I Mini Win Truck The W ent her MSI* I'taWnex Courth ( Inud,\ nnd CihiI KlftahMw Wins l.nw .Ml Si* I1**' J High . 70 Sit» iiiy Ihl' For .»I V i iir- v i I.I MK 52. No. 37 KAST t.ANSlNO., MICH 1(1 AN—MrtNI'AV. MAY J:'.. l:>,Ui IMtlCK 5 C ENTS 7'il/c I'rlr Greeks l.viif}s To II in llislorir Chile Counts 174 Dead In Gala ( OIlll'Sl of I'l'Oil* Weekend In 2nd Day of Quakes I Ml- sW. Win I'ii|i lliinnr- Hot W ilier '• weekend Tidal W avr picnc-. only ia*"Pcner1 hs glow-#! Rrpoi'lcd i .mr : tcr ' ihev wive raioe • th - f'na''- Sim'av night, • Vi cH i-i lad ftn'cirtiD and sot- N'cthei land.*, C .l.lialh member* demonstrated J i it a n, r pi ore- p> F" day * Sviit?- I'\|MTII'II In MIMIIII ■ -if evr-ui, IS,- -«V.v : itM. Can- n .?.-•» ••> i Fid lhou«'- d:-;s and SAN II Alii I. I 'It lie . V\ - H,vi Ps IVHi Tau A MTItN 111 hl'JlV V ^enrt h- i 1). IVtw 'A • • qitakcv pilDsl MHIIIU ru ami •• sYr-,. J h; on-Sane-i Jim or 50'' my moring stalled MDIIPI UN central Lhilt* for the M'fotni hi u!-' -ko-i. but the pre- ilny Stunlav. and t he death Ci» ur on \ IU II.nt\n< and Utilities employee the slope #( the Rrd Cedar near the II. parkcil thru floated til frrt down and arrow stream. II took two tow truck* two and a half hour* to -ct ■■■ ?.n-«i look - d,» »>\i-i Hie mi.twov men*- BP-KIpcIS count I'liinltnl to 171. -I ishiPi .ml I rlranini divHinn I'rlilav night and set the vchicb nut. The driver's name was withheld •mm I lie brake* bad not been set and the tunic- nnl station natnn rolled l(W feel into the river. by r.itnptis police, who estimated d.im.ises at Vu * ptr i t.n c* n ?'• : gh* ai:-i - F-a!- ; a in. • Iran Junior Opera Performance Charms < magic of a fairy-tale, vatity of j*Uporh pccttrrx MSI MSI' Theater , Km-*,. ! D'-< light ing efforts, the Fp'di M F • DI'ETY DAIJiHEItTV, hrnl rontb.tll roach, firr* thr sl.irlim: eun Earth shocks urrr frit (lie nut and charm of singing Scls Awat'tls i.-na' fir-1 • and rarrr* in ihr wnmrn's division of Ihr Jr. "»***» take «ff. Slate width of Arxritlina. from the hes ami dancing angels, the cifgance of orcho*. Briefs 1-vnlvM' jn.i t' ■ West J: •i- I T. ; Nr»** I'hoio hy Malrolm Tsnlcawa. Andes 2:30 to Ihr Atlaotir. ti.m lo 1:50 p.m.. EST. (>i|- from tiackirriHind. were com* II lifer >/Hirf< Trials liunt|ii('t Dale MP- n.f.agcd central and ittc lamps swayed in tall Imild- M.c lig.m audience# .uf Janet Li mlhe iSanwil f i ll iiiRs in Huenos Aires. No rs*tMl- I in an enchanting open* per.sons ties Preliminary trial* f<>r v\.v. li-ut and were reported, hut some . night pertormance of snorts to be held during nt.! Ndlion« repfe«rnted In the or- damair to residenrrs was re¬ - !•;" ;l Id ;>»r *hc mde- n:-. ciuu^c ganirAtion increased i-imj»t*r»iinck'j» opera "Han* mem- Miss I jiii si ma W 00 as nustion of "The Sound- of Mu*«- ported In Esquel, Chuhut pro\ - We>rtnrs«iay. The w.nnma ^-vtc- «■«> , hers *ole»l to accept Dale .out ilreteP last Thur*- ic" arc scheduled f.»: TtwauJav Aiih.i Pin. dr.vnatn- t»o-ci1 of driver, lb-tun Brokhn. ince. seismic recording needles Warner, laton Itapid* *eph . for at Ea I'lala. near Buenos Aires nijrht in Fairehild thea- \Ve1nc*da> and Thur>dav frnu- bi»ni r;ir\. ,«tl I Mst* Pk'iyer- urc I arrv Meyer. Fici Su rnknph. Holly la: Kenneth Rennett. Era¬ 3-d p.m. at the canoe shelter, * i o-Mwuuuring Davc Thai. John Wclker and jumped off the recording papci ihe event which * * # will take place in Dick Vance's • Mike Nofdstrittn. ser *oph.. for Rratii. Carl Griff ter. ReatHury. N.V.. jr.. for Rul- t'.roHwcll Fi-cmIiiiiuii to Filter at the start of the quake, so l'mver*:i> Theater pro- that scientists could not register eresented by Until* l>nnlliu«• Skvrnum. Capital City AirinU't garta: t'arlo* Mamirrr. t olomhii the 31 Ish 3licliigan t)oiii|M'lition •• was Ilrlta Tau Delta in a the »l 30 v 'i* raine violence. i: » of mu-ir a rv d rinse third behind Rather Hall. ,lr.. for f olomhla; Rarhara I on • Deadline fo ' permission* to ic- The nrnytatp will feature 'he i chore on vaphY stag- lino. Vlexieo Jr., for Mexico: Extremely heov.% trrnio- ..l>ca' .final exams in the Bask- t>ie-en::iMun s the Thrt.i Aloha > Ms vine Harden t the • Delta Zeta. with the pushing II e n r y Rlarkledge. Creiukill. Twelve preft.v coiitiDtanls wnileil brpnlhlessly S«tunlny were rrviil'drrl in Btxtim. S'.tT, College i> Tuesday Phi Acting Awards, fotmcrU assistance of men of education department. Alpha Ste¬ \.Vk Jr.. for Poland; Natalin Fr.in»-iM-i». \Va*hinghJtr. S i t k * * ♦ T.-illed the Soavtv Award.-. These night as judges dci'iiled who 11H»0 Miss l^insiity wotild he. ' • t t say toi those who rna Phi frafernitv, won first xahal. New York sr.. for Mpain: Alaska, and Tokyo Nundav aftr; - II ,M bo the 'r-j.liMc "nrra. excellent nerfor- nlrr I tirnv Ticket* v • givevi ■ place in the women's vw-tsl di- and Karl. Magyar. East Lansing Janet l.iwike. Croswell fi . u 1• ' i actress r,nd t«> the mitv an Itloek tloniiiiillee .n )"i with a time ef-3 ?3 Alpha the judge.*' choice The C >»*? an I (Jr'sir'ir Sin ■ wcrc given by all in- \ fr.. for Yugo*layia. CompHmen^arv tit-kef *lin> f>'_ povttug actor and actress vvh«» iismma Delta u seoontl with Was I iriRU'-n sa.il a fi-i - h.-.th on the stage a rut Nominee for ncx' year pres. She w-.is presented with' a v.'a in Water Carnival committee ;.rv. the be-: performance- » 3.2ft while Snyder Hall follow¬ •re'veytra pit. A vei> re- and sensitive orchestra, her- m*v be picked «n tn the men - amotoi the inajer iwoduv'son- id" ed in third place id en* Moiammad selected Fndav imhi.ie Position*. Open: spray "f red roves ami crowned rifle >eric there wa,-. «f shocks recorded vc tTte I !».'I>-Rd llanifi, AfRhamstan with the Miss i strong "we can t the direction of Mans Union Concoutjic Iwdween i an.1 season Vofii Heai of T\* fame w.i- F.i Kc! ley. East laming u l.an*ing crown hy .separate one from the othei on Bush Thursday - . . • oiav ed very well the 3 p.m. Tuew.ia> Wednesday and •lildgvtt are Dr Slauie'- l.i- leconstruiteii in giant *r/.e hv •and K i t Magvar pi.ift Ali.«s Uinsing. Hildegard the recorder " rcrda, head. Honors Coilcci » * Hesse. Master of ceremonies, ■■ 2 overture, which is as Tnumta.v Students must bring . the A E Pi"* m their float de¬ ttunning for the group* two ID-. Doruihl Yate>,'instructor, foreign Positions on five Hlbek "S" Duffy Daugberty, escorted the A tidal wave uf hot *r« water . part of the Opera as Mm picting a typical freshman in vice presidencies are I'liylln d * ♦ U' uu-Cios: Dr Charles- Keno.ev new Miss l.insirig off stage. was reported to have followed and storv, and - , noTC at MSI* for In st place m t'iemenson, C'vanford. N.I. ji ; i-..mmittees ate open, according assuciatc professor, social sct- Miss l.tndke will represent the tremors~at Eehu. 255 mlleo fAgrmg itvsegrwtu n with t'ilin f orrcrlitnt Dr. John F. A the humorous division Arthur Hodgson. Bermuda jr.; to Bill Myers, junior class vice- • raj performances. mce: Taylor, pra- and Barbara Con lino Lansing in tlu» Mis* Michigan south of Santiago, and amateur Duffs Daucerty of¬ president, Hush will be held The Parade of films, spon¬ frsfor of philosophy, and D was the contest in Muskegon next month. radio messages said It was fear¬ Norman Kinrie, ficial hut had Among other constitutional Thursday 7-U in.parlor A of the (•nine lUwr*. Toronto Oltf sored by the Audio-Visual cen¬ profrssor »»l xtarter. he to ed casualties and damage would huinanities. changes, member* voted to al¬ The four runner*-up included vm a Waalifnl l.relet a* leave after the first hour to at¬ Union. Ire heavy. ter and teacher education de¬ low officers t«.» occupy position* .lean t'ary, Earning jr.:' Ruth I oIIih fine wapran*. and Mar- tend the Rig 1# meeting. He was The art committee will partment. will be show n Friday foe more than one year, awl de- Ann Ihnma*. of Dkemo* (not a Fires broke qui at Puerto jI the Mar Donald. Lamina sr.. wa* boiUhiy charming •* llanoel from I to 3 p.m. in 133 Educa¬ 'Horses Monti. rep la red winner of by Ike Fete Depaolo. the Indianapolis MMi raised scholastic requirements rign the display* of the block vtudeiili: Jane Collina. (irerii* Mont!, . a city of about 21,000 tion bldg., no: last Enday &* for officers. and publicize the block in the burg, Ky., aopli.; and Judith person? 