Streak to 15 Intnl. Tmw Ktimio. (Wrr 3 Mnr» Sre I'*** I Serving MSI I Kpr .11 Yt'iiri. KA8T LANSINli. MICHll i A N—MONI > A Y ,MAY i-iiui Caryl Chessman in Death Room Soviets Parade (rims. ,! .. .. . ^ HiS I Mills V°u,'1 lilisl Bui May Day IsQuiel |gl iT TlMI fW i"f l)., isi«.. NAN QUMNTIN, I'litif (/!*) Culm ufiil rotni inapt!, Cui vI Chi'SHinuii unit to a small jiriMon uuitiiiK fHI Sumlay, htUl'tilip U HllHpt'tlMt'f III all- ni^ftit vijril imxl to San IJtieiHill's iftta rhamlicr. Thi* hour »i»t for his ninth ilnto with Wrath is Id a.m. Purifii* Wavlitrht timo (noon I0ST) today. Only IWti lioiM'h before thai. m'Vu ( alifmTibi t-uir- Coin t m HIDING Ttmm tll' imi |*nt«r SaHltn. Ma tweed. III, «uph ISTANBUL, Turkey <*v~ Juj.Ih-im will' roil vine to give Uivmief Adttuti Itirii ilr. ir.lon mi tl|i« roilVU te>l |tr«U hrr MB* stslee Janet TWfchv t *x| | an«lu«, ft. during the Up Mrmlm-i ANOf lit k lAtlTID Cttlcii the happy kltUiapt-r . latest petition for S»«| .'.remwns at May Murwtwg sun* Sunday. lUvUml Sunday ho Is de¬ runs gauntlet in rerrise tin a Any The root! litis voted I ;i rap after hearing her termined to put an end to name railed for MoUr Hoard tapping at May thiee Itinrx agalnM clemency. In l.7«% Pints Donated miiv further demonstrations llrowti Sarruini'itto, (Jov. iejected 1 • I *«.'** I *> Edmund for against his government. Ait Coed* Honored al ItreukfiiNl* reprieve. a urttiy rommtitiii|ue uaiued lie turned duuit A. I.. W'lrln. that arms hack him up. would lie used to • Mortar Hoard, Tower Guard American attorney Civil l.lberilm I'liiitn who flew from |.m Angelr* |o plead thai ( hrwmin lutaiihiit was under a 24-hotir xliowld he reprieved until a new vim* V"Mtav term W.v.1 drive after I. pint> sn.ii, tt,.h* tart* «■ t* %• May Day rut few Truopa guard¬ ed the city in which foreign minis let* of the North Atlantic Tap 60 in Traditional Rites supreme Court Joatire take* the l»eml« June I. after whtrh a new appeal might reeelve a rhanie frnm the 1-3 vote whirh three i iii ... the 2 »•«;. j; •Treaty Organization are meeting Sixty CiHHts were tionorrd Ohio Rlvira Whipple, lautamg. Carol John-urn. S'. laniir Park, lime* he* turned Cheaamau a * iHHl-ptnt goal phi wit I • Khrabrtli WiMxIw atd, Mich- ft Hfu rsi a a tomorrow for a periodic review Sunday morning ax Mortai Minn Chat lolls Klrin, Klin; down. wtt * fvgur ewa% ne.n I v »us»i fc»*e* t * niojid. Ind. Dretchen Wuthe, of Western defenses a^umt Board tapprnt Juniot whoicm t.'molvn K"k*, Kfcemont; Jean ■•..'lr t over Uvt vjji . • a.'- '*'* W-s- xieti* ta HAVANA tdV-Prlme Minis¬ iVai Intrn Chexnunn' i new petition, n* - wx\ * tri ors b'ood drive chairman, communist aggression and Tower tluard elected 5Y tie K'«»i»«nau. St Clair Shores; i t.» Mr.i nm.' ts ter- FWtel Ca,tr*» addressed a. New Towai UuiNh are selling inoiH-um-e, wa, fllcrl Sat¬ Mender e*' statement was Iiois IjiKiev, Wavne; Mary Mm- M,.., iviuu Mm.-.. rs^rc:.. in massive May Day audience broadcast by the governmrnt- otibdanding freshmen women at Mar |or le Anderson, Owosgo; ti ll, Hoiihh, Said Mt Malum, urday and it»ktH| delay in Hie »*•«■ aelMaai* \ « gathered tn Civic Plaza to dem¬ Mav Moining Sing t arul Cassldy. titaml Itapid.- rmi-utlon until Attorney (Jen vontnillnsf national radio and fol¬ t,ienwiili; t'mut , IV .v,! .«« KS!£» 5J onstrate loyalty to the bearded lowed anotiier strung warning The Men* t'lre Club sang Janice Caatelein, launung, Judy Tilda Norlwrg, Saginaw; Car¬ t ral'a luvcstigaior* could find i v><- '.hlnk the drive w wett\ wUs implied that army troops wait, ShetH»ygan, Janice St«H»p», luillner s MrlluHls tations, and Castro, billed to A bra*-, choir, directed hv lb P.ii Doom,. Midland: Janice 1 AH'kpoit, N Angeles lovers' lane*. t*-one percent of the make a rousing speech on rela¬ w>*rt' prepared t,» use arms t.» ion Auticr, a*sidant profess, Ksdfan, l-oivlfig, Ia>irle( K.sclb), Y . I ;n.J i Taylor, The Attorney (tom-ral'* office put down any fuelher antigov- Detroit, Jiinet Tutibs. Rest¬ said agent* were looking around wa* donated bv perw>n* in At v* v\r Air Force IUYXV Suhjti't o f Movie tions with the United Stale.*, failed to excite hi* hftener* in erliment demonstration* of music, plaveil "Two Maichr ' with the accompaniment of Ovid; Jo Kru»i, Button, Arlvn ilreifrn toif, Chiciigo, Agnea sing, Diana Tower, K.vaiivtoii, 111 Jane Vandenburg, Okemov; tire clock for the three men. pii-.'.s, the Army Ht>Tv* The (tl->ear-utd premier said' Wcndel WcMlcott. i- ..via', pi." Today was the second lime , \i Hi and tha Air Force For Faculty ( lab the first h**»r of hit address "I w lit put an end to situations fc»*»»r of rnuiii. on the cat Hoi v. Mirst, i ,i and Junction: Helen llir*t, (Band Junclion: lanore Marjorle Vaughn, Salem, (Who; Chessman too. been in the hold in which unrest, riots and strvrt Mortar Itoardy, old and new. Barbara Wuiii-. Duruud; Judy nig MMiui The other time The MXU faculty Men's Club llobh*, loitluup Village, Martha was r "» v percent of the Army scenes are staged in this coun¬ and their parents, were honored llollen. Davvnpt'tt. Iowa. W*bh, Hoyal Oak Kelt III (Jov. Blown halted all wi t see a f»r*t showing of the JtO!V actusUy donated, white >3 try We have called upon those be Pre*. John A Hannah at » N'aiu'v Howard. Dearborn; executions (pf (id days, Ct»n, "The Creative Method of % . o wit q the Air Force HUTU elements which staged demon¬ breakfast Towar (iuard Architects w a* Atn'aham Kattner," Tuesday »uH,»n strations last week to comply limilarly honored by Spartan »n the t'mon Parlor* A''-h-'Ugh the majority of the with laws forbidding further Women's la-«gu» Katner is visdtng professor SACRAMENTO, Calif M')-* w e (rora the KOTU. Md- outbreaks I don't know whether New Mr»rta» Board* arc (Jov. Edmund Brown Sunday re¬ Visit MSU an l artitt tn residence in the w ; without the persons not they Wilt comply, but we are Jane Bingham, iJammville, jected Seventh-hour pleas to Art iietMrtment at MM' "■ -:-ated with the military «ie; determined to put an rn.t to tin* FU Kli/abeth Buschlen. tuin- . reprieve Caryl Chevumrn, t'V'Yen'v, the drive would have The film Is an appreetalUn ef whole idea" •ing. Majorie Clark, Fast lain- 'Clean-up will be the hluepnht Three llollywoml alar* and M: . very sh;*rt. »a;d he wvuld like to U»e man and artist rewretved kllrn I eepa. an asaurtate h» p««»- tion Mender** claimed the opi***- Hepubllcan Beople'a Party sing. Jane Denison, East Ian- ging. Carol Drevwl, East I-m- for the Year'* mannuinity project (Jreek Weekend M. Housing two professors called on governor at the executive the man¬ I eepa alee sUrted incited last week's student riots Approximately 300 members ' * ever) one who helyvrxt (ruer ef art. •ing, Mary Kl«erfMrdt, Hicli sion with an appeal to spur* » »• v e ^nve.a IIKWU and the prwdueliwn. - in Istanbul. Ankara and Izmir mond. Marcarct Kleortipr. De¬ of sororlU*'* ami fratemilies will St inlying home construction, Chessman's life. "because the opposition Is jeal¬ troit. Judy Fudge. Holt, tllorra work Saturday morning May 14 that the people served five architect* from Yugoslavia Brown told flewvmcn after* • The hint was Cxvnpieted by ous of my achievements," Clamnum, Detrmt. Mary Han- at seciiou in the Lansing ward: ♦* Ingham County Ukwd Fdward McCoy, pr»»- are visiting MStf today and to¬ -"< **+ very grateful lor the liah* last Lansing area "I aut power las* to act." fcxv,.: aid b*ad of film prtviuc- The morrow. Traveling with an in¬ Juilv Huber. Midland. Judy project, will include: Uon sn the audio-visual center, The group Inrladetf Sieve Al¬ Jnvt wis sponsored Kaufman, Chicago, Dolores l.m- landscaping tlw lansing General terpreter from New York, thl* who will discuss of the ll.wpital, cleaning up the len, Marlon Brando, Mhfrley - Am.dd A.r Society end Interviewing for the general hart, Tenafly, N. J . Bonnie Ij» pi their only stop In Michigan oil A- Officer* Oub, two prxiblem* and n>etho4i involved chairmanship of the 1M1 Water tello, Detroit; Jean Maclariai, grtHUtd* of St Vincent's Orphan- MarLalnr, and I'nlverelly of in interpreting such faculty a nation-wide itinerary,. California