Now It's 16 Ti'nni- Tr»m limns llliniiis. S-l Sun I'M** I Vol.. 02. N"- 27 HAST LANSING, MICHIGAN—MONDAY, MAY 9, 1900 PRICE 5 CENTS Spy Flight Threatens Talk White House Sileul Khnishuliuv Hocks On Plane Incident Hopes for Sum mil LONDON i/Pi—West Kuropenn official* appeared deeoty YVASHINGTmV • I*. Top official -aid Sumla> that So* di-tnrlefi Sunday hy Nikita Khrtlahchev** .-ncces* in ex- tie: Pr»'mi«-r Nikita K"ru-hohcv could virTiially wn-ck pro- the intelliKcnce activities of a U.S. jet plane over the -lovt.4 for friendlv 'a!L- at the summit if he continue* to Soviet Union. hammer awa> at thr? American spy plane incident. W. Virginia There 'he Amet'c were id .« (ear* Ihe K . les v pu ■ - • Pionvvr V (laiii)raigii akene.d I.lent Tunis Vp Gels Hot nhtiwer 1 Till. WITCH, nortrayrg'br Jo Ann Ho*, liar- folk talc opera. IIjiimI and Circtel. The »p-r.i CHART ESTON. W Va -fr» conrcren I'rv er at I ohuiw nun nr.. beckon* to Hanoel and Grrtrl. pUyd i«> spjinuorrd hi the department* of inu*ir and • ba. r* ing .» Kenned* ID M. » MIIBIW IIIOMt* - *" hi liuth Ann Thoma*. Okrmnn fr.. and Jran apeech. and will he prr.i-nti rf in Fairrhihl on < S ,o*!;iv for an end to ?h „ ' , A \S.H1N"(.T' >N V V r Meyer. Green* llle Mifth.. in the furthcoming I ni- May I*-?!. \ n- . r - ual ?*bu•«" he said 'Negroes f r* ;• oe- vrrait) Theater production of llumper«tinrk\ v • ,M*n a: h:m in West j. . ' ' • W- •' ^ v" ■' V :r« ' -J, ,.,j , • a :V)-wa:t tri-.-T..-vr • prcsuiential pr.inar. ^ !, V,,.ra'.ca-t of the T.ny 5-watter-- llaiiH'l and (irclcl Folk 0|M-r;i i . Will Will :.mpa;gn. Kennedy ba .H in a h'' rssR • . v p. V y ' * ' * f"r' '• information banc > against t c "gu'ter }' .'''.""I T " Nv A ,.u*. • University Theater to Produce . . • »! • c' a- ? < leveled agai t KHru*hrhev the flight. AdmWl»«a>ti<« i«id « Wliilp Kiglil* «ji«l f-.t . t fa - v and hi* a.rte. «!«.' ocnmnr- Mill diwrraanwit 4 Iialte.! bv a Soviet rocket. Wl« n i| .b»~e—-Mouj-hrf" (D- Th* frank adnu**»«n by the < Dunrhrd from Ihe raki*tani t . rs * o v»r.« n: in Tue*- Slip lopjftirtoil * a t U r fl * * rit* of re*hauar and t^-at the Humjierdinck 's Fairy Tale , rt'«* • T>«-----*■;.■ r:>"■ p- mar;- nifht that the plan- vtj* on a ,,, i.i ' landing Wa* to have been made in 14 veil''; of oulflic life, in huh altitude »p\ mission was - - ■ at llodo, a northern Norwegian r'impr4j»n«, n the IP»u*e air ha*e. rbarl) drafted uith the hope . , , ,. ' fl • * -en';« v and t-.v# for that the Kremlin vohld pUv *..VS\ Hi ITI KEIfKRT Jointly ftponsored bv the d«»pt Deff.i •. Grand R:» I- '' -h r- the t'ri-.ted S'a'e- Senate. I have Khrushchev »v»r.rled r Ml down further handlinz nf the ... ,.. . T -k'U for the forthcoming «f mu'ic and the dept. of Marilyn Be-,• • <■. Kalarn . if vp, been subjected to such • at pre-ideir. E. o nh-o-Ae- ' ,r 'ft* o«e |e*t it inflame East-West , . •;,.ver?;ty Theater production apcf-oh, t'ie opera will b«: pr»- 'freshman: p„- A:'v ■>"?,. !..*•»•. a |K-re >na'- abuw.." KcnrwJv sa.d rtcr attack. Jvome vource* vie v ated. relations. _,.;. "Manuel and Grctel," Hum- vemcd in Fairrhild Theater on junior. Sue- Stpffrn. Flint jur¬ I am jrj/.rled that a can 1 • t-ib intend*"! to that N T- V <1- delightful folk 'talc Mav lfi-22 or Byrona Ctante*-. Midland a* ,r.« ire .rr .s ,.i . Tv* Pre b- i . v, • 8 n,. f ..• < u. M date be . no observer tiunk* can the president «».urig into ,e-a. are on sale at the Uttwm Musiea! directum i* under Dr senior. Caroline Matbi. Terapy, .> no*'. a* Fv.rcv.Id .n a n il'.'vi '' :t * t he "• a ;r EDI nom.nated by the Democrat e Tdcet office Ham l^mpl, assistant prof,' SJ. mip'mmore. Nancy DonalH- (aibng off he summit da t v 1 R.g .•-* and C.v.l • - '. r ,1'V. *♦ A." A T of rnuRic. with Mis* Maxinr ■*<>n. PoiZllar freshman; Dis party *hauld indulge in «uc» iac'.c f am saddened that • # # ♦ in the Un.xt State-. ■ <«• ai»«l a.v.i.;. : ffaydon. assistant professor «>f Dihiman. Lithrr»p Village *re 'he An*.- can Lc - villi the other accomplishment* ■enera'i'.v regarded a* hav¬ Is Called jipeech. it staging the production E-dor.n. Detroit »' n •*• Francis Power- and ribbed the Urig fit, * a.e defined M-.-r ' '• 'jk • ing an edge over Kenned*, a of this souring spaeerrafl Cast, in the roles of tlie chil¬ United State# in cartoons for term# of the B U of R ir e he *'-e .sp* -*«"'l 3h-,'.e: r-- i Catholic, in tnit overwhelming¬ dren arc Corinne Bowra, Tu'- the failure of his acknowledged #a,d F.-araii* P *e,% •* uo r-nkartcd.. > ly prtotcftftat state. Kennedy, Sturm Drops Castro Plot «nto Jr., and Jean Ileyer, Gifcen- intel!Jyen*m iS'+tSt orcr Ruruan TWW#*. "crtta -.M mmlatef parachub.-d vt e'vfvfy after hf# "i *■ rn v' Canaveral, v Rowcver.'has drilled at Ihe eon- ■ v.iie soph., a*. Gretei; Mardyu territory. and gradua'e of "Print etsm. w as plane iv •'j fbot ci-OA-n a • . «-k . » 8 p-uurvd package tfubon ♦haf Humphrey ha* no Sunday ' MacDona.d, Lanaing rr, and Foot of Snow O'i) • ar-yj;},;1 ■ the organizer of the Amer>*» ag-> chance for t m nomination "Takeoff and landing" wit HAVANA (/PI—A Cuban poli- Ruth Ann Thomas, (Jkemor, a* Civil Leber'.c* t*n;=»n 4h year* i. !eaier rolled a traitor by Humphrey'- ' "ac* on the *»»« Ihe title of a f'ravda drawing on t'.S i n I Hansel ax-j rr.;o" • -a- ; - i.r* of • e K'-nncdy camp wai the of .lO-year-nld Across North » of Fidel Castro chare- raae the -wer* Mrs Harold f'leorv, Okr nos. ir.'H'APd v. "h <* s-'i'ement by nls Kh >w n «- A --fr.- ng a:-rr .V: ♦ • - n.- '.•'7. : > : a shooting affray at will play the mother, and Donald American flier whaw high alti- v ■: yjb> n f c i v* ean Di-.o-rvto T . - Havana'* International Airport vh.ef ampaigh advi«..»r, Jarne* tide |,orkheed I ■* jet was down¬ Circle, Sp >kane, Wash., grad B th*«t the t had t tav .- hrottzht reaction from ( oncre— t-rhos#' welcome home from i »ast Sunday, vn.'.e 'he Great P; e af a n t sr and Bt l't ir. v from to nation in *a "Congress of I.'ke< ri-» ,ir— ad* paper < .i t'Kin ■ h'lwcd a pi'ot m ranrinc grave conrern Springbo:g. I. a n -1 n g. Km'Iv two F..;* fl.vina '■ '* Ame." .an- >• a Mi-nhat aUttude. wintry U .n W h,M,|,in« Oaiif. H» . «-y and Democracy" held in Derr. East La.: .rig r v a rr: to -c ,n .- m t eal .ntf-gr.ii. . ta %hiver. .v.*.i a P»ri'ajr,n helmet 1 7 ' -• a .-re : I ijracay, Venezuela* was marred hanctle the dual role of Sand¬ of -ViT t *.rp>rt rioting—made the ac- A-, the cv'd trov em»mi r Nnrlli In >«--liii|; Area by a -i l a: v,gn flag, then shak¬ t-.piC. ' .ivrturru-d we;.- man and Dew Fa»r> * .»•. ing u:sH."r guard of Soviet «-»l- CKTie the prm .s4-,>ns In a letter to two th« Atlantic .-'.ate* s.irniniS' ah In the chorus of gingerbread rriKT SMITH. SWT u-* a'. 4 table loaded with a of the people Df-.r-i .* - .. .rdepeadetrt newspapers. children are: Connie Sawyer, were fjofted for .increased t ub- T-.i. e■fftx" and *•*> ; The vrKWiper* are returning t«» movie camera, packets of money, be *a,o of Sanchez Arango'a fol- Gienview, III,, »oph.omdre: Bar¬ derstorm activity m eastern ROTT not The earth's mjgueti* f.v tb< r summer hojue in the wild* a dagger and watches conf -cat* Compulviry .. «.?«-> qu *-• . *rm was wounded by gun- North Carolina, eastern V.rc.?: a bara Bancroft, Morcnci s,«*eia' est WVd Buffalo National Park cl from him «ave 'he United f-'f at the airport and several and irt the Chesaueake Bay are♦ a .ckLvh sUKicrjt; Carolyn Per dew. Ah - Alijerta-Northuo-.• Ter- Russian reader* g'v <•"« Slab- 3, sa.d ;.n 3 u f on the Siict'e^ftil were - - rf- persona also were hurt, ley Junior: Judy Wile*. Kala¬ The ruuch weather pattern. tion-and-am-. er period fudow* ritor.e* b'>rdcr. 600 mile* north¬ o''.er cart ftcnoualy enough to be hos- mazoo aenii>r. Roaahe Fink, St headed nurthra«t. mizht prod in r east of Edmonton ,ng hi* *ddr< '•> -tea. Sanchez Arango, head a'-ine* of the May Day raptu e •t r>:x,c- ».? I n-.',, like Jonns senior; Diane James, I^n- damacinr wind* hall ' '.he "Triple A" organization coln Park sr.; Jon; Granow'itz. isolated and pmlblr »ne or tw« torna- •.as Park* employee'- Mid Satin- they had counted nine of Powers, announced er .Viklta Khrushchev Saturday by Premi¬ .D u r ; r z 'he an. Acr period. Thomas w»« ask¬ que* t.on-a id- u.'l i«y" !■!*'■ each nation water, out I*, .v "port o? resi.- Swim Show: . once operated clandes- Port Chester. NY. freshman. doe* |n Mime portion*. the ed what his v eves «l the l-'valty whooping crane* in the last along with a report that he ha* ' .** <*■* n M»curtty and keep |' >t y against Fulftnclo Batis- *ax! last night's affray "was Susan freshman. Tiefenthal. Jeanne Kaiamazuo Delfaa-. weather bureau warned. v. eek. Total number of the near- extvnet species is estimated al confessed ir, 9>ion he was on a spying oath were and disclaimer affidavit an *•;.« T^ie vi an;- v. nations «,f that eha-acr ratio' of Westward II2O • v, «u, ' nn attempt against Snow lay on the ground m a Grand Rap^is freshman; Carol Wisconsin. Michigan Mwrna 47 Kirushchev indicated Power* "J»;,a!'