr.d up Adjustment. r»c. Good I'tllltiea paid Ideal for thtr* • c » u, r s.c 1 rda ,r H l.» m the Champion Brake Rehnei- the problems of traffic comes- England. Spurn. HoRan I. Be'- t'niversitv said two victim's Ino sans, aged lea and used tirrw slert* «». IV 4-5317 P. g M It ■ f Keiiogf Outer. Harvard rrlO F. Kalamatsm IV 4-4d4*» peer and student-teacher gium. Cermany. Czes*hosIaVakia. six. and to her stuff* parents THREE ROOMS PARTLY f lion, T e ti won the first of ds M ,,*n'.ist* have demon*tr»'- Jta'y. Austria, Switzerland, and . nha appear ta have lived Indefi¬ ed Automatic washer, drver t«* relationship* are limited to one rcn .c organ .M'n-n >n -.impu-. France esl th . fa,-' "an experiment nitely and uill no doubt con¬ EMPLOYMENT Mural wetting. *paclou« groun i •mall area of one huildint. rath¬ i.ack a • i MM' u.k MAC and of ex' •eiTie j •l.tion " Actually. tional 7-*ll# Immedtstelv er than to a larger area of the "During our free time, we tinue doing mi MANISTEE RECREATION a '.I'll led >;•■ -urn .xtudent* the Xpe applies to ail THE ATTRACTIVE THREE BOO" entire high school." hope t.i take a trip to the J .c of whether The plot 1* quite simple Here Association desire* to have 4 toy I -hurt igru*: ss ave*. nuhed. perking, private, clea p -. a* .1 x. •••.' r..if for j t'.mr; in I' a I y and hope to - *e noich fi\e,pies* band to back name me'h.sl* for the man m love with another v ten tent, married couple - The >'««■ e > • ,.e d ire g W I War II they i»e ! ^ '. 1.1 i> waves, gam- s» iix a performers on tne evening of M.*v single ladles Utilities paid. ED : ♦ia va* on of pupil u» *l! t--e :«:g)ds in R'»me." *a:d ma or v-nfv- woman I College professor fall* 2! Send all particulars immediately IS T e organiracm ha* grown to to John rombrosa. Director. Man- •-.it be cla«-.'!ed into •hr.-e frt leernU-rs, end has toured r\- Anne Harrison, spokesman for Hirv.i I l» Itiftiert Found m lose with student, who ha* »*»ee Hecreatmn Association. Manis- the group Michigan Specuy dates that you tor sale •\-j»e«." Hereford m J ' In . :o tcn-ivclv xi.i.ce F* formation and .1 11,( varsl graduate student, TRIAL BV HI.ANTHR trr ••dl be available for audition in e (tvoup. pupils are dispersed a The girls will leave by plane (F.cn Iteoka Jr.. tell of their ex¬ 1 ait-lug I? trailers" "o.ng to s\ibje»d area ror.v* Fall term the irnup sang In a on July ti and return Sept. 12. By Travis Macrae periment in the current "Physi¬ TWO POSITIONS WATER front IMS DETROriT.lt - 10 x 40 f- F..-.example, science teaohp,* trl-unlverxily grogram with the Ihe Olympics start Aug 7.4 and " Rinrhart and t'a„ lur.. k'tchen. two bedrooms, colore! •• ( III.. B4RRI IT cal Review director craft counselor Experi¬ ni'v in one area, w. ig. Cniversity of Toronto and Col¬ end He pi. II. I ana f!.».i enced for bov *' camp Eight week* pliances. on lot ID Holt. Mb-' < occu-e Thn report that tne pull of - e!u-'er of the budding gate I diversity, at Toronto. |hr beginning June M Write giving e\- ■*r Atvompansing the g :l» mi gravi'v sd ix energy '(» approach- returned to school for M A. upon periense and background to Flylr.g "Another wou'l he th» club toured in Michigan nver Eagle. Ut* Weber Drive, lointmg. It t-.pe Msg eleotromagne'.ic waves Th * LOST and FOUND rr«»*s-*et*tion»! v nro nl a:ea where in*o life ;«u- apring South llaven. I udington, Manis¬ vacation, appearing in Bad (llitwks Mo I reeilain increases waves trie frequency of the On the other hand, grav¬ stealh woman of husband i The other victim) had a gun. (college student .alias The gun was STCDF.NTS wanted for • evening MEN AND women make one phone call and employment IX)ST. I.ADVR GOLD ring * -i I s.'h<*>t units, each conta n mg .» tee. Bad Axe. Hav t itv. soutli- X mi can It Reward, Call ED •"• i'v subtracts energy from light earn ut» to L* per evening ir in¬ Koom 337. used to kill the wile, (since prsi- . roa*-**v1.on t»-»tm!at: Bilk Public M Ilea (atariIs arid other eietromagnetw waves s-n,-i) they move against gravity. f«»v«s»r was married but unhap¬ pily ) The husband's fingerprints terested salt m l-ISW between 4 and S p m Frtdav and 4 and # pro M.mda \ Tuesday. Wednesday, fl«Msr S!L\T3» CIRCLR PIN. lost !.i tvasbr«Kirn Herke*. Ca!I Mi¬ - >' 1.300 p.lp 's, 000 pup:'* ♦ •»•>» .T.iis lowers thru- frequency liiursdav '3 ne ED t-1073 after 4 perform.'I tri-tin.verss'.y on it. Nobody seriously .'i Pallet' Aulas * were ^ to. It and 12. afe t*»u>c I Each Year ' it ad»s of freqUCfh v program w.Pi Wuvne I'nivet. Such a change considered the possibility that all M'MMER ~ EMPUiVMENT. Wort ni each of these area*, t-ngc • or and Ohio Stale. x{«>nxort*l bv t"u- wuuUi make light, for inytarise, thexe fact* coqjd add up to in¬ monthly plus sciioIar*hip to right PttSONAL .-.ostera of the building for suti- -•indents. W n»e AI Checco. HH V. appear more bins' a* tne fre »'an*ial peM.vt* «vf t.me lotcr-Collcgtslr Music CoUIH - Thi* nation could closely po¬ nocence, * Ml. higa:'. Lansing Z" JOHN - HE SURE and g't Pntfe.x, 'i.i> k-pa-*c: queru-y increase*, or more red a* tickets (ram Glee l * The singer* and their director. cm,-. * are lice ul! its l»u*ioe-s |WW-* and Macrae ha* accomplished hi* • eaerve Mat Ihirlng the next ve.rr. the *r the frequency decrease# FOR SALE member*. Marv. » Edwanf Richmond, have appear- bi.k'Mg Michigan merchants and regulation*, and could closely purpose in five compact scnt- •earvh faculty will l>e atuvty -,4 bankers »»u' »»f io,,re than 512 Actually, what the Harvard the reader must tUfUHWO "nUDAY VOL • 3• .toi) outitambnf h.g i so <«< * erj on T\ severai tnue* inolusi-' police a.I its tralTc law* and rritt ; Vet. si milium each year. u.v«»rrl;ng a scientists were working on was Ciferettst. Rtj. - b' <1 < like blonde female ta Htare -g t!»e F.d SuiiiVMM Show in regulatioua ramble through 144 page* to ar- lo I L« From S . throughout the country a study of Einstein'* Principle of » «ev I I »e-t 31 S'tC" . tremor.v pm. am. • • a' group, the research favultv lrt.Pt, the Pieaulrht'-. piauguia! Michignu 1 c !' • . e check ex- But this would mean a iKk ce- rive at til.*, and *♦;!! faces 102 . smith. IV 4-«Mi. '» fex'.ViCe* m and '.he l> nail p, • man standing be.