575 miles south of San¬ n"iM-M»pria#), in her firal ap* mile race In HW. | prautue en Ike anivmitr alace. ' New*. stated ptevknislv in the State To Show Today The next model UN meeting dorm* Ann Young. Huntington Wood* tiago, otic* of the southernmost President John A. Hannah. is scheduled for June 3. when pofnts hit. The personnel committee will ■ m 'nat most difficult com bin* "The Horse's Mouth." a Brit- Dr. Eldon Nohnamaker. assis¬ the U.S. Ambassador of Ceylon All Lot Santos lakes tn the •' co-operate with the dorms in Miss Lmdke won the Miss ■u talents display effectivc- ng and acting, excellent Sen. Juvits t-h comedy starring Alec Guin¬ ness. will be present»;d today tant *nd Dr to the Dean Traywick. aasietant of Students. is expected t"> speak supplying members for the block Lansing title after a three-part region a were reported rising a. result of earth displacements «iKW were also and Wednesday at « and 9 p.m. ilean of Business and Pubh. each week. contest, including modeling a given . l ltittt'tf Ih-montlrtilv One of the heaviest tremoi- t * -■(. Henry, wife of Prof. Har- Henry of the civil enginecr- Asks Summit at the Falrchiki Theater Based on Joyce Cary's best- Service, cd guest*. were among the honor- IXYNDON bTN — IViplng radiir Theme and Continuity com¬ strapless evening gown of brilli¬ ant fuschia, a white bathing suit at ruck at 6:15 aan. (EST), cen¬ tering in Malleco and Conce)»- mittee will work with Spartan and playing a selection of Chopin •ariment, as the mother; sclling novel, the screenplay reported that 14 million people cjon provinces, rich agricultural I I rsituate, Circle, Spokane, Wash as the father; Jo Ann Explanation was written by Guinness. The film concerns unorthodox life Ike Delia Greek Tan Delia Oiymplr* and DelU Fridas In -{Kiraded in Chinese cities today in protest against "the U.S. ag¬ Spirit and the band to plan the block's part in the half time en¬ on the piano. A music major, Miss Lindko ix five foot six inches tall and areas hardest hit Saturday. *'• Mt Pleasant sr., the Witch. WASHINGTON WA—A Re* of ait unconventional artist who tertainment. gression awl provocation against i Emily Derr. E. Lansing #r„ publican senator called Sunday lives in a houseboat' and loves evening. Fki DnMa Tkeu and Alpka Tan Omega nan led oat the Soviet Union and ID sabotage The equipment committee will weighs 117 pounds. Miss Lindke AlJSf; Hearing - b-v.h the Sandman and Dew tor an accounting by the Elsen¬ to paint picture*—the bigger, <>f the four-nation summit con¬ wo* presenteti Ike men's divMnn far aeeond be in charge of the capes and |1 with a trophy and luggagr. Set -y- Fourteen angels and hower adminittration of what the better ference. ** The broadcast said 30 cards used in the program. on Civil KigiilM *' a chorus went wrong in the chain of the Foreign Film Series mov¬ million people have participated The stamping committee will The twelve runte»Unt« were twelve women added W the ie is set in part* of London not in such demonstrations over the AUSG's Student Rights and events prior to the commit con¬ Kappa Alpha Tbeta and Kap¬ work with the art committee tn finalists lelerleg Irmm 01 en- adahTa" charm «K this de- ference collapse. usually wen by tourists .. .* pris¬ past three days. "Nothing like Welfare Committee will iioid an pa Kappa Gamma placed second arranging the cards for each chtful story set to ftnatic. Sen. Jacob Javits of New on* and workingmen's pubs, art tnis," it added, open hearing today at 4 p.m. to aeeond and third in the sorority "has happened performance. Particularly ant rating among York, indorsing a projected bi¬ galleries and millionaires homes. division. before In China." About 50 positions are open. Other finalists included: Ta- discuss a Student CortgreA>: rr;- '■-.ft folk songs made famous by partisan inquiry b\ the senate tricia Paris, Wayne fr.; Martha ohition supporting the peaceful wm -Coma Dance . I * -'h Me." sung and danced bv - a subcommittee on poUcv making Studeuta Trained by Safely Services jiggers. Birmingham jr.; Martha Hicks. East Lansing fr ; Patricia* demonstrations in against denial of civil rights. the Sou'h ^ machinery, said am alway - and Crete! in their little one who wants things aired and Bonders, Ih.'arlH>rn fr; Elizabeth The* hearing, to be held in hie r'**f while their mother i* Beach. Bay City soph, and Bar¬ Student Congress meeting room, ■*e '-f • and the beautiful, dream* ChddUM; Prayer.** woods sung •I believe that they should btr atred any time that a great crisia like this occurs.** Rescue Teams Rehearse Functions bara Whipple. Lansing soph, (all coeds); and Janice Kabyk of third floor, Student Service will be tajjed for the committee by the two main 2204 Alpha St. to use later. ^ latex by the cast and Javi4. Rescue teams rehearsed Uicir necessitate* the uses of both dry When each victim is removed ging and Ratification of proper The resolution urges contribu¬ and the repeated or- functions Saturday morning in chemical and-soda bicqrbonau fr»m the building the team ro- authorities. Senior Reception tion to the scholarship fund f ' mi what erne of the old married housing eir.e. . fire extinguish*m tiims to retrieve another. Emer¬ The goal of each team is to students diymissed from Sout'i- buildings on Hickwy Lane, sout.i A strong ammonia solution first aid is given on the Ihileh Announced ern universities for taking pa l I f-uj-t Shaw Holds He voiced bit .view* or. a of campuv The rescue teams are "com¬ placed in the supposed disaster is gency spot when necessary; otherwise acquire the highest points possi¬ ble in the shortest time. Senior receptions for spring in demonstrations. It also urges students tn r<- radio-TV program taped for New prised of students trained by the LA«i\ el Convention York state stations. The program Office of Safety Services. The area. This simulates a choking atmosphere and makes neccssary the ket victim is wrapped in a blan¬ and taken to the first aid the According to Steere, one of mam objectives is to make and summer graduates receiving bachelors, masters or doctors de¬ fraln from buying at any chain store practicing racial discrim¬ was recorded before Sen. J. W, project is part of the university's a Quicker removal of victims area. sure the victim is bandied safe¬ grees will be held May 24, 25 at ination. It condones the admin¬ Shaw H«U will bold it* f ulbhghl tp-Ark) proposed an disaster control plan. The rescue teams first Norman Steere. Herman Dall- Cvvles exam¬ ly. He said that improper hand¬ House from 7:30-9:30. istration's attempts to stamp out annual electoral' Mvrn- investigation by the S c fi a ' e The students carry out actual ine each victim to determine thr and Hans Grigs, all from man, ling could harm victims un- Wives and husbands of gradu¬ discrimination at MSU * 00 P-rn. Tuesday ;n the foreign relations committee, rescue procedures as it some treatment needed. Broken limbs the Office of Safety Services, ates are also invited. bect'ssartly. > aw lower lounge, this which he heads. disaster had struck. are then put in splints and the hind Saturday la.. wux. ■ on -The students participating are Graduates will meet President vent is ran like the na* An assurance that the Demo¬ Victims are first placed in ccr- victim is assisted from the dan¬ organize the p r a c t i c e drills all volunteers. Dal (man trained John A. Hannah and Mrs. Han¬ Orittiiiisitlion* Ltmiifil ventions of the major crats would "not try to make tainplaccs in the buildings, un¬ ger xone. Victims are lowered T.ipsc men grade the teams by the leaders of each rescue team, nah and complete the visit with Hold* Parties, complete with partisan advantage from the "issue** came * from Sen. Paul known .to the rescue teams. Fire* are then started and must be from roofs by ropes and remov¬ means of a disaster rescue eval¬ according to Steere, and they in refreshments and a tour of the Family Tea rowdy demonstrations, ed through windows on stretch¬ uation sheet. Points are given turn help train the members of president's home. Student Organizations Council • "onuacs. amoka-fified Douglas (D-IU). who said an in¬ extinguished before victim* are ers. tor the various functions per- their team. Students in the schools of is removed. sponsoring its first annual U-u •ad l.rorti. ton OM- quiry is needed *'to see if we Each victim Is, tagged wish an for.med- Leaders participating includ¬ Agriculture, Comnuin 1 c a t i o a for -•«k cannot prevent in the future the Instructors from the Office of faculty members and pro • emergency medical tag. These First aid. casualty handling, ed; .kthn liruhn. South Euclid. Arts/Science and Arts and Vet¬ dcnL of student organization* S'i«" ««wm tttt UK bungles which occurred in the Safety Services place the victims tags tell the injury, if opparen', and stretcher use worth 50 Ohu>. jr.. representing East erinary Medicine have been issu¬ Tuesday from 4 to 5 p.m. In tiv- •'"'■"•I oURtllBi for last two weeks.*' in strategic positions, such as and the location of the victors points, half of the total obtain¬ Shaw; Karen VanLeuven, Troy ed invitations to attend on May Union ballroom. "®- UBtmm ta 1M7. The Democrats will make no attics* closets, and roots, to moke when injured aad when found, able. Tne other 50 points are dis¬ fr., Abbot; Bonnie Harbison. 