Burroed Chariot Ben Hur-ed Serving MSI. lor 51 Yi ar- VOLUME 52. No. 25 KAST I.ANSING, MICHIGAN—KHIftAV, MAV 0. I9W Principle, Reality Plane Downed in Russia Con fusing to World By IH»N FAfFKK'll On U. S. Weather Flight; AriUMiiM*- fridul- ahroad an- incrca-iui'Iv worried alxoit the difference between U.S. princijile* ami realitie- in race relations. anthrojK)lojfy. I.'w+m • *a\> app«ra red Dr. John 1'reern, profe-oir of mn:\ulopy and Wedhesda:- "**" '' " ** —-- - - Moscow Charge Denied with Put fLiiiih Sinucklf! and " Are on.-, id Siftgft *tu ♦♦* the p'»i. * - ■ Blackmit . off»v;! 1 foreign affairs. j of the right-- problem» "ft U.S. mow'. ; '*'■ yk '■ Meg. Tonx Detroit Tax Bv Pilot To Altar (Pit Incomes , tfto t* S ha.. *tnod ¥ . ,.vi chariot j i-». Wcdfi«Mtfi3y mysterious unknown ni^ht rr Mturc purpor» OefeatH 1'liipp in (IIiim- Voir I.ig.nda and overseas. government Including op- j»r»- At Noon ('.ho Iteniied Suggested »i« till %**•♦! 1X11 I» I'll! ,l. .-viT, a telegram spm nl- ernphaslred tiiew* high print;- ''i- VVA>H!.V(;T(IN u1»--Th- < . nine Phi Sigma K \ ere guarding t?. cleared of the mv*ter. active Herbert Is Elected A rp*ult people the nations, he added. abroad U.S. ; *.jjm JiH H I iiiti-ij Tburwilay lfic State.- j n d i« n I S. ilivr invl tiniiHrd filming Hut the Amerkan people ram"* M- miittnr jilanc Dr»- Speaker of Congress • harlot rarr from Urn llnr. to acquire a u«der- June*- A rrii#.-r N j k i f n K hru-hcfu t Hiving a wonderful time. Wi*li vUnrfins of their pu«ltlan la the ^9|Hl^g m teia-fpf! v-as -ha? dav.'ii von were here. world, t'veem %aid. failure la DR JOHN I HU M K mi—iaj, of intimidation PS Am rtnUhod with .t imp thru foreign expeetattaa* One vote »!erji|ei| the electpin of speaker of .Student f'on- actual •,'.<- ..f unarm*-' Yuu will find i? at m.v and failure to translate Ideal* about the U S Image abraRH area* Wednesday nijrht when Chuck Herlmrt, Lai-dny jr.. into prarlire at home make for want her *fud craf? t\ha-e Spsrtj " The United S'.u*«" mean- ho* - V »w the burro ha- been r«»- defeated Bryce Plapji, HeKalh, til., jr., -2-21 el*n peoples Inrreaslactr sfcep ing to the vast majority of A1- • Mg- a -o'emr. r+h»w- rjviiian pilot, m.i' h iv*« black - «•'! to hi* chariot and u-i.i tlral about American claim* and Africans. Smurk>r «a' .,'. V,V-*m'nv»r Anne*, » (J nuV Mapp *a- elected ti» rep re- .»n* .♦•- nue onlling it until the end Meanwhile, t'vpem said U S .•Tted. The ma'*"*, uneducated •vhere -he Ar*hb op f>* ("an. la*', after Big Meekend *»A fraternities week (ireek Weekends, May 22 II; have iioguri to exper - who have never *rave.- •eflM'v v.l! pronounce *hei oddx-«»n choice f<> o*ina to Dan Ricdel. Brookville, man an 1 *a f< Quet-* E'rrebetn !*• an merit with such foreign concept ed more than a fr*.'. m >« ivrt in Junior 300 "May 21 Ihio. jr it Oh* race foi pre ;• and Brtnre Philip looked on ■i\ For Form Is a. pa-, .ve resistance in achiev¬ ed domex'ic goal? .American their a.vare village ■- of of American' on'.;- a ou'- farms. ar»- I he «nuple drove together to Ju- And* r S|urb *o|»! a: e irnfKirting foreign demorr.- sid' TN or v/e.'erner- (he anrient *hhe> The Prince** Scheduled , MSII '.( <»!i|ti«.ns to s.eia! prrJilen. The real impact I* on the tint wa* seen !wi«ting her diamond fs .ters.itw rb-teated Norm li h- a* '.ve!! »•. exjiorting *t(>gaas, ne *" tnev •(♦■•! fx- held Mav I t au. r.'.» •nief advi*e«- for the MStI pro America mainly a* a militart two hour* during iunen a? Co • Hume «»' 'he highlight : •>! th- I'h.vlli* gran: ; Vietnam, attacked "the supplier, for weapon* and train¬ We have a-.. i« \l . rcprt'M-ntatii t - of univcrxity «<• - hmuekier find-- that rnanv A^- "It's like tne c.jsranatlon o.:i of I'CTcttemicH fur the in I wiirfw tax on a l tier.:>r.• .vmg •(#■!.' I S ugi-ri' n fur;.,- " c Pi appropriate SSflft Memleres see the U S according to harajoed . partfix-iit- A Pair of th»- (am- ■ins a policema.*. He re- work nz ♦HO Water Carnival, call Arttic n e *.-• -•»tcig nl funds Pi the International e prejud.ee*. of their form/rt f*"re?! •/. the g.gantic: outpouring Khru-li< he* U»ld Ihe . ED 7-7 43a. f-»r an *p- pu> wlM be provided for the eolonla' master a .♦ brash, ma- vents men? wnen F.: wuid -'le'.-i 37 11. *m ict Festival *onny Kirmani. viee- , I'srliamrtil the pUnr have r-ii.c-n.: Previous experience l>.> n-iit* by row net I nmnbrri uncultured Ur* Ma ■ - L» ■. Mrr.a-. —•'( mn newc*m»er wa* crowned in the abho .n been urd*fd Jostled presMlent of the International r»v ;• J: iX out h* the I •« ** necessary. Applicant: wih An addift feature u, 'h» ^ , . .'.orid affair i. !9'.3 militir* I lute — perhaps without • equiied to read continuity, presented thts year's festi¬ weekend's events wilt be infor He empba*.;jt*d **•* paradoxe* The great spware* in front of I ioenhuwer'* know lefjjfe «_ |»> i nave some ah Jibbing abb- val hodcet and explained how mat ion booths sUtw/nerf Hear Wv Hrody group end at the Ahix»t last year's appropriation of HIM Bv Rioters 'it American prtnciplef an^i con- tradimory br:havior, which are flurkIngham the IImum of Pataee. the abbey Parliament, and Rooeevelt "impress the e*e of u* the and frighten i>unimit ' u* on ♦ ★ ♦ riitrance. The booth, will was used The bill was paused • • puzzling to other people*. Aa < larenee House were pocked pro¬ I. rrrli t rout Tirkrlf vide the parenU with map* of bt musiaoss vote. ANKARA. Turkey <,f- -pre¬ examples. Jjmwkler noted: 1 American eiatma to tech¬ •lib through people. which Tbi* ia tbe the bridal sees pair Criticized ttie ramp'Ts hotel feeervatii/t^. se's for the AlNUniversitv mier Adusn Mcaden » TliuriiJav nical effirieiwy when all around > i. vk Frost will be on vale next information, ami list* of the var¬ ious activ iUtft t'f pro- uas booed, heckled and joitied "tne sprawling melficeoo of will po** to ding. and from the wed¬ For Criticism •M-.-k. n Barkcy from 10 a.m. to The weekend u> an opportun¬ by '* ident drmor stra' >rs «♦■- the V * *id prr>gram* " Knot! of detcrm.ned specta¬ ■•ft. ,.i the Union from noon to t» -ure a no aet. at a -uppiotvtcot msndiftg ity for the parvtiU U- *v the he -esign Meftderes 2. A 90-day waif for Amer;- tor- some with food, drink, and WASHINGTON *' f to the van tiUitiW. *a> adopted rot , "i. n mcn'f dorm* from canipu- and tin exhibit.* •»/ the placed hi* rlgfj! hand on h * utn visa.*-, wnen mo*' Asian na¬ the family dog — bedded down '• irdu* Sruerer (K-Ofuoi *.«»d ri.eetiiig ift f'. - The ieadution de- heart an 1 cr»ed on*. "Tfien kil' tions re^juire only five da>t to T i- ia- night ' Rep Jn ■ • farting Mo- varnru* cnUegv.*. along the route A few tosik po¬ . Kr.hay: and women's dorm* m»"' Rsoaeve:? Oiftfj. •« ■ ,'ike H. f ref| m red form . D-C'alifj had • in f.nc>; the (Juliet of the officer®, pr• •ct" • - » tior. mo-e than 21 hours oc- • to fi pan. Thursday ami oi- tt„ order oi procowting* a> Tli- 81 -year-old Tiirkith 3. F.xplan.v ons of Irga.' pro¬ fo:i» the e;ir of the ceremony. :a-ge« aga.nst trie Hou-ie _ Kirlit - 'fj-A • i: . ... it it it .Name IF(! r«gu!ar meetings and presents '•n ngman the • i i-nt. w.,»■ not in ured bv but his (.air was gress wi' ." r;v:! right- Little itock-vtyle eoft'rae'ed epU»eirr . Snip# sailed up the Thames - • IH- «c on Ur.-Amer those "heard ar A< -epe*v-.-. , ,v- bunging more thousand' fie . th« fudctiMiv of the comrjutlcc. rumpled and h.« shirt tails pull- of violence. '"♦m r e Hps <•' '.fie Cwii- *iii)tioK Auililiou* (Chairmen lir>c Darui Piapp. Voitik. E and Norm Fi*nei Lumibg, eit ou? lb* va* moved to tears Singhim. producer of 8 band 'un -hervr. a manner of . » •*euatr llenimr^tir Leader on cummfttscii. d*:f«*ating Dave the latext in a serle* that began titude* of A«ian atudent* *tud%- .'dm "ve. -poke for more t.'.an May 10 and 12. from 3 :» ft ,i iiw»uo'-»d the folWwing men l.vuden John«on of Trxa* ven¬ ■ n 121 Music Bldg. if it it the newly appointed cumintPee rliairmen for the coining year.* RheubotUmi. Warner. E Laming, and D-iic Shaw. last Thumdav dere*' strongman political tar- to protest Mend Ing in America. He stressed that -in eve-y one Balloon Orliit *: wqyi*,*, •-» hour opposing RiXMevelti the (••irnirut- tured Vhrhey an omumn that Khn may be "simply uum and transfer it* ou'.p# to 'he * •» ■special Events, David Beau- tics. especially Ike munling of of the new A «ar. and Affri'-an *orry-1tmUh*l uir, E Larixing jr; Michigan PieuMMi's .Mosaic the political nations *,hcre are persecuted Trv Dclaved » • Judk a-y C'imnltto He m.-i • ,r Hbu.-e ■*u th«* a* an incident te apph erac" fur the comma lla*t-t\e»t let ft from the list of ft» Week, Wayne Wilson. Groove racial, reiigious, or !.r»gui.i?