Serving MSI For .,1 War* VOLUME 52, No. 17 EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN—MONDAY. APRIL 25. I9«« nil' K 5 cK.vrs Marchers Protest Persecution Decision on ROTC. Of Negroes . ^ T'4 V Demonstrators at Object to Board's \ctioti About 60 MSI" students held Capitol an orderly domu'tstra?j.i ^ n f I: Reported \friean Ucadrr \oicc* Driiiaml- again.hI compulsory military lr lininir Saturday aftcrnonn ?n "t) u r (1 r ni n ti «i a r«' front of the ntate capitol. With mi AimricHii flay at lhe atraijfhtforward. tiiv «- h - Substitute bead <>f the prneor-ion tin group, irc tri ny a ••mitioriny 'if riH'fh, » 1 black government and ail shall 1h« well." African u.- • i ral veterans and a few ad* leader Kenneth • tonaii-t For War • iuiecd ROTC cuMcis. marcned i-.ic.i and forth in front of the Kaundn told a ckfKicity Kiv.i atifiience F r i d a > evenirif. capitol carrying placard* de¬ But action must come nnv-. Advanced nouncing the Board of Trie lees's recent oecitdou to retain compul- sw<1 y ROTC he said, "lielore th»? burden of the African- becomes un¬ I'OLlTfCfi AND fNIVRRMITIKH don't mK" State. The Issue was the Board'* leporine the An effective method of The pljf inls -es rrird surh bearable." one of the placard* tarred by a (roup of to Hishes of both faculty and atadent*. said Tom mfoijf* a* "llarlan Vetoes «j. .•settling dispute.* is what Knui M>| -indents protrtUnc the drrWwi of the Hoard (•alien, one of the deinonatralors. Slate News Ike." 'Tnlitir* and I niversitie* t "I N.i- this world urgently needs to N'.rV- c r. '.t •.r Trustee* to continue compulsory ROTC at Plioto by Hill Keitman. Don't Miv." "More than ROTC f:,d< ;>v:ido:i'.'<- pa i save itself from the destruc¬ at Slake." "(duration or Indoc¬ i MSU I'.iterna- tion of the hydrogen bomb, trination." "Return Aulhoritv to prog a it I '-'N- Dances and Dress. T on Prof. Abba Lerner. of the Htadrnt* and I acuity" and "The laving liiit economics department, said spoiled Generation?" T h n r > d night in the. The tatter was in reference to I ' .ui-' be :i- AUSG Reps - a y Kxotic Dishes Featured Union. Allen Harlan who. in voting to retain compul¬ 'D-I)etrottt The danger i.» having a Announced which would destroy Hie sory ROTC. said. ADDING CONKDV a* well a* M»n* lo the Men'* filer Hub , A K-. . Via oppo* •' At 'Philippine Fiesta* war , "We've raised the most spoiled • .» 72.'KM? woi'f setHiTj, Wt.i world, l»w: the danger of starting generation ever. These kids need roneert us* Ihr male vnesl croup. The Cabarets composed of Howard l.yon (I), fieorse Herrirk. Berren Hull, and Robert Memm. s;;pie.". the (.'entr.i: African The completed list of living such' a war could be divided in¬ this kind of discipline." FixlcraUon H ? par*;. wou' . to three area*, he said. unit AUSG The demonstrator; distributed ! :!ii|in» folk dances and native dishes were featured at representatives w- Fim?. tnere is "Nr danger <»f ii-sxiiish th.- jr.: o Northern lei ted in last weokV election has mimeographed sheet? which urg¬ Hnoo''- S •' t"i Rhodesia, c dinner. "Philippine Fiesta," Saturday nijrht at the South been one . le starting such h vvar b.>- ed the trustees to "reeonsi'ler \ ariclv keynote* Show • N-. ,i- i au'-i, •. Ush»» (Jrill. The dinner was sponsored h.v the Fiiipn.i fe'eased by the Elect «m.« e.usf i? behove* '.hat it iS-ab.u; their anion and to make their .eat Brim n • H»33 • We • Committee. • • he deNtroye 1 by the o*rier nex: der'.Mnn one b dtting a >M "w . i jsram included a fash- of traditional and dancers Tie playing similar to castanets "Pandango instruments sa Haw" was Representative* Norman K i s h Knirk. West Shaw; Pat Hanoi- nuim- < 1 i and were Jark >,dc. ho Mild n- sa.rl. As the mo t. Ler- this is a temporan „JX rsity " leader of Die demonstra¬ MSU Men s Glee Clul, . land costumes and a danger bocaua' both sides will tion Xhs Tom Gatb-n. A '• • ■ Kaunda churartrrized llie Af¬ done by a couple with the wo. ton. North Williams; Siuiiii.'ii -■•■..•'•ic way of Iviing and ....i-.'iorvt m .the Philippines man completing the da nee in a darkened room, balancing a cm- Scnwartr. Gilchrist; Phyllis Dv orzcki.. V'irth Campocll. and have each othe; mtieh power to attack within a few years, ii th's ;> no? the easy already. junior and editor of the Spartan, Gatt'-n tolo the press during tn» (wires Sj>rini!('oncer! rica in their a* "fourth-class, citizen*" o«n country, sul»ordi- • 'han 200 people attend- demonstration that the ralh v. nate to the I uropeans. Asians, die on her head and holding ft »• l s \ McPhervon and Judy .• dinner. Among the Srrsnii. there 1* the danger of nut against reserve officer trairi- Hy LLI.ANOR IIATFIII D and niived-hliMKi Lur-Africans. two candle* in iter bands Phillips Ntirh a war starting bv srrident. . • -re President ami Mrs ing nut against forcing ROTC on The MSU Men's tile?' t'iu!) presente«i a wide variety of Those seated withoui T -e ••Cl¬ ;-u>- i-i: nd poi.' A Hannah, Dr and Mrs In the performance of the oppo i- In tliK ra-e. a meteor eould male students during their,first "Tiniklinc" two bamboo pole*, tion in Lhe election were: music to Ul enthusiastic audience at Saturday's Spring • Ms people arc be- v .Johnston, advisors for no«sibl% start s war. Lerner two years at MSU \ -n'o "loca'u'ri^ * were struck together in rhythm Dale Warner and Bruce Li> - sold. Someone would think it Concert. ing here I .pino Club. Dean Tom • (• "W> feel that more than ROTC whe-e ' live in huts ."< to mihir while two dancers mun. Fast Shaw; Shirley Mcln* The prog ran i becnn wiih t'c«af stUrk 1 . • ; and Emery Foster, head of and Dormitories on cam- jumped in between the pole* as ■type. Mason, Mary Shell and was part of *n enemy and the war would he storied is at stake." flatten said, "for the faculty voice ha* been ignored, Goldman Sees r' hgatus soiig.-' "C'hrait the l/>rd be; and ens ra:n« An 'he Atinuih become we!.-A they opened and out again as Eugenia Saranlos, Abbott: Mar- heeause either *Me would wont Has Risen Todav," ;t mcdu-v M sun and the faculty I* In the best from could draw Lone Chrcsl. Van Huu>en; C iris Adlai Xosinu v.', i v ^-.1 they closed. to retaliate a* quickly as possi¬ ptainsong" or "plaintban'.;" O l h f m r n u eomhtcil of Cummins. Bailey: Arthur Horn.' PMltton to evaluate the educa¬ The ble. Vos Amiicb' <».* VHtoria: "AH '< hirkeu Odobo" (rbickrn with polos arc operated by two tional mertta of the ROTl ." Bryan. Jack Hack, Butlerfield; Glory Laud and Honor." a six¬ For sickness from litinc in people. Serious injury can be¬ Third, there i* the danger of Miirur, Ifivc*. sail, csrlir. pepper soy sauce, — bay stewed, fall the dancers if they trnstaf- Martin Sicgcl, Bather. .< ud> Spcckman, South Camp¬ a world-destroying war being .had Gattcn said the demonstration j»orr\e faculty support and To Nixon teenth century chorale by Tcsch- ncr, harmonized by Hat h: and Ibrse conditions, there are *e*'- then fried». culaie their niovemcms. started by a dispute. posslHJy' that Richard Rudner. assocfate legatcd hospitals. Kaunda said bell; Kuala Kaafic. East Yake- "The La : Word- „1 D.e id. ' a died recently when an The final dance was «*f Mo¬ between two countries other Nixon will defeat Nlevcli. "sp a man <>wing this was "Pane;?, ley; Dick Winters. Bill Taylor, professor of philosophy, praised chorus by Randall Thomp-on hammedan origin All the danc¬ than tnr United States and Rus¬ amhulaiire resetted for Euro¬ i ' Sotanghon green and Chuck Herbert, Landing and the demonstrators earlier in East by a • I.gti'. margin in » close 't'hc latter was by Jar the be-.;, peans could not he used to carry , • ! r-.iris rooked with shred- ers wore costume* signifying t ie Darrell Voitik, Michael Pucher, sia. This may in* the greatest Landing when they were organ¬ N'ovtmi'm " election, and will face area from which the particular danger of all, Lerner said. anth-^jung with much fecimg— him to an African hospital. . ken. pork atuJ shrimp Arnold Hoffman. Jack GerriUen, izing their drive to the capitol, a heavily Democratic congress, one could virtually fed the po,\. dance originated In this case, the U.S. and Rus¬ for the spirit behind the student . j. *. rare to hear * •* nt with hard •cooked egg and Uo> Gilbert, Eaft Lansing er of JJavid^ "Last Wonu " sia take side* through alliances. effort. predict* Ralph Goldman, a *hc middle of tie i< .on slices, and popped Representing fratermtie.s are at It would .be a small, local war "He told cialo profes»or of poi.t Three richly harmonious Eng¬ knock at the .fim Anderson and Anson I-ovel- us the faculty will • : ,c French , "JVCsJ. until one fide decided tnat It also take some ktnd of action to Keiencc lish followed:- ".Wanton*, served was "Fresh Lurri- lette Minus via said, a.