Kohoineii Win The Weather Topple Weolern. «-l Partly Cloudy llendee Stirs See Pape 5 Serving MSU For 51 Year* EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN—WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, I960 PRICE S CENTS Clubs Join In Exhibit At Festival MSU** three national clubs far International activities nre join¬ ing forces for the first time to present their groups' story to the public.' International notations club. Model UN. and Delta Phi Ep«i- lon, all affiliates of national stu¬ dent organisations, are prepar¬ ing a combined exhibit for *hr International Festival on May is the the Mu- <«Mwrt that erganisaUoa. ISTANIU'L i&i - The D-Phi-E Is a national protes¬ Wostin Hifr Three pledjreil ts aurrh In the Dean* ami Faculty Day siona! fraternity for men intcr- r-te.i in careers abroad in gov¬ In their NATO partner* ernment and business. Tuesday they will seek an Don E. 11 erica. Lansing senior nll-or-nothinjr umlerstHndinir Congressional Democrats Skeptical and president of t ie 50-college with Hussia to end the jrlobal Midwest Region of the interna¬ cold at the summit. tional relation.* group, said 'he nationals offer chances for dis¬ C Chessman N i» war piecemeal sett lemon: •■ would realty relax East-Wot cussion and exchange with stu¬ dents at other schools. Gives Views tension. it was agreed Turkish tanks stood guard a Model I X I* ihraverinc. uM Thomas the far end of the pla/n from Pres. Jorge IJmanteor. Mfxk* City senior, many advantage* of In Last Note the new ritv hall where the 15 foreign minister- of '.no NATo national affiliation. Since MSI* Council met and reached the-.- I* the only school with a perma¬ To Talk (■ inclusions. Rut only one inci¬ nent organisation holding Ire- dent marred an o'hervvi.-o quit" dav finds ather students greatly in¬ terested in the East Lansing Fifty students assembled far On Rights an anti-government oaiadc near program. Taksim Square in the heart of D-Phi-E National Vice Presi¬ toe cttv bill troop-- with 1>a->•- dent Noble Bright. Jr.. adminis¬ nets levelled moved in and d-.s- trative assistant a*, the Pakistan Denial nf civil rights and tiet-s.-d 'i,,..,, i,r;(.;e ' aej c.-ii"'! Project, said that the 100 grad¬ form rank- uates who have sought jobs civil liberties within some These were the highlights abroad since the chapter was unions is one aspect of civil Fie NATO Council ses- on a - established here in 1935, have lated b> senior authorities. found the fraternity's national richts to lie discussed by vcrrUri of State C hristian reputation and its interested Norman Thomas in bis ad¬ alumni llrrtrr, British I nrrigti Secre¬ a great help. dress at the MSU IjiIhu' and tary Selwyit Lloyd and trench I'oreian Minister Maurice ( »u\r Industrial Relations Center de Murville assured their allies MSU at 8 p.m. Thursday. Thomas, who was one of the ' an» stopgap deal arranged hv President t.isenhutier and the Management Briefs "flow could be have been organizers of the American Civil Liberties ago. Union some 40 years will also take a look at civil summit chiefs leair ttesteru Otherwise, they promised, there on Berlin will rights intact. changed from an angry, undis¬ Conference Chairmanship Open ciplined young man. filled with mistrust of the world and even iveralty, he kaa a elear eMIga- rights in other segment* «f American society. will l>e no deal with Soviet Pre¬ mier Nikita Khrushchev at the The six-time candidate for the summit meeting in Paris. Interviewing for the general himself, into a useful citizen? Uaa to uppart llw tato of his Opens Today chairmanship- of the I9fll Water Carnival will be held soon. Can¬ In larger how arc we context, whore and failing those we call faenMy sa a rarrtoslssi Mailer. The AAIT ChaHer censure* his Presidency on the Party ticket has been involved Socialist Hrri.-r, Mtirv.l.'o Lloyd and Couvc -• mnI they will de¬ i«» The first "annual managemen: in many struggles in support of mand that Russia (put trying •» didates for the position must be juvenile delinquent*?" failure to de se." conference sponsored by the seniors next year. Previous wid¬ The other resolution read the right# of workers to organ- ui>s»! government such a- :ho> • There is no easy answer. MSU Management Club opens er carnival izt. of \Vi * (ormanv, Groove and experience is not Chessman wrote, but he de¬ "The rejection by the major- today a*. 1 p.m. in Kellogg Cen¬ its of the Hoard of Trustees of In one of his battles for free tr.in if a detents' really ;■* 'necessary. Those interested are clared : ter with a keynote address by asked to phone Sharon Jones the recommendation* of the fa¬ speech, free assemblage qud wanted I> cn.c ;> a French "J believe that to long as we Carl Oechslc. Assistant Secre¬ *eni»r class secretary, a! ED seek a negative answer with culty concerning the basic ROTV picketing, he spoke at a mass wojd w ideiy iiM-d by diplomat tary of Commerce. 7-9738, for an appointment.. requirement Implies either that, meeting in Terrr Haute, ind, to oieun relaxation of tension punishment and the threat of Oecnsle has had long exper¬ WWW the deliberation* of the faculty challenging Paul .M c N U 11 '» Lloyd declared there could i»e ,i.v<>r experiment will Ik* punishment, deluding ourselves ience in business, prior to ac¬ ignored they were "iloonier Hitlurism' As a rehuit no m'Ic live detente, and tniiv i> to exchange signals 'Air Force Ruth with the witless ilctten that were or that of tlie meeting, the right to pcaovuil -.•existence requires an • age* between II toll cepting his present position n punishment per se is cither a considered to be incompetent, ir¬ i 1958 he held directorships in Angel Flignt. national orgnal. correction or a cure, we will responsible, uninformed, or ail picket was restored and ulti¬ end to Soviet defamatory ea- t i Hotmdck N-J-. lab- ration for women interested In mately. military law was aban¬ several corporation.*. continue to see the problem get three. The action of the board paiglis against such countries .♦.« mi NASA's jet pro- Continuing with its theme. the Air Force, will hold rush is regrettable and not in the beat doned. AC' Germany. Greece and ,uo 'racking station worse" at Thursday at ft p.m. in Old Col¬ Thomas' lecture in Fairchdri Iran. ••Management's Challenge in the interest of the university." Decade Ahead." the conference lege It a 11, Union. Although Theater will be open to the Dr. Ray Denny, professor of tin Germany all accepted a » The ultilite will be aimed at Gr Ubr orbit I .MM mile* will feature talks by Milton Cross, president o? the Cross ruaheea must fill out a petition, they need not have d-»ne so to Labor Peace pstchology. local AAUP presi¬ dent, >aid the vote on both reso¬ public. Western Big Three idea for an all-German plebiscite w hir ti 'Ht the larth ami Company, a leader in heavy attend the coffee hour Thurs¬ lutions wax "practically unani¬ khruntM hev will hear about. 1 he Eimmhuwr a coarse "•«» C.Jfj president George — AFL- Mcany Praises t. want unit) or rontinurd division •• lk« Hovlets desire. Olive Padgett, pianist. w;il *-• In addition, four undergradu¬ three faculty member* at 7:30 said Tuesday he expecta lab^r- On disarmament 1' was ar¬ 1 launching vehicle vlil be --■*:* Thor-Delta rocket. ate students will present a panel discussion on the business man¬ tonight in the Union Ballroom. present her senior recital Sun- Way. May 13, at 4 pun in the management '•summit** confer¬ ences arranged by President Arsenal ranged that the >eek Khrushchev's help In fry¬ West would Mi, n will be folded com- Speakers will include Prof. Music And. Admission is free. FT - Eisenhower to start in a week or DENNING, GJ. oil — a ?a-inch j*ound mag- agement curriculum at MSU John Usoem. head of the sociol¬ Included on the program are ing to brook the impa»>c in Piesidciit Eisenhower Tuesday Closing the meeting, in a talk ogy and anthropology dept. '10 day*. Meanv s*;d he has high "He rnlww Ibem whole- East-West negotiations to end - container in the nose of works bv Beethoven, Rave inspected the Army's awesome open the public at 8 p ra, Archibald Smfham, Instructor hopes far success. heartedl)." the world arm# race. It was de¬ ♦ rocket. When U reaches the Chopin and Ramceu. arsenal of nucleur weapons. Paul Bagwell, Republican nom¬ Meany designated himself. Chairman Smith said that "as cided to propose a few concrov altitude, the balloon will ' - pr political