-c can .- meetina. to n.uer, nublithed. in the |»t. soph Goals, Larry O teruik. demorwtrationa also minorities. But he said that WASHINGTON •?». _ Tech- t .e a.!vice o* "\e gentleman News recently were T , Grand Uaptd.^ soph; Public Re¬ Held Work of Art Student have bn»kcn "if a* tfftanbul and when fared with the dramatic r.. *' d.ff cu't.e«i Ttiur*dav for*.- from Calif'-m.-v #r»d aie»l#sh in-. \ >ee s,r Ru'h.'irft N « •n G runes, East Lansing: lations, John Scbauer. largrang ed a *ec>nd postpoaemer* of *ne ''♦*vt.gat,on of sui>veni.oft." Ther h" « anic m far M«rr* K'.ru-h' • »ack a'id help>f v - v /ne*» a d-. ''.'t»e*i He ♦n, V'icksburg: Biiltlamp- Una, F'.nt nopn. tion campi insist their home s.'uation* are attempt to i *ft a bai.uon-tv-p.* cornmen' ; BloomfteW KilU. UUur chairmen are Peraon- .VEW YOKK -.f - A itoMic gatc'.Iite. ta'.I a- a !0-«tory ou.id- ■ 'Oreo*rated m,ovemers*. to we. ■ »m«« „_idi li.i b,n ir, f The government has managed dlfTetcnt or ins.gniflcant in co?r»- it it it •i. Joe Day, Srsmaa Hiph: S»>- by Pablo P.ca* is a "work of tnmz tne g■■■'vrmmev* of these ? i't'i tpecch. to keep the student* in check pan«>n. .ng. intu orbit 1.000 mile# aP>ve rial, llrucc Bancroft, Pontiac at," not Man art.cte of glass," a the earth. A new launch, rig gate T*nrtw-i S'.a'.e* through suhver- Although mabridy m autn- - full O/owings • for the most par*. thrr»ugh the Seeing the American diff- wauid say Mjpn; Food Purchasing. Jnn US- Cuctums Court ruled use uf tough Turkish troop* eulnes with trace make* many na* not beer, scheduled s.on, espionage. ?rea^»n. pr »oa- u> defmitel; • - ink GunSlter of the United SamuaiMiri, Edina. Minn, jr; Thursday Tne launching nflat- ga /da. labor and ra^a. *•,>• i»»*ared the plane was .a N \ - An tadtrail— ef some military A>"•'.! students feel less inferior <>t ine * < t« ("j'vtl Service CunarniMton Publicity, Tom Finch, Orw» T ic 24 bv 38-mch work de¬ ab.e. 100-foot d amete- .a!!>jn ieore" high altitude weatner r«- ■nzaal—a a ever Ike enrrent rale In ?*»e midst of Western pros¬ be g.viug an examination Pt. soph; Sc holarship. John Bur¬ picting French harbor scene Roosevelt sat through H<-ne'¬ era/? a single engine jv ? a of Ike army ramr from U Gen. perity." Singha n sa d. —designed to he the tore-unner — j tor v.eno-typists ami elerk-typ- nett. Puramus. S. J-, xoptp and bough? in Paris two years of a svstom world¬ er'* xpeerh. for *h.n Hie O' a tao'kfH-ed rf'parted Cemal (ioraeft. rammaad *r ef Singham expressed di'mas » pw.de muv:,,' Vfay 21. Student# and other Publication*. Aiuam Lovrllrttc. ago for about 13.000 by a New groamd faraaa. Me resigned. that the students of India, the wide traiwroBwkiO of ra-'.o ai;d -•-preventative had osrrvfd #mee Runday after taking mi ■ - interested may contact St Joseph jr. Yiirk art lover, Mrs. Margaret home <>' pa*sivc resistance, have teievinon—wa. to have fllken time, without tnierruirmg tu -.on: a •lesd near Adana. T Last month several army of¬ , - ' lUltnGreeo. 17-D Morrill Silberman rh-mondrated k° sympathy with place forty Thursday rn-m.ng quee'kin h-m k'; TJ«it was the day Khr.« ficers also resignei after the l:' I>r pboninf Ext. MS be- She protested the 30 percent at Cape C'anavcrai. Ha.. Sc her er 'said tie ce-imittee .vn« rt« *. «ai,i jn intruding U army blocked ex-Prc*;dent la- American Negro students trying *> •• SUv It duty she was required to pay by But Wntocday, the Space had learned o,a- "iiettsbers d military piar bcipat# in a meeting of ihr ings and certain art forms. stage Delta Uummng vehicle Party, -the pfepu ■- of bon for the control of stream ' corn- cept what the department of public safety an^Ljhc^ Michican fiUte Police were looking for «^pt. Bat. the court did u* or ng able to diarred.t by tw i,vt.ng and distorting the . . with the Lincoln Wh.ic M.d there had iwn no official protest fru.n the Soviet fowmmeat. The abject of the search was and stihyert only to a 20 percent The Concert Bond will, pre¬ ued dunog the war, but were «h# o it wa* noted that Kbru* •he gu.Jance c»in«partr»:«-nt A a traffic sign and several traffic duty instead of the 30 percent sent the flni of its annual soon resumed. study is underway to dorm.n»- S 'rer tne "'wnmlttee Two to Addrrw »<>*!> *«' raL«inf ^ to pty spring concerts at use Band S,ec *.*.» has earned 'na: 'tyeiei- Visvftev '-'»*• Mxxmd cnmpiaiiMMl thi- was the border vtola'.ioo • Tlyarvday morning from their S.xeli Wednesday ft:gh*. under grown to br' accia.med as on* tat:vr5 "of the union ••*'»« me* V 5. aircraft m recent I •uiiidrv Society positions on Farm Lane and the direction of Leonard Fa'- o? the finest in the r.at or, •» ith the gentleman from Ca - Wv > #aid "W« have absoi:/ w»:e* . 9.. * ■ Auditorium R»a"t Honorary to Hold cszoc. j»rcrie«or of fnus < T;m national rec-.'gniUbn ha* Student Fined fornta on the mattar of nix . tn(«»rmatKm on tru»t a? ai . -J" Howard Womochel and Dr. The department of public in Thi» tnncert the fUs* »f ?fc--e# •Lnriulatcd mucn .vere«\ and a: tack on tne Comrrwf.ee on Uc- : >n McGradv will parUci- safety, believing the articles AllllUal to be prexented a? '.ne Sir t?ua the Concert Band t* f-equerit'y For S|H-cdiii« Ameficaa Ac^v.'.iej " m the 84th national con- could have have been)v»n tirown t vrown m in thethe ' apring. wiU be in hftc atth tie requested to a^H-r ;n vsr. ju« I'oliee L se flubs of the American Foun- river( asked assistance from the Sigma Lambda Chr, resident¬ tradition which began in ISCk areas in and around tne ctate <4 An list" student wa* a/rested Tearhrrt in Itai imii itns Society In Philadel- Michigan Stale Police They re¬ ial building and lumber mer¬ when the ftrst 'witdowr cooceri Michigan. This year the band eurly Tiiuraday r^u r utg for Kejerl Prufmgaiutti On t ongo Rioters Majr »-J3 sponded by >e:uiing Trooper chandising honorary, will hold *as presented ai front uf Be-»u» presented *a matinee and an eve¬ rtckiest t.ri u.g and dn* ing en twrv of the metallurgical Meehleder. a skin diver front tils annual banquet Saturday inont Tbwer. ning concert a? Midland. Apr: suspended lKe«u*-. E* t Lan¬ HAVANA lV A lUw LtopocDvrtjjL a _ » 8,i, ;. ' ment. Professors Wom<- the East Lansing State B>Lce night a' Kellogg Center. In IP30. tip: program wa< pre¬ 22, and on Aprs: 29 appeared sr> sing police rcpartid P yv.rice taocnera group baa C.ag,, — IMmw Thur#3 . i*bd McGrady wilt lecture Post. Gerald Prang*, director, tech¬ sented in the " For eat of Arien."* Pwilur where two matinee per¬ Janjcs Aodrwe, Fort Hor-u v*>J to -reject propaganda ta- vlutn and toirgw t> tu# > •. present a research paper Trooper Meehieder. after nical services' of the National now marked by a huge rock formances were prelented senior, wa* taken to Eas: lam ¬ *u»-i pehodicaliy by the Ua.ted dwninaSrxtaoc.' by vtnki.n; to, up xf*ctcd audience of IS4W0 spending aft boor in the murky Lumber Manufacturers Associ¬ near Beaumooi. wnerc concerts The band parNc.po'c n s - ing Just.ce Court, found guilty S*ta'es embaawy." the pro-Castro Negr-x* m KtaabetbraL. .a. - i»er*. of the metal casting **- depths near Farm Lane Bridge, ation, is the guest speaker, of were held through 193? ditional campus activities wh.cn and Mtitenced to pay a fu«e of r>e* s,*aper Comitate sail *n»urs- Itai of the Belgian Congo* Ka¬ from across the nation. came up with the Mhswicg the eleventh annual banquet. In 1938. tne senior graduating include presentation of annual 123 and coats piu» two day# m day n»g.it. tanga ProritK-* ! Many Xep "author* with Womochel article*; an empty billfold, two Grants in aid totaling F5.00U cUa* donaved |3.»K» for the pre¬ (ooccrto in tne Aud and play¬ M r dealing with special high- an electrical panel box, on M;k«f L»(tni«r, presideot. the bank of the Red Cedar Riv¬ Tnis traditional shell cuncrr*. 2L-. Landing poiit- reported A sp-ikt-N.v.an at the L'S em¬ Bun -6*e people-- wa* invoke? 'r ith cast irons include G«n- coin operated scale (the type- Charles Strauss will act Electrical Engineering. intcndci! t?*ey observed Audit-' travel¬ bassy .w.