Soriowt Threat The Weather TtMk S^ai , Partly Cloudy, Warm T* Mi l* Mm j ... lit So Put » IliKh . VOLUME 52. No. .Ti EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN—TIIUKSDAY. MAY lit. 10GO PRICE 5 CENTS Military Subjects Cut in ROTC; Academic Courses Substituted •# 730,482 Program Accented Described Bv Board To Board • A progress report on lliflf and trriintx of ROTC was presented to tie- 482.45, ittcltiditiff $500,000 to¬ Hoard of Trustees Wednes¬ wn rd the ennatruction of ;t day by Provost Paul .Miller, The report, compiled from new library at Michigan sujrjrestion* of the -faeult\. State University —Oakland, the numntwim rwitty amariim Tnrmlay evrnlni. 1-eft In right In the hark row has received approval of the tm ntftm ImMv aafcu. «tn liivr arr Dr. R««pI Nye. Dr. Carl Huffman, and Dr. S. were accepted Wednesday by .1 if University. maiir an in learhinc or Howard Bart try. In thr front row arr Dr. Walter the Hoard of Trustees. "If the current pltinmng rrvdrrh Dr. John A. Hannah Adam*. Dr. Ern*l Wolff and Dr. Thorn** CJrrrr. achieved, then within the n*-*; Also included in the gift* and grants were $12,351 for scholar- year aboyt half of the tune no Six Professors Cited devoti-d to military siihjci!-, w-n M*M r v -hips and loans as well as sev¬ eral grants for research be switched jects," Provor! to academic Paul Mil! r .ob¬ -;c I A $50,000 grant was awarded to the Board of Tru-n. To D'tSCIISS For Teaching, Research to four members of tlie political •We are confident thai • moving attend in our a.m '•> science department for a study Peace Force Six MSf professor* were honored Tuesday night for their of the effect* of public admin¬ make 'it a first da - academ program." Miller -aid outstanding contributions in teaching, research, or both at istration on social change in un¬ Under tlie revi-inj program f>-r t'N deMraKLty of creating a the army, the Distinguished Faculty Award**. ('(invocation in th« derdeveloped area- overseas. 'he following changes , .merit worl^MWr force or would t»e marie Anthony Hall auditorium. ! \ army w ill tie the topic f«»r Prof. Thoma* Greer of the Dr. Joseph'alomhsra will Tin* award.-. a citation and I. Eliminate 30 hour* of in- •• • week'* meeting of the MSU humiinitie* depiutmriit lie Ion- sliid.v in Hal*. Dr. Muard W>id* $1,000 fr< m the MSU develop¬ * t r ll r I i o n in "crew-served" joining the MSU staff in 1947 V'tirl 1% \ ment lund. were presented to Greer was Chief of the Histori¬ ner in India anil Caki*Un. Dr. weapon*. Foreign and American' stuV; '.'e faculty member-; before i cal Studies and Editorial Branch John Di»r*ey in Rravil and Dr. 3. substitute for the weapon* "d«r4 representing nearly sixty ibfge audience by President Hubert Srigliano in Vietnam. Dr. ' . .1 .*1: C- • »■.' '.«• >'■ us..' -«■. ■ \ si rourse one in operation* and of the Army Air Force Histori¬ - i'N member nations will argue .bew A Hannah and Prime,. l.aPalombara i* head of politi¬ baste tartirs. cal Office. He also served as EVEN THE GODS arc preparing for Greek and Athena wait for their turn. State I tre pros and cons of the interna- Paul Miller. ; cal science. 3. Reduce t It e "individual" chairman of the Basic College Era*t. Zeu* geU in the *pirit with hi* daily nectar Mike llcnny. nal military organisation at Winnerk-^of the Distinguished weapon* course by III hour*. Educational Research Commit¬ Dr Karl Hereford, professor while Hera offer* him a taste of amhro*ia. Apollo 30 p.m. Friday in Union Par- Faculty Awards arc. I. Increase to 40 hour* inxtruc¬ tee and the Curriculum Com¬ of education, receivwl a $35,258 . A. R. and C. l*Mf. Waller Adam* of Hie tion in Ameriran military his¬ mittee. and has written several Rraut from the United States President Jorge LimaattfUf. economic* department. Adams tory. Mexico City senior. announced received his graduate decrees at b,«»k< Department of Health, Educa¬ AAIJ1' Ib'wolnlioii Defealed Hilt III Offiriulii Hruin Prof, ('arl Huffman of the tion and Welfare to direct a In the advance th» the Friday session will also Yale and joined the MJSU staff dairy hu*bandr» department. Serioan llin-imniim course. ludc in 1947. lie is the author of live study of the advantages of var¬ military subjects are reduced n- Academic Senate Hits , nominations for next Since he joined the MSU staff ious types of school construc¬ \!Wr 90 ela-v. hours Academic suh tvr's officers and a books and many articles. He .1 .1,.> of ,>.ii> uu i.ilf report of K.s ] 1922. Huffman has written tion. j jeets taught by MSU in the field - group's constitution commit- currently consultant to the Unit¬ •unu .rig, B»g 10 official* ed States Senate Judiciary Com¬ ^thcre than 130 publications, won Dr*. Sylvan Wittwcr and Mar¬ "( science eomprrhenaion, p- will get down to serious busi¬ MSU Model :aied with UN the recently af- Collegiate mittee. Prof. S. Howard Bart lev of the and h|st Borden Award in 1937, wdn. the Manufacturers As¬ sociation Award in 1954 for out¬ tin Bukovac, horticulture de¬ partment, received a S20.CMM) ROTC! Recommendation ness tuday in tin- fir-.! of three days of meeting* at MSU". Kei- eholngv. communications. eal institutions and may lie substituted dm-elnprnrnt. for these. t'runcil for the United Nations, Hie PMfholegy department. The grant from the Atomic Energy standing contributions in dairy l. director of the division^ of of education, to help the board Mother Rerolls '•xpeet to have the recommenda¬ sports, the question of Indiana'* science dept., plus substitution develop criteria for the mod¬ tion oas>cd, said Ray Denny, guilt or innocence in recruiting, Deni Leuclci-s language and literature in the College of Science and Arts ernisation of older school build¬ Six From Si'irer president of the local chapter and the Rose Bow! debate. of dilute University courses, will con. !)i) class hours of ba-ir f olk Tule ings and a I n of ' Hansel and Gret- Wednesday to rid Soviet .Pre¬ present the National Institutes of Health morning at 7:50. would have been to put a brunt have made arrangement* for mier Nikita Khrushchev of ni»v tion of the music department- University publications were Hum perch nek's magical folk An American Cancer society While performing hi* regular of the burden on the student, m honored Wednesday night as transferring^be work in Ameri¬ » -•inra, at 8 o'clock in Faii- idea he can split the United Over 300 nominations for this duties its truck driver for the the hope* that, he would can military history from ':<• grant of $11,575 will be used by State News, Wolverine, Spar¬ fhiid theater. States and perhap* get a better year's Distinguished F a cult y laundry, Molvin DeCaire, 550 strengthen hi> fight against dept. of military science to the Dr. Walter Mack, professor of tan Magazine, Spartan Engineer, TV production, jointly *j»on- deal from a Dteiiocratic presi¬ Awards were submitted by fac¬ tiunson St., E, Lansing, discov¬ compulsory ROTC, according to dept. of history. The course will dent, ulty, student*, and alumni to • microbiology and public health, MSU Veterinarian and publica¬ * mi by the department of mu- to continue studies aimed at ered the six had fallen into a Denny. carry regular academic credit. The newest Democratic move* committee of Id faculty mem¬ isp- "At least the air has been tion* darkrtMm held their an¬ The University is now awaiting md the department of lating the virus thouftft to cause watery trap. nual banquet. *?*«*&, wilt run Thursday to demonstrate national unity bers, said Dr, Richard Byerrutn, He returned to the nearby cleared. The matter has been approval of the Continental warts. Members of ail staffs wero took the form of: Assistant Provost, who was in laundry to find something with brought Army Command for this transfei through Sunday. '• The Board accepted a Krcsge into open discussion honored with awards for out¬ Ur Han.