Wolves Next The Weather VI Trnni* T«m Trek* Cloudy, l.icht Rain n lo Ann Arhor Low 31 Sc* I'll' I High ......... 1 18 VOL. 52. So. 28 KAST LANSING. MICHIGAN—IT KSI>AV. MAY 10, 1M) PRICK 5 CENTS MR. K. WARNS RUSSIA WILL HIT U. S. SPY BASES Herter Says Flights Humphrey, Kennedy Drive To W. Virginia Showdown OK'd for Security w' ;i.\Hl ESTON*. W Virginia's Va. .»»•- Democrat c a:\ Hump ir« > a«-i*r!;on* r> rf- c;i' back N'itru, where tie with gale. 74 declined Ihrlr choice for the nominee. Of to di*r|«*c Sjniii" Itv I MiiniK-d Civilimi ...firniial campaign churned wa; campaigning <«n this cold tho*e who replied 1? each were Planrs (ijilk-d VcccMiarv final hours Monday with bleak day. that Kennedy could¬ for Kennedy and Adlal Mleven- ,i cm Kennedy (D-Masst n't win in November if he %it *on. four racli were for Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D- the Democratic nomination. Stuart Symington (II-Mot and III I.I.ETIN leader l.yn- ' ,..■»v ii' uing away at each If pe n>ie will look at the v ti¬ "mate Democratic MOSCOW Sot iet Premier .Nikita Khni*lu he\ warn¬ • m't win" candidate? ng ree«»rn. in dead of clever a 1- don Johnson of Texas, and two . ed Monria> nijrht thai I he Soviet Union will hit at any tia-e* W • i fair skie* and cu-k vert.'s.ng prooaganria. they will -imported Humphrey. rr.e- predicted, a little more :t Kennedy, not I. \vh» in foreign countries u*ed fur American spy flight* over *ee Because «f an abnormal! v •u\t of the state's 670.000 em": win for the Democrats in heavy ballot of candidates for Soviet territory, lie *|»eeifically warned .Pakistan and . t-o i Democrats are cx- November." no said in a state¬ -'.ate ofT.ce>, counting in today'* Norway. :ea to turn out todn* (or a ment. presidential contest w.is cxjiect- it it it •hat might have a de- c.1 to Ik> slow. WASHINGTON* <,P. The United Statu- aekrM»wJedjfe«t Humphrey ront-ndrd nntt 4ii vc i ;!(•(•• on Kennedy's chan- * ■;>. 'ting his party's presi- all-wilt liberal nominee ran win Mumlh> it ha- *ent -p> flight*, into Russia — under Presi¬ lor the Democrat* in the gen¬ dent Ki.-enhower's treneral orders. uomniaflon. MSU . eral election. In llir lad »U|r «f their hat- Kennedy tired back with the Spy Effort tlr. Humphrey. a t'ungrrgatien - •daVment in Huntington ali"t. »ilh holding an e*fe nver Ken- un generally credited •*'* < .'> Demoor>; ".i c that he is tit'- who can defeat Briefs In a *talr President R har«l N'ixon. Is Linked n)v. a t athalte. V ~o brrr »ii> I 4.8 percent of the the M.'cttve GOP nominee Wcirnr#'. Si itus imitation is of the latter'* A'though the popularity run faith LwtvviH'n Kenne an i Humph¬ S.itri- not only dote tnc land- niy ha» been ?tung b> rey riaw.1 nationa: at«enti.»r. -»ut- in- .8 not binding on *c.tp •'u \ re - "OfT now tm' So-i. Ci » i"~ out adding color to To Summit civ', contention that .*1— * -ta.i '- 2'»-v b'< rtk w ill- over tir.f k.n« foun- < deS^aauon t • S • »ody gives the Minnv- l..;n> !.'i women'* dorm- Name¬ >- .Mom OW iJ'i Pr. «,i the L*» Angc 'e- nominating cmi. — s .8 >r a chance to win the vcnti.»« ly. AVc knmv it's M'k»-U. but Nikita Khrushchev -a i student interested us au i- which would end the threat that the Soviet Union eiirht da - stionuig for the position of "n- either *ide roitld *nddenl> laun¬ atro \va> deiiiM ra'elv tiim-d MSU Students to Fare *... ,/ reixunonic- fur the J%0 Parents Arrive ch a nuclear onslaught against for next week's summit to Campus W.ifc* Ca.-n.va!. call Arnir Rot»- thr other. .rts, ED 7-743.7. for an app^m- on With ;ie apiiioiui of P ■ meet in v in Pari- Prevtwi i xj«cri« »i< e . II - '• r frankly Duke in TV Quiz Show .ment (-•■ t Ei-enhov* . no* necessary. admitted American plane ha' Four MSU students will com|M»te ajraiiwt four from Duke rnvmitv in television's G.E. Collejfe Bowl Series Sunday, Snmnirr (f ori; Any * Muden! * * tnter»stcd in During Weekend Open House earr-.eu Turveiilanct" of commur.i/t tcr- .'orv under -•i.rei-r. \»>.-. : "♦•xter.. *.-m- President «•- ;' ru! i. •• \e ae;-..,; it U' "Udi-k To M-hcmi" picture page 3T Ju*t ea*t of the Krdiie t'hemi- e program will Im» on channel 10 at 5:80 p.m. working at summer school regs*- f oi thousanfls ii( parents A helicopter, a solar roohrr. r^l Laboratory. The Lngineeriiu Lona! securdi dut.e- rjji? B-VA I. spunsa.-ed by traMon. Juise 21 and 22 siouHi an aeromobile and SI1.WHI 21- 'Soc .Sc nav-, .!- of I'l* ' • throughout the '.ate Friday and a Lxpoxition queen will he frown¬ contact* registration office. 113 . Gcnerat Electric Co., nrss e-l civilian- a.iova.'t l av n .- program which was orsgt- Phi Mu Alpha Ahstiini*tratk»n. # * # Saturday IT»im! open house. as MSU hold.- its a:.- footlong scale model .Mackinac Bridge arc among the of the ed jial prior to the rare. Engineering activities will Iteen ^ubj»-c: to preaidci.'.ia' '»u- ■1 to encourag" intellectual thorization/' Herter said Featured wiii t»e an Triler- exhibit* to he viewed in the ♦•!'»>« with the May Hop. »n all i petition universities between ceil ego* In Annual HO I' MrHiiiu nationa' Festival, Kxjwsition. hundreds of exhibit* an Engmeering Agricultural ing Engineering build¬ u!i!\cr«sty dance the Engineer.ng sponsored by Council at 9 Herter"- statement, '-arefu.'L i.- ied af-er by four students, are n- compete each week T • Jazz Concert Republican* v.-ill h. t .» mrc'.mg di rt 30 tonight n 37 t'n - ri events. •\ Yum demonstration ' and well a> the Agricultural E - K.hecrtng building, will i#< .oum' President Jobn A Hannah wid hi> ird-1itiona' coffee hour m.ng fart. for And this in America «im.r rirruinr a hit «li*gra-*- sr^* # # A nnw Imu disgraced in the r%e% ".tuns; team is invited be k P M.i / m. a. pr.»fc.- ion • ■ folk "ok- and dances from the 120 projects built by membci -urging at 1 Saturday in the < - S • of the whole world tho*e To IIrvlinit But, for the first tinir, it was • has cither lost or' ha« Ukraine, the Far East. South of JETS. Junior Engineering t'nien Ballroom. are >. wit" prefer.' *•' who rommitted five consecutive time*. arknow (edged that such flight* siirh a shockioc ih rd annua* a/,* concert, "D.- America and Africa arc includ- Tec.rural Society, which will b« The S.tturday sport or f)r Loci lie. Barber, as.jcutc were undertaken not mils along art of agression.** - The me.-! ^ on* n S.und." 'an.ght at » * in the If? acts to be presented hni'i.-ng its national expo-ution vi!'' include * golf match with * inner la determined b* profcAsur. coordinator of unnc■: - the frontier* of the ( ommuni-t * * r he number nf point* scgaired 8 ! .T M the Muitc Aud. graduate course*. *«cu»! work. lis foreign students.- on campus Mich.g in and I- wa at 8 a.m . a The ma; rit> of 'he prwarn The two International Festi¬ A engineering exhibit-, (e»>ei>a*J cloublehcuder with In¬ world, hut "by penetration" — :.o\'i k V •V-.Eur, * hr the nomber of wi!l be a represenUtive to toe b»M'l val the -h wilt include !. track meet wn that I*, flight* deep into (um- V' .tm St., show*, free lo public, vl. tiifiplays pre¬ diana ' J", an f" at a . iiw* ered rorrecti>. In *.%,.: ' Curriculum Workshop Ir.v;.- munist terriory. « a return InvlteUm the win- eon*' five trumpets, feu- tiona! Council on S Work will he *taied at 3 p.m. and 8 pared by students In all depart- Notre Dame a: ! 30 and the O'd- »axa^>hone-. Me ets of the College of Engi¬ t.mers Fo<)tfoat! game »t 2 Herter's sfatemen' fon-.'.i'uP'd 'hem >ing college i* given fl.4*0. five Educa'. on to be held in June, a' p.m Saturday in the aud. en a remarkable adnu-that tia- bile the leaing team l« a ward- , n.a.v» and g.'Uir Moriticello. III. Exhibits perpaied by 24 fore- ne* ring and also a number >»f The Parch:" Weekend is «pe.n- ;p t».rb tia h- industrial firms, will be open 'o by the Frr*sh-S*»ph Coutt- t"n;lfd State* ha trewn violating " the Stfvid •d «.W0. The oarjit ■ * # # ivn nationality groups on cam- -'»rec«k»m "numbert -v • pie- will ire on display from 3-H the public from noon — 10 Fri- eil and studm's will man m- international law, uitru- y generally prediftei T :v MSU students will fly :» !\evi * a ■ v • To n iitliiouloii Saturday night on the lower d«r- and from 8 — 6 Saturday. fwrmation booths' at various wilhout pernu-si'in into S« '. i* would o^>en in Y-rk Friday and will re- 1)1 Go-flon Akiridge. Dire-. i.»r fioor of the aud. One of the highlight* of the -pt(»> •<< pa-- out information air spare, because of ! f> - . - on srhe t -■ 'here until after the pro- The EnginetTing di>j>la> > w .:i activiUex will he the ab-rut inr numerous evefi'.s una ar,.l death duel for survival w n r ?*• ; incident i»* the Senoo! of Social LV)>ik. .Saturday ic Sunday evening. The %l Reutler Uuuitet will be dominated by a 47-foot HO- "mirrornidget" auto race at 3 exhibit* toe C'lmmutiid world. W»i: rncf with other members Some 7'".' students present four number* featuring For parents anu 1* wg- earned tha' Her'er a- i Miurre* succe*t^d thai repre*en'..r,g of 'he Advisory Council »f the MARC interceptor missile from a.m. The 49-lap event include* Visitor* wh<- ,%l Rentier. I an-ins wipb.. hsrl- DuSlr-s toid the C'or.i,re«<.