Bark Tin* Vrallici' SnlmminK lump Clotlrfy. Cooler Sin H*Hi i'c_ . i.«« ~ IS Sw l'»Kf 1 High 70 Nrrving MSI! For .VI Year* VOLUME 62. No. 38 EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN TUKStlAY, MAY 21. 1IMMI I'ltU E :» CKNTS Tidal Waves Sweep Pacific, U. S. Strike U. S.y Japan, Hawaii Charges Red Spies Tidal wtivt's, .piiikes, smasheil iicrtms the Pacific Monday Mv iii» built Hp Virii 1'Hi.m by Chilean onrlh- wave stirjml Chilean villajre. Three over l,a Arena, waves in succession heavily dam* a small south Operate Around World, f.nir continents ami the Hawaiian Islands h.ath and damaKc were heavy and wide- .pi't'jid, a pet f the neafhy Chilean port of Ancud. Kanninp into the Pacific, the waves kill- etl at least 21 persons in llilo, Hawaii's sec¬ Denies Soviet Claims Chile, itself, Unik the brnnt of the sea's ond largest city. Dozens of others were UNITFD NATIONS. N Y dh The Unit, minister Andici firumykn thut tim • .»•(>. I'nofflcially, t.'trt fwisons were re- missing or injured. Damage was expected ed States accused the Soviet Union \| .r.t »<, I'niGxt StHto* !»«• eunilemnfb+TiH nil iHtyrt'—9 j.ntied swept to their ilealh when a 121-foot to exceed 2." million dollars, of maintaining a vast spv network who<» or for nerinl -pying mi Koviid territon. .Vi four great waves bore trying- to curb U.S. effort* to yunnl (irum vko vtnrned Hint «fiirh net ion rntt Dm rlown upon Hie island-, siren surprise Communist attack n«k of kifuilinir the finmit.i of World War hiiversitv Honors 23 warnings sent thousand# of Ha¬ waiian* ".warming from low ly¬ U.S. Ambassador Henry f'nhot U-h »• made the charge in the U.N. Serurity r»»uo- HI - Inlet* inmu'dinte net ion it tnkeu by the ing arc at «nd kept the death toil ril. Vacuity Sta ff Retirees Hundreds from mounting. 1 N. (.rutin ko jmaerted. grove cofi*4»f|Uen- ,.r guc"'* evacuated Waiklkl lie was replying- to a demand from s^»\i> * i<•«" could result. ' IVnr'i hotel* In Hynhilu New Zealand'* east coast Lodge said that the Hu«t« an* was llantiuli lo IViohiIc al Kir»l l.tnirliriiii swept bv wave.* and '.mall boats have thousands of spies every¬ \\ oIim mImv in carried away and capsized. where, and tont since 'hp fjpa»H Krllngit Outer were Tidal wave* from 6 In ?• feet of Stalin 36a actually h»d t>r . n IHeH *lrnrk rrnlral and nnrlti- convicted in the free vvor'd MSC will pay tribute to faculty and staff retirees Wed- rrn Japan, and t* person* were Hut Ijodgo denied tha' -day at. a special luncheon program, the first of its kind listed a* dead. .14 injnrrd and 62 United HtiUe-i had i-ov-n . i the university. niiNslng. IVave* till Jn«l al day¬ . break and wllh m«»*| of the na¬ any aggressive ai ts agair^' ' r The noon program in Keiloaa President tion Soviet Union or any other coun¬ asleep there wo* Utile no • will honor 23 faculty an,! warning. About 26.666 homra try, cither through it* air flooded. 1.666 of Ihem or through any other ngencv uf i rem her» retiring this yea;, were WATER C OMMITTEE head* drove to the Capitol Monday to per¬ the United Statrs government The i well retihed as more than in past years. 23 faculty and staff mem- 100 wv» To Report damaged or washed away. Across the F.icific. the t'ali- fornla coast was hit from Los sonally present ticket* to Gov. ti. Mennen William*. Ron Me*»man. Jndge* chairman (I) and Rill l.lvlngond, AI'NIi president (ri look said l/xlfr named were a dozen lie arrestetl in the t'n.'wl on is Arnle Roberts, publle relation*, present* Ihe tleket* lo Gov, State* since the death of S*.»!io • ;>.;vo served the university Angeles to the Oregon horsier On Summit William*. Stale New* Photo by Jim Notion. . .ml total of 678 year*. He said the United S'aT i-i A 14 to 13-foot wave rolled addition to naming «:»« . eou;«l President J«»Hn A. Hannah against Montague Island near will inpltmas #f Merit will he pee- preskle it the luncheon, WASHINGTON t/lh— IVf- Cordova. Alaska. Big waves al¬ so were reported in southeast¬ Water (larnival Tickets also Soviet, bring up the presence of vcsel off Montauk Point a few week* txmg Island • kiilpni Kisenhower Monday ern Alaska iphing waters. » seated In academic retirees by that wilt "deliberately interfer¬ t'rm nst Paul Miller, and In nen- ,m identic retiree* by Vlre-rresl- Nt'i \\edtu»Nday night u« the time for hlx report to the A death-dealing touched olT on a live volcano slope by new earth convulsions avalanche Placed on Sale at Union ing with operation* of the Unit¬ ed State* Navy " deat Philip May. . people on the colhipne of the He made these additional added to Chile's prolonged seize Water ,S|M>rl* Preliminary point*: R AT WJIAN. tW bar maM In "Thr ||nr*e'* Moulh," prrumdr* Following are those retiring ,hummil conference. of (ju.ike and tidal wave woe*. 1. The United States ha* sus¬ friend Alec (itlmew, «lw play* Ibe role of a half tramp half genin* r- i, iwflo, the hieh they were members, and departments of In apparent preparation for » The nine reported killed by the __ Trial<« Planned Thin U eei* pended spy flight* similar to the artKi. I« return a Me figurine tbat he *P»le The British comedy . major elTort, he called on unus¬ avalanche ran Chile's 'official will be Am* at fairrbiM Theater todav and Wednruta? at 7 and number of years service ual meeting <»f the National Se¬ U2 spy plane downed over the . • death toll over the weekend to 6 pa the university: curity Council, his top level 308 Water Cnrnivft! ticketh are on piito at the Union ticket of¬ Soviet Union May I and the free Ca r Itidwell, buildings and strategy board, fur today at 6 fice for "The Sounds of Mimic", t9f»0 Water Carnival Juno world could only *oeco!ate why EDT. the Soviet Union sought to bring •.litief, 24 years; Horace Card- am. 2-1. The price of t ickets for Thursday in $1.2.7, Friday $1.75, tell, horticulture, 37 years; Lv- .m Frtattodig. athletics. 41 dar He also kept Id* office calen¬ otherwise free of appoint¬ MSU and Saturday $2.Children will he admitted Thursday and Friday evenings for 50 cents, up the matter in the United Na¬ tion*. RoycoII Resolution o ~ Loulx Hall, county cxtcn- ments and 2. The United State* t« pre¬ passed up the usual i c director, I»ec, 24 years: foreign studies. 17 Shao Wednesday news conference Eisenhower is expected to give Briefs "Fleder Mans". Carnival mascot, will be on hand I960 Water pared to negotiate an open sk.e* treaty with the Soviet Union Discusseil at ^Meeting ho Robert Linton, secretary faculties, 36 year-. his reasons for the failure of the big power meeting at thirix, all three night# to introduce the itew Water Carnival Midway: lllock* llrutlv that would obviate forever any need for attempt* at aerial c - Rv JOtf E HI ( (IfII./ /I/,h7.- \S" Meet Set Pocket ball, jingle board arid pionagc by any nation. • 'ins try, Miller, 45 years: agricultural Claude where he was denounced bv So¬ viet Premier Nikltn Khrushchev Block "S" committee rush roll-n- xcoro are a few of the lias Ron mlup He denied the Soviet charge* A propose*! At.S4» roaolufion fldvocnfiriF i>»»',rotting of and discuss what may He ahead games of skill to be found on the as fallnclou* and said the Units F.i.*t f-uniny «fr»rc.« Montrintr !«■ rhiilnn who.*#* outlet* in ' :n. English, 31 year*: Lcon- will be Thursday 7-9 in parlor i Price, mechanical engineer- in the cold war. Midway. * The third annual Block and ed States wa* glad of the chance other area* of the country practice racial discrimination A of the Union ' The Sound* of Music" runs to air the issues involved in the • Edmund Smllev, Bridle Spring Roundup will be ;ti .tars; The While ||«u*r mid lli*en- AAA Thvrrd.v. .md Friday at 8 3(1 Council. wax Monday in an open hearing in .Student Sen. . 36 years; Ralph Tcnny, held at Anthony Hall tonight. icw litfildintr. homer will sprat for 36 min¬ t>.in. «i..d Saturday at f» p.m. Diplomats said there wa* virt¬ . >ur*e*. 40 years, an years. will la? given the livestock and radio network* and the AIM' City College and the University demning tho United State* K.-l McDoncl. secretary »»f on Ihe river. Canoe gMnwaling, br Barry Bought w?. Lansing jr., i •»! years. Board of Trustee*, has serv- He will begin rc- and (BH television will rarry the add re** al the lime. \IM'-TV will repeal it at network* of at Mexico will meet Thursday 8:30 p.nj. In 3.1 Union. asked AH tub-ranoe relay rare and a cent¬ ipede rare are Included on Ibe meat* Judging teams, also. the results of the livestock, meats and slaughter contests will bo through the council. In an attempt to case tension in the wake of the sharp U S - a!«o wej. t urge students to con¬ tribute to r*v h-/a.-.rfi.p land for Ruildiiij* furlough July 1, 1960 are to bring pictures Proposed '•■u !.*, program. ■\ 'i retire July t, 1961 la p.m. AAA given. Other awards to be an¬ Soviet exchange, four of th<* Southern students wt> > have Prcllrnihary trials for water nounced are I fai ry Moxley smaller nation* on the council lieen v retiring between July \, Eisenhower lr*xn tb«r * « gave a Uint of III irifijfOM \ral» Mai snorts to be held during Inter¬ Scholarship, Merit Trophy introduced a resolution calling um- f 1 ' .i June 30, 1660 are as what he want# to tell the peo¬ mission of "The Sounds of Mu- for -.•■•.mon-trating ill' iire brnhg .f irrmrl.'i'- t Award, Hoof and Hook Award for early resumption of EJTft- ple last Friday in extemporan¬ Spartan lit Wagon needs more • ic" are scheduled for today, and the Bulldozer Award. again.*: *rgrrga" ,-> for the 1 »n.-tructU»n >f n unitpie, K West negotiation# on diiarma- , .• Bailey,, extension. 20 eous arrival remarks. men to complete Its roster of Wednesday and Thursday from The club will also honor Har¬ menff and other big issues. Sympathy* for demroas! ra¬ .ifi .vim Forest Product; buitd- Clare Butler, dormitories lie mentioned then that the uludents to visit new Instructors 3-3 p.m. at the canoe shelter. ry Moxley, retired assistant pro¬ tions it» 'he S'utis were brought .n » The milliorj dollar in »»?