* Serving MSI l or .11 11 iii> VOI.l'MK 62, N'n. Ill kast i.ansini;, MieiiitiAN-wkuxkshav. may is. iwh Summit Fails, Cold War Looms Hannnli to Discuss Easl« West Accuse Civil Rights Work 1'res. John A. IiiimuiIt will sprnh «»n the "Politicnl Cotir-o* Each Other of Civil Rijrhts" at 7 :'t() tonljrht in I'arltirH A. It ami C, Cnion. 111, |fur l.iilrr Tilts will i»t the last Civil Bights lecture sponsored by Un¬ lli-i'iiii". IVr«i*l« ion Hoard. Beside* hi*« many varied KpiiihmIv » I* A Ills nVi Thi' .innniil roles, including president of \ a puff «f MMkr. and wnn the Jr. .3011 lant year, who will win Ihi* year? of MSU? Or Hannah •* chairman lhe five-member Federal Outruns CiiHftTi'ltcc nitrht with ended en.-d mid Tuesdjiv we*i Civi! Bights Commission lh„ 'rr Wwl Mi»« liar leiII ( aiur'Sjilurilj) and find nut. The commission, created in liittcrly lilnmiii'T each other by Congress, wn* to re¬ for itm failure. Ju»licr Edward* S|M':ika Junior 500 pot-' zen* their any weie situation where citi¬ lieing deprived of right to register, vote and BALTIMORE oPU Sen J-hn T<» Die hist minn'« micr Nikita Kfeoni iirv imi o-.t 'v.v'hM !>»• llasis of I. S. Liboil y Scheduled •¥ • have their son votes counted by rea¬ of then- color, racv. religion Kt rtlie.lv and f D-filasst tm»k > "Mooantling .» lead Tuesday quick til?)! he rcmld not I ■< v 1 :H> the Fin u- • ' national origtn. in 'i. Maryland presidential hmvri .in< ! ii U" *•»• Described by Jurist Saturday If any eilir.eit were deprived of suffrage, the commission has the power to make appropriate pi 'marie*. Moments after the pull-, closed, incident and lh'» >■ m -non |ii'» aide •d to punish the results tiegan to roll in ami By BOB »II Mill Ri< — • • recommendations for action. a* cxprHdetl, they shoved Ken- Kt i nh'Hvri ndiiM-d gu lir- The 1,1th annual Ir«mbd.i Chi Although voting In Uic main Hind nedv far ahead of Sen. Wayne KI SS MTdT of l»clt.i Tau lirlta U pretrnlnl a plaque hy Br. .i -.tatcMicni tii.it -u. h Then* are two main justification* for America's adher¬ Alpha Junior .inn will be held concern of the rommU«lop. It Morse (D-Orei, hi* main aj»- Il.iitu.-tli for hetttu Ihr crailiialitii: fnternlly senior with lhe hiithe*t ihgiit- iivr; tin- Suvit : Union art* ent,- to liberty*. mm ancient ami one modern, according to an* Sa'urday on West Circle Drive. also investigate* problem* en poiicnt here, in the* contest to * or rtimiil.tllve alLrollege average 'the award was given at lhe IH' T'l'; feature of Greek Weekend associate justice of the Michigan Supreme Court. housing and education. who get-. Maryland'.* 21 vote* in honor* hrr.tkfa*! yevlrrtlny mornin:; will hose 5» entries foe the niin- The !«o belief* arc that <\ Among recent Investigation.*, the National Democratic Con¬ ;;»tu»v of the Indianapoli* cl«e» — the commission found at least US vention. civ individual should to free Publications toe mat Huo ;i he free i« a child of God and society ,*h.*tcm. it Is Justice J hi iiu each of the entered male living unit* Heading the list of a single non-white was permit¬ Kennedy 190,811 Men With 'L't A rentpie Minister n! !h» [In «ntl !in UiiD-hI Kingdom I'ii mi* Ik-Mi.- E (wards *itd at a lunch¬ ted to register to vote. Morse 00.473 Invites Is l.ind.t Hrethetl. the Tor Oil Clan eon Tuesday at Kellogg Cento l.nmhda Chi Alpha Junior 3011 The commission ha* also turn¬ No Republican I* competing in ' IK« mile t)f the f.u i find .to- The jH-i s«v» who works on the her* Idaardi ef the . Hut, once a year anyone who between police and romfnunity The honored guest.* for tbi* Puerto Bleans. Mexicans, Amer¬ ;iii IFC pi.ujuc i<» Biiv Ivppit of • torks on any student publics- vear's rare will include Presi¬ up as-a tepid race, anil the only custol between the four etoet-i Delta Tau MSU agencies. ican* of Oriental descent and Delta for toing the I m can get free meal tor his dent Hannah. Pete DeUaulo, the question to be answered w« • « Indians. How big will Kennedy's margin giaduntiiut fraternity xeniot with of date o« gavevlinn'iM. I Tort*. IluVh of ti\r two belief?, he wmnec i»f the first Indianapolis Irani (to Inteaatve re»e»reh. to? •• I he highest cumulative all-cot- The annuo! student fubhes- said, are biite'clj dixnitni .n the 500 on balloon t.re.s and the nm- rammUklan made aeveral — "Tlify rrgrrt that th-*r HI*- I he li*rfc average lA'ppit'* ovt*rage ♦. banquet will he held u«- ♦Mgh' at 6 in the Union Ball- world They aiv denied, despis¬ ed and challenged to our mod¬ vur of bast Lansing. recommendation* U*l year. In (aafrru + * * PORTLAND. OHL. t,Pi-Sen¬ ator John Briefs i 3 UM. riiHsiiui*. lira re. *n iiii|H>rtan( for world rotiltl not take place. I'or ro.'T.. em tyrannic?, communist or Kennedy (D-Ma.v>) Bill .Milt'lirll, If C |»rc*idriit. Ihrir part, they remain un*liaketi Publications taking part are fascist, he said. I OA Re/torls sus They suggested that the Cen¬ Bureau compile registration went on a hand-shaking lour of Oregon's Williamette Valley to¬ C.yrlinn SiMirlium said that the honor* l»rrakf«Nt in their ronvit tion that all-out- s - tan Magazine, .Wolverine, The guardian and mtcrpictej and voting statistics by race, «as a Nlirrr** and that IFC la NlanrftiiK international que*tious of the t'ljitcd States Const i hi- day, still giving a soft answer to Cycling Spartans will journey co-ordination with the fratrrnltv *hnultl lie veil led not Itv Ihr U*e Engineer. MSU Veteri- Interference > r.y color and natural origin. to Lake Lansing Sunday at 3 lion and its 1312! of Bights, K.d- Sen. Wayno Morse's sharp advisors rahinrt or threat at force hut hy peace¬ State News, and the Thcv also suggested that vot¬ hope to put this told the police ©ffieia I* words, p.m. Member*- arc asked tounect ful ifubhvpiions darkroom. w.mis ing and registration records bn at Sparfy statue and to bring on u term to term basis. means through negotiation Traditionally, President Hail* and community leader?. Is the WASHINGTON (/Ui—Voice of They themselves remain reatlv preserved for five years and tie M«r*e (ll-Ore) who I* r«m- swim suit?. Provost Miller spoke on what In take part In such negotiation* .' r «avs a few words about the .United Slates Supreme Court* Americn nroadcasts to BussLi open for putilic inspection and Kennedy • peitng against for # * ff fraternity Ideal? should be. Mas- at any •- of publications in the uni. ' Tuesday were subjected to heavy that registration officials l»c for¬ suitable lime in lhe "Ihroagh the yesrs." he Maid, Oregon's Uemnrratle president¬ lei of Ceremonies was Dave "the decisions have interference. bidden to discriminate against ial nad. attacked Kennedy's la¬ .WSC I'rlition* future." r««rt'« Benuvni'. special event* chair¬ At the banquet, awards are However, a spokesman said individuals or groups. established pr«po!»lti«Mi<* In Ihr bor record and aeenard lhe Mas¬ man of IFC President Eisenhmve: will stay '•*ent©d to outstanding stair atmospheric conditions for short.- Petitioning for AUSG execu¬ Immediate area' of polur con¬ sachusetts Nenaler af pouring tive and secretarial Also present were Ward in Paris .through today. nbers of all publications. wave radio broadcasts were bad, positions out thousands of dollars In "!r> cern." r Ouradnik, pre. uirnt of the fra¬ : .*ear -'.aft members for the com- are announced. Deprivation of human liberty, and extent it was thU not known contributed to what t« the Campaign Ihhiicn ing In buy the While llonse." will Ih? closed at 5 p.n». ttniay. * * * ternity advisor's cabinet. George inillan British Prime Minister Mac- is going home Thursday Hibbatd, fraternity advisor, Don to report to Parliament 1* addition to the awards, the h«» raid. It under our form of interference. To Be DiMCIINMCtl In j-eply Kennedy visited Mor¬ I B Calendar Bvull, alumni advisor to Delta A spokesman for the .i' i cations compete for the government essentially a d«vi- I S monitors were keeping se's home town of Eugene Tues¬ Brit eh u.ucd oil can, awarded to th" *iou for the judicmry continuing check to see w heth¬ Mortar Board will continue its Upsiloti, Dr. Stanley Id/.erta, said The Russians still expressed a day, said he admired Morse, Organiralkwis which wj'Jt to Honors College Director, F.lden interest In a summit six ot e!