24, while graduates of the Informal tea hour "will follow' |' uej TMT V«ll Wow hi. ••carping criticism," Douglas said the conditions as hard oa poati- In actual disaster conditio:. tributed between organization ' Buffalo fr.. South Williams; Jim schools of Business and Public a speech by President Joint vh. «.K|,||. Sncnl in two radio-TV interviews b'*- the location of the victims some- and teamwork, fire fighting, re- Button, Travarse City fr„ But* Service, ■dueotion, Engineering Hannah, according to John -n i aad wamanl donnu (CBS-Youth Wants to Know The first consist of tmnung timet firilitalss identification connaissance-for gMRglties, use and Horn* Economics are invit* I ■* " ~ terfiald; Georgiann Wedemeyer, Barkham. chairman of Student ■ cenhtdering the rlnn. ■ • crater, soaked in gasoline. Thia when dead or unconscious. of ladder and N^Ok omt log¬ Ann Arbor sr., Snyder. ed to the reception on May 25. Organizations Council. i II Micliiifuii Slate Nrix |i ill: ■ •p Momlav thrmiifh ill i summer \pt»e% .13; i«t». term*, >4 Fri«l, term and a postage pilid a' three 4 Summit Background Lengthy to her chance of making it ap¬ Russia.caught a plane and YVVCP I'ri-ilirft By J. M. ROBERTS It down, and the stage wm terms.tS. Newg Analyst pear to the, world that it wa« Mon«la\. May 2:1. !%(• PuKe Two Associated Press the West which placed all the Ordinary espionage is one "i < Sit-In* I Vol. 52. No. :17 Espionage by planes in j The background of Summit obstacles in the way of agree¬ -t. when a plane can kill a rt no* failure goes much farther back ments. Any success on that *, point would have been highly people it another. America I Is 1)1 'Old' Enough? than May I. If t/Hiking backward, it is hard Russia was given a v. ed debatable. , n,t < f the ♦o see how the United States The Summit had lost most of drive between the United X'. .,.r didn't | and the countries which pr-n- could have set a bettPr stage for its appeal to everybody. . ,. • get melt her with military bases IT, SIM K •minor stpnibbles amony onr fathers. 1' S. N'lkjta Khrushchev's b 1 o w u p Then somebody forgot, or fail¬ .| >t.ir«hall. was given a righteous posit-, even if she had been trying. ed lo grspcrly evaluate the ys'jonat A citizens have arj.rued the merits of lowering the votiny aire. , which she is not accusti.- First Washington made It possible effect «f the euutluulne vincement c In lb 12 the Vounjr Voters l.eapne asked ( onpress to clear, even when agreeing to the reeonnalssanee ftlihla, and the Reoplc realized that anv . * Kellogg lower the requirement nationally. Such action would have Mummlt Conference, that little certainty thai Russia would howl try coo hi make the same * in the fame case . . •ir«dav. necessitated an amendment to the Const it nt ion. ( onjzress was ex per ted from It. about ihem at soon as she roulri ^dressing t! Then the United States virtu¬ do so without admitting public¬ tt became obvious that ' on ] 1 the measure by the n-qiiiri'il two thirds vote, bill te I»n ther reconnaissance fligh' ally announced that, for its part, ly thai she couldn'l slop Ihem. < . I-on». Mars Mate lejrislature-. ty-«>nti«lini'ly defeated it. be made only at a risk Khrushchev need not expect Nobody t nought to rail then • £-,vs as the Although 21 i- not a tnaeii' aye for lepal maturity, the anything either, and that was off during the Summit period. could not be taken. 1 minority j figure is firmly fixed in history. According to most authori¬ made especially clear regarding ties it dale* td the era of chivalrous jousts ami tournaments Berlin The Summit began to Kiribati A1 when nmhitlou* yminy mpiire* pained their Knplish common law e-tab|ish»'d tlie votinp ape at 21 kniphthood at 21. and look the There like negotiation just for sake of was negotiating. never anv real Michigan Stale News :tfI ktuoent service* Cavt Laoaing Michigan arrr's« «"■- *vrr trial •• shSt * defhrf civil rtfl colonial settler* luoiipht it to America. States adopted the prospect for a tUlrl on disarma¬ Fuhlmtieft on cla*» day* Monday through rrlday r *1). wlntar nod »)»rtng tertnjK wevktv during wmmsr term, inetuflv dr -nd , _ *1111 he! practice and we have it todav. ment ciir,;iii rre*ho»«ii (Mile between auminer ond fall Entere.i , ninth or p The fact that L*I i- not -acred h one of the main apr.u- Whatever could he agreed up¬ . second clan* matter under the act of Mnrrh a. at !h* po»t off, * or potent! mrntrf for lowerinp the ace to IS. Some people say the ape on regarding nuclear tests would ^MBl^mtMrrlpkoni pavahle to advance f"r one term 93; for 1w<> not was established when votinp people were less mature ami he Just as good, or Just as had. ''xietnt^ri' nf"tt" InhTod ^Datlv P"" A*»old tmr>> e— " Itilrrr-! l-(741 l»i-u- 3i .f \ • - KW AVt td-Mltv BAKF.KV DKI.IVIP 'let >«mie should atuiounci Tn the I'.ditor: i Vote, to.." If they're oal enouph t<» fipht. ami vote, are thev t mik " "Mb 1 or Pi i* -"in. ami must give the credits lo the r- MM MiXOITA I AMPR S REAL ESTATE v.lie* Carr cmiiiliic* that put forth the also old enouph to drink, serve on juries and became lepi*- intriliii'.n.: f- «• ith !)iiead< Sto K-rfl.ik te-eti csuni npu- "most effort." and not based S3H all lOitti undo guarantee •JTfDKNT I rAVINO • 'tern in\T lators '* ii,:' a h-. .e.« ;e > on "how much" the* displaced. ^ !-»»edr<-on, trt-level Herim T \ Collins. Hfi'asi tu 413..WI for ,| the annual Our countrv ha* been known i<> take soldier* under 18 in *U ml.' -answer i p-Mul i(iihIUikii. he*i "tier FI>- *«', (• I loan Call owner I. 4 onfrrrnre Consult jut !t regrettable to f.nd th.i' JOHNSON PURt OH ?-H737 "31 II « berry Fane ir'jrf Stadiu times of war. What assurance is there the votinp ape will ,vi < ontinuiiig I line• atiim ii ,•!»• «»♦ the Negro nations re- is p-^rtra 4V l r,i-.n f.nitn C AKFA OF-1 IVFII- be stable at IS? A stand must be set -omeplaee or lb veur 1-ANSiNG. FOI'B he.tr - Kervtfe Jil l OH ATI"!! EAST . «• v.- I an rovaril All other* were - l» i,i * ui, t'.r iwu'jc*. litrlM"* Cnpe i-wt. *1vc vear* old : i purposi old ami younper will eventually be fimbtvp their w:<\ lo the * * ★ i \ ■; •- v. \ tionunated b>- th. Wr Now Give Poitas* Staw,p» U,i»n iithci IV drluMuws ii:»-li,r- 4-S7BS K«i>* If lu-iirp ow a" '-lean car Wtl I. pav IH3" rath f " HOUSING I srt't TX' «»erirt Aiudhei ^cadendr MRMUKhs *ea Larry F^t l"S.1 FORD FDt'H-IKMJtl 4J'hhI FOR RINT ■ wded atm,tmen» or a rwen af I lieve in the qualitv of flu it vonib In the Editor: * * * q.'«u.,H,K -eat ., good inei hunn .i! have outgrown Settle vmn ) •nliy uirm into «>♦»» ..| the manv »tt**>■' • The con sale -itnplv breaks down the 17 countt:i Kitfllt Mai H maike PC". A- - 11.Million I2IHI Fit 2-1211 nttei », ATTRACTIVE TiltlFF-BRDR-tion«l home* ^vailatde .e t.imried French *l*le lloMie, among are Communist. Seven othei- America, repions not widely aeclainu.l tor their polil kid ace m i e-pi.d at Sout h r.u.1' In! in.e ■ii. : v .. f e (dies n er I'V. I ...piiiHou UT> FflHD FOrH-DCKID (i.imhle, 131 Diehard Good »io fUentai'h tree* .1.1.! Wildwood Drive *rlo«»l itivtii. • R-m.nit.:- i" <.inilxi* 4"'*ar.| <. r.,H uireot and 'he F-y«» it..i her Compai,- \»nj tu 3'ist ' C Ite. *■ «4. Aahata. Grace 1 i .ill IT t43l d ' KD 2-.D2U HI 8-1*14 41 41 r-.ome ( *14 tiMiat |V II stability to the Iditot tunc- Fd Brlitcne ED J-a'c-l fin In lie l»p to* Itpt ,« iff cnti I u « fer proven onr t» high VV i»v ■ d"t - n -'a- P imi \ fM.vMorni iDWKWTint.r sta»'i«id »HUt good coii'Ii- t'NrrnNfsiiFD TWO BFD«UM>M V- Bancroft rt ihs soph., UI NMAKK ami Italy t|i i Man." in ;v -ui* •■( It 4471 FH ?-.SMI 8R hoove Huieite Road Ofcer»«»* FAST l.ANSING NEAR M'trmt r i u 'o s t.» so a* from i . . vw.ir f»h Phi* oidttn-y. child.en welcome, i.,' fi*tma B» mvtter tmn i-w<: "talnmenl l'«»re they ran v«» to the poll* >ovtv » •i In Ihe'r h o m e t >mntunities. the Ihroiighout the entirse of Its Mai .1, ' o> an • me tha: t- i:s FD 3-I.Wt 41 Hath* «ai«e cod. on one , I'M* FVGLIHil FORD ANGt.lA kmilM'tppd l«t Carpeted ier» gre: P The political I mi In tier mil*! he iupmpi v««l cotidliion -MAI I. fiot sr Ft'HNISIIKD Ide-i i"r.K»rr» and dining r was directed Ion mm h toward • Mite Mall* Call Fit 3-2101 Hoom tirenl.i< e* foil tinement ; crganiz*li< area of con* mi pie «m*|e percntt say. Nearly It percent ot our population i> over iin.li we lee! eurll r d »t- let a gi/MinsE In, i or * , the I'niled fstates and other for¬ mi nth Call ED 2-l*"2 «-t pm 38 t-i he«l garage Price f21 .V»» f u iby, Cicero, wish to keep a fresh. ii|eali*bie count»v. we ?«ui*t h «. u-Mt with our ACPI ttmivtn- r 1, eign countries, and not among "S41 I-inda 1 ait> pseiiito-inteiuvmal*1 FW.t CMWVSt.FH NEW VORKFII youth's voice in the jfovernuient. The unhiase«l view ot the th- foreign countries themselves. in part lunar. M Sha ev - aU client mechanical condit.on iw, FAST. I.AJHSlNG 37Ut K publicity; i i brake, and vtrerie/ 4t?*» Phm pcnir.gj for The closeness of 1 S-\ ear-ohls t«» education .