r GoH Team Wins TIic Weather ( Inudt and Cool J Serving MSU For SI Years VOECME 52, No. 23 EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN—TUESDAY, MAY :5. I ft GO PRICE 5 CENTS 'Advise & Consent' Novelist Wins Priie '60 Club Chessman Capital Seniors Dies After Punishment Announced Stays Fail Attacked Fur»|><-, S. Aiu<-rira See Driuuii.|rali by ( he*»man'and editorial on page 2.) —"lie would have granted a By THF ASSOCTATFl) I'RM* slay, lie would have granted Iir** PRACTICING his major, she her avo¬ chore. That* Andy, the Gardner'* lS-month-old LONDON—People around cation. Its mid-term time ami a strain on the M»n. beckoning for attention in the harkgronnd a slay," mumbled George the world recoiled with crie- nerve* of the Mephen Gardner household in Spar¬ while Dean DeVore. Vt. I* trying to be real help¬ |iavl«. the attorney for Caryl of "shame" Monday nijrht tan Village. That'* Steve, p»yeboiogy junior from ful with the booh*. Dean I* the *on of Dick and Chessman, after the convict¬ over the execution of Car>l ttinaetka. III., trying to eraek the hook* while Gerri DeVore. for whom the Gardner'* are Dean- Mw. Gardner beckons with the garbage dinpoft.il ftilling. (State New* Photo by Tom Arui*trong) ed "Red Eight Bandit" died Chessman. In Lisbon., Portugal, demon¬ in San Quentin prison's gas strators protesting the execution chamber Monday. of Chessman broke windows tin* U.S. embassy with a showe: I)avv> spoke of the stay of of rocks. execution granted by Federal In Montevideo. C rug u a », Army Wants Required ROTC I>i-trict which stay of Judge Louis Goodman carne too late Chessman had missed another execution by minutes about. 100 students, marched around Hie US. embassy shout¬ ing "Yankee Murders" protest¬ Short, on campus to inspect Hou.se Committer on Armed ing the execution. There was the the ROTC* Uciarhment. Justified Army's jiositiitn by saying Porte* He because number. of a wrong telephone Briefs n j In violence Caracas. Venezuela, police was appointed Secretary armed themselves with tearga* ROTC provides most of the ♦►f the Army for Civilian-Milit¬ Sliile* on Mexico to protect the I'.S. embassy Army * officer* San Queatin PrUon to order a Id Doorway. Detroit: Jerry ary Affairs i;» 1957. when anonymous telephone calls "It ruftt* the taxpayer* close 31-minute *tav of execution to Agricultural Economics club Irani. Lakewood. Ohio: Dor- threatened a demonstration. to SM.MMi to train an Arm* of¬ Recently, he took over his pre¬ hear argument* on a new peti¬ will show slides of its recent* sh? Frayer. Detroit: Sara Furr. Nothing materialized. ficer at the Point It*. S. Military sent post as Secretary the tion to delay the roavict-anth- trip to Mexico Wednesday at fl >Kalb. Ill; Joiy Harper. Fort In Sacramento, Calif., 50 Aradetm at West Point)," Mhort Army for Manpower and Re¬ or'a death. p.m. in the small auditorium of •larae. lad : Jarkie HaMaer. De- pickets marched around the »aid. "It only ro*l* about M.4M Forces. Anthony Hall. cap - rail: Jim Herrmann- I anting: serve He would have been granted i'ol ui protestations. Hundred* to train an affleer through the 'Hrk Holme*. Laming: Tom 30-minute stormed around the prison wall* ROTC program." a delay, but a aecre- . paw paw. tary of Goodman, when asked anil signed petitions. Short also said that through • » dial the warden's office, took A Belgian radio interrupted a Ginger Johnson. Midland; 'he compulsory ROTC program ' the number — CL 4-1460, and music program to announce Kolodziej, Warren; Carole • he Amy can pick the best po¬ Remaining veteran* sign < -ruck, dialed, but left out the first 4. Chessman's death Battle Creek; Paul tential officer-, from a wider gliecks. Seconds lapsed before she put Stockholm's afternoon news¬ Gier.ellyn. IU.; Joyce ianrr of studeQts in the basic K-O Today <{ N'amara, Eaton Rapids; Nancy 'the call through correctly. I'-S Wednesday paper, the Labor-Owned Afton- l>!adet. said Chessman Sad be¬ tlacbaurtn, Whitehall; Rosie When T-'A Thursday finally the prinon wax come the symbol of the light •lever. Lansing: Ron M:ntn. Sh •• ■ said m speaking of the reached, all they aatd wa*. "IF* against capital punishment. i'icr Nancy Milier. Muske* ROTC curriculum. loo late." -. Michael Oldham. B.nr.mg- Newspapers, prominent figure* He mentioned fhe modification and ordinary people spoke of of jrourftex. including bringing the convict'* death in the gas lance Olson, Green Bay \V.«; "King of the Khybet Rifles," i our*** taught onUhle the ROTC chamber in California In lerm* **oet» Osner, Grand Rapid?. departmenl into the curricolnm. starring Tyrone I'owcr, will bu such r>» shown Tuesday and Wednesday as "appalling penalty" ami v: Payka. New Lathrop. ax an example of thix d>nainic "monstrous deed." ao> Pearse. Detroit; Ed Reul- nights in Brody. and Thursday program. Some said it would hurt the ~t last Lansing; Toni Rob >. night in Shaw, for residents of (Such a modification will z > men's halls. The movie is spun* prestige of the United States cm:. Bob Renbarger, Stur- into effect at MSU next fall. abroad. A minority supported . R-oert Sas«- Tree port. N. Y sored by the Mil A movie pro¬ . About 20 }iercent of the ROTC execution. -* Sc^iUIer,' East Lansing; Rick gram. Meal tickets must be toapink New York City; Garr Kx-Stmlcnl course* will be replaced classes from outside areas such with shown for admission, according to Chairman Joe Lebcau. Afternoon newspapers in some cities rushed extras to too ► :*iier, East Lansing; streets as the social sciences.* when the-' word was la. Mufciagfc. MiHfpM. Sentenced Commenting upon the selcc- ♦ * * dashed of Chessman's death Radio stations broke into pro¬ t.ve service laws. Short said the Knlriex II unlet I To Prison present tarried draft on program will be into the for»ecaul* Entries are still being accept¬ grams for bulletins. The London Dolly llerald, in future an editorial for Ho paper today, ed for Iatmbda Chi Alpha's "We said "there muat be In the arc getting more re-en- Junior 500. They should be turn¬ i.stmcnU, i hough." Short said. hearts of moot honest-to-good ed in as soon as possible to the He rredited better fringe new Americana great shamr Lambda Chi house to achieve over the execution of Caryl benefit*. *nrh a* homing, allot- fair distribution ill drawing for menlft, and baae racilitie*. with positions, according to Ro n Paris afternoon papers quick¬ helping the npawlng. Minth, general chairman. The 62-year-old Missouri Re¬ ly sent late edition* to the streets. One paper, Paris-Pressc, publican was a member of the printed a page one box in four t',S lb.use of Hepresenalives for columns giving pro and con a:- over 20 years From 1953 to 1955 he served chairman of gumenty in the case. a* the In Italy and Belgium, the general reaction was one of shock. Italian newspapers ant "most Italians felt that Che-¬ man's 12 yeras in death row was sufficient punishment. Italy clous not have the death penalty. Residence Hall Tirketa on Salt- Oflit-inI* to Meet Tickets for the University Theater production of "Hansel At MSU in 1961 and Gretei," Humperdiack'x folk tale opera, go on sale today at Representative* from MwV* the Union ticket off.ee Jointly Halls