-ide everv cash Equivalence Einstein theorized mote to the end of thi* novel F«nr»»l*snie C'sb Tenaii Bails • •vi't analyze the character*', i« DEAR SUE. WHEREVER * • And thi ftgu e •nu*h''rt«>irts to that no detectable difTereme ex¬ of suspense ».»)-« .« i»( F 'I,' d.vnt forget to vat# for Johi B* » of :tj schools e*:enatvei\ Shore Show m lp.*,k reg.ster and bookkeeper: follow¬ » c.i tR(K) m.'dmn an ists between \he force of gravity | *4 hem for Junior —Class Pre*-./' Tha project ;* cot*rd:nated The conceit Saturday w.i: :n a ;ger:ng ing every automobile on the Eventually, our victim begins l-ove. Hick. »' '-n-'s ide and the force produced by a. - ^ ciude aacrtnl tnu*.c. f««ik >-»ngs tt.i., '* n a : -. highway, according to Dt Hend- to wander a* aimlessly a* the Wr.9M W.ttas tell It'll • Re* I* *S • t.-.Toigh 'he Bu'cau of Fa1u«m- celeraliun, outside of a grav.ta- AMY HURKE and W*l" and vp.iitual*, and English wing* ra.> t lie: Sgt Fred Kelly, bead rik Zwarenstevst, prsden.sor at reader She 1* trapped by coin¬ *.» S* II Cr. V • • J 5 onal Research which is hva'.cd tiuua! field. . WOLFROM take this ad ' Hutwvt Sternm, Fa-.' l.ansihg of " • fraudulent check file. business law at MSlT cidence and bv her own doubt¬ xtate News office between Mr vithin the t"o!*cge *»f futuca: on M tell igan it ate Thi# principle, jpltieb .* z Sk«« Go') la"* . )? S» 41 for two free paosaa to the ■ " The Bufe.i * fun*? turn." sj-ecial ►tudcnl is .student con¬ This might soly* our business ing conscience To the reader, . mam lu apite i»f efiorta to educate basic assumption in E.nstem'# *he becomes dummy, although Veile* Bells - Re*. V tl Drive-In Bring I. D av ir.bng to fir WiUmr Brv***. ductor problems ansi our traffic prob- . a Hie public, phony chock artists (leneral Tneory of Relativity al¬ real situation. The fault lies Tsnnis IscqMst* (imperh) - S*.4* KWAST HAKEBY DEUVEf'* over. o, e.*V of 'he Bureau .»* l«n« Zwareiiitevu continued . , in a to applies to - material bodies. viduallv decorated i-akt .••c' .i » ng more buaineas than "But IbU would no longer be the with the lack of 'per«onah!v Adl«r*ypt) Oiyinpig AtMsi.c Ssi let i waive for UM Phone IV g-D ? » Eilucat. »na'» Researx h. « *•» That ti.i princip'e or equixqi- ever iH-fiwe." he lots! the eighth tin it est States of An.enca It development on the part of the Guys I Deli* • %• 0 c. fata I p m ■ tmiu'.ate and facdita'e research lefti'e applies to material bodies uhtuta' Tous.x*. and Hewrrt Insti¬ throug" mt cat'.op ' U;e t. o. oge of F-l ;• ., INFORMATION tute at MSP would be an enlarged caricature of the ('tided States of Russia, alrea«ly has been piMVi*d by ex¬ periment author It is disturbing to constantly Hanel t "T" Skir4» • J' 00 Wkd* Teams 0*fw*d« • Me#., U ;l ' KENNY DAVIS •""»-,m OHCHEST* = and the worst dictatorship ever he aware of the gap between nf had rherka "•« J? 44 f*rm cprduioy 4 I hr number know n reader and character. Hut It is. q-ee*. REAL ESTATE t %riioiit XTI IIIM •11I,milted the Michigan Slate t a i • Ophmirlrisls ORtiAM/AIION t» 30 pm, Excvui.ve Board Tulice an Is 3d , . '-vnrh.l'.ee mec cent more In l'»V( than the ppm* lu-r tor 11138. Belly revealed. the etauroema. lut at the basts of insight might have added the flavor the novel lacks. Fes** R.fcb#- - 4* -t* FOUST HILL*. Three bedroom ranch. Two 1J • **' ng« are t>pen i all af aur free aeetety." he aatd. Aq-s Lu*s«. MetU. Tint Actei$en«i* age. large lot, many estas M >»' w Eyo Treat • 'And ihV eiiix-ks for the fir»t quarter of number of phsmv Z.waretvvteyn was on'the principle* and morals of commenting , „ , ■□□□ 3BPOU Q33 t-"' Gy* Skats i " ev -r fp.r -• ♦ •.»• i«*l — •'« W ■ trsct for hmoimIiIs WIH'» pert' ' laan aooau via • . \SMN l%tlftV MM 11(11 I I HMI0, he nuwined, are 37 percent businen law as being guilder. ts> *ord Puzz e D'ct't Cess! ReMui Res I'. 'I Mr Creebv. TtJ HMT, • - > I-MB eOer g pje. Tfte dav of t„ e darsci c I -.w . p 11 K> hogg Ceutri. IV. over the total for the same per¬ those in traffic safety. Hit re¬ ■□fiHonrr- I* •• • and apoUifhteit le"cr sequen. weekly myelins aaci iod last year marks were pnunjRed by the ACMII 31 liMT R*dt R*"« SERVICE m eye examtnatunts u pa-> mp t.KIIN xri.AHH Ceatj - $l .44 0 "Tie reason bog us check % are current program of the Michigan I Lilt of 'A roxeioig oaaaa jauuaja iiptometruts of Ukuv are i>.- • 4 l> p. ni, California feld'Of AlamiSanv Cet* • f!0f2. * mi the increase." Kelly «>mpha- Association of Chiefs of Police, actors H )< ften.bt «•<f t.'ie Michigan 6 30 pm„ R.fie range, l>#m A* a fiiial word of advice, the _ "The prbbkma and principle* II PrlK^wi » »vOHil'WS Int—t tso: j.n ■ v.aw sted speaker cmphast/ed three basic in traffic are the game as those M n>«r. ' Chapter of the American Acid. Ha ' • 9£ Gal* acaaaa jaaanuu Wadee* |FaWk) - ftftf -a 4*74 rules few combatting what be in buainess,** Dr. Zwarensteyn 14 Mawul re enterta •*- OHMIt kOMi wt>| . amy of Op'^metrv a; MHt' riwlll Kit *» AMI Mil III III termed "tlu» greateat ca.*h-pro- pointed out, 'except that live II Deliberated nieuU an.t aaaacj aoa B.aeaalar* - / . IS wns'' $'? W Dr. Paul Civnool'y. r»f II rm- t I I B a:i3 nocian a^a tafHakl lagekals - 12 •* 7 30 pm. tfueittg crime in oui* country to- traffic problem ii af huge prs,. ln^a:n, prea.dent of the M | it! Nat S. D • VKT.-.U m rMb.„ Are Farce T*a-Mae R«kk«> laat* Arthur K Shui'.z. M U. will da* ' • portions. Butlnraa regulations af- at VHtHftf'i Pmato • if*** chapter, explained that I K now vour endvuwer. Be fect relatively few; traffic regu- MtM, U Suit,,), Bin ■P. TU Mtot kudachhume slides an* u«ext •« *.'» w.y hi». lor and ouun<.i ab!,« t.