'I li«* liciillicr < Intuit to flit High I/IIW 3H 1*14If I, » f'KMrt N. I liomas Dr. Itii/4'K Slroii^muii MSI I Kiilf Slirs llllks llm' llrii-fs l« IdTlurt' Proti'sls riiiiisiinv Siiiiilny Jot* Slum In Kiva I Im » if I * i* "f W> ' I,i-|,ir.il N.„„. >0 T'tn»M i fcO" ■'» ' ,1. If,. VI •« ill I*' * 'it .1 »M,. A , hC fiin'it u® thr j«A>' • > . • >" • holelity id ft |» mi •>< • i . I.- J . I I I* Ity koMnii II,-volt .'.II C|M>lb j'f.M.-I.V I niufi it'" ' 0 • In i M*e "( 1' ' M.Il,/'k <•: :| Hi M t» I • i • b'l'l t »:>'>> • ",-n fi. r ilin* will 'it ui ■ I M I I AS'llCI., Tiirk-y '/»•> - 4 » - . *1 ,u T't"' V.T ' i at oi l •• 'hiiwtn in -J ill .ii !' ■ m Mi'iln ifhit tu* Ih'.iiaiind* 'if tnUifh, Turk- •».. I . * i-M, l 11' fx .1 I. >. ,r , r i * * * rli tf^ip" jnifrolled Glnhfiiit MN|) AltOK* puilrnr an einiillim parked are Ml* lr V ' <1 " : If* t' - t * r. I '4 I nil tin 'Ihurolit, nipht I'* cur1* ThoiOifa t!••»#> Mltlf'lbb lint ittmr SIntm «in ins if I in diawa. "Mat lun«« at hfnoH," «»ii«-i, will riiii lliMnieh m al% Uormtfi like rlrfnnfjatffitjr>rt* « ,linil«y in fairrkiM riiraln Hlalr Nrha I'lmln fi,| llir I'f ral.lrli# i tif II.r I llilrd h'.ii» i i I,)*-, ha* iii.IM. • uirninaf thr* tfrnntffnkn po* - lbl»« #*#* thr Vitilnlld lltfcrl Is *4.,*, li, I »#f I*rb»i I" I . • ( .Ml i iMlhoi.tl r lob 0* "MijipraDan .. ..r tbr -i jinn'/i' -.ft- «».d oD.ef* b,i#c*Te.-J by !** •» . ■ ..., ... I l...M A * W •* ill* lit* ll**ii *»f liilrin«lliii,«| A.. I i.,1 l il...'..- I ii...,. 1,.. lr :t r proles'. 4n*ir.i* It,- I'rasram* fir will be «#*«»m sn Mr i-f,, # # # l>.4**1**1 lo Inr'aUt 4 lunirb, M i# : l .. rgir/.e, J' gfC ** |n*0 * (i*#"-■'*i*irti ♦"!*•. • i'.*» Darkness at Noon' M.< intri I ,/,» fi*«4 *rrr*t*rt of the r **«H I n*' • m »!»*• )«»! Ill .* « i.Mco»'»jliV" /'fffff S/lfff/dTI liftHt Af^e,« ".h pen-on* ri'tf Frjur#/} * 'l i II,III.: Ml <* I,if I, t hMffi.u; , ;l. and f-.r.r. by si.o.e areounf*. die ' Itr I II Ml III lit !•.. I'm m.M mI J'i x >tlU.' Tor V.■ u»tu M,M afiaht I lui. .Mar Da) f#-.v "'••'re iovofced I ft (■ I I'-'l i-Mfiil f|"e t(**-eb,~)'a from . ' Ankara itiap of t Im* nftl'iillvi' lit I t« I inn r»f i|i»« pi . ■ •••'.••• I -»i •» ..'i ■ 1 < MM *1 H ' • I »*> ill ** I' i.hm' I •* r.'t 'lath; etriit»«l V x ' , |,.,j tO, • I' I l»»lr*it *I|i*«ia| * «•*•!tf*t 4im) hi f.e >n»idar 7 . x.r-ier * ' 'h«« !T»p of lii'inp prininrllv at«11 f • >mttitin 1^1 prop ipmitln •jtcfll**!* ..,.«*■ V..". |0 ,.*■■■■ f " rJe/I f"4f.rl t/T/ifiek ' f".'" a .'Oi lent f>e«« e erM'it. -inoffp ;*i ' >1, h.f! ">,»• til' rti-.| hs Pi link Ifii' r P" II. i bn '..'in f.f '»•<•• r<»ta.r; • * au.f.u«i *>!11 lr »tt*''II** '• ' ' » 1 -a-. 4 '»f • W WlM.il I .11**11 |I Ihe imlhi an the fare* r#f lli*i» • J I NOIIMNi* til If," I'Vultrililv "tlll'IH: inn Im hi ftiwr-rti. Hie i>l.iv . Ml a t*r * * * f . 'or ,< li. , III Ilbiir lb- Vfkl tlu*1*Mt« On* SoniUii *,I»,«kI f h**r*'l«|, the *prin( le**r» 'Ifb* i |i«rt"i iiM'ii IM-11up appiri ■* i ..(!»*i I*.-M*id * •». i . III* n*t'l i"h I in lis mm'h IHnl* *•1**1 t*»*l4r 41 A tun )hvr »»>*» ifoualeg »»»*»r pint of Mood tei' lie »Imi *4ol iri*'lb| law 4*>if ( ! »« >i!*ilU M>»-* ipiih tV< tliir si lay * ... :M»;I 'f ll.ll fr*-/*! . 1- • , „ -i i, 4 *l « m. to *, 4 rn f ii*f»* Mould H- h('J|| IdlCS *1 I-ihI MiniiP" IhtnalioiiM Wauled • ■ a h 11 HI ;I .1 ( III". .M.I MM.' « ' I" H I AM..*f. Hit-:"' ' be enforced 4* b»»if it he > I- i, M .,.,0/ *••'! {.« . Ihoiifht • it' t».fce«»iiii»<| ofiaiii pinighl nti'i »'* *r •*•<« ut t »r j.t larMiM.;?- ■ *•! I I: fi.' v r»eeeM4f» v it) bilk to Dm PoetIV «t-^ Irtv • I* be *■ .'■»* vi'.b ;• g I«»r t>i in Kaii.'-MI't To Own Sitit i nli |*rft DM", «„ itr,'I and Needed; 117 Pints , ^to higAri Hoi.on', it ? pm hi l'» • round C'-.ob-.l r-(l ,, I II. alp* •» < arfjye in 'in i'. ■/If -'-nihil'ht I :e ,f uon Hi* •Mfijert will be "itno. > gat. ' . •- AUfipuipi Ki'ijpli'v't |» I i» *' ■l l, "4 i,rihy\ lit h i ' hff.H f'Uijuv drftwilfd V'"'' fiaifaiti'. I> •*';«* .etiipr-n'■*-■ Ki'inlics '60 Trnm**#w'' Port,--. • # * * in 'be ix i;»v» -i i»{ fore.gn .* For Itlood Drive Goal t h.i, .1 *-t» • Irt l*». f lap" l«> >Witl< •> "» *1 ><*' ' • Ol I',11,1, I,>;Inii- if , a moiibrn **f AI DM* *>f Die *1'« «*(!: JV.-drtritd i - 3)« l il till. I III H iiUir Slutiv In 'I h" i Ar;.ill -.- ftr.-i": i». ik'i m ., 'hr the e»#rr>n« «, < • it llitlMilittv. mi Mittr dmint f)i |l . »ri»r*l Pater* ,'****»i ,< * I*: •* 'Cl P's iir,n*ut9fi try th» Warner*« le.rmllorle* Toiff hUfdlred *ev A b'«b»ry fe« «*« < .*:»» * 'i i, of se»o)n*ir», eo> f*,|*M.'e* intern* tmnaf (!•*.* I' .iifji, w!y Wa« fw^inriHlwl I vert Ifimr Miimifiit nf (fir i»li», pfr***»itvi itfft* A, n **«' i 4,. fir,vied to reach '• l/Kift ,r:i'iiu!v ffftrrMfltlrtlivr i»*» and rhisnef a' MHtT .vi*y 3-12, r • ; by pnrirayril itiip||l«rnll» end .nf goal a* t.V p .. ■ 0 .. -e.> urn tvbrn Otrrn kf>lash« the "'«• untH"* ih" enonsordftip *'. aklllfullv liv llondiil lain, hil® men's #wn«n»k»« hm»«;ri*iy. g.va# lu ahrtjMii wslcr show Awt ;* uti f'nJvettiii"* fftii Stvinlwvl; hf/un*. I. v.; tmeif.h t'Kla.v ' .r - f. ' Ca mpfa <»i <»f (.!*" extra •»* rifiar* I alia niftlt Mini I Pah b Mikfif iavrn yen is TbdivDiv d .Do; . • 1 . • fhe pre«eu*-e of *4 *n*nr >V • iTP-**, AlHn. >ifh at f: t«f >.*• im* Th5» ''rS'V vard H?' I ' mi; I * < i ' iniMibf'l I Ml >; lu Ande* Muiiolau 'lira uiiyihu ihe Peritviait aiMi floh- I'Uni Sin Ifil • I f»» » Hi ihg-.hit I..1H.4 pinls. U»* !'