ews S-niitfi X| Si ' l-Vtr .11 M ill - Votl'MK (W, N». t'» K.VST I.ANSlN'ti, MlrimiAN—\Vi:ilNt:s|l.\V. MW.M.XV7. mr.n Mil. I . ( KM Are Free" - Koreans hill of IIIht New York Crowds Slips Ceiilllt Welcome l)e Can lie (iololiration NEW YORK \V)~Kivpx-it ri-cafdent rhnyle* do dnullft niftifx* itppthpr pf his* irDvit truimphftl rpUiro* Tin^ilrti, tlii* SI f»I I . P> Sftoret of Ill til W'V M \RIF MIW, the in tnn 4rhor In eernvt * fault* heart Mom thxu ,>t .Gnthter ef Malt N*.*! Vrlttck. III plnl« are weeded iVwin hxxe floiitni iKiiil limp t«i New Vnvk Uit> At >>m» he -att>x,io »wnv fYxxm thmpnttilx id K'»l*»'ni''x tmlnv h .« ROTV PtMlfl * flnt ef MihhI 5* |*lwt* in \ww M»Me. xxtth the h*1.*wee tnint lo¬ hi* apcurity jDlftiil tft cMphvmv well ixfiln't * in Time Si|Wrm\ IovoihH eeleluoteit the cnl- .y, ■ *<•- Red < re** Ann Marte I* *l*trd te unHftm in the Imhim i'ttnntt f>w| *tale Mflvi Fhutn IVIlcp pslitttalcvl « tttUHon tHxraxip* tiiieit l»s\vr»r Hnrndway l.xpio of PiPsi.lrut Sviiom.'xii , ,.,,eremWen M*x 6 *1 inivmin De*rtm I** MIW Dewnx ft* rxx:\r a piH'tfllF to thx* ftiistetv oht it-nnioi. IV tlmlU* t* Uhoob I ' venr rxlil n-pime n-i ohp of tho few theli pver 1 o rxveivo rt spcopil tVlxci* tnpo tilnralion fnirn iliet.it,ir- KOI'C I uili* l.o;iil Donors :i tvn.nV up the historic Mdnhnttiin mnvon of h«»rm»?». ytii|» V.x«- IV iJautlV" |-xv*c f4>x • Wood Drive Donations liisimi «• IhX' - . * ifA4"«" »i» ■h'H»v;xn.i« of thrwao - Fivnik. 'c.ift.i- xx a * b»xi-ne *Vr. flglMV of < *» Senior I tall K U,,m j view stir? MV»nd*x, * being h tr' ■ IVrtmm'x iVnnll««ii' liOXXC. • V.-MH- n lV-e«'ite»xt f.ni iMlft'xV'-tlXptkVl ItOXiMl (,v1s liiiqar puWn cabn «x (i. K lorvft b5i*\t xit'Yf !t*\ e*e-h • MI . lnmtfiV fix'm Waxhios* " epeed *« u rv>wnvl*vl i r»moi>. ■; iilvorlisinix ■ to Oxe vi • -i Tvresdax 1\ A' 1£. 4* XOl'Viv-' R,I 4-hi'iw iic.t o*h. rx .' ? e d eigtvry-3te tlx TDM v-,i up their *!eew. • • Mf«'* HanHttuHnt > the two-Asx \4'(>a 1. - r»nl»xMi Wi»l xlxxcc Itxixlc* f«r Su '.o I | *1> K koftxc MaiIc |«x4«*|xH IV ClaxOlc ,-x pr,»i'ib;» nouldn t xvxlk eo* ^nt*. 1x48 tx*v,o. \\, vvixv I 2 HI Vu Max. l mjU- t." .1 x Aincl" — but Oiex- tu -* *:v.ie4pah>1 TVxV 1<« W We M AX irlnr«fi| In newly tlberslrit , :vx :'rt for the Senior Da 11 f «,!?*** *>,e R01V writ* Mai on fxtlx in P»4 4 l.i (aKc ax»i a* IV x V. 18 jkl I xnme unu«ui1 adx atteo .ftft ftl ; !:.*>*^ '"ft T4xe A n>l'S-V;X,- A l» 90 VMUip* prnx ixintxAl i»«ni*»rx leader «f Hxilxh.'.x *-x p.ftft-. t;o tfxe Annual •«* 'A «vxot "billed ?1« S"f.4f r liaece tx.xx Ixe recehrd sWrlx A Hliiiteiit ilrm»n*tr»t won- 12 50 M, M xst.'i M ••• •.'« '• • and ' • \V.m< Y >k< '■ x I'dllrr «>«x ftxOx i-oxxld n«»t fecxll Ithee. re*i|iicd' ' Itthei* i ImiiI '» Wiegind4 5tSU cadiiA'c eft Ate , ,. ..vvrmd'V i **do? \ A ' * 51 - ft, F*«l U S.», ■ IV r—■ Af»c th. i' H aft,- xx hen IV . m re*iei; rlbm xx i* -s Uiinl*\\ inning . int. *:„• n t., *ivxt i 4 'At .. »M? *fvYr»? Arwv \ . l».k*V-M lisul r • i'at.xxa'X -cttvrft at Ox, r# lUiilerrft *u»i- t»nlv Hie tltii ' -1 but t«x |t.x«|o.n •' ihe an* ON'F M'FNF frerrx tlxe drama "INrlnfxx *1 Nra»" dr*H with Hir Ins In itmilii !'•••■ v WA.j* **xe tiW rr-xlrcixMii-% 'I.- , ! A**.-!, »x." l-.xlUsi hi* p*»h,-, Mai a then x* .4* IV-*.xn Apt it 1" African 4l«ixi<* V.-'X 4 ' " k fin ? . ft»x . i. ignorrft » ix t carpet «o noil \.. >ift,nt to- M, Mattel*, an fxoln r nffirrr'* altrnx|»t* (» irl the bete l<» mhIm* l«x rxim. * he didn't It WM- ! "• ft . • Ik.* 44 ritmrxxit. stale New* I'hnlu tv.-o^i'vnK * in M AA F,i«U*xn V tft 1ft cntranxv, anft advertixtuii "vxiov Dxb.rl ebo'i. *>VAt\4ing t.- To Hi' IViwuli'il A I' .X «;XMX *K1 \ ? Aft >x\,rvh«,t itx ^1' hi* it-fv the *h:x K Xpivx D Iftftft X -A.iov* «l!tk»t to • ft.t Huh l'! ihoo* deeix a varied gmup of >•.*,< «:A W*C M ".:•■*• X r - IV x' KiKxi A^m ■ » TV.-'*. 99 ftft .•■nxft* xxf.h .:.xmr of the 3,00ft V \''xk,4 S gixx.4 |Y( x'otxxpet tor*, ran giog ft«vn Tbe;-e wriv 91 V't A. '-V^-.X AIX Sf,4 \U*hi T»u ittxxri i ig ftft -.•» 1 m.x*-. » behind poln-e iVixuxpi,' h»xpefills to a 8.1-xe.xt t ft Oft Fmir-lNi«lit la mi l oninlil flVx flint VV>s! Afi i» XX '. i>- Hr x VbfiA Pt old young-at-beai' xxho entered I * N.ft ••• ), .,4 '•»* 'hut nil of * *-M- lY '4"' ftft tie,.ft !>it k ' all ef x.ni.'* !»«- '■ft i-v th" ftilft. 