> police Jean flume, Mary Rae latm- wa« losing the war. Then, Ler- ask the Board of Trustee? to re¬ Lovely. Maiden." a delightful niand idetntlication t sauted vegetables—banv- Go ! d in a n spoke Thur-J ne- sa d, the losing side's pow¬ consider," Gotten said. "hallclt" hy di Lasso; "Amu. green beans, celery, loon, and Cathie Vk'kerman rep¬ gh". to .the foreign service p Piny Well . n resent /Mtroritic; erful ally would donate one or Gatten said he and the rest of Anus. | laive a Lass." an anony¬ J fvc-: nave ■« tiaveU'fs potato wrapjied in lirm- R*ssionat fratcrmt;'. Delta l*i two bomb* to settle the conflict the demonstrators realized the mous eighteenth century simpli¬ 'v. .ipfKY—served with sweet W- fathers are Bill Hartwig, hous¬ Pu • '■• v -' the homes of my and an aU-out vvar might de¬ State House was empty during Epsikm fication of the earlier madrigal ..ide from soy sauce. ing, and Gerry Schneider, co¬ ir:etwj>' ' K.cinda >a;d. • sugar, coriistarcn, and Received operatives. fn th»* Junior class race. Bit! velop Lerner asked. . How can we settle disputes? the protest but the affair was a success because Trustees would get word of what the Board »»f the Although American eropiuisizing party system th form: and "The Vacahonri" an arrangement for male ehorus hy Vaughn Williams to the poem hy ate An wuu Atr ciin university gradu¬ i' ;m the Ebon;," a charming ;«vc wi:;. •••as performed with by Mme. Marguerite Miller Agree on Sumiiiit stroy some of hlk proptrtj, Ler¬ ner said. ulty have coordinated in effort and the first time that MSU flr-t convent ion ballot. Goldman sei * most of t no delegates turn¬ Two choruscj Troni VVagiicr's ing " One European's .vire a equal to three Africans. assistant instructor iu. for¬ WASHINGTON Prc<- opera "T.uirihau.'-cr" v.crv mng. — laugkw students have had a mass protest. ing to Stevenson by the third ot 'Money in llank' eign languages, jfave to the id«^nt Elsenhower and French and In "When students realize that fourth ballot "Hail. Bright Alx>dia joyful march; and "Pilgrim's (*hoiu- '* presentation. Prewhent D.* Gaulle agreed was a id. which like the gad* this demonstration actually hap¬ Since 1936. when opinion polls Both wire sung with warmth, •QuU't Man* Film Slogan for Spring The most, pleasing part of the Sunday on'We strategy that will of oM. was a jsalssi gai. »h»' pened a, planned we will prob¬ flr-t began to be important, though the singers were showing Jh evening was the skill w i t h guide them in .summit talks «ai by ably get a larger crowd the re::t Go! J man pointed out that the signs of fatigue. Story of Mao's ¥ Wood Campaign which the students handled with Soviet Premier Nikita 1 a time anything like this takes poll frontrurmm early In elec¬ their French lines. Linda Hoov¬ Khrushchev. The two Western leaders place. tion years have been the men Robert Strmm, East l.ansinc Search for IVace Ukr "The press has given us ex¬ nominated by both parties. With special student, rondurtrd the Monty In the B»nk" i« er, Clinton soph., who played »gan jointly announced their agree¬ ■fewy owe or am of Ma tensive coverage here today, but Kennedy and Stevenson leading si-cmmI half of the eonerrt. By ED ROSEN announcing the the jwrt of Mme Lrbldou, va* ment after a It* hour confer¬ i "U term blood drive which to aathfy to cai. I doubt whether It will be re¬ for the Democrats in current Ireland was the totting ot •• amusihg. talented and skillful. A number of folk songs wert* .today Demonstration ence. Each side would start bid¬ ported in the State News because polls, the delegates' choice will Thursday ami Friday evening * n She managed to convey, by her performed with guitar accom¬ tone and her gestures, the am¬ Sj*jke*men for the two men ding when a dispute arose to see freedom of the press does not certainly be between these two. paniment including the classic performance of the Quiet Man, •* of this term's gave no details. But, Eisenhow¬ which one could suggest the exist at MSU. Even letters to Even as a defeated presiden¬ a story of 'the return of a young >.-.,i"-nsorit biguous character of the elder¬ er and De Gaulle arc reported Black 1* the Color of my True v* the Arnold Air Socie- best sacrifice. Eventually, ti»e the editor arc deleted when, tial nominee, Kennedy Irishman to his Homeland to re¬ arc would • ly lady whose senile frame and Love's Hair," "Bonnie Eloi&e." • to have reviewed prospect.* for bidding would get too high. Ler¬ settle himself to a life of peace ' Force ROTC honorary; septusgcncrlan voice masked a something that is said may 'be be a key figure in future party with duct by Keith and Craig "n disarmament, .a* well a* allied ner said, and one side would too true." affairs, Goldman Many in hi» siiKc-dcftd Army Officer* Club. Shrewd business mind. tactics in meeting Hu&da's de-* said. HuWh'I. Zcclsntl freshmen, and parents' cot¬ » Rr* «l give in to the other. No house* Gattcn considered the matter parly leaders wish to keep him "They Call the Wind Maria." A»t tage. , «Ith ■ Ml mands on Berlin, Germany and would be destroyed and far from closed issue with Well photographed in color, the dis¬ a even from being a power in 1964 and exciting rendition of "Dans Af¬ Fad-West relations generally. pute would be settled- after. * the foreign flbn ssuies feature >thi» vote last Thursday, rican" including a background of ' u klaag starred John Wayne. Barry FiU- drums and featured Joan Rhodes ?•-• blood drive will Uml 'nd donations will be all [•*: T* M Di»iorlion Emphasise* Mental Toriueut in a colorful modern dance. Five spirituals followed: "Set gerald Maureen O'Hara and a good supporting cast in a repre- t a UM «W wm* a ————_ wntative^ope of Irish 8 to 3. . orn l) o te n S e r v a n t," "Do-Don't A goal of town life. Cadet Major Donald Miller, d; '"e 2.000 Chairman pints has been and East SS is ascertain Expressionistic fDarkness * at Noon9 Set ToUcha My Garment," "Swing L»w Sweet Chariot." and "Soon Ah Will Be Done." Th?? audience It is John Ford's ai>iM*aling to think of production as illus¬ '."