science, and Pro: W W W Then tie declared that anyone * ination candidate for governor, Orden Smtickler of the social Auto Worker* Union President far f> I'm concerned, the issue oiea.Mires and to do some real rjecud and residual air in who America -> will speak on "Business Man¬ science, sociology and anthro- ArisOors l uit Walter Reuthcr, and President k settled for the time bring." says has "gone talking in secret at the Pain sphere will cause it "The faculty doesn't want to .oft" and can't defend itself Is siert : agement and the American Po¬ polngy dept. Ait aviator information *r i n (ieurge Harrison of the Brother- meetings on this. expand in Abo vdc- hood o? Ra.lway Clerks a* or¬ consider this a closed issue," mistaken. President f litical Scene." Each Wilt give a short talk fr<*n the naval air station. Eisenhower and ; ace. Packet* of siab- followed by a question and an¬ Grosae Be. will be on campus ganised labor's tiirec represen¬ maintained Denny. Britain's Prime Minister Mac- .owdeni iriU produce a swer period. today through Friday in the tative* to a six-man group. Eis¬ Smith did not agree that 'millnn will -tuive separate ses¬ li ' '"-kit the chape- Pre*. John A. Hannah will Union. Applications may be enhower has requested the ftOTC' was entirely a matter of sions with the Russians to set- lw^ nfta^d, Icho will weigh curriculum, lie said that ho *>'* .3q pounds awd wrfll bo make the final sbeech in the made for the Navy flight train¬ group to map plans for a series • tie the two main obstacles hold¬ 4*>- h thick, as Union Board series on Civil ing programs any time after of iar»>r - management peace respected the faculty's voice 97Ir' Hu-'r^« teearitiaa, is the tory lo d,t«Tnint «fcst books troll Ir: Blood Drive. Julie Sat- tr'im linrarlai heiicoplers and racks w>H be removed oa or +'*y<*e to, asmatary. on not boln, uaod M thot 'Iboy Tvavdovaky'* poem recalled tory as ha awed it to the people." »k tier. Bid Xapids fr; Who's Who the Idunchind of Ifaaeat John •iter June 12. 1M0. Meting tonight la the moy be returned to students thai Mh In the public mind Lenin, founder of Bolshevism. haWMP a god in charge of and What's What, busart Din- and UtUa John miaaUta with These bjcyclcs will bo picked _ - 9f .wo tmra stations cre- STUN boa olio oonulrod o typiat . was no such god, the poem said. # wtddJa, Detroit Jr. Untern eonvantionai warheads. Hhe up us abandoned property and ■M BbMhB Win be acta thia MylM*. He also remtadad and "nobody taught us to create week to atiadeMo wbo ooldbooka NlghL W«aty Kaanedy. Detroit- newest of Army tiake alto toolt diapoMtf qi in accordance wito toph; BTU5, Joaa fedrta. part la lha dlepUy. umventig bgtiinnnoos Munson Heads ROTC Quiets; Feature INFORMATION LINDA LOTRIDGK Page kappa alpha mu Teaches Military Science ag econ club STATU STW'S fTATmr EDITOR LEA GOI'BMETR C'LCB 7:30 pun., J-Building. Page Two 7 p.m.. Kellogg Center, Cafe. 8 p.m.. Small And. Anthony Readicj May I. mo Hall. Slide* on Mexico. ' Room . Business meeting , AGRONOMY CXTO prosh-bopm council ri l-l combined language and end- Among the Colonel's derora- 7 p.m., 310 Ag. Hall. tubal and seryic l* By Jf>S HAXWII.I. clubs (Oenuaa. Spanish Commanding an "armv'' <>f i France, tlons are the Silver Stat with the Purple Joli Wanted! YUU.% 8TI DENTH' WIVES Freneh) BOTC cadets — minus bugle*, Czcchoslo- Oik l.eaf Cluster, K p.m. 145! D Spartan Vil¬ ' 7 p.m., UN Lounge o? the Un¬ 3 p.m., 317 Student S-'-v-?* j Heart with Oak leaf .Cluster lage. Election of Council of¬ ion .Social with muaic. water cabny. on C'AMFff Betty Coed ]\ISU Style barracks and bayonets—is '-+*• and the Croix de Guerre with pubucftt committee duty <>f Col. Morton Munson. ficer*. rifle club professor of military science and Palm and Bronze star for valor. COUNCIL EOR CHRISTIAN 6:30 p.m., Rtflv Range, Dem 5:30 p.m.. Lower Loung-, sty. 1 H,- was Integrated into the Hall. dent Service*. AT MRU Pushes Baby Not Pen '.ar* cs WORK regular Army n 1!'46 and served C »l. Munson. a ve'eran of 20 two years .n Korea. 4:15 p.m., Martin Luther rears in the US 2.000 cadot?. one of the largust KOTC installations in the coun- Army, leads C Munson spen' four years tvi'.ii the Armv'; legislative D - Rv JOHN NOBLE Chapel WESLEY . FOUNDATION 'Hungary No Like Chinese Cola" vistufi m the OfT.ce ..f Ch ef «»f This is thi1 story of Betty ( 'o«il, MSU style, who liecame 8:30 p.m.. Wesley House. VIENNA <>P» — Hungariana genuine cola from China, but Stuff m Wash in stun, which v.a« ha< not become a hit." tired of pip*hin£ a pencil nnd v.ave it tip to push a baby ear¬ Graduate Forum . don't like to drink cola import¬ Horn in Ok!u!i'>-ti.«. Col., u "public relations job." The paper said Hungarian AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION ed from communist China, the Munson graduated from th#- t'n- riuKt'« rearing children bottling plant* were ordered I lie returned to Germany In marked 'ha*, CLUB Budapest newspaper Hetfoei .versify of Oklahoma tvi'h B.u t- That w .- seven years auo.. takes only one-third of an adult Hirek reports. pep up the flavor of the Chine* plop of Arts and Bachelor of 195! as a liaison officer between Todav Br' v's «■: i d i< attend¬ lifetime. 7:30 p.m., 237 Education Bldjf. product. They plan to br.rg o-jt ROT,', the German government of Ba¬ woman's "For year*, cola had been the La vs degree-, p'u- an ing school. Betty ha* found a "Can we afford to have intel¬ SPARTAN WOMEN'S LEAGUE the drink in eight different 1 lieutenant's commission. varia and the Allied Forres. dream of the admirer* of every¬ second "Germany is a beautiful coun¬ part-time job at. a fuetory near ligent women, no longer busy 4 p.m., 328 Student Service*. thing foreign in our country." taste*, including chocola- , cof- | ( ol. Munson practiced Uw for her home little children, spendim? Executive Board. fee, cherry end rum. try." he s.i .i- "1 enjoyed work¬ with aald the paper, "now we receive several years and smrd in the Be'ty jozned a strait armv of their lives on trivialities because 7 p.m., 32 Union. General Oklahoma House of Represen¬ ing wir'i the German govern¬ ment very much." 1.374 young women on campus they arc* unprepared for any¬ meeting. Speaker on "Book* Michigan State News tatives and State Senate, before .who vo'unt iri'y withdrew from Workshop af¬ I'nmpti* Clarified, . . . High Readership thing pr-?" she »vk- for free Asians entering the Army in l?M«. After returning to too I S i • finivcrsi'y iie!we« n 1G.71 and .e Man ha* his will, hut woman terwards. During World War Id. Cot. t!»."».> .Col. Munson s-crved two io:»5 has her way. Or doc* *hr? Vour Key to Better Values . . . W %TER CARNIVAL . Munson commanded the 344'ii yea is with the 101st Airborne Their rr-o-ons varied Betty Uoen famous than Natural scienre. Betty is now 27 years old A - professor of military srienrr and 8 15 Elections. WIM tactics at MM' in I!».»*. But 40 percent trade! text- cording t..> the National Man¬ p.m., dcadlinck UNCI: I »j". dM .Mm NM««Mm for tin. n„. Bldg. He ia member of tne MSU books*for cookbook*. Vou guv power Council, she has about 2U th,ra.. —t ■M It Frl. MHkn Dmmm g« Maa. UIMm: I ia. In fWorld of * Chemistry 1 Men s Club, Downtown Coaches' Club, Masonic Lodge and S"- e«i They acquired husbands Betty's husband has a good more years of work ahead of. her. PERSHING RIIT.ES 7 p.m., 11 Dern Hall. Major mlto ■III, ED 2-1511 pm*m« hi im 1-1 rw*M, tkrawb IMu EXT. 2(1 > Whether she ha< to work or Fellows speak on Germany, journer's CT'ub. lib and although Betty wasn't Stranger Than Fiction' nut, Betty has decided to make SNO C APS Col. Munson is married, has forced to work, fhe found that daughter Mary Beth to junior with tier rhi'.il away a* school, it pleasant and rewarding 7 p.m. Union Art Room. at MSU' and a s.«n Merlon Jr. lit r leisure hours afforded her automotive housing T: e world o? rfiem:«Tv ;* velopmentv ;n the field at a day- (••»., hojH\s '• attend West an opportunity to earn some ex¬ DARK BLUl. eteht FOR RENT Surgery Performed on Dog; tftSl rono •'ranger than fiction and m lung conference at Kellogg Cen¬ po.nt'». tra money. Her 3 2 average did¬ — cvlinder raide. heater Good n**"*" ter, "1 am del'gnted *r> be station¬ n't help, thougn. Because >.f her BorUtion. n 413 Rather — Csll » • YOUNG WOMAN WANTS trv , I ♦r,rilling than a mystery Worv, "In a sense, we tend to think ter » D m. hi>n-.e with student or »ork!rr . f ed here." Col, Munson .said. luck of training, Betty's horizon* according to top science re¬ searchers and writers meeting of scientists regard individual as detectives, and research as "MSU is a great educational in¬ were limited immediately. Herman (hit of Commission 1959 GOUATIt — EMPRESS DAN One et German* a iine«t SE¬ built man. in*. Prefer* ED S-4U53 or ED no emokire or dr.