Association and Women s sponsored by the music and Inter-Residence Council suc¬ speech department,*, the opera ceeded in obtaining the bid to will be presented in FairehUd have next year's Big 10 Resi¬ tnenter May 19-22. Musical di¬ dence Hall Conference at MSU, rection L* under Dr. Han? Lamp!, during this spring's conference in Purdue. associate'professor of music. English Engineer MM A President Bob Brodie, WlC President Alice Bonomn, • To Lecture Here and Ha fry Smith, co-ordinating chairman, presented the bid for tho 1061 conference. Indian i also presented a bid. The final decision was made In favor of MSU after three and onn-half hours of debate. The conference this year cen¬ tered around the themes of mo¬ rale and leadership. Discussion group sessions allowed the rep¬ resentatives to exchange ideas and information, as wHI as t> become batter acquainted wTrr schools. Truman Call* ^■•lion'i f Michigan Slate IS<■ h Published *t F i«t fwr.' dm .hi, Mil . \» tntet and ;\ . «Uv« Mondti .:•!!;11 St*t'"nd k i through Frltlay ».uininffr hi*,-, term ami -• pu It) itl Bo Olt1-F»*liTOTte«'f V. Ceil - .( I 87 M Kaul I-an-una. Muh until Its Vengeance' Mi«l suh*eru»tt»'m* t«i i.ne term tl two term*, $1 three man should have been exiv.r terms #5 long ago. Truman nrade the corni. Vol. :.i». No. Tin""lay. May lllliil J'uire Two during one of his morning v, , accompanied by newsmen the hour approached for ( h Said Chessman man's scheduled execution Plapp Appointment California prison gas ehan i. "He ought to have been cutcd long ago," said Trie who added the agitation , v. \ (Mirror* NOTE: Tbe fal¬ believe there i» none. Caryl Mot 'Undemocratic' low lac < hemman arlglaally waa nude in I»S3. statement a ben by hk execnttan Caryl Chessman has gone to oblivion, so Sorry that society can forgot lifetime. one the case "was a lota hooey • red up to get • your fnind v what's happening." Much difCUMion has arisen of late over the appointment seemed Imminent. It waa pre¬ of Hrvce I'lapp, speaker of the outtfnitig Student C'onirt'ess, pared during a aerlen af Inter¬ as representative of fraternities. I'lapp. because of c\ten- views at Man Qnentln Prlsan, uatinpr circumstances, found himself in the position <»t ap- where the ranvlet-author was punting himself one of the three representatives. finally executed Monday. In«t January. C hem man and aauW- However, I'lapp appoint etl himself'only after a recom¬ ant managing editor fiearge I lowers of the l ong Beach In¬ mendation front the president of Interfrnfentity Council dependent revised the atatemant asked that he he appointed. This recommendation was ap¬ slightly to conform with the ex¬ proved 21-1" at the last conpress meetinp. In a sense, ties isting sitaation. The Independ¬ move could be termed "self-perpetnation," as staled in Mon¬ ent published the copyrighted day's State News. ftory Monday.) - Ru{ can one say that I'lapp appointed himself without ap¬ proval of congress? Certainly not. as testified by the afore, H% CARYI. (HISSVIAN mentioned vote. The out going speaker has the power to ap¬ I.' »NO BEACH. Calif point repre*entatives to fill positions not filled hv election*. T'um- word* arc not Intended This has been done not only this year. but. in 1058 and I05«C it is, however, the first time the speaker has been the ap¬ pointee. Monday's editorial *aid I'lapp i* for the position and has earned it through long and able "iintpiestioiwblyqualified v> i*> f c:»i»i?al Im* That, California Dublished unless the State vengeance upon me you .*ee. L* )u-t punishment is ha* finally taken what A s cw.<^R^--77> - -*Jkj\.t service." This is testimony in itself for approval.of the ap¬ Now that the State has had V* pointment. Some may say it was undemoeratie for I'lapp 1 shoutxi like to ask CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS vengrance. to appoint himself; I say there was little, if anything, el*e • so world to consider what ha* he could have done b«»v»n g lined. Sue I'rire I pn. H.* PakHnMn f,r Tim.. Hra I know lhai there are many 1 hur, an< I rl. I'dlllm, IPaadllnr l,r M«n Milim: I ».m. I n who say that the presence of Kill. Pa.abl, ».|1 and l-S M«4ir Ihrauih IrMaa Caryl 4 hes*man upon thtx earth EXT. 261". Wliv Dill He Die? KU 2-1511 i< a menace to society. But »«- 1 iri» has had many other np- » IMirtunitle* to keep Caryl Chess¬ FOR SALE Caryl Chessman, a convicted criminal, hut also a man man from its midst. In fad. for AUTOMOTIVE v ho loved life, who had never killed, and who dearly want¬ I .filer* In llie Kililor nearly 1! years, it was able lo wm." Hvntrror tws rrn.- OAS STOVE 40-inctl IVORY washing machine krep this pom human. Can I 1 | NT rartiu and he«ter toe S2.x v ed to live, was executed Motida> In the State of California t hessnian. from intruding Upon lv e v*!"*> Phon# IV *• *3U: lluv'i trench r«.„ lining. Sue 14-14. k>. ED *- Rived per • Says Cadets Carved fa Justice was done some will saw Rut was it justice when ;.,:o .ii'rr 7 n m -e anvoiie« proffcrtv or privacy. some of the greatest legal minds in the nation had doubts ! t»S.i HlkK II75 *15 «<»u»U ..ii trttnikhment. U * *». <. H«ew»r lamsloa *™ HOUSING about Chessman's guilt? hour members «»f the t'.S Supreme t5»«»>e who i ■ . « • e • * - |<».V3 MFHCt'KV V-i I'ONVFHT- Court at one time voted for a retrial for him. hut had to h.»w T«» llii* I it it or i: a r »n;' t -• 'ehsblUtaled Yd the |KI K AI'TOMATU ti an«ieiMHMi f.cutt if » !)p-» l«»i) llr>i ulTf KU 7-IPil 2* to the other five justices* opinion* 1 .» ' Ch« xvf, » ca:nc '• TWO-BEDROOM COTTAf! lf. j»,» s»'4»ru toMUlt St»nd( stitution that floes not deter crime or enable an individual U< 'v ulUlilrf'. reelK'fl.W.tl - rn ? -s FD 2-bbft i 4a< fume-, were tjUi'.e to pay it debt to soviet \. It "Oil !»•.. V,v i NASH AMBA.SSADOli home VOl'N'O WOMAN WANTS 'o » with yludent or work m Sinn himself is Tar ton imperfect to pla\ Coil over his i. | IN)' It "ra'ar B MWP Heat#' ! . in ! h,»o a UM.-fu! life l>!M Hff'f 1-1 rxr 3-141 (lav t ..ii Prefer* no mnokirtg or . an FD t-4063 or FD 3-0A1S il le.ii e!.*t»ip »ta.i .*« log lows, but be refuses to admit it. I hi* possibility of error is a-3ilu. n • i • , • ,•.! the N' lie iMT.-i \ fi •* iv i-ti< 4»,roo »lio, x hi, h ' ' "if < horrifying—all the hundreds ot murder.* executed will not ' i ■ u ju*"cxh rpstea.i of. • ei mm) CaCXlD THANSPOB1 . U' iy pr -X I. I'r.o • - » olttr ED T-0«W 21 V <■•••! --C IV-.»a,is M ««'k> »TU)N Be*' bring back to life, nor justify the execution of an innocent u • . Nu.vti o Mfu - .le.-r i* (t-fh». t « H (H-I OK EM OS TWO tBEDROOM • ho c«»- f e ,»ii! with offer PIN* TBII MPTt TTl.y CXCRta-' ii'.ent Avadable June 13. onuv num. i'• .Mr a M. . »i . at arH»llv furitDiiei i " • n > ... i .1 •, i'X • ' " t'"»n Rea«Un hath. FD 7- and u.*!5 »!•> and |> »*>,b;v t»f- »i*ir IV after a n ** u give t'l'.ssi, nor Uoe "W i;. .. a. Mi f wti-.s" i!