Indiana IVhuliml I Ih> AA eutltcr M'Vft Sn« \i> !'«If |X«I HMWB Artlim m Srr IW I n $«*iaLhk %\s\f I im* Si Vint* \,»ir.HtfsiNV 20 v r\sr t.ANsiNiCMtiMnu.AN Tinttsnu, awui, m. imo Pith M n rinNI'H /Wir/irr f.« fiivil t-or I'mfitlinu >*'#' tWBpflHH n-T' i of P* 1Vr IVM F 'n-fttirM AY. « IN ew I isden erJ t Promi ses ♦*•-. I-T* O'ght H*T'f 1 trm ht » Korea 11 Reform, K lections «■♦.'■ OV* «r«t t«»M fo.l f,*» »l*f* Mil pfttAtlMn* .»* Jrt poi'M- y . I..,. 1 M..i,.i.„, F* * ' -"on '»i)j \ ho*»''• • **. -•-• ,n ««*U M fo * •« A . 14' "1 n»*.| ti'T. J|*iiM0 •»►» •' rr1 * Hot i-wmp-i *V»*tt ir,A tlftrtt 'thr* . " Hull Gluing; \ ■* <\ »*» ft My* I* <»,. is••-*»!*on rhx Oft -v. » . *i,l ••) fttM jiMft'inl* thft* !•"'• #••••'" llils \\ ash- r.. ,Hto. 1M.0* t .. lii U.S. Aid Ml -in * T * it Dfiiuilions To Hlood BULLETIN mFIM I. Pi lite KeouP Dritt1 hiji Mitrlinl I n*v I'liWMAtntid nit (imiiim ed Itsrif V h e P( r«ddrtif ftiAftA rU'HAV AAfteAAAhHx Verrtftrd an*Vd« fey tre*XT«W»«ArTr Mr .»«»•«♦« •»**-•* «r«rft>tx»t tn»A, l ie. I | ri» IaI |*(»iMttf nnd Iti^ A" •*• ^ri r**tvAhnlbma tn *mt*THrtU life. tu the let*' IV* Min'rl •«* T 'MTtltTft »m* * nifi* nnd two amiiai I'liMtmii tbxkv 1«*» l>Ant fttiAnrft- Yveada* nA»M. «hxxx»n !«• «♦♦<»»•■• .»»,» «rr .tn> '?«■• *rHny Tr*-**i hi * lid •iilrlde Iia it hnUdliti' on „**(rtn» ih*'Y *A»*Ydft WmiA \h I' M* of |Mm»« look. * ef Waneix W(Hin *Ar. Ml. thy AVdUrv o.^n Hie |*t-itif(Ai|4 of lite pii" i >>nn in«r«i ...-x, . vri—tjHvi »■ TT *xx * tfoHrtlfotff rty»M'■ dvnlinl tttnttxiait wImiiiI "i 'in , < I ... 1 M Th*e* t*M' n in. AA ediieudni. (round the H«r!il In |%l f**»,>» -•'**' I *i*tfxl ,f, ix o I »-**•**xi* ( . l,o ftp i •' 1t .Mii f VIiI|pi Ft*1 1 •*•• ■ypiMH . IfnrPil f/Pi ^ *,« <■ . 1.1 «♦. »v to. 1 mom . trnipli Otittileil f*»"Ii»>■ , ... • o «Myl»-"i- »>>. •>., • pi M illion! fiicitrol U'edtteailo •x »!* The A • '• 1 •'•> ' 0rt«Mi !0 1 t'» |ho lfi«li of ueMlmi South K ilotnoi't n* »• .- <•' ■ ' «<",* 5' V bMsffde V Tim \lrir;in I'iliib ftliniht lAFMOXiam A HAH ft In «.•..».! ft.Mtlh lift Apt H * ft fftt* llr(ttlin«lMlH|« >t*'tt«'.l tlir ll'Uj «• 1 imiji »o * 1111» e n on <» w'ool. ; of I dm id , . ,. ,-» .xftft ft VM'* Afttn--* hMhIIi fnt.l •» Uf«n «iltirM Iwi'flMtl tt hll* ntfTrMtii ttfttl flllftf Ittf I...IH.' nf I'imIiIi-iiI «niM, AA** II In Cntpmh'i'"" • its hafat* ItttttHin H t»» an A«mn t'«f.-.l tthrr'n ftll't. plftltirltlhl (MMttlllB MHlr rhdinp I• v xx hi. h 11*1* in TAA lie* S|hmh» . .,• hfM»|.*e»'*phi f dm ins tMittf In WhiiIIi Hntn rapt t i1 mi' • vonnpoi i'4-in-r»»t h.o htt*M«»xq rtf *h« T*AW- « •• . 1 o.h.l (In, | * v.m.i ..Id r.u'h - - *■-■'■.•.c «..I,V.,; •*?» h/n-yd*** IV ( .Mili otMntdnn loclnto of Pc.-d &.**-nf .*f liu^ of Krv Aim l'r' I fr.tix • •• • lonl Svtipinnii It•»»*» ,! I- fl T.-U.X u ..... , x:,xrr AA, 1 id O.. Ml .1 p.O.lM' - « — »*-!•* ;H-»'t,*t de*)*"* tv ... t ■ »..,•■'X* ftv 1 St*!* Ucrriiiliiii; of Sricntisls ■ ,-"■ , V M*«* (In |A.«»xx«b AAl AAV'-,* ?■••-•-. I" — '"• Iw ' <» '-■♦• veV*e*e, tc «»•"• >*' r,- ii'vn' *" ,.*• ,.«• *• * , IbiV, ■-■•' •■ -.■: >v xx VP A\r ftt*vd "ft »'•".« ^.hVn snl *V * v ' 11. ■. X-T.V t I«-.Tt •»*«.. ."-V From , V — iW V Colleges Urged X. .>1 fT*t*U f "•" * M.......M- , .- • M4 \ .-•♦»*( « •'' V *ved #!Sl 'V MrMp' •*vft*V:T5i ».i v'*-" .... -■*• Xi ' ^■,. ,\r (Pong t*e .KM, H AA em *' **• v- m»«*»A,» ft**** f«V»A1 \ -If** V'|M IT1***!, ha 1 * '**' - •• »-»; AIVXIM"' f % 4r*'| Tt,v**V'*»'..T*» V*-* !•:*• *-.v,A»»|- • V «H . X.MMl \\ VSlHVlClY*S' » Pi St'tniAo Itihoimt.i WndltPndift pro ■■ '••>.-•« *,«• A<*-nn fhftHft A'**1 A*V « ,y.*>-.^,.,.«X *T»T 111* ►-«*«»*> %♦'«•»»*♦ *r* ' r* -I ftitftftlltla (tt (tit (itritt r-tt- tnttta .. Cftexpl tluoptl « jtit<|ti».iitl tlinf (lie utt%vrtmimtf rettiedv (I* nlturlittte ..- . -V.VVM, ,*#• K»« (Avgbt, he X»X*,x«A»^« wfrifAT .l*TTf|*t '»Tx ♦ ""*M •♦•A-ftKOtti'itf m» »*tt t»f lt»|tff|| hf •nefteTb d tin: . •*? AI rv*AmiM ti'^l *»"-• BTft ISv »VT«» i'(c *-*«*>-« «.-»?* I" • , M V-A t x-x I.M. |ty eitiilt(it l|»iu wHIt «*i«i(Ntt'iftllutin. fttn.1 tr*'i. . Mi'tfb* bi, th»*rl ♦'» - *v • t **V"t«Vph.M* giftd \v» ,T x.^"* •'.,,, pi,.'.,,,. , A ■* AV.-M t V'X.A.1" r.flleupft for I lie ttei vleeft ttf Imm |»»e»t :>•! cc.x'ifr XX »hr> ..r «•).. Mjii-' I) tft . i.| fMf. 1 "f leidl'.g * Ave .5,* «*v A «Vi.y t»n-M -.'Til llTTPTVft «'»'•.*- " % AI-XX,, '•> 1 i ha.go of >■.«».t.p!l"o Im lt":l.| Jt .*•»•. Il.ll.'h' **b' e*'t* t'xa AA. • Mxt 1 .... ..f I'U Hi,1 fiind-x Iflto. I* Ah*t Rc*( **|»*x4wx*xx» A»«r v.- Hi.| | ■* |.« 1l',i> WM.kli.g on 1... h.M.t'.ei. <|| ♦•>«,- h* ^ij** *,« |H# p,„, %„,r x*m t*|Vri .IXUOX tint BitM't it TAta*A (Xifi'rV **M* I* ♦* H*' F*"l,c |. .1 .t.tllq. .• r, vea. "f U'l aid I , *vU xiwxArt Abe 1*000 nxtAr* .s» »..•.»* e.,lx.*»l h* .,mtl*»r A'.,\*r --* W-iTV »l . ft ,-x If.,,..,., t n..mtl.. r ..f Pir«i i> 1 lit t». l.»l|., c Ah* w*»A^ , .* V-v»rts » ' \A •« » t,... .MM».l1t. .-, «L'tf«»l tt.' - ... » i».f , mi. I...*. |.FM(lr 11I m III. M XXlllri|in«l V. A xt, , x t». t|, a IftAfvr biw»'i 41 t -|.t«. triflv hi teiMtlftllnM for li..i.rtlx. iwumril A K ftft". • Vjxkdrx 1-1* ».i..|.*.. In t.1 full MOiillvf iHittnt a* tnnn " T«VtO *T**W '.-•" • *•••-. »A. *-■ xaaU muKv mnii f(-».-•», IMirr TMMi.MMrr.l hit rmltntUHH - - »• «v.M*rs4 IVlrfflltlN A *%-tfl I »x|* '»»ild rl|.|ifitVII> "f In k , hid (he lull |t XX x« |l ll'll |.If ttl lift *mhv ft>Txi »^ta Ak" »}* lln*rt« •♦ t»• tfiiiix xtmhlni fi.t SixIImmiI Aontilih (lid (he » n- • * i« a ftVi'T »"•• Ait'ltn I no t V"it'.. the I .(.fin, 1. armv. of III enfnrelnf marlUI Dxx- F I"TAt«« t' % ' f "hi *»■ a ti (lie |ttx Pttltttflll. ,litrll«.»ti Mill. ttMH1". ffitni tfii X ';*»*SX ».f ItmniMi lx nnd (he rflpltxt (tin nodi art "llrllnit' to4km it In Anil al sure no ''•*' '' =-•• A?ph« f't 1.1 ■> ►,»*«»»»'•*» inn Unpmv^VvA |xei«llr llilibalt whn led Ihe Srioner \rrds M filers A'iMtft rtitwiif Wl»t» •>•■ •0 t V>'.« |\>>«vr fWiHkyA fehellltoi h*M'f eahofllnc Ihe v,» v* hTtv» iv ia o * 4"-> *vhV4ii» tup *biWt A AH'hrt |..» *ivft« I'TM f fMM'ftft PM M ft 1ft if StiulenIs* I'rolessors t.»iM.fx!I.... to reluro (o lis nor mil Way of life. To Tell Story to Public *A. ' A TtviMft l»f tit 11 Huh aunoimred Ids lufftntlob' JihIita4 Slo|>^ • IV'tft A'**| IV; n Aienvft F»»l p» r M II ere ire lets' A iron Is ■ • pud. ix'ith Ihe tlnped Slate* ami Ja- for improved felntino* AITMIA NMAAH*. SfAAII 1A|k« nwl ipnft |*i u t> AAUtxft *ftId (he I'ftllrd t|tt(»T I1r.1t K"AA"i» WiAiIa* #ci*IAT'v |N>|Tnlftr *Mih \mr»v*n |MiWix* tvj.,1 r,.t ivHi» in > Tthlln t(f|| S#l rflrtlltrlt tltel Aivf 1 nh were pfenehled In fwti ahuleiitft nod fwo fiintHv' He (,h'» prrrfti|T. r| bi reform tb# m in HoffttV HAAIIfhn*«* 0»VJA<»NI IA V»H*I for mm -r • • , 1 %.■}»» IV !•"> ') 1 ft Irtttnl ' •rlOtrr. (it Ifx«t*i* I« ItnAtlod Cm Klltxlitltx lit pttir tttemlierx til the Vela* Clt»l> Two I'olot, dinfter nf. f'ornl (Jnltlea National Police whose bfUtab' |Af PAUI Hkvk, fllHi |*«Wi*h*r *1 Tol^lo Hbiio tt 1 ti I nemlnv cvettltttf. More tI«mv» IUKI ftliidetila nnd and prdilJeal corruption helperi fnculty meni- |0iMrr IVinl PWA, TT'h'T V:•■■■• KftlH'ft AVM IV V!fi»**ii (tt Tixoxr llrld* ttf ftppllfd xt lfili r and (tt dtnirr ttf Itrlnt «iti|m« lierx ntlendetl, nrrordinir fti flte !'» Waller A«lftoi», muiintiirt, ftftonMom, Tpark !!ie revolt, to lift martial law a* conn a* possible and to Spring 'IVrni pr,*ft**>r of jrho«TT»Mv* •» <'**• t jtfttUf* f'hi Al|''" (tl cportalh lit CiIt 111,1 < all new election* within the f^'vr.iwv AIV.4V0 vi- I* fVIt* Tf-rfj* .t ft e'XT 1 the fat n'tv-Ttndeni constitutional time limit of l"" *Mty- aKI^'.IKI a^V AA «SI- Avrtire*-»-,U o| To3*HI»% ft hMH'hf.v* tVftfuT ftt K#',?.