*•»/-day »••'■»* Ifoop* ft4*der>ed veteran* of the Korean »'»*oe of them 1.4III* - l>4tt |(>rilr|. hrw prrftlilrHl «»f i'titrtif ratfltiliihilirf hintn tf p v,ill icluir t«» im event «•< i***r«>n viaf, ruMoir, hoDorv, ar,d "nth- \l Mi. .Mill «ll mrnilH-ri of < in A'n*rM-,iM hr.ioiy .t'lhh K'e.fue , M s la-- liinjf Hheaf drive rtulrm^o I *'l»t '* af. r eat need «n 4>mo*ehere of ( »ni .y In by IrrH ih» prinripai ehamclrt on atour, h/ivi.!, "Th» Grape* »»f W#ath." %fah*r lion tfilhr 14*1 laiuin* ealm In nightfall nm were *«wn MeiniH'i of flrffii fiptavb, un¬ Itemiingrr of I li e loilli I »r* Ti Ut mmiii dnvviiipcd h»» rnlr u* v/HI be brought to I.. *< reen ,fr„ ftaid he wa* e»i»o**r»(ed hv . .jf «• • -ion« .">'1 I i/nit (he Hv. iM-i mil ' ( ..It* Hit Sale .Monday p. a I Hint prr«n"-i i- a part Mi l-r alv, ..'I 'ha! *T.h y i.fT. He,i- We t of th*. univerrttv': tut nun Kan* I tor new II - rt f'ii «• ^ rif .I'ffi-' tlVr and h. t ... on" RO'lt* or;.5 r .•• ng ' h'inJr'M wrri? M<"" movciiM til* on stag**. Mptt io.!l> •StM. IHlmbl'l * hv Nwi.f • At.'* Htontah Mtaga/irto v ill be mi Hcr<»-«, af*d sho*,ng« a,ill u* *• ?orough tndA?, "•'- *: :er . it •' *'• ■ i Those twimin.iM'l for tiic difficult ii.iii*i!»«»n«! let, MiJHkf gxn m'MiMi, rtli't f>« l»- »aia Monday through Wednes¬ 7 and fi p m :? it; ' • :••• it. i»" or ho Henry f'mda, .fan* f*.x*. ■ •; .e y*.j r.g T ir*. an'... •k-v were Chuck |J«Nirrl, flpsiiliirk means, wp.p haoiih't n,»e Urmnyouv ei, lllrniiiiMhain day at Hnkey, Union. Short The hbrxl drive »s ?e-in,{ •> d • 11 ■1 Cnur*t> eafeteria. Natural fk'i- and John C'lfrnd -,<■ ho d Die «Dv '*r '' «• -">•,!**{ H'a i:-K. *0(1 I'Ujip. with *i m m. • nd div fig stunts will bs» mi tJenemftDaxon )i. ' - •» • I raterniUM* l-itre and Student Service*, a'ar rnje« In Dh* *t/iry ot toe K •r • r. 4 i f e--«r, Anderann. frhtermDe*. Hoi. HtfiUt, *JIPCh«l «t»»ten' fiatured f»'.»»« *w»D 'c taken ini • J "Okie*," refugee* of the dust .' •• S i '.arm Kinhrl, W Nh*tW* Stmi> Monh'lnh/ N J . jpivr » (m «i number '-f dir.r f#wn Ifit* P.*tr.i '.f MKniitfttal f«»r speaker pro powerful inlcrpr of at ion of Ivan, t./ri il Sjibi.«li pl'-ilgr wii! per- bate Men • I mr ml lor lea furrn under the dlrwlurti *»f ed lo California '•arc. uf ■/ hi Pari »• j«"-i'i' Hii-ix*. wjrOTltiPA. win i if. mi old Doiahi'vik rrvolut on- aa«*tiate profemor of Knglndi, W'At So. :>'••■ «>!o nomine# for iho office GreU-hen l^t hm r and "Jim! * .Hons? at Twilight," work ar*d a fadter way of life ? .. ,1 «/r.*n p^xurer* • ' i*,t tiwpjnd hy the imdloKia of , "# 3 3 K.v Sh.iv. • Kxp,.» ; •-"tart-. ' Ticket* on tale ♦*' the by ft. A Ball, Wilmington, Del, A «ludy of th« ' litt.e people" • « . ti v*rlMm+nt*ry ..• thr new tpguiif xi *■ ■•• |J.< , 2i2 S / ' tr'Si; wilt elect officer* next' Iv.Tttoff'i sontetinica difficult t'nion T.rket Of foe for the sr. In toe 1/ruted Stab*, "The > -» ?■•1. ..an hrna'JeT.ed. The An MSU fttudent who r**erdly Grajie* nf Wrath" wa« produced Ifr 2'. " '.n *e* g **ree< Show* *eiieouli>l b.i M.*y .V ill l.» .4 :ip k iMMts the nominations. !piH»rbe* weir ilellVPfrd WiHi ir- •• by Darryl /anu'k Sr.d ti t'c'tA It. ier.x J 2 <» •-.-»ne ? he opt/v* D N'w nirmlwri of (nnirrM mnrkiiiile r.ise awl $•» i*ua Re-pubiican par*,-/ he* w rp hill fillUi ril. They »rrj Ken ne w b v B red It j.i.ii. , si 2ftj, <*otd May f (I -SO .report on the racial situation In so *- . that city. #on wrote ihe (trreenplay *"•» by Former PreT.;e- Wmm, l I anting, Mr lire J. in . a I 25 and H 1ft p.rn^ II .50), l»«ni*U*. Married ||«uiIri; Have flia allrnipl In solicit Kuha« i 'or.u, Th« party, among v, e- rnnfraainii li> ipyralllti tthpuhottoin. Diwlai: Harry ahov't to hia IntrlliCPDrr and ralinnal- Trudition, Druntu in JVlay M*»r*iiiig Ming v ,nzi fore-go &e,Ur7 aivf a !«« ei.-,.- fttanda f ,r a »t Houghton, lamina: f.ralr fila- ¥41 '»«• I mniiiiu; Mike Bunnell. ity rrsultrd In «nr nf Ike mnst .1ent:furatv6i» with the t*mv- dramatic and cllmartlc arenea ml Hoard, Tower Guard Tap Sunday .1'T*. I>4ihrr; Karen ( olllna. E. l.an- and He Ik Hay, W. I^ndon >,4 Hoffman, % Lansing. the play. The skill evident in the stftimf Mortar ! V :The «ii« ha* banned p*rlum«nUrr hkhmm- pftliiaal aet*«. ' Ity. »r,*f party pel 11 lew tiM te B«r;y Doughlon, proton!in;: of both llrolli and Tato maki n Tudition and drama will ndn- .■'** a halt M'>n4d|. aim's «*4f-»i»poiiiUiient, asxerl- HuIki 'hovV. derision to . con fe es tw speaker of ihe flur- jtU' Sunday murning a- un«us- '« T\e ftciftlature k ff«Dd> l plauvibh* to the audience. • •ngraaa, cannot appoint (Jh-lkin, the inhuman, diaboli¬ p*-* ting CK-ds urc tapped for » 1 Vfvr,.-jere»* i>ejTM>rra;ic pa'" »ra U» the new congress, Mortar Board and Tower Guard *0 • ; tiee has ,/iv cal product of the rcvolulion wu« i' app cited a resolution pas;- at May Morning Sing. .-j v -4'. .,1 af Mtti atorloA *4 played dynamically by Charles Tlitj announcement of new '1 •' x - ftrateraen.fa o- •. c - - * year which created the Cioffi, M V Cl junior, who - * > extra iNwalonf of congress nn-mbcrs of the two honor a r let. ♦e* !e Turkey perta.n,.r-g sometime* tendeii to dominate 4aitioUon*l purpose*. He will provide the drama, while J > "o iiuifiu Jiveitigattom. It the stage. • '•a.vJ thai itnce the the Men's Glee Club and a brass, .12* *'-r. eresi to -i«ia* -or suxperjei speaker of ':mer eon grew presides at C rliain line* — "find Is dead" en*embl«* from the mu*le de¬ i" l ,...»oli,-.v<*aas« VioiaUkig the «Je- the:-*? extra sessions, he is able — delineated fJlethln'* hrutalltf partment will carry on a tradi¬ 32.o v .-ees and mprkoti vtoteh**. ' and mthleftMieas tkrough f M- tion dating from Ik HUh cen¬ ':t * Tt "v' ? aire-ady *trkt pre-a> new members* • fi's forceful, authoritative deli¬ tury •' .'.ivr -fftfilted U5 Ifngvtoitoe very. The Men's Oltrv Club, aceom- • • ' »f tcorea td new smen. Senior llull The play's only female lead, panicl by Wcndcl Wcstcott. as- ftuctale profesgor of music, play¬ S < • .