|ti|! 10 Rawliall The Weather Michigan StateNews Kiibrmn Encounter lair and Warmrr I'urrfue. Illini ]' llitrh Today Srr l'»*e '< Sport- IAi* 'Innurht Smin(i USIJ For .1 1 Year* si il.L'ME 52. No. 16 EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN—KIIIDAY, APUIL 22, I'KKi PfilCE 5 CENTS BOARD VOTES COMPULSORY ROTC TA O • J 1 XI7 • A T Board of Trustees Dan Kiedel Wins AUbtr Kace nedde i,y4.2 vou (JiungcN Vtilliin I'rogr.-iiii (rlistavsoii To lie Initialed in Fall Kennedy's GctS Class Bv *('f I'ltH I Policies Thp Midiiyan Si«fe I niter#il> iVmrd of Trunin** Thur#- »UI»- New# l.ditnr-Jn-f hicf dat vtiled 1-1! in favor of continiiini; rompul-ory |{fff( Tht President . Discussed diHt-iK#ion wan brief and peaceful, opening wilh #.lalement«v bv Trustee#* Don Steven*- and Jan \anderploejf, lf»th of Inn Itiedel won the elec- whom favored a voluntary program. Nf%»* I'olir* INia«il»l«' mm for the presidency «f Despite Ihe lioard vole, all members e\pre**>ed concern The AI'SG in Thunwla.v Tofeiiril IN'il riiiiui for Ihe program a# it now -land#. They a-l»ed l'rovo-1 Paul .Miller to ask for family rerommendaiion- on rhangfM and iifhl'a IwlMinir hv a 2.156- marain Klwt K»n of Hptt. John these will be pre-enled in a reptirf af the Mat meet ing. I«T'| m er llryrp 'l,ipp. farmer speaker «f Kmnwly u-* pr«*Niilent nuyht 4r dr ♦ S-» . ... ' - mean n "softer" line toward umirress. '.VM ' the remit* were an- fled China, jiolitlcal ncienco (leant (tivt'ii <■<1 to waiting crowd in iristnirtor Ihmald Urquidi For (ft'utluutc • a - -indent congress meeting Haul vexterday, . r. there was n wild outburst Sj* .»#:.!.? t»w!'-re thi* Interna- applause anf' ' many 'Mr room to make rnerrv SIKHKIM SAIIINK national U Rela*.i,»»is t. '.a.'l t'tsit club, Hr»v, t.'r- Business ( nit He cited a letter from A**Kt- ant *crretarv of f»cfrn*e (jiar- r- tree's. • fwxmr initwiisijfflr u» India and le# I inurane ir» u hi'h the letter I!. W)Jh»0 I In other result*. Robert fius- himself a Democratic ciark- the arm-d force# are not I uvmmi inrmdrne* garnered the senior rla#* with 481 Votes to Saliiiic. Sieliert Named f on i' Kennedy'* chief foreign polky •!<- fc'im ti' ■: vtration buildihg *.«<» -r - ft'er '0* f'.ticer# K.op-r • dependent officer*. on ROTC to produce Iom Wilson'* 2511 and Jim Van Bowie* is b» heved to favor founfj/.t.-on t.f fKahi, Neb T •• \ihken 232, ficxibio p«>;,ty towa.'-.l Bv Board to New Posts a moire b . ,s e% {■**■■, V-J Pi IK- 01 her das* officer* senior the mainland government, f r Kb, re ROT' .» v,:.- AMONG TIIF FIRST to carve their initial* i»n the "senior table" ti'.r summer and cnrsi»e'*A . . ■ivi vverr* Ted Horning, a- tjuidl raid were to tie- If he In Old I ollege llall are the members of the Senior Bill committee, tor to . "'i M.nrif-'/a c .- ■ a- e*. .n 'be fan UKJi - »■•■president, who had 312 tnme of State, t's Secretary \<:. Linda Ffeiffer, Karen Kelly, and It wiil ••• . e-.-ntain off .'er- i» Angle Napoli's 320 and hireigr. policy m.ght thtft t • ' * •*-'! red Art*, was dt'signaled Vice IVc^ldent for Special Project*, f.vnda Hopkins. Standing are Boh Austin <1», Ron Barnum, and liaie ♦f.t: '. the Bureau of Hu- rj' v* pfigrar ("reyts' 152; Sharon Jones. recognition of th- Red Chine •• Klorh. sr ■:F^or.orn.c Reiearrh. a bus- 7 • *- '■ vear MSU corr.rr,. - ■ 'fur,, with Ml to Nancy effective .May 1. i>v the Hoard of Trustees at if* meeting and U N member»inp for tiien. •! !S3 wh.> 3.5«2 adrr»inntratior, library ■- i Removal <»f 'M» U S kmbarir - pvtif-.n*' 332; and Norma Smith. Thursday. teb. Th.« Vandc • - • • , ' r, . r 'Simple Imt Lliie* spectai.ZC'J ?;«f i.'e . 569*414 gplit over I .one on trade with Peking wou.d a - * Dr Fed Sn'b*'tV dirertur -f Ihe t.ppley foundation «n There will li* an order!* Juniors elected were Fete MSU the division of rn;to4 tomn.uri.- Mb# idVMiU thi# created bv the late l.agene t>- ple*. Omaha hotel chain owner talhertnr of vtudent* -aturda) al UacPhrrvon. ,iaw. with 643 a* gresidrnt of the vote* over John appoitiUfl dean «»f was th»» College of Communication "omit China approach" rmtmcnteed belir\e by the lb at Wol a Senior Ball l)ei 'ore Set; and pioneer in hotel education, lie headed the foundation until 3 p.m. in front of the State Capi¬ tol in Lanvinc to prole*! the furkhitn* 43"; BIN Myora. a* -Briefs Ar» *. to replace Sabme lfa» up hmM he Um reliant «m Uae h.* death In 1656. Board retain ranapMianry »f Trustee* dccivian to RilTf , John | U.* -president, wKk • BI4M rirthion aver Anne Berg lor the l.tti rritiir In Tnil; jiointmvtit u effective May I Rv##ian# sad misht rrMnhie thn# their he said alilan«e Donee Sloteil April 29 fhe T>r. Alfred graduate school of Here \ e 'le,-»'i Su ,rr»» of f fatten, Th urtda). spartan Fditor. aanf ••I(ice of M-creUry; and Mykr Sabine, who ha# been dean .nistration, it Tne V* "hard appruacr. * a annr-urce-j • «• I (Uteris, who won the goat of Today and Saturday there wii1 viner the f allege of ( arum Art# forrvs be':«-ve t-uii keeping Uie "Sfmplf but chic* 'will b#» the keynote r>f the decor at the '•.b-yj. «n ftpoperation •*.'n t»i«urrr with a vote of 443 from tK1 ftalewide meeting concern¬ founded In HS'i, will Red allies v^gexher, t»v isolat¬ .Senior Hall which will feature an ultra-formal the* undergraduate rh r*,i -f a u«# eon atmo«pher*t I Pit Graff, who had 334. Karen ing "Ih eventing Problen. Be¬ tinue direr lor ing C'h:r.a from the will enhanced with roses, candelabra and misty chiffon. ' restaurant and in*!..fulfil-• a* of admr#«lon# | huuv with 24*. and from Hoe havior in tno Klcmentari Scho»d and crea'e aotag?ir.i«rns senou-i Ttte mi-formaI dunce ..! Management. w.u.' J devel-'O * \ fr. H&rlar 'fr-. lihMig*. with 144. Child" at KtUogg Center «rholar«!iip*. Prior to hi# "* ^ <'.grabua'c program. d« the fIfdkfi G<»v a* tu br.fjg a:*#u' the same re¬ ' .'.'."d n a„t appointment at Msf he wa« i id Ac/r.l 29 9-J 2 p i ' sophomore of- r i *<> fdl G Vlenuen William# will 6i>e«r sult * lote! Old" bal r-.m. , ;»r<»v.Oe pr-.;e- . v trViT: eft r.* makirg"* lie •«rj An Ounce of Prevention" dean of the srhool of Journalism The 'ru" t ('•: li¬ rr.ert f-»r 'be !»'/*•• a .4 -v.-'e -. .ei f - compulsory, err.pnar./- were Hob Andririga, who m >r *a.-"> •«- -e at the I niver«it* of ttregon. aurc inu-r by t; a do*y contest for the thi luncheon meeting in the ne ar» *pr tOahly c*#n<.ider »ng angler r ■ ff.b > ~>fid'i-!r. • . :.•> po.r,: *■»: no*, to turn eeit Big Ten ftrmrn bsloy. WKAH - ;mr warlike move in it** n*#i but "> give va.uabie » with Fred Button\ 11. holds fl A and M A ,n a A u'!t9tUt PIi Wii.ron.sin He received his Thn#. Peking naf he ing a rampaign In emharra#* proper ;ua2 iaat tIthg affair ' Twt» tree tirlift# nere rerefitlf Wasliinjftoti Trustee Huff. Voting for rompul«ory, nil he favored Warren D in political science at the prfynlfd to Joe -hi^ld#. Rm «| 925-713; Hae Ann Kuhn, the office of secretary w.l,. bin If* University of Minnesota. the Rmaian# and fnree the V'.S. In demand Ural Mowo# re#lraia LemerJSavs «l4k *>r.. and IWnnis f miel. New Fellow ship a »latu« quo heeanue af the gravo »itu*tl on the nation la la now. Siebert. who ha- contributed Hnff.iln #r.. — winner* in th* ' lfi*tocian* will write wa are 642 vote over Pat Girvin. A Philippine dinner will ' article* iu all* (Palpal Ijnver (iocs to Popu > on aipect* legal of drawing from name# of student* In a war at th# moment, even if i 595. and over Diane • hv Id at the Short Course Cafe¬ journalism to various publica¬ Urqu.-i. pointed "ut 'hat the who made advance senior Ball it i* a cold war,** he «aid. who had 448; and teria Saturday at 6 30 p«. Na¬ tion*. received hi* H A from the State Department ha* oeen try¬ re«,ervation Senior MlM Negro dmcrimlnati ledums on • The tetters I have received '<■■* Vaughn won the post of tive ch«in-\ wiH tx* served Tht University of Wisconsin and the Do,-,,-. P.;.a ing f >r a^rre»"-' a vear to con¬ to'a. »".nomi» outmi' # i Prof T.ckete Ah.fh are 43 y«- former MSU ttuder.ls have f over Janet Van Con- pr.igram will include a movie on J.D. degree from the University C- Juab- the MSU .V *.! ' ? vince the world that Mtiacow Atiba Ismvr of the econo "*t>re*«,edi >,-.e general ykkftt: tfcf * Michael Barbour, 773- Itie Philippine, several folK of Illinois, lie was admitted to is rehp«fii:bie for ChiOehf nm. - pGirr»a.1;'.'4f-.ye include T'us'-ee Frank Merriman said ;a • ft? units. but these were Provost Paul Miller described f'i aftnuaUy to working nc*i- atiie for West Shaw. Fishcl Siebcrt as the outstanding man cies are Wholly independeat <>- "Four million Negro me R hrS.