-.na: Premier Nikita Khrushchev v' acre p.cked by Dr. Stan- field nf 13 car* built by the in* on campus Sunday, there White Hou*e Conference on Ag¬ Wright-Patterson Atr Force a ma? ' likerda, director of Honors tane *jx«ti*fcane. and Weeds lia-e It will be set up in front of variou* *tudent engineering or- wiH be the Sorority Sing a' 2 leaders that such rerorna.. would not push the matter to., Hedlkk. ing. Thursday and -Friday, in far. Thev read thi* interpreta¬ •ic. on the oasts of their VVa uungtun. D C. 0! P»r several -year- tion into the Soviet leader'* ow n '•'An..:\g college record. the.; . • A n:ne-pi.€,ve group pre- it if it report on the rase virtual I v ah "r.'e o? many fields, and A Per Soviet Premier S.k ' ,t i» sue to participate. «rrt several numoery by both I ft Iffit Se miliar Violence Flames in Kliodei»ia Khrushchev reporter! toe cap- Mdving President Elsenhower I.'.r. >:.idents who will, attend student and professional »•- ire of h 30-yeai-old American from responsibility. ranger*. A widely-recognized authority Jennifer Lee, Midland fi.er deep ipvide Russia, the They're Rioting in Africa Jr., Three member? will imperson¬ on reproduction in riomesbc an¬ .Some p'-»p» r- -atva. ;>o;ivted J«-;e and literature; Har- Slate Department ackncvvlerlgei • • ate pt^'j ar flit Hsores, t'arl imal*. Dr A V. Nalbandov, Un¬ that w'hen'i' Rflir* lo hpy.ua. * Ck>ren, Detroit sr., math iversity of Illinois, will oddrc*. h'i iMtelhgencc fi ght over Sj- Cbernard. Bay City jr. will give C'"c;it iaow«-r* are ',nvk%« .• ;• ivs*cal science's; Elvira CoHege of Veterinary Mcdi- •- .!•: territory probably w .» un- the Ittu'lan* have his impression of Erroi Gamer a and a *•*"■< "■pplc, Lansing jr.. social cine seminar at 4 pan SALISBURY". Southern Rhor- Rhode?..*# «..<( near oettaken. Jim Benham* Topton.X-C^ grad¬ Wednes¬ union -of t.he dor i-dvantage hero ,-<• the nat,, ' ' and Lvle Walcott, Riv- N'U.la. At Kitwe five white own I. s. Intelligrnre effort* to . " • uate student, will portray Miles day in 146 Giltner esia A*) Negro moo vioiem Nyasaland in which 232.000 of the Wer are open *e<. Souge sr., social science*. All * ♦ # has flamed against white s^id thev were stoned in Uwir pieree Ru**ia'» *eerer> rurtain Davit and B.H Hart. Grand Rap- whites dommxte a |K«puiabon ».»f Prime M.ruMrr MatMilla-i Honors college. Northern Rnodc a. a par: of tie yards »f thftir won support from aetne key kls soph* will mutate Jonah Tloii Congren* in 7^2 million — will lie canceled car* or m conferred with Foreign Se« r«- I ougre*%io«ul leader* after top Hone# Britain's Central African F< - Sh*' is due in Salisbury Wed¬ i amies ta y Seiwyn Llo.vrl ? r 20 Tie Executive Committee of Administration offteial* gave trniiiiii to Talk t arret Grab*, bd the International .Assoc ia Hon on ♦ ration Police held 127 Africar-.- «""i nesday for a 20-day tour them a lerrrl teport on the in¬ u'es on the im^hcauon* of t.-.t hn Human Nature, %t. w III hr the fealarrd verattrt. «UI Ung "Hap»lBnii la a Gerontology will meet Saturday sough' o'hers Mondav f .r ■ A white woman and her two Uivil Kiolit* cident. "The United S'ftte-. was fully piune case. *he to plan the Triannua! World ie> of fire and atoning atb.cKn daughter* were among sir tun* of AF Maniiiil Cite* ■ Called Jee" and "AM d .hi,:if..v, doing a bat' it did, bend. Marxism Ihing Me." C~ngre*a on Gerontol<-. Negro hand* on a Rampage that reealled the Nalionali»t-in*pired Act Tried Out said Chairman Clearest-* C«e- L eh Framm, one of the Dr M E Halt, associate pro- cisco Attending will be Dr era! persons were Injured. racial trouble* which the fe¬ WASHINGTON -P A: * on i D-Moi of the Hou*e Aw Intelligeiiee Need Gordon Aldridgc, Director of the The sudden outburst i> ' » deration government rru*hed litopnatioiis Conurot'te. leading psychologists fe.vor of music. wUI serve* a* School of Social Work, and ' with troop* last spring All ecuiatj«.n that a M'hctnh.d 3v- master of ceremonies He is an Chairman of the Social Welfare al! cuun'r.v " ciioanilyists, will deliver vi*it by Britain'* Qucv" three were burned use of the 1360 Uivii High'.* A ". : o.es over "i.- Air Force hold-, the official v e.~ 'ecture at 8 Friday in ex per .weed speciali-t in jars division of the Congress. Cannon Lad "Why shouldn't we that ' great risk-" mutl be ru < Elizabeth u> the Federate'- a Mr-nday a-k«d to inspect vnt.nf and commercial music. Car* were special targe'-* of ««. enter and. # ♦ ♦ ' try to find out what they are up to meet the • acute" lured i n . Music for the occasion is pro¬ the mob.- and Mr: Lillian Bur¬ re? -.traSon ixvord?- ;n four coun¬ ■ discuss "The Concept to in an effort t>» present a forma* on about the capebi). - , Tlected llanil huTi-. Nature as Found in Spinoza. Freud and vided "oy a grant from the trust fund# of the Record.ng Indus* Dr. Lucille Barber. e*.wc.»•> lo I'vrforiii ton, 38. via driving a r*r Wi'-tt her wen- daughters, Rosemgry. lit-. in four j-iutnern Uate*. FUiger* announced trie ;n»pei - sneak attack which hnndrvd.* of thousanor wouid Kili an.j cm .riWir.eeis of fulelgn ;>-•• - ft tr.«* obtained with the cooper- professor, coordinator of unde"- 12. and Debbie. 4 Police gave y>*+* and examine the • its rtlerjnc* to soo con- at.on of tae Lansing branch of graduate courxe*. #ocial work, is t.omerl in Shell !hi« account; turn reque#U are being pre*eTv:- However, there who denounced the *py flight a* were some the I*u- o*sjyAovtt.iw manual •: * t to rvg,-tra',i-m ooanis vn M . - Force, as revised 'ad <"• ar4; .ropology and psycho- the Amcncaa Federation of president of liie 11th Annual- The MSU Concert Band, '.tw- A band of. about 30 b.ack- Cormick county, S.t . East Car- a tragic- bluo4er and who ex- Dee t. *',io ttalc* that - Mus-cun* Area Invitational Conference oh »lopped the car a*. Ndoi*. the and his remarks will /der fhc direction of I^eouard ' ' full Parish,,..La . Web*:dr Coun¬ prr**rd ronrern over the effect, •pace rerun11aiswince is one «f ' "*^ude comments on Btfdd- Under Graduate Education for chief trouble spot They spmed it would have op next week* Falcon?, wife pment d.- Ilr.vf ty. Ga and Wihtox County, A.* . the major source* of inform*', on : Social Work. She waa elected at the car and, with al! three »»f '!» SftJ Marxism. II illiitms Ask* ihe 10th Annual Conference outdoor Spring Band Com-er. the burton family inside, doused Each of these cmni:.** •* *'• described as having Sargv num¬ summit meeting in pari*. One .participant in thc brief- requisite to successful military • mia. t, iw p«k. Wednesday at 8°IS at the Band itipcra'lu«." April 23 at Kellogg Center. it with gasoline and set It afire. The manual, dc-signati-d "AF M Fur Disaster Aid. ng reputed Du!)e* -aid Kus'*a » -M..HI4 kr AHIm lw Sr.e-; ber* of Nc/roe* of voting age. h,iu. miiim kar MM- ♦ * * ^__ee Mrs. Burton was burned se¬ vucta flight* over i-2." U c->>ncertted largely w ' The program includes num¬ no Negro registrati'm# had nut made I'-umbcr in the Alaska region. rition that if Is the "primary ? lleadar *iked president Eisen¬ Toe Side Lighu committee fur but escaped into the brush. '*nas has Dood anjf Suusa the registrars. e The reason, Dulles stated, was aerospace arm" of the Un.teJ, hower "to designate Baraga and Water Carnival will meet Wcd- Charles Coitrane, Norfolk. V"« . Rbgef* described hi* move *• the Soviet* already knew all Stale- to iupport nar.onal ob¬ at MSU since IPS7 Iron counties as disaster areas night from 7-8 30 in 43 Also he* pitallied h a white A his special lectures. because of. recent damage from Union. jr., w ill play a flute solo, "Hoop¬ naa, W. Meyer. He reported he the forerunner j w.di-spr they wanted to know about VS. jective*. in peace and war a seminar tor grad- fl.iod*. melting anew and he«vy la," by MorrUey, and Shirley rrper4*d be wa» attacked bv program-of inspection records where ofTjffit.ftg military and defense uutalia- stani Strewing the neveaaily of re«.-va;ua7ion of c-.v- A.xerw'.ii "_•* jf'jients and ia a consult- rainfall. ALchison. Midland suph. and about 49 Macks four mile* from vn na;e* ^- t*on*. The designation would make Blue Shoot V.orrrrtion Joseph Scott, Durnad soph.. *'iU tut.una! tgihU.ttf citizen* may Thu did not square with a armed force* and equipment, e r." "'•« Psychological clinic. The time of the Science and la ear wa« stoned aud have ueen infringed by dtocrun- statement by West German nuaual jyoJds that Lwr« Is ..a Also spends time in the Upper Peninsula counties perform in a duet for piccolo Aher* is director of eligible for federal relief. Wil¬ 9rU faculty end staff meeting is and tuba. "The Jabberwocky .:.a'.u,ry pfactim"."' Chancellor Kocurad Adenauer riwcntial requirement for up '»■ ' Id"get away. T ?ut what other natioc* a.e s' ^Gil Medical School at the the approval of the state office men . the faculty blue sheet. concert will be he'd id the aud. til their 'damaged io Eisenhower Lit Friday. h.&b over the United States. doing,' UnivtraltF •< Mexico. of civil defease. car* wm% INFORMATION Michigan State New FrM#\ Glee ('.liib's Fleming Books on Review SlfiMA Al.niA ETA FRK-MF.D (1,(1 7 p.m., 34 Union. and p«ftrt a a l Concert (Ions Ban The Cave' nu'tukl, when he writes, ant it no; »eem to me lhat you ; p m.. an Union. c||\rT>'.R AMERICAN ASSOCIATION or OIT- ( AMFTS STUDENTS can ask «i whole lot more than MARKET1NO ARAN. 7:13 p.m., 31 Union. Ed FiD- Delightful' On 6Weeds" Contiidm lhat from any writer Yircil Scott 8 WEHEEV p.m.. front of Union. roCNDATION patrick of placepu-nf cetit.