The ^I'liljii-r Partly Cloudy. Warm prcu lain- ncri- livcr- Hi*h sung Scrviiip MSI For SI Yrur» XUy* 'art VOIA'.WK 52, No. 3C KAST LANSINC. MICIIIUAN—KRIHAY, >1AV" !•<>." j'tC.i) PRICE 5 CENTS ehlL folk, Denial of Suffrage Ike Flies Home as Paris fAp- Cited bv Hannah Talks of Crisis in Kremlin W Findings of Civil Right* Commi**ion Deaerilied By HOWARD HOl.MI> Portugal About four percent of the |M)pulntion is deuicnl suffrage privileges becnusc of racial discrimination. Pres. John. A. Welcomes Hannah said Wednesday nbrht. Noarws are nftc*ti denied t'l rlcht to register f ir voting, the President right to live in adequate hous¬ ing or the rU >*. to an equal ed¬ Jr. 500 Triumphal Arrli ucation, he said. Grows U.S. Color* Speakitu be I ore a small aud¬ ience on Civil Rights. Dr.. Han¬ Pushcarts Al'SG president. arrrpU IIip ronlrarl for the now nah, Chairman of the Federal WASHINGTON* (/Tv— Pre¬ •undent neaun Insurance from Dale Sehullx, vice prrddpnt in ch.irxe of vales. M»ulbwe*t divbiou of HUh.un. Neil ton, IVIiilridge and Reiil. Civil • f s.ene R ihts Co'vi .cim. told recent findings of the To Race parations were marie to jrive President Eisenhower a pala Male New* I'hoio. Commission. 'At least Ifi eountie* in the welcome when he returns to¬ The I."tb annua! running I' S were found in which one- day from the Paris summit Student Insurance third o: more of the population' i*- non-while and was not per¬ il it ted to register for voting," he of the Lambda Chi Alpha Jr. 500 will be held on Went Circle Drive Saturday at conference. Flags were filing from Lamp post*, extra polrve ami h<>r. > eaid. 1 ;3o p.m. guards being rounded up Contract ("hanged vi. ere "N'fxroe* are not alone in-' The presence of the 1925 win¬ nod even a triumphal arch volved," said llannah. "Dkrrim- ner of the Indiannpoli.- •'°i1 mile wrapped in red. white and blue inalion is also reflected upon the r;.ee. Pete DePaola. lends an bunting was being erected ajw Wednesday uijrht the All-University Student Government Puerto Rirans. the Spanish- atmosphere of authenticity to the blocks from the White House. V'tted 22 to 10 with four abstaining*, in favor of awarding Anierirans. the tiriental-Ameri- miniature imitation of the classic The entire Eisenhower Cabinet ran* and American Indians." 500 mile .'race. and Mrs. Eisenhower a* well ?l»e Student Health Insurance contract to the firm of Hiirh- The Jr. 30ft j< run over a Republican Congressional 'ead- tun. Neilson. Wbitridjec. and Heid, who represent the Nor'h The Com to :<>•,( wa« isiah- that niightly ' eetuve measures rr* were reporied planning n ! »hel in ntare and Aua rican Company of Chicago. • * • ivc a tnite. Five runners push turn out a! Andrew* Air Force V i >id.-m E'.scnha thi in relay fu h.A.v Base when the Pre,nien? arrive* • '.nsaratice wa> re nwaed ee •ten rd ; 1 minor- hi ' tree A *?»eeial pare ear h «a*ed to m a'" jet tran ,port at :\iu bW> A(♦-it extensive progress of earh earl hark In the Its nurpo-»* is is to report any crowd of greeter*. city author.- ; excuse ll5,ftftft of All-University Student ators informed as to how the |>i .VI li citizens be- school children early from class¬ r, vornmen?. the live eomqan c- rare Is progressing w hen the I.IN'D % HP I TURIN. Jr. 500 quern, shows * in lf)'!.*» was the first driver to top 100 m.p.h. in ■ause o! race, religion or nation- Mt of sight. es rp reduced to two, those be- rart* are the classic Indianapolis 500. State News Photo. a1 o"igtn. pushcart for I his year's race In Pete lie Paolo, w ho A huge steel .structure v*.!? it it it ■■■i Continental Casual tv Com- In Togas , "The Coin less;on does hot ami Hicham. Ncijson, ' again be constructed over this LISBON'. PORT! GAL -P— in:: it* function* to franchise." «Vn;'ridge* and Held > ear's starting hoc at the Wo¬ President lixenhnuer flew in siiil "It also investi¬ « 5 tie bkl of drably lower and this fact, HNWAlt wa- con- Fir»l •OKiii|iir.' gates problem-. Hannah. education and housing men's flvni to offer better posi¬ tions for the announcer, Jaroera- MSI! Thursday from the rold dead summit conference of to a a •..up led with the tine reputation tnen. and loudspeaker « arm n elrnme from 259.909 Sliij-ril Toniplit • v i . experience in the held of e:;; health insurance, wat- "Lincoln remind* Hannah, "that the autnors of tin- us.'i said Two' set1- of stiueted stands allow the speci- •.ptviul'v eon- Threatened at Meeting Briefs Portuguese shouting "viva Ei¬ senhower" and "we likq Ike." n, mi: run: Declaration of Independence, in ■j/ed the acceptance of this tors and guests to view the race The wave of affection rolling saving that all men were creat¬ iproposal. State News Editor-in-Chief from the start and finish line. The Bij? Hi's proposed round-robin football scheduling '/lurfwrwf Hike*? over the president brought out ed equal, did not mean to say Between the prclnN:nai\ and Tie contract provides for Tojftt-clad Greeks will bo that all were equal in color, size whs threatened Thursday when conference couches and the 'tmous Eisenhower xmile »* round two-year coverage a' final heat*. si>cc!ator* will i>e Complaints have been receiv¬ he rode in an open car' through seen spinning hula-hoops, or intellect . - entertained by a humorou* float ^thletic directpra made a recommendation to kill the con¬ ed by the department of public this capital** rtreets In a dow early rate of SI0.50 for the "But thev did consider nl! troversial plan at Biff 10 meeting* at Kelloffff Center. rie • *12 for the student w ith tossing water-filled balloons, parade. The humouou* ctitfiw safety of bicycles being borrow¬ pour of brightly eolored con¬ men equal in Pica* rights," he Will he judged on their design, T ie move was made after the ed and ridden without the own¬ fetti. i -i.irnial death benefits, $32 for eating* in pie-eating contests said 1965-flfl scheduling and asks that continuity, and effeettvenes* of 1D65-66 football schedules were er's fiermi^sion. Department of it yUidehj and spouse, and $37 for and playing football with a i? become policy. it ir Inter-relationship* vot¬ presentation,* drawn u». On the scheP>—Western states¬ ing. eduration and housing make Competition for the seven seven conference games for each bicycle owners to keep their bi¬ AM the events arc part of the Bill Heed said that the recom¬ men quit the seen® of the fan- Warding lo the contract, a it impossible for Hie problem In large trophies i* keen in each of school and an allowance for 1ft cycles locked up to prevent un¬ mendation had backing-. But it ta-ti'c summit par.'ev* Thursda-,- vtuiirnt must f« to Olln Memor¬ lir*t (5reek alymoic* ;n Jenison lie the three divisions men's eed division \va* won in which Matt SuiTt'l!, announc¬ ' If Site iv.,;i! to vote .s .se¬ round-robin plan adopted in asking that by ltHJ7 no non-con¬ First assessment of their ex- applies only If the student Is in bv West Shaw in 306. two Today Is the last, day tor •wo- 195*. The other steps called for ference games be played !t> No¬ peris suggested further that the (lie I annus »rea at the time of er fur Me evening, will be seat¬ cured. out there is no equal op¬ seconds slower than the record, eight conference games by lWfili vember. lots to submit petitions for Sen¬ Soviet Premier's performs nee in the injury and I* also disregard¬ ed portunity in education and hous¬ still held by Alpha Phi Alpha. ior Council. These may be ob¬ ing. the value of thai right will and nine conference games by Paris was dictated by a fight for ed in emergency case*. Trophiey for first place in Alpha Phi won the women's di¬ The Big 10* Rose Bowl par- tained in either the Union Con¬ be discounted IMI. polities! survival. each event ami I Us I, second and vision while Sigma Alpha Mu tiripatioii question came' up course or 317 Student Services, V :!i An jerk-an also intro- third In tot at accu-nulation of "If compulsory discrimination won the humorous trophy But the coachw—athletic direc¬ again In the Big 19 atlilrtir of¬ * * * The governments led by Pres¬ M'.:t;-j a plan to select a -student l« ended in public education, I* rerceding the race. Linda idents Eisenhower and De Gaul¬ points will be awarded Satur¬ tor* recommendation freeze* the ficial hiKlv of faculty represen- * -.»arn representative with the day a1 Greek least, bu: children continue to be,, Brethen. 1999 jr. 599 queen from tiiive*. athletic directors anil Phi Delta K»/•/»• le and Prime Minister Macrr. ' - Ian also seemed to share the . oal of AUSG who will A Guek vCJ'»d" and "God- * brought up in slums and re¬ Kappa Delta, and the four mem¬ coaches. Canadian and Michigan mem¬ view that Soviet leaders ha claim payments stricted of racial Top Juniors concen¬ c on-campus den«," Torn Hood and Ginny areas bers mt her court lead the par¬ Athletic directors reconimeud- bers of Phi Delta Kappa, educa¬ not yet' decided Irrevocab' :? to $150. The student repre¬ Tharall. will be crowned at the tration. the conditions f%»r good ade mt 59 convertibles to the will have an office in education (••I the allowing of competition tion honor society, will conduct whether to bury or keep ■ ,' v e sentative oiympics arid gotxl citizenship starting llue. They will be fol- - g I a conference on national and in¬ Bowl on an indi¬ the pjlicy of relaxing easf-we * he AirSO offices. student Services Bids. house. llood, a member of farm¬ I* a divisional aerial will still not be obtained." The add test of American Unr4 every ,!"_*"*"_? living uuR entered Brr"" and C»et Awards in vidual the Hose basis if the competing ternational activities of the so¬ ciety a'. MSU Saturday, tensions As a result the western lead¬ V-e HNW&R agent said that science major from Paw Paw. democracy, he said. Is the right honored guests. The parade will schools split "the receipts among Thirteen members of the jun¬ * ¥ # have agreed on a ti.o s'.Jdept wlU. receive, training to vote, to live peacefully and to leave M.A.C. and Burr ham at conference members. er* policy of He holds a 3-gft average and Is a ior class have boon chosen t<» fi»*m the insurance company in member •f Mil K.