-» locate the pej-son if tha lationa affect everybody. ■k_ « H. Foe f»r t eaaminatjims ♦> 1 :• •<**-! move* "f Bi tish Columbia n.n*» eya v'h'X k bourne* "Hut the name concept ap- •lawyer S3 Truet g: Ht, P.X. hTORE large, outdoor scenes cn the *ill hunt ug and fishinc PWturaa with faraway mou-- At Mi vll MAT kK.ltrs %\l» 7 A>k for car rcgisfraiion and *p!ien,,, he continued: "that of . H Eccentf.c q DTOwslM ■snsa sheck si,r ' s-euse tni-oiible, Anglo-Saxon common tow which Minimi Ulna, roads dwlnd'. ng inio the « MIAMI 4 1IMMITI IE when acveptmg -check** front is based upon both rights and r to**** 4* Out» w Borgaiw I Vnlrr distance and other natural land¬ 7 pm. Congress n-ee'4ng rm«m » GkMtly »• X* strangers duties. Everybody has Ihe duty Xuggered scape feature* a e mcUaled B %rr% AI rn % MI 3 Treat sheck from JSK Ceaite M heminv FR.4MNJR 7 30 a a to protect the individua 1 right* II TbaeaugN* k fn With Ih# scenery, much 1 We p nt Heud ng Room, J iger the same as if you were of everybody else, including the faro M9U1UTH D I foadr-Ue s gn>. are «he >"e\ Pdg vli.M 4 AI ril% II 4 ivuk Mg a Uian to tiiit |«erss»iv right of safety on the highways " tl Reprodue- OOBH EaceUent condition. ED 3 TWO-race V..1M.I if MP af fPcwnt.I*" tl lequrror- 1 \ 0**011 I Crouoof S» 3s- Ci ■•Sqd.ntm.s *' *v ' .g(? eu - p - , «>n 3 foruficat on w.t» XAILFTEN ui-rOOT. "oBLON sa.i Wakcar — •ers in a dark rvw * 44 All K t 4RM4 41. It tape r»- t HMMITI11 tkars. two record- to natural >cc . g ^ r» 1 1-3M3 John Lain- nation on duptkatt Connoi'v "TV.e scene-y etvH'u 7 r m. 43 rn c::. • ail AI ar Jam — >r4RI 4> I40MEN S I I 4(tt E A < rose Da a;ea perphera! r'iinulatuvfi a-.i davenport" rwm MEtV f i e* a truer measure <»f rof-«, - . y MS . 42 V ..n •vf READS tables Sunbeam coffee >r 4RT4V 44UMI N X I | 4(.t f mas'e* lempe. Di«hma*ter. Cokmlal live error in e*am:n r.g the ere seotauv's cbarr Excellent values ED Of great heip a*ul corrtfor' ••.» I AI A l l 14 I. MECTtMi T.s^a 1« optometrists in examin ng ch v p.«., *3Sjt S?UviecScrv.ce* MtvrtR rionuxa mze ii TV AND RADIO sarxwe - drens* eyes. Conne'lv added are IMH XIRI4I, HI xlfiN SKIRTS Jacket*. Swawters. kkwiean Iw*r rata# to rtudent* New *-.i Ihe similar devv.es to- eMktreu. INSTI1ITI •< a g xk! once. CD 3-JMl Rrxm* X»» TV vela end antenna* Err 14 showing »ix-h cartoon charac'ct. .1 -r Ststf I- . ;r Krs-s.e •s Bugs Bunny going through *-i An Centet \i, »■.{«•:-'-.n m»vt- CONVENIENT TO CAMSUS r" erp examination »M enxv.r-ag trig the children to follou righi rRtlMI \ 4HI RX «rsfrco.Tk>oi~ WBia* H. Tkaevpiaa MUUffliTHINf- •long .V:» sniNK.ng 4V,»jjiecdav S*« lEVRRSyTHtf S>Uc: <**<& Ccalee '■ST-' i*'•»«• 4ft.; y-. The optometrists, et tending you a' 'he slan. v CIIRISTIAN SH HINT FREE DIAMOND BONUS STAMPS! WANTED »hI great interest in the new oph- IOCND.4T10N thamoecope. a device tor feeing 7 inn. C'dVge 'ft-mse. Cat .- TWO-WHEEL UTTUTY TR.._ Aim wA.rn5»*^3T Inside the eye. The new models net meeting racks, canvas M«l after • pas. trait Marrtk. ... tv eg J rlS-MTI jnr^i have a more powwful lens ayc- UNO CAf* tein. better illumination, grea'er 7 p in WANTED 2 M IO ANV V; 1 !?,-•»! ■ t :=T~d5£~ . :■ ? -n, D«XORAT*T» CAKES ARNOI H 4IR IFTV ED ta row tor partita. clarity and po'aroid filters to :f- MH -j ftuea reflection. 130 p MI . 34 tsufttxssr U xnniir.xv state >rw* 1 \eliru Cool Spivh Students to Attend Plicement Bureau Importance of Education W XHrll tl I AM I'll, Thr,» I'anHeL IVC (hnrention Th- following rMpkiirh xx ill interview «ui the indie ited Aif»v Emphasized hy Manitali V cl.Alrr lo Spril. r Willi Choii Seven .M.St student* are bound for the University 4»f If you are |i>ti •rf.ool «ay« rrst^A trpnrl In the I'lae- ni nt Hnr. Mi al Ie4*i two In a vilirr of interview r'etr Dr. John A. Hannah was the gnest the meetihjr <»f the *ttident chapter of the speaker lust week at Amerieitn Vet¬ lit Randolph Webster of 'he1 Department of Health Ph*'*U:al illi Baehelor'* r>#ror. fM» M.i-ier*. «l>i l)i«etor* IVhere no \l Meeting Minnesota this weekend as representatives of the ttororhiev and fraternities on this canipus. drtre* I* lni.ie»»psl. all trsrrr level* Jfttll. 15. !*»♦»• ' . .v are eligible to Inter*lew K « H» iM :»i;«,■ »r • erinary Medicine AsHieiation. c« Di i2(ii»-r. Hannah the said Soviet th.i Unioe. r« - Tbis ij -iliv lie added F Mie.r.ion •neni* M,c'.:u at Hti't^JKecreatinn ttie Safety r.f the National Uon- vi'.l Section They v. ;i parti.. .-ita- in. t.i. r .irlutlH! number xvnul x - tiou of 'he American Asjjuci- • .. M'V DKI.Ill vp) — Rcl •yinu.cv.i , i.'.tut • ; ...t.i t ■ a tier '.'it rf 1 t • tin Tak I'.trk IhHtrlct kclionlv: A a - ru eite ; "•»g 'ires f ucjtii n. tie' great ii<;|io|'tnne. out *>», mai'V . i ot i..' I.i'c . slmlejits a.. atlon t' Mia'n . Fla. Tuesday. 'h for the canvcntOr. Po*al Dak Setinol IMstriet: C'hou Kn-l-ni. IlKlU- Hellenic wvmen un ' tu'.T-i in¬ a4c-.i K Mi , "I (Ml pn K. n A t il* ,-ci" ;e-VH. .• of Too m.i'uy i h xi:idu«r<<' students 'ore The subject '-vil! be "Organising termix- Council men tvM.» ipit Alflit" Civ le;..Ki « to - v - fID (M» : .1)1' f ) leccii'i A P.Sem. (IV. Se '• tut* K wiruost itrie i ■ ; up hundred Sate!* Ptoject Program in(A»U »ml *toll(t nrriv.il tiv.ih! youngsler* are v te>t -d a-m . , i |,„ ,1,1m each year to discuss the projects are i'.U \v U t ««»u G.f 1 ; M-'OM.irx Mi e Stud <*•. U'i. n.-'V, don't have tlx,• i«i»j>mtie,ity N.n from our of stab' eye* and Universities." I „ I'umitay f«"" «»lk» "" and pfobUms oi th. 'Orom" Ramc's I! '. it i M.I " if. ii Jr.. pre-.d'^; oi" P-'n Scii net. Euld • I-i M- Gen! Sc enei I) iM>. hirhor edu. at ion T;i rt'ind of vH-ii'v we l.vy on the modern campus. R-. \ \ Art- Art (B) (Ml m S e .,! E • i S.*>' i 'i V. almost entirely dependent bitter boundary dispute ; , Me Docked Mia! up l>> saying Ohio. Jr., presl'di r !Ka To I I\ Mentally R. 'ar Each school will -bring a pro¬ ju . _i »;• j.-o and *1 »'^r . 'hts oi - two M'xks tha". tn» .\«ti >». ediJCiition .*x:!»-ni \ India. He *"» promptly at- ject R til n;, E L«ms ng J: ; Ju i - Women's Piiy r.t and Orthopedic« i R > iM he soul. , reflecting some aspect of p i... on • < • 1. a;: Ai'ut-. i mile wi'.hni Id «' fraternity liu- !\.ui' :t • ■ t "flu'ii J. : Ju ' for teax'h'.ng »«••*.! >n I"- concluded by , ,jj in Prime Minister Nell- on then camtiu» majors sax mg. K. bv. '; • : pa>> ;iu a ri selutiun a«tx is o.; 'These will tie in wdh the speak¬ H • . Ji . md I'HI U'.e-ien'. Phx s F • ua ;?• • try f.jUi'tc has fhcx'e niHili rI that India's relations with er's themes of "Ih itoie of fa- a': i . f'Vn: sou ii l;orei»n Unruer !■« ?i .. mo 'er:i dancel. (P. - ' -'a.'