-r will discuss job opportunity s. N'o. Tuesday, .May |o, lfllio Pajye Two Vol. Bv f'ARF.l.TON AI.SOP 4 p*m.» Wesley House. for college students. The \Vomen'--" filer Club, d - rected h.v K'hrl Arm cling, pre¬ ^—WASHINGTON of Welfare Arthur Klemming Secretary Self-Search Blacker lltupk AEPHA 7 PHI OMEGA p.m.. Pledge meetipg CAMPUS 4-H 7:30 p.m.,. 312 Aft. Hall. Stn*- sented its annua! spring eoneer' Monday rejected any idea that 7:30 p.m., Regular meeting to 4-H staff will meet with th. In irio.it of Robert Pcnn'War- Doyen Prmeil "Tilt CAVE" considered one of the master¬ of the concert with two latin Williams (D- pieces '»f timeliness, raising thr Michigan State News of sombre quality, Hop. John Bell WASHINGTON' ■ T*. — It Nikita Khrushchev wants to which •corks a Robert Fenn Warren M; •«. t had raised the subject, question: "When is secrecy jus- emphasized their work on Random House. 14.95 f.dk about spy-catehinir at t he summit meet inc. President harmony, sustenance an t a ca¬ saving he thought it would he tilled?" ail fHut.'**r** Soviet Eatt lanflitf wu-ntgan Kisenhower ran tell him of it do7.eu proved cases of Soviet pe!!,i singing -•he greatest public service" for —- After 21f> pages 'the quest on Published on cUkk da,» Monday through Friday inclusive during '« rail, vvltitei and xi»riiiR frtnx; weekly durine summer ternn and the government to ban ciga- of fly's wing. set is * ti! 1 unanswere;! but the *i>r,-ial ire^ii nan iv»ue tielwren tuimiiiri and fall term*. Filtered spying on this country's see ret >. , A point of interest during the .•to- impai reader i« surely bound to think sau-ond ,-ias. It- iMei under the act of March 3. 107'J at tlir i>ost office Ami ' F •-rn'.'i 1 e: v. v-t concert was when a narrative "That's the only w I could ,,l> a vil>ra^on *Hat can be fo! about the matter a', some length fj.i*t Lansing. Mich. piece entitled "The Sunken Vil¬ .Mall .ub*crioo"n« tn vable in advance fnr oh# term 43; for two •.rfsng i»f ,re £;• 1 'ft Rt|-s;fl'rt t) P.in«. hr ;.n e p. in;f0 u • .•. i-t.r-i l i "II < >u hr lage'" was sung by the Glee quit." said Williams, himself -as one describing addicted to the a'/".l^hnr '< ^vhieh in "TIIE KII ROY GAMBIT" term*, it. tnr ft»ri*e term*, Member* «»t tne Inland Uallv 1'iess. Associated I »e*x anu the Iravr '.tie country and never rr- . r. ibtmily t'Otlld C<*' 'r FU. Club, accompanied by the com¬ use of tobacco for about 20 ®hort# denies the isolation of A«*ocUted < ollegiate Cte^* < j! ii posed. L'ywelyn Gomer. human action, which instead af¬ Irwin R Blacker m-i*.r J F. tf.ir H vr, . 1 !:• Ifir.l) the KB! atre-'oi 34- years," During the second portion of firms the inter-relation and Uorld Publishing Co.. 13.39 • in fori),; t'on 'biit ha* rove .I t':'.I It ' en mm; art I the concert Carolyn Mauby and Flemming was before the trracMon of such acton. And in CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . m n.riilr P"-'- • !, A F,'!tr! and eh.it jje ' then House groun to renew his roc- Mary and Huth Sceburgcr dis¬ the tame novel, there He. • .-i- i n Tlic reader' is also brought up S •• ; i»i, with l»"'i .o n,: ?hoi; r.niuir. te. " <• ing PotHone'* "Sonata for Horn, the use of any color additives in another theme, lhat of the short with another question. • tn • , . VM'vr t U '.M3.1 biishm ■ T"« V u rre cMVietWl. Trumpet an.l Trombone," a piece in foods, drugs and cosmetics If search for identity and self-de- "What essiona! real'v promt)ts a con- invesligatior. and II,yIII.IM.s: | nm. II.i Mm r.Rif.ll-1 It T«. KM. •fo bad 1 ■« n im.hi'c I H-,-il ''? i I a et i M»i« ♦ , ill New involving difficult counterpoint, laboratory tests enow the addi- linltton. c* how far should it go"" Since Ttiur.. ,ng ,ri I iHlmn. IN-.glinr »*r i ERHIm: I ».m. En. . -alu .1 crtCti ease itnolv.n V"i k" : June Ifl. both staccato and flowing. live can induce cancer In anl- Thll *, r.r ef Blacker was obvious.y not try- Kill. l-,..hl, «-l- .ml 1-1 MonRgy IkraMk rrttay tiuloma ho pon.t!'> .I f\ mals or humans ulrioq -MirU.-f -" ilop.-r■ or ■ !!»M The Glee Club then returned Williams Inquired lm,|e. central In "All the King's whether it M,n „ ,, lk, «, .urs i#ig to delve very deeply into the Ell Mill EXT. 1*15 ii. . lf.1i.11 expert M • ton Sohfll to end the concert on a cheery i Ihr 1 S* true that certain ingredient, Jerenilsh Kennnwnl In mysteries of public philosophy. w.e- e"P\ ,rf • ■ h» in the singing, "I know when I'm s< as ii' A note this work of intrigue raises more For o'nr -ut < it s • • with the Hi wen- in tobacco smoke had been "World Eneugh and Time." and mnv who hetraM'.t «.u- v.i•:>• rina goin\" with a fine soprano solo shown to produce cancer in ani¬ It Am..,Hi quvV.i.ui. *..,* ■■ iHHcmh. »n- AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING J.I..IC i-e.« n. 4 involve.! specifi-' by Julie Saltier, and "Little I. tk, kvtrt «f .. the .* w be.-i. b.irshi- (■,.! • t-,«- " A-Homo mrd. little bird," which charmed mals KUrr't .lor. I. H.M 1 An- ll"' '• - * '.hough a: time* the autnor tends «'"*«■*" !«$!• OI.S.MOFULE DYNAMIC N« FOR RENT He t 30 TN» Hemming referred the ques¬ „ o. , ' the audience into a large round a bf toward meindoramatic stt- FOtTR-door At-il.tii. all deluxe. t»vo T'rf la-.' \V.£ pv 4i,.e »... .1 tion to Dr. G. Burroughs Mider sneaker 'alto, uower xteennf and ARARTMENTS Vlrx. Koxenherg'x brother. Ila- of applause. antl-snln differential 42.M*' >•: Co'. Rudolf Iviin.'Va-h Ah- of the National Cancer Institute. The same two concepts form uatiun*. iiiske* «id tlreenctaxx. nne-time arm* Surprised by the responsive l-MMi studebaker President, four-door Soviet intelligence officer who audience, and caught without an Mlder said condensates of to- the central theme of Warren's The itory start* in Kabul. deluxe IV 1-7S0H or KD 7-7W9 3.) technician who worked on the ■ ow xervng 30 years .m Atlanta bacco amoke had been shown to JaMest novel "The Cave." This Afghanixtan. nhere an Ameri- A-Bomb at I,ox Alamox. N*. St., encore, the Glee Club smiled, IBM PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE FURNISHF.D FIRST ri-OOR Federal penitentiary. confexxe.l to xlealing Informa¬ and then burst into laughter, produce tars, which, when In- j< Warren'# first novel since "All ran intelligenre agent Ingenu- iv ••-tvi.yi 3i mature xtudei-.t t-nuole. June IS || > The FBI. which ha-1 her > tion for Ruxxia. lie received a it was announced that they jected in mice, have produced the King's Men*' to use a con- nuxlt sneakx into the Russian 1UW FNG1.ISII FORD AN'GLIA hlnt-k (lute# rent l run, Rerkrv Onnt-r care tu S-Uttl. after 5 > xha.'Iowlllf Abe! tor a !"iift t:n«r. skin cancer. temporary setting, and in its emhaxsv and photographs some Out* ,»»"0 mile* 4nr! m 13-year sentence after testifying would repeat their closing num¬ Iv-" il(-»r n.i I the invniar..!:- r v< But he said scientists so far consideration of the inter-rela- documents in a bidden aafr and A-l i-ondltinii Thi* ton eeoncanv f.« against the other defendants. ber, and so they did, thorough¬ if. I'.iraani nrlwl l«»r qulr# sxl* w ill pick up .tune 2t. :»37 at h have been unable to identify Rnnship of human action as well sends the photographs to Wash* qr.uni-p »< »>«nk ratc» Rov UhrHteu- ly delighting everyone MSG! F.S AND DOURLKS lor • Y ok photo t'u.i. . It n ' e n her;- (.It..*, the !', general, tin* Women's Glee any substances in cigarette*- as |n vmr of #elf-#carch and ington. This hot stuff is rrreiv- •en Korrt Sjle* Ma*on. i>H .-'.aill 11 met irliofil Re*er*-e vnur founi t V-enrdiug In the evidence at .. r ♦ I." PKli. ?. T A'.-.tol. "that can produce cancer in test self-discovery. It Werren's moil ed hi Rtrhard l,e (iranile. Arm) tall 1137 AII»ert. ED J-3IJ1 Club demonstrated an*ampre«- his trial. Ah. I km! int.. ( anail i Yn i ' 'V It A , to -t He ... . V " " animals" - ambitious novel to iln'e major-general now heading a IW flENAt't.T ItAUI'IflNK ROOMS TO RENT Summer I* V .rk "1 char«v«. v.ve Jil>i!;»> for smooth, well- 31 and then Int.* the ('tilted Mate* .-It. • \- b!.*tvied -.ii'i my. and exceHen* Both Flemming and Mider p,,.. ;n aj; },:* novel* except quasi-militarv. xuper-xeqret nr- A • 1 1374 I Kn.utan Vlllatfe S;I3 West Grand River he p.ti.i to a spy rtng. Y.«- contended thi- «>f smoking thi* OllKf ganiaalion known General in (MR he iidnt an American ti. 'Vi.'v o-uc -*^» Heaven's Gate." -. piL -. Coneentrat'on and tak¬ low MG ws*' MILES ONE own¬ k"v!t»\ h.l-» le't the . l.litrv U - and lung cane.-, a debatable uf f-discovery wt focused on Operations M»'*he 'irrs. run vert i- |u««Nrl nhi. h had hern l**iir«l i- Vr white wall i er ing >;!entiv during ap- Of t.he re- l.lhv new I2;n»» ED J-.7227 30 to Andrew Kipiiiv » natural f .re the i' o, :-nen» o . return a single character And ' The At the di.-cu**; i hlr piaiiM* added the sinaii touches evil to tne Ited American at I ithuanian eh and never I.one har"It. "1 myself have been smoking Cat« extends th: theme t<>i port, we ,1r>- in'r, IKIS VOI.KsWAOON ( ON'VUtT- of pn.fr-- -iia! group On the ir -.hirv IARI.E RADIO. White wall* ED 2- l'i&3 MARI.ETTE ~ 3» feet, nn hlrth who went to visit relative th'hei (n.iiM! prost'fu'.'ioris in - IV lief. !hc COhCt*:''. wa. - lIl'i'P*f 111 fi 3a year.*," Mider said, and character- A'm>. unlike main enariicter* :n the story — . ti«H in Iwiiisine Eive miles from «-anu> a storage unit. 233 aalbm behind the Iron Curtain in 1017 Vol VI*'I t t».- afh iii.a.n in t.