*1 far * jr-' iaitl with the great favorite "Dry Bones" was pre¬ trating the Intense desire of ma > reading af her palsr. Br vn uirtfT blood in cmto of di»- by Bernaiti Tato. Niagara Falls, For instance. Rubashov's scene Th?' appearance of 392, one of sented in lively fashion complete to find peace of mind. »o Verdureau, the enthusiastic Every aspect of the University N.V.. sophomore and accidents, he hope* house buyer, was played fluent¬ id the bedroom of his secretary the prisoners, will requitt? an with a luminous dancing skele¬ emphatically* was this idcui Theatre's production of "Dark- To show that the play takes ton. brought out in Jonn Waynes I-* 5*1 wil1 ^ reached «u*. ly by William McMachan, Mil- ness At Noon" from stage setting place for the most part in Ruba- Luba, played by Anne Cioffi, intricate make-up job, since a* portray a! of Shawn Th-nnunt. »i- ford soph., who on occasion to make-up will ha\e a touch of shov's mind, a "series of dream Allan Park sophomore, will a method of torture he "was A male quartet, the Cabar¬ The story situations were fu - 'r said plaques will be I'Vsn spoke a French of exceptional uniqueness and anti-realism. sequences and flash backs into make .use of warm colors for scalded in a steam chamber by ets." u base cam e.d y u as as eJ in a humorous, exciting, ami the living units having merit. According to Frank Rutledge, the main character's life will be entertaining a* lla alncini. sang satisfying plot in a country sel¬ . . n. if,tt percentage of doit* mood \aluc and a suggestion of Party members The notary's role, played by instructor of speech and director u>ed. le pers Creeper*:'' a hilartou* intimacy between the two B rig jS years old, sick. Sod ling, unraveled .n a way that • Robert Kobel. Detroit jr.. of "Darkness At Neeu." both the Due to tiw limited amount of uiruame* politieal spoof m last could explain Barry Fiugerald's people. suffering from an absct.wd Km , , ♦ limited, but he handled it play itself and the stage setting *pa.c, this type of set will make Sound effects are also incur- * tooth, Kubashov also demands year's state tax predicament: "My S'xnbcr remarks to Maureen ^ttlliulogiil Talk*—smoothly. " slant toward expressionism. siMXia! demands on* the actors. porattd to explain the general special attention from the make¬ funny Valentine;" "The Chicken O'Hara; "When I dnnk wntikey, Music accompanied the pro¬ Theoretically, expreasiuiiiim Through small gestures and in- "on*:" and "Goad Old NEK iNa¬ ! drink ",,csw L. Desclin of the theme of the play. Sine* all up department. whfekcy, but when I " *- gram. The quintet composed of turns to music as the purest of ficctioii* in face and voice they sounds arc heard through Ruba¬ tional Embalming School). drink water, I drink water " • Libre de BruxellcN. "One of the best parallelism* Ha ro 1 d• Lewi*, Wiliiamston, the arts, and attempts to accom¬ will have to reveal the inner shov's ears, they also are dis¬ of the play Is Rubashov's ab«v:- The quurlet, whose members Such U good entertainment, . " Tm iU s**mk of on ih* re- Mass*., fr ; Rc»bert Kucsis, East plish with light what the com¬ meaning of the character to the torted. Dick Brurfdle, Flint -t*>«Mbqtb* B can be considered a arc Robert Stemm, East Lansing the central nervous Lansing fr.; Dave Pino. East poser does with sound. On the audience. * ti> tie function'of sophomore in charge of sound physical manifestation of his sick special ntudcnt, Bergen Bull. L hair men Meet the Lansing fr.; James StepJeUm. stage/ expressionism generally Some Of the most successful effects, has taped some authentic mind," say* Rutledge. East Lansing sophomore. George HV' J*** 11 tonight Muncie, Ind^ fr.« and' Frank relics on distortion of the set attempt* at expressionism on the jail noises from the Lansing jail The University Theatre ha* Derrick, East Lansing freshman, Water Carnival Wangler, Lansing fr. gave an rather than complete abstrac- stage have relied on lighting. Ac¬ living unit for the production. rented authentic Russian uni¬ and Howard Lyon, Middteburgh, chairmen will meet Tuesday at excellent opening rendition of a towns. 1 cording to Itutledge. the lighting . Even the make-up will con¬ forms from New York for the N Y, wzphoinore, sang with a . 7 p.m, in 32 Union. Gene Zdeh- work by Milhaud. Emily Derr. The stdgfM.-tting for "Dar!"w*<5 for "Darkness' At Noon" will-be tain elements of expressionism. production. unique, faintly pseudo-Hi-Lo's ski, display manager for a local East Lansing sr., was most de¬ At «ooo" Win bm ■ »■>«, as fluid a* possible to give the The prison guards and secretar¬ The play will be presented harmony. department store, will be pre¬ mur* in tor solo and was skill¬ dlMorU* look to omphuur too set an expre&sionistic projection ies will have no faces to show April 27 tVto in Feirchild Ttw- The program was concluded sent to give practical fully accompanied on to But* nifatal torment u w*U u the of color and form and to capture that they are only instruments atre at 8 p.m.,Tickets arc now with thrco school aooga—"MSU sugges¬ tions and answer question* con¬ f1"* « i^raductim Br Shirley Alfhton, Midland poyatoa iuffcr in( of the «U Boi- the essence of each particular of the prison and have no indi¬ on sale at the Union ticket office Fight Bong," "To Thee MSU," soph. Adrian Jaffe •hevik hero, Rubaabov, fto/ak cerning float design and decora- ~-a. aituatMin. viduality. at *1 « person. aud Shadows, tioo- * * TaTYearsTn Korea I;I .ri (Mill lit M«l"e Student* and Family Murch's Novel Serious The Michigan S'ate is p»it>li-'hed u.v students of Michigan State University, East Lan¬ sing. .Micii. . i'h« 'U •iiuhi faeuitv qinmMim It u not the official voire of.the university or "f the student hut while seeking t<. -m r the best interests of both, stands ready to bat- tie at.y move >■. Inc h ••.••ulif drive a \M»d*r b' the tno whether it comes from within the university or from outside 'Member of the Associated Press, inland Daily Press and Associated Collegiate Press. Monthly, April S>, 1900 Research Alone No Answer ItESEAltCII alone is not an adequate judgment which arc now used only sparfnjr- criterion for determining a good teacher. !>• by the administration and department However, the selection of faculty from other heads. While no one of these method* is schools, salary raises, and rank promotions a calculating machine for figuring teaching: are largely based upon the amount of re¬ search or the number of publications a ability, a combination of them, together nam has after hi- name. . with reasonable records, could be used more This is a fine means for judging scien¬ fully in selecting faculty for promotion. tific ability of a writer, but is invalid for The scores of a teacher's students on judging a man's teaching ability. Some of departmental exams can also have some the top research men fail miserably in the value, but if over-emphasized, could lead to the kind of teaching aimed purely at. high classroom. Michigan Stale New, While some research experience improves exam scores. 341 Student Service* the caliber of a good teacher, giving hint In the Honors College office, there is a Thestu dent* of Michigan *!»•< t'niventtv publish the Mi it vitality and the ability to interest his stu¬ voluntary teacher-evaluation file, which State Newt without direct fa .;j- supervision and the paper t- dents, it can also have a negative effect contains the pro and con views of top stu¬ the official voice of the uni\»-,.-; dents. or of the Student bodv. Merr.l -- " upon an Instructor's classroom ability. the Associated Pro**, Inland ' The scientist or writer frequently takes Lastly, one of the most significant keys Press and Associated College too much knowledge for granted on the pint to judgment are the opinions of colleagues of the students. His lectures contain large and students, as expressed in informal conceptual gaps which he dent to fill in on his own. expects the stu¬ conversation. .Several deans and depart¬ ment heads have begun interviewing se¬ CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS Then, too, the man who it in the midst of lected students ahd faculty members. With¬ a research project or a book may have little out asking direct questions, they try to time for the individual student. Preparing draw forth their opinions on teachers and a lively and informative classroom lecture colleagues. This method used alone ha- take* a great deal of thoughtful prepara¬ the danger of being overly-subjective, but tion, yet most of his spare time is taken up when combined with other methods, it n AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING by his own scientific interests. a more valid criterion for promotion than In many schools noted for their scien¬ just a research or