^rr;:->iii. genera' cha;rr!.;«r:. •• support of compul'or*.. po'ittcal NEWS IN Runua tofiueiw the US," naad Lemer, Bob Austin, pouermrr,. science * band chairman, Chairrnan Coo nor S.ruth. | «• Kr.uk: for Gilchrist, Scb- in the country "both in reputa¬ .He believed neither sauf he about ten biilion doliar* j/»; ad l.surte Bfbwn iecretary; Art _ learners, and lawyerr. while favoring eotnpulscrry, fe't f>r North Campbell, tion and scholarship" to head the Popa. chosen from 154 sppH- a hart! or soft t' S policy would of 18 billion "" SfA»t», tivk^ts chairman" Karen 'hat if the J«t/>cki: tor up Army had come Phillips. Mr- Communications Arts program affect the alliance of the two csnt>. will go to Wash.r.gv.n. D r"'-wn and Rooks. and I Virh V."Hamilton. for BRIEF great commurun powers Tr.ey teem to agree, be M.d. IhS'- All tion at were no diaefinvina¬ If there al!, he Mid. the average Negro »till would only make 6d Kelly. Dale Klut and ch*i# r'>rt gu«:' publicity 'cha$rjo-anf n. , ( ,n November to *tu«v ieg-.^a- t.ve procedure. He i* allowed to w the ith a better program years ago present controversy arouM Arm* Cut Ojjrrrit Neiv Markets the iron-curtam states should wrcen' a« mut-b a* the white PnylUt Wifltamson, decorauo? *. ihairman: and Mike Bryar t. U- rt A.se one Senator and one Re- never have After the vote. Provoal Miller arisen (aiii|iaigii (aHit GENF.VA—The United Sutei be equal, hut rv/* irxlep^ndent man v or? rhaittnan p-eser.rative to work with in h s ".u'jv of ttefrni •aid the faculty will mmw have Kule* Amended proposed Thursday the immedi¬ Explored of the o'.nen Both renlire tney stand to lose U*% much is any *pLt of their bloc. a *aid. Trading is thus diitu/ushcii as result of discrimination, he Although it lor. •ir»dercla.'»v.rtrfm is a da.'H-e for may *:*m. a:tend rh-e^ent'v *n atci* editor lor the Detroit New». fo pa is the greater roarer* program, a# they are aware 'of it# for the ROTC ate negotiation of an agreement - a _iiu< rt>.. many vhorteomlag*. I for AUSG Post "The world as a market, a* 'journalism graduate ■ to cut U^. and Soviet armed for the Tru«teei Vanderploeg aarf an area expanded new or V< rcce.ve fellowship forces to a maximum of 2,100,- manufacturing facilities, and as Want* Independence With Peace Others were: Richard Milii- Huff expressed appreciation for •he ninth Student 000 men each. L'-S Ambarrador the study the faculty made and j Congress, a supply source, is a growing •r.ow w;!jj the Lapsing State ■ - rU final session urged everything be d>r.c to Wednesday Fredrick EaU»n told the ten-na¬ concept among successful V. S Journal: Art Underwood. United African Leader Speaks Here I r#!K. fire bill* covering bu'-nenseA." Ibw# Internationa' hr.rig the program more in phase tion disarmament conference * * a:.d. no# I ">r*:to student w:th the aeademic organizations such an agreement must be ac¬ Bradley Fisk» Assistant Secre¬ Washington. Rm Unton, Flan* I 4 ' 'nporarjr change in the tary of Commerce for Interna¬ formerly with the Louisville are that- approximately companied by reduction in . I a 2i) percent of the present pro- rvgulatMMks. tional Affairs, gave this mcssag- Journal, ami Dan McCory, I onal conventional arms before the .fourth District Pur¬ A top Af/xran leader. Kenneth Kaunda of gram will he Cither cancelled of chute-i were Northern Rhodeste. will apeak at the Kiva U>day formerly of the Wail Street * * * transferred to other 'Jepartmenls IjMtMutheMBup.yeet. I <■ crwtioo Clu the IW t '.limber* Found chasing Conference of the Na¬ tional Association al Purchasing at • p m J'mrnal. Underwood. Union unci McCrarv all werV S'ate New* where they will no' be compul¬ I #!H >. and the Kaunda. 3C. w pre^uent of the Umted Nat km a! r.,et»— • -- sory ourvcj. Issues Agents at Keilogg Center Thurs¬ e-d-b/r*. P'.-;.a and M.ii man went ||,^ ■ '■^temporary «TES PARK. Col.. — Thf day morning Itidepciwkr., c Par* hu h axlvx-a'cs abolish.'.g cn. L*m* S«»te New.i >uit. The fP>ard asked that fecikn- ti»c Central African F«- "TUc« urdi bodies of two Univer>...v of Col¬ VS. businessmen are awaken¬ Britain in 1953 the federation consists of Nyasa- mciidai.oos he present*d at +,#■ I '» allow c.aiJd.tr, orado students were found on next toeeting so tha! changes run t,.r ing So the greater opportunities land. Northern Rhodesaki and Southern Rhodesia. I PteatdencyTlp apcnV the wind beaten si opes of t»ng« Peak. Searchers found the froren now afforded by foreign c>rrt- Time magazine predict* that Kaunda will be¬ Famed Fditor '•* integrated into tfi« .beginning next tail. pruRfaun [ I ' ""-p-.gn inLtter, foe body of Prince Willmon, 23, a merce, FUk said, and their pro- come a prime minister of Rhodesia within five | - IMo of «J0 w*l onlyj The ori- quarter-mile from the Body of tiucts are eagerly abroad sough*, who by years. He ha# held various po*;tjoc» in the To Give Talk Civil ' * '■■* al" other remain lafficer. David Jones, 18. # 4 # . consumers the same product* as Americans desirv African Congress and has traveled through the country side to found nearly 300 hrarxh' of Coa- Marguerite Gahagan. editor Of Kighu Bill bill have. i. » pawcri. grew# Michigan's famed Norm- W>:-is Sent to Pri'sidnil I, I .1 f-n-anent eha I t.> all V riuork* Offur Time However, he said, V. S. com- ICauft'ta want* imSeDMdfnce for hi* country, Cali. will be the gue»i speaker Ifwwdom „,vini .visional r#»»it>on in markets at home and but intends td. attain-U on peaceful term*. ' at the ladies of t'"< Preui Mr- WASHINGTON - Jh I. T - « NEW YORK — Two network, ITw" ">l 1958-59 IfM-59 said they will offer Democratic aoroad i* strong. Aggressive •*lt It no try mg to lead my people to the fix IviRCheop. April 30 It - W .n a 2-S8-'j»5 rrre Magazine refers to M ■ i -ft-, a ftguca-tive of iclief, I,, ' J .d llc\rui« .So- and Republican presidential ducers. Fish pointed out. are way," he say* "But a non-violent itruggle call* nominees the chance to appear Ga.nagan's g$per as "the vsr.te yaased the civtj rights bill ' Iti., ■ Ipn't""'*»'-i'.a Club, side by side on TV before the introducing more new products for deeper diadplirw, and the Afruam neci all voice of U» outdoors." T our uUf and sent u to Prr»i- J- na Theta epilog and the Nov. • election. in the wortd marketplace the practice in fi..-ctp!jne they can get in readme** Miis Gahagan started cejt as s^ier.t E^-enht- Acr I £*, S*iali.u Cub "In this li of new and sharp for the day when tltej take the country over. a reporter tor the Detr-at Ne-*s. The odl. wh.ch ainss pri.m.ar Jy KSJ? Bill Uvie in ♦ ♦ * competition,'' he said, "there a Non-violence while we are striving tor freedom eovwnag Recorder's Court tor a; heip-ng soutnem Negrot-s .dirt,, □ con¬ PUm Spmcr Progrum a healthy battle far tht consum¬ will develop a democratic system we can buiiJ 12 years. In 1953, she quit the v-te. h^» been the nsost tune- fer far er's patronage in which the dr- ngre*» has tackled tnu year.. («N'dtamek IV,. .'