.y m'qj ac.1 aff.da-..w grave was made by \r 1 III ft R DOW 11 IK Nicholson, Le Roy, N Y. Junior; The v-hooper* a:.'* com.tig in¬ will b*- tried are contemptible and I aim.ire Scate De*r.'>«-raf.c I^aier l.yn- authorities were report- and Idaho — *» nw: as ' - Green Sp'a* h pre*entflV•-r Patricia and Elizabeth Regan, to tne Sav fliver area The Soviet Premier Pow t'v»«c schools that dm'* fee' it ;ns O of Tcxa« He «.s i to have .,r rested a gunman inches if the wh*te ituff at Jron- an ¬ h.#ri ; Westwa-d H2r' 1 * a Umt• Brown City aeniors. after a 2.500 mile flight from thn necessary to have them." he «w*d understand ^ d shut Felipe Alonso, worxi. Mich Rhinelander and er* was mg on a weather flight *A> fj.-svt wc are d./tr# #uc . lie played by: Betty Beach* Bay snow fails accumulating to near¬ «.f Texa- was first disclosed Thursday, but ' f mer was givon. 'he »!■.(•> of !hc founding «? City sophomore; Geraldine K'- crossing the USSR from Pesh¬ RIO r>r JANEIRO '.R -(.'o- ly seven inches deep aocbcz Arango and hU fol* Jard. Kalamazoo-senior; Jeanne Fiwlit'iilrrw awar. Pukis'an, to Bodo. Nor* kn Braz-O ai!^r.J> «0*r»a- Street I hi nee Set A finer ra vers actively oppose Commun- Rain splashed through much Giilli#*riiig w-av. biiric- .rd* r - to phot ,g* mt» pat-en hi!' giving, womea equal Alt- .ug»-i i* is hard to pick <.*&#.* of the southeast, with the hea¬ • f-d his For If reck II eek ♦ he isc'S'l >1' rie nvtmtier from »li ; organization and H-iVics m.i.fary and iflduftrial fight* w'/.m men. djcrn-ber# '»f wtpporters frequently are the ;,<»t only of the Commun- British Blast viest fall •— 2U inches -re¬ ported at Charlotte. N C CAMOGU. l-aiy <*»-- T1 r»'»- vantls gathered in toU tiny fi*ii- installation#.. the Nat,i>«wid# U-- - Th*# Friday .• Friday the jifft. tne honor# entertaining would have to go * performance'', •*' Far- Frost warning* were numer¬ in& Village today to eat I MOO The V. H State Departmajt versity threau-n •-> 'aui-c-t a Denifte Donrooyer and Nan; here In*! Of Caotro |X "-p. a* weU. The f «»tro-con trolled ' newt* African Aide ous throughout the midwest *» temperaturra stuck stubbornty lemnda of 2,00b quart* of oil in a pan J".a'. fried in about admitted was on Saturday night the jet an intelligence (light, refusa'.-tu-carevi among Brazilian women. campaign Ii*» It if also the f-.'it n.ghf of Greek Weekend No. I I.,* •• Mzller for 'ht .r exceUeo4 per!(»nnanre in 'Down Upon ne in the 90*s and 40'*—ocva*.on* l- co*>k4 3,75© pound# of but said ;t pot authorized by left to the men to figure -j «". Kicking off Greek Wee send# ripe* E, :»! undo at wa- S*anee" The'two .coed# showed to*. . put ignored the air- fgwuhut a full For 'Bigotry' ly in .the JO's- a lime authorit y in Washington. wh-i that me a ra- * or*. ; be a street dance at Valley T*W dance will feature the tame skill ar,■*?* croted to wmwbm by won them loj- h-m..'. a*. Bow * » •he mu .ir of Buddy Spangler'a ' Car -u-appointed head of LONDON 'Ah—South Africa # F5I TrauMiiitter KewdieM .kOOO.UUO People bar. J ar»d w ill be oj/en to all Green recently. e -leol federation at Ha- Foreign Minister. Eric lam*, got = Among the group# number#. student*. Music wiU continue I versify agamat "toer- "Spir.' vf *d, >d hy Ma > rough handling Sunday from ed¬ f'ocr, 9 p rri. v> maJroght and re* Aud Houses AKW Radio Station Jean* Campbell, ga ve v r aud - | <•«? actinuae" then. I - Ail Havana papers published '• froot pages announce* I *at of tae resumption of dipio- itorial writer* in British Sunday r.ewtpopery He also got a going over from opposition paper* m Bf JCMY um land to-the north.'and below t?ie ,RMSIf work and supplies tape* to 83 WKAR fV/tb^II network. fre#h.*r>ent* wilJ oe served. mately Sat»i.-.a v morrua* 2fk> sorority ar^1 frater- «1r meT.ber# will attend a pep approxi¬ ence tion Featured an imnrc-: »f *ync.hrfmi/( »mnel. Boris WILS an, WJIM .ransmit these game* thrsugn ! A not* of coined;, wn" .chie J 'he shuw by the perf^>rm»n.-« * WKAF. .twrifin kiiina|M'il •Sun Tarshi*. Jerry Chad* I,)ie in Home Fire news conference last week dur¬ in the state. WEAR, or •rdcast}«.' frcn th- who Uvea on Wiwoonajn, ha? be« n writir.g id Washington It la.-id. ?he 'Nauunal Association of Broadcaster*. and ' the Nation;* The stsfkws is by * In Virar^m Ul; k and Ron Welfare ing which he said South Africa An air ot drama was added * U-NMXQ <*V-A top three floors of the Aud. jt Frymire for nine years Association o f Educational taff of ?! f-zit time ^fessiOCAi > bora. fir. has no intention of changing iU a fhe third oldest statin» in Mich¬ There are over 0000 listener* Broadcasters. radio pa-' . and 30 • - -teub V(\N\GIA N-. T tr* •how by Na* ry Miller .n r.*- policy of racial segregation , young expectant mother * The George Foster Peabody Th • iriMSArtTting •* e*r»-e v.a Twrnu Cappf. ati Acer.cj-. f-'«rrv»fl <►' '.fie •for;, •*.-• igan.. WKAR-FM i$ the oldest * *"• two children "London has not seen such a WKAR n ef at D*>oy Road ;uvt ,* fr* by g" up of armvu »0tl nghtutg sr«» teriHn Ethel Rogers. 23. and try since Ribtoentrop's day* as the state. schedules regularly —UifvA. Toe- station is the only ed¬ « The FM station operates on ucational station to win this miles east of campus. gt-rifrt which invaded S' on- Nazi amba**ador." said the co¬ Perhaps you are wondering I S Mrt lorliM, 2. *4.000 watts and the AM on >000 how effective the FM coverage award nlnce 1542 This award is According to Rxhard • E»teH. g'Oa frjcn' Honduras, t-.c N'.cara- VV'a*i;r. On the Levi" why** operative-labor Reynolds News. production add faciliti-e* man* Natiorui Guard said Sunday *a* put -wi by the Promerjuk • A Hugh Rogm Sr. The coniervative Sunday watts. For a comparison, WILS is? According to Frymire about the highest one given in the gi# T *«e c&surgeots took 1 * *pt>« a-eied toud! of the •fUS in Lansing has. 5000 watt* m radio field. agcr. the station serve* *♦ an -u- « sout'i ,W percent tit «he people in Lan¬ . M.l i ""«*». ""bl U* Times commented: the daytime and 1000 at night, sing have FM receivers The De¬ It is known as the "Oscar" of valuable leacmag service fur bade ortuo* the border . , •a fie a# they pc-rformeu a "•"■*■ •« "Mr. Eric Louw. to judge from student*. Hrn4ura«. the official .a&noanct- a • anrc s! the pooFi #sig«- and WJTM has 15# watte . troit percentage i* about 43 radio, according .to Frymire. lion '• fr n the southwest some sharp questions, and he Thui is the 30th year of br-ai- jneni paii. Tie audjeoce* reaction to *?•Uruing. answered them without thr According in lorry Vrymire. The 'taboo offers varied pro- vVKAK is the o;*ly education I casting (rr-m the MSC ca.*ryu.<. The caovuUhLique did r.-vt g've vf. #h-aw was -me enthiu.airr; Robert .fOeler slightest recognition tha tworfci stathin maiuger. there are 2 anu covering all the college# Station in the country to broad¬ • ' I ' he hiaae ipaasaMh sUrlcd about five nullion cast all home* and away basebaii, Thw is almost four oecadev «?•' the number uf the: insurgenu, ar,4 ecj-i.yment. The pool galkrv people within of the univetaity and many state football, and basketball game*. public service for Citizens qu.skiy filled to capact'-r ihtcked by evtnt. in South Af- IM. hemdesst range. and fcderaT government depart- It also transmits all home and Michigan, pubic relations tus »ith a Nicaragua army patrol aond stayed till the finale »»# Tiea, or tbat Uwrt ite ground* The primary list—leg range snents. It'also covers community MSU. and service m m educa¬ that .forced tbem tu flee iota «wr WiUKWt once Sooukg intes* loT '-••Uag 1 ,co* um brwkl*»l. 2^ (or anything tut complmrur about Um fli-v <■' -parthoUT. uf FM covers Detroit to *e erat. Grand Rapids to toe w«t, Mid- affair*. baa its own tape net¬ Ann Arbor bocbep games Tbtra are 31 atat oca on the tional arm for toe wivemly. Haagarai. f the American clared last week that pre-occti- church's Interests In "person, tf I'M* »•> home by liquor advertisers • ad who paiioti with sex tips caused a .,«* through rough mazazlni's. rung radio. social and civil right.ouzn. hit!.' T« ••growing and dangerous sick¬ The sir. Involves s merging V.ll. r._*. N'n '-'7 Mutliliit M;i> !». r.»;n U'!.'Vi,iou n and I'th.r and 1»R media to formerly separe. . in society " of I h ror ness Tlie church urged its !(» mil¬ ind.H-trinate late even i-vjn our children agencies, one nu world pea., It„;ir«l AI lion members to Join in com¬ in the use of alcoholic bevcr- another on social sod rronomu I'nr Alieh munity action to halt "a deluge aac." . affairs, both wH* present head S'Netcs Asks Hoard Cretire lalal .baUiwac, fram of 'Glamor* magazines and mo* quarters In Chicago, and a thiol liquor, thr re^rt mH drloklai .