-ed «n- aftdeil t'»at tm eunvlnctsj «-x- udirr Warrec. nove th,- Wdh.ini l^a'turi. la»Gr»tide's De- « v tank Included- IlloO ED 2-f#»Tl t'hilmiclph.u an FORD m« GREEN TVDOR •nit never returned. Ham ('»" * m- uei EE #-a09S »f l')3# GREAT LAKES — 33 x # » ?h;» country A hit oi>- ■ I hire . iirdrooni#. new »«.ia. verv *ood « • .mi-i a birth icrtUn ate iv.m- ! count*.- I" •' S.'Vi-d atom - snv ni*i what doe* it or how is not The central sittiat al Die li-r. fite out Lit'* operation* chief 1-r.Vf t.OUATi! EMPRESS SE¬ "ifition see at 217 Trailer Haven r.uk which iuclml.nl B«ifi»h known, he said and J^nri Gamer, the genera!'* DAN One ot CJepmanv'x fine#! built mil ED 7-0142 after 3 oni. wee fi r Km.I It I! .Mlii w I. • v.. eve.-.: which give* the novel it- . rar* Suotlrs* inside and and chief of personnel. er-umrmv a l.«n.« Muuta- Klau- Koch* In an exchange w.th Williams, the entrapment of Jasper ims'.rcs horn in N'ew Y> k >n lt'02 a d Iftsn he serving .krr.-»l.'.l in S.-o.il title. i . After page, t.f ta'.k i' . cte- out A-! merhanicaltv uri.-ed tor aulrk *air will Unan.-e at ll.irff.tiu •iird n# nn in'ap'. He nho hi,.i So- e h..- been Hemming said the government Hertiek. Kentucky cave crawler. "«»v i hristeiuen luid LOST and FOUND v!irn arretted a second Ne v a 30-veor sentence KBH'I. ,J''_Kuik -Kwak Yun»-I.. takes the position that when the !n a rave which he and his ited to "-ml Lathan to Kabul T\\£, OR 7-"«tl If Alfred He;n Soul. r Sv|.,- f 4 till! public btiv food i' enlitlcfl t> frjen I. 1-aar Sumi-fer. have d.- ' ' I lud ou: if the American agent • York City birth certificate »na«te O r nt e STOP LOOK. HEAD A t»34 l">ir- lit t.» Martin Collitv. am,i dr c ii N V chpnu •! lie got 13 Uh -e * chief h !» *dy guard. •d.vgll.t kmu whithf- i..j- not >'■ .* *afe covered ami which they hope to vvh- > *v;t# supposed to have hid- d*K>r 1'ievorlel !i -.rdton Newt, lies' pteadsnu A< foi tobacco, be a ided, "An t' tnr t«* rt iinverliule Uumnlete with iflSU iiffcr den the weapon# rcferre«i to in , '. c.- n ■ ..-ribed v. the ti ... it1 .» I" ,-- rendrrel t-> S->.i! pioreeution 5 Initials J C D nvrte IV 2-44M l> and n-ed lirr*- fhampmn Iir.ilte Reliner.i %'irnna in l!ta3 while taking Apr'.! lit n» compulsion on anyone to Jasper i- "a chip off th,* old J-«; than) 1-* an ambitious man ward - . i complex code, a laoc-recurrier, . 2"hi f Kalamfl.-oo iv t-444!' tf .•in! wooden pencil,# lie . vvc i- p.ixiw«r courses at Austrian On In - * • sires* Kwak wee biiy c<»Mnctu.« " bh»c;.' a hero. * wiah-fulfs"- can se»- n.» t eason why he IXJST • Ht.AC'K HORN Rim e!«^ Fiemmmg agreed but said the mftU figure. t.» mo-.! rf en ;r. h>- shouUi be the one to go 11«- get* e« blind without (hem. Call ED ■ , : 'o hold ma i ofUm. Mhoolx under the fi| Mil. issued SaUiriias bu: he appeared F -M and Drug administration i drunk in a oar and thf EMPLOYMENT 1711 I la- government rsiaiftcit th; Ttiyv were convicted of having .Sunday escorting Rhee to church iommumtv liecau«e ef his stren¬ do everything m /s gth. hi# independence, and his bean* where one Senator l*lovd * mierofd -1 was HiiuggSnl out of •c;\e a %\>\ rillj; dlU'Ctr-l l.v onlv 200 yards away fr»m t'he go rig t» StTMMER CAMP COUNSELOR* Alfi. -Can Earn un to nln« hive PERSONAL tt e count' v l»y others Juri V Novikov, second secret - uewspii'per'x began asking que*, power : i a*xuie American wom¬ way with women Jack llerrick. seeretajy overhear# him and prAduaSc t»t • undcrrr.idws'p , red," en t.i,V the fosmetic* the. bus contacts her tK»>- snH ruldam-e thro'ur! NANCY C'LUCAS and ERAV' m tiotis !11 b'ft hi-.t lime* a* to w hy- t '..nnxelmif The flr»( important post war an "i the Soviet taid».»*.s\ in other Words, i# a brawlei a «afe The Senator sound.* hi# bat¬ MsU Salary 0140 otw tuition •MEYERS take this ad U» the Ma> .its- he win n« ' taken into custody are Wash mwu»n Novikov wm ft' nker. and a fornicator i> and bo.,r,l Write Priwraiti t>* News oifb-e between 2-3 pm xpting rase totaled Judith Cop* tle > r\ and g h** after lw Grande's room rector t amo OaklaiMi. Oxtorri Mi,** lw,< iree uasxes to the Crest Drive l.m. employed in llie imernal •n-s.-i l front th " eounh v «s u"- «he ryes of moat pf the uuriuh'. In Hru.e I d m -scalp, howling treason" A* it •ecurit* department. She »a* artrxtrd in section of tlir Justice .. yea;» .opUor \ei Iwr u.'t •' ' to H» and I'oodei a t*' l.k*r«i> Longer Tlutii Duruiile's solid, i boiirgeoi* dtlxen* in »he ifntmmi'v, h» i- ;» n->-aeeouu: turns ou?. Army Intelligence un TEACHERS -WANTED Vacancies in all Western state* «'•*««' and KU AST BAKERY DELIVERS Ind' duwoveis that Latham was re- vuiuall* .ten.ra'ed cake aervn-a New- lark In March. IM't with .la. k S.it. i'. In* Huss.an-iiotn Yet it is hi# entrapment, and .. . . , Inouire ( nluoibtne Tea» lier« ActNic* iw-rlve lor OJ30 Phone IV 4-1J11 t- #pons.bf for the leak and he U a Ruuian frtend. Valentin Gu- hitrhev. Soviet repreaentative on wife. A I'hmi. Myra all of Souly. and daioi. New York City Moon's Half-Mil,- Nose the corfimundv s frantic attempt • rescue him. tha enable* a ^ „ Garner l>eg# to g qti and , , tier tjjn Pearl. Boulder. < .dorado . .YkLEOE MEN tints, tin* summer in YOU can earn vour own home m ♦ore I pm the I'nlt'ed Nations Secretariat. and ai i est p. I tte*;e i-i rnrty 1937 ' umber of people in the nove! * • uangerou* m * town seliini t'utco. a diviamn of Ailcls lo lis Odd Shape kien •' the Plai-emen* Miw Coplon wax accused of S -pic was a native of Lithu- ' nd their <»wn particular and : Al< * 43 REAL ESTATE - axktematirall) passing govern an.a pitd-itr and Mi - S 'hie w» .«* peculiar salvation, their ,-elf-dr •*»' advenltirex nf a aleiieg. naturalized Ann ...Us A'hum. f.nitioii nhe two term* f„r War- '^Pber-lMrned-api in a foreign STVOENT* TEACHERS SUM¬ mrnt aeeret# to Gubitihev MER en.i.iovmeqt, monthlv HY OWNER THREE-BCDIPK> ,4n- where and death tHiftlycould makeacome Site, g"t sentences t-'alius iii»o luthuania:., vv^s' nevet euaraotee Write Eucene Bond 1210 » « W A S If I N G TO N (*T> The a timijar though much fatten ten. are almost synonymous) suddenly for W Kalamatu*.. I^nsina. Aootv nn" to.k utility ranch. Iivtne room, dinlna ei off kU.hkan. no ba««- years, hut a legal tangle mvel iiaturali'i-.i. *1 room Convicted of spying Ii»i Itus- Moon mav t»o^ have a man in it. bulg- 13 mile# liigh it the Ttaae people inrlude the (Mtd rrodiua and ronxiderahie men', furanee room aniT. G.ir.i.-- oped in her ease and she ha bur ha# half-mile-high with eiectrw eve for goor, Baautif, St.hle got ypveil veal*. Ai- it a Ear.h'# equator. tonng and tdeaMMk odolesrrnlt. exriiemrut. bul Ute anapenae ix FOR SALE Ur«»y lot with tree*. aU air c*« - never actve.l time, although Mil' s a, nitioned and houae wired for muo- "no*r" and a farter spread in li« gripping • as follow Vithirct to a new trail. ham five \eais. ami Mis Soble He ftitid latest estimate* ate Munly llerrick and hix girl Ju- more we Caroetme throurhout houae. and ail middle than previously suppos¬ lea Bingham Mr( arland Hump- Grnetfal I rGrandr around Math- DA VENI*ORT STURDY FRAME diapes Bwik uorr hencloaed wp Uubitchev was convicted with four year.*. tha: at one time, perhaps several 433 L«»un#e off Haeadurn near ahdn- ed. n scientist said recently ter. the tot*n minuter tfunda- inglon. where he tight* the need* recover;n* I*!*msies « i.air ii!a*th- upholster*, dea! f*»r D.na area ED 2-44*4 after I p in 4* D; Robert J a*? row of th-» I illio.i year# ago. the Moon wa* Army and senator Elnyd's com - T C kMH.'T'f 0.0^] menlolist and evangeliat) and family with thiUtren. 0i# ED 3-o*e ivdiit'i Space agency aaid re- only 40,000 miles awav from the miller, ix. Ignored be the Navy M'RURHAN THREE-BCD ran* dossword Pu/zle »,*,•>■«y - * 0 O m E »;n it □ riaa aaa i ceii! ralculatii'b* by vanou# Earth, compared with Us presold hla onn laaoe. rsnleal rollege alu- deo4: Nlrk Fapadoupalou* and Air lorrr. forgotten b» his t.UYA G-Irt CLASSICAt. GUITAR with finished t«Und family fireplace room Beautir.1 plus fu^ !.trial' expeets. aided Indirectly lb.*'a.ice of 240,000 mile* Greek reatourant owner and eel- parent agene». the National he- «#.< ("ait Duk Heuer ext. 22«i or basement and plastered two cor *>- ACtO»S 37 Myirlf □an aauuao bv artificial satellite fuul- The concept if, he #aid, tha' rn 7-ia«7 an Owner Hank Eurman at IV wants offer*, ao 4-4BM af Warreo c» uuuumxu aoa new oldgr. foreigner. In I he eontmun- rurlly I ounril. while runnlna CORAL SATIN DAVENPORT. »«* Lone Realty TOHfB. I lnvdt 33 Broad icgarding the fhape ef the when the #olar system Wa* and Ihe lop-terrel GI.NOFN in his • □uofT aaunauua He: Untulhv Bingham and hla Suntveam Cedftemafter liedxpreads. 4 Oirctrd II d.tchrs Loth, add ur- to thi*. yo-jnr. the Moon wa# moving m #'*» D-xhmasler fogBB* #U Exwn and ownar will carry contra • t PrMiatt maurt iim.e pecuhr-" shape than pry- Earth But. one day. the Moon'* w r hi or hiqbvl tape recorder ED 7-1 IM after 4 em IS Tro id»» nan nuoooaa of Joaper. .-buy of I.e Grande's 'trea.-an' fltvetse tlirolflnv rontld. excel- II Frrnif viouslv thought or predicte.1, path took her close enough '<> and the senator make* the in"*' t-nnrtitinn fljn felt leave EAST LANSING - T w.th eaponf ursnoun aoa be captured in an Earth or: • lent or 11. iMin F-. r one thmj.. he told report¬ Readers of Warren1# part oo- hi.