The Weather Today'* lh» Day I loud;. Thundtf>howrr« High Today . I Serving MSI' lor 51 Year* MAST LANSING. MICHIGAN—THURSDAY, APRIL 21. ID60 PRICE 5 CENTS Air Force, Army Agree Vote! day is here. Vote!! Vote!!! Elector; Cast your vote n Venezuelan Revolt Fails U. S. Flunks Airlift Test your residence hall, the Union. Berkey, or in married housing Generals . v «. - After a vigorous campaign. the candidates are waiting for the results of your vote. The "poi, will be open today from 8 > » j As Planes, Troops Show p.w Run. don't walk, to the near¬ Say Fleet ' < est ballot box to vote for Al'Sc; presidi n' an i the officer* of your choice WASHINGTON* —'The A •• Force ami the Army n-reed Wednesday that the Inited States flunked last (.'AllAUAS, Venezuela • .-1m month's test of it* ability to Hv tm». assoii \rri» mrss — Hacked firmly by Ve? Li ANGELES Ch .♦.rlift lanre number* of coro¬ ».> -- e .iter zuela's political, labor and' Bowles, an advocate of a strong lla4 troop* to distant trouble military leaders, the govern¬ civil right* urogram, Wc:lnc>d;n spot.*. was named platform cha'rm#,. ment of President Homtiio L* Gen. William ' Tanner, for the Democratic national con¬ Betancourt move* I swift Iv rii cf tne Military Air Trans- vention next Ju'y B .«.vte- is Wednesday to crush a re¬ •->r Service, said the Puerto foreign adviser to S -?». v bellion near the Colombian p.«n airlift test demonstrated John Kennedy of Massachusetts. percent of MATS' fleet border. Popular demonstra¬ .« obsolete. tion* cheered the President'< •The present force." he told actions und jeered at tV»» a House Armed Services Sub- rebellion. /r.rr "cannot meet the The rebels were ■■-i "o> .« i -- t.e .imitations established for grunt let Venezuela:; ar.era -c a..-Lift of Army forces." They crossed the border f- • Or.. Bruce Clarke, head of . Colombia. H'i/cd t:v» m-cjr.\, • * Army's continental com- ctt\ of San Crc-dobal and t: ;c i fr.ard, joined in Tunner's con- The limitations of the ms- WASHINGTON - The N ■r-.-v of the present MATS air- tioftal Mediation Board cert these .merry mr^ntm of good advice will Im- ' -af; renously limit the size of s forces which can be de- yH to distant overseas do¬ pTivo-Point' Dinner fled the railway to President Eisenhower in step toward naming of an ernei labor dispu: ds i* in as front of Rill Callahan» cancelled stamp*. Thi* bed of signs the Union. (Mate News Photo by The Interior Ministry '.u". :: ?.ip,>'ned .»•/ faculty in general, ynu would bored business plane collided while capacity, to evaluate last \viih earn other'* corn- most likely get an«wcr< ' rang¬ pan •• making landing approaches v. r».r.:h'< exercise. ing from "A human slepM-ma- l.'ke tin Hickory airport Four Grand most d-nncrs of th:« Tte goals St;4- tor *"nc opera- Rapids. M ich businessmen SEGUU Korea Heav iv iunrevt ani demonstration- who are not puspectci "! map chine," to "A man who bar de¬ someone w;!! l«* h«m'»red , •; were all successfully met. armed tr Seoul "cuuriTd its from custody eru-e Dubu s.»i;l foe 'see. beer, planned. •. :.g".*» a/Hwn PI ninns (lun> for . by a faculty member might ap¬ receive award* for vice president The K :u- parly rggcti the election anil Jiooin-Iiootii ':'>>p. trying 'o a! i.iw and r;v;'.a-. groups a job." to "An ambitious tKMi. Korea'? death toll pa-srl used haI-h pressure* to insure y oung *v U picsent the awards and 'm* 4ho g-» person seeking to improve him¬ the main sjieaker In Oratory Tent li«.» and seemed Lkely To reach the of *'e L.beral Vice ■ 'Beciujw» it took so many a:r- and »:> much effort to do self and the society he lives in — The Vet* Association, vtrcsse* Speech winners' from t.» xtaten 150 presi (Ii lent e n«7mincc. Augusta. Go vacationing lltHHitrniiiii? e report >.»::! Cr'jv Crfcr * . *. a small job." by education." o'dv 750 tickets will 1 w sold lor Pffeddent Svnguian It h e c. President Eiscphowcr way kept , re.-:••tanee ^an •Cristona' One thing, however, i.. cer¬ the 2 Point Dinner so av not to will compete today and Friday -tun . by a 'urn U S rcbuk •. LONDON •>'• A Uiridoi, Tinner ta.d the test hardly jv» iv! on ev-nt* m Korea. II* Uiibiic said rebel forrey had tain. and that is that bo1': un¬ exceed the seating in the 86th annual Interstate p-fvu!j?c*l to mvc-tjg it - and c i- newspaper, the Evening Staml- •vvt«d the equivalent of the of lost an undisilosed number nf dent; mid laeuity personnel * < Oratorical As"ui iatioa contest at rect "majoi cau*< $ of d.-:.- I- leaving ar*.:'»n> and ard, ri«port«Ht Wednesday night 1 of emergency U. S troop? Coral Gables Ticket< are on men. The gnyrrnmrnt said ioval stuti-meats to Secretary of State human. vale at the .Union ticker office Kellogg Center . tent" that Britain i-» working on a ra- gat have to face in Europe or Uhri.stia i Hcrter, who sharply troops had sufTerrd no casual¬ Th«* MSU Veterans' A - *•.«- illd the Vets Club offit—. lltlJ Participating in the preliiu- But th»- 85-y <*.u-»i i pre- y.U%n' dar device that would turn the ties. ? »'5 the Korean government tiiu firmly beLeve all human iflary e-»n?-e«t> today villi lie 3>i eb»ete*f t > ,» fun-'. f-ui- v■ ll»'wnnb into a boomerang. y>i-."er. he actded, five Student Service^. A limited . «; The army said beings snhcrerfUy gregm- men and women term In March. *tre>«i*t that the Tuesday-.- thai live upr. :'U'- re¬ The device would a gv up >f 300 -f iotcsuflve are number of ticket?, if any remain, wno were explode dissident* surtcndcml a. ,» planning lou?. winner-. their state contest,* flected "ivopulai* djssa!i?*fiict.p;i ?::■-! or more simply, r.njov u II be on *ak at Gable.- t:m- *< m 'in- r.i enemy ruckcU ovc. the coun¬ rweded the exercise. ov« - the con-duct of the "recent Contact with government force? each other's company m which 1.85 colleges and uni- u»r;.<.mi) into "the tn-V. •il.-ntiried the rebellion leader as to Prof. Kenneth Hance of the iohgvr exists.' Film Tells portunity for students anil fa- ho devadating boomerang ,n his- Jesus Maria t'a- ro Leon, a f • - cuffy to get together in informal MSU spceeh department The las? major s-oup <*! de?r.-. torv," the newspape, ,-a.d mer »;'* force general, and atmosphere rs what help* k -« l{ ii si lor Can ft III Each participant prepares a cn«tra»ors in 'he S«- nd ,»;< ao I* gave '.h.4 aivount he had entered Cok»mbia w k aa. t soeech on any subject he chaos- ami-g--v»-rnment band of "T"? fantas?:<" re-wlopmen? . student-faculty relation* in *!;«• - • Doctor's wxnewhat infant VeVs Club answer to tins problem stage. Tie- In Ifirivne ( oniiIy *•-*, largely Hance said, from and memory. speak All rial bomirc.i young people arm- *1 with a few i.iibine- way v. 