.2 or"' c; 'he mj ported developing plana for launching an international apnea evaluation of quality, style and • MtfMMnkWii Ic directed toward racial tension, since Southern Blindsii■ n now- controlled by 4 minority group nesburg (pop. 120). That fall the North Woods Call — "a paper IU passage left eur.gr*** 're# to wnip through the rot of 2U program with member* of Uit Phm. Ha* kMflt tmm which oI Whites- He plan* to mart with young U.S. for ail who eojoy the north work and adjourn before the ca- Commonwealth ai the kwnlin I Ifclll cu Negro leaders who are protesting the lunch- country* — was bora. The pa¬ Uonai puLucai convcnuons a» possibly Wfst Germany. counter Issue a the South. per mo has MM readers. July. '•«" » Pinningt Mit'liigan Stale News Ar'" Society hinmi; zi:mt Fill KAPPA PSI pi 1. to Al Neumann, Willlamatw dm me nufciiil published at Fast Lansing Michigan on class day*'Monday Ihrutigi ; mil winter and atn ing terms: weekly during Miinmer icn*. Fa I G'liislng. Mich tie between summer and tall term# Second ilns# (toslflge ,. . under die act of March 3. IH7!» juniur. Mail HUliwnpUun# payable in advance for one term .13. two terms * SI XII \l U> SOI 111 V I mrOR Judy Porter. Ownsao sopho¬ ternis.43 SWDFK more, to Hob I'rldman, Owo.k., junior. Carolyn lillmorr. Pleasant Vol. 52, No. If. Friday, April 22, l%o t'ajfc f!:i»lum»ote, Omega to Jim Zeller. Muskeg*.M en, . %i.pii\ du.ta ri Sandy Stahl, Gala Spring Parlies ami Sijtm-i Cln: June tlamhltn. Flint senior, 'o Grand Hapids aenu to- Jim Joe O'C'onnell. Massachusetts Blascn, Grand Rapid* eniur and i / /> In*-titute of Technology senior;- J»hi Delta rt.eta Naur* Novnlny, FJkhart, Ihd. Head Social Events Jan SIGMA \l Porath. Northville Junior M.phomori. to Robert Cutler. Mu-kegon Heights graduate stu¬ €> • and Delta GammR, to lim Crane, dent and Delta Tnu Delta; lads H% l.|\l»% K\! Ml It .oil. \i.> G< party Owowo senior; Sharon Mohan. Wlllert. Fa-' Aurora. N Y., Jun¬ With (••'.<1 weaMi- i in tin- pi •. Flint freshman, to Jim NiehnU, ioi. to J.>tin Mlllskel; l.ehigit I ir;■ '• n. • » ... Kappa ItcMa will present their I'niver 1 r> junior ami Delta l'p- ■ ■ • Remit. Ohio, junioi. I.vnn Fisher, ««-!:iUt (ijttin !!:. -tug. ' ■ ' .111 it it .11 While Itosr Formal thi* oi.i Aurora. Ill. froehman and Alpha f »r pariio-. ..u'l iliui. P . !-• t- - «vetiliiK .it Walnut Hills Country weckrutl < tub Decorations will rarrv nut .f . - L.r □n crann ana pii t.U-litl! «n<1 ryclll.jj ft-1' -u I lie vol iir it v mint's of green uiul while eenterrd around .1 white Crossword Puzzle rose thente K'Uiuv liivli will □as aanaa 111 mgh* tip ?" Ill**" I form "f .tin.i in*. "t »• • Mil . . furnish music- tin after-dinner u ko** 32 D« tiny 0S oaQaas Catholic Mu<|. * < <■><'■* da ni l in; I Re... , 31 Foot bke e aaaafi SI»oM,ont.l! 11 !l .1 ! l«U!n\ i I 1 i J1' i Eerendary pait □□□0a □□ i loontaei mmn-furmal dititwr <1nun .n'. v i»! 11 *1 AIMI.S.GF Tin: I'KFVS. ue Invite ymt In the annual Thfta A ( u hiofil 31 Heraine ana □□□ dm OMI.cried .1..' nx Student (Vtitr* Sidnrd,.-- si*n.,i |*hl banquet April :i«." say* *ue Clark. Vlrkvhiir* senior; 12 K.li* □anna aaaa Sehuhardt. firaml Rapid* senior and Sally Purred. Worth- w High rail¬ evening "Hit of tin* I*i*\ • ; I llunnie U It ch m H e ways abbi aaaEt! aaonn tn» can id out through dm-.,, Ins ton. Ohio. Junior. iSee alory. ps I.) Photo by Erie I undhrrs sr.iie S taann H Gut friend 37 Stone •i -n*. of hanging mo . ft" '.• ! t jnaa anaaaun F. tomb form r \ pre? < tree- Htel i pl.ih! »?;• < *ltil of the Itavoo* I'. 1 M f oied IS Strong p' id uoau acna MichijfnR State News The hnlTit Nl.vlc iLtit.c. Campus .Classif ieds . . . Low Cost Mine * !•;.•! liquor f la uaau uann f'-.ituung N-utht m ;.p-.i te Ifi PiiwJiue 4? Pirture xetvei I* to Ti .1 rriipnii* Classifieds Ifiv'lt Readership Religious Groups I'lun up a! e • . • d ( ornpound cnlloq. •alwtfao af Vtataeday'a Putilt void tie follow imI I v date r. ft > in hot elhet 4*. Medic.n»l P- J to t ie tlin s> of Hu I . f... pledgi I 20 I'pright plant ItOWA I Analyre CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . K'tflillil 47 Son of SpiM.gie: \t A < Am 11 oekvtul Excursions Shcni 1 Vejtment grammali- Si >Iign Helta Gamma plnler* are p»r pi e-t ( 4R Wnidfit 2 The birds rally sent hie 4 "Mardi GraC this rtr- 4i>pfiinlment» |»itv 3 Portal • A mo. imii tiiiir for Ihf arllvr chapter Dec 21 t)ra« garr.e 4'» At this HE A HEINE H: I p.m. Day Before I'uhlieafion for Tan., W>d appearance tittllom will be Ihrmeif around Itv MARIANNE JAIIN II.>u have scheduled a aquaie .!» Sooth.ng moment 4 Became to Thurs. and f'rl. Edition*. Deadline For Moo Edition; t p.m In « Philippine dance for t pm. tonight at Peo¬ e-dif M Ready to member forest tree Bills Payable f-lt and 1*5 Monday through Friday 4 liplril MaiiIi CiNt selling. ( aoipu*. religious organirattons in e K»rn.hou v fro!, n ' • ■ . ple* Church AVetWed* and tin¬ 27 > outig e^t 5 Small (I Observed Ell 2-1511 EXT. 2ft 15 have planned it variety of activi¬ gle student* are Invited to at¬ *s hale !>l (ir rum, tiaitel • Irbrate a oi-.-iit !fl tlij I hl l»< lt t'nion. Guest ypeakcr will be rhe weasel" mi fllKVY - rOI'B-IJOOR Pnv »Ot HINT Hit "f ttie Havi.ii ' Catholic ■ r •he t hap', t '* * 'i • . .11 l»r. •< o' Charles Webber, director of re¬ r" 1 * r b £. 10 " 25 Scotch fJtide, tires like new. uses no nil s»-e Siudeut Org.oii/fdii>».'* all-tini- Zephyr Service Sia1i»n, RH pu« ■I ligion, afTairs df the AF1.-CIO lake 2-k'i^.' APAiTMiNTS 'The men of A i s i I** le .*tli. . versitv dam, will he presented Gamma Delta has planned .1 'Z IS b it 26 The least from !»•!:! Saturdiiv e\c■lung 10',a CtlEVBOLET. FOUR IKMiH nnvrsHFD APAHTMF*." have allow. (I *-1.1114 fev er bus to-ir tu ValparMiso, Jiui. ! >«• - /> TT bt « •- cyltndem. aiit«»mati. rtiifi en* sun.p er months Mj FL . overtake them f.•» their 'i .'! Jlillol I oiindatioii will hold parture will be at nmm Satut- 27 Universal Mi-luel nitle*. giw-Ml cnndilMin, Sahhath service* at (MA tonight Saturday be discussion of the trip and ■ a • s >4 3' it 32 Fnrebe.it s .ItMli dav. fV 4-S04J after 5 IB t'tihttes paid Ideal for (h»»# - \A dents Win |V 4-S.7I7 night at llillel House. evening vespers. 34 Thin d liMi MO-TD RXC'FI LENT THREE ROOMS 7 73 Tear PARTLY Li¬ At h. of fiilDl Jouiiil.ttlor. tiimu. cunipleielv rebuilt in Al.ril A t III DAI 11, A Al Pll A HAlK RUN PI o .76 Eaten away .! Fl) 7- Ht.n aftei .3 i> *n If. ed Automatic washer, drier g.-., drl.eon. Iluiu.n. ManHo I mliiity. H 111011.1 ... fhi i 1 " Shident Kmindn* ».i te U 36 Kaurel Rural setting spacious grour Joan Ballot Box . tional 7-ailk immediately t * Tons t'.'-n . In *luh d an iriterfiiljh 351 Ashen l»Mi CHFVROl FT STATION WA N \ jum-'i to I .re I*.i • !:**:»- • . . So. | . II iiiVs <».ps«scnee' and , , Je < ». ,ol \ 1 u. .1 *• (. • 1' li p 10 Suiidav -it % 4d Moham- get V-1 power glidr |(n*e. sfcer • AOOMS Ke"er'.iig. O'l.**. sen *y . 1 .amh-ia Chi A'p >. D M. ; ll'.o' . I».,* If. Jo mi-. '•d •ij •II i/ •4 medan pr e-t nig rsdin* heater, Save salesman • • .-''cd off ue;, of |*hi ■ 41 Ularkthoi , rommission S»e at )B*>n Fad Gran-t ROOM FOR ONE mar • p t * .iu.| It U.io Utiahunt /• River I .,i.«iih Ini.i.e Priva'e A1 I'll A Pill III 1.1 A III I I A HI I I A Migrna Kappa are pr< ssdent. Lcn i> 4- 4.1 I'afier rntranrr tile'i *., parking available Ft) 1-11* lode -Anderson. s* Elinor I.etui. K -e' H" in.'. l.it'.Ie Fail-,, Minn mulberry f;FT VOI'RSFI ) A B-fid de.it on ... . .In t.1 10 , pin. Ss ..* Mil -I..4T 1; »' . •ei *0 but k .* mo f alcon or Ford from a AJ* PROVED ROOMS FOP viic presuieii!. Jim Hunter, ' . Height*. Ov iun;«». 44 Mst* utudenl her f.ene Sehlen ai private entrance h.yt i- • • • .. . : |,.m, . .... \ ,.ii .Sign Ilutwr. Colgate sell; A :it in' I "*' '• *"Ci e!.li>, B.i'| ' i 4« Female Max ( uitis Inc IV «-»4«U »r ti re# minutes irom Rerke, » lie-a r»e « Kate Maiullei. Iiul: .* .? • - It,irm :, E.i .f L-'in-i; g s .ptinmoii v *1BT I I a* »^rep llBAKFs (OMPI.FTF. RFIIMMi lllll A /I I A 'I D'iM'lil ■e isure;, It s. Wui'c:, Chicago a Si ; i il?!L. mid up Adiustmenf. ••*«, «.»mmI fO* SALE •*• ' No;o* • N A mi - eat .tie* 7f MIM i-.nl urf* < liampion lirake jti linei - t arol l atitji T • ',f .0 1 s g 11.i t io, Joan .Alevera. 3HU> K K«U• n**o» IV, 4.tHP. tf KAILIIS «ri» «u, to Ron \S .IV. MM a: .*'*• i r iim., t est *iH'»k Hilltul,.. \ N K ii e and IH* '.l Sigma Phi: Alar- A* 10 >■ • MSI gra.iu.i;- 81 *' *• Mil Wai )». tt employment IBM OF.NFMAI HOt'SF TP a; - Irne Memler. I1 . .1 philo». t.i. W .11 -««» B, excellent conditio. Pill slt.AIA KAPPA ) ARN I'd fit tU*» WF.FKI.V ■ raH.nable for quirk sal. ,.-n or. to Dale K n h. H"- 'Klir v 1 foiiu lit. Willi.f Ion w.. j Hn... atfenrting school |ntervie*a« W»4 Ka*t • AM W or «## Jot v> *.y \\ *. senior and Stgn.-i A'**'- • ■ _ I..K.i. An . \ ah. higsu evrv Saturday lo a •>. f '. o .Iiiii || U 11 t e 1. K.'s :.vi bue I'rrria. Hum . sl.aro •)! I'An: Atemlo-rs of Wesley loiiml-i- .!M-'!e, » JaiTleS Ceiie. ,. .*1 . . TflF MANIHTF.F RFCREATION lost and found Hannister AiMM-tatlon desire* to have a top notch five-pie.» band to back p**».