<.? flueator :*rw pictures which over-em¬ uu temperance, already altu.o Ureradlm nllltmn. wreck- -ci have phasize sex to pornographic lug home. Injuring eWMreu. ed In WanMngtaa. -...f- of t extreme!." Some delegateu uppwel est,. . Five Him Questions creating lllnre,. crime. «mr- - d!v:«?on i A report approved by the de- lishing a bureau of aucii •» tool-co grr and dralli. nomination'* quadrennial Gen¬ The report »'l> drawn up by ranging aocial - interest in F. i»r Hf eral Conference also appealed to nation's eapllel. e'J a Committee of Temperance, r hi'♦her Till: I>In't' i--1H- n l'ii-1'1 I" 'lo- all Christian denominations lo The Rev. Raoul C. Calkir ,M headed by the Rev. Jamei 8 -■« dent of undertake a "vigorous program" C'tncinnati, questioned who , Front (hi- nttmU'r of Mtor* «<• rifriw wh '' »•' to expose "the damage af social Chubb, of Grand Wand. Net. its "major purpose is to .•.■ Collcffe. am I'l-rit rviili'iit Ibal tlii' Ivpkiil MSI itmli'iit ha-n't trtv.-n In other action, the Confer¬ hr" Hoppei nice polltielans or to hr!|. ■ • of drinking." ence voted to ret up ■ broad- a r tun. lit of Dim . onipulsorv 'ra' ve I,I- pirn for th.' "We arc deeply concerned jcale "Board of Christian Jbx'ial churches across the couuti ■ MSU. w tin* prot'raiti llnnoah over the growing practice of 0 frhe con ,\,|,| to thi.- tin' ri-i'i'iit fi'ioiii't' t'ivi'ii I'ta'-iilfii permitting the sale of alcoholic m l Ferrij I,y'local A.VI'1'cliaptci-i ami the MM' T.-ioTo-r-. I 'it ion ami beverages through drug and ;; «*ate suj volt haven Ifoml -oinipl.' of the liU-oiitaiit prvvalanl on -oina grocery stores in a deliberate CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS ir'i'ructio1 - attempt to \v»n the housewife a! edueatio part* of I hi* canipn- . as a customer" the report said. dtttie# of so VVa ntiriwlvc* fan nevvr ha mnnriloil to. Hie Knar. I r DKADLINEA: I p.m. Day Before rukllllllin foe Tnre. Wed. comniittse. TriwtwV tlcfiaion until tlii'V have saliafnfloiily an.wi-rnl bllrr* Tbura., nud Fel. Edlllo... D»«dlln« roe »gon. KdHmni l ,u l„. ax Fmith, « Iha following question. Bill* Payable 1*1! >M 1-5 Mulif Ikranh PHiey pre'ident I. Why has the Hoard atnlilo.rn!v continuad to aloud the El) 2-1511 EXT. M15 •a-, at M Issue by Mutiny that Ilia lomptlli-ory to our dafenaa proyralh i< as-antial Criticizes 1 «et"refar>' -ommuhlt; automotive housing - education I'iynras have pnivwl'lliat I lie small daaraa«a in irriifi. olfa-eas that would result from a voluntiiiy proyrani is II lit to Fuss' Over isre VOIJ19WAOON - TONVJRT- FOR RENT Af fire atari riant to warrant the attention Ilia Hoard has ? IAHI.r. RADIO, whllv w.ll, ED !, aimed Ww 221H ARARTMENTS heap upon it Chessman aad __ itin | oRD." l^sa GREEN TUlXm Why have tliei refused to reaoynire Ilia low morale i , MALE STUDENTS — AVAIIAtl! t tod oat hi tvlinder. »trniw»it shift. 2U.OOO for summer term — Apartment ( r thai is evidenced in MSI "a present basic rompulsorv plan n it** tllM.i. hv owner M three, sine! *and double rooms u ft HdcaHdR klichens All have utflltlee pant W'rek, Sl6jr 1 to the (alitor; FMPRFSS SE¬ . SI'HHl.V. Iliey must raali.'a that ha aliminaliny the DAN •r-ii GOLIATH One of Germany s finest built nrvate telephone, bath, entrance at the I ish to say tha' I am sorry 53B Evergraan. Eaist u- -re "deadwood" a voluntary proyralil would evolve that would w p..rkm* rmiRiinv cam. Simtlew. tnalde and alni' ED 6-EHO. ♦ Caryl Chessman is dead: mll a- I mechanicallv. turialn fi group* realise a much pri nter efficleiu v of maiipnwar and amleav but only because of the way he nrned t«»r ouh'k »ale will finance at rafr. R.iv ChrieteiiBen rot.l EAST LANSING — FURNtSHk; forecasting, or. Morale cannot la' furred ii|s.ti an individual, lie mud bank diil. f"r I d.» no; believe in anartmen nio«* to campus, gi. . :r.g speakei Nalr*. Ma*t>n, OR 7-IW1I l all ED S-MUS. r see all Institution's worth to realize its full benefits. This capital punishment STOP. LOOK. HF.AO. A 1!>M <"»'* mbabie llvii FURNISHED ETRST FI/XHt This is not to say that there Nfxt l»f>t sort of realization is almost unknown in our present basir fl.M.r fliFVorlrt hardton mature student couple. June I'. |p san In an< »«»» not people who deserve to iliina !•» a convartiblr Cumoleta w-ith block from Harkev Owner care n - itratlgg i H-iiUf tifir wain. V-6 »nalj»r. radio, duces rent TU 3-1031. after ft profrram, die, bu' I don't think that we hvatrr and raar-wat wakcr tbw 'aadership t .1. Why is compulsory III I'll "» "disi'ipline" emphasized at have the right to decide thi*. i< the uliarorst 'M In town 2-52DI after y p.m. t*> arc this beautv Call HJ EAST LANSIN O— MODEIIV |* > of higher a supposed haven for free and intalliyant thoiiyhl ' How l.dlcr* l(» the Kilitor and certainly we don't have room furnished anartmeni bath, utilities except electrnlt Pri .■ > . t- ive ran our university prow to its fullest intelleetuallv amul ♦he right to do the actual execuf- rent. Location unbeatable. ED 2-h»' barter J'f At FA ROMF.O GtTUFTA rulrter stirh an Ineonpruity rouvertible 195'J No! raced, red *at C'-rj. th Tolls of Faculty Promotions Huwrvrr, ax traglr the ra«e »i»*ils Can He wit al IS72 Linden ROOMS a* articles, the I. Why ware six men, who admit thav are not educators, nf (hrwnun ha* been. *lu K.t»t t^n««ne weekend* and after « un «»*ek dav« n the state, allowed to deride this matter, which. In its wiry r\i-teiue • f V *HuuM *urh a flint he ma*e over contrtbut DRAKES COMPLETE PRUNING atteats to the fact that it is in the realm of academic af room that :» the r;/p '-f most une man. For all the allege* fl? 'I.\ a*d tin AdlUHtment. »sc fjood >'t welfare —fo llir Idttut. rarrh to tuner* V>v vvr ' - a M-irkU*k ( haitipiun Bruke Rellnei *. fairs ? - th.a campus unfairne** of hi* trial, hi* ra*e i tation, engirt room* <>n y►'n r. KsUinatuo. IV 4»4 of many Intelli¬ employment LIKE NEW - IftS.I 43 x • cusfw px'rcnirl.v difficult to put gent and learned men alnee then, ecial theme ripht also Include a rrs|Minslhle riirhl lo delecate aradema functions was built Ventura ' Two bedroom*. ru i the belonging* of three girl* and a majority of them dtdn t students TF.ACIIFRS. sum- *n» heatina. with carnetine to •Rid df decisions to the proper academic persons— in tins case, the 6MH) m»»nthlv ' AC L •eem to feet that there mm any 5'IH emolnvment, »2Hw» H) 7'UllH. 1-5 1'lie student wIiii fullV under- living away from home for nine ifimrnntir Write Evienn- Rnnd. 131') tag eat tfcto ' u' .V Af.,. C :«»*• itntuU the function* of ,i llltl- reason to pardon him or rom- Lanmni. Annlv now faculty" months it! one small room Two w Kalamazoo to p4a*ed e a. Why has the Hoard allowed politic* to creep into tlie l» n, «• >! •:«t-u».l«-rsMrt'.!- vrrull) klmiild Hp that re¬ of us lived out of "the state, mute hl« sentence. lost and found iuta wild k search and w riling arr Important Furthermore, why ihouLU the runninp of the natimi's eiyhth larpest univer iti T :• ' • th. ! considerations fur iirnmntion. to ,t wasn't easy to go home on deatii of a maa. wb«», if not jf for sale LOST blind - RIJ4CK HORN Rim c- • without them. Call L!) 1 Jevrlayaai l. .nil fd' the weekend to get the things - e* Hehltde. All these question* will have lo be anawered before we n - ' "d • 1714 ! Tl.p more *nc|» scholars we we needed The $20 we got back tually the "red light" bandit, Lynn Bart] Cifarett** RIG. - $2.78 < 1 ">- e\er .swallow tliia bitter pill of eompiilaory IPVI' f i be r. !• never ct ,».<.>■ hasp, Hip Heller will I»p the re¬ whs a nmail compensation for had a long and repetitive crim¬ ra«i F !,»-t $2 38 I OST — BLACK WALLET vinnit '.ent of pu i. iinifi. .mf. ,.f -a I> i.i library Wadneadav evenina »•> putation of M«i|: and IHp morp the inconveniences incurred. inal record, be any more - Skaf faff ballt —(Ma*** b'a' t * — si. ~ ♦man of tb firpwticp its degrpp will carry. • .shameful," 't ra g i c." "mon- fB-tvt f? )•• $? .*$ board, "lo , gel linen Triple Rooms Nol Policy personal so now «r are hu-ouk." or "appalling" than the Wilion and FenniyUaaia Tennn lall»— morduu Tiici'c v ,, go i' deal of m»n- service. As of this term II cosi thousand* of daily deatiic of itf know idge tu uixicrgrsd uat • hantiuxi alvmi Ih.s (I i I irtivitldg.-1 M'Mq' cam- a quarter—S2T a year of productive, contribu'ive, law^ DIANE HUGHES and rni T- U r» •• lf !■.. ®he be" tp.'ichc • that I have We have Inst far more throug i $?o ladminlon $«H— $? *3 KWAST BAKERY DEUVBRS tnrt •aid Simmc education lure who w !1 pcrturrn ever known were good scholars That takes vare -of %T.. Hot > o oafee r ■ nitely not happen. fumtlof If MSU what happeju to the other $33? the death of one honest, relia¬ Wkda Ttnni* Oifa'di—$' Tt a-d $i '"♦I MUuaiiv decorated twelve for 1330. PhOM lV 4-U M311 I" Education u. v ? » re and some of the worst teachers Hast week when students begun Rijrninir for fall term I Where will it he used1* ble person than through the P-a G» d> for* l p.m. irv of the irr.v un ■ .