Profeaaore ftJntane Carnival will 1* held aoon. Can- Ra»t tansing; Beverly Mike. Is • «ir, Michigan School for the - fc-wpa. memiwr* and their contributions Blind, ami YWCA Camp Mct- Sponsored by the Internation¬ didatc* for the position must b* troit, Marcia Mitchell, (iran.t l»rtr*ta««* k| Uxieg satu on film al Cooperation Administration, •eni«>r> neat year. Previous Wa- Kapids; Mitel* Moore, East Ia»n- tanuga. and clearing lost for Ratinef stand* at the height ter Carnival experience is not sing. playgioutids at Urbandale sub¬ Washington. D.C., they are "h.4 «»# hi* power and also at the necessarily a prerequisite. Those Angclyti Na|>oli, Chicago, division studying large scale, low cost •Wfrrft, i g* he-o,ht of hi« recognition as an interested are to phone Sharon Marjorie. Kohs, Kalamazoo, Jay- Tin- program will begin with residential housing on a two- Brown aabi they asked him (<» artwt aecordd'g. to Prof Bennett Jones, senior class seeretaiy, at ne Sauser. Muskegon Heights: a pep rally at 8.30 a.m. at Valley **• MoMefur, provident of the M.n i month tour of the United States. grant a reprieve while • peti¬ ED 7-97M, for an appointment. Linda Temoletnan. Ktodaly, Court. tion is circulated for an initia¬ hi Club On Monday the group will tive measure to abolish capital in»l»ert several Lansing home Czech Diplomul Advia«'M Peace Treaty developments Including the ex- punishment. Two Houce Fires priimcntal research home re¬ • He said such action on hi* cently built here. part would be an abuse of hi* Occur on Campus Built by the National Home power and "a violation of my Builder* Association, the ex¬ conscience." Over Weekeml perimental home, located at Two dwelling tire* owwed on the Munich Pact of 1938 and q nu tic and into one of the bedrooms, Forest products Department will t.« —nu, against further conquest,"* he practice peaceful coexistence th«* Union dc^k, Union cou- Bremen aaid. aaid. with advocation of world trade, guide the group on a tour of the course, and Women's Diviaion. The ambassador haded his tourism and peace campu* on Tuesday. Included in Committees include publicity, ^ j—• t.. M. ~ - Fire iipartnat effktoli *v- country's development. Its in- swer During the question and an¬ session. Kuzek was asked the tour will teTYTvits b» married housing units and architecture programs, theme, organization, entertainment and correspond¬ about the peaceful coexistence classes. , ence piu* a secretary and policy in connection with the The student chapter of the treasurer. rnm wvk. National Association of Home Hungarian revolt Activities Carnival is spon¬ Mm. SI« r»iw Krr tttiirn He quickly told MSU student Builders will entertain the group sored by AWS under the chair¬ •nd it* hta» mu woa »tut- Joseph MoJitoruz, ex-Hunganari from Europe at an evening cof¬ manship of Pat Wineland, Jack¬ aW. OfrsnM. Mid firmwn freedom fighter, that this up¬ fee hour. son jr. rising could have created a Fasc¬ The primary objective of the m*d< ■ wry *»• slop an Oil tdf. ist regime in Hungary and put group's tour is the study of low Another blue broke out eorly Czechoslovakia and other coun¬ cost housing in the U.S. with Tri Dell Scholarthift Sunder momm* at m Cbenr tries in jeopardy. respect to design, materials, /tftplitaliont Available Lane in the apartment at Char¬ When asked about the-refu¬ method of construction and re¬ ier Joiner, political acienco in¬ gees fleeing from behind the lative costs, Panshin said. Applciations fbTThe two flOO structor. firemen aaid, Iron Curtain, he taid more no¬ Slopping in .12 cities in eight scholars hips offered by the lo¬ Flames were confined to an tice is given to people leaving states, the European visitors are cal chapter of Delta Delta Delta rrerstuffad cWr. firemen said, «h»n those going back. People scheduled to file periodic reports are due May 9. but there waa beery mutt dam- epter the satellite nations as of their finding* and impres¬ Any MSU coed is eligible to well as leave, he added. sions. apply for the sclioiarships which • The program included film* Upon their return home, they arc offered tor next fall term. •bout. The hiatory, rise of in¬ will prepare a final report for Applications may be picked up dustry. and sports m .Czecho¬ distribution to interested persons in the Women's Division until Ruaek clateai the results ef slovakia. in Yugoslavia and the UJS. Wednesday. ' "We Should Got Together More Of leu"" Book Review Michigan State New duune Published at last l-anse c Ml.u>,:au. 60 »1* ..'rerun tall, winter and »t iut| tt-rv» ts»ue between nmn i>rt and t«U terms I'nit Laming. Mich , . da\» Morulas througn Frhla% wrrkh Outing mimmrr terr.. snd- a Second class postage paid »t 1 3. 1*!9 Farrell Novel Traces Ascent one term #3. two terms, ja three Mail subscription* term* JS V5T»2, NO. 22" Monday, May I. 1960 Paire Two And Fall of Overnight Success Baby 'Jane, Jaded and Baby Jane's jealousy as wc n* JOHN MORGAN now Blanche's film glory, which. . The question framed in the gawdy in her withering, years, like the mansion which abruptly ended by a mystera of Henry FarreU's new was. AUSG 'Admiration title accident hat l#ft Blanche ar. novel is asked frequently imprisoned her, vulgarly endow¬ ed with a capacity for appealing valkl and. paradnaically. enough, not of Baby Jane per¬ to what,was merely "the mode." pendent on the Itear-detn.- haps, but of the "type" which She was the passing fancy of Baby Jaae. she represents: the overnight But now the late, late f Society* Springs Lip success—the shamefully untal- the esthetieally unwashed. Because of her inability to had cruelly ripped the ented. but cute, child star whose front old wounda and all of e inaptitude becomes more obvt- adjust Us the vagrant demands of her audiences, eh* had, in former resentment, drunk* 1. tnis with »t\v fits of drunken jealousy, suffer¬ and animosity had returned A Ml Tl At. atimiration gnripty for *plt"-pcrpetnation t»\ i The question is heie asked of T.V.'s showing of Blanches I'.aby Jane Hudson, the "Dim¬ ed an ungraceful professional ilently has sprung up iu JStwIvnt (Jovprnnu-nt. inutive Dancing Duse from Du- demise. Her fame as the love- films. Itt the first of two extra sessions of Student Congress. able child star, idol of millions, Henry rarrell'a book is a ■, luth," one time d a r 11 r. g of gradually and to¬ gicwlly grotesque tale of Rryce I'lapp, speaker of the outgoing congress, who pre¬ vaudeville It is asked also of had become devastated. However conce.x sided over the extra session, appointed himself as a frater¬ her sister Blanche, former sil¬ tally obscured by the brilliance of a new star, her sister Blanche. it may be that ! have attrib : ver-blonde beauty of the screen. nity representative to the incoming 10th Congress. to this story a point which i < - rell had no Intention of mak. q. Although Plapp received the recommendation of IKC for what KvtR tUrrmu his indifferent, aomewhat f TO BART JAN!'? than was Baby Jawe'a fame la the position, it seems a hit beyond the bounds of taste that vaudeville. In her earlier years. sy manner of form *and *m.» he appointed himself to the new position over protests. Bv provided practoua little help Henry farrell "ether" child la a family wbteh for that matter, Incentive, in Representative* Arnold Hoffman and Barry Roughton waa devaluated by lb* erwelly attempts to graap at an>V;:.t Rinehart, ?4S page*. fS.»0 protested Plapp's self-appointment on the grounds that the nverwhelmlag tarn— a# bar concrete. previews ateter. With Ihe grew- He is, otherwise stated, ' r . speaker of the former congress cannot appoint members to Farrell uses televisions late, lag pepwlarlty ef mevtea, hew- categorical." The atory U an . the new congress. This is a technical point, but it would ap- 'i h.