publication record. tific work, (e.g., U. of Chicago) the teach¬ A university is primarily an educational ing caliber is falling. Students are drawn to i ii s t i t u t i o n, not a scientific laboruton CAPITAL AT SAGINAW the big name, but later find that they get W bile research is desirable and adds to the rooms unfurnished. e*cep' , reirigerator. automatic wa«he little value from the lectures. growth and scope of a school, it alone does -cirver.Second floor. private Utilities paid Ideal for three Certainly the value of research and pub¬ not produce educated and well-rounded dents MO IV 4-5317 lications should not be underrated, but it graduates. KOOMS does not seem right, that they should A scientist max be a great asset to the key factor in promotion., and smIiiii society, but if he cannot communicate with Hits AUSG Election Rumors miltx, a. is now the case. and interest students, he should not be a 'i'hrre are several alternative mean. ..I teacher. free-thinking student who wit¬ ROTC Issue Far ho;/ •halves, t r eply exp! nessed or road a'xout the den- onsiartion know 'ha* his word* are inapih.i .it>ie WK HOPE the Hoard of Trustee* nre not qualms libitut If. whether xxe think the de- Since the "unruly and mob" i.-ion is wUe description «a* made in pass¬ so naive that they believe that their ill¬ i nr not. ing and not in regard to a par¬ usion of Thursday regarding the KOTU However,* if the Hoard is not supreme, ticular - other reasons he had for mak¬ a* the peopl-- 1 • to admit intelligent thinking students to justly their stand by simply saving: ing this invidious and dishonest MSU they will never be able to hand down "We've raised the most sjH»ile«! genera¬ T*p«ww:ble believe description is something that he such a decision without repercussions tion ever. These kids need this kind of should "think" about. LA DIM WaiKTXVAT' H Black Band finder eaU CD 7-W Jt is indeed unfortunate that the Hoard discipline." come I fere a iv two points that Si'Ohi 45 members were not at the rally to answer If Mr. Harlan ever made hi* presence ought aid him in his onerous the questions on some of the sign* that felt before, it was nothing compared to the To Ihf Editor: or-dea! by thought either he and PERSONAL scholars of hi* .wfiool of thought You stated m Thursday'* e»ii- were l*ing hoisted for the public to set ripple which that statement caused her*' io-.ii. that "The .xopniMnnrr had preconceived opinions of As it was, such placards as "One Trustee on campus. the NAACP. «i '.ncy. with alae- » does no- sing more except ;*v. ;.<;tn the;!' brains to bigot*, Equals 100 Ph D's" and "Politics ami Uni¬ Surely we deserve a better explanation have a pu/M week thj* relieving themselves of the versities Don't Mix" must have made the than that if we are to ignore the vote of Though Fro.-a-Si»r> i Co,men laborious ta>k of "thinking" In does »»<»', have a very effective iwssers-by wonder if maybe we aren't just our faculty and the feeling of a vast ma¬ v;th«v vase, the peaceful and advertising campaign, it would fighting for the end of compulsory HUTU jority of our fellow student- seer I' lh.1t lbs- SM'e News should democratic motion of the NAA- after all. If that thought was transferred, The Trustees hail best realize right now ta\r" investi gated a tittle b;t be- CP would be nothing more than that this issue is far from dead. MSU stu¬ HtnroU and mob'' action then the rally was at least a small suae*-. L>a> . and whether or not this relationship is m vx New* »* published 5t dai* a scheduling help for incum ny REAL ESTATE the form of a supreme ruling body that very basis of free thinking, a necessary in¬ term, an article about Mr. Kie- freshmen every term, the print¬ del. a* Oriental ten liirertor Has To the Editor cannot l>e challenged, such as the I gredient of any progressive university. ing of a newsletter and vie NEW SIX-BOOM. TWKf run the day ef election* Put-pig ;i:; ROTC parade re¬ ROOM ranch Dining area, am Supreme Court. If similar demonstrations of Snturdav'* cently I impressed with lw» garage built-in kitchau. full If this is the case, then we had bed type are held in the future, the Hoard might * ogh-tSoph Council :.<• be given ment. gas heat tl i Wle »: d »upi present, other than the land contract. Owaar. Ft t« pr -spceUve fiesbnien hating abide by the decision and make no further eventually be forced to wake up to this fact. g.ris and older people the summer. T e e two groups were a urge aaan aaa aoaq I^rh af three ai tit iile* i* a*- number of jeering, SERVICE ' SO VW 6CT aigued ta committee*, the chair¬ □nan cibd 3003 men af tthich are eaphamotr upperclassmen and a bunch of BABY BtTTTNO WIU. II. > □aaa nnanaaarc yo.* ?AScf and freshman afifcer* I nramil- grade school kids doing approx¬ i>n» or two — rbtMrau m m inafgp. IP »-«< ^vi?Soi^v W in ai«o do aja in aaaaaua imately the Mine thing. I? seems St Cancel tee member* are cho*en ht in- to me thai there was a notable COT ftPRDtO FKVBIT Jt Helen » mens aaa tervtew. the affierra dalng the Mork done tha eaav way. Ten- lover parallelism. BoUl groups acted 41 Steep □□aaaacina ana inlrrtiew inc. about the same per*, lhim. themaa tyaad if olficcrs abahahtol, auukly. and accurately. IV in liquid nsrvo aaa jaag were I'm nut for compulsory ROTC 41 Hank of □ai i ujuajuuoa what would happen to FrtMh- an.v more than the next guy but twine ana nana Sn h Council? if the wunc;! I have to follow the class re¬ UOMi » MA der- 44 Child t would remain, how would it» CONVKNitNT TO CAMFUS ujaannn uaaag quirements if I expect to gel Hiimoer* be seleetetl? If the m. Ignoble :i aaannana anna council Xvere to he a boohed through the course, and J cer¬ Willie* M. tke*ne«en ntFRRT niwt .AND t ong Electric IJpaurNei. □aaa dec anaa > tti Feline » tainly think that these groups F-«*do» Sh.-ee-"* C"!!" % how would its various lumtions >ca;« experience. Qua Me hi Jewel Baoa qua aaas be carried out'.' can find better use of their time. Le'gc ie*r;d'0* n*es»rit •rixlr CD t-M. kS. Caunlriee J Eric ruMu Recti to M Adjutte j buluthut to Friday'* I'urde One can see that petitioning # # * tt. Weed M and celectittn of member> for FtE! OiAMONO IOHUS STAMFSI 290? f. MICHIGAN 9$ Xtncere 41 (loddesa m 1F 3 L M II Matcutmt each separate function uouki •Love' in the drill OElTMATEO CAKBt OBUVKR- MO» Off KM UU «•> ' I 4 statrta«a 17 create more complicn'um* t un RD U» vou ior portieo. birthdav* of miechief l Having \Un.v other detiriouo p«*trtei Khiii ftntjlied e"d Dry C'*a •t |K»»l rented no a exist. To Urn Editor: ImpreMuxt Bakery iv 4-ejtS ,r * S .Serpent . 14 Pe,e«f « Fvo-d-S^ph Cooiwd TNtft" jiiet ■ — If card ytaymg- m tnr frttt ts Wt SFCCIAIIZI IN BiOFOFF 43 Type ot i recording n K 4 Seixed clolh initiated a new constitution and de rimnntal to the intellectual lUNOUS FOR STUOiNTS ^» jnint i :oech(Kt of mgai/ation. Clve'i* S0UONUT SNOB IS OFfN! IV 4#44' 4E Novel * 1 Thong SV Proverb atmaspliere why is petting tolc- . a Satamaudee SI Be and officers a chance t« raicd and eoiKloned. Further- 4 F.ver* one nattentoe more. Whit kind of IJJtRN TO rLY~at gnarer * t • sp pjove themse ve* impression tion Law rataa. Davta atroort t. • 5k App'e i« l I Michael Barbour does th.s create on visitors com¬ W painter 57 Macaw ing to see our institution of en- ■,-& ns, 9 ?