* Kr' -orarttkft • *. > thai of tuba. Rubashov's "petty ' nlnnibiii fr/li '<(>1, ing the hells of Beaumont Tow- '>" '>■12 Tonight hourgeois" was secretary and mis- played with dignity er. will sing "Brother Sing On.* ' No Man Is an Island" and "To A AihhA *' - . . P , ' a "No Slitrhi ol Short a" .A -."..it FD;' ■ will have' one last by Anj.n» Ciph Thcc MSU," an original compo- , Ajpra l>- ' 1 : Ntw YORK .4%—Thor, ... • e tonight to "gather ye The danger of this relation¬ attlon of a former MSU" student. Aloha Ohto*' P * > .■»:5 news ar Coiurr.cia Ihssvers • ' while yc may," and ship being Incongruous with the A brass choir, directed by A^na Phi -f * i-vt you cnulitot' teft who " general tone and theme of the Byron Autrcy, assistant profev- " " 'p '-r hour* away at the Alpha Xi Delia -a i.h* ar>> • or girt * Senior Ball in the Hotel I Say was averted by the lack of sor of music, will play "Two Chi Omega > :-*cks and hfcrmuda *. e 'j >a;;r.jom from 9-12 p.m. emphasis placed upon it Marches." a work by Fisher, a th-'ita. Doka ' Ck;.s* •3 ' C'-^rds —. srs dan > 4 sal# event will feature I.uba's Ijvlicf in bourgeois 16th century composer. ty * Garrui.-i 3 ii •, J.U -. — nvusiC of the Buddy Spang- sentimentality and her devotion Dr Maurice Crine. associata fV' * Zev. 3.2 Mr M-...v«a; M.-ui.-•••- • •'•-mho in an atmopjphere of to Rubakhov finally leads to her professor of humanities, is mas¬ Hi- n PV V3 ; -C-- f Bumard Coiaege,. ;:■>*- fhisty chiffon and nostal- unjust execution for sabotage ter of ceremonies. : 3 xr^teAie womes'* >ers ?* Ka"-p-ir Alo-h.4 Th-.-..* . -• rremorifa, Robert Gras. Holland fr^ Ken A serenade of prospective Ka x * Im- - a i -i ' -Crverstty, refjue-sted .Th.*' "• .li ghting the evening will Peck, Bay City fr., and Brian member* was held Thursday : Kappa G»?wn» 3 ''.-ei; »ea.' sktrU to ctotitos ;• announcement of '60 Club Denton, Poughkeepsie. S. Y. night Each dorm or aorocity Ph., Mi : <5 ; R'Tibate favorakfy t* :r-- prisoners 402. 302. and house with a new Tower Guard Pi TWU Ph. iv? :he anivevki'tv.** '"s( >'rs, 1&60 graduates honor- *jph, as or Mortar Board member wm .«> .■ ably supported the leading * 202 T f, y outeundtog scholarship, j K.ioc.i ;T'!? * v/. r> and contribution to actors. serenaded by outgoing mem- ZeU Tau A'o n.* «6 *•-'* rwtsts ta ■ .euujoora -i ••vmity. '60 Club mem- The stage setting was design¬ **«. Men « Co-ops 4. xa.-iJs. ar.cU 'w ii b* A '-** tore of future alumni ed by' Edward Andreuscn. asais- Thr S.n*. Kheciulrd (or tarn, Bee I - 14 *ho-*as^ rforiTg ftrtal w,x*a» timing, added to the pty's gen- Guard Inaaliftil. I I Ulrvgf g-., . 4 4 axjrt - Pinnin*;* Senior# to In* •AK< M« it • »*♦ Honored ot lioll i »« ' Mfct »*N v-Htilli V* ttt ' »»<'«!»•♦* U I'lM I'Mll WON I I i • \ v it « ' I v' iltknUitli'l*! •IHI ctt'M Do- »Mi* vUi.-ttti" htt H**4 . • IV Ua -*"• «v^i. W »!«** »*l .Kltl'i# »**•*,»( k f.Mt l» • „ . . , ... ... I • 4,•« <*>♦* ,'T i-.MlH, •■4. ••' V'..l ... . ..•: h<»h toot «• vv«>»,.f ||*| 11**1*1 |**tt I* *»♦»«« t'llilftv-. A|iHl «1», I(tttii I'm# («,. in- i * ».<• « , i* • • *»*H»I4 A|*Hl*»> «**l«t t» I '<*•> <• » «.<,! «'t '>•, until.riiM! ' t**l IihI#I •Itttli-Hl* - Mill W tlll'IM I Ml M» * t "«• MOV M.i'it t**|l IUHHS Wit*-***,! • . . . , .. . i ,, ... ,,v It*' I I* • -.« >M HMlut II *11 tt III »*»t«,l'l*| O'll ' 4II,I M*»l» lit* I t'ltltn lUHlt *4|lll.t4» »*l»l»l Wit I*4 *1***11* '•» Ht'|l»*«* »»ll! W tl*>v»»l -tlfjl It* ll»* Mit Ill lii|(iiii Sliili* (tltHtfMit RflfifM >4,, I |i*»ti.| Nimvs Mltltl««M , I* ||* «|*ll*t» Ifl»t» lldllt, «I"M Mill M»l! lilMWlt MiMt J ti>tlte. HMXH »•' *«•*»»* # il'1* il »*'* ♦•*••* fin., II,M* . , (>| fdtli 4|lt I* t* lltf till. I !»*« , .*»') 'I*. «'. M«» \ •***-[»• M*,I* II,..*:•*■ I.MHVrlt i. • « ti «t««4 |iti i»»it H tu.»i**t*i* v.in i'u M.-.i'i. *._• . . i tttt ttttl H*r |lt» tttf III,MUM 1 '*• '*te.<«l'*t*« **1 ♦ *i*4t»i f*M» AWnMlMwl t**e«» *H*t , . »• i l«, ||,»> «■ t t't»i»«* »»» la** I ("die ||,*»**»II ■ UIIni hMttlHrta M«n*|r( ri**»*l4llt*M Mlttriw Oiml I e*l,„ . I (»*!»•« |HI|A |H »*t|l t»*»M lit ||t»«|t|M4H *.,* X.,M 14*1-*. « ».••• Nt«»< VI 1 V»»,,»!»»■• *« I t*|llllvt*t W4l( I III V#**f» •lilli'lt l >t*ilt llttlltH Hill «*»♦*, 4«I*1..<1«, ... , Mufti* M«i**v |4«»» IHIIM 1 , ,«»„» *( Ike | 4»»»!**# t I* |t*M.» I*»w H4lM»*t»eH hRtTilUM- Nf**,* We*nift| itr 1 \ t*4 *t I * I* **•>**« •* Mt. litin* rtnl h**iU* litt III* f*llie> S-f Htdt'l mi» f«i»l« in knit 4 ,<*| tt l«|*l««# ttt ll* **( %»»ee t|»»**» Ill |t**«» t.HnHilv* Mr*4(I «|aM«aM . |»|, t, » \1 (*<1.1 Milt .-**«* >***! I M*mt » *»*♦••♦ I •*»«»* * **4»l4t» lot (Ml«ll *l»»#|»* 1*4*1,1 I*...., Kit*.*. 1*4* I* 4*1.1 • »vUI| V4»lf* I 4**m» #»bil M 4 Ma**a | 44* MlItMit M.tt*,,. . I., ,M4 4iv ItttMUl* ***** s!««*» • n«m t»vtM«t»*«* n«M MMlit . tftfl tll«t*ttM *l4t«. I*»t Uv** M..W4.4 n»ltttn ItMtiaittM 4t*a*e»n ***I»M VtMXv*. «• . 1 \ XI»I***4M !**»•» HeHtlil fill Ulal***aM l, ti ItaM.vti Mliliitfiiil Slulo NVvVn If!*" I'll"» ll,ttsllllt,lt ; < Miitlt H MM *ImIfllli* HllHI SMOr UN WV S lull \ \ I Mil CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS HFMUINM I 1*1*1 Mat •%*!*»♦ • PnMltttHtt ft* Intl. Will | 1**11 • «**•( III I *llll**Mtt IMttlllM# I'M* Mwi Mill**** I MM* III hllla |*a» «!*•# • I' t«»4 I % N9m **•!«« lh*«*Mth lililtt • li Mftll KXTt aniA AUTOMOYIVi ,**• f! v*i*»vrj» ***** |M»**n «*.< «...* %•*». W Ww flai, 1 .»M«.ii. tv>VM,at' • ,*»■ si*t* »,»ai*at»n Mint iiUmii Mliiia ,4 .a** •,.,1 atia.r , an tV * **•» 4* »*'!* ?:VF Ul*y*»l1 t U 4in 1 l *1*.** HI tit* . IV VUl'Mkl » X •.*,'.♦ ^aal w, t'.", |t'»aa i*«*t,aW « . .