>S5 T* fh\ (kfWIW I V't nr.;» J:Tf(r«'4" ■ ■■'■'intr t't.»' (fa- 'ting a xv « r »l |)r Daniel Training Snwion tliret* months. I >-> fKni^RI jtwuMaii <'M <>vfor 3vfot«ft n*«r*lv'r« of ft «vri. frtvTT.V on * InfTTvroTmt »h.- Play 0|n*iis r-M tH-i Ka»»rft r* Kap»v» Rtjrtivft •* t. « a pxnvnt ', att'l trim . K'titfftr, Indtistital relaUnits, r« tt •*•.•<( the nwarft tt»r fitrltierinir Planned Saturday Huh will heart a government, working caretaker closely I * ,tr|»V A "i>Nv-.i ' fai'iilty-adiilent reinflon* on and I Va«- *,-.-\ ,xyft »?V| « 14 .1 The student« teelvtnf awards tjf-tN. xh* #.A- Ttw* fttv l*w oWTf«» ",«•• »r»*i Ht.vk MTKi, t*T fWftTJTift n ih* *>••«• srwrn* . • T-A '■« • V'-w* tWATKo** pin*. S'Mvav *l »im« frjchv* a'hi AH>H» \l,t ft t If I Wesl (diasl it ere A'eU I'lut* M'n*h, Tavfi.r )r, fur proniotin'i tneinher Ho t 9dig The fir«f of two for participants in the training **ttt).*n I? A 34 J Welcomes t tmniunlfftdnif to other itudent* Cm* tle-drfthllity of Joltd aellvjUe* American proRf.-nn frm„ J»;t' 11 Pig am Brother-Slater whf l»e held Saturday In tne UN but the executive power would bf Vested In a cabinet who**; preml — would he named by thr ami prnlectft, nnd Walter ' "Pxr ptft* Tfti"! MftlMUE Ynan^k* ?ft I 8f|ulre, president from the ranks of the wnrnoo l.otinge, Union. ^ ». S",sT.v ef Hoffft's AElAAKCM "N'me^ifun W»«M IMI» «*r^ 'IhrxHwrh Vi nrr- orr «.«■* v lift*!*- fnvn ft "a i T.KA.01 « ?via wt» T»a Phi K«mvft Tan 57 0 ft 1 Da* Gaulle P l.ati'hnvr Jr. ftfid State News idverfiftiny executive, for fur^ These frssioni will present in¬ formation students need to ai l nominaid party. The v'?4 ihftt, an* Ukftl II* fftNW AM T*»A t*««p ,«•« j* thr *twr Phi Mm Ah'ha U Pjerlntt stiolent * faculty relations acting preaident aM>ar* * The sjtenker w«* Dr. Stanley foreign Mudent'i in adjusting to «nv intth fiWIirt WU»f« AW*I«' «# ft-s* olft tM*9**ik twrtftlfc*- Pv SMffaft K ft pot I* ft SAN MW'riyco I* t»r«x- ently la anxhsea te avaM giving ** h *.* I 'imm f.», Dirrrtor of Honors Col- America «tid the MSU camptM. chftrfwk, h* h*4 n*> .1 *»t,5 fItWO* trftlHWvt Vtrmilir* ivlrti t'tmiU-'t IVIin 1. r WV.Inr Dr J..on U*»em, hel l of *n- Ihe ImprrMtna that he ha* anv * tV 3ft* NjA to ItWJI l>* tho «»w«» mn.Hitfti h* Aiph* Chi thnrga n ii'im It:* talk stressed the com¬ Intention nf arising aelhariUr- I AV-sr d»y thr city ** heir ttir ei'dogy and »nthropo.ogy Ahftrre*. wvrv Thoro K ho ftftnl ft **«»! fam - tHirinf hi* l-f* t» l ft munity of interests among the de- Ian rate He ha* pramiard to p-vt',r,i Alphft t>r!'!i |*t Ueilr<( XatIOIVT W-.H iKtrti and |v. t;«VT of lh» pU^SftJO whs. tb*» Or-v|v»*Tt Alpha Epailon Ph. . 15 heard hmnm'f fr«(ftlirH| a* "tlir Pirtiliv and students in a uni¬ tiartrne.i', wt » opeii *•»• rr * eenanlt freqnentlr with the a*- >?Wiu 3 ft tierr ' r-.runtj* at fit* Hail tin* but bOCftU** ThOTV OH1'! bf ft*\ the bureau of soriaf and politi¬ a! A«xjrt-ftixv» r,v TftVh Fair* It Y, sopK. Chi Omeft 0 "mafnirtceni r«*otion" aeeord- group?, he .vaid. (.'lose trlation- WASHINGTON i/ll—President *» cal reseorcln w_jll speak V «at »WTV nmu irvf.HWtvt rttbSio orinlftft, tbv* *h« porrrftpM. Rabaifwr, W*« Trt Dr'U .0 «lopf. he add'd, must aid both on. Ihe Kiaenhowrr said Wednesday th..' etl him by the |*»op!e «.f San atrerial problems of European »• Mmam cht»t pju},vftNphy is outdfttpvl Rw-uaiftft offtcor. F.^low IvU* Gamma 50 Franc men was pr«"( t" al! the m their efforts. Svngman Rhw has made mis¬ "* *• '' students. Dr. Carlos Tcran. as* 1W». hM r»M.h>1 I «UI V ftp* '*#<. n^-sfOxS fc* IWbort Crts, l>its 7a»t a 1 ft. wprl.l of the A'fr rtidship »if socl ite professor of foreign lang¬ takes but the United State* hm ', 1 - •»■ tfKIHW W IBKfe H-ftiJftM fi _ «»d K«-ti rvek. Bay Ga*nm« Phi Bota 0 Fi-anee ftt»d the United States." Vw I'iiiling Hour* uage* and foreign studies, will had no part in inciting the ru>i> »._. '** t iwrr. « ii^MAin IMS* Iks rf. City fr Kapi^a AJnha Thrift I # Obviously nerved, J)e Gaulle diiriiss I^itin America 1 students which drove the Korean pre*-)-'.' I -5 -v ■•uii.m ««m» $•«.- A*'fto incI-J*.io? ,.i relation td MSU. » fuM!k v - A'.-ftop. Now Cannart, KapfW Kappa Gammft .0 emotion. Eisenhower said the The Kresge Art Center gallery mo ! he- Of:?;., fri Jtotrrrf- ftr<i, ftprrtftl IS! \U 1ft Df GanUe said he xotild "see < KillII C RIHH MTOKK ever did Was to point out that |Vi/« JwHb sWrtftttl, Ma«ac »;t, X. J4 Dick PrttJ-Ktio. FA'.M ftopSu Aw* OJ« Pi Sifm» Kappa Beta Phi . .0 0 a ie«son in wek-omc." (he warmth ot lhe hours the have benefit been of those expanded for who are ( HESTER, Pa. (tfV-Tht 13th there Were last Korean election and voice a irregularities in thr L>»» ntr U9 f*-vr Nr Ui fk Atiaa Par* ««5>h ; and Char- Xetft T»u Alpha 16 "The torch of freedom has unable to find time to see the child of Mr. 'and Mrs. Herbert hope they could be stopped lest ' *- H^wrUnd 43 "The magnificent welcome to- lb to 4 on Saturdays. The fair an automobile abroad • ferry Eisenhower . said hasn't ... he Lu K Mft MB «Bqr »« kaorr. Wranbocs# Jr; acd B*»b We*#, Drcrat fr. Vtny . t.0 day ia for aU the world to look h»ry hours will remain un¬ crossing the Delaware river to rhanged his plan to visit Korea M at and to pay attention,'' changed during the week days. Chester. this summer. *■* II iiii'i /IfrwNfNinv //.«• llonir !n. IVII Me lltm The People Heaieletl lit Imliii - >1 it'll ilia n Slate News W*HlilVriTi>N M,«* a- , UnUhei'x Mi * Jnhli f» li -H i ., fiml Hath h« MM * •>\ Minimis tfltl I acult* I hi' tWII I" Hi1' IHo.itittt , has bpeti *el ii>u«U' til l«»t • *, • ■ \l V* , ' \^,vV 'V V... ,, , -.v .. in |i ' .'. tw\ lb.- M'l'lifcC'l $U»t# t'(v*n*HV, K»*t t.« iu- »i v.'Wy <-\ l he .ipi*,,-/. "■ n>Aipg^.yvSEht*Ki^"'iW;« " Ball* *u»i»fM|l t I'MC/ M -M «* ' l«»'*I 0>»' While H»»U«e an* lv*« "tCIVM* .•■( h •« liH.U I'-' Sllll,' V„, ;..v. , ■ . , ., vH > : . < \ e»o twi Vu ' n.t \» v ■ i pi uneei'' Wii|ti#«iiiiv piif / |i et :»i v Abhft Wh* « 1 Hftfltf m Kltidftitt krH-iift* llvitt* <*/ Mli'»»* ami th» »••*»•« l'hut v,in*, \JM i; /S. IMtJU Untie T««( n h« M lie * !• i'« U'l-iiji, Japan and ..(IMrtt * ..lift ,*( (l.ft v v v I lift Mii'tftill P'Mv M- K *!•■« June ,.t nf ji.ft A««>•. Inlftil f'tftfta. tvli*..,( In annnmicing Ihftl Mt* K»«* IV»M Hilt A«n*wta»ftii t*i*ti»«(i> i v enh nvn will p»*« Up Ihe Hl|« '•» • • And tliu Dispute* Rages-On Fail*. Mm Fiiit tui.ljr will gn luatead '•» \V|irsii.»n sail Ihe . t'AMBUS VMNAimp VUft'K RESULTS . ommmuf j Vhf following osiitottAt. rrtatfng to thr VI *t,ntetHon!. rtlltihutisl /' UVUT TIM! mttvwl KOIV ivniitn#r*«t. rrptcMnU Ihr owing (V VvV TMiNh afuririxl xifw|*oittt of another Iakc *t»te \?s? triiitiYi \Urn Unrlnti. xupvvtr-« k w Vol ,T i* C»?A«Wi mxixerxitx *» here eomiuiKot* KlMV »* Hot Km.I .«t ;»tfit«v>jthrTY »smM Vr Wetnloprtl tin- k. CUCLWf* intituled in thr suit tritium !}t>Ti tt oinnu* A-' ■ si Wine »ot«isi thi* liit'tl irinun s k From Vhf Michigan Kail* I'.ni rtnr ThtVif h?*lt nn«s| I|it*» httul «»l .(;• i\ vi riVKHNi; . .-r « * KtMt V. t-TpMnr Vvl I be BMP*' • VriiMec ' , * nwili* ii't FVn ilitfntt'tiU (tltplh'tt!tfti <*? HorionV • * .>r! '.'AA'.r i'iv ' ft •"*«! IY\ O;. «\l .