- '« Hire; ROOM APARTMFN T justness and iwrmanence of capital pum*hpiyiik I hope iimt • f » ■ . ctui'-r•inut.Any to hu- AJ.fA HOMED fil'IMFTA >l>tdei ONK cvnkine lact'iUea. private e, " MKtee>i;oiu bt iwt i n the *4 title-) it Thf e m:gn* njfve red. seat Chessman's death will speed that realization Univcr-.'tv siv that, all th. »ught. ,. . ,ttt.ie |!».V) Not raced, and ba'h Fre* parking IV V > sii.t the tH- \ mo e ami f.otter tuiok* • ,«"s u» he wen «il 1472 l.lnclen As Attorney General Stanley Mo*k of California stated a Ir 1. *i- i. crkend* and after l Ondecl - ill KOTC tan i aiiv -• 21 short time after the execution, "Just ice has bent done under btoo'i it he HIoihJ ttrn» Naiiis ViUtihet.S to Ruie I ' u AHH*' i*4i> Jf -.l * * A *■»!rv and I tell you I am. I am iTIEVIIOI.ET TWO.DOOR -- existing law. I'd trananiuMMtU* ED •-•*"1 aO DOUBLE ROOM AVA1LAB! F > son* (or a childhood thai was 21 for girlr Two block* (■. ,i "Rut the Cact that no Califorian feels more *ecure todax ts m • i . • o.,» ih» v , . • It's Cool. VI:iii. • H •'« apfM-aranc*.. wasted It seems iron* that most IIB *KF-! coMw.rrr. hfumnu pus FD 2-3*21 should give impetus to demands that Hie law be changed. V n,a • • •T*" • i, h hloo.1 < »s -r • 1 !■• ■' • Hi - ... of my childhood was spent in Adiustirwnl. ten Iwutt FOR SALE .. . . » 112 "w i civilized society cannot tolerate the ritual of lUath a* a is lie. Tw the I ttilar 'ftantnion Brake HeliPer*. t. '.'til m..: i o ex'ii*** institutions that were designed IV 4-44r» '< "f pushi".» I Mi i li «{!xe I»iv ill : i .vul U<«. «- . ' ..-W.t. eiia/ H.. trailers method of punishment lo result to ' < .' to correct my ways and mend tsou i.f ihc Mxcst oxer uv 1 v.. < t w ».» »n t ho'. ' c do ■ Ray I'ratt these ca-'ets UtttU '! • < > a i o my manners. The* failed to do [ 1KF NEW I'«3J 43 * 4 n. Uuijji r refuse, «u a-... u* thorn ... mm: i rat W....» « ,.«* • .lath, ! - ; x •*." nyupal:1 someone could have reached mr J41 he.«, r» -VI u V «1 p • g-.s • ' when I w»* only a perplexed . cifv btut Uat Fridav. t'ubtuhed on eta»* net* Mom: h - bt'.vn 1 s Us-fu EMPLOYMENT .. fe *1*. let i •ec'tnl i !e»* i '<■! lie*.. mm and tei-us tier lif'i.if tf'er under tire ». t Likely/ Suvs Scientist t ,g t.Vi'f •.nv».*t* . and befuddled hoy. - • >(* !».» st.rp eruwP. TEACHERS V ancie* WANTED. in all Weatem SU«*> •»» and I tJdrMjBgrd PERSONAL »,j*< I arising, xn.lt tlx. rv s.-d oUx, like lh • ii Med iukHt»tii.iiJ lunatic u» . s , . ; • . '■ 1 J e IV»vi can be i iiuiw Cuhnnblnf Teacher• Aaenrv NKW VoJJK th t» W «Hi Ii '*} t» m* »i i.•• finer ».«■■■ • mpi i -t Vo.e v; t«e xvilcgiau- - - t-. , i ' .x-i' x . iUged, aftd that l.ce Pearl. B»Ht)der Colnradn n llFKMION'E HARDING ai ) V'»' Member* M-» to «. d lUr "• Vua Braun. an* »'>».• ■ •.o"- ki FATE take thta ad to i c.a» la x. o, » . y ttu»>t krci»mpJ.gh. HELP VV AN'TFD — PART-ttue. »-U Newt office Iretneen 2-3 c '■* Av-o. re'ed t .>)tea>a'e i':< * , *ol ri«eeii!iy i*. i* Ukeiv" ' • *- e pr-..v {DePald T. Shiilrt \» I ^ i? :n • VVhah-ver a n- T.tewhie Frldae. AtnkK at of- two free uaawt to lh« Cr*>t !) s-e- tditai In t Itirf Sutinn I'tlrr i up fe in the ua.vcr*e, t.e* 21» N l.arrh. Fa*« Ijinnna ln Bring |. D. link iVrtit v, I -iv mi h'»v :• my!i society Hviu land* and Tov Cumuanv- AtllMi Business Miit«irr iWPsi.ie the earth \ei ... i •: \U- KVV'AST B AK FR V llFLIVI'H ■ iMul l,r%t»er - v* • e'.i-,i by aa act «*f w- vtduall* deentatfrJL cake •' • l imlttMa IMtrrhtr tie eiivifruiruM an fvertua'. pwj \ c.ittiruUed tan STtTDRNTa. TEACHERS. Kl'vt- 4 twelve for 42.M> Phone IV 4-«7 < *- (HT0!>HAI[0;i - meet'ns of an eat to .iv'i-M.au'. VER enipk»vn»er.' tUU month!* tore 1 ®.pv tug on th,- mo ii and an orh; - Co,- t:»l punklvnmt »» not a guarantee Write fuwiU I4»"M|. 1219 with "anv.hei being ;a ijMer. >. nomv! a n d idio Kakamar«Mk la«w»«*. Aooly Wove Van lit mm um%1 the «w l in- \i p,aa :x Many Loves, in thta# \X 31 KENNY DAVIS ORCldlS'TA t 'M ED 2-1477 c*.>wi vatoo llkl IIN U IM.INM ft !•-.(. :,-w >V*!n J have reaU/v.l • "ikety" with PetiberiC.e pigsiw'. Ciossword Puzzle he tf Ut a ninnrr of Uw Hum i tp«i .. t'tfmanned lunar cits HIU* & m.~ • •• be a bl«f»ittg W end twe. WANTED I i one - BAMYSITER ih'ld in »•»* PART- iutuae. REAL ESTATE cujhnav!git.!.'-.i and return t« it «■ -v., *55, 'Village lis it-* tarmytl.'tf:! »;ruy.- e and th;» 'Sr^rlan V,.'Uret ED J-4100 after 5 »»f Advertuing of the American Kiith, unmanned rpcomvai** • »- M • j.xd s :» A* 1. «*.» j- ••u.-'.-.-x haratxvitveu"., 2' W»!k<*« New*|Mt>e- Ihih -''fr* A«n. in BY OWNER — THRIE-BFPK v> uf Mar* hi Venus. Ktr>t 'iaur, UN af »na-v». • ■ un?v I hxf >.-v« ihc po»r, the hruk ranuh. Uvtng room, d' ' about 1 N#M the a premii. it aitUte-* Uig of * Uiree-i.av H-it. 2.- e 1 r".c*», th." ;j-entaV.v til, led attending triewl Inter* «•*». PM 1 utlltt* rwn off ktcheo nh b««' • Htrgldtcf Id fm turnace room only Garac golden »«? uch Mk-tugaiv. Dtfv Nalmdav 35 Catt * "Thrie u to««| reason t» «• rochet,' Che L» 4 o space : %«»I \q itnii le w* ta the cha nber tJ execution I «.'u»u 31 electric t\* lag Rmt. Rgau'H • • Apgetn *g sumr, on p a r e t \ srtenttlkr portetSon '.w' ni a«* nt ect.x. 83;l p»>, SJ» UK-cm. i-«ve f,that sacietv has each lot with trad*. All Bit rwd" • •'*] J« Ch.r.e*# MiMMER E.V»4'U»VMENT. WW and houM wtfed M muaic f *uy tMMo.it* and nn evidence ad- throughout hou*e. and a!! seaport tievciopirpcn' (HI lUfTTIIR BiltRlt t, ive, *.urke:f i;y re>por»*}biUty KlvtlMi «!'»> ».:xntar«hia L» right 11 llfcirief dneed »•> nbservalinn. thai life Wrt'e A> CIWWi bW Rack oorch tnrkgtd with J*. action •' In*h-»t • IhMHtgh IM3 - In; .r t! 43 pnx, 3>38 &,a-ierw S»rr* Twere She mistake* of civ- Michigan. "!] Haradom iwur aheouuig oft* nf same kind rvl«b elsewhere ireuruff pha*cs of t ie i^rogra n lend n* v raVoo. Instead of cornciint It Mtrrertd tn the nniverse." he wild. "In > unma-ircd tsrcwmluiier flicn. SK.M% ALPHA ETA ' soeudy the:n. 90 Ditthfum. •ii> opinion that h an entirely > ai erase* FOR SHE It DMNtt.r bet and estakbliahinent «>( a perma¬ T p.m, 3.5 t*«ira ^U4«*C! •' Out «? aiiht, out of mind, and •««•*; 31 City ;«the log tea I assumption. nent spec* statIX n You ask me if*l have a con- _ •tiwtye* at vmetiy teacher CONVfNIfNt TO CAMPUS a-lrw run grwt 4se% I" ' D i Puitit Ukra.nt i eamv -' tn'M-vr t iat the Beyond into -- Manned' ft;gh: UATFk f HAH %L H All R -ij 'f.'* make.; t have hot. In t-Tfli g |RA Ingbaiu 33 Lew t» t#r W'lga H. TWwpyo* # Stale peal- fXaver whU s cieateil 1 !e and to the Moon coHHrrrr» life". " e ! was gudty i»f i —- f Ceei-t • vii'ifr . ..iwlnovt all iwnaUtde or* • - 42 l*n'.*-n .noy but not the»p ft * . sat. srnn to thex evnnparat'.veb Van Hi jn 11 rrpmtt-d Hoi In tiRt NEM4 :,?i me life waa takvm r \ •* SERVICE » day or two. at lluiitsviUc. Ala., liny piuhe* ; , \t•* -•:>•* rv A-k »•>* about a future We 1 MOtUCLKTS. RAX■»!'. wr will lire all right en«ine TERS. them typing at.u i mi >un im one of too bit'uoo • S AV W'.Of. .. i- Hll OlAMOND I0NUS STAMPS) -- rm'lict* of the imnteitselv pnw - duplicating Phone Al .* .V-. ■ • our g.i:.«x>. Our gaiAy 7 OM. tW dan--" Wonch, ED t-RMl. acrew .* iMu*" of luPiaP-s of falatie* rrful Satuin f»»r the hr*l limr WVs R(fRgjslATAT1AI *' I turning ( riw.« * ex TAB!A - RVUREIX WHtGHT de- Druiiea' Radio General Elec¬ My. piipuia.iig thr universe l; in a ground test, lie called this IUI ARB tric rabt'iet l our thning rtwura, trad- TYPING - GENSEAL Rp-ilf ? xv -Mid be the height ■! presump*- - lr*t which a milestone of progress * ovmg thing* it> :.v,it e».