'lis. .I, | f-b.x«n At S i«vnig'>- ,n the 1"r»i«x*x a the rnee this >ear for the 4ftt»x •< A'.wl «. • v ihmg ux IV',• S'.gtx>« r 9 ftft '-id in Knglnn. ms lie embra, • d tone The winner of the evvi* ".ft Hh.. ir-icti i*;x '«■!'- Rj'nxvT ef thenx xvith ulc rxvceii *1 «N*S* Hf h.^> IV-*' .x IN.l IV. A I ? 4 bv |.W XlhA X* I '-X IV" x F.xx.vm 2ft ft.l ,»f h.« mo«. t(«n* ef Unk t,x all ft,ft t. »!.. I 4% m.xk. V.xrnxhixui- 59 ftil \ >•« !!,-,»u> I?i Eititrliilil Thentrr nl 8 p.rn. Th« rmver*i»v riu;ii.-r < • It 'X -.11 in txvu hours. 20 minute* ! •* v H*xnr f * !w way fTx -xi h»* itlWai v»?- The d urn ax eft |x,xh,e r*oei*. phxilux'tiixn «>f Sidney KinB*ley'9 ten«e drntnn tclU the ■>d^» \ • "-r xx » ir!« mx Aft • tnusie ,*f tbiddv Bpangler. the Directed by Frank Mil X ft Itutlrdiio, a -syl X.I drive tOTTX bv IV ""** A-- io;e*,N>«Al axx A xfi ft\vs^ fn».livAi« |hr ni 8ma 5 8ft 1 \ ftxl I ftifix ft IV 4ia»Uc an t virtually rh. \»d him ha. k t.» the hotel SfT.sir will !h» highlighted ttltlt announeexuent of Tift Utub mem¬ io*trucbft of vpecib, xx il! i on fx■» Inn the plav riin.i'nitiv.i Itu si i n\ss *(• " ■ chec>< thrm K-riMift. f'oljre. hatrd «„ n ftvinlHi? i>. i.r ■xv pij- and the Arnv* Ao»i1emx Pi Kixm'S lv" 21 5ft IV tVulle !a*1 canii? here irt ber* and the presentation of the »<'i>rr di-ajutearprl. Mf (ihanA be sisnkn. k»{xArA xvi!5 ai«a> the t lvM iv i Kaixiia S<«:X»A K}x*:vm U Oft *\ ftft 10 ftft ti»«t p»Mvi«iixtial p.x«txxar goxcr* mri«*nt. TV* time he returned at Senior an» Activity award. Ft per couple. Tickers Dearrlbed hv Robert Cnlrmin Club Plans aixparcntl.v fith»rr sheil thi .r uniforms Icnving hi fli-l Sm.iil <•,• S«a-:xM A*i»bx Kx'iiVm New b»rk IMII* Mirror iftif'irrciiient UP f" the ?*r»»•. MSU xx a* ii( the Dr-ii*,>-mloii Airk'A-i na't.vi AIixIXA Mu 4 -ft i*e age . ( 89. a litte gravel, a M'.ii'i h.i* lici'Ti in r hargi* sun ■■ ,. K t«v "barrowl»x*. thouibt-pro- Conference a* a in hiexv im4d*(V»Kleniv s.A-va^-x ,S 4 5ft little paunehiet'. a* first Pr»-» - ftf -u ot the Fifth Fivmh Itepub- Itiedel, l.ixin<>ood yoking. Inlr«»*prrtix e xludv of I. ' week's * 'It lux nl v Tuesrl.'ix The ftVnxs a.v ap^nsobpif hy fttgma^Xu 1.1 VI |he end product of ma** viol¬ ' r precipitate! the cfima'ip Briefs tk,» *e,> Acadowi;,' IVrviiftV iNvnnx o.f Al'Sx* *nd the eA-npux jiignta fYi TV a Chi Ep*iUm . II 5ft 2ft 8ft lii 'lb Attend Mi-eling ence." Hlnt%ley'» plav eondemn* Ihe *:|rrlflre of Indixidusl* lo Management'-! Challenge the Decarlx' Ahead" ix !'■ the*? crisis. 'Ihr Viva It tr MtriHtiy r^portrd x' xnxmilhv «!\ iVvrAtmn v't\>ss- 25 IV revolutionary prlnrl- Jtroily to Talk of Sunlciit Ilemls )*» I Triangle ah*oliile *1 lra*l 15 IWIKHIII , •MI f«*r the fir ft a*f >i d managrmet inurr prr*mi« diril In rxxAais Afnc* TV.»Hkt« xx-,!! he'p 7*'« IVA Tai B 50 l»le* '• ixi«tgratn May 4 in Kx-!,"k.: C«» Tuesday's rlnt* ami more*tli«ir ; -rakr* a »iu- cspen«e« »xf the mrs' *txi- Ph. Kapr» Tau ft ID At ifll Award 4>sx Dan Itiedel, who will lake I7f» were ixnumlril I or Ihr week A Ts « j> qon— ntA tAk •'£ psrt n the Opera - sowriilf* John Chapman. New York let oyer a* head of All University of violente. tlir total* rose to al Dailx Nexx * xirama tritn-, find* Ti'«* ( X" *i'4»n* «»i d t,\ f on ViOWfw^ni tWxn Cwkinxklj «l«Kle.tmtr ar«t .AljVi.t i'-:! lA '-' j, x lift If.1*1 ID ilrsil. hv official roiint. - v. kvh iht* at 2 t ftft Rtudenl Government tonight and a message <>f hope in "Darkne** Managemi'* C'uh. — xxxxtk-esmp in West Afncs V ,x A'jxhA IV.'a Pi Vv .Win iQ Harrvnt. have jx»n>- aiennxei A'pha Ep«tlon rVx: . ft.Ml .Oil I'rrsvnlation Bill Livingood, past president, ei Noon." lie savs that xuie dnv •xM-mmunism will xlefeat ilself ration of s»ulrn;< bo*me** adntinilrgtion ami mine IImii NflO wnumlril While mob* "f cheering tfu- *" «* JMk TiiViet* msv be boxight f.xf 5ft • 'x . A'pha tiamma l>cl;a will attend Ihe lllg 10 Student 4:afw« p'f*o fotvc txAxx ftft and he majestic human soul, The project Is .» part <-f Uh» tlciif* -ackc I Hir home of Rhoe'i -x cent* at the United Natiohs Alp a iVicrbn IV Clar* L. Bendy, f.irmrr mem¬ Presidents Conference at Indi¬ r haw ihmt- 3 Oil x\huh is so terribly alone, wilt rlub'r piirjeist* t<» me> t with tho %»»••• P'rx,idi'nt-elrct, I.rr K * •.» U -h^'x. #'xl at rin«> s Alpha Phi ber of the Board of Trustees, ■> ' '*> Ci»rmj,xn more V>an a 1 50 ana University in Blooming ton om<> agaoi be free." management# of var n>u.x btisi- JhKing, Seoul waited anxiously to HevV.tM Sh«v UrA^ilixr A'yhx X; Delta . xxdl'txe guest speaker al the An¬ > Eiir*bnth Dwxx s *%- Oft tlx;* xxex'kend. Tickets are now on sale .it the ne-1 firr»»'., see what ihr pridrfully stubhoi n, Chi nua! Union Board Awards ban¬ ■n* ,n ffsjMatVxr.f of iv iu 5 ftft Ttir pair will leave Friday Union ticket office -»! 