^-m rkl grant equal education to all. 12:39. If passed, the dividing of re¬ f.xuni Detulline wait and see. receive Outstanding Junior According to information from Cliftigo, All c!aim< over $150 In *4B when t?;r derby was ceipts would be carried on un¬ Eta Sigma. Green Helmet. Alpha Award*. Deadline to'repeat Una? ex¬ the highest authorities, this • oe *j a id from the Chicago started. Gov. G. Mcnnen Wil¬ der the same pattern that exist¬ oft nr. ■ /eta end Phi Gamma Ma hen- Politic*. Picnic liams brought down the check¬ Winner* were selected by rep¬ ed under the old Rose Bowl aminations in the Basic College probably will mean that for the oraries. resentatives of Mortar Board. Tuesday par! the allies will do nothing A s omplete brochure outlining ered gtarter's flag. This year, pact. 11 consisted of 12 equal is AUhG. Excalibur, Blue Key, •he insurance program and the terv.ees of Olin Memorial the . lie has served as ag president of extension club and has For Young GOF* Duffy Daugerty will be the of¬ ficial starter. Junior Council and the faculty. shares—two .to the competing school, one to the conference of¬ 4 I'oriule of Film* * * '«> make an East-West accom¬ modation impossible. been chairman of numerous "PoUtikin and plcnlkln'* will Judging was done on the baa- fice and one each to member At the same time they in'eod Health Center will be mailed to In the past, newspapers surh committees in his field. is of scholarship, activities, and The Parade of Films, sponsor¬ to insure that their guard •U incoming students the latter go hand in hand for campus as the Chicago Tribune and the schools. « Mns Thrall, member of Kap¬ service to the university- likelihood of the Audio-Visual center raised, their defenses aie read) part of August. young Republicans that canvass Detroit Free Press have covered The increased ed by Alpha Theta, is president of Selected a* outstanding were. and teacher education depart¬ and their plans up-dated to meet pa precinct nine in East Lansing the gala event on the spot In Rose Bowl competition resulted After same debate. Hpartan Mortar Board. She ha*, main¬ Pug Wildon. East Lansing; M t/i any emergency that might arise Saturday morning. 1952 Warner Brothers cowered it Irom background movements ment, will be shown today from Women's Liaise received ll!5 tained a 3.7 average, while also Moore, EaM lainsing; Bob Gu - in Berlin or elsewhere. The purpose qf the canvas* i* in their newreels. Many large that could bring Indiana back 1 to 3 p.m. in 133 Education torn HfdH Gover——I for serving in several capacities in to determine political affiliation lavson. pontine. Belay Wood¬ Michigan dalles carry the affair into the pro-bowl ranks. Bldg. The program was origi¬ *#arun W-WagM. a mdHw AUSG. of the people residing within the ward. Richmond, Ind.; Dan Uie- nally scheduled for May 5, to mw bediy rriiay al M- Saturday evening at • Greek prvcmct. All participants In the r annually. » Since the race was first . initi¬ tiel, Brook.field, Ohio; Jones, Toledo, Ohio; Bob Gus- Sharon Indiana school prior was a pro-bow I to last winlrr's Hold Rescue t ruer. feast festivities- will get under canvas* are invited to an after¬ ated in 1949 on the MSU campus, tavson, port Huron; Pat Ander¬ meetings when it voted sgsinut la'* Gourmet* Several Coogrrss ejected, that thu reception is members way in. Jenison. In addition to a four- course, meal (no am¬ brosia and nectar, however) en¬ noon picnic Florence Windemer, chairman of the state centra! commitee. at the home of other Lambda Chi Alpha chapt¬ ers across the country have started similar event* on cam¬ son. Grand Rapids, Todd Reul- ing. Ea*t -Lansing; Jean Mac- the bowl. |t believed that in- dividual appearances would give Honor Member* Saturday spring term instead la«od. East Lansing; Bryce Plapp. (be participating school all the A rescue test exercise w:l; b# tertainment and dancing will be Students interested in partici¬ puses from California on the • • fall when the majority DeKaib. ind.; Jane Bingham. lavs Gourmets held its annual held this Saturday at 301 Hick¬ on the program. pating In the canvas* are asked West Coast to Florida in the f ew p.-ofouor* joined the Page 3 - to meet in the Union Grill at 9 South, according to Ron Jl mh. Gainesville, Fla, and Marge A change of heart by Indiana awards dinner Wednesday night ory Lane at 9:3ft a.m. facufty. >. ' Rons, Kalamazoo. would break the fi-5 deadlock in in Kellogg. &' Residence hall rescue teams, i>-' Mumy • Howgill of the *m. Saturday. jr,.500 chairman. under the direction of the MSU favor of the Rose Bowl Katherine Bruce, educational »*gch safety services, will take part rlsparlyniH gpeke brief - "If the recommendation for director of the National Restau¬ • • rongrm on parliamentary teocvduy*. He died methods to lion in Rug You Can; Saturday shares is passied," John Mec, In¬ rant Assn., presented awards to in lire a rescue problem fighting, an emergency oe:- involving diana's faculty representative Carl Schneider, Downers Grove. *9**1 proceedings and to ry. several lowering*, and first up Takes Nip Radio Show? said. "Indiana again.'will be for 111., for most outstanding Want to Watch sr. *v"».d quibbling over minor a:d treatment of shock, arterial AimiftUtraUve' vice president • EDINBURGH, Scotland (Ah— a the Rose Bowl." *«* BIG 19, Pag* 7 senior of t'ie yeai and to Frank Laura, East Detroit fr, for most bleeding, asphyxiation. burns, fractures ami dent.*. The formats of the shows to be presented outstanding freshman student, ^ . Piapp announced the cab- A middle-aged Frenchwoman For people who have never watched a radio botli in school of hotel, .restau¬ The problem is designed i«. consist of Use student's entire terms work. *' anointments for congres- vk,r'' approval. Cabinet mem- complained in' court Thursday she was ambushed and severely broadcast there will be a chance to do no Satur¬ day in the Aud. .. " Commercials are written by the students, who Inflation Hits rant *ncl institutional manage¬ ment. take loss than plete. Two problem* can bv run an hour to com¬ do all of their own taping, continuity, and en¬ . Mr> arc: elections commission- injured by * lion skin rug Student* from television, radio, and film 272 . simultaneously. . «» Harold Hodge. Haolett jr.; ^3'urcr, Bill Barker. Norwalk, lande Neff, on the floor of the It was lurking, said Mrs. Ro~ will be broadcasting on closed circuit radio front 8 a m. until 9 p.m. The project is celled "WMSU gineering. The program* broadcast will be selected To ap¬ Barbershops Student lo SfM'uli Tnis arrangement was plan¬ ned to permit South William-, ir-1 orientation director, Golden Lion Hotel. Broadcast Day." ~ peal to an audience of the same type as East Abbot, Snyder and East Sha y Lansing. There will be no rock and roll. Accord¬ Lansing area residents wiii While staying there one day Students and the public are invited to tour ami If /-// AUdredge, Port Huron jr.: of organizations, John In July 1957. she walked into witness the actual live broadcasts any time dur¬ ing to Robert*, the programs selected will be of start paying SI.75 for haircuts Tuesday and youngsters will be Meelitifi team* to compete in- one morn¬ ing. Blrkhaww U* Altos. Calif. the manager's office and tripped ing the day, according to Amie Roberts. Philadel¬ a high class nature. Time will also allow partici¬ Tim "Junior 500", which takes place airo on tapped $2 for "Butch" cuts. Lauren I lager. Mar let t* fr, director of academic ben- headlong over the rug's project¬ phia junior. The increases were announc¬ will speak on "The Challenge pation of one or two teams of Hi:s* Mary Hannah, E. Lansing Instructors from 7V, radio, journalism, adver¬ Saturday, will be taped by the itudent engineers ing I,on head. ed Thursday by John Bryan, Charged to Us" at 10:30 a.m. ,safety chairmen and other* *•« »ad tising, and speech will be on hand to act as guides arid re-broadcast over the WMSU network that executive secretary. Gii In the {all Mr, Nell ialtered president of the Ingham Coun'.v Sunday in Alumni Chapel as whose halls do not yet have a v«*. Harper Wood and describe the various procedures of broad¬ afternoon. Jr. a fractured abouider which doc- Barbers Assn.. who said only part of 4-H Sunday, team. There will be sports shows, fashion and ladies' Speaker Chuck Herbert an- tor, raid would never be the casting. The 4-H Club picnic is sched¬ A ladder and a stretcher w i The | shows, news shows, and disc jockey shows. One the Lansing, vicinity would be '-Reed the appointment of new aame aaain, die contended in affected. uled for Saturday at Potter's be available for each team, o; - c half hour of "Monitor," the NBC weekend pre¬ members John Pellet- demanding 1,750 pounds ((MM) The present minimum* are Park. Students should meet at ganized teams should try to be sentation, will be channeled through WMSU radio y. Bimuajham ft. npceaentind damages Irom the hotel owners. The participating students will be 'graded on $1.50 for haircuts and $1.73 fur Room 1 Ag Hall at 11:30 for prepared with rope, glove.-, f-»ternitle«. tog ... . and Clair Claire Rt*p. The delense (Wed Baf»'- . their handling of the various procedures of bruacl- 5 "butche*." rides. Those going should noti¬ strips of cloth and other cuur¬ ban, tnd niamed lbs. IM for fy Linda. Harfticker, ED 7-0392. esc "• - looking where she wae gency gear. Engagements Michigan State New* Society I.INDA ft,\rMKIt KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA ALPHA XI DELTA Ml ttuoani larvirat Cast Lanaing Michtfan Published on class days Monday through Friday inclusive dartne fall. Winter cud aurtng tcrmai weekly durlini summer term« ano , special freshman mut between summer and fall terms. Entered second class matter under the act of March S. lift at th* post office f:\VH SOf lETV EDITOR Judy Lebaeller, West Branch junior, to Dick Huey, Glen Ar¬ Annie Berg. Grand sophomore, ' ■ U*rub«c'r^tl?ne oavable In advance for one term 13: for two to Dick Harmon, I'SN. ♦erms. 14; for three terms. » bor senior and Sigma Alpha Members of »h* Inland Dally Press. Associated Press >r!r a-i'l Ph: Gamma Delta; Val¬ erie Roll, Fort Liudcrdale, Fla., Ray GufiUrp. Detroit grad stu¬ dent and Alpha Tau Omega; Hue junior, to Bob Berneeker, lliirhliffhtiiu' the weekend schedules of campus religious !:»n I vonior and Sigma Alpha Tyler. Schenectady. N Y . senior* to John lang. Uni<-n University oryanizatfon* are an ice cream social, a Hawaiian term party K » 'on.fAnne Austin. F.avt I^in- s-ri^c senior ,to Pat Coffey, MSU medical student; Dorothy Nel¬ ami a sprimr hamjuet. Sunday night at Hlllel lleuse. son. Okemri* sophomore, to graduate and I'hi Delta Thetn; Wecley K'iunflii'ion li.