'I have ."profound effect on t»i'- whole baiancetof power lae- a forged pa,M><- inimean Republic, Leaders of the country but- is the all»umversity 2-point din-* LFTKOIT The first man speeches will be published in brok-m up. Several aj its iiiem- tw«x»n ea>; and _\vest. on the dis¬ f." st political, labor and militar:/ Dedication The second annual 2-Pom* j- nigh v c e > on to todav in 80 years was con- \Vaync (Detroit) "Winning Orations of t ie Inter- etate Oratorical Association" The winners of the prelum- b» r \vt r«- w:' *}*ot m vxchanac¬ jsilicc uv the capital'? n -r'V-a--* o»"' v -t«. *..e of Se¬ armament the summit talks." negotiation* and on Official spokesmen indicated group." demonstrated .support for the moderately left¬ ma.v-ve Dinner will lie held a* Coral ist go\eminent of Betancourt R» HOWARD HOUItS Gables Tufsdav and will feature couniv of cattle rustling. nary contests. *ix men and »i\ oul's universities, "that any development of this The governniivit said loyal «ut* New* Night Editor A nun-cowboy jury took just women, will compete in the fin- - -w- ...<«• a vdy rcu-»v- k ;rl .? a long w ay off spaghetti dinner served buffet Paralysis a tw.t hours to covict Floyd Hal- als tr'oijK had suffered n« rasual- first duty U to man." Gyle. The curt is $1 for all >.-»u Friday. !■ »e women during c from hattU- Many n srt- The device involves r.jdar Urs in any ml Ihc ailiUrj upei- h.* Albert Schwe.tzer, hu- ford of what could Cost him five th»- afternoon antl the dr»*d* of wounded lav in b*wpi- can cat. However, all dinner* men at beams "bent" along the curva¬ From Polio ' .••*. Tuesday night in a bi»»- have food and chargv something yea:* m prkcm and a *2.500 fine. mght tals, virt.rvs of rkits sparked by ture of the earth to detect a -ca! movie# on Once upon a time, though, he Mies Lois Cheney, MSU grad* Betancourt mean while order- ha world* What, then, makes the 2-Potnt about 30.000 studcqta and citi- rocket missile shortly after it ed immediate :*:iwua 'jfe. could have been hanged. oate student, is chairman of the *t*n< Tuesday when they drm- leaves its launching pad. military trials fur Dinner different"' 4 * 50® peoplo crowded into V.i.wn Ballroom to see the For one thing, its location, off- Hat ford formally victed of grand iarceny, but was con.- judges for the women's di viaion '.onstraUHl against five fsnai.s and Prof. David Ralph. coverTi- Hits Ajgaiu would Impulses along the l*?am then persons most involved of them retired off.cer*. in the plor, campus. in Itself is a good ice¬ „ men* Tie riots cUmaxcd weeks disrupt the mbisilc's Foreign Minister Luis Arct' i '* SchweiUer—aa- he poc- Circuit Judge Neal ^fitzgcrald MSU speech department, fur the guidance system and explode its breaker for starting eon versa- charged the insurgents "«/H it liliioilT told the jury: mrn'. divUwn f.n,l, wer nuclear warhead. Loos among stranger*. For an¬ "This i* Allllrr** I'lHl/tunnl backed by Generalissimo Rafael Schweitaer, the human- other thing, the low price, plenty , as close as you come Michigan is represented bv r The real advance is in-discov¬ t& he old west out de of tcle- Sue Rdgar, Alma College, and Tnijllto. dictator of the Dom.n- was a.«) Schweitser the of food olid Buffet style will Bv reason of o conflict with ering how to bend the radar ( -he theologian, phikwo- vls'Jn. This case rcuMy amounts by Ronald Kan gas, Wayne Stale ican Republic and an. old fo# create an informal, friendly at* Frofes. or Abba Lcrncr's let lure bejjms over the hurt/am. of Betancourt. Officialt have ;; *'• "*fSer, orgMir. and phy* miMohere. to r*i?Ue rusUint University. which has been itched uied for often linked him with Also, not to lie Lawmen brought h*iford/1nt» MSU wa* last represented ,ia April 21, Profe^r ta*wi-: 7* r- tnb-gov- forgotten is ernment plots here. tare. Dw ImmM. at court after a white-faced hcre- the Inleratate Oratorical Asso¬ the time, ft-7'J0 p.m., long by'* »ddres«! Lo the Philo-oohy «f atoki Hum m fal f«»rd nisappeured from the rangr ciation conu-st in 1956 when enough to grt to meet people and CoH(M|u:um on "la>gic and Isiw." d iiamaa* ggg ■MRMle Hat •ut around Henxy McMul!cn'» Michael Siefre. then a senior, has lje»me u Ui- old da*, officer# and candidatcf At JO. h» •oi: With 2J0® pints a* the goa!. will be there y ' ' tW-d^i on , or..: the spring term blood drive be¬ cam. acr«» a rHrr. The forum will be held each gins at 8 a.m. Monday m jDc- ThillScay with • new t«»iue '* seed for doctors in munsiraiion hoJL every week. I " -and. decided to rerve . The Amoid Air SuUtg, Air 2*r: '* 'm manner. Force RGTC honorary, and the Army Officers Club are the rponsor* tV»e drive MSU* six-member Board .of . As in the past, the Re»'du:ar-rnihtarjr affairs i to- taken Pom I to 5, S The VT.ately ttOfl % ivaue was tabled »' the ^ dona* According to the chairman^ i"- tn to the Union February uwvung. for furtnei Cadet Major Donald Miller. East '■» the auUace. study Lansing, jr., ploQucs will be In Wednesday's listings in the given to the living* unit* basing Stale ,N'rw>. one name wa- in¬ I*r'*n Aid Okayed the highest peroen'-age of donors. advertently omitted from the ii«: Mil.'er al>o said that thie *VhH:.NCT°sr_ Th, s«a„ term's slogan, "like Money In t andidates for Junior cla.ut trea¬ Donald -Urquidl of the politi- .teietjwu surer. The complete list of can¬ ca; science 'dept. will speak v» CametK didates for this office in Today4# the Internationa! Relations Clu » J!":' * MJMMWW lor. e i ections: Michoely n Roberts. in 34 Union this afternoon at 4. sr ,r" "»® Pnillm Kb. Alma; Sue Dhooge. Groooe Hi# subject will be •'Soviet-Chi¬ ""*«* Poinie; Pat Graff, Flint; and nese Relations, and tffe Possi¬ Jequer^K . Karen Kraus, Lonsing. bility of a Tito*Like Scnism." "I Think Thn«r Passive Ui'sislance Drittonslralions Rook Review Mir hi "an Slate New Are In The Ameriean Tradition" dunn# Published at Fast tanning Michigan winter ami minnj Hi-. • a-irua! l?f«ue between Mimm*r « 'il t.»il I I an»mg. Mich., under tl r «-.t . . •. , * U«1 ri#*> MiiiuIj* Umiugh Frlrtav l*ii it tit *>tM m-, i-f.i i Ct IPriii 4Hii J * i-u-tejn1 paid a' Gronclio Writes Own Story Mai! Mtl»M riptlon* rwv tn ydv.unr Social Security retirement age, He takes us on the burn*' By Mi l. ACOTT further to reduce the cost of his career, his many Vol.lW.So. is fhur« Tu» {•hosting auloblographle* hn* part he might a* well have given vaudeville, hi* triumph |hm-u .• rather lucrative busbies us this hook an TV and II wanld llroadwav in "I'll Say Si, - lately, and one is prune to su-- have surpassed even hla TA' and on into the movies Dial niu.-t theater-people Class Officer Vole i-ect autub,Mg:*aphi-> are gli. sfed If th * one was (and (Jroucho best. It Is filled with aspects thinks are fanny of hla anly those life whleh he or shooId ho he struck up witn Irvm.