8k 85-venr-«>ld "George Washing¬ ■ ... . quet tonight The theme emrrKerf fmnr the a 4 MSv 't Sxankv Mwrda, Ho?K>rt Cfl}« Event Flans IV »a r.eu . .0*1 The Ixanquet is held annually afternoon ami return Sunday. Livingood ts planning on rffnrt* of the rlnh to Integrate ton' of S<>iith Kurra would 'i Some aaid-he might wait at Ira t 4'r.i:iiT,t Phi Dcta .. .00 1 ftft in Honor of the outgu,ng officers. bringing up the problem of Tiro Hevt'i vc t ilk* about rritir.il area* in the two mote days l»rforr bowing * ♦ ♦ To Be Hearil Ka*>pa Alpha Xaiva I Vita Theta . Oft The John Award will be given to the most Howard Worker * Cantnus Chest here at MRU. next Guest 10 >rar*. speakers known for to the public clamor for his re¬ Rcnaml • taatad Leoiurw to I rrinrr wi2 h# Th.s week's AUSxl-.iTk^n»«x radio jvrxxgrant ef csmput events Kappa Kap^va Gamma Phi Mu |\ IV: x Ph. . . oft | R<) .ftft outstanding worker *"f the y«'*r# putside of the UB board x>f di- reetora. Some tem. according to school* raise substantia! money on the united charity sys¬ Livingood Fellowships tlwir eminence in business man¬ agement inclwlr: Car! (k-etnle. signation But most agreed he could n>A wait much longer for fear of re¬ R4«ht» t^UTKUV an. The purpose Carolyn Lake, CI rem vi He sen¬ Assistant S<*rc*ary in the I'S. wi'l hive re^xrx^entAtix-et fr»nt Smii Kut* no of Campus Chest, kindling the fury which niadi* ' Ihr award was named after iJi'or.rtment of Commerce. Paul *M cwntr.ju Tue<- W trtemAti.xftat Club. 4he Sen- Zcta Tau Alpha- 1 80 which started mure than 1ft ior. has ijoeti awar- years ago, is to represent various Harwell, MSI? dne«*t,*r x-f scho¬ xft'ie; battlefields and brought joe Bail sven-rniatdxe, and ROTU. Men's Ca-ep* bright fellowship to be used for vporteid. the award, whs was kilted In an charities seeking separate tlo- lar hips; Milton Crow president Tomgte'i lee- Every Wenftesday night on Real oo graduate study abroaxl for the martial law to the country. anlamnbtle accident. . ' ® be at ?:*». Tharadax s i-f th« Cr.n.s Company; and Ho- . M ILS at 9 3x1 Pa*, rife and Bixxxrr 320 nations. . axMdcmk' year j080-1961. She »w*:ird Stevenson, xaw* manager Rhee's ufler lo resign if "llie • « ♦ an< • p-m. An talks Former President William The fact that the Che^t re¬ * Randy Hippkr Interxiev. stu- EVsworth ... . 20ft for the Detroit Edisun Co. people want," his order to Vice '« gsvm tm.. Hampton, BloomAeld Mill* sen¬ presentatives aren't alkrwed to will atudy Hie French language 1X1, denu connected with eoming H endrick ^ . 21.00 ior, will also give a abort apeech make collection* in the dormitor¬ and literature at the University Ungwctf will talk on "Busi¬ president-elect Lee lo leave all * * ♦ campus event* How land 3.2ft . and inUrodu«-e the new prcsi- of Aix-Mamilte, Faculte des ness Managvment and the Ame¬ public posts, hla promise of new HtnL-m to Sprat- Tonight M.xhammed Hanil. Molts - . 3.2ft xieoi. Bob Keavy, Pnntiac jr ies has stifled their collections, Livingood said. Lett res, France. rican PoliticjI .Scene'' in this eleeUows with no date specified l -v.- - prewdcr.t of the Interna txm a I Ulrey . 3 2ft — and his promise of govern¬ Sam). Of «J* OM Guests invited to the banquet Other activities which aided lUta AdroKko. instructor of closing session at 8 p.m, to which K ■ « Club, and Barbara CnnUno. the public welcome; mental reforms all were hailed • <■ B»-S< and Tturt Will include two former Union Board their funds were Sp.irtaxMcie and textiles, clothing and related ts Mex^o City jr, will discuss Uie «*i\ «i ' 'x' -Bank In\-04tnwBt»-* al club's program for Friday night. W illiams Signs presidents; Jack Breshn, assist¬ Spartan Review, neither of arts, ha3 also received a fellow¬ C'rwaa will *prn the day'* ses¬ by riotously Joyful students monumental as j a( u* AocouBUa* and Dr. MiWlav Rurrk. ambassa¬ ant to the President; F. Ward which were held this year. Only ship. Site will do graduate work a victory for this • -»»» C!a»> tnnith' sion by talking on "Musine-% rountry'a Impatient dor to Washington from Creche- Constitution Bill Ourndmk, assistant director of Alumni Relations; and their Penny Night supplied funds for the charity this year, Livingood t in tapestry design' at the School of industrial Arts Helsinki, .Management i*d Auto mail an in generation. younger i trmr -* * * Slovakia, ertU address Interna- wr m AMOcum IUM wives. , aaid. Finland. the Decade Ahead The student celebrations In¬ tional Club* open meet.ng in In the afternoon. Steven*on l the Kivi at t p-rrx. lYidav. A bill providing for pnrtisgn will speak on "Businw* Man- volved an at'.ack on a police Arm* nnrrvr faralt* dele¬ As ""■Mm ~ - Mn.