« ivr.irks tis Shot IJOIV* «'nol«'i*s o itn«lnnt in •<**! Hi.ier^' rev. " v is?'. ivltiM" Io.4«? » lYTrimnntisI «yI1 Ioi.I nut t*\ hi* rhr.4i.'i > i tl'.?rnihip. in tbiu., : TMid iv" fht TIMS *v rv\> wRffoet, I TMIIK , TN*:r »*or:Mon the vtpy i 'bo nation- > '.iWIMMV "JiftTWl? dif WT'J UVdh u\ iWiV - •vning jxtvgt ;.:v I: ^ r mails* com ;.vt ntntv i nrfmnh . it iltH*.* not rnnnn pin \ T t.Nfi MiVMI AVd ANI^ V e\ hv a tv.* * a«i • ! « i OM;i"V -Ivans} t»or Mixpmnn of otitV»»ritx. which ».*» m ptv ' p*fN U*\« IS F.\ Sf N»>\C KMh TV Vt ftPi" ,;'V !.t;|s !,» th'.x stVii't\ '7t . , on* # \rv\* Sn'rrt^vi Uvuv.? Ms? is A? ti*.i-i tonijvroi »!* oppro-xisl ■ *' .VOV* f *->.! Kt I *\ • ■"* «' •''• . " i '•(• st WW i'r .'ompnUorv !tOlt st.iUtiot^l. Thntr t V. . .teals ,*( |xatrvtiv:u tTi>• . s»*r* i pr»vi'!om ho- Vjvujjh! t.* pnh!ic Attention * ■* count rx xx-hich itvdf ho* *hown CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS *' ' Teaching .Y-vvs^ ' »? on jn»"TYo*ir,*r Tuitnlvr otr not h.ipp> Fh-« !•*« rr,nv tu.*n rr,-\vt .•'.rv.ft'l- th.e piY*rnt «itnotion W K -v*s fS,\«p fttl'Uvv- ?VS* bnliTlN? M \r.«t in Mn-hteon. I * tin Mat!let?, mpe l»l kill.INI S t ftm |>«« Rrlwre PakllfiUftii »*e la«, VV>.f trAJn^vg* r»v* A m*n "?'• " nten»ient of ptthhc instruction ami o non. t*r\ I hint, ftntl lit. • dllltHi*, Ikftadltnft Iftr Mm MUMmi I put t M Iv % thun t«\n xoting metnlvr of the Itoaist of Trustee*, RitU r«vftM# >-IT ami Id M*«da* lhr««*h »'rMa« txelieves the entire program shouW be «tn- » *'h»>w t.-» i.'vi» fiiMVO'-.e* " Kit 2-ISII F.XT. !#t:. Kmc her i* rorn\t. tvrhup*. In n'rsitatety evaluate*! that KOTV ilfvfVivi i«1mU ft.'u-rifnv nn.t Something i* inherent!*• wrong with ttie ft- * »*»<• * ##nKl" t*"* f\v>:r;r*. Vw*. »v-;> m *n tmfnrtn ptvgram." he aant "\N e ahouM try to fiiut HOUSING W'ft- lift fV/l AUTOMOTIVE v*:# ftfr.*f ■ t *r* th;'•'».• JU^Vi 1rft?n:-*< out Bin it i*n't attain'inr reenlta an«t whetY ihoiii.t tjx* tnuh hen |*f VVtnt'TH TWO IVVHI *e*ch.t* a sS-ihif --.i w* TY-SW! »aih^ni*. «n.i **«' Iff t'U*s sw •»«»'♦ .vl'n.l.' T,,:i eneonracou: Hopr'u.b n't, «v.«t e,*miiuv'- A fix ri« Ttt titer UMUtoitM ti* Mthftff hi* ivienti't* t.- ft Urvrr. mv- . * on -.. v. ..,r.,.«fti ie>,i »|jV n W:M Vhv.* ft«Y',v.* iii'M'r '; r • the pnti'u* w f:'. som«V:, •■ -.«• tin* ni.<* - is :• : l.«.||ri's to lli«* Falilor IS .eli i]| HftUI"it, C.mi i»i* M.o m»Ai»«irtt who v ItftftU HMlft Birtftv ftp* I ft oil mil.*. Ol'Ni; WOMAN WANT* • Film Fare Hftftl •» .rv I ft'l IV « »» Supply *R0* Prus^Ctms **th »/.»*le**t ir.iik; Readers .ft ni .i ,*•■ en..*lti,.iv «irv voritsrir a •»"**•' «'*»' Kit t'MMl vl til i /M-fi • i«me t«i.f,»r*l fi.M*. * /.•»>.'•• Music 'OK* in PorgY and licss; .*intent %rr * rve *»M»« »• *■«." MNl I ...t'* I«-»•■ IV 4 *t'U " t> (lift t ililm li he iinlnt the tnlal XV c ,'J»U • rft **-'•,* . ft XV| t.ANxIN/* Tw i • male mtdertrftdtiale stwdetil re 4 < 1 cAUtpUH ' 1! * A v> t.-.-r t 'e.*' Ovo •* s . nttAKtH * ox/rum kii imm. •n->i.fti.i tii.i.t-hftil nubile :>* ' • ■ r\ «•«* { "ft IVvd O iftilnirtu at thr I ttlvenUt *«f .irm nit. i **t r l i\*a' • n * v* ft».«t » »> X.1>u*!*vft.'« •> '- «*•«-•* I,« ilii... i<*iliralftt«tr H» bfttwi*«.«* Mrfti'ft HftUn#*« Res/ of Story 'Unacceptable* Minnrst'ta In PM »»*• If VII. a* »» Vk t > iie 5 nr tr Vft.t firr* » MIU I" tv 4-UUH *t - * . •,, , . . • nor* #* rfti*tia*tr«l t*» !• til at Ms| . lhft I * tttwrr* aiutlrii in the state \r*»* t«»|ii >«*<* m ,i itoAwrrrn TWO Mnttrr . AMI* TttAHAM . * ft {.nr-u'liftu tnrrrl* *»»m|Mrr*l thft Humber «»f * A A *,.n. frcipit d'lr."ft ftutW I *11 Z'1*' nlrift *»tft* kit.bev »«»ft*l M 1W I1M *N«M Ml » IU1 11 Va.tem rtfliifi* r**mmt*si«*iiftd *«tth«»iii I |l a-*\H I . is- CVi*K*ft «"»'« r '-■*••' '« : —v- * AI St. y *' •.. . >•' '**< -Y*-. * >immri!tlii| t»u llie Iftlftl tuftlr Hits Services t#v* mitti rot'tt noon ».« • POOMX * Ma I' »-'vn •- fttii*rnt entftllmrnl ai h*»th tttti- * * l>.n«te* hot" •Ifteflrtft ftt-VI t'ft' l *t\<»! ft OtWXKIMJ t*«0 > i.-,> .-JY-* <»v « , r(T,« : trnllln IS .it an*/- • e "i fit I-.1AW* at bail, four t.links t,. rsntpu* r». * »f\« » w.iift-.M! *'' >;.*■» ."■! •' :.xift-tr .■ »n ».vv-. ■ Nr.. \.vi . «nv..* drr^t' A • a'V T»l the Idttm . At#* double wtthmit «s*eki«r » ft iliiivwu »''.i :*f ,'•<■■ *♦.•■•.. t* \{, « e e KiiTV pfoare-n J he !;»." * *.• ft t.'Mt IIU oitu-ei« Abe" readinf man* lefter* ... . • X - iiHAiii'*rt.V(i artrncNTs uov • **n» r%" '** »v*"' '« • ' >t ,• -vw ;mV. '•■ *■* • O '(• !.* **':j i'.sj $Aft * v i n,»M J" \l r.H'stVft .1 i this *-*»Uinin. } *' .; haw \t' V «>*«•.I <»r PUr-.vef. " ** '■*• «' w ' i '*>>' .v a»**x*ue rn't*^ t.» tj^ SU.ftuftl-eft«-ft* I"1"* n ... July nr Avftu.l Mfti*» It !*•' *»».* !*•* • FOUNT w-Vft s > V Vvf' *>-. «v: .*.<■..» «>»- t. f IhU rnmiwHIftft Ihfti* rwmeilftd aiA.i.i'r Oii.tiv" Ksi* The ia,t defence **f '.he fiwuU* ,'rt t. * . ..r;' - *.> *>< at MS*' * I ovr MHown HH.t rx»t ii • % »*►. . ..■* .*»* V vl.' fv :vf ♦# * <• t\t-. K ' tt« infiMniftiifti* tnl«* a fwftif lv*pfv i'u- da!', gvipf*. If lit*- Imft (•*' rodft* If foui"! • A w*4 '.♦. vur^i •* i t -•tf .ft " v • n;*i .«f tis** '>,>*: -\>*W undr? k".i*v* th*: the tprahty f iv > hrnww and authettuior ie- *.-mvv . :ssti?,,, Nfc** V.-"* v-r r»jiv.>. ?-w r-.ft »..•> .V ft .-• ■: •«• A * • * • 'oi'.v ■ I ftoii mhtfth nil i«H**i*rrr«T oiift fttfttl.tftlo > -uOo'l' tivo '. ,e i»t-. \»-: >it > depend* on Fra i«M IMNVIM n*OH tKRMi l«J (t.ftvrvlftt tout •«l«**»» •• SfY NffV • " .• vr.1 • \t y *•« —* fi# v'-v ttvad vt.xi'.' ef the t»r*l niifti mftde bs •»** if **e lake the Uuet ligure - u>.' * IV.i' n*»\*here have I srou #•,«.*■. | iv •eUftd $l!» M» «-»*»* CtmHW ftO PERSONAL K" -Vft 0151 and i.ib-rs,' IMS*, v r ela-noi that the ptofe# sm " X -n* t . V and with Ihftir a- * " <*-"Y ttewe1 'earn tltat He dufeivn:.*'. WW! TUP'RED DOOR toe* M«. k. ;* nw .'•* '..Sf "kv*. \-rn .■ « t/fimmnwlJUi'n %*»bm»tlft* ti t«* t«xaehcr sivu/'.l l**« paid I 'M |X*M1A' IIARt> lOU ilelvyft tft !•?? Hf/ftiM ftjUftic* ft diYft fv,w- w'-.Y r\ *■«. Of p.Uthtfi •" l!t eth.-r »'ft!t ftitn ft. tut i-ero sttK XVtlY DONT *«u fr »ift* ft...*. t"ft ft • • it *s -ft.", l**«ift 4fflMi>« MS'. ii'3 '..'te fttead* t»ek **f able men meet at a»*nd time golf Instead IVit" ftfl#* On K«* i«wi» ift *i-* iV-Jt A*H1 ft ^H- .v -.t ut.v.v tf-. rva per under- I AM lll'lt K t TSTVHY TWO .*».» ft.xv;. r ft ' a -1 wnpiott *..* t' greener pa>- nrftftnit vrlYfTfti tft Th * »ws- *;.vn **»* f'A.'ml . lnw>« hftrd tv*. rftiti.*. hftatar. f.*"*! HEW* RENIOIf ItAIJ. »» • * ft* ftraduaie use e y.udetn eniMihMi. luirx" *h.»uki be halted i*MK| ...nniUen •i1' Can't ml* »» ao club I ft'.ft* • ft* tft tft.i.v )»««* ft* Wt lire Tr\;*'.pe - ti*T« * *i * - Tlterelove. tse M< i pro- Our %Uff ftt MSI' I* Milling Private o*»**ftf IX *'}**! 31 be aeieetcd Tusk ti ftivi fc« rsuuft* In t>w iwftftftUfft*. t n»ftn *»v., .'.,C The > w in.' te Murk far nuh-profftMtnnat ion HAt.lT IMA CHEVROLET *>"»- ANNE XIRiaiir end VAt II* ItMft " (Nlfi tft fftf hfft »»>* v=n « ** *■-. ..f. \M-e ..* k->ft p?\v>'ftv >f work Of AV'Sx". f., ji ntait*' offwerj *s-! tlt.r Ms * v»»**!•» NMHJK take this - at »■■* f-Mtt »>ff tinfti K*wM!t ft US Vl ate Nets* office feet* err. fttudent* a\.i .» - ;e exer ? ■■'yr.zf. em for t*n free pai*ra to the 'bat c^* -. »w». TVt|t ft fcftvn hf OtrrilMH tft till ee.- .• i w^.fts* con.-ftnt-ft'.ft lb at tbey ft'i.vft t.x ignore An -. • • rank 1». IU* Drive-in airing I D dSft.