«* xfVNhM IH It A v ..rntng cru>j» in frost of Gear* tto Davy Lear ED 2-1*7* LEARN TO FLY •« Si'*"* ' otted •'Tf g B.tr> « Hon lew rate* Davit airr mau* i > . » 0.. IN' L^^-s* *46 lb u Zt%» aorurily ear.y n.Ue* mpk en Abbott R>»1 ' Von H;aun »v ouUi be » "Saiorn'j: jh'arr' wi.i l»c DECOR A TED CAKEs DELIVER¬ 2-dm or ED t-AQifl » Si;m.ia> ">ora;ig has been caHed * griflcant m• '.ost.Mte wtMst the ED to im- oai!,*-* h.GNdai*. •pia'.e t<» iauttxh a s^ab'.c spa * X ;■ ,r.x" by East Lposing p*--' Warn oUier deiw-n»^ w»'r ,» Kwa>' TYPLST ANN BROWN V "• ' ft***, Amerkan aetrouaut return* eras laeKhb-ng an auunuat.e., ( URhtlAA HllMl Rakef* IV 4-g^U t/ 3-2938. Electric Ijrpewritgr . J eafrlv to earth fv.sti a flight >Rt v%MA v and n-e department offuna';*. per* and thevee. Also fenef*1 • ripiio relay which can 4 A TUkN thixiugn ajMx'e- perform a gcivtje .landj'jg ■ p INv»pi« ChuTcix Ohasyei An Y^*' Eaaainx police patrol SRUONUT SHOR IS CRIN! TV AND RADIO *erv«» - "Hut I antteal," he Mid, "that Mar* or Vee...a and tramut bavK AA Air* t ARN1A AL 1 III VII »-ar s-pot-toxi the flaming rw« k* ra«M te atuBenU. Ne* *'■'* "5 t It will be an even mere memor¬ to Eirin >c cnPflc inforr.a* n A\B rOVmiTTY a* member* of the house a a p t. TV aet» and aatenoa* frr able err eaten wben tbe hral on '.he environment yv-.^v 7 ;> t ... 351 Studeflk Servjce* American meets eeetber being planet*," he mm . AL ril A PHI MC5LA were cxLitguiafMn* the bfaac tn He ran bepe the Vsi© Braun said the I' S sp..-. •• 3' p-ft' 33 Ifwon iiuest speak¬ .After a joins mveatipa tkvn in- ::s M.AC space. . SPARTAN r tffRiwtmi aiNCr treeling will be "lielie. earth pre gram lu> ihnwp ultimate pur- er _and refrirtivii^ts I r,:>»?•; v.nv.ng Ea*t lumping detective* ♦viMug *er ' copv ' pet 'H'eleeme, Teva- ■ dvacMkai'On aftct meet.r.g gWaL Mrs and f re depa; ttrvervt offunah. rishrb." 'f rs! - To s-'ur aum- » . Sv. no—To k*am wer wedding eerr eWn. pvtrsuinR a {trogram that he the nature '• svwakk <*tv **0iatiet> and Tc.- _ with ran betn 40 Man>nam# said 'whotikl cxcUc any Amer¬ x»f 'he >or;.y\-Vm and the uni¬ c»tj» in Coasul Ala»kj. PoUce said the men will be Call ^neywrations after >38 tf ncrumar*. for in/or ♦I Gratuity ican " The program: verse Aim.A PHI IME4. A taken to the East La-is.ng pro¬ tZ Land tggO—^-TSxe first sub-orbitat "Tn.rtt—To search for the ori¬ 7.30 p-rn^ 335 S'-uden: Serv¬ POBTABLR B^NGTGN QfiITT- secutor's office today k» decide | mrajure astronaut flight, gin of l:fc and it* likely presence ice*. Cxer.ple*-on of plarva fop Ml taE T*D - MASH l«- 19$»—Manned orbital flight outside the Earth,'' Camp K.wanit wwkend. »tiat it an. ataps wilt, b* Ukcn. SnmSrtT CaU I •a [HAM IV- t— 1J ■ MICHIGAN 9TATE NEWS PM« TUr,. Rates Rhee Lives Mlf 3. IMS Hit Postal As Patriot Of Korea Deficit SEOUL Korea VP> - - A new Average Co*t» image of Syngman Rhee a* an Arc EolimalrH old, poorly advised but patriotic man who didn't know the true state of his own nation is form¬ r,.-js!ff Riy Krld.r »aid ing in South Korea. h, h»i town (drUfdby The image emerges in specu¬ iOeneral Arthur lation he may run again for the nmerffld that propmrd new proposed new ceremonial p«».rt ra'f incrraara would coat of President of South Korea. . iverif family In East Lan- Most informed sources feel he 'v 15 cents more * month, can't, and won't. fading. Krider explained. But a place of affection in the rvi jiH'f on extensive new atud- _'0; pronosed poaUl rate legis- Iff -■ hearts of South Koreans father of their country as the scorns ,, Because about threc- possible. of the mall covered in MOUNTED POLICE la I(Kabul rksrir iMm i-Menderes yevenuneat demsustraliens. One Rhee'* authorization regime ro,-.mmendfd new rates Friday as university sleients stated Korea-type ef hersea has eollapted with his resignation «w'l be mailed by large com- last week after *lx weeka of users, they would pay rioting over fraodulent elections. of the addlti«ta! $554 mil- postage increases, the Free Asia 51 oh violence was directed at many of the men around him. vil po.unMter emphasised t- ■Hhlngton. a press conference in the Postmaster To C,el Ranks "But," says the Korean Re¬ public newspaper, "even at the -,-e-a! said he is optimistic heights of the demonstrations statian In Aalarrlira befare ahla retarded ta Dal¬ j. Congress will approve the From Drive Dr. Rhee might have walked UNITED STATES COAST GUAED lerbmhrr I Mk. lnd i, illhrnlM amid inhere, duriae de¬ ian. supplie, mud lad Ihraath palar winter. ^jMOdcd rate increases bc- through the city without any¬ livery »r la»|.midair earro to the Navy'. Hallrl . ,,-jcurnment this summer. Ingham County's first an- one so much as touching a hair Vi account of the Postmaster of his heavi." hills, the nual month-loiiK collection with eaeh month* remsrlts given in Whether this is true or not, a wera'.s snington provtdes the follow, liews facts about the postal of books to send to schools and libraries throughout free short time after order was re¬ stored, people wept, cheered and President Makes Plea President said. "The resources- of this nation , matter. Krider aald: Asia pot underway Sunday, applauded as he rode from the incalculable but are not in¬ .i -Se Postmaster General warn- failure to adjust postal It will continue through May ni. lhrsidential Mansion jnto re¬ tirement at his new suburban For Balanced Budget are exhaustible." Eisenhower said in postal expenses is not home. The soundness of the dollar - r pthr.f up huge poetal defi- Through the cooperation of Grandfather, he comfortable WASHINGTON

—President Eisenhower appealed to is just a* important to us and which weaken our economic the Ingham County Druggists the rest of your life," "Be a the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Monday for help in spread¬ to the world as any one thing I Association and the Druggist* vnrh. but Is also coating the friend of the people forever." ing the gospel that world peace and atability hinge on the can think of. World stability tspsrers of the country in ex- Auxiliary, drugstores throughout were some of the expressions of and world p<\ice hang on it." the county are serving as col¬ soundness of the American dollar. m of 5:00 million annually in goodwill expressed by the crowd A political note was struck charges alone. lection points. Books may be The President received rre»t there. by Secretary of Commerce Fred¬ - In lush good humor he com¬ T e pro pose-1 Inereases would left at any drugstore iu the standing ovation from 3,500 mended the organization for pol¬ erick Mueller, who denounced ordinary letter coats from county at any time during May, An American source dose to , .r businessmen and their guest* what he called "the spendthrift 15-year-old Rhee says there I* icies winch he said were based , » s cents an ounce; air mail say Arthur Uoettcher and Doug -after telling them that political chorus'' in much the vein of Re¬ , 7 to g cents, postal cards Kellcy, co-chairmcn of the drive. s reservoir of good feeling for on -principle, not experience" considerations will not divert "Tnose who understand must publican campaigners denounc¬ j s t cents, and air mail him among Koreans despite the The prejert wax initiated by turn from the course of financial make their voices heard; their ing congressional "spenders" in •..a', ,-s-ii ftom 5 to 8 cents. excesses of his rule. But he the pad two elections. the Laming World Affair* Coun¬ views Rhee a* having been mis¬ prudence. responsibility (o inform other* cil and. the Arnold Air Jtortet*. In an obvious challenge t • i:i the convention'.