«i.t 'sanitation which produces the Funslanu'iita! t»> our concept of er Russian Jammers are opening project of sponsoring lectures considered him competent, and have events appear on the Union Noneittaker of the men's divi¬ month* hence. skit, Inside information is American liberty, he explained, up against the U.S. broadcasts •vvitit a program Thursday night thought he should be reelected to Board calendar fall term must sion and—John Trull, assistant But the free world faced the that the Veterinarian, which has is the right not So lie compelled a* part of Moscow's new ''hard on the campaign Issues in the the Semite in 11HI2. register them in tl>e Union dean of men. spectre of grim new cold waj- i the oil can for as long as. to testify against-one * self con¬ line" in the cold war coming election. In stop* at shopping centers Board office, second flodr Union, faif. * ne can remember, Is up to tained in tap fifth amendment Monday, they noted an in- •Four faculty men will discuss and a lumber mill at Eugene he before June 3 d trick's and may run away "Equally fundamental to our crea.M- in the Russian jamming foreign aid and civil rights. also said Morse wa$H not con¬ tk fir ★ Soviet Satellite "It's RAini to be a tougli sum- . .'h the concept to due process and f;ce- again*', the Voice's Russian-lan¬ Participants are Dan Kunfeld, ■ priie again. sidered seriously as a president¬ mer." s«M one authority at th- Concert Tuiuulay Edwards said, "i* the guage program? Prior to the U2 $py assoc. prof, of economics; Her¬ ial candidate, and it would not In Good Shape renter of western polirymskim; right to be confronted l>y an plane in¬ bert Garfinkel, assoc. prof, of be wise to give Morse what "The policy of Cost-West itetentr 71 Nettcorks arcuwr.** cident. the U.S. Russian-lan¬ political science; Robert Scigle- would amount a complimentary will The in* Activity Band concert given next Tuesday in¬ After 13 Bounds relaxation la tie all for the guage program* had been large- anc, asst. prof, of political vote when there are serious can¬ lime being."' < The prire which Amriiia pays stead of this week as reported iv Jam-free since Soviet Pre¬ science; and Archibald Singh a in, didates running. Offer Space f«r liberty. Is a MNwew Edward* painted aut. bat less eflirient form mier to Nikita Khrushchev's the United States last Sep¬ Visit instructor of political science. The lecture will be xt (I p.m. Kennedy defended his record and said It had won labor the in Tuesday's State News. * * fi MOSCOW Tuesday the giant Soviet « of better things for our children co-sporvsored by MSU; The In¬ matter fteMs. administration, has b'.-cn ap¬ ment against Nikita Khrushchev * \ n Machinery is now' being set -said in a statement he and to know that there is no ternational Cooperation Admin¬ Where possible each group for withering k" up to select from 10 to 20 can¬ pointed ixt the editorial council peace hopes at the t'» a senate commerce sub- legal or class harrier to their istration. a U.S. entity; and the didates for this purpose with will help formulaic specific aca¬ of Management Intcriiaiiouai. a To (Jiiitlrcn Cited summit. ^mitter that the bill would abilities and their ambitions. International University Coun¬ demic programs, including re¬ new management journal. The chorus of these falling into one of two denunciation p..Ke an unjust burden on the liberty la the privilege of be¬ cil of Croat Britain. Total finan¬ search areas, teaching curricula * * fi Parents of small children re¬ lately leveled at" Washington «1 .ndustry by expropriating cial responsibility is being as¬ major categories: and other programs that will ing able to teach our children siding in University housing over the spy plane incident ♦ v'-»t compensation its princi- that the police officer is their sumed by Nigeria, which ha* (1) Graduate student* to be extend the service and knowl¬ Corny Petition, *hou!ank Stanton, president raised in Eastern Nigeria. Although the staff supplied by Grounds department employe* was reflected in newspaper* Petition* for Srnior ion Concourse until Saturday. f BS, testified that *no legis- Nigeria, lhe largmt African (2) Qualified men and women tUC and MSU will undertake have reported that small chil¬ all noncommunist Tiyouts will to held 3-3 May shades of '■ i« i» comp«i (jHinril l)ur Friilnv ruunlry. with approximately M Who may need refresher cours¬ teaching and other academic re- dren attracted by their work 24-2U at ',ne canoe shelter opinion, many of which raiicd wrirt«r» to gnat tnt tin* millian people, plana la open lha es, or through lack of experi¬ .spomibiUties In the initial stages, have followed the machines so at Die Amercionx last week ttobatn'' If Conjra. ence, "in-servicc" training. Petitions for Senior Council university In October, ea-lnei- their role will be primarily that closely Hhat it ha* been neces¬ over the U. S spy plane inci¬ win .m.nd prwent tow m are due Friday. May .20. They Several- seminars in major of helping to plan and develop Hutu! l.iualtlr tu Play sary to stop mowing rather than dent. : <^u,I tim, would not h,v« feoudaUeu of tha country. academic areas are proposed for may b< obtained in the Union specific aspects of the univer¬ At Armiil Furrm Wk. risk a serious accident. In Berlin, leading communist ^ the development of the univer¬ » vrn to obscure, minor Concourse ©r 317, Student Ser¬ . The buildjngs now under con¬ sity. Residents are also warned to source* declared it is not the sity, In order to benefit from the W£\» •< candid,im. cindidatM. ' vice*. struction. it they can be finished knowledge and experience of Some of these long-term con¬ lieutenant Colonel A Ib e r t keep the grass areas free of ma¬ purpose of* Khrushchev in going Confro, will do thu, h* ghe positioq? op*n are: Com¬ on time, will accommodate about sultants may be particularly Goudrcaa. officer in charge of terial such as silverware, pu-ctv. to East Berlin to sign a * scholars and leaders in West separate ■ ,:h« CBS Ddtwork is prr- mencement, Public Relations, 200 students. As it Ravatopt it useful in helping with the plan¬ arrangements for. Armed Force* of wire and stones. Rotary 'blow¬ peace .treaty with East Germany. l*'"1 "> pnxrii* a minimum of Social. *fl Club, Homecoming. will noed appraisal and orien¬ Africa, members of the Ashby ning and* development of the Week activities, announced last ers have thrown such item* for Informed Soviet sources in Paris «♦ Sour aipimc msmi time MSU Development tation to other developing aca¬ Commission, and others from abort and week that the VFW Post Num¬ considerable distances and with '•ch m* Fund, Sen¬ courses work-shop.* said Khrushchev plan* to sUsp. the United States and England. m, ih, imo canj_ ior Swingweut, Hannah's Re* demic programs. Classes in the along with the broader relation- ber 701 Band will be unable to sufficient force to break win¬ in Berlin on his way home "•n tor ISM* 1 "J and ai— HWmUtp If. following subjects will bo offer¬ wi« hearten¬ ship* of the qfttversity to the participate in the activities plan¬ dows and cause serious injury the collapsed summit confer- ' bj smMMM .-p-*-—r ed: ned lor Saturday. should they strike a person. thee, . j•: for Inrtin Vih MYm (mm OwMMi Provosl Miller W atches Over Feature Page UNDA I.OTRIDCK MSlPs Academic Affairs Mar 18. I960 STATE NEW, TEATVBC EDITOt Page Two ti* ji:ss mawmii a ion for Higher Education for . (j'.lWhng Un» .hm i- u t . A -• Aiir.vu'ture M.llcr is chairman of of V c ?.•••*«;-' • At::" K tu of this group October 3, 4 CLASSIFIEDS one '■ ; ; mrtlttttintl* •.2.m v S' i'.<» !»aui M.l'r in I';i t'-e vi r w •• . v-. f .KM - i --M !' - i.-nic • •- K . i; . U t r I . ^ i. .i •i.i M:'der's b.ivic j>rofe«siona'. . js! char. -X ' ..<• probli'T.s "f fei h- In far'. h«-_ Vuchf* n- 'Success in the Sixties' CAMPUS fsr Tor*. Wig- TS«r«.. A . IIKADI.INKS: I p.at. D«y H*f«* P«hHcsllim . officer * 4 university course dt-v >VJ ' • Mi!!er. a V\» n. .| v., ' ?!v.< fheme. He ' ke« to consider and Frl. Hdllimi*. Dradllm for Mow. KdHhMi: 1 fcid. Frl. h!m-e;f a 1 tcii/ioglM h- f and an Theme of Career Canty Monday thrnngh Friday Li P. and anfhrntvilogi; '. .* chn: I a t nipii'.rakir second. Hilfc. Piyahlt K-12 and 1-S w':l\ leading cducati-miil progrr«* of the unsvrrMty n rr- :.i?;uri '• rvri.i-i-i a• i■ i children. Married and the father of tun Miller re*idc* In I i-t fn 'he fu'ure, the wh -le S< a- U—v«- oumminily w:'.! have :■» g.w -m.se tfvug'it to plana.04 Hoping' for "Success in the Sixties", the 10G0 Career F,D 2-1511 - EXT. 2615 Landing. Ilr en jo*» an occa«ion- j| round of soil, an i»rra»l"njl - • -' i " on education," Carnival will he held next tall on October o and i. MS'.* -eenn •»v ti*hing trip, and i« fond of hik¬ says. "We'll have to decide wha* Career Carnival Is sponsored FOR SALE HOUSING through a period of transit ••!. ing. Hi* main hobby, however. we want to be distinguished in. quel: Roger Herring. Norwood. AUTOMOTIVE ' « says, "from a good un;vrr-.'