>vs as a device with which t i ever. vaudeville and Baby Jaae tereating. If not Intriguing « -« pear to be an unhealthy situation if the outgoing speaker '• » invade the ungrateful soli¬ nevertheless, and reedtlv could appoint himself to whatever job he might desire. tude of ttlmdom's graveyard and preciable as, if nothing els*. * rd Ihe family apeWght. to awaken in Baby Jane the breather. insidious ambitions and the ani¬ The years have since dimmed PI.API' is unquestionably qualified for the position and mosities which tune, drink, and has earned it through long and able service. It seems that a fickle public had etheri/ed for it might have been more democratic to leave the position -•pen until a new speaker is elected (particularly since Plapp years whom The lludtun sitter*, earh of sained separate and dis¬ Michigan Slate News 341 StiKient' I is one of the candidates) than to resort to self-approval. tinct successes, were both of an uubl«h*d on cist* dsv* Moods* through rtMs* toetuohro durf 1 earlier entertainment era—an f«i! w mtcr si-.d sotln* tortns; wooki* during vitnmoe terms and * 1 In answer to the protest, Plapp cited a resolution pa«*ed tin ial fr*>hnt*n i*tu# botx*»*n «umm»r snd fall terms, inter*J »t | era the memories of which had M-coinl vl»» matter under tho act of Msrrn 3. 1M at the post office last year which created the extra organizational session*. >:.i' t Lan-slu*. Mich ... . become quite »* dulled and In- Mail Mtbtcrtulians useable Irs Sdvsnco , , for Oho term W, for tw „ . He said that since the old speaker presides at these sessions, sisnlflcant as are their present tortus. Si: tor thrc* terms *"• . . , , he has the right to make new appointments. lives. Member* of Ihe Intend UailV Pros*. Aaocteted I'rote St.d Ue Avoctetrd Collrflste fre * An answer ui ihe separate Ttn r ' This seems to be another case of the same old si«>r\ that I ditor-in t htrf waoue fates of the Hudson sisters wa< Dick F*rvn ! (at least in our experience) when Student tlovernmeni •» be found, literally, in Arting Business Manager Paal Lasher ; Circulation director needa justification for something it wishes to do. there is Blanche's mansion, as we'.l as always some regulation somewhere to fill the need. what the mansion symbolically represented—m its inability to remain contemporary, in its rtg- Tall Story" Sure 1 s. t b-lliiv la tin- F.ilitor idiy pres»;oti rat-.ct declared but shadow ex- vf what is fashionable than time its* in the arts. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS "I'AMFl'S 1.1 KF lit MS 1' could never be Like this" That's Hits New Coed Housing Set-up I.fllrr- l» ADLINE*: I , m. IK, Mm hMtnlk, Than, ant I'ri. I ditMn. IVMlllnr tar Maa. ErflUaa: I am. Bill, r„,bl, 1-11 ,a4 1-1 Mall, Ikraalk frMar tar T*. Dm fit what the advertising says. Te the I dtlot we have so lour dr*»red Ell 2-1511 EXT.ISir. Vet, day, millions of movie goers actv-s ir na¬ tion are every being given the impression that campus itfe at MS!' . . . ivt - : t' «J. l^wera :i;u We v.*i>n u> tumin.c ativin on ;ms wi»e de- ivn*rauba:e the Instructor iike th<« and cotiseletiuoua e(fv»tl is •rguritu'.s of h, FOR SALE ♦ We reii ■ e -.l.t AUTOMOTIVE Those of you who have already seen "TV;! Mor . playing at a local theater, know what we are talking aimu*. mm :.n :»vjue»! Sh.h;-.'> of- :nr gr; . ' •. ' ;.v.- 3 A » cwnaitsutu. an - n'aa#t spav*. s.'ui v . thb Ion* overlooked The ■ !hi".S Criticizes ISM l»t YMOtfTH TW O DOOR BICYCLE liver. Lteht. MEN'S ftacv. — WESTtH Good Condi' " .-...ntu-ian are n«K strong w v v •( these aumtni-strat • red S'-d UU.k StOo ei» i : tt»m« an-.t .. .n like to ) >.n «uU>matu-. eood condllnto A 313- rD Gears $20 Dsvs Loan. ED in- after $ d m Expulsion « ♦n- 'Uifh •»» •«' »• a '.•> these •' SOW'. 2' best to take our advice and not Kit her ;■< en v- :av »n who has •n Ml' grac.-aus. spacious room-'" HUAKRS COMW-mt RfUNINO PORTA RLE REMINGTON QC1F Not only does the picture contain some of the mo*; warp¬ •t.- nailLKt^'i a* *:uUei. 4l«tte.1 bv T.% roeda of $I?"S «nd tip. Adlii»tinerit. tec Oou4 HI i ER i vp** nter with mlrsb> ■» **"•* c*i?m'»a:.on '.»• gov# », e*csll#fit condition 131. Call H ed values ever perpetrated on a movie screen, but it giw« to *n* rei«.-.: fal Lio 4* re qua: l!ed to a Mend Noeth ( amphell llall s ? in one of my L.a*«- S"OH SAt L. 1SSS CHKVROLXr car- atiition of -Ir.e s.tue'aor; HOUSING spirit at American colleges in general and MSI in parti¬ cular. ' vr*a»e4 enrollment a-. J * wt.a .»n '.he paw of the rwuo p « .t:f»n > Sk'Uoa k» • aa.i r«r.«si»• SWcws "(ioolV ei lleaib'.e displayed nund s beautiful coupled with a and vertio.e Ooad motor KUtoa>«t,e transmission SI* cvltnd*' IV S-3183 2J mother qu,vt Ore « :p* to the rare sensitivity and appreciation i OS I VHEVROUCT TWO DOOR The Impression is given that MSI is a haven ;<>r athletic tec. siv.n* . i' " might - |«ne Willis e.vft, meiiisnira! condition, hsi had I 3-tt surprised •-.» find m.vse'f for that which elevated tr.e d.g- excellent itiuts. fUS k-O TWO-BEDROOM CfETTACE e* coaches who are having trouble with "too mucn academic"" fwO ; IVr : * r t ie Slefert a.vrr, as l;;e so,..v» vf r-.u- n < v,f man He was uncvnta.r- 2-#3TS after « care. n*w ?3 lak* Michigan. Private wooded ' Pianne Rriti lour or eight w**ka. t$$ per see* at other institutions. r \ttv. n.- a ■ lormaUan o*» .^..1 w»tn t'fra mattd by eyn.cvsm. And further, U) MM D t «rol lUude IDS? black deluxe Volkswaeon After getting a glimpse of our 7t>,tMk)-<- *h*r»»it M*nart fmnwnt Hsll 23 YOUNG WOMAN WANTS to US' for evakte'." a man's intelligence • five swimming pool*, we can hardly blame Warner Brother* - - psii* 2 of the >u:e t hum* with student or workirc \ in*ndat. •». t,vn •' ■ f.'1.- \»llle iireenie April 27 by the numbers he keep*, his IT'LL man. Prefers r* no smoking or . %. for picking MSV as the place where their fictitious coach ISM UN'COtaN CAPRI — :x*aru «:d com itt per u -v Kill RAshleign ;:ia; i D.)»»r bra*e« eteerire. v>tnd uue u-s- jvv.^t averac.e was well above tinte-i *,»»». closn. *sc*U*ni would most like td work. But we wish that they'd at least \r Itecky ( wilmin cuiaed fcome of Uir e topic* w ith •.eat ihe integer rec runnCn* iondiUan. gteS KD 7-144? apartments include us in a higher calibre picture next time the 4.1 -".uiCrjn.i-M" * * * a Slate News rep.-r:er. .« A id yet, ori the morning of the S tow by- < irtt sh «g free ONE ROOM APARTME.V: ,,-U-o true thu. a large pan «»f Apr;' 21 st, this studen* vvv .More of Same , . -:;en r it, u ' art a ie < made up owl of tn c v and efficiently expelled EMPLOYMENT evoking facUttios. private »ntr* and bath Ire* parking. IV Why Tliey Don't Cure • *. the Vnolhrr prublriu p*»*siMe hhiiIU ftoluiiea irquire Id (he to |he lillor. Tvd.s> bee: $ mjitieRUiu* MiormatSvif. Taracraph h aWetbutahle tu Ihe wnoskiuii iivu g«\en by me one. partivularU. fr.*-n VSL" for canipua drinking beer on He pleaded no exten¬ tt.a I SA BE htsn PATRIOTIC! bv unempio* m*nt hu-ine us. HELP two MSt' alleviate rate in tbe «tu- ROOMS um\er*ily to th<»(r utif of lh<*U We h,»ve uating vtrcumaunces, and I otter cents, tor emptovfuont'this sumner ju*i aiseoverca alt»m of ywur reporter, and not his behalf. Ha'.her. I Help *lt- 21 for *irls. Two blocks from c to the Vhyairs Hepartment. ience apathy at the polls when it comes to campus elect ion* lion. If the h*»u*ing (inlitin »re aiiNl forward the oder an agony unexpressed by Osv ro 3-3041 a 33 t Shsw Had jo principle A» a »;.ideal, I no nor feel thi« limited, why hen and a rage uncontrollable In a recent all-school election at the University ot Kansas luint net to illtw he tt-yrar-oia vtudent* •f togtidernevs The way in self tfuabfied a* a apokeanian w:?hin rne HELP WANTED - PART-Un*. «-lt LOST and FOUND some of the write-in votes included such "students" as Bob *t■ ch :hey c-hose fo Physics Oepartment; I n<>! concerned with la¬ am. Tu*sda*. Enda*. ApoJv st of- te move Into' w-e«lle«l ttnat*- am Lareh. Bast Lonsins. LOUT •••* » n> pUcing an ai«t is not pri¬ ohvteus point that f.ce 2t4 N iTsrar; Hope, Harry S. Truman. Ring i'roe by. an.i Charlie Brown pwed hoiuisi* in eacft of our gracbaus, boring the Horn Candv a»Hl T«*' Company 33 football Susan. f> We would imagine there were quite a few students here r.