*•, * • >d services. 20 years: Russians had distorted and fall term ; over¬ Petitions arc .avail¬ If contestants have not filled fessor in animal husbandry and H be -r Edwards, buildings and played the American U2 spy able in 338 Student Service*. out th« entry blanks they are secretary of the Michigan Dyna¬ Isle of Itali Slides before lam pubLc last Tuesday v. buslt '-n Suu'h future, accord«ng rampu< -. 16 years; Irma Gross, incident and made clear they AAA still eligible to try-out for tho wt»en students, both Negro and * Kml Dr. Wilson Paul, director o! were passed, the university porti d lumber, Lloyd said. An attitude questionnaire w.»* AAA. Cam vis I! tub-canoe relay gnri the Lecture-Concert Scrie*. will would receive negative public d:cek.- '»» Union. Committees are decora¬ Before AITSO pa«*e# ,»utb a Dr. Edwin Munger. specialist resolution, the awareness of :r»e ** WKAR will broadcast record* on aub-Saharan Africa, will con¬ tions, tickets, favors, publicity, (Graduating Senior* to Parade vote should be taken of he Mid. a general college freshman to the Accounting Club* ihe stu¬ HPlcitlon* by the concert program*, concession*, photo¬ opportunities in the lumber mer- '»rd from 8 to 6:30 p.m. today duct a series'of lectpres, cot- dent t>xty to determine whether graphy. guest and patrons. Mis# and seminars today chir-olising industry. May It. fcrences MSU ifnd public relations. l'lan RoumltaMc V"** majority i favor of it... Today's program will include Marriage of Figaro" by Mozart, L»v !>athH from "Tristan and through June 2. under ausu»c«- of the American Universities Field SUff, Inc. Speaking at a luncheon meet- . , IPC Sinn Thurtday AAA' Swingout Tradition An accounting intern»h!u roundtable will be held Wed¬ sr., B >5> highly E;^erion, Mid that the resolntUm k cmnricJidaWe Don »ra. Pa., and k c hi r*h«r lining ange a* it may scetn, industry is not u fie- busines*," Lloyd said. "B* nig oldest industry in- •?:.*► the Observed on May ' 0 «" by Wagner, and "Ca- tFC Sing has been changed to something tpai itwuid have been nesday night at 7 in 36 Union to do'f long ag'w U. S. it is (xpa.noing in scope it Pficcio Espagnol" by Retnsky- ing of the Lansing World Af¬ Thursday at 7:30 pun, in the inform sophomore and junior ac¬ He called the both re?-!dcot.:aI and commgi Korsakov. fair* Council at the downtown resolution arat what, it ma- aud. The, Sing was postponed counting majors about oppor-! construction." The program for V W.C A. on May 23. Dr. Mun¬ about an :tnai ex- May 31 will Sunday due to rain. tunities in internship program*. TVjerc are 190 joo opoornir.,- of Bizet's "First Suite ger will discuss political evolu¬ Graduating seniors, pc rience .n it- 'i, >: ra. y yv.ill dob own, complete with fraternity John Rmywinckle, professor of f.XTv 13 graduates and revolution in Africa. 'jvm Carmen" and "Symphony tion »hjv : their and gowns tor a last labet and list of graduates/ in •" rrga-t- •w Band" bv.Dr. James Niblock. A second lecture open to the Robert» to. Head caps swing around the May front of the old Library. accounting, is in charge' MSU'* internship program, of an I table ma; as- ;v'e >hou>d the >aie* lumber field* mercnandssing ami instant professor of music. public will be sponsored by campus have lo accormng to Li«>.vd. During the week before will moderate the panel. s>Joe4biog that "Delta'Phi Epsilon, national pro- H nter Cjtruivul 31 a* they observe the 39-year- Swingout the fraternity swings Thr panel members are: Garv was supposed to have been solv¬ Power Blackout lessional foreign service frater¬ old Senior Swingout tradition. were soaring high with students, Nugent. Alpena sr ; Robert ed nearly 100 yejn-s ago." Ep¬ Hannahs to Creel nity, at 7:30 p.m. May 26 in 31 Arnie Robert*. Philadelphia It started in 1610 when senior children from the town and an person 5a. J. . Painter, East Lansing sr.. Rich¬ Union. Strike* Campus Dr. Munger has spent the past jr.. was named chairman of the 1661 Water Carnival last Wed¬ men pushed coeds- on real swings occasional professor. ard Crittenden. East Lansing sr.: D"a soph., Sexton. tot-d the isommittee that Bxrmaignum Seniors Tonight In front of their donatories. Following the march- around and George Pawlanta. Saginaw 12 years studying the rapid pol¬ nesday night, according to Bob, Morrill Halt and Abbot Hall. the circle Swingout night, grad¬ the solving of the ^gregMtim Sttrmg and summer gradu»b-s:.- itical, economic and social de¬ '• A(n ,iC>*cheduied r campus blackout hit velopment of Africa south of the Gustavson. Pontiac jr. and sen¬ ior class president. In 1911 seniors first began uates entered t h e parade probicrv m ■* /kj Utr. im fed-"" govertwa«:it and n.-/ for t «• a. . n."et Pre- and Mrs. John A early Monday marching around Jibe circle in grounds through, a green and « Hannah at the annual - .n vik when electric power Sahara. In his field work. Dr.. The 1661 executive committee their caps arid gowns. Graduates white arch and, accompatncd by Frrthnuu killed . university. senior ••».- Dwt eent/.»m« tonight and Wednesda- circuited a main power Munger has visited all of the of senior council chose Rpberts entered the procession through the band, sung college songs in In Car-Truck Crash 'T don't hke *.1-'.fr*1 ■it Cowles House from 7.30-9 6(1 territories and major off-ly¬ to head ail phases of next year's wooden arches of varying colors don't believe ia it." he said- "But a farewell. Wives and husbands of gradu¬ short circuit was disco- ing island of sub-Sahara Africa big spring event. set up in front of each college. At the close of the Alma Mat¬ Keith Bowman, Palmyra fr„ I also dual hkc demonstrations ates are also invited. and periodically lives in each- "i,ca an<* fi*ed before noon. Roberts will work in Five honoraries sponsored the er. the group broke up and raced son of. Mr. and Mr.s. Raymond because of the v.olerjce they in¬ ^tpdents :n the colleges of A-r- Buddings without power in- major region. coordination with this year's Swingout parade in 1921. They back to the swings where gradu¬ Bowman, was killed Friday eve¬ cur and trie candicts tocy can ricuitUre. communication art-, ... ' : J** Hall. Jenison. Men's chairman. Matt Surrcll, New¬ marched to the Forest of Arden. ating seniors took a last swing ning in a car-truck crash two increase between faces." science ami arts and veterinary •V yd*-♦ Kellogg Center, and I B Set* Picnic berry sr., through the comple¬ now the lawn between the Un¬ with the aid of underclassmen. miles ca*t of Adrian on U.S. 323. S*-xtoa wa> oppors^-d to the u#e u. Kty nusiibir.e have been tsoued In¬ dormitories. tion of this year's show. ion, Museum and Music bid After World War II the swings Bowman, who was alone in of toe word "detest" as stab** vitations to attend today while man« Union Board will hold its pic¬ -n meanwhile was left Roberts will alio be a mem¬ to *wings erected there decor-- disappeared and the last few the car when the accident oc¬ in the resolution. The resi»iu- gradua tes of the col lege* of Bu*- Jed in a Kellogg elevator nic at Francis Park Wednesday, ber of the senior council for the ated with flowers. year* a single swing has been curred, wa# majoring in ag: ton begins, "Whereas adult and ihess and Public Service. Edu¬ ft «!^en tJ!e third and fourth Members will meet at 4:80 p-m. coming year. Tbfc will facilitate The swings were still very erected in front of the Union to ccon. He was a holder of a mature .. university atudefiU de¬ cation, Engineering and Home nutintenance men in the Union. Those attending the coordhuticn of'senior class much in existence in 1928 when symbolize the Swing-out tradi¬ Sears scholarship anil was treas¬ test ractal discriitiinat cm .in , ® Economics are invited to the re¬ • the rescue. should signup in the office. activities With water carnival. tion. urer of the Ag - campus fraternities erected their ' Econ. Club. whatever f»>rm it may take . . ." ception Wednesday. Local Activities Michigan State TVcwp Planned by Soil Published at F-»'-< I .anting M.i'i' u >!»«<• ri.u« Mniidat through Friday dm Inn lall wml"i •'"•I *t'" nmins* •mwnfr Unit »*«•! » I Hit I aii*!'1 r «- ••••!«• *U,h undri I i t.tll i«'i » ..i Miiitii a i''.* sp.i"«i IK;-» postage paid a» Conservationists f. i our li mm »,i i««n terms It Hue* term*.l5 Melt Mitwription* n*» »'-!# Soil' conservation group* Irt ! ,brro! iw* ,P by ycveri Vol. 52. No. :w Titc-d.iv. Miiy 21. Will P»|W Two Michigan are arranging special of 'he program* for Soil Stewardship „• poU'i-U Week which began Monday, ■ i, and C'h lVi-nidi-lit llamiali: "I»ocal activities will he part -fig at Keilo the of the nation-wide pointed out Russell Ifitt, exten¬ observance,'* ««mgsr ,< Dpposltl Civil Rights Vital sion soil conservation ppeciallst at MSP Church groups arc putting ; the n mix nwntail of the s! dlv „ ytressing particular emphasis this Horld on To Balance trbool.*. . week's objectives. Mill said. \ iifw edMr Many Sunday services will use mid rail Mr nnn »i» \Ri wo soil stewardship as their theme. iw u 1»* «»"»* The week is arranged to draw \nt Mly Editor fell H attention to the importance of A thinl nnn- soil resources and the wise and ,imll«« C< white. Whence this r»ijr thin! jroey flepemls nn how the t'nii- a rue 1 tiffH Heiidcrsliip i responsible use of them. Campus Claaslfiitila • . . ,i tho need mi sifairn so!\«< its most important (ionieMit* problem: civ ! f„! fiitrensh right* h v ivanl- nrvd canted. r*!*e « in N'» *».•! a dt*cvi««i'»n IVl": n Hh A 1 N.n .ma! t'iw- Hannah .<•««« W enile "Pad fWwettial Hn drtinijui" i ii|! .