• s'.i'u. 4 • made no pretense of being room assignments many were impressed with the idea the> \ " * ■ • ■* ti.ivc i uh v I agree w ith the proposal m death of one hundred Caryl Wkitf Gy-i Sitri I**"} d.vaioa, • • . .> acnolar • KENNY DAVIS ORCHESTRA could sign only for triple rooms. However, the message sent letter t.i the Editor :n last Uhevsman*. yet rarely i% one <*f Sl«t0i*4 l«4|« ~$1< $•» ..e l all ED 3-1477. Ili'fote he €•,»'» rnt.eire m'o ' ♦ t these people even mcntnme-l to dorms from the housing office apparently became con 'he btadent must f-r" M.»tulay*s State New-' Why not. make a effort 1*» secure on Uxe radio or in the paper, Faldmf Alymmum CoH (Can»«t Fla.lw) $4.44 Not real estate rt Leeti fused. Students were to be told there was a chance a third I'arulty mrinhrr« of i geml ondi island what a good univer¬ sincere Making a martyr of a criminal sity hhou'd t" Perhaps then he more off-iampus housing «*f an Sloclmf fast Wadart—$8 44 -onhWn person would be added to the room in the fail if the num¬ |u\r thrrr miH>r ob¬ seems rather ridiculous to me. RANCH uiiofrxitt wilt Ih- .. .i to JudsP approved, desirable nature for A ' Fare* Rubber Coilapiibl* Rubber bedroom*. —JTYljB, 1 -■ will prea ber of incoming students continued to grow. Hut this was ligation*. which fucuiiv mernbera are con- women etudenu over 21? Then no matter what he died for or leatl —? mar" new $M.f0 deuirabl# feat .pcture tan how he diCd rampua. only a chance; not an established policy I. t - i> tea. h *% wt'.I a* tnbuUiig nn< ••*' to the making »f maybe there wouldn't tx* such CKareaal--it lb J4: 10 lb. 44r, n). There ha* been much eritlriam . .. AS IT now appears to the housing office most rooms w ill t5 - '•.* h v t il l. :J1 a yrcat unixeryuy. a crowded housing problem B- d-ci'» SUBURBAN THREE-BED re:i •>o,»k«r w Roherl K. Broun, Oeburah Maawrtl of Ihme roueeled with his ease Ckatael GniU—4? cp ... atittfuii not l»e triples; the number of students sending in housing a «.>'» "K'.i'-.i iruititutkin who would not alter hts aea- Rlaitie A»r MaRrewee—$,' 88 F-1 bniahed family ftraplace. Beau1 roeen alu« full of thq 1 Hv ♦-carry Uic r sAa'o Prof, of HUlot f ;n «nd hua applications has tapered off considerably. And two dorms * * # * » lence. This to uadrrsUadable baaament and plaeterad two car n of u?«* Jitroawftrativr function r arr Owner want* offer*. »Ireture wl now for graduate students, Mary Mavo and Armstrong It- * * * No two person* ever see the Adult tk Veilt. Caatl Guaid Hank Fur man I or Wa-' u-\ i.*r the running of the KOTO Slaliktio situation in an identical ap* and I ^t IV 6-4M o Kit, Art wing, will be opened to undergraduates. In addition, fresh¬ Uh.ver*.t> votnmuiuty, such .•* same pra«ed—$4.V| Orrhodo* I Light, but people have to do men will lie the first to be placed in triples. Nonetheless, we hope few triple rooms will In* used. Ih«- <1ctwruricT«Uf kSiorr* arut inj'.'.ee* «v«n- iMking 833 To the Editor: what they think is right, and in Fre*-* Tackle by Skat ripe are. Zebca, Mitchell. Oucounted . . uown •16 Italiav , chittenden drive school and ' eampue. and owner will carry cent"'. ' km" >-'>•- ' "prln, t, > Byi Ttie comparison of the out¬ the cases of all tho^e who made Divinf Lanft—J Fau'; $44 48 A du# ED 6-I2M after 6 BJn. 1 it has been shown this is bad not only acadetrticallv J. Ac..! .f fy university s.» *!iwll it I To the latilur: put of thr MSU and the Univer¬ the decision to stick* to the l-rq I hi: $106.80 ' , EAST IJkNRING — THREE > to* sit jlm>*"ni f.«i the mdc. Ui-fum till but psychologically. With three students to a room condi¬ »? kUv-w icOgc. l wonder if thus* who are »d- sity of Minnesota KOTC pro- or.gma! penalty prescribed for Diving Pi«r Snadek. We<«Mi Mack*, «m Caoe Cod Din In# room. < la.-uUy inr::*. nettnr. ^~aor — ~ Pad •xhiUtt tion* are extremely crowded and it is almost, im|*n«il»L' lo nv.iustrator? a* this Kiants uauij; Frank D. Pay f Chessman, *ome credit murt l>e D>*ceuit«d. * .hi^c ia research univerwy recreation rc_. >C. th, esq statistics is misleading given for having the courage of AtMetic Wbi4« Super Sack*— r JLA. or 44*% create the proper atmosphere lor studying. a- j *>.wTtinui5'-*'.# the resutu »»( have ever tried living three m Adler nun and ma Just wjiy the University of their convictions In the face of $ •win *f , Minnesota, In particular, is hoxtile public opinion. As for world opinion, jt is Rica-Straw Ma4a-1 it. < 6 ♦) •'$! SERVICE Hmy f' f chosen for C«^np4riv«»n is not ex¬ termed* Sk*rN by Dickl* far men— Crossword Puzzle plained. A less misleading and very commendable that so many lUI HICK'S LAUNOtOWAT more valid approach to the pro¬ people of other countries felt f»»r « Racket*—$4 43 lb. W I. MICHIGAN A M Body jointg ductivity of voluntary vs. com¬ compeled to speak out againd liili? U Wrath pulsory programs is given in a a practice which they fee* is Stude-t la'fa>a Center , , , otor off for tap SWViCf 11 To fe;gv 74 page report to the prrsident wrong, HUT of all the countries Fyaadar RX Sb'd* fmuArd and Dry Ctoe •ickn# » of MSU from the Committee on tha* protested, only Italy has Oa«* Mm. TWiq aad Rd. BHfkto WE SRCClAUB IN MOP-O" 3« Haiwl a ... f- - the Future of the University •'•I-;! abolished the death pen- Rboae IV f-IOIf MJNOiiS FOR STUMNTS 3? Card gair.f . The committee, appointed and ait* IV yg6«; 3" Toller AO Vaed t.» start llrr«- 1 ' apparently ignored by Dr. Han¬ nah, suggested that "The com¬ # # * Judy Cutler ' i>i.*#ue uohoUterr. ith children. 633. tded ED for tacnilv 3-0044 X7 I-STUWML" pulsory requirement of the fri>" 4.1 MinClirr, aclrtsa • KOTC program should be abol¬ Parker Cam wribT)R HIGH-PI TAPE recorder —'— Itevet ur direction control. ol. exeat- i^?v. tinas. "■ 44 Fifth rigna _ »t Sululion la Friday's faulr ..,!. ? ished effective with the fall quarter I960 - To the Editor; lent condition. m* Mk*ee fur Don IIP Call or leave at R 414 Buttertteid ♦our PARENTS - WOULD YOU child ta leant ceawaraH' 1 1 fe' 111# I ixl. 4' Now that mod of the turmoil 31 French — thti mmar» Q«w- 43 Spidri It was found by that commit¬ Jl Guarantee* tearber — MM to cOMlaet cUe, •0 New -bom tee in its study of all, not just ove- Caryl Chessman is over 1 CONVENIENT TO CAMFUS untywattv Home duriaa vacation. ! f Shield rig lamb . wwuid to recall another n to In two. KOTC program, that the Wiiiiam H. Tbampte* St. Alall timet ckient of our glorious past far SI Knghih i.i.. Drea«e, following percentages of the F and.. t.v j tary, Navy. 3 0% compulsory. he was dragged from hi* ceU rr »%»e lor Tiim. *3*5 each • nvm NI 4-Ml or Will tr»de » ! and iyached by a inob whose LEARN TO rLY at Sharan A f i v-y /wis 'JK'SW; »vL: tO*" .VA iV.i ..Vs. 4 4 7 voluntary > { , »;_r-A"s iPffwaA one to h.s lymclicrs, SPARTAN typing aan * UUL1 ~ .TTLTrHINf • * e la * p.-,. thai. Mr*. Jay Levy ■ 4 X ' l .Xlirhi|(uii Slatr Xf»« 72i M.A.C. WANTED S4J Student r r.AN-OftTHOOOX STtDEXTX Thentu denr* nf Michigan Sta • AUSOOATIOX t*j:lv*r*-tv puhlith tea Michifan *' - floppy in: 7 Museum Auditorium, Male New* without direct tacultv CAMPUS CLASSIF1SOS . li" *t:oervi*low and' the oaorr u nol HIGH READERSHIP 2nd floor. Lecture and slides the offlrial voeca of, th* untvetxiu- . . . . . *) ii.n.fv on "Bysantino Art" by Dr. ot the student Uod% Ifomher >i . . . I.OW COST . . ihe AmKX latad torn. Inland Datly ^ U. ~ 4'rcaa and C*H PM J>CY , , . SELL . . . RENT MICHIGAN RTATi: NIAVS diicators Page Three Deferred Properly Taxes t ;inip'j' < lay-ifimls . . Low (4»*l id Stale Michii'nn- State Nms Suggested to Aid Farmers 1"|| Ley to Letter Nil'iU'S . . . [rogram One solution to the lems areas of' farmers mlght'lie in a in tax prob¬ suburban plan for de¬ farmer would benefit from keep¬ ing hi* property taxe* fairly low a* long a* he continued to farm need fi, fcrred say;-.. f b.-inged to allow de. \n|>,iyiM-nN. Hen«-b«itv I.AM l/AA "I'OlMiY and ferring profM-rty taxes the land. But he would he re. Thefi, :.-<(• -vn-. to d'-t ;d" I1I.SV \lirhipn Wffk Writing in the April. HlOu is- quired to reimhur*e the local what area-. '.h»- d» frrrnj-pavnu-'d *hown l:2.*» - l.0.» ruc of Michigan Farm Economics unll of government for thi* plan would appi; '<> would be at t,l.» 9:25 magazine, William Hewberrv, benefit by paying the deferred needed A-.o the proportion of. *fucator» from the Lan- tax from the profit* from the fan lansinc. • i«on! id ,«9,, USDA agricultural economist at faxes to be deferred on any one ,-ci have been mimed to sale oI hi* farm. TI.ESDAY A MSU, offers this |e»M»Tbtc solu¬ farro would ha' - n be decided , nt the higher edu- tion for farmers caught in the Pulling this pi..-: :r,to ef'.- • Then change-, wiMtid rwiuir- ,lv*!on of the M'chlean vvi:i)M-:sn \v too)-co! lege activities high tax squeeze. would rcquir- >;rn' Ifgniatiw eon ideranlo '.rn<■ a? d effort "UfKer this plan.'* Heneberty and atlministraiiv- changes, how¬ ■1 l»\VS DNI.V : , F.'