* : Iretx While Graneha's rltmh f,. •i'aiinehl.x denies it! tin* ghost lunny. And they are. nawn la fitted with thai Pro res II ea I Pa rce Herervrs a gu.od deal uf ere ld, fin* very Grouclio well Indeed utinw.s through a and One *Ufpect.i that Oroucho hit over-selective In the events ideas he chooses to relate, Is Mara batnar, there I* anmiirr fare af Graaeha seldom seen hi* very eandM honesi« N»H,ui \\ II AT IS the «»f dii«> .iffirrK* Are lhe> renllv but tins serves only to his favor. whatever happen* to gall htm r.ROITIlO AMI Ml. Perhaps this book i nevessnry, or it re they mere tip u reheat Is tilling office** thet At no time do you feel he has „ over-talked In fact, the only lieavy for a comic but Or-, can be trrmetl a farce By criticism would be that ill some has been around and he v,.^ : We feel that officer- air 1.95 one suspects would have given funny. of all students. .\ml the settlor class has numerous acti\itie> even more laughs. Near the end of his tale, '■ a mi nrpani/ations which could not lie fulfilled-without of- The appeal of this book 1* Oroucho starts with hi* boy¬ c.ho reports hi* and «h;« <•- .«. tu . those who already find hood In New York City where ter's thought* on aome ver> , . fleers. ic issues. His daughter had (boucho entertaining. If on the . he was born at what he calls "a Hut the freshtnan. s,.j,finnane and junior elasses have basis of past experience with . very early age." It moves returned from school and ; . praetieally no need for offieeis The junior »la**s has .Mlnp I nucha on the radio or tele- • through his early career in cho asked her what she h* i to sponsor, but a council could lie selected for tfiis fiartieu- ii*i(»» one does ru»t appreciate hack alleys arid on rooftop- done *11 day — man, then *do not bother "Oh, Daddy", she an- The, da - does nothing "except ha ve tin* lar act it it > whera he claims to have, learn¬ , further ed very early what everyone impatiently, "all we do is p*>< a pizza week. liraueha and Me In presented whispered about. and go to the toilet." The freshman etas** is nou without officers because all the way timurtio present* him¬ four failed to make the required l!«» average win'trt* term self to the pahllr Far the most and were requested b\ the Al'Stl president to resipn, We are trot alone in our opinion. Several past and present class otfieers l.a\e cota tirred with this view. *1 he treshmaii Health Plan CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS nr.ADI.IXEK: I ».n. Vu Mm MMIm far Taaa.'d-a class, without class oflicers, i- funetiottinp |ii«t as well as Thar... aaS Erl. MMam. DraSllar Far Maa. ElMaa: I *.ia irl w it h oft'icei s. Mil. FaraMa Ml ami 1-J MaaSar tkrawk FrUar fitt* SlITfKM c.iM'p.iu*tis are often e\|»en-ive and the ntnt- it littered With |mhIiis that tiejzin to look sloppy after <«ne da> ot wind or rain The campaign is very likely Imsed Develops KU Mill , EXT. Mi:. on who has the nicest postn-s or who has the liest picture In House AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING ott the po 7-071* after • om 1* retired under S(»cial Se- one platloini tfiat. it he were elected, he would jiImiIhIi cla-- per«on* approved room* fof (uriiy began taking shape Wed- I65S CIIEVROLIT ftTANDAPO otlicerv A landslide \ ote put him tn wasn't luiqt alter ?lit ,Frie». blue, white Motor, hotty private enrranre. bath, par ,.t ne«-dav in the House Ways and three minutes from Rerkei 'hat Ohio State's class officers were aliolished Committer g>iod. clean Interior Fl> 2-1511, ex' *147 ;*KM da vs. tV 4-5042 after 5 I* This, in out opinion, • the same thimr that should he dime The Tax-Writing C'oinmii'ee, ROR SALE at ,MSf. We strotu'lx liree the liext president of Al'Sti. which two weeks ago rejected IMW MO-TD EXrriXENT con¬ •he ivci-d health insurance plan dition. fonipletelv rrbulM III and TRAILERS w h'»e\'er he tiia> U\ to take some cotistruetixe action alony (•ill Id I 7-maa alter 5 pin Hi proposed by ffrp Aime .1 Fm - ttie lines of HUilishiiq: the-e ..ones t»»al irou -.*i\«* only as IMS CItPA'ROI.PT ST All ON* WA- u»vi genera i. house TRA! ». a waste of time for all persons concerned I .cllcrs hi I lie l*'ilitoi* and (D-R)), took up «perifir*- f'.f iNS - B-paasenirr and g-passen- 3" x rrasonahle 4, excellent conditio.- for riulr-k sale \» i iions for p mu«n more limited eer V-8. power alide power sleer- We a!>o nnre offit-t r*» i ected t.Mlny to tfimk ahoiit what lot So, u,... •ton 1154 W or see p ogrsm a* a dosed-door riiect- lug, radio* heafeis S.sse s*le«n»un So# at l*'"» K.I-I Grand Trailer Court.. Williafhatnp Ones! ions AUSG Offices, Too! I omnusatiH) has been said: 1- your office really iuv.*-sir' We tiiim* Hiit The genet ,il idea <»f such an Fliier t.anslna It J Wlf detroitxiv — 10 * *« • \ oil will lind it i- tn.: a;»|)i...(i h U.I- reported to have k'fehen. Iwu bfsirooms. fol..rr. * the barking of the home Deuio- f)ET VOtJR»»:!>• A rood deal on pll. niis, on lot pi Holt fit. •< a 1'aiO Falcon of Ford from a former I * * * . 'a-.< tradei-hin MM' student Ser cjeoe Setden at -J.4M __________ In lb# As tentftllvfly sketched, the Max ( uilii Im IV 4-441*1 If Rvliuioiis Issiir Evvrf ('mlil Li mi I Je\. plan would tiring under the Social Security allow a person re¬ liftAKF.*- |U* !'i lltld c-ed »-ft*- up rnMHi.rrr rfmnim* A'J)l|*t|IlFllt. (Fll li(KH) CIlamnlon tirake Hellnei lost and found I.ost. I AOV s Gold nr.g * rn# r 'Utien re. n \ e old age insurance svalent to 1'1 Reward t all f.d 2-oi:i $"r Zfl(» f halamasoo IV,1-1*1*' f! .» the I'tlitnr K: - We feel fha elect lo lake a smaller rash week ,kP of the henef it rights. plus hospitalisation EMPLOYMENf3^ ssrrrrsrr. :■ ..JA. 1 PERSONAL ICICT Of c- O V ■ I o-'t. • .. • '<*[ .»f Ii*(tl* .IV ' k 7! Send all narf.lrular* hmnadiateH etO (V . I nutvr snifrr and therefore a strids* (,. lohn lamhfDM llirector Mac I * nrch s* .1 O I * V !''-*, 1 acimc I *o' *• « iHimtht ' SKid Mam*- /i*e "n .iiied medicne (-fee Herir.di'Oi A^so. lalion The AO' fe. • I ' • w.i". .lUh-.uv't vh afb-trary »r Rhc» liocpl. Ttie extent of tiie t>enefif«. ! t Chi I* «*- .-»:«* n lM.:X ' Whh'l t f.O'eO . TONIGHT far undetermined. To keen 1(4 M-o.ll flP»slm>« D '1 • " Mo ♦ # # TWO fORITlON's WAim front H*' •" it' »r'.fv ■>.r cost of the program thr ih-cc l,n' :»• * i *n.ei m \ ocrie (iites Pa«fe 2 ductible factor, under whith the Ureinnic* .tune rn wri'e living c- tier (Fine l.«gle and backgrnund lo living 1 Jl5 Weber Drive.»mg IV NORMA led Horning'' DID YOU was krto running > i'^'ent would pay for n qin:- Seniui Vice * President* t utherati Church In the l-Htlar »!«• ( mirnWi (,f days nf hospital Signed Waldo Bean ItdMlrdll* I'm far Utiilrnl anv STftlF.VTSf MFN ANA wnmn The trenrt bv the M * ' • let ' • ("'*0 4 before >• irtfii t,-- evening Mtiploymen* rrnteriil ImiI nil thi« faii|na It mn.i'i app«a- l-arp. e" • are the .government V make (•"• phone call and KraM f »r Christum {*■•»•;,<) A. it.riTjoiJ >»MU benefi'« began «•.