-4*c vA'x-vh*-.- - \ * •• tf %.S# Jffttf fciw T>ft o" the :*tuftv •■ tc ,um: u »e. ..ffftu «pp*a. .-.f the fttwdft: t MHinttPr far Rft*|ttirrd lV>e n • everyone ku«»w that EMPLOYMENT fit.% S-ftft " *.*v: oKi-v • « wnftufalli tlwlwft Jf the wusirr.t ,vf*m8»!..vr« e*. sn jcfinxl* tp galarv. and r xttN as* *.* •-.«*! wrrKi.Y xxim» twelve for IJHi Pb.»na IV 4-IZ TVrt' ♦ ftftNftftft n ftft ft >v* * ftp. "t atvenduift wlnsot |nt*rsift>* * a»4 fte«* |tr »y tvr v ; -t I-i.-c. u.\* '~ r (fit* Ittm. hftriy ft ft* Crftftn cmM tw mniMunI in lift un«f * ar. ft.-»NYnp' .'S no;:-.«*gj »«* wa« ihat many **dtuob are ratxutg tore I oflt.. Mu-nigan r**rv SitftbUv m an* I** I'if i salaries front ld-20 j*cr- tSe *ft>e here i rs^ matter ho * "Joy ('.ampus'? * *y>« r• tin *wft%W**»hlft. Vrtft-ftWl- •hero - ftftftily rftw tft Ikftir iftftiiUWft n .* few i-.-rrr cf ofv. ^ v .i »>ntfr, en* Mrr«u< •*- m;Kh thee uft"' end n*' ceut next *eu.* - t.tftt im« it tUW inl r«t! tn*. MXtMEN r.Met.OXMINT »•'»! (tolfl tbf » ■ Its tft it tftttft* 4*w inceliifewily the* AH i iign MSI* i* rreciving esvt'thlv i>in« »»b.»lar*i)l*i U* rtshi Ta Ihe Iditer VV.i'ft Al llit.v#. AM » tftftS WTiiliiei ft-4^ • ' ft -i renlentft tftr • hwkiI er*»*ur • a. s *...*.- It* w-tv> -t w e. ft -' :n-A *• itH'iwy thi* yeai , will Michigan. Lanamg r* iMKrt'^a -nftis %vi-;v vW»»a«-»T.' * t i liM *K*ld***n *n* rrftmin*ftr *'.ux!nt», try .» eappert Ufe'.o*- la the Ap l '* State X*"•*"* y.x>> be used f*> more rh«:e a»Hwar*vl an ar. -v «• «ervices ' When ia ",he a.t- KllUNlJ JNSTm'lTOH TO* N-i* ink m**r we it i*ft«r *fwn. *wif>4* wfti-rr ftSftwi tint* all »«**• . -ij* * Al'Sv* mftdft i brave effort *. which w:uifran * tire daaker Tniii-airation going tv» ieu.*p ftlisi-mer 30th t-» rarno Auauit ITth «rt ft ,5 *.,-,e ftCU'HZ c -oi th? u:vvYr*;t v prrterd na'. pajxhojoRj had deviae*i a Warftara Clark# ■ *#gg * *nm«rx Tt? S-19T0 Also rail A ■■ i* - " ft csTnfYt*sft;,.s- S.A'itx Realty Cvnoanv Ileal tore. IV t cx-j* Why v« ft>',e 75 cewtft ft •<*«.t that noAAurv* a s vKictv.h fx-fr 4* ft-t S*nw.e .1\av >e*r What doe* AVSvl do :i»*. *h,lvty to |r«s "g.xvt" gravie'. FOR SALE TWHEF-P"' ft. *.* jsport.r/ T-;» dasifvr u estwsnahy ap,-.f i NEW MX-ROOM '.,i* ad34ir.vftt» vou'd n.o. d.» ROOM ranch Dining area. *" ■ ..>• lVw:.\v liftnvi. n when one only one LADY'* COtUH'HOY RAINCOAT. *B»ra#e. built-in kitchen tuI' ■*- a*, .ha 7 : ft V-M'.* W,V> is the :4 Itlar* and *ellos\ atrtpe. c. ..s' -ft*» IVm. b*.-. .» .v ft ITNOUr RTIMST V'f r ent, gas heat, ?• x »» !*>• * ' « the *-o — ,xvi rvft- fcdn'i.n-«ne:-oci trying to ■ fwv * ? th# quest, et*. 1 da Uv»; i.k# ( matching beret. ED l*W" hi laud contract. Ouner ft *-«*r \> *»v ** .v. en amuko " 0R(iANI/.AT10\ *. * s-. -s" o? He*■ u *tc. % I think w ft ikftuM * ft* ire* thr err dent it t stocm aw sprr.n EXCELLENT TWO • BEDR ft •* v tiba frftfti UlAt the enieenut* I* ! ant {.ad to ace that Gerald 4-3 pm. Otthokc Student uo rt»ur fto«-.r clennint wvth a treate.1 home Pavtnei.ts lesa tftun »• . • Center. Coffee hour *!u« -moo Fa»» thofoufth. inexoer,- inrludea laxrs and UrraNev, Uw experimenter, real*. a month ItVi I.Vs>.:e * .V • V H#fti x-ft does metu-ure the ability u» 8 30 p tty. 34 Union. Iwu * rg -- •t. r : oerift.r.-,j- >*> it* te- "!•* rranri.1 ' #sx*i" grade* because n riK UW (111 CpNVtNtiNT TO CAMPUS f*,>...*■> IU '.ft*. *n even rjcM >?•-••■ cv.srr B. x . IW.-i ft d Rj.Vh A< .••■si* Afighi w j>e'T)et?a»isi vvf- -measures the *;udtviV ideas *sf 7 p in',,' 34 WTiham H. Tktfftpt** SERVICE 1 SZlT * : C -rW P. 'j r * A.-.-e »:*.HV^ •h.err„ .•.» iief.vh- •n facu-V "Htc '.-enaxnor aga.iM. those »' ,h « WI MtV rot NDkTllXN ft.Tr CHILD CARE IN mv #astauic ..•rafeiH'.r Tho item measures MIXTIM. * f** A Sft C«» Mfti •nua * r-.uv thftt r.ukeft the e*-e with which the Ek>*r4. I w . X .i FREE DIAMOND IONUS STAMPS! - » t~o >• ■ » n.., XUrt-a ft', " be surpr.-ei t' many of ov ■ Tfc» item measure* whether HtKUY IIHAUATION TEBS theeee — typing and «r 9nn ■ ft— a-, « MOTORHIK T. REBUILT EN- duniweUng Phone AI or, • faculi* is trying to urn rtn pkmi - W'nnch. EDi r t-mi ' ecrow fro * C*m *■« f'i.Ypt.o**' profewort were bored of the GtNF Kit »-**4§ George ?2 •: -v-enT* or trying ;o jet the 5 p.m.. Meet at Wesley Housr. ker . t m* The *\c*..**t Pv.*a«- tUnA* "IV-vari of tn»tie«s TVu*'ee> ' r student to tiuhk out the prwr- XXtwITT roi NDITION DECORATED CAKES DEI.TVER- i -Y vAjjr At-* ft A,'. *r;-.e Oxaitft.-ir. *.nd v ewed the Acad«n$e Sen¬ ED to sou tor catviea, bsrtbdars TYPING - GENERAL SOM1 jw ««i if the student tn.nlu and NOON l.(M HKQ\ tf-'ft, 70 sears experterwe. MA C" to wwrxV.e**. a&a Man* ether del tc* om pas tries. Kna-t CamtS ' ftrft Ctfbfixsi- ft.:*'. ate «i re\t IV 4-«:«S »f «J7 I cherry Lane ED t-OP* n&L agree xx.tlx the facuity 5 2 noon. Wesley House Baksrv fe'V^r ts>- Bofeftr. McFerrvr.. Ai- The of Trusters* « - d,x mi .are whether -women WOBT.%9 BOARD I EARN TO ELY at Sharer e > Aad «W ft-hd Iter Mfttttsr^ > need.'eM i« *ftr, save "on. Low rate*. Da*a airpn-- »-.>ke or hot" - at '.he ua.ver* s 30 p -jv. Oak Room. Union, SPUDNUT SHOP tS OPEN! - Abb#U Boa' ?-> credii far the bn*ujfU fttaftu: A gT'jeiY'as ) Xi- des roftb. on > tnen he -* {o^tg U« score WKl.IV rCHNDATION 7-0C34 nr ED T-0010 T"w ..ft-j- *-* xiac*acvi»firj£ t-*. JxRtmCS' COKXU t n !M p -, stephem Hftftmir bad:* oa this teat Rexenjijft'usft a? HICKS LAUNOKOMAT T .s article UJaatrates a traf- 4 10 prn., Wesley House. -« by Leca 7K2 I MtCHftOA'- -d* that ckista on our «simpu? mi r.AWMA M' S.n.ih Tft V . Sharr.r.-t - that is worse than ne d«n ;sed 7 33 Union. Dressy DROP Off FOR SEIP ««v ROTC Tuisls p.m, * 2J *v«: TftI'* "**i& ta ew^ojf •• --Y t«\* ft-v* .-'TW-h*:; r>os*r p.r*- v-.v Shakespeare. Dk-kens, or Wil- clothe* Skk*» T-shiked p-d D-y C'"» K-ntftsioo. ieok ftt it, end iuiea am* It emphasue* the decs - jULktTAN (NRHrniX ML"ST &E1X HAWAIION Electric WI SPCClALlZI »N DROP t.uitar Immediately' Comes com- Tft the liitftr; v-eY. state of thought I at ex - nuowsinr I UNDIES POR STUDENTS ft but forjrt ftbcait attftch- . X- r'e'e. with ca%» and large four-in¬ Jr. order to keep tre reeved .v wjth most Rxenxoer* of the 7 30 p.m., 33 Unum strument amuhuer. call after * pm. tv f Me7 s * a-,' hspceuan to *-h*t IV ft-eosg h*3?:»« (I- e«*e i.f.'K1, D> .-- ttralght, aakkiiona.; mfortaau*.'n staff of tho xuuvers.t* Th* RtlORMCD € NUftTtAN _ gi ooiht -a be mftde publw » ..t rh.nking student cannot s.ic- IT!.LOW Mill* BABY PLAYPEN STERILIZER TYPIST ANN BROWN P*« - ct&y I>a r. ±rirt*ft leai# thf gtOilp t-KJuncne. bath *i>d trainer < hairs, 5-2-.5U Elei ir*c tTPewTttrr T> ut. a ftUdrway 1-1 ft^ionerft stB|* IWpddt ta the ccimparuon ir.a*ie ceed. hut the "tJrganiiatJOft" 7 43 p.m.. 136 Bailey Discus¬ ftnmt lanCtten AUa» summer-winter per* and theera Alao general *• ta the SUie Nw, on Apr:1. 21 student does. Th-e student who sion topic; Source of Christian a*emitv clothe*. n» IJ-14. TU 2- iv.i "The Tr*ia. a *: the Su- W J* carrparsn* the UaitftRty of graduates la 'then confribufiing life. Coffee hour. tasxa. TV AJID RADIO service • Slasnesact arxi MSU relative ta t.> the inertia of our wx>-r! I WATER CARNIVAL DEC OR • low rate* u* atudent*. New and Rjuac • • ♦ », TV sets and antennas. Tree the aunbe" of officer* ootnrr.B- TTe. as student#, are partners ATIORR rOMMlTTEE checking, free parking > a» ftJMoed from the ROTC rrogrann in th.