* Lamp!, assistant 1. A message aent by four charge of arrangements for the which to rescue them. Dorwin among faculty members," said In order to expedite improve¬ pro- Foundation grant of $300,000 to¬ standing work during the part lessor of music, is in charge of lop Democrat* to Eisenhower in convocation. ment in the content of ROT( ward a requested amount of $!,- Sheptcr, 2033 Fermi St.. Lan¬ Denny. year. ^ musical direction, with Mis* Paris Tuesday a^ the Summit .Preceding the awards presen¬ sing, made a net from a piece of Those voting against the rec¬ programs. MSU ha* established .* tation Dr. 500,000 for construction of a Pres. John A Hannah spoke Nsxine Hay den, was falling to piece*. The mes¬ Russel Nye gave the ommendation committee consisting of: facultv assistant pro- library building for Michigan copper tubing and a net-like opposed it on the the first ''Centennial Review" lec¬ to group on the value of members of the committee on ?"-v:r of heailh. phya. ed -i.n sage. made public Wednesday State University-Oakland. laundry bag grounds that it would bo too ture. The publications in a university. .ladling the choreography. asked Eisenhower to let Khrush¬ Together they returned to the much of a burden on tlie stu¬ • university services; one rcpn-. . $500,000 is to be made available Veterinarian won the famed &"• Nat Eek. assistant chev know they feel the East- The 'Centennial Review" is dent. They also felt that the sehtative from each of the dept prufe*- to permit start of construction t scene where they were able to oil can for the best skit for at . of > peach, is West talks should not be put off published by the College of fish the six from the water. resolution was more of a pub¬ of military and air science; mem¬ stains the pro¬ this summer. Tlie Kresge Trust¬ least the third straight year (no ber duction. until after the U. S. elections in Science and Arts as a vehicle When DeCaire first approach¬ lic show of opinion than a con¬ of the former academic ees intend to consider subse¬ one knows exactly how long Th* double .east Ion* aril! be for illuminating Idea* about the ed the mother she was aggres¬ structive senate committee on ROTC, quent grants.. suggestion. they've taken this trophy.) hayed 2. A declaration by Senate interrelationships between the sive but during the rescue oper¬ At least member of the committee on tn« by Corianc Bmrra. Tw- some prog rex* wax Their spoof of t stick dog at *>'» Democratic leader Lyndon John¬ science* and the art*. ation she calmed considerably made at the meeting, said Den¬ Ttilure; and the dean of univei- junior, and Jean Haver, the vet's took off . on nearly C'eer.viiie |ii|ibl——, as Gretei. son of Tsaas—a possible Demo¬ The "Centennial Review" lec¬ Jtut Society to Play She did not interfere when she ny. A faculty committee was every aspect of campus life. sity services as member ex <>. - cratic tureship was established to hon¬ ficio and chairman. Marlya"" presidential nominee — realized she was being aided in appointed to continually Invest¬ New State News appointment;, or the faculty member who ex¬ Th» Jail Society of Wot Or- '-or. and that ' only one man can speak fait, she aided the rescue by igate the ROTC program, and to were announced by Sue Price, for our country and that he emplifies to the Board of Direc¬ cle Drive workshop will resume Okeaot, j calling to two of the, six who make any suggestions for im¬ editor-in-chief. FCC (huts Small l»»d of ■ MorAir iu«tit must have behind him the unit¬ tors and the Board of Editors tonight on the porch of the had drifted into an underground provements they feel necessary. Bill Kiel man, Port Huron, ed strength of a determined the best ideals for scholarship "All in all," .said Ddnny, "the Wrtwrnmc*. Iter, wia b. a •cecal Saturday rnmUmtt *t X people." and style Of the 'Centennial Re¬ YMCA. the In case of bud weather pipe. The .trap? A curb sewer. AAUP Is -not disappointed with soph., was named assistant city' editor. Linda Haurncr, Lansing WMEW Operator view." group will meet at Kcw- Wn in Fairchild theater. The message to Eisenhower The rescued? Six of a brood the results of the Senate meet¬ jt.. is society editor. Nye spoke on " pee's. Buddy Spangk-r and the ROYAL.OAK «4'»-Radio tu- „T'c«ecj. w a ait it a. was signed by Johnson; Adlai of 10 now-born ducklings. ing. We feel that the discussion Ben Burns, Memphis soph., Uon WMEW is off the air. And ccan urk.1 Stevenson, whom Eisenhower and the American Scene, 1750- Al Bcuilcr Quartet will be had oKim, an tISO a In other years some have not some very beneficial ef¬ wa* named sport* editor. Linda its president*, William Mortimer Ce.-vm. s-jtWnt ixMt arc tl. twice defeated for the presi¬ 1850: An Exploration of Ideas." featured. been m> fortunate, DeCaire said. fects." tolridge, Owosso soph., will be and Edward Wolfrum, ate •w >pecial rate for thr Satur- dency; house speaker Sam Ray- associate sports editor. among the unemployed. burn of Tfexas. and Sen. J. Wil¬ Truman la alao $1. Feature editor will be Jcs# William and Edward, who 1-riciiMM to Meet liam ruibrigbt of Arkansas, chairman of the Senate foreign relations committee. They said: to Speak at 1960 Graduation The Democratic majority oil Maxwell, Wayne soph. Night editors Holme*, LcRoy soph.. Bill Myers, Hastings soph., Charlotte DaIton, are Howard combined their initials to get the station's years of age. call letters, are U tiihBEdOub county judge in Missouri. Stales. In 1945 ho took the oath, Their daily 5 p.m. to 8 p.n as a "As leaders of the Democratic the MSU Board of Trustees Reluc tant to accept any advance¬ New Haven fr., Jody Howard, and was "elected to the , presi¬ operation on 650 kilocycles, wiiri Sf CliSort party of the United States, we beamed with pleasure today as ment in his political life, he dential office in 1948. Elmhurst, III., soph., and J tin a signal that reached out a half- SfiitMB. Ana of earnestly urge you to convey to Jt was announced former Presi¬ finally yielded and in 1935 he He was bom in La mar. Mis¬ Wnllington, Port Huron soph.' mile. got put off the air by the of " Edacatka^vfll am premier Khrushchev the views dent Harry Truman will be the, .took his oath as U.S. Senator. souri. He .spent his early years Assistant Night Editors w ill be Federal Communications Com¬ ,!w ErawnUry Idaeation of the opposition party la our June 12 commencement speaker. "I'm content where I am" was in a section where strong con¬ Paul Butler, Mt. Clemens fr, mission. ' ' '■» •oci*ht ,t 7 la fte facu.Hr country that he reconsider his President 'John A. Hannah Ute Seifert, Saginaw soph, and «Mte, JU» Harry Truman's comment when victions and the willingness to A newspaper story about - , suggestion for postponement of said Truman has accepted the nominated for, the Democratic stand by them were common Ray Pratt, Arnik Chcrnoff, New WMBW, made from $23 worm f" the Summit Conference until af¬ invitation and will be presented Vice-Presidential candidate. qualities. A3 a boy he worked on Rochelle, N,Y, soph., was ap¬ of radio parte and some junk Acuity ter the national election* in thia with an honorary Doctor of Laws his manner, be not his father's farm and gradually pointed wire editor. to the front sympathetic adult radio country. degree. only -won the nomination but worked his way to becoming £rickjoa bug*, was read by an FCC of¬ «s "We feel that total failure of , :m »s a pnfan Of the conference and increasing Vice President Richard Nixon also the election. In 1945 he took President of the United States. Painting does French ficial. WMEW had to go, he """■ was the. MSU commencement his oath of office as the Vice- He served as Chairman of the A photograph of an oil paint¬ said, because it riidn'* h,> He an«d aa dinctor of mistrust on both side* will be speaker in 1857 and Adlaix President of the United States, Special Committee to Investigate ing by Allen Lcepa, associate license and was using the same I.