• Word of 10 Dei tare re. sent ligntenment. "orrsgT - MLXTIUTM pUP- r ATINO Becauae af rMM de < ^ 31 Mui.ral TiuS »« not an objection to Ml salute 15 Anything the' ruling eliminating card HOUSING pitying in the grill, but doesn't hlghRown the above seem the lesser of the 33 Scout i 42. Cronv aJNB Md 4'» Started ruly and mob"* action 47 (llo»«y I'MSflmiMllOMtMAft* This characleriiation was JHBmI KtiU'di MBBB fabric modi }ii passing. April 17 be¬ 44 Wagon P£4tW£»XM0TlT... JBBRJ liBal aJBH 44 S*Otw fore the Contemporary Issues hAWW5: Forum, while the "liberal" as¬ did iJBiia t 50 Part of drainpipe a fT A pirant was answering questions TOME* GCAII APABTAN MttLTIUTHlN' * ivAiA relating t«> the activities of par¬ » pun., Bt aumon: Tower wnriee. RvdTy ram »'■ ■JidaJ afiflal olBBdd IS. Mea«!4e ticular campus organisation* EYERGBEEX WIYKB . guia) Mr* Goedwto. *D1-SMi *4. Fulled fYW. 35. To.install The "unruly and mob" asser- S p.m.. Forestry Cabin. in office ?ibns made by our liberal candi¬ Mist Hazel Oabrielsoo. Exec¬ 57. Beverage date will not be dignified here utive Secretary of the State 51 Emblem by presenting a femantJcai rc- Xurses Aaaociation, will speak. WANTED TO IDffi Four ef *orn;ng room houae. il* week*, be*1 luUtion. Every BBbiased and fcfit oeek of Juae. ED 3-«tM- D U. S. Slumljers as Asm April IHf MIC IIIC.\S STATF NMVf Page Three f W" Union Men in TV Class *r RAY PRATT Wakes, Alaucli Reports M»Wf In China ropatatlnnw i*r. »•» our ahl la ifshe It so Into • • E bira*l? TV is Ije'-ng used • terni to .h.'or -i unton mem¬ the progrim tunity for more to offer an oppor¬ explanation and sa sue •». d the program --fu! h:«s been vary the 8re»t sleeping Imlla. MNllh* China, h attempt- more areas Urn the exr—s a-ri- questions. Hochlrr said tha4 he wnuM • bers in the Um*:ng in I Hv:> h;-« awakened. but u e li»t ts Mlve her prahlems in rtiliiiral eommml'ty dUlr'Imtion Fret Hoc lier. .1 a- . a c k- o >er 'hi* type of program , ("rcfi; ar.;a< of the problems ->f f..v» no'." noted Dr. Arthur relatively non-aatherllarlan plan now in effect. fii.e"'".- • { the lab": and— <■ .minucd, possibly In the fa 1, ways. . , -. . e. d-.vth. :..i\ rt-ai'ions ,rh'.». .n charge t. tic areas of political science < ukv\ profesior of agricultural Mtueh stited thst e »v»ve «t tie The four session scries, hioao- suikii pr<>gram scvtre. f •- micr. in ■ talk last week The centra! is«ue in southeast mo library p» a report on his a gjca'. (!f"l of interdependent* « i*i each Tuesday during April Asia, he added, -is whether In¬ • i ia.sxiih-iU HiVh Iteadership r' .trip around the world. dia will wit i Japan over WMSB. is *oori.->red by 'he t .npti- Mauch and several other ex- continue her dent"- "They arr the norV'crn cor¬ 4P.-igiO'ii Service of the -.0.1 specialists have just cratic methods. The smaller na¬ ner cost of An"" cvn deft—«c. tions of the area will be au:de;l and liidu-sti.'il ItC.:U>n« -.plcted a tour of non-Com- ... . * i.oa Service. countries sponsored by Federal Agricultural Exten- by her. Mauch said the Indian gov¬ ernment is developing a great If t••oiled the- the balance of by * Hu;-Ia b. :' -me and Chm». worM-power sill c rt- C AItUL i».»R I. MIKL OI'DII AM ( i IP;. I>r. Danirl prnfe^Mir af economies, used the Fusfeld. iw»illto FREE MOMIAY TIIKU IIILKSDAY H.-ng Kong. Mauch brought extension service, b it that it by turned iga n«t Fit t'S" still can't get through to the Mauch said that J. par'- *mt I .4If-hour program to disous* 0jU j today "the-world center C. • p» -c i' a S. nix/i ->f i hnt We* year VARSITY DRIVE-IN . r# "frre enterprise." even more ( people. The farmers ali fc.i: needs a e acce»< to ou'-.'tle ma¬ the • Week Wh i "-3S d:-lln h !\ fn addition to t •- d .• . s. problems (AUsed hv gutnmilion. terials and food: acre** to or- jobs for our grov ing |H»pulati«»n. ^ than the United States. innovations because they know a.' her shs." .if chairmansi jv side markets, evrehiliy Soe.vl Science major n. n to.-k Inrrradiif our standard of lis • •is the best place to carry failure .will mean starvation. ;n MSt* "<•' villi-- TV* nations I'ke the t'.S. on the task of intjudue-ng fre*h- ins, and the challenge of rapid (.At, MOOT IIKER. COKK. OR ORAMiE en art economic war with Immediate improvement* : icjme - v. v ?i Publicity a: d pttbi;.- needed in India. Mouth because of the nature <' :v: fir-', indusfrialiralion abroad. th:na." said, f!- .'I. i a :m in <> « .i ' n- men to t t-.r registration m* HUH THO RKI.IT.AR ONE 1TEJI PIZZAS are a control on births: a con¬ prxtuet-: an ! militara «u : • V. ,, iv '. Lc.gct S vm-ter s-» •• c'l ;m:jm of 'he S' . lent Guide.* Plain I h..^ I vrlud.d Vear C hina. Heat Maag la aa T-i -i.n 4- n Ha**le tinued lessen:na of the pow er «>f S i t n> '-g -j. D: *•! -u.-h sa'd »*»., ;tn'-n an." W. ; ('r -i.i .' • »!■.n/a'.ion ;n IWi"-'io •we«-n 3d a'id 33 U. Meal place la leara a# thai Cam- the religious and occupational T C.S i. a-.' hi v * r.m- T: Of C'»mm:ttee cha r'Viii A .-•er;pien' of -in It -. » .. \ \KSITY Dim E IN >;'.cm :i '.'ie curse „,»M eta*. Mwrt »«*« caste system-.; and increase pe.'tlve in. k r;:-' tr-le - <,i- rship. M ma:n'a:ns an Ik - i x< x'UtKc po.*-': o; - u • a ■ centra' labor ,„„„e Dim *M "CUUm. M in agricultural t« a ,c< lua! T.a le • ; J 8 ali college average uii- productivity. - :v '.uJe nt- 3-, Spsi'.-..''■ and is a K.-.h V1M K '. iOv to enalirt «»«•« I" v »« have left ovir. " <• «'vp out ii mlx-r or E c.l bu.* anj It CC "Ve TIh'jiu c.a.r "an. SVL yrugi.-m or rk •:ier*' io am fi' ill. fit 1 n» »"!«.- Awarding le Maurh. from the We talk f ee '. a ir hut at t • Kx> He h civ v.I i «..'i-i:»r. / »ne d I-J' ■ is a-o a- U.S. Ingta needs a long ranee same tlmt' we have **cd !•••'. fUi.miu *•'»'' ptogiutn Sri Chin.', from natioful Campus C '«*!. and m. pibe. * >1 > •rei-urer of Biitin Hail. wa« i A- jour Liter, the T\" aig program and a re-rmphasls barriers." - - .»!« to lncr»Mtnf about n:nr »ur in the Al» jot • H ili d' in e\» iu- council . in mbi r Council, and Juivo. of Men's Inter Council a id 1>< :n ■d ii • nin", h; union ha lb- n JUMP OP M-.n! • rnr, Mouth Mid. but :;*t I,.r. Pierre Grivet, Professor of Electronic* ami RadIo®'p*- A 1 ratio; . and he nut of the world. tricitv at the Univerxity of Pari*, will serve a* a visiti.iir Th Ic re.' p. Vt ry..i ."!i nt i. • ATTENTION • • Titkn of China', future. r Ju. o*. "n mji i f -e Di t' .* EVE1TDAT lecturer in Physic* at Michigan State Uni\er*ity throutrSi Much .aid that with her an- , . . i ,r M • «.i HMid HANPiOOP rj»: population increa«e of 1.1 Friday, .May 2-C. and -j.'c en'.ci) ilii "u- i'o — MEN IN France. Grivet folLvwhrt a «e'en- r ;hon a vaar wa can expect Grivet. first incumbent of a standing Junior A < .ml : » ffic course at the Ecole Norma'p 1 continued fro*1h and in- chair created for his laboratory* Suocrieure in Par s and co: - ye r « IIKYIISI KY ...ted inner atrenyth and at. at W th .i 3 23 «;* in";"?" aw the Sorbonne, will be in Ea<* - t.ucted hi* first research by to expand. 0* t j. >! aku ac'.ve in i*. I^nsing under the auspices of adapting the classical mctho * .* (mil. EM.It. MET. EMIR. the American Association of Ga-mnu M«. •• Leienc •; famous adueational paparbacks — Br of polarimetry \o tnc phot. - Physics Teachers and '.he Amer¬ =r>. and m her so/or.. Kau- 140 title* lha i im very vttnl to the free electric polarimcter II. w a * p.l Delta, v. hi ivi* vrv I;\i. sriKMiEs ovor on following aubjacta: ican Institute of Physics a< par: * WTMROrClOGY toram af Im named an Instructor in t.«o ETIQUETTE ROLmCAL of a broad, nationwide program ure-iden; and activities c.w.r- Physics Laboratory of the E.