«* I '1ST WIIITC GOLD KAPPA AI PIIA Till I A performers on ttie evening of via" Omen watch between Pbllh Ahkt smith. I..,*, uig i:\i;iniuM)Vs uu.niMi: in \rn;M» 21 send all particular* punnedi.iteh end Men t IM Ruilding * - - io John lantbrmcA Director Mac. FD <-*6?l, room 37.1 S'' w F"-'' . 104 *en -•* .vi . ixtee Rerreatton Association Mam* D. a T.i \y "1 Pat lleflin. ai 1.1 ni\ i-.uss r\ m;mi 10101 \i. i»inm:k uwt i: (e« Michigan spenlv date* that ti.'i H nningiia; . " •* A • will be available (or audition in ) personal - Lansing I" •si'. . Cmcuiwa' . t •" . gt *• WF.F.KFAO IIIGIIt lOHT FMFi/iVMF.VT f4mi a'e student i i*l DC' i To; t». "A BIT OF THE BAYOU" 'Sk'MMIII ruoptPK plus av'holarshin t.» rigt-.i f.iee Agturdav a 15 Club i oncer! Kellogg • . Itonna Koheit*. Co » , pi> '•• Mcrten'*. Write Al Checco. IWi f A.ichiga" Ionising «rni-.o !> F t M.its • " MM HF.RP ~ DRINKING TOl next to atai Rerkev 3 (Si i gra-.iug'e and I'm De'.'a T - Martin;:: ItniM* S|Kinylcr 'M2 |i.ni. for sale FHIO Important - Tirk PHI Ml LARRY DOWDRE and DO' Janiee Rl»trr. *! * i S7HKKLAND take this IV I \|»ril 2l\ state News office between J ad • p.- two free pwase* to the + lu.i'e FOR HALF. WFDDtNG dress, nvlon Drive-ln Bring I D Si, JOIDI W MIDIciiI ( I'lth r tuUe Si/e IB FK l« KWAST BAKERY DELIVER - Uinm CAMERA - Zie* CONTAX riiJuailv (iei.ouie.t «eke ' M.Utl |kt r(Hi|»|p — 1(1 -f3 Lens Coupled Range- twelve for »JiO, PI,one IV *-! .finder - |7U Don Miller ED J-BIH fore 1 nm t.ci >(hii ticket* at the renter, union tlok or from toininiUfr ttiemlicti*. ihopst tht BROWN lWD-PtrcK se. tn.ii.' IH real estate Fx reliant condition. ED 2-4tW " ■ nil — IIHWI NEW MIX-ROOM THRT.T •' lo«*liu>. (oniou'l yet lor active SAlI.mil 13-FOOT. (jRI.ON salt ROOM ranch Duung area • twriect niuiniuii Wabo,r lap# re- garage built-in ktlrhen, fu .' rde» three 'speaker*, two record- merit, gas neat. 7a « |R k>< « Ing beads |J) 3-3F>5 John Letn- huid ciintgaM-i. Owner. EE -**-* twimmer and beoch loller c.eo.es decker IB WESTMINSTER HI-FI perfect control from new circular CONVINIINT William H. TO CAMRUS TkeTe 3-MIS after A ptn |« per*, tbeer* themes type-: - qutcWy, atid a«vure%rt\ IV 3 > built in Frenchburg. N V April 22, ins . bitt. Rav Port w.j Vlcki Rang I'billiD Fife. Three Bivere tr : f"har|wf »' rViugtaa f>«oeer. Additon tr ; C ■ Page Three *r . Lou Orogor. Cbicagn, III. •' I1.,nwen \fanl*tee »r . Robert lurr-r. r'. t u Doerema Grand Rapid* |» Nancy Gnibeufh. Dctn.it ar Vir¬ h f Kapwta *r : John llrinevlrh Flint Ronald Fetea. Battle free* f.eora e- i rp tr Ma-ahan 0*hm FHr.t »r Ratpn H»re(«er. De'roR ;r ginia Johnaon. Mldl.i"d ar . C laudla ir . Jon Ituaaev Galeeburg, I I ,r J oar oh fafrar Okemo* rr Jane'.'* »r ffonald Mf-Fate Uki Orion «t lltftnu . , . Kav la-a'rr. Al-»ena ir . Johnston, Royal Oak *r. Klair.e John ftargent Beading Mar* ar Filiev, fJowagiac »r ; Sharon G#*- TFomar Mf|!-»«- f laM'ir »r At Winter Term Banquet Kcryluk. Detroit *r F.n anah* ar; Marjone Littell. Dc- troll ar.. *r; Joenn Kathleen Murphy. Glen i^racn. Rkoklc. Pttlaford til jr , Heme Eeeeemka Marv Rilla Plandford. Grand Rapid* »r lainalng .faennv. Dea Plalne* III.. »r «r; Barbara Joan Pric il¬ r»env. v Clere er; Warn#, Penn, Jr . Bofoerta Greene. Miami Bea'h. Fla . Barbara Gnld»- orthr. Flint er.; Richard OvdiUln ar , ar Maf-i* MiT'hell fy.r othv Offerw.an frela Owl. Kou'li Northfield Mm. Gra.-'l Hap:'.'- '• Kenton Hafoor 7'.rat' V.'.rk Worth'.rg*on. Ohio, a- vtra Whipple. Lar.atng tr lomalng jr., . Car,I Vrg.r a W^aon, F1- Pattl Plckena Albion )r ; D*fl« . etepnenann er ia Dowd. Wtlllamantic. Conn. *r. f harle* Oreonwett. F. lamalng »; ; ar Runrtl J'et,-^' f'M-aro. III.. Kaiaanen, Wakefield a- . Margaret R'eVen Gronner, Iwanatng }r: Pa jI « Vary MSU honored 197 itudtnl, to**. Seaton. l-aneer ar Jane fkaryd. Ann Dunwell. KaDmaaoo «r ; Mar- Veterinary Medicine fr Paggv Horn. Milwaukee. Wia. lec.e Van Farowe Ftcanaha ar M Gruher, lltliadale fr.^. Barbara Ha-- K'-r» M«n Filr.t »r , s^aan h»:,ar.erk. who achieved all A rrcerds dur¬ f heaaninr jr. . nen Jackw,n «r Rue Ifoeger. Ililt*- I#r* re f'onr.te Foaner. ... ••>ph ; Anne Hughe*. Birmingham Wallace. Klngaton ar. . fr R;« hard Benedict Hare-odd fnd. Engineer* Planir.., Gail . •winter Ir Judith Hulkonen. Okemo* aoph ; Engineering rl.le tr : -Eleanor Jahnka. Fair*lev/ ford • r. Terry Ami",. Tr -peran-e ing term Wednesday . Margaret Jandaaek. Dearhnrn antih . Alvln Bailev. Matfawan jr Galen Hrlenee iM Arte f'-rk. Ohio, jr . Thomaa Jordan •' lw» trFr.- w k-.eden l.a'<»g «r tr Arthur Bunion. Lincolr. Par< .. • night at a banquet given gl by Marv Jone*. Birmingham v»ph f'.roun. Grand Rapi'U ir . Kllrabe'n F-aeklel Aklnrimiai. Ihada- Ni¬ freww »r Karen Klmen t.a- ftolly V^ld- fjearhom tr Andre t. \r Allan Ne^le Bayor.n# ?♦" J *- l.xinmlwn in May * * Prt< JMn A fir Tlirhirrl Dr. Hannah. I)iif4n*r Ncflalne vuar Murkegon Height* »r Ja*. n- kouaer, Marv So#, k Rorald Aptnk. Raverna }r : Aflrulf Wilder. Bay aide N Y. ar Richard Rudner. associate i . Kluge, lj»kevtew fr ; Patricia Knapn. The Engineering Exposition. professor of philosophy, was the Suiuth Haven fr.; Jeanne Kor»m»«'i. *«• flair Shore* fr.. Joyce Korte*. : held M»r IS and 14. will speaker. K I.akevlew «oph ; Karen Kreatlr, ;.-.0 an Engineering Queen Four point students are: *.nvder, N Y. «r»ph ; Boaemarv Kuhn, K. Attend Church This Sunday r. l4tn*lng aoph : F.alga Kure ,»a- the Exposition'# major at- Agriculture I.anvlng aoph ; John loiing. C Ian- -a. vnn. lb* MIero-Midgdt auto Norman Brown. Tampcranre Arlon Flaar. Lit* hflald rr ; Llewstfyi) lr ting fr . Jame* l^dvtnka. Mnrtn- .arr around the Ked/le Chem- brook, fll. aoph : l.yle Llnaemler. tubman, rhelaea sr; Kannatn Stmp- Gafien fr F. Dsnnia Lynch. Paaa- ,.r Laboratory, •on. M«ranrt %r : Marvin Vandar- den« r«l . *oph ; Avonne Maran, kolk. flopkln* «r.; Marvin Vandrr- t enfineerins organisations a1o#.l. Mull; Io*a a. ar. l.;.n*tne aoph . Caroline Matm Tenaflv UJ. *r»ph : -.Ttpus enroll midget motor Rulr € sHege William MeMacban. Milford aot'f .,f-H auto* in this race, the NorthvtUs !-»•>* LANSING n-.ncrt Nlfnii. fr : G »vi Prix of MSU. Thnma* Joaeph Brue* Anger. Ratllargeon. Band urakl. MaryavUI* rremont soph . Michigan aoph Cltv, . Norman. Delton fr; Dennia Nor**'. Ilolt aoph . Larry Oatertnk. K- EAST CHURCHES ■jo-.e elected queen will relfn Ind . aoph ; Kenneth Raarhier. Bald¬ Grand Rapid* aoph . Patricia Palmer. I "oldwater aoph : Thomaa Paacaleno* mff 'he May Hop bring held ing fr ; Rohan Boa*. Monroa soph toin*ing aoph : Helen Perrott. Grand . Janice f'aatalein. (.anting fr ; Ro¬ Mar H. han Chamberlain. benaravlUa. Ohio, I edge fr . Ann Plrochta, Pontlac fxeta far the May Hop can •oph Aharon Coady; radar Spring* aoph . Vena Putnev. Benronla fr . Radrom. Detroit popn . Ken¬ . Judith aoph; Mlchaal Coo par. F.vanaville. to purchaied In the Union Ind. neth Bo*». Webhervtlle aoph ; Ho- Roph Joel Darbv. fUHitliflrld «uhm!dt Tren'on »r ; Allan her' UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN . fr • Linda Oahruyn Faoland aoph C leveland Ifeigh'* Oiu .. EAST CAUSING Shtrwln Mary Darker, Wallaceburg. Ont. fr Nancv Smith. K Mnaing v>ph CHRISTIAN FIRST CHURCH OF Outstanding aoph ; William Doemer. Webater Grand Rapidt tlrovaa, Mo . fr; Phillenore Drum- Judith Sorenaon. t. Ir Robert Sparvero. Pittsburgh, PEOPLES CHURCH mond. Bloomfleld fliUa fr Patricia CHURCH . . Dumaa. rarmkigton Midland aoph., fr.; Marv Raymond Durfaa. EM- 1'enn Jertlyn . aoph : Spencer, raaaoooha Ir . City TRINITY CHURCH STUDENT CHRIST, SCIENTIST Show Given ridga. Bear Lake fr.; Patricia Fuk. Stanlv Steinberg. Traverae f'oldwater fr John Porayth. lan¬ •oph ; Garv Stetnman, Flint fr , Ind., soph . AND STUDENT CENTER EAST LANSING . j.iinn Stepleton. Muncte. cing aoph; Richard Freeman. Mid¬ land aoph Frederick Oilman F Kent Stevena, Baldwin. NY. aoph. Interdeeemtnatioeal tss k. Grand Ritft "" Jack S'evenaon. Howard City a«»ni . I^tnalng aoph ; Jeanne Glrmi*. Gro*- FOUNDATION By Dancers aa Polnte. aoph ; Merry Gowdv, Na ,v David Stllea. F lainaing fr ; Marrv 17* Spartan Aeesea Sundwail. F, I anaing aonh : Richard Eaat Lasting Buffalo