-V, an't bad pnvir- breed juv- and everyone CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS the .Lines, president IMIAIII.INKS: I p.m. Dny llffnrr I'mhtlmlIon for Tin-.. Wrd., Thin.. than th«' tiki* that be- fltlolf in «a> * t Jr«s Terence «>f <"hr ii* an causa thev an Negroe* " onH Frl. Kdllton*. Undlinr for Mon. Hdlllon: 1 p.m. Fri, The iwvt n£ Xe\V York. NY Man* |s-.»p! « M Li'k aln*"* llllls I'nyahle H-12 anil 14 Monilov IhrnuRh Frldov *va* presided over l v |*:»uf M things happen i*; n !»in»lar*V:i i* or 0 let. MSI' p» a • * The ta.k i.»ik .V i Hannah »aid e Ho. U v .oil Ihrv are wi'' ith . oncrrn, F.I) 2-1511 EXT. 2(, 1.1 r.lnv Ann ing to \»eai p'>• aids ti front .«• f\ vrral nn In P-< K ohgi but ' < \ x» It not fa. * Fnrce-Ari .1 > any . ! ••>»* problems n •mg • AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE [The S'H'iet; net ;tt ki'ttnjffi v < 'I'fi a*' h im'K thei.- oh n lueto aid 11 ccrtificftt lb .tones va-.d dm - g ■ FASONAIIE PilCIS l>F« flllATr.n CAKFS pruvrn FO« SAlf The s.h • \'i m , *h "v , I'll In von f«r parilo*. iMrlbflnvii I mllitgrv t raws magazine* and front page cusston, re«pe. i f.»r evetv n.i ON CAR glPAIHS Mumv nlhci dnllf-lmiP t>n*t»tr« Kwns' rrnw nlocks rnoxi .. headline* fnvn n.ii new *p;tper<, a i.tii -' n.< matter what he llflhrrv IV 4-«7B.y H Three bedmnm rench bom# nml Willi/ 1 dv *j!0n fvotn basu p.M m ... »>nibrr>Mm«. breplMce CiuuIp < ■< 1) Hannah said. and 'alt neii- must eome T ronMAL SI7F tl WOHN Pflif I wo IfeHroom* f nni flrtnnn this '-at M c pivai ll ' -op:. traddmn HI Ainu ollior din- It ilrppor: llnv* Will cmwldrr rental. T,I1 j.wn rlieatr a;« |v « . '*1 'i N v •* rtnUira o|fp four and five 311 <"t*t- i vie fundamental difference \\ e have a . 'n■:> of A" • ; r.t) ?_MWI " LAST LANSING NT All "ween America ftn,i 'he rest nf iea's purpose " Jones t. "I>u w»,* |» - .1 lutlnt By owner, lour hp»iir.. llCSIiri. [ward i •- - ASPABAOUH. SI Ml A bn'bh Cape C«hI, on on# air e world. Hannah sa <1. i* that wr are ri.'t using it We a;e . .<■ pu k t yourself call WJ J-«*uy JOHNSON PU«I OH hioired lot. Carpeted «aparn ? ir f.Minder* rami* up wi'h a ing u ith a cultural lac fun room ami dlnini »• •• • lost 10' I a*t «*• c-d r vPr#a-: of compulsory education Jones sa .1 we have ,v fireplaces, full basement SPUDNUT SHOff H OPCNI .0 Young*'cs who arc brought with thn leas' ^ipporiinutv," d rpetmn too mans in changes America hevau*e . |rr tli « jse: M. Wf Now Gi»« n,-|!d\ p.iv# In Sodaf# 5l#wf« nHftchml ?-«74« faraee Price 171 for b: ATTRACTIVE TIIWLL 111 lur c sa.d. "are given equal edu- iad f change, he said, we "u • i"M ronn rocs boob, ei*i of hope. J."u . l ANtTi INC rOHturil Sia'e last lansing. loi'm atithipalH can be «e»"ur«si but •; th< %'«•«:o said. Sn tiiat move and mme pro rm* wimlowlp prlre* AI«k «ome HOUSING catw nid. rive year* old nteroitod I ., ' s not hare r*1w.\»: on. hr«ann.» an opivu'i-o; ts vote i- I'd- do v,. are T 1c eoming . ■ s M to r« enjoy volution fi »-e " It's pnijfrt'ftsivc Mriiicution C hmI trade bin I an«int IV R.M'13 LI HrKt»:.- 4< FOR «fNT l>e1ii»K up end down, main moving to Orand Bapldo »» 2-2HIHI , ' t e glitt «(|rrrtiuidif1 "tent o '■.smg e\|M*s tattons thrmic' • CHKVROLGt 210 TI'tKIR . |SSS STANBANB. radio, healer. 1\«.» Tiinf v i*-KBHtiov*noi»x!. east lansing n'fafl | i'd» uill t 11 V n r e Net .Ml * •... I IV.1 l>. «•> arlu'iv line Levels Oulmoded f,„ Mi' impi Ih-U'IK n* owner, four lied amending Age •t til-'at: Me lorr *harp Call fl) 2*43110 Hat ween Ltl J-OAlft aflei 41 rie Hup re" p. • V. vco." „• %.iA ■ • ft .m ■ .num. Imh batha tape rod. 3 00 and 1 30 41 i Vance's J landprnirefl lol Car poled ». I'NECnNISHFt) TlVO-nFBIlOOM living room ami limine Airjxirt, it a'loWed ioa.1 vvHirr < iircmolft con- Honw llulelte Boad OHeinna ' n i o.s on llieplaie*. full bn«emrnt y , ■ krti may vlmttbi.l power brake* power Lino ntilHiop vbtldren welroma I'nll l«« hed garage Prli-e |3I 7a« •''if a-e se't Call el! 2-44HI 4i» ateenn* ri! 2.S.W:I 024* And f 'r f- The funds- APARTMINTS rco n 111 By Non-Graded Primary Lift* TIIIJNBFRnmU FXCFL. FAST LANSING 2714 I EM CONBITION Call KB 2-4«i?1» LAND AVENUE |73..V*> so >1* for nu AI'AWTMFNT Ff»R HINT Three heilrnnnc U, in- '.P the fli-teh fiirpWbed TV. Hnnk bed« l«»»e buitl-IH klfebeti Iwi. i"« W ANTED 111.14. IWM o» I WW ill a week I2U8 I Cniveipil Vlllapr t\»f enmpartmaiil. hapnfleiu |t,j. Mis, S' «2 ♦ mlsbed re« re«tIon ream' ircn' Til' » HFVttnLFT WILL pa» «-««!» for - •■ once On«- hlot'k Irntu grade NOH I'M •i mv'.hi k«ep.s him mil-tested.* K'M>«| < |pan car B439 F.mmon* ."W MEN ONl.V TWO room furnfpb- *"■ —* KB 7-114HI and •vt Their arc main- advantages •hi apartment i leant ilmari Tiet* Alp information V T • . Is.iI li A Mill EH FOUR-BOOH nrp T •- piMtnarv , >m ton, f.>" the slower pup:! Hislinlne *ea!», gmnl fnerhanioal private rnltame one hloek to union EAST IwANSING »NEAR- • Award 6i ...ndillon KB 2-1211 afln " Available June 13 For appolnlmeni ml •opteinporaiv Ihree ' . c ' c idc.fl of g:\ ing r». "Reran-the teacher doesn't ISM frrateM cn rail ED.2-IA3H 41 lo-o-halb ranrh Mum r\" HI 1*11 % rill OMII.A *s|| |l| NT I IH I \lltlN hilt ind.i duo attention rtu have such a widespread in ahd- ind-N-half «e.«r« «»ld Nnu yrntrd. n-e » ol BLAKE .FRAN DOM NEAID dmpplnr R> owner FD 7 i t • S ue A«*MH I \TI»N cars P- in her classroom.Sullivan 113.1 IOHD rOUR-DOOB Gmal N'vv -. eonibtinn S273 Gamble. 131 Orrbard Modern aparlmenl building Furnish *m, . S U Ho i *•» I 'S p a- . I.H |; fu.dlloft si lu>*i *atd. "she has mure time foi ED 2 I7I1 <1 r«l Three r«Mii*. i-eramie batb. an era of MSI 'o oved by *hrMt hosu *OlA lime's the « »* i: H.irk* a' e.trh n'dividual pupil A slow pie men r Intel s. June IS laundi■* parking call Eli 7-OM2 Ei" i SERVICE xlucad, as mi Ft.VMOtmi CONVr.RTlllLF ureet v; to r t of'ioc.s 7 30 34 I'mon i> Wlllet's H.m.I ach.iol here, w bet e learner gen Hie spcita! atten¬ V-S *iandar<1 ers and o - m »hlfi good ronrti- he needs. SUMMER TFRM APART¬ MOVING CROSS COUNTS* summer ai.o tad tern * v is . K. *. a>*>v pro. the p egi a n got under way l,v< tion nun SI73 FD 2-M».Vt 3H ^a rtu. MENTS T riple of double Male t oil in MIA im'M)Uit»\ will *|HMk c-n fa " IV 2-11ST for appointment In pee :t« ,5dv Spsng v sCien.e "And man* of these slow 1**511 ENGLISH FORD ANC.LIA- 4 Wes.s Mm, (\ n.,s. rum im.m startmg schnid i« i ri\ c'whi condUbm Low mileage of rerfmon p.m. ,s. i Ir^rpers are really only slow bite wall* fall FO 2-J3'>l Room APARTMENT FOR two or three a group c-t" pupil'i ;«• >- ■minces fo io Ptudent«. • vol no n ni u \\ (n H ». e ■ slarler*. They suddenly blos- *30 male a\ ailnble lor uimim i teim I'flvaie telephone „ii ulil|tlr« their rules m«.m% \i rti % in nv ir k»* h.m -a* posvUie in .n- some I lines after half a M JO p- 3N t'n m. som — IRftT CHRVSl.ER NEW YORK KB •paid, ft2« Evergreen ED 8-233(1 tl . ; -M t. fn-.M i-v -h: .!• All's I Ml ROARII t« I'genv*. .Purity and .'.read - year in »eh«nl. sometimes after Excellent meebaiilcal vondllton. |h»\\ railing kcto IIRIs-IIW M II.M I t.» leas ' ROOMS I- Bmlli at I nf- • ;• v" » full year er fwo. er biake* and *ieeriug. 1133 Fbupe H 4.'» 3?H Student Sc:v- M»n Who C . p f ; u.i 7- i .» • sraue- OK 4-744! Id ■ 'Phi* placement .i* based wi th- . ORCi.%M/.%1tON ^ Emperor, " Ttvq c i - t. -hum i a. - When exhaustive te«'-- indi¬ DOUBLE ROOM roR men, dim¬ ,j.v. intelligence t'^t't. read¬ . . • Iternari! . p :r. , JVisple.s i'hut'ch t cate that .i child ha* a limited ALEA ROMEO GUIUETTA Spider mer term Single room for fall term er -.1 c .!.* .dv.i . >ver the eonvrrtible IW9I» Nl>t raved red xeal -(iiexp at Ni ing v*'.". evaluation by » 7 30 p nv. ?! 1'- - his 'Kin— capaciiy to learn, he i* move«i t«eli* Can be pern at lft~2 Linden 404 Ml ret KB 3-SrilU .T.i * of a Siren lU>-t t'1'ce -.v.; wu;k VII * ASMX IAtlON A if/if Staff at then «»* y. .♦ •:*.. - iv-; ». p.*.« desgarten teachet arid, ronfer- ahead and g.»e« iOt<» the fourth Fa*' laniPlpg weekrndx and alier—av- SLEKI'ING ROOMS WITH cooking Ca'd Ar*«ert'9,< Red 8«'! qr' -* »n.1 Ed Eli ite TTpern ; 30 p m . 3! l*n on euocf with his parent- on week day* 3ft prlvilegea and paiking for the mill* in any :cg ..w c nv.*'"; grade at the end of three years. mer ED 2-OSM before 3 3lt If cs'imaie a^d »a>* enn. gi- i o OoCfl ai ntOHIMIIIRs l.M l Ht» \KI» Mihi ulitm How ard Holm" GRADUATING STUDENTS IUY 3»l Rrst gr«»ies.s'U have 3 keep 7 p nv, Wonir '» gynv Assistant Has Trail new Valiant or IM.vmoulh from SINGI* ROOM AVAILABLE fur ..aie of vt.,? Javci'e l'»r» him with hi« age group," said • yj(i;r g aclri rugged .nj v uv.» > Vo>e a « lie may itiv with that *ame (tShatigbneMv now Make find pa>- woman lor pummer. Cluae to cam- 1 be Mm trti raiiy. IV S-2J4I.;. mc'c >•'.»•» S- v-e a-e group until I hey alt enter the Sullivan. "And he isn't going to ti enl in Augunt or September. If you Pup ED 2-3«2l .W sinr u> D11 Life Can Be* feel h>*t ami .i:id c-g •• -i o n • ieu-.n. fourth br grade nr—more libel.i— will he maied lo faster ar gain anything by repetition" There are regular marking hup ii YOUR EURNI r' T our aarehnuke : iisof * "Face of a* And: Suns lanping 41 pei week Kitchen privileges - Nan CI Hi AiiO V T'.uee •« • sv'.vaftia appr.'-v. i a.-■ moot- for mote shan HVJ years. n«w' slower group* an the ba*l* af periods at Wiilett* Road The Lappa*. EB »«44 41 *afe structure* for EIT\ leng"' Knyrror's ! children MarlKmald ttates'have \. ted to n.mi anno uijjs las', war Tli.s brings t.w American .-c i.'-'i- have greeted his progress. get report can.!* *.x FORD Utfti . GRF.F.N TUDOR time. Ileadquartara for "Wih 1 '•< at tirete times a year to show how they Six tvlmuei. atraialti elufl. 2R.«><» APPROVED ROOMS FOR men pfipul" moving service, fall N ktate leg-sa.'o*-es :'.>te..,i •! n number ,«f legislatures mer:ms; these 30 chiMf n .i« a unit. The* t: In- is .< bright' chAd ho !• »ie* si 1*5. t»v owner. EE S-ikHft tf arioM from mpi end of campu*. for Anterican Van Lines. I»ai v rr'el. all ia • arc dom; in each subject IV 4-1431 Agents lor N . ennial meetings, the iV.ui. . anr.uady r.i IP The cine; 31 are g.v* n "n- - c .»