.' '' Will uniVx ! Sp.. S , i onl Of (o >ti|f, it ' >|U- •• i'c;:,o !n> prs -t ix'a'A»ti of r,1,ninni»» China "have Greek in His University ' ;..i I''' ' e l, ' know- ' iisc ' ■ t- i ;,. • mi : i '..fal of IP pei, if,' liib i'vlexvs bet oni- to • i : "Oroxxth of IK Mi» X '.del Pet * the lire k mipai l know led*, ' I,.,,, imperiled for the pres. Sy. h South Redfortl wrbool Itistrirt: • U' t'm eeruilrm-nt • i"«» :-Ii. I. A tl ac future." on Expatming Ainer.eati i a - \ b (B . F.Ann P - F. P . sill vide. V I 1 s 't: ' ' puses." These actieitivs. plus P.1, Klem V's i. Mush (ED an i s -via ratum. vuited «hort- discussion groups, a nam pi.. of F:;-.iu's;i, at the - An -be Red Chinese premier : • »V Spef. E.i. iT.vicher C<»n«HPin' : r-a s i.'ee'i Uorr iB) majors f>: AUSG President Scholarship n In-; fu l r :'.vi.T i Indian a.r fon t «• ; from an -r: the tone for one of the P'vn nix. it' b here Frui e nsen'ary te icing i»-s tioti By Popalar Damaad Urquidi Talks :i xx ' , , • speeches Nehru ha* • it nnii'stra" v • ** cx n ' iry l.a'.ia. K n g ' >n I'd it ion* Diic t . v w .< ' »E4' (Ml f. rtr nadt to a viailing dtgm* : •.:•••-; » ii. .• jv ir «i H-rs o a a n i» major- usually affable N7h*n On Sino.*1. laMfding. Second- M.i'.A STRATTON'S j, cv.i»»\< for > • f .i X tight smile as ho told hi .*u c"*e; '•«* »•" tHe,enr.. Art. Krene Rclatioifilii|is *..re a i - - o the;' dc-u'c v .-. m •' • -c.u-u .1 - » •. he r ji'.V.i ' ^ ,n -h. i A" nan. Bus;nc- - . vbrrt vour excellency came ' V lip 0 * t' . . "'0' S.U- . ■ r. r v( •'••.g g, Sh«».? »an,1». Vocal .V ►.•e tbree *ears ago as the rr- Donald Uruuidi, pu' .ei: •• - n S. v •-.*v, :>\ May 1 ! . i Mas:c. InxiusTnal Art* Sl'ORTS ('.All (ENTER •A ? • K-.i l:fjentat:ve of a great people race instrucuu *n.i .-.i •.» T.) he e' 4" '«* i " .» sch-V !■> t A • ." an It*"' '"f'1 . m 1 ipj Sn.v i'-veyng your greeting's and international a .onmimNtu. x« . j n s'.u It*:-t m.i-t "ue ca « I .^ i Tr ,i . or I h.ni ■ 1 «S 4 i" . lit-1 f:;;^ t'em- rxl wishea to our people, we soeak Tbursdax .»! 4 . m i t fit .i \ :.•♦ I * L • ' . b? *' ■ ft! » > ■ ,i .t * n v i. .• * . .'u T* t U Teacht i reciprocated m full Union, on the Itse Agnmn i an i " . . \ t F.' - r iU-. X ' x' . ' . * . B i M maic 'Unfortunately, other events pro>t»cc'> fnr re'aUom Ih-aimi •»»; nM ' "J in h ,'h posiBon-f deal,, of »> ■ Hie i i i » . a 'alien place since then Russia ami L'h ha .fi j.m . iu y )' .or M ■ . • " A <',i .fi"re (B new vh have put a great strain Hi* talk, so m»o:e i bv the !?»- i»,- Do Jix.j; >r jutuu! tb;5 bond of friendship and tern,i* >na' Relations Club, w.". V .. r attii:.' , ,.m.-c n : . ork. »;v*h ba» e given a shock t> all cover the h'sfory r»f the S m»- k 't ' P>') > • people ' V.'kni left l*al the Sovirt alliance *mce the * :n tig ef "heir IHjO pact. Influences f > unitv or a split of the bloc, and «f re i»ui'' t T.*,i fp»t■•nietr.xt* t» Iteltrr Serve V«nr Nerd* FIAT •mmU" were ta*t year * harder riaafeev *l»h fW«^ tfWH- .% pertinent I'.S policy I'onsiie - ' • u 'i licrold A. Shnifor, 0. D. (Mm Indian* were killed a* a'.i- n«. I'tquldi. newly eleete:l faeullx ' \ t-H t mer s.- *--•*• miu«" n * !v '.u' Itprn Xfun . Thur.. I rt. I vrnins* "til 1 NOT Tin- Siinli-iii, •:rd speech voicing friendship ar at t >e l'*»'vr- -i'y of R.»me. sv- I A-.S • «*'. H -Me* - v e Jr.j.a and hopes for settling To AlMi.'" *34.00 ♦ xvhcie rie ivgtn work ,-ti "h. ■f bo-drr crisis. Such a settle- »:•?. be added, should be rcacn- c. h ton v ;mp!ct;ng d>.f i'..i* jrx >n the h >'ory ,»f ie is n.- th ' the:. i'\ nme flnan- a month •; "in accordance with the prin- It.if.an i\- "•nunis; o.c'v aop. Of eearse, SOME RMgle jest don't care... : « of coexistence " relation* w.ta the S> v »t Un u Kilm In l.r SIiiihii Or h* three-nation tour C'hou Resi le* tt-.xch.n., a. vear a* ii been trying to rebuild Red On Ki-liin-j. Ilillltiii'i Hut there*!* not hint; I'ii.versity of Miami, I'niu 1 !i.»* r.ras image as a peaceful xx'vkc\i with the C'^uncU on !■•••• A cxxior. £ umd movie a' 'Hit a.jhh^r This was shattered P* r ^'i R-!a'ioi« and the f\ r -I tixh ?'.!• md hue', ti'4 to *'».? , t- worse than tlirly stiununiit suppression of last r . cv A«*».k i.i »n in N.nv V ■ v n idi.in fink i'- of It' .i - i 4 o- far s revolt ia Tibet a'id wit • Kad'o f re-? Kun. H i1: b" x+rC'C'lte.! to ' '• l.atindrx—the remedy B.,t his smiling dcmcanoi .n During hi-. vxrrr c MSi E a h - r s and \V'!-K:fe ulvb ••*• B.rn-.4. where he even got into he h*< tauaht intcmatmtial re- D A ;hur Sc h' * '. M D Y . • jl U our expert ifr fights with hoUdaying la*. m wmiMnl-ye g.>vcrnm< r, t • - flt( • -hi '»ji;rrj- •. ,» 'JO Burr**'* las*, week, was in mark- I'.S Ear Eas".err. p . and »n- .11 11(1 \ . Tie and economical contrast to the was he looked • e rna;. aua 1 com mususm. pub!a is invited. »"f- J.aundty and dry C h«u *h»»f arven-da? vinit w ippmf k* all tf- cleaning nervier. Inmi pert lex ket Ike cemmy • loti. appeared a Ml apprekew- hi* |H»m as k# that defended krettfkt (rem bin Ike freei FREE Stop in today. SPRING ll»|MI. Mini K%rn o\soum n m nw: On.y a few hundred persons .-.ne»sc4 wu*a:-.;i it. where tfl as the stood the arrival Several along the road- security guards xverx* auto aped b* Om Sack Of i «L FASHION CLEARANCE n* ? ere r.o cheers. Cleaeer aid Skirl Laaadry T*e chilly prelude was orn- Ea*l t.'rand River Arrow* Front Student Service lUdg. .v in keeping w ith negotia- pais Eye *< due to begin today con- IIKMiNN TUIIOKKOW - VMIX TO M>H 4 ib.o 2^00-mile bonier Ind:a and communist- t areas including Tibev Chou h».s declared the entire Agile Marbles At Maine's - ' arra x xi,gue and must WONDERFUL REDUCTIONS eaarfartaMa ' firmed by negotiation* maintains that the border a defined by history, tra- ON THE FASHION '.::ea and usage ar.d therefore SPARTAN SERVICE t -•J miner adjustment* can be icojioered. Fr* Indiana look for a final 2516 EAST KALAMAZOO •f^lnr.ent to emerge from the 4 BLOCKS WEST OK KLOCK FAVORITES OF THE SEASON. *H ' I STYLES YOU'LL WEAR NOW INTO SPORTSWEAR THE SUMMER MONTHS AHEAD IlKIVE OLT AM) VOTE COATS - SUITS SAVE FOR DRESSES - MILLINERY knit shirt — action krkk 195 (ONTRASTINt; TRIM . SPORTSWEAR BLOUSES RAE HIS & HER COI.ORS AX'All. I EH. - T-NmtTS KWIATtl NOITA KNIT DRESSES - SHOES ANN $6.50 In. Hit Vila* uu«« ssrr M MM TalM $4.50 fireside HANDBAGS - JEWELRY A sturdy. Pivtinguiahad eye frame in two-tooe KUMN JACKETS KMT INSERT IN — ACTIOS FREE COLLAR 87.95 ■silm VIL brown male frames at Wallace. or grev on black. Just one of the rugged CHILDREN'S WEAR t)L EXAMIS AT IOSS By for GOLF CLUBS, BAGS. ALSO SHOES. BALLS PR. IV, C ItSbEX. teguteted epUmntrut INFANTS'-TODDLER'S WEAR ALL AT "OPtl CLASS REDUCED PRICES WALLACE OPTICIANS VIMK AT lUrrUT IIN-IM hntol Fk. IV »-nn SECRETARY INDIAN mPMn i ! MLS S. or HILLS iiimp JUST LANSING UA l< cou "hikse . - ,/jo n JofiMmtn Of JO? V. Fh. IV 2-1175 OPEN EVEKY WEDNESDAY Ml 11 IT CNTIL NINE mm Hit Grid | MICHIGAN STATr NEW* IM Results April 1#. 