aoph. Roger Hahouah, De¬ « Svnoradrki. Buffalo, N Y aoph Dlrtaioe and Ann Street. F. I., 0 troit fr ; Carolvn Harrla. F Lan- . Bee, I Ct'OBRR WILLIAMS latefdeuetnleafieeal Thomaa Tucker Midland fr ; Bar¬ a;ng aoph : Joan Ham* Baltevia Nortk of Barker Ball! TV Kaleidoscope of Oanre aoph ; Paul Ifelman. Detroit Ir ; bara Van Vleck. C harlotte aopi. , f? block* fhurrk terrtea II A.M. Sumner Weat. Newport. R t. aopo . !M Weat Grand River et Sfftblgau program received a warm sudi- Llnors Hobha. Routhfleld fr ; John Wick at mm. Lanaing fr . M»r- Campee Paafor- Oenald W. Berk Ml W Grand Ri»er WOBIBIP IIIVIfM Ur* -reaction Wednesday night len Willi*. De'rott aooh Rar'iara Realdent Paalevt Ckaflet BHnkalck Dr. p. Marten ffnim* tea da? Srfcool It AM. Wilaon, Barberton. Ohio If.. &ua*o •«i Ha final performance In Home Kr Council V i' on Meaon aoph I it * 11 se Re* Roy i. trkramm Joaeph A Porter, Minuter I II 2-IJTI af LO t-IJH Fitrcfclld theater, before tome suklaet Klcrl* Offirrr* ■■dam aa* rabllr H-rvlcr • A RF AI. sACfurirc* Minirterr 599 peri on*. Blank*t«in. Milwaukee Norman ProSation After D'atk The cait drew four encores U i, . *r : Lawrence Bureh. Crsswell ?:)# in ■I'MIA T New officer* of the Home haf^re the audience would allow ar ; Mar* Hannah F. |j»naing ir , "GOO'S RI.ASON* FOR ISRAFI '* Economic* Council were elected Richard Johnaon. Newberry ar llav- Weraklg: lb 10 IV. n ia AM Wedaetday keening Meeting • P M. to fo to their dressing e» l.arkltm. Marlon Ala. ar Robert REJECTION AND BESTOBATION ' at-NDAT aiRYirr. last week in the College of Home Mdlvar. Newark. Ohio. »r , Rirhard joom*. f %MPt S VESPERS Economic*. b. nan, Dowagiac »r Buaaell Sowle. OINKR SCBFfCES Sermon: TRAVELS WfTB Wttf • Coquetterte"* received the Jarkvin *r R'Oiert Town*«nd tarn- "WHO Reading Room .* The new officers are: Joan I pra vd audience reaction and war am* ar; Thomaa Wank*' Detroit S »v set. Sunday •«»•*! with GOOD DOt RT ASO OISMONFST Harris. «ophomore. president; »r- Robert Webb. «• Jonn* Jr Or « Wallave R*bert«0i» 1J« W Grand Riaer i definite succet*. The ehoren- fharle. Schulke Davton. Ohio elaaaea far Lefeereify ttedesta SKrPTICfSM Sally Miller, snphomorr. vi.-e f SE nil! vlait 91(11*1 foundation f-spfcy was done by fieri anciMi Murrtel Mategraff. Mlnnea- S tl P.M. 0o excellently done. and Another outstanding perform- CENTER CHURCH STUDENT CENTER if wa* given by the ca»! of "Rmantle Moods'* who did WESLEY FOUNDATION interdeneminnDenai pr. it Ratannnrh Fr f- /.ppia SfBaes M. Tennant. dds h. Bagadern RBa I Mltteurf |fi*di "4, own choreograph v. ' Bar. Robert L. Marauad. Muurar II klocka north nf dfMl The lighting and costuming in MAC. Avanno Goerte L Jordan Rev. Treman A. SSarrtane. PfSnlrtaf ass Abbott Bead i MS BHIrtan Street. II. %iiei to the show, giving it Rav. Babuuea G. Lapp, Mlnlitar var.etv and making up for the Suodae Mciei brna i. Bonen. Parter !irk rf scener-- t.ia - Sit - lean - it m jtondaj^wotakip StKBAT FBOORAM Tie balanced program he]2 tBakv aitung at 1 11 A WHAT A DIFFERENCE CBRIlT EL Jf. Btgk Sckeel. SIS Abbott Rd Chapel And Parteaage •«e audiences interest through- CAMPBELL'S SUBURBAN SHOP MAKES ■ LSDAY gkRVirtS is.se Mataeai «„• the performance. The dance* Bee. George I torden Sermoa k? Bey. Truman A S.M eon f kurrk gchert laiepbtes ID 1-fiU • jr.ri from serious modern EAST LANSING'S » Dail* Maaae* ( U A l,W AM ^ tie am. Bad Cadar dckoel Mffflten eed Aden gfedr. gtodente utcindad Crtkberr and Nnraery da-ces to light and airy folk Cenfeaaiena Dailv • ta AM g One Block Weat of ». Bomaen Bd. provided • IN DAT SCBCBCLB daac#< Kaieidoeeopt,** the finale, tf. ONLY \ • M P.St fafter Boaary) i Ltd an. On sever Dr. Suae Theatre SM am a II «« is Id n-m. ettk centmeing Ckerek tcheef for WIN trade end nnder Weranip Rrviae AM. Wermip: • dt. IS PS. 1101 brought back members of the Saturday 4-S:M A 1 M-s aa P.M. nr. n • reprise. It was a good REGISTERED " |;1S P.M. tunday Forum s artery af S;dd MS, "Bit •ERMOS Presenr# Threugn gtudr* ■rodeni*' fOsmme rr.dicg to a good show. D«iu> ikurrh •ekeet Seaalens AI DEALER I C ATROMC STt DIM ORG AM- • 11 am. C'allege f lata Weiley S.M A ilea A m supper, s se fJt. Activities Carnv RATION MEETS SiNDAT M«n*o CHk rnom Ihrengh Junior Bifb FOR v 9:dS RSI Ml# am. All Area Red Cedar (all KB l-MIS let tranaporutian Veipere^kiJ pm Petition* Readied ED I-ST1S WELCOME But gervWe AvtUabie ■/. Pr.tions for Activities Cam- iril executive positions wilt be lYillsble stl next week in Union s -TRcourse sad Women's Divison. *''uder.t Services, according to AU SAINTS ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH FIRST WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH Pit Wiaaiand. general chsirms Norm Magnolia A«e. St g. Mttki|«* Oper. chairmanship* include EPISCOPAL CHURCH 'MMttarl Si nod *JS# Raaleft Anad i b«* Gaerg* B Biiaen Mislai*r *r-r-y,ndencf. entertainment^ — M»# Eaat of Bagadern vgta.rat.ona. theme, progra: •ee Abbelt Road — ID S-U1S Eau Lenauig •*t publicity. A aecretary and Senday Srheel - Ids AM. rrwryrer are also needed, Bey. John p. Porter <> fcr further Information con¬ * Sunday School III AM. Morn tag Weaaaip — U eg AM. ^ FM tm Bey. Qardsn M. Jeeea. Recto* tact Km WuMlasd. ED S-SOIl. Rev. Robert GaNeer T*e«b Setvsee — f A P.M. T| * TM Star* With Mlntater to Married StedeeOa •I'hDAY WOBIBIP ItM AJd. 1JTT11 kvenmg gerrtce — TOP P M < c TM Had Door u -3 QAM'S SI'NDST SERTIC It Bay- George ST. 1. NMhelabarg T i OR « K'VHXmaS 6.1'1X8 J N V J • Aa AM Befy cimmaune ED 3-2119 or BD 9-1MI EAST LANSMG FIRST PRESBYTBNAN • M A M Morning Praver er Bely FrLft Never Out CeamanM. and Chneth Saheel UNITY (ENTER CHURCH SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH ess W. Brand Btvee tlAi A M Morning Prayer er Boi? BttM G. Miller. Parter ipHtaia Of Season »OU* W At RING TON AT MOOBES DIVES DAIM LANSING naadey ii agnm. Marnlng Wo*able E ld A iublort "ibrtm la Aim* Wen otiemn pi None CbeiWrt Mtntrter: 9. Nile Choree Berpar bamrurgbb. MASS. NOW ARB F. St GBCN. •enda? tebeel II Ad am D-D. Pillar Donald Circle — Solettf rmca ran DLslgOND J. BELL. Aa*oe Parter Betes Clara — Org tout SEN DAT SgaVICfg CANTS RAMIT CLE A Havo you ever noticed ttnOv ria*«*a Wadnaadav •••.»# AlFsrtts how t ie P.M. fteaday is so a n am r itgo«l aet? at FN p m if M A 11:3d Cheab Saheel lovely a (lender < all IV .••PAD for free bna aerrice. Affiltatrd on* ISW A II b Weranip Pervtaec AMort u. a i-ni« Morning and taring tnitv tcbooi of (nnrtianttF *(«om raoM tmc chain of fold look* on li e* A.M. MWBk.N GOD OPKNS BTRd** l.ae a Snmmtt. xiiaaeeri l td Saedar evamng Calnn Club F.M. "WREN GOD CAN" BET DOOlW¥:- mtmnt. Am a rummer-tanned wrist OLIVET BAPTIST fer atngie yenag adxKc trutAsm. or around * winter-white 19# PM ADtl.T TOITW ISLLOWdBIP CHURCH throat; Solid fold and WIS B. SMMUdOA CENTRAL MEtHCDISI fold-filled jewelry aren't aearonal. You cat wear them Rev. William Bartman Fauer sl'RBAt HOLY TRINITY GREEK nenda* Srheol 1* A.M. A , JtfTER-CfTY RULE CHURCH CHURCH anytime of the year .and they flatter any type of dree*. Mnrnang Wevanin II.ae > * %.M. nn t MIC BIG AN ORTHODOX CHURCH iaatt Geeepa J f* JJ Stop in today and check over our lovely ."election of fold leasing Sense* MID-WEEK SEKAICE ■ sprakef Re« Don Otuaa et Caeiuf g. Waaniagte* at Ua FbilHpa. Grand IUp»4t Therada* T.Sd FJI WnriAip sort met » li and 1111 f.anwng jewelry 'hat will weather all four season* TranapeetaDon lee vine Interna- at national Bona# S.M t.m Pnnda* or S.fl a m Sunday Bt»ir vrdool soada? svoeol ia aa a.m Paul Chains *4.50 and up. ( harms *5.50 for fold-filled; $13.25 rail •% 2-tie • lor a rtd# ejrin at 1:30 p.m. The lO.TIO session the novice boys' and will feature girl*' divi women'* division will be Teresa Alpha NIc Phi.2:4. IM Kappa Plil » NAM II, Triangle .1 Thru Chl 34. NAT f jury that the Spartan tackle suffered In Tuesday's practice would not hold up under con- Oscar Hahn. linebacker, made several behind the line tackles. Prior to the scrimmage the .drills. They were George s* from Canton, and Bill V.J» drop, a transfer from Burbar., • - 'IAS. IANSINO • rtlW"mrwiui Montlfievcn, a Flint Junior Col¬ HOKUM; RESULTS team broke up into groups to Calif. sion (under 