-utitut, of Couaaeliay. serious and deeply disturbing Stevenson, twice Democratic under President Franklin Delano the National Defense Program "ad Culdaac* tron professor of art, together with frequency as a station down in lUf to the whole world. nominee for president, spoke in Rooxevelt. and was awarded fourteen honor ttM. H, waa Dean of Banc biographical material and crit- 1 Tennessee. All of the American people • 1958. Three months later, upon the degrees by various institutions. ique of his work, wilt appear in William exhumed fr«a lit! to IIM and magasme earnestly daeire .ponce, an end Truman, who was the 33rd death of President Franklin D, He is the only man to ever order a forthcoming issue of La Revue articles saying no licence was mb of Idantfcn ja to are am President of the United States, Roosevelt, Truman assumed the the use of the atomic bomb in Moderne des Arts, a. Parisian needed for such a small opera¬ began hit career in public life office of Presides! of the United warfare. * , publication. tion. U •Writ Oniric. How llo You Tltink Oi»lrr Would Have Handled Tlii*?" Michigan State News rt INFORMATION Published at f*«! I.jn*ir.« Mlrhtgan ore iv through Friday mer (erm and a ELEMENTARY EDUCATION spartan christian V during tall, winter and spring irt»» - 'wre* BAPTIST STUDENT tai| i\*ue b»Mwt ju-oTTu r jrul (all i postage paid al CUT fellowship Kant tan»mr Mich. under ire *.-t of M..rti rtxTowsnip i.t terms. $-1 three 7 p.m.. Faculty laiunge, Edu¬ 7:30 p.m., 33 Union. Mall subscription* uvahlr in » f.>r P. 30 p m., Art room. Union. term*.*5 Election of officers. Dr. Frank cation Bldg. Dean Erlckson AO ETON club JYSbodv. MStT, will show will address education majors. 3:30 p.m., Francis Park, !. Vol. 52. No.: Thursday, May 10. lOtln Pajre Two WEH1.EV FOUNDATION slides of his recent fleldwork sing. This is the annua' ,• . tn Korea 12:10 pm. Noon luncheon. faculty picnic. 4:10 p.m.. Skeptics Corner. ALPHA EBTA 2X4 ( MT Khrushchev Actions 7:30 pm., MORTAR BOARD Foresty Cabin. Wesley House. TRI-BETA 7 p.m., 430 Nat. Scl. Bldg. Dr. 7:30 p.m., 103 Anthonv H, WATER CARNIVAL ON- CAMPUS PUBLICITY 7 p.m., 34 Union. Philip Clarke will apeak on Student Service* ba Stem From Struggle 7 p.m., PRE-VET CM'B the "Application of Mathe¬ matics to Biological Research." ment. 7:30 p.m., 140 Gittner Hall. Till-: enthusiastic attention the American tires* -onus to have fnetispti on Premier Khrushchev's personality since the break-up of the Summit Conference is, I think, misleadiiur. tlrantetl, our nation is worried. The blow-up has resulted CAMPUS IIKADLINKS: I p.m. Itay Mart PuMkatim for Tm. W»4., Thar,.. CLASSIFIEDS In an extremely tcn«c situation amotur our population and and Fri. Friition*. DtadHn, for Mm. EditInn: 1 p.m. Fri. rijihtly ho. The dramatic manner in which Mr. Khrushchev Hill, Payable 8-12 tad 1*8 Monday throafh Friday chose to crush all hopes of a peace conference was, at best, . disconcert inc. KD 2-1511 EXT. 2613 Hut as easy as it ni;iv bo to personify the aims of the So¬ viet I'nion by pointing t«» the temperamental premier's at¬ titude. the American public should realize that there is a AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE PERSONAL more dramatic strujfple now coin# on In Moscow that prob¬ WINRfO SPARTANS REASONAllI FRICIS ANNOfTNCEMCNT ably is the real cause of the.latest Russian move. ItMJB DIAMOND RHOW ON CAR RIRAIRS This Htnivryle i* between the sup|mrters of Khrushchev May M-tl-tS ^'o- a' 94r wi|k e»l - ■■ ■ design and special - problems. ttrdav 9 to noon M ••• — * .1 •• r -ve ble concrete results the premier has produced. The outcome IRF.F DIAMOND BOM S W» New Gi»r Reita^a Stampt of this ha* been a ifood deal of internal trouble for Khrush- SAVINGS STAMPS !3?S FORD SIX Ct'STON.! four U«« Redeem Now and Save chev. a'airter«f ahtff Harlio. Heater. Ooo<1 BONNIE RAHMAN and milium II TtiPRipapii, Jeweler THOMAS take this ad tn the Thus, when Khrushchev disrupted the Summit conference T re* Frkctlmllv new offer IV rebuilt engine. 2-7S3H affi-r New* office between 2-3 pin » «; l i:!* be 1 FRANDOR "" Monday, I don't lielieve it was liecause the premier wanted * r •',8 SHOPPING C'ENTFR tree pa«*es Bring I I) to the Crest D: • to merely put on a show. Instead, he was shnwerinjr his ;»SA c'HFVHO!.rr - STANDARD. Mall C ourt — IV 3-S74R Ti jmH rarim. Iienlrr f»oot1 romll- KWAST BAKERY DFI.IVFRs irenuine wrath upon. the three men (Kisenhower. fie (Jaulle, r ..•) »a> After }» pm tV"4-4l?«i vlriuallv tiei-oiatrd cake *.>• twelve for 43.W) Phone IV 4-11:. and Macmillan) 'who were the cause of all his troubles. .'in HOUSING It would be wronjr t«» take the overlv-optimislic view¬ ixm RAwnt.rn vot H noon •>- lintnr -eat* riv.d merhantral enr* point that Khrushchev's latest move was undertaken merely rtit-fir >?"' F.'l» 2-1214 after « p m 36 REAL ESTATE THREE MEN TO share home, hear to embarrass President Kisenhower. The situation is not m? WKRCI RV ( f)N'VFRTini f «Amntia summer term IV 6-W70S tf EAST LANSING. FOLK be i-.- that simple. At*TOA! ATIC tratwpitMton. vA»|»r- eape end. five vears old *'-■> v ail* and a pew top Best offer Ft> unfurnished two-bedroom peting up and down, many bmh There definitely seem* to be.a segment of the Commu¬ :•!»«« :« hmtce on Hulrtte Hoad. Okerno* moving to Grand Rapid* Owner f! I'lu* ill 111 tie*, children Vftleopit call ?-26'*» nist party that seems to fax or more definite action than bilcrs to llu* Kililor 11 TRITtXfPH TH.t - Perfe. t F.D 2-8363 aa I 4INDITION. H«•*! inile-. one avner. their premier has seen tit to undertake tec Hi.i'.r sitlewalU radio Mn ' SMAl t. lini'SF FCRNIRHED Ideal EArt'LTV MEMBERS' !k spend another academic yea- This segment has definitely been mnkinj? itself felt. When fcell rmtvlng Fa»t leave m«M»r for counle »»r single per*on f'.ai a crowded apartment «>r a hoixe Hits University's Bureaucracy i\- ,w month Call ED 2-18K2 6-6 pm :i» ' have outgrown it will make its next move is debatable. Hut to ignore its ex¬ Settle vour f, A I.FA ROM FO Ol'IITFTTA Spot r into one of the many attractive * > sTt'DENT LEAVING STATE istence xCould be sheer naivec .*>nierUble !«;>!» Not raced, re't. »eit the hummer would like tn rent three- functional homes avsftable t•••.- ♦ beita I'ao t-e rem at 1672 l,tnd«*o. ftirnl«He«1 hotme June 10 canipiw and the East luinong vr lanrrv Miller Fa«t ljtntunu weekends and after »i Edward G Hacker Companv « MSt* performed a sen e tn the d fa."- about a .foreign country Sentemhei 2" HW2 F«i*t Haalett To the Editor on week da** 36 Ibuid ( all Uiiliamstnn 16 r * Apl.l the Hoard ..f ■r e pu;.» A Welcome fii < Change 'l*fii^U un •, »t \ i't> M.'Vlo v III ITC «' f 4-2 against vol- (■'* Is'.'. MICCrMiNl .•ur.» In the MMt!etvd on five throiighni! workers put in two to three 'protects t*in«:ng. by visited gratru* twop'-e who the can count;y, pr.»-.c ?*>»i f rave •» r »wi t»e ' a even n* - very *175 lk.V» NASlI ti»e* IV GRADCAT1NG rhrat) 3-M.\3 It AND It transportation afte': ! t»" STUDENTS -lU'V new trot Oni\ :i> r vin OkF.MOS room, living roou. kitchen one and a half hath', ga- age htgn achool tn! I THREE BEDROOM, basement, near (Ikemoa Available June 13 dining room, Call Pings. Ed EAST listing two By t>ath*. Rrl«coe LANSING owner, cape ED 3-3168 NEAR four hedr. cod. on ore v » TUB revised Reserve Officer*' Tnuninv Corps proirrntn on M <\ I:' ir ta*g;slafuvr 9t>- nuurs of labor -iargcr.