1*60 Page Four VOIJ.IIYBAI.I. Il<» nrth ovi>r I SO, forfril. /••bras IS. IS; H*«l *. •». a Tie Games Pretest enlivens IM Three tie games, one of protested contest, them highlighted inning to to plhe Luther team, 4-2. Eberhart pitched a two-hit¬ smashed victors. Softball a home run for the pitched two hit Inj uries 2. DON! SPEND IT McLucas ter for the leeches. Dua Smi'h Hamtramck's Joyce Pniewski the IM softball -games Tuesday. Bryan 3 went down, to defeat ball as Bryan 7 topped Bryan 8. —a Michigan -State co-ed—and Pry an 1 protested its tie with before the Six Paks by a 10-3 4-1. Ira Sheridan fur seven and Phyllis Saganskl— Central Mich-* Brvan 2. Each team picked «p ALONE iean co-ed—-won the 11159 na¬ four runs. Hob Fa wiry allowed score. Ma rice Jones homered Wayne Peek n old for fight both tripled. tional girls tennis double.* three hits for one. while Earl and Pete Cook tripled during Kpsrl.n aaarlrrhi., championship. the fracas. Jvrry Lane pitched Oarv Kar-ncr struck out five By JIM *YALLINCiTON He long was nicked for four for Tmm Vflitfc ,rH,f4 ,1 thr tam, two hitter for the Six Paks. and all • i but-two hits in a IPyan 2. a State New* sport* Editor four inntng fracas that saw Bry¬ Is worfclnr as an smislant roarh. AVMA and Armstrong played _ Buttcrfield T scored 10 times The second major injury of to it five inning tie. with Frank in the- third inning to trounce an 3 stopping Bryan 4. 5-2. Dave the spring hit MSU's football Two sparkling pass plays hiah. Godriarrt tripled for the winners. 2 for 1 Pizza Sale! Shearer and Jerry Kcwsoff the respective pitchers for each s.niad. that saw each team scor¬ llutterfield 8. 14-3, Bill Spute aL team at Tuesday's practice. F.d McLucas. one of the few veteran linemen, suffered a knee lighted the scrimmage 1 croV Loudermilk, presently 1 i > third among the quarterbacks, ing three marker. YZ-%¥ .*••- %■* injury that sent him to Olln VARSITY DRIVE IN • v struck a blow in his favor Health Center. The senior tore r. ?h« Itutferfielil S and 6 plated »•> '.'AA'nSjMj'. k • r ■ ligaments in his knee. Team battle for starting signaUdi r. a tie. w itli earli team tarneriiiK *nen runs on nl* hits. physician Dr James Feurig will He tossed a 3t)-yard pa• 5:30 lo 8:30 Mi. Although out-hit seven *•» operate this morning Trainers at Secret Practice Wayne Fontcs who rompci ft, a touchdown. four .the C.ithokc Student Dr- EAT NENE OR CANNY OUT gnmza'ion topped the Vets. fi-4 Field and Dr. Feurig feared the worst for McLucas. who played Tommy Wilson, who is : • , driver's seat of that QB ;.i The Vets had four extra base Ragalar Size Only fir ? string las', year He might ?■£§-.T blow* during the game, includ¬ miraculously got away a pa- . not be able to play thb fall. Gary Ballmau. A defender hs; ing a home run by A! Van Pelt, v MrLura*. 4 27 yrar-old native a hold of Wilson and was ha :. while the winning CSO nine had of Newark, N"J.. wa* hit from the Ing him to the ground when "u none? Mike Frsenmncher picked ■ *ide during Tuesday's scrim- Lapeer native threw. lmyp thy win for CSO. tnagr buckling hi* knrr. Two errors plus a two base Several .Spartans have hen THE BEST ADVICE h:' bv Dave James and a single brought in three runs for the Leeches in the third and final Jake Lewandow.sk;. guard, suffered a kneestrain in¬ a junior F.D MC LITAR babbling around ramp the Uw tws day* beeauae of minor in. juries received nt last Satur. jury minutes after McLucas went . . . future doubtful • «• day's praetiee. Amang them art f»/f liewandow.ski's injury is not t»K> extensive. It is expected to Herb Adderley, Carl Charoa VOTE FOB BRYCE Iftpl. of Spwh keep him frorp practice more than two or three week- He Lea Ring amen and Thurman Mrfiraw. both linemen. (whs la aursiag tha asms anku aperated an last fall). Joha Binqamen, who will be defen- University Theatre wa- bothered shoulder injury. last fail b> a rive line coach for the Lions this Sharp. Fred Arhaaaa sad %oj Farrott. fall ,i.s observing coaching meth* The injuries came during the ods under the wing of MSU's Head coach Duffy Daug! presents TEIt WILLIAMS alamn hU iprnnd home run in tw» day*, thi* M-eond straight day of rugged defensive line mentor, Burt said the team has to work m time against thr New York Yankee* a* the Red v»\ dropped it« scrimmaging: by the Spartan ' SIDNEY KINGSI.EY Smith. The 350-poundef will b« many things, but mainly fundi- *rrond straight game. It wax "The Thumper'-"' l?»4th home run of hi* _ * top unto. Line coach CJordie here for several days. mentals, thi3 spring. The squat career, putting him in fourth plarr among the all time Uuggerv Lou Serr said more of the same rug- Also viewing the workout was has been ragged in the icrir.- fiehrig ia now* fifth with 49.3. ged work i? promiseii for Thurs¬ Jim Bobbin, who was injured mages, he said. darkness OSIKCKI — O.K. OSIECKI — O.K. OSIECKI — O.K. day tir.fi Saturday Viewing the practice former Detroit Lion* were great* two — the drills opening day of spring grid He was on crutches. He will not be ready until this fail. "But because of the great tea spirit," Duffy said, "we're g<.:; to improve." at noon a cm i. 27-ao OSIECKI - 0. K. khn«i *1.1 ft I ;M-1 •*-};«« : an.* ai — gHitUANsl NOW SHOWING feature* At ):M-3:SS-S:IS 7:1J-9:2J — Bums Blank Giants, 4-0 Fairchild Thaatra I 1 A hMerI \ • • 1 i i SAN FHANCISCO. 6T—t, • and Fun on tha tanidly plan! S:00 |».M. x | bander Johnny Podres. \> i help from Ed Roebuck, blank- BRYCE PLAPP Tickets $1.00 SR. the San Francisco Giant five hits as the World CM-- pton Dis Angdes Dodger* g.-i . AllSG PRESIDENT New Oa Sala At x bed the National League with a 4-6 victory. I nion Ticket Office bi CLASS Roebuck came in with out and the bases loaded in ' ♦ • I ninth and got Ed Bressoud i hit into a double play. 