-wr Harden, ehslrman the pa/', /if legndatnr ■ a:.d tax say 1, "h farmer who want* to ever. First, 'h<- ta* !v would official flit H'neberry o-- ■ higher education division ke« p on farming in a suburban *<" dent of Northern Mich- -. ve ber.efi'. to farm/ r- TWO CIV KM W 1,1*1. area could pay a certain portion feeling the- of high-r ( i Fi4m.i-.-,r ;-'.-t-.:-ts [,'college, announced. Aoiitno To (j»o|M*ralc prevor/- hits itirri its: Of his property taxes in each faxes .in 'he suburban are.,, ueh lime and effort : 1R. frhe committee on col- agrvi-d Sundav • strengthen ].1 •> sale, he could pay the balance their economic and cultural re¬ m I Ferris Crawford, as- tiuiin n . carv.#*- d»-.tu-v laconic and soft-spoken, this the eeonomixt point* ant. The cuuntm-'' I,,lur, ,1 130. ,:t«. »com n i it we. any hv-'ita",. nt* rw»* r 1- c'-nior of the Week from Detroit ;. »,j a.m. . !>x Smith, assistant to the ♦ttini' agrrf -I. IT.- «.**.?? .1. garnered some notable hon- ■s <» prcident for off-campus «-rs in his years at MSU which NOW SIIOWINfi u A"- |.-on at MSU .has been p -T.j i, S mile his quiet exterior. He is I>011 hie Feature Program ■j «erretary of the eommit- ivities B*»ar-i «ac 53 I-*:1 * vA. ifibably best known a-, a talf. -ommunity colleges of tne VJ-. aU.; adTT'.-i- a. parHviie-. -. IIOLI.YWOOIFS NLWKST COMKDY TIIAM! miliar figure in tue State • education division Council * snt-nr" ,23g nrrr L*r». sei»* office where h« served as , rnmmlMees named are . and a, * - v 1. porter, night editor, editorial I of fire aaeh gwpi wMeh book>i ericy.- ■' - •«-, ; • ,<■ ; -f editor, and editor-in-chief. rush p**z v* 7- ? , n.- -at < Besides executing his blue- •s and W W HomestKKi, r.. «r ,. r w i. • • r.< duties with aplomb, Bill •at In of a member ■ -.*«• ?2»; 4# r-«.hi • 1 ;»l-o kept his hand in fin the MlrM- t»»R t-Hffirr . iiu-rmg department He is u I Week. Mir 15-tl. In • *. • ... : - tier of Kappa Alpha Mu, t I " ' f C NrMAO"- cwiiva-A kicrwf- eifti a warwick r i'.Til* | re of the project* thx' con a v. - • 1. nav-nal photojournalism honor- SHOWN' AT — t:N - 4:l»» • 7:15 - lt:«^ -•« groups wll undertake member * ••f r j-.,. 3 and is the flash bulb be- -l PI.I S 1- charles n :el forecasting, through out- tr«»pn'» < a?„i , . .- -!n: many State Neus and Wol¬ m LtSUC m HpNfty starting FltlPVY! COBURN- PATRICK ^:ng speakers or •robable living conditions in seminars, and Week acTf.t o-icn. -»,»• . t«-,» **■ • -. L !;-: ha.»; tew-; a tovrrr- •c'jrtrait above. Nice tr ek shot, ToiKNN MlLURv.l\ A RICH (WQ.E nBONJOUR ber of fcv* S;rui.Msgax.n. It'll KATIE JOHNSON im0nwr'Aii • s better life in Mtcmsin: staff aad »»•» a- vuv, .\..>ng with these journalistic SHOWN AT — Sitl - 5:3, - *:.%« Sr »f Rf I0MN RAI'OM filing, through display* f«-r «e?r i'., .ties, he has maintained a S UI III tt — HAVHI AMI HATIISIOII \ Ai\', d'fkur »» x'ctl rat*:c* TRISTESSE Mil tm$ aHIIHI h*H mhiM «•,! I _., \ ; f/ojj'.n 6, jn*1 faiton I articles, the human resour* . ll»ta !>-' "2 7 something' all college aver- J.n the state, with emphas.s Attfto'^gh sAe a, *r. ef/hU'- - and if. u Wolverine feature |> contributions toward the tic swimmer, ail n*! 1 a fit';, and *u member of the lie's welfare in the fields of position a< a.*s s-.cjWw, Mai • Ve' Assn. and of the Water Jahon. engineering, agrieul- Jen doe-i n A for |fiehifa«*. - • Lynn Bartlett, state super- WOOds wart is eas»-«-> MSlTs «a^-gu:ng St.- Bill Bill ten-e gives a characteristically and that he First F,atur«.|.rnuth Film t». Oral with Idea and I'tirpn*,. now kent of public instruction, answer says Catlanon, ar.. engagias mr\ of plan- to '"work" He add* that of |«.*man of the sehool-eoilege Erin gerocthw vNanage* thii. v til probably be with United I nitnl \alnin« board, one of six such coordinating Michigan convey t«e isrpmoaoi. that tni* Pre.1-* inteniationa). tlals Haiti llritah Columbia ((nnada) Norway i irtivitioa.- Secretary ©f the is Edgar Grim, deputy In Coalman Color ir.nrer.drtt of public injtruc- I'irasoo" SHENinIBIIS l>aIurrl I,: "Visit to Irait Simmons, director of pr education for the Mich- FAIRCHILD THEATRE r Education Association, is I'ary of the higher educa- | division, NECOMMLmih MiiihI.h X l iirsilu, — Via, 'I A 10 7 to u P.M. Lecture Set Aaliiii—i,ni: .",0, i-OrtMn Stwteeu Auo- | 1 "III PT.MB1 . -ByuDUn. — jr, Umlght tt th* Mu- will b. Dr r M. I'KIH.i: \\l IMOKMATDIN CAM. Ml 3-3II7 I |" -n ■ of th* d^vun*Et of and htmrnilltw. • l^tim will h. utt of th. -en. Art pnjttt whirl, Irhodox hu -prln* term. II hu *U» 1 orH > MrmmOm Art n- 1 whwh la hciag shown at fit, .-rum > lu b 11 th, till the we, and 1 May. arrsnjvd cksxk —STWBWI JIW Cuk'MUAX NIGHTS A SI N.—ADULTS ilic SAT. STARTS 7 P.M. FEATURE AT 7:25 AUUI.T ENTERTAINMENT MAT. SOc • »:S5 ina»aiUlun of th* i and many inlulli and FIRST LANSING AREA SHOOING l^rka H art an terlndU, 1ST or THE WAV ENCORE OP THE WORLDS GREAT FOREIGN FILMS! I A qndirn kote at l«tr. N-o u, ,tel,»,. udM i Angel Records r at ( ,rmt,t In Ate! STEREO AND HI-FI A:) 20% OFF # Select From The Complete Catalog bicludikg the new may kei i:ase>. AND THE -GREAT RECOIUMSGS OF THE CEXTVRir SERIES ' « WWNU OF ORAM POUC ITR WHAT* UP FRONT THAT COUNTS The mystery is solved* Napoleon's bistros for » spare carton of Winston*? COMES FILM FISIWOl v SPECIAL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY ... Ste^oe llJOAd^w famous gesture wis just to reassure There s a rare smoking treat that comes 20'' OFF. OF COLRSE himself that he had plenty of cigarettes. from Winston% famous Fiber-Blend — h>ch tareful selection of V His army may have traveled on its w means a tine, stomach, but the old boy himself mild tobacco, spccuiijr processed for the disc shop wouldn't have been caught at Waterloo it be ha da t been cbcvking the fkiguo filter smoking. Try a puck real soon, and you'll agree that . Winston tastes good— 323 E. ED 741909 Km r*, like a cigarette should!' OPEN EYENLNCS . ' . '■■■?'$ ' - - . ^7 i SJ.v ' .->• •• Tennis Team Sel for. Wolves After Downing lllini w Split Doubleheader ' n% LIW T'ic Spartan tennh tv.mi tun > "The I mm that Coarh llroh*. "N heat* us." ctlrt going In h.i r he broke fifth jjamc Knfc!h*' and .held hi' o\n in the r I fth game of their second set and then horr dawn to ho|d his own service, for a 1*3. 7*5 win. With U. of Michigan to play great tennis". service ;n the «:v?h Jtiine ' » pi rli—'y match I'.'- h t'V The Spartans' onlv Tors war at h-:t. ,n - Wolves in 1st: .» t.i'* re' . We pr«.\ed ourrelvm nsainst Sinks .vllits , with T'Tinpi: imr> a runawav v ;<■- settled fiov h ami r o •. a realty No. 4 singles as Tom Tloatman H iiio.- F.v« % one 's c.vinn their tni'. Saturday mnrri'ii; Jo tat-v IC.,t He- < \! i' .pen, liffOi" handed ITnger PlnRenhocf his all. ad led the cinch. we'll Ik- Poor'Fielding Offsets Rally : j: • on record • ld-O. Metier '•>•<" fink 1.1- verv'fv . first Hiy 10. and, third reason ready ;m I wd-t \>~ r ush. nf «t «-t». 6-3. The \ toton was the secou.! t.hejr tf»!*s ^ar-ie hekl he What . '< .••od Orob::<* Hie At No. singles it was too 1)t.s ypr-PR for the undefeated service for an ' l-fi S;i .r... i most were t ie w1"' turned in by brilliant five-hitter oirain-t U ,.t, own Hitmen '\r 'he Mini. Two win. much Hon Mescal I and not Mickey Sinks pitched a Brian H • r»ej and Cap!. Hill II >1- Mwks as", a? iTioomlncfon In I. ehkr as they b«v! the men who Pm viou lv Mukins had defeat- enough Jim Hiley as the Spar¬ i[rail's Wolverine* Saturday in the first name of a donbl* tan senior b'ee/cd past Riley 0- Coach Shan Or -ban's nettci •> had header a* MSU edned Miehltran, 2-1. . defeated !hv • a* HI pi K, r. . W-7. i-j a lO-gmte f . stand-o'f n iaIllin-'i- drive I. «-1. lljsner defeated Joe I pit in* III pio set match "I Hlooniington. Hon Henry was the only Ci^lrn lev-* lis .a Svlrtlvfomw fi-5 The MSU composite < to cam a •')-! Irvision. Ho! Sat¬ Molchkiss had a slightly ca-Vr the most rltitic match of the Mpartan forcrd to play three of the urday it w.i-' lb" Spartans ;:l .time a.- he ripped through Dan though. iiattinc •lay. in the No. I single* «•««- The rugged East Lansing the way a. th"v outplayed the Mcsrdi, fi-n, in their first set. In set> Wedncdav, the Spartans take ARN'HI lest. The first set went lo T.lsner 7 fllirtj. *-l tije .second set. however. Me-ch junior finally turned back Bruce Notre Dame at South Bend in Holmes Srhudllch t ] uhrii lie broke I pkins' service 4-a. fi-l, in the No. on With ord> JO day's remalnm; settled down and held h;- fir--1 Stafford SartoriuA In their liuii game, fur a fi-4 de¬ gles rosiest. a non-conference game. Hendee before the Big 10 Championship ♦I .five services, as rii Holchki — Itilev meet, all ryes ... i'< he on 'N- rision. W.'h the set tied 5-5 the husk*. The doubles contests were Michigan State's fielding be¬ Cartwright >'pa.