- )»•• 'he MSU Placement Bureau N 1". senior, sfag'ng; Gro*-.-.'.en FOR SALE I* reading and-collecting hooks. what we want to be known by •EASONA91C MICES ORCHESTRA OUTFIT — COM¬ a great one. Or j« i1«t utiurr the direction of Jack head microphone*, Miller ;t'v.i - • family plan to And. no doubt, the future Wothc, Dearborn junior, «. PLETE twin expan.'i'-:i has been remark ah •• ON CAR REPAIRS .'and- floodlight*, fine luggage, TRAILERS .«*»♦• nd t: c -..mrr.er m S ^educational .planning of MSO S-'ungieton, assistant director of »rd Larry Lindsley, l.v.nia manv extra* »l» FD 2-1M7, Larrv a recent >earv" 33 o be handled capably an i the-Bureau -ib-i; 99. *itk c->! •'**«« ALMA HOUSETR AILER l*y. % natite of ttr-l Virginia. Aw.er . — • z •« -th the Join: . ,u»ror. publirily. - T Ca, A»C«G f* GOOD clean condition lde.il we*! Provrrst Haul Miller •' Miller attended He than* I "liege (Vumb.ri - V- • .-a Cornmts- by The • vclfth annua! Carniv SPARTAN MANOR IOT, f-»r vciing couple. OX 8-2578 aftrt fc '*• a*d sale 73' * I.13" Gas end water avail¬ and the I'nlvmltv "f West Vir¬ wiil feature representatives from able Call owner. ED J-W3S .1* Life Begun • ginia. «here he rereived a Bach* elor of Science degree in agri¬ blamed Students* Minister such companies as Standard ()»!, General Mptors, Boeing Aircraf. ("•- Wa $ JOHNSON RURE Oil :• OfCVCLOPtMA Ten volume*. Call *FT IV ♦•RUM. FOR ta e 33 LOST and FOUND cultural rhemlslr*. Dow Chemical Company and the LOST GOLF CLUBS PARTIES ETC are better r- In Nature 10' F*u '' a - " * BEACH p!u* gnlf ball*. Rerke Full Time Counseling Job A member <»f * c 1 v.ivc: • f'-rd Motor Company, v i»h bongo#* Rltghtlv teed Ad- v.'tMirl* M-Ot-i'dt r- /-'- Reward, IV 4-W27. of We'd Virc:n\i l»:-\.rv. • •• Thi* year's theme, "Suere** lit m«tab»e head* *27 IV 2-1240 after W# Now Give Roitaj# A n tn If elephant answer*, hang tin M "i-r became i run » •• the sixties." I* centered aronnil 31 LOST - MONDAY ON N >■ Schaffer anorkcl per • Bv Molecules the belief that the stmlenl mud Uampu*. MSI! while i'-i a >. \. , • • R» III ANT CCRNS IfcVi RAVfHlTH rOIR-DOOM itli «i)vgr cap 224 Phillip* i! : 'i.m ri i Itntn# se.it* n-et harvical con. WNOINM.MLNT lie ;rve| ri \ . A The Itfv. Hubert (liinincr Inddk the tlistinction of tiring plan no« for his life's work in w < tmn 42seu«5ing tue main objettivc* vantages of the program for tions TRIUMPH TBI Ttratl Perfect v. « p.m. to a**i*t in custom PERSONAL married student.* exclusively in their company. i* mostly protein." said Dr W T. ( tiNDITION B.hliO miles one owner mv. Miller did graduate wmk in of 'he ;»r »grari under h « super- Career Carnival give* the sidewalls r;tdt«> Must design and special problctii.". WERE IMPARTIAL WFi and the personal satisfaction he Astbury, "could learn to synthe¬ »■»»!. white soelnlogv and anthrnpnlngt at v.a.un. Rev. Gardner \ atudent an opportunity to re¬ sell moving F.avt Leave message ERKF. DIAMOND ROM'S »-h any car for a buck, S01 MA receives from it, Rev. Gardner size complex protein molecule* IV 4-13M rut Saturday, • a.m. noon. MSI! and received a master * SAVINOS STAMFS -The mini*try to married atn- said: ceive professional advice in se¬ with all their potentialities Is degree in 1947. lie rereived a lecting hit major in relation to AI .FA BOMEO Ot'll-HTTTA Spider Tledeem Now and Save GET ON THE ball with Ame - dent* developed to provide a I have found that these mar¬ i onverttble Not raced, red. wat Red Bali. IV 7-34*4. . Phil in aorlologv in 1932. ministry to the Inrreaaing nam- ried students are a bunch of de¬ • future vocation. too difficult to comprehend ** belts • an be seen at 1*72 Linden. Mill.am II Thompson, Jeweler A member of the faculty for her .rtatloit Oni-. Drive-In. Bring 1 D in the Aud. This fall represen¬ $175 IV ft-ao.13 after 1 r» •" )*»gan a< a thr**e» T'> IfANGE*. WASHERS tele- .June tropology. Me brsanie provo-' 1. 1939 tiie v*r program "u- •. financed by the Krilisli Iaii I v tatives from education, state an i fsicnS agencies and ir.dusb - f hain-vnoleftite*. said the MSL ORADUATINO STUDENTS- ftUY # USED v-Hotin*. * n-e Store, antl up (5oodve,-»r Set- lltd East MirhiM" KWAMT BAKERY DE.I.IVERx Miluallv dcrointed cake srf • Miller. .* -MfT off -m •, ,-x r.:>. 11 visitor, reach their highest order a new Valiant or Plvmotdh trmn Avenue IV 2-142« »4 twelve for 42 SO. Phone IV 4-11!7 f., wi'l he preserved on the en ire O'Shaugtme-n Make Hr«t pav- lore I p.m. To now the* * n Truman's Cwtic-. Health Needs of the Nat >n . W A ' • k I 1 S.a.n-- 1 Pa- e p.»r ;:x«*ic: * «•' Try Glide *.">nd ft sir cf the Union Tne 1989 Career Ca-niva! In tape genetic that material. feed* computer, these chain-molecule* an I.Ike the electrons iT-eni m Augn-t fit SeoteM.ber If voti POLAROID ten .no* a liking 435 LAND from snap to FD 2-«lt7 CAMERA 8« print IIS new. M a book on u Over Everest v the author of «■ 1 1 ait men are (ill Cox, Ham-: • J35 Soutu (Jrand MSP 'he contain coded instruction*. In¬ DECORATED C'AKF.9 DFI.tVF.H- community aspect* f I M Kve:\ tion* that can be made by vary¬ radio and heater t all Rick at Pl-'.i the Amrriran Sociological A**o . *hrr -i - ..v hxing room and dining room ! • i ing the typo* of component* t.li 1-91*1 A »uenlaces, full ba«#m#nt. J1, Watch Out! r«f i riation. the Society for Applied In the future, the I pi*r (Ml attempted t^ihed garage Price |2l.3(8i Fl N.t II'.e li^ eve- i nk*) and the way they j«»in HMR MP, A BOADSTER-WIHF Vuthropologv, the American So¬ 0344. •» church hope* to e*tahli*h t\*o m a glide: liefvirr," Mrs. Anne together to form a chain make* W'lieels, white «idew4lla. I7.tw> rntle- ciety for Public Education. and other *ttch minl*trie«; our on the Heal Sharp FD 2-3*311 34 the American Public Health A%- east t iu»i and the other on the Hums « UREFN Tt*tK»R straight shift 2«ooti 1 AND FAST LANSING -• 2718 R»SF- AVENUE. 423 300 Six ro..: t colonial. 7:iree bedroom*. I'j bat;u iiiritllin. **e*t roast, he said \cr t!ie 29.002-f>»o? peak Si- cvltnuer mc\ rt ture#, he continued mile* tl 12.i. by owner IT B-IUW3 tf large built-in kltrhen. two firepiai-r- r iv'U be a d uigrrou? mission if you're taking 3 «*r» ♦ ■ »«o compartment. ba*em#nt ui-i W.'h the B-Igrep. a. I • - T e.«« <»•!.• plent* "f updrafts • »f through the these like Gtyj, of these structure* he il¬ 1»V» GOLIATH EMPRESS SF HOUSING tinixhed recreation room doiiine lustrated, i* hair Hair, he said, (histptl Klin• *4, ' v'; *u 1 •' garage One block from grade t. h'» " r DAN One of German* s finest built and vi.rnav '.*r>r re'iUte.t • i v air aiount Lvere-i. and spring day*, watch on* for has great elasticity because it econontv car* Kpotte** Inside and Phone owner ED 7-9491 4t out. A-l ire fianiradv Bargain :he tjuo, *>r fa.'.u «.'■*•! * v • x- wind* hit Die stdes of the nioun- poison ivy. the Michigan depart- i* composed of molecule* which nrued for outrk *ale will finance at. HOUSE FOR BALE near Ha<>" THREE MEN TO share home near Ihizcd. Sail I'l H< v < •' • • .-.vow;:;, l.r 1 c.n d»-'tc at 100 tn.lc* an hn.r, upward* to great hviant- then . ment of healti advises. Ti.e big question is how da ate shaped and act like spring.*. In at least one instance. Ast¬ bank Sale- rate* Mason R«>-. Chn tenscn Ford OR 7-!fc.ll tf rsmDUt nimnwr t#rn> IV 9-6705 tf New three-bedroom Basement. os« Heat. Garage In Kltrhen Ten minute* to campm ranch R t i . -Under |.*erc«t rendition*." you wat 'ii out for it when the BRAKES COMPLETE RF.l4NI.Nt; UNFURNISHED TWO-BEDROOM H i- :n. • •. h J Er mar¬ bury added, single chain-mole¬ Road Okemos 4IMMU) i^tnd Contract Owner he'nl srr»n.. South Korea 112 fG and up. Adluatment. 9<»c Uo tf KD 2-5363. • 3* * portrayed by source* close t « pedillou, "a glider will ilimb a small plant, a vine, a bush, or EAST LANSING NEAR R«t na'-ion* research, i* the ra*e with flag- 1437 FORD FAIKLANE .V» two SMALL HOUSE FURNISHED M**l — him as dared and almost «ie.he'll hav»» :.» bail and that poison iv> i« « mt t resemble* I'■ N>" buttery, excellent con- STUDENT LEAVING STATE for mil t»a>.enient. garage. |12»*> a* a liable te them, he «aid. this cules that propel the bacterium et • <>n«ider vour terms Call G>- ' feelers for a pension for the 83- thousand* of other plants which r'-'ion in-.- ..w-er IV S-2314 the summer would like tn rent three- I* the reason for the location »f w. uM b«* a dangerous bu* ne-- when they are a.