-d the t" S iMo-n1.a*.ioa • '»t Motors as er near to satisfy all musical Tbau>«t>4* of NrgrsBf acn Corporation metal- that tells fofflte), two traffic master of ceremonies. "Die debut of the shell con- tastes in an glmoapbere of fresh ing at an excessive -ahomore; c«»rresp«inding settre- gion and Campus Life 11 die! Foundation will hold at the home of Dr. and Mrs. larv. Sandra Mango), Detroit HIIXEI. Gala Term Parties Sabbath '•« r\ice a: Ilillel house CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS Werner Botinntedt. freshman: treasurer. Sue Trav¬ 7:30 p.m.. Illlel House — Sab¬ a* 7 rtn tonight. Bill Cohen w.ll el's, Chicago,'!;!., sophomore Memlzor* of Canterbury -Club bath services Bill Cohn will speak on the 'Tt»bot " Mem be is t-.ave scheduled their weekly Recently elected officers of talk on "The Robot" ■ 1 Ilillel have a! " planned » DKAOUNKH: I »j». Ba, IH" I Wad. meeting for fl p.m. Sunday. Fol¬ president. INTERNATIONAL CU R Fill Social Calendar k her hot dog .suppi r for .» Evan* Scholar* are: Mao. SSMaa: I a— In Tkan.. ia0 M. MMaaa. Mkt I « lowing the evening prayer and Robert Ritchie. Grand Rapids 8 pm., 32 Union Final plans p m Sunday BMN ParaWa l-U aa« 1*1 S Of >o,«> riH» supper, the He v. Truman Morri¬ junior; vice president, Richard fo festival. Nomination of new Canterbury Club will assem¬ ' EXT. 261.1 son, Kdgewfiod People* Church, Anderson. Berkley junior; sec¬ officers. Ml 2-1511 "To dance \n to live."—And MSU party-jrovrs nro trtilv ble at All Saint* Church at 7:4.7 will present a talk. ' The Exist- GAMMA DELTA tonight. From the church they retary. William Ferguson. Bed¬ jroinjr to live tlif.-* wcvkwil, whether it he at a formal term e-diali.it Critique «/f Chrtstian- ford junior; treasurer, C A. 8 p.m., 44 Abbott Rd. Taffy %* ill proceed to an open-house party* a street dunce or in a Kussian concentration camp Smith, Jackson junior. Pull. AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE scttinp. Soacan' Christian Fellowship's (' \NTERBI RY ( LTR --S-B-SKBBBaBCSSSSSK: evening in Ihe |'nivrr*lly Rnnlii Newly elected officer* of the CONVINIINT TO CAM* Arums the fnm.i Phi Mil w.M in m ■e.-.rM.iia «f Ihe I'nplarv Charlie Brown'* orchestra will provide Ihe music Loral (olony graduate group has planned a < allotting parly for 2 p.in Satur¬ Ked/ie Gradual* Wive* (luh 8 p.m., Uinsing. Open 184# Linden Ave. E house. Gather HOt PORD - rvUnder, radio, OARK HLUjL eieM heater. Good Iran*- Withers H. Tkestpten es, day. Cost will i»e 75 cents, whieu H'e: president, Mrs ThccKlote u'irtation B tlS Bather after Did^ ' c:r annua] I*hi'.'-« '.'.u* evening A .Jamaican holi¬ real Member* of the l.utheran Norman Rouhol; treasurer, Mr*. 8 p.m., 35 Union. Dr. E. Drews •Us ivllnder str alah tjUidL M «"•' p'net Jeon» jo • nnd 'acir dates wiil '.ike a sched¬ give a lecture arid lead a miles »!!**. bv owner PP. *•***> '> • day mood Hill.prevail rationx including bongo drum dec 'i i|» rt-.il to the C.pitul (My Auport liien pntccctl imaginatively Natl ('lairler student Association have uled their weekly meeting for fla.vrnnnd O'Donnell. will discussion of the Changing CHEVBOLCT hardlou !«• *>«PSLA. TWO V-8 sUndard shift FREE DIAMOND IONUS 5:3d Sunday evening. Follow!ti¬ Newly elected officers of ' ,c Sex Roles of men and women m-.r •rid grass mat*. Tuc M<»dein- t<* ' Jfa .t i.in Holiday" Saf- rive new tlreo *I7»3 cash. Call IV an The men who live in the large the supper, Ihe gueat speaker, Wom*n\ Athletic A**nrlatlun * tod.»v. «-T?l* a rns will provide niu^ c fur the urd.ievening 1 ^• i•, tropica! _______ *e*.'.:ng whde house with the bright red Dr. Stanley Idserda, director of are: president. Lynda Hamilton, SATURDAY "~!Wl7;OtJAT1l PMPRFSH SL- Mowers pud n steel hand will e' 501 MAC wilt become Chesterland, Ohio, Junior; Vice Oermanv's tin**! num SPUDNUT SHOP IS CPU. at honor* eollege,. will apeak on ASSOCIATION OK OIE CAM- T)AN. One of \lpha Omirrott 1*1 It tioliliiiK • ...d* nonoim cars. Snotie** Uislde and euartcr members of Sigma Phi "The National Election should president, Marilyn Fcher, I^n- PI «* STUDENTS PARTY out. A-1 merhanlcellw Baraain tlieir annual "Bed Rose Hall I' t Ka).;>.i Sigma will h-'hl Kp«hlon chapter at MSU Satur¬ «ung junior; secretary. Pat Wil¬ mil' k »a!* will finance at b a .. :» * r- - a Roman Catholic he our next 8'30 pm., 313 Student Ser¬ ornrd for thl* even Inf. The *nrnrit? col¬ the,.- triuliUoh.il "fllttek arid day afternoon. bur, lain.sing junior: treasurer, h»nK rates. Re»v Chrlstensen ><»" President?" vice1' for info. Stug or drag Sales. Mason. OR T-!*»»11 U or* of red and white will l»e G"id flail" Saturday night. The deary, Sault Ste. Thirtv-six men will he initiat- Rmeanne CATHOLIC ST I DENT OR¬ Modcrria.ms are to play f-r din ¬ WcsWcd* are planning to STOP. LOOK. BKAD K * u*eg la drrorate the Walnut e I into the national fraternity, at Marie Junior. GANIZATION DANCE tlroir f'hevorlet hardtoo N*^t )'«••< 725 M A C. Hill* C ountry I luh In carrylua ner and daneitig a' the llollda. gather at 8 tonight at Wesley ronverttbl* Comolete w mi formal installation eeretnonie* 9-12 p.m. "This Old Gang of »i,n * i<> a nnt the theme- After dinner Inn House. Tho guest speaker will Recently elected officers of wM*e side wall-. V « enxtne. radt". Initiating tennis from the Tiii- be Dr. John I, .Moss, State of Rlork and Rrldle Club are: pres¬ Mine " I.ea'er nnd Vear-s*at sneaker Thl* PORTABLE-WEMINGTON O' It danelng I* to l»e fnrniahed hy West Caution will party ill * I« the sharnevt '.VI in town Call LU Rft Eft typewriter with mirst » .. yersity of Wlrhlgan, Western Michigan counseling center. ident. Rnt**rt Stioup, Poniiae AI.PIIA PHI OMEGA p.Mtll after 3 o m. to we this beauty excellent condition. St. Cell h I Kennv Davit and hi* orrlinlra. Manli lira* veiling Saturday Michigan and Central Michigan Members of Wesley Founda¬ sep;«)r; vice president, Charles Camp Kiwanis Project Leave Mull.flyH t [ |M The men of Phi Knpp.i Tan evening at their semi-formal universities will rondiirt Ihe for¬ tion have scheduled a forum for Markley. Gaines sophomore, Student Services 7:45 a.rn iifvmiin m»fVKKT|RUr. Ut- HOUSING . wt*l feast and dame in the lv.ni- term pot*. mal installation. 7 pm, Sunday in 31 Union. The eeeretary, Macria Dorr, E.nt Contact Done Recti, ED 2-9841 PALA '58 C all Sieve at LD hoe tloom of '.ne Townc h«u<-e T.c brothers <.f Alpha fc|o.- Saturday evening a banquet Hev. and Mrs. George f. Jordan, lainsing freshman: treasurer, for transportation. NLW FOREIGN CAM Will brma FOR RENT fur their annual forma! term ion 1\ .»re celebrating their 2.»*h will bp held at tl .'to in Uie Union guest apeakers, will lead a dis¬ Fred Shiery, Coldwater sopho¬ SUNDAY - I a k direct from P.uronean factory m p*rfy tonight. nnrnvrrsary a* a chapter a', for initiate*, pledge*, admiriu- cussion on "The Christian Wed¬ more. CHRISTIAN STUDENT IOI N- e<<-hanae for «i*e on continent. Julv ONE SIDE DUPLEX - ntnrt- and Auautt. Fit r-ti'd ImaUon larre card. t*l«> flryan and South William* their formal term party Satur¬ tration and faculty members, ding and Family." Newly elected officers of MN(! DATION hclinol bos ED 1-Sn.VI ■ have planned a street dame tin* day. Mask*, upcars utul blow fcurority and fraternity presi- Several members of Ganuna 2 p.m.. f»t. franc!* Park in IfiNTtAC HARDTOP. 1*2 »TL" Hotel Association arc: president. I EST eondltbrn. radio and heater. evening. Our*:* have been m- gun- will be it*cv| to carry out rlent*. area alumni and Grand Delta hvae planned a trip to landing. Annual picnic Meet H50 Phone IV «• Jack Connelly, Lansing juntoi; i«n-tone preen % ted to dress casually to dance a theme of "Inside Africa" at National officers- Fort Wayne today to assist in at College House. 7.VM. a Per 7 n m OK EMON TWO HEDBOO f »o records in the William* IU11 the fliverstde Manor A semi-formal installation ball vice president, RotKTt Chapman, GAMMA DELTA ment. Aveilet'le June 1$ unva'- . the installation of a new Gam¬ Lansing sophomore: secretary, l%J BUICK - ttTA 21$ Bnu'!' trance, partially furnished parking lot Kappa Alt'ha Ttieta is to hold will t »p nlT the day's festivities 8 pm.. Cost plus iupper limner — Lanalr.a in • Delta chapter bath. EI) Linda Edinger, Pittsburgh, Pa, piece "A Ru*«tan Workers' Party, in annua! spring term party a? which will be for mem tier* arul Gamma Delta ha* also plan-, junior: treasurer. Jay Haver- 8 15 p.m., VcpCi ?