«* The guest speaker. Alvln Magid. Phillip Ifealy, MSU graduate; Nancy Allllrr, Muskegon senior, net an itv rn-asti sue ai from 7 will lead the dlaeusalon on. "Re¬ Linda Raven. Holland sopho¬ to Roger' Harmon. University of II j»m mn.ght. and Saturda ligion In Polltlea IIW.'1 more, to Bill Bremer, Michigan Chi-ago mcd student and Beta ttlght id Wr-Uy H-ii c Th Tech .senior. tvin'k'* StinH^iy •nec';rit» in 3! Canterbury Club will gather T'i"'a Ps. ITnioii will In- rente:vd aruund a: ti Sunday evening at AH OFF-CAMPI'S Saint* Chun h for evening prav- l.ora Faction. East lousing the ; v. ignition f thru' grafiua'- Ing seniors. "Hawaiian Holiday." Gamma i er and supper. ahue. professor of Dr- Francis Don¬ and religion, will speak on the humanities junior, to Robert Geriaeh. Park K<»re.\ ill . senior PHI ML* CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS Delta* term party, has heen topic, "The .Monastic In the Sandra Meppala, Sault Ste. DKADI.INKS: I p.m. Ita.v B»fore I'ahlintton for To«o- W«4- Thar«.. •rheduled for R tonight. Dre*s Orthodox Tradition." Marie junior, to John Wallen. ■nd Frl. Kd it lorn,. Deadline for Mon. Edition: I p.m. Fri. for the—evening Is rostnme or Members of the Lutheran Stu¬ Sault Ste. Marie senior; Pat Hills Payable M2 aed 1-5 Monday thronch Friday rastul. dent Association have planned l.iind. Midland senior, to Jim Gamma Delia ha* planned a their annual spring banquet for 6 Sunday evening. The banquet Shaffer, Liurcnreville. HI., jun- F.I) 2-1511 EXT. 2(>I5 ; >r arid Alpha Tail Omega. picn • Sunday a*, potter Park in is in honor of their graduating Lansing Regular Sunday vr*- PI BETA PHI seniors. The Rev. Otto Bremer • piT service will be held at R 13 Horeen Wood. Snyder, NY , LOST and FOUND at ihe park will speak on "Grey Flannel -epi'.r, to Ben Elliott. IT of M AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE Living " ' If.'!»1 Foundation will hold a sen.or an i Sigma Alpha Epuilon. LOST SMAI.I BLAi K Trinity Collegiate Fellowship 3FASONAILC PRICES announcement lwo_ront*ct lenre? a:k< Sinnatn service a', 7 3i1 tonight has scheduled a buffet supper VAN hikmIN with i ON CAR RERAIRS DI AMOND KIIOIV u\ H <•: Ilmise Ortrg Shahaf* .liidi liison. Warren senior.' t i for 8:45 Sunday evening. Fol¬ Mar 2fl.27.2g t »p.c ;; t>e "Daiah in Time* lowing the supper, the discus¬ D»ugla; Smith, Plainwell sen¬ I/7RT 1955 BOY S i'f.As t'f. Complete Selection with letter "N" VWt'front, mni Square ' sion will be centered around the ior und Alpha Gamma Rho. Ray on. ft/-;.'1, J 7 side. "D L A " ED 3-IJtl N, r )l I 9'r p v » * •' « Special Prices Members of llillel have sehed* topic "Christianity and Your ABBOT Mt Tom Johnson, outstanding ^haryanne Winer, Detroit I/3ST -- GOLD WEDDING tiled a huffrl supper for C p.m. Doatln v " (l.amond expert, will l>e here •mail green gtnnee Vlrmitv of j «' v.'a--' $i ,' freshman, to Arnold Marcus, Landing Reward. Call ED johnson rure oh Suturdny, May 2B. from 10 n.tri Garden Civ. N Y aenlor to 0 p m. to assist in custom PERSON aT , 13' (a • (•'* 1 a - • EVEN SFARTV Is dressed for the aetlvlfles planned for the seeond GILCHRIST design and special problems. Pinnings Judv Helvlua, Grand Rapid* McDoteld , D'-'ve-i"- t.reek Weekend. Thi* weekend's program inrluries firrek Olympic*, We Now Gi»« Rettej* Stampt FRFK DIAMOND BONUR FREE GAME OE MINI ATI RE g • lambda Chi Alpha's Junior .'oil. t.reek Feast and IK' Sing. State junior, to Maurice Goudzwaard, SAVINGS RTAMFS 4 p m - 4 p.m. today. Mav ar>. « •, News rtietn hy Mike DtOiny. Grand lUpida aenior. IBf.J PLYMOUTH CONVERTIB1.F. Redeem Now and Save thia ad. Next to Paul Reveres J>> V-8. standard *hift, good condi* Good Time Golf. s n BETA PHI Royal Oak fraehman, to Mm KAPPA ALPHA THETA t»pn 3475 E!> 3-5453 39 William II. Ttiomimgn, Jeweler Caba. Glencoe, IU, ten lor; liana Pal Pew. Bay City senior, to DAVIS ORCHESTRA lloHcri It.-111 on Abbott IM. l.ou Butler, New Canaan, Marberg, Jamaica, N.Y, aopho- George Stevenson, Bay City ~~1W» ENGLISH FORD ANGLIA* FftANDOR SHOPPING CENTER KENNY Call ED 3*I477l Conn , senior, to Bruco Johnson, verv gno»1 condition lw mileage, more, to Nteva Raebmai, Long graduate and Sigma Alpha Ep- white wall* Tail ED 3-2591. Room Mall Court — IV 14141 HAVE A GOOD time tontgtu t Duricn, Conn, senior and Delta 40 Is'and, N Y, senior. sllon. 23» get up Saturday in time f..- " - Parties la Hi nil lis* lit P T,ui# Delta. Soginnw senior, to Denny Roaallnd Mathews. Motors Inlaitute Her- CHI OMEGA Jean Walter*. Femdale jun¬ l«to.l t'HRVKLER NEW YORKER E*reliant mechanical condition, pow¬ - F.tGO Two mniithv old 8-522ii HE-US BTEREO Need cash pre-emn Ph IV* 37 wash l Nine to noon l 501 MA< n I;.-., -.•r.i.ii fiener; 1 and i)mega Fpsilon. Bon¬ ior. to Dick Serfozo, Wayne sen¬ JlaUs Fralurr er f»X brake, 4-7441 and steering $IL7 Phone and Delta Chi. HOUSING PAT HILLY end I1AR W eekend A el i vit ies nie tirade. Jackson sophomore, ior l!i52 FORD SIX CUSTOM four door AARON'S take thi* ad to tie t<» to . svve Hale. ami Limbda Chi Lansing auphn* Alpha; DELTA EETA Gerl Cole, I.ansing soph¬ 'Sunbrellas' standard shift #173 or best offer Radio, Heater, G• tion >175 After 3 30 p ni IV 4-4130 an i PI Kapj».i P-. K AFP A KAPPA GAMMA lore I ©m races anil feasts this weekend all t<» prepare f.»r the ten¬ hat i* back with a bang, design, SIGMA M Nanry Gallagher, Skokie, 111., pj to protect delicate ladies sion arriving in jn-t a tew week* via exams freshman, to Iltwk TlUey, De- from the summer sun. and call¬ 1934 RAMHLF.1t FOUR-DOOR reeltnlng seats goo«| tnenhanleal ron- UNFURNISHED TWO-BEDROOM REAL ESTATE Chi !),«".» liigantr. Chieago. li. hmi«e on lluirrte Road. Okemo* tmit .junior, and Alpha Tau tl It ion |3IS> FD 2-1314 after 4 t> m :M I'lus ptllitle*, children welcome, ('nil unanimous vote of the . to the I arising area »i''i ••»>- :e. t » Faeh Eord. tilen- ed, by EAST LANSING. FOUR betr . f hncg.i ED 2-5.7»i.7 .75 v. i :. kophovnore 0 • ountry's leading hat designers, 1453 MERCURY C'ONVF.RTIBI.F cane i-od. five years old. Lew t»- PHI Ml' AIFII8 ' Sunbrellas" At'Tt'MATIC tran*nil«*lon. wlute- SMALL ItOUSF. FURNISHED Ideal petuig up and down, many buii' « I V ANS Sf IHH.ARS \ all" ami a ntw top. I»e*t offer ED lor couple or *mglr per mm >'5> « moving to Grand Rapid* Owner FT- Husnn Wolfe, Jonesviile fresh- This is a switchback to the 7-151)4 :W month. Call ED 2*18!'2 6-H p m "W 2-2590 M.n n.t Vanuver. lAuiiiac m m. a »< and their new shady hats are nings. Ed Briscoe. Kapap Kappa Gamma are pres¬ 195.7 NASH II A?,'I» H, new motor EAST KALAMAZOO - REDUCED Dream Girl and the announce - Al PIIA \l Dl I TA planned for the purpose. Most EAST LANSING NEAR f< rate* fur summer Two furnished ment of her court ident. Caryl Williamson, Detroit and tires rheap transportation Onlv apartment*, three one listing Bv owner, four bedrw** Sue Doty, KaguMw sophomote, of them are high-crowned, with IDS IV 8*3433 after 7 nm ;»> one room, junior; vice president, Chic ft four room All utihtle*. garage, two hatha, rape cod. on one • • The mm of The!a l'h: rn- ' . J o Hovk Kalamazoo sen¬ Seaman. Last big drooping brims that are flat¬ STUDENTS—BPV laundrv. Students employed. IV landscaped lot. Carpeted, separa's . Lansing Junior; GRADUATING or living room and dininf room T«-» trr'aimm: tramp*. ior and Delta Ch tering as well as functional a new Valiant nr I'lymotith from 4-455U 35 tect«rding secretary, Gretchen The most popular colors in O'Shaughnessi now Make Hist pav- Hreplacae. full haeement. 3'# ra- flapper-'- ancl 3th A\« nue Wot lie, Dearborn junior, corre¬ FURNISHED FIVE LARGE rooms lached garage Price 321-500 EO DEI TA KKIMA PI 'ntrnt in Augu«t or September If you u socialite* a: the Bowery H.v : ■- thencw big hats are bright tur¬ have enuilv Pi a cat now, or run lre>hman. sponding secretary, Terry Coffey, right away Dan Four room* for two for summer rof"-T Anions i:;<- s*'c».w quoise and lilac, to accentuate down, come in EAST LANSING - 2715 Ro^r ■> Iteorge Erenrli. Jer-ev City, Chicago, ill, junior; treasurer, O'.ShatighiteMv. 335 South Grand, Thie* block* east ot campus Mu*t v;lci are the men *'J I' l>« the fair-skinned look, with eye- 41 be over 21. ED 7-14117 jS LAND AVENUE >33.900 Si* f- N.I ion liengiuusei, Marilyn 11 ruby, Cwero, III, jun¬ {.ansing (ulnnial Three bedrooms, f1 • b*' » !>e furnr.m-d II shadow available in coordinated . The'.A *»4 Lamikta On Ahswr I*,V I * * v* i ire-'imari. to I hsrles El¬ ior 1155 CHEVROLET - TUDOR WW BLAKF. - (FRAN DOR NEAR I large built-in kitchen, two firepl* AU the tt-'if-fnade den Li.'.- ami his m-i he-tt.. tones. Slandard shift, perfect condition newer budding. furnished three two compartment, baaement w lis. Pleusatitvil'r, N' J junior. Newly elected officers of the - Iinlahed recreation room dmc » umawuy rum boMwa RtU'ndmg, |.a*t Xlond.ty night ttie I , The new sunbrellas are avail¬ radio and heater tall Rick at 1)135 room*, ceramic bath, ample closets, l»e* Gourmets ReaUurant Club storage, laundry, parking For men garage. On* block from grade •cbia/! will dathxs U the music « f ih»? Fill Ml able in all ED 7-9751 :i« warrior* delivered invitation* In are: president. Dennis Shouldic.*, price range* and or couples June 15 ED 7-R552 34 Phone owner ED 7-9491. ' Bachelor > their date* by invading the rc*i- Gayle Alkins. Muskegon should fit the purses of budget FORD 1954 GREEN TVDOIt Detroit jr; administrative vice APARTMENT FOR THREE male HOUSE FOR SALE near Basle'' Piurri-l-v ts-.:: *<•«• the tra- ttrllre dintnc loom* shouting lieu" * junior, to Ivan Wade. conscious college students as Six cvlmder slrairlit *hlft 28.UDO students available for summer term New tnree-bed room ranch I ' president. Lenny Susso, Melrose, notes >112.'