* keynote informed and uninformed about u equal to that of informing address. Chamber President Er- Meeting Set a group of AF-ROTC cadet*. At rauses of the crisis. Congress to preserve his bal¬ themselves," lie said. wm Cainham told the delegates the end of May the hook* will anced budget, Eisenhower said Eisenhower urged support al¬ Says the Korean Republic: (he nation must "reject exped¬ the country faces many hazards all he amemhled In the Mpeelal so for hi* four billion dollai On Nurseries Collection* Room of the Library, parked by volunteers, and ship¬ "His political following con¬ stantly tried to spare him bc- ients that might be thought pro¬ fitable in an election year " foreign aid program, now under attack in Congress and for lib¬ }|. named five; nuclear anmhi- latioti, th«» erosion of liberties, s ped to the Asia Foundation in cause ht» w as old *.. There were It was the first of two speech¬ era! trade and tariff policies grave challenge to its world Constant Value* Sn Our Han Fruartoro. The Asia Foun¬ some things they thought it bet¬ es Eisenhower scheduled Mon¬ which he *aid insure the job* leadership, the possibility of a -.inging Cooperatives" will be RING MAIIFNDR % ef Nepal addresses members of the V.S. t on- high -cost, uncompetitive econ¬ dation will sort the hook* and ter for him not to know • . Dr. day. of four to five million Ameri¬ of the ninth annual . • them* great meetint in a Joint session last week. The 40-yrar-old mon¬ ship them on to needy school* Rhee's world was not real, but can omy. and "moral flobbincs* and :.tefiin Council of Coopera- arch is in Washington on a state visit. The President told the Cham¬ decay." ,• Nurseries Conference May and libraries in India. Pakistan. a composite of misreprc.senu- ber of Commerce he will send Citisen* and Congress must Japan, Korea. YietNam. and Faulkner." Magazine* and have. forgiven him had he not liryUnd, wiU be the featured Affecting Women's Lives" wilt fessor of humanities, has been light fiction are not being col¬ •tfpped down." weaker be Dr Ruth Useem, cultural selected to lecture abroad under lected in this drive. Tho American source ex¬ Pro.' !e of titer cooperative anthropologist of the MSU So¬ 'By writing his name and pressed doubt Rhee will run m >«ry teacher, preparing par- cial Research Bureau. a grant provided by the Ful- « ' > be bright Act address inside the cover of the the new ptvstdential elections helpful teaching as* Dr. I'seem said educators are books he donates, a Lansing area rants and tcacher-parent re- • UirM'hfeld will lecture on re-, When they are held. romiug to realise that modern ccn* American history and civil¬ donor stands a good chance of Only Khee himself knows if |J'! ipoaaibility in cooperative nurs- women live two lives, and must adm:nistration and education ization at the Bologna Center being able to strike up a cor* any thoughts of political cvme- he educated to serve roles both ivspondence with ai»j>reciativo foaek sre going through his head be discussed at other ses- of John Hopkins University m as wives and mothers, and as reader/ in Asia," Kellcy and a* he works in hi* garden daily Italy, He i* one of 400 to re¬ workers in business and indus¬ Uoettcher said. and they presumably will have ceive Fu&rtfht grants for loo try. The drive got off to an early to remain secret. turtng and research abroad for )r. De utsclunami Strong emphasis will be plac¬ the academic year 19t>0-6! start last week when List Lan¬ But one thing is certain. ed on the counseling of high sing High School freshmen, uo- The signs of advanced age so school and college girls. A pan¬ After receiving the PhD at Attends Meeting el of staff member* from the John Hopkins Inirersiiy lu 1949. de the chaimanship of Robert long denied by Rhee's Liberal Party looctora ore there for Jliidrelh, collected two station Of. Paul Deutsctanhann. di- MSU Counseling Center will dis¬ Himrhfeld Uught hialury at that institution. lu the Army frum wagon-load* of book* by ringing everyone to oou — tho paMod MKLKHIKS ] ***. Conwnuaichtkm Research cuss counseling problem* en¬ doorbell* throughout East Lan¬ hoods, huMog gpooch and lack countered ia college* and uni* 1943 to 1944. he was historian In all Ihe apriag cetera. ■«®tsr, is attending the annual sing. 1 of physical vigor. In the hlsterteil division uf the "*> ■wag of the National. New** verities. . war department special stuff In Promotion Association This will be followed by a 1944-17. PEARLS AND GILT 91.95 up ] too* Wednsedsy in Phoenix, panel from the faculty of Grand l-x Rapid* South High School which He ha* been at MSU since Complete selection for >ou In 1955-54 when he *«»Lon Dwtochmann will *m research meet with people will review counseling problems of high school girls 1947 except for took sabbatical-leave to do re¬ HAVE A FLING rhooM from. Ii The conference is sponsored search on American political ** hssr guest speeliT* from all Price* for thi* full line by the Commimion on nhc Edu¬ thought for the period 1900*20. **" of ninnfir prsmotion. are acMve promotion cation of Women of the Ameri¬ He Is the author of two books, THIS SPRING! ,l«ri hi #1.00 "id 1*search Apartnah in one can Council on Education, in co¬ ••Baltimore, 1879-1900 — Studies in Social History" and "The <* svery Ave operation with the MSU Coun¬ MVRpapan in country, HsuTnt—>nn aaad. seling Center. Great Railroad Conspiracy." C- 'V .'*> ' _ Ftix MrKnlght. iSht at Um tol* Time* U«»M»tema teg- et 4ha emiaBPce. Michigan State New s Campus Classifieds . . . High leadership FELIA /V V ; CAMPUS Your Kay to Batter Values ... fH >ri'l The finr.1 m Me i ' ; •&.* •" ve- f i; ' ; J HOSIERY by llanc* ..to . WHITE SHORTIES In Itnee length or over-haer, ■wifli A (love mux) for xprimt. Erunt 91.95 ,hr,r« »nrt reinforced ohecr*. From 91.55 «I mm Slop in and a»k .Margarrt lo hrlp tnii Nelert a fine gift. We have the largeM .priag Much, prr M|. ft., in Central jWichlgan SAXOKKS CANDY SAYS IT BEMT THE GARD SHOP ACROM rOOM HOME ECON. KLIN,. edm;u , MVRI7S COMPLETt AMOOTMF.M . 5000 VIAE ST. MAILED ANYWHERE W cal of Fraiulor—1 Hlork North of Xlie-laifguii OPEN Till 9'Wrtl.. I bur.. Fri. ft Hon. Golf Team Opens Conference Action; Michigan stA ri: xi:ws v»tr r our Intramural Several 1st Spots Pieked-Up by State Schedule tr.s.M* Beats Northtcestem, Wisconsin Here Invitational Meets Larson (163). Buddy- score of 72. But then lie hit s At Penn, Michigan wake. Gib »:?• HI —Rrure taimorr Warren Hel¬ MSU's golf team successfully Baldwin balllcd the Wililrat.' second time around and wu. t;( v«. who hit for 15). also. Thry got five and a half points here. lo# f made by MSU sophomore, Don they ho»t Illinois and Bur-,, Ilis vault wax 14" even, shatter* Mir in «i i. stein of Northwestern (159>. But "f-condN, tiring the old cats. 21>a-Mlj. in the third at Sam. Saturday. : 4 in* the old mark of 3* S" art in 4:3" Badger left a Badger In his Cochrane, who had a first round Carnival record and equaling the IM i it* I a match. 