\J H t-s txick U> • r '..i lv. • spacious rvx^rt-.j. marily conctrned with practical university students elsewhere v-up lie at oh« That u why I re¬ are treated as adnlte and with IH'DC.rr TtCHXICIAN* lit am30 umt - mown enxroiu who would have liked to have done the same thing .never'jw.ew trot*, *xgur- :iv. t.n*; With thu new frupvwl we . a", lae igt of 21 will ne lancer hate te aeek to ferred yvur repor'er rf-ge of Ka^ineerihi Pie Col- respect. Nvr do I wish to com¬ ment upon the frightening to 111010 f:r-adu*ti»n iHte ersfabty To irom fill tutor* socooctes in an avcttdited col- bus.-.*** «r public ivV^.Tk^TUS?"'''' "• -* irwatad u aoub.*, fin* the -neeUeA r—p»nwwMp sdminutrstlon Obtain •awUestlon In short, I did hot dh>vuss tiie thought that he was whisked tor esainnsiion be aritme Mlchtesi) PERSONAL Crossword Puzzle ,:n ' .. —=.-i rwtihg of rocket r.u,e tones l» ultr*sori:(-i with your reporter, away in secrecy and with dis¬ CIVtt Service Lansing 13 22 th, mo patch wtmrjm im «... * and any sneh shot' A At imporvarvt as such thoughts Jf.Frcsnonlor* nol be «r.MhU?Cd •••• "Mv be. i am more concerned U. Miftxla rr* «i Uilliaat |.e»ter News offno between f-i em f 33 Fart ii the a' the moment with an ugly dis¬ ideals. I WwSS ETMUU-°- ^ d fMt 34 LMU)f4 J lr A tortion cannot of academic wide areas of t.m* WANTED fur on* - UAbYSrTTR child HI n * house PART- 3S. Servile 3T Mar* in* v - ^ ROmUtiylte thu-.ig .; to open y oung minds and iSMrtsn o m V ilisse ED 2-410B after 3 31 KWATT RAXERY twelve DBUVOW in-!' Te tbe Miur then *ee thgpt diminished by EARN gee W lite wrEKLV WHILE tamed * I'lUr loudly c?-'. TH# mor|i5 vaioes fr.etru'«.sf narrow aJminiatrative regula¬ s-tending wrhool. Inteevtew* IN East tions * trifi* vouta by sound m-.uwg. «au >Ptt - . 1 cannot reconcilg the dissert: p.;ne have been adnorabiy iiius-. •3. Ocean Ua«e .nation of provocative and in the recent h.siorv of 33 hit|iM llJoVlciOMP t r;t » r HARNESS'S I*#*' bound I e.-. v thought with tbe ai- ;i\'i W Tns -C, :* "£N • Urtnany and Japan T -e v>ung W»lw« u Friday's I'unl* nen of these countries v«ere ministrauon of petty and retri¬ a For Mrli wCST'? butive punishment. 4" Long tir • s T» far* A \KXL & A ,>ev;hej s.fl nor pampert*! ».>;• rativ* pct-n ThU studewl M were they burdened with a wse- thai Itewa Kite t»au*at of impnscucal ttu- CCNvENilNT TO CAklfUS aan.juc knowledge mandatory tigaldae: he eras Norman Rtrh. truly sorry. WTii#«a H, Tkomp-o- SERVICE His tors Departmeni If this 1* m. then, in the tra¬ »"4i-dc: Skopbmg -Zxis*- -M: i-s-te »«<«>-refsetr dition of Cervantes, 1 shall wV.- * Eg.y play Sancho Par.ra to a 1*-. re S!S^wfir'1B£*r' RuasUi Reutlv ■ w IVan King's Don Quixote in struggle againyt the relentless the USE OtAMONO DONUS STamRS.' RooKLrrm. mandrills TERR, theees — typing and off »~ u duplicating Phone AJ or ■ «"* force which humbles thought KTV33EXT CVXTOD3ANS—gREED Wench ED T-te4l. screes Rom M-, tor Surprise hour eteenmg with » tree tad ■ o vour initiative, and creativity, and Uuet moo »ive rental F»*t thorough, inaspen- Call Industrial Laundrt leaves administrators, educators, IV 4-OS18 fer free weekg trail c TYPING - GENERAL BOMT aA5HJNQT0N Av—Huss a and students helpless in rts " Mj»ra hj. I Cherr* Lane. P f«#»?3 »C", DECORATED CAKES DCUVER- 401 wake nav try U) put a man in space TD to v»u for rmrtii, btrthdevs before the May 16 cpening a# K will be • most wondrous Many other delicious pastries Kaast LEARN TO fW 'it ghare* A<;* Bakery. tV 4-Ttei. if tian Low rates. t Devtt gtreart U'* 'he Big four eumnut meeting tn aoventure if we can lift our¬ "dtee Mtk en Abbott Road Paris. Sen. Henry M, Jockson selves from our prostrate posi¬ or ED Y-gted tion and destroy this windmill ^JUDNUT SHOE IS OHNi tD-Waah) said Sunday TYPurr of senseless regulation. We can ? -raw EM m They have been very quiet rhe space field and I'm cer¬ if we but honor the man rather * *.«u ts a p ■•>. .•ESJ" tain that Khrushchev's sense of •Own the machine. t We must If we aspire to men¬ AND RADIO «rrw« it" nviuf veil* once again be in the , p ctrue prior to the summit tal growth and complexity, rath¬ meeting," mid Jacksir. er than to false respectability and FOR SALE ROYAUTE PORT- He was interviewed oa the stagnation. ABLE TYPEWRITER. Mod centfl- ABC-TV* program, "College tion HO Three formels — none straokeu etaas U-tl. 0U each We- News Conference." men's Chicane roller skates sire I Jackaon is chairman of the Msrhr new, ttt Fleer length wed- Senate Subcommittee on Na¬ ran tSJSLc^rer? etean. ran ^r?p tional Policy Machinery, which has been holding hearings on the zs — z'sz. a state of American science and technology. Mlt IIHiAV STATE MIAVS Icmocrats Warn Eisenhower Senion of the Week May 2. Page Three •Accidents Happen to Others'' They'll Fight Political Attacks WASHINGTON k**H-lVmoeratfe lenders have sent word Opinion polln ami mirveya of the driving public have con¬ sistently indicated that some DO percent consider them¬ be Quantities of this leaflet miv secured by schools, organ- iz a lions and citiren groups for President Kwenhower the nearness of the summit con- selves "nveraye" or better drivers. The principal reason top , distribution to their members. trvnce will not deter their retaliation if he tries to ta# Tukey Is FAectetl rntintr themselves so competent!> is the fact that these drivers have never had an accident in many years of driving. Anyone interested should cuu- do-nothing". taot his local police chief •nirress as Eisenhower The expected vetoes I ice President In short, most vnwratie chtefuns have and the subsequent test of them people tn-lic <•: thru mibtic education tTi-'it pro¬ 'rf : clear to their Repub- "acccldenu happen to the Seioiimr IMuuiied •-jnterparu thai Eiser.- ,1'- ,.»n expect a major pot:* :n Congress will have the tical arena popping by the time poli¬ By Hon Society other competent a* drivers wh myself" » a c n >t «> gram. the ing *:11• ir p.'iice chiefs are turn¬ attention u» iwne of , #ton it he indulges in the meet. July nominating conventions Dr. Harold Tukey. head of the department of horticulture, won to This tmses traffic a serious pinbiem the t'f i be'.'r oticepts w hich than aveiage driver* the average At Kello}»4» Center ?„iget-busting attacks in a safety workers who „v <.,xtt talk to the nation to* MSI' droit Relation* international recognition when kriuw from accident diialyus hold, pni'ieuiarly tho.«e concej»l* For iHiinujfeiiieot utileii applv to traffic en force- '',»r in a special menage Receive Recognition he was elected vice-president of that drivers are in»: a, good .is A Financial Management sem¬ .^.mgreM later. MSI" ;s among 54 colleges the International Society for they should be, and that a«s-;- \\ • : a simple leaf inar. designed to increase the V .t. -,.wer ohv-oualy would aod universities which have won (tenia can happen I » anyone Horticultural Science recently. let ii distribute d efficiency of the top-level cor¬ . j l;tle domestic tranquility recognition from the American Drivers involves! in nu»l fatal throughout »im1 police depart- poration executive, will be of¬ { he had the head* of the Alumni Council for "distinguish¬ His election took place at the accidents, fur example, have u > merits and 'Me .tab* police. fered May 8-11 at Kellogg. ■f. Western staUs are U'i* ed achievement in the develop¬ society's council me«Ring in The prior accident record. Mhile Ihe (raflie aeeident "good ' drive * are g.ven a brief Tne f.nancial management r*f . t.-n Soviet Nik:*a ment of alumni support* Hague, The Netherlands. Tukey relate I i what titer know L'-ur.