-., 2-n*j-. • stitution and will have a great "Unfortunately." say* t»r. ONE SIDE DTPtJOC — ra«U last week. nnnomv eart. Sontles* inalde an>l Writers and others involved dehvlive storie--.'' sa/d Michael Skl.ir, pri■ r.i •. Conques-t hank rate* TWO-BEDROOM COTT A< MSU Detachment placed tir t don't lind out about the baleii. Mason. OR 7»%11 chemistry to toe public we:e "In our detective stories, there en T ir* '*!i'v doe on rampu- who er»! dav* laicr he received a I ake .Michi/an Private v... into the domain of i-o- 11!.Ill' 11..; 10 Sfhoi.l.s at !a>' pleasures and benefit* of work Four *»r eieiit veeks **m pe- •iif.cn may or may not lie a villi an." Mioui.training ernp wii' that suits them until too late." ffunkTd a(iv«'r'vi*ing 305 ".v n • «M>- mce .e' er from Dr. Crawford door STOP. LOOK. Chevorlet R»^0 A 1M* four- hardton Next he«t KD 2- •.••{-aerv fvr ;hi> reotova' Michigan. 111> wife hail* tor summer Must kiv ■ Cooperation - r > , i-hvrr week. ED 2-5421 Room 32-i !>r Julius Johnson, director of • ,N .' onai Manpower C'ouu- of thr.v 'urnoi s fr n * iron. A.gonai' and one living f'ITF.VROt.RT COVVFRTIRt.r IM- OKEMOS TWO BEDHOCV! *m~- :>H Call Steve at tD S-**.6 Law .Solved PACi\ am (cultural research fur Dow and although Herman ts Clyde recently was, hospitalized '•(<• problem rhemnas face in a' Of Counties t»: D-e - »v-. "f »r g •.:> the road to recovery, he ha.* tor epilepsy N'RW FORFIGV CAR — Will brine uiece bath ED i-eieo. By Keli ■ a tu'lU' io,.- j»:-i*i for • '•,*>* kind of otisf.vif.g * *1 •' j ■ *' ■ i*ig' down Rtny-c iwopie cai! Herman a e*« hanee lor use on continent July rnuKine facilities, ortvate r- -*»■. v « 0 <• k col " • ju4t to f.t'.i m'o Herman, "'ru* mit : r. beagle but h.s feeling* ere ea4- and Aueust FT> T-MM .* and. bath. Free oarkin*. IV i i The Greek* didn't de.4 of law as we know U have .nu. • of m.jMv people This ubag'. tie r.i.d, nt«> -!a..v Aids State 01 h.l'ed I.'O. 'o J,;ra up n ' "> r,rioii«, c!gh' yea ' hi* resided here f >f ,!v hu:and prefer* to be known as .» basse'.f hound. Several of PONT! AC HARDTOP IRNT condition, radio and heater, 19-'.? FXTL- two-tone freen IIV Pbor.e IV 9- Greek s.«c:ety wa> o.gatiued nu explosive <>i a pozsun •: ,i * The young women Interview¬ He nrycr nn-*t*d a dav vvh^n Herman s relatives are famous. ;3'H. alter 7. d m fit i»iam: c t iins availabl.r. now' two 51". • e or lem along the lines ..f n>y- iBi ious m ; * t u r «• issuing ed hy the National Manpower he wax 'h'* star pupil of I)i For uurtance. everyone remem¬ rooms in annrtived unsu&r- » 195J Bl'ICK 111*. 2D South If desire.! £D trtbles, with the he;»d of the from the handy of lame alchem¬ t ouiHil were optimistic about Uranr'* humanities' cla«* 11 < bers Cieu of tne JacK.c Cooper Homer — I .ansine ?* housm# Cook tne MSI* works in cpo;»ei aliou 9*5* after i Jo J* | ''.if known as the king Many ist who. with ftnrgy h.t.i. snag- the future. Farh was ronyinerd na»t' hi. Ihe xea'ir.g ehirt a ho w w.'h Michigan countiex and '..he l»52 MF.RCt'ltV V-* CONVERT- LARGE. CLEAN. COMFORT*8;.» problem* of social control tha' C'ed te'-'n and vrllow-slairie.t that she would be that one out and H.rm.tn was included j.i 1 juv goes to prove that peo¬ ti.I.E AI'TOMATIC tran«mt*a»on, federal government to make ton. Best otfer. ED 7-l#>* U"! and ouie* For nnale mec -J a* now turn over to the law fingeiA. mixes hu potion n a of 1# who wouldn't work. the roll ,-«»:i. ple aren't the only one* win) are new «-lder Parktr.#, Phone IV a-3t"t .< M.chigan a bettc. place m whu i \« t re 'lie province of religion in mortar and spends »-nd!e-s houis "The re u'L" *u>* Dr.^Jrew* •\ though he flunked advert. - human, The Beta That a Pi'a tf>V> CHEX-ROLFT - WITH IMF t.:» live Chevrolet six cvlinder enetne DOUBLE ROOM AVAILAB! t i' those days. Or they were han¬ in a ijimratoi y Clvi'tere«t wi'h ' in^. hi* cnjoyetl the c!a»* and bei.eve they have lire "human- 21 Two bloska frora As part "f :hc Cooperative x tihkt many »b> a umen, l«-- rconomicei. »i>aro Contact Satutv to' eirls «. • Pi- IT> 1-3*21 l dled by referring them to the bottles, retorts, flasks and buzn- cuu«e of Jack of education and ex't-v decided to write a blue- es dug on campus. Beeu. ED 2-flotU. a* Extension Service, the cummuio t judgment of the family, the ers »:v resource development and training, will be working et bo-'k final. That wax h.s m >- 1931 NASH AMRARSADOR FOR SAtf community, or fhe general pub- "Modem chemistry. a« a take Because he jus', stemped pOPH-door «edan Radio. Heater, low-paid routine lobe that bring science, those +\.id its beginnings with ealry alcheniists." he ad- public service program helps the people of Michigan to know . Utile satisnfction " hi» paw phut on the book, sev- Spinaeli Stillgihhi s.asi Mehta. Perry IV Lane a-3l07_ EXT. 3-141 dav*. _ 2* TRAILERS Arguments and controversies their resources, undt'rsMnd and And what »bmit the profes¬ .were decided on the spot by the IIUMed appieeiate i tem a id a^o-l in sional woman" Is «;>c becoming Vi'welalilc for All 195* 1 I NT CONDITION TRM'MPH TR.l EXCEL- white t. n and . !»8* SKYLINE. boom, loll bath 9 TIM E Grand River. 29 * Trailer ju a one ' *-'• "Itut long since, lite govern¬ ionneau inver. be-t in town. Reaso-- • •^posing part ies; or by refi t- developing them for maxhnum extinct .n American society* able. IV J-IWsi after • om 2* oHit to aut!»orit;es such .is ing law* and I lie r\«|Uisile bal¬ What's fie real truth about LIGHT HOUSE — 1FW COVO I aktixfe*''tion In the United isUtrs. the pro- Condition 4* *" Two bedr»v,- k.ng% priests, and mugistrato ance and the control of Hie ele¬ epnach" ALFA ROMEO GUHJETA spider x . Ri-oil; «*• (ieveiojnnent in this portion "f women to men earn¬ mnvertihle 1*39 Not raced, red «e.it Ceui*r lined dr^ets. 20 awrur#- .metimes by popular vote mental sulistanres have hern Most kid*. ho generally over t.e,t» Can be seen at 1*72 Linden. t all ED I-Oloe after • p it — - ing Thll degrees was greater III * « ra-e. h. wevv.. includes more Fast l.ansmc weekend* and after a sell : Usually the party «»n each discovered, understood and then than jus: uatuial resources. Hu¬ I tie than it Is today. the ages hevru'l purtreularly on week dav« 27 « te got up in front of the . i- turned In the service of man." LIKE NEW — 1*8.1 it - i mar*' man re.Miuice*. sucn as physical There women pro- i. vidua I or group charged with The search for new ami im- were m«>:c caret! for the vegetable recom¬ Tm.i ciirvRoi.rT"two-door • built Ventura. Two bedrcmirs. ri¬ ant heatir.#. and mental health and educa¬ feasors and college pjc.suienU in standard transmuemn. ED 7-M0T a'- with cerpe*.;- c he decision and presented h:» provctf methods of food produc-v mended as good for them" by tion and training, are incorpor¬ 1930 than i:i 1950 »er 3 »m __ -•« own case tion and prwessing is one of the parents, now »eem to have go'- ated as well as institutional re¬ How d'o-!, the Unit's! States BRAKES lOMPLFTE REUNTNO there were, hew ever, certain goals i f agricuRural research, - |13.»J and un. Adjustment. EH;. Good personal source?, such as government*! compare to oilier countries in ter\ the impression that "spinach Champion Brake Rehne lilvinUin In knowing the hist he reminded Tlie search must i m d tire* scivices the wviiien i arc? ian't what it used to be." 7910 F. Kalamaioo IV 4^*49 tf argument* to u«e. what method* go oil to feed our growing pop- In the Miiet Union alone, of preoentatlon had been mo*l n ation and to mauitam tfic ex¬ Extension workers help In three-fours of the dor tors and This impression probably is a 1103 UNCOUI « APR! - rn.L e%«and red oatnt. power, brake*, steerine. windows, •u< rewsful In the p»d. and *o cellent levels of ttUlrUton prumote heller parks, conserve result of television program* or -rat tmtfNl s'.a-- clean, excellent SIT. HEWITT and *P'» one-third of the arientiala and on. M there •raduallv grew up Ijje todny, he added anil and water, and develop run tune condition. *495 ED 7-1447 RECKED take Ihte a< tn t-e <•»» engineer* are women. newspaper and magazine arti¬ New* office between 3-3 ; a rlaa* of prtmltlve lawyer* call- Ds Jainvs t»:e>, d.rectox.. «f more i«h opportunities In Indus- two free nssees to tre Cre-t Tr--' A line* Meyer. Washington, cles which have pointed out In Rriri# | D. "inlerpreler*." 