' ichieun StateNews Mrrving MSI, for 51 Yr«r» Vol.l MK 52. No. 25 KAST M'xsi.v;. MICHICAX—THQKiBDAV. MAY 5. lt«0 PHI' K 5 ' K.VI - I*ahor Role Streel Music ami Fnlliiifi Haiti— NATO Calls on Russia: In Market Sec. \a I'niu Attacked frus.c < UtSSf'.R. S" and v»unds of failing Practice as You Preach I#nlior U pr'w\tw 'he pain f-p d'-rr ■■■-« •»- • or ,r rif 'A Challenge i K og../ erbl markot, Carl V. Oectiale. e-J Pa.fj , ' » a ■«•!(.' «-#. •:etet,flhdn*e phofie- h'K#k- • e- Medical ilium 7 rif» Secretflrv of c«m- itait.i T•* p.e'it'itii -• I 'M/* SliUHHt. Al Summit tnpvre, fold tin l\f&V Manasr**-- ( iiiiji conference an li- (^arc Plan tnetit enn* Tne-flay nftemocin, Un-iifter hilrr Is Planned rlri»« O-y mi';" ♦hr C^.n'''- "Ru*>nr-«5 Managee-.er/ I- ' > ' p •. . • »• k,r»g - .Tiu- Advanced . ' --k ng 'r * >» '. v.e ,-„p- ISTANBUL. Turke V and lh' AnurrJcan Ecm'-my ' th»- r'.ut * -*•■ dra.f, WA^HINGTOV 'T Tb- Tfte J't.naTinn* of the A* conterenvv in K'-llrw Ki-enhrrvcr Adminixtratioo ;,rTw Ai.tefic/- /N'AT'il. Cm'*-: n. i l»bor'y iwn Aid in fcndiii;! "♦•nf lh*- ficmoyr.^ic-con 'f*-r fins* coi.ft o-nr« th»- e-4,r\.--:\ ' t. vi' ( |f|| » tro'feri f onirrex* W'edne.ij t. • 'irr:.T;* -*ru?*".'■ Ch;ji'»T.;'-- dur>iv period fvlI/»H ;r.g hi* o -- .« c. »dr' r • • • > I>ickctiii«! h t{)«>.-al for ,1 jdI.2iki.iHni.. fr.#- .Srivwl Ufiior; 'Ae*lr»c-d-' iMHi annual fwIcrnl-Hta?" ?»J pf«< * iff 'A «*:' j pre., ",1 tilwr ■nl«n«. he uM "have Is Rt*fiimcmI medical firo'/rarn for ?!»»• itOO Mil s *f " F'u*'- 'if dj-.-immrr"? • a* rnwh 1«» l»u a* hu*lne«»" in • ITWI. and prac fuf cr^Xi -*er.i- »•- IhW emnomir enmaelllinn. WASHINGTON* 1' AM.- T' - 'A'e-fffn A : • The I'nited Nlale* ha* the '» oil ... VV»-Jr,«- d, , haH tariff sate* of any enun- tr» in t'»e *»rM t»«f t*»^ I rPH Mate* ha* trenhle an the world market hrrtau labor union* "are prlrint »* on I of the mar¬ Tt» | Kun ft' .. io ■ ket - fSeehtle added 'tu'r i . >■ tie*', p i k«-'- / 124 a •• .. per-.,-, S ' '1 Apr. H r,;. 'ha- 'V*i- > ry-r-'.n > not -n ,-f v v v/ ij» • • t rear v,Hf th»* be-' *e f.«- *m Interna:, .ml f.-n 92..VHI annua! - - .c... • ever ha-i m history " . *mr ur /»•/. * , *,.«• A. ,g \- A .t ioo' more 'h»'t • ou'5 f »eeb«',e «ad tha- vith ?be Mtek) ,K»r* v. US fi f, ^ pi- r.g, eyeo-oo of 'wo "rr»'?inv rev - ■ .>* ' c Sg;h » «: ! rj< p •" Ti,» ^ >o*inieT»».« " *he eerinoiD - ha- l.ike a itusir htedical in*ur N> York i-.j !- : Iiifliana Note ' , r been g adosHy iwT? up dur r.^ anee (mtiri. the plan weuld pm- ,-..t k«-'if.g Am»*. •'•an n ,n» fi* the F.nenho^er grimirtiftraiiori te« t again-t »sp»n*M nf kni( . A rab par The N tt'l T'.e ret e '.on of 19.47-58 he illne*«e«, hut the partki|ant. f»»re,fn minister* ruwiu CAM WAIT. i< 14 Danielv Grand (ruawell fr.: and rt«hl renter Arlrn Grelfendarf. blarr.ed on automubile manufar- ' iter- pneitw their earn- rut* of 4 «*» Tive AFI^'IO on And a.'terv/ari AFI#-(To rour.ci, «jpp>ir*:ng *h»- an j • onlc*« he »a« fare, weald have to pas the fir*t *n puMie wel¬ Encourage- K"S>"1 «* IN; thw rate Ti'lUr - lh- f r,f 14e*teya m'iko-' lli; |ed«r sr.. preaident of Knight* i»»»« with candidate* for queen of the annual of Hi. Patrlek, Chicago fr. In tin Inaet h f lirt* MhnpwNi. fatlab. f al.. jr.. who could Ml make the 4ste for the the porchtwr ranve of Ocebste the average said r.i thu* }, «• .■ tent George Meany told tt. •15# of annual expenae* tor a eouple—and 1# prrreat of M## Bntli Parlies three »er*tiaiwm their fall apeninc «app- nine. (Mtate \>w« Photo hy Norm Mine** cugn zed this ituatlbn no^ The protjtca' .* the a-lT. n.t- _ f i r.' ofirk Oil* some *o'u*.o . pat.*'- * *i-< -**»-• i«n F.. Grand Rapid*. Jr.; Inwer left Jan Mndke. f».i- a.'.-.Mi-t'jr ii program f •••' th.i •rasron'% f val *n S> -' Se- Mtednevls re- ,—.- f-v— toe ia<; 25 years ha' been ou-- pr-e.V-n I ran' te • >.i ■ more tr^in tha* rurity.linked plan iportv.rnd bv «!'4na'« wtaiden'-y! p- —a- . r gh? "iciab-'rOcrfiKle reul.ed The ?; S C'our of ftep Aime K-rand ffj.RI. anrt V-h'-ch ty.-cwl V Apjca:* re (.licMcrfieM** Turn la B«' Satiwfinl ' • a vtiidr-n!''- quecoheer* - meanvhUe. refutei ir« Me* backed- by some, lyjt not a!!. f( rharf N.t.fin o-.'z-o ' it ** it ? our far*r -rograrn He be- DemfK-rat* Ken nod? Y'»r)r to g'ar.' an mjunctwin wn. > F>-f. - »r*-j r .-i liese.r »ub*i-ties should be taken Forsnd's p;a ou'.d (Cabinet Maker Loses Cancer Suit Re- ha'.t.ng the picket ng Tn:s up- . *» .-cvrr i.- •» nigger Tota'. vote t-.a- «*»v, and tha* they have beep heih a U S dlttfvt court rui ng per orn retired under tlie S-k.s p ubd'am rr-isie primarily « pf#htkal 'our. Secuf/y pr.gra-: for the a;"-. Nixon's 9 ! u m Tr.e AIU-CJO tail the eours • «v*e.r have thu» ruied 'hat the AFt#- It would provide hoapital. ni_r»- Ma*»a^r,uDer-.-Kra* * j Against Cigarette Manufacturer . iterh*ie uid he felt the mo\e CH> unions involved tn tee ir.g hocne and aome surg.a! more. than Vt /TOO «r.ear ? toward automation would eon -aw Bar. there *=.- r. -r. picketing have bcn#f»*'. witivnat twi #nd wl'h- cimpletc ret^rrsn, MHL235 v> , -- tinue herauae It Is a factor in a legitimate 'ab- • aaty-gswrnmer • ou: dedtK-fiptet An lucres'# 354.190 4.5*1 of t..n» -ierb-mitrat •> * or intereat to p,oter*. n pre- PITTSBURGH bPl—A federal A rutting rust*. Social br «wdKsts sucft a> rr.arkati tha |uty of seven women a.n»; He yam he *r;.f»ked xtpiu' a Meany said the state depart¬ "be Secn-.'ty Tax would clrvts. The Repuh!.vsxn fenfs: the direction of the trial live men smokers and lion - eart #o of the fir i. a Cigarette* •"Automation Is definitely * ment on several occasion.*, and r.nsrxe the program, whleh h #sever, wit 24 n-er- -. tt w aper-.-tf jwwai.oh Monda • T » .* Wednesday ruled against prnokers—liatenerl to tesifenoryv would be entirely federal. jr» heavily Derriorra:.- La** « V' w*x outwardly aim T~-- ■ week until hU opera?,nn in 1954 t'cn.-t. and a good or e. [ think " »Zd n Wednesday, had asked to p • u>urgh cabinet maker's w—- pe'g' i> ' troops for 2<) day r, The testimony was Oerhsif'? formal a idre** was have the C'ieopa.ri picketing The plan deeerlhad la the rnur.ty baeauwc of a sadSyyr.g • '•* i t. coairaeUfd lung «wjm Off c a of Iwgget' <1c M»w •seer; -y:. * n given chiefly by medical ex¬ kevnotetl to the conference rtrtpped SerreUry of r#ate»r Huuae Way* aud Mna« Cum- in;* up ■ •. m c.caret;es pert*. testified ?h#» firm did n -* acquire JaTif Mitchell conferred w t.i TV" p-e*.der,tv.-*# *-•- a:.» In the.r Una) cwnmuniqaa the theme, ' Management's Chal- - m It lee by Health, Marathn and pritehard, 81, had sought Ally J a mo* MrAi'dlr. coun¬ a t-gareTe-rmokmg ovarhme for • . , lb ., i. A e.,d • Mevny on th" matter Tuesday Welfare Secretary Arthur Mem- candidate* ti- tit >57 f.w f>~r- an ntteer* aatd the wtvi I nion f V'toq from Liggett A Myern sel f-»r Prltchard, -a;d he was The executive counci! va* • 414.133 for freprjo uawit have iu. rake and eat tt revilo- > . ri .ean ri purpov -. an' . !VSI Hp pfj.'f '• rnfMenv" ,-i miag rail* fur adminlatraUun h» * • • / (/•». He contended ttie*. shocked by th'v verdict. • * >a.d the picketing far tea Muuenw rann- tente walk the leadtng member* , «'-A.it-r.ite of 'he 80 and f»o»nted Cteopu*-* . a pro*e*t against a * . ~ His right lung wa% re- ih<- tobacco firrd in 1954. bo* companv r»*ver. *pe<;fira; - di¬ pir.cnti *m ran mucn ratsc/er ef the AUiaore. and atill rarrr c it th ■' • mduatf* commng blacklisting am? ooycott polity The fedt-rai ' 1953 rected i'A researcher^ to govcram en:, ou- : an en prwueaauda warfare j . ♦•xtenstve reaearch by attorneys **u«iy by Arab c »uu:r«r» expec ted, apcarea* y --- aga«n*t csmr,u»»-' ke,ie.Rg for peon'e ' , - of the general lund an . • «' tne ■* s the fir-it of numcr- deiaved bringing t"«- cw*1 t , po*s;b fi^».r.g wtci of temr«.y—art> 4 »• ci24rr-t*e-can/v-' r**- rfiaaagemey*. F o r t y -two f"-.- social brought to tria' trial until, Apr.; saeurtty fund. pa . fav.r • ?-• The- .*V- te " i 4 •>- rr ; Hrrk (jiirrlnl . latvonsn.p fr* of ai rr.ar-age-nef,' 55 half and the states the o:-e- Tr.