>u< -r , r.e • Vghant nr Plvmnuth f mn. Owner ED 2-405W 31 landscaped lot Carpeted. «ej., . <1 S»iailg!»nea-y nnv Make fir*t pnv- living room and dining room Tv cornea as a welcome chanye to MSV. I'nder the new pro i >vr i ;» |.y.0ft0.iM»0 aiRiropna- propagarkia that ws'.l even*ua!'\ September If ion' fireplaces, full basement, 2L c* • Arluat nnrh wax done at all nsetjt in Angu*' or EAST LANSING IDEAL loca¬ • >n : ., nr.v dormitory, *oon culm.nate n estranged interna¬ h»i* equi'v m a nov. .«r i h* MSI' faculty ""'I Half inched garage Price 42I.80U Ell cram approximately 5o percent of the military courses will tion for of the%e plarea, not "nnrh" as 11246 ■ » roiistriicti'd on loin cam- tional relations -1 t-ome in ttgLf »wa> D tn HpMotous »v o-hedr.hint duplex Gar- t be transferred to the academic side labeled in your haeh page pic¬ «»'Sbaughi,w,*» 1^8 Son!'. Grand, ate FD 2'43"2 .13 on (1*»i: v pi art wan suggested ture Monday. The picture ahon-a Tamuaarmi Weil. i 41 EAST LANSING - 27tR PO-) The courses alniut which most complaints have been i.y \isri administration \ Pre*hleul ef I he LAND AVENl'E *33.5nn Six rw - several worhera who bad fin¬ 14*6 CBFVROl FT Tt'fKUt WW colonial Three bedroom*. 1 .■ t'e« heard, those such as "crew served" weapons, an • and heater Call Ru k at B173 two compartment, basement lis and we'll play hall with it it it •• history, will Ih» either shortentsl or changed to another tie- wtlh extra time to play wilh the 171 7S7«! «a triple or double male Call IV, 2*1167 itntshed recreation room d«uh« ion " ♦or appointment to i-ee 34 gj rage One block from grade *ch«v- part men! thildren at SI, Alnrenl'x. H\ placing the military historx course in the hands «»f rim !Ui umveratty's admi'nsu Ivi.m Uine 'o tune v.«ne ,i- We and our committee had Hrief Memory V fORD v i i lirori f<*.\* *tta.*'i' GHFFN Tt'DOM * >11 a bv owner FE tt HOUSE FOR SALE near Ho1*" the ilepartmeiu of history, information dealing not only DU' II I n of aia.iwmic exeeb worked closely with the l«anstng Te (he Editor apartment*, one three room, one New three-bedroom rancii ) .1 four rnoo; All uttlltie* garage. HuM ittent, Oa« Ileal. Garage — B" v V olunteer Bureau for over three M Khrushchev Uispiav. » with "when wars happened" but how wars affect our eco. Ion. .' Tiiere is a record numl».' i!""* GOUAT1I EMPRESS SF- I.ninrtri Student* or emplnved IV fn Kitchen Ten mlnutee to rampu* sh 'rt DAN Or i>! German* * fine*' Hull' anplicanls tor admission for months planning these project verv memory nhf he 4-4660 36 flfkxat Land Contract. Owner being nortiic and social atmosphere vxill be pained. of r<. pon v rar« Spotle*, inaide and next fa!; The "cream of the The organitatums which our talk* of the *»>y p!a,-.e • ••it a-l mei'hanleaUv Bargain transferred Terms — Call FE 4-toh ECHNISffFD FIVE LARGE Students will also be able to receive credit ba»cd on the *"b;g dssgra.-e for America V onced b.i nub k *a)e will fin«m e at room* t " has applied and w ill t»o projei-u helped were very gralc- ris a imiil i^tr, R. * i hr;,ter»M*n loitl to: (our men for summer or fall amount of hours spent in class ami will have preat • varietv tul tor the help that they re¬ Itni the wer'd forgotten the Sale* Mafc'-n OR 7-6611 tf' r.«oro- for two for autnmei EAST LANSING NEAR Red av .'i'l- h .1 — 11 fee block* east of ranipu* Must Ce(l.o School Cote two-tiedr™. • in choice of subjects Ai'.' -nti- i. t-»o. ' in a iccord ceived. inhuman ai'« the Ru*i an g v - he over 21 FD 7-1487 :* bungalow on large 64 x 193 : BRAKES CONrVFTF. REUMNC ' We commend the committee in chatve of making the quan'iii >f m •dev ly. CMiviOus- We be! eve '.he purpose of * prnmrnt rvimm.tte-1 when it >!? ''• and »»* Adjuatrnent. »»•• t.iaid excellent neighborhood Ga* fr^! BLAKE i Fit AN DOR NEAR) murdeml 20.imxt f-ee.b»m Champion Itraxe nrlmeis full buacment. garage. 412 6»', h . the was to impr »\*e the over¬ newspaper is to inform the read- *>n-.e • rd «irr». newer huildmg formsiied three changes. TThix is indent taking a giant stop toward the fu¬ to stimulate thought, and fighters in Hungary a few vcarr jwie »: Krflainason IV 4-«49 if r.a-ns. reram..- bath, ample cioaet*, consider your terms. Call Giem all qiiah'y of the student bndv cts or Slut ter, IV 9-9341 or IV 5-7234. V. ture. storage, laundrv. parking For men Seller Company Realtor* U is more aeles tive admucion. Tins not to slant views or projec' ago-* I think not. llti-l FORD rAlltt ANR Nk» two or couple* Julie 11 FD 7-0362 36 ter personal prejudices Mai he rto-.r green and white, fonlomiitli, wIII no; in* ikmc Instead, we the plane imtdent U \ -a rACULTY OWNER MUST Set power #teertnf*~Tmd brake* THREE ROOM FCRN1SIIED Rent Loiumg house, four l»edro."•• m '! have a new dorm an example of an aurrwiip art tw*', beater, four new wititewall apartment for summer term. 670 tn* Kaufman Michigan State \ett Judy tre«- Xr > hattet*, exrellent t-oo- . lude* uttlittov Three index to cam¬ «nd study, fenetd yard, near Ihl* noun will be mUdirerl- nn aur part and maihe li wn t ami bus Available June • IV John Koasmeivd ddioo o e owner IV k-JfiU .ta pus FD "-UP* 33 rd. A like amount could buv Bui lel'k Instead measure the 341 test t-arvu t'o-t hatrmen. My»o*i»i Seivn e» liiousands of korely needed harm to mankind,lhal lhe*e Ua APARTMENT FOR Tllkfr male EAST I^ANMNG (NEARi H. , «uig:» Ft May ineiusivi •luring «omtnei tern hooka for the l.ihrarjr or rnnld 14110 tireek Week •eparata inrideno haie prn- EMPLOYMENT «tU'lont« P' \a'e .Mailable for telephone lummrr. «>) utilities tern-. Mid. tful rnntemporarv Uiree-bem- >c»al troth. '.an i •i >.t fan irrm* » „ l onimunity Projert 3?A Ever preen ED t*S3."U) tf . two-bath ranch Manv extr«« wond iiau matter umtei the a ' l*ai the hind of »alarie« ilial at¬ vf M 4 H KM»H OVMI NT «^i»> and*a*iialf >e«r* old. Near *>>■■ Last laiMi t. MMi tract ouUUnding profexkors. < Miter'a \ole: The word "Mr K" has • «'h ng - * '-■tiXTIil-V chi* t»> t.g' • I AST LANSING ENJOY life m shopping Bv owner.«ED 2-I9C- Mail .ulwtlpt it t»a« *» » i . - «mde< «a w -r Al fhfoo'. AM F a modeip tu-mimm, furnished auart- AdiHjUafe facilities lor student "work" waa merelv used to im¬ tgtn>% St. i f tf;'**e 1.1 •■« * • Member* • < : e |- |t., 5 abc.u: when >ur * - .-an n * MldHpn. t*!«mg 41 i ent ju t nniM>«ite rampua. L'ttlttie* SPARTAN MANOR 3 ijy h..avnii docs ex st. off campus, ply that fun was also a part of territory as U*ng a< he h.m erf except electrtcity for single KAle 78' x 1.13'. Gaa and water Associated ( ojlrgrate TWO MARR1FP MFN f-'f fob* •i-m'tv pernm or married couple ahle Call owner. ED 2-Mg3"' an 1 in approve i housing that is the clean-up projec I. Thia was haa no iit'ei:'. of 'pushing tie !b-« turtfin «* «"in>k'vr;*m m AVoutd be ex*.coded l» in¬ kitchen privileges' If dratted 1134 duplicating Phone Al or ' ' FOR HAL> MKIMARANFR pup- Frve Wonch. ED 1-4441. acro«« from Hf East Lansing. ED 2-427S 37 klmrllMi tf top new dnrm t> be¬ I, as president of the Nigerian clude, in add.t.Tv, ik» Ukhc under i>»t. Tw*» month* old—from cimxI key. !'.-liming *1«v k AKC. ragtsirreJ • ing hnrmwed *n a aetf-bptod- Chapter of MSC, challenge the a phjnucal age of id. those of a tVMonabJg Call IV 4-4141 37 EAST LANSING APPROVED room* BOM8 for -men for summer tall. Call ED- TAPING general BC attng baa la that la. H hi being orgimirer* of the television pro¬ menu', age less than 16 "]A deife* gram on Nigeria that was shown I refer * » a (iup«iv of dus- ohitr iMfomTD Tvx-a»r *3 c<»\ u unmmhad - faU IV 2-«mi after 7 37 tton. Low rate*. Davis ain and faenltjr aatortoa dav Th.» ae*,non»-.ra¬ very quiet home near campus. Call IV 2-S3P4 after g p.m. « AW-t TS. ford Excursion Club morning WOO HF-43 STEREO "pre-amo 04 or ED 7-4BII an entirety Since the program. I have re¬ tion by one of the local Greek T*o month* old Need ia«h. Fl», IV- RtX)M. rXCWJUENT POOD? sclio^ ■'-8326 37 TYPIST ANN BBOWN Thooe ceived several telephone calls brotherhoods corts;stei of 21- tv rsjiio. >eUo«ahip. g.iod locntiun - 2-243P. Electric typewriter. Ter all for 9114 a term Call or viatt How- r 5 Red*v! to Son* perfirmed dwe order dr.", ac¬ sen WINN ENGLISH RACER \slvh pert and theaes. Abo genera! «>:<■ protesting certain deliberate three-aroed cvgr *blff l*,«ed onb- land House, 333 Ann. one block be¬ 3 Ba»*b*i) 11 Mark *.T4t companied by ca*wu»iiu. bowl¬ hind Lucon Theater ed f-dUl jg H Tatal flagrant misrepresentations of 21. Flaws off St Wintirii | 4 P |per. 