■ 'hi • ve! t » -\ \ lo '-.r • .; I Ipki-e- hi ok'- limited Jo 10-game pro sets. hind Sinks wn.i excellent with fi olden speor.d Spartan rap!a at. broke M- scl. '- Lumlaaski \I I.M»e to I i.' ir def. ri ' • K ;.;■ i \ • : i *e.r M'J'vieo and went on to held hi> Friday afternoon's Wisconsin several outstanding play.-. But Marlatt H 10 chat pi on \1 chiliad W i:; doubleheader. McCook il Hob l.4nAfnr l*->; H«lchkiM-PU«rn- lowed inly one hit In the first McCook well pljyril match. Smith pick¬ f m (i* Mpm'Ii, h ./| i s i rt IbMni-Bnipnsn. Hi-*; Ktirrj: ed up the win for Slate when lie \|.sr,ill-llrnrv (M 4 Kllev-SUffnrd, five inning* before giving up the Klewicki llumperdinek's I nlk Tale Opera" TOTAL* » t » I! .j broke*ford\ service in the only Wolverine run of the con¬ test. a heme run lo Oene Strue- irw*k< who ftlammed two more 5 SjMirKnis ^ IIICS NTMETrM—iKHif Smith »lretehe* to return an Illinois dint In the second game. Sansclu KEI'KESKNT ATI VE III' PENN MUTUAL LIFE In a double* match Saturday. The «*»•" "*tretrh- ed" It* winning «treak to l< game*. Smith'* *h«t «i« «ueee**ful for a point. Sophomore Brian. Eisner move* to get out of hi* teammate'* way. They won the mateh. !#•»». State New* Photo. run Michigan had lean. al inning of the {erond game thanks to a healthy four fi-2. going into the fin¬ Strurzcwski's. two Fail in Olympic llidl T/ie/J Brltelj Wll.l. BE ON CASII'I'S MAY 12TII homer* Hon Four errors, three by s plus two stolen bases, a wild pitch, batsmen led to other scores. and a hit Wolverine San Jim Ferguson, Francisco WTestilng il Olympic rj plaml hlghwt of all Spartan af ex-Sportan wrestlers ir lANMHIII) nit:Aim: TO DISCUSS I .IKE State rallied In the seventh competition for a berth . n Innin? for three runs and almost May ID, I'll, 22 (8 p.m.) — SI.ail INSI KANCK CAKEEIt I.EADINIi pulled the game out of the fire. Olympic wrestling Ferguson finished tlvr i In the inning Pat Satorius May 21 (Speeial Sal. Malittfe. 2 p.m.) 1.00 TO MANAGEMENT POSITION. singled. John Hendee doubled, ! 74-pound division f C.-4 Homan wrestling. He • <. then Dick Golden, Hon Marlatt, THOSE INTERESTED, CONTACT by champion Rudy W. SI'KCIAi. STL'llKNT ItATK and Jim Kemmerling all singled Romuloui. A 1.1. I'EltEORMANTES SI.Oil I'EACE.MENT IICREAC KOIl APPOINTMENT. before Wes Klewicki grounded out to end the game. All the ether MSI rompftitj fought la freu-alyle. inrlui TICKETS ON SAI.E AT I'NION TICKET OITICE Both of NUIe'a run* In the Fregeaue. He w»* knnrkrd I flral game were unearned. In the In the sixth nuui. Again ht i third Inning. Holme* boat ant a defeated by a division hunt for a single and arored an a double play hall that was pluu. Thte time Armv s !g I throw n lulu renter flrM. Witt wen •«tv3-I. • Okfa Johnson wa« krxif Tom Riley was safe on a error out in the fifth round in the sixth and went to third 114.5 riivsion. The champion J TO THE on a fielder's choice. He then scored when the Spartans pull¬ ed a double steal. Jerry Lumian* ski went to second. Dick Wilson of Toledo I'rjif sity, who Okla finished to at the district compel!' i Norm Young went a? firl Golden broke out of his sea¬ CLASS son long hitting slump with five hits in seven trips to the plate and drove in three runs. Srhud- lich picked up four hits in the the sixth round in 13U >. HjI loss was to second place f Ivou Giani, 3-1. The two 111-pound rep-enj r.i^ itives. Merle JFrebel sr.1 OF doublehradir. Maidtow, were knocked cu'.l the third and fourth rounrjf hpartou* la Ike spectively. with J ark MtCaah THINK Schedulil luaa. hla flrM luliliu. '61... Jim Conlin, Ron Holmes and Tom Riley all suffered injuries during and Conlin On the games, with Riley leaving the game. Friday at Old College Field. Michigan held a 4-3 lead IN Mmja! ft al1" IM rjLSi vti -L j NOW OF In the last half of the fourth in¬ 1 WWhir I leaker 1 • halhrr 9 w. lular * ning when the game was called 7—aalker » n. fiatttr 7 because of the third downpour MMwr ft as ftUSfr ■ »—« thaw ft vs. ft Shaw S during the game. •Jft I»at Sartorius smashed a home 1—C fthaw I vs. ft IIm« J 2—« Skaw • vs. ft Mu» i* run in the first inning, but it J—» Ska«r 9 vs. K kkaa.l won't go into his record because *—»: ftkav ft v*. W sIuh 5—W thaw 2 vs. W Ska* • of the cancellation. When the t—W aua«r V vs. W Mao I* sw i&r* NEXT YEAR game was called. State had the bases loaded with two out. lt'« not loo tally In all juniort la. Mail planning < to what you an yainf la do altar your gradaatiaa. |im 1961, Dn't aary tar away. Cooiidar working lor Public Sarrica Eloctiic and Co* Company In Now Itmy. On* al lha Uading utaltbn in iho nation, il hai mora than SI,000.000.OCX) umaMnd in plant. Tho company rank* fourth amonq iha IwaMor- ownnd apmgling uhlity companwr providing both go* and electric Mrvice in lha United Stales. You would be wis# lo give Public Service serious con- s.dotation .., and start thinking now el nsti year. NsiMflusMisfladnaMiiidilMlM ^I shift. Hilars marts amp aieeve* dm vMa «»• -1 •ettae ftuneue demi in dm aaast imditiau. lha silk -1 I is merest amempmimmt. AeeOest^ -I SENO FOR THIS T00AV. Wr.l# ?3t »>.* ..v.-.<• .'-ijiiv TlpifaBt) CCUFHI to* Ccll#9« Gio iwait * w-uc. JV. iic Set vice, 10 Pork Hue*. Rocmb 21i2A Nc-#o:k 1, X*w Jt:*ey Icr y«ai ft®« copy. FIIHIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND SAS .CO.. NEWARK 1, N. I. tAbT GRAND IIA'CR ON VIE CAMPt 'i t " I I State News AMERICAN I.EAOCK W I, PCT Night Sports Rtfitor — aim Wellington Chicago 1- " I"' May 9. I*0 \Vw York Hi 1 1-'' R.*'.on H 7 •"'3.'$ (*;«-velanrl 529 Baltimore 10 .526 Golf Team Suffers Washington Kan.*a> C'dy Detroit 5 Itr.StT.TS 412 .353 333 1st Loss: Also Wins Nl'N'D \V'"> Chirac" *. N'W York 1 (•• (nninc*» liriroit .1' lUiflmorr (?i. rain ( |rv rlanil i( B'fsl'fn. rain Kanava* < l»v at WaUilncton. rain Purdue handed MSI'".- gull match a ;ih 4 '2 ;>■ »>:its. lb* dc- (.AMIS TODAY team its first defeat addfi 4 Kanv.i« Ciiv iijrtrn fl-21 ai Wa*n- irml(»n il'avn»l 1-7) nlrht hold Satutday a* Fores' Spa:"an* w-,- . he ou'- (Oltiv C«Rie» krhrduledi Akers go!.' course > Jerry Jacksan. 158-!*♦•"» , *n»e score wa* Purdue 22. H»- gained the w :i w.'h a sc • NATIONAL I.EAGl'F. \V h per. OB M-M (I. r .urui Tt :n • 'oar. ' I r«t S.v. FnncifCc, 14 7 .887 -* But the S:».»r*.an« bounced •;me around IIIIS ONE IS GOOD— llrrh Adrfrrlrv pre- of Wilson's more narrmful passe*. He had tare back to take t- «:xth win. down¬ I:. '•• ICir;-• r-vr p.-, P:Vivi:«2h 13 8 619 \ pare* to rrcfPl a short to** from quartrrtiark intercepted. Howard Mudd lunge* for Clark. j'-'r ikfd I'.u Mi!waukfv 1* I -V53 Tommy Wilson, who Is hidden from view by Wayne Fontr* Is No. 39. State News Photos by ing llbnoif jfO's-fl1?. Purdu. MSC i. n*/. ■» 11 .500 3l» C;r.cirsna': 11 alsu victunircd the IJUni, 29,s- Schmidt gave up 4 ifjinv- l.rnie Clark <90). * sophomore end. It' wu one AI Roy re. laC, Angp'.c* 10 12 455 ♦ »A Mike Toll us They both swung RATON GOEJ4—Jim Eaton (in S* 1/ '» 11 450 4\t P»c:ng the FV>i!ermaker.y wa- to the tune of 156 * 2ii(l-.'tr(l Stringer* Shock Isl- llli .while) I* off on the first of hi* two long Jaunt* for the White* Jo n Konsek. the two-time con¬ individual Baldwin'* 15f( got liirn 4 point* I »h:!;.de!ph:.i Chicago 'i r, 13 12 .333 .409 3» 6i, In Saturday's inir.t-*quad game. ference champion, from frank sparks. Smith was a SI NDA7 S RF.arl.Tw who shot a medalist 154. good George Maimes (14) and Ike top point-gainer, getting a1; riiunann < White san rranruru u. Squad Makes Shambles of Greens; enough to Lake 6 point* from Irom Gordon Malstrom. l'hiUd»l|>h(a I !/*»% Ancele* 3 Grimsley (25) head for the ( inrlnnali 3 St. Ia»ni» t MSL' s Tad Schmidt iai» sophomore halfback. 1'iMvharch at San •»ranrliro, Kor.seIt. who las' week de Cap!in. shoot, a g the be * and feated Ohi > State's Jack Nick- 'Spa.-t.wi 36-ro-ind.s, u«e*! tr- 154 CAMr.X TODAY Milwaukee ispaDn 1 -•» »t CbiCaf* Loudermilk, Stewart Team for 24-0 Romp f -4'.* p*'•"' Ann'her 4'u College Stores lau.-. the national a m a t e u " ■; illnhhle 2-7 • t , champ, shot 75 the f.rst time came from Revro! i158 4r' t:. Pituhureh (friend 1-t) •» t.«» Anrele* (|»r\*dale 7-ll Right itn. io around and followed with a 70 . Badge xhut-'/j* J'1' Kngiand, (Only came, athegaladi H»whall 6-0. despit" a 180-team high North writ rrn I.'-6, Illinois J-» Purdue's Gene Francis picked It« JIM WAI.IJNC.TOV both ir: potential and experience. working with ground-gainer? ning of all fwllbark*. George Iowa at Ohio si air i pfi\t|,onrit raid! Mate News Sports Editor The team? stopped themselves Mucky R.van, Mitch Newman Haime* wax the other Green .WlnnevoU 4-1. Indutu Tennis up 51.. points from Spartan Tim Baldwin. They shot 154 and 159 PIIII.I.IEH BEST LA l liriflutiy i'iclnr mis-takes, he «aid Jim* Eaton. plunger. Mlihltaii 7. W l*« onwn ' v». nd and third stringers "? and Nutre liatnr 7. «)hl<> *t»l* i respectively. 1/JS ANGELES H"R •• C1IEIW.N'. W.J.l. 