1—Vrl* I vs. 4VM.I top golfer of the day, Jim Wag- that won the event In the C. A. Smith, the Spartan X*. Swim Time Is Near • Sonny Akputa established a CM) vi. I.other Olympic.'. new varsity record in the hop, 3—sharks vs. Rud Kunner* 4 man. shot a 135 In the 36 hole 4— Zebras \%. Unrknocker* M.ki- Gerhard tied for first in. Vets II competition for the meet's med¬ stop and jump with a distance ' .V—Kodrnls vs. Prepare Outdoor Pool •'"* a>liegr division of the high i»f 48' to place third at the Carni¬ 4— risworlh vs. I'lrrv alist honors He swept all six ?—How land vs llrdrn k ■. ;*H a leap 6' ■*" John val. Akpata set the old mark two It-fill Ms #n vs. Ill »•» points from Xorthwestern's Tom T a» of Boston University HOWIINC* larnhson and he took four and weeks ago nt Ohio Stale with si she inviMtionnl high jump (?) Opening half points from Badger Marty For Mav 15 .1 *n fi:3U triple Jump of 47' 3 V'. .1 •*: world record V 1 The two opponents a fVV-Allev Gharril v. - In one of the featured relays, Cats vv. *IC» I 'Krh.trd also picked up a sixth MSlf finished third in the two- 5 A •—Handout Bomber* vv 1*1)1 shot 136 and 156. respectively. -the hop, step and jump >lu Aloha .s mile event behind Yale and the 1 A §—1C Club v*. Alt'! II No. 1 Spartan. Tad Schmidt, and seen the MM## gallons Mike Klrinhan* broke the S-.M Bv Rl'ZETTt RAMSEY University of Michigan. Yale was the squad's top point garn¬ in Hint; Alley* necessary will be pumped fa ««rvit« outdoor record shattered the existing record set I ,v i—Mower vv. How la nil et His 133 stroke total allowed Get vour stvim suit out of the frees the welb. The water n by MSU two years "ago. Yale's I .* I —flutter Hosiers vs. xlmea his oppo*lion only one half mothballs — in two short weeks .1 a e»—I Mtle Pint vs Vrl* filtered aa H rulers. time, was 7:27.3 Running for the point. Wisconsin's Chuck Steeno you can be soaking up the Mich¬ ,/#«' Schmidt, Spartans were Brian Castle. Jim t-arr, Hob l.ake and Atterberr> Meal VPII.r.VHAII. rtsworili N.IHt pM.k that with a 160. Dick Staats of NW was shut-out igan sunshine and taking a dip at the IM outdoor pool. The water was kept 'n •-» pool during the winter, heated L* * WILI.Ii: ATTRRBERRY saw 40 degress, just above freer; ; 'ihhnns Si an The mile relay team, composed of Zaeh Ford. Castle. Carr and . . . hurdle champion t m le Tom vs. Ivans Ty C'aplin was the Spartan to come up only other with two May 15 is the tentative open¬ ing date for the luxurious site The water was also recirculate Atterbi-irv finished fifth with a w ins. His 135 grabbed 10 points of last summer's Pan-American to prevent freezing. hCTROIT • '* • Lmebarkt*. Vlllwnova w«»n rwhnming trials. Men and wo¬ •it came through with f!y:-g time "f 3 20.2 from Jim Windness of North¬ - S; v- -!• the I>< 'fi.it I .n men students and faculty mem- colors." McCaffree said. "Thrrf the event for 'he sixth stnugn? western and Badger Tom Nel¬ Tver.i'th.fjg.' %!■>: day signed >ear with a time of 3:12 2 son l>ers will have asccess to the pool were no bad cracks." football e •! '.i act along # * * Tim Baldwin. No. '! Rolfer. hud from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. at the charge Though most outdoor peoti "• md .Vim Gibt* Michigan State sent n group of 10 cents, a locker and towel keep water jn, usualty a,1d:r.g the same stroke tolal as Cnplin. d !o terms Of 20 athletes to the Michigan • hut he had lo settle for a win fee. and presentation of ID or logs, the MSU one is the e-'y with prev le Invitational track meet held at and a He. lie earned seven C. A. SMITH employee cards. pool of this nature that has K.iwui An d Ann Arbor Saturday. Rain and pares Spartans twice . Swimming Coach Charles Mc- been kept In this way, the rr.m points. * , . . dismal weather cut down the Caffree said the pool may not coach declared. number of events in the meet. Sink*. Market! lit llurl open until the 16th, depending "We're leaders in terms F.vt (int.vdon won the mile tun on the weather. big pools," he said, citing th# with 11 tune of 4 20 .*>, lie was "It's in fair shape now,**--he high steam preasuru and hea'^. followed to the tape by Hog tlundiargei', MSU freshman. Kolismen to Meet Western said. He explained that rough sur¬ Expend i ■ and eeutnrtio*. Bernard William* the papptng off ef tile. Art frming won Michigan State'a baseball squad interrupts its Bi>f 10 faces on the sides had been rub¬ and bearing nf the floor art e t l»n v«rd dash Willi a time of down when work started on schedule to encounter Western Michigan in a non-league bed . four and the • clubs HI.3 second*. freuueut re suite ef freealng. V* sea- >n* the pool April 18. -t va pViver three Hill Alcorn set a new MSU contest today at Kalamazoo. Game time is 3:30. MRU pee>»— ef eensbnllnng this c. has been »n alUpr<.i an i a freshman record in the pole The Spartans will be attempt- _ „ The peel was emptied la April haa proven Bsfortorr kn# vault with height of 13' 6" lie la ardee la rleaa M amre easily. itaneuileal." MeCuffreo belicvH. » h -i* : :e. ' •• • •. * tune'.' a mg to brvak n thn'e game l'>- John lleser and Ron Marlatt. Vein* "tie 1 - In pa * finished second in the event The water will be kept a' i uig streak against the Broncos. Western Michigan po.*e« a» a •!»:»! :iu; t' Tom Beckham picked up a temperature of around ~A de¬ vent. NFL Contest e»\ .ng Stan * record now stands at nine 43! v.. os ';ui.1 one second place in the high jump wins against seven defeat.*. formidable foe for the Spartans. grees by adding cold water vr vv itii a leap of 0'. The Broncos own victories over heating when naceasary. Scheduled to see mound duty for the Spartans "are Don Sackeit such teams as Michigan. Illinois Notre Dame this, In Montreal "Seventy-ai* la A goof re¬ freshing temperature," McCaf¬ SI* or TOO AY 9:30 A.M. TO 3:30 P.M. Mickey Sinks Saekett ha* (twice) and free said. jtnsted a >ea>*• i«, represent.r.g Ann Ar - can rest assured that we will Gym-Kana. Lewla hold* *.« | l-KI/l: AI THOK MI5U ALL THLIR f««H TO Till: HCMI V |W«f Wish-N-Wur take whatever steps are avail¬ able to compete against this IAS9 Canadian AAU 183-pound titles. and Mic.Yfs-. thoughtless venture and other i la a M-ytsr* 'hfSCKiH BI T %X|» SAVR AT min. ventures that may develop.