. by owner. I E 9-ftat5 tf Ban ment. Ga* Heat. Garage - R IflYii'.v n {; »nt yard a to .'use chant* ami reading the decree I' i'■ J M grad.i.tte and Alpha Chi Mass. well as extra fashion conscious Private lelenbone alt utilities paid sophomore; first vice 52« Evergreen FD 2-2330 tf -In Kitchen Ten minutes to farm* I r «1i**a:Jt*d t .gar i-uU*. ' .«t;« allowing (lie chosen girl to at¬ S.gni.,. Nanrv Armstrong, Del- •Fifth Avenue shoppers 1159 GOLIATH EMPRESS SE¬ >1500(1 I^nd Contract. Owner r» < president, Charles La Tour. Lan¬ _ soaked htk\ and o::>ii nr. , i!- tend the partv. liji Island will mar. N Y junior, to Tom Hen- DAN one .it Germany * finest built EAST LANSING - ENJOY life In transierred Terms — Call FE 9-N-' sing senior; secretary, Carl King, . etonomv ear* booties* inside and a m,.dern twnroom. furnished apart- !anev>ua srUcies ui i: ■ • AlvboU begin with a feast of «nch deli¬ son. Philadelphia senior and Al* Cleveland, Ohio, senior; treas¬ out. A-t mechanically Bareain ment Just oppostt* campus. Uttlitles Roai Bowery island priced for out< k sale will finanie at electricity cacies a* style roast plu Tan Omega. urer, Dave Dippl*. Grand Rap¬ except Ideal for aingte FAST LANSING (NEAR) - Res¬ bank rates Rov Christcnsen Ford lacultv person or married couple tful contemporary three-bedm Solprrlav sfterooon. reoperation of the weather man. with (tie thicken and fresh fruit. Do! fit rp-.l.-n actives \v 'he Fill KIGM % RAPPA J.ryee Ros*. Fort Mryer*. Fla. id* junior. Recently electe73 ED 2-1055 EAST LANSING - IDEAL for .77 twn.hath ranch. Many extra*. or-» ar,d-a-»«»if .years old. Near scho ■ aeseral piraiira will hr held. Trt- endTiaiiH-d hv the; p.. iko shopping Bv owner, ED 2-!9«2 jumor. to George Grieg. Bloom- Alpha Delta Mima are; presi¬ 313.95 and up. Adjustment. used tiree Champion Brake Reltntrs. 39c Good Li-cultv Live In beautiful sur¬ Reta will hold their picnic at l-vo'di.-i s Saturdav evmmg They held Hills .*emor; Judy Lowe, dent, John Murphy, East Lan¬ rounding* in a deluxe, a.r condition¬ RPARTAN MANOR - f*' FRIDAY 21U0 r Kalamazoo IV 4-4«49 tf ed. modern apartment On* half sale 75- 133' Gas and water avs (lull Lobe, near Kalamavoo. The wis! he given a HiilbiH* Pa: :y Dearborn freshman and Zeta sing junior; vice president. block from Union. Parking. Utilities x WESLEY FOI NDATION able Call owner. CD 3«4**° ■tew of Esther. Hutterheld and Dancing will be ta the music »•! IM7 FOWO FAIItLANE VW tw« except electricity. 3115 ED 1-5954 XT Tau Alpha, to Tom Myall. Dear¬ Chuck Shemely. East Lansing 7-U p.m.. Wesley House. Ice — Usworth will hold their picnics jsteico door, green and wiUt*. Fordomatic. senior; .secretary. Bill Field, OU . born sophomore. - cream social to raise funds for V-». radio, power steering f,iur and brakes, whittwall ■OOMS SERVICE TRIANGLE City, Pa., junior; treasurer, Ar- cv>mplet;on of new house- i.aater, new tires New baiter v. ea^ client con* nie RoberD, Merion, Pa., junior. Public invited One IV S-3814 .14 UrrEBC LARRME.V Susan Humjvhrifs. Ea.*t l«m- owner Crossword Puzzle junior and Alpha Gamma Newly elected officers of Phi OAMMA DELTA .^take life easier Tall term! — IV ,i. : » Jack Svhenrk. Lansing Kappa Mgma are; president, • pan., 444 Aboott Road. EMPLOYMENT Just pay for your room — Kdt senior. Joseph La bo, Rockwood senior, "Hawaiian Holiday." Term wherever you want! — Reserve ACROIt 3t Eaclama* vice president, David Beauvais, rULL-TIMC OJIOOCJIY caafuer* tton party. $30 per person now! I .RIUllow ALPHA DELTA PI Detroit senior; secretary, Rich¬ experience preferred Must be neat 40 Wife of HILLLI. and pleasant. Apply at Prince Fr«.. TV It Phon, 0 Candle* Anne Ruege, Midland junior, ard Haines, Dearborn freshman; Prother* Market. Ui Cast Grand Gcraint 7:30 p.m . llillel House. Sab¬ Duublc MM Kk. Homer, Kalamazoo River. Ra«t i-ansmg. in person 39 •RPARTAN HALL It Poorer to John treasurer, John Helming. Tren¬ 47 I'nusfd bath services. » Valuat'.e sophumoro and Sigma Nu. ton, NJ, junior. M'MMEk EM PIAT Y MENT. |M0 4J Along HATUBDAY roetal *iONT|tLV plus scholarshlo V> Tight 44 Nerve ALPHA LPMIMIN PI o'uilnnt# Write: Al Chccco. t04 E. 213 LouU Street IS Article nrtworkf WERLSY FOUNDATION 14 Burn 44 Filth WiHa Yaffe. Benton Harbor Vol. Rmim Hobor 7-U p.m., Wesley House Ice Michigan. Lansing 41 CO 2-2373, 2374 It Quantity ;f 41 Wstty x,iphotnore, to B«H Woiaberg. cream social to raise fund* fur college MFN - YOU can earn Special Summer Rates For Men medicine New York City junior; Penny Col. Dorsey Rodney, special tHSS) this suninier in yuur own hem- St Degenerate peren Schwartz, Queens College fresh¬ assistant to President Hannah, completion of new building. lowil aeiiin# CutCO, a division of & Women $3.30 Double SI. Tear* apart Solution of Vottordoy'a Pt>u«f Public invited. Alcoa Sign un at the Placemen' SI. R««oun4> Brows. Forest 45 S3 P.kehke fltfl man; to Rleh was recently presented a certifi¬ 4 p.m., Francis Park. Wes Uureau PLEASANT SINGLE ~NOOMiT~for 34 Watering . 54. Old oath Hills. NY., sophomore; Vicki cate of membership in the hon¬ summer, screen porch, adjacent yard, place 2 Reputation 10 Rivers; Sp. Weds, family picnic, chicken parking. 527 Elizabeth, East Lansing, !V Elicit Sd Midday 3 AUernatiVt 11 Ave.*t»ach. Stokie, 111., eopho* orary squadron of the S&d Unit¬ barbecue. FOR SALE tour blocks from campus 37 Ml dumb led 3?. Smooth 4 Stupid' 14 Rarer more, to Ed Abry. New Hyde, ed State Dragoons. type SUNDAY FOR SNtX - WI3M A It A N'FR pup* rOR RUMMER - APPROVED comer » s i I 3# Set free person 17 Trouble N.Y, junior; Marilyn Gardner, Rodney founded the famed p:es Ton months rid—from govd rooms for men ju»t three minutee St Among 5 t,oak Cornell University freshman, to "Dragoon Honor Guard" during HILLEL Horn Bar key Private entrance bath, 62 Sweet yeund 20 Scarlett« hunting slock AKC. rcgtctorcd - tO Batter atkance Itoh Hamburger. Atlantic City, 6 pun., llillel House. Supper. rooaonoMo Call TV 4-4341 37 phune. parking. ED S*tMT. » 44 Make plantation his command of the 2nd Armor¬ 6 Rovolved " •3. Fact* Alvin Magid will lead discus¬ 43 Mur.iaJ 7 Land 72 Small direct N J, freshman; Ethel ManJell, ed Cavalry Regiment in 1933-37. iMPOfrrko tux-mxi u: coat ts APPROVED RINCLE ROOMS for S3, Concern.** study 23 Surgical sion on "Religion in INilitics." white, uncombed cashmei-e. pants men with kitchen 34 Not active meaiure T V. frtytiaflaa and thread have narrow side stripe. Never srom. >7 par week Rummer price. 3? Walk un¬ DOWN 4 Father MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL Call IV I-4C41 after 7 37 Double room* available for fall with 28 Irrigate steadily 1 Turf 9 Remnant 74 Satisfied 3 pjnv. Potter Park Spring kitchen privileges tf desired. 1134 picnic meet at 1;15 for ride* 35 MM MINOLTA camera ~ Frve. East I .ansing ED 3*4379 37 31 Under - f10 old fierman vio¬ 3-USDS after 3 3» weakdays or week- 34 l.ight ra n • pan.. University Lutheran lin. cood i-ondttmn. best offer. ed- end* 443 Grove Street. at 33 Scarlct-bird 38 Quote Church. Pick up tickets from 2-0727, Kl H Cherry Lane .77 NEAT ROOM FOR gsnUeman In a as Small representative. Rev Otto Bre¬ TllRFF "* I'MMCR FORM At.4. very quiet homr near campus. Call branch mer will speak on "Grey r.v-ktail dress, and summer wedding IV 2-nM after I pm Jl dress Good condttlob,.-Very reav suits. Harvey Shultt will t a r-i. fo 4 p.m.. M Not ail 55 Coiy roont speak on bis 300 mile ride for the bridge dedication in 1957. ft WANTED 37 Hard- ( ANTBBSURY CLUB j:s m.a.c. two-nr three-bed room bouse to- -helled frtj't • p.m.. All Saints Church. lor school' form ne*t fall Seotemi 60 Pubhc an. Evening prayer and cost sup¬ to June IS Hiiftvnw* *>r - ffouncemenl DEIORATEO CAKE* DEI-TVER* LORT - GAMMA PHI BETA «or- Thomas Aouimi. ID I'M'* per. Dr. Francis Donahue will , 41 FD to vou for parties, birthdays ©rtty ©in finder please return to tSI Manv other dellciout past ties Kwast GUchrtst at WANTED - THREE BCD^*0 sytr.bfj' apeak on "The Monastic Life house. Convenient to test L*> - Bakcrv. |V 4*4733 * tf 83 Fgyp* in the Orthodos Tradition." * LORT ON CAMPUS — my angora High School. Prefer ranch or • _ > ar t ar. dc.ty; SCHOLARSHIP FUND DRIVE . CAMPUS CLASSUli&B . . ret used on children's T V. program. fhejMO itfl station WB*B «r ED '• with one bedroom on fw* Adults • Rent or Usee. EO ' . 4 p.m., ArvrMK Union. BUY . . , J«* 37 At Board Mooting May St, IN# MICHIGAN STATE NEWS rwnw Greek Week • Poitorntzky Elected Proxy To Au>ord AVMA I Wlm PUT Scroll« | Staff Changes Told Bud (Continued from Page. 1) Spingler will be master Dr. Nikolai, asst. prof, of foreign languages, has recently been elected president, The meeting was attended representatives of MSU, U of M, Wayne State by The Women's Auxiliary to the student chapter of the American Groups Attend Meeting of ceremonies. Entertainment University, and Veterinary Medical Association Delta Sigma Phi and Alpha Benson, faculty advisor t* Del¬ Nineteen appointments, J 5 I; Ngn*en To Halt, from instrurtor will Includo a *kit entitled of the Michigan chapter of the teachers of Russian in the high will hold their annual senior tea ta to assistant professor nf physics and Kappa Psi, business fraternities, Sigma Phi. about 3h mem¬ leaves, four promotions and "Three Little Bears." enacted by American Ass'n of Teachers of schools of the Detroit area. astronomy. .May I; James A. Gherlty, Monday at 8 p.m. at the Peoples bers of the two fraternities at¬ transfers, eight miscellaneous According to the spring issue attended the annual stockhold¬ Jr., assistant professor uf economics, to MdU-O, Kept. I: and John A. Mar- Alpha Epsilon Phi; singing by Slavic and Itast European lan¬ Church. tended. changes and 21 resignations and the "King*;" Linda Bunker on of The American Slavic and Dr. Willis Armislead, dean of ers meeting of the Ford Motor *ton, from assistant dean for guage*. The The fraternities attended at terminations at Michigan State con¬ organizational meet¬ F.ast Euro|M*an Journal, Russian tinuing rduration In commnnlrallon the piano, who will accompany the school of veterinary medi¬ Company at the Masonic Tem¬ the invitation of Ford "to fur¬ University were approved Wed¬ arts to associate professor of Reneral Shelia Slimon while she sings ing of the chapter was held at is taught in 13 universities and rommttniraflon cine, will present 