( .an •i; M„ autlie Hume U tin .t.vs lltlih l» Mf 't "VI ■••. c *■!,. Vatc New* Che starting *k*e ee' i no I . |.V per evening tf ln- 1 pit. tat :!>>• tt.. e Sea t * i F •tf \ I 4den e>e f Irrnletl call F.D i-tlWki between 4 |»f rthft. Tliesc arc • ."-.-e tie necimi of Spring r ehg.uihty also might be MARY - CALL FOR Krtitl4.1v H»»'' '* t ai.i H om >fio*. and ( and I om yd. • jms* the i.oa .'v of Ife* • fixed rlertfJ iiivt no'liint e»«t4 Is ''hi " .1' our r»mi siv nr*nun« higher than AS. the ba*ic xiondai 1 ii ml » ( Wedne*da ■ t'onrert at I n Must get a i ' us'. hloiv.e A'«svm.4'> \ - Ihursdav tS •eat John hmrri »f IHrnt uiilil thrv Ho er h*« benir'— * a-icie'v show - max l»e Mppbi'Abte a n«ric <•«- the of formei > (Minirthiitf »tupl«t. < * e »t M'MMCR tMFtOYMEXI $4f» RFHRN* and WXY\» ptun nan Miebiytan State ISews «, ' « present month !x phi* si—'iiarstun tn ng'it MINTlltB take this ad p . , v m s (,,, j.n < > tf :»i * ' jn.atu" «iev.ou« tJxwig .1 provoking and certain- •(-.••ten1* We tie Al I'libco ftM F Mate News office between 1-5 INFORMATION i*i a n v ae- itH'.i • : a • »• p-m i «» rucadis to**.n * stshtcn s ■v -more vital artU'V*. Michtgah. laifMtng it for (wo free paaaea to tl.e • The Kddoria! Drlve*ln Bring I. O l..v • . 4e". I.S'K'C me. "f the 'ia.ihitr.v to Mage i* prac* . „-j, \ .e l, led i ta He hval few i'o*,.r \ * pron- >* w * 'v i.» a non-enthv lunnints. —. giving ehgagement s IHliRMUl I NRISTIAN "foTsale KU AST HAKPRY DELIVKRv vuluaUv decorated rake ♦*' twelve for 12 .V) Phone IV 4-1N i ! c '..ecs: frt'-m t»f . v i ■ o\ t ullctc idmtiiiaiitorv iff .«• I of .-er eiecUoos. III. i not particular!*- verve a* rru- Lounge «*» miles 4ihe ne« IV •**«» 1« REAL ESTATE firienl immrI nf the eriaHile issue* o? proVf-ns *v be H Aim CARNIVAL RROWN TWO-PIFCr. sectional >• Urton that Niarka «ne M ft "r#l- P- mtere t atxl d «, :.^.r i by the HM OR ATION a Fvrellent condition fl) |*4*4i 'g 2-» ROOMS I'Fiirnham* NEAR MU-MU-4 Avenues Cali lete eHurftleH" lndi«Mn«l >1udra!.< ea h da- 7:15 pat, U>wer Lounge i>f l\' 5-« tr* *XIU7*H 1 J-FOOT. ORION sail I am itot c.';v«*ed 'o th;* t'nion. perrsNg condttlnn Webcor tana, te- !* it nat pot#(bit that ft wi < t reasonable s!*ml4rdv rrlatea ephemera) inform v. ;>n but I be- B1NC.KD AFARTAN A cirder. three sneakers. Iw.r record* ins head# l-D 2-U5SJohn t.ein SERVICE Teve d hav ,♦» p;a, and the 7 pro. to this nuroe could be created * r 104 Morrt}' H»!'. drnkfr 14 Rdumhal l*a«e \* mjt the place Mai' K.AIUNc; C U B Ht'ftiistk'Mtly, one ought to CONVENIENT TO CAMPUS ll»w about brmcing back the 1 p m„ !H X'nion. have «i «"HHt echoUslic reeotti, RARY sitting will mtedtvUu! informative Editorial Mace with 7 p. m.. Shore School WlRIam H, Tkewpve* — <* maturity, and one o» two children m m* the analytical editor la*' and 7:30 p.m. Open Meeting. f *s»-o * C«'<'.**' Will •!•«• do ironing* ED t*4*' wUIUtaaess to do the ex' - neat analyse on « daily ba*i< TIIMTA -v. ' -V-t work tienerally, the proof GOT 4PRIXG wmimm These are essential ta any g»wd 7 would lie dependent ut*»n the p in, 450 Natural Science . work done It it tosy w*v Ter Re* spa per per*, these* themes typed w student's ftbdity, rot upon Mane BVig Speaker: Dr. Le« Mcrt- RREC DIAMOND IONUS STAMPS! suicklt. and accuretetv Itoaa A Jakataa suKkly. eo-urately. IV K * bureaucratic HlCtftlc c.'e This may be a minor issue, (.RtlX a PI. A *M TWO-WHEEL tmUTV TRAU.FIl rack*, cam-* Everett Merrill F.D -ART CLAASCn VOB aMMren w but it appear* ,to me hi be an« lOITOK^ AOTt: 3T3 {Mn. Triu. 4 15 Seventx* J-HlS after % p n t la wrdar adernouM Mights «u* "' ether of man's attempt* to ftttlt the tHHavbl pace appear* twke *iv 7, Tea for Two. Women* X: DDt ORATED CAKES DCLIVE R- Irotr^Mrtors. tt per leaaun f.d <■ man's cipaclly If mankind weeAN M fan Has ami Ttiar* INtot Ft» t<» you for uartres. btrfhdars to strive for the good and Rou_r^_ m page t«a tl»W dae* net J X 4 CU B Mane nther delirious peetnes K»u« typino - GFKEMAlI romf et hakcrv IV 4-4745 tf inf. it tears taprdwrr. MA «se* ' it'i inteheoiuatty. he cantnif »e*- mean page Hie k al««s* mm 7.30 p.m . Forestv Cabin. W t t-hdrrv tow ID 7-0t"i barriets'of tins sort for b vh'v 4 rdttoelal page. Pee to iarreai- RMM AM ATI I R BAIH4I €1.1 B skionut shoe is ORtNt r*r«»t tmbwa and «•• Lan) Haetlrn *9 tmawig Etotdnr irnwrnrr s-.* tl thrriflfd 7'30 p.m„ Foundry UkU r* Mpertemm Owe War!•k f ' - SIs ED WW ' it-vial * # * RAO-CAM 1MB tn.tff r 4:1 A p.m. Mutic BUIg. I KAKN TO n.T » > tw.n Lo* retee. Deris «rper' t; i ?• |)4|IC»V Pi¬ th# lr*> ?\ t »CJt* ,v» Diet Ignored MTMXA1MNAI. RRUTIOXS (tTB 7?S MAC. * *" »»es north pn Abbott Rea- «tM or ED Umt§ 4 pjn, 34 Union H Gtnftn tori Tft UP PMIL4 o RETRIf;ATOR~rOR~~Mfe" orrgtT — mmmfD. •" J* fehir Ita.TA PW WIR.ON r A TING Derawee o? recent a* - Thft Jewish holy d*v» of !V- r.\.etient mivditton ed Call time-proven effset' •"" ?♦ 1 rt+-. i.-.f er IS P ft)!(" i 4 7.30 pm» 35 Viuan. af er 4 W econonrioal saeh. or Passover, started Alert- prof*— *• 1 '.■•ta neted t c 4 b-*S ■ e t now available In- " day, April tt. Those who have *.he*e«. H>b rsiwMi form )*' • connection yytth the Jewish HOUSING n ciifrephs and charts Eor >' r • * * ET rr • « no letigion have no r.eevt to » Recnrtl dins HST Trouble »at ton sw dupUrettnf »rwi ' rail Al or Jane Wench. ED L rr- 4~* 31 Cavri -t teni bhemselvr* wttb thts Aero** from nprbey 13 Rrutue However, we feel that >t * \EW YORK il*i—-Former monatrationa and the HOUSE, mi ROOM*, unfurrusfc* f"| pr r *4 Y*tts#M tape ff- er- modern, near rasnpos leesoe,- i-ns) TT'PtoT ANN BROWN >rw*- «■ the duty of the diefcctaa to ace Etortne typete*War Ter^ Prfwiyflt Harry' S Truman corde4-b;s answer is' -rxie rent. ED i-RU if *fii ifH par* ai d theses AM* fpner*: t.v» rr* 1\ Rr^u fr4 Ihese days and make certain c.aimed i|"edner-i*y he was mil- * I wouldn't be surprised " r *• 4 V.k.»V* Ot APARTMENTS r~ 7» fin provision# tor those who wi*h qixWht about Communist in- . The remarks provoked anger TV «M1V AND RADIO •erraee Sse- 2 r» ■ to observe the d etary law-* In flueace «n Negro «t-down de- on part of the National Aaso. for TWO THREE - ROOM epanineRH wai —»- New lad "• toil poke I yr Tf IT H P re* ft tHir dormitory. Sou* h \VUUam«, oi aistrator*. But a tape revord- the Advancement of Calbed I'UUtieK private entrance, perfttnf TV miii end eatenwpe Ft«r iFs ar) . t One blocs tn *';.»ppun and bps , r-eckuxg free parking. • a«' iuj i S l q •* this was noi done *ng con Trad; r'.rvt him People, which demanded an ladies m couple. Al«*> gentlemen ED w fr* diaeusked student *tt- tmutrtHga*. wttiv tvip tsk-tonctona cv TT hr to* ?atofi X*?. : i* y* x. f" /usu.wuricswV ' The Aral la? whea II arfta n air If* la Ihe mi PatMvrr. dwn in ;J.Ke end arc- apology. IntegraHontsta. nl- reanv were smarting from a pre¬ I-ftlftT . Capital I at AT MOtNAsr Three |« *PA*TAW MULTILrtMING 7lfss Boar, the beaten path, the Tiroups preparing exhib.