*' t$sm* BY DISC SHOP ' UWNW fd'ii ho*ilvhvk\* i iw 131 Horseshoe all rttfAi K«malffd VARSITY MOP 323 K. iinmi River Tournev Todav KD 7-9909 Today la the day for pitchers! >«• T# Kirbm Horseshoe pitchers that is. other Spartan aotrlee re. OPRN KVKMNG6 The IM department la holding 123-pounds —. Dermis WrtT'- a horseshoe tournament at the Wichita* Kaaa* aaphwnorr; IH pita behind the baseball stands —Jerry Tbnyer, Jackson rra»fe- at Old College Field this after¬ man; lih-Tedd Bageman. Csrs noon et 3:30. freshman; 181 — Gary OTW. Anyone interested in entering Drayton Flaina aaphtrre. ri the tourney should show up at Ana Arhor mhr, Pat OShm the pits and report to the super¬ in the lRpuMl dhrisicr. visor who will be handling the ^ are annual affair. Anrf Arbor Grx* Official rules prevail In the ^ and Northed* era YMCA'a Ri Detroit and "* single elimination competition. isu wigtnnnp< ciub. Patlourlac the meet w ? » itest .lieing t* pup Indians Tie (or AL Lead, Spartans Shift Kanicki Edge Washington, 3 to 2 To Bolster Tackle Spot Ky JIM UAI.I.INGTOX But he says »•»« expect,* hi" line ••hir V*f -miing .practice wa,« one of ohieetive. the ballcarrier, lie'* the stronger situations on the BALTIMORE The H.. t - always around the hall " squad. But iOjusies *<■ Ed Mi- mu:e Oriole* knocked over the Smith naul that Ourriie Serr Lucas, the trioc experienced Chicago White Sox. 11-6, on jus I offensive line coach, would pro¬ lirom«tn and possible captain s:x h;t* but the bg blow was bably agree with him that Kak- Jim Gentile* three-run homer candidate, and Jim B>»bbitt, a <•!;: wa« as Rood <>s any tackle the sophomore who e xtch Duffy The l »*s dropped Chicago in- Spa-UM* f.iced !a-t year t first-place tie with Cleve¬ Dougherty *aid could make any Kakela is a junior from T«>!- » a pro f.*x>tbail squa t, hit the posi- land. The Oriole.* moved into e of Detroit was lien's behind •only l.irklf lettt-r\, inner received all-state mention Gentile's circuit clout over the ended hi* football career. Bob¬ fir*t %*lth 45 point* followed by Hi* played last fa'l \v:th the right field fence in the tuxth bin will return next fall to bid Wayne state I'niversity with .57 defensive "Cundiff'x Crew" inning put the Orioles out front for a starting *pot. The Spartans were on point be¬ which matte two spectacular w ith the winning margin. It was The injuries left Pete Kake hind Wayne. goal-line stands hi* third of the season and Rather 5 Squeezes Out ... M.tkev guard, the - n!v letterwtnning tackle^ Walker, who lettered was shifted to tackic Kakela Hit designated a* cute of the two outstanding freshman Surprising! v. the I'mvetsity <".f Michigan crew, which has been the power of the collegiate su¬ boosted she left-handed slugger into the American League lead foohall plater* hi* first year. lie in run* batted in with 17. Walker, a former ad-sta;.* ing circuit, did not qualify, along It was the surging Orioles' 6-5 Win in IM Softball t:* 'n.i- k at Ea -t Detroit Hign ufl«ht 217-pound* and stands w ith Oberltn 6*2". A protest b\ the MSt' crew seventh victory in their la* > • - hob »:cd t»: a hip- Srrrith sighed. ''Pete and Me- no', allowed by the i eight games and Chicago* flr*t pnnter thi* week He hope* u> wa* T wou'd have made a good Uiv< after five .straight victories. return it! t.ir.e foe Saturday'* committee The Spartan* chim ¬ ("Vc«a tack?? punch" Green-White n'.ra-squad foot- ed that Wayne violated a race Walker was joined by Jim- jule. v I toff ,1 on the injury list. Hof- Michigan Stats Univsrsity • If the MSt' protest would have tu has a bad knee which could been allowed, the exo* rienc vi in college rank*, al¬ Spartan* though p Win.vk:. or" .-in,4 in talc: : Tom keep him out of action fur sever¬ al nay*. would have climbed t«» second place and Michigan to third FOREIGN FILM SERIES a junior, played a* * :e-. rve,hi*t ye i* Two sophomore* dropped off The crew followy up Ihi* week •he sick-list, though, to Join end with (he Defroit 1 acht Club The other top tackle candi¬ |n a slaughter. Ia*t Shaw 4 Monday's workout. They wen* regatta, following the MI'S \ date* are all *opltomore*. Tliev Cuhfonans Bill Wend u p.' half¬ nnt 75 run* on five extra Id final*, the team trek* to W i*ron- are Kudde at right tackle back. and end Art Voldez. hit* to drown la*t Shaw I .*in for the Olympic monotvpe with Kakela and Winieki. and Both w.'.I be able ?o join in eliminations. Dave Herman and Ken May. • he scrimmage scheduled today \ home regatta * *chedu'ed I.'iexix-ro"ce a! the tackle an i MIC KEY WALKER a* the football team heads into foi May 28-29 with General M i Clary Forth • ni S . . r*""- o!.' may slow the ♦he next to la ! week of .spring- v Styflet and Jerr . . on injury list . . • :* Tech af luike 1-aimng S. 'irJn ci.Trpiiomdup sehedu'e prartwe (American) Jammed triple* an. Many observer* s(v the back* Thi* week's drill* will be cap r hit a four-bavger. starrintr t r .! championship calibre Ped by a football roarbe* clinic if complete Optical Hcildquart r. . . . -iites picke* Ball man will be an Intra-aquad game to F .-htner allowed one from Is liu" Smith. MSt* defensive which the pub'.; ' will be ad iut- .'nan h;.* Imilui.. op- 1 *u* head, |K>:ntry.1 out that line¬ 8 to an H-! 6-pak tcd f ee of charge A- a matter <■ Luitrull. hut hp an win over men develop * 1 o v e r than Dave Eat o? fact. Daughet'y extended a ltraurli Office Vine at ( lippert pilch*.- as Wed Shaw a - * - beck-. Ar : the lineman's »d- — and two ivubk-a F. *•: personal invitation from him to opposite sears ill Frandori We-: Shaw 7.. 9-T run : i < the faculty and students to at¬ ...•• -'.ed tout hiu i»iui Shuvv « 1 • 8- * ' • 'V! : 1 - eye exainiiMtlon* by Snaw 9 Jerry M r,! tend the game Jensen, registered A i, Ji.lchca ( optometrist me win ami a Sow* t : ve h. - 1 nr*it\ t luh Jlrrli This pontest u between pi. Red Wolves Lose in Juhn I ncli-tt hashed lead hi* precinct. Hr*t *Iuh a double 1*' >■ Ya:,-it.v Club w--i hold a •squads vav sity of the Michigan S'ate ly a 2'!-4 romp oyer \Ve*t n>'cti!3g Wednesday nigh*, at The game, regulation in length To Irish, 8-4 shaw "9" got 6. The win wa* a gift a* 14 walk* utf "S" pitch¬ 8 30 in the clubroom. i > (ic.rgc IVr'es. club president according and conditions, will begin at 2 There will nominations for This Green and White game ing. f ourteen more "9" men got Frood finds the "right girl" re • officer* and ht»noraric* should not be confused; with ttw on though error* Guest speaker will be Jack Old Timers game the following la. another Butter- SHintleton t> f the Placement weekend. Saturday. May 14. The field 6 defea' rl Butterfield 8. Luvau. latter affair, which annually for marriage-minded seniors -cored twice m t .< •waik and two single* •>" t of markers u> <• ! back-t'»-back * mingle. The Wol- a-isorbed a duuble nemxt Satur-i;**. um. reeotj of 14-3 SCIKNTIFIC ADVAM KS SOI.S02 1'iu^irss ,»l Women (tuuard men) Pi. Allure \lj.Mfti-i i of men »li>i uv rrjiuan li.tr loitir* .mdirJ. Contlwiun: bj111. txt.tttii. Mj.mu-iii ,tf in.u wlio u-r 'Viscluic' Harr Ioiik »iutl- lci.1. C .