* tragedy. We alloxc pro- 7.15 pun.. Lower Lounge. Un¬ nm. dailv. TV Techn»ct*«» Co \\if:lit Staff We are ftrrunurq; .the btudent joa-rytl^t failed to five all the xirr.akstn to stand of our behavior. as the norm Instead of an ion ftPARTAN WIVES , », '•< i WANTED E Michigan IV T-dRRB sPAHTAN Ml'LTtUTHIM. _ ' . TO Celluo. New fart* xrhicn have been education, we «Uow cnirselve* to ff-7 pun. Beginning golf. Old KS, may ^rjs*5L£r«rw, _ itig June 0 or lete- knows to Mr. Vanderpioef. get ' content aMuming ' College Field. ED S-ISPI. CherUtte - h ,:j ;; Kit mmM; A^llsyisk., iS&kMsifflib Mil llff e %N >.1111 SI UN Plecemenl Bureau fair Tier## I Tll«» fuMiitvliu eMptiurin Mill lnlr»vlr« III# ItifMeateti t*el-n |till Hit tub tvd'd 4d pint I I III.' tHncm III Rtirrmi Until* i|n tl"rlni M'tnte »n» tftV 1 ' ■-**,' ■ el ate-* I* »N tecf* • Hem I.»rt» iter #| {(Mr in iei(-- i hi .i M it.. ., 11» i i a! i fi .in |e dtp*1 p-ldT Mdniiti 1 •* i-u I . »»•' 4' » H. ' \ i, r \ |M\ « « • s . m A v 111 • m I |' n ' Hi •• I*. 1. * i . . I ■■ .i■< ■ «lit .. •! I v | MI » H U. < « :»'-•-« 'f .ltuilli 1M il|ll jr • iv „ 1' ill i"' H I'M ! <*• !»"•• 'J'' m'i .. MM' el'» l[ a ' (.-4 the i ii'iltv \VH i Hie i . H« i M i if. 1>.M a jl| ft ||| ■« | », ,|j || V I'llH I •» ♦ -•'* '.Ml« «*ii Hi . J. IM '.'it* ||.'|< i |i i | « *»|| »•> N< Sll'llfc; I Mill# Meitt'h I '»f*l|l: St'MMtM I . V, iMiMnvMrvr A" i. . \.i • • H .«*. ' i ll <» I i»|l"-wlij" Wtllfl - • I M •' ' t it .VI .11 . ■ 4 Ml k | mm | lure % MMMI t: t Vll'l JVMf f N '! 1 f' .1 d I* ' I I V V "('ill' • t " ' ' > I tl. I > ni tbihllr Nrhnnik r , u •>. »U |M»- ' 111 I I • «»». I»»:I IM IHII.II>., I in., n . •.. Ml#lh. tllfcr li 1". >' l» e ver'« Ifieett |»i ■IHli f t. 1,, "d two sttWRNT* wHvnI •♦rNfeeUleeee it lie# » . Mu''' M" ' M 1, p* ' -'ii ,f,. < Inhn fNee NhI fMNNee torwlei nlaHI »••• «|.tHlr» I'.ernli I* frrlnr nf I'ldlefe ml II. Hit. fill V.-Mhlf •*:. , •. I-. • f , ' i._ s . « i » 1 fees Mr alNBkNl rrUllrw %l Irli ghme. •lertlhrr i*f Ihr rtrnii | istilr Sr.* I'hol.t Iti • ■ • . (Ill inn i „ ?.., iUll-i. Nm lllni ', i v,. R, I anstha I*.. #Nel. ell hi, M«nt *» t.,. .... .it , , . . „,M I ' e 4 III ' |*ii|*» Uphllld* 5 t,*nj!. s*. . t, ill, |* ' 1 z. X t,. h MONKI V III HlMkH I ion females srrm »»i—- resldenre hall Ur'd iiifn ttisl the. gal hh Ihe lefl ■ . i. ■■ p1 ii Sliiclculs Namocl lor^ JM>s^ro;v!s' ■ i . , 1 1., lenl In nrnvrtsalleen ee lbrr likr in *hr spring i* Ihr sinrisl I half His >i She seems le» he reassin S \inltlke f'uhlh- *rlMif|i A ing ihr nlhrts thai all Is tml !«•! and Milt ahe'g b III 'i • III I i. * sir al Ihe Itrnns /on in New A nek I lit II rrmtd n ... it. ..a . Im in ni- i *! V 1.1 c • MS II l*»,ii • as easlli hate hern melsidr nf an NAl werenrn's •nre In "fls Ihem lip" snnn 1 - • l. . Sr. i.n.f . Ihu ur Have tnH*H given I> rtd\ia»e *liide»»t, 3 ' n .< I *v K !•-; nil. VmIi th. » ' ,l.i Mi" .. »uj.l, «sld ihsl ihsul In thirds of • .1 Willi His* Pllldrr f K •. . heir, M.ddlrttl' \t. M il 1! 1 Hill. „v,. MM' NhirlfrtU »«#» . . • I i'l Mnl . . |.i.j*: ..ii .1 ti.l i IHl .ilia Ihe esses g»e referred to AIM fr W H l.nmti <9 » ope, is atiiM V'r»t^ eviu-N^aeria Mcrte hid» • l». • . I.i . : ■ , • t >;»- . i i n ii li ijfh i.ieit itetu- . 1 1. -!• . , 1 ,11 . IM 1 V ' In firs>mini veterinarian* *ne field ft mr'l" me arid t> . \ ' tn. t ,li Met i » i • i«m>* . 4 (.'"••Mr' Al retiaipi Its ok and . Wi' i.Il ' 1! ,i J.-, THr Hok' M|*iij»pe I 'f. 'rfli , , i, an I l»i tHieli Modn • iir Kh»i« SKreii. tj.n hi«-vY ti y » u.-ii» tab «"i d» i*r t« eon|riti»iti»*s .1 11 ■■ , ■« T \■ Hi f. i, for in* *r"»rk (Jinic iiils -si o n m t hijiIt |i »y ' in ■lr aliiei' ?7 «*o«!S ftluniids ifi ?>»• ■ i- i k i'.y r#ui lle*i i. Nt#* • t t an ' M i t • < •> !*■ Vtiir in 4iU hh ii r->t»it«rv ri rnid>n ii H M't 11» ■ 4 irmeis i 'e -n .tt «".e i •• A A> it It It ** 4 Inli'l I'lihlH Sl hinds \ 1! h'*' e* an,! in i m"'r ihri j. m . ,i i. .'-.g- ah't * r»7 thei sj»v \ w (in.imetr »n»rtiiv: tl'.ilt »| H.'f'•'{ Ml M'loie SMfl f» . t ' A H'l h . Hie H. ll « ,k.,< ifr Mai tjj *»■ e'Unh, fa-' l ie leaders e»f the i isleeu Ni ( H »n Ifr mi I ' %?»-lr | 4 1 . n,.,... • •' t« lu ln'm t'lltlt l **" fV'H >i fll-lll 1,1 - T- l,..mi ( i.t.nor are «t»er*i#ii«t» in V.. i is ii' tril'ki»« In rise «1NH0 Hi H.„ I .I 37s 000 III lie Msiulei Net i ■ p.. 1.HI i.H • liuill.M, -HiiHavii ■ eet i unit ss ". I -,f uufgery and rued ■ m Of i i it't' 1 ,1 • I n,i f le*. *»si ptiif in Until %n*lrv i 'tr so ad tiilmtsl S.1}1! fin •» nd . 1' • ' i ii,* »'V;il»a *1 . m« ill,I Mi divp»*p* Of fp()lli. t. \U.n».«hpla, lm«. i nullnnleia i ltn eii»in nini Airs e.ylil l*i* " it *ht trid* tt !»•» tlikiiitn Island fatrtaae ■ • ■:. in * He- i. .(t: r.iu -ImMiou fi» Williefh fhtey « Kellri l ei ehairmrtt m( I tr oerd ( lirlu linns, |ite. stMMhll I " ..I. •,..i. It* 4.1 It AMI I I M»V ' S-. ft *m is ,e>' .1, the ftel'l ft Umu* 4 nnintillrr see* iIperallien l • o,i . i > •'.-» " !•. Hi' I I t »N M' T A " im'i ovp. Hi . , , i,,rti»nn f-.i rentnus Muring the i.p(|i hours ill lite i„horses SiTiirilv Matid V K «hn M'll. n»'. .ih Hg|H ftrn I | rnsstmeds Allies sir , I, » .1 tiorrning llirte sir ulnrii si i I-, e a hit' ' r.. >, ■i-iir there are an ave • llrss Adnt Assl im Ihe Tr*« w.l I ir*» I, in I! IT ho . ,J ,Ve l l' tiiurhnrg In \ i, , i i» in i, ni,' nht ?ii-* iea«t three giidm* «n rlol* In • " .? j.t'l sppSioum's for a'lrrd'- and Tnitt \i«sen, lrt»u Ml *r "M. • u. r ..i , ,i.*,.| Mir I -. .e ■ hi noil I MMlf Ho' llie rlittle. , i ,r fi-' of VeVrmgiv Seminar I'l < . * •! i t;" i .'lit., r. 'i t i •u I till,Oil (I (Mill small i Ii, tt I•• . e i.•. I I'd are «' fCp'e.l I 4'lttH I ' - Smt'i Pehinil: i V iiiiefl i im 'I In • r i ■' •v, ' h en are frah- A . I a.' savin i hv • t l( M'" AIAA I I "Ml ■ II. I t l a*111li . af'er hg' '■* lieut iv;ti itrhi lit. Mai 2 Hi IA I. liavelers killing thuiiii nf H iili i «tst»rdj'» • and fm hdMt'U won fft' Kvsiilriuv im n (Iti InsiiMnee II iii HIP College In: A o tlrlih|ih|ii t men ih *lli | Mr Insiiram r l n < Mi f • Ngeui Ve:.* Mr . . .Ml ,r • « • vrsf pro ff sri. e.«s* > Ittl A IVtoht* Service ' iiM . .V .H. 11.itiHon ■ liill ovihit The oiiu'i I wo. »< ■ oil ' t or lit# tmtltij hits espressed hh iinM'le of acm.m "h in* f »i ant ■ I trails In Mrrl kM'es .mi uiouijj ie i.In, j 'inrlit to train in an I arii- ' ■ i* I'. •*!'"! !,<■ ' ' i a.hiiiyi p« ."h*i .on ma a tii In i n |li«tn, W.'.Hs Al an l I ornel! hi. v'esd, .it ..II I i IS st*»M#«'UtIt N,4 ha, kit, nmiil U| Im OH - K»uiving I"*.'' in.I admin Uahve A .III,I IHh: Ihe rlinii sllemls la met n.. mti.t Srntmur Ut *«»»• o I »Htusta#:H t*f>|.»ri»\ ;»1 * .i *n i n,i e noinagniiieii? Irainmg 37.iHnt CMses |»ei vest Almilt . «i'*n ih# frtuslittf V'heem- i HI iHseph I'nhlie NrhiHilu A hue IW yiv» m itv 1 Ih UliH nf Ihrsr are inllrfe r»w n i .wHifrri'i- i»t • Hi# l^ert I i It» .1 I i. I* I I j>t I'tu' iii.mi.ti' • •! A.» . ! . eil Ihls Im Indrs am thing from . < M»v 5 UiioUuf* \W*trnr Nigetta, in, mtnv 1 I • lU'lf llg I (III 1*1.* |«H I'll «#nuiiat Mil Ih* »»«>• ... Al A A %. I Nil* hulls In rhli kens It« '•*•»* in.;! p> is ' .■ hi. ..,•*• . ki .'J tie "it- aue" I' - hi l ltf Set oiiiblI V llMilmh li ne p, and ■«!! H»" nil I i • sii-.tJ; iinim .ml »•*• ah nf s'« «krr ,< -i * - ii" llil'hlii HUH Hia tiPis t Sinn tliamt i, |nd i It i niapM '■ l"i inhioi Inab I'm iroiainmg hi.himi ..m i.» Setileneed In Die h i n • - • «•' t'.r lie I. S,s|U.»J t1 I'M'tl' S A'C. Kogh.1 i tti i\t», ami • pouiuoiii Si'c'hfulai v V o i n I *.f lh# \>ti(PHi a't ni i* Mkei 1 of In ''■»* ' - f||i' • i ii. r •«« o.m»? al on g- i ill' 'Mi ma (ni ,fo. Mo H Alt AT. AlnriHe.. I' >.r in .H iiin »t.