33 "Pushing ple in Detroit Thursday. ther knowledge of, the compli¬ arts. Kept. I. Wayne State University. nesday by the Board of Trustees. "Come Rain or Come Shine," colleges In Michigan. ltubby Through" degrees. According to AFROTC MaJ. cated world of business." N*e\v appointments were as New designation*, changes In and the Bachelors, a Jaw: quar¬ follows: title and temporary assign¬ tet, from Theta Chi. David llrrman Boy nr. assistant ments: A he. "Year Rem and a professor of agrlrultnral economies, Richard O. Hernltt, to director of Attend Church rifth." a qdartot ef ADFI't; a This t in. I. ISfil: Dennis V. Armstrong, Sunday public safety, protective services, and dairy farm manager. June 1; William salety service*. July I; Mary tiep- Latin Amertean trie; Norm H. overtease. Instructor of natural hart. to prnfrssor and head of teafl- srlenre, Kept. I; Glim Gordon, in- Daffy an Um haky-tonk fiim: les. clothing and related arts, Kept. sirurtor of aortal arlonrr, Sept. I; I; Merrill M. Jones, from assistant Nancy Rhatotac atoftni. and % ivlan Ktrvenson, specialist, rdura- llon, Sept. I; l.nula I'. Vandorl .Inde, librarian to assistant director ot li¬ Randy Avery, aerebatle dancer. braries, Jnl.v I; Henry C. Koch, from instructor. rdiiraliun, Srpt. 1; Myrtle divisional librarian to assistant di¬ Sunday evening at 8 the 21st un Homo, assistant professor of rector nf libraries, July I: Brnce H. annual inter-rraternity Sing jimds and ntttriiion. Nov. I. Tln-lma Imiiim. instrurtor of hnmr management and rhild development. Miidscn, ffom field representative to assistant director foe field services In the Highway Traffic Kafety Ten¬ will S»ngs be held at the will range from Broad¬ bandshell. EAST LANSING CHURCHES Srpt. I; Sergey N. Andrrtr. instructor ter, Jnly I; J. rati MrMonagie, from ,.f foreign languages, Sept. |; Krit- way tune* to natrlotfc rendi¬ andand . ortfi R. Wurtr. assistant professor of rirofessor r**or traffic engineer assistant director to of pro- the tions. * psvrhnlogy, Srpt. I; Idnard J. Ilirk* Highway Traffic Kafetv Center, Jnly Judges for ire Sing will lw: nril, Instructor of vrtrrlnnry path¬ I; llaiei B. Ktrahan, from professor ology, July I; William Lawrence and head of textiles, clothing and re¬ Leonard Falcone, director of the l rants, assistant |»rntrwnr ot physi¬ lated arts lo professor of textiles, MSU concert band; William. ology and pharmacology, Srpt, |j tinnald A. WHIIfSn, associate pro- clothing and related arts (at own re- Steiner, director of choral mu¬ EAST I AWING UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN lm«r (research) of vrtrrtnarv path¬ quest), Kept. | and Charles R. Hol¬ ler. professor of sociology and an¬ sic at F«ist Lansing high school; CHRISTIAN FIRST CHURCH OF ology, July I. Frrdrrirk W. Obear. aui« pro- thropology to acting head n| socio¬ logy and anlhropologv. June to and W. R. Mclntire. director of CHURCH PEOPLES CHURCH f.««or of chrmlstry. MSt'-O, Kept. I; Aug. 31. I music at Lansing Eastern. TRINITY CHURCH CHRIST, SCIENTIST William l.rr Kiigcrls, assistant cultural rdltor, information srr\. \ anil John Useem, professor Kervlre Reading Room. structor of home management and Area Sunday. md hrad. torlology and anthropo¬ child development. August .11; Rita A representative logy, Junr |, to Aug. 31. manuscript J. Adrosko. instructor, textiles, rlnth- of the Fred 'preparation inc and related arts. August 31; Rich¬ Bear Archery Company will Other leaves: ard I.. Riesling, assistant prnfrssor of demonstrate archery botany and plant pathology, July II; technique I rvln K. Van Drr professor of natural science, Stay in. Jagt. lonrlalu I'Udi to Junr 30, r»i»ll, health. Holland William V. Iiimb, associate professor of surgery and medicine. September at 1 p.m. Other activities in¬ clude trap shooting, horseshoes, ST. JOHN CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH OF EDGEWOOD EASTMINSTER LUTHER CHAPEL / Whr.iton. Instructor of agricultural .10. Ilrlce II Hnward, manager of badminton and a picnic supper. engineering. Sept. I. IMI, felloHship to work on doctoralr to Aug. 31, television station W3ISII. June 3d and Douglas C. Krllev. assistant profes¬ sor and coordinator, continuing ed¬ For transportation call Gary & CATHOLIC STUDENT EAST LANSING PEOPLES CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN AND at « altlornl.i. « harles lllrsi Jifehl. Schnlcke, ED 2-5355 or Keith ucation and international programs, professor of humunilte*, Sept. I. I Mill and to Aug. 31. I ot, |, tulhrighl It dure at John* Hopkins University; award to July 3. Bay ha. ED 2-8633. CENTER CHURCH STUDENT CENTER Alfred No*ak. professor of natural srirnrc, Sept. I. i%« to Aug. 31, IMI, WESLEY FOUNDATION I n (e rd enomtnatleael MS N. Hagadom Road Fr. a. Kavanaogh Er g, Zlpplt Wilson M. dlt le»ts for Teunant, fS blocks north of Grand Hirer) COLLEGE MEN EARN • Ameriran Institute of (Missouri Svnod) biological Sciences Curriculum Mu¬ Ray. Robert L. Morelaad. Minister 177 M A C. Avcnnn George L. Jordan Rev. Truman A Morrison. Minister ds Mt Abbott Road W. rani Ktrassmann. associate pro¬ Rev. Roblnaon O. Lapp, Minister 949 Division 9treat, IL Ministers fessor Sue, of economies, Sept. I, Ito St, 1961, research In Mtxlroi Man'lry F. Heckcr. associate profes¬ S2000 THIS SUMMER IN - Sunday ItJ . Masses ISSg • II :39 Sunday Worship * SUNDAY SERVICES SUNDAY PROGRAM 9m. J. Rrltton. Paste# sor of rduration. July I, 1M® to Junr iBabv silting at l:U A • THE WITNESS OP THR "THE HONOR OF A CERTAIN" K.L. Jr. High School. tt» Abbott Rd. Chapel And Parsonago to. IMI. work with thr .Michigan Fd- oraitnnal Association: and. Fvrlyn IjirKnl rnmpuny nf II'k kind in III, country ha* Mi¬ lt:N Masses) CHRISTIAN FAMILY" AIM" Mansfield, associate professor. textl- tral internalinit Hummer Job opportunities for per- Hey. Wllsnn M. Tennant 9:3d am rhnrch School lis, clothing and related arta, dept. I, Hallv Masses C:tt A S:SS A.M. Telephone j ED 2-977S i»«® to Aug. 31, IMI. sonable college men in Detroit and Michigan rtnort •:3S a m. Red Cedar School Rev. Trnmad A. Morrison and AdnK Study, Students Inclnded. One Bloc it West of S Harrison HA Promotions unci transfers: area. No experience necessary but yon must ba neat Confessions Dally S:M A.M. A • :)• OJB. A II Mb Crlbbery sad Nnraery provided. SUNDAY SCHEDULE Mary (.on Rosenrran/. from In¬ On sever Dr. 19:99 a.m. Worship strurtor to assistant professor of text¬ in appearance and must enjoy meeting people, no I N P.M. (after Resary) with eootlnnlng Church School for Divine !!:«• Slate Worship: 9 9®, 1® f®, 11:19 iles, clothing and trlatrd arts, July car Saturday «-9:3g A 7:3®-S®# P.M. a.m. Theatre necessary. Nursery for hoth services third grado and under AM. 113 P.M. Sunday Forum Church srhatrt Sessions At PARTICIPATION ON OCR SUMMER EARNING Chore^Krhool 9:3# A II 99 A.M. SERMON 8HJN I I' FOIt Students' (Gamma Delta) PROGRAM >VII,t, ALSO ENTITLE YOU TO COM- CATHOLIC STUDENT ORGANI¬ Crib room through Junior High "NEW FRONTIERS UNIVERSITY PETE FOR THE FOLLOWING AWARDS: ZATION MEETS SUNDAY f:ll am. College Class Wesley Jr. High Fellowship 3:99 p.m. ■upper: I N P.M. House TOURNAMENT NOW! 7:11 Hr. High Fellowship 9:M p.m. STUDENTS WELCOME P.M. 10:3* 1. 8200(1 rash scholarship* to nrhool Phone ED 7-E77S School am. All Ages Red Cedar Call ED t-9119 for I Vesper® 9:19 p.m. Play a Gana of of your choice WELCOME Bu® iervlco A valla bio NURTURE GOLF 1. Several $1000 cash scholarship* AT TO WIN ONE OF SEVERAL JET AU SAINTS ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH FIRST WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH Gaad Tin* Golf I'l.ANE TRIPS AROUND THE mSCOPAL CHURCH (Missouri lynod) North Magnolia Ave. al E. Michigan t! WORLD! 27M Hasten 1's Mile East - Rev. Gaorga B. Rilaan — Minister NEXT TO St Bsgadern Road) •R Abbot® ROM — ED f-lllft East Lansing PAl'L REVERE'B I. To win one of the AUSTIN IIEALY Sunday tchoal — 9 U A.M. 1 MILE EAST Or Boy. Mm P. Potter • i SPORTS CARS . Boy. Gordon M. Jones, Rector Sunday Schoul 919 A.M. Morning Warship — HAS AJM. MSL CAM PI'S Rev. Robert Gardner Tenth Sarvtao — |:M P.M. it holes or fin ros WIN, ONE AND ALL SUNDAY WORSHIP 19:39 A.M. EVERYONE , Evening Service1— i:®9 P.M. In addition, attractive salary each wtdc for IS waaka. SUNDAY SERVICES OPEN EVERYDAY For personal interview WIRE OR WRITE IMME¬ Rev. Oanrso W. B. Nkhelsburg WEEKDAYS f to It DIATELY 190 A.M. Mf Communion ED 2-27*3 or ED l-TWI EAST LANSMO 3 FRST PRESBYTERIAN • asae o rasnowsv WEEKENDS • IS to It Personnel Director I 9 99 AM. Mi rains Prapoo no lop SPECIAL KATES FON 2206 David RraJaratk Tower UNITY CBITB psdw w t-ttto Detroit, Michigan SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH »■ °— cy-.. sc. aassrav, rsnw SOUTH WASHINGTON AT MOOMBS RIVER Snndny Mmning Worship 9tJS ft WM onsw. — MMtt ClnMil DRIVE, , LANSING Wkkkl Nil. Nan-r HOWARD P. SL'GDEN, D.D., Pastor * DESMOND J. BELL, Assoc. Pastor •OMr unmet, CAMfftMUBY CLUB - ft Jt P.M. Sswday "To honor the Blessed Virgin Mary" I9.0S A.M. MLR SCHOOL MM t 11M CkM* — Call IV 2-93S9 lor free bus service. Morning and evening MM - MM M, bnlm f !!:*• A.M. "FAITH THAT WORHS" 7 S9 P.M. "OOIFS MAN FOR THIS CRISIS •M llllll' llkk, CUtIk CMS OUVET BAPTIST HOUR" %• Snriay.layl2.IGGI First In n series of measures (ram too most unusual S:M P M. ADULT YOUTH FELLOWSHIP book In to# Bible MariaaFaast IrilbltllML CENTRAL NETNOOKT (Family style buffet rapper) HOLY TRWTY 6IEH INTER-CITY Mil CHURCH SS21 E. MICHIGAN ORTHODOX CHURCH ISaparparsaa llparfaariy _ Speaker Ray. Hon PbHHpa. Grand Rapids (All you can eat) 9.49 a.m. Sunday Bible Ktbool —i, iiumiMMHII * 11:99 a.m. Morning Worship 9:99 p.m. Three Youth Groups St. Jafeat GaMaria 7:99 p.m. Evening Inspirational Service ■aaiw MM— — UBM! CENTRAL FIS "A Ctarlsl-C cote red Bible Tcachlag Ministry C— la * rtmm Clunk Slay crowning ceremony 7:30 P.N. CHURCH Living Rosery Parade by 3I.S.U. Student* Attend Your Church Sermon by Father Filagerald followed by. benediction St. John* Church Wortoto — .p * oo pm. Wed. Byotons-ldS "JIM ChorsR of too Light and This Sunday MfritlfMN STATE. NEWS letter by Council % ttftf ?