• IWrt"MP.HPURY V-8 fY>N\TRT- EAST LANK1N G~ MODI» the l.ansng Country Club Sat' date;. Also attending will be jied their weekly cost-plus sup¬ HILI.EL I )»l.L AI TCIMATK. tran tion romp eomplete with barbed sent the house charter to the Evening r raver, *upper and Perry lam# EXT 4*141 da CtKiktn* If desired. Kb Engagements tvm Imuyinv Greenville freshman; 3f5 Mir* and oearrhltfhl*. Date* Whde will play for dancing members. id Stokes, program Rev. T Morrison Nlrlitv IV 1-.H07 Mil* after 5 .1» J will he pteked up In typleal among Oriental decorations corresponding secretary, Peter will in? the speaker. A I.FA IfOMEO ntlHJETA mlder Sigma Phi Epsllon was in- FOR SALE Pi Kapisa phi is lio'ding an Cikalo, Boytie City freshman; Convertible H»'» Not rared red «e;,l peasant otyle with a raravan vl'.erl to eo!.»ni/e at MSU in the WENT VARUM V lielts Can be *e»*n at 1*73 Linden open house Sunday in honor of treasttrer, Biyce II,inn,1. pontiac truek and driven to the house fall of 111 ti* 'Hie name of the Hut |.an«inv weekend* sod after « TRAILERS their new chapter house on Susan Hlarkpnrt. Frankfort freshman. mi w-eek devs " I# danee to Coaaaek mu*lr. Vorth and Roufh Campbell White HUl* Drive Sorority and fraternity housemother* a n d newly fortned group- was Pin Kpsilon, a* university regula¬ freshman, to Gary Bogart. Lan¬ sing freshman; Ann Cmphrev, Newyl elected officer* of the Eoredri* I luh are: president, Pinning* 'standard I»».13~CHEVROLET TWO-DOOB tren«mt»«lr>1 TD 7-7SH7 af* room, w 37H> UN) SKYLINE W full batti. Trailer Have.', E Grand Biver. x t. m a have wheduled record dame* tions protiihi' use 'if national Birmingham freshman, to John ter 5 pm. 21 presidents, campus dlgnitai.es for group*. John Case, Hard Crest. 111., jun¬ PHILLIPS LIGHT HOUSE — lasT" «, for tonight in the dorm recrea- names Groves, Birmingham. IIMAKPS COMPLETE REUNINfi and PI Kap neighbors have been ior; v: junior; secret a ry-treas - iis#d tire* Champion Brake Relmer^ < all ED 7-Old* alter 8 pm urtT. Horn Fulk, Muskegon jun¬ Canada, junior, to D<»n Kruetk- ."■in E Kalamaron- IV 4-4*»'» 11 M>mI-formal term party will be v hen 30 men petitioned to cui- Carol Corbitt, MSU gradua'e ranger. Zane Mead, Nesh- ei»erg, Springfleld, Ohio, scnioi, I IK E NEW —- I KM It * ) ( held this evening in the Abbot. nnixe. They have liveit in their and Alpha Xi Delta, to Allan ior; and lambda Chi Alpha EMPLOYMENT biiitt Ventura Two bed root ' »mge The lUcnelor* w.U p'jy .r ilancing amidst a Hawaii.m Births present home since fall of 1958 Hill. Holland junior. ville freshman PTtTDEVT* TPAOfPR" MM- ant heattnr ED 7-OIQ4 with rarpetn a setting of palm tree*. ncU and MLR employment. *4«o m« *• In firms I I) KWAAT BAKERY DEUVTP" ' tiduallv twelva for IJW for# I pm decorated cay# Phona IV 4-li f ' »■' r»"t»J I? h< $??♦ WJsos #ad fesssytvasia Ttasit lath—. I? 4) {) as t leagu* latt jiaist -teg I" " REAL ESTATE GREEK WEEKENDS 9) FELIA . 1« 07 I i ■ 1 ————|ir——ewes = RANCH - RTYME. RBICK. "" SaRbal't a»d laisballt (WJsa*) - batlrnoms, racreauon room, r» !?" deairabla faature*. one mi'e - rampu*. Mar Mutib Neho- I I * * Badmiate* Sets—12.44 ..v • It.*** dawnt ED MR} Wkdc Taaah OJfft \' 47 |J.5f *UBI'BBAN THREE-RED r* P"> Sards. 15 M w»th island fIranian*. Beam..' STROTMRGE Whits 6»« She#* $4 <8 S'srpiag Bags—$4«4 finished hasament and family Owner wants offers. mom olaatarad two eaf « p:> * MAY 13 o art llank Eurman at IV D-4M* n* Ws* * Pald'nf Alaepaum CoU (C*nro« Nat VALLEY COURT - 9 I'.M. Nashc) $»•» and Lon« Realty TU 3-3413 {ACROSS KKOM AMERICAN' I.EfilON HAI.I Staxt 'B Wadset-$*•* Bailer I I OIII HWUK BSHT srnool and campus NT'«- A*t* ? IW*I> rra $44 S3 • C Charcoal -SI •», Jh >0 lb, e« . EABT LAN31NO THREK f room. Cone Cog Dintit# r«*" 1 InquSfH ueuna. Bwiui *y Oorase Ckarsaal Gnils- s« o racToaUoo room U* P.M.A. or Pi', x" MAY 14 Plastic. A r MaMrstssi—17 If i f-.: • MMnmnn Adah M* 'Vasts. Caait GaO'4 RSUesd—$4 4| a»- ■ART LAN«IV Urea lo' i PtsMep TmM* by Ihshssgaars. Zthct, MitchaH, Disaawatcd Dhoeg La*fs— , , . $4f.4S Aa«* SERVICE U-j I I" J '01 'm AMD GENf 14- 'tor. Dai*| N. iudih Ws.fbts, Maths, RMMNk One bkw k l'-'\ AtlD. - 2 >30 P.M. • Anne* MAY 15 Agisr s> Athi*t< Whda iiee-Stra* Mats- j • iewoada Shorts try Dxo tor «e»— Swpsr Sects-* vJEfTE?*; r ranch — «ht* you jTr: I'"-* 'iltf-W : 7 Mill UNION BALLROOM - 8 P.M. »J.«I • Di»color« Teeag Rockets I' .p. ROOKUETB. MANDRILJ V Cushion* 10 Tcwatd Stwer«t duplieaUn* shelter la'|a<* Cs*4«r . • • WoshR. A ' from I 11 Headland F'««4s« FJ. If. Reeiie Opes Me*.. That* e-Mi Fn. N»$h)s IV PI NO — GEMRBAU EOMP »'** It Entrant* 22 Macknr>ed 23 Spr.nf ;t Waterfall 23 Without MAY 20 JEMSON - 8 P.M. visions vk-e Avonua USED Rh.s, JV P-IOIT RANGES WASHER* 31$ and uo Goodtaar her- Store, IV 3-1438. tlto East TT Michtaan 34 tc* tf veare expertenee •37 I Cherry Lene miss LEARN TO PLY •* Share- Hon. Loot rotea D*«'«* dtx-r" north PD1-4VI_ on Abbott 3* A HmI .* '' * , treth 3-8P4 or ED 1-8818 " IMnc.dents II Seme wteh Tbre a TPBI*T ANN BROWN V+- ' tent. t-3>9«. Electric typew»U*r Trr« golf clubs, l ! general i 30 Period of AXA per* and thaw*. Aim ■ _ tun* eo moment, beealnette. rrtb. N MAY 21 s heirs, kitchen uteneiU tools, herd- 32 Woody tV AND*RADIO serr! ' plant low rale* to students New 33 Dash TV set* end enteisnaa to* 3: T)«0 31 Three-L»eJ MEEK RUT 7«tt1 to eell. thev have to Ltmrs Setuntav Mev 1. I to t. hundav >!av I II to * Come t.» corner of m H.,;# tbecking. Dee parkin*. I « pm daltw TV TVchn»cia-5« ' E M teniasw IV MM* sloth* Kenmore end Kent In Okemoe. hrtne 41 Deflnite JKN1SON - 5)30 P.M. oulV CD 1-daai foe infer motion, N.» advance sales » 8PARTAN Mt'LTHmir- * locality trptng sarateo. *****?¥' ' MZS& T-i lertn* fomels and final. Mr*. G a ad am. CD 5-*- a? Cover w ith IV a hard eojteo summer dreaee*. fhvne aurlact 43. Holly DRCOBATtD CAKE* DBUVEB- . WANTED I.F.O. i TO to *•" tor. ear—-K.-—.- MAY 22 »ou SOU 44 Legal Many oU.e- »U-.er defceeus i Rwavi Bokery. — rv «-Hl9 3-M81. t an after 4 RANI) SHELL - 8 P.M. GAt STOVE 48-loch IVORY Bat too. «Sj__ uashine machine, with A BICYCLX RIDER »• trtmer. 333; Boy's trench coat. rtr»- Cabfoenlo on * b»*rr»e b»» • wer lin.ni. Sice 14-18. 8$. ED 1-8440 two leevtne. June NfsihC. 12. 4-*" 1 Si I BBI. . . ' -^ '■ m alter Quirt Canvas Fairchlld Man to Show Film sont with different ethic on bac- Man # Power ered by reviewer* to be "a* ex¬ Tanganyika Biofcnp RmHvmI at Votiran liiiftftia WASHINGTON Mav Ifiiitl V - Hen L. H. Subs Kr.g.e raised the potubil/.y 'h t poste«e» two kinds of Clair Eng> fD-Ca..'' a speech questioning whether grounds learn to live together citing Hollywood || o Be Shown Here at many t VATICAN CITY pOWtr; the power to build and <*>—Pop- Wednetdax Rurs.a might. hunt ♦h? Pentagon ;• placing too mut h to accomplish a single goal. The thriller." the power to flertory. Wbuh ia final John XXIII Wednesday received down an ? •• *he t'r.'.te i reiiarcp on the nuclear driven • scene in Norway deal* with Englishman Thorold Dickin¬ greater? State*' nuclear f^iwcrr' Polar.« rubmar nr« the atom and Its uses for either son, chief of the UN Film Ser¬ Laurian Cardinal Rugamb»*a in \ rftiwpectlv* exhibition of pulntfnir* nnd ilruwinif« by This It the question examined peace or war vice*!, is producer of the film •uhmar.': • * one h- or.*- ar i If* The Senator said the tiiotgh*. pr.va*e audience end expne«o- their fate remain a try tery v,c!l known midwextern artlut, Walter IJnIrl, will be on by tht film "Power Among Though a d<**umentary film, and It* co-author along with a 'hat the RtK*lan« may rie trov U. S. lubmarines "ore by one in , ,,i !hc Krcxye Art Center May to until June I. Men" to be shown at Fairchlld "Power Among Men" is consid¬ J. C Sheers pd his plpafure a*, the Cardinal"* Fr.g'.e 1'/. . Seiia'e he Organised by the American fir Of Bu-'Io?.'- r.avif.g /U"' peace t.rrc' . somethiBg that at 7 and • p.m. Monday and MICHMIA* STATE NEWS recoA*ery frbrn a recurrence of shot 0'iwn an A-r.erlcar. f>lAn»*. ha* occurred a4 'he Pentagon, Federation of Ar*.< urt 1. r a gran*, Tuesday. vHi. Floats from the Ford Foundation, the retrospective shiv part of the foundation's prog am renrexenN pceaented a: a part university'# Forelg-. Fiim Ser¬ fs "Power Among Me*." la the of the May «. ma Page Three malaria. would he-W to ?le« an In Funnel in the ftumanitk"> an'J the art* first feature-length f!!m pro- Attend Church This Sunday devotej to Increasing the oppor¬ h iced by the United Nation FUrn tunities for the pub'ic through* Services. Marlon Brando nar* If Tornado out t'r United S'.aVjv to view rates the American version. the work of Ptiabl.aiied artl* Quirt, who waa a lectorrr at Man's two powe i.nd their relation to survival are woven MHl' In IKS, II kiKT WORTH, Tex. (A'l now Irirhto at info four «equ«nces in dif'print \ • onnff mother told Weil- nf trvlnif to grab her the I'nfveraltv of Minnesota. The p.'ilmiri*< in the tou-int areas of the world---Sant' Am- hrogio, ftaly; Fermafhp, Haiti; EAST LANSING CHURCHES exhibit date from !f»3f> I93». Kltimat. British Columbia, Can¬ MM «on sucked into the • . ada; and Kjetlrr, Norway — to M'««t of them, l Quirt, i,y » tornado that de«- mode hai v « present anew the ideas and pur- ,,. t,| the family home and possible through fund* ;"»se» of the UN from the graduate «*ol of Tie Italian episode deals with lined the entire family. s? :n p -'tu.d «ee him floating Univendtv of \tinn«*» »ta Qu' • rebuilding after World War II. EAST IANSINC UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHRISTIAN FIRST CHURCH OF « ,i the air." Mrs. I^arry t'gp»e*.