*e # . Ciigli.sii • It» malm l-o rci«. i'*e pi ig iitn 't He -*eil hss :» M ivm p.v.u i. its . ,no * ;,n.' 1 »e*i ore ik ipar'Hng pti-ihon. •lUl.Oi logll r».« a-1,1 w )|il k. |»T ll| MiUiHVlltt nv--rgs to make ■ kii k r ails ' A * • if m-irtty a'rd nikikmg oil t t*t ivi.ultiid g o * gin a a workshop to help officer* V»vtic; iiotlei ilandlhg of Orators ('.am/M'tr lot lav dorior and an nterjif work 1,- v-t 'ViHiftant r^l# «f lite* t' S. lO.ft.A;' prfMtn tin1 • 'c*.i*j«»ih»iUie* Tho mee|. g»'!htr in earn »-»• .* vw't; Ut the tuattagrntctit The keitteiH*p. vtcre handerl Thirty high arhnol d Hrmt He announced at an award* dm There sir many studrnfa win I.'fi aim give 'hem a chance to ' down bv the e>nrt af'e- orainncal winner.* will corn pete ner Thursday night and will en. have nev i'i «e' font. fi,". V, r.vsortirtv \% n mu'iial problem* with bii' 'iirre t,ave been anunai* " » the fivitortty of M.y hours of dchherat.oM Ttte ru« U an t with faculty and today in the annual sprmg re H i slRle erwnprtllion n MJ\ Mr.* at'Hon in to an end one nf g.nrial furetisies conies! .In |gr- of Ihr speeches are |)r Ihere ft-wo t vro y Rfate in ",e I'.tv.a: trtdr, and * -iff memiiCi : i ■ »r# mea«»re»d tins country * m«»*t setisutio.n.i. Tlw event, kpiinkiiieif In Hie K»ed Ah s.tnde', In David union triai* MiCtl g.l'i Higll S. If".I I elt,nr. I: ilfih !»• Mrrniird Knitfel. I>' If treses IliV# It'Hi hrniight "p The l pmrnunlet threat lit to com ml.\i i tit# pt'osei uliou mon.ihk h t.t A*«h . w iH H- in ,il .inn ;t2 t.'n- 11 iilHid IM. ■ - Vit. h'i of Mm cpet'i finm Krnimki and dngs hsie let III peer? I« sheet tt let Ita full it skint the tleuth pett.ilty I n five M k • I' i!'«!i»tak> -• " pro i..n fun.i W a (hh lit, .in,I Ifoget llo ii- i hern shi#|ie«| Irmii as far aw at m«intiurfe finally, the seminar >'f ;'i rm'rchauts ehargeit h '•* » fr .sor . f foreign language*, v vI I .tftipeMion wdl lie -i u e S - Ihl'llllH'l of liie aiifHClt «h as f alifntnia Mr Uade lirinker. »tlt rmpheitee Ihe InaeparalMI s. rtj adulterated »*il. w > i wHen.l ^ .onlereni* on Ilio'iiHii inul ma' »> dmdarnalion. !uim- (i.iriioen'. Wl»n I* In rhargr nf Ihe rliiite. . or the Chilian ami military Mit» of ntir natlarr a <»frnw t'tev knew t<« lie poUonom. «. h god fail'ifH'an utudia* In • 'it- tcatling, e.NU'UijKi; «• ieaH- iw.king ml t«> nuiei^e M.i-rugan rctiis'i* «l Wa>neMtalr iliij ah'.l lii'er piel.i' ve fe hHh,: .or* of the htxtgr*'?! ir.l*. m I'm v»•*. , i I'rulio att-t S i out i ttinnto* nf rut h colli-* .'. !l III III II llll I■ III IIIII >• 3AO "H'ti UNOttCUAOUAK ITUOUNTt <• '< urtlf entitil Tn-i 'utn f M». sgk t» A >»mplew* si s> Issil I ygg« •• '«*•«• » -Hp! ve (tfTuvrs frtwn h»m GUADUATi STUDiNTi on* fACOlTY MiMSIUS ' ■' it ■ ;• . i-hoij' in ; also atlPiiA .1'vjwni u -i tie THl ASSOCIATION Of PRIVATE CAMPS IM ooMIMAiot Onto. InHw lWn li I . . . Minnlar through to* Co t* Caok. tototo* Ihrookkoul iht Nov ImHoA MM v.i M#ok« The ae.MwtiK au AllMlie Slaiet mmi Canada. a: 10 ant. and 130 ... INVITES TOUR INQUIRIES eaaearaiw# mammae amptay- ; ■ for warm weather ciaya mawl aa Cay—If. POSITIONS Ui cbiM—'a campa la all a—a al Imtrwetwra ar Adminiatvalam. lUlillln The tponanr* eef III# seminar . ""taiia Uia Ian thai MM Mr **MH»ll mm* fr#M Arrow * favorite **»// rati buuomlo»»i takes you Wnle, ?h*m», #r Caff In Pattom tfa entire armll h«mis*Mui(i> Uirough the aummer in tiic iovl Ammdmhmm •< Stltsfs Csmgi — Drp. C comfor* of short sleeve*, lightweight »^»e thr fact Uwl I aaiMIMlM*. ox VMM, Now yt«k A*. M.T.W <'.U (III Sanfr rfgj" fahriw Shown •!*«» (da a |.Hl M 1 -•■lit into tkto im k. ah sl'i sir pc tie*. S! <0 auklM ••It > fp« •( ik. anlati Step »n loJa> while the wled>ur & ample. - r md foully may *'.* station without pay mi Th# OX PLENES KUPP S UNIVERSITY SNQP 'r# r-.'-se who wi*h to attend * »'•' e session will pay an SLACKS - nr fee of 13 Alt civil- !*ir»»T IIT'A • of in form lilt* \TO ■ attend 50 percent plt-.lje*-« • * "'"'-..ngs aie presented of completion, UllMl lliry liuvr it Mifll.ull Ai"hpr w*a*h "n' wear slacks xtmj nrat all forma for th# are ava.laole front Ar- warn •" giiiii.' al lltf < iri l.* liri.r tlu'i. Ma'le with miracle fiU-r, they rarely ^ and*Utter, director of ' * *^minv*tration school. even necil a touch-up with the iron. Try Ve- information Miflksll ftelil. i - the - on 'Sir may be obtained from on a pail*... note the .-mart, comfortable, ■** styling. And they'll still look as neat and (Flip Autiiputir ' i,| 1 i.'iO cri.-p as ever, even after counties* wash- intts! With fine Conmar zi;,pers and in ■or RBI Suttimdoum liK <»> 1l.ilK! • vour choice of colors. tg up AW ... in §hort dee re* to ■■ ■ ■•■■■»■■■■■■■■■■■■■•* a MOTOR TINE IT Olbar Fin« Slacks Fraa $5.15 Two rdcaa to kaa# warm wtaiher a VALVE GRINDING .» St fnkifti tno* * of, • ACCEHNORH •» a UHLLL BALANCING MU, toinlt (Oh at* kutwi L'tiTtntfT Mybog k*o* wltr*. • BRAKE NLRVICE a hPRINGH We al-o have a complete line of Mother's Day TAILNFE A MlllUR • washing • gifts; Glove*. Kiou«e*. Skirts, Costume Jewelry. ID 7-1 til *otn .oltof otok St mMSMMumi ptrtoc. tut tr ,i*l it, t Ut. St* ISA* m I ID 7-9141 f ■ FOK FAST HOAU SKRVICK CALL KU 7 JJ fur KINKY -ARROW- 1 LARRY'S GULF SERVICE | MVRC7S ON EAST MICHIGAN AT I.OIJS :tlR)«> V INK ST. Casa Neva m.2 (diiKunally acrosx from Heal SI. catrance) B'H of Trail dor—1 Rlm-k Nortli of Michigan iiiii nine NCAA Cracks Down 011 India 11 a J r- vtcnu;\\ *rm MW< F«tf IVnf Mat* Gym MSI Women I '. Stars Off \l Swim Moot For Trials Willi 4-YearToiirney Probation .M't.AM'V i>"< Vllomxl infraelion of iwmitinp rnto. |>l«ypr« wi<« rhntfoil l»> llio I* «i«SH(wi' Hh". mnklnu ,„„r | Mivlvcic- *Mto n Of *omt i ll of Iho Nt'AA. f'S lV\ ^I'S' t*V»HI **1*0*01* r biviiltbl linbatta t'tmrnlh »» fottiMonr |»ivlvili»m lortn I ho ooxl four yw»r« liwllmin will l«o li.oli.-ii.v •. I In !*|*«*i t '•-:» two dOw ,. » a WtHtluvahix, one of tho tibial sovoiv |HMtnltte* ovoo iittisvnsl onlor too tot* or nlhlolo* III Nl'AA rlmm|i|on»hl|i iomi*i I fikVH* |Hf* *> »vk nil » iitemlm of Mm Nnlhmat I'olloninlo AtbteMo. lion. Tho only rxropllon l« »ny twirnmnoni thnl mot haia| F.St; **|V» «• * « '■*■• • •- ,v*.« tfon I>0011 nmlmrioil for prior In Mnolln«» ImponMl \Wln,.„i„ n -v «, *• C !■■ M V, . Violalftm of hiIm in* TtHT\i$Utt£ M\ 1*1*101*001 ivo footbnH Th« llliamiloirlon, I ml, wfhool will n«i bit SlirlhU fm- ♦ \ U »•'.« " r.v • »omnn» turn**. Thr to*v Hoosier |-.'«S4 V. *'•■• " '■ > -s, r - . t. - -H nlar nlhtotk Mhndulo hm »■ V » « : ' ■■' - * will no. h» permit!*! i.< i.i.l % - • -•• ■ VWf C« ••• » port In «n.v M*vl«im, ,,hJ *?.* «• * Hf «'-•«*. *• ,. ,>v.»iv.mM tV^S** n .'•• *. *v • S-» N %\ •;,«.••» %>m l«c \ ivS-M'S > » \ V - M'KM It* from HUAll In rot Willi Penalty Placed on Them *rnm« under nmiml or •aaorlolln*, enrh lolovlowt fnotholl ». roHto. h°(°,v\l ty,| V" V :»*.j »>• -• » Mam Trniihlr it* he? that th# NO A V 1 »>*<» « 0 » mo thinlohment «uo wttvUiU'R ntwilll IHv.wiOW In Hioncli MiA'loiApiCi l»^«KtOa of ln,han|| 1 \ h.«mM 4if* Im?I l.r ll\r ad tail ball t effWioU d»V,t *.VM, tC* oioy |M#II lo tnOI o*" Hon, mtlntf «t*r» ho*»lo (Hot t(«'..;^i [ n«.