'AN—Th» "Rut the«f mistakes are cor¬ Suci and Jim Corgiat did the Notre Damr 7. low t White end Wavne Fontc* The Spartans were strong*: .pevdboat Miss Thriftway roared MSU . football team, especially rectable." he said. punting for the squads getting Iowa V. Ohio M.I It* I J:rn Coker'* three-run homer Norlhwevtern t> Notre Damr t :r the third, fourth, fifth and \'h inning t victory Sunday in tho *n- . quarterbacks, received a The his* of first-strinarrs 'hocked Wilson and his Green* off good distances. Northwestern •♦. Ohio XUlr a the bit: blew «•' .. i >;Xth ?l*>t», Though Apple Cup race on I^ike .•-.i-the-arm if the outcome by intercepting a flat-pass on The game was played before a North wetferu «. lot,., | ; allv .Sunday brought the Phii- Gary Ball man and Dave Marni¬ C A. Smith (3) and Buddy Chelan, winning the final heat ,r>! performances in Saturday".' half way through the ron- the Green 11. Stewart snuck for sparse crowd sitting through Trark ftdclphu Phd!.- a 4-2 victor, -White infra-squad game er* after Ryan llltnol* 01. wst i" Purdue is Badger <6» 2'? point* the I>• Angeles Dodgt r- e.cilv af'.er rpinted battle.* with -■■■ lest did not heln the Green the score and_^>w- cold, blustery weather. Included Mi nor,oi, Marqurtlr North- apiece. The;;- opponents. Boh over Wahoo in the first two heat*. . ; • anything?. man put the ball in position. in the crowd were coaches at¬ wr*trru 21 ijefore 20,756 fun cause. Daugherty explained Ohio kfair 7J. Indiana 5* Black and Tom Brown, earned ;■) •] Stewart and Lcroy Lott- Eaton and Hatcher picked up tending MSU's Seventh Annual Xln hit an 71. WvUrrii Mir hit an S« The injury to Balbuan may noil 3' j each ok. quarterbacklng* 25-vards a piece in a 6»> yard Coaches Clinic. Wt*ron*in JO1,. Iowa IS' keep him out of Saturday'? OH T> Capon (4t was the top 'r am. consisting of second White scoring drive with Suti WUionciti 21. Mlnnr*ota IS Spartan point-getter »n the PC t third string gridders. led Tuners contest, which wrap-up spring football pra- - will diving the last two. Cliittox Ileal NY for 1*1 .MlnnraoU 3!i. low » 21 Stora your winter fir unit to a 24-0 romp over fn the final period Eaton, a .>iiMiiiiittiiiitM4ititiuuitsiMtfHiTrttiriiti:tifii>iiiniinitiiiitfiiMiiitiiiiitititti± Green's. First string and ticc He has a knee sprain NEW YORK and dove for one touch- Whites a 3-0 halftime margin "C.hrhtiun NnVfirr; ll» Wemnue ,»/ himself, Lmjd*rmilk gen- with a last second field goal, advantage of our llov FREE • • -*• <»d a 52-yard march and Brand st a tier also booted three (;<*- ,* VU. Eye* Examined Glasses fitted .*•*2 No Ap¬ pointment Neeessarv Wire* of: Dn. J. CbrMir aa4 M. Berkwilh. Optometrist. RECORD SALE * VERVE Hill Jte.. «• tt"p r1 i ., ! 1 * RCA VICTOR STEREO * WEST MINSTER HI-FI * ION DON HI-FI S STEREO * DECCA HI-FI * ANGKI. HI-FI A STEREO (A ** * TRLRKUNKEN HI-FI * RICHMOND HI-FI \e SAVINGS HI* TO 40%! MCGREGOR 5 5.95 TRIM TRUNKS FIRST RATE QUALITY LOOK TRIM, FEEL SECURE, ORY FAST Filters HERE'S HOW THE DUAL FILTER DOES IT 1 11 combine* a unique inner filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL . . . Vl'IXY GUARANTEED New McCregor Trim Trunk design for flavor (ietmileiy proven to malie the smol»e of a cigarette mild and smooth... 2 . th a cure while outer I'lter ToRefher tney select and balance the THE DISC SHOP iuok« glimmer without to** of freedom Hard-wearing 1005 nylon in vibrant new color*' that »onft fade. Fxtra-long tomb as no single f -i.O' elements tn trie smoi-e t' e best taste of t">e best tobaccos. Tare/ton's flavor bafjnee gives ycy , pocket, complete with com!). Individually packaged hi colorful new box. See our filter can wide iw lection nf McCregor Sea Oct ilk now. *2•"» E. Graml Rivrr Ell •09(19 Xexl To Kticptt* ' OPEN KVENIM.S NYLON SEA -DEVII. f5":> NEW DUAL FILTER /JMM/ y ,WM>* ^ ^n— ^T-yTfTy MICHIGAN STATE NEWS May §. 1M0 hp su 'Muffled" Nuclear Journalism Challenge Plotted blasts Still Possible Radio and television journalists face a hujre challenge, Deleetion Svstenis l»i» Dick Chevert on, news director of WOOD, Grand Rapids, told Journalism 210 students Friday morninjr. Newspaper III Vlmiiie IVsl Sliol t.oulrnl "You have In your two hands,' Chevcrton said, "more power to osophy that radio and TV can¬ Use, Subject not compete with the newspap¬ reach people and influence them ers. the legacy of the money minded stations, and the prob¬ Of Meetings WASHINGTON I*. )*«>r the m-vt «rvrrttl or mil ft than Julius Caesar. Napoleon or Attila the Hun. lems of the station preoccupied new i infection system* can l*<* created—it wjll he possible to "This is your power , arid it's with music, sound effects and The use of newspapers av nr. explode "muffletj" shots five times «.« powerful u* the first a frightening one. For the first one wire service. rent-events textbooks in schtu.q will be one of the gubjeet* atomic Ik»nibs without discovt-n. time in the history of man, you "This is your challenge, and cussed as circulation manager* Th rv: r..V' < e Sun ).«• and' I can show the world what without these challenges, radio of Michigan naoers meet M i. •:> Is being done and said. This in¬ and TV news would be dull and • Engineers creases newsman" the responsibility of the , continuation of a habit." at Kellogg Center. About 4d circulation of both daily and weekly n, \ .»< .1 die l*rfs.Ui -• f>- Plan Big The newsman must become an expert In enough fields to give Scholarship hinil papers ere expected at the . > nual conference sponsoreo ■ the MSH Collcsc of Oi ivm i • ;innou!ii'.- i i • • t > • the story more depth ing. Cheverton said. and mean¬ Proposal Loses cation Arts and the M: Exposition bS'uc |ief'»~e c\ > Pi ess Association. • »' Via veir. .* ' "Your responsibility w ill. be In I arsily C.luli nut-ieur o-. -r two-fold," t'aeverton s lid. Fxpt.iining the role ttfw*|i,p. of the n. •• --'i- voted tm- can play In wrrsentin; cur¬ c ■ Micbiwin State's Kllpin- improve the standard- MM* Var ity club re. f'i he if) hiue .,•! t '•••' * manager of the Kataniaroo Many radio and TV newsmen at its meeting Wednesday night "ie W .:te H "i e ■, >. |»j..n I?! tbe Miilwest.#w ill fall into the established paths *ettr. in Spartan Stadium. i*«> staved here Friday and pet by others Others will ex¬ The secrets of practieu: ; . The ad hoe committee wanted The report rompilrd at Saturda> will be explore-! periment with • new ideas, but to raise funds to grant -rholnr- motions the direction of three committee never risk the km of public >!iii» t-> those students who have panel eoniposcd of Ed Sn.vd.; ' Officials—Sen. Clinton \pHt- trust, t'heverton said the Royal Oak Tribune; Ch a been expelled from southern un- son (|l-NMt. chairman «»f IHr The e 1 ec t r o n i >• )ourua!>t, Westenfeld. of the Ann A iver.-itio for xtpdcnt demonstra¬ joint fommlltcc; Rep. I hct tloli- Cheverlnn said; must write h * News, and II. E Sweit/c lirld Ill-Calif). rhJirnon of j tions and strike . burn •<'!i"-'1 own rule-, as he goes along. u«e •The Var»it' club doesn'* the Traverse City Re-. Mihrommitce on ridutioii and anu uuivrrrit- the of h.- trade «n t de¬ havi? any racial issues in the Fade. Rep Mrlvln rri rr (D-lll velop new one4 He must do Other session* will e-e • rhairntan of the subcommittee on ejub and doesn't want any. ar.ti m- thi:> for one purine only—-to said Marvin MeFadden, advism i-1-.plicaiicns of the pr-»i- . research and development. :d t4* e annual report the new- as codipletely t,» the club. po<:al increases, costs per > . The testimony included :.n vie . riii '*. follow- and coinprohensivel.v as possi¬ "We ?» 4 tin l.iy ble routes and the promoter; . i - by hi- family, social standing, pane' .f pt-..•. • rl.srussion carrier boys. "Rrcaiisc radio and TV »re rare, color or creed." aa-i other ft-ifntists. anions t- on, i>r Han* [!«•*.«•. !> Ma r . the «tii«lent evliitiit*. which hasirall* entertainment media." CumptiH Classified* IliKh Headerohlp Teller, Dr. Harold t'r# y and Dr. are result of indi* achieve¬ Chevcrton said, "there is an in¬ Alvin Graves. ment* in esrry rnsineeriiiR field, herent philosophy that new* Y«ur Key to Hotter Values . : . The summarv-an ii% . n«y \ will lie put on riisphi* n»M«n I'rl- programs must be under the Michigan Slasemination of informa¬ awarded on the h.isis of tion. and Ihe battle to improve •^OaCSaopKh^ , I'S underground \ v 19..7. had been conducted v. h . h it*, encineerinc application, and standards has been a long, ar¬ »•(•;, 1 l>e iMod for • student presentation. duous one." ina'.et It also comment ■.