*. are coar-es at the close of her aoph- vice president of •wasn't on the trip itinerary. » . Contact Een* -the Alpha chapter of Omlcrou undergraduate level is an in¬ people were very friendly." he Spanish (Hub. 4-H Club, Inter- or. orf year. Intourist said it couldn't be ar¬ rand a!! your need:! a novation in the teaching of com¬ ai i. "Ninety-*!x percent <>1 them Janice Baar. Reed City sr.^fc'- Nu, gave recognition to the girls ranged. Mi'.iin#! Club and ACSG. In- of the college who have attained parative literature. • ar- grand people and they hk- f#:v*d the Bayha award for Developed by Professors John He get the names ®f several America." •«/ national Relation? Club. Cro ■ showing rj of unuaual ability^ In the .overages of 34 and above, clothing and attaining Patricia Dorn. president of the Taylor, Georges Joyaux. Adrian dairy plants frwm a Mosrow telephone hnnk In the Intourist Vice-President Richard N ■"•o Road' Africa Club, and Ukrsin- WALLACE OPTICIANS Alpha chapter, presided over the Jaffg and Herbert Weisinger va< in Moscow the week before "rta i Club Countrifs part.cipating a high scholastic standing. after two years of study of com¬ agency and had a taxi take him Branch Office Vine at f lippert banquet and gave recognition to to open the American Expoti- are Arab State , Estonia, Israel — Carol MMUM, Itmi Nmi* parable programs at other in¬ to one of them. the new members of the honor¬ tion. Afj-han'htan, India, Latvia, Phil¬ (opsssiie hears in Fraagar) laia sr.. reeelved the Canphell stitutions, the program is espec¬ The first plant turned him "We American* rode Nix eye examiaattons by ary. on ippines, France, Japan. Ger¬ award f«r attaining the highest ially designed to take advantage drnyn flatly, he said, but th»- on'* popularity while Dr, H. C .feasea. registered ogtometrift Mlaa Mildred Jaaee. aaaoelato we i> many. Paki'tan. Africa. China, arhslaatls stoadtog at Iho elaae of MSU's already large resources woman in charge gave him the there," Trout said. •f her Jtttor f—r. profeaaoi of laotHaltoaal adml- TCofea, Trinidad. Iran and Ja- In the field. name of another plant to which I'll. IV 9-2771 mtiica. jr. an Harris, Battle Creek "We are fortunate." said Nyc, the cab took him Edgar Kelly, East Lansing HOi'RS- Msn 1-0; Taes., Wed^ gat, moa. aaooalato pufaaaai of homo "In having on the MSU campus Trout said he and Snria llotiort-il sr. 0-3; Than. A Prh, 0-0 rph . roealvod tho Snyder Cup his com¬ chairman of the festival com— mopogameil tad ekild dovetop- award for attaining the beet a number of=scholars who have panion, an American*who teaches Dr. Martin 5V>ria. asu./u.are po'Uce. said tryouts for the tal¬ rholastic record during her already earned their reputation Russian at a colIege_ln Omaha, professor of art history at MSU. ent show are being "held a* 8 The Honors Banquet is held in the field of comparative lit¬ Neb., were not expected at the freshman year. ha* been elected an atsoeia*e r»m April 26. 27. 28 at the UN Sue Anderaon, Buffalo, New anually to honor girla in tho erature and who will be able to second plant. As BTfsult. the member of the International In- Ivutige, Union York jr., received the Elizabeth i french award for attributes racessary to combine the duties College of Home Economics. was The honorary, Omicron Nu, founded on' MSU'a campus give the program scholarly dis¬ tinction from the very start." Courses will not be taught by workers didn't know handle the situation. how They were Anally directed to t<» ' for tr.e Conservation Historic and Artiifie Works, Na¬ of Anv persona auditioning for master of interested cere- in 2 (or 1 Pizza Sale! tional Gallery, I>indo:i I)r. monies should contact Kelly in IBI2. It U now a national the survey method, but will be of homemaklng and civic re- a "hard-l<*)klng" plafit man¬ Soria is authority on Span¬ VARSITY DRIVE IN an i;i '.he UN Lounge or by phone aporwibllltles in a well-rounded honorary having a membership detailed treatments of specific ager's office where they were ish art. *• ext 2224 of 19.000 in 40 chapters in 28 literary themes in depth. For In¬ asked if previous arrangement* program. Marilyn foster, Niles jr., re¬ states. stance. a seminar on the genre had been made for the trip. ceived the Helen Pratt Shane of tragedy will trace the theme At this paint Treat pulled eui IVltit In Spruit a-.ard for ahowlng leadership through a number of literatures, hit beak "llomegenlsed Milk ' S CORAL SABLES' wiiwa wwwsnsw and fc? achieving a grade point Dr. Lincoln Pettit, assistant both continental and English. and shewed It to (he manager EAT HERE OR CARRY OUT ai crag# of 3 0. professor of natural science, The undergraduate program and told htm he had rerne all Judith Edloon. Grand Rapids will present two papers to mem¬ will include studies of the con¬ the way frem America with the Rogolor Sin Ooly Jr . (ompan» received the J. TV. Knapp awsrd for her high Kholar»hip. leadership In extra- ftfrrirulsr activities, and Interest ia retailing for ber# of the Ohio Academy of Science during the annual meet- ma a! Antioch College In Yellow Springs Friday. lie wilt speak to the zoology tributions made to Christian, English nnd Ameri¬ can, Romance. Germanic, Scan¬ Western literary tradition by the classical dinavian and 91 a vis traditions. hook. "Greeting* from America ' Trout said as he autographed th* book and handed It to the man¬ ager. i! • ILFORNO • RESTAURANT • • .-«arr -i-v*- f. a earrer. a ii.M Smith. Lansing sr., re- section on Lysenkoism in the On the graduate level, studies from that point on, Tr«.u« | TO EUROPE WITH DREWS of theme and idea, in form and said, he was given the "red car- et.- *h and woor trench pane 45.SS"; C'icaret caee ST.S.'i: Lighter *>»< of Kmniir 1 Block North of .YlieUgna »2.»J: Eye |tan cam I2.9S; Key E*rS I2.SS*. ( led colloction ot H.30 tunln) ranWM OMlRy Nmm Braod .CwnlCWko WE'LL GLADLY STRAP AND MAIL Pee GUYS mi 6AU4- YOUR GIFT IN TIME FOR MOTHER'.* DAY til AMm tat " OOK GREAT UME OP BITOI WEAR CATAUMA — BVGATTI — WHITt STAG LANSING EAST LANSING tttt | n. IV t-1»M I 107 S. Si 2M E. Grand Kiter ;-V '■?' : .v MICHIGAN' M ATI. MW S Ajm II 11, |()i!0 rase I our No Football This Fall lor McLucas At Union Alleys Saturday Ed MeljiH'u* wift not he tilit. fttil Mrf-ac** .»* n .vara "Id Nstts ! 2 Thrill Mil'. MSU Host to Big 10 Bowling and has a famllv *hlch may to pljtv f«H>tb;j|I tor the Spa! hue tula full. , itluem-r any fu'un- derision by hn>> Ui p!;iV !