*hmi o■ iua«e Mil' .. m:<«uidni ALFA HDMFD tJl'Il-IFlTA -old-' ed T'i'e« !Oi«»ti«. i-cramu hath U"*e Mlt-lii k'l. hen two • •• »rt sill 1 g them aware ot the*e i<•;.ponsihilitip*. the other *i«lp - nameu iiat ritEeuiou- I •■livcrtlble IUV' Not t ;u» d red ne,. it tv. r June 11 • all r.O T-flMJ. in t* ied rv«-eat|.Hi mnn, 7t!a>n, conL belt* ' t" be ver, j' 1«I2 I., -,d« ■ They have jh*1 stuilieil citi/enship ami are more aw It appears that Mr. Shirley. In Far* I ui *.tig weekfmb ami ettet • stMMFR TERM APXHT- i; r.ige tine bl'ick ttnn, grade r mittra head 'lav : Pl o.-e own*i FD 1-»4"I current events than those who have been away Irmn ehon! Ids real to joust with windmills, *iI NTs Triple or double Male fa'd In we ii• t would ke small minority as 44HAD' ATINC, sTrDF.N1.* IU'Y IV 3-1117 tor appointment to *e>- ;e» FAST LANSING -NEAR. for several years has chosen a - • • k < .iv on w tuU gsoutuls an.i a rev Vabuit or Plymouth fio» no! v nntcinpl»r.ir> three , Y h his basis of judgment of a tar¬ OKFMOS-TWO-MEDHODM Hut, the eon sale argues, most education i 1111 luiiper ! t-1* •!« ne apart- ' .. : i »sb«uehnc**\ now Make hrvt pav- io..»batb ranch Many rx'r i..i- :.i»> p: /. »t e df,Mle i ter and much more active social o eid in logout or September If v»iu men I available June II private en .i»d-a-half \ear* old Ne.«- finished at IS. The number of colleye student* » incii'iisinp 1" t la que uon I would h^\e ciiuitv in « < o< now. or ■ •„* t'.oHc utiht«c- pa'tnlh turrUsheit «' "jreoig 14v owner. FI> 2 ' VV, r H VI" s cur-i I In and service organitaliou. Ttiree-piere batn FD 7-CIRP 31 down right away ll.i.t until 21 is a more accurate ace lor the end »4 »nnai etluca .wo-.**'- ' • know i- duiui« the • cotne M'oittghnespy. in 235 Sotdb Grand i lc«*k APARTMFN'T FOR two or three SPARTAN MANOR U' tion. cui-p of t« v eats "f Pie Inter* The "life b'n»d of I I ..I 41 «e(* 71' \ 131' (7-'v. ami waff male rturient*. available for *unimer _u.i. ii.i. are the Se¬ Private telephone ail utilltie* able Call owner. ED I-U2.;* Studying about citizenship »loes not necessatil.x mean an t op" M.CI i-h of the eounti'ie* the! Mi Shir lev ru'.her arbitmtily Six FORD tvlinder PUB ORF.FN Tt'iKlH -tiaiald xhttt 2H '**' term rsiid. 5J1-Tvergieen ED 2-23.V, U older teeu-aKcr is ready to practice it. A valuable citizen oile* II121 hv owner FF. »-R«m If It is rurrrnlh quite popular participated and what c uintrics slate- Tin' "iife blood" of the FAST LANSING FNJOV life in SERVICE does more than jro to the polls oh election day. Would mem to take aims at athletics in gen¬ oi.iuuvi the pfize*. in chrono¬ fraternitic- on the- and every IWft" DDI .1A I II FMPHF.SS SK¬ -o noult"n iwonnun. lurninlievi umiI- UA N One ot (iermanv » tincxt bud' ment >u«f onrw-ite canipti# Utildie* hern of the tS-21 irruttp do this? Or ale they too busy with eral and football in pirth-ular. logical order other campii* - fellowship, »-«uminiv t-art Spotlea# intide and e\< eui clei trii d* Idea, for Mhg|e HICK'S LAUNOROMA! 4 collepe. an extra jolt and pood times? Some offended imtivtilii.il seems scholastic ai'luevement. service, old A-1 inri'h.inVaHv It.ua.on faculty person or married vounle 1 suggest that in the future the elevation of the individual, prued tor quick *.dr will finance a? 475 FD I-IOfi^ . - These are the main arKiiments from both camp*. In view always read* In fling his arrows bank rate* R«,\ Ilirt»t«li*eh Fold a.l that "awful giant" who keeps it will he a very wise idr'a to and th' -worn maintenance of S«.lc» Mann. OR 7-9111 tf FAST IJXNSIND IDEAL f— DROR OFF FOR SELF of the evidence, we would have to side with those who seik to keep the status quo. Thev would seem to have the better gelling in his was aw basis, aid the prires on a one for rarh continent— continent hiuh standards. intellectual and moral HHAKF-S %lf CDMPLE^E HFUNIND and up Adpudincnt. »••,- Good u-iail'v rouftding* tu *t1 nurdeT live a deluxe apartment heuti.'n! tirr condi'iun- On* u.r- h*lf WE •'.» b ■ - *■ ,• j SPECIALIZE IN DROR • -a . TI lla'he th.i dur is! Up -North and South America. Asia. u*cvl tirr*- Champion Brake Kc-linei* •jnoles FOR STU0ENTS arpument of the two John Her gin :"'!o F Kalama.roo IV 4-41IP If bfppk frotn Pniuti. Parking trtidti** exr*»» electricity XI IS FD S-5'»«n 37 Keith Johnaon .. «94»? I U)UAAAM ! OUT?! > EMPLOYMENT ROOMS 9 JLj!L ?1 , NEED HELP* GENERAL • >,0 * u (D€ 105T m 6AMC ALL >AS :; \ Crossword Puzzle r«r$YBv/ViCnj uif w S'neir* l.etlrr Policy FULL-TIME GROCERY c..*hier- SLEEPING ROOMS WITH cooking Urm a p m. papcis Call IV 2-W77 eicAoic of caaiuis $**m \• ^.CVY " t'VtN v-t " experience peefgrred Muil be neat hrtvile*** and patkirg f«»r tlig iutn- Readers again FD befo.r s je tt CUHMAAAAMMM!! utcr are once re¬ and plraxant Apply at Prime TYPING IN MY home Pte*-e ACROSS 30. Central part Hruiher* Market 113 Eaxt Grand IV 4-AND after * pm quested to limit their letter* to SINGLE ROOM AVAILABLE fir f heiret U Terminate Riser. East louiaing. In pervuti. 39 300 words or less and to anh- yvotit-n for runrnnr. I'lose tu cam- MOVING ' CALL WALTER » suddVn.y a; Weat y. KM Pi 33 Y M F NT *MD pip Fl> 7-5*2! 3« foni.er MM' »tud**it now *air» " t Snow mit them In typewritten form If SUMMER cun«v4 MONTHLY piu* *t holarsiitn tu r1g >t ager for Fuepruol Storage Co', at all poaaible. I naifned letters RUMMER FRATERNITY TYPF m&n* JQ&.&: runner — MudeiiD Writ* Al Clievcu. »"» F IV 4-447F .1 Stue living available ATt3 iiuutr • »>*vk will not he used In any rirrunt- . Michigan. Lanuing. 4| week Kitchtn priviiegr* worker tier S- t> FXPFJTT THESES AND GEM «A 12 Str.vrsU atauee, Rut names will he with- Papnu- ED 20*4* If COLLEGE MEN YOC earn Typing. Eiertrtc typewrdet S x'" *I)U*I 34 Slaggrrci held If requested. SldM thl* summer — In vnut own can home tear* experience One block n- :*■- 7 .? 14 Haraldig 3»i Be contin¬ FOR SUMMER APPROVED Rlv..* - town aeltlng Cutcu. a division of Brodv. ED 2-4145. rooms fur men. juat three minute- wreath tent Alcua Sign uo at the Placemen* Bu.eatt 41 from Berkev private entrance, hath BOOKLETS. If ANDRILI ,S 15 Model 37 Cut phune, parking ED 2-*lC. 37 T EHS. these* — t v pin* arwf 14 Load org* Hold* INfORHAIION 3« a dunLcaUng Phone AI or 17. Advance sulubon |. "....v.. Mr. Ttm Johnsoit, oulita«4ing 2S. Small 4S Spread ts 3 Scrimp ... • . - *'Voa»v-.• —•-* .r.n IM N ri HUCTTV men with kitchen orivtlegca gnd IJ Hebrew Jry d.ttiiiond expert, will be here T V. *7 ocT week Summer price TYPIST i ■ n-i ANN nnun BROWN .< •Ph" •'- ' Si. Bag in to dry * .Win* 2-1H3Q tfecthc typewriter Tk 7 p.m., 24 Student Service.-. Double room* available for fall with grow 4t Tiding* barrel* rami Saturday. May 28. from 10 a.m ki-chen privilege* If de-ired IIM 4*rs and th*wf. AUo generall ;» r; MARKETING CLI B L» ti p.m. to assist in custom Frva. Fast Lansing FD 2-«R79 37 Zsl Backbone " j 1 4 .1 pm, 208 Horticulture. Mi>s design and special problems. r 'p /i 21 22 Sentenced Young goa' Joyce Ross will speak. FREE DIAMOND BOM'S NEAT ROOM FOR gentleman 1n a very quiet home near campu*. Cat) TV AND RADIO mrrtrt i« w ratas to lUiigiill Kaw and v '-'f , 2.1 Brothei of SAVINGS STAMPS IV 2-*304 after • p m 37 TY' vets and antennas Free T »■ Moses Redeem Now and Save apsfc.'wiaaii's.' • '"m Life (an Be... ■ s ROOM. EXCELLENT FOOD «ch.». 24 Pay nut larxhlp. feUimchtp. gotfk location *- E Mtcmgan IV 1-MM T :«i ruwt William II TIhnbpmmi. Jeweler all for |15n a term. Tailor visit How- 3 ■ TT ■'iwer.ng 29 Faults 30 1'prigM brick township, nj —Bobby Is one bird that speaks FRAN DOB SHOPPING CENTER land House. 323 Ann. on* block be¬ hind l.uoon Theater ED 2-4521. - Ii gtnal SPARTAN tv oing MVLTILITHLN'. aenrtr*. Every cop. Mr* Goodwin. ED ^ "ID 7-i 7-HA¬ ^ . Matt Court — IV 5-«T«» f w ■ J n windlass not only English but Polish a» LOST and FOUND %- EXPERIENCED TYPIST THE: 32 Not many well IMPORTED TUX-SIZE—42 Coat is w term oap*n and general tyomr ' IJi, 33 Measure The bilingual parakeet started white, uncombed cashmere, pants RROW N BEIGE SCARE with hurs- vonabl* rates Near L'nlveini- 35 Unfastened have harrow side ktnpe Never yrorn. e< he;»d« in middle lost In vicinity of 7-143* It 3d Ate dabbling and babbling in the Lay IV s-uwi alter 7. 37 OliM ED 2-3021 — 31 Except two tongues at the age of six ii EIGO HF-S3 STEREO pre-anip 39 Softly months, says owner Mrs. Joseph Two months old Need cash. Ph. IV- 40 Period 5-122H 37 1# Pijak She calls the 5-year-old UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR « V- 41 Lobster tr«{> bird a talking fool. >■ 1 »o-or thr—-bedroom houM> to 42 Eemllf SFUDNUT 5HOR IS OPEN1 i next lall- Sethe ' cr shrep 43 Mar.* LINDA PALMER and GERALD T nomas Aauipaa. Near c» mi ED : E ! nickname Might Staff i .—t- a.