\o Parwlc Tmlay! The Weather Tali* Tlaa* Owl l MnHi, Coo!. Show erv T» OMMI* Sfnln|( Mhl1 For .»l Vmr* VOIX'MK 52. Xo. iy KAST LANSINoTmICHIGAN—TCK.sI>A\', ARIUiTT'ii. 1 wii" PRICE 5 CENTS Quakes Smash City Khrushchev Warns In Iran; 700 Killed Of Berlin Blockade Ursolic Workers Rush Aid Demands W estern Rowers For Stricken Villagers TKIIRAN. Iran iist estimated at lea«t TOO diisl an»l thousands were in¬ jured in the disaster. Tie two are.it shocks :m Pints esme yp w Ag four hours apart Monday and tar, a city of 14.000, died in a choking Winding cloud of dust I'nit to Aid from the debris,' officials it'P'ie reported on the Donated Trvelcsi at the same time was Marketing CJerash, a complex of villages housing about 6.000 persons 15 miles south of law First Day Adding to the hofnir, officials said, were Rivsnl of Tm«lcr« poisonous snakes. Roused from KtlaMishrs Onlcr their lairs by the shocks, they aMacked Iranians trapped in the debris. The Roird of Trustee* e«1ab- Rescue worker* bet an arrtv- an Agricultural Market, Ing from Tehran and fmm rttle* j and Vtiliration Center in rliwer In the *eene, Air Tnree •a O'Vge of Agriculture *t plane* parachuted in fnnd and •' »~ee*inf Thursday- The purpose Is to enable the 1. The power* most "recogn¬ Most of the victim* wm > verx.tr to do more effective ise Ih* nece**M» of peaceful women and children The men . -rk in research, extension and roeslstenrr between »t.ites will w ei-e in the field* when the first - -he hahdtng of Ml shock about 4:15 p.m. toppled 4'apMalM and Socialist il'om • ».!**] products between the nmnW) *t*icm* and nm«t bnlld most of Laf* buildings. The. rr-e-'« gate and the consumer's normal and sound relation* be¬ second shock'- knocked down '-Nee.. Co-ordinated programs tween them. Wera«*e the other what was left of the dty rarVetir.g. processing, food " • Officials at the scene hod esti¬ way means war k-Hvp1. packaging and ut»- >Nn- nr. soph.; and Muaaetn Rhatthi the dt hemifinalut* Inetwde: 'bottom row I to r» Kilty hat*. I vnhrook tr. effeettse May 1. lie Was Judy RitnqiiUt. East l,an*lng fr. rector of Iran'* Red fraaa. aald VY„ fr.: Jwd* Petri* iVarhmn jr.: Sandra loiter. Rattle Creek luglneering sttidenl* will sole on the five finalist* to determine however It «4*ll wa« tmpo*«thlr *wph.; tiail liroom. I ark son jr.; Sue Srhnelder. Ua«hington, D.C . the nttern for the Exposition and May Mop. State New* Photo. to determine the full death toll Mint*Ion marketing program* He aald Mil to XM dead were ii Wiehkraa State. u* y»incd the staff in 1948, ."i.r* -£ from Purdue University. reeosered Ibaa the rwtws Kntrat Q.xrib, governor »>f the and Astronomer Asks for Larger Telescope did post-doctoral •ttdeken district, said Ijir was WASHl\(in>\ V A U - -k vi agribusiness at Har- i'-v- would be the world's Utu "'Hie wnphasi* - upon the driving forces hear the center of wrecked. erundent - t-ersity and spent six a*tr»»n«>mer Mondas #■>#«, de.*igiipd to m;•»- ra tele*cm*e 2.000 feet in dia¬ and studying food busing. iH'rhap* to revolutionise unprecedented importance. activities of many atars other pled,¥ his first report said meter. aji*ronon»> •F'-r ti»i« the astronomer* tire -v-e*« r.j. freerfng and dtstri- Shan the run whose periodic "Nothing can be seen because T:?e suggestion vamp from Dr. For the past si* year* he of Wie billowing clouts of dust ill-prepared . the Irburely flares *h<«ot violently for thous¬ O;to strove. Director of th«» Ni- systematic process ands of mile* in space • her-, « member of the na- The beautiful city of l»*r now and .if slows ■"•a1 extension committee on in a hill of gras-cl. debris and 1.I1CSSII1UII s 5 i>naI Radio Astronorry t>bse» v - !> accumiilstfng facts must «lv» Referring' to the latter possi¬ -•irk sting. atory. .v Green Hank. W Va, way to a crash program with ail bility, Strove *;«id dust" rv.wwng the new Center. Thomitf Cowden said that The l*n;te1 State* fir«l foreign government to offer was the Death Dale Sot wherp f«v he work* with «n 85- telescope, the large*! in r*._ inherent evil* We heed many moro iv-'.ronomeir and engin¬ make "An instrument it thai would jsissihle lo observe v.kl* h»« the 1'mto.i State. eers; we need large and ex pen» those ore of the most ev- phenomena would revolu¬ «.-r programs in agricultural help to the stricken citv quickly made 100 tons of fiou- For Monday I>limaling the o»M at Iflrt mvo The imtnmtenls," a*trniiomer whose ap¬ tionize astronomy " and utitiratton in the million rfollai* and declarinr availab'e. The US 'embassy WASH 1NGT1 IN <** Tho it Failed Slate*. v. - would take man> years t«* build, pearance wa* co-sponsored In Vve than *-orken Iflfi professional here also planned' to fly a spec¬ ial plane to Shim *t1th medic*, prcme another Court M ikIav reuvc-i appeal by x'ayyl Che«* Mnnf told a meeting of the the American physical soeleli. «aid a huce. paraholi.- dl*h of Student Fund and 65 graduate Ra*hincton ehapter yf the Na- supplies . man. Los Angele* «> x tc-r >• :. the type he envisioned conceiv¬ »w;*»ar.iA are devot.ng haif- or more to teaching and The extent of destruction— but not the casualties—parage'-( schwduXed to tv vxccvited' n»%x* lional 5% i Iterv A**orlatlon of Science ably rnith! Hill Signed *«srrh .n these area. More Monday Provide a new and j*»w;- rd the destruction of Agad.