*es his loat'ks to Theo¬ The Haitian sequence shows how d "I tried to reach him dore BVgen. of the Univ*»i > an area can be mad.* to flourish PEOPLES CHURCH CHURCH , jouidn't." of Minnesota, "for h.* ering belief 'hat w»tK n unwav¬ ail i> lit -pile local indifference and opposition to progress, The Klti- TWHITY CHUKN STUOENT CHRIST, SCIENTIST home was one of many destroyed Wednesday legitimate re*earc*h-" iat story is a study In how per¬ a- tornadoes skipped ovei lsUr5fs«nisitlmol AHD STUDENT (ENTER EAST LANSING m I (lilt! «n»» i.-t agortaa «m*o FOUNDATION il 21. a pain'er, and hit K*« t. Et otsr. WILLI % MR I a it La* wee DiiIiIar is! ia* »tr»»t. C I.. , 7 » na, 20, were In their IStfNOMIBlBinSUl Fatter FREE rye-room home three i! biot ks K«rth af Berfcee Ball) i hmnti isoira 11 % M • woatair aenvrcis toe Wait Crase BHar at Mleklgaa r. r r'i of Saginaw when Campus Patter: Donate W. Berk U» M lrlik« tu»*f mmado struck. 1:3# a II M Ro*ie*nf Pastor: < h*rl»s gltskikk Dr. p. Narloa liana »tt»e«5 tckvol 11 % M It >n in the tiedroom, % I'tri'i. HmMff "WRET Mtfir t*l* WOMI V 911 2-3971 •» IU f-?m p»*. bop 9. |ra ram or -j a r.ap Mrs. Allen was ftaiktt" llllHI jnother room. Ironing. She Ministers ill 4 4 44u 9 4115 s <4\\ -» i a room. e ndow break in the LUBE n„,i OIL CHANGE Tua am "HOVr.STV COMMEND! D" tLNDAV n*dn*«Oa> M*IU| M**tinf I P *1 HiDtf travirr | tv'-i I could hear the wind 4\*.l %l PH M< I knew It must be Karisry: Alt %*r*ic#s i ■ WET WASH '2 'OfVINQ BOtfOB VIIRr BONO* -•nadr so I ran to get the .rui, Of Rill KRtliCI •uneay •ehooi: I N. is ii A M, 14 DIE 'Uu »t until Hoo-o I' ! u R'aetnf P•#«>»» out Of tne living room.' 9 it a m aanaov arh*«* am gov 4o»*nn 4 Portor Class** f«f I Hlserolty p . fV»u'.ed at her husband to oa / k vj get tne r two sons, Rob- while sne bolted RED'S SHELL SERVICE All a «S P.M. faisersHv Ruffot Italstli Buaper Vslrsms l.uiHern atueso* •uapor si# m Attscuiiss Ckofa »r*OOJ I anoint. eoon. ptraW a»rr*otion ooppor. aurtnt aft*r- rompftfo sink- ill art otic"**# io atttpe u«"k 1 and David. 2, wtio had 710 W. MICHIGAN AVE. f W a ■*. We#i»M4a? tvealag • II Proa ram Dr. aianle* 4 3# 4 M «J »« * *• j lat««llsti»» of Mo OffMior* a true* i. are suit asf o»o ta* -. playing to a large walk-in . ldr*reo. ••!»# Nitlssal HsttloS ' fuatiftf nflom I tip room tbroutn *<•»■»«• at* across raom Ktl-MKiG center | en ;t happened Allen, held onto Robert, r u'tn'f reach little David. I A# could see him floating ST. JOHN CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH OF EDGEWOOO EASTMINSTER LUTHER CHAPEL | d in the a;r." Mrs. Allen Wa'd like la Mp yae med ."1 tried to reach him . 4 CATHOLIC STUDENT EAST LANSING PEOPLES CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN AND J couldn'tH I'c# must have been blown at Maihar a« kar day.... aai STUOENT CENTER !W yardsT* the young fath- CENTER CHURCH } i", » Ann landed near the fath- Why not kt in put WESLEY FOUNDATION InlrrSuooiiai'iootl -. Iff MAC. Astaoa (.••rat L ioreaa tit Akaatt Bote Ro*. froman A Mprrtsnn. M*n»a«*r ms bitiMcp atrstt, CL ■'racjlously. no-e appearei In Inp condition for thin Mleiaiirt Bav Baetnooa » Lapp. Miaittsr Sunaot Mitifs I hu*t seriously. All auffer- H.4BAV reor.tAM Mm I Erutoa fiitsf */l and brui*es Sunday, Thoro't otifl tint* tit - a ti - is - u ,4 t l ir mtk tteeol at) AkMtt ta ( oopsi A*e Partonata llskr at i.u « tlA> If you Ink* ad. at«e*ms larloeri | Pslishad OaNm droning mrtln! Coafooslont Daii* • h 4.m. A one Bleed Weal ef I. Bamaen Be- Oe Most Br. 9:39 a m. A " • ■ Crtkkprr ane it 3# am. Moron.a 4trer> prptieae It 404T iCBEOLlf and »:3# p.m. faftsr Bosarvi nnn tanunnsnf rnnrck ackoot far Diuna Mor.B.p. )H. it PS, 1111 II it# a.m. Stela IDealrt 4 M ■ at or Par MtH a t :19-»:«e p.m. K artery at • M »m taira (ftSt aoe one*r lahyOaris J§uL •Ml MOM |:1| p.m. tlune*r lornm f karris Srfcool eoost—s At *fB» Mklkv Of 4 (NRI4T144 I'Mdrs't iC.tmma Dsita) ( kwrrk ireeol in * nee am. My SMI CATBOtfC nirnrvt oboam- • 51 am. Cniiaft I lass W#.u» Ctik room orange FeaUt 8>«o MABBIi'.l' •otrper I os P I LEX KOSITCHEK'S **td»v miria pi mi 4 9 ' Boeta •r. Barts Hi|«»ua A»«. at F M»tk*aon * naa aaetu Boa« *»• f#oart» B. Ijuoo — Xisul'f i I I't Mtia East ef Bataeora Bote. aaa Akkott Bote — »o i-nil •est Laaitsi •••dor tmnol — 9 43 A m. II•a lee. Me P. Pa nor - t ka plain An Moraiag Wsrakif — Ilea AN. U % • >Y Tontk Sorrtre — SeS PJM. TWriM-f ECWBAT ' 9taen|Strsks«fMPJi. ([ —W- % ^/HE PERFECT GIFT .... P1.4BAT E9BV1CEI Bee. Baaaga W. 8> MtliMeri /am '•* p**. 1***^ ***** ***a foe • 99 A.M. BPIF l younolf ... dwlpwid ond SB M»U er BB 9-TMi EAST LANSMG FKST PKSBY1BUAN •T?,14u.kl' MM •* Imkittpd in 14 kont fold. 9:39 A M. Mprniaf Pmyar ar Bti? K.'J _ it;.?; it kt. ' and oUritac (ommnntoa. an# LknttB ScBeal INTY cons CHURCH u Each ond ovary ant n SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH «. » V. Bmnl Its or Bnelo O. MINnr. Pastor A truly o convolution ploctl ilea A .M. Momtnt Pveyrr or Baly lOtlll WAlBtNOTBM at i •snSay Marnlnj Warattn tea A Wtrt Ocaana at SWfe CliiBB ■amaan aae II ee a. m. BeMert- WBAT life Mtniotor p. BBe Bergor BOW ABO p. aroBBM. bm-. pa-or •LWBAY SEBVKia il (A4Y8BBEBT CLLB •tntr (kaoos* W iaae A nra cieri iseast 9 3# P M. nets at ••• pm * t aU tv t-EMi far tree fas aaeetce. mreiag end AfflBetre nitn net A II M Woranip iettxet tntir vfeasl af thnuianity Ilea A. M. ' IBIA IS VOL'B PfCTLBE" Laa'a tameiu. Mitmau tea 9neti r tstnag Cam* dee T4S P. m. "BOB BAS BIS BYBS BPCX!- Per "■«»« senna eAeKs. SUA* It kl. wMk i OIIVII IAPTIST Firot M a atrtoe at aeeawsea freea BM nmta aaasntl km M-n II kt, a ia p.m. abl'lt tens pvlawwebif CENTRAL METHOOiSI ««no to nematnid rnmoamm tut m BiWill. BCWBAT Pt.ur HOLY TRINITY iNBK a.si u» MTER-OTY mhl CHURCH CHURCH • aa a.m. a lie* a.m 4:1a P >» mm t. m9cw9ba-4j ORTHODOX QMKH 1 PM. I Poas* si Caprt*' Waoesn«ten at Elm •b8vice Iptkrr Bar. Bon Plump*, (.rial t«M* ten sang i jte P-m tlorta4aiiin tan Crmrgo Vooaarta BB MMl siMt it at. 11.75 OA Pricdk lactodo Fodoral Tax — it ten. Attend Your Cliurcli RANNEY JEWELERS sea pen- - . — fee map. Wee. Es«ttfng-TOa Nob! Ik tfco SMo Tfcootro M IB# Ugkt an4 This Sunday M».v *. 19f.a MICHIGAN 8TATF NEW* l»ate Four Net men Finish Home SPARTAN SPORTS THIS WHKEHD Green-White Pittsburgh Defeat Cubs to Extend ft Lead third pi ace in Season This Weekend I HI HAY Itn-rI>hII — MSI' vs. (Diivfrsily of Mlchlifan. Old Hrld. 3:30. ("llriir Ends Coaches Clinic l»v rill: ASSOCIATED I'Khs had h ctiane*. Pirates padded Milwaukee 1-3 Trnnk — MSI' vs. Wisomsin, Yarsllv ruurls, 2:.'I0. Wioir 11i.« Pit! burgh National league leal t-» Angeles in 10 sni «ni!le;i Michigan State's nnlmaten tennis team mitkr* its final SATUHDAY Don Stewart. Tom Wilson t.\»» game- • jiv 'erct.i>. shoring home Hp|M*iiranees of the season this weekend in matches Coir — MSI' vs. Illinois and I'urdiir, Alters ('nurse, s a.m. Severn runs in the last three inn- ni^i for a 9-7 victory at C u- II? Tr. P rate after Jo-'.ng two m a r » < - 'o ajmins! Wisconsin ami Illinois. Tennis — MSI' vs. Illinois. Varsll) courts. Ill a.m. Opposing Quarterbaeks eag>» that ruined IjOu Houdreau's pinch-hitter B'il Vipdon * The Spartans host Wisconsin this afternoon at 2:30, and Weightlirtinir — IM Kuildinjc I p.m. fly JIM tVALLINOTON (lel)tit. a Cub manager Second iuu triple "in the nindh play the lllmi Saturday at 10 a.m. state Nnra Rpwte E*Hw • ha etijovinr their finest campaign since their I:»iir 1* MSI' coach Stan Feature Softhall Action The St I halfbacks, and Ciirl Cha-.-. | Wisconsin or Illinois lightly." edged AK Bi Thursday in IM Softball action. Kd Ahry toss¬ the three day-affair. The big¬ 1:23 1:10 ed a six hitter for the losers. gies! name lecturer is Lou Croza, fullback. • Karlier ths season State downed Illinois, 5-1. It was one Farmhouse blanked Pai K Psi the record holding ptice-kicker On the line are ends \ r ATO hold off u Tail inn.nu Fox'.- one hitter, 14-0. Fox , of six one-point wins for the Spartans for the year, and i ti 0:33 • 9:13 of the Cleveland Bnwns. banns and Jim Corglat. rally by Sigma Phi Kp-tlon l.» also had two doubles and a z-i* the first time MSI' has beaten the liiiui sine*? Ilrohac took victorious. 