-.nt a r-wuolc a«-. » a MKanta and dt- AIm on !Lhe sh«r» will be Ron Barnum, Pontiac sr- who will nomdMtMMi and electk»n of gate* to « constrtutronal conven- Proposal to Discourage War agcment ment " and Industrial Develop¬ station and the ing of Lee"* home. Lee, Rhee's looting and sack-, " ucxn was signed into law Tues¬ running mate in the March 15 -pR3«^; diarass plans for the Senior Stevenson became sale* man¬ day by Gov. Wiiliems. *.a.r nr. Howard Potior Dawarotwnt or of Bail to be held Friday night. Don Mtiler. Grand Rapids jr , will be on hand to tall about If a cons'.itubonal convention is approved, the lagisieturc only Trade of Destruction Discussed ager after Ihrouph of Detroit working thx1 Edison in 1958 hb way sgix-* department. up elections, was credited with a landslide ponent victory who defeated him four over the op¬ 11'..'.,*al lAci rauwtor. the ROPC biood drive. will be required to act the times* He also taught at the University year* ago. Students, charging tor nomiiwft.on and election of A proposal that could destroy don their plan to attack Turkey basic assumption that neither fraud and police coercion at th# The areeklj xhou- u sponsored «.f, Michigan for two years in it. I k*emhl\ * * * by the publur reUtions c.xrmmi- delegates. Other provisions tor an American city and a Russian in order to prevent dx.otruction the Russians nor the U S. wants 1927 and 1928. polls, made Lee their chief Lu¬ tee of student govcrnnxcn*. partisan aclection el. the dr!ey__ -city was discus*cd by Dr Abba in their own country. war. He said that the Russian* ge? in the demonstration*, *".S bo jF»tcs art contained in the new. Lerner, profes*or of economics, If such a plan were put Into would not bomb the U.S. be¬ lour undergraduate student* Crowd* ftf young peope a m**ur-a ef law cause of fear of an American Prfc.:d«rt Asaarafclr :o- in two lectures Thursday and effect, both sides would take will have a panel discussion in smashed Into Lee's home, hurled * *-d0 at esa Delta • Injured Bicyclist the The Jegisloture constitutional convention on failed to place Monday in the Union. Dr. Lerner cited a hypotheti¬ part in the bidding %r the size of city to be destroyed, he said. counter-attack. Another member of the aud¬ % , the afternoon management on the curriculum business a I his personal belongings out ti e window and built a bonfire to In Fair Condition tf-.e ballot The League of Wamen Voters by rcaolutioa. cal exaaipJc-- If dec.ded to invade Turkey, the the Russian* If the Russians decided that the number of homes stated was ex¬ ience said that the American MAC. burn them. One <>f the few* item people would never accept such Management Club's other to survive was 0 huge tilk Amer¬ |hA Clark Arrranl Suzanne Rea. Bloomfielo Hills and the state Junior Chamber of Commerce now are trying to US- would declare that it pendable ami attacked Turkey, a plan because of its coiiJ- acnvitiesi include tht? Union- ican flag The students gentiv 'I'lirpTtly of Payola tres-vnar., remains in fair con- gather enough signatures to put would destroy a million homes in a Russian yity, giving one the the plan would have failed and cities would be destroyed, biooded and calculating nature. Dr. lerner agreed that a major Management debate on current issue*, a selection procedure of placed it to one side, away from the f,r«\ and then presented it diU ic at Sparrow after a bicycle 'v-noww — »ck' accident Saturday, Dr. James the proposal on the November month's notice for evacuation. he said. However, he said, the problem in putting the proposal a laryj automotive firm, a man¬ to an Associated Press photo¬ •m. 'tieriaJao idol of toer.