#. tMD ' ' fate Fnur Campus Classifieds . . . Low Cost lasts Activities Ax an outcome of the ens;- title of National Junior Engineer Campus Classifieds . . . High Readership 1 9*0. .» newsletter, containing in¬ neerinjf expos? turn held here b.d « \MPBE1AS St Bl KBXN SHOP CAMFHKM/S St'BI'RB AN SHOE formation of the activities of weekend, -two y >un* men are H c-s \ entry in the expusd* * n the Krosh-Soph Council, past * the Tt'iC-Addler, a "T candidates for a' new award to n wa> C t and future, wm distributed ?■> e; circuit with a tele- ,1 ' !"'f ® be presented for the first time There's a new HAG on campus coin* out with * members of the freshmen and >• , . dial Input mechanism. jrt '!tie i - w sophomore class yesterday by the JETS, the Junior Engi¬ ; t ' neering Technical < •>-. r'-uchman transported two, cotton shirts fn: The newsletter contained a r- f»r The JETS is a «..v>'r dedi¬ t i - <»f equipment here to set tip biographical sketch of the new¬ "« i cated to «timula'e interest m h ; r»rotoet, the Pr>»duet5on and. ly-elected sophomore officers; a p-onert'ew < f tJquid Air: M!nm iiofsacking brief summary of the projects engineering in the minds of T winning candidate will v - the sponsored by the Council in tho hiKh school youths:. • k ol hatiste oxford Ronald R'Vht. S*gh:.v.v. an t be p'rkc.t by the executive com¬ past and scheduled for the fu¬ }"■■■ the mittee of the JETS board of ph Hays; Greg Totichman. Cedarv.Pe. -till 1 combed denim N Ohio. both high school students rect >r< at their meeting June 3 .. and a note from the president V' ate arc the candidates for the re v at K'-'.'ogg Center." said Fallon. whipcord 5 of the Council. \V 'Oil! \ t'hwi = oxford-aire oxford-.' Sati Contact I en* soitiiwest (and all your optical need."' teachers 1 he madras n . with * Alfnrv where? \ » WALLACE OPTICIANS 1503 Central V K. Albuquerque. New Mexle# out at « frrrnee Mirhtia two *p» Branch Offlrt — Vine at Clipper! Serving Southwest, (npp««itr scar* In Frandnr) Entire W f»l A. Alaska MSU Zi At the store with the red door, m eye examination* ha f!v on •j r \\\ C*. Jensen, fee Mr red nplomrlrid I KM REGISTRATION :■ has a 2 2 i'x ar naturally! I'll. IV 9-2771 Salaries 9420# tin g tiot nx: Mon. t *f; To**, Wed.. **i, • . red * > Member: VVT..V rekeni $•); Thnr*. A fri, M C >. JO set. .lOIIV VVBR IB ts X I I in.iuv.t JOBS \V«* IB IV K.TTHtdKV.) x art an • "WAtSt' Broadra*! Bay" will feature lrt hour* of •Ren-tH-thc- • -t ")U1 puhlie live radio l»roadca*tine Saturday. The procram ha* hern pn - • ... pared by student* in • television, radio and film 272. a* the rulmini- ..•''.we t tlnn of their term project* *re "Uanl to Watrh a Radio Show? .hi Pen ! ANDRE'S PRESENTS piae one. State New* Photo. id «tl Cnmpim Claaatfipiln llijrh lt..|«ilor»hi|> The New Medallion Series YOU Con SAVE $23 aid do a Tha Sornd of Top Brass Profossionol Job Whan Yoa Build an frier London Orchestra 30 WATT, BASIC GREEK FEAST Tha Soaad of Strings Michael l.richlnn & Orrhmlm IMS- Powor Amplifier MAY 21 - JENISON The Soaod of Misieal Pictoros only $39.95 mo two for STEREO ★ SERVING S:00 - 800 Tha Soaad of a Chorus Even If you have no experience, von earn build an RICO Itlf. The Cnmpaneros of Mexico Hirer linn* are clear and proceed urr* are simple ennuali for * CONTINUOUS ENTERTAINMENT any bee Inner. Both I I ANDRE'S ■ kb Ml SPEC IAL SKILL NEEDED! ucfei . h< ' -n St see one today at ■v n *e RECORD SHOP tlV" TAPE RECORDING INDUSTRIES . • \u.t < ucfei. » Ope.Mnn.9f9 <: mom, 1 SC7 NORTH WASHINGTON LANSING |D 2-0897 333S r. MICH. Sat. Till Noon Spar Knit Toan :\V.» r i .ub < trpic ■ . at ■ . 1 1 •• eme ■' ".••re fi lie he Lvt The S in t.he 5 con,i r.:r*se 1 MSU's h t : jxui t DUALHLTIR Filters for flavor HERE'S HOW THE DUAL FILTER DOES IT: hwtttt * t4« Cfcl-^o as no single filter can I ItACTIVATED t combine! aCHARCOAL... filtar ot uniqu. Inn^rdefinitely proved tr> make the .moke f, » mild and smooth... NEW DUAL FILTER EVERYONE WELCOME! | with a pure »hlte outer filler. Toqetber r^they aelect and balanta, alemante In tne smoke. tha flavor Tareyton'a llaeai HHimi gives you tha beat taste of the beat tooacooa. Cares*. Cm Switched Kobsmen Travel for Final Big 10 Tilts; IH Bowling * V Yankees Trade Again —With Athletics Must Siveep All 3 for 1st Division Vels I. «. • ci", baseball team bids fm 10 game He wo - t'^e !'>rst S]tol |i*«er. I. I ttllr rtn«. *i»m» i hi. All MP I. ); M.»l»nA ). UmliM, II. • Alpha. I CHICAGO V< ik Yankees and tdh-The New Kansas Citv That ha* twen .1 trouble •• >• t r the Y.-iii!,. , v • s ine 'hey t eh-d . , t.icd on the dia-'ihlcd list, I- rim; from mononucleosis He -uf* on a sota, and h in third place with Going, into the final w«*"k of Mil RHv J, Athletics , n tistical department t nut f ielder Bob Cerv, form with the A'- !n 1031 when, the slick fieldng Carey ep the X,, Spartans must ""win these in the cellar of tv-* p jo !er against State Saturday Mil¬ As a team. Sri For (hitiloor Pool o a vear State i* t igiith in batting with ci teammate playing with a wired no h" af¬ !>etwb. fir had been Un ollv to finish In the top five «• 1-3 mhrk K,v-«4 ler hs- n 3-2 record, while Mfd- Tic SM sk»*h toutnamen' It was the 10th deal hot ween ter an nrcldpu!, hi drove in I'M lorre times with one infill hit yi'nnesota has all but wrinperl IH title* bodii-" •' • < df Inst his first >!;• no in six a 203 average and third in tickl¬ scheduled the two clubs. Involving a total runs, hit 38 betner .m t ha" 1 10 a 3 OfI average. the title going Into*, the final Siturday wit i a doub'e loss decisions in an extra inning loss ing with a 038 percentage. • (r»r Saturday .morning u' H» in the Outdoor P»•' f of 01 players, since the Phila- 303 IPs average d-oppr t to ,\'t3 "We we»d five places looking k of conference competition- suffered at the hniH.* of M to the Gophers last w.ek. ■ • nn^- The tap hitter III the Hit H* men and. wonW?fl--*iCutfnt■ oelphia American l.eague Fran¬ last year but he bit 'Jo homers f pitcher- but. we couidti'l V the battle for second place SV* chise was shifted to Kansas City and knocked in 87 run* Th •pake a deal." said S'engel. .'So ..■ill being waged. fur Mst |m I'at Sirtnrius wh« - is cup tin.; in Mi.V. season he is lulling 2GU with «ix we made f HI * one. This gives toe m do play* a single game at In 13th In Ihe ronferenee with a and spinning with a rud ad .353 mark. Hill Srhndlieh h the roe' homers and 13 HBI. lb hit three atmt'iei handy man. Cerv run V oit«in today and meets The Yankees acquired a power Ediant* shmild report to tlw home turn- lad Sutidav m a \ ' any plan* fn the outfield and \ -'hwestern in a doubteheader nnly other Spartan over 33«. hitter lo fill Ihelr left field needs Saturday at Evanston. •nd he i* in I7lh poaltion at P"*» douhleheader with Deboit t'\ p'.oefl i-nl.v third base I Although he la haling nnly ,?tt« .333. Another a* temp* a' the m-i Carey. 28. plnvcd only 45 , urfpl drt-ide 'o le' (Yogi) Ucr* I he SfMiian*. In sl*fh plare In return (hey tare the .V* a atching again" ■ vidua! unm* «enr-!\nal will »<• gemes las! >t n bcfoir til • •. (o - tnu l „oh 4-5 ree«»e4. are • tame Ircad front line third haseman who a eg the Big 10 in hdtmg made :.*tay »• fi 30 when Mum- mimed most nf last «ea»nn be¬ 3111 111(133 STATE M WH ogt of second pto* •" 4'n«- is Minnt • tl» who ha> twen yom- pl.iv- Gtlmore frrcnee al Ihe prenenl time. necting at an awesome 315 rate cause of Illness and was beaten May 30, IArai Page five The 1M batphall throw con - Mirhigan h enrrently In the n«. out of the job by fill MrDmigald ThcOopmt* arc t'ci with Mich¬ tr«? begins Monday and con¬ Iv.o spot with a «-3 mark. igan fin the most homer*, with tinue* (or two weeks In front in spring training. No rash was ■•( Involved. MSU will again be forced to each having 11 to i's credit • the IM building Time* for com¬ Sc'Mldlieh .and B »b'k i petition , . on its strong pitching n* are 11 am to l pm Cerv. a 34-vear-nld long ball has all season. Expected to see continue to be the otilv Snatt,. ■:>. and .1 p ?u t.< 5 p n, daily hitter, normally plays left field. 3IMI mark. SPRING TERM rv are the three pi tellers who to hit over the ned in complete games" last fckend in the three game Big •n set. The top man for the IM Results Vat-tan* ♦ mit junior, who has a fi-2 mark . is Mtctcey Sinks, De- season and had a t 84 mark larrabee's sport shop ...fore the Notre Dame game. W GRADUATES IVn Sackett. who has shown V i <1 peaks during the season, michigan week special i'mmmn W «h»« second hurler for State. He Kalher .1. a ?-3 mark and ar. EH A of W natlev I. i,, 2.50, Wes Klewieki will DICK GOLDEN ennneet* for one of NSU'u fnr hit* uilml nbably »tart his second Big Notre Dame Wednesday at Old College Field. The Spartan* loot the Hallev 3. fmmon« MMIN MU OLIIBS LAST DAY FOR tame, N-| as the IrUh tied the «erle* at Mather «, «ra«on one apteer. I.a«t week Mather », lli# 10 Tenuis Slate Mopped Notre Dame. 3-3. at South Bend. Galden pteked «p hi* hit in the flrsi Inning ol the gamr. state New* Photo hy .Vonathan W Hhaw Yu. Delayed lly •paaatack manaaad iranraas ORDERING YOUR "WeT Weather NOTHING HOLDS LIKE NO WAIT WAIT WAIT SPERRY TOP-SIDERS ROYAL SCOTMidi Tmr Triit|HT Mrli'itr -linfl L . •• 1VANSTON. 111. x seven matches were played, v -Afte For your personal tafety afloal and ayho^a GAPS, GOWNS AND •iiyening wmpetition in the lt;g AT CARROLS S irons, 2 wands $62.15 " .. 'enni* tournament Thursday postponed by rain unt^l lo- ANNOUNCEMENTS !m i vent of continued rain. Hie "A Storing Rag. SI 2.00 goH bag 2.00 'ee-b.iv 'el* a! me«*t the will bo nmve-» Univer-dtv of A Sacaad" FRIDAY, MAY 20 , ago Fieblhousc. Flay a. I on Irovr Ihnc Borm-limr #m kaH dozaa goH balls rag- S4.50-FREE Northwestern University's «*ourts Imr- Itohlnd whoa you 11 to be calleti shovtly after ilrivr In Corrnta. H*r» you : N S.n Both 1 matches singles played riiv ston battled. Gerry Dubte. ace in the wen url :i rirlirloiM loach FAST! l'r> treat l his tasty luncheon Union Book Store larrabee's sp0r1r shop kb -ism. defending champion M < h ' ":i . had to ratify to defea: Stoy of Iowa Dubie was HAMBURGER \:i set psiint until he rallied 325 S. WASHINGTON AVE. .1 6-2. 