'Wc Worked! the facts regarding Nigeria ing and yelling '»» * n sv > ear*. Call ED 2-3176 alter u:, APPROVED ROOMS FOR women" tv AND RADIO service U'W rates to student*. New *»d Sr'1 * " A television program of *uert The IFC implic? :ha* the close in, tor summer and fall ED tv *ett end antennas. Free Mil ^ RrHie--; 33 M V. .MINOLTA CAMERA 2-*»«4 34 Tn the Editor: a type is supposed to be educa¬ Greeks are the leaders of to- t.«cgl plane Uiuttet. sjrnehed F 26 checking, free" parking. • am. • * MutKMrf «"• Mail '. quert !mv «nth leira thread*, gan. Kodak o-on. dally. TV Technlciar.i Cv. " On Saturday, May 14, 400 for- tional. morrow. If these are to be ou- K>* SALE JlFlewmf and Cher »hrd Pi-ny «2S. 113 Both under guarantee E Michigan. IV 7-35M 6 Slate or tv and Iraternity mem bet a of But when u nted and dtstort- .eaacr>, I'm i >t anarchy V eston meter. SW Old German vio- A" | . » Th.nk It Paito' Al sun Itn good condition, best offer, CD- WART AN VVXTtUTHISf. * church 1-ctrr. Wl H Cherry Lane 37 typing servire. Every eopr »n «' + it + final. Mrs Goodwin. ED ner iU mnce ajav ALMA HOCKETRAtLER 14M 20 rs L*ri> a • THREE SUMMER* FORMALS. ft GOOD clean condition. Ideal for Aumeoir«f»« under* i*rpe*4 * CONKSI m* P.'.Vfv' OurAcquimTiUT! t'lSiail f'roa able ED drees *nd summer wecUfin* Goid rondltkm Very regaon- 7-007. 36 > uup# couple. OX 4-B14 after 4 p.m. tXPMtONCiro^KTUTrTHt^'" term pepers and general typlc.g «♦. 26 Inverts T# Dm Editor: sonabie rates. Near Unhvrttt) id 57 Well-he.rj MSU pctpiraenre may, indeed, ORi*H EXTRA OITE1T - COM- LOST and FOUND PLETC twin head microphone*. ?l Enlarged ~\"!Tufe a bad image But th.n% " ftoodtlgtitk. "" "fine 30 Angrv vhat an image the State News Csmtf. many extras. i*. ( 4123 ED 2-1427. Larry. luggage, LOST ,;CI D UTDDIKR Mnd. small green stones Vicinity mi East WANTED 33 Tissue I .anting Reward. Cell ED bRR 3* Dessert it creating with It# peppieaceaue. M Or did a Wayne State student SPARTAN MANOR - LOT I or LOST SMALL BLACK tggggjLgggqyy; f 31 Tfc.e i 40 Maul 43 Inventor of write the v;»ur mi.s«ueUed headline April 14th editor.a'* You u: «*ie 73' x US'. Cm and water avail- able Pan phut. RD ho m with inon* two i $3Br.l tog to oekeeT Jane T homes term nest tott. II. Neer eempu* Aawunas. ED 3-447* or the teiegraplt ENCYCLOPEDIA SET FOR sale lost — IMS Ciiuldti't have dohc a better j»a Call IV 4-2144. 33 BOY'S CLAM ring THREE MEN TO share home w*;r 43 Humiliate with letter "N" on fronL initials in- of proving Time magauoe " " cempus summer term lYMMti "DLA ed 2-1244. 47 Forbids 49 Surface /T.AND THU lU.^ WJDMUT SHOP IS OPEN! j4- WANTED - THREE REDROO IX»ST GOLF CLUBS — tare Room. Convenient to Eest | 30 Head liner y kjipr 1 v oods plus { Nigh Bchoel Prefer ranch or hou»' 51. Italsn 4 a m. to 4 p.m. with one kedreom en family t ■<: LOST — Adults - Bent or Learn. ED 4-bim 52 Fruit at dav of last week an campew. 33 Prefix I. can 1 221 MAC. eftr; f meaning "upward"* Right Staff 55 Obts.ti DECORATED CARES DBU'SB* PBUONAL pvrti* , SiSSllS m8» d — < MICHIGAN ST ATI; NEWS , s. Erred in Air-Spy Imaginary Planet Trip May 19. |9t»o Page Three f. amund the moon and return it minimum weight neeewarj for icident, Kennev Says Treat for Teen-Agers t-» earth, quires about 330 he pointed out, re¬ pounds of gross the support of man la spare for 24 hours on a limited Right)," weight at launching time. Us¬ he said, "la In egroM of one ir ncxwi* roxwcLLV A leading .pari' expert took hundred, of talented teen- ing new fuels, he added, it is ton." r rharles Kenney, associate professor of ,'K'iiil science, atrer. on an imaginary trip to a planet in another solar sys- hoped that this can !>»• cut to 73 The weight problem would pound* in the mcar future be so serious if better pro- the Stale New* Tuesday in an interview that the State not tem and then challenged them to make the trip come true. Adding lo the problem, he ex- pellant.s could be developed, he #rtment should have "flatly denied" sp.viny on Russia Addressing the eighth annu-i) Colonel Ely said the space ve¬ plained, is the great amount of pointed out. national convention of JETS h the VI pbme. , ; ' hicles of today ire obtaining the weight needed to protect a man "Various means of obtaining caught himself j» spy. Now (Junior Engineering T«*hnir.»' ring is one of the oldest information that will enable a from acceleration, temperature, higher specific impulse." he not¬ Khrushchev has a good argu¬ Society) at MSU was Lauren-r low pressure and radiation and ed. "are being explored experi¬ of diplomacy," he •mm *.o go into space ment to tell the U.S to g.-t their Ely, assistant director, off,re of H" singled out Pioneer V to enable him to work, sleep and mentally. .-but in individual caaes. feirbascs nut of territory sur¬ .scientific and engineering rela¬ wh: h was designed and built accomplish normal ixid.v func¬ Perhaps the ultimate In r (vrr admit* It, Western rounding Russin. Further, the tions, Space Technology L*»h "?»- tions under conditions of weigh!- propulsion efficiency is repre¬ toric5, wuJ • formerly an An by his company. «rre not so shocked to argument may raise doubts with le.««ness and for extender! per¬ sented by the concept .of . the Force colonel in space research This vehicle, he said. I« about our allies near Russia. that «<• spied as they were and development. Ioooft ftoo miles out now and i« iod* of isolation. •photon' rocket, in which matter ini ♦hn* we admitted it. r la fearfal of at- The year of the *«-ip wa« ' . obtaining data about radiation, "Our best estimate of the is converted entirely to energy " rtcm nations consider our laeb." Kenney eontinned." and be 19H5. The speed <•' ";c.r *h;p magnetic held*, mlrrnmeteorltre „«-»n naive and unsophis- la tlna Jmttfled In threatening ant! other environmental condi¬ was so great that, because ot the ^ If ad tne U.S. denied the retaliation to the eonnlry that »cr. Russia's accusations boats another spy fttghi. The effects of relativity, the pa«>.e*> gers would return to earth feel¬ tion* One between Earth and of the greatest Venus. problems Sirin» Into (,olf The Pro/wr ,1 have been disregarded by t\H. elalni thai these oonntrtea ing, acting and looking younger to be resolved, Colonel Ely not¬ rations because of her re- MR. K.: MAa Clod la My wHueaa. My bauds art eleau and My mhi! SPALDING need one prateetton la weakened, „,n is a fabricator of evi- fine pteefma nay be etearad by "OMe of theae allies as a danger la eleat." "We regret that thla Meeting baa been larptdoed by the reaction¬ than contemporaries mained behind. who re¬ ed. t* that of To put one weight. pound of payload Why Will, Itself. ** ary elrelea of the t atted Stales of Amertra by prmeatlve flighta Starter sets for men and ,* gcrUealarty wwl by of American military planet over the Soviet Union." women Mile tviwrtment's aMMe." Kenney said that another rea¬ PRESIDENT EISENHOWER: "... the only conclusion that ran irv Mid "The claim that we son we should have denied the e .5 Iron, be drawn from hit behavior was that he came all the way from ,h, rich! U Mr aa Ruaata . . . TO