«itiu»lon mil \cl c.ulili.lit'l unit U*l (iys being held apliir In iirinliUniiij kjcwit\. EuininaUun of *ltohol (oak* and alkky luir uum (Miblici ghnrt mouiineiidrd for diit (Urn). Rexull: repcilce offered top-level executive* May 8-13. Kenliieky State Police The seminar, at Kellogg Can- ; The finance specialists vi;; • ter, will stress recent develop¬ , also participate throughout tia limit Arson Link to Uprising ments in the field and the prob- week in the "executive game* lems of integrating financial a series of declsion-makin.: management with objectives of KRANKFOKT, Ky. see if an early-morning fire could from business, government and The director of the seminar i Dr. Bernhard Lemkc, :>{ be linked to student uprisings. the MSU faculty is conducting the program.' "sponsoring College of Businwi All signs pointed to arson, but end Public Service. The seminar will open with an no the arrests chief had been made and investigator raid no MSU Plovers analysis of the objectives and Other faculty members f-rnr the same College are D Wj. problem* of organisation. Tuples clear lead has yet been found. scheduled fur study Include the Dr. James Edwards. Prof. Mihor Two teachers were fired Sun¬ Membership rule uf flnaneisl management, the rule uf Waking, government¬ C.oldbreg, Dr. Adolph Grunt- wald, Dr. Richard Henshav, d- day and 12 students expelled for Robert Johnson, Dr. Gardner allegedly fomenting agitation to the administration of Pres. R. B Offeretl lllll CHUNG, named prxmptu new Thursday. arting prrsidrnt of South Korea. ha«. ronferenre ouUidr Presidential Mansion in !i al envlrunment. derisiun-mak- ing. tux Impttratiuas. criteria fur evalMtiun, budgeting and the Jones, Prof. John O'DoaaeL. Prof. Alden Olson, Dr. Leonard Applications are now being Rail and Dr. RoUin Simonds. Atwood. the financial untluuh. accepted for membership m t.h_• Many belongings students parked their and left for home MSU Players. To be eligible one must ha\e worked on at least .Michigan Association for Student ufter the fire. Class sltendanee two presentations: these produc¬ Teneliiug ScIk Annual Meeting was down shout two-third-*. State police reported at lea : tions ren's include the term plays* one-act productions, and child¬ theatre and all of ru About 150 persons are ed to attend expect¬ the annual spring Panel discussants include George Ruwitch, Ypsilanti; Ed¬ RED'S SHELL SERVICE five small fires were set Sunday ward O'Leurv, Garden City; phases, both acting and techni¬ meeting of the Michigan Asso¬ Dana Whtimer. Pontine; and El- night In dormitories, but were cal work. ciation for Student Teaching wyn Bod ley, Bay City. put out by the students without MSU Players was founded (MAST), a department of the Also featured on the program damage. this past fall and s;nce its start Michigan Education Association, will be an election of officers for State police here questioned has grown to a stature rivaling to be held at MSU Saturday ol the 1960-61 school year and a the 12 expelled students and the that of a much older organiza¬ 10 a.m. report of the MAST research two teachers who were ed. dismiss¬ tion. It has been active in one form or another ia each of the Themed 'The Superintendent activity. lie and the College Coordinator I,. W. Dean, assistant dean of MODELS fur thr Veterans' Wives fushlun shew. "Wumm In Or¬ productions presented thus far Look at Student Teaching Pro¬ bit." are Mrs. Ray Jarohs, Mrs. Clarence Vander Var and Mrs. All were members of the this year. gram." the conference is sche¬ the MSU College of Education, WITH I.HBE & Oil- CHANCE James J*choon*rd. The program will be given tonight at S in St. Frankfort ehapter of the Con¬ will bring greetings to the group. The organization, along with duled for the College of Edu¬ of Racial Equality, an or¬ MAST officers are: John Vcr Johns ( atholir Student Center, aernrding to Mra. Rita Day, general chairman gress ganisation otmed at achieving Theta Alpha Phi, has taken over the responsibility of obtaining cation Kiva. Beck. Hope College, president; SAVE BUI integration by peaceful sit-ins at decorating a meeting place or The all-day session will ren¬ Vernon Hicks, MSU, vice pre¬ tunrh counters and other public ter around two panel diaru«ftion« sident and program chairman; places. lounge, the "Green Room." for on "What School Administrators Peggy Ramstad, Western Mich¬ 7 HI W. MICHIGAN AVE. all students connected with the Youth Theater Scheduled The organization had been speech and theatre departments Lihe To See in Ntadent Teach¬ ing Programs" and -What stu¬ igan University, secretary; Jack Anson, Central Michigan Uni¬ ACROSS FROM KELLOGG CENTER MSU Players has formed a given recognition by the college, dent Teaching Coordinators Like versity, treasurer; and Chester An experimental Youth Thea- Iowa, graduate student, is the but President Atwood withdrew traveling group which enables To See in Cooperating School MeCormick, Wayne State Uni¬ Vr Productsm will be sponsored old man. it last week after all but a few students within the group and versity, past-president. by the University Theater in the Others in the east are Jim of the 625 students boycotted the others on campus to go on end Thursday through Saturday campus snack bar and cafeteria theatre trip? Bcaudoln, Romulus sr., Jerry when it presents an original to protest campus restrictions. Applications are now avail¬ The Michigan Slate mript for children, "The Baker's McBride, Dearborn .jr., Clare Atwood said thrn he believed able in the "Green Room." at Edwards, Lake City, soph., Lois Dozen." by Jo Ncbeker, Salt CORE was behind the demon¬ Kaisrhild Theatre. Contact Dr. CONSERVATIVE CLUB i-ake City, Utah, graduate htu- sient. The play directed by Dan Kb ischhacker, St. Paul, Minn , Martin, Dearborn fr., Janet Spence, Jo Noack, Lansing fr., Lloyd Whiting. t'nmstork Park, soph., Barbara Rutledge and strations. He said know who was behind the burn¬ ing nf the g.vm. he didn't Nat Eek in 41 Fairchild f.tf fur¬ ther information. Deadline for applications is May 10 present* ILFORNO graduate student, will be staged Mary Miner. Michigan State News Author and Lecturer U U RESTAURANT U U iirena stylo with the child nud- Tickets, available at the door, are 25 cents. Cnmpua Classified* . . . Low Cost »r; re seated around the stage. The stnry deals with the mis¬ i 'the name that matte PIZZA famous in Lansing'] I adventures of a crafty hahrr. a - NOW ALSO SPECIALIZING IN - candid little girl and an odd little man. Cast in the role of the baker Turmlav. May 3, 8:00 P.M. BAR M STARE MRS Whitney, Wayne Do hbuThinkforfburseff? Richard Kuuni 33. Union Kiailelin^; sophi while Linda Smith, De¬ PHO.N'E I D 7-1311 troit fr„ plays the girl, and Michigan Stale University OPEN DAILY 5 P.M. - 3 A.M. Take Oni Orders Barbara Wallarab, Davenport, (TAKE OFF ON THIS QUIZ AND SEE WHERE YOU LAND") All MSI) Students and Citizen- of t.rraler Lansine art Cordially Invited an ducats KREE ADMISSION Dnjov Sunduv Dinner in thr Rathskeller BEST PIZZA If YOU All caught by the Dean in an infraction of a rule, wuulJ you (A) try to impress him wit h AND SUBS your sincere personality? (B) develop a strong argument INTRWN against the injustice of the rule? ho-*ri as i FOR •atily at they do wrinklei of travel. The raincoat: of natural color cotton FAST BEUVERV poplin with a tattersal cotton (asaNova no.2 poplin lining. Fly-front, raglon tleaves, tingle-breasted WAS **YOU*VI and women who think f.v thranrlw* The golf jacket: ol natural {UUinjirmjiruuin bread - now sat it" Implies uauaUy Mooh* Viewroy. Thry know the (A) a veiled threat aada color cotton poplin with a by a margarine manufac¬ Viceroy Altar k acwotiflenlly daagwd to turer; (B) you rami wraps ■Moth the moke the wmy a titer Mi red pfetd rayon lining. the rsauha af what you das .A thinking man'* choice... has a oook- t (C) stop taikiaf aad sat! tag man's taatr. Knit caffi, waittbond. knit. AtJ CD *»r-> I SI ■ Rm- nat a* law at Rood odjustable collar. OUMmCWM m TOO KWHt (MO* 0 -yea M*k far ynawnRI pot II tlwr* WM aeatbm tb, oOmt «d? (B) malt at region sleeves. W.M aam,ilalwmlwftbap*y- rblautaO . .. ."/ru —7* . iukj..