-. "In %-iew of the urgent v ere milUon dollar* each wr are diircted to research, the Moroccan coastal resort city Tne h:£he«' tnbuna-t w ddou' eomrnent denhd h hearing <»n I of mom a s troponin •.»' and erful method for dcterminnj the distances of romoic galaxnw, Hv (Governor * >»<■!•>,$ and extension activities AK>pt U.OOfi were killcvl there t'he«sman> pl«a that m execute sywc pp»hlctn?) ... I liebcvr far bcvoiul the milkv w.t\. tlui- by earthquake, flee and Atlanta that the instruction of a xerv LANSING 'Ah—A hill provid¬ icr.cuhural marketing n the htm now. in view of recent giving new information on the tidal waves Feb. 29 event*, "eannot be squared w ;h large antenna, with an aperture ing for q j#U to-ndminiate red pri¬ • > nt of .Agricultue structure and nature of the uni¬ of the order of 2,000 feet, should Ih dean iijUii Rial the conscience arul human dignrt* '• verse. * vately financed fund to guaran¬ be embarkixl ujxm as so*n a* tee loans io college students was The court al*«i rcirctcsi a it - 2 Knaiilc measurement of Hie necc-*ary financial resource* sienrd into law Monday by Gov. que** for a stae of execubon surface iu.»t radiation from ali become* available * William.* The Supre«i* Couf.'v five line the nlanets in the solne system F&nrer? in Michigan sell mme order in the Chessman ca-e i'^want tp appeal, thiough the -Jk- Allow study of thy titanic The measure, effective im¬ I)inc Without **»n TfKJ st.x'.ed. science writers, to the Ameri¬ mediately. creates a non-profit n;:iion dollar* worth can public and to their riveted '»"is products annually. Dean "The appllratien for *UV «f representatives in Congress to authority lo he known a* the Michigan Higher F.«'.lval. H ATER CARRIVAL W\T»r \r \ r«*fcattipfi Writer «.10 p.m.. .13 Union t ITtlOI.lt STUDENT uroRW rowMrrrri V kMHNtnMN iVi 1 FROM!-SOPH rorxrli. . ORG AMEATtON 7 phu 42 Union. (ieneral roonril Meeltna lll*TORT tl.UR -4-3 pm.» CafHolk student R p.ht.,33 Union t'etpor Cdffbe hour. 4 p.m.. Old College M. • >3~ , » « end.** through_TtWiiy_Hctu«be d— fa. wii.ler and * ~ weeklr during summer terms - •*ir*u in advance bit era term t,t. fo- - :-ru, f». i.i» th ee ter- •« k _ „ . . _ v ember* r-f * •» tn'srd Psiie Press Ass eciated Pi est sad *»e,1 eUee'We »*re-» lii8|iectioii t » dttn» -ln-t btef *tt*snn Ttlre j Mr \ • Htttine** 5V ana get' . Jtokir Vnreht j \iat Ptvl 1 e%het Necessary Clrrnbllnn IMreeter » H, Fane#"*" S dM -Page -fdifet *h»rwn < MO I arty Mtiter Aul It.iltnn. M|M tdttiuv Ramrert PU1 Myera. rMUf.i# "a Ke-v.el? -D-V wire idttar*: hsnrt 8et-'«ni | *i»trt« fdltnr >im gilMSfts* M ASltlVflTON iAN - Sivteen t«,l 4 »tt fdtter tteh ItenWetg inane kaltit. P*«! Pntler. « | me 4*rii*. Hat Prstt top acfentlsta Monday pvoposet tnor ,«pnri« t* lehn s^hnetder Ret .ill Rtnacer pick to* a high priority research effort- l ettnre 9 4u-» I ted* I etrldte 9«d» Re*»'«t citing small underground m>c- * Var te*ts. They raid preset" TumUi l'.1S# l'\. A ..I 52. X.v 11 . April 2(">. I0W knowledge on this problem * primitive The Demoeratie a d v i * or r rouncii'S scientific romnpttx* suggested a limited time mora¬ torium on low ground tests, pending develops yield below CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS men! of an inspect'on system HfkOIINl v 1 pwt Da* Refine* rnRMeaMnn finr Ttsea. Writ for monitoring them. TTtttra and Tri fdHtnna Deadline I nr Mnn. FdMtnn t pm lr Bill* Parable g-l« and 1-5 Wnnda? tbenngb EHda* In a statement dVaHed at a d.av-l«ng meeting heir, scien¬ Eh 2*1311 EXT. 2*15 tists, including several Nobel prite winners, dx'larovl their strong belief that the UfiMxi automotive housing ■* u* »• * S*a*es should seek an agreement to ban all men'um and high '»Vt « nrvt»OiFT «TANP4Rn *•. nine Ve V«'" twrf* TIAHIIS power weapons te«f« t <>d c'etift interee >"D f-l>ll e*' T» i< generally agreed that an .WHtft dm* IV « NM? *0et 4 ItCl OCNCRAL. HOVCF TR %y * » earellent rortditt. = inspection s,vste;n. employing OCT MM tlarU A f-3^ deal m rea«.3nah:e fur flute* *»V V eaisling dcfec'ion hvhno'og* a into «-• Vir-1 *»o— a '.-wr •t.^i S% W nr «ee lot M \v I SI A Kxliihil and providing a number of on¬ ce inspevM.vK can tv made Vrsl' AtM,te-t Mai 1 >»>»;* 1-r IV t-UR. ere Oene MMtl s» Trai-er Ctwrt. WilUamnton nsAKR* COMPIf-TP SPIVlVi. 4M\ Interpreting the News adequate f<>r monitermg a te-j »tf •) and r._ _ Sonl Oversea* ban on medium and h:2*n power » "r»l Im R'»ae ReTme' v MVOI.F COOK1NO. PF!;i X'O F Ka'*--at^ IV < dO If b»«h fwr bliylw f» rimpu' f < v TV weapons." the IVnvvratrc ti icn- Al«« <■ tfsuM* withmtt ,yv»V" f »gvV».- 1:vH id. 1AM TR-I ROSnFTTft TWO » \ S v . tVi\ tens rarage-* d"tin# n-mte- 1M tbev d they de¬ . However, sa I irden tv».e K'e** ea«t nf neat e-1- ki plore what thev te-med a "si*oe- five S5 PERSONAL I M ROm-KTS- •fn'l* medequate" effort made «o I*M tonn fvm-R rtiN^n x* • AP Nfw> Aiwh *"1 • ' to improw 'he fx^Wlogv «.-i brder pn»»; *teer.