'X TREASURER The Dodgers scored a run the second inning at Carl F< *- Do fbu Thinkfor hburself? LATEST WORLD NEWS EVENTS illo triple Mmurrn ii'llar.i lUrry liliitnld The American League ^ ' 182326 fane for four 8- ' —AN Tuesday as if finally got : '*■> Tbw$MFriH April 21122 season opener* out of the ■- r: - ASTOUNDING NSW • week behind the Katk>r ! DIMENSION IN SIGHT AND 7 aaJOpjfc The total was some l?.5oo .t * than the four-game crowi *' PRiOHT MARIS YOU A 179,702 drawn by the ,*? The fttat*m*nt #*lt*s Die exception that prove* the rule" last Tuesday. t. Is (A» a l*ma excu«e for dumb rules; »Ui an argument for r > LIVINO PARTICIPANT IN ClpvtUnd'a haws game wi t V doing what you please; (Cj evidrncu of a healthy dis- A LJ B L] C LJ Ailhii»»ion t SOp Detroit attracted the AL* larp ' ,'v rsepvet for absolute*. THE ACTION I est crownL 02.716, liodoul :e f with the help of Sunday'* f " troverslal trade that sent lv«>T You've just met a girl a lio«e That a why they usually choose Viceroy. Col»vi to to the Tigtra in retur lo-ituty linj»res-e« y-ni enor- riOBUM imUMTION- CALL ED !-H11 muusly. I >o you \ ask for . They've fount) the filter's so good Viceroy for Harvey fuean. a dotat once? ill. any, can use richer tobacco® for better taste. "Afcn't you lucky you U this why they say, "Viceroy has a found me"** find out a hat she liki** to do? thinking man's filter ... a smoking man's taste"? Answer to that one is: Change to A!iBjCU Viceroy and aoe for yourself! *lf you (hacked (0 in thraa out ©f four MI.HTS * 81.*^-ADCI.T8 70r SAT. MAT. Mr A rich Unci* oft era to give 5 ou hi« big, eapotvp n v in qoatfiom, yow'ra swift on fha pkkup, and you ALL NEW SHOW STARTS AT 7 ML t*g«~«> ptUmmwiiu*. r>oyou A CiEAT SHdW lY)ft EVEMTOSf 4A> nay, "Hew about a rsoHy think for yoorteHI apart* car. I nk?" ilit d«»* Ctinrthe offer,knowing the big okl boat would ko*'p you broke maintaining it* (C) take the ear and rent it for big oeciudorH? a • B ' C Lj A -manufacturer a*k* yvwi t» p"'k the kind of filt-r eigalftte he vhould nuke (■• » n 'hi most smoker*. VINCENT PRICE \S cmld j ou rvcnmm<-ml wt • * c.g a n-11 e * h«*w • c« k t a -1 e Und Shmkrr! 2:!J . 3:U . »:IJ mall'* »tnok»*r* think it h«« v^n w\ JI1! * firiing fiibr? It> r» '* Smokers n ho I hink for thrmseivra ile|pend --- oW unthi-irownjuiliitncnt—not fad or opinion. T-f - t } NUalry (Ukrr • The Man Who Thinks for Himsaff Knows- Gar Rslfc .%ha 0NIV VICM0T IMS A TMIBKIM MAN'S FILTER-* SMOKING MANX TASTE! SIN. SOON!TORGY AND a'awsBK«|ai —— r IN Schedule4 Major League f BERMUDA Tigers Top Tribe in 15th sol TR XI t 4:7S Dl I — >1-14 I nr|# [am « Ron v 4ilt4 Sitmt i>«*H Baltimore 0 1 000 Los Ankvles 5 l Decisive Blow **- i - - \* H-4ri. k 1.000 Miiwaukee 3 J .730 1 o ( Irr* I'hicago I 0 bit AM> KAVK AT 0 1 000 San Franoi-co 4 2 .607 1 I — I In »rth *» W'>M* 'Vtroit 1 1—shirk* *». Wl« II x-Hi!!5burgh 3 (500 1 N'rw York 1 0 1 000 4-IU» <. ino.inna!; 2 2 3 3 400 400 2 1 2' 2 : «i- Cleveland 0 1 3 Cleveland Indians before an opening-day crown of 52.756 leer he* T» *>l u lt\'MS FIN 41 * M % Kansas Cit\ n 1 .0(H) 1 x-Phillte* o 5 000 ttoo 4 V. 4'-. VARSITY SHOP \ J* Bt»sU>n 0 2 000 1 x-S). latin- 0 i at Municipal Stadium. I oiirt trade that brought a storm of B-l /»hr»» ss I tans Srhnlio Tt I st»4Y * KiSll.T* x-Playinji night Abbott ltd. The !n» Sltw# Xrw 4 orh #. HnM«n I l'lillad<'|thu al iMflvhiirgh. nlghl t: \-T I AN-ISO MICHIGAN left with two men og base and lt-7 — limMi « b« \l|*h* o. SU i Itlcato l«, Kanvat CIIY * • lucago al M. I ouit. nlfhl pla'e. The former Cleveland H-l — I'hi \l n \|H TODAY'S C1A.41FS roll 44 s I# 4414 s one out in the 15th after pitch¬ %«•* %* ttelta « hi slugger struck out four time*, It-J — lirtroti fRunning 0-D» at llrifliKd riula'drlphia Mar4«nl |-ti at Pitts¬ ing 3' : inning* ;n relief. Tic win¬ R-«i — sitma Chi *♦ larmlimi-e N'» 4 nrh ll urlrv *-0» al lln-inn burgh < l^tss 1-01 walked'once, was out on a fly H-7 — Phi |i»ft i« B»i» Ihrti Pi W a-hmgton iKrmnirrrr fl-0» al 1**1- (Inrinnall tHrohsan #-0> ai Mtl- ner was Pete Burnside. the third Detroit pitcher, who hurl¬ to double left field and hit into a H-« _ u ri iv (PT l>-l» e >u iimorr iFappa* 0-0» »chfiliilfdi Maiikrr (spahn 0-01 iltnlv gators »«hrdltlrlt > MAR6IE ed the last four inning.-. play in seven appear¬ RISHI |V«, (Only gami»* 4 ances at the plate. %** Tuesday's corwd was the Kuenn had a double and a \t|evs largest for a seasons opener I a r—Medrnh sv I l«*»rlh \rtmrn Trounce Titans single in trips In his here since 1953 Most of the seven ! a I—H»«Un4 as I lr« s State Y other appearances he grounded % A A—%«!«'* U Five %.rs ■IW' fans still were in the stands at 1 A *~s»«» «»*U s* Alirhigan State's tennis #qu.iH the end of the went four game, which hours and 54 minutes. out once three on an times error base on a fielder's choice and and was safe reached — IIARVEY Kl'EN'N two hit* for the Tribe 9 A I em'a R«ss h 4 els II rolled #»er Detroit Tuesday, 9-0. The Spartans son I nlverstt> New$^£2p . Ratine's game-winning single I'lilnivr Wins matrh from the Titans as COLAVITO A ROCHY f:» center field was his only hit every iofflfrtlv# r« WW ■ • • of the game. It was off Bob Tic- fenaucr. the last Indian hurlcr. (lastoff Minoso Stars; Pro Athlete Poll they streak. continued They their have now unbeaten uon Mglit sport- Fditnr John Schneider Burnside walked to open the April 20, 1960 I'agr l ite NEW YoflK. «.}*'—Am«»;d eight straight matches. Vh nulling 15th, Eddie Yost was out on a fly Chisox Edaie Athletics Pabncr,- «ir.ner of trie Masters U tr. center and Red Wilson then hit a double to left field, send- g>»!f r.Ue ar i ' ~r other t-»urna- Bats Orioles ng Burnside to third. Grant was replaced by Johnny Kllpn- CHICAGO <&)—After hitting a grand slam homer in the fourth. Minnie Minoso belted a leadoff homer in the ninth nie".?.« thj. Year. - > n the March poll of t~t rat.