EUROPE? SAVE IN '60 U2 incident is that Khrushchev Moarow to Paris with the sole Intention of sabotaging tl Iff M «l il M e 2 Woods was given a chance at the Sum¬ on which so much of the hopes of the world have retted. tr at mit to prove to other high Soviet e Hok officials that he had not "gone displaying diploma- jrther r.solence." he said, "the State soft." Eisenhower Nnr...lO% reduction on t.iot _ment claimed that because Kenney also felt that Khrush¬ USE Thrift Soswn round trip ... >,a • built the Iron Curtain, wc fendiu t spy flighta for na- chev can to divert the Soviet use the U.S. admission people's at¬ To Visit s|n-i-iul hi 819.9.) tention from Increasing demands If you're lurope-bouhrithl# ytsr, you run • neurit y. n • Kenney that I am, said, "patriot and would not be for consumer gixxis and greater political relaxation. Kennev Portugal •svo 10* on your Thrift See ten round-trip Ochet. New reduction applies whether yeu veeCunee* i*ne both weys er e combination'. Save Also on •vd to take picture# of our received his doctor's of fines... even eposes on th# »h'p portion ot e ship air combine- LISBON. Portugal (^—pres¬ WURTIIIMJTON fiolf lulls CAMPUS rids, and we don't have an degree in International Relation* tien. And whpnpeer you're planning to gc. It's oeet to booh ee> "y for at Syracuse University in 1931. ident Eisenhower will get a big the Cunerd ship end fading of your (en average of ' t rot* Curtain " welcome Iteg. 7">c en. A specialist in Soviet govern¬ today when he arrives ingt a weoh throughout toeyeer;. Ce'iuatodevevf nem« your date. r-rifv sa d that spying with We provide help on e'l your trove* plane. clearly marked U& and ment. Kenney served as a guide from Paris en route to Washing¬ for a Xow Only I9r PH. group of American tourists openly admitting it ia also ton. admission that the U.S has who visited Russia and other European countries last "When Ike arrives here he . . 3 for 81.1.1 c . • itrd international law, summer. will feel how much appreciated alrniattonal law msfaiiN CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS Is his determination in safe- Larry Cushion Sporting Goods . . ereUnty." law aha twaeeeait paaaage', wtrteb BUY . . . . . . SELL QUICK RESULTS . . . RENT . . . guatding peace with dignity by the Ihsrtuguese people," a Home COLLEGE TRAVEL OFFICE L e Office tpokesman saltl Wednes¬ sfaUaleg by treaty between day IM E. GRAND ROVER. E. LANSING 'i lil.K. WEST OF SEARS (ON VINE ST.) mis The I ! plane was eer- President Americo Tomaz will am waking innaemt ED MM? PHONE IV 5-7405 Welcome Eisenhower at the air¬ Its' aad tbaa the Rnaalana port and introduce him to Prem¬ emy right to aboot It ier Antonio officials. Solazar, and other Cadets of the naval and mili¬ A u iner suggested that the may have decided to penc- tary academies will provide an s- v iet territory for the pur- ? waring the Russians into < disarmament agreement honor guard and an artillery battery wilt fire a 21-gun salute. Both presidents will drive S ? Summit conference, from the airport in-an open this *11 the purpose," automobile escorted by mounted he ♦ was obviously a failure " republican guards to the Quelug r Kenney made some as- Palace, Eisenhower's residence obaervations about Kbrush- during his brief stay, and our allies near Russia, all those yaara." ho Khnishcbev has finally caption where they will tx- change gifts. The President leaves for home I i jk Save eee On Sportswear ■■■ eee We're sending this measure to tell you about Pictured above arc 100'; combed cotton, our abundant selection of slacks and aborts, baby cord wash and wear trousers . . . Hand woven India Madras shorts, fully lined and Now you can complete your wardrobe frntn guaranteed to bleed Wash and wear styles, sizes and colors available at . the many . . J. B. Towne. You baby cord campus bermudas .. .Tiarron anil can buy them all at J. II. cotton wash and wear bermudas . . , 100'; Towne's everyday low prices. Come in and combed cotton Campus bermudas . , , And look over our complete line of the finest in the brand new Dak model wash and wear ?;S| men's sportswear. Bedford Cotton Cord. Since I960 211 K. Grsintl Kiti-r • 31- hast QLuumr taunting 0 Hours: 9 lo 5:30 • Weil. 9 lo 9 v_ ( Mir 19. 19».0 Miniir.w *T\1I MWs Pic l our Timers Drop 11 Inning DuelWednesday's to Senators Tennis TeamSends 'Serious' * allowed the Michigan Sijr«' New* DETROIT '.Pi - The Washing- troit Tigor>. 3-0. m an 11-inn* Campus f the 11th. Contender to Conference Mee 11-8 record this Jim LetnwNnd blanked the IV- 15 *core!e, RIMSKR I IS* other major obstacle between on : The in the Big 10. at the n . one run while losing their first the netmen and their second Big 1 singles position. Brinr, , Mii-liiK TODAV and FW.! For the first time since Coach three games to the Tigers, final¬ 10 championship. ed his Big 10 loss to J-* fc|>k Stan Drobac's own playing days K it*).!. MICHIGAN Shown at 1:10. 3:15. 5:2 ly broke the game wide open SPRING TERM During the first half of the of*11110015 in a late se;< • 7:39. 9:30 p.m. after Detroit starter Jim Dun¬ Michigan State will be sending The No. 4. 5 and fi singles conference match, plav i ning was lifted for a pinch hit¬ a championship calibre team to season our Inl by the Big 10 Tennis Champion¬ players were playing the best, 6-4. 11-9 FRIDAY i* - ter as Detroit tried unsuccess¬ during the second half of the Hotehklss. captain of • .■ • if jtm fully to push over a run in the ships Meet. Not since 1953. when the season it was our top three men Spartan squad, is from ., I'alihni SUPER bottom of the 10th. Spartar| netmen picked up four, who were carrying the load. Our Pointe. Bill is a three. . -, Yl llw «ei The Pascual-Bunning duel was who has two Jcrt. a beauty for 10 innings but the individual championships and doubles teams have played con¬ cran tun. la BARGAIN DAY! finished second in (he Big 10, sistently well all spring, with credit. Rated "a re, > huriers MSU GRADUATES Senators wasted little time in the exception of our three los¬ performer who works has any State tennis tram show¬ Aix-nAY rur.viK . s hit*: getting to Tiger reliever Dave point" by Coach Drobac ed such all-around strength and ing matches. Now it's up to all Ho- •m the 11 Sislcr. He walked Bob Allison had a 10-9 record th.s spr r r Out of the pages of the best-seller determination. of 'hem to get together at once." fnii was to lead off the inning, and Lem¬ and was 3-4 in conferee,, r ^ Led by four returning letter- The netmen are expected to mi'ted I I A murderously funny story! on blasted a 3-2 pitch Into the field stands. men and the outstanding play of gain seeded positions in at least Smith, an Fast*inc tann H<»n ! ~ sophomore Brian Eisner the nrt- three singles and possibly one product, to a two Irttrrm anil giv compiled a record of 17-3 doubles spot. In line for rank¬ Doug to a dependable vetrr., LAST DAY FOR tnen hits in this spring, winning their first ing In the singles competitions and U»e pememer of the pitched, Hi matches or- Ei-rner at No 1. Roger Plag- serve on the team. "Unoiej hill by They defeated Ohio Sta'e. 8-1, rnhoef at No. 4. and Hon Mes¬ an U-8 aeaaew mark, 3-t in ti Si icvef, The latter was ORDERING YOUR * cal! at No. 5 Wednesday. Rig 19. held th« The Spartans are rated, along runner-up In the Big 10 at No. Plagenhoef, a jun;«.-t f :.nal tw with the host team. Northwest- 6 last year. Holland, Is a flettcrman. MSU rrn, the best rhanre of dethron¬ The doubles team of Plagen- bus compiled a 15-4 r» i • ning wli hocf and Capt. Bill Hotchkiss CAPS, GOWNS AND ing the defending ehampion season, winning six of seven '»ff with Michigan Wolverines, in this the stands a good chance of being 10 matches. Rogis rated a y.H deep lef .11*1 Rig 19 Tennis Champion¬ seeded at No. 2 doubles. chance to pick up the No: t, r, has the teem's best record, the second straight year. 15. enter f rlld nic ho- Wolverines defeated thasSpar- seeded spots. with a 5-1 mark in the B.g FRIDAY, MAY 20 Eisner a sophomore, from The 1 tan*. 