-.g S;'MI C* '• B«rt aftnr • e»n FT* H14VT* TliV RtO He*' of niwVsr tp't detxrtion #no HfRp «tTRRY. DIDN'T « wden'vifit-Jrt.on. estpev a ,v for t:R*t> mivo yrv i>FNT% RVY * >i- f FRIO Tink i!i ■ f ;'t 50 ' r* • ur lerground b'a«** »ta V»1l»a! ee »*•.»•», f I iterarv Manuscript* Kbrnshchfs in S Malement Thu*. the Democratic «cien- ghnea«ev e-—» '•■■enl ■'•, July or Ao|u-' Maae * -«i i»a* I» * .»i» *-#-» KVTm.rt N C.lORt.R B u v i,k I s Mll l.FR take th't . , 1W ITii* I riilav winch he mat base timed to <*e- : -•« proswsed i .»• <■-•»• of the em :» in a car »i«». ne cs«n dna n tnn Riate .Vena ofWce bet«en< iWt SQ TAgSrt l« a* !>»« * nciNTtAC mm p- 9?»ai Orvwi f.*»e-dcn- \ cio«Hy v|>«ced seism;* stations snrtan f:s# 9.ri S-'i** 1's—f."« »>' been told plainly that be ran ; * STcPfNTJ ft fiACUlD push too hard abent Heriin onl» This network would operate ;n V' * \ \ .V •■ f " at the risk of *«r Vet be l»,eep« an eartbquske-prone region long employment It op enough to ahem whether u eou'd v. ' ;>;» let ...®eM defect explosi«vi«, l.vate them, . » CRN *V to ft* WKtXtA WMIS * He -,r*M»- t# • " v art» ar Khv«s xvev . itrnatum w-.o'i would have tb-v*-ener; % mfo* pteet.ng TCACHtRA WAVrm «4>v »~>d • .n Win. ** m »'t Wee*»m s*ate» .at •h.. '»■: 'c.ffher. - .ne H>* WV'Uib a| '»>«» »n «• u!t matuvn 'a'k : i« even avotdng Poll Picks tr«v«nr» Cntw«b»*te Twh' m Agenr* Pearl Pnutdnr iWTcearf- ts Sincf itir tinif for *«* *ru-h MVVH fVPljOVMCVT. *v». poipj. hoaevf-, i* worth •che-iara.-X nfi>* Kennedy < Xonth , '.3 he P. attempt nill not coror befiere --•••rtetiH W»-»e a. *"He»*n a'a f - n*v nj it i« gwseraU* extvvted Vlu-higed Uivn-H f* the Snnrnitt ««fere«ee sod • \M rrestrtrrt < n«»t to Kayclle (joints *hs; • toe Pa-w n;v the firvi of a *eriep. meeting wi!i be If the* M VVVt » AVV PDCXKLOgH Over Dick the |'A*K. coed>ta ,n traCm'# mAsn«e5wng «r Rtadnrvradtta^e and 'fie EiMilM«ei • Khruehchev euvering for po*"/en at tha* .-*n M*iV - l-,»er*"e-«a to fs» hcl,t *iv»?erence iii still point .liulgnl Illegal n&a.nat tin lateral acvsnn \» mitigate bt the WV&HlXGTON v - V < Wedneede# ».• . : '• Rui ,V—g «t Astral 5». I'«" •»»•* twm SAS M ,c.e F«u< * TtstP—n o'u» Wan JOtftfi t keep tVt.ip pa arty points aijlt rivxdetH Richard N.ion's suv- r ■ -ie WASHINGTON (fh - Of. XjL- A'l< Ooh L*wr*f»c* V perxi.ng P'rtm have released a p.--M ir - Mvcsdh* ariAnsuso-d on try K Kh' usb -*,es were then td d-cat.-'.g \ v.f, will run bcv.r. *■< . v n .k-hr. Kennxiv ((bllabl r A: - jasn againv Be: with ihe n- evi table irvrr a*e n tefiaaens fce May 3 Indiana pro* dent v , l • «*• 5 ' V >8«, eTKimg vt?'..ng d^wrkRuia- Mntfuistti'lh WfMecr r;.-evi atfu" •>1 Nf-r"o voters vucb an act now i produoe, the preference primaries Each f« FOR SALE M V« Cne fat It 06 ;Hemic Of h.s peace ofTer«'ve •uun.na without opp&cition in 1W! ;e ot»vr.;y. »>;>n . IAOV* « ORDfROV UWCO*Tr would eolkkpee around hw ear*. h « fr\n part) Ce»at ftaklii It m*rked the- fl.T v«t Hire 4 BUcA and «»?kr* aw«# Crossword Puzzle ".ghts c»*e wr ier the US? C:» T>^e 'sa-pe ers, however. poM of Indiana vor. Nixon's aide* said, nsMttrbmg beret CD t^Off » h'-»e*3 '*t r*t *«■ Kijttt* Apt to be wfidvi. by n* CONVTNllNT TO CAklfUS gMlltuyft- >3to*Wcp dep»rt.-m»n' of- Girl AMuclptl showed the Ukv President aheao of Kfnnedy and xrhe other X, Danquss me » Vwn Mice 11 -At » m. vrtT |M VA, innir' licists e*p.-w«pd bftpc other* - FD t Rn - Tink Democratic rivals fv>r the rrrs - f $k0nr-f C- For 'Grudge.' • .-eauidL .bp. .KauJarir n mitkxVi to the poll s in- dKt" -.An* thai—twvaure of mativ FtCC Diamond ftOHCS ItAMPS' fa* I rjk. '! I vtiroRPiRF «m r. t rv". i KF2i^\ D33T* ODCRIFTPV fron-i charged t.fjrt the lVrv-- 1*8? contests down the Vine— — nOCHTsTF^ 2nd t*h — A 18 percent of those C.IYt CD f-RMt --'Qeeege tZ <•• 5,-ie primary, «-icviKto* in Pay -' tummg ou; r to eowRSy were the "Wily laborer v 'th a grudge over ti < w ill vote tVmocratic, *2 percent nr»xmATTo CAKP< dwjwr- REAL ESTATE enrthe* with the lav k -<3ha;>.vi I'D t« roa» t-M Milan. htrtNkan e/neamitjpfai < '-ectimti* and lbs* RepubUean. Man* nther perauatuon r>ent t>« ?»eat. T« a ltd kd fl> Fi-«-et*e the Demoera^ a M to 44 fwr- S»cDNUT SntOC H C»tN rs tpounly IVavt. •' .« Police foi.-nd iiimW Eugt-ne lend ctmtraci. Owner. FE -Mm'. ,n<;r»>»neei>. *lhe govermr-.-a; «n: prefeamoe amons voters. ;o S-o-ango, ?t. bokwing S-ycar-oid e «.4 ?4« fat man) year- i-v ;m Hxkeatraw at loiifepoivt m ed with what N .x.ir.'a people SERVICE h > .core He had aeiepboiietf «»..1 w as a H 'a 4t c S.teriff VTiUard Clark and offer, 77% MA C HtYOKUrrw RAMIMIIULS r. y;p:en.e ia 2 858 woen ike TFR&. t-.eara — typ,-n« and < glrfS- n^eax 'or Kxtx Positions ski 'to trade the a r-v-mcr .-ce«ir.: s . r rarx-a'-o: IVmoc-ratA won- eight '"bewrse Wmaeh. fO «-a»a\. Phone AI arrow r?«3 *- .seats to *MUfCi I'vt the .Kept, ok- I*ottce fh»ef r*al 7artman housing (Iftcn on tdivilirs and ho awbunt. Ronnie ther¬ ' cvn» .It. ■•he*, they «a:4 P.t»- fOft liVT . ' GOT "3-it -done le SPRING FCVCR* fi»* eas, >.»> T* • ms rr. stwed back rhra hoaaro tAirnival for Foil tpararrt in a door VMiat a e^.a ewer E-icr.