-* A -ari." •'->*•<• were dropped for Pritchard void ne had wncdied ears oi * or more, atcorling to naif, but the amount tne federal pr*-'.dental -.-vrr-r.»* A wft T.t evidence nettled S.tor.'i [-one ovpiner' itrr -f form or , the firm's Che*tcTfJeld cigaretu-i SEATTLE. Wash. F — The •«- 1 g /veromerc. would put into anv reguiariy for 23 year*. Inleriiaiionul iomg por- Y Men'* Ctlub here had to .find an it.ver lunchean *pea«c- one lU'e'i pian wuuf-I rang® tha t1 ha ' "•* vnfe-t weaker / Kennedy . c.iaSesg- * •" - . ; «e.T .i-.e' -- whuhs a-'.ack.i eor.t'jr. - t on ' i,.». • ->eerh *o enrnpare the Wei- from one'dhird to two-th.rd* 11 < tilling Hill Show Slogan free enterprise system xlth so- r=e»-ia Dave Fleck couadn"' be A formula. t'.Ul to be w-vrked er*. : - ae r-aar- vn mdividoai rr— MSU .i.':AJ»vni The »av of iifc r r. H «•»'. compared to that of tre The one-time Teamster : Un¬ out. would take into aerouat tr.e financial 47J45 The Dcrrorra* for -- ta1.';- Cv po-.tica.'-- 'rr.w £*•:-» "A pf tne AILaace deteate. lute peace. t« .Inrs llritons Stirs Action tt'-fso countries having jrvrfai.«rr ion ehief. now apfsealmg cor.- iout *'.a'ei and rewurcet of pwasibly the pro- tne var- Jii". In. Lutharr. m',ret ELwarv..^. work*-. #34 45 •r-r.' cm-."' u>( Briefs rictiotit of grand iarrer.*- and p.pe..ne - parwpr.-riy.ag - , V*. Gerrr.a.fiy was cited ** an l>/-*'of old people ta tne r 482 lor La.- "America fnt* rrateffkai ;/i\> A' 'AN—Prince*< example of a-e^t«*r-/ Ah-cb has income tax eva?;on. was inform¬ cnaltengu sa t r.« M »r- Tf {K,puiat*r#u» Ftemrning «aid at a r :-.»gari. "The ed that I>» Chicago furh-bsre jobee- Le*a.ge -of Nation. -r. tne !»&, had been . ti: * 'irrfiied in diamonds Wed* prosjK're'j alnee ad rc it teg fre« n ^ appearance new * « >nferer-te. Ihinre la as Uaete Tr1* m.-r-;yter» referr " • gilt. A thousand guest.*, Friday shoiv must go oh." ;* being tak- eoterpruMp. carccied by YMCA off,'.".a *. If (uamw aud the legfela- anvi Sam fsw;ran-.e campaign* to Mascpw'y prop«sans'.« oswASLor.. 2ad:JK%»- te-nprte ts : «sde bring for the Interna bona! Fe»- pUm ruuld he started by July I, the polu Negro lawyer Fro--.a 8ese*» ciian# ♦- |tent pa.ooi. for t rureotion and garnered at Bucking* Is the theme of the All-Univer¬ sity dance scheduled for Friday night 9 to 12 in the Union Ball¬ tival Two hundmt fifty student* Four Cadets to Receive I til. Speaker Sam Rtrtynm "D- v»th. came up wrth 17.743- Otsmxny iceetisg goveramirapti of aad Greece. I-a tn# Cetr- • Tex) said at hU own new; con¬ jsjitar 14 .a I Wrartedover the coat of# her tne And X.tioniil .Irani, will hp pre*nt«:k dance*, vnca' numbers, in- g:ttecrs Award. Sateauw a# the SANTA MONICA. Ca!if bF^— widespread Sov*t F* |*sa»*cr \bbey Friday morning, rtrumetKal specialties and an the bwjxI iirtsiald r tV LileHle Bail divorced Dei. Ar* Fakeup. I* dropped F: > K ?- - M- A..& .4 pro^eiw..-,: lygfans and Anthony Arm* Circle, the honorary for out¬ array of colorful costumes. Award. naz Wednesday with testimony tov a* a Fir*-. Depz*, Pre— -- — Trs*•;;■; p-t-er.' ■•wisfcttn plan rrember of the jun .K*,ia« L . t?urd afifiu, cocitcrt. "D.- a flee-week standing women Waders in the Included in the program wiB and removed A *ar K-- jar.?, ftmr that their real life rr-arr-age wa« ?r-.e«iaMS« -a .fkouad."' Tuesday | ^ '• the royal yacht Brit-- snaidence hallf, wilt hold Us first be a Yogi perteigmance from In- Winning the Society of Anwr. Fnrnc?- a -ur- or has brer. , a n ghtsnare She won r.a'.f cd frrjrr. the 5»t-r.efi Camasw&tft a- l®^*. vWeh cost# IJWh pounds Installation and initiation tonight riia and a Latvian folk danc»g wan Military Engines-r* Award tefT.aUvfciy electa-I for the wme tie 20 million dollar TV empire Far*? iTei.d.ur'. « Or ' . M E A Aaotner chasge re-*ew*e<; Eke- Ha. i-w-j'* | • a any to operate. at 7:30 in the Faculty Women's group from Chicago- for a junior thi* year is cadet award. built on the lueeet* of their TV | , .e ro.ktj of the Union- Exhibits will be rt up in the Barring ra.n. the eeremor: terina Furtsera. top wsuaaio - ,, S! '^rf. W liam. I -tu z Nller marrtege—a* the 4a!'. but fc»v- rtewcer <»? ecasagtocies afi.i cwr--,- the Comameisi h-ermrc- j. from, . Will be aelil outd xtra. Quiet (iomen Mcuiin (Kfrrwl Aud- p.m. basement from and the talent »how wsC 9 »a-lt The Lucy " H rky Fficardon of **l Fusve her duties a- tee Secretary oecaua#. M.I Moa- a CVrrra. Cuuassi-V mm&M&tr Dr Ha,., i-j.-oert - iy given in the maart Aud. at 3 "ft wat a Jckyf: and Hyde fiep*n:^v."r. t f*ru.'"y | Back til Seoul For Peace flbrk pm. and g p.m. Um Avtftf Cadet U. ft. Thomas thing.** Va* turned .eone aa d 0#. forr itusbkA^s behavior. . cvr*', of her Minister of Cuiture «f: t&» Stex'- tet Uxor appo&Snutoi as pea.rs< *t.« «te> f.reQ.-auot'* . ay a fpeeta? Lecrurr- snr->ug-v - ^ SlOU Korea tA*> — people Studenu who wiah to. engage Kami and Ortbrntra Chicago Cadet CoL RuxaeH Fteppvt, .will receive the Na- Talks Hen' "He would frequency have fir* of temper i.n front n*. every¬ A'fJ dropped f.*reu jte; ^rty He sa tee x-ea a, a", exper.eacea spec.a... • fkiint the town in concrete activity to promote PmvLum was N-*ote» Belyuev, §i and rucwre; w i v night for the ■ flr*t worici peace can do so as mem¬ Gnap lu Convrnr 'irmal ikffw "! r »j»»ort»tlors M»rmia Taornaf. t&a*fime one. iactesLng the children.. !r * no tbcul racariily has beers -K.»* y:--'ir-.r. jxu - | -•* *> 1 «•» week*. it was almost bers of several local organiza¬ The Michigan ' School Band -/^AsaociatHp''- AwardL • g .v* v j bid that T^"though*. .* Fe»;^*.t a 2He pfc':-g?air.. " wr the Presidency running tire eity CaeemaaaR at- a ■ > v. .ju; i be better fat tu not to be c end to the violent ' tions, Mrs. Mabel pierce, of the .and Orchestra Asaoctation f MS- AH of th? awards .ie ,. ticket, will speak a*. gan.iat-o.fi: of Stavtnpc:' 5* * big fi-afi-i. *.-.r -wo j |.-•*« •; ' , rrvolution that ev.i on a ftetionat basis add the tog r her." tup* local chapter of the Women's BOA h a department of the 8 tonight at Facr it!J Theater. TVi# doarogradkig of 3L.rkrlhr"- *r t»e Al Beiitier Crsar - Vh*mai» Rhue «od hU gov* International League for Peace cade's coped with ->?.ner cadets Oa«» such expSoeiois. she «.d. Michigan Education Aasociaiitm. Drawing on ra t peHooal *x- '«> and BeZjraev ix« a* ua aur-., U&2 t-re MSS." Jag? M . capre after tie water pipe# bur?* and Freed-nr.. toid an audience will hold lu annual spring meet¬ from al! iar^ ct * rer** perieice. Tho r..«' will dinca-i pr.se. Bat - htel yppeur*;! to be T* =- ceevaaua prngr».T.a g *a* ih /.n«:r Beverly Hills ms.t* pushed back to m the Union Sunday night. ing at MSU May 7. aevera*- asoec*.< if civil rtfhts •ijppiRg from fuvor s type aave- been punacwfte.-lp T# be rpgiW fee aur at the "He made himseif sick for two * '*/• *aln and ~ * a of the Scheduled for the Music award* the cadet* hid le he In la She United days over it" Th# Moactrr firoadcaxt *3.. • yjevr-n 1g «*- Iking on Nuclear Budding* the conference is ex¬ a, hath K.rlcnenko'y ban.-*h::ix«rr. {rues je -pubcc v-itinjsh adwakwrex - ■ -e goven pected to attract scene 200 per- by so^yre tr*e Vv pu-ty circles xij dccxteti at EOTC rb» add. IIsii J formidable , . has (•ttrk Femtl a full mewtir.g of \v- cer-ira' ses- ri£E» Tte^tta for th-t AH-Un-ve: csimmittee Wadaesda y Prmrtirr I herr. offic- AIw. tne cadets bad to be Crse's Fta«t will be on sale rex*, • Jw-ncnenko a'vo aafSnme^ch^y rt-coTuneirx ed by lite prefhsscr ago Tnoni- week, te Berkey frrfr. M a.m. reiinqaiibed iu» pat at a voro-- . ChewtseadLog paflcswe te- W..; <*t Military- Scivn: ? and Tactics tbe Aixrff- to noon, in the l'o»n from r»j»n tar? if the punr t euotraL «ucr- twl wxanett arlT be heH T: is the ROTO depa:; vent, and by Uaum. to 3 jwn~ in men'* donas from mitare. 0-7 at 4 p.r;- is. the W,*nen'» Use deans of fhcif .v- »iettive col- L» aponsc-red 5 30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday and The broadcast suid N Jb2Cal Crr. Thi« arsS be the .a-"* t_ - leges r and Indus¬ I .-day and i former tirrr of people wtH fie acue lu utsecd jx The recowunendaiioTte are trial RelaGors Center, la open from J to • pan. Thursday and calturr. had bum re.uuaei from ^rfier sr.