-*u to 6 p.m. SPIELMAN take this ad to the State New* office between 2-5 p.m for two WAVITD - THMI BlD.iK to East Lar- tL fiee passes to the Crest Drive-in house. Convenient 9 44 Bus r:c*s N'tght Miter Hieh School. Prefer ranch f»r Urn Burns Bring I D. tf getter* Mill Myers . first ne" Paul Butler Wlf* Miter 225 M AC. KENNY DAMS* ORCHESTRA Adults • Rent or Leas* to »*a vtan at mm. Call ED 2-1477. t; Malcolm Tarigauu v Photographer I MtflUGJlN STATE NEWS Marshall Discusses baton of Ike Week | Extension Staff Changes Listed May tl. IH« llrilish ftffirinl Pare Three t V <'olice Responsibilities / Staff changes members "f the Michigan Coop¬ erative Extension involving 2.7 Service stock from countv extension agent, agriculture, to countv extension dl- rector In Lenawee county, effective Julv I lie will succeed l-oul* O Halt, K Brown, agriculture. county extension ggen* Allegan count v 'June ?t to July g. to complete *1 « rlegree at George Washington tin- fr»m Spritlo llrre Today l)r. Errmt• Wohlgemuth of ff. solely with the police, however. who retire* on that date M Treasury, will address Ibt \\ V( P CmimtI He recognized "the willingness were approved Wednesday bv the Board of Trustees. They in¬ Resignation: Ivrrslty, Washtngt'in. |)C Itean H Ithoads, county extension agent, 4-tl ErrdVdnio* "ftppactmptital Colin* IVedieta More of the average community to blame all for the tins of a few." volved sjx appointments, two Pert N. /ltd. |r.. specialist in h'otre ( luh work. Presrjue l«ie ciniotv. et- terllve June Jo to July * to attend extension tiirnmer school at Colorado art room, Itonday ato N p.t n. Uuio%7 UnioA/ Wnhlgettmift'* W'ih iij|.|n» Next Yenr Marshall attacked those who changes of one resignation title, two transfers, oriel 12 leaves management effective and child development, August 31. lefts lie has jstiitc University ! >{»! • a ill Ik* "Britain and the imagine problems of discrimin¬ for study They included: t-eeri on leave store that time doing Poland II Raven muntv a«tep«'.f-n Free Trade Ar>*a " EMUUCH ation and pi initiate work at the University of now segregation "can be director. Iron loimtv from Ma* d Woh'gemiun., earned his B$ u» Michigan and ha* decided not to re¬ through June in t'« study at 'tie e«- „ ^ nrrtca hat been the melt- swept under the rug." He said Appointments: turn to nix post Ion on the MSI" stall te'islon summer s. hoot at da- t'c r-»t>oT»:r» at 'he li«t Leaves nf Atraene# for Htndfi J Ferre- ami»uni pfitessor of fmeK H to t get In th* pot or pensive to exist We can't afford Lansing eifertive Jtitv I Mix M n , ptc.- euro from 'io 1'iii- and nutrition, from June 13 !■> Jul, two communities, . . ,rt melted down," TXror- economically L. surnt Feather t-li a* t'luh county Work. extension Berrien Mis Anna H Brown, county e- t. 1WW to attend «iw isl market»ng wprkshmr at the Untverstty vt" - V ■■■• Ui ' , 'varthall. chief counael of or In terms of international re¬ Countv, effective July I Marvin II tension agent U axhtenaw rounty. Sept home economies. 1 l«k» t« nnsas Favettevllle Ark of Mildred Ark- ,f V um rr»fl-l»5'» Wohlgernu'.h V, onal Aaaociallon for th* lations." Waxxenaar at county extension agent, iMtilsf, count* r»tension wr » ResearrV Grfipgr «• Poi Aug J1, If*! to stndv toward the «#e.,» h«m>e • agriculture Mm tint enttnlv effective viorrment of Colored People, TV lawyer prwdhtsd that Me* Julv I MIm Itehecca K Johnston as doctoral degree at the t'nlverxltv of Michigan Mix. Irina Johnson, countv eronomlrs. Jackson muntv during June m Nevi Jersey t., tiar-i New t,< ■«! ari l Econnrnir PlafinirtS . ■ Krllogg Center audience county extension iigrnt. home ermnu- extension iigeoi home economics. V'irk and Ohio •*» xtodv roertuwf, and (PE1' > in I/>ndon He rondurted ihlcs. Ongetur conntt effective Ificklrison countv from June JO t<. media for 1 1'ressiird June 11 Dttane It Patrick n« county j.ilv H, lo .ittcnrl a special extension '■rum inlormntion Burton t ta-g ' :0« the Sixth National 1Mb thne next year. Far extension »isent I.II « luh work, An¬ mio.'tier sc hool at Colorado *5*1 ie l.fn- cosui/ior professor m agrh-.nturai en. . ij>i n F ng! v 1 and Hr.'.a.p u , on Poltce-Communltv trim county effective June !'» M' s Ivf'sitV. Fort Collins Crtlo, Miss Betty gmeermg. from June i »o Julv u to je i ' a' «nd ey inontir commit- Evantlna K Smith as county exten¬ Bernard, county extension agent, 5 Ntarthall characterlred he a daaea next year." sion agent, home economics, Manistee V heme r< mutinies. Monroe count v, complete work 'nf the doctoral ite gtre at the University of Missouri. on the Eifopeaft Con I ■ n th* laat large Amer- count v. effective July I fiorn June 20 t«• Julv H. to attend the Columbia. Mo This situation is complicated Colorado University session n minority yet to win equal- in many communities in both Chatties of Tltlr: A nth ew F Slate Mednar, county extension the North and the South, he SARA riTRR It. n. SWANftON t)r John N Ferris from instructor director, fiogehlc county, frran June In agricultural economics to assis¬ 27 to July I.V to attend regional ex¬ Naniiiatt gaoled I. Edgar Mid, by "complete mistrust be¬ tant professor In agricultural econo¬ tension summer school at Cornell Anyone familiar with the lor rial at t grftaWaa af Jha »*•« tween Negroes and police, al¬ though this mistrunt is a prob¬ publications World on the third to appear in this rojumn twice, recently garnered some mics ttr Hotter! «' Kramer from coordinator of marketing programs Uolversltv, Ithaca. NV Wllllatn A ticxtcr emintv extension agent SAVE Au/Q floor of the Student Services attention when his picture was In extension to ;ue • JOHNNY MATIIIS not i forward-looking, honest police attend a special session at MSU and for four years. keting agent In Wayne county, ef¬ pictured above i« Robert B. fective as of May I. John W. Coin- work advanced degree. Albert official* must be aware of the on • RAY CONNIFF rub Banquet took on a hum¬ Swanson, affectionately known fr VAACT leader said dis- problem* and prepared to act orous note when Sara was pre¬ to intimates as "Kewpie Doll." tmn in police ' work is on principle and according to sented with a crying towel re¬ Activities on his slate range • COMPLETE SELECTION HI-FI LPS nvAmerican, unrewarding law," Marshall said. cently In recognition of her long from participation In Union paid for by tfhose The leaat a pal Ice official can stint as the Wefverlne Jacque- Board, where he was' social di¬ practice it •* well m those da. he said, la ta recagnlae the line-of-all-trndes. This year she rector to the presidency of the ALWARD LAKE RESORT , i suffer ,>••<•* have se. it." the freat respon¬ Marshall aaid, of "rec- law ef the land. Me meat recag¬ nlae that people vary ao Indi¬ viduate and not hy racial stereo¬ held the position of senior Index editor, capping her two years as Arnold Air Society. Hi* interest in the wide blue yonder also *2.98 office manager. netted him the position of wing . njj the equality of man types. the lawyer aatd. But this lb- K.tlb. Ill Senior commander in the AFROTC in IS THE SPOT DISC SHOP , jut retfard to race,** and at "Segregation laws are not of of the Week hasn't confined all J 939. iame time, "doing their part « irttroy the image of the such age as some would have us think. Most date baek no fur¬ her campus cations. activities to publi¬ Besides serving as a Besides flying high in Force circles, R. B. an F.leetrical Air TO SWIM, STUDY AND PICNIC rerun as an oppressor of ther than 1900. But when some¬ student guide for two years and Engineering major from Crnw- ; right* of minority group* " 9 MILES NORTH OF LANSING CITY LIMITS thing like this lasts more than participating in radio workshop. fordsville, Ind., has hren Activi¬ a i' a',! *aid the fault is not one generation, it becomes Sara has shown her versatility ties Carnival Organizations 1959 Greek Week executive chairman. Student Organizations ON US 27 - ONE MILE WEST 323 E. Grand Rixer El» 7-0909 •old*," Marshall said as The United States now has "i secretary*. Water Carnival band Council vice-president, a mem¬ licme Set crazy-quilt pattern of laws re¬ committee secretary, and J-llop ber of Spartan Roundtable and NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ALLOWED Nrxt Tm Knrptrt quiring and forbidding segre¬ tickets committee secretary. pledge-trainer for his fraternity, OPEN EVENINGS or Carnival gation," Marshal! observed. But- Marshall declared that it In addition to these positions she has been sports chairman, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Maintaining a 3.17 all college is now national law and will re¬ bridge tournament chairman, point average, he was tapped for "ActivitiM Eapreaao" h.\.