-»w«r carried Aaiiu Stevenson by lad*- MtllMiNTS f* *ie»e« aaictti). smS aceurasep- themes tjpeg IV AC; hatrhrr kptle at tfer girl*U»re«t (tb-ao Ptt.;. An s *.,a r ^• es v>; a— mMRbk the appi CN-FOON FVR- TYPING GCNCRAt. SOVI. ' vs. ev „••■•* A>a#«, Mr*. Alter* RepoblK4uia wyn 8 of the U» - •. y. :pos>:«vr« are — Id nan evnrnence V.A w*» * Ha-ic*. w iw lave*, ne-rby,. Sua - 1-U-use seats by a $4-48 peWKfit- " "wna twn hatha. AvarWrue -erm Lane CD T-®t^ as a iabte u.-> yceek UtU4» «-.i»tahle J« tone or y.\ n.aie *ta- a. ffeUsed .htfa into ttmuitng the age margin in tV state i fivvur* a n Womer..' ketKa Tear-dnr ganage AiCPe gar*, EXPERT THCCDR AXD H »->ACV S" udc?-'. ^nvca aceore-.' d'kl. '''k';.. ' ■ ,v . They oediK ie.l from Xh* poll. mg tO f-rtSd® afimt «.. jg tnxng DeetHlg |ypewrWef S- ' Pihtae plater raltetd Sa ange • that Xvkan is far ahead of hi* ear* experMrore One M«"k . tr^t to Pa* V/iiseiana. genera.. rr -c rt) s-a*a* ix rsuatxed .him So turn ove* party in pzpuiMttXf and wiT,, IVRMBHtD APACTVCVT POR er.a:ms#r. rent *>^-.— er man&tt PW FO S-cv * IXACSI TO Ft.Y at Khaff IN -r •> arc aeenofi -r" bcaa iht knife He was lakes » ja;l when be .begin* a v.gcsroos ate.- 5 -( ttoa. L.a rata*. Devu atrr*-* nh * preiim;a*Ty charge of a»- s. ate-ii?'campa^u early »n the .»ndeace. en tens.-t,*- FO« IfkT ' ;>e^ north on AMmR f--« x-;»b with a dead!.' »eap:>r. .S**piember ao& atrength :-a^i t»r ro :-n(uo a- of drgar^aaliajftv, theme. *»*! VrATJ «icrifT ' Clark said Swu.i t tl'.s caaai^xe*. i'TPBft ANX BROW-N. FW« I liPptre* an.-, pubael^v efljwn.'.tee. A secret.r* an^'i t;-e»Si.ner are- • -.. id itim-.' he .'had.. » 'grudge N.xor. ipokestnen aid that ^•2VS4 Certru- pptSTllet Terr ■i . VAPTTAU AT SAGINAW Three dor-ie the outlook, he wiU run PdPP.Mid EUaea Alva genera! «>»! * e-*i> •wts>e!i1. &dali>#t Laweeoee Brn^ u, lor- room* urmamadMHl. e*ceX stm-e. '-efrucerMisir. auWetwrtNr waahanr ' aad Far infaaKttf'wjih wt». ;p-«r 'Fuhna Cuuitty prakecut c. beritwt -Kefiaaeti.y --in '.he- indiats* t;rrer .Second wtvare nntr«»:e TV AXD RADIO aamve X- Natt 5ilm Wim-'ajKi, ED 2-St*; 1. 'htsraa**- «rf S«-a'ngo> tr«^ue»v fj.-«4t-renhas prirnarle*. there ivm*» n«id ideal War dm «e R"* rale* to awftentt New an - 18 ferrpsu Idr.aaoau*; and into*»ra- VJOfe. ' " ■■■k kk would be tie change- :a h« dec?- f m >tnx aai cX pt.:mry cam- oee>» CART MO. XV uvsnc . ' TtCO-ron- » TV aeta nnd lalnwii FTre r i\ifht Staff C-rruit Juige aiw AI't. Fred¬ erick. Ralsestrr* hadm know a pfeigh a*v» rancen'.rauf .hi* ener- g.e* on the November elect;cr. ♦wnmeet «* furoh«e< etttmns. lev a«!enJWe CD MW V VlarRtgan RPAJtTAX IV Id» MtjLmmUVC *vr A'K*: * «««' Mn«afO sh-'.ur then daughter a suiuctioa on a program of *-ha; be calls CU»l TO CAUPl'A t-wsng asrrsee Kiart naor nr.*. Hza Gnedeta. CD ?•»«*» *Hi I litar _ 1U? r.-aU unQ jphiace brought her fc#wr. "•poxiire eoas«>ataru.^ . .. V New Four* Year N2.I71.It 10 Accepted In Truster* AlirlllG AN ht A IF NFAA'A sr.ns?on. I**' rt-d Nuitoiiig I limine W in- Ntiiiiinalittu A bill has been enrolled hw . in. hiding funds for a ne v A «(U fill A grant to pimVt- S! 1 Vw| jirr'Mt the l.lctrnd O. < Fiorepte Kemp' "Tl N dire ♦ r the Gov Williams' office which, budding to house tin* ('Iraduate biochemiesil te-earch iqumrmo u.m.e tlf.tr;. f tt'4% fh" d of purs nf ha* when signed, will clear the nm *{. i-ool of Buainess Adminlstra- Was made by the NaMon.d h The llelrnil Ordnance l»i*l»it l l«f>m .iiir,-•».p.p.-i frit «hi»d site. 0 for establishment of a Nrom " • wvre oeeeptod Thursday In atitute of It. bh The funds „ •! *!»•» granted *41 *41 f.»» h«*ir j.r,*vi*f#• e-; t h | state -supper ted college to m ; v . Moaid of Truster« be toed louier tl>o ritcivlion > research in physics being c«n i'ho NotAwn an eight-county area in W. < Fnplov Center t expeitest lo p. search it* uht \ x:h» tiiVt cran* ?t .",n the tire basts of h. r • nst.nit <■, high -fi t- The governor Is expected m 1 ' ' i in the fad t H»«l, will queni * sound vv.tv vvth ■> t'oftid. s. !. !>. . F"Uf-iat'o'. '• t <• Mrganirational arfivi- sign the bill. He has public*'v •oi ludo offices. e!assnH»m •. • .< continued with the k at Harvard aitv J am rich submitted Ste tlni- Intern it tnnal Ciwpfritlnn Ad- M jeh ig,1 n' *• rvpt-e .-ent ,o i. c Ings df his study to a citl?r»u" minUtntten for a teehntral aa- the lnt«r«fa*e o> ' \ alatanee prnleet In Nigeria. and legislators' committee wi' radon entiles- n V t K a recommendation that the .<•' The grant will he 11 ed undet av:ls oc st:,- i " v. • . \- COMING the direction of tu Glen Tag- third in the men'• t f • If. \v 'A i lege t»e built because of the r..ov de;tp. ■»! International at Kellogg Center pirsen* and potential jv^pulati ■ londa of the area, he said. gra»v W.-rking with the Hritis'i. Ba*H(f. P. p.. i ft h-'.-!< w 'I I ' •. . ; Miolug.in Slate specialists ate vetsity. and James H..v*i f ,!• ,«i -o.|' • - Nugo-t a. The committee represent rd advising the government of Ni- Sot it h< a t Mi'soui' state Te routing to prof Kenneth Ilioce Kent. • Allegan, Harry, Ottaw a. pon mmitAMT (center standing ! and m« dlreetnr nf Alwtnnl relatlnna .and netted la Star Bcm m the rstahHshment and ers College, won fit.