•>"' again, LUCON cian, I>r .form'* Feiirig. team physi¬ arifi'-onei Mght Iwf.M c an ojieroUnn on tin* <• | no 7:lo io ?n he was will roll f«»r the conference title Wehlnd Killian and Welngar- Archie Conkcy fIBlj and Mai¬ I no . . - guilder the, moi'.ing. Mdajf.i knee buck led Del Kowalk, team msna^. den are Joe Zriinbratio (IB5 shall Nyland (I7D)« football fii'ni'* hingt •* on th« blocked to. . at the MSU Union Alleys Satur¬ raid. "But no host *rh Itaker Knife ALONE inn%x s i, %vi» s I(III XX's I..*M|s I'hili4rl|>KM 1 ttmm«nv * «i «( hde Hinrvef 11 m #1 I To MION' "t'OIH.X X III SS,f Kioi.iv I i(n (liv ishaH (!-(»». htifT it lutein hi mil nl*tei KANSAS CITY <>!'» The fOTmilr III *tll- Ball Team (Tnrlnnalt al IV ivItlMvluil li re IM»I at ItalllmtOe Hatikre (M'HIrv •-»! council "f the National Collegi¬ II strut* m «»i ttlglil tlllilv iiHiri »«tieillileit 1 ate Athletic Assn.. will meet t M IWIIIIMIIIIIN I Ml III MHI7 Vm \ <• 1 It (itabler t» 0) at lln»twn I VliilitMiOI|tir||e (I O) next week at Atlanta, fla . with sihrtliilrill t'AMI't'S flwkSSlKIKOH . . fiiolt garnet agenda that may Include Sees Busy an aome rules infractions TOIIAV and t l(l.! The policy-meeting council of j Qggggg in members, ojiening It* three- I hint at 1:33. 4:13. 0:33 p.m. day session Monday, ha* the authority to take diadpllnary Mttll'N TOP I..ri. Ui. N,.rUn. Into Ik- MDUI-M Kllllvn. wHfc i 1H mm mmr. I# k-wllni llll. .1 Ihr I nkMi rt»M tk.l will kM la lk» ■<« All... H.UnU>. KUU Wren Wlk Weekend MiailS .V St V—AIM I.TS 7(lr SAT. MAT. .'.tit- Wake Mc FRIDAY IS - action between annual conven¬ tions of the association. The Bi> 10 iMaon np»rj/ STAIt IS 7 I'M — IK ATI ItK 7:W» ti PiSS Tight Pitching by Roy Fox thi* weekend for MSt;> l>H.ehall teurn with thru THE MOST UNUSUAL ADVENTURE UNDER THE EARTH! BARfiAM DAY! Gives Farmhouse IM Win pnm.H eehnlulod. Krldty th» Spnrtnne rnt.rtnln PurH,. r* ftSSs&t^ fit — — — 4 t I KATI'Rr.S! BACK flay Fox allowed one bit and struck mit to 10 a 1-0 he pitched win over pitching performance as it got only four hit* off of Wcta's hurl- rrx. In n elnsrl- ront.nt beplnnir; nl. 3:30, and on Saturda Illinois invades Old Colin-. Wuta Theta pi in IM softball John XXever mimM a home- UUk* action Wcdnes»t.iy Field for a doublehead.r, I*. run ond Al Reran nllnwad tun Farmhouse flMtild tha tight Rlnnin* at 1 p.m. PETK hlU a hod na Curio Tom'* rau rough- over AWN, •-!. R«rr« Th. bl, nueitliin mark f —■> . walked ona man and airurk mil Koherien renin* aroun I 'V • five. •hlllly in hit roiulitm'.tjr. "A, has bren 1h» .as. f— ENJOY A MAC Ulray xcorad ftlx run* In tho fourth inning to brat tlie dark- nas* and to tie flowland House, ♦i-ti. Wotlt hurlar*. Will fvpolx of ISO alart, our pichln, is n~, .nnuah, but we. are with apnlly hilln,", aaid I » John KoIm. "Our 8-4 wnr.- HOMTHCARTID Ulray and Arjiold Mumert of rarard to flat, la mainly th. r. [lowland, were' stingy with the LltR A! LOVE AMONG PHERS0N biU. They nllowH thrco and two respectively. suit of fin. pltehtn, wnr. ' ts.ff like Don Sackftt. Sinks ani Ken As-ery. TV.* Will lliuiec's pair of homeri I IliM Ainm >tt THE A0ULTS... with •¥•!> PUT J-H0P gave CSO a B-3 triumph over Aunstrong |n a three Inning hitttnr. *-• fn well ona t'* • an I then fin nothln, tha r, • XI I !• XI lime. We've *nt to rin t.*-'.. contest, Arin^trong got ona 1 11X11 lil. in 1 00 »; .ui 'i o« XI Ihi FBI woibfu to find a way ON FEET TON It HIT more bingle than CSO dcspi'.o the low than that." M N — MOV — TI KS — A 1*1(1I* 215-fi ITie Has Wecnj woru Wadno*- to atop itl BY JAN VMNKI.KB itay en banging out 10 hit* for •ov¬ runs to beat Jerry's Yanks, SINCH Ftll.K SONUS Elvis 7-1. _ PWESLtV CUTTING i;ai.i.ery I.Ian orth arorod 17 runt la KSI'ltLSSO lha Nrat tuning to rhuao Motto TONY CURTIS DEAN MARTIN JANET LEIGH (JUhO UfVO Xlflf nfCUi'A COST off the fkald and win tfco tell game, 17-1. IM of lm Me* M M no* wMt Avar, Ma at LMt GLENN FORD Another big nlnlr.g gavo Bail- In an affaci to balaler th# t1 ANN! IIAMI'S • lOUtS CAIMM ey 2 a 14-4 win. Uaiiry 1 wua tin*. Koba win try laphnr- -. the victim despite nvo-hlt pitch¬ Ron Holmw M Meeari base ing by Chuck Slchrtner. Ho plare of Pat loriartus. Ilnlrrn walked 10. steitw • Miart — l «•-» oo v mi GLADMER A slugfest with both Bailey has t)icke• cwtt. It M>n other tin, too. Comir U lh* al| U. 5. CMaftrt car that nrvrr nwia anltfirrar or really radiator ropain. CoaN ia lad abira tha ri|\ait rar that oultlora ihrn all. VVOKTHINI.TON (dookl. riuly) coir Hkih (Mm llt-uor. Extra Too** "THE QUIET MAN" BY CHEVROLET Rrg; 7'ic ■ re. (Irtah) Things Cemir gim jm Out luki'i MW John Fnrri'n XiMarnkli Techakalar Hit DRIVE IT! PtaiticaNy Bat Raw . a • reel U( rwm h* the mAn in ilie umMle. Paid tiaa mar jm nn Rua Mjwn. |«| am Irfgj No* Oolv I0r ra. 1'roctir. Ball* Ilk 3 for $1.13 ra. Wnrrla* mat fixed 1 T.h in. Cl. of ettro Utup •pre. Li'd •(drixi John Wa>M Maaraea VHn Barry FiUcereM GET rwakwl ludapawdawt hnpmhIm for * «nH«ithrr. fliltrr role. gradeu. long rouuire tuyktieays,! eil est* tradir—ihw Corvair'* inherent fma OUR •tear-engine tracttaa . • • lh«t routed with the rnpne'l weight l>e«ring down ou the ahilit* l««a»e. tw Sa»r up to 10% oo WILSON *ol( bar* ItetwFfLylpfltl 122 rear wlirrU ating roAta take a oo«e dive the day DEAL till a • a a You age prohajj* re*li*e dhrgtlv that the mile- hgure* Corx air* WOtiiki m ll»e M«4»il- you take drhxrry it a (Wx air. Limt Cushion Ipmiw Doom •i blk. WEST OF SEARS (OS VINE ST.) Sre your local authorized Oictroh't dealer for fast delnen, favorable deals PHONE IV 5-74ft • '#?G 'V • .*.». ' ■ ' ; 'ifj '■' ■ -V - ■ . LeAtic:..*Lr" • *"*su y Lawiiiuker Doon'l l.ike MDIID.NN N TI M W« 1 t >i lii»|»* Tigers Ride Win April SI IV4i l-age fNVO to MM ( %PTAI^ l.l.l.f Tf II On 3 Greiiil (limits Foreign Athlete Program (-ritimrd tcT< m g- . »?•-cru?iriif "Vft u-.d«-r f.r- ' _^J!oliivito. Knline nml (Insli i-.'.m leg-.-- bi'i- » • > .. . 4,1- 'if.r (Inmieel: .'» I'.rror* In Yost •: •" fj fi'.t -. A'idrev. ' • . Mfmm* *nei Si f'.r 3. COME AND Ml r ULKVKLANh s,v> -flm-ky ('olavito. Norm «r»<1 Al MS!/ A. S, • ■ ' " r .,' d'S-4 wfr - i Kflllttf. hit homo run* H "lav tf, li'jnl flu* lietroit Tiy«r* ' ' ,-*i rt-f' r c '» • » If.' s r 5k r'»:f, fr« n to ;i G-l ilt»trt«ioM ovio thf* # "If- M'lurpl Jfirlinne ami « uf NiSL" J»f»U tbi H NEW FRIENDS :j*' *&->'-jfc'/ lhf-tr two-ifnmtf mtrii*^. Krtiifi Jhio t» Uf to fje a oHMleffi rnftjor {c;. - • u' ustn. there but kti -■ <* >■ M-'b ; ■ it ' V.'fM/S ' 'Mi . $ <&• :i;|. % V fietd Kfaiifr* it) the * hojner n.«:*h r .n- .• y yw ifCuj ! for ffif,):." error* .'•» rin ted f«»r * f«' V A'b"-' iiHI '■Y.MtK?'