^-e ART GOVERNMENT to stimulate interest in m»i I'ltK MEI* PRE DENT RSYCHOLOGY physic*. Normale after his military du?. •USINE&S HANDICRAFTS The Program of Visiting For¬ Carol future pla-i* are to at¬ Functions and studied a new scheme f >r PRE VET VET MED RECREATIONS tend DRAMA HISTORY eign Scientists in Physics i« be¬ in 1941. grad wiioo' f-ir a master s SCIENCE degree in .ident pe. inn« l an i ECONOMICS LANGUAGES ing conducted with the support s He studied power klystrons EDUCATION SOOOLOCY of the National Science Foun¬ event"lailv to teach or eiunsel MATHEMATICS Of Library dation. during the search effort. war in a gr.iup re¬ A Per 1043 Ir* in junior college*. After directing the 1W30-J- ALPHA CHI SIGMA ENGINEERING ENGLISH MUSIC PIUIOSOIHY S RETCH The American Association of STUDY AIDS work turned to the study of Physics Teachers is one of the Hup. Mike Oldham, a- co-chae- "(OltDIAI.I.V INVITE VOI TO A electron optics Described five member societies of American Institute of Phys.cs the er» the an electron titr.e of and he conslrtk-t- microU FS-an. State Ub- Arrangement* for Grivrl'a this hre of re-.eare'i." says D Grivet. ".s t ie const ruction b- by Iretorea at Michigan State are part praaidem of the Reixit a;td of a : n.gan Ubrary Association being made by Profeaaor Sher¬ wood Mayor*. Chairman of Ibr uous Master oscillator, based on Dr. Jotoph I. Gutstein Luckv Strike's l)r. Frood declares: el Aver^an Llbrar?' Aaaocia- Pbyale* Department. The dv pure nuclear resonance in a e-. te'.d this to conferees of ttngotabed vlaltor trill give for¬ stream of water. Tb « appara¬ Ooealiens •>« eomers Day, a conference mal torture*, take port In ral- tus 'inks wit.i mttrologicxl ac¬ atout ev« w-jored by tho Michigan Graduation is all a lognla. tolh Informally trlth the curacy the value of a magnetic Library Association, for new field with the frequency of os¬ prnaleiot phyatra atoll and atndenU about •jrary employes throughout cillation of the ma.*cr and offer * will be L- r gan, at Kollogg Center laat toocblng and reaoarrh in bla ?eeK. eonntry, and paebapo vi«it oear- many possibilities of applica¬ by college* ar aeeandary whNl« tions. It works a- well in *he low field*, like that of the Om psliry sf the Male Libra- to loom about varied rondiUooa » rxletoare far It under which physic* in taught Earth's field, a* In nigh field- matter of years. degree rMcersa ssrvlea waebahs— to In the United Stale*. On tie other hand, it give® a convenient model of the other rn.Kllr. Mhraeiaaa. aba eald Born In 1011 in loon, intel¬ masers as well a« the new emis¬ Dr. 1 n r.uturlM lectual capital of southeast sion nuclear spectrograph "' Stephen Andreadis. Lansine OptiMiiPtrbf 1 - t man and roamber of » St.'e Board for Liberie., CumpuK t :lH«*ifteti» . l,OW '>■« on "Tie State. Respuiic.- Dear Or. Praad: I'm working my way to all the friends he has made in college. ' —e. for Libcarioa." graph at left was taken. At right fs a through college. I have dclhcied news¬ Is there any action I should take? recent photo. What does the older gen¬ QUESTION: paper*. worked as an usher in the l« Dean eration have to say about this? What hold* the tm. movie theater and rolled banJages lor Serious Student Icr.- the school infirmary What can mv col¬ in place on Iht lege life possibly picparc me for? Braver Ittoary ANSWER) _ Oaar leaver: Publishing, mutkm pic- Csaili Hicitw, Aaatotam The capillary attraction '..oranan, dtocuaMd the rreateg between Ibe inner sur- ta.lKt.on and aarrioaa of tha •di «e» S'e'a Library, "ftt library fact af Ibe lena ani Ibe aber (a a Oear Or. Fraad; I about io graJu-' •'«,! irutituUon to meat tha •arfaee af lb* eye. am V Gist bin* a big sadly, pat '\ •'Jiv.dyal nooda of rartoua fov- ate top girl in my class. I have decided lit lake soar ana araaad bis shoulders aad sas, nttment offidola auto aa tha up a career, rather than squan¬ "< ler-.latara. der my intellectual achievements on "I low're tbiags. pal?" budjat bmau. '"-t cerrectiona, » » to a naapia dewaada af MSaall- aua in America. mM MMakai^to 4 all toleata and purpose* invl- •MMM 01 ^^wol^m I Dear Of. ft—4: What a mess I have COLLEGE STUDENTS SMOKE KEG. 32.30 made out of college! I am flunking out because I have been so la/y. I can t get MORE LUCKIES THAN a job because I have made such a poor If .von dcalro more information about contact lenaos. clio tbla record. I have no friends because I have ANY OTHER REGULAR! *19.88 adeaittoaamit and malt. no college spirit. W hat is there left for me? l f Chastened Wh*n it eemn to choosing their regular smoke, college students head right for fine tobacco. Sjfiy .5?*Jtmm *Wto Dear Chastened: Yea caa atoaya sent Result: Lucky Strike tops every other regular •* a bvrfltte naapb. Mi sold. Lucky's teste beets all th* rest because ii COMPLKK'SKLECTIOX OF TROHCAL I S./M.F.T.- Lucky Strik* means fin* tobacco. to Dr. J. B. GuMeia Oaar Or, freed: I was outraged to learn orxotoBTSiay PET HEADQUARTERS that rich, spoiled senior is planning to •IS rradtos llii Mkhltta act. a give sports carsji graduation presents TOBACCO AND TASTE TOO FINE TO FILTER! fcUUS MM E. MICH, LAX. IV 44141 •arc*. r fWiK* 4 iftkmfiyey- JfiitoumrmiiUre*** V:- mk mr.xv vrxtr vnv« April 25. IJMUi I age Fmir Illinois Takes Bist 10 Bowliiur Title Intramural Tennis Team Grabs 3 r MXhl 1111 Schedule With 11-0 ivin the doubles crown, with Keeps Record Clean Mlrlttr. XX STXTI MvXX * i.:» :•»!)• E ehaw- to myth Kip xim r xiormm; 11 xnn op1 I \g_ cbAtyi- . ji ih.vtani fourth with 1.163,, nn.t ».tv nil-event* lcadn norttixtA turtle MM' m ith 1773 pins 3:2a IM Ileitis wmrnirm: finished . .kh'h In the " "Tlt:»' is ' The lep Spartan performance 1-Rtllfv I i». Bftllry t n% RiMiF.t Uss c —- • • •* • GLADMER , j I «Irv>v.v ,>l "he die n.s»i Dan- rxmr from Jor /amhmno. who 2- Its Of v t rs, Itaile* -1 1-lt.illfl 3 vi. Battel * The Spartan tenns team re¬ the closest t ears'*. Hrolw 3d-*hv. 1® raor-j. .nrwany Yve te.-»m Mltint.Al fttwclf* RTAtr 3. tt.f.lNOH I ftoe KpklRf 11) «ft rimer. ia-t: P»u Mawu tit grt R(, hMiv hit for 1.7W pin* in nil-events 4—natlfv « m. Bailer * A—Itrvnn i %%, Brian 4 mained undefeated as it swept a that makes i*s own break* ;« the BetrkkKi !•-«; t«»l ftnitm., \t»\x snnxxiM, for third pi.-ire llr learned with ft—Brian 2 vs. Bryan t Off tloug *"»nu. IMi Nftirt p|im. >k -o s.: "c. with quadrangular meet at IRoem- one that's going to *-3n the title. Reef tftt tM. JIM l4«dM4 Ift.J: R„ t—Bricn 3 ti. Bryan ft* , d v. .?h 1>«\« Wr'sliwi Id Mayer 1o i.iVr third in R—Brvan ft v*. Brian * tngtnn Ind. last weekend. The Michigan i* *be team v ftge«ealt (II def- Jhu KBey. M.j; r„ ft—Bnttrrftetd I v«. BufterttrM 4 tit Off Nruee Rlaffertf t* double* competition, CM nctmcn defeated Indiana. Illi¬ beat, homrver, If^Xian* and iciftuer-Rmlth tftt 4rt g.. X 1—Bntlfrftfld 2 va. BntterftfUt 3 nois and Purdue by scores of 3- Illinois were a let tetsgber than ktny-ftlaftHt. lt-1: Boatman-I .n,^ Jim Carlson mold be tonsid- - ItiittrrflrM Sis. Bntterfteld ft 4 3-4 and P-d to run Ihvtv un¬ I expected and *'c gomg to m Off. NotrhkHft-fXajmnheft ta." 1 'Hniifrrtfld ft v*. Bntterfteld T Mortl-gntn 4*1 def ftllei-m»iiaffatg; M'AKTS crtsTthe stvond b» m keglcr. The t—Imrnon* t »*. ImiftMi, 4 blemished record to 11-0. catjsc a lot ef trouble" 10-1. Minnesota lad finished second in I - I mntnni 2 la. Rmmona 3 Tlie two 3-4 decisions made it The UporlaoV mate mrmnik irttl ». ixiuim *_immons i \*. I'mmnns ft , *ilHl Immnns ; five out of eleven victories by Ilea In thetr wett-bolaored Hue- ftmglei riaOft tftt 0ft D„ TUESDAY all-events and was a partner m 7 - lmmnns c is that score Tor the exciting net- Ttiome. 10-4: RtuaH CnUli *def. Oftmettf.R.ii. State, 2.335, Purdue. 2.533. and XVame Tnenday afternoon. the No. 3 and "r* mviwr, lft-0: MM*" Plan to Italtle NOW! FOR THE FIRST TIME AT Indiana. 2.317 The match will he Blared on sreetivelv and w rsk- I watO-Bafttn, tM. Northwestern w imv: repiv-" the varwltv tennis eonrts behind cr mem Iters ef the "earn, hirve ton bio %x BT krr. ft. Bl Nnt r » t!>-1 record betwee- them ami sented. HIGH RKADF.KSHIP NFL Invader Spartan Stadlnm al *:*• P*n. Admission is free. a are pPobtWr as «*r>,rt£ a five •nn, ftlngtea: Uiao (ftl d»f. BUI Ift-fti Botrhklaa fftt 4. r Tofwtiowra. 10-1; JMnBh fftl Bff J».i ft .i . . . . . , "Those three * Victories sure and s-.x comb,tsatfor- as an* »n •turkman. 