- plan of thp MSt* speech r|e|>,-.r,-i" -o Ionia, Muskegon, Montcalm, and kind hire irtfPHl to |»l*y YW Water far- director nf AtnWtnl relatlnna. and aeated la Star development of a new university their respective divisi.Mis t't.e annua! «pee« h ei-n'c-t dt Newavgo counties. nival Fberhart la an M*V * rant Mate and has been far tlii* year's theme. "The Sound nf Mnale." will Ootma Jone«. Hlino . uc be h',! ' next far Water Carnival* since IMS. standing consist nf piece* requested by llrlna unit* and Jamrich recomtuendtxl a site in the West African country Heseareh eoneernmg ilie de¬ an t'niveralty, and Artie Ut e." Conrrdty vcar ut a' \-"thwe'.' Fvarut-.n |:l MAY 7 west of Grand Uapids for the tvMirie Fherhart are Hill riltrlm (left! rhairnaan arranged by Fberhart. sign of rvelotrona will he earned Gfuuiell College, placed . Hboc s od ikr hand, and Ward Onradnih «right i assistant college WATCII TIIK • The bill requires only that the • 1 • by i)r. Henry lllooser and att delinquency, accord- ill aitord '* happening before anyone else by watching for the symptoms CORAL CARLES' ,v*e Honorable George FM- "In every instance when I was i •. Associate Justice. Mich- a luvemle court Judge." he said, showing a neglected child, and BRAKE ADJUSTMENT she ILFORNO s»v Supreme Court. changing a delinquent into a can prevent the problem •.eeg .v before Edwards spoke a large group of la?t law-abiding Htiren «« done In the child having a close personal from becoming worse 71c The notion of a good relation- f e~.eit»vy school teachers at relationship with a prison who Kfv^en'.er who were attend' v«an example of what the ship between teacher and child with i.mi; a on ciiaxci; i « (inference for preventing child should he " is important, he said, for the • • hkxtukam • • number of children saved from behavior in the elemen- V fnnthall reach aeho.it teach Juvenile delinquency b\ teach¬ lln» - SAVE SI.2I t». •.hool child. rr. probation officer or anyone er* who become a supplement iiiiiiii' tlnil unntf VI//. t /milium in I.mining' "TVMt eiery ehlld need* tn rise whom a boy could llhe or for pivr parents Is legion fervent hi* heenmln* deltquent could identify bimaelf **lth made now m.*o arrctALimn in TIO W. MICHIGAN AMI. GALLERY — — H » t«»ed heme," Fdarard* *ald. the difference. Fdward* said AI'MDWh FNDAI KFI I fMiG I FN1FR \ helleve deeply fmm my ex- The human being is mailt-* CAR M SCARE RIRS ffrt^ece in Jnvenlle murta lhat »• can do better than we are ithdrawn and w the problem .A P.M. • 1 - ends rpAKem. for there is mm* child F.iuard* said th t the rhancea -eglect m th e country than for cure are infinitely better the Knjo, siiikImv Dinner in llir Italh.krllrr Kere « r-ffer«e« Juvenile delinquency, committed b* and earlier the case is given atten¬ tion. He said the elementary Nana ED 7*1311 Far Praaipt Do hbu Think forYbursdf? (TAKE A CSACK CSAC AT THESE QUESTIONS AND SEE IF VOU CONNECT*) IMIar P»r t urtrad! I'Mck lour Car!! DaNvtry Sarviaa Ta E. Laaaiag vn vJaRlMtMy iculplurc. the knit lull, lop 1960 »wim .how laihion new.' Knit o( cotton with a g.onl tottanoll pattern, our tlctk thoath .hap*, you to btoutiful proportion, by ,3 Tike my shirt, my lit notes and moon, of tho built in Fronch my cuff linlp...hut got your own cup bra...dip. tho v-back II ■1 to now dopths-contour. It yet.i wn rttowt ■ IbHoto •n animal tralnar, wouli yma (A) U__ animal.? (Blaalc (or pay Hi aAraiM-T (C)tiod out, tho wido itrop* (or oat* . jultlaoef why pwfaaaiBBala an'l lati Ika JohT aDbDCQ and comfort. Whito-block, "Time heata all vounda" women who think for them.elve. have fa a atatcmcnt (a) d»*« ntudieil the f:irl, about liltera and have light bluo-modium bluo, noun cad bf antUaptie rho^ n Viceroy . . . the one cigarette ncaufieturara; (b) aa with a thinking man's filter and a smok¬ true aa mTimo wound* all groonolivo. Silt. 10-14. ing man's taste. hotls"; (c) that meana your mind can build its owi acar tiflnue. •it you dweksd IS) in Hwuo out of four of 5.1 ».»* ADoDcD m In traffic, when a driver behind you blows hi a born, do you •ock ktm? ib) wonder what's wrong? (c) hop* (a) go and M It'll aatUo bis nerves? j iu m, ml *« cmti ui a iw *». proltkto.1 trict—tfmd mltl, "'"■■aUMMl'K'tlllwuw.'t.M !.u » ".*« «it» wcu. When a pal bendi yonr U ear about why hia filter cigaretto h imt, do you listen moat to (a) his chatter about how good it taste* •rogardlesa of how it. filters? (b) hi* re¬ mark that tho filter rou-t he good because it'a new? fc) hi* comment* that both really good filtration ami real tobacco taste are important? ACI ■ □ c □ Bt-forp you buy your next pack nf ciira- rettrn, take a moment to think about ' w MS ham Mo kiMM 1CIM- Otto. MM ml to Kin tmi »><* what you really want. Mont men ami J* U t. HM-mMm toMk-M wiioilto« w Tht Man Who Thinks for Himself Knows- § •UltaU.l. Kate —* 9* VM **?#•>-«#**** to ONiV weemv HAS A THMKW8 MAN'S FltTH—A SMOKING BAITS TASTE! Vultud Statu* Wabbar « • OOFs. Biwwo * ** to* Color. .*». *•» a* too. To* T™"-' Ui&d*'w (jmmI Soft hull H<*gilis: Akpatu, Atterbe Spartam at Ohio State h Tl\t Amn ROTV pistol tram »e! fteMing. Gars Crawford, T'd en-dint Navei . < Ohio b% 'wo C\nt;« and Gerald Medio, w!m points to win a return r.vwh at t dvnnai. Oh-.v '-><•. Ra'iivd»> i 'hamheOsdv. with Car'. Robert Men's 'IVimis Starling MSU • Ohio S' .v»i -M * • -V.. W Viv.vrrstt.v vr* i- " -• M ,-h Craw ford. lVvwv-ch. «#' a sophomore the high sperm from Soft 1v»ll intrr-piura'* under the anpewldon of ludle Ry- Relay Inglon. Oartcd Monday f#>i 2*> women'.