- be .ei-gpaie t*r . leciiil ls»ur hrlvtwn aiiminrr anil fall t« Kjint l.«ii;:lti«. Mlrh under Hie «. t m March 'n. lic's ouster of American diplo¬ rera Bae*. M, il mibHcrll'thm# jwtiitde i" advnnie fur »nr term J.i !**•» Idftnu. S-t inrat White said the govcirmu-! t»rmt 33 mat Carl E. Davis. dictator Rafael Trujillo ha» The State Department said Vol. r>2. N»» Thursday, .May •">, IINJtI I'age Two Davis, 33, a Public Affairs offic¬ told by Farland that he pon»i'». er at the U.S. embassy in Cui- crs the expulsion "to be u.v , „ thexo backward politicians don't dad Trujlllo, had keen ordered ported and unjustified Mich an extern a* (•» cause tiuu lawyers, was given every legal ('.oiniril Iti'fflv c p M 'Ihe Issin- ran he likened In stal oi emu...'Son I'nniiMiK Cla*iM IliKh IteadvrHhii. IS shame that tie shop!.! Aoisy I'lace!t a Council doe. nothing mole thai; Ihe man who says: "Hut. olTicer, . bill, proponing thai all Imokstore* .should charifn a lax '»n he U stirh » free-thinking, civic- receive a much attention a • textbooks. -oon -or pi// i eek W», «»f the th.N.- hei'M". that died for tun # minded, inlrllerlual eiliren of CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS eijiiMe)!, iinafiiOi.oi. ;v wisp ur grandchildren hem sweltering in:the library listen¬ '■*** J-: '.he fir ! pl.iee, w« ,»r the stone at tout "good ole A»w" ing To "the JUbbCr of voices on are exempt. ✓— i"»iim< Ud» no' fee! that pi/.'j It s the principle behind th • and not ah.-u* die wonderfal MMIiUNtS: I P-m. Du Mm PakUollMi far Turn.. all sides This i- the ease of the t llion Hook Store wtiieh, by law. •X..K an- - project even our !; Ml IS- maoi Ifilp'e purp.ee t- ex eiet.v, -'enei' not fo the rule* net within itsett a <••• xviti deed of t.'uryi Uhessman. Al Vrulseli If you're like myself, the tm4 rri. MM**. DnOk r*T Mm. MM**: I Mil, P*»M* (-11 Hi 1-1 Mil IHrmik frt*,, M is not required to charge tax. from t!ie fact that i* * a xvhu'h concerned. I' library is usually a last resort This puts any unrversity-outied store at an advantage ( .inn mi..nee , makin ; project desip.fied we ate 1 ht- vihiiic mall':, attitude whie i 4 4 4 when it becomes Impossible to KDMSII EXT. 2«l.X over its eompetitors. Many students will walk a fe\V extra wit?i foods to help concentrate' at home steps if they know they will save a few cents on each text¬ t.» u irpplv n .ip|v»rt those projects whi<*'. we ,(|uestem and mabiiitv .to accept his apparent his re&|H>HM- Had Wclcimic But you arrive at "the library i*e feel are of definite servi J-WMW #• gate of the Capitol honorary, ( Hotter yet, why is there a tax on textbooks to begin with? a new. more complete nrgam/a- In xxhirh he learns to assume 1 We walked down the Snmr persons like lo smoke PONTIAC HARDTOP. 1*3 ETEL- annua: syncl Magazines don't come under the state sales tax Why should tloll. I*.Mk to Im* distributed to responsibility? Uuigv hall* of the Capitol unes- and uludv at the same time Rut l.ENT condition, radio anij heatei, PERSONAL textbooks? ail incoming fres .men next fall b hy suggesting thai ,i pro¬ eorted in our library that's impossible lw»-|one green 9130. Phone IV !»• r. iral poo!. 73S4 aber 7pm 30 A newsU'ttei will be jnibhsfi empioviT, or socie'v .u Whoever heard of studsing in It would seem that a thorough examination of the state's c.t and distributed to the fresh¬ spective .1 Mr Urn • ■ secretaries- act¬ the noisy between-Moors area* ISM BL'U'K IITS 213 Rout!. WINGED SPARTAN MEE' general, 'voiild give mm. eon ed a. ;f our arrival wax a com¬ Ilitiiici laoolnr this matter would be in order. • position on men and sophomore e'axsev lw- .M.lvr I'lon to the fontiei t .an 1 . pete Mirprmr we rail amaktng rooms? f/»r fore the term is over Tlie news- Other unvterftitie*. including |n3J MERCI'RY V-S CONVERT- ■: i;.v n.ghl 4. Wo were forced to *i! in li. I.E. Ai'TOMATIC trenamiaaio". It Ce will enumerate the activi¬ the If of M, provide study rooms new top Best offer ED 7-ISWS 2" : ij aftei In ig. mav we ( irimcnd .xe'TPtary's offur until Mr. . «»,.• Michigan Stale INewi 311 Student Service* pit Lansing Muhig.m ties an l pi'ojrrt* «|oii.' Mi ttie past the council hti" yea!' anil vx.il ftii«» young tiM» of the fact man thai to* rivogm he had tin Hire tin could find time to illceT. A nimsx.idor for those wbo wish to smoke Why can't ours' 1930 CHEVROLET - ('hex rolef economical, sis cy linder >ii»rn WITH H»47 engine Contact hand' no Aao.bfiviai I' •(*•■ >r>r. > Tr. give the ifitorniation of how to ground* upon which to plead 5. The Amba:Sdnr wa« re- line more question: I* MSU fxaetx. Ell J-JkStt 2« " lydd'-e .cv". a so! Published r>n da** riiti Morula* through liid.iv inclusive during i«i| winter ami aprlng t**r»»-x. weekly dm lug summer t^rm« .mi a lnvonie council members ill toe extenuating «ireumstanees and tpic-ied t<» #ugn a guest book so poor can't afford a better IMI NARII AMBASSADOR 7 • *. 7.00 t * in the •Dedal tie»hm*n Im.ii* beiwern summer end fall term* Kn'Mi'l '•> tall !i:s suhkequent •Ubrarv ventilating system"' com petit second i I»h« i- it'*! under the »cl of March 3, IHiti a> ti>a |>»*l oflu e xdetue ..u the i had tnr appearance of .« jOI'S-diHM *edati H-irt,.. Ilesler g A i well, xctieri the humdrum i.Mxi I'errv tair.e T.XT .1-141 da«- Elrctioa if Officen fart Lansing. Mich. loader Uowcver. we quest in i xvel! worn and torn comic Isook. IV K-31'17 2« rr recently i iwno.u pa* able in advaine for no lerm t:i lor two Xlnst Impel taiiI of the rmm- becomes unbearable and the hu¬ Ni»he viail (••rii the ' uncontrollable rage" in • fi. W fieri Mr Hare fins'!" IkMimoyi ihi» i* tn provide tlie ■ <11 s purpwxrs t'l.tS TRICMPH TR.I. EXCEL- Mlrd I'ir.x and the professor wtu» was not even »ii- did come out of hi" ofticc, hi® midity makes rny blom»e stick ?•» - CONDITION', while top ai«l THE RED HEART ami lo* • placed trsining and leadership si the i«v back. I can always go home ir\l Inr Red Door go Sigma I' I Bo r«vt!y invoiveti. t»-vt com men: xvn • Wha" are tpiir.eao rover he«i in town Reason on Mav 7 "n »• first sUgrs of a college career. able IV 2-Siaai atter M o n« 2> r4if.tr hhamn (ttadv Wire Editor* Naorv llohllni. .loan Kemppaiucn and watch Iluckirberrx Houtul. "o iiiv This training we feel Is of great . sou doing here?" Idit-Paae-Mitor I»»»» Miller Iiianr Katln. Paul llutli r. Jean- Nuranne Newman Joan Millar ALEA ROMEO GLWJETA spider prejid advantage in higher campus of¬ 7 Af'.er the fit-' formal . ,. • port* I dltnf Jim WalllntKm nta Jartl*. Ray Clan 4 4 4 convertihie l*s Not raced red seat Muk Urnkrrt 4 4 4 round of introducbuiH. Mt llute belts Can M seen at 1*12 Linden MAXINE CANNON A. Haiti! Manager tllrk Carlo fices and in AI M. ami S«*(tr. MlKtrla I it Jului ftrhneidrr had to ask for aeenn l ruuh»" East loosing weekend* and after 8 hHAL'S take tin* at t <>l.h« fnifir* M4M.tr I liida l atrldi* API Matatl Manager llaiila) a I'll in fK'nil Lirls? on week daw 27 News office between 2»s •nnual wgu *»fl*lv Miter Night tdltur*. < .inula Vakil Hank H»rn»t»in Martin National VdierlDinc Manater tt:fs IVr definitely feel these acliv- Uiiphrtan! and nhouUI Itin sis I'jlil beciu-e hich one he of still us wasn't wax the sure Am- !W3 CTIRVROLrr TWO-DOOR (•itntisfd truumiisMi kO t-SPi? a'- - two In free Bring I paases D to th# I'ti' l>' member* mini tn ef 1 dael Hen Hum*, Howard Hulmrt. Hill Hall To Ihe Ldilor: Klelman. Jodv Howard >qrm* lie Colitinuett bassado: Ir- 5 n.m 3* KU AST BAKERY DEUVf.X' eUe* and dire l.niratar* inhn Vandan llaada. To the I dllot: If ivp are to accfp* tmlitarv vlduattv decorated cak* Alii Nl|lit kdlliin I hailnllr Our bigges! proldmn th.* xe.o 8 The teiaarter* from the mem her*. Hill HlalMMii, |r . XI Oadrallr ftHAKRS - COM PL RTF RKLLN'IKO Piione IV 4-1 hi i lialtun, Hill .i|.trli. latmuhin "A man vx';u» love I life ' \\ .n discipline a* a wori.hy g.»ai for twelve for 32 30 It am pari darkroom Manager lom %rni»irong ha • tiecn publicity. pailieuUrl.v local pa(,M- Itui! were supjHised |l? vi and UP Adjustment, Wk- Good tore 1 n m a staiemrnt used lo describe our soft and pampcrert you til. ii«M tire* chamuhm Brake u-im- veaf fiear ic Stub' New* putilici!x to cover toe story never showed ?'