'Ihey knew the r o c k v operations revearch. lis. They also work with hotel V V. civic leader, recently re- employment tradition*, and developed * kind Th^»ko! Chemical v'orp. Brhttol. to promote Ihe tourist there arc many other vegetables nw ners KWAST BAKERY DELIST:-' - J'.i. «iew. ibed which may be even more nutri¬ viduallv decorated rake •»" I of counseling funrtioit which some of the new and resort Industry. twelve for «23«. Ehooe IV «-:? I tious than spinach. month iv »»; correspond* to one part of the work of the modern lawyer—- rocket Iin-L fiiuv ed using tw.iitf hydrocarbons and bo- develop¬ Another major goal of the Clover Seeds TV,;* may be true-, but nutri- euarantee \V Write Eueene Bond. 121* Kalamasoo. Lanaini. Aoolv no-'. ' lore i pjn KENNY DAVIS ORtHf> 'S nim la often. In fact, railed a ra/u'i. and o'tzers tiiat «ie ex- program is the proper harvest¬ tianistx Lie MichtgXu dar:- 31 *Tao—dor." Itenwiv stable and >U)ub e ing, processing and marketing of Are Problem ng«nt of health stilt gay apinech ~ WANTED - BAfiYSTTTElT PART- I i,|''JBA{lirTB^1 Ml Again, aome of the dec Union* Me «lsi» jyomted out in his dis- forest product* H. II. NEBMAN ia a gxKxl vegetable to eat. time. for one t-hud In mv house real estate • Soartan Villagei ED 2-41QB altar % made of tuiwdle and r«xket Since more than half of the by groups of a? In Midwest were eu-isiou land in the state is wooded, r-' many as 1.500 citizens. Obvi¬ tueL that rivkcts arc being these trees furnish raw mater¬ odjuc? for sale' 114*JIOfiCM. speech was of liuilt bght possible to in¬ □aciao ously a good prime importance. So another crease as as their thrust and force ials for Michigan* paper end » Insect* don"; deserve ail the Crossword Puzzle uccicii-! naaaac. unac-aua ie. Kg t)r llarry Crooks, Jr . avdst- lumber industry blame for the fact that red clov¬ CONVtNtINT TO CAWruS group (logographoil grew up ucjr at iufl jljj ^ service whose function wax to writ# •nt director of vhrmical research Cooperative Extension offices er seeding* last only two years aac nraui* J t'-z WiRie H, Tkempse* for Parke, DavU A Co., Ann Ar¬ are located ;n every one of til# in the midwest, according to two apeerhes for a fee. These apeech- I Wing uat H taari j ID F-g-oT S^cee-.j C«":e» e* the client* learned by heart bor , noted that witb»»ut effec¬ 3.A00 counties in the United MRU entomology re>canrhers. L*-?« UOkJtTOr I.4HUUJ3 A i«.ervcr. « and presented — an early form tive drug research, alnsut three States, including 79 in Michigan. "BoUiiioalty, rfsl clover D a I Pautng HI JI inuooa phvCi j*'!* % td »v-.L The program elan appear* et perennial.*' Harry Niemczyk of ghost-writing. minion people in the United a ay jju., run.j li.to FRII OtAMONO I0MUS STAMPS! States would not l»e alive today. •ark lend grant eollete In the and Gordon Guyef. "Yet i\ acta Finally, if an accused person r-rnu r.vi ^ jui; wished he might have Romeonc Chemists and other research¬ country, end there la el leaot as a bienn al on midw.eate.rn Ji.H.V'J.. ' L.I1 'Ji one surd college In every elele. help him preaent hit case. At ers are currently teaming tip in farm*. Expert* have never The community resource de¬ known Juat why, but they've al¬ first thla would be the bead of (lie battle against atherosclero¬ tO( J'.I: !■ i ,i hit family, or a cWs kinsman. sis, a disease ol the arteries, velopment end public affairs ways blamed insect* end dis¬ Later, the relationship did not which i% one of the leading program was developed at MSU eases '' Retwtiee ef have to be $o close. Al> <, if causes of death In our popuia- in 1937 It ia the only program Guver *nd Kiemctyk, ctn»pet - this waa lair for the accused, it t on, he said. of its kind under the Juriadic- aUng with the MSU farm < rv.jx 2 M.ntr*'. Additional rear arch, he Mkted, tioa of Cooperative Extetuion, dcpartnicnl, recently conducted ' ■earned equally fair for the de¬ U being done on virus diseases Hve cost.of operating Ihe pro¬ a atate-wide »earcft for ro»»l ia— J state fense. S«» there, gradually gzi«w and cancer, and new vaccines gram falla into three are*»: the sect* in red clover. They look¬ MMithatv up a group (nynegorol) whose U Mettonol univeraiUfi, ^unties and fevie- ed for the clover root borer, the iDitda function was similar to that of and scrums for tueeslex, the the *ea the modern advocates who plead common cold, polio and other* val government—■ clover root curculio and othc: I A»pe:t IT ft«*ee I - So one area has dire«-t ton- • Home* • Fatal rases in court are be.ng devcloja i • ieaaer pegl*. riamtt 22.0«s*ntt»*« trot over another, but all co¬ "These pest* ran reduce seed I Parched • AHtm 71 Chape* operate with asich other to iru- vie Ida kv up le 2d peirnt. Ike* B/^Thfr S; \ "WfVSA'Zk'E jasThA.; \ prove Eie resourcea of their in¬ I—Hi. "Tkafi eerieua. Nt ad K lnt#*i«it.r| > tor CAKE* wrttM DELIVER- btrthdav* MPMlll'Mt /AUtt'd'UaWi) 7D DO AWIHIN# EXarr dividual state. aa bad ae we bad expected. Our SI Letter* PMtrtM. Kwit* (AtoTjiXATM VltATAN0SXEP! J The federal government a.ds r—If wrffly I—faf thai we ss c .HQrt , I l«Y Lift k I the universities. They work ce- skew Id fuk akeafia fur the f**;C tranmortatiqn LAomhasT/ SRUONUT SHOP IS ORCN! yg\ A • o>>ertliVc!y with the counties. mate etwee ef ved etover a Weu- A Hie* -1 - And the counties in turn serve elal pwth MM." pitch the public. Root irtjuriea cause .1 by t ie :Q + * •-** borer do leave an open door for • - •» Michigan Stale New* ditease-cansind microorganisms, WANTED mi Ml Student Service* add* rrtxl Elliott, crops meareft. Th\* may con¬ MSU farm tiUU aidal 321 MAC Tn»»tu d«nt» of Stirhiaan >iat# 1-ORTARLE RCMTNOTON UlTET- I'nlwnip pubtl*h tfia Miekteari tribute to the problem. RITER tvnewrtter abW /TKFYSWUfkJ BtU/J >!*'• Newt without uiroet faculty "Tt\e red clover tap root may excellent condition u I AX tnir Ctli M A-'.j tab ts^6aTiTMsv_ y • suoarvlaloii and the paper i« not the oflcut voir# of the unlx-ersity •».- of the student body- Member «>/ *»e atwther factor," Elliott b«- hevea. "Must specie t depend ('.AS STOVE *e-tnch IVOItT. flat t'»e A»«.Miated he«. Inland Ujm!v •no. B},. w*»Mni machine. win, I'rMi and As«ociat«d Colloae Pre**. heavily on «me long tap root for inmer. Dnv-a trench roa!. Ha- water and feed, and the plant •rr Uabw **e 14-lt. V ED ?-«#•• tL\ really suffer* when this root is Night Staff attacked. MSU"* forage breeder* are trying to develop red clover Makl setter . Zeds Howard sNDAI Ammmm Ckarloat* Holloa plant* iwith 'spread out' root Wire Editor hoars HoMUu system* that can't be harmed so • stall Pay Hilt rheieeraibof «*.. ... .. Mlko teaav easily." American Awarded Concert Sot May 4. f*M MIC IIIC. \N ST MC Nr.Wi Fa if Threw f Lenin Peace Prize By Women's 'Grapes' Film Praised MOSCOW' (/!'»—The Itn.-*?«ians Tuesday night announced Glee Club A s Tli oaixh t-Pro voli i nia ~ 1 the award of the Lenin*'Peace Prize to industrialist Cyrus The MSf Women's £*££ Club it* c%ntrto\ M>oi' ~+ Katon. who repeatedly has called for better understanding will give its spring concert in The film version of the Steinbeck novel "The Grapes of between the t'nited States ami the-Soviet Union. the Music Aud. on Sunday at 4 Wrath", plnyetl to twci ftill hotiRPk Monday nijrht at Fair- ,M 1 • Tass described tlie Canariian- bom inUustriaiifct, who now live in Pugwaxh, N'nva Sen* in Three p m. Ethel Aruieling. assistant professor of voice i* director, and child Theatre, and proved to give a valuable and truly near Cleveland, as "a public years lalcr the Pugwash con¬ Stephanie Koch, graduate organ thought provoking evening for its audience*. ference gathered together for the figure whose activity is an ex¬ major, is accompanist. The pub¬ In jipib.' .of di- tractiriy' «.(U:i"»♦ first time outstanding nuclear lic is invited. ample "f courageous service to tit n .< ic'; ii: the .i a.; «»f t■ t ffpr. In general, it is safe Pi sav fi-oui both sides in th- the lofty idea of peaceful co¬ A special feature of the pro¬ and .• iy lkni'v F uida tint the "Grapes of Wrath" I* a cold war. gram is a performance of "The , existence between the peoph's." the M'oPci.t'i; had oifficuip film that pravnkrs thoucht about Katon wps host to Ana.