<*,» * ... t\» « '•<•••' * • «. 1 a»'*•-• * kn*. 14 |# i*i' v.. , In, *. . altalft* *(*,• „ <■>*,<>• a,«» *{»..«» 'ivi.lv'i 4* ,.ft.,.t, nan a,* Hium Iftti." *.«< ,y*« . I-., IN ♦ »»ei »< 4 ,«v •>«*»« »t*a *• |,iaai *.-. 1 ...,« .a>, .(„.. t<„ • tiW \r,»a tvWhVH BtllMMi n it-, «ti- aiiataiiKH* it t,«a» tnt »,,« lilliiil(«i»n •'*■ ».'1«.'.* -ti iv * a*!* * acta, >.»,*•. t%-rw 4 . ,^ft..* Iltv* * '•ttl"*l',«l* tl'.ti* (Iv'tttti* IMIM hll V* * 1 .** «.««* i * ««»,♦ » fc*t««,a».*,. IN 4 *»»• 11 \ | «** 4 **■ W- 4V4S.-V » X> % ^ft % *» •Vvtf ' ft v.* »• •« V- . *•*. v • . . ' X. X »> . ,«<• **.fa (414IV.I tt* * M««ttXav»t1 ill*,IKt Ml«*a, « «u »K»' *NN i* FOR RENT »tt*t ** *»<* **■<■:•> *SV»* K ^ ' r- *• >. 1- «l* 4 l|*t li .«*»*** MS lit MAI I, fn. I I ««M »*»«** hM K l*»**.« ai«'-i Al».» b«*,-4,ai\ c lwi *f»'»«**4Hl *1* a«. aa 1*1*1' a »u.' , -»*» Itt UCAX IV • MP" v ■ t 1* * a'»e* t m •*< »** i 44.M *' '.XJII IUJ. I lc^*,»-*,j,' . i %viv*i «rvi«M* **r\ * HOUSING I*'*'it %*• t*t*K»,M4*tt ll'-il I* a'-a..»(,•«»»«♦< *»«*« *i»aa »•••* „«*«<<. ♦** i,-»ai«<» i '• "•« |*»a*#»« it.* aiMnbltia — ,< Foaluiv (imv*i Snoakoi ^ 4*4*4" ,**» rttsm. t*\V '•*• i>*I M t****'« »*• HdliUHlt M-v- ..vvl;. i \%* «w- l«» iHtttl *i »i NAM 1\ Ml H , W V < \ ' *'.«.• • V i>f i i"i*t « all 1(1*4 t 1 |W^.»^4 * X. ' V4(t» /v^l . t .» * \4 ^ m * •*. 4 LOST and FOUNI* **** i*I UK *»\ri*f\ * < >- . . *x »»**♦ (»ai*l 41'M tail .« i«aai•• l«i«l> hftifth , t. t»*i4 |a«* I,(.la* If Mh.i*.* . l—ff. L'f'i ;rtktil »*M| MVir riitMimfv , J.snt ia*» **•«»*«*» M* i • **" jiltetl PERSONAL li tnttMtii ».aaa,*M«ai.H* iV * *!«*.« Vp4JV» X - 4 « <1 vwt wmmir •,*.! \4ti.i ,4t»t ,1)(Vtl,ll.|( n**> !**>**« ♦*N**»IK laka «!*•• a* 1 ».i»-»* anl.-at ,xM*Xt*t.i-i •<»* H*l a>a*a Man* **f ,*.*# ev.Mtia*M .■»,# **a.* „•*•• »if.« ft* f<» (Inn |tv# ,s*4*a it Alt* alia* » *4 »i|«* »*"'«« I |l 1«N* *tl*\U*MAV N.VVVf.Mlim R H*N A«cr HAK*MV IHimii* * a ** i*(, ene* xHai»« una,*, ' vi.'.ia! < .'.-.ft»«atal eaba *• • a *t *»» *,• a«*Mea*-»ala M*« a v* Mara VU V-M * It »k«T* a r**a M HI 1'h.M.a IV 4 IS ■ ««m rwrvv Ytto |*<««* *i«nu •rvt »»»na*«w.uv kit t '*.»« •<*• 4 n w It V'' ' M . I « WUA. TH« PAHTV 4Na» W*e ti* AtxiUft I,* |H*t»ar«ii- »»a i Wm rati **a#f lt> Fh*4 I*M hi»nx ^rn-iv; »vi«.* »•*.* >*♦♦»» * (an* •• »•« %t>*ivtuiat* »*.• t<|4 * 'V«.S ' .• V v ' - • . Iv<»* «»n titae » **'♦* Kit I-tint ft V. • S. •.«<-£.• Je. V. mc ItRtYTV ft AMI-* ftMMN f •».♦* %h* Maafl. 9mt \ * ■2-«rxrwvvK- Cms*^ EMPLOYMENT „ »Rt IITI NOT aar*. k*> 4 M*A • «*«•< umm *t Moexl ; » A AH AAP ».* MM* WfTXt V Villi » a>N*fMM*« w-**yftV. Inta<*>#«* 10a aa«* \LwAvta* av*'v «*tn*Aa* |« a •»**» .11 rxi».u- M'MMf* BMW f 4*4* MnantAh' »»?>i4 aeMnlAU-'ui* «,» t*#M **tH AtklA « mMMM MMAX Mt* a< ,«***«*• VTf'1* AL «4t 1 M**AHF»Mi UfMil f **» lj»X AitVV*; IVtTWN TNNR rOA Mi* T **rt *"M4. a«ai»**«»»e <41*0 li* m*k*»A>w* )tm »Vf«^ '<**» s ^cfttf*3s5rr '*** .;i inartvrt. ,» ;**, REAL ESTATE it XX i.* t $1 .'«<** >«''t TV 4 Afl* f* frea n ee* * trail t$ «• .vutCN*'*' CONNlMdST TO CAMfVS ~ *' ^» SERVICE Ihrcr I'erf,vf ll«vs fc» Kt'v*/* His Kvvs on Ion crsr WtVW3*T rti t-*M( ACAITLT Cftw-T* fN ti rfAAT«> CAKrs I>ru\TW- rr vwa (Nin>fta f a Deliberately Flattering Formal: v»'< Mts#^ jae- M K«I>* faaars U" nr*< S»*/Osvt 5^0* i\ OHN! UFWC - UKNOAU »OVr r-i < t* NOT M * V'i ' *25 *27.95 *29.95 * * - i t * p *\ r. t ciwn uw ID Y-#r* 321 MAC •" -* ** '{ . - Ktktrv'< ,vr« .7 *.;i * be-jj5,fti-»\»c yf T>»v rr tjr.-.i. \»n;rv W\*T STU. MAMAUOV Dn,ltw "•«' '*•«■ •••i5T»#*<.«.v« fve-..r..-». «:•.,:•< :«piiiiar a«*t effect!** *«li *"•*( fer-^nMomvi* ' t' .-.ft.-a* PMW.- aestl 5,xt.r.£»- i *.1 \Vv« eXff.*.-. w;:> *>..rr*- N>.ov. midriff ul fV-v»:.rc »t;r: . ♦•noM*-! ••*»}if*r. (VK a.tar > *--«• IV fnmtt tv and radio *-*• k, .(«!!!. !,"> :.r>i OtM. (C,t CatWJvilwn wi!hrr.a- ftt W r»»»9 tA »«u*tani« Xa*» , v w* X.J." c-srst T\" And antenna* D** <"■ "i *'• '< k- ►*. ""■ Sii. -V".- is r-i.v - ..• ntitftjuur «»e». OSI AND A S.NUr i»ti ^ -*>»-** <«* - - wwlXxa-a rtOtatr m «V *» ITD rr*f farfctnt I , «*»'*. TV Trrh«t-fi*«*A * * ■ • 21 r 5V TftAJL'A U-4 TVw »>*»» KIINMI, CftthMM _ _ KftftuKT » STARTAX Wl-lTlLmilM". >' ft* W 1W* * — Mtv.v* nw> S^K *a-% Mfctart }•) *^*.*9 1< Tan* laiAl «w,n* r*rr* rv»t-- * Mr* G<*.»4lM in. FD ;-*** A - Miiioiits irrtrr srw* NISI I Amlltnr Join* Library ithls IS'nr Vncilit'us A(W*I I*. IM* hi. TVS Truiium Expresses iNfwmmiH num. Amu •• NnII**i*hI hl'A hr..*t|* irtfk tiMlhll Mi'theW"*, liKer. Now no,lor fflt'illly at»'4*Vi*«» «»■•* how t*t*ttalf'Uit|lhh o*( (h** foil ll It gviMdhl« (llelilltlld «»«•! Ir|*h*K |»V far Ag StudcntN Take Fickl Tri|i I UIIIIIH trihisi iotl (Aii'lUlM htidijel ni.nl**»'« It oof of 11*** tllon* v tljtr ioni»*lM*l« »*»aV he rh'hn lo View Foreign Aid I'hih and ma Fmi.l , for mhm* hat bimh rlp.toil 14 (he oj*OM ai. ovn faihloii F10 (t*a hnhifdnv, Jft »t lUnhnh ami i*f H*a I Miry on imneiiMMos i-ih p n», rnlholh H*A*i*thrl »'f I hi* Alhrth till loijl| ^ttoh ftl' liilt> of t^ollTll*!*! Ihthlh- Ai i'mmiiI ioiltvlthifll* iloh.fi .ooilroioii# ftiattnlfih tvhh llhfniv Oirtle»lflU, OoilV*>iltnt*e»* of, (hoar onp.llhtj oh*. (**<*» t*e 1 wMt vf«ll (he Mc 'fr^hmdoify ft.lft rllw faeitlty d*1 v •■**» Wllna l« (he (Mhy Hoi* lo* anflljloetl to the MOsu of ll*ft iioahi h*si n*h»h»lir, f'Ml lo. i* Milini Feed Mllla dIVlilhH i*f 4'rHtn I 'oUpe h •*** ('(III* ml* Oh*, of F*e nil M' hvi e W'iii hi* a«A|g«wl ftfl fl.l|»lh w \*MIN(lTON (.*•> Hum s Tntmmi Tluifmlm HMItt HMNI»A1»OS Melhraot hid«l« n * t*A **»li »vh»* ftpe*l III no. fm- thoil pnloil* h'.i lll»»»fi Hi, Hoof Whan lift, rtiofl In lolftptnl ('-antral Woya (.'