•!•> f Kaiamason. IV Caiyl Chessman, a criminal- w hv ntuet trie fruitf. pf #<» sum- KENNY DAVIS ORC1IE' *SA t rn-r u Ki'och-Soph Council •> ncerely up tu .mini hoi»e. that toe State New ' a'.' minded, sex prevertel hiMHilum plaT'ng an cxpeneiMe be re- nerved only for the male* L the EMPLOYMENT r par*. INFORMATION Mile h ward _i bi'v ofTicer* and touncii* Chang'.-* from one of What a pe. t.. eauac of a man that up tti«* scut a I'm nuile sure tlipl had Mr. Rutrk Im-cii the Incal Drmurra female lev* soft ami pampered"* Instead of discontinuing HOTC. STUDENTS. TEACHWW. Rt'M - REAL ESTATE S,..--' j>lec xoung girl victim to a mental lie leader af District '» lie xxouhl Mill en.plnvmetii, DW» moeUiK *18 CHITTENDEN DRII IW', TRI-RTTA x v ll.K'i Htl one of v? i" M al t BY 4 C'LI H Institution fo; the (ed of |»e' have received wore consider a- I propose that it be extended t.» guarantee Write Eugene Hmui. IZls fUllev school and cahifs-* Lrchr l" W Kaiamartiu. lansine Aonlv no • own and owner will can- »' 7.30 p.m. Forp«iry Cibm 7 p in. 450 Natural S* .enec h.fe convicted of sex per - linn on Ihe pari of Ihe (iayrr^ include both sexes Then, not ED 2-12* after 9 o.m I'ritwli-Swph 4 ouitril w.» MORTAR HOARD Tin* speaker will i«c I);. Itich- version, kidnaping, and rui>ber>'. nor'a office. only c«»uJd xxe boast of militat- l t. Kit*ling WANTED BARY5ITTE.R PART- EAST LANSING - THHM fi 30 pin. Oak Itcumi, Union u 4 4 * and had a criminal record dat¬ Jt ... ,i xhkme that n a world ixm in our academic curricula, tinie Mr one child in inv house r»>«»ni Cane i (id Dimnr ; - ng won. ii.ii.iir RTMI but xx-c could aUo'show that xve (Spartan VlUaeei ED 2-4100 after :» r»*tme Breeiewav Garage I'x D'.vx A.MIRIi'AN MHIIII Ol ing far back in hi* life I won¬ With condttior* such they are Supports Rule mreation room tn baaemec t' H p4Ti., Old Uollege HaU. I'.tf- CIVIL IAOIMLRS der if that young, girl also "lov¬ foreign digiti varus van! txjKX*. believe in equality between tlic- V H A or 41**- iportaee. Th ■ fes Hour ed life'"* to better trcsbnofif »exe*. 8 3(1 pm., lit huh 33, Union twelve FOR SALE *9eniit| XPARTAN 4 IIRIftTIAN John Rail IIDII AM VII I It RADIO Til lha Idilnr This mat . defended by three I Iiojm* that the attitudes of fl«9 BEECH. EAST LANDS'n. Tw>>-oedrnom home, large |. *11! he rrxLORNHir hp, Gr» Cl.l'H AfH*f—reading Mr. HariiMW< CONVINIINT TO CAMPUS college. ED J-9494 bv ounr I " 7 30 pan., Honm 33, Union 7:30 p.m., Foundry BUljJ letter in Monday's State News, tervlon i WATER 4 ARNIVAI WiHiaie H. Tkempte* DECORATION H COMMITTIX WEST CIRCLE DRIVI: we would like to meet the stu¬ *We Col Another One, Pnrtncr'' f aid.-' Skep■ C*''+r SERVICE «iU I dent wiiufe "beautiful and flex¬ , Cerwt 7:15 p.m., Lower Lounge, Un¬ JAtf. MH IITV la»;- •« t* ('Of, (Tioo'r.; ible mind coupled with a rare Pum ion. 8 30 p ni, YMCA House sn4p* I'icil femi in c. *.. HICK'S UUNDROMA' sensitivity and appreciation for RKTOINtD C HRISTIAN In raw of bad wertUir:, Hid that which elevated the dignity FliE DIAMOND ftONUS STAMPS! 2TCZ t. MtCHlG* — rCLLOHHHIl* »!•<:*ion will l»d held in Kow- of man" would permit the nc- DROP OPP POR SCLP the i pee'i. USED RANOCS XV AMI CMS (•)— 7:45 pm. 136 Bailey 8: giadatiim of an individual 'a x i«ii>p* IP and no Goodvear Sar- S-'-t*. 'i'ed a*d piy • •'• * 'mchfu x urn Stoic. lib) Tact XHehiSan Axcnoc IV 3-ia* St WE SPECIAL!!! IN DRO* 0*4 Tor »rei □[*□□ uoa IUNDlIS POR STUDtN i Sa'.urtta. Crossword Puzzle □□aci □□□ aac HIC SALT REFORMED oackrai® •V.Ui.1 nnnn aaoacon rttfoi won tent, to toll uoncht piano. 7 x I* accord ion. akia Isvn mowr IV 9 1467 , £bate a aaanuciH nuatin eolf dubs, flood assiirttosni of camo- EXPKirr THREES AND GRVRX* mi oauiomcnt. tpinrWi. crib. Iwd. *tih the aaoriauiin , thair*. kiteHon otolith tools, hard- Electrle In One klm . auatju LJUU iiLia •moll Brodv ED □uonau uurmtia articles ton oumormo to meeuon PAAUrTE - WOULD YCH y-rcl □on nan aanaa Priced to salt, the* novo to to Sale town lotordov Mot t.ltot ItornU v tour child Preneh — tola sum mart C i*l to learn corvee* e-n 1 ijuanrjiicxi teacher — flotufl to conduct coanci: i mnn; iju vacatwn CUifclU aaau.i.ijj moa _ Army amuu snii imarj I'.tGNT 9*3 UPVTUM RED MANDRIL. - U ,>epor;ed atniu auu ;riua '..es in sood eondiUoii. 994. CD 7- »i have tn Beiwtie* tf YetterdBy'9 Russia (tfxl think aosrixau 1-9991. arreae tri|i« MZES ai 7 Son of TH£r CAN TAnS THf * , ^ —— Dav.d ANOTMtNANOUOCAT •in rur»c. » I19Cberrr .veers Laee esflettenc*.EO 1 KA <*« " 7-9tw 4fchi;ig • Battel Gears. .. LEABM TO FLY St Rhar*> slave after « p m, ♦ion. Lew rate* Devi* airp" 9 Soup dixtl '" he* north on Abbott ft"*'- DFCORATtD CAKlA OTLtYUt- J-e2t4 or ED 7-0910 10 fkcspa.l FD to *rtu tor partic- bsrthdors 11 Cura Many oUicr delirtous oastrtcs K««»' TYPIST ANN* BROWN 1^ Fakcrx |V l-«7«» tr 2-»9n Electric typewriter r- 14 American pee* and these* Abo humor.ri SPUDNUT SHOP IS OPfN! 17 Rarl.nc TV AND RADIO service - . 22 Sly Mssjfktx^eewtio • F o.-'i.. r- ft fi a. l»w rate* to TV *er« a td students. New a"t- antenna*, ■nwnn«> f'** « 23 Tod CHAClc PAWN? checking, free ' porktng i I ( * 2V Traat 29 Jump oar daily TV^TachnKia.-* V V9999 «- 27. tauiad 4PARTAN MVLnUTH:: 3i Blue b.rd Mxng eery tee, grflf,. ' 39 Lintd wilR „^"TA8LE remisgton auirr- HjTTR tunvrlisr with mirabic tah. • sofl malarial 30 Lityma.d TRANSPORTATION GA5 XTOVf W-.nch IVORY, IU I cf AtioLt flat too. OS: *#*hl rr.acf.ir>- «tt'l WDEAS TO EYBACTSr 31 NiUir vt a centralftais 323 ironer 0*1 Lnin# $x. B*>t t trciich coat, rj^- Etta I4-1C 93 CD '-to* leaving Mav « after 3 or Mav B or • ED 7-r" 'stxuai 33 Abol ih 33. Gala C",Iff .r KAkf AN ISAS (•oi* (on 34 D.srtfari AjuAW-ilNXNiCJUKTCM HOUSING WANTED ' wiltfutlv GAuaai 33 Locked PO* R(NT VAvrm - 37. Outfit i home <»o I ivum 1 DLFUDC modern >n OBI Call after 4 38. Meadow - »» 40, Body Joint "6 6&jsnf.nx!»u»- 41 Bsait APAAT MINTS ■ • ■ - Juo* IJ f- 43 Prerouii 44 African OKEMOfl TWO BEDROOM aoatt- OIRI. WAXTtD TO •nttlopa moot Available Juno 13. arivate en- —" VWU Im OW'i summer »Must kn»-x sssurBtoK-*"- Thrs . CD 2-M9t Boom 333. Dorms Open for Summer Living M ill be open for •lurterila attend - ln« trsJuste warh«li«pt. Nlwlr and itakU riMHm are available along wltb maid and linen aer- vk*e. Woinrri. student* de-.i; J- / ii'ivt" Mp-type living rr.av liv Van Hof*en Hall. Apartme.'- bold two, fhrre or four */om» *. Apartment* are also available t(i- "titTied rouple* v/ho mu t rn.ike arTttngirmenU to sublet ip apartment with the pre»ftfjt ?e* • a fit !,. • of off-campus room-. ' fioi»-«;-aduatr single • •.udnr.*- u d" * ma-, be obtained w ' • lioun-.e Office in Student S« - «. ;f Both 'iriglr and io,d« • i>rfif • are available with ''J" jtludr-rr furrmhing hi* own Sir er»- if; many caws Future Farmers Compete Saturday More than ®0U Future Farmers seven rr..iw north of the can>- Offjf.'al judge* are member* ' of America from Michigan high jm* th» C'i >ge of Agneiiiturr- 'hoots will be On carmm. Si'.ur* Tbe ranbM* beffln at *.3* a rn 1.ijogifig contents are bay morning to participate n a ad will r-eme to a bait at ! 2:3ft «ieiii!:v«-i'. «-editored f>' the the state FFA jurigirg contents. *-■». at ssbtrb Umr Use boys will Michm.m of Vocational Educa¬ Dr. H A. Menneman. ag shorr bare lonrb at tbe flrodj ,rafe- tion ' '■ ( ■•.)<■ ge of Agf:CU!'.»jre |\ ft HIM OF FAftlllOX—% refreshing ««tm in t nirse director. Mid 2'.H judging lerfts. tn*war»w>*U af Judg* an.'i " » -Icpa: trr-enf of tocatior.1- besrb baU I* one way to avereome the mmmo teama of three men each will tag winners will be made during a edu'-a*. >n n in* College of •un. m thew four la* Vegaa, N'ev. b**uti*» be. INTV MILLER. Maabegan sr. (left) and l»«*ni** lioamnyer, uniham sr. rehearae far the Green ftpla«h .water show. Hr»t- register at five judging centers. tbe taarit period These are high school students Parents, Children Learn Together I H!0. Mlu .Miller and Miss Ibinmover recently ruptured first wve . for their duet In tbe Rowling fireen tynrhrnnlted swimming who have participated in district regional FFA Judging ton- . >> Four Faculty t»-«ts previously. Men to Attend . Parents and tf< Judged. Livestock and dairy ber* w.l! attend the Charter fifty Gar'.ek. director of *.."