10-0; Blageuhoff t si MOVTREAU f-T* — Genera! JES! . . CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . . the Rig I® j»rh BeywoMa, lft-l; Bewail im g,r. manaerr-eoaeh Petty Moss of feel good", said Coach Stan Dro- tarn Piper.llmiry ct bac. "but we aivn't going to let The matches at R:.vef"mgson IHfk Be»«. IM. the Montreal Aloorttes said last ter-ftmlth III'KRY! I.AST DAT week his eluh will do everything them go to our heads. Our were played oa h-'.i of i imm*. IB*; (»» o-r. n.tfk. Borkman-tm in Its power to prevent a sehed- doubles teams are looking real one 10-game pftrffidcosl aeu (ftl Off JnhtiiOTi. tiled football exhibition between jp*h1. but our singles play could rather than three atx-ganie ama¬ UfyooMa, li-1: BmeaM-Brn'. .. . teur sets. Off Boft turt-oirk Berg. |ft.t 1 stand some improvement." LUCON the New York Giants and pallas Cowboys bore, Aug. 2f». DORIS I *• - 4:i.X - 7.U ■ 16:2* "If this game is not railed off.** Moss said in a statement, "then Spartans Bin. Ib'a-d'.i DAY .the National Football League Schmidt Leads Golfers can rest assured tha two wilt DAViD aei^Oer, take ablet .v thoughtless whatever steps are avail* compete aginst and this To Victory Over Titans venure any NiVEN Lmnmrmm W I other ventures that may de¬ - velop " ™ mcz ^ | * r«f» PfriCc B "The Vet." he added. "I* mak¬ ing ml«Uke In this venture and Tn.l t.» . rr«t,!i«t h.'nor* »n.l th* Sp*r1.ii\ r 2nd till War Thriller a DOMtiAT 5 3d • 5.35 - R:45 we thing In Montreal tall! do in our power to prevent every¬ iu|iia.l .lowrft *n Dost Coch¬ Canoe championship. I.AST 3 MlIHTS — NOW A TI E. MICHIGAN ran with 77. a!.: parked threo Winners will advance "TALL MMNMirw I rlTr C"*'** 1 HRST SHOW STARTS AT «:1S P.M. jxtint* each tsr the Spartan*. Olympic final trials at L* Ruddy Baoger* 77 i*ai was Seiixgo. N.Y.. July 16-17, SHOWN AT •:!.» AMI S:t:. j\>i enough far 2 The Nilet-Buchanan regi STORY" OTTO PREMINGER LI A OHM* 4CTUKS Feuture *1 I. 1*5. 5:15. f,e The uia was the aecvhd tor Spartarji w» defeated will mark the first Olyrrr type canoeing held in the M l- u-fr-u u-c- * WMUOfTBIMtifuiul 7:35. > 35 pjt Wftitera fore the week be¬ west, Haussler, according 1o Dr. A. vice preside.! When That Lady Walked la H;llsda',o the Spanars* Brad lev University and cha BLACKBOARD JUNGLE vyuts —The End Waa la McM far coun-e ne*t for a Sauu* man of the U.S. Olympic csae Tony aad Deaa. Bui JaM Tka day' begtnn.&g ftl S ir„ committee. GLENN FORD-MKHMMcn-ta Begtautug of Tka Year's Hal test Hilontv! AMI SHOWN AT S:10 . ONEV MAKE RESERVATIONS | WELCOME NOME 9pM Mwi Biy Elvis Psi ARCHIEJTARP0FF IHLtUmum STARTING TOMORROW WED. Juleu Duaift ku nude a fascinating and umi ing IV 24233 12 Nimmi -8 p.m. filua—uith Ita rngronUng Mors, uken frum the "The Greek Paukon" A must aee hy erery- PIZZA DELIVERY ITWT UNihO AREA MXOM1AG 2 SHIS DELIVERED ~ irapi VERVE SALE It VAC1ETIKS TO CHOOMC WBATMMJL TMVSABBK PUOM II I. ItKIE urn u»*s PIZZA NT i SELECT FROM: $3.98 (Regular *4.98) m " 9c AND UP * * * * SHEIjaiV HERMAN JONATHAN WINTERS EEEA EITZt.ERALU EOI IS ARMSTRONG OPENING THIS NEW miU ADDED DAILY * * STAN * MANY OSCAR PETERSON GKTZ MORE AT MONEY UNG6LCrs lift DISC SHOP darkness at noon GIBSON'S ■fmrn" iMft m tw Htd bjr Aflbar lUMtkr I all retards guir«alg»f APRIL 27^0 MBNUWIIK 323 L Grud ttver B7-NW tite ML .Ye*t To Ketcpees UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE * TicktUllANI otltNLK OF EVERGREEN X w. GRAM» RIVFR L'«iM TMtcl Offi" - OPEN EVERY EVENING Hitlcm Fail Over Weekend Pirates Go Into National Lead H\ THI IMIirliTHi PHEs* mini Grab 2 From MSU Harvey Hoddix n h- *ad v r aa-nc ' an i!.*- wtmutig 'The home run sluggers ruk«t Milium' gifing . iv folic by ^svroping * ihc roost Sunday in the tnaj«>i SmwkcA-Bnrgcs a c H-»« Sx:.- Mi'n-iirfiiii s.-i i . from An- league w hen a total of 3d was h : nc- hn b.«m- fwi- ' |. - -J a, <-i wi! ■ a' final vutof;.. By JOHN WRNCIMR including four grand slam- bra ilr^H an I he ha tier. Bill Bamh. Bat M«M Sfnrts Mllnt mcrs f rate- K.nnv .-nd Anwarlele hperts IdHar apt af the halter*" ha* |u«t sink* threw the hall Jim W'slllM|tmi The Chicago fun-. ■»•'> • h-.- !;otuer- lot the Red Hilda- Three bonier* with the tw«c w-IMty p««t catcher Jim ("anlHi. Nnrll IS. ItHtn Page lb c ith "»vrn nip., 'hr 1' Hover fifth homer MSLTa baseball-team trUcccasfully opened it • full in the American lied a -t i mi t m ■ va S»ate picked up its only run in the third'fnnhv Rig Id season with a P-2 victory over Purdue Fti- • >iif A! the end of t.hc dm Dc inning to k".wk '!••• ii ant Eighf ho'i-.ei- were hit «.• - before getting a bass' hit. An error, two ssalks and next place, ii and das. but ran out or hitting and pitching on Satur¬ troll still wa* in first place m • " iva W v P'uladelph.a split a two wild pitches produced the only run of the day to Uwv a twinbill to Illinois, 2-t and IS-i the American laf.igue with t»v* f-nm pinch »«u- li .,i• »'c-!i.i■ it..Okie Jim ("ok • game for the Spartans Don Sackett struck out nine while allowing nine straight vlctorle*, but Pittsburgh fvvo-rtm h.vmer nv Tort's Ta* . |»)»i! caicher. hit a grand Illinois scored its final tally lis the seventh on th.- it : in the fli-'t, won by hits in earning the win over Purdue. had replwce«i San Francisco atop . .-on Mickey Sinks a single, followed try Kolb'* third hit of the game, n»v McMillan was brilliant against the lllini. but a wild pitch the National league standing* Hilly O'Del-1 *v.. va.b) ■. pp.-. a double. ruined his chances foi a victory Sinks struck out The New >'ork Yankee., tied 'hen be left aft. -• i •<-«) i"inc> on the way to vie- In the second game, the lllini unleashed a til-hit 11 while allowing enfv five hits in the firs! game an American league record lr. tigs Hills b« n- it;i hi- fifth homer in the barrage that chased four Spartan hurlcrs lo the AMERICAN of Saturday's douhlehearicr *coring eight run* before a i>a' •«. tn»wble a'*.* Si !i • «»f tin second game. shower*. Ethan Hlackahs. not considered previou- W John Hewdee leg the II liil Spartan attach ter was retired m the firs! inn¬ Hud liver b pad ■..m b; the lb'. HsIMnirtfc '• game, b nor King off Hansg* illy. MSU failed to take advantage of the 15 walks loin Hildas •umished them along with three errors and two hit batsmen Twice State left three drive from the bat of John I Vendee. Dick Golden singtci in Ihe sixth, his fir-.t a>. SVOhlniinn II. IIohIuh in l lilritn rouxv'N hash « O HiiKii l II* Ml. and on Woods liar* HeH'a Held'* two homer* sIx-Hiitor Your Blood Is Needed men on the Old College Field this season, for the Italrv (*-«l. itlelo It ssas Ihe Indiana' first victory base paths and four times stranded two men only other luiiiinnr» vs. ,|M WAU.ISOTON —* Sinks shutout the lllini for the first hit during the contest. «1».||| v* ii ss jvion«o«n Hmtmrift 1M1, I'aeeat nlthi Washington came from behind three innings The Spartans team .1.1. N'«« "P"? J*"" befor, go mg up a triple to Garv Kolb batting average for the three lllnlr iimn trhriliilrill to heat Boston. 11-HI, although I ,nkv Urry HmU* may Knlh came scurrying hnane w1lh Is* a nut and game set was a low!* |g| They hail but ft HUl's wriowi, n i.i Aiii t. ret tut it ssas hard pressed to hold (lie mi-lug thi three game*. i. lead in Ihe ninth when Ihe Red rriwwrtcil him.rlf Iwok • ,, fVt«hutgh * :t 727 Sox arored three limes Spartan football plan* Kvcn tfr a one-man touchdown iNon-Slngger* Slug "Km San Francl*c« Angeie« Too .500 'Ji, bonal Pittsburgh rased into the N* t.nague lead, a half game »t Saturday'* after- IMtiladclphta 455 1 ahead of San Franeisco. svhen .,-rimm»(re. which can- 3 HR "s Give Milwaukee 4*4 5 Pirates whipped Milwaukee. Tigers Fifth Win the vS! I./Ulls Mi 3 ,1 the »ecu ltd week of 7-3. for their fifth atraight. F.l- Cincinnati ■THc-4- iMy Face came in the rescue of nn? practice. I'hicagn 5.1 J 4 - * 6 4. 