^'v in Paris th-s month. problem ha* man* roinplrxilte*. qu z. > a corporation ha, assumed in¬ The Council pointed out that represented the United States at the mukt difllrult to do any¬ about traffic law and aeeideiits. creasingly greater significance tvmorraU geaereBy aire# ANN RLABAI'OH FX TTbHIXO . the awards program Is designed the meeting The thing about >is the individual qui/ present eight dale- in recent years, according to til » cuUJ be a idea. M to broaden the base of gift sup¬ He was also named chairman liuUI tk.1 It IlwW«t driver. The fart that it t* the mem# to be answered "true" or conference officials. This semin¬ port for American education. *of the Iniernational Commission MSlPs answer to the fashkm- westward movement to Calif¬ individual "false" bared on publicly held ar will stress recent develop¬ ^ ,ui »h»t «Wj regwd « The judges indicated that im¬ on Fruits conscious personalities featured ornia for a r«-t i Pm; job in a driver and not thr ttmmrmt highway or the vehicle which is concepts a revealed by the ment* In the field and the provement and consistently good The International Society for on the ultra feminine pakce of l*.i* Angeh * -de{urt?nent store. »*U> l»f.r* *» U*" •" '* Horticultural Science > a new-. Vogue and Harper'* Baaaar thr basic cause of most accident* opinion ihiIIs problems of Integrating financial performances in alumni giving Although lee lu*«ing, a For¬ leaf let M Mi* 14. h* I—'»* "»—< could well bo Ann Sla- seems to carry little eonvtrliou Ai the p'uttts out, management with the objectives were honored with top awards Jv formed group working toward verv estry Prodiu'l* major, may some¬ except to traffic safrty worker*. there is no "passing' score for of the firm, they said „ U ** '«» *•**!« going to efforts wnich enjoyed drawing together wvuk of vari¬ baugh. 1 mptwably gnvmicd. and time* *tay up nighly wondering H*u»e speaker Sam Rayburn Since September of last year, thi • quiz. l»u'- the go.H.1 driver During the week-long course, spectacular gams In a short ous scientific horticultural or- moving in the aura t»r Arpegr. how much wood a woodchiirk should be able t > answer ail ■y~txi and Senate Majority this Senior of the Week, nun- the Michigan Association of participants will study the role space of time crntitrations in each country could chutk if a woodchiirk correcth. Those iif financial management, organ¬ , statements fcicr Lyndon Johnson tP-Texl a^es to participate m a host of could chuck wood ithi* may end Chiefs of police have been con¬ , especially sensitive to Re- ducting an educational program which are missed may indicate ization objectives and problems, , activities while maintaining a aulomationi. said problem ap¬ .slicm contentions that the aimed at voluntary compliance a deficiency in the knowledge taxes, budgeting, business fore¬ 2 89 all college average parently hasn't interfered with iJrKvratie controlled Congress Placement Bureau attitude driver need*; to be cast-., governmental environment, or a with traffic laws. Bised on V Home Economics major his'iampus activities, which are both jjimk! ami safe, a deficiency and other related topics. X,-. t dene anything in the last from Maiwfield. Ohm. Ann ha* Michigan's a&ident facts, which bcanruup wliuvi become a contribut¬ The seminar is one of a series months but pass a civil the followinc employer* will interview on the indicated dale*. l>een active in the Hetailing Ulub show that traffic violations con¬ ina\ Mamtaiiung a 2.7 all college tribute a? a cause in 8 out of ing cause In an accident. of management programs. iVJ bill- If you are in te rooted report to the riarrment Bureau at least two R>r 4 years and seems U» have BVciagc, tie* \c:»ali.o Senior Of 10 fatal accidents, the associa¬ They shfug of? atacks on this •rhool days In advance of Interview dale. a penchant for serving as secre¬ tiie Week ha, been tapptvi for ,■* from the Republican Na* v ? the President makes jor* for leaching position*. frequently in these fatal ac .- Albion* Tab lie School* All North Huron school: AT Elem. rla«* secretary, Spartan Spirit dent'-* «Ns»-nbl>. and • chairman dent.* t budget>bustinf and do-aetit- *rcretar>, I niou Board social' of the 1»>8 INibiicj-i-ms ban- I i.-cans his W». E'.em iB'iMl, Elem ii bpc\. iBl & Serondar* S>»cia'. Slud- Thrxe violation* are: ignoring Why not If) u* Ukr roiiunitlee serrrtar* -and High uuct. lav * now U«»mmence- Nlatmr he may say In *•- Instr Muse iBmMi majors ie*-English 'H> ntaj*«> for slop signs and signal*; driving s« hool iooprration secretory. 11 c! cnairni.411 for Senior Coun¬ Ms TV-r a i I • For teaching pusttiuns, Sc raching»ns . loo fasl for rondition*; drink¬ tnre of your winter And to add one more *et of cil and w Junior Council's ihowrr wee Social Studies.. Sc.encr. Math Rocking R Ranch: S U M M E K ing and driving; driving ton minutes to her flic, she was publicity chairman hi hto farth- AB'iM* major* l.r junior EMP1 .OYMENT Ail men 21 ilo*rly to the car ahead, wan¬ K«rmrn(x with our for waterfront di¬ elected snrriar* of her sorority, He was n « member of 'he liB| special smoir for the tugh posit on.- an.i over dering out of the proper lane W »:er Carn.val 4 of election year reapers - (teneral Food* Corp.: Packaging rector A:', men !U and over Kappi kappa Gamma. puliiicity com- and failure to yield thr right of expert storage service . counselor In addition t, • these dutie*. n .-tree, the IKC -,u»h c »mm,'fee, ith the Uemaeeau thai Tarh (B> i M > majors for rc- '. r cabin positions. way. anvi over for Ann ha* been a Blue Key nost¬ t.'o Greek Week publicity com- combined with extra mat be the eaeepeioa t# the *e*-ch and development A women 111 With the close of this pna-e ras |.»r four years, a member of im'tee an t JFC g i. cum- tie I Its of Masbegon. Dept. uf t r- kitcben assistant positions MAV 10. I»*0 Frosh-Scph v'otmcil and the n ice Besides wielding a careful cleaning [ . . i: e Kepubk*»a ban Renewal: Civil 1 gr • B Union Hoard of Directors, and. fr.wir.c f->.! on th» freshman ittflm the President read pot* majors for director »»f devel- ( on*umer% Tower t ompany: is Senior Uouncd's chairman of fencing team, the Kcttertlij:, processes. Slop last week. optnent poeition Cien Busi¬ SUMMER EMPU »YMEN'T For A ,»f ha message lB' majors tut renewal Jr* v-r Si* returning for Senior Swingout. I'Uluing her Uhu», senior ha> served as Jun¬ Compliit- nt*d A *s conciliator) ness in haute couture, she 50o in today. graduate work EE major* for interest ior cHnp'roiW, and as jy» - - tecimical a*st posRmns In' Union Board fashion show and Selrrlioii (If systems planning, overhead k fratern.ty, Lambda Chi Alpha. protfram. urge agree- ogy iM nvajors for proper;* ur.o.f-rhead line design. X. of the Farmer's Week fashion As 'or post-graduation plan*. «r.t on a farm bill fce could manager A relocation office Lee savs that i{i:i f r b. ber 4>f the college board at Laird cha c.h.i down t.» South America l - and propose a voluntary majors. Cuunaerng A Guid¬ transmission dep-. — prefer and Taylor's in New York, after t» work m sales or prynluction ance, Womer.s Phys Ed ma¬ sipgle man, s»vme travel. hanUU'.c >ua fcr the elderly health insurance graduation Ann plans to join the of wood prodiH-ts. I CAMPUS BOOK STORE! Cleaaer aad Skirt Landry The lack of any final agree- across from the union trl w.thin the administration Thr Michigan Stair Kusl (.rand Itiver Across f rom Student Service Illdg. |«il :-f i vf the health pr has held up U»e despatch - Juliet Beautv Salon CONSERVATIVE CLUB « r Congress I'ORMALLV or Ml SOUTH HOSMIR | Dm Dimstrata bare their Mast aba* these aabjrcts FRANK MEYER mm atbara. tw Open* Wnlnrwlay. *lav >1. 1WI Author nnd l^vturrr mw( that they will give several sppsrteai- N. Washington Ate. i t« am bis vete poorer end CONSERVATISM i last sot Visit e«r Mew Air Coaditianed Salon and kf "Otlt Me Offer The Haetl In Beauty Care i la Concrete he ssmU te aad Hair Styling at a LIBERALISM" i bit rejections | urwa Jul promised acUan Price That MU1 lit tear Badget Turwlay. tiny 3, H:OU IMI. i expaasioo of social Peranagate Start At l:SI P-M. t ampletr security Huuin 33, Lniun Building bwafc, medw:ai a.d to the Owaers Laaaa Reiner teen. M'aney Jahovaci. |f*i a&i school construction. In aad Lareae Dubendark Mirhi|cuit Stair- Liiixrrsitv i.