- Fcur c, director, health wrvice. ballet by petition. The Russians then could bomb plan is preventive rather that Into effect would be negative agement development program grapher. As for Lex*, his w hen - - " aecuaad OdiractlT sa d Tuesday. an American city of comparable destructive. public qpinion. pf a large food chain met a tour about* was unknown at that Prt If Meeting aire. Dr. Lerner pr*eenled Ike plan A third man asked bow* the bf the manufacturing and office .'■moment. '^T' '; t*Tia» ether daw The cause of the accident rt- Faculty and students interest- He aaM Ike plan, which waa city to be destroyed would be facilities of a large automotive Another crowd of student*- • / pu;'ITCnr *• • > 1>» .-. ReSiHiivh Mirliigan Stale All JW «»M U« r»« Uw-| AOtnx>c«M ?U ... • rvM%j 4-,\v ....... JSiWHtAW »- r!*« *fv-A 9we«J , «r"r' a •v»" W*x-* * fPfcM MMt H'Vrt'.WtM »w4 » iv-H* > %•** (lithu Sirnti»l«* «r^. ■*< vr.fl-*n —w twrmr* ftU ♦«** - r-.-w i.-Ni.t l--.V>wr H Hf- rV#« rr#'-e- v^' ♦*» *■* ri Warrh 5 Ifl* »t »* <;•** A( «. v- ' *KV, '.fe H.-'O A:' Ha" f<." r^r ^ t;-r IV4* Pt«* A«Art»»»>a rxo^a »«)i • ♦ % l*wi •*>4' twVri'* i hs*'', :-A -*f> •' "Sy ' >;--v:TA*y\ * r Winn < >M W ash riolhos in Future Mm Mimvh, tHwt I i HTHWHKMX IMWWI if* ttW-a* Sftrof ,%«»A SwSX 14MrtH rs»o r**r«wA M1W. alVfn*1 "•- l««'.pn» 1 »»♦' s*«iraM • H\*-r N%*»' *e> *t !>•*«♦ f«nn r*n'. totmt .»••• O'. »■#!«« *'» J|tvH ,*»' fMM \.tft 14 1-^iai «, fr ftfttfl MifU'i flrV r"--« , I nw » 4".w % ^4« 1 %*«• !"!••-. •*« 'f 'VAV M'l V *■ «. >•<*.» ram w «*«xr» f-M ft KNhff M^hijraw State NVw-« ri-v . I U tilth Wea«ter*huL CAMPUS CLASSIFIIDS Pt tPttvt( 1 r <** tx%* r*wvir**w fw tw«, *• A*"" ""X « • »i»A fH %M*+r* fV^Atln# I'M M*w I AV»»'*-, ,-f. - «;vV \ «xvpi i*n i iu*i »* *a» - !MI« f.|« t«A t-1 spf.|.e«A iSn%«rt» . » •■..• A* «*• IV•!-«■ t*n IVfl* fV'HtWHa* (>ur kiddie* V. M* *"»-* •-» * KVT. J«I .. . 1 "»i «*•> *■' *■-»"« n *\ A » * »-* T" . * •••*■ *•» 1-,v' \X* r* M P V -I I I* M M I v* V. Vm* K» ♦»%«:'. 1* ** • t V*vf« »^ A v-T-l 1 V % ys»i >*fv Wv»»j t *« >nn «-*>< r«4'A*v T+ V* s f"'"--.* IVm 1 ***** tS«* fh*» *-V< » ***•*.«• *-» * Vron'tSoW oak S -H •*■■ V* F* «V "•-*«. V -. 1. • , ■ - . -. -TV- •. «.r»-*v4 < .—.tv-f-v.-*. - \ . %v \ - V 1 ;v --, < AUTCMOPVE LOST «*d FOUNT ; V * V m> - •.-<* V* H» V (to *r«x an.i;>- V- Wo Think . * -> , |. .1 T-V"^ «Tfi — *H|» »vf M"*f .-'"Vm • w l"« ;•" « •••■; F'-'-A ■*••• -"n * - ■••"-■ .'• *"•» Hi« If A— * * ~*X 1 >*«-H utAij • * «t •<*»■** *or Of.-a r Vi, tN • . !•».- 1\' I H". O. -5\ * Ilolli.'r I lr| in HinrUnr< • *» eowetyw an vvx-' PERSONAL 1 '.•t-M-AV.f in #►*•**»»■.■>, ■ V* • ~A~« +'■■•-*■■■ v "l* ' e»:V»M *Nr - Hi VRVT7** * /o/> ( fif/rr Museum R, H)f *« •,- —■f f V«'|-«f.» 5V • «'« * •• t• *S» *•»*■*>* *" «< V«i fvw \ vy*'.n-,v«« tAVa V- -1 -•-*■ « «'» \>'.% ■ • ."•p* r - •'-•* 1M--* -Vft -v» » •*..« <-*«» #*»-•>* mm*** •- |**-t # n—t * n * "N"* J»V OX •-«.-sJ '* •• »• • > '(V > : t* - - v. flv HOI I INFORMATION • • Mi; tv"i-r> .... , •- * »*• . - ri" ■* TNN>S »*■ *•.. * •«..« »* x*t p*v*x\ npMtts . «.»M* «»1 Ml 1 •»* - •* — - \fNHV IMN AV. • * ■• 1lm •-• *, V ■ . *111 f it I 9 • *t *-"• * *- •' "■ A." THA 0 « *"«* ro-l • ,.. - ' «!>■«« nv m I>N- ' .V.W -m r—*'r- Fe • *»9» \.1\M Mill. f*»-i *>•«•*» #TV " * 1 t 1* « m -F? *-*0f H VT* «?M • f »»/•♦ A ».<-» ♦* f>!*» #*>"»' • *»• wp Mpeun *. ■•"•XMi ■IIM'HM'oa'A •- #»%» - 4* ♦*,, t»J •"««» r»- ?w«v. » *•: fX , -»«■ W - *isn « »,.( H»" c s mm n MtuerviM l o l oacher* i ~ ^ x. «**•.•.■ -t ^ f * VI * 'W| STTaShV r* «iia ♦ ■•».». SK»>, —• . S, M v * V .., -( REAL ESTATE NvT"" "v *■■*-- H" < * >» V ' - ft. «1V» * V* . fr^-v *• • *%*•*.iwe*Kf fM«tOWENT HlV-V| \ i •» *i\.*iN*.v • V>»-< ••.•*ir *. K^fJ, • ■ OMV1 tWV \f»7t UAt K1\i - ^ . 1*. MA fT* *■•■" *• y-^ya-r- if *-N*'■ < ,*TitS*l J Wvj^ivM.v/ *Vv*1*TNT TWVV - fi >«*-. rraMix UMH* , ->..*•• n O'X.MVW ... r v.. »H» - , w/s.-u »«.- v.-e* t|\M *—. X 4 »A * i- ♦ n.'R r-.-a » «A r*- .-* XA H-- IWA'M ■'■*:TX «r •«* »t «-»* MhIinj > - •v»' *- % r"*" Iff -•■• > H'V-VT iXATfVN'A r.-'V S-' • >. - ** I r';v w Art* < umi vi Aim 'M- ' V i»*.wta »mv ^ - *t •« - . - • f 4• «f A rn-wi |f. %'-x FO t-w*T mere** * "!( KM. ••' M'U**T** a A *A« -i"t, f /•*.?«»»-«» t s - v r - v»- f*n» w, r»B^ •««"• *>»* « ..'*+* a; FO^ SALE . « ,*W ■"■ r'*' •t' *>» -»«K •»♦»«"* K/--A1M «v.:r xwlw, itiTA* »>" - •'"A *r* »t»' *>~ ■** I . " ."WlHWA* N-"1' H.'V» | •» fi- fl %*!#«• **»V» ii.n.M v * •Vfif-P'OV * OV,V« t*-x »*•# ■»%. »>*«*• *•*< \'S' • \> VI .'