-*;- Sunken The prlirv at last accountinc Village" by Llywei.vn re.-poiv .12 ?'.» tin. poavr and an area which feu people con¬ •fflrlally valued at H35.tM earh. Miknynn. fir«t deputy premier Comer played. J < of the So vied Union, when M»- LI. Jones, of the Music faculty i used to he tailed Stalin prises. Th (fen fri-.-t: kovHii visited in Cleveland in plot trae.*s the r-HugnOhtt. F instance, the effee' Of They are awarded to persons with the composer, at .the piano. of t'ri .load tamiiy : . C'nlitotuui. the Soviet* eonslder have mads January, 1959. Two songs by James Nibiock ? strengthening of universal will be discussed by Dr Eliza¬ an instrumental trio will play Th" "Grapes »»f Wrath" pro* beth Drews a' a conference Thf) '•nemintrr and endure " jm indeed worthwhile* ex#-. >1 1 in th, 1'nteii ballrMM. TMiS far "Irt'i Gri the Pouicnc "Sonata for Horn. hi PHI Ml' ALFH.% Hwtri rehfiriM far the peace.'* hardship, frustration, and heart¬ \H.y from It All" HAS If crate alar. Laurent Casanova of France— May 12 and 13 sponsored by the Trumpet and Trombone." Pcr- Ifioersity dance it mill pUy at friday night art ar break but remain toaethrr. t«r called "one of the initiators of National Science Foundation form-rs are Carolyn Mawby. and the University of Kansas. in the family as a sroup lies the peace movement." trumpet, Mary Seeburger, French Voting Ufinorral, I,orations Adoni London Aziz Sharif, described as "a public figure of Iraq whose life a Dr. Drews, who has conducted number of research projects horn. and. Ruth Seeburger, trom- boni. their atretiflh. Throughout the r;!o -o ISUM*::;* KI«tI MSI Officer i. inseparably linked with the concerning gifted students, will The concert closes with five the mi .-l e.o '.ofui! or depte- - Mar-ivirrite Tre.it, paradiif SetRoyal consultant at the for ing set-jH or. toueli- 'latis Wedding serve as « "Spring" by PfauLsch. I iiin-: -ary Iraqi people's struggle against ong : Kansas conference Will Give My Love an Apple." es ot telievil 2 tu.'uot e hu h -d..-.. c hairman of the MSU colonialism and for the consoli¬ - , . dation of international peace bv Dr. Nibiock, "A Shepherd audience devour- In addition to chapter -of Young Democrat*-, and Kept Sheep" bv Thiman, "t this, there i- display <■ I c ierted recording secrclary friendship." Hr leader of % J' - London began r :»U added up U> tietradi- Abbey. They will include lilies, !hi> ''iwafi. the "peace is a riarticant** in Raffh. partisans" in Bagh¬ 1.UIII(MU|(<- I'rufoMir. . . . Know Where I'm Coin'" *r- very fme t h uiictei act.ru who -; -• fin- Michigan Young Dcrno- 1 ; >aa- in white and timal eve-of-weddm* atmos¬ ;n*. tulips, gladioli, myrtle, dad. Allentl Chit-it^o Jlrrl ransed by Scott, and * Little Bird, Ictms a great deal to t.oc owra 11 erais nt their annual state con¬ phere buss, gay, rushing and v hite roses and marguerites.^ In Cleveland Eaton'* offlee Dr. Stanley Townvend, head Little Bird", arranged by Kubik realistic aspect of tie- fiiui. vention in Detroit Saturday. * -.'a/ins corsage of re¬ clu u»red. T last two blossoms decorat¬ se ported he was making an In- of foreign languages, and George • • prince** Margin*'* T;u'rea fv el >H»ni ed ih-» font when Margaret was apectton tour uf Iran ere mine* Joyaux, Carlox Teran, and Don- y- ... VVe.nmin»ter ••'' m •:! ' e six feet high and weighs. Eaton, who was 76 last Dec. er's Association,^which will be b Ru. nudum Palace from from Buckingham I'alaer to the cent as reported in Monday'- l.V» pounds. 20, is chairman of the Steep Rock held in Chicago oh May fi and ». State News. t» prepare lor the Ahhej and hack, a round-trip of Our Sri Of Pour It has three hexagonal tiers. Iron Ore Mines, the Chesapeake | it* two miles and 4UH yards—if thr White sugar pillars, supporting A Ohio Railway, the West Ken¬ m-ler In th» taxi Tuesday was iy vj.f. Br !it»- iwnrate, • cake, are in Gothic style. tucky Coal Co., and a director of ITS MEAT FOR A DATE! Anchor llurkin^ W alrr (ilu«r, Lnlun hotn Margaret's personal c<»at-of- t.cveral other large corporations. tivr- and the initials "M" and OPEN BOWLING . . U'f a route. W'i . In 1954 he sponsored the first .» fllliH MlOalm . « rr ■* ng "A" vrtHr^be engraved on toe In a series of "thinkers' 'con¬ ji o! shij ferences at his ancestral home Willi and ' ' » them with u nrrel- f L»-sh:i4>oJ can »,> - of 4<-lvl cl -'h. [impositions Gr- al bank- of red and yellow STRAND LANES I SPARTAN LARES Students tu.:j. ::i • wert .• a Buckingham -ury r.f bloom Palace -MAKE RESERVATIONS KENDALL I.... and around p)■ Ua.uen: Square Played of this Ham- The renter pifrr lie Xlirliijcuii K. Vlirlii^uii Oil Jjutdeu! Co'il|H.s«- in& lloral display thr mall. Ihurriav It it titf feet high, is night, it will hr cov¬ an arch In tin ARCHIE TARPOFF Tbralrr BWg. /* Kl) 2.2311 I'.huu^i- X l.ulirirutioii ,r«-i .V: > VI. .<1. ; • be given ri ' •! ;«W1 Frtda*- e«>-iu»"s« t s at ered P. " Two w itb n.g i. ro roses. '.i'nh* o'. w;l! stand fl»»werv, nine <»n both 124 E. KalamzM IV" 2..12.1H G 1 SPARTAN SERVICE -chub" and graOU- i ' tbf he* altar the 2316 east kai.aviazoo V • . • . t in cla*< will in l\ 2-62.1.1 12 Noon R p.m. 10 a.m. J - • ; t>y and in- Krer I'arking (>|irn i ni.oeks west of kiam k » n>t«-! tons The (hganisl to (Hit ■ '; <• program is the (.oncerI )lay 17 N- with Joseph B«- 'pre,vent Carol Wilson, organist in 8 senior recital Ma> 17. at A DOUBLE SALE • s nata is written oy .V'.osk} junior corny;** K 15 }»;-< in Peoples Church ■ i; 'run Midland. There is no admission charge. The program lociurus works it Crabo'* "Rondo** for i.\ Fiance Jackson. Arne. Prank. and puna will !*• plated Bad Si ih Pingham and Paul m UiLoit. clarinet and llu.cn mith • So-'iuie II " C'ou- II-i.rabo srGior *>hr is an Honors from Last l.an- cln-ting the »-rt. Mo- Wii« m will pla \n lamatkms" by , • - •♦•n'.i tJ. . train by Death". fur flute, fre-.Tm.»n Muuc"\ 'Four ... an Lancia . (.ItKF.N SI'I.ASH prr-rnt- «o Till. I. I lie. itip.'fiu r look ill A t tef important lo vou. I'm—titod li'rr in a captivntniR .1.1 In I mil. -Cut. I.illow from tin. -«i-l« -lol" -ill I* BOOKS ind PAPER SUPPLIES clarinet. French "W KSTW AK1) IUO" .no and Me»o- Mi> S. «. 7 r.rlrt, ami rmliroidrrir, (ti.r ilrinurc ilrportnirnl to ON SALE UNTIL SOLD OUT 1 i ' Diane James b:15 frr.lt Mjmnirr IxHiflanl*. Uvtt thfaf. lo.r lltfir . M.jniajtkm.-. with 'is. BUI John Wtlwm. Setsstrubi* iiglil-hrartrd mannrr with pale—haded roCton ilieik. BOOK SALE - A liattml upply-OM M ia goto sbaga. Books oa Psyekology, E4o- " and Dermis North, Add to her ami -tripe, that play-up lo ruffle, ami row, of -mental ensemble aaIIam I PillloIoiM NoUIIamI IaIaMM a«J HISo^AMO la IZanLA a law. sraoo, LRororara, ufmoiaoH, rannul oonooo on msiofy. ia iigai roooiflg — o vtoiu> for solo Viola'* by happiness on "* Grrmwell. Foot s Collete srnwr, la played Uadnz MOTHER'S DAY largo ooIooNn of "sbootio woslom. AH NAo is n tola ia Km lower floor of Mm I -•on Saber. u*. b» I pon a lUnh ' Millard Thorn- SgadM look Sloro loooM ooraor of Am Sfrool ami M.A.O. Areaoe. ■ tkh 1 » wing I *«4?rv rand Ida le b.» the MSI in compo- Mod- I fc> Clement Oa!d» % This Spooial ooraor is for a - u-'s.iion graduate *tu- fW « »• o- Soprano, Uto piano. The final sung by Janice with The Village of Sherman Krone, Mario viry spooial aossago ... sorpriso Paper Supplies l^daiaie. This music was photographs by r*\ V--. AN Oloio oat Mirofc—isi. paffof i Slat by Doug* GIVE >■ \ papora r spirals, wrM- BUT PIZZA MOTHER moshs > ' A by mtiwh giving a call beautiful box BOOK Try borgaia skappiag bora in Sparlaa p 7-1668 *£+, (batons MADKMMHKU.K Wm wO WRI OUR MOTHER'S DAY SPEOIAL: aiM mfii wiflp mmd mrU am kook la MM fMy Iw Ton at Rio P 7-9841 PM8IITTUPAPCR txduisrtaiy FN 352; rtflingi, for MMtWfhC*! SPARTAN BOOK STORE SPARTAN BOOK STORE CORNER ANN & M.A.C. YOCR SUPERMARKET FOR EOVC.ATION r* Eaot Lnnaiiig, Mirhigan CORNER ANN & M.A.C. Noaw. Canwr St. a MAC (',v - r . m^•&.'*^.'*~"" WSm '^r^V -*■ : > v J if May 4. 1900 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS fage Tour Dad-ltnriied Shame / msu immi swwo IX'lllVIIH'.W HATTIMI. i on ,a Frank zorG Hotcard MSU Plays Host to Big 10 Meets; Hoosiers' Dickens Again; n VVMl Mc% Klewirlit AH R M It HI lt'1 2 2 I h To Headline Football Clinic li«b M«nol. 2fc « S 3 .316 K*n Aver* I • I I .3.11 I Sirkoi mil I Track, Golf Course Made Ready "One Helluva Recruiter" John Hnid-r mi 13 it IS .rs: >1.11 SthuUlMli •! I! IS s .'