- vinfms th# aohool lit Vu» (NtH.MI Imwl wmr Wtn,^. IV^o* t^ntvrroltv *»wt s t,;.,, [ fit.' NCAA H*»t t*«*n P i, | Merman H>IU i»H||||l*t ||tl.t ol*>»} ,••* »* »t We#;1 rmwtafl, twiti.tin,- ^ jO'ii *1*1*001 IwM l>tiv Ntnl iiM«s*m}tttiit(.i» II ivtlWll*i'\irtfh 11 1 ,TM Ml AaMfH. NaHb l'atalin««i*i*| lilOOii' iMtwhti* t>*tnk Ml»« • <»|W Ml •*€'• A San TVwn.v*,st a a MT tmlteolnt «l Im%» (Mil rt thr t'ltri** wo* mt mrtWi.m ,.f MtN.ii %KamM m In ilaMtMl Mr 1 *»* Angel#* ; a In Ht.tvt* St tiff pt*t',tiiiiivtt |trrt * MiltvouVet- s h Ml th.l thr HUt*#**!!* In H tW|KMit si Uuiit .i a "1»*M dlmlh iWoNNMMf |M IM 4 I'n.lrr NCAA Ultra Ihr ,.tJ, |M\ilo%trl|«hlo h t .41? *i .-*<1. , * t'ttvhmoU 4 a .JJt tt*f otnmni "' 4 t»»r 0 |»r»w|*eH^lv«t Aisirltt Chivogvt J N 3T.1 % |MOt«t.| tlithl <*'|l«. itiwt. r.Htm nfi.t iw'ot.l, tv.'1 night 9.1m#* It.i ivi montti for im-itt.< NMOMOI1 * MM1I* anmiinii i «mi 11* - M tlklHOOI. I **• l»rt 4 101 Inaelet 0, 1 N«IMw#l* I «i fttNM. t it*j I tVNiHM*Mpmt riitikatili i r* itadelrOia 1 r»tr tsMmrtt flwirtf.Nt . MiiniMl** al 1 m•rHaaO ittirtM rieie ||l«l. itMtt tt»mi* *»f U|t fv* I OIM Mtalt iiwPa erMnlrd» mOH • lUWft nt.vtUHv ]t«ytt|rnl «•( ».^t> ■ • • rtrt.f 0^*, **««W»« oaw marine lOottfrtO 10 at lO' Ito.t l^tMi *t(tri*sl ;t \ !««•«.Alt 1H1MM * •» t Itati 0 tl al |»a Inielei i*h»«n t» iM*il •«> wiaHt '» w»#ri vmilb Im on o» tmiiiK i*f I n= ritttlnith Oriero ♦ o* pi mniao#i Oo.«i>H I It Of lUtlf 1 tvt'rkmtf wtUi ion aMiotnm i WMf »I*N«N»» • •». HUM rou imahaidi • it, nftai |IMn n4ia»»MI limit aawea wkedaledl l*o 11 c**t»»'h __. _ w. s• • m m wm a . a ■ aa In inollor iMldorr II aaa it I l»t « f> f name ell MtntMril rUSf ItoHvra whit# illmvltii; • lutttnat I JnrT't VonV* U* itoA» l»il« m*4 t| oil iIIhmI lb# MMlrttl in hit irj»»ft. Army, wvm, i«i, iv«tis Mt#V#4 M| I# 9IM 41 • l'-n«y I IVoU Ki**tr.t • i*oir of homrts for Ih# miliUry, Th# roiMH'il rhorgnt 0 mv'*»| arnt#u%-# of th# «inU'#t*>:v j KM C«|*o |»«t oortto* Kir## tot« olvitftl tho fliMtfiit It-* *v;r, IVtlntrr* AvX'Js S J lUl# H«>v ho* th# him. wmniii* hurtrr. Another aiu.1#n( rrpv M> >vo* oltrtrA frr# vacation tn V\K t.s*k oor# of SAM, J«4, with Wo\nr C.Hli.toU hriUAl fr#t*v##n hi* h.vtto t| Now Jrmrv on.t UtoonungM iDntjf rhilKo t*n th# moumt. Th# «x»uikS1 oaSt a ri'pir^ • Nm# run* m ih# final# **om#vt Cviv.«k#ro to « 11-1- win #v#r totta*#. of tndiana if * whe f* • .\*h#r. m#fly nlo*#tt htr h#o.l o*» \ Jl'htl PkArna at Woffoni . ^<*| In fntotioithurif, SC., offn^i >| otu.tcnt frr# vacation,v- UU.Mx It# iter am tUa tVoo ju*-*| omt llkHtnUnfbtn, rtothtng tn athUHo t >.• kW in rooh i| ntttnohly payroaol rangWi^ fhnl Mil tv ITS. IN Risills In other TM action, the f> mlt fell victim to the 7oot ! •" t»0; th# lla*b##no triaaM \r montrrtigv*, 30>3; an.t t> C beat Pi Kappa, 114. f 0. aww&S'ii t <>« ru 'I ii it Develops Success is Worth Repealing •?1 . W illi low W ilson Still l*acini£ Six (amliiloh's Sillr of ISiilurul Sliouldrr \C.lassie ('.arils! Mlt'hlpnfi Klol»«,« qiliil lt*t'l»iielt |H*Hl»!p|it la hit rscllhiif liiiiit- tllo Junior 1 oiii W ilson, I he phi I) l«»o|t fnvoiile to Inherit tho %: \ltnl «ii! nit I eitHhip |ion| vnniteil hy nil Amerh'itn I lend |#oolt, femnliiR in the lend <«« aprlnp Itninlnu vipai'm the enil f»f lit third week thit he is pettlnp n renl tint lie frotli sevei wt VlVitl", tieml lilUB'i * wt lit lophntnorei !»on Sletynrf, n ti'niiaplniitmt hntft»nrk, unit |,eruv tanliterniltk, who pinveit wonie nt the |»oaltlou Inat fiill. AUo In contention, nllhouph pfHinpN tnn f#»r off the prtce Iwiiiop of Inrvpei Irnce. ni'e freihinnn Jeff Ahrerhl A 8 htnl Pete Smith Itotli linve tlohe good work thta api'ing W iUoh'b nhilifieB nir well known the I .a peer wwr named the rnml talunhle t»r»Mv plavet In the (ltd Tlwro- Name I«aI >«|iiinu and wan thiel nndrt«ltidv to t,«a»k l." #u)s Itftughertv "Ilia Itall hamtting unit miming on tlltei and options have hern excellent He rr/illy-movea the team lliil we'll have to work some more on hh pitRsIng " Nfek 1 t hanren now air ninnI lhal Stewart will flniih out the m % c cVw ». Rff npitny I mining at the q inn lei ieitiatk Imlllr auain<*| hack p*»*.l and cany the i|iiiii 11 iUhii light into the tall. I l,ondrtmdk. a Strong nil round player with good ptiRilng t ahililt, can nol be unilite*! out elthei Pan! tlrlftko, a junior Mil* fall, ia working fourth in the line of quarleibaekft. 11IWH mm FOK NO I ■ towmv HIUmii (with Mil). I rmt I'lie lpmrlerback arrnp should go right down to the wire I .Miilrimlllk (ImhIhi) and l»mi MlrrtdH «lr h.i* ln« .» ImUL- t«*t»l f«i iht KHiiilrrMi'li sM Itir Ilia Siwi'Miu Wllwii I* th* The peat of the barkfteld ta not experiencing the name (Mrk Ship \r»»* I'hfl" muddle, except at fullback 4 4 4 * Herb Adderlet, the oolv top aetiior back, and ttat'V Itall man were itartera law! tall and their ha I flunk jotia are m»l \\ olvvv'mv m Mei ioiia |e|HH»r«b Hilt the harkfleld cnaili llill Yeoman ii going the other huiks a lot id chance* tn show their ware*, t he result, he Sophomores hopes, will lie a hucklield wllli much depth and good leg*. Hob Siici and Uoek\ Hvan are carrying I he spring load ' Impressive nl half while Aihlerlev worka with the defenaive roach lutrr.v lludu* and Jim I'dtton ahould he Halltnati'a aupport at I lir* right half S|iiirUI<' Two Hint product*, Hon W at km-* and John Sharp, air \l Srrlmniii^i't getting halfback flinga, a Ian Fullback candidate* are jitnior'a Mitch Newman, Hon isprvUI l« ib» SUIir Nrw*l Hatcher and Part Charon and sophomore tieorge Saimea, \\\ AUROU - Tli'ut Iktn Kopaeh, u protnlslng junior lineman, haa dropped « nl|«*f»u»Pirs| Will » from the f«s»tliall tram thta spring, lull he mav return in nor In Michumni the fall fiHijlmlf fortune* next fall in Kotmch. a 'J«n» js.uiider. was an all city fullback for St. ••vi'Miiiijr more evident with Mury'a of Hntford m lietroit plaving under Uunnv Hoisture, p.M'h mih'K of spring pcnduo. |»ON Kni xril present MSI back field coach itu lotisrr mil o ■ (h#t. )Vi»IV*'l'IW* Will H'UI JO leUcrmw Iflnni- (M'lH' Con!,** Ki'luriis -i i; »'-,hu }**! \»i*r milltl t ill*) 44 s ciroirr OF COLORS: prustHn live SMI. To Boost Nl.'s shiiwn lit the two rhiladcl|>liiu •• •. r PiMt , S Ollv, v.'uhi4 •.-» that nffictiU (*» l»c«t Mil' H» a. they Nt *' ( in*t»nv*«. rmiApri PtttA J* i f.-ct iiig new mnnager. Far the mo- • Charcoal Brown 1 ^•r.t' Thr «»J.f urn* U fie** .Ho n erd Manch Is underided F »r Saturday'# workout. Wave OMhU* »f I'-rt realty tn g.» *n-t Help "w uivp thing, lie feel* he mm! > /e a Navy i O. I Mv»h ClutvlUi -if JCB'Tl " up tn« men at elope rrange \i*hi spntit MUM Charcoal > v-\ III were in. the (ore* , itm tt OHiieii'" Tim* dt-l lowering (Jetie r.-n- t'iiilev is in in-If nl that h* S CroyJ '"•" April 19. It'bii gage live the t'icia.'ielptoR Phillies' r-nning bark to a tea"i «inrli pitching pi»s>e« -' , ivv • Light y* the nine tnuchitvwiis w:nntn*e<1 pltrhrr last ''utn up his cunfiUe»>.'e fur veal, a i»-\v despite *turftc<*iiing* and over¬ balance of r«Hikie* ha* m«»re Blu«y t'V. nka AtYountcri fi two Ranis (llnini r »(M*1R he he4«1rrt for Mil¬ spirit and thrust than (he one < With pinpoint ptlchr* l>rn* Slfkl . I' ll i«n. waukee urwt perhaps a >l«r' he said goodbye (o la ! AugWd • hjg em! from* Hkaa l« U»e llruvex hi* one turn- - ■ ' ami Iro'.ay City, newcomer left half* .Itm Thai ('annon mates (wr M Ti. IM t,. K * ('•alec. M trsr-aM rifhthsn IM Schedule law Sri.. ►U» Ur«AU»e of a waUrnkliitff lot miurd Ud vr»r's Sigurd Early der. will rendrtwwa with rhtls in MilwAHkre where Ike Ihe* KOVTNUI, i:» •pea a tkree'eame aeriet Fri- weirfwq that rnallNl In • hue* IjOS ANiiF.l KS -The 1 oi una. da » nigkl ('Mies make* ki* I—Piil law vs. ra in.i •prtaUmt. Mm. Umk Ike Viral An*'•)«* Kiiits oUeaetl VVnlhe-i- ?