12). I'nrle T«m» «<•>» 4. Vat* II i tart sports again. Hit No. 1 Shown 1:00 1:10 7:25 10:55 lege student. She is the 1939 But the injury will heal suf¬ work speclalt.es. Les Binge- The team's slight Injury • • ■ • • The Junior (12-1(1) and senior Nlta Owl* 4, Mpo«inar» a on (16 and over) division competi¬ Pan-American Games free ex- Rig Rag 3 All HF. I ficiently enough for normal tLse man, a 350-pound former Detroit dwindled Thursday a< r,r 4 van* Nrholan ovaf Itafhrr (forfall) champion. guard, tutored four three veterans were hobblm; llrin^ Your Hair Ami tion will start at 1:30 p.m. This Also competing from Flint JC Motta 3. Bower I f.lttla Pint 3 Phi Tail 2 of the knee. Lion middle Spartan centers CetLng special around the field. But fred A:- section wilt enable spectators an Watch llcr will he Sharon Phelps. Pan-Am Vat. | 4. Nigma I li| • played 274 Tingle! opportunity t" sit th« best team- captain, and Judy Klauser. Allay Cult fforfait) over Kuuioio Mrl.uras, who minute* last season, was hit on attention from the former pro banas, Carl Charon and J- freshman gymnasts at MSU in Nmnkari great were sophomore* Dave Sharp are expected to retum • This threesome are among the AOCS 3. Plva arr* 2 defensive charge. HI* knee action either Saturday or competition. llntrlahd .1, I'lrav I a Hchrman and Jim Kanieki, WHEN THE SCREEN SCREAMS top contenders for the 1000 Unit¬ buckled tearing ligament*. clay. Squads representing the fresh¬ H.worth 4, Nailrlik <• Spartan giant* who look like ed State Olympic team T- c. firth .1. <;ultar Hii.trr* I man frbrn Michigan State and The loss of the 27 year old YOU'LL SCREAM TOO... the. University of Michigan and tackle may l>e twofold. He was If yon vain* your Mat the varsity squads from Kastern Michigan and Central Michigan Colleges will compete. Track Team at Ohio Relays counted on being one of the top performers, and seemed to he Golf Team to Enferlaln U of D the logical candidate for team On the still rings for MSU Michigan St.ve' track squad the key man here with a blazing Western MSU'k seven-man golf team meet with M;ch;2,rt Flrot picture tilnn.d in will he Dale Cooper, who at - with it* speedy two-mile re- :46.7 anchor lap captain. lie was described n* the spirit hosts Its first.of seven home golf Saturday. The Spartans also will go In Saturday" p ., cording to Conch George S/yputa lav team as the key entry — of the team, the one person .rap- The order for still rings the distance medley at Colum¬ meets this spring Saturday. The i% "one of the best men travel* to Columbus, Ohio, this able of rallying the Spartans followed in order the finish#, bus and in the four-mile relay University of Detroit Invades the in the country." when odds were against them of the Western Michigan mo-. John Hrodeur and Don Seat¬ Saturday for the running of the ai well. Individual entires will Akers Golf Course a 9 a.m. The line-up: Ohio Relay*. include Atterherrv again in the The gaping hole In the MSU ing will compete for State in the Coach Ben VanAlstyne said No. 1—Tim Baldwin, senior Th. only picturo all-around event. The foursome <■( Hnan Castle, 400-meter hurdle*, Mike Ger¬ line left by MrLveas will he dif¬ No. 2—Tad Schmidt, juni the Titans were not In shape a* who., .hock On the parallel bars. MSU will Jim C.jrr, B<>b Like, and Willio hard In high Jumji and hop- ficult lo fill, offensive line or C. A. Smith, Junior step-and-jump and Sonny Ak- yet and are not able to go 3 junior Pete Koekla. which exhibition meet* were event. son. Baldwin shot a 68 la t S,-. run. Tom Jefferson in the 120 "We have to count on some held. Informal matches with Hounding out MSU'* squad State also will send to the sonhomores to come through and Georgia Tech and Georgia led lirday, which was three under yard high hurdles. Jesse Fitch ISe will he Jim Pen ror I and John Kismonf. post a powerful one-mile out¬ fit, consisting of • Zaoh Ford, In tho 800 of 1500 meter run. develop." Serr said. to the sharpening of the Spar- par. Both Schmidt and Smith ihot 4$? The women's division will see ("arr. Castle, and Aitcrberry. At and Hi IJ Reynolds 1* entered in Pat Chirrin is another taekte tuns shooting back from the identical scores against Western Tinker the 3000 meter steeplechase with with limited experience. "We came Diane Daggett in free exercise as Quantieo, this unit won its heat Michigan 71, one under par) Practice went a* usual south in darn good shape," Van in 3 15.2. only to place fourth in Jerry Young. on the only MSU competitor. Thursday afternoon With the Alsvne said. Reynolds hit 74 and Badger ar j The featured performer in the listings by time. Attert>erry was Tony Smith, Ed Craydnn, Jack Poor weather greeted the Caplin 75's. Crowell, and Young will com¬ player* put through another VINCENT PRICE tough scrimmage. Two scrim¬ golfers on their return to East Caplln, a senior. Is behind pete in the distance medley re¬ mages are set for Saturday — Lansing limiting practices. But other golfers as he failed u lay. L'lid Shocker! 2:35 • 5:15 • 0:00 SpriagHiM is PartaMe Radio Dm they did win their, first official make the southern tour. Mow many lime* have yau wished far a portable radio while ITS IREAT FOR A DATE! 101 CMJIDilE, noted couespe*den*. ta>t "ttStf at the hearh or on a picnic? Now. yon too ran have a portable State Fencers Defend Titles I OPEN BOWLING radio-at t?l HAVINfiH, try ft Pile I rre P?jr'isl»! w Rietur*. a «<»r Iktf'il Imt It tue !<«t •dti fraa itnei!" Judy Goodrich and Chuck Schmltter, Jr., MSU iwoHl 6 TRANSISTOR .M|tecialiHta, will defend their Michigan AFLA championship | TMO, thia weekend. RADIO KIT STRAND LARES [ ] SPARTAN LARES of The Amateur Fencers America tournament will be held Saturday at Oak Park High School. Oak Park. Miss Good¬ League MSU Shooter* Place in NRA SUnlry Maker Yom ran do a profraalonal Job ,evrn If you have never I —l! 'f.d ft rich last year took the honors in (iuf Rolf# '* • kit before. Uirliipiin /jK) . .'(111 K. .(lirliigan women's foil competition and Michigan State ah>v>o-,| / , Thralrr Schmitter placed first in men's placed aerond and seventh tVi| Philip Ahn ~r~~2 NO SPECIAL r'tvB epee. , month In the NRA Nation*! !*• lililtc. j KD 2.2311 Miss Goodrich and Schmitter tercollegiate Individual Pistol | ap V\t Week! "llOHGY and BESS" . SKR1 REEDED IV 2..J2.1H |l \t. / ! f previously won championships this year at London, Ont., where they placed first with their re¬ Match. Richard Holmes, sophomore, East fonstrfl took second p1ks| \ ORLY S2LI6 Free Parking « \ / /J ())i«ii 1() A.M. spective weapons In the Canada War Hero Memorial Tourna¬ with a score of 267 nut of 330 ment. Stephen Donnell, a fnlcfl This A translator portable la eompaet and powerfull. It has a Schmitter was captain of the from Holt, shot 262, a sccrsl 4" « 4" speaker in a rugged carrying rase that ia'ouly I'»" long, I960 fencing team and compiled which placed him Jn tha »cy pnil | t'j" high, and l!»" deep. position. a 10-3 record in epee and a 10-5 it MioM|aa State UaivarsNy mark in foil. Shooters from alt parts of fr# I wf today at Also competing in tha epee country competed la thi* ru*| tournament this weekend will be tional meet which WW held 4 Dick .Berry, MSU alumnus and a month's. TAPE RECORDING INDUSTRIES I See ( I) i'o|i Features! Bo* Offlee I Open At fn.'lO — Keg* Adni. 7.»r t ome Early!! Open Mon. li#R ID 2-1117 pmrnl< two-titnaa national champion. Dept. tt SpMch Each man fired Ma 90 sh*« esl his home range. Tha score »nl then sent to the NRA where was tallied. t| "THE QUIET MAN" 3231 E. MICH. Mat Till Noon Both Holmae and Donne!! marks* I HaivsnRy Tbsaba uufco (IrUi) MICHIGAN Juhn Kurd s Mrawribl* Ttfhnirnlor Hit twu SIDNEY KINGSLEY /V*<. / Starring TODAY IS Tin: s\n horsi: gtoug iirst at 7;n tut - John TVaynr .Maurttn O'Hara Rarry T'itiirrald TRIM READY SUPER tsn rr.ATTRc — darkness — HOW TO BE HATTY THOUGH MMtIB)! HAKt.AIN DAY! All-lMjr Pmltw 2 Ktilini VAm tet bdy walked «>- FRIDAY, AMNL 22,7 AI ML 1 at noon Vt?r; ITofty 1 T* "ir?and Dean. ■"*** FAMMHUTKATRE . * but APRIL 27-SO CAM! IMPS jurt tie beginning of , the year's hottest Many t AiTmUaton: SOr j % tkrllN I i ha (•■<< IM PJL IMpK vo. Mkad-aUssw daily sab. UNO IHOflwWwMha MMrJw.w" 4pjl MMaaHfta 4aawMpa «wd letlar* today at IAS. 7:1#. II** AM STATE L AN M fs „ P • p.m. ammpiw .a—wm Oavio Niveh MnaOmmoR (Ron office electa 16 PJK.I MCBTsaaim.