•« < We will be judged at the Pf./er Nutrition eon?erw and nursery. '-■■ret o'.oer tea-.? '• Livestock Pavilion; dairy pro¬ the An-er;«ao Feed Manufac¬ ducts. farm managemand ture*' Association meeting this poultry contests, at Anthony v. eer.erid i:j Ch.rago. Ha 1. farm mftchanlcs, Ag Eng.- Dr C A Lassiter, head of th» reenng. U-i r department. Dr C F Two contests will be held of? Huffman. dairy research profe - c .*' out. Forestry will be at the •or. Itr Roy Bmery, av . jr.* p. Wood I»t aouth o? the profe*,or o? dairy, and lawman campus on Farm Lane. Th«* Brown. dairy research jnstrwr'.e land conservation eontest will will go by plane May 15 ' af* •. : b. at the Rose Lake Wild Life the rurytingv F o'Timental Station about Huffman a guest . * oke a* pfjrer "ie<' M-iS H ALLTV DRI tr anther of Home Com "Atsbs sal (aaarsl." wen the IMi Tllitar Prtae fer beti«»n Meaiir. May 2. Tbe nevel is In r,resenting n home-I ke a'- n o«phere," Mr*. Waller ex* lew. It Is a atary ef pelitlrs in p ain', "hoepltaia are using le*t tbe aattafi % fspibl Iirury was white paint and are becoming a Wublagim tw««aaprr rarrc- increasingly eoler*e«msctou* Tmo Dunked Tnr trend is toward the sa—-» rotor* u«ed in homes, and for NEWPORT R t. >* - A *e- the j'ame reivn* — to make the International l.luli parter and public rea'.ttons man r.Knn'. firm mere cheerful, or lateraauoual club me/m were plunged into Narragansef warm, or cool, or soothing ' -a : 11 discuss plans for n- t oi B;r- Wednrvday when a gang- er* and the International f« w.i parted from the gu.ded -Hospitals sre a'»o re.lir.rg Tsd at a meeting Friday a m;.»».:Ie cruiser Providence. Both thai carpet* are valuable in *ev- p rr m 32 I.n. • .• ere rescued. cr.i! ways/* »he iU>». 1 He-.dei ficarL- jO stiidentv. r«-(liunn«^ noise. huus«kf»;wrs have found that carpets m ftie .•■* from Porpoise i<«I an hour of f letftrrn flasse*? iiftiby fCfiuce the amount of d.r< •-.rrmiSiig honorary. In the ujjf.airs halls and room*" 'Ih.l, MtouKh iim. ti. Krl >»ur «a,h done at Ra.t *.!».«* • rirlias* •■<■•*> •'* (leman-'t tu «»t * et.'tifltee in Offering the course anr tr.e • American II pita I Af elation Iaa»ia*'» b»« laundromat, where there in aluava free Sale M r.»# f l.* tn *t*M I im roe f' area ichools will be Hoffman istumsy morning. The •SpUi.i members will '••h'ste and dlacuss ureter .'ith the high school stu- y.rchrra Ij»I Winnrlka, III. •Jan Deaeift «AtHC. Gennaoy UP) Army neadqiaerters fa ,'Sported WecbtaMUy twu J nave i>c«in ousting four > desert search team vfrt? members of a -»< ior -the remains of the U i TJ . DACRO.V «•. COTTON I RtK ALTERATIONS OALLtBT "**mt> 4, lit . SMAL 111 II I Tigers Going If V lllid l\.cr I "nil r | IM Schedule Lou Replaces Grim in at Chicago Helm Tln'V Sttilrli I'o-ition- Aflrr Ctili- Belli finite*; < liiirlir Xoh Umlio Announcer Of Year Ago-Down, Not Upward NKW YORK UIh Nothing I* d.(i not retieat. Thix time the verse after winning the first five Dyke* didnt *lnrb pUyera. He OMn't have to. l>Mt *J Yankees walloped the Tigers. H»- games ol the reason. < III!' A<10 l/l')—With the Nut inn III I ,i-mr bitter ava il ' lh«» lernoii'-leadil! ; |',si t5 of their fir t 17 games. ever since they went into re¬ the routine, I gue**.'* in eight Hi kh first fnBr , »l y abandon* mirronhone Dyke, riebut was specta¬ I HOWDY In I I'L Team I' ftxburgh tor v. pirate f..i a . . . . . . cular The Tigers whipped the Keen Al hitter, ts KdMne. th* well Helnw .it» , i' " New York Yankees ii a double- Batting Slump Stays, For tSisniM.. -."a- PMDHERS! d ' "Everything Is going President Rill •»: Ihri" Highlights CHICAGO T/1't "f a Vee« k of the Chicago - White Sox vhor i" ' htert? •tint 'ei mi lann.'/er «.l th- IM hearie-i Outflelde- Cliarley Max¬ off the trench to wal¬ us." complained I) Vr> well came the weather. I had ihr r-'.jl said Wednesday he hits no In- * ","1 home mas in the twin special batting BOUOHT ftoodre.iii. I!, hod managed It'-e tost* of the lack of entries, lop lour lor \-,ra • Bengals Lose No. 8 trillion .if getting into the foot¬ hill. The Tigers went on to win an off day last wrek J- • the Kan*a« Cltv Vs. lie w,i« m- the IM horseshoe throwing con¬ UK of their nex, 42 games to We've lieen great • . ball bu«inrsv YOUR placed bv llarry Craft i" IM". tent has been resehednled for /(s.p, front last pi .re I > within practice. We Jos' • rrp Veerk disclaimed any Interest Bo'h. n.is.Mi and Hon b eao Tuesday. Mav HI at ft *30. Any¬ a h rlf gar.ie of 'he lead dozen baseballs American Football I 11101 Veeek was named Wn d-v The i oi»* bad h»d Ii' the Detroit Timers Wed nest lay, 4*2. for; ihe Tuesday u •< /(., (HfMhlc head of a Cilicilgo t,f their I • e> able e .« , • tyame* m l n><<- i.i had" he. <»,- Of Major League Baseball Howard entered the game in . Yankees," Dykes them the usual i>«\ TICKET? fianch, i* group the fourth inning after catcher reeled at (Jrimm'-, handling • -! Black Cat didn'I talk much. Ok , Kefutiver Group I'la us "The nnh Interest I might the teau . Yogi Merrn was ejected for argu¬ having It •ough e ;* •, 1 C in, ivi. who will n«>w t» eofoe ing over an umpire's decision gn'ng them some nj'n have in the new league," Mid WESTWARD Teeik. lor "would eoiicem t 'nndskr) I'ark. a tenant We'd love a a and renin spoil commentator f ' (hiieajo radio station, said he V. rii:tev "are very, v-i v ' To Hil I'lawr Hoarding lie hd hi* home run in the slx'ft inn -g following line of lloge* Mail.*' thrr-e hits. Victimises think alxmt.* I Be* pile the vliimi* whirh^ good friemi- (lie friend-,hip The blow was off Frank Lnry, ped the Tiger* from first * want • troop. n». !<• Mi Wni'.le* didr. ' take the lieuiing '' WASHINGTON UP)—Sen. Kttcs ikuihcimI WmlneHilny ln» will Kcfativcr (D-'IVnn) ati- intmducti loFislat ion ho doscriit- long-time nemesis of the Yan¬ kee*. who hide The *iocky right-hander, 21-fl lifetime reeonl FenwayI within a Hair'* breadth i basement. Dyke* Mill thiati learn w III be a rontmdrr il thought I via taking f«n the a rhnwiiet of 'he cluti oiI jus designed lo break up tlojr-lu-thc-niantfcr boardinif of .-.gainst New York, was charged BOSTON (Th—Black cats way. Grimm. who still rem.uo* a baseball talent by major league ball clubs. with the defe.it, his second this or some other ill-fated omen "I'm more com-.v* y|ee prrxidetil. mill that Oil! would forbid an ea o i hgainst one virtorv I loh Tip The bill's d,•clared mam ot»- short, making hh Ihlril major apparently lurked in_ Fen¬ wcr, after seeing < «.: aelnally his health was not at control more lob lo own or jeetive is I he same a* the HlftK way Park Wednesday where fV»ston." he said, "fha* , trrlrd. Iranitr atari, allowed only two than I (Ml players, and require version to spell out limited ex Kansas City heat Boston, be a wide open r,. 