*}<:; U• thiid ha^e/nau in om- in- illlllllli ■ H H JUL® ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ jj| .1 proved in- the vltiti.t-u k *on M«r*ix t' in KHf. thsf '•t>etirr 4-2 victor iCgline's that y 'trirnng of r->• - j;»•- * i/ace I'i the Tlz'i • ] ■, <> a MINftlls MO Ilk t». Inl. (oin/ilrlr fulfill// Scrriff • • l Ni t I Will i I f.RIMllNfi It II.ANC |k#» » • MOTOR %f ( f.qkORII fl N| * If a KK \KI sI RVIf I ♦ sfKINf." tromp* No. I man , . The Tof« :, • rrsitr of Wl*eun*ln twirr who srore-1 an ;n»-ot. ante run In th' ninth •#r» a ^'k suffered a brain Injury April • fin • f Nlf.f'll'l. A Ml Ml.Ml • W %*M!Va Netlera Koni|> ♦u C'olavl' field by j Steve a f'.llKrr- triple '■# left in a national eollegtate fight, died 'April IT at the lnlver*li* f.aarnined r#la**e% of Wisconsin hospital In Madi* f itted The winner wa« Tom Morgan, Titans Good the *eeoml of three rher*. w ho *e| the Inilian* How n Detroit pit- •on. N« \p iHnHtm*f,t FOR J ,\*»'| ROAD >hRV|( I il l I.D . *iMlb 9 in order in the eighth innlnt Necessary Hosts. Drop after *tarter Don Mo**| was lift¬ GULF SERVICE; ed for a pineh-hitter in the ton flffirpw #»(: llr«. I. f hri*tjr and II. Itci k w it h. ()ptomrtri»»ts of the eighth. Pant Mitirk I.AKKV'S 9*0 Match fitirl# acr»»-^ from JSca! -;u entrant ft * *•<1 to itt rfyhth Mtrftiirht b> fhomn* in the ninth REESE OLRER'S • . lo'rojt. Th«* powerful Tn#--«fa.v ftftfrnoon. after -tfr« strike*, -Knline cour.' on •. fhrie f'ulavifo homer biili* ii« and itt, » gave with rr> nj. SATIRE had little compete seven iut*. struck out four and they white-uiwhwl VARSITY * ' • a!kmf : m the eigb* inrurtg' (.usual ( oinjnrl * u University, of iJetroiU tie AH •of-'T''leveignn ft f»»ur h '- \ most pleasing esample of unlveraity demorrary ha* come in were off Mo. i to my attention. A rash young . *;,.-r?e" VK" \ H' l)e- man attempted to forre his way Our I'roily I'urhufio . ever, yrrve i only in a Cleveland broke on top with three runs In (he third Inning into the hallowed rank* of our f »r the m-tmrr». Wh-> BARBER SHOP on three walk*, a aaerifire and student governing body. With 'ttsiwii! 'he r Big 10 two hit* (he hig blow was a ill will and maliee. He audar- ' weekend with a two-run double by Vie Power. iously planned his campaign -fgu'ar »/'"■' «' Hh-om- • The Tiger tied the » in and illicitly sought out signa¬ Marvluii ( I tii;f ture* for his petition, without *r»0 Purdue • f the espres* ronsrnl of the rul¬ I ii.vdaf'* meeting wa* the by Co jiVito. who went h.t-c • wjviin opener for the Detroit if. Tif tfii. ' * opener ami 'r e k ing aclon*. 206 M.A.C. lleiBPr, Colo,. Sojili. Mjfh.i Piii i*jm which won out* one matih «■(•! fun tirne> II.* *m» • h:t the facing of the. ijppe cf* litis wretch, hr some Ironical no tear twist of the hand of fate, man* I MIKIC STYI.E SIHII' a sheet ' < enrnment •.* field .-4lift», Sc'»nng ah< of the Titans a'.; agr- >-< hsm- wcf (,'»»<•* Win*, •*. •» i '*• a a red to collect the number uf • •• Soar*.an- had J n'. >afe -> ChO" if") sirnatures required for ellclhil- , /■«■*' and experience in Katiftc. • »io *ini!ied it a lo tampoign for the post of Shoe Shiatt By RUBIR Tfie Uidiafi took the yst-i >n president of that glorious four- W'al- letter institution—A CM. - Ti'an put d, ' They J tie fif'h. -eormu a run on ? e-. j.favpf *» Bond''- fl-. • , ligbf Nut had h# met the require¬ onv-ari'* ..uld have p!.i■«-1 N.» r.M ,»i',-F r..iie Y.' D.T-M' ments aet duwn hy uur rulers? ;tiif ; baseman made three I he I.lection* I ommtftsion. after .' V . ft , rbir.i • . i Ti'41 nun* ■■ rniMropir tion. scrutiny uf the peti¬ discovered that it larked By Pnpglar Dtmand S •. 5 -ten »•«••.. . I? .r» hreer.ed Me- r'.ii \i4-' s. intramural one er. height signature. The ( ommlaaion- drawing himself to his fult and assuming a Jeffer- - * ;<■ \*o 1 man on STRATTOH'S sonian announced in Schedule !>«' slnnee. [V ■, ; f.ea-n yea.* (1-0. sonoruua tones, n atnlement eon I'. H.f.hki. ftogrY KlITRtlL trying the aame import as, ■' and Hon Her.rv "thou shalt not run for presi¬ IM lielfli - 1 the Spa".an attack a* dent of Al'fki " Throsrlnt his l-tl fl OTP - SPORTS CAR CENTER %s ' »f-e«HUited for t»o ?—-K si« »• s i hi Mark rape maieetirally over his ,y—*%M vs truer i* shoulder, and catching up his 4 so their single* ma? r. - ♦— «* Phi s» fk |.»m*s«»andac/me * , t »* a?; *4 tf a very spec at FIAT *t rwd. roll on *hirt*4l*t tire-- «itt« NUdrw-i plaid u-er d cf «T - Tn<-ror, • •hvioo* that t«wh Mian Dru- lowing tranaplred a# ho ahtrifled • poivssier» J3"» .. cumherhund Thw "jrti pnywhere outfit i- ., w <• men were pissing no- through the gleaming entrance • here near the way the* will of the (Undent fteevtreo Hand¬ ca-e. .igbl fc» a:: A* '• ' ,t requtnes nor* 1% A price for ovory poekof, Nate U play *<*mp*titi«n if they hope to he against Hie I* Pay Morel Whal For! ing. "I might He was have heard to mum hie. won. I might, .»*'!« Trtr.ities A'»" f?*—-1 aiul crtfp ti-."' gn kxcllsivf: at the i# the running (•oferenre title. for the We*tern hate won, .** And I might have won from the afey de¬ p»»-. *rd;. vMfcing -r.acn:ne v a a stylo For mry ni"d. 75^ ' ,*ar. tir«p-dryjcg*e*i* * I 'sit-iv were »?*»* «a several .JJ inr . poise bsrtieu- t-,e inatri and 2su oenoN scended man. a white-rohod, elderlv from anelent Crfeeian when government was truly of days, ifon #*.*r pr-'ied An occasion*, !/»aetj-op U a" li'.a: a r.'-d-** Ccrme »*•• Q-tr dyftm-' ,r. ■ e Pricod as low at Crotch Hnuae > m *■ drf-playiHi .by AUte-r.* hi the chosen few, lie apohe; ». "ne mptoutr, >rt coptiri* "The vain boastings uf an un¬ t,r* *e,e» -ion ACROSS rtOM CAMFL'f £ "**' •39« . CORD SUITS I*. *"'• wfM U.I -.rSe "e-rp •» for *.,«#»> in lite ine »•»»«le» nutihn educated man similar to the aound of an arth- sound atrancri* *34.00 a month I-AT AW %V CH%RG« ritie moose heating his head ?f ONLY S27.99 •"» »« . - Rr»*n I i«o»' lW«Yi Oetr*»e< against the Jeg of a hull ele¬ . h* * ' i*ii» it; or in c-i. s-i <«e* -HmnthO* t»«l oomiO »reU gw« It oi | MIC) l Mill > MmMI Oefeal *4 p| g-o. phant.*" HOLOEN-REID i . ""h McMMoMv |t» of Dl g-«. *-• IIKHK .ASHI.F.V v '- ruiniof «Mat » Mtiot I*.*14**1 ppitil M* f*«ho« a- mi p» M. M f*s KmtitrhtW* t wins all popularity polls HsMhkM VARSffY SHIP — a*s nmwi V fcf'Urt Tslfv and W*r- " '( •»» kt M Cyf/a/i/iatticw "•wo and >mmu iMat i de- 52* AW»t( MS. ",'u* «M LUMkstfl VAN P» t-t. . • owowa and Mesrall (NHi Kaxl lamia*. Mirh. «•"*•»< nocarl' mM Tivolar*i «»» tMh gM. Delcot *Blakeshirts W< Knjfl' pnl imlnr. r.cff. mth TRAVEL MOCHER Ht 'dK An i mining AM.* *i» nf wtrnH*?sn ism turd v> I a U6HT Fraa Shfigi ( beat cffRMRgUcie- of Mnabsttaa « ny«5t pofnjtr c#;Str style, Bidke, * ad' Otic *>t. tbe f ah';, kwrv cew tairarks blond fibri>? toat wagivea tit h wiaiu ■ .A,old pntin Irouhl*-. I«ll ml}' whal vou ne*d. KU-h will alarr «■} cMImw hrrnuhl in M for tt dries *rrr<-!h. 'Uf vrrv- w«3cdrr * is* DeJcct BUke he dr> cleaned at no char*, te the cno-re "f m*»r" and sseir* ssers ever- >«t. Pick I hem a* in the falL day. Why not auk* it yt.. • cho-soe today? Hay far lh«a in !h, fall. .A»h ahnat aar nentiaal optional in anrmi, plan loo. SENIOR knosilcheUBros. PRESIDENT 113 N, WASHl.MrroN iv Min » MIC IIK.AN HTATE NEW® April 71. 