-'rvated by a Klucter. IV 9-0341 or IV 3*7234, Wa ' earmold statesman who founded hrdhmm furnished house J one 10 in hvcic- J* vv mil be end air harmless IU2 East Ha*let» ter Keller Company Realtor* « hi* oftlre near the renter of the signal from within 'He mam par' •-eptrtr.ber ?<» 'he Republic of Korea m lint married housing area. »»f Vie g'ider aiiii .maybe 'he llerr'a 1 common »en*e rule of the eel? EMPLOYMENT Road Call Wilhamston 560 K 13 FACULTY OWNER MUST Se.i and ruled it tintil a student re¬ for alt nalure lever* who like to Rent I.jtising houae. tour bed to « What pilot " SUMMER EM I'l OYMENT. »u». OKEMOS THREE. BEDROOM, volt toppled him last mi nt's mat ,«pp*\. • br a tramp through the «*eod«. "If and study, fenced vard. near v'" * \ • -Ig \l * It I II', will be MONTHLY phi* Irholarshin tn rig-t sup room, hving tuom. dining room, end bus Available June f IV 3-i d The idea of a pension, v. hi h South Korea does -.;>l provide muperiivi.il vi.' at !iUiih ♦ i.r • in- Vv" » ".t ?•.. :» u . ■ i hev nufbnnd. l)« n Mr Hren- leaflet* three, let It he." Vlirliipnn Slalr Vr»« s'udent* Michigan, l^mstng Write AI Checca AM E 41 kh.-ueo one and a hail hatlu. gar¬ age full basement near Okemos n:rg Jamet and Fittruehe. a'l Another common sense pie- 3*1 Student Services high *rt»«oi Available June 13 Call for high officials, is under »:u * *..ii s,;aali«*n. ' I a. i D^e Owner. ED 2-4»k*3 .15 FAST I.ANSI NO (NEAR' Be* fc.idnig enthusiast* < aution recommended by : ie' The student* of Michicait Sisfe TWO MARRIED MEN for full- iful conteniporarv Uiree-b«.1r. by some members r»f the Nation¬ who> of a mmixter is t > :>*• iieatth department :* to a'ways fmwri'h cuhllsn .tli* Michigan tint# or partttme empi«>>"m*nt m di¬ tv.i»-hath ranch. Manv extra* f-n#- AT>. lt-urn . a sc'entifle off err Stat* News without direct lacliltv rect *.»!e- Vtu*t have car Tremend¬ EAST LANSING IDEAL Iota- al Assembly, but they have te ' a gii-vi shepherd seeking ovii hu wash exp*»sed parts of the body ttnn for MSU tacult' and Staff and-a-hglf years old Naar scnooh witp the royal aircraft e«Ub- .-:u*rv l*iun and the oaper i« not ous financial return for Vour time two-bedroom duplex tiar- slu>i*ping Bv owner. ED 1-1442 ** it premature to ta'.x public)v flwk th# otnrtat velc# «-f th# »mlver«tt.v I .intact < A Porte at IV 0-6143 be¬ smsciou* h hmehi. hold* nearly all of thoroughly w.ien you return FD 5-437.' 35 about it- In gdciuion " ■ ftneet.ng with Br.ta.n's women's gliding m- from a wood* trip, f>: of the vtudeiit body. Member of the Antedated l're*«. Intand lladv tween 4-6 p.m to arionge interview age CHOICE ITERIDENTIAL BUILD¬ Rev. Gardner for personal w*n» ING lot. SouUi East corner of Smdrr One party behind the move Use a strong soap and leave I'mss and As*ocla(*t b«- i; . arcuunt. year. □LI ID JUO SOCK3 Soltbelk end 9esekells THREE DOOM FURNISHER they owned considerable prop¬ 11 I 1 TDHOLI. K 1HR (WiHes) — - apartment tor summer term. 919 in- .xai« L J. rollc, flo:iculiuriat at Gu><.p and rumor-mongertng 1249 erty in Korea and abroad. » utie* utilitle* Three mltea to esm- MSI* Is more devastating than aboard aiJtJT unn nvu. ED T-lAjb, 35 •edmialea Sets—$2.49 .■» ,, . Plant «-|ua.ny i* ex'.reme'v of termite*. Cart. Norman juuju auijakjt no WMe Tennis Oiferds J. 9? e-a $3.t9 * ♦'AHTMENT FOR THREE male □aaaaiiuu utiLia . phone TV tmj*»»rtan' Ch»v>*e g.K*d plan:.* Nch'.Cigh. director of training. P»o Ge*ds SS.99 «*vdrnt* available for eummer term TllglHlT'ljfiiigf Term pa- from reputable *ource* A'.vo get Halt-more police department, anu.i *on IIXHD WMe Gym Skees -|* 4| P*:vate teleohone. all uURRm na«d i aM mmm. JSm ehmvp! t>9*t INFORMATION plants of gv> .1 sire and matur¬ ity. t nual \1 niember* of the Sixth An¬ National Institute On Po- 3DHA LGJ I'lOJ Sleeg«n« lefi— $6 9« wa. 42« Evergreen ED 2-33M EAST I-ANP1NG — ENJOY life tn tf lee Fpetui Aolut'OO of VillrrRy't Puttlp Eeldinf Aluminum Celt (Censes Net a n.^dern. tworoom. furnished aosrt- anil u''-' This will make your garden lke-Community Relations at a Pest«)—Se went tun opposite camnu* Utiltttea except electricity. Ideal for aingla TV sets and gabaMs. 7 ree tub# WESLEY FOUNDATION attractive earlier and you avoid dinner Monday night at Kellogg 10 Trouble Stocinnf Feet Wedcrs J? 14 favultv person or marrted couple. ? am., Wesley House. munlon Break fa>t. Oftm* wasting that time with died after "tww year* of. a -switch- Center, The telling of half-truths* 11 Also U Ahead Air Ferce Rubber CeRepsibf* ft«bbtr leets -2 f- •• $44 L »7*. ED 2-1088 EAST LANSING IDEAL 37 for Kaaw-1 8:30 p.m., Wesley lb»oe struggling. Tolle sjv- and the spreading of rumors -and^ fa-i-ultv tJ*» beautiful .mr- SPARTAN WLTILITH1NG AV» II Mother Cberceel--S. lb 19.- »C J? in tvptng sanies Every copy on en* Gradual* Forum The shape of rounding* in a deluxe, air condition- the plant is im- gn**ip are the most persistent • 'iwefb Btnak Mrs. I 2ft Ca«t side¬ ed rrodern apartment. One half WATtR CARWVAI. |K»rtant n it* placement. In obstacles ami stumbling b'.dck* CAerceel Gulls—*9 p. tlcck from Union. Parking Utilities long glan.es Jt lM.EH LOMMITTI »- f«c% Toll a advises planning the to the profej»'.ona!aation of law E eit'c A« except electricity. 9113 ED 2-9899 37 , 22 Machine tor Mattresses -I. SS .Fuii 7 p.m., 41 Union garden in such a way that you enfovrement ant oilier import¬ shaping •OOMS tenn paper* § I rani i«u < • hPARTAN WOMEN'S I.EAHI K choose a plant for the location ant fields of public endeavor sonahie rates Kar Ci«na' 23. Let it 1 land Adult LJ« Vests. Cee.st Guard eg- location IdM' 4 p,m., 338 Ctudent Services. rather than a f >r a and responsibility .'* Schieigh 23. Covered proved—$4.99 rmutLMVPi: Executive Board. plant said, «:th cheap f»shi"9 Tackle by Shuieu t Zebce. Make life ekiier Fall term! — WANTED 7 p.m., Ma n lounge Student ornament* 74. Ceme .n MitcbtR, Discounted . Just pay for your room — Eat Services. Hedge Program, 2? Pomss.ve Di»'«| UnjS— ii»») Aa-s wherever you wan:! — Reserve wear hee!« adjective 3 » f 5 row! DAIRY CLtR Juna n£fe : cc...fcChT Be xA\£v 29 Inclined Diving E«»s. Snorkels Wfifkb. Mesks. Free TV & Phone 1 homas 7:30 p.m.. 123 Anthony Ha.'.. walk D;scew<*t«d. " speaker; refreshment*. 99 Sphere Double* >6.50 wk. THRU MrX To"*,I» tmm. Adit* Atkiebc White Super Seeks— AG ECON CLtR 32 News campus summer frsp. IV I SPARTA* HALL 33 Former — TOO pm.. 31 Ag Hal! President Rice-She* Mats- ) '( « 6 h $ 213 Loui* Street "Wanted - mbts hike » _ SIDELIGHTS COMMITTI >' ♦ eOent condition. WI0 pay "P *•> r 33 Maledic¬ le-n-ude Skorts by D-ck«e for men— ED 2-2373, 2374 fit TIT mi FOR WATER CARNIVAL tions $ » ,t ED 3-l» - 7 pzm., open dance. 8:13 pm, gathering 49. Upper Lrnb * MM MINOLTA CAMERA - iroro Berkey. Private entrance, bath, J_P n. closed meeting, WIM Bldg fwol piano shutter, avnrhed. Tt19 pi.one, parking. ED I4HR 34 ,iaudb> count wrrum RIFLE ail 46. Man's name lens with Leica threads. 949. Kodac . hlldtoa MM litoAlna*' - ' 47. Obstinate Pony Oft, $13 Both under guarantee. BOOM. EXCELLENT FOOD, "echo- C*> I* "" 3 , 6:30 pan.. Rifle Range, Dcm 46. Aperture ia Weston meter, tit. Old Geesnan \-to- larehtp. fellowship, good location — . Halt lin. good condition, beet offer ID ><0 all for it38 a term. Call or yi*lt How- a needle VETS WITRS ASSN. 31. A brother r.n Ml H Cherry Lane M land House. 3a Ann. hind Lueon TTiaater ED S-9M1 one block be¬ 34 . I CAMPUS CUUSlllEDS ( I pm. Spartan Village Hall, * afOdiu THREE RUMMER FOR MALA ... MM* COST. encktail dress, and summer neddsng APPROVED ROOMS FOR imOKD SPARTANS drees. Good i mriition Very is sen n ctoae bt. for summer and faU. ED . . . HIGH KXAOBXSHir u • •Me. ED T-ftC7. 34 m BUY . . SBLL . . • SOT , f pm. . ^ " Scientist Sees U. S. Dairy Priiieen* To lit' Selected First With Man in Orbit Final preparation* have been made for the 1900 Michigan Dairy Prince** selection to be held a: Kellogg Center tort a v and Wednesday Thirty-nine young Indies will vie fur 'he Dairy Princes* title Etch girl i* :» representative i.f Franklin !<:.• tun- t the dairy lnrlu*tr> for 'he coun¬ tar.'um -,n I "hat ty which sponsor* her The win¬ aucce -. in ' i.in hing ner will tie eligible m compel- in the national 'American Danv "The mrdli ie judges wiii he Dr. Ma: •>n Niederpreum. home re mimics department, Geneviev- .V'en of 'he D.i v Council -.f I'lillll I'lltliologi-t D> "ro t and Hi: -lit Filrtey. .1 Causing S'-i e .luutn.r I n S|H'iik Tonight ,i rir.p..• •holooy ;,t L'rivv isi'.v ,AEG*?W will rptak tonight .it D>. \' Kmc I a iehty, H' soci.it .1 S» en.-e IS prr.fr-s-or of F.iiy'i • h ,i! MSI There are If different sport* \ "D.