5-4. Ted Triple In aid his own cause. Frank Howard of Cler.ison lAST IANSIN6 • FHOI rmergo College. Ld Farhat oi Muskeg, rr George Azar and Howac: M ; over the coarhinp duties in 1938. C appelon and Tom Ryan smash¬ 1.11*1 Sigma rhl Dells, behind the Catholic Ceot'-al High Sch.vr.l tackles Pete Kakela and M,,-t The Spartan* meet W isconsin for the first time. A year ed homers for the vlctorh. live hit hurling of Dick Hewn, and Kd Uut.ivrford of Detroit Walker and center D.tp \±, I l>uv*J SAE managed to garner only defeated the Road Runner*. 9-1. - ago State defeated the I'adgers, 8-1. Denby High. tiers. — hit,-but scored IT runs to Ilenry atruek out «l* and walk¬ one Drolmc'* starting lineup, and the players' records *ir» pn- Rutherford coached fn-e-ent Muddy and Azar an* r Topple Triangle, l!-« Eleven ed one in the four inning eon- rantheses, is: No. I, Brian Kisner (9-6); No, 2, ('apt. Bill' walks aided the victors. Spartans Mitch NV.vman, Urry sophomore.-:. test. Hilda-' and Kd Budde. Ike Grimsley will rr .:., ? ilotchkiss (8-7l; N<». 3, hong Smith (10-3); No. 4, Uoger Ron FeCffMeMten pllrhrd a two Delta Chi scored five, in the The clinic wIU be climaxed by Green quarterback on defer. . Blagenhoef (I32»; No. 5. Hon Mescal) (12-!)); No. 6, Bon liilter and alao alammed a home first and eight, in the tweonri to the football team's annual Oreen Starting In Stewart y, run In lead ttigma Nu over Kap¬ Henry (I2-,*1». vvatlog Phi U, 13-0. and White intra-squad game. backfleld are Bob S ; ^ Don Eehulti alao . *Irn, tl-l. . pa Dan Foster held SAM to three Head roach Duffv Daughcrty I/rrrv Hildas at the \,h had a home run for the winners. hits as Theta Chi rolled to a 5-1 Tias split his team evenly down Ron Hatcher at full I'ratfirr »1 — East Shaw 10 scored in every Sll'*W S *1 VII I victory. the middle In attempts t > give Dick Oxendine u 1 1 :**t t*S« ■ V:30 inning to slop E. Shaw, fI -7. Brandstatter are starting v. I 5M J:35 - ,9:10 the two contingents equal 5:34 7 M-V - 9 05 now showing .strength in this Important work¬ cids. Fred Boy Ten nd m] out. Biondo are at tl»e gua.-ut JOSHUA Daugherty said the students and faculty a't invited to watch center Dave Bchrman. Li p.. and Tom Wlnlecki : Id finf.ra'fojo tjic! who looans WARNER the Spartans alon; with the coaches. There is no admission charge. Game time is 2 p.m. tac kle slots. Defensive speeia'i'!' Paterra and A cx Valran,' ITS IKJE ITS ITS i.: i - mil tPJp tovm produaon The contest will be significant for the players themselves i", they will be facing men that are spell the quarter bar* Both scpiads will than one team In th. i '.GERSHWIN! GLORIOUS!Sound Technicolor anil Stereophonic GREAT! l&f* n ylairbqysT.. BROTHERS battling for their portions. Tommy Wilson and Don Ste¬ wart hive been assigned tn op- pi-sing an ts. Wilson currently iv it Is any execi.'cnt opiv. view all players u u conditions. A possible second n." m . holding the k*— to ;h* unit. liOnnie SandPts and It.: POITIER dandridge davis. jr bailey ■ PRESENTS: Stewart, a halfback t-atwfer has ends, Bob Swo'Z'. and J - «pen handling the No. team. ickl at tackles, John !*> WORCrEtRSWiill Oi^fV-r wwitjf | rw and Don Kawal at u.., , Tl t:s. \ Willi. 2 MAYS ONLY! atlthons Perkins-.Janeftnda Tom Jordan at rente osteon *•••*•'• NANDU mm • In the backfir-io: Pa char!is coeokn • mcu mirk* TOIIOIIKOIV IS SI I'KK 'Tba BattaR-Dowi Mad Of M Ntehart' GOLD a". QB, Ron Waikm 1 MMDf HltUft Howl# ^ IIAKIIAIN IIAV MacF.achron George Saimes at at hi ■ Al.l. IIAV I'KKVIIIW - SKH 2 IHATI IIIIS MMKMMNWCU' "Thr Aril rtimnliiin of llir ilrcmlr" Backing up the White* * 2ND lllli ATTRACTION a • ANTHONY I'HHKINS IN "TAI.I. STOIIV SHOW N AT — I :«0 • 3:5(1 - 5:45 - 9:1(1 iifir — I'hnhoy Miiiwziiir enda Ernie Clark and Vi Fontes, tackles Dave Her Ken May, guar-,- C — PI.I S — out NEW FEATURE and — . . Hahn and Tony Kumierm center Jim Bridges. DEBORAH KERR DM/ID MVEN <*£' Now at Mitch Newman at full. P. IOt o PreminRer Presents JEMI8EKRG MYIBK KMONQBf , ^ Ryan and Jim Eaton i BOWJCHIR. 1WBIIIWE i and !ATURDAY ail-has imam: SPECIAL KAKI.Y FROM HTI DYIV." SHOW • PLEASE lllli.! SUNT (3) FEATURE SHOW! Rt:(L AllM. 7ir I A jl LAMSINC PHONt fG 7 18(4 COME EARLY Flay a UaMiil ALL SEATS 70c — FEATURE SHOWN AT 5:30 . 7:40 . 0:50 rmnMAi...Tmn*Awi mpT SHOW SAT I P.M. Twi ADC'I.T ENTERTAINMENT — AT fix*1, Villi*! the .plrnilor of 4 jirnival iu Rio ,,.i modrrn rrlrll- mumMI lhi* iiig of Chr ancirnC Icyrnil of love rim) pa—ion ic1 »(■!——' du*l ronvmr* THE ACADEMY 1 Ml CAST or mr campis AWARD WINNER •EST FOREIGN FUR OF TOE TE«I Hkaaa' ItMi. .1 X Mi. II;U |. '•** «*fw riMr, i* i Pi/ :>.. b i a r < OPERATION PETTICOAT ^ V (I M utrraa •KIT [0kS M cia mil * # W 4 !l -«»imr%iiov rurnroAT" riiown unci at tut -NOT TO RE . Oh tl aw Ma— Clltlil uu ' TheHotllfd ar he -ta«a Taarr ID 7-UHI IMMfHKf NWiiAMV 7/ N.T. jgCg*/ ED T-M'l -A JO*M'a RPRSR! lam- -m.- fy RJJJL 11J Illi!l,i.imi UANBRUE V l23™8SB3Sfla lalali a ill aa* .all, ha lariat- y ■ i TODAY** lO-HIT MaP CAMUS nut V hoi nu or ths (Aouviui, mom »:< at iiii Tift: ma 1ST comedy LVIR to make I HI- SCREEN -AIM laah. Wartt-trtMrua risnvAL y di.i mi with love! Onlj 4 Vlih-t K, of 4 jtinpuM I S 111 UHvr Ol>ti Rfrt Your Fririidi*! ilavr Fun! | I NEXT FKI • THE MAGHIIAM mo •/ (HI He* SHOWN FRIDAY AT 1, Mi, 9 3« I'M 1- IP.1 Ui Golfers Risk Win Streak i e lie Spartan 9 Clashes With U of M Spartans Face Purdue, Illinois in Track Meet on Michigan Htate* trnlf team will put it- unbeaten record th* line Saturday, May 7. when it plays Purdue, the lDVi In Triple Game Weekend Series Th. Spartan cinilcrmen will fly to Lafayettr, Indiana Sat. nrilay to participate in a trianjrular meet with Purdue an.l Illinois at the Boilermaker track. Hi# 10 titleholdrr. and Illinois in a triangular match at Forest Aker* jrolf course. I^eadinj? the Iloilermaker* will two-time conference in- dividual champion. John Kon«ck. In a quadrangular match Sackett, Sinks to Carry Aftt-r throe consecutive wcek- ends of relay competition, in¬ cluding th*» biggest relay meet Kerr. Jim Tea lariaar eteamp ln- nt Purdue la^t week, Kon-ck defeated Ohio State's Jack N'ickiau*, the national amateur champion, hy four Ntroke-. Pitching Burden for Stale of the reason, the Perm Htlava, Stale will participate in its fir*t door milt srlower; ■teat pat srteiaer; rww n. Ken Another standout in the Purdue lineup is Gene Francis who placed seventh in U-t year'* lli'g 10 meet. Both Kon- regular Ma-*»n meet lariaar twa mile clomp Fresh from a *>-1 victory over Western Michigan, Mich¬ sek and Francis reached the third round of play in the The Spartan- main hopes will and Iter trocar's lap mile relay igan State's tuMehall *quad returns to Big 10 play with a bv Zach Ford in the sprint* Miuari. NCAA tournament and l#oth have won All-Amerlcan re¬ three-game weekend set with its rivals from the University Willie At'.erberry. 220 and 440 cognition for two straight years. Kon«ek has been a fir-1 The Boilermakfcrs *;ll exhiu.t of Michigan. yard run- 220 yard low hurd¬ their brUhant quarter-m.ier. team selection twice and Franri-* was name ny McGinn '4-1 > aid AJ Brian Castle the 660 Illinois finished last in the 1050 conference championshir»« Ann Arbor for a double-head¬ in yard las', year er with the W .Iverine*. beg ri¬ rv ch 14.» run. This nrrt and next week's and with onlv two lettermen returning, prospect* for this fling at 13') at Perry P i Ms|"v prwbable sfartlne line¬ Alterherry, raptured first oual meet with Notre Dare season aren't too bright. Both Round* are recovering up will dare Ran Holmes lead- place ill lbr 4N yard Lord lev here will precede the B.g Ten from the pa*tingi sufferer' at the in- »rr and **l**inc seewndl bese: last week at the Fenn Relays. Championships to be held at hands o; the University of M. - ^ebodlleb. at f»r*t: Pal Nartnrius. Ea*t Lan-ir.fi May 20-21 and the Coach Fran Dittrich expect* he-ota 'ast weekend trounced. 13-6. and State now as it a no* right deldl: l«»m Rile*. Newdee. left renterfield; lin k Galden the tonghe-1 opposition to come 1C4A Champ.onship* anova the week after at Vai- Hot 'n thirsty?,,, 1-3 Iron; Jlliru ;-. the team that was and in eigh'h plate -n * *iwrbl«p terry l.omi*ns«i. runner-up \>j Michigan in the Big 10 Standings dropped two to iht Go iner*. Hi* Mich.gar, third base. Jim an«: "dads. «aebetl and I'h i ratch.ng; li-4 T' n . cnamptonahip*. Fool *ii quench with a 3 and 11-1, to put tru? Wolver¬ Titrding. m. on If I "Ini k we car •• •• < hit an on give alt - ytind. 'he Illini a State ine- eve at three win* arid i CARROL'S SHAKE three losses an.l in a i.e f»»' S'i'r • ccord f -r the veji, *, t AfT. OKI CiOI.DIA 3 'Ki g-., ' Lhttrich -aid. He has 1- 10 * Ag.on*t »even defeat*, ia-.' puttit.g the cmrlerr .