# piav fur hit. couf.ituentx. twr*sa«e for Don a: B 414 ButterfieM room. Ceue Cod Dtnlne room, ci M.Thtrdto 34 Attitud oaa uuuaaorasa only 40,000 nule# high. The or t.ne Bree/ewav G a rare. Farve> • er* m interpreting a technical \r1, will find th;* novel n-.ull- Lo d-an-lc turn. *n II. Afltrmatp • nued nan nauu uuna theory 1* that Earth'* gravita- . n. e j>rc orted to the Ame¬ »r!T a "IVarrrn" nove' Warren Armv ,„r Af,tr h, CONVINHMT TO CAM0US 37 Scottish tta □an anuia imua iotnat pull created the fiast dur¬ rican Hiysical society, the latest ha, Inns ainc, (lev.l.^K, a ,t«W hff u ,.,!d,,r. tlwuih U Bay eakea [lwn,. , WAia H. Tkawgias •ncept is i»u»t a giant noi-e- ing that period. and (eehntque which > distinc¬ sotvicr • 17 Beatow ♦o I'aed in ftalultan af Ytatariay'a P.u i to: under direct Pentagon ton- f # a .- kSccvv# C - approval Lkc protuberance extend* * Jasrow, of the National Aeron¬ tively his own, and there ar«- -.rol But n lien he viglts his old tookrrv 11 Fltftton* DOWN ? Ancient KvOii half mile above a broad autic# and Sjvace administration, moment* When The l.nV l(,a, MaeW..;(e, A.'>.ili»i EXPERT •EHT TfUUMLS AND GENEK ' 41. Branduhti tiPlng. tlaowk tvoawrttor Sitter — It Raaarva 1. Redduti Roman com f-u'se, itself a half-mile high, said .about a decade would bv r ..•in* » be aim."- a iwi.l* t-w> of S'.a(I. MacWoiff le'.u veaft exnertoneo One bletk fro, fundi a; Dandy brown color FftEC diamond, IONUS STAMPS _ « Yeses t out exudl* a: the Mix.u'i spent exploring the Moon wi' i other thing.# the author has writ- him Brwdv. ED 2-3344. II Calptity 41 Yarn of a 2 TliePren- « M.s unmanned orb,ting satellite* or « u ul«>r "") "I r«M#WI la Ik la (he (IM Man 14 Small warp dent to Bred tea ■ TWO ROLLS or 14 m m davtight BOOK LETS. H ANDBtLLA. LIT 44 Land 3 Dinner The bulge, which Jastrmv with instruments made to land It is ai.*o true that; :n ma:.* ||, «oau (he Aran to grew, mov te fihp #3 73 each or w IU trad, TF-RS theses — typing and alf »' dkatar.ee 71 Fend off ment ceUot|. sa.d cxmid be called • fcmidle- on the lunar surface before anv fur * mm Nt «-Mmc ?# dupbeattng Phone A! ar Jaw meaiuie courae 11 Watche* i*as#, thi# seem# to be a co:." *»aat* (he wtale (hiog bigger Wonch ED 7-4MI, acroaa from Be 14. SuaUina 4? That piece 4 Duh ef IS Otimacet »gcd ipread." result# from the attempt i< made to »end a man \ed novel Dut th!# L o r other ang bark where It lilata visions USED RANGES, WASHER# te>." kex tf •7. Mettie i «• Title #33 and yo- G*>od'ear Ser¬ greent 20 Cend acted Moon'* own rotation — as doct to she Moon. way of saying that Warren is Geweral Upee»(towa la a tae vice Store Mr- OCMBuTl. *, I lift Ee»t Michigan T Y PI OOME ea *9. Adr».tn4M V> Qu.ll 3 rmd fault 21 Terform) definitely a professional. »r«arani A* enoe IV M'R )i 10 »ear* ex partem-# MA degree S4 Apprehend! It Dra.n celloq \crv the (IM Man wenM ■g brilliant;)* M7 I Cherry Lone KD 7-4111 tf >1 Bunt epae SI Dricry 4 ri»h.n( pel# ard It i* not rnr intent here h> bkc u Kase it here." SIZES 7-# Soring FormaU and ZZ rropel'.eA I know ; CJ. j r;»i.-*; cotton summer dresee* Plww -IV LEARN TO ELY at Oharee A''» use the adjective for the purpese For the next 140 pages or one»eif ,a water .ot OCT ;«£?£ : jw T *"in >*f damning "The Cave" with so. the ftgnt goes on and on •IM 24 tmn Low ratoa DavtE airport Ir.ree TMAtiJlCoTC.-rj!; 1 DECORATED CAKES DELIVER¬ '-i|e« north on Abbott Road t'f 25 Fee: faint praise. There are ?:n>e^ wijtie the genera! • sleeps less ED to * ou for oarttrx btrthdai# •4234 or ED 7-4414 \>i4ncm.ii) • . 24 Let at. en when honest proftosiontl sk.il i* and ess. watting for the hear¬ Man* other delkioys ou'.r n K*n'. 24 Squared off Kakerv IV 4-47M tf . JYH*T 2-taJO Electric a relief from the awkwardness, ing to get underway. Then, typewriter Term tree trunk* per* and thorn. Aiaa gonera! typ.r r the overwriting, the uncertainty finally, die Senate committee AddtVional mMx. SEUDNUT SHOE IS OEIN: 78 Copied of those novel# which are caliiM close# in for the kill The wit- • TV AND RADIO aorxrvw Ope. ' 30. Woodlands powerful or "freah" or pro- rv*# stand* — or rather slt«- lee ratoa to students How and 31 Dominate main*. rm, anticipating destrueiion T\' -eta and antennae Free tube 33 Animal's And for me "The Cave' was yet holding fast to hU print r.erk hau 34 Nrfun -uch a eeiiff. Warren can iple* and what he considers hi# 22S MAC, r. aiaiuM rT T—« - - Jl St. »thrvt ?ell a Warm can duly u* his staff and the ooun- irAirr*K jirvrtLmiixC am 37 Trade /NW,JU5TSS0i'! characterlre; he can take you try as a whole. Will he, or 31 HeeJ ^C*£ IS TK3» 944.v many, bccauae this Ls » MALE STUDENT# - AV'AtlARM fnr sch_ hool tens neat fofi. Beot«letnber i* sometime# "slick," sometimes book thai is well worth read* tor summer term - Apartment f .r June to 43 T* fold three, rtng! fund double rnom# with T k.omis Aouinas. SkJSrvrtt re* "contrived." it is also scidum if mg -- for entertainment and kitchen*. All have ubUtiet n«id plus 44 That fellew prvate teteoNone bath. entran**e. WANTED YOCNO LADY te ever uncertain stimulation a* well narking 334 PverRreen East Lan- share - Fas tLunalne aoertmeiit < 0oi tut U auw J Warren no kBger make# many Jowe* D. s.rr ED 3-2.L0 g to catppua. ED 1-1197 after 4. » MlfllfGW STATU VKWS Retirement Problems mi. i*. imi pn.Tlir.i i\« Swrot in Atomic limit b Analyzed at Seminar e I'milticlioii. Scientist Says Planned Aid and frluration Atomic liomL. production i-< hikjiji m secret a* automobile For Retires Considered production, in the view of h ilDtinjful#hed French ph»ici*t Tho complex and vjujtintr M>V. 'I-' tv ■ lion for retirement were under analysis at a Seminar, May A 'on ■: '• 5, at Kvltoinf Center. kept by 'be L'ti o fit ate..--. K • land. Ru- a an i FtRjjrc- * Thi tv-fjvo representative* / ,#••• i y^hho'og-i'al a i- U< ver~»,cnt. industry. Jai, r Vaf!": various social r . a num¬ .1 f I) ber of emtjIowTs. and member» Pis (if ve?, of the MSU '»fT were pr sen' Dr. Danir- Druger. n*f:n\2tr «A:;\ r.f't *.di v.'V ■ •' , to the director "f the MSt* La- put ,.,!»• "... t'ro*, '■ a'. bo- an-i Lnduatrlal Relation - • 'D'l make a-: stoma bomb, Center, program chairman. nam af - 1 n« the hn l of «- "The general problem of n - from ♦** and ra r, firemen! is relatively new an•> •f.r- t.'n.v# r -I'* it Pefif > • • increasing rapidly in scope "This la due to such factor* as T;. •• - i.g .al - - , the increasing population, the steadily •Increaalng longevity of Con ..ve i. he ?*pla:he;i. out life, general prosperity, rompul the pr.-e ,• ?i\ very h.j1 . *«ry retirement rule*, and So¬ TV-- Ervucn ph> .• brl-ev cial Security". flu- ; .*! lenV* -.vo'k i.g T! • . ••min.ir f>u:. .*< t nd<. T" •• • a-, i in.-- : ««• problems nf setting up and c>n- tr «e i-vc ; en red .'during W ir • chn-r.ng a program of planned War II / A•• er ■ an - c-Pif'- aid and education for re:ire.i In ' • : a'-I-oo' c:t >r* ••• #•- run. -ii.vr.au. >h. .tar.., peifons, Kroner said. '.l-i nipt i i.jrt.ts r"cke?;> an' a« televialon'* lift. Bllka give* We '.san*, hi get managemer,' Of he- ' r !■ «' . tv Rus- up the "hup-two-three" *nd interested and active in the-' starts suingtng a rait .IS as He -ivr;.- .'..,y in.- specialwing to- programs'. -he raid. high s a;;-! fa.l.ng te brua-.l(-n rehearse* a* a gwn*lln«er on a IV of Woodr.ow Hunter, t*n.- t'i<\r kr.owledae >»f other eci- It oil iv nod «et for a CBS Heat, \cr .'v of Michigan, a t-'d ern comedy special. that .« retired person often 1-■^o- JOHN BRAGDON. M. retired Army officer, has heen ehooen iniiiaiiiiii Illllllllllll h.i identification in a society hundred* »f db»- portant defensive weapon which la lulewdrd far n«r a* a graund- by the rreoident to he a member ■ Till* ROMARC Wlftftll.C will hit h light the geared to pr duet ion. " hased inlereepler weapon against an Invasion by air. It will He set of the Civil Aeronaolir* Board, • V\l.\l. (.RIXIIIM. • MOTOR Tl M. I V ;tH t» hf ribibilfd durini r and Saturday. Hunter cmphasi/ed that a m up in front of Old* Engineering Hall. lie will surreed Jame* Durfee. >yrUlflr* will have aw npnortunit\ In get a rlov l«H»k ai the itn- workable n.u*t be based retirement upon program Joint co¬ Bl'Y SELL RENT j • tviim l kii IM IVIJ • • Af ( i.ssori»:n sfRIMH b • nr. «ki Mil it l: | . operation be*ween management, m HIGH READERSHIP < nariri; i iintui • U ISIIING ■ Jimmie Davis Sings labor and key social agencies. a Placement Bureau The follow lac employer* will Interview on the indicated date*. ■ * ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 2 for 1 SALE iatrreated report to the Placement Bureau at leaat two On Way to If yon are Capitol J ■ school dan In advance of Interview dale. Ii' KOK CAST 1(0AII SKRVK K ( A 1,1, til :.»«« R) Bachelor s degree. (Ml Master*. (Hi Doctor*. Where no i.j degree la Indicated, all decree levels are eligible to interview. Louisiana Governor Is Hit GULF service] Arts, Comm. Arts, MAY It. IMI I .ft. Army Engineer IMatrlrt, De¬ Science At Business At public Service for FROM 5JO P.M. TO IdO P.M. • lakr vs sales and office management Al Juke Box. Election Booth troit it f.h. Laka Snrve>: Kal hrrr or rarr, out Kr^utar »lzr onlv Civil Engr. major* for con- positions. ■ ■ »• ruction, design, hjdraulics, MAY 17. 1H« ED 24SI7 OX EAST MICHIGAN AT I.OtTS a MA TON' ROUGE, !