-'syntbe-- t" k offu. tins month .i pre-; which ran he plaved in the In¬ Antibint c. Chloraiu* imehov pent of tn» Mirhia.-in Council « tramural hiiihl'.ns this sprint li.itirlh.ill. paidleiiall. «i|ii.»sh hold the position during the swimming, badminton, voile* - liMHMil M'houl veil hall, basketball, table tennis. ''' * Z atftt »S«* . . ml . vj-nf '•*■ — >11 III NTS AVI) r.UTLTV or, v.ii ,irkr|. grant with man* other eollege* and universities in front of Kresges Tursrln in roninnrtion throughout the North. Mate News Fhnln by Tom May 20 Greek Olympics ni from Greek Week Some of the slogans Water Carnival, ant the MSU assistant professor .of poultry which A Ha hI I science, accompanied the club wetf wont by students were »v*if , on the trip. "Segregation i* Un-American." E " h V.Vd-.e i..\ i ,-»hi at f» If) • Join or lead today." "Fight seg¬ over WILS !'•* File. liuustoti regation," "Kresge's National Trxa*. soph, and Handy Hip- Policy is Un-American." and plcr. Detroit #r.. in.orview per¬ "We can cat here, why can't sonal t:e« fruu \aruv-. campus they cat there. organization*. H R«t Tuesday *a» National P.cket On * nights show Gig; Cam- M'-h*': Da v. because t was on May 17, mond. Dearborn jr., w '1 discuss lfl.»4, that the rul.ng of >eg.e- • G.c k evens f.-r triis week gation ,n schools was passed by end. the Supreme Court Arnte Ruber's New York jr., and Matt Surrell, New bci rv sr. ;I be on to talk about Water . CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . Carnival BUY . . . SELt RENT Representing the MSU Activi¬ "l\ * WAGES iFhi Gamma Delta'-) present a "Lucky - coed with ties Hand Concert will be Mary >111 irrvn and a pmclamati— commanding hey In attend the an- QUICK RESULTS fiaselschwerdt, Iforton aophi ul tgi Island Dance Tuesday, state News Fhnln by Jim Bnttnn. IttLO* Stoker Campus Clauifieds . . . lliuh Readership Your Kejr to Erttrr Values ... Campus Classifieds ... Low Cost Upir« SpkuI lit • tub* t B'» "v W LAST DAY FOR THE SOUNDS ORDERING YOUR OF MUSIC CAPS, GOWNS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS FRIDAY, MAY 20 Union Book Store. Tiiot r •j*r" v aioAs 0|i|« SI'pa \4Ui 41O jonJ y2uiii«i JS1V13 1690 KIDIIJ'VX KUA II' djoifjeiu |U|jBiunje| _iA sniuiuaj \ip0I.A Oiumou^ litoii ^10( 1^1'. sdoiis onipooj io vibmi« ajs H°S1 lo j ,« i«« ji|,Bi iupnpas \$ iupooJ' jjoui juq|» juuJjuJ ;u jwiiu \a|u jo. wiy ojjjj « AUJjajA oj '»doM»* jouujh Ks)"4 y »|djoi.uijuo>| gUu4)uu yaAaufra Mlflf gaaj^s ?tMLjU |{lJS onuiuioj us dujj oj ;qa jrtUl- jauius ;o u.i.aw;|!uM uojo jqjs nj;jJU>M< si'.ijo' ^aa^4s Qajotil sbttesq eup jrtsl uuq;i|t[1( ;,ta di.oSi.??iU aousts;s oj oaoj {'.i x-.ipa joj ;auuts n.ai3q; \ipj3 d'uuu q.ujAOJ'ijt'A.s qK'i3qn|| \o | yjrtu j;isuaJ Mar**.u ||- KSH joj )q3 s33uup !!1n eup gujtijpeX ej j'Auusjou oujonuiaJ eup peX — wm iupuoj sUoi-is q'«;q cxaqajX" ;•;ua^s .;,;jaxaxu !'.;pin' iqji iijiajuoou ni iqj'A m iuf> 10 y-;< Qtta ; . ;qa J».|e;|\.a nuquixn.- yaieus bjj u;io BAep- w.jH |uq3 U|nj3 ni oip j,0||3ai 1.1' n ..a>;;{uc yoijou H e» uxNeut/ap UPI ||«»amr« r- nap I" »'!r;p»n(j* \U jedl* »qji ionsou' 111 3u(j o; ;qa iuejaq SJ'f 1 ae3as 9;ija u.a vApq (tes;iu3 tu iqiaa oj ;qava • »ttl> 10 t-tl I<•»a;f«:i maruou 10-ift paat)|).p ;o axdaiv- 1|tIJ|UlS «1 f:50 lt'Ul• tu• j(joqea qe> !'IIMjljll► pjiAiufJ ua;» eup u p;j; ;;-niJ sxuyq )iaimu II- £ ||U3*pn\' tqo SdnJJtus i|ulid3>| tqo JJiwq »l S" ,' ts J J-'P ri• i-ti'R; 10 I fI l« oua o:..:e.,:-.jp V( >UI> )qiu sii3q3)j joiuqjuu'I eup w.pj jadieat nup I aoauq|ue;i"it v|h.(>jA S|uq-s U"- bjj »t )ju• gaup' ;q- ^-spjiqep jjct.tta juj ;.raj• )4n) uj p>h«j® ;qjJJ \i»p sDitatpaiu \o f yosaa U'iBJuqoaj )raf- (o lqjoo juui nup jja3 qpi L ijdijV. w.pq tqout y>'U qo|>( |(iiuiu nup sjnpduqs jeup- uiu i. qtaq is oIk u ;»< ,!'■ \\nit *ou !$•»! »M»> IV »!•;< '\o|ju e ut«;aq ip» junj|®* || *ujiqru p"|tuiuup® ; {fe;njpeX 'u VII I hvaiMsuis |-.t tu|j eup )%ar®ui| qp|3Ji iqiuiutop 0111 tqojj ijj3ii|ui) imuiqjj oj q!|i iu i' uidja tu lM-qu|J I you vj*vai|l jaliqo.J \o ;« c ®M|XU|ua 1mn«|* ;{tj joeaq 1-tu• J(eiua ps ioniqsjU j on j »a«!uh jjoui lartna juu • UJ- joniupua nuuutax ;qa »!!•> 10 9-14 sqioo junua ru faj «qt||U> J|uq* eup IH-C( 1-ip mp® JUJ lMM|||)«U ' - ' nt;q ^el(ajs;a;u NiUuti ' - • you vi«.sa'«i| aiiun.' 15' dy® ujpaj )u qujsa >qua >i»f*«>| °J .«o |jvui* |it ||auat qarittU IV"I' >xq juj vjaqaji' y you lt aouiqii(■•- \u* jjautv-s'tlM.Upatu tqo jusq• 'l'ifq ';qa jfj|% j|\aj juj jvuuaqti )qa |aiUia nupajMVA eup i sa) >:|ii|« yipps ;quilaJ l|tl> 10 $•£< 01|| oj iqa qnj JODJ auiudN l'lr fi tpo won jqjw. u pjuddop :t ;qjaa-sal uow. Visq qni ;-> ;qci K; iaru qunrui jjbnu|® ;q|® .mmu JJtsq ponqjas IHH.UIJ'S 3HJJ3U1|A 111 IU'I y oajiuS •» eveiiu'qja J" iqu 't SlttlO !'1 |U3|np!ua tuo lijtJ II( AjJIOJjJI' qa )iijuap fu MJtsutt vy oujiqry juh;jj® | l.fiuax-kiUHIM 11|' >iu;3j3U33 lU liqiu. ni j j_..a IIV' 'U!> «ati 'LU ta lun |u qfiu qA '|nua jq.<«|( »^l,1 X>< t poH|t{a> ;atuis' yy B;q|ajta jvasqua- uxa* |.|rsauquaj \o ; ||o|aqt|®® • Sojj ;auuts stu»;»s ;i'nuieiiiauj ;o 3o \At;q qis jjfjtr- ; , A;itpau;> axaalp qu\A|iu>• i axdaa;ap 13110U' -\ j;JM,IIIOIIA yH.!IM|K iuniuinju qin d0|!JA UJ «li|!l 111> lU V-l« |« I OJ uiau tup ){)W,• eup »®artuu IC-9( puqu qipx |ui3upi n pj uq.o qa qajp ^;asaw|| jonjq m.j sftel ufZ eit'I >.fu>»atu2' qtJ saesou pno •«; >®or- . *ero X« C 6ia®at||*sedaa®|a|U |i3 )iu |u v|| oj tq* INIU.3UUJ3JI s;tipau;s eus ;qa jqeiudiousqit.s ni yaujX tu |q* qnjqua jqoju |iua 1> ya{;iu3 aaja- lu • • euuttrp | fI »|||> f xqa jtJ^i ®oU aaipn ;oiuojjon .s a*I ■ jqnui.I I" 1<> ;oj S|3K.)3q! iy«A ru ptAtsi-'U' xqa qua-nd \\ u vi-p" f.'pj iqa auf uj quH||U> 'LU ;t;e;a aiiuu |qis iottmU' ;otti uBim-uj n.pj i«; ;qa ^;v.qtaeu ..r\ ||tiupM.Rd aau|® tu qutij .u\ cqua aruuafuX '.«• qwy ta«|U«| |up|*ue sw|njp 11 MIH ' n». Uje oa tpo uU VAtiq c (k.s; nip ;! xajuiuB i yy ;u ;qa n.jasijtu'I ;qjaa v<;n- SI"IS »uP SV'II' 1 iqa it ja|t aup® j fDt'jX ;u ;qa {e;;aj' pu||fJ uu xqa impihi mid'»»ru r«J1 KP.""1' pt t iu jta(pqott>». M««' e; faut»- joj uiua qa|a< a. njs nqoip 3bnu| |u J3J1" |,»t SBipouus nup x>iui y;|3'A .». lit ^qa sdej;eu fttpo ajuq ojfSWU• jottxsoiua qojas e; eil ;jtuas «N ii vy ; .j V^I||I QOp^DJS snJtujqis qnAjua tq3 qpnua W|a3' \\,ltp3 jnjjil.ul.qi' oj \\.qau sqptua ;qa oqfaj.'va j.jij je»; ;eiq aqiuexas tu

* NiXKUilOU '—a•- JJtMU tUJU — oj jy ou;i;eup- l|t3 SBU13 llUJ fI( ulfqj' y;{ uifAaujttX B|qja,ia j>inii«- u; qa js ;o ;qa j-^ oj )',m—oua jfatjas VNJH'JK 4i)i«qnJ3M M JIP I'OS *aa»»up-d|eaa lM- aexuap iqa nup tqjij iu■ u.qo qeAa jua lK.odja jucqaqio 1|UJ|3JS J"J !!»• 'slinJ|»us ,)qv t# e xa>.xar i'!ou«;-;\da u.'au; (m« aqaftap »q;a»; iqa i.qiaeau >.*•!<» II• {oua>s; eup un)«|n»ap qeiaqvy.s ou aeuidttv l«jt eu« ouq. xabit'.v. SM'P " oua |um jaa» pd tir|in| 'I puoj m|U| qui3' |u mS"oii|j!».|P' I'uiuuiuuqi )'500(' iI'••"'.. "u ax;K.u>:\J utifiUiuawq p:» qiftu3 eJ.u»3Jt )."JOAuaqt )'liO !UjouuejtoU i9( fi J"Mq' "• q» m ts i.a|aeva )«viita« OJ iu ptutaa uj |o«|ul' ) 519( OJ H!|3A • lW' iqa auijaj {H3j joJ nup sHipouns |.lt)|piuI u||| qa m ;qa tuijeiunae( lijofijou iutuutaj LJ4'V R| tui «tqaa ||iua |ipt ) 5'IH( |U u.aqi' miuu ou ;qa tisttej qrapap iqvu uu; i»-i m d;iu x joj ajnq |; aupap »u » "J ;qa \». » e; ;qa VJ||A||X JXMUl |o « iu• uiva qa "qjemap ) tlit "J f' ).)pjqjua \\.t|| qA 3!1)|3J lfoq -V|0U31(1« auaqap qiut jqfavto M * tod |3j|- tup 2U8I ;M«X; qn; tu »m»- %a«a* svinjprt "J OiJtJJX- ;qauia nuupri iqjuntq r» 'jjtJ ax» i.|a»U"'• q..ei!i-eupf|oM.at.s l.auia |uj|np,ut !i mj;P |«a || q||%- i,ou|!" »*otS<" 0|t uidias' jjiiui | )u 9 d ui* uu sniM|-»\ tup ).onuIjj-cjjiMi- qp;aiu>.'s qoiua anu ijruqs. aisql VISif *ju qj ssoqnitJ )is istq A|3toU. |U j i auuu.i ii•"' y\.ep«nia tu ;qa qnpptuN ;•« iqa triua f.afaup nau| |U|>i i;r;j eta y/1/nirii/.s jeanyX eup jju. jjjsq |op:iAp ey <;ttpau»s n>ifoi. /r.>/oiffr ytAt I ;qa I yttvzta< *MM * ivn acauap anu tAajcta• ^qiaounu ; i qeup- stsja |utA3|S qi ;nnpiiint' sttaq sdo:.;« bs SMtmum.ff• qnj|ap iqa |ti| iuutus ou 4.upuA' jjo\ j raa qep- i(>x{Sajs, \,M.a |4jj-stpau; tqo lfupaojs ou snmutuA VIS1 . ' ;auuts' Miuu. lian|U11 depp|j|«eji• iniipj qeu' [(UU, dIJtjw i {MtJ\S juj iqa i y/M/// 7>/V/ iueue3»,M euumtu'.Mj )<)Kiaac| hp|i « ponq|3q3U)|AJ utU!|U«l V.0Jm«j>;< jjs |jia |h sahsou .oua ;tutn IJ*NM9 »M"J lM» EH-Xotj-o|p J|ll|4 \Rai;|A i't 3A*us)ou' qatp ;qa »au:oj asjany ., n.-jur, yje\.a> j|e;qnsq qtip jaeaqap sqi. qaxo oj SAW AOUN fq—vjerox i'ae- ia;h jfrutmu ou t|i!l..s hij uit qe ;jy quuiajK yeu jjeuusao aup o; ;qa jtua n;;q ;qa ■ )(U|'a MtefMS- U jo:. n.