- NOW SHOV 1 4 lAt. KlteT SHOW i 1'it-llff AfflWL Himi Anntvwaarw ANNIVERSARY KNOW* 2ND AT »:tS — 110 FEAT I'M! — DEBBIE C.o.«—s COI on *, DC una REYNOLDS SUN. — MON. — Tt'E. — 2 HITS TINY RANDALL PAUL DOUGLAS THE mmo GAME MORA' TONY CUtDS DCAN MLARTIN JANET LEIGH """f ft iWP — 4TH F7.ATI RE ■ f, iH-hur JAMtS WHIlMQtl • JQHN IWNIIft - MliUt NICHOlS co-hit today om.v: u lHYOPUmkM Ml\\^ Mil wtf a. IO*. Mi. »:H pjm. « D MAN SHOWN LAST AT I2:3« G LATOT NRWB RVBm Only I Miles E. of Campus US 16 HOT ATnUCIM!. Drive Out! Meet Your Friends! Have Fun! KOVACS; MOO& • • "HK W HO MUST WK" ANTHONY PERKINS "TALL STORY" MtC IHDAV *»T ATI. M IVS Purdue, Illinois Help Spartans April V. Pagr Hra SPARTAN SPORTS THIS WEEKEND tOCO FRlDAy Imirtlrn 'l ow* IM \o-llittcr For Iroiv BASEBALL—-Purdue, 3;30 p.m. at Old College Field r V ,f • f. i?i batter- in* pitrhtng Ar *. v SATURDAY Open Big 10 Baseball Season • ',* ■*, •<» !. 12-0 v.cV.ry »>w, •- ' Pi- Of The pi'- ®. ;• iM-rfot'ii BOWUNG—Big '0 champiomhip, 9;30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. at I.cm'.n r-W-- <'»>*■' b-K Umon -uftbal: iti'.fi fair b»rritor*. aga:n.f* Bowling Alleys *;. v.uv. BASEBALL—Illinois doubleheader, I p.m. at Old College Fie d fig n r \li . : 1 a dcr. j.,.■•-jut' and Invade r*e* »» svfuni b«?e in pl«v< -.f GYMNASTICS—MAAU chempionshipj, 10:30 a.m. and I p.m. -Ai'-Bi-i 10 and the leading hit-' i.vuur th'vn a veteran . Pat at Jenison Gym, .. r.!l!eg«' Field this weekend $.n the Mptad. but is *>r«- • n"- <-ev wh! *h hopes to improve bti RED'S SHELL SERVICE with Michigan Swr'- ina in place r,f Bob Monc/ka 1* v tfi a h "" ihhirv *h * b v-' %i a e'gbtb fits;-* GOLF—U o! D, 9 a.m., Alters Golf Course , i>a!l squad in the initial Afother (pnvtionablc st-ir'tv »• i v*-! Mi II I an i p- sSa*. >n WKAI? *v.'. ■:<■? in the Big 10 baseball John Flcsei. who la?' year vva» h» affected his halt ng >ff»U-Purriue came h- hr. - f-ir* - ' : Tr.is afternoon S:>. rtan* tangle with the Pie* Boilermakers in a iinglo at 3:3n. the use baseball team, Spartans play Saturdav right hinder Paul Arne*o»» wb -h in.' ,.r kJA. The double he t«h.; v'th Itl.'nia- wtfl tie hr Sa'urdav a* 1 pm j«> t Netmeii Plav in 3 Matches SPECIAL Saturday at 1 p.m. the Th»* Spartan terups teau* >>.i!! genhoef, .*i -Hon Mortal! and r- and southpaw Frnic Kum*i-«w The probable starting lineup { _ "hg Mini will be the op- U, handle the bitching chore» 1 see BIT Schudhch at fir**. W nutting their eight-game >* n 8—- Hon Henry However". Drn- BRAKE ADJUSTMENT • • for State. Th« mini turned in a imores-• Holme* at *ec»nd, f'apt Iji< V ping »lr*»ak on the lint three b«*n crmipletelv revamped hi- tunc* this weekend o"Ul)Ier line-up, switching hi* ( ■ Spartan* enter this week- games with a proven pit- *?ve spring train* trip, shown.; fntvf snanriv fel'ling and «har CP- den at "hort, Jerirnv liinn',- .m third, ohn Fie., - , The n'-tmen •• • ii. mke on Indi- No 1 and 2 teams and rein*ta- 79c «•' i. H'ir.'-n. and Purdnr in * ' Henrv in the No 3 double*. r'aff and a spotty hitting . hitting. Illinois ha> already Wade Car'v. right in IMt field ng - , « The fielding last week- •■quale! the entire home i»-r- Hendee in center. MarlaP m quadrangular n ee- Blmm - The doubles line-up now read'* u mi i.i in & on. i n w.k irjcbp: fnd to'i.T. a»;d Snturda*. a follow* No ! - Eisner and . ^narpened up ronsldrraWv durtlon of last vtar in it* ' eht. Cor.'. . catching an Dm If wepkend e're , *. • a ihaky start in the flrvt *ix games. Purdue has all of it* last S »ck«i!t (Ken Aver-, f'2-li »'2-l> '•:> ve win fling U, be tough ti, stor/ *• Olid Smith; No 2 - Hotchki** and Plagenhoef: No 2 Mescal I SAVE SI.2I . ;rnsl Alrra Saturday. reat .i MicAc — Coach S'an Ifr .pa and Henrv •Our big problem is getting pitcher* back for this , season. nournt men on base" The Rlonmington mert In lire Just in rase hp moves don't u i*h saw Hlb 10 opener for all four team* Till W. MIl lllOAN AVk. pan out the coach is bringing v-h Kobs." although the bit- has been improving Vii« Big 10 Biiwling Meet at Union and a hi* the winner will undouht- he the chief contender for Mel surance Siperstcin along for in¬ The Detroit sophomore M BOSS I ROM KTI.I/K.O (T.VTI K . . ::i practice." Minnesota"# bowling torn *• sweep the titlh A pair, the title, held currently by the ha.* been improving steadily, ail lion Monc/ka is the top Spar- gun« ►.••or for the first twelve c-me« to MSU to defend i*« R»c of bow'ors with 2Wi averages, .I'nlverxlty of Michigan spring and will be available jf to title Saturday at the Colon bare the tearr. Jim Nixon., charn- Jto>* before leaving fur Ind anyone falter* f with a .375 average. Bill . Bowling At'evc i p'.on of the National Intercni- Thurvbiv, Drohac juggled h.* The netmen'* schedule at s • ; i-.eh, John Hendee and The rbllcg:.T> kegler* have i.•» Amer an CnHege I.'ni .n Bloomington is follows; PAT • Marlatt are all batting over • ■ Ju.e-uo to "increase the team'* liiiliv 1pm. Indiana — tingle* and ! Top man In the HBI de- two se«s;on* of competition a: bo'-b-g tourney, ha* 206 fir - '.-.era!! trength and to give i', d Alible* i.« Hendee with 16 and D 30 a ni fur the tbxjo'e* a - r . Tfvmariion hit* at a 200 more balance". The s.itgle* line¬ rridav (11 p m. IMInm* — dauble* .;ime run? with four. singles and 2:30 p-r for 'ert--*' Tvo ' :f0 piu> bowler* a*d up remained the same 1—Brian Saturday * • m. Purdue — tingle* , -h Kobs rates hi.s pitching •cents Student* are invite^ -k»tone 1R*» -nan back* N'lvv, *■ r 1..«fi<* 2—Cap: Bill Hotrhk ■- sauirdav it M> am llllnAi* — kinglet : :.re than adequate. The the tourr.amen'. Hs-unsori Doug Sr; ith 4—n .get pla- *aturdav I W pm Purdue — double* The Gophers I iiino! *• i» p**'*r,l b\ Tvjgetie McCARTY j ERA so far this spring j' w.U have * HIM. MI DI R uh» hjs a re¬ V." xdk« a*,other NlAtT ,.*.e fv ,-wllent 3 06 runs per buck genuine threats of * o. cording breaking fij fnoi • inch tontender* MSU. HI.no;-. tm "d* He ha* a 192 average pitchers MAKE RESERVATIONS ,*.> have more shot put effort to hi* rredII. ig.«,*i, Ohio State and prv* other Hlirti have 181). phi ,v the Tigers." quipped Kobi, fare* the re cognised rerord hold - Three other tchoob. Pur ; -se averages problem is to keep them • e In the lirakr Relay* for their ami contented. We er lir*l meeting ihi* year. Wisconsin arid Indiana, don'* B'«i» KdJian and Stu Weingra- .lead the Soar'.an attack wibi DtnaddlnnlA LOOKS emitstute a threat. brn ■i,.-. play every day with the ' -,v Fame."' .Minnesota apparently nas the JRO and 189 re*peetive!y. game* Don Sackett ARCHIE TARPOFF • V. ;davs proble starter. The St 5. CULLEBE STAB MUER ... :* nmor has posted a 1-1 r! >o far this spring and has l or all roll#*- male and frmalr 124 E. KIImuih , i. T. KB A. v .-A* starter* for -h Purdue are Run Ilui- Fndav's I simr drac. somr stag) IV 24>2:i:i 12 Noon • it p.m. AT ( ontart I.ens 0:00 p.m. to I :OII a.m. and all your optical need » Vmrriran l-^ion llall WALLACE Hranrh Office OPTICIANS —- Vine at t iippert Ag* l*-23 On* blncfc off rampus Northwest n< Pro*It's Churrh >l*n—t oots and Ti#s Ada.: T.V Sundays the (opfMftltr Sear* in I'raudor) eye examination* h» |»r. W. t*. Jensen, registered •ntometriat Food is Finer f i I.VI.R IVOUH.R WHAT -Tv. ,, }>:« - yr,u r^ad Gom.t "• HOL'R* PH. Man IV 9.2774 1-t: Tn»« . Wed §*t. SPRING PHONOGRAPH SUE T.'i..'y •' ; > '• rea-iy Tike"* -t Sara.n Lfc-*- Kalhh's C:>g" . Than * »rt.. M p-r.:.- decided ?o find at *•5; ?iv ■ y '.*. r.pMig vacate**, 2 PodaMo CohaMa B—■itrolon warxicnng fr'trn I..; ^ u. Puerto p,;».o. vi'Jagt to v •- 2 III Watt Amplifiers. Diamond Nredie • ifefxvoBi fh Land, they talk*. LAMEST DISCOUNT IN TOWN ir 2 V, 2 I" speaker*—parks up into two Kewpee Cafeteria io ;r.v dwellers, fanme.t Their objec- SDAiDB b« r.c umTersfand • rarr>ing rases. Was 116*3.*. now '.he; bad i)ee' enn- Ml ITI.KRS — TAII. PIPES — KXHAt'ST PIPES HOUND ROAST OF BEEF *-•••!' w.th ;r. < law*;.. By *lje /f umed i.ome fl* ^ POLISHES — WAXES — PAINTS — IIIHSHKS 2 VM FiMio Storao ' Mwwgrai* HAkFII IIAM HOAST CHICKEN k;iev. why ■ • m man* c*r..gra:e COMPLETE LINE OP ACCESSORIES ev<-- 2 IB Matt amplifier-. . AND OTHERS •ig- ifi-o. ftri"1 trine:-.