-m * sports FRESH STOCK ... writer* at;d «ea-ter« .n the To 5-2 Win stem. who walked the first bat¬ G to break a 9-9 tie and give the American League champion competition f -r tr.e S. Rae II ter he faced and was lifted for kc'tk Pr f»'sAthlete .if the Tiefenauer. Kaline hit Tie- Chicago White Sox a 10-9 opening day victory over the •V. r\;TlMORE — Gen# nf. the oldest pro among fenaucr's Burnside second and pitch, scoring Wilson. Colavito hit into a double play Rocky Kansas City A's. A record Comiskey Park the 415-centerfield fourth inning. mark - straight yyba-ed on bis toumarr.em vic¬ RADIO BATTERIES it of Oriole fledging . bat- Masters, H a < ar.u not on the tu retire the side. opening day crowd of 41.66! saw Minoso'# decisive homer. ;;i the tories. ... Baltimore to victory Tues- wild and wooly opener ninth after the A's scored ?v... which was Apr for Irau-i-tor • lulu h|»- radio- The teams battled to a score¬ t Me in •h a run-.«eoring double less tie until the 11th inning which the White Sox blew an runs to tie the score at 9-9 w.,- The 30-Y'ear-.-;d -ta- f. seventh inning to edge early R-2 lead and then had a shot into upper left cento, held Latrobe. Pa . recrived 23 first- .. when a single by pinch-hitter stand* above the 375 mark place vote- t it t tal of 121 \i ,;>!ilngton Senator* 3-2 their *ixrh pitcher. Ray Moore, Don'! miss portable A Neil Chri.sk> produced two run# for the Tigers. His poke to right the with one pitch Just when it appeared the S.»x points *•'» ' . It- •> Coti-y. B-»t-'"5 ..•.ling's first hit of his 15th -ave game field w.i- off reliever B"b Grim, the ninth inning with the cause was doomed with 'he Celtic' basketball -'a- and E3gin a leaguer scored Jackie in ... •.•and- all the way front first v.!,-. replaced started Gary Bell base* loaded ha-es loaded with A's and onl\ Baylor »-f taakcrs., Copsy received 19 fir-'.- the Mmneap- - radio pleasure .., With the bases loaded and one The jittery A's Yielded five one out. Moore came in and ... Brandt had drawn tne e V i'.:- »nd 79 p»unts. and threw pitch to end 'he i j N Grim-retired the next two unearned runs in the fir*'. two one .^intentional walk fro-., nut. batter.- on flics to left field innings and then ex-Cleveland threat. Baylor *evrn f.rst-place v. . -:gton pitcher Pedro Ka- The toss was to Bill To" > stli. 5rt r- - 4i.i. si/i:s » \ii.\ilm; - Colavito, scti* to the Tiger* outfielder Mino-o celebrated hi* return to the White Sox with whose ground smash to second Jack McCartan. Olympic hoc¬ ; d oa«eman Brooks Kobm- Sunday from 'tie Indian- in ex¬ his base-clearing wallop was grabbed by Nellie Fox. wri > key g -aiie w ho rr.aiie good w 'h « Oriole veteran at 23. tied change for Harvey Kuenn in a over stepped on second and threw • • the Nf.'- York Ranger*, w-* ■ ..ore at 2-2 In the fourth Pino's Record Shop first to end the threat. fourth. •.r ,-.g with a homer into the Maris Ih'lls Two llomers: SOPH. r fi^d stand*, and it was tv... ! ;.g who scored In front' Yankees Stop liostoiu II-1 IIKUH^l VK I UKS FOK TREASURER second ba-rmatt Two former Orioles, Billy Gardner and BOSTON*. »/P«—'The New York Boston's only run when 'he S<>x .SPORT TROPIIIKS Across From Campn lu Lueou Block > r.'ieider Lenny Green, put Yankees, able to solve Boslon opened in Washington Monday, "T^nT^TuAsMnESS™ senator- in front with a run OuUtandiAg valurv in trophies and award# hurling for only seven hit* in suffering a 10-1 defeat, for any apart event. third inning on back-to- Boston finagled a run in the three pro-season exhibitions, t ome in. piek up a free rata log ue. and Inok a !ripi> racked Red Sox pitching for 17 opening inning on tingle* by . Tie Senators, who won their •ver the mure than SN sport* figures on dis¬ hits Tuesday and an 8-t tr'.-. Pete Runne!# and Frank Mal- npt-:i-or 10-1 over JJoiton Mwi- r. ne and a Gene Stephens uacri- play. umph r. psvked up another run in fiee fly. Roger Maris, a New York >w sixth on singles by Harmon LARRY CUSHION SPORTING CMOS h ; rbrew Th»y still had the ed when manager ' "te and Bob Allison bases load¬ Paul Richards Orioles decided to swap new comer wa< the big batsman in this opening game of the rea¬ son for the New Yorker#, He belted two 400-feet plus home But the Yankee# regi#tered a pair in the fourth and added four more in the next inning, putting the game out of the i, III.K WENT OF NEAR* fO* VINE FHON'E IV l-;«4S NT ) ervoort's .'I I E. I,KAMI IIIVEK runs and drove home half of the home forces' reach. -.car-old pitchers. Jack Fisher •t "arter Jerry Walker Fisher Yankee tallies. Maris also con¬ Al Dorow still holds the pa#* E 1ST I.ANSIMI t • pmchhittrr Julio Beenuer to tributed a double and single to completion records he set dur¬ I'll Ell '.'..'III the Yankee attack. .ri'vr; ,nu> an unusual Snning- Ail was no! lost for the 33,162 ing the 1949-51 seasons During - ^ double play ^executed by this period lie completed ya err,an Jim Gentile and home fans who attended the 123 Boston home opener a* Ted punts. 64 of them in hi* senior The II hole Toon'* -Ii.iruii l'? and the 494th of. ' ANN ARBOR >A*i cashed a Michigan 14-hU attack Tues- hi* career Williams now t# fourth in the majors in hitting sW.RKI ART FERNW00I) i::.\ defeated Central M.:ch- JONES GML! » . 13-4 m Its final non-con- home runs, one ahead of the late Iaui Gehrig. Babe Ruth's x* baseball season. game of the 714 is Williams' top.*. first homer was GOLF CLUBS leUUr Dave Brown col- CLASS RINGS . > ' • ire® hit#, including a An e«reptionai value in golf! And it's Itpro • to lead the Michigan • M»nk. t«M» . . adtl tu your set a* you wish. -g B: 11 Roman and Dick I I Its WOOD m oimIs are cmistrurted with I* a-r.i. cure both smashed out > JEWELRY RIFTS mxnjvYnro^rjiruinrLrxanjp solid persimmon head*, finished in black Du- A K h. who went five Snn- I'ont lacnuer wih genuine True Temper shafts, N-J Veaer - was the wax winning the loser. pitcher. WATCH ft OLCGN -. § 'I lie iron* have triple chrome plated. far lion steel hrads and are MAKE RESERVATIONS *IWni /§"! Q95 Asmsa BAM H^Mrv * 4 Irous l| X y TIIOMPSOX'S ARCHIE TARPOFF JEUF.I.KV Sot of 2 woods, ft irous 29.95 AVi. IMLMmmim :u *« I.AST UMUNO. Mi l l\ 24>2.T.t 12 XtMiii ■ H p.m. RAM9LER GOLF GALLS l.itiuiri Center Dnrahle Vultani/ed Cover! Special! 