•?! ' i.' h ■ The possibilities an-1 pr !e?i . A. * result, the radio news- f it-"-. mt-ii in HMd formed the Nation¬ v* yd ulKoe of "1 Wo* a Ttm-agt "The Many -f detection and Identify at day afternoon. Fldon Vonnamaker. assistant di¬ It4n*s of Ihhir fir.) .iVd lllltRV KI RT/ ill. Grand National President al Association of Ridio New- of nuclear test expfcwio:: > « rector of the Men's Division of Modriit Affairs, i. ; •- ■ Court i nf Sigma I'lii T.psilnn Fraternity. presents the IV.reotorr, la'» r to become the ji.o ? .of a test ban eofitr 1 t ■ house charter In John Ameriks, Pleasant Rldp' watches the presentation. (Stale News Photo by • ir..t ! ' »• the Ilomwk Radio an 1 Television News I) - ■mi duu'U««ed at fknova f Norm llines.) U- *■ . I Hi 1- soph., local chapter president, at a banquet suu rector* Association, Chevcrton o-i t 18 month.4, have !*•<•«*< • said EUROPE MADE SIMPLE: No. I questions «»f great national -e l .nteniational important "P « ». S. urdav ■ . ! at !» Kr . a.m. '.he il«n« tin* i: •»« n- Two Itiiildings Site of ~ u- Conference inhe*! You are the people who WU! 'he legacy," Chevrrton Summer vacation ia just Around the corner, and naturally all«»? summit meeting* begum i »: M>-. . ''1 o.vnfi'r.t •; quetm said. "You will inherit the phil- going to Kurope. IVrhajis 1 can offer a handy tip or • ' \"u are it. I960, and follow up d - '! t ImmiHiiately Setting for Summit Historic -ion* at Geneva an«1 ♦•Sew-ncie * *,• .i. e twf. < I must confes* I have never Urn to liuro|w myself, hut .?■« her c!OA !ii!u:, ' r will be lot of Nxitch broth and Frenrh t% succeeding week* and w . I cut .* dressing, so I am not -t i.:' f hop a. ;it t'ii- nut -1 undoubtedly consider tn« -c EYE HI-LITES I . ! - p-e*contains i:t top entirely without quahhcation.) anattprji extensively " , ' • . ,.i - ' ■ » !i- i)\ I!.,- ■ •udenV l».\IMS T llxtiirv w. 1»h ble in the same room where a Ihe Foreign Muiistr*—more hir-t let me sav that no tnp to Kurope i> complete without I'ho rommiltee hrtrino «ere little more than .» century ago commonly known a* the 4|uai itei resontmg 'va? or aim-' out from every cuniei visit to Kngland. Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, (ierman), -»i IK-ei'ing by * a intended to dhprl fanlmlnf re- - diplomats from Russia. Turkey, Il ttrsay—will he the nerve cen¬ when the sumnut e. inference port* and eonflirlint statement* ter of the conference. The rela¬ Spain-, IV.rtugal. Italy, l.ichtenf-tein, Holland, Belgium,Switiei- A' M fin .iwaidH 4'onvcnes in Eiysser- I'.ilace and Itritain, France and Sardinia to leehniral prohlems and tively minor arrangement* to he laiwl, l.uxeniiMMirg. I)enmark, Sweden, Norway, Ftnlaad, Fo- Dr. Joseph I. Gtrtslein as e | It - lh<- Poreign Ministry negotiated the Treaty of Paris pnulhllltie*. the report Mid • The conference jtbovug M> which ended the t rimean War. made for Ihe summit inrludr land. Chechoslovakia. I.atvia, IJthuania, Estonia, Rus-iv, mpi'. : the* covered various proposals, The diplomatic groundwork for erection of a table and install.) »ipidfv, \itgovlavia, Albania, Crete, Sardinia, Sicily, Hungary, of It e 1 ft. Will !>»• divide I between the inrludinc that nriiiiullv put Saint l>.r buildings, a 'five-numru (lie Versailes Treat* w a* also lion of extra telephone lines IRxoatiia. Bulgaria, I apiand, and Andorra. Knuhi- i . •ii,. forth at Geneva (or a *»*tem .»f and translation facilities. fj3|: 9-13 m the drsve apart «>ii opivi-nle Sides •»? done here. INK triomir illation* to itelect !■*•« u* take up theae countne* in ordrr, Fiftt, EagUnd, I HMI Hallm un.UT th- theme the Seme in the heart of |\ii K'vsec. hu 1 !.H, g- : The main conference room »arth-tran«mitled shock* of e%- < The capital of England ut London—-or Liverpool, an it i* T)>"kt will be Elvsee 1'alu i c is President plosion* and subsequent pro- ' f M.s.e.glo • ting i'. • firs* to •titugh cleaning will be the salon De l/Horlogc, *» 'i net if ne* called. 'ITerc are t'harle* T)e Gaulle's official many interesting things to we ia |Hi«aU bi a t'.S. rommlttee lor in 140 years : ir fry ral tii.ip Under the Kiserdwnscr pUi poleon and to Wellington, pri¬ iicliera complete a tia^zlin;* a*- ed only by the four leader* an i {inounced on Saturday, tw«» «•*- (iti* Miilii tl (»mnl vate talks will Ik» held by lie UiterpreUi •• N 1 detailed notes moapbere. U)lt robimn penmeutiil mnsmic stati one Gauutc. President Eisenhower. of the conversations v.viil be French offu-iaSy have firmly »*«» yionrtitv iVUxina the Geneva »y»tco. the IIATTU < RF.EK - V A Prune Minister Maemillitn and deeidcnl on one square table, made at tlie.-e talks, which arc Pr a It fiotstaia ...j-iiu-r the inipruvuxi equipcm-i.* «i*rt «-f 11.092,300 to the Un- Premier Khrushchev. eXjHVtc•»! trr lay down bravely hoping to avoid the tuvs- opinmairnt V U Ise built. They wili be u»isi iver«. s *'f New Me\u » fur a On the left, or south, bank principles for ]w>ssible action on iiig which marked the Geneva n rhcs'klng shots "f small mi- |sr»ie t help miUi-e the tta- of the Seine, in the foreign the opposite bank of the Seine. foreign ministers* conference \n> .dear furce in * tunnel X.yw t."v.'s shortage of physicians was MlFMTION: Ministry, the Hit Four will have The Elvsee meetings probably Summer. So far. there i> no v-.'t tielow the surfaei a; -.uii.-fst Saturday by the \V. I an rvutai t lenses be worn their full-dress working sessions wiU be held in the morning and sign that 'Ea* t and We-', iki - K Kellogg Kiiumiattou eoi^tanily" (ic day and night with foreign minister* and other Im» followed by a Her mm sessions rpany will demand or receive The grant w ;1! afin-t the tJ»- ithout removal» Idingt'Ml Signal St ill v. top advisers. They will assem¬ tn the Foreign Ministry. ssde table space er a tive-ye.u »»»*) -->•< : » establish a school of tbe b.i i. ANHWIR JODREU. RANK, En«land C« Irs. Fvery doctor who tit* —The longest ranging ever flashed from rar'.h tea. ? . : tU.-U'tsts viM iit'.en I ronUrt lenses meets the pa¬ America's Pioneer V space rv. tient or patients who have f'-a* worn the lenses day And night ket Sunday and set it talk;: y >..'M. - bark from right milium mil* for two. three .and four itomrlimet morei days. away. FsuaII.v this untnterrupleil Vnothrr "muRt" while in I.«nctie lour Needs most eertalnly is not recom¬ Majesty ibe Quern mended by my office or the .-evriMts exit on the Ulmtiv of tlie |ioi*ee and wavm In bar loyal Mihjeet* Mow. The. loyal suhjecta wave back at the Qmwfi. Naraltf L Sbakltr, 0.0. vast doctor* majority of Sooklng the lenses at American I low ever, tliev only continue to wave as long as Her Ma jest v night ha* too adtan- Rated E. Baraas, 0.0. tages over the many questionable waving. This of course is the origin of wave lengths from which we have derived numerous leix-fiu advantage nf not having to inciuding radio, teJevisioA • F>r* Examined • Optical Ut'pairs and the MP Gypsies take the len*r* nut. • (iUssr* Fitfrd f (onlarf l en-c 1« ^ure aiv,, when you are in l-omion to visit tl»e palace of NO APPQOmmri NRCCSSARY ill I.MTION: . the I hike ,d MarRjorough. Marlborough i* spriM Ifafa, *L\ MALI. COt'RT rftANDOl (INTIR IV t ltd luit pron«Hiticendrr**i a tat and rr|4ied, "fioatee," |»haw sniggnvd. "Pshaw.' said bha*. ti-b-o-l-i ike* not gvwtee. It eye rare in particular have epeil* jbA. Uk always lagged behind* luxury .%.* in encujgh, o ** in Vew#n, ft a* in nudum." - j j Feua-Greek Weekends item*. — more know Two ear* are common two home* are becoming usual — who doesn't someone with great n It mu.t • nuirk-tt I-rrmeralirml, U.rver, that Sh»w >u , n«f*ir-.,r> liifli. all in ,u. I., psUhly » p««( thin*. As Dunuh one. (iur t, "If ,-hs* *,rr net s vcfsUrisn. n. number* of suite or shoes or Unit, i-hou in 1 '» .oukl he es/e/* ; M.y WAT aU • STREET VALLEY COIiRT OARCE - O I'.M. j r elc. never been Our pair of glume* has able to do a "tood *f helpfug the eyes In llul I >1 out »Uh filler, came in.. Re Mire you *W! supplied If BRA TITS IACM SIDC ouce that luxury iu eyewear U not a luxury. »ith Msriloree wt*u you make your tnp shtoad Alter s fir* tirin* dsy id riphtsninp, there is rnshin, so aekom* as s fine, floinrful ktslttsm end s f«.t lath nth hot It Epenn mile HAY 14 voii desire mare information CtiiURin PROJECTS v OF YOU INDIVIDUALLY! uNint advertuement r«totart lenses, and matt clip this hl—en salu can tr ohtaiaed in nt Fp-r Poav.s. Kensington salts can he obtained at Gardens. Al¬ V A new kind ol bra comfort ond Sank#'" " lan salts nan h* ohtaued at Mrrt Hall. Hyde alto tan be obtained nt llyde Park, and the crown jrwtfa ana be obtained SORORITY SING lit .. Ihe teamleit .loilic lurrounding each Attrrit at the Tower at Ismdon. ttelt sir, now you know all you need a know about Extend. HAY 15 Al l).-2:30 P.M. s cup on this cotton bro enponds and contracts with lu Dr. J. R. GutPtriii Nest week w* will tieit the land id the Midnight Sun-France. ■annus SERVICES you. giving the figure.hugging (lottery you want lor your OPTHMC1IIIT •it Pi add i a HMc W ,•« ste. kawcr all Itl H. Mi Ik Hi a Ave- paw weed lo taw* a haul aasakior: UNION BALLROOM - tt P.M. spring fashion silhouette. In white only 32 to 38 A, B, C w#s. XSO ■tforrhosw. IT paw wwal thm hear at the Slier cigarettes— Tel. lYauhoo t-«Kl