>* gmnent-. might he toady fur the fourth i hsu fjouatii aummer and fall terms. EB " "" ' JMreet , The break with tradition — KMI'RKSK SE¬ Amaruan Van Line*. Inc. SUte i>.'vci lvper. » repm;- * j •* leg•*iatuixs mevi every expected to .-vi-r the came c- .ie af;. 2'j year*'. If bo H DAN One ••( Germany'* (lnr«t built 'krnsltli Tne Man 1 Mmicnt. or just slow get¬ come* at the end of the school Snolleaa tnaida ami GENERAL to ' • IViawa-e. Ncvad* gnd INn: two .war* ground at Tie aanw sneed: * .v.* ectHMimv out A-1 car* mechankvallv Raraam ROOM. EXCELLENT MKII) k%- NKED MKId*' •nil as Broi year. • no one is promoted L> larshlp. fellowihlp. good |ac__ papers. Call IV *-ft»»77 " ting started, be mught not be pii'-etl for autrk aale will finant-e at all for 413" a term Call or vlall Terrr j A« a lewuli. the alow pupil rtM.ix for 3lt to 4 year? grades two or three No pupil bank rate*. R»* Chrtatenaon Ford Msa Who land House. 323 Ann. one bl< Sale*. Ma*on. OK 7-SftlL tf Orrmale so U«s behind, feel* fr«»traled. and •Th'.a take* the ceiling off is failed and told he will have to lund Lucon Thaaiei EB 2-637 TYPING IN MY home Piease < IV 4-0303 after 4 p m Nwntta. he*in. la hate achont And the repeat a year work. BRAKES COMPUTO REUN1NG F4fT ; Jack io.i:1 14 f-.ij the fast pupil," Neil - - fast student, forced to sin* .s u ' : ; v a n. superintendent of The war-end card shows only 112 to and up Adjustment. Sic. Goo«l u*ed tire* Champion Brake Rcttnei v. LOST and FOUND moving? CALL WALTER EG »t !*^t Xpangli the C dawn la the tpred af the rr«t former msu student now sale • :• - irioM 31 Piece torn. s.-nu.said in an interview. wha'« level of achievement the 2"! > F Kalamacoo. IV 4-444* tf • gates . r. BROWN BEIGE SCARE wllh horp- Robert Gras J Goraip or af the claw*, became* bared also There arc no built-m limits to pupil has reached in tacit sub¬ ' e* head- in middle lost In vicinity of Tht Em per acandal T. Ird 32 Pro*ecvt,tvs officer begin* la bale krhool. vhe material he can cover. ject. There are. fur instance, 2d EMPLOYMENT Olm EP 2-3U21 34 rxmrr nirim and r.rv"" rin Cioffi as Between these extreme* are * Thi* \\av he covers all the level# of accomplishment in pre- Ivmng.Ping. Electric type writer Ivanov, Ken 4 Propeli l self in water one¬ 33 Holt others not•so-aiow ami nut-so- ground, and gets all the basic four'h grade reading At the end x I ENOGRAPlfER — SECRET A R V DOWNTOWN law offKW. plea van. PERSONAL v ear* IJriHiv. One bio* at ohodea as Noun"; I New Jersey* 3* Metal fast. all ct whom learn thei" of hi* first year, the pupil may 'The 1 tool*. Ho just does it faster, at purroundingp petn.anant employ¬ LT1 mnta ner« BOOKLETS. HANDB1I.I> ■•O rape three R* at an arUfknal pace a pace that challenges him and have mastered the oeventh level. ment, expenenvv required. Call tV TtRS. tosses — typing and off »»• 1 on Ji The*hole Je S-r.a.i 3 *174 for appointment 42 When he returns in the fall, duoik-aUftg Phone « Al ... J*n» of oarracjca he starts out on level eight. ALASKA. CONSTRUCTION WORK WaneR. tb T-ftMI. across /torn fc" IS Leaf of « 31 Qu t* Top pax. "Job News" 30c A- tlemped key. corolla 14 Wont «0 Lot a I Land etwtian af Vtittrlif 'i l«t. $ Army kotc (iadets Have This settles one problem that has harassed teachers for year*: envelope. NKCO. Bog IT3, Houfhlon Washington, na lion LEARN TO FLY at Wurrn Am Low rates. Davis airport.titrrrairport titrr# IS. Tormented iv -»,.are to promote or not to promote? miles north en Abbott Road. M It. Unculti¬ vated land* a: B!«wa a.t Arrrul- 34 Boded meat d.khec ft tor ,:i Annual Federal Inspection Home claim II laa*l fair to pra. rULL-TUnt experience preferred and pieamnt GROCERY ApoL raWUer- Must be neat • at Prtm-e 2-11234 or ED T-tota_ *• : c Jtf.4 mole a papU wba haaal master¬ Brother* Market. iSft Ea*t TYPWT ANN EN. Phor.r Tt 1R Weight* Grand S3 Secret 3-*M0. Electrts tjasnitter ./Her. Term pa¬ t*" ?0 Snare 4ft Toldj on Tuesday and Wednesday last iv impressed with the apf>car* ed Mm repaired work—M laal River. East i^natng. in pervott. .411 agent p pers and theses. Alee! general gem u pui* SI Staff of Me iron»:* of . 'A week t-Me Army ROTVT detach* omcc and performance of the Him will to SUMMER EMPLOYMENT *40? 23 Pounds coat# OOfr\ 9 -r Honor Guard, the MONTHLY plus •cholanditp to Ug' t . - Pershing ■ 2T Harard 4# W.rti I. Chann#1 men; and Corps of Cadet* un¬ •indent- Writer Al Checco, *m F, TV AND RADIO service r peril 13 f Rifle* Drill Team, and the Mili¬ ami II feat fair to Mi Mil .. "» rates to - sjuient«U " Nee and u*r« 2* Heavy twill derwent the.r annual Federal Michigan, tensing 41 from *hw e 11 ' teartor. Him ha* every right to TV nets and antennas. Fre* h*®* im fabric inland tary Police Platoon 1ft -\* COLLEGE MEN YOU checking, frge parking. • »"«• J« Move with ? Rubber tree t Inspection. Toe inspection team "A* far a* ! k -oc your MP expert him la to prepared far IKkk! Una summer — tn vour own ran earn horn" tt * - „» E the peat grade. .Michigan violence 3 Diahe* was headed by Colonel W. M. Plauxn i* qu.'.c unique, and J town Alcrw selling Sign Cutco. uo at a the division Placemen' of JV 7-I444 colloc 4 T>isbur*e Mueller. PMSAT *7 Indiana am sure you, the Brigade, and Others argue vehemently that Buieau. 44 SPARTAN IIULTILITIHY • aN° Aheed 3 Marr.ei 7 'A t". vers.';, assisted by officers the member* of the platoon' are failure to win promotion causes typing service. Every «»pt »!: • ^ - ^ d'y vtnal Mrs Goodwin, ED 7-2*44 V Fi iviav\*nm:snoned officers biiud...g* - very proud of it with good rea¬ a child shame and humiliation FOR SALE LAST MUTING Of from Headquarters VlLh Corps. son." sa.,1 the Colonel and only add* to the problems a ?4 Beverage* 23 Add.t.on tii Ft Benjamin Harrison, lad The final' results of the in¬ . slow learner has in school. Chil¬ ASXOt-NCEMENT Ttie Te*m TRANSPORTATION a dsscument During an interview witJi spection will not be It now n for dren should be kept with their SIM.ggd DIAMOND RHOU l> c.* Room 31 IPERATEI Tl M Vrtrhet Cadet Public information Offic¬ some time But according to ovin group, these people say, be¬ May M*»7-*S ride 21 * er John F Sm th. senior from Colonel Mueller the ROTC De¬ cause repetition of work will Complete Selection IjJO area. rJWit*.Si iui r.i, c.m > 31 Ihiblic way* Detroit, Colonel Mueller>*press- tachment wiU certainly get a only stifle their interest bv Special Price* 3-30SI, room , ft 34 Leftun. bv« high regard for the MSI' fine rating. aearning. Mr Tom Johnson, outktondins: TWO emu NED rid, hi 0>« I< injured 35 Via.t (tores Corps of Cadets. "I can hardly overemphasit* "In the traditional school." diamond expert, will be here KKKMY WASHINOTOM Mid Mtt.. V1N IIOCKBI. I.,. "it. Ml U> Ihr Mi Mil * or r C.ll VU J "b Hum, "The men looked sharp, were the im}x>rtaiwe of a good ROTC said Sullivan, "this is a serious 37 New i sheet* Saturday, May M, from 10"a.m. Stato .News oilier Jtctween 2-3 _p m. ii t 31. Branch of courteous, verb alert la class, un.t The officers who receive problem because a certain i» R* p.m. to n wist in custom f«r tvya free passe* to the Crest and the Tue>d.r- afternoon par¬ Drive-tn — -— the tea cpmniissions, by way ,.f this pro- amount of work must be done design and special problems. aC After ttks ade uk( one of the m.wt out* gram are w hat keeps our Armed within a rigid time limit. We 42 K hed KMX DIAMOND BONIR ^K*NNY Call ED 2-1477. DAVB ORCHESTRA - tf . standing cadet parades 1 have Forres going. When I command¬ avoid the problem by requiring 43 Little white SAVINGS STAMPS ever seeti." he Mid. • ed a regiment not too long ago, the same amount of work but KWAST BAKERY DELfVERH I le Redeem Now and Save V'dually decorated cake ser 44 He pointed out that the espr.t C5 of- my 133 officers were without the time limit.** Eapert William H fw*^ for glja. Phone IV 4 43 Rodent de#corps c? the cadet* indicate* ROTC graduates, and without No one seems to know Just Thmpsw. Jeweler ANTON* UMUONU TO . —that the.r Cadet Officers are do¬ them I could not have done my IRANDOR IMt .IHIIMM" M CM, Of th». 4? Once how marly nongraded primaries v.™t. Vdtotn — • coimjf »' around. ing a tine job of leading and job" wa* the colonel's comment t ere are in the United States. hllorriNG CtNTU REAL ESTATE children, from #um I* to Sepir1 , 4i Tim id* Mall Coart — IV MID 2. veil ED MM between 9 J" teaching, under the abl.e pro¬ wnen asked how he felt about By the latest guess, however, 31 P-neTree ' fessional guidance of the regu¬ the young officer* he had ob¬ there we 50 school systems with Bt ONDR OAK state abbr. larly assigned army personnel. served after graduation from hundreds of schools using some tress, aptingr, . . CAMPUS CLASSIi lK Ciuldrt-us ftttIM wau* Colonel Mueller was particular* school. variation of the ptoto 1-gTtO, BUY . . . SILL it. . MM HIOAN NT ATE NEW* oiiferees Ktirn|M*niis May !•. ia«o fage Thre# Report Proposals On Summer IHitnisnt'it I,rfin I IjitihililY Association, in (lolurnbus, Otii", Aid Children and Families lb llondrlek '/warensleyn. »a- |o School Staff •i i'l'e prnfe*s(>r of businesa«ad- womtrVi'in, addressed the an- Frirtav The topic of his talk was "The I^'gal Liability of tint must recognbe and mini meeting of 'tie onlo Hotels Modern Hotelkeeper" ihers! 1 >oomtnend»lloni were develop the at preparation said that dropout*, 1 . i.i hv *cv era! of the commit* - hecda of children for culture by must be decreased by a re-rs- Three distinguished European „r 'hp Mirhlgcn While teaching more humanities, rath-' amination of the school pro¬ instructors will serve »s visiting cr than emphasizing only tech¬ beginning in the giad<* l'iiili»Up Conference on RACK IMKIR SALE gram, instructors at MSU this summrt !, ,n< children, held 8el- nology. cchof)ls. The committee proivmed The committee on anti-social that t*n industrial art* program along with more than 711 others , ii Krllo«« Cenlrr. behavior proposed a program to cmi!