< main law that segregation of and trea«urvr for her sorority, Green Helmet and lllut? Key, announced as the I960 presented with Outstanding Jun¬ public facilities is uncunititu- * Kappa Delta. With a 2.9 all col¬ Iks Carnival theme. All tional and that state laws requir¬ lege average, Sara, a Radio-TV ior award and singled out as an NOTICE RCA VICTIM STEREO i-p'o.i campus organization* major, is also a member of Sen¬ outstanding AFROTC senior. >en invited to participate ing segregation "must yield" to Federal law. ior Council, the '60 Club and Although he once held a posi¬ ANY RECORD PURCHASED 40% tor annual affair Oct. 5 in Alpha Fepsilon Rho, TV honor¬ tion as an assistant golf profes-. •an •v.ij Stadium. portraying each erg in- SAC Officers ary Currently, Sara's most im¬ atonal, R. B. will leave the links to Arnold Rainier and concen¬ FROM LS WILL RE GIFT OFF in'* purpose or actvities will portant post-graduation plan is trate on sale* engineering or presented in the one night Visit WRAPPED AND MAILED REI.AFONTE, VICTORY AT on Campus marriage in August. R. B. Swanson, the only sen- Atlas missile testing for Convair Astronautics after graduation. aeph. SF;A, ETC ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES . . . hi WlnelanS. larkaen Two officers of the Air Force's Larry faNrr. mat jr.. ee- Strategic Air Command, both Campus Classifieds ef llw event, have rwn MSU Class of *37 graduates, will Your Key to Better Values \NOTHER SPECIAL AT - rally iiirmrnI their earn- lee heads. *1. Aahasm. lad.. Jr« aaare- They are: Jalte be on campus for several days beginning today. First Lta. David Riemer, a FREE! Grace VUlwerk. Nllea pilot, and Charles Winquist. a It re Banrreft, Paatlaa aeph,. navigator, members of SAC crews based at Lockbnurne Air Force Base, Ohio, will talk *to N't Mm bavtag aa utra atesat the DISC SHOP the DISC SHOP rrulnaieat advanced AFROTC cadets Wed¬ When sou use our storage iera are: Pet Dinan, Detroit nesday in 31 Union at 7 p.m. organizations; Marilyn Earlier their wives will appear service for your Winter liar- ubr. Cicero, 111., toph., pro- at a meeting of Silver Wings, 323 E. Grand River ED 7-0909 323 E. Grand River ED 74)909 Linda Baumer, Lansing campus organization of AFROTC mental Now you'll have Iota Nut T» Krvptn Next Ta Wives, on Monday at 7:45. Kexpert publicity; and Glnny Mill*, Lt. Winquist was the f.rst of¬ of closet spare for your sum¬ l >rd soph., theme, OPEN EVENINGS OPEN EVENLNGS vemr.ju for committee mem- ficer cadet of the detachment mer wardrobe. Why not take arc still available. For in- here to receive the president's NOTICE iati«»n. contact the respective cup, awarded to the outstanding ic« heads. senior cadet of the year. advantage of this convenient service today? SMOKER WESTSMSTU CUSSKS UP TO 50% SAVINGS ■< ON NEW, UMER SEUOINN V DECCA V ANGEL \ \ WESTMINSTER RICHMOND 1 4I3HJUKCT 112-1441 V LONDON v VERVE f 06» TUESDAY. MAY 24 East Grand Blear An— Fr— Stndant Service ltldc. % PRICE V TELEFI NKEN ANOTHER SPECIAL AT V MANY MORE - iTS 7:30 -10:00 P.M. HAVE YOU SEER TNE — the DISC SHOP the DISC SHOP Eajay Mag 323 E. Grand River ED 74)909 VAGABOND! Next Ta 323 E. Grand River ED 74)909 Kewptat WANTED! Neat Ta Kaetpaet OPEN EVENINGS OPEN EVENINGS . — 4 Wt: D»'' m KEB If FOR VUN KIN! J! rd.'- oefrre. TNE VMAMNNMINE ft v :r tad LATEST STYLE MNEANWEAIL ONE YEAR ""i ni K GUARANTEE V1: 20% tere £' •• •-*"1 mn OFF ind Spet'-^ *5.95 ee tiiff I THE MEAT NTS ni >. U» HI-FI! STEREO ALL TYPES - NO EXCEPTIONS CT AND , YIN lftl.m AT TNE an ■■■:•■ S3- DISC-SHOP „ nt n' ; M8HIN0H the the DISC SHOP t—2ND TENORS S—BARITONES Campus Book Store 323 E. Grand River ED 74)909 323 E. Grand Rhrer ED 74)909 Next Ta Ketc pert Next Ta Kttcpeet MEN'S GLEE CLUB AUDITIONS T Tur. and Thur. 5 to 6 in 121 MrnUc ANNNSS FNSM MM MSN NMNN OPEN EVENINGS OPEN EVENINGS :bR'> I**-' U Bldg. W t» . c W shaw fit* H sh... * Ttii- Mich i yan Stnti • tonni I rum topppil-off Ita most Hitc- Haiti** Mali** so.Kiui in woven yrnr-w illi « thiril-pliWi* finish in 'th«' 7— 1 «» n»t « S-Hrtpn Mfcltry Sink.t, MSI"* ncr pitcher* ivnt at his best FrMiiy Hrvsn lit* « i* " IMjr |o Tennis f '>i.,nnpi"U*fi'ip Meet, which wm« hrltl til Kvnti- itfTHinsf Wisconsin, Imt lost ;t heart tifpjtkftw decision to the I—-MnlletftrM I v. ll.no rloM fi snlis I-.i.u.iim'Us*1 -da iirMotnenl fioorrd Previou* to 'h!«, S«rkptt I-Ulis is truest! I i* The t'invi * t« M Wo played real well tthd /iiMfr ,; The u- lu'ci I'Uiblo- . h»d walked tlitre straight bw»- . knl u:i fhrec it'-1 vMu didn't lose in nnvunc we had header ws« hcM »o ♦' if stngte tfrs t■» load 0\e t>a«et after he and a total "f '>'« i*""0 beaten during the regular rpu- g»*ni* hwflU'C of *'■>*• wp•rathe ha l retired the first two men. K« n Averv Iuok over In the Kx-( ilia ill pion r*'.i1 riCrl its last Hit* Trim " ■ *ri draw that II was lust the luck uf the we Jind t*i plav those Tito Spartans «Prr !cad:i a in oi'hii* vein sr'i»nt| inning and allowed one imlivi' ceded player# su earl.v in thy (riving Ail vice mr* w"ii a*l nini * ">o irl game, li-O, af'cr mi on sevpn hits the rr«t of ',»« fhrv rolleri un iuhiugs when 'Mr gamr 1 M- game, hut MM' could not iron! ..f «7 |ir.itl' c The final point |«>tal. fur the « iHrd Thi* a firm :r Spur? aft h iH;ng ovrr«'>:ne the Wildcat lead. .Mm Hendee produced all th* To IOx-< llisatitp Vorthn *Nirf it pit I. rd up Tnttr Mia a, HI Championship meet arc follows Michigan ft ft. North- Indisidnil rrnnns and ratnr In !, • !'« loWC'Sf fllll ag.l 'ir! W MM' runs of the weekend. It* wmterti r»ft. Michigan State ?7. NF.WroWN no V f srrnnd nith *1 |mi|ii1n MirhlEsn fh ve in one run in the thitd I tin -i- ?t. Iowa ?tlj Minnesota consul w'i'ii they manag* I t i paid anofhf Mat* was third with !* point* inning on an infield-"out whu-h thami'i"" •'"»* fa in Wi.c.nst.. fl rthio Stale 4. tirnrr hu! I'mti- hi* m t te 1:1 visit t.i Moid P'(ifnr««iM 1 • 'r s * Mom!!. *h„ lead the te»o*. • f>l Dick (JuMen after he and Pnidiir 1. Indiana :t MSI' off.** 1 all**iit !*;•' ».-!-• ' 17 .1 'lining th- iiciir;g? T r ltd! S> hudllch had singled In tog camp t * P. . Ha: hi Singh--* Champion-; »?.* rv-eutar' defrnted l,;o » v i Mil l muster t sm.p in Mir tin* «evetir!i Sn'mdlleh w,i« «afe ter ;onV trainleg -r a *•■-. I H« uib Konlckl N-.rth- f-ffht again ♦ char Inge* Pn-«a If,,, S'rtti". «-«. «-« r i'H, but .Iimi »\*nlui It;' i ■ n tin e'lor, Wade C'artwrlgh' i Hern Joiianseon nest mon'h I Na-ti l-.-Aii, n a. rd smgif I and Hchudtleh scored on .V -• Frank Fulton Michigan MICIItflAN ST/UK'S WI'KT lennla team In flout.].» .play « I'M MM ■« mi I "ins hrongh' Mm- *-f »' t lid! \ i Michigan. K-d. fl-rt linn llenryj Fnn Meaeall; • ■ Hr ridee'v «lng!e I Steve lithium Northw»>s seven years, au.I third and out- fiist fight with Mas Scbmelmg N- • llig HI I:r»<• The two defeats gave MSlf erti linger I'lagetthnef; fa pi. Hill llnlehlilss; Brian N*'nk« ftrndiut'd run* In' and pnfnh i out the mistakes he 5l*t«?es t tumi -nship for Stall a f-7 final conference record I ('tint!•' Uwhhart North- l ed hv Meseall. I%ll Big III Tennis Singles iiiil the content and \uu in t.-afle In that imtit Then he r\- pr*an K"« came rinse t<» i ChampiiMi at Ihe No. ft position, the nelmen com- tr.utble only three |inir< i r'ained h"'v he had corrected" E viiu; tb»- Sr ati« Ihcir second W rwlrrn I !ofi* Tlllr* \*> '• IM»V MRNC A I,I. \ game until the end in th those mistakes th.* next time, individual ri *n when he CAN STATF 13th. One runnrr tra. hrd Ihh I •ant two oMer« g<*; nfro .» second before the final umnig ATHENS, Mii h'ann American Ohi.» mn'ned 141 flie tVrsfei •Ufrtrn.-e champion Mid- n nnphasiruia tha' tie tin I .-arrl*d the fight t" Schmelmg 1hi «r- rot.il time t'mv met. rs*3* A'»-t*V-s trig Don he*I the fieaD «*f i .•ic,'ao»eiii. 1* • • * I** t»'*' No nf tnrliiina fi-4. dcfca1 1 - N * n Hue . MacD nalit Rose Bowl Chances Stronger U'i«cnn*in 11"I'd three pitchri* »'t I.a'rr tymls i» atcheil Pat»cr- t. .1 o t reirv Ttvl.'r of Ohio •I; tont'tl track and iihj.i during'the ron'r. » in Saturday's contest. Infie'd spelled defeat f.u Spa*- a mu My I'nlvrr M\ took ID '! aight r.olf trophy In the finals of the Hih annual M AC spring four'h • ver r*n I in* four lively round*. «»ne each again-1 Ylitlv Tisdale. Oli¬ Wilson, .tuilo Merlems ai*.» S*»te fid. fl-(» However, Dctinis Konirk; **f Northwestern proved *.. mu«-h f i fie Spartan sopho- MSUV Shell As Conference Meetings Close I an* pitcher Don 8a< ket! In a* ■ sn.n'w raniivnl Haltmlav h's lounger lirother." Pay Itrftn. ' m morr, a* hp (tofr.a'»- 1 f.i*ni-r fl-3. Sunk hy The pla ting i• f ro«c*- in the able HU 1« meetings I have of his high school < hp i.m.iis *• " r- * m the final* An athletle direr • Big t" approved l»v the ever attended," Biggie Muilll, Foul Wcalluw is n cti'cii the meet aars rolglnatlv sponsored motion 'I eo*.fr re- lit jis litisv week - MK|' athletle director said after "Guinne* • adds Nrheduled to he hnt pl«Aed at Nuttli- forced In mnve en d of ■ting*: at the Kellogg the Saturday session. robin scheduling )><■ ' College Stores ..psirin. was thn 1965-Rfl schedule Hireling* peaceful, art to uproar—and to n%s»n%ii to (irMhnii.r the I'nlAersltA when nf I hlrago Vteavv tains ran Michigan State's rowing crew into rough weather Fridav Outci • Hig 1ft schools weir given the a ■ The were well, mainly because the ex¬ for more studv MSU was picked leaves viewers Hit MUl RnW a 01 AMI H frit on lliursdAA and IridaA- and Safurdav and nil rares c*- fight to participate indlviuallv it-, the Ho«c Howl hv n fi-Ti vk' pected action against Indiana for foi the IBfil ennfe*-! i. »en' on** vci-rc «aneclleil illegal recruiting did not come f.