*a the house may act on *11 MSC Students and Citizens of tlrealer lainsing wage awl depressed Open t 4,t« , peek are Cordially Intiled as tluests «t of th«e measures woe ! Evening* by •ppaunlnimt KKKK ADMISSION A a forra satisfactory to I n®w cigarette paper dlscove air-softens" every IpaeM atw Mini RMOiiTr Mpasane paper \ MSM fresk m** mm na pet fee 9c AND UP Salem research creates a revolutionary new ciga¬ rette paper that breathes new refreshing softness aad finer flavor into the smoke Now, more than evar, there's Springtime freshness in every puff of a Salem. Smoke refreshed... smoke Salem. NEW TITLES ADDS) DAILY menthol fresh • rich tobacco taste •modern filter, too now moat UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE CORNER OF EVERGREEN ft W. GRAND RIVER x flMVABT * » • Women H< tb» •won tie by the Dale's Jack F»u*ler. desk The results must be turned start at 12 43 at the Akers first three alnglea matchei Saturday, by downing Hillsdale Both fired 83'* for 18 holes, in by 5 p m. of the dead-line course the determined Spartans ituw College, 15*3, at Forest Akcrs Schmidt and Tv t'aplin Kauster was low man for Hills¬ date Tad bornly hung on lo pull out *ioaws The tennis court* are open for intramural play every d.iy from •If t Sawnson of eenein Ule rrtfay and Hlin...s Two Optometrist* to Heller Serve Your Needs Hillsdale in the top seeded with his modahit winning 75. He this Halnriay la Ihelr laa |«« mat, h. Baldwin fired a 73 to hi* defeated Jerry Agar, who had heme a»P**r*n*** ef the ynt. HarsM A. ShaiNr, 0. D. opponent* 93 to iettle for u» 88. Coach Stan Drobac had Schmidt'* 75 he!j»ed him gam¬ lng but praise for hU tea; Robert E. Barats, 0.0. 2l* p#'int* from Don Button School Ball er •Ttie top three men s'.a->l who *ho4 a H5 ghowlng new ftre at Minna*. Hevnoht* defeated Del • Eye* Ftnminr.l • Optltol llrpiir. J ac k Karnes 2,J* to '» Reynolds *h.«t j•oil*," eeid Che coach. "Kune? • CiwUd I-Mit- - end Hotchklsa pkywl »ome ' • (ib«n I'itlril NO AI'IMlNTMrM' NECKMART # ★ * To Replace their beet tennis, and Smli'i im¬ M SI.I. rcil'RT I'R CMKiK C I VfI K IV M«l proved with every game." I VIUUKS NF.F.nF.n Roger Plagenhocf continue!:» •n.. Th*,.. Iti. I Ml , (...If aaddte* ate needed f«»V Minors? play excellent tennis. The buoy Holland Junior we* ths or» all home golf meets (bit sprinc. Spartan to (weep three abgUt ISISH IININ AND laci NICKWIAR I he rates are »J •* per round, MINN RAINY! .IS n*—Col leg* matchee. Plegehoef, who !• nc* and M ** for the Hig I* meet. baseball, not miract* cures for 6-0 in the big 10 and 13-3 c* TIIK OKIUIYVI. ( Ol l Mltl V I he following U a »ehe«1ule of ttie stricken minor leagues, may the eeaeon, la conceded tl-.s M to lovith .perilling highlight, on youi home match artl«»n and the no. solve the dilemma of keeping c.'wmce to gain h leaded petit! i .MJlMUKYlk KMOKIMM; UP of e a,idle* Reeded for each th.1 majors-supplied with talent at the Dig 10 Champweur v match; Monday, Mav 2 — 15:45 without causing, bankruptcy. meet at Svantton, III, May 14- »ptmg loihion,. Stark wh.t, conlrott, — Northwestern. Wisconsin — "Utvless they shut off *11 thos* 21. oqoinjt th, tnaion, tplaih ol color PORC.Y 1* caddies. Saturday, May 7 — Itm. and IMS ~ IIUroi*. Fur- major league telecasts Into min¬ er league territory the minor* as parted Mew when Ren Mm-| \M» due — !* raddles. Saturday, are going to die,** **id Coach •ell, the 1 partem' Me. ft m Mav II — » am. A lt:43 — Dick Siel»ert of th* University k anhle la a tlagiM | Ju,t t«o trom colt-Oion Iowa. Michigan — 1* caddie*. of Minnesota. "And college base- our collar/ BESS Monday, May I* — 15:43 — Notre Dame — IS caddies. Fri¬ twill could l»e the only alterna- live in developing new talent" cull lot, ond platto," collar, loch 3.C J BROS. | day. May ?» — 7:15 a.m. — Hi* cu caddies. Saturday, 15 Mebert b one *f the khdlR* ortihony Perkins *4.98 Id noon _ — Hig 1* — ** caddie*. All Interested aign up with advocates of summertime ftmae- ball in the Hig I* and *ve«4p*lly conferences throughout t ho pe twe eat Dr James Mesoail ef M* three matrh* I Feurig paid te MI would be reedy f,r L> I John Hrotamann at the golf country. I nder a plan now nn- day's Wisconsin match. I •.-^Janefonda course or Hill Dugdale at Evans drr Study by athletic directors. Because of the weethr? i-4| r. "'ten * TIIK DISC SHOP .scholars. Hi* 1* teama would ploy * J«- gamo schedule dnrtng the sum- aier vacation. airline reservations, the 8;«> I tans' match with Mlnneer * sail limited to 10-gamp pro •«'■*. *"# V I N SNOWS START AT — IN • IK ■ t B • ft *3 aH IH Schedule Siebcrt's theory that th* to eight-game pro eats • tanatu, country'* colleges eventually Iowa. rtATI RlS START AT — * m will take the place of the minor MtrRtaaa Male I. Hectfe«< Mother', It*. . Sunday Mat < I S* • IS* IB - Mi - ID aa:t k. Ki,.r n» T4rnh> |M I wWt leagues as baseball cradles 1* fL t—RAterr s «*. Raihrr I ' BUI Hotchkias. »-l. S-e- m*>» I _• A rxt Tn Kttrprt* _ ^ MAihrr • «*. RaUirr T supported in private by o num¬ f L | ' .Ncnd Muthrr * *-• W ShAto ) «t. W ShAto *- W ShAto a U. w. ShAto » "ooubMet post-war era, partly nruler the rKouAAit iNroKMino* cm lit i un t-W ShAto !u R Shaw * U 11 impetus of hefty bonuses given tss.- IK bcwt. 11-1*; | gift from H I^Rnia t «*• I»n*s 1 to some of It* mare celebrated fort-pr l-attiR 3 u. Pi*AW 8 XTES a"3B1 Jacubami'O W, a—hr* an J »». RrvaR T practitioners, such a* Harvey >—Itrvaw t *•. tryta • Kuenn, Robin Roberta, Paul *—WwtlrrfTrl* t rs MUHUM J ail pragatd 7-HoUerftsid 2 vs. IharrftrM I . Giel, Dean Look and many »~*aitfrtWM » n •oturhria t otliera. a—awttsrfteM I rs IsnwdtU t aaywkrir ia tho t 4 1 l A -J 'INC. PHONt f 0 : Jbi4 j l ultad SUIrc. NMMTS a 8CK.—ADULTS 7#r—KIDDIES 20c uurascoNHMir ! , NOW SHOWING • STARTS * P..M. MAKE RESERVATIONS ,Up oi arhiU docron I ! r i poly-ttof-nytonxoMon MOWN AT « AN* It r* toot»-»h«R«d U MVtor ARCHIE TARPOFF .. your bra p-fWSy AM- around thadow pawl; ayaWl IMLI RSIVSMI •mbroidarad bodica and CHICAGO Ufy-Lm tKw ~| IV 2-6233 12 >m« • 8 | ham. Sitoi 32 to 38; chort. S—to r«-| i ouaroga, toll. MO Un nktor, M«« MlKSltoto -| IMWIM*. Mrrrntm u mi* he, ** th* m*« wto rtot tot IHt ROml MOWN aiUUMB-W "THE GRAPES OF WRATH" AT AM ln«K.-(ISl| (Atotricaa) STARTING FRIDAY WAV CTH aUntoc FIRST FORKIGN FILM OF OVK HENRY FONDA JANE DARVELL LONG SERIFS - OF OITSTAMMNG WORLD GREAT MOTION PICTl.'RKS \A al / t \ •; •; }j . /- c ' f: WwfSnf ' rTf flfririTMrSP,^p^- ■ml Tul WadL - Hay 2, S, 4 h -J: S...^ .*«' . the Academy Award far 7 to 9 PJ*. % to itJ tj. «••••. — — I »! :Y- t Tigers l)rop\ 'Versatile' MSU Offense Blasts State News Mips, it ami 6 To White Sitx fjPittsburgh ', 52-0, in Mud Bowl lit JIM WAIIINGTOX Pitt is the Spartans' first op¬ <»vaMe time WHaen Nad a N»« Mudd sad A. Hlfh^iport^TTTtor AiiliUnl — - John lim H«llini;lnii s( linriNri Page live and CHICAGO Sunday, southpaw '/P'- Gen Frank supplied brilliant relief pitching giving ■ Sue* Bwumarti tl^e Chicago Stale >ew* Sports Friitui ponent tiiis fa!' Infeeeepfed wbleb almesl wax Uncle Tom's Bovs White Sox 0-:i and vintories Versatility wa the word t,> The most spectacular tutich- ti-rwed Ism a Mnehdeww. Ttie irrutii ' ^*a-ted ■ over the Detroit Tiger# vk'Wn of the serin image came Hut tse third and fourth lowing Saturday'* toot ball scrim¬ backfield men >*e*ktt. Rorkv A crowxl of 28.506 »*w tne mage which sine a talent-stack' when end Wavne Pontes, play, x'rlng aignalcallers. lautdernu!< Ryan. Larry H-rta- a;»o Ron Sox extend their winning atreak «sl Given s^uad wallop a While ug w iti» the third Orcen squad, and Daui Hrlsko. engineered Take IM Golf Title The loss '.eft lH»t;x»;t to 5 games. intercepted a lateral from White their squad* expertly Un one tUieJier; arwl ' - e .-■en Dave team, 52-41 with s.W atraigh*. defeat* drive Hrisko thrmv 15 and 12 Becirmarw Kd'B-.frte. Mikr Bj- The eight (hern touchdowns quarterback Pete Smith and A! Kaline hit a solo homer otiJo. Fred B-.-* e T&ri Win- showed the versatility ,f the ron-pfu untouched into the end yard passe-; for Detroit In tne fourth innir.g v.ohe The first three string- were •,.-ki. Jjonrv.e Sar.ders and I'ncle Tom's Koyx picked up three honors in the intra- Spartans' double wing-multiple (»f the first game and Ai Smitli Because of the mud The alher Ills were rung up well defined On thj? first urn: HraJidvtatte. murni jjolf tournament held Sunday ut'ternooti at Forest were Wilson, Mitch Newman, On the '1 wring were pounded a two-run homer for bowl in whiei ttie game-type hy Gary Ballmsa. George Akera course. the Sox In the second—the scrimmage was held In, there hmlines. Herb Talerra. lion sir Bob Suci aud Gary B*Umari (■.; l«oydermtr*, s*. - e-. J;n. Eaton. pendent runnet-up* with 350. MHO* NARNRR* the backfield; and Dick ()*en- Hon Watk'.n* .n *.