.'7* College Prep l*»i fijrturuo Hi (li 'I .'.'Hi K»n yiarUtl 31 I I II !• ,t.Vl >:»n llnlmrs in» n 3 ?3Y Two of Michigan Stale'* spaci¬ has brought about the «hifMn-i jrrrv l.omlanskt >4 f t# * ..*!t BI.OOMINUTON. 1ml. (/P) — Phil Dickens is it *tiickv ous outdoor athletic facilities are of sprint lanes from the ea t» side of the field '•» the west .side. count r.v-lookinj? man who'd like nothing! better than in - In* Jim I nnlio %4trkrt soiSs I< hn Mrw i :»J Is I 2 4 S 4 f 5 7 3 I ft 321 .«# 1ft' Coaches To being *pruc«M up for the stagiiK lilik «.«»!•».«« 37 12 S 4 .14) sifting on a creek hank with a fishing pole in his hands, lie's rt«hl. «ll .1:3 Meet ai MS[ W j«ir I jrlH ■ of Big Ton championship meets. A temporary press box Is tw¬ oihro V* « » t —• the kind of fellow who says "Dad-burn** when he means iMiivtnt %i em him. Ralph It Voting Track Field ine erreted bark and above tbe PIT! HI K li W IIHt Mill the Forest Ak« rs Coif i-oi.ne west stands opposite tbe main something stronger. Three lark \4rl n..4v | « « l*i years earlier. ^ vbeo II..O S4«krl< 3 2 I I.IM Lou Groza and Fra- . H are the sil«s being manicured for finish lines to handle tbe »n- II •• 2 S I* •u-ponded fur one yeni n. • ; WKkrt Sink* two of the great*-' ; •i "O conference track and K"!f tieipaled heavy press coverage. fi..n Plritiaow 3 « ft MS 'he «;•a pec of a Big 10. Dickens eooimen'«il Wr. Klrwoki 2 I « 3.SS championships to be held on -With the .work v\e are do¬ I \va- not aware of violating K»-«« tyro •'» 2 «• 22 piost colorful per?": >fo. m ov'ii iilrg.i! foot hull rt.— Rnss I I I ft 33 campus for the first time Frid:»> ing. we think we'll have one of Big Mi rules. I didn't .nfenu link l>«n Riot/ 3 ft •• ft 42 football, will head'. the fine-t outdoor setups that cruitini* an ! Saturday. Mav 20-21 violate the rules." u.rnc Van Srtfyer 3 ft t ft.12 Football Coaches Ci:i exists." say- Track Couch Fran But Ibckrtu known link J«»hr« » I ft ft.t' M>itt rich. V few months earlier, shortl* P*i Ijrkittioi It AT n\l igan State Friday a on Voiing Field. Runways to the .-One hvlhiv i .ecruitc:" .♦ little after II' signed IMeken* t<> a II Ml XII N II rcT Groza probably !- oti Him.j, poll" vault and bio.«d Over on the Akcr> Ht-h.dc Woffurd College m Spartun- four year root rail, he said All. ho 4M Stfttr 112 place-kicker in the .tump pit: arc being black-top- layout, Cioif Coach Ben Van oiiMinriil. 317 73 I?1 the game. After !s buifj. ft. t I I AM III HIM. ped to conform with league Ahtyne reports that no special "We'll g,«* the job done li II* If IK career at Ohio st '.e xa taiidai Is ftlvarhers tor 3.0(K) .efforts will he made to toughen The Itig 10 suspended him in The nature of the )»vj> w., r. m lit si IS 172 SN 3ft the Cleveland Brow A f.ms are Inung moved from !hr up the course. "We think the 1057. Ids first year as head roach s#rret. Indiana, long a weakho^ I I Alt I II I IHM. glonnl team where ' po % Pit .\.-i - I.' to the west side of the course i- plenty good as at Indiana I'ltiversify, lor al¬ in Big 10 football. wanted a • 7 *3* years he had been .t „ Mack. -11 that fhn sun will fad '•ami-, and it's in excellent leged lavish recruiting practices. ning team.-Dickens «js *f»e ma ft .S23 star. hejjind tIn spretafoi And tlih shape," he said | ick»'d to do the job. And today. M-;th the region- Ilrora roitfttntendv lie enraged Wyoming football ^ sihililv sored TV iMti'rsM Carolina for nearly 3o LARRY CUSHION SPORTING GOODS "It's Dickens a dud-burned said sltame,* I I.i-i I season ceroid and Indiana had - fans began a 4- to. started there right at ..., , », HIK U1AT OF HEARN MIX VIM. *T.» t'-'Ck to old Memorial Stadium graduation from Aiaai phone iv 5-7««5 !<» ec Dickens* charges in *c- IrOIT (THK TOE) GROZA where he was kb" • "We thought we'd done every¬ thing possible to avoid anything t,..n. 'Little Giant" of \ y^* highlights fnothall clinic . . . . tike this," the llartsville. Trim. I. C alurnnu (teg.in to boast "herd Of Red Eleph.iv I'lttMilt \M INFOKMVTIOX ( Al l. 1D 7-5HI7 natiie said. "Neither I nor any of the team» f! \'r. Fri¬ a? Wisconsin. Ohio State at Pur¬ Park. Canadian candidate 11 day with Michigan at Michigan due and Michigan State at Iowa. State. Iowa at Indiana. Purdue Kentucky Derby, sa d Tjc* STAKTIMi I KIItAV AT 7 P.M. 'iljlffl'/x m& Minnesota took a full game at Northwestern, Minnesota at that if Bally Ache got t fast lead over both Ohio State and Ohio Stale and Illinois at Wis¬ and no one forced the par* FIRST OF TIIK MAY KNCOKK OF Wisconsin who won their open¬ can kiss the money goolr MAY FOKKK1N FILMS ■ IVINNFH OF TIIK RJ5ll|jai consin. Luro said that a pa f 11.00 ACAIIKMY AM AHO IIKST FOKKHIN FII.M starling FRIDAY! janCT jfp seconds or better for the 3 .Veailemy la a Award W'lnnrra Most F.splaUve and TNkaMH in II iMRi Big 10 Standings half-mile would be ne. e* 2:7 flow Bally Ache down n hhatlering Drama! A modrrn kgcwl at lava, anion and violrarc er stages. Ihrdhf HumIHdfe • lliaij PftiUfr Someone suggested if* nmdo ihr upteadar at Carnival in Rio! s—mtf D»via. Jr. • FmH Meg tnria Park had enough * K force Bally Ache's |»» ■* "I am not running a for the rest of the fu! the Argentine trainer "1 1 to stay up cJose. but I a*3 going to run my hor-e 21 ground in attemptini? la «« same to Daily Ache FOR THE RECORD - igan State has award" 3.000 major varsity letten £ the late IIM's. Even tS conic 4* VI * JIMoiJkmL o, KGDL ti& Chicago Takes AL Lead; Sackett, Sinks Lead Spartans State News Topples Baltimore, 5-3 BALTIMORE »n Sackett awl Mickey broke a lhre«- game lox- rums John Hendee drove In three with two singles to he the double steal. Bill Schudlich bated in the On Friday, Sackett i* schedul¬ Pitching Good. Rut... ■i . 20th lifetime triumph over with two out, fallowed by F -x - •■■pak with a 6-1 victory final tally as he singled Jerry ed to be the starting pitcher for • w Oriole*, who bavc beaten single, accounted f »r the o'h'*- top run producer for the Mpar- , , S*ate aga.n-t he Wolverine? S'iX IM Lumianski home. turn only six times. He lost one run tough Western Michigan Soft bailers Set , e- .1 tans. Bill Hrhodlkh. who had • Coach John Kol>* vva.< satis¬ All R II RRI rb.s season prior to beating S'eve Barl>er. 21-year-o! I double and an MM. had a Per¬ •jV.'i'rn,'which holds victor- fied with !he performance of the Holme 3 3 10 Cleveland and Baltimore. Baltimore r«e-k.e ii-P.-hande., fect day at the plate with two Illinois. Michigan and team. "Our batting lias improv'- Schudli. •. The White Sox backed him suffered h.s l'»rs>t defeat. Lie hat hit* In an many at hats. Tom «, ju« 1 ,r.u? Hendee Rilcy 3 5 % High Searing Pace up with a well-balanced 12-hit a'tack doubles and that included excellent four clutch won had one. Barber and the veteran P.ere* excellent control Neitr.e- State scored twice in the 4 Dunne (htb;i'.> i.ibhit.g and heme run- for the winner- -ued a walk, nor did Jack fndiif «"d Saturday the defenslve plays He noted Hen- CJoidcn bitting . fourth inning to take the lead Howl and wored 21 runs on Fishen who relieved Barber 'tis encounter their arch dec's fine catches anj mentioned Lum;ao*k 2 f itting leu !•• ,..,»th t. aers 8-0 Chicago go: off to a 4-0 lead, i the University of Michi- with flender knocking in Ron two plays by llolmes, ont- of Monc/kf« 4 I five hit*, to top Howland in the t.'ic eighth. That contrasted • blasting of Ulrcy in IM M»|tba'I -coring a pair in each of the :n » three game set. Fri- Holmes and Sackett with a sin¬ which set up a double play Sacke" 2 0 highent scoring game of the M*cond and third innings .sharply with last night's shabb-* gle. In llendcc Tuesday .nigh I ub.tt field t'l- night. '21-14 State is host at Old College the seventh Don SacRett pitches J the first Sinks 1 0 n.the second, Roy Sievers was fierfonnance when in hurlers for brought home another four Inning* for State and a!- 31 10 rt;. batter- ;•» r,-:. hit and stiuck Ve% I downed AVMA. 5-2, 17 walk/. v name time is 3:30. Sat* run, TOTAl-S »afe at first on Ron Hansen's er¬ both teams gave up .... the Spartans travel to driving in Holmes with a single. lowed only one hit Racket* If »:r i.ut 11 whil«- hitting honu- ruf.. by scoring four run* m the * double, and a single Bill fir.'t inning. struck out four in his stint Socket*. Spetg p»'fhe-i i>.».. f«•, :fi«r The Zebra* ouUeored the Mickey Sinks gave up two hits, S.nk* 1'f-n -- Ho« knocker*. -5, although col- The Itoahi uiu «*i * knock* • our ierting only three hits to the Yankees Extend Tiger J9/ Major League * right ex'.ia-baM* hiu mnong * losers* fix. Klein hit a home run SPRING TERN lb-hit .I'.tack a? they xmothured lor the /.cbra'. . i • Sb:»fk . 