* living unlta and off Team* Beatm eampu* rtttsMMt VTTF.NTFON / pv . > i ' .it ,.i. „. ■*. \ •. " . Atrh* M *« soot it « *ifiphop ** a»rh» Colt* n Xivnh WUtlsm* 1 a * & A * J—Hawtotw t—t'to Mn «_ t, «i.ih ttomt*f»« t«. Alt'* 1 alpha « IW« Bra*. atto By Michigan ■J A S tl< t II \« 3>t* t The MSU track tea*, 11\M% WtlMMtAT t A f—ti«n» Scholars *« AWt 'C*t* paced by twti flrat place* in 311 rorn who slined up for j A « -nrrtHrfc VS. ll»»> field atar Bonny Akpr». % A f—CM I'm ** r.uMrt BttrtMt indittduat tennis tournament re- VOIItiWUl competed In the Ohio fi* 'n, % .' S-,% (• f £.'•" piYSV r«m AW p.m. rru n tn IM «up- !a?t Saturday In CotmnKt. * p.m. ?«- v . ' V'C ' ?'••» f rtit«et tne«da» April 76. t'Mli Pvan* a.hotm s» MsWWtfc wan t* rewntied to Print * ran of « fW. Ohio. \i Irni ^^^ee inrints tntttl t"1 Akpata, the *pring-font.-.t \ nen tennis halt* t'ttrie inw « Iter* as ISO p!s*rd *n«t if three hs^e net can foreign ttudent, Jur-ret pom i*con|»!etr4 h» a p m . the 5a* 6*4h In tHc knead Jumn . - tsme *• Witt err wiil he patted and the ef the t*«t «tsnd tie pawes remptete innint witt ttli Bed Hay Named NHI/s 47* 3%* In lump. The triple lh« hop* Hep, »-i Jump distance h- v» Top Rookie: Oliver 2nd ** » tie the existing varsity fycord • 47* ts«" «et by .less Thon-st 1 IWI. OPEN RISII SMOKER H ♦ st> «i!lnmi ** «.tl,SM«< MII*I hspr* *« stfht etc Willie Atterherry turtvt «o»t | »«Aen r« M«"w yDXMT AKfATA. mar t sprint-footed trwekster. www heth the "hi* crcnnd outstanding per tt?p>pst>.%s hrssad pomp and the hop. skip and Jump tatnrdaj at the Ohte ttale ance of the new aeaaon rune | pftt* cettA st h#rr» ytph» t*ft« Welajs kkpata broke the k amtts reem4 tn the latter esent gtate a *2.3 half-mile, a 4" 2 tpt*r»or. Chtmp* s* * rhrter New* rhoto mile, and 31 f in the 40* — r« h*er» h«rr» c.ttnm# *• %tp* CM e«ft* hurdles Atterherry placed «e(. ,\<» Ouo Chaslmnl. )vl end to Olympic gold tred*! « . urr Glenn Davis In the W r ft ansa*. North Gamlina and e\ent MICHIGAN ATI.A VTA < 4N_The council ef the National Collegiate A'hlnic i/Ouisiana S*ate INiiversit.v have Gerald Gerhard placed so-e-,4 boon mentioned a* *ch«»ls which in the hop step and Jump « «, nsfOeiat.on heard a report from might possibly fsix1 council ac¬ a 46' 3l*H multiple aprinjr At ,# its eismnuttee on Infractions Klclnhans came in fourth in •# t^smptss <*?a«tsifttvt* . low Oo*i Monday but did not take any tion fVatwrr at 1. 141 3.11 Walter ttyer*. NT A A exe-.-u- pole vatut with IS' fh". C- Immediate actum. tlve director, dewrdwt m so-re X'ccrheie. running una'■■» '-m 7 ?V • 3S pm The council, w-h'.oh ba« the detail the working of the NVAA because he i 111 M\U. HiM'SF KtVK** AND power to chastise misbehaving • V313T OMMMVrt • MOTOR TV NT \ r enforcement program the post third in the ?(VI meter run n v R| At KBOARD It n«,11 o^Uegy's. reoeis-e.1 the report a 21 6 time, and fifth In •he • «> • num. Fkl.Avrivo • UTMS6FM committee tfisinrsn e-ght s-ears ami said things ap¬ i»->. ' tu $NF5ES1R • ill fiv*ns pear in much better shape than yard da^h w ith a 9 f clceKif*f iiv'fx 9 e • PP3hT vn»3?i » • tcpvtivna George Vosing. dean of the t'n- State's sensational tw-- •» • at the Hart. '■»i the Irersdy of Wiseonstn law school • Tknnr* a kUTn.m • it kaniNii trlas placed second to the V-> • s»*x»»s •» tettif yprsitv of Michigan. The •. IV" Hmnian nev's time was 7:36 3 and •*• Spartans followed closely he* i T I ANNINC PHCIVt I f ThatN or lad*" with 7 37 3. The mile n'w TNatV the ktwd •» iwb rssT ro\i> smio'fiM rc : placed fourth. 3.1 seconds he- Vvf fits the 161 hind the V of M's 8:166 cl«vV j rewtdwl stop' 7ach f\*rd. srrtnting apevist sT\Rn\T.TV>voa^^>Tiv , kll.tl U'iiM LARRY'S SERMCE VARSITY DRIVE-IN pulled up lame in hia heat of tod yard dash. After ex tion it was disclosed that he h»f >> «au aeor hksr. cokk. or orancc strained a muarle. Ft la. fa \ «**riHyt(t drama pre«or.t - wmt nso rkt.i'i.ar ox is m?M rm.Ks examtnext by Doctor T**v t fnt the mntrtf»te fsorts ef teve the stark nakedness ox rxsr Mtctno.w vr i ons D"r«l is one of the ffodermea ef human vkelrnee . , hs who will tra\wl to FfiUtdatpA'l a dtreeWay eeentwlred a* vmis- ,nmw* frn» 1>mI SI. this weekend for tht Dana F»* fee of the amati thils the lavs. s PgrnhMl ft>nN tMvmti 63*6*34 Nhms ♦•A maa*e-o*nrw .Wo uwpwiwwot •r* «w»r t.«~* • m n hix x«i »T rwi i- a*«m tm, vo\u .tm, ,.nn rxv»„>\ ANTHONY rRRKIN'S IN "TAIJ. SWWT • TX*,*rr SSmw* • X»\T ATT* XCTMXV 1:M . <:W» » «:SS - f -.rfl SKSISM AFTER SHAVE LOTION SIDNEY POfflER- DOROTHY SAMVfY DgVS. Jt • PEARL BAILEY a. that 4a. Old >f««cr relreahes a»W -Jiinatatea. fWtk agam< the \am «i uul g^OTTO PREMWGB? frmk great, tow ami. broedtp. wnk that Uagy Old Sfraoe nxwa. It Jm mm At astaatmrv hut wdm ini hindrt •mnxxw apatM garia* IRm- SHU hTON ... ., AIiiiiis (m'I Netmen Face Wavne; ' - Stole News n.~ y ■ HB GitiiIs Open Home Season n< rim;IR U» |« llif slntlrs- Se'tt »«, i»f« Vllhl nTTrTTiMt... \s»lsl«tii Iehn »ttn « sltlrirt.s.1- Itltpslilri hnr Game « hie »»f Mit hjtrrin Sts*t t'ulvatfn tit tt matcher. Ilnie*l».