*-• • ■ wtTTT» .* .*o«.w v>r* ■f » F. '» "i * • •■» -a. ■ «!«- f l»'v*N H I-/** -V. -MTfvl'h; Dorm (oils O'-e. w ► -.4 t-V» -miv « V. .1 nt r»<4»N« ♦**••*»»"».#• "Sff S*:**- »pr -T'fi «•-?», ' %»., a. v| a. t i •■"' *»♦,v«a*»" - vOVVfW C»W\( Otrvm VI. INVMT • fai'ifinfawao* K f*«N ~ ••a.** fiv**: ' .■ •■ * ' '' Jf-V- V*" • t *f < 't>W »Xf»'W »f v» «*"! , f >• r .^W »' *r. •» X.-A*- WJ»# w Tv—f' v 1 »1«m Immm IP t-A "v fH-'V *%v Make I jt (WumTTII ^avilt -A. ■ F'lHIl atv-iF :-''Tf I Mr Hr-a'f* W-taot 4-^A.n *• * •**«• ■* - • ■?« I- '•-,. - 4 i UM1 VI m.*W. fl»» <»-«.«• »*! ***x— s " 'f V'.v ■ u -- ..v, •"<• 41 > •„•»• 'v oP-fir-*n i? t»- ». »x '"'H'1 •-•- VAVN HMir Honorary • *-t POtn iV>n> Vv- •• •»"*- mittw. «H PAf^Sf lOVTvl S'»w* .»«. V '• - • ' ' ' ' >"• • • v ,, ••». \* m P1>OTkT , **-*; <•«.*"«, * ' V.R* T*v^ . .-vcwot PLrrIt . - ^ A.s••'« ,' .- ' V-mflf V-.-. • ••' ' *•- • *1. nox-mfTT?1 COT* rRr.nif " -:m»' •> * - «*»!- -S "ttf-C'- k*»»* V H'-'V'V - Nfv - *: * S *V^.» v «.v^ H OHV *r «»*■■ H fiw >' a "Hi %-») H» •**• S .rn» *«*»»? > Flowers L»\o • INW U f» »*O.^T • * • * 4 ft " Ihf N**w «*' »<*ATlI'KVia-! •-l",.lMillr r..frve."v WM> *■•-... * ( ""ut >?-Wt* Soar ', V A-M W ell Together ••'*d4f-■ %i. (©MSfr. >.r mpriTtv. **>-*{ f-VM. n 1 91 Mrrr MU wvwvzr.-w. cwm-V esv hOf» —nT •li.s "■ l,«lw -, r: 1 «. i.-w jofnifrr Jsnr-iMg* .r«f:svvtf . -A . TJcr A; < r\^* WN:V. tv • '•■* '•'--l"^ A *w*f jvh e Ittf- X ' 4*- -•»•--"S. Xf oavnr* CMsva «\xi > »A 1 iii|Mwa.nii!ife-Tiafe tr -" •■ v. ...*- flunBimais ■ a: •• • r"v..!wru * ■ ■■.: ■ -- - - - . sn; -. >• X*. I * ^ toweOiwi r.B *'*• afe tf-, •*—K "V fwrnMpMals #f ■>f*« * "'*» ;i« l*|"Mi f'"*s *t> | »L U» I5ekwtiti mi n-» wn puitw rrsum. 7:11 »» I*n-r » '* #ux.''fii. fcj** Anu^'W KtTJt *■"< Arms'** ■-,**■ (.. riml* mi -r*t5*«v* 'U,mc*mc- MtrHttfum TW f «f H t>«r a- i? h» fiiAHW \*> jKMtiiJj ihr '» SM4, -rr ?- (I 1 <1 ' .?« IKMMh-S ' OAT~ AVr ' ihwvt. A FVUT Vim ir» T-fC» J*-* iw •» utt •© wf« n.T Mr Br'5» vr~-~ -■ ' ZL ■*:( "i.t v.' S.-B'. ■ «. ■ TBftx* tv»—> m 4W»*" -*• •*•" *; S-83S *a re MKt • ■'■ •-: •. .' .Sin-. HOUSING ^emtt 9 .■v.- v ■:■•"- '.. •%.- •'• ••* •'■ fcO* Pfvff -*■•• ••-.'••" ■ S' -r« • • W-- A '•v-iMKW': * 4 '■ i * !K :■•■"■ ' vc siswrs? ■- ' &&*■?■ T.v. y:* • -:X agv^^cr. iv ■ Z. B-v. jFfte, Sr^fis xr. -'Mr'.f ■ VOCVC VBCHKA* FA.V7I v . ,??. «j»9MS»oa£W Aiw* B-s- * Nw* m^O* «M re aks> ■ladtc ■»-* ,* ••*■* m-iff,-.; n;-' ,*s' X""«r »' • +"-*ov itrrwr- - ait, Pf»| "»R *» W«- 'M mmwOrtwc *• «nr*- VAT noac w ^ '" t»4l*VfSP o*3> TV TfdmxAW^ . . r .rr - W*. -.f !►•»»« ; > a »•*■• "mTB.. ■CiiBB. Cf, 4- . i i.'nmiH n* «r*»IH *» ij*» jdfw«ir» fjsfcfM1* •ilTf.-. -vis-.:: as R : r-w- P--. - —354-'^2SfeS. *.V«T .LA.VNCVM; ~ If Jw* S'H?.|riui IKV tWCteuif- f . . • • *-T. •r*. inemi ww ferjsaiy*C eiMwwsebw IT • MC7A-Xt MTvrroTr- It F * ' T * A n^vam. • Ht -• V'-^' C-a..-.*- ry*. Mr* Oeeewtfc. FT * ^ f F- '•""f .w e . i -i - i sv-;i-ii,v?> ViAi-ian-Vr. V.«. ■ •ukw ss; '*va;•• V *o- •- SBi.: . .a- v ty- 4. e, r-oe -« • S' " . .. - jv i ".>•-• V." .-..' V ,M» .. jv" V - rjanc /xxfa TA< transporta~nc\ v », I •».*.- r..*. ).:.,- » m. Si-.fti- Ss>,r ^swpatcsK ip^WsPe e"^" nwOT—flo fmr crwurA «aO» f; e»Sl5ESwtgP^-. • UM-'I- e.f-.c !<-••• '» Vjr^. *,.'-v—-i, -• Cio-i tbt&tok SWSB XUNWH SSBSJAii* wvw TKAK Caeev Wmwoewt IK m- V4 94. *• 1-*^ -* *Sv~*. Win .. •COWS ir £!X'. jWiw Nic/jT >hi'f •Uen4r C-Jmar^"- WANTS) H *nr ~ fi»5l V ?sB^» H.srrj-,1 4.#mr mi VM* ■Mivas^ev ;$re P-; g-"*uu apf- SJSJGvt ~ CChOCTM& iatt • Avrcn *n* re c»*; J^| . NP -* r^rv OMnwtt in "Jgr«| S"i»C; 4.^. A>.. A*» % < rv?* -rvi. ^ai---vKFs *M» . >««; mmmutig r:.-w>£Ssi DO^vm -.^....... t tat# Tflff* TM • ;•« -•I »♦- i ** .« * #w»tMi*Wr* s*M *♦ W-, ! \ l» llv t-Attf# »» " "4 i*!" v« tH»» (MS'-v* f *• %♦ Ittlivl# i trul I'l « I> Gold Coffins for SiHtcctiwn? • IV f w rtr. 'M> Mv-t t« M> ll-r: t* h •-.« •« He * I vt wi* ♦*'4* *»i \ ii «t»N**r?-B- «t>»f- ivs v *• . *• -.• ]- •' ^fn11 ••» t**# \» 'rc' H'*"1?'** - « V . »••«♦.( ). is H: r <.•**..»■ 1 v" S# ■'. Ml p r I|i* !«• rSllfptl llWrtStc* «iu«mI Hit»-S*« r't« luf |Mttt 12 Vmmi • 11 |».m «*il ,pp»l«»l|pnll* • ami! MM|Mi*i|St t vqmenti HIM4 i AMM A %•«.-• tM i up %r « n "* « *»*«t r»« M <« *> lilt *<♦ *****•«»«» WtrS.*,-* »ri» wi'lf i«( wiMil ai>il Iv. i tM A|»I»|i i| f!i> yR » 4 SI limn? i tlay (kgrrtdl IV * A«Hl'l.'l ** l*»r«t *Wt «'!