« n* |»«*. *»iii». I»*.» The ffthlp will leere ra»ltf lu,l f.»r fdirliin ntil rtt.'l .It" l'.iM"«l Nn III I 'ha*In* hlloa. a««UI«m Hnhirdny »i*oM»h»d III IfnlvaraHy t |* »»* , \Vf»*tr * I t'rti *' rt.nn. f 1**411 l|*«* liuiti.i of 1 ..1 of 11****., Iff* MtMclHa v.-til hi* ami fptiifh hahifilay dveii* »»>t «••«* Mitral (>•*»« fm f«Pf i«. M t M I ..nhiH*. «• Oottiln, not! la *1 Ihflfthoi *»f Mtn profaaaof of ilnlfy food laehnol- . nm l*lft»UTt»fH, |H Rihitl »h mm* tNirMVAttiiN\% ony, |t,» ilthlM Mu? Uirwd him Ha AepwMte kml mm m«m«» n 4* ***, H'vi A«**l*n#i»rti|o( deal mhm tare •»% Mgfa Mit.-*Uv M*upti **t I '*. , ho , t,ie h.«M 1*4 »!•»*»** M (htt (mumimi m iwda «n4 m i m m « •iAvaKIn tvill rt,|.liB«» th*» h*t* •;, < « Ml'l iSMlfl'Mn »' **♦( ptAAdir* • Aran This Sunday F»nht»nii*> dM MtmMth n» Attend Church , Wo. tm»»l MiU'lt. litMilt MM | A |MVe|i«|«tMel»» pi flHDlhPf Ih PVefV |>h fl>l. ri In t'l-k nil \ iti* ♦ '*** ifWalttl^Hl-e af-p ll * lnp «h« *'»•' ' MM NM«IM»N III , to * Ho.. 11. ** *.. Mil FAST LANSING CIIUKCIIFS „l,.l Mrr MMtlMWk- th»N he H«H| **m It* III* I Mil •i«i>«»<« ««Mt Httlt ittilllnlliM* |*« ft»»*»H* ill t„ * inbuilt*.! Whh>U • I* Mi ll*!** til III* Mfttltl It* I 1*1 MAIMV, MM I t„. iwiM, 1'VlMhdh 1**1*1 hid IIMM Hit I IMUMMN M HIM N | Mi itnmhe.i lituuhPtr ihni M iMi J*»h h* »*idd*» ihe Mil** Mid A"it | tin* IN **'»»V *»•• MM Nimiiis (AS! I AIDING UNIVERSITY IIIIHfRAN CHRISTIAN FIRST CHURCH OF „ i, t» o» * '."HOfte fh'Oep. All J.- i!i.- M»'IM»* *M pHHUMlli •"» lift l«j»*lln,t«,j t«|* »tl lioitl' *'» t' „...lM*t r« «.*«< Me >p» * I* "ft PEOPIES CHURCH *» "III help IkMMi'VO (hp tip nilt ».* Ml ton** -M ...» Mm jtottflkw .1 \ l**»to. CHURCH CHRIST, SCKNIIST .nt»*nt ♦•IBdhldlhl t»(*|»HiMlklt ft* m in \i> o. n« «o •««. » ******4* . tRINIIY (CURdl STUDENT 'Afttl | *it»* Ml fit« I .1" I 4MIMII Hi (III* thti lh*> **HM potTUHllfl* (iM* jj.i nftiiltiP* It »*«•; *»<> «*'«! *1 .. \!r 'i tin' i hif * t. |l* f#' v»*,» ..,<•4* tug |**i(lr* ot Idilal p*f» ,!„.** w►**>.» I *** t»i» «»»»« »•••• >n t. » «**.,«*•< . *.;«»,r .(Tl..». . .*•«•! I HI *»..»• M»» (to. I* FOUNDATION ltd laadai Im *•«***! |ll|! li*. «>M. t, ti*i»'.n< t*».l (I• * I II HA «*l At II I 11 *11 MM- Mi MAM Ml I II o AMU |t«.|*|mt utiil am. himi A i Inlr f ll**o.H*lH4MHI*4l trni nil Gaap* I l*»l Mfitln** l*i*t* l*» «* *;»» *' *' '*» n ... f»,...o r**iHi II i Aooil* h| HMbsr Al-tlll 1 hHHh a*r*l*a (I * U .!-«* tdee OA AellghMla •** a* I** VfMltl.t »M' «»*» ilUfti h-mM *HMH| < I I II I ft* el MI4l.il IliOl *1 A|le M*4M MiamA no*( 44 IMMllAI* <» l»4 ll I • 1 it AA tiff.ritn l|.**» t t"'» I 4**«|0.« 1*4el.o Atot.sl.l AA Air*I* ,n,# I dhhei IMMW#*!'# IW ••»* *. *« >**»»>*'. (I r..,..» lAnih .*•»*. lo •MNdaV likail M A Af, t*p»i| t\li*l«o |«l* r**nlir-»t>»' l-«»»th*'i liMl.lMIt I'4*00 I 1*4*1*4 AtllMbel. h IM I* IhiKiH ailMHia 1h9t# li AA* aahiaw t»» »♦ • m a m an Jn**|.|i \ |*H»I*», tliHi.l** M %l MN UMIMT I I* .mi HI * MAI lit | Hf III 4ltl II loll q 4(4 III A f hi •*ih|**f A ... I1*. ... It,:,,«*.* I. miri bimi illilieho loses Eoiiforenee (ft* AM'* .1**1 I 'r- f • •* **i »• he »•«.*! I IB H It* • I AllM MrHHAllMM RliNlANHRNf illlMIW 114* * ii..i. i nWOtllOlhtil W*dnaad«v f**al*i Maallng If N ItlMIt HMMlMllIN ik iii alt 4iiaim4i4 t iii *11 UaiuigeiiKMil l\l II,• •«)•"! ilh.l* | ,0.0*00.1.0, Ano'.i aii a*r.irr« I 41ICI A VlafrNA • mill ii ml itvi* i « llaadlnd Mnam ai*nil4* a.* i » mi #« \ 4| (t oilMl NH*>*< litil* IhllBMii* A M I l\A4 All* AM I *\* 1 pm • A* * ... iiit.nl,** *iI*mm» Hear Harwell Speak MA W Mrand NltAi l Hinioe ' ,. ... M. ,*t Mtol.'Hl I It"* li 11* am DM |IH I I IMtOHBl. o * . . ... ... | 1,1., ». It* h. I lo Uhomiii ii I "llwsS *♦»#»<•• •»« 441*"sow MO-" 'l'l"t|oi | *0limn «i.oi. 1.1 4iti.iMllt.ii AM 4...I Alt* fundi! »laM**ra fooH H1.141*• i*| liMBlan trill h* • I* I- *1 Hull I «**>»|*M • »* *■!•** a ib l> hi < At #• linnl All Alt •tl'ktne In allsad I h*t»*h ItAin pll «ill In'li *•*» I '»*o»t'rtMV a 'tl »'*'• M . *H*«I «w*a|i*(* \M I iii. .1 *11. MllilM.lt 44 »I. ■•***» |'(..nl4Mi 1a 111 IAimImm Ilia, b (•<«. t U*M A**»t*t Ir4it t ml*' Ii*i*• 1 *e " |h|i|r IM* tllnlnii Af Mi* I loir.l*" aa* visaa. and rMli and naa Aha • M « Id 4 A| (I a« A AI Hloo. I I»M«|IbI*H* . *a.. »i., M * * I «t It t« n*. (*>** \0**t. i nt. (**•* 44mim* »*m* I *».*H*» haadln* Mnnnt Al»i lloiimai* AA.iitlrtiH I Ml* MmMl III*. ..**! III** lt*«l t»intnal *»»i»m tto U* ||*o.l •»*■ ■»..»■**■■ ■*:» i '■ llttl iMIllllMI I I a.i a I • ».. Mllll* t»t »,Mtfi*tt'i**H> MI Kt»U*'t{a got*!?,. ! I*.- l *i*i»»i«.*»»»"<'ii "» !' of IlisiHlhU,.,. |.» I hf t . \t Kri hiih* N\ in ltl IV ».»nr*'*iMVP it »p»*hs.Me,l tt.»n ni Mitft.- n, » ...» Maoigviiipftl t'llll* M*n«h« Ik |-|*M«t*ti.*t*i l.^ tl*i, *' '» 5- I! II t'.is- • n.l • ' SI. JCIII! (lilTdl IlilllfiDISI (CURdl 01 tCGEV/CCD EASTMINSTER LUTHER CHAPEL ■ iimlrtpArfiial* timV'M* in the. mii'.ia* * lti,«r l i. .T*. » * , . . , u It .. V.,.AiUi»int«tr»th*ft AND • It**** fit, M««f ait rrtfti »t »h...**.- I..*.*. »t«« ho* I.. & (AIHClfC SltDCNl EAST I AMINO PEOPIES CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN \V i ;•'»**Mil* H* IM 1H MM 4 ?» » ».li.v Nrv ftMiNdH 4 Fm* *»H* th* f •• ^ b* * i****** im4 im ima Hn#MMll I.OVM Mft.l At"** M*»lk «••*» hi w moon Ih.Mitnil A il a m M».|MN M'MhhI IsMplinna 91A h«HI ininl it * »**rt**Mr* ml Ht* I * ,»., Oi l | oh. « t r' l The • litil* Mo*** i n a a »» 4 41 and hdoll NMidi. Mindanla ln»lud*d MAllttnct I M t» r**IMMAl*»lMH MM I> «*.!»• hrgiM* J' H/*e*v*wl nvHitU to ♦ 1*t o ** *» 1 Dr. Jonrh B. Giltiein I MHlMiimt* AMil* * 'H* 4 AI a Alio 4 »B • ||i... b **• li.'d AA *«l nl a I Mil arlo.nl lhitii.il. tl'l B l« a m II • in I 1lbl.»h IMI# and aw* Nn»»rrv Wn*ahl|* r»n*ldai| m.MlAAV Ht HPht'1.9 mii k«**i Hi a. ..