-e backfiel... Cncle Tom's won both tourney John Ovt'i guard with 80, Mike second homers of Uie season for was little or no passing w art and Ron Hole her. w ho and Jim K-r,o Tony Kim.!- Row with 80, John Mason 84 and each. ... ratehes TO Mm ,. . "We were able to score seven went la twice. dlne, Jim Corgiat, Pete Kakela, and independent title# and had Mickey Walker. A/.tr, Howard rga. tScar Hah:*, j .o'.r*, Ernie Poll Toilette 8.1 g ive SAK it 333 The Tigers damaged Dick times on ground thrusts'." Mid Ar; IJruudstiitte: and George the low man of the day, Lew Me Clark. Ken May d Dave Her¬ ,tota! to runner-ups ATO. 34ti Donovan with « wAlk ar.d DufTv Daugherty, head football Mud i and Dave Manders on * Donald. Minnesota coach. The ulher score. which was A.'ar had tour »uece.v&tul eon- versions between then; Saimcs. a sophomore inex the line man oti tow JlTr with SAE a took 333 the fraternity total tilte and the two I'he their total# West team members and Dave S.iberg Hit. Ron singles by Boiling smi Rocky Colavito before Haumsnn came Svhrafet 80, Jim Kggirt 91. H. to Hit* rescue in the nightcap. Major Leagiie SMhigs teams. West and East, Ihe leal, ram# un a |mo fruin fall) from Canton, Ohio, Shaw Slaps MSU \v;i. From then on they were power Green 101. I era, l.audermllk to Jason Har¬ the outstanding fullback of Un . deadlocked for dorm honors less, as the southpaw scattered u iV'i identical 370's. The I'a" squad: FinnI Sparkea ness. da\ three singles, struck out 4 and Besides the louchdoWu, he ui AMERICAN I.LAGI I %% L hT €114 The champions bested 2tt H., Hub Mitchell 88, Laamuan 9.1, Dougherty played his first Hard, 13-6 walked 2. Fiitsburgn 3 ikk* other teams with a 308 four-man Harry Jones 101 three .strings on one team for a tervepted a pays and was tin W I. PC I purpose. He assigned the White leading gainer la the next to 038 San Frhowinif devanttttlnK' hit - com# acquainted to I'd: a style ins Wilson and Hon Mew art Detroit .435 Marquart had 77, Bob Painter 78 didn't (Mrticularly have an en- Ghnaga t ia 286 "'a and Jerry Painter 78. CM* tir.c jvvver, truunmi thu of play. Boston .435 < ncituito 4 it 2«T t Issmineg . Evans Scholars were inde- Syrians Friday, Ll-ti, The Wanhlngtoi) .455 usuivi «a«4LTa CileaaM .knib'ehcader scheduled to Major l.tM^iic KoiiihI-I |i Kansas City 383 rilUluilH IX I iwlaull " WHwaoko* i • •■<*» play ed at Iowa City Sat- < ItNUAt'l Meat* 4. 5; RIM l b unroll !, .* i itimo j. to*), at i«mi c>M, i o**4bimi> 'Mot Sit Many' Mb Ap- nl.o airainst the Iowa llrvrtoM I. I. I4«n«a« I'lli a. I BolaHnenl Pittshurgh Keeps Rollings toniv* I1IMM naitiaM* a. N»* V <>rk * Puukurrk t a*Mii i n at at- l.aoi» ibnkcvps wa* ranrrbst due WuhlMlM •! Hwalon (XI. rain TOUAVN (lAMra > Will* » «l Mkl HilaMkH t»M*a »-•- at •*>« Iran lassies Say NeetMBrr c rain. (Meat• iRttrr Ml at Niiiiwuif tor* I Wf* mom * M». wwht llfficeN ol: Drs. J. ( hnslie and H. Hcckwiih, OptomelriBte iWakot nlaki * X- I Chicago Bounces Into 1st I in«Huuu to l*sO at 're Gcphcr# pDtiflded Out 20 (IrvolaM (Boll l-li at «**«hin■!» khrRulrll Mi ■•,-s Craig Van Scicvei cision to send 4 team of 212 to n, tm »»»oi utru m ,» < .mrt was khellcd in the the Rome Olympic games has • He was tallowed bv Kun% Jack I'lttslHiiRli roll.'il t.« its ninth strnifht victor* In the Nn- tnm«I Lr»k-nt'. its l.tnirost winning streak since 1944. »ml 1960 U. S. Olympic llo/wliils a reused a atonu of critic imu Wer-v, Don from local apoftrmcn and news¬ fWM*** tVn Iheinanu and lloh Chlntro swept into the American League lead Sunday liv Perform 'Superbly' in Meets papers s General opinion is that a team taking a doubleheader from slumping Detroit. ' '*':•»» Htst had too much po\v» of that size will include many Robert Clemente'a home rim ■ >d..i ba»ei»4il tueaiut' PHILADELPHIA Uh-dohn Nheder former Ki a* ace now "no hopers" who are not good K ; 'Th s in the br-i w i'.h the base* 1. aded in the f.\e runs with two homers in 10- enough to wear a:i Auvtraliaii I v •*/ (,4 uiner af Ht R'e* a 7'wu ays tkm limmrrTt* Mm* > Thomas, Ray Norton and Bill an arm* officer tv»ased the h;n* cnevurtt- f.r»t uimng lauuehexi the league- the firs' game, won by unifonn ^<0 Uart W I tain0 ihlk$". |"# afr.) ^ '.cam we Niedei* headed the hat of top pound shot 81 U'C mtumlng - , : •. d long time u :eading Pirates oh the way to a the right-handed Haw¬ back O'Brien ant Califcmian SbarjK».*n ixvmnipnt came from that the Gopher 13-2 romp over Cincinnati The kins, who allowed 10 hits. Vic Unh.xl States track and Lett K - noted Dave Da v.. a* Drake O'Brien, apc>tts columnist Bruce Welch * snore than 30 bail* victory put the Pirate* two fuii Power's two-run single with the Olympic hopefuls tti the Pernt of '.he Melbourne Age, who said: • . who hold* the listed world re- e fence during batt.ii* games ahead of Seconal place San bases loaded in the sixth inning and Drake relays "The AOF ha# given the green A CJUIDE KOR THE LOVELESS in the cord of ALU. d.d 03 IV. Da¬ Prancwco. Both the Giants and ea-ed Stigman's way Important front a Olymu.c vis #C9*a '. .Niosiet ha# j>ending light for a glorious Roman holi¬ i.enlleinen, lake wanting. June m aiiiMmt upon m—Jmte, u* On luesdjji. MSI' travels <•» the lor Angeles Dodgers hart an second game The 24-year-old Standpoint were Thomas' world day.-' unu*ual Sunday open date lefthander allowed only six hits for a world record a tow of 63-7, niontli of brides. Have you got your* yet? If not, don't dr- HiUnuhHi to encounter Heatern tecord leap In the high jump, Milwaukee fought off a Un¬ in winning his first major lea¬ hl>uir Noil don't have to in* rich or handmifne to pet. a girl. AN Mk htiin in non-league game. Norton's record tying perform¬ \ ou have t<» Im» i* kind, conaiderate, thoughttal, and oWtgiBg — a lan>e lime it 3:30. tuning PhilUe rally for a ft-4 gue start ance in the 200-meter run and triumph with the help of five Baltimore turned me tables N'.eder'* victory over Barry O'- ill-short, a gentlemaii. N.-iuu- f'V Hatioi iu* bcUtered hitting attack the Krtdav straight hit* by Hiliy Hmtou, including is first home rvm uf on the New York Yankees after recovering ffom a shaky start. • linen in the .shot put. PHI MU ALPHA I or example, don't ever call a girl for a date a! tin laof. Bin • •he. Alwayn give her plenty oi mlvauco im«i-Mb IR»»b j ,«ari«vt uav at the piatr Thomas of Boston Vmv. months for a coke date, six months lor a nmeia, A RM fc* • . the year. Cnuck Kstrada, a rookie, from cleared the bar at • fee*. Ih -.mashed a home rUQ Tony Taviur' collected four Vancouver, gave up three runt I'RKSKMS prom, t wo years for a public rsecutkm, Thia abowv IRbIRat. « a «.:•<'.«* :n his only of Deal inches in the Pentt competition the piste and scored hit* and drove in thive runs m in the first inning but settled to Iwtter the world record of 2-1 she in not your second or t hird choice and atea gWBB Iht BMpAa Chicago s 5-4 victory over St. down and beat the Yanks. 9-3. set by Russia's Yuu Stepanov, tune to select her coetunir . •'■Ac hi: better than we have 1 Dvm Klston stopped a Baltimore, beaten by New York Itf-l) on Saturday, scored six The Kusmmii used special shoes 1£ts an away from Ami when you nak for a date, do !<■ »Wi B NtdOMWid v *. " said Kobs. "I was Cardinal threat in the eighth since ruled illegal. gallantry . A poem, for ina4Biwet ta afwajei mm Ab glMM j Cleveland took a pair from runs in the fourth inning off a pressed with Sartoc- young lady, like Him. . Kansas City, fi-4, and. 3-1. with Bobbv Shantx, loser John Gab- •4 and alto Tom Rt- two rookie pitchers, Wynn Haw- ler and Art Dltmar. it all¬ / (tunic ymftt cb(c, t durutg Ikiphnr I at Frowra. «-• ? hd a tripie Ply Mors! Whit Fort ♦ k.r.s and Dick S'.igtnan, going the A Washington . at Boston / U put m b swt/, * ft • ■ s ?