—e*i t u as phi Heme la a sukwrh d that city. J-T I kl VI. IrUnil* ••"•Ma* n from (MMIrr M * • «va>- thai all-America halfback «-at« no •:» vs. iam Conler'a si-nng (raining m brwof nthl-yard skat ftilly CanrtiMi a;gtied a fa' eon- 0—ATO vs. »A| Wvitley, Midland, c«>n- tract wtlh^the Hmiston Ihirron* ltv*i from halfback to quarter, Statc-Miwiwlpoi game m the burg, F'a, after he w as freed a ta i' K I from another major athletic act¬ 1—|» (M VS. A4.A another punt* to Bill Sugar Bowl. Jan. t. 2—% X* VI. ft cat « ri**rvV fin' last year's Cannon and the Houston own¬ ivity »- playing with the tham- i-at' vs. par WASH fft vs. Kaa sir "yxt% f suresi in the scoring. formance for LSU »n (he Ncwr •Jjfr Kaimey a fleet and driving '••■pwuadar Orleans bowl. In Fiiw II ah' I'.onl! Shiva Son I. \vnla Liltlr or No Ironing front Dayton, o, In an amended fded nauuitf w .th a tig-yard dash to an afternoon of nifty Wednesday in district coun. I he Hams said a recent RALPH'S "KEWPEE" ^ c -,\h!le 310-pound Joe O - reveal¬ • deposition from Cannon CAFETERIA S OA ! 9 TlUlf ; i« Milan, a fullback ed that he signed a rontract "to I punched a yard for play football and render pet sw¬ at services" for Adams in Baton SPECIAL IIAMBUKUEK LOAF * >r carrying a Glinka : 4rds into deep tectum sm cum :i:is: < ^r,;?rt Kinige, DeCi 29. MASHED POIATOS M ,, The Rams of the National v • vtriarg will wind up Fobtball League and the Oilers * Hot vegetable »#. a r'C' •ng campaign May oi the new American Football » t .i:l Jh ROM. ft BLTTEK H-aie >cruomage |n 'League are In A bitter coqit - TSE 01 ItIHIII.E1 I'l.AN: I'a* in HI day., I'a* in 60 day a. I'ay in 90 day* fight over Cannon Incredible i. the >ntly uool to ilcacrdie tlu-e -in;.. nentt* tailored *a«h 'n near corrl *mta. Were eure you'll ayrce, when you come down and aee th" hamleome auif.. for vour.yelf . . . the combed THE WHOLE FAMILY eotton'and Dacron'-polveater fabric, the tailoring »f lie neat linee. and the low budyet price all male a HORSMt.WK thia Special purchase offer your wi«e-.t clothiny inve.;merit. You'll l.e.k well dreeacl, yet have the feel HI MM. of raaual comfort, lenui-e of the perfe ' fittinr natural -houiiler. and dim plain front trouaer* of * roxv KIKKS theae ni'Klern day miracle aiiita. t.-t a c:o ioa I of I..*.. an.l come to Knapp'. downtown, today. You h aecco KIIIKS can park free, and buy the...* fine c ud -a. > ou . 0' y itu.liret I'lan. '. dff.'i-ittrtiiU Tf. : Id <'■ M. . ■ .' Ml I IJ A A 'J: Id A. M. TO # I', il. U IBM SO WH IPMEXT RANCH T.V. TIKI I RANCH WITH THE In B. w WillUiKMci, BEST HAIL" PM. MIW FBONT ti REAR ENTRANCE ^ OI'EN « A M. 12 I'.AI. KNAPP'S Store for Men I Mlircrn Kh'lt'il IH'I *•« IM# r«f« I'M I r*r> away win, II) S|iiimUIi Chili Jvnvlry, Silvn fH» »lrIV^» b#htll(l III# wW*-.! < fcltum <1(1 iii it**. T»«#' Ol»Wl* •»!« * f« .1 f!»-*-* •' <e IwM, yv*f, titling , 111* *t|<»»». vam**, i'aiiwitio ftUfOfty (*t *llv«1l**»r» mul i«*fH«rl fty tbt< Trt*Vrf. In I Vli(> (HMlllrltl, 1 Y lo Ml** *!«»*¥« fll dti» *H IlKlll wi»»'p HMMliaHfto ll *w' ».n»«r» An ( n»U» fri«H Ht»w vh» fitremdh, kdmmu* ttfiUl Mar 1 • i l» en M 'HI. ThH •flow, l»* I tiiiHiiii Mpait.t I'ilv I*. ft"1 »ller« of |H« U»lmaM* «f mi pi, Kflini WVavpt, ttlHiiliii! *-i»nlf»u»o « uMiftlsrt of Mfttw W«N» lllltii fothflh »* ••*»*«* rlrtlv***" t*Otl •» «tr»l IHHIO l ihnll« i lialoitiin, ||»»lir»| htjm*- l^i of iewefry I'iws WntHr «i . |.l|l»lli Mr l«oe l»Pf*M tH'M H nl.fii i I uiit Him, I Ml . ,p.| \vMt*IV I!»*»'» «»'*" j| ||| K|ip| Ilea »||rtl|M»atl !*'•' *-"•* i.thpt Mietat iinflcotflh In thi* linn t» •»>'»: is, Hp.I »«i»l In* tUmtlNv lot nl N-HMl.l fct i1 • f a-) lit t.tHHMMW* Hill ftUlo.l • »»* «'ttllii»*«l i«i «ti !*.'• • V ■■•»«» Mil" "* ♦ ■< tint*. =• M»* i.iliirUtlHtf n»nl«th« 3.1 of |*lllP, fiPfittdlU, t*hl !»♦»%•»«. vrfil i»ll*l« , .!• I M»i' C|WP«I li'tiif • lrs*lli rt I ill i'ImI iicilifi II Hhi'til ibtui IUf |»»*♦«!*•- Uhi iNilhrt moIwk •*» thr I'mt Offlm to •rod voor ** I«**«>• III W •«! al'lr In *♦» t», *>«*. • tH*l«"tlal» *t»o tnOMlo**, •»»♦»! I HO Irtiioitr* lloir homr *%t*ro I oil «nn Hum It tnlir^ to frl n do It joiiHolf In low tmlrrut. Knot l^o-lnn'w SUBTLE VilMtl.U IHMHUI . M»w* f«»t dftftttfttiHl yoHlnr wrw Inoodtooinl, with lo*r |MtliiOK «.i lltou .1 1 Miim «i.a ftmlli )m i'|.|««lii| lltlnt li 4 H«yiiii 11 iiittt OLIVE > IraHiiH,' r. lt »!«U a»t»t I ■>»' it,--,I I'.'.'.l MOtVUlS] ItilllMl' ll'.i W. I.HAM) HIV KM Ihwpel'K Own I.'I'M'IV, t.'Unv «>'.* fc'iOO < in "IP tvUI l»o itf tlu »i •; l«l |M»VV] I 'v.- t! I (f»» ItllM fttOll "fllllii f»»l « »".*!•. !««••- I'v fv« I'"* **»»«» Iluill-Hll, f4«l»ll« *lt«l «I»IT Oil llir Olive Shade ■. . T'ti ■ . ' »f«wpOlr»l * iha5 S«H«* ' I'IP I 4 ' r • i ■ milor «**»• Ifcut wool .. ■ > .-A a • I.» 1»v *»•*•. lOMril. totMc»r»l iiflnwiltW "f e»p IthtlOli* rt'til »i I U |»ol tl*hl IuIwb* Iv 4lo*ijS'*t -I f.»i i'l" ♦>*)«*»»'»>«" lUHMlni m ll u |*t t»t«<*ll r\|»loa»i"«l t*i*|»o wv'j a* **♦»» liiw" wul "'<■ lN«l*lofMlt*l«. r *| fto-HH.I o•**>!.I Ho l«»**Wo»* »«l tw' I («•(*• I, utr wn*Mlo«»»t OU trti («'* Ifto t«ollll*f »'»H ' Wo ft"t>p It '! «|s"» •!*•! wor rUUiUm. I to »•.««! Win row JIM1*1 «sflurril U*r »•*»<* to J? ****«» ftH* *l|»l* I nitio*. 1'if |*. j? -.•! !.« 0»»* l*«ii fwrt Ium In Ihtf 1**OA'»I I* Hi«< otWlwl "tit I ■ i. fOt'ii* Ott» iniil«MiMtf rolof. •*it "s-'v ts*#& » hm'lh■•y ffU*H hwyouin-ltomi* rt rv, J. |'|irwtif and ll, tUvkwilh, 0|*lonirlrUtH All tlsl sliHtrnu anil (iturn. nf llrralrr lnn.ini: I.nyal llollanil »ill neiei arr ( ordnil, latllrd a. l.nraN Malislios Slum tlint ilarK or Umlsli. s<. OKKK ADMISSION '•nun Vutv* lVallu I j» ami other beautiful slup« The Madras Look Plus 13V en V.fc» W -VV »' oh.- w' . * «*- is • i •« - * Vj* '• i -• ■ ■. ■■ TIM TOMMY COLLAR %«•»' Mil r-.tevx-.-v,."^ v *-v ttifr fttliiM ?-.f t>-f ? v': i^fvrr, i: llwr^sfco. «■* split neckline cnopi i»«»ul4«. h thsn.ii.fn-* • ' •* ^ khpubattoin *•^.1 •.-•■ v ;.>><.«'«»v »*••* n»w fashion inlarasl n«u«bt«in, %r~, v. v. "•* * - : w waww*-. ft«. i mnif lv * *s\ *S>- ' K till I Ml 11 on tho summor tloovo- Il4lhrr; Hi asx t v- ;*•«■ xii-t-m dtn: *lhl ii i-r. safjr *m ijjvvM Sfvvxt loss basic... sparkling '' liOtt nMi IV artv-o? *** ' iftirjy >vv ,< ttse »n* api'"* m-lf whila contrast lot all s':v. in* s. a* f.* ll>4 fvevrct ^ Irolal j ■. ..iigr xm as'-aisf- IVlmit atnmkti v& >«• vvrt Jrovr casual soparatei. l :»f* »' "PI> Oil U U .v' iv hva- latkaw *d-^v*r» »f-r tnvd*^ x» swwtrl*- » d l'n»»h 1016 silts. 4.90 'f *» •"* i-*ua >'« '- ft < unu l«w«i .v tv lata: *a-v*w"-tx. ifut i t?«ft ZXX*l •*■■>&* :r'" f'-mief uaaflt » & t*;*i *v - 'ftc tw y*^? — ja#i* ^ extra -1 .'ikiint TAK* A BKU F BRKAK FROM mOVING May a fiaai at •• ion '''> idn •re tno' Sen swedish »- saiirc wearing sail 1 A Uacm blvas* with a .VUcMil'nn ^uiuhv ■ oimbo MAT TO co^lxr. Mauim Upirred fkanU and a '• • jtlut, "■enior rux irvi us kalher belt, A outfit , . . iii-hlifbt t xm xisT or ar.a camit* Lustrwu .satin-finished nickel-chrowit steel will i*tay ""h?ra. l EXCLUSIVE AT HIK ' w i* iKHt* or rv\ roa lovely for a lifetime. ■viim _ tmiom - <;ver | -he < to tj**s oH'ict ac k4$s rcoM cAMrra ]?e«1»Vnbt lwwiv vidua uug V u.