* n fourth with lillnni- held general for Mate . . Today's game marks the 127." •-. igh pa.es on 'he ' new \ brimming tl-ansr* CarraTe steakr par tan < eaeh John Kab* es¬ meeting i i the ar.fient rival-• MAKE THE * Raiph Voij ;g F.efd ufiriec st is th* frosty r*fr*«te*r far aaMry parto the I' of M aeries to he id Major Loague a eloae one. "MteMgan has ► iiegiin .n tc.' n 1664 »ei ;cn, 79 Micfuti'- vi : > MICHIGAN' STATE NEWS ,.i e^ M«hl joaa NpSJtTTjM«l s t.B'rllT ln.l.11.4 ■ hlrafi* (HroMt •*!» at Wgahtngioii th is week Il*l> Haiti' Itriuh (ulumhia (( anuria) Norway Hhii. r«, W.u - i'i*t ual I-.!» nlfht. ■ t#\ ri*jid (SltfUMn !*•> at Itolil- Htales third (tarter to an un- In Eantman Color m«»» iHr««n M) ••«ht. certaints. but lefty lb»e Ftemaen l-rf.it .Running s-ll at R««tan Featurette: "Vi«it In Pira-x." 2«MHI E. SAGINAW • iNnllivan S-l). might earn (lie rlianee I ased •« AUTO KRAMER 1 v N tTIONAL LEAGUE bis improving word. 2 Blocks West uf Frandor Hm H I. Prl. r.i» Catcher Bob Mooctfca »'■"* FAIRCNU THEATRE v Ci ' m . gh 13 5 .722 first basemen B-1j Schud'.xh are PARTS en# .611 Sir. Francisco Milwaukee 11 9 .563 the only regular# hitting ywr .30C. Monczka'n average ;* 333 IIon.lay g Tumtlay - May «) A 1(1 ill. P.' »-S*. lanj.s .563 ;»?id Schudiich's .363 John U MACHINE SHOP SERVICE i i' ,-a AngeUH .474 or- is the next highest ba'v 7 lo 9 P.M. k' n-« .421 idnnaU a .292 average > wit's S«« E. KALAMAZOO ST. nd a .333 Ailnii..ion: .Vlr PHONF. IV 1-1335 .'Mra* ■ Scheduled to hurl lor the W - A-Ph^adaiphia 333 x-Played night games TODAY'* BAJUI Praaetstw 3 .¥ nrmMii 4. aaa La • rmiSurife S. Chirac* T >. i ii.UgaipHi ueln A MiHraobee a- M. Xff&L. J (jmtwn NATIONAL IJtAUl • . Wa foraah every, i tt«a«r(h (Law Ml at •« lf»n- imo liaac* t*X) atcdl. tdtag lor • thnll «g VISITING SPARTAN MOTHERS mi'wuik** i Sim hit l*#t at I'birago I vacation ia fieri a-ii. Quet«ro-dup**j>r » PkiU4*l»hu fCariwHI 1-2» at I iHMfu a-i) night ■? Aluminum ctnaa romp % l mil* (Miller tai at rmemnatl '■epuif outr.t fist hul—• : it kv 0 Tunle I-J I Right. daily rota. Wnte todar to* rano« .John Home, Michigan State's trip plaaatag kit. map. kau *a«es V'*i ■M iFi. CirU emka caaoo tr.pa tool rre-time NCAA boxing rham* *. was named to the A!l- iardar tafcaa OifMrrl«e Ar,erica hooor aquad In 3K59 tri im. r.o. io* u*u ii*. minn TELL Your Spartan Sons i; f t? A ■v. iv RREi INC ASK Your Spartan Daughters III TIE WHOLE FAMILY To itrinjE into you our Spartan Hook Slorr. 11 err, *ou will e HORSEBACK •rr lbr nation'- nrwrM typr of Trxlltook *rr*icr in lbr Spartan RIDING liook Slorr"» nrw MSU Trxlbook anil ktluralionul Ontrr. * PONY RIDES Ilrrr i« uhrrr Spartan Sluilrnl* rxchaiifr inonrv for rnpiirril M it Bl'GGV RIDES l"»k», Try Trading -oiur—rlirrk lbr prirr-. it PICNICS V«k your Spartan Cbildrrn lo »how you our of lbr lo-llrr pa- itrcciAL rsanr im* lialSC tW.WME.VT |M-rfoound book diaplay*... jra right hrrr in lbr Spartan Book % 1 Slorr in Ka»l Ijn-ina M'r*iriii)| your -on- and dau|chlrr*. PASS RAH RDM6 RANCH Aa a Spartan Mothrr a-k lo br -liottn lbr fiur-l rhildrrn'- I "THE RANCn WITH THB BttT RAII." liook -rlrrtion anyohrrr. Thouaanda of finr rhildrrn* liook- ' arr liring arlrrlrd and arnl to liltlr rhildrrn all o*rr lbr nation. For tiaiting mo|hrra . . . aak lo br ahoon lbr tarird pa|»rr* and Irrhniral aupplira. You will RO away having morr rraprrl SAVE *2« for your rhiblrru aflrr having arm lbr romplrxily of lhr-c ilrnia. Urar Mothrr—try moalrliug our of our nrw l> dr-ignrd Sport* Whan VOL Iwild lbr Swral Shirt.,' \ J SL FM TUNER Welcome Spaht. ia Mothers * GALEY 4 LORD EABRIC V'.u h«r STATIC FREE WELCOMF TO THE DAfRON raditt yaar hi-fi. Vh ZV>. COTTON ♦njoy rraater liaiMRe FREE HUB 1.1,0 , V) SPECIAL SKILL NEEDED! WdBMr Ml MM a taaar umI m mMa. TW Imi «*' U mnM.Ii pn.airM SPARTAN BOOK STORE UH'ATEI) AETE RATIONS AT 34.50 N.-iMmi, ,mmm Wa MM auric.n wa*t- SEE ONE TODAY AT <1 CORNER M.A.C AVE. & ANN STREET ■ UK MCONNNG INDUSTRIES EAST EANSINC, MICHIGAN * Re^uiood 1 Ross OM.iw.aMa [0 2.1197 MICHIGAN St ATI. N,Hs May «. IMM NcHspapcr Content* Studied May Hop Is Scheduled Midwest To Highlight Weekend '&&M UfifcgK* Miinf7 HBR#£ More Comic Strips ii Teacher I'arcitlM Spanks Could d hi that mid-western-. acroa* the nation, according t<» xrbmaiui ProU'Ht D Paul Deiitschmahn. dirw'o*. An cvaripk- the rcpurt citixi' Thr Mny Hop beittp hold Mny IJ will ht* one of the major crs Have.a keener sense of hu¬ • t* the Xrw %'urk Tune* Which KNOXVILLE. T(»,, mor than New Yorkers? Communication Research Cen¬ hivrhliirlits of Parent'.* Weekend. ran <»n.y five pvrocni of it-' stor- Some irate parent*, x, According to a recent study ter. More than one million column ••• written e^pecinllj' for or grade pupils at Cam k The queen wao i '<» reign §w» a ^ a by the Communications Research at K» »t w jrnen. . ,,, ti, k./K*.|(iHk ream! Center. Ohio ticwspapcrs can's- Inches were studied in HI :-*ue «>r seven New York City, three SSMwrn *%r nrutpappn. Iu a tary dlefl School say thdlr sons a and lea- . ' ^ wdl i>o crvvuod the uiormng more comics than do those in - Cleveland, and two Cincinnati lf»»#r degree than men In, for squealing at .snake New York. in Hazards . . \„s u b, •>„ Kmsti". « s- fn the Ohio newspapers stud¬ dally newspaper*. .Imviik a greater ereferenrr want hini transferred I * 11 r •- H ied, It percent of the non-ad¬ It took over 2.V.OOO IBM far radiu and Vlrvblwi, accord- Tie matter whs «., The Krii;;h'.! «:e an Engineer- Of Kiuliation vertising content is devoted to comic strips. On the rock-bound punched results. cards to 'aboiau- the inc In I He report A- w-Hir.i fx* expected. Nov. meeting of Knox Con-.' lioard Wednesday n . v 14 i:uuora:> ded.iVi'i"! ">► tho:>■ , East coast ouiv six percent of York ;»ap#-r* published more board prcmlsuj to to ,u n il-Mrs w.ki luive .'mown out- WASHINGTON "Ih Tie na- Moat nets*, sloriev It. was fireign dateline Allie Brown, who New York new;, fare is in i n¬ n, v> «:';i a , », irj(lci'(h:p .till •.<■•• v." t; »• fii» ire means I! mrtrupnlitan dallv nrssspa- than did Ohio newspaper*. Both ||»r will ninoiini'f >•% •- 1?, (Kftvril Peru# by •whipped a bunch •. , «inii. iiiicen •'poiehMii! in hazard.-: wiil prm was sponsored h\ the however, earried more stories •< dati!;nt 'r-v New York Time* an/I left blue place* llir nunifi of tiie new member* uu-rea,e a'-i.'ordinglv Scrlpps-llouaril Rettearrli Inun¬ people si ho were not famou*. '.- :h 22 ran mori for- Wetzel, in his lb-- plcrlfil Into the Knight*. The Na oiial Academy of , dation, (inritinali, Ohio. t iai: at y other pn- ♦eachcr at the rural Sc:«-nt-« i I tiiii? "unlike most Study.ng new* item* for toe e.gn 'tfjr.cs - i.*, ' .Ih I' lined comment but The result■» of thc^tudy, pub- m \ if the eentvai p«-rsot». it / i- jX'. v'.KS.<-d < . ja.., «.IH • :1m- .i.i/.rd . radiation expos- lishcd in a !5fl-n.igc booklet, founu ott? that men are m ove Concerning * u i;h-> »i new*, may have something > n!rr';i:n diirit urc can adversely affect many ei wire distributed las', montti ;•> .half of th< itorn'* N-* t'.-„ carried mure. er." Trnixbon,*-' *-.».«! ff»«'!>.<« d f .'l''I' <' gciiiTii'.ion - '• ^Se - "Tlir need fur conservative journalism departments of all This i* not very mrprism* a« • u*- '.'art Ohio paper- More Brown said We'zt v? tiiOiir. grnr; i rh.ornisn its still man * worbt." UrtT.- ny man nterexi >U>r;e- were class unattended one .Uv management of all radiation major college* and •univer-otic a ■'During 'he .flter . » i. •ur-.-'itej r. Onk> than in New wwk and while he ■ i ^ sources Is obvious." it said. i"v. It» i.i Tail fr»terni!y * Y'»rk fb-th pub'-e'hed the same some »>oys got into ttir ine-ent the ouifb.tndnig senior 'Hie report issued by the foun¬ jm-xisi *»f bji- .ne**. public moral cd snake collection and }! compilation of . dation was a CJAY BIRTH. Detroit fr.. Rill Mrl,eod. lake City %r. and llean ic.wird to «i student in ehgtmwr- pnrfiktni, an.1 science new* to put them on the g;; sliirlici by reports commit¬ T. K. Cow den of Agriculture College get in tome praetlee for the i-'i: ' tee-; of the Mcademv. The com¬ There will n'->» be pn-s«»nta- fttudrnt-faeulty hallgame arheduled for the 0\ Koavt Thuraday. mittee* consisted of experts m * .