*-, lUMrt.tTK AI'TO New K. Rebuilt 4 H" speaker-, t tweeter*. iMeri. Onci fhe.»:ui- spkim; •STARTER* Ol AI.ITV MEALS AND SNU KS " b • xpa Jde rescarcn of P*jc: - skbvici: (il.ASS •urSfcRAlOR* •nil. nwe* Mahngani was no* SIM.90 '. ran college men. If • - f torrtly tn«t»ll'4 • WATER w ar* Front unil rear eiilraine • arc a-. .* :nd#cafion, the lor Can. frock*. Tractor* Whtlr Von Wait • tl.f IC'H PLAVM Walnut . wax Sat 1.90 now SI 79.90 RIGHT wni*. NOW #u. • was extremely worthwhile. T.V. >ir> !*'" Life hat tr.v trip for you. PARTS lilunde wtm $199.90 now SI 59.91 1' '.ruc'.or* might not be t • • :;a'. one. *• our T.r-c open-minded about three wee* * "1 cuS right now, but this lit' a TJrnriJTnJiJTrtrL-irTjtnrjiruTruTrun .'U- • would certainly be educv- "1.0 L. KAI.AMAZDO ST. PHONE IV 1-13.13 Campus Musk Shop "■that onr rxprtt in the might ■ tve m be«fl • ' cr ">*• pr Vriion, bk. . '. rc .r H;:b > i -• prtal. > by offering student rate» r; :*. unfold* display :ftc:r famous h» - iUcif to the the Southeast. S.*»ut;- - a' u>ru*< of the landmark*. •rank JRaiunal" I. i f. Ha* > But Life doe* not guide ye mad# »r'. j>r-, .» v*-' " - No -Life takes you up t" old forts and plantatioru. I Spam#:. • CANT FIND THAT SPORTSWEAR into the ' Tut* •ii/rv r * i. '"•• yc?.. '' it; eveb <• 1' .Vu.vs i ibo>v-covcred path* to )»"«•. > bgcM hideaways of pirates, and atom smashers. the o"- I IHUA E OUT *'•><*•» *-'»ok stve? ii, m^ 'v.tnd' . A" you *;t In a magnolia- a very vuvid ihea «f how • <'nV:i garden gazing Into the '»);• -b wr 'w'i'.iit-p.r. t'.a • *-is v' Southern m belie for - u AND i ve The ' *rd-«";p:- of th* »*nui' - ic .. i a» the case may be) yon - *ur ar** w»*. w. v - or glad that your grand- u;- :.*.•■ q.f?;- a Terrain Itu •* pap;-. #a-.fd hi* Confederal# TRY SAVE iim*; d;v»*r*:'.y cove.- b-' n*<■••• by aic; money. § ■ i ia.'ig:hr-y »-ncvufib*- H ON VOIR WAV to f m* l^aoi-.-daiv you noticed the «igf.f in i.i 11 til 1-4 wtick v. c wf;.ch line Southern routes de- KNIT SMirr — ACTION FKEE mi--, rf-.-.j' i>-> r T-* ,-iar-.ui What a pity to ml.11 ANDRE'S t '.*-*• if 1-<- >9:> .i .. - Hot k City" or aorr.e related COVmASTINt. TRIM '■■■ :.;-*.:.c*»-"-u.- na'.'»n;b ca■ - ■ - vrbi!.* \ou w;Ji be dej;ghte«i HIS a HER COLORS AVAIL iriKa. ;.j i' • 4 ■ i. .'a'.- A,' < hj*> v .'Life's 1 oid-Tjt rover thi* .'.i'nji 4«a>g>* ft depicts tourist* atop (imlMira "k® iW«« tnr rattan tui< ktrr pic- p,ay tj : 'e.jc.ng for lyj-.'. > Leap, the bigge?* at'ra - turad ara .nlormtd that (ha or,g.a of tk« mattriaf .« .»4df *"h 4 wJTjJTH*n*^»-y on 1he •;v a* Rr-Ck City. Unfortunate- aw uw MLUIt Fngfith. Tba raa»ne for u» »eig.n. rid>n| Krt*«Ke« Far aodilnnpnrar* 1." b ponbe®; >vent- by a man the amar* *a»» maatkae wtar u it wall -*• picture below shows ot-ir T-aaurrs akmd of iIm pMk in fntkio*. ■a ' h»y u»*n_r»iak;:ig ardt ha;' oi the scene thai appear* ut OtLOS KMT ing r*suc**._for 35 year*. Life. 96. SO i-eonard Ha' GOl* aa.t»gtful 94.SO . cnaiymBn from 1953 -to 1857, 0BUE8TM4F B*c. K » Vlln 940 deM-fibofi roe:nods u.*eq quite frank.'y to ge* a candidal' try' info the White House He JACKETS — ACTION FBEK inourod the pobv.ekir.g by trasn' *nd. yet reali/es ".•♦eitn- KNIT IN8EZT IX OOULAK ^ ,nj,yA purtant roii iilanea piayed m %*iung tbe vo?- and air - # . - U» "Liu lite " also A be teyf ified .to i» >. van the • GOLF CI.I BS. KAtiK. 9MOES. BALLS ecrveti expena <>f M&u. ALL AT m ir.'er advertising i<- the key to • • P • ' eal aucceiy. This grtkn* . sunt# up the groA »ng rupor - 3-: NO. WASHINGTON* LANSING d i »st tliwD aivra on thi: i ampi s ajjee of VncUaoo Avvnue sit iv i tia HKNAN MIS GOLF (iOCHSE H RULE E. Or KAiT LANSING I'-S. IC ere? phase Ahuuid definitely be tvad by a o? u* who wili be wang i-ar f ,y of our h\e* »xt ■ uuvuiniUuuuinJinonjlniuuirS fir^ fail- JtHinr. \\ STATf: HMD Fate Sit Navy Satellite Slows l»y Itself: Scientists Happy N WASH I NO TON a v Transit v's I-B. navigation TS .-The has slowed down satellite * P'S Store for Men t's spin to less than 10 rotations t the scientists i KNAPTS HAS AGAIN SOUGHT COMPLETE SAMPLE LINES OF MANY FAMOUS t-.i M *0 When 'riuriphed r»:i April 13. the 26.1-pcmn-i sphere was spun .it i's orbital axis at a rate of about 170 revolutions per min- u\,' A timing device was set to br the rotation of the sphere d c.vn to less than 12 revolution* a n mute after seven days. By today, the Navy said, the «p.n averaged less than 10 and ♦ :.e rate was expected to drop to about four revolutions minute ( I . Scientists sa.d the slow rato » a • ■ f T f ? -f Is needed to produce accuracy .n the radio signals sent from ■«f 11 rf i * *» '•he satellite for purposes of » ». j ■«■•♦** i t giving ship and plane naviga¬ tor* data for locating their po¬ • t 4 i -4 ♦ •• * sitions. • « ^ ^j • »«i **<■*i- fi'.# I Ionic Ec (i rml* Convene April 2.1 For Talks. Tour SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS MEN'S COOL KNIT T-SHIRTS More than 200 are expected a» the Home Economics Day .1// .1 re Cool and II 'ash able! Sliorl-Sleeve Styles for Spring and Summer! Saturday, April 23, a* Kellogg Center. Me it Director of Institute Psundalmn. Dr Bernard S-hweigert. .e American will speak 99c '1.99 s2.99 s3.99 s1.99 s2.99 s3.99 'o the group <i home eco¬ SALESMEN'S nomic.. firflstr.it io»i a ; In-gin at Kellogg at 9 aru Saturday. Morning sr^Vi >n* start at 9 45 followed by a punch and uncial heur from 11:30 to 12:30. The women will be free m the afternoon to tour thp cam¬ AMERICA'S MOST RESPECTED NAMES IN QUALITY MEN'S WEAR .. . MOSTLY IN MEDIUM SIZES pus- Auto IiiHiirauee ii Od Depend* on Safety li'itfh. ihen fried». bdlt. What you pay for automobile Insurance is a relative rating of haw safely you drive. Perhap« you never thought of tt that way, but insurance com¬ panies do. Your insurance cost :i determined by the accident ''.tVi -1 experience of the drivers in your server area. If they drivG safely, the < sauter Insuranca rosta in your area are low. But If they frequently have A > J g •evident* which cause injuries and damages and for which in¬ surance companies pay, your MEN'S PAJAMAS SMART SWIM SUITS FINE DRESS SHIRTS i ate* will I» up proportionately. SPRING NECKTIES Shes .1. «. C, I) Itrief & Trunk Styles Cool Whites and Colors Sew Patterns Hi Calm s this • Hat I *i»red lomati 88' *3.97 *2.9f» *3.99 *3.37 - *3.97 PUin litn hmlrd frvap ♦••Ik* grated All reeogni/.cd famou* make* of belter Famoui aujlit. broadcloth., n-lorda, All Iwller quality. assorted widths, reg¬ l;inc broidclotb* in eoat, niidd) and and Djcron'-polyeatar' hlcnda in aa- j 'a Hhite mi; quality. Brief*, boxer, and surfer style* ulars, how*, clip-on* and bat style*. A*- Inunging *tyle*. Some l)neron*-polyc*ler in cotton*, poplin*, clastic*, cotton elas¬ -.»>ted collar atylea. RcCblar, French ! ?•-' bpe> -sorted lobrie* ill plain*, fancies, rep*. ' 1 blend*, many *\«*h *n « .\r '''o •*. S /,c* tic*. I'lains. ino-ione*. prints, fancies »it and cooicroU* cull- Many naah 'n stripe*, new)*, checks, foulard* ami A-IMM). •Vea .'-l iv ! « r« * near nhlliim. Sire. 15-15', only. cbaiii*. 'Mimic* Slogan HIiiimI ( 'htm4wl (M Geltw itilwta «•* iMAYimirjjL, tlenel NWtlHtl aaae.(. .rla. I.M JACKETS SMART SWEATERS Ho 140 title, aa tea (allaala. eahjeetei Sew Washable Styles All'll ool Spring Styles the Famous Names Spriag 9 Summer loot ealAeefelafly Too* eel jttt • ... tt Seelaeea ereee eeeaeetf *8.99 *3.99 .. *7.99 *li09 V *18*9 •JhuHIK Regular and golfer it) Ice in plain. and l**iue ell wnola in -lieol roller atylea, All I nimu. nei'iHr brenala: lie cleapa, rrSr-jftraasva: • •• engineering V and huet cull linka, tie Mcka, each beeulilully plaid-; .prin. and summer u eight* that cardigans with • eome cren. ••• eaellek ar. completely -eahahlc. AiMMd neeka. flat, bulky end cabel Hitching. till hoard. Aaaorted plain mctala, atone ••• etlewette not- Sine. « and V? act and mi-city lypea. »•• geverneent ... Hendlaeafta . atxea 40 end 42 aaly. i . • oo Aietery • tt •to atlHwHci ••• •«■!• a a. ... MM*eW|y • eecreetiene • •• icIMC* •»# eeeielegy ••• leeeeA •n IlijUf at