10-3 Newed llarn* Ron Reltz pitched two-hit ball Standings Losing Streak to Seven «v ht-id the ShaiK* tu one while hi male-, insured the victory 13 run j. m the fourth inning. w 'h Ken and s'xuck out eight as Lutter House alv> trampled CSO, 1-2. Beit/. contributed a triple to NKW YORK —Hill Skovrron, Kotrer Maris ami pinch M. .he;, ana Boo Wheal* i hi-. Luther s nine-hit attack % Ulricas LfcAGtr: NATIONAL |,E5(it R w i. ret. tilt hitter Kent Hundley hummere*! home run.a and Art Ditmar IM Highlights w l ret. un*l Ryne Duren turned in fine relief performances as the IM Schedule GRADUATES *-<■ i -IO 7 5 .583 — I'tUburifh 12 4 .750 v^.rve'and 7 5 .583 — New York Yunkeei inflicted the aeventh atraiyht defeat Mifintu. IntriM are new being arrept- 7 5 .583 San Krancjpco 11 3 (5R8 •> - York -- Milwaukee 8 U 371 upon the Detroit Tiffers Tuesday, |0-:». v.'ti e«l for Ihe Michigan State IM .571 IM He-Id i-li- •■ore 8 0 — S- l«ou:v 8 7 .533 Four Tiger pitchers were vic¬ * (» llrdt»U» individual golf tournament. Thin fist' n 6 8 .500 1 .'•foretltt »» I'lnkilen x-I/m Angelea 8' 8 500 tims of the Yankees' 14-hit at¬ \»h»r tournament will he an IM-hnle jie'r". 5 7 .417 2 Philadelphia 8 II .351 Senator* tulpe WSIMM VI. d—Il4«hrrii, v s tmn medal plav tourney to he played ^-'v^a•^;nftorl 5 7 ' .417 2 tack which included three doub- V—H<>C-ft Hfi*v \ v. Chicago 3 11 313 )»- and a e-l tins Mhi-lers v*. 4-rrw > mi the MSI' gulf course. Sun¬ Ka City 5 9 .357 3 triple besides the three C.lrrrtaml, 7-6 t— I— ihf* trmttrnni ORDER YOUR i« x-Cincinnati 5 11 313 home runs. Skowron, hot*.e%* •—Mr vI v ». Motll day, May 15. A $1.60 greenx fee *.p!aved night game. . x-Plavp-l night game New York h.tter with a .458 S- IMU I've v-» HT 1*1 muivt areompauv each entry. The iii.snav* «Mt tis N41IOM1 I.KAMI WASHINGTON — Lenny IX— Ac Id I luh \c I »oii deadline for entering this tourn¬ ^n>k la. «»«*••» * TtlMlAY'S I.KAMI batting average, had .1 doub> 11-1*4. kacltie Hl-Mh A II l*hlU*rl|Uila l»" i» his fifth four-bagger of Green's or.e-out single in the ament Is Wednesday, May II at r—tr« «. ntr J . s I—*liaekv v* |»hi liflU CAPS, GOWNS AND ,-hincUMI * t- * levelaoU S I ••• Anaele* — Cincinnati. tnr. W Milwaukee — Man »ranrl«.«i mi* the Hcason wmcn tic-1 hiin for last half.of '.he ninth shoved I— Hrvan I v*. Itruu : $ p.m. HUrtinc timet for thi* . 1—Itrvaii h \* Mr van ft tournament will be posted on the U-ague lead with Cleveland'* aero*- the winning run Tuesday Mov* I ISO Wood*** Held » f. m Friday, May 13. In the State Dodger Pitching Star Craig Washington edged Cleveland as Allev* l)"-j Moss;, veteran left-hand- I A }— I'Mnnrili v» I If-v News. Ihit Willi lirokoii Collarbone »r times «;*•■» in whipped :he Yankees six eight decision* last 7-6 It was the third time the Sen¬ ator* led in the game which had » j a a «—AOiM \* Vri II ft—I Mel* t«m'» May* o CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . . QUICK RESULTS . . . ANNOUNCEMENTS was. b«5rc the brunt of the the 7,256 far* on the edge of Yankees attack He yielded six T<> ANGELES. f*>-~Lank> teran tigthander probably will hits and five lun-. before the their -eat- Washington jumped b«- unable («> play for ~iu<' t.ft to a 4-0 lead m the fir*' Craig, a key man in pitch- Yankees knocked him out in the NOW f 2 for 1 SALE months Cleveland whittled away and it " h D ..Igem Into the World fifth when they scored three vp- . i»>:t year, is out of action Earlier, it had been hoped 6»at run* to break a 2-2 tie. Pe'.e finally tied the score, 6-6. U o months. Craig suffered little mars* than Burnside, Bob Bruce and Dave In 13 games Washington has a bad bruise. piavel th.s season. It have been ;> Robert Kerland, club phj- Sister followed \Ios.i to the Craig wan knocked head ovei decided b;.' one run. The Sena- Craig suffered a '■j - .. ;an, «a. i . collarbone when he* heels by lhn.*on m the eiglcb mound Wht'.ey Ford started lor the tor-- have wn live one-run FROM 5:30 P.M. TO 8:30 P.R. Union Book Store inning. Ptisan trying to games. :ei with Vada Pinion of Red.* Monda* score from third Yankees but had to leave after the Hal lirri- or rarrv out Krjculiir »l«- onlv. j: •f ( i!:r;nnat. flr*'. inning when he com¬ if. plained of a tightening ui h s Varsity (Huh Meet* ED 2(617 J (Buiuiei "%« \, pre-.dent F. mmnI National League (ioetl Tennis pitching elbow The Tigers rip¬ ped the southpaw for four of Pr? • ..lent Warren Giles, asking r„,g be placed on the di - Team Skims t.'ieir nine hit*, g-xvl for two run* and an early 2-6 lead. There wii! be "a meeting Varsity Club n*/m? Varsity Club today at 830 in the . na¬ VARSITY DRIVE IN i t i h*t. if granted, thia would Ditmar took over in ihe get - tion* for new* offices ami honor- «••• i •? the Dodger roster to 27; ond inning and was credited two over the limit for the Past Western with the victory, hi* first of the aries will be held Gue.it speaker at *the. meeting ♦-s.ii.tr season. season. The right-hander gave vHH be Jdcir Shmreton flf the Bava*t made no move to re* The women's tennis squad up five hits and one run in five Placement Bureau. " < ug on the Roster innings. Duren hurled the last came from behtud by taking !> Kerland described the in- three innings and did not give . . CAMPUS CLASSIFItDS . . ervoort's "an "undisplaced fracture U»th doubles matches to ton HIGH READERSHIP . up a hi . • . . . Western Michigan. 4-3. at Kal¬ the outer aspects of • : g amazoo Tuesday - iiimtifTiiitftiiMttitiitiftuiitimtiititutrtTintiifiiiiimiitiiitiiMtnitniMimg t . iav;(collarbone! In tin* S • TuUier.' He said the vt- Judv falickc won her singles § Million* »f American* new wear mntart lrn*r« l»r normal * { 211 K. fIKAX I) RIVI.lt nntch, 6-1; 6-0 over Greta i dalaa wHk natural gw4 touka. Soderman of the Bronco*. • § The rnntarl len* wearer ran now rnjny \ < HI I HAST I.ANSINd TIhhiiuk* .Mark In the no. two »lntle*, MSI'* 5 keener vision . . . wider field #1 tisinn ~ Sue Lamh dropped her match to i eye proteetiun all day wearing rumfnrt I'h. El) 2-2111 Surpa»(teM Reds Jean Modern*an, 6-1: 1-6: 3-6. Sue Dhooge won her match In : = natural appearanre Mnuld yew he intereaAed iu diacwaaing Ihe pn«*ihilitie* of hrneder sport* arUvilie* ~ § Thw are the stiver wings of a U. S. Air puree Navigator. As a ■»- Ki:LAMUinA 0P| ?Ana>, a — John solemn- faced of It, can relax now tbree sets, 4-6: 6-2, G-i over Wvftlcrn's Sandy Fonger. In the last two singles match¬ eon tart lease* and YOt'R eyeo Dr. HaraM L ShaMar ... flying officer team, he has chosen on the Aerospace a career of SPECIAL! r ' "T —J ind watch the others try to es. State was beaten by its We*<- leader»hip, a career that has OPTOMETRIST meaning, reward# and executive -4' up to him because he's crn Michigan opponents. laabcll IVanhae 2-1661 n:\MS OXFORDS rju . i-ocomc the world high Tlacki lost 5-7; 9-11, and 'Ann . opportunity. champion. tiaughaer dropped in three *ets, § Mall Court Irandor ( enter Datiag Miehigan The Aviation Cadet Program Even 2-6; 6-4; 4-6 •"iiuiiiRmiiiiiiiiiMtiiMiMuiiiiiiiiiiiMrmuiiiMiimiuniiiiiiiiiiiiiimoiiiiiiii* is the gateway to this career. To though there's no one . *%> come* even remotely close In the doubles match, Statt qualify for this rigorous and pro¬ fessional training, a high school • l-a.li.-C "RENOWN' mciudes the Russians — picked up Its winning |»oiiiU Thomas was strictly second best •with victories by Judy Falacki diploma is required; however, two >l«dr by U.S. Rabbcr Co. %*r*ng to the books until he and Ann Boughaer. 61: 6-3; and or more years of college are highly •eared 7 feet, IH inches at the de-irable. Upon completion of the While canvas, slats 4-16. In by Miu Lamb ana Miss Oho.e narrow and medium widths. *P» Relays Saturday. 6-1; B-l program the Air Force encourages th*- new officer to eorn his degree v» he can better handle the respon¬ sibilities of his position. This in¬ cludes full pay and allowance* HAVE A FUNG while 1 a It in c off-duty courses un¬ der 'the Bootst/ap education pro- M.