1" "Hell, weren't wn. hits uii In the aevenlh. H«lh v • net eruptions from the notitruvt laws an outstanding tea- them on,, a yea-' '■> olT r a* were bv Mtrve llllke. who had 5-,'!. Mid , ' I ii ill 'fill II, i! t ak • I'-.,- ■ Kb of them lor tinlinuled for professional sjMirty. gue. I haven't seer -n* failed to hil aafel.v in hia pre¬ Print to the eon test. Kama* illj; a I mi for ahylhlng " draft to other club* It has nothing lo do with pro¬ g,\es evidence of runo vious 28 limes at hat. Short, a rtomhe.au. who live- in It »: He said his antdru and mo- fessional boxing Kebtuver • City relief pitcher John Tdtmjris vou Any club can :« lit. itbiub of Chicago. left-hander, walked aix and Miffered a broken Jtiw when hit Ualtimw ha; g«»o: \f.. a nopolv xijbrtNiuuittee ha evi- xuticiHiunittee plans to investi¬ atriifk out Iwo. deiiee that rich and powerful gate leixing scandal* in the fad by h drive u> he was hurling Washington and K with the idr.i of recommending The Yankee* collected eight hitting practice. Tvltourw. hel l have p«over. clubs have controlled up to 4.Ml corrective legislation hit six off lauy. Ig»ry went ou In a local huspital. was 24 Wed¬ "I've read wtjerc piavers, tiiu.s redueihg the sup . The bill is u new step in ef¬ fin n pmrh hi*'* i in the -seven¬ nesday his White Sox in- plv of talent available lo rival- say* If Mill IInn I Sn\f forts to untangle confusion th Radi-f sportfeaster Van f»atrictc pitching staff in t.nc >■ He i ailed tips bad for the sport and for the piayH.., too .stemming from Supreme Court Detroit, held hitler* for tflree fell on the Boston dugout Steps better keep on be!;c< llvll> In on III II ay lotifKbn'tng this new and decision* that the antitrust laws innings, broke through in the and sprained hts left wrist He don't. All I know . •< broadened version of a bill he do not apply to profex.r major leagues in any learn Texaos, rivals of the National rufttomer* until blocked by an spot: to try to block or liaintx-r Football League Cowboys, ftoth lac fonnatiou of a competing H0W0PERRBM0F0R upraUed Arm. Kill* SfHiil l.m teams ex|iect to start operations fall. new* league And in the seventh mnirg. in Daltas this THE WHOLE FAilLY Red Sox reliever A1 Worthing!«m First I'Iiiit Hiti raccl over to rover fir*: tw?e w hen Ron Jackson knocked dow n SAN FRANCIS. O * IIOKSKHACK i Whitcy llenog smash Running s!op Roy McMi.ia * RIDING full "q»oed, Whrthington reache 1 the winning run W«?j uui for Jackson's underhanded right-hander ('a! '! i, fONV HIDKS lob, tupped heavily over the ba^. the Cincinnati hit the ground and rolled ove. FranciKo'x bid f •r , # 111 GOV HIIIKS three tiniea — but came up with the National Lea* »•. a 3-2 victory the ball — and the puhnjt. He a I'icnics McMillan's gam. ■ s«-as ^tuaned but remained in tncia rtRTV or,., the g irne. gle varwe in th«- ■ . to hand the Giarr IIIHM; tMiiriiUT ford hi$ first lass i':f born shipmates with Islsure. lories. MNi„ cwiM mm im Nil. BRASS RAIL RIMN6 RANCH LASTS DAYS •f parapteadty.MfM? Worth kMNisi? M|M! •TlIK HANCII WITH TIIK HKST RAIL" Too vlleo» timing • rat i« like reading a let (bonk. It tan make tod is Mu- v w hummm — m. urn leisure LUCOt Whenever you're in a drowsy no matter how nun Ii sleep you get But safe NnDux fights this mood—get Into these com¬ kind of **h*|nnMns," Safe .Nolhu alett* voq with fortable, lively-looking calf- raflrinr — tlie same rebrshiiig sUmulaiit tii raooMAM iNroaMATNiN CALL ID I-HU roller ami |ra. Yet mm halut forming l:M - «:M - < U ■ length pant*. Choose the i NoDoa ia faster, handier, more reliable. easy-cars fabric and hand- I S» to kerp prr»pira<'iou« while you drive, ▲ i study, ami woik - keep NoUoi hand*. 1S« »wtl •! I »Su. imnm. NIGHTS « SIN—ADULTS 70c—KIDDIR8 TOOAY tad FRIDAY! MICHIGAN KNDH TONIGHT — STARTS 7 P.M. 4 ontiniMSMs tram l;N Y.M. Alaska lw... cUkilS DIAW MAiTtN-MNIT ItlGHJ PASSAGE II romt"! Diin rirrTSTn^trwiTs DAI'I- I ■ IIUI] a a a STARTS TOMORROW FBI SKK 2 H:\TCHKS — ALL-DAY PKKVI R: MAT CNCTMC or TM MUM THREE ACADEMY AWARD WINf new nwuo* nus — m akxt awau winnm — mr rouooN THE PULITZER PRIZE AUTHOR r m mr ram ruu THE SCREEN IS mniwH-xaMK* -uwn tkkinc itript Jackrt tor tvyt and «»U. UN. mm\ Matrhinc C « I a ! I n ■ Cut ■ im trunk* for fuv. rippor fly and r-'t.c n a,at -.nrorta. M.M. Gala auita to match HSU. Color combination u> boat black and nhite. Staam- omblcir.a on joefcrta EB M« and tninka IB 7-W'| MV/RI7S S009 VINE w«» Of ' (mK»1 CsnSlAPlETDN-niJORY Green-White Wildcats' I'ttI Sarli>rius ! , Stat* i rerage 3rtl Alumni Tussle Set Grid View In (amfere tire Hy JIM IV ALLfXGTOX H|»l* New* KpwU Mitor Saturday of light III* »|Wf tifllSrt'r* < 'HP AGO - W*rn* Knap? The Spartan yrUUlcru rexumn spring drill* today *'h«»i' SitM, aecord- parati'iii for two buwy wwkcmK •'» ir,:t;ai 1M0 t'aU-Ch re- The tea in will la- u demon- fttttntlin# bHckfielil men who .ng J t rioy "ore alt«mptlnfr f o o b ;t 11 strator for KooUniII the Seventh 'Annua! Coach's Clinic widen »•«» ia' hit »>ur coach said i»cak," the xpeciai- com /. •/ sbiire-, t.ne leadership »r. T. . I t ' , jil : W game Saturday at 2 .10 p.m in best receiver, and Bill Zwn are day at Dye he Stadium. Ad¬ f,n ..(•* parad/ ;• * V. v .", W.loe.-t F ran/.i.n of Mir :- Spartan Stadium. 'he other right end-). Students and faculty are in- Stoll explained hU talent •■• it mission to the regulation .- tadium Satw ** * 2 p . g*r. a*. r;.n« . ;i high lb *.0N»i frame will be $1. d«"t .:«»• -a'i- >.«•. a bfc*-* - rn 16. and .a ir.p"* - vital to the game The ga'p r - »'< spread-out that he may hav> -buttle hi* end;- during game DIC K OXENBINF '-arned :'.i V*v>rs-- .r* gft "iif- ■ frec. to The game also will rye a fea- -•-/* Knapp aifco paci ■ . . imim* to 1st unit epr'ri/ tra: ..r*g attuatiops dictate. Noi-rhwerstern'* . . •otf of . The other bn«t weekend fob a.* anr.ua. A &:r.'•.*:» ' • ■M- ^,ulir*'.!o t- J) .norr.e rur«G !•*« May II when spring prar- Bernie palmatccr. Art Valde/ -d.iv coaching tMinie ot bead cjften Bump ? &• .'.n.> Jobr, Jara*ev»ch no* and Ken Jones are the possible tlee will he terminated with the .'I 1 Miiiliilittrn I.rttil 'I hr "romehaek kid*" wb* will f. • flat! a ign • . ra g-i-nerH the rr.ont rb.'s. six. •• annual old Timer* football break-through*. Iheir aid Kirrnerow of HhboN r •*ume position* in th» fir:.- fame. Army't tjlt Cmm/miuii fir*t siring barkfield for the ,ea n S'- p.Vrher* W.'-h a 2-* Going into the last few prac¬ WKST POINT N Y .p. A"- U ildeaU after a v ear • ah«enrr r r/. count. Allan Koch * tices, the Spartan coaching xtaff ^are fniarterbark Dirk Thornton ...an ha* t'jjrk. out tho er conciU/ion f»{ spring foot- fl/.es up the club a- .having a ami ha If hark Albert Kimhrough. oairen, b-t!l prar'iff, A- girling hack'lcld. inexperienced Joining Thf.rn'on and K.- - Inner-line, except for centei. searchtng t it a 'arting quarter- (-r; rente., New V .rk H L TIT. f'H 815 .571 a . The en. r: 173-pnunder three T »m leading Blanda fn»:n < ididJiV .« 6-ffjor, Youngwwel. K'.-..' b .v ;e* bali I/f' f'll'-nark. M ke S'o'k, lean -«h> .• car.:,;' wi'.n the 'jpwMj l d" d hum: _ both ifliru!vcly arid defensive¬ Chicago T'it -en.'.i Glen Ad arret. 8-ftw»', f'hr first hne w,ii have Baltimore .581 ly. in Junior Dave Mander* 185-ixmrider from K' Paso Tex a new !oo»" th only or.e «.f Mamlers, from Klngsport, m x-Cleveland 518 NO I (CNTKK-lliivr MaAden. ri-ntfrtns Ibr fimthull t« hi* and Dit.k Eekert. a 8-foot, ihii- ' vear> Air e-., end Libert described the team'* harder- Bocton .4112 «sihl> Ihr us qound sophomore from Carh'-.o, K ournugh. paying in ♦he. x-Washington .482 ijesi renter in Ihr MiK 10. Ktate'New* I'hntu t» Al Hover. working individual Da Kansas City .400 Ihe 8* l"-2If*pound former Detroit 185 WASH N- WIAR HI (lames l orfrili'il tackle ha* keep him working. much incentive All he ha* to g—Piayed flight games WtUXfJDAY'ft RKMill* to do la look behind him In tho second and are aophomore New vera 4. Detroit 3 Ran*** Cltr S. RMtoo 3 INTERVIEWS FOR Bryan 8 Holds Its Lead nnit DalUionre l Oirato 4 Dave flehrman. who «tand« three < lavaUod at WuhMllnn inr inches taller than weigh* 27.1 pound* Dava and TODAV'O (iAMI * l hlrage (Hue 1-13 at Rathinginn JOBS IN EUROPE In Winning Game. 9-7 'l.ea Mi olgtit t lrv-land (Hisklm Mi al Ral'i- M »V!ng up to th;rd team morr icjpiio i-ii nirht ceiiici. .re-c Jim KanickJ was n»nl» eaoie* irlirtulrtfi tr-iiisferred to tackle Ul junior ! n tVit yame* equaled th«» niimta r of • v. ii.fl ins forrauM? then not 'h"vs up «>p* for •v 10 art.piO;1 H • »iif{ < f D< liiiv Mo; r«-if ' I'lri'.ktTs u-ed three home runs • tti'l iticu pu-?r.ing for starting slot* a' •.■!«• flank ha And Stoll mh he three wiphmiores that could \ - Is# C:r>'.btia'i Angvle-:, 8 7 9 11 471 .181 351 4 8 ■V. ;' :>-T>e,n'.v*'dne». Bon! Kvaris push into tiie competition frhrn x-Fhiladelpbia 6 11 lo .lot** Forest,-y. gi-4 C'hicigu 8 11 383 6 !>trhr;. fW'fcfl-' a the "B" squad x -flayed nign* gA'lrir»: s :.n I Field A Wdd t. f" Dunn. Johiistone and llendt t urrenth flick (prndnif and thf-ir st'hoduled gam a--. W>.