49 en. ALL UNIVRSITY DANCE "CONTENDER" BIT OF THE BAYOU The knitted sh-rt pictured here i« of luch STUMM HOT classic and V»upiWtaf>l« r. a Lure that it »» TENNIS RAONET a chapip « n uiljfflitht n#G It pursue* the game of *»>'/ »vH esfal :• yS-mh. It u,m ati THE CATIIOIJC STI PEXT CENTER «n: April 23r.l like* a g»«ni h*a* «,:» t.;« »./racc. Outstanding value tu a uualitjr racket Fiber-reinforced frame Httm: Srrni foruial with high quality leather grip, "strung with quality nylon t north ML'ill alone i TirlkH* I an H>- lllilainnl Al TIh- I iiion (Ii-l. Rag Irfflrr O cuttOM nor * i •Slolrol (iralrr Ami Frmii Cwmmillrr limirmru. Sl'KLIV I. *Q95Zf TiMiGpjh-ISpjk - ^ IA-T GBAMI aivia ON 1HI. I AMri - 3 CniTJTJUxruxxx-njxxinnrji.a-'Trin^ MICHIGAN STATE NEWS l)r. Hon I to Altoml Tase SK Mooting - April tO. I MA Survey Findings Dr. My t ie Heul. assistant pro- which graduate study in social (hi M«'iilal I l<'altli fe'.sor ■>,' k'i.iI »"rk. l. attend- »'"rk ean lie developed. The Campus Classified}!'. . . Row Cost ,. , lf e,vr.i„i main purpose is to learn hmv the Siilijrrl fop-Talk wori E tk";^ hew•;w™**«•»«< np|„,,K behavior ean be taught -* Tutane University. New Orleans. Dr. Gerald Gurin. Univrr*ity I .a . th week <»f M.cuunn. wi';^ speak at a This conference is the first nf f its implica¬ tion? .ml '.he relevance of the -eone'io "ins for virions Holds pf pract.ee. This will include the MYKE ariu'ysi* .if factors underlying the >e»'k:m.; ->t f) yehia'rie help. Avi : can- View Their Men¬ ROBERTS tal Heal: " will he published ;n .Jul' as-a vesuif of this study and IS the f.MO'th of a series. These for s»ud;e.- were conducted by thf Jo.ot (.' .tmio -- Of Mental in¬ PASSING to an < HfiUh, established by s;:e<"u»i ie^i-:a'ion of the United Jr. Class thrir THi: nn M\T to MSt* SftDrXTK vrkinit to earn Wr*t kfricj thi« summer Mill hp Junk, 'Paul Berg and Richard Holmes look over a displav of African art. They'll lie selling tvood carvings, masks, Jewelry and recordings, from !l K'aSes Gunn research ("unices.*. na.y_ in conducted survey a variety of Helds. Trtas. SMITH selling African hundicrafl* mid recordings in the I ntttn ( nnroorvf, WednevlAV through Friday of lo 5 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. • -niing industry, public health Sr. Trcas this week. Here students Jack Karrhelc, Hetty and voting behavior. Dorm Keps lo Attend MIXER DANCE For all college male and female Animal Big Ten Meet (some dray. w»mc slag) U. S. Gov't Inspected THIS FRIDAY FRYERS Members of the Men** Halls A^oeiatinii .and Women's Inter-residence Council will send 20 represent at iv«s to the 0:(NI |>.m. lo 1:00 a.m. annual Bik* 10 Residence Hall Conference Friday through Aim-ria-aii la-jjion llall Sunday at Pnrdtip to exchange ideas and information which may benefit the residence halls government system. The ronvrntiun Mill deal Mith \i!<. IH-2S One block off campu. \i.rl hwest of People'-- Church Top Quality l-tnsing sop'j ; K*. n Applc.r.sti. Men— Joann Hi.nl*. as- Vice pre* d«-r S' ci-'i Mary Meav'ham. \V /e I'!.i.:is, . sistanl direr tor of Women's Di¬ 'I inkle. Broil y Caaipiataly lb. vision: Wayne N.V., j: ; Judy Ospo-aJ, (e educational director, and IhmjM 33c lb. |*oir.te fr; Sharon «.«•». Krif- Adams. hea«| advisor of Rather v. ay *"j h : Mary Co« an, pon- llall t jr.; Marilyn Zeiglcr. -Mof- eitci tfjph.; Uha Sander Smith «i';d lu m.i c w'il make . Teko.-w the present a'."M f n .» bd to 43c lb. • > jr.- Sara John--—i. Dejpfi;, the conference at MSf m Super Right Skinless Franks hive lad.. w>t'< : ,»n«j Gwen Md'«>i 1 ;»H 1 They Mill draw - r vk. Dearborn fr tn^s of the n» w praduite facili¬ MHA'i delega'cs n • ft- »l<. Broti.c. ties and present, the oraam/ prWklvn'. Taylor y . of MSId resMlmtcc hails and , I'V.fl Shorn exee»»t ve v ■ <* ,er ri lat<-1 materia! president, Bculah » vo . Chtrlrt IMiund 49. D-veland. Way law i. N* V , js : imund Sapor Right Bacon John Motor. W s i.nf. <:t. DC, sr.; Bay, W'.c, Dave Cirotuiuer, WhttefDh . iv.;» Gu*tav*>m. Ihmtiar it: 111r - v smi ..: i. E» : Aldriil»c At llihiill Merlin" Speaks All pkir. 43 ply it. L>r (toidon AldriiUe. Director Kdticalioiiiil Film Se of s... ;.il Work. U.S. No. I Michigan •»}K.»kc on So. Scries Claimed -i Potatoes .»! :hc Ingham County Confc- the Th# Audio-vUii.il Center - ' Co-lege of Ediuwior «i * etiee on Aging ' Tiiu w.»> one of *»>«- itdtia! lb. bag e,jjvf»»ren« ;n prcpai'ihoii f-r. prcfehf "A Parade of Education¬ the White Hou-e Conference on al Film,*." itart.ng Ami through June | The film# w* i Aging, to lie hchl in January. JXM be shown M< ndav* a».-l We i- A regional ronfereuec com- .nevdavA from I - J. i-nd Tue*d«vv pn.sed of v l ountries, im lud Cello 21b Oaiifaraia 113 ( 15c 49 doz. ami Thurv,»..y> ?r>»m -t-i. m 'die ih4 Inghum, w iU be held in 1-m- Instructional Or.fee of the F.4 Siiig litl April 2(1, and a State Ucatimi build rt,;. Fourteen subject m uter are. ■ Conference on Agitig will meet Carrots Bac Oraagas size later -during the yeai v. II be covered Schedule bul¬ letin* are available at the Audio-visual en er and thy In- •tnictional Center. At P JaiaoSata Mix or Match Sale Ph*«iri*l lo l'r«-M-nt A iX I' S e l.ra|o- Kroil Join- A & I* lllrntlril Juiri- A & I* IVa* A A P R.S.P. Ckrrrir'a r"n* ® I* written, by Ban and D J M • ■ funrry, at a conf. re i,-c <»{ A A It I* Or.iny. juirr 2 **•" or " ru« - ww A A P i'rrurh Slylr Crcru Bran* 140 rrlnn Phyaw^-u. April 2^-24. us W«*htng* T. DC prtttitsl tilt for Thefiaper dea.* w»th a proj.v * ta determine *. »• v.vms'.v f llqu'd.v b> niea»urvm« ;.: of Asp¬ ir ligMiHrt AlFCsaaaJBaaaSala erate btrtojM v Hi w.» . h Un • ^ proj*n;t was ftnan.s.j by 'he U S. Bonlon Shir 7 Corn kix 9 ok. AUinv< Energy Cue. nun , t. l Saurr Willi Cork orn 21 or. loVj«. VavOWaa # , CAMPUS (TIASSIUK.DS . |M-rfo-l for a lour lliru S*kiM lima Brao- far Whratir* 12 ok. . • • HIGH IttADKfiSlftP . . »i*»- Knl Bran, in Chili Cra.y Jrt* 10 ; ... l/>W COST . lairo|o- ur a lri|i ero« ok. 4 far 141 Rrd Bran* IJO Tri\ f/ll «»«. eooolrv! IVrftrl I u o'k BACK for MH-iall. Kla>-at-lioui«-«. • loiotlol 8 a*, lia PETE May uin 5kst. Iiom <(ur nr>\ MAC eotlreliiH) pholonr.plied A A F Frazaa Oraaga Maa in Medv. PHERSON 6 i oi. on 99c On pad kn 59( PUT J-HOP AU Prina la Thht AO Effwtk* Thra Hal. Aprfl Mr*, Your Ka»l Ijiiimii^ A & P Su|M-r Markrl ON FEET la WiUiaawtaa Star* And Alt Put lam*ia( A A P8a»tr I Curiirr of llajsaiioru ami Ka*l I.rami Riser Marhrl* BY xclu.it i In J r CIHTING Star* Hoar* Mondai thra Saturday t COST Tntalni OHnn»niMi: drew Mid or IM-Iran llimi HfokT. («r an. mtUI c-nUiume.* /while; Mu/vMn. RIH , j » A..*l. la » P.M. . Si