«l play a bigger part tn de¬ from all over the United State" .„ the point, «trr«ed „ oj.,...Illnn ti» r«cl,l Ind provide for the early detection creasing dropouts These instructors are invited t A }FMF.IHY Sl'f.CI.U.S ! (livrlmlnntloti. help and correction of mental dis¬ t.oeal health aervtres mast he to leave their educational insti¬ V,» ..tally retarded, • re- turbances! Parents, teachers, strengthened, and program* far tutions and assist the .university „( ihp ittle l«* rirmrture, and counselors need further ed¬ mentally retarded rhlldren mast 7'tr.u. ucation In this field, it advised he evataated and tmpraved. said during the summer, said !>' , , ti,r«.lng ot huminlllM In the rammtttee an health. Clair Taylor, director of summer crHnrt!?. An empfcant* m religion* training would provide • belter In the area of leisure time, it Achool ami evening college . „rn eriurgltoft Mil. which program for Ike rehoMlttottoo of was recommended that new ...Id r.» I" • •*"" "II I* imnI for mtr iinlver*Hv AIKIKN IIAIR soothfnl offender*, and the pre¬ state agencies, or irvitalired SI MMKII JKWKI.RY *l.:,0 it/. i*\ slrurtwt, h tire** tw- to have the dMfncttUhed vlall- vention of Itr*t offence*, the present ones ate needed to con¬ d...t. ('» Hi' eemnriltee «n ln« lf»*lrii«dor* from other imi- SPRAY WITH I HAIR committee recommended duct re-catch and direct leader¬ verallle* here our *.1 VAMBS ,irnll«te. on rtmpn* (T KI.RRS AM. FOR jn,«. mme committee rmpha- The family committee suggest¬ ship School factlities should t>e The iifilver«llir. ln*lrue|or« and ed that discrimination against made available for public ac- 1 2 BOII *1 .»!> Ai (»,n need for more mean- atudent* all gain from the ex¬ i/rn>hlp studies in nr- religious and racial groups must tivitte*. and faoiilies should be ( perience," Taylor added. •e well-adjusted clti- be strongly opposed because of Urged to play together Its effect on family life The meeting* were attended The only European from Eng¬ the fommlttgqBald. The committee on occupation- bv 230 Michigan delegates for land, Mrs. Barbara Shenheld, the purp<»«e • »f making direct will be a lecturer in the depart¬ 1.75 IIHBCK SHAMPOO IO. R UNIIONNBT recmnmettdaU m« and pro]Kn>als ments of business and public Pl.l'S «.".r HAIR SPRAY mulcts Named to A words for Improvement service June 21 and social to July 2K woik from 2.90 VAI.IT. Al.l, 1011 ONI.Y 15c I.YI.F HI,AIR (r). director af the MSI! pre**, rhata with V nf M 11 OH¬ . or Oulstnwliuf! Rwords (•rmil to AnnIhI Freatdent Harlan Hatcher (I) after receiving a citation of honor from the i? of M Regent* dnrlng the |i ot !H 37th aontial student Mrs. Khenfleld teaches a* the University of l/indon where she is att authority in gerontology. Honor* Convocation. The citation called Blair a "cultural ambassa¬ vernl nrmv cadeta were linnnreil wmlIy nt the joint SliulieH in bigir. dor rstranrdlnary." Hailing from llelft In (he Knrcf-Army cadet award* ceremony. Dr. Daniel .Stewart, instructor Netherlands I* J. O. Hlnre who The Society of American Military Knirlnivr* Gold Medal in natural science, lias received will learh applied merhanlr* in .1 certificate for nuUtanding performance In Engineerim; I military eclence wrnt to William Rutchow, Toledo, Ohio, a two-year grant of $5.roo front the National Institutes of Health Director of MSII Press I he Unllege of Engineering for the fntl |0-week summer course. . nn.l William Fischer, Nilea jr. Rnssrl IVj»pet, Chicago sr, re¬ to conduct-experimental studies in logic Honored at (lourocntion The fessor distinguished visiting pro¬ touches at the Techno¬ ceived the National Defense lie will »e*fc to determine the logical University In the Neth¬ lieatrical Transportation award. Howard Kat*. Philadelphia sr., relationship that various types of symbolic l<»gic may have to (special to The ANN Aimoil—Two men not¬ Mate New*) adoptive nation," the fitjition notes that "while nerv¬ Regents erlands. F. ,T. do Waele Is also from was presented with the Quarter¬ communication and mental ed in music and publishing ing an Australian national wards Set were .ii the Netherlands where he teach¬ master award health. riied for their achievements wi'b lite British Military Intel¬ Stewart, who has l*«rfi asso¬ ligence in the fhicrd arid Near es at Nlmegucn University i:i Recipient* of the Superior during U of M\* 371 ti Annual Nimeguen. ciated with the natural science Banquet Cadet Ribbon were Poppet, Rob¬ Honors Convocation May 13. East. Mr. Blair became con¬ or department a« a graduate assist¬ the need for mutual He wlH lie a professor In his¬ OS THK CAMPI'O ert Kobe), Detroit jr., Ilruce Howard Hanson, Musi), com¬ vinced of tory in the College »,f Science HandurstU, MUhigan City, lod, ant and Instructor since 1P.V1, exchanges between Eastern cul¬ 07 r, OMXD RIVRR poser and director of Um F.asf- and Arts from June 21 to July « presentation of the Theta tmph., and William Johnson, showed in previous rrsearrh a man School of Music at the Uni¬ tures and Western,, and, at tho 2B » T Aiding and Achieve- Okemoi fr. relationship twtween grades and versity of Rochester, and I.yle close of the Second World War, Awards at the banquet type* of logic u*ed by student*. he found his natural metier in The Armed Farce* t'hemlrat Blair, director of the Michigan ...av night will climax a Two articles by Stewart deal¬ State University Pre#*, received book publishing Aaaertatlon Medal went te • atitudpation for nominees ing with hl.s research on appli¬ an honorary doctorate of musid "In Austria, he organized the nterested thfgter-foer!. IkMglia I Fatten, Perry *r. llrh- cation of logic to psychology and a Regents Citation of Hon¬ first, postwar publishing plant ; glitter and antieipa- ard Silverman. Detroit Jr., re¬ . have twen accepted try psychol¬ or, respectively. Tin- convoca¬ and reintroduced iiooka Which mrrotindlng the Academy ceived Urn Aeaoelatlew of the ogy Journals He is alio author tion honored H72 U of M under- had fallen under the Nazi ban. Cntled Male* Army ROTC of several articles on scirntirtc After further publishing exper¬ fintsattending « Vance's Wil beSkyroom, realityCapitol a banquet the forat Raymond ijiPrey, Wayne tr. method. gtaduates for scholastic achieve¬ ments. ience the in England, tie nrrepfed directorship of the- Michigan Hanson, the convocation . • Airport, at 6:30 p.m. wits awartled the Armed Ttnves speaker, Was cited for having State University Press" T krti may be purchaseil at Communication and Electronic* Parltaginy Sjcirlv "devoted himself to the further Blair introduced the Korean i And f r outstanding cofitrl- and Douglas Smith, Platnwcl! eign author* to IIS. readers. Will hold its annual open meet¬ cians not yet established" sincn ir> to the areas of major sr , received the Armor As#i»cla- Without pay, he has explored ing Wednesday at R 30 p.m. in bec'imtng director of itho East¬ I...'tis, Studio Theatre. tion award. * 33 Union. •*"* man School of Music. (rook-selling out lets in the Orient ] iren'. Theatre. Technical Recipients of the Chicago C. T Whittier, director of "No living man has done rnoro and the British Commonwealth rvrr. and dramatic writing. Tribune Gold Medal were Rich¬ than he." the citation continues, for the US. Information. Agen¬ Theta Alpha PM Arhieve- packaging research for Owen*- ard Gwlsdala, Bay City »r.. John "to develop the musical capa¬ cy, the citation points out. Illtnols Glass Company, Toledo, Award and an award for Glynn, Elklns. W. Va., Jr.. Doug¬ bilities of our nation." Blair also has been a frequent Ohio, will speak on the future created contribution to the las Blond. Wllmette soph, and Calling Blair a "cultural am¬ consultant to Tho University of of packaging. fr * a of theatre will be .. Malcolm Tanigawa, San Fran¬ bassador extraordinary ot his Michigan Press. Rented. New members and cisco, Calif-, fr. j-rr» cf MSU Players will be The Chicago Triton* Hirer Society to Meet M,aaa*****************aa**a*saaaaaaaj [•Mured, Vices and |ha Phi. a? will the new officer! of Theta Medals treat to Terry t'ttca ar., Chartoa Caat Laaalng Jr^ JdM Mrnwe. Th» Pre-Medical ■Met at 7 Society will. tonight in 33 Union. S THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL \ : idv Spangler will be mas- Detroit aoffh, gad Bryan Minor, ■ I HBB with this ad only ! | nf ceremonies. Fotrrlow D, Ohio. fr. [-j.i. i MI inn oni'iM 2 lllark and whilr film a I- -riincp* for acting awards Bandurakl waa nlao owandod KLIKljlOu'iriM ucowO a 020, 127, 120 ■ their rules arc: the Michigan Aviation Founda¬ E:;]ii»sui«ik",rj MMWO ■ 1 roll per family m I fading actort tion Trophy. MOflMO nCjljODII^ I Br-Oli Sheridan Whlteatri*. ' a, llarry lnlllnfj. Owi-*,., NY, 3nRBH| I'M MAREK PRESCRIPTION [ENTER - Men Who Came U> Dtnnrr" and .iip*ror, "The Rmpemr'i New »r. rrrrived thy Uylrult Nrw« hmwmEMI:] ML J Bernard Tato aa Pubeahov. Cold Mortal. Tho Silvor M-1,1 ni-irotisir: 2 SALE! | tt<»u at Ntmti" and a* Tine, of a stranger"; Ken Andrew a wynt tu Richard Schmidt, Royal urui:.-j ijnaBg * lasui&l *'«• - ha- >OA, . ♦ »n.1 Rd Fiournev ea Men. both •if t .iiDerur'a New ' Clntliea"; Oak Jr. W.yny Parmnt. I-o.ln* [in ;,ni:in5±s=J ** t iotfl aa Hector, "Tiger at ,..j,h . rccy.vyrl the Detroit Fry* A Cite*" l-ry-» Dn,nzy Mortal. JTLpuA '"As MA / a eadirg actress: Tho Kolaoy-llaye, Award tjuon nuitirjnHiikJ Maggie. "Th« Mao wrnt to Itu.rr t' Noyi / ne i ■••('i a* am# tn Dinner"; Jo Anne Hoe tjann nnao c,o& a LET US FILL YOUK NEXT PRESCRIPTION* - "Fare of a Stranger". Linda (r. Donald Somlor, Toledo, Ohio, of »» Aiidromarhe, "Tiger at »oph, and Kerry Cuahlm. R.d- WaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaBaaaaBaaaaaaaS ✓ •*'r* Suna TiefenUial aa Ran. orwotMl, Md. fr,. were awarded let error* New € tellies"; Mar- the Scabbard and Iliad, Gold ATTENTION STUDENTS! BACK-DOOR SALE! KQDL MarlmnaM as giaaet, Cervtue *. a* (•relet, aad Jeaa Refer rorl. all ia "Naaael aad Gretel" jpporting actor: Medal. Raymond Miller, Okemo. m. KRO8SW0RD N0,fie> received the Harland Bollinger ,«a4 " f- krnahtr* The Man Who Veeertjr Carl- •iTdiUdm Came te Din- . „ „ . Memorial Award. 