*•*,» at » mm a m HI*I,.a W iMHIp 9 id, li 9», II ill it- >* i*i a ehnhtftrtn id ,»i'M***l*ei« ft ill h»- f * h I •* 4 m i* AI latin HIIMH 1 nllh rHMMnnlna • ****** r* a'ihwi hit i|«* «•!»*** .ad* and ut*d*r A M ,\c •' p: ***ivlft»ft e» * v'«»*ftftdlle»" 1,1 the * Itu **1 lev • ** »**g «'. » .t II BU a m Nlai* 11.*4M• mel.hhl »*4*Ih«# At M.M.I a NllllldBt t-Mn A 1 hi « mm p At bHion ho h»M» KsrtltSA a Mm*rI. t .).;» *meut *tf U\p |*lt.*.*.te<*Hi * 4,lrt *M nM»«i#Mt*.»m* 4".I » *** * IN » II •• A af af.NAfMN ttMhrei"*t'> l»W.I ft ' ",'-r'"h • la i* 41 mo. ii* fmihh* "PNAi ti'iNM iM» rani ni r Mhid*nlA' (ftammp lAaMa» Unu hmi't'e.t fti**** J05d 4" *tt.ik*«n»* I ioitrlt «(lo*(tl (ill. 1 .mm ihwiiah Juntw* Btlgtr ii.. •.* tii'.t m iftiMttt.MPI »»f Ih4* vo'O s*» t IY t .«■*»* t-' ie* ** * » ! 4 riiNAAi't.A" inaartI AAA P.M. wilt **«> I 4 1111*111 lltlllAI Mill* 4 Ail ,m Nlah fsllHWahlp MM.I the'h »v* »•' ».***•* N a |i 411* f ull*4 * IM*. 44>«l*» A Mi hn* tovtHhi nft.l d ■ rmtlettl* M*f «'*%■*« t A11.*1 * IkolfirA / 4 I MAN All »l« **l Ml 44 If.Ill 4* M* AAlsl. rUlHatliiw ■ It'DI NTM WM I OAtr lit n*r **f •*•»» ih- i»* •. ft- Vr«prrr f;|i pe» *«* r*P»MrtiVM Ira-'* nu * A»* IM * 14 I I* I* *• mm lit IB (HI 411 4.0* iiMl Hilar I..#11 A li ' Aim !'.» Ifanaanrlallna . ra*f«t m»»l»h !»• |H**llM.I)>.< * An A'llioir II* . •>.'» a« lixiii a* r 1.1 m»ir fl'ir iarrlsa ArallaMlr lt«t* MllHMt* #*•** M»oA** IM 1 A* IINlH 'OMantHilu au r:.: :s ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH FIRST WESUYAN NETHOMST CHURCH hnrth Magenlia Avd. at K. Mlrhlgan 4|l H1IUN WliU ■**■ j»«*?*ie «»f (he ««Mh arhnwl UNITY CBITER «|l MTIOV SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH A'l W. A.rand Rh*f Ron la At Millar. Pggl Waal Ottawa pi Maw Which givr* viaifth; IIP 4 41 AAionii*« I'rorl or IA»I» SIAl III M 4MMINMION AT AIAAMNI.M NI4 AN |*NI4 A Rendav Mnwleg WeraMp IM A ft'.aaUc Iritaas or ftlftfA IrltAwT A nn********o*n. artitton and LANRINIi lima m. Rtihfiet: "A hrM 19 PladN" Mlaldirt 9, fflla A antra a* a toil •••day lAdaal IIP IB. AXSWML* AtlAW AND P. Al lillfK. II.P . Paao.r •■aid cirri# — •CM MAP MSOCU la araarral. taa mmmki art- IA9.MAAAANP J. wr.l.l,, (mm rawer mn Clark — lAMmilt HV tllAA RAedy Umata Wrdaraiay a* re lag 19:99 A.M. PfPl.R MA HAAAAl. »M 0 li lt CbAMfe Mml plaaMr lra*r» hrraaar llirr • M P AA Beeda* " mmv at IM pm. tear kttrt Main IraaaHialaw f all IV i »MI far fra* htaa arrvlra, Marelni and vrsini fM • ll« WaraMp Catty Mrhnnl af ClfMlaaNf II.M AM "WMBN IJ9B MM ABB PfMITM" IdA'a Bummll, Nlmgil UllllflON: Can thr plait ic of contact 1-99 r.M. -WMBN a.oi, NBBMB OMR" h tisca irritalr throve1 • from th* eaeW MN9AMI led le IB# Mklr OUVH BAPTIST flAH In a arris* of ...*»aa«*a ****** • 39 P.M. AlAl'l.T IMI'TB rflAOBIIIIP ^ CHURCH CENTRAL NETHOOIS! kfjosilchehiros. aalliarMlta »im wralr In Ika Anarrlraa try Jllfl af Op I air - af May IMI. "XyMkrlk Nrv WU ti. MlrHKM 44 llliam llirnns* ea«l«r HOLY MNY GR» HlMHI 113 X. WASHINGTON anndar !*«h*»«»l MiriU» »:D A.M. » •» A B * INTER-CITY BIKE CHUKH l.arilr and riraAtiaaa' t Mwrnlnc 2*31 I MICH It. AN Iwnih A.n»up* ' ** rM . CifRltn *»r»i«r | animal Uaaara aar ara (bay MIHWHK 8KKVICB • sprakrr N*v. Don Phillip*, firand Napid* Oiuaa at Capital tkaaiM la • ibMcbrd ar any Ihniwto i:d» I'.B Werrhlp Brrrkaa at 141 aad I1;1S manner.* Traa*|Mifiatl>>n l»**im Iwirrna* I our ad Mrrraa. M.D. a ad nallnnal «.•**»* ' M a a* *uM*V «r ill ant. Miinday litil* srhonl Pa«l tall 1%' *•»»«? f«»r a rid* li.no a.m. MhvaiIaik Worahlp Sydary Ralttwi MM af (Cloara lUpiitl Ihurrh lo CamaeM i;lj p.m. Thrr* loath firoepa New Yprtu 7:99 pm. Tvrnlag Intplralional Brrvira •aaday BaMal al IM If ro-1 dratrr man Information •N*ut eontart trnar*. ctto thte MnOf CfeaM a4\ertarmcnt and mall. UNSMG (EN1UI REE "A Cbrlat-CrAitrrid BAblr Trarhlng MlalaUy" Caatral la • METHODIST CHURCH Waahlatton at JcfftrMN to Dr. J. B. Gutelrin Moraine WoraNIp laadar »ch«*#l — — II ,]• Attend Your Church t'MNb Brrrlrr — O BvMlac Worth la — IM pm. Ml Wrd. CvrataftM This Prayrr Mrrttna "Thr Cbarrh of thr Lift Paor" Ll«hl and Sunday V lit AyrII ?*• 1*S# virmniv stur \rtrj p»i» rw Ptimtion llnv on Orl«' In Selling Al Drama rii IVo European Sc*ientisl>S Damn's lo Give lecture Unni|Mi * « • d..«v.ng\i on ef tr«,-htn« and r-eftrarvh A 'Musi' for Serious Mindeil ,, .... x'_n \\ ■ 4 * iMilff C • Hcih *'.+ x-'.vs V*".«"v » in Ihf* i"t,»! Uo ilf I ma the ctU'-r mon'tiov , ' » Hi 111 HOINMH :.\ V.WS uv.:v er-ftitic* ax part hT\*a* •• Ihf '»M*! JwMAt'th'irt! *n tlu'nt l»!:iv, Uu'hidtiii the inxxM !• P*u>>— V\ t m A »• '• •, re- tvoa!" pr^jj. •,.» ullnu'.'a'.n i "It* W Mt»«: til!,' Wit » W O I'htiftiHI Jit . . J\ilr* Oi« »A ' r 'It ! •!«• 'it ti»\l IhiuUith Hi*4 • r Minfn' ::y '.** ■ j.-iers-e* T'-rv a .C o; r\iu'ifoin-o* sivl ff »»»n. -Mi !!>'• rof ttanei \|ir» *v'«. . '«'. 1:. \ OJ \UAc'- !;• ji\wadrt !V ausp'w* itr'ol' x' '! v mt .i tv sliM't if A* n' vt.t nf P' « :o wHU'S wax un V. ■ i be 'Vv<* tSitw, vr\»'es»' ••»>*? '.v'tfli. • w Yvh !;'« (SMIMlo.'S*t»: ' t»? .li'xtiN ^ V' • * Turks"! affor WurM siUfmatrtli oui'liict I i- ' s•:.*;• rt of '-he N*'..** • c .to t!h a* the ivfu-v". - \;* v«* • r'lh'ifUvl '-n '»u vMt*e s.*o • ivo W ir I. ii hen : u> i ' xko. * < physic* ar-.i S. i-\T f.HitNU4 .*.* !.*!• ."• \ i' h" . »X ■••• (» - v, 'S,» nfft '•!. O 4 I'toO |l h i • 1 >>l Ihr !C« t,i >] ii (» iv'iat Ihov A tv Tv-rt? P in'. II » ' •' >1 » '":'A I ' '• v» •„* >S«M- tw\ c I 'hi "t >:i >- C> \"ik;»'< K ' ViH r re t'tut", }w\feiio.f r' • m .'•» u'»c I've 'mn l.vvovrivo ■«: I ,«f !•-".< iS.