194-y»ound halfback DETROIT iT- The home The Tiger* now have smashed Ferrarese walked font straight M'NIIAV* NlHll.rx Detroit Denby, caught two run-happy Detroit Tiger* got 11 home runs in their, last four batter* \Vi*e homered off Jake rutskariH 7. Mllssaukca• si l.aul* T. I.os Angeles 1 Hanks* C.oacli frrtm Tommy Wilson end unexjuvtixt power from Casey- Strike: for another run in the « hlraio *. nan S rani'tsm < contests s,.ro of 18 yards, eight Wise and la>u Herberet Sunday sixth I'liillaNelphti a. 4. t Inrlnnatl ToiiAV-H siAur* I. t# ST U1U1S 4 TM . Paul Sey¬ and 14 yard* (for the and slugged the Chicago White The White Sox parade of five s c San Franrlsro at St. louts — Mr- mour wa* named coach of the , Momni m one •coring S«>x with a 12-4 setback for pitcher* managed t«» *r«>p the Two •ingle*, a hit haUnsau « nrotlrk t*-#» vs. MUelt |t-e>. St. Louia Hawk* Wednesday, their fifth straight triumph. four big guns—Rocky Colavito. Night and an error by renlerftelder ttlnls lame «rhe4uleai giicceedlng Easy Etl MacAuley. week* of practice The unbeaten Steve Rilko. Al Kaline and landis gave lletrotl two •>v two Tiger*, surprise Jin* MacAuIcy, who won two reg¬ the scrimmage, not too team of the major leagues, thus Charlie Maxwell — from reach¬ mere run* In the seventh. ular Western • aeason Division ,ut u heard of or from the l-state halfback. Coach- completed a sweep of the three- game series against the defend¬ ing the the fences. But Wise had biggest day of his career had trouble in ou!v 'Circuit Clout' title* in two year* a* coach of the National Basketball Assn. experimenting with ing American League cham¬ and Bcrberet hit the first grami- two innings. Tlte Sox got four Record Tied ream, became o f general manager. -ore and Junior back* pion*. ilam of hi* big league career stra;g!i! hit* in the fourth inn¬ He vice remain* a president. -a.i of Hildas, who looks more A ssldelsr enthualaatlc rrewd ing. scoring throe time*, and HTywt. falling to ftntoh for Ihe added a final in the eightii NEW YORK "Th Three a end than a halfback lo ,VY«S« cheered Ihe tiger*' run aeeood straight time, saa* in American league home runs ullhsfk Mitch Newman. e every * ls Klaus of Baltimore and Lou {»*# Ihf •* • ■-■■■■-a- run m three previous major throw ow Maxwell'* growwder Herberet of Detroit were the. big anNoiiNi e* thai ayyllrali.. fnr , a margta af Mraa ImtIi- league campaigns, belted two two more i4mli«l«n la ll« rliwo brRinmnt and Wlae scored Raline tingled i.m i« «aa far tka *»"• home run*, a triple and a single. Landi* brought the other run eluggers. Nefdamteer 4, l*M are now bruit team. He drove in Ave runs. ■ending Maxwell to third. *grd* fot the field deck That big cushion his grandslam. l hltaia mm )m nul t y three grand slammer* in the I n Hoiiub- al tlo- same day. Tlte National league made Haul ioymok's first start Wise cracked a two-run hom¬ l»m«u wmi 211 /w«—!2 ti a N»4|t INI siemn son Hsnn. n«timann (?). a>rrarctc Ml. record of 3, set In 1927, also has KNTNANCR A .a <*f .eophoittores were an easy one Toe hard throw¬ er in the fourth inning o|Y Frank sinwrc (•» an* lollar. InvUrk and been tied four times lilootl ( '.ollf-4'lioll tVh .0 seorm Curt Lans* ing right bander spaced nine Baumtnn. The Tigers scored Marhvrct W-S»)tack (l-'l l.-W'snn " 1 vegis it* arm. hour* or niuiv- IM) Nome Nuns — I»m»oK. Her* There Were 30 home runs bit alenl olr lioursl l« spetifled lib r., Detroit rambled for hit* without a hit in the fifth as Don JDK31. , «• inrtia' touchdown. George Scrcl (Ilk Wise » (»». •ft the nine major league gunies, eral aria aud niinrr». HALE - ii-Tip. III. one short *»f Hie record for a Brile for biilleim to- • »(» v.-r;fs running front fullback, Spartans High in Gvin Competition une-day, I.IN TN AR II4IHOO College nine-game schedule. of .sr.: IS yards for the other Ttie record of 31 for a H-game Ueeornelrv HON. Till K I HI. ,1'iS NS. Slii-hlean Amine, slay was set May fi, 1950. (lilrago It. IIIinno xi. ie« Joined Ballman and Bs PAT RTtPHENR froxh. placed fourth in the all- the high bar. fourth m free ex. Hudss gaining praise from Vi iv.ach Duffy Daugherty for Gary Moreland. Dale Cooper around competition, although he sixth in side hoise and seventh s ui Bob Carmen. MSU fresh¬ S.WIIH AM) LARRY jj.ay. did not compete on the still in the horse vault competition Wilmn tightewrd kit haM men. each copped a first place suit HMIIIU* sue The To«? en ring* or complete bis parallel Also the hU tarsul signal ralUag rem* at he a (m4 far In the air. Jim and Bellman were hi* m their events in the Michigan AAU championship gymnastics meet held at Jcnison Gym Sat¬ bar* routine due to a torn hand which he suffered earlier in the meet. Brodeur placed third on competing for MSU wa* Jim Penrod. who placed seventh on the parallel bars and nintn iMher stuff Available for arddiniv uakas, bar nilt/vahv and tally pull* . . i ii r.maa . . . . . Shop . . . fn trite tercels. urday on the side horse. Our Man-about-the-world goes breezin' thru the seaaon Moreland took a first m turn* O.rgiat made e phenomenal m the practice when bung and also won on the WASH N WEAR THE MADRAS LOOK <-i ear r h* >■ kc the ball from four trampoline to be State's only Twu Optometrist* to Better Serve Ynur Needs defender*. Stewart was dual winner. Cooper won first PgftflM QgRggg * ,:he: Green quarterback. on the still rings and Carmen took the honor* on the parallel AND HaraM i ShaMar, 0.0. Paul Hrisko and Lerov Loud- bars. Carmen also placed fourth Rtbart E. Imms, 0.0. "'M'GREGOR vork^i at the White it r; m still rings competition. labf Owris Nnee .',;urie* again plagued Mike loco, a JIM MM* grad¬ "s tea: « «err when two sophomore hit by sprained uate. •Me hurse wan the tup place In the runs petition. He *»* MfOJft • F> ew CxiBinfd • (tliuiMi* Fitted • Dpliral Repair** • C'ontiict l,fn*fs I.EN KOMITCHEK'S NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY X!«*r Both B.ll Wendorp and {•Hewed by Gil l.a Ru*e. I' uf M frevhman sad all-aruuud MALL 4 Ot'RT I RAMMIR CENTER IV MWl ege ts ephen>on are expected s from a week to 10 da>« rhaanp fur the meet. VJWSITY SHOP Opea JIN . Thar.. I rt. I veNinga til • - procure. John Brodeur, another State tU A Mall Rd. WHAT-Mar Oail O-llpoa. DIAMOND NEEDLES W001IUYM 5.95 WOATf OXE YEAR IKH Illi: Gl AKANTEK BRIM; VOIR PHONO—X E'l.l. CHANGE .'oull wtlcoMc IT EOR VOL X HII.E >OI W AIT. car wrtin («r /■""r iumII. . n* DISC Ur.lul leaniac So SHOP i •»'« pntMt )»or nrmrala (ran m"' r.. fire, or 't'fl lilt imxi fa|| ill retards guaranteed 323 L Grad River EO 7-0909 S|mii*I Goal :t2..»o rgs Aexi To ketciHT* llrrinitila. ' 7.0.-, Nif Toy Shop ILtL Paul- o.vr, .Slatlra- llal* I.uutti Tfivatvr Hldg. E,v'.',ri">d Rher Air—i» I'roM Mad nil Sen ire RlSir. OPEN EVEftY EVENING - K'ip>t Lan-int: TEHRAN nir atilM**, i0*5 f.'tffll «m>rvr* rmrna: i««- ermit a "ilftim" ed an Aff • s-r*v Thf* hwm»*' rcitilitf for resetter* w hen someone i* trapped en s »- « Wil 'up el a bit fid Im or i* ten hadlv injured to *rt himself down KlMII UilMMi *t»drr.U • (Y'Vpe v K* vi t 1 Ti \H tnetnbet tow er photo carries a vtrttm" v*wd t ' 'i t> "t frotn I he ■ < n *f- • *»'r-ver?i! r.eV w.'h Co ■' '* :.•>* Mud.* -"■v* r.g. frf Tor th# hee- ■ • a m exrenviv arV-etng. - >.*CW'n* 1 n-"a- T-omaa V^V b«« one '**:<•» pmfr*' *«-fceUnf and S"a'e« • Va-e than '-orkers, *'>.'*ar.:v ire f.rr» or more ore mill *»«r ire direi -.£ and e i«r i'-atrail > 're of Agr The dean * Farmer? in \ "V5 mat ti-rti p?\xSuc "t •s in ■» :b«n U 3 VfAyi Point * «w :V C< intet "li* pr v.ooer, (ijatrrbu SPORTSWEAR «f ItklC. URIXT. OUT * fier/i D To .hldi Honing Tkrlrfhttiu k ike «li. bictviw frf Daxron polmtec *iui wfwu mi With, ol couracw *hr «.cen- r®. hf;*:' Is \m etembtot i Kvrr SHurr action tree tcnrlemAfi wouii txant m « fmg «t»» ua CONTRASTING TRIM warm wwthf; *ew». HIS « HER OOlORS AVAIL hWl-ATl R hiratrs (Mum kMi It s an impwtmt mwdh far you...and for MM M.50 Me MO t*» tun ol • MM I et racMt S« your fttcenmt On,t»r tor not info-notn^ r.t »k.Hi \ .in. Kn KJk \»lu. ■MM lor you arffti WM. Wo M*0 tmbitnuo II -t >*«* . tac* urtrrvMnO on this ctmpuv I fraiMMi « AU. At RtiHtxn PRhj>; MAN HILLS <*OLK course h MUSC.OI EAST LANSJNi. I - X 1«