«n< of trophies for the be. t display* r.howi at. the exposition the held of genHiic!. patooiog;., SPRING and the dean's trophy, prcM«nU i by Dean Ryder, for the best i v- hibi t. meteorology, food agriculture a :i d sUpphc-, Pi .po al .if »''.hI.ii- active waste-, and oceanogi'aphv Special KvciiIn Scheduled . PAT The Merlyn Gate* Orchestra Will l>e featured. Ticket* arc and fisheries. Their views were described up-dating of the academy'* •< Ox Roast Next Thursday SALE McCARTY as A?.7.1 per couple, and tan be initial report on the biologu.t! The anniiul ox roast sponsored |>y Atrriculture council will purchased in tlie union or from - effects of radiation made m members of the engineering June. 19Sfl. The scientist,- made lie hold Thursday at 5:30 p.m. at tho Soccer field. MUSIC Mill IIAMJV; council. Only a limited number Sped at event- include a «tu- it clear their concern about po¬ of tlrke'n is available tential hazards remains at lea t dent-faeu'iy ball game, xtnut Four Musical great as it was almost four three-legged race. LOOKS as men* FI.* o * race, I r, Eighty Students cars "The ogo. steady accumulation of nark raceV'iiid Hiuare the Promenaders wil wiuar itli dance bv audienc) I'rogmnis Slated Study Astronomy aetenttfSo ))».« no' Information since 1 brought to light air. participation. Storting Tonight With l)r. Mann far'-; that call for a drastic rc- of earlier reeomrnenda- *'Hie buffet style ' will fea¬ rooked wetteni Radio Htalton WKAR-KM will MONAURAL LP's ■ «2.49 AT vi.-'ion ture prime lieef broadcast four musical program Eighty student* here are rn- tion-." the scientists -ai t style, pobito "ila'l. baked bean (HK«. *3.9H • *1.98) in the IBM! report, uh co a - ri tin* near future jollfsl in Astronomy III. The and ice cream, accoidin,; to lltll course is taught by D? CJIeu Iracted worldwide interest, the Mda-od. fix Una ' chairman. Hiiugh' a- H l.'i pin the coti- academy committers warn¬ Tickets &l 2.1 per adul* ami STEREO LP's • *3.49 same i. ,' of student-written compo«u Alan Mann, a recent graduate ■>f MSU and the only lnstruHor ed that radia'tion from an- cent-; for c illdicn. arc < o sale fion* will tic broad, ,»s* WKAR- Astronomy. Mann has a de¬ source-—nuclear liomhs, nuclea* fr.'u any conned meiirbr i and AM and KM wil? broadcast live i reactors, the natural environ¬ Women's (JJei* Club Spruig mm;. *i.»8 • I.I.9H» gree in spectroscopy. at ?lu ttmon ticket de*k thhe ment and medical s-r.o. ■" < LIFE t oncert at 4 Sunday The classes ere lecture* with p.m. discussion of tiie solar system hanliftt) I.fr I'd Mu Alpha'; thud annua! Kduealiiiii Talk* m Jazz. Concert, ''Dimensions in Campus Musk Shop and Its parts as- the main topic Tho lectures are supplemented Sound" can »*• heard May 10 at Iji-I llriillnT-Si»lcr i>%' slides and diagram* Slated on WK AR K 1.1 p.in T Cmversity Con- Theories are discussed during' I riiinin^ S-hfiltilnl eei M.iritl will iu- briaideast live class such as the determi* The final trafnina session fo A oe c crie* of five talks call¬ from the band she'! on May J| a moral one and ha.* to . • cation of the interior tempera¬ American FlroJlier -Sister pi"- ed • Education in the Nation'* a' R l '» p m basic philoRophieR of al! « ture of a star. Equations are net uram participants will held Scrvo-c" will I"1 prevented by ' under our legal system tp to explain the theory, the Sjijurday at » .hi a m 'n the l'\ WKAll Itegmning Sunday. The arguments, birth i equations are validated, wn.l the lounue. I'nlon The ser.c- <. e*»ncerned ws'.'i against capital punish; • result is a good approximation ft?. Fau/i Naija?. a*-istant pr .- an tmagmative system.' chiefly put forth in .Life by ■ »f ihe unknown temperature fessol . ,f f..reign studies Will of higher education, by live of authority on criminal lav the nations foremost educator* According to Mann. "The only discuss the NV i! Ka- . Dt. I.aw- you who have engaged u handicap IS the inclfcctualitv «#f rcn.e llaUtstao. a«s'. i death penalty c«ruld d According to present theory K.is? and Henjaiivin Denni*. lab¬ ti... Woodroiv Wilson Found,.- check this article to n.n 'Pie solar system and every thing ti,.;. el : i graduate .m ien'. Afm a tain that you haven't it. may tie the remnants <»f a point. "uiit c ai i." "uht i'au; - l Axn Air • LAST CAU" orper-giant » I a r," remarked mm PAMMA TRIOS by Floir II i;vi:r ivihiiiid tot Mann. dropped out of »ch«" I'he measurement of the light lingerie the barest bit of coverage for magnitude from star* is based 5 TO EUROPE WITH DREWS the coolest around the seventh grab* you had never attempted " < i a logarithmic scale. Tlrat 1*. k* summer sleeping comfort, with education and a!! • * star is taken as zero magiu- H tf) tails the first for pert coverup, in place' «ude then another star half as each pajama hoi its own bright to the eye is one %t Ship Over (CuiiiiRl) - Air Return (Mil Take a look at wha ' short coot. Sizes small or medium to tho*e kids who do Mill) 7 • Ifcuh Aiigu^l '2*. Scotland ♦ Kngland- .of high tichrxil and the p? left: Se ruffled ribbon stripe print they create for their cue", Almost million )■ Fur \ r.iiiil|il«'l<' J IMxium • Midland - t*rrman> - AilMrin • Yuxnwla- cotton plisse set Pink or blue. Adf right, men. take your eve* tie* leave schwl a every year . H u:* the ri'ver uf Life and let'- sec graduating. Detroit's i-r*t * % i.-t San Marino . Hal) - France. .VI Ihiis. All In-- itutN ui.*.»4e thi# wwk'i Issue. Right Print and solid ensemble of # • .vi.Tiimi or J Is. case j ou need extra induce¬ tor helping its drop-out , ■». ment to turn away from the Job Upgrading, is unique . , t'llhdlC. SIMm I .milled to .111 - I ndei .'III • Hook nylon docron polyester cotton *idful lire of Yvetu- Mimieux, country I'APKK HACKS •J mi 1 v- H'^ywaad starlet on the Through this progran ' r? . Pink, blue or lilac ontr. Set me tell you that there studedts are helped to n>< w -Now i oiiiplt ie Inf«» • t (M.l.Etil! 'fll.W Kl. OF- four page# of pictures uf tiie centive to continue their sv-c Eoch set, S.fl are or are trained for occupit CAMPUS BOOK SIOM mi '' i h i: lai 2-*Mi; - .N. bbrfuie Life trus week called Me-Mc-Oh" in which suit their aptitu-. wurk being done by the far- Acaofm MOM TNC I NION WISH TMI KM I NT DIM I S- of Upgrading is lauded i>" 1 a# being pn*greKsive god •" ! M*itv.) ihvt • . i iv i jiv i- «riv rmi» ..nv »invi» of the d« ni>Ht*tif pr*H i*ss to hi succcsaful. ■ at work m AUSG. it u InUrrewt- mg to rvad anvut a country that U>1 NTUUH CLD^Ot e*nber ■ Itilly fv * probienia. Lift this home this week on iu r ' »* ooi- week presents the f«»urth part in page. The editor* eiidor pr.*ii it scf*e> Democracy Around the actions of university »«?e- o» ache World a sUady of Greece, tin? who d« rnonxtrated Bgauoi se b rthplace «f d«nw»cra«: Tunes hare agiangrd greatiyr governmental practices . , U »n fvd susce fVrtc!«» ftiampmuci gov* America, Korea and Tort' • ' MppOl That these students should •'I1*' no ernmm; by the propit. The smi- >ider it their duty to Fir pie ^.Uager*. who' ha\e enough the kiaxson of the nation * tnabk tryuig to cultivate the l-'-tyx „1 phein.mem»n which doenr.'t & TJw r rocky «oil of Utc counUT, arc in America. Ei TIIK AI.ti.tlM ASSOCIATION beusg confronted v. ith new idea* The editors I lit the I; s op" «rt r:e£i about puiiticai organumtkui. countries in which students fc ^■van d The oummuiust countrte* tp OF THK the north are coculantly gu ,ng H>**arbeaded, revolution* T Cart give as a possible reason t-ii to those w ho would SIGMA HII EPS1L0N COUINY lack of ripta to this country *«• fn _ change the Greek way of Ufe. fact that few revolution.* w "Xurv a Th« i» a oaltiefieid where U*e bsL Mxtuary since the Ail Hs IS PROl ll TO ANNOUNCE Fast h pitted against the West. of own were a ihed »x * ttctr Greece wuuft ««un dec*k»p whether •Hir forefathers oOkrthrr "«tft THE INSTALLATION OF «U historical or gtx»gr*phic ties British. However, if the. eatie rci are stronger. * arc needed, there is sornz i* MICHIGAN EPSIIjON CHAPTER • - f«t VOL OSU A MONTM caUoa that students in the l'r- *mn»uL rd States stand read «-Q' a oefeate hat We«» earned on all OF TIIE over caiwpur-in ciaaaes, living and feMjr able. unit* and the popular student •w-2MpootA, Deupte who have beco SNMA PHI EPSHJH FRATUNHTY trwvhds fbr jears suddenly di.*- eweTfd tna; they're not Jn agrevrr oo exevythmg ON Although they miglit have been aptthru hef-arc. everyon* now has an opsxuon on the ex- MAY 7. 19hO ccufJtiit. pg^garyl Chessman The diversity m feeling at MSI' is «wiy a» example of the nation¬ wide furor created by the death of this man Most oi Chesmuwi'r support- #r» wet* mk defending him be¬ cause of personal sympathy. The evmdeaaed criminal had set him¬ self up as a symbol of the hw Justice of capital punishment. And m the question hat become m / 9 V:. 1 ' : i L