|V| b'tmn deiert orange IVr^wn S*«Irf dfttpi* R-rS.»»ii* Ir^iwiv 1* K' •♦on# qr##n almond k \rr \ linn bldck Woe t iinWiH Mr'iiim V novy dtibwood (tliidcs OUR RRITTY INUMIU Recruited 1SM*?\* t*l 4M.I» IVil'luM comnl in oleven luih color it Drip-dry colion clonic fuel- in with t»ll ballad unptened Ultrari IViilnn'f pleol iliit. S to Id (iie*J s The ••! 13.OB UnSilinu K\ltil»il VERVE Rocortof Artists M\r to ♦ r \\ t RMIRM lot in %*MMKO\IJ t Mur rot or MM- ( RMrt * Pino's Record Shop Across Fran Caapas la Laaaa Hack •wimtwif wRb Cm* hWm NtV RWMIV figure-making lit and twimming eoie-lbea addl a matching jackal (or ofter-iwim cavarvp. 10 to 16 tiiti. S3.0S Matching jackal. 1S.0S ' Saa our entire eel lection DEANSGATE authentic | of cheotht, boy leg*, / natural shoulder clothing mioi, two-piece luitt ond/- / Va «*•«• rr*a.»s? ©«4 «C4t F-cat-'- bikinil in cotton, knit pa r lattox paiileyt, ifripot, floral*, check* ond iolidi...ond be „ t •ure to *ee our comploto a onorlmonl of beach occottoriot. ca IV 0-X771 (acta A»>iielmr«l t*. w. c. mtecv t n i mi rj- - WALLACE OPTICIANS >Vl Kt mi Mintv «tt SII MWa t ft lloirlinii Slur lo Instruct 4ptU it. two foirflv# IN otters Shutout y , fVt-M ► .1 "• !♦»« n. (ollegc liMkall iH-n.-t* f» Aii»»iHeiw KHmhi. • | (.Ih'f |» Af •«•«» I W ayne U., 9-0 joiiKil t |»rttt|l»n Cftm ' At . ,».•»!■ tti. •»*(..., « tgii hig tn f || • ' AIhli'it I 4 fioit » ' Iltj0-t » IM Hlghllqhh Al ¥■, ■ >. v I Vnll. t»|Hif t |*M»ltl|# * Shimhs illll liOrm**nl l» Extern! Winning Streak tiMftrttfml F It E E 0»ii> Ills littgiI'imti't rrptO t'» Ht# |t| com I* foHn To 12 Straight Matelie* A »i» III IrAttg fitlf MilfM too (t-ffll Itn *»»■ Hot- al Iht |tf MOMIU IIIIM HH l«Sl» AS P. *1.1.4* I.(« O'v4'• AMtlSMir liftli t loa** |rt AIHM» in l« tt « »*•* *r'**v< if tt HWTeit 'r- *4 *'? m * V.BHViv itut bIaiIIIAJ liMlilUMitnl It l< |(»»i« nnrtttrt *or iMi ltt*» WKSITY IHUVK- IN on oiiANr.r. ■ • . C.Vft'tto t'4<.«i ill t«t«trl« l»r lit the. ffllrt |»t i ..\i ihmm in i ii i ohi. *\ tt »*v htftr • O. ,.,^.4 I. , 'x II I'll, DIM N>« li'ilflt IrPtflM *M»» ii 11ii rnn in i.l I Ml onc ITKM I'M/AH ••'*' .• i o.'-oVft iitvtiftp t**n* ho the ilftilllMr llolliij limn tt III ... ,x »>r -'*1 *;oi■ V-- *>ft *i t* •♦•tM V v-trh.- he intra III I iMt* t Milt tint ... . , ,, • . t ' ,<• C-m" ft**4 ?'v1 V •'»(•. ,1 ibf «.-,0-f 'V H4!**'"1* It ^ On *0 TV.IIlO-Vl-vO Af ■••fi44 .»y- •»»♦« w ihrltfe.i , K «•"« 1< lV'*« ■ ... tt ui> »% *1 -v 1 h» hpfteti 'He •«0(i 5v *v fcn*?r '»* 1 ft-r- t»A«r* \ > V>*' « T .«r. * * t\WM i«r'f.v< * » Mftirr Ahtlng te-tm Mitm Iwo mrMthetB of the 1*1*0 1*lf»'t 11* RV»a Oletr M«hrt A»o Ihe to hollMHt |*i»i«l (ft Hi ftt-foi'il tolil A|i t oft*ttltt| Iniitii'ti t tth htlrh hlrh hetf* mthtltl letrl tt H1 .m o4avv'i i>< un tt • # I piichsi, mv 4 u • * r*!*pDittwf it* C-Vr"« tW* • « **>' \ *y <•,,,< 1 «.' ->*i CI * .if N ft'«h P 1 ? '" i n |- l»-,t »lte At-41? • « 4 ?i«i i-por . Wo *1 . •, •Vn'v < |-X--w I n • 1 ••): ■ n» n I in 4«'■• • *'**«'•*« Ret"4-* * ' 1 ***44 *4^44 4 % Hi Ail.l ti • ••» *4 het*npp>* ttetehV4' * lllft '» \ ' At'if'.' ¥ 5 i|i ^.,— , \*+$ c*rHr.n \ \ n |twn tVCVA ,». r. v. \ III V. A ?*«..«•» i,.t,.h, , s * 4*T ... h i M.M r-t n vt n o\» M ' 9V.* 44 (W'MM n ..* St f x x 1 ft O-l-h... 4 1 4(1 "•i t h,.. Vi » , •. xv# WV-ftHstmHehli «'• IVvVr 1*1 » A • ••.'At t lot lift. - •••. - tftWtll ****** E* til*4 \ « \ ? • : -. C i > A V | ( tt |IH» ... t 1 CC 1" « * * ill * M4»,« Pi'iO-i4 If Mot «\ lit ■» •*» #-4 Hiv^4'«n tVi e<*t A * 1 ".'I. >»«!< 1- ' I 101 * » jft»» *«-•»> ... '4 ' HpMM tw « 9 * 1 let* ti4rct* tv ?3 1'h'cRs'.* »v,. »yvi(wt *Y4. 'ho \v 9 ftt.&\-\ ts h( I i tft'it AtcV't .in'-• A**4-' » v.. „, - \>,v V~wV A 1 • t»S |t t tsl Hiifht Bl"»e< * 4. . »«>• ifMtAt | • I*' cV!«(*,v« t.t . , -tV» H.-*"',4*! ft tin" Ivt.rr \ W'*l\ , S ? « H»ft,Ml>AV ^ * c V» e-lM i i. M.tltci N> S mow V 1 1». *, a > » " ?V'»« * I ■ ' i. . . .# l , i ■* t '»• ■ -1• 1 1.11*1 — ' m Ho*t t,N%-rh#H. O^-.n4.^ \\ .•••• 4*»T» 4 O 4i t**»* \\ «i <: \A»4 i o ,i1 n, i, i.». •>. •. • >» ! two TWO x 9 ot*»to« *1 *ho <\4 M t «4!. S • ft 4n tM*i. ' DICORATOR" ♦ • • . .. .44' v >v n tfh t*K4 . »tt * •.• **.e» »• w«t (»M,r, GREAT NTW "i.e. fttHHOo •• ft $»♦ ' it>'" ft"','-4 btfr steins N -'V i *»**«*?I * »* ' i. r 'o n ■'» iioston rors irs HidM^an Side Beseball Statistics lV»«oi| t* •** *1 i \ft»tefre 0 0 hi H «t.... j t'til "**i llh'llr'.t I . - A .