«n. i/1'i—f>r#»p in the miw»-hnn|f Iwyou* suiwying, contract manage- Dearborn Inn: HRi (B) majors , !i>. nt tk engineering vtudiet A: frnm II—nl SI. rntranrf) r 'niii-iatterecl placard turkwl to a cypres* free proclaimed: in*.rt;it- Davis for Governor." ( ie »prt work. oiMantin« P n b 11 e hehaaDt fur night manager American Airline*; (B) position All women for stewardess positiun*. VARSITY DRIVE IN ■ for managcntciTt I"..; una. kwcceeding sui- majors •ngued Ear! Long, young* major* for teaching trainee position* "Sf/me «.i Hion'l digni- MAY IS. imi Stale Mutual Life Assurance t a . other "f 'be late Kingfi-H Long Both th» Ftenchmtu. fie \ Th' v.ilbug jtic a Hint Ink Corp.: All men (B> A : men lfi 50,000 ior high. Sec. Math, l«a:in- ■ . r.teriainer. for sale, posiTTon* leading to Spanish. Business (Shorthand, . t-onko. management in paper prod¬ ' 1' ut >f this popu'-ntv *»* due Bookkeeping), At Speech (Hi linglng is my hobby, tbe way uct# Ac packaging <«me folks play golf or «» fisli- ? the Davis riemonality. Hnme- Barren Consolidated Aehoolii major* for scmor high p Hons. mt." Pa vis instated for the rpuit. taciturn, friendly in a Ai! Elem (B». S. c A ' (Bj hn,-tifu) wa> that appeals to ru- MAY 26. IMI -hou\j ndth time over a cta«* of (M), At Spec Ed (Visit ng t»\ inters without alienating eiw Hill A Dale Ranch: Al! men ' r t«al* milk, which he gnaale* by Teacher,. Diagnostician, Men¬ Ac gallon to maintain guber¬ dot-Uer*. tumnirr counselor poaitions tally Handicapped. Speecto Corr ■ (fit i Mi majors for MAY 23. IM6 teaching position* Manning'*. Inc.: HRI «B) ma s More Than Mark Ma* ID. !•>.-,« MICHIGAN ST \TF NFMS Intramural . Stars Plav Old Mates Schedule Netters Travel to Ann Arbor NOTRE DAME. In ; who was twice accorded lal "back of I hi' week" N • '( I) .'ur - K!-eR!e.*t pn-t m.ikin of ].!•• • vrv by a l«-4 injU! /rlir. K.m«I It • n' 11" fin.i-! St ut'. IH-u't ap}.u;i' ,imc bifk to pa*.- the I r i -» 11 knoi i*rs v Saturda whcll the- tctorb-- if <■ l»!j;!i I)<•.!.;■ v. ! A I—t vails krlu l.ir. is SI 1 ' , • f, 2 00 . t . 11.. J Da A ft— llcilrti n . Iiowcr m»in thc.v tfill lie placing more than just their 16-eame «ht Tin.t » winning streak on the line. consin was rained out and 'he liutlvidii il *rml-flrul» This is the match that Coach netmen don't meet Ohio Slate NOW SHOWING hciliu:i: 1, t;cN»foril Ilu.cll is ( a|i|iin Stan Drobac's men have been until May 18. Darin I liuil. In.utile l>a I lire I'roRrtUii llttiii rpeld is. I Hum work in a for atl season long. A Laid year the Spartan* drop¬ win at Ann Arbor this afternoon iioiT.vwihiiis newest I onian team: ped a 7-2 daalalia U the Hn|- would maki the netmen undis¬ Rasters I hie as puted favorites at the Big 10 vertnea. Wawevat May '% matrh alianld to a M alaair Uun last Championship meet at Kvanston year'a. Maee fradwation. hit l : 11/ I hum Trai l, II!.. May 19-21. as well as insure MiehlcaH Maek harder than them several seeded positions In Ran Starts lailay IIKIAN* EISNER III I.I. HOTCHKISS DOl'fi SMITH the individual championship Missing from Michiga —JP I ■ mbfcS. *-*>»« arc .1!! due ,,1 (I..: a IM • 'fTice «i k 1 rto<>n they nil hope to become "undisputed fivorilw" competitions. * The Spartan* are 7-i In the championship lettermen. squad an* ' 1 Including Jon Erick- son the No. 1 man last fprsns. m SIIOUN It — lira - I I" 5:1.1 • l« 1.1 today T> •; be# in,1 th:- Rig !• Ihh *prtng with win* arer towa State lost only two lettermer artcrnivm Wednesday tn iT.tlpii I continU' Youn W isconsin Helped by Weather Indiana 5-4: fnrdne 7-2: lllineia Iwlee S-4. «-l: Mln- and their No. 1 man last spring C'apt. Bill IfotchkiM. ha< bee?, CamnFMM Field ne*rta 4-3: and Narthwealem dropped to the No. 2 spot. vrfertains i!' Michigan, will be playing the T.ho Wolverines arc 3-0 on the be*l team In the Mg !• and the Will he rescheduled nf\| week. objce'i to Wisconsin < 1 -f>» in Friday's season, and 2-0 in the Big 10. The ') ir I' b.'c '-jurnatnei ' atP on#iti -c Hi.: Irish on a home and home bas¬ •nly team left on anr Kit K »»f single which The Michigan Big 10 wins came 1-5*15 uind - I-KIH.R in iniiii:M\IH>N I III. II. game is, with Notre Dame due to pluy aehednle thai Mild beat u«. l.c • - i I p»dav a- j .'»(» be lltid In h i of Wisconsin 7-2, th l»a ell,i d ; • Hi I () • The 'i-ti.t n.' champion • so linds C>fpo State 11-1) at here nex* Wednesday, May 18. at the expense and Ohio State 7-0 in a rain- The man to watch oj ■M SSkS ( id Ao.vopc ill' .iffere.l tiieir tirst de¬ MSlJ (2-4): lndinn.i (3-2) at at Old (.'ollcgt: Field Michigan tea mis junior Or- Michigan (4-4); fhirdue <1-2) at shortened match. feat in th ll;^' 10. Tticy had an Dubie. The Wolverines' N Kill Srhudlieh K the owl* There is no actual way of lihnoiH (3-3) and Northwestern M!i r.lli tourn.ei ".e • • •verall winning -nded In doubteheadcr streak hf 17 'plittmg a Sa'- with In- (2-1) at Iowa 0-2 > Saturday's doublehrader >late; spartan rerular to prevent!* top the .3(H) mark in hatting aver- ageft with a .313 average. IMrk comparing the- two teams, since the Spartans' match with Wis- man Is a "dangerous cnr.v v for top conference honor- cording to the latest M. 1 Imi.iu a; MSf; Ohm state at pm Ttic (•olden raised his average (i« press release. MiaiTS A St Y— llll ITS "Or SAT. M IT. \l higan; Purdue at UHnm.t; top of Iiigo Lets Out Spartans* line-up n d by the Wisconsin > twtt'ticd . The an Wiicorn.ui at low a and North¬ points with five hits at Alirhigan the Hie. Id. thanks to lo' of cords are as follows: to .191. AT»I I.T ENTERTAINMENT me* for the tminT* civiper.it ion from the i at her. western at Minnesota SINGLES: " now siiuiiiM; EEATERE AT ":■» BtSS nl i\ii! i. \r A listed in Thursdjiv's the IM bulletin The one Badger* have plav i only nunc, defeating Northwe*'- S'a'ea ( it Wednesday Spartans M ichi gan will invade Slate top pitcher- w ill have to count on its to stifle the .Figl}'- With Punches No. 1 Brian Eisner («'« 10-6) (Big 10 5-2) is I or tll'R NEW EOREH.N (I at. i ern, 3*" All three of its game* s .Mil Bend for a rion-confrr- No. 2 Bill Ifotchkiss i»ea i ing Irish, who are hatting .290 GROSSING ER, N. Y. bD— AflSS ifu. battle with Notre Darno II.M settles • I'I.EASK colli: KAMA a- a tpurn, a- compared to .220 9-7) Big 10 4-3) T'ie Fighting Irish have jKwted for MSI' Mickey Sink*, woo Heavyweight champion Ingemar No. 3 Doug Smith (sca^n fli.irnpKHi I Nihi ! Mr lit .1 I'.M. .1, in In.M- Imp til milii. IH)ihru- .lilt luriilirr i* roBrfrnril *IIa * Itrjiilt .nil 4ii 4—nr4nrr nl ImtnniI.liti tthiiit rOit > | MICHIGAN a 11-3 record so far this season, including victories over Indiana, • topped Michigan Saturday with Johansson threw more punches in a four-round workout Mon¬ 5) (Big 10 4-3) tl St one run and five hits, has an No. 4 Roger Plagenhoof 4nil li.rli.fl.tti lh.tr »Ur» In.ludr. < oiilunions Trnm I I'.AI | •hip In Mdp mill rtupllt earned average of 1 75 Don day than he usually tossed in a son 13-3) (Big 10 6-1) iHllh rll ihlril 4 llll «4\4SP I ire. Sacket*. al'.hough belted freely week back in 1959. No. 5 Ron Meccall (sca">r. "t A modem h|—i of lovr, *TARTH IRI |\(.M %lt IttKt.MANS • tsomv wimts in Friday's "no-contest" game, has a 164 F.KA to his credit The big Swede, warming up for his June 20th defense against 3) (Big 10 5-2) No. 6 Bon Henry (sea: Miilli Bsmatr The top Spartan moundsmen Floyd Patterson, boxed twu. 3) (Big 10 3-2) amWst (he aWnr nl •Mil MAGIC IAN" uc,nmnc,' are matched by a well-balanced Notre Dame staff that has allow¬ rounds each with light heavy¬ weights Aric Towne and Bill DOUBLES: No. 1 Eisner-Smith ( To ed only 2 97 runs per game. Johnson. Ingo lei loose with his 14-2) (Big 10 g-1) PI'UM- Mike .Brennan is the top Hurler, right hand as well as his left in No. 2 Hotehkiss-PIaccr.h I Black, a. allowing no earned runs in 18 the lively drill. Willi last ItKTIUINS AtiAI.N — lltlllU ! (season 12-4) (Big 10 3-2' innings in posting a 3-0 record. Altotigh he didn't, put all of No. 3 Mescal I-Henrv ( • call for Game time at Cartier Field his power in the right, the f'd. THIS IS YOUTH: 9-3) (Big 10 4-2) IORPHMSX u ill be 3 p.m. Radio station champ knocked Johnson back : Iha raal lha r«al and a- and rovsaiino Iatory of rovaaiino WKAR wilt be on the air to to the ropes a couple of times i today'a today's taanaoam1 taanaoam' ^ broadcast the action. with his right hand. 2 S/xirtans . i-i -.r;\ 'earn dun; QickCURK C %?, P< TODAY & Win ■'Liflinfi' : Mom out ■ • to A t£? / wwnk or *-< T WEDNESDAY Tit leu at AAl Kappa: *- . Otto Pmminger PrtMnti was named Mr. Michigan befcr 'v'Kliai - i-i me. a crowd of 1J09. : DEBORAH KERR l«Rw Rm Bdrtpli mu •' I and jerk - i 10! Nfhc- h* 1MB the toM**nrXht I1* HdltlSH cigarette paper discovei , .n new VM • Mil Ml •( I*-' \\ i M Me beavywetoht rU** . ' iM. MADE . . were I b» T«n* '•■Ki 'air-softens" every puff I • IN - ' AND ef Baton, wbe hf^ i U»e IM' l"W. the bi V ■ it ':ie bi . 0 s. s'' ' ■» ■? -3.1 VI Wright, competing in the f r *•'-*" red • t ' R': - pound division, hoUte'i 3?1 ' •* • • tt O pounds to win hia weight cia* . f CNell lifted 075 pounds .Ptoae<>n 1 Isr la» 103-pound class to cop the * * *1 1 (j'r c in his division. DAVID NIVEN Gordon Ruehis only other top place by gainr. M»V '■ »■ .!