5-7, 7-5 triumph. FRKS U U JnhnJOtt, Purdue's No 1 LANSING . • ig » - entry, was hard pressed ucffHting Al Eraser of Wis- SNAKE •* >nsin, 6-2, 3-8, 6-4. campus r Spartan Sailors Filler Olympic Team : ,v o * Competition membert of MSlTs sail- .ub will take part In the 2«MNI K. SAGINAW 2 Mock* Went nf I randoi MUSK SHOP « tvp c elitnination taibng team this week¬ for the TREMENDOUS!! s'. the University of Wi*- • Walker and Dave Dav- CAPITOL LP 1 sail to qualify for ad- • •• cnt to Marblchead. N Y . he lit ■e further eliminaUong will . SALE The Spartan club placed fifth in 'he Midwest Collegiate Sail- • KING COLE • JACKIE GI.EASON - ooti.jwiiuan last weekend at • SINATRA • FOUR FRESHMEN ovse inc. MStr* Davies was the meet's • JONAH JONES • KINGSTON TRIO * 9 iK'ibt skipper with "1 points • the B division. • SHEARING • STAN KENTON • JUNE CHRISTY • GUY I.OMRARIX) • TENNESSEE ERNIE FORD 3.#8 1.1''* on ult >1 ^^ •I.9H LP"* on nale at p.O "•.»* l.l*'* OH naif al QQ GOT HI-FI TROUBLES?? TRY Ol.R REPAIR DEPT. * Mil >c air It )tu tar «M*r • A m'i Haul tko* color ... rich, 4a,It, ( OPERATED BY ARTS T.V. SERVICE »'►' Mir UliHU NAM tAirrroHT oi ■pica-worm onliova* brown .. . pivot you 1 "woniorM Ioolin» rroomon" (ootwoor comfort. • a iac LMUM Ikrva ri*M-ftad> . ihremgk Kill M" LMl»afco*oaM * M Cor mod A'dMrlM koa»» tan(Mg« ot«d> iwuinouc Co Jontjon'i cotton knit lun-jwim sheath mil a wily figurethapar dial doos a neat slimming !4.95 tUUWM 1 Irick with narrow multistripos. controls curyas by 32C 8. WaaUagtMi Ave- Ask Ui About FAKE Porkln, 317 E. Grmad River Arc. iMatar moans of an exclusive built-in bro ond clever design Wide contoured strops, circular scooped neck, ond mid-v bad campus East IjmIw Pink, blue, brown or groan 10 to 16 sires I0.V3 City Parkin* Lot Entrant* at Rear Door Shepard'a Will Rtunbun* Yo»t MUSIC SHOP State, U of M, IlKni Vie Minnow STATE NHVS Paw SIT friday THEATRE surday saturday now siiou i.Nc; : For Big Ha l l /AM/.OK lOTraekCrown of 9:03.2. Reynolds and rlorkf* In IO« in, »:5» Young of MSI1 have been rr.pi-ftlvrl., Br.«n'« kr,t o- . ..j the ruif t fields (»f Big 10 trackmen cwr time this season ift 0:1.1.1 • rt- ■ rnblcfl appeal capable of a mas* shattering »f league cecords In the 00th annual conference mil- 129-YARD IIIC.II HURDLER Minnesota'! sen- pflfKBI ii.t-.r championships a: Ralph Young Field Fridav ka'ii.nal junior Have Odegard ihullciigcs the re¬ MwimuD and S.'UUidiiv rord or 14 0 It. d Mediae of Michigan and Rust slums Toll AV AT — V« many as seven of the 14 mark" listed iti the |'e !er«oii will follow him closely. Odegard has at* 1:110 - ,1:00 • 5:00 - 7:9t) - 9:0.1 rec.t|d book could fall, says Spartan coach and rcadv sped through the course in :13.9 this spring. TOMORROW IS mccl director Fran Dittrlrh, and all Halph Young 229-YARD COW 111'RDl.I.N -Del Coleman. Illi¬ Fields marks except the shot put arc In jeopardy nois.- 23 4: Mi Mac. Michigan. 24.0. and Dick Cep¬ M PER BARGAIN HAY MSI' fields a strong team this weekend, but do"s has, Michigan, 24« arc top contender* In this AM. IIAV PERYIEH no' appear capable <»f • weeping the meet from the event. % , SEE 2 FEATURES perennial powers. Michigan and Illinois HROAD JUMP—Michigan's Bird Is favored "DAVID AM) •spartans In tvntrh Ibis weekend trr Zaeh lord In this event: he has Jumped 24* If thla w*«m. IIATIISHKIIA" In the sprlnti: Willie ADrrberry. 220-yard dash Right behind his are t'ateman. IIIHmta. tV II I HELL BENTfortwict mil RI.N1 Mill II Mill K LiMTHBT It Ritt-Iill |*|,I".s OUR NEW FEATURE and 119-yard run: Hol» Lake, mile; Hill Reynolds and Cierry Young. two-mile: Sonnv Akpata. broad Paul Foreman. Illlnnh. 23' liH". Ml Ahpata. MMU. 21' R" Jump: Hike KleinbanH. pole vaull: Mike Gerhard, ~ nn I.Mi will II %ti Ri: — siiDT PUT—Outstanding contender Ift the high lump: Brian Cnslle and Jim Uarr, Rid-yard run. and the mile relay foursome of f'iitle, l.ake, weight tossing event Is the IIHnl's strongman Bill t'arr. and Altefberry. Brown. Brown tosses the shot close to 55'. Ray Ijocke pf Michigan has thrown the l« pound bill A rundown of event ."and outstanding perfortn- 51' 2 ". , . m love story anet will give some indication of how the meet POLE VAULT—Purdue's Mike Johnson, last will go this Weekend. Here c a partial list of Big vear's runner-up to Michigan's graduated Bales of the ages! It) star*-, their schools, and their best times this Landstrom in the llig 10 Indoor championships spring has vaulted 14' f» V this seav.n. State's Klrlnhans too-YARD DASIl Tom Jtobin«on. Michigan, has been steadily improving breaking three re¬ 91;. A! Phillip.-. Indiana. 9 8. Dave Mills. Purdue. cord. last week with a vault of 14' 4". and will NOVEL / !• M diana Both Ford of MSB and Eddie have suffered from mu|i le Miles of In¬ injuries this provide more than sufficient competition for the Boilermaker timber topper. DOB LAKE Wil l IE ATTERRERRV spring. t»ut remain as-outside chances. DIHEI H—Clearer Mlrha. Ohb» Stale. ISR' 5"; MYSTERY? . . . USES 440 are . . . rea^ 219-YARD DASH Michigan sprinter Robinson break Jesse Owens' 21 I for the 220 around Ed Schmidt, Illinois. 15V IV. and Larry malenherger. OHU. 15V 2" Meh- will bn-k In the ancient , , . defending mile champ , . , •i SurvevThe Wolverine junior has done '20 9 this Oreek event. BULLETIN THAT vpnftg Vurdue'« Mills, with u 21.7. is Robinson's only apparent threat. IIIOII JUMP—Reggie Sheppard. Indiana spring- National (,T>— would be nn undisputed pick in this event, best pizza 440-YARD RUN—Top powpfft* are Jerry Go- el. ( hirare !•• •§• lll-l la I PULLS / lem. Northwestern, 47 2: Alterberry. MSE. 47.4; hu1 is a has aggravated n high school injury and^ his big question mark. Sheppard has leaped 8' f.". Philadelphia 9#l *91 009-? 1 | Hills, I'urdue, '47.7; George Kerr. Illinois. 4MO R. Anderson and Rlrr. Aver- and subs Both Golem and Alterberry have been unofficially There arc a slew of good men in this event with NO Ill: Robert*, larrell tRi .inJ { in town limed ai 40-5 nr under for their leg of mile relay races. Howard Nmirse of Ohio State, Gerhard, MSU and Armand LeC'rone, all around 6' 6" performers, leading the pack. Neeman. W-R. Andenmn '1 i |._K«»herts (!•!). a Yul • Gina PUNCHESTi I call UNO-YARD Rl'N—lllitii middle-distance Heir should break fiis own rerord of 1:50.1 Hi. tar MILK RELAY—Perhaps the most exciting race of the meet. Illinois has come 3/10 of a second off SI l.ouls Piltsburgh «99 999 CO! .f «» H J9» «99 »9x—I K I Brynner Lollobriciua competitors will he Tony Soth, Michigan. 1:53.9, Bower-. Illinois, 1 53 9. Castlr. MSU, 154 the existing record set by Indiana of 3:11.7 and is' the top pick MSU. anchored by Attcrberrv and Kline. Bridge* <74. Duliha s Jim and Smith, Sawatski (RT*: I j« I Solomon and Sheba soi.omos'sn'ii siiibt sn night TODAY'* f* AMI * I WMi MftlCR • VfMM ttfCMll .\ilin. 7.»c Cltildrrn Fur • Only I lliln I'iiisl nf rain|iiis O \IitI Yuiir Krirnals! NtCtMIl CMIt THIS EEATI RE SHOWN AT • NVl MStH Casa Nova No. 2 laughter-happy, with Xan pnrth t hirago IranHveo (O'Dell (Noddl* 2-1) night tlrratt Ml t-3) »t Pun- at Milnaukro 1:00 • 4:2.1 - till - 19:33 a howling tPtrarrn 2-1 nr Jay 0-1) nuhi In* Angele* (gooiii f-3» at g'fiila- disrespect for •i«>|f»ti»a llinnrr •-?) night I inttnnali I.ii ' Roving (row Pulls Wilh Purdue, Culver LAST LANSING PHONE ED.2-2814 The MSU Rowing team w TOMGIIT Tllltl St N. C) FIRST III N HITS journey ibis weekend to Uk. STARTS TO-NM.IIT 7 I'.M. tiomcouw FnalkM«IHJ*7aCay Culver Military Academy a: ; III! No. 41 > Show n At • P.M. and Late an ran, MM .Illll FKATHKK IN Ol'lt Kill'It HKST Purdue University. Coach Jim Tyler's nar-f- KCHtKICX KII.MS: AIH'I.TS 7ftc MirHiiran Slat* I'Nivrrail.v will pull aga.nst Culver in "Adult, ultsnrbini. lurldlv unuli.n.1, frcturltllv .lus-kln. FOKKKiX FII.At HKKIKS mile today. Saturday will Hnd the ' - DARING1 SHOCKING' TRUE AS LIFE dram.." —/unwr. 1'ur Kairrhild Tlwatr* Aliin.. AY*d. — May 2.1 K 2S at Purdue wurking in the u . - SHOWN KXCI.I'SIVKIA AT TitK STATK pic distance of 2.000 meter* 7*9 9.B1. The team will be w . ■ • • DO.YT MISS — YOU'LL IIK SOU It Y • Adaitmiofi: 50r their bowman and captain. M - WHAT in Savich, Detroit *cn:m. lit will remain behind while n- • from a touch <»f iisc i* ■ IS THE cover* Tyler said he would name i Allrnri The Karir 1,.. Faaiure Show a alternate prior to the me* t FATE 1:15 • 4 7:99 • 10:00 Culver today. ** , DAVE FANA. Michigan St*'- ' OFHER 5-9 basetball Wisconsin guard, hold? high school Bai# MARRIAGE Conference scoring record > • ...THIS [T WEL TAKE US PUCE WtlH tAT OM A HOT TM fOF^ single season with 416 poin'j GIRL AS THE STORY OF A FAMLT MI* A SEOET SHAME! WHO Big as "Oiaan mm These are Uir people who Make 4 The MM* one of the GREAT SAYS Motion rirtam! IMtMINPL.MN«m hid Ml MhS M MS n •at kn mm! THC MOIHCR... ttffff ° acy, forestry SONY* AUKS -* BMIUE ION '' hctnnain!. are Uughi in the —gn stfein« WILDE • HtANCISCIIS • CNLEY • MLLANTYNE Metro FRBH TOtn.1 UIVM GoWwynlKayef i -WorM SHAW • matton • JACKSON Robert Eleanor • wit a in*fwd h wlcox of year* m the Black Hills sre» S'-»* prunes,; t.;ht«t o n*f« wi.fwi nmr» *i\ *»;. .1.11(1 RASTMU IIAD10 njfc&'ijb SWAMtff rCHUMPARXER « A SOI C. 5KO« Rfdwhaa tkw is wet! equipped with text '■ • tntrmnenis. Lehocnwry avau# for detailed study of Sold matcnA- IIIT NO. ft) AT 9:50 EM. RAT LITE HIT Gorard Bla n ♦ Jean-Claude Brit!# aw JuH.etle Mayniei *t Stole Big 10 Golf . . . kf^iAjo Vour Key to Better Vulueo . n\ JIM W'ALLISfiTON possessed the championship tro¬ Another threat for individual Tim Baldwin sports the best ,3; DetmP. 11 -4 ' . -«>ic| Wis' State Nf*« MporU Kdltnr \;>pMXinialcl,v 60 golfers rcp- phy four of the past five years and have won shares in the Big honors e o m e s front which bring* sophomore Mike Illinois Spartan average with 75.4. a lit¬ tle better than Tad MrhmMI's ern Michigan. 18'• •"»'* "\l*iit liiltn ftp'ift, AHitfi srhnrlttrr PUTTING FIRST THINGS tiMflg Big 10 school* tec-ofT in individual .championship ' in TolinsfU to the conference meet. 75.7. ('. A. Smith and Ty Cap- 1'nnl.x Siun Simmon* Way 20, I960 I'agr Seven churning for the first round •In- two-day conference k 'If 10 of the past- 12 years Konsek's chief threat will Telinorls has *The Hlini ■ heat rnnnd of 7S. a team don't lln have 76.2, and Jark Reynolds 77.3. ' ST LOUIS t'> •Tic S* FIRSTsA DEMOCRATIC at MSU'* Forest Akcrs from Ohio Jack constitute a real threat. Kali tie, Howe • cme State's Sophomore Hon fochran. 77 I, Cardinal* !efi-h under • course. IMrdue'a golf team, with two Nicklaus, the national amateur champion. He lias defeated Indiana's sixsome has been slumping of late and doesn't ex- defeated Buddy Badger in a play-off for the number six po¬ Curt liev' Bimrrionx. one if the Phil- VIEW. Americans, has been tabbed Konsek previously this year fun t to repeat last year's lofty sition on the crew f.-tmou* whi* free agent ktds »>f 195(1. Jtaee IIiu-ms favorites to repeat as cham- The Spartans should give Pur¬ third place finish. The lloosiers a* a lii'iriil ,|M-,'rhf-^.. Conference scoring counts the T e handed him hi* IIKTBOIT f ing a s'riMg nf rare hf>r*c- lo Purdue's 1,1-2-2 Their top man is tton 'Hover ig.m .29'j-l2'?: and Iowa, 22-14. WH:?eh;t'! tu'gh school in Fgvp'. ;• o traditional Western Con¬ or*? golf power, Purdue has Ohio State and Wisehnsin abo figure In the conference battle. who Is averaging 74.7, which is better than MSU's top man In non-conference competition MSU has dealt defeats to Notre Pa. in 1947 Me •.«. 1H a! *h Bil! cm. inr.'ngs tip i.ivtru a !»»'al of futir dunng which he gave i.'t liits an I n.ntris for an ing ment mrx There from " was no Kalme Immedia'e eom- Howe or the SPARTAN BOOK STORE Ohio State, 8-1 earner! run average of 18.00 Bed Wing-i YOI R SITF.RU IRKKT FOR FlttT ITIOS CORN Kit ANN & M.A.I. The tennis team snapped its three-game losing streak Wed- ATTENTION nesday afternoon, as It romped past Ohio SUte 8*1, at fcvan- *to», HI. GREEKS! The v ctorv raise ! the ne' - mcn'a season record to 17-3, and 7-1 in the Big 10. The only Spartan to lose was 'J hrrf's Still Tim, To (1,1 Your PAT Mel # Saperstein, the team's No 7 man -aw action a? tjie No. 2 "Toeas" Cl,an,<< •pot, gave Both when Coach Stan Drubac Capt. Bill Hotchkiss a well deserved rest. ttams were rained out l or (irrrk W„k-,ii(l! McCARTY today, in the opening round of 'Talio atlranlaee of our ronrenirnt the Big 10 Tmnia Championship LOOKS TIM BALDWIN JACK NKKLAtm y. . MHIt hopeful . . . Buckeye great . . Meet. being held at Eranaton, ■1-hour terriri'' III, this weekend. Big 10 (Continued from Page 1) It i% believed that none of the oilier wheal* have rhanaed Ihrtr When most other bu«incs« Tlorv is out of the way in today's and Saturday's meetings, Com¬ missioner Tug Wilson is expect¬ ae-' tV LAMEST DISCOUNT IN TOWN & Mi rn.KHS — TAIL PIPES — EXHAUST PIPES J§&- ClMRtr aid Shirt Laamlry AT voles en the haw I question. POLISHES — WAXES — PAINTS — BRUSHES ed to make a report on his in¬ Hast tiranrl River Across Prom SI intent Service lildif. The Spartan swimming team vest iga lion Into the alleged re¬ COMPLETE LINE OF ACCESSORIES • rived good news Thursday cruiting violation by Indiana, ,■ n ihp Big 10 approved addi- which caused the NCAA to put nal eligibility for Biliv Steu- the lloosiers on a four-year pro- rnMPMn AUTO New 4 Rebuilt • ' MSU free-style swimmer, steuart, who won two NCAA tuition ju*t last month SPRINT. GLASS •srAai «'«i« TODAY MICHIGAN '«KNr . i i two Big 10 titles, was ruled, SERVICE irhgible after he swam for his WASH W WKAR r,r cm, BtWItlf IllUIUI •RSki Wsfrt Sopor Oorgaio Day! TrMfca. White Veu Walt •clutch rum •.iiive country, South Africa, in W • * r 1,. a ,ng -hot PsNshsd OsHsas , . 1956 Olympics. All llay I'revue of 3 feature* - perfe*" n«- » "<.i .• *s. Perhapf t about ' ,at •*— .is a ni- Faculty representatives wres¬ AUTO KRAMER tled with a repert en *.. •' it-fpH '■• .-/<» >ur cor- everhaul- eept 'rf pert*•*. .n. Toward what inc conference •miremepta which weuld raise ellctMIHy re- BabyMs PARTS g arc ■*'. ar» xt dianm of moving and what ever aVa.;.- k ademlc eHgtkUity standards. Elements of • report said that MyBSJB ing it* one failure would not void an LEV KOSITCHKK s MACHINE SR0P SERVICE ,V>f, -s;. .-untry si-as txnng v.hieie from competing. Instead f. • • •-?. •• -hiVn - • «• -r.etes would have to main¬ VARSITY SHOT fill) E. hAI.AMA/.IN) ST. PHONE IV 1-133.1 e : a : T • • • • -K?. ' \- - gmun? seaboar I.. tain a certain point average. 22ft Abholl Rd. Under the present rules high 'he-'- purpose point average atiiletes have been vc: ?,uild ^ a r.u - declared ineligible because of a failure. Meanwhile low point s. •• • ' .* .••rage athletes have avoided ' . u e and have remained elig- * ""x £■'.ly and p •:ca.. A net American The new plan would mean Culture bu been establikhi ' y a student with would remain a "C" aver- eligible for The most wanted suits •Rd fend w are bc.r.g forced to de¬ «• etics it he maintained his Khrushchev Walks Out of AN INTROUI C TORV our» »• '.ige t'hcler despite having a failure. the proposals, sopho- for summer wear Summit Meeting Parley for Six Months Russians W >n'» Mi. K bt th . t I.'. S. • ve-; v.-h -yjttmy will trach 1/* ••' n t'orv ■ A men > •v.rn would have to maintain a Calls Ike a Thief. t'ne--orodin.'t of the indu* r. • h. juniors i d and seniors 2, These are the headline* w. • ; revolution and U.«» 'rev en'.t-r- it requirement for graduation we have been faced with. The action on the internal, mal scene prae trad:'.on. Our tecJm.Tl J- MSU. has put the United States, in¬ progres.j -n the last hundred deed the whole world, on edge. years has oven fast and fur: Now, it ieems. we have svr- - CROSSES I'inronl with 71 Harrou I'olye-L-r Will there be a Third World War.' thing we could asjc for, h we .ve go do with the power of our nation .»e**rru so unpre¬ CHAINS dictable. we are becoming more that is making neurotica of ua cogm/ant of wh^l it mean# :<» te Fain or decorated, by OuWpu. for childron, teen-tiger i pod Poplin - with 61 Darron a Amiuricans. We are all fearcb- Ou,- generation has seen • ing for answer* lo question# Americans grow more casual :n Polyrstri • rmrrrt which heretofore were ignored. their apparel, mode of living aiwj. alas, m their a'.Utuda to¬ 11 Cotton m I.IFC THIS WFliK BfcT.I** ward fcrvenxment m an extremely well-timed series Once we have commHtod tun tin The National Purpose. Kight selves to promoting our ideals duunguishisl men !rt/m ail fields while mainta.njjg peace there of endeavor will present their Idea# in four *ucrwd:ng issues. is no turning back. Wh»!t our basic guaU must remain con¬ To ijegin tne series. Life g:vr* stant. our mathad* must of Wash & Wear background for the article# the which will follow. If 'he divers¬ necessity change ?rx*n day to fur® ity of feeling on camyu# can oe used as any indication, the d<- day. W FORMULA TING A V*. $34.50 ram,. > win, win ba'e should be a good one. The questions that come im¬ TIONAL fTtfOflS, Ve must be careful to respect the rights of mediately to my mind are. "Do erfhar eoumrma leet we alienate c»vm m* m ,mw» national we now have a ifu - Aem. The freedom of Ameri¬ behind every palm... (M o fMCieauag pose'* Is there any one jeniit on can* A very much influenced by ... but d could be fatal! which the majority of Amei- their .rooperatioo with other na- Uan* are in agreernent1 *>th today CBUMMl nciuots tm-H A USB «U MOMC** and in the fu- In grade schh;# nation was bu*!' ■l -r.\ -ve.; the United Stales !s pf'-n-ar-fd to -neet the challenge •a:!*i be brought — Alec Quinness We still tend to < . ug * >,our . <1 f"cu-- the into clearer concept of democracv, Our idea r; fortbcomiRg issues Free Altrraliou- . Burl Ives-Maureen O'Hara •Ernie Kims of patriotism is ;>.» .(! on history of Life. « nature! ar» l in ielddin changed by wh.»t tkauUtr atiir ... to Hi • Noel Coward -Ralph Richardson- Jo Morrow we '»*• going on In thu present mm rnturol- i Americans seem eonv.n« -I that democracy will win ou* .*» Iff . , to bt j trirt mm the long run but aren't :«h> er- furtoblu 1 i.»i how or why. Our datuny may be great but many r#f us h»ve only ? .e foggiest notion of What that destiny is. Ot'R f Ol'MTMY W AS . •« 1 .-'••1 is the shining exarr.p.'p >f Frl at I 15. <' iniKtrai y for th.' he:r 5:05. 9:05 p.m. Eu. »p« as we!!. Othe ItRNEY Jewelers ReAuiood e Ross :«:» K. brand kivkr ls Victoria Shaw tun u. ,?t hm-j . . . .tries a nv use "ur doctrine^ basis for revolt, against 'v in- Where men >cek - -.yfu-. jwa , - NEXT TO rmu am Dsr.en Ouane Edd; m s» Sdbeii themselves the princpio STATE THEATER we have tf»ditfonii!y suppartvd a:e. fo; emoat ;u their .turd*. Mi-n IntrrrMrd In A Carrrr CONGR ATLLATIONS Congratulations Congratulation & Best Wishes With CO LAMBDA CHI ALPHA Thr \orth«r«trrn Mutual Lift Insurance Co, And !l To Cnntilrt \ , Junior .1IMI Ramsey's University Shop Truman Schroy lambda Chi Alpha's Jr. 500 Firld Itirrclnr Erom IV 5-91.1.1 <8> On Jr. 500 Difference" Rdnood (Rm CORAL GABLES ••llecau-e Their Is A f.ood Uurk And Rest Wishes THE MEN OF LAMBDA CHI ALPHA (Hit (OLD JI0R46f Louis Cleaners WISH TO THANK THE UNIVERSITY. UMPUS DRIVE IN (LEADERS W hrn 1 on 11 am I'aat Srn lc» THE COMMUNITY AND THESE EAST Finest in Tuxedo Rental Rrmrmbcr LANSING MERCHANTS FOR THEIR (lomplftc laundry Service ASSISTANCE AND CONTRIBUTIONS J&uL IN HELPING TO PRESENT THE EVERYTHING l> ALTERATIONS ACROSS FROM HERKEV HALI. • El) 2.0972 I3TH ANNUAL 4 jingraliiiatimi. Congratulations LAMBDA CHI ALPHA Tu Thr l-anibda Chi*. Jr. 5 00 On Thr Jr. 500 . Jr. 500 SATURDAY, MAY 21 - 1:30 P.M. \V. CIRCLE DRIVE THE TOG SHOP Gibson's Book Store MK. SIM OM T TAKES HIS HAT OFF CIVF. VOI R TO JK. .VK) Br Trim R illi A Trim Ol.ll SHOES From A ar»it» Haritrr Shop A NEW I .(NIK J. B. Towne At MEN'S WEAR M.S.U. Shoe Jr. 51 Ml Repair Shop NOW AT 22.1 M.A.C. 22.1 E. I,rand River VARSITY BARBER SHOP ('ongratulation. Congratulation. (onfraluUlimi* A&P To Uulxb (hi Alpha On Jr. 5(NI Cougratuiatioas To On Jr. 500 Complemts <# On Fr Lambda Chi Alpha Jr. 500 Campus Texko HCLDW( AT THE Larry's Gulf BUD KOUTS Service #nrtrt? House Service M( W. MICH. Taw 5 FrMfe 514 MM>. Chevrolet Co. L - 'M. iv COMMUTt "CATIONS For Snnnnrr - Campus Jr. 5(10 Trnphir. TO Tu . Reading Tr> Barber Will V On Dfeplay UAMBOA CHI ALPH A Lambda Chi Alpha — In Our Ban AND THE Our PaprrbarL* Shop During TV law IN* DERHV 4 l»ood Rirbm Cleaners nith lb* red (or Spartan Acirm From Kerkr* Hal State Lumber •121 E. Graatf Km LAST Gn.AND MAIS ON THI 1AMD * Book Store 311 K. (irand Rner 221 M.A.C. 2W2 E. t.raad Rhar