|IS»*I>*V* R»Ht'IT* all r onnerlrd as Pinsker* sent II Jim (orfiat, both Junior*, are ..p Bcrknulrj hurled llryaa runs across the p|«|e in the first leadlnff the pack. And earning f In' a to Z. rillbburth « mrinnatl 3. *«n franruro t I civilian careers t'»ll«a»phU •( st IvMUU. Inr . 0-7 ••.-.ri ovrr Bryan 0. '!*< >• Inning. up behind them defenalvrl) are WIIWSIlkM Nt I .»• Anyrlr,. (in WITH f. Ernie Clark, a *ophomore, and TODAY'S «.AWr* 10 t; ;• but Phi ARMY SPECIAL' O IM I'd ■ i dorm title, Art Rrand*Utter. Ihe junior MiuUiirrh CWIU si (hiragu K,.' , . V . '• ou> Ih"a Theta Pi, rl.roti l-n f'rrknnld allowed Ihr luser* Milwaufe** tBurSntt- 2 -11 at )«■ »is lilts, lion I'arlanerh and Man from Enat Lansing. *N««tc« (D«ar»* 3-1» SERVICES lo A;. < itro:! artmn, lion Da- "We ll be better than la«* #ea- ( inr|a*all iNrO* *-li at Sin Iran Hljrklrdgr hit douhlrs for "8" ' , ; and Gary Jacknon combined ann," Stol! said, ' a we have r|«*« tAmUmelU .Hliilr sieve I'ardaul hit a home ehlla«*lNhia 0»*M. I -It at *t. • •'|ui>«4 I of profabvooal (wtom, on the mound to two-hit Ag plenty of game experience" U«li ( Mu»ll III Uicht Lp««'"g* fw: Booh Their club, Ag Ed, won. Only One letterman has been r-coring a!! 7 of >U 52-3 lost—Dave Northern- ' idHarlan* Iwmmn) i "if last two IwiifH;-, ai- Bo- A Bridle noived out t 'It may be until toe middle Craft Director* (awwar.w**) h-f'l the1 game am the season next fall before packaging 4-1 of Siofie, minimum aga 23. Pe*it'W»« AOls iiounmj off to f <.-ni;v nominated outbid* tH* teia'mt tomp-M'r* »*r r-v*—no e«a»oi"at»ort f»ou ;r: :.ng and cruised .« wosl-l ikcly-tosvcceei . .!«■ •' miTjp over Afhei '■ a Brown * also s AtK.'SN hart gr tog a or c.;eim - "v .* amd ,,. overwhelmingly elected! fie wa the winning pU« n- EATON'S \KK A 1(1(1 Kt' HIIKAh NEWEST FASHIONS Piper Slacks IN by H I S i rom studying WRITING PAPERS i. otpwim-it a »•- *i—y. *«r» * Play a 8am af Wnftmrsn 29, 0. C. 1 IS MIMTIME BILF at Good Tim Golf NEXT lo FALL REVERE * I MILE EAST Ol MM I AM ft * II IIOM.H or Ft .N I OR EVERYONE Choose an Eaton personaiity-perfect papor Here * * sail with an because it dec-, something" for you, because of your good taste, your flair fo' OPEN EVERYDAY it speaks fashion - both whan you lend your letters and ailounding ability (e HtEMMYft 5 to II when you lire an Eaton styio* as a gift - withstand beat, humidity and HLMU.SM • It la It See eur eRMeilee U ewRp» aea una ie^gaa. hard wear. Tailored oa fits -rtCUL (Alt* I OK WOW n M!M rAKTIEs SPARTAN BOOK STORE admired .Natural-Shc»uldm4 liMs (young, flattering, featherweight) to a poflin auittof "J ^ that's a Mtabty parked blood of r»y. Dtrmo* and .U% otton, * *2T* A it mart than answer* whatever demand* T" lutvrf at melting at Iha jtt agt itttM riptn 1—4 tliv poll for jm»u make. No fime-wa-ting tri^ can ha yourt... at a r«»pu» popularity I Dig to the rleaner for thj* suit—it got* ma aitirai mo arias/ tko mMM... guy, p«.k tharpar m rrncil-.lim right into the family **»h without a qualm, *"* Ft part. Th«y litr thr ln« vr TWA — W* nKtion'i lajdinc a.rime — will Ira n you at iMpm the hip/... the. Me and right back to work with company enpenta... and pay you nh.le you Ira n' buefcht (hot rrpUcr b-lt> First on your flying schedule, will be interesting cities ... the Continental »l*nt of a mere touching up! $38 86 in the U..s later you may tly to MKld famous cities the front pocket/. 11.95 to ot four continents on TWA's international routes W.S5, ia a ho" of Am* NOW aMa fabric, at oo-thc-iwll lor TWA training classes starting soon Here are the qualifications Minimum ag- 20. height t»? to 5 8 . We'd Tike to admit right here and now that 'he. Might, 100 to 135 lbs. vi,.on. 20 100 or better, cor¬ fnsin reason «« run an. erb***T*iiU like hi* m to rected to 20 20, attractive; natural color Mir. f'ear get you* tkaf reader. »o drvftk Gnea-f.o'a te the STOKE FOK contpienon. unmarried. 2 yeais college or equivaie.it business experience. vi/iual vi ail uinmr uavefagea* Jb* CMtKt Mr, iKi.iia, ImiriH sooner you at Art going ak».t u», ffce joof>«r >1 E N tniy tkann • » " * •» we'll both to out »>; fife. 1»« Snu - SMiain Caa.UK aval linw «:» ,•« eE R'J'.LY REFRESHED >/io/i ftttlm Till .i:.'{0 NMM9 WOKtO AtMiMS 11^ ^ lotded under a-.tn»,ty er Ti.e Coco-Cola Cs-npsey Sy Irulm Till 9 p.m. EA-hALLl. tt>< A-roi.% fW»TTUS(i iOMTAM Lmmoii; Mse*nseo MICHIGAN MTATi: NKWff Roses Ruled May S. INI •*43 «• Six Demonstrations Planned Problem-Solving Steps Studied explninci thai the sub¬ For Beautv, * ' Bacteria Survive Ran detennlnes whether tVie Ito On Armed Forres Dav volved Ft mi tags hv an MSU psychol- o'i'o*. shed new actually g light on hove a a- about solv¬ preparation or volution priwcsx takes longer, tiie researcher re¬ ject would see 'he fir>* port of. it problem and ile-n. b>- pushlnu Color,. Vigor A million rocnt(f«n« of rncll»li»n—2500 tinien the iinvmni T'he President has defiirnattxl May 21 aw Armed Force-* fH-rsoa ing a problem. ported. ii Mvlteh. wottlit «ee the next Hose ratings based tin the 10W that will kill a peraon—doe* not completely kill the l.a, t. ri„ Day with the motto "Power For Pence". It is expected that , Dr D-n-v l Johnson point# r»u' lie found thai mod subjects stage. By opcniUng still another season have rerently been re- that cau.e the deadly f<»«l poiaonlllK. botuHam. the mayors of Lansing* and Fast Lnnsins? will issue prwla- that p-'t-"'"'-::*, solving 5* so e»ini- are capable of retaining no more leasetl by MSU horticulturist*". than five detnilh concerning one rvvitch, he would Indicate hi- These ratings are for the 19""» "Dead' spores Of these bac* "dead" spores will mat ion.s to that effect, and jrive instructions to display fla;rs pMeNtcd tha* t ha- M 1h> anal- The on |pidTJic tuiildiiur* and in public places. ./ct .n 'mail pr fi *• 1V1* <• .* research make- .i pos*ibht to wrong newer rose varieties chemical functions, an MSU as¬ certain enzymes. Dr. Cos.ti* •\rin» I Forces I)..; - study 'he corni«onent« of taink- iv larger than five, most of the switch back to reformulate the In the Hybrid Tea Hose groin-, *h«*»t. during the aftermton >>f sociate professor of microbiol¬ said. However ,he noted. • l):, ,tpe:i Mav 20 with a hall at the inif separately. v anient.# spent most of their problem, this was automatically ♦ h» Arlene Frnnci •and Tanva ated spores produce the M.iv J3. and the pra<- c.r„ Na'iw'iat (mi,mi Armory open t.» KrUI:»y, In involving several huh- time organizing the facts and pecortled by timing devices. \arietie.s were rated the high¬ ogy reported Wednesday to the acMv ant former officers tii-e tactical demons?ration on formulating the problem. Society of American Bacteriolo¬ zymes slower than ttorrea: df-fst ro.iege .'ndeuiv. Dr. John- est. "Holds color" was the rea¬ jri-cdfjimis ioncil ofTic- Tlie subject set his own pace gist in Philadelphia. spores. i-ri lop n S.i'ufday an I S.i■ >■ I.»•, May M- ,.n re;*sutd*',* in separat¬ out* . son given for choosing the Ar¬ Thv» Michigan State bac-! • rs aii,i Mn r families and However. If there were and enntrolled the awltehea When hit by » million roent¬ . ing 'hiftking nto two processes few- specification* or detail* lene Francis, while Tanya \v»« figlst f/ointed out that altfj 1) a ;i t- a reveate«l the varlnn* part* nl gens, found Dr. Ralph N. Costl- a prejj.iiratio. 1 an t a solution railed for. mo*t of the ntudent* picked for its unusual color and the amount of chemical ic \ On Sa'ur t.i> Mav 21. ttie A the problem. low, 99.9 percent of botullnum , pr K-r- He v, a* u' » able to did not take time to formulate vigor. he observed in the • Kwill fl.v (.'•1 Mi cargo plan.- an i V-1(11 an.i !02 fighter about Initcd FiiihI t:r»ie each pt ve<- the problem bat «prnt the hulk For first switch example h. by pic -ins the might see III Anmng the CJrandiflora Rose*. *Merr\ Widow was selected a- spore# can iuo longer reproduce and are therefore "dead" in the spore# U too small to bi to* cause food spoilage ,v. noted that prr- of the time finding the *oliitlon. usual bacteriological sense. n.ltlin tie' a i in \ • • Michigan Av. l»r. Johnson hot hy the MSU horticnUtiri-f* a.,,, h i! fin ,iri •i I \V. I ! a ■ p - -i l'.a .