1T*W Ifrfi TODAY ONLY •iiti a, Deomoko. '; Terry SuUtvad Ha* Who ~ Orrmale aa i *s Njcntta. ~ "let'; Jack Tb* klchoff drtM rally ipM- the Gates pangter as Parts, "Tiger ■ond by Art-Hoc BcboUnhlp mart Cuamittoo tor Wodnortay 7 to 9 p.m.: •Gate. Bernard— * he: t Graa aa The'1 -r.oea rs?£SrSt±a[ New Clelhea": has boon pootfNMd until May Cktfli aa 11. tvanov. I Cohodes Noun'" iSVSS! Ken .. . HIGH I w> "The .CAMPUS ciAwimns Vt OFF AND MORE - . - ecortinj ,ctran: ^isrwi" (USE BACK DOOR ONLY) -Ti«r ,i 25 "urm, m W anger" , Diane Ntw Saaiawr Drnnn, rtg. 9.9H ■ I2.9H fcisn bnlaw aa Tiger at the Oatei ' ! " T»»tn. Sprias CoaU. ng. la ISA . *28 A $34 Amy «n4 Mary "«nan. »U in ' Sprlag Saila, r««. to $59.»s . . *12. *11. $18 up 'Clothes"; Anne at Noon"; Rata Caata, Ng. la 10.98 *5 d' -» hitch. Hann DaaUr Caata aad leather-like roata, re,. 16.98 to Ti *10 NMllHur Hlaanai from rtg. stock Special *2.69-*3.69 Jaauicaa, rtg. I.*8 ... *2.69-*3.69 O ILF0RN0 Slacka, Shirta rtg. to 5.98 Talhot Sua,mtr Skirt*. 10.98 Value 52.69-*3.69 *2 aa. 2 for (32>0 *i o RESTAURANT • • i t. UwtorflMk *- P*fk *2 2 for *3.00 T-Skirta, reg. 4.98 . ... .. e«. '""nt thm mWi PI11A famoui in Lmuing' — NOW ALSO SPSCIALISINO IN — YOU NEED THE Haaiery ...... . 3 prs. (1.50 ■mi (Sold by box aaijr) bm m mm ms r L Manufacturer,' Sample Salt orrs daily Sitae 10 aad 12 only 50% off RBM1II Caterbw - Private ' *•- I ajl Spuria«rtar by PHIL ROSE OF CALIFORNIA Knjuy Sunday Dinner ia the Rathdiellrr ofKQDL "¥iMa « *au«M«o« to**c«o cc«r. LIMITED QUANTITY f Kluszewski ld*adiiifi A fate I our Mai 21. 1444 MK nm.%* *rur. m«* East Shaw IM Highlights Ticket Sales for Ifclurii The IM fraternity track traok meet * I lamina Irs hegitis ol .1:311 fodfliy Kt tlnlph VopttR .yield Willi Ihn Ri'inloh Heavyweight Hout High torrflng for manasm b! il p.ttt. Finals *VI!I he held In lite 3 Pirates 1)1 Sports shot Huh to find Jlitilih high ntnr \'K\V >ORK i1V» - Tho mlvniire ticket ante .lohmupuLp-l-'lovi! PaHmr«on hunt > Lvrfpht for the lnnr (phnnijiinHkhiH Frist Shii'L H.lll spvohu hpnp. and nno-vjn'd run. TvlaU are din* lu^llnv Hhl-yaid daiih, 40- Pare Field viml low luudloR Bild 22f»-.vnrd flj?ht m! the Polo lirdiitblk June 20 hps jvc--r«l 4hc ?1?50.000 the. forefoot of Minos In National h> tun murk. Hill V'uirn?v «niil Motiilay. i. ipprtitlOH io ttiu^eiina tun The fr*"! of the final* thill he H»VP 1» 4 4 4 it.MipltoiL fit st« nn«l one sreonM run off Wednesday bI 5:30. tvftmv tenn r not 111 thif'e «P'*i !• m In the feneln* Innrnet. dead « the citron run f'x-r mile* on. the The iforto 1r.ick oteet llh llou line for enlerln* the eyee evettl NKW YOltK UV) — T"' .howtne." said K" hv the !faft S'nw l£!«>Up LVtfh KliifroWnki. m?«tverlair t-ke -i Mo«d»V And hulfed the CP'S i« ;v y.m. with the eyent net fnr .-f|. .,:•■) of foattre nf'the dm 40 1 iiohitx. nonpareil to 41 for T In the *|mrta Arena nf the IM form tlml nmtle hint n fnitr- heav* u nitfhl mlr* Vii tn.ei'-uii flnll* > T?5,i hitlldlnt. t*«l Nat tonal t »rotrtto olomrer. fo» hi* vc'ium lmut Pnnl tied LvPh Wev| ^hflLL in i* prepavnt The im rporla "kills bnmb&tt hsis taken t»ver lite Antrrfciiti !'i c!iamp''Vi l-rcmru .InUimv rfoini golf Thev nvill play off for ■« throw con lent conllnnea toflav In the title front of the im hulldlng. Ser- Leuirne hpftlnjr lend with one 4 4 4 The nimtt' ip honor hv »f 1 tie* moot |»ruduelHe one- «irtup ate 11 n.ttt, fo I, and Mto«*t\ri»R. v v v- i vnv in doi 'o ieppis ■ .1 to 8 p.m. week iterformancen «tf his n . r,i..V i-ahi m.H'K ros'-rii civ.ii.iis'. |«mr flral* mnli-il Kfl M the Ma* llasM* of Kdal Shaw lead* .-.mfidrot lufivmai Job no-- 11.".' Pal'pi I ...." .1 Inn 1 trArt* eronn The* Mere lafcm t.'UyenT en veer in the ntnjor*». .1. the cnnled after the find dav at hiH tr»tn!n> pump In ny,v- In Rnliln Ri«f In Ihe tnlle. Itot In si* gnme« covering 21 time* 40 point* out of a pUMlhh* • with -Mid hf n\ I'earee In the Kit-yard hm hnrd- nt hat last week. K'u«?mv*ki col-- Pi«- >• » \» « I ■ • .1.111 i ' Ma, II nhPin hr NO i iriMi -m ' o hi - he n v« child |r«. a relay-team nf ltan««n IV- lected eight single*, four dou¬ l ew MchflUlel was cl-otvued Hp took Km ' fliioin.-'i hamphm mien. r«tr*ylh ami Hneehlrl in bles and Ilvo homers fm It hh -• « the individual golf flltiM tvllli a • I ... m v .' »hno* • .ol The f. i • »i the Mil »aril, ami Will Tlmm In and a Nflfi average He ah-o 7N, one ulroke hetler lhau lie h;vnpU>, o «:.Vi w oh '•»> . the lIicI |t»«i drove in 10 rum and scored «K . v aid Vandevllp Pick Hates tv»« iti<■nil. i l l ho .h.jn'l pi,rn mil Neeond plai1** point - Lvere eat- third with a "0 thne-j TWI aiT4Ar.wii*i nihil unlit M.r II Tho The *urge increased the • 'h - • V.u •el In Tom O'Hi ieh In the 100 ..,*«« lap (..Hint (1, I""1"" . . . K ! ijrHr piflco ;i« N»nv ae.i White V"N fh's; hrtseman-* .'* o N.ri.l i-i.ti an I Hi in e" m • , V' k •• \ i. V L\ v.*|ih.o.* 1* 0.1 (ironiiiK <*n .lnnr CO • !.,* ltd -l ant Ion HaflhL and ttalhei vpllf fie Inn dies IM Schedule hatting murk fri»m 30R t.< ton He holds a mo fort aide muni" 11 in Back Trouble tome? ,ohiM fh I playIV wilh ihrra LIOLLHNU VlHIPttHI iiLfi roonprup Nmm t'B«h of All team* «uaMm« rlo-dh Heli-pit TNO and IVle Hnnncls of tlllh'lics Ut'ith'ii Hig KliEs Aches l\oni e IhriUn n lnhets ue"1 On'ttlit ronUi-l ih«- 1*1 clili* fur IH'HUIIHI Ho*ton in thift place a* HO vl 1I.*.Ik«- m «»*•■ HHt-yaid MiMHLH and the ??0 v.rid inn ami arqwlred COLLEGE MEN EARN (hi Snrrifiii' 11l— 0-r-h Itakrr in Mt«* POO v.rrd • :ta M«s*e«*Vl. frnm etHshurth ls«l NN. was t«» H. Me Suffered by A L Hu rlin .h -i PI »UM* thhd ni'h L Nllln 1 L» Wvitev « Halite.. Lvhieh \L a« hrlped the While *** *•«« «heit llil hv llinniril ' Ha::n I * • Willn L S200(1 THIS SUMMER K W*. \S « rvv • Ih f. .. i,. • A ihe n.-itds, had r.d KhRledme « 440 and hmad lump and 1 I * I mmnd* » s« Rriher 1 L« R«H(»r S Ritiher 1 »i Lament ROher ? t first pennant In 44 sears ami htf N«l In the World Oertes aaaln«t n, inn MiMMMtl. l>ne f '.iv the high hmtp I u R *H*u 1# I«»» Angeles. The ns4senl*r fl« « LL *H*w err— HpmrU WH(»r i «ibi-*i rnmpan. or ll'« Unit In (hp m«ntr> hp« ".p. 11, |». -e I o etandiLMP' \V(«A Hhaw l I mnt.ut* .1 s* Lmmiie. fnrmer Indiana feethall slar lot pi pi intrnMinc Mimwrr (nh unit lr. Cur ppt iii .MI !1 C ! M. 1L. -.1- .. f .Mil Ih. Totntom fifth ami * L»t«t o ait no i»eH» ted higher lhan 144 In seven «f CHICACO (.rt -Toil Klin»*w»lii. "no« Iho i,„i.' tr. "1 •' Iiltlr'r In (ho Nntlnnal l »nBU<- l'» n li«i-V«rhn nil l.ul ■ 1.1 U ill ' ! in- mnaWp pntlpfip mrn in IVIinit .ml ^liphlnan l"|..nt t liiittorfield * *tli til seasens with the 4'lnctnnati , "V IniviLS M.hVl .1 • i'-.o Ni p.l |,|. ttrwr. Ii airiiin hllllnir the h*1l with oltl (lm8»iiH aiTa \n p\ppiimip npip*»-»:ii* lull mil mini I»p np;iI v.o u V.inko-A lipfc,.'. • r Km Ihpt,>1 field's Sandr Tern r'arnoehael I >n o defeat«sl £a«t llig 10 Medal Reds The league-leading Pittsburgh in a|ipparnnip nnrf mu*l m,m mpplinu prtiplr. nn i,»s i '' A'Mi'h-n 4 1 lonhles leant f<« fie IIV. for Hp* So* at Clavetand, It n»< V,m- fci-.v;h •,'a S'ltlll a To Terry Miller. Hi rates dominate the National Th. 1(1-|.Mlti.( flf.1 hn.nni.n 14 pur nntMui *. ooijo lenni« Idle. T O. li t, T A t rague halting rare Hobet'o i *•, T a-t* leant LLTt-e He.h tho - who found new life in the Ame¬ He ha* been billing n-» ■» IMUTIC IPATKIN ON Ol It SI MMUt I IIIMM. 1-.rl and Ken |f.»lwrH Mieliigau (>uard Oeownte ru«he«l up lead, gaining eight points to to take the rican league when Pittsburgh dealt him to Chicago last year Wtlh regularity for douh"** i-i.-ih.ium mii i m-so iArm i: \«»r ro com Meanwlille the Chi llelu wen NR2 (Mrmentc. in thhd place singles end many of th^ it- T? • II, i he.' < * '* h,r • »» rrKe, AN A Hon Tnrv Mitlef, in time to help the White Sox nil coit nil ihi iowim; aw Aims tW fraternity pert Inn of the fen have been a foot ot «-» *Vt M. |> ;.(i, .1 .m i H. hhi U . '■ Coil Wavpe, tnd eaplain of the a week ago. had 12 hit* in 24 win the.pennant ha* taken over ni* rnnt|vefll(on Ihif Werle* and . going Into the stands, Ifl.Ml-fid Hnlyeralty of Michigan trie* the major league baiting lead. IHH llerrleh ImK rate of HTI1 "Right now I'm h'PHrtg kt 1. S2IHIO «-n»li »i ltiiLir«hi|i« In •rlioiil „ ,th .r o :.l hb HoLV«r< 4-4 baakeflwll team and standout Smoky Hinges*, the HttKhurgh ••knd I den'i see any raaaen line,'* said Klu. "But if *« ha'hM fin .John »..rhic "■» guard for Ihree *ea«on«. has ratchet, remained In se.-nnd .if A.tlir /"e 'he independent whs I eanT keep H«h! aa hlM- long when I'll get a I uu v»>,nvii1 i*f Ihive \ ,inkce c - rt-. hi n been awarded the \\e*tetn Coll- place de«pHe a 5N point drop, end then the hell ahos'J lMVIWI * tenn - tiffe u Pit |Li« K Ha«*lei to 884 Hob Skinner, the Pirate Ini - raid Hlpaeesrakl hwwdar feit*n«e Medal for profieiemv I. >«•» era I S IO games thifil posithML on a 14-point in- crea*e to NNI Skinner bad I' safeties in 2f Bt hat* hleheader against Washington. ' Mi auLinore and hack ilonn'l bother m# as long as t plav end 1433, Klu«reu-*k homers, leading the leaip's !•' 1*1 AM LltOl ML Till. •HHP ehantpionvhtp. IVtp CfPg 'a*t winter. Winner of three let¬ 4M in 1434 when tie ha'-r an.i «MLl imtitviu. ».»