• a id Ssr.onu* are route, liubba Phillips drove in doubleheader was rained out. A nd tnkc iwm le « Same. in-Aibg iai» tit# outfield po--: AN UahraraHy Daaat in tin* unlikely event, that you don*r.WBBiNatPWRkWBHd I < held previously -bv the ail- straw nats Daphne lai France, try thtai ^ • Ftarer and Ron Maria'.' IMm BaUrM« I thtnk you're ewte, * Hay Hh * v r ,.»h the pitching of the Hmifred Joff. v. . rounds koij# no led that Don Pi* crew, was aaiy s2j6 ap ft put ma omit, ; c,** . •# T(» 12 Ami take tamtamkag. o; turned in the best pes - I li lite ewtmmlm waHkakf 4 f -,'? the group. /.«•#, kotilehek'i trad Jopp eititer, Irjr Ikii: Minnesota jumped to a «*# DRESSY nl be tore the Hpartens could during Bonne Bell's / Umnk vbo'm aaM, attack. VAismr smp TICKETS AT THE IMKIK loabd PrmK. w!n.»h )«h; mi Itikaou sort of hroucht an In the annual 10*0*6 lotion Til pat mm mat, .4 nd take pm to mSatL, 228 Abbott Rd. tu>t four run* with a hum# run STAG* .75 DRAG *1.2.» ttvd * single. but Luotac. Mkh. »/ I N .i «• t .caed up three runs in "e ! u h on Pat Sartortus' home run. a walk to PI NT SALE «'.».• :■ r. » »,jigle by Dick Golden a i ;.e by Jim Canlin. An Yon Looking For AHoniilioii On Any Of Tho FoOovini Snbjods! TEACNDTS AIDS Uj^rjftriWytgytfi i If thrrr w mo l*M h*. WtaUnd Japp, m I 1 1 hrunr on nw r«ipm, it ■ q—i, obfiom Of t wuubl, lading data* Ol jws you'n wdW la m I ahaul, you old allyl Net let ua toko up th* qmtim 4 ,4ii|—Hi mm faa an N««: Uc !• » PJL out on o date with iKkal, Wiadrad. or Ltopkae. Tto M *to( you d". aotuntty, ia to Ohr Itaa youaf lady a MaObais. Bo TONY CWTS-MACTM-Iaor DUN JANC1 lor a INFORMATION U.N ALL THESE SI.IIJEI.TS AND ■01,0. however, to tdUe her aa diaaer, beaauee the oaly ktad 4 aaod a Medicated Ten*0>S«i helps bd«l eolleae atan can afluid to lew! ia a waak and auaty aoad. laleat gnm*. make up and aaci ■tobeUc, diow that a aaad ia a auruial cundHloa aata aM aau lately dean, fret of the mwi a half Uioe- her own weight every twelve boufe. At the end of your dale with lathel, Wiadrod. or Ikapkae, CAMPUS BOOK STORE (ACROSS FROM THE UNION BUILDING) make or ruin to art her horn, by curfew tear. That ia pert lie- manly. Do not leave bar at a I... etop. That ia rude. Deliver tier richl to her door and, II poaeible, ebip the ear akaa you ara druppiag her off. The neit dny aaad • IHUe Ihaak-yon note. A paaa m best, l ike this; For a mmderfal eeemmg, many thanks, Uobel, Wimijred, or Dap/#*. 7tvu5 FRIDAY! COME IN AND SEE OUR FABULOUS "PAPER BOUND I 'll take you out for mate more entry prance UiltO! xMuur WOOOWABK f '• ALIBI DRUG COMPANY BOOK ROOM" IN OUR BASEMENT STORE, THE MOST 0«wa'f flee you MestSmtmaop if yoa'lt kapk a a a me. b mm Mm sbm rh§ma kmi em'll §iaa yam §aatt ramaam atha - '"■■< WHtoaV COMPLETE SELECTION OF QUALITY PATERBOUNDS yau'U emjay Marlboro ami Martbare'e rnaMMmmf aamtmamlam ""«• Faftthra IWf> Ml ANYWHERE. ctyarHIa, FhUip MmtM. Ome mae4 aaya It aM: 3 mm PI iife fm 1 Mar S. IM MICHIOAV STATE KIWI ht. New Teaching Media Visiting Professors to Speak on Chemistry Teenage Girls Iveep Prof. W. T Astbury. drpart- Prof. Paul Boy.r, departn . of phyaiolofical chamlstry at ; To Be Revealed in Fall C1 • ft ment of biomolecular itnlcture. , _ . . .... En!lanl1' w"» „ „ 3 «'"* University of Minnesota. \v rpeak on -Itecmt Advancvs Poor Did for Beauty ; cral talk on "The Chemical oxidative Phosphorylation" a; *■ New ^educational media, designed to aid both the learn¬ Basis of Life" at 7:30 p.m. Tues- 7:30 p.m. Monday, Room ing and teaching processes in the classroom, will be reveal¬ day in Room 122, Kedzie. Kedzie. ed at MSU next fall. use of the media and enable the Spoakcr S;i*s Nulrilioii. New uses for motion pictures, conference participants to eval¬ Fashion Co llaml in Hand Nutrition and fashion tro ' if n hand in*V»e««fy for video visual tapes and other audio¬ aids, film strips, slides, radio and television will be pre¬ sented by some of the nation's uate it in the light of their own particular needs, points out Dr. John Parsey, conference chair¬ man from the MSU College ot FREE MONDAY THRU THURSDAY Education. young girls ami women this -prinL' and summer. outstanding educational re¬ Mrs. Sipana Karle. director -f "Seventeen" magazine. and Rita Adn»sk»», department of and honjemakinir for searchers at a conference at Kellogg Center. The conference will bring to¬ Teaching will hot be overlook¬ ed, he adds. However, the con¬ cern will be with how the new VARSITY GAL. DRIVE - IN ROOT BEER. COKE, OR ORANGE textiles, clothiitjr and re'atod arts, MSI*. spoke at the eon- media and related devices can gether representatives- of those WITH TWO REGULAR ONE ITiai PIZZAS eluding session of the joint Michigan l>ietelic Association who do research, and of those take over some of the mechan¬ ical teaching, help the teacher Plain Ctaw ImM«I and Michigan Home Economic- Association conference Sat¬ who guide research policy and the use of research results from to teach more effectively and urday afternoon at KeHm/jr ("enter. Speaking o» • teenage r.ut? • a «evcn-state area. The fall conference will not free more of her time for the kind of creative teaching that VARSITY DRIVE-IN ED 24517 Mrs. Earle s»:d taat the 'eer.-.aer only reveal new educational only a human being can do, he today is "malnourished." T- ■ media, but will demonstrate the stales. high school U ichor? ..rv: • Pari* shows the -kir! line for , instructors ho.' after » ■ sprine and summer easy and reach the teenager on th<- ject cf nutrition. swincins. are Abbreviated designed for the petite fi¬ Jackets Mantovani Sale Diamond Needles gure. I lone.Ocd jackets for the €*ne approach has been made larger figure. by "Seventeen" mayaiine on ,i;i eat-for-hrauty thenie H a •tite nation vide project to dram- the "Ihe Idea importance of nutri¬ Stereo LP's 53.98 (ItEG. 14.98) only *5.95 tion to high School student-" ►he aaid. \ DNF. YEAR DOUBLE GUARANTEE The pr-i'vt -include* u" Itll I, IIAMI'TON. ItJnomfield HilU senior, received the b»c senior award from Jerry Fran*, ill. Lakewood. Ohio miNtatul- senior, at Hi-Fi LP's *3.19 (REG. f».98) the Senior ll.ill Friday night. in the *"Seve'it«-cn" • ■ it- each month \vr;'-«.n ANOTHER SPECIAL AT — demonstrated terest level of the ' - iscr. .s - her Mis* t ilk Adrosko with a new visual aid I oiled Fund (iooferenee Slated THE MUSIC FOIt STUDYING ; elementary mater: r • b« device put out bv the Vogue ' agencies benefitting from UJi * | Fu'ifi t tajned front th»- • " \-t ' VNOTIIEK SPECIAL AT DISC SHOP • • - — pattern rompanv. She uiiktli'l 1' • i Food wnrk. enteeu" in New Y - THE .. the aid i- useful for Instriietlon S<""13 Or ers to use in rl.t- v. r. ?• in both high school and eolle.e members, and vur- DISC SHOP kl t-T new high school r:;' • classes. biiditA-.: ps-'blcms w '■ be The progr .sr. is 1 fJtiest speaker w 'i ;*• ■HE reach the teCTu^e u. .- Itfisdlaw., executive vicc- home end every Jay "Our i n goal is to omiiwr teen¬ : •n. • i!«' •)' or the United Fnunda-- Da'! -; all raconls gaaraalHd 323 E. Grand River ED 7-0909 ,\Vxf To Ktwptt* age girl* that an adequate dirt will make tier health*, wealth*, 323 E. Grand Kivrr ED 7d»09 wive, and beautiful." Mr*. Next To hewpets OPEN EVENINGS i EI.LA FITZGERALIV Of Bob Newhart it JONATHAN WINTERS * I.OI IS ARMSTRONG (THE MOST CELEBRATED COMEDIAN AND MANY OTHERS SINCE ATTILA THV HUN) ANOTHER SPECIAL AT — THE DISC SHOP THE DISC SHOP ad naards giaraalaad 323 E. Grand River ED 7-0909 323 E. Grand Rivrr ED 7-0909 Afotf To timfooo A,jr( To Ktuptto OPEN EVENINGS OPEN EVENINGS London Stereo Sale DeccaLPSale CHOOSE FROM: SAVE UP TO »% V CARMAN CAVALLARO V LEROY ANORRSOV POPULAR SERIES $3.98 V VICTOR YOUNG y TOMMY D0R8KY (KEG. $4.99) V THE WEAVERS V PKTR FOUNTAIN V MANY MORE CLASSICAL SERIES $3.98 (REG. $4.99) REGULAR $118 Now 12.98 OPERA SERIES $4.98 fl 1. it combines a unique incsr tiller ot ACTIVATED CHARCOAL... ocovollo mafce the smoke olacigarette mild and smoolh... (REG. $$.99) REGULAR $4.98 Now 13.98 ANOTHER SPECIAL AT — ANOTHER SPECIAL AT — 2. with a pure white sqtfir filter. Together they bring you the best of the best tobaccos- the mildness and taste that pay off in pleasure! THE DISC SHOP the DISC SHOP NEW DUAL 323 E. Graad River ED 7-0909 323 E. Grand River ED 74*90"* Stxt Tm Enrym .V«jrt To {arfin FILTER OPEN EVENINGS OPENJ f&datt if . WCeaafttw JViw* tw