-t«'l« . ■'Unir for Niv 12- thl« nttcrnmut «» it ptnyr h..-i in War tie 4—C«ri nm IM.RKUU is si i«»Rs \\ nit K«»U}i!r; vK sUivt - ::ii< in it« hnma opener. l—IRmt timlih »?*!» . i-etiff IV.nl- will p!.'t> v,«!ny> match i« one of nnty three that the netmen will fv at heme this spring ««l Wisconsin on May it, am) Illinois on May T. The other hnme matches are 4- ltn«»r Fl.ttrnltnrf lil Timer.* \ :i»■-■It v in »i:nin Sp.nftrth Ti e Spartans «ill tte going into Unlay a match fresh front Hum M;>* I I NL Ital In Ihr d«nMf« , , oieep of the Itlnemingtnn, Imt ipindrangul.it- meet, in oh they defeated Indiana M. Illinois Vl. and Ihtrtlne |^|'| I IRK « F» leadership Willi. M»\ - t» .• l-i .tn. i , 11 41 1 Him 41 i /4H netmen are a rvelMwIanePd team and hate done very • ' e (o.ilth l»jts triki'tt ;tR enl'U Ic.ttl in 0m» \-iti••*»;»I I •»;*t»nt* I•:«4 ftifitA Olil Flntrn .. under pressure this apring. yvintttttir fire of their II I VII MOIIIs ting- mer- ,-tlsit fe«tU!*rd !«\ flip httliitf itf tnnkic Pft?? .■•cries hy ttie score of ( I* as|.|*h»*i»» nt».t 6|| «trt ? N I IIor?«!c/ Httil the c»miebjwls 11 I Seh.»ettilirtH( Ke the :10th between the two schools, l» spartans hold a 2.1-6 edge in the series, Mow !tii ,:«vtVfie.i !•* -li* r.ttfrt In I'• N* atttl Mfltril II oli't's lllnsl f I'll't'.A' pi f HI t. ••* (t imt t»l*»*ito« t»A11e» f# It. fiefASlAAAer* nr»rpti liv *an Inttnl lii aim I't *11 Smrlli t IntttittA I'raki li*i ei.llMr'pl 1*4 ' ;ff. j»t l»/i« f.»t a w.tvne i< the defending champion in the Presidential . ..'.tie. They ate rebuilding this y ear after losing five of *v'-*'ii2>' ,A 't("l "i 4 y t'lhis'ifvi t-» v pit*rtl for iltr S|*itHatt« in ll'in ll«* «»* nrll tut iltr nil lit -til lh>lliisscln>iv \ttictltit Itntitii* lletj yrar «lien ,, 'ear's regulars who helped the team po-d a record, ■-•".r Mil* ■ ' " if I > \\\ \ t(|tt 'If » Mi h J't r a httrp lit|a11 * in tttltl APiiAitn afternoon's match will he played en the varsftv ten. •• '' ■ i's - ?.1lt ; f"l' 1 Stss l>* *ts, iy Itt»t-lertl Ia I »»a mil t»f fUt tltn -4* ■cits iH'hinit Spartan Stadium at 210 p.m Admission lltAtt . tree. I nantiln fltirltiwaira ftrri tt . ..,. • , inM >r,ij,in f**.■ *V •e -tailing line-up for today's match and the platers AAtnflrliirr I* Minnrri»|A lit lltp t. .,1 . ■ . . I, A 1 fI. ij. recent* are: lilinl*' «|.n nllh a I"1* marh lie htt I ? Iifftlr* In ** It In »A*«« ». (!nttt*1e» Ia «n Imm Havana »tf llulterfielil ft Scores 7 i i- <**-*«,m ***ntU nn;t fHe* InlrtnalliAttal I ra«Uf>. uhrtr • in iho tiaiM'" ♦tr hallrti inn tn If* tame* .. |t ■•* i I»IP |.vr r*'ta* In 2ii(i for SofllHtll II in \Vj!t»c Kniatvl .«■ f.M--- uti'.o ami's Rta'r i- tn.,1 H 'It it : Mloui i \- •i I A -rti is .'* ft! P • wtv'f ' M IA>«!« 4IW, ,A I H"«» tttitsl *-;»P t f? hot- ' 4Mt.Mi*«r'> •'r !h It "-tit I 41 I »i»»l 4| 4> 4III-II*4 *1* ,s *' » * « ' t «NV v. itc matching its opponent in hits and making tluee * Mr M . 'it.«»•-• • t it! iv I ti." StuArifflM ■ eerers, Hntlerftold, ti .lefeatetl Hittterfield T, 7-0, in •^•tAtAeni-fi-cnst * .fr'itir.i V- itu.iij t ' t'-k •"fttiaa..j- »h«nu«t 13* • |'||r««t|.tv • ti ..etlell play Monday fttbcrvu'c*!.* m*i-i y|ft \ I Mt ether* v »t:t. RR|%\ riR\»R .... •• "ft'lidt Mftt- f.v. .V«i1 **t» «a'ks . VV'IRmtr \e'i«ct* the Mt'wauKec Heave- p.tt*e»u«4a* Tlttni'liv affet -* hr«!u'r.| a «• rV"tt' f. \\Vh a -Hi aNf»'-;i|!r. With 13-ft*' • « r* My,. |i li ly huiilr 4s|Art» "fittav nO«»A tin ri leiMnM * • -,w- ftofo F'-nfrs hUrV- t> V.I'rtsH). a'.tjs.ci * - t a-M fi- 'tVof H*">»• Ftlfllr Mithfi* v a'• • .if ?hn H >11* 1(>4 an*! |t- t R'a-iitftAt f|>utt 1 !Ilt t*» i j-V-typfA fPy II a ' lis 1 lHM« J«3 |V.k ihlrtie *t htu«»« lit* hl|hl t |e» r»*t*a At l*»t»ss»t Shiitnei" t>f PMi«hui)ih. lit' t vi« ' AffvUItt UVimft TF,N STAR SPECIAL! iv,to»'tna II iltimnte a* tl'A«hltl|t Hiliet ,V fi-fi. *t- Rr« s- !•.*»,hwr»t* «| l't»ilA*Ie||*t*l A jit tlcAtilnrlirti f«tr Ihc Rome rnti 'Vtwt* t+Mlftt f'«rr Hil* -o >v,v, *1 |lW tlthre Ml f 'ttirlnt Alt H|M IV- R*nnt*r4 tn* an "I" brnwr- F\ 1,*n I f*l< Itrp »l *1 I »»*At«. **igl*t lead nllh fltr rarli whlh A*in , |s \y.s *;• •« I rt* 4««»lTA At rhtrAj" Iter I* Ihr p»cf.*fMrr In run* if I'm-1 tint- mill l-'iilirir- I li-mieil mill (.liirnl ts, v ■■■.'. •« t\ sfhtmRsi pa-.tnl R f -A- tlrn's llnla mill t ii|i« • - fijuv • 5 » « ■ m-'.-ii ,v- V> m Rsr-«- ? At" lliiinriiiils tlmlr W ilier l(r|n llriil -it '» M-H:t Kn. tie! 'V't 1v. fi'M M M . '■ >n|.U nv'u-i tt Sm-ili. mill l.i.iillirr Jm l»i-l- ; i' i2 n«t ;■ tt l.mimlry N-rviri- ts -V'■ f:VT 'chc-' »4 P IN A win, tt t»liivr« V ■* »'id h-» a rwts-teijT . rti Hl!>t | !,. 4.f v tt Miiffril l'ii»» Rv,>» i r • " w .i,«s tt 'I'liriiw llun* t 4 n st . • ■ * • .. tt Uli'mliims mill tli-mliii). *s-*r»«t in all imtlnt* Brni Ihr -tt I'rii'iullv hmirr aniifiUfM 4 W»»inl RntlfHMil \ |V.J. RtrRant liar* w ttl R-'h Vnl»Rfr. Rutrr b*it f\tm H*»i> Iff! luni 1, u: a n i; is s frtt "4 • ft**' s ■»,* BUCK MINT! ( n-li mill I dirr* Drake Refinery Sto. Inc. F. sVtno % (>l!n \\ I I l.'l I firmul llivrr *s : if : -,« IMIar IVr Cnrktnd! . Ilii-liigmi l.u-t l iiii-iiig 1:112-171.1 . * « -'Vf* n il (1-1* 1'iir Irrry) U\ r»,4. S.rt ylefp*!