*•• >p *hoe ters in basketball during his Jm Adenek ef Milwaukee ad¬ eveiy day. t have my timing.1* 141 runners. In I4N4 he XL OKI II! *\\ the A*« run*. horn lv.v- *e»NMt«t the Cort Wavne athlete vanced fnww ninth I# fewrth said KIii "That'* the Important career, an I then came his aching >«< termed the "Qinrterback" thing In hitting" was place al .844 while rankle Tens Spending most of the tim I. I n Min our of llir LI MIL III LI L of the Wolverine squad that t nm ef Philadelphia fell eee Big Klu. a' the ripe baseball the bench. Klu hit 1? homer- finished second in the Hig Ten age nf 33, ha* boosted his batting SIHLKTS CLKS A our eiNmplete dptieal IteadQtiarter* nitlrh le fifth at .844. nekt three years end m' eontrmeptir hwated, offering enmplefe optreal yera leea in IONS-NO He played in ?i average to 406 since taking the J5n* last year pla'- f frank Hobiwuvn of I'inclnnati over the regular tob at first b.i*e games a< a L>oph«wnnre acorlng the final month. L\ IN. ONI. LNIL U.I. IK0 point* and two yvats ago he bit three homers last week to In atldilion, Alli-acln «.»l*i h «.ppI* i pi 1.1 -rrl... WALLACE OPTICIANS ranked fourth in team scoring move into a four-wav tie for L|S|I'. Kiflr I mm tW« the Idg aluggr plate any mote hark to- •'•' • r , pp. the National l.eague lead with with. 216 points, "No." mss KIn •'When It Wrahrh Itffiee - Vine al 4 Itnpett Kline Hank* of Chicago. Hank l'l*rp* Snl at I of LI uaiiiiiinaaiiNai Aaron of Milwaukee and Willie holker me as*. It Isn't 1.11 01 Mil \ ppixinal inlrmrn LVIKK OK MHITI'. IMMI-1- (ARIMMiif Sears In ere esamlnalLnna hv trandnrt McCovev of San f ranevsco, Mst.''a .88 calibre ttfle team •r palnfpl and I'm all rtiht * I .n nnlnntelrM fwch has nine. Clemente drove wa* thmf in the Intercollegiate loraenlng up. I tested It w HI IVrvinrrl Ihrpplnr Itr H, f .lenaen, rrcUieied lime fnr , . . las! week. We bad r*M in seven runs to lake oltt the Invitational Match *i>nnNO|f»,l by IM«. IV »*2TT4 top apol In KB! with 84 the Hntvcrsilv of Michigan, Mav and played In rain snd Ii'ih; Hand lirorirmk 1 p« pr Milk* IYI KK Jim lemon of Washington re¬ 14 IN Kalurday. If I ran l»b H Oplrnit. Muhitan tained the Al. home run lead The University of fAhlo won rondlttona and Iken fl» LUBE with nine, one mote than Woody the eight-team match with MK dnuklekeader wtlkont snr pi Held of Cleveland and Hob Orv «Ut of l.oon Michigan ua- Iken I ran eland shent of New York. Minnie Minoao of second with 432. with MSU »one Iking." IHARMRII'M Chicago moL-ed into first place h ' iwhind There |t no questio** the K W illi I. ni ARIMiO in the runs batted In competition MM"« Bernard Dickenson wis */ew*ki is the So*' regular' •ML i NIMd with 2N Mimwo collected five sivond tn the 400-yard indivi¬ ha A email even though 'hr* IILTVR 4 HI4 K RBI in last week'* action. dual. Stephen Dotmell third in tn utiirrd Hoy Sievera In a ti aggregate Individual. finm Washington. STOP IS. SKRVICK ■ ■■■■■■■•■■•I IS Ol K * ri.K.LSI'gK • VALVI ORIMDIMn • MOTOR TI'NK IT •NLYS2J6 J • KKUI. MUMIMi • a .M'CtMOIirK HPRIN08 m • MiAKi xcaru r VP . • TAILPIPE * Ml AT I.I.K WA AMINO 1.K.N NOWTCHEK S a ■a■■■ VABSUT SMf ■ FOR FAST ROAD SERVICE CALL ED 7-9"(« , »>• K. Una* Mm *■ ■ US AkMt M. J tO f.MT« {LARRY'S GULF SERVICE •■■(■■■■■■■■■•■■a * ON EAST MICHIGAN At LOUIS SENIORS •Ujr MM ffMl BmI SL artlMre) !■■■■■■■■■»■■■ »■*. Attending nil (OLD !T0KA6f n SWINGOUT ; / It i [| Pick up your m '• Cap and Gown at the (AHPUS DRIVE R CLEANERS ft combmei a wrrqut mnef futtr of ACTIVATED CHARCCA- .-.'inim anwrd t- !-«a> '.-r Finest in Tuxedo Rental wuld and smooth ... Complete Laundry- Service with a pure white c„Vr f.iter they select and baUtue me elements in the smcke. TopethAr flavor Union Book Store EVERYTHING IN ALTERATIONS Ta^ay1on,* fldvor-belnnce g >ei you the ACROai FBOM BRRKRY HALL • ED i-M?: bast taste of the best tobactos. Billy Steuarl's Return Improves Sivim m inn Tea m fit M7inr rammv oil upon to. *wlm the Imliviilmil nuillm noM. vpiit, Mcf'uf- frce revcii led The prospect* for the 1DDI pwlminiiijr nwianit hmk "tre- Sleunrl bnlcl* I be ientu reetinl of 2:69 in I be imfividu tl fttentlotta" In t'onch t'lmrloM Mct'nffree after the IWir lo ile- lueilley ami cmibl wlrenplben tbi* event which bn* been clnlon to irrnnt dhtnnee atvlmtwnr Hilly Hieoart ntinther venr wenk for the Spurt tin*. of eligibility, Dick Ibnckrtt unit Dick lihi/cjewvki. two slionv Hi*tnnce "To hnve n tint intuit chnnipion of two your* in it row re. wwimmero, will be returning mil >enr, no, ibough Slcunil join tin irive.H (he team irrnnl inoenlive." Md'wffreo an hi. "It mnv *111! Ih» lined In throe eienl*. hi* presence might be fell leinli n ilifferent picture io the whole thlnir. mure In the indivMitnl mettlev m in the relntw, Ulct'nffree The Jnliitiutrohiirjr. South Afrlen, wthlete font hl« third feel*. yenrof HitfihiHiv for Michlirnn Stnte ibirlntr the 1000 season Other kwlmmluif ilechhui* b> the Hip IP Swimming because of m ruliDjr on Olympic participant*. ni ii us v hi rim ham. trap- f»*ersi»r,i Iimi msny psssrd hall* by Orioles' eatehtng slat WIM. wfKU/mr Touches In their nchcdtile tneelinp lust iveekeilit, iuclmle o esirhrr's mill and standard ooe are held by de ■ Glove st i Is HI Is 18 onnees. 14 tnoco thso d»n< regain* ..." arnrfnjr *y*telu f lint will intTuiiure more pluce* in conference srd mitt nsed In majors. II messnres |t*4 tneh< , Wording to thU rule, it foreiitn athlete hose* a tear of signer Ted Javor at I hteago snrhwrh of River competition for each meet participated in after his 21*1 meet*. Grove, Msr 78 The new glnve. 38 pereenl larger. wide sod II Inrhes high, whleh Is 7. Inrhea wMi U of D Mails HSU birthday, Sleuart was 21 during the 1950 Olympics. Twelve plnce* in imliviibinl event * mul IP in relny event n w ill lie neoriHt in the Itltr IP Is wanted by the Baltimore Itrlnles Pitcher Host Wtlhelm's flutteilng knneklehall has resnlted In and m loehes longer than standard typo, ( %P Ui'rphnln) t'hntnplon*blp next veiir. rather McCaffree said the recon*ideration Ity the tliir 10 tvnrf Hurling, Wins U-5 • Hum the uniiuI *lx. Till* will teiul to provide more bnlunced prohahly influenced hy the case t»f .Michigan freeatyler Dick ecoriniT, linlike the I960 meet when Micbigun unit Indium* nf OKTROIT llrtntll hullrra -hollnl — l'i»lv»r«l(> llanley. who was granted an extra season of competition be¬ cause of Ids-Olympic swimming. "We felt it wa* unjust before," McCaffree said, "but dominated wont of the event* end poinl* The IMg- 10 nwimmlnjr eouclie* ul.*o pu«j*e*l u motion to Vornwr lU'ttgttl Lcmls rRejecls' MSI? ^Metier* for 17 hold I ho 1901 Dig 10 meet al Ohio Stale and the 1902 meet l.tTTLF RfK'K. A' k i fn A They hold a 71-18 reeotd 'm| nlxrvo 100 Ji1w»rt«loy 51 we're happy alnuit It now." at Indiana. However, if Ohio Stale'* bid for the NCAA C"» ps of IIvetv .lejrsds i alletl |ho llatfleld t «.k over the team l.»hn. I.ntting .179. das dr'tpp* hits Monday and rnllwl to an hv A'lan'a, so wax rah her IF T.ltHe fix ,|ay* before the season In-- 1 t o noo-lfntt»»r Mar- Though Steuarl i* n past champion in the 220 and 110. rbfimpionuhip meet in 1902 i* rejected, I lie 1901 meet will Rock Traveler* ero Hw William*, hatting 408 They Is holiest lean* in the ,«kM»t'»er»* gan after Little tfm-k business- hall victory. yartl freestyle and the 1,500-nieter freestyle, he may be call- bo moved to Indiana and the 1902 tnoel to Ohio State. lo'itf to the Is'i Angeleg iVvlget Assiwlalfim mef) plunked down 475.1100 to I'vcrv lift roll player Aft»" .1W game* the hastily* a fram hire from New «h . Kit; i. lipKnnnri Jay CixJce, t| «mred at leant one run and Minnesota Alpha Sigs organised Travelers lead tbo lean* pi .(..-r?v ,.f I)r!rojl, h'MX'f 8 .4| g,d at leaat one hit. Pitcher tiary Mettle, who State News ^ league where it exint* —• in •Caoding* and a»tendan<#. Only threa regular! am bit- average. «;t« relieved himnchere In the fifth when hy Have lie- No Shoo-in lake Title Thrown togniher week*. 1l»e Trav* have no mai'T league .working in agreement and Iwn "Guinneu adds he in lured hU thumb, not too dotthlea and drove in Inn For Crown From AGI4 player* were roUI*tle.| up ftotu idubs who didn't need Wretu art to uproar—and run*. SUfJM *i»«rt« Kdttar — Jim Walllaitna Manager Fte,| 11.HIU-Id, a f<>»- leaves viewers M«v 34. lata l*a«e Five tuep I lop.lit Tiger InHelder, all MSI* now la IM.1 over* Detroit la I.VS. nv tnr AMortATfctt rsr»« Purdue's |b»llermakersMe- llriice Knl*el'« triple In tfw llth inning1 gave Alpha Sig Jokes' We're last In hitting a'»1 laughter-happy, with a1x*h in fielding I gueay that a howling layed MJnnesota's march to- Phi a 9 2 w in over At HI and m ike* me a pretty grr'*! man.» ward a third straight lliir 10 baseball championship Sat¬ the block three .champion- g.-i ' -»-• disrespect for' ubip in IM uoftball Mondnv, urday while Northwestern Knhcl scored on an cttot fol Srrinii*!*, Ilalflrld rirdits Lit• the respectable ."*__ He Rfo-k's awrreaa lo Itemend- -lift Magntmm maintained It* slim title lowing bi«! extra-base !»!»•;! giv inia fan Inleresl boosting «.«nr • ' ing pili bet I toy I 1)eGr«M»i the hopes. vmirifan 1,1 ann Purdue deflated MituioRuta,% win AG It's DrOroot slruck mil lima prl«lngly solid pllrhlng and hil¬ ling when II munis. V&.i It. 5 eu>< NoiUovr-tcin Mgcd %\ i. pet. Mclrsps rnllrrlril ImiI one Ml Winning n*ne of thnr list lu IS 12 Itoo MSI'. 1*J In each ibe game*, the Trava have drawn aff of Itat l^lgcb as I'nrlo Tom'* scheduled «ccond emu tva« 48,018 fan* in 17 homo date*. m.w t« 11 .•>"» rnineit mil slihnutih l*ur*bie »nd II,,*s won. II 0. I'tK-lr Tom's r.| If. 15 12 12 Ml .510 Minttennts mnnaard f«» plav «1\ Boys collected 12 hiU and made nrhnk.Wjoii Fmgi lU noysl hy Jeyrailary 4 an I'nllaS sore# j'J"J only one error. NOW SHOWING! 