-jq qa|p ioUftm S ta qoiua litu duHittAq- tf|S a|Uq m||| qa h qouiJ nup v* !upiipiul. PM Zb au; ua*; * r» jq;;»qnj2q exa »y»J )|ia ]};lj iii smisuu >.|usi,s- tup ..jUJiyo qts qaau St\.au q- aau; paajtua *» t r» »• tqa J|Hq mioui IU S4*J■ t [y daa r vqov.s oj i^iuul tup ».|m m« nuiAijsitx .uojx JUJ U|| MMtt|UU« il.uAs i tjq ;o||un,».p qX i'ptttt *®ip - nuaoupt;?ouei Ja|awsa'M IIIDH ri KU l foqu i|NMtr» jru sivptniu U 1,1.asi 1. . jj.uu {j(;v su yss>«ate;ap zi udtaaa a*dJ VMM j|fnjj® u \At;q jqtjtpaidq avupiprta jua eit• q tu uut«|fup|U> .tao a jtuatuupt yaps <. au pi®d|rx yy yiuauaeu >iix\.aA ptst.iovap xqa )»|tjpS ,.|,AJ qaau qajjuXap ,jqaX ;»>; OlAMdM ta««u »qa |.«ldP,Sn»M 3BiipipBia juaup xod tu jijo• axaatp ;qd x.an. yu2a|a» nopSaxs eup jqtae- aiit|« po ;qit m.bX/, *tip pfpu.l qftx.a ;o )DfHION j-ae^tta qftqaa iqtu fUA 1VSSA ||a qrs |o«dop u ? 10 d'3JSUl|' ;jeptuS jef qaqtup jqatJ A M Atuftaas exa jttq» exa 3>» t qp;aJ 4.nui|o qutq fupuuav tap utqaa qniueu ,r«; ;qua Xaex.s ;olB}: ;u ;qa ;unsajd i j (es; saeutu• y qep|X»dnuap 9000S ontpuuas SMWUN9 CU8 ;qa jb M>» ;aeptuJ jninjo ou ;qa .jqa ^K;tou>l i'atJna ,jqa \euqaay' tt»q; aey f>aJ-oj-\3BJ msi OJ di;%SK qauj'.q" JJf/fV )PM. JJJJI/IJJ// MWfjX ! t;eipap t tqaep oj ies; vaej t> di M' ;qa yxuauaeu n.qtaq eta • AI\I: SIC )ON ii oj jeu3a JJO'u z joj : «*» o;qaj pa;iat;* qjViU ^HIVd | OJ ii u a»fj {e;aj ,jqa t92Ja2*i;a yetfil ieip \ab)\>.j* q*tp dM!iep»l^ 4IIOV.1 lA MMV qa uo io ZM *-tiW ilSnjap jo o; ;qa : frtawtU «.t« io ;oj uaAojtup ;q» aupm ;q«u n.tis qf| tU ytijjtuiOJa l" AOHM »rfW — t« u ja.i -(;.e eifjap ou ;qa qtN on;;tAlP».j• uavA 3.nq nu: 16^6 ju qt* jttu ycq juaup tu ;jvpap ij* qoutu itaijiiauiBuaas so jpx ;qa stuta unuiq»ij oj Stiuas q.qtaq iuota jucu v ppautttAa Jalci'taa- yn; uo pnq tu jtjqaj ;qa \r- ]f r .a..- ; jaooAJjap llf»M •» qa st.auuu9|X qe> llfVif «up jo;tAil« »» a»- »«< |\.r tji"-J E uoucj aou;t.'i'j tuaul ;qa 3os«(U vinstaj yoaq'A u.qau )H.Seu• SI tin IU 8C ,TIB j udt joJ « ion^I *tnr ytautp o; jua ).iov.ajtup oivaw3« djtXap iu ;uoj\;q joj ||rut.X ptututX y;jqon»q ;qaC.v.a jes; on;yaipaj ts yddtjauuX ;q».X lfm iqa \.a;a4BU >-.rx>inaU« w.eu;ap_ qtiu* utttus; ;qa aeap.- t ejs iuriJ{5 I ma |OH*• a qa ;qa dirXaxs ;o jqa vipn tnfti ;q• jupteuv M.ty 16S9 qX jjoui ;qu uieu vv.tjq tuqauiap ;qo;a\«a<; ftxuat' {\nauu• sqtap en.uX qu>u fu qtAjuS qts qasi Xaej siuao' ;o w.e;».q M.qau ;ria qttaqen aouu.- oj tu *)j oj eptua jatJ eup qts srpejX ;;ta «riiiiiiHmmiiuuiitrutrimiiuimitiiitimiimi!riiniit!tMii!iiiniSiiiiiiitiiiiir >4nqt n.qau Qoit n.«i ';aepXp w.qau qa dte'Aap | pAdruioal 26£ •!! •» uujfuurq ;qa J^qps jatprA MC5 ;qaut qX qt'-1 «; ;qa \.arj irtrjais'exa u> sriuav tup q'Hiap oJ uioja tijj Xa-ti. iSO'Ooo t|M«p4 q«t astaqap VOlA SHOtt.t'\.J' ;M.au xaiHta;».p so q», t iT;n»i oaa- $10• qeupap oni u».x» ;-ti{ n>. tap ;qa ytuaatatu qaeSna XMX' ajo*p r yvAesj stip jnjtuo q-tp 1 j»iq« lia 000 jttaup tup ytajKBII qatp «.t n»mw 10 eup ;qa |c»hj2«.u. p xnqiat .1.uqaj ( AVISI1A aOlAl-iN apiaxap e djtaa M'.q jqw; V ». ij »u jTsx M.qtac l«» M Aoiuoqta^ |2 |M ||M nes itsuap nudja.-i'\»« #,j jnu> M|4 aqtq qt >qa yeaijia xqa uav. at'ojaejj pjo\a tu | ^ .JUUBU• ?; n« t|M m« ti ilfi P rap 0HIA1IA S3IAI01 Ot»f ^auana' qajoja ;qa j-.nqs IU i^a UJ*» ;qjaa saesous' • \ittMettfjw\ ytoqia ysqqnxu Xp •/ tup oj ;qa i , ;jcpav jejja[[ u.bb oua 1H3SX0MA 0J1H3 vAotpp qcAS iatuvtuap ?u;«a;' OUV.-3BULd MJiaa' a:aj«eii qt;i>-p sni' -cr: erip 4.aeufs ,jqoiufv oj ;qo T.qt- l«9o on)dn; jo pt;a . ;t. *3 ZYH »qi* jaqaxajs on;«;pupiu»J I fO V K atafi °j i«q»• mm v nui u ym eup V1T*3ON0D3WN9 iu ma »pto jtq»' na p:ddap| H f5U ut lt'SOd'K sq>ut.s jqu.a qoiUAJ's' B 10-1 lUtJtJ- epajdqn- gp nttq.A - j jtitA'u• r jqa: ?t <|iAl> cjg qvjuu3 tAaueSo b;- ;qa jo|{)uv.iu3 jbuiUj ;PH. I fO VVI euI U»n* d«uv• nONOJ MOVH " fl - VI son.'-' tt; qpj SIM - V l.- aoAiivo ubM' iaa ;«H itun.i i«au; ;qry - \ oaaw i-.t «.b'> m)m< smota ma [fv; "aabj ma jq!).B2o sox tup »«j io mu s»ju>*aupiaurj ttpafiuap \uMne[- ;qa iu;oju«;tou?«i '-."U• yxuM mhv«afjxaao oj Qtijtiuoja 00|!®tM 'UiBmA jV vjj .c>i s).*sou qA ;nqaunn- q«s qaj | j.pupsau jiSqj-qBupoj ;OJ :.i# 10 fap tqa \tjtout| u »j;jitfit;ap iu e;i ».x- n.pq ;w.o xjpojfAt aup jon;ap ma 1.ajaup Hqu fov s q»i I .!.« -U I«MI>:3 OM dIZZV I.VM.JI3S ,f I SI.H.TVI' lartna iu viai afa• M ftq {U ».ad; ow vipvABitna^ Setua qa t» H» |tt» dMtnstiiw soipaci djBao lcMpt' ii «f>t iutaq rs8 *nO :t H\l* HJF tf nru dap tu t« JtppaC^ M qHJ^ sdwmvN nmas I#Sp• | .iiiunt i p Mliq . qi» jatSna as; «ji>-J iqjaa ..,;e ;r-\at qp «a«%ou iqm iatx' quMwaa' ti -t w |oi iq» ' ,jqo Hop■ qa t jaqumtpap dMnftuj|Cv b ]tja;tsua BAojwSa oJ TUO' dooi tavfous' tjtAi q»A• r;y tA-u SXVMXS aaxtxp tup t« avjuap «up * fu> • |*| nia ftvitottvi i'aeSna TIPS 2« M*J* ysqqnju' mooN^ l M UI *I jtpop »«JJ |«»j.ruS q.ul {u iecg' I oqiu H«4M JtJ 3|M«|Mp ](:»ont I xfinupeX VlipilflRU tfil 3* |{Rsa|(C|] QHiiaut ^udlmjj j»' foquf tup iun*l ^JVK W.I • HIP* sa r-rtit !u TVIouofroM M®lm IUI ,• IA SCZC8 HiWW a K * \r r- HwdJMOUiejTAW OJ m» II iut• DHIOVOO >f4<—Kr(oa tfil p«gB|l*tX pnqt iua; uioja m*U :ju e jod iav.aj |o«Sno «| Svra pnq o\aujjs* u mmmaftum 9«mp 1 mina NMB'"IX>M3 *vwt.r 'foJ o'"-" iu V'h* uasNmvNaim ,jnatpvX *cau nueuiut- /!\.a quniv iu ma wpnstAa Qt|a• tatsiou' iwi"' ive; onj igj nX|t»u on* snddoy m 3»fuiuit*stouaj X3M»uau eup dqo;o- nto Dl«q' :| MUSSOaN• )wsop ;q» lM tup *.ou co »»1UW lU qu«i|fu* qvuuap jOU( U)Vti djrtuuap ?j'ioqi.*js ■ ;«; iuvpt |l;t dOOJWl »t»-ti 1pwu 1WT « «»« f°Mu o«:qja«iq tiiianvHM lAqn;;*i io !cjoinixap jop>cJ»I X»t- xqjja o*W-»• U<|>| tup a*:« SO» m» n«-iik 11* *M1|. dM»l ».|tT|J 3oAduu» S">i«n»«u ;qu frtu»qnj*q ailtm' al S JO3;ttW» *IJIOJA I»1 nmu i)9*i IH ..I,3>io" oj iqa onq< tup .jqa uejrJA aj JUO(S.r saqap> tup kt;* **i *ou 1KJU |lH • vautta \oJH njap «iri;auvaut qajojA 1990' IKn »« .V.»l °11H* H"t X!« ljnnjI.• j !vqappap e qo;o| snyo• I««t rep *.!,ti U*t*: tu J« «« OipotW xqnotpeA ?u \\kt<;i]Q>m( im uo; ts *dofjuw^ 0«|qiA«m* ep.'uV t| tlitt j iaihviuff H».« t-0 ,«U |U lM' *»!P AMV.s *;ttantow il• iu«u* j I *nvojt if-, ^9 l99» KVX « |it3|tip)a( ■ djj«a.t;ap qrn!oq«|js douifoo ou j JTAJJ UMUpj JAJUI- ({>• V JAJ.' t.c I • MI V—vai l'lK •• SVX- mttiiuojj |j«i iuomp i |jon?jou* h* «tp n* n«o *ajtnAOl qm* «:tt ap c dukMcifV( q*A tup X'U■ d[«,J SXVMLK X a"K J<:VU.«3 VX l:'M • iqaX doiyn|un •) 9U1 \o qjiuS jay jjptnAM )lt-.jauu( DMuiit' qo*aA»J' ' ft;tAjJV i QIIM iMpih VlH.t X 3XX3MXVIXWM.X • qesoq«|| dOUfA oupaj cumjnvi «ionjp u«i iucqa sda3{j;a joui- JW tjfus oj nvx.9 *qow.u „y nisoJtiU}u*- ;uau; e; lfps ;tuia qastora e<* „\iT^:rKT<* nudjcpr oj iuojj ,SUB nft ?-NIffHSst- tup wqsojniajX u.ontP uoi qa jtta io JJ^M "*■ jxoxu ouo p^:»»;u«n« q...- 5KC l\ OAM xaw. HHtatOV Ni-fSOUt t** a»K< .UfHJA 0; * ! fi H»q S«t« o, A> l'I•• ftll VMIA30 mlams 9H3P0UA d33H 30 snsvu HVXMVHO 30 VI NROH.. ltlvm' lM■■— H1 IMIIIMU MfU 'm - ;lK " I H • t oo • C'M i muh MM t«l '—l'I • • • i j h «xvimv.); unovA rv /. T".L*l SXVHlvJ SVXI.HI.VA ,/ ®»M tpW" I" H™r iH .|:taa||au| — ««•*• .»«mi M%pKM* iqwt"'• IHlUUIM «« lM. SOWXJHSMil Aituua HI I —ri"»n9n .jinitomi pu |IM1I|\« ttOJB I iu uiw* •»! > »||!«M|^R W3|tH I XOIZK ;srpqag.fjrnatwoBw.juw IH O• liof ®IUI IO o xnit:At:s.. ll -sgAax J*«I«* t® 1 Auqnua tJIMI'. fo fjarLOM p oM.rjp patdq llftfnmog. -ajjniat' r.: on• a riMitti —zwumj' dtl ■ «.**■ t'it • n« * tm - tiK • \ • w •-V • " ' ' '' .lorduii itlinHCM. Too ■■' Michigan, Illini Track Favorites ■ ■■■ • Robinson in Hot Water • BIG 10 TRACK STARS For Missing Match Two Team "51!BT(wrnTB!nr" Mir 18. 1969 iithn HrhiifWo Page Five HAI/NMOflF