-arh Scan ti">riar fi-H t* > ctiampionahips bv laughter-happy, with lew a I*unto* «. I. J; Illinois I. 1 *; Mlnnrwti 1 ♦e,tm it i?. 'i i*\ th.- dra« ng for of the rue bv the rough water IndiildiMl eontrart ilm'iiifi aaIIIi fhr NCAA with a four -year pro¬ disrespect for the respectable II itriple-header) Michigan fi. 4; Hlsennslu I. ! I*!»A' ng a-sigomeors "Wi drew three -cr-ied piano . hi «»' f.i-t The and crew was walk the shell out of the water .round the lake. then forced to the Rose the annual game Bowl roptiMltlee for bation. arc extorted in the near future. A proposal made last March FigcTs Wii Hut since there h no binding -tin «*»»*■■ 77 Baseball's Top Ten .Saturday's Cniversifv wen* limited bv the races at Purdue contract between the committee and the llig 10, the Ho«*c Howl |»y he Big the athletic dlrertois thai 10 wlthdraiA from all Twin Kill! foul weather to one race At- post-season competition. was NATION %|, MAOll Mwujsort .He not c*impelled to «» l eading Halstnm (based en «• er mere al Ni* riayers and eluh*. \n It II IT 1 though delaved two hours bv high winds, the MSU frost; man- invite in .t the game Ill" 10 srhool t.i plav iviprd out Willi a unanimous 10-Ovate Stop Ktistty •1tagmu—-n Tirnwetnor Fna tW mtc! 6 fay [*J 1 lemeute. IMIUhurth Buraess, rtlt*hurih Nkinner. FBIshurth in 63 111 ".< FOREIGN FILM SERIES White. M. IuuIr taled hreanse thri thought the hpeweer, hi. I,«ut« It! 24 4 * ,33'i f, ,?vo\ Olympie erew, and entire Hose BoaaI pot would he was rtnenderrd only to those and 5-2. running the C Inirrhild Thralrr 1! 34 .327 Wvandot Hoat chili* will com- Bailey, flnelnnaii lei incoming athletes who could not ing streak to nine gobbled up hy the partirtpatlne M«n.. Wrd. — May 21 A 2.1 It? 17 31 .324 i*cfe aloru; with Culver and be financially supported by par-, .lioi Bunnlng picked or Ashhorn. i hkw school. They rhanged their mind 7 K S p.m. IS! 16 33 321 State. lt;rr«- time t * 2 p.m. start¬ Aaron. Milwaukee a* Hen the athletle direetnrs pro¬ en t - first triumph in the ^ 1? .324 ing at the Lansing Boat Club, Arlmi—ion: .Mir f Imoll, Flllshurth as 7 posed that howl tnpney he split Ihe new plan, which Will spacing six hits, and bu!*t»^ AMIRK %N I.I,Alii » up under the l?-sl»are aystem. come up for action this summer, fugee Hank Aguirre wen" Players and eluh «B K II ?7 I'M Slack to Couch left over from the llose Bowl asks that the NCAA approved nightcap with the ],.'<*• rj grant-iu-ald plan he Installed. —help of Pttr Burnsule Klusaewakt, fhleaa* 61 1! .42? eontraet. 73 .363 I -M Basketball ( ask. Ilelrolt 61 3 Manager Jimmie in.kci Now if a Big I ft school plays The NCAA plan offers room, Runnels. Boston as It 34 .356 rhetl Rocky Colavito for the In Pasadena It will receive two hoard, hooks, tuition and >13 a rtersall. f lereland 74 13 26 .3.31 Dill after the glumr»t'g I> ' ANN ARHOI1 <4*» -Dave shares, one share will go to the month for laundry mnnev. Berra. New York 67 14 13 .312 slugger find Hit only '*•»« Stack. Michigan's new head bas¬ . conference office, and one share Also under the financial-aid Allison. Bash in# Inn 164 IS 13 .337 it; 20 at bats and his »*< ketball coach, t«v»k over his new- to each school. program was a motion that eli¬ AYoodllna, Balilnmie t.» 24 31 .326 plunged to .161. I«>1» over the weekend .faced The bowl measure was one of gibility lot aid be judged on an Maria, New York w IK 2* .326 The Tigers collected J with a rebuilding job. many successful actions com¬ American college testing sys¬ Power, Cleveland III |* 36 J24 in their first d«» "»•* 33 The 37-year-old former Wol¬ puted at the meetings. tem. instead of an athlete's Hansen, Baltimore 1*3 13 .32* sweep of the Campaign, an verine stai eager, who was an "This has been Ihe most work¬ standing in the upper l\V their scoring against To:n S PROORAM INrORMATWN t AW. « I .Mil .424 B's divant. .370 9h The Tiggro-^id all .364 10'a Ir.g off started Frank M Mi.svs r.AStr.n RCNPAV S (l.tMH I n*, .tncflo S. PhlUdEphia a m the finale Red WilM»" Mr** Vorfc ». kino* ill it llrlrntl «. S. Ito.Oiu 2. Z •*'- I MUIA S. ); nnrinpaU 4. S both* a second Inimi MllwiahH S. (Mum I PalPmorr 7, ilr*rUtt4 I iflv< iv# In- putthurih I, ton I rune i«ro T Charlie Maxwell homered lA'.T lANSINL PH0NI 10 . !6i4 Hint*, rain) TODAY'S II4MI * two more in the thir'i. WathlnaUn 7. 3; ihhag** M law AngrtcR IKDMfRx a-ti at Pit- MnHTft a Hl'N.—AIH'I.TS THr SAT. MAT. Mr TUP4V s UAMtl iRhurgh (OaalvU t-i» mail) MutnR,n RUU'I l»« >*' New York (Tnrtrv 1-1 > at kaim (htr-B* (AnSerMM l-n at (Until- iMy iSwtort fe-D wall (WrUsh «-S> Mia hi .lain4> Award, a trop'v i STARTS 7 P.M. KKATI KK AT T:.H< S:H> ? - IdmIa (taw arMMulto) each year to the Span - *l save: AIN'l.T UNTHRTAIWUNT •* ler with the best rr* > .* to heavyweight John Maun1 NOW SHOW INI.! UYWrt AMVAL SALE FIRST LANSlMi AREA SHOW IMJ 3RII OF TDK MAY EMOKK OF THE WORI.US ORE AT FORKIU.N FII-MS! iswasi Xoh ! - 65c to S P.M. posted a 14-3-2 won-ly mark. Ml in I •FNYLMNOSTTW IIOXT MISS THIS OXE COME EAKI.V LUCON f Al I. Si IE, t:M Mi M. RE PREPARED if BRIEFS 11*w. pMar* u MrlbUnllr ,h*m u. in mit* rather *vpl,. A MM HnMnUra !• mirtiitriu •*hlM" — hal V. Rrrklr, ihui \ \. Tr*h i lit# - S:0§ mOM THE PABU Of TNI - i:tl - t IS {/} CAT! •RIPElNCr FOR THIS WEEKKM OLomouai [I i All white with clastic waistband ami • BERMl'IIAS at Ices for smooth comfortable fit. •MiOMro.iiwoNi**' GttR f.'^ET • BEACH COMUEIt- birrs small, medium and laree. }'{ WITH HIQCTPga CANDOR UAUTWUUT KAYiD C:3 r • IIOAT NECKS -MARD TO EOROCT." .V —. AI» Cainaes: ALL NYLMIMOST ^ *" *, W. *.'Um0t IcrlIves-L*aurc:aOjiar • BATHING SI 11 > ^ * • SPORT SHlBTS for 2.90 i'flls Kovacs Noel Cowarc • SPORT HOSE ED Ealph Eicliardjoa Home Jo ilorrcr • GOLF SHORTS • GOI.F SLACKS ED 3 for 2.05 ROBERT UITCHUM start Ire FRIDAY! TOE REE IT ALL Ult tl . . Ik, . BUY AND SAVE A' awmmm aoKomoanaiiMiiM I.EN K08ITCIIEK* FA] KHTraout'iuMimni •:,v-3SrrEV^RT ADDED -PORTRAIT IX COUIR- VARSITY SHOP t FRIDAY • A Ml"8T SEE . "ROSEMARY" CARTOON A MRS 2t» Abbott Kd. Cass ! i Illinois Captures Track Title; Boilermakers Win Goli llaNchall Roundup PiirdmAs Koiinek Kerr, Robinson Setts Tor (hisox Twice Kalli,UKft i'iv vifutfi-- Fiirdoe " no th> tnnm title f,.i the third straight year, with* MSU t ie and gave Mil waukee nrdny nt RnlpH Vonnp field. Odegard'* clocking Iff the National league, I'ilts- I -1 rciip*e* the placing a •ii>nt» second ■> i victory over Chicago Fr*' The UnlVfrilty of Michigan, hurglt extende't il« flra! plare existing Ralph Young Ft'dd re - No kino 'i»e Nnti'ihal Amateur champtoo, lead for the first Diree II award cracked four single* *r > to give the llllni n rcii lead over Nan Iranrlxni to a ord of 11 it see* riooofp. hut failed to hold th" lend on the final 1R holes that wre drove in three run* lo give T- 1n«t the service* etf fheir game and a half with an 17 *W sard rim—thl '* Milan plavetl oi » 'hiving rainstorm. Konck blfdled four holes In tiie la*t Arigeb-* a 9-9 triumph ©v- • I hurdler* Ronnie McRae, f ir If. i" v. in in: tiiiid eoo«r»utivr f'onferenee championahlp. victory over the feixnt# In II I a*tle led the field for lino yards, Philadelphia . f,r day The Wolverine* figured Koo*ek shot a ?H*! for his 71 hole total, two strokes ahead nf N'leh- Inning* I'imh hitter Hal Nmlth'* • • there ivia approximately a lint then Kerr sprinted from IT .%*!» OVTR goes « Mere Williams at 4' 7*," In Ihe two-out. hates-load «ingle drove fiaryl .H;»eneer homered « ' dead last In overtake the field laii*' ?*I Ihe re*l of the field trailed far behind, with the Spartans' Jim Henry in the ninth to bre/ o point difference due to Mr- hl«h lump. Williams w»»» the rscnt at the Klg IP sstilmr Irack In Roberto f lemente with the and win In 1:51.4. This time (' A. smith nest with ?9H strokes. n ' e and give the V. Ifi\t ;»,»•* absence, championships heW here IrMii end Xttnrdav Slale New* I'hntn by winning run. breaks the record set hv l»ave 11'i*< 1»i» ■ team nxcrnged a tremendous 71 4 strokes In the first Cardinal* a 5-4 first garno vi i"ie total points went as fnt. ftaltimure. hv;t»eri \,y Ja'kie I ran. Spartan t indet man. nf Trie l.iimtherg. r .'i'i I. ". iiiih E.r e ti.rtn an insurmountable lead MSU gained nine Cory over Cincinnati. The Re. . Illinois, f»11 *; Michigan, RrsO'lf* '*jvu-r»m humer, HtH 1:511, hut falls shotl of Kerr's ■ 11i.kec t.ac k. hut still finished II behind the Rnllcrmaker*. Purdue's won ihe second garno 5-3 bnhlf Minnesota. 25**; MStt. 22. t».im ecore wa* 15Zn, compared t'» MSU's 153). f level arid 7-1 n 'Se fire' gam® nn>«» State, 17**; Iowa. to. In- ^ una. 14»»; Purdue, 12'i. conference las! year. record nf I :5a I set Kookic lltvuks '5001 Mark Si ore * during lb*- meet were exceptionally low, despite the high "f a *eherjtiled double header. Ifain hal»e*| the fo»i!e«t after f v> Don Newreombn. f.d and rains that plagued the golfer* on Saturday. Si* finish d Wthwestern, It*; Wisconsin. 