• The Gil student by taking second K..., 5 181-pound class behind J* 'z'-' Puleo of Detroit. Van Fleteren won the * Michigan contest repr-f^"' CHMUS Mica the Detroit firemen and w • ter the national contest T' C06URN'PATRICK Slayhack of MSU rHILLER jfikr Al«> placing from MSU Gil Demigleo. third and 7 imjm JEANSEKRG Ihnehurst, fifth. "I PO •M wnt JONNRON u£unaor KMIf torn .utM ',r*l I film CdKauurt It,I, ★ STARTING THURSDAY ir H. I Th* Rikiwry Thai Riftft MmMo Carta! » a ,1'.' : fi* * " *"JV.r <\ -Alij ■ • • -y menthol fresh • rich tobacco taste • modern filter, too MOW MOfit THAN mi Salem refreshes your taSte " Vj38.C- Spa rlan l a rs i It Stale, Purdue Lose Sees Busy Week To Illinois in Track In Spring Finale S|Kirtaiu>* Mik«* klcinlian* By JIM WAI.MNCiTON stale New* Sport* Editor Tirs for First in P«|p Vault Cancellation #*f football practice Monday afu-r- nnon gave the Spartan grlddors a -hurt breather R) I.. V /XM/OK .before going into the final week of drills of spring practice, which might b«* the busiest week yet. Both MSI* hnet Purdue were swamped by Illinois Satur- The gridders have thr«M* regular drills remain¬ «Ia> in a triahjrubir track meet at Lafayette, Ind. ing before they encounter their older predecessors, f 'ajiturinjr In of a the alumni football players, in the annual Old jKissible ] I fir-1 places, the Illini totaled 8f» points. MSI u«s runner-up with 40 while Purdue com¬ Timers football game Saturday But before then the varsity squad has to elect piled fKiin!.-, a captain for the 1900 season, The new captain, Mike Kleinhan*. outstariflintr Spartan pole vaulter. tied along with spring performance awards, will bo the hifrhly.touted Mike Johnson for State's only first place, announced itt the team's chicken fry Thursday, being held for both the varsity and alumni teams. PurdueV brilliant sprinter Dave Mills netted two first 'ter- Dr James Feurig, team physician, told the places in the 100 and 220 yard dashes. Michigan State's team Monday that Gary Ballman and Roy Parrott, ante Zach Lord placed second in both e\ents. and was timed at w ho sustained injuries in Saturday's "Ultra-squad test, will not dress for the last week fi.ft seconds in the 100 a1* was Mills. Neither injured athlete will he ahle tn play in thr Old Timer* game. Ballman. a halfhark. ha* a Georjre K»-rr. the Illifi's brilliant midille-distance runner, strained right knee and Parrot! ha* a had left had a hand in capturiny l."» fmini^ for the winners. Kerr lr«n- KING or THE His IQ'ft high hurled who'll he In erUon It thr ankle. He i* a renter. won the 44«i.yard run an0 indoor meet, and last spring wae league run¬ last by half a second in the 140 with a time (if 48 seconds flat.' White game, three more alumni .signed up for tho hit Still another Illini meat. Hiy 10 indoor mile champ Jim ner-up in the 120 high*. lie * a native of Minneapolis, and hold* the game tins Saturday state high whool record in the high*. In the rerent Drake Beta** than flowers. had a field day bayyiny the mile run in 4:14.2. They were Don Wright, captain last year as a at lies Moinrs. Odegard *p»*d to victory in the 120-yard highs In :13.9 guard. John MiddleUm. another, guard, and cen¬ Spartan Mob Lake wa*'second with a 4:15.5 clocking1. which i* Jiihi a tenth of a %eennd slower than the Relay* record. ter John Wilks. ' Tills is THE ITRsT OF \ s| Rll.s (IF PHOTOGRAPHS INTRO¬ That beefs the Old Timers group to 45 players, Other Illinois winners were Armand LcCrone in the 120- MIT ING TOP PFKFOKMFIts IN Till I PCOMING BIG 10 CHAM young and old— hiirh-liurdies; Ken Rrown. two-mile run; Del Coleman, 220- PIONSHIP Willi II WII.I. Hi: HH.I) III III. MAY 20-21.1 'rinc. Utr la*t week *i\ more former Spartan* indi- mer, 'yard-luw hurdles: foreman, broad-jump; LeCrone, hi«h rated they would play, lour all-American* were jump, and Rill Brown in the shot put. Tins bee, du" among They them. were ali-Americau quarterbacks Earl Kerr. Mowers. M. Brown and K. Brown are all Biy It) in¬ Jack Nickluns and OSU Win Morrali arid Ai D»row. Dan Currie. a linebacker, ■ ;oph- N. and ancient Lynn Chunrinota. a right halfback. door champion*. With these four pacing the Illini, the crew from Oil in Intcrcollctfiatc Golf Title Also in fold are Dave Kaiser, famed f<»r his golden HOT PARKOTT Champaipn fiyure to yive Michigan a fiirht for the Rose Bowl toe, and Jew Thomas COLUMBl/S. O ..<» iTi—Oh. i w.tn the four low scores count- Miy Jo outdoor championships in two weeks. A pair of former Spartan stars will coach the suite an.l national a*r, ur ug ir: the team race. Howeve* Spartan mentor Fran Dittrich explains the jllmi's win •.he aaa'r V thr old guard. Steve Selm. of the New York Titans, and Frank Waiers are expected to appear to take charge the middle of thi- week. Wisconsin simply: "They placed in everything but the f»ole vault.*' ■ «-h«i!Tipi'»n .it» date Jackie Nirkiaus intercollegiate got won top five were counted in the abbreviated p'ay, and State's 384-stroke total was IR Ohm t.*if- Monday 1 tllr Two highlight- of tie- game ore the honoring He is presently preparing his cindermen for a dual meet ahead of runner-up Ohio Ur.s t IS.'' Is of Lyman Frimndig. the retiring athletic business man;>g«i. and the performance* at half-time of Decides to with Notre Dame here Saturday. Nicklau*. Buckeye sophomore (.•..iambus, had three bird¬ and two bogev-. an versity \icklau-, 20-year-old aen*a ie he fae!i- • of t'- Miss Sharon Kaye Shutty, the current interna¬ n amateur golf world End Boxing , .nt*d a 7! over the ram- tional baton twirling champion. hv-t year, had two birdies and •-.v [i! 6.700-yard, par 72, scarlc* Frintodig. who first became connected with one bogey on the front nine. :.ivout a! the Ohio State univcr- Spartan spurt* 59 sear* ago a* an athlete, will lie honored at a dinner Saturday night after thr .MADISON, Wise. OP) - Or.^.n.'il!y scheduled as a 3d- gainr. The University of Wisconsin Mi.-»s Spotty will strut her talent* at half-time h i r medal play evtrit, the tour- TUB UXOS faculty voted Monday to end i-M.-rierr. was off alt the end of the game mined by her 12-year-old sister, Jo- competition in intercollegi¬ of 1H a v v of the iches Jo Sharon ha-- Hon chosen Michigan's most 21 competing colleges and beautiful majorette for !9(ih ate box in jr. terminjr it "not VOI FAVORITE nr. v» . ,*.es. The *ieid started at She i/i u straidM-A student at Berkley high an appropriate rport." OMI TO 6 :«rii. and the boys were soak¬ xrhoril setum The as game a Sa'urtlav will have an admission month Tlv* action tan it* less than a after the death <»f Wis¬ ing h.' wet and naif-frozen a1 they the 1 a If way mark MACS MISS SHARON KAYE SHITTY churge. *2 for a reserved and SI for general consin's Charles Mohr of Mer- l .'O WASHINGTON The original forma: called lor champion ha ton twirtcr halflime performer . .. admission. r.i-k, N Y. as the result of a brain Injury suffered '• a Na¬ Orange tUnvl CommiUee. VR s.x comix*-tor* from each school. fiHil Softball Probable Starters tional iiout F/jster Collegiate Athletic A*»n. at Wisconsin. Sunday, a Moi-.r died week after b<* Thinking of 2ml Place Come miami Flu 'tv—The (grange Miillips. Kappas Able was hurt while defending h>- Ku**row notified Pete Rorelie, ^lmJ»^loner of the NFL, of the • )R3-pound NCAA f;0P in a bovi! Bo a i corrimittee Monday voted with Stu Barteil of S.m Jo " committee's affirmative actum, to promote « National FootnnU Ro/ellc will Join OBC officials in Fo Win 1 of 2 Contests (Calif.) State.^ Official* said that Intra-m-IiimiI League ruiihei-up a satisfactory tekwi-ion contract ! game if discussing television rights with broadcasting companies and tho By JANE WA1KERBARTH hosing will continue but tliat all can be obtained] contract must he approved by With last week's beautiful weather, co-eds responded to intcrrnllegfate competition I* ftn- Tiif th< NFL and the OBC. u true iuvoiv.iist second ished. Plan- call for the Orange > call for Moftbali Intra murals with 17 teams taking the team* ;n the Eastern and NFI Bowl committee to retain 25 per r'd. About 250 of the Coster- *> VV|->,J» u l>!%.- Of the Jywth oei.r of gan.e and TV receipts for ■1.700 faculty niernbers a"ende and the Kappa were notional e*t>ensc*>. Proff's 7ru n •be meeting and participab.-U .n 1 j» n; Je • Yarboj..wgn s,..;i •earn* with two games f. v the league's sharewmid B1 k III 1 Jancior 3 the - how -of-iiands vote A - • w. underdand ;hc National : ed during the week. Ph. - Kappa Gai'.mn. (i g > to the players' pen-ion fund ' out Alpha Xi Del*.; ;.a proved was ■, re.«o'ution v.* . l'.ro,i '-'iStmg < ■ ; •,*; n The game would be played K.imv. K«P|». saut: the biddifftf. : v-fj k . : • ' . Monday but lost on Snv.it-. 0 ' Resolved ".:iat r « days after the Orange • a comm;!tee rr-.truber who • to Alpha Delta Pi. 5-4 PISTOL TEAM WINS B"W's college game on Jan. 2 B oo. IV P Et» ' ion of the faculty that )»ok ... . ported bo'?, the Colun'0:.i Kappa* won the only • game over Snyder *»n Omicron Pi 7 Th»> Ri >7\ • puUil team of not an approjinate inter»n - ik>4»rdfa.«f.ns Sy»'em ami an «•- West Landon' We Yake- MSI" defeated Central Michigan ate sjKirt and that It shou'.d be rn-un Br >;> .icasLng Cy Wednesday they were -i v a little confuted a? knit shjrt v.uh o Sigma Kappa custom detailing See our * ■ i vivid example •' We-* Land.v.