« at 10 3ii Aide Speak* vious man* studies errors hate shown that are made bemuse To follow the subject's route iri solving problems, Dr Johnson figures on a eani . eati ;i ihnl all hadaomc htng tr» Then, bv » die im. - pressing Ii- i-xeilJent color plus its good keening cpialltv put tins rose in Hut these "dead" spores vth genninate - leave the dormant distance of botullnum *p,. a major drawbars to pi,.-, lwlwr.ii I ♦•too little time n apent in pre¬ devised a setup in which 'he emmon. rapidly, or more rap- preserve foods by radiatl,. Itud^ets |ri "... if noon. slab • a:,.I.. An... \ .w m. 1 M. On paring to »o|ve problems." That ■problem* were presented in another switch, he would lie the top spot. The Quern KHz: - heth was judged next In'st in 1111., - Hi Idly. thin botulism spores which Dr. Costllow plans to t-"!.*, ... He pointed out that su«-h .hown a second group of figure hi* research wjth Ute |n».,. ||,- r.i. I • "fi,I f is one reason wh* the prepara¬ have nU iHjen radiated, the, and he asked b» pick nut the one griiun for the same reaso .1- finding precisely how ra.* M .SPKan NVion.il • G'iat.1 v. Liidlaw. esce.itive vve tion period was singled out for a procedure does not interfere MSU scientists'* experiments . i.guie which fitted'into the fitsi the Mi '.v Widow. *,i- nlay fh'-,- ii-';d tu-ui • • f of »ne I 1 vd Fun,!. special stod« h« him. with efficiency of problem -olv- show.- affect* spores. ia p. Three varieties took top hon- *xiu:pmcrr. in On- a • » >f s • .it 'n.-' Michigan UF Ma - r.c number o! df**4i in- ... Dr. Johmmn. alto rejmrted that itu 10 the Florlbunda Hose rfa« - '•:nv anil Mat .a" Sin-,-' A Conference Tuesday night .tj. •he .•indents tended to forruulat-- ilication Fusilier. AAHS '58. w , L-I' tical .MTi'l-r a!i.ai problems in line with their «uc- rdccled for Us ability f,. ho'-t using machine gun.- ami art l..iid!ii*. who i'cks on imniedlatety preeedAiy eoloi tpialily and resist pel'! A Wise Plan.. I Cry support \v:M \w highisgb'cd I* ' '. J Fund !t lie De'.ro- i problems, even when other wnys horning. fv the •' X pi"* '"M a • V-liM'l'f. f' .mimmd.v III i other two Moo'i- v .Tiiijl.it' a' 1:30 iim,| 43i'. You Are 'Hie Jury" is ear- of hirmulaling tti ■ pr ihle.n* The were iva> r<" poilsdiM- for :'s na .- <.'.1. WKAK -*i • station 1 .»m- were apparent and other *olu- wpiitc and Spartan, both ehcsvn \«. hi- U wilt w-miI the ni•1 >MI,, v ;;ii.-,v:h. s*• c .-d the importance e.i.ug -« J.'t f available radio tied weekly on t.i Michigan 1 u tis were called fu; on the nuris of their excellent Miusiiroiiin . ' si I hm'a in:■» !h. alloj-atiiij! eoriuTUinl'y '-iihts acto-« ?,> t*' t 3:1' future "You Stale Tape Network station*. 4»K V. various org.ini'.lho' Iu.m» \«- IV Ju->" program^ For Each program dramatizes a traf¬ were !)• Johnson's t.i tit apparent .and other solu- findings color and vigor. A complete list of both old and Frtt Storaga An art.Me •• «-i'!i .»nc on toe service tlu-y icmUr to j.i ooiii'c>'i*.a» t A' laduire fic mishap situation. Driver Academy of S-ieices ami are new roses, about 17IJ of them, m H-ifirh hovvir/i'i a .'I »:u' la.Man i the ,'onununity. t.x' Anv one who has rules are portrayed by radio act¬ 4: part of his larger study con¬ tfu- Horticultural Garden* at Kl*«h will «lorr any rlothvs lining!u howMzer Will demonstrate the The I'F !s IvMSH-aliy a v ' i- had rad. TV e-r tneater rxpe;- ors After the drama portion is Hi shop Trainer, an,I a.-'pally tire . recorded it is replayed for a cerning an analyst* of the think¬ MSU, together with their ra'- teer organization which finances ieme .< r g :•> ing process. The research is fin¬ ings 1* available from Hichar-.i in for dr> rlranina. frrr of chnrs, jri.ssiotis wi' i th a small rrmi- ninre ti.au 195 nationa,. «• Graduate undergTiM#. faeul- studio panel of citizen drivers anced by the National Science F Stiukuu, 108 HorUcultuir pressed nir training device and iochI skrvice organtzaMo:-.*, • a- '. •. .;•♦ rr-Ther- are lived from all over the »tau nvfp thr summrr. I'lrk up >mir some of t e ne.vi a iiii«nir, The panel discussion i- re¬ Foundation and MSU. Building. The most impnrtjint action t.» u Vie pro-tiK * on> The drama rkilhrs rlran and frnth in thr fall lank \ v i a]«»i, , Vftlu'h . he; I be tak«n by volunteer cam- portion* are res-orvtol on Ujh* so corded and then a final analy¬ rffia.r shops, .mo 'illii'• ispiip- sis by the MSU Highway Traffic vaigneis s to increase funds on tjvcv a. e ds»ne at varying times. will he ,c. display, ami .Safety Center is adder! I«» com¬ and pay for Ihrm in Ihr fall. Inipiir, !,h- 11 levels and keep cmi* be- N'w n its fourth year of mors wall t»e allow.-'l h.in¬ plete the programming. All com¬ nominal and optional in v low 5 penvnt while pushing M e i -a«t;ng. "Y- Arc The alMiut uur • HAVE FLING .>• ,.a • itio and items shown. operate "t e the ftlogan. ' (live once and f >r a'! '* Jury" ryu ..von several outatand- pleted programs are audited by n board composed of traffic of¬ A Miranrr plan alMi. I .aidlaw vonveil "«"M dts- -ij i.u-\v -nclud ng the lVa- . . The VIW rust Nil :»l luml trn s" the American Cancer So- bMv and Sloan award*. The ficers, education officials ami will pis* ItfMtll. Tills Ihroiichmil the altri- group. luidrr the eietv'M with HeeisUm the Defro.t ITF t-' dUaff'a'e He hope! ■ * »n,t the MM' Highway Traffic josaliiccd i'.v 'VKAll. representatives of other agencies covering traffic safety. The pro¬ THIS SPRING ! grams are not released until FLASH CLEANERS leadership of lllrerliir lletiry the Cancer Soetety, now cam* Safety Center wr.tes the scripts Nelson, won the Naiioil.ll H.1111I puigning on Ms own, would put>- and dors the technical aspects passed by the review board. I hampionships last tear. Their repertoire in tludrw tnarchfs. pop ronrrrt pines, as well as in lac. \m;rl»'s rlassiral HO it li-h records of the Detroit April eollectaon mi-- According to t.aid- law. the costs would Ik? trememl- 111 comparison to the re¬ Your complete optical Headquarters . cunvrnirntlv located, offering complete . . optical services FELIA in Kramlor popular numhrrs. ceipt- ThrMp w ho can » . ..me out on No one can forecast what the ; te ^1-.I hut would like '■» sec fund raising atmosphere will Ik? this far. and "We ace not look¬ WALLACE OPTICIANS some of the planned aet viMe invited to watch the rehear- ing to any nirtertantial increase Itranrh Office — Vine at (Itpjmrt fc.ii of the A-bomb Simula'"! m goals," laid law said isgpmiir Near* In FraiMlor) eye examination* h? H'. Jenarn. registered aptometrt*! ' A IJ ii mislakaltlv I'll. IV R J77I HOI H*s Man. l-fj T«M Id; Thar*. * grl.. , W»i t-t , «al.. YEAR ' issinci sea ay Male PROMOTION o light touch of I frogronca of your fingarlipt in thr tia lovaly Mary *ophi*ticatrd toiiit watit Chait leant,. it nfth and wear diicevor tha Irwa frogroncat 4 ounca Mta vlaihinu * and lotting quality of Mary Chan toilat wolar. promotion prica 4 ounca tiia 2.75 promotion prico 1.50 plus fo« plus Ion 1*1 spray olomirer promotion prico 1.00 Mrifhrr'* Day • Stiitilay May R . . , (Jive Mnlhrr A Gift From Jaeebaoti's Hwpel piCMUltS .... the most riireoi route to a nimmpr, cool convenient, carefree The moat hot hum id 24PIECE weather won't its dampen spirits BEVERAGE SET I'o clean: timp this lighu weight suit into a washing machine and let it drip-dry. s S449 Wear it the nesl day. Reg. shorts, longs, extra tongs, Sixes, 34*31 Briirht new vU*m« ... S Urgr tumbler,. 8 medium- 139.95 u» tumbler, and 8 juice glar*e» ... in attractive I Htl. ALTERATION* Scandinavian deaiffn will be auch a welcome gift in M-gg-M DAT any home. All 24 piece, for one low price. (HAIGK ACfOTWTR giving your logs'* tun-tannad HOLDEiN (|| RE1D j&fstninnnil glow, fining to parfaction I thay'ra lag preportianod. Clonic Saiga lotto* 1*7 8. WaahinctM 208 K. Grand River and pottol thodoi Oami-too. las FRANOM lansing E AST LANSING • tot every Say «wH M, Sal 3 pr., AYa Too and haal. M0 3 pr,4JS • FAMOUS BRANDS FOR PAD AND LAD"