7-2. during spring Ron it probably the best y, Northwestern as ani^XManitowdc, Wise., has compiled *insles, mm* wmt *•—. • urn m meuctm He see-. man in the conference ron,\ 1 .»idcn. both his losses while playing salnrinu Our Man In Havana UNIVERSITY THEATRE ft DEPT. OK MUSIC a sprained ankle. Henry, a junior, from h The I Union Book Store .«Alec Guinness Burl Ives-Miureen Offers-Ernie Kovacs 8ALLEBY lliimperdinrk'a Knlk Tale Opera Lansing. could winner at tha No. 6 stng'i» 3 si Lion for tha Spartans. B»n • Ana 15-4 record this tr* be a « irpr. i.-ad in •hey runs cd off set be 1 Noel Cowird - Ralph Richardson - Jo Morrow winning four of seven Bg matches. ■vhkh ror. 3 mm i(k B« } ■" J< IN Schedule u»(VP ;ngleAj)r s A-l M FtsMs §:ie iotrc 1: l AIKCHII.I) THEATRE f llue »—Wr Maw na« I I vs. W III* < 1st. * Mas VS. w ausrn 1* . :i at i Muhii May 19. 20. 22 (8 p.m.) *1.50 • t£7rj.7&r"' 1 lion f SALE! — rai _. May 21 (Special Sal. Matinee. 2 p.m.) 1.00 ~ «aMfevi llSa » vs. I R»|— I vs. Brysa SPECIAL STUDENT RATE ~ 1 RamrRitd 9 VS. Rsu#rri.u 1 AI.I. PERFORMANCES 11.00 I Rumsitold a vs. Batf mais : a ■arts—a vs. Ragsn B«vi 4mri Taufea vs. TICKETS ON SAI.E AT UNION TICKET OFFICE -Uacis Teat's Regs „j Teat's Regs vs. turn 70% Cotton and 30% Dacron = a—aoca vs. reesstry 7—4t aaaw I vs. r RXsv t J a—a »hsw a vs. a uu* * Mt Skew a VS. R aaaw I Wash 'n' Wear TONIGHT THRU SUN. (2) FIRST RUN HITS El Mlto.Hl Mm. At I P.M. uto IM» El SUITS DARING' SHOCKING' FA (as hi Slays- Neat, Needs Little or No ironing • USE OI K HI'IM.KT ULAN r.» s in it in. • r.T VI.M ■ tar. far M In H l»< 24.80 s I • Haft Natural Shoulder laatk • Tab Rack Traaner Pocket. • I'lain Kraal Traantrn • .VBatlaa Kraal • Hi(h. Narrow Lapel* • Flap rocket* .Choice of Clmremd or Olive . E>iBi8ll»«E88featylciB wm% d9|K tfca line* SN lucmtibla is tTie only word to describe these smart, neatly tailored wash 'n wear km Mi IBM tad the !<# Star *Mra to »«t tu» cord suits. We're sure you'll agree, when you come down and see the handsome . TtofrartpMktoore .dors** and »h« h"* suits for.yourself ... the combed cotton and Dacron*-polyester fabric, the tail¬ padMlB M tha inspire* inspired toack iCjaatol bl»»r but- oring of the neat lines, and the low budget price all make this special purchase taaa H* to IN*, i" • wilt aarMr of offer your wisest clothing investment. You'll look well dressed, yet have the that eater rstmi&*"«4*4Um+i*,MillMUK AranataatiNM feel of casual comfort, because of the perfect fitting natural shoulders and slim laW«atN»>«l1hMli)fyvvs->IW U}I8Q| plain front trousers of these modern day miracle cuits. Get .1 carload of fellows HIT NO. (3> AT 9:39 FBI. MT.LATK MIT If ; and come to Knapp's downtown, today. You can park free, and buy these Jine cord suits on our easy Budget Plan. APM.BQC CHUaPKEX EXIMSK 12 PEEK SHOT* A X YTIM E T O II A Y ' 1 « I I. 5:3' P.M. , . . I'll I I) A Y « : .1 11 A.M. TO 9 P.M. —— j T )Mi& . - MirillOAV STATU NUWR Probable Starters Irish Use 4-HitterPurdue Golfers Favored Hera, But Watch Spartans 1M/HH IN H Al'I K . May 19. I9«g CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS Page flvn - - 9-1 record. I lik' f|»«tnn (M*ititiiiiM|iiqttettr l-Jl »» HIGH READERSHIP By JOHN' BFATTV MSU a '.a«ki!ig 'he 0,900 holes v will pi iv . . . ,:,x I Mr aft * Sin re l-2» To Revenge Spartan Hparta Hen lee "Purdue is the teatn to boat." *tv> MSU Hen VanAMynr. host Van ANtyne's have three factors on experience, balance linksters ■ and wit! their sidt: the y u the J F-»;e.-t Aker» f7.. *ite for the meet. Van A,- 'U'eouM " deciding the meet-* mid Van A's'yne. It iltlriMirr Mtnlv • Itv itiloila rilaley ?-Y» i*mei 2-1» til«M Mleitiilrili ,rt Mjhis4« vim f r t ie Big lb golf ehani- home course. Five men from MUl' fllV They .ire the sixth, vilh it* i t I \t;l I The lrii St Inula (Salter M n.|» at fMtf-bnrch Kit'hl. single prme at MatlUon against "The Boilermakers have a age?' •'he fine vard uphill second hole, wit i v» lilHtinn* *-l» nlitht Tlie Xolre Dame team svn* the Wisconsin Badgers. team just n> g >od or better than The returnees are- Tim Bald¬ ehmre of winning ' l.n« tnelri (PfHlfM 2-3» •«• Van Ab'Vne pointed out quai fi- the golfer. men from the'boy*". Th» • separate the Nan rlnnatl wniki-r (llrl.lah 2-11 nliht »< Im n MI'llMI (K|ialin 2-1» 1 nlshl 11 at Mil- STUPENDOUS <*. A Smith and Tv C'aplin. 711 2. that Purdue J rhn Konsek, the w i t h powerful Northwestern coach. * . THE STORY OF THE I'ulihnich, «ho. MSU used h total of five laming, and the Boilermakers champion, probably will be 'he Michigan. team. ' too threat* who smote the ii III he gunning f< r their third ■ iHrrn who yielded eight hits The l.ittr score: v. the Irish. The Spartans' down- •trilthl III, It till,. ' mighty Goliath »ai: was in the field as they rt'in- Notre Dime f»0'! Ml 0«« B-N-l Tie Spartan*. however, ended PROGRAM INFORMATION CAM, Ml 2-3917 and routed the thei MOST COVITID . . , MOST COPIED m.-'ed four errors. MSI «f« |AO HOA |-|.| • regular season on an cn- Philistine hordes! f: .n Sackett started for State coii«-aging note with an IB'i- Balbrli'i; I'alihnlrh and (Hgond. 171 •» victory over a fine Notre ar; i uive up two runs and two for its i.i's in the three innings he Sarkett, Sinks (4). RlewUkt Hi), Dame team that earlier defeated spellbinding Van Seiner . Ross <•) and Purdue and another top con¬ pitched. He wan followed to the Monrrka, Conlin I?>. anal/sis of a ■ •!1 by Sinks, Klrwiski, Van tender, Indiana. The win gave Ntievcr, and Ross. The last two dream-of-a-fobric blend hrfd the Irish hitless over the NMJHTS * 8UN.—ADCI.TS 70r SAT. MAT. 50r :.nal two frames. STARTS 7 I'.M. KKATI HE AT 7:30 • 9:35 MSU scored In the fourth in¬ ning when Wade Cartwright led ADIII.T ENTERTAINMENT • ',it with a ground rule double to deep h'ft field. The ball mi^ed EIRST LANSING AREA SHOWING n»ing a home run by only a lir./ Her 4m in , ■uplc of feet. He took third on 1.AST HKKHN i iviid pitch by Palihnich and He home on a sacrifice fly b? TIME cnt'T fielder John Hcndee the other Spartan hits, .ill designs this championship TO.Vlf.IIT OOVT MT«« IT single*. were made hi Wok tonnis wear by - COME TO-NTOIIT STARTING TOMORROW NIGHT latldrn. Ron Holme* and Tat silorlou*. IT0IIE60R "Whtlhtr nurh almiM|*hrrr t\M Tiic Irish took a fumrrwinding the fifth in Pari*, ar any wh,r, «l<*, and •■ad in inning when •hey scored four times, all the whethar It la ammtially 'liaal' runs being unearned. Gentempu I* net no nurh thr paint an th, ,d » ff the inning with a but t vhah Sinks fumbled for an fact that Chahroi (Ih, dirrrlor) ha, CLOUD ror The Irish football half- caught a roatenpnrary nond h,r, 9 . uk Hog Scrapito beat out a • irit John Carrcita Mngtpri to and with the (nod tail, not In by COLL1CI BALL Ck^P third, and Frank Fiiuiegwn judge it tan taaralinlirally. In . This combining of 55% nged fiome two runs. Then 2o Walt Osgood single«l in two . other ward*, hi* eye and hi* *en*e Docron and 45"o Wonted i* oi particular on counters with a sharp hit for detail i*—and there i* . w riter significance to you who, no other word for it— , The victory by the Irish eicn- heretofore, only envisioned >1 U)e season series between the extraordinary." Its Utopian kind of « i siluiids. The K"bsmen beat warm weather comfort. Now, —Ilellis A Inert. Saturday Review Vitrc I)arr< la t Wednesday 5 Cloud 9 is reality! The entire :t at .South Bepd. raiment . weighs less than Michigan State muurnes ltig 10 a lion Friday afternobu^with a rtotortitmc, tnodimum two pounds, and affords fashion per ounce by virtue of College Hall's Gregory Peck unwaivenng loyalty »a the natural principle. Susan Hayward SHOWS START AT IEST PIZZA 855 I 00 - 3:00 - 5 00 - 7 00 - I.4J STARTS SATURDAY mm "A RIRRi ' I TIWI H. K.ositclick & Bros. mymrySgl puN« mm CALL COME -.r;«u MugugMu ] 4 Ml. rugged enurt-slyled fasltinns, designed fur free¬ EARLY I- A *f. *f. •:'% •• • -:h " ,-h rt; .:i\ ,t. i.'