- N\" *■•-.1 ■•'* rvrv-!v: !'u> o.vifv'i a:p i(u|itienled Imth C) n.^ . IH'-ioo «:lli »s I'miW .*!< Hi 'lot 1N-i %Ut thr Winm \-C A" \u.V < 'St : V Mini i m nai Iti'lixaUnn m vh.i !* fix »i. ? « !»«•«•. n,i , ?» inrnsttinK !>» \t» !«'"! . Ulr »*irl In Informal a».>«*% V.'* VVa.'hC. > »t.t'* One <«f the to* , n .> • <«n|S- •.» I" • l.» R'VOII tluruivc !L»'i Wo,h v ttngi'.x win ehimrn !-• l."> r*»« lull Mil (Ml r*.MH fcv Mtkft !»««* h'tanl wrm I'Vllovvsliips , ,»tix.«! iuin Thrlr nun limn «*i ifriirtiv- «nd ItrftftOft. |tftidonltt« ll« own wrjfc Hr hftft i'li«rgr,i «h» RECORD! XXliv CARROL'S FRIES l»or» «tl Ihr» of ihf xtrtr n«- icrniih I i' « arm Carnl- inunmirftl. I trr» llmhrt, p' >»x.. >\ "Uv,. \*\-x » J\ .. ,',vWii"i!' or NtT't Stv.'t Slh'M*. .1' »«'i iia- h r,l .1 luiiiilnnoil hnmrUmi h* lm*l(lp il In Nul linn I mi k*. ftn»l Ihrv tinH ft In I irm l»rii •rrrrn oxfiilft foitri and xvllh ll»at fi(M. ftrrnr> ab, one mnnoi rft«n, will not eaftlli dUir ti»*r. Ihn «rr Ir in led hi Ihr l«rd I Itnnlt |» litrlihrii W»llhft, •n'p fi mi IohpS 'Tw" and II* vvmllhi iitj«- ,A tee mint Bveixrx - . ttrarhor tt jt KiiRfit llrrrlnc. TRY Ni»rwi»«l II.it l4."i N I *i Hoo'l Rntllrt own ifftonnrft go KixonV'.oin * ased hlu N is dUtiirhinor nllli llir TurKi ' |V»!0'»lk ill!," t'lf* it'MiC ronuiv jr P < . Thn frlahtril Ihr low iift|»ro»ilr nr.-.M'.ftU' ii'wt uppr»*'ii" i inftlftllnc Ihftl Ihr irlmrrft ANDRE'S k.»r hi I'ii'it ' O f ' W U'.l'h tfuilltlo- Dinner Dance f.hor . .tn \ 'A h.ur oholrt-i So" hn, \ t Xloiwul i. I'll 110 \'»I\|VK, ■ pet'hwn r O I.-.m vV'ih. = . Jl.tfton t.» I tin i nl Picket! help* !•< link. i-f !»* K ;,'xx!\ iiti.l o i'h, x- ii ,, i, • . •' t> '• i i.. t". - W Mf" P ft ' " '>,» , -,"ii vVfi o ' . ■ I'll, I . .. . s. • •' • Hh h • - " i.- 'iso iti» *11 • si.tvo *>' I kind and a "mmf »»•'" ' ■ \ - • ■■■ ?v '• »mo ;i'eio»:«M in *rrf,i . I . i I I |U c, O I FOft TOE UMEST •, • •' M «» « nix • K Pkcemenf Bureau •-no. » • -if n I Uv.< ^6. I' m COLLECTION OF UtcfulU of frr»h llial Ihf rfo«n I *rrol ft petal '« % % 5 a-«* V •• 111 • follow »us employ or* will Inirrxlow on Ihr Indlriir.l d.«- rriw are not ihmnl tful (rvim or ArWA-tip deh» dt al.-d I It' ioil ftto lull rrstrd frporl lo llir I'lftcnnrnl llnreftii *1 leftxi t« Ihrv re I Kl *11 Utlt h u* %\ue lhr*e m«i«l I IlI'MI |viUliir« \ ■ i RECORDS UNDER rtghl Nflpff »eur r»r* then watch u« reok Ihmt lo a ert»P 4. i ■ TY..M ftrh,N«| itfti* in j ill Rftolirloi A decree iftinr mC interview dale >1' Mftfttrr* (IP Hoct»f» Wheir g>»td a«a hind toil a toififu* ui-kfull frr*h from Ihf bftxkrl til- X • - A v v. .. r e: c. ••- y • Ha> ! IVii 1 V decree Is Indieated. all degree Irxrls are rligiblr In interview and (or Mil* Uhr* Trt *onlilftn lie- MP 4 laan •n.i\ Nnrlhwfftt Orient kliliur* app!> only 4iY. K. A -Vk... : ' - *t .• oro t iv• mi,en w .:•« .i 1 . . A . . » i 4 ho r troll M MMK" KMIMftXY •l o suumi "f !v*>» vear# ,»? NICNI8AN i'nu s: i "is vx v, . mi \ r Tin. rim va torn m tniM';.'. «■• K -U-. r -. , jn : < tnv l,»i f1»Bhs stow. I'O—M >=.rt,;v '.'.I poxMnwix Aluvt i»e suik ( no. Washington i vnsim; r. : •' x », ♦woen «" v oat *. Id in \<;i\ \\\ . i-ar>. s'jihI I- j IV > II,.v sooulft of Amnio ft - IIKhtK* \\i>t of \ ran»Tor '» i**. i c" wot. XV mk (TP iliait'Ts and ... VX !»» ... Y i kx . y l o; ox,.; ' • ; Xi!" ' ' i! P from the eniUv ft r \fx, Science A i:u.U; ;v. I. U f. nfc tv.n .r. . . ,i >•> Hijx.m s.x ,V |*ub" I • ( - VftHtu grovip v\ k , Sliulonls Injiirod In (irosli Tiree MSP t'ladenia were on X17J1 Hull (lining Moves Fasi »*»»<*•* oft. • ? ftfrd M'e4ne»4«v -..z'" a' ANwc ft', au4 >nu*b; e ».•••• .de- • 1 To Remove Injustices M.7* »;2d ".akei ?■<* > Hi*: Utu.nj iv':ee rei*>rexi ^KOl'Korea iTi—^vnjrman lihee faded int,h retirente :, the injure:'., wiia we.e r«ns- Thur?wi»x and his provisional successor set a three-mot' ferrei to Ol were .::;e d. .v. -. deadline tor his aides to rid the nation of "Jonjf accut! t* h a r jft. 'r.HMr R,"*x o ■X? r:£::j=5-j..: e x Utexl tUek'alilies, injustices and corruption." Mph.. w.th --.x r»# '.hr FH'H-TF'r HI weiiihl and T\ r (ght ( -rvh.—t IXi e l.eP«^ ivpular x LMitwai ;:w-x an.i iVirnin' do-n .»n.i judicial brandic.x, ' 0-«n1 II ,«r. • s»- '.he current explosive fee.'. li n'arkr ■ I.-: I \ weight S.IImi and Tl V>ft-h O'NI-,* • :hc ?»■«!>.K"4.'-in «d j>c ;»V, cfti* W tra'c t;ir i:n 4 ■ ("i;:!1Ulv aitxl con*".'. I Ml wnchl SHi.au^artd T\ A'kof;- ytrwngrjian H: «o. fouhee: »»? w i«A » .o an-j ii.- -.fx.? and on v •{,»•! m; ;>m •• iSivCHl ilrpv^il with order Pu't'x x'aiement said > - o.t * h, v r .•xiiio"' ]iu Wivir-.t.--.'.r- *'.(• c "f : 0 pax; tw-i . - Ih-i v«»ur» brfwrr trsdiu si- xftx h.;:.ed >i< a pa:mot. by tin- x* c:;*iJen*s w .■■»><• vioien4. c.'Ufd provide. ;f ita lex-; • ■*' '•on fe| of do i in £ it fcy Mft* Wftx l At» py' .;>•.<» practice, the be ? ft'xi f H x dervionx'rauonx u»pp.ed hi* ii- , lUfivjtances -vhich wou'.' VAX. x'-., M-Tf At R » xfv -dftl jvg.mc, j.-e the de.n.Krafic dexe: , S \ . r> ■ A p .".j. e ■' .a-ft-tV»^- a;vi rapid ; RANNEY Jewelers *.i '• *X. .mis .1 ' were .. ... *evete'.\ ,i,r.- . edy, :be '.\.,s e-v-ered ax he Yf. prex .ie "■' ..r 'p*!ax«e w ' . ,»f toe perity fur a free *con-« * nawo'i '• Ortifird (irm«l«ib(i '.hi# counu-y.** acr-4. p>! -ce Mi*. tv-.-A a U»x. >>( g'.ef e:<* ted in craggy coun¬ ftod The aeUna present »•'.! ir- ftijrwj? t! .000 The cauxo c>5 t.i tenance over the voxnde pact k!(.l*TI Kt II il Xt l.l.l K regularities in political tn%Uiu •cohiett! it sti" uadrr mves4.- death of hit protege. Lee K.