1 'Mia nit Kxpansion Planned Teaching Drill* Probers Swap Charges hif «n Reidel, chairman of the The orientation "Ad H«h" "hurdwute' ?o e.l '• »r soh<- A Senate tore: - ■ ■ • tmn irinu ale u» the handx of rlnig industry. Smith said there Student Executive Committer on commiilee *liirli("> future |»«t* .»• pre en' and future problem-, »>f Xn'i-TniM .f large |rh«rmmeutie«l lioioc.v ore | 3ni) manufacturer* of prc- a prtenUtlnn (RFa'O), raid. msi? brittle* of orientation »t MSU hither education g.» on jwobc e»»rji'Mitle*' ha-. • *,*ilptiou medicines. ♦xpcc t.n between A,flat) Mild fl.OOU Some of the pre-rnt brum- under exhibit Tuesday and Wedrie» • •iSKCil Klair reail a written state¬ meilradiftg * V '1 Jim* and transfer student* n»xt day |rr the Union i tiinrmish defending his discuss inn by thin group are pre- •r • roofi, •»•'« ••-. t: •'.» ment 'Hie teaching machine? range SAMPLES registration, pre-enr<«ltnient and the drug -o lo.t- rharts, placed in evidence last SP3C*<*» in interested'v fiuin .sjK»rial'y«desigrietI book wittier, anil testimony lie had of tenting (UN'S elimination in the "find time freshmen In he branded it Ilrldel Mild this group felt the arid simple device* '<» a complex "grnssl* malrninx rhirts iimI riven In prior hearings, lie ac¬ pars' wi'f. have never been t•» le h were ftrlctly informational electronic npparuuis which cu«t* cused Kmtih nf having "mls- W" Rlair. _ inv cchonl before. If will at • graphs presented h\ and hate no bearing on the »d a I eni l $3,nni) to A.l.ftllfl, depend- st.ited my testimony" in an rf- •n efwiwiiM »n the *ub««»mmM- work w;th the transfer and ftu- ,ng on model and quantity. S;x eijjn students. pntinetil of the student would al-o like to Tfnw eliminate an\ reaching nuichtlic eornpanie. tee staff. »s rxldcme that there f«w4 In knock it down. SPECIAL ' 'II in our hope, said IteldeV is a grow In* rswrBlnlisn In oiier activities'' th,i really aren't wdl be rep resented that this year's program will Meting in the orientation prove?> the hands «f the Imx d»u« firms. ALWAYS Fri. I Sal. Oaly SALE make the new student mrre.t W tlh the machines will lie a Chairman V K ' i l>- They would like to see ho in- display teles Islnn teaching Ihgly aware .»f the eh,imp.t^ at'utlemie btandard* of MM' iren.ed use «.f seminars in the one on mi language lahneatnrtrs r«-Mn» Ictigr.d jn.i It rlfatWit".* .'.«** > • . opt", chat- >% <1eM(V SOMETHING April 22 A 23 program, to help students recog¬ nne on aiidlo-visna! devices ami II: e l |» Sm:to tig to IIAMIirKfiKM. SIIAKF. 'I he nmk nf •rlrnlnllnn is ill- nize academic obligation:, trai n them how to study anil sin." ami technique*. prove i' the • NEW AT... I IM Ndl FHIBS virfeil inlo four separate com- The exhibit mm arranged M ... them what the tvpieul ela -town tn it lees. made rip The Sl(t» committer Is of representatives of each organisation that sponsors is like. the «ornmdtce MSU faculty by a univetM-v whicti stiidle' and turc THE DICS SHOP All FtrlOc The Orientation steering t nni- seminars on problem-. «J nil woni- Kuurnnlrril welcome week arils IIv. The give- I ho Miolriil- W in 21K AHIMITT Kit. Kll 7-9171 a mittee direct* the whole process. higher education. Faculty mem- .121 K. (irnnil Itivrr .Af ROHH FK4I1H TIIE purpnae of Ihe iroup Is to en This differs from the student hers from other Michigan col¬ Art SImih iVi/fs HT.ATK THEATER ordinate the artlvltles of each In that the students are ia> 7MMHI1I •roup lege. and uuivcrdttc have al-o WE'VE BOUGHT COMPLETE prniip tn fit the total scheme. connected with nnlr nne seg* it •: f if.: ,1 • Next To Krupris IfETRfHT. ANN ARBOR. hern invited. merit of the orientation. .,,r u m IIPIN IVFMMis VI'Hll.ANTE EAHT I.ANHfNfi Teaching maenine;, tch-vi- iurors f »r th«- 3o * and teaetung aid- an 'Quid Alan" *:o»i I'tie head governing twwh e. Area A.' S.>< ? A? especially important now. sai l SAMPLE LINES OF MANY tiie Orientation Policy ('ormuit- Four Xl.-st * - -Is Next Film winch « made up of the asMM-iate deans of each of the l)i Joseph Kaupc. who tn in charge of the exhibit. "Jtv tak¬ among tb** riair--? - I ? 5. MIXER DANCE John Wilson. 11/ A •• ing over koine routine aspects I ur nil college male und female colleges plus any others who are J»th?i Durhan. an* It. of instruction, thev may relieve (some ilrug, Mime Mnj?) FAMOUS BRAND NAMES IN ^ A peaer-brvlng n..ui finds I fr a ;?,o( lAtrd with orientation, ac¬ Ciinnuigh-tm w : j.s the shortage of qualified team imp. I I* pearcful at all. m '"The cording to Rent. I second prt/r i--' » Oulet Mm"," next presentation Another move will be made to rn due to come about hifau e of increasing college and uni¬ Durham Mfoo i n .*? •> THIS FRIDAY tf rho Foreign Film Scrte communicate with the first term the dorm;- versity enrollments." 0:00 p.m. I,, 'Die movie u lil be show si wi treslmieri in The orientation committee will The term, "teaching machine." ' I -INI a.m. # MEN'S 7 and !) Tburs.lj' mm f Friday. he aald, take* In a number nf Aiiirriniii I coiun Hull E work « n tin.', and other activities April 21-22, in FiiirchiUi. John Wayne sins n* ad I * •«•!»- corilunfion witti the counsel¬ different devlrea wMh in Aire IS-2a One block off cnmpiH Worn American pri *.e-fighter ing ctini. and Miss lleulah AT THE Northwck| of People* Church vVho return* ?biMi(r. w i » ri * FAMOUS NAME JEWELRY * NEW SPORT COATS BIT OF THE BAYOU * UNDERWEAR * SPRING JACKETS * DrcNN Sciiii-foruial lluffel Dance DRESS SUCKS I v / III: Tllk CATHOLIC. Sit HKNT CEMI.K on: A|>ril g.lril * HANDKERCHIEFS Tiagtlpjk- 12 m* Friot SAiCO par iMph * CAPS ir** ip EVERYTHING PRICED AT A dC/f/,, I Plimws I Vs v short FRACTION Of ORIGINAL PRKE LARRABEE'S shop YODEL BRITCHES HURRY DOWN as Ms GOLF CLUBS ht Suede Suft all aaa or two af a kind. OI'KN StOCk COMPI.RTK SETS OK IMUVIPCAL CU RS — l.AIMES * ML AS AVAILABLE 7.95 MOSTLY ■ NEMON MBS COttMAN ROYAL SCOT w lrur Triu|Mlinjui\ho% Ihe (enuinc yamu-nt. Note, for instance, the cliarae- I' ' ■" • (.OKM AN IXIWLK MAS I Lit 1 rue Temper Century Shaft . *> tetbtic »aot treatment, the cuff*, the adjustable sash belt, and the 3 Iron* 2 Woo«l* .Now only PI8.93 unusual poskets. (There flapped hip pocket, too.) Tailored s « UKTHIM.TUN CIIAMf>l(»Sltll> GOLF BALI.S b» Ciwoin wOest washable lan. Blaek. an,l Olive Greet}. are two pinwalc cotdurov. Available in Antelope Waist 30 SHOP May unW 5:30 Reg. $13.00 ilot. Now $7.93 ilor. sizes. through 40. AW, asuUhlr in rotlun aalirrdinr. Color*: Aotelnpr and tHiir Grreo sue* 3» I krone h Is «a,*t too oirtrn south nashioaton sport. LARRABEE'S shop 323 S. WASHINGTON AVE. * PUONK l\ 3-3729 / ... OPEN MONDAY A t'RIDAV NIGHTS TILL »:• ■■ .'I. ;:3i y:F:'g. Mi'