.na* ♦>«* nut- -ttrtr. ma-**#: wheeling art bin and maaeuline cuud luuka. Hturdy. ED 7-1668 easy-rare rutton Ibal wun't wilt In but weather, ran't shrink ur fade. H'aah In a Jiffy — need Utile ue nu iruning. ED 7-9841 Budge Jacket Budge Oragun Knit Hhlrt . .. . 07.03 S3.00 Urmhledun Tennis Hhurt 14.00 FM FAST DELIVERY CasaNovano.2 211 So. Wg«hiR|(gg THIS S YOUR Ca«»iE LOSURIIOOK hero or Starts TODAY en vocoKon-tWawut Knlara: 1:00 .1:10 0:30 9:20 • ■ - wrinkla-ihunning casual, that keep their hi* shape washing ofler washing, lab: loucla sport shirt l«Mgg"Oilg|RM Til luf'l nSmrnSmsumm ot orton acrylic Grey, -emrpjumLv gold, white or Ian. Hm»* aaa tht Hunoicuttt SiiasSXLXL7.W and thm m thmr • Paciaa polyester-cotton wy-ynWri ■ —I— 9 moMm# pmt. ete«>- ^DOT JRHBha vAVg. tmoHm's ponatiVi 3t to 42 waist. 7.VR We-aotf an untpokn Kghh Cotton hopsacking month* sport shirt. Tobacco, gold, whoIt town know loo olive or white. Sizes wtlll SMXXLSM Pro-jeans of shrb-teatura omat hiocetate and rayon. Moroon, brown, olive gold. 30 to 44 waist. 7.9R MEN'S SHOP HICHUM - DEMOR HUKER HBiwui'EaEnanK'iMMH MICHIGAN STATE NEWS "cost-ptidv v« .V-nand- operar-oji with tin- University of it advised 'You"! *ee Industry rnents. pull," inflation, eeonom;.' growth, Mic.iiaaa—Wayne State .Univer¬ Folksongs May 19. 1W0 series of educational l*atf x|, TV~pro- Work •n.'.ny kinds «>f machine* and full employment, •age-price- sity Institute of Labor and In¬ with a variety of folk instru¬ ments including the flvc-string grams on European and Ameri¬ buildings that weren't there live or ton years ago " pfoflf'relationship and other* dustrial Relations. Dr. Jack Stieber. of MSG; Di Program "Set banjo, guitar, bamboo flute, har¬ can folk music for the Univer¬ Takes 'C Provoking and firms are mechanizing Just a> » marketing And Labor The fnnrth da*. •" Rlenar* irwlim. Ihf!i will 3ppr»»* e a re¬ Russell Smith, of of Michigan, and the University Dr. Ronald Gene Blueslcin. communica¬ tion skills Instructor, will sing monica and Wert India drum. steel sity and Minnesota and has *uni> on the Dave Cartway "Toda-.** program. fa«t as farms Also, the pricing port •"•wmariiing the view* »( Haughton. of Wayne State Uni¬ His Folkwaya and play folksongs at Wesley recordings Of lahni and business ends of marketing are getting more rompU-x To Meet the partlrlpaiit*. versity. w. .1 serve a- tors of the A<*emhlv co-direc¬ Foundation Friday at 8 in the social hail of Peoples The program lads, blues, and Israeli will Include bal¬ calypso, folk hymns and European folk¬ "Songs of the Holidays," a chii. dren's album, Minnesota folk¬ ar« Hosting the -reefing MSI "* research and extension CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS Chqreh songs and a documentary of Ap- ' Current issues facing the na¬ will tw» the MSG ta - ' and In¬ songs. producing. marketing , stalls have the JoJ» of helping tion relating to wages, prices, dustrial Relations Center, n c-»- QUICK RESULTS He will accompany himself Bluestein has presented three pulachlan folk music. • -'•-dng. s'ortng and distributing "agribusiness* workers — both profits and productivity will be farm products involve- nearly farm and non-farm — meet probed at a Great takes Reg¬ 40 percent of Michigan's labor WASH *V WEAR Your complete Optical Headquarters . . . these changes. ional Assembly June 18*19 a! Next lime you take a study break, bustle down to force MSG innv t'liit'iiily located, ntferine rnmptds optical senta-. Importance <>' agriculture '■> A f.u too! AiKiu*. fit) top industry, labor PsNsMMtsm Fast l«aBi»ing*« new laundromat, where you'll always •he stale ;s pointed up by th- • pencil aipi rcovd book a*. well iverhmcnt officials frotrr range of activities, according '<» as- In1- tractors, plows and com¬ MSt* researchers are Ton¬ arid .• Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio M find free parking. Your laundry will be done before WALLACE OPTICIANS i»- N -el FaHton. director of the bines- will sit down , an i Wisconsin you gel the -Iudy urge again. Cooperative Extension Service at M St¬ s' antic th. «• working t.M.b. sharpen all aie a few r«- wi'.-i university economists to Naky Carts ttranrh Oflkf — Vine at C'lfpprtt (apposite Ream In Franier) exchange ideas on various eco- ile urges Michigan citiron* to take a g xnl 'look at tti«- s'-u'e !. A new . e a r I y-matui nut •i Him.- problems at Kellogg Cen- My $3.16 SWISHER LAUNDROMAT eye examlnatiens by Itr. TV. C- Jensen, registered * nplaiiif iri-d tiey live in during Michigan navy bean variety called "ie I.KN KOSITl'HKK'S W. GUAM) KIVEIt F--: the first three days, the Week. May 1 1 Seaway ha- ju.'-t Inert developed PH. IV 9*2774 Xrnund 550.000 people help to The early maturity date will participants will meet di ciixsion groups to in small exchange VARSITY SHIP EAST LANSING liot'RN: Man. 1-t: Tajs.. *N., i»t. added s-st mats, n m. »•» supply (he stale's farmers with leave several dais of OI'EN Jl HOCKS. 7 DAYS A WEEK ideas and opinions on such is¬ 228 Abbott Kd. equipment, fertilirer and rotiiit- shipping time before the all-im¬ sue- as productivity measure- lesn other Items. portant Si. J,iwrem i Seaway Another 350,000 handle farm . loses in w infer. This develop¬ SB f.rodurt*. They assemble the ment i- especially important t>o- ff'XKis, process and package ..m e M.rhigufl leads- 'he nation them, transport fhem to rc'.ad in navy bean production stores, ami sell them am*- A thin polyethylene ftltn grocers* counters. is hay drying enough so h l»XV I Igist year, the g.iV'j f;n*ne: farmer can cut ami store hay m altitlriil h earned about 700 million dollais one da\. Without this new .re¬ of sales. ! from the goods they sold. That's search aid, hay must stay in the Mate Ne* a good-sired income, but they fit Id for least a day or two. spent nearly 75 percent of their Wain during that time can badly Stu receipts fur production expenses hurt quality alone. 3. A new mechanical method ••Next time you take a drive promises to take much of the tn the country, look around," labor rut of. cherry harvesting. Coi Complete Optical Service I \ ip< a mined IumkI he St U eiln! 2: in NMURI int. Neil (illMn ; A erica I tttrd N'n Ap¬ pointment Necessary .u;-c..:tin; llfftcc* cil: lit*. J. Christir and II. Ilerkwilh, Optometrist* . s . -irch COOKmG! - • (-0 of ; vornnit r p redi ,* Conti an /.Vi.'ridgc BEST LUGGAGE BUY! « The bid -Ably .•upled v expo v.'iiipn; t •j «'d th pro T • roun • earl) X • ent, i \< i ordl xtutlrnt m ul HetUI hh famil receive « applirs oi i THREE CONTINUOUS HOURS OF Hie l.ansi the injur* fd in enu ENTERTAINMENT FIFTEEN TROPHIES AWARDED "STARFROST" GAMES FOR EVERYONE Hi by llie maker* of famous "Lady lUdthuore" GOD And GODDESS (DOWNED \ No cheap second rale lanur Ihin! HereVlhe kind of qaality that haa lade IjmIv Haltinore V famous: fine airplane veoeer foundation*: touch CONCESSIONS ft!- fabric-backed vinjl rovtriag*; gaality locks. hingea and hand lea; rich Uniag'a thai atay anurt. See it! Compare it! Yon'll agree it'* the buy uf - \ the J ear. Chume light bloc, while or luggage tan. EVERYONE WELCOME! I > TRAM CASE <' * WEEK-END 0J6 ★ 21* PULLMAN 12.95 or wave oen more tin a .'{•IN*, lualelietl pet at GREEK *OQ95 ** * (fed. •»« «' KKKK <;oi.n MOMh;RAM FRIDAY MAY 20 107 S. Waahington 1-H9 K. (.rand Kiver LANSING EAST LANSING