- .1 : |S« '<»>• K : Ju«l> Defends (liainpionsliip HEROUUS IN \\\ \i.isrori; Have a reaj cigarette-have a CAMEL' >ueeessfiilly WD anjon YisVu! , M«l! ' «<.-«• <#*"+■ hs-r HTIRRhU ■ }«*»! ct-,mA4>^aVM» m;vR ittvri \H,A t.sirRtmwi; hold ItNtNtR MR. I WtRM Tatli Statistic! * Jr, captain NtRCItm T «T . li t* Ifft l*stm — tMI nATTRR — ; mcn'« c« ssa ch* «,» S -. * ''if ,'T A . Thn o'hnr -k H rry, *CH* Bo** annmiuml that aomootto, aomonhnrn, mjo>» Cokt 6> tRiihon tiinn* * «Uy. You ran look at thui i Rip n IR t *4 Hi IF FUN tHihof Wo'vn got A mays: T«-t4 , iifmirtansMii In re* li *n iocrodibty thinty **« |.p-r* natUnal r MIK.MB urn. individual on our hamlv Or Coco-Colo ia U»# ••*4 Ihtri la*4 Iim I (TAMlMi boat-1(14 mi aporkling drink it fho n*ir «rorl*L ntmarllUMl — «WI AT T.M — ' ■* Wt Soon io tbo kottor uitorprvtotion. .-tfcwiittf mitch, si j Herri n-cr* al a BE REAUY REFRESHED "V-c w ttn time ran Ml MAKE IIP A f ARIA a -ourtJ um*4 Her- la Rtd v y»0m» •*-♦♦*•*"»y of ffeo Coco-Coio Lompmof Or *r"Uplacp THE HM U-MLU <*M\%-rOL% ROfTUXr. « OMr %xv Lantunc. MtoMton " chttmploniSiipa t May 21 K'avn ill and , SehmlM^ in the mem. A future oi eicfrng Nant WMNri ai the |•* age rfielf con bo govt* .*. . oi a 75rf TWA 4IIMNI Mirilir 25rc TWA —the naton'i tead.eg frlme —wdl triin you at conn sen tompeny cspense. end poy you while you ttom1 Fint OA your tlying schedules will ko interesting cities in the U. S later you may fly to world famous Cities ONLY S27JB Ol four continents on TWA's international routes. ammv RrrKf mure RWW for TWA t-aining classes starting soon. Here are the- Qualdicat'O-is. Minimum age 20; height. 5'2" to 5'8'-; weight, 100 to 135 ths; rision, 20, 100 or better, cor¬ rected to 20 20; attractive; natural color hair; clear compterw-i, unmarried; 2 years college or equivalent business npenence. The best tobacco imkos the best smoko! m 4, IMjuuiJi lybiBb Cm* WlMlW Veltm* ti. a, Ilnxly Radio Rrarsiaaizalion Ihr fnthmint rmr)A«o* Mill immit'W «Wthr fttd (rated datev Plans Rradv for Dorm l oir Work of Storo Dderlivro tnfr-tTMrtl trfHMt tn O* riaremmt Bun-in it te*%t t«* OohtHInmI to Honorary If retdwih i.rtW Prtftttew, *Kd <«s?i sr. dut* in adaane* «*< intmtew dale V.\t\\y BwH ha# . rwentlj a new .wntract »ud program 'manager. A bu*uw-# 0 !*irfcrUM'« degree. M> Mister*. <1M Ihwlnr* Where no ifrtny is indicated ill degree level* Jit eligible fn inirisif« i«*!r - •• V-. *v,"7.v-;«mi for lVo tuan.igor will be fdred by tin^v i\v s,vi'.\ n !•.>-• ha-- Ivr" eft Bi*ar?l, and Will btj fpspensiblo To# tirfte jouhf «hv*r- %rwii n \*** •fntea irtlrM tVa Ifce* Vtiif, ' - >• r- MM A' ac. on so •' for WttRS Una nee*. p-n< «itfh 'V \*<\y n«x» to smphrO «ftle* I \'. "inn , SrJiooh a % etniwi Airport ( Vwmnnii* U*» '•» TV wilt begin fAine- you Sin nvfty » stone «VW- «4,-,Vl-.-,i •.. -...-• •■' 'v -.v. the . o« iVwii, «or ihMN hetrtue IhH ro«. u*lvr« tx oTT npp»nnr»i Thni - . , .1, }v « ha 1 u.a« o> »h* tinn'fi*# *f$th ^ tiVf h thevn tn *Man4 Nt b#v,y • ?V-u «rg.ftiv.?ft- B»v.>r exehidtng Arot- Kennoth Hsneycu'f. of Ho- Kich WthnaTi cHnthi * w. , Vho pivw«ftt i«nps .iri" oft'ivti\ i,.v • n • - •■■ ■• -■ -<•' B ' U *:'•»*«. vote vt« for *ho controc'. tft-1 Rrvuriiy for Hnd*>n',s do. ,,«; • : . . tho oveu. , jV i\ v?sd t.\e ttaiton «fiwM ^ partment More in IV.rt.it, njv*ke «tef#l)HQra«4tt p»>sirt| a* a " Attvia or a saVjtUU and she rarr-.r » W ' U, ■ " tii'-i O O i ope >•» Unit within two w oeks tn the thiton la*'. wM to rtdio enabling her . a!1- the reeded approval IMt S'Rn'.a. the ^''00 ftdmiv!*- to »ii.y n lh«. he .nit ntll OnnMM nf nne V*' rHihlie *« hnn|. citntaot w.ih other tttxtriiy e- Had H TOf sV*tt*rf. :■ ft pp^VPd ei.it trttfon honorary, «vi store »V- represent ftlHo front harh Brodt doirnitoit no. htemhet of Brn ha'l •!» Ih-u-dy group nut r>n- Uv"ve« and how the* opova*o ••■hnv *W for 'joint twii Honrtvnit *« -n oh»nro of the 14 The ftttt thing a «fvre de-». in it* allotted budget. age •happens. The* wtnt at*n f:.v with her and from there rtt« There csh 1>e no e«N>«*-eftmpu* he #1. 1 * eWteiw. and hate raw •# handled by the sfe v Prtttt t 'reek PnWii *rhnnt* \ r\|>an<«on unless four derm* tn *aat«tnn TV? eannnf he vestttati-u.-# for ittterr»^a- TVi ••; \ , f TV P.rody group tppeow •wler hhnd fn» IV? ««nt V -and further tnreflfitfon. •■ • • i \a -Mb M r- . |.mv (tut int.. . inutn (mid t dinthtei jtrkp* ft« a II iiii> ( otmmimi > *hn htnt t wrtena OP* ( ftniijo I ishil M«»«n i Mt.dliiuiM #rkaah: V Brft»h»n« \iea IM«frihntoe» \ aw.p IVvnfIa* •mith s» >■ v\- -, . v> V \ OKDKK YOUK CAPS, GOWNS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS rh iWhr* - T'lne at t'tipprit -.nnns.f/ Wears in IVane'ni e*e r\a*nfn*»ton* h\ t^n«fen wptnmrtrhs* TEST YOURSELF! Kmn»,f |( N vOu *»f in t" .$ i->k fc'ot, >c.ir probltm i* wou"v* r*w met one. Beciu&e an e^oMnt doesn't SHOES took enytWn| lite »>• blot Like some of the new ca-s. he hat • trunk m the front He also has more m toe way of ears than anyone really needs. H.kTh kMlHlU-> AU, M7.l> AMI .VM OR> t\ TH I brn for ... t«OtT *nv*i\TY:K «riyijf-11- L9BE 5 >Tr^ >n. >f:Rirrt a S i> OUR r; i.AsrRK • AVITWrR t.ROtP IP TO SO r OFF WKT.K OVLY