*■1*11 \ V h « 11 • "■ . . *vt *J I* »*» :»* 1 '« ft.! !•!»■ i . 1 »M,..,I HO. ,.*. I It. If All TOR THE TRICI or TMl RI CORDS A10NE IN;^ ilhtppttth 1* t!t*f«< I «•» o •» «• A0,« < |*r..'« I* ' ' l\Wttmv44 D\14*N»: ft,I t» t»4 ,i |ta?t A* 'o ' • t ,t ft' it et Vro^i tt •". t H* -ft i ■ . s- "cvcrvtliinu' ImiI tlic liner" » ' A'.** ft mmmt'tMIWI*** t»wi DM «»* Ml * ♦ f »»< » ; 0 0> t*tif1 ■ ' F.y :.Mh CUU.4 t t f It ... ... * * , iMi'nl. t *' ftlfth. • % ■ * A T i.»• h.i mm'•.'oft'' » 4 A«- At t t * * \ V; i V »s sfV'rM 9 »M ft |**i"t I t I *t * I* .1 |ft,t |«Oft!»ftt ..»-#v^4 v% M II !« 1 If'.ftt*- A 1 <*«•'!.. * I', "!f)hi h.( 11 • m. *%r*»»4 l» I iaiiA MRH I'II II ttrmtii I JI'M'tt * (h htHltllr.1 1 r - If' • I Arltftft I i#*IIpt othI «t » f«t»4 « « IWtm t'.4i*« C lrrlu»«ita *t» bit #vonin| ftf t»rrittASv iv •.. \ inttiitnl fti»t. Ntu'ti1! t«itntUr frtv«»rilr«i or "llutigArimi ! » ' » * I Pt'OV 1"'. K»N»»ift.* J* >-»>• '■ A-l*,4\ •' tSr |V"-.. - ' I. Mo roo4 for YOU lo l atitflfiv "AurrSnrolwiw. Wnltrrs", "Stt*»»K# f!«U in f • • I • » I • w| "Tltoiwi frmn Toior fiunn' " I EiAttf 1<4>sf,4r«>,M«lt f,Vl'»B't t»41<»« Vtmr Fy« «lt Loy on Eg, loo ...... i • « • it • t « ,»■ ht ii-s*k i' ifl< "i |»i| ten ... t • « • #i i * ♦ MtlNOlMOAl |40 0R«?, |IVt44fS %irD»M I W W»«) « * * * * « % ♦ o » tDOa h * • "'M» *■•♦ M !• »A- *i nnwvw t., It'* the |,i,'|'. hl.t 1 o»*.nu .a « i M if a M I ■ thm SNiA*fti»ifv5: »rf flt*nh'.»*f THIS lime irmrml*t»i At » « « *+* J t t«* t. * * I •»' t**- 4 l« feic »V *-t*t*,v«t .y »*•«» ire."»t ft* *14*11 it v««r rainwear «S I I «} > ti»4~t t. * * « « ' •HiMoMHof iHiWi lalw4 < lllttlM »Wl I ,v7V «m IW «•. Hit |*r* «P • »"» ■imp >«• tpi n««*« •• «»■ •»< >t auL wt nr *»»»« «*« *t > nmtt it t-itu SPORTSWEAR nwvr. cht »>! AMI SAVE KNIT SHIRT — ACTION TREK a ii* 9.1 a'NTRASTINi; TRIM MIS A HCR COIJORS AVAIL 2 mm r*it, r,. Alt LOT «*» *TtA TMmr* AMWT* OMjOT AMI Sft^MI 44.50 At. tAtt t*ta> Br*. KM 111* J UTiCTS — ACTION FftEF S7.95 KMT INSEITT IN OOtLAR tILAl t.1 ALSO <•<«.»' OA OS. BAKS. SHOES, BALIS ALL AT ■EDUCED PKH F> moiinwus iiOLK COURSK S hiije t or east Ijaxsim; . rx i« Job-SooUri* IVoMimiih ... . v, . 11" \l 1Mv nr (fcr Aiml pi"*tftll* •» •« rt.'iv nil « H.h t"H rlhtlA1. ' ri'Vl V\A\i*\ ' „ vv'l iv'll" ftlKMUIW IIP »•" •<<« ■■"<* *<*r iiu t. • HHPtHtw with WM rt»v• UMlir- 1 MM, 1*00"' fiMll Wfntfl Vhllnl *v kwrtte 1 ,M "v t»taa«» Hn n now fcvM JV IV I*** wm-*i nw HP IP tHp -. >v^!. rwU«n Itami wnW Ma* ?, *»•■ VtoM'v p;ir»S ft tr'A roitMh# to Si.tocj- ftrrtrH, V'H oiPOiHri ** tsifp, Mr.v« wvj HP »»Wr 8|trri*l •iti-nrd totO tV VhtaO ttoaH «*- 0>'r*. Ti-pp't t^OiPfl )»,* tt(OnH*t-tPUU trt IMtrt *r-Mr VOOt SrriH lYflHtUtg OiMtk* I'lttWIItM* * 1 «*r%1 t *1 MMttgittt HurtUt t>* M M»M\ MM IM w. pt tinVnWiHf • !■ * r* ft WrftitlM MM*. • I.H-^n I ilti-d • «>*«(«<•( l«w M> WrvWiWV IV > .Vi lli M.tl 1.M HI » H iNhi.lt I Ptl* II •■(«!» Or." .*<•" INnl hi ftlTt.ll.tN 111 * Ptti-kfug . lYi'c inn rip fM» rPPtHHl »»«K* 1 np I ."Vr*HP| t^P (VintPft pf t tmtlipl gttl IfttffttM S«f«f M|M IH Itrft Bolityi SIM pk|. »f* P»>H v w, if <*s tx ■'• •••' V?vv>T" v ' ">-*• *--•■■ -' 'tS'.Plsv" ■»>..• -••• > V»( r-m^t •>. «*»•* Pv *"f V » vtitv«i-, ' ••,, 5J ■ %"r «••*'" C- <0N!* 1 --I--•. • • OK ^♦y-p Wyr1- '*•'1*.-|K' ••«.>»»».-*Vb ',Vf r •' K-vr. i-nr (\- v- V^t^Ur rrw»4 V. fV 'V'l ♦', ' O •'- •* to*- litws •p-n—SV * *«■*■:? A HM w M-: «y- .iw,A . ff'M %wi wlf*?#' h !f* npi<*»n.«- •'»>»••> *vi; f, ». k • 'WOTkWflOi p*»p Hi«»i4i * - ,»rv 1*. P>'M *#MV. Wif! »•.' tHp h^v»Op» M A • wV»f>P»i 0 p *►, «••«■ p".v ' 1 v - *s'. » V* ^,-V.Ji »»». •sr-V ^ •*» HnjwtnM **' p*Vp*tt.w» *"• Vi,pl!i"«n»fii •"r-v^-y ywM rt; PwH^j H.P-- *-p!f A- vt%i O 'M, ^ ffBPN'- *» " "W-V4t H*»Vh iV «-.»V' ft pp- •••." \f*?♦>»* I iffct Hrr*ftv Sew %■;»>, -n ^ A—•• •« ••■ ; r ft- *■ ■ %4ifHpn*( iBt-mt W 'ftp fH-ift-v; ♦"is-riWti' **»* OrMv >»At^'nt )y*V if, ..-4ft* '.'"Pij r»?0-,v-,T..- IVi4. Wpnftv ftnc*' fi*i /vftMftftft «p VP*; ip * lrt\ IV»n>mxf S»ft*r tw-. |»v»viW* i«pr»K«p fvv*. ** VftwPw'Hft■» fKH %<*> ... « A" ft*f"W W( %l! •*•,». *V 'hft.y, Vi(}. Mli'i \-i. « v*>». %A*>. <4.--v* 'PV V -.«*» *->-Ai jh#--u«.-r ft>«. 'H'. ralfcVlM.• %f»wt**WV!'> '"l- ft?1.; - jkVSfiv* WW »•-.' P.' fttns" «. ».-.!>•- VVI4,. »" '•*• W<> V-W. p4**> fmls» ftHt'ft Si* ■ v.' *»•'"" W vw.-Wfti --■•-•* -:•• ftn,. 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