* P Beta Phi many handsome models in solid stvlts <»r •• evident on Wednesday ■v ' Off Campus v* Van 11 w>ra w»ih wonttiMjng trim* In long-wear eg .nninf of the Wed Tnunday; Kappa Alpha Tneta •vin .rid West Yakeiy game British mesh $4 Abbot were runners on firs' Delta Zefa vs Alpha Phi xi when the catcher 1'"^. bait after the third N.»rth Campbell vs. Snyder MIFF'S UNIVERSITY SNOF if The batter ran to firs* FORMKR 'CHIP SIGNS *Tf!t |!T IMM>R uail was overthrown *> ied " on to second. The WASHINGTON - The •wt ond ran home. Bu*. Washington Red*k.ins Monday rac e. „n first forgot to run. .announced the xign.ng of former for UM week were: Central Michigan *t»r, Jim IV» * I' Off Campus 14, Kappa doley, and said he will U* con¬ A ' Theta 3 verted from halfback to end for • Gilchrist 14. Sigma the I960 Natwnai Football, K. 7 . league icauon Sasir (fnllpgr |HTM-nl- Hrquirpmrut "POWER AMONG MOT' This ( lassie Kan SpM Mart hy Y,N' 11durc-Ltagfli FUb to Utal with Ilka and PurpHf* Absent-minded Professor the Arrow hat university vitfnhw!. man long been tasored hy smart Year 'round »t>hng m I0OG of cofuwi Completely wavhahle )4 (*) Not »o aWnt-minded w hen you get l otted Nat ioi»« AI*o ihown. L'ni'crwt) Fashion right down to it. He remen.s*f»-d the »afk thurH. ^lim. p)e^tlc»s I iUi> Haiti Briteli loteaibia (Ganada) Norway mod imporfant Item—tb# Coke! Yea, fr»»nl $*95 up UJteotaao Color people will forgive you almost anything if you just remember to br'ng iiymg their favorite sparkling . 'f -cold Coca-Cola. Do have anotlar. 'AKKOH ► Drake Winery Sti. In*. p^vaaorf »t IUUT RtMCSHtO 1»*7 r; v.- • »*'" r .f "v?J W*r e-i" f An¬ Mrs. Clinton Jesser, public •. chorage said w omen have an op¬ chairman, and Mrs. Rnb»;« portunity t>» offer a sense of fair Hines. civic project chairman play and honesty'to state lrgis- Degrees for "Putting Hun Thru" will be awarded by M . If we don ! run our govern- Bill Kell. faculty adviser. and tnent--ouR government will run to al! wives of graduating son;, us." she declared ors. Mrs. McSmllh drew applause HTKI'MMING OX THE tTtELKLK. Arthur Tokyo lo Upr a radio »ho«. Thr not-if. hourvrr. from an audience of more than (iodrrry aoil Jark Brnny laer Hi with hi, violin dor,n't ,rrm lo apural lo a holrl maid, aimiiiBiMiitiit I.OflO women at the opening of enjoy making muxle together while they are in * * the RtftO Democratic Women's < ampalgn Conference when she ■ firm1 for ... a chided her xex for being Jeal¬ H iru.x Plan NATI'RE I.FN'DS S HAND as duster* of Jap an attractive frame for the IVaxhinfttm Monii* ous of one another in polities. . | MIDWINTER | uiese rhrrrv hloxxonis along the Tld.il It.ixin font liient in the nation's capital. Th.r. ference and plus apathy and indif¬ and "failure lie able to discuss to study the im¬ Itreakfnst \ LOBE VW'l'A SlUdont-' Wivpi mwp ■ : • I^xehange portant M-rious issues." ailments that are the beset'wo¬ most u iilannine to closo it.. pro«ram niMUx.uw. wheel bearing* • Iz men in politics, she added toi thf year n'itlt ti May Brenk- (lluli Given Jealousy, Mrs. Me* oil change |i As fn- !.,»> on Saturday at »:M til the kilter check ■ Sm>t declared that's "correct htuldiiis. '.'IT Townsend * VWl'A W Jove, marriage and such Charter m things but let's leave i: out of St , l.ansing. ■ STOP IX. SERVICE S polities " Plan* fur the event include a i>rg;im/aliou <>f the Kxchnmic What doe- matter if one n.rty breakia-t with a May- S IS Ol'R IM.EAHURK 0 . nil ..f F.. t I«i'ising has been woman gets more publicity than 'iiiu.* theme, Mr- Helen Mulhul- another? she- demanded ■ • '. ti d here with the election of I.in■ j. executive directur of the One of four women elected to V'i.}ihr!i !?»-fiiv»-lI • a presicteut. l,;.n.si!ig YWCA'. will ^^>eak on Alaska's first legi«l'ature under Hfruwiti Y»ung. .Ir ;.s seeretary, statehood. Mrs. McSniith cited The Joy of Being a Woman" m-i T:; i:i.,v Seheper a- trpa- Tlie council officers f<»r next the pourr of women todav^ war will be introduced and Thcv outnumber men. live The i •!> in "|M»i'fi?;ng undf ■ longer, inher;' 70 percent of the i-.lan- nounced. for the fall program an¬ SERVICE ,,iithfMitv of Tf i- National Fa- insurance men lenvfir °wn 7"> ' There i> no charge, but rc«er- »•'!'< E. (iranl River a »< C'lwb. oldest and largest percent of the corporation stock* valioris should be made by call¬ ■ • .! service clubs in the national and sjmnd 83 percent of the na¬ tion'* .income ing the YWCA IV 5-7203 by > kd J-»H* J tuntil Mich tune ;im it i- Wednesday. •■■■■■■■■■■■■■HI* "We have no excuse for not tormailv chartered. It meet* getting more women to run for < y< ■ v Tiicxfla1 nt W't-*» at the political office and electing t .eiii." she declared t.'nioi A'no ou the subjec! of men Serviii,: oil liv* ixecutivi versus women ih polities. Mix* 3VIIFN ITS SFRINGTIMF. you're never I«m» old. aava lieorge Sho/i Tmloy Til 3:30 Milliard, an entrant at MX. a* he makex a xhot in the annual ttritixh ■ i •noer-h.p roiurmtt' e are Ken- I.uci.i Cormier. Denvn-ratie can- iliria'e running in Maine against marble* title play at Tlnxley Green, lie'* been competing for KB years. . St«-, kie. Robert Baker, Bo¬ ll. < o.i'ieMe and Max Cilas>, Republican incumbent Margaret rtlni'itiluy 9:30 I'llHsr smith for the I' s Sen¬ Campu* I lassiiieils . Hiffh Headprship The new rluh lx one of more ate. observed-. Y«»ur Key to Hetter \t»lue» . . . than 1,300 t xrhanie Club* lo¬ "Men play poiitic* bu' wom¬ To 3:30 i>.in. Till I \ I'll III, w ill never look as clean ax the one lit cated in the principal riticx anil en work at polities" Michif.m Stn'r News VavhtiKton IM The entire tec I ion wa* cleaned anil rrtnurhril. lownx of every slate in the na¬ Representing Uie anal m'.e - I III* |* the intri h»r of the Capitol dome ax seen from the lloor of the tion. Ax its xlman "I'nlty for c'.% i t -politus. Judv Klef.i' - i n- . ^ Hits Ad Student* .1 t return - fur an improved com- Mak. Field Trip l'*y<*liiutri*t \\ urn* T«rliiiit|in' •• unity atld a stronger nation, t: i >-!o«'iiy 'tallonal ni scfToc and admin- lt<*«|iiirr* ( direful Tmniii*! tt.eiefore purely American in r Thirty-eight; business 'ration student* will partie.- v.-. aims and objective' A 11.ANTIC CITY. N.J. tdh—.A psychiatrist Wiirtied Mon. p.de tu a field tup toaut: "Fxchailge L'ltlbs pro- vel to K.»larn.i7oo for a plant ide memlnrs with an opportun¬ Halu'erotix in the hands of inadequately trained phyxt. < tour of the Upjohn Phoarniaceu- ity to serve . .i" 1 to learn . . . tic.il company, followed by lunch iattH and dentists. . . .noi to enjoy go*nt fellowship a! the plant and an opportunity Meeting* are devoted to lis- speak with executives from -'.Hj ' . instiuetive :a!ks. plan- different marketing depart¬ si iv4 projects toV the eommuntty. • :.. Half1 « II..M . thjotn ments. o enjON ing wholesome programs The will go to Grand Rapids •T Amvi .. <11 M> -i . i! • enieita.oim-.: a! night t<» attend a dinner and ■ > hypr." meeting of th- Western Michi¬ In !11* . »<• h»*rc arr very few phy-ir I'D iVig/d Stuff gan chapter of the American Marketing Assn. v. . * <; •. i o ir bullres lluMifil Hulmrt The field trip is sponsored b< •svchiattii- tl.« :h.' >: «.* u-1 Hav Pratt the MSU chapter of AM A. ..MS MffeD r.veu to a lltpiiONix ran be a valuable mm, the .l> '* Hopkir-- limp in Imt It psNclliJllN and iiirtl- ersity researcher told a iclne, lb. Roxeii said — hut it v»n!rrenre . » .» circtinc mtixf he taught in niedieil Vmrrican Psyclr.atric As schools ahiiig with nerrxxarj courses in phsrhiatr* further more "No dentists I »avp i«ve afelv personally had practice hypnosis. Al- hough adequately trained den rome armw" adequate traUiiiig to j: , SPRING TERM till may exist, he said. He cued there fact- uliws . j Too Love beLe-.* loois lAe o oooend v»or rpsix. ' t ■'1 «'uner GRADUATES . is -•. ■ -i . nether in a ti.« . r cainu nt -<••> •< • peD A person can in »;vpriot..'ed p-ychia'trie fgOQumaet t'-j unci ycu le# the ctagjii'^ Star"* col* ... n- xhoui-t JH' excmp'.eu five-- v.thnut Knowing he i>» n teChon at yov>» Artccfved (ewele'd tLNPnoxi ivpnotiied. Ttandmn 'up. 'iNinu .And, tec real oi ra'ie. 'o«V v '.vu' >ewe^r afeou* Av*" ;o\vn. »Pting or Ui an> yH>stur» Tbwcrf 2.W10 pedexir atts corvttfs lomovv eahonWkf* f«rnvor«n.t Vo?«e Hon. t is not necess.n v u> put hitn to les'p with his eye* closed k roads led and tWvO.li) laD yea' injure i on US tHnause tlH'j ORDKK Y01K you the DfiLi to opp'-v your rmyj>■ lull tvererif retO'i p»»oe, He can be h.vpm'tried n% tuiber x i as*»"-i iH'twecn ui'.et -ivtion*. , jthoukJ you ever oswc to. towort* b la'^er ArKoritd diomond any tx^o at or. cf the ihcuwnds of .Arte arteJ -- — ITS IIIUT FN 1 BATE! LAPS, GOWNS AND jewelers 'Lrovy^ovt she c^antfy.. Lai 'IM^OITANT. Iw'v fo* color ' t:*$ %taf" n4 # *»S»n pie f» >"• rh# "xj t»* o gnevre ' f$W 'oafy ' ■ - Ya«r Taaaia ImM Getertcl ty bneei for mors t&tn hundred year* (1SS0-t960X MfUfc VabaXAM' Vflw >WVMR I BONN STRAND LANES SPARTAN LANES NOW -A.r t c DIAMOND a rv e AND WCOOiNi RINOS d Anulhtr hupp Mrvic* far you ... \oar >ou can h«\, «our tcaain racket* mlraag by • Mir pre- rioion hydraulic olriacer a< Kaapp's ... A faaaa MirliiRuii 3111 K. Mii lii^an In expert ptayen hrra— wr we ca* pile your* a a. »-v« as<^.•*.. o«rt. o».i%i asmSt. **■tt.n v rarkrlK the exacl lenaioa yaw waat. with an Thwilor rtcfc S«od e* ■*** 01 Alio «OOOM • <■*»» t* «»•«' 1.1 N-tobNM ' *oft *poU. Your choice of aylaa or pal alriapx. llldp. ED 2-2311 A rmlrinp job al Kaapp'a will reduce olrm* re- IV 2-3230 ptacamiu la a mimimmm. Ma iaexpeaaite. Briar yoar racket aaw far expert warfcaaaaahip. Fret* Parking CJ|M II 10 \.\la kn.ut-8 sporting sooiw-nmi floor