—Wplterweifrht Champion lH»n .lonl.ni got a bloody-none and his second straight non-title liekinjr by insisting' on fisrhtinj? in Ualtimore last ntpht while Susrar Battle Seen IM Schedule Rav Robinson is in hot water for not. .lord.in was outboxed and i>ot- Mirinvii. wa- postponed. »is punched by Camh McKartar.il ' fir L. I*. /AM/OK IM ► lelrt Of prospective act.on by (he ^ n'"in-ti»le l0-r*»undrr >.». hii«- t-lniiiinn, I r» Knnn«n* l Maryland Athletic C'ommissioti. '' I mmnn* 2 x% I I Rohtn.*on offical* *ay - di'b Michigan ami Illinois, perennial Biff 10 track powers, fiy- mmnn, Charle- Ro.-en bail ii — , I.a.rr.ui 1- t'mmon* S r« I n»m«m, l n't ever, te'! anvone he a.i-m !T»- to battle it out ajrain for top honors in the league ehnni;v» 4—Knmiw1 « *«. Km men* * i.d -ii-pchd htm I can. But if 5— K*th»r t v%. Kith*r I ao.ng •..« show up for h. Hi- •.here * .. demand for return <•' ion-hips at Ralph Yminjr Field Friday and Saturday, May m—Calhrr 3 Vv Rjlhcr I i— nalhcr i v*. H»t»i*r 7 i..or..: C"«fe.iture with l*« »A•• • ■ .or.ey by the fan?. I don't know 20-JI. * -lt*lh*f Rutin * Gonzales of Rsnkht. f'.i S t*. HI have to a*k the attnrne. »—E. *haw 4 v* 4 3haw \ The Marvlar.d Athletic Co" The Wolverines took the 1900 indoor title with IJHnois « in g. neia; i! we iau hold Sugar re I—f ordered Robln*".n and tlv runner-up. The Illini are defending Biff 10 outdoor *luw *haw 2 * ** v» I I *l».iw *liaw I lit hi* tnanagei. George^ Gainf«'»ttl ,*7>"nsible " champion*. with the V of M as the second place team last 1—» I W Shaw *l»i*w : v* I v*. W I siiaw # *haw ■ ! ,.p|M .!«• to: h«mi 03 t'-u' Kohinson* next scheduled *prinff. Both schools have displayed tremendous power and \-W *ha»» t *» W Hhaw » light I* June 10 against Paul I-W Shaw Mi W *haw lo Pender In Boston. It I* for the depth this season, ami the battle should he a dandy. 7 H *luw 7 v* W *haw 4 Jordan's next boxing dale I* New Ynrh-M***afhu*ftt* mid because of the quality of these two teams, ami thi*~fnct S—Hailev I v* Italic S— Itnlrv ! \% Italic* I : May 27 in La* Vega* where hi* dlcwelght title which Pender title will he up for the taking lo tharthey are pre-meet favorites, here is a rundown of the OPEN I I hil l took from Itohinson Jan. 22. Ko¬ XOFTI4 M I Itenn* i Kid l I'aret. two teams* •.-in hinson lost the crown in NBA Jordan felt hi* light with M' - I*—DP* »» Mr* li m« state* last year for failure to ILLINOIS I'NIVKRRITV Of MICHIGAN II—%< I«r r*. I tuli»h I'ajtrrhaik* F.hI.iihI wa* clo.se enough Ih.r S: til defend it. he could have lo.xt. but r.**' on and lo—*|»|>llrd Mrrh \» IDmr > af«l 200-yard da«hc.« Coach Don Crinham sports art HUM IIM. «nlmmi«!v O". .i f vr-point ba-t Jordan won hi.- title Dec. 5. :!e junior Del Coleman .« outstanding record fur his six a p ni Referee Ividio 1 • ■ n ir ! Set-red I«).-»« (com Virgil Akin* and ha %H*-' ,• .mncipal Illini hope He and one-half year* at the U of :<-r McF.irl.iDil 47-It and th*- U\< tie tended it successfully again-' in the ,ln.ige> 46-4 • Denny Mover. Last December in ,i fourth 60-yard M — three Indoor Big 10 titles The light- .11 Baltimore' Buenos Aires he suffered a f rain. son. IV L I'ct. Git This yea; the Wolverines have hrrr on Friday and Saturday in the Rig l« among the sprinter* in the conference. Rnhin*oo At first, promoter Al Flora In New York. Itohinson gai t MO-tard ran — the finder- Minnesota 8 1 .88*) — Championships are Tony Seth (I) and Tom Rubin - ha* won both the M-urd and the .7Att-«arri da*b reported till* wa* given l»> he'd «<» to the hearing. Champaign may base anotm-r strong team and easily Michigan 6 3 .313 3 n-rn from aon. Seth lirst made the headlines last year when in each of Ihe la*t two indoor campaign*. I.a*t Gain font as Ihe excuse for It" 'That is." He added, "if X ca rank as one of the top teams in Northwestern 3 3 .300 3« the » rld'a beat In (ieorge Kerr. he won the Rig lo indoor 8M title aa a sop ham arc, year In his sophomore *e*«on. he mi**ed the nut. 4 4 hin*ou'* absence. Flora said Ihe away Thursday. I have a the Indiana ,500 3«,. Jamaican aeaior. Kerr'* per- country lie was edged out last sprint by Gerrge Kerr af door rhampionship* her.ni**- of injuries. manager told him by phone tliev court case pending. Abe AtteP Illinois 5 6 .433 4 p.r ounces are very Impressive. Illinois for the outdoor championship. Seth wan didn't realire the> had been re¬ i*. suing me. lie claims 1 hired They ssere, however, hit by MSI' 4 3 .444 4 „ he baa lied «he American In- scheduled for last night. him t" train me for my teconci graduation tame*. Coach Can- IDIiio Statr 3 400 4 H.M.r record at :47.f tbia year i 3 .400 4 I«ater In New York, Gaintoid fight with Carmen Baailio, 1 ham lost trie* Laudstrom and low a the Pan-Amerlran informed Flora trainer*.'* Major League Standings and wan 4 s«t be had have my own Purdue 4 .333 4» • (..lines 4»•-meter run In :46.l Mamon liibMit, two of thr top I .1 .230 5» earlier that Robinson wa*n' Sugar Ray cave his own ver- \Visron*iii U*t summer. The Jamalran Jel going to apijear because the* • ton ot the inixup. pole vaulter* ever to compete AMERICAN I.EAI'GE NATIONAL II AGl i: is * fop pro*pert for the IW§ learned there \v.» an attachment The promoter called off th* In college meet*. Pete Stangrr. Ohmpics. eonfrrenre low hurdle* litlist. B.iltimniu W L Pel. 13 10 .600 CiB Ft .* \3 10 I 'I Pel. ,67'i IM Results i Gnnjaic.' purse and 1'edn -aid he wouldn't tignv Gain'-.id itout liefore noon." He sat. •Then he tried to reschedule it .. •-% ard run — The HJini may and Rig Id broad jump cham¬ Chicago 14 10 .383 *.• volllykall 4«i hi the evening. 1 was *t. . Pit".- a bo -ad there va* no Miput.i » Kerr in this event also He pion Lou Williams. New York 12 9 "71 1 kiva.v tb 16. 15. Zebra 14 .11 Mil. !,• n in their, contract tha'. It>'- u. New York 1! was too late f r i.» NCAA half-mile run in Cleveland 13 to .363 1 Cine 5:1 •36 F,\ ,it Scholar* over ('SO fur to main* it then. Some sophomores who ran i>;n*on had to appear if tjie figlr toe lust a shade off • r .ast year, 10 10 .300 HI i Boston . L.» 16 420 compensate tor graduation are: present NCAA record "of Ergas Leps. a groat middle-dis¬ Detroit 9 12 .420 4 Chit' 39! Washington !l 14 .301 5 II to .407 ine-mile and two-mile run*-- tance nroyuect: football halfback. Kansas City 9 16 360 6 \\ hi ll ii*> »«dimI utiiIIiit ff«»r flurk^ . « • Bernie McRae. who the Mich¬ 19 367 1 ru* has two sensational th.n- Tt rsiDAV"* MKit-'LT* - It I SDH* RDM 1.1* . h entered in these even'.-. igan Information Scivicw claims "may develop into the finest llallimore Ilosloii at al knio« Chicago. CU>. Inr inc. s»n innnuM at f in «• MilMiiikrr Do v «vn. Both men won their re¬ I onl V gtmrt Khrfulnli SI I iiuii al PhlNrlphli »n« Steve Williams, who, a* a fresh¬ s' *ive events. Bowers the mile TODAY'S IS AMI s IIIUWD «. *M» * man last year, cleared 6' 6" in Halt I more i W ilhrlnt !■{» at Kansas an Brown the two-mile, in the Han IlwrHM (MrlnmtK* *•«• ai Don't wait (ill the high jump. t itv (Herbert 3-n ni«ht MiImaitkrr I W itUv 7-!) nlchl B 4 in Indoor meet. Rower- ' New lork (Terry I-I» a» llnrlimi 8! I.OHM (SaUrtkl Mt ai 1'illtburtb Bill Radford in the discus p'.u< im\ time for the mile i* 4:08.7 (Hawkins :i-3i night iU« i-t) m:h( it's t 1400 mm4 300 and |»rwe**iiii,'. m 'red Into f.rst p!ace tact night that distance I* 1:51.6. The moot C hicago ci'Rs rrrciHR ing of the Baltimore Oriole* in W»<44>ng >mg 4133 00 | department. sensational aophomore return¬ the American League U-d to thr hv tH'^'ang the Kan-a- Cit* Ath- Don Cgrdwell displays Ihe form letie* nilirpr.1 l» iko* (h«i!« Broad jump — still another ing I* sprinter Tom Robins n Fatal stabbing of a 59-yrar-oln Phi io.M« KaUrial In that carried him lo a no-hit. 4-0 1 > ember from Jamaica,' Paul from Xaasau. Bahama*, who Kansas City baseball fan last | I Trrnan. won the indoor crown holds the Rig to 6«-vard and 3M-yard record* as well as thr Victory .May over St. I.oui* in Chicago 15. t'ardwell. 24. came to night Robert Kean died of wound* THOMPSON'S a leap of 24 1 10". Jack of i* trades Coleman is a con«i#'.- British Empire rhampionship. the Cuh* from Philadephia -May jiuffefed when stabbed in thr JEWELRY H in 2T springer. On the dark-horse aide of ? >.«» 13. t'ardwell retired 26 men in abdomen with a Police said James Robertson. 47. pocket knife •jit m.a.c. avi:. Cleaner and Shirt Laaadry jump — the Illini do not tneir traditional strength picture, one of Coach Canham * order In pitching the no-hitter Kauaa* City, signed a statement KAST I.ANSINC most undented c.ndermefl ;* Cnsl (.liiml DO it Acri»s I rum Sltiilonl Service lllds. >ear in this event. Armand in the %rennr the rrown this year, for t' of M half-mile record bolder J the* have no entries in the tint- a". 1.49 8. holds the Big 10 title wauke* Braves announced that In fielder I ^-topping event. while Lester Bird of Antigua is Ray Boone had l^ecn conference broad jump kjng traded to the Boston ned Sox P'.scus and shot put — Coach Bird has leaped over 25 feet for first baseman Ron Jackson, * > Johnson has a lot of weigh". several times. Encylopedia Americana I »nd muscle in his field men for who will be assigned to the^ Take this group as a nucleus I events.' Averaging 21 5 Braves I»uisviUe club in the and add junior Dave JJartin, I pjunds, putter Bill Brow n ami who ran a 4:09 8 mile as a soph¬ American Aim. • nut men Ed Schmidt and omore; Marshall Dickerson and [J*** I definitely have Ehkra. the Illini will Brian Gibson, top notch quar* WASH 'IV WEAR strength in these ter-milers who scored in the Big I events. Brown won the B.g 10 30 Volume Set ' 10 meet; middle distance run- out title at 52' 1W and nert Ered Montour and Walt. I the !