-n'o "COURT STAR' gram. The Air Force will pay a by ConvrUo THIS SPRING! . •ubvtantial part of all tuition co*u. After having attained enough credits so that he can complete cour« w «>rk and residence require¬ 5.99 FELIA ment-. for a college degree in 6 month* or less, he f» eligible to appl* for temporary duty at the j*hool of h » choice. if If you think sou have what it ( Mtninl ItmliM t^ke, !i» earn the silver wings of 4 via. »4 »n,ain. umiiiii ««• in an \.f force Navigator, see your local Air Force Recruiter. Ask him about Aviation Cadet Navi¬ gator training and ^he benefits Caa(taint par*lac which are available to a Hying M. 1 414ml mitui officer in the Air Force, Or filMn UDM) BATTBtlES and mad this coupon. There's leaders an a place )or ternarrar'i the •*» y for lypr ratio-' Aerospace Team. I | Caavaahat I Bnark dlk, Mmdar. TVarmU, .a4 In- 4»r rmlai. W I. Taatw. H,4 A 14 VU >. lOaaataaa rffic, an Mm. M • Air rorce rut'l TM S Mil *€ I *'. ?•*»' .mtti JftT'CV I i ' •4t m , «. • • - ALL SIZES AVAIK4BLC - Cal IV far aa tppaial i *-■ V ■««".'* ! ?45? ft r»-»* ML ar. c. jcwacs. -•« * a* "> , y i.-. * Mi •.-(<■ reJa*l« e-eft*# I .-<*1 mt Wft-'.-'J -WTVO* W W wallace opticians M» Via. lllaai * ■ rnaMr. SmTiv MHI I #,■£*> .f, m »;■ rt ^ ftf? V UVJi'itrSiO. #*A i\ OR R c. JONES and DR. J. a XIXO.X. Reg. Oidwutrkti • SHOP TONIGHT TIL «> P.M. IMP Wmrnm m s> Wm* . •: ; y S*"'. ■ MICHIGAN MTATK NEW* May 4. 1M4 Page Sit Conelrad Stations Try PImimiI Bateau Faculty Civil Defense Blackout The following If you are employer* will Interview- on the Indicated dale*. intermtrd report to the Placement Bureau at least two Fast Drivers Claim Lives Deeply *»d, a Interested in • India thorough scholar is Dr. WASHINGTON (A*) — The deterrent to possible war. tie school dav* in advance of Interview dale. (ID Bachelor'* degree, fM) Master*. (ID Doctor*. Where no degree is indieated. all degree levela are eligible lo Interview. Of I Million Perstms in ".>9 added: Despite antl-spceding cam¬ The driver who did not have ?h# dhn Usrem. head of the Sod- irnited States tested.Its civil de¬ MAV Id. 196§ I.amphere Public Schools: All right of way caused more thaa ■logy ami Anthropology depart¬ blacking out "It would be unwise to neglect paign* that were conducted in fenses Tuesday, Elrtn (II) A Spec. Ed. (Type civil defense mission be¬ Consumer* Power Co: SUMMER many parts of the United States half a million people to ment television stations and switch¬ our c Mentally Retarded) (ID during the past year, nearly EMPLOYMENT .Irs. or Sr.. injuries—22 8 percent of the . Dr. I Seem spent I952-t953 in ing radio broadcasts to the cause our total defense 1* in¬ (Ml major* for teaching po- l.000,000 men, women and chil¬ jury toll. . returning for graduate work. ,dionn, All Sec. (ID (M) ma- agreed channel', fur emergency complete and meaningless with¬ • ml a doing research on Indians dren were 1950 victims of th# In its highway safety book»» EE majors for technical mud. instructions to the public- out reliable and responsible jors for junior high positions. fast driver. •4ho had received the;:' educa- position* In system* planning, being distributed to more ■ It was Operation Alert 10(10. home defense-" Second a i y English, Vocal Se ton in the USA or Great llrit- overhead A underhcad line Inv.r. Music (ID (Ml major* The Traveler* Insurance Com¬ 3.000,000 persons, The Trave; -, begun at I pm EST with sound¬ that more than 900 .• M,. India. design, iV substation design for senior high position*. panies in Its statistical report reports m who then returned to ing of sirens of alarm to signal describing what hapi>ened on tionai deaths occurred on *hr purpose of this research whs warning of hypothetcial attack. IndiiMtriul DcMgn ME major* for work in gas Mason Consolidated School*: All our highway* during 1959, star- highways during 1959 ur, rum. Defense niohilliatlnn director production A- transmission o -co how Western education El.-m fit) majors for teaching ed that drivers exceeding the pared wit'h the preceding ■ nflucivred their attitudes and |.r» llnegh scurried from hi* Institute to Hold dept.- prefer single man, some j ravel. piiit ions. Secondary English- speed limit were Involved in 43.1 Injuries soared to 2A"0.0<)0 re¬ office here and went liy hellco|» - Social Studies, Science-Math, percent of the fatalities while flecting on increase <»t . eehngs m.vavd India Srhool District; All , ter to a protected command prrst (iharter Meeting Gibraltar Elem. (ID. F.lrni. Phy*. h>l . (ID (M> majors for junior speeding driver* figured in 38.3 50.000 In 1958-1959 D ' I' ccni and In Virginia to direct the train¬ V«K-al Music (ID. A Spec Ed high* positions Sec. Business, percent of the trafTic injuries. .L» family returnr I to India to ing exerrlsc. 'Die ' Industrial Detdgn Insti¬ .Library-English (ID (M) ma¬ Or the' 37,80(1 traffic deaths T'i.- tunc TV stations wte "/f for half tute will hold a charter m.ee'in >. (Speech Corr.. Tyjio A Men¬ li.-iiitiii-lniliiiii Tliri-.il 10 more research jor.* for senior high positions during .the year, 12,980 were the hmir Ihldc broaden*** were Thursday at 7:30 pan -in 12» tally Retarded i (ID major* heir work was directed toward a an on 640 and 1240 kilocycle* for teaching posiHonv . Novi Public School*: Secondary direct result or drivers exceed- Kuilf- Away in Kori-.i Kresge. Ing the speed limit, No other he American in India In transcribed addresses over tirass l.ahe Community Mrhools. English (ID (M) major* for II. Crestou Doner, president SEOUI.. Korra '/V> T . , : When asked about hi- team- ♦*>c»e Conelrad stations, as they junior hgih position. All Elem. single action of drivers' v.m- ef the Industrial Design Insti¬ AH Elem. (ID. Secondary of further student demon lilt. JOHN t'SKKM (ID (Ml majors for teaching even close to the grim record of ng activities Dr. t' eem replied «ry ca'.fol. lVcstdcrd Eisenhower tute awl director of color and Spanish - English, Women's tions against he nations! a . of Defense Thom¬ Ed., Spanish-S » n a I positions. speed. hat he was dome no teaching iii ndb.ill also tills mtton of hi* 4-hI Secretary design of libbcy Owens For i Phy >'• Cited as causing 4,790 death* bly appeared to fade Tu- as iJate* reminded the public Glass Co, will he the guest S'udif •, Phy*. Rd. (Varsity State l.ife Insurance Co.: All Ttic South Korean cart < hii term hut preferred toaehuu* ■ time. He says that he'* men (ID regardleu* of major during 1959 were the drivers on thai c-.v d defense readme- s is basketball & baseball coach) o some of his other activities speaker. He will sign the char¬ far life Insurance underwrit¬ the wrong side of the road. g'lvernment, shoverl the c\r f- . been playing f.»r 20 years but an important part > f the na- ter and show slides on "Cia-s with minor in Social Studies in this capital city bade to Dr. t'serm came to Michigan Their mistakes accounted far that practice has not made'linn t.ou's over-a'l readiness to meet the Future." or Driver Training (ID ma¬ ing ,V agency management at Uate in 1949 after receiving to iind 15 9 percent of the death to lb night. ftttayk All members should be pro¬ jors for teaching position*. the local level. 4A at UCLA. his MS at IT,« perfe 'ard, and his PhD at the In..-- Dr I'seem's wife is a socintn- Elsenhower said the readiness mt'at this meeting to be charter 'ersity of Wisconsin. aud has helped him ponsul- of the military force* and those members, according to Tom Wil¬ His spare time .• Oiled by of I'.S. AlliM provided a strong son. local chapter chairman. v m his research projects. nany activities. I)r T'sccm ' a nemhrr of the Social Science Research Council, which allo- MTKWARPKHftl.M «ate* fellowships itudents; the Foreign to American Service IMTII» AIR MNKH BE SURE testartwHhn... JlStltutr, for which he acts as now- tntrrvtrwiii* >« adviser to the Department "f itate in the field of diplomatic 0 drier; and the Edward W. SI MMFR ClAStilX faien Foundation, whi<4» Is ron- •urned with higher education in Here's * wonderful MUWHunltv America. •>r mi exi'ltin* rsreer »■ a Nte- wnrriea* <>n United Air l.inm. You ll meet Intrrestlna twonl*. travel tUrnuahmit Hie country, anil receive excellent pav, em* nlnveu benefit* anil paid vaca¬ Pay Move! What For! tion* Candidates must be attractive, •annle 2u to 71 vear* of ace. 5T .I'lC; vetelit i r.-i..it11 ni.il to STRAW NATS lo beltfht - l-SH pounds maximum, and have pood vision Candidates 11111*1 he Inch school graduate* and should have college or nurs¬ •aly S2.S5 up es' training or tact experience related public con¬ RUT AND RAVr AT //n KonifchrlC* VARSITT SHOP