1.1 14 4R1 Innlnm which reunited In « "-7 tie s« the Oopher* «mred *1* A mie-hlPcr hv Far! DcWtng *tuqgt on 12 18 478 bandniffrd ftryan 7 gi*'in« Ibv Mlrhipn Sinie I nivcmilv timet in the final frame '.iv city 12 t« an 2 a 5-0 win Dirk Smith of In nlhet fatnea, IndinnA de- FDIIKIGN HI.M SLItlKS \rn**tk «. WOMiaV* lllllli Ran*** iam, to in i 0* Mh.Hitlrdl .ih:» ' u f en led Ohio S'ste. 10 .1. H» the first aame nf a 1Hi»1ehe«der with ♦'7" pitched two bit ball Sigma lip Delia produced five runs o»j si* hd» H>ntlin iHf»li«k t-S *» Hwdn hit" Onl) Nerlhw r«tnn and Ohtn i 01 at llMiUn.1 it.ram I.It lb Misled Hv f'nrl poser > rlon- Home The SdUtttocA SCRIBE* nl# til Stale hare an* chanre nf heattnff |>1o and .l» If Mrrrk's triple, I^miIi. wtiona! ll aflt l Mtnne«nta ant nf the rhampton- Hf"l fru*v> the ctn Chi defeated Sigma Nil, 7-5. IV Pet. nit .»hlp The linphers are S-? with Hie winners g«»t nine hit*. r/Ji ateisco 21 2.1 857 MO i three Mine In play. Nnrtn-eal- ern tS-3) and 4lhl« state 14-41 Ron flerkr bit a double while he pitched West Hhaw- 2 io a is the Ball Point made »krc 15 .577 iIm have three In pla*. . 18 15 514 441 5 7 it« Should Minnesota l >«r two nf last three game* agnint Iowa TNR ITIirrs WORK—Mil Jenkins (I) and Jim Artery, lap man¬ 7-8 sriueaker over West shaw A. Precinct 2 was behind 4-1 b» - to write best on PAPER! 8 fore il srnrrd si* runs In one >4 ,424 this weekend. N'«>rthwe»tcru agers far the IMP faaItelt aeaaan. shaw their aurharlnates the art of 10 ..170 !l carrying a "dummy" during the recently completed spring football frame. Jim Gerbef got another could weak In hy defeating In¬ "2'' double 12 .384 10 prartire. Arhury. head manager from lletroit, and Jenkins, assistant diana Friday and taking a d»u- Three runs in the first Inning ruviNt night game head manager from Flint, announced the Junior managers Monday, bleheader from Wiscuniin Sal- Vntrlai MOaOVV'N I. IMM.hunh l.tMl S « ttrdAv. They are INrh l.lpsky, Bah llaad, Mike Harris and Jim I'allinleos. and 10 in the last helped flalley 5 cruise over Hailey 8. 1.1-1. Hill ""ROBERT \ ELEANOR • . h« »i CMrlaMU, iiu Mini* imin irbrdttlrill «iVM> » TOO VV It Minne« I (Mrlmi Uanrt 4-Jl al Phil*. Norlhwrstern Saluid.i*. day it will not he a sponsor of 10-7 victory. O'Thia -Dick Syr- State Saturday's doublchcadcra 14 years. sor idcDttty too greatly." Hav have Wisconsin at Indiana. Iowa City Monday wn at Minnesota and Northwestern «• Captain of the 11161 Mich- PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL KU 2-5817 at Ohio State to complete the Ua.vrball team. sea.ton. •».» 31-year-old Junior hit '"i" tir*t «trine calcher tor the ^ mines for the past two saa- v and is a letterman center G! ADMER in l.totball. '*) NOW MMOWINO A NOVEL MYBTERY THAT TI LLS NO lUNCMRSt 61 Here is a piece of paper* Satura Beauty Set moisturizes Clip it out and try this skin three ways test: write on it with Saluia Beauty Ttratnienl N-t w ork* wondetf vvith your com¬ an OdtuStook and all plexion In 3 quick step*. 1. Muiotuiurs a* >ou clean** with Salura Moisturuing Cleansing Cream. 2. Moiituriies as you other ball point pens, stimulate mildly with cooling Skin Freshener. 3. Moisturize* as you rccondilion and revilalize with famous Satura Cream and by golly you'll see You'll want to try thia fast and easy beauty treatment now Just *3.50. what we mean. Dorothy Gray in gudMiitccd or your money back" rricw •* IM Iaclu4, 8UI* tel« lu Sffatwok SCRIBE.S169 Film Fare: In F.d Flounjtoy Scot land Yard Mvslorv Film Makes Hit H«|al \m» Usui I tieardriiVe Ittaham. I* dn< ' ■ MM'ia! ciniiiHrrtHi-' tt- Miaul dlltV'lluo ami Hm flbtP Tlirv <*ph I fur Mm hfrMhri and of M* pill purl mppuH «f Ids player" #t»i* shocked to find thai hp i • Hie Rillhli m» «♦»•»». "Haji- Negro ||p explri'm 1" Mom that lie |irrwnl« .Wrllaln'i race he flliil I hi i nixrlmonr*" with lio reacrva- |»hiii'." at thr (iltllniei, U lltt- 1|b «sM» I Vf'O pi" dhcU "f mixed martiage M!ip IImm« ami lirr|Hi jitttrt flrertt'* tiiiesilrtiitilili Ihe hc*t i»f Ihe !«' a tlUlmalflv had tin tiled I" p.l mltflttrtl 'nrrrewitl** t,M *M 'tttel* It begin* a* a hpawttltil. jtaMHt fm ivhlh- an I mam 'he studio". Mienf level deviilil nf tmmkHh • III i« fmiml «laWieil In tlealh In a clnnt|« »f limliei In I «n«lnn \« hen .'.fie ww". murdced lmttr*»hrthlllllr«. Inn of *trn|lan«l fatal'* lie*! Now. *»r • "iimr Ihe «d*"»tli* to fa.», Ihi" i« the third nirti ihtt |a*t \ nt fii) In ileal Oritlfc* Itarf Ihelt clue* In ilif itIHtit Happhii' mitiblhivu <•.•Sill 'he Bi'mil.T ftlrlp "f 'pB-"*iH1 (.ir e-lp'e ■' if mllral was 'llHl* l.lfe" » Napphlte" 'I"e." (• riM'l in""' credibly I'" i • "f It* I Willi'1 In u (•: h"»», vboatb mid hdrHert- i.i' "" an-l ImHr aihin* "f • hp population *•» apllve hi wp- «u»llv s|!»iitil(i'h»u trlppo farp tinting « * * 4 altitude < hi»ti«» lUPlt'e ainl youth' vhtbs III He.Ill e*p'ai»IPil Hl«t ill"".' The mlolcin ••( Hip • "miJiuti- • «f the jP'»»HP" she falUeil l" enii- < ■ I ."».!"•« Seb""l of Fi nntvmn < l»\ dpvelopmeni luyvement I* l». Inrvn the pele* ef ltd* •r.tle med» I nf Ihe mti .iip«i nf rpiMU "I* U» eitfiti p.-"- HMflil «t*n« from Ih. . IMim fl RM* of an • bpfne an inferna'i'Vin! found In an "Id Iden. «'ie «aM Atowte f tit'itv rnmml"tnn Hi llem i Hle*vri n. t pl*wn«d tor * r»"e««iil M^l r»rl«lt»n the :»ud p 5> 1i»P gurnt "f Alpha pie ftie fJhandian idort I* t" »I> and Mr Morton tioidon r» itf! of tnp department hew hope " •alrt «lie rthenvetert Ihftl lltrte • anih'«»p"l"gK and • «i \ls|'. !*• Head spukr on "\n Ih« l»f* a rtetlnlt* health and Initial y-."»v^*"ght in an FvalunHpn attlrnllmal Imprn* etnenl In Ihe nrLnrutmuxarvn n \t ««»»* on fummuntly lvvel»h' pa«l H*e tear* > ent in India *' l»» Head further aaiil Ilia* !>' Head pointed nni thai she umler Ihe haatllna "f visible •>'.»> appointed hi Ihe t'nited lai'fl'pt flehieveineut* reme «u«'h Vaden* to t>p a pa t nf a three H ivani'pinenU a» new ernps, «*n- >>»«■ idn- tea " to work on ft npeiatlve «<"ie* for grain, wain . Mf "hWa de\ rtopment move- a In pump- ment >> Hvba HiniNlh Ihe rtl*rn**l«l»*. ahe 1 hi* !« a t* pe ot . letotrnr hv l emmnnlli det eleptnenl t* a •alrt. ahe «h* tealleert thai a lut hnilt or planned si «r*r»*l diie. trd efieri le ralne Ihe letel heller aehmtl utlem far Indian tn«t(tntton* hrnunr of ft* win* 1hr» hue ron«ttn« trd a mo children la Me «tf Ihe hlg f%* of nutl lhlni |»eei»le Ihrenth toed Ifjiniri im liiHini lt« * hi I drf of the mii'irl planned f.w their ean elletlv' "he e*|tlaln peelallnna fnr Ihe falare. 111 to whirl p*Mi. Ie« nonn.t In the M**l rtflnlMHi Dr. Head « u auiftrUtvl In And a prpell thin beam c> I J P fr P HmiImm •i*hie| r«l«rUI ••hn tnml* tln»i fee nine DRAKE'S 11* fliai big hut E T H V L a' MSI" ,a?le.l STF.H ♦Experimental T'r, >. vumme Id a'udrnt* fr.e» c-,x Mnhigvui sMrumutvtx « :i! brgm a tiure-yeai hauling ptogram »n which the\ , » « ri-ii nbv«n? W m Ihe last of the program Sat Xeffltc • w.i ♦ ear* ten-wee A imiiKtlIhiit \ ( " - x <»ii %«mtwrr After attending trwlen at a MM', Ihe xtwdewt will ret win to hi*, or her ./rit/oirio f otth'sl hometown to he $ Hurtent teach¬ Drake Refinery Sta. Inc. in * local grade M-hwol. .CTPtV llvhl II o/mw/ir\ er 11 I't I . i.rmi.l llis.'i V the end >-f the third year. x'uden. w I rrtnrti to MSI' Ihip i>- X i ; ,i» :• 1pOtt*,U ;5sg •.f njtnjiruxrinnmtnr! ( \»l» for I'rrry) f or »e*h theee kw b"r« m i » a".>Uie- bMt*week rinnmri ' ' i'Vi < V > Juiiy. Uiwf intatAiiwm helwrrw thr IV«xisteeda,y • from • M a txantrr'- '•> howih ech.nd *y*trm that faV<, the *ui pa -V • a.wi evtna »nMou', dent w u' itxylve a salary of anpwvjs-.g MS! alxvut IS.OfHV sv u ii;\;.k«d in:> After.a third nMnmer sesaion . «'.wx'x .'4, .'xr,v :o lVt.11 ,k a' MSI', the student wilt have .jghig-r.g e\{tcr-,efh--e ilhe eiai- • oimp'.e'oM bus. or her require- v pve. , « no have menn ;n Ihe Uval (Mmmuruti «*!• ■' are now taking IVc.rx Fiwr Ilium* Ec Slutlonls id* -y Agl«g'. nhsip the erea««st T. e salary w ill then In* il»- to atxmt S-I.SiH) * 'a** *• for a i i'h.we *!♦». At h'tul Inst it iih* in Detroit wf Ihe major advanlage* ■•• • *• •»:■> hate not taken t'-. line » P-4res « :t he g.ven to el the plan," *atd l»r. Wflllrm tUMMMl SHNtTWAIST ,r\ raeb. »-..vvv IIkU director of MIT. "H that rfV .cxvntost t« div jdeil inUr The Med**!* eeahle to afford foer II o busy traveler on.) ,.C, ,-a: '■ '4- yudguvc and the lean of practical eaperlenee at . i s of or at rv**o:ra »cr these ieori of roHege pan gain three •own classic, a cotton •rtig.rvg c:aave> T'-e 4>«:te-i: w tj lip he d *? chambroy coat dress thot Tbi* tnvnfi* the total to "I STF.H e-n tvncf * fm-n a -•■f Mi'k c-nd of the mam da.ty w*hR ipt. ai-.Hxp who An\ ttirienu with «w»- V"H.s.»*hi jp-ant jnven to .MSU hv mokts its fashion mark "save »stpti! • t tc-m at M, • • ,.vu,n tdrvrUw'ii-"'. the Ford FsKindat-uvi -• ■'•'-.nK-r-Iassos jm.U bf given e*» T^almhr for further atu.M. The Wa ' K.ngh *r Tlie Ford Foundation grant with smart detailing.. ..."•* b> ihe fix.Ty dointrtrnent "■ifwrttwi at* in ;he Co»ie«e *' an- Joan T\-nM F.vv t'i . ' wdl be u*ed to wirxluet rtoeaixry Home J^Onorr-sfw here Ill . were fa ?r student* ;n thr pre- controst Stitching and Uorrven at Nb- . -Ft.' th » «!<■*■ ■ * *i Mr- AMFl*S CUASSlMUXA »eot pivkgrant with lho;v an.y Atvda tpale In a eo*me|nMnjtR liiing ix rrccrursTt! yr , friinaUon. Nnirrrwu* eeantrte* \ tommy collar Blue, A 5imifr»»s rium'ovi «-■; i.n and frtate* are rep»-meoted in the sratiuate wumcn at *maU frtodent M« ATTENTION / beige Sites 8 to 18. eau-h j-ra: Vhe I'm or F-oon- Cai'itl .H'f..'»r>Q'wiib A". r.-tUTcr. Thc-y rmpc b* X*: n ■ .. Ixa-inn Sm.'' 10.98 jur.irm or seruws. > , and ^ar.irr JRg*f. iug Jiagucw TV *w» are wlnM **" >: . at •; ended W. : cr term, rartfai t« arholanhlp and ac- MS',', Uif firat roJirgr to »*»>• eigltf for admPedon apon Ihe mi a—eedii'i i «t IVan Tkrtm* ooerave SSfrriM-lMtawi. w ;5> the pnsgrra it* IAT*T %L% of ALPHA PHI OMEGA Budget Dresses Pertet of the OoHegr of Home wmom im »■ *v.n to be presided t. w>rd be«-iv* CORDIALLY INVITES ■ " 'txp ■ _ *•' Sg Wiw | W< thcr R, 'my sme] -heir Jf ^ to u Trit y w OPEN RUSH SMOKER r ^ ?h<* comi 0!.>vxa P"-avent. SMOKER IT ESIIAY, MAY 21 Ki !bp hmeoo® ' T.v u MilTS STMKRT 6MP '•■va the 4l3HiflKST 112*1440 W» b:s »!«ai