• pound ball 54* out- Schaefer; and sprinter-hurdler Ic r'"< last season. Both Schmidt Dick Cephas, and you see thai I •*■4 Ehiers placed In last year's Coach Cenham has an excellent I *or terrace meet Mile relay — the Champaign squad. labygaidB One thing for sure. Michigan II i.'gcrs will defend their mile I re ar championship has numbers as well as quality, IriySSJS 1957 EDITION (LIKE NEW) $125.00 Saturday and should battle the Illini ail I vith Reastall, Coleman, and Kerr I.KX KOSITCHKK'S I returning from the 1959 group the way down the line. 1 "he (TWa la lb* first af a aerie* of VARSITY SNIP I Houston, Hammond, BeastalJ, team 'will probably be three article* by L. P. mi the Big U leaaaa e4 it* AbMt M. ryr f hairring . .', 1958 EDITION (LIKE NEW) 150.00 I Kerr. * this weekend.) Ir/f/i ryr (irnlci'liwn. «< writ 1959 EDITION (LIKE NEW) 185.00 ttilbrr *ungla**r« OESTHZZA bine vital rye protection com¬ with exciliog fa*hion styl¬ YOU SAVE MONEY WHEN YOU OUT ing. *top in "either of our ronvrnieiit loration* and MINI *er our *mart sunalass THE BEST fashion* tor men A women. If you prrter. Uillace will crlad your prrwription in AT THE sun gla** tense*. ED 7-titI 8 CONVENIENT LOCATIONJi— ED 7-1141 WALLACE OPTICIANS Opposite Near* In Erandor and Dauntowp CAMPUS BOOK STORE ' — "~V"*4. .. ■ Dr R C. Jones |»r. B I tensrn fir. R J Nixon THE 2 FRONT BOOK STORE SPARTAN SERVICE , WMNBT /li tIt ml (h>lf ft tn%t H. ■ tin, it . lr*4 ; i it.ryruri ' la? N IVtishintlon Vine at Clipper! la; N Washington 2S16 EAST kAlTAMAZOO Lansing (opposite sears) Lan*iug ACROSS FROM THE UNION Pb. 1% 8-1173 Ph. IV I BM Ph IV *2-1173 4 BIXMJiS WEST OK KEOCK mm* MICIIICl \N NTATK NPVS Pagp kj, R Miller Heads Sludy Group May IN. I9U0 Delta Zeta On Croiombia Farm Potential Forrism language Study ) '• I Hosts Slate Colombia^ vast agricultural potential and its relation to For Teachers Scheduled higher education i-« the concern of a newly formed commis¬ Convention sion to be headed by l>r. Paul Miller, Provost. Tt„. J.,in. Oilnmbian-Amrri- ^ bo Many sections of Michigan ami the Unitctl State* roproHcmted by student* ami staff of the Foreign |... i \ .. Coinmissi'in in Higher Edu¬ Institute for school teachers this summer at ,\!, can fh* statc-wiiip of xrlerled. fniajre . cation for Agriculture includes Delta /.«•':« chrpte.". -•?ie i*»ven six Colombian members and Miller and IVrklnt returned., ifran State I'niversiUk cclle A bell, Dr. Carlo- vav heir! a'. '•'> P'-t three American members. this week from Colombia where The 5(5 public school and two v. erkcnd. Dr. Francis Tnfoya ant Di. |?..c. The group will study and they met with officials of the private school teachers who will \ hi^h'V! • • • • '< c gy W'escott. All are memni ,t participate were selected froth . make recommendations on how National University and laid the •• .«-* the S «t iir-f -tf' rrmon about 400 applicants. the foreign languages ,1...■. .iin'-hc-n .n Mi< n j I" room ?!. best organize the teaching, re¬ groundwork for the commission'1; mcnt except I)r Tafoyu. •« i. , search and extension activities work The institute, to be twit! June Ke-logg Center, anil "• d a' MSU—Oaklandv-an l l» W. 21-Aug. .*», is sponsored b.v a U.S. . H-! I, V.r.1 K • el. in Colombia to serve that coun- Thcfull commission will meet .•ui, eott, English departmi n; tiv's agricultural interests this summer (June to Septem¬ Office of Education grant of • pre- .ilt-rit • ber? at the headquarters of the #73,375 made under terms of ?ne the dcwf :« 'Ve •••'" •" The project was undertaken' Ijiiltiiitt* to Ni'i'i . at the rcquc'l of the National National University of Colom¬ National Defense Education act. Call j I.-? C •• W UifiKcrsity --f Cotumbia and i- bia in Bogota. Dr. Millei on - It is one of 37 such institutes to he held across tlu- country this The MSU T,m«U;S?ii ?hrt !>«•:*.• /.eta - aiifed by funds froni the W K. nouneed. at 7:30 We? .. will meet • reeotnmendaton • summer ' a! *>hi?anthr*TVv • t ir- Kellogg Foundation of Battle A report and Creek. The program also has to the Colombian university will In addition to language train¬ night in the 2nd floor 1 lii-.l the * "'ii' ■ • •;> -.• t!i«' close support of Colombia's follow the summer meetings. ing they will receive Instruction Physics-Math. El«?a«i spoke • ateni ■ Dr. Chester Lawson, : Ministries of Agriculture and The commission's work will linguistic*, language teaching ■ "Ti >1 the •; 1' j RO\RM 01 *1t Ml NT PI Hl.irATIONS u standiiic (|-ri Sharon Coady. rity editor. Male in review of the agricul¬ natural Science, will sp. »*. \braham I/n--"in irrn seated aroiuid (aide, (l-fi: Man Rledel. mem- New s; Jane Mrnison. editor. IfNtl Wolverine; l.urry Educntion and other official and include a technique* and the culture* of semi-official groups tural assistance project which Frrnrh and Spanish-speaking "Communication and K ejjr's Charter OV»- .1 1 her at large: James Mrnison. Mean Tbm King. IJndsley, business manager. 1WI Wolverine; Rem • ion." an.J < l.i:"i i« " 1"-. an;, I'il.trski. editor. Spartan tlnginrer; Sue Price, edi¬ Sen In* with Miller nn the MSU has been conducting in countries. . ago, William >l»llrath. Mean I'rcd Siebert, Mr. Iceland tor. State News. State News Photo hy Jim Button- rommiwlnn is Mr. Maurice, Colombia since 1951. report* hi-'? college f'i kind Mean and Jennings Itlril. . Institute siafT members from w«r!d Perkins, professor of Interna¬ Dean f»Vcn Taggart, Dean of In¬ MSU are the director, Dr. Geor- Nrwly appointed positions are held by those CAMPUS CLASSTFII Ms . Within • " tional Agrirulture. The third ternational Programs. 'ge* Joyaux. the assistant direc- . HIGH READERSHIP . , toi, c,.ii:ii-i. • r !■».-. Dr. L.tiszlo Borbas. and -the Attractions t Ht> . .. rained ' onal. repti* .1 pa'\ . \! ' • • 25lli VII (!.t I hi nrc I'lamnil Cfiitipo* Classified# . . . Low Cost r billowing instructors: Mrs. Mar- , . . QUICK RESULTS . . .•►iden'i N'W !'• ?h*'i*■ *.» the;- countries ' > .• To Industry years, lave voting men and b'sdi attending attended .1 YWCA dances m that special invitation can be ex¬ v 'Vmi!* for Hea' tended to them. F.Wsd concluded • • 4 . , •», 1)cvcIO|mmI ores. In celeliratiou. an Until this year music was pin- • an angung' ae mterprr'ecl With 4« '• 1 «?:>«••••.• ■ ; ; • .. attract !• '. :v.;ve new -vr,v irdtistriei 5 eflot'-l mv bring fn •d the i'v for Dance ix May 2H, from 9-t'i YWCA building, 217 lieing yided by a the dance local orchestra. The fiances are sponsored by committee of the Super Right Skinless ,br bv 27 » Mrhuf-m i-nrumun- 'iid si . Lansing. (Juys and Gals club, a group • Innch- or couple who has ever der the age of 30. <->n and award* to otit-damlin * active, and, in keeping w;'i tiix rcl.ef .Hi 1 l>nv itlteii' i loan , .Barents Weekend, .» mother- tin pr"n i <• .."operation 1 nffre-hour. (i : 1 local lab"'- union ., writes the Some of the top... leadership forum* covered were I'l .f M;,i John ; av lb n!»«■> -r:»: on - . WeMcru llotd* ... . Mud.. •; aori and • ..J the too'.aLu.g came « v- time CONVENTIONS Fresh Ground Beef 49c m. PORK LOIN SALE 69d ■ 10U :lv C.'II Ifh-rues moving out Alpha Phi Omega Center e«t ptrfc ekept f . . •• • • . tlendei 011 lists the leoinei.T- o/'er. i r.» keep the Slllte Convention .-. • , op,my . nod .due; the 1 •. -a Among them • . s e.soi ie-e, plan!'-, u; tun- em- change - PAIJI. T. PAVin It \l I'll M. UOI.DMAAS Super Right Riheml pedten 29c ib. 49c it. : a Alpha Phi Onega. n .ic:i d . - Hams service fraternity, he'd s*> t. in the \ «t.i, alar tiaffo flo • annual Western May 14 State Michigan renvcii'iorj C .»•" |1 .ni'ominmiV.' toe ai d free I cid f «r ' Phi: ifiiltii'emen' a nr\c huddim; odi-.l Mir included - ItlCllAltn C. HAL'N si.or. i:\cii im Uor eel pertien 39( ib. -..I.-ofi H a of 13 residences to A committee was appointed !<> the «do. a M»k taiitial loan nvestigate the feaMtuliiy of in¬ « a .a' itiating a coordinate 1 and p> - ;.l prin.e rate- ao.l en aareemef 1 motional organization -tale level. This commit lev on ihc I cve'ii a % a ! ibor imiai cop«i.»et extend tin' b-r two year. . SPARTAN BOOK STORE Freeh CeNf LeecwhMe report nt a special pre-natumal convention meeting to be h> .> at the during November. University of Michigan woik Michigan In m«d in eu-nt Dep.u"men?, a state aKencv calocal groue - conjunction Keabontie with the Develop- WWII SUPERMARKET Hilt F.IHit: UOKAUIt AAA & U.A.C. I7TW Strawberries 39(