- %>I»RIC\N (iCM StHILIl fsisflin IXftir.e tiona made Injustice* puMihb - I Ael.ng pres.dent Huh Chunj. the past. He demand pr»mr< [ •• • • •• CAM I' BELL'S S t H IR B A N S II O I' wrhi has a reputation far rugged reorganisation of the police tat* | •• • •• • a puUtieally iudipuudrut f®«« I •••• •••• • • • • independence and political hon¬ esty. moved gxrilUy to sot the National police Influence • • • • • • •• mroRTrn » 3 • S L ? A S S LA? WHIFF nation on an even course. The 44-year-«kl pmviwkinal polities and police bru were among factors wh.v * I'll'ES. TOBAt COS. «hief named *ix new mlnblrr* *. » South Korea's explosive P- | lice coercion at the polls - ■ 0 1 'N AND and lo fill out a planned m name It-man goxrrnmrnt Iwn more 15. when Lee Ki-Poont He lold hi* ml niftier * their su¬ f. it'Ced vice president ov, * preme ta*k ift * lo gel rid rom- appeditiun incumbent by I PUFF UVKSSOKIl.S plelelx of the long accumulated lUeratTtleft. in^awtiee*. rorrupUon margin, touched off the d> . strations. Apparently — Bringing new knowledge to eager finger tips BAR and Other difterdem in vaHoao deaprlmenU of II style atonement for hi* : th<* violence led Let into 3 civic oact. His eider son fb -' h' EsTiiic h» oocncd up txxHi new for thousand m4 Huh *«..:•! the cabinet should parents and his brother w- tfecMiawIk o4 bbni pcrtonx i iomcvt?, the dtrBcuhv of" 5r*n>» larrv* ,»u: ref.»rn;y in cl.we co- '■•en turocd the sun on himse-'- OLRS \U)M : «t..i the >*j^ative All four died. Unn^ ponmJ rrartnaj »or> tr » axrpicv "tweh Un^vii^c ' t»per»; Kb kcutoi c*c oActshcr md iinetvr oC pcblvatxmv COXIOY T> suie snore BnJc netrul nxlibk. t |s«h©d »>f tr»sv v. «r the priced morJ »ro Bri./c acfwurwtLy Eun been Co -ci y<\i by IKM scxritso n etx>pAVpx.jt Sx4 tr-ru X3 hju« »kK Bmik ta ks» thxa aa WHILE BROWSING AT it tiisn t3 ksofib r4 tx'erts vy ceerspator nntetw shut c*R. h»t!»ik cnafiSa jobs .hVe'thss Fjrptni&n^ computer THE STORE appbaex'tra « IEV1 hurt cnitj opp -ftu»i wm***4 *.» •■o«r C r • •• fr Tj-f»n Of .'f* H * *.j /■•.* * SB Male*' »■» i».i uff «rz> w y#«r «-#»?>•». f>mpafir <• VAT{/T IW^iorf f"4. ,' J « Oyerr:^ . i DT/v IH KT. Xr» 15*0. , e; X .> 'ft \ i U I fills S .11 J 1 d H.V J JOBS £gj '» i.. Ml \V"Ull SvVHUK.tli or II* (it'll I ■. (VufCrtit ! • > « i»| .« 'I RARF I ! |l, t»»l Hill',III! f ' I n.rv: F- ,. i:,i ,1 An I ' V . .it '.,k i» ti f-lt» '' Vi'- S 'l.'l hoi t'.o.i, 1 ■' < ■ .11. .1 .I'm • - .! i' 11: i't*111 < .• . t .. i Ore. nim M.i||l|>l|l«illitM l.ihi tii iff"! 1 I •' rtlall S »l'l M III" 4 H i'k- 1 I Jw.P' 1 .i'i -k. « ''' Id. ! • II. V.i\ i "u . . ■'.(Ml 111-'I'll' l' ,.f i. f. .!.« I il f. IV .4 IV M . .. . II 1 \l i it . • • . .* > • n '..ilk ' 'M.llll.l'.l .1 iifi 1.1 ' I 1 .... 'I S w.ti.'.-iv 1* ur -.id.,. r . , v r. . u hl. jtUv J ,in • (it SivuiiM.nt ilrmiiiisir^ril ■. *,»: .»'■ i ,i . i,' '1 X 11 (1 V 11" Willi slides .owl s.i id prulMhli LiliJI .4(1.1 1. v. '• viijdl Jul! 4. (lie mil persumiliti kids 4 rr I . ni • ."il It »»t ii two Irrlh litourdi4lelv 4dlHi-«*lil v l|. •; Im Ihr lit«i prHlr.il Irrlh i.l. I'.v iiun.iH: -'fit .4«|.| • fi.m,.- Mfihl SlaIf I). \l »..ll, Mill ll.,W«llt Kirlliiali SPORTSWEAR tune Hm' i ivli! * • Mob ft.iwaiil I.. \ II ip i. llniwiuii inovi; ot T i the l)h*r«t" F.ob .tu SeptrnilM AMI Kill Mil. ihrll III' president. and Yadd Rrnltng |»t .«,« 111 li t 1'jnllrl I oiilririur last «rrk. Jordan Kreeiies By Popular Domaud minntrotivr tio |HT»Mral. «h«u Ihr tmphi thn SAVE \uard I'Voiii I II ""KS Will SimIoiii and GoiiiiiituIi Big 10 Prize "Lost* Biblical (lilies Waul The AtluniM t Ju .uiaiiierf I'll I on H.'itt'll John H VV• 11 ki• i of lint V.mi nvi.11 . !>» .John .1 • »l".I.*' senioi, for ("• woih STRATTON'S KMT Sill Ml' 1 omiiastim; hum — ACTION I l(i:K $ Q 9.3 ^ Ka. . a i hail mah ->f the- u-.a I'm >• Found in Drad Sra SPOUTS C VU CFNTFU Ills A HICK COI.OIIS AV All. For Display BojI.I Week. The Wednesilai aw ai d lligld 1»V ex-lhei w as plevi me l BVN |4>N NIVC MIR . ft g 10 IPV-KanHel i\»»: AMMAN. .Ionian, olh Hie long lost cities of Sodom atul pen: I'll, William Hampton. Mil ATS r, fut awarded it* annual tr." ttomonah Hum- Imcti found In Amrrican diver*. on tin- Imt- nioomtTekl Mill-, '.en."i. at the tha r«w daalar of T.IIIIW OKI.ON KMT .4i.una' Awards Bamiuet. the MSU deleg.itum » torn uf the hem! Sea a Baptist t»iis*ioni»rv explorer report ml • Clai k I. Boiwl.v mI»o spoke on so.r.o 81.50 • v• informative di *(>(«> of Thurxtlu) MSI' av il existed when he >i s.Ilium a id I. tni.'i iall were Itrg SJI'l.*. Value It,I »« 11 V.lti. FIAT irk activities !•; '-•> disc':,.vui •..< * > aitei. ie«l tin the Hoard of Trustees lie i»- '■,io of :it" cht*u*e Greek Week •• •* v .t'.ir1, K.itph li.tniv i.'t • letued la t lhwiiibei Kan>a • plain ifj Ph* |)p.i I Sea urtsi i \ M el .• f\ w Picture* uf the J Tie of hei Ui'.-e ue.e A.lama. AlTION ITU.IC ilrrek Feast. fratem.lv and f.uis.n-. i'lM il. • . I Itii.iiMj: e\Uv. . viMtl.'ion ve uudi toi l Seliom and Bala, wmmss JACKETS — $7.95 house#, anil pennant* w.t'i-r remti.inis of llmtu-.t . v- llie Itihle relates that for the A price for ovary pockal. KMT INSERT IN t OI.I.AK „„ ,,, ,, v.,. .-vHided. liUMfion ttwit flourilM and ia:i • unnatural, sins of their inhabit* ants. Sodom, tioiuorrali, tdaiua CAMOl nits V ■. M.dirt Peferirn. Pantle! gu:-- ".«vi 4.tii»ii year, » Wo furnikli ALSO ; h . Hi'vl . Ge«>iHf H;bb.i> aitwnpinini Put tlir Ills Hlio rsitlrnre »f Ihr lmliealril.tli.it oner fertilr ami lire and Srhoiu were hriinslum- destru.ird hi fhtiig tor vocation m a f nnv thrilling a in o >i 0 stylo for ovary niod. (.(II I MA ILS, HAGS, SHOES. II,ll.LS entulfrtl aflrt a I'Me «>flli pm>.iMv v.j.d no! to president of Pa nil el, plnii were Quote o Superior « .1 .11.1. AT Inn M ' Mitchell. IKC nre*,vir-ii conference which w.- lei rr i.