0 yard dash—HUof ii t tri- inning* and hed ot|) tne «.fs<- iMHAV.AFOt.rs 4" Red f»o- The 35 Memorial Dav •a itb tidal-: undf-r 3<>'l f"» the 72 hobs, faist vear at Ann Arbor, Kon* iimpij for Michigan'* Ruhinaon qualif¬ A running summary of the The Wolverine's time of 21 4 tics re a!v»z"*.!ier. Tiie defeat TOBACCOS .rt by event*; % ier* averaged 144 07(1 miles an *enf. )fi® l.-idtan* »u1o it.ird pfac# llir stage was set for the Konsek-lS'irklaus duet 00 Tridav when litscua—won by I .ai r y Hrhma- the conference title for the 220 ('«i f. «»oa«7ted n-.'ii *•'*» '.»>> or. tnutting the old mark of Sir k la lis fired a pair of r,«»'s to take a four stroke lead a« Konsek hti' only one game behind ( in- P.f.p.E-S 'orger of Ohio S'ate with a around a curve, State's Alter¬ t o e 'I'talifvirtK r*-i «n * !;»»»- 141 415 which was set in 1939. shot a tig and a 71 in the Saturday morning round. Konsek picked up roa voir* rAvoaiTf.. ,«.« „f ift2' B'k". George Mlrka, berry placed third fustic performanee .»* the |n>j;- Uovd Ruby, llouaton, Trxa* ton strokes by firing a 71. He was In trouble several times, hot plsv- Four home nni, two by /ngl — ( OMR TO — usi 's other entry placed ser- ??• yard low hurdle*—Del nn.ntoli* Motor Soectwav and Warpe Welter. Phoenix rd his short Iron shots almost perfectly while Nleklaus suffered T'.erra, he t(ied 'he New York Schmalenberger bested ttie f The 27-vrar -<*!-♦ flr ver, **%■- A'/, qualified it) the opening Irom pulling trouble. Yankee# defeat K «n<.i* City 9-7 MAO'S never co»rua»terl in * Men-.' al tra a week ago. Im the final round. Konsek bird led the firsthand the 'bird hole# and give J.rn C'.a'e* hi* four*h 2.1 H seconds, establishing a new I2t N. WAXHINOTOX , Ihv clas*ic. asrr raged |#»0'.« The rratkie* will have f • * » He for the lead ff*» then took 0 three *trok« lead by winning tho victory without » defeat. Jerry in>• id Jump—Paul Foreman field record Favwed odegard h«»tir f"r the 19*mil*- miles an m,*'ch driving skiil wilh sorb ninth, 10th arid Mth h'»les from Nicklaus. and went on to finish two Ictimpe bangerl a pair of h'ener* Illinois one of their six iliit not complete the race lb' did one lao in 119 fioj run *»ieran« a* former w inner* Rod- strokes ahead of his competitor. i with a spring of 24' 3'j'" Pole Vault—Spartan timber M V II ret Ward, Indianaiadis; Jimmv MRU's Smith f 11 crl a fi9 round on fh" way to hi* 294 total. Tim i'.s Sonny Akpata placed topper Mike Klelnhans lied for lltilh «o»eed« shaitsml r*c»»*d* ftrvan, Phoenix and Troy Rut Spartans rhowed excellent team balance, with ail the score*, egret,' first Ok C^oopos Am ■. with ar 3«v. plare. Itb Ohio Male's htrk sel mi M.» of 447.23! f 'bout bad accident in ron- round itt i«« «ns *ei MS# I • mil the atari, sprinted by the •* » # a tram l!t» the hv High lump—favorite Reggie tntoiit »iurr» Nerihw (Author i»f" / Roan Trt'v-nqt thrnrf," "Thi A/ooy ttrlil, and wen In a new field SiUgle l»i» Ts#*t !•» last vear when two |sl Out rlh 1111*1, I 1ST *«7 41# IS«« \.t*+ a t>J liiUit," fir ) record nf II I aeennda. hpartan Sheppard of Indiana Mas no*ed llurtutose. a rhonky »u t net ti'i\er% were killed In practice Purrfuo pit 1*' •« IX'S tllinnls I • 4a I 412 471 Ml* Willie Alterberry. Ill; Have out by "dark horse" Steve Wil¬ vch'ss driver despite hi# ta* k «* Jark Turner. Seattle, spun off usi Itf J71 i«i11 Mil • MM HIOSV STAIR ivmvint At Ohio Stair tblls. Pnrdne, 4T.lt and lawa'a liams of Michigan Williams Speedway experience. «rf tht the track trying to qualify u TOTAI.* III tut *s0 !%* liihn •trnwn Jntned In the w hele- vaulted 4' 7'4" for a new field new marks in the Tr*vei«»r» Hard#hi Special be had never Minn IT* Its PI is# I On RsMttln tUt-U-W- 1ST «.ile sbattertnc «f the record. title, shattering the old by 1'» Special, owned by the Tkv -n .» t» ta-fore but the car slid lurilnes ««X IM 1*' ««*» I y ( tpln 7 I-7S-T4-TS— IS". EUROPE MADE SIMPLE: NO. 2 WlMiiostO lal tst 1st J#7 •l4f* NnvnnMi 7S-7S-7S-M—III <11 belli rlnn Atterbero's exist¬ inches * Trailer Co of Modesto. Calif Itsmlrwlf into the infield. lews t*« ISO to* SrhmlOt 77-74-7S-SI—.711 Put— another favnrlle ( X Smith 7a.14-M-T1~.rn I .•( week we di-r)|**«xf f uyl.tr,d. ti shot e f!r*t «t/,p on the tour of ing field record nf 47.4 set this 74-74-M-77 -11% »l»rtnt was edged out In Ihe shot put nitnO* In trsm total* I 'tr"|ie fh.it evcrv \roer t ,i, rrjlege student is going to make I art yard dash—Tom Robinson. as Michigan'* Rav l.mke healed «Mir.u.rr T"»l*v we ;j! |iaru-a vour next. France - -».r llllnola' Rill Rrown. I.orke miss¬ <> ' nple probable from the U of the iv«rl of the |'ee;fic. i* ♦ ^ generally rallefj M. nicked up one of his two ed settlnr a new field record hv • with « time of 9 4 *ecc»nd«. l-»» Inches with bis bease »f I-, set from Fnglard )•. France, one gren^e* oce'* body and T) I would nml have been a field would have tied 55' tine Mile Kun—MSt"* r.iptain EYE HI-LUES o«iu.- the I ngl.'h t one gfe#oe* one ■ . 'i,..I#rty, to get from France to i-vlv a».e full >■' '.{ r (-rr. ( garefte*. f »h. what a piece IMinoi* win In '.■id eir record of 97 seconds, but times are pot counted Rowers 412 4 of to Or. Joseph B. Gutsfein of work i« Marlleiro' If i it-mk dnvor went out when filter. +t:.e «n treat \oor*eif '■ M ni-e.ro The filter wrork* perfect!v, b\n . « Two Mile Run—with the • coming down. Ken Brown of ami '.»•( v'>'i get (}.«. rent?-,I, e»|ifying taate of the ehotre t!« sard btab hurdles— w«.o -n M nnouta't sensational hunt. Illinois towk and kept the lead ♦..haero# if,.» prrr»«|e *!■*• filter This femarluhle feat of cigarette <•' Dave Odegard In 14.2 *eo- for hum! of the race, placing engineering w#« idirwl l,y Mayllwro'* r'-eaffh tenrn—Fred first with thru' of '• 15 8. Rusa tVderson, other a ■•oitpn/k ind "Lv»iter Fliptop smf I. for one. am gra'cfu! s'.ophef entry, placed Mcond, State's Hilly ry Reynold, and Ger¬ Young placed two-three with T.'it I 'hire**. We were i)ieakmg of France—or the Serjient of 'i? times of 9 219 and 9:23 3 respec¬ H e Ylie. ## it h pDpulerh- temtefl tively. 1 r«t let us briefly «um up the history nf France. TV nation Mile Relay—spectator* utiffrr- JOHhi KOSHER. Purdue senior putt* for a par on the ninth hole ed the adver* weather condi¬ wit* discovered in I4'*2 by NTadame Guillotine. TluieianA furchaee. For over a cen¬ M-hularohipn either dona no damage to the tury e\eryhridy sat around moping and r»-f u.-tug hi* food. This torpor w»« not lifted until Eiffel built hia faiuoua tower, which 3. TO WIN ONE OF SEVEMAL JET NEW—"Artists'" Theatre New York $1.95 •jo or haa even aetod to a made everybody giggle v> hard tliat Ueiay I ranco it the gayest PI^tKE TRIPS AROUND THE country in ail Europe. WORI.D! ID MM! BESl'RE .. . you wear the new Spartan Friend¬ Each night the eolorf .1 native* gather at sidewalk cafe* and shout "Oo-ia-l.»" a* Maurice Chevalier promenade* down ?fie I. To win uue of the AUSTIN IIEALV It voo tfaatre more Information ship King from the Spartan llook Store Chump* FiyaetA swinging hi* MaJac. v cane. Then, tired but SPORTS CARS atmut contact lenaes. cUo tkla advprtlscKumt and maiL happy, everyone g>*.* to Uie Louvre for bowl* of onion noup- il ED MI41 $3,00 The j.rinci{w» Photo by M'ollcott Smith. l»lc<« look* llk«> a frrc-for-all, bnt don't be mb- Ms| s t A SMITH put* hi *.tliinl.it ipomlng'* iihiikI mi tin* nth crrrn. smith finished third tn thr Hie l« c«lt champion¬ ship- si.it,• \r«« Thoto lit I rir I iiliilHrtt. ! Till HI I UlXti < OV11>1 of Orrck lllim If lit Otic MntMtinl « It ititqmlitlrd fur - blur* limkt like a free tor-all but den'f lir nn- lirtt M.itr Smt Tlioto he MiHvllrntt smith I'rrtiilfl «ill |»rf»i Diploma* -ruled to I'mvwt |*i .. utrmlr drill Thill Fol Inwit III I.A lioomfl may n«l be I. 19 a anrirnt tlrrek sport. but it was mVh the :> • nun a mailt attraction at llrrrk Oljm- f'i» uni pit l rul.it nisht Valrle Smith, I hiraco fr. look third tvllli about C'air It I hour. 1.1 minute* Slate Nr«* ■•lines, 2 Thoto lit M'ollcott Smith. ■tell, hort .m Fri Lot MIIO SAYS POTATO CMIPs IT S Al.l HI s|\|ss a* rider i hirci aren't lercck" IVrirte* may not ami runner eonrentrate on tak- . | I/' bate eaten them, but diner* at flol int the rUmte mlnature of the a - saltinlat nitht'% (ireek !ea*t Indianapolis .100, ite Sett* lac prohahlv ean't tell them from Thoto hi Jonathan Yu. amhro*i.t. stale »w* Photo by Malcolm Taniiaita. VARSITY DRIVE-IN DELIVERY SERVICE Rve* I \amined (ilaaoea Tilted No Ap¬ pointment Nere**ary , Office* of: III*. J. ( hriMi* untl II. IL'tkwith, dumrtriM* t IM» \ BRnitlttN. Jr. iao farm. and linn Minth. arner.il hairman of thr annual evcnl, at ait the atartiUR tun. Stale »r«* Photo hi Jonathan Yu. New cigarette mar "air-softens" every